Titles Starting with m

* M-ary reversible contrast mapping in reversible watermarking with optimal distortion control
* M-band Nonlinear Subband Decompositions with Perfect Reconstruction
* M-band ridgelet transform based texture classification
* M-band wavelet discrimination of natural textures
* M-band wavelets application to palmprint recognition based on texture features
* M-Band Wavelets in Image Watermarking, The
* M-CBN: Manifold constrained joint image dehazing and super-resolution based on chord boosting network
* M-Channel Compactly Supported Biorthogonal Cosine-Modulated Wavelet Bases
* M-Channel Critically Sampled Spectral Graph Filter Banks With Symmetric Structure
* M-Channel Graph Filter Banks: Polyphase Analysis and Structures
* M-Channel Multiple Description Coding With Two-Rate Coding and Staggered Quantization
* M-CoTransT: Adaptive spatial continuity in visual tracking
* M-Dimensional Grid Point Space, The
* M-Estimate robust PCA for Seismic Noise Attenuation
* M-estimator based robust kernels for support vector machines
* M-estimator for high breakdown robust estimation in computer vision, An
* M-estimator for reduced-rank system identification, An
* M-Estimator for Robust Centroid Estimation on the Manifold of Covariance Matrices, An
* M-estimators for robust multidimensional scaling employing L2,1 norm regularization
* M-Estimators of Roughness and Scale for GA0-Modelled SAR Imagery
* M-Face: An Appearance-Based Photorealistic Model for Multiple Facial Attributes Rendering
* M-FUSE: Multi-frame Fusion for Scene Flow Estimation
* M-GCN: Multi-Branch Graph Convolution Network for 2D Image-based on 3D Model Retrieval
* M-Idempotent and Self-Dual Morphological Filters
* M-Lattice: A Novel Non-Linear Dynamical System and Its Application to Halftoning
* M-Lattice: from Morphogenesis to Image-Processing
* M-LTW: A fast and efficient intra video codec
* M-LVC: Multiple Frames Prediction for Learned Video Compression
* M-O SiamRPN with Weight Adaptive Joint MIoU for UAV Visual Localization
* M-SBIR: An Improved Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Method Using Visual Word Mapping
* M-SiSSR: Regional Endocardial Function Using Multilabel Simultaneous Subdivision Surface Registration
* M-Sosanet: An Efficient Convolution Network Backbone For Embedding Devices
* M-Term Pursuit for Image Representation and Progressive Compression, The
* M-VIVIE: A multi-thread video indexer via identity extraction
* M(2)Vip: Variety in Mechatronics and Vision
* Möbius Moduli for Fingerprint Orientation Fields
* Möbius strip parameterization for line extraction, The
* Möbius transformation based model for fingerprint minutiae variations, A
* M2-Net: A Multi-scale Multi-level Feature Enhanced Network for Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* M2A: Motion Aware Attention for Accurate Video Action Recognition
* M2C: Concise Music Representation for 3D Dance Generation
* M2DAR: Multi-View Multi-Scale Driver Action Recognition with Vision Transformer
* M2FEC: An effective FEC based multi-path transmission scheme for interactive multimedia communication
* M2FINet: Modality-specific and Modality-shared Features Interaction Network for RGB-IR Person Re-Identification
* M2FNet: Multi-modal Fusion Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
* M2FPA: A Multi-Yaw Multi-Pitch High-Quality Dataset and Benchmark for Facial Pose Analysis
* M2H-Net: A Reconstruction Method For Hyperspectral Remotely Sensed Imagery
* M2I: From Factored Marginal Trajectory Prediction to Interactive Prediction
* M2m: Imbalanced Classification via Major-to-Minor Translation
* M2OVQA: Multi-space signal characterization and multi-channel information aggregation for quality assessment of compressed omnidirectional videos
* M2P2: Multimodal Persuasion Prediction Using Adaptive Fusion
* M2RNet: Multi-modal and multi-scale refined network for RGB-D salient object detection
* M2SGD: Learning to Learn Important Weights
* M2SIR: A multi modal sequential importance resampling algorithm for particle filters
* M2T: Masking Transformers Twice for Faster Decoding
* M2Tracker: A Multi-view Approach to Segmenting and Tracking People in a Cluttered Scene Using Region-Based Stereo
* M2Tracker: A Multi-View Approach to Segmenting and Tracking People in a Cluttered Scene
* M3 + P3 + O3 = Multi-D Photo Browsing
* M3 CSR: Multi-view, multi-scale and multi-component cascade shape regression
* M3: Multimodal Memory Modelling for Video Captioning
* M3AN: Multitask Multirange Multisubgraph Attention Network for Condition-Aware Traffic Prediction
* M3ANet: Multi-Modal and Multi-Attention Fusion Network for Ship License Plate Recognition
* M3art: A Database of Models of Canvas Paintings
* M3C2-EP: Pushing the limits of 3D topographic point cloud change detection by error propagation
* M3D-RPN: Monocular 3D Region Proposal Network for Object Detection
* M3D-VTON: A Monocular-to-3D Virtual Try-On Network
* M3DETR: Multi-representation, Multi-scale, Mutual-relation 3D Object Detection with Transformers
* M3DSSD: Monocular 3D Single Stage Object Detector
* M3ED: Multi-Robot, Multi-Sensor, Multi-Environment Event Dataset
* M3F: Multi-Modal Continuous Valence-Arousal Estimation in the Wild
* M3FPolypSegNet: Segmentation Network with Multi-Frequency Feature Fusion for Polyp Localization in Colonoscopy Images
* M3L: Language-based Video Editing via Multi-Modal Multi-Level Transformers
* M3L: Multi-modality mining for metric learning in person re-Identification
* M3LH: Multi-modal Multi-label Hashing for Large Scale Data Search
* M3NAS: Multi-Scale and Multi-Level Memory-Efficient Neural Architecture Search for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* M3Net: A multi-model, multi-size, and multi-view deep neural network for brain magnetic resonance image segmentation
* M3P: Learning Universal Representations via Multitask Multilingual Multimodal Pre-training
* M3T: three-dimensional Medical image classifier using Multi-plane and Multi-slice Transformer
* M3TTS: Multi-modal text-to-speech of multi-scale style control for dubbing
* M3VSNET: Unsupervised Multi-Metric Multi-View Stereo Network
* M4L: Maximum margin Multi-instance Multi-cluster Learning for scene modeling
* M5L: Multi-Modal Multi-Margin Metric Learning for RGBT Tracking
* M5Product: Self-harmonized Contrastive Learning for E-commercial Multi-modal Pretraining
* M6Doc: A Large-Scale Multi-Format, Multi-Type, Multi-Layout, Multi-Language, Multi-Annotation Category Dataset for Modern Document Layout Analysis
* MA-CRNN: a multi-scale attention CRNN for Chinese text line recognition in natural scenes
* MA-GANet: A Multi-Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Defocus Blur Detection
* MA-LSTM: A Multi-Attention Based LSTM for Complex Pattern Extraction
* MA-SARNet: A one-shot nowcasting framework for SAR image prediction with physical driving forces
* Ma-Th algorithm for people count in a dense crowd and their behaviour classification
* MA-VIED: A Multisensor Automotive Visual Inertial Event Dataset
* MA14KD: Movie Attraction 14K Dataset
* MA3: Model Agnostic Adversarial Augmentation for Few Shot learning
* MAAD: A Model and Dataset for Attended Awareness in Driving
* MAAFEU-Net: A Novel Land Use Classification Model Based on Mixed Attention Module and Adjustable Feature Enhancement Layer in Remote Sensing Images
* MAAL: Multimodality-Aware Autoencoder-based Affordance Learning for 3D Articulated Objects
* Maanu-Net: Multi-Level Attention and Atrous Pyramid Nested U-Net for Wrecked Objects Segmentation in Forward-Looking Sonar Images
* MAARGHA: A Prototype System for Road Condition and Surface Type Estimation by Fusing Multi-Sensor Data
* MAAS: Multi-modal Assignation for Active Speaker Detection
* MABAN: Multi-Agent Boundary-Aware Network for Natural Language Moment Retrieval
* Mabnet: A Lightweight Stereo Network Based on Multibranch Adjustable Bottleneck Module
* MAC-GAN: A Community Road Generation Model Combining Building Footprints and Pedestrian Trajectories
* MAC-RANSAC: a robust algorithm for the recognition of multiple objects
* MAC Protocol Using Road Traffic Estimation for Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Communications on Highways, A
* MAC: Magnetostatic Active Contour Model
* MAC: Mining Activity Concepts for Language-Based Temporal Localization
* Macadamia Orchard Planting Year and Area Estimation at a National Scale
* MaCal - Macro Lens Calibration and the Focus Stack Camera Model
* MACARONS: Mapping and Coverage Anticipation with RGB Online Self-Supervision
* MacD-Net: An automatic guided-ensemble approach for macular pathology detection using optical coherence tomography images
* Machine-Assisted Annotation of Forensic Imagery
* Machine-assisted authentication of paper currency: An experiment on Indian banknotes
* Machine-Assisted Human Classification of Segmented Characters for OCR Testing and Training
* Machine-Attention-based Video Coding for Machines
* Machine-based Intelligent Face Recognition
* Machine-Independent Image Processing: Performance of Apply on Diverse Architectures
* Machine-learned 3D Building Vectorization from Satellite Imagery
* Machine-learned Regularization and Polygonization of Building Segmentation Masks
* Machine-Learning-Assisted Characterization of Regional Heat Islands with a Spatial Extent Larger than the Urban Size
* Machine-Learning-Based Change Detection of Newly Constructed Areas from GF-2 Imagery in Nanjing, China
* Machine-Learning-Based Forest Classification and Regression (FCR) for Spatial Prediction of Liver Fluke Opisthorchis viverrini (OV) Infection in Small Sub-Watersheds
* Machine-Learning-Based Framework for Coding Digital Receiving Array with Few RF Channels
* Machine-Learning-Based Framework for Retrieving Water Quality Parameters in Urban Rivers Using UAV Hyperspectral Images, A
* Machine-Learning-Based Image Categorization
* Machine-learning-based Quality-level-estimation System for Inspecting Steel Microstructures
* Machine-Learning-Based Scenario Identification Using Channel Characteristics in Intelligent Vehicular Communications
* Machine-Learning-Based Study on All-Day Cloud Classification Using Himawari-8 Infrared Data, A
* Machine-Learning-Enhanced Procedural Modeling for 4D Historical Cities Reconstruction
* Machine-Learning Applications for the Retrieval of Forest Biomass from Airborne P-Band SAR Data
* machine-learning approach for analyzing document layout structures with two reading orders, A
* machine-learning approach for classifying defects on tree trunks using terrestrial LiDAR, A
* Machine-Learning Approach to Intertidal Mudflat Mapping Combining Multispectral Reflectance and Geomorphology from UAV-Based Monitoring, A
* Machine-Learning Approach to Keypoint Detection and Landmarking on 3D Meshes, A
* Machine-Learning Based Secondary Transform for Improved Image Compression in JPEG2000
* Machine-Learning Classification of SAR Remotely-Sensed Sea-Surface Petroleum Signatures: Part 1: Training and Testing Cross Validation
* Machine-Learning for Mapping and Monitoring Shallow Coral Reef Habitats
* Machine-Learning Functional Zonation Approach for Characterizing Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces: Application to Lake Erie
* Machine-learning methodology for energy efficient routing
* Machine-Learning Model Based on the Fusion of Spectral and Textural Features from UAV Multi-Sensors to Analyse the Total Nitrogen Content in Winter Wheat, A
* Machine-learning regression in evolutionary algorithms and image registration
* Machine-printed and hand-written text lines identification
* Machine-Printed Character Recognition Revisited: Re-Application of Recent Advances in Handwritten Character Recognition Research
* Machine-Printed Japanese Document Recognition
* Machine-readable region identification from partially blurred document images
* Machine-to-Machine Visual Dialoguing with ChatGPT for Enriched Textual Image Description
* Machine-Translation Method for Normalization of SMS, A
* Machine-Vision Applications of Image Invariants: Real-Time Processing Experiments
* Machine-Vision Software Enters the Third Dimension
* machine-vision system for automated quality control of welded rings, A
* Machine-Vision System for Iris Recognition, A
* machine-vision system to measure the parameters describing the performance of a Foucault pendulum, A
* Machine-Vision Systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Machine analysis of acoustical signals
* Machine Analysis of Multi-Body Scenes
* Machine and Deep Learning Regression of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Lakes Using PRISMA Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery
* Machine and human recognition of segmented characters from handwritten words
* Machine Authentication of Security Documents
* Machine Dating of Handwritten Manuscripts
* Machine Detection of Martian Impact Craters From Digital Topography Data
* Machine dynamic selection of one video camera/image of a scene from multiple video cameras
* Machine ethics: the design and governance of ethical ai and autonomous systems
* Machine fusion to enhance the topology preservation of vector quantization artificial neural networks
* Machine Graphics and Vision Journal
* Machine identification of buds in images of plant shoots
* Machine Identification of Human Faces
* Machine Intelligence Approach to Virtual Ballet Training, A
* Machine Intelligence
* Machine Interpretation of CAD Data for Manufacturing Applications
* Machine Interpretation of Line Drawings
* Machine Interpretation of Patterns: Image Analysis and Data Mining
* Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database via Multi-Modality Feature Selection for Bayesian Reconstruction of Low-Dose CT
* Machine Learning-Aided Sea Ice Monitoring Using Feature Sequences Extracted from Spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry Data
* Machine Learning-Assisted Analysis of Polarimetric Scattering From Cylindrical Components of Vegetation
* Machine learning-assisted region merging for remote sensing image segmentation
* Machine Learning-Based and 3D Kinematic Models for Rockfall Hazard Assessment Using LiDAR Data and GIS
* Machine Learning-Based Approach for Depression Detection in Twitter Using Content and Activity Features
* Machine Learning-Based Approach for Spatial Estimation Using the Spatial Features of Coordinate Information, A
* Machine Learning-Based Approach for Surface Soil Moisture Estimations with Google Earth Engine, A
* Machine Learning-Based Approach Using Open Data to Estimate PM2.5 over Europe
* Machine Learning-Based Approaches for Predicting SPAD Values of Maize Using Multi-Spectral Images
* Machine Learning-Based Bias Correction of Precipitation Measurements at High Altitude
* Machine Learning-based Classification of Powdery Mildew Severity on Melon Leaves
* Machine Learning-Based Classification System for Urban Built-Up Areas Using Multiple Classifiers and Data Sources, A
* Machine Learning-Based Concrete Crack Depth Prediction Using Thermal Images Taken under Daylight Conditions
* Machine Learning-Based CYGNSS Soil Moisture Estimates over ISMN sites in CONUS
* Machine Learning-Based Estimation of Daily Cropland Evapotranspiration in Diverse Climate Zones
* Machine Learning-Based Estimation of Hourly GNSS Precipitable Water Vapour
* Machine Learning-Based Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Intensity from Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder Using a U-Net Algorithm
* Machine Learning-Based Fast-Forward Solver for Ground Penetrating Radar With Application to Full-Waveform Inversion, A
* Machine Learning-Based Fast Angular Prediction Mode Decision Technique in Video Coding
* Machine Learning-Based Fast Intra Mode Decision for HEVC Screen Content Coding via Decision Trees
* Machine learning-based H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoding via motion information reuse and coding mode similarity analysis
* Machine Learning-Based Improvement of Aerosol Optical Depth from CHIMERE Simulations Using MODIS Satellite Observations
* machine learning-based method for automatic diagnosis of ankle fracture using X-ray images, A
* Machine Learning-Based Method for Modeling TEC Regional Temporal-Spatial Map, A
* Machine Learning-Based Modeling of Air Temperature in the Complex Environment of Yerevan City, Armenia
* Machine learning-based multi-channel evaluation pooling strategy for image quality assessment
* Machine Learning-Based Multiple Cloud Vertical Structure Parameter Prediction Algorithm Only Using OCO-2 Oxygen A-Band Measurements, A
* Machine Learning-Based Noninvasive Quantification of Single-Imaging Session Dual-Tracer 18F-FDG and 68Ga-DOTATATE Dynamic PET-CT in Oncology
* Machine learning-based offline signature verification systems: A systematic review
* Machine Learning-Based Processing Proof-of-Concept Pipeline for Semi-Automatic Sentinel-2 Imagery Download, Cloudiness Filtering, Classifications, and Updates of Open Land Use/Land Cover Datasets
* Machine Learning-Based Rockfalls Detection with 3D Point Clouds, Example in the Montserrat Massif (Spain)
* Machine Learning-Based Seafloor Seismic Prestack Inversion
* Machine Learning-Based Slum Mapping in Support of Slum Upgrading Programs: The Case of Bandung City, Indonesia
* Machine Learning-Based Supervised Classification of Point Clouds Using Multiscale Geometric Features
* Machine learning-based tri-stage classification of Alzheimer's progressive neurodegenerative disease using PCA and mRMR administered textural, orientational, and spatial features
* Machine Learning-Based Wetland Vulnerability Assessment in the Sindh Province Ramsar Site Using Remote Sensing Data
* Machine Learning-Based Workload Orchestrator for Vehicular Edge Computing
* Machine Learning-Driven Approach to Computational Physiological Modeling of Skin Cancer, A
* Machine Learning-Enabled High-Resolution Dynamic Deuterium MR Spectroscopic Imaging
* Machine Learning (ML)-Based Copper Mineralization Prospectivity Mapping (MPM) Using Mining Geochemistry Method and Remote Sensing Satellite Data
* Machine Learning Accelerated Partition Search for Video Encoding
* Machine Learning Algorithm for Himawari-8 Total Suspended Solids Retrievals in the Great Barrier Reef, A
* Machine Learning Algorithm to Detect and Analyze Meteor Echoes Observed by the Jicamarca Radar, A
* Machine Learning Algorithms for Automatic Lithological Mapping Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study from Souk Arbaa Sahel, Sidi Ifni Inlier, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco
* Machine Learning Algorithms for Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Estimation Based on Landsat 8 Images
* Machine Learning Algorithms for Modeling and Mapping of Groundwater Pollution Risk: A Study to Reach Water Security and Sustainable Development (Sdg) Goals in a Mediterranean Aquifer System
* Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Forage Nutritive Value of In Situ Perennial Ryegrass Plants Using Hyperspectral Canopy Reflectance Data
* Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Tree-Related Microhabitats using Airborne Laser Scanning
* Machine Learning and Computing for Visual Semantic Analysis
* Machine learning and deep learning for clinical data and PET/SPECT imaging in Parkinson's disease: a review
* Machine Learning and Deep Learning for the Built Heritage Analysis: Laser Scanning and UAV-Based Surveying Applications on a Complex Spatial Grid Structure
* Machine Learning and Geo-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Support Systems in Analysis of Complex Problems
* Machine Learning and Geometric Technique for SLAM
* Machine Learning and Hyperparameters Algorithms for Identifying Groundwater Aflaj Potential Mapping in Semi-Arid Ecosystems Using LiDAR, Sentinel-2, GIS Data, and Analysis
* Machine Learning and Image Interpretation
* Machine Learning and IOT for Smart Grid
* Machine Learning and Mass Estimation Methods for Ground-Based Aircraft Climb Prediction
* Machine learning and multiscale methods in the identification of bivalve larvae
* Machine learning and pattern recognition models in change detection
* Machine Learning and Statistical Modeling Approaches to Image Retrieval
* Machine Learning and the End of Atmospheric Corrections: A Comparison between High-Resolution Sea Surface Salinity in Coastal Areas from Top and Bottom of Atmosphere Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Machine Learning and VIIRS Satellite Retrievals for Skillful Fuel Moisture Content Monitoring in Wildfire Management
* Machine learning and whale optimization algorithm based design of energy management strategy for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
* Machine Learning Applied to a Dual-Polarized Sentinel-1 Image for Wind Retrieval of Tropical Cyclones
* Machine Learning Approach for Acquiring Descriptive Classification Rules of Shape Contours, A
* machine learning approach for brain image enhancement and segmentation, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Ischemic Stroke Onset Time From Imaging, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Road Accident Hotspots, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Contactless Photoplethysmographic Measurement Verification
* Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Rescue Requests from Social Media, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Displaying Query Results in Search Engines, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Energy-Efficient Intelligent Transportation Scheduling Problem in a Real-World Dynamic Circumstances, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Estimating the Trophic State of Urban Waters Based on Remote Sensing and Environmental Factors, A
* Machine learning approach for homolog chromosome classification
* machine learning approach for human posture detection in domotics applications, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Identification of miRNA-mRNA Regulatory Modules in Ovarian Cancer
* machine learning approach for identifying and delineating agricultural fields and their multi-temporal dynamics using three decades of Landsat data, A
* machine learning approach for image retrieval tasks, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Improving Near-Real-Time Satellite-Based Rainfall Estimates by Integrating Soil Moisture, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Locating Boundaries of Liver Tumors in CT Images, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Mapping Forest Vegetation in Riparian Zones in an Atlantic Biome Environment Using Sentinel-2 Imagery, A
* machine learning approach for material detection in hyperspectral images, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Non-blind Image Deconvolution, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Rainfall Estimation Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Remote Sensing Data Gap-Filling with Open-Source Implementation: An Example Regarding Land Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo and NDVI, A
* Machine Learning Approach for the Online Separation of Handwriting from Freehand Drawing, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Accurate Sequence-Level Rate Control Scheme for Video Coding, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Approximate the Age of a Digital Image, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Building Recognition in Aerial Photographs, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Chlorophyll a Time Series Analysis in the Mediterranean Sea, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Crater Classification from Topographic Data, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Delineating Neighborhoods from Geocoded Appraisal Data, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Derive Aerosol Properties from All-Sky Camera Imagery, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Design of Aperiodic, Clustered-Dot Halftone Screens via Direct Binary Search, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Detecting Pine Wilt Disease Using Airborne Spectral Imagery, A
* Machine Learning approach to dissimilarity computation: Iris matching
* Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Surface Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Global Oceans From Satellite Measurements, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Extract Rock Mass Discontinuity Orientation and Spacing, from Laser Scanner Point Clouds, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Horizon Line Detection Using Local Features, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Hypothesis Decoding in Scene Text Recognition, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Retrieving Aerosol Optical Depth Using Solar Radiation Measurements, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Tongue Motion Analysis in 2D Ultrasound Image Sequences, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Waterbody Segmentation in Thermal Infrared Imagery in Support of Tactical Wildfire Mapping, A
* Machine Learning Approaches for Detecting Tropical Cyclone Formation Using Satellite Data
* Machine Learning Approaches for the Neuroimaging Study of Alzheimer's Disease
* Machine Learning Approaches to Automatically Detect Glacier Snow Lines on Multi-Spectral Satellite Images
* Machine Learning Approaches to Bike-Sharing Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
* Machine Learning Automatic Model Selection Algorithm for Oceanic Chlorophyll-a Content Retrieval
* Machine learning based adaptive watermark decoding in view of anticipated attack
* Machine Learning Based Algorithms for Global Dust Aerosol Detection from Satellite Images: Inter-Comparisons and Evaluation
* Machine learning based blind color image watermarking scheme for copyright protection
* Machine Learning Based Channel Estimation for 5G NR-V2V Communications: Sparse Bayesian Learning and Gaussian Progress Regression
* Machine Learning Based Downscaling Approach to Produce High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Land Surface Temperature of the Antarctic Dry Valleys from MODIS Data, A
* Machine Learning Based Efficient Qt-Mtt Partitioning for VVC Inter Coding
* Machine Learning Based Efficient QT-MTT Partitioning Scheme for VVC Intra Encoders
* Machine learning based fast H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoding exploiting block partition similarity
* Machine learning based feature selection and knowledge reasoning for CBR system under big data
* Machine Learning Based Framework for Human Recognition Using Gait Pattern Analysis
* Machine Learning Based Method for Staff Removal, A
* Machine Learning Based Methods for Arabic Duplicate Question Detection
* Machine learning based modeling of spatial and temporal factors for video quality assessment
* Machine Learning Based On-Line Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon after Removal of Soil Moisture Effect
* Machine learning based on automated breast volume scanner (ABVS) radiomics for differential diagnosis of benign and malignant BI-RADS 4 lesions
* Machine Learning Based on Minimizing Robust Mean Estimates
* Machine Learning Based Reconstruction Method for Satellite Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture Images with In Situ Observations, A
* Machine Learning Based Road Detection from High Resolution Imagery
* machine learning based scheme for double JPEG compression detection, A
* Machine Learning Based Symbol Probability Distribution Prediction For Entropy Coding In AV1
* Machine learning based video segmentation of moving scene by motion index using IO detector and shot segmentation
* Machine Learning Classification and Accuracy Assessment from High-Resolution Images of Coastal Wetlands
* machine learning classification approach based glioma brain tumor detection, A
* Machine Learning Classification Ensemble of Multitemporal Sentinel-2 Images: The Case of a Mixed Mediterranean Ecosystem
* Machine Learning Classification of Buildings for Map Generalization
* Machine Learning Classification of Endangered Tree Species in a Tropical Submontane Forest Using WorldView-2 Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Imbalanced Dataset
* Machine Learning Classification of Fused Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Image Data towards Mapping Fruit Plantations in Highly Heterogenous Landscapes
* Machine Learning Classification of Mediterranean Forest Habitats in Google Earth Engine Based on Seasonal Sentinel-2 Time-Series and Input Image Composition Optimisation
* Machine Learning Classification of Rainfall Types Based on the Differential Attenuation of Multiple Frequency Microwave Links
* Machine Learning Classifier Evaluation for Different Input Combinations: A Case Study with Landsat 9 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Machine Learning Comparison and Parameter Setting Methods for the Detection of Dump Sites for Construction and Demolition Waste Using the Google Earth Engine
* Machine Learning Comparison between WorldView-2 and QuickBird-2-Simulated Imagery Regarding Object-Based Urban Land Cover Classification
* Machine Learning Dataset for Large-scope High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Interpretation Considering Landscape Spatial Heterogeneity, A
* Machine Learning Detects a Biopsy Needle in Ultrasound Images
* Machine Learning Downscaling of SoilMERGE in the United States Southern Great Plains
* Machine Learning Estimation of Fire Arrival Time from Level-2 Active Fires Satellite Data
* Machine Learning for Approximating Unknown Face
* Machine Learning for Arctic Sea Ice Physical Properties Estimation Using Dual-Polarimetric SAR Data
* Machine learning for astronomical big data processing
* Machine learning for big visual analysis
* Machine Learning for Climate Precipitation Prediction Modeling over South America
* Machine Learning for Clinical Diagnosis from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Machine Learning for Cloud Detection of Globally Distributed Sentinel-2 Images
* Machine Learning for Cultural Heritage: A Survey
* Machine learning for cyanobacteria mapping on tropical urban reservoirs using PRISMA hyperspectral data
* Machine Learning for Defining the Probability of Sentinel-1 Based Deformation Trend Changes Occurrence
* Machine Learning for Detection and Risk Assessment of Lifting Action
* Machine Learning for Fault Detection in DC Motors and the Role of Mounting Configurations
* Machine Learning for Gully Feature Extraction Based on a Pan-Sharpened Multispectral Image: Multiclass vs. Binary Approach
* Machine learning for hand gesture recognition using bag-of-words
* Machine Learning for High-Speed Corner Detection
* Machine learning for low signal-to-noise ratio detection
* Machine Learning for Mineral Identification and Ore Estimation from Hyperspectral Imagery in Tin-Tungsten Deposits: Simulation under Indoor Conditions
* Machine Learning for Multimedia Content Analysis
* Machine Learning for Photometric Redshift Estimation of Quasars with Different Samples
* Machine Learning for Rapid Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Tissue Property Quantification
* Machine Learning for Real Time Poses Classification Using Kinect Skeleton Data
* Machine Learning for Sea Ice Monitoring From Satellites
* Machine Learning for Severity Classification of Accidents Involving Powered Two Wheelers
* Machine Learning for Signature Verification
* Machine Learning for Storage Location Prediction in Industrial High Bay Warehouses
* Machine Learning for the Control of Prosthetic Arms: Using Electromyographic Signals for Improved Performance
* Machine Learning for the Fast and Accurate Assessment of Fitness in Coral Early Life History
* Machine Learning for the New York City Power Grid
* Machine Learning for Tree Species Classification using Sentinel-2 Spectral Information, Crown Texture, and Environmental Variables
* Machine Learning for Video Compression: Macroblock Mode Decision
* Machine Learning for Vision-based Motion Analysis
* Machine Learning for Vision-Based Motion Analysis: Theory and Techniques
* Machine Learning for Volcano-Seismic Signals: Challenges and Perspectives
* Machine Learning Framework for Adaptive Combination of Signal Denoising Methods, A
* Machine Learning Framework for Estimating Leaf Biochemical Parameters From Its Spectral Reflectance and Transmission Measurements, A
* machine learning framework for full-reference 3D shape quality assessment, A
* Machine Learning Framework for the Classification of Natura 2000 Habitat Types at Large Spatial Scales Using MODIS Surface Reflectance Data, A
* Machine Learning Framework for the Estimation of Average Speed in Rural Road Networks with OpenStreetMap Data
* Machine learning framework incorporating expert knowledge in tissue image annotation
* Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Content in Valencia-Orange Leaf Hyperspectral Measurements, A
* Machine Learning Framework Using SOMs: Applications in the Intestinal Motility Assessment, A
* Machine Learning Fusion Multi-Source Data Features for Classification Prediction of Lunar Surface Geological Units
* Machine Learning Generalisation across Different 3D Architectural Heritage
* Machine Learning in a Post Moore's Law World: Quantum vs. Neuromorphic Substrates
* Machine Learning in Big Lidar Data: a Review
* Machine Learning in Cardiac Health Monitoring and Decision Support
* Machine Learning in Computer-Aided Diagnosis of the Thorax and Colon in CT: A Survey
* Machine Learning in Evaluating Multispectral Active Canopy Sensor for Prediction of Corn Leaf Nitrogen Concentration and Yield
* Machine Learning in Extreme Value Analysis, an Approach to Detecting Harmful Algal Blooms with Long-Term Multisource Satellite Data
* Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
* Machine learning in motion analysis: New advances
* Machine Learning in Multi-frame Image Super-resolution
* Machine Learning in PET: From Photon Detection to Quantitative Image Reconstruction
* Machine learning in precision medicine to preserve privacy via encryption
* Machine Learning in the Analysis of Multispectral Reads in Maize Canopies Responding to Increased Temperatures and Water Deficit
* Machine Learning in the Classification of Soybean Genotypes for Primary Macronutrients' Content Using UAV-Multispectral Sensor
* Machine Learning in the Hyperspectral Classification of Glycaspis brimblecombei (Hemiptera Psyllidae) Attack Severity in Eucalyptus
* Machine Learning Inspired Approach for Detection, Recognition and Tracking of Moving Objects from Real-Time Video, A
* Machine learning meets distinctness in variety testing
* Machine Learning Method for Automated Description and Workflow Analysis of First Trimester Ultrasound Scans, A
* Machine Learning Method for Co-Registration and Individual Tree Matching of Forest Inventory and Airborne Laser Scanning Data, A
* Machine Learning Method for High-Frequency Data Forecasting, A
* Machine Learning Method for Predicting Vegetation Indices in China, A
* Machine Learning Methods Applied to the Prediction of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Blooms in the Galician Rias Baixas (NW Spain)
* Machine learning methods for automatically processing historical documents: from paper acquisition to XML transformation
* Machine Learning Methods for Binary and Multiclass Classification of Melanoma Thickness From Dermoscopic Images
* Machine Learning Methods for Classification of the Green Infrastructure in City Areas
* Machine Learning Methods for Data Association in Multi-Object Tracking
* Machine learning methods for research highlight prediction in biomedical effects of nanomaterial application
* Machine Learning Methods to Approximate Rainfall and Wind From Acoustic Underwater Measurements (February 2020)
* Machine Learning Model-Based Retrieval of Temperature and Relative Humidity Profiles Measured by Microwave Radiometer
* Machine Learning Model for Exploring Aberrant Functional Network Connectivity Transition in Schizophrenia, A
* Machine Learning Models for Approximating Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux over the Ocean from All-Sky Optical Imagery Based on DASIO Dataset
* Machine learning nuclear detonation features
* Machine Learning of Computer Vision Algorithms
* Machine learning of event segmentation for news on demand
* Machine Learning of Generalized Document Templates for Data Extraction
* Machine Learning of Spatial Data
* Machine Learning of Usable Area of Gable-Roof Residential Buildings Based on Topographic Data
* Machine Learning on High Dimensional Shape Data from Subcortical Brain Surfaces: A Comparison of Feature Selection and Classification Methods
* Machine Learning on Historic Air Photographs for Mapping Risk of Unexploded Bombs
* Machine Learning Optimised Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Retrieves Cotton Nitrogen Status
* Machine Learning Paradigm for Studying Pictorial Realism: How Accurate are Constable's Clouds?, A
* Machine Learning Paradigms for Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding
* Machine Learning Regression Analysis for Estimation of Crop Emergence Using Multispectral UAV Imagery
* Machine Learning Research: Four Current Directions
* Machine Learning Reveals a Significant Shift in Water Regime Types Due to Projected Climate Change
* Machine Learning Snowfall Retrieval Algorithm for ATMS, A
* Machine Learning Solution for Video Delivery to Mitigate Co-Tier Interference in 5G HetNets, A
* Machine Learning Strategy Based on Kittler's Taxonomy to Detect Anomalies and Recognize Contexts Applied to Monitor Water Bodies in Environments, A
* machine learning system for human-in-the-loop video surveillance, A
* Machine Learning System for Precipitation Estimation Using Satellite and Ground Radar Network Observations, A
* Machine learning technique for object detection based on SURF feature
* Machine learning techniques applied to prepaid subscribers: Case study on the telecom industry of Morocco
* Machine Learning Techniques for Corneal Diseases Diagnosis: A Survey
* Machine Learning Techniques for Fine Dead Fuel Load Estimation Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Machine Learning Techniques for Identifying Fetal Risk During Pregnancy
* Machine Learning Techniques for Identity Document Verification in Uncontrolled Environments: A Case Study
* Machine Learning Techniques for Knowledge Extraction From Satellite Images: Application to Specific Area Types
* Machine Learning Techniques for Modelling Short Term Land-Use Change
* Machine learning techniques for ontology-based leaf classification
* Machine Learning Techniques for Phenology Assessment of Sugarcane Using Conjunctive SAR and Optical Data
* Machine learning techniques for regional scale estimation of high-resolution cloud-free daily sea surface temperatures from MODIS data
* Machine Learning Techniques for Tree Species Classification Using Co-Registered LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data
* Machine Learning Techniques for Vertical LiDAR-Based Detection, Characterization, and Classification of Aerosols and Clouds: A Comprehensive Survey
* Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Soybean Plant Density Using UAV and Satellite-Based Remote Sensing
* Machine learning to design full-reference image quality assessment algorithm
* Machine Learning to Estimate Surface Roughness from Satellite Images
* Machine Learning to Identify Three Types of Oceanic Fronts Associated with the Changjiang Diluted Water in the East China Sea between 1997 and 2021
* Machine Learning to Predict Cognitive Decline of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease Using EEG Markers: A Preliminary Study
* Machine Learning Using Hyperspectral Data Inaccurately Predicts Plant Traits Under Spatial Dependency
* Machine Learning with Data Science-Enabled Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Classification Using Computed Tomography Images
* Machine Learning with Seriated Graphs
* Machine Learning with Synthetic Data: A New Way to Learn and Classify the Pictorial Augmented Reality Markers in Real-Time
* Machine Learning
* Machine Learning, Machine Vision, and the Brain
* Machine listening techniques as a complement to video image analysis in forensics
* Machine method for compensating for non-linear picture transformations, e.g. zoom and pan, in a video image motion compensation system
* Machine olfaction: pattern recognition for the identification of aromas
* Machine Perception for Industrial Applications
* Machine Perception of 3-D Solids
* Machine Perception of Linear Structure
* Machine Perception of Partially Obscured Planar Shapes
* Machine Perception
* Machine Printed Arabic Character Recognition Using S-GCM
* Machine printed character segmentation: An overview
* Machine Printed Chinese and Japanese Character Recognition Method and Experiments for Reading Japanese Pocket Books
* Machine printed text and handwriting identification in noisy document images
* Machine Processing of Line Drawings
* Machine reading of camera-held low quality text images: An ICA-based image enhancement approach for improving OCR accuracy
* Machine reading of handwritten text information in field technician's maps
* Machine recognition and correction of printed Arabic text
* Machine Recognition and Plotting of Hand-Sketched Line Figures
* Machine Recognition as Representation and Search
* Machine Recognition as representation and search: A Survey
* Machine recognition of handwritten Arabic word by the IRAC II system
* Machine Recognition of Brahmi Script
* Machine Recognition of Constrained Hand Printed Devanagari
* Machine recognition of cursive Arabic words
* Machine Recognition of Cursive Writing
* Machine Recognition of Hand Printing
* Machine Recognition of Handwritten Words: A Project Report
* Machine Recognition of Human Activities: A Survey
* Machine Recognition of Indian Language Characters Using a Tree Structure Based on Primitives
* Machine Recognition of Map Point Symbols Based on YOLOv3 and Automatic Configuration Associated with POI
* Machine Recognition of Multi Font Printed Arabic Texts
* Machine recognition of online handwritten Devanagari characters
* Machine Recognition of Optically Captured Machine Printed Arabic Text
* Machine Recognition of Partial Shapes Using Feature Vectors
* Machine Recognition of Printed Chinese Characters via Transformation Algorithms
* Machine Recognition of Printed Kannada Text
* Machine Recognition of the Cantonese Digits Using Bandpass Filters
* Machine sensing for mining optimization
* Machine Solving on Hypergeometric Distribution Problems
* Machine synthesis of a virtual video camera/image of a scene from multiple video cameras/images
* Machine Teaching Framework for Scalable Recognition, A
* Machine tool condition monitoring using workpiece surface texture analysis
* Machine training and parameter settings with social emotional optimization algorithm for support vector machine
* Machine Translation Techniques using AI: A Review
* Machine Understanding of CSG: Extraction and Unification of Manufacturing Features
* Machine Understanding of Human Action
* Machine Vision-Based Gestural Interface for People With Upper Extremity Physical Impairments, A
* Machine Vision Algorithms and Applications
* Machine Vision Algorithms for Automated Inspection of Thin-Film Disk Heads
* Machine vision algorithms for robust animal species identification
* Machine Vision Algorithms in Java: Techniques and Implementation
* Machine Vision Algorithms, Architectures, and Systems
* Machine Vision and Application Organization
* Machine Vision and Applications
* Machine Vision and Digital Image Processing Fundamentals
* Machine Vision Application for Industrial Assembly Inspection, A
* Machine Vision Applications in Character Recognition and Industrial Inspection
* Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection II
* Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection V
* Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VI
* Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VII
* Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection
* Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration II
* Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration III
* Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration IV
* Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration V
* Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration VI
* Machine vision applied to vehicle guidance and safety
* Machine Vision Applied to Vehicle Guidance
* machine vision approach to the grading of crushed aggregate, A
* Machine Vision as State-Space Search
* Machine Vision Based Quality Monitoring in Olive Oil Conditioning
* Machine Vision Beyond Visible Spectrum
* Machine vision detection of isolated and overlapped nematode worms using skeleton analysis
* machine vision extension to the Ruby programming language using OpenCV and FFI, A
* Machine Vision for Advanced Production: Part 1
* Machine Vision for Error-Detection and Avoidance in Laboratory Robotics
* Machine Vision for Excess Gluing Inspection in Spindle Motor Assembly
* Machine Vision for Industry: Tasks, Tools, and Techniques
* Machine Vision for Inspection and Measurement
* Machine Vision for Inspection of Keyboards
* Machine Vision for Intelligent Vehicles
* Machine vision for medical image analysis and virtual surgery
* Machine Vision for Three-Dimensional Scenes
* Machine Vision Framework for Automated Localization of Microinjection Sites on Low-Contrast Single Adherent Cells, A
* Machine Vision Gets Moving: Part I
* Machine Vision Gets Moving: Part II
* Machine Vision Gets Moving: Part III
* Machine Vision Guided 3D Medical Image Compression for Efficient Transmission and Accurate Segmentation in the Clouds
* Machine Vision Handbook
* Machine Vision in Early Days: Japan's Pioneering Contributions
* Machine Vision in the 1990s: Applications and How to Get There
* Machine Vision Inspection of VF Display Boards
* Machine Vision Inspection of Web Textile Fabric
* Machine Vision Mensuration
* Machine vision method using search models to find features in three-dimensional images
* Machine vision methods and system for boundary point-based comparison of patterns and images
* Machine vision methods and systems for boundary feature comparison of patterns and images
* Machine Vision Moves into Traffic: Part I
* Machine Vision Moves into Traffic: Part II
* Machine Vision Moves into Traffic: Part III
* Machine Vision of Animals and their Behaviour Workshop
* Machine Vision Portal
* Machine vision quality assessment for robust face detection
* Machine Vision Quality Control System for Industrial Acrylic Fibre Production, A
* Machine Vision Research at CVAP: An Introduction
* Machine vision scheme for stain-release evaluation using Gabor filters with optimized coefficients
* Machine vision stereo matching
* Machine vision system for automated spectroscopy
* Machine vision system for curved surface inspection
* machine vision system for defect characterization on transparent parts with non-plane surfaces, A
* Machine Vision System for Enhancing the Teleoperation of an Industrial Robot, A
* Machine Vision System for Flatness Control Feedback
* Machine Vision System for Inspecting Bearings, A
* Machine Vision System for Lane-Departure Detection, A
* Machine vision system for object feature analysis and validation based on multiple object images
* machine vision system for quantifying velocity fields in complex rock models, A
* Machine Vision System for Stacked Substrates Counting With a Robust Stripe Detection Algorithm, A
* Machine Vision System for the Automated Classification and Counting of Neurons in 3-D Brain Tissue Samples, A
* machine vision system to estimate cotton fiber maturity from longitudinal view using a transfer learning approach, A
* Machine Vision System Using a Laser Radar Applied to Robotic Fruit Harvesting, A
* Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII
* Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VIII
* Machine Vision Systems Integration in Industry
* Machine Vision Systems: Integration and Applications
* Machine Vision Techniques for Finding Sugarcane Seedeyes
* Machine vision techniques for motorcycle safety helmet detection
* Machine Vision Technology for the Forest Products Industry
* Machine vision three dimensional profiling system
* Machine Vision to Alert Roadside Personnel of Night Traffic Threats
* Machine vision to curb pig pugnacity: 3D cameras can help predict when pigs are about to nip each other's tails
* Machine Vision Tools for CAGD
* Machine Vision
* Machine Vision/GPS Integration Using EKF for the UAV Aerial Refueling Problem
* Machine Vision: Automated Visual Inspection and Robot Vision
* Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities
* Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities, Second Edition
* Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities, Third Edition
* Machine Visualization of Three-Dimensional Objects via Skeletal Transformations
* Machine vs humans in a cursive script reading experiment without linguistic knowledge
* Machines Learning for Mixed Reality
* Machines Should Not See as People Do, but Must Know How People See
* MACLAW: A modular approach for clustering with local attribute weighting
* MaCLR: Motion-Aware Contrastive Learning of Representations for Videos
* MACnet: Mask augmented counting network for class-agnostic counting
* MACNet: Multi-scale Atrous Convolution Networks for Food Places Classification in Egocentric Photo-Streams
* Macro- and micro-expression spotting in long videos using spatio-temporal strain
* Macro-analysis of the evolution of motorised mobility and relationships with the development of motionless communication systems
* Macro-Class Selection for Hierarchical K-NN Classification of Inertial Sensor Data
* Macro-cuboïd based probabilistic matching for lip-reading digits
* Macro-Micro Adversarial Network for Human Parsing
* Macro-Pixel Prediction Based on Convolutional Neural Networks for Lossless Compression of Light Field Images
* Macro 64-regions for uniform grids on GPU
* Macro Photogrammetry for The Damage Assessment of Artwork Painted Surfaces
* Macro Photogrammetry in Inventory of Historical Engravings At the Royal Castle in Warsaw
* Macro unit-based convolutional neural network for very light-weight deep learning
* MACRO: Multi-Attention Convolutional Recurrent Model for Subject-Independent ERP Detection
* Macroblock-Adaptive Residual Color Space Transforms for 4:4:4 Video Coding
* Macroblock-based Progressive Fine Granularity Scalable (PFGS) Video Coding with Flexible Temporal-SNR Scalablilities
* Macroblock-based progressive fine granularity scalable video coding
* Macroblock-based retransmission for error-resilient video streaming
* Macroblock-Level Mode Based Adaptive in-Band Motion Compensated Temporal Filtering
* Macroblock Based Bit Allocation for SNR Scalable Video Coding with Hierarchical B Pictures
* Macroblock classification for complexity management of video encoders
* Macroblock data classification and nonlinear bit count estimation for low delay H.263 rate control
* Macroblock feature and motion involved multi-stage fast inter mode decision algorithm in H.264/AVC video coding
* Macroblock Quantizer Selection for H.263 Video Coding
* Macroblock sampling and mode ranking for complexity scalability in mobile H.264 video coding
* Macrocanonical Models for Texture Synthesis
* Macrofeature layout selection for pedestrian localization and its acceleration using GPU
* Macroscopic-and-Microscopic Rain Streaks Disentanglement Network for Single-Image Deraining
* Macroscopic Forecasting Framework for Estimating Socioeconomic and Environmental Performance of Intelligent Transport Highways, A
* Macroscopic Human Behavior Interpretation Using Distributed Imager and Other Sensors
* Macroscopic Interferometry: Rethinking Depth Estimation with Frequency-Domain Time-of-Flight
* Macroscopic Modeling and Control of Reversible Lanes on Freeways
* Macroscopic Rock Texture Image Classification Using an Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy System
* Macroscopic Signal Optimization Model for Arterials Under Heavy Mixed Traffic Flows, A
* Macroscopic Traffic Data-Assimilation Framework Based on the Fourier-Galerkin Method and Minimax Estimation, A
* Macroscopic View: Crowd Evacuation Dynamics at T-Shaped Street Junctions Using a Modified Aw-Rascle Traffic Flow Model
* MACS-TumbleCam: A Novel Approach for Aerial Oblique Imaging
* MACS: Modular Airborne Camera System for Generating Photogrammetric High-Resolution Products
* MACSYM: A Hierarchical Parallel Image Processing System for Event Driven Pattern Understanding of Documents
* Macular Degeneration Detection, AMD, Retinal Analysis Application
* Macular OCT Classification Using a Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble
* MaD-DLS: Mean and Deviation of Deep and Local Similarity for Image Quality Assessment
* MAD-MEX: Automatic Wall-to-Wall Land Cover Monitoring for the Mexican REDD-MRV Program Using All Landsat Data
* Mad Max: Affine Spline Insights Into Deep Learning
* MAD: A Scalable Dataset for Language Grounding in Videos from Movie Audio Descriptions
* Madagascar's Mangroves: Quantifying Nation-Wide and Ecosystem Specific Dynamics, and Detailed Contemporary Mapping of Distinct Ecosystems
* MADAN: Multi-source Adversarial Domain Aggregation Network for Domain Adaptation
* MADANet: A Lightweight Hyperspectral Image Classification Network with Multiscale Feature Aggregation and a Dual Attention Mechanism
* MADAv2: Advanced Multi-Anchor Based Active Domain Adaptation Segmentation
* Made to measure top hats
* MADE: A Composite Visual-Based 3D Shape Descriptor
* MADMM: A Generic Algorithm for Non-smooth Optimization on Manifolds
* MADNet 2.0: Pixel-Scale Topography Retrieval from Single-View Orbital Imagery of Mars Using Deep Learning
* Madonna of the Goldfinch by Raphael: Chamera of Perception, The
* MADPL-net: Multi-layer attention dictionary pair learning network for image classification
* Madura: A Language for Learning Vision Programs from Examples
* MAE, Masked Autoencoder
* MAEANet: Multiscale Attention and Edge-Aware Siamese Network for Building Change Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* MAEDAY: MAE for few- and zero-shot AnomalY-Detection
* MaER: A New Ensemble Based Multiclass Classifier for Binding Activity Prediction of HLA Class II Proteins
* MAESTER: Masked Autoencoder Guided Segmentation at Pixel Resolution for Accurate, Self-Supervised Subcellular Structure Recognition
* MAESTRO: Conductor of Multimedia Analysis Technologies
* MAESTRO: Making Art-Enabled Sketches through Randomized Operations
* MAEU-NET: A novel supervised architecture for brain tumor segmentation
* MAFF-HRNet: Multi-Attention Feature Fusion HRNet for Building Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images
* MAFL: Multi-Attribute Facial Landmark
* MAGAN: A masked autoencoder generative adversarial network for processing missing IoT sequence data
* MaGAT: Mask-Guided Adversarial Training for Defending Face Editing GAN Models From Proactive Defense
* MagConv: Mask-Guided Convolution for Image Inpainting
* MagDR: Mask-guided Detection and Reconstruction for Defending Deepfakes
* MAGE: MAsked Generative Encoder to Unify Representation Learning and Image Synthesis
* MAGELLAN: Map Acquisition of Geographic Labels by Legend Analysis
* MagFace: A Universal Representation for Face Recognition and Quality Assessment
* MagGAN: High-resolution Face Attribute Editing with Mask-guided Generative Adversarial Network
* Magi-Net: Meta Negative Network for Early Activity Prediction
* MAGI: A New High-Performance Airborne Thermal-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Earth Science Applications
* MAGI: Multi-Annotated Explanation-Guided Learning
* Magic-Wall: Visualizing Room Decoration by Enhanced Wall Segmentation
* MAGIC 2.0: A web tool for false positive prediction and prevention for gesture recognition systems
* Magic Glasses: From 2D to 3D
* Magic Layouts: Structural Prior for Component Detection in User Interface Designs
* Magic Marker: A Color Analytics Interface for Image Annotation
* Magic Mirror: A virtual handbag shopping system
* Magic Mirror: An Intelligent Fashion Recommendation System
* Magic Morphin' Mirror: Person Detection and Tracking
* MAGIC of E-Health: A Gesture-Based Approach to Estimate Understanding and Performance in Remote Ultrasound Tasks, The
* Magic of Nonlocal Perona-Malik Diffusion, The
* magic of split augmented Lagrangians applied to K-frame-based L0-L2 minimization image restoration, The
* Magic Paper: Sketch-Understanding Research
* magic sigma, The
* MAGIC: Manifold and Graph Integrative Convolutional Network for Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* Magic3D: High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation
* MagicFusion: Boosting Text-to-Image Generation Performance by Fusing Diffusion Models
* MagicLensVS: Towards a flexible framework for quick setup of visual feedback in a virtual studio
* MagicNet: Semi-Supervised Multi-Organ Segmentation via Magic-Cube Partition and Recovery
* MagicPony: Learning Articulated 3D Animals in the Wild
* Magma Pathways and Their Interactions Inferred from InSAR and Stress Modeling at Nyamulagira Volcano, D.R. Congo
* MAGMA: Multilevel Accelerated Gradient Mirror Descent Algorithm for Large-Scale Convex Composite Minimization
* MagMonitor: Vehicle Speed Estimation and Vehicle Classification Through A Magnetic Sensor
* MAGNET: An Active Ditch Extraction Model
* MAGNet: Multi-Region Attention-Assisted Grounding of Natural Language Queries at Phrase Level
* Magnetic-Resonance-Imaging
* Magnetic Anomaly Characteristics and Magnetic Basement Structure in Earthquake-Affected Changning Area of Southern Sichuan Basin, China: A New Perspective from Land-Based Stations
* Magnetic Anomaly Detection and Localization Using Orthogonal Basis of Magnetic Tensor Contraction
* Magnetic energy-based feature extraction for low-quality fingerprint images
* Magnetic Field and Electron Density Scaling Properties in the Equatorial Plasma Bubbles
* Magnetic Field Generated by the Loops Used in Traffic Control Systems
* Magnetic Induction-Based Positioning in Distorted Environments
* Magnetic Interference Compensation Method for Airborne Electronic Equipment without Current Sensors, A
* Magnetic Measurement System and Identification Method for Buried Magnetic Materials Within Wet and Dry Soils, A
* Magnetic Models of Unexploded Ordnance
* Magnetic optimization algorithm for data clustering
* Magnetic Particle Imaging for Quantification of Vascular Stenoses: A Phantom Study
* Magnetic Particle Imaging With Tailored Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Tracers
* Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Magnetic Particle Imaging: A Resovist Based Marking Technology for Guide Wires and Catheters for Vascular Interventions
* Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation System With a Whole Brain Coil Array for Nonhuman Primates at 3 T, A
* Magnetic Resonance (MR) Image Analysis: A Statistical Approach
* Magnetic resonance and computed tomography image fusion using saliency map and cross bilateral filter
* Magnetic resonance brain image classification based on weighted-type fractional Fourier transform and nonparallel support vector machine
* Magnetic Resonance Driven Electrical Impedance Tomography: A Simulation Study
* Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT): Convergence and Reduced Basis Approach
* Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography for Monitoring Electric Field Distribution During Tissue Electroporation
* Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum likelihood paradigm in DCT-framework
* Magnetic Resonance Image Example-Based Contrast Synthesis
* magnetic resonance image reconstruction method using support of first-second order variation, A
* Magnetic resonance image segmentation using optimized nearest neighbor classifiers
* Magnetic Resonance Image Selection for Multi-Atlas Segmentation Using Mixture Models
* Magnetic resonance imaging detects seeds in mandarins
* Magnetic resonance imaging reconstruction via non-convex total variation regularization
* Magnetic Resonance Imaging Surface Coil Transceiver Employing a Metasurface for 1.5T Applications, A
* Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems, Hardware Implementations
* Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Image Reconstruction
* Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Registration, Alignment, Fusion
* Magnetic Resonance Mediated Radiofrequency Ablation
* Magnetic Resonance Poroelastography: An Algorithm for Estimating the Mechanical Properties of Fluid-Saturated Soft Tissues
* Magnetic Resonance RF Pulse Design by Optimal Control With Physical Constraints
* Magnetic resonance scan-time reduction using echo prediction
* Magnetic Resonance Tomography for 3-D Water-Bearing Structures Using a Loop Array Layout
* Magnetic Resonant Beamforming for Secured Wireless Power Transfer
* magnetic source estimation in the cortical region, A
* Magnetic Survey at the Roman Military Camp of el Benian in Mauretania Tingitana (Morocco): Results and Implications
* Magnetic Tracking With Real-Time Geomagnetic Vector Separation for Robotic Dockable Charging
* Magnetic, Electromagnetic Detection for Buried Objects, UXO, Landmines
* Magnetically Actuated Medical Robots: An in vivo Perspective
* Magnetization Vector Inversion Based on Amplitude and Gradient Constraints
* Magneto-Optical Tracking of Flexible Laparoscopic Ultrasound: Model-Based Online Detection and Correction of Magnetic Tracking Errors
* Magnetoacoustic Tomography With Magnetic Induction: Bioimepedance Reconstruction Through Vector Source Imaging
* Magnetoencephalography With Optically Pumped4He Magnetometers at Ambient Temperature
* MagnetoHemoDynamics Effect on Electrocardiograms
* Magnetometer Calibration for Portable Navigation Devices in Vehicles Using a Fast and Autonomous Technique
* Magnetometric Surveys for the Non-Invasive Surface and Subsurface Interpretation of Volcanic Structures in Planetary Exploration, a Case Study of Several Volcanoes in the Iberian Peninsula
* Magnetopause Detection under Low Solar Wind Density Based on Deep Learning
* Magnetospheric-Ionospheric-Lithospheric Coupling Model. 1: Observations during the 5 August 2018 Bayan Earthquake
* Magnetostatic Field for the Active Contour Model: A Study in Convergence
* Magnetostimulation Limits in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Magnetotelluric Deep Learning Forward Modeling and Its Application in Inversion
* Magnification in Digital Topology
* Magnification of Label Maps With a Topology-Preserving Level-Set Method
* Magnification Prior: A Self-Supervised Method for Learning Representations on Breast Cancer Histopathological Images
* MagnifierNet: Learning Efficient Small-scale Pedestrian Detector towards Multiple Dense Regions
* Magnifying digital image using edge mapping
* Magnifying multimodal forgery clues for Deepfake detection
* Magnifying Spontaneous Facial Micro Expressions for Improved Recognition
* Magnifying subtle facial motions for 4D Expression Recognition
* Magnifying Subtle Facial Motions for Effective 4D Expression Recognition
* Magnitude- and Shape-Related Feature Integration in Hyperspectral Mixture Analysis to Monitor Weeds in Citrus Orchards
* Magnitude-Only Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Sequences with Finite Regions of Support
* Magnitude-Orientation Stream network and depth information applied to activity recognition
* Magnitude-Phase of Quaternion Wavelet Transform for Texture Representation Using Multilevel Copula
* Magnitude-phase of the dual-tree quaternionic wavelet transform for multispectral satellite image denoising
* Magnitude Accuracy of the Template Edge Detector, The
* Magnitude Agreement, Occurrence Consistency, and Elevation Dependency of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over the Tibetan Plateau
* Magnitude and Angle Combined Optical Flow Feature for Microexpression Spotting, A
* Magnitude and Phase Spectra of Foot Motion for Gait Recognition
* Magnitude of Diurnal/Semidiurnal Atmospheric Tides (S1/S2) and Their Impacts on the Continuous GPS Coordinate Time Series, The
* Magnitude Type Preserving Similarity Measure for Complex Wavelet Based Image Registration
* Mago Approach for Semantic Segmentation: the Case Study of UAVid Benchmark Dataset
* Mago: a New Approach for Orthophotos Production Based On Adaptive Mesh Reconstruction
* MAGSAC: Marginalizing Sample Consensus
* MAGSAC++, a Fast, Reliable and Accurate Robust Estimator
* MAGVA: An Open-Set Fault Diagnosis Model Based on Multi-Hop Attentive Graph Variational Autoencoder for Autonomous Vehicles
* MAGVIT: Masked Generative Video Transformer
* MAGVLT: Masked Generative Vision-and-Language Transformer
* Mahalanobis-based Adaptive Nonlinear Dimension Reduction
* Mahalanobis Based Point to Distribution Metric for Point Cloud Geometry Quality Evaluation
* Mahalanobis Classifier with the Generalized Inverse Approach for Automated Analysis of Imagery Texture Data, The
* Mahalanobis Distance Cross-Correlation for Illumination-Invariant Stereo Matching
* Mahalanobis distance Minimization Mapping: M3
* MAHI: An Airborne Mid-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Industrial Emissions Monitoring
* MAHNOB Laughter database, The
* MAHNOB Mimicry Database: A database of naturalistic human interactions, The
* Mail -- Addresses, Document Analysis, Postal Automation
* Main-Auxiliary Aggregation Strategy for Video Anomaly Detection
* Main-Secondary Network for Defect Segmentation of Textured Surface Images
* Main Directional Maximal Difference Analysis for Spotting Micro-expressions, A
* Main Directional Mean Optical Flow Feature for Spontaneous Micro-Expression Recognition, A
* Main Features of a 3D GIS for A Monumental Complex with An Historical-cultural Relevance
* Main flattening directions and Quadtree decomposition for multi-way Wiener filtering
* Main Portal of the Cathedral of Monreale: First Geometric Analysis And Interpretive Assessment of Architectural Features, The
* main stem concept for image matching, A
* Main subject detection via adaptive feature selection
* Main/Subsidiary Network Framework for Simplifying Binary Neural Networks, A
* MAIN: Multi-Attention Instance Network for video segmentation
* Mainlobe Deceptive Jammer Suppression Based on Quadratic Phase Coding in FDA-MIMO Radar
* Maintaining a Linked Data Cloud and Data Service for Second World War History
* Maintaining accuracy of cellular Yule-Nielsen spectral Neugebauer models for different ink cartridges using principal component analysis
* Maintaining Discrimination and Fairness in Class Incremental Learning
* Maintaining Knowledge About Time Temporal Intervals
* Maintaining momentum in terrestrial laser scanning: A UK case study
* Maintaining multi-modality through mixture tracking
* Maintaining Multiple Motion Model Hypotheses over Many Views to Recover Matching and Structure
* Maintaining Natural Image Statistics with the Contextual Loss
* Maintaining Reasoning Consistency in Compositional Visual Question Answering
* Maintaining Representations of the Environment of a Mobile Robot
* Maintaining Semantic Information across Generic 3D Model Editing Operations
* Maintaining Stereo Calibration by Tracking Image Points
* Maintaining Temporal Coherence in Video Retargeting Using Mosaic-Guided Scaling
* Maintaining the Long-Term Calibration of the Jason-2/OSTM Advanced Microwave Radiometer Through Intersatellite Calibration
* Maintaining the relative positions and orientations of multiple robots using vision
* Maintaining Trajectories of Salient Objects for Robust Visual Tracking
* Maintaining Valid Topology with Active Contours: Theory and Application
* Maintenance of Sharpness in Magnified Digital Images, The
* MAIR: Multi-View Attention Inverse Rendering with 3D Spatially-Varying Lighting Estimation
* Maize Canopy and Leaf Chlorophyll Content Assessment from Leaf Spectral Reflectance: Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis across Growth Stages and Vertical Distribution
* Maize Characteristics Estimation and Classification by Spectral Data under Two Soil Phosphorus Levels
* Maize Ear Height and Ear-Plant Height Ratio Estimation with LiDAR Data and Vertical Leaf Area Profile
* Maize Leaf Area Index Retrieval from Synthetic Quad Pol SAR Time Series Using the Water Cloud Model
* Maize or Corn Crop Analysis, Production, Detection, Health, Change
* Maize Plant Phenotyping: Comparing 3D Laser Scanning, Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction, and 3D Digitizing Estimates
* Maize Yield Estimation in Intercropped Smallholder Fields Using Satellite Data in Southern Malawi
* Maize Yield Prediction at an Early Developmental Stage Using Multispectral Images and Genotype Data for Preliminary Hybrid Selection
* Maize Yield Prediction with Machine Learning, Spectral Variables and Irrigation Management
* Major automatic diabetic retinopathy screening systems and related core algorithms: a review
* Major Cast Detection in Video Using Both Speaker and Face Information
* Major Components of a Complete Text Reading System
* Major Ecosystem Shift in Coastal East African Waters During the 1997/98 Super El Niño as Detected Using Remote Sensing Data, A
* Major Elements Concentrations in Chang'E-3 Landing Site from Active Particle-Induced X-ray Spectrometer
* Major events in multimedia information retrieval
* Major Orientation Estimation-Based Rock Surface Extraction for 3D Rock-Mass Point Clouds
* Major Vision Conferences
* Majorities help minorities: Hierarchical structure guided transfer learning for few-shot fault recognition
* Majority Can Help the Minority: Context-rich Minority Oversampling for Long-tailed Classification, The
* Majority Systems and the Condorcet Jury Theorem
* Majority Vote of Diverse Classifiers for Late Fusion
* Majority voting-based hybrid feature selection in machine learning paradigm for epilepsy detection using EEG
* majority voting scheme for multiresolution recognition of handprinted numerals, A
* Majorization-Minimization Algorithm for Neuroimage Registration, A
* Majorization-Minimization Algorithm for Nonnegative Binary Matrix Factorization, A
* Majorization-minimization algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation of magnetic resonance images
* Majorization-Minimization Algorithms for Wavelet-Based Image Restoration
* Majorization-Minimization Approach to Lq Norm Multiple Kernel Learning, A
* Majorization-minimization mixture model determination in image segmentation
* majorize-minimize approach for high-quality depth upsampling, A
* Majorize-Minimize Framework for Rician and Non-Central Chi MR Images, A
* majorize-minimize memory gradient algorithm applied to X-ray tomography, A
* Majorize-Minimize Strategy for Subspace Optimization Applied to Image Restoration, A
* Majorize-Minimize Subspace Approach for L_2-L_0 Image Regularization, A
* Make-A-Scene: Scene-Based Text-to-Image Generation with Human Priors
* Make-A-Story: Visual Memory Conditioned Consistent Story Generation
* Make-An-Animation: Large-Scale Text-conditional 3D Human Motion Generation
* Make-It-3D: High-Fidelity 3D Creation from A Single Image with Diffusion Prior
* Make a Face: Towards Arbitrary High Fidelity Face Manipulation
* Make Encoder Great Again in 3D GAN Inversion through Geometry and Occlusion-Aware Encoding
* Make It Easier: An Empirical Simplification of a Deep 3D Segmentation Network for Human Body Parts
* Make It Move: Controllable Image-to-Video Generation with Text Descriptions
* Make It Simple: Effective Road Selection for Small-Scale Map Design Using Decision-Tree-Based Models
* Make Landscape Flatter in Differentially Private Federated Learning
* Make my day: High-fidelity color denoising with Near-Infrared
* Make3D
* Make3D: Learning 3D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image
* MakerBot Industries, LLC
* Makeup-Go: Blind Reversion of Portrait Edit
* Makeup-insensitive face recognition by facial depth reconstruction and Gabor filter bank from women's real-world images
* Makeup-Invariant Face Recognition by 3D Face: Modeling and Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform from Women's 2D Real-World Images
* Makeup Analysis, Makeup Changes
* Makeup color reproduction based on spectrum data
* Makeup Invariant Face Recognition using Features from Accelerated Segment Test and Eigen Vectors
* Makeup Removal via Bidirectional Tunable De-Makeup Network
* Makeup Skin Appearance Reproduction by Spectral Projection Mapping
* Makeup Style Transfer on Low-quality Images with Weighted Multi-scale Attention
* Makeup transfer: A review
* MakeUp Tutorial: How To Hide From Cameras
* MakeUpMirror: mirroring make-ups and verifying faces post make-up
* MakeVR: A 3D world-building interface
* Making 2D Face Recognition More Robust Using AAMs for Pose Compensation
* Making 360° Video Watchable in 2D: Learning Videography for Click Free Viewing
* Making a Bird AI Expert Work for You and Me
* Making a Case for Learning Motion Representations with Phase
* Making a Completely Blind Image Quality Analyzer
* Making a long story short: A multi-importance fast-forwarding egocentric videos with the emphasis on relevant objects
* Making a Long Video Short: Dynamic Video Synopsis
* Making A Mobile Robot Learn To Determine Its Location Using Neural Networks
* Making a photomap of the human eye based on the spherical shape of its sclera and the circular contour of its iris
* Making a scene: alignment of complete sets of clips based on pairwise audio match
* Making a Shallow Network Deep: Conversion of a Boosting Classifier into a Decision Tree by Boolean Optimisation
* Making a Shallow Network Deep: Growing a Tree from Decision Regions of a Boosting Classifier
* Making a smarter color camera
* Making Action Recognition Robust to Occlusions and Viewpoint Changes
* Making Affine Correspondences Work in Camera Geometry Computation
* Making an Invisibility Cloak: Real World Adversarial Attacks on Object Detectors
* Making and Breaking of Camouflage, The
* Making any planar surface into a touch-sensitive display by a mere projector and camera
* Making Archetypal Analysis Practical
* Making Background Subtraction Robust to Sudden Illumination Changes
* Making Bertha Cooperate: Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 2016 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Making Bertha See
* Making Better Mistakes: Leveraging Class Hierarchies With Deep Networks
* Making better use of edges via perceptual grouping
* Making Cities Interoperable in Turkey
* Making Cognitive Map of Outdoor Environment
* Making Convolutional Networks Recurrent for Visual Sequence Learning
* Making Corgis Important for Honeycomb Classification: Adversarial Attacks on Concept-based Explainability Tools
* Making Deep Heatmaps Robust to Partial Occlusions for 3D Object Pose Estimation
* Making Deep Neural Network Fooling Practical
* Making Deep Neural Networks Robust to Label Noise: A Loss Correction Approach
* Making DensePose fast and light
* Making depthwise convolution SR-friendly via kernel attention injection
* Making documents work: challenges for document understanding
* Making emotions transparent: Google Glass helps autistic kids understand facial expressions through augmented-reaiity therapy
* Making Every Label Count: Handling Semantic Imprecision by Integrating Domain Knowledge
* Making Few-Shot Object Detection Simpler and Less Frustrating
* Making FLDA applicable to face recognition with one sample per person
* Making full use of spatial-temporal interest points: An AdaBoost approach for action recognition
* Making Good Features to Track Better
* Making handwritten archives documents accessible to public with a generic system of document image analysis
* Making Heads or Tails: Towards Semantically Consistent Visual Counterfactuals
* Making Higher Order MOT Scalable: An Efficient Approximate Solver for Lifted Disjoint Paths
* Making History Matter: History-Advantage Sequence Training for Visual Dialog
* Making history: an emergent system for the systematic accrual of transcriptions of historic manuscripts
* Making Hough Transform More Robust and Precise
* Making impostor pass rates meaningless: A case of snoop-forge-replay attack on continuous cyber-behavioral verification with keystrokes
* Making Joint-Histogram-Based Weighted Median Filter Much Faster
* Making Landsat Time Series Consistent: Evaluating and Improving Landsat Analysis Ready Data
* Making Lifelogging Usable: Design Guidelines for Activity Trackers
* Making Likelihood Ratios Digestible for Cross-Application Performance Assessment
* Making Low-Resolution Satellite Images Reborn: A Deep Learning Approach for Super-Resolution Building Extraction
* Making machine intelligence less scary for criminal analysts: reflections on designing a visual comparative case analysis tool
* Making minimal solvers fast
* Making Minimal Solvers for Absolute Pose Estimation Compact and Robust
* Making Models Shallow Again: Jointly Learning to Reduce Non-Linearity and Depth for Latency-Efficient Private Inference
* Making Music More Accessible for Cochlear Implant Listeners: Recent Developments
* Making of a Joint E-Learning Platform for Remote Sensing Education: Experiences and Lessons Learned, The
* Making one object look like another: Controlling appearance using a projector-camera system
* Making Packet Erasures to Improve Quality of FEC-Protected Video
* Making Patch Based Descriptors More Distinguishable and Robust for Image Copy Retrieval
* Making person search enjoy the merits of person re-identification
* Making Progressive Transmission Adaptive
* Making real games virtual: Tracking board game pieces
* Making Recognisable Faces
* Making Residual Vector Distribution Uniform for Distinctive Image Representation
* Making scanned Arabic documents machine accessible using an ensemble of SVM classifiers
* Making Sense of CNNs: Interpreting Deep Representations and Their Invariances with INNs
* Making Sense of Real-Time Behavior
* Making Sense of Spatio-Temporal Preserving Representations for EEG-Based Human Intention Recognition
* Making Shape from Shading Work for Real-World Images
* Making Smart Cities Resilient to Climate Change by Mitigating Natural Hazard Impacts
* Making Snakes Converge from Minimal Initialization
* Making Space for Interaction: Architects Design Dialogues
* Making Space for Time: Issues in Space-Time Data Representation
* Making specific features less discriminative to improve point-based 3D object recognition
* Making Tactile Textures with Predefined Affective Properties
* Making the dynamic time warping distance warping-invariant
* Making the Geoweb truly participatory: the development of Geolive
* Making the Invisible Visible: Action Recognition Through Walls and Occlusions
* Making the Invisible Visible: Strategies for Visualizing Underground Infrastructures in Immersive Environments
* Making the Invisible Visible: Toward High-Quality Terahertz Tomographic Imaging via Physics-Guided Restoration
* Making the Invisible Visible: Underwater Malta: A Virtual Museum for Submerged Cultural Heritage
* Making the Most of Text Semantics to Improve Biomedical Vision-Language Processing
* Making the most of the self-quotient image in face recognition
* Making the right moves: Guiding alpha-expansion using local primal-dual gaps
* Making the torch lighter: Areinforced active sampling framework for image classification
* Making the V in Text-VQA Matter
* Making the V in VQA Matter: Elevating the Role of Image Understanding in Visual Question Answering
* Making Third Person Techniques Recognize First-Person Actions in Egocentric Videos
* Making Transportation Systems in U.S. Cities Smarter and More Inclusive: A Synthesis of Challenges and Evaluation of Strategies
* Making Trillion Correlations Feasible in Feature Grouping and Selection
* Making Use of 3D Models for Plant Physiognomic Analysis: A Review
* Making use of contradictory behavior information in qualitative reasoning
* Making Vehicles Transparent Through V2V Video Streaming
* Making Video Quality Assessment Models Robust to Bit Depth
* Making Video Quality Assessment Models Sensitive to Frame Rate Distortions
* Making Virtual Archeology Great Again (without Scientific Compromise)
* Making virtual reality more accessible
* Making Vision Transformers Efficient from A Token Sparsification View
* Making Visual Object Categorization More Challenging: Randomized Caltech-101 Data Set
* MAL-Net: Multiscale Attention Link Network for Accurate Eye Center Detection
* Mal2d: 2d Based Deep Learning Model for Malware Detection Using Black and White Binary Image
* Malaria Cell Counting Diagnosis within Large Field of View
* Malaria Detection, Analysis
* Malaria Parasite Detection in Peripheral Blood Images
* Malay lexical simplification model for non-native speaker
* Male-Female Identification from 8x6 Very-Low Resolution Face Images by Neural-Network
* Malicious User Detection in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Based on Spectrum Analysis
* Malignancy characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma using hybrid texture and deep features
* Malignancy detection on mammograms by integrating modified convolutional neural network classifier and texture features
* Malignant Brain Tumor Classification Using the Random Forest Method
* Malignant melanoma dermoscopy image classification method based on multi-modal medical features
* MALip: Modal Amplification Lipreading based on reconstructed audio features
* Malleable 2.5d Convolution: Learning Receptive Fields Along the Depth-axis for RGB-D Scene Parsing
* Mallows' statistics CL: A novel criterion for parametric PSF estimation
* MALN: Multimodal Adversarial Learning Network for Conversational Emotion Recognition
* MaLP: Manipulation Localization Using a Proactive Scheme
* Malvar-He-Cutler Linear Image Demosaicking
* Malware classifier for dynamic deep learning algorithm
* Malware Detection by Exploiting Deep Learning over Binary Programs
* Malware detection by pruning of parallel ensembles using harmony search
* Malware Detection on Mobile Devices Using Distributed Machine Learning
* Malware Detection Using Kernel Constrained Subspace Method
* MAM: A multipath attention mechanism for image recognition
* MAM: Transfer Learning for Fully Automatic Video Annotation and Specialized Detector Creation
* MAMA Net: Multi-Scale Attention Memory Autoencoder Network for Anomaly Detection
* MAMask: Multi-feature aggregation instance segmentation with pyramid attention mechanism
* MAMIQA: No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Multiscale Attention Mechanism With Natural Scene Statistics
* MAML-SR: Self-adaptive super-resolution networks via multi-scale optimized attention-aware meta-learning
* MammalNet: A Large-Scale Video Benchmark for Mammal Recognition and Behavior Understanding
* Mammary Gland Tumor Detection in Cats Using Ant Colony Optimisation
* Mammogram Analysis Using Two-Dimensional Autoregressive Models: Sufficient or Not?
* Mammogram Image Superresolution Based on Statistical Moment Analysis
* Mammogram iterative pompeiu-hausdorff registration algorithm
* Mammogram Mass Classification with Temporal Features and Multiple Kernel Learning
* Mammogram Registration: A Phantom-Based Evaluation of Compressed Breast Thickness Variation Effects
* Mammogram Retrieval by Similarity Learning from Experts
* Mammograms, Breast Cancer, Ultrasound
* Mammograms, Density Issues
* Mammograms, Image Enhancement, Noise Suppression
* Mammograms, MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Mammograms, Three Dimensional Analysis, Registration
* Mammographic Density Estimation and Classification Using Segmentation and Progressive Elimination Method
* Mammographic Image Analysis
* Mammographic Image Segmentation Using a Tissue-mixture Model and Markov Random Fields
* Mammographic mass classification according to Bi-RADS lexicon
* Mammographic mass classification using filter response patches
* Mammographic mass detection based on convolution neural network
* Mammographic mass detection by adaptive thresholding and region growing
* Mammographic Mass Detection by Bilateral Analysis Based on Convolution Neural Network
* Mammographic Mass Detection with Statistical Region Merging
* Mammographic mass recognition using feature reuse and channel attention mechanism
* Mammographic Mass Segmentation Using Fuzzy C-means and Decision Trees
* Mammographic mass segmentation using multichannel and multiscale fully convolutional networks
* Mammographic mass segmentation: Embedding multiple features in vector-valued level set in ambiguous regions
* mammography database and view system for the African American patients, A
* Mammography phantom studies using 3D electrical impedance tomography with numerical forward solver
* Mammography, Microcalcifications, Detection, Analysis
* Mammography, Texture Based Techniques, Wavelets
* Mammography, Thermal, Infrared Analysis
* MAMMOS: MApping Multiple human MOtion with Scene understanding and natural interactions
* MAMo: Leveraging Memory and Attention for Monocular Video Depth Estimation
* MAMOTH: An Earth Observational Data-Driven Model for Mosquitoes Abundance Prediction
* Man-Machine Communication System Based on the Visual Analysis of Dynamic Gestures, A
* Man-Machine Facial Recognition System: Some Preliminary Results, A
* Man-Machine Facial Recognition
* Man-Machine Interaction in Human Face Identification
* Man-made object classification from satellite/aerial imagery using neural networks
* Man-made structure detection in natural images using a causal multiscale random field
* Man-Made Structure Segmentation using Gaussian Processes and Wavelet Features
* Man-Recon: Manifold Learning for Reconstruction With Deep Autoencoder for Smart Seismic Interpretation
* Man Made Object Recognition Based on Visual Perception
* MAN: Mining Ambiguity and Noise for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* MAN: Moment Alignment Network for Natural Language Moment Retrieval via Iterative Graph Adjustment
* Management Documentation: Indicators & Good Practice at Cultural Heritage Places
* Management Method of Multi-Granularity Dimensions for Spatiotemporal Data, A
* Management of 20th Century Hydroelectric Plants As Industrial Heritage
* Management of Environmental Risks in Coastal Areas
* Management of Positioning Functions in Cellular Networks for Time-Sensitive Transportation Applications
* Management of Spatial Information in a Mobile Robot, The
* Management Plans and Web-gis Software Applications As Active And Dynamic Tools to Conserve and Valorize Historic Public Gardens
* Management Processes Reconstruction of Historical Buildings Supported By Smart Technology - a Case Study of Fuzhou City
* Management Recommendation Generation for Areas Under Forest Restoration Process through Images Obtained by UAV and LiDAR
* Management System for an Integrated Database of Pictures and Alphanumeric Data, A
* Management System for Dam-Break Hazard Mapping in a Complex Basin Environment
* Management System for Multi-Dimension Multimedia Data Based on Matrix Division Method and Star Structure
* Management Zone Delineation for Site-Specific Fertilization in Rice Crop Using Multi-Temporal RapidEye Imagery
* Managing Agricultural Water Considering Water Allocation Priority Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Managing Algorithmic Skeleton Nesting Requirements in Realistic Image Processing Applications: The Case of the SKiPPER-II Parallel Programming Environment's Operating Model
* Managing and Searching Distributed Multidimensional Annotations with Large Scale Image Data
* Managing Cultural Heritage With Integrated Services Platform
* Managing Digital Rights for P2P Live Broadcast and Recording on the Internet
* Managing Document Images in a Digital Library: An Ontology Guided Approach
* Managing Electric Vehicles in the Smart Grid Using Artificial Intelligence: A Survey
* Managing Emergency Traffic Evacuation With a Partially Random Destination Allocation Strategy: A Computational-Experiment-Based Optimization Approach
* Managing Flood Hazard in a Complex Cross-Border Region Using Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 Optical Data: A Case Study from Prut River Basin (NE Romania)
* Managing Full Waveform LIDAR Data: A Challenging Task for the Forthcoming Years
* Managing Geological Profiles in Databases for 3D Visualisation
* Managing Geometric Information with a Database Management System
* Managing Imbalanced Data Sets in Multi-label Problems: A Case Study with the SMOTE Algorithm
* Managing Inhomogeneity in the Control Point Network during Staking Out Cadastral Boundaries in Austria
* Managing Large 3D Urban Database Contents Supporting Phototexture and Levels of Detail
* Managing Multimedia: Information In Database Systems
* Managing Particle Spread via Hybrid Particle Filter/Kernel Mean Shift Tracking
* Managing privacy data in pervasive camera networks
* Managing Resolution in Digital Elevation Models Using Image Processing Techniques
* Managing sensor traffic data and forecasting unusual behaviour propagation
* Managing Spatial Graph Dependencies in Large Volumes of Traffic Data for Travel-Time Prediction
* Managing the complexity of match in retrieval by spatial arrangement
* Managing the Level of Detail in 3D Shape Reconstruction and Representation
* Managing Time-Sensitive IoT Applications via Dynamic Application Task Distribution and Adaptation
* Managing Uncertainty in the Detection of Changes from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Managing Wandering Risk in People With Dementia
* Managing within-class target variability in SAR imagery with a target decomposition model
* Managing, Modeling, and Visualizing High-dimensional Spatio-temporal Data in an Integrated System
* Mancs: A Multi-task Attentional Network with Curriculum Sampling for Person Re-Identification
* Mandala Symmetrization through Curvature Map and Geometric Graph*
* Mandarin dictation machine based upon a hierarchical recognition approach and Chinese natural language analysis, A
* Mandarin Emotional Speech Recognition Based on SVM and NN
* Mandarin Language Learning System for Nasal Voice User
* Mandarin spoken document retrieval based on syllable lattice matching
* Mandarin Text-to-Speech Front-End With Lightweight Distilled Convolution Network
* Mandelbrot- and Julia-Like Rendering of Polynomiographs
* Mandible and skull segmentation in cone beam computed tomography using super-voxels and graph clustering
* MANet: a Motion-Driven Attention Network for Detecting the Pulse from a Facial Video with Drastic Motions
* MANet: A Network Architecture for Remote Sensing Spatiotemporal Fusion Based on Multiscale and Attention Mechanisms
* Manet: Improving Video Denoising with a Multi-Alignment Network
* MANET: Mitral Annulus Point Tracking Network in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
* MANet: Multimodal Attention Network based Point-View Fusion for 3D Shape Recognition
* Maneuver-Based Trajectory Planning for Highly Autonomous Vehicles on Real Road With Traffic and Driver Interaction
* Maneuver Prediction for Road Vehicles Based on a Neuro-Fuzzy Architecture With a Low-Cost Navigation Unit
* Maneuvering Aid for Large Vehicle using Omnidirectional Cameras
* Maneuvering Extended Object Tracking with Modified Star-Convex Random Hypersurface Model Based on Minimum Cosine Distance
* Maneuvering Head Motion Tracking by Coarse-to-Fine Particle Filter
* Maneuvering Target Detection Based on Subspace Subaperture Joint Coherent Integration
* Maneuvering Target Tracking in the Case of Wakes
* Maneuvering Target Tracking With Event-Based Mixture Kalman Filter in Mobile Sensor Networks
* Manga face detection based on deep neural networks fusing global and local information
* Manga Text Detection with Manga-specific Data Augmentation and Its Applications on Emotion Analysis
* Manga Vocabulometer, A New Support System for Extensive Reading with Japanese Manga Translated into English
* Mangan: Assisting Colorization Of Manga Characters Concept Art Using Conditional GAN
* Mango Yield Mapping at the Orchard Scale Based on Tree Structure and Land Cover Assessed by UAV
* MANGO: Mobile Augmented Reality with Functional Eating Guidance and Food Awareness
* Mangrove Analysis, Swamps, Coasts, Trees
* Mangrove and Saltmarsh Distribution Mapping and Land Cover Change Assessment for South-Eastern Australia from 1991 to 2015
* Mangrove Biodiversity Assessment Using UAV Lidar and Hyperspectral Data in China's Pinglu Canal Estuary
* Mangrove canopy height globally related to precipitation, temperature and cyclone frequency
* Mangrove Ecosystem Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Images and Random Forest Algorithm in Google Earth Engine
* Mangrove Forest Cover and Phenology with Landsat Dense Time Series in Central Queensland, Australia
* Mangrove Forest Cover Change in the Conterminous United States from 1980-2020
* Mangrove Forest Cover Extraction Of The Coastal Areas Of Negros Occidental, Western Visayas, Philippines Using Lidar Data
* mangrove forest map of China in 2015: Analysis of time series Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-1A imagery in Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform, A
* Mangrove Forests Change and Impacts from Tropical Cyclones in the Philippines Using Time Series Satellite Imagery, The
* Mangrove Phenology and Environmental Drivers Derived from Remote Sensing in Southern Thailand
* Mangrove Phenology and Water Influences Measured with Digital Repeat Photography
* Mangrove Plantation Forest Assessment Using Structural Attributes Derived From Light Detection And Ranging (lidar) Data
* Mangrove Species Identification: Comparing WorldView-2 with Aerial Photographs
* Mangroves at Their Limits: Detection and Area Estimation of Mangroves along the Sahara Desert Coast
* Mangroves of the Zambezi Delta: Increase in Extent Observed via Satellite from 1994 to 2013, The
* Manhattan-Pyramid Distance: A solution to an anomaly in pyramid matching by minimization
* Manhattan-world stereo
* Manhattan-World Urban Reconstruction from Point Clouds
* Manhattan Distance-Based Adaptive 3D Transform-Domain Collaborative Filtering for Laser Speckle Imaging of Blood Flow
* Manhattan Frame Model: Manhattan World Inference in the Space of Surface Normals, The
* Manhattan Junction Catalogue for Spatial Reasoning of Indoor Scenes
* Manhattan Room Layout Reconstruction from a Single 360° Image: A Comparative Study of State-of-the-Art Methods
* Manhattan scene understanding using monocular, stereo, and 3D features
* Manhattan Scene Understanding via XSlit Imaging
* Manhattan World: Compass Direction from a Single Image by Bayesian Inference
* Manhole Cover Detection on Rasterized Mobile Mapping Point Cloud Data Using Transfer Learned Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
* Manhole Cover Detection Using Vehicle-based Multi-sensor Data
* Manhole Cover Localization in Aerial Images with A Deep Learning Approach
* MANIAC: A Next Generation Neurally Based Autonomous Road Follower
* ManiFest: Manifold Deformation for Few-Shot Image Translation
* Manifestation of an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model on Fire Potential Zonation Mapping in Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Nepal
* Manifestation of Gas Seepage from Bottom Sediments on the Sea Surface: Theoretical Model and Experimental Observations
* Manifestation of Internal Waves in the Structure of an Artificial Slick Band
* Manifestation of Spiral Structures under the Action of Upper Ocean Currents
* Manifold-based constraint Laplacian score for multi-label feature selection
* Manifold-based constraints for operations in face space
* Manifold-based fingerprinting for target identification
* Manifold-Based Multi-Deep Belief Network for Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Image
* Manifold-Based Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Manifold-Based Visual Object Counting
* Manifold-constrained coding and sparse representation for human action recognition
* Manifold-Contrastive Broad Learning System for Wheelset Bearing Fault Diagnosis
* Manifold-enhanced Segmentation through Random Walks on Linear Subspace Priors
* Manifold-Learning-Based Feature Extraction for Classification of Hyperspectral Data: A Review of Advances in Manifold Learning
* Manifold-Manifold Distance and its Application to Face Recognition With Image Sets
* Manifold-Manifold Distance with application to face recognition based on image set
* Manifold-Ranking-Based Keyword Propagation for Image Retrieval
* Manifold-ranking based retrieval using k-regular nearest neighbor graph
* Manifold-ranking embedded order preserving hashing for image semantic retrieval
* Manifold-Regularized Selectable Factor Extraction for Semi-supervised Image Classification
* Manifold-respecting discriminant nonnegative matrix factorization
* Manifold Adaptive Label Propagation for Face Clustering
* Manifold Adversarial Learning for Cross-Domain 3D Shape Representation
* Manifold Alignment and Transfer Learning for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
* Manifold Alignment Approach for Hyperspectral Image Visualization With Natural Color, A
* Manifold alignment based color transfer for multiview image stitching
* Manifold Alignment for Person Independent Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
* Manifold Alignment for Semantically Aligned Style Transfer
* Manifold alignment using curvature information
* Manifold Alignment via Corresponding Projections
* Manifold Based Analysis of Facial Expression
* Manifold Based Dynamic Texture Synthesis from Extremely Few Samples
* Manifold Based Face Synthesis from Sparse Samples
* manifold based methodology for color constancy, A
* Manifold based sparse representation for facial understanding in natural images
* Manifold based Sparse Representation for robust expression recognition without neutral subtraction
* Manifold blurring mean shift algorithms for manifold denoising
* Manifold caricatures: on the psychological consistency of computer face recognition
* Manifold Clustering
* Manifold Constrained Low-Rank Decomposition
* Manifold constraint transfer for visual structure-driven optimization
* Manifold convex hull (MACH): Satisfying a need for SPD
* Manifold denoising with Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
* Manifold Discriminant Analysis
* Manifold Embedding and Semantic Segmentation for Intraoperative Guidance With Hyperspectral Brain Imaging
* Manifold Enhanced 2-D Fuzzy Subspace Clustering for Image Data
* Manifold Estimation in View-Based Feature Space for Face Synthesis across Poses
* Manifold Geometry with Fast Automatic Derivatives and Coordinate Frame Semantics Checking in C++
* Manifold guided composite of Markov random fields for image modeling
* Manifold Guided Label Transfer for Deep Domain Adaptation
* Manifold Hypothesis for Gradient-Based Explanations, The
* Manifold Interpolation for an Efficient Hand Shape Recognition in the Irish Sign Language
* Manifold Kernel Metric Learning for Larger-Scale Image Annotation
* Manifold Kernel Sparse Representation of Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices and Its Applications
* Manifold Learning-based Frequency Estimation for extracting ENF signal from digital video
* Manifold learning-based phoneme recognition
* Manifold Learning and the Quantum Jensen-Shannon Divergence Kernel
* Manifold Learning based Video Prediction approach for Deep Motion Transfer, A
* Manifold Learning Benefits GANs
* Manifold learning by preserving distance orders
* Manifold Learning Co-Location Decision Tree for Remotely Sensed Imagery Classification
* Manifold learning for 4D CT reconstruction of the lung
* Manifold Learning for Density Segmentation in High Risk Mammograms
* Manifold Learning for Gender Classification from Face Sequences
* Manifold Learning for Multi-modal Image Registration
* Manifold Learning for Object Tracking with Multiple Motion Dynamics
* Manifold Learning for Object Tracking With Multiple Nonlinear Models
* Manifold learning for simultaneous pose and facial expression recognition
* Manifold Learning for Tof-based Human Body Tracking and Activity Recognition
* Manifold learning for user profiling and identity verification using motion sensors
* Manifold Learning in Quotient Spaces
* Manifold Learning of Overcomplete Feature Spaces in a Multimodal Biometric Recognition System of Iris and Palmprint
* Manifold Learning Techniques in Image Analysis of High-dimensional Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Images
* Manifold learning using robust Graph Laplacian for interactive image search
* Manifold Learning via Linear Tangent Space Alignment (LTSA) for Accelerated Dynamic MRI With Sparse Sampling
* Manifold learning with structured subspace for multi-label feature selection
* Manifold Learning, From Euclid to Riemann
* Manifold matching using shortest-path distance and joint neighborhood selection
* Manifold Matching via Deep Metric Learning for Generative Modeling
* Manifold Matching with Application to Instance Search Based on Video Queries
* Manifold Modeling and Its Application to Tubular Scene Manifold Mosaicing Algorithm
* Manifold Modeling with Learned Distance in Random Projection Space for Face Recognition
* Manifold models for signals and images
* Manifold Neural Network With Non-Gradient Optimization
* Manifold of facial expression
* Manifold optimisation for motion factorisation
* Manifold Optimization for Joint Design of MIMO-STAP Radars
* Manifold Projection for Adversarial Defense on Face Recognition
* Manifold pursuit: a new approach to appearance based recognition
* Manifold Regression Framework for Characterizing Source Zone Architecture
* Manifold Regularized Discriminative Nonnegative Matrix Factorization With Fast Gradient Descent
* Manifold Regularized Dynamic Network Pruning
* Manifold Regularized Experimental Design for Active Learning
* Manifold Regularized Gaussian Mixture Model for Semi-supervised Clustering
* Manifold Regularized Joint Transfer for Open Set Domain Adaptation
* Manifold Regularized Local Sparse Representation for Face Recognition
* Manifold regularized matrix completion for multilabel classification
* Manifold Regularized Multi-view Subspace Clustering for image representation
* Manifold Regularized Multitask Learning for Semi-Supervised Multilabel Image Classification
* Manifold regularized semi-supervised Gaussian mixture model
* Manifold Regularized Sparse NMF for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Manifold Regularized Transfer Distance Metric Learning
* Manifold Sensitivity Analysis of Frequency Diverse Array
* Manifold Shape: from Differential Geometry to Mathematical Morphology
* Manifold Siamese Network: A Novel Visual Tracking ConvNet for Autonomous Vehicles
* Manifold SLIC: A Fast Method to Compute Content-Sensitive Superpixels
* Manifold Statistics for Essential Matrices
* Manifold surface reconstruction of an environment from sparse Structure-from-Motion data
* Manifold T-Spline
* Manifold topological multi-resolution analysis method
* Manifold Transfer Learning via Discriminant Regression Analysis
* Manifold Valued Statistics, Exact Principal Geodesic Analysis and the Effect of Linear Approximations
* manifold ways of perception, The
* Manifoldization of beta-Shapes by Topology Operators
* ManifoldNet: A Deep Neural Network for Manifold-Valued Data With Applications
* ManiGAN: Text-Guided Image Manipulation
* Manipal-UAV person detection dataset: A step towards benchmarking dataset and algorithms for small object detection
* Manipulable Vision-Based 3D Input Device for Space Curves, A
* Manipulate by Seeing: Creating Manipulation Controllers from Pre-Trained Representations
* Manipulated Face Detection and Localization Based on Semantic Segmentation
* ManipulaTHOR: A Framework for Visual Object Manipulation
* Manipulating Data Structures in Pictorial Information Systems
* Manipulating Image Style Transformation via Latent-Space SVM
* Manipulating Surfaces Differentially
* Manipulating Template Pixels for Model Adaptation of Siamese Visual Tracking
* Manipulating the Experience of Reality for Rehabilitation Applications
* Manipulating Transfer Learning for Property Inference
* Manipulating Ultra-High Definition Video Traffic
* Manipulating virtual objects in hand-held augmented reality using stored snapshots
* Manipulation-Skill Assessment from Videos with Spatial Attention Network
* Manipulation and Presentation of Multidimensional Image Data Using the Peano Scan
* Manipulation Detection in Satellite Images Using Deep Belief Networks
* Manipulation Detection in Satellite Images Using Vision Transformer
* Manipulation of Multivalued Images in Image Algebra
* Manipulation of Pose Distributions
* Manipulation of run-length encoded images
* Manipulation Pattern Discovery: A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach
* Manipulation techniques of 3D objects represented as multi-viewpoint images in a 3D scene
* Manipulation, Adversarial and Presentation Attacks in Biometrics
* Manipulative Hand Gesture Recognition Using Task Knowledge for Human Computer Interaction
* MANIQA: Multi-dimension Attention Network for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Manitest: Are classifiers really invariant?
* ManiTrans: Entity-Level Text-Guided Image Manipulation via Token-wise Semantic Alignment and Generation
* MannequinChallenge: Learning the Depths of Moving People by Watching Frozen People
* Manoeuvre prediction and planning for automated and connected vehicles based on interaction and gaming awareness under uncertainty
* MANOVA of Major Factors of RIU-LBP Feature for Face Recognition, A
* mantis head camera (why the praying mantis is so good at catching its prey), The
* ManTra-Net: Manipulation Tracing Network for Detection and Localization of Image Forgeries With Anomalous Features
* MANTRA: Memory Augmented Networks for Multiple Trajectory Prediction
* MANTRA: Minimum Maximum Latent Structural SVM for Image Classification and Ranking
* Manual-Based Improvement Method for the ASTER Global Water Body Data Base
* Manual-Label Free 3D Detection via An Open-Source Simulator
* Manual Annotations on Depth Maps for Human Pose Estimation
* Manual for Monitoring Wild Boars (Sus scrofa) Using Thermal Infrared Cameras Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), A
* Manual of Photogrammetry
* Manufactured object sub-segmentation based on reflection motion estimation
* Manufacturing Feature Determination and Extraction I: Optimal Volume Segmentation
* Manufacturing feature recognition toward integration with process planning
* Manuscript Bleed-through Removal via Hysteresis Thresholding
* Manuscript Maps as Sources for Cultural History and the History of Climatology
* Many-Lights Real Time Global Illumination Using Sparse Voxel Octree
* Many-Objective Ensemble-Based Multilabel Classification
* Many-Objective Optimization Based Intrusion Detection for in-Vehicle Network Security
* Many-Objective RadarCom Signal Design via NSGA-II Genetic Algorithm Implementation and Simulation Analysis
* Many-shot from Low-shot: Learning to Annotate Using Mixed Supervision for Object Detection
* Many-Task Federated Learning: A New Problem Setting and A Simple Baseline
* Many-to-Many Feature Matching in Object Recognition
* Many-to-many feature matching in object recognition: a review of three approaches
* Many-to-Many Feature Matching Using Spherical Coding of Directed Graphs
* Many-to-many graph matching via metric embedding
* Many-to-many Matching of Attributed Trees Using Association Graphs and Game Dynamics
* Many-to-Many Matching of Scale-Space Feature Hierarchies Using Metric Embedding
* Many-to-Many Matching under the L1 Norm
* Many-to-many Metrics: A New Approach to Evaluate the Performance of Structural Damage Detection Networks
* Many-to-many Splatting for Efficient Video Frame Interpolation
* Many-to-Many Superpixel Matching for Robust Tracking
* Many-to-one contour matching for describing and discriminating object shape
* Many Faces of Anger: A Multicultural Video Dataset of Negative Emotions in the Wild (MFA-Wild), The
* Many Faces of Robustness: A Critical Analysis of Out-of-Distribution Generalization, The
* Many Hands Make Light Work: Transferring Knowledge from Auxiliary Tasks for Video-Text Retrieval
* Many Shades of Negativity, The
* Many Task Learning With Task Routing
* Mao-Gilles Stabilization Algorithm
* Map-Aided Indoor Positioning Algorithm with Complex Deployed BLE Beacons
* Map-Aided Integrity Monitoring of a Land Vehicle Navigation System
* Map-Aided Locally Linear Embedding methods for image prediction
* Map-Aided Structural-Analysis of Aerial Images
* Map-Assisted 3D Indoor Localization Using Crowd-Sensing-Based Trajectory Data and Error Ellipse-Enhanced Fusion
* Map-based Active Leader-Follower Surveillance System
* MAP-Based Algorithm for Destriping and Inpainting of Remotely Sensed Images, A
* MAP-Based Approach for Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution, A
* Map-based Approach to Extracting Object Information from Aerial Images, A
* MAP-Based Image Interpolation Method via Viterbi Decoding of Markov Chains of Interpolation Functions, A
* MAP-based image tag recommendation using a visual folksonomy
* Map-Based Localization: The Drop-Off Problem
* Map-Based Microscope Positioning
* MAP-Based Motion Refinement Algorithm for Block-Based Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation
* Map-Based Navigation for a Mobile Robot with Omnidirectional Image Sensor COPIS
* MAP-Based Object Extraction from Uncalibrated Image Pair
* MAP-Based Online Data Association for Multiple People Tracking in Crowded Scenes
* MAP-Based probabilistic reasoning to vehicle segmentation
* Map-Based Probabilistic Visual Self-Localization
* Map-Based Recommendation System and House Price Prediction Model for Real Estate, A
* Map-Based Semantic Modeling for the Extraction of Objects from Aerial Images
* MAP-Based Stochastic Diffusion for Stereo Matching and Line Fields Estimation
* Map-Based Temporally Consistent Geolocalization through Learning Motion Trajectories
* Map-Building and Map-Based Localization in an Underground-Mine by Statistical Pattern Matching
* Map-Enhanced Detection and Tracking from a Moving Platform with Local and Global Data Association
* Map-Enhanced UAV Image Sequence Registration and Synchronization of Multiple Image Sequences
* Map-Enhanced UAV Image Sequence Registration
* MAP-Estimation Framework for Blind Deblurring Using High-Level Edge Priors, A
* Map-Free Visual Relocalization: Metric Pose Relative to a Single Image
* MAP-Gen: An Automated 3D-Box Annotation Flow with Multimodal Attention Point Generator
* Map-Guided Curriculum Domain Adaptation and Uncertainty-Aware Evaluation for Semantic Nighttime Image Segmentation
* Map-Guided Feature Extraction from Aerial Imagery
* Map-Guided Interpretation of Remotely-Sensed Data
* Map-Guided Interpretation of Remotely-Sensed Imagery
* Map-Image Matching Using A Multilayer Perceptron: The Case of the Road Network
* MAP-Inference for Highly-Connected Graphs with DC-Programming
* MAP-Inference on Large Scale Higher-Order Discrete Graphical Models by Fusion Moves
* Map-Informed Unrolled Algorithms for Hyper-Parameter Estimation
* MAP-Inspired Deep Unfolding Network for Distributed Compressive Video Sensing
* Map-matching algorithm applied to bicycle global positioning system traces in Bologna
* Map-Matching Error Identification in the Absence of Ground Truth
* MAP-MRF approach for binarization of degraded document image
* MAP-MRF Approach to Landsat ETM+ SLC-Off Image Classification
* MAP-MRF based lip segmentation without true segment number
* MAP-MRF Estimation Based Weather Radar Visualization
* MAP-MRF inference based on extended junction tree representation
* Map-MRF Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction using Maximum Pseudo-Likelihood parameter estimation
* MAP-Net: Multiple Attending Path Neural Network for Building Footprint Extraction From Remote Sensed Imagery
* Map aided SLAM in neighbourhood environments
* MAP algorithm for AVO seismic inversion based on the mixed (L2, non-L2) norms to separate primary and multiple signals in slowness space, A
* Map Analysis, Analysis of Map data, Map Processing
* MAP and regularized constrained total least-squares image restoration
* MAP Approach for Joint Motion Estimation, Segmentation, and Super Resolution, A
* Map Archive Mining: Visual-Analytical Approaches to Explore Large Historical Map Collections
* Map Based Building Reconstruction from Laser Data and Images
* MAP based resolution enhancement of video sequences using a haber-markov random field image prior model
* Map Building for a Mobile Robot from Sensory Data
* Map Building from Human-Computer Interactions
* Map construction algorithms: a local evaluation through hiking data
* Map Data Processing in Geographic Information Systems
* Map Data Processing
* Map Data Processing: Recognition of Lines and Symbols
* MAP Decoding of Gray-Level Images over Binary Channels with Memory
* Map Design and Usability of a Simplified Topographic 2D Map on the Smartphone in Landscape and Portrait Orientations
* MAP Disparity Estimation Using Hidden Markov Trees
* map estimation algorithm for Bayesian polynomial regression on riemannian manifolds, A
* MAP Estimation for Hyperspectral Image Resolution Enhancement Using an Auxiliary Sensor
* MAP Estimation for Multiresolution Fusion in Remotely Sensed Images Using an IGMRF Prior Model
* MAP estimation framework for HDR video synthesis, A
* MAP estimation of a class of morphologically constrained Gibbs random fields
* MAP Estimation of Epipolar Geometry by EM Algorithm and Local Diffusion
* MAP Estimation of Finite Gray-Scale Digital Images Corrupted by Supremum/Infimum Noise
* Map estimation of multiple description encoded video transmitted over noisy channels
* MAP Estimation of Piecewise Constant Digital Signals
* MAP Estimation via Agreement on (Hyper)Trees: Message-Passing and Linear-Programming Approaches
* MAP Framework for Efficient Skip/Code Mode Decision in H.264, A
* MAP Framework for Tag Line Detection in SPAMM Data Using Markov Random Fields on the B-Spline Solid, A
* MAP fusion method for superresolution of images with locally varying pixel quality
* Map Generalization for the Future: Editorial Comments on the Special Issue
* Map Generation for Retro Gaming Engines
* Map Guided Classification of Regional Land Cover with Multitemporal AVHRR Data
* map IIR filter for 3D ultrasound, A
* MAP Image Labeling Using Wasserstein Messages and Geometric Assignment
* MAP Image Restoration and Segmentation by Constrained Optimization
* MAP Inference via Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe Algorithm
* MAP Inference Via L_2-Sphere Linear Program Reformulation
* Map Is a Living Structure with the Recurring Notion of Far More Smalls than Larges, A
* MAP Learning and Clustering in Autonomous Systems
* Map Mash-up Application: Investigation The Temporal Effects Of Climate Change On Salt Lake Basin, A
* Map Matching and Lane Detection Based on Markovian Behavior, GIS, and IMU Data
* Map matching for intelligent speed adaptation
* Map Matching for Sparse Automatic Vehicle Identification Data
* Map Matching for Urban High-Sampling-Frequency GPS Trajectories
* Map matching with Hidden Markov Model on sampled road network
* Map Metadata: the Basis of the Retrieval System of Digital Collections
* MAP Model for Large-scale 3D Reconstruction and Coarse Matching for Unordered Wide-baseline Photos
* MAP Model Matching
* Map of Land Cover Agreement: Ensambling Existing Datasets for Large-Scale Training Data Provision
* Map of Nasca Geoglyphs
* MAP Particle Selection in Shape-Based Object Tracking
* Map Portal as a Tool to Share Information on Cultural Heritage Illustrated by the National Heritage Board Geoportal
* Map Registration of Image Sequences Using Linear Features
* MAP regularized image reconstruction with multisensors
* MAP Representations and Coding-Based Priors for Segmentation
* MAP Segmentation of Color Images Using Constraint Satisfaction Neural Network
* MAP Signal Estimation in Noisy Sequences of Morphologically Smooth Images
* MAP Signal Reconstruction with Non Regular Grids
* Map Spectrum-Based Spatiotemporal Clustering Method for GDP Variation Pattern Analysis Using Nighttime Light Images of the Wuhan Urban Agglomeration, A
* Map Structure Recognition and Automatic Map Data Acquisition
* Map Tile Data Access Model Based on the Jump Consistent Hash Algorithm, A
* MAP Visibility Estimation for Large-Scale Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
* MAP ZDF segmentation and tracking using active stereo vision: Hand tracking case study
* MAP: Microblogging Assisted Profiling of TV Shows
* MAP: Multi-Angled Parallelism for Feature Extraction from Topographical Map
* MAP: Multimodal Uncertainty-Aware Vision-Language Pre-training Model
* MAP: Towards Balanced Generalization of IID and OOD through Model-Agnostic Adapters
* map3d: Interactive scientific visualization tool for bioengineering data
* Map3D: Registration-Based Multi-Object Tracking on 3D Serial Whole Slide Images
* MAPACo-Training: A Novel Online Learning Algorithm of Behavior Models
* MapCleaner: Efficiently Removing Moving Objects from Point Cloud Maps in Autonomous Driving Scenarios
* MAPConNet: Self-supervised 3D Pose Transfer with Mesh and Point Contrastive Learning
* MapFormer: Boosting Change Detection by Using Pre-change Information
* Mapheads and roadgeeks: the new cartography
* Mapillary Planet-Scale Depth Dataset
* Mapillary Street-Level Sequences: A Dataset for Lifelong Place Recognition
* Mapillary Traffic Sign Dataset for Detection and Classification on a Global Scale, The
* Mapillary Vistas Dataset for Semantic Understanding of Street Scenes, The
* mapkite: A New Paradigm For Simultaneous Aerial And Terrestrial Geodata Acquisition And Mapping
* MAPLE-Edge: A Runtime Latency Predictor for Edge Devices
* MAPLE: Microprocessor A Priori for Latency Estimation
* MaPLe: Multi-modal Prompt Learning
* Mapless Online Detection of Dynamic Objects in 3D Lidar
* MapMart, Global Mapping Solutions
* MapNet: An Allocentric Spatial Memory for Mapping Environments
* MAPNet: Multi-modal attentive pooling network for RGB-D indoor scene classification
* MAPoseNet: Animal pose estimation network via multi-scale convolutional attention
* Mapping-Adaptive Convolution: A Fundamental Theory for Homography or Perspective Invariant Matching Methods, The
* Mapping-Based Image Diffusion
* Mapping 10-m Resolution Rural Settlements Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Datasets with the Google Earth Engine Platform
* Mapping 20 Years of Urban Expansion in 45 Urban Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa
* Mapping 2000-2010 Impervious Surface Change in India Using Global Land Survey Landsat Data
* Mapping 2D input to 3D immersive spatial augmented reality
* Mapping 30 m Fractional Forest Cover over China's Three-North Region from Landsat-8 Data Using Ensemble Machine Learning Methods
* Mapping a Cloud-Free Rice Growth Stages Using the Integration of PROBA-V and Sentinel-1 and Its Temporal Correlation with Sub-District Statistics
* Mapping a European Spruce Bark Beetle Outbreak Using Sentinel-2 Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping a Knowledge-Based Malaria Hazard Index Related to Landscape Using Remote Sensing: Application to the Cross-Border Area between French Guiana and Brazil
* Mapping a lifelike 2.5 D human face via an automatic approach
* Mapping a Paddy Rice Area in a Cloudy and Rainy Region Using Spatiotemporal Data Fusion and a Phenology-Based Algorithm
* Mapping Above-Ground Biomass by Integrating Optical and SAR Imagery: A Case Study of Xixi National Wetland Park, China
* Mapping Above-Ground Biomass in a Tropical Forest in Cambodia Using Canopy Textures Derived from Google Earth
* Mapping Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Oilseed Rape Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Data at Parcel Scale under Waterlogging Conditions
* Mapping Aboveground Biomass in Northern Japanese Forests Using the ALOS PRISM Digital Surface Model
* Mapping Aboveground Biomass using Texture Indices from Aerial Photos in a Temperate Forest of Northeastern China
* Mapping Aboveground Carbon in Oil Palm Plantations Using LiDAR: A Comparison of Tree-Centric versus Area-Based Approaches
* Mapping Aboveground Woody Biomass on Abandoned Agricultural Land Based on Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Mapping African wetlands for 2020 using multiple spectral, geo-ecological features and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Agricultural Intensification in the Brazilian Savanna: A Machine Learning Approach Using Harmonized Data from Landsat Sentinel-2
* Mapping Agricultural Landuse Patterns from Time Series of Landsat 8 Using Random Forest Based Hierarchial Approach
* Mapping Air Quality with A Mobile Crowdsourced Air Quality Monitoring System (C-AQM)
* Mapping Algal Blooms in Aquatic Ecosystems Using Long-Term Landsat Data: A Case Study of Yuqiao Reservoir from 1984-2022
* Mapping algorithms in ISPAHAN
* Mapping Algorithms on to Platforms: An Approach to Algorithm and Hardware Co-Design
* Mapping Alkaline Fens, Transition Mires and Quaking Bogs Using Airborne Hyperspectral and Laser Scanning Data
* Mapping Allochemical Limestone Formations in Hazara, Pakistan Using Google Cloud Architecture: Application of Machine-Learning Algorithms on Multispectral Data
* Mapping Alpine Vegetation Location Properties By Dense Matching
* Mapping Alteration Mineralogy in Eastern Tsogttsetsii, Mongolia, Based on the WorldView-3 and Field Shortwave-Infrared Spectroscopy Analyses
* Mapping Alteration Minerals Using ZY-1 02D Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data in Coalbed Methane Enrichment Areas
* Mapping Amazon Forest Productivity by Fusing GEDI Lidar Waveforms with an Individual-Based Forest Model
* Mapping an Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora by Combining an Ensemble One-Class Classification Algorithm with a Phenological NDVI Time-Series Analysis Approach in Middle Coast of Jiangsu, China
* Mapping an Urban Boundary Based on Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 and POI Data: A Case Study of Zhengzhou City
* Mapping and Analyzing Stream Network Changes in Watonwan River Watershed, Minnesota, USA
* Mapping and Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Patterns and Drivers of Multiple Ecosystem Services: A Case Study in the Yangtze and Yellow River Basins
* Mapping and Assessing the Dynamics of Shifting Agricultural Landscapes Using Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing, a Case Study in Mozambique
* Mapping and Assessment of PM10 and O3 Removal by Woody Vegetation at Urban and Regional Level
* Mapping and Assessment of Tree Roots Using Ground Penetrating Radar with Low-Cost GPS
* Mapping and Attributing Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Trends for Nepal
* Mapping and Characterization of Hydrological Dynamics in a Coastal Marsh Using High Temporal Resolution Sentinel-1A Images
* Mapping and Characterization of Phenological Changes over Various Farming Systems in an Arid and Semi-Arid Region Using Multitemporal Moderate Spatial Resolution Data
* Mapping and Characterizing Displacements of Landslides with InSAR and Airborne LiDAR Technologies: A Case Study of Danba County, Southwest China
* Mapping and Characterizing Thermal Dilation of Civil Infrastructures with Multi-Temporal X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
* Mapping and Classification of Ecologically Sensitive Marine Habitats Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA)
* Mapping and Damage Assessment of Royal Burial Mounds in the Siberian Valley of the Kings
* Mapping and Estimating Aboveground Biomass in an Alpine Treeline Ecotone under Model-Based Inference
* Mapping and Evaluating Human Pressure Changes in the Qilian Mountains
* Mapping and Evaluation of NDVI Trends from Synthetic Time Series Obtained by Blending Landsat and MODIS Data around a Coalfield on the Loess Plateau
* Mapping and Exploration of Complex Environments Using Persistent 3D Model
* Mapping and Forecasting Onsets of Harmful Algal Blooms Using MODIS Data over Coastal Waters Surrounding Charlotte County, Florida
* Mapping and Influencing the Mechanism of CO2 Emissions from Building Operations Integrated Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* mapping and localization framework for scalable appearance-based navigation, A
* Mapping and localization from planar markers
* Mapping and manipulating facial dynamics
* Mapping and Map Updating with ALOS Data: The Indonesian Experience
* Mapping and Modelling Spatial Variation in Soil Salinity in the Al Hassa Oasis Based on Remote Sensing Indicators and Regression Techniques
* Mapping and Monitoring Fractional Woody Vegetation Cover in the Arid Savannas of Namibia Using LiDAR Training Data, Machine Learning, and ALOS PALSAR Data
* Mapping and Monitoring of Biomass and Grazing in Pasture with an Unmanned Aerial System
* Mapping and Monitoring of Land Cover/Land Use (LCLU) Changes in the Crozon Peninsula (Brittany, France) from 2007 to 2018 by Machine Learning Algorithms (Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Convolutional Neural Network) and by Post-classification Comparison (PCC)
* Mapping and Monitoring of the Invasive Species Dichrostachys cinerea (Marabú) in Central Cuba Using Landsat Imagery and Machine Learning (1994-2022)
* Mapping and Monitoring Rice Agriculture with Multisensor Temporal Mixture Models
* Mapping and Monitoring Small-Scale Mining Activities in Ghana using Sentinel-1 Time Series (2015-2019)
* Mapping and Monitoring the Multi-Decadal Dynamics of Australia's Open Waterbodies Using Landsat
* Mapping and Monitoring Urban Environment through Sentinel-1 SAR Data: A Case Study in the Veneto Region (Italy)
* Mapping and Pre- and Post-Failure Analyses of the April 2019 Kantutani Landslide in La Paz, Bolivia, Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Mapping and Predicting Land Cover Changes of Small and Medium Size Cities in Alabama Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Mapping and Quantification of the Dwarf Eelgrass Zostera noltei Using a Random Forest Algorithm on a SPOT 7 Satellite Image
* Mapping and Quantifying the Human-Environment Interactions in Middle Egypt Using Machine Learning and Satellite Data Fusion Techniques
* Mapping and re-localization for mobile augmented reality
* Mapping and Semantic Modeling of Underground Parking Lots Using a Backpack LiDAR System
* Mapping and Spatial Variation of Seagrasses in Xincun, Hainan Province, China, Based on Satellite Images
* Mapping annual center-pivot irrigated cropland in Brazil during the 1985-2021 period with cloud platforms and deep learning
* Mapping Annual Forest Change Due to Afforestation in Guangdong Province of China Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping Annual Forest Cover in Sub-Humid and Semi-Arid Regions through Analysis of Landsat and PALSAR Imagery
* Mapping Annual Land Disturbance and Reclamation in a Surface Coal Mining Region Using Google Earth Engine and the LandTrendr Algorithm: A Case Study of the Shengli Coalfield in Inner Mongolia, China
* Mapping Annual Precipitation across Mainland China in the Period 2001-2010 from TRMM3B43 Product Using Spatial Downscaling Approach
* Mapping Annual Riparian Water Use Based on the Single-Satellite-Scene Approach
* Mapping Appearance Descriptors on 3D Body Models for People Re-identification
* Mapping Aquaculture Areas with Multi-Source Spectral and Texture Features: A Case Study in the Pearl River Basin (Guangdong), China
* Mapping Aquaculture Ponds for the Coastal Zone of Asia with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in a Large, Shallow Eutrophic Lake: A Frequency-Based Approach Using Multiple Years of MODIS Data
* Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in a Tropical Wetland Using High Spatial Resolution Multispectral Satellite Imagery
* Mapping Aquifer Recharge Potential Zones (ARPZ) Using Integrated Geospatial and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in an Arid Region of Saudi Arabia
* Mapping Aquifer Storage Properties Using S-Wave Velocity and InSAR-Derived Surface Displacement in the Kumamoto Area, Southwest Japan
* Mapping Arable Land and Permanent Agriculture Extent and Change in Southern Greece Using the European Union LUCAS Survey and a 35-Year Landsat Time Series Analysis
* Mapping Arctic Bottomfast Sea Ice Using SAR Interferometry
* Mapping Arctic Lake Ice Backscatter Anomalies Using Sentinel-1 Time Series on Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Arctic Plant Functional Type Distributions in the Barrow Environmental Observatory Using WorldView-2 and LiDAR Datasets
* Mapping Arctic Sea-Ice Surface Roughness with Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer
* Mapping Arctic Tundra Vegetation Communities Using Field Spectroscopy and Multispectral Satellite Data in North Alaska, USA
* Mapping Area Changes of Glacial Lakes Using Stacks of Optical Satellite Images
* Mapping Areas Invaded by Pinus sp. from Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) Applied on RPAS (Drone) Color Images
* Mapping Artificial Terraces From Image Matching Point Cloud in Loess Plateau of China
* Mapping Asbestos-Cement Corrugated Roofing Tiles with Imagery Cube via Machine Learning in Taiwan
* Mapping Asphaltic Roads' Skid Resistance Using Imaging Spectroscopy
* Mapping at 30 m Resolution of Soil Attributes at Multiple Depths in Midwest Brazil
* Mapping Atmospheric Exposure of the Intertidal Zone with Sentinel-1 CSAR in Northern Norway
* Mapping Auto-context Decision Forests to Deep ConvNets for Semantic Segmentation
* Mapping Banana Plantations from Object-oriented Classification of SPOT-5 Imagery
* Mapping Banana Plants from High Spatial Resolution Orthophotos to Facilitate Plant Health Assessment
* Mapping Barley Lodging with UAS Multispectral Imagery and Machine Learning
* Mapping Bathymetry By Landsat Data in Shallow Coastal Environment (case Study: The Southeast of The Caspian Sea)
* Mapping Benthic Algae and Cyanobacteria in River Channels from Aerial Photographs and Satellite Images: A Proof-of-Concept Investigation on the Buffalo National River, AR, USA
* Mapping Benthic Habitats by Extending Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to Address the Water Column and Seabed Adjacency Effects
* Mapping Bioclimatic Indices by Downscaling MODIS Land Surface Temperature: Case Study of the Saint-Emilion Area
* Mapping Biological Current Densities With Ultrafast Acoustoelectric Imaging: Application to the Beating Rat Heart
* Mapping Biomass Availability to Decrease the Dependency on Fossil Fuels
* Mapping biomes of Australia based on the Holdridge Life Zone Model
* Mapping Blue and Red Color-Coated Steel Sheet Roof Buildings over China Using Sentinel-2A/B MSIL2A Images
* Mapping Brain Anatomical Connectivity Using Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Structural connectivity of the human brain
* Mapping Brick Kilns to Support Environmental Impact Studies around Delhi Using Sentinel-2
* Mapping Built-up Areas from Multitemporal Interferometric SAR Images: A Segment-based Approach
* Mapping Burn Extent of Large Wildland Fires from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning Trained from Localized Hyperspatial Imagery
* Mapping burned areas from Landsat TM imags: A comparative study
* Mapping Burned Areas in Tropical Forests Using a Novel Machine Learning Framework
* Mapping Burned Areas of Mato Grosso State Brazilian Amazon Using Multisensor Datasets
* Mapping Burned Areas with Multitemporal-Multispectral Data and Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning
* Mapping Bush Encroaching Species by Seasonal Differences in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Mapping by Dragging and Fitting of Wire-Frame Models
* Mapping Canopy Chlorophyll Content in a Temperate Forest Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* Mapping Canopy Cover in African Dry Forests from the Combined Use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data: Application to Tanzania for the Year 2018
* Mapping Canopy Height and Growing Stock Volume Using Airborne Lidar, ALOS PALSAR and Landsat ETM+
* Mapping Canopy Heights in Dense Tropical Forests Using Low-Cost UAV-Derived Photogrammetric Point Clouds and Machine Learning Approaches
* Mapping Canopy Heights of Poplar Plantations in Plain Areas Using ZY3-02 Stereo and Multispectral Data
* Mapping Carbon Monoxide Pollution of Residential Areas in a Polish City
* Mapping Changes in Carbon Storage and Productivity Services Provided by Riparian Ecosystems of Semi-Arid Environments in Northwestern Mexico
* Mapping Changes in Fractional Vegetation Cover on the Namib Gravel Plains with Satellite-Retrieved Land Surface Emissivity Data
* Mapping Changing Population Distribution on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since 2000 with Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing and Point-of-Interest Data
* Mapping Chestnut Stands Using Bi-Temporal VHR Data
* Mapping China's Electronic Power Consumption Using Points of Interest and Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping China's Ghost Cities through the Combination of Nighttime Satellite Data and Daytime Satellite Data
* Mapping China's planted forests using high resolution imagery and massive amounts of crowdsourced samples
* Mapping Clearances in Tropical Dry Forests Using Breakpoints, Trend, and Seasonal Components from MODIS Time Series: Does Forest Type Matter?
* Mapping Climate Parameters over the Territory of Botswana Using GMT and Gridded Surface Data from TerraClimate
* Mapping Climate Zones of Iran Using Hybrid Interpolation Methods
* Mapping Climatological Bare Soil Albedos over the Contiguous United States Using MODIS Data
* Mapping Coastal and Wetland Vegetation Communities Using Multi-temporal Sentinel-2 Data
* Mapping Coastal Aquaculture Ponds of China Using Sentinel SAR Images in 2020 and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Coastal Dune Landscape through Spectral Rao's Q Temporal Diversity
* Mapping Coastal Flood Susceptible Areas Using Shannon's Entropy Model: The Case of Muscat Governorate, Oman
* Mapping coastal salt marshes in China using time series of Sentinel-1 SAR
* Mapping Coastal Wetland Biomass from High Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery
* Mapping Coastal Wetlands and Their Dynamics in the Yellow River Delta over Last Three Decades: Based on a Spectral Endmember Space
* Mapping coastal wetlands of China using time series Landsat images in 2018 and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Coastal Wetlands of the Bohai Rim at a Spatial Resolution of 10 m Using Multiple Open-Access Satellite Data and Terrain Indices
* Mapping colour in image stitching applications
* Mapping Comparison and Meteorological Correlation Analysis of the Air Quality Index in Mid-Eastern China
* Mapping Complete Three-Dimensional Ice Velocities by Integrating Multi-Baseline and Multi-Aperture InSAR Measurements: A Case Study of the Grove Mountains Area, East Antarctic
* Mapping Complex Land Use Histories and Urban Renewal Using Ground Penetrating Radar: A Case Study from Fort Stanwix
* Mapping Complex Urban Land Cover from Spaceborne Imagery: The Influence of Spatial Resolution, Spectral Band Set and Classification Approach
* Mapping Compound Flooding Risks for Urban Resilience in Coastal Zones: A Comprehensive Methodological Review
* Mapping Computer-Vision-Related Tasks onto Reconfigurable Parallel-Processing Systems
* Mapping Cones on Mars in High-Resolution Planetary Images with Deep Learning-Based Instance Segmentation
* Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: New Insights into Ablation Therapy
* Mapping Coral Reef Benthos, Substrates, and Bathymetry, Using Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) Data
* Mapping Coral Reef Resilience Indicators Using Field and Remotely Sensed Data
* Mapping CORINE Land Cover from Sentinel-1A SAR and SRTM Digital Elevation Model Data using Random Forests
* Mapping Cork Oak Mortality Using Multitemporal High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Mapping corn and soybean phenometrics at field scales over the United States Corn Belt by fusing time series of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data with VIIRS data
* Mapping corn dynamics using limited but representative samples with adaptive strategies
* Mapping Creative Industries: A Case Study on Supporting Geographical Information Systems in the Olomouc Region, Czech Republic
* Mapping Creative Spaces in Omaha, NE: Resident Perceptions versus Creative Firm Locations
* Mapping Crop Calendar Events and Phenology-Related Metrics at the Parcel Level by Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) of MODIS-NDVI Time-Series: A Case Study in Central California
* Mapping Crop Cycles in China Using MODIS-EVI Time Series
* Mapping Crop Distribution Patterns and Changes in China from 2000 to 2015 by Fusing Remote-Sensing, Statistics, and Knowledge-Based Crop Phenology
* Mapping Crop Leaf Area Index and Canopy Chlorophyll Content Using UAV Multispectral Imagery: Impacts of Illuminations and Distribution of Input Variables
* Mapping crop phenophases in reproductive growth period by satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: A case study in mid-temperate zone in China
* Mapping Crop Planting Quality in Sugarcane from UAV Imagery: A Pilot Study in Nicaragua
* Mapping Crop Residue and Tillage Intensity Using WorldView-3 Satellite Shortwave Infrared Residue Indices
* Mapping Crop Residue by Combining Landsat and WorldView-3 Satellite Imagery
* Mapping Crop Rotation by Using Deeply Synergistic Optical and SAR Time Series
* Mapping Crop Status From An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle For Precision Agriculture Applications
* Mapping Crop Types and Cropping Systems in Nigeria with Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Mapping crop types in complex farming areas using SAR imagery with dynamic time warping
* Mapping Crop Types in Southeast India with Smartphone Crowdsourcing and Deep Learning
* Mapping Crop Types of Germany by Combining Temporal Statistical Metrics of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series with LPIS Data
* Mapping Crop Types Using Sentinel-2 Data Machine Learning and Monitoring Crop Phenology with Sentinel-1 Backscatter Time Series in Pays de Brest, Brittany, France
* Mapping Cropland Abandonment in Mountainous Areas in China Using the Google Earth Engine Platform
* Mapping Cropland Abandonment in the Aral Sea Basin with MODIS Time Series
* Mapping Cropland Burned Area in Northeastern China by Integrating Landsat Time Series and Multi-Harmonic Model
* Mapping Cropland Distributions Using a Hard and Soft Classification Model
* Mapping Cropland Extent in Pakistan Using Machine Learning Algorithms on Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Framework
* Mapping Cropland in Smallholder-Dominated Savannas: Integrating Remote Sensing Techniques and Probabilistic Modeling
* Mapping Croplands in the Granary of the Tibetan Plateau Using All Available Landsat Imagery, A Phenology-Based Approach, and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping croplands of Europe, Middle East, Russia, and Central Asia using Landsat, Random Forest, and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Cropping Practices of a Sugarcane-Based Cropping System in Kenya Using Remote Sensing
* Mapping Cropping Practices on a National Scale Using Intra-Annual Landsat Time Series Binning
* Mapping Cultural Heritage: Clio Map, Montenegro
* Mapping Cynodon Dactylon Infesting Cover Crops with an Automatic Decision Tree-OBIA Procedure and UAV Imagery for Precision Viticulture
* Mapping Daily Air Temperature for Antarctica Based on MODIS LST
* Mapping Daily Evapotranspiration at Field Scale Using the Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 Dataset, with Sharpened VIIRS as a Sentinel-2 Thermal Proxy
* Mapping Damage-Affected Areas after Natural Hazard Events Using Sentinel-1 Coherence Time Series
* Mapping data on a rotated grid in high-dimensions for lossless compression
* Mapping Data Prediction Algorithm based On Generalized Regression Neural Network, A
* Mapping dead forest cover using a deep convolutional neural network and digital aerial photography
* Mapping Decadal Land Cover Changes in the Woodlands of North Eastern Namibia from 1975 to 2014 Using the Landsat Satellite Archived Data
* Mapping Deciduous Rubber Plantation Areas and Stand Ages with PALSAR and Landsat Images
* Mapping Defoliation with Lidar
* Mapping Deforestation and Age of Evergreen Trees by Applying a Binary Coding Method to Time-Series Landsat November Images
* Mapping Deforestation and Forest Degradation Patterns in Western Himalaya, Pakistan
* Mapping Deforestation in Cerrado Based on Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture and Medium Spatial Resolution Satellite Time Series
* Mapping Deforestation in North Korea Using Phenology-Based Multi-Index and Random Forest
* Mapping Degeneration Meets Label Evolution: Learning Infrared Small Target Detection with Single Point Supervision
* Mapping Detailed Biotic Communities in the Upper San Pedro Valley of Southeastern Arizona using Landsat 7 ETM+ Data and Supervised Spectral Angle Classifier
* Mapping Development Pattern in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data
* Mapping Digital Image Texture onto 3D Model from LIDAR Data
* Mapping Dispersion of Urban Air Pollution with Remote Sensing
* Mapping Displacement and Deformation of the Heart With Local Sine-Wave Modeling
* Mapping Dissolved Organic Carbon and Organic Iron by Comparing Deep Learning and Linear Regression Techniques Using Sentinel-2 and WorldView-2 Imagery (Byers Peninsula, Maritime Antarctica)
* Mapping Distinct Forest Types Improves Overall Forest Identification Based on Multi-Spectral Landsat Imagery for Myanmar's Tanintharyi Region
* Mapping Disturbance Dynamics In Wet Sclerophyll Forests Using Time Series Landsat
* Mapping Diverse Paddy Rice Cropping Patterns in South China Using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 Data
* Mapping DNN Embedding Manifolds for Network Generalization Prediction
* Mapping dominant leaf type based on combined Sentinel-1/-2 data: Challenges for mountainous countries
* Mapping Dominant Tree Species of German Forests
* Mapping Dragon Fruit Croplands from Space Using Remote Sensing of Artificial Light at Night
* Mapping Drainage Structures Using Airborne Laser Scanning by Incorporating Road Centerline Information
* Mapping Dwellings in IDP/Refugee Settlements Using Deep Learning
* Mapping Dynamic Turbidity Maximum Zone of the Yellow River Estuary from 38 Years of Landsat Imagery
* Mapping Dynamics of Inundation Patterns of Two Largest River-Connected Lakes in China: A Comparative Study
* Mapping East African tropical forests and woodlands: A comparison of classifiers
* Mapping Ecological Production and Benefits from Water Consumed in Agricultural and Natural Landscapes: A Case Study of the Pangani Basin
* Mapping emotional status to facial expressions
* Mapping Entomological Dengue Risk Levels in Martinique Using High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Environmental Data
* Mapping Environmental Impacts on Coastal Tourist Areas of Oceanic Islands (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands): A Current and Future Scenarios Assessment
* Mapping Erosion Hotspots: Coherent Change Detection in the Quilpie Region, Queensland, Australia
* Mapping Essential Urban Land Use Categories in Beijing with a Fast Area of Interest (AOI)-Based Method
* Mapping Essential Urban Land Use Categories in Nanjing by Integrating Multi-Source Big Data
* Mapping essential urban land use categories with open big data: Results for five metropolitan areas in the United States of America
* Mapping European Spruce Bark Beetle Infestation at Its Early Phase Using Gyrocopter-Mounted Hyperspectral Data and Field Measurements
* Mapping Evapotranspiration, Vegetation and Precipitation Trends in the Catchment of the Shrinking Lake Poopó
* Mapping evergreen forests in the Brazilian Amazon using MODIS and PALSAR 500-m mosaic imagery
* Mapping Evolving Historical Landscape Systems
* Mapping Extent Dynamics of Small Lakes Using Downscaling MODIS Surface Reflectance
* Mapping facial expression recognition algorithms on a low-power smart camera
* Mapping Field-Scale Soil Moisture With L-Band Radiometer and Ground-Penetrating Radar Over Bare Soil
* Mapping fine-scale human disturbances in a working landscape with Landsat time series on Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Fine-Scale Urban Spatial Population Distribution Based on High-Resolution Stereo Pair Images, Points of Interest, and Land Cover Data
* Mapping Fire Susceptibility in the Brazilian Amazon Forests Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing and Time-Varying Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* Mapping Fishing Activities and Suitable Fishing Grounds Using Nighttime Satellite Images and Maximum Entropy Modelling
* Mapping Flash Flood Hazards in Arid Regions Using CubeSats
* Mapping Flood Extent and Frequency from Sentinel-1 Imagery during the Extremely Warm Winter of 2020 in Boreal Floodplains and Forests
* Mapping Flooded Rice Paddies Using Time Series of MODIS Imagery in the Krishna River Basin, India
* Mapping Floristic Composition Using Sentinel-2A and a Case Study Evaluation of Its Application in Elephant Movement Ecology in Sagalla, Kenya
* Mapping Floristic Patterns of Trees in Peruvian Amazonia Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
* Mapping Foliar Nutrition Using WorldView-3 and WorldView-2 to Assess Koala Habitat Suitability
* Mapping Food and Health Premises in Barcelona. An Approach to Logics of Distribution and Proximity of Essential Urban Services
* Mapping for Awareness of Indigenous Stories
* Mapping Forage Biomass and Quality of the Inner Mongolia Grasslands by Combining Field Measurements and Sentinel-2 Observations
* Mapping Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Multisource Remotely Sensed Data
* Mapping Forest Aboveground Biomass with MODIS and Fengyun-3C VIRR Imageries in Yunnan Province, Southwest China Using Linear Regression, K-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest
* Mapping Forest Abrupt Disturbance Events in Southeastern China: Comparisons and Tradeoffs of Landsat Time Series Analysis Algorithms
* Mapping Forest Background Reflectance in a Boreal Region Using Multiangle Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager Data
* Mapping Forest Burn Extent from Hyperspatial Imagery Using Machine Learning
* Mapping Forest Canopy Fuels in the Western United States with LiDAR-Landsat Covariance
* Mapping Forest Canopy Height Across Large Areas by Upscaling ALS Estimates with Freely Available Satellite Data
* Mapping forest canopy height globally with spaceborne lidar
* Mapping Forest Canopy Height over Continental China Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping Forest Characteristics at Fine Resolution across Large Landscapes of the Southeastern United States Using NAIP Imagery and FIA Field Plot Data
* Mapping Forest Composition with Landsat Time Series: An Evaluation of Seasonal Composites and Harmonic Regression
* Mapping Forest Cover and Forest Cover Change with Airborne S-Band Radar
* Mapping Forest Degradation due to Selective Logging by Means of Time Series Analysis: Case Studies in Central Africa
* Mapping Forest Disturbance Due to Selective Logging in the Congo Basin with RADARSAT-2 Time Series
* Mapping Forest Ecosystem Biomass Density for Xiangjiang River Basin by Combining Plot and Remote Sensing Data and Comparing Spatial Extrapolation Methods
* Mapping Forest Fire Risk: A Case Study in Galicia (Spain)
* Mapping Forest Growing Stem Volume Using Novel Feature Evaluation Criteria Based on Spectral Saturation in Planted Chinese Fir Forest
* Mapping Forest Health Using Spectral and Textural Information Extracted from SPOT-5 Satellite Images
* Mapping Forest Height in Alaska Using GLAS, Landsat Composites, and Airborne LiDAR
* Mapping Forest Restoration Probability and Driving Archetypes Using a Bayesian Belief Network and SOM: Towards Karst Ecological Restoration in Guizhou, China
* Mapping Forest Species Composition Using Imaging Spectrometry and Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Mapping Forest Species in the Central Middle Atlas of Morocco (Azrou Forest) through Remote Sensing Techniques
* Mapping Forest Stability within Major Biomes Using Canopy Indices Derived from MODIS Time Series
* Mapping forest stand complexity for woodland caribou habitat assessment using multispectral airborne imagery
* Mapping Forest Stock Volume Based on Growth Characteristics of Crown Using Multi-Temporal Landsat 8 OLI and ZY-3 Stereo Images in Planted Eucalyptus Forest
* Mapping forest tree species in high resolution UAV-based RGB-imagery by means of convolutional neural networks
* Mapping Forest Type and Tree Species on a Regional Scale Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data
* Mapping Forest Types in China with 10 m Resolution Based on Spectral-Spatial-Temporal Features
* Mapping Forest Vertical Structure in Jeju Island from Optical and Radar Satellite Images Using Artificial Neural Network
* Mapping Forest Vertical Structure in Sogwang-ri Forest from Full-Waveform Lidar Point Clouds Using Deep Neural Network
* Mapping Forested Wetland Inundation in the Delmarva Peninsula, USA Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Mapping Forests: A Comprehensive Approach for Nonlinear Mapping Problems
* Mapping Fractional Cropland Distribution in Mato Grosso, Brazil Using Time Series MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index and Landsat Thematic Mapper Data
* Mapping Fractional Vegetation Cover Using Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle Imagery to Guide Conservation of a Rare Riparian Shrub Ecosystem in Southern California
* Mapping Fractional Vegetation Coverage across Wetland Classes of Sub-Arctic Peatlands Using Combined Partial Least Squares Regression and Multiple Endmember Spectral Unmixing
* Mapping fractional woody cover in semi-arid savannahs using multi-seasonal composites from Landsat data
* Mapping Fragmented Impervious Surface Areas Overlooked by Global Land-Cover Products in the Liping County, Guizhou Province, China
* Mapping Framework to Characterize Land Use in the Sudan-Sahel Region from Dense Stacks of Landsat Data, A
* Mapping Freshwater Chlorophyll-a Concentrations at a Regional Scale Integrating Multi-Sensor Satellite Observations with Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Frictions Inhibiting Bicycle Commuting
* Mapping from ASTER stereo image data: DEM validation and accuracy assessment
* Mapping from Digital Satellite Image Data with Special Reference to MOMS-02
* Mapping from Frame-Driven to Frame-Free Event-Driven Vision Systems by Low-Rate Rate Coding and Coincidence Processing: Application to Feedforward ConvNets
* Mapping from space: Ontology Based Map Production Using Satellite Imageries
* Mapping Frozen Ground in the Qilian Mountains in 2004-2019 Using Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing
* Mapping Functional Changes in the Embryonic Heart of Atlantic Salmon Post Viral Infection Using AI Technique
* Mapping Geo-Hazard by Satellite Radar Interferometry
* Mapping Geospatial Metadata to Open Provenance Model
* Mapping Geothermal Indicator Minerals Using Fusion of Target Detection Algorithms
* Mapping Glacier Changes Using Clustering Techniques On Cloud Computing Infrastructure
* Mapping glacier flow speeds with synthetic aperture radar cross correlation
* Mapping Glacier Forelands Based on UAV BVLOS Operation in Antarctica
* Mapping global flying aircraft activities using Landsat 8 and cloud computing
* Mapping Global Forest Aboveground Biomass with Spaceborne LiDAR, Optical Imagery, and Forest Inventory Data
* Mapping global land cover in 2001 and 2010 with spatial-temporal consistency at 250M resolution
* Mapping GOPS in an Improved DVC to H.264 Video Transcoder
* Mapping Grade-Separated Junctions in Detail Using Crowdsourced Trajectory Data
* Mapping Grassland Classes Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and MODIS NDVI Data for Temperate Grassland in Inner Mongolia, China
* Mapping Grassland Frequency Using Decadal MODIS 250 m Time-Series: Towards a National Inventory of Semi-Natural Grasslands
* Mapping grassland leaf area index with airborne hyperspectral imagery: A comparison study of statistical approaches and inversion of radiative transfer models
* Mapping Grasslands in Mixed Grassland Ecoregion of Saskatchewan Using Big Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning
* Mapping Green Spaces in Bishkek: How Reliable can Spatial Analysis Be?
* Mapping Gross Domestic Product Distribution at 1 km Resolution across Thailand Using the Random Forest Area-to-Area Regression Kriging Model
* Mapping Ground Subsidence Phenomena in Ho Chi Minh City through the Radar Interferometry Technique Using ALOS PALSAR Data
* Mapping Groundwater Recharge Potential in High Latitude Landscapes Using Public Data, Remote Sensing, and Analytic Hierarchy Process
* Mapping Growing Stem Volume of Chinese Fir Plantation Using a Saturation-based Multivariate Method and Quad-polarimetric SAR Images
* Mapping Heat-Health Vulnerability Based on Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Karachi
* Mapping Height and Aboveground Biomass of Mangrove Forests on Hainan Island Using UAV-LiDAR Sampling
* Mapping Height and Biomass of Mangrove Forests in the Everglades National Park with SRTM Elevation Data
* Mapping Heritage: Geospatial Online Databases of Historic Roads. The Case of the N-340 Roadway Corridor on the Spanish Mediterranean
* Mapping Heterogeneous Buried Archaeological Features Using Multisensor Data from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes from the Fusion of Digital Surface Model and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Images Using Adaptive Multiscale Image Segmentation and Classification
* Mapping High-Resolution Soil Moisture over Heterogeneous Cropland Using Multi-Resource Remote Sensing and Ground Observations
* Mapping high dimensional features onto Hilbert curve: Applying to fast image retrieval
* Mapping High Mountain Lakes Using Space-Borne Near-Nadir SAR Observations
* Mapping High Spatiotemporal-Resolution Soil Moisture by Upscaling Sparse Ground-Based Observations Using a Bayesian Linear Regression Method for Comparison with Microwave Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Products
* Mapping Historical Data: Recovering a Forgotten Floristic and Vegetation Database for Biodiversity Monitoring
* Mapping Human Settlements with Higher Accuracy and Less Volunteer Efforts by Combining Crowdsourcing and Deep Learning
* Mapping Hydrothermal Zoning Pattern of Porphyry Cu Deposit Using Absorption Feature Parameters Calculated from ASTER Data
* Mapping Ice Flow Velocity of Tidewater Glaciers in Hornsund Fiord Area with the Use of Autonomous Repeat Image Feature Tracking (2018-2022)
* Mapping Image Properties into Shape Constraints: Skewed Symmetry, Affine-Transformable Patterns, and the Shape-from-Texture Paradigm
* Mapping Impact of Tidal Flooding on Solar Salt Farming in Northern Java using a Hydrodynamic Model
* Mapping Impervious Surface Areas Using Time-Series Nighttime Light and MODIS Imagery
* Mapping Impervious Surface Distribution with Integration of SNNP VIIRS-DNB and MODIS NDVI Data
* Mapping Impervious Surface Using Phenology-Integrated and Fisher Transformed Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Mapping impervious surfaces from superresolution enhanced CHRIS/Proba imagery using multiple endmember unmixing
* Mapping Impervious Surfaces in Town-Rural Transition Belts Using China's GF-2 Imagery and Object-Based Deep CNNs
* Mapping impervious surfaces with the integrated use of Landsat Thematic Mapper and radar data: A case study in an urban-rural landscape in the Brazilian Amazon
* Mapping Imprecision: How to Geocode Data from Inaccurate Historic Maps
* Mapping in a Cycle: Sinkhorn Regularized Unsupervised Learning for Point Cloud Shapes
* Mapping Indigenous Settlement Topography in the Caribbean Using Drones
* Mapping Individual Tree Species and Vitality along Urban Road Corridors with LiDAR and Imaging Sensors: Point Density versus View Perspective
* Mapping industrial patterns in spatial agglomeration: A SOM approach to Italian industrial districts
* Mapping Infected Area After A Flash-flooding Storm Using Multi Criteria Analysis And Spectral Indices
* Mapping Infrared Data on Terrestrial Laser Scanning 3D Models of Buildings
* Mapping Insect-Proof Screened Citrus Orchards Using Sentinel-2 MSl Time-Series Images
* Mapping Inter-Annual Land Cover Variations Automatically Based on a Novel Sample Transfer Method
* Mapping intertidal topographic changes in a highly turbid estuary using dense Sentinel-2 time series with deep learning
* Mapping Intra-Field Yield Variation Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery to Integrate Bioenergy and Environmental Stewardship in an Agricultural Watershed
* Mapping Inuinnaqtun: The Role of Digital Technology in the Revival of Traditional Inuit Knowledge Ecosystems
* Mapping Invasive Phragmites australis in the Old Woman Creek Estuary Using UAV Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Classifiers
* Mapping Invasive Phragmites australis Using Unoccupied Aircraft System Imagery, Canopy Height Models, and Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Mapping Invasive Plant Species with Hyperspectral Data Based on Iterative Accuracy Assessment Techniques
* Mapping invasive species and spectral mixture relationships with neotropical woody formations in southeastern Brazil
* Mapping Invasive Tamarisk (Tamarix): A Comparison of Single-Scene and Time-Series Analyses of Remotely Sensed Data
* Mapping Irish Water Bodies: Comparison of Platforms, Indices and Water Body Type
* Mapping Irregular Local Climate Zones from Sentinel-2 Images Using Deep Learning with Sequential Virtual Scenes
* Mapping Irrigated and Rainfed Wheat Areas Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
* Mapping Irrigated Areas of Ghana Using Fusion of 30m and 250m Resolution Remote-Sensing Data
* Mapping Irrigated Areas of Northeast China in Comparison to Natural Vegetation
* Mapping Irrigated Areas Using Random Forest Based on Gf-1 Multi-spectral Data
* Mapping Irrigated Areas Using Sentinel-1 Time Series in Catalonia, Spain
* Mapping irrigated cropland extent across the conterminous United States at 30?m resolution using a semi-automatic training approach on Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Irrigated Croplands from Sentinel-2 Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Mapping Irrigated Lands at 250-m Scale by Merging MODIS Data and National Agricultural Statistics
* Mapping Kenyan Grassland Heights Across Large Spatial Scales with Combined Optical and Radar Satellite Imagery
* Mapping Key Indicators of Forest Restoration in the Amazon Using a Low-Cost Drone and Artificial Intelligence
* Mapping Land Cover and Tree Canopy Cover in Zagros Forests of Iran: Application of Sentinel-2, Google Earth, and Field Data
* Mapping Land Cover Change and Modelling Its Impacts on the Inundation Responses of the Agusan Marsh, Mindanao, Philippines
* Mapping Land Cover Types for Highland Andean Ecosystems in Peru Using Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Land Cover Types from Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery: Automatic Application of an Object Based Classification Scheme
* Mapping Land Management Regimes in Western Ukraine Using Optical and SAR Data
* Mapping Land Subsidence Related to Underground Coal Fires in the Wuda Coalfield (Northern China) Using a Small Stack of ALOS PALSAR Differential Interferograms
* Mapping Land Surface Temperature Developments in Functional Urban Areas across Europe
* Mapping Land Use from High Resolution Satellite Images by Exploiting the Spatial Arrangement of Land Cover Objects
* Mapping Land Use Land Cover Changes and Their Determinants in the Context of a Massive Free Labour Mobilisation Campaign: Evidence from South Wollo, Ethiopia
* Mapping Land Use/Cover Dynamics of the Yellow River Basin from 1986 to 2018 Supported by Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Forest Disturbances in Vietnam Using a Landsat Temporal Segmentation Algorithm
* Mapping landscape canopy nitrogen content from space using PRISMA data
* Mapping Landslide Hazard Risk Using Random Forest Algorithm in Guixi, Jiangxi, China
* Mapping Landslides In Lunar Impact Craters Using Chebyshev Polynomials and DEM's
* Mapping Landslides on EO Data: Performance of Deep Learning Models vs. Traditional Machine Learning Models
* Mapping Lantana camara and Leucaena leucocephala in Protected Areas of Pakistan: A Geo-Spatial Approach
* Mapping large-area tidal flats without the dependence on tidal elevations: A case study of Southern China
* Mapping Large-Scale Bamboo Forest Based on Phenology and Morphology Features
* Mapping Large-Scale Forest Disturbance Types with Multi-Temporal CNN Framework
* Mapping Large-Scale Mangroves along the Maritime Silk Road from 1990 to 2015 Using a Novel Deep Learning Model and Landsat Data
* Mapping Large-Scale Plateau Forest in Sanjiangyuan Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Few-Shot Learning
* Mapping Large, Urban Environments with GPS-Aided SLAM
* Mapping Latent Heat Flux in the Western Forest Covered Regions of Algeria Using Remote Sensing Data and a Spatialized Model
* Mapping Layers of Clay in a Vertical Geological Surface Using Hyperspectral Imagery: Variability in Parameters of SWIR Absorption Features under Different Conditions of Illumination
* Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages in Southern India Using Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Mapping leaf nitrogen and carbon concentrations of intact and fragmented indigenous forest ecosystems using empirical modeling techniques and WorldView-2 data
* Mapping Levees Using LiDAR Data and Multispectral Orthoimages in the Nakdong River Basins, South Korea
* Mapping Listvenite Occurrences in the Damage Zones of Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica Using ASTER Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping Lithologic Components of Ophiolitic Mélanges Based on ASTER Spectral Analysis: A Case Study from the Bangong-Nujiang Suture Zone (Tibet, China)
* Mapping Local Climate Zones and Their Applications in European Urban Environments: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Development Trends
* Mapping Local Climate Zones for a Worldwide Database of the Form and Function of Cities
* Mapping Local Image Deformations into Depth
* Mapping Long-Term Dynamics of Population and Dwellings Based on a Multi-Temporal Analysis of Urban Morphologies
* Mapping Long-Term Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Pen Aquaculture in a Shallow Lake: Less Aquaculture Coming along Better Water Quality
* Mapping Low-Level Features to High-Level Semantic Concepts in Region-Based Image Retrieval
* Mapping Main Grain Crops and Change Analysis in the West Liaohe River Basin with Limited Samples Based on Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Maize Area in Heterogeneous Agricultural Landscape with Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Images Based on Random Forest
* Mapping Maize Cropland and Land Cover in Semi-Arid Region in Northern Nigeria Using Machine Learning and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Maize Evapotranspiration at Field Scale Using SEBAL: A Comparison with the FAO Method and Soil-Plant Model Simulations
* Mapping Maize Tillage Practices over the Songnen Plain in Northeast China Using GEE Cloud Platform
* Mapping Maize Water Stress Based on UAV Multispectral Remote Sensing
* Mapping Major Cropping Patterns In Southeast Asia From Modis Data Using Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks
* Mapping Malaria Vector Habitats in West Africa: Drone Imagery and Deep Learning Analysis for Targeted Vector Surveillance
* Mapping Mangrove Extent and Change: A Globally Applicable Approach
* Mapping Mangrove Forests Based on Multi-Tidal High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Mapping Mangrove Zonation Changes in Senegal with Landsat Imagery Using an OBIA Approach Combined with Linear Spectral Unmixing
* Mapping Mature Post-Agricultural Forests in the Polish Eastern Carpathians with Archival Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping measurable quantities of point-spread function observations to Seidel aberration coefficients
* Mapping Mediterranean Forest Plant Associations and Habitats with Functional Principal Component Analysis Using Landsat 8 NDVI Time Series
* Mapping Memes to Words for Multimodal Hateful Meme Classification
* Mapping Mineral Prospectivity Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Support Vector Machine (GA-SVM) Model
* Mapping Mining Areas in the Brazilian Amazon Using MSI/Sentinel-2 Imagery (2017)
* Mapping Morphodynamic Variabilities of a Meso-Tidal Flat in Shanghai Based on Satellite-Derived Data
* Mapping motion vectors for A Wyner-Ziv video transcoder
* Mapping Mountain Pine Beetle Mortality through Growth Trend Analysis of Time-Series Landsat Data
* Mapping Multi-Decadal Mangrove Extent in the Northern Coast of Vietnam Using Landsat Time-Series Data on Google Earth Engine Platform
* Mapping Multi-Depth Soil Salinity Using Remote Sensing-Enabled Machine Learning in the Yellow River Delta, China
* Mapping Multi-Modal Brain Connectome for Brain Disorder Diagnosis via Cross-Modal Mutual Learning
* Mapping Multi-Temporal Population Distribution in China from 1985 to 2010 Using Landsat Images via Deep Learning
* Mapping Multiple Insect Outbreaks across Large Regions Annually Using Landsat Time Series Data
* Mapping Myocardial Fiber Orientation Using Echocardiography-Based Shear Wave Imaging
* Mapping National-Scale Croplands in Pakistan by Combining Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm and Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise
* Mapping Natura 2000 Habitat Conservation Status in a Pannonic Salt Steppe with Airborne Laser Scanning
* Mapping Natural Forest Remnants with Multi-Source and Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data for More Informed Management of Global Biodiversity Hotspots
* Mapping Natural Image Patches by Explicit and Implicit Manifolds
* Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale in Italy
* Mapping of Agricultural Crops from Single High-Resolution Multispectral Images: Data-Driven Smoothing vs. Parcel-Based Smoothing
* Mapping of Alpha-Emitting Radionuclides in the Environment Using an Unmanned Aircraft System, The
* Mapping of Aluminum Concentration in Bauxite Mining Residues Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Mapping of Asbestos Cement Roofs and Their Weathering Status Using Hyperspectral Aerial Images
* Mapping of Burned Area Using Presence and Background Learning Framework On The Google Earth Engine Platform
* Mapping of Cardiac Electrophysiology Onto a Dynamic Patient-Specific Heart Model
* Mapping of change in cerebral glucose utilization using fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose double injection and the constrained weighted-integration method
* Mapping of Coastal Cities Using Optimized Spectral-Spatial Features Based Multi-Scale Superpixel Classification
* Mapping Of Coral Reef Environment In The Arabian Gulf Using Multispectral Remote Sensing
* Mapping of Coral Reefs with Multispectral Satellites: A Review of Recent Papers
* Mapping of Cotton Fields Within-Season Using Phenology-Based Metrics Derived from a Time Series of Landsat Imagery
* Mapping of Daily Mean Air Temperature in Agricultural Regions Using Daytime and Nighttime Land Surface Temperatures Derived from TERRA and AQUA MODIS Data
* Mapping of Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in Optically Complex Waters of Amazon Floodplain Lakes
* Mapping of Directional Ocean Wave Spectra in Hurricanes and Other Environments
* Mapping of Dwellings in IDP/Refugee Settlements from Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Using a Mask Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network
* Mapping of Ecological Environment Based on Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platform and Landsat Long-Term Data: A Case Study of the Zhoushan Archipelago
* Mapping of Eucalyptus in Natura 2000 Areas Using Sentinel 2 Imagery and Artificial Neural Networks
* Mapping of Flood-Prone Areas Utilizing GIS Techniques and Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
* Mapping of Foliar Content Using Radiative Transfer Modeling and VIS-NIR Hyperspectral Close-Range Remote-Sensing
* Mapping of Forest Biomass in Shangri-La City Based on LiDAR Technology and Other Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping of Forest Structural Parameters in Tianshan Mountain Using Bayesian-Random Forest Model, Synthetic Aperture Radar Sentinel-1A, and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Mapping of Greenhouse Gas Concentration in Peninsular Malaysia Industrial Areas Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Sniffer Sensor
* Mapping of Highly Heterogeneous Urban Structure Type for Flood Vulnerability Assessment
* Mapping of Ice Motion in Antarctica Using Synthetic-Aperture Radar Data
* Mapping Of Inner And Outer Celestial Bodies Using New Global And Local Topographic Data Derived From Photogrammetric Image Processing
* Mapping of Intrusive Complex on a Small Scale Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
* Mapping of Kobresia pygmaea Community Based on Umanned Aerial Vehicle Technology and Gaofen Remote Sensing Data in Alpine Meadow Grassland: A Case Study in Eastern of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* Mapping of land cover in northern California with simulated hyperspectral satellite imagery
* Mapping of macro and micro nutrients of mixed pastures using airborne AisaFENIX hyperspectral imagery
* Mapping of Maximum and Minimum Inundation Extents in the Amazon Basin 2014-2017 with ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR Time-Series Data
* Mapping of Mean Deformation Rates Based on APS-Corrected InSAR Data Using Unsupervised Clustering Algorithms
* Mapping of Peat Thickness Using a Multi-Receiver Electromagnetic Induction Instrument
* Mapping Of Planetary Surface Age Based On Crater Statistics Obtained By An Automatic Detection Algorithm
* Mapping of Post-Wildfire Burned Area Using a Hybrid Algorithm and Satellite Data: The Case of the Camp Fire Wildfire in California, USA
* Mapping of Rill Erosion of the Middle Volga (Russia) Region Using Deep Neural Network
* Mapping of River Terraces with Low-Cost UAS Based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry in a Complex Terrain Setting
* Mapping of Rubber Forest Growth Models Based on Point Cloud Data
* Mapping of Sand Layer Thickness in Deserts Using SAR Interferometry
* Mapping of season length anomalies in Mexico
* Mapping of Snow Depth by Blending Satellite and In-Situ Data Using Two-Dimensional Optimal Interpolation: Application to AMSR2
* Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo (Madoi) Earthquake Based on the UAV Photogrammetry Technology
* Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks Based on Aerial Photography in a Fragmented Desertification Landscape
* Mapping of Soil Total Nitrogen Content in the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River Basin in China Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing-Derived Variables
* Mapping of Sparse 3d Data Using Alternating Projection
* Mapping of Subtidal and Intertidal Seagrass Meadows via Application of the Feature Pyramid Network to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Orthophotos
* mapping of texture on VR polygonal models, The
* Mapping of the Canopy Openings in Mixed Beech-Fir Forest at Sentinel-2 Subpixel Level Using UAV and Machine Learning Approach
* Mapping of the Invasive Species Hakea sericea Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and WorldView-2 Imagery and an Object-Oriented Approach
* Mapping Of The Land Cover Spatiotemporal Characteristics In Northern Russia Caused By Climate Change
* Mapping Of The Seagrass Cover Along The Mediterranean Coast Of Turkey Using Landsat 8 Oli Images
* Mapping of the Spatial Scope and Water Quality of Surface Water Based on the Google Earth Engine Cloud Platform and Landsat Time Series
* Mapping of the Successional Stage of a Secondary Forest Using Point Clouds Derived from UAV Photogrammetry
* Mapping of truck traffic in New Jersey using weigh-in-motion data
* Mapping of Urban Areas: A Multiresolution Modeling Approach for Semi-Automatic Extraction of Streets
* Mapping of Urban Surface Water Bodies from Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery at 10 m Resolution via NDWI-Based Image Sharpening
* Mapping of Urban Vegetation with High-Resolution Remote Sensing: A Review
* Mapping of Vegetation Using Multi-Temporal Downscaled Satellite Images of a Reclaimed Area in Saemangeum, Republic of Korea
* Mapping of Water Surface Levels and Slopes with Single Photon Lidar - A Case Study At the River Rhine
* Mapping Oil Palm Plantations in Cameroon Using PALSAR 50-m Orthorectified Mosaic Images
* Mapping Onshore CH4 Seeps in Western Siberian Floodplains Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Mapping Ontario's Wind Turbines: Challenges and Limitations
* Mapping Opuntia stricta in the Arid and Semi-Arid Environment of Kenya Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Ensemble Machine Learning Classifiers
* Mapping Outburst Floods Using a Collaborative Learning Method Based on Temporally Dense Optical and SAR Data: A Case Study with the Baige Landslide Dam on the Jinsha River, Tibet
* Mapping Paddy Fields in Japan by Using a Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series Supplemented by Sentinel-2 Images on Google Earth Engine
* Mapping paddy rice agriculture over China using AMSR-E time series data
* Mapping Paddy Rice Distribution and Cropping Intensity in China from 2014 to 2019 with Landsat Images, Effective Flood Signals, and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Paddy Rice Fields by Combining Multi-Temporal Vegetation Index and Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing Data Using Google Earth Engine Machine Learning Platform
* Mapping Paddy Rice in China in 2002, 2005, 2010 and 2014 with MODIS Time Series
* Mapping Paddy Rice in Complex Landscapes with Landsat Time Series Data and Superpixel-Based Deep Learning Method
* Mapping paddy rice planting area in cold temperate climate region through analysis of time series Landsat 8 (OLI), Landsat 7 (ETM+) and MODIS imagery
* Mapping Paddy Rice Planting Area in Dongting Lake Area Combining Time Series Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Images
* Mapping Paddy Rice Planting Area in Northeastern China Using Spatiotemporal Data Fusion and Phenology-Based Method
* Mapping paddy rice planting areas through time series analysis of MODIS land surface temperature and vegetation index data
* Mapping Paddy Rice Using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with Landsat 8 Datasets in the Dongting Lake Area, China
* Mapping Paddy Rice Using Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series in Camargue, France
* Mapping Paddy Rice with Sentinel-1/2 and Phenology-, Object-Based Algorithm: A Implementation in Hangjiahu Plain in China Using GEE Platform
* Mapping Panax Notoginseng Plantations by Using an Integrated Pixel- and Object-Based (IPOB) Approach and ZY-3 Imagery
* Mapping Parallels between Outdoor Urban Environments and Indoor Manufacturing Environments
* Mapping Parameter-Estimation Using Integral Projections and Segmented Moving-Objects in Object-Oriented Analysis-Synthesis Coding
* Mapping Particle Size and Soil Organic Matter in Tropical Soil Based on Hyperspectral Imaging and Non-Imaging Sensors
* Mapping Perceptual Texture Similarity for Image Retrieval
* Mapping performance of curved-path SAR
* Mapping Periodic Patterns of Global Vegetation Based on Spectral Analysis of NDVI Time Series
* Mapping permafrost landscape features using object-based image classification of multi-temporal SAR images
* Mapping Photosynthesis Solely from Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: A Global, Fine-Resolution Dataset of Gross Primary Production Derived from OCO-2
* Mapping Photovoltaic Panels in Coastal China Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Images and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Phragmites australis Aboveground Biomass in the Momoge Wetland Ramsar Site Based on Sentinel-1/2 Images
* Mapping Physiognomic Types of Indigenous Forest using Space-Borne SAR, Optical Imagery and Air-borne LiDAR
* Mapping Plant Diversity Based on Combined SENTINEL-1/2 Data: Opportunities for Subtropical Mountainous Forests
* Mapping Plant Functional Types in Floodplain Wetlands: An Analysis of C-Band Polarimetric SAR Data from RADARSAT-2
* Mapping Plant Functional Types over Broad Mountainous Regions: A Hierarchical Soft Time-Space Classification Applied to the Tibetan Plateau
* Mapping Plant Nitrogen Concentration and Aboveground Biomass of Potato Crops from Sentinel-2 Data Using Ensemble Learning Models
* Mapping Plant Species in a Former Industrial Site Using Airborne Hyperspectral and Time Series of Sentinel-2 Data Sets
* Mapping Plantations in Myanmar by Fusing Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Data along with Systematic Error Quantification
* Mapping Plastic-Mulched Farmland with C-Band Full Polarization SAR Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping Plastic-Mulched Farmland with Multi-Temporal Landsat-8 Data
* Mapping plastic greenhouse with medium spatial resolution satellite data: Development of a new spectral index
* Mapping Plastic Greenhouses with Two-Temporal Sentinel-2 Images and 1D-CNN Deep Learning
* Mapping plastic materials in an urban area: Development of the normalized difference plastic index using WorldView-3 superspectral data
* Mapping Plastic Mulched Farmland for High Resolution Images of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Deep Semantic Segmentation
* Mapping PM2.5 concentration at a sub-km level resolution: A dual-scale retrieval approach
* Mapping Population Distribution from High Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery in a Data Poor Setting
* Mapping Population Distribution with High Spatiotemporal Resolution in Beijing Using Baidu Heat Map Data
* Mapping Post-Earthquake Landslide Susceptibility: A U-Net Like Approach
* Mapping Postfire Vegetation Recovery Using EO-1 Hyperion Imagery
* Mapping Potato Plant Density Variation Using Aerial Imagery and Deep Learning Techniques for Precision Agriculture
* Mapping Potential Habitats for Arthropod Vectors of Trypanosomiasis Infection In Northern Nigeria: An Introductory Synthesis
* Mapping Potential Plant Species Richness over Large Areas with Deep Learning, MODIS, and Species Distribution Models
* Mapping Precipitable Water Vapor Time Series From Sentinel-1 Interferometric SAR
* Mapping Presence and Predicting Phenological Status of Invasive Buffelgrass in Southern Arizona Using MODIS, Climate and Citizen Science Observation Data
* Mapping Priorities to Focus Cropland Mapping Activities: Fitness Assessment of Existing Global, Regional and National Cropland Maps
* Mapping Public Urban Green Spaces Based on OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Belief Functions
* Mapping Pure Mangrove Patches in Small Corridors and Sandbanks Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Mapping Quality Evaluation of Monocular Slam Solutions for Micro Aerial Vehicles
* Mapping quality prediction for RTK/PPK-equipped micro-drones operating in complex natural environment
* Mapping Radar Glacier Zones and Dry Snow Line in the Antarctic Peninsula Using Sentinel-1 Images
* Mapping raised bogs with an iterative one-class classification approach
* Mapping Ratoon Rice Planting Area in Central China Using Sentinel-2 Time Stacks and the Phenology-Based Algorithm
* Mapping Recent Lava Flows at Mount Etna Using Multispectral Sentinel-2 Images and Machine Learning Techniques
* Mapping Recurrent Flooding Zone Along Estonian Inland Waters From Sentinel-1 and -2
* Mapping Reflectance Anisotropy of a Potato Canopy Using Aerial Images Acquired with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Mapping Regional Inundation with Spaceborne L-Band SAR
* Mapping Regional Soil Organic Matter Based on Sentinel-2A and MODIS Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Regional Urban Extent Using NPP-VIIRS DNB and MODIS NDVI Data
* Mapping Relict Charcoal Hearths in New England Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and LiDAR Data
* Mapping Remote Roads Using Artificial Intelligence and Satellite Imagery
* Mapping Residential Vacancies with Multisource Spatiotemporal Data: A Case Study in Beijing
* Mapping Restoration Activities on Dirk Hartog Island Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Imagery
* Mapping Review on Urban Landscape Factors of Dengue Retrieved from Earth Observation Data, GIS Techniques, and Survey Questionnaires, A
* Mapping Rice Cropping Systems in Vietnam Using an NDVI-Based Time-Series Similarity Measurement Based on DTW Distance
* Mapping Rice Fields in Urban Shanghai, Southeast China, Using Sentinel-1A and Landsat 8 Datasets
* Mapping Rice Paddy Based on Machine Learning with Sentinel-2 Multi-Temporal Data: Model Comparison and Transferability
* Mapping Rice Paddy Distribution Using Remote Sensing by Coupling Deep Learning with Phenological Characteristics
* Mapping Rice Seasonality in the Mekong Delta with Multi-Year Envisat ASAR WSM Data
* Mapping Riparian Habitats of Natura 2000 Network (91E0*, 3240) at Individual Tree Level Using UAV Multi-Temporal and Multi-Spectral Data
* Mapping Riparian Zones over Large Regions from High Spatial Resolution Satellite and Airborne Imagery: Specifications for Operational Mapping
* Mapping Roads in the Brazilian Amazon with Artificial Intelligence and Sentinel-2
* Mapping Roadway Drainage Ditches Using Mobile Lidar
* Mapping Robinia Pseudoacacia Forest Health Conditions by Using Combined Spectral, Spatial, and Textural Information Extracted from IKONOS Imagery and Random Forest Classifier
* Mapping Root-Zone Soil Moisture Using a Temperature-Vegetation Triangle Approach with an Unmanned Aerial System: Incorporating Surface Roughness from Structure from Motion
* Mapping Rubber Plantations and Natural Forests in Xishuangbanna (Southwest China) Using Multi-Spectral Phenological Metrics from MODIS Time Series
* Mapping Rural Areas with Widespread Plastic Covered Vineyards Using True Color Aerial Data
* Mapping Rural Road Networks from Global Positioning System (GPS) Trajectories of Motorcycle Taxis in Sigomre Area, Siaya County, Kenya
* Mapping salt marsh along coastal South Carolina using U-Net
* Mapping salt marsh soil properties using imaging spectroscopy
* Mapping Sandy Land Using the New Sand Differential Emissivity Index From Thermal Infrared Emissivity Data
* Mapping Savanna Tree Species at Ecosystem Scales Using Support Vector Machine Classification and BRDF Correction on Airborne Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* Mapping Seasonal Agricultural Land Use Types Using Deep Learning on Sentinel-2 Image Time Series
* Mapping Seasonal High-Resolution PM2.5 Concentrations with Spatiotemporal Bagged-Tree Model across China
* Mapping Seasonal Inundation Frequency (1985-2016) along the St-John River, New Brunswick, Canada using the Landsat Archive
* Mapping Seasonal Leaf Nutrients of Mangrove with Sentinel-2 Images and XGBoost Method
* Mapping seasonal rice cropland extent and area in the high cropping intensity environment of Bangladesh using MODIS 500 mu-m data for the year 2010
* Mapping Seasonal Tree Canopy Cover and Leaf Area Using Worldview-2/3 Satellite Imagery: A Megacity-Scale Case Study in Tokyo Urban Area
* Mapping Secondary Forest Succession On Abandoned Agricultural Land In The Polish Carpathians
* Mapping Secondary Forest Succession on Abandoned Agricultural Land with LiDAR Point Clouds and Terrestrial Photography
* Mapping Selective Logging in Mixed Deciduous Forest: A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms
* Mapping Shrub Coverage in Xilin Gol Grassland with Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Mapping slope movements in Alpine environments using TerraSAR-X interferometric methods
* Mapping Small-Scale Irrigation Areas Using Expert Decision Rules and the Random Forest Classifier in Northern Ethiopia
* Mapping Small-Scale Willow Crops and Their Health Status Using Sentinel-2 Images in Complex Agricultural Areas
* Mapping small reservoirs in semi-arid regions using multitemporal SAR: Methods and applications
* Mapping Small Watercourses from DEMs with Deep Learning: Exploring the Causes of False Predictions
* Mapping Smallholder Maize Farms Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 Data in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals
* Mapping Smallholder Wheat Yields and Sowing Dates Using Micro-Satellite Data
* Mapping Smallholder Yield Heterogeneity at Multiple Scales in Eastern Africa
* Mapping snow depth distribution from 1980 to 2020 on the Tibetan plateau using multi-source remote sensing data and downscaling techniques
* Mapping Social Media for Transportation Studies
* Mapping Soil Degradation on Arable Land with Aerial Photography and Erosion Models, Case Study from Danube Lowland, Slovakia
* Mapping Soil Erosion Dynamics (1990-2020) in the Pearl River Basin
* Mapping Soil Moisture at a High Resolution over Mountainous Regions by Integrating In Situ Measurements, Topography Data, and MODIS Land Surface Temperatures
* Mapping Soil Organic Carbon Content in Patagonian Forests Based on Climate, Topography and Vegetation Metrics from Satellite Imagery
* Mapping Soil Organic Carbon for Airborne and Simulated EnMAP Imagery Using the LUCAS Soil Database and a Local PLSR
* Mapping Soil Organic Carbon in Low-Relief Farmlands Based on Stratified Heterogeneous Relationship
* Mapping Soil Organic Carbon Stock Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the Sele River Plain in Southern Italy
* Mapping Soil Organic Matter and Analyzing the Prediction Accuracy of Typical Cropland Soil Types on the Northern Songnen Plain
* Mapping Soil Organic Matter Using Different Modeling Techniques in the Dryland Agroecosystem of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Eastern China
* Mapping Soil Properties with Fixed Rank Kriging of Proximally Sensed Soil Data Fused with Sentinel-2 Biophysical Parameter
* Mapping South America's Drylands through Remote Sensing: A Review of the Methodological Trends and Current Challenges
* Mapping Spartina alterniflora Biomass Using LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data
* Mapping Spatial Distribution of Larch Plantations from Multi-Seasonal Landsat-8 OLI Imagery and Multi-Scale Textures Using Random Forests
* Mapping Spatial Moisture Content Of Unsaturated Agricultural Soils With Ground-penetrating Radar
* Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadows by Means of Daedalus ATM Airborne Sensor in the Coastal Area of Civitavecchia (Central Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)
* Mapping Spatial Quality of Slow Routes With a GIS-based Method A Comparative Assessment of Alternative Routes
* Mapping Spatial Thematic Accuracy with Fuzzy Sets
* Mapping spatial variability of foliar nitrogen in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plantations with multispectral Sentinel-2 MSI data
* Mapping Spatial Variations of Structure and Function Parameters for Forest Condition Assessment of the Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Changes in Forest Type and Aboveground Biomass from Landsat Long-Term Time-Series Analysis: A Case Study from Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve, Anhui Province of Eastern China
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Changes in Vegetation Growth Peak and the Response to Climate and Spring Phenology over Northeast China
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Data to RDF: A SPARQL Endpoint for Brussels
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Diffusion of COVID-19 in Lombardy (Italy) on the Base of Emergency Medical Services Activities
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Patterns and Multi-Perspective Analysis of the Surface Urban Heat Islands across 32 Major Cities in China
* Mapping Species at an Individual-Tree Scale in a Temperate Forest, Using Sentinel-2 Images, Airborne Laser Scanning Data, and Random Forest Classification
* Mapping Species Composition of Forests and Tree Plantations in Northeastern Costa Rica with an Integration of Hyperspectral and Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
* Mapping Submerged Aquatic Vegetation along the Central Vietnamese Coast Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing
* Mapping Submerged Habitats and Mangroves of Lampi Island Marine National Park (Myanmar) from in Situ and Satellite Observations
* Mapping Substrate Types and Compositions in Shallow Streams
* Mapping Subsurface Utility Pipes by 3-D Convolutional Neural Network and Kirchhoff Migration Using GPR Images
* Mapping Succession in Non-Forest Habitats by Means of Remote Sensing: Is the Data Acquisition Time Critical for Species Discrimination?
* Mapping Sugarcane in Central India with Smartphone Crowdsourcing
* Mapping Surface Broadband Albedo from Satellite Observations: A Review of Literatures on Algorithms and Products
* Mapping Surface Features of an Alpine Glacier through Multispectral and Thermal Drone Surveys
* Mapping Surface Flow Velocity of Glaciers at Regional Scale Using a Multiple Sensors Approach
* Mapping surface soil organic matter based on multispectral image
* Mapping Surficial Soil Particle Size Fractions in Alpine Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Mapping Suspended Sediment Changes in the Western Pacific Coasts
* Mapping Svalbard Glaciers with the Cryowing UAS
* Mapping System and Photogrammetric Processing Method for Tethered Balloon Platform
* Mapping System Between Passenger Experience and the Factors of Aircraft Cabin Design
* Mapping Tea Plantations from VHR Images Using OBIA and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Mapping the Abundance of Multipurpose Agroforestry Faidherbia albida Trees in Senegal
* Mapping the Accessibility In Openstreetmap: A Comparison of Different Techniques
* Mapping the Accessibility of Medical Facilities of Wuhan during the COVID-19 Pandemic
* Mapping the Age of Subtropical Secondary Forest Using Dense Landsat Time Series Data: An Ensemble Model
* Mapping the annual dynamics of land cover in Beijing from 2001 to 2020 using Landsat dense time series stack
* Mapping the Bathymetry of Melt Ponds on Arctic Sea Ice Using Hyperspectral Imagery
* Mapping the Catchment Area of Park and Ride Facilities within Urban Environments
* Mapping the Changes in Urban Greenness Based on Localized Spatial Association Analysis under Temporal Context Using MODIS Data
* Mapping the Coastal Upwelling East of Taiwan Using Geostationary Satellite Data
* Mapping the condition of macadamia tree crops using multi-spectral UAV and WorldView-3 imagery
* Mapping the Dabus Wetlands, Ethiopia, Using Random Forest Classification of Landsat, PALSAR and Topographic Data
* Mapping the Distribution of Coffee Plantations from Multi-Resolution, Multi-Temporal, and Multi-Sensor Data Using a Random Forest Algorithm
* Mapping the distribution of ferric iron minerals on a vertical mine face using derivative analysis of hyperspectral imagery (430-970 nm)
* Mapping the distribution of invasive tree species using deep one-class classification in the tropical montane landscape of Kenya
* Mapping the Distribution of Shallow Groundwater Occurrences Using Remote Sensing-Based Statistical Modeling over Southwest Saudi Arabia
* Mapping the Distribution of Summer Precipitation Types over China Based on Radar Observations
* Mapping the Dynamics of Winter Wheat in the North China Plain from Dense Landsat Time Series (1999 to 2019)
* Mapping The Effects of Agricultural Development to Water Yield Using Remote Sensing
* Mapping the Energy Landscape of Non-convex Optimization Problems
* Mapping the Essential Urban Land Use in Changchun by Applying Random Forest and Multi-Source Geospatial Data
* Mapping the Expansion of Boom Crops in Mainland Southeast Asia Using Dense Time Stacks of Landsat Data
* Mapping the Extent of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation by Integrating an Ecological Conceptual Model with Satellite Data
* Mapping the Far Right: Geomedia in an Educational Response to Right-Wing Extremism
* Mapping the Forage Nitrogen-Phosphorus Ratio Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Data and a Random Forest Algorithm in an Alpine Grassland Ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau
* Mapping the Forest Canopy Height in Northern China by Synergizing ICESat-2 with Sentinel-2 Using a Stacking Algorithm
* Mapping the Global Mangrove Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping the Groundwater Level and Soil Moisture of a Montane Peat Bog Using UAV Monitoring and Machine Learning
* Mapping the Groundwater Potentiality of West Qena Area, Egypt, Using Integrated Remote Sensing and Hydro-Geophysical Techniques
* Mapping the Growing Stem Volume of the Coniferous Plantations in North China Using Multispectral Data from Integrated GF-2 and Sentinel-2 Images and an Optimized Feature Variable Selection Method
* Mapping the Habitat Suitability of West Nile Virus Vectors in Southern Quebec and Eastern Ontario, Canada, with Species Distribution Modeling and Satellite Earth Observation Data
* Mapping the height and spatial cover of features beneath the forest canopy at small-scales using airborne scanning discrete return Lidar
* Mapping the Historical Shipwreck Figaro in the High Arctic Using Underwater Sensor-Carrying Robots
* Mapping the human footprint from satellite measurements in Japan
* Mapping the Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Urban Surface Ecological Status (USES): A Case Study of Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA), India
* Mapping the Individual Trees in Urban Orchards by Incorporating Volunteered Geographic Information and Very High Resolution Optical Remotely Sensed Data: A Template Matching-Based Approach
* Mapping the Irradiance Field of a Single Tree: Quantifying Vegetation-Induced Adjacency Effects
* Mapping the Land Cover of Africa at 10 m Resolution from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data with Google Earth Engine
* Mapping the Leaf Economic Spectrum across West African Tropical Forests Using UAV-Acquired Hyperspectral Imagery
* Mapping the Levels of Soil Salination and Alkalization by Integrating Machining Learning Methods and Soil-Forming Factors
* Mapping the Lithological Features and Ore-Controlling Structures Related to Ni-Cu Mineralization in the Eastern Tian Shan, NW China from ASTER Data
* Mapping the local information content of a spatial image
* Mapping the Location and Extent of 2019 Prevent Planting Acres in South Dakota Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Mapping the Mangrove Forest Canopy Using Spectral Unmixing of Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images
* Mapping the Melatonin Suppression, Star Light and Induced Photosynthesis Indices with the LANcube
* Mapping the Mine: Combining Portable X-ray Fluorescence, Spectroradiometry, UAV, and Sentinel-2 Images to Identify Contaminated Soils: Application to the Mostardeira Mine (Portugal)
* Mapping the Northern Limit of Double Cropping Using a Phenology-Based Algorithm and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping the Physical Properties of Cosmic Hot Gas with Hyper-Spectral Imaging
* Mapping the Population Density in Mainland China using NPP/VIIRS and Points-Of-Interest Data Based on a Random Forests Model
* Mapping the Potential for Biofuel Production on Marginal Lands: Differences in Definitions, Data and Models across Scales
* Mapping the Precipitation Type Distribution Over the Contiguous United States Using NOAA/NSSL National Multi-Sensor Mosaic QPE
* Mapping the Problem Space of Image Registration
* Mapping the Recent Vertical Crustal Deformation of the Weihe Basin (China) Using Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 ScanSAR Imagery
* Mapping the Risk of Forest Wind Damage Using Airborne Scanning LiDAR
* Mapping The Risks of Malaria, Dengue and Influenza Using Satellite Data
* Mapping the Seabed and Shallow Subsurface with Multi-Frequency Multibeam Echosounders
* Mapping the snow line altitude for large glacier samples from multitemporal Landsat imagery
* Mapping the Socio-Economic and Ecological Resilience of Japanese Coral Reefscapes across a Decade
* Mapping the Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Vegetation Response Lag to Drought in a Semi-Arid Region
* Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Colombia's Forest Aboveground Biomass Using SAR and Optical Data
* Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Fern Thickets and Vine-Laden Forests in the Landscape of Bornean Logged-Over Tropical Secondary Rainforests
* Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Winter Crops at Sub-Pixel Level Using AVHRR NDVI Time Series and Neural Nets
* Mapping the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Fall Armyworm in China by Coupling Multi-Factors
* Mapping the Spatio-temporal Functional Coherence in the Resting Brain
* Mapping the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Cropland Abandonment and Recultivation across the Yangtze River Basin
* Mapping the Spatiotemporal Pattern of Sandy Island Ecosystem Health during the Last Decades Based on Remote Sensing
* Mapping the Spectral Soil Quality Index (SSQI) Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
* Mapping the Thermal State of Permafrost in Northeast China Based on the Surface Frost Number Model
* Mapping the Topographic Features of Mining-Related Valley Fills Using Mask R-CNN Deep Learning and Digital Elevation Data
* Mapping the Twilight Zone: What We Are Missing between Clouds and Aerosols
* Mapping the understorey of deciduous woodland from leaf-on and leaf-off airborne LiDAR data: A case study in lowland Britain
* Mapping the Urban Population in Residential Neighborhoods by Integrating Remote Sensing and Crowdsourcing Data
* Mapping The Wetland Vegetation Communities Of The Australian Great Artesian Basin Springs Using Sam, Mtmf And Spectrally Segmented Pca Hyperspectral Analyses
* Mapping the Yellow River Delta land subsidence with multitemporal SAR interferometry by exploiting both persistent and distributed scatterers
* Mapping Thermal Habitat Of Ectotherms Based On Behavioral Thermoregulation In A Controlled Thermal Environment
* Mapping Threats of Spring Frost Damage to Tea Plants Using Satellite-Based Minimum Temperature Estimation in China
* Mapping Three Decades of Changes in the Brazilian Savanna Native Vegetation Using Landsat Data Processed in the Google Earth Engine Platform
* Mapping Three Decades of Changes in the Tropical Andean Glaciers Using Landsat Data Processed in the Earth Engine
* Mapping Tidal Flats of the Bohai and Yellow Seas Using Time Series Sentinel-2 Images and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Tidal Flats with Landsat 8 Images and Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of the China's Eastern Coastal Zone circa 2015
* Mapping Time-Space Brickfield Development Dynamics in Peri-Urban Area of Dhaka, Bangladesh
* Mapping Topobathymetry in a Shallow Tidal Environment Using Low-Cost Technology
* Mapping Topography Changes and Elevation Accuracies Using a Mobile Laser Scanner
* Mapping Torreya grandis Spatial Distribution Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery with the Expert Rules-Based Approach
* Mapping Trajectories of Coastal Land Reclamation in Nine Deltaic Megacities using Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Tree Canopy Cover and Aboveground Biomass in Sudano-Sahelian Woodlands Using Landsat 8 and Random Forest
* Mapping Tree Height in Burkina Faso Parklands with TanDEM-X
* Mapping tree species of forests in southwest France using Sentinel-2 image time series
* Mapping Tree Species Using CNN from Bi-Seasonal High-Resolution Drone Optic and LiDAR Data
* Mapping trees along urban street networks with deep learning and street-level imagery
* Mapping tropical dry forest succession using multiple criteria spectral mixture analysis
* Mapping Tropical Forest Cover and Deforestation with Planet NICFI Satellite Images and Deep Learning in Mato Grosso State (Brazil) from 2015 to 2021
* Mapping Tropical Forest For Sustainable Management Using Spot 5 Satellite Image
* Mapping tropical forests and rubber plantations in complex landscapes by integrating PALSAR and MODIS imagery
* Mapping Tropical Rainforest Canopy Disturbances in 3D by COSMO-SkyMed Spotlight InSAR-Stereo Data to Detect Areas of Forest Degradation
* Mapping Tunneling-Induced Uneven Ground Subsidence Using Sentinel-1 SAR Interferometry: A Twin-Tunnel Case Study of Downtown Los Angeles, USA
* Mapping Two-Dimensional Deformation Field Time-Series of Large Slope by Coupling DInSAR-SBAS with MAI-SBAS
* Mapping Two Decades of New York State Forest Aboveground Biomass Change Using Remote Sensing
* Mapping Typical Urban LULC from Landsat Imagery without Training Samples or Self-Defined Parameters
* Mapping underrepresented land cover heterogeneity in arid regions: The Sahara-Sahel example
* Mapping understory trees using airborne discrete-return LiDAR data
* Mapping Underwater Aquatic Vegetation Using Foundation Models With Air- and Space-Borne Images: The Case of Polyphytos Lake
* Mapping up-to-Date Paddy Rice Extent at 10 M Resolution in China through the Integration of Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Mapping Urban Areas by Fusing Multiple Sources of Coarse Resolution Remotely Sensed Data
* Mapping Urban Areas in China Using Multisource Data With a Novel Ensemble SVM Method
* Mapping Urban Areas Using a Combination of Remote Sensing and Geolocation Data
* Mapping Urban Areas with Integration of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light and MODIS Data Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Mapping Urban Bare Land Automatically from Landsat Imagery with a Simple Index
* Mapping urban change in the UK using satellite radar interferometry
* Mapping Urban Excavation Induced Deformation in 3D via Multiplatform InSAR Time-Series
* Mapping Urban Extent at Large Spatial Scales Using Machine Learning Methods with VIIRS Nighttime Light and MODIS Daytime NDVI Data
* Mapping Urban Extent Using Satellite Radar Interferometry
* Mapping Urban Forms Worldwide: An Analysis of 8910 Street Networks and 25 Indicators
* Mapping Urban Functional Zones by Integrating Very High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery and Points of Interest: A Case Study of Xiamen, China
* Mapping urban green space in Montreal for better environmental justice: objectoriented classification of very-high-resolution images
* Mapping Urban Green Spaces at the Metropolitan Level Using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning Techniques for Semantic Segmentation
* Mapping Urban Impervious Surface by Fusing Optical and SAR Data at the Decision Level
* Mapping Urban Impervious Surfaces by Using Spectral Mixture Analysis and Spectral Indices
* Mapping Urban Land Cover of a Large Area Using Multiple Sensors Multiple Features
* Mapping Urban Land Use at Street Block Level Using OpenStreetMap, Remote Sensing Data, and Spatial Metrics
* Mapping Urban Land Use by Using Landsat Images and Open Social Data
* Mapping Urban Spatial Structure Based on POI (Point of Interest) Data: A Case Study of the Central City of Lanzhou, China
* Mapping Urban Tree Cover Changes Using Object-Based Convolution Neural Network (OB-CNN)
* Mapping Urban Tree Species Using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery: Comparing Pixel-Based and Object-Based Approaches
* Mapping Urban Ventilation Corridors and Assessing Their Impact Upon The Cooling Effect of Greening Solutions
* Mapping US Urban Extents from MODIS Data Using One-Class Classification Method
* Mapping Vegetation and Land Use Types in Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve Using Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Vegetation at Species Level with High-Resolution Multispectral and Lidar Data Over a Large Spatial Area: A Case Study with Kudzu
* Mapping Vegetation Communities Using Statistical Data Fusion in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Missouri, USA
* Mapping Vegetation Density in a Heterogeneous River Floodplain Ecosystem Using Pointable CHRIS/PROBA Data
* Mapping vegetation heights in China using slope correction ICESat data, SRTM, MODIS-derived and climate data
* Mapping Vegetation Index-Derived Actual Evapotranspiration across Croplands Using the Google Earth Engine Platform
* Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctica Using Landsat-8 Data
* Mapping Very-High-Resolution Evapotranspiration from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery
* Mapping VHR Water Depth, Seabed and Land Cover Using Google Earth Data
* Mapping Vision Algorithms on SIMD Architecture Smart Cameras
* Mapping Vision Algorithms to Parallel Architectures
* Mapping visual features to semantic profiles for retrieval in medical imaging
* Mapping visual field with positron emission tomography by mathematical modeling of the retinotopic organization in the calcarine cortex
* Mapping Vulnerable Urban Areas Affected by Slow-Moving Landslides Using Sentinel-1 InSAR Data
* Mapping Water-Logging Damage on Winter Wheat at Parcel Level Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Data
* Mapping water clarity in North American lakes and reservoirs using Landsat images on the GEE platform with the RGRB model
* Mapping Water Infiltration Rate Using Ground and UAV Hyperspectral Data: A Case Study of Alento, Italy
* Mapping Water Levels across a Region of the Cuvette Centrale Peatland Complex
* Mapping Water Quality Parameters in Urban Rivers from Hyperspectral Images Using a New Self-Adapting Selection of Multiple Artificial Neural Networks
* Mapping Water Quality Parameters with Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument imagery in the Baltic Sea
* Mapping Water Surface Elevation and Slope in the Mississippi River Delta Using the AirSWOT Ka-Band Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Mapping Waterlogging Damage to Winter Wheat Yield Using Downscaling-Merging Satellite Daily Precipitation in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River
* Mapping Wetland Types in Semiarid Floodplains: A Statistical Learning Approach
* Mapping Wetlands in Zambia Using Seasonal Backscatter Signatures Derived from ENVISAT ASAR Time Series
* Mapping Wheat Take-All Disease Levels from Airborne Hyperspectral Images Using Radiative Transfer Models
* Mapping Wild Leek through the Forest Canopy Using a UAV
* Mapping Winter Crops in China with Multi-Source Satellite Imagery and Phenology-Based Algorithm
* Mapping Winter Crops Using a Phenology Algorithm, Time-Series Sentinel-2 and Landsat-7/8 Images, and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Winter Wheat Biomass and Yield Using Time Series Data Blended from PROBA-V 100- and 300-m S1 Products
* Mapping Winter Wheat in North China Using Sentinel 2A/B Data: A Method Based on Phenology-Time Weighted Dynamic Time Warping
* Mapping Winter Wheat Planting Area and Monitoring Its Phenology Using Sentinel-1 Backscatter Time Series
* Mapping Winter Wheat with Optical and SAR Images Based on Google Earth Engine in Henan Province, China
* Mapping with ChatGPT
* Mapping with MAV: Experimental Study on the Contribution of Absolute and Relative Aerial Position Control
* Mapping with Pléiades: End-to-End Workflow
* Mapping with Stakeholders: An Overview of Public Participatory GIS and VGI in Transport Decision-Making
* Mapping Without Dynamic: Robust Lidar-SLAM for UGV Mobile Mapping In Dynamic Environments
* Mapping WLAN coverage as a potential complementary source for GPS-based navigation in indoor environments
* Mapping Woody Volume of Mediterranean Forests by Using SAR and Machine Learning: A Case Study in Central Italy
* Mapping, Localization and Path Planning for Image-Based Navigation Using Visual Features and Map
* Mapping, Monitoring, and Prediction of Floods Due to Ice Jam and Snowmelt with Operational Weather Satellites
* MapPrior: Bird's-Eye View Map Layout Estimation with Generative Models
* MapReduce-based artificial bee colony for large-scale data clustering, A
* MapReduce-Based D_ELT Framework to Address the Challenges of Geospatial Big Data
* MapReduce framework based big data clustering using fractional integrated sparse fuzzy C means algorithm
* MAPS: A Noise-Robust Progressive Learning Approach for Source-Free Domain Adaptive Keypoint Detection
* MAPS: Multimodal Attention for Product Similarity
* MAPS: Multiscale Attention-Based PreSegmentation of Color Images
* MAPS: The Organization of a Spatial Database System Using Imagery, Terrain, and Map Data
* MapScript: A Map Algebra Programming Language Incorporating Neighborhood Analysis
* MAPSM: A Spatio-Temporal Algorithm for Merging Soil Moisture from Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
* mapSR: A Deep Neural Network for Super-Resolution of Raster Map
* MapText, Inc.
* Mapvision
* MAR-Net: Motion-Assisted Reconstruction Network for Unsupervised Video Summarization
* MAR: an integrated system for focal plane edge tracking with parallel analog processing and built-in primitives for image acquisition and analysis
* MAR: Masked Autoencoders for Efficient Action Recognition
* Marathi Language Speech Synthesizer Using Concatenative Synthesis Strategy (Spoken in Maharashtra, India)
* Marbling-based creative modelling
* March-and-Reach: A realistic ladder climbing technique
* March in Chat: Interactive Prompting for Remote Embodied Referring Expression
* Marching-Primitives: Shape Abstraction from Signed Distance Function
* Marching Cores: A Method for Extracting Cores from 3D Medical Images
* Marching Cubes Method with Connectivity
* Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm
* Marching Intersections algorithm for merging range images, The
* marching method for parametric surface/surface intersection, A
* Marching Triangle Polygonization for Efficient Surface Reconstruction from Its Distance Transform
* Marching Triangles: Range Image Fusion for Complex Object Modelling
* Marco: Map Retrieval by Content
* MARCOnI: ConvNet-Based MARker-Less Motion Capture in Outdoor and Indoor Scenes
* MARE: Self-Supervised Multi-Attention REsu-Net for Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing
* MaRF: Representing Mars as Neural Radiance Fields
* Margin-aware rectified augmentation for long-tailed recognition
* Margin-Based Adversarial Joint Alignment Domain Adaptation
* Margin-based discriminant dimensionality reduction for visual recognition
* Margin-based discriminant embedding guided sparse matrix regression for image supervised feature selection
* Margin-based ordered aggregation for ensemble pruning
* Margin-Based Sample Filtering for Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Margin-constrained multiple kernel learning based multi-modal fusion for affect recognition
* Margin-Embedding Canonical Correlation Analysis with Feature Selection for Person Re-Identification
* Margin-maximization discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Margin-mix: Semi-supervised Learning for Face Expression Recognition
* Margin and domain integrated classification
* Margin Based Feature Selection for Cross-Sensor Iris Recognition via Linear Programming
* Margin Based Semi-Supervised Elastic Embedding for Face Image Analysis
* Margin Contrastive Learning with Learnable-Vector for Continual Learning
* Margin embedding net for robust margin collaborative representation-based classification
* Margin Emphasized Metric Learning and its application to Gabor feature based face recognition
* Margin Loss Based on Adaptive Metric for Image Recognition
* Margin Loss: Making Faces More Separable
* Margin Losses for Training Conditional Random Fields
* Margin Maximizing Discriminant Analysis for Multi-shot Based Object Recognition
* Margin Perceptrons for Graphs
* Margin Preserved Approximate Convex Hulls for Classification
* Marginal Bayesian Cramer-Rao Bound for Jump Markov Systems, The
* Marginal Consistency: Upper-Bounding Partition Functions over Commutative Semirings
* Marginal Contrastive Correspondence for Guided Image Generation
* Marginal discriminant projections: An adaptable margin discriminant approach to feature reduction and extraction
* Marginal distribution covariance model in the multiple wavelet domain for texture representation
* Marginal Enumeration Bayesian Cramer-Rao Bound for Jump Markov Systems, The
* Marginal Fisher Analysis and Its Variants for Human Gait Recognition and Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Marginal Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* Marginal Maximum Entropy Partitioning Yields Asymptotically Consistent Probability Density Functions
* Marginal noise removal of document images
* Marginal Space Deep Learning: Efficient Architecture for Volumetric Image Parsing
* Marginalized Denoising Dictionary Learning With Locality Constraint
* Marginalized Latent Semantic Encoder for Zero-Shot Learning
* Marginalized Viterbi algorithm for hierarchical hidden Markov models
* Marginalizing Sample Consensus
* marginFace: A novel face recognition method by average neighborhood margin maximization
* MarginMatch: Improving Semi-Supervised Learning with Pseudo-Margins
* Maria Basalts Chronology of the Chang'E-5 Sampling Site
* Marine Animal Segmentation
* Marine Biodiversity Classification Using Dropout Regularization
* Marine Biometric Recognition Algorithm Based on YOLOV3-GAN Network
* Marine bubble flow quantification using wide-baseline stereo photogrammetry
* Marine Debris Dataset for Forward-Looking Sonar Semantic Segmentation, The
* Marine Debris Detection Model with Custom Dataset Using Instance Segmentation
* Marine Electrical Sensing for Detecting Small Inhomogeneities
* Marine Environmental Impact on CFAR Ship Detection as Measured by Wave Age in SAR Images
* Marine Extended Target Tracking for Scanning Radar Data Using Correlation Filter and Bayes Filter Jointly
* Marine Geoid Undulation Assessment over South China Sea Using Global Geopotential Models and Airborne Gravity Data
* Marine Gravimetry and Its Improvements to Seafloor Topography Estimation in the Southwestern Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea
* Marine Heatwave and Terrestrial Drought Reduced CO2 Uptake in the East China Sea in 2022
* Marine Heatwaves in Siberian Arctic Seas and Adjacent Region
* Marine Heatwaves in the South China Sea: Tempo-Spatial Pattern and Its Association with Large-Scale Circulation
* Marine Litter Detection by Sentinel-2: A Case Study in North Adriatic (Summer 2020)
* Marine Mixed Layer Height Detection Using Ship-Borne Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar Based on Constant Turbulence Threshold
* Marine Oil Pollution in an Area of High Economic Use: Statistical Analyses of SAR Data from the Western Java Sea
* Marine Oil Slick Detection Using Improved Polarimetric Feature Parameters Based on Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Marine Oil Slicks Quantification From L-band Dual-Polarization SAR Imagery
* Marine Oil Spill Detection with X-Band Shipborne Radar Using GLCM, SVM and FCM
* Marine Online Platforms of Services to Public End-Users: The Innovation of the ODYSSEA Project
* Marine Robots Mapping the Present and the Past: Unraveling the Secrets of the Deep
* Marine Small-Targets Classification Algorithm Based on Improved Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Marine Snow Removal Using a Fully Convolutional 3D Neural Network Combined with an Adaptive Median Filter
* Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Development Framework: Croatia Case Study
* Marine Video Kit: A New Marine Video Dataset for Content-Based Analysis and Retrieval
* Mariner 1969 television image processing
* MarioQA: Answering Questions by Watching Gameplay Videos
* MARIS: Map Recognition Input System
* Maritime Anomaly Detection in a Real-World Scenario: Ever Given Grounding in the Suez Canal
* Maritime Cloud-Detection Method Using Visible and Near-Infrared Bands over the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, A
* Maritime Computer Vision
* Maritime DGPS System Positioning Accuracy as a Function of the HDOP in the Context of Hydrographic Survey Performance
* Maritime Environment Perception Based on Deep Learning
* Maritime filtering for images and videos
* Maritime Moving Target Localization Using Passive GNSS-Based Multistatic Radar
* Maritime Multiple Moving Target Detection Using Multiple-BDS-Based Radar: Doppler Phase Compensation and Resolution Improvement
* Maritime Over the Horizon Sensor Integration: HFSWR Data Fusion Algorithm
* Maritime Semantic Labeling of Optical Remote Sensing Images with Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Network
* Maritime Signature Correction With the NRL Multichannel SAR
* Maritime Surveillance Using Multiple High-Frequency Surface-Wave Radars
* Maritime Target Detection Based on Electronic Image Stabilization Technology of Shipborne Camera
* Maritime Traffic Monitoring Based on Vessel Detection, Tracking, State Estimation, and Trajectory Prediction
* Maritime Traffic Networks: From Historical Positioning Data to Unsupervised Maritime Traffic Monitoring
* Maritime Traffic Probabilistic Forecasting Based on Vessels-Waterway Patterns and Motion Behaviors
* Maritime Vessel Classification to Monitor Fisheries with SAR: Demonstration in the North Sea
* Marked Grid Labeling
* Marked Point Process for Automated Tree Detection from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Cloud Data, A
* Marked Point Process for Modeling Lidar Waveforms, A
* Marked Point Process for Vascular Tree Extraction on Angiogram
* Marked Point Process Model for Curvilinear Structures Extraction
* Marked point process model for facial wrinkle detection
* Marked Point Process Model for Tree Crown Extraction in Plantations, A
* Marked Point Process Model For Vehicle Detection In Aerial Lidar Point Clouds, A
* Marked Point Process Model For Visual Perceptual Groups Extraction, A
* Marked Point Process of Rectangles and Segments for Automatic Analysis of Digital Elevation Models, A
* Marked point processes for crowd counting
* Marked Point Processes for The Automatic Detection of Bomb Craters In Aerial Wartime Images
* Marked Poisson Process Driven Latent Shape Model for 3D Segmentation of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Image Stacks of Human Skin, A
* Marker-based human pose tracking using adaptive annealed particle swarm optimization with search space partitioning
* Marker-Based Image Processing Method for Detecting Available Parking Slots from UAVs, A
* Marker-based image segmentation relying on disjoint set union
* Marker-based non-overlapping camera calibration methods with additional support camera views
* Marker-based quadri-ocular tracking system for surgery
* Marker-based watershed segmentation embedded with edge information
* Marker-Controlled Watershed-Based Segmentation of Multiresolution Remote Sensing Images
* Marker-Free Automatic Matching Of Range Data
* Marker-free Calibration Method for Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Correction, A
* Marker-free coregistration of UAV and backpack LiDAR point clouds in forested areas
* marker-free method for registering multi-scan terrestrial laser scanning data in forest environments, A
* Marker-Free Registration of Forest Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data Pairs With Embedded Confidence Metrics
* Marker-Less 3D Feature Tracking for Mesh-Based Human Motion Capture
* Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Capture with Monocular Image Sequence and Height-Maps
* Marker-less Deformable Mesh Tracking for Human Shape and Motion Capture
* Marker-less human pose estimation and surface reconstruction using a segmented model
* Marker-less Mobile Augmented Reality Application for Massive 3d Point Clouds and Semantics
* Marker-less piano fingering recognition using sequential depth images
* Marker-Less UAV-LiDAR Strip Alignment in Plantation Forests Based on Topological Persistence Analysis of Clustered Canopy Cover
* Marker-removal Networks to Collect Precise 3D Hand Data for RGB-based Estimation and its Application in Piano
* Marker based simple non-overlapping camera calibration
* Marker Based Thermal-Inertial Localization for Aerial Robots in Obscurant Filled Environments
* Marker Concealment Using Print Color Correction and Its Application
* Marker controlled watershed transform for intra-retinal cysts segmentation from optical coherence tomography B-scans
* Markerless 3D Face Tracking
* markerless 3D tracking approach for augmented reality applications, A
* Markerless Active Trunk Shape Modelling for Motion Tolerant Remote Respiratory Assessment
* Markerless and Efficient 26-DOF Hand Pose Recovery
* markerless approach for consistent action recognition in a multi-camera system, A
* Markerless Augmented Reality for Robotic Helicoptor Applications
* Markerless augmented reality system based on planar object tracking
* Markerless Augmented Reality System for Mobile Devices, A
* Markerless Augmented Reality Using Image Mosaics
* Markerless camera-based vertical jump height measurement using OpenPose
* Markerless Camera-to-Robot Pose Estimation via Self-Supervised Sim-to-Real Transfer
* Markerless Closed-Loop Projection Plane Tracking for Mobile Projector-Camera Systems
* Markerless detection of ancient rock carvings in the wild: rock art in Vathy, Astypalaia
* Markerless facial motion capture using texture extraction and nonlinear optimization
* Markerless fingertip-based 3D interaction for handheld augmented reality in a small workspace
* Markerless human articulated tracking using hierarchical particle swarm optimisation
* Markerless human body motion capture using Markov random field and dynamic graph cuts
* Markerless Human Motion Capture using Charting and Manifold Constrained Particle Swarm Optimisation
* Markerless human motion capture: An application of simulated annealing and Fast Marching Method
* Markerless human motion transfer
* Markerless identification and tracking for scalable image database
* Markerless kinematic model and motion capture from volume sequences
* Markerless Motion Capture of Human Body Using PSO with Single Depth Camera
* Markerless motion capture of interacting characters using multi-view image segmentation
* Markerless motion capture of man-machine interaction
* Markerless Motion Capture of Multiple Characters Using Multiview Image Segmentation
* markerless motion capture system with automatic subject-specific body model acquisition and robust pose tracking from 3D data, A
* Markerless Motion Capture through Visual Hull, Articulated ICP and Subject Specific Model Generation
* Markerless motion capture with single and multiple cameras
* Markerless Motion Capture with unsynchronized moving cameras
* Markerless Motion Tracking of Awake Animals in Positron Emission Tomography
* Markerless Outdoor Human Motion Capture Using Multiple Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles
* Markerless Outdoor Localisation Based on SIFT Descriptors for Mobile Applications
* Markerless Planar Tracking in Augmented Reality Using Geometric Structure
* Markerless Pose Tracking for Augmented Reality
* Markerless Real-Time 3-D Target Region Tracking by Motion Backprojection from Projection Images
* Markerless Real-Time Target Region Tracking: Application to Frameless Sterotactic Radiosurgery
* Markerless reconstruction and synthesis of dynamic facial expressions
* Markerless reconstruction of dynamic facial expressions
* Markerless Shape and Motion Capture From Multiview Video Sequences
* Markerless tracking and gesture recognition using polar correlation of camera optical flow
* Markerless tracking of complex human motions from multiple views
* Markerless view independent gait analysis with self-camera calibration
* Markerless Vision-Based Tracking of Partially Known 3D Scenes for Outdoor Augmented Reality Applications
* Markerless Visual Servoing Using Virtual Face Tag and Image Moment Invariants
* Markerless Visual Tracking of a Container Crane Spreader
* MarkerPose: Robust Real-time Planar Target Tracking for Accurate Stereo Pose Estimation
* Markers Elucidated and Applied in Local 3-Space
* Market basket analysis from egocentric videos
* marking-based, Flexible approach to intersection detection, A
* Marking Text Documents
* Marking text features of document images to deter illicit dissemination
* Markov-based failure prediction for human motion analysis
* Markov-Based Lane Positioning Using Intervehicle Communication
* Markov-based reversible data hiding method based on histogram shifting, A
* Markov-based Silhouette Extraction for Three-Dimensional Body Tracking in Presence of Cluttered Background
* Markov-Gibbs model based registration of CT lung images using subsampling for the follow-up assessment of pleural thickenings
* Markov-Gibbs Texture Modelling with Learnt Freeform Filters
* Markov-kalman localization for mobile robots
* Markov-random-field-based super-resolution mapping for identification of urban trees in VHR images
* Markov-Type Vector Field for endless surface animation of water stream
* Markov blanket-embedded genetic algorithm for gene selection
* Markov chain based computational visual attention model that learns from eye tracking data
* Markov Chain CFAR Detection for Polarimetric Data Using Data Fusion
* Markov Chain Geostatistical Framework for Land-Cover Classification With Uncertainty Assessment Based on Expert-Interpreted Pixels From Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* Markov Chain Lifting and Distributed ADMM
* Markov chain local binary pattern and its application to video concept detection
* Markov chain model for multimodal biometric rank fusion
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach to Stereovision, A
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo Cascade for Camera Network Calibration Based on Unconstrained Pedestrian Tracklets
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo combined with deterministic methods for Markov random field optimization
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo Data Association for Merge and Split Detection in Tracking Protein Clusters
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Automated Face Image Analysis
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo Modular Ensemble Tracking
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo shape sampling using level sets
* Markov Chain Neural Networks
* Markov Chains for unsupervised segmentation of degraded NIR iris images for person recognition
* Markov clustering regularized multi-hop graph neural network
* Markov Clustering Topic Model for Mining Behaviour in Video, A
* Markov decision based rate adaption approach for dynamic HTTP streaming, A
* Markov Decision Model for Adaptive Scheduling of Stored Scalable Videos, A
* Markov Decision Process Based Energy-Efficient On-Line Scheduling for Slice-Parallel Video Decoders on Multicore Systems
* Markov Decision Process for Video Generation
* Markov edit distance
* Markov Face Models
* Markov fields for recognition derived from facial texture error
* Markov Fusion of a Pair of Noisy Images to Detect Intensity Valleys
* Markov Game Video Augmentation for Action Segmentation
* Markov Image Modeling
* Markov Logic: A Unifying Language for Structural and Statistical Pattern Recognition
* Markov Mesh Models
* Markov Model Aided Decoding for Image Transmission Using Soft-Decision-Feedback
* Markov Model for Blind Image Separation by a Mean-Field EM Algorithm, A
* Markov Model for Headway/Spacing Distribution of Road Traffic, A
* Markov model for multispectral image analysis: application to small magellanic cloud segmentation
* Markov model fuzzy-reasoning based algorithm for fast block motion estimation
* Markov model OF H.264 video sources performing bit-rate switching
* Markov Model Order Optimization for Text Recognition
* Markov Models for Handwriting Recognition
* Markov models for offline handwriting recognition: a survey
* Markov network-based multiple classifier for face image retrieval
* Markov Network-Based Unified Classifier for Face Identification
* Markov Network-Based Unified Classifier for Face Recognition
* Markov Network Based Passage Retrieval Method for Multimodal Question Answering in the Cultural Heritage Domain, A
* Markov Pixon Information Approach for Low-Level Image Description, A
* Markov Point Process model for wrinkles in human faces, A
* Markov Process In Pattern Recognition
* Markov Process Using Curvature for Filtering Curve Images, A
* Markov Random-Field Model-Based Approach to Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Local and Global Spatial Statistics, A
* Markov Random-Field Model for Classification of Multisource Satellite Imagery, A
* Markov Random-Field Models for Unsupervised Segmentation of Textured Color Images
* Markov Random-Field Segmentation of Brain MR-Images
* markov random field-based approach to decision-level fusion for remote sensing image classification, A
* Markov Random Field-Based Clustering for the Integration of Multi-view Range Images
* Markov Random Field-based fitting of a subdivision-based geometric atlas
* Markov random field-based real-time detection of intentionally-captured persons
* Markov Random Field-Based Statistical Character Structure Modeling for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Markov random field-regulated Pitma-Yor process prior for spatially constrained data clustering, A
* Markov Random Field and Active Contour Image Segmentation Model for Animal Spots Patterns, A
* Markov Random Field and Fuzzy Logic Modeling in Sonar Imagery: Application to the Classification of Underwater Floor
* Markov Random Field Approach for Dense Photometric Stereo, A
* Markov Random Field Approach for Interpreting Thermochromic Paint, A
* Markov Random Field Approach for Topology-Preserving Registration: Application to Object-Based Tomographic Image Interpolation, A
* Markov Random Field Approach to Data Fusion and Colour Segmentation, A
* Markov random field approach to microarray image gridding, A
* Markov Random Field Approach to Multi-scale Shape Analysis, A
* Markov random field approach to region extraction using Tabu Search
* markov random field approach to spatio-temporal contextual image classification, A
* Markov random field based binarization for hand-held devices captured document images
* Markov Random Field based image inpainting with context-aware label selection
* Markov random field based method for removing invalid unwrapping phase points in 3D reconstruction, A
* Markov random field based phase demodulation of interferometric images
* Markov Random Field Based Text Identification from Annotated Machine Printed Documents
* Markov Random Field description of fuzzy color segmentation, A
* Markov random field estimation of lost DCT coefficients in JPEG due to packet errors
* Markov Random Field for Road Extraction Applications in Remote Sensing Images
* Markov Random Field Groupwise Registration Framework for Face Recognition, A
* Markov random field image segmentation model for color textured images, A
* Markov Random Field Image Segmentation Model Using Combined Color and Texture Features, A
* Markov random field integrating spectral dissimilarity and class co-occurrence dependency for remote sensing image classification optimization, A
* Markov Random Field Model-Based Approach to Image Interpretation, A
* Markov Random Field Model-Based Edge-Directed Image Interpolation
* Markov random field model for automatic speech recognition, A
* Markov random field model for bony tissue classification, A
* Markov Random Field Model for Combining Optimum-Path Forest Classifiers Using Decision Graphs and Game Strategy Approach, A
* Markov Random Field model for extracting near-circular shapes, A
* Markov Random Field Model for Individual Tree Detection from Airborne Laser Scanning Data, A
* Markov random field model for mode detection in cluster analysis, A
* Markov Random Field Model for Object Matching under Relational Constraints, A
* Markov Random Field Model of Subjective Contour Perception, A
* Markov Random Field Modeled Level Sets Method for Object Tracking with Moving Cameras
* Markov random field modeled range image segmentation
* Markov Random Field Modeling for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac Angiography
* Markov Random Field Modeling in Computer Vision
* Markov Random Field Modeling in Median Pyramidal Transform Domain for Denoising Applications
* Markov Random Field modeling, inference & learning in computer vision & image understanding: A survey
* Markov Random Field Models for Directional Field and Singularity Extraction in Fingerprint Images
* Markov random field models for hair and face segmentation
* Markov Random Field Models in Computer Vision
* Markov Random Field Models of Digitized Image Texture
* Markov Random Field Models
* Markov random field on region adjacency graph for the fusion of SAR and optical data in radargrammetric applications
* Markov random field processing for color demosaicing
* Markov random field regularisation models for adaptive binarisation of nonuniform images
* Markov Random Field Structures for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation
* Markov Random Field Texture Models
* Markov Random Fields (MRF) - Based Texture Segmentation for Road Detection
* Markov Random Fields and Spatial Information to Improve Automatic Image Annotation
* Markov Random Fields and the Disparity Gradient Constraint Applied to Stereo Correspondence
* Markov Random Fields as Models of Digitized Image Texture
* Markov random fields for abnormal behavior detection on highways
* Markov random fields for catadioptric image processing
* Markov random fields for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Markov Random Fields For Improving 3d Mesh Analysis And Segmentation
* Markov random fields for pattern extraction in analog wafer test data
* Markov Random Fields for Texture Classification
* Markov random fields for textures recognition with local invariant regions and their geometric relationships
* Markov Random Fields in Functional Neighbors as a Texture Model: Applications in Texture Classification, The
* Markov Random Fields Integrating Adaptive Interclass-Pair Penalty and Spectral Similarity for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Markov Random Fields using complex line process: An application to Bayesian image restoration
* Markov Random Fields with Efficient Approximations
* Markov Random Fields with Short- and Long-Range Interaction for Modelling Gray-Scale Textured Images
* Markov Random Fields: Theory and Applications
* Markov random measure fields for image analysis
* Markov Source Model for Printed Music Decoding
* Markov surfaces: A probabilistic framework for user-assisted three-dimensional image segmentation
* Markov vs. model document retrieval
* Markov Weight Fields for face sketch synthesis
* Markov/Gibbs Image Modeling: Temperature and Texture
* Markov/Gibbs Texture Modeling: Aura Matrices and Temperature Effects
* Markovian Analysis of Adaptive Reconstructive Multiparameter t-Openings
* Markovian Approach for Handwritten Document Segmentation, A
* Markovian Approach to Color Image Restoration Based on Space Filling Curves, A
* Markovian Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection with Multiresolution and Multimodality SAR Data, A
* Markovian clustering for the non-local means image denoising
* Markovian Energy-Based Computer Vision Algorithms on Graphics Hardware
* Markovian Engine for Text Recognition: Cursive Arabic Text, Statistical Features and Interconnected HMMs, A
* Markovian Framework for Foreground-Background-Shadow Separation of Real World Video Scenes
* Markovian method for 2D, 3D and 4D segmentation of MRI
* Markovian mixture face recognition with discriminative face alignment
* Markovian Model for Contour Grouping, A
* Markovian Random Fields Energy Minimization Algorithms
* Markovian reconstruction in computed imaging and Fourier synthesis
* Markovian Reconstruction Using a GNC Approach
* Markovian regularization of latent-variable-models mixture for New multi-component image reduction/segmentation scheme
* Markovian Scheme for Joint Retrieval of Classification and Height Map from Urban Interferometric SAR Images, A
* Markovian segmentation of 3D brain MRI to detect Multiple Sclerosis lesions
* Markovian Segmentation of Color and Gray Level Images
* Markovian Segmentation of Textured Color Images
* Markup SVG: An Online Content-Aware Image Abstraction and Annotation Tool
* MARL Sim2real Transfer: Merging Physical Reality With Digital Virtuality in Metaverse
* MARL: Multi-scale Archetype Representation Learning for Urban Building Energy Modeling
* MARL: Multimodal Attentional Representation Learning for Disease Prediction
* MARLIN: Masked Autoencoder for facial video Representation LearnINg
* MARLow: A Joint Multiplanar Autoregressive and Low-Rank Approach for Image Completion
* MARMVS: Matching Ambiguity Reduced Multiple View Stereo for Efficient Large Scale Scene Reconstruction
* MARO: matrix rank optimization for the detection of small-size moving objects from aerial camera platforms
* Marr Revisited: 2D-3D Alignment via Surface Normal Prediction
* Marr Theory of the Neocortex as a Self-Organizing Neural-Network
* Marr wavelet pyramid, The
* Marriage of Cryptography and Watermarking: Beneficial and Challenging for Secure Watermarking and Detection, The
* MARRS: Modern Backbones Assisted Co-training for Rapid and Robust Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation
* Marrying Global-Local Spatial Context for Image Patches in Computer-Aided Assessment
* Marrying Level-Line Junctions for Obstacle Detection
* Marrying Level Lines for Stereo or Motion
* Marrying tracking with ELM: A Metric constraint guided multiple features fusion method
* MARS-GAN: Multilevel-Feature-Learning Attention-Aware Based Generative Adversarial Network for Removing Surgical Smoke
* Mars Express HRSC Data Processing: Methods and Operational Aspects
* Mars Pathfinder image compression compared to a wavelet-coder for future space explorations
* Mars Rover Penetrating Radar Modeling and Interpretation Considering Linear Frequency Modulation Source and Tilted Antenna
* Mars Surface Imaging by Exploiting Off-Nadir Radar Sounding Data
* Mars, Martian Atmosphere Measurements, Mars Analysis, Other Planets
* MARS: A Video Benchmark for Large-Scale Person Re-Identification
* MARS: Learning Modality-Agnostic Representation for Scalable Cross-Media Retrieval
* MARS: Model-agnostic Biased Object Removal without Additional Supervision for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* MARS: Motion-Augmented RGB Stream for Action Recognition
* MarS3D: A Plug-and-Play Motion-Aware Model for Semantic Segmentation on Multi-Scan 3D Point Clouds
* Mars3DNet: CNN-Based High-Resolution 3D Reconstruction of the Martian Surface from Single Images
* Marsh Loss Due to Cumulative Impacts of Hurricane Isaac and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in Louisiana
* Marsh, Marsh Detection, Analysis
* MART: Mask-Aware Reasoning Transformer for Vehicle Re-Identification
* MART: Motion-Aware Recurrent Neural Network for Robust Visual Tracking
* Martial Arts, Dancing and Sports dataset: A challenging stereo and multi-view dataset for 3D human pose estimation
* Martian Analogues Library (MAL) Applicable for Tianwen-1 MarSCoDe-LIBS Data Interpretation, A
* Martian Swarm Exploration and Mapping Using Laser SLAM
* Martingale Framework for Detecting Changes in Data Streams by Testing Exchangeability, A
* MARV-X: Applying Maneuver Assessment for Reliable Verification of Car-to-X Mobility Data
* MARVEL: A Large-Scale Image Dataset for Maritime Vessels
* Marvel: A System for Recognizing World Locations with Stereo Vision
* MARVEL: A System That Recognizes World Locations with Stereo Vision
* Marvel: Location Recognition Using Stereo Vision
* MARVEL: Raster Gray-Level Manga Vectorization via Primitive-Wise Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Maryland Progress in Image Understanding
* MAS based energy-coordination for decentralized control of the hybrid electrical system, A
* MAS energy management of a microgrid based on fuzzy logic control
* MAS: Towards Resource-Efficient Federated Multiple-Task Learning
* MASA-SegNet: A Semantic Segmentation Network for PolSAR Images
* MASA-SR: Matching Acceleration and Spatial Adaptation for Reference-Based Image Super-Resolution
* MasaCtrl: Tuning-Free Mutual Self-Attention Control for Consistent Image Synthesis and Editing
* MASAT: A fast and robust algorithm for pose-graph initialization
* MASC-Net: Multi-scale Anisotropic Sparse Convolutional Network for Sparse Depth Densification
* Maschinelle Wahrnehmung fur den bordautonomen automatischen Hubschrauberflug
* Mash-Up Approach for Web Video Category Recommendation
* Masi Entropy for Satellite Color Image Segmentation Using Tournament-Based Lévy Multiverse Optimization Algorithm
* MASIC: Deep Mask Stereo Image Compression
* Mask-and-Edge Co-Guided Separable Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Mask-Attention-Free Transformer for 3D Instance Segmentation
* Mask-Aware Networks for Crowd Counting
* Mask-Aware Pseudo Label Denoising for Unsupervised Vehicle Re-Identification
* Mask-Based Second-Generation Connectivity and Attribute Filters
* Mask-based Style-Controlled Image Synthesis Using a Mask Style Encoder
* Mask-CNN: Localizing parts and selecting descriptors for fine-grained bird species categorization
* Mask-edge connectivity: Theory, computation, and application to historical document analysis
* Mask-Embedded Discriminator with Region-based Semantic Regularization for Semi-Supervised Class-Conditional Image Synthesis
* Mask-Free OVIS: Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation without Manual Mask Annotations
* Mask-Free Video Instance Segmentation
* Mask-Guided Attention and Episode Adaptive Weights for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Mask-Guided Attention Network and Occlusion-Sensitive Hard Example Mining for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Mask-Guided Attention Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Mask-Guided Contrastive Attention Model for Person Re-identification
* Mask-guided cycle-GAN for specular highlight removal
* Mask-Guided Feature Extraction and Augmentation for Ultra-Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Mask-guided image person removal with data synthesis
* Mask-Guided Matting in the Wild
* Mask-guided multiscale feature aggregation network for hand gesture recognition
* Mask-guided network for image captioning
* Mask-Guided Portrait Editing With Conditional GANs
* Mask-guided Spectral-wise Transformer for Efficient Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction
* Mask-Guided Transformer Network with Topic Token for Remote Sensing Image Captioning, A
* Mask-invariant Face Recognition through Template-level Knowledge Distillation
* Mask-Pose Cascaded CNN for 2D Hand Pose Estimation From Single Color Image
* Mask-ranking Network for Semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation
* Mask-ShadowGAN: Learning to Remove Shadows From Unpaired Data
* Mask-ShadowNet: Toward Shadow Removal via Masked Adaptive Instance Normalization
* Mask-SLAM: Robust Feature-Based Monocular SLAM by Masking Using Semantic Segmentation
* Mask-Specific Inpainting with Deep Neural Networks
* Mask-streaming CNN for pedestrian detection
* Mask-ToF: Learning Microlens Masks for Flying Pixel Correction in Time-of-Flight Imaging
* Mask-Vit: an Object Mask Embedding in Vision Transformer for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Mask Aware Network for Masked Face Recognition in the Wild
* Mask building for perceptually hiding frequency embedded watermarks
* Mask Captioning Network
* Mask Connectivity by Viscous Closings: Linking Merging Galaxies without Merging Double Stars
* Mask Cross-Modal Hashing Networks
* Mask Design for Optical Microlithography: An Inverse Imaging Problem
* Mask Detection Method for Shoppers Under the Threat of COVID-19 Coronavirus, A
* Mask DINO: Towards A Unified Transformer-based Framework for Object Detection and Segmentation
* Mask Encoding for Single Shot Instance Segmentation
* Mask encoding: A general instance mask representation for object segmentation
* Mask Guided Attention for Fine-Grained Patchy Image Classification
* Mask Guided Fusion for Group Activity Recognition in Images
* Mask Guided Matting via Progressive Refinement Network
* Mask Guided Spatial-Temporal Fusion Network for Multiple Object Tracking
* Mask OBB: A Semantic Attention-Based Mask Oriented Bounding Box Representation for Multi-Category Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Mask R-CNN-Based Landslide Hazard Identification for 22.6 Extreme Rainfall Induced Landslides in the Beijiang River Basin, China
* Mask R-CNN Refitting Strategy for Plant Counting and Sizing in UAV Imagery
* Mask R-CNN With Pyramid Attention Network for Scene Text Detection
* Mask R-CNN
* Mask RCNN algorithm for nuclei detection on breast cancer histopathological images
* Mask Scoring R-CNN
* Mask Selection and Propagation for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Mask Sparse Representation Based on Semantic Features for Thermal Infrared Target Tracking
* Mask spoofing in face recognition and countermeasures
* Mask SSD: An Effective Single-Stage Approach to Object Instance Segmentation
* Mask Textspotter v3: Segmentation Proposal Network for Robust Scene Text Spotting
* Mask TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes
* Mask Transfiner for High-Quality Instance Segmentation
* Mask: An Object Identification Algorithm
* Mask2CAD: 3d Shape Prediction by Learning to Segment and Retrieve
* Mask3D: Pretraining 2D Vision Transformers by Learning Masked 3D Priors
* MaskCLIP: Masked Self-Distillation Advances Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining
* MaskCon: Masked Contrastive Learning for Coarse-Labelled Dataset
* MaskConnect: Connectivity Learning by Gradient Descent
* MaskCOV: A random mask covariance network for ultra-fine-grained visual categorization
* MaskDis R-CNN: An instance segmentation algorithm with adversarial network for herd pigs
* Masked-attention Mask Transformer for Universal Image Segmentation
* Masked and Adaptive Transformer for Exemplar Based Image Translation
* Masked and Permuted Implicit Context Learning for Scene Text Recognition
* Masked Auto-Encoders Meet Generative Adversarial Networks and Beyond
* Masked Autoencoder for Self-Supervised Pre-training on Lidar Point Clouds
* Masked Autoencoders are Efficient Class Incremental Learners
* Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners
* Masked Autoencoders Are Stronger Knowledge Distillers
* Masked Autoencoders Enable Efficient Knowledge Distillers
* Masked Autoencoders for Point Cloud Self-Supervised Learning
* Masked Autoencoding Does Not Help Natural Language Supervision at Scale
* Masked Batch Normalization to Improve Tracking-Based Sign Language Recognition Using Graph Convolutional Networks
* Masked Conditional Variational Autoencoders for Chromosome Straightening
* Masked Contrastive Representation Learning for Reinforcement Learning
* Masked Diffusion Transformer is a Strong Image Synthesizer
* Masked Discrimination for Self-supervised Learning on Point Clouds
* Masked Embedding Modeling With Rapid Domain Adjustment for Few-Shot Image Classification
* Masked Face Recognition Challenge: The InsightFace Track Report
* Masked Face Recognition Datasets and Validation
* Masked Face Recognition via Self-Attention Based Local Consistency Regularization
* Masked face recognition: Human versus machine
* Masked Faces with Faced Masks
* Masked fake face detection using radiance measurements
* Masked Feature Prediction for Self-Supervised Visual Pre-Training
* Masked FFT registration
* Masked Generative Distillation
* Masked Graph Convolutional Network for Small Sample Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Masked Image Modeling Advances 3D Medical Image Analysis
* Masked Image Modeling with Local Multi-Scale Reconstruction
* Masked Image Training for Generalizable Deep Image Denoising
* Masked Images Are Counterfactual Samples for Robust Fine-Tuning
* Masked Jigsaw Puzzle: A Versatile Position Embedding for Vision Transformers
* Masked Label Learning for Optical Flow Regression
* Masked Linear Regression for Learning Local Receptive Fields for Facial Expression Synthesis
* Masked Motion Encoding for Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning
* Masked Motion Predictors are Strong 3D Action Representation Learners
* Masked Object Registration in the Fourier Domain
* Masked Representation Learning for Domain Generalized Stereo Matching
* Masked Retraining Teacher-Student Framework for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Masked Scene Contrast: A Scalable Framework for Unsupervised 3D Representation Learning
* Masked Siamese Networks for Label-Efficient Learning
* Masked SIFT with align-based refinement for contactless palmprint recognition
* Masked Spatio-Temporal Structure Prediction for Self-supervised Learning on Point Cloud Videos
* Masked Spectral Bands Modeling with Shifted Windows: An Excellent Self-Supervised Learner for Classification of Medical Hyperspectral Images
* Masked Spiking Transformer
* Masked Video Distillation: Rethinking Masked Feature Modeling for Self-supervised Video Representation Learning
* Masked Vision Transformers for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Masked Wavelet Representation for Compact Neural Radiance Fields
* maskedFaceNet: A Progressive Semi-Supervised Masked Face Detector
* MaskFaceGAN: High-Resolution Face Editing With Masked GAN Latent Code Optimization
* MaskFlownet: Asymmetric Feature Matching With Learnable Occlusion Mask
* Maskformer with Improved Encoder-Decoder Module for Semantic Segmentation of Fine-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* MaskGAN: Towards Diverse and Interactive Facial Image Manipulation
* MaskGIT: Masked Generative Image Transformer
* MaskHunter: real-time object detection of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic
* Masking Adversarial Damage: Finding Adversarial Saliency for Robust and Sparse Network
* Masking and quantization laws in a visual subband coding scheme
* Masking domain-specific information for cross-domain deception detection
* Masking Light Fields to Remove Partial Occlusion
* Masking Modalities for Cross-modal Video Retrieval
* Masking of transformed intra-predicted blocks for high quality image and video coding
* Masking Strategies for Background Bias Removal in Computer Vision Models
* Masking Strategies for Image Manifolds
* MaskLab: Instance Segmentation by Refining Object Detection with Semantic and Direction Features
* MaskNet: A Fully-Convolutional Network to Estimate Inlier Points
* MaskOut: A Data Augmentation Method for Masked Face Recognition
* Maskpan: Mask Prior Guided Network For Pansharpening
* MaskPlus: Improving Mask Generation for Instance Segmentation
* Masks based human action detection in crowded videos
* Masksembles for Uncertainty Estimation
* MaskSketch: Unpaired Structure-guided Masked Image Generation
* MaskSplit: Self-supervised Meta-learning for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation
* MASON: A Model AgnoStic ObjectNess Framework
* MasQCLIP for Open-Vocabulary Universal Image Segmentation
* Masquerade attack on transform-based binary-template protection based on perceptron learning
* Mass-based omni-directional risk indicator (MORI) for multi-participant traffic
* Mass-produced parts traceability system based on automated scanning of Fingerprint of Things
* MASS-UMAP: Fast and Accurate Analog Ensemble Search in Weather Radar Archives
* Mass anomaly depth estimation from Full Tensor Gradient gravity data
* Mass Balance Changes And Ice Dynamics Of Greenland And Antarctic Ice Sheets From Laser Altimetry
* Mass Balance of Antarctic Ice Sheet From 2003 to 2008: a Systematically Improved New Estimation
* Mass Balance of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago, Russian High Arctic, Using Time-Variable Gravity from GRACE and Altimetry Data from ICESat and CryoSat-2
* Mass Balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Early 21st Century
* Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 from 1980 to 2020, Western Qilian Mountains, China
* Mass classification in mammograms based on two-concentric masks and discriminating texton
* Mass Description for Breast Cancer Recognition
* Mass Detection in Digital Mammograms Using Optimized Gabor Filter Bank
* Mass detection on mammograms: Influence of signal shape uncertainty on human and model observers
* Mass Evidence Accumulation and Traveler Risk Scoring Engine in e-Border Infrastructure
* Mass Flux Solution in the Tibetan Plateau Using Mascon Modeling
* Mass lesion detection with a fuzzy neural network
* Mass Movements' Detection In Hirise Images Of The North Pole Of Mars
* Mass Movements Detection From UAV Images Analysis
* Mass Movements of An Alpine Rock Glacier
* Mass Processing of Sentinel-1 Images for Maritime Surveillance
* Mass Segmentation in Automated 3-D Breast Ultrasound Using Adaptive Region Growing and Supervised Edge-Based Deformable Model
* Mass Segmentation in Mammograms Based on the Combination of the Spiking Cortical Model (SCM) and the Improved CV Model
* Mass segmentation in mammograms: A cross-sensor comparison of deep and tailored features
* Mass Spectrometry Based Cancer Classification Using Fuzzy Fractal Dimensions
* Mass spring models with adjustable Poisson's ratio
* Mass Transportation for Deformable Image Registration with Application to Lung CT
* MASS: Multi-Attentional Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Data for Dense Top-View Understanding
* Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AI Lab
* Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab
* Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sensable City Laboratory
* Massive-Scale Genre Communities Learning Using a Noise-Tolerant Deep Architecture
* Massive-scale image retrieval based on deep visual feature representation
* Massive-scale visual information retrieval towards city residential environment surveillance
* Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network Coupled With Laplacian-Eigenfunction-Based Dimensionality Reduction for Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography
* Massive Autonomous Characters: Animation and Interaction
* Massive City-Scale Surface Condition Analysis Using Ground and Aerial Imagery
* Massive Maritime Path Planning: A Contextual Online Learning Approach
* Massive memory organizations for implementing neural networks
* Massive MIMO Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave Systems via Matrix Completion
* Massive MIMO With Ternary ADCs
* Massive Online Crowdsourced Study of Subjective and Objective Picture Quality
* Massive Parallel-Hardware Architecture for Multiscale Stereo, Optical Flow and Image-Structure Computation
* Massive parallelization of approximate nearest neighbor search on KD-tree for high-dimensional image descriptor matching
* Massive Simulation using GPU of a distributed behavioral model of a flock with obstacle avoidance
* Massively-Parallel Handwritten Character-Recognition Based on the Distance Transform
* Massively Parallel Architecture for a Self-Organizing Neural Pattern Recognition Machine, A
* Massively Parallel Discovery of Loosely Moving Congestion Patterns from Trajectory Data
* Massively Parallel Implementation of Character Recognition Systems
* massively parallel implementation of fractal image compression, A
* Massively Parallel Implementations of Theories for Apparent Motion
* Massively parallel lossless compression of medical images using least-squares prediction and arithmetic coding
* Massively parallel Lucas Kanade optical flow for real-time video processing applications
* Massively Parallel Multiview Stereopsis by Surface Normal Diffusion
* Massively Parallel Neural Network Fingerprint Classification System
* Massively Parallel Processing of Image Contours
* Massively Parallel Road Follower, A
* Massively Parallel Video Networks
* MAST: A Memory-Augmented Self-Supervised Tracker
* MASTAF: A Model-Agnostic Spatio-Temporal Attention Fusion Network for Few-shot Video Classification
* master-slave approach for object detection and matching with fixed and mobile cameras, A
* Master and Rookie Networks for Person Re-identification
* Master Key backdoor for universal impersonation attack against DNN-based face verification, A
* Master of All: Simultaneous Generalization of Urban-Scene Segmentation to All Adverse Weather Conditions
* Master: Meta Style Transformer for Controllable Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Artistic Style Transfer
* MASTER: Multi-aspect non-local network for scene text recognition
* MasterCam FVV: Robust registration of multiview sports video to a static high-resolution master camera for free viewpoint video
* Mastering Arterial Traffic Signal Control With Multi-Agent Attention-Based Soft Actor-Critic Model
* Mastering for DVD
* Mastering map scale: balancing workloads using display and geometry change in multi-scale mapping
* Mastering Spatial Graph Prediction of Road Networks
* MasterPrint: Exploring the Vulnerability of Partial Fingerprint-based Authentication Systems
* Masters Thesis
* MAT-Net: Representing Appearance-Irrelevant Warp Field by Multiple Affine Transformations
* MAT: GIS-Based Morphometry Assessment Tools for Concave Landforms
* MAT: Mask-Aware Transformer for Large Hole Image Inpainting
* MAT: Multianchor Visual Tracking With Selective Search Region
* Match-Moving Method Combining AI and SFM Algorithms In Historical Film Footage, A
* Match-time covariance for descriptors
* Match between normalization schemes and feature sets for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Match Box: Indoor Image Matching via Box-Like Scene Estimation
* Match Cutting: Finding Cuts with Smooth Visual Transitions
* Match Graph Construction for Large Image Databases
* Match Maximization of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Energy Charging With Double-Sided Auction
* Match or No Match: Keypoint Filtering based on Matching Probability
* Match Propagation for Image-Based Modeling and Rendering
* Match Selection and Refinement for Highly Accurate Two-View Structure from Motion
* Match Selection in Batch Mosaicing Using Mutual Information
* MAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Language Knowledge
* Matchability Oriented Feature Selection for Recognition Structure Learning
* Matchable Image Retrieval by Learning from Surface Reconstruction
* Matched-Field Performance Prediction with Model Mismatch
* Matched-Filter-Bank-Based 3-D Imaging Algorithm for Rapidly Spinning Targets, A
* Matched-Filter and Correlation-Based Imaging for Fast Moving Objects Using a Sparse Network of Receivers
* Matched-texture coding for structurally lossless compression
* Matched affine joint subspace detection in remote hyperspectral reconnaissance
* Matched Filter for Spaceborne GNSS-R Based Sea-Target Detection, A
* Matched filtering-based estimation of ground elevation using laser altimetry
* Matched Filtering Accelerated by Tensor Cores on Volta GPUs With Improved Accuracy Using Half-Precision Variables
* Matched Filtering Technique for Corner Detection, A
* Matched Filters for Bin Picking
* Matched Filters for Noisy Induced Subgraph Detection
* Matched Shrunken Cone Detector (MSCD): Bayesian Derivations and Case Studies for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* matched subspace detector with interaction effects, The
* Matcher
* Matchformer: Interleaving Attention in Transformers for Feature Matching
* MatchGAN: A Self-supervised Semi-supervised Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Matching-Area-Based Seam Carving for Video Retargeting
* Matching-CNN meets KNN: Quasi-parametric human parsing
* Matching-constrained active contours with affine-invariant shape prior
* Matching-Pursuit Video Coding. II: Operational Models for Rate and Distortion
* Matching-space Stereo Networks for Cross-domain Generalization
* Matching 2-D ellipses to 3-D circles with application to vehicle pose identification
* Matching 2.5D Face Scans to 3D Models
* Matching 2.5D Scans for Face Recognition
* Matching 2D and 3D articulated shapes using the eccentricity transform
* Matching 2D image lines to 3D models: Two improvements and a new algorithm
* Matching 2D Images to Multiple 3D Objects Using View Description Networks
* Matching 2D Polygonal Arcs by Using a Subgroup of the Unit Quaternions
* Matching 2D Shapes using their Symmetry Sets
* Matching 3-D Anatomical Surfaces with Non-Rigid Deformations Using Octree-Splines
* Matching 3-D Arcs
* Matching 3-D Line Segments with Applications to Multiple-Object Motion Estimation
* Matching 3-D Models to 2-D Images
* Matching 3-D Smooth Surfaces with Their 2-D Projections Using 3-D Distance Maps
* Matching 3D Faces with Partial Data
* Matching 3D Models with Shape Distribution
* Matching actions in presence of camera motion
* Matching Adversarial Networks
* Matching Aerial Images to 3-D Terrain Maps
* Matching Affine Features with the SYBA Feature Descriptor
* matching algorithm based on hierarchical primitive structure, A
* matching algorithm based on linear features, A
* Matching Algorithm Based on Local Topologic Structure, A
* Matching Algorithm for Detecting Land Use Changes Using Case-Based Reasoning, A
* Matching Algorithm for Horizontal Motion: Application to Tracking, A
* Matching Algorithm for Motion Analysis of Dense Populations, A
* Matching an Elastic Model of Chromosomal Shape to Features on a Self-Organising Map
* Matching an Imprecise Object Description with Models in a Knowledge Base
* Matching and anatomical labeling of human airway tree
* Matching And Clustering: Two Steps Toward Automatic Object Modeling in Computer Vision
* Matching and Clustering: Two Steps Towards Automatic Objective Model Generation
* Matching and Embedding through Edit-Union of Trees
* Matching and Evaluating Free-form Linear Features for Georeferencing Space-borne SAR Imagery
* Matching and fusing 3D-polygonal approximations for model-generation
* Matching and Interpretation of Planar Motion Using Tensor Voting
* Matching and Learning Structural and Spatial Representation with Neural Networks
* Matching and Motion Estimation of Three-Dimensional Point and Line Sets Using Eigenstructure without Correspondences
* Matching and normalization of affine deformed image from regular moments
* Matching and Perturbation Theories for Affine-Invariant Shapes Using QR Factorization with Column Pivoting
* Matching and Pose Refinement with Camera Pose Estimates
* Matching and Recognition of Deformed Closed Contours Based on Structural Transformation Models
* Matching and Recognition of Road Networks from Aerial Images
* Matching and Recognition Using Deformable Intensity Surfaces
* Matching and Reconstruction from Widely Separated Views
* Matching and Recovering 3D People from Multiple Views
* Matching and Retrieval Based on the Vocabulary and Grammar of Color Patterns
* Matching and Retrieval of Distorted and Occluded Shapes Using Dynamic Programming
* Matching and Retrieval of Tattoo Images: Active Contour CBIR and Glocal Image Features
* Matching and Tracking Strategy for Independently Moving Objects, A
* Matching as a non-cooperative game
* Matching Attributed Graphs: 2nd-Order Probabilities for Pruning the Search Tree
* Matching bags of regions in RGBD images
* Matching based ground-truth annotation for online handwritten mathematical expressions
* Matching based on variance minimization of component distances using edges of free-form surfaces
* Matching between Different Image Domains
* Matching Blood Vessel Patterns with the Generalised EM Algorithm
* Matching by Linear Programming and Successive Convexification
* Matching by Monotonic Tone Mapping
* Matching by Tone Mapping: Photometric Invariant Template Matching
* Matching Canny Edgels to Compute the Principal Components of Optic Flow
* Matching caricatures to photographs
* Matching clinical and biological needs with emerging imaging technologies
* Matching Closed Contours
* Matching colonic polyps from prone and supine CT colonography scans based on statistical curvature information
* Matching color uncalibrated images using differential invariants
* Matching Complex Images to Multiple 3D Objects Using View Description Networks
* Matching Confidence Constrained Bundle Adjustment for Multi-View High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Matching Conic Curve Segments
* Matching Conjugate Points between Multi Resolution Satellite Images Using Geometric and Radiometric Properties
* Matching Constraints and the Joint Image
* Matching Contactless and Contact-Based Conventional Fingerprint Images for Biometrics Identification
* Matching corners using the informative arc
* Matching cost function using robust soft rank transformations
* matching criterion for motion compensation in the temporal coding of video signal, A
* Matching cross-resolution face images using co-transfer learning
* Matching cylindrical panorama sequences using planar reprojections
* Matching deformable atlas models to preprocessed magnetic resonance brain images
* Matching Deformable Features Based on Oriented Multi-scale Filter Banks
* Matching Deformable Objects in Clutter
* Matching Deformable Regions Using Local Histograms of Differential Invariants
* Matching Deformed Delaunay Triangulations
* Matching Delaunay Graphs
* Matching delaunay triangulations by probabilistic relaxation
* Matching Depth Maps Obtained by Passive Stereo
* Matching Descriptors Of Noisy Outline Shapes
* Matching Disparate Image Pairs Using Shape-Aware ConvNets
* Matching Disparate Views of Planar Surfaces Using Projective Invariants
* Matching Distance Functions: A Shape-to-Area Variational Approach for Global-to-Local Registration
* Matching Document Images with Ground Truth
* Matching Dry to Wet Materials
* Matching Elastic Contours
* Matching Error Based Criterion of Region Merging for Joint Motion Estimation and Segmentation Techniques
* Matching face against iris images using periocular information
* Matching Feature Points in Image Sequences Through a Region-Based Method
* Matching Feature Sets for Few-Shot Image Classification
* Matching Features Correctly through Semantic Understanding
* Matching Features from Edge-Processed Image Sequences
* Matching Features without Descriptors: Implicitly Matched Interest Points
* Matching Filtering by Region-Based Attributes on Hierachical Structures for Image Co-Segmentation
* Matching Flexible Polygons to Fields of Corners Extracted from Images
* Matching Folded Garments to Unfolded Templates Using Robust Shape Analysis Techniques
* Matching for Shape Defect Detection
* Matching for Stereo, Correlation
* Matching for Stereo, Dynamic Programming Techniques
* Matching for Stereo, Neural Network Applications, CNN
* Matching for Stereo, Occlusion, Discontinuity Analysis
* Matching for Stereo, Varying Illumination, Radiometric Changes
* Matching for Stereo, Wide Baseline Matching Issues
* Matching Forensic Sketches and Mug Shots to Apprehend Criminals
* Matching Forensic Sketches to Mug Shot Photos
* Matching Form Lines Based on a Heuristic Search
* Matching Fourier Descriptors, Fourier Shape Descriptors
* Matching Framework for Employees to Support Carpooling in the Context of Large Companies, A
* Matching Free Stereovision for Detecting Obstacles on a Ground Plane
* Matching Free Trees, Maximal Cliques, and Monotone Game Dynamics
* Matching from 3-D Range Models into 2-D Intensity Scenes
* Matching Gait Image Sequences in the Frequency Domain for Tracking People at a Distance
* Matching General Polygonal Arcs
* Matching Geometrical Descriptions in Three-Space
* Matching Graphs and 3-D Network Descriptions
* Matching graphs by pivoting
* Matching Groups of People by Covariance Descriptor
* Matching Guided Distillation
* Matching Handwritten Document Images
* Matching Handwritten Line Drawings with Von Mises Distributions
* Matching heterogeneous periocular regions: Short and long standoff distances
* Matching Hierarchical Structures Using Association Graphs
* Matching Hierarchies of Deformable Shapes
* Matching High Level Features of an Aerial Image with a Map or Another Image
* Matching Image and Sentence With Multi-Faceted Representations
* Matching Image Edges to Object Memory
* Matching image sets via adaptive multi convex hull
* Matching Image with Multiple Local Features
* Matching images based on consistency graph and region adjacency graphs
* Matching Images by Comparing Their Gradient Fields
* Matching Images Features in a Wide Base Line with ICA Descriptors
* Matching images more efficiently with local descriptors
* Matching Images to Models for Registration and Object Detection via Clustering
* Matching Images to Models: Camera Calibration for 3-D Surface Reconstruction
* Matching images under unstable segmentations
* Matching Images Using Invariant Level-line Primitives under Projective Transformation
* Matching Images Using Linear Features
* Matching Images Using Motion Features
* Matching Images with Different Resolutions
* Matching Images With Multiple Descriptors: An Unsupervised Approach for Locally Adaptive Descriptor Selection
* Matching in 2-D and 3-D
* Matching in Catadioptric Images with Appropriate Windows, and Outliers Removal
* Matching in the Dark: A Dataset for Matching Image Pairs of Low-light Scenes
* Matching Incomplete Objects Using Boundary Signatures
* Matching Interest Points of an Object
* Matching Interest Points Using Affine Invariant Concentric Circles
* Matching Is Not Enough: A Two-Stage Framework for Category-Agnostic Pose Estimation
* Matching Issues for Stereo
* Matching Large Baseline Oblique Stereo Images Using an End-to-End Convolutional Neural Network
* Matching Larger Image Areas for Unconstrained Face Identification
* Matching Light Field Datasets from Plenoptic Cameras 1.0 and 2.0
* Matching Linear Features of Images and Maps
* Matching Linear Features
* Matching Linear Stereoscopic Images
* Matching Lines and Points in an Active Stereo Vision System Using Genetic Algorithms
* Matching Local Descriptors for Image Identification on Cultural Databases
* Matching Local Invariant Features with Contextual Information: An Experimental Evaluation
* Matching Local Self-Similarities across Images and Videos
* Matching Maximally Stable Extremal Regions Using Edge Information and the Chamfer Distance Function
* matching method based on marker-controlled watershed segmentation, A
* Matching mixtures of curves for human action recognition
* Matching Model for Door-to-Door Multimodal Transit by Integrating Taxi-Sharing and Subways, A
* Matching Motion Trajectories Using Scale-Space
* Matching Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Images via an Affinity Tensor
* Matching Multi-Source Optical Satellite Imagery Exploiting a Multi-Stage Approach
* Matching Multiple Perspectives for Efficient Representation Learning
* Matching Multiple Views by the Least Square Correlation
* Matching Networks with Different Levels of Detail
* Matching Noisy Outline Contours Using a Descriptor Reduction Approach
* Matching non-aligned objects using a relational string-graph
* Matching non-rigidly deformable shapes across images: A globally optimal solution
* Matching Object Models to Segments from an Optical Flow Field
* Matching Occluded Objects Invariant to Rotations, Translations, Reflections, and Scale Changes
* Matching of 3D Curves Using Semi-Differential Invariants
* Matching of 3d Graphs for Human Motion Analysis
* Matching of 3D Polygonal Arcs
* Matching of 3D surfaces and their intensities
* Matching of 3D wire-frame building models with image features from infrared video sequences taken by helicopters or UAVs
* Matching of anatomical tree structures for registration of medical images
* Matching of Articulated Objects in SAR Images
* Matching of Artificial Target Points Based on Space Intersection
* Matching of characters in scene images by using local shape feature vectors
* Matching of Deformed Images
* Matching of dental X-ray images for human identification
* Matching of discrete curves under affine transforms
* Matching of Double-Sided Document Images to Remove Interference
* Matching of Doubly Ambiguous Stereograms, The
* Matching of Featured Objects Using Relational Tables from Stereo Images
* Matching of graphical symbols in line-drawing images using angular signature information
* Matching of images with projective distortion using transform invariant low-rank textures
* Matching of interest point groups with pairwise spatial constraints
* Matching of Matching-Graphs: A Novel Approach for Graph Classification
* Matching of medical images by self-organizing neural networks
* Matching of multi-resolution image for remote sensing glacier detection
* Matching of Natural Terrain Scenes
* Matching of Objects Moving Across Disjoint Cameras
* Matching of omindirectional and perspective images using the hybrid fundamental matrix
* Matching of Palmprints
* Matching of Partially Occluded Planar Curves
* Matching of quasi-periodic time series patterns by exchange of block-sorting signatures
* Matching of Remote Sensing Images with Complex Background Variations via Siamese Convolutional Neural Network
* Matching of Road Segments Using Probabilistic Relaxation: A Hierarchical Approach
* Matching of Road Segments Using Probabilistic Relaxation: Reducing the Computational Requirements
* Matching of stereo curves: A closed form solution
* Matching of straight line segments from aerial stereo images of urban areas
* Matching of Structural Shape Descriptions with Hopfield Net
* Matching of TerraSAR-X derived ground control points to optical image patches using deep learning
* Matching of the Multi-channel Images with Improved Nonparametric Transformations and Weighted Binary Distance Measures
* Matching of Tracked Pedestrians Across Disjoint Camera Views Using CI-DLBP
* Matching of Tree Structures for Registration of Medical Images
* Matching of uncalibrated stereo images by elastic deformation
* Matching of Weakly-Localized Features under Different Geometric Models
* Matching ostraca fragments using a siamese neural network
* Matching Ottoman Words: An image retrieval approach to historical document indexing
* Matching Oversegmented 3D Images to Models Using Association Graphs
* Matching parameter estimation by using the radial basis function interpolation
* Matching patterns of line segments by eigenvector decomposition
* Matching Persistent Scatterers To Buildings
* Matching Persistent Scatterers to optical oblique images
* Matching Perspective Images Using Geometric Constraints and Perceptual Grouping
* Matching Perspective Views of a 3-D Object Using Circuits
* Matching Perspective Views of a Polyhedron Using Circuits
* Matching Perspective Views of Coplanar Structures Using Projective Unwarping and Similarity Matching
* Matching photometric-stereo images
* Matching Pixels Using Co-occurrence Statistics
* Matching Planar Features for Robot Localization
* Matching Point-sets using Procrustes Alignment and the EM Algorithm
* Matching point features under small nonrigid motion
* Matching Point Features With Ordered Geometric, Rigidity, and Disparity Constraints
* Matching points in poor edge information images
* Matching Polygon Fragments
* Matching Pursuit-Based Region-of-Interest Image Coding
* Matching pursuit-based shape representation and recognition using scale-space
* Matching Pursuit Based on Kernel Non-Second Order Minimization
* Matching Pursuit Filters Applied to Face Identification
* Matching pursuit for compression and application to motion compensated video coding
* Matching pursuit of images
* Matching Pursuit Video Coding. I: Dictionary Approximation
* Matching pursuits based multiple description video coding for lossy environments
* Matching Pursuits Multiple Description Coding for Wireless Video
* Matching pursuits video coding using generalized bit-planes
* Matching Pursuits Video Coding: Dictionaries and Fast Implementation
* Matching Pursuits with Time-Frequency Dictionaries
* Matching Pursuits, Video Coding
* Matching Radar and Satellite Images Employing the Hausdorff Distance for Ship Positioning and Trajectory Estimation
* Matching range images of human faces
* Matching Raw GPS Measurements on a Navigable Map Without Computing a Global Position
* Matching Regions in Aerial Images
* Matching Relational Structures using the Edge-Association Graph
* Matching RGB and Infrared Remote Sensing Images with Densely-Connected Convolutional Neural Networks
* Matching SAR Imagery with Terrain Feature Models
* Matching scale-space features in 1D panoramas
* matching scheme to enhance performance evaluation of raster-to-vector conversion algorithms, A
* Matching Segmented Scenes to Models Using Pairwise Relationships between Features
* Matching Segments of Images
* Matching Seqlets: An Unsupervised Approach for Locality Preserving Sequence Matching
* Matching sequences of salient contour points characterized by Voronoi region features
* Matching Sets of 3D Line Segments with Application to Polygonal Arc Matching
* Matching Shape Sequences in Video with Applications in Human Movement Analysis
* Matching shapes by eigendecomposition of the Laplace-Beltrami operator
* Matching Shapes With Self-Intersections: Application to Leaf Classification
* Matching Shapes
* Matching Shapes: A Case Study in Time-Varying Images
* Matching Similarity for Keyword-Based Clustering
* Matching Spatial Relations Using db-Tree for Image Retrieval
* Matching Standard and Secant Parallels in Cylindrical Projections
* Matching Stereo Satellite Images
* Matching Sticks, Plates, and Blobs Objects Using Geometric and Relational Constraints
* Matching Straight Lines
* Matching structural and implementational models in the specification of image classifiers
* Matching Structural Shape Descriptions Using Genetic Algorithms
* Matching Structures by Computing Minimal Paths on a Manifold
* Matching Supply and Demand in Online Parking Reservation Platforms
* Matching Surface Signatures for Object Identification
* Matching Symbolic Descriptions for 3D Reconstruction of Simple Moving Objects
* Matching techniques to compute image motion
* Matching Tensors for Automatic Correspondence and Registration
* Matching Tensors for Pose Invariant Automatic 3D Face Recognition
* Matching terrestrial images captured by a nomad system to images of a reference database for pose estimation purpose
* Matching texture units for face recognition
* Matching the Resolution Level to Salient Image Features
* Matching the Task to an Image Processing Architecture
* Matching thermal to visible face images using hidden factor analysis in a cascaded subspace learning framework
* Matching Three-Dimensional Models
* Matching Three-Dimensional Objects Using a Relational Paradigm
* Matching Three-Dimensional Objects Using Silhouettes
* Matching Three-Dimensional Symbolic Descriptions Obtained from Multiple Views of a Scene
* Matching Topographic Structures in Stereo Vision
* Matching tracking sequences across widely separated cameras
* Matching Trajectories between Video Sequences by Exploiting a Sparse Projective Invariant Representation
* Matching Trajectories of Anatomical Landmarks Under Viewpoint, Anthropometric and Temporal Transforms
* Matching Triangle Chain Codes
* Matching Two-Dimensional Articulated Shapes Using Generalized Multidimensional Scaling
* Matching two clusters of points extracted from satellite images
* Matching Two Perspective Views
* Matching Using \
* Matching Using Accumulation and Alignment Schemes
* Matching using Schwarz integrals
* Matching vehicles under large pose transformations using approximate 3D models and piecewise MRF model
* Matching Visual Features to Hierarchical Semantic Topics for Image Paragraph Captioning
* Matching Widely Separated Views Based on Affine Invariant Regions
* Matching Wire Frame Objects from Their Two Dimensional Perspective Projections
* Matching with epipolar gradient features and edge transfer
* Matching with GUISAC-Guided Sample Consensus
* Matching with PROSAC: Progressive Sample Consensus
* Matching with shape contexts
* Matching word images for content-based retrieval from printed document images
* Matching, Affine Transformations
* Matching, Areas, Regions, Surfaces
* Matching, Descriptions Using Moments
* Matching, Euler Tours and the Chinese Postman
* Matching, Reconstructing and Grouping 3D Lines From Multiple Views Using Uncertain Projective Geometry
* Matching, Volumes, 3-D
* Matching: Invariant to Translations, Rotations, and Scale Changes
* MatchMakerNet: Enabling Fragment Matching for Cultural Heritage Analysis
* MatchMiner: Efficient Spanning Structure Mining in Large Image Collections
* MatchNet: Unifying feature and metric learning for patch-based matching
* MatchNMingle Dataset: A Novel Multi-Sensor Resource for the Analysis of Social Interactions and Group Dynamics In-the-Wild During Free-Standing Conversations and Speed Dates, The
* Matchup Characteristics of Sea Surface Salinity Using a High-Resolution Ocean Model
* MATE: Masked Autoencoders are Online 3D Test-Time Learners
* Matera città Narrata Project: An Integrated Guide For Mobile Systems
* Material-Based Segmentation of Objects
* Material-specific adaptation of color invariant features
* Material-Specific Chromaticity Priors
* Material-specific user colour profiles from imaging spectroscopy data
* Material analysis on noisy multispectral images using classifier combination
* Material Appearance Transfer with Visual Cortex Image
* Material Based Boundary Detection in Hyperspectral Images
* Material Based Object Tracking in Hyperspectral Videos
* Material based salient object detection from hyperspectral images
* Material Classification and Semantic Segmentation of Railway Track Images with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Material Classification and Separation of Reflection Components Using Polarization Radiometric Information
* Material Classification Based on Training Data Synthesized Using a BTF Database
* Material Classification for 3D Objects in Aerial Hyperspectral Images
* Material Classification for Printed Circuit Boards by Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Material Classification for Printed Circuit Boards by Spectral Imaging System
* Material Classification from Time-of-Flight Distortions
* Material Classification of an Unknown Object Using Turbulence-Degraded Polarimetric Imagery
* Material Classification on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifolds
* Material Classification under Natural Illumination Using Reflectance Maps
* Material classification using BRDF slices
* Material Classification Using Frequency-and Depth-Dependent Time-of-Flight Distortion
* Material Classification Using Morphological Pattern Spectrum for Extracting Textural Features from Material Micrographs
* Material Classification using Passive Polarimetric Imagery
* Material Classification Using Raw Time-of-Flight Measurements
* Material classification with thermal imagery
* Material Decomposition Using Spectral Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast X-Ray Imaging
* Material detection with a CCD polarization imager
* Material determination from reflectance properties in aerial urban images
* Material Editing Using a Physically Based Rendering Network
* Material identification by surface reflection analysis in combination with bundle adjustment technique
* Material Identification Using Laser Spectroscopy and Pattern Recognition Algorithms
* Material Information Acquisition Using a ToF Range Sensor for Interactive Object Recognition
* Material Recognition for Efficient Acquisition of Geometry and Reflectance
* Material recognition in the wild with the Materials in Context Database
* Material segmentation in hyperspectral images with minimal region perimeters
* Material Swapping for 3D Scenes using a Learnt Material Similarity Measure
* Material/historic Reality: Catching the Transformation. From A Case Of Applied Research to the Trans-disciplinary Approach to Preserve Architecture
* Materiality maps: A novel scene-based framework for direct multi-view stereovision reconstruction
* Materials-based 3D segmentation of unknown objects from dual-energy computed tomography imagery in baggage security screening
* Materials Classification Using Sparse Gray-Scale Bidirectional Reflectance Measurements
* Materials discovery: Fine-grained classification of X-ray scattering images
* Materials for Masses: SVBRDF Acquisition with a Single Mobile Phone Image
* Maternal Abdominal ECG as Input to MICA in the Fetal ECG Extraction Problem, The
* Math Spotting: Retrieving Math in Technical Documents Using Handwritten Query Images
* mathematic model for event detection in spatiotemporal city environment, A
* Mathematical-Analysis of Motion-Opponent Mechanisms Used in the Determination of Heading and Depth
* Mathematical-Methods for the Analysis of Color Scanning Filters
* Mathematical-Methods for the Design of Color Scanning Filters
* Mathematical-morphology-based edge detectors for detection of thin edges in low-contrast regions
* Mathematical Analysis and Implementation of Residual Interpolation Demosaicking Algorithms, A
* Mathematical analysis for CSI scheme with the interpolation kernel size increased
* Mathematical Analysis of An Extended Mumford-Shah Model for Image Segmentation
* Mathematical Analysis of Clustering-Free Local SAR Compression Algorithms for MRI Safety in Parallel Transmission, A
* Mathematical Analysis of Learning Loss for Active Learning in Regression, A
* Mathematical analysis of MPEG compression capability and its application to rate control
* Mathematical Analysis of Phase Ramping for Super-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Mathematical Analysis of the DCT Coefficient Distributions for Images, A
* Mathematical analysis of the energy compaction affected by the dimensionality of Karhunen-Lòeve transform
* Mathematical Analysis of the Motion Coherence Theory, A
* Mathematical Analysis of the Multisolution Phenomenon in the P3P Problem
* mathematical analysis of the Tensorial Morphological Gradient approach, A
* mathematical and algorithmic study of the Lambertian SFS problem for orthographic and pinhole cameras, A
* Mathematical and Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging and Image Analysis
* Mathematical and Computer Modelling
* mathematical approach to best luminance maps, A
* Mathematical Architecture for Molecular Computing, A
* Mathematical aspects of shape reconstruction from an image sequence
* Mathematical Aspects of Tensor Subspace Method
* Mathematical Assessment of the Effects of Substituting the Band Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) for the Spectral RTE in the Applications of Earth's Surface Temperature Retrievals from Spaceborne Infrared Imageries
* Mathematical Comparison of Point Detectors, A
* Mathematical definition and analysis of the Retinex algorithm
* Mathematical Description of Emotional Processes and Its Potential Applications to Affective Computing, A
* Mathematical Design of a Novel Gesture-Based Instruction/Input Device Using Wave Detection
* Mathematical Expression Recognition: A Survey
* Mathematical Extension to the General Four-Component Scattering Power Decomposition With Unitary Transformation of Coherency Matrix, A
* Mathematical formula detection in document images: A new dataset and a new approach
* Mathematical formula identification and performance evaluation in PDF documents
* Mathematical Formula Identification in PDF Documents
* Mathematical formula recognition using virtual link network
* Mathematical Formulae Recognition Using 2D Grammars
* Mathematical formulas extraction
* Mathematical formulation of shape-adaptive 2-D transforms
* Mathematical Foundations and Generalisations of the Census Transform for Robust Optic Flow Computation
* Mathematical Foundations of Smoothness Constraints: A New Class of Coupled Constraint, The
* Mathematical Framework for Abdominal Electrical Impedance Tomography to Assess Fatness
* Mathematical Framework for the Registration and Analysis of Multi-Fascicle Models for Population Studies of the Brain Microstructure, A
* Mathematical framework to show the existence of attractor of partitioned iterative function systems
* Mathematical generation of normal data for evaluating myocardial perfusion studies
* Mathematical Image Processing
* Mathematical Imaging: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing
* Mathematical Imaging: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing, III
* Mathematical Integration of Remotely-Sensed Information into a Crop Modelling Process for Mapping Crop Productivity
* Mathematical Linguistics in Cognitive Medical Image Interpretation Systems
* Mathematical Methods for Medical Imaging
* Mathematical Methods for Pattern Recognition: Logic, Optimization, Algebraic Approaches
* Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation
* Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision
* Mathematical Methods in Signal Processing and Digital Image Analysis
* Mathematical Methods of Statistics
* Mathematical model and experimental methodology for calibration of a LWIR polarimetric-hyperspectral imager
* mathematical model for computational aesthetics, A
* Mathematical Model for Computer Image Tracking, A
* Mathematical Model for SAR Imaging beyond the First Born Approximation, A
* mathematical model for shape coding with B-splines, A
* Mathematical Model for Shape Description Using Minkowski Operators, A
* Mathematical Model for the Prediction of Speeding with its Validation, A
* Mathematical Model for Universal Semantics, A
* Mathematical Model for Urban Traffic and Traffic Optimization Using a Developed ICA Technique, A
* Mathematical model of blob matching and modified Bhattacharyya coefficient
* mathematical model of the nascent cyclone, A
* Mathematical Modeling and Accuracy Testing of WorldView-2 Level-1B Stereo Pairs without Ground Control Points
* Mathematical Modeling and Estimation Techniques in Computer Vision
* Mathematical modeling in genetic networks: relationships between the genetic expression and both chromosomic breakage and positive circuits
* Mathematical modeling of clean and noisy ECG signals in a level-crossing sampling context
* Mathematical Modeling of Driver Speed Control With Individual Differences
* Mathematical Modeling of Electromechanical Function Disturbances and Recovery in Calcium-Overloaded Cardiomyocytes
* Mathematical Modeling of Stuxnet-Style Autonomous Vehicle Malware, A
* Mathematical Modeling of Textures: Application to Color Image Decomposition with a Projected Gradient Algorithm
* Mathematical Modeling of the Effects of Speech Warning Characteristics on Human Performance and Its Application in Transportation Cyberphysical Systems
* Mathematical Modeling of the Human Cognitive System in Two Serial Processing Stages With Its Applications in Adaptive Workload-Management Systems
* Mathematical Models for Air Traffic Conflict and Collision Probability Estimation
* Mathematical Models for Automatic Line Detection
* Mathematical Models for Determining the Intersections of Quadric Surfaces
* Mathematical models for local nontexture inpaintings
* Mathematical Models for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction: An Overview of the Approaches, Problems, and Future Research Areas
* Mathematical Models for Restoration of Baroque Paintings
* Mathematical Models for Scene Analysis
* Mathematical Models for the Calibration of Cameras Mounted on a Tripod Using Primitive Tracking
* Mathematical models of graphics
* Mathematical Morphological Approach for Segmenting Heavily Noise-Corrupted Images, A
* Mathematical Morphological Operations of Boundary-Represented Geometric Objects
* Mathematical morphology-based generalization of complex 3D building models incorporating semantic relationships
* Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing
* Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image Processing
* Mathematical Morphology Approach to Euclidean Distance Transformation, A
* mathematical morphology approach to image based 3D particle shape analysis, A
* Mathematical Morphology as a Tool for Shape Description
* Mathematical Morphology Based on Linear Combined Metric Spaces on Z2 (Part I): Fast Distance Transforms
* Mathematical Morphology Based on Linear Combined Metric Spaces on Z2 (Part II): Constant Time Morphological Operations
* Mathematical morphology directly applied to point cloud data
* Mathematical Morphology for Edge and overlap Detection for Medical Images
* Mathematical Morphology for Real-Valued Images on Riemannian Manifolds
* Mathematical Morphology in Polar-Logarithmic Coordinates. Application to Erythrocyte Shape Analysis
* Mathematical Morphology in the HLS Colour Space
* Mathematical Morphology in the HSI Colour Space
* Mathematical morphology on hypergraphs, application to similarity and positive kernel
* Mathematical Morphology on Hypergraphs: Preliminary Definitions and Results
* Mathematical Morphology on Irregularly Sampled Signals
* Mathematical Morphology on L-Images
* Mathematical Morphology on the Spherical CIELab Quantale with an Application in Color Image Boundary Detection
* Mathematical Morphology on the Triangular Grid: The Strict Approach
* Mathematical Morphology
* Mathematical Morphology: 40 Years On
* Mathematical Morphology: A Tool for Automated GIS Data Acquisition from Scanned Thematic Maps
* Mathematical Morphology: Extensions towards Computer Vision
* Mathematical morphology: The Hamilton-Jacobi connection
* Mathematical Nonlinear Image Processing
* Mathematical Picture Grammar Applied to Script Generation
* Mathematical Problems in Image Processing Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations
* mathematical programming approach for integrated multiple linear regression subset selection and validation, A
* Mathematical proof of explicit formulas for tap-coefficients of full-band FIR digital differentiators
* Mathematical Properties of the 2D Motion Field: From Singular Points to Motion Parameters
* Mathematical properties of the JPEG2000 wavelet filters
* Mathematical properties of the native integral ratio handwriting and text extraction technique
* mathematical semantics of rendering I: ideal rendering, A
* Mathematical Sensor Model for Indoor Use of a Multi-beam Rotating 3d Lidar, A
* Mathematical Statement to One Dimensional Phase Unwrapping: A Variational Approach
* Mathematical statistics and computer vision
* Mathematical Structures of Line Drawings of Polyhedrons: Toward Man-Machine Communication by Means of Line Drawings
* Mathematical Study of the Relaxed Optical Flow Problem in the Space V, A
* Mathematical Symbol Indexing Using Topologically Ordered Clusters of Shape Contexts
* Mathematical symbol recognition with support vector machines
* Mathematical Theories of Shape: Do They Model Perception?
* Mathematical Theory of Communication, The
* Mathematical Theory of Communications, A
* Mathematical Theory of Evidence, A
* Mathematical Tools For Representing Uncertainty In Perception
* Mathematical Transforms and Correlation Techniques for Object Recognition Using Tactile Data
* Mathematical variable detection in scientific document images
* Mathematically Justified Algorithm for Shape from Texture, A
* Mathematically optimized trajectory for terrestrial close-range photogrammetric 3D reconstruction of forest stands
* Mathematics Education and Accessible Technologies for Visually Impaired Students in Bangladesh
* Mathematics for Computer Graphics
* Mathematics for Demosaicking
* Mathematics in Atmospheric Sciences: An Overview
* mathematics of color calibration, The
* Mathematics of Computation
* Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression, and Encryption
* Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression, and Encryption, II
* Mathematics of Digital Images
* Mathematics of Medical Imaging: A Beginner's Guide, The
* Matheuristic for the Integrated Disruption Management of Traffic, Passengers and Stations in Urban Railway Lines, A
* Mathpad: A Fuzzy Logic-Based Recognition System for Handwritten Mathematics
* Mating Rituals of Deep Neural Networks: Learning Compact Feature Representations Through Sexual Evolutionary Synthesis, The
* MATIP: A dynamic hardware task integration platform for Multiprocessing Reconfigurable System on Chip
* MATIS3D: An Adaptive Stereo Vision Machine
* MATLAB and Octave Functions Software for Computer Vision and Image Processing
* Matlab Based Interactive Simulation Program for 2D Multisegment Mechanical Systems
* Matlab Camera Calibration Toolbox
* MATLAB for Signal Processing on Multiprocessors and Multicores
* Matlab Geodetic Software for Processing Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Data, A
* Matlab implementation of a fast incremental principal component pursuit algorithm for Video Background Modeling, A
* MATLAB SMO Implementation to Train a SVM Classifier: Application to Multi-Style License Plate Numbers Recognition, A
* Matlab Software for Supervised Habitat Mapping of Freshwater Systems Using Image Processing
* Matlab toolbox for Level Set Methods
* MATNet: Exploiting Multi-Modal Features for Radiology Report Generation
* MATNet: Motion-Attentive Transition Network for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* MATR: Multimodal Medical Image Fusion via Multiscale Adaptive Transformer
* matRadiomics: From Biomedical Image Visualization to Predictive Model Implementation
* Matrice Fondamentale et Calibration Visuelle sur l'Environment
* Matrics, a Car License Plate Recognition System
* Matrioska Tracking Algorithm on LTDT2014 Dataset, The
* MATRIOSKA: A Multi-level Approach to Fast Tracking by Learning
* MATRIS project: real-time markerless camera tracking for Augmented Reality and broadcast applications, The
* Matrix-Based Approach to the Image Moment Problem, A
* Matrix-Based Approach to Unsupervised Human Action Categorization, A
* Matrix-Based Discriminant Subspace Ensemble for Hyperspectral Image Spatial-Spectral Feature Fusion
* Matrix-Based Hierarchical Graph Matching in Off-Line Handwritten Signatures Recognition
* Matrix-Based Margin-Maximization Band Selection With Data-Driven Diversity for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Matrix-Based Ramanujan-Sums Transforms
* Matrix-Based Secret Sharing Scheme for Images, A
* Matrix-Based Structure for Vario-Scale Vector Representation over a Wide Range of Map Scales: The Case of River Network Data, A
* matrix-free approach to efficient affine-linear image registration on CPU and GPU, A
* Matrix-Free Reconstruction Method for Compressive Focal Plane Array Imaging, A
* Matrix-pattern-oriented Ho-Kashyap classifier with regularization learning
* Matrix-pattern-oriented least squares support vector classifier with AdaBoost
* Matrix-Similarity Based Loss Function and Feature Selection for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Matrix-Structural Learning (MSL) of Cascaded Classifier from Enormous Training Set
* Matrix-Valued Filters as Convex Programs
* Matrix-Valued Levelings for Colour Images
* Matrix-variate variational auto-encoder with applications to image process
* Matrix-Vector Nonnegative Tensor Factorization for Blind Unmixing of Hyperspectral Imagery
* matrix alignment approach for link prediction, A
* Matrix and Tensor Based Methods for Missing Data Estimation in Large Traffic Networks
* Matrix and tensor completion algorithms for background model initialization: A comparative evaluation
* Matrix and Tensor Completion in Multiway Delay Embedded Space Using Tensor Train, With Application to Signal Reconstruction
* Matrix and Tensor Factorization Methods in Computer Vision
* matrix approach to character recognition, A
* Matrix Approach to Data Base Exploration: Analysis of Classifier Results, A
* Matrix Backpropagation for Deep Networks with Structured Layers
* Matrix Balancing Based Interior Point Methods for Point Set Matching Problems
* Matrix based cyclic spectral estimator for fast and robust texture classification
* Matrix Based Method for Determining Depth from Focus, A
* Matrix Based Subdivision Depth Computation for Extra-Ordinary Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface Patches
* Matrix Capsule Convolutional Projection for Deep Feature Learning
* Matrix Character Reading System
* Matrix Classifier on Dynamic Functional Connectivity for MCI Identification
* Matrix Cofactorization for Joint Spatial-Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images
* Matrix Completion Algorithms
* Matrix Completion Based Method for RFI Source Localization in Microwave Interferometric Radiometry, A
* Matrix Completion Based on Non-Convex Low-Rank Approximation
* Matrix completion by least-square, low-rank, and sparse self-representations
* Matrix completion by Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization
* Matrix Completion for Downward-Looking 3-D SAR Imaging With a Random Sparse Linear Array
* Matrix completion for resolving label ambiguity
* Matrix Completion for Weakly-Supervised Multi-Label Image Classification
* Matrix completion via capped nuclear norm
* Matrix Completion via Non-Convex Relaxation and Adaptive Correlation Learning
* Matrix Completion With Cross-Concentrated Sampling: Bridging Uniform Sampling and CUR Sampling
* Matrix Completion with Deterministic Sampling: Theories and Methods
* Matrix Cubic Splines for Progressive 3D Imaging
* Matrix Decomposition Perspective on Calibrated Photometric Stereo, A
* Matrix Decomposition Perspective to Multiple Graph Matching, A
* Matrix Descriptor of Changes (MDC): Activity Recognition Based on Skeleton
* Matrix embedding in steganography with binary Reed-Muller codes
* Matrix encoding-based high-capacity and high-fidelity reversible data hiding in HEVC
* Matrix encoding for data hiding using multilayer video coding and transcoding solutions
* Matrix exponential based semi-supervised discriminant embedding for image classification
* Matrix Factorization & Clustering Based Approach for Transfer Learning, A
* Matrix Factorization Approach to Graph Compression, A
* Matrix Factorization Approach to Motion and Structure
* Matrix Factorization Based Framework for Fusion of Physical and Social Sensors, A
* Matrix Factorization, General Issues
* Matrix Method for Finding Sets of Contiguous Non-Zero Elements in a 2-Dimensional Array II
* Matrix method for finding sets of contiguous non-zero elements in a 2-dimensional array
* Matrix Nets: A New Deep Architecture for Object Detection
* Matrix permutation meets block compressed sensing
* Matrix randomized autoencoder
* Matrix Recipes for Hard Thresholding Methods
* Matrix Recovery Using Split Bregman
* Matrix Regression-Based Classification for Face Recognition
* Matrix regression-based classification with block-norm
* Matrix representations of the multidimensional overlap and add technique
* Matrix SegNet: A Practical Deep Learning Framework for Landslide Mapping from Images of Different Areas with Different Spatial Resolutions
* Matrix Splitting Method for Composite Function Minimization, A
* Matrix Tools for General Observability Analysis in Traffic Networks
* Matrix Translation Model for Evacuation Path Optimization, A
* Matrix Tri-Factorization with Manifold Regularizations for Zero-Shot Learning
* Matrix Vision
* MatrixCity: A Large-scale City Dataset for City-scale Neural Rendering and Beyond
* Matrixized learning machine with modified pairwise constraints
* MatrixVT: Efficient Multi-Camera to BEV Transformation for 3D Perception
* Matrox Imaging
* Matryodshka: Real-time 6dof Video View Synthesis Using Multi-sphere Images
* Matryoshka Networks: Predicting 3D Geometry via Nested Shape Layers
* Matryoshka Peek: Toward Learning Fine-Grained, Robust, Discriminative Features for Product Search
* Matsu Cultural Heritage and Its Conservation in Bohai Rim: Case Study on the Hall of Fujian in Yantai
* Matte-Based Restoration of Vintage Video
* Matte-less, Variational Approach to Automatic Scene Compositing, A
* Matte Super-Resolution for Compositing
* MATTE: Multi-task multi-scale attention
* MatteFormer: Transformer-Based Image Matting via Prior-Tokens
* matter of notation: Several uses of the Kronecker product in 3D computer vision, A
* Matting-Based Residual Optimization for Structurally Consistent Image Color Correction
* Matting-driven online learning of Hough forests for object tracking
* Matting and Depth Recovery of Thin Structures Using a Focal Stack
* Matting with a depth map
* MAttNet: Modular Attention Network for Referring Expression Comprehension
* Maurer-Cartan Forms for Fields on Surfaces: Application to Heart Fiber Geometry
* MAVA: Multi-Level Adaptive Visual-Textual Alignment by Cross-Media Bi-Attention Mechanism
* MAVEN: A Memory Augmented Recurrent Approach for Multimodal Fusion
* MAVEN: An Algorithm for Multi-Parametric Automated Segmentation of Brain Veins From Gradient Echo Acquisitions
* Mavis: A Special-Purpose Neural Computational System for ATR
* MAWKDN: A Multimodal Fusion Wavelet Knowledge Distillation Approach Based on Cross-View Attention for Action Recognition
* Max-Boost-GAN: Max Operation to Boost Generative Ability of Generative Adversarial Networks
* Max-Confidence Boosting With Uncertainty for Visual Tracking
* Max-Correlation Embedding Computation
* MaX-DeepLab: End-to-End Panoptic Segmentation with Mask Transformers
* Max-Flow Based Approach for Neural Architecture Search, A
* Max-K-Min Distance Analysis for Dimension Reduction
* Max-Log-MAP Soft Demapper with Logarithmic Complexity for M-PAM Signals
* Max-Margin Action Prediction Machine
* Max-margin additive classifiers for detection
* Max-margin analysis based patch sampling for discovery of mid-level parts
* Max-Margin Boltzmann Machines for Object Segmentation
* Max-margin clustering: Detecting margins from projections of points on lines
* Max-Margin Deep Generative Models for (Semi-)Supervised Learning
* Max-Margin Dictionary Learning for Multiclass Image Categorization
* Max-Margin Early Event Detectors
* Max-margin embedding for multi-label learning
* Max-Margin feature selection
* Max-Margin Heterogeneous Information Machine for RGB-D Action Recognition
* Max-margin hidden conditional random fields for human action recognition
* Max-margin Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Image Classification and Annotation
* Max-Margin Learning of Deep Structured Models for Semantic Segmentation
* Max-Margin Majority Voting for Learning from Crowds
* Max-Margin Multiattribute Learning With Low-Rank Constraint
* Max-margin Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Max-Margin Offline Pedestrian Tracking with Multiple Cues
* Max-Margin Perspective on Sparse Representation-Based Classification, A
* Max-Margin Regularization for Reducing Accidentalness in Chamfer Matching
* Max-Margin Riffled Independence Model for Image Tag Ranking, A
* Max-Margin Semi-NMF
* Max-Matching Context Kernel Design for SIFT Feature
* Max-Min Central Vein Detection in Retinal Fundus Images
* Max-min convolutional neural networks for image classification
* Max-Min Distance Analysis by Using Sequential SDP Relaxation for Dimension Reduction
* Max-Min Fairness Congestion Control for Layered Streaming of Scalable Video, A
* Max-Min Fairness Linear Transceiver Design Problem for a Multi-User SIMO Interference Channel is Polynomial Time Solvable
* Max-Min Measure for Image Texture Analysis, A
* Max-Min Multicell-Aware Precoding and Power Allocation for Downlink Massive MIMO Systems
* Max-Plus Algebra Based Wavelet Transform and its Application to Video Compression/Reconstruction
* Max-Relevance-Min-Divergence criterion for data discretization with applications on naive Bayes, A
* Max-SIFT: Flipping invariant descriptors for Web logo search
* Max-Sliced Wasserstein Distance and Its Use for GANs
* Max-Variance Convolutional Neural Network Model Compression
* Max and Min Values of the Structural Similarity Function S(x,a) on the L2 Sphere SR(a), a ? RN
* Max Margin AND/OR Graph learning for parsing the human body
* Max margin general linear modeling for neuroimage analyses
* Max Margin Learning of Hierarchical Configural Deformable Templates (HCDTs) for Efficient Object Parsing and Pose Estimation
* Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication
* Max Planck Institute for Informatics
* Max Pooling with Vision Transformers Reconciles Class and Shape in Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Max residual classifier
* Max Roberts Operator Is a Hueckel-Type Edge Detector, The
* max,min)-convolution and Mathematical Morphology
* Maxdiff kd-trees for data condensation
* MaxDropout: Deep Neural Network Regularization Based on Maximum Output Values
* MaxDropoutV2: An Improved Method to Drop Out Neurons in Convolutional Neural Networks
* MaxEnt Upper Bounds for the Differential Entropy of Univariate Continuous Distributions
* MaxFlow Revisited: An Empirical Comparison of Maxflow Algorithms for Dense Vision Problems
* MAXGNR: A Dynamic Weight Strategy via Maximizing Gradient-to-noise Ratio for Multi-Task Learning
* MAXICULTURE: Assessing the Impact of EU Projects in the Digital Cultural Heritage Domain
* MAXIM: Multi-Axis MLP for Image Processing
* Maximal Cliques Based Rigid Body Motion Segmentation with a RGB-D Camera
* Maximal Conductaances Ionic Parameters Estimation in Cardiac Electrophysiology Multiscale Modelling
* Maximal Digital Straight Segments and Convergence of Discrete Geometric Estimators
* Maximal granularity structure and generalized multi-view discriminant analysis for person re-identification
* Maximal Independent Vertex Set Applied to Graph Pooling
* Maximal Information Coefficient-Based Two-Stage Feature Selection Method for Railway Condition Monitoring
* Maximal Instance Algorithm for Fast Mining of Spatial Co-Location Patterns
* maximal interest-point strategy applied to image enhancement with external priors, A
* Maximal level estimation and unbalance reduction for graph signal downsampling
* Maximal Likelihood Correspondence Estimation for Face Recognition Across Pose
* Maximal Linear Embedding for Dimensionality Reduction
* Maximal local interclass embedding with application to face recognition
* Maximal Matching of 3-D Points for Multiple-Object Motion Estimation
* Maximal Max-Tree Simplification
* Maximal N-Ghosts and Minimal Information Recovery from N Projected Views of an Array
* Maximal Planes and Multiscale Tangential Cover of 3D Digital Objects
* Maximal Prime Subgraph Decomposition of Bayesian Networks
* Maximal Scale Ridge: Incorporating scale into the ridge definition, The
* Maximal Weighted Coverage Deployment of UAV-Enabled Rechargeable Visual Sensor Networks
* Maximality Principle Applied to a Contrario Motion Detection, A
* Maximally concentrated sequences in both time and linear canonical transform domains
* Maximally flat bandwidth allocation for variable bit rate video
* Maximally Localized Radial Profiles for Tight Steerable Wavelet Frames
* Maximally Stable Color Regions Based Natural Scene Recognition
* Maximally Stable Colour Regions for Recognition and Matching
* Maximally stable curvature regions for 3D hand tracking
* Maximally Stable Extremal Regions, MSER Descriptions
* Maximally Stable Local Description for Scale Selection
* Maximally Stable Texture Regions
* Maximally Using GPS Observation for Water Vapor Tomography
* Maximin Initialization for Cluster Analysis
* Maximin Joint Design of Transmit Waveform and Receive Filter Bank for MIMO-STAP Radar Under Target Uncertainties
* Maximisation of mutual information for gait-based soft biometric classification using gabor features
* Maximised self-similarity upsampler
* Maximization and restoration: Action segmentation through dilation passing and temporal reconstruction
* Maximization of Mutual Information for Offline Thai Handwriting Recognition
* Maximization of The 4th Dimension of The Building Site, The
* Maximizing all margins: Pushing face recognition with Kernel Plurality
* Maximizing area under ROC curve for biometric scores fusion
* Maximizing Cosine Similarity Between Spatial Features for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Maximizing Edit Distance Accuracy with Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Maximizing efficacy for efficient watermarking systems
* Maximizing face recognition performance for video data under time constraints by using a cascade
* Maximizing Flows with Message-Passing: Computing Spatially Continuous Min-Cuts
* Maximizing image quality over Visual Sensor Networks via DCT bit allocation
* Maximizing Impacts of Remote Sensing Surveys in Slope Stability: A Novel Method to Incorporate Discontinuities into Machine Learning Landslide Prediction
* Maximizing intra-individual correlations for face recognition across pose differences
* Maximizing intra-individual correlations for illumination-insensitive face recognition
* Maximizing Network Capacity with Optimal Source Selection: A Network Science Perspective
* Maximizing Network Lifetime through Optimal Power Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Maximizing Rigidity Revisited: A Convex Programming Approach for Generic 3D Shape Reconstruction from Multiple Perspective Views
* Maximizing Rigidity: Optimal Matching under Scaled-Orthography
* Maximizing Rigidity: The Incremental Recovery of 3-D Structure from Rigidity and Rubbery Motion
* Maximizing Temporal Correlations in Long-Term Global Satellite Soil Moisture Data-Merging
* Maximizing the area under the ROC curve by pairwise feature combination
* Maximizing the Connectivity of Network Slicing Enabled Internet of Vehicle With Differentiated Services
* Maximizing the Coverage of Sensor Deployments Using a Memetic Algorithm and Fast Coverage Estimation
* Maximizing the Diversity of Ensemble Random Forests for Tree Genera Classification Using High Density LiDAR Data
* Maximizing the efficiency and affordability of high-performance radar
* Maximizing the Information Content of Ill-Posed Space-Based Measurements Using Deterministic Inverse Method
* Maximizing the latency fairness in UAV-assisted MEC system
* Maximizing the Predictivity of Smooth Deformable Image Warps through Cross-Validation
* Maximizing the Sum-Rate of Amplify-and-Forward Two-Way Relaying Networks
* Maximizing user utility in video streaming applications
* Maximizing validity in 2d motion analysis
* Maximizzation Technique Occurring in teh Statistical Analysis of Probabilistic Function of Markov Chains, A
* Maximum-A-Posteriori estimation for global spatial coherence recovery based on Matting Laplacian
* Maximum-a-Posteriori Estimation with Bayesian Confidence Regions
* Maximum-Entropy Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Image Reconstruction and Sensor Field Estimation
* Maximum-Entropy Image-Reconstruction from Sparsely Sampled Coherent Field Data
* Maximum-Flow Formulation of the N-Camera Stereo Correspondence Problem, A
* Maximum-Likelihood-Estimation for the Two-Dimensional Discrete Boolean Random Set and Function Models Using Multidimensional Linear Samples
* Maximum-Likelihood Acceleration Estimation From Existing Roadway Vehicle Detectors
* maximum-likelihood approach for ADC estimation of lesions in visceral organs, A
* maximum-likelihood approach to segmentation-based recognition of unconstrained handwriting text, A
* Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Segmenting Range Data, A
* Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Symbolic Indirect Correlation, A
* Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Visual Event Classification, A
* Maximum-likelihood approximate nearest neighbor method in real-time image recognition
* Maximum-Likelihood Based Synthesis of Volumetric Textures From a 2D Sample
* Maximum-Likelihood Blind Synchronization for GFDM Systems
* Maximum-Likelihood Classification of Image Edges Using Spatial and Spatial-Frequency Features
* Maximum-Likelihood Deformation Analysis of Different-Sized Fingerprints
* Maximum-Likelihood Design of Layered Neural Networks
* Maximum-likelihood dimensionality reduction in gaussian mixture models with an application to object classification
* Maximum-Likelihood Edge Detection in Digital Signals
* Maximum-Likelihood Estimate For 2-Variable Fractal Surface, A
* Maximum-likelihood estimation and optimal filtering in the nondirectional, one-dimensional binomial germ-grain model
* Maximum-likelihood estimation for multi-aspect multi-baseline SAR interferometry of urban areas
* Maximum-likelihood estimation of an astronomical image from a sequence at low photon levels
* Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Biological Growth Variables
* Maximum-likelihood estimation of circle parameters via convolution
* Maximum-Likelihood Estimator to Simultaneously Unwrap, Geocode, and Fuse SAR Interferograms From Different Viewing Geometries Into One Digital Elevation Model, A
* Maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization reconstruction of sinograms with arbitrary noise distribution using NEC-transformations
* Maximum-likelihood image estimation using photon-correlated beams
* Maximum-Likelihood Image Matching
* Maximum-Likelihood Joint Image Reconstruction/Motion Estimation in Attenuation-Corrected Respiratory Gated PET/CT Using a Single Attenuation Map
* Maximum-Likelihood Motion Estimation in Ultrasound Image Sequences
* Maximum-Likelihood Multiresolution Laser-Radar Range Imaging
* Maximum-likelihood normalization of features increases the robustness of neural-based spoken human-computer interaction
* Maximum-Likelihood Parameter Estimation for Image Ringing-Artifact Removal
* Maximum-Likelihood Parameter Estimation for Unsupervised Stochastic Model-Based Image Segmentation
* Maximum-Likelihood Parameter Estimation of the Product Model for Multilook Polarimetric SAR Data
* Maximum-Likelihood Registration of Range Images with Missing Data
* Maximum-Likelihood Retrieval of Volcanic Ash Concentration and Particle Size From Ground-Based Scanning Lidar
* Maximum-Likelihood Stereo Algorithm, A
* Maximum-Likelihood Strategy for Directing Attention during Visual Search, A
* Maximum-Likelihood Surface Estimator for Dense Range Data, A
* Maximum-Likelihood TDOA Localization Algorithm Using Difference-of-Convex Programming, A
* Maximum-likelihood techniques for joint segmentation-classification of multispectral chromosome images
* Maximum-Likelihood Template Matching
* Maximum-likelihood transmission image reconstruction for overlapping transmission beams
* Maximum-Likelihood, Magnitude-Based, Amplitude and Noise Variance Estimation
* Maximum-Margin Hamming Hashing
* Maximum-Margin Structured Learning with Deep Networks for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Maximum-throughput delivery of SVC-based video over MIMO systems with time-varying channel capacity
* Maximum A-Posteriori Spatial Probability Segmentation
* Maximum a Posterior and Perceptually Motivated Reconstruction Algorithm: A Generic Framework
* Maximum a Posterior Estimation of Darts, The
* Maximum a posteriori-based approach to blind nonlinear underdetermined mixture
* Maximum a posteriori-based texture estimation by despeckling of SAR clutter amplitude data
* Maximum A Posteriori Classification of Multifrequency, Multilook Synthetic Aperture Radar Intensity Data
* maximum a posteriori estimate for the source separation problem with statistical knowledge about the mixing matrix, A
* Maximum a Posteriori Estimation Framework for Robust High Dynamic Range Video Synthesis, A
* Maximum a Posteriori Estimation in Presence of Film Grain Noise
* Maximum a posteriori estimation method for aorta localization and coronary seed identification
* Maximum a posteriori estimation of fixed aberrations, dynamic aberrations, and the object from phase-diverse speckle data
* Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variation With Application to Vertebra and Cartilage Modeling
* Maximum a Posteriori Estimator for High Resolution Video Reconstruction from MPEG Video, A
* Maximum a Posteriori Image Restoration Based on a New Directional Continuous Edge Image Prior
* Maximum a Posteriori Probability Estimation for Online Surveillance Video Synopsis
* Maximum A Posteriori Probability Viterbi Data Association Algorithm for Ball Tracking in Sports Video, A
* Maximum a Posteriori Restoration of Blurred Images Using Self-Organization
* Maximum a posteriori super-resolution of compressed video using a new multichannel image prior
* Maximum a Posteriori Video Super-Resolution Using a New Multichannel Image Prior
* Maximum Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns, A
* Maximum Area Triangle Operator For Edge-Detection
* maximum bathymetric depth model to simulate satellite photon-counting lidar performance, A
* Maximum Block Energy Guided Robust Subspace Clustering
* Maximum certainty data partitioning
* Maximum Classifier Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Maximum clique based RGB-D visual odometry
* Maximum Cohesive Grid of Superpixels for Fast Object Localization
* Maximum Confidence Hidden Markov Modeling for Face Recognition
* Maximum Consensus by Weighted Influences of Monotone Boolean Functions
* Maximum Consensus Parameter Estimation by Reweighted L_1 Methods
* Maximum Correlation Feature Descriptor for Heterogeneous Face Recognition, A
* Maximum Correntropy Based Dictionary Learning Framework for Physical Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors
* Maximum Correntropy Criterion-Based Sparse Subspace Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Maximum correntropy criterion based 3D head tracking with commodity depth camera
* Maximum correntropy criterion for discriminative dictionary learning
* Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Robust Face Recognition
* Maximum Correntropy Criterion With Variable Center for Robust Passive Multistatic Localization
* Maximum Correntropy Criterion With Variable Center
* Maximum cross-entropy generalized series reconstruction
* Maximum Density Divergence for Domain Adaptation
* Maximum distance minimization for feature weighting
* maximum diversity-based path sparsification for geometric graph matching, A
* Maximum Entropy-Based Interference-Plus-Noise Covariance Matrix Reconstruction for Robust Adaptive Beamforming
* Maximum entropy-based semi-supervised learning for automatic detection and recognition of objects using deep ConvNets
* Maximum Entropy and Gaussian Models for Image Object Recognition
* maximum entropy approach to nonmonotonic reasoning, A
* maximum entropy approach to pairwise data clustering, A
* Maximum Entropy Approach to Unsupervised Mixed-Pixel Decomposition, A
* maximum entropy feature descriptor for age invariant face recognition, A
* Maximum Entropy Framework for Part-Based Texture and Object Recognition, A
* Maximum Entropy Image Reconstruction
* Maximum Entropy Image Restoration Revisited
* Maximum Entropy in Restoration
* Maximum Entropy Information Bottleneck for Uncertainty-aware Stochastic Embedding
* Maximum entropy method for diffractive imaging
* Maximum entropy model-based baseball highlight detection and classification
* Maximum Entropy Model Based Classification with Feature Selection
* Maximum Entropy Model Of The Bearded Capuchin Monkey Habitat Incorporating Topography And Spectral Unmixing Analysis, A
* Maximum entropy random fields for texture analysis
* Maximum entropy regularized group collaborative representation for face recognition
* Maximum entropy restoration of multispectral images using a deterministic quantum field model
* Maximum Entropy Subspace Clustering Network
* Maximum Evidence Method for classification of brain tissues in MRI
* Maximum Flow Approach to the Volumetric Reconstruction Problem, A
* Maximum Frame Rate Video Acquisition Using Adaptive Compressed Sensing
* Maximum Gain Block Classification In Subband Coding of Images
* Maximum Gaussianality training for deep speaker vector normalization
* Maximum Gradient Dimensionality Reduction
* Maximum isotope accumulation in the retrosplenial cortex during amnesia attack and its temporal change suggest cortical spreading depression as a pathophysiology of patients with transient global amnesia
* Maximum Likelihood 3D Reconstruction from One or More Images under Geometric Constraints
* Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Time-Delay Based Multistatic Target Localization
* Maximum Likelihood and James-Stein Edge Estimators for Left Ventricle Tracking in 3D Echocardiography
* Maximum Likelihood and Maximum a Posteriori Adaptation for Distributed Speaker Recognition Systems
* Maximum Likelihood Approach for Depth Field Estimation Based on Epipolar Plane Images, A
* Maximum Likelihood Approach for Image Registration Using Control Point And Intensity, A
* maximum likelihood approach to correcting transmission errors for joint source-channel decoding of H.264 coded video, A
* maximum likelihood approach to emission image reconstruction from projections, A
* Maximum Likelihood Approach to Feature Segmentation, A
* Maximum likelihood approach to image texture and acoustic signal classification
* Maximum Likelihood Approach to Joint Image Registration and Fusion, A
* Maximum Likelihood Approach to Parallel Imaging With Coil Sensitivity Noise, A
* maximum likelihood approach to texture classification using wavelet transform, A
* Maximum Likelihood Approach to Texture Classification, A
* Maximum likelihood approach to the detection of changes between multitemporal SAR images
* Maximum likelihood autocalibration
* Maximum likelihood based framework for second-level adaptive prediction
* Maximum likelihood blind image restoration via alternating minimization
* Maximum Likelihood Blind Image Separation Using Nonsymmetrical Half-Plane Markov Random Fields
* Maximum Likelihood Classification method for image segmentation considering subject variability, A
* Maximum Likelihood Classification of High-Resolution Polarimetric SAR Images in Urban Area
* Maximum Likelihood Classification of Single Highresolution Polarimetric SAR Images in Urban Areas
* Maximum Likelihood Classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
* Maximum likelihood clustering via normal mixture models
* Maximum likelihood combination of multiple clusterings
* Maximum likelihood conjoint measurement of lightness and chroma
* Maximum Likelihood Deconvolution of Beamformed Images with Signal-Dependent Speckle Fluctuations from Gaussian Random Fields: With Application to Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing (OAWRS)
* Maximum Likelihood Detection of Unresolved Moving Targets
* Maximum likelihood difference scaling of image quality in compression-degraded images
* Maximum likelihood discriminant analysis on the plane using a Markovian model of spatial context
* Maximum Likelihood Discriminant Feature for Text-Independent Speaker Verification
* Maximum Likelihood Doppler Frequency Estimation Under Decorrelation Noise for Quantifying Flow in Optical Coherence Tomography
* Maximum likelihood dosage estimation for Bayesian transmission tomography
* Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Object Detection Using Multiple Detectors
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation Based Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Disk Image Parameters
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Multiple Camera Target Tracking on Grassmann Tangent Subspace
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Mixed Integer Linear Models
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method for Multispectral Autoregressive Image Models, A
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation Methods for Multispectral Random Field Image Models
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Low-Rank Probability Mass Tensor From Partial Observations
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Sensor Configuration in a Polygonal Environment
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Band-Limited Power Law Spectrums
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Depth Maps Using Photometric Stereo
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Models Using Particle Swarm Optimization
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of JPEG Quantization Table in the Identification of Bitmap Compression History
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Markov-Process Blob Boundaries in Noisy Images
* Maximum likelihood estimation of OFDM carrier frequency offset
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Probe Vehicle Penetration Rates and Queue Length Distributions From Probe Vehicle Data
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Regularisation Parameters
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Regularization Parameters in High-Dimensional Inverse Problems: An Empirical Bayesian Approach Part I: Methodology and Experiments
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Regularization Parameters in High-Dimensional Inverse Problems: An Empirical Bayesian Approach. Part II: Theoretical Analysis
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Shear Wave Speed in Transient Elastography
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Template of a Rigid Moving Object
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Toeplitz-Block-Toeplitz Covariances in the Presence of Subspace Interference
* Maximum likelihood estimation of vessel parameters from scale space analysis
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation Sample Consensus with Validation of Individual Correspondences
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Classification
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Interpolation and Prediction for Fractional Brownian Motion
* Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Choosing the Regularization Parameters in Global Optical Flow Methods, A
* maximum likelihood estimator is not optimal on 3-D motion estimation from noisy optical flow, The
* Maximum likelihood extension for non-circulant deconvolution
* Maximum likelihood face detection
* maximum likelihood filter using non-local information for despeckling of ultrasound images, A
* Maximum Likelihood for Gaussians on Graphs
* Maximum Likelihood Framework for Boundary Estimation, A
* Maximum Likelihood Framework for Determining Moving Edges, A
* Maximum Likelihood Framework for Grouping and Segmentation, A
* Maximum Likelihood Framework for Iterative Eigendecomposition, A
* Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm
* Maximum likelihood image and blur identification: A Unifying Approach
* Maximum likelihood interpolation for aliasing-aware image restoration
* Maximum likelihood Linear Dimension Reduction of heteroscedastic feature for robust Speaker Recognition
* Maximum Likelihood Localization of 2-D Patterns in the Gauss-Laguerre Transform Domain: Theoretic Framework and Preliminary Results
* Maximum Likelihood Metameres for Local 2nd Order Image Structure of Natural Images
* Maximum Likelihood Method for Estimating Performance in a Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Target-Detection Task, A
* Maximum likelihood method for parameter estimation of bell-shaped functions on graphs
* Maximum Likelihood Methods for Time-Resolved Imaging Through Turbid Media
* Maximum Likelihood Model Selection for 1-Norm Soft Margin SVMs with Multiple Parameters
* Maximum likelihood motion segmentation using eigen-decomposition
* Maximum Likelihood N-Camera Stereo Algorithm, A
* Maximum likelihood neural network based on the correlation among neighboring pixels for noisy image segmentation
* Maximum Likelihood Orientation Estimation of 1-D Patterns in Laguerre-Gauss Subspaces
* Maximum likelihood parameter estimation for non-Gaussian prior signal models
* Maximum likelihood parameter estimation of textures using a Wold-decomposition based model
* Maximum likelihood parametric blur identification based on a continuous spatial domain model
* Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction for Emission Tomography
* Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
* Maximum Likelihood Robust Regression by Mixture Models
* Maximum Likelihood Rover Localization by Matching Range Maps
* Maximum Likelihood Sensor Array Calibration Using Non-Approximate Hession Matrix
* Maximum likelihood signal processing techniques to detect a step pattern of change in multitemporal SAR images
* Maximum Likelihood Stereo Matching
* Maximum likelihood structure and motion estimation integrated over time
* Maximum Likelihood Surface Estimation
* Maximum Likelihood Surface Profilometry Via Optical coherence Tomography
* Maximum Likelihood Syntactic Decoding
* Maximum Likelihood TDOA Estimation From Compressed Sensing Samples Without Reconstruction
* Maximum Likelihood Thresholding Based on Population Mixture Models
* Maximum Likelihood Training of the Embedded HMM for Face Detection and Recognition
* Maximum Likelihood Unsupervised Textured Image Segmentation
* Maximum Likelihood Wavelet Density Estimation With Applications to Image and Shape Matching
* Maximum Margin Approach to Learning Text Classifiers Methods, Theory and Algorithms, The
* Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers
* Maximum Margin Clustering Based Statistical VAD With Multiple Observation Compound Feature
* Maximum Margin Clustering of Hyperspectral Data
* Maximum Margin Correlation Filter: A New Approach for Localization and Classification
* maximum margin discriminative learning algorithm for temporal signals, A
* Maximum Margin Distance Learning for Dynamic Texture Recognition
* Maximum margin GMM learning for facial expression recognition
* Maximum margin hidden Markov models for sequence classification
* Maximum Margin Linear Classifiers in Unions of Subspaces
* Maximum Margin Metric Learning Based Target Detection for Hyperspectral Images
* Maximum Margin Metric Learning over Discriminative Nullspace for Person Re-identification
* Maximum margin multiple-instance feature weighting
* Maximum margin object tracking with weighted circulant feature maps
* Maximum Margin of Twin Spheres Support Vector Machine for Imbalanced Data Classification
* Maximum Margin One Class Support Vector Machines for multiclass problems
* Maximum Margin Projection Subspace Learning for Visual Data Analysis
* Maximum Margin Training of Gaussian HMMs for Handwriting Recognition
* Maximum Matching and a Polyhedron with (0, 1) Vertices
* Maximum mean discrepancy regularized sparse reconstruction for robust salient regions detection
* maximum model distance approach for HMM-based speech recognition, A
* Maximum mutual information training for an online neural predictive handwritten word recognition system
* Maximum NEC Criterion for Compton Collimation to Accurately Identify True Coincidences in PET, A
* Maximum permissible exposures for ocular safety (ANSI 2000), with emphasis on ophthalmic devices
* Maximum Persistency in Energy Minimization
* Maximum Persistency via Iterative Relaxed Inference in Graphical Models
* Maximum persistency via iterative relaxed inference with graphical models
* Maximum Phase Modeling for Sparse Linear Prediction of Speech
* Maximum Position Alignment Method for Noisy High-Resolution Radar Target Classification
* Maximum power point tracking for a photovoltaic water pumping system with sliding mode control and fuzzy wavelet network
* Maximum Principle for Beltrami Color Flow, The
* Maximum Pseudolikelihood Estimation for Mixture-Markov Random Field Segmentation of the Brain
* Maximum Response Filters for Texture Analysis
* Maximum Secrecy Throughput of Transmit Antenna Selection with Eavesdropper Outage Constraints
* Maximum Segmented-Scene Spatial Entropy Thresholding
* Maximum Segmented Image Information Thresholding
* Maximum Set of (26,6)-Connected Digital Surfaces, A
* Maximum Similarity Method for Image Mining
* Maximum simplex volume: an efficient unsupervised band selection method for hyperspectral image
* Maximum SNR pattern strategy for phase shifting methods in structured light illumination
* maximum spacing noise estimation in single-coil background MRI data, The
* Maximum Spanning Trees For Text Segmentation
* Maximum spatial-temporal isometric cluster for dynamic surface correspondence
* Maximum Spatial Perturbation Consistency for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Maximum Structural Generation Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Maximum Throughput Dispatch for Shared Autonomous Vehicles Including Vehicle Rebalancing
* Maximum Variance Cluster Algorithm, A
* Maximum Voiced Frequency Estimation: Exploiting Amplitude and Phase Spectra
* Maximum Volume Inscribed Ellipsoid: A New Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization Framework via Facet Enumeration and Convex Optimization
* Maximum weight and minimum redundancy: A novel framework for feature subset selection
* Maximum weight cliques with mutex constraints for video object segmentation
* Maximum within-cluster association
* MaxMatch: Semi-Supervised Learning With Worst-Case Consistency
* MaxpoolNMS: Getting Rid of NMS Bottlenecks in Two-Stage Object Detectors
* MaxUp: Lightweight Adversarial Training with Data Augmentation Improves Neural Network Training
* MaxViT: Multi-axis Vision Transformer
* Maxwell Normal Distribution in a Manifold and Mahalanobis Metric
* Maxwellian Look beyond Opaque Interfaces, A
* Maxxi Museum in Rome: An Integrated Survey Experience for The Restoration of Contemporary Architecture, The
* May Radiomic Data Predict Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness?
* May the force be with you: Force-aligned signwriting for automatic subunit annotation of corpora
* May the torcher light our way: A negative-accelerated active learning framework for image classification
* Maya Codical Glyph Segmentation: A Crowdsourcing Approach
* MAYASTROUN: A Multilanguage Handwriting Database
* MAZE: Data-Free Model Stealing Attack Using Zeroth-Order Gradient Estimation
* MB-TaylorFormer: Multi-branch Efficient Transformer Expanded by Taylor Formula for Image Dehazing
* MBA-VO: Motion Blur Aware Visual Odometry
* Mbb: A Multi-Scale Method for Data Based on Bit Plane Slicing
* MBD-GAN: Model-based image deblurring with a generative adversarial network
* MBES-CARIS Data Validation for Bathymetric Mapping of Shallow Water in the Kingdom of Bahrain on the Arabian Gulf
* MBES Seabed Sediment Classification Based on a Decision Fusion Method Using Deep Learning Model
* MBest Struct: M-Best diverse sampling for structured tracker
* MBFQuant: A Multiplier-Bitwidth-Fixed, Mixed-Precision Quantization Method for Mobile CNN-Based Applications
* MBMF: Constructing memory banks of multi-scale features for anomaly detection
* Mbnet: A Multi-task Deep Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation and Lumbar Vertebra Inspection on X-ray Images
* MBNet: Multi-Branch Network for Extraction of Rural Homesteads Based on Aerial Images
* MBO Scheme on Graphs for Classification and Image Processing, An
* MBPTrack: Improving 3D Point Cloud Tracking with Memory networks and Box Priors
* MBR: A Map-Based Relaying Algorithm For Reliable Data Transmission Through Intersection in VANETs
* MBS-Net: a Moving-camera Background Subtraction Network for Autonomous Driving
* MBS: Macroblock Scaling for CNN Model Reduction
* MBSEM image acquisition and image processing in LabView FPGA
* mc-BEiT: Multi-choice Discretization for Image BERT Pre-training
* MC-Calib: A generic and robust calibration toolbox for multi-camera systems
* MC-GCN: A Multi-Scale Contrastive Graph Convolutional Network for Unconstrained Face Recognition With Image Sets
* MC-GTA: A Synthetic Benchmark for Multi-camera Vehicle Tracking
* MC-JBIG2: an improved algorithm for Chinese textual image compression
* MC-SSM: Nonparametric Semantic Image Segmentation With the ICM Algorithm
* MC-UNet: Martian Crater Segmentation at Semantic and Instance Levels Using U-Net-Based Convolutional Neural Network
* MC Complexity Reduction for Generalized P and B Pictures in HEVC
* MC2SLAM: Real-Time Inertial Lidar Odometry Using Two-Scan Motion Compensation
* MC3D: Motion Contrast 3D Scanning
* MCA-Based Clutter Reduction From Migrated GPR Data of Shallowly Buried Point Target
* MCA aided geodesic active contours for image segmentation with textures
* MCA: A Multichannel Approach to SAR Autofocus
* MCAEM: mixed-correlation analysis-based episodic memory for companion-user interactions
* MCAFNet: A Multiscale Channel Attention Fusion Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* MCAGCN: Multi-component attention graph convolutional neural network for road travel time prediction
* MCANet: A Multi-Branch Network for Cloud/Snow Segmentation in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* MCANet: Hierarchical cross-fusion lightweight transformer based on multi-ConvHead attention for object detection
* MCANet: Multiscale Cross-Modality Attention Network for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* MCast: High-Quality Linear Video Transmission With Time and Frequency Diversities
* MCAT to XCAT: The Evolution of 4-D Computerized Phantoms for Imaging Research
* MCBAM-GAN: The GAN Spatiotemporal Fusion Model Based on Multiscale and CBAM for Remote Sensing Images
* MCC: A baseline algorithm for fingerprint verification in FVC-onGoing
* MCCG: A ConvNeXt-Based Multiple-Classifier Method for Cross-View Geo-Localization
* Mccnet: Multi-color Cascade Network with Weight Transfer for Single Image Depth Prediction on Outdoor Relief Images
* MCCRNet: A Multi-Level Change Contextual Refinement Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* MCCT: a multi-channel complementary census transform for image classification
* MCD-Net: Toward RGB-D Video Inpainting in Real-World Scenes
* MCDC-Net: Multi-scale forgery image detection network based on central difference convolution
* MCEBC: A Blob Coloring Algorithm for Content-Based Image Retrieval System
* MCEN: Bridging Cross-Modal Gap between Cooking Recipes and Dish Images with Latent Variable Model
* MCENN: A variant of extended nearest neighbor method for pattern recognition
* mCENTRIST: A Multi-Channel Feature Generation Mechanism for Scene Categorization
* MCF Model: Utilizing Multiple Colors for Face Recognition, The
* MCF: Mutual Correction Framework for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* MCFD: A Hardware-Efficient Noniterative Multicue Fusion Demosaicing Algorithm
* McFIS in hierarchical bipredictve pictures-based video coding for referencing the stable area in a scene
* McFlow: Monte Carlo Flow Models for Data Imputation
* MCFM: Mutual Cross Fusion Module for Intermediate Fusion-Based Action Segmentation
* MCFP: A multi-target 3D perception method with weak dependence on 2D detectors
* MCG&BA-Net: Retinal vessel segmentation using multiscale context gating and breakpoint attention
* MCGCN: Multi-Correlation Graph Convolutional Network for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* MCGE: Multi-candidate Based Group Evolution in Stereo Matching
* McGill Object Detection Suite, The
* McGill University
* Mcgkt-net: Multi-level Context Gating Knowledge Transfer Network for Single Image Deraining
* MCGNet: Multi-Level Context-aware and Geometric-aware Network for 3D Object Detection
* MCHA-Net: A Multi-End Composite Higher-Order Attention Network Guided with Hierarchical Supervised Signal for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* MCIBI++: Soft Mining Contextual Information Beyond Image for Semantic Segmentation
* MCIP: Multi-stream Network for Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction
* McKernel: A Library for Approximate Kernel Expansions in Log-linear Time
* MCL-JCV: A JND-based H.264/AVC video quality assessment dataset
* MCL-V: A streaming video quality assessment database
* MCL: A Contrastive Learning Method for Multimodal Data Fusion in Violence Detection
* MCL: Multimodal Contrastive Learning for Deepfake Detection
* MCLA Task Offloading Framework for 5G-NR-V2X-Based Heterogeneous VECNs
* MCMC-Based Algorithm to Adjust Scale Bias in Large Series of Electron Microscopical Ultrathin Sections
* MCMC-based feature-guided particle filtering for tracking moving objects from a moving platform
* MCMC-Based Multiview Reconstruction of Piecewise Smooth Subdivision Curves with a Variable Number of Control Points
* MCMC-based particle filter for multiple person tracking, An
* MCMC-Based Particle Filter for Tracking Multiple Interacting Targets, An
* MCMC-Based Particle Filtering for Tracking a Variable Number of Interacting Targets
* MCMC-based prior sub-hypergraph matching in presence of outliers, An
* MCMC-based tracking and identification of leaders in groups
* MCMC Approach for Bayesian Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction, A
* MCMC based multi-body tracking using full 3D model of both target and environment
* MCMC based sampling technique for robust multi-model fitting and visual data segmentation
* MCMC Data Association and Sparse Factorization Updating for Real Time Multitarget Tracking with Merged and Multiple Measurements
* MCMC Linked With Implicit Shape Models and Plane Sweeping for 3D Building Facade Interpretation in Image Sequences
* MCMC Method of Inverse Problems Using a Neural Network: Application in GPR Crosshole Full Waveform Inversion: A Numerical Simulation Study
* MCMC Shape Sampling for Image Segmentation with Nonparametric Shape Priors
* MCMC Supervision for People Re-identification in Nonoverlapping Cameras
* MCMLSD: A Dynamic Programming Approach to Line Segment Detection
* MCMS-STM: An Extension of Support Tensor Machine for Multiclass Multiscale Object Recognition in Remote Sensing Images
* MCMT-GAN: Multi-Task Coherent Modality Transferable GAN for 3D Brain Image Synthesis
* MCNC: Multi-Channel Nonparametric Clustering from heterogeneous data
* MCNet: Magnitude consistency network for domain adaptive object detection under inclement environments
* MCNN: Conditional focus probability learning to multi-focus image fusion via mutually coupled neural network
* Mcom-live: A Multi-codec Optimization Model at the Edge for Live Streaming
* MCOV: A Covariance Descriptor for Fusion of Texture and Shape Features in 3D Point Clouds
* MCP-Net: Introducing Patlak Loss Optimization to Whole-Body Dynamic PET Inter-Frame Motion Correction
* MCPNet: Multi-space color correction and features prior fusion for single-image dehazing in non-homogeneous haze scenarios
* MCPT: Mixed Convolutional Parallel Transformer for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification
* MCR expression of document images based on maximum matching of bipartite graph
* MCR: Multilayer cross-fusion with reconstructor for multimodal abstractive summarisation
* MCRD-Net: An unsupervised dense network with multi-scale convolutional block attention for multi-focus image fusion
* MCS-based balancing techniques for skewed classes: An empirical comparison
* MCS-GAN: A Different Understanding for Generalization of Deep Forgery Detection
* MCS for Online Mode Detection: Evaluation on Pen-Enabled Multi-Touch Interfaces
* MCSfM: Multi-Camera-Based Incremental Structure-From-Motion
* MCSGNet: A Encoder-Decoder Architecture Network for Land Cover Classification
* MCSIP Net: Multichannel Satellite Image Prediction via Deep Neural Network
* MCSLAM: a Multiple Constrained SLAM
* MCSNet: A Radio Frequency Interference Suppression Network for Spaceborne SAR Images via Multi-Dimensional Feature Transform
* MCSPF-Net: A Precipitation Forecasting Method Using Multi-Channel Cloud Observations of FY-4A Satellite by 3D Convolution Neural Network
* MCTE: Marrying Convolution and Transformer Efficiently for End-to-End Medical Image Segmentation
* MCTS-Based Solution Approach to Solve Large-Scale Airline Crew Pairing Problems, An
* MCW-Net: Single image deraining with multi-level connections and wide regional non-local blocks
* MCYT baseline corpus: a bimodal biometric database
* MD-CSDNetwork: Multi-Domain Cross Stitched Network for Deepfake Detection
* Md-knn: An Instance-based Approach for Multi-Dimensional Classification
* MD-Net: Multi-Detector for Local Feature Extraction
* MD-Tree: A Balanced Hierarchical Data Structure for Multi-Dimensional Data with Highly Efficient Dynamic Characteristics
* MD-VQA: Multi-Dimensional Quality Assessment for UGC Live Videos
* MD3: Model-Driven Deep Remotely Sensed Image Denoising
* MDA: Multimodal Data Augmentation Framework for Boosting Performance on Sentiment/Emotion Classification Tasks
* MDAD: A Multimodal and Multiview in-Vehicle Driver Action Dataset
* mDALU: Multi-Source Domain Adaptation and Label Unification with Partial Datasets
* MDAN: Multi-level Dependent Attention Network for Visual Emotion Analysis
* mDASH: A Markov Decision-Based Rate Adaptation Approach for Dynamic HTTP Streaming
* mdBRIEF-a fast online-adaptable, distorted binary descriptor for real-time applications using calibrated wide-angle or fisheye cameras
* MDC-Net: Multi-domain constrained kernel estimation network for blind image super resolution
* MDC and path diversity in video streaming
* MDCN: Multi-Scale Dense Cross Network for Image Super-Resolution
* MDCN: Multi-Scale, Deep Inception Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient Object Detection
* MDCS with fully encoding the information of local shape description for 3D Rigid Data matching
* MDCS: More Diverse Experts with Consistency Self-distillation for Long-tailed Recognition
* MDCT-Based 3-D Texture Classification of Emphysema and Early Smoking Related Lung Pathologies
* MDCT: Multi-Kernel Dilated Convolution and Transformer for One-Stage Object Detection of Remote Sensing Images
* MDCwFB: A Multilevel Dense Connection Network with Feedback Connections for Pansharpening
* MDECNN: A Multiscale Perception Dense Encoding Convolutional Neural Network for Multispectral Pan-Sharpening
* MDESNet: Multitask Difference-Enhanced Siamese Network for Building Change Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* MDETR: Modulated Detection for End-to-End Multi-Modal Understanding
* MDF-Net: A Multi-Scale Dynamic Fusion Network for Breast Tumor Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* MDFD: Study of Distributed Non-IID Scenarios and Frechet Distance-Based Evaluation
* MDFlow: Unsupervised Optical Flow Learning by Reliable Mutual Knowledge Distillation
* MDFM: Multi-Decision Fusing Model for Few-Shot Learning
* MDFN: Multi-scale deep feature learning network for object detection
* MDGHM-SURF: A robust local image descriptor based on modified discrete Gaussian-Hermite moment
* MDID: A multiply distorted image database for image quality assessment
* mDixon-Based Synthetic CT Generation for PET Attenuation Correction on Abdomen and Pelvis Jointly Using Transfer Fuzzy Clustering and Active Learning-Based Classification
* mDixon-based synthetic CT generation via transfer and patch learning
* MDL-Based Design of Vector Quantizers
* MDL-Based Segmentation and Motion Modeling in a Long Image Sequence of Scene with Multiple Independently Moving-Objects
* MDL-Based Segmentation and Motion Modeling in Scenes with Multiple Independently Moving Objects
* MDL-Based Spatiotemporal Segmentation from Motion in a Long Image Sequence
* MDL-CW: A Multimodal Deep Learning Framework with CrossWeights
* MDL-NAS: A Joint Multi-domain Learning Framework for Vision Transformer
* MDL-principled evolutionary mechanism to automatic architecturing of pattern recognition neural network, An
* MDL based Structural Interpretation of Images under Partial Occlusion
* MDL context modeling of images with application to denoising
* MDL Estimation for Small Sample Sizes and Its Application to Segmenting Binary Strings
* MDL patch correspondences on unlabeled images with occlusions
* MDL patch correspondences on unlabeled images
* MDL Principle for Robust Vector Quantisation
* MDL region-based image registration
* MDL Spline Models: Gradient and Polynomial Reparameterisations
* MDL, Colllineations and the Fundamental Matrix
* MDL, Minimum Description Length for Shape Measure
* MDLatLRR: A Novel Decomposition Method for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* MDLF: A Multi-View-Based Deep Learning Framework for Individual Trip Destination Prediction in Public Transportation Systems
* MDM-PCCT: Multiple Dynamic Modulations for High-Performance Spectral PCCT Imaging
* MDMMT: Multidomain Multimodal Transformer for Video Retrieval
* MDN: A Deep Maximization-Differentiation Network for Spatio-Temporal Depression Detection
* MDNet: A Semantically and Visually Interpretable Medical Image Diagnosis Network
* MDNet: Motion Distinction Network for Effective Action Recognition
* MDPE: A Very Robust Estimator for Model Fitting and Range Image Segmentation
* MDPET: A Unified Motion Correction and Denoising Adversarial Network for Low-Dose Gated PET
* MDPrePost-Net: A Spatial-Spectral-Temporal Fully Convolutional Network for Mapping of Mangrove Degradation Affected by Hurricane Irma 2017 Using Sentinel-2 Data
* MDQE: Mining Discriminative Query Embeddings to Segment Occluded Instances on Challenging Videos
* MDR-Net: Multiscale dense residual networks for liver image segmentation
* MDS-based Multi-axial Dimensionality Reduction Model for Human Action Recognition
* MDS-based segmentation model for the fusion of contour and texture cues in natural images
* MDSC-Net: A multi-scale depthwise separable convolutional neural network for skin lesion segmentation
* MDST-DBSCAN: A Density-Based Clustering Method for Multidimensional Spatiotemporal Data
* MDT: Unsupervised Multi-Domain Image-To-Image Translator Based On Generative Adversarial Networks
* MDVQM: A novel multidimensional no-reference video quality metric for video transcoding
* MDX2SPARQL: Semantic query mapping of OLAP query language to SPARQL
* Me-Momentum: Extracting Hard Confident Examples from Noisily Labeled Data
* ME-Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Extracting Mangrove Using Sentinel-2A Data
* ME-Net: A Multi-Scale Erosion Network for Crisp Building Edge Detection from Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* ME-Net: Multi-encoder net framework for brain tumor segmentation
* ME-PCN: Point Completion Conditioned on Mask Emptiness
* ME R-CNN: Multi-Expert R-CNN for Object Detection
* Me, Myself, and the (Virtual) World: A Review of Learning Research in 4E Cognition and Immersive Virtual Reality
* MEA-Net: A Lightweight SAR Ship Detection Model for Imbalanced Datasets
* Mead: A Large-scale Audio-visual Dataset for Emotional Talking-face Generation
* Meal delivery routing optimization with order allocation strategy based on transfer stations for instant logistics services
* Meal support system with spoon using laser range finder and manipulator
* MEAL: Manifold Embedding-based Active Learning
* Mean-Absolute-Error Representation and Optimization of Computational-Morphological Filters
* Mean-Based Blind Hard Decision Fusion Rules
* Mean-Curvature Evolution and Surface-Area Scaling in Image Filtering
* Mean-Entropy-Skewness Fuzzy Portfolio Selection by Credibility Theory Approach
* Mean-Field Annealing Approach To Robust Corner Detection, A
* Mean-Field Approach to Learning in Boltzmann Machines
* Mean-Field Phase Transistions and Correlation Functions for Gibbs Random Fields
* Mean-Shift-Based Speckle Filtering of Polarimetric SAR Data
* Mean-shift analysis using quasi-newton methods
* Mean-Shift and Sparse Sampling-Based SMC-PHD Filtering for Audio Informed Visual Speaker Tracking
* Mean-shift background image modelling
* Mean-shift based mixture model for face detection in color image
* Mean-shift based object detection and clustering from high resolution remote sensing imagery
* Mean-shift blob tracking through scale space
* Mean-Shift Blob Tracking with Adaptive Feature Selection and Scale Adaptation
* Mean-Shift Blob Tracking with Kernel-Color Distribution Estimate and Adaptive Model Update Criterion
* Mean-shift clustering for interactive multispectral image analysis
* Mean-Shift Object Tracking with a Novel Back-Projection Calculation Method
* Mean-shift outlier detection and filtering
* Mean-Shift segmentation and PDE-based nonlinear diffusion: Toward a common variational framework for foreground/background document image segmentation
* Mean-shift segmentation with wavelet-based bandwidth selection
* MEAN-shift tracking algorithm with weight fusion strategy
* Mean-Shift Tracking of Variable Kernel Based on Projective Geometry
* Mean-Shift Tracking Techniques
* Mean-Shift Tracking with Random Sampling
* Mean-shift Visual Tracking with NP-Windows Density Estimates
* Mean-square-error optimality of orthogonal space-time block codes
* Mean-square deviation analysis of the zero-attracting variable step-size LMS algorithm
* Mean-Variance Loss for Deep Age Estimation from a Face
* Mean-Variance Loss for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Mean and Covariance Properties of Dynamic PET Reconstructions From List-Mode Data
* Mean and maximum common subgraph of two graphs
* Mean and variance of implicitly defined biased estimators (such as penalized maximum likelihood): applications to tomography
* Mean Boundary Curve of Anatomical Objects, The
* Mean Box Pooling: A Rich Image Representation and Output Embedding for the Visual Madlibs Task
* Mean Composite Fire Severity Metrics Computed with Google Earth Engine Offer Improved Accuracy and Expanded Mapping Potential
* Mean Curvature Is a Good Regularization for Image Processing
* Mean Curvature Mapping for Detection of Corneal Shape Abnormality
* Mean Curvature, the Laplacian, and Soap Bubbles
* Mean Decision Rules Method with Smart Sampling for Fast Large-Scale Binary SVM Classification
* mean field annealing approach to accurate free form shape matching, A
* Mean Field Annealing Deformable Contour Method: A Constrained Global Optimization Approach
* Mean Field Annealing EM for Image Segmentation
* Mean Field Annealing Using Compound Gauss-Markov Random Fields for Edge Detection and Image Estimation
* Mean Field Annealing: A Formalism for Constructing GNC-Like Algorithms
* Mean field approach for tracking similar objects
* Mean Field EM-algorithm for Coherent Occlusion Handling in MAP-Estimation Prob, A
* Mean Field for Continuous High-order MRFs
* Mean Field Theory for Surface Reconstruction
* Mean Field Theory in EM Procedures for Blind Markov Random Field Image Restoration, The
* Mean Fields and Two Dimensional Markov Random Fields
* Mean gradient descent: an optimization approach for single-shot interferogram analysis
* Mean Inflection Point Distance: Artificial Intelligence Mapping Accuracy Evaluation Index: An Experimental Case Study of Building Extraction
* Mean LBP and modified fuzzy C-means weighted hybrid feature for illumination invariant mean-shift tracking
* Mean Map Kernel Methods for Semisupervised Cloud Classification
* Mean Moment of Inertia for Irregularly Shaped Phobos and Its Application to the Constraint for the Two-Layer Interior Structure for the Martian Moon, The
* Mean oriented Riesz features for micro expression classification
* Mean Partition Theorem in consensus clustering, The
* Mean Polynomial Kernel and Its Application to Vector Sequence Recognition
* Mean Predictive Block Matching (MPBM) for fast block-matching motion estimation
* Mean quantization based image watermarking
* Mean Quantization Blind Watermarking for Image Authentication
* Mean Sea Surface (MSS) Model Determination for Malaysian Seas Using Multi-Mission Satellite Altimeter
* Mean Sea Surface Model over the Sea of Japan Determined from Multi-Satellite Altimeter Data and Tide Gauge Records
* Mean Seasonal Sea Surface Height Variations in and around the Makassar Strait
* Mean sets for building 3D probabilistic liver atlas from perfusion MR images
* Mean Shape Models for Polyp Detection in CT Colonography
* Mean shift-based Bayesian image reconstruction into visual subspace
* Mean shift-based clustering
* mean shift algorithm and the unified framework, The
* Mean shift algorithm equipped with the intersection of confidence intervals rule for image segmentation
* Mean Shift Analysis and Applications
* Mean Shift and Optimal Prediction for Efficient Object Tracking
* Mean shift based algorithm for mammographic breast mass detection
* Mean shift based clustering in high dimensions: A Texture Classification Example
* Mean shift based clustering of Hough domain for fast line segment detection
* Mean shift based gradient vector flow for image segmentation
* Mean shift based nonparametric motion characterization
* Mean shift blob tracking with kernel histogram filtering and hypothesis testing
* Mean shift clustering-based moving object segmentation in the H.264 compressed domain
* Mean shift clustering based outlier removal for global motion estimation
* Mean shift clustering for personal photo album organization
* Mean shift feature space warping for relevance feedback
* Mean Shift for Self-Supervised Learning
* Mean Shift Gradient Vector Flow: A Robust External Force Field for 3D Active Surfaces
* Mean Shift Is a Bound Optimization
* Mean Shift Parallel Tracking on GPU
* Mean Shift Segmentation Assessment for Individual Forest Tree Delineation from Airborne Lidar Data
* Mean shift spectral clustering
* Mean Shift Trackers with Cross-Bin Metrics
* Mean Shift tracking with multiple reference color histograms
* Mean Shift with Flatness Constraints
* Mean Shift
* Mean Shift, Mode Seeking, And Clustering
* Mean Shift: A Robust Approach Toward Feature Space Analysis
* Mean shift: An information theoretic perspective
* Mean Square Error Estimation in Thresholding
* mean string algorithm to compute the average among a set of 2D shapes, A
* mean subjective utility score, a novel metric for cost-sensitive classifier evaluation, The
* Mean Value Bézier Maps
* Mean value coordinates-based caricature and expression synthesis
* Mean Weight Behavior of Coupled LMS Adaptive Systems Applied to Acoustic Feedback Cancellation in Hearing Aids
* Mean Weight Behavior of the NLMS Algorithm for Correlated Gaussian Inputs
* MEAN: Multi - Element Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition
* Meandering Characteristics of the Yimin River in Hulun Buir Grassland, Inner Mongolia, China
* Meaning and Use of the Area under a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve, The
* Meaning and Use of the Volume Under a Three-Class ROC Surface (VUS), The
* Meaningful 3D shape partitioning using Morse functions
* Meaningful Alignments
* Meaningful automatic video demultiplexing with unknown number of cameras, contrast changes, and motion
* Meaningful ciphertext encryption algorithm based on bit scrambling, discrete wavelet transform, and improved chaos
* Meaningful disjoint level lines selection
* Meaningful Features for Computerized Detection of Breast Cancer
* Meaningful Gestures for Human Computer Interaction: Beyond Hand Postures
* Meaningful Matches in Stereovision
* Meaningful Mesh Segmentation Guided by the 3D Short-Cut Rule
* Meaningful Object Segmentation From SAR Images via a Multiscale Nonlocal Active Contour Model
* Meaningful Scales Detection along Digital Contours for Unsupervised Local Noise Estimation
* Meaningful Scales Detection: An Unsupervised Noise Detection Algorithm for Digital Contours
* Means clustering with a new divergence-based distance metric: Convergence and performance analysis
* Means in spaces of tree-like shapes
* Means of 2D and 3D Shapes and Their Application in Anatomical Atlas Building
* MeanShift++: Extremely Fast Mode-Seeking With Applications to Segmentation and Object Tracking
* Measuing and Modeling Anisotropic Reflection
* Measurably Stronger Explanation Reliability Via Model Canonization
* Measure-based classifier performance evaluation
* Measure-Theoretic Variational Bayesian Algorithm for Large Dimensional Problems, A
* Measure-Transformed MVDR Beamforming
* Measure-Valued Images, Associated Fractal Transforms, and the Affine Self-Similarity of Images
* Measure-Valued Variational Models with Applications to Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
* Measure for Accuracy Disparity Maps Evaluation, A
* measure for change detection in very high resolution remote sensing images based on texture analysis, A
* Measure for Circularity of Digital Figures, A
* Measure for data partitioning in mX2 cross-validation
* Measure for Evaluation of the Information Content in Color Images, A
* Measure for Mutual Refinements of Image Segmentations, A
* Measure for Objective Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms, A
* measure for perceptual image quality assessment, A
* measure for spatial dependence in natural stochastic textures, A
* Measure Landscape Diversity With Logical Scout Agents
* Measure Locally, Reason Globally: Occlusion-sensitive Articulated Pose Estimation
* Measure of circularity for parts of digital boundaries and its fast computation
* Measure of Closure, A
* Measure of Color Sensitivity for Imaging Devices, A
* Measure of Competence Based on Randomized Reference Classifier for Dynamic Ensemble Selection, A
* Measure of Deformability of Shapes, with Applications to Human Motion Analysis, A
* Measure of Edge Ambiguity Using Fuzzy Sets, A
* measure of information gained through biometric systems, A
* Measure of Landmark Semantic Salience through Geosocial Data Streams
* measure of motion salience for surveillance applications, A
* Measure of Perceptual Aliasing in Image Descriptors, A
* Measure of Q-convexity for Shape Analysis, A
* Measure of Q-Convexity, A
* Measure of Quality for Evaluating Methods of Segmentation and Edge Detection, A
* Measure of Recognition Difficulty for a Character Image Database, A
* Measure of Scene Content, A
* Measure of Septum Shape Using Shortest Path Segmentation in Echocardiographic Images of LVAD Patients, A
* measure of shared information in classes of patterns, A
* Measure Of Straight Lines For Digital Contour Analysis
* measure of symmetry based on shape similarity, A
* Measure of Temporal Variation of P-Band Radar Cross Section and Temporal Coherence of a Temperate Tree
* measure of tortuosity based on chain coding, A
* Measure of Tortuosity for 3d Curves: Identifying 3d Beating Patterns of Sperm Flagella, A
* Measure of Utilizing Space Database Information for Improvement of Efficient Disaster Management (Focusing on Nuclear Power Plant Accidents)
* Measure theoretic imaging, with an example employing magnetic resonance input
* Measure4dhand: Dynamic Hand Measurement Extraction from 4D Scans
* Measured effects of temperature on illumination-independent camera noise
* Measured Model, Theoretical Model and Represented Model: The So-Called Arch of Drusus in Rome
* Measurement-Based Burst-Error Performance Modeling for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems
* Measurement-Based Markov Modeling for Multi-Link Channels in Railway Communication Systems
* Measurement-based reclustering for multiple object tracking with particle filters
* Measurement-Based Stochastic Model for High-Speed Railway Channels, A
* Measurement-Based Wideband Space-Time Channel Models for 77GHz Automotive Radar in Underground Parking Lots
* Measurement Accuracy and Measurement Characteristics of Green Lidar Drone, The
* Measurement accuracy as a measure of image quality in compressed MR chest scans
* Measurement Accuracy of Center Location of a Circle by Centroid Method
* Measurement Accuracy On 3d Point Cloud Generated Using Multispectral Imagery By Different Calibration Methods
* Measurement and 3D Modelling of an Ancient Measuring Device: Nippur Cubit Rod
* Measurement and Analysis of Bidirectional SIF Emissions in Wheat Canopies
* Measurement and analysis of brain deformation during neurosurgery
* Measurement and Analysis of Chinese Adults' Range of Motion Joint, The
* Measurement And Analysis Of Gait By Using A Time-of-flight Camera
* Measurement and analysis of nonexponential signal decay curves in brain diffusion and muscle relaxation magnetic resonance studies in humans
* Measurement and Correction of Atmospheric Effects at Different Altitudes for Remote Sensing of Sun-Induced Fluorescence in Oxygen Absorption Bands
* Measurement and Detection of Spiculated Lesions
* Measurement and evaluation of head tracked auto-stereoscopic displays
* Measurement and Integration of 3-D Structures by Tracking Edge Lines
* Measurement and Modeling of Bidirectional Characteristics of Fluorescent Objects
* Measurement and Modeling of Video Watching Time in a Large-Scale Internet Video-on-Demand System
* Measurement and Simulation of Topographic Effects on Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Over Mountain Areas: A Case Study From the Tibetan Plateau
* Measurement and Tracking of Circle Centers for Geotechnic Applications
* Measurement and Use of Registered Reflectance and Range Data in Scene Analysis, The
* Measurement Based Appearance Modelling
* Measurement Characteristics of Near-Surface Currents from Ultra-Thin Drifters, Drogued Drifters, and HF Radar
* Measurement coding for compressive imaging using a structural measuremnet matrix
* Measurement Errors in Polarization Vision Systems
* Measurement errors in visual servoing
* Measurement Function Design for Visual Tracking Applications
* Measurement in Three Dimensions by Motion Stereo and Spherical Mapping
* Measurement integration under inconsistency for robust tracking
* Measurement Matrix Design for Sample-Efficient Binary Compressed Sensing
* Measurement Matrix of Compressive Sensing Based on Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
* Measurement Method and Influencing Mechanism of Urban Subdistrict Vitality in Shanghai Based on Multisource Data
* Measurement Method for Cislunar Spacecraft Based on Connected Element Interferometry and BeiDou-3 Interplanetary Link in Future Lunar Exploration, A
* Measurement method for human body anteflexion angle based on image processing
* Measurement Method for Specific Attenuation in the Melting Layer Using a Dual Ka-Band Radar System
* Measurement of 3-D Loci and Attitudes of the Golf Driver Head While Swinging
* Measurement of 3D-Line Shaped Objects
* Measurement of 3D Visual Fatigue Using Event-Related Potential (ERP): 3D Oddball Paradigm
* Measurement of AC magnetic field distribution using magnetic resonance imaging
* Measurement of Angular Motion in Golf Swing by a Local Sensor at the Grip End of a Golf Club
* Measurement of Aspect Angle of Field-Aligned Plasma Irregularities in Mid-Latitude E Region Using VHF Atmospheric Radar Imaging and Interferometry Techniques
* Measurement of Biological Shape and Shape Change, The
* Measurement of canopy geometry characteristics using LiDAR laser altimetry: a feasibility study
* Measurement of Capillary Refill Time (CRT) in Healthy Subjects Using a Robotic Hand
* Measurement of Cardiac Deformations from MRI: Physical and Mathematical Models
* measurement of cell viability based on temporal bag of words for image sequences, The
* Measurement of Circularity and ellipticity on a Digital Grid, The
* Measurement of classify typical planting medicinal Fritillaria Pallidiflora Schrenk with WorldView-2 extraction problem imagery
* Measurement of Cloud Top Height: Comparison of MODIS and Ground-Based Millimeter Radar
* Measurement of Color Invariants
* Measurement of color noise perception
* Measurement of Color Texture
* Measurement of Complex Permittivity of Cylindrical Objects in the E-Plane of a Rectangular Waveguide
* Measurement of Coordinates for a Cylindrical Target Using Times of Flight from a 1-Transmitter and 4-Receiver UWB Antenna System
* Measurement of critical temporal inconsistency for quality assessment of synthesized video
* Measurement of Crown Cover and Leaf Area Index Using Digital Cover Photography and Its Application to Remote Sensing
* Measurement of Dam Deformations by Terrestrial Interferometric Techiques
* Measurement of Data Compression in Advanced Group 4 Facsimile Systems
* Measurement of Diurnal Variation in Needle PRI and Shoot Photosynthesis in a Boreal Forest
* Measurement of Downwelling Radiance Using a Low-Cost Compact Fourier-Transform Infrared System for Monitoring Atmospheric Conditions
* Measurement of dynamic vibration in cycling using portable terminal measurement system
* Measurement of Edge Coincidence in Image Thresholdings
* Measurement of Eyeball Rotational Movements in the Dark Environment
* measurement of eyestrain caused from diverse binocular disparities, viewing time and display sizes in watching stereoscopic 3D content, The
* Measurement of Fatigue Based on Changes in Eye Movement during Gaze
* Measurement of Fine Particle Size with Wavelet Signature
* Measurement of Fluid-structure Interaction of Wind Turbines in Wind Tunnel Experiments: Concept And First Results
* Measurement of Forest Inventory Parameters with Apple iPad Pro and Integrated LiDAR Technology
* Measurement of glacier geophysical properties from insar wrapped phase
* Measurement of ground displacement from optical satellite image correlation using the free open-source software MicMac
* measurement of highlights in color images, The
* Measurement of Image Velocity
* Measurement of Individual Changes in the Performance of Human Stereoscopic Vision for Disparities at the Limits of the Zone of Comfortable Viewing
* Measurement of Ionospheric Scintillation Parameters From SAR Images Using Corner Reflectors
* Measurement of laboratory fire spread experiments by stereovision
* Measurement of Large-scale Solar Power Plant by Using Images Acquired by Non-metric Digital Camera on Board UAV
* Measurement of Layer Thickness and Permittivity Using a New Multilayer Model From GPR Data
* Measurement of mirror surfaces using specular reflection and analytical computation
* Measurement of Mobility-Based Accessibility: The Impact of Floods on Trips of Various Length and Motivation, The
* Measurement of Motion Deformation in a Sequence of Images
* Measurement of Non-Rigid Motion Using Contour Shape Descriptors
* Measurement of Ocean Wave Directional Spectra Using Airborne HF/VHF Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Theoretical Evaluation
* Measurement of Opportunity Cost of Travel Time for Predicting Future Residential Mobility Based on the Smart Card Data of Public Transportation
* Measurement of Pedestrian Groups Using Subtraction Stereo
* Measurement of perceived spatial resolution in 3D light-field displays
* Measurement of Performance on a Highly Parallel System, The
* Measurement Of Petroglyhps (rock Arts) Of Gobustan With Close Range Photogrammetry
* Measurement of Planetary Boundary Layer Winds with Scanning Doppler Lidar
* Measurement of Potential Victims of Burglary at the Mesoscale: Comparison of Census, Phone Users, and Social Media Data
* Measurement of Precipitation in the Alps Using Dual-Polarization C-Band Ground-Based Radars, the GPM Spaceborne Ku-Band Radar, and Rain Gauges
* measurement of print quality for optical character recognition systems, The
* Measurement of Quasi-Static and Dynamic Displacements of Footbridges Using the Composite Instrument of a Smartstation and an Accelerometer: Case Studies
* Measurement of Reflection Properties in Ancient Japanese Drawing Ukiyo-e
* Measurement of Retinal Vessel Widths from Fundus Images Based on 2-D Modeling
* Measurement of Road Surface Deformation Using Images Captured from UAVs
* Measurement of Safe Driving Distance Based on Stereo Vision
* Measurement of Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Angular Dependence at 150 kHz Using a Multibeam Echosounder
* Measurement of shape and refractive index of transparent object
* Measurement of Sharpness and Its Application in ISAR Imaging
* Measurement of sinusoidal vibration from motion blurred images
* Measurement of Ski-Jump Distances by the Use of Fuzzy Pattern Comparator
* Measurement of Snow Water Equivalent Using Drone-Mounted Ultra-Wide-Band Radar
* Measurement of Soil Tillage Using UAV High-Resolution 3D Data
* Measurement of Solar Absolute Brightness Temperature Using a Ground-Based Multichannel Microwave Radiometer
* Measurement Of Sun Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Using Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery
* Measurement of Surface Displacement and Deformation of Mass Movements Using Least Squares Matching of Repeat High Resolution Satellite and Aerial Images
* Measurement of surface orientations of transparent objects by use of polarization in highlight
* Measurement of Surface Orientations of Transparent Objects Using Polarization in Highlight
* Measurement of the diffusion of light within paper
* Measurement of the Earth Radiation Budget at the Top of the Atmosphere: A Review
* Measurement of the Ionospheric Scintillation Parameter C_kL From SAR Images of Clutter
* Measurement of the Lag Correction Factor in Low-Dose Fluoroscopic Imaging
* Measurement of the Lengths of Digitized Curved Lines
* Measurement of the point-spread function of a noisy imaging system
* Measurement of the Point Response Functions of CERES Scanning Radiometers
* Measurement of the Position of the Overhead Electric-Railway Line Using the Stereo Images
* Measurement of the Propensity to Trust Automation, The
* Measurement of the Sea Surface Height with Airborne GNSS Reflectometry and Delay Bias Calibration
* Measurement of Third Order Probability Distributions of Television Signals, The
* Measurement of three dimensional eye position using image processing: a geometric approach
* Measurement of three dimensional volcanic plume properties using multiple ground based infrared cameras
* Measurement of Total Dissolved Solids and Total Suspended Solids in Water Systems: A Review of the Issues, Conventional, and Remote Sensing Techniques
* Measurement of Trabecular Bone Thickness in the Limited Resolution Regime of In Vivo MRI by Fuzzy Distance Transform
* Measurement of Transparent Plastic Sculptures Using Photogrammetry, Laser Scanning and Touch Probing for Conservation Purposes
* Measurement of Two-Dimensional Small Angles Based on Interference Fringes
* Measurement of Two Phase Flow Velocities Using Image Correlation
* Measurement of Viscoelastic Properties of In Vivo Swine Myocardium Using Lamb Wave Dispersion Ultrasound Vibrometry (LDUV)
* Measurement of Visual Motion, The
* Measurement Optimization in Speckle Interferometry: The Influence of the Imaging Lens Aperture
* Measurement Science and Technology
* Measurement setup for automatized baselining of WLAN network performance
* Measurement study on wireless camera networks
* Measurement System for a Magnetostrictive Torque Sensor
* Measurement System of the Simulated Missile-Target Encounter Based on CCD Imaging
* Measurement Techniques for Spectral Characterization for Remote Sensing
* Measurements and Analysis of Angular Characteristics and Spatial Correlation for High-Speed Railway Channels
* Measurements and Analysis of Large-Scale Fading Characteristics in Curved Subway Tunnels at 920 MHz, 2400 MHz, and 5705 MHz
* Measurements and Analysis of the Doppler Signature of a Human Moving within the Forest in UHF-Band
* Measurements and Experiments of the Immaterial Virtual Reality Display
* Measurements and Modeling of Optical-Equivalent Snow Grain Sizes under Arctic Low-Sun Conditions
* Measurements and Modelling of Aritificial Sky Brightness: Combining Remote Sensing from Satellites and Ground-Based Observations
* Measurements and Modelling of Total Ozone Columns near St. Petersburg, Russia
* Measurements of Cuspal Slope Inclination Angles In Palaeoanthropological Applications
* Measurements of digitized objects with fuzzy borders in 2D and 3D
* Measurements of Forest Biomass Change Using P-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter
* Measurements of Forest Inventory Parameters on Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data Using Digital Geometry and Topology
* Measurements of Rainfall Rate, Drop Size Distribution, and Variability at Middle and Higher Latitudes: Application to the Combined DPR-GMI Algorithm
* Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Mediterranean Coastal Environment
* Measurements of Sea Surface Currents in the Baltic Sea Region Using Spaceborne Along-Track InSAR
* Measurements of Surface-Layer Turbulence in a Wide Norwegian Fjord Using Synchronized Long-Range Doppler Wind Lidars
* Measurements of the Thickness and Area of Thick Oil Slicks Using Ultrasonic and Image Processing Methods
* Measurements of Waves in Landfast Ice Using Inertial Motion Units
* Measurements on individual trees using multiple VHF SAR images
* Measurements on the Absolute 2-D and 3-D Localization Accuracy of TerraSAR-X
* Measures and Meta-Measures for the Supervised Evaluation of Image Segmentation
* Measures for Benchmarking of Automatic Correspondence Algorithms
* Measures for Conspicuousness
* Measures for ranking cell trackers without manual validation
* Measures for Silhouettes Resemblance and Representative Silhouettes of Curved Objects
* Measures for Surface Comparison on Unstructured Grids with Different Density
* Measures of Acutance and Shape for Classification of Breast-Tumors
* Measures of Correspondence Between Binary Patterns
* Measures of Diversity in Classifier Ensembles and Their Relationship with the Ensemble Accuracy
* Measures of Effective Video Tracking
* Measures of folding applied to the development of the human fetal brain
* Measures of Homogeneity in Texture
* Measures of information content for computerized ionospheric tomography
* Measures of similarity between qualitative descriptions of shape, colour and size applied to mosaic assembling
* Measures of Similarity
* Measures of Spatial Autocorrelation Changes in Multitemporal SAR Images for Event Landslides Detection
* Measures of Structure and Operation of Automated Transit Networks
* Measuring 2-D Shape Compactness Using the Contact Perimeter
* Measuring 3-D Location and Shape Parameters of Cylinders by a Spatial Encoding Technique
* Measuring 3-D Shape Similarity Using Progressive Transformations
* Measuring 3D shape similarity by graph-based matching of the medial scaffolds
* Measuring 3D shape similarity by matching the medial scaffolds
* Measuring Accessibility of Healthcare Facilities for Populations with Multiple Transportation Modes Considering Residential Transportation Mode Choice
* Measuring Accessibility to Various ASFs from Public Transit using Spatial Distance Measures in Indian Cities
* Measuring Affective-Cognitive Experience and Predicting Market Success
* Measuring Alpha and Beta Diversity by Field and Remote-Sensing Data: A Challenge for Coastal Dunes Biodiversity Monitoring
* Measuring an Animal Body Temperature in Thermographic Video Using Particle Filter Tracking
* Measuring and evaluating real service operations with human-behavior sensing: A case study in a Japanese cuisine restaurant
* Measuring and evaluating the compactness of superpixels
* Measuring and Fostering Diversity in Affective Computing Research
* Measuring and Improving Image Resolution by Adaptation of the Reciprocal Cell
* Measuring and Mapping Physical Activity Disparity (PAD) Index Based on Physical Activity Environment for Children
* Measuring and mitigating targeted biometric impersonation
* Measuring and modeling apple trees using time-of-flight data for automation of dormant pruning applications
* Measuring and modeling water column effects on hyperspectral reflectance in a coral reef environment
* Measuring and modelling sewer pipes from video
* Measuring and Monitoring Urban Impacts on Climate Change from Space
* Measuring and Predicting Object Importance
* Measuring and Predicting Tag Importance for Image Retrieval
* Measuring and Predicting Urban Expansion in the Angkor Region of Cambodia
* Measuring and reducing observational latency when recognizing actions
* Measuring Artificial Reefs Using A Multi-camera System for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
* Measuring Asymmetric Gradient Discrepancy in Parallel Continual Learning
* Measuring Azimuth Deformation With L-Band ALOS-2 ScanSAR Interferometry
* Measuring bandwidth and buffer occupancy to improve the QoE of HTTP adaptive streaming
* Measuring biological shape using geometry-based shape transformations
* Measuring Body Points on Automobile Drivers Using Multiple Cameras
* Measuring camera translation by the dominant apical angle
* Measuring Canopy Structure and Condition Using Multi-Spectral UAS Imagery in a Horticultural Environment
* Measuring Change Using Quantitative Differencing of Repeat Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry: The Effect of Storms on Coastal Boulder Deposits
* Measuring changes in face appearance through aging
* Measuring Class-Imbalance Sensitivity of Deterministic Performance Evaluation Metrics
* Measuring classification complexity of image databases: A novel approach
* Measuring Coastal Absolute Sea-Level Changes Using GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry
* Measuring Coastal Subsidence after Recent Earthquakes in Chile Central Using SAR Interferometry and GNSS Data
* Measuring Collectiveness in Crowded Scenes via Link Prediction
* Measuring Colour, 4th Edition
* Measuring Community Disaster Resilience in the Conterminous Coastal United States
* Measuring Complete Ground-Truth Data and Error Estimates for Real Video Sequences, for Performance Evaluation of Tracking, Camera Pose and Motion Estimation Algorithms
* Measuring Completeness of Building Footprints in OpenStreetMap over Space and Time
* Measuring Compositional Consistency for Video Question Answering
* Measuring Concavity on a Rectangular Mosaic
* Measuring conceptual relation of visual words for visual categorization
* Measuring Conicity from Shape Boundaries
* Measuring Consensus Effectiveness by a Generalized Entropy Criterion
* Measuring Convexity for Figure/Ground Separation
* Measuring Convexity via Convex Polygons
* Measuring Corner Properties
* Measuring Cortical Thickness Using An Image Domain Local Surface Model And Topology Preserving Segmentation
* Measuring COVID-19 Vulnerability for Northeast Brazilian Municipalities: Social, Economic, and Demographic Factors Based on Multiple Criteria and Spatial Analysis
* Measuring Crack Movement in Reinforced Concrete Using Digital Image Correlation: Overview and Application to Shear Slip Measurements
* Measuring Crowd Collectiveness by Macroscopic and Microscopic Motion Consistencies
* Measuring Crowd Collectiveness via Global Motion Correlation
* Measuring Crowd Collectiveness
* Measuring Cubeness of 3D Shapes
* Measuring Curved Surfaces for Robot Vision
* Measuring Dam Deformation of Long-Distance Water Transfer Using Multi-Temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry: A Case Study in South-to-North Water Diversion Project, China
* Measuring deformations using SAR interferometry and GPS observables with geodetic accuracy: Application to Tokyo, Japan
* Measuring Deformed Sea Ice in Seasonal Ice Zones Using L-Band SAR Images
* Measuring Delays for Bicycles at Signalized Intersections Using Smartphone GPS Tracking Data
* Measuring dense false positive regions from segmentation result for whole slide tissue histology image
* Measuring dependency via intrinsic dimensionality
* Measuring Distance between Unordered Sets of Different Sizes
* Measuring Driving Behaviors from Live Video
* Measuring Effective Data Visualization
* Measuring Efficiency and Accuracy in Locating Symbols on Mobile Maps Using Eye Tracking
* Measuring Elongation from Shape Boundary
* Measuring empirical discrepancy in image segmentation results
* Measuring Energy Expenditure in Sports by Thermal Video Analysis
* Measuring face familiarity and its application to face recognition
* Measuring Facial Expressions by Computer Image Analysis
* Measuring Floating Thick Seep Oil from the Coal Oil Point Marine Hydrocarbon Seep Field by Quantitative Thermal Oil Slick Remote Sensing
* Measuring Flow Complexity in Videos
* Measuring Focus Quality in Vector Valued Images for Shape from Focus
* Measuring Functional Urban Shrinkage with Multi-Source Geospatial Big Data: A Case Study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Megaregion
* Measuring Gas Flaring in Russia with Multispectral VIIRS Nightfire
* Measuring Generalisation to Unseen Viewpoints, Articulations, Shapes and Objects for 3d Hand Pose Estimation Under Hand-object Interaction
* Measuring Geodesic Distances on the Space of Bounded Diffeomorphisms
* Measuring Geodesic Distances via the Uniformization Theorem
* Measuring Geometrical Parameters of Involute Spur Gears to Sub-pixel Resolution
* Measuring Glide-Reflection Symmetry in Human Movements Using Elastic Shape Analysis
* Measuring Graph Similarity Using Spectral Geometry
* Measuring Grasp Posture Using an Embedded Camera
* Measuring Ground Cover in Long Term Hill Country Photography using Weakly Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks
* Measuring Group Velocity in Seismic Noise Correlation Studies Based on Phase Coherence and Resampling Strategies
* Measuring Height Difference Using Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer
* Measuring hepatocytes reaction to dimethylnitrosamine using computerized microscope
* Measuring Hidden Bias within Face Recognition via Racial Phenotypes
* Measuring HMM similarity with the Bayes probability of error and its application to online handwriting recognition
* Measuring homogeneity of planar point-patterns by using kurtosis
* Measuring Homogeneity of Planar Point-Patterns Using Kurtosis
* Measuring Human Perception to Improve Handwritten Document Transcription
* Measuring Human Perception to Improve Open Set Recognition
* Measuring ice clouds with an airborne far-IR radiometer
* Measuring Image Distances via Embedding in a Semantic Manifold
* Measuring Image Flow by Tracking Edge-Lines
* Measuring Image Resolution in Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
* Measuring image structures using a multiscale orientation field
* Measuring Impacts of Urban Environmental Elements on Housing Prices Based on Multisource Data: A Case Study of Shanghai, China
* Measuring Individual Tree Diameter and Height Using GatorEye High-Density UAV-Lidar in an Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forest System
* Measuring Inequality of Opportunity in Access to Quality Basic Education: A Case Study in Florida, US
* Measuring influence of an item in a database over time
* Measuring Intra- and Inter-Observer Agreement in Identifying and Localizing Structures in Medical Images
* Measuring Ionospheric Scintillation Parameters From SAR Images Using Phase Gradient Autofocus: A Case Study
* Measuring Isotropic Local Contrast: A Circular Mask Based Approach
* Measuring Land Development in Urban Regions Using Graph Theoretical and Conditional Statistical Features
* Measuring Land Surface Deformation over Soft Clay Area Based on an FIPR SAR Interferometry Algorithm: A Case Study of Beijing Capital International Airport (China)
* Measuring Land Take: Usability of National Topographic Databases as Input for Land Use Change Analysis: A Case Study from Germany
* Measuring Landscape Albedo Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Measuring Latency for Video Surveillance Systems
* Measuring Leaf Water Content with Dual-Wavelength Intensity Data from Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Measuring Linearity of Closed Curves and Connected Compound Curves
* Measuring Linearity of Connected Configurations of a Finite Number of 2D and 3D Curves
* Measuring linearity of curves in 2D and 3D
* Measuring linearity of open planar curve segments
* Measuring Linearity of Ordered Point Sets
* Measuring linearity of planar point sets
* Measuring Marine Plastic Debris from Space: Initial Assessment of Observation Requirements
* Measuring Maximum Urban Capacity of Taxi-Based Logistics
* Measuring Meaningful Information in Images: Algorithmic Specified Complexity
* Measuring methane with a simple open-path gas sensor
* Measuring Metro Accessibility: An Exploratory Study of Wuhan Based on Multi-Source Urban Data
* Measuring Microcirculation Using Spatiotemporal Image Analysis
* Measuring morphologic properties of the human retinal vessel system using a two-stage image processing approach
* Measuring multimedia quality in mobile networks with an objective parametric model
* Measuring Multiresolution Surface Roughness Using V-System
* Measuring Networkwide Traffic Delay in Schedule Optimization for Work-Zone Planning in Urban Networks
* Measuring noise correlation for improved video denoising
* Measuring novelty and redundancy with multiple modalities in cross-lingual broadcast news
* Measuring Ocean Surface Wind Field Using Shipborne High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar
* Measuring on Spray Angle of Shower Nozzle Based on Embedded Image Processing System
* Measuring optical distortion in aircraft transparencies: A fully automated system for quantitative evaluation
* Measuring orderliness based on social force model in collective motions
* Measuring panoramic radiomorphometric indices for mandible bone using active shape model and Bayesian information criterion-support vector machine
* Measuring perceived video quality of MPEG enhancement by people with impaired vision
* Measuring Perceptual Color Differences of Smartphone Photographs
* Measuring perceptual contrast in digital images
* Measuring perceptual contrast in uncontrolled environments
* Measuring Perimeter and Area in Low Resolution Images Using a Fuzzy Approach
* Measuring photography aesthetics with deep CNNs
* Measuring Photolithographic Overlay Accuracy and Critical Dimensions by Correlating Binarized Laplacian of Gaussian Convolutions
* Measuring Plant Root Growth
* Measuring PM2.5 Concentrations from a Single Smartphone Photograph
* Measuring Polycentricity Of Mega-city Regions In China Based On The Intercity Migration Flows
* Measuring Presence in Virtual Environments: A Survey
* Measuring Process Dynamics and Nuclear Migration for Clones of Neural Progenitor Cells
* Measuring random sensor noise in cameras
* Measuring rectangularity
* Measuring rectilinearity
* Measuring Refractive Properties of Human Vision by Showing 4D Light Fields
* Measuring Regularity of Individual Travel Patterns
* Measuring regularity of network patterns by grid approximations using the LLL algorithm
* Measuring Representation of Race, Gender, and Age in Children's Books: Face Detection and Feature Classification in Illustrated Images
* Measuring residents' perceptions of city streets to inform better street planning through deep learning and space syntax
* Measuring robustness of Visual SLAM
* Measuring Route Diversity for Urban Rail Transit Networks: A Case Study of the Beijing Metro Network
* Measuring Sand Dune Dynamics in the Badain Jaran Desert, China, Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
* Measuring Sand Dune Migration Rates with COSI-Corr and Landsat: Opportunities and Challenges
* Measuring Sandy Bottom Dynamics by Exploiting Depth from Stereo Video Sequences
* Measuring Scene Complexity to Adapt Feature Selection of Model-Based Object Tracking
* Measuring Scene Detection Performance
* Measuring SDG 15 at the County Scale: Localization and Practice of SDGs Indicators Based on Geospatial Information
* Measuring Selection Diversity of Emergency Medical Service for Metro Stations: A Case Study in Beijing
* Measuring Shape Circularity
* Measuring Shape Ellipticity
* Measuring Shape: Ellipticity, Rectangularity, and Triangularity
* Measuring Shapes with Desired Convex Polygons
* Measuring Sigmoidality
* Measuring similarity between pixel signatures
* Measuring skin reflectance parameters
* Measuring Skin Topographic Structures through Capacitance Image Analysis
* Measuring soil water potential using IR thermal imaging
* Measuring Spatial Accessibility of Healthcare Facilities in Marinduque, Philippines
* Measuring Spatial Accessibility of Urban Fire Services Using Historical Fire Incidents in Nanjing, China
* Measuring Spatial Accessibility to Hospitals of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Multi Period Scale: A Case Study in Shijingshan District, Beijing, China
* Measuring Spatial and Temporal Gravelled Forest Road Degradation in the Boreal Forest
* Measuring Spatial Mismatch between Public Transit Services and Regular Riders: A Case Study of Beijing
* Measuring Spatiotemporal Dependencies in Bivariate Temporal Random Sets with Applications to Cell Biology
* Measuring Spectral Reflectance and 3D Shape Using Multi-primary Image Projector
* Measuring Squareness and Orientation of Shapes
* Measuring stem diameters with TLS in boreal forests by complementary fitting procedure
* Measuring structural displacements with digital image correlation
* Measuring Student Engagement Level Using Facial Information
* Measuring Surface Moisture on a Sandy Beach based on Corrected Intensity Data of a Mobile Terrestrial LiDAR
* Measuring Temporal Distance Focus From Tweets and Investigating its Association With Psycho-Demographic Attributes
* Measuring Terrain Information Using Multifractal and Wavelets in Terrain Navigation
* Measuring Texture Classification Algorithms
* Measuring the Accuracy of Object Detectors and Trackers
* Measuring the Affine Transform - I: Recovering Scale and Rotation
* Measuring the Affine Transform Using Gaussian Filters
* Measuring the Applicability of Self-organization Maps in a Case-Based Reasoning System
* Measuring the Area and Volume of the Human Body with Structured Light
* Measuring the capacity of image fusion
* Measuring the class-imbalance extent of multi-class problems
* Measuring the Complexity of Classification Problems
* Measuring the complexity of non-fractal shapes by a fractal method
* Measuring the complexity of two-dimensional binary patterns: Sub-symmetries versus Papentin complexity
* Measuring the Contribution of Leaves to the Structural Complexity of Urban Tree Crowns with Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Measuring the Coverage of Interest Point Detectors
* Measuring the Directional Ocean Spectrum from Simulated Bistatic HF Radar Data
* Measuring the Directional Variations of Land Surface Reflectance From MODIS
* Measuring the Distance between Trees and Power Lines under Wind Loads to Assess the Heightened Potential Risk of Wildfire
* Measuring the Distance of Generalized Maps
* Measuring the distance of vegetation from powerlines using stereo vision
* Measuring the driver's perception error in the traffic accident risk evaluation
* Measuring the Effect of High-Level Visual Masking in Subjective Image Quality Assessment with Priming
* Measuring the effect of nuisance variables on classifiers
* Measuring the Effectiveness of Task-Level Parallelism for High-Level Vision
* Measuring the Effectiveness of Various Features for Thematic Information Extraction From Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Measuring the Effects of Data Corruption on Information Retrieval
* Measuring the Effects of OCR Errors on Similarity Linking
* Measuring the engagement level of TV viewers
* Measuring the Global Phase Coherence of an image
* Measuring the growth of individual trees using multi-temporal airborne laser scanning point clouds
* Measuring the Human Chest with Structured Lighting
* Measuring the Impact of Natural Hazards with Citizen Science: The Case of Flooded Area Estimation Using Twitter
* Measuring the impact of temporal context on video retrieval
* Measuring the Importance of Temporal Features in Video Saliency
* Measuring the Influence of Concept Detection on Video Retrieval
* Measuring the Influence of Multiscale Geographic Space on the Heterogeneity of Crime Distribution
* Measuring the Influence of Observations in HMMs Through the Kullback-Leibler Distance
* Measuring the Information Content of Fracture Lines
* Measuring the intensity of spontaneous facial action units with dynamic Bayesian network
* Measuring the Motion of Vulnerable Road Users Relative to Moving HGVs
* Measuring the Multi-Scale Landscape Pattern of China's Largest Archipelago from a Dual-3D Perspective Based on Remote Sensing
* Measuring the Multiple Functions and Tradeoffs among Streets: A New Framework Using the Deep Learning Method
* Measuring the Noise of Digital Imaging Sensors by Stacking Raw Images Affected by Vibrations and Illumination Flickering
* Measuring the Objectness of Image Windows
* Measuring the Orientability of Shapes
* Measuring The Particulate Backscattering Of Inland Waters: A Comparison Of Techniques
* Measuring the performance of face localization systems
* Measuring the Performance of Shape Similarity Retrieval Methods
* Measuring the Physical Composition of Urban Morphology Using Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Models
* Measuring the Potential and Realized (or Revealed) Spatial Access from Places of Residence and Work to Food Outlets in Rural Communities of Quebec, Canada
* Measuring the Quality of Annotations for a Subjective Crowdsourcing Task
* Measuring the quality of figure/ground segmentations
* Measuring the Quality of Hypotheses in Model-Based Recognition
* Measuring the Quality of Quality Measures
* Measuring the Radius of Meniscus Ring During the Growth of Silicon Rods
* Measuring the Related Properties of Linearity and Elongation of Point Sets
* Measuring the Self-Consistency of Stereo Algorithms
* Measuring the semantic gap based on a communication channel model
* Measuring the Service Capacity of Public Facilities Based on a Dynamic Voronoi Diagram
* Measuring the Shape of 3-D Objects
* Measuring the Sim2Real Gap in 3D Object Classification for Different 3D Data Representation
* Measuring the Similarity of Metro Stations Based on the Passenger Visit Distribution
* Measuring the Similarity of Vector Fields Using Global Distributions
* Measuring the Sizes of Concavities
* Measuring the Spatial Accessibility of Parks in Wuhan, China, Using a Comprehensive Multimodal 2SFCA Method
* Measuring the Spatial Readiness of Ambulance Facilities for Natural Disasters Using GIS Networks Analysis
* Measuring the Spatial Relationship Information of Multi-Layered Vector Data
* Measuring the Speed of Moving Objects from Television Signals
* Measuring the Strength of Partial Encryption Schemes
* Measuring the Urban Land Surface Temperature Variations Under Zhengzhou City Expansion Using Landsat-Like Data
* Measuring the Utilization of Public Open Spaces by Deep Learning: A Benchmark Study at the Detroit Riverfront
* Measuring the Variabilities in the Body Postures of the Children for Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
* Measuring the Variance of the Vertical Orbital Velocity Component by an Acoustic Wave Gauge With a Single Transceiver Antenna
* Measuring thermal expansion using X-band persistent scatterer interferometry
* Measuring time-to-contact using active camera control
* Measuring tortuosity of the intracerebral vasculature from MRA images
* Measuring Traffic Congestion with Novel Metrics: A Case Study of Six U.S. Metropolitan Areas
* Measuring Traffic Movements at Junctions Using Image-Processing Techniques
* Measuring Trajectory
* Measuring tree stem diameters using intensity profiles from ground-based scanning lidar from a fixed viewpoint
* Measuring two-dimensional complexity: A conceptual structure
* Measuring uncertainty in graph cut solutions
* Measuring Uncertainty in Graph Cut Solutions: Efficiently Computing Min-marginal Energies Using Dynamic Graph Cuts
* Measuring Understory Fire Effects from Space: Canopy Change in Response to Tropical Understory Fire and What This Means for Applications of GEDI to Tropical Forest Fire
* Measuring Urban Greenspace Distribution Equity: The Importance of Appropriate Methodological Approaches
* Measuring Urban Land Cover Influence on Air Temperature through Multiple Geo-Data: The Case of Milan, Italy
* Measuring Urban Poverty Spatial by Remote Sensing and Social Sensing Data: A Fine-Scale Empirical Study from Zhengzhou
* Measuring Urban Resilience Using Climate Disaster Resilience Index (CDRI)
* Measuring Urban Subsidence in the Rome Metropolitan Area (Italy) with Sentinel-1 SNAP-StaMPS Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* Measuring user relevance in online debates through an argumentative model
* Measuring Vegetation Height in Linear Disturbances in the Boreal Forest with UAV Photogrammetry
* Measuring Vegetation Heights and Their Seasonal Changes in the Western Namibian Savanna Using Spaceborne Lidars
* Measuring Vegetation Phenology with Near-Surface Remote Sensing in a Temperate Deciduous Forest: Effects of Sensor Type and Deployment
* Measuring Vertex Centrality Using the Holevo Quantity
* Measuring Vertical Urban Growth of Patna Urban Agglomeration Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry SAR (PSInSAR) Remote Sensing
* Measuring Villagers' Perceptions of Changes in the Landscape Values of Traditional Villages
* Measuring visual distraction in driving: The potential of head movement analysis
* Measuring Visual Motion from Image Sequences
* Measuring visual saliency by Site Entropy Rate
* Measuring Visual Surprise Jointly from Intrinsic and Extrinsic Contexts for Image Saliency Estimation
* Measuring Water Vapor and Ash in Volcanic Eruptions With a Millimeter-Wave Radar/Imager
* Measuring Winds and Currents with Ka-Band Doppler Scatterometry: An Airborne Implementation and Progress towards a Spaceborne Mission
* MEBOW: Monocular Estimation of Body Orientation in the Wild
* MEC-Assisted Panoramic VR Video Streaming Over Millimeter Wave Mobile Networks
* MEC Intelligence Driven Electro-Mobility Management for Battery Switch Service
* MECA-Net: A MultiScale Feature Encoding and Long-Range Context-Aware Network for Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* MECCANO Dataset: Understanding Human-Object Interactions from Egocentric Videos in an Industrial-like Domain, The
* MECCANO: A multimodal egocentric dataset for humans behavior understanding in the industrial-like domain
* Mechanical Approach for Smooth Surface Fitting to Delineate Vessel Walls in Optical Coherence Tomography Images, A
* Mechanical Characterization of the Life Cycle of Artificial Muscles Through Stereoscopic Computer Vision and Active Contours
* Mechanical Energy Harvesting Taxonomy for Industrial Environments: Application to the Railway Industry
* Mechanical Imaging of the Breast
* Mechanical Manipulation of Randomly Oriented Parts, The
* Mechanics-Based Nonrigid Registration Method for Liver Surgery Using Sparse Intraoperative Data, A
* Mechanism analysis of highly overlapped interpolation contrast enhancement
* Mechanism for determining parallax between digital images
* mechanism for range image integration without image registration, A
* Mechanism of Automatic 3D Object Modeling, A
* Mechanism of Enzyme Reaction Based on Dynamics Molecular
* Mechanism of Land Subsidence Mutation in Beijing Plain under the Background of Urban Expansion
* Mechanism of vehicular periodic operation for optimal fuel economy in free-driving scenarios
* Mechanism to Localize, Detect, and Prevent Jamming in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), A
* Mechanisms for Cooperative Freight Routing: Incentivizing Individual Participation
* Mechanisms for Isolating Component Patterns in the Sequential Analysis of Multiple Motion
* Mechanisms of Color Constancy
* Mechanisms of Human Facial Recognition
* Mechanisms of SAR Imaging of Shallow Water Topography of the Subei Bank
* Mechanistic Approach for Modeling Soil Development Using Remotely Sensed Data Collected from Invaded Coasts, A
* Mechanistic Data-Driven Approach to Synthesize Human Mobility Considering the Spatial, Temporal, and Social Dimensions Together, A
* Mechanix: A Sketch-Based Tutoring and Grading System for Free-Body Diagrams
* Mechatronic System to Help Visually Impaired Users During Walking and Running
* Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice
* Mechatronics of Active Vision
* Med-DANet: Dynamic Architecture Network for Efficient Medical Volumetric Segmentation
* MED-VT: Multiscale Encoder-Decoder Video Transformer with Application to Object Segmentation
* Media-Friendly and TCP-Friendly Rate Control Protocols for Multimedia Streaming
* Media-Guided Attentive Graphical Network for Personality Recognition Using Physiology, A
* Media-integrated biometric person recognition based on the Dempster-Shafer theory
* Media Computing
* Media content and type selection from always-on wearable video
* Media Forensics
* Media Information Processing in Documents: Generation of Manuals of Mechanical Parts Assembling
* Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasting: the practitioner day of the ACM 2009 International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval
* Media pattern exhibition mechanism via mobile devices
* Media production with correlation of image stream and abstract objects in a three-dimensional virtual stage
* Media Quality Assessment by Perceptual Gaze-Shift Patterns Discovery
* Media Query Processing for the Internet-of-Things: Coupling of Device Energy Consumption and Cloud Infrastructure Billing
* Media segmentation system and related methods
* Media Streaming With Network Diversity
* Media Team Document Database II
* MediaCybernetics
* Medial-axis-driven shape deformation with volume preservation
* Medial-Axis Based Shape Smoothing
* Medial-Based Deformable Models in Nonconvex Shape-Spaces for Medical Image Segmentation
* medial-surface oriented 3-d two-subfield thinning algorithm, A
* Medial Axes and Mean Curvature Motion I: Regular Points
* Medial Axes and Mean Curvature Motion II: Singularities
* medial axis based thinning strategy and structural feature extraction of character images, A
* Medial Axis Extraction Algorithm for the Processing of Combustion Flame Images, A
* Medial Axis for Chamfer Distances: Computing Look-Up Tables and Neighbourhoods in 2D or 3D
* Medial axis lookup table and test neighborhood computation for 3D chamfer norms
* Medial Axis LUT Computation for Chamfer Norms Using HH-Polytopes
* Medial Axis of a Coarse Binary Image Using Boundary Smoothing, The
* Medial Axis Representation and Encoding of Scanned Documents
* Medial Axis Transform-Based Features and a Neural-Network for Human-Chromosome Classification
* Medial Axis Transform on Mesh Connected Computers with Hyperbus Broadcasting
* Medial Axis Transform, MAT, Skeletons in Three Dimensions
* Medial Axis Transformation for Grayscale Pictures, A
* Medial Axis Transformation of A Planar Shape
* Medial axis transformation with single-pixel and connectivity preservation using Euclidean distance computation
* Medial Axis Transformations
* Medial Faces from a Concise 3D Thinning Algorithm
* medial feature detector: Stable regions from image boundaries, The
* Medial Features for Superpixel Segmentation
* Medial Grey-Level Based Representation for Proteins in Volume Images
* Medial Line: Graph Representation and Shape Description
* Medial Lines and Figure Analysis
* Medial Representations
* Medial Scaffold of 3D Unorganized Point Clouds, The
* Medial Set, Boundary, and Topology of Random Point Sets
* Medial Spectral Coordinates for 3D Shape Analysis
* Medial Spheres for Shape Approximation
* Medial Visual Fragments as an Intermediate Image Representation for Segmentation and Perceptual Grouping
* Medialness and Skeletonization for Object Recognition and Shape Similarity
* Mediamill: Advanced Browsing in News Video Archives
* MediaMill: fast and effective video search using the forkbrowser
* MediaMill: guiding the user to results using the ForkBrowser
* MediaMill: semantic video search using the RotorBrowser
* Median-based image thresholding
* Median-Pooling Grad-Cam: An Efficient Inference Level Visual Explanation for CNN Networks in Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Median-rational hybrid filters
* Median-Shape Representation Learning for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation in Cluttered Environments
* Median-Type Filters with Model-Based Preselection Masks
* Median and Morphological Specialized Processors for a Real-Time Image Data Processing
* Median and robust polynomial filters for multivariate image data
* Median Autoregressive Graph Filters
* Median based pixel selection for partial image encryption
* Median Based Relaxation of Smoothness Constraints in Optic Flow Computation
* Median Binary Pattern for Textures Classification
* Median Filter Based Iris Encoding Technique
* Median Filter
* Median Filtered Image Restoration and Anti-Forensics Using Adversarial Networks
* Median Filtering by Threshold Decomposition
* Median filtering detection of small-size image based on CNN
* Median Filtering Detection of Small-size Image Using Alexcaps-network
* Median Filtering Detection Using Edge Based Prediction Matrix
* Median Filtering Forensics Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Median Filtering Forensics in Compressed Video
* Median Filtering in Constant Time
* Median Filtering of Tensor-Valued Images
* Median filtering techniques for vector valued signals
* Median Filtering
* Median Filtering: A New Insight
* Median Filters with Adaptive Length
* Median Graph Computation by Means of a Genetic Approach Based on Minimum Common Supergraph and Maximum Common Subgraph
* Median Graph Shift: A New Clustering Algorithm for Graph Domain
* Median graph: A new exact algorithm using a distance based on the maximum common subgraph
* Median graphs: A genetic approach based on new theoretical properties
* Median K-Flats for hybrid linear modeling with many outliers
* Median local ternary patterns optimized with rotation-invariant uniform-three mapping for noisy texture classification
* Median M-Type Radial Basis Function Neural Network
* Median Photometric Stereo as Applied to the Segonko Tumulus and Museum Objects
* Median Robust Extended Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification
* Median Stable Clustering and Global Distance Classification for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Median strings for k-nearest neighbour classification
* Medians of Polyominoes: A Property for Reconstruction
* MedianStruck for long-term tracking applications
* Mediaprinting: Identifying Multimedia Content for Digital Rights Management
* MediAssist: Using Content-Based Analysis and Context to Manage Personal Photo Collections
* Mediated Morphological Filters
* Mediating Effect of Emotions on Trust in the Context of Automated System Usage, The
* Mediating Human-Robot Interactions with Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality
* MEDIC: Remove Model Backdoors via Importance Driven Cloning
* Medical-Based Pictogram: Comprehension of Visual Language with Semiotic Theory
* Medical-Image Retrieval Based on Knowledge-Assisted Text and Image Indexing
* Medical Active Thermography: A New Image Reconstruction Method
* Medical Applications -- Aorta, Aortic Analysis
* Medical Applications -- Blood Vessels, Arteries, Veins, Vascular
* Medical Applications -- Brain, Cortex Applications
* Medical Applications -- Cancer Diagnosis and Analysis
* Medical Applications -- Cervical Cancer Analysis, Ovarian Cancer
* Medical Applications -- Colonoscopy, Colon Cancer
* Medical Applications -- Colonoscopy, Polyp Detection, Analysis
* Medical Applications -- Coronary Arteries, Carotid Arteries
* Medical Applications -- Endoscopy
* Medical Applications -- Gastrointestinal Tract, Gastric Images
* Medical Applications -- General Systems
* Medical Applications -- Heart Valve Analysis
* Medical Applications -- Heart, Cardiac Applications
* Medical Applications -- Lymph Nodes
* Medical Applications -- Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI
* Medical Applications -- Prostate Cancer Analysis
* Medical Applications -- Skeleton, Bone
* Medical Applications -- Skin Cancer, Melanoma
* Medical Applications -- Skin Lesions, Wound Healing
* Medical Applications -- Surgery
* Medical Applications -- Surveys
* Medical Applications -- Thyroid
* Medical Applications -- Ultrasound, Ultrasonic
* Medical Applications of Image Understanding
* Medical Applications, Arthritis
* Medical Applications, Diagonistic Systems, General Diagnosis, Therapy Systems
* Medical Applications, Femur Analysis, Bone
* Medical Applications, Knee Joints
* Medical Applications, Microscope Image Analysis
* Medical Applications, Scoliosis
* Medical Applications, Trabecular Bone, Spongy Bone
* Medical Applications, Vertebra, Spine, Skeletons, Bone
* Medical Applications, Wrist Joints
* Medical biometrics: The perils of ignoring time dependency
* Medical Computer Vision
* Medical Computer Vision, Virtual-Reality and Robotics
* Medical Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics: Promising Research Tracks
* Medical Data and Mathematically Modeled Implicit Surface Real-Rime Visualization in Web Browsers
* Medical Dataset Archive
* Medical Diagnostic by Data Bagging for Various Instances of Neural Network
* Medical fusion framework using discrete fractional wavelets and non-subsampled directional filter banks
* Medical Image-Atlas Registration Using Deformable Models
* Medical Image-Processing
* Medical image analysis an attempt for mammogram classification using texture based association rule mining
* Medical Image Analysis and Surgery Simulation: Recent Advances and Perspectives
* Medical image analysis using high-dimensional information-theoretic criteria
* Medical Image Analysis
* Medical Image Analysis, 2nd Edition
* Medical Image Analysis, Books, Special Issues, Introductions, Special Sections, Reviews, Surveys
* Medical Image Analysis: A Challenge for Computer Vision
* Medical Image Analysis: Progress over Two Decades and the Challenges Ahead
* Medical image blind super-resolution based on improved degradation process
* Medical Image Categorization using a Texture Based Symbolic Description
* Medical Image Classification Using Generalized Zero Shot Learning
* Medical Image Compressed Sensing Based on Contourlet
* Medical image compression by using three-dimensional wavelet transformation
* Medical Image Compression Using 2x2 Discrete Cosine Transform
* Medical image compression using principal component analysis
* Medical Image Compression with Lossless Regions of Interest
* Medical Image Compression: Study of the Influence of Noise on the JPEG 2000 Compression Performance
* Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interventions Applied to Soft Tissues: Work in Progress in Urology
* Medical image contrast enhancement based on improved sparrow search algorithm
* Medical Image Database Retrieval, Medicine
* Medical image databases and informatics
* Medical Image Denoising Arithmetic Based on Wiener Filter Parallel Model of Wavelet Transform, A
* Medical Image Denoising Based on Soft Thresholding Using Biorthogonal Multiscale Wavelet Transform
* Medical image denoising by generalised Gaussian mixture modelling with edge information
* Medical image denoising using Kernel Ridge Regression
* Medical image denoising using optimal thresholding of wavelet coefficients with selection of the best decomposition level and mother wavelet
* medical image display and analysis group at the University of North Carolina: Reminiscences and Philosophy, The
* Medical image encryption scheme based on self-verification matrix
* Medical Image Encryption Scheme Using Multiple Chaotic Maps
* Medical image enhancement algorithm based on NSCT and the improved fuzzy contrast
* medical image enhancement method using adaptive thresholding in NSCT domain combined unsharp masking, A
* Medical image fusion and noise suppression with fractional-order total variation and multi-scale decomposition
* Medical image fusion based on improved sum-modified-Laplacian
* Medical image fusion based on laws of texture energy measures in stationary wavelet transform domain
* Medical image fusion based on local Laplacian decomposition and iterative joint filter
* Medical image fusion based on nuclear norm minimization
* Medical Image Fusion Technology Based on Low-Rank Representation of Image Blocks and Pulse Coupled Neural Network
* Medical Image Fusion using ECNN- and OMBO-based Adaptive Weighted Fusion Rule
* Medical image fusion using the PCNN based on IQPSO in NSST domain
* Medical image fusion using Transfer Learning and L-BFGS optimization algorithm
* Medical Image Fusion via Convolutional Sparsity Based Morphological Component Analysis
* Medical Image Imputation From Image Collections
* Medical image modality classification using discrete Bayesian networks
* Medical Image Noise Reduction Using the Sylvester-Lyapunov Equation
* Medical Image Processing and Deep Learning to Diagnose COVID-19 with CT Images
* Medical Image Processing
* Medical Image Processing: Techniques and Applications
* Medical Image Processing: The Characterization of Display Changes Using Histogram Entropy
* Medical image reconstruction from sparse samples using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Optimization
* Medical image registration-based retrieval using distance metrics
* Medical Image Registration and Interpolation by Optical Flow with Maximal Rigidity
* Medical Image Registration Based on BSP and Quad-Tree Partitioning
* Medical Image Registration Based on Equivalent Meridian Plane
* Medical image registration based on fast and adaptive bidimensional empirical mode decomposition
* Medical image registration based on grid matching using Hausdorff Distance and Near set
* Medical Image Registration Based on Random Line Sampling
* Medical Image Registration Incorporating Deformations
* Medical image registration using geometric hashing
* Medical Image Registration Using Knowledge of Adjacency of Anatomical Structures
* Medical image registration using mutual information
* Medical image registration using Phase-Only Correlation for distorted dental radiographs
* Medical Image Retrieval Based on Complexity Analysis
* medical image retrieval method based on texture block coding tree, A
* Medical Image Retrieval Using SIFT Feature
* Medical image rigid registration using a novel binary feature descriptor and modified affine transform
* Medical image search and retrieval using local binary patterns and KLT feature points
* Medical Image Segmentation and Retrieval Via Deformable Models
* Medical image segmentation based on dynamic positioning and region-aware attention
* Medical image segmentation based on non-parametric mixture models with spatial information
* Medical Image Segmentation Based on Novel Local Order Energy
* Medical Image Segmentation by Combining Graph Cuts and Oriented Active Appearance Models
* Medical image segmentation using a contextual-constraint-based Hopfield neural cube
* Medical image segmentation using analysis of isolable-contour maps
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning with Feature Enhancement
* Medical image segmentation using deep learning: A survey
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Descriptive Image Features
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Improved Affinity Propagation
* Medical Image Segmentation Using K-Means Clustering and Improved Watershed Algorithm
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Mean Field Annealing Network
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Multi-level Set Partitioning with Topological Graph Prior
* Medical image segmentation using multi-scale and super-resolution method
* Medical image segmentation using openings and closings with reconstruction criteria
* Medical image segmentation using the watershed transformation on graphs
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Topologically Adaptable Snakes
* Medical Image Segmentation via Cascaded Attention Decoding
* Medical image segmentation via min s-t cuts with sides constraints
* Medical Image Segmentation With Deep Atlas Prior
* Medical image segmentation with minimal path deformable models
* Medical image segmentation, volume representation and registration using spheres in the geometric algebra framework
* Medical Image Segmentation: A Review of Modern Architectures
* Medical Image Semantic Segmentation
* Medical image steganographic algorithm via modified LSB method and chaotic map
* Medical Image Super Resolution by Preserving Interpretable and Disentangled Features
* Medical Image Tampering Detection: A New Dataset and Baseline
* Medical image watermarking for multiple modalities
* Medical Image Zooming Algorithm Based on Bivariate Rational Interpolation
* Medical images compression for remote diagnosis using modified SPIHT data organization and fidelity enhancement filter
* Medical Images Segmentation Using Active Contours Driven by Global and Local Image Fitting Energy
* Medical images stabilization using sparse-induced similarity measure
* Medical Imaging Analysis for Covid-19
* Medical imaging at Guy's Hospital, King's College London
* Medical imaging challenges photogrammetry
* Medical Imaging in Rheumatology: Advanced Applications for the Analysis of Inflammation and Damage in the Rheumatoid Joint
* Medical Imaging Informatics
* Medical Imaging Modalities
* Medical imaging: A new era of precision and holistic imaging
* Medical imaging: An illustrated overview
* Medical imaging: examples of clinical applications
* Medical Instrument Detection in 3-Dimensional Ultrasound Data Volumes
* Medical JPEG image steganography method according to the distortion reduction criterion based on an imperialist competitive algorithm
* Medical Knowledge Based Postprocessing Approach for Doctor's Handwriting Recognition, A
* Medical Knowledge Constrained Semantic Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation
* Medical optical imaging: Signal processing leads to new methods of detecting life-threatening situations
* Medical photogrammetric measurement: overview and prospects
* Medical Physics
* Medical prognosis based on patient similarity and expert feedback
* Medical Transformers for Boosting Automatic Grading of Colon Carcinoma in Histological Images
* Medical Transformers
* Medical Ultrasound Image Similarity Measurement by Human Visual System (HVS) Modelling
* Medical Ultrasound Imaging: To GPU or Not to GPU?
* Medical Visual Question Answering via Conditional Reasoning and Contrastive Learning
* Medical volume image summarization
* Medical word recognition using a computational semantic lexicon
* medical X-ray's new phase, The
* Medical X-ray image enhancement method based on TV-homomorphic filter
* Medicinal Boxes Recognition on a Deep Transfer Learning Augmented Reality Mobile Application
* Medieval Archaeology Under the Canopy with LiDAR. The (Re)Discovery of a Medieval Fortified Settlement in Southern Italy
* Medipix imaging: Evaluation of datasets with PCA
* MEDIRL: Predicting the Visual Attention of Drivers via Maximum Entropy Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Medium- (MR) and Very-High-Resolution (VHR) Image Integration through Collect Earth for Monitoring Forests and Land-Use Changes: Global Forest Survey (GFS) in the Temperate FAO Ecozone in Europe (2000-2015)
* Medium-format Cameras and Their Use In Topographic Mapping
* Medium-Resolution Mapping of Evapotranspiration at the Catchment Scale Based on Thermal Infrared MODIS Data and ERA-Interim Reanalysis over North Africa
* Medium-Resolution Multispectral Data from Sentinel-2 to Assess the Damage and the Recovery Time of Late Frost on Vineyards
* Medium-Resolution Soil Moisture Retrieval Using the Bayesian Merging Method
* Medium Format Camera Evaluation Based On The Latest Phase One Technology
* Medium grain scalability for SHVC
* Medium Guardian for Enhanced Dependability in Safety-Critical Wireless Systems, A
* Medium Level Scene Representation Using VLSI Smart Hexagonal Sensor with multi-resolution Edge Extraction Capability and Scale Space Integration Co-Processor
* Medium Level Vision
* Medium Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery for Estimating and Mapping Urban Impervious Surfaces Using LSMA and ANN
* MedKLIP: Medical Knowledge Enhanced Language-Image Pre-Training for X-ray Diagnosis
* MedoidsFormer: A Strong 3D Object Detection Backbone by Exploiting Interaction With Adjacent Medoid Tokens
* MedRDF: A Robust and Retrain-Less Diagnostic Framework for Medical Pretrained Models Against Adversarial Attack
* MedSkip: Medical Report Generation Using Skip Connections and Integrated Attention
* MedUCC: Medium-Driven Underwater Camera Calibration for Refractive 3-D Reconstruction
* Medusa Synthesized
* Medusa: A Scalable MR Console Using USB
* Medusa: Universal Feature Learning via Attentional Multitasking
* Medutainment-Based AR Rally: Disaster Medical Learning Tool for Citizens
* MedViTGAN: End-to-End Conditional GAN for Histopathology Image Augmentation with Vision Transformers
* medXGAN: Visual Explanations for Medical Classifiers through a Generative Latent Space
* MedZip: 3D Medical Images Lossless Compressor Using Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM)
* MEEM: Robust Tracking via Multiple Experts Using Entropy Minimization
* Meet-in-the-middle: Multi-scale upsampling and matching for cross-resolution face recognition
* Meet the Virtual Jeju Dol Harubang The Mixed VR/AR Application for Cultural Immersion in Korea's Main Heritage
* Meeting behavior detection in smart environments: Nonverbal cues that help to obtain natural interaction
* Meeting detection in video through semantic analysis
* Meeting Earth Observation Requirements for Global Agricultural Monitoring: An Evaluation of the Revisit Capabilities of Current and Planned Moderate Resolution Optical Earth Observing Missions
* Meeting HCI with CV
* Meeting in the Middle: A top-down and bottom-up approach to detect pedestrians
* meeting scheduling problem respecting time and space, A
* MEF-GAN: Multi-Exposure Image Fusion via Generative Adversarial Networks
* MeFirst ranking and multiple dichotomies: Via Linear Programming and Neural Networks
* MEFLUT: Unsupervised 1D Lookup Tables for Multi-exposure Image Fusion
* MEG-based imaging of focal neuronal current sources
* MEG source reconstruction with basis functions source model
* MEG, RFFTs, and the Hunt for High Frequency Oscillations
* MEG: Multi-Evidence GNN for Multimodal Semantic Forensics
* MEG: Multi-Expert Gender Classification from Face Images in a Demographics-Balanced Dataset
* MEG: Texture operators for multi-expert gender classification
* MeGA-CDA: Memory Guided Attention for Category-Aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Mega-NeRF: Scalable Construction of Large-Scale NeRFs for Virtual Fly- Throughs
* Mega Wave
* MEGA: Multimodal Alignment Aggregation and Distillation For Cinematic Video Segmentation
* MegaDepth: Learning Single-View Depth Prediction from Internet Photos
* MegaFace Benchmark: 1 Million Faces for Recognition at Scale, The
* Megahertz Light Steering Without Moving Parts
* MEGAN: Memory Enhanced Graph Attention Network for Space-Time Video Super-Resolution
* MEGANE: Morphable Eyeglass and Avatar Network
* Megastereo: Constructing High-Resolution Stereo Panoramas
* MegaVision
* MegBA: A GPU-Based Distributed Library for Large-Scale Bundle Adjustment
* MEGC2020 - The Third Facial Micro-Expression Grand Challenge
* MegDet: A Large Mini-Batch Object Detector
* MEGL: Multi-Experts Guided Learning Network for Single Camera Training Person Re-Identification
* MEHW-SVM multi-kernel approach for improved brain tumour classification
* Meibomian Glands Segmentation In Near-Infrared Images With Weakly Supervised Deep Learning
* Mel-cepstral methods for image feature extraction
* Melanin and Hemoglobin Identification for Skin Disease Analysis
* Melanoma and Nevi Classification using Convolution Neural Networks
* Melanoma Classification on Dermoscopy Images Using a Neural Network Ensemble Model
* Melanoma Classification Using Dermoscopy Imaging and Ensemble Learning
* Melanoma Detection Based on Mahalanobis Distance Learning and Constrained Graph Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Melanoma recognition using extended set of descriptors and classifiers
* Melanoma Recognition Using Representative and Discriminative Kernel Classifiers
* Melanoma segmentation: A framework of improved DenseNet77 and UNET convolutional neural network
* Melanoma skin cancer identification with amalgamated TSBTC and BTC colour features using ensemble of machine learning algorithms
* MELISSA, a new class of ground based InSAR system. An example of application in support to the Costa Concordia emergency
* MeliusNet: An Improved Network Architecture for Binary Neural Networks
* Mellin polar coordinate moment and its affine invariance
* Melodic Track Identification in MIDI Files Considering the Imbalanced Context
* Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music Signals: Approaches, applications, and challenges
* Melody Generation from Lyrics Using Three Branch Conditional LSTM-GAN
* Melody Recognition with Learned Edit Distances
* Melt Patterns and Dynamics in Alaska and Patagonia Derived from Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures
* Melt Pond Mapping With High-Resolution SAR: The First View
* Melt Pond Retrieval Based on the LinearPolar Algorithm Using Landsat Data
* MELT: Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Low-Rank Toeplitz Covariance Matrix
* Melting Layer Detection and Characterization based on Range Height Indicator-Quasi Vertical Profiles
* Melting Layer Detection and Observation with the NCAR Airborne W-Band Radar
* Melting the Boundaries Between Fantasy and Reality
* MELTR: Meta Loss Transformer for Learning to Fine-tune Video Foundation Models
* MeMaHand: Exploiting Mesh-Mano Interaction for Single Image Two-Hand Reconstruction
* Membership authentication in dynamic face groups
* Membership authentication in the dynamic group by face classification using SVM ensemble
* Membership Functions for Zoning-Based Recognition of Handwritten Digits
* Membership Inference Attacks are Easier on Difficult Problems
* Membership representation for detecting block-diagonal structure in low-rank or sparse subspace clustering
* Membershipmap: data transformation based on membership aggregation
* Membrane boundary extraction using circular multiple paths
* Membrane Computing Model for Generation of Picture Arrays, A
* Membrane Nonrigid Image Registration
* Membrane Potential Batch Normalization for Spiking Neural Networks
* Membrane segmentation via active learning with deep networks
* MemBridge: Video-Language Pre-Training With Memory-Augmented Inter-Modality Bridge
* MEMC-Net: Motion Estimation and Motion Compensation Driven Neural Network for Video Interpolation and Enhancement
* MemeNet: Toward a Reliable Local Projection for Image Recognition via Semantic Featurization
* Memetic Algorithm for Binary Image Reconstruction, A
* memetic algorithm for evolutionary prototype selection: A scaling up approach, A
* Memetic algorithm for multivariate time-series segmentation
* Memetic Algorithm for Real-Time Combinatorial Stochastic Simulation Optimization Problems With Performance Analysis
* Memetic Algorithm for Selection of 3D Clustered Features with Applications in Neuroscience, A
* Memetic Algorithm Image Enhancement for Preserving Mean Brightness Without Losing Image Features
* memetic approach to discrete tomography from noisy projections, A
* Memetic Differential Evolution in Filter Design for Defect Detection in Paper Production, A
* Memetic differential evolution methods for clustering problems
* Memetic Evolution of Training Sets with Adaptive Radial Basis Kernels for Support Vector Machines
* Memetic Extreme Learning Machine
* MEMF: Multi-level-attention embedding and multi-layer-feature fusion model for person re-identification
* MemLog, an Enhanced Lifelog Annotation and Search Tool
* MemNAS: Memory-Efficient Neural Architecture Search With Grow-Trim Learning
* MemNet: A Persistent Memory Network for Image Restoration
* MEmoR: A Multimodal Emotion Recognition using affective biomarkers for smart prediction of emotional health for people analytics in smart industries
* Memorability-based image compression
* Memorability of natural scenes: The role of attention
* Memorable and rich video summarization
* Memorable Maps: A Framework for Re-Defining Places in Visual Place Recognition
* Memorial GAN With Joint Semantic Optimization for Unpaired Image Captioning
* memorization learning model for image retrieval, A
* Memorize, Associate and Match: Embedding Enhancement via Fine-Grained Alignment for Image-Text Retrieval
* Memorizing and Generalizing Framework for Lifelong Person Re-Identification, A
* Memorizing Complementation Network for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Memorizing GMM to Handle Sharp Changes in Moving Object Segmentation
* Memorizing Normality to Detect Anomaly: Memory-Augmented Deep Autoencoder for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* Memory- and Accuracy-Aware Gaussian Parameter-Based Stereo Matching Using Confidence Measure, A
* Memory-and-Anticipation Transformer for Online Action Understanding
* Memory-Attended Recurrent Network for Video Captioning
* Memory-augmented appearance-motion network for video anomaly detection
* Memory-Augmented Attribute Manipulation Networks for Interactive Fashion Search
* Memory-Augmented Capsule Network for Adaptable Lung Nodule Classification
* Memory-augmented Deep Conditional Unfolding Network for Pansharpening
* Memory-Augmented Deep Unfolding Network for Guided Image Super-resolution
* Memory-augmented Dense Predictive Coding for Video Representation Learning
* Memory-Augmented Dynamic Neural Relational Inference
* Memory-Augmented Model-Driven Network for Pansharpening
* Memory-augmented neural networks based dynamic complex image segmentation in digital twins for self-driving vehicle
* Memory-Augmented Non-Local Attention for Video Super-Resolution
* Memory-Augmented Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* Memory-augmented Variational Adaptation for Online Few-shot Segmentation
* Memory-Based Ant Colony System Approach for Multi-Source Data Associated Dynamic Electric Vehicle Dispatch Optimization
* Memory-Based Approach to Sensory-Motor Coordination, A
* Memory-Based Augmentation Network for Video Captioning
* Memory-based character recognition using a transformation invariant metric
* Memory-Based Cluster Sampling for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Memory-Based Cross-Image Contexts for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Memory-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Obstacle Avoidance in UAV With Limited Environment Knowledge
* Memory-based Face Recognition for Visitor Identification
* Memory-based forecasting of complex natural patterns by retrieving similar image sequences
* Memory-based Gait Recognition
* Memory-Based In Situ Learning for Unmanned Vehicles
* Memory-Based Learning Approach as Compared to Other Data Mining Algorithms for the Prediction of Soil Texture Using Diffuse Reflectance Spectra, A
* Memory-based Moving Object Extraction for Video Indexing
* Memory-Based Neighbourhood Embedding for Visual Recognition
* Memory-Based Parameterized Skills Learning for Mapless Visual Navigation
* Memory-based Particle Filter for face pose tracking robust under complex dynamics
* Memory-Based Particle Filter for Tracking Objects with Large Variation in Pose and Appearance
* Memory-Based Reasoning Approach for Pattern Recognition of Binary Images
* Memory-Based Recognition for 3-D Objects
* Memory-Based Self-Localization Using Omnidirectional Images
* Memory-based Transformer with shorter window and longer horizon for multivariate time series forecasting
* Memory-Centric Video Processing
* Memory-constrained 3-d wavelet transform for video coding without boundary effects
* Memory-Efficiency and High-Speed Architectures for Forward and Inverse DCT with Multiplierless Operation
* Memory-efficient 3D connected component labeling with parallel computing
* Memory-efficient and GPU-oriented visual anomaly detection with incremental dimension reduction
* Memory-efficient and high-speed split-radix FFT/IFFT processor based on pipelined CORDIC rotations
* Memory-Efficient Architecture for Hysteresis Thresholding and Object Feature Extraction
* Memory-efficient architecture of circle Hough transform and its FPGA implementation for iris localisation
* Memory-Efficient Architecture of Full HD Around View Monitor Systems, A
* Memory-Efficient Computation of High-Dimensional Integral Images
* Memory-Efficient Deformable Convolution Based Joint Denoising and Demosaicing for UHD Images
* Memory-efficient distribution-guided experience sampling for policy consolidation
* Memory-efficient Fingerprint Verification
* Memory-Efficient Hardware Architecture for Connected Component Labeling in Embedded System, A
* Memory-Efficient Hardware Architecture of 2-D Dual-Mode Lifting-Based Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Memory-Efficient Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Image Denoising
* Memory-Efficient Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Image Restoration
* Memory-Efficient High-Speed Convolution-Based Generic Structure for Multilevel 2-D DWT
* Memory-efficient high-speed VLSI implementation of multi-level discrete wavelet transform
* Memory-Efficient Image Databases for Mobile Visual Search
* Memory-efficient Incremental Learning Through Feature Adaptation
* Memory-Efficient Learned Image Compression with Pruned Hyperprior Module
* Memory-Efficient Models for Scene Text Recognition via Neural Architecture Search
* Memory-Efficient Multi-Scale Residual Dense Network for Single Image Rain Removal
* Memory-Efficient Network for Large-scale Video Compressive Sensing
* Memory-Efficient Parametric Semiglobal Matching
* Memory-Efficient Realization of Cyclic Convolution and Its Application to Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Memory-Efficient Semi-Quasi-Arithmetic Coding
* Memory-Efficient Semi-Quasi Renormalization for Arithmetic Coding
* Memory-efficient spatial prediction image compression scheme
* Memory-Enhanced Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (ME-TD3)-Based Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle Trajectory Planning for Avoiding Radar Detection Threats in Dynamic and Unknown Environments
* Memory-Free Stochastic Weight Averaging by One-Way Variational Pruning
* Memory-Friendly Scalable Super-Resolution via Rewinding Lottery Ticket Hypothesis
* Memory-Friendly Segmentation Refinement for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Memory-Guided Image De-Raining Using Time-Lapse Data
* Memory-guided Unsupervised Image-to-image Translation
* Memory-less bit-plane coder architecture for JPEG2000 with concurrent column-stripe coding
* Memory-Reduced Look-Up Tables for Efficient ADMM Decoding of LDPC Codes
* Memory-restricted latent semantic analysis to accumulate term-document co-occurrence events
* Memory-Saving System Including DWT and EC for JPEG2000 Implementation, A
* Memory-Token Transformer for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Memory Access Scheduling for a Smart TV
* Memory Aggregation Networks for Efficient Interactive Video Object Segmentation
* Memory Allocation Exploiting Temporal Locality for Reducing Data-Transfer Bottlenecks in Heterogeneous Multicore Processors
* Memory and architectural optimizations for soft video encoders
* Memory and Expectations in Learning, Language, and Visual Understanding
* Memory Architecture and Contextual Reasoning Framework for Cognitive Vision, A
* Memory Assessment Of Versatile Video Coding
* Memory Attention: Robust Alignment Using Gating Mechanism for End-to-End Speech Synthesis
* memory aware and multiplierless VLSI architecture for the complete Intra Prediction of the HEVC emerging standard, A
* Memory Aware Synapses: Learning What (not) to Forget
* Memory Bandwidth and Power Reduction Using Lossy Reference Frame Compression in Video Encoding
* Memory Based Online Learning of Deep Representations from Video Streams
* Memory Based Temporal Fusion Network for Video Deblurring
* Memory Centric Design of an MPEG-4 Video Encoder
* Memory Compression Method Considering Memory Bandwidth for HDTV Decoder LSIs
* Memory conscious sketched symbol recognition
* Memory conserving and compression technique-compatible image rotation system
* Memory consistency validation in a cognitive vision system
* Memory constrained face recognition
* Memory Constrained Wavelet-Based Image-Coding
* Memory Consumption and Computation Efficiency Improvements of Viola-Jones Object Detection Method for UAVS
* Memory cost vs. coding efficiency trade-offs for HEVC motion estimation engine
* Memory Effects in Subjective Quality Assessment of X-Ray Images
* Memory Efficient 3D Integral Volumes
* Memory Efficient Billboard Clouds for BTF Textured Objects
* Memory efficient data-free distillation for continual learning
* Memory Efficient Deployment of an Optical Flow Algorithm on GPU Using OpenMP
* Memory Efficient Discriminative Approach for Location Aided Recognition, A
* Memory efficient error diffusion
* Memory Efficient Hierarchical Lookup Tables for Mass Arbitrary-Side Growing Huffman Trees Decoding
* Memory Efficient Max Flow for Multi-Label Submodular MRFs
* Memory efficient Multi-Scale Line Detector architecture for retinal blood vessel segmentation
* Memory Efficient Multilevel Discrete Wavelet Transform Schemes for JPEG2000
* Memory Efficient Progressive Rate-Distortion Algorithm for JPEG 2000
* Memory Efficient Propagation-Based Watershed and Influence Zone Algorithms for Large Images
* Memory efficient recognition of specific objects with local features
* Memory Efficient Semi-Global Matching
* Memory Efficient Shortest Path Algorithms for Cactus Graphs
* Memory Efficient Skeletonization of Utility Maps
* Memory Efficient Stereoscopy from Light Fields
* Memory Efficient Vision Based Line Feature Extraction for Tiny Mobile Robots
* Memory Efficient VLSI Architecture for QCIF to VGA Resolution Conversion
* Memory Enhanced Global-Local Aggregation for Video Object Detection
* Memory Gradient algorithm for L2-L0 regularization with applications to image restoration, A
* Memory Guided Road Segmentation
* Memory Hierarchy Exploration for Low Power Architectures in Embedded Multimedia Applications
* Memory in Memory: A Predictive Neural Network for Learning Higher-Order Non-Stationarity From Spatiotemporal Dynamics
* Memory Learning Framework for Effective Image Retrieval, A
* Memory management in embedded vision systems: Optimization problems and solution methods
* Memory Matching Networks for One-Shot Image Recognition
* Memory Model Based on the Siamese Network for Long-Term Tracking, A
* Memory Network Approach for Story-Based Temporal Summarization of 360° Videos, A
* Memory Network With Pixel-Level Spatio-Temporal Learning for Visual Object Tracking
* Memory of a 2nd WW Camp: 3d Modeling Using the Combination Of Hybrid Technologies, The
* Memory Organization for Invariant Object Recognition and Categorization
* Memory Oriented Transfer Learning for Semi-Supervised Image Deraining
* Memory Population in Continual Learning via Outlier Elimination
* Memory Reduction of CGH Calculation Based On Integrating Point Light Sources
* Memory requirements and simulation platform for the implementation of the H.264 encoder modules
* Memory Saving Feature Descriptor Using Scale and Rotation Invariant Patches around the Feature Ppoints
* Memory Selection Network for Video Propagation
* Memory Uncertainty Learning for Real-World Single Image Deraining
* Memory Warps for Long-Term Online Video Representations and Anticipation
* MemorySeg: Online LiDAR Semantic Segmentation with a Latent Memory
* MeMOT: Multi-Object Tracking with Memory
* Memotion Dataset 7k
* MeMOTR: Long-Term Memory-Augmented Transformer for Multi-Object Tracking
* Memristive fuzzy edge detector
* Mems Based Bridge Monitoring Supported By Image-assisted Total Station
* MemSAC: Memory Augmented Sample Consistency for Large Scale Domain Adaptation
* MeMu: Metric Correlation Siamese Network and Multi-Class Negative Sampling for Visual Tracking
* MeMViT: Memory-Augmented Multiscale Vision Transformer for Efficient Long-Term Video Recognition
* MENAS: Multi-trial Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search with Lottery Tickets
* Mending broken handwriting with a macrostructure analysis method to improve recognition
* Mending Neural Implicit Modeling for 3D Vehicle Reconstruction in the Wild
* MENet: A Memory-Based Network with Dual-Branch for Efficient Event Stream Processing
* Menpo Benchmark for Multi-pose 2D and 3D Facial Landmark Localisation and Tracking, The
* Menpo Facial Landmark Localisation Challenge: A Step Towards the Solution, The
* MEnsA: Mix-up Ensemble Average for Unsupervised Multi Target Domain Adaptation on 3D Point Clouds
* Mensiochronology Analysis Supported By New Advanced Survey Techniques: Field Tests in Milanese Area, The
* MENT: A Maximum Entropy Algorithm for Reconstructing a Source from Projection Data
* Mental Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images via Adversarial Sketch-Image Feature Learning
* Mental Visual Browsing
* Mental Workload Classification via Online Writing Features
* Menu-Match: Restaurant-Specific Food Logging from Images
* MEO SAR: System Concepts and Analysis
* MEP-3M: A large-scale multi-modal E-commerce product dataset
* MePark: Using Meters as Sensors for Citywide On-Street Parking Availability Prediction
* MEPHISTO: A Modular and Extensible Path Planning System Using Observation
* MEQA: Manifold embedding quality assessment via anisotropic scaling and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
* MER-DIMES: A Planetary Landing Application of Computer Vision
* MERASTC: Micro-Expression Recognition Using Effective Feature Encodings and 2D Convolutional Neural Network
* MERCATOR Representation of Spatial Knowledge, The
* Mercedes' New Safety Tech Aims To End Wrong-Way Driving
* Mercer Kernels for Object Recognition with Local Features
* Mercury Prediction in Urban Soils by Remote Sensing and Relief Data Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Mereology of Visual Form
* MERF: A Practical HDR-Like Image Generator via Mutual-Guided Learning Between Multi-Exposure Registration and Fusion
* Merge-and-simplify operation for compact combinatorial pyramid definition
* Merge-Based Color Quantization and Context Tree Modeling for Compression of Color Quantized Images
* Merge-Swap Optimization Framework for Supervoxel Generation from Three-Dimensional Point Clouds
* Merge and split discrete sine block transform method
* Merge and split fast fourier block transform method
* Merge and split fast hartley block transform method
* Merge and split generalized block transform method
* Merge and split Karhunen-Loeve block transform method
* Merge Frame Design for Video Stream Switching Using Piecewise Constant Functions
* Merge mode based fast inter prediction for HEVC
* Merge Mode Estimation for a Hardware-Based HEVC Encoder
* Merge Mode for Deformable Block Motion Information Derivation
* Merge Mode With Motion Vector Difference
* Merge2-3D: Combining Multiple Normal Maps with 3D Surfaces
* Merged-color histogram for color image retrieval
* Merged 1D-2D Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Nerve Detection in Ultrasound Images
* Merged Multi-Sensor Ocean Colour Chlorophyll Product Evaluation for the British Columbia Coast
* Merged Quadtree Fractal Image Compression
* Merged region based image retrieval
* Merged U-Net for Bone Tumors X-Ray Images Segmentation
* MergeLayouts: A Comprehensive Voting of Commercial OCR Devices
* Merging Active Contours
* Merging Airborne Lidar Data and Satellite SAR Data for Building Classification
* Merging Algorithm for Regional Snow Mapping over Eastern Canada from AVHRR and SSM/I Data, A
* Merging Alternate Remotely-Sensed Soil Moisture Retrievals Using a Non-Static Model Combination Approach
* Merging and Arbitration Strategy Applied Bayesian Classification for Eye Location
* Merging and Diverging Impact on Mixed Traffic of Regular and Autonomous Vehicles
* Merging and Generalizing Eigenspace for Partially Occluded and Destroyed Object Recognition
* Merging and Splitting Eigenspace Models
* Merging Constraints to Plan Camera Positions and Parameters
* Merging Deep Neural Networks for Mobile Devices
* Merging Digital Surface Models Implementing Bayesian Approaches
* Merging dominant sets and DBSCAN for robust clustering and image segmentation
* Merging Faces: A New Orthogonal Simplification of Solid Models
* Merging Framework for Rainfall Estimation at High Spatiotemporal Resolution for Distributed Hydrological Modeling in a Data-Scarce Area, A
* Merging Geometric Documentation with Materials Characterization And Analysis of the History of the Holy Aedicule in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
* Merging GPS and Atmospherically Corrected InSAR Data to Map 3-D Terrain Displacement Velocity
* Merging High-Resolution Satellite Surface Radiation Data with Meteorological Sunshine Duration Observations over China from 1983 to 2017
* Merging linear discriminant analysis with Bag of Words model for human action recognition
* Merging maps of multiple robots
* Merging Microwave, Optical, and Reanalysis Data for 1 Km Daily Soil Moisture by Triple Collocation
* Merging multiple sensing platforms and deep learning empowers individual tree mapping and species detection at the city scale
* Merging Multisatellite and Gauge Precipitation Based on Geographically Weighted Regression and Long Short-Term Memory Network
* Merging Neuroimaging and Multimedia: Methods, Opportunities, and Challenges
* Merging Neurons for Structure Compression of Deep Networks
* Merging Occupancy Grid Maps From Multiple Robots
* Merging Overlapping Depth Maps into a Nonredundant Point Cloud
* Merging parametric active contours within homogeneous image regions for MRI-based lung segmentation
* Merging Photogrammetry and Augmented Reality: The Canadian Library Of Parliament
* Merging Pose Estimates Across Space and Time
* Merging R-Trees: Efficient Strategies for Local Bulk Insertion
* Merging Range Images of Arbitrarily Shaped Objects
* Merging ratio images based realistic object class re-rendering
* Merging safety and cybersecurity analysis in product design
* Merging Satellite Retrievals and Reanalyses to Produce Global Long-Term and Consistent Surface Incident Solar Radiation Datasets
* Merging storyboard strategies and automatic retrieval for improving interactive video search
* Merging Strategy for Vehicles by Applying Cooperative Tracking Control
* Merging Subspace Models for Face Recognition
* Merging SVMs with Linear Discriminant Analysis: A Combined Model
* Merging The Autoview Image Processing Language With Prolog
* Merging the Minnaert-k Parameter With Spectral Unmixing to Map Forest Heterogeneity With CHRIS/PROBA Data
* Merging the MODIS and Landsat Terrestrial Latent Heat Flux Products Using the Multiresolution Tree Method
* Merging the Unmatchable: Stitching Visually Disconnected SfM Models
* Merging thermal and visual images by a contrast pyramid
* Merging thesauri: principles and evaluation
* Merging Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Imagery and Echo Soundings with an Adaptive Sampling Technique for Bathymetric Surveys
* Merging Views, Object Insertion in Image
* Meridional Changes in Satellite Chlorophyll and Fluorescence in Optically-Complex Coastal Waters of Northern Patagonia
* MERIS Phytoplankton Time Series Products from the SW Iberian Peninsula (Sagres) Using Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Based on Loess
* MERL: Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
* MERLIN-Seg: Self-supervised despeckling for label-efficient semantic segmentation
* MERLIN: A French-German Space Lidar Mission Dedicated to Atmospheric Methane
* MERLOT RESERVE: Neural Script Knowledge through Vision and Language and Sound
* Mermec Group
* Merry Go Round: Rotate a Frame and Fool a DNN
* Mersive
* MES-Loss: Mutually equidistant separation metric learning loss function
* MES-P: An Emotional Tonal Speech Dataset in Mandarin with Distal and Proximal Labels
* MESA Imaging
* meSch: Material Encounters with Digital Cultural Heritage
* Mesenteric Vasculature-Guided Small Bowel Segmentation on 3-D CT
* Mesh-Based Active Model Initialization for Multiple Organ Segmentation in MR Images
* Mesh-based camera pairs selection and occlusion-aware masking for mesh refinement
* Mesh-based decoder-side motion estimation
* Mesh-Based Depth Coding for 3D Video using Hierarchical Decomposition of Depth Maps
* Mesh-based depth map compression and transmission for real-time view-based rendering
* Mesh-Based Disparity Representation Method for View Interpolation and Stereo Image Compression, A
* Mesh-Based Error-Scalable Video Object Codec for Variable Bandwidth Multimedia Communications
* Mesh-based global motion compensation for robust mosaicking and detection of moving objects in aerial surveillance
* Mesh-Based Motion-Compensated Interpolation for Side Information Extraction in Distributed Video Coding
* Mesh-based motion compensation using three-dimensional overlapped warping prediction
* Mesh-based motion estimation and compensation in the wavelet domain using a redundant transform
* Mesh-Based Reconstruction of Dynamic Foam Images Using X-Ray CT
* Mesh-based Segmentation and Update for Object-based Video
* Mesh-Based Typification Method for Building Groups with Grid Patterns, A
* Mesh-free approach for enhancement of mammograms
* Mesh-free sparse representation of multidimensional LiDAR data
* Mesh-Guided Multi-View Stereo With Pyramid Architecture
* Mesh-LBP: A Framework for Extracting Local Binary Patterns From Discrete Manifolds, The
* Mesh-LBP: Computing Local Binary Patterns on Discrete Manifolds, The
* Mesh-Oriented Line Drawings Tehory (MOLD Theory)
* Mesh-Tension Driven Expression-Based Wrinkles for Synthetic Faces
* Mesh Adaptation for Improving Elasticity Reconstruction Using the FEM Inverse Problem
* Mesh and Crack Lines: Application to Object-based Motion Estimation and Higher Scalability
* Mesh and pyramid algorithms for iconic indexing
* Mesh Based Approximation of the Left Ventricle Using a Controlled Shrinkwrap Algorithm
* Mesh Based Semantic Modelling for Indoor and Outdoor Scenes
* Mesh Based Video Coding at Very Low Bitrate
* Mesh Classification With Dilated Mesh Convolutions
* Mesh Comparison Using Attribute Deviation Metric
* Mesh Completion with Virtual Scans
* Mesh Compression Techniques
* Mesh Convolution: A Novel Feature Extraction Method for 3D Nonrigid Object Classification
* Mesh Convolutional Autoencoder for Semi-Regular Meshes of Different Sizes
* Mesh Cutout
* Mesh denoising by improved 3D geometric bilateral filter
* Mesh Denoising Using Multi-scale Curvature-Based Saliency
* Mesh Editing Based on Discrete Laplace and Poisson Models
* Mesh free estimation of the structure model index
* Mesh Generation from Layered Depth Images Using Isosurface Raycasting
* Mesh Graphormer
* Mesh Integration Based on Co-Measurements
* Mesh learning for object classification using fMRI measurements
* Mesh Mapping-Based Cooperative Inversion Strategy for Airborne Transient Electromagnetic and Magnetic Methods, A
* Mesh massage: A versatile mesh optimization framework
* Mesh Meaningful Segmentation Algorithm Using Skeleton and Minima-Rule, A
* Mesh Modelling for Sparse Image Data Sets
* Mesh of Linear Arrays for Template Matching
* Mesh Optimisation Using Edge Information in Feature-Based Surface Reconstruction
* Mesh optimization for surface approximation using an efficient coarse-to-fine evolutionary algorithm
* Mesh Optimization Guided by Just-Noticeable-Difference and Stereo Discretization
* Mesh Optimization Using an Inconsistency Detection Template
* Mesh Optimization Using Global Error with Application to Geometry Simplification
* Mesh Parameterization Methods and Their Applications
* Mesh Parameterization with Generalized Discrete Conformal Maps
* Mesh R-CNN
* Mesh Refinements for the Heat Equation
* Mesh Representation Driven by Variance Normalized Neighborhood in Scale Space
* Mesh Representations, Remeshing Algorithms
* Mesh Retrieval by Components
* Mesh saliency detection via double absorbing Markov chain in feature space
* Mesh Saliency: An Independent Perceptual Measure or A Derivative of Image Saliency?
* Mesh Segmentation Schemes for Error Resilient Coding of 3-D Graphic Models
* Mesh segmentation with connecting parts for 3D object prototyping
* Mesh simplification based on facial features region partition
* Mesh Simplification Based on Texture Connected Areas
* Mesh Simplification Method Using Noble Optimal Positioning, A
* Mesh Simplification Using the Edge Attributes
* Mesh Simplification with Vertex Color
* Mesh Topological Optimization for Improving Piecewise-Linear Image Registration
* Mesh Variational Autoencoders with Edge Contraction Pooling
* Mesh Vertex Pose and Position Interpolation Using Geometric Algebra
* Mesh Watermarking
* Mesh2Tex: Generating Mesh Textures from Image Queries
* MeshAdv: Adversarial Meshes for Visual Recognition
* Meshed-Memory Transformer for Image Captioning
* Meshflow video denoising
* MeshFlow: Minimum Latency Online Video Stabilization
* Meshfree particle method
* MESHGRID: A Compact, Multiscalable and Animation-Friendly Surface Representation
* Meshing Point Clouds with Predicted Intrinsic-extrinsic Ratio Guidance
* Meshing Scheme for Real Time Surface Subdivision, A
* Meshing Volumes Bounded by Smooth Surfaces
* Meshless deformable models for LV motion analysis
* Meshless Method for Variational Nonrigid 2-D Shape Registration, A
* Meshless Method of Solving Inverse Scattering Problems for Imaging Dielectric Objects, A
* Meshless Parameterization for Dimensional Reduction Integrated in 3D Voxel Reconstruction Using a Single PC
* meshless strategy for shape diameter analysis, A
* Meshless Virtual Cloth
* Meshlet Priors for 3D Mesh Reconstruction
* MeshLoc: Mesh-Based Visual Localization
* MeshMAE: Masked Autoencoders for 3D Mesh Data Analysis
* MeshMVS: Multi-View Stereo Guided Mesh Reconstruction
* MeshNet-SP: A Semantic Urban 3D Mesh Segmentation Network with Sparse Prior
* meshSIFT: Local surface features for 3D face recognition under expression variations and partial data
* MeshStereo: A Global Stereo Model with Mesh Alignment Regularization for View Interpolation
* MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modality Disentanglement
* MeshToSS: Converting Subdivision Surfaces from Dense Meshes
* MeshUDF: Fast and Differentiable Meshing of Unsigned Distance Field Networks
* MESIP: A Configurable and Data Reusable Motion Estimation Specific Instruction-Set Processor
* MESNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Spotting Multi-Scale Micro-Expression Intervals in Long Videos
* Mesopic rod and S-cone interactions revealed by modulation thresholds
* Mesoscale Diffractive Photonics In Geosciences
* Mesoscale Eddies in the Black Sea and Their Impact on River Plumes: Numerical Modeling and Satellite Observations
* Mesoscale Eddy Chain Structures in the Black Sea and Their Interaction with River Plumes: Numerical Modeling and Satellite Observations
* Mesoscale Resolution Radar Data Assimilation Experiments with the Harmonie Model
* Mesoscale Structure in Urban-Rural Mobility Networks in the Pearl River Delta Area: A Weighted Stochastic Block Modeling Analysis
* Mesoscale Temporal Wind Variability Biases Global Air-Sea Gas Transfer Velocity of CO2 and Other Slightly Soluble Gases
* Mesoscopic Facial Geometry Inference Using Deep Neural Networks
* Mesoscopic Human-Inspired Adaptive Cruise Control for Eco-Driving, A
* Mesoscopic photogrammetry with an unstabilized phone camera
* Mesoscopic structure PFC~2D model of soil rock mixture based on digital image
* Mesoscopic Wave-Induced Fluid Flow Effect Extraction by Using Frequency-Dependent Prestack Waveform Inversion
* Mesospheric Bore Observations Using Suomi-NPP VIIRS DNB during 2013-2017
* Mesostructure from Specularity
* Message-based Cocktail Watermarking System, A
* Message-Passing Receivers for Single Carrier Systems with Frequency-Domain Equalization
* Message Based Control of Parallel High Level Depth and Intensity Matching
* Message Effect of Augmented Health Messages on Body, The
* Message Expansion of Homomorphic Encryption Using Product Pairing
* Message Extraction from Printed Documents: A Complete Solution
* Message Passing Algorithm for MRF Inference with Unknown Graphs and Its Applications, A
* Message Passing Algorithm for the Minimum Cost Multicut Problem, A
* Message Passing Algorithms for Upper and Lower Bounding the Coded Modulation Capacity in a Large-Scale Linear System
* Message Passing Based Block Sparse Signal Recovery for DOA Estimation Using Large Arrays
* Message Passing Based Joint Channel and User Activity Estimation for Uplink Grant-Free Massive MIMO Systems With Low-Precision ADCs
* Message Passing Based Robust Target Localization in Distributed MIMO Radars in the Presence of Outliers
* Message Passing Based Target Localization Under Range Deception Jamming in Distributed MIMO Radar
* Message Passing Enhanced Distributed Kalman Filter for Cooperative Localization
* Message Passing Matching Dynamics for Overlapping Point Identification
* Message Passing on the Two-Layer Network for Geometric Model Fitting
* Messages are Never Propagated Alone: Collaborative Hypergraph Neural Network for Time-Series Forecasting
* Messapic Site of Muro Leccese: New Results from Integrated Geophysical and Archaeological Surveys, The
* MessyTable: Instance Association in Multiple Camera Views
* Met-MLTS: Leveraging Smartphones for End-to-End Spotting of Multilingual Oriented Scene Texts and Traffic Signs in Adverse Meteorological Conditions
* Met Office Operational Soil Moisture Analysis System, The
* MeT: A graph transformer for semantic segmentation of 3D meshes
* MET: media-embedded target for connecting paper to digital media
* Meta-action descriptor for action recognition in RGBD video
* Meta-Aggregator: Learning to Aggregate for 1-bit Graph Neural Networks
* meta-algorithm for classification by feature nomination, A
* Meta-Analysis and Visualization of the Literature on Early Identification of Flash Floods
* Meta-Analysis Assessing Potential of Drone Remote Sensing in Estimating Plant Traits Related to Nitrogen Use Efficiency
* Meta-Analysis in Using Satellite Precipitation Products for Drought Monitoring: Lessons Learnt and Way Forward
* Meta-analysis of deep neural networks in remote sensing: A comparative study of mono-temporal classification to support vector machines
* Meta-analysis of Face Recognition Algorithms
* meta-analysis of face recognition covariates, A
* Meta-Analysis of Remote Sensing Technologies and Methodologies for Crop Characterization, A
* Meta-Analysis of the First Facial Expression Recognition Challenge
* Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Skin Type and Gender on Non-contact Photoplethysmography Measurements, A
* Meta-Analysis of Third-Party Evaluations of Iris Recognition
* Meta-analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery for Agro-environmental Monitoring Using Machine Learning and Statistical Models
* Meta-Analysis of Vibrotactile and Visual Information Displays for Improving Task Performance, A
* Meta-Analysis of Wetland Classification Using Remote Sensing: A Systematic Review of a 40-Year Trend in North America
* Meta-Analysis on Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Detection and Monitoring: A Remote Sensing Perspective, A
* Meta-Attack: Class-agnostic and Model-agnostic Physical Adversarial Attack
* Meta-attention for ViT-backed Continual Learning
* Meta-Auxiliary Learning for Future Depth Prediction in Videos
* Meta-Based Self-Training and Re-Weighting for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
* Meta-Baseline: Exploring Simple Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Learning
* Meta-BNS FOR Adversarial Data-Free Quantization
* Meta-causal Feature Learning for Out-of-distribution Generalization
* Meta-Causal Learning for Single Domain Generalization
* Meta-class features for large-scale object categorization on a budget
* Meta-classification of remote sensing reflectance to estimate trophic status of inland and nearshore waters
* Meta-data Framework for Constructing Individualized Video Digest
* Meta-DermDiagnosis: Few-Shot Skin Disease Identification using Meta-Learning
* META-DES: A dynamic ensemble selection framework using meta-learning
* Meta-DET3D: Learn to Learn Few-Shot 3D Object Detection
* Meta-DETR: Image-Level Few-Shot Detection With Inter-Class Correlation Exploitation
* Meta-Evaluation of Image Segmentation Using Machine Learning
* Meta-Explore: Exploratory Hierarchical Vision-and-Language Navigation Using Scene Object Spectrum Grounding
* Meta-FSEO: A Meta-Learning Fast Adaptation with Self-Supervised Embedding Optimization for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Meta-Generating Deep Attentive Metric for Few-Shot Classification
* Meta-GF: Training Dynamic-Depth Neural Networks Harmoniously
* Meta-hallucinating prototype for few-shot learning promotion
* Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Automatic Detection of Microcalcifications In Digital Mammograms
* Meta-heuristic intelligence based image processing
* Meta-heuristics Applied to Multiple DG Allocation in Radial Distribution Network: A comparative study
* Meta-Heuristics for Bi-Objective Urban Traffic Light Scheduling Problems
* Meta-Knowledge Learning and Domain Adaptation for Unseen Background Subtraction
* Meta-Learned Feature Critics for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation
* Meta-Learned Initialization For 3D Human Recovery
* Meta-Learner Hybrid Models to Classify Hyperspectral Images
* Meta-learning-based adversarial training for deep 3D face recognition on point clouds
* Meta-Learning-Based Degradation Representation for Blind Super-Resolution
* Meta-Learning-Based Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection
* Meta-learning Approach for Domain Generalisation across Visual Modalities in Vehicle Re-identification, A
* meta-learning approach for selecting image segmentation algorithm, A
* Meta-Learning Approach of Optimisation for Spatial Prediction of Landslides, A
* Meta-Learning Approach to Conditional Random Fields Using Error-Correcting Output Codes, A
* Meta-Learning Approach to Predicting Performance and Data Requirements, A
* Meta-learning based relation and representation learning networks for single-image deraining
* Meta-Learning Convolutional Neural Architectures for Multi-Target Concrete Defect Classification With the COncrete DEfect BRidge IMage Dataset
* Meta-Learning for Adaptation of Deep Optical Flow Networks
* Meta-learning for Adaptive Image Segmentation
* Meta-learning for dynamic tuning of active learning on stream classification
* Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Land Cover Classification
* Meta-Learning for Multi-Label Few-Shot Classification
* Meta-Learning Framework for Learning Multi-User Preferences in QoE Optimization of DASH, A
* Meta-Learning in Neural Networks: A Survey
* Meta-Learning Initializations for Interactive Medical Image Registration
* Meta-Learning of Neural Architectures for Few-Shot Learning
* Meta-Learning Paradigm and CosAttn for Streamer Action Recognition in Live Video
* Meta-Learning Perspective for Personalized Image Aesthetics Assessment
* Meta-Learning to Detect Rare Objects
* Meta-Learning with a Geometry-Adaptive Preconditioner
* Meta-learning with Context-Agnostic Initialisations
* Meta-Learning With Differentiable Convex Optimization
* Meta-Learning with Less Forgetting on Large-Scale Non-Stationary Task Distributions
* Meta-learning with Network Pruning
* Meta-Learning with Task-Adaptive Loss Function for Few-Shot Learning
* Meta-learning with topic-agnostic representations for zero-shot stance detection
* Meta-Learning
* Meta-Meta Classification for One-Shot Learning
* Meta-Methodology for Improving Land Cover and Land Use Classification with SAR Imagery, A
* Meta-Mining Discriminative Samples for Kinship Verification
* Meta-MSNet: Meta-Learning Based Multi-Source Data Fusion for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Meta-OLE: Meta-learned Orthogonal Low-Rank Embedding
* Meta-Optimization of the Extended Kalman Filter's Parameters Through the Use of the Bias Variance Equilibrium Point Criterion
* Meta-Parameter Free Unsupervised Sparse Feature Learning
* Meta-Personalizing Vision-Language Models to Find Named Instances in Video
* Meta-Pi Network: Building Distributed Knowledge Representations for Robust Multisource Pattern Recognition, The
* Meta-Pixel-Driven Embeddable Discriminative Target and Background Dictionary Pair Learning for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Meta-prototype Decoupled Training for Long-tailed Learning
* Meta-Recognition: The Theory and Practice of Recognition Score Analysis
* Meta-regression based pool size prediction scheme for dynamic selection of classifiers
* Meta-Reinforcement Learning in Non-Stationary and Dynamic Environments
* Meta-RPPG: Remote Heart Rate Estimation Using a Transductive Meta-learner
* Meta-sampler: Almost-Universal yet Task-Oriented Sampling for Point Clouds
* Meta-scheduler using agents for fault tolerance in computational grid
* Meta-seg: A survey of meta-learning for image segmentation
* Meta-Sim: Learning to Generate Synthetic Datasets
* Meta-SIM2: Unsupervised Learning of Scene Structure for Synthetic Data Generation
* Meta-SR: A Magnification-Arbitrary Network for Super-Resolution
* Meta-tag propagation by co-training an ensemble classifier for improving image search relevance
* Meta-Teacher For Face Anti-Spoofing
* Meta-Technique for Increasing Density of Local Stereo Methods through Iterative Interpolation and Warping, A
* Meta-tracker: Fast and Robust Online Adaptation for Visual Object Trackers
* Meta-tracking for video scene understanding
* Meta-transfer-adjustment learning for few-shot learning
* Meta-Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Learning
* Meta-Transfer Learning for Zero-Shot Super-Resolution
* Meta-Transfer Learning Through Hard Tasks
* Meta-Tuning Loss Functions and Data Augmentation for Few-Shot Object Detection
* Meta-UDA: Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Thermal Object Detection using Meta-Learning
* Meta-VOS: Learning to Adapt Online Target-Specific Segmentation
* Meta-Wrapper: Differentiable Wrapping Operator for User Interest Selection in CTR Prediction
* Meta-XGBoost for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Extended MSER-Guided Morphological Profiles
* Meta-ZSDETR: Zero-shot DETR with Meta-learning
* Meta Agent Teaming Active Learning for Pose Estimation
* Meta Analysis of Classification Algorithms for Pattern Recognition
* Meta Approach to Data Augmentation Optimization
* Meta Architecture for Point Cloud Analysis
* Meta Attention-Generation Network for Cross-Granularity Few-Shot Learning
* Meta Auxiliary Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Meta Balanced Network for Fair Face Recognition
* Meta Batch-Instance Normalization for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Meta captioning: A meta learning based remote sensing image captioning framework
* Meta Clothing Status Calibration for Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* Meta Compositional Referring Expression Segmentation
* Meta conditional variational auto-encoder for domain generalization
* Meta Convolutional Neural Networks for Single Domain Generalization
* Meta Distribution Alignment for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Meta Generalized Network for Few-Shot Classification
* Meta Generative Attack on Person Reidentification
* Meta Gradient Adversarial Attack
* Meta Learning on a Sequence of Imbalanced Domains with Difficulty Awareness
* Meta Learning via Learned Loss
* Meta Method for Image Matching, A
* Meta Module Generation for Fast Few-Shot Incremental Learning
* Meta Module Network for Compositional Visual Reasoning
* Meta Motion
* Meta Navigator: Search for a Good Adaptation Policy for Few-shot Learning
* Meta Omnium: A Benchmark for General-Purpose Learning-to-Learn
* Meta OOD Learning For Continuously Adaptive OOD Detection
* Meta Pairwise Relationship Distillation for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
* Meta PID Attention Network for Flexible and Efficient Real-World Noisy Image Denoising
* Meta Pseudo Labels
* Meta R-CNN: Towards General Solver for Instance-Level Low-Shot Learning
* Meta Self-Learning for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation: A Benchmark
* Meta Soft Label Generation for Noisy Labels
* Meta Spatio-Temporal Debiasing for Video Scene Graph Generation
* Meta Transfer Learning for Adaptive Vehicle Tracking in UAV Videos
* Meta Transfer Learning for Facial Emotion Recognition
* Meta underwater camera: A smart protocol for underwater image enhancement
* META: A City-Wide Taxi Repositioning Framework Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
* MetaAge: Meta-Learning Personalized Age Estimators
* MetaAlign: Coordinating Domain Alignment and Classification for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* MetaAP: A meta-tree-based ranking algorithm optimizing the average precision from imbalanced data
* Metaballs-based physical modeling and deformation of organs for virtual surgery
* MetaBEV: Solving Sensor Failures for 3D Detection and Map Segmentation
* MetaCleaner: Learning to Hallucinate Clean Representations for Noisy-Labeled Visual Recognition
* MetaCLUE: Towards Comprehensive Visual Metaphors Research
* MetaCorrection: Domain-aware Meta Loss Correction for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* MetaCOVID: A Siamese neural network framework with contrastive loss for n-shot diagnosis of COVID-19 patients
* MetAdapt: Meta-learned task-adaptive architecture for few-shot classification
* Metadata-Assisted Global Motion Estimation for Medium-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Video Applications
* Metadata-based Approach for Using Cctv to Facilitate Emergency Response, A
* Metadata-Based RAW Reconstruction via Implicit Neural Functions
* metadata-based RCBR transmission of video-on-demand, A
* metadata-free pure soft broadcast scheme for image and video transmission, A
* Metadata-Weighted Score Fusion for Multimedia Event Detection
* metadata access strategy of learning resources based on HDFS, A
* Metadata and User Profile Model for Personalized Enhanced DTV Multi-Service Access
* Metadata Community Profiles for the Semantic Web
* Metadata Connector: Exploiting Hashtag and Tag for Cross-OSN Event Search
* Metadata Driven Adaptation in the ADMITS Project
* Metadata Extraction from PDF Papers for Digital Library Ingest
* Metadata Extraction System for Chinese Books
* Metadata Hiding for Content Adaptation
* Metadata in Sequential Real-Time 2-D Detection
* Metadata Normalization
* Metadata Standards for Virtual Museums
* Metadistiller: Network Self-boosting via Meta-learned Top-down Distillation
* MetaDrive: Composing Diverse Driving Scenarios for Generalizable Reinforcement Learning
* MetaDT: Meta Decision Tree With Class Hierarchy for Interpretable Few-Shot Learning
* MetaF2N: Blind Image Super-Resolution by Learning Efficient Model Adaptation from Faces
* Metaface Learning for Sparse Representation Based Face Recognition
* MetaFormer Baselines for Vision
* MetaFormer is Actually What You Need for Vision
* MetaFSCIL: A Meta-Learning Approach for Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning
* MetaFuse: A Pre-trained Fusion Model for Human Pose Estimation
* MetaFusion: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Meta-Feature Embedding from Object Detection
* MetaGait: Learning to Learn an Omni Sample Adaptive Representation for Gait Recognition
* MetaGCD: Learning to Continually Learn in Generalized Category Discovery
* Metagrad: Adaptive Gradient Quantization with Hypernetworks
* Metaheuristic algorithms for the simultaneous slot allocation problem
* Metaheuristic Bat-Inspired Algorithm for Full Body Human Pose Estimation, A
* Metaheuristic FIR filter with game theory based compression technique- A reliable medical image compression technique for online applications
* Metaheuristic pansharpening based on symbiotic organisms search optimization
* Metaheuristic Search Based Feature Selection Methods for Classification of Cancer
* Metaheuristics Framework for Weighted Multi-band Image Fusion, A
* MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Recognition
* MetaInv-Net: Meta Inversion Network for Sparse View CT Image Reconstruction
* MetaIQA: Deep Meta-Learning for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* MetaKernel: Learning Variational Random Features With Limited Labels
* Metal-Cased Oil Well Inspection Using Near-Field UWB Radar Imaging
* Metal-dielectric object classification by polarization degree map
* Metal Artifact Reduction for Polychromatic X-ray CT Based on a Beam-Hardening Corrector
* Metal surface control system based on successive contour estimation
* Metal Surface Inspection Using Image Processing Techniques
* METAL: Minimum Effort Temporal Activity Localization in Untrimmed Videos
* MetaLabelNet: Learning to Generate Soft-Labels From Noisy-Labels
* MetalGAN: A Cluster-Based Adaptive Training for Few-Shot Adversarial Colorization
* Metallic debossed characters industrial online non-segmentation identification based on improved multi-scale image fusion enhancement and deep neural network
* Metamaterial microwave holographic imaging system
* MetaMax: Improved Open-Set Deep Neural Networks via Weibull Calibration
* MetaMed: Few-shot medical image classification using gradient-based meta-learning
* Metamer-set-based approach to estimating surface reflectance from camera RGB
* Metamer density estimated color correction
* Metamer Mismatching and Its Consequences for Predicting How Colours are Affected by the Illuminant
* Metamer mismatching in practice versus theory
* Metamer Mismatching
* Metamer sets without spectral calibration
* Metamerism-based shading illusion
* Metamerism in Complete Sets of Image Operators
* MetaMix: Improved Meta-Learning with Interpolation-based Consistency Regularization
* MetaMix: Towards Corruption-Robust Continual Learning with Temporally Self-Adaptive Data Transformation
* Metamodel for Estimating Error Bounds in Real-Time Traffic Prediction Systems, A
* Metamorphic Testing-based Adversarial Attack to Fool Deepfake Detectors
* Metamorphic Testing of Driverless Cars
* Metamorphs: Deformable Shape and Appearance Models
* Metamorphs: deformable shape and texture models
* METANET Validation of the Large-Scale Manchester Ring-Road Network Using Gradient-Based and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Metaphor Detection Approach Using Cosine Similarity, A
* Metaphor Representation and Analysis of Non-Spatial Data in Map-Like Visualizations
* Metaphoric Hand Gestures for Orientation-Aware VR Object Manipulation With an Egocentric Viewpoint
* MetaPix: Domain transfer for semantic segmentation by meta pixel weighting
* MetaPortrait: Identity-Preserving Talking Head Generation with Fast Personalized Adaptation
* MetaPose: Fast 3D Pose from Multiple Views without 3D Supervision
* MetaProbformer for Charging Load Probabilistic Forecasting of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
* MetaPruning: Meta Learning for Automatic Neural Network Channel Pruning
* Metareasoning as a tool for pattern recognition
* Metareasoning in the Determination of Image Interpretation Strategies
* MetaSAug: Meta Semantic Augmentation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* MetaSCI: Scalable and Adaptive Reconstruction for Video Compressive Sensing
* MetaSearch: Incremental Product Search via Deep Meta-Learning
* MetaSets: Meta-Learning on Point Sets for Generalizable Representations
* Metastable Dark Current in BRITE Nano-Satellite Image Sensors
* Metasynthetic Approach for Combining Multiple Classifiers and Its Application to Chinese Character Recognition, A
* metasynthetic approach for segmenting handwritten Chinese character strings, A
* MetaTraj: Meta-Learning for Cross-Scene Cross-Object Trajectory Prediction
* MetaVD: A Meta Video Dataset for enhancing human action recognition datasets
* Metaverse-Based Teaching Building Evacuation Training System With Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* Metaverse Interactive Experience Space Based on Oriental Prayer Culture, A
* MetaVG: A Meta-Learning Framework for Visual Grounding
* MetaViewer: Towards A Unified Multi-View Representation
* Metazoa Ludens: Mixed-Reality Interaction and Play for Small Pets and Humans
* METEO-DLNet: Quantitative Precipitation Nowcasting Net Based on Meteorological Features and Deep Learning
* Meteo-marine parameters for highly variable environment in coastal regions from satellite radar images
* Meteo-Marine Parameters from Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery: Towards Near Real-Time Services for the Baltic Sea
* METEOR: Measurable Energy Map Toward the Estimation of Resampling Rate via a Convolutional Neural Network
* MeteorNet: Deep Learning on Dynamic 3D Point Cloud Sequences
* Meteorological approach for detection and removal of rain from videos
* Meteorological Conditions Processing for Vision-based Traffic Monitoring
* Meteorological Drivers of Permian Basin Methane Anomalies Derived from TROPOMI
* Meteorological Drought Analysis and Return Periods over North and West Africa and Linkage with El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
* Meteorological OSSEs for New Zenith Total Delay Observations: Impact Assessment for the Hydroterra Geosynchronous Satellite on the October 2019 Genoa Event
* Meteosat Land Surface Temperature Climate Data Record: Achievable Accuracy and Potential Uncertainties
* Meter classification of Arabic poems using deep bidirectional recurrent neural networks
* METER: A Mobile Vision Transformer Architecture for Monocular Depth Estimation
* METGAN: Generative Tumour Inpainting and Modality Synthesis in Light Sheet Microscopy
* Methane Emission Estimates by the Global High-Resolution Inverse Model Using National Inventories
* Methane Emissions in Boreal Forest Fire Regions: Assessment of Five Biomass-Burning Emission Inventories Based on Carbon Sensing Satellites
* Methane Isotopologues by Solar Occultation (MISO) Nanosatellite Mission: Spectral Channel Optimization and Early Performance Analysis, The
* Methane Mapping with Future Satellite Imaging Spectrometers
* MethaneMapper: Spectral Absorption Aware Hyperspectral Transformer for Methane Detection
* MethMorph: Simulating Facial Deformation Due to Methamphatamine Usage
* Method Analysis for Collecting and Processing in-situ Hyperspectral Needle Reflectance Data for Monitoring Norway Spruce
* Method and apparatus employing erosion-based filter pairs for image mapping
* Method and apparatus for a layout of a document image
* Method and apparatus for a panoramic camera to capture a 360 degree image
* Method and apparatus for a region-based approach to coding a sequence of video images
* Method and apparatus for abstracting video data
* Method and apparatus for adaptive facsimile compression using a two dimensional maximum likelihood predictor
* Method and apparatus for adaptive predictive encoding/decoding of multi-level picture signals
* Method and apparatus for adaptive transform coding of picture signals
* Method and apparatus for adaptively coding a contour of an object
* Method and apparatus for adaptively interpolating a digital image
* Method and apparatus for adaptively switching on and off advanced prediction mode in an H.263 video coder
* Method and apparatus for adding a graphic indication of a first down to a live video of a football game
* Method and apparatus for adjusting video data to limit the effects of automatic focusing control on motion estimation video coders
* Method and apparatus for an automatic camera selection system
* Method and apparatus for analyzing an image to detect and identify patterns
* Method and apparatus for analyzing computer screens
* Method and apparatus for animation of a human speaker
* Method and apparatus for automatic digital image analysis
* Method and apparatus for automatic electronic replacement of billboards in a video image
* Method and apparatus for automatic extraction of fingerprint cores and tri-radii
* Method and apparatus for automatic language determination of Asian language documents
* Method and apparatus for automatically detecting intrusion object into view of image pickup device
* Method and apparatus for automatically tracking and photographing a moving object
* Method and apparatus for background determination and subtraction for a monocular vision system
* Method and apparatus for calibrating an image acquisition system
* Method and apparatus for cancelling lighting variations in object recognition
* Method and apparatus for capturing skin print images
* Method and apparatus for character recognition employing a dead-band correlator
* Method and apparatus for character recognition
* Method and apparatus for checking pattern
* Method and apparatus for classifying and identifying images
* Method and apparatus for classifying documents
* Method and apparatus for coding a contour of an object employing temporal correlation thereof
* Method and apparatus for compensating for jitter in a digital video image
* Method and apparatus for compressing and analyzing video and for creating a reference video
* Method and apparatus for compressing image information
* Method and apparatus for compressing multi-view video
* Method and apparatus for computerized image background analysis
* Method and apparatus for constructing intermediate images for a depth image from stereo images using velocity vector fields
* Method and apparatus for contour mapping and orthophoto mapping
* Method and apparatus for controlling a stereo video display with non-stereo video source
* Method and apparatus for controlling transformation of two and three-dimensional images
* Method and apparatus for controlling travel of an automatic guided vehicle
* Method and apparatus for converting a two dimensional motion picture into a three dimensional motion picture
* Method and apparatus for converting RGB digital data to optimized CMYK digital data
* Method and apparatus for correcting camera tilt distortion in panoramic images
* Method and apparatus for creating a searchable digital video library and a system and method of using such a library
* Method and apparatus for creation of three-dimensional wire frames
* Method and apparatus for depth modelling and providing depth information of moving objects
* Method and apparatus for detecting a point of change in a moving image
* Method and apparatus for detecting an approaching object within a monitoring zone
* Method and apparatus for detecting and displaying a representative image of a shot of short duration in a moving image
* Method and apparatus for detecting and quantifying motion of a body part
* Method and apparatus for detecting changes in dynamic images
* Method and apparatus for detecting fade of image in a video signal
* Method and apparatus for detecting fades in digital video sequences
* Method and apparatus for detecting fast motion scenes
* Method and apparatus for detecting independent motion in three-dimensional scenes
* Method and apparatus for detecting innovations in a scene
* Method and apparatus for detecting motion vectors based on hierarchical motion estimation
* Method and apparatus for detecting motion vectors of pixel blocks of a digitized video signal
* Method and apparatus for detecting moving object
* Method and apparatus for detecting moving objects in video conferencing and other applications
* Method and apparatus for detecting moving objects in two- and three-dimensional scenes
* Method and apparatus for detecting object movement within an image sequence
* Method and apparatus for detecting objects using structured light patterns
* Method and apparatus for detecting objects
* Method and Apparatus for Detecting Registration between Multiple Images
* Method and apparatus for detecting running text in an image
* Method and apparatus for detecting scene changes in a digital video stream
* Method and apparatus for detecting the number of persons
* Method and apparatus for detecting traveling position and/or direction of an unmanned vehicle
* Method and apparatus for detection of drowsiness and quantitative control of biological processes
* Method and apparatus for detection of drowsiness
* Method and apparatus for detection of events or novelties over a change of state
* Method and apparatus for detection of parallel edges in image processing
* Method and apparatus for determination and visualization of player field coverage in a sporting event
* Method and Apparatus for Determining Ambient Light and Surface Reflectance
* Method and apparatus for determining camera pose from point correspondences
* Method and apparatus for determining location and orientation of objects
* Method and apparatus for determining motion vectors for image sequences
* Method and apparatus for determining the configuration of a workpiece
* Method and apparatus for determining the distances between surface-patches of a three-dimensional spatial scene and a camera system
* Method and apparatus for determining the position of a TV camera for use in a virtual studio
* Method and apparatus for determining true motion vectors for selected pixels
* Method and apparatus for diagnosis of breast tumors
* Method and apparatus for displaying radiation image, and method and apparatus for calculating unsharp mask signal used for the same
* Method and apparatus for distributing network bandwidth on a video server for transmission of bit streams across multiple network interfaces connected to a single internet protocol (IP) network
* Method and apparatus for dither array generation to reduce artifacts in halftoned images
* Method and apparatus for document classification from degraded images
* Method and apparatus for document element classification by analysis of major white region geometry
* Method and apparatus for document segmentation by background analysis
* Method and apparatus for DP matching using multiple templates
* Method and apparatus for electro-optical distance measurement
* Method and apparatus for electronic image processing of documents for accounting purposes
* Method and apparatus for encoding a contour image of an object in a video signal
* Method and apparatus for encoding a motion vector
* Method and apparatus for encoding a video signal of a contour of an object
* Method and apparatus for encoding a video signal using feature point based motion estimation
* Method and apparatus for encoding a video signal using pixel-by-pixel motion prediction
* Method and apparatus for encoding selected images at lower resolution
* Method and apparatus for encoding video signals in 3-D blocks without detecting image motion
* Method and apparatus for encoding/decoding a video signal
* Method and apparatus for enhancing a televised object
* Method and apparatus for enhancing and indexing video and audio signals
* Method and apparatus for enhancing regions of aligned images using flow estimation
* Method and apparatus for enhancing the broadcast of a live event
* Method and apparatus for estimating halftone image from binary image
* Method and apparatus for estimating scene structure and ego-motion from multiple images of a scene using correlation
* Method and apparatus for evaluating the visual quality of processed digital video sequences
* Method and apparatus for expanding a source pixel in a digital image
* Method and apparatus for external calibration of a camera via a graphical user interface
* Method and apparatus for extracting indexing information from digital video data
* Method and apparatus for extracting information from forms
* Method and apparatus for fast block motion detection
* Method and apparatus for fast motion estimation in video coding
* Method and apparatus for fast two-dimensional cosine transform filtering
* Method and apparatus for fingerprint verification of identity
* Method and apparatus for fixating a camera on a target point using image alignment
* Method and apparatus for generating 3D face models from one camera
* Method and apparatus for generating a database of road sign images and positions
* Method and apparatus for generating a screened reproduction of an image using stored dot portions
* Method and apparatus for generating consistent image registration
* Method and apparatus for generating models of individuals
* Method and apparatus for generating representations of 3-dimensional objects
* Method and apparatus for generating three-dimensional data of an object by selecting the method for detecting corresponding points that is suitable to the object
* Method and apparatus for generating virtual views of sporting events
* Method and apparatus for generating, distributing and reconstructing deconstructed video
* Method and apparatus for global motion estimation
* Method and apparatus for gray level signal processing
* Method and apparatus for halftone rendering of a gray scale image using a blue noise mask
* Method and apparatus for handwritten character recognition
* Method and apparatus for hemispheric imaging which emphasizes peripheral content
* Method and apparatus for identifying an iris
* Method and apparatus for identifying individuals
* Method and apparatus for identifying objects depicted in a videostream
* Method and apparatus for image-based object detection and tracking
* Method and apparatus for image analysis of a gabor-wavelet transformed image using a neural network
* Method and apparatus for image capture of information on documents
* Method and apparatus for image classification and halftone detection
* Method and apparatus for image enhancement
* Method and apparatus for image processing by generating probability distribution of images
* Method and apparatus for image processing to obtain three dimensional motion and depth
* Method and apparatus for image processing using sub-pixel differencing
* Method and apparatus for image processing with field portions
* Method and apparatus for image registration using large deformation diffeomorphisms on a sphere
* Method and apparatus for image registration
* Method and apparatus for image rotation with reduced memory using JPEG compression
* Method and apparatus for implementation of neural networks for face recognition
* Method and apparatus for implementing a panoptic camera system
* Method and apparatus for implementing accurate angle screens
* Method and apparatus for implementing B-picture scene changes
* Method and apparatus for improving motion analysis of fades
* Method and apparatus for indexing and locating key frames in streaming and variable-frame-length data
* Method and apparatus for inspecting solder joints
* Method and apparatus for inspecting surfaces for contrast variations
* Method and apparatus for inspection for under-resolved features in digital images
* Method and apparatus for inverse telecine processing by fitting 3:2 pull-down patterns
* Method and apparatus for isolating image data for character recognition
* Method and apparatus for locally switching gray dot types to reproduce an image with gray level printing
* Method and apparatus for locating multi-region objects in an image or video database
* Method and apparatus for making a digest picture
* Method and apparatus for measuring distance by laser beam
* Method and apparatus for measuring distance to a target
* Method and apparatus for measuring dwell time of objects in an environment
* Method and apparatus for measuring range by use of multiple range baselines
* Method and apparatus for measuring the profile of reflective surfaces
* Method and apparatus for merging images into a composite image
* Method and apparatus for minimizing artifacts in images produced by error diffusion halftoning utilizing ink reduction processing
* Method and apparatus for minimizing artifacts in images produced by error diffusion halftoning
* Method and apparatus for model-based compositing
* Method and apparatus for modeling and reconstruction of halftoned images
* Method and apparatus for monitoring the position of the eye
* Method and apparatus for monitoring the surface profile of a moving workpiece
* Method and apparatus for monitoring traffic flow
* Method and apparatus for monoscopic to stereoscopic image conversion
* Method and apparatus for mosaic image construction
* Method and apparatus for motion compensated image processing using two separate motion measurement techniques
* Method and apparatus for motion estimation in a video signal
* Method and apparatus for motion estimation
* Method and apparatus for moving object detection
* Method and apparatus for MPEG artifacts reduction
* Method and apparatus for multi-dimensional shape representation via shock flows
* Method and apparatus for non-affine image warping
* Method and apparatus for object surveillance with a movable camera
* Method and apparatus for object tracking for automatic controls in video devices
* Method and apparatus for obtaining an object image and distance data of a moving object
* Method and apparatus for obtaining the topography of an object
* Method and apparatus for omni-directional image and 3-dimensional data acquisition with data annotation and dynamic range extension method
* Method and apparatus for omnidirectional imaging
* Method and apparatus for on-line recognizing handwritten patterns
* Method and apparatus for operator condition monitoring and assessment
* Method and apparatus for optimizing sub-pixel resolution in a triangulation based distance measuring device
* Method and apparatus for pattern recognition
* Method and apparatus for performing color transformations using a reference image combined with a color tracer
* Method and apparatus for performing geo-spatial registration using a Euclidean representation
* Method and apparatus for performing global image alignment using any local match measure
* Method and apparatus for performing mosaic based image compression
* Method and apparatus for personnel detection and tracking
* Method and apparatus for predicting the direction of movement in machine vision
* Method and apparatus for predictively coding shape information of video signal
* Method and apparatus for presenting images from a remote location
* Method and apparatus for processing 3-D multiple view images formed of a group of images obtained by viewing a 3-D object from a plurality of positions
* Method and apparatus for processing both still and moving visual pattern images
* Method and apparatus for processing camera an image produced by a video camera to correct for undesired motion of the video camera
* Method and apparatus for processing full motion computer animation
* Method and apparatus for processing images of facial expressions
* Method and apparatus for processing images to compute image flow information
* Method and apparatus for processing of a JPEG compressed image
* Method and apparatus for producing an image of a person's face at a different age
* Method and apparatus for producing audio-visual synthetic speech
* Method and apparatus for providing perceived video viewing experiences using still images
* Method and apparatus for providing virtual touch interaction in the drive-thru
* Method and apparatus for rapidly determining whether a digitized image frame contains an object of interest
* Method and apparatus for reading two-dimensional bar code employing bit-mapped imaging
* Method and apparatus for real-time gesture recognition
* Method and apparatus for real time insertion of images into video
* Method and apparatus for recognition of graphic symbols
* Method and apparatus for recognition of objects via position and orientation consensus of local image encoding
* Method and apparatus for recognizing gestures on a computer system
* Method and apparatus for reconstructing geometry using geometrically constrained structure from motion with points on planes
* Method and apparatus for recording image details of the palm of a hand
* Method and apparatus for reducing a pattern of binary pixels to one of lower resolution
* Method and apparatus for reducing false alarms due to white light in a motion detection system
* Method and apparatus for reducing image noises
* Method and apparatus for reducing the bit rate in a video object planes sequence coder
* Method and apparatus for reducing the gray scale resolution of a digitized image
* Method and apparatus for reduction of false contours in electrically screened images
* Method and apparatus for registering color separation film 1
* Method and apparatus for registering color separation film
* Method and apparatus for relating and combining multiple images of the same scene or object(s)
* Method and apparatus for removing erroneous elements from digital images
* Method and apparatus for replacing target zones in a video sequence
* Method and apparatus for representing an image
* Method and apparatus for reproducing an original gray scale image
* Method and apparatus for rotating and scaling images
* Method and apparatus for rotating or transposing a binary image
* Method and apparatus for rotating the scan format of digital images
* Method and apparatus for sampling images to simulate movement within a multidimensional space
* Method and apparatus for scanning and recording of coordinates describing three dimensional objects of complex and unique geometry
* Method and apparatus for searching a digital image
* Method and apparatus for segmenting character images
* Method and apparatus for segmenting images prior to coding
* Method and apparatus for segmenting images using stochastically deformable contours
* Method and apparatus for selectively encoding and decoding a digital motion video signal at multiple resolution levels
* Method and apparatus for separating/generating background and motion object planes
* Method and apparatus for signaling a still image capture during video capture
* Method and apparatus for simplifying runlength data from scanning of images
* Method and apparatus for sorting articles
* Method and apparatus for spatially variant filtering
* Method and apparatus for standardization of inputs to word recognition systems
* Method and apparatus for summarizing and indexing the contents of an audio-visual presentation
* Method and apparatus for synthesizing realistic animations of a human speaking using a computer
* Method and apparatus for synthetic speech in facial animation
* Method and apparatus for the processing of images
* Method and apparatus for the resolution enhancement of gray-scale images that include text and line art
* Method and apparatus for thinning alphanumeric characters for optical character recognition
* Method and apparatus for three-dimensional object segmentation
* Method and apparatus for three-dimensional scene processing using parallax geometry of pairs of points
* Method and apparatus for three-dimensional video signals
* Method and apparatus for three-dimensional, textured models from plural video images
* Method and apparatus for three dimensional image reconstruction from multiple stereotactic or isocentric backprojections
* Method and apparatus for three dimensional object surface determination using co-planar data from multiple sensors
* Method and apparatus for tracking a moving object
* Method and apparatus for tracking moving objects in a sequence of two-dimensional images using a dynamic layered representation
* Method and apparatus for tracking moving objects in real time using contours of the objects and feature paths
* Method and apparatus for tracking moving objects in spatial differential frame pictures
* Method and apparatus for tracking moving objects using combined video and audio information in video conferencing and other applications
* Method and apparatus for tracking, storing, and synthesizing an animated version of object motion
* Method and apparatus for training a neural network to detect objects in an image
* Method and apparatus for training a neural network to learn hierarchical representations of objects and to detect and classify objects with uncertain training data
* Method and apparatus for transmitting and receiving 3D video pictures
* Method and apparatus for unencumbered capture of an object
* Method and apparatus for uniquely identifying individuals by particular physical characteristics and security system utilizing the same
* Method and apparatus for upscaling video images when pixel data used for upscaling a source video image are unavailable
* Method and apparatus for using rotatable templates within look-up tables to enhance image reproduction
* Method and apparatus for vectorizing documents and symbol recognition
* Method and apparatus for video browsing based on content and structure
* Method and apparatus for video cut detection
* Method and apparatus for video data compression using temporally adaptive motion interpolation
* Method and apparatus for video signal encoding with motion compensation
* Method and apparatus for zooming digital images
* Method and apparatus of recognizing face using 2nd-order independent component analysis (ICA)/principal component analysis (PCA)
* Method and apparatus to determine golf ball trajectory and flight
* Method and apparatus to determine object striking instrument movement conditions
* Method and apparatus to distinguish deposit and removal in surveillance video
* Method and apparatus to reduce false alarms in exit/entrance situations for residential security monitoring
* Method and apparatus to scan randomly oriented two-dimensional bar code symbols
* Method and Applications of Lidar Modeling for Virtual Testing of Intelligent Vehicles
* Method and article of manufacture for determining whether a scanned image is an original image or fax image
* Method and associated apparatus for minimizing the effects of motion in the recording of an image
* Method and device for compact representation of a discrete region contour
* Method and device for decoding two-dimensional facsimile signals
* Method and device for describing video contents
* Method and device for detecting the position of an object
* Method and device for estimating and hierarchically coding the motion of sequences of images
* Method and device for estimating motion between images, system for encoding segmented images
* Method and device for extracting principal image subjects
* Method and device for generating a person's portrait, method and device for communications, and computer product
* Method and device for handwritten letter recognition
* Method and Device for Image Coding and Transferring Based on Residue Number System
* Method and device for maneuvering a motor vehicle out of a parking space
* Method and device for processing an image in order to construct a target image from a plurality of contiguous source images
* Method and device for processing an image in order to construct from a source image a target image with charge of perspective
* Method and device for producing panoramic images, and a method and device for consulting panoramic images
* Method and device for supervising the speed of an object
* Method and device for the recognition of characters, preferably of figures
* Method and device for the reduction of noise generated by a digital image encoder/decoder operating by blocks
* Method and device for use in detecting moving targets
* Method and device of object detectable and background removal, and storage media for storing program thereof
* Method and digital camera for indicating when image data has been captured for a three-dimensional target object
* Method and equipment for processing gray scale facsimile signal
* Method and Evaluation of Character Stroke Preservation on Handprint Recognition
* Method and means for detecting people in image sequences
* Method and means for efficiently handling boundary conditions in connected component labeling
* Method and Means for Recognizing Complex Patterns
* Method and system for accelerating warping
* Method and system for adapting a digitized signal processing system for block processing with minimal blocking artifacts
* Method and system for assessing the photo quality of a captured image in a digital still camera
* Method and system for automatic correction of motion artifacts
* Method and system for automatic non-contact measurements of optical properties of optical objects
* Method and system for automatically tracking a zoomed video image
* Method and system for building three-dimensional object models
* Method and system for calibrating digital cameras
* Method and system for calibrating relative fields of view of multiple cameras
* Method and system for camera autocalibration
* Method and system for capturing and representing 3D geometry, color and shading of facial expressions and other animated objects
* Method and system for combining video sequences with spatio-temporal alignment
* Method and system for compensating for parallax in multiple camera systems
* Method and system for compressing a sequence of images including a moving figure
* Method and system for compressing data in a multi-channel image processing system
* Method and system for customizing facial feature tracking using precise landmark finding on a neutral face image
* Method and system for defining and recognizing complex events in a video sequence
* Method and system for detecting changes in three dimensional shape
* Method and system for detecting conscious hand movement patterns and computer-generated visual feedback for facilitating human-computer interaction
* Method and system for detecting cuts in a video signal
* Method and system for detecting dissolve transitions in a video signal
* Method and system for detecting fade transitions in a video signal
* Method and system for detecting fire in a predetermined area
* Method and system for detecting scenes and summarizing video sequences
* Method and system for detecting semantic events
* Method and system for detecting transitional markers such as uniform fields in a video signal
* Method and system for detecting uniform images in video signal
* Method and system for determining connection states of straight short vectors representing figure in curve fitting
* Method and system for determining shape in plane to be determined in atmosphere of scattering materials
* Method and system for document segmentation
* Method and system for estimating the position of moving objects in images
* Method and system for fast image correction
* Method and system for fast rotation of run-length encoded images
* Method and system for filtering compressed video images
* Method and system for generating a combined retina/iris pattern biometric
* Method and system for generating a three-dimensional object
* Method and system for generating facial animation values based on a combination of visual and audio information
* Method and system for image combination using a parallax-based technique
* Method and system for image scaling
* Method and system for imaging target detection
* Method and system for improved internet color
* Method and system for indexing, sorting, and displaying a video database
* Method and system for locating objects in an image
* Method and system for measurement of the duration an area is included in an image stream
* Method and system for multi-modal component-based tracking of an object using robust information fusion
* Method and system for object-oriented motion-based video description
* Method and System for Panoramic Viewing with Curved Surface Mirrors
* Method and system for panoramic viewing
* Method and system for predicting road profile
* Method and system for real time feature based motion analysis for key frame selection from a video
* Method and system for real time motion picture segmentation and superposition
* Method and system for recognizing a boundary between characters in handwritten text
* Method and system for registering data
* Method and system for relevance feedback through gaze tracking and ticker interfaces
* Method and system for rendering and combining images to form a synthesized view of a scene containing image information from a second image
* Method and system for scaling images
* Method and system for searching for images based on color and shape of a selected image
* Method and system for segmentation, classification, and summarization of video images
* Method and system for the detection of microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* Method and system for unrestricted motion estimation for video
* Method and system in a data processing system for improved video image resolution when enlarging a video sequence
* Method and system monitoring video image by updating template image
* Method and system of scanning
* Method and system using meta-classes and polynomial discriminant functions for handwriting recognition
* Method based on bitonic filtering decomposition and sparse representation for fusion of infrared and visible images
* Method Based on Edge Constraint and Fast Marching for Road Centerline Extraction from Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Method Based on Floating Car Data and Gradient-Boosted Decision Tree Classification for the Detection of Auxiliary Through Lanes at Intersections
* Method Based on Improved iForest for Trunk Extraction and Denoising of Individual Street Trees, A
* Method Based on Local Variance for Quality Assessment of Multiresolution Image Fusion, A
* method based on rank-ordered filter to detect edges in cellular image, A
* Method Based on Temporal Component Decomposition for Estimating 1-km All-Weather Land Surface Temperature by Merging Satellite Thermal Infrared and Passive Microwave Observations, A
* Method Based on the Indirect Approach for Counting People in Crowded Scenes, A
* method based on view-directional consistency constraints for robust 3D object recognition, The
* Method Combining Line Detection and Semantic Segmentation for Power Line Extraction from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images, A
* Method Combining Probability Integration Model and a Small Baseline Subset for Time Series Monitoring of Mining Subsidence
* Method Designed for Trihedron Localization in a Textured Environment, A
* Method for 3-D Scene Reconstruction Using Fused LiDAR and Imagery From a Texel Camera
* Method for 3D City Building Continuous Transformation Based on an Improved LOD Topological Data Structure
* Method for 3D Reconstruction of Piecewise Planar Objects from Single Panoramic Images, A
* Method for 3D Reconstruction of the Ming and Qing Official-Style Roof Using a Decorative Components Template Library, A
* Method for accuracy assessment of aggregated freeway traffic data
* Method for Active Marine Target Detection Based on Complex Interferometric Dissimilarity in Dual-Channel ATI-SAR Systems, A
* Method for adapting quantization in video coding using face detection and visual eccentricity weighting
* Method for adaptive estimation of unwanted global picture instabilities in picture sequences in digital video signals
* Method for Adaptive Material Classification and Pseudo-Coloring of the Baggage X-Ray Images, The
* Method for Adding Motion-Blur on Arbitrary Objects by Using Auto-Segmentation and Color Compensation Techniques, A
* method for age estimation based on Co-occurrence histogram, A
* Method for aligning an articulated beam delivery device, such as a robot
* Method for Almost Exact Histogram Matching for Two Digitized Images, A
* Method for Analyzing Dynamic Processes Represented by Sequences of Maps, A
* Method for Analyzing Spatial Relationships Between Words in Sign Language Recognition, A
* Method for analyzing stored image details
* Method for animating a 3-D model of a face
* Method for Anisotropic Crystal-Orientation Fabrics Detection Using Radio-Wave Depolarization in Radar Sounding of Mars Polar Layered Deposits
* method for anisotropy analysis of 3D images, A
* Method for Applying Crowdsourced Street-Level Imagery Data to Evaluate Street-Level Greenness
* Method for Assessing Spectral Image Utility, A
* Method for Assessing The Symmetry of Objects On Digital Binary Images Based On Fourier Descriptor
* Method for Assessing Urban Ecological Resilience and Identifying Its Critical Distance Belt Based on the Source-Sink Theory: A Case Study of Beijing, A
* Method for assisting an automated video tracking system in reaquiring a target
* Method for Asteroids 3D Surface Reconstruction from Close Approach Distances, A
* method for attribute selection in inductive learning systems, A
* Method for Automated Cortical Surface Registration and Labeling, A
* method for automated extraction of aorta and pulmonary artery in the mediastimun using medial line models from 3D chest X-ray CT images without contrast materials, A
* method for automated registration of unorganised point clouds, A
* Method for Automatic and Rapid Mapping of Water Surfaces from Sentinel-1 Imagery, A
* Method for automatic detection of human eyes in digital images
* Method for Automatic Detection of Psychomotor Entrainment, A
* Method for automatic extraction of semantically significant events from video
* Method for Automatic Inspection of Printed Circuit Boards, A
* Method for Automatic Inversion of Oblique Ionograms, A
* Method for automatic railway track surface defect classification and evaluation using a laser-based 3D model
* Method for automatic recognition of white blocks as well as text, graphics and/or gray image areas on a printed master
* Method for automatic registration of digitized multi-plane images
* Method for automatic semiconductor wafer inspection
* Method for automatically animating lip synchronization and facial expression of animated characters
* Method for automatically checking the printing quality of a multicolor image
* Method for automatically classifying images into events in a multimedia authoring application
* Method for automatically classifying images into events
* Method for automatically comparing content of images for classification into events
* Method for Automatically Extracting Road Layers from Raster Maps, A
* Method for Automatically Segmenting the Spinal Cord and Canal from 3D CT Images
* Method for Automating the Visual Inspection of Printed Wiring Boards, A
* Method for autonomous image registration
* method for bicycle detection using ellipse approximation, A
* Method for Blur and Affine Invariant Object Recognition Using Phase-Only Bispectrum, A
* Method for Blur and Similarity Transform Invariant Object Recognition, A
* Method for Broadband Full-Duplex MIMO Radio, A
* Method for calculating first-order derivative based feature saliency information in a trained neural network and its application to handwritten digit recognition
* Method for Calculating Velocity in Time Dependent Images Based on the Continuity Equation, A
* Method for Calibrating a Motorized Object Rig, A
* Method for Camera-Based Interactive Whiteboard Reading, A
* Method for capturing, measuring and analyzing motion
* Method for Cartographic Symbols Creation in Connection with Map Series Digitization
* Method for change detection in moving images
* method for change detection with multi-temporal satellite images based on Principal Component Analysis, A
* method for character and photograph segmentation using dynamic thresholding, A
* Method for Character String Extraction Using Local and Global Segment Crowdedness, A
* Method for Choosing the Regularization Parameter in Generalized Tikhonov Regularized Linear Inverse Problems, A
* Method for classifying an object in a moving picture
* Method for classifying and searching video databases based on 3-D camera motion
* Method for Classifying Complex Features in Urban Areas Using Video Satellite Remote Sensing Data, A
* method for clipping splats on sharp edges and corners, A
* Method for Color Content Matching of Images, A
* method for color naming and description of color composition in images, A
* Method for color transition detection
* Method for colorizing black and white footage
* method for combining complementary techniques for document image segmentation, A
* Method for Compact Image Representation Using Sparse Matrix and Tensor Projections Onto Exemplar Orthonormal Bases, A
* Method for comparing image sections to determine similarity therebetween
* Method for Comparing Two Hierarchical Clusterings, A
* Method for compensating for void-defects in images
* Method for Compensation of SAS Range Cell Migration, A
* Method for compiling an image database, an image database system, and an image data storage medium
* Method for Compositing Polar MODIS Satellite Images to Remove Cloud Cover for Landfast Sea-Ice Detection, A
* Method for compressing image signals
* Method for computer-supported motion estimation for picture elements of chronologically following images of a video sequence
* method for computing points of a circle using only integers, A
* Method for computing the location and orientation of an object in three dimensional space
* Method for Computing the Partial Singular Value Decomposition, A
* Method for Computing the Scene-Illuminant Chromaticity from Specular Highlights
* Method for Connecting Disappeared Junction Patterns on Frame Lines in Form Documents, A
* method for consistent estimation of compact regions for cluster analysis, A
* Method for Consistent Estimation of Multiple Land Surface Parameters From MODIS Top-of-Atmosphere Time Series Data, A
* Method for Construction of Complete Invariant Systems of Features for Scene Analysis, A
* method for content-based similarity retrieval of images using two dimensional DP matching algorithm, A
* Method for content-based temporal segmentation of video
* Method for Continuous Extraction of Multispectrally Classified Urban Rivers, A
* Method for Convergent Deformation Analysis of a Shield Tunnel Incorporating B-Spline Fitting and ICP Alignment, A
* Method for coordinating multiple fields of view in multi-camera
* Method for Coordinating the Distributed Transmission of Imagery, A
* Method for Correcting the Closest Point of Approach Index During Vessel Encounters Based on Dimension Data From AIS, A
* method for counting moving and stationary people by interest point classification, A
* method for counting passersby using time-space image, A
* Method for Counting People in Crowded Scenes, A
* Method for Crater Detection From Martian Digital Topography Data Using Gradient Value/Orientation, Morphometry, Vote Analysis, Slip Tuning, and Calibration
* Method for Creating Package Images that Reflect Consumer Taste Impressions, A
* Method for creating spatially balanced bounding volume hierarchies for use in a computer generated display of a complex structure
* Method for creating virtual reality
* Method for Data Extraction from Video Sequences for Automatic Identification of Football Players Based on Their Numbers, A
* Method for data reduction of digital image sequences
* Method for decompressing JPEG files using a variable block size inverse discrete cosine transform
* Method for Dehazing Images Obtained from Low Altitudes during High-Pressure Fronts, A
* Method for Deriving Compatibility Coefficients for Relaxation Operators, A
* Method for Deriving Relative Humidity From MODIS Data Under All-Sky Conditions, A
* Method for Designated Target Anti-Interference Tracking Combining YOLOv5 and SiamRPN for UAV Tracking and Landing Control, A
* method for designing dictionary using simulated annealing, A
* Method for Designing High-Radix Multiplier-Based Processing Units for Multimedia Applications, A
* Method for detecting a human face and an apparatus of the same
* Method for detecting a movement of a television signal
* Method for detecting a moving object in motion video and apparatus therefor
* method for detecting and classifying the tumor regions in brain MRI images using vector index filtering and ANFIS classification process, A
* Method for detecting and estimating the spatial position of objects from a two-dimensional image
* Method for detecting and separating the shadow of moving objects in a sequence of digital images
* Method for detecting and tracking moving objects in a digital image sequence having a stationary background
* method for detecting artificial objects in natural environments, A
* Method for detecting camera-motion induced scene changes
* Method for detecting change points in motion picture images
* Method for detecting character strings
* Method for Detecting Correspondences in a Sequence of Modifying Shapes, A
* Method for Detecting Feature-Sparse Regions and Matching Enhancement, A
* Method for detecting human body motion in frames of a video sequence
* Method for detecting inclination of an image of characters
* Method for detecting interest points in images using angular signatures
* method for detecting interstructural atrophy correlation in MRI brain images, A
* Method for Detecting Ionospheric TEC Anomalies before Earthquake: The Case Study of Ms 7.8 Earthquake, February 06, 2023, Turkiye, A
* Method for detecting motion vector
* Method for detecting motion vectors
* Method for detecting movement of image sensors
* Method for detecting moving cast shadows object segmentation
* Method for detecting moving objects by comparing video images
* Method for detecting new objects in an illuminated scene
* Method for detecting objects in a monitored area
* Method for detecting optical errors in large surface panels
* Method for detecting scene changes in a digital video stream
* Method for Detecting Structure in Polygons, A
* Method for Detecting Structure in Polyhedra, A
* method for detecting text of arbitrary shapes in natural scenes that improves text spotting, A
* Method for detecting transitions in sampled digital video sequences
* Method for Detection and Classification of Glass Defects in Low Resolution Images, A
* Method for Detection and Modeling of the Human Spine Based on Principal Curvatures, A
* Method for Detection of Circular Arcs Based on the Hough Transform, A
* Method for Detection of Small Moving Objects in UAV Videos, A
* Method for Determination of Bark on Wood Chips, A
* Method for Determination of the Timing Stability of PET Scanners, A
* Method for Determineing Filter Spacing in Assumed Velocity Filter Banks, A
* method for determining address format in the automated sorting of Japanese mail, A
* Method for Determining Appropriate Clustering Criteria of Location-Sensing Data
* Method for Determining Geometrical Distortion of off-the-Shelf Wide-Angle Cameras, A
* Method for determining movement of objects in a video image sequence
* Method for determining range of vision
* Method for determining sensor motion and scene structure and image processing system therefor
* method for determining the number of features in the kernel space required for preserving classifiability, A
* Method for determining visibility
* Method for Digital Terrain Reconstruction Using Longitudinal Control Lines and Sparse Measured Cross Sections, A
* Method for disconnecting character strings of a compressed image
* method for discontinuous neurite reconstruction based on diffusion tensor, Hessian eigenvector, and diffused gradient vector fields, A
* method for discovering knowledge in texts, A
* Method for displaying and printing multitone images derived from grayscale images
* method for document zone content classification, A
* Method for Dominant Points Detection and Matching 2D Object Identification, A
* Method for Downscaling FengYun-3B Soil Moisture Based on Apparent Thermal Inertia, A
* Method for downstream editing of compressed video
* Method for Dynamic Clustering of Data, A
* Method for Dynamic Selection of Optimal Depth Measurements Acquisition with Random Access Range Sensors, A
* Method for early diagnostics of lymphatic system tumors on the basis of the analysis of chromatin constitution in cell nucleus images
* Method for effectuating half-pixel motion compensation in decoding an image signal
* Method for efficient low power motion estimation of a video frame sequence
* Method for Efficient Quality Control and Enhancement of Mobile Laser Scanning Data, A
* Method for Electrical Property Tomography Based on a Three-Dimensional Integral Representation of the Electric Field, A
* Method for eliminating temporal and spacial distortion from interlaced video signals
* Method for Elliptical Light Spot Image Recognization in Vision Coordinate Measuring System, A
* Method for encoding a contour of an object in a video signal by using a contour motion estimation technique
* Method for encoding a video signal using feature point based motion estimation
* Method for encoding and transmitting video signals as overall motion vectors and local motion vectors
* Method for Encoding Region Boundaries Based on Transition Points, A
* Method for Enforcing Integrability in Shape from Shading Algorithms, A
* Method for enhancing image data by noise reduction or sharpening
* Method for Enhancing Lung Nodules in Chest Radiographs by Use of LoG Filter, A
* Method for enlarging a binary image
* Method for enlarging an image stored in run representation form
* Method for Enriching Video-Watching Experience with Applied Effects Based on Eye Movements, A
* method for error rejection in multiple classifier systems, A
* method for estimating and accurately extracting the eyebrow in human face image, A
* Method for Estimating Authentication Performance over Time, with Applications to Face Biometrics, A
* Method for Estimating Driving Factors of Illicit Trade Using Node Embeddings and Clustering, A
* method for estimating light direction, shape, and reflection parameters from a single image, A
* Method for estimating motion in a video sequence
* Method for estimating potential recognition capacity of texture-based biometrics
* Method For Estimating Scene Parameters From Color Histograms
* Method for Estimating Ship Surface Wind Parameters by Combining Anemometer and X-Band Marine Radar Data, A
* Method for Estimating Surveillance Video Georeferences, A
* Method for Estimating the Aerodynamic Roughness Length with NDVI and BRDF Signatures Using Multi-Temporal Proba-V Data, A
* Method for estimating the energy consumption of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles under real-world driving conditions
* Method for estimating the noise level in a video sequence
* Method for Estimating the Number of Households In A Region From The Number of Buildings Estimated By Deep Learning with the Adjustment Of Its Number Using Ancillary Datasets: Case Study In Djakarta, A
* Method for Estimating the Optimal Coefficient of L1C/B1C Signal Correlator Joint Receiving
* Method for estimating the relative contribution of phase and power spectra to the total information in natural-scene patches
* Method for Evaluating the Performance of Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems Based on Subjectively Determined Similarity between Images, A
* method for evaluating the performance of content-based image retrieval systems, A
* Method for Evaluation of the Font Definition Quality of eBook Readers, A
* Method for Exaggerative Caricature Generation from Real Face Image, A
* Method for expanding contracted video images
* Method for Exploring and Analyzing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Traffic Congestion in Expressway Networks Based on Origin-Destination Data, A
* Method for Exploring the Link between Urban Area Expansion over Time and the Opportunity for Crime in Saudi Arabia, A
* Method for exploring viewpoint and focal length of camera
* Method for extracting a three-dimensional model using appearance-based constrained structure from motion
* method for extracting burned areas from Landsat TM/ETM+ images by soft aggregation of multiple Spectral Indices and a region growing algorithm, A
* Method for extracting features from on-line handwritten characters
* Method for extracting fingerprint feature data using ridge orientation model
* method for extracting interference striations in lofargram based on decomposition and clustering, A
* Method for Extracting Lake Water Using ViTenc-UNet: Taking Typical Lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as Examples, A
* Method for Extracting Marked Regions from Document Images, A
* Method for extracting object region
* Method for Extracting Photovoltaic Panels from High-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Images Guided by Prior Knowledge, A
* Method for Extracting Some Key Terrain Features from Shaded Relief of Digital Terrain Models, A
* Method for Extracting Substation Equipment Based on UAV Laser Scanning Point Clouds, A
* Method for Extracting Text from Stone Inscriptions Using Character Spotting, A
* method for extracting watermarks from textured printed documents, A
* method for eye detection based on SVD transforms, A
* Method for Fast Search of Variable Regions on Dynamic 3D Point Clouds, A
* Method for FEA-Based Design of Heterogeneous Objects, A
* Method for Feature Detection in Binary Tomography, A
* Method for figure tracking using 2-D registration
* Method for finding contours in an image of an object
* Method for Finding Pairs of Antiparallel Straight Lines, A
* Method for Finding Structured Sparse Solutions to Nonnegative Least Squares Problems with Applications, A
* Method for Fine Registration of Multiple View Range Images Considering the Measurement Error Properties, A
* Method For Fine Resolution Frequency Estimation From Three DFT Samples, A
* Method for Footprint Range Image Segmentation and Description, A
* Method for Forest Canopy Height Inversion Based on Machine Learning and Feature Mining Using UAVSAR, A
* method for fusing a pair of images in the JPEG domain, A
* Method for fusing images and apparatus therefor
* Method for generating a block-based image histogram
* Method for generating a personalized 3-D face model
* Method for generating a unique consistent signal pattern for identification of an individual
* Method for generating an animated three-dimensional video head
* Method for generating and interactively viewing spherical image data
* Method for generating mouth features of an animated or physical character
* Method for generating smooth color corrections in a color space, particularly a CIELAB color space
* Method for generating sprites for object-based coding sytems using masks and rounding average
* Method for Generating the Centerline of an Elongated Polygon on the Example of a Watercourse, A
* Method for Generating Variable-Scale Maps for Small Displays, A
* Method for Generation of Indoor GIS Models Based on BIM Models to Support Adjacent Analysis of Indoor Spaces
* method for geometric processing of optical satellite images using automatically determined ground control information, A
* Method for Global Non-rigid Registration of Multiple Thin Structures, A
* method for gray-scale image thinning: the case without region specification for thinning, A
* Method for Handling Multi-Occlusion in Depth Estimation of Light Field, A
* Method for hierarchical estimation of the movement in a sequence of images
* method for hierarchical subband HDTV splitting, A
* Method for hierarchical summarization and browsing of digital video
* Method for high-dimensionality indexing in a multi-media database
* method for high speed 3-D range measurement and its trail instrumentation, A
* Method for hue plane preserving color correction
* method for human action recognition, A
* method for identification and classification of medicinal plant images based on level set segmentation and SVM classification, A
* Method for identification and compression of facsimile symbols in text processing systems
* Method for Identification and Visualization of Histological Image Structures Relevant to the Cancer Patient Conditions, A
* Method for identification of tokens in video sequences
* Method for Identifying Individuals
* Method for Identifying Litchi Picking Position Based on YOLOv5 and PSPNet
* Method for identifying marking stripes of road lanes
* Method for identifying measuring points in an optical measuring system
* Method for identifying objects in motion, in particular vehicles, and systems for its implementation
* Method for Identifying the Key Information of Electronic Invoicing in Complex Scenes, A
* Method for identifying word bounding boxes in text
* Method for image binarization
* Method for Image Informational Properties Exploitation in Pattern Recognition Environment
* Method for Image Local-Difference Visualization, A
* method for image retrieval based on multi-factors correlation utilizing block truncation coding, The
* Method for improved energy concentration in the TF analysis of multicomponent signals using L-WD
* method for improving consistency in photometric databases, A
* Method for Improving Image Quality in Digital Linear Tomography
* Method for Improving String Pattern Matching Machines, A
* Method for Improving Target Tracking Accuracy of Vehicle Radar, A
* Method for Improving the Machine Recognition of Confusing Chinese Characters, A
* Method for Improving TIE-Based VQ Encoding Introducing RI Rules, A
* method for inferring probabilistic consensus structure with applications to molecular sequence data, A
* Method for Initial Hypothesis Formation in Image Understanding, A
* method for initialising the K-means clustering algorithm using kd-trees, A
* method for inspecting industrial parts surfaces based on an optics model, A
* Method for Intelligent Road Network Selection Based on Graph Neural Network, A
* Method for Interactive 3D Reconstruction of Piercewise Planar Objects from Single Images, A
* Method for Interactive Shape Detection in Cattle Images Using Genetic Algorithms, A
* Method for interpolating missing pixels and an apparatus employing the method
* Method for Interpreting Pixel Grey Levels in Digital Mammography, A
* Method for Invariant Pattern-Recognition Using the Scale-Vector Representation of Planar Curves, A
* Method For IR Point Target Detection Based on Spatial-temporal Bilateral Filter, A
* Method for Landsat and Sentinel 2 (HLS) BRDF Normalization, A
* Method for Large Vessels/Brain Activity Colocalization, A
* method for learning matching errors for stereo computation, A
* Method for locating a subject's lips in a facial image
* Method for Long-Term Target Anti-Interference Tracking Combining Deep Learning and CKF for LARS Tracking and Capturing, A
* Method for Low Sidelobe Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Slot Antenna Design Applied for Millimeter-Wave Radars, A
* Method for maintaining bit density while converting images in scale or resolution
* Method for mapping facial animation values to head mesh positions
* Method for Mapping Rice Fields in Complex Landscape Areas Based on Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Network from HJ-1 A/B Data
* Method for Matching General Stereo Planar Curves
* Method for matching input image with reference image, apparatus for the same, and storage medium storing program for implementing the method
* Method for Measuring 3-D Surface Deformations With InSAR Based on Strain Model and Variance Component Estimation, A
* Method for measuring a three-dimensional position of an object
* Method for Measuring Gravitational Potential of Satellite's Orbit Using Frequency Signal Transfer Technique between Satellites, A
* Method for Measuring Lens Distortion by Using Pinhole Lens
* Method for measuring myocardial motion and the like
* Method for Measuring Orientation Within a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner Using Gravity and the Static Magnetic Field (VectOrient), A
* Method for measuring the maximum gross weight of a motor vehicle
* method for measuring the thermal geometric parameters of large hot rectangular forgings based on projection feature lines, A
* Method for measuring visibility from a moving vehicle
* Method for merging images
* Method for minimizing visual artifacts converting two-dimensional motion pictures into three-dimensional motion pictures
* method for mixed states texture segmentation with simultaneous parameter estimation, A
* Method for Modeling Noise in Medical Images, A
* Method for Monitoring and Forecasting the Heading and Flowering Dates of Winter Wheat Combining Satellite-Derived Green-up Dates and Accumulated Temperature, A
* method for monitoring building construction in urban sprawl areas using object-based analysis of Spot 5 images and existing GIS data, A
* method for monitoring hydrological conditions beneath herbaceous wetlands using multi-temporal ALOS PALSAR coherence data, A
* Method for Motion-Adaptive Frame Rate Up-Conversion, A
* Method for motion-compensated frame-to-frame prediction coding
* method for moving target capture using 3D profile information based on bionic compound eye, A
* method for noise-robust context-aware pattern discovery and recognition from categorical sequences, A
* Method for Nondestructive Testing of Blockboard Based on Morphological Double-Gradient Algorithm, A
* Method for Novel Face View Synthesis Using Stereo Vision, A
* method for object localization in a multiview multimodal camera system, A
* method for objective edge detection evaluation and detector parameter selection, A
* Method for objects segmentation in video sequences by object tracking and user assistance
* Method for Obtaining a DEM with Curved Abscissa from MLS Data for Linear Infrastructure Survey Design, A
* Method for Obtaining Neural Network Training Sets in Video Sequences, A
* Method for Obtaining Skeletons Using a Quasi-Euclidean Distance, A
* Method for Obtaining the Tesseract by Unraveling the 4D Hypercube, A
* Method for Online Analysis of Structured Processes Using Bayesian Filters and Echo State Networks, A
* Method for optimizing channelized quadratic observers for binary classification of large-dimensional image datasets
* Method for optimizing off-line facial feature tracking
* Method for orthorectification of terrestrial radar maps
* Method for pan-tilt camera calibration using single control point
* method for parallel skeletonization of images, A
* method for performance diagnosis and evaluation of video trackers, A
* Method for performing stereo matching to recover depths, colors and opacities of surface elements
* Method for PET-CT Lung Cancer Segmentation based on Improved Random Walk, A
* Method for Picture Segmentation by Parts: Split and Group with Linking, A
* Method for Power Planning to Ensure the Complete Operation of Outdoor Window-Cleaning Robots, A
* Method for Predicting Canopy Light Distribution in Cherry Trees Based on Fused Point Cloud Data, A
* Method for Predicting Landslides Based on Micro-Deformation Monitoring Radar Data, A
* Method for predicting the remaining mileage of electric vehicles based on dimension expansion and model fusion
* method for predictive order adaptation based on model averaging, A
* method for preserving the classifiability of digital images after performing a wavelet-based compression, A
* method for progressive near-lossless image compression, A
* Method for Quantifying the Impacts of Human Activities on Net Primary Production of Grasslands in Northwest China, A
* Method for Quantifying Understory Leaf Area Index in a Temperate Forest through Combining Small Footprint Full-Waveform and Point Cloud LiDAR Data, A
* Method for quantifying volumetric lesion change in interval liver CT examinations
* Method for quantitative valuation of road freight transport telematic services
* Method for Quantization Scale Factor Selection in MPEG2 Video Sequence Encoding Using a Bilayer Fuzzy Expert-System, A
* Method for Ray Tracing a Wide Class of Generalized Cylinders with Straight Line Trajectories, A
* Method for real time correlation of stereo images
* method for reassembling fragments in image reconstruction, A
* Method for Recognition and Localization of Generic Objects for Indoor Navigation, A
* Method for recognition of numbers on speed limit signs utilizing an eigen space method based on the KL transform
* Method for Recognizing a Sequence of Sign Language Words Represented in a Japanese Sign Language Sentence, A
* Method for recognizing characters
* method for recognizing configurations consisting of line sets and its application to discrimination of seismic face structures, A
* Method for recognizing multi-language printed documents using strokes and non-strokes of characters
* Method for recognizing objects in digitized images
* method for recognizing overlapping elliptical bubbles in bubble image, A
* Method for reconstructing linear structures present in raster form
* Method for recovery of heading from motion
* Method for Rectifying Grid Junctions in Grid-Coded Images Using Cross Ratio, A
* Method for Reduced-Reference Color Image Quality Assessment, A
* Method for Reducing the Cardinality of the Pareto Front, A
* Method for Reducing Timing Jitter's Impact in Through-Wall Human Detection by Ultra-Wideband Impulse Radar, A
* Method for region tracking in an image sequence using a two-dimensional mesh
* Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes, A
* Method for Regularizing Buildings through Combining Skeleton Lines and Minkowski Addition, A
* Method for Remote Sensing Based Classification of Urban Areas, A
* Method for Removal of Turbulence Disturbance from Video, Enabling Higher Level Applications, A
* method for removing cyclic artefacts in discrete tomography using latin squares, A
* Method for Removing Inflectional Suffixes in Word Spotting of Mongolian Kanjur, A
* method for representing 3D tree objects using chain coding, A
* Method for representing 3D virtual origami
* Method for representing and comparing multimedia content according to rank
* Method for representing contents of a single video shot using frames
* Method for Representing Shape-Based on an Equivalence Relation on Polygons, A
* method for resizing images by content perception, A
* Method for Restoration of Low-Resolution Document Images, A
* Method for Retrieving Cloud-Top Height Based on a Machine Learning Model Using the Himawari-8 Combined with Near Infrared Data, A
* Method for Retrieving Cloud Microphysical Properties Using Combined Measurement of Millimeter-Wave Radar and Lidar, A
* Method for Retrieving Daily Land Surface Albedo from Space at 30-m Resolution, A
* Method for Retrieving Vertical Air Velocities in Convective Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau from TIPEX-III Cloud Radar Doppler Spectra, A
* Method for Road Network Extraction from High-Resolution SAR Imagery Using Direction Grouping and Curve Fitting, A
* Method for Robust and Quick Video Searching Using Probabilistic Dither-voting, A
* Method for Robust Estimation of Vegetation Seasonality from Landsat and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data, A
* Method for Robust Multispectral Face Recognition, A
* Method for Scaling Window Sidelobe Magnitude, A
* Method for screening of halftone images
* Method for Scribe Distinction in Medieval Manuscripts Using Page Layout Features, A
* Method for Searching Bridge in IR Images
* method for segmentation of CT head images, A
* Method for Segmentation of Cursive Handwritings and Its Application to Character Shape Extraction, A
* Method for Segmentation of Local Illumination Variations and Photometric Normalization in Face Images, A
* Method for Segmentation, Matching and Alignment of Dead Sea Scrolls, A
* Method for segmenting a digital image into a foreground region and a key color region
* Method for segmenting and estimating a moving object motion using a hierarchy of motion models
* Method for Segmenting Chest CT Image Data Using an Anatomical Model: Preliminary-Results
* Method for segmenting medical images and detecting surface anomalies in anatomical structures
* method for selecting and ranking quality metrics for optimization of biometric recognition systems, A
* Method for Selecting Constrained Hand-Printed Character Shapes for Machine Recognition, A
* Method for Selection of Optimal Hand Gesture Vocabularies, A
* Method For Self-calibration In Satellite With High Precision Of Space Linear Array Camera, A
* Method for Semantic Relatedness Based Query Focused Text Summarization, A
* Method for separating image sequences stored on supports such as motion-picture film, video tape or such like
* Method for Shape-from-Shading Using Multiple Images Acquired under Different Viewing and Lighting Conditions, A
* Method for Shape Analysis and Segmentation in MRI, A
* Method for Shift, Rotation, and Scale Invariant Pattern Recognition Using the Form and Arrangement of Pattern-Specific Features, A
* Method For Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Based On GCN-LSTM, A
* method for signature casting on digital images, A
* Method for Simulating Dose Reduction in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
* Method for Simultaneous Aerial and Terrestrial Geodata Acquisition for Corridor Mapping, A
* Method for Simultaneous Outlier Rejection in Image Super-Resolution, A
* Method for simultaneous visual tracking of multiple bodies in a closed structured environment
* method for single image restoration based on the principal ergodic, A
* Method for Solving Overlap Problem in Spike Sorting Based on Genetic Algorithm, A
* method for solving the multiple ellipses detection problem, A
* Method for Solving the N-Dimensional Convex Hull Problem, A
* method for sparse disparity densification using voting mask propagation, A
* Method for spatial domain image compression
* Method for Spectral Pattern-Recognition of Color Camouflage
* Method for SRTM DEM Elevation Error Correction in Forested Areas Using ICESat-2 Data and Vegetation Classification Data, A
* Method for stereo image object detection
* Method For Stereo Mapping Based On Objectarx And Pipeline Technology
* Method for Stress Detection Based on FCM Algorithm, A
* method for studying the development pattern of urban commercial service facilities based on customer reviews from social media, A
* Method for summarizing a video using motion and color descriptors
* Method for Symbol Spotting in Graphical Documents, A
* Method for temporally adaptive filtering of frames of a noisy image sequence using motion estimation
* Method for Text Localization and Recognition in Real-World Images, A
* method for TF signal analysis, A
* method for the 3D modelling of historic monuments: The case of a Gothic abbey church, A
* method for the 3D reconstruction of indoor scenes from monocular images, A
* Method for the Analysis and Visualization of Similar Flow Hotspot Patterns between Different Regional Groups
* Method for the Analysis of Ambiguous Segmentations of Images, A
* Method for the Analysis of Gaussian-Like Clusters, A
* Method for the Analysis of Small Crop Fields in Sentinel-2 Dense Time Series, A
* Method for the Automated Production of Digital Terrain Models Using a Combination of Feature Points, Grid Points, and Filling Back Points, A
* Method for the Automatic Analysis of Colour Category Pixel Shifts During Dichromatic Vision, A
* Method for the Automatic Extraction of Support Devices in an Overhead Catenary System Based on MLS Point Clouds, A
* Method for the automatic resetting of images
* Method for the Comparison of Biomechanical Breast Models, A
* Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes, A
* Method for the Design of Binary Tree Classifiers, A
* Method for the Destriping of an Orbita Hyperspectral Image with Adaptive Moment Matching and Unidirectional Total Variation, A
* Method for the determination of motion vector fields from digital image sequences
* Method for the encoding of data for assistance in the reconstruction of a sub-sampled moving electronic image
* Method for the enhancement of contours for video broadcasts
* Method for the Estimation of Finely-Grained Temporal Spatial Human Population Density Distributions Based on Cell Phone Call Detail Records, A
* Method for the estimation of rotation between two frames via epipolar search for use in a three-dimensional representation
* Method for the Evaluation and Classification of the Orange Peel Effect on Painted Injection Moulded Part Surfaces, A
* method for the evaluation of projective geometric consistency in weakly calibrated stereo with application to point matching, A
* Method for the extraction of image features caused by structure light using template information
* Method For The Extraction Of Long-term Deformation Characteristics Of Long-span High-speed Railway Bridges Using High-resolution Sar Images, A
* Method for the Identification and Classification of Zones with Vehicular Congestion
* Method for the Identification of Noisy Regions in Normalized Iris Images, A
* method for the optimal design of a class of pattern recognition systems, A
* Method for the Optimized Design of a Rain Gauge Network Combined with Satellite Remote Sensing Data, A
* Method For The Recognition of Symbols on Geographic Maps, A
* method for the registration of attributed range images, A
* Method for The Registration of Hemispherical Photographs and TLS Intensity Images, A
* method for the segmentation of connected handwritten Persian digits, A
* method for the segmentation of very high spatial resolution images of forested landscapes, A
* Method for the Solution of Certain Problems in Least Squares, A
* Method for the stereoscopic representation of image scenes with relative movement between imaging sensor and recorded scene
* Method for the Synthesis of Dynamic Biometric Signature Data, A
* Method for the Transport and Registration of Images on Implicit Surfaces, A
* method for the visual analysis of early-stage Parkinson's disease based on virtual MRI-derived SPECT images, A
* Method for three-dimensional data registration from disparate imaging modalities in the NOGA myocardial viability trial
* method for three-dimensional time-resolved optical tomography, A
* Method for three dimensional spatial panorama formation
* Method for thresholding an image signal
* Method for tracking entering object and apparatus for tracking and monitoring entering object
* Method for Tracking Individual Planetary Waves in Remotely Sensed Data, A
* Method for tracking motion of a face
* Method for tracking moving object by means of specific characteristics
* Method for tracking the motion of a 3-D figure
* Method for Tracking the Pose of Known 3-D Objects Based on an Active Contour Model, A
* Method for Traffic Congestion Clustering Judgment Based on Grey Relational Analysis, A
* Method for Transferring Robot Motion Parameters Using Functional Attributes of Parts, A
* Method for transforming an image from a resolution to a lower resolution
* Method for transmitting a high-resolution image over a narrow-band communication channel
* Method for Tree Detection Based on Similarity with Geometric Shapes of 3D Geospatial Data, A
* Method For True Orthophoto Generation Based On Projection And Iteration Strategy, A
* Method for unconstrained text detection in natural scene image
* Method for Urban Buildings Change Detection Based on Vertical Edges Extraction, A
* method for user-customized compensation of metamorphopsia through video see-through enabled head mounted display, A
* Method for using visible ocular vasculature for mobile biometrics
* Method for Validating the Structural Completeness of Understory Vegetation Models Captured with 3D Remote Sensing, A
* method for variable quantization in JPEG for improved text quality in compound documents, A
* Method for Vehicle Count in the Presence of Multiple-Vehicle Occlusions in Traffic Images, A
* Method for Vehicle Detection in High-Resolution Satellite Images that Uses a Region-Based Object Detector and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, A
* Method for Verifying Correctness of the Shape's Changes Calculation in the Melting Block of Ice, The
* Method for verifying users and updating database, and face verification system using the same
* Method for video-to-printing image resolution conversion
* Method for Visualizing Pedestrian Traffic Flow Using SIFT Feature Point Tracking, A
* Method for Watermark Casting on Digital Images, A
* Method for Working out the Moments of a Polygon, A
* Method Of 3d Measurement And Reconstruction For Cultural Relics In Museums, A
* Method of 3D Reconstruction from Image Sequence, A
* Method of 3D reconstruction using graph cuts, and its application to preserving intangible cultural heritage
* method of 3D surface correspondence and interpolation for merging shape examples, A
* Method of 3D Surface Correspondence for Automated Landmark Generation, A
* Method Of A Planetary Rover Localization Based On Synthetic Lunokhod Images
* Method of Acoustic Landmark Extraction for Mobile Robot Navigation, A
* method of adaptive colored noise cancellation based on ANFIS, A
* Method of airborne SAR image match integrating multi-information for block adjustment
* Method of Airborne SAR Radiation Calibration Based on Point Target
* Method of Analyzing a Shape with Potential Symmetry and Its Application to Detecting Spinal Deformity, A
* Method of analyzing sequences of road images, device for implementing it and its application to detecting obstacles
* Method of Analyzing the Handling of Paper Documents in Motion Images, A
* Method of and apparatus for animation, driven by an audio signal, of a synthesized model of a human face
* Method of and apparatus for detecting a face-like region and observer tracking display
* Method of and apparatus for detecting a human face and observer tracking display
* Method of and apparatus for eliminating interblock distortion due to compressed image data
* Method of and apparatus for generating high-resolution binary image data with respect to linear edges
* Method of and apparatus for motion estimation of video data
* Method of and apparatus for producing halftone dot image
* Method of and apparatus for searching corresponding points between images, and computer program
* Method of and arrangement for estimating and compensating motion in a sequence of pictures and a picture transmission system provided with such an arrangement
* Method of and device for moving image contour recognition
* Method of and device for skeletonizing characters
* Method of Annotation Extraction from Paper Documents Using Alignment Based on Local Arrangements of Feature Points, A
* method of anomaly detection and fault diagnosis with online adaptive learning under small training samples, A
* Method of Audio Watermarking Based on Adaptive Phase Modulation
* Method of Automated Landmark Generation for Automated 3D PDM Construction, A
* Method of Automatic Sensor Placement for Robot Vision in Inspection Tasks, A
* method of automatically generating Labanotation from human motion capture data, A
* method of ball spin estimation using seams lines, A
* method of boundary determination in digital images of urothelial cells, A
* Method of Boundary Extraction Based on Schrödinger Equation
* Method of bridging between contour elements in an image
* Method Of Building Modeling From True Ortho-image And DSM, A
* Method of calculating sub-pixel movement and position tracking sensor using the same
* Method of Chestnut Forest Identification Based on Time Series and Key Phenology from Sentinel-2, A
* Method of Cloud Classification Base on Image Entropy, A
* Method of Clustering Combination Applied to Satellite Image Analysis, A
* Method of coding a video signal for transmission in a restricted bandwidth
* Method of coding artifacts reduction
* Method of Coding Hand-Written Arabic Characters and Its Application to Context-Free Grammar, A
* Method of Coding TV Signals Based on Edge Detection, A
* Method of Color Filter Array Interpolation with Alias Cancellation Properties, A
* Method of Combining Multiple Classifiers: A Neural Network Approach, A
* Method of Combining Multiple Experts for the Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals
* method of comparing two patterns independent of possible transformations and small distortions, A
* method of compensating inter-reflections in color photometric stereo, A
* Method of compressing an image
* Method of compressing image signals using vector quantization
* Method of compressing JPEG files using a conditional transform
* Method of compressing JPEG files
* Method of Constructing Point Generalization Constraints Based on the Cloud Platform
* Method of correlation of images in biometric applications
* Method of counting objects in a monitored environment and apparatus for the same
* Method of Counting the Passing People by Using the Method of the Template Matching, A
* method of Counting the Passing People by using the Stereo Images, A
* Method of counting thin steel plates based on digital image processing
* Method of Creating of Functional Invariants under One-Parameter Geometric Image Transformations
* method of cross-layer fusion multi-object detection and recognition based on improved faster R-CNN model in complex traffic environment, A
* Method of Curve Partitioning Using Arc-Chord Distance, A
* Method of dealing with occlusion when tracking multiple objects and people in video sequences
* Method of Delimiting the Spatial Structure of Villages for the Purposes of Land Consolidation and Exchange
* Method of DEM Generation Based on Three-Line Array CCD Lunar Images
* Method of deriving wordshapes for subsequent comparison
* Method of describing image information
* Method of describing object region data, apparatus for generating object region data, video processing apparatus and video processing method
* Method of detecting a space between words with optical character reader
* Method of detecting an internal point within a closed area
* Method of detecting and correcting dust in digital images based on aura and shadow region analysis
* Method of detecting and measuring a moving object and apparatus therefor, and a recording medium for recording a program for detecting and measuring a moving object
* method of detecting and tracking irises and eyelids in video, A
* Method of detecting boundary structures in a video signal
* Method of detecting change using image
* Method of detecting interval changes in chest radiographs utilizing temporal subtraction combined with automated initial matching of blurred low resolution images
* Method of detecting moving objects in chronologically successive images
* Method of Detecting the Orientation of Aligned Components, A
* Method of determining a three-dimensional velocity field in a volume
* Method of determining an exposure amount using optical recognition of facial features
* Method of determining the trajectory of a body suitable for moving along a portion of a path, and apparatus for implementing the method
* Method of Development of a New Regional Ionosphere Model (RIM) to Improve Static Single-Frequency Precise Point Positioning (SF-PPP) for Egypt Using Bernese GNSS Software
* Method of Directional Signs Location Selection and Content Generation in Scenic Areas, A
* Method of Directly Estimating Stemwood Volume from GLAS Waveform Parameters, A
* Method of Discriminative Information Preservation and In-Dimension Distance Minimization Method for Feature Selection, A
* Method of displaying continuous tone picture using limited number of different colors or black-and-white levels, and display system therefor
* Method of displaying moving object for enabling identification of its moving route, display system using the same, and program recording medium therefor
* Method of distinguishing a moving object and apparatus of tracking and monitoring a moving object
* Method of effectively reading data written on data sheet, and data reading apparatus therefor
* Method of encoding an image at full resolution for storing in a reduced image buffer
* Method of encoding and decoding motion picture, motion picture encoding device and motion picture decoding device
* Method of enhancing image sharpness for image reproduction using sharp/unsharp signal processing
* Method of Estimating Chromaticity of Illumination Using Neural Networks
* method of estimating coding PSNR using quantized DCT coefficients, A
* Method of estimating image format and orientation based upon vanishing point location
* Method of Estimating Oriented Surface Elements from Stereo Images, A
* Method of Evaluating Table Segmentation Results Based on a Table Image Ground Truther, A
* Method of Evaluating the Internal Precision of Multi-View Stereo Dense Reconstruction, Applied on Parthenon Frieze, A
* Method Of Extracting Curvature Features and Its Application to Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* Method of Extracting Embedded Binary Data from JPEG Bitstreams Using Standard JPEG Decoder, A
* Method of extracting features of image
* Method of Extracting Geometric Information from the Point Cloud of Building, A
* Method of Extracting Objects of Interest with Possible Broad Application in Computer Vision, A
* Method of Extracting the SWH Based on a Constituted Wave Slope Feature Vector (WSFV) from X-Band Marine Radar Images, A
* Method of Fabric Defect Detection Using Local Contrast Deviation, A
* Method of Fast and Simultaneous Calibration of Many Mobile FMCW Radars Operating in a Network Anti-Drone System, A
* Method of fast bi-cubic interpolation of image information
* Method of feature extraction using potential functions
* method of feature selection using contribution ratio based on boosting, A
* method of fingermark anti-counterfeiting for forensic document identification, A
* Method of fingerprint verification
* Method of forming a template of an image of an object for use in the recognition of the object
* Method of Fusing Probability-Form Knowledge into Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, A
* method of gender classification by integrating facial, hairstyle, and clothing images, A
* Method of General Moments for Orienting 2D Projections of Unknown 3D Objects, A
* Method of Generalized Projections (MGP) Ghost Correction Algorithm for Interleaved EPI, A
* Method Of Generating Panoramic Street Strip Image Map With Mobile Mapping System, A
* Method of Ground-Based Cloud Motion Predict: CCLSTM + SR-Net, A
* Method of grouping handwritten word segments in handwritten document images
* method of H.264 video watermarking robust to attack on I and P frames by removal, A
* Method of hidden surface reconstruction for creating accurate three-dimensional images converted from two-dimensional images
* Method of Hierarchical Feature Fusion and Connected Attention Architecture for Pavement Crack Detection, A
* Method of Identifying Personalized Car-Following Characteristics for Adaptive Cruise Control System, A
* method of image classification based on SIFT-Gabor-Scale descriptors, A
* Method of image enhancement by raster scanning
* Method of Image Enlargement Based on Constrained Pixels, A
* Method of Image Guided Vehicle Using White Line Recognition, A
* Method of image processing using three facial feature points in three-dimensional head motion tracking
* method of image recognition based on the fusion of reduced invariant representations: mathematical substantiation, A
* Method of Improving Cloud Predictions for Real-Time Weather Forecasting and Visualization, A
* Method of improving contrast accentuation
* Method of improving CT resolution
* Method of Improving SIFT Algorithm Matching Efficiency, A
* Method of Increasing the Accuracy of Radar Distance Measurement in VTS Systems for Vessels with Very Large Dimensions, A
* Method of inferring sensor attitude through multi-feature tracking
* Method of Infrared Small Moving Target Detection Based on Coarse-to-Fine Structure in Complex Scenes
* method of inpainting moles and acne on the high-resolution face photos, A
* Method of Inserting Binary Data into MPEG Bitstreams for Video Index Labeling, A
* Method of inspecting pattern and apparatus thereof with a differential brightness image detection
* Method of Integrating Motion Information along Contours Including Segmentation, A
* Method of Interest Points Characterization Based C-HOG Local Descriptor
* method of lane detection and tracking for expressway based on RANSAC, A
* Method of Linear Star-Section Applied for Object Separation in ERCP Images, A
* method of lining seam elimination with angle adaptation and rectangular mark for road tunnel concrete lining images, A
* Method of Marine Moving Targets Detection in Multi-Channel ScanSAR System, A
* Method of matching stereo images and method of measuring disparity between these image
* method of measuring the semantic gap in image retrieval: Using the information theory, A
* Method of measuring three dimensional shape
* Method of Mining Association Rules for Geographical Points of Interest, A
* Method of motion estimation in mobile device
* Method of Multi-Angle Remote Sensing Observation Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the Validation of BRDF, The
* method of multi-factorization for recognizing emotions from gestures, A
* Method of multi-level facial image recognition and system using the same
* Method of multi-region tumour segmentation in brain MRI images using grid-based segmentation and weighted bee swarm optimisation
* method of N-grams in large-scale clustering of DNA texts, The
* Method of Non-Rigid Correspondence for Automatic Landmark Identification, A
* Method of Normalization to Determine Invariants, The
* Method of Obtaining Ice Concentration and Floe Size From Shipboard Oblique Sea Ice Images, A
* Method of Obtaining the Relative Positions of Four Points from Three Perspective Projections, A
* Method of OCR template enhancement by pixel weighting
* Method of optical character recognition
* Method of optical mark recognition
* Method of Optimizing Terrain Rendering Using Digital Terrain Analysis, A
* method of optimum transformation of 3D objects used as a measure of shape dissimilarity, A
* Method of paired transforms for reconstruction of images from projections: discrete model
* Method of Panchromatic Image Modification for Satellite Imagery Data Fusion, A
* Method of Perceptual-Based Shape Decomposition, A
* Method of Phase-Locked Loop Performance Testing, A
* Method of phase unwrapping-free DEM reconstruction of InSAS
* Method of Population Spatialization Considering Parametric Spatial Stationarity: Case Study of the Southwestern Area of China, A
* Method of Position Calibration for Digital Camera, A
* Method of Potentially Promising Network for Crack Detection With Enhanced Convolution and Dynamic Feature Fusion, A
* Method of Predicting the Probability of Human Observers Recognizing Targets in Simulated Thermal Images
* Method of presence detection using video input
* method of processing color image watermarking based on the Haar wavelet, A
* Method of processing video image data for use in the storage or transmission of moving digital images
* Method of producing a high quality, high resolution image from a sequence of low quality, low resolution images that are undersampled and subject to jitter
* Method of producing a three-dimensional image from two-dimensional images
* Method of providing background patterns for camera tracking
* Method of railway shunting operation sheet information extraction guided by table header
* method of rate control of wavelet picture coding using dynamic programming, A
* method of reactive zoom control from uncertainty in tracking, A
* Method of Real-Time Gesture Recognition for Interactive Systems, A
* method of real-time recognition of moving objects and its application, A
* Method of Recognition for Handwritten Block Capitals, A
* Method of Recognition of Arabic Cursive Handwriting, A
* Method of Recognition of Korean Characters by Tree Grammars, A
* Method of recognizing handwritten symbols
* Method of recognizing images of faces or general images using fuzzy combination of multiple resolutions
* Method of Reducing Speckle Noise of SAR Images Based on Wavelets and Wedgelet HMT Models, A
* Method of Reduction of Artifacts of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, A
* Method of Repeat Photoclinometry for Detecting Kilometer-Scale Ice Sheet Surface Evolution, A
* Method of reproducing a picture having improved resolution
* Method of Retrieving BRDF from Surface-Reflected Radiance Using Decoupling of Atmospheric Radiative Transfer and Surface Reflection, A
* Method of Robust Seam Feature Detection from Profiles for Robotic Sealing, A
* Method of SAR Image Automatic Target Recognition Based on Convolution Auto-Encode and Support Vector Machine, A
* Method of Segmenting Apples Based on Gray-Centered RGB Color Space, A
* Method of segmenting characters in lines which may be skewed, for allowing improved optical character recognition
* Method of Selecting a Decontamination Site Deployment for Chemical Accident Consequences Elimination: Application of Multi-Criterial Analysis
* Method of selecting a target document using features of an example page
* Method of selecting the best enroll image for personal identification
* Method of separating text and graphs in digital image data
* Method of Shading and Shadowing in Image-Based Rendering, A
* Method of Ship Detection under Complex Background, A
* Method of Sieves for Multiresolution Spectrum Estimation and Radar Imaging, A
* method of single-shot target detection with multi-scale feature fusion and feature enhancement, A
* Method of skeletonizing a binary image using compressed run length data
* method of small object detection and tracking based on particle filters, A
* Method of smoothing image signals
* Method of Soil Moisture Content Estimation at Various Soil Organic Matter Conditions Based on Soil Reflectance, A
* method of solving pattern or image recognition problems by learning Boolean formulas, A
* Method of Sound Event Localization and Detection Based on Three-Dimension Convolution, A
* Method of Speckle Noise-Reduction for SAR Data, A
* Method of speed data fusion based on Bayesian combination algorithm and high-order multi-variable Markov model
* Method of Spread Spectrum Watermarking Using Quantization Index Modulation for Cropped Images
* method of storing and retrieving images of people, for example, in photographic archives and for the construction of identikit images, A
* method of style discrimination of oil painting based on 3D range data, A
* method of style transformation for line drawings based on mesh presentation, A
* method of synthesis of linear discriminant function in the case of nonseparability, A
* Method of Target Detection in Images by Moment Analysis of Correlation Peaks
* Method of tracking and sensing position of objects
* Method of tracking objects with an imaging device
* Method of tracking scene motion for live video insertion systems
* method of underwater bridge structure damage detection method based on a lightweight deep convolutional network, A
* Method of Urban Road Network Extraction Based On Floating Car Trajectory Data, A
* method of vector fields for catadioptric sensor design with applications to panoramic imaging, The
* Method of Vehicle Navigation System Correction Based on Processing of Distance Images Obtained by Laser Locator
* Method of verifying the presence of an eye in a close-up image
* Method of Vessel Tracking for Vessel Diameter Measurement on Retinal Images, A
* Method of vibroacoustic signal spectrum optimization in diagnostics of devices
* method of visibility forecast based on hierarchical sparse representation, A
* Method of Vision Aided GNSS Positioning Using Semantic Information in Complex Urban Environment, A
* method of visual metrology from uncalibrated images, A
* Method of Watershed Delineation for Flat Terrain Using Sentinel-2A Imagery and DEM: A Case Study of the Taihu Basin, A
* Method of Wavelength Selection and Spectral Discrimination of Hyperspectral Reflectance Spectrometry, A
* Method of Weather Radar Echo Extrapolation Based on Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Method of Whole-Network Adjustment for Clock Offset Based on Satellite-Ground and Inter-Satellite Link Observations, A
* Method of Wind Velocity Estimation Using a Tethered, Spherical Balloon with Standard Aviation Sensors, A
* Method to Accelerate the Convergence of Satellite Clock Offset Estimation Considering the Time-Varying Code Biases, A
* Method To Achieve Large Volume, High Accuracy Photogrammetric Measurements Through The Use Of An Actively Deformable Sensor Mounting Platform, A
* method to add Hidden Markov Models with application to learning articulated motion, A
* Method to Analyse the Motion of Solid Particle in Oscillatory Stream of a Viscous Liquid, A
* Method to Analyze Correlations between Multiple Brain Imaging Tasks to Characterize Schizophrenia, A
* Method to Analyze Preferred MTF for Printing Medium Including Paper, A
* Method to Analyze the Potential of Optical Remote Sensing for Benthic Habitat Mapping, A
* Method to Automatically Detect Changes in Multitemporal Spectral Indices: Application to Natural Disaster Damage Assessment, A
* Method to Better Account for Modulation Transfer Functions in ARSIS-Based Pansharpening Methods, A
* Method to Build Classification and Regression Trees, A
* Method to Calculate the Structure and Motion Parameters from Line Correspondences, A
* Method to Calibrate Vehicle-Mounted Cameras Under Urban Traffic Scenes, A
* method to combine visual and infrared face image verification systems, A
* Method to compensate for a fade in a digital video input sequence
* method to compute distance between two categorical values of same attribute in unsupervised learning for categorical data set, A
* Method to Construct an Environmental Vulnerability Model Based on Multi-Source Data to Evaluate the Hazard of Short-Term Precipitation-Induced Flooding, A
* Method to Contrast Enhancement of Digital Dense Breast Images Aimed to Detect Clustered Microcalcifications, A
* Method to Correct Artifacts in Multilead ECG Using Signal Entropy
* Method to Correct for Scatter, Spillover, and Partial Volume Effects in Region of Interest Analysis in PET, A
* Method to Correct Intensity Inhomogeneity in MR Images for Atherosclerosis Characterization
* Method to Create a Metaverse Using Smartphone Data
* Method to Create Stable Lighting and Remove Specular Reflections for Vision Systems, A
* method to design conspicuous region using color features, A
* Method to Design Filters for Image Smoothing, A
* Method to Detect and Characterize Ellipses Using the Hough Transform, A
* Method to Detect and Track Moving Airplanes from a Satellite Video, A
* Method to detect malfunctioning traffic count stations
* Method to Detect Pavement Surface Distress Based on Improved U-Net Semantic Segmentation Network, A
* Method to Detect Repeated Unknown Patterns in an Image, A
* Method to Determine the Centroid of Non-Homogeneous Polygons Based on Suspension Theory
* method to determine the size of the structuring element in morphological correction of non-uniform illumination, A
* Method to Determine the Spatial Resolution Required to Observe Air Quality From Space, A
* Method to Downscale MODIS Surface Reflectance Using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Method to Downscale Satellite Microwave Land-Surface Temperature, A
* Method to Enhance Face Biometric Security, A
* Method to Estimate Biomechanics and Mechanical Properties of Optic Nerve Head Tissues From Parameters Measurable Using Optical Coherence Tomography, A
* Method to Estimate Clear-Sky Albedo of Paddy Rice Fields, A
* method to estimate leaf area index from VIIRS surface reflectance using deep transfer learning, A
* Method To Estimate Temporal Interaction In A Conditional Random Field Based Approach For Crop Recognition, A
* Method to Generate Artificial 2D Shape Contour Based in Fourier Transform and Genetic Algorithms, A
* Method to Identify Urban Fringe Area Based on the Industry Density of POI, A
* Method To Improve Classification With Shape Information, A
* method to improve HEVC lossless coding of volumetric medical images, A
* Method to Improve High-Resolution Sea Ice Drift Retrievals in the Presence of Deformation Zones, A
* method to Improve metric index VP-tree for multimedia databases, A
* method to improve the accuracy of SAR image change detection by using an image enhancement method, A
* method to improve the lateral resolution of ultrasonic intravascular imaging, A
* Method to Improve the Lining Images Quality in Complex Tunnel Scenes, A
* Method to Improve the Stego-Image Quality for Palette-Based Image Steganography, A
* Method to Improve UI Rendering using Predictive Sequence Modelling
* Method to Increase the Scanning Rate of Phased-Array Weather Radar, A
* Method to increase the visibility of game objects during telecasting
* method to interpret 3D motion using neural networks, A
* method to make multiple hypotheses with high cumulative recognition rate using SVMs, A
* method to measure data complexity of a complicated medical data set, A
* Method to Obtain Orange Crop Geometry Information Using a Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanner and 3D Modeling, A
* Method To Obtain Position Using GNSS and RFID for Realization of Indoor and Outdoor Seamless Positioning, The
* Method to Obtain the Integrated Contour Image in Colour Scenes, A
* Method to Perform a Fast Fourier Transform With Primitive Image Transformations, A
* Method to quality assessment of stereo images
* Method to Reconstruct the Solar-Induced Canopy Fluorescence Spectrum from Hyperspectral Measurements, A
* Method to Reduce the Bias on Digital Terrain Model and Canopy Height Model from LiDAR Data
* method to reduce the Gibbs ringing artifact in MRI scans while keeping tissue boundary integrity, A
* Method to Restore Multichannel Imagery, A
* method to segment moving vehicle cast shadow based on wavelet transform, A
* Method to Select Coherence Window Size for forest height estimation using PolInSAR Data, A
* method to simulate spatial-temporal spread of influenza using transportation and travel modeling approaches, A
* method to test differences between additional parameter sets with a case study in terrestrial laser scanner self-calibration stability analysis, A
* Method to Track Cortical Surface Deformations Using a Laser Range Scanner, A
* method to visualize the evolution of multiple interacting spatial systems, A
* method using uniform yellowing pigmentation to model the color perception of the elderly people, A
* Method with Adaptive Graphs to Constrain Multi-View Subspace Clustering of Geospatial Big Data from Multiple Sources, A
* Method, apparatus and computer program product for generating perspective corrected data from warped information
* Method, apparatus and computer program product for tracking objects in a warped video image
* Method, system and device for detecting an object proximate to a water/air type interface
* Methodes Variationnelles pour le Traitement d'images
* Methodical Alternatives to the Glacier Motion Measurement from Differential SAR Interferometry
* Methodological Ambiguity and Inconsistency Constrain Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as A Silver Bullet for Monitoring Ecological Restoration
* Methodological Approach for Estimating Temporal and Spatial Extent of Delays Caused by Freeway Accidents, A
* Methodological Approach to Incorporate the Involve of Stakeholders in the Geodesign Workflow of Transmission Line Projects
* Methodological development of a specific tool for assessing acceptability of assistive systems of powered two-wheeler-riders
* Methodological Developments in 3D Scanning and Modelling of Archaeological French Heritage Site: The Bronze Age Painted Cave of les Fraux, Dordogne (France)
* Methodological Framework for Mapping Canopy Cover Using ICESat-2 in the Southern USA, A
* Methodological Framework to Retrospectively Obtain Downscaled Precipitation Estimates over the Tibetan Plateau, A
* Methodological improvement on local Gabor face recognition based on feature selection and enhanced Borda count
* Methodological Innovations for Establishing Cemetery Spatial Databases: A UAV-Based Workflow Helping Small Communities
* Methodological Proposal for Automated Detection of the Wildland-Urban Interface: Application to the Metropolitan Regions of Madrid and Barcelona
* Methodological Proposal for Multispectral Stereo Matching
* Methodological Proposal for the Analysis of Lighting the House Building Façades, A
* Methodologies and Uncertainties in the Use of the Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index for the Sentinel-3 Mission
* Methodologies capture three-dimensional high-definition of sixteenth wooden frames. The case of works by Correggio
* Methodologies for Evaluating Thinning Algorithms for Character Recognition
* Methodologies in Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: A Brief Survey
* Methodologies used for evaluation of video tools and algorithms in MPEG-4
* Methodology and Information Content of the NOAA NESDIS Operational Channel Selection for the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)
* Methodology and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Railway On-Board Positioning Systems
* Methodology and Mobile Application for Driver Behavior Analysis and Accident Prevention
* Methodology and Modeling of UAV Push-Broom Hyperspectral BRDF Observation Considering Illumination Correction
* Methodology and Practice of the Evaluation of Image Retrieval Systems and Segmentation Methods toutes les pages., The
* Methodology for 3d Acquisition of Highly Reflective Goldsmithing Artefacts
* Methodology for a Canadian agricultural land cover classification
* Methodology for Accessing the Local Arrangement of the Sheetlets that Make up the Extracellular Heart Tissue, A
* Methodology for Acoustic Characterization of a Labial Constraint in Speech Production
* methodology for analyzing curvature in the developing brain from preterm to adult, A
* Methodology for Automated Vector-to-Image Registration, A
* Methodology for Automatic Selection of IU Algorithm Tuning Parameters, A
* Methodology for CO2 Retrieval Applied to Hyperspectral PRISMA Data, A
* Methodology for Combining Data Acquired by Unmanned Surface and Aerial Vehicles to Create Digital Bathymetric Models in Shallow and Ultra-Shallow Waters
* Methodology for Comparing the Surface Urban Heat Island in Selected Urban Agglomerations Around the World from Sentinel-3 SLSTR Data, A
* Methodology for Denoising and Generating Bus Infrastructure Data, A
* Methodology for Deriving Probabilistic Correctness Measures from Recognizers, A
* Methodology for Designing and Evaluating Cloud Scheduling Strategies in Distributed Videoconferencing Systems, A
* Methodology for Detection and Interpretation of Ground Motion Areas with the A-DInSAR Time Series Analysis
* Methodology For Determining Optimal Exposure Parameters Of A Hyperspectral Scanning Sensor
* Methodology for Determining the Nearest Destinations for the Evacuation of People and Equipment from a Disaster Area to a Safe Area
* Methodology for Developing a Combined Bathymetric and Topographic Surface Model Using Interpolation and Geodata Reduction Techniques
* Methodology for Document Image Dewarping Techniques Performance Evaluation, A
* Methodology for Empirical Performance Evaluation of Page Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Methodology for Energy-Flexibility Space Exploration and Mapping of Multimedia Applications to Single-Processor Platform Styles
* Methodology for Evaluating Edge Detection Techniques for Range Images, A
* Methodology for Evaluating Illumination Artifact Removal for Corresponding Images, A
* Methodology for Evaluating Range Image Segmentation Techniques, A
* Methodology for Evaluating the Quality of Ecosystem Maps: A Case Study in the Andes
* methodology for evaluation of boundary detection algorithms on medical images, A
* Methodology for Evaluation of Task-Performance in Robotic Systems: A Case-Study in Vision-Based Localization, A
* Methodology for Experimental Computer Vision
* methodology for extracting objective color from images, A
* Methodology for Extracting Standing Human Bodies From Single Images, A
* Methodology for filtering of depth maps based on the MCbR algorithm supported by color, shape and neighboring features
* Methodology for Generating Service Areas That Accounts for Linear Barriers, A
* Methodology for Georeferencing and Mosaicking Corona Imagery in Semi-Arid Environments, A
* Methodology for Heterogeneous Sensor Data Organization and Near Real-Time Data Sharing by Adopting OGC SWE Standards, A
* Methodology for Identifying Secondary Succession in Non-Forest Natura 2000 Habitats Using Multi-Source Airborne Remote Sensing Data, The
* Methodology for Increasing the Measurement Accuracy of Image Features
* Methodology for Interactive Spatial Visualization of Automotive Function Architectures for Development and Maintenance, A
* Methodology For Landslide Monitoring In A Road Cut By Means Of Terrestrial Laser-scanning Techniques
* Methodology for Lidar Monitoring of Biomass Burning Smoke in Connection with the Land Cover
* Methodology for Mapping Scores to Probabilities, A
* Methodology for Mapping the Ecological Security Pattern and Ecological Network in the Arid Region of Xinjiang, China
* Methodology for Maximizing Information Transmission of Haptic Devices: A Survey
* Methodology for Multiobjective Optimization of the AC Railway Power Supply System
* Methodology for National Scale Coastal Landcover Mapping in New Zealand, A
* methodology for near real-time change detection between Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and wide area satellite images, A
* Methodology for O-D matrix estimation using the revealed paths of floating car data on large-scale networks
* Methodology For Orientation And Fusion Of Photogrammetric And Lidar Datas For Multitemporal Studies
* Methodology for Participatory GIS Risk Mapping and Citizen Science for Solotvyno Salt Mines
* Methodology for Pattern Matching of Complex Objects, A
* Methodology for Planar Representation of Frescoed Oval Domes: Formulation and Testing on Pisa Cathedral, A
* methodology for prior management of temporal data quality in a data mining process, A
* Methodology for Processing of 3D Multibeam Sonar Big Data for Comparative Navigation
* Methodology for Processing Seismograms Containing Total Internal Reflections
* methodology for quality assessment in tensor images, A
* Methodology for quantification of fuel reduction potential for adaptive cruise control relevant driving strategies
* Methodology for Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Detection Algorithms, A
* methodology for rapid illumination-invariant face recognition using image processing filters, A
* Methodology for Real Time Scene Analysis, A
* Methodology for Reconstructing Early Zebrafish Development From In Vivo Multiphoton Microscopy
* Methodology for Regional Soil Organic Matter Prediction with Spectroscopy: Optimal Sample Grouping, Input Variables, and Prediction Model
* methodology for resolving severely occluded vehicles based on component-based multi-resolution relational graph matching, A
* methodology for solving problems: Problem Modeling and Heuristic Generation, A
* Methodology for Spatial Consistency Improvement of Geographic Databases, A
* Methodology for Special Symbol Recognitions, A
* methodology for specifying PET VOIs using multimodality techniques, A
* Methodology for the Automatic Extraction and Generation of Non-Verbal Signals Sequences Conveying Interpersonal Attitudes, A
* Methodology for the Characterization of the Performance of Thinning Algorithms, A
* Methodology for the Definition of Durum Wheat Yield Homogeneous Zones by Using Satellite Spectral Indices
* Methodology for the design of NN-based month-word recognizers written on Brazilian bank checks
* Methodology for the Efficient Progressive Distribution and Visualization of 3D Building Objects
* Methodology for the Estimation of Effort for a Project of Virtual Reality: A Case Study: Ennui
* Methodology for the Inspection and Monitoring of the Roof Tiles and Concrete Components of the Sydney Opera House, A
* Methodology for the Reconstruction of 2D Horizontal Wind Fields of Wind Turbine Wakes Based on Dual-Doppler Lidar Measurements, A
* Methodology for the registration of whole SLO sequences
* Methodology for the Representation, Indexing and Retrieval of Images by Content
* Methodology for Visually Lossless JPEG2000 Compression of Monochrome Stereo Images, A
* methodology for woody crop location and discrimination in remote sensing, A
* Methodology of Calculating the Number of Trees Based on ALS Data for Forestry Applications for the Area of Samlawki Forest District
* Methodology of Combining HMM and MLP Classifiers for Cursive Word Recognition, A
* Methodology of Creating Variable Resolution Maps Based on the Example of Passability Maps, The
* Methodology of hierarchical collision avoidance for high-speed self-driving vehicle based on motion-decoupled extraction of scenarios
* Methodology of Processing Single-Strip Blocks of Imagery with Reduction and Optimization Number of Ground Control Points in UAV Photogrammetry
* Methodology of Sub-Catchment Division Considering Land Uses and Flow Directions
* Methodology of the Maximum Likelihood Approach: Estimation, Detection, and Exploration of Seismic Events, The
* Methodology Research in Exploring Geothermal Resources by Using Infrared Remote Sensing
* Methodology to Adapt Photogrammetric Models to Virtual Reality For Oculus Gear VR, A
* Methodology to Assess Land Use Development, Flooding, and Wetland Change as Indicators of Coastal Vulnerability, A
* Methodology to Assess Quality, Presence, Empathy, Attitude, and Attention in 360-degree Videos for Immersive Communications
* Methodology to Attain Public Transit Origin-Destination Mobility Patterns Using Multi-Layered Mesoscopic Analysis, A
* methodology to characterize 4D post-failure slope instability dynamics using remote sensing measurements: A case study of the Aniangzhai landslide in Sichuan, Southwest China, A
* Methodology to Detect and Characterize Uplift Phenomena in Urban Areas Using Sentinel-1 Data, A
* Methodology to Detect and Update Active Deformation Areas Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Images, A
* Methodology to Determine Radio-Frequency Interference in AMSR2 Observations, A
* methodology to discover and understand complex patterns: Interpreted Integrative Multiview Clustering (I2MC), A
* Methodology to Generate Integrated Land Cover Data for Land Surface Model by Improving Dempster-Shafer Theory, A
* Methodology to Monitor Urban Expansion and Green Space Change Using a Time Series of Multi-Sensor SPOT and Sentinel-2A Images, A
* methodology to select particle morpho-chemical characteristics to use in source apportionment of particulate matter from livestock houses, A
* Methodology to Simulate LST Directional Effects Based on Parametric Models and Landscape Properties, A
* Methods and Algorithms of Subsurface Holographic Sounding
* Methods and apparatus for automatic background and contrast control
* Methods and apparatus for changing the repetition rate of image data, and for detecting still images and scene changes in image data
* Methods and apparatus for defining contours in colored images
* Methods and apparatus for gesture recognition based on templates
* Methods and apparatus for motion estimation using causal templates
* Methods and apparatus for nearly lossless-concatenated block transform coding
* Methods and apparatus for selecting semantically significant images in a document image without decoding image content
* Methods and apparatus for separating integer and fractional portions of a financial amount
* Methods and apparatus for tracking internal structures in soft objects: A phantom-based study
* Methods and apparatus for using image data to determine camera location and orientation
* Methods and apparatus for zooming during capture and reproduction of 3-dimensional images
* Methods and apparatus to count people appearing in an image
* Methods and apparatuses for detecting classifying and measuring spot defects in an image of an object
* Methods and apparatuses for interactive similarity searching, retrieval, and browsing of video
* Methods and apparatuses for measuring an extent of a group of objects within an image
* Methods and apparatuses for segmenting an audio-visual recording using image similarity searching and audio speaker recognition
* Methods and apparatuses for video segmentation, classification, and retrieval using image class statistical models
* Methods and Application of Archeological Cloud Platform for Grand Sites Based on Spatio-Temporal Big Data
* Methods and architecture for indexing and editing compressed video over the world wide web
* Methods and devices for producing and using synthetic visual speech based on natural coarticulation
* Methods and geometry for plane-based self-calibration
* Methods and systems for real-time structured light depth extraction and endoscope using real-time structured light depth extraction
* Methods and techniques to support the development of fraud detection system
* Methods and Tools for Wavelet-Based Scalable Multiview Video Coding
* Methods and Tools to Construct a Global Indoor Positioning System
* Methods and tools to enjoy and to study inaccessible Heritage
* Methods for accuracy-preserving acceleration of large-scale comparisons in CPU-based iris recognition systems
* Methods for adaptive combination of classifiers with application to recognition of handwritten characters
* Methods for Approximating Loop Subdivision Using Tessellation Enabled GPUs
* Methods for automated segmentation of trabecular bone structure
* Methods for Automatic Extraction of Regularity Patterns and its Application to Object-Oriented Image Classification
* Methods for choosing the regularization parameter and estimating the noise variance in image restoration and their relation
* Methods for Combination of Evidence in Function-Based 3-D Object Recognition
* Methods for Combined Monocular and Stereo Mobile Robot Localization
* Methods for computing weighting tables based on local power expansion for tristimulus values computations
* Methods for converting a video signal into a black/white signal
* Methods for countering attacks on image watermarking schemes: Overview
* Methods for digitally noise averaging and illumination equalizing fingerprint images
* Methods for Displaying Three-Dimensional Images
* Methods for dynamic classifier selection
* Methods for Earth-Observing Satellite Surface Reflectance Validation
* Methods for Effective Sonification of Clarinetists' Ancillary Gestures
* Methods for Evaluating the Performance of Systems Intended to Recognize Characters from Image Data Scanned from Forms
* Methods for Exploiting the Relationship between Buildings and Their Shadows in Aerial Imagery
* Methods for Fast Morphological Image Transforms Using Bitmapped Binary Images
* Methods for Fine Registration of Cadastre Graphs to Images
* Methods for FMCW radar map georeferencing
* Methods for gamma invariant colour image processing
* Methods for Generating Blue Noise Dither Matrices for Digital Half-Toning
* Methods for Geometric Accuracy Investigations of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Systems
* Methods for geometrical video projector calibration
* Methods for hierarchical analysis of concavities
* Methods for improving the tone mapping for backward compatible high dynamic range image and video coding
* Methods for Inferring Route Choice of Commuting Trip From Mobile Phone Network Data
* Methods for Interpreting Perspective Images
* Methods for Invariant Signature Classification
* Methods for Large-Scale Monitoring of District Heating Systems Using Airborne Thermography
* Methods for local phase quantization in blur-insensitive image analysis
* Methods for matching compressed video to ATM networks
* Methods for Measuring Small Displacements of Television Images
* Methods for motion estimation with adaptive motion accuracy
* Methods for Multiloop Identification of Visual and Neuromuscular Pilot Responses
* Methods for multisource color normalization
* Methods For Multitemporal Analysis Of Satellite Data Aimed At Environmental Risk Monitoring
* Methods for Numerical Integration of High Dimensional Posterior Densities with Application to Statistical Image Models
* Methods for performing 2-dimensional maximum differences coding and decoding during real-time facsimile image compression and apparatus therefor
* Methods for Predicting Spectral Response of Fibers Blends
* Methods for quantification of systematic distance deviations under incidence angle with scanning total stations
* Methods for Reconstruction of 2-D Sequences from Fourier-Transform Magnitude
* Methods for reducing visual discomfort in stereoscopic 3D: A review
* Methods for registration of three-dimensional frames to create three-dimensional virtual models of objects
* Methods for segmenting cracks in 3d images of concrete: A comparison based on semi-synthetic images
* Methods for space line localization from single catadioptric images: new proposals and comparisons
* Methods for text segmentation from scene images
* Methods for the automatic geometric registration of terrestrial laser scanner point clouds in forest stands
* Methods for the identification and removal of outliers from mobile terrestrial LiDAR data
* Methods For The Update And Verification of Forest Surface Model
* Methods for Visualization of Bone Tissue in the Proximity of Implants
* Methods for Volumetric Reconstruction of Visual Scenes
* Methods for Written Ancient Music Restoration
* Methods of Analysis of Neural Nets
* Methods of Analyzing the Error and Rectifying the Calibration of a Solar Tracking System for High-Precision Solar Tracking in Orbit
* Methods of analyzing traffic imagery collected from aerial platforms
* Methods of Artificial Enlargement of the Training Set for Statistical Shape Models
* Methods of Combining Multiple Classifiers and Their Applications to Handwriting Recognition
* Methods of compressing and reproducing color image data
* Methods of Digital Restoration of Signals Degraded by a Stochastic Impulse Response
* Methods of evaluating electric vehicles from a user's perspective: The MINI E field trial in Berlin
* Methods of Evaluating the Usability of Human- Computer Interaction (HCI) Design in Mobile Devices for SAR Operation
* Methods of Rapid Quality Assessment for National-Scale Land Surface Change Monitoring
* Methods of reduced-complexity overlapped block motion compensation
* Methods of Sandy Land Detection in a Sparse-Vegetation Scene Based on the Fusion of HJ-2A Hyperspectral and GF-3 SAR Data
* Methods of Traffic Flow Measurement using Spatio-Temporal Image
* Methods of Visualizing Landing Performance in Low-visibility ILS Approaches (preliminary Findings)
* Methods to Calibrate a Digital Colour Camera as a Multispectral Imaging Sensor in Low Light Conditions
* Methods to Detect Edge Effected Reductions in Fire Frequency in Simulated Forest Landscapes
* Methods to explore design space for MPEG RMC codec specifications
* Methods to Improve Coding Efficiency of SP Frames
* Methods to Improve the Accuracy and Robustness of Satellite-Derived Bathymetry through Processing of Optically Deep Waters
* Methods to Quantify Regional Differences in Land Cover Change
* Methods to reduce cybersickness and enhance presence for in-place navigation techniques
* Methods to Retrieve the Cloud-Top Height in the Frame of the JEM-EUSO Mission
* Methods, apparatus, and program products for presenting panoramic images of a remote location
* Methods, report and survey for the comparison of diverse isolated character recognition results on the UNIPEN database
* Methods, systems, and computer program products for imperceptibly embedding structured light patterns in projected color images for display on planar and non-planar surfaces
* Meticulous Land Cover Classification of High-Resolution Images Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network with Gaussian Regression Model
* Meticulously Detailed Eye Region Model and Its Application to Analysis of Facial Images
* Metop First Generation AVHRR FRAC SST Reanalysis Version 1
* METransformer: Radiology Report Generation by Transformer with Multiple Learnable Expert Tokens
* Metric-Based Pairwise and Multiple Image Registration
* Metric-Based Regularization and Temporal Ensemble for Multi-Task Learning using Heterogeneous Unsupervised Tasks
* Metric-based shape retrieval in large databases
* Metric-Driven Learning of Correspondence Weighting for 2-D/3-D Image Registration
* Metric-induced optimal embedding for intrinsic 3D shape analysis
* Metric-Promoted Siamese Network for Gender Classification
* Metric-Scale Truncation-Robust Heatmaps for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Metric-Topological Approach to Shape Representation and Recognition
* Metric 3D Reconstruction and Texture Acquisition of Surfaces of Revolution from a Single Uncalibrated View
* Metric 3D Surface Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* Metric Accuracy of Digital Elevation Models from WorldView-3 Stereo-Pairs in Urban Areas
* Metric Accuracy Testing with Mobile Phone Cameras
* Metric Affine Geometry
* Metric and Color Modifications for the Automated Construction of Map Symbols
* Metric and Multiscale Color Segmentation Using the Color Monogenic Signal, A
* Metric Approach to nD Images Edge Detection with Clifford Algebras, A
* Metric Approach to Vector-Valued Image Segmentation, A
* Metric Bases for Polyhedral Gauges
* Metric Bases in Digital Geometry
* Metric between Unrooted and Unordered Trees and Its Bottom-Up Computing Method, A
* Metric Calibration of a Stereo Rig
* Metric corrections of the affine camera
* Metric depth recovery from monocular images using Shape-from-Shading and specularities
* Metric Documentation of Cultural Heritage: Research Directions From The Italian Gamher Project
* Metric Driven Classification: A Non-Parametric Approach Based on the Henze-Penrose Test Statistic
* Metric Evaluation Pipeline for 3D Modeling of Urban Scenes
* Metric Feature Indexing for Interactive Multimedia Search
* Metric for Comparing Relational Descriptions, A
* metric for continuous quality evaluation of compressed video with severe distortions, A
* Metric for Distributions with Applications to Image Databases, A
* Metric for Evaluating 3D Reconstruction and Mapping Performance with no Ground Truthing, A
* Metric for Evaluating the Geometric Quality of Land Cover Maps Generated with Contextual Features from High-Dimensional Satellite Image Time Series without Dense Reference Data, A
* Metric for Light Field Reconstruction, Compression, and Display Quality Evaluation, A
* Metric for Line Segments, A
* Metric for Quantifying Image Quality Induced Saliency Variation, A
* Metric for Spatial Data Layers in Favorability Mapping for Geological Events, A
* Metric For Spatial Lines, A
* Metric for Video Blending Quality Assessment, A
* Metric hull as similarity-aware operator for representing unstructured data
* Metric imitation by manifold transfer for efficient vision applications
* Metric in Feature Space
* Metric invariants for unitary transformations and their application in character recognition
* Metric learning-based kernel transformer with triplets and label constraints for feature fusion
* Metric Learning-Based Multimodal Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition
* Metric Learning-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Skeleton Hand Activities Categorization
* Metric Learning as Convex Combinations of Local Models with Generalization Guarantees
* Metric learning based automatic segmentation of patterned species
* Metric Learning Based Interactive Modulation for Real-World Super-Resolution
* Metric learning based on attribute hypergraph
* Metric Learning Based Structural Appearance Model for Robust Visual Tracking
* Metric learning by directly minimizing the k-NN training error
* Metric learning by discriminant neighborhood embedding
* Metric learning by simultaneously learning linear transformation matrix and weight matrix for person re-identification
* Metric Learning for Approximation of Microwave Channel Error Covariance: Application for Satellite Retrieval of Drizzle and Light Snowfall
* Metric learning for graph based semi-supervised human pose estimation
* Metric Learning for Image Alignment
* Metric Learning for Image Registration
* Metric Learning for Large Scale Image Classification: Generalizing to New Classes at Near-Zero Cost
* Metric Learning for Multi-Output Tasks
* Metric Learning for Text Documents
* Metric Learning from Imbalanced Data with Generalization Guarantees
* Metric Learning from Poses for Temporal Clustering of Human Motion
* Metric Learning in Dissimilarity Space for Improved Nearest Neighbor Performance
* Metric Learning in the Dissimilarity Space to Improve Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Metric Learning on the Manifold of Oriented Ellipses: Application to Facial Expression Recognition
* Metric Learning Reality Check, A
* Metric Learning Using Iwasawa Decomposition
* Metric learning via feature weighting for scalable image retrieval
* Metric learning via perturbing hard-to-classify instances
* Metric Learning with A-based Scalar Product for Image-set Recognition
* Metric Learning With HORDE: High-Order Regularizer for Deep Embeddings
* Metric learning with trace-norm regularization for person re-identification
* Metric learning with two-dimensional smoothness for visual analysis
* Metric Learning
* Metric Learning, Re-Identification Issues
* Metric Learning: A general dimension reduction framework for classification and visualization
* Metric Localisation for the NAO Robot
* Metric measurement on arbitrary planes in 2 images using the conformal point
* Metric mixtures for mutual information (M3I) tracking
* Metric of choosing the optimal parameter setting for edge aware filtering
* metric of identification performance of biometrics based on information content, A
* Metric Optimization for Surface Analysis in the Laplace-Beltrami Embedding Space
* metric parametrization for trifocal tensors with non-colinear pinholes, A
* Metric planar rectification from perspective view via circles
* Metric plane rectification using symmetric vanishing points
* Metric reconstruction of planes utilizing off-the-plane features
* Metric Reconstruction with Missing Data under Weak Perspective
* Metric Rectification for Perspective Images of Planes
* Metric Rectification of Curved Document Images
* Metric Rectification of Spherical Images
* Metric Rectification to Estimate the Aspect Ratio of Camera-Captured Document Images
* Metric Regression Forests for Correspondence Estimation
* Metric Regression Forests for Human Pose Estimation
* Metric Self Calibration from Screw-Transform Manifolds
* Metric Similarities Learning through Examples: An Application to Shape Retrieval
* Metric Spaces, Euler Equations, and Normal Geodesic Image Motions of Computational Anatomy, The
* Metric Structures on Datasets: Stability and Classification of Algorithms
* Metric Survey and BIM Technologies to Record Decay Conditions
* Metric Survey Of The Monument Of Queen Elisenda's Tomb In The Monastery Of Pedralbes, Barcelona
* Metric Tensor and Christoffel Symbols Based 3D Object Categorization
* Metric tensor for multicomponent edge detection
* Metric tree partitioning and Taylor approximation for fast support vector classification
* Metric Unified Treatment of Two-Dimensional FFT, A
* Metric, Topological, and Syntactic Accessibility in Three-Dimensional Urban Networked Spaces: Modeling Options and Visualization
* Metric3D: Towards Zero-shot Metric 3D Prediction from A Single Image
* Metrical neighborhood sequences in Zn
* Metrication Errors and Coding Efficiency of Chain-Encoding Schemes for the Representation of Lines and Edges
* Metricity of Super-Knight's Distance in Digital Geometry
* Metricity Preserving Transforms
* MetricOpt: Learning to Optimize Black-Box Evaluation Metrics
* Metrics and Optimization Techniques for Registration of Color to Laser Range Scans
* Metrics and statistics of frequency of occurrence of metamerism in consumer cameras for natural scenes
* Metrics for 3D Rotations: Comparison and Analysis
* Metrics for aerial, urban lidar point clouds
* Metrics for Assessing the Similarity of Microwave Breast Imaging Scans of Healthy Volunteers
* Metrics for evaluating performance in document analysis: Application to tables
* Metrics for Objective Evaluation of Background Subtraction Algorithms
* Metrics for Performance Evaluation of Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Without Ground-truth
* Metrics for Real-Time Mono-VSLAM Evaluation Including IMU Induced Drift with Application to UAV Flight
* Metrics for the Quantification of Seeding Characteristics to Enhance Image Velocimetry Performance in Rivers
* Metrics for the Strength of Low-Level Motion Perception
* Metrics of Coral Reef Structural Complexity Extracted from 3D Mesh Models and Digital Elevation Models
* Metrics of Lidar-Derived 3D Vegetation Structure Reveal Contrasting Effects of Horizontal and Vertical Forest Heterogeneity on Bird Species Richness
* Metrics to Compare Vector Quantization
* Metrics useful in network tomography studies
* Metrics, Connections, and Correspondence: The Setting for Groupwise Shape Analysis
* Metro maps for efficient knowledge learning by summarizing massive electronic textbooks
* Metro Passenger Flow Prediction via Dynamic Hypergraph Convolution Networks
* Metro railway security algorithms with realworld experience adapted to the RATP dataset
* Metro timetable optimisation for minimising carbon emission and passenger time: a bi-objective integer programming approach
* Metro Traffic Regulation by Adaptive Optimal Control
* Metrological Analysis of a Procedure for the Automatic 3D Modeling of Dental Plaster Casts
* Metrological Characterization for Vital Sign Detection by a Bioradar
* Metrological Measurement of Texture in Hyperspectral Images Using Relocated Spectral Difference Occurrence Matrix, A
* Metrology and The BIM Approach: A New Cognitive Paradigm About the Ancient Construction, The
* Metrology Assessment of the Accuracy of Precipitable Water Vapor Estimates from GPS Data Acquisition in Tropical Areas: The Tahiti Case
* Metrology Enabled Reflection Transformation Imaging to Reconstruct Local Detail In Manufactured Surfaces
* Metrology from Vertical Objects
* Metrology in quality control of nuts
* Metrology in Uncalibrated Images Given One Vanishing Point
* Metrology of Directional, Spectral Reflectance Factor Measurements Based on Area Format Imaging by UAVs, The
* Metrology of Image Processing in Spectral Reflectance Measurement by UAV
* Metropogis: a city information system
* METROPOGIS: A Feature Based City Modeling System
* MetropoGIS: A Semi-Automatic City Documentation System
* Metropolis-Hasting techniques for finite-element-based registration
* Metropolis monte carlo for tomographic reconstruction with prior smoothness information
* Metropolises in the Twittersphere: An Informetric Investigation of Informational Flows and Networks
* Metropolitan Segment Traffic Speeds From Massive Floating Car Data in 10 Cities
* METU-MMDS: An Intelligent Multimedia Database System for Multimodal Content Extraction and Querying
* METU dataset: A big dataset for benchmarking trademark retrieval
* Metu Loss: Metric Learning With Entangled Triplet Unified Loss
* MEVA: A Large-Scale Multiview, Multimodal Video Dataset for Activity Detection
* MEVID: Multi-view Extended Videos with Identities for Video Person Re-Identification
* MeViS: A Large-scale Benchmark for Video Segmentation with Motion Expressions
* MeViT: A Medium-Resolution Vision Transformer for Semantic Segmentation on Landsat Satellite Imagery for Agriculture in Thailand
* MEViT: Motion Enhanced Video Transformer for Video Classification
* MEXaction2 action detection and localization dataset
* Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* MF-BERT: Multimodal Fusion in Pre-Trained BERT for Sentiment Analysis
* MF-CNN: Traffic Flow Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-Features Fusion
* MF-GAN: Multi-conditional Fusion Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* MF-LRTC: Multi-filters guided low-rank tensor coding for image restoration
* MF-Net: Multi-frequency intrusion detection network for Internet traffic data
* MFAN: A Multi-Projection Fusion Attention Network for No-Reference and Full-Reference Panoramic Image Quality Assessment
* MFAN: Mixing Feature Attention Network for trajectory prediction
* MFANet: A Multi-Level Feature Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Land Cover
* MFANet: Multifaceted Feature Aggregation Network for Oil Stains Detection of High-Speed Trains
* MFAS: Multimodal Fusion Architecture Search
* MFAST: a single chip highly parallel image processing architecture
* MFATNet: Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation via Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* MFAUNet: Multiscale feature attentive U-Net for cardiac MRI structural segmentation
* MFC-Net: Multi-Feature Fusion Cross Neural Network for Salient Object Detection
* MFC Datasets: Large-Scale Benchmark Datasets for Media Forensic Challenge Evaluation
* MFC: A Modular Line Camera for 3D World Modelling
* MFCANet: A Road Scene Segmentation Network Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion and Context Information Aggregation
* MFCD-Net: Cross Attention Based Multimodal Fusion Network for DPC Imagery Cloud Detection
* MFCFlow: A Motion Feature Compensated Multi-Frame Recurrent Network for Optical Flow Estimation
* MFCNET: End-to-End Approach for Change Detection in Images
* MFDNet: Collaborative Poses Perception and Matrix Fisher Distribution for Head Pose Estimation
* MFDTs: Mean Field Dynamic Trees
* MFECLIP: CLIP With Mapping-Fusion Embedding for Text-Guided Image Editing
* MFF: An effective method of solving the ill regions in stereo matching
* MFFA-SARNET: Deep Transferred Multi-Level Feature Fusion Attention Network with Dual Optimized Loss for Small-Sample SAR ATR
* MFFE: Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Enhanced Net for Image Dehazing
* MFFENet: Multiscale Feature Fusion and Enhancement Network For RGB-Thermal Urban Road Scene Parsing
* MFFN: Multi-Path Feedback Fusion Network for Lightweight Image Super Resolution
* MFFN: Multi-view Feature Fusion Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* MFFNet: Multi-Modal Feature Fusion Network for V-D-T Salient Object Detection
* MFFNet: Single facial depth map refinement using multi-level feature fusion
* MFFPN: an Anchor-Free Method for Patent Drawing Object Detection
* MFGCN: A Multimodal Fusion Graph Convolutional Network for Online Car-Hailing Demand Prediction
* MFGFNet: A Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Change Detection Network Using the Global Filter in the Frequency Domain
* MFGNet: Dynamic Modality-Aware Filter Generation for RGB-T Tracking
* MFHI: Taking Modality-Free Human Identification as Zero-Shot Learning
* MFI-Net: Multi-Feature Fusion Identification Networks for Artificial Intelligence Manipulation
* MFI: Multi-range Feature Interchange for Video Action Recognition
* MFIALane: Multiscale Feature Information Aggregator Network for Lane Detection
* MFIF-GAN: A new generative adversarial network for multi-focus image fusion
* MFIL-FCOS: A Multi-Scale Fusion and Interactive Learning Method for 2D Object Detection and Remote Sensing Image Detection
* MFIM: Megapixel Facial Identity Manipulation
* MFINet: Multi-Scale Feature Interaction Network for Change Detection of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* MFMAM: Image inpainting via multi-scale feature module with attention module
* MFNet-LE: Multilevel fusion network with Laplacian embedding for face presentation attacks detection
* MFNet: A Novel GNN-Based Multi-Level Feature Network With Superpixel Priors
* MFNet: Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation in Road Scenes
* MFNet: Multi-filter Directive Network for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection
* MFNet: Multi-Level Feature Extraction and Fusion Network for Large-Scale Point Cloud Classification
* MFNet: Multiclass Few-Shot Segmentation Network with Pixel-Wise Metric Learning
* MFNet: Mutual Feature-Aware Networks for Remote Sensing Change Detection
* MFNet: Panoptic segmentation network based on multiscale feature weighted fusion and frequency domain attention mechanism
* MFNet: Real-Time Motion Focus Network for Video Frame Interpolation
* MFO-based thresholded and weighted histogram scheme for brightness preserving image enhancement
* MFP-Net: Multi-scale feature pyramid network for crowd counting
* MFPP: Morphological Fragmental Perturbation Pyramid for Black-Box Model Explanations
* MFQE 2.0: A New Approach for Multi-Frame Quality Enhancement on Compressed Video
* MfrDB: Database of Annotated On-Line Mathematical Formulae
* MFS enhanced SAM: Achieving superior performance in bimodal few-shot segmentation
* MFSFNet: Multi-Scale Feature Subtraction Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* MFSJMI: Multi-label feature selection considering join mutual information and interaction weight
* MFSNet: A multi focus segmentation network for skin lesion segmentation
* MFST: Multi-Features Siamese Tracker
* MFST: Multi-Modal Feature Self-Adaptive Transformer for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* MFT Based Discrete Relaxation for Matching High Order Relational Structures
* MFTSC: A Semantically Constrained Method for Urban Building Height Estimation Using Multiple Source Images
* MG-GAN: A Multi-Generator Model Preventing Out-of-Distribution Samples in Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* MG-TAR: Multi-View Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Accident Risk Prediction
* MG-Trans: Multi-Scale Graph Transformer With Information Bottleneck for Whole Slide Image Classification
* MGBPv2: Scaling Up Multi-Grid Back-Projection Networks
* MGCNet: Multilevel Gated Collaborative Network for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation of Indoor Scene
* MGG: Monocular Global Geolocation for Outdoor Long-Range Targets
* MGGAN: Solving Mode Collapse Using Manifold-Guided Training
* MGiaD: Multigrid in all dimensions. Efficiency and robustness by weight sharing and coarsening in resolution and channel dimensions*
* MGL: Mutual Graph Learning for Camouflaged Object Detection
* MGM: A Significantly More Global Matching for Stereovision
* MGMAE: Motion Guided Masking for Video Masked Autoencoding
* MGMM: Multiresolution Gaussian Mixture Models for Computer Vision
* MGMP: Multimodal Graph Message Propagation Network for Event Detection
* MGNet: Monocular Geometric Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving
* MGNN: Mutualistic Graph Neural Network for Joint Friend and Item Recommendation
* MGPAN: Mask Guided Pixel Aggregation Network
* MGraph: multimodal event summarization in social media using topic models and graph-based ranking
* MGRF Controlled Stochastic Deformable Model
* MGRLN-net: Mask-guided Residual Learning Network for Joint Single-image Shadow Detection and Removal
* MGSampler: An Explainable Sampling Strategy for Video Action Recognition
* MGSeg: Multiple Granularity-Based Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network
* MgSvF: Multi-Grained Slow versus Fast Framework for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* MGT-PC: Memory-Guided Transformer For Robust Point Cloud Classification
* Mgtr: End-to-end Mutual Gaze Detection with Transformer
* MGWR: A Python Implementation of Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression for Investigating Process Spatial Heterogeneity and Scale
* MHA-CoroCapsule: Multi-Head Attention Routing-Based Capsule Network for COVID-19 Chest X-Ray Image Classification
* MHASAN: Multi-Head Angular Self Attention Network for Spoof Detection
* MHCanonNet: Multi-Hypothesis Canonical lifting Network for self-supervised 3D human pose estimation in the wild video
* MHCN: A Hyperbolic Neural Network Model for Multi-view Hierarchical Clustering
* MHEntropy: Entropy Meets Multiple Hypotheses for Pose and Shape Recovery
* MHF-Net: An Interpretable Deep Network for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion
* MHFormer: Multi-Hypothesis Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* MHFP: Multi-view based hierarchical fusion pooling method for 3D shape recognition
* MHHT-Based Method for Analysis of Micro-Doppler Signatures for Human Finer-Grained Activity Using Through-Wall SFCW Radar
* MHLDet: A Multi-Scale and High-Precision Lightweight Object Detector Based on Large Receptive Field and Attention Mechanism for Remote Sensing Images
* MHP-VOS: Multiple Hypotheses Propagation for Video Object Segmentation
* MHPL: Minimum Happy Points Learning for Active Source Free Domain Adaptation
* MHR-Net: Multiple-Hypothesis Reconstruction of Non-Rigid Shapes from 2D Views
* MHSAN: Multi-Head Self-Attention Network for Visual Semantic Embedding
* MHSAN: Multi-view hierarchical self-attention network for 3D shape recognition
* MI-GAN: A Simple Baseline for Image Inpainting on Mobile Devices
* MI-SIFT: mirror and inversion invariant generalization for SIFT descriptor
* Mi-Xing Oscillators for Phase Noise Reduction
* MI3: Multi-intensity infrared illumination video database
* MI3C: Mining intra- and inter-image context for person search
* MIA-COV19D: COVID-19 Detection through 3-D Chest CT Image Analysis
* MIA-Net: Multi-Modal Interactive Attention Network for Multi-Modal Affective Analysis
* MIAD: A Maintenance Inspection Dataset for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* MIANet: Aggregating Unbiased Instance and General Information for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* MIB: Using mutual information for biclustering gene expression data
* MIC: Masked Image Consistency for Context-Enhanced Domain Adaptation
* MIC: Mining Interclass Characteristics for Improved Metric Learning
* MIC: My Ideal City
* MICA: A Multilinear ICA Decomposition for Natural Scene Modeling
* Mice and larvae tracking using a particle filter with an auto-adjustable observation model
* Michigan State University
* MICR data lift system
* Micrant: Towards Regression Task Oriented Annotation Tool for Microscopic Images
* Micro-Baseline Structured Light
* Micro-crack detection of multicrystalline solar cells featuring an improved anisotropic diffusion filter and image segmentation technique
* Micro-crack inspection in heterogeneously textured solar wafers using anisotropic diffusion
* Micro-Doppler Ambiguity Resolution With Variable Shrinkage Ratio Based on Time-Delayed Cross Correlation Processing for Wideband Radar
* Micro-Doppler Analysis and Separation Based on Complex Local Mean Decomposition for Aircraft With Fast-Rotating Parts in ISAR Imaging
* Micro-Doppler Classification for Ground Surveillance Radar Using Speech Recognition Tools
* Micro-Doppler Curves Extraction of Space Target Based on Modified Synchro-Reassigning Transform and Ridge Segment Linking
* Micro-Doppler Effects Removed Sparse Aperture ISAR Imaging via Low-Rank and Double Sparsity Constrained ADMM and Linearized ADMM
* Micro-Doppler Estimation and Analysis of Slow Moving Objects in Forward Scattering Radar System
* Micro-Doppler Extraction of Radar Targets With Translational Motion Based on Spatial Transformer Network
* Micro-Doppler Feature Extraction of Rotating Structures of Aircraft Targets with Terahertz Radar
* Micro-Doppler Parameters Extraction of Precession Cone-Shaped Targets Based on Rotating Antenna
* Micro-Doppler Signature-Based Detection, Classification, and Localization of Small UAV With Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network
* Micro-Doppler Trajectory Estimation of Pedestrians Using a Continuous-Wave Radar
* Micro-expression Action Unit Detection with Dual-view Attentive Similarity-Preserving Knowledge Distillation
* Micro-Expression Classification based on Landmark Relations with Graph Attention Convolutional Network
* Micro-Expression Motion Magnification: Global Lagrangian vs. Local Eulerian Approaches
* Micro-expression Recognition Based on Facial Graph Representation Learning and Facial Action Unit Fusion
* Micro-Expression Recognition Based on Video Motion Magnification and Pre-Trained Neural Network
* Micro-Expression Recognition by Aggregating Local Spatio-Temporal Patterns
* Micro-Expression Recognition by Leveraging Color Space Information
* Micro-Expression Recognition by Regression Model and Group Sparse Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning
* Micro-expression recognition by two-stream difference network
* Micro-expression recognition from local facial regions
* Micro-Expression Recognition Using a Shallow Convlstm-based Network
* Micro-expression recognition using advanced genetic algorithm
* Micro-Expression Recognition Using Color Spaces
* Micro-expression Recognition Using Dynamic Textures on Tensor Independent Color Space
* Micro-Expression Recognition Using Histogram of Image Gradient Orientation on Diagonal Planes
* Micro-Expression Recognition Using Robust Principal Component Analysis and Local Spatiotemporal Directional Features
* Micro-Expression Recognition with Layered Relations and More Input Frames
* Micro-expression recognition with supervised contrastive learning
* Micro-expression recognition: an updated review of current trends, challenges and solutions
* Micro-expression spotting based on optical flow features
* Micro-Expression Spotting Using the Riesz Pyramid
* Micro-expression spotting with a novel wavelet convolution magnification network in long videos
* Micro-expression spotting with multi-scale local transformer in long videos
* Micro-Fabric Analyzer (MFA): A New Semiautomated ArcGIS-Based Edge Detector for Quantitative Microstructural Analysis of Rock Thin-Sections
* Micro-Facial Movements: An Investigation on Spatio-Temporal Descriptors
* Micro-GA Embedded PSO Feature Selection Approach to Intelligent Facial Emotion Recognition, A
* Micro-Influencer Recommendation by Multi-Perspective Account Representation Learning
* Micro-Lens-Based Matching for Scene Recovery in Lenslet Cameras
* Micro-Motion Classification of Flying Bird and Rotor Drones via Data Augmentation and Modified Multi-Scale CNN
* Micro-Motion Estimation of Maritime Targets Using Pixel Tracking in Cosmo-Skymed Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: An Operative Assessment
* Micro-Motion Parameter Extraction for Ballistic Missile with Wideband Radar Using Improved Ensemble EMD Method
* Micro-Motion Parameter Extraction of Multi-Scattering-Point Target Based on Vortex Electromagnetic Wave Radar
* Micro-movement magnification in video signals using complex wavelet analysis
* Micro-Optical Multiwavelet Element for Hybrid Texture Segmentation Processor
* Micro-Pulse Lidar Cruising Measurements in Northern South China Sea
* Micro-routing using accurate traffic predictions
* Micro-Safe: Microservices- and Deep Learning-Based Safety-as-a-Service Architecture for 6G-Enabled Intelligent Transportation System
* Micro-scale Flood Hazard Assessment Based on Catastrophe Theory and an Integrated 2-D Hydraulic Model: A Case Study of Gongshuangcha Detention Basin in Dongting Lake Area, China
* Micro-Simulation Study of the Generalized Proportional Allocation Traffic Signal Control, A
* Micro-stereoscopic vision system for the determination of air bubbles and aqueous droplets content within oil drops in simulated processes of multiphase fermentations
* Micro-Supervised Disturbance Learning: A Perspective of Representation Probability Distribution
* Micro-Texture Synthesis by Phase Randomization
* Micro-Topography Mapping through Terrestrial LiDAR in Densely Vegetated Coastal Environments
* micro-UAV Based Dynamic Target Tracking for Surveillance and Exploration
* Micro-UAV System for Forest Management, A
* Micro-UAV with the Capability of Direct Georeferencing, A
* Micro-vascular imaging experiences of time-of-flight MRA at 7T for cerebrovascular diseases
* Micro-Vibration Patterns Generated from Shape Memory Alloy Actuators and the Detection of an Asymptomatic Tactile Sensation Decrease in Diabetic Patients
* Micro-Video Popularity Prediction Via Multimodal Variational Information Bottleneck
* Micro Actions and Deep Static Features for Activity Recognition
* Micro Aerial Vehicle with Precise Position and Attitude Sensors, A
* Micro and Macro Breast Histology Image Analysis by Partial Network Re-use
* Micro and Macro Facial Expression Recognition Using Advanced Local Motion Patterns
* Micro crack detection with Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
* Micro Expression Classification using Facial Color and Deep Learning Methods
* Micro Expressions, Subtle Expressions, Face Expression Recognition
* Micro Genetic and Evolutionary Feature Extraction: An Exploratory Data Analysis Approach for Multispectral Iris Recognition
* Micro Phase Shifting
* Micro region count image texture characterization
* Micro Transit Simulation of On-Demand Shuttles Based on Transit Data for First- and Last-Mile Connection
* Micro Translating Lens Unit for Stereo Imaging Through Single-Image Endoscope, A
* Micro UAV Based Georeferenced Orthophoto Generation in VIS + NIR for Precision Agriculture
* Microaneurysm (MA) Detection via Sparse Representation Classifier with MA and Non-MA Dictionary Learning
* Microaneurysm classification system in color fundus images using auto-weight dilated convolutional network
* Microaneurysm detection in retinal images using an ensemble classifier
* Microaneurysms Detection in Color Fundus Image with Feature-based Background Suppression
* Microaneurysms segmentation and diabetic retinopathy detection by learning discriminative representations
* Microarray Basics: Background Adjustment, Segmentation, Image Compression and Analysis of Microarray Images
* Microarray Data Classifier Consisting of k-Top-Scoring Rank-Comparison Decision Rules With a Variable Number of Genes
* Microarray Image Addressing Based on the Radon Transform
* Microarray image analysis based on an evolutionary approach
* Microarray image enhancement by denoising using decimated and undecimated multiwavelet transforms
* Microarray image gridding via an evolutionary algorithm
* Microarray image gridding with stochastic search based approaches
* Microarray Missing Data Imputation based on a Set Theoretic Framework and Biological Constraints
* microbatchGAN: Stimulating Diversity with Multi-Adversarial Discrimination
* Microbathymetric Mapping from Underwater Vehicles in the Deep Ocean
* Microbolometer Airborne Calibrated Infrared Radiometer: The Ball Experimental Sea Surface Temperature (BESST) Radiometer, A
* Microburst, Windshear, Gust Front, and Vortex Detection in Mega Airport Using a Single Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar
* Microcalcification Classification Assisted by Content-Based Image Retrieval for Breast Cancer Diagnosis
* Microcalcification cluster detection using multiscale products based Hessian matrix via the Tsallis thresholding scheme
* Microcalcification detection based on localized texture comparison
* Microcalcification detection using fuzzy logic and scale space approaches
* microcalcification enhancement method for mammogram images, A
* Microcalcifications Detection Using Multiresolution Methods
* Microcomputer System to Recognize Handwritten Numerals Using a Syntactic-Statistic Approach, A
* Microcontrollers on the Edge: Is ESP32 with Camera Ready for Machine Learning?
* microeconomic approach to multi-objective spatial clustering, A
* Microenvironment-Based Protein Function Analysis by Random Forest
* Microexpression Identification and Categorization Using a Facial Dynamics Map
* Microexpressions: A Chance for Computers to Beat Humans at Detecting Hidden Emotions?
* microfacet-based BRDF for the accurate and efficient rendering of high-definition specular normal maps, A
* Microfacet-Based Model for Photometric Stereo with General Isotropic Reflectance, A
* Microfacet-Based Reflectance Model for Photometric Stereo with Highly Specular Surfaces, A
* Microfluidic environment and tracking analysis for the observation of Artemia Franciscana
* Microfossils shape classification using a set of width values
* Microgeometry Capture using an Elastomeric Sensor
* Microgliaj: An Automatic Tool for Microglial Cell Detection and Segmentation
* Microisp: Processing 32mp Photos on Mobile Devices with Deep Learning
* Microlocal Analysis of a Compton Tomography Problem
* Microlocal Analysis of Generalized Radon Transforms from Scattering Tomography
* Microlocation for Smart Buildings in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Survey of Technologies, Techniques, and Approaches
* Micromotion Characteristic Acquisition Based on Wideband Radar Phase
* Micromotion Feature Extraction with VEMW Radar Based on Rotational Doppler Effect
* Micron-BERT: BERT-Based Facial Micro-Expression Recognition
* MicroNet: Improving Image Recognition with Extremely Low FLOPs
* Microphone Array Processing Strategies for Distant-Based Automatic Speech Recognition
* Microphone Arrays as Generalized Cameras for Integrated Audio Visual Processing
* Microphysical and Polarimetric Radar Signatures of an Epic Flood Event in Southern China
* Microphysical Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution and Implications for Dual-Polarization Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimations in the Tianshan Mountains, China
* Microphysical Characteristics of Rainfall Observed by a 2DVD Disdrometer during Different Seasons in Beijing, China
* Microphysical Characteristics of Three Convective Events with Intense Rainfall Observed by Polarimetric Radar and Disdrometer in Eastern China
* Microphysical Characterization of Microwave Radar Reflectivity Due to Volcanic Ash Clouds
* Microphysical cross validation of spaceborne radar and ground polarimetric radar
* Microphytobenthos Biomass and Diversity Mapping at Different Spatial Scales with a Hyperspectral Optical Model
* Microprocessor-Based Recognition of Handprinted Characters from a Tablet Input
* microprocessor-controlled axiomat microscope for acquisition of cell images, A
* Microprocessors and Microsystems
* Microprogram controlled pattern processing in a handwritten mail reader-sorter
* Microrelief Associated with Gas Emission Craters: Remote-Sensing and Field-Based Study
* Microsatellites spot mystery methane leaks
* Microscale and Mesoscale Aeolian Processes of Sandy Coastal Foredunes from Background to Extreme Conditions
* Microscale Image Enhancement Via PCA and Well-Exposedness Maps
* Microscan Machine Vision Systems
* Microscopic and macroscopic 3D imaging and display by integral imaging
* Microscopic Blood Smear Segmentation and Classification Using Deep Contour Aware CNN and Extreme Machine Learning
* Microscopic Cell Segmentation and Dead Cell Detection Based on CFSE and PI Images by Using Distance and Watershed Transforms
* Microscopic cooperative traffic flow: Calibration and simulation based on a next generation simulation dataset
* Microscopic image enhancement of Chinese Herbal Medicine based on fuzzy set
* Microscopic image segmentation based on pixel classification and dimensionality reduction
* Microscopic Image Segmentation with Two-Level Enhancement of Feature Discriminability
* Microscopic images classification for cancer diagnosis
* Microscopic Model of Vehicle CO2 Emissions Based on Deep Learning: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Taxicabs in Wuhan, China, A
* Microscopic Modeling of a Signalized Traffic Intersection Using Timed Petri Nets
* Microscopic Shape from Focus Using Active Illumination
* Microscopic shape from focus with optimal illumination
* Microscopic Surface Shape Estimation of a Transparent Plate Using a Complex Image
* Microscopic vision system with all-in-focus and depth images
* Microscopy Image Enhancement for Cost-Effective Cervical Cancer Screening
* Microscopy Image Restoration with Deep Wiener-Kolmogorov Filters
* Microscopy Techniques for Topography Image Acquisition of Marks on Cartridge Cases
* Microseismic Monitoring and Analysis Using Cutting-Edge Technology: A Key Enabler for Reservoir Characterization
* Microservice-Oriented Service Placement for Mobile Edge Computing in Sustainable Internet of Vehicles
* Microshift: An Efficient Image Compression Algorithm for Hardware
* Microsimulation Analysis of Practical Aspects of Traffic Control With Variable Speed Limits
* Microsimulation Model for Motorway Merges With Ramp-Metering Controls
* Microsoft's Shiny New Toy: Photosynth is Dazzling, but What Is it for?
* Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context
* Microsoft Global Ortho Program, The
* Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition: Experiences and Lessons Learned, The
* Microsoft Kinect SDK
* Microsoft Kinect Sensor and Its Effect
* Microsoft Kinect
* Microsoft Research
* Microstructural Analysis of Cardiac Endomyocardial Biopsies with Synchrotron Radiation-Based X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging
* Microstructural Characterization of the Pia-Arachnoid Complex Using Optical Coherence Tomography
* Microstructural Remodelling and Mechanics of Hypertensive Heart Disease
* Microstructurally Anchored Cardiac Kinematics by Combining In Vivo DENSE MRI and cDTI
* Microstructure analysis of silk samples using mueller matrix determination and sparse representation
* Microstructure Model Of A Multifilament Yarn Imbedded In Concrete
* Microtopographic Controls on Erosion and Deposition of a Rilled Hillslope in Eastern Tennessee, USA
* Microtopographic Feature Analysis-Based LiDAR Data Processing Approach for the Identification of Chu Tombs, A
* Microtubule Dynamics Analysis Using Kymographs and Variable-Rate Particle Filters
* Microvascular functional MR angiography with ultra-high-field 7 T MRI: Comparison with BOLD fMRI
* Microvasculature segmentation of arterioles using deep CNN
* Microvasculature Segmentation of Co-Registered Retinal Angiogram Sequences
* MICROVEGA (Micro Vessel for Geodetics Application): A Marine Drone for the Acquisition of Bathymetric Data for GIS Applications
* Microwave and Radar Week (MRW 2020): Selected Papers
* Microwave Antenna Imaging, Diagnostics, and Phaseless Reconstructions
* Microwave Assisted Preparation of Calcium Hydroxide and Barium Hydroxide Nanoparticles and Their Application for Conservation of Cultural Heritage
* Microwave Backscatter From Arctic Lake Ice and Polarimetric Implications
* Microwave Breast Imaging Based on Deep Learning
* Microwave Brightness Temperature (MBT) Background in Bayan Har Block, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Its Importance in Searching for Seismic MBT Anomalies
* Microwave Brightness Temperature Anomalies Associated With the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha and Mw 7.3 Dolakha Earthquakes in Nepal
* Microwave Coincidence Imaging Based on Attributed Scattering Model
* Microwave Correlation Forward-Looking Super-Resolution Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing
* Microwave emission and scattering of foam based on Monte Carlo simulations of dense media
* Microwave Emissivity of Typical Vegetated Land Types Based on AMSR2
* Microwave image reconstruction from 3-D fields coupled to 2-D parameter estimation
* Microwave image reconstruction utilizing log-magnitude and unwrapped phase to improve high-contrast object recovery
* Microwave Imaging of Breast Tumor Using Time-Domain UWB Circular-SAR Technique
* Microwave imaging of parallel perfectly conducting cylinders
* Microwave imaging using the finite-element method and a sensitivity analysis approach
* Microwave Imaging
* Microwave Imaging: Reconstructions from Experimental-Data Using Conjugate-Gradient and Enhancement by Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Microwave Land Emissivity Calculations over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Using FY-3B/MWRI Measurements
* Microwave Medical Imaging Based on Sparsity and an Iterative Method With Adaptive Thresholding
* Microwave Passive Ground-Based Retrievals of Cloud and Rain Liquid Water Path in Drizzling Clouds: Challenges and Possibilities
* Microwave Radiometer Data Superresolution Using Image Degradation and Residual Network
* Microwave Radiometer Resolution Optimization Using Variable Observation Times
* Microwave Radiometric Coherence Imaging: A Novel Electromagnetic Imaging Technique
* Microwave Radiometric Remote Sensing of Volcanic Ash Clouds From Space: Model and Data Analysis
* Microwave remote sensing techniques for the analysis of land surface parameters
* Microwave Resolution Enhancement Using Distributed Small Spacecraft Architectures
* Microwave SAIR Imaging Approach Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Microwave Satellite Measurements for Coastal Area and Extreme Weather Monitoring
* Microwave Scattering and Medium Characterization for Terrestrial Snow With QCA-Mie and Bicontinuous Models: Comparison Studies
* Microwave Sensing for Estimating Cranberry Crop Yield: A Pilot Study Using Simulated Canopies and Field Measurement Testbeds
* Microwave Sensors and Analysis
* Microwave Subsurface Imaging Using Direct Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain-Based Inversion
* Microwave Tomography for Compact-Support Dielectric Objects
* Microwave Tomography Strategy for Underwater Imaging via Ground Penetrating Radar, A
* Microwave Unmixing With Video Segmentation for Inferring Broadleaf and Needleleaf Brightness Temperatures and Abundances From Mixed Forest Observations
* Microwave Vegetation Index from Multi-Angular Observations and Its Application in Vegetation Properties Retrieval: Theoretical Modelling
* MiCT: Mixed 3D/2D Convolutional Tube for Human Action Recognition
* Mid- and Long-Term Arctic Sea Ice Concentration Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning Technology, A
* Mid-Air Display for Physical Exercise and Gaming
* Mid-air interactions above stereoscopic interactive tables
* Mid-air interactive display using modulated display light
* Mid-Infrared Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
* Mid-Infrared Observations of the Giant Planets
* Mid-Latitude Daytime F2-Layer Disturbance Mechanism under Extremely Low Solar and Geomagnetic Activity in 2008-2009
* Mid-Latitude Mesospheric Zonal Wave 1 and Wave 2 in Recent Boreal Winters
* Mid-level-Representation Based Lexicon for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition
* Mid-level deep Food Part mining for food image recognition
* Mid-level deep pattern mining
* Mid-Level Description of Video, with Application to Non-photorealistic Animation, A
* Mid-level feature based local descriptor selection for image search
* Mid-level feature set for specific event and anomaly detection in crowded scenes
* Mid-level features and spatio-temporal context for activity recognition
* mid-level representation of visual structures for video compression, A
* Mid-level Segmentation and Segment Tracking for Long-Range Stereo Analysis
* Mid-Level Vision and Recognition of Non-Rigid Objects
* Mid-Level Vision Processes for Automatic Building Extraction
* Mid-level vision: new directions in vision and video
* Mid-range and distant vehicle detection with a mobile camera
* Mid-sagittal plane detection in brain magnetic resonance image based on multifractal techniques
* Mid-season Crop Classification Using Dual-, Compact-, and Full-Polarization in Preparation for the Radarsat Constellation Mission (RCM)
* Mid-Season High-Resolution Satellite Imagery for Forecasting Site-Specific Corn Yield
* Mid-Term Monitoring of Glacier's Variations with UAVs: The Example of the Belvedere Glacier
* Mid-Term Monitoring of Suspended Sediment Plumes of Greek Rivers Using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Imagery
* MID-UNet: Multi-input directional UNet for COVID-19 lung infection segmentation from CT images
* Mid-Wave Infrared Snapshot Compressive Spectral Imager with Deep Infrared Denoising Prior
* MID: A Novel Mountainous Remote Sensing Imagery Registration Dataset Assessed by a Coarse-to-Fine Unsupervised Cascading Network
* MIDCAN: A multiple input deep convolutional attention network for Covid-19 diagnosis based on chest CT and chest X-ray
* Middle- and Long-Term UT1-UTC Prediction Based on Constrained Polynomial Curve Fitting, Weighted Least Squares and Autoregressive Combination Model
* Middle-Frequency Based Refinement for Image Super-Resolution
* Middle-Level Feature Fusion for Lightweight RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Middle Child Problem: Revisiting Parametric Min-Cut and Seeds for Object Proposals, The
* Middle Resolution Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Vector Analysis of Midline Change
* Middle View Stereo Representation: An Efficient Architecture for Teleconference with Handling Occlusions
* Middle Zone Component Extraction and Recognition of Telugu Document Image
* Middlebury College
* Middlebury stereo vision page
* Midground object detection in real world video scenes
* MIDI-assisted egocentric optical music recognition
* MIDIAS: An Integrated 2D/3D Sensor System for Safety Applications
* Midline Model Based Segmentation
* Midlink virtual insertion system
* Midrange Geometric Interactions for Semantic Segmentation
* MIDSCA: Towards a Smart Camera architecture of mobile internet devices
* Midstream Content Access of Visual Pattern Coded Imagery
* Midterm Fire Danger Prediction Using Satellite Imagery and Auxiliary Thematic Layers
* Midway Image Equalization
* Midway Video Equalization
* MIEGAN: Mobile Image Enhancement via a Multi-Module Cascade Neural Network
* MIFI: MultI-Camera Feature Integration for Robust 3D Distracted Driver Activity Recognition
* MIForests: Multiple-Instance Learning with Randomized Trees
* MIFT: A framework for feature descriptors to be mirror reflection invariant
* MIFT: A Mirror Reflection Invariant Feature Descriptor
* MIG-Net: Multi-Scale Network Alternatively Guided by Intensity and Gradient Features for Depth Map Super-Resolution
* Migma Systems
* MIGN: Multiscale Image Generation Network for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* MIGO-NAS: Towards Fast and Generalizable Neural Architecture Search
* Migrating 2 and 3D Datasets: Preserving AutoCAD at the Archaeology Data Service
* migrating data-driven architecture for multidimensional signal processing, A
* Migrating real-time depth image-based rendering from traditional to next-gen GPGPU
* Migration Analysis: An Alternative Approach for Analyzing Learning Performance
* Migration Experiences: Acknowledging the Past, and Sustaining the Present and Future
* Migration monitoring of Ascia monuste (Lepidoptera) and Schistocerca cancellata (Orthoptera) in Argentina using RMA1 weather radar
* migration of training samples towards dynamic global land cover mapping, The
* Migration of Underground Targets in UWB-SAR Systems
* Migration Processes I: the Continuous Case
* Migration Processes II: the Discrete Case
* Migration Processes
* Migration Processes: Theory and applications
* Migration Velocity Analysis and Prestack Migration of Common-Transmitter GPR Data
* Migratory Biomass Statistical Method Based on High-Resolution Fully Polarimetric Entomological Radar, A
* Migratory Insect Multifrequency Radar Cross Sections for Morphological Parameter Estimation
* MIHash: Online Hashing with Mutual Information
* Miinet: An Image Quality Improvement Framework for Supporting Medical Diagnosis
* MIJ2K: Enhanced video transmission based on conditional replenishment of JPEG2000 tiles with motion compensation
* MIL-Derived Transformer for Weakly Supervised Point Cloud Segmentation, An
* MIL-ViT: A multiple instance vision transformer for fundus image classification
* MIL based visual object tracking with kernel and scale adaptation
* MILA: Multi-Task Learning from Videos via Efficient Inter-Frame Attention
* MILCut: A Sweeping Line Multiple Instance Learning Paradigm for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Milena: Write Generic Morphological Algorithms Once, Run on Many Kinds of Images
* MiLeNAS: Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Mixed-Level Reformulation
* MILES: Multiple-Instance Learning via Embedded Instance Selection
* MILES: Visual BERT Pre-training with Injected Language Semantics for Video-Text Retrieval
* Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles: Part I: Control, Computing System Design, Communication, HD Map, Testing, and Human Behaviors
* Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles: Part II: Perception and Planning
* Milestones on the road to higher resolution, quantitative, and functional ultrasonic imaging
* MILIS: Multiple Instance Learning with Instance Selection
* Military Tests that Jam and Spoof GPS Signals are an Accident Waiting to Happen
* Millimeter-Wave Digital Link for Wireless MRI, A
* Millimeter-Wave Doppler Spectrum and Polarimetric Response of Walking Bodies
* Millimeter-Wave GCW-SAR Based on Deramp-on-Receive and Piecewise Constant Doppler Imaging, A
* Millimeter-Wave Imaging With Optimized Sparse Periodic Array for Short-Range Applications
* Millimeter-Wave InSAR Image Reconstruction Approach by Total Variation Regularized Matrix Completion
* Millimeter-Wave InSAR Target Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Millimeter-Wave Radar in-the-Loop Testing for Intelligent Vehicles
* Millimeter-Wave Radar Monitoring for Elder's Fall Based on Multi-View Parameter Fusion Estimation and Recognition
* Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
* Millimeter-Wave Radar Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Collaborative Auto-Encoder
* Millimeter-wave weapons detection system
* Millimeter Wave MISO-OFDM Transmissions in an Intra-Wagon Environment
* Millimetre-wave massive MIMO for cellular vehicle-to-infrastructure communication
* Millimetre-wave radiometric imaging for concealed contraband detection on personnel
* Millimetre Moon Measurement: 50 Years of Lunar Laser Ranging Since Apollo 11!
* Million-Pixel Computational Imaging Model
* Millivision Technoligies
* MILO: Multi-Bounce Inverse Rendering for Indoor Scene With Light-Emitting Objects
* MILP-Based Unsupervised Clustering
* Milstein-driven neural stochastic differential equation model with uncertainty estimates
* MIMA: MAPPER-Induced Manifold Alignment for Semi-Supervised Fusion of Optical Image and Polarimetric SAR Data
* Mimas
* MIMD algorithm for constant curvature feature extraction using curvature based data partitioning, A
* MIMD and SIMD Parallel Range Data Segmentation
* MIMD Computing Platform for a Hierarchical Foveal Machine Vision System, An
* MIMD image analysis with local agents
* MIME: Human-Aware 3D Scene Generation
* MIME: Minority Inclusion for Majority Group Enhancement of AI Performance
* Mimetic Code Using Successive Additive Color Mixture
* Mimetics: Towards Understanding Human Actions Out of Context
* Mimic Embedding via Adaptive Aggregation: Learning Generalizable Person Re-identification
* Mimic The Raw Domain: Accelerating Action Recognition in the Compressed Domain
* MIMIC: An Innovative Methodology for Determining Mobile Laser Scanning System Point Density
* MIMiC: Multimodal Interactive Motion Controller
* Mimic3D: Thriving 3D-Aware GANs via 3D-to-2D Imitation
* MimicDet: Bridging the Gap Between One-stage and Two-stage Object Detection
* MimicGAN: Robust Projection onto Image Manifolds with Corruption Mimicking
* Mimicking Human Camera Operators
* Mimicking the immune system to diagnose Parkinson's disease from handwriting
* Mimicking the Oracle: An Initial Phase Decorrelation Approach for Class Incremental Learning
* Mimicking Very Efficient Network for Object Detection
* MimickNet, Mimicking Clinical Image Post- Processing Under Black-Box Constraints
* MimicME: A Large Scale Diverse 4D Database for Facial Expression Analysis
* MIML-FCN+: Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning via Fully Convolutional Networks with Privileged Information
* MIMMO: Multi-Input Massive Multi-Output Neural Network
* MIMN-DPP: Maximum-information and minimum-noise determinantal point processes for unsupervised hyperspectral band selection
* MIMO-NeRF: Fast Neural Rendering with Multi-input Multi-output Neural Radiance Fields
* MIMO-SAR Interferometric Measurements for Structural Monitoring: Accuracy and Limitations
* MIMO-SAR: Opportunities and Pitfalls
* MIMO Beamforming Designs With Partial CSI Under Energy Harvesting Constraints
* MIMO Beamforming for Secure and Energy-Efficient Wireless Communication
* MIMO Borehole Radar Imaging Based on High Degree of Freedom for Efficient Subsurface Sensing
* MIMO channel measurements on a ionospheric HF (3-30 MHz) radio link
* MIMO Detection and Equalization for Single-Carrier Systems Using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* MIMO DFRC Signal Design in Signal-Dependent Clutter
* MIMO FMCW Radar with Doppler-Insensitive Polyphase Codes
* MIMO Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging Through Multilayered Subsurface Using Total Variation Minimization
* MIMO Nonlinear Ultrasonic Tomography by Propagation and Backpropagation Method
* MIMO Radar 3D Imaging Based on Combined Amplitude and Total Variation Cost Function With Sequential Order One Negative Exponential Form
* MIMO Radar and Ground-Based SAR Imaging Systems: Equivalent Approaches for Remote Sensing
* MIMO Radar Design for Extended Target Detection in a Spectrally Crowded Environment
* MIMO Radar for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving: Advantages and Challenges
* MIMO Radar Imaging With Nonorthogonal Waveforms Based on Joint-Block Sparse Recovery
* MIMO Radar Sparse Recovery Imaging with Wideband Interference Prediction
* MIMO Radar Transmit Waveform Design for Beampattern Matching via Complex Circle Optimization
* MIMO Radar Waveform Design for Multipath Exploitation Using Deep Learning
* MIMO Radars, Analysis, Use
* MIMO SAR Formations: Orbital Diameter and Synchronization Tolerances
* MIMO SAR OFDM Chirp Waveform Diversity Design With Random Matrix Modulation
* MIMO SAR Processing for Multichannel High-Resolution Wide-Swath Radars
* MIMO: A Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Multi-Scale Sea Surface Temperature Prediction
* MIMOSA: An Automatic Change Detection Method for SAR Time Series
* Min-Cost-Max-Flow Based Algorithm for Reconstructing Binary Image from Two Projections Using Similar Images, A
* Min-Cover Approach for Finding Salient Curves, A
* Min-cut Based Filter For Airborne Lidar Data, A
* Min-cut Based Segmentation of Airborne Lidar Point Clouds
* Min-cut based segmentation of point clouds
* Min-e Polygonal Approximation of Closed Curves
* Min-Entropy Latent Model for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Min-max Approach to the Multidimensional Nonuniform FFT: Application to Tomographic Image Reconstruction, A
* Min-Max Average Pooling Based Filter for Impulse Noise Removal
* Min-max classifiers: Learnability, design and application
* min-max framework of cascaded classifier with multiple instance learning for computer aided diagnosis, A
* Min-Max Medial Axis Transformation, A
* Min-Max Operators in Texture Analysis
* Min-Max Similarity: A Contrastive Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Network for Surgical Tools Segmentation
* Min-Max Statistical Alignment for Transfer Learning
* Min-Space Integral Histogram
* Min Norm Point Algorithm for Higher Order MRF-MAP Inference
* MINA: Convex Mixed-Integer Programming for Non-Rigid Shape Alignment
* MINC Dataset
* Minconvnets: a New Class of Multiplication-Less Neural Networks
* Mind's eye: A recurrent visual representation for image caption generation
* Mind's Eye: Visualizing Class-Agnostic Features of CNNS, The
* MIND-Net: A Deep Mutual Information Distillation Network for Realistic Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* MIND Demons: Symmetric Diffeomorphic Deformable Registration of MR and CT for Image-Guided Spine Surgery
* Mind Module: Using an Affectand Personality Computational Modelas a Game-Play Element, The
* Mind reading with regularized multinomial logistic regression
* Mind the Class Weight Bias: Weighted Maximum Mean Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Mind the Clot: Automated LVO Detection on CTA using Deep Learning
* Mind the Discriminability: Asymmetric Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Mind the Gap - A Benchmark for Dense Depth Prediction Beyond Lidar
* Mind the Gap in Distilling StyleGANs
* Mind the Gap: Learning Modality-Agnostic Representations With a Cross-Modality UNet
* Mind the Gap: Modeling Local and Global Context in (Road) Networks
* Mind the Gap: Virtual Shorelines for Blind and Partially Sighted People
* Mind the Label Shift of Augmentation-based Graph OOD Generalization
* Mind the Structure: Adopting Structural Information for Deep Neural Network Compression
* Mind Your Grey Tones: Examining the Influence of Decolourization Methods on Interest Point Extraction and Matching for Architectural Image-Based Modelling
* Mind Your Mind: EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces and Their Security in Cyber Space
* Mind Your Neighbours: Image Annotation With Metadata Neighbourhood Graph Co-Attention Networks
* MindCamera: Interactive Image Retrieval and Synthesis
* MINDED-FBA: An Automatic Remote Sensing Tool for the Estimation of Flooded and Burned Areas
* Mindflow Based Dense Matching Between TIR and RGB Images
* Mindfulness, inattention and performance in a driving simulator
* Minding the Gaps in a Video Action Analysis Pipeline
* Minds vs. Machines: How Far Are We From the Common Sense of a Toddler?
* Mine Detection Based on Adaboost and Polynomial Image Decomposition
* Mine Pit Wall Geological Mapping Using UAV-Based RGB Imaging and Unsupervised Learning
* Mine Reclamation, Mine Remediation, Restoration, Mining Restoration
* Mine Subsidence Monitoring Integrating DS-InSAR with UAV Photogrammetry Products: Case Studies on Hebei and Inner Mongolia
* Mine Subsidence Monitoring Using Multi-source Satellite SAR Images
* Mine the fine: Fine-grained fragment discovery
* MINE: Towards Continuous Depth MPI with NeRF for Novel View Synthesis
* MineCam: Application of Combined Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Segmentation and Change Detection of Mining Areas Enabling Multi-Purpose Monitoring
* Minecraft as a Tool for Engaging Children in Urban Planning: A Case Study in Tirol Town, Brazil
* MineGAN: Effective Knowledge Transfer From GANs to Target Domains With Few Images
* MineGAN++: Mining Generative Models for Efficient Knowledge Transfer to Limited Data Domains
* MinENet: A Dilated CNN for Semantic Segmentation of Eye Features
* MinEnt: Minimum entropy for self-supervised representation learning
* MINER: Multiscale Implicit Neural Representation
* Mineral Classification of Land Surface Using Multispectral LWIR and Hyperspectral SWIR Remote-Sensing Data. A Case Study over the Sokolov Lignite Open-Pit Mines, the Czech Republic
* Mineral Classification of Makhtesh Ramon in Israel Using Hyperspectral Longwave Infrared (LWIR) Remote-Sensing Data
* Mineral Classification of Soils Using Hyperspectral Longwave Infrared (LWIR) Ground-Based Data
* Mineral Composition Analysis, Material Composition
* Mineral Exploration Potential Estimation Using 3D Inversion: A Comparison of Three Different Norms
* Mineral Mapping and Ore Prospecting with HyMap Data over Eastern Tien Shan, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
* Mineral Mapping Using Simulated Worldview-3 Short-Wave-Infrared Imagery
* Mineral Mapping Using the Automatized Gaussian Model (AGM): Application to Two Industrial French Sites at Gardanne and Thann
* Mineral Oil Slicks Identification Using Dual Co-polarized Radarsat-2 and TerraSAR-X SAR Imagery
* Mineral Prospectivity Mapping of Porphyry Copper Deposits Based on Remote Sensing Imagery and Geochemical Data in the Duolong Ore District, Tibet
* Mineralization Information Extraction Using ETM Remote Sensing Image
* Mineralogical Mapping with Accurately Corrected Shortwave Infrared Hyperspectral Data Acquired Obliquely from UAVs
* MINet: Meta-Learning Instance Identifiers for Video Object Detection
* Ming and Qing Dynasty Official-Style Architecture Roof Types Classification Based on the 3D Point Cloud
* MinGPU: a minimum GPU library for computer vision
* Mini-batch bagging and attribute ranking for accurate user authentication in keystroke dynamics
* Mini-Map Design Features as a Navigation Aid in the Virtual Geographical Space Based on Video Games
* Mini-Map for Gamers Who Walk and Teleport in a Virtual Stronghold
* Mini-Net: Multiple Instance Ranking Network for Video Highlight Detection
* Mini N2-Raman Lidar Onboard Ultra-Light Aircraft for Aerosol Measurements: Demonstration and Extrapolation
* Miniature Pan-Tilt Actuator: The Spherical Pointing Motor, A
* Miniature Probe for Optomechanical Focus-Adjustable Optical-Resolution Photoacoustic Endoscopy
* miniature spectral imager for lightweight satellites, A
* miniature stereo vision machine (MSVM-III) for dense disparity mapping, A
* Miniature Stereo Vision Machine for Real-Time Dense Depth Mapping, A
* Miniaturization Design of High-Integration Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Borne Video Synthetic Aperture Radar Real-Time Imaging Processing Component
* miniaturized active vision system, A
* Miniaturized Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: A Low-Cost Educational Platform for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving
* Miniaturized Space-Variant Active Vision System: Cortex-I, A
* Minimal-Bracketing Sets for High-Dynamic-Range Image Capture
* Minimal-delay distance transform for neighborhood-sequence distances in 2D and 3D
* Minimal-Energy Driving Strategy for High-Speed Electric Train With Hybrid System Model
* Minimal-latency human action recognition using reliable-inference
* Minimal-memory bit-vector architecture for computational mathematical morphology using subspace projections
* Minimal-Redundancy Maximal-Relevance Selection of Facial Regions for 3D Face Recognition
* Minimal-Surfaces Based Object Segmentation
* Minimal-time Trajectories for Interception of Malicious Drones in Constrained Environments
* Minimal Adversarial Examples for Deep Learning on 3D Point Clouds
* Minimal Architecture for Detecting Object Location and Motion, A
* Minimal Aspect Distortion (MAD) Mosaicing of Long Scenes
* Minimal Basis Facility Location for Subspace Segmentation
* Minimal Basis Subspace Representation: A Unified Framework for Rigid and Non-rigid Motion Segmentation
* Minimal Case Relative Pose Computation Using Ray-Point-Ray Features
* Minimal Case Solution to the Calibrated Relative Pose Problem for the Case of Two Known Orientation Angles, A
* Minimal Cases for Computing the Generalized Relative Pose using Affine Correspondences
* Minimal Cases of Structure and Motion Problem with Missing Data for One-dimensional retinae
* Minimal Closed-Form Solution for Multi-perspective Pose Estimation using Points and Lines, A
* Minimal Closed-form Solution for the Perspective Three Orthogonal Angles (P3oA) Problem: Application To Visual Odometry, A
* Minimal Component-Hypertrees
* Minimal Conditions for the Visual Detection of Structure and Motion in Three Dimensions
* Minimal conditions on Intrinsic Parameters
* Minimal Consistent Subset (MCS) Identification for Optimal Nearest Neighbor Decision Systems Design
* Minimal Correlation Classification
* Minimal Decomposition of Model-Based Invariants
* Minimal Delay Realization of First Order 2-D All-Pass Digital Filters
* Minimal design of error-correcting output codes
* Minimal error drift in frequency scalability for motion-compensated DCT coding
* Minimal Error Region Merging Technique for Segmentation, A
* Minimal filtered channel features for pedestrian detection
* Minimal Free Space Constraints for Implicit Distance Bounds
* Minimal Functionality for Digital Scholarly Editions
* Minimal Hough Forest training for pattern detection
* Minimal Interaction Touchless Text Input with Head Movements and Stereo Vision
* Minimal Learning Machine In Anomaly Detection From Hyperspectral Images
* Minimal Lipschitz Extensions for Vector-Valued Functions on Finite Graphs
* Minimal local reconstruction error measure based discriminant feature extraction and classification
* Minimal Match Graph and its Use to Speed Identification of Maximal Cliques, The
* Minimal Mean-Curvature-Variation Surfaces and Their Applications in Surface Modeling
* Minimal model dimension/order determination algorithms for recurrent neural networks
* minimal model for classification of rotated objects with prediction of the angle of rotation, A
* Minimal Neural Atlas: Parameterizing Complex Surfaces with Minimal Charts and Distortion
* Minimal Non-Linear Camera Pose Estimation Method Using Lines for SLAM Application
* Minimal Non-simple Sets in 4-Dimensional Binary Images with (8,80)-Adjacency
* Minimal non-simple sets in 4D binary images
* Minimal Nonsimple Sets of Voxels in Binary Images on a Face-Centered Cubic Grid
* Minimal Offsets That Guarantee Maximal or Minimal Connectivity of Digital Curves in nD
* Minimal Operator Set for Passive Depth from Defocus
* minimal parameterization of the trifocal tensor, A
* Minimal Paths and Fast Marching Methods for Image Analysis
* Minimal Paths by Sum of Distance Transforms
* Minimal Paths for Tubular Structure Segmentation With Coherence Penalty and Adaptive Anisotropy
* Minimal Paths in 3D Images and Application to Virtual Endoscopy
* Minimal Projective Reconstruction for Combinations of Points and Lines in Three Views
* Minimal Projective Reconstruction Including Missing Data
* Minimal Projective Reconstruction with Missing Data
* Minimal radial basis function neural networks for nonlinear channel equalisation
* Minimal Rectangular Partitions of Digitized Blobs
* Minimal region extraction using expanding active contours
* Minimal Representation Multisensor Fusion Using Differential Evolution
* Minimal Representations for Testing and Estimation in Projective Spaces
* Minimal Representations for Uncertainty and Estimation in Projective Spaces
* Minimal Representations of 3D Models in Terms of Image Parameters under Calibrated and Uncalibrated Perspective
* Minimal Rolling Shutter Absolute Pose with Unknown Focal Length and Radial Distortion
* Minimal Scene Descriptions from Structure from Motion Models
* Minimal Set of Constraints and a Minimal Parameterization for the Trifocal Tensor, A
* Minimal Set of Constraints for the Trifocal Tensor, A
* Minimal Shape and Intensity Cost Path Segmentation
* Minimal Simple Pairs in the 3-D Cubic Grid
* Minimal Simple Pairs in the Cubic Grid
* Minimal Solution for Camera Calibration Using Independent Pairwise Correspondences, A
* Minimal Solution for Computing Pairs of Lines in Non-central Cameras
* Minimal Solution for Image-Based Sphere Estimation, A
* Minimal Solution for Non-perspective Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences, A
* minimal solution for plane motion and structure from two perspective views, A
* Minimal Solution for Relative Pose with Unknown Focal Length, A
* Minimal Solution for Sphere-Based Camera-Projector Pair Calibration, A
* Minimal Solution for the Extrinsic Calibration of a Camera and a Laser-Rangefinder, A
* Minimal Solution for Two-View Focal-Length Estimation Using Two Affine Correspondences, A
* Minimal Solution for Uncalibrated Absolute Pose Problem with a Known Vanishing Point
* Minimal Solution to Radial Distortion Autocalibration, A
* Minimal Solution to Relative Pose with Unknown Focal Length and Radial Distortion, A
* minimal solution to the autocalibration of radial distortion, A
* Minimal Solution to the Generalised 3-Point Pose Problem, A
* Minimal Solution to the Generalized Pose-and-Scale Problem, A
* Minimal solutions for generic imaging models
* Minimal Solutions for Panoramic Stitching Given Gravity Prior
* Minimal Solutions for Panoramic Stitching with Radial Distortion
* Minimal Solutions for Panoramic Stitching
* Minimal Solutions for Relative Pose With a Single Affine Correspondence
* Minimal solutions for the rotational alignment of IMU-camera systems using homography constraints
* Minimal Solutions to Generalized Three-View Relative Pose Problem
* Minimal Solutions to Relative Pose Estimation From Two Views Sharing a Common Direction With Unknown Focal Length
* Minimal Solutions to Uncalibrated Two-view Geometry with Known Epipoles
* Minimal Solvers for 3D Geometry from Satellite Imagery
* Minimal Solvers for 3D Scan Alignment With Pairs of Intersecting Lines
* Minimal Solvers for Generalized Pose and Scale Estimation from Two Rays and One Point
* Minimal Solvers for Indoor UAV Positioning
* Minimal Solvers for Mini-Loop Closures in 3D Multi-Scan Alignment
* Minimal Solvers for Monocular Rolling Shutter Compensation Under Ackermann Motion
* Minimal Solvers for Point Cloud Matching with Statistical Deformations
* Minimal Solvers for Rectifying From Radially-Distorted Conjugate Translations
* Minimal Solvers for Rectifying from Radially-Distorted Scales and Change of Scales
* Minimal Solvers for Relative Pose Estimation of Multi-Camera Systems using Affine Correspondences
* Minimal Solvers for Relative Pose with a Single Unknown Radial Distortion
* Minimal Solvers for Single-View Lens-Distorted Camera Auto-Calibration
* Minimal Spanning Tree-Based Clustering Technique: Relationship with Bayes Classifier
* Minimal Stochastic Complexity Image Partitioning With Unknown Noise Model
* Minimal Structure and Motion Problems with Missing Data for 1D Retina Vision, The
* Minimal Subset Random Sampling for Pose Determination and Refinement
* Minimal Surfaces Extend Shortest Path Segmentation Methods to 3D
* Minimal Surfaces for Stereo
* Minimal Surfaces in the Roto-Translation Group with Applications to a Neuro-Biological Image Completion Model
* Minimal Surfaces: A Three-Dimensional Segmentation Approach
* Minimal test collections for low-cost evaluation of Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval systems
* Minimal test patterns for connectivity preservation in parallel thinning algorithms for binary digital images
* Minimal Training, Large Lexicon, Unconstrained Sign Language Recognition
* Minimal Weighted Local Variance as Edge Detector for Active Contour Models
* Minimalist AdaBoost for Blemish Identification in Potatoes
* Minimalist Approach to Type-Agnostic Detection of Quadrics in Point Clouds, A
* Minimalist Vision for Navigation
* Minimalistic CNN-based ensemble model for gender prediction from face images
* Minimalistic Image Signal Processing for Deep Learning Applications
* Minimally-Interactive Watershed Algorithm Designed for Efficient CTA Bone Removal, A
* Minimally-Invasive Estimation of Patient-Specific End-Systolic Elastance Using a Biomechanical Heart Model
* Minimally-supervised classification using multiple observation sets
* Minimally Distorted Structured Adversarial Attacks
* Minimally Invasive Surgery for Sparse Neural Networks in Contrastive Manner
* Minimally Redundant 2-D Array Designs for 3-D Medical Ultrasound Imaging
* Minimally Supervised Acquisition of 3D Recognition Models from Cluttered Images
* Minimally Supervised Classification
* MiniMammographic Database
* Minimax Bridgeness-Based Clustering for Hyperspectral Data
* Minimax classifiers based on neural networks
* Minimax Design of Constant Modulus MIMO Waveforms for Active Sensing
* Minimax Design of Recursive Digital-Filters with a Lattice Denominator
* Minimax Design of Two-Channel IIR QMF Banks with Arbitrary Group Delay
* Minimax design of two-channel low-delay perfect-reconstruction FIR filter banks
* Minimax Disappointment Criterion for Video Broadcasting
* Minimax Entropy and Learning by Diffusion
* Minimax Entropy Principles and Its Application to Texture Modeling
* Minimax Framework for Classification with Applications to Images and High Dimensional Data, A
* Minimax Framework for Two-Agent Scheduling With Inertial Constraints, A
* Minimax Method for Function Interpolation Using an SLI Structure, A
* Minimax Optimal Level-Set Estimation
* Minimax Optimization of Continuous Search Efforts for the Detection of a Target
* Minimax Partial Distortion Competitive Learning for Optimal Codebook Design
* Minimax Robust Landmine Detection Using Forward-Looking Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Minimax Scheduling Framework for Inertially-Constrained Multi-Agent Systems, A
* Minimax search algorithms with and without aspiration windows
* Minimisation of image watermarking side effects through subjective optimisation
* Minimisation of local within-class variance for image segmentation
* minimised complexity dynamic structure adaptive filter design for improved steady state performance analysis, A
* Minimiser l'erreur de reprojection en reconstruction de surfaces basée images
* Minimising Entropy Changes in Dynamic Network Evolution
* Minimising Speaker Verification Utterance Length through Confidence Based Early Verification Decisions
* Minimising Systematic Errors in DEMs Caused by an Inaccurate Lens Model
* Minimising the Search Space for Polygon Detection Using the Generalised Hough Transform
* Minimization of a Detail-Preserving Regularization Functional for Impulse Noise Removal
* Minimization of Detail-preserving Regularization Functional by Newton's Method with Continuation
* Minimization of Energy Functional with Curve-Represented Edges
* Minimization of Fuel Consumption for Vehicle Trajectories
* Minimization of Imaging Gradient Effects in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Minimization of Monotonically Levelable Higher Order MRF Energies via Graph Cuts
* Minimization of MRF Energy With Relaxation Labeling
* Minimization of Region-Scalable Fitting Energy for Image Segmentation
* Minimization of Structural Information: A Set-Theoretical Approach
* Minimization of the Quantization Error in Camera Calibration
* Minimization of the Spurious Shot Boundaries Using Principal Components Decomposition and Progressive Nonlinear Filter
* Minimize Collision Risk Global Planner Based Voronoi Graph for Mobile Robot
* Minimized Database of Unit Selection in Visual Speech Synthesis without Loss of Naturalness
* Minimizing a weighted error criterion for spatial error concealment of missing image data
* Minimizing Algebraic Error in Geometric Estimation Problems
* Minimizing Calibration Time for Brain Reading
* Minimizing Cost-Plus-Dissatisfaction in Online EV Charging Under Real-Time Pricing
* Minimizing Count-Based High Order Terms in Markov Random Fields
* Minimizing dataset bias: Discriminative multi-task sparse coding through shared subspace learning for image classification
* Minimizing Discrete Total Curvature for Image Processing
* Minimizing distortion for multi-path video streaming over ad hoc networks
* Minimizing Energies with Hierarchical Costs
* Minimizing Energy Consumption of Deep Learning Models by Energy-Aware Training
* Minimizing energy functions on 4-connected lattices using elimination
* Minimizing Estimated Risks on Unlabeled Data: A New Formulation for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Minimizing Geometric Distance by Iterative Linear Optimization
* Minimizing hallucination in histogram of Oriented Gradients
* Minimizing Height Effects in MTInSAR for Deformation Detection Over Built Areas
* Minimizing Human Effort in Interactive Tracking by Incremental Learning of Model Parameters
* Minimizing Illumination Differences for 3D to 2D Face Recognition Using Lighting Maps
* Minimizing Latency and Jitter for Large-Scale Multimedia Repositories Through Prefix Caching
* Minimizing Maximum Model Discrepancy for Transferable Black-box Targeted Attacks
* Minimizing Measurement-Induced Errors in Viscoelastic MR Elastography
* Minimizing Negative Transfer of Knowledge in Multivariate Gaussian Processes: A Scalable and Regularized Approach
* Minimizing Nonsubmodular Functions with Graph Cuts-A Review
* Minimizing Pixel Expansion in Visual Cryptographic Scheme for General Access Structures
* Minimizing Reconstruction Bias Hashing via Joint Projection Learning and Quantization
* Minimizing Reflectance Anisotropy Effects in Airborne Spectroscopy Data Using Ross-Li Model Inversion With Continuous Field Land Cover Stratification
* Minimizing ringing effect on images coded at low bit rates with wavelets
* Minimizing sparse higher order energy functions of discrete variables
* Minimizing Spatial Deformation Method for Online Signature Matching
* Minimizing stochastic moire in frequency-modulated halftones by means of green-noise masks
* Minimizing Supervision for Free-Space Segmentation
* Minimizing Supervision in Multi-label Categorization
* Minimizing TGV-Based Variational Models with Non-convex Data Terms
* Minimizing the Accumulated Trajectory Error to Improve Dataset Distillation
* Minimizing the Computation Time for Using the Technique of Sectioning for Digital Filtering of Pictures
* Minimizing the Computing Complexity of Iterative Sequential Thinning Algorithm
* Minimizing the Cost of Errors with a Markov Random Field
* Minimizing the description length using steepest descent
* Minimizing the Disruption of Traffic Flow of Automated Vehicles During Lane Changes
* Minimizing the Effect of Sampling Jitters in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Minimizing the Imbalance Problem in Chromatographic Profile Classification with One-Class Classifiers
* Minimizing the impact of spoof fabrication material on fingerprint liveness detector
* Minimizing the Maximal Rank
* Minimizing the Multi-view Stereo Reprojection Error for Triangular Surface Meshes
* Minimizing the Number of Keypoint Matching Queries for Object Retrieval
* Minimizing the Perceptual Impact of Visual Distortion in Scalable Wavelet Compressed Video
* Minimizing the Reprojection Error in Surface Reconstruction from Images
* Minimizing the Residual Topography Effect on Interferograms to Improve DInSAR Results: Estimating Land Subsidence in Port-Said City, Egypt
* Minimizing the Standard Deviation of Spatially Averaged Surface Cross-Sectional Data From the Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar
* Minimizing the Statistical Impact of LSB Steganography
* Minimizing the Total Liner Shipping Route Service Costs via Application of an Efficient Collaborative Agreement
* Minimizing the total variation under a general convex constraint for image restoration
* Minimizing Timing Jitter's Impact on Ground-Penetrating Radar Array Coupling Signals
* Minimizing Training Data for Reliable Writer Identification in Medieval Manuscripts
* Minimizing Transmission Energy in Wireless Video Communications
* Minimizing uncertainty in determinants and ratios of determinants for invariant relationships employed in SAR imagery pattern recognition
* Minimizing User Annotations in the Generation of Layout Ground-Truthed Data
* Minimizing user interaction by automatic and semi-automatic relevance feedback for image retrieval
* minimum-cost thresholding technique for unsupervised change detection, A
* Minimum-Distortion Isometric Shape Correspondence Using EM Algorithm
* Minimum-Drift Digital Video Downconversion
* Minimum-Entropy-Based Adaptive Focusing Algorithm for Image Reconstruction of Terahertz Single-Frequency Holography With Improved Depth of Focus
* Minimum-Entropy-Based Autofocus Algorithm for SAR Data Using Chebyshev Approximation and Method of Series Reversion, and Its Implementation in a Data Processor
* Minimum-Entropy Clustering and its Application to Lossless Image Coding
* Minimum-Entropy Data Partitioning Using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Minimum-entropy models of scene activity
* Minimum-Entropy Procedure for Robust Motion Estimation, A
* Minimum-Length Polygon of a Simple Cube-Curve in 3D Space
* Minimum-Length Polygons in Approximation Sausages
* Minimum-Length Polygons of First-Class Simple Cube-Curves
* Minimum-maximum local structure information for feature selection
* Minimum-risk training for semi-Markov conditional random fields with application to handwritten Chinese/Japanese text recognition
* Minimum-space time-optimal convex hull algorithms (preliminary report)
* Minimum-Variance Adaptive Surface Mesh, A
* Minimum Area Circumscribing Polygons
* Minimum Barrier Distance Based Saliency Box for Object Proposals Generation, A
* minimum barrier distance for multivariate images with applications, A
* minimum barrier distance, The
* Minimum Barrier Distance: A Summary of Recent Advances, The
* Minimum Barrier Distance: Stability to Seed Point Position, The
* Minimum Barrier Salient Object Detection at 80 FPS
* Minimum barrier superpixel segmentation
* Minimum Bayes Error Features for Visual Recognition by Sequential Feature Selection and Extraction
* Minimum Bayes error features for visual recognition
* Minimum Class Confusion for Versatile Domain Adaptation
* Minimum class variance broad learning system for hyperspectral image classification
* Minimum Class Variance Extreme Learning Machine for Human Action Recognition
* Minimum Class Variance Support Vector Machines
* Minimum classification error learning for sequential data in the wavelet domain
* Minimum classification error training for handwritten character recognition
* Minimum Classification Error Training for Online Handwriting Recognition
* Minimum classification error training for online handwritten word recognition
* Minimum Code Length Technique for Clustering of Syntactic Patterns, A
* Minimum Complexity PDF Estimation for Correlated Data
* Minimum Cost Approach for Segmenting Networks of Lines, A
* Minimum Cost Aspect Classification: A Module of a Vision Algorithm Compiler
* Minimum Cost Multi-Way Data Association for Optimizing Multitarget Tracking of Interacting Objects
* Minimum Cost Path Determination Using a Simple Heuristic Function
* Minimum cost subgraph matching using a binary linear program
* Minimum Covariance Bounds for the Fusion under Unknown Correlations
* minimum cover approach for extracting the road network from airborne LIDAR data, A
* Minimum Cross-Entropy Threshold Selection
* Minimum Cross Entropy Thresholding
* Minimum Cuts of A Time-Varying Background
* Minimum Delay Content Adaptive Video Streaming over Variable Bitrate Channels with a Novel Stream Switching Solution
* Minimum Delay Moving Object Detection
* Minimum Delay Object Detection From Video
* Minimum Delay Spread TEQ Design in Multicarrier Systems
* Minimum Description Length (MDL) Principle and its Applications to Pattern Classification, The
* minimum description length approach to statistical shape modeling, A
* Minimum Description Length approximation of digital curves
* Minimum description length arc spline approximation of digital curves
* Minimum Description Length Based 2-D Shape Description
* Minimum description length clustering to measure meaningful image complexity
* Minimum description length criterion and segmentation map coding for region-based video compression
* Minimum Description Length Criterion for Region-Based Video Compression
* Minimum description length method for facet matching
* Minimum Description Length Model for Recognizing Objects with Variable Appearances (The Vapor Model), A
* minimum description length objective function for groupwise non-rigid image registration, A
* minimum description length principle based method for signal change detection in machine condition monitoring, A
* Minimum Description Length Shape and Appearance Models
* Minimum description length synthetic aperture radar image segmentation
* Minimum Discrimination Information Clustering: Modeling and Quantization with Gauss Mixtures
* Minimum Dispersion Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization to Unmix Hyperspectral Data
* Minimum Distance between Pattern Transformation Manifolds: Algorithm and Applications
* Minimum Effective Dimension for Mixtures of Subspaces: A Robust GPCA Algorithm and its Applications
* Minimum elastic bounding box algorithm for dimension detection of 3D objects: a case of airline baggage measurement
* Minimum Enclosing and Maximum Excluding Machine for Pattern Description and Discrimination
* minimum entropy approach to adaptive image polygonization, A
* minimum entropy based switched adaptive predictor for lossless compression of images, A
* Minimum Entropy Estimation of Hierarchical Random Graph Parameters for Character Recognition
* Minimum Entropy in Restoration
* Minimum Entropy Light and Shading Approximation
* Minimum Entropy Models for Laser Line Extraction
* Minimum Entropy Rate Simplification of Stochastic Processes
* Minimum entropy regularization in frequency-wavenumber migration to localize subsurface objects
* Minimum Entropy Restoration of Star Field Images
* Minimum Entropy Segmentation Applied to Multi-spectral Chromosome Images
* Minimum entropy transform using Gabor wavelets for image compression
* Minimum Error-Rate Training in Statistical Machine Translation Using Structural SVMs
* Minimum error adaptive RGB calibration in a context of colorimetric uncertainty for cultural heritage preservation
* Minimum error bounded efficient L1 tracker with occlusion detection
* Minimum Error Discriminative Training for Radical-Based Online Chinese Handwriting Recognition
* Minimum Error Entropy Estimation Under Contaminated Gaussian Noise
* Minimum Error Rate Training for PHMM-Based Text Recognition
* Minimum Error Thresholding
* Minimum Error Thresholding: A Note
* Minimum Error Vanishing Point Detection Approach for Uncalibrated Monocular Images of Man-Made Environments, A
* Minimum Feature Point Set Representing a Convex Polyhedral Object, The
* Minimum Gaussian Entropy Based Distortionless Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms
* Minimum hardware implementation of multipliers of the lifting wavelet transform
* Minimum Latency Deep Online Video Stabilization
* Minimum length in the tangent bundle as a model for curve completion
* Minimum Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* Minimum Mean Absolute Error Predictors for Lossless Image Coding
* Minimum mean square error detector for multimessage spread spectrum embedding
* Minimum Mean Square Error FIR Filter Banks with Arbitrary Filter Lengths
* Minimum mean square error space-varying filtering of interferometric SAR data
* Minimum Memory Vectorisation of Wavelet Lifting
* Minimum near-convex decomposition for robust shape representation
* Minimum Near-Convex Shape Decomposition
* Minimum Noise Fraction Analysis of TGO/NOMAD LNO Channel High-Resolution Nadir Spectra of Mars
* Minimum Norm Least Squares Extrapolation Estimate for Discrete (a,b,c,d)-Bandlimited Signals
* Minimum Noticeable Difference-Based Adversarial Privacy Preserving Image Generation
* Minimum Perimeter Polygons of Digitized Silhouettes
* Minimum Rate Sampling of Signals with Arbitrary Frequency Support
* Minimum Reliable Scale Selection in 3D
* Minimum risk distance measure for object recognition
* Minimum Risk Training for Handwritten Chinese/Japanese Text Recognition Using Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields
* Minimum Risk Wavelet Shrinkage Operator for Poisson Image Denoising
* Minimum Sampling Rates for Linear Shift-Variant Discrete-Time Systems
* Minimum sensor second-order sliding mode longitudinal control of passenger vehicles
* Minimum Spanning Forest With Embedded Edge Inconsistency Measurement Model for Guided Depth Map Enhancement
* Minimum spanning tree adaptive image filtering
* Minimum Spanning Tree Approach to Line Image Analysis, A
* Minimum Spanning Tree for Segmentation
* Minimum Spanning Tree Hierarchically Fusing Multi-feature Points and High-Dimensional Features for Medical Image Registration
* Minimum Spanning Tree Pose Estimation
* Minimum Spanning Tree Problem with Label Selection
* Minimum spanning trees (MST) as a tool for describing tissue architecture when grading bladder carcinoma
* Minimum Spatial Entropy Threshold Selection
* Minimum Sphere Covering Approach to Pattern Classification, A
* Minimum Storage Boundary Tracing Algorithm and Its Application to Automatic Inspection, A
* Minimum support interpolators with optimum approximation properties
* Minimum Temperature Outweighed the Maximum Temperature in Determining Plant Growth over the Tibetan Plateau from 1982 to 2017, The
* Minimum Time Headway in Platooning Systems Under the MPF Topology for Different Wireless Communication Scenario
* Minimum Total Variation in 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction
* Minimum Uncertainty Gap for Robust Visual Tracking
* Minimum variance-embedded kernelized extension of extreme learning machine for imbalance learning
* Minimum Variance Approaches to Ultrasound Pixel-Based Beamforming
* Minimum Variance Estimation of 3D Face Shape from Multi-view
* Minimum Variance Gain Nonuniformity Estimation in Infrared Focal Plane Array Sensors
* Minimum variance image interpolation from noisy and aliased samples
* Minimum Variance Optimal Rate Allocation for Multiplexed H.264/AVC Bitstreams
* Minimum variance unbiased subpixel centroid estimation of point image limited by photon shot noise
* Minimum Volume Covering Approach with a Set of Ellipsoids, A
* Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Metric, The
* Minimum Volume Simplex Analysis: A Fast Algorithm for Linear Hyperspectral Unmixing
* MiniNet: An extremely lightweight convolutional neural network for real-time unsupervised monocular depth estimation
* Mining 3D Key-Pose-Motifs for Action Recognition
* Mining Actionable Patterns of Road Mobility From Heterogeneous Traffic Data Using Biclustering
* Mining actionlet ensemble for action recognition with depth cameras
* Mining activities using sticky multimodal dual hierarchical Dirichlet process hidden Markov model
* Mining aggregates of over-the-counter products for syndromic surveillance
* Mining And-Or Graphs for Graph Matching and Object Discovery
* Mining and Restoration Monitoring of Rare Earth Element (REE) Exploitation by New Remote Sensing Indicators in Southern Jiangxi, China
* Mining Appearance Models Directly From Compressed Video
* Mining Arbitrary-Length Repeated Patterns in Television Broadcast
* Mining Auxiliary Objects for Tracking by Multibody Grouping
* Mining Better Samples for Contrastive Learning of Temporal Correspondence
* Mining bias-target Alignment from Voronoi Cells
* Mining boundary effects in areally referenced spatial data using the Bayesian information criterion
* Mining Calendar-Based Periodicities of Patterns in Temporal Data
* Mining Co-Location Patterns with Rare Events from Spatial Data Sets
* Mining Coastal Land Use Sequential Pattern and Its Land Use Associations Based on Association Rule Mining
* Mining Compact Bag-of-Patterns for Low Bit Rate Mobile Visual Search
* Mining compositional features for boosting
* Mining Compositional Features From GPS and Visual Cues for Event Recognition in Photo Collections
* Mining conditional patterns in a database
* Mining consistent correspondences using co-occurrence statistics
* Mining Contextual Information Beyond Image for Semantic Segmentation
* Mining conversational text for procedures with applications in contact centers
* Mining Cross-Domain Structure Affinity for Refined Building Segmentation in Weakly Supervised Constraints
* Mining Cross-Image Semantics for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Mining Cross-Person Cues for Body-Part Interactiveness Learning in HOI Detection
* Mining Crowdsourced First Impressions in Online Social Video
* Mining Data Impressions From Deep Models as Substitute for the Unavailable Training Data
* Mining data with random forests: A survey and results of new tests
* Mining deep And-Or object structures via cost-sensitive question-answer-based active annotations
* Mining Deformation Life Cycle in the Light of InSAR and Deformation Models
* Mining Deformation Monitoring Based on Lutan-1 Monostatic and Bistatic Data
* Mining discriminative 3D Poselet for cross-view action recognition
* Mining discriminative adjectives and prepositions for natural scene recognition
* Mining discriminative co-occurrence patterns for visual recognition
* Mining discriminative descriptors for goal-based activity detection
* Mining discriminative spatial cues for aerial image quality assessment towards big data
* Mining discriminative states of hands and objects to recognize egocentric actions with a wearable RGBD camera
* Mining Discriminative Triplets of Patches for Fine-Grained Classification
* Mining Documents for Complex Semantic Relations by the Use of Context Classification
* Mining e-commerce satisfaction sentiment through a bilingual model
* Mining Event Structures from Web Videos
* Mining Evolution Patterns from Complex Trajectory Structures: A Case Study of Mesoscale Eddies in the South China Sea
* Mining evolving data streams for frequent patterns
* Mining Exemplars for Object Modelling Using Affinity Propagation
* Mining exoticism from visual content with fusion-based deep neural networks
* Mining Factors Affecting Taxi Detour Behavior from GPS Traces at Directional Road Segment Level
* Mining False Positive Examples for Text-Based Person Re-Identification
* Mining families of features for efficient object detection
* Mining Fashion Outfit Composition Using an End-to-End Deep Learning Approach on Set Data
* Mining for Implications in Medical Data
* Mining frequent approximate patterns in large networks
* Mining frequent closed itemsets from multidimensional databases
* Mining Frequent Patterns in 2D+t Grid Graphs for Cellular Automata Analysis
* Mining Frequent Similar Patterns on Mixed Data
* Mining from large image sets
* Mining Generalized Closed Patterns from Multi-graph Collections
* Mining Geomatics
* Mining Group Nonverbal Conversational Patterns Using Probabilistic Topic Models
* Mining Hard Augmented Samples for Robust Facial Landmark Localization With CNNs
* Mining Hard Negative Samples for SAR-Optical Image Matching Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Mining heterogeneous class-specific codebook for categorical object detection and classification
* Mining Individual Similarity by Assessing Interactions with Personally Significant Places from GPS Trajectories
* Mining Insights From Visual Assets
* Mining Inter-video Proposal Relations for Video Object Detection
* Mining Interpretable AOG Representations From Convolutional Networks via Active Question Answering
* Mining intricate temporal rules for recognizing complex activities of daily living under uncertainty
* Mining Is a Growing Threat within Indigenous Lands of the Brazilian Amazon
* Mining Large-Scale News Video Database Via Knowledge Visualization
* Mining Larger Class Activation Map with Common Attribute Labels
* Mining Latent Attributes From Click-Through Logs for Image Recognition
* Mining Latent Classes for Few-shot Segmentation
* Mining Layered Grammar Rules for Action Recognition
* Mining Local Association Rules from Temporal Data Set
* Mining Long, Sharable Patterns in Trajectories of Moving Objects
* Mining Mid-Level Features for Action Recognition Based on Effective Skeleton Representation
* Mining Mid-level Features for Image Classification
* Mining Mid-level Visual Patterns with Deep CNN Activations
* Mining Minority-Class Examples with Uncertainty Estimates
* Mining mobile application usage pattern for demand prediction by considering spatial and temporal relations
* Mining Motion Atoms and Phrases for Complex Action Recognition
* Mining Multi-View Clustering Space With Interpretable Space Search Constraint
* Mining Multi-View Information: A Strong Self-Supervised Framework for Depth-based 3D Hand Pose and Mesh Estimation
* Mining Multiple Queries for Image Retrieval: On-the-Fly Learning of an Object-Specific Mid-level Representation
* Mining NMR Spectroscopy Using Topic Models
* Mining Novice User Activity with TRECVID Interactive Retrieval Tasks
* Mining Object Parts from CNNs via Active Question-Answering
* Mining on Manifolds: Metric Learning Without Labels
* Mining osmotic stress response genes from Arabidopsis genome
* Mining outliers with faster cutoff update and space utilization
* Mining Paths of Complex Crowd Scenes
* Mining Personal Frequent Routes via Road Corner Detection
* Mining Point Cloud Local Structures by Kernel Correlation and Graph Pooling
* Mining Rare Patterns Using Hyper-Linked Data Structure
* Mining Recurring Events Through Forest Growing
* Mining Relations Among Cross-Frame Affinities for Video Semantic Segmentation
* Mining residential household information from low-resolution smart meter data
* Mining residue contacts in proteins using local structure predictions
* Mining Road Network Correlation for Traffic Estimation via Compressive Sensing
* Mining Satellite Image Time Series: Statistical Modeling and Evolution Analysis
* Mining Seismic Thermal Anomalies From Massive Satellite Passive Microwave Images
* Mining Self-similarity: Label Super-resolution with Epitomic Representations
* Mining semantic affordances of visual object categories
* Mining Semantic Information With Dual Relation Graph Network for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Mining Skier Transportation Patterns From Ski Resort Lift Usage Data
* Mining Smart Card Data for Travellers' Mini Activities
* Mining Spatial-Temporal Patterns and Structural Sparsity for Human Motion Data Denoising
* Mining Spatial-Temporal Similarity for Visual Tracking
* Mining Spatial Temporal Saliency Structure for Action Recognition
* Mining spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns in non-relational databases
* Mining Spatiotemporal Patterns Of The Elder's Daily Movement
* Mining Statistical Video Structures
* Mining Structure Fragments for Smart Bundle Adjustment
* Mining sub-categories for object detection
* Mining Subsidence Prediction by Combining Support Vector Machine Regression and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Mining taxi trajectories for most suitable stations of sharing bikes to ease traffic congestion
* Mining the Criminal Data of Rio de Janeiro: Analyzing the Impact of the Pacifying Police Units Deployment
* Mining the Critical Factors of Hazardous Material Road Transportation Accidents From Chinese Investigation Reports
* Mining the displacement of max-pooling for text recognition
* Mining the Spatial Distribution Pattern of the Typical Fast-Food Industry Based on Point-of-Interest Data: The Case Study of Hangzhou, China
* Mining the spatio-temporal pattern using matrix factorisation: A case study of traffic flow
* Mining the Urdu Language-Based Web Content for Opinion Extraction
* Mining the Web for Multimedia-Based Enriching
* Mining top-k Hot Melody Structures over online music query streams
* Mining Topological Dependencies of Recurrent Congestion in Road Networks
* Mining TV broadcasts for recurring video sequences
* Mining tweets of Moroccan users using the framework Hadoop, NLP, K-means and basemap
* Mining Type-beta Co-Location Patterns on Closeness Centrality in Spatial Data Sets
* Mining Uncertain Data in Low-dimensional Subspace
* Mining User Activity Patterns from Time-Series Data Obtained from UWB Sensors in Indoor Environments
* Mining user hidden semantics from image content for image retrieval
* Mining User Movement Behavior Patterns in a Mobile Service Environment
* Mining visual actions from movies
* Mining Visual Collocation Patterns via Self-Supervised Subspace Learning
* MiniROAD: Minimal RNN Framework for Online Action Detection
* MiniViT: Compressing Vision Transformers with Weight Multiplexing
* MinkLoc3D: Point Cloud Based Large-Scale Place Recognition
* Minkowski-Algebra-Based Super-Sparse Array Design for Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging
* Minkowski central partition as a pointer to a suitable distance exponent and consensus partitioning, The
* Minkowski Decomposition of Convex Polygons into Their Symmetrical and Asymmetric Parts
* Minkowski metric, feature weighting and anomalous cluster initializing in K-Means clustering
* Minkowski sum computation for planar freeform geometric models using G1-biarc approximation and interior disk culling
* Minmax-concave total variation denoising
* MINMAX frame rate control using a rate-distortion optimized wavelet coder
* MinMax k-Means clustering algorithm, The
* MINMAX optimal video summarization
* MinMax Radon Barcodes for Medical Image Retrieval
* Minmax Strategies for QIM Watermarking Subject to Attacks with Memory
* MinNet: Minutia Patch Embedding Network for Automated Latent Fingerprint Recognition
* Minor Surfaces are Boundaries of Mode-Based Clusters
* Minority Class Feature Selection Method, A
* Minority Class Oriented Active Learning for Imbalanced Datasets
* MinOver Revisited for Incremental Support-Vector-Classification
* MINPRAN: A New Robust Estimator for Computer Vision
* MinReduct: A new algorithm for computing the shortest reducts
* MINT: Deep Network Compression via Mutual Information-based Neuron Trimming
* MINTIN: Maxout-Based and Input-Normalized Transformation Invariant Neural Network
* minute lossy method for 2D-gel images compression, A
* minutia-based partial fingerprint recognition system, A
* Minutia Cylinder-Code: A New Representation and Matching Technique for Fingerprint Recognition
* Minutia handedness: A novel global feature for minutiae-based fingerprint matching
* Minutia Matching Algorithm in Fingerprint Verification, A
* Minutia Matching using 3D Pore Clouds
* Minutia Verification and Classification for Fingerprint Matching
* Minutiae-based enhanced fingerprint verification assessment relaying on image quality factors
* Minutiae-based Fingerprint Individuality Model, A
* Minutiae-based Fingerprint Matching Using Subset Combination
* Minutiae-Based Gender Estimation for Full and Partial Fingerprints of Arbitrary Size and Shape
* Minutiae-Based Matching State Model for Combinations in Fingerprint Matching System
* Minutiae-based template synthesis and matching for fingerprint authentication
* Minutiae-Based Template Synthesis and Matching Using Hierarchical Delaunay Triangulations
* Minutiae based thermal face recognition using blood perfusion data
* Minutiae Data Synthesis for Fingerprint Identification Applications
* Minutiae Extraction by Adaptive Tracing the Gray Level Ridge of the Fingerprint Image
* Minutiae Extraction Scheme for Fingerprint Recognition Systems
* Minutiae feature analysis for infrared hand vein pattern biometrics
* Minutiae Matching Based Fingerprint Verification Using Delaunay Triangulation and Aligned-Edge-Guided Triangle Matching
* Minutiae neighborhood validation by Quaternion Zernike Moments forfingerprint matching
* Minutiae Quality Scoring and Filtering Using a Neighboring Ridge Structural Analysis on a Thinned Fingerprint Image
* Minutiae Triangle Graphs: A New Fingerprint Representation with Invariance Properties
* MIO-TCD: A New Benchmark Dataset for Vehicle Classification and Localization
* Miovision Technologies
* Mip-NeRF 360: Unbounded Anti-Aliased Neural Radiance Fields
* Mip-NeRF: A Multiscale Representation for Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on Quad-Bayer Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGB+TOF Depth Completion: Dataset and Report
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGBW Sensor Fusion: Dataset and Report
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGBW Sensor Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on Under-Display Camera Image Restoration: Methods and Results
* MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Results
* MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and Results
* MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGBW Fusion: Methods and Results
* MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGBW Remosaic: Methods and Results
* MiPo: How to Detect Trajectory Outliers with Tabular Outlier Detectors
* MIQM: A Multicamera Image Quality Measure
* MIR: An Approach to Robust Clustering-Application to Range Image Segmentation
* Mirabelle: A System for Structural Analysis of Drawings
* Miracle-IV: Multiple Image Recognition System Aiming Concept Learning -- Intelligent Vision
* MIRACLE: Multimedia Information Retrieval by Analysing Content and Learning from Examples
* Mirador: A Simple Fast Search Interface for Global Remote Sensing Data Sets
* Mirage is an image in a flat ground surface
* MIRATAR: A Virtual Caregiver for Active and Healthy Ageing
* MIRAU-Net: An improved neural network based on U-Net for gliomas segmentation
* MirBot: A Multimodal Interactive Image Retrieval System
* MirriAd
* Mirror-adapted matching of catadioptric images
* Mirror-Based Multi-View Analysis of Facial Motions
* Mirror-based Trinocular Systems in Robot-vision
* Mirror and Point Symmetry under Perspective Skewing
* Mirror complementary transformer network for RGB-thermal salient object detection
* Mirror design of a prescribed accuracy omnidirectional vision system
* Mirror Detection With the Visual Chirality Cue
* Mirror Identification and Correction of 3D Point Clouds
* Mirror image learning for autoassociative neural networks
* Mirror Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification
* Mirror Localization for Catadioptric Imaging System by Observing Parallel Light Pairs
* Mirror Match: Reliable Feature Point Matching without Geometric Constraints
* Mirror Mirror on the Wall... An Unobtrusive Intelligent Multisensory Mirror for Well-Being Status Self-Assessment and Visualization
* Mirror MoCap: Automatic and efficient capture of dense 3D facial motion parameters from video
* Mirror reflection invariant HOG descriptors for object detection
* Mirror Surface Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Mirror Surface Reconstruction under an Uncalibrated Camera
* Mirror symmetry ==> 2-view stereo geometry
* Mirror symmetry detection in curves represented by means of the Slope Chain Code
* Mirror Symmetry Histograms for Capturing Geometric Properties in Images
* Mirror U-Net: Marrying Multimodal Fission with Multi-task Learning for Semantic Segmentation in Medical Imaging
* Mirror Uncertainty and Uniqueness Conditions for Determining Shape and Motion from Orthographic Projection
* Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me, is the error small?
* Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who's Got the Clearest Image of Them All?: A Tailored Approach to Single Image Reflection Removal
* Mirror3D: Depth Refinement for Mirror Surfaces
* MirrorDiffusion: Stabilizing Diffusion Process in Zero-Shot Image Translation by Prompts Redescription and Beyond
* MirrorFlow: Exploiting Symmetries in Joint Optical Flow and Occlusion Estimation
* MirrorGAN: Learning Text-To-Image Generation by Redescription
* Mirroring and Rotating Images in Linear Quadtree Form with Few Machine Instructions
* Mirrors in motion: epipolar geometry and motion estimation
* MirrorTrack: A real-time multiple camera approach for multi-touch interactions on glossy display surfaces
* MIRSVM: Multi-instance support vector machine with bag representatives
* MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Water Vapor Profile Estimation from ATMS Measurements Using a Random Forests Technique
* Mis?-) Using DRT for Generation of Natural Language Text from Image Sequences
* Misalign, Contrast then Distill: Rethinking Misalignments in Language-Image Pretraining
* Misaligned Image Integration With Local Linear Model
* Misaligned RGB-Infrared Object Detection via Adaptive Dual-Discrepancy Calibration
* Misalignment-Free Relation Aggregation for Multi-Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* Misalignment-Robust Face Recognition
* Misalignment-Robust Joint Filter for Cross-Modal Image Pairs
* Misalignment Calibration Of Ultracam D And Xp
* Misalignment Identification in Induction Motors Using Orbital Pattern Analysis
* Misalignment resilient CCA for interactive satellite image change detection
* Misapplication of the Local Ramp Metering Strategy ALINEA, A
* MISC: Multi-Condition Injection and Spatially-Adaptive Compositing for Conditional Person Image Synthesis
* MISC210K: A Large-Scale Dataset for Multi-Instance Semantic Correspondence
* Misclassification Risk and Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Classifiers
* Misclassification tolerable learning for robust pedestrian orientation classification
* MisConv: Convolutional Neural Networks for Missing Data
* MISF:Multi-level Interactive Siamese Filtering for High-Fidelity Image Inpainting
* MISL: Multi-grained image-text semantic learning for text-guided image inpainting
* Mislgan: An Anti-Forensic Camera Model Falsification Framework Using A Generative Adversarial Network
* Mismatch Removal for Wide-baseline Image Matching via Coherent Region-to-Region Correspondence
* Mismatch removal via coherent spatial mapping
* MisMatch: Calibrated Segmentation via Consistency on Differential Morphological Feature Perturbations With Limited Labels
* Mismatching Removal for Feature-Point Matching Based on Triangular Topology Probability Sampling Consensus
* MISPEL: A Multi-Crop Spectral Library for Statistical Crop Trait Retrieval and Agricultural Monitoring
* Misperception of rotational motion images displayed with and without stereoscopy
* Misperceptions of Predominant Slum Locations? Spatial Analysis of Slum Locations in Terms of Topography Based on Earth Observation Data
* MISR-GOES 3D Winds: Implications for Future LEO-GEO and LEO-LEO Winds
* MISR in-flight camera geometric model calibration and georectification performance
* MISR Radiance Anomalies Induced by Stratospheric Volcanic Aerosols
* MISR Stereo Heights of Grassland Fire Smoke Plumes in Australia
* MISR stereoscopic image matchers: techniques and results
* Misregistration Errors, Evaluation Change Detection
* Miss Detection vs. False Alarm: Adversarial Learning for Small Object Segmentation in Infrared Images
* MISS GAN: A Multi-IlluStrator style generative adversarial network for image to illustration translation
* Miss Yoga: A Yoga Assistant Mobile Application Based on Keypoint Detection
* MissFormer: (In-)Attention-Based Handling of Missing Observations for Trajectory Filtering and Prediction
* MISSFormer: An Effective Transformer for 2D Medical Image Segmentation
* Misshapen Pelvis Landmark Detection With Local-Global Feature Learning for Diagnosing Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
* Missile target automatic recognition from its decoys based on image time-series
* Missile Tracking Using Knowledge-based Adaptive Thresholding
* Missing-Area Reconstruction in Multispectral Images Under a Compressive Sensing Perspective
* Missing-Data Nonparametric Coherency Estimation
* Missing-Feature Reconstruction With a Bounded Nonlinear State-Space Model
* Missing Burns in the High Northern Latitudes: The Case for Regionally Focused Burned Area Products
* Missing Data and Regression Models for Spatial Images
* Missing Data Estimation for Traffic Volume by Searching an Optimum Closed Cut in Urban Networks
* Missing Data Imputation for Geolocation-based Price Prediction Using KNN-MCF Method
* Missing Data Imputation in GNSS Monitoring Time Series Using Temporal and Spatial Hankel Matrix Factorization
* Missing Data Imputation via Conditional Generator and Correlation Learning for Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Missing Data Reconstruction in Remote Sensing Image With a Unified Spatial-Temporal-Spectral Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Missing data reconstruction in VHR images based on progressive structure prediction and texture generation
* Missing Data Recovery via Deep Networks for Limited Ground Penetrating Radar Measurements
* Missing Data Repairs for Traffic Flow With Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Imputation Net
* Missing data super-resolution using non-local and statistical priors
* Missing Data, Fixing Problems
* Missing Image Data Reconstruction Based on Adaptive Inverse Projection via Sparse Representation
* Missing Information Reconstruction for Single Remote Sensing Images Using Structure-Preserving Global Optimization
* Missing information reconstruction integrating isophote constraint and color-structure control for remote sensing data
* Missing Intensity Interpolation Using a Kernel PCA-Based POCS Algorithm and its Applications
* Missing Link: Finding Label Relations Across Datasets, The
* Missing Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition Based on Smoothed Nuclear Norm
* Missing microarray data estimation based on projection onto convex sets method
* Missing Millions in Maps: Exploring Causes of Uncertainties in Global Gridded Population Datasets, The
* Missing Modalities Imputation via Cascaded Residual Autoencoder
* Missing Modality Transfer Learning via Latent Low-Rank Constraint
* Missing MRI Pulse Sequence Synthesis Using Multi-Modal Generative Adversarial Network
* Missing Pixel Reconstruction on Landsat 8 Analysis Ready Data Land Surface Temperature Image Patches Using Source-Augmented Partial Convolution
* Missing Recovery: Single Image Reflection Removal Based on Auxiliary Prior Learning
* Missing Road Condition Imputation Using a Multi-View Heterogeneous Graph Network From GPS Trajectory
* Missing Singular Point Resistant Fingerprint Classification Technique, Based on Directional Patterns, A
* Missing Slice Recovery for Tensors Using a Low-Rank Model in Embedded Space
* Missing Surface Estimation Based on Modified Tikhonov Regularization: Application for Destructed Dental Tissue
* Missing Texture Reconstruction Method Based on Error Reduction Algorithm Using Fourier Transform Magnitude Estimation Scheme
* Missing the Forest and the Trees: Utility, Limits and Caveats for Drone Imaging of Coastal Marine Ecosystems
* Missing traffic data: comparison of imputation methods
* Missing Value Imputation for Traffic-Related Time Series Data Based on a Multi-View Learning Method
* Missing Values in Dissimilarity-Based Classification of Multi-way Data
* Missingness-Pattern-Adaptive Learning With Incomplete Data
* Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS Radiometric Dataset Using Advanced Algorithms for Time Series Studies
* Mission-Oriented Sensor Arrays and UAVs: A Case Study on Environmental Monitoring
* Mission Flight Planning of RPAS for Photogrammetric Studies in Complex Scenes
* Mission Parameters Derived from Optical Flow
* Mission Planning for Energy-Efficient Passive UAV Radar Imaging System Based on Substage Division Collaborative Search
* Mississippi River and Campeche Bank (Gulf of Mexico) Episodes of Cross-Shelf Export of Coastal Waters Observed with Satellites
* MISSU: 3D Medical Image Segmentation via Self-Distilling TransUNet
* Mist Methodology and Its Application to Natural Scene Interpretation, The
* MIST: Multi-modal Iterative Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Long-form Video Question Answering
* MIST: Multiple Instance Self-Training Framework for Video Anomaly Detection
* MIST: Multiple Instance Spatial Transformer
* MISTO: A Multi-Resolution Deformable Model for Segmentation of Soft-Tissue Organs
* MISTRAL: a myopic edge-preserving image restoration method, with application to astronomical adaptive-optics-corrected long-exposure images
* Misty Three Point Algorithm for Relative Pose, The
* MIT 67 Indoor Dataset
* MIT Car Database MITC
* MIT Face Recognition Database
* MIT Lincoln Laboratory Multimodal Person Identification System in the CLEAR 2007 Evaluation
* MIT Pedestrian Database MITP
* MIT Places Database for Scene Recognition
* MIT Progress in Understanding Images
* MIT Robot, The
* MIT Texture Data
* Mita: An Information Extraction Approach to the Analysis of Free-Form Text in Life-Insurance Applications
* MITES: A Model Driven, Iterative Texture Segmentation Algorithm
* Mitigate the classification ambiguity via localization-classification sequence in object detection
* Mitigating AC and DC Interference in Multi-ToF-Camera Environments
* Mitigating Adversarial Vulnerability through Causal Parameter Estimation by Adversarial Double Machine Learning
* Mitigating Algorithmic Bias: Evolving an Augmentation Policy that is Non-Biasing
* Mitigating and Evaluating Static Bias of Action Representations in the Background and the Foreground
* Mitigating Atmospheric Effects in InSAR Stacking Based on Ensemble Forecasting with a Numerical Weather Prediction Model
* Mitigating Bias in Face Recognition Using Skewness-Aware Reinforcement Learning
* Mitigating Bias in Gender, Age and Ethnicity Classification: A Multi-task Convolution Neural Network Approach
* Mitigating Catastrophic Interference using Unsupervised Multi-Part Attention for RGB-IR Face Recognition
* Mitigating Confounding Bias in Practical Recommender Systems With Partially Inaccessible Exposure Status
* Mitigating Dataset Bias in Image Captioning Through Clip Confounder-Free Captioning Network
* Mitigating Demographic Bias in Facial Datasets with Style-Based Multi-attribute Transfer
* Mitigating discontinuities in segmented Karhunen-Loeve Transforms
* Mitigating Effect of Urban Green Spaces on Surface Urban Heat Island during Summer Period on an Example of a Medium Size Town of Zvolen, Slovakia
* Mitigating Embedding and Class Assignment Mismatch in Unsupervised Image Classification
* Mitigating errors of predicted delays of a train at neighbouring stops
* Mitigating Face Recognition Bias via Group Adaptive Classifier
* Mitigating Image Residuals Systematic Patterns In Underwater Photogrammetry
* Mitigating Imbalance of Land Cover Change Data for Deep Learning Models with Temporal and Spatiotemporal Sample Weighting Schemes
* Mitigating Information Leakage in Image Representations: A Maximum Entropy Approach
* Mitigating Intensity Bias in Shadow Detection via Feature Decomposition and Reweighting
* Mitigating Label Noise in GANs via Enhanced Spectral Normalization
* Mitigating memory requirements for random trees/ferns
* Mitigating Observatio> ICPR22
* Mitigating Paucity of Data in Sinusoid Characterization Using Generative Synthetic Noise
* Mitigating Range Ambiguity Method Based on DDMA for SAR Systems
* Mitigating Representation Bias in Action Recognition: Algorithms and Benchmarks
* Mitigating Satellite-Induced Code Pseudorange Variations at GLONASS G3 Frequency Using Periodical Model
* Mitigating severe over-parameterization in deep convolutional neural networks through forced feature abstraction and compression with an entropy-based heuristic
* Mitigating Silent Data Corruptions in Integer Matrix Products: Toward Reliable Multimedia Computing on Unreliable Hardware
* Mitigating Task Interference in Multi-Task Learning via Explicit Task Routing with Non-Learnable Primitives
* Mitigating the Bias of Centered Objects in Common Datasets
* Mitigating the effect of dataset shift in clustering
* Mitigating the effects of atmospheric distortion using DT-CWT fusion
* Mitigating the Effects of Variable Illumination for Tracking across Disjoint Camera Views
* Mitigating the Impact of Field and Image Registration Errors through Spatial Aggregation
* Mitigating the impact of light rail on urban traffic networks using mixed-integer linear programming
* Mitigating the impact of signal-dependent noise on hyperspectral target detection
* Mitigating the Limited View Problem in Photoacoustic Tomography for a Planar Detection Geometry by Regularized Iterative Reconstruction
* Mitigating the Scintillation Effect on GNSS Signals Using MP and ROTI
* Mitigating Urban Visual Pollution through a Multistakeholder Spatial Decision Support System to Optimize Locational Potential of Billboards
* Mitigation of Arctic Tundra Surface Warming by Plant Evapotranspiration: Complete Energy Balance Component Estimation Using LANDSAT Satellite Data
* Mitigation of Azimuth Ambiguities in Spaceborne Stripmap SAR Images Using Selective Restoration
* Mitigation of Calibration Ringing in the Context of the MTG-S IRS Instrument
* Mitigation of Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on GNSS Signals with VMD-MFDFA
* Mitigation of Millimeter-Wave Radar Mutual Interference Using Spectrum Sub-Band Analysis and Synthesis
* Mitigation of Mutual Antenna Coupling Effects for Active Radar Targets in L-Band
* Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: Current Status and Future Trends
* Mitigation of Reflection Symmetry Assumption and Negative Power Problems for the Model-Based Decomposition
* Mitigation of RFIS for SMOS: A Distributed Approach
* Mitigation of Sea Ice Contamination in QuikSCAT Wind Retrieval
* Mitigation of Short-Term Temporal Variations of Receiver Code Bias to Achieve Increased Success Rate of Ambiguity Resolution in PPP
* Mitigation of Significant Data Noise in F17 SSMIS Observations since October 2017
* Mitigation of Systematic Noise in F16 SSMIS LAS Channels Observations for Tropical Cyclone Applications
* Mitigation of Through-Wall Distortions of Frontal Radar Images Using Denoising Autoencoders
* Mitigation of Tropospheric Delay in SAR and InSAR Using NWP Data: Its Validation and Application Examples
* Mitigation of Unmodeled Error to Improve the Accuracy of Multi-GNSS PPP for Crustal Deformation Monitoring
* Mitigation of Vehicle Distribution in an EV Sharing Scheme for Last Mile Transportation
* Mitigation of Visibility Loss for Advanced Camera-Based Driver Assistance
* Mitigation of Wind Turbine Clutter for Weather Radar by Signal Separation
* MITNet: Multi-intention Trajectory Network for Motion Prediction
* Mitochondria DNA Analysis and Extraction
* Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Using Genomic Signals
* MitoGen: A Framework for Generating 3D Synthetic Time-Lapse Sequences of Cell Populations in Fluorescence Microscopy
* Mitosis Detection for Invasive Breast Cancer Grading in Histopathological Images
* Mitosis Detection in Intestinal Crypt Images with Hough Forest and Conditional Random Fields
* Mitosis event recognition and detection based on evolution of feature in time domain
* Mitosis Extraction in Breast-Cancer Histopathological Whole Slide Images
* Mitotic cells recognition in HEp-2 images
* Mitotic HEp-2 Cells Recognition under Class Skew
* MITPose: Multi-Granularity Feature Interaction for Human Pose Estimation
* Mitral Annulus Segmentation From 3D Ultrasound Using Graph Cuts
* MITT: Medical Image Tracking Toolbox
* MIVIABot: A Cognitive Robot for Smart Museum
* Mix'em: Unsupervised Image Classification Using a Mixture of Embeddings
* Mix-Net: Automatic Segmentation of COVID-19 CT Images Based on Parallel Design
* mix-pooling CNN architecture with FCRF for brain tumor segmentation, A
* Mix-Teaching: A Simple, Unified and Effective Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Mix-ViT: Mixing attentive vision transformer for ultra-fine-grained visual categorization
* Mix and Localize: Localizing Sound Sources in Mixtures
* Mix and Match Networks: Cross-Modal Alignment for Zero-Pair Image-to-Image Translation
* Mix and Match Networks: Encoder-Decoder Alignment for Zero-Pair Image Translation
* Mix and Match: Joint Model for Clothing and Attribute Recognition
* Mix MSTAR: A Synthetic Benchmark Dataset for Multi-Class Rotation Vehicle Detection in Large-Scale SAR Images
* Mix: A Potential Image Augmentation Method on Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* Mix3D: Out-of-Context Data Augmentation for 3D Scenes
* Mixability of integral losses: A key to efficient online aggregation of functional and probabilistic forecasts
* Mixamo
* MixAugment & Mixup: Augmentation Methods for Facial Expression Recognition
* MixBag: Bag-Level Data Augmentation for Learning from Label Proportions
* MIXCAPS: A capsule network-based mixture of experts for lung nodule malignancy prediction
* MixCaps: Capsules With Iteration Free Routing
* MixCast modulation for layered video multicast over WLANs
* MixChannel: Advanced Augmentation for Multispectral Satellite Images
* MixCycle: Mixup Assisted Semi-Supervised 3D Single Object Tracking with Cycle Consistency
* MixCycle: Unsupervised Speech Separation via Cyclic Mixture Permutation Invariant Training
* Mixed-attention-based regional soft partition network for vehicle reidentification
* Mixed-Bit Sampling Graphic: When Watermarking Meets Copy Detection Pattern
* Mixed-Domain Edge-Aware Image Manipulation
* Mixed-Domain Training Improves Multi-Mission Terrain Segmentation
* Mixed-Dual-Head Meets Box Priors: A Robust Framework for Semi-supervised Segmentation
* Mixed-Effects Model for Detecting Disrupted Connectivities in Heterogeneous Data, A
* Mixed-Initiative Human-Robot Interaction Using Hierarchical Bayesian Networks
* Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming for Energy-Efficient Container Handling: Formulation and Customized Genetic Algorithm
* Mixed-Integer Program (MIP) for One-Way Multiple-Type Shared Electric Vehicles Allocation With Uncertain Demand, A
* Mixed-Methods Approach to Land Use Renewal Strategies in and around Abandoned Airports: The Case of Beijing Nanyuan Airport
* Mixed-Noise Removal in Images Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
* Mixed-norm sparse representation for multi view face recognition
* Mixed-Order MUSIC Algorithm for Localization of Far-Field and Near-Field Sources
* Mixed-order spectral clustering for complex networks
* Mixed-Precision Neural Network Quantization via Learned Layer-Wise Importance
* Mixed-precision quantized neural networks with progressively decreasing bitwidth
* Mixed-Privacy Forgetting in Deep Networks
* Mixed-reality snapshot system using environmental depth sensors
* Mixed-Reality System for Broadcasting Sports Video to Mobile Devices, A
* Mixed-resolution distributed video codec without motion estimation at the encoder
* Mixed-resolution HEVC based multiview video codec
* Mixed-Resolution Patch-Matching
* Mixed-Signal Architecture for Real-Time Two-Dimensional Live TV Image Restoration
* Mixed-Signal VLSI Architecture for Real Time Computer Vision
* Mixed-Signal VLSI Neuroprocessor for Image Restoration, A
* Mixed-State Auto-Models and Motion Texture Modeling
* Mixed-state causal modeling for statistical KL-based motion texture tracking
* Mixed-State Condensation Tracker with Automatic Model-Switching, A
* Mixed-State Markov Random Fields for Motion Texture Modeling and Segmentation
* Mixed-State Particle Filtering for Simultaneous Tracking and Re-identification in Non-overlapping Camera Networks
* Mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in the camera source identification game
* Mixed-Supervised Scene Text Detection With Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* Mixed-Timescale Per-Group Hybrid Precoding for Multiuser Massive MIMO Systems
* Mixed 2D/3D Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Mixed anisotropic diffusion
* Mixed Appearance-based and Coding Distortion-based CNN Fusion Approach for In-loop Filtering in Video Coding, A
* Mixed Approach for Handwritten Documents Structural Analysis, A
* Mixed attention and regularized COVID-19 network: An approach to detection of COVID-19 with chest x-ray images
* Mixed Autoencoder for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
* mixed bag of emotions: Model, predict, and transfer emotion distributions, A
* Mixed bayesian networks with auxiliary variables for automatic speech recognition
* Mixed Chroma Sampling-Rate High Efficiency Video Coding for Full-Chroma Screen Content
* Mixed Confidence Estimation for Iterative CT Reconstruction
* Mixed content image compression by gradient field integration
* Mixed Data Balancing through Compact Sets Based Instance Selection
* Mixed data clustering based on a number of similar features
* Mixed Data Object Selection Based on Clustering and Border Objects
* Mixed Differential Privacy in Computer Vision
* mixed digital-analog SIMD chip tailored for image perception, A
* Mixed Dish Recognition With Contextual Relation and Domain Alignment
* Mixed Distillation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* Mixed domain filtering of multidimensional signals
* Mixed Drive Method for High Gray Scale TFT-LCD, A
* Mixed Effects Model to Estimate Stand Volume by Means of Small Footprint Airborne Lidar Data for an American and German Study Site, A
* Mixed Effects Neural Networks (MeNets) With Applications to Gaze Estimation
* Mixed Entropy Local-Global Reproducing Kernel for Attributed Graphs, A
* Mixed Exponentials Filter for Edge Detection and the Fredholm Integral Equation of the First Kind
* Mixed Feature Prediction on Boundary Learning for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Mixed Finite Element Based Neural Networks In Visual Reconstruction
* Mixed Finite Element Method to Solve the EEG Forward Problem, A
* Mixed Freight Dynamic Routing Using a Co-Simulation Optimization Approach
* Mixed Gauss and Directional Distance Filter for Fiber Direction Tracking, A
* Mixed Gaussian-impulse noise reduction from images using convolutional neural network
* mixed generative-discriminative framework for pedestrian classification, A
* Mixed Geospatial Methods Baseline Study to Evaluate and Model Gentrification Along the Westside Atlanta Beltline, Usa
* Mixed Graph Neural Network-Based Fake News Detection for Sustainable Vehicular Social Networks
* Mixed Group Ranks: Preference and Confidence in Classifier Combination
* Mixed handwritten and printed digit recognition in Sudoku with Convolutional Deep Belief Network
* Mixed High-Order Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
* mixed integer programming approach to multi-spectral image classification, A
* Mixed Kernel Function SVM for Pulmonary Nodule Recognition
* Mixed L0/L1 Norm Minimization Approach to Image Colorization
* Mixed L1 norm and L2 norm regularized sparsity adaptive matching pursuit algorithm
* Mixed Layer Multiple Description Video Coding Scheme, A
* Mixed Learning Strategy for Finding Typical Testors in Large Datasets, A
* Mixed Library: Bridging Real and Virtual Libraries
* Mixed local motion planning and tracking control framework for autonomous vehicles based on model predictive control
* Mixed lp/l1 Norm Minimization Approach to Intra-Frame Super-Resolution
* Mixed Markov model for change detection in aerial photos with large time differences, A
* Mixed Membership Generative Adversarial Networks
* Mixed Methods Approach for Fuel Characterisation in Gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) Scrub from High-Density UAV Laser Scanning Point Clouds and Semantic Segmentation of UAV Imagery, A
* Mixed Model Approach to Vegetation Condition Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN): Case of Kenya's Operational Drought Monitoring, A
* Mixed Neural Voxels for Fast Multi-view Video Synthesis
* Mixed Noise Estimation Model for Optimized Kernel Minimum Noise Fraction Transformation in Hyperspectral Image Dimensionality Reduction
* Mixed Noise Removal by Weighted Encoding With Sparse Nonlocal Regularization
* Mixed noise removal filter for multi-channel images based on halfspace deepest location
* Mixed Noise Removal for Hyperspectral Images Using Hybrid Spatio-Spectral Total Variati
* Mixed Noise Removal in Hyperspectral Image via Low-Fibered-Rank Regularization
* Mixed Noise Removal via Laplacian Scale Mixture Modeling and Nonlocal Low-Rank Approximation
* Mixed Norm Image Restoration, A
* Mixed OLS-TLS for the Estimation of Dynamic Processes with a Linear Source Term
* mixed particle swarm optimization algorithm's application in image/video super-resolution reconstruction, A
* Mixed Path Size Logit-Based Taxi Customer-Search Model Considering Spatio-Temporal Factors in Route Choice, A
* Mixed Pixel Analysis for Flood Mapping Using Extended Support Vector Machine
* Mixed Pixel Classification in Remote Sensing
* Mixed Pixel Classification with Robust Statistics
* Mixed Pixel Classification with the Randomized Hough Transform
* Mixed pixel return separation for a full-field ranger
* Mixed Pixels, Subpixel Classification
* Mixed Pixels, Unmixing
* Mixed Poisson Gaussian noise reduction in fluorescence microscopy images using modified structure of wavelet transform
* Mixed pooling and richer attention feature fusion for crack detection
* Mixed pooling neural networks for color constancy
* Mixed Pulse Accumulation for Compressive Sensing Radar
* Mixed Quantization Enabled Federated Learning to Tackle Gradient Inversion Attacks
* Mixed Radiometric Normalization Method for Mosaicking of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* Mixed Real-Life and Anime Harmful Images Classification Using Deep Residual Neural Networks and Migration Learning
* Mixed Reality-based Dataset Generation for Learning-based Scan-to-BIM
* Mixed Reality Applications for Manipulating Robots and Rovers: Arsis 6.0
* Mixed Reality Based Social Interactions Testbed: A Game Theory Approach, A
* Mixed Reality Book: A Visualization Tool
* Mixed Reality Flood Visualizations: Reflections on Development and Usability of Current Systems
* Mixed reality Kinect Mirror box for stroke rehabilitation
* Mixed Reality Technology Capabilities for Combat-Casualty Handoff Training
* Mixed Reality Telepresence System for Collaborative Space Operation, A
* Mixed Reality Training of Military Tasks: Comparison of Two Approaches Through Reactions from Subject Matter Experts
* Mixed Reality Virtual Clothes Try-On System, A
* Mixed Reality Visualization of Friendly vs Hostile Decision Dynamics
* Mixed resolution coding of stereoscopic video for Mobile devices
* Mixed resolution coding with inter view prediction for mobile 3DTV
* Mixed screen frequencies with image segmentation
* Mixed SIGNals: Sign Language Production via a Mixture of Motion Primitives
* Mixed sparsity regularized multi-view unsupervised feature selection
* Mixed spatial and SNR scalability for TVM geometry coding
* Mixed Spectral-Element Method for Overcoming the Low-Frequency Breakdown Problem in Subsurface EM Exploration
* Mixed Spectrum Analysis on fMRI Time-Series
* Mixed Stage Partial Network and Background Data Augmentation for Surveillance Object Detection
* Mixed Structure with 3D Multi-Shortcut-Link Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Mixed Supervised Object Detection with Robust Objectness Transfer
* Mixed synchronous-asynchronous approach for real-time image processing: a MPEG-like coder
* Mixed Thai-English Character Classification Based on Histogram of Oriented Gradient Feature
* Mixed Total Field/Scattered Field-Based Discontinuous Galerkin Frequency-Domain Method for Subsurface Sensing
* Mixed Traffic and Automated Highways
* Mixed Traffic, Platoon, Autonmous Controls, Intersections, Signals
* mixed transform approach for efficient compression of medical images, A
* mixed triangular and quadrilateral partition for fractal image coding, A
* Mixed Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernel, A
* Mixed X-Ray Image Separation for Artworks With Concealed Designs
* MixedEmotions: An Open-Source Toolbox for Multimodal Emotion Analysis
* MixedFusion: 6D Object Pose Estimation from Decoupled RGB-Depth Features
* Mixer-based Local Residual Network for Lightweight Image Super-resolution
* Mixer-Based Semantic Spread for Few-Shot Learning
* Mixfit: An Algorithm for the Automatic Fitting and Testing of Normal Mixture Models
* MixFormer: End-to-End Tracking with Iterative Mixed Attention
* MixFormer: Mixing Features across Windows and Dimensions
* MixIn3D: 3D Mixed Reality with ToF-Camera
* Mixing Body-Part Sequences for Human Pose Estimation
* Mixing body-parts model for 2D human pose estimation in stereo videos
* Mixing catadioptric and perspective cameras
* Mixing Geometrically Diverse Window Managers
* Mixing Graphics and Compute for Real-Time Multiview Human Body Tracking
* Mixing Hierarchical Contexts for Object Recognition
* Mixing high-dimensional features for JPEG steganalysis with ensemble classifier
* Mixing Hough and Color Histogram Models for Accurate Real-Time Object Tracking
* Mixing Low-Level and Semantic Features for Image Interpretation
* Mixing Paints for Generating Metamerism Art under 2 Lights and 3 Object Colors
* Mixing spectral representations of graphs
* Mixing Synthesis and Video Images of Outdoor Environments: Application to the Bridges of Paris
* Mixing Synthetic and Video Images of an Outdoor Urban Environment
* Mixing tone mapping operators on the GPU by differential zone mapping based on psychophysical experiments
* Mixing up contrastive learning: Self-supervised representation learning for time series
* Mixing Zero-Shot Learning Up: Learning Unseen Classes from Mixed Features
* MixMAE: Mixed and Masked Autoencoder for Efficient Pretraining of Hierarchical Vision Transformers
* MixMix: All You Need for Data-Free Compression Are Feature and Data Mixing
* MixMo: Mixing Multiple Inputs for Multiple Outputs via Deep Subnetworks
* MixNeRF: Modeling a Ray with Mixture Density for Novel View Synthesis from Sparse Inputs
* MixNet for Generalized Face Presentation Attack Detection
* MixNet: A Better Promising Approach for Chromosome Classification based on Aggregated Residual Architecture
* MixPath: A Unified Approach for One-shot Neural Architecture Search
* MixPHM: Redundancy-Aware Parameter-Efficient Tuning for Low-Resource Visual Question Answering
* MixReorg: Cross-Modal Mixed Patch Reorganization is a Good Mask Learner for Open-World Semantic Segmentation
* MIXSIM: A Hierarchical Framework for Mixed Reality Traffic Simulation
* MixSKD: Self-Knowledge Distillation from Mixup for Image Recognition
* MixSpeech: Cross-Modality Self-Learning with Audio-Visual Stream Mixup for Visual Speech Translation and Recognition
* MixSTE: Seq2seq Mixed Spatio-Temporal Encoder for 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video
* MixStyle Neural Networks for Domain Generalization and Adaptation
* MixSynthFormer: A Transformer Encoder-like Structure with Mixed Synthetic Self-attention for Efficient Human Pose Estimation
* MixTConv: Mixed Temporal Convolutional Kernels for Efficient Action Recognition
* MixTeacher: Mining Promising Labels with Mixed Scale Teacher for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* Mixticky: A Smartphone-Based Virtual Environment for Recordable and Browsable Multimedia Stickies
* Mixture-based Feature Space Learning for Few-shot Image Classification
* Mixture-Kernel Graph Attention Network for Situation Recognition
* Mixture-Models with Higher-Order Moments
* Mixture-of-Laplacian Faces and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Mixture-of-Parts Pictorial Structures for Objects with Variable Part Sets
* mixture-site model for edge-preserving image restoration, A
* Mixture clustering using multidimensional histograms for skin detection
* Mixture Component Identification and Learning for Visual Recognition
* Mixture correntropy for robust learning
* Mixture Dense Regression for Object Detection and Human Pose Estimation
* Mixture Densities for Video Objects Recognition
* Mixture density estimation with group membership functions
* Mixture Density Generative Adversarial Networks
* Mixture Distributions for Weakly Supervised Classification in Remote Sensing Images
* Mixture Domain Adaptation to Improve Semantic Segmentation in Real-World Surveillance
* Mixture factor analysis with distance metric constraint for dimensionality reduction
* Mixture Hyperplanes Approximation for Global Tracking
* Mixture Linear Prediction in Speaker Verification Under Vocal Effort Mismatch
* Mixture Model- and Least Squares-Based Packet Video Error Concealment
* Mixture model analysis of DNA microarray images
* mixture model and EM-based algorithm for class discovery, robust classification, and outlier rejection in mixed labeled/unlabeled data sets, A
* Mixture model based contextual image retrieval
* Mixture Model for Aggregation of Multiple Pre-Trained Weak Classifiers, A
* Mixture model for face-color modeling and segmentation
* Mixture Model for Image Boundary Detection Fusion, A
* Mixture Model for Multiple Instance Regression and Applications in Remote Sensing
* mixture model for pose clustering, A
* Mixture Model for Representing Shape Variation, A
* mixture model using Random Rotation Bounding Box to detect table region in document image, A
* mixture modeling approach for clustering log files with coreset and user feedback, A
* Mixture Models and the Segmentation of Multimodal Textures
* Mixture Models Based Background Subtraction for Video Surveillance Applications
* Mixture models for co-occurrence and histogram data
* Mixture models for dynamic statistical pressure snakes
* Mixture Models for Optical Flow Computation
* Mixture models with adaptive spatial regularization for segmentation with an application to FMRI data
* Mixture models with skin and shadow probabilities for fingertip input applications
* Mixture Models, Mixed Pixels
* Mixture of Bilateral-Projection Two-Dimensional Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis
* Mixture of counting CNNs
* Mixture of Deep Regression Networks for Head Pose Estimation
* Mixture of Experts Approach to Multi-strategy Image Quality Assessment, A
* mixture of experts committee machine to design compensators for intensity modulated radiation therapy, A
* Mixture of Experts, Multiple Classifiers, Combining Classifiers
* Mixture of Factor Analyzers Using Priors From Non-Parallel Speech for Voice Conversion
* mixture of gated experts optimized using simulated annealing for 3D face recognition, A
* Mixture of Gaussians-Based Background Subtraction for Bayer-Pattern Image Sequences
* Mixture of Gaussians Exploiting Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Background Subtraction
* Mixture of grouped regressors and its application to visual mapping
* Mixture of Heterogeneous Attribute Analyzers for Human Action Detection
* mixture of K-Optimal-Spanning-Trees based probability approximation: Application to skin detection, The
* Mixture of Manhattan Frames: Beyond the Manhattan World, A
* Mixture of Merged Gaussian Algorithm using RTDENN
* Mixture of parts revisited: Expressive part interactions for Pose Estimation
* Mixture of Probabilistic Principal Component Analyzers for Shapes from Point Sets
* Mixture of related regressions for head pose estimation
* Mixture of Spherical Distributions for Single-View Relighting
* Mixture of Subspaces Image Representation and Compact Coding for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Mixture of Support Vector Machines for HMM based Speech Recognition
* Mixture of Switching Linear Dynamics to Discover Behavior Patterns in Object Tracks
* Mixture of Teacher Experts for Source-Free Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Mixture of Transformed Hidden Markov Models for Elastic Motion Estimation, A
* Mixture of Trees Probabilistic Graphical Model for Video Segmentation
* Mixture Outlier Exposure: Towards Out-of-Distribution Detection in Fine-grained Environments
* Mixture particle filter with block jump biomechanics constraint for volleyball players lower body parts tracking
* Mixture Probabilistic Principal Geodesic Analysis
* Mixture Reduction on Matrix Lie Groups
* Mixture separability loss in a deep convolutional network for image classification
* Mixture Statistic Metric Learning for Robust Human Action and Expression Recognition
* Mixture Statistical Distribution Based Multiple Component Model for Target Detection in High Resolution SAR Imagery
* Mixture Subclass Discriminant Analysis
* Mixture Trees for Modeling and Fast Conditional Sampling with Applications in Vision and Graphics
* Mixture variational autoencoders
* Mixture WG Gamma-MRF Model for PolSAR Image Classification
* Mixtures of boosted classifiers for frontal face detection
* Mixtures of Derivative Operators as Edge Detectors
* Mixtures of Dynamic Textures
* Mixtures of Eigen Features for Real-Time Structure from Texture
* Mixtures of Factor Analyzers with Common Factor Loadings: Applications to the Clustering and Visualization of High-Dimensional Data
* Mixtures of Gaussian process models for human pose estimation
* Mixtures of general linear models for functional neuroimaging
* Mixtures of Local Dictionaries for Unsupervised Speech Enhancement
* Mixtures of Local Linear Subspaces for Face Recognition
* Mixtures of Normalized Linear Projections
* Mixtures of Radial Densities for Clustering Graphs
* Mixtures of Shifted Asymmetric Laplace Distributions
* mixtures of Student's t-distributions as a robust framework for rigid registration, The
* Mixtures of Trees for Object Recognition
* Mixtures of Variational Autoencoders
* Mixtures of von Mises Distributions for People Trajectory Shape Analysis
* Mixup-Based Deep Metric Learning Approaches for Incomplete Supervision
* Mixup Asymmetric Tri-Training for Heartbeat Classification Under Domain Shift
* Mixup Data Augmentation for COVID-19 Infection Percentage Estimation
* Mixup gamblers+: Learning interpolated pseudo uncertainty in latent feature space for reliable inference
* MixVPR: Feature Mixing for Visual Place Recognition
* MKANet: An Efficient Network with Sobel Boundary Loss for Land-Cover Classification of Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery
* MKConv: Multidimensional feature representation for point cloud analysis
* MKLab interactive video retrieval system
* MKPLS: Manifold Kernel Partial Least Squares for Lipreading and Speaker Identification
* MKPM: A multiclass extension to the kernel projection machine
* ML-Based Radial Velocity Estimation Algorithm for Moving Targets in Spaceborne High-Resolution and Wide-Swath SAR Systems, An
* ML-BPM: Multi-teacher Learning with Bidirectional Photometric Mixing for Open Compound Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* ML-Decoder: Scalable and Versatile Classification Head
* ML-DSVM+: A meta-learning based deep SVM+ for computer-aided diagnosis
* ML-fusion based multi-model human detection and tracking for robust human-robot interfaces
* ML-HDP: A Hierarchical Bayesian Nonparametric Model for Recognizing Human Actions in Video
* ML-KNN: A lazy learning approach to multi-label learning
* ML-LocNet: Improving Object Localization with Multi-view Learning Network
* ML-MG: Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels Using a Mixed Graph
* ML-Reconstruction for TOF-PET With Simultaneous Estimation of the Attenuation Factors
* Ml and bayesian impulse restoration based object recognition in photon limited noise
* ML Estimation and Detection of Multiple Frequencies Through Periodogram Estimate Refinement
* ML Nonlinear Smoothing for Image Segmentation and its Relationship to the Mean Shift
* ML Optimality of PDE-based Segmentation Algorithms
* ML Parameter Estimation for Markov Random Fields with Applications to Bayesian Tomography
* ML)2P-Encoder: On Exploration of Channel-Class Correlation for Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
* MLAttack: Fooling Semantic Segmentation Networks by Multi-layer Attacks
* MLBoost Revisited: A Faster Metric Learning Algorithm for Identity-Based Face Retrieval
* MLC STT-MRAM-Aware Memory Subsystem for Smart Image Applications
* MLC: A Novel Image Coder Based on Multitree Local Cosine Dictionaries
* MLCapsule: Guarded Offline Deployment of Machine Learning as a Service
* MLCFNet: Multi-Level Context Fusion Network for 3D Object Tracking
* MLCRNet: Multi-Level Context Refinement for Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images
* MLCVNet: Multi-Level Context VoteNet for 3D Object Detection
* MLDA-Net: Multi-Level Dual Attention-Based Network for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* MLDNet: Multi-Level Dense Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* MLE-Based Learning on Grassmann Manifolds
* MLESAC tracking with 2D revolute-prismatic articulated models
* MLESAC: A New Robust Estimator with Application to Estimating Image Geometry
* MLF-IOSC: Multi-Level Fusion Network With Independent Operation Search Cell for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* MLFMA-FFT Parallel Algorithm for the Solution of Extremely Large Problems in Electromagnetics
* MLGNet: Multi-Task Learning Network with Attention-Guided Mechanism for Segmenting Agricultural Fields
* MLGPnet: Multi-granularity neural network for 3D shape recognition using pyramid data
* Mlifeat: Multi-level Information Fusion Based Deep Local Features
* MLink: Linking Black-Box Models From Multiple Domains for Collaborative Inference
* MLLR Transforms Based Speaker Recognition in Broadcast Streams
* MLMG-SGG: Multilabel Scene Graph Generation With Multigrained Features
* MLNet: A Multi-Domain Lightweight Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* MLP-3D: A MLP-like 3D Architecture with Grouped Time Mixing
* MLP-Based Texture Segmentation Method without Selecting a Feature Set, An
* MLP-Based Texture Segmentation Technique Which Does Not Require a Feature Set, An
* MLP-JCG: Multi-Layer Perceptron With Joint-Coordinate Gating for Efficient 3D Human Pose Estimation
* MLP-orthogonal Gaussian mixture model hybrid model for Chinese bank check printed numeral recognition, An
* MLP-Stereo: Heterogeneous Feature Fusion in MLP for Stereo Matching
* MLP-SVM combination architecture for offline handwritten digit recognition: Reduction of recognition errors by Support Vector Machines rejection mechanisms, An
* MLP Based Linear Feature Extraction for Nonlinearly Separable Data
* MLP Classifier for Both Printed and Handwritten Bangla Numeral Recognition, A
* MLP for Adaptive Postprocessing Block-Coded Images
* MLP for Binarizing Images of Old Manuscripts, An
* MLP Neural Network Classifier for Medical Image Segmentation
* MLP using Hough transform based fuzzy feature extraction for Bengali script recognition, An
* MLPF algorithm for tracking fast moving target against light interference
* MLR-SNet: Transferable LR Schedules for Heterogeneous Tasks
* MLRank: Multi-correlation Learning to Rank for image annotation
* MLRMV: Multi-layer representation for multi-view action recognition
* MLRNN: Taxi Demand Prediction Based on Multi-Level Deep Learning and Regional Heterogeneity Analysis
* MLRSNet: A multi-label high spatial resolution remote sensing dataset for semantic scene understanding
* MLS-GAN: Multi-Level Semantic Guided Image Colorization
* MLS Point Cloud Segmentation Based On Feature Points of Scanlines
* MLSA-UNet: End-to-End Multi-Level Spatial Attention Guided UNet for Industrial Defect Segmentation
* MLSAN: Mixed-Lattice Self-Attention Network for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
* MLSD-GAN: Generating Strong High Quality Face Morphing Attacks Using Latent Semantic Disentanglement
* MLSIM: A Multi-Level Similarity index for image quality assessment
* MLSL: Multi-Level Self-Supervised Learning for Domain Adaptation with Spatially Independent and Semantically Consistent Labeling
* MLSLib: A Lip Sync Library for Multi Agents and Languages
* MLSLT: Towards Multilingual Sign Language Translation
* MLSNet: Resource-Efficient Adaptive Inference with Multi-Level Segmentation Networks
* MLST-Former: Multi-Level Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Group Activity Recognition
* MLTSVM: A novel twin support vector machine to multi-label learning
* MLVSNet: Multi-level Voting Siamese Network for 3D Visual Tracking
* MM-3DScene: 3D Scene Understanding by Customizing Masked Modeling with Informative-Preserved Reconstruction and Self-Distilled Consistency
* MM-Based Algorithm for L_1 -Regularized Least-Squares Estimation With an Application to Ground Penetrating Radar Image Reconstruction, An
* MM-BSN: Self-Supervised Image Denoising for Real-World with Multi-Mask based on Blind-Spot Network
* MM-Diffusion: Learning Multi-Modal Diffusion Models for Joint Audio and Video Generation
* MM-Locate-News: Multimodal Focus Location Estimation in News
* MM-Net: A MixFormer-Based Multi-Scale Network for Anatomical and Functional Image Fusion
* MM-net: Learning Adaptive Meta-metric for Few-shot Biometric Recognition
* MM-TTA: Multi-Modal Test-Time Adaptation for 3D Semantic Segmentation
* MM-UrbanFAC: Urban Functional Area Classification Model Based on Multimodal Machine Learning
* MM-ViT: Multi-Modal Video Transformer for Compressed Video Action Recognition
* MMA-based region localisation for iconic image representation and transmission
* MMA-Net: Multi-view mixed attention mechanism for facial action unit detection
* MMACH: A Mathematical Morphology Toolbox for the Khoros System
* MMAct: A Large-Scale Dataset for Cross Modal Human Action Understanding
* MMAN-M2: Multiple multi-head attentions network based on encoder with missing modalities
* MMANet: Margin-Aware Distillation and Modality-Aware Regularization for Incomplete Multimodal Learning
* MMAP: Modified Maximum a Posteriori Algorithm for Image Segmentation in Large Image/Video Databases
* MMASTER: Improved ASTER DEMs for Elevation Change Monitoring
* MMatch: Semi-Supervised Discriminative Representation Learning for Multi-View Classification
* MMCAN: Multi-Modal Cross-Attention Network for Free-Space Detection with Uncalibrated Hyperspectral Sensors
* MMD Based Discriminative Learning for Face Forgery Detection
* MMDA: Multi-person marginal distribution awareness for monocular 3D pose estimation
* MMDM: Multi-frame and Multi-scale for Image Demoiréing
* MMEC: Multi-Modal Ensemble Classifier for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
* MMFace: A Multi-Metric Regression Network for Unconstrained Face Reconstruction
* MMFC: Multi-Modal Fusion Cascade Framework for Covid-19 Disease Course Classification
* MMFF: Multi-manifold feature fusion based neural networks for target recognition in complex-valued SAR imagery
* MMFuse: A multi-scale infrared and visible images fusion algorithm based on morphological reconstruction and membership filtering
* MMG-Ego4D: Multi-Modal Generalization in Egocentric Action Recognition
* MMGAN: Manifold-Matching Generative Adversarial Networks
* MMGL: Multi-Scale Multi-View Global-Local Contrastive Learning for Semi-Supervised Cardiac Image Segmentation
* MMID: Multimodal Multi-view Integrated Database for Human Behavior Understanding
* MMINR: Multi-frame-to-Multi-frame Inference with Noise Resistance for Precipitation Nowcasting with Radar
* MMJPEG2000: A Video Compression Scheme Based on JPEG2000
* MMKK++ algorithm for clustering heterogeneous images into an unknown number of clusters
* MML-Based Approach for High-Dimensional Unsupervised Learning Using the Generalized Dirichlet Mixture
* MML based noise cleaning of images
* MML inference of Finite State Automata for probabilistic spam detection
* MMM-GCN: Multi-Level Multi-Modal Graph Convolution Network for Video-Based Person Identification
* MMMNet: An End-to-End Multi-Task Deep Convolution Neural Network With Multi-Scale and Multi-Hierarchy Fusion for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* MMNet: A Model-Based Multimodal Network for Human Action Recognition in RGB-D Videos
* MMPosE: Movie-Induced Multi-Label Positive Emotion Classification Through EEG Signals
* MMPTRACK: Large-scale Densely Annotated Multi-camera Multiple People Tracking Benchmark
* MMR: Mask Based Multi-Resolution Images and Videos
* MMRNet: Improving Reliability for Multimodal Object Detection and Segmentation for Bin Picking via Multimodal Redundancy
* MMSE-Directed Linear Image Interpolation Based on Nonlocal Geometric Similarity
* MMSE-Optimal Spectral Amplitude Estimation Given the STFT-Phase
* MMSE approach to nonlocal image denoising: Theory and practical implementation, An
* MMSE Estimate for Demosaicking, A
* MMSE nonlocal means denoising algorithm for Poisson noise removal
* MMSE reconstruction for 3d ultrasound images
* MMSMCNet: Modal Memory Sharing and Morphological Complementary Networks for RGB-T Urban Scene Semantic Segmentation
* MMSNet: Multi-modal scene recognition using multi-scale encoded features
* MMSR: Multiple-Model Learned Image Super-Resolution Benefiting from Class-Specific Image Priors
* MMSS: Graph-based Multi-modal Story-oriented Video Summarization and Retrieval
* MMSS: Multi-modal Sharable and Specific Feature Learning for RGB-D Object Recognition
* MMST-ViT: Climate Change-aware Crop Yield Prediction via Multi-Modal Spatial-Temporal Vision Transformer
* MMT-Based Hierarchical Transmission Module for 4K/120fps Temporally Scalable Video, An
* MMT-Cam: A New Miniature Multispectral Thermal Infrared Camera System for Capturing Dynamic Earth Processes
* MMT: An Emerging MPEG Standard for Multimedia Delivery over the Internet
* MMTF: Multi-Modal Temporal Fusion for Commonsense Video Question Answering
* MMTFN: Multi-modal multi-scale transformer fusion network for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis
* MMTM: Multimodal Transfer Module for CNN Fusion
* MMU GASPFA: A COTS multimodal biometric database
* MMVC: Learned Multi-Mode Video Compression with Block-based Prediction Mode Selection and Density-Adaptive Entropy Coding
* MMVP: Motion-Matrix-based Video Prediction
* mmWave Networking and Edge Computing for Scalable 360° Video Multi-User Virtual Reality
* MnasFPN: Learning Latency-Aware Pyramid Architecture for Object Detection on Mobile Devices
* MnasNet: Platform-Aware Neural Architecture Search for Mobile
* Mnd: A New Dataset and Benchmark of Movie Scenes Classified by Their Narrative Function
* Mnemonic Descent Method: A Recurrent Process Applied for End-to-End Face Alignment
* Mnemonic Kalman Filter for Non-Linear Systems With Extensive Temporal Dependencies, A
* Mnemonical Body Shortcuts for Interacting with Mobile Devices
* Mnemonics Training: Multi-Class Incremental Learning Without Forgetting
* Mnemonics, Inc.
* MNET++: Music-Driven Pluralistic Dancing Toward Multiple Dance Genre Synthesis
* MNGNAS: Distilling Adaptive Combination of Multiple Searched Networks for One-Shot Neural Architecture Search
* MNR-AIR: An Economic and Dynamic Crowdsourcing Mechanism to Collect Personal Lifelog and Surrounding Environment Dataset. A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
* MNSRNet: Multimodal Transformer Network for 3D Surface Super-Resolution
* MO-MIX: Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Cooperative Decision-Making With Deep Reinforcement Learning
* MO-QoE: Video QoE using multi-feature fusion based Optimized Learning Models
* Mo Músaem Fíorúil: A Web-Based Search and Information Service for Museum Visitors
* MoA-Net: Self-supervised Motion Segmentation
* MoADNet: Mobile Asymmetric Dual-Stream Networks for Real-Time and Lightweight RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* MOBA Coach: Exploring and Analyzing Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Data
* MOBDrone: A Drone Video Dataset for Man OverBoard Rescue
* MobiEye: An Efficient Shopping-Assistance System for the Visually Impaired With Mobile Phone Sensing
* MobiFeed: A location-aware news feed framework for moving users
* MobiGroup: Enabling Lifecycle Support to Social Activity Organization and Suggestion With Mobile Crowd Sensing
* Mobile-aided screening system for proliferative diabetic retinopathy
* Mobile-Based Painting Photo Retrieval Using Combined Features
* Mobile-Former: Bridging MobileNet and Transformer
* Mobile-Oriented Hand Segmentation Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Multiscale Aggregation, A
* Mobile-Target Tracking via Highly-Maneuverable VTOL UAVs with EO Vision
* Mobile-web-base Volunteered Geographic Information Application And Geometric Accuracy Analysis for Traffic Accidents
* Mobile 3D Gaze Tracking Calibration
* Mobile 3D video broadcast
* Mobile 3D Video Using MVC and N800 Internet Tablet
* Mobile 3D visual search using the Helmert transformation of stereo features
* Mobile 3D wood pile surveying
* Mobile Agent Based Distributed Variational Bayesian Algorithm for Flow and Speed Estimation in a Traffic System, A
* Mobile Agent Perception
* Mobile AI
* Mobile Airborne Lidar for Remote Methane Monitoring: Design, Simulation of Atmospheric Measurements and First Flight Tests
* Mobile Application for Leaf Detection in Complex Background Using Saliency Maps, A
* Mobile Applications and Museum Visitation
* Mobile Applications as Tool for Exploiting Cultural Heritage in the Region of Turin and Milan
* Mobile Augmented Reality Framework for Post-stroke Patient Rehabilitation, A
* mobile augmented reality system for exhibition hall based on Vuforia, A
* Mobile Augmented Reality System with Distributed Tracking, A
* Mobile Augmented Reality: Fast, Precise, and Smooth Planar Object Tracking
* Mobile Automaton: An Application of Artificial Intelligence, A
* Mobile based Human Identification using Forehead Creases: Application and Assessment under COVID-19 Masked Face Scenarios
* Mobile behavioral biometrics for passive authentication
* Mobile Biplane X-Ray Imaging System for Measuring 3D Dynamic Joint Motion During Overground Gait
* Mobile Camera-Based User Interaction
* Mobile Camera Localization Method Using Aerial-View Images, A
* Mobile care robot accepting requests through nonverbal interaction
* Mobile Charging Station Placements in Internet of Electric Vehicles: A Federated Learning Approach
* Mobile Cloud-Based Interactive 3D Rendering and Streaming System Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* Mobile Collaborative Heatmapping to Infer Self-Guided Walking Tourists' Preferences for Geomedia
* Mobile Collaborative Video
* Mobile Computing and Artificial Intelligence for Diet Management
* Mobile detection based on histogram difference
* Mobile Device Based Outdoor Navigation with On-Line Learning Neural Network: A Comparison with Convolutional Neural Network
* Mobile Digital Cameras for As-Built Surveys of Roadside Features
* Mobile ear recognition application
* Mobile Edge Computing and Machine Learning in the Internet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Survey
* Mobile Edge Intelligence and Computing for the Internet of Vehicles
* Mobile ehealth Platform for Home Monitoring of Bipolar Disorder
* Mobile Exergames: Burn Calories While Playing Games on a Smartphone
* Mobile Face Capture for Virtual Face Videos
* Mobile Food Recognition System for Dietary Assessment, A
* Mobile Gis: A Tool For Informal Settlement Occupancy Audit To Improve Integrated Human Settlement Implementation In Ekurhuleni, South Africa
* Mobile hologram verification with deep learning
* Mobile Image Analysis: Android vs. iOS
* Mobile image browsing on a 3D globe: demo paper
* Mobile image restoration via prior quantization
* Mobile image search with multimodal context-aware queries
* Mobile image transmission using combined source and channel coding with low complexity concealment
* Mobile Imaging System for Medical Diagnostics, A
* Mobile Indoor Laser Scanning for 3d Strata Registration Purposes Based On Indoorgml
* Mobile Instant Video Clip Sharing With Screen Scrolling: Measurement and Enhancement
* Mobile IP Handover for Vehicular Networks: Methods, Models, and Classifications
* Mobile Iris Challenge Evaluation (MICHE)-I, biometric iris dataset and protocols
* Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation II: Results from the ICPR competition
* Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation part II (MICHE II)
* Mobile ISR: Intelligent ISR management and exploitation for the expeditionary warfighter
* Mobile Keystroke Biometrics Using Transformers
* Mobile keystroke dynamics for biometric recognition: An overview
* Mobile Landmark Search with 3D Models
* Mobile Laser Scan Data for Road Surface Damage Detection
* Mobile Laser Scanned Point-Clouds for Road Object Detection and Extraction: A Review
* Mobile Laser Scanning Data for the Evaluation of Pavement Surface Distress
* Mobile Laser Scanning for Estimating Tree Stem Diameter Using Segmentation and Tree Spine Calibration
* Mobile Laser Scanning for Estimating Tree Structural Attributes in a Temperate Hardwood Forest
* Mobile Laser Scanning In Highly Urbanized Area: A Case Study In Sofia
* Mobile LiDAR for Monitoring Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls with Textured Precast Concrete Panels, A
* Mobile Lidar Mapping for 3D Point Cloud Collection in Urban Areas: A Performance Test
* Mobile LiDAR System: New Possibilities for the Documentation and Dissemination of Large Cultural Heritage Sites
* Mobile Live Video Streaming Optimization via Crowdsourcing Brokerage
* Mobile Low-Cost Motion Capture System Based on Accelerometers, A
* Mobile Manipulation in Unknown Environments with Differential Inverse Kinematics Control
* Mobile Manipulator Robot Visual Servoing and Guidance for Dynamic Target Grasping
* Mobile Mapping and Visualization of Indoor Structures to Simplify Scene Understanding and Location Awareness
* Mobile Mapping By FMCW Synthetic Aperture Radar Operating At 300 Ghz
* Mobile mapping for the automated analysis of road signage and delineation
* Mobile mapping system for the automated detection and analysis of road delineation
* Mobile Mapping System LIDAR Data Framework
* Mobile Mapping: An Emerging Technology for Spatial Data-Acquisition
* Mobile Media in Action: Remote Target Localization and Tracking
* Mobile Modelling for Crowdsourcing Building Interior Data
* Mobile Motion-tracking System for Rescue Work at Destroyed Buildings
* Mobile Multimedia Technology to Aid Those with Alzheimer's Disease, A
* Mobile multipath cooperative network for real-time streaming
* Mobile object detection through client-server based vote transfer
* Mobile object recognition using multi-sensor information fusion in urban environments
* Mobile Office: A Mobile AR Systems for Productivity Applications in Industrial Environments, The
* Mobile panoramic imaging system
* Mobile Panoramic Vision for Assisting the Blind via Indexing and Localization
* Mobile Pass Project: A User Interaction Evaluation, The
* Mobile Path and Spin 3D Tracking and Reconstruction
* Mobile periocular matching with pre-post cataract surgery
* Mobile phone-based 3D modeling framework for instant interaction
* Mobile phone and cloud: A dream team for 3D reconstruction
* Mobile Phone as Surveillance Device: Progress, Perils, and Protective Measures, The
* Mobile Phone Camera-Based Video Scanning of Paper Documents
* Mobile Phone Imaging for Ch Façade Modelling
* Mobile Phone Indicators and Their Relation to the Socioeconomic Organisation of Cities
* Mobile phone screen surface scratch detection based on optimized YOLOv5 model (OYm)
* Mobile Phone Surface Defect Detection Based on Improved Faster R-CNN
* Mobile photo collage
* Mobile Photo Recommendation and Logbook Generation Using Context-Tagged Images
* Mobile Photometric Stereo with Keypoint-Based SLAM for Dense 3D Reconstruction
* Mobile plant leaf identification using smart-phones
* mobile platform with a catadioptric sensor, A
* Mobile Product Image Search by Automatic Query Object Extraction
* Mobile product search with Bag of Hash Bits and boundary reranking
* Mobile Radar Mapping: Subcentimeter SAR Imaging of Roads
* Mobile real-time single image 3D corridor reconstruction using J-Linkage
* Mobile Recognition System for Analog Energy Meter Scanning, A
* Mobile Registration Number Plate Recognition Using Artificial Intelligence
* Mobile Retriever: access to digital documents from their physical source
* Mobile Robot 6-D Localization Using 3-D Gaussian Mixture Maps in GPS-Denied Environments
* Mobile Robot and Automated Vehicle Control Systems
* Mobile Robot Iconic Position Estimator Using a Radial Laser Scanner, A
* Mobile robot localisation using active vision
* Mobile Robot Localization by Geometric Hashing and Model-Based Scene Matching
* Mobile Robot Localization In Indoor Environment
* Mobile robot localization under varying illumination
* Mobile Robot Localization Using a Computer Vision Sextant
* Mobile Robot Localization Using Sonar
* Mobile Robot Location by Tracking Geometric Beacons
* Mobile robot location determination employing error-correcting distributed landmarks
* Mobile Robot Manipulation using Pure Object Detection
* Mobile Robot Navigation and Scene Modeling Using Stereo Fish-Eye Lens System
* Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Flexibility Maps of the Environment
* Mobile Robot Navigation by an Active Control of the Vision System
* Mobile Robot Navigation by Wall Following Using a Rotating Ultrasonic Scanner
* Mobile robot navigation employing ceiling light fixtures
* Mobile Robot Navigation Modulated by Artificial Emotions
* Mobile robot navigation under duct environment
* Mobile Robot Navigation Using Active Vision
* Mobile Robot Navigation Using Difference of Wavelet SIFT
* Mobile Robot Navigation Using the Range-Weighted Hough Transform
* Mobile Robot Navigation with Intelligent Infrared Image Interpretation
* Mobile Robot Path Planning Based on the Focused Heuristic Algorithm
* Mobile Robot Photographer
* Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit, The
* Mobile Robot Relocation from Echolocation Constraints
* Mobile Robot Self-Location Using Model-Image Feature Correspondence
* mobile robot strategy applied to Harunobu-4, A
* Mobile Robot That Learns Its Place, A
* Mobile robot using image sensor and method for measuring moving distance thereof
* Mobile Robot Visual Navigation Using Multiple Features
* Mobile Robot with Onboard Parallel Processor and Large Workspace Arm, A
* mobile robot: Sensing, planning and locomotion, A
* Mobile Robots II
* Mobile Robots III
* Mobile Robots IV
* Mobile Robots IX
* Mobile Robots V
* Mobile Robots VI
* Mobile Robots VII
* Mobile Robots VIII
* Mobile Robots X
* Mobile Robots XII
* Mobile Robots XIV
* Mobile Robots
* Mobile Root Positioning: Sensors and Techniques
* Mobile Search With Multimodal Queries
* Mobile sensing and simultaneously node localization in wireless sensor networks for human motion tracking
* Mobile Sensing Approach to Stress Detection and Memory Activation for Public Bus Drivers, A
* Mobile Serious Game easy Html: Scenarios and Perspectives, The
* Mobile signature verification: feature robustness and performance comparison
* mobile spherical mosaic system, A
* Mobile Standards-Based Traffic Light Detection in Assistive Devices for Individuals with Color-Vision Deficiency
* Mobile Storage for Demand Charge Reduction
* Mobile Streaming of Live 360-Degree Videos
* mobile structured light system for food volume estimation, A
* Mobile Surveillance by 3D-Outlier Analysis
* Mobile system for indoor 3-D mapping and creating virtual environments
* Mobile Target Scenario Recognition Via Low-Cost Pyroelectric Sensing System: Toward a Context-Enhanced Accurate Identification
* Mobile Telematics Pattern Recognition Framework for Driving Behavior Extraction, A
* Mobile terminal gesture recognition based on improved FAST corner detection
* Mobile terminal trajectory recognition based on improved LSTM model
* Mobile Three-Dimensional Maps for Wayfinding in Large and Complex Buildings: Empirical Comparison of First-Person Versus Third-Person Perspective
* Mobile Traffic Sensor Routing in Dynamic Transportation Systems
* Mobile TV Targeted Advertisement and Content Personalization
* Mobile User Interface Element Detection Via Adaptively Prompt Tuning
* Mobile Video Capture of Multi-page Documents
* Mobile video concept classification
* Mobile Video Delivery: Challenges and Opportunities
* Mobile Video Object Detection with Temporally-Aware Feature Maps
* Mobile Video Transmission Using Scalable Video Coding
* Mobile video transmission with efficient fading countermeasures and robust decoding
* Mobile Vision System for Fast and Accurate Ellipse Detection, A
* mobile vision system for robust multi-person tracking, A
* Mobile Vision System for Urban Detection with Informative Local Descriptors, A
* Mobile Visual Assistive Apps: Benchmarks of Vision Algorithm Performance
* Mobile Visual Location Recognition
* Mobile Visual Search Compression With Grassmann Manifold Embedding
* Mobile Visual Search from Dynamic Image Databases
* Mobile visual search on printed documents using text and low bit-rate features
* Mobile Visual Search
* Mobile Visual Search: Architectures, Technologies, and the Emerging MPEG Standard
* Mobile, AR Inside-Out Positional Tracking Algorithm, (MARIOPOT), Suitable for Modern, Affordable Cardboard-Style VR HMDs, A
* Mobile, Cellular, LTE, Tranmission
* mobile, lightweight, poll-based food identification system, A
* MobileAcuity
* MobileBrick: Building LEGO for 3D Reconstruction on Mobile Devices
* MobileDeRainGAN: An Efficient Semi-Supervised Approach to Single Image Rain Removal for Task-Driven Applications
* MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures for Mobile Accelerators
* Mobileemotiface: Efficient Facial Image Representations in Video-based Emotion Recognition on Mobile Devices
* MobileFace: 3D Face Reconstruction with Efficient CNN Regression
* MobileFAN: Transferring deep hidden representation for face alignment
* MobileGCN applied to low-dimensional node feature learning
* MobileHumanPose: Toward real-time 3D human pose estimation in mobile devices
* MobileNeRF: Exploiting the Polygon Rasterization Pipeline for Efficient Neural Field Rendering on Mobile Architectures
* MobileNet-SSD MicroScope using adaptive error correction algorithm: real-time detection of license plates on mobile devices
* MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks
* MobileOne: An Improved One millisecond Mobile Backbone
* MobileSal: Extremely Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* MobileSAM-Track: Lightweight One-Shot Tracking and Segmentation of Small Objects on Edge Devices
* MobileSense: A robust sound classification system for mobile applications
* MobileStereoNet: Towards Lightweight Deep Networks for Stereo Matching
* MobileTrack: Siamese efficient mobile network for high-speed UAV tracking
* MobileViG: Graph-Based Sparse Attention for Mobile Vision Applications
* MobileVOS: Real-Time Video Object Segmentation Contrastive Learning meets Knowledge Distillation
* MobileXNet: An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
* MobilEye
* Mobility-Adaptive Beacon Broadcast for Vehicular Cooperative Safety-Critical Applications
* Mobility-Aware and Congestion-Relieved Dedicated Path Planning for Group-Based Emergency Guiding Based on Internet of Things Technologies
* Mobility-Aware Multi-Hop Task Offloading for Autonomous Driving in Vehicular Edge Computing and Networks
* Mobility-Aware Proactive Edge Caching for Connected Vehicles Using Federated Learning
* Mobility-Aware Vehicle-to-Grid Control Algorithm in Microgrids
* Mobility Aids Detection Using Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
* Mobility analysis of the aged pedestrians by experiment and simulation
* Mobility and Deadline-Aware Task Scheduling Mechanism for Vehicular Edge Computing
* Mobility and Energy Management in Electric Vehicle Based Mobility-on-Demand Systems: Models and Solutions
* Mobility and Location of Drainage Divides Affected by Tilting Uplift in Sado Island, Japan
* Mobility assessment using simulated Artificial Human Vision
* Mobility Aware Blockchain Enabled Offloading and Scheduling in Vehicular Fog Cloud Computing
* Mobility Based Trust Evaluation for Heterogeneous Electric Vehicles Network in Smart Cities
* Mobility characteristics for multimedia service adaptation
* Mobility Data Warehouses
* Mobility Estimation and Analysis in Medical X-ray Images Using Corners and Faces Contours Detection
* Mobility Management for Video Streaming on Heterogeneous Networks
* Mobility Management in 5G-Enabled Vehicular Networks: Models, Protocols, and Classification
* Mobility Model for Contact-Aware Data Offloading Through Train-to-Train Communications in Rail Networks
* Mobility Modeling and Data-Driven Closed-Loop Prediction in Bike-Sharing Systems
* Mobility Modes Awareness from Trajectories Based on Clustering and a Convolutional Neural Network
* Mobility Patterns
* Mobility Sharing as a Preference Matching Problem
* Mobility Tableau: Human Mobility Similarity Measurement for City Dynamics
* Mobility Trace Analysis for Intelligent Vehicular Networks: Methods, Models, and Applications
* Mobility using first and second derivatives for kernel-based regression in wireless sensor networks
* Mobility Viewer: An Eulerian Approach for Studying Urban Crowd Flow
* MoBiNet: A Mobile Binary Network for Image Classification
* MoBio-LivDet: Mobile biometric liveness detection
* MobiRFPose: Portable RF-Based 3D Human Pose Camera
* MobiUP: An Upsampling-Based System Architecture for High-Quality Video Streaming on Mobile Devices
* MobRecon: Mobile-Friendly Hand Mesh Reconstruction from Monocular Image
* MOBSY: Integration of Vision and Dialogue in Service Robots
* Moby Dick Meets GEOCR: Lexical Considerations in Word Recognition
* MOC via TOC Using a Mobile Agent Framework
* MoCA: Incorporating domain pretraining and cross attention for textbook question answering
* MoCA: Moving Camouflaged Animals dataset
* MoCap Data Segmentation and Classification Using Kernel Based Multi-channel Analysis
* MoCoGAN: Decomposing Motion and Content for Video Generation
* Mod-Squad: Designing Mixtures of Experts As Modular Multi-Task Learners
* MOD2SEA: A Coupled Atmosphere-Hydro-Optical Model for the Retrieval of Chlorophyll-a from Remote Sensing Observations in Complex Turbid Waters
* MoDA: Map Style Transfer for Self-supervised Domain Adaptation of Embodied Agents
* MODA: Mapping-Once Audio-driven Portrait Animation with Dual Attentions
* Modal-Adaptive Gated Recoding Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Modal-based phase retrieval for adaptive optics
* Modal-based phase retrieval using Gaussian radial basis functions
* Modal-based tomographic imaging from far-zone observations
* Modal Activity-Based Stochastic Model for Estimating Vehicle Trajectories from Sparse Mobile Sensor Data
* Modal Approach to Feature-Based Correspondence
* Modal Control of an Attentive Vision System
* Modal features for image texture classification
* Modal Framework for Correspondence and Description, A
* Modal Matching for Correspondence and Recognition
* Modal Matching: A Method for Describing, Comparing, and Manipulating Digital Signals
* Modal Parameters Identification of Bridge Structures from GNSS Data Using the Improved Empirical Wavelet Transform
* Modal Regression-Based Atomic Representation for Robust Face Recognition and Reconstruction
* Modal represenations
* Modal Space: A Physics-Based Model for Sequential Estimation of Time-Varying Shape from Monocular Video
* Modal Symbolic Classifier for selecting time series models, A
* Modalities Combination for Italian Sign Language Extraction and Recognition
* Modality-Agnostic Debiasing for Single Domain Generalization
* Modality-Agnostic Learning for Radar-Lidar Fusion in Vehicle Detection
* Modality-Aware OOD Suppression Using Feature Discrepancy for Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition
* Modality-correlation-aware sparse representation for RGB-infrared object tracking
* Modality-Free Feature Detector and Descriptor for Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Modality-Guided Subnetwork for Salient Object Detection
* Modality-Independent Regression and Training for Improving Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* Modality-Induced Transfer-Fusion Network for RGB-D and RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Modality-Invariant Image Classification Based on Modality Uniqueness and Dictionary Learning
* Modality-invariant Visual Odometry for Embodied Vision
* Modality-Oriented Graph Learning Toward Outfit Compatibility Modeling
* Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network for cross-modal retrieval
* Modality-Specific Cross-Modal Similarity Measurement With Recurrent Attention Network
* Modality-wise relational reasoning for one-shot sensor-based activity recognition
* Modality adversarial neural network for visible-thermal person re-identification
* Modality and Component Aware Feature Fusion for RGB-D Scene Classification
* Modality and Event Adversarial Networks for Multi-Modal Fake News Detection
* Modality Classification and Concept Detection in Medical Images Using Deep Transfer Learning
* Modality Combination Techniques for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Modality Compensation Network: Cross-Modal Adaptation for Action Recognition
* Modality conversion for QoS management in universal multimedia access
* Modality Converting Approach for Image Annotation to Overcome the Inconsistent Labels in Training Data, A
* Modality Disentangled Discriminator for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Modality Distillation with Multiple Stream Networks for Action Recognition
* Modality Exploration, Retrieval and Adaptation for Trajectory Prediction
* Modality fusion for object tracking with training system and method
* Modality Independent Elastography (MIE): A New Approach to Elasticity Imaging
* Modality Meets Long-Term Tracker: A Siamese Dual Fusion Framework for Tracking UAV
* Modality Mixer for Multi-modal Action Recognition
* Modality Mixture Projections for Semantic Video Event Detection
* Modality Shifting Attention Network for Multi-Modal Video Question Answering
* Modality Synergy Complement Learning with Cascaded Aggregation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Modality Unifying Network for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* MoDAR: Using Motion Forecasting for 3D Object Detection in Point Cloud Sequences
* ModDrop: Adaptive Multi-Modal Gesture Recognition
* Mode-adaptive Fine Granularity Scalability
* Mode-Based Error-Resilient Techniques for the Robust Communication of MPEG-4 Video
* Mode-based multi-hypothesish head tracking using parametric contours
* Mode-correlation-based early termination mode decision for multi-view video coding
* Mode-dependent distortion modeling for H.264/SVC coarse grain SNR scalability
* Mode-dependent intra frame interpolation for H.264/AVC compressed video
* Mode-dependent pixel-wise motion refinement for HEVC
* Mode-Dependent Templates and Scan Order for H.264/AVC-Based Intra Lossless Coding
* Mode-dependent transform competition for HEVC
* Mode-dependent transforms based on elliptical model for high efficiency video coding
* Mode-Dependent Transforms for Coding Directional Intra Prediction Residuals
* Mode-detection via median-shift
* Mode-Driven Volume Analysis Based on Correlation of Time Series
* Mode-Finding for Mixtures of Gaussian Distributions
* Mode-kn Factor Analysis for Image Ensembles
* Mode-seeking by Medoidshifts
* Mode-seeking on graphs via random walks
* Mode-Seeking on Hypergraphs for Robust Geometric Model Fitting
* Mode-shape interpretation: Re-thinking modal space for recovering deformable shapes
* Mode-Switched Control Architecture for Human-in-the-Loop Teleoperation of Multislave Robots via Data-Training-Based Observer, A
* Mode adaptive reference frame denoising for high fidelity compression in HEVC
* Mode boundary detection by relaxation for cluster analysis
* Mode Decision-Based Algorithm for Complexity Control in H.264/AVC
* Mode decision acceleration for scalable video coding through coded block pattern
* Mode decision with enhanced inter-prediction in HEVC
* Mode dependent DCT/DST for intra prediction in block-based image/video coding
* Mode dependent down-sampling and interpolation scheme for high efficiency video coding
* Mode dependent intra smoothing filter for HEVC
* Mode dependent loop filter for intra prediction coding in H.264/AVC
* Mode Detection by Relaxation
* Mode detection in on-line pen drawing and handwriting recognition
* Mode Detection in Online Handwritten Documents Using BLSTM Neural Networks
* Mode Determination in Noisy Bimodal Images by Histogram Comparison
* Mode Estimation and Non-Linear Image Smoothing with Adaptive Rank-Order Filters
* Mode Estimation Using Pessimistic Scale Space Tracking
* Mode mapping method for H.264/AVC spatial downscaling transcoding
* Mode of Posterior Marginals with Hierarchical Models
* Mode Recognition of Orbital Angular Momentum Based on Attention Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network
* Mode Refinement Algorithm for H.264 Inter Frame Requantization
* Mode Seeking Clustering by KNN and Mean Shift Evaluated
* Mode Seeking Generative Adversarial Networks for Diverse Image Synthesis
* Mode seeking on graphs for geometric model fitting via preference analysis
* Mode seeking over permutations for rapid geometric model fitting
* Mode Seeking with an Adaptive Distance Measure
* Mode Selection and Optimal Rate Control for Video Coding using an and-or Tree Representation
* Mode Shape Identification and Damage Detection of Bridge by Movable Sensory System
* Mode tracking and diagnosis of hybrid systems, an integrated approach
* MODE: Monocular omnidirectional depth estimation via consistent depth fusion
* MODE: Multi-view Omnidirectional Depth Estimation with 360° Cameras
* MODEC: Multimodal Decomposable Models for Human Pose Estimation
* MoDeep: A Deep Learning Framework Using Motion Features for Human Pose Estimation
* MODEEP: A motion-based object detection and pose estimation method for airborne FLIR sequences
* Model-Agnostic Adversarial Example Detection Through Logit Distribution Learning
* Model-Agnostic Boundary-Adversarial Sampling for Test-Time Generalization in Few-Shot Learning
* Model-Agnostic Gender Debiased Image Captioning
* Model-Agnostic Metric for Zero-Shot Learning
* Model-Agnostic Multi-Domain Learning with Domain-Specific Adapters for Action Recognition
* Model-Agnostic Temporal Regularizer for Object Localization Using Motion Fields
* Model-Agnostic Visual Explanations via Approximate Bilinear Models
* Model-aided Coding of Multi-viewpoint Image Data
* Model-Aided Coding: A New Approach to Incorporate Facial Animation into Motion-Compensated Video Coding
* Model-aided Coding: Using 3-D Scene Models in Motion-compensated Video Coding
* Model-Aided Deep Neural Network for Source Number Detection
* Model-Assisted 3D Face Reconstruction from Video
* Model-Assisted Adaptive Recovery of Compressed Sensing with Imaging Applications
* Model-Assisted Bird Monitoring Based on Remotely Sensed Ecosystem Functioning and Atlas Data
* Model-Assisted Combined Machine Learning Method for Ionospheric TEC Prediction, A
* Model-Assisted Cross-Layer Design of an Energy-Efficient Mobile Video Cloud, A
* Model-Assisted Estimation of Tropical Forest Biomass Change: A Comparison of Approaches
* Model-assisted Labeling via Explainability for Visual Inspection of Civil Infrastructures
* Model-Assisted Time-Synchronization of Cardiac MR Image and Catheter Pressure Data
* Model-Associated Forest Parameter Retrieval Using VHF SAR Data at the Individual Tree Level
* Model-Aware Gesture-to-Gesture Translation
* Model-Aware Pre-Training for Radial Distortion Rectification
* Model-based (passive) heart rate estimation using remote video recording of moving human subjects illuminated by ambient light
* Model-Based 2.5-D Deconvolution for Extended Depth of Field in Brightfield Microscopy
* Model-Based 2D and 3D Dominant Motion Estimation for Mosaicing and Video Representation
* Model-Based 3-D Scene Analysis from Stereoscopic Image Sequences
* Model-Based 3-D Shape and Motion Estimation Using Sliding Textures
* Model-based 3D face capture with shape-from-silhouettes
* Model-Based 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Monocular Video
* Model-based 3D hand posture estimation from a single 2D image
* Model-based 3D Hand Reconstruction via Self-Supervised Learning
* Model-based 3D Hand Tracking with on-line Shape Adaptation
* Model-based 3D human motion tracking and voxel reconstruction from sparse views
* Model-based 3d object detection from multivariate confocal microscopy images
* Model-based 3D object detection: Efficient approach using superquadrics
* Model-Based 3D Object Localization Using Occluding Contours
* Model-Based 3D Object Recognition Using Bayesian Indexing
* Model-Based 3D Object Tracking with Online Texture Update
* Model-based 3D pose estimation for pick-and-place application
* Model-Based 3D Scene Reconstruction Using a Moving RGB-D Camera
* Model-Based 3D Tracking of an Articulated Hand
* Model-Based Acoustic Remote Sensing of Seafloor Characteristics
* Model-based active learning to detect an isometric deformable object in the wild with a deep architecture
* Model-Based Adaptive 3D Sonar Reconstruction in Reverberating Environments
* Model-Based Adaptive Control of Transfemoral Prostheses: Theory, Simulation, and Experiments
* Model-based adaptive enhancement of far infrared image sequences
* model-based adaptive motion estimation scheme using Renyi's entropy for wireless video, A
* Model-based adaptive preprocessing of images in automatic visual inspection
* Model-based adaptive resolution upconversion of degraded images
* Model-Based Aircraft Recognition in Perspective Aerial Imagery
* Model-Based Algorithm for Designing Suboptimal Morphological Filters for Restoring Subtractive-Noise-Corrupted Images, A
* Model-Based Ambient Occlusion for Inverse Rendering
* Model-Based Analysis-Synthesis for Realistic Tree Reconstruction and Growth Simulation
* Model-Based Analysis-Synthesis Image Coding (MBASIC) System for a Person's Face
* Model-Based Analysis and Classification of Driver Distraction Under Secondary Tasks
* Model-Based Analysis and Synthesis of Time-Varying Mesh
* Model-based analysis of Chinese calligraphy images
* Model-Based Analysis of Hand Posture
* Model-based analysis of multi-video data
* Model-Based Analysis of the Influence of Forest Structures on the Scattering Phase Center at L-Band
* Model-based analytical FOE determination
* Model-Based and Automatic Selection of Statistical Parameters Used in Segmentation of MR Images
* Model-based and Class-based Fusion of Multisensor Data
* Model-Based and Context-Based Vision at SRI
* Model-Based and Data-Driven Strategies in Medical Image Computing
* Model-based and image-based 3D scene representation for interactive visualization
* Model-based and image-based methods for facial image synthesis, analysis and recognition
* Model-based anthropometry: Predicting measurements from 3D human scans in multiple poses
* model-based approach for automated feature extraction in fundus images, A
* model-based approach for compound leaves understanding and identification, A
* Model-Based Approach for Compression of Fingerprint Images, A
* Model-based approach for estimating energy used by traffic flows on motorways with ITS
* Model-Based Approach for Estimating Human 3D Poses in Static Images, A
* Model-Based Approach for Estimation of Two Dimensional Maximum Entropy Power Spectra, A
* Model-Based Approach for Fast Vehicle Detection in Continuously Streamed Urban LIDAR Point Clouds, A
* Model-Based Approach for Human Body Reconstruction from 3D Scanned Data, A
* model-based approach for human head-and-shoulder segmentation, A
* Model-Based Approach for Multi-View Complex Building Description, A
* Model-Based Approach for Recognizing Folding Process of Origami, A
* Model-based Approach for Rigid Object Recognition, A
* Model-Based Approach to Accurate and Consistent 3-D Modeling of Drainage and Surrounding Terrain
* model-based approach to automatically locating tree crowns in high spatial resolution images, A
* model-based approach to camera's auto exposure control, A
* Model-Based Approach to Correlation Estimation In Wavelet-Based Distributed Source Coding with Application to Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* model-based approach to finding tracks in SAR CCD images, A
* Model-based Approach To Hair Region Segmentation, A
* Model-Based Approach to Investigate the Effect of a Long Bone Fracture on Ultrasound Strain Elastography, A
* model-based approach to junction detection using radial energy, A
* Model-Based Approach to Multiresolution Fusion in Remotely Sensed Images, A
* model-based approach to offline text-independent Arabic writer identification and verification, A
* Model-Based Approach to Recognize the Rectus Abdominis Muscle in CT Images
* Model-Based Approach to Recovering the Structure of a Plant from Images, A
* Model-Based Approach to Representation and Matching of Object Shape Patterns, A
* Model-based approach to spatial-temporal sampling of video clips for video object detection by classification
* model-based approach to the automatic extraction of linear features from airborne images, A
* model-based approach to the reconstruction of three dimensional arteries from biplane angiograms, A
* Model-Based Approach to the Segmentation of Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinus Boundaries, A
* Model-Based Approaches for Predicting Gait Changes over Time
* Model-Based Articulated Hand Motion Tracking For Gesture Recognition
* Model-Based Assessment of Canopy-Scale Primary Productivity for the Baltic Sea Benthic Vegetation Using Environmental Variables and Spectral Indices, A
* Model-based automatic recognition of blood vessels from MR images and its 3D visualization
* Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) System for Forward-Looking Groundbased and Airborne Imaging Laser Radars (Ladar)
* Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition System for the UGV/RSTA Ladar
* Model-based Bayesian feature matching with application to synthetic aperture radar target recognition
* Model-Based Biomass Estimation of a Hemi-Boreal Forest from Multitemporal TanDEM-X Acquisitions
* Model-based Bottom-Up Grouping of Geometric Image Primitives
* Model-Based Boundary Estimation of Complex Objects Using Hierarchical Active Surface Templates
* Model-based brain and tumor segmentation
* Model-Based Brightness Constraints: On Direct Estimation of Structure and Motion
* Model-Based Building Detection from Low-Cost Optical Sensors Onboard Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Model-Based Bundle Adjustment with Application to Face Modeling
* Model-Based Calibration of a Range Camera
* Model-based character recognition in low resolution
* Model-Based Characterization of Statistically Optimal Design for Morphological Shape Recognition Algorithms via the Hit-or-Miss Transform
* Model-Based Chart Image Classification
* Model-Based Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI for Robust z-Spectrum Analysis
* Model-Based Classification and Novelty Detection for Point Pattern Data
* Model-Based Classification Methods of Global Patterns in Dermoscopic Images
* Model-Based Classification of Quadric Surfaces
* Model-based cluster analysis
* Model-based clustering and analysis of video scenes
* Model-based co-clustering for the effective handling of sparse data
* Model-Based Coding of 3D Head Sequences
* Model-Based Color Halftoning Using Direct Binary Search
* Model-based combined tracking and resolution enhancement
* Model-Based Compensation of Topographic Effects for Improved Stem-Volume Retrieval From CARABAS-II VHF-Band SAR Images
* Model-based complexity-aware coding for multiview video plus depth
* Model-Based Compression for Synthetic Animations
* Model-based compression of nonstationary landmark shape sequences
* Model-Based Computer Vision System for Recognizing Handwritten ZIP Codes, A
* Model-Based Computer Vision
* Model-Based Conifer Canopy Surface Reconstruction from Photographic Imagery: Overcoming the Occlusion, Foreshortening, and Edge Effects
* Model-Based Consecutive Scanline Tracking Method for Extracting Vascular Networks From 2-D Digital Subtraction Angiograms, A
* Model-based control of image acquisition
* Model-based control strategy for oversaturated traffic regimes based on the LWR-IM traffic model
* Model-Based Correction of Velocity Measurements in Navigated 3-D Ultrasound Imaging During Neurosurgical Interventions
* Model-Based Correlation Measure for Nonuniformity Gain and Offset Parameters of Infrared Focal-Plane-Array Sensors
* Model-based Crack Width Estimation using Rectangle Transform
* Model-Based Curve Evolution Technique for Image Segmentation
* Model-based decentralized Bayesian algorithm for distributed compressed sensing
* Model-Based Deformable Surface Finding for Medical Images
* Model-based dehazing scheme for unmanned aerial vehicle system using radiance boundary constraint and graph model, A
* Model-Based Design System for Terrestrial Laser Scanning Networks in Complex Sites, A
* Model-Based Despeckling and Information Extraction from SAR Images
* Model-Based Detection and Correction of Corrupted Wavelet Coefficients
* Model-Based Detection and Localization of Circular Landmarks in Aerial Images
* Model-Based Detection of Acoustically Dense Objects in Ultrasound
* Model-Based Detection of Tubular Structures in 3D Images
* Model-based detection, segmentation, and classification for image analysis using on-line shape learning
* Model-Based Diagnosis of Multi-Track Level Crossing Plants
* Model-based Digital Halftoning with Adaptive Eye Filters
* Model-Based Digital Pianos: From Physics to Sound Synthesis
* Model-based discontinuity evaluation in the DCT domain
* Model-Based Dynamic Hand Posture Identification Using Genetic Algorithm, The
* Model-Based Edge Detector for Spectral Imagery Using Sparse Spatiospectral Masks
* Model-Based Edge Reconstruction for Low Bit-Rate Wavelet-Compressed Images
* Model-based Edge Tracking for Segmentation of Low Contrast Images
* Model-Based Edgel Aggregation
* Model-based error concealment for wireless video
* Model-Based Estimation of 3D Human Motion with Occlusion Based on Active Multi-Viewpoint Selection
* Model-Based Estimation of 3D Human Motion
* Model-Based Estimation of Facial Expression Parameters from Image Sequences
* Model-Based Estimation of Forest Canopy Height and Biomass in the Canadian Boreal Forest Using Radar, LiDAR, and Optical Remote Sensing
* Model-Based Estimation of Forest Canopy Height in Red and Austrian Pine Stands Using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and Ancillary Data: A Proof-of-Concept Study
* Model-Based Estimation of Forest Inventory Attributes Using Lidar: A Comparison of the Area-Based and Semi-Individual Tree Crown Approaches
* Model-based estimation of T2 maps with dual-echo steady-state MR imaging
* Model-based estimation techniques for 3-D reconstruction from projections
* Model-Based Evaluation Methodology for Assessing the Efficacy of Packet-Level FEC for Delay-Constrained Video Network Transport, A
* Model-based evaluation of clustering validation measures
* Model-Based Evaluation of Signal-to-Clutter Ratio for Landmine Detection Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Model-based extraction of femoral medulla ducts from radiographic images
* Model-based extraction of image area descriptors using a multi-scale attention operator
* Model-Based Face De-Identification
* Model-based face image coding using spherical harmonics
* Model-based face reconstruction using SIFT flow registration and spherical harmonics
* Model-based face tracking for view-independent facial expression recognition
* model-based facial expression recognition algorithm using Principal Components Analysis, A
* Model-Based Fault Diagnosis System Verification Using Reachability Analysis
* Model-Based Feature Extraction for Gait Analysis and Recognition
* Model-based feature refinement by ellipsoidal face tracking
* Model-based feature tracking system
* Model-based food volume estimation using 3D pose
* Model-based force-driven nonrigid motion recovery from sequences of range images without point correspondences
* Model-Based Form Processing Sub-System, A
* Model-Based Frame-Layer Bit Allocation for Non-Conversational H.264 Video
* Model-based furniture recognition for building semantic object maps
* Model-Based Fusion of Multi- and Hyperspectral Images Using PCA and Wavelets
* model-based gait recognition method with body pose and human prior knowledge, A
* Model-Based Gait Recognition Using Multiple Feature Detection
* Model-based gait tracking method: A review of recent development gesture interaction
* Model-Based Gaze Control
* Model-Based Generation of Large Databases of Cardiac Images: Synthesis of Pathological Cine MR Sequences From Real Healthy Cases
* Model-Based Global and Local Motion Estimation for Videoconference Sequences
* Model-based graph-cut method for automatic flower segmentation with spatial constraints
* Model-based graph segmentation in 2-D fluorescence microsecopy images
* Model-Based Half-Toning of Color Images
* Model-based Halftoning for Color Image Segmentation
* model-based hand gesture recognition system, A
* Model-Based Hand Gesture Tracking in ToF Image Sequences
* Model-based hand pose estimation via spatial-temporal hand parsing and 3D fingertip localization
* Model-Based Hand Tracking by Chamfer Distance and Adaptive Color Learning Using Particle Filter
* Model-Based Hand Tracking Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Filter
* Model-Based Hand Tracking Using an Unscented Kalman Filter
* Model-based hand tracking with texture, shading and self-occlusions
* Model-Based Head and Facial Motion Tracking
* Model-based head pose-free gaze estimation for assistive communication
* Model-based head pose estimation for air-traffic controllers
* Model-based head pose tracking with stereovision
* Model-Based Hematopoietic Stem Cell Tracker, A
* model-based human body motion analysis system, The
* Model-based human body tracking
* Model-Based Human Face Detection in Unconstrained Scenes
* Model-based human posture estimation for gesture analysis in an opportunistic fusion smart camera network
* Model-based human shape reconstruction from multiple views
* Model-Based Human Teeth Shape Recovery from a Single Optical Image with Unknown Illumination
* Model-Based Illumination Correction for Face Images in Uncontrolled Scenarios
* Model-Based Image-Coding: Advanced Video Coding Techniques for Very-Low Bit-Rate Applications
* Model-Based Image-Enhancement of Far-Infrared Images
* Model-Based Image-Reconstruction by Means of a Constrained Least-Squares Solution
* Model-Based Image Analysis of Human Motion Using Constraint Propagation
* Model-Based Image Interpolation by Generalized Splines
* Model-Based Image Interpretation Using Genetic Algorithms
* Model-Based Image Matching Using Location
* model-based image quantization technique for supervised image recognition, A
* Model-Based Image Reconstruction for MRI
* Model-based image reconstruction of chemiluminescence using a plenoptic 2.0 camera
* Model-Based Image Segmentation for Multi-view Human Gesture Analysis
* Model-Based Imaging of Cardiac Apparent Conductivity and Local Conduction Velocity for Diagnosis and Planning of Therapy
* Model-based imaging of cardiac electrical excitation in humans
* Model-based Imaging, Rendering, Image Analysis and Graphical special Effects
* Model-Based Indices of Early-Stage Cardiovascular Failure and Its Therapeutic Management in Fontan Patients
* Model-Based Industrial Part Recognition: Systems and Algorithms
* Model-based inexact graph matching on top of DNNs for semantic scene understanding
* Model-based information extraction method tolerant of OCR errors for document images
* Model-Based Initialisation for Segmentation
* Model-Based Initialisation of Vehicle Tracking: Dependency on Illumination
* Model-Based Inspection System for Component Boards
* Model-Based Integrated Approach to Track Myocardial Deformation Using Displacement and Velocity Constraints, A
* Model-based integration of visual cues for hand tracking
* Model-Based Interactive Object Segmentation Procedure, A
* Model-Based Interpretation of 3D Medical Images
* Model-based interpretation of anatomical structures in cranial MR images
* Model-Based Interpretation of Range Imagery
* Model-Based Interpretation of Stereo Imagery of Textured Surfaces
* Model-based intra coding for depth maps in 3D video using a depth lookup table
* Model-Based Invariants for 3-D Vision
* Model-based Inverse Halftoning with Wavelet-vaguelette Deconvolution
* Model-Based Iterative Learning Approach for Diffuse Optical Tomography, A
* Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Dual-Energy X-Ray CT Using a Joint Quadratic Likelihood Model
* Model-based iterative reconstruction for magnetic resonance fingerprinting
* Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast X-Ray CT including Models for the Source and the Detector
* Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Radial Fast Spin-Echo MRI
* Model-Based Iterative Restoration for Binary Document Image Compression with Dictionary Learning
* Model-Based Joint Bit Allocation Between Geometry and Color for Video-Based 3D Point Cloud Compression
* Model-Based Joint Bit Allocation Between Texture Videos and Depth Maps for 3-D Video Coding
* Model-Based Joint Detection and Tracking Approach for Multi-Vehicle Tracking With Lidar Sensor, A
* Model-Based Joint Motion and Structure Estimation from Stereo Images
* Model-Based Joint Source Channel Coding for Subband Video
* Model-Based Landmark Extraction and Correspondence Finding for Aerial Image Registration
* Model-Based Learning for Accelerated, Limited-View 3-D Photoacoustic Tomography
* Model-based learning for point pattern data
* Model-Based Learning of Local Image Features for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
* Model-Based Learning of Segmentations
* Model-Based Learning Using a Mixture of Mixtures of Gaussian and Uniform Distributions
* Model-based least squares optimal interpolation
* model-based line detection algorithm in documents, A
* Model-Based Localization and Recognition of Road Vehicles
* Model-Based Localization Method by Non-speech Sound Via Wavelet Transform and Dynamic Neural Network
* Model-Based Machine Vision System Using Fuzzy-Logic, A
* Model-based mapping of a nonrigid image registration algorithm to heterogeneous architectures
* Model-based mapping of reconfigurable image registration on FPGA platforms
* Model-Based Matching by Linear Combinations of Prototypes
* Model-Based Matching of Line Drawings by Linear Combinations of Prototypes
* Model-Based Matching Using Skewed Symmetry Information
* model-based method for building reconstruction, A
* Model-Based Method for Enabling Source Mapping and Intrusion Detection on Proprietary Can Bus, A
* Model-Based Method for Face Shape Recovery, A
* model-based method for phase unwrapping, A
* Model-Based Method for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification, A
* model-based method for the computation of fingerprints' orientation field, A
* Model-Based Methodology for Validation of Traffic Flow Detectors by Minimizing Human Bias in Video Data Processing
* Model-based methods for developing color transformation between two display devices
* Model-based Methods For Steganography And Steganalysis
* Model-based methods for textile fault detection
* model-based mixture-supervised classification approach in hyperspectral data analysis, A
* Model-Based Mixture Discriminant Analysis: An Experimental Study
* Model-Based Morphology: Simple and Complex Shapes
* Model-Based Morphology: The Opening Spectrum
* Model-based motion blur estimation for the improvement of motion tracking
* Model-Based Motion Capture for Crash Test Video Analysis
* Model-based motion clustering using boosted mixture modeling
* model-based motion compensated video coder with JPEG2000 compatibility, A
* Model-Based Motion Filtering for Improving Arm Gesture Recognition Performance
* Model-Based Motion Tracking of Infants
* Model-based MPEG compression of synthetic video sequences
* Model-Based MR Parameter Mapping With Sparsity Constraints: Parameter Estimation and Performance Bounds
* Model-Based Multi-Object Segmentation via Distribution Matching
* Model-Based Multi-Stage Compression of Human Face Images
* Model-Based Multi Objective Analysis of Ultrasound Image Sequences in Prenatal Diagnosis
* Model-Based Multiple Rigid Object Detection and Registration in Unstructured Range Data
* Model-based multiple view reconstruction of people
* Model-Based Multiresolution Motion Estimation in Noisy Images
* Model-based Multiscale Detection of 3D Vessels
* Model-Based Neural-Network for Target Detection in SAR Images
* model-based neural network for edge characterization, A
* Model-based Next View Planning By Using Rules: Automatic Feature Prediction and Detection
* Model-based Nonrigid Motion Analysis Using Natural Feature Adaptive Mesh
* Model-based nonrigid motion recovery from sequences of range images without point correspondences
* Model-Based Object Pose in 25 Lines of Code
* Model-Based Object Recognition by Geometric Hashing
* Model-Based Object Recognition in Dense Range Images
* Model-Based Object Recognition Using Geometric Invariants of Points and Lines
* Model-Based Object Recognition Using Probabilistic Logic and Maximum Entropy
* Model-Based Object Recognition Using Range Images by Combining Morphological Feature Extraction and Geometric Hashing
* Model-based object recognition Using the Hausdorff Distance with Explicit Pairing
* Model-Based Object Recognition: A Survey of Recent Research
* Model-Based Object Recognition: The Role of Affine Invariants
* Model-Based Object Tracking in Monocular Image Sequences of Road Traffic Scenes
* Model-Based Object Tracking in Traffic Scenes
* Model-based obstacle detection from image sequences
* Model-based Occlusion Disentanglement for Image-to-Image Translation
* Model-Based On-Line Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Model-based optical flow for large displacements and homogeneous regions
* Model-Based Optimization of Spectral Sampling for the Retrieval of Crop Variables with the PROSAIL Model
* Model-Based Optimization: Accurate and Consistent Site Modeling
* Model-Based Optimization: An Approach to Fast, Accurate and Consistent Site Modeling
* Model-Based Optoacoustic Image Reconstruction of Large Three-Dimensional Tomographic Datasets Acquired With an Array of Directional Detectors
* Model-Based Orientation Field Estimation for Fingerprint Recognition
* Model-Based Outdoor Performance Capture
* Model-based path finding using adjacent area shape
* Model-based perceptual grouping and shape abstraction
* Model-based Persian calligraphy synthesis via learning to transfer templates to personal styles
* Model-Based Planar Contour Following in the Presence of Pose and Model Errors
* Model-Based Plane-Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Dominant Plane
* Model-Based Polarimetric SAR Calibration Method Using Forest and Surface-Scattering Targets
* Model-Based Polarimetric SAR Speckle Filter
* Model-Based Pose Estimation Using Genetic Algorithm
* Model-Based Prediction-Verification Scheme for Real-Time Inspection
* Model-Based Probabilistic Collision Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Model-based programming for parallel image processing
* Model-Based Quality Estimation of Fingerprint Images
* Model-based quantitation of 3-D magnetic resonance angiographic images
* Model-Based Quantitative Cross-Borehole GPR Imaging via Virtual Experiments
* Model-Based Quantitative Elasticity Reconstruction Using ADMM
* Model-based rate control implementation for low-power video communications systems
* Model-Based Real-Time Head Tracking
* Model-Based Recognition and Localization from Sparse Range Data
* Model-Based Recognition and Localization from Sparse Range or Tactile Data
* Model-Based Recognition and Parameter Estimation of Buildings from Multi-View Aerial Imagery Using Multi-Segmentation
* Model-Based Recognition and Positioning of Polyhedra Using Intensity-Guided Range Sensing and Interpretation in 3-D Space
* Model-Based Recognition and Range Imaging for a Guided Vehicle
* Model-Based Recognition in Robot Vision
* Model-Based Recognition of 3-D Objects from One View
* Model-Based Recognition of 3D Curves from One View
* Model-Based Recognition of 3D Objects from Single Images
* Model-Based Recognition of Anatomical Objects from Medical Images
* Model-based recognition of articulated objects
* Model-Based Recognition of Domino Tiles Using TGraphs
* Model-based recognition of human actions by trajectory matching in phase spaces
* Model-Based Recognition of Objects in Complex Scenes
* Model-based recognition of planar objects using geometric invariants
* Model-Based Recognition Using 3D Shape Alone
* Model-Based Recognition Using 3D Structure from Motion
* Model-based reconstruction and classification of façade parts in 3D point clouds
* Model-based reconstruction for illumination variation in face images
* Model-Based Reconstruction for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Model-Based Reconstruction for T1 Mapping Using Single-Shot Inversion-Recovery Radial FLASH
* Model-Based Reconstruction of Large Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Datasets
* Model-based Reconstruction of Multiple Circular and Elliptic Objects from a Limited Number of Projections
* Model-Based Referenceless Quality Metric of 3D Synthesized Images Using Local Image Description
* Model-Based Registration for Motion Compensation during EP Ablation Procedures
* Model-Based Registration of Ex Vivo and In Vivo MRI of the Prostate Using Elastography*
* Model-Based Registration of Front- and Backviews of Rotationally Symmetric Objects
* model-based reinforcement learning method based on conditional generative adversarial networks, A
* Model-Based Reinforcement Learning With Isolated Imaginations
* Model-based respiratory motion compensation for image-guided cardiac interventions
* Model-Based Road Extraction from Images
* Model-Based Road Sign Identification System, A
* Model-Based Robot Imitation with Future Image Similarity
* Model-based robust and pecise tracking embedded in smart cameras: The PFAAM-CAM
* Model-Based Ruling Line Detection Algorithm for Noisy Handwritten Documents, A
* Model-based ruling line detection in noisy handwritten documents
* Model-Based SAR ATR System
* Model-Based Satellite Image Fusion
* Model-based scanning path generation for inspection
* Model-Based Segmentation and Estimation of 3D Surfaces from Two or More Intensity Images Using Markov Random Fields
* Model-based segmentation and recognition of dynamic gestures in continuous video streams
* model-based segmentation framework for computer processing of handwriting, A
* Model-Based Segmentation Method for Handwritten Numeral Strings, A
* Model-Based Segmentation of Grey-Tone Images
* Model-based segmentation of leukocytes clusters
* Model-Based Segmentation of Medical Imagery by Matching Distributions
* Model-Based Segmentation of Multimodal Images
* Model-Based Segmentation of Nuclei
* Model-Based Segmentation of Reconstructed Dental X-Ray Volumes
* Model-Based Sequence Similarity with Application to Handwritten Word Spotting, A
* Model-Based Shape-Matching with Structural Feature Grouping
* Model-based Shape from Contour and Point Patterns
* Model-based shape from shading for microelectronics applications
* Model-Based Shape Recognition Using Recursive Mathematical Morphology
* Model-based shape recovery from single images of general and unknown lighting
* Model-Based Shot Boundary Detection Technique Using Frame Transition Parameters, A
* Model-Based Signature Verification System, A
* Model-based signature verification with rotation invariant features
* Model-Based Silhouette Extraction for Accurate People Tracking
* Model-Based Silhouette Recognition
* Model-Based Six-Component Scattering Matrix Power Decomposition
* Model-Based Spatial Reasoning for Hierarchically Organized Structured Objects
* Model-Based Steganography
* Model-Based Stereo-Tracking of Non-Polyhedral Objects for Automatic Disassembly Experiments
* Model-based stereo-visual tracking: Covariance analysis and tracking schemes
* Model-Based Stereo with Occlusions
* Model-Based Strategies for High-Level Robot Vision
* Model-Based Strategy Planning for Recognizing Partially Occluded Parts
* Model-based stroke extraction and matching for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Model-based Surface Classification
* Model-Based Synthesis of Vision Routines
* MOdel-Based SyntheTic Data-Driven Learning (MOST-DL): Application in Single-Shot T2 Mapping With Severe Head Motion Using Overlapping-Echo Acquisition
* Model-Based Synthetic Geoelectric Sampling for Magnetotelluric Inversion With Deep Neural Networks
* Model-Based Synthetic View Generation from a Monocular Video Sequence
* Model-Based System Specification With Tesperanto: Readable Text From Formal Graphics
* Model-Based Tabular Structure Detection and Recognition in Noisy Handwritten Documents
* Model-Based Target Recognition in Foliage Penetrating SAR Images
* Model-Based Target Recognition in Pulsed Ladar Imagery
* Model-Based Target Scattering Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Tomography
* Model-Based Technique for the Classification of Textured Surfaces with Illuminant Direction Invariance, A
* Model-based techniques for digital halftoning
* Model-Based Temperature Adjustment Scheme for Wintertime Sea-Ice Production Retrievals from MODIS, A
* Model-based Temporal Object Verification Using Video
* Model-Based Texture Measures
* Model-Based Texture Segmentation
* Model-Based Threat Assessment for Avoiding Arbitrary Vehicle Collisions
* Model-Based Three-Dimensional Interpretations of Two-Dimensional Images
* Model-Based Tikhonov-Miller Image Restoration
* Model-Based Tomographic Reconstruction of Objects Containing Known Components
* Model-Based Tracking at 300Hz Using Raw Time-of-Flight Observations
* Model-Based Tracking by Classification in a Tiny Discrete Pose Space
* Model-Based Tracking of Complex Articulated Objects
* Model-Based Tracking of Moving Object
* Model-Based Tracking of Self-Occluding Articulated Objects
* Model-based Tracking
* Model-based tracking: Temporal conditional random fields
* Model-Based Transfer Functions for Efficient Visualization of Medical Image Volumes
* Model-Based Transfer Learning and Sparse Coding for Partial Face Recognition
* Model-Based Transrating of H.264 Coded Video
* Model-Based Validation Approaches and Matching Techniques for Automotive Vision Based Pedestrian Detection
* Model-based varying pose face detection and facial feature registration in colour images
* Model-Based Vasculature Extraction From Optical Fluorescence Cryomicrotome Images
* Model-Based Vector Quantization with Application to Remotely Sensed Image Data
* Model-based Vehicle Detection and Classification using Orthographic Approximations
* Model-Based Vehicle Localization Based on 3-D Constrained Multiple-Kernel Tracking
* Model-Based Vehicle Pose Estimation and Tracking in Videos Using Random Forests
* Model-Based Vehicle Segmentation Method for Tracking, A
* Model-based versus knowledge-guided representation of non-rigid objects: a case study
* Model-Based Video Coding Using Colour and Depth Cameras
* Model-based view planning
* Model-Based Vision Development and Tools
* Model-Based Vision for Automatic Alarm Detection
* Model-Based Vision System for Industrial Parts, A
* Model-Based Vision
* Model-Based Vision: A Program to See a Walking Person
* Model-Based Visual Feedback Control for a Hand-Eye Coordinated Robotic System
* Model-based visual self-localization using geometry and graphs
* Model-Based Volume Estimator that Accounts for Both Land Cover Misclassification and Model Prediction Uncertainty, A
* Model-Based, Semi-Global Segmentation Approach for Automatic 3-D Point Landmark Localization in Neuroimages, A
* Model-Blind Video Denoising via Frame-To-Frame Training
* Model-Centric Data Manifold: The Data Through the Eyes of the Model
* Model-Contrastive Federated Learning
* Model-Dependent Method for Monitoring Subtle Changes in Vegetation Height in the Boreal-Alpine Ecotone Using Bi-Temporal, Three Dimensional Point Data from Airborne Laser Scanning, A
* Model-Directed Mobile Robot Navigation
* Model-Directed Object Recognition On The Connection Machine
* Model-Downscaling Method for Fine-Resolution LAI Estimation, A
* Model-Driven-to-Sample-Driven Method for Rural Road Extraction, A
* Model-driven Active Visual Tracking
* Model-Driven and Data-Driven Approaches Using LIDAR Data: Analysis and Comparison
* Model-Driven Approach for 3D Modeling of Pylon from Airborne LiDAR Data, A
* model-driven approach for real-time road recognition, A
* Model-Driven Centerline Extraction for Severely Occluded Major Coronary Arteries
* Model-Driven Contour Extraction for Physically Deformed Objects: Application to Analysis of Stomach X-Ray Images
* Model-Driven Deep Learning Method for Pancreatic Cancer Segmentation Based on Spiral-Transformation
* Model-Driven Deep Neural Network for Single Image Rain Removal, A
* Model-Driven Domain Adaptation on Product Manifolds for Unconstrained Face Recognition
* Model-Driven Generation of Collaborative Virtual Environments for Cultural Heritage
* Model-Driven Grouping and Recognition of Generic Object Parts from a Single Image
* Model-Driven Harmonic Parameterization of the Cortical Surface: HIP-HOP
* model-driven method of estimating the state of clothes for manipulating it, A
* Model-driven multicomponent volume exploration
* Model-Driven Object Recognition: Complexity Issues
* Model-Driven Simulations for Computer Vision
* Model-driven statistical analysis of human gait motion
* Model-Driven Stereo Correspondence Algorithm Using Dynamic Programming, A
* Model-Driven Video-Based Rendering for Vehicles
* Model-Fitting Approach to Cluster Validation with Application to Stochastic Model-Based Image Segmentation, A
* model-free approach for posture classification, A
* Model-free augmented reality by virtual visual servoing
* Model-free Consensus Maximization for Non-Rigid Shapes
* Model-Free Distortion Rectification Framework Bridged by Distortion Distribution Map
* Model-Free Dynamic Operations Management for EV Battery Swapping Stations: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Model-free functional MRI analysis using Kohonen clustering neural network and fuzzy C-means
* Model-Free Head Pose Estimation Based on Shape Factorisation and Particle Filtering
* Model-free Knockoffs for SLOPE-Adaptive Variable Selection with Controlled False Discovery Rate
* Model-Free Multiple Object Tracking with Shared Proposals
* Model-free non-rigid head pose tracking by joint shape and pose estimation
* Model-Free Optimal Trajectories in the Image Space: Application to Robot Vision Control
* Model-Free Segmentation and Grasp Selection of Unknown Stacked Objects
* model-free technique based on computer vision and sEMG for classification in Parkinson's disease by using computer-assisted handwriting analysis, A
* Model-Free Texture Segmentation Based on Distances Between First-Order Statistics
* Model-Free Tracker for Multiple Objects Using Joint Appearance and Motion Inference
* Model-free tracking of cars and people based on color regions
* Model-Free Tracking With Deep Appearance and Motion Features Integration
* Model-Free Trajectory Optimisation for Unmanned Aircraft Serving as Data Ferries for Widespread Sensors
* Model-Free Visual Servo Swarming of Manned-Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Visibility Maintenance and Collision Avoidance
* Model-Free Voting Approach for Integrating Multiple Cues, A
* Model-Free, Statistical Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects
* Model-Group Indexing for Recognition
* Model-Guided Attributed String Matching by Split-and-Merge for Shape Recognition
* Model-Guided Deep Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Model-guided deformable hand shape recognition without positioning aids
* Model-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Fine-Grained Image Generation
* Model-Guided Labeling of Coronary Structure
* Model-Guided Luminance Range Enhancement in Mixed Reality
* Model-Guided Monitoring of a Building Environment by a Mobile Robot
* Model-Guided Multi-Path Knowledge Aggregation for Aerial Saliency Prediction
* Model-Guided Segmentation and Layout Labelling of Document Images Using a Hierarchical Conditional Random Field
* Model-Guided Segmentation of 3D Neuroradiological Image Using Statistical Surface Wavelet Model
* Model-guided Segmentation of Corpus Callosum in MR Images
* Model-Guided Segmentation of Liver in CT and PET-CT Images of Child Patients Based on Statistical Region Merging
* Model-Guided Segmentation of Opacified Thorax Vessels
* Model-Guided Segmentation Using Quadtrees
* Model-image registration of a building's facade based on dense semantic segmentation
* Model-Independent Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Output Tracking Control of 4WS4WD Road Vehicles
* Model-Independent Method for fMRI Analysis
* Model-Independent Recovery of Object Orientations
* Model-Induced Generalization Error Bound for Information-Theoretic Representation Learning in Source-Data-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Model-less and model-based computationally efficient motion estimation for video compression in transportation applications
* Model-Protected Multi-Task Learning
* Model-Reference Reinforcement Learning for Collision-Free Tracking Control of Autonomous Surface Vehicles
* Model-Resolution-Based Basis Pursuit Deconvolution Improves Diffuse Optical Tomographic Imaging
* Model-Selection Framework for Multibody Structure-and-Motion of Image Sequences, A
* Model-Supported Exploitation as a Framework for Image Understanding
* Model-Supported Exploitation of SAR Imagery
* Model-to-Image Registration and Automatic Texture Mapping Using a Video Sequence Taken by a Mini UAV
* Model-to-SAR Image Registration
* Model-updated image guidance: initial clinical experiences with gravity-induced brain deformation
* Model (In)Validation Approach to Gait Classification, A
* model (In)validation approach to gait recognition, A
* Model Accuracy Comparison For High Resolution INSAR Coherence Statistics Over Urban Areas
* Model Acquisition by Registration of Multiple Acoustic Range Views
* Model Acquisition from Range Imagery
* Model Acquisition Using Shape-from-Shading
* Model Adaptation with Synthetic and Real Data for Semantic Dense Foggy Scene Understanding
* Model Adaptation: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Without Source Data
* Model adaptive torque control and distribution with error reconstruction strategy for RWID EVs
* Model Analysis Geometry Imagery Correlation Tool Kit (MAGIC-TK) for Model Development and Image Analysis
* Model and Data Integrated Transfer Learning for Unstructured Map Text Detection
* Model and Dictionary Guided Face Inpainting in the Wild
* Model and feature selection for the classification of dark field pollen images using the classifynder system
* Model and hardware emulation of the first synapse of the retina using Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Networks
* Model and Performance of a No-Reference Quality Assessment Metric for Video Streaming
* Model and Score Adaptation for Biometric Systems: Coping With Device Interoperability and Changing Acquisition Conditions
* Model and Simulation of the Heterogeneous Traffic Flow of the Urban Signalized Intersection With an Island Work Zone
* Model and Tracking Algorithm for a Class of Video Targets, A
* Model Assessment Through Data Assimilation of Realistic Data in Cardiac Electrophysiology
* Model assisted bootstrapping for annotation of segmentation datasets
* Model Attribution of Face-Swap Deepfake Videos
* Model Barrier: A Compact Un-Transferable Isolation Domain for Model Intellectual Property Protection
* Model based (Intermediate-Level) Computer Vision
* Model Based 3-D Tracking of Rigid Objects from a Sequence of Multiple Perspective Views, A
* Model based 3D gaze estimation for provision of virtual eye contact
* Model based 3D grouping by using 2D cues
* Model based algorithm for singular point detection from fingerprint images
* Model based analysis for quantization parameter cascading in hierarchical video coding
* Model Based Analysis of Face Images for Facial Feature Extraction
* Model Based Analysis of Industrial Scenes
* Model Based Analysis of Scintigraphic Image Sequences of the Human Heart
* Model Based Approach for Expressions Invariant Face Recognition, A
* Model Based Approach for Melanoma Segmentation
* model based approach for pose estimation and rotation invariant object matching, A
* Model Based Approach in Extracting and Generating Human Motion, A
* Model Based Approach to Object Detection in Digital Mammography, A
* Model Based Automatic Segmentation of Tree Stems from Single Scan Data
* Model Based Book Dewarping Method to Handle 2D Images Captured by a Digital Camera, A
* Model Based Cardiac Motion Tracking Using Velocity Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Model based clustering for 3D directional features: Application to depth image analysis
* Model Based Corner Detection
* Model Based Detection of Targets in FOPEN SAR Images
* Model based direct binary search halftone optimization with a dual interpretation
* Model Based Dual Active Contour, A
* Model Based Estimation of Point Correspondences between Boundaries Undergoing Nonrigid Motion
* Model Based Extraction of Articulated Objects in Image Sequences for Gait Analysis
* Model based faced coding and decoding using feature detection and eigenface coding
* Model Based Framework for Table Processing in Degraded Document Images, A
* Model based human motion tracking using probability evolutionary algorithm
* Model Based Image Analysis, Using Solid Modelling and Ray Tracing
* Model based image reconstruction with physics based priors
* Model Based Interpretation Of 3-D Range Data
* Model Based Interpretation of 3D medical images
* Model Based Inversion for Deriving Maps of Histological Parameters Characteristic of Cancer From Ex-Vivo Multispectral Images of the Colon
* Model Based Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm For High Angle Annular Dark Field-Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (HAADF-STEM) Tomography, A
* Model Based Layout Understanding Method for the Document Recognition System, A
* model based method for characterization and location of curved image features, A
* Model Based Method for Overall Well Focused Catadioptric Image Acquisition with Multi-focal Images, A
* Model Based Method for the Quantizer Assignment of JPEG-Like Coders, A
* Model based motion estimation using constrained weighted least squares
* Model Based Motion Vector Predictor for Zoom Motion
* Model based object recognition by robust information fusion
* model based on hierarchical safety distance algorithm for ACC control mode switching strategy, A
* model based on three-layer agent of personalized information retrieval systems, A
* Model Based Part Segmentation of Range Data: Hyperquadrics and Dividing Planes
* Model Based Perspective Inversion
* Model Based Pose Estimation of Articulated and Constrained Objects
* Model Based Pose Estimation Using SURF
* Model Based Pose Estimator Using Linear-Programming
* Model Based Recognition of Specular Objects Using Sensor Models
* Model Based Recognition Systems
* Model Based Recognition Using Pruned Correspondence Search
* Model Based Recursive Partitioning for Customized Price Optimization Analytics
* Model Based Region Segmentation Using Cooccurrence Matrices
* Model based RGBD SLAM
* Model Based Road Extraction for the Registration and Interpretation of Remote Sensing Data
* Model based rotation-invariant texture classification
* Model based segmentation and detection of affine transformed shapes in cluttered images
* Model Based Segmentation for Retinal Fundus Images
* Model based segmentation of radiological images of the cranium
* Model Based Selection and Classification of Local Features for Recognition Using Gabor Filters
* Model based steganalysis
* Model based system for analyzing document images
* Model Based Text Line Segmentation Method for Off-line Handwritten Documents, A
* Model Based Texture Segmentation and Classification
* Model Based Three Dimensional Television
* Model based tracking for navigation and segmentation
* Model Based Tracking of Articulated Objects
* Model Based Training, Detection and Pose Estimation of Texture-Less 3D Objects in Heavily Cluttered Scenes
* Model based variational Bayesian compressive sensing using heavy tailed sparse prior
* Model based vehicle detection for intelligent vehicles
* Model Based Viewpoint Planning For Terrestrial Laser Scanning From An Economic Perspective
* Model Based Vision System for Recognition of Machine Parts, A
* Model Based Vision System for Scenes Containing Multiple Parts, A
* Model Based Vision System to Identify and Locate Partially Visible Industrial Parts, A
* Model Based Vision System, A
* Model based visual inspection of pharmaceutical tablets with photometric stereo
* Model Based, Anatomy Based Method for Synthesizing Iris Images, A
* Model Bias in Bayesian Image Reconstruction from X-Ray Fiber Diffracton Data
* model building approach to property measurement in black and white pictures, A
* Model Building in the Visions System
* Model Building of Three-Dimensional Polyhedral Objects Using 3D Edge Information and Hemispheric Histogram
* Model Calibration in Dense Classification with Adaptive Label Perturbation
* model change detection approach to dynamic scene modeling, A
* Model checking for E-business control and assurance
* Model Classification for Digital 3D Reconstruction in the Context of Humanities Research, A
* Model Comparison for Functional MRI
* Model Comparison Metrics Require Adaptive Correction if Parameters Are Discretized: Proof-of-Concept Applied to Transient Signals in Dynamic PET
* Model Complexity Validation for PDF Estimation Using Gaussian Mixtures
* Model Compression and Acceleration for Deep Neural Networks: The Principles, Progress, and Challenges
* Model Compression and Hardware Acceleration for Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Survey
* Model Compression for Faster Structural Separation of Macromolecules Captured by Cellular Electron Cryo-Tomography
* Model Compression Using Optimal Transport
* Model Compression Using Progressive Channel Pruning
* Model Construction and Shape Recognition from Occluding Contours
* Model Construction and System Design of Natural Grassland-Type Recognition Based on Deep Learning
* Model Construction from a single perspective view using shape from symmetry
* Model construction of mix-valued logical network via observed data
* Model Corrected Low Rank Ptychography
* Model Decay in Long-Term Tracking
* Model Dependent Inference of 3D Information from a Sequence of 2D Images
* Model Development and Incremental Learning Based on Case-Based Reasoning for Signal and Image Analysis
* Model Distribution Dependant Complexity Estimation on Textures
* Model Doctor for Diagnosing and Treating Segmentation Error
* Model Driven 3-d Shape Reconstruction by Matching Synthesized Images with Actual Images
* Model Driven 3D Image Interpretation System Applied to Person Detection in Video Images, A
* model driven 3D lane detection system using stereovision, A
* Model Driven Approach to Extract Buildings from Multi-View Aerial Imagery, A
* Model Driven Edge Detection
* Model driven reconstruction of roofs from sparse LIDAR point clouds
* Model Driven Segmentation of Articulating Humans in Laplacian Eigenspace
* Model Driven Selection using Texture
* Model driven state estimation for target pursuit
* Model Driven Synthesis of Natural Textures for 3-D Scenes
* Model Driven Visualization of Coronary Arteries
* Model effectiveness prediction and system adaptation for photometric stereo in murky water
* Model Ensembles of Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Regression for Improved Accuracy in the Prediction of Vegetation Conditions and Droughts in Four Northern Kenya Counties
* Model estimation for photometric changes of outdoor planar color surfaces caused by changes in illumination and viewpoint
* Model evaluation and calibration for prospective respiratory motion correction in coronary MR angiography based on 3-D image registration
* Model evolution: An incremental approach to non-rigid structure from motion
* Model Extension and Refinement Using Landmarks
* Model Fitting with Sufficient Random Sample Coverage
* model for adapting 3D graphics based on scalable coding, real-time simplification and remote rendering, A
* Model for an Affective Non-Expensive Utility-Based Decision Agent, A
* Model for Animal Home Range Estimation Based on the Active Learning Method, A
* model for automatically tracing object boundaries, A
* Model for Cell Receptive Fields in the Visual Striate Cortex, A
* Model for Characterizing the Motion of the Solid-Liquid Interface in Freezing Solutions, A
* Model for Color Conversion
* Model for Complex Subsidence Causality Interpretation Based on PS-InSAR Cross-Heading Orbits Analysis, A
* Model for Deriving the Spectral Backscattering Properties of Particles in Inland and Marine Waters From In Situ and Remote Sensing Data, A
* Model for Describing Surface Shape, A
* model for detecting and merging vertically spanned table cells in plain text documents, A
* model for detecting phasimetric SAR effects coming from rainy events, A
* Model for Determining Geographical Distribution of Heat Saving Potentials in Danish Building Stock
* model for dimension reduction in pattern recognition using continuous data, A
* model for dynamic object segmentation with kernel density estimation based on gradient features, A
* model for dynamic shape and its applications, A
* model for entropy coding in matching pursuit, A
* model for estimating spectral properties of water from RGB images, A
* Model for Estimating the Earth's Outgoing Radiative Flux from A Moon-Based Radiometer, A
* Model for Estimation of Global Horizontal Irradiance in the Presence of Dust, Fog, and Clouds
* model for evaluating the effectiveness of resolution enhancement algorithms, A
* Model for Expressing Industrial Information Based on Object-Oriented Industrial Heat Sources Detected Using Multi-Source Thermal Anomaly Data in China, A
* Model for Functional Reasoning in Design, A
* model for fusion of spatial information in dynamic vision, A
* Model for Haptic Aesthetic Processing and Its Implications for Design, A
* model for honey bee tracking on 2D video, A
* model for image generation and symbol recognition through the deformation of lineal shapes, A
* model for image patch-based algorithms, A
* model for image splicing, A
* Model for Integrating Image-Processing into Decision Aids for Diagnostic-Radiology, A
* model for interpreting fingerprint topology, A
* Model for local image velocity detection of early visual processing
* Model for Multimodal Information Retrieval, A
* model for optimal design of robot vision systems based on kinematic error correction, The
* Model for Perception of Structural Image Feature, A
* Model for Radar Images and Its Application to Adaptive Digital Filtering for Multiplicative Noise, A
* Model for Range Estimation and Energy-Efficient Routing of Electric Vehicles in Real-World Conditions, A
* Model for Recovering Perceptual Organizations from Dot Patterns, A
* Model for Saliency Detection Using NMFsc Algorithm, A
* model for selection of attributes for automatic pattern recognition. Stepwise data compression monitored by visual classification, A
* model for simulating user interaction in hierarchical segmentation, A
* Model for Simulation of Infant Cardiovascular Response to Orthostatic Stress, A
* Model for smoothing and segmentation of texture images using L0 norm
* Model for Texture Edges, A
* Model for the Analysis of Neighbor Finding in Pointer Based Quadtrees, A
* model for the assessment of watermark quality with regard to fidelity, A
* Model for the Cloudiness of Fabrics, A
* Model for the Complex Dielectric Constant of Supercooled Liquid Water at Microwave Frequencies, A
* Model for the cooperative obstacle-avoidance of the automated vehicle swarm in a connected vehicles environment
* Model for the Detection of Motion over Time, A
* Model for the Electronic Representation of Bank Checks, A
* model for the estimate of local velocity, A
* Model for the Extraction of Image Flow
* Model for the Extraction of Image Flow, A
* model for the gray-intensity distribution of historical handwritten documents and its application for binarization, A
* model for the qualitative description of images based on visual and spatial features, A
* Model for the Relationship between Rainfall, GNSS-Derived Integrated Water Vapour, and CAPE in the Eastern Central Andes, A
* Model for the safety impacts of road weather information services available to road users and related socio-economic benefits
* Model for the Vertical Chlorophyll-a Distribution in the Bay of Bengal Using Remote Sensing Data, A
* Model for Variability Effects in Handprinting with Implications for the Design of Handwriting Character Recognition Systems, A
* Model for Visual Flow-Field Cueing and Self-Motion Estimation, A
* Model free head pose estimation using stereovision
* Model Free Hybrid Algorithm for Real Time Tracking, A
* Model Fusion for Building Type Classification from Aerial and Street View Images
* Model Generation and Model Matching of Real Images by a Fuzzy Approach
* Model generation for robust object tracking based on temporally stable regions
* model generation method for object recognition task by pictorial examples, A
* Model globally, match locally: Efficient and robust 3D object recognition
* model guided document image analysis scheme, A
* Model Identification and Control Design for a Humanoid Robot
* Model Indexing and Object Recognition Using 3D Viewpoint Invariance
* Model Indexing: The Graph-Hashing Approach
* Model Integrating Fire Prediction and Detection for Rural-Urban Interface, A
* Model Invocation for Three Dimensional Scene Understanding
* Model is Worth Tens of Thousands of Examples, A
* Model Latent Views with Multi-Center Metric Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Model Learning and Recognition of Nonrigid Objects
* Model Learning Approach For Low Light Image Restoration, A
* Model length adaptation of an HMM based cursive word recognition system
* Model Level Ensemble for Facial Action Unit Recognition at the 3rd ABAW Challenge
* Model Limitations and Parameter-Estimation Methods for Agricultural Applications of Polarimetric SAR Interferometry
* Model Management in the System Generating Vision Inspections
* Model Matching and Extension for Automated 3D Site Modeling
* Model Matching in Robot Vision by Subgraph Isomorphism
* Model May Fit You: User-Generalized Cross-Modal Retrieval, The
* Model Method in Facial Recognition, The
* Model of Attention-Guided Visual Perception and Recognition, A
* Model of Brightness Variations Due to Illumination Changes and Non-rigid Motion Using Spherical Harmonics, A
* Model of Character Recognition by Humans, A
* Model of Contour Integration in Early Visual Cortex, A
* Model of Degradation of Color Values in a Reproduction Process, The
* model of diatom shape and texture for analysis, synthesis and identification, A
* Model of Extraction of Rail's Vertical Corrugation Based on Flexible Virtual Ruler, A
* model of facial behaviour, A
* Model of Figure-Ground Segregation from Kinetic Occlusion, A
* model of formal neural networks for unsupervised learning of binary temporal sequences, A
* Model of Frequency Analysis in the Visual Cortex and the Shape from Texture Problem
* Model of Handwriting Process and Its Analysis
* Model of Human Estimation of 3D Shape from Shading Information Using Zero Crossings, A
* Model of Human Visual-Motion Sensing
* Model of Interprocessor Communication for Parallel Image Processing, A
* Model of Left Ventricular Contraction: Validation Criteria and Boundary Conditions
* model of motion attention for video skimming, A
* Model of Motion, Stereo, and Monocular Depth Perception, A
* Model of On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition Free from Line Direction and Writing Format Constraints, A
* model of perceptual image fidelity, A
* Model of Point Cloud Data Management System in Big Data Paradigm
* Model of Population and Subject (MOPS) Intensities With Application to Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation, A
* Model of Predictive Control in Visual Target Tracking, A
* Model of Radar Backscatter of Rain-Generated Stalks on the Ocean Surface, A
* Model of retinal local adaptation for the tone mapping of color filter array images
* Model of Risk-Sensitive Route-Choice Behavior and the Potential Benefit of Route Guidance, A
* Model of Saliency-Based Visual Attention for Rapid Scene Analysis, A
* Model of Ship Navigation Risk Field for Risk Assessment of Icebreaker Convoy Operations, The
* Model of Stroke Extraction from Chinese Character Images, A
* Model of Surface Roughness for Use in Passive Remote Sensing of Bare Soil Moisture, A
* Model of the Effect of Image Motion in the Radon Transform Domain, A
* model of the visual attention to speed up image analysis, A
* Model Of Turkey In Legal Protection Of Cultural Heritage, The
* Model of Visual Knowledge Representation, A
* Model of Visual Motion Sensing
* Model of Visual Texture Discrimination Using Multiple Weak Operators and Spatial Averaging, A
* Model of Volumetric Shape for the Analysis of Longitudinal Alzheimer's Disease Data, A
* Model Of Wheat Yield Forecast Based On Modis-ndvi: A Case Study Of Xinxiang, The
* Model Optimization Approach to the Automatic Segmentation of Medical Images, A
* Model Optimization Boosting Framework for Linear Model Hash Learning
* Model Order Selection and Cue Combination for Image Segmentation
* Model Order Selection for the Singular-Value Decomposition and the Discrete Karhunen-Loeve Transform Using a Bayesian-Approach
* Model Order Selection in Multi-baseline Interferometric Radar Systems
* Model Parameter Learning for Real-Time High-Resolution Image Enhancement
* Model Predictive-Based Shared Control for Brain-Controlled Driving
* Model predictive control-based eco-driving strategy for CAV
* Model Predictive Control Approach for Virtual Coupling in Railways, A
* Model Predictive Control for Connected Vehicle Platoon Under Switching Communication Topology
* Model Predictive Control for Freeway Networks Based on Multi-Class Traffic Flow and Emission Models
* Model Predictive Control for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Platooning Using Slope Information
* Model Predictive Control to Improve Visual Control of Motion: Applications in Active Tracking of Moving Targets
* Model predictive coordinated control of heavy-duty vehicle using non-linear three-directional coupled model
* Model Predictive Eco-Driving Control for Heavy-Duty Trucks Using Branch and Bound Optimization
* Model Predictive Hierarchical Rate Control With Markov Decision Process for Multiview Video Coding
* Model Predictive Lateral Control for Unmanned Ground Vehicles With Speed Coupling: A Terminal Constraint-Free Approach
* Model Predictive Path Planning of AGVs: Mixed Logical Dynamical Formulation and Distributed Coordination
* Model Problem in the Representation of Digital Image Sequences, A
* Model recommendation for action recognition
* Model Recommendation with Virtual Probes for Egocentric Hand Detection
* Model recommendation: Generating object detectors from few samples
* Model refinement from planar parallax
* Model Registration and Validation
* Model Regularisation for Skin Lesion Symmetry Classification: Symderm v2.0
* Model Representations and Control Structures in Image Understanding
* Model Restoration, A
* Model scheduling and sample selection for ensemble adversarial example attacks
* Model Selection and Surface Merging in Reconstruction Algorithms
* Model Selection by Linear Programming
* model selection criteria as merging criteria, The
* Model Selection Criterion for Classification: Application to HMM Topology Optimization, A
* Model selection for automated reconstruction from multiple views
* Model Selection for Gaussian Process Regression
* Model Selection for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Model selection for linear classifiers using Bayesian error estimation
* Model Selection for Parametric Surfaces Approximating 3D Point Clouds for Deformation Analysis
* Model selection for partial least squares based dimension reduction
* Model Selection for Range Segmentation of Curved Objects
* Model Selection for Regression Using VC-Generalization Bounds
* Model selection for the LS-SVM. Application to handwriting recognition
* Model Selection for Unsupervised Learning of Visual Context
* Model Selection in Atmospheric Remote Sensing with an Application to Aerosol Retrieval from DSCOVR/EPIC, Part 1: Theory
* Model Selection in Atmospheric Remote Sensing with Application to Aerosol Retrieval from DSCOVR/EPIC. Part 2: Numerical Analysis
* Model Selection in Kernel Methods Based on a Spectral Analysis of Label Information
* Model Selection Method for Nonlinear System Identification Based fMRI Effective Connectivity Analysis, A
* Model Selection Techniques and Merging Rules for Range Data Segmentation Algorithms
* Model Selection Using a Class of Kernels with an Invariant Metric
* Model Selection Within a Bayesian Approach to Extraction of Walker Motion
* Model Semantic Relations with Extended Attributes
* Model Simplification Algorithm for 3D Reconstruction, A
* Model Simulation and Prediction of Decadal Mountain Permafrost Distribution Based on Remote Sensing Data in the Qilian Mountains from the 1990s to the 2040s
* Model sparsity and brain pattern interpretation of classification models in neuroimaging
* Model Specialization for the Use of ESRGAN on Satellite and Airborne Imagery
* Model Study of Transient Imaging With Multi-Frequency Time-of-Flight Sensors
* model study on biomorphological description, A
* Model Supported Exploitation: Quick Look, Detection and Counting, and Change Detection
* Model to Estimate Leaf Area Index in Loblolly Pine Plantations Using Landsat 5 and 7 Images, A
* Model to Evaluate the Impact of Headway Variation and Vehicle Size on the Reliability of Public Transit, A
* Model tracking for video-based virtual reality
* Model Transport: Towards Scalable Transfer Learning on Manifolds
* Model Uncertainty for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* model validation approach to texture recognition and inpainting, A
* Model Validation for Change Detection
* Model With a Heuristic Algorithm for Solving the Long-Term Many-to-Many Car Pooling Problem, A
* Model: A Poplog Package to Support Model-Based Vision
* Modelbase Partitioning Using Property Matrix Spectra
* Modelcamera: A Hand-Held Device for Interactive Modeling, The
* ModelGiF: Gradient Fields for Model Functional Distance
* Modeling-Based Approach for Soil Frost Detection in the Northern Boreal Forest Region With C-Band SAR, A
* Modeling 'don't know' responses in rating scales
* Modeling 2D Appearance Evolution for 3D Object Categorization
* Modeling 3-D Complex Buildings With User Assistance
* Modeling 3D Environments through Hidden Human Context
* Modeling 3D Free-geometry Volumetric Sources Associated to Geological and Anthropogenic Hazards from Space and Terrestrial Geodetic Data
* Modeling 3D Human Poses from Uncalibrated Monocular Images
* Modeling 3D Layout For Group Re-Identification
* Modeling 3D Objects from Stereo Views and Recognizing Them in Photographs
* Modeling 3D Objects with Patches of Quadratic Surfaces: Application to the Recognition and Locating of Anatomic Structures
* Modeling 3D Shapes by Reinforcement Learning
* Modeling 3D synthetic view dissimilarity
* Modeling 4D Human-Object Interactions for Event and Object Recognition
* Modeling 4D Human-Object Interactions for Joint Event Segmentation, Recognition, and Object Localization
* Modeling 4D pathological changes by leveraging normative models
* Modeling a 3D City Model and Its Levels of Detail as a True 4D Model
* Modeling a Dynamic Environment Using a Multiple Hypothesis Approach
* Modeling a parallelism constraint in active contours. Application to the segmentation of eye vessels and retinal layers
* Modeling a Three-Dimensional Shape from a Silhouette by Detecting Symmetry
* Modeling Aboveground Biomass in Dense Tropical Submontane Rainforest Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Modeling aboveground tree woody biomass using national-scale allometric methods and airborne lidar
* Modeling Acceleration Properties for Flexible INTRA HEVC Complexity Control
* Modeling Accumulated Volume of Landslides Using Remote Sensing and DTM Data
* Modeling Aceto-White Temporal Patterns to Segment Colposcopic Images
* Modeling Actions through State Changes
* Modeling Active Electrolocation in Weakly Electric Fish
* Modeling Active Microwave Remote Sensing of Snow Using Dense Media Radiative Transfer (DMRT) Theory With Multiple-Scattering Effects
* Modeling activity in VBR video sources
* Modeling Adaptive Deformations during Free-Form Pose Estimation
* Modeling Adversarial Behavior Against Mobility Data Privacy
* Modeling Age Progression in Young Faces
* Modeling Aleatoric Uncertainty for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Modeling alpine grassland forage phosphorus based on hyperspectral remote sensing and a multi-factor machine learning algorithm in the east of Tibetan Plateau, China
* Modeling alternatives for fuzzy Markov chain-based classification of multitemporal remote sensing data
* Modeling an Application Domain Extension of CityGML In UML
* Modeling an effectual multi-section You Only Look Once for enhancing lung cancer prediction
* Modeling an ITS Management Solution for Mixed Highway Traffic With Eclipse MOSAIC
* Modeling and Accuracy Assessment for 3D-Virtual Reconstruction in Cultural Heritage Using Low-Cost Photogrammetry: Surveying of the Santa Maria Church's Front
* Modeling and Algorithms of GPS Data Reduction for the Qinghai-Tibet Railway
* Modeling and analysis of 3-D elongated shapes with applications to long bone morphometry
* Modeling and Analysis of an Echo Laser Pulse Waveform for the Orientation Determination of Space Debris
* Modeling and Analysis of an Infrastructure Service Request Queue in Multichannel V2I Communications
* Modeling and Analysis of BDS-2 and BDS-3 Combined Precise Time and Frequency Transfer Considering Stochastic Models of Inter-System Bias
* Modeling and Analysis of Distortion Caused by Markov-Model Burst Packet Losses in Video Transmission
* Modeling and analysis of driver behaviour under shared control through weighted visual and haptic guidance
* Modeling and Analysis of Driving Behavior Based on a Probability-Weighted ARX Model
* Modeling and Analysis of DSA-Based Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Systems
* Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Behaviors of Web Image Collections
* Modeling and Analysis of Edge Caching for 6G mmWave Vehicular Networks
* Modeling and Analysis of Local Comprehensive Minutia Relation for Fingerprint Matching
* Modeling and Analysis of Microwave Emission from Multiscale Soil Surfaces Using AIEM Model
* Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Relay Cooperative Communications in C-V2X Networks
* Modeling and Analysis of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometers Using Noise Waves
* Modeling and Analysis of RFI Impacts on Imaging between Geosynchronous SAR and Low Earth Orbit SAR
* Modeling and Analysis of Skype Video Calls: Rate Control and Video Quality
* Modeling and Analysis of STAP for Airborne Distributed Flexible Array Radar
* Modeling and Analysis of the Lane-Changing Execution in Longitudinal Direction
* Modeling and analysis using Knowledge-flow and workflow based eXtended Time WorkFlow-net
* Modeling and Animating Faces Using Scanned Data
* Modeling and Animating Realistic Faces from Images
* Modeling and animation of fracture of heterogeneous materials based on CUDA
* Modeling and animation of human expressions using NURBS curves based on facial anatomy
* Modeling and animation of individualized faces for 3D facial expression synthesis
* Modeling and application of color noise perception dependent on background color and spatial frequency
* Modeling and Assessment of GPS/Galileo/BDS Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution
* Modeling and Assessment of the Impact of Land Use in the Western Rif Region, Morocco, on Water Quality
* Modeling and Calibration of a Structured Light Scanner for 3-D Robot Vision
* Modeling and Calibration of Automated Zoom Lenses
* Modeling and Calibration of Coupled Fish-Eye CCD Camera and Laser Range Scanner for Outdoor Environment Reconstruction
* Modeling and Characteristics of Microwave Backscattering From Rice Canopy Over Growth Stages
* Modeling and Classification of Alluvial Fans with DEMs and Machine Learning Methods: A Case Study of Slovenian Torrential Fans
* Modeling and classification of trajectories based on a Gaussian process decomposition into discrete components
* Modeling and Classifying Breast Tissue Density in Mammograms
* Modeling and classifying color textures using random fields in a random environment
* Modeling and Classifying Human Activities From Trajectories Using a Class of Space-Varying Parametric Motion Fields
* Modeling and Classifying Hyperspectral Imagery by CRFs With Sparse Higher Order Potentials
* Modeling and Classifying Symmetries Using a Multiscale Opponent-Color Representation
* Modeling and Classifying Tip Dynamics of Growing Cells in Video
* Modeling and Coding of DFD Using Dense Motion Fields in Video Compression
* Modeling and Compensation of Ghosting in Multispectral Filter Wheel Cameras
* Modeling and Compressing 3-D Facial Expressions Using Geometry Videos
* Modeling and Control Using Stochastic Distribution Control Theory for Intersection Traffic Flow
* Modeling and controlling a robotic convoy using guidance laws strategies
* Modeling and correction of multipath interference in time of flight cameras
* Modeling and decoding motor cortical activity using a switching Kalman filter
* Modeling and Delay Analysis of a Retransmission-Based Bundle Delivery Scheme for Intermittent Roadside Communication Networks
* Modeling and delivering heterogeneous audiovisual content for group consumption
* Modeling and design of feedback control systems based state observers over network
* Modeling and design of multidimensional vector-quantized M-channel subband codecs
* Modeling and Detecting Aggressiveness From Driving Signals
* Modeling and Detection of Blurred Illumination Edges
* Modeling and Detection of Geospatial Objects Using Texture Motifs
* Modeling and Detection of Wrinkles in Aging Human Faces Using Marked Point Processes
* Modeling and Dynamic Radar Cross-Section Estimation of Chaff Clouds for Real-Time Simulation
* Modeling and dynamics simulation for deformable objects of orthotropic materials
* Modeling and Efficient Optimization for Object-Based Scalability and Some Related Problems
* Modeling and Efficient Passenger-Oriented Control for Urban Rail Transit Networks
* Modeling and Enhancing Low-Quality Retinal Fundus Images
* Modeling and estimating persistent motion with geometric flows
* Modeling and Estimating the Land Surface Temperature (LST) Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning (Case Study: Yazd, Iran)
* Modeling and estimation for a class of multiresolution random fields
* Modeling and Estimation of Shape Deformation for Topology-Preserving Object Tracking
* Modeling and Estimation of the Dynamics of Planar Algebraic Curves via Riccati Equations
* Modeling and estimation of the spatial variation of elevation error in high resolution dems from stereo-image processing
* Modeling and evaluation of a ridesharing matching system from multi-stakeholders' perspective
* Modeling and Evaluation of the Systematic Errors for the Polarization-Sensitive Imaging LIDAR Technique
* Modeling and exploiting the spatio-temporal facial action dependencies for robust spontaneous facial expression recognition
* Modeling and Extrapolation of Prior Scene Information for Set Theoretic Restoration and Super-resolution of Diffraction-limited Images
* Modeling and Feedback Control for Resource Allocation and Performance Analysis in Container Terminals
* Modeling and Forecasting Ionospheric foF2 Variation in the Low Latitude Region during Low and High Solar Activity Years
* Modeling and Forecasting the Urban Volume Using Stochastic Differential Equations
* Modeling and Formalization of Fuzzy Finite Automata for Detection of Irregular Fire Flames
* Modeling and Fusion of Radar and Imaging Sensor Data for Target Tracking
* Modeling and Generalization of Discrete Morse Terrain Decompositions
* Modeling and generating complex motion blur for real-time tracking
* Modeling and identification of group motion via compound evaluation of positional and directional cues
* Modeling and Identification of Passenger Car Dynamics Using Robotics Formalism
* Modeling and Identifying 3-D Color Textures
* Modeling and image processing for visualization of volcanic mapping
* Modeling and Implementation of a Joint Airborne Ground Penetrating Radar and Magnetometer System for Landmine Detection
* Modeling and Implementation of the Complex Telecommunication Systems Using the High Performance Computing Resources
* Modeling and Incorporation of System Response Functions in 3-D Whole Body PET
* Modeling and Interpretation of Scattering Mechanisms in Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar: Advances and perspectives
* Modeling and Interpreting 6-D Object Pose Estimation
* Modeling and Inversion of Airborne and Semi-Airborne Transient Electromagnetic Data with Inexact Transmitter and Receiver Geometries
* Modeling and Learning Contact Dynamics in Human Motion
* Modeling and Low-Complexity Adaptive Coding for Image Prediction Residuals
* Modeling and Mapping Agroforestry Aboveground Biomass in the Brazilian Amazon Using Airborne Lidar Data
* Modeling and Mapping of Soil Salinity with Reflectance Spectroscopy and Landsat Data Using Two Quantitative Methods (PLSR and MARS)
* Modeling and Mapping Soil Moisture of Plateau Pasture Using RADARSAT-2 Imagery
* Modeling and Measurement Approach for the Uncertainty of Features Extracted from Remote Sensing Images, A
* Modeling and Measurement of 3D Deformation of Scoliotic Spine Using 2D X-ray Images
* Modeling and Measurement of C-Band Radar Backscatter From Snow-Covered First-Year Sea Ice
* Modeling and measuring the spatial relation along: Regions, contours and fuzzy sets
* Modeling and Mining of Users' Capture Intention for Home Videos
* Modeling and Multi-Temporal Characterization of Total Suspended Matter by the Combined Use of Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 8-OLI Data: The Pertusillo Lake Case Study (Italy)
* Modeling and Nonlinear Adaptive Control for Autonomous Vehicle Overtaking
* Modeling and optimization of a geometrical calibration procedure for stereoscopic video endoscopes
* Modeling and optimization of closed-loop retinal motion tracking in scanning light ophthalmoscopy
* Modeling and optimization of dynamic signal processing in resource-aware sensor networks
* Modeling and optimization of rotational C-arm stereoscopic X-ray angiography
* Modeling and Optimizing of the Multi-Layer Nearest Neighbor Network for Face Image Super-Resolution
* Modeling and Partitioning of Regional Evapotranspiration Using a Satellite-Driven Water-Carbon Coupling Model
* Modeling and Performance Analysis of Medium Access Control Schemes for Drive-Thru Internet Access Provisioning Systems
* Modeling and Performance Analysis of Satellite Network Moving Target Defense System with Petri Nets
* Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Precise Positioning and Time-Frequency Transfer with Galileo Five-Frequency Observations
* Modeling and Performance Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Channels in Urban Emergency Management
* Modeling and Pre-Treatment of Photon-Starved CT Data for Iterative Reconstruction
* Modeling and Precise Processing for Spaceborne Transmitter/Missile-Borne Receiver SAR Signals
* Modeling and Predicting Face Recognition System Performance Based on Analysis of Similarity Scores
* Modeling and prediction of driver behavior by foot gesture analysis
* Modeling and Prediction of Human Behavior
* Modeling and Prediction of NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Imagery Based on Spatiotemporal Statistical Method
* Modeling and Prediction of Rainfall Using Radar Reflectivity Data: A Data-Mining Approach
* Modeling and Prediction of Regular Ionospheric Variations and Deterministic Anomalies
* Modeling and Prediction of User Stability and Comfortability on Autonomous Wheelchairs With 3-D Mapping
* Modeling and Processing of Smart Point Clouds of Cultural Relics with Complex Geometries
* Modeling and Quality Assessment of Halftoning by Error Diffusion
* Modeling and quantification of protein maps by Gaussian fitting
* Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of Tropospheric Impact on Inclined Geosynchronous SAR Imaging
* Modeling and querying approximate direction relations
* Modeling and Querying Fuzzy SOLAP-Based Framework
* Modeling and Querying Moving Objects with Social Relationships
* Modeling and querying video data: a hybrid approach
* Modeling and Querying Videos by Content Trajectories
* Modeling and queueing analysis of variable-bit-rate coded video sources in ATM networks
* Modeling and Recognition of Cursive Words with Hidden Markov-Models
* Modeling and Recognition of Driving Behavior Based on Stochastic Switched ARX Model
* Modeling and Recognition of Hand Gesture Using Colored Petri Nets
* Modeling and Recognition of Landmark Image Collections Using Iconic Scene Graphs .
* Modeling and Recognition of Landmark Image Collections Using Iconic Scene Graphs
* Modeling and recognizing action contexts in persons using sparse representation
* Modeling and recognizing human trajectories with beta process hidden Markov models
* Modeling and Reconstruction of Time Series of Passive Microwave Data by Discrete Fourier Transform Guided Filtering and Harmonic Analysis
* Modeling and Reduction of PSNR Fluctuations in 3d Wavelet Coding
* Modeling and reduction of SAR Interferometric phase noise in the wavelet domain
* Modeling and removing spatially-varying optical blur
* Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs
* Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs: A Hybrid Geometry- and Image-Based Approach
* Modeling and Rendering of Volumetric Clouds in Real-Time with Unreal Engine 4
* Modeling and Rendering Physically-Based Wood Combustion
* Modeling and Representation of Visual Information: Reply, The
* Modeling and Representations of Large-Scale 3D Scenes: Introduction to Special Issue
* Modeling and Restoration of Raman Microscopic Images
* Modeling and SAR imaging of the sea surface: A review of the state-of-the-art with simulations
* Modeling and Second-Order Sliding Mode Control for Lateral Vibration of High-Speed Train With MR Dampers
* Modeling and segmentation of floating foreground and background in videos
* Modeling and Sensing the Vertical Structure of the Atmospheric Path Delay by Microwave Radiometry to Correct SAR Interferograms
* Modeling and Simulating a Narrow Tilting Car Using Robotics Formalism
* Modeling and Simulating Bodies and Garments
* Modeling and Simulation Framework for Airborne Camera Systems
* Modeling and simulation of an evolutionary approach based on MAS strategy: for intelligent energy management in EV
* Modeling and simulation of charging characteristics of electric vehicle group under the mode of autonomous driving-shared travel
* Modeling and Simulation of Crowd Evacuation With Signs at Subway Platform: A Case Study of Beijing Subway Stations
* Modeling and Simulation of Glacier Avalanche: A Case Study of Gayari Sector Glaciers Hazards Assessment
* Modeling and Simulation of HF Band Transmission Loss Over China Oceans
* Modeling and Simulation of Polarimetric Hyperspectral Imaging Process
* Modeling and Simulation of SAR Image Texture
* Modeling and Simulation of Single-Look Complex Images for Distributed Satellite Borne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Modeling and Simulation of Very High Spatial Resolution UXOs and Landmines in a Hyperspectral Scene for UAV Survey
* Modeling and Solving Real-Time Train Rescheduling Problems in Railway Bottleneck Sections
* Modeling and subjective assessment of cell discard in ATM video
* Modeling and Synthesis of Breast Cancer Optical Property Signatures With Generative Models
* Modeling and Synthesis of Facial Motion Driven by Speech
* Modeling and synthesis of kinship patterns of facial expressions
* Modeling and Temporal Evolution of a Family of Curves
* Modeling and Testing of Growth Status for Chinese Cabbage and White Radish with UAV-Based RGB Imagery
* Modeling and Testing the Stability of Edge Segments: Length and Orientation
* Modeling and Theoretical Analysis of GNSS-R Soil Moisture Retrieval Based on the Random Forest and Support Vector Machine Learning Approach
* Modeling and Tracking Line-Constrained Mechanical Systems
* Modeling and Tracking the Driving Environment With a Particle-Based Occupancy Grid
* Modeling and Unsupervised Unmixing Based on Spectral Variability for Hyperspectral Oceanic Remote Sensing Data with Adjacency Effects
* Modeling and Using Physical Constraints in Scene Analysis
* Modeling and validation of a psychovisually based image quality evaluator for DCT-based compression
* Modeling and Visualization Approaches for Time-Varying Volumetric Data
* Modeling and Visualization of Drama Heritage
* Modeling and Visualization of Human Activities for Multicamera Networks
* Modeling And Visualizing Spatio-temporal Pattern Of Land Cover Change In Pearl River Delta Region Of China Using Multi-temporal Imagery
* Modeling andness in multilabel classification to recognize mutual information
* Modeling Anisotropic Reflectance Over Composite Sloping Terrain
* Modeling Appearances with Low-Rank SVM
* Modeling Approach for Burn Scar Assessment Using Natural Features and Elastic Property, A
* Modeling Approach for Predicting the Resolution Capability in Terrestrial Laser Scanning, A
* modeling approach to feature selection, A
* Modeling Arbitrary Objects Based on Geometric Surface Conformity
* Modeling Arousal Phases in Daily Living Using Wearable Sensors
* Modeling Arterial Traffic Dynamics With Actuated Signal Control Using a Simplified Shockwave Model
* Modeling Artificial Light Exposure after Vegetation Trimming at a Marine Turtle Nesting Beach
* Modeling Artistic Workflows for Image Generation and Editing
* Modeling as a Critical Process of Knowledge: Survey of Buildings in a State of Ruin
* Modeling Atrial Fiber Orientation in Patient-Specific Geometries: A Semi-automatic Rule-Based Approach
* Modeling Australian TEC Maps Using Long-Term Observations of Australian Regional GPS Network by Artificial Neural Network-Aided Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis Approach
* Modeling Automated Driving in Microscopic Traffic Simulations for Traffic Performance Evaluations: Aspects to Consider and State of the Practice
* Modeling Autonomous Vehicles Deployment in a Multilane AV Zone With Mixed Traffic
* Modeling background activity for behavior subtraction
* Modeling Background and Segmenting Moving Objects from Compressed Video
* Modeling background from compressed video
* Modeling Barrier Island Habitats Using Landscape Position Information
* Modeling Bayesian Estimation for Deformable Contours
* Modeling Bias Error in 4D Flow MRI Velocity Measurements
* Modeling Bidirectional Polarization Distribution Function of Land Surfaces Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Modeling Bidirectional Texture Functions with Multivariate Spherical Radial Basis Functions
* Modeling Biological Immunity to Adversarial Examples
* Modeling Biomass Production in Seasonal Wetlands Using MODIS NDVI Land Surface Phenology
* Modeling Blurred Video with Layers
* Modeling Both Intra- and Inter-Modality Uncertainty for Multimodal Fake News Detection
* Modeling Bottom-Up Visual Attention for Color Images
* Modeling Brain Activation in fMRI Using Group MRF
* Modeling Brain Anatomy with 3D Arrangements of Curves
* Modeling Brightness Perception and Syntactical Image Coding
* Modeling broken characters recognition as a set-partitioning problem
* Modeling Buildings in CityGML LOD1: Building Parts, Terrain Intersection Curve, and Address Features
* Modeling Camera Effects to Improve Visual Learning from Synthetic Data
* Modeling Canopy Reflectance Over Sloping Terrain Based on Path Length Correction
* Modeling Carbon Emissions of Post-Selective Logging in the Production Forests of Ulu Jelai, Pahang, Malaysia
* Modeling Cardiac Growth: An Alternative Approach
* Modeling Categorized Truck Arrivals at Ports: Big Data for Traffic Prediction
* Modeling Censored Mobility Demand Through Censored Quantile Regression Neural Networks
* Modeling Change of Topographic Spatial Structures with DEM Resolution Using Semi-Variogram Analysis and Filter Bank
* Modeling China's Prefecture-Level Economy Using VIIRS Imagery and Spatial Methods
* Modeling Clinical Tumors to Create Reference Data for Tumor Volume Measurement
* Modeling closed surfaces in a multi-resolution fashion
* Modeling Clutter and Context for Target Detection in Infrared Images
* Modeling Community-Scale Natural Resource Use in a Transboundary Southern African Landscape: Integrating Remote Sensing and Participatory Mapping
* Modeling complex luminance variations for target tracking
* Modeling complex motion by tracking and editing hidden markov graphs
* Modeling Complex Scenes for Accurate Moving Objects Segmentation
* Modeling Complex Temporal Composition of Actionlets for Activity Prediction
* Modeling content-attribute preference for personalized image esthetics assessment
* Modeling Context Between Objects for Referring Expression Understanding
* Modeling Context in Referring Expressions
* Modeling continuous visual features for semantic image annotation and retrieval
* Modeling correlation between multi-modal continuous words for pLSA-based video classification
* Modeling Correspondences for Multi-Camera Tracking Using Nonlinear Manifold Learning and Target Dynamics
* Modeling Costs of Turns in Route Planning
* Modeling Coverage in Camera Networks: A Survey
* Modeling coverage with semantic embedding for image caption generation
* Modeling Cross-modal Interaction in a Multi-detector, Multi-modal Tracking Framework
* Modeling Crossing Behaviors of E-Bikes at Intersection With Deep Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning Using Drone-Based Video Data
* Modeling Crowd Evacuation via Behavioral Heterogeneity-Based Social Force Model
* Modeling crowd motions for abnormal activity detection
* Modeling Curbside Parking as a Network of Finite Capacity Queues
* Modeling DCT Coefficients for Fast Video Encoding
* Modeling Deformable Filament Bundles by Means of Mass-Spring Systems for the Design of Carbon Reinforced Materials
* Modeling deformable gradient compositions for single-image super-resolution
* Modeling deformable objects from a single depth camera
* Modeling dense range images through fast polygonal approximations
* Modeling Dependencies in Multiple Parallel Data Streams with Hyperdimensional Computing
* Modeling Dependencies in Supervised Classification
* Modeling depth for nonparametric foreground segmentation using RGBD devices
* Modeling depth uncertainty of desynchronized multi-camera systems
* Modeling Diameter Distributions with Six Probability Density Functions in Pinus halepensis Mill. Plantations Using Low-Density Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Aragón (Northeast Spain)
* Modeling Directional Brightness Temperature (DBT) over Crop Canopy with Effects of Intra-Row Heterogeneity
* Modeling Discrete Forest Anisotropic Reflectance Over a Sloped Surface With an Extended GOMS and SAIL Model
* Modeling Distance Nonlinearity in ToF Cameras and Correction Based on Integration Time Offsets
* Modeling Diurnal Changes in Land Surface Temperature in Urban Areas under Cloudy Conditions
* Modeling diurnal land temperature cycles over Los Angeles using downscaled GOES imagery
* Modeling Documents for Structure Recognition Using Generalized N-Grams
* Modeling Driver's Visual Fixation Behavior Using White-Box Representations
* Modeling Driver Responses to Automation Failures With Active Inference
* Modeling Drivers' Dynamic Decision-Making Behavior During the Phase Transition Period: An Analytical Approach Based on Hidden Markov Model Theory
* Modeling Drivers' Strategy When Overtaking Cyclists in the Presence of Oncoming Traffic
* Modeling Driving Behavior of Human Drivers for Trajectory Planning
* Modeling Dynamic Scenes Recorded with Freely Moving Cameras
* Modeling Dynamic Scenes with Active Appearance
* Modeling dynamic swarms
* Modeling dynamic target deformation in camera calibration
* Modeling Dynamic Traffic Flow as Visibility Graphs: A Network-Scale Prediction Framework for Lane-Level Traffic Flow Based on LPR Data
* Modeling Dynamics of Expressive Body Gestures In Dyadic Interactions
* Modeling Dynamics of Facial Behavior for Mental Health Assessment
* Modeling Dynamics of Online Video Popularity
* Modeling Ecologically Specialized Biological Visual Systems
* Modeling Edges at Subpixel Accuracy Using the Local Energy Approach
* Modeling Elastic Wave Propagation Using K -Space Operator-Based Temporal High-Order Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Method
* Modeling Emotion in Complex Stories: The Stanford Emotional Narratives Dataset
* Modeling Emotion Influence in Image Social Networks
* Modeling Entities as Semantic Points for Visual Information Extraction in the Wild
* Modeling Environments Hierarchically with Omnidirectional Imaging and Global-Appearance Descriptors
* Modeling Errors in Small Baseline Stereo for SLAM
* Modeling Evacuation of a Transport System: Application of a Multimodal Mesoscopic Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model
* Modeling Evacuation Risk Using a Stochastic Process Formulation of Mesoscopic Dynamic Network Loading
* Modeling Evapotranspiration at Larger Temporal Scales: Effects of Temporal Aggregation and Data Gaps
* Modeling Extent-of-Texture Information for Ground Terrain Recognition
* Modeling eye movement patterns to characterize perceptual skill in image-based diagnostic reasoning processes
* Modeling face appearance with nonlinear independent component analysis
* Modeling Facial Geometry Using Compositional VAEs
* Modeling Facial Skin Motion Properties in Video and Its Application to Matching Faces across Expressions
* Modeling Fashion Compatibility with Explanation by using Bidirectional LSTM
* Modeling Fashion Influence From Photos
* Modeling feature distances by orientation driven classifiers for person re-identification
* Modeling Feature Representations for Affective Speech Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Modeling Fire Danger in Galicia and Asturias (Spain) from MODIS Images
* Modeling Flowchart Structure Recognition as a Max-Sum Problem
* Modeling for edge detection problems in blurred noisy images
* Modeling for Stock Trends: A Study of Two-Stage Pattern Strategy
* Modeling Foreshortening in Stereo Vision using Local Spatial Frequency
* Modeling Forest Aboveground Biomass and Volume Using Airborne LiDAR Metrics and Forest Inventory and Analysis Data in the Pacific Northwest
* Modeling Forest Aboveground Carbon Density in the Brazilian Amazon with Integration of MODIS and Airborne LiDAR Data
* Modeling Forest Canopy Cover: A Synergistic Use of Sentinel-2, Aerial Photogrammetry Data, and Machine Learning
* Modeling Forest Structural Parameters in the Mediterranean Pines of Central Spain using QuickBird-2 Imagery and Classification and Regression Tree Analysis (CART)
* Modeling Foveal Vision
* Modeling Framework for Deriving Daily Time Series of Evapotranspiration Maps Using a Surface Energy Balance Model, A
* Modeling from Reality (Book)
* Modeling from reality
* Modeling from Reality: Representation and Integration
* Modeling fruits and their internal structure using parametric 3Gmap L-systems
* Modeling Functional Roles Dynamics in Small Group Interactions
* Modeling Gabor Coefficients via Generalized Gaussian Distributions for Face Recognition
* Modeling Gaze Behavior for a 3D ECA in a Dialogue Situation
* Modeling general distributed nonstationary process and identifying time-varying autoregressive system by wavelets: theory and application
* Modeling Generalized Rate-Distortion Functions
* Modeling Generic Polyhedral Objects with Constraints
* Modeling Geometric-Temporal Context With Directional Pyramid Co-Occurrence for Action Recognition
* Modeling Geometric Structure and Illumination Variation of a Scene from Real Images
* Modeling Glacier Elevation Change from DEM Time Series
* Modeling global distribution for federated learning with label distribution skew
* Modeling graph-structured contexts for image captioning
* Modeling Grey Level Surfaces Using 3-Dimensional Point Distribution Models
* Modeling Gross Primary Production for Sunlit and Shaded Canopies Across an Evergreen and a Deciduous Site in Canada
* Modeling Gross Primary Production of a Typical Coastal Wetland in China Using MODIS Time Series and CO2 Eddy Flux Tower Data
* Modeling Gross Primary Production of Midwestern US Maize and Soybean Croplands with Satellite and Gridded Weather Data
* Modeling Gully Erosion Susceptibility to Evaluate Human Impact on a Local Landscape System in Tigray, Ethiopia
* Modeling Handwriting Style: A Preliminary Investigation
* Modeling Health Seeking Behavior Based on Location-Based Service Data: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Modeling Heterogeneous Traffic Mixing Regular, Connected, and Connected-Autonomous Vehicles Under Connected Environment
* Modeling hidden dynamics of multimodal cues for spontaneous agreement and disagreement recognition
* Modeling Hidden Topics with Dual Local Consistency for Image Analysis
* Modeling Hierarchical Topological Structure in Scientific Images with Graph Neural Networks
* Modeling high rainfall regions for flash flood nowcasting
* Modeling Historical and Future Forest Fires in South Korea: The FLAM Optimization Approach
* Modeling Historical Land Cover and Land Use: A Review from Contemporary Modeling
* Modeling Housing Rent in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area Using Textual Information and Deep Learning
* Modeling human-like intelligent image processing: An information processing perspective and approach
* Modeling human-skeleton motion patterns using conditional deep Boltzmann machine
* Modeling human activities as speech
* Modeling human color categorization
* Modeling Human Comprehension of Data Visualizations
* Modeling Human Difference Threshold in Perceiving Mechanical Properties From Force
* Modeling Human Driving Behavior Through Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
* Modeling Human Judgment of Digital Imagery for Multimedia Retrieval
* Modeling Human Locomotion with Topologically Constrained Latent Variable Models
* Modeling Human Motion with Quaternion-Based Neural Networks
* Modeling Human Perception for Image Aesthetic Assessment
* Modeling Human Skeleton Joint Dynamics for Fall Detection
* Modeling Hyperspectral Response of Water-Stress Induced Lettuce Plants Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Modeling Illumination for Scene Recovery hrough the Motion, Occlusion and Strobing of Light-Sources
* Modeling image center and feature trajectory under changing focal length
* Modeling Image Composition for Complex Scene Generation
* Modeling Image Context Using Object Centered Grid
* Modeling image irradiance under natural illumination and isotropic surface reflectance
* Modeling Image Patches with a Generic Dictionary of Mini-epitomes
* Modeling Image Quality Score Distribution Using Alpha Stable Model
* Modeling image similarity by Gaussian mixture models and the Signature Quadratic Form Distance
* Modeling image textures by Gibbs random fields
* Modeling images as mixtures of reference images
* Modeling Images for Content-Based Queries: The DISIMA Approach
* Modeling Images of Natural 3D Surfaces: Overview and Potential Applications
* Modeling In-Use Steel Stock in China's Buildings and Civil Engineering Infrastructure Using Time-Series of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Lights
* Modeling Inaccurate Perception: Desynchronization Issues of a Chaotic Pattern Recognition Neural Network
* Modeling Incongruity between Modalities for Multimodal Sarcasm Detection
* Modeling Indirect Illumination for Inverse Rendering
* Modeling Individual and Group Actions in Meetings: A Two-Layer HMM Framework
* Modeling Influence of Soil Properties in Different Gradients of Soil Moisture: The Case of the Valencia Anchor Station Validation Site, Spain
* Modeling information resources and application using ontological engineering
* Modeling Infrared Radiometer Self-Emission With Application to MetOp/HIRS
* Modeling InSAR Phase and SAR Intensity Changes Induced by Soil Moisture
* Modeling Insect Compound Eyes: Space-Variant Spherical Vision
* Modeling insertion point for general purpose haptic device simulations for minimally invasive surgeries
* Modeling Instant User Intent and Content-Level Transition for Sequential Fashion Recommendation
* Modeling Inter- and Intra-Patient Anatomical Variation Using a Bilinear Model
* Modeling inter-camera space-time and appearance relationships for tracking across non-overlapping views
* Modeling Inter-Class and Intra-Class Constraints in Novel Class Discovery
* Modeling Inter and Intra-Class Relations in the Triplet Loss for Zero-Shot Learning
* Modeling Interaction Structure for Robot Imitation Learning of Human Social Behavior
* Modeling Interactions between Low-Level and High-Level Features for Human Action Recognition
* Modeling Interferometric SAR Features of Forest Canopies Over Mountainous Area at Landscape Scales
* Modeling Intra-class Variation for Nonideal Iris Recognition
* Modeling Intradriver Steering Variability Based on Sensorimotor Control Theories
* Modeling inverse covariance matrices by expansion of tied basis matrices for online handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Modeling IrisCode and Its Variants as Convex Polyhedral Cones and Its Security Implications
* Modeling Isotropic Traffic Flow Under Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication: A Kinetic Approach
* Modeling Joint Synergies to Synthesize Realistic Movements
* Modeling Kinect Sensor Noise for Improved 3D Reconstruction and Tracking
* Modeling Knot Geometry in Norway Spruce from Industrial CT Images
* Modeling L-Band Brightness Temperature at Dome C in Antarctica and Comparison With SMOS Observations
* Modeling label dependence for multi-label classification using the Choquistic regression
* Modeling Label Dependencies for Audio Tagging With Graph Convolutional Network
* Modeling label dependencies in kernel learning for image annotation
* Modeling Lambertian Surfaces Under Unknown Distant Illumination Using Hemispherical Harmonics
* Modeling Land Administration Data Dissemination Processes: A Case Study in Croatia
* Modeling Land Surface Roughness Effect on Soil Microwave Emission in Community Surface Emissivity Model
* Modeling Land Use Transformations and Flood Hazard on Ibaraki's Coastal in 2030: A Scenario-Based Approach Amid Population Fluctuations
* Modeling large-scale indoor scenes with rigid fragments using RGB-D cameras
* Modeling Large-scale Joint Distributions and Inference by Randomized Assignment
* Modeling latent aspects for automatic image annotation
* Modeling Lateral Control Behaviors of Distracted Drivers for Haptic-Shared Steering System
* Modeling Level 2 Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval Error Over Complex Terrain Using a Nonparametric Statistical Technique
* Modeling Light Reflection for Computer Color Vision
* Modeling local and global behavior for trajectory classification using graph based algorithm
* Modeling local and global deformations in Deep Learning: Epitomic convolution, Multiple Instance Learning, and sliding window detection
* Modeling local behavior for predicting social interactions towards human tracking
* Modeling Local Geometric Structure of 3D Point Clouds Using Geo-CNN
* Modeling Local Word Spatial Configurations for Near Duplicate Document Image Retrieval
* Modeling Long- and Short-Term Temporal Context for Video Object Detection
* Modeling Long-Term Interactions to Enhance Action Recognition
* Modeling Long and Short Term User Preferences by Leveraging Multi-Dimensional Auxiliary Information for Next POI Recommendation
* Modeling long memory eye gaze data
* Modeling Lung Architecture in the XCAT Series of Phantoms: Physiologically Based Airways, Arteries and Veins
* Modeling magnitude statistics of multilook SAR interferograms by generalizing G distributions
* Modeling magnitudes of Gabor coefficients: The beta-Rayleigh distribution
* Modeling Major Rural Land-Use Changes Using the GIS-Based Cellular Automata Metronamica Model: The Case of Andalusia (Southern Spain)
* Modeling Mandatory Lane Changing Using Bayes Classifier and Decision Trees
* Modeling Mask Uncertainty in Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction
* Modeling Mean Radiant Temperature Distribution in Urban Landscapes Using DART
* Modeling Media Synchronization with Semiotic Agents
* Modeling Method for Automatic Extraction of Offshore Aquaculture Zones Based on Semantic Segmentation, A
* Modeling method of skylight polarization patterns based on distribution of neutral point
* Modeling Microseism Generation by Inhomogeneous Ocean Surface Waves in Hurricane Bonnie Using the Non-Linear Wave Equation
* Modeling Microwave Backscattering From Parabolic Rice Leaves
* Modeling Microwave Emission from Short Vegetation-Covered Surfaces
* Modeling Microwave Emission of Corn Crop Considering Leaf Shape and Orientation Under the Physical Optics Approximation
* Modeling Mid-Season Rice Nitrogen Uptake Using Multispectral Satellite Data
* Modeling Missing Annotations for Incremental Learning in Object Detection
* Modeling Mitral Valve Leaflets from Three-Dimensional Ultrasound
* Modeling Morphological Changes during Contraction of Muscle Fibres by Active Contours
* Modeling Motion of Body Parts for Action Recognition
* Modeling Motion Relations for Moving Objects on Road Networks
* Modeling Motion with Multi-Modal Features for Text-Based Video Segmentation
* Modeling Multi-Label Action Dependencies for Temporal Action Localization
* Modeling Multi-Object Activities in Phase Space
* Modeling Multi-object Configurations via Medial/Skeletal Linking Structures
* Modeling multi-object interactions using string of feature graphs
* Modeling Multi-object Spatial Relationships for Satellite Image Database Indexing and Retrieval
* Modeling Multi-Rotunda Buildings at LoD3 Level from LiDAR Data
* Modeling Multifrequency Pol-InSAR Data From the Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet
* Modeling Multimodal Clues in a Hybrid Deep Learning Framework for Video Classification
* Modeling multimodal human-computer interaction
* Modeling Multiple Aesthetic Views for Series Photo Selection
* Modeling Multiple Temporal Scales of Full-Body Movements for Emotion Classification
* Modeling Multiple Time Series Annotations as Noisy Distortions of the Ground Truth: An Expectation-Maximization Approach
* Modeling Multiscale Subbands of Photographic Images with Fields of Gaussian Scale Mixtures
* Modeling Musical Style with Language Models for Composer Recognition
* Modeling mutual context of object and human pose in human-object Interaction activities
* Modeling Mutual Visibility Relationship in Pedestrian Detection
* Modeling Natural Images Using Gated MRFs
* Modeling Neuron Selectivity Over Simple Midlevel Features for Image Classification
* Modeling noise for a better simplification of skeletons
* Modeling Noisy Annotations for Point-Wise Supervision
* Modeling Non-Gaussian Time Series with Nonparametric Bayesian Model
* Modeling non-rayleigh speckle distribution in SAR images
* Modeling Non-Stationary Asymmetric Lens Blur by Normal Sinh-Arcsinh Model
* Modeling Nonlinear Processes Using the Radial Basis Function-Based State-Dependent Autoregressive Models
* Modeling Nutrition Quality and Storage of Forage Using Climate Data and Normalized-Difference Vegetation Index in Alpine Grasslands
* Modeling object appearance using Context-Conditioned Component Analysis
* Modeling object classes in aerial images using hidden Markov models
* Modeling object classes in aerial images using texture motifs
* Modeling Obstruction and Restoration of Urban Commutation Networks in the Wake of a Devastating Earthquake in Tokyo
* Modeling Occlusion by Discriminative AND-OR Structures
* Modeling of 2D Objects with Weighted-Quadratic Trigonometric Spline
* Modeling of 2D+1 texture movies for video coding
* Modeling of a Computer-Controlled Zoom Lens
* Modeling of a Fitting Inlay from Various Information
* Modeling of a neural network system for active visual perception and recognition
* Modeling of Absolute Orientation of Adjacent Satellite Image Strips Using A Few Ground Control Points
* Modeling of Alpine Grassland Cover Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology and Multi-Factor Methods: A Case Study in the East of Tibetan Plateau, China
* Modeling of anatomical information in clustering of white matter fiber trajectories using Dirichlet distribution
* Modeling of Atmospheric Disturbance in Meteorological Pictures
* Modeling of Audiofrequency Track Circuits for Validation, Tuning, and Conducted Interference Prediction
* Modeling of Biometric Identification System Using the Colored Petri Nets
* Modeling of Complex Radar Target for High-Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Simulation Based on GRECO
* Modeling of Correlated Complex Sea Clutter Using Unsupervised Phase Retrieval
* Modeling of Crowd Evacuation With Assailants via a Fuzzy Logic Approach
* Modeling of Curves and Surfaces with MATLAB®
* Modeling of deformation using NURBS curves as controller
* Modeling of Diurnal Changing Patterns in Airborne Crop Remote Sensing Images
* Modeling of Driver Behavior in Real World Scenarios Using Multiple Noninvasive Sensors
* Modeling of Driver Behavior on Trajectory-Speed Decision Making in Minor Traffic Roadways With Complex Features
* Modeling of Driver Cut-in Behavior Towards a Platoon
* Modeling of Echocardiogram Video Based on Views and States
* Modeling of Elastic Articulated Objects and Its Parameters Determination from Image Contours
* Modeling of Elastic Behavior of 3D Deformable Objects from Range and Tactile Imaging
* Modeling of Electromagnetic Waves Using Statistical and Numerical Techniques
* Modeling of EM Wave Coherent Scattering From a Rough Multilayered Medium With the Scalar Kirchhoff Approximation for GPR Applications
* Modeling of Emergency Evacuation In Building Fire
* Modeling of Environmental Impacts on Aerial Hyperspectral Images for Corn Plant Phenotyping
* Modeling of Errors Due to Uncertainties in Ultrasound Sensor Locations in Photoacoustic Tomography
* Modeling of facial aging and kinship: A survey
* Modeling of free-form surfaces and shape from shading
* Modeling of Front Evolution with Graph Cut Optimization
* Modeling of H.264/AVC based video transmission distortion over wireless network
* Modeling of image shutters and motion blur in analog and digital camera systems
* Modeling of image, video and text fusion quality data packet system for aerospace complex products based on business intelligence
* Modeling of Ionospheric Time Delay Using Anisotropic IDW With Jackknife Technique
* Modeling of Lunar Digital Terrain Entropy and Terrain Entropy Distribution Model
* Modeling of Macroscopic Building Evacuation Using IFC Data
* Modeling of Movement Sequences Based on Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Correspondence of Movement Primitives
* Modeling of moving object trajectory by spatio-temporal learning for abnormal behavior detection
* Modeling of Multilayered Media Green's Functions With Rough Interfaces
* Modeling of Multipath Environment Using Copulas for Particle Filtering Based GPS Navigation
* Modeling of Myocardium Compressibility and its Impact in Computational Simulations of the Healthy and Infarcted Heart
* Modeling of Operational Distortion-rate Characteristics for Joint Source-channel Coding of Video
* Modeling of packet-loss-induced distortion in 3-D synthesized views
* Modeling of palm leaf character recognition system using transform based techniques
* Modeling of Pattern-Based Block Motion Estimation and Its Application
* Modeling of Physical Characteristics of Speech under Stress
* Modeling of Pose Effects in Oriented Filter Responses for Head Pose Estimation
* Modeling of PSF for refractive index variation in fluorescence microscopy
* Modeling of Rate and Perceptual Quality of Compressed Video as Functions of Frame Rate and Quantization Stepsize and Its Applications
* Modeling of rate and perceptual quality of video and its application to frame rate adaptive rate control
* Modeling of Remote Sensing Image Content Using Attributed Relational Graphs
* Modeling of Residual GNSS Station Motions through Meteorological Data in a Machine Learning Approach
* Modeling of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Based on Stochastic Differential Equations: Application to Denoising
* Modeling of Rigid Objects by Bidimensional Moments: Applications to the Estimation of 3D Rotations
* Modeling of Scanning Laser Polarimetry Images of the Human Retina for Progression Detection of Glaucoma
* Modeling of some spatio-temporal aspects of visual information processing in the retinal neural network
* Modeling of Sparsely Sampled Tubular Surfaces Using Coupled Curves
* Modeling of SSIM-based end-to-end distortion for error-resilient video coding
* Modeling of subband coefficients for clustering-based adaptive quantization with spatial constraints
* Modeling of Suspended Particulate Matter Concentration in an Extremely Turbid River Based on Multispectral Remote Sensing from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* Modeling of Target Shadows for SAR Image Classification
* Modeling of temporarily static objects for robust abandoned object detection in urban surveillance
* Modeling of the Fusion of Imaging Spectrometer and Multispectral Scanner Data with a Different Spatial-Resolution
* Modeling of the German Wind Power Production with High Spatiotemporal Resolution
* Modeling of the Permittivity of Holly Leaves in Frozen Environments
* Modeling of The plan Da Mattun Archaeological Site Using A Combination of Different Sensors
* Modeling of the Temple of Apollo Smintheus Using Photogrammetry and Virtual Realty
* Modeling of Thin-Cloud TOA Reflectance Using Empirical Relationships and Two Landsat-8 Visible Band Data
* Modeling of Time Geographical Kernel Density Function under Network Constraints
* Modeling of traffic flow of automated vehicles
* Modeling of Transmission-Loss-Induced Distortion in Decoded Video
* Modeling of Tree Branches by Bayesian Network Structure Inference
* Modeling of Two-Dimensional Random Fields by Parametric Cepstrum
* Modeling of Unbounded Long-Range Drift in Visual Odometry
* Modeling of urban growth using cellular automata (CA) optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
* Modeling of urban industrial economy through utilization of thermal band
* Modeling of Urban Scenes by Aerial Photographs and Simply Reconstructed Buildings
* Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients in Medical Image Compression
* Modeling on the Feasibility of Camera-Based Blood Glucose Measurement
* Modeling Onset Spectral Features for Discrimination of Drum Sounds
* Modeling Orbital Error in InSAR Interferogram Using Frequency and Spatial Domain Based Methods
* Modeling orientation fields of fingerprints with rational complex functions
* Modeling Parameter Space Behavior of Vision Systems Using Bayesian Networks
* Modeling Past, Present, and Future Urban Growth Impacts on Primary Agricultural Land in Greater Irbid Municipality, Jordan Using SLEUTH (1972-2050)
* Modeling Patient-Specific Periaortic Interactions with Static and Dynamic Structures Using a Moving Heterogeneous Elastic Foundation Boundary Condition
* Modeling Patterns in Map Use Contexts and Mobile Map Design Usability
* Modeling Patterns of Land Use in Chinese Cities Using an Integrated Cellular Automata Model
* Modeling Pedestrian Crossing Paths at Unmarked Roadways
* Modeling Pedestrian Tactical and Operational Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty: A Two-Layer Model Framework
* Modeling People's Focus of Attention
* Modeling People and Places with Internet Photo Collections
* Modeling People Toward Vision-Based Understanding of a Person's Shape, Appearance, and Movement
* Modeling people: Vision-based understanding of a person's shape, appearance, movement, and behaviour
* Modeling Perception in Autonomous Vehicles via 3D Convolutional Representations on LiDAR
* Modeling perceptual categories of parametric musical systems
* Modeling Perceptual Color Differences by Local Metric Learning
* Modeling peripheral vision impact on perceptual quality of immersive images
* Modeling Phenology Combining Data Assimilation Techniques and Bioclimatic Indices in a Cabernet Sauvignon Vineyard (Vitis vinifera L.) in Central Chile
* Modeling Phenols, Anthocyanins and Color Intensity of Wine Using Pre-Harvest Sentinel-2 Images
* Modeling photo composition and its application to photo re-arrangement
* Modeling Photosynthetically Active Radiation from Satellite-Derived Estimations over Mainland Spain
* Modeling pixel means and covariances using factorized third-order boltzmann machines
* Modeling pixel process with scale invariant local patterns for background subtraction in complex scenes
* Modeling Point Clouds With Self-Attention and Gumbel Subset Sampling
* Modeling Point Spread Function in Fluorescence Microscopy With a Sparse Gaussian Mixture: Tradeoff Between Accuracy and Efficiency
* Modeling Polarized Reflectance of Natural Land Surfaces Using Generalized Regression Neural Networks
* Modeling Polycentric Urbanization Using Multisource Big Geospatial Data
* Modeling Population Density Using a New Index Derived from Multi-Sensor Image Data
* Modeling Pose/Appearance Relations for Improved Object Localization and Pose Estimation in 2D images
* Modeling post-fire tree mortality: sapwood area reduction in stems
* Modeling Post-Sunset Equatorial Spread-F Occurrence as a Function of Evening Upward Plasma Drift Using Logistic Regression, Deduced from Ionosondes in Southeast Asia
* Modeling Potential Impacts on Regional Climate Due to Land Surface Changes across Mongolia Plateau
* Modeling power consumption for video decoding on mobile platform and its application to power-rate constrained streaming
* Modeling Prior Shape and Appearance Knowledge in Watershed Segmentation
* Modeling Probabilistic Flooding in VANETs for Optimal Rebroadcast Probabilities
* Modeling Properties of Influenza-Like Illness Peak Events with Crossing Theory
* Modeling Prosodic Phrasing With Multi-Task Learning in Tacotron-Based TTS
* Modeling QoE for Buffered Video Streaming in Interference-Limited Cellular Networks
* Modeling Quantization of Affine Motion Vector Coefficients
* Modeling Quiet Solar Luminosity Variability from TSI Satellite Measurements and Proxy Models during 1980-2018
* Modeling Radar Attenuation by a Low Melting Layer With Optimized Model Parameters at C-Band
* Modeling Radiometric Uncertainty for Vision with Tone-Mapped Color Images
* Modeling Range Images with Bounded Error Triangular Meshes Without Optimization
* Modeling Rapport for Conversations About Health with Autonomous Avatars from Video Corpus of Clinician-Client Therapy Sessions
* Modeling Rates and Distortions Based on a Mixture of Laplacian Distributions for Inter-Predicted Residues in Quadtree Coding of HEVC
* Modeling Real-Time Cycle-Level Crash Risk at Signalized Intersections Based on High-Resolution Event-Based Data
* Modeling Real-World Affective and Communicative Nonverbal Vocalizations From Minimally Speaking Individuals
* Modeling Realistic Degradations in Non-Blind Deconvolution
* Modeling Relationships in Referential Expressions with Compositional Modular Networks
* Modeling Relaxed Hand Shape for Character Animation
* Modeling Restaurant Context for Food Recognition
* Modeling River Discharge Using Automated River Width Measurements Derived from Sentinel-1 Time Series
* Modeling Salt Marsh Vegetation Height Using Unoccupied Aircraft Systems and Structure from Motion
* Modeling SAR Images With a Generalization of the Rayleigh Distribution
* Modeling Satellite Precipitation Errors Over Mountainous Terrain: The Influence of Gauge Density, Seasonality, and Temporal Resolution
* Modeling Scattering Distortion Of 3d Range Camera
* Modeling Scene and Object Contexts for Human Action Retrieval With Few Examples
* Modeling Scenes with Local Descriptors and Latent Aspects
* Modeling Sea Ice Surface Emissivity at Microwave Frequencies: Impact of the Surface Assumptions and Potential Use for Sea Ice Extent and Type Classification
* Modeling Second-Order Volumetric Features
* Modeling Segmentation Via Geometric Deformable Regularizers, Pde And Level Sets In Still And Motion Imagery: A Revisit
* Modeling Self-Occlusions in Dynamic Shape and Appearance Tracking
* Modeling Semantic Aspects for Cross-Media Image Indexing
* Modeling semantic concepts to support query by keywords in video
* Modeling semantic context for key-frame extraction in wildlife video
* Modeling Semantic Correlation and Hierarchy for Real-World Wildlife Recognition
* Modeling Sense Disambiguation of Human Pose: Recognizing Action at a Distance by Key Poses
* Modeling Sensor Confidence for Sensor Integration Tasks
* Modeling Sensor Detectability and Reliability for Model-Based Vision
* Modeling Sensor Detectability with VANTAGE Geometric/Sensor Modeler
* Modeling Sensors and Applying Sensor Model to Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Program
* Modeling Sensors: Toward Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Program
* Modeling Sequential Domain Shift through Estimation of Optimal Sub-spaces for Categorization
* Modeling Sequential Listening Behaviors With Attentive Temporal Point Process for Next and Next New Music Recommendation
* Modeling Shadow with Voxel-Based Trees for Sentinel-2 Reflectance Simulation in Tropical Rainforest
* Modeling Shallow Landslide Runout Distance in Eocene Flysch Facies Using Empirical-Statistical Models (Western Black Sea Region of Türkiye)
* Modeling shape and textural variations in aging faces
* Modeling shape and topology of 3d images of biological specimens
* Modeling Shape Dynamics During Cell Motility in Microscopy Videos
* Modeling shape, motion, and flexion of non-rigid 3D objects in a sequence of images
* Modeling shapes and textures from images: new frontiers
* Modeling Short-Term Dynamics and Variability for Realistic Interactive Facial Animation
* Modeling Shuttle-Lane Roadwork Operated by Temporary Traffic Signals Using Microsimulation
* Modeling Small-Footprint Airborne Lidar-Derived Estimates of Gap Probability and Leaf Area Index
* Modeling Small-Granularity Expressway Traffic Volumes With Quantum Walks
* Modeling Smart Cloud Computing Resource Allocation in E-Learning
* Modeling Social Influence on Activity-Travel Behaviors Using Artificial Transportation Systems
* Modeling Social Perception of Faces
* Modeling Soil CO2 Efflux in a Subtropical Forest by Combining Fused Remote Sensing Images with Linear Mixed Effect Models
* Modeling Soil Moisture from Multisource Data by Stepwise Multilinear Regression: An Application to the Chinese Loess Plateau
* Modeling Solar Radiation in the Forest Using Remote Sensing Data: A Review of Approaches and Opportunities
* Modeling Space by Stereographic Rejection
* Modeling spacecraft oscillations in HRSC images of Mars Express
* Modeling Spaces for Toleranced Objects
* Modeling Spatial-Temporal Constraints and Spatial-Transfer Patterns for Couriers' Package Pick-up Route Prediction
* Modeling spatial and semantic cues for large-scale near-duplicated image retrieval
* Modeling Spatial and Temporal Textures
* Modeling Spatial Charging Demands Related to Electric Vehicles for Power Grid Planning Applications
* Modeling spatial dependencies in high-resolution overhead imagery
* Modeling Spatial Distribution Of A Rare And Endangered Plant Species (brainea insignis) In Central Taiwan
* Modeling Spatial Effect in Residential Burglary: A Case Study from ZG City, China
* Modeling Spatial Flood using Novel Ensemble Artificial Intelligence Approaches in Northern Iran
* Modeling Spatial Interactions between Areas to Assess the Burglary Risk
* Modeling spatial layout of features for real world scenario RGB-D action recognition
* Modeling spatial layout with Fisher vectors for image categorization
* Modeling Spatial Means of Surfaces With Stratified Nonhomogeneity
* Modeling spatial patterns of shapes
* Modeling Spatial Relationships between 3D Objects
* Modeling spatial relationships between color sets
* Modeling spatial uncertainty of point features in feature-based RGB-D SLAM
* Modeling Spatial Vision at the Threshold Level
* Modeling Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Urban Crowd Flows
* Modeling Spatio-temporal Land Transformation and Its Associated Impacts on land Surface Temperature (LST)
* Modeling Spatio-temporal Network Computations: A Summary of Results
* Modeling Spatiotemporal Patterns of Land Use/Land Cover Change in Central Malawi Using a Neural Network Model
* Modeling spatiotemporal patterns of understory light intensity using airborne laser scanner (LiDAR)
* Modeling Spatiotemporal Population Changes by Integrating DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data in Chongqing, China
* Modeling Species Distribution Using Niche-Based Proxies Derived from Composite Bioclimatic Variables and MODIS-NDVI
* Modeling Spoken Dialog Systems under the Interactive Pattern Recognition Framework
* Modeling sRGB Camera Noise with Normalizing Flows
* Modeling Stand Height, Volume, and Biomass from Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery and Samples of Airborne LiDAR
* Modeling Stochastic Behavior of Road Networks With Disruptions Using Percolation Theory
* Modeling Strategic Route Choice and Real-Time Information Impacts in Stochastic and Time-Dependent Networks
* Modeling strawberry biomass and leaf area using object-based analysis of high-resolution images
* Modeling Stroke Mask for End-to-End Text Erasing
* Modeling structural dissimilarity based on shape embodiment for cell segmentation
* Modeling structured environments by a single moving camera
* Modeling Stylized Character Expressions via Deep Learning
* Modeling Sub-Actions for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Modeling Sub-Event Dynamics in First-Person Action Recognition
* Modeling Supporting Regions for Close Human Interaction Recognition
* Modeling Surface Energy Fluxes over a Dehesa (Oak Savanna) Ecosystem Using a Thermal Based Two-Source Energy Balance Model (TSEB) I
* Modeling Surfaces of Arbitrary Topology with Dynamic Particles
* Modeling Syllable-Based Pronunciation Variation for Accented Mandarin Speech Recognition
* Modeling symmetries for stochastic structural recognition
* Modeling System Dynamics of Mixed Traffic With Partial Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Modeling targets for electromagnetic induction sensing applications
* Modeling Task fMRI Data Via Deep Convolutional Autoencoder
* Modeling temporal coherence for optical flow
* Modeling Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Configurations of Actions Using Two-Stream Recurrent Neural Networks
* Modeling temporal information using discrete fourier transform for recognizing emotions in user-generated videos
* Modeling Temporal Interactions with Interval Temporal Bayesian Networks for Complex Activity Recognition
* Modeling temporal structure of complex actions using Bag-of-Sequencelets
* Modeling Temporal Structure of Decomposable Motion Segments for Activity Classification
* Modeling Temporal Structure with LSTM for Online Action Detection
* Modeling temporal variations in multipolarized radar scattering from intertidal coastal wetlands
* Modeling Textured Images Using Generalized Long Correlation Models
* Modeling Textured Motion: Particle, Wave and Sketch
* Modeling Textures with Total Variation Minimization and Oscillating Patterns in Image Processing
* Modeling the 3D kinematics of the eye in the geometric algebra framework
* Modeling the Activity Pattern of the Constellation of Cardiac Chambers in Echocardiogram Videos
* Modeling the Affective Content of Music with a Gaussian Mixture Model
* Modeling the Amplitude Distribution of Radar Sea Clutter
* Modeling the Amplitude Statistics of Ultrasonic Images
* Modeling the Anisotropic Reflectance of a Surface with Microstructure Engineered to Obtain Visible Contrast After Rotation
* Modeling the axial extension of a transmission line source within iterative reconstruction via multiple transmission sources
* Modeling the Background for Incremental and Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Modeling the Background for Incremental Learning in Semantic Segmentation
* Modeling the Brain Connectivity for Pattern Analysis
* Modeling the Calibration Pipeline of the Lytro Camera for High Quality Light-Field Image Reconstruction
* Modeling the Census Tract Level Housing Vacancy Rate with the Jilin1-03 Satellite and Other Geospatial Data
* Modeling the CO2+ Ultraviolet Doublet Emission from Mars with a Multi-Instrument MAVEN Data Set
* Modeling the color image and video quality on liquid crystal displays with backlight dimming
* Modeling the Constraints of Human Hand Motion
* Modeling the Corn Residue Coverage after Harvesting and before Sowing in Northeast China by Random Forest and Soil Texture Zoning
* Modeling the Decay in an HBIM Starting From 3D Point Clouds. A Followed Approach for Cultural Heritage Knowledge
* Modeling the Detector Radiometric Gains of the Suomi NPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands
* Modeling the Developments in Urbanisation and Relationship With Vegetation Cover in Alanya
* Modeling the Differences between Ultra-Rapid and Final Orbit Products of GPS Satellites Using Machine-Learning Approaches
* Modeling the Directional Clumping Index of Crop and Forest
* Modeling the Displaced Frame Difference as an Alpha-Stable Distribution
* Modeling The Distribution Of African Savanna Elephants In Kruger National Park: An Application Of Multi-scale Globeland30 Data
* Modeling the distribution of DCT coefficients for JPEG reconstruction
* Modeling the Distribution of Human Mobility Metrics with Online Car-Hailing Data: An Empirical Study in Xi'an, China
* Modeling the Distribution of Normal Data in Pre-Trained Deep Features for Anomaly Detection
* Modeling the distribution of patches with shift-invariance: Application to SAR image restoration
* Modeling the Distributional Uncertainty for Salient Object Detection Models
* Modeling the Distributions of Brightness Temperatures of a Cropland Study Area Using a Model that Combines Fast Radiosity and Energy Budget Methods
* Modeling the Effect of Environmental and Topographic Variables Affecting the Height Increment of Norway Spruce Stands in Mountainous Conditions with the Use of LiDAR Data
* Modeling the Effect of Green Roof Systems and Photovoltaic Panels for Building Energy Savings to Mitigate Climate Change
* Modeling the Effect of the Spatial Pattern of Airborne Lidar Returns on the Prediction and the Uncertainty of Timber Merchantable Volume
* Modeling the effective emissivity of the urban canopy using sky view factor
* Modeling the Effects of Autonomous Vehicles on Human Driver Car-Following Behaviors Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Modeling the Effects of Drivers on PM2.5 in the Yangtze River Delta with Geographically Weighted Random Forest
* Modeling the Effects of Global and Diffuse Radiation on Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity in China Based on a Two-Leaf Light Use Efficiency Model
* Modeling the Effects of Prevention and Early Diagnosis on HIV/AIDS Infection Diffusion
* Modeling the Effects of the Urban Built-Up Environment on Plant Phenology Using Fused Satellite Data
* Modeling the Effects of Windshield Refraction for Camera Calibration
* Modeling the energy consumption of HEVC P- and B-frame decoding
* Modeling the Energy Consumption of the HEVC Decoding Process
* Modeling the environment with egocentric vision systems
* Modeling the EXIF-Image correlation for image manipulation detection
* Modeling the Fundamental Diagram of Mixed Traffic Flow With Dedicated Lanes for Connected Automated Vehicles
* Modeling the Global Relationship via the Point Cloud Transformer for the Terrain Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Data
* Modeling the Ground Plane Transformation for Real-Time Obstacle Detection
* Modeling the hemodynamic response in fMRI using smooth FIR filters
* Modeling the Heterogeneous Duration of User Interest in Time-Dependent Recommendation: A Hidden Semi-Markov Approach
* Modeling the HEVC Encoding Energy Using the Encoder Processing Time
* Modeling the Hourly Distribution of Population at a High Spatiotemporal Resolution Using Subway Smart Card Data: A Case Study in the Central Area of Beijing
* Modeling the Impact of Climate Changes on Crop Yield: Irrigated vs. Non-Irrigated Zones in Mississippi
* Modeling the impact of frame rate on perceptual quality of video
* Modeling the Impact of Investment and National Planning Policies on Future Land Use Development: A Case Study for Myanmar
* Modeling the impact of keypoint detection errors on local descriptor similarity
* Modeling the impact of spatial resolutions on perceptual quality of immersive image/video
* Modeling The Impact of Surface Characteristics On The Near Surface Temperature Lapse Rate
* Modeling the Imperfect Driver: Incorporating Human Factors in a Microscopic Traffic Model
* Modeling the Influences of Cyclic Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processes for Reinforcement Learning in Eye Movements
* Modeling the joint density of two images under a variety of transformations
* Modeling the Joint Statistics of Images in the Wavelet Domain
* Modeling the Land Cover Change in Chesapeake Bay Area for Precision Conservation and Green Infrastructure Planning
* Modeling the Leaf Area Index of Inner Mongolia Grassland Based on Machine Learning Regression Algorithms Incorporating Empirical Knowledge
* Modeling the Lighting in Scenes as Style for Auto White-Balance Correction
* Modeling the Manifolds of Images of Handwritten Digits
* Modeling the Marginal Distributions of Complex Wavelet Coefficient Magnitudes for the Classification of Zoom-Endoscopy Images
* Modeling the Microwave Emission of Bubbly Ice: Applications to Blue Ice and Superimposed Ice in the Antarctic and Arctic
* Modeling the Model Athlete: Automatic Coaching of Rowing Technique
* Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and Resolution
* Modeling the Mutual Anticipation in Human Crowds With Attention Distractions
* Modeling the Near-Surface Energies and Water Vapor Fluxes Behavior in Response to Summer Canopy Density across Yanqi Endorheic Basin, Northwestern China
* Modeling the Observed Microwave Emission from Shallow Multi-Layer Tundra Snow Using DMRT-ML
* Modeling the occlusion problem in thermal imaging to allow seeing through mist and foliage
* Modeling the Optimal Baseline for a Spaceborne Bistatic SAR System to Generate DEMs
* Modeling the Past Online: Interactive Visualisation of Uncertainty and Phasing
* Modeling the pattern spectrum as a Markov process and its use for efficient shape classification
* Modeling the Pedestrian Flow Before Bottleneck Through Learning-Based Method
* Modeling the perceptual distortion of dynamic textures and its application in HEVC
* Modeling the Perceptual Quality for Viewport-Adaptive Omnidirectional Video Streaming Considering Dynamic Quality Boundary Artifact
* Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Immersive Images Rendered on Head Mounted Displays: Resolution and Compression
* Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Viewport Adaptive Omnidirectional Video Streaming
* Modeling the Performance Characteristics of Computed Radiography (CR) Systems
* Modeling the Performance of Image Restoration From Motion Blur
* Modeling the Polarization Ratio in the Upper Microwave Band for Sea Clutter Analysis
* Modeling the Process of Ageing in Face Images
* Modeling the product manifold of posture and motion
* Modeling the Quality of Videos Displayed With Local Dimming Backlight at Different Peak White and Ambient Light Levels
* Modeling the Relationship between the Gross Domestic Product and Built-Up Area Using Remote Sensing and GIS Data: A Case Study of Seven Major Cities in Canada
* Modeling the Relationship of =2 MeV Electron Fluxes at Different Longitudes in Geostationary Orbit by the Machine Learning Method
* Modeling the Relationship of Action, Object, and Scene
* Modeling the Relationship of Precipitation and Water Level Using Grid Precipitation Products with a Neural Network Model
* Modeling the Relative Visual Tempo for Self-supervised Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Modeling the Rim Appearance
* Modeling the self-similar behavior of packetized MPEG-4 video using wavelet-based methods
* Modeling the Sensitivity of Moment Invariants in a Recognition System
* Modeling the Shape of the Scene: A Holistic Representation of the Spatial Envelope
* Modeling the Slant Wet Delays From One GPS Receiver as a Series Expansion With Respect to Time and Space: Theory and an Example of Application for the Tahiti Island
* Modeling the Space of Camera Response Functions
* Modeling the Space of Point Landmark Constrained Diffeomorphisms
* Modeling the Spatial and Temporal Spread of COVID-19 in Poland Based on a Spatial Interaction Model
* Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Debris Flows and Analysis of the Controlling Factors: A Machine Learning Approach
* Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Using Fishery and Remote Sensing Data: Approach and Resolution
* Modeling the Spatial Dynamics of Soil Organic Carbon Using Remotely-Sensed Predictors in Fuzhou City, China
* Modeling the spatial layout of images beyond spatial pyramids
* Modeling the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Gross Domestic Product in China Using Extended Temporal Coverage Nighttime Light Data
* Modeling the Spectral Properties of Obtrusive Light Incident on a Window: Application to Montréal, Canada
* Modeling the Stereoscopic Features of Mountainous Forest Landscapes for the Extraction of Forest Heights from Stereo Imagery
* Modeling the Stochastic Drift of a MEMS-Based Gyroscope in Gyro/Odometer/GPS Integrated Navigation
* Modeling the stone floor based on excavation information using implicit polynomial
* Modeling the structure of multivariate manifolds: Shape maps
* Modeling the Subjective Quality of Highly Contrasted Videos Displayed on LCD With Local Backlight Dimming
* Modeling the Surface of 3D Objects Using Multiple Range Views
* Modeling the Surround of MT Cells and Their Selectivity for Surface Orientation in Depth Specified by Motion
* Modeling the Temporal Evolution of Acoustic Parameters for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Modeling the Temporal Extent of Actions
* Modeling the Temporal Variability of Thermal Emissions From Row-Planted Scenes Using a Radiosity and Energy Budget Method
* Modeling the Temporality of Saliency
* Modeling the Time-Varying Subjective Quality of HTTP Video Streams With Rate Adaptations
* Modeling the Vagueness of Areal Geographic Objects: A Categorization System
* Modeling the World from Internet Photo Collections
* Modeling the world: the virtualization pipeline
* Modeling Thermal Sequence Signal Decreasing for Dual Modal Password Breaking
* Modeling Time-Varying Illumination Patterns in Video
* Modeling Time-Varying Variability and Reliability of Freeway Travel Time Using Functional Principal Component Analysis
* Modeling timing structures in gait image sequences using bottom-up clustering
* Modeling Top of Atmosphere Radiance over Heterogeneous Non-Lambertian Rugged Terrain
* Modeling Topological Spatial Relations: Strategies for Query-Processing
* Modeling Traffic Control Agency Decision Behavior for Multimodal Manual Signal Control Under Event Occurrences
* Modeling traffic signal control using Petri nets
* Modeling transition patterns between events for temporal human action segmentation and classification
* Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Observations via Carbon-Water Coupling Methods
* Modeling Trees for Virtual Singapore: From Data Acquisition To Citygml Models
* Modeling Two-Stream Correspondence for Visual Sound Separation
* Modeling Uncertainties for Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval: Evaluation of a Case Study
* Modeling Uncertainty for Low-Resolution Facial Expression Recognition
* Modeling Uncertainty of GEDI Clear-Sky Terrain Height Retrievals Using a Mixture Density Network
* Modeling Urban Crime Patterns Using Spatial Space Time and Regression Analysis
* Modeling Urban Dynamics Using Random Forest: Implementing Roc And Toc For Model Evaluation
* Modeling Urban Heat Islands and Their Relationship With Impervious Surface and Vegetation Abundance by Using ASTER Images
* Modeling Urban Land Cover Growth Dynamics Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Images: A Case Study of Dhaka, Bangladesh
* Modeling Urban Population Growth from Remotely Sensed Imagery and TIGER GIS Road Data
* Modeling Urban Scenes from Pointclouds
* Modeling Urban Scenes in the Spatial-Temporal Space
* Modeling User Activity Preference by Leveraging User Spatial Temporal Characteristics in LBSNs
* Modeling User Performance for Moving Target Selection with a Delayed Mouse
* Modeling User Subjectivity in Image Libraries
* Modeling vague spatial data warehouses using the VSCube conceptual model
* Modeling Variation in Motion Data
* Modeling Varying Camera-IMU Time Offset in Optimization-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry
* Modeling Vegetation Water Stress over the Forest from Space: Temperature Vegetation Water Stress Index (TVWSI)
* Modeling Vehicle Merging Behavior in Work Zone Merging Areas During the Merging Implementation Period
* Modeling Vehicle Paths at Intersections: A Unified Approach Based on Entrance and Exit Lanes
* Modeling very oscillating signals. Application to image processing
* Modeling Vibrations of a Tiled Talbot-Lau Interferometer on a Clinical CT
* Modeling Video Activity with Dynamic Phrases and Its Application to Action Recognition in Tennis Videos
* Modeling Video as Stochastic Processes for Fine-Grained Video Representation Learning
* Modeling Video Dynamics with Deep Dynencoder
* Modeling video evolution for action recognition
* Modeling View and Posture Manifolds for Tracking
* Modeling Visual-Attention Via Selective Tuning
* Modeling visual and word-conditional semantic attention for image captioning
* Modeling Visual Attention's Modulatory Aftereffects on Visual Sensitivity and Quality Evaluation
* Modeling Visual Context Is Key to Augmenting Object Detection Datasets
* Modeling Visual Impairments with Artificial Neural Networks: a Review
* Modeling visual information by spatio-temporal patterns to analyze event tactic in sports video
* Modeling Visual Information Processing in Brain: A Computer Vision Point of View and Approach
* Modeling visual interactive systems through dynamic visual languages
* Modeling Visual Patterns by Integrating Descriptive and Generative Methods
* Modeling Vocal Entrainment in Conversational Speech Using Deep Unsupervised Learning
* Modeling vs. learning approaches for monocular 3D human pose estimation
* Modeling vs. Segmenting Images Using A Probabilistic Approach
* Modeling Water Quality Parameters Using Landsat Multispectral Images: A Case Study of Erlong Lake, Northeast China
* Modeling Wave Set: Definition and Application of a New Topological Organization for 3D Object Modeling
* Modeling Wavelet Coefficients for Wavelet Subdivision Transforms of 3D Meshes
* Modeling Wildfire-Induced Permafrost Deformation in an Alaskan Boreal Forest Using InSAR Observations
* Modeling with blocks
* Modeling Words for Qualitative Distance Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
* Modeling Writing Styles for Online Writer Identification: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
* Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Left Ventricle Shape and Motion by Hierarchical Decomposition
* Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Nonrigid Object Motion
* Modeling, Classifying and Annotating Weakly Annotated Images Using Bayesian Network
* Modeling, Clustering, and Segmenting Video with Mixtures of Dynamic Textures
* Modeling, Evaluation and Control of a Road Image Processing Chain
* Modeling, Evaluation, and Scale on Artificial Pedestrians: A Literature Review
* Modeling, Identification, and Predictive Control of a Driver Steering Assistance System
* Modeling, Measuring, and Compensating Color Weak Vision
* Modeling, Prediction, and Reduction of 3D Crosstalk in Circular Polarized Stereoscopic LCDs
* Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality From Videos
* Modeling, Relocation, and Real-Time Inventory Control of One-Way Electric Cars Sharing Systems in a Stochastic Petri Nets Framework
* Modeling, Simulation and Visual Analysis of Crowds: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
* Modelisation of Raindrops Based on Declivity Principle
* Modelisation of Spatial Organization of Vegetations in Floodplains
* Modelization of Limb Coordination for Human Action Analysis
* Modelizing character allographs in omni-scriptor frame: A New Non-Supervised Clustering Algorithm
* Modelled Object Pose Estimation and Tracking by a Multi-Camera System
* Modelled Object Pose Estimation and Tracking by Monocular Vision
* Modelling & Analysis of High Impact Terrorist Attacks in India & Its Neighbors
* Modelling 3-Coloring of Polygonal Trees via Incremental Satisfiability
* Modelling 3-D rigid solid objects using the view signature II representation scheme
* Modelling A Cell Tower Using SFM: Automated Detection of Structural Elements From Skeleton Extraction on A Point Cloud
* Modelling above Ground Biomass in Tanzanian Miombo Woodlands Using TanDEM-X WorldDEM and Field Data
* Modelling Aboveground Biomass Carbon Stock of the Bohai Rim Coastal Wetlands by Integrating Remote Sensing, Terrain, and Climate Data
* Modelling Accessibility to Urban Green Areas Using Open Earth Observations Data: A Novel Approach to Support the Urban SDG in Four European Cities
* Modelling Activity Global Temporal Dependencies Using Time Delayed Probabilistic Graphical Model
* Modelling Affect for Horror Soundscapes
* Modelling Ambiguous Assignments for Multi-Person Tracking in Crowds
* Modelling an Object of Revolution by Zooming
* Modelling and accuracy estimation of a new omnidirectional depth computation sensor
* Modelling and Accuracy in a BIM Environment for Planned Conservation: The Apartment of Troia of Giulio Romano
* Modelling and analysing 3D buildings with a primal/dual data structure
* Modelling and Analyzing the Semantic Evolution of Social Media User Behaviors during Disaster Events: A Case Study of COVID-19
* Modelling and animation of impact and damage with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
* Modelling and Assessment of a New Triple-Frequency IF1213 PPP with BDS/GPS
* Modelling and Assessment of Single-Frequency PPP Time Transfer with BDS-3 B1I and B1C Observations
* Modelling and combining emotions, visual speech and gestures in virtual head models
* Modelling and Comparing Shading Effects of 3D Tree Structures with Virtual Leaves
* Modelling and comparing two modes of sharing parking spots at residential area: Real-time and fixed-time allocation
* Modelling and control for economy-oriented car-following problem of hybrid electric vehicle
* Modelling and control of a biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle
* Modelling and estimating the pose of a human arm
* Modelling and Estimation of Multicomponent T_2 Distributions
* Modelling and Experimental Study for Automated Congestion Driving
* Modelling and identification of characteristic intensity variations
* Modelling and Identification of Charateristic Intensity Variations
* Modelling and Interpretation of Architecture from Several Images
* Modelling and Managing Domain Context for Automatic Surveillance Systems
* Modelling and Monitoring a Manipulation Environment
* Modelling and performance analysis of Balise under dynamic energy harvesting in high-speed railway
* Modelling and prediction of automotive engine air-ratio using relevance vector machine
* Modelling and recognising 3D-objects described by multiple views using function-described graphs
* Modelling and recognition of the linguistic components in American Sign Language
* Modelling and Removing Radial and Tangential Distortions in Spherical Lenses
* Modelling and representation issues in automated feature extraction from aerial and satellite images
* Modelling and restoration of multilook correlated speckled images
* Modelling and segmentation of colour images in polar representations
* Modelling and segmentation of lip area in face images
* Modelling and Segmentation of Noisy and Textured Images Using Gibbs Random Fields
* Modelling and segmenting subunits for sign language recognition based on hand motion analysis
* Modelling and simulating worm propagation in static and dynamic traffic
* Modelling and simulation of (connected) autonomous vehicles longitudinal driving behavior: A state-of-the-art
* Modelling and simulation of a bistatic forward-looking SAR configuration
* Modelling and simulation of a new urban freight distribution system based on automatic van platooning and fixed split up locations
* Modelling and simulation of hierarchical scheduling of real-time responsive customised bus
* Modelling and Simulation of Selected Real Estate Market Spatial Phenomena
* Modelling and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Methodology (2009-2018) on Debris Cones in Temperate High Mountains
* Modelling and testing of in-wheel motor drive intelligent electric vehicles based on co-simulation with Carsim/Simulink
* Modelling and Tracking Articulated Motion from Multiple Camera Views
* Modelling and Visualization for Pearl Quality Evaluation Simulator
* Modelling and Visualizing Holographic 3D Geographical Scenes with Timely Data Based on the HoloLens
* Modelling Biophysical Parameters of Maize Using Landsat 8 Time Series
* Modelling Bottlenecks of Bike-Sharing Travel Using the Distinction between Endogenous and Exogenous Demand: A Case Study in Beijing
* Modelling Building Costs from 3D Building Models: Estimating The Construction Effort from Image-based Surface Models of Dry-stone Shepherd Shelters (kras, Slovenia)
* Modelling Canopy Gap Fraction from Lidar Intensity
* Modelling character motions on infinite-dimensional manifolds
* Modelling Collective Animal Behaviour using Extended Point Distribution Models
* Modelling Combined Handwriting and Speech Modalities
* Modelling Compatibility Coefficient Distributions for Probabilistic Feature-Labelling Schemes
* Modelling composite shapes by Gibbs random fields
* Modelling Convex Shape Priors and Matching Based on the Gromov-Wasserstein Distance
* Modelling correlation degree between two adjacent signalised intersections for dynamic subarea partition
* Modelling Crop Biomass from Synthetic Remote Sensing Time Series: Example for the DEMMIN Test Site, Germany
* Modelling Crowd Scenes for Event Detection
* Modelling Culturally Diverse Smiles Using Data-Driven Methods
* Modelling Daily Gross Primary Productivity with Sentinel-2 Data in the Nordic Region: Comparison with Data from MODIS
* Modelling Data Complexity for Model-based Vision
* Modelling Digital Straight Lines
* Modelling discontinuous terrain from DSMs using segment labelling, outlier removal and thin-plate splines
* Modelling Distributions of Rove Beetles in Mountainous Areas Using Remote Sensing Data
* Modelling Diverse Soil Attributes with Visible to Longwave Infrared Spectroscopy Using PLSR Employed by an Automatic Modelling Engine
* Modelling driving behaviour using hybrid automata
* Modelling Dynamic Hydrological Connectivity in the Zoigo Area (China) Based on Multi-Temporal Surface Water Observation
* Modelling Dynamic Scenes by Registering Multi-View Image Sequences
* Modelling Elasticity In Solids Using Active Cubes - Application To Simulated Operations
* Modelling error propagation in vector-based overlay analysis
* Modelling errors in a biometric re-identification system
* Modelling Ethical Algorithms in Autonomous Vehicles Using Crash Data
* Modelling eye-movement control via a constrained search approach
* Modelling Faces Dynamically across Views and Over Time
* Modelling facial colour and identity with Gaussian mixtures
* Modelling Fine Scale Movement Corridors For The Tricarinate Hill Turtle
* Modelling fingerprint ridge orientation using Legendre polynomials
* Modelling Fire Behavior to Assess Community Exposure in Europe: Combining Open Data and Geospatial Analysis
* Modelling Floodplain Vegetation Response to Climate Change, Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Model Simulated LAI, Applying Different GCM's Future Climate Data and MODIS LAI Data
* Modelling folded garments by fitting foldable templates
* Modelling Forest alpha-Diversity and Floristic Composition: On the Added Value of LiDAR plus Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Modelling FRR of Biometric Verification Systems Using the Template Co-update Algorithm
* Modelling Global Deforestation Using Spherical Geographic Automata Approach
* Modelling Global Ionosphere Based on Multi-Frequency, Multi-Constellation GNSS Observations and IRI Model
* Modelling Heat Balance of a Large Lake in Central Tibetan Plateau Incorporating Satellite Observations
* Modelling heterogeneous traffic dynamics by considering the influence of V2V safety messages
* Modelling High-Resolution Actual Evapotranspiration through Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Data Fusion
* Modelling Housing Rents Using Spatial Autoregressive Geographically Weighted Regression: A Case Study in Cracow, Poland
* Modelling human perception of static facial expressions
* Modelling Human Segmentation Trough Color and Space Analysis
* Modelling Immovable Asset in 3d Using CityGML 3.0 Concept To Support Smart City Initiatives
* Modelling Impacts of Environmental Water on Vegetation of a Semi-Arid Floodplain-Lakes System Using 30-Year Landsat Data
* Modelling In-Store Consumer Behaviour Using Machine Learning and Digital Signage Audience Measurement Data
* Modelling in Hbim to Document Materials Decay By a Thematic Mapping To Manage The Cultural Heritage: The Case of Chiesa Della PietÀ in Fermo
* Modelling Intermittently Present Features Using Nonlinear Point Distribution Models
* Modelling intrusion detection as an allocation problem
* Modelling Issues in Vision Based Aircraft Navigation During Landing
* Modelling Land-use Regulation Conflicts with 3d Components to Support Issuing A Building Permit
* Modelling Landscape Morphodynamics By Terrestrial Photogrammetry: An Application To Beach And Fluvial Systems
* Modelling Large Scale Datasets Using Partitioning-Based PCA
* Modelling large vehicles operating speed characteristics on freeway alignment based on aggregated GPS data
* Modelling life cycle related and individual shape variation in biological specimens
* Modelling Line and Edge Features Using Higher-Order Riesz Transforms
* Modelling local deep convolutional neural network features to improve fine-grained image classification
* Modelling mammographic microcalcification clusters using persistent mereotopology
* Modelling marginal ranking distributions: The uncertainty tree
* Modelling merging behaviour joining a cooperative adaptive cruise control platoon
* Modelling Multi-object Activity by Gaussian Processes
* Modelling multiple quantiles together with the mean based on SA-ConvLSTM for taxi pick-up prediction
* Modelling Needle-Map Consistency with Novel Constraints
* Modelling Neighbor Relation in Joint Space-Time Graph for Video Correspondence Learning
* Modelling Non-linearities in Images Using an Auto-associative Neural Network
* Modelling Object Appearance using The Grey-Level Surface
* Modelling Object Recognition as a Markov Decision Process
* Modelling Objects Having Quadric Surfaces Incorporating Geometric Constraints
* Modelling Objects using Distribution and Topology of Multiscale Region Pairs
* Modelling of 2d gel electrophoresis images for proteomics databases
* Modelling of an Inexpensive 9M Satellite Dish from 3D Point Clouds Captured By Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Modelling of axonal fields in the optic nerve for direct MR detection studies
* Modelling of Behavioural Patterns for Abnormality Detection in the Context of Lifestyle Reassurance
* Modelling of Bioimpedance Measurements: Application to Sensitivity Analysis
* Modelling of Biometric Identification System with Given Parameters Using Colored Petri Nets
* Modelling of Building Interiors with Mobile Phone Sensor Data
* Modelling of buildings from aerial LiDAR point clouds using TINs and label maps
* Modelling of chromatic aberration for high precision photogrammetry
* Modelling of elastic deformation using stereo vision and smoothed particle hydrodynamics
* Modelling of feature matching performance on correlated speckle images
* Modelling of Glacier and Ice Sheet Micro-topography Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data, Antarctica
* Modelling of Greek Lakes Water Quality Using Earth Observation in the Framework of the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
* Modelling of ink-colour degradation on old printed documents
* Modelling of instrument repositioning errors in discontinuous Multi-Campaign Ground-Based SAR (MC-GBSAR) deformation monitoring
* Modelling of Land Surface Temperature Using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Random Forest Regression
* Modelling of Magnetic Resonance Spectra Using Mixtures for Binned and Truncated Data
* Modelling of Material Ageing with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Modelling of Natural Fire Occurrences: A Case of South Africa
* Modelling of Overlapping Circular Objects Based on Level Set Approach
* Modelling of Population Exposure to Landslide Risk in Sukabumi, Indonesia Using Gis
* Modelling of Single Mode Distributions of Colour Data Using Directional Statistics
* Modelling of Spatial Relations, The
* Modelling of spatio-temporal interaction for video quality assessment
* Modelling of Subjective Radiological Assessments with Objective Image Quality Measures of Brain and Body CT Images
* Modelling of the Electron Density and Total Electron Content in the Quiet and Solar X-ray Flare Perturbed Ionospheric D-Region Based on Remote Sensing by VLF/LF Signals
* Modelling of the Vertical Dynamics of an Electric Kick Scooter
* Modelling of Urban Environments
* Modelling of Vegetation Dynamics from Satellite Time Series to Determine Proglacial Primary Succession in the Course of Global Warming: A Case Study in the Upper Martell Valley (Eastern Italian Alps)
* Modelling of virtual compressed structures through physical simulation
* Modelling of Wine Production Using Land Surface Temperature and FAPAR: The Case of the Douro Wine Region
* Modelling Paroxysmal and Mild-Strombolian Eruptive Plumes at Stromboli and Mt. Etna on 28 August 2019
* Modelling pedestrian trajectory patterns with Gaussian processes
* Modelling people's perceived scene complexity of real-world environments using street-view panoramas and open geodata
* Modelling periodic scene elements for visual surveillance
* Modelling Permafrost Characteristics and Its Relationship with Environmental Constraints in the Gaize Area, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
* Modelling Permafrost Distribution in Western Himalaya Using Remote Sensing and Field Observations
* Modelling Place Visit Probability Sequences during Trajectory Data Gaps Based on Movement History
* Modelling Polyfont Printed Characters with HMMS and a Shift Invariant Hamming Distance
* Modelling Postures of Human Movements
* Modelling Primate Control of Grasping for Robotics Applications
* Modelling Profiles with a Mixture of Gaussians
* Modelling Prostate Motion for Data Fusion During Image-Guided Interventions
* Modelling rain patterns: towards automatic interpretation of radar images
* Modelling Reflections via Multiperspective Imaging
* Modelling Respiration Induced Torso Deformation Using a Mesh Fitting Algorithm
* Modelling Seasonal GWR of Daily PM2.5 with Proper Auxiliary Variables for the Yangtze River Delta
* Modelling Sediment Retention Services and Soil Erosion Changes in Portugal: A Spatio-Temporal Approach
* Modelling sequences using pairwise relational features
* Modelling Shadow Using 3D Tree Models in High Spatial and Temporal Resolution
* Modelling Shapes with Uncertainties: Higher Order Polynomials, Variable Bandwidth Kernels and Non Parametric Density Estimation
* Modelling Single Tree Structure with Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Modelling Site Index in Forest Stands Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery and Bi-Temporal Laser Scanner Data
* Modelling soil organic carbon stock distribution across different land-uses in South Africa: A remote sensing and deep learning approach
* Modelling Solids of Revolution by Monocular Vision
* Modelling Spatial Correlation and Image Statistics for Improved Tracking of Human Gestures
* Modelling Spatial Heterogeneity in the Effects of Natural and Socioeconomic Factors, and Their Interactions, on Atmospheric PM2.5 Concentrations in China from 2000-2015
* Modelling spatial patterns
* Modelling Spatial Relationships between Colour Clusters
* Modelling spatio-temporal ageing phenomena with deep Generative Adversarial Networks
* Modelling Spatio-Temporal Saliency to Predict Gaze Direction for Short Videos
* Modelling Species Richness and Functional Diversity in Tropical Dry Forests Using Multispectral Remotely Sensed and Topographic Data
* Modelling Spectral Unmixing of Geological Mixtures: An Experimental Study Using Rock Samples
* Modelling Spikes with Mixtures of Factor Analysers
* Modelling Stable Backward Diffusion and Repulsive Swarms with Convex Energies and Range Constraints
* Modelling Stochastic Context of Audio-Visual Expressive Behaviour With Affective Processes
* Modelling Talking Head Behaviour
* Modelling Taxi Drivers' Behaviour for the Next Destination Prediction
* Modelling the Altitude Dependence of the Wet Path Delay for Coastal Altimetry Using 3-D Fields from ERA5
* Modelling The Amount of Carbon Stock Using Remote Sensing in Urban Forest and Its Relationship With Land Use Change
* Modelling the appearance of heritage metallic surfaces
* Modelling the Autocorrelation of Wavelet Coefficients for Image Denoising
* Modelling the characteristics of material distributions in polarimetric images
* Modelling the Diameter Distribution of Savanna Trees with Drone-Based LiDAR
* Modelling the driving behaviour at a signalised intersection with the information of remaining green time
* Modelling the Dynamics of Carbon Storages for Pinus densata Using Landsat Images in Shangri-La Considering Topographic Factors
* Modelling the Effect of Focusing Detectors in Photoacoustic Sectional Imaging
* Modelling the Effect of Quantizing Affine Motion Vectors on Rate and Energy of Difference Macroblocks
* Modelling the Effect of View Angle Variation on Appearance-Based Gait Recognition
* Modelling the effects of fundamental UAV flight parameters on LiDAR point clouds to facilitate objectives-based planning
* Modelling the effects of walking speed on appearance-based gait recognition
* Modelling the Environment of an Exploring Vehicle by Means of Stereo Vision
* Modelling the Evolution of the Archaeological Works Developed In Qubbet El-Hawa (Aswan, Egypt)
* Modelling the Generalised Median Correspondence Through an Edit Distance
* Modelling the histograms of various classes in SAR images
* Modelling the Human Visual Process by Evolving Images from Noise
* Modelling the Influence of Geological Structures in Paleo Rock Avalanche Failures Using Field and Remote Sensing Data
* Modelling the L-Band Snow-Covered Surface Emission in a Winter Canadian Prairie Environment
* Modelling the Level of Trust in a Cooperative Automated Vehicle Control System
* Modelling the Manifold of Facial Expression Using Texture
* Modelling the Mobility Changes Caused by Perceived Risk and Policy Efficiency
* Modelling the operation of vehicles at signalised intersections with special width approach lane based on field data
* Modelling the optical-flow with projective-transform approximation for large camera movements
* Modelling the Process of Controlling an Automated Steering Maneuver
* Modelling The Relationship Between Land Surface Temperature And Landscape Patterns Of Land Use Land Cover Classification Using Multi Linear Regression Models
* Modelling the Risk of Imported COVID-19 Infections at Maritime Ports Based on the Mobility of International-Going Ships
* Modelling the road network capacity considering residual queues and connected automated vehicles
* Modelling the Robotised Multiterminal Port System: RMT-PS
* Modelling the Scene Dependent Imaging in Cameras with a Deep Neural Network
* Modelling the Spatial Distribution of Culicoides imicola: Climatic versus Remote Sensing Data
* Modelling the Spectral Index to Detect a Baltic-Type Crude Oil Emulsion Dispersed in the Southern Baltic Sea
* Modelling the Spectral Uncertainty of Geographic Features in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images: Semi-Supervising and Weighted Interval Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
* Modelling the Statistics of Cyclic Activities by Trajectory Analysis on the Manifold of Positive-Semi-Definite Matrices
* Modelling the Surface of Racing Vessel's Hull by Laser Scanning and Digital Photogrammetry
* Modelling the Time-Variant Covariates for Gait Recognition
* Modelling the variability in face images
* Modelling the Vertical Distribution of Phytoplankton Biomass in the Mediterranean Sea from Satellite Data: A Neural Network Approach
* Modelling the Visibility of Baltic-Type Crude Oil Emulsion Dispersed in the Southern Baltic Sea
* Modelling the Wealth Index of Demographic and Health Surveys within Cities Using Very High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Information
* Modelling three-dimensional geoscientific datasets with the discrete Voronoi diagram
* Modelling Three-Dimensional Spatiotemporal Distributions of Forest Photosynthetically Active Radiation Using UAV-Based Lidar Data
* Modelling Two Sugarcane Agro-Industrial Yields Using Sentinel/Landsat Time-Series Data and Their Spatial Validation at Different Scales in Costa Rica
* Modelling Uncertainty in ESATS by Classification Inference
* Modelling uncertainty in high resolution remotely sensed scenes using a fuzzy logic approach
* Modelling Urban Heat Island Using Remote Sensing and City Morphological Parameters
* Modelling Urban Housing Stocks for Building Energy Simulation Using CityGML EnergyADE
* Modelling Vague Knowledge for Decision Support In Planning Archaeological Prospections
* Modelling Vegetation Health and Its Relation to Climate Conditions Using Copernicus Data in the City of Constance
* Modelling vehicles acceleration during overtaking manoeuvres
* Modelling vertical error in LiDAR-derived digital elevation models
* Modelling Visual Appearance of Handwriting
* Modelling visual attention and motion effect for visual quality evaluation
* Modelling visual impressions for Chinese and Pakistani ethnic groups
* Modelling Visual Objects Invariant to Depictive Style
* Modelling visual saliency using degree centrality
* Modelling Water Colour Characteristics in an Optically Complex Nearshore Environment in the Baltic Sea; Quantitative Interpretation of the Forel-Ule Scale and Algorithms for the Remote Estimation of Seawater Composition
* Modelling Water Stress in a Shiraz Vineyard Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning
* Modelling Within-Season Variation in Light Use Efficiency Enhances Productivity Estimates for Cropland
* Modelling, synthesis and characterisation of occlusion in videos
* Modelling, Validation and Quantification of Climate and Other Sensitivities of Building Energy Model on 3D City Models
* Models and Algorithms for a Real-Time Hybrid Image-Enhancement Methodology
* Models and algorithms for computing the common labelling of a set of attributed graphs
* Models and algorithms for efficient color image indexing
* Models and algorithms for efficient multiresolution topology estimation of measured 3-D range data
* Models and analysis of streaming video transmission over wireless fading channels
* Models and Methods for Automated Background Density Estimation in Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Models and Methods for Automated Material Indentification in Hyperspectral Imagery Acquired under Unknown Illumination and Atmospheric Conditions
* Models and Theoretical Analysis of SoOp Circular Polarization Bistatic Scattering for Random Rough Surface
* Models for Gaze Tracking Systems
* Models for Learning Spatial Interactions in Natural Images for Context-Based Classification
* Models for low resolution slit scan measurements based on high resolution laser scanning image analysis: DNA and nuclear dimensions
* Models for Map Building and Navigation
* Models for Motion-Based Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Models for Neighbor Dependency in Planar Point Patterns
* Models for Patch-Based Image Restoration
* Models For Photogrammetric Processing Of Information From resource-p Satellites
* Models for Texture Synthesis
* Models for the comparative equivalence of scattering properties of elemental filters used in diagnostic radiology
* Models for the Perception of Speech and Visual Form
* Models from image triplets using epipolar gradient features
* Models Matter, So Does Training: An Empirical Study of CNNs for Optical Flow Estimation
* Models of Driver Acceleration Behavior Prior to Real-World Intersection Crashes
* Models of Errors and Mistakes in Machine Perception, Part 1. First Results for Computer Vision Range Measurements
* Models of Images With Radial-circular Structure
* Models of Interaction with Video Information
* Models of L-Band Radar Backscattering Coefficients Over Global Terrain for Soil Moisture Retrieval
* Models of large population recognition performance
* Models of Object Recognition
* Models of Perceptual Learning in Vernier Hyperacuity
* Models of Statistical Visual Motion Estimation
* Models of the Unimodal and Multimodal Statistics of Adaptive Wavelet Packet Coefficients
* Models of Trust in Human Control of Swarms With Varied Levels of Autonomy
* Models of Urban Areas for Line-of-Sight Analyses
* Models, Inference, Learning Human Activities, Human Behavior
* MODENN: A Shallow Broad Neural Network Model Based on Multi-Order Descartes Expansion
* Moderating Effect of a Cross-Level Social Distancing Policy on the Disparity of COVID-19 Transmission in the United States
* Modern art challenges face detection
* Modern Cartographic Forms of Expression: The Renaissance of Multimedia Cartography
* Modern Computer Vision Techniques for X-Ray Testing in Baggage Inspection
* Modern Differential Geometric Approach to Shape from Shading, A
* Modern Digital Halftoning
* Modern displays: Why we see different colors, and what it means?
* Modern Dryland Source-to-Sink System Segments and Coupling Relationships from Digital Elevation Model Analysis: A Case Study from the Mongolian Altai
* Modern Image Processing: Warping, Morphing and Classical Techniques
* Modern Image Quality Assessment
* Modern Processing Capabilities of Analog Data from Documentation of the Great Omayyad Mosque in Aleppo, Syria, Damaged In Civil War
* Modern shape from shading and beyond
* Modern statistical and philosophical framework for uncertainty assessment in biometric performance testing
* Modern Trends in Steganography and Steganalysis
* Modern vs Diplomatic Transcripts for Historical Handwritten Text Recognition
* Modernizing Aircraft Inspection: Conceptual Design of an Augmented Reality Inspection Support Tool
* Modernizing historical documents: A user Study
* Modernizing Old Photos Using Multiple References via Photorealistic Style Transfer
* ModeRNN: Harnessing Spatiotemporal Mode Collapse in Unsupervised Predictive Learning
* Modes of Homogeneous Gradient Flows
* Modi Face
* MoDi: Unconditional Motion Synthesis from Diverse Data
* Modification and hardware implementation of cortex-like object recognition model
* Modification and implementation of an edge-based fast intra prediction mode decision algorithm for H.264/AVC high resolution real-time systems
* Modification Based on Butterfly Subdivision Scheme, A
* Modification of Deriche's Approach to Edge Detection, A
* Modification of Diffusion Distance for Clustering and Image Segmentation, A
* Modification of Eigenvalues to Compensate Estimation Errors of Eigenvectors, A
* Modification of Hard-Limiting Multilayer Neural Networks for Confidence Evaluation
* Modification of High Resolution Airborne Laser Scanning DTMs for Drainage Network Delineation
* Modification of Hough Transform for Circles and Ellipses Detection Using a 2-Dimensional Array
* Modification of Hough Transform for Object Recognition Using a 2-Dimensional Array
* Modification of Intersession Variability in On-Line Signature Verifier
* Modification of Kernel-Based Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Face Detection, A
* Modification of Local Urban Aerosol Properties by Long-Range Transport of Biomass Burning Aerosol
* Modification of Pixel-swapping Algorithm with Initialization from a Sub-pixel/pixel Spatial Attraction Model
* Modification of Polar Echo Kernel for Performance Improvement of Audio Watermarking
* Modification of Spatial Distribution in Primitive and Point Configuration Texture Model
* Modification of supervised OPF-based intrusion detection systems using unsupervised learning and social network concept
* Modification of Temperature Lapse Rates and Cloud Properties during a Spatiotemporally Extended Dust Aerosol Episode (16-18 June 2016) over the Mediterranean Basin Based on Satellite and Reanalysis Data
* Modification of the AdaBoost-based Detector for Partially Occluded Faces
* Modification of the Growing Neural Gas Algorithm for Cluster Analysis
* modification of the LAESA algorithm for approximated k-NN classification, A
* Modification of the Lernmatrix for Real Valued Data Processing, A
* Modification of the Level Set Speed Function to Bridge Gaps in Data, A
* Modification of the merge candidate list for dependent views in 3D-HEVC
* Modification of the TPVD Algorithm for Data Embedding, A
* Modification of watershed transformation for images, containing small objects
* Modification table form generation system based on the form recognition
* Modification to Phase Estimation for Distributed Scatterers in InSAR Data Stacks, A
* modification to the Goldstein radar interferogram filter, A
* Modifications of the Multi-Layer Perceptron for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Modified-CS-residual for recursive reconstruction of highly undersampled functional MRI sequences
* Modified 2-D Notch Filter Based on Image Segmentation for RFI Mitigation in Synthetic Aperture Radar, A
* modified 3D EfficientNet for the classification of Alzheimer's disease using structural magnetic resonance images, A
* Modified 9DLT Matrix for Similarity Retrieval of Line-Drawing Images
* Modified Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding
* Modified AdaBoost Algorithm with New Discrimination Features for High-Resolution SAR Targets Recognition, A
* Modified Adaptive Extended Bilateral Motion Estimation with Scene Change Detection for Motion Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion
* Modified Adaptive Logical Level Binarization Technique for Historical Document Images, A
* Modified Aerosol Free Vegetation Index Algorithm for Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Using GOSAT TANSO-CAI Data, A
* Modified Akaike information criterion for estimating the number of components in a probability mixture model
* Modified Algorithm Based on Smoothed L0 Norm in Compressive Sensing Signal Reconstruction, A
* Modified Alpha-Root Technique for Image Processing, A
* Modified and Parallelized Viterbi Algorithm on Hypercube Machines, A
* modified ant colony optimization based approach for image edge detection, A
* Modified Arc tree based hierarchical representation of digital curve
* Modified Auto-Focusing Algorithm for High Squint Diving SAR Imaging Based on the Back-Projection Algorithm with Spectrum Alignment and Truncation
* Modified back-propagation algorithm applied to decision-feedback equalisation
* Modified Back-Propagation Algorithm to Deal with Severe Two-Class Imbalance Problems on Neural Networks, A
* modified Beckmann-Kirchhoff scattering theory for rough surface analysis, The
* Modified Beta Density Function as a Model for Synthetic Aperature Radar Clutter Statistics, The
* Modified Bilateral Filter for the Restoration of Noisy Color Images
* Modified Binary Inertial Particle Swarm Optimization for Gene Selection in DNA Microarray Data
* Modified Block Truncation Coding for Image Compression
* Modified Bowen ratio method in near-sea-surface air temperature estimation by using satellite data
* Modified Box-Counting Method: Analysis of Some Characteristic Parameters, The
* Modified BPT giving exact decoder convergence
* modified capsule network algorithm for oct corneal image segmentation, A
* Modified Car-Following Model Based on a Neural Network Model of the Human Driver Effects, A
* Modified Cartesian Factorized Backprojection Algorithm Integrating with Non-Start-Stop Model for High Resolution SAR Imaging, A
* Modified Change Vector Approach for Quantifying Land Cover Change, A
* Modified Chirp Scaling Algorithm for Circular Trace Scanning Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Modified clipping based image enhancement scheme using difference of histogram bins
* Modified compressive sensing for real-time dynamic MR imaging
* Modified confusion-diffusion based satellite image cipher using chaotic standard, logistic and sine maps
* Modified Contextual Classification Technique for Remote-Sensing Data
* modified contour following algorithm applied to document segmentation, A
* Modified Contourlet Transform and Its Application in Image Fusion
* modified contrast source inversion method for microwave tomographic imaging of Debye dispersive media, A
* modified contrastive loss method for face recognition, A
* modified convex variational model for multiplicative noise removal, A
* modified convolutional neural network for face sketch synthesis, A
* modified correlation coefficient based similarity measure for clustering time-course gene expression data, A
* Modified correlation theorem for the linear canonical transform with representation transformation in quantum mechanics
* modified Coye algorithm for retinal vessel segmentation, A
* Modified criterion to select useful unlabeled data for improving semi-supervised support vector machines
* Modified CSA Based on Joint Time-Doppler Resampling for MEO SAR Stripmap Mode, A
* Modified Curvature Motion for Image Smoothing and Enhancement
* Modified curvature scale space feature alignment approach for hand posture recognition
* Modified DBSCAN Algorithm for Microscopic Image Analysis of Wood
* Modified Decoding Metric Of Distributed Arithmetic Coding
* Modified deconvolution using wavelet image fusion
* Modified Deep Reinforcement Learning with Efficient Convolution Feature for Small Target Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Imagery
* modified DeepLabV3+ based semantic segmentation of chest computed tomography images for COVID-19 lung infections, A
* Modified Dempster-Shafer Approach to Classification, The
* Modified Deterministic Annealing Algorithm for Robust Image Segmentation, A
* modified dichromatic reflection model for an analysis of interreflection, A
* Modified differential evolution based fuzzy clustering for pixel classification in remote sensing imagery
* Modified directional weighted filter for removal of salt & pepper noise
* Modified Divergences for Gaussian Densities
* Modified Dual-Baseline PolInSAR Method for Forest Height Estimation, A
* Modified Dynamic Movement Primitives: Robot Trajectory Planning and Force Control Under Curved Surface Constraints
* Modified Dynamic Programming Approach for Dim Target Detection and Tracking, A
* Modified Dynamic Routing Convolutional Neural Network for Pan-Sharpening
* Modified Dynamic Time Warping for Stroke-Based On-line Signature Verification
* Modified Edge-oriented Spatial Interpolation for Consecutive Blocks Error Concealment
* Modified eigenvector-based feature extraction for hyperspectral image classification using limited samples
* Modified EKF for Vehicle State Estimation With Partial Missing Measurements, A
* Modified EM Algorithm for ISAR Scatterer Trajectory Matrix Completion, A
* Modified Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (MEZW) Algorithm for Image Compression, A
* Modified Equivalent Range Model and Wavenumber-Domain Imaging Approach for High-Resolution-High-Squint SAR With Curved Trajectory, A
* Modified Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting via Primal-Dual Optimization
* Modified Expectation Maximization Algorithm for MRI Segmentation
* modified eye-in-hand stereo visual control for grasping unknown objects via Scara robot, A
* Modified Fast Marching Method, A
* Modified Fast Parallel Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns, A
* Modified FCM with Optimal Peano Scans for Image Segmentation, A
* Modified Fixed-Point Chirp Scaling Algorithm Based on Updating Phase Factors Regionally for Spaceborne SAR Real-Time Imaging, A
* Modified Flower Pollination-based Segmentation of Medical Images
* Modified Fourier-Mellin Approach For Source Device Identification On Stabilized Videos, A
* modified fractal transformation to improve the quality of fractal coded images, A
* modified fuzzy ART for image segmentation, A
* modified fuzzy C-means algorithm for bias field estimation and segmentation of MRI data, A
* Modified Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for MR Brain Image Segmentation, A
* modified fuzzy c-means algorithm with adaptive spatial information for color image segmentation, A
* modified fuzzy C-means image segmentation algorithm for use with uneven illumination patterns, A
* modified fuzzy inference system for pattern classification, A
* Modified Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network With a Genetic-Algorithm-Based Rule Extractor for Pattern Classification, A
* modified Gabor filter design method for fingerprint image enhancement, A
* modified Gabor function for content based image retrieval, A
* modified Gaussian mixture background model via spatiotemporal distribution with shadow detection, A
* Modified Generative Adversarial Nets Integrated With Stochastic Approach for Realizing Super-Resolution Reservoir Simulation, A
* Modified Genetic Algorithm For Finding Fuzzy Shortest Paths In Uncertain Networks, A
* Modified Geometrical Optical Model of Row Crops Considering Multiple Scattering Frame, A
* Modified Global Flower Pollination Algorithm-based image fusion for medical diagnosis using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging
* Modified global k-means algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering problems
* Modified grabcut for unsupervised object segmentation
* Modified Gradient Search for Level Set Based Image Segmentation
* Modified grey world method to detect and restore colour cast images
* Modified H.264 intra prediction for compression of video and images captured with a color filter array
* modified hamming distance measure for quick detection of dissimilar binary images, A
* Modified Hausdorff distance for model-based 3-D object recognition from a single view
* Modified Hausdorff Distance for Object Matching, A
* modified Hausdorff distance using edge gradient for robust object matching, A
* Modified Hidden Factor Analysis for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* Modified high-order neural network for invariant pattern recognition
* Modified High-Precision Imaging Algorithm Based on Imaging Plane Optimization with Minimum Entropy Applied to UAV SAR, A
* Modified Histogram Based Fuzzy Filter
* Modified Homomorphic Approach on Invariant Features of Object Images, A
* Modified Hopfield Neural Network with Fuzzy C-Means Technique for Multispectral MR Image Segmentation, A
* Modified Hough Scheme for General Circle Location, A
* modified Hough transform for line detection and its performance, A
* Modified Hough Transform for Lines, A
* Modified Hough Transforms For Feature Recognition On Deformable Patterned Materials
* Modified Hybrid Bronchoscope Tracking Based on Sequential Monte Carlo Sampler: Dynamic Phantom Validation
* modified ICP algorithm based on dynamic adjustment factor for registration of point cloud and CAD model, A
* Modified intelligent scissors and adaptive frame skipping for video object segmentation
* Modified Interactive Spectral Smooth Temperature Emissivity Separation Algorithm for Low-Temperature Surface, A
* Modified Interpolation Method of Multi-Reference Station Tropospheric Delay Considering the Influence of Height Difference
* modified interval type-2 fuzzy C-means algorithm with application in MR image segmentation, A
* modified interval type-2 Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy neural network and its convergence analysis, A
* modified intuitionistic fuzzy c-means algorithm incorporating hesitation degree, A
* Modified Isomap Approach to Manifold Learning in Word Spotting, A
* Modified Iteration-Free SPGA Based on Removing the Linear Phase, A
* Modified Iterative-Learning-Control-Based Ramp Metering Strategies for Freeway Traffic Control With Iteration-Dependent Factors
* Modified Iterative Fuzzy Control Based Filter for Image Enhancement with Multiplicative Noise Removal Property, A
* Modified JPEG Huffman coding
* Modified Just Noticeable Depth Difference Model Built in Perceived Depth Space, A
* Modified K-Means Algorithm for Circular Invariant Clustering, A
* Modified K-Means Algorithm for Vector Quantizer Design
* Modified kernel MLAA using autoencoder for PET-enabled dual-energy CT
* Modified Kernels-Alternated Error Diffusion Watermarking Algorithm for Halftone Images, A
* Modified Kirchhoff Migration for UWB MIMO Array-Based Radar Imaging
* modified KLT multiple objects tracking framework based on global segmentation and adaptive template, A
* Modified KNN Method for Mapping the Leaf Area Index in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of China, A
* Modified L-Iterative Algorithm for Fast Computation of Pseudo-Zernike Moments, A
* Modified Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Metric Learning for Regression
* Modified Level Set Approach for Segmentation of Multiband Polarimetric SAR Images, A
* Modified Level Transformation for Bit Inversion in Watermarking
* Modified linear discriminant analysis
* Modified Linear Scaling and Quantile Mapping Mean Bias Correction of MODIS Land Surface Temperature for Surface Air Temperature Estimation for the Lowland Areas of Peninsular Malaysia
* Modified luminance based MSR for fast and efficient image enhancement
* Modified M-Band Synthesis Filter Bank for Fractional Scalability of Images
* Modified Matched Filter for Cloud Clutter Suppression
* Modified mean shift algorithm
* Modified Method For Image Triangulation Using Inclined Angles, A
* Modified Method for Polarimetric SAR Calibration Algorithm, A
* modified method of nonlinear attitude estimation based on EKF, A
* Modified Method of State-Estimator Designing for Non-Uniformly Sampled System, A
* Modified Methodology for Generating Indoor Navigation Models, A
* Modified Metric to Compute Distance, A
* Modified Model for Electromagnetic Scattering of Sea Surface Covered with Crest Foam and Static Foam, A
* modified model for the Lobula Giant Movement Detector and its FPGA implementation, A
* Modified Model of the Just Noticeable Depth Difference and Its Application to Depth Sensation Enhancement, A
* modified modular eigenspace approach to face recognition, A
* modified moment-based edge operator for rectangular pixel image, A
* Modified Morphological Corner Detector, A
* Modified MPEG-2 Video Coders with Efficient Multi-layer Scalability
* Modified Multi-Direction Iterative Algorithm for Separable Nonlinear Models With Missing Data
* modified multi-grid algorithm for a novel variational model to remove multiplicative noise, A
* Modified Multi-Mode Target Tracker for High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar
* Modified Multi-Source Parallel Model for Estimating Urban Surface Evapotranspiration Based on ASTER Thermal Infrared Data, A
* modified Multi Scale Retinex algorithm with an improved global impression of brightness for wide dynamic range pictures, A
* Modified Multiscale Error Diffusion Technique for Digital Halftoning, A
* Modified Nearest Neighbor Method for Image Reconstruction in Fluorescence Microscopy, A
* Modified neighbor embedding-based face hallucination using coupled mappings of partial least squares
* Modified Neutral Models as Benchmarks to Evaluate the Dynamics of Land System (DLS) Model Performance
* Modified Newton Projection Method for TeX -Regularized Least Squares Image Deblurring, A
* Modified NLCS Algorithm for High-Speed Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR Focusing with Spaceborne Illuminator, A
* modified NLDA algorithm, A
* Modified non-local means for super-resolution of hybrid videos
* Modified Non-negative Matrix Factorization Algorithm for Face Recognition, A
* Modified Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Algorithm for Spaceborne/Stationary Bistatic SAR Based on Series Reversion, A
* Modified Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Using the Hadamard Product to Estimate Real-Time Continuous Finger-Motion Intentions
* Modified Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index (MNDISI) for Automatic Urban Mapping from Landsat Imagery, A
* Modified Normalized Urban Area Composite Index: A Satelliate-Derived High-Resolution Index for Extracting Urban Areas, The
* Modified omega-k Algorithm for HS-SAR Small-Aperture Data Imaging, A
* Modified One-Bit Transform for Motion Estimation
* Modified Orthogonal Neighborhood Preserving Projection for Face Recognition
* Modified Parallel Thinning Algorithm, A
* modified parameter model-based spectrum estimation method for incoherent scatter radar, A
* Modified particle filtering using foreground separation and confidence for object tracking
* Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Applied in Image Registration, A
* Modified patch-based locally optimal Wiener method for interferometric SAR phase filtering
* Modified pbM-Estimator Method and a Runtime Analysis Technique for the RANSAC Family, The
* Modified Phase-Correlation Based Robust Hard-Cut Detection With Application to Archive Film
* Modified Phase-Extracted Basis Functions for Efficient Analysis of Scattering From Electrically Large Targets
* Modified Planar Subarray Processing Algorithm Based on ISFT for Real-Time Imaging of Ice-Sounding Data
* modified POCS-based reconstruction method for compressively sampled MR imaging, A
* Modified Polarimetric Decompostion for Applicabilty in Complex Agricultural Environment, A
* Modified PPPE architecture for two-dimensional Radon Transform computation
* Modified product fusion
* Modified Projective Transformation Scheme for Mosaicking Multi-Camera Imaging System Equipped on a Large Payload Fixed-Wing UAS, A
* Modified PSO Structure Resulting in High Exploration Ability With Convergence Guaranteed, A
* Modified Quadratic Discriminant Functions and the Application to Chinese Character Recognition
* Modified Quality Threshold Clustering for Temporal Analysis and Classification of Lung Lesions
* Modified Rate-Distortion Function with Optimal Classification for Wavelet Coding
* Modified Region Growing for Stereo of Slant and Textureless Surfaces
* Modified Regularized Image Restoration for Postprocessing Inter-Frame Coded Images
* modified regulated morphological corner detector, A
* Modified Residual Method for the Estimation of Noise in Hyperspectral Images
* modified retinex for image contrast enhancement and dynamics control, A
* Modified Rider Optimization-Based V Channel Magnification for Enhanced Video Super Resolution
* Modified RNN-Based Deep Learning Method for Prediction of Atmospheric Visibility, A
* Modified Robust Embedding Scheme for Faithful Watermark Extraction, A
* Modified Rodrigues Parameters: An Efficient Representation of Orientation in 3D Vision and Graphics
* Modified S-Neuron and Its Application to Scale-Invariant Classification, A
* Modified sample adaptive offset filtering as an inter-layer processing for scalable HEVC
* Modified Search Strategies Assisted Crossover Whale Optimization Algorithm with Selection Operator for Parameter Extraction of Solar Photovoltaic Models
* Modified SEBAL for Mapping Daily Spatial Evapotranspiration of South Korea Using Three Flux Towers and Terra MODIS Data, The
* Modified Segmental Histogram Equalization for robust speaker verification
* modified self-organizing neural net for shape extraction, A
* Modified Sequential Monte Carlo Bayesian Occupancy Filter Using Linear Opinion Pool for Grid Mapping, A
* modified shape descriptor in wavelets compressed domain, A
* Modified Shape Model Incorporating Continuous Accumulated Growing Degree Days for Phenology Detection of Early Rice, A
* modified short-kernel filter pair for perfect reconstruction of HDTV signals, A
* Modified Short and Fukunaga Metric based on the attribute independence assumption, A
* Modified SIFT Descriptor for Image Matching under Spectral Variations, A
* Modified simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique for fast, high-quality CT reconstruction
* modified Single-Shot multibox Detector for beyond Real-Time Object Detection, A
* Modified Singular Point Detection Algorithm, A
* Modified snake: real-time face object extraction for video phone
* Modified Sobel Edge Detection Using Dempster-Shafer Theory, A
* Modified soft-decision adaptive interpolation by an evolutionary game
* Modified spatial neutrosophic clustering technique for boundary extraction of tumours in B-mode BUS images
* Modified Spatio-Temporal Matched Filtering for Brain Responses Classification
* Modified Spatiotemporal Fusion Algorithm Using Phenological Information for Predicting Reflectance of Paddy Rice in Southern China, A
* modified spectral conjugate gradient projection method for signal recovery, A
* Modified SPIHT Algorithm for Image Coding With a Joint MSE and Classification Distortion Measure, A
* Modified SPIHT algorithm for wavelet packet image coding
* Modified stable Euler-number algorithm implementation for real-time image binarization
* modified statistical approach for image fusion using wavelet transform, A
* Modified Steepest-Descent for Bit Allocation in Strongly Dependent Video Coding
* Modified Stereo Matching Suitable for Implementation on a Convolution Specialized Hardware, A
* Modified Stochastic Neighbor Embedding For Combining Multiple Features For Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* modified stochastic neighbor embedding for multi-feature dimension reduction of remote sensing images, A
* Modified Superpixel Segmentation for Digital Surface Model Refinement and Building Extraction from Satellite Stereo Imagery
* modified support vector machine and its application to image segmentation, A
* Modified support vector novelty detector using training data with outliers
* Modified Syn2real Network for Nighttime Rainy Image Restoration, A
* modified technique for face recognition under degraded conditions, A
* Modified Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (mTVDI) for Agricultural Drought Assessment Based on MODIS Data: A Case Study in Northeast China, A
* Modified Three-dimensional Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix for Image Classification With Digital Surface Model, A
* Modified Three-Stage Inversion Algorithm Based on R-RVoG Model for Pol-InSAR Data, A
* Modified Three-Step Algorithm for TOPS and Sliding Spotlight SAR Data Processing, A
* modified threshold score-based multilevel thresholding segmentation technique for brain magnetic resonance images using opposition-based learning hybrid rice optimization algorithm, A
* Modified TMN8 Rate Control for Low-Delay Video Communications
* Modified total variation regularization using fuzzy complement for image denoising
* Modified transform-based gamma correction for MRI tumor image denoising and segmentation by optimized histon-based elephant herding algorithm
* Modified tropical algebra based median filter for removing salt and pepper noise in digital image
* Modified Two-Class LDA Based Compound Distance for Similar Handwritten Chinese Characters Discrimination
* Modified two-dimensional Otsu image segmentation algorithm and fast realisation
* Modified Two-Steps Three-Stage Inversion Algorithm for Forest Height Inversion Using Single-Baseline L-Band PolInSAR Data, A
* Modified twofish algorithm for increasing security and efficiency in the encryption of video signals
* Modified U-Net (mU-Net) With Incorporation of Object-Dependent High Level Features for Improved Liver and Liver-Tumor Segmentation in CT Images
* Modified U-Net for cytological medical image segmentation
* Modified U-Net Model for Predicting the Sea Surface Salinity over the Western Pacific Ocean, A
* Modified ultrasound despeckling assessment index for the Field II simulated cyst image
* Modified Uniform Cramer-Rao Bound for Multiple Pinhole Aperture Design, A
* modified valley-emphasis method for automatic thresholding, A
* modified variational method for large displacement optical flow, A
* Modified Version of the Direct Sampling Method for Filling Gaps in Landsat 7 and Sentinel 2 Satellite Imagery in the Coastal Area of Rhone River, A
* Modified Version of the K-Means Algorithm with a Distance Based on Cluster Symmetry, A
* Modified versions of Tian's Difference Expansion reversible watermarking
* Modified Viola-Jones algorithm with GPU accelerated training and parallelized skin color filtering-based face detection
* Modified virtually scaling-free adaptive CORDIC rotator algorithm and architecture
* Modified Water-Cloud Model With Leaf Angle Parameters for Microwave Backscattering From Agricultural Fields, A
* Modified winner-update search algorithm for fast block matching
* Modified Zernike Moment Shape Descriptor Invariant to Translation, Rotation and Scale for Similarity-based Image Retrieval, A
* modified ZS thinning algorithm by a hybrid approach, A
* Modify the Accuracy of MODIS PWV in China: A Performance Comparison Using Random Forest, Generalized Regression Neural Network and Back-Propagation Neural Network
* Modifying an Image Fusion Approach for High Spatiotemporal LST Retrieval in Surface Dryness and Evapotranspiration Estimations
* Modifying Geometric-Optical Bidirectional Reflectance Model for Direct Inversion of Forest Canopy Leaf Area Index
* Modifying JPEG Binary Arithmetic Codec for Exploiting Inter/Intra-Block and DCT Coefficient Sign Redundancies
* Modifying Non-local Variations Across Multiple Views
* Modifying SEBAL Model Based on the Trapezoidal Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Vegetation Index for Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation
* Modifying the Memorability of Face Photographs
* MODIS-Based AVHRR Cloud and Snow Separation Algorithm
* Modis-based Change Detection for Grizzly Bear Habitat Mapping in Alberta
* MODIS-Based Energy Balance to Estimate Evapotranspiration for Clear-Sky Days in Brazilian Tropical-Savannas, A
* MODIS-Based Estimation of Terrestrial Latent Heat Flux over North America Using Three Machine Learning Algorithms
* MODIS-Based Fractional Crop Mapping in the U.S. Midwest with Spatially Constrained Phenological Mixture Analysis
* MODIS-Based Mapping of Secchi Disk Depth Using a Qualitative Algorithm in the Shallow Arabian Gulf
* MODIS-Based Novel Method to Distinguish Surface Cyanobacterial Scums and Aquatic Macrophytes in Lake Taihu, A
* MODIS-Based Remote Estimation of Absorption Coefficients of an Inland Turbid Lake in China
* MODIS-Based Robust Satellite Technique (RST) for Timely Detection of Oil Spilled Areas, A
* MODIS-Satellite-Based Analysis of Long-Term Temporal-Spatial Dynamics and Drivers of Algal Blooms in a Plateau Lake Dianchi, China
* MODIS and PROBA-V NDVI Products Differ when Compared with Observations from Phenological Towers at Four Tropical Dry Forests in the Americas
* MODIS and VIIRS Calibration and Characterization in Support of Producing Long-Term High-Quality Data Products
* MODIS and VIIRS Calibration History and Future Outlook
* MODIS Aqua Optical Throughput Degradation Impact on Relative Spectral Response and Calibration of Ocean Color Products
* MODIS Aqua Reflective Solar Band Calibration for NASA's R2018 Ocean Color Products
* MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection 6 Updates and Examples From Terra and Aqua, The
* MODIS Evapotranspiration Downscaling Using a Deep Neural Network Trained Using Landsat 8 Reflectance and Temperature Data
* MODIS EVI and LST Temporal Response for Discrimination of Tropical Land Covers
* MODIS Fractional Snow Cover Mapping Using Machine Learning Technology in a Mountainous Area
* MODIS Global Vegetation Fractional Cover Product 2001-2018: Characteristics of Vegetation Fractional Cover in Grasslands and Savanna Woodlands, The
* MODIS Inundation Estimate Assimilation into Soil Moisture Accounting Hydrologic Model: A Case Study in Southeast Asia
* MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product Reconstruction Based on the SSA-BiLSTM Model
* MODIS Onboard Blackbody Function and Performance
* MODIS Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) as an Estimator of Isoprene Emissions in a Temperate Deciduous Forest, A
* MODIS Reflective Solar Bands On-Orbit Calibration and Performance
* MODIS Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth over Turbid Coastal Water
* MODIS Sea Ice Thickness and Open Water-Sea Ice Charts over the Barents and Kara Seas for Development and Validation of Sea Ice Products from Microwave Sensor Data
* Modis Time Series For Land Use Change Detection In Fields Of The Amazon Soy Moratorium
* MODIS Time Series Reveal New Maximum Records of Defoliated Area by Ormiscodes amphimone in Deciduous Nothofagus Forests, Southern Chile
* MODIS Time Series to Detect Anthropogenic Interventions and Degradation Processes in Tropical Pasture
* Modista
* MoDL-MUSSELS: Model-Based Deep Learning for Multishot Sensitivity-Encoded Diffusion MRI
* MoDL: Model-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Inverse Problems
* Modout: Learning Multi-Modal Architectures by Stochastic Regularization
* MODS: A USV-Oriented Object Detection and Obstacle Segmentation Benchmark
* MODS: Fast and robust method for two-view matching
* Modselect: Automatic Modality Selection for Synthetic-to-real Domain Generalization
* MoDuL: Deep Modal and Dual Landmark-wise Gated Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Modular-based classification system for weed classification using mixture of features
* Modular 3d Interface Design for Accessible VR Applications
* Modular Action Concept Grounding in Semantic Video Prediction
* Modular and Lightweight Networks for Bi-Scale Style Transfer
* modular and scalable architecture for PC-based real-time vision systems, A
* Modular and Transferable Reinforcement Learning Framework for the Fleet Rebalancing Problem, A
* Modular and Unified Framework for Detecting and Localizing Video Anomalies, A
* Modular Approach for Automating Video Analysis, A
* Modular Approach to 3d Representation of Underground Infrastructure In The Model for Underground Data Definition and Integration (MUDDI)
* modular approach to facial feature segmentation on real sequences, A
* Modular Approach to Recognition of Strokes in Telugu Script
* Modular Approach to the Analysis and Evaluation of Particle Filters for Figure Tracking, A
* modular approach to virtual view creation for a scalable immersive teleconferencing configuration, A
* modular architecture for high resolution image dehazing, A
* Modular Autonomous Electric Vehicle Scheduling for Customized On-Demand Bus Services
* Modular BDPCA based visual feature representation for lip-reading
* Modular CACC System Integration and Design, A
* Modular Classification Scheme with Elastic Net Models for Handwritten Digit Recognition, A
* Modular Clutter Rejection Technique for Flir Imagery Using Region-based Principal Component Analysis, A
* Modular Colored Stochastic Petri Net for Modeling and Analysis of Signalized Intersections, A
* Modular Computer Vision System for Picture Segmentation and Interpretation, A
* Modular Computer Vision System for Picture Segmentation, A
* Modular Decomposition and Analysis of Registration Based Trackers
* Modular Degradation Simulation and Restoration for Under-display Camera
* Modular Design of Media Retrieval Workflows Using ARIA
* Modular Design of Urban Traffic-Light Control Systems Based on Synchronized Timed Petri Nets
* Modular Ensemble Tracking
* Modular Expert Network Approach to Histogram Thresholding
* Modular Feedback System for Image Segmentation, A
* Modular Framework for 2D/3D and Multi-modal Segmentation with Joint Super-Resolution, A
* Modular Generative Adversarial Networks
* Modular Geometric Model for Underwater Photogrammetry, A
* Modular Graph Attention Network for Complex Visual Relational Reasoning
* Modular Head/Eye Platform for Real-Time Reactive Vision, A
* Modular hierarchical feature learning with deep neural networks for face verification
* Modular High Throughput Architecture for Logarithmic Search Block Matching Motion Estimation, A
* modular hybrid SLAM for the 3D mapping of large scale environments, A
* Modular Interactive Video Object Segmentation: Interaction-to-Mask, Propagation and Difference-Aware Fusion
* Modular Learning Approach for Fish Counting and Measurement Using Stereo Baited Remote Underwater Video, A
* Modular Lightweight Network for Road Object Detection Using a Feature Fusion Approach
* Modular Logic Approach for P2P Networks: A Deductive Object Oriented Framework for P2P Networks, A
* Modular Massively-Parallel Computing Approach to Image-Related Processing, A
* Modular Memorability: Tiered Representations for Video Memorability Prediction
* Modular Method for GPR Hyperbolic Feature Detection and Quantitative Parameter Inversion of Underground Pipelines, A
* Modular Mobile Mapping Platform for Complex Indoor and Outdoor Environments, A
* Modular modeling of temple columns of the Angkor period
* modular multi-camera framework for team sports tracking, A
* Modular Multimodal Architecture for Gaze Target Prediction: Application to Privacy-Sensitive Settings, A
* Modular Neural Network Vector Predictor for Predictive Image Coding, A
* modular neural network vector predictor for predictive VQ, A
* Modular neural networks for seismic tomography
* Modular NMF Matching Algorithm for Radiation Spectra, A
* Modular Object Oriented Image Understanding Environment, A
* Modular Perceptron: A Linear Classes Separability in the Non-Archimedean Features Spaces, The
* Modular Processing Chain for Automated Flood Monitoring from Multi-Spectral Satellite Data, A
* Modular Registration Algorithm for Medical Images, A
* Modular Scheme for 2D/3D Conversion of TV Broadcast, A
* Modular scheme for four-wheel-drive electric vehicle tire-road force and velocity estimation
* Modular Software Architecture for Real-Time Video Processing, A
* modular software system for computer-aided surgery and its first application in oral implantology, A
* modular system architecture for online parallel vision pipelines, A
* modular system for global and local abnormal event detection and categorization in videos, A
* Modular System for Image Analysis Using a Game-Theoretic Framework
* Modular System for Road Updating, Refinement and Classification from Satellite Images, A
* Modular System for Robust Positioning Using Feedback from Stereo Vision, A
* modular system to recognize numerical amounts on Brazilian bank cheques, A
* Modular Vision Guided System for Tracking 3D Objects in Real-Time, A
* Modular VLSI architectures for real-time full-search-based vector quantization
* Modular Weighted Global Sparse Representation for Robust Face Recognition
* Modular Workflow Architecture for Coronary Centerline Extraction in Computed Tomography Angiography Data, A
* Modularity-Based Image Segmentation
* Modularized Textual Grounding for Counterfactual Resilience
* Modulated Contrast for Versatile Image Synthesis
* Modulated Convolutional Networks
* Modulated Graph Convolutional Network for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Modulated lapped transform method
* Modulated Periodic Activations for Generalizable Local Functional Representations
* Modulated phase-shifting for 3D scanning
* Modulating Bottom-Up and Top-Down Visual Processing via Language-Conditional Filters
* Modulating Image Restoration With Continual Levels via Adaptive Feature Modification Layers
* Modulating scalable Gaussian processes for expressive statistical learning
* Modulating Shape Features by Color Attention for Object Recognition
* Modulating the Size of Backprojection Surface Patches, in Volumetric Stereo, for Increasing Reconstruction Accuracy and Robustness
* Modulation-domain particle filter for template tracking
* Modulation-feature based textured image segmentation using curve evolution
* Modulation Classification via Gibbs Sampling Based on a Latent Dirichlet Bayesian Network
* Modulation Discovery Over Arbitrary Additive Noise Channels Based on the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm
* Modulation Domain Features for Discriminating Infrared Targets and Backgrounds
* Modulation domain reference point detection for fingerprint recognition
* Modulation Domain Template Tracking
* Modulation domain texture decomposition
* Modulation Effect of Mesoscale Eddies on Sequential Typhoon-Induced Oceanic Responses in the South China Sea
* Modulation Mode Recognition Method of Non-Cooperative Underwater Acoustic Communication Signal Based on Spectral Peak Feature Extraction and Random Forest
* Modulation Model of High Frequency Band Radar Backscatter by the Internal Wave Based on the Third-Order Statistics
* Modulation Module for Multi-task Learning with Applications in Image Retrieval, A
* Modulation of Driver's Emotional States by Manipulating In-Vehicle Environment: Validation With Biosignals Recorded in An Actual Car Environment
* Modulation of Dual-Polarized X-Band Radar Backscatter Due to Long Wind Waves
* Modulation of Ka-Band Doppler Radar Signals Backscattered From the Sea Surface
* Modulation of sensorimotor rhythms for brain-computer interface using motor imagery with online feedback
* Modulation of the Marine Environment in the Natal Bight
* Modulation of Tidal Channel Signatures on SAR Images Over Gyeonggi Bay in Relation to Environmental Factors
* Modulation of Wind-Wave Breaking by Long Surface Waves
* Modulation Pattern Detection Using Complex Convolutions in Deep Learning
* Modulation transfer function of a triangular pixel array detector
* Modulation transfer function of patch-based stereo systems
* Modulation Type Recognition Method Using Wavelet Support Vector Machines, A
* Modulations of the South China Sea Ocean Circulation by the Summer Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation Inferred from Satellite Observations
* Modulenet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Stereo Vision
* Modulo-PCM based encoding for high speed video cameras
* Modulo Arithmetic-Based Image Watermarking and its Theoretical Analysis of Image-Quality
* Modulo Lattice Additive Noise Channel for QIM-watermarking
* Modulo Radon Transform: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, The
* Modulus Constraint: A New Constraint for Self-Calibration, The
* Modulus Methods for Nonnegatively Constrained Image Restoration
* Modulus Quantization for Matching-Pursuit Video Coding
* MoDyPe: Modélisation de la dynamique pelvienne
* MoE-SPNet: A mixture-of-experts scene parsing network
* MOE framework for Biclustering of Microarray Data, A
* MoEP-AE: Autoencoding Mixtures of Exponential Power Distributions for Open-Set Recognition
* MoESR: Blind Super-Resolution using Kernel-Aware Mixture of Experts
* MOFA: A Model Simplification Roadmap for Image Restoration on Mobile Devices
* MoFA: Model-Based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder for Unsupervised Monocular Reconstruction
* MoFaNeRF: Morphable Facial Neural Radiance Field
* MoFAP: A Multi-level Representation for Action Recognition
* MOFISSLAM: A Multi-Object Semantic SLAM System With Front-View, Inertial, and Surround-View Sensors for Indoor Parking
* MoFusion: A Framework for Denoising-Diffusion-Based Motion Synthesis
* MOGAN: Morphologic-Structure-Aware Generative Learning From a Single Image
* MogFace: Towards a Deeper Appreciation on Face Detection
* moGrams: A Network-Based Methodology for Visualizing the Set of Nondominated Solutions in Multiobjective Optimization
* MOHA: A Multi-Mode Hybrid Automaton Model for Learning Car-Following Behaviors
* MOHE-Net: Monocular Object Height Estimation Network Using Deep Learning and Scene Geometry
* Moho Density Contrast in Central Eurasia from GOCE Gravity Gradients
* Moire based stereo matching technique
* Moire Interfermoter with overlapping illumination and imaging systems
* Moire interferometry system and method with extended imaging depth
* Moire Pattern Removal from Texture Images via Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition
* Moire Photo Restoration Using Multiresolution Convolutional Neural Networks
* Moiré Pattern Removal via Attentive Fractal Network
* Moiré Reduction Using Inflection Point and Color Variation in Digital Camera of No Optical Low Pass Filter
* Moist Convection in the Giant Planet Atmospheres
* Moisture Content Measurement of Broadleaf Litters Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Technique
* MOJ-DB: A new database of Arabic historical handwriting and a novel approach for subwords extraction
* Mojette reconstruction from noisy projections
* Mojette Transform on Densest Lattices in 2D and 3D
* MOL: Towards accurate weakly supervised remote sensing object detection via Multi-view nOoisy Learning
* Mol2Image: Improved Conditional Flow Models for Molecule to Image Synthesis
* Molding Face Shapes by Example
* Molecular and Cellular Imaging with Targeted Contrast Ultrasound
* Molecular cancer classification on microarrays gene expression data using wavelet-based deep convolutional neural network
* Molecular dynamics-like data clustering approach
* Molecular Imaging of Cancer: Applications of Magnetic Resonance Methods
* Molecular imaging of small animals with a triple-head SPECT system using pinhole collimation
* Molecular Mechanism of Glutamate-Triggered Brain Glucose Metabolism: A Parametric Model from FDG PET-Scans
* Molecular MR Imaging Probes
* Molecular substructure graph attention network for molecular property identification in drug discovery
* MolGrapher: Graph-based Visual Recognition of Chemical Structures
* MoLo: Motion-Augmented Long-Short Contrastive Learning for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* MoM Analysis of Dipole Antennas in Crosshole Borehole Radar and Field Experiments
* moM: Mean of Moments Feature for Person Re-identification
* Momenet: Flavor the Moments in Learning to Classify Shapes
* Moment-based Adversarial Training for Embodied Language Comprehension
* Moment-based alignment for shape prior with variational B-spline level set
* Moment-Based Angular Difference Estimation Between Two Tomographic Projections in 2D and 3D
* Moment-Based Approach for Deskewing Rotationally Symmetric Shapes, A
* moment-based approach to registration of images with affine geometric distortion, A
* Moment-Based Character-Normalization Methods Using a Contour Image Combined with an Original Image
* Moment-Based Estimation Strategy for Underdetermined Single-Sensor Blind Source Separation, A
* Moment-based geometric image reconstruction
* Moment-Based Image Normalization for Handwritten Text Recognition
* Moment-Based Image Normalization with High Noise-Tolerance
* Moment-based invariant fitting of elliptical segments
* Moment-based methods for polygonal approximation of digitized curves
* Moment-based multi-lane detection and tracking
* Moment-based operator for sub-voxel surface extraction in medical imaging
* Moment-Based Pattern Representation Using Shape and Grayscale Features
* Moment-Based Shape Priors for Geometric Active Contours
* Moment-Based Shape Similarity Measurement for Areal Entities in Geographical Vector Data, A
* Moment-based symmetry detection for scene modeling and recognition using RGB-D images
* Moment-Based Texture Segmentation
* Moment-Based Unified Approach to Image Feature Detection, A
* moment-based variational approach to tomographic reconstruction, A
* Moment-Preserving Approach for Depth from Defocus, A
* Moment-preserving clustering
* Moment-Preserving Corner Detection
* Moment-Preserving Curve Detection
* Moment-Preserving Line Detection
* Moment-Preserving Pattern Matching
* Moment-Preserving Piecewise-Linear Approximations of Signals and Images
* Moment-Preserving Sharpening: A New Approach to Digital Picture Deblurring
* Moment-Preserving Thresholding: A New Approach
* Moment-preserving thresolding: A new approach
* Moment Analysis of Highway-Traffic Clearance Distribution
* Moment and Curvature Preserving Technique for Accurate Ellipse Boundary Detection
* Moment and Hypergeometric Filters for High Precision Computation of Focus, Stereo and Optical Flow
* Moment based level set method for image segmentation
* Moment Based Two-Dimensional Edge Operator, A
* Moment Calculation of Polyhedra, The
* Moment Camera, The
* Moment computation for objects with spline curve boundary
* Moment Computation, Computation of Moments
* Moment Detection in Long Tutorial Videos
* Moment difference method for the parameter estimation of a quadratic curve
* Moment Estimation and Dithered Quantization
* Moment forms invariant to rotation and blur in arbitrary number of dimensions
* Moment Functions in Image Analysis: Threoy and Applications
* Moment generator
* Moment Images, Polynomial Fit Filters, and the Problem of Surface Interpolation
* Moment Invariants and Quantization Effects
* Moment Invariants for Pattern Recognition
* Moment invariants for recognition under changing viewpoint and illumination
* Moment Invariants for Recognizing Symmetric Objects
* Moment Invariants in Theory and Practice
* Moment Invariants of the Weighted Image
* Moment invariants to affine transformation of colours
* Moment invariants under similarity transformation
* Moment Invariants
* Moment Matching for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
* Moment Matrices for Recognition of Spatial Pattern in Noisy Images
* Moment Normalization of Handprinted Characters
* Moment Preserving Detection of Elliptical Shapes in Gray-Scale Images
* Moment relations and blur invariant conditions for finite-extent signals in one, two and N-dimensions
* Moment Retrieval via Cross-Modal Interaction Networks With Query Reconstruction
* Moment Symmetry: A novel method for interest point detection to match blurred and non-blurred images
* Moment Techniques in Picture Analysis
* Momental directional patterns for dynamic texture recognition
* Moments-Based Fast Wedgelet Transform
* Moments Added Statistical Shape Model for Boundary Extraction
* Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition
* Moments and moment invariants in the Radon space
* Moments and root-mean-square error of the Bayesian MMSE estimator of classification error in the Gaussian model
* Moments in Time Dataset: One Million Videos for Event Understanding
* Moments of Elliptic Fourier Descriptors
* Moments of Multidimensional Polynomial FT
* Moments of superellipsoids and their application to range image registration
* MomentsNet: A simple learning-free method for binary image recognition
* Momentum-Net: Fast and Convergent Iterative Neural Network for Inverse Problems
* Momentum Based Optimization Methods for Level Set Segmentation
* Momentum Batch Normalization for Deep Learning with Small Batch Size
* Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning
* Momentum contrast transformer for COVID-19 diagnosis with knowledge distillation
* Momentum contrastive learning for few-shot COVID-19 diagnosis from chest CT images
* Momentum Contrastive Pruning
* Momentum feature comparison network based on generative adversarial network for single image super-resolution
* MOMI-Cosegmentation: Simultaneous Segmentation of Multiple Objects among Multiple Images
* MOMS: maximal-order interpolation of minimal support
* Mona Lisa alive
* Monash University
* Monaural Source Separation Using Ramanujan Subspace Dictionaries
* Mondrian Detection Algorithm for Sonar Imagery, The
* Mondrian stereo
* MONET dataset: Multimodal drone thermal dataset recorded in rural scenarios, The
* Monet: A System for Reliving Your Memories by Theme-Based Photo Storytelling
* MoNet: Deep Motion Exploitation for Video Object Segmentation
* MoNet: Moments Embedding Network
* MoNet: Motion-Based Point Cloud Prediction Network
* MONet: Multi-Scale Overlap Network for Duplication Detection in Biomedical Images
* MONET: Multiview Semi-Supervised Keypoint Detection via Epipolar Divergence
* Money and Check Processing -- Amounts, etc.
* MongeNet: Efficient Sampler for Geometric Deep Learning
* Mongo2SPARQL: Automatic and semantic query conversion of MongoDB query language to SPARQL
* MongoDB-Based Management of Planar Spatial Data with a Flattened R-Tree, A
* Monioring Mt. Etna
* Monitored Distillation for Positive Congruent Depth Completion
* Monitoring-Based Traffic Participant Detection in Urban Mixed Traffic: A Novel Dataset and A Tailored Detector
* Monitoring 10-m LST from the Combination MODIS/Sentinel-2, Validation in a High Contrast Semi-Arid Agroecosystem
* Monitoring 2.0: Update on the Halyomorpha halys Invasion of Trentino
* Monitoring 2011-2020 Traffic Patterns in Wuhan (China) with COSMO-SkyMed SAR, Amidst the 7th CISM Military World Games and COVID-19 Outbreak
* Monitoring 2019 Drought and Assessing Its Effects on Vegetation Using Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Vegetation Indexes in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River, China
* Monitoring 2019 Forest Fires in Southeastern Australia with GNSS Technique
* Monitoring 3D Building Change and Urban Redevelopment Patterns in Inner City Areas of Chinese Megacities Using Multi-View Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring 40-Year Lake Area Changes of the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau, Using Landsat Time Series
* Monitoring a fuzzy object: The case of Lake Naivasha
* Monitoring a large surveillance space through distributed face matching
* Monitoring Abnormal Patterns with Complex Semantics over ICU Data Streams
* Monitoring Active Volcanos Using Aerial Images and the Orthoview Tool
* Monitoring Activities from Multiple Video Streams: Establishing a Common Coordinate Frame
* Monitoring Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) of Elderly Based on 3D Key Human Postures
* Monitoring Activities of Daily Living in Smart Homes: Understanding human behavior
* Monitoring Acute Stroke Progression: Multi-Parametric OCT Imaging of Cortical Perfusion, Flow, and Tissue Scattering in a Mouse Model of Permanent Focal Ischemia
* Monitoring African surface water dynamic using medium resolution daily data allows anomalies detection in nearly real time
* Monitoring Agricultural Expansion in Burkina Faso over 14 Years with 30 m Resolution Time Series: The Role of Population Growth and Implications for the Environment
* Monitoring Agricultural Fields Using Sentinel-1 and Temperature Data in Peru: Case Study of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.)
* Monitoring Agricultural Land and Land Cover Change from 2001-2021 of the Chi River Basin, Thailand Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Data Based on Google Earth Engine
* Monitoring Agronomic Parameters of Winter Wheat Crops with Low-Cost UAV Imagery
* Monitoring Air Quality in Urban Areas Using a Vehicle Sensor Network (VSN) Crowdsensing Paradigm
* Monitoring Alpine Glaciers From Close-range to Satellite Sensors
* Monitoring An Assembly Task By Perception Requests
* Monitoring and Analysis of Population Distribution in China from 2000 to 2020 Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring and Analysis of Surface Deformation in Mining Area Based on InSAR and GRACE
* Monitoring And Analysis of the Chinese Traditional Architecture Painting Decay: the Case of Jilan Pavilion in the Summer Palace, The
* Monitoring and Analysis of the Collapse at Xinjing Open-Pit Mine, Inner Mongolia, China, Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing
* Monitoring and Analyzing Mountain Glacier Surface Movement Using SAR Data and a Terrestrial Laser Scanner: A Case Study of the Himalayas North Slope Glacier Area
* Monitoring and Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Effective Refuge Area of Emergency Shelters by Using Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Beijing's Fifth Ring Road
* Monitoring and Analyzing Yield Gap in Africa through Soil Attribute Best Management Using Remote Sensing Approaches: A Review
* Monitoring and Assessing Post-Disaster Tourism Recovery Using Geotagged Social Media Data
* Monitoring and Assessing the 2012 Drought in the Great Plains: Analyzing Satellite-Retrieved Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Drought Indices, and Gross Primary Production
* Monitoring and Assessment of Drought Focused on Its Impact on Sorghum Yield over Sudan by Using Meteorological Drought Indices for the Period 2001-2011
* Monitoring and Assessment of the Oasis Ecological Resilience Improved by Rational Water Dispatching Using Multiple Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of the Heihe River Basin, Silk Road
* Monitoring and Assessment of Wetland Loss and Fragmentation in the Cross-Boundary Protected Area: A Case Study of Wusuli River Basin
* Monitoring and change detection of Wadden Sea areas using Lidar data
* Monitoring and Characterizing Heterogeneous Mediterranean Landscapes with Continuous Textural Indices Based on VHSR Imagery
* Monitoring and Characterizing Temporal Patterns of a Large Colony of Tadarida brasiliensis (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in Argentina Using Field Observations and the Weather Radar RMA1
* Monitoring and Comparative Analysis of Hohhot Subway Subsidence Using StaMPS-PS Based on Two DEMS
* Monitoring and Computation of the Volumes of Stockpiles of Bulk Material by Means of UAV Photogrammetric Surveying
* Monitoring and Correction of Geometric Distortion in Projected Displays
* Monitoring And Deformation Analysis Of Groynes Using TLS at the River Elbe
* Monitoring and Detecting Archaeological Features with Multi-Frequency Polarimetric Analysis
* Monitoring and Diagnosing Neonatal Seizures by Video Signal Processing
* Monitoring And Estimation of Soil Losses From Ephemeral Gully Erosion In Mediterranean Region Using Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Monitoring and Evaluating Nature-Based Solutions Implementation in Urban Areas by Means of Earth Observation
* Monitoring and Evaluating Restoration Vegetation Status in Mine Region Using Remote Sensing Data: Case Study in Inner Mongolia, China
* Monitoring and Evaluation of Flooded Areas Based on Fused Texture Descriptors
* Monitoring and Forecasting Green Tide in the Yellow Sea Using Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring and Forecasting of Urban Expansion Using Machine Learning-Based Techniques and Remotely Sensed Data: A Case Study of Gharbia Governorate, Egypt
* Monitoring and Forecasting the Impact of the 2018 Summer Heatwave on Vegetation
* Monitoring and inspecting overhead wires and supporting structures
* Monitoring and Integrating the Changes in Vegetated Areas with the Rate of Groundwater Use in Arid Regions
* Monitoring and Mapping Floods and Floodable Areas in the Mekong Delta (Vietnam) Using Time-Series Sentinel-1 Images, Convolutional Neural Network, Multi-Layer Perceptron, and Random Forest
* Monitoring and Mapping of Rice Cropping Pattern in Flooding Area in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta Using Sentinel-1A Data: A Case of An Giang Province
* Monitoring and Mapping Vegetation Cover Changes in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas Using Remote Sensing Technology: A Review
* Monitoring and Mapping Vineyard Water Status Using Non-Invasive Technologies by a Ground Robot
* Monitoring and mapping with robot swarms for agricultural applications
* Monitoring and Mitigation of Ionospheric Anomalies for GNSS-Based Safety Critical Systems: A review of up-to-date signal processing techniques
* Monitoring and Modeling of Spatiotemporal Urban Expansion and Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Using Integrated Markov Chain Cellular Automata Model
* Monitoring and Predicting Agricultural Droughts for a Water-Limited Subcontinental Region by Integrating a Land Surface Model and Microwave Remote Sensing
* Monitoring and Predicting Channel Morphology of the Tongtian River, Headwater of the Yangtze River Using Landsat Images and Lightweight Neural Network
* Monitoring and Predicting Drought Based on Multiple Indicators in an Arid Area, China
* Monitoring and Predicting the Subsidence of Dalian Jinzhou Bay International Airport, China by Integrating InSAR Observation and Terzaghi Consolidation Theory
* Monitoring and Preservation of The Kyiv Pechersk Lavra Caves
* Monitoring and Projecting Land Use/Land Cover Changes of Eleven Large Deltaic Areas in Greece from 1945 Onwards
* Monitoring and Quantifying Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Rates in Centimeter Accuracy Using UAV-Photogrammetry, GNSS, and t-LiDAR in a Post-Fire Setting
* Monitoring and Quantitative Human Risk Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Using Integrated Satellite-UAV-Ground Survey Approach
* Monitoring and reporting of fingerprint image quality and match accuracy for a large user application
* Monitoring and Spatially Explicit Simulation of Land Use Dynamics: From Cellular Automata to Geosimulation: A Case Study of Tehran, Iran
* Monitoring and Stability Analysis of the Deformation in the Woda Landslide Area in Tibet, China by the DS-InSAR Method
* Monitoring and tailoring the usage of network resources for smoothing the provision of interactive 3D services
* Monitoring Andean high altitude wetlands in central Chile with seasonal optical data: A comparison between Worldview-2 and Sentinel-2 imagery
* Monitoring Annual Changes of Lake Water Levels and Volumes over 1984-2018 Using Landsat Imagery and ICESat-2 Data
* Monitoring Annual Land Use/Land Cover Change in the Tucson Metropolitan Area with Google Earth Engine (1986-2020)
* Monitoring Annual Urban Changes in a Rapidly Growing Portion of Northwest Arkansas with a 20-Year Landsat Record
* Monitoring Approach for Tropical Coniferous Forest Degradation Using Remote Sensing and Field Data
* Monitoring Around a Vehicle by a Spherical Image Sensor
* Monitoring Asbestos Mine Remediation Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging System: A Case Study of Jefferson Lake Mine, US
* Monitoring Asian Dust Storms from NOAA-20 CrIS Double CO2 Band Observations
* Monitoring Bare Soil Freeze-Thaw Process Using GPS-Interferometric Reflectometry: Simulation and Validation
* Monitoring Bark Beetle Forest Damage in Central Europe. A Remote Sensing Approach Validated with Field Data
* Monitoring Beach Topography and Nearshore Bathymetry Using Spaceborne Remote Sensing: A Review
* Monitoring Bedfast Ice and Ice Phenology in Lakes of the Lena River Delta Using TerraSAR-X Backscatter and Coherence Time Series
* Monitoring Biennial Bearing Effect on Coffee Yield Using MODIS Remote Sensing Imagery
* Monitoring Braided River-Bed Dynamics at the Sub-Event Time Scale Using Time Series of Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery
* Monitoring Building Activity by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* Monitoring Capabilities Of A Mobile Mapping System Based On Navigation Qualities
* Monitoring Changes in Rice Cultivated Area from SAR and Optical Satellite Images in Ben Tre and Tra Vinh Provinces in Mekong Delta, Vietnam
* Monitoring Changes in the Cultivation of Pigeonpea and Groundnut in Malawi Using Time Series Satellite Imagery for Sustainable Food Systems
* Monitoring Changes in the Transparency of the Largest Reservoir in Eastern China in the Past Decade, 2013-2020
* Monitoring changes of 3D building elements from unordered photo collections
* Monitoring Changes to Arctic Vegetation and Glaciers at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Based on Time Series Remote Sensing
* Monitoring Chlorophyll-a and Sea Surface Temperature with Satellite Data Derived From Multiple Sensors
* Monitoring Cliff Erosion with LiDAR Surveys and Bayesian Network-based Data Analysis
* Monitoring Climate Impacts on Annual Forage Production across U.S. Semi-Arid Grasslands
* Monitoring Coastal Erosion Using Remote Images: Comparison between Physically and Remotely Acquired Data on a Limestone Coast
* Monitoring coastal ocean color with low-cost CubeSats
* Monitoring Coastal Reclamation Subsidence in Hong Kong with Distributed Scatterer Interferometry
* Monitoring Coastal Vulnerability by Using DEMs Based on UAV Spatial Data
* Monitoring Coastal Water Body Health with Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery
* Monitoring Coastline Changes of the Malay Islands Based on Google Earth Engine and Dense Time-Series Remote Sensing Images
* Monitoring Complex Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems at Regional Scale in Brazil: A Big Earth Observation Data Approach
* Monitoring Concepts for Coastal Areas Using LIDAR Data
* Monitoring Corn Nitrogen Concentration from Radar (C-SAR), Optical, and Sensor Satellite Data Fusion
* Monitoring Crop Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficients over an Almond and Pistachio Orchard Throughout Remote Sensing
* Monitoring crop growth inter-annual variability from MODIS time series: Performance comparison between crop specific green area index and current global leaf area index products
* Monitoring Cropland Abandonment in Hilly Areas with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Timeseries
* Monitoring Cropland Abandonment in Southern China from 1992 to 2020 Based on the Combination of Phenological and Time-Series Algorithm Using Landsat Imagery and Google Earth Engine
* Monitoring Cropland Phenology on Google Earth Engine Using Gaussian Process Regression
* Monitoring Cropping Intensity Dynamics across the North China Plain from 1982 to 2018 Using GLASS LAI Products
* Monitoring Cultural Heritage Sites with Advanced Multi-Temporal InSAR Technique: The Case Study of the Summer Palace
* Monitoring Cyanobacteria Bloom in Dianchi Lake Based on Ground-Based Multispectral Remote-Sensing Imaging: Preliminary Results
* Monitoring Damage Caused by Pantana phyllostachysae Chao to Moso Bamboo Forests Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Images
* Monitoring Deforestation at Sub-Annual Scales as Extreme Events in Landsat Data Cubes
* Monitoring Deformation along Railway Systems Combining Multi-Temporal InSAR and LiDAR Data
* Monitoring Depth of Shallow Atmospheric Boundary Layer to Complement LiDAR Measurements Affected by Partial Overlap
* Monitoring Desertification Using Machine-Learning Techniques with Multiple Indicators Derived from MODIS Images in Mu Us Sandy Land, China
* Monitoring Diesel Spills in Freezing Seawater under Windy Conditions Using C-Band Polarimetric Radar
* Monitoring Drought Effects on Vegetation Productivity Using Satellite Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Monitoring Drought Impact on Annual Forage Production in Semi-Arid Grasslands: A Case Study of Nebraska Sandhills
* Monitoring Drought through the Lens of Landsat: Drying of Rivers during the California Droughts
* Monitoring Droughts in the Greater Changbai Mountains Using Multiple Remote Sensing-Based Drought Indices
* Monitoring Dynamic Evolution of the Glacial Lakes by Using Time Series of Sentinel-1A SAR Images
* Monitoring Dynamically Changing Environments by Ubiquitous Vision System
* Monitoring Dynamically Changing Migratory Flocks Using an Algebraic Graph Theory-Based Clustering Algorithm
* Monitoring Earthquake-Damaged Vegetation after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in the Mountainous River Basins, Dujiangyan County
* Monitoring Ecological Changes on a Rapidly Urbanizing Island Using a Remote Sensing-Based Ecological Index Produced Time Series
* Monitoring Ecological Conditions by Remote Sensing and Social Media Data: Sanya City (China) as Case Study
* Monitoring Environment With Gis For Part Of Thiruvallur Town Using Cartosat 1 Stereo, Pan & Resourcesat Liss 4 Mss Merged Data
* Monitoring environmental change in the Andes based on SPOT-VGT and NOAA-AVHRR time series analysis
* Monitoring Environmental Impact of Land Use: Evaluating an Agricultural Area of Distrito Federal, Brazil
* Monitoring Erosion And Accretion Situation in the Coastal Zone At Kien Giang Province
* Monitoring Ethiopian Wheat Fungus with Satellite Imagery and Deep Feature Learning
* Monitoring Extractive Activity-Induced Surface Subsidence in Highland and Alpine Opencast Coal Mining Areas with Multi-Source Data
* Monitoring Extreme Agricultural Drought over the Horn of Africa (HOA) Using Remote Sensing Measurements
* Monitoring Fine-Scale Forest Health Using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Multispectral Models
* Monitoring for Changes in Spring Phenology at Both Temporal and Spatial Scales Based on MODIS LST Data in South Korea
* Monitoring forest areas from continental to territorial levels using a sample of medium spatial resolution satellite imagery
* Monitoring Forest Change in the Amazon Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning Classification on Google Earth Engine
* Monitoring Forest Cover Dynamics Using Orthophotos and Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring forest cover loss using multiple data streams, a case study of a tropical dry forest in Bolivia
* Monitoring Forest Dynamics in the Andean Amazon: The Applicability of Breakpoint Detection Methods Using Landsat Time-Series and Genetic Algorithms
* Monitoring Forest Health Using Hyperspectral Imagery: Does Feature Selection Improve the Performance of Machine-Learning Techniques?
* Monitoring Forest Infestation and Fire Disturbance in the Southern Appalachian Using a Time Series Analysis of Landsat Imagery
* Monitoring Forest Loss in ALOS/PALSAR Time-Series with Superpixels
* Monitoring Forest Phenology and Leaf Area Index with the Autonomous, Low-Cost Transmittance Sensor PASTiS-57
* Monitoring forest recovery with change metrics derived from Landsat time series stacks
* Monitoring forest succession with multitemporal landsat images: Factors of Uncertainty
* Monitoring Geologic Hazards and Vegetation Recovery in the Wenchuan Earthquake Region Using Aerial Photography
* Monitoring Geological Risk Areas in the City of Sao Paulo Based on Multi-Temporal High-Resolution 3D Models
* Monitoring Giraffe Behavior in Thermal Video
* Monitoring Glacier Changes Using Multitemporal Multipolarization SAR Images
* Monitoring Glacier Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) of Lake Merzbacher Using Dense Chinese High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Monitoring Glacier Variations In The Southern Patagonia Icefield Utilizing Images Landsat 7 Etm+
* Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth Observations: The Global Agriculture Monitoring (GLAM) Project
* Monitoring global vegetation with the Yearly Land Cover Dynamics (YLCD) method
* Monitoring Glyphosate-Based Herbicide Treatment Using Sentinel-2 Time Series: A Proof-of-Principle
* Monitoring Grass Phenology and Hydrological Dynamics of an Oak-Grass Savanna Ecosystem Using Sentinel-2 and Terrestrial Photography
* Monitoring Grassland Growth Based on Consistency-Corrected Remote Sensing Image
* Monitoring Grassland Seasonal Carbon Dynamics, by Integrating MODIS NDVI, Proximal Optical Sampling, and Eddy Covariance Measurements
* Monitoring Grassland Variation in a Typical Area of the Qinghai Lake Basin Using 30 m Annual Maximum NDVI Data
* Monitoring Green Infrastructure for Natural Water Retention Using Copernicus Global Land Products
* Monitoring Green Tide in the Yellow Sea Using High-Resolution Imagery and Deep Learning
* Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
* Monitoring Ground Instabilities Using SAR Satellite Data: A Practical Approach
* Monitoring Ground Subsidence In Areas Covered By Dense Vegetation Using Terrasar-x Images: A Case Study Of Hangzhou
* Monitoring Ground Subsidence in Hong Kong via Spaceborne Radar: Experiments and Validation
* Monitoring Groundwater Storage Changes in the Loess Plateau Using GRACE Satellite Gravity Data, Hydrological Models and Coal Mining Data
* Monitoring Groundwater Storage Changes Using the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Satellite Mission: A Review
* Monitoring Groundwater Variations from Satellite Gravimetry and Hydrological Models: A Comparison with in-situ Measurements in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States
* Monitoring Harvesting by Time Series of Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Monitoring Head/eye Motion for Driver Alertness with One Camera
* Monitoring Heat Extremes across Central Europe Using Land Surface Temperature Data Records from SEVIRI/MSG
* Monitoring height and greenness of non-woody floodplain vegetation with UAV time series
* Monitoring High-frequency Ocean Signals Using Low-cost GNSS/IMU Buoys
* Monitoring human behavior from video taken in an office environment
* Monitoring Hybrid Rice Phenology at Initial Heading Stage Based on Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Hydrological Patterns of Temporary Lakes Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Models: Case Study of La Mancha Húmeda Biosphere Reserve in Central Spain
* Monitoring Impervious Surface Area Dynamics in Urban Areas Using Sentinel-2 Data and Improved Deeplabv3+ Model: A Case Study of Jinan City, China
* Monitoring Individual Tree Phenology in a Multi-Species Forest Using High Resolution UAV Images
* Monitoring Infants by Automatic Video Processing
* Monitoring Inland Water Quantity Variations: A Comprehensive Analysis of Multi-Source Satellite Observation Technology Applications
* Monitoring inland water via Sentinel satellite constellation: A review and perspective
* Monitoring Inter- and Intra-Seasonal Dynamics of Rapidly Degrading Ice-Rich Permafrost Riverbanks in the Lena Delta with TerraSAR-X Time Series
* Monitoring interannual variation in global crop yield using long-term AVHRR and MODIS observations
* Monitoring Invasion Process of Spartina alterniflora by Seasonal Sentinel-2 Imagery and an Object-Based Random Forest Classification
* Monitoring Irrigation Consumption Using High Resolution NDVI Image Time Series: Calibration and Validation in the Kairouan Plain (Tunisia)
* Monitoring Irrigation Events and Crop Dynamics Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Monitoring Key Forest Structure Attributes across the Conterminous United States by Integrating GEDI LiDAR Measurements and VIIRS Data
* Monitoring Key Wheat Growth Variables by Integrating Phenology and UAV Multispectral Imagery Data into Random Forest Model
* Monitoring LAI, Chlorophylls, and Carotenoids Content of a Woodland Savanna Using Hyperspectral Imagery and 3D Radiative Transfer Modeling
* Monitoring Lake Volume Variation from Space Using Satellite Observations: A Case Study in Thac Mo Reservoir (Vietnam)
* Monitoring Lakes Surface Water Velocity with SAR: A Feasibility Study on Lake Garda, Italy
* Monitoring Land-Use/Land-Cover Changes at a Provincial Large Scale Using an Object-Oriented Technique and Medium-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images
* Monitoring Land Cover Change and Disturbance of the Mount Wutai World Cultural Landscape Heritage Protected Area, Based on Remote Sensing Time-Series Images from 1987 to 2018
* Monitoring Land Cover Change by Leveraging a Dynamic Service-Oriented Computing Model
* Monitoring land cover changes in Hulun Buir by using object-oriented method
* Monitoring Land Cover Dynamics At Varying Spatial Scales Using High To Very High Resolution Optical Imagery
* Monitoring Land Degradation through Vegetation Dynamics Mathematical Modeling: Case of Jornada Basin (in the U.S.)
* Monitoring Land Subsidence along the Subways in Shanghai on the Basis of Time-Series InSAR
* Monitoring Land Subsidence in Suzhou City Using D-InSAR Technique
* Monitoring Land Subsidence Using PS-InSAR Technique in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan
* Monitoring Land Surface Deformation Associated with Gold Artisanal Mining in the Zaruma City (Ecuador)
* Monitoring Land Surface Displacement over Xuzhou (China) in 2015-2018 through PCA-Based Correction Applied to SAR Interferometry
* Monitoring Land Surface Temperature Change with Landsat Images during Dry Seasons in Bac Binh, Vietnam
* Monitoring Land Use Dynamics Of Peri-urban Agricultutre In Central Kenya With Rapideye Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring Land Use/Cover Changes by Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing for Urban Hydrological Assessment: A Case Study in Beijing, China
* Monitoring Land Use/Land Cover and Landscape Pattern Changes at a Local Scale: A Case Study of Pyongyang, North Korea
* Monitoring Land Vegetation from Geostationary Satellite Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI)
* Monitoring landscape change in the National Parks of England and Wales using aerial photo interpretation and GIS
* Monitoring Landscape Dynamics in Central U.S. Grasslands with Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data
* Monitoring Landslide Displacements during a Controlled Rain Experiment Using a Long-Range Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)
* Monitoring Large-Scale Inland Water Dynamics by Fusing Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-3 Altimetry Data and by Analyzing Causal Effects of Snowmelt
* Monitoring Large-Scale Restoration Interventions from Land Preparation to Biomass Growth in the Sahel
* Monitoring Large Railways Infrastructures Using Hybrid Optical Fibers Sensor Systems
* Monitoring large volumes of interest by using voxel visibility
* Monitoring leaf phenology in moist tropical forests by applying a superpixel-based deep learning method to time-series images of tree canopies
* Monitoring Light Pollution with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A Case Study Comparing RGB Images and Night Ground Brightness
* Monitoring Lightning Location Based on Deep Learning Combined with Multisource Spatial Data
* Monitoring Littoral Platform Downwearing Using Differential SAR Interferometry
* Monitoring Long-Term Lake Level Variations in Middle and Lower Yangtze Basin over 2002-2017 through Integration of Multiple Satellite Altimetry Datasets
* Monitoring Long-Term Spatiotemporal Changes in Iran Surface Waters Using Landsat Imagery
* Monitoring mangrove biomass change in Vietnam using SPOT images and an object-based approach combined with machine learning algorithms
* Monitoring marginal erosion in hydroelectric reservoirs with terrestrial mobile laser scanner
* Monitoring Marine Aquaculture and Implications for Marine Spatial Planning: An Example from Shandong Province, China
* Monitoring Marine Areas from the International Space Station: The Case of the Submerged Harbor of Amathus
* Monitoring Mass Variations in Iraq Using Time-Variable Gravity Data
* Monitoring Mechanism in Preservation of Monuments in Hot and Wet Climate Area
* Monitoring Mega-Crown Leaf Turnover from Space
* Monitoring Megathrust-Earthquake-Cycle-Induced Relative Sea-Level Changes near Phuket, South Thailand, Using (Space) Geodetic Techniques
* Monitoring Mesoscale Convective System Using Swin-Unet Network Based on Daytime True Color Composite Images of Fengyun-4B
* Monitoring Mesoscale to Submesoscale Processes in Large Lakes with Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery: The Case of Lake Geneva
* Monitoring Meteorological Drought in Southern China Using Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Method Based on Vegetation Abnormal Information Applied to the Case of Jizong Shed-Tunnel Landslide, A
* Monitoring Method of Color Decaying for Colored Patterns In Architectural Heritage, A
* monitoring method of driver mouth behavior based on machine vision, A
* Monitoring Metropolitan Growth Dynamics for Achieving Sustainable Urbanization (SDG 11.3) in Kolkata Metropolitan Area, India
* Monitoring Mineral Wool Production Using Real-Time Machine Vision
* Monitoring Mining-Induced Geo-Hazards in a Contaminated Mountainous Region of Indonesia Using Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring Mining Activities Using Sentinel-1A InSAR Coherence in Open-Pit Coal Mines
* Monitoring Mining Subsidence Using A Combination of Phase-Stacking and Offset-Tracking Methods
* Monitoring Mining Surface Subsidence with Multi-Temporal Three-Dimensional Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Point Cloud
* Monitoring motorway infrastructures for detection of dangerous events
* Monitoring Movement At Makli
* Monitoring Natural Ecosystem and Ecological Gradients: Perspectives with EnMAP
* Monitoring Natural Resources in Conflict Using an Object-Based Multiscale Image Analysis Approach
* Monitoring Non-Linear Ground Motion above Underground Gas Storage Using GNSS and PSInSAR Based on Sentinel-1 Data
* Monitoring Nonlinear Profiles Using Support Vector Machines
* Monitoring Oasis Cotton Fields Expansion in Arid Zones Using the Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in the Ogan-Kucha River Oasis, Xinjiang, China
* Monitoring of 35-Year Mangrove Wetland Change Dynamics and Agents in the Sundarbans Using Temporal Consistency Checking
* Monitoring of Active Rock Glaciers by Means of Digital Photogrammetry
* Monitoring of Agricultural Drought Using Fortnightly Variation Of Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) for the State of Tamil Nadu, India
* Monitoring Of Agricultural Landscape In Norway
* Monitoring of an Indonesian Tropical Wetland by Machine Learning-Based Data Fusion of Passive and Active Microwave Sensors
* Monitoring of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide over a Desert Site Using Airborne and Ground Measurements
* Monitoring of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide over Pakistan Using Satellite Dataset
* Monitoring of Canopy Stress Symptoms in New Zealand Kauri Trees Analysed with AISA Hyperspectral Data
* Monitoring of Chestnut Trees Using Machine Learning Techniques Applied to UAV-Based Multispectral Data
* Monitoring of Coastal Aquaculture Sites in the Philippines through Automated Time Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* Monitoring of Coastal Boulder Movements by Storms and Calculating Volumetric Parameters Using the Volume Differential Method Based on Point Cloud Difference
* Monitoring of Coral Reefs Using Artificial Intelligence: A Feasible and Cost-Effective Approach
* Monitoring of Cotton Boll Opening Rate Based on UAV Multispectral Data
* Monitoring of Cropland Abandonment and Land Reclamation in the Farming-Pastoral Zone of Northern China
* Monitoring of Damages to Cultural Heritage across Europe Using Remote Sensing and Earth Observation: Assessment of Scientific and Grey Literature
* Monitoring of Deformation of The Foguang Temple's East Main Hall Under The Concept of Preventive Conservation
* Monitoring of Drought Stress in Chinese Forests Based on Satellite Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Indices
* Monitoring of Egyptian Coastal Lakes Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Monitoring of Emotion to Create Adaptive Game for Children with Mild Autistic
* Monitoring of Evapotranspiration in a Semi-Arid Inland River Basin by Combining Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing Observations
* Monitoring of Extreme Agricultural Drought of the Past 20 Years in Southwest China Using GLDAS Soil Moisture
* Monitoring of Fine-Scale Warm Drain-Off Water from Nuclear Power Stations in the Daya Bay Based on Landsat 8 Data
* Monitoring Of Fluvial Transport In The Mountain River Bed Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Monitoring of Forest Structure Dynamics by Means of L-Band SAR Tomography
* Monitoring of Glacial Change in the Head of the Yangtze River From 1997 To 2007 Using Insar Technique
* Monitoring of Glacier Volume Variation from Multi-Source Data over Geladandong Area
* Monitoring of Height Changes in Urban Areas from Multi-Temporal, Multi-Scale and Multi-Platform Remotely Sensed Data
* Monitoring of Horizontal Movements of High-rise Buildings and Tower Transmitters By Means of Ground-based Interferometric Radar
* Monitoring of Hydrological Resources in Surface Water Change by Satellite Altimetry
* Monitoring Of In-field Variability For Site Specific Crop Management Through Open Geospatial Information
* Monitoring of Irrigation Schemes by Remote Sensing: Phenology versus Retrieval of Biophysical Variables
* Monitoring of Land Cover and Vegetation Changes in Juhugeng Coal Mining Area Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring of Land Degradation in Greece and Tunisia Using Trends.Earth with a Focus on Cereal Croplands
* Monitoring of Land Subsidence and Ground Fissure Activity within the Su-Xi-Chang Area Based on Time-Series InSAR
* Monitoring Of Land Subsidence In Ravenna Municipality Using Integrated SAR - Gps Techniques: Description And First Results
* Monitoring of Land Subsidence in the Po River Delta (Northern Italy) Using Geodetic Networks
* Monitoring of Land Use/Land-Cover Changes in the Arid Transboundary Middle Rio Grande Basin Using Remote Sensing
* Monitoring of Land Use/Land Cover and Socioeconomic Changes in South China over the Last Three Decades Using Landsat and Nighttime Light Data
* Monitoring of Monthly Height Growth of Individual Trees in a Subtropical Mixed Plantation Using UAV Data
* Monitoring of Nitrogen and Grain Protein Content in Winter Wheat Based on Sentinel-2A Data
* Monitoring of Non-Linear Ground Movement in an Open Pit Iron Mine Based on an Integration of Advanced DInSAR Techniques Using TerraSAR-X Data
* Monitoring of Oil Exploitation Infrastructure by Combining Unsupervised Pixel-Based Classification of Polarimetric SAR and Object-Based Image Analysis
* Monitoring of pantograph-catenary interaction by using particle swarm based contact wire tracking
* Monitoring of Plastic Islands in River Environment Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Monitoring of polyethylene wear in nonmetal-backed acetubular cups by digitized anteroposterior pelvic radiography
* Monitoring of Power Towers' Movement Using Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry in South West of Tehran
* Monitoring of Radial Deformations of a Gravity Dam Using Sentinel-1 Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* Monitoring of Recent Land Subsidence and Ground Fissures in Xi'an With SAR Interferometry
* Monitoring of Road Traffic
* Monitoring of Sea-Ice-Atmosphere Interface in the Proximity of Arctic Tidewater Glaciers: The Contribution of Marine Robotics
* Monitoring of slow ground deformation by ERS radar interferometry on the Vauvert salt mine (France): Comparison with ground-based measurement
* Monitoring of Snow Cover Ablation Using Very High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Datasets
* Monitoring of Snow Cover Variation Using MODIS Snow Product
* Monitoring of Spatiotemporal Change of Green Spaces in Relation to the Land Surface Temperature: A Case Study of Belgrade, Serbia
* Monitoring of Subsidence along Jingjin Inter-City Railway with High-Resolution TerraSAR-X MT-InSAR Analysis
* Monitoring of Sugarcane Harvest in Brazil Based on Optical and SAR Data
* Monitoring of Supraglacial Lake Distribution and Full-Year Changes Using Multisource Time-Series Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring of Surface Temperature on Parco delle Biancane (Italian Geothermal Area) Using Optical Satellite Data, UAV and Field Campaigns
* Monitoring of the 2011 Super Algal Bloom in Indian River Lagoon, FL, USA, Using MERIS
* Monitoring of the 2015 Villarrica Volcano Eruption by Means of DLR's Experimental TET-1 Satellite
* Monitoring of the Lac Bam Wetland Extent Using Dual-Polarized X-Band SAR Data
* Monitoring of the March 11, 2011, Off-Tohoku 9.0 Earthquake With Super-Tsunami Disaster by Implementing Fully Polarimetric High-Resolution POLSAR Techniques
* Monitoring of the Production Process of Graded Concrete Component Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Monitoring of the Rehabilitation of the Historic World War II US Air Force Base in Greenland
* Monitoring Of The Riverbeds Of Rivers Dniester And Tisza Of The Carpathian Region
* Monitoring of the Vegetation Composition in Rewetted Peatland with Iterative Decision Tree Classification of Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring of Thermal Activity at the Hatchobaru-Otake Geothermal Area in Japan Using Multi-Source Satellite Images: With Comparisons of Methods, and Solar and Seasonal Effects
* Monitoring of Tumor Response to Au Nanorod-Indocyanine Green Conjugates Mediated Therapy With Fluorescence Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography
* Monitoring of Urban Black-Odor Water Based on Nemerow Index and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression Using UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Monitoring of Urban Growth Patterns in Rapidly Growing Bahir Dar City of Northwest Ethiopia with 30 year Landsat Imagery Record
* Monitoring of Urban Sprawl and Densification Processes in Western Germany in the Light of SDG Indicator 11.3.1 Based on an Automated Retrospective Classification Approach
* Monitoring of Urbanization and Analysis of Environmental Impact in Stockholm with Sentinel-2A and SPOT-5 Multispectral Data
* Monitoring of Varroa Infestation Rate in Beehives: A Simple AI Approach
* Monitoring of Vegetation Disturbance around Protected Areas in Central Tanzania Using Landsat Time-Series Data
* Monitoring of Vibrations for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage:the Case of the Summer Palace in Beijing
* Monitoring of Water Level Change in a Dam from High-Resolution SAR Data
* Monitoring of Wheat Growth Status and Mapping of Wheat Yield's within-Field Spatial Variations Using Color Images Acquired from UAV-camera System
* Monitoring of Wheat Height Based on Multi-GNSS Reflected Signals
* Monitoring of Wheat Powdery Mildew Disease Severity Using Multiangle Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Monitoring of Wheat Powdery Mildew under Different Nitrogen Input Levels Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Monitoring Oil Exploitation Infrastructure and Dirt Roads with Object-Based Image Analysis and Random Forest in the Eastern Mongolian Steppe
* Monitoring Optical Variability in Complex Inland Waters Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Osteoarthritis in the Rat Model Using Optical Coherence Tomography
* Monitoring Pasture Aboveground Biomass and Canopy Height in an Integrated Crop-Livestock System Using Textural Information from PlanetScope Imagery
* Monitoring pasture intesification in Brazilian Amazon biome with MODIS time series
* Monitoring Patients in the Wild
* Monitoring Phenology Of Floodplain Grassland And Herbaceous Vegetation With Uav Imagery
* Monitoring Photovoltaic Panels Using the ESP32 Microcontroller via low-power Bluetooth Communication
* Monitoring Plant Functional Diversity Using the Reflectance and Echo from Space
* Monitoring Plastic-Mulched Farmland by Landsat-8 OLI Imagery Using Spectral and Textural Features
* Monitoring Population Evolution in China Using Time-Series DMSP/OLS Nightlight Imagery
* Monitoring Post-Fire Recovery of Chaparral and Conifer Species Using Field Surveys and Landsat Time Series
* Monitoring Post-Flood Recovery of Croplands Using the Integrated Sentinel-1/2 Imagery in the Yangtze-Huai River Basin
* Monitoring Potential Geological Hazards with Different InSAR Algorithms: The Case of Western Sichuan
* Monitoring Quarry Area with Landsat Long Time-Series for Socioeconomic Study
* Monitoring Rainfall Patterns in the Southern Amazon with PERSIANN-CDR Data: Long-Term Characteristics and Trends
* Monitoring Rainfed Alfalfa Growth in Semiarid Agrosystems Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Monitoring Raptor Movements with Satellite Telemetry and Avian Radar Systems: An Evaluation for Synchronicity
* Monitoring Recent Fluctuations of the Southern Pool of Lake Chad Using Multiple Remote Sensing Data: Implications for Water Balance Analysis
* Monitoring Recent Trends in the Area of Aeolian Desertified Land Using Landsat Images in China's Xinjiang Region
* Monitoring Regional-Scale Surface Deformation of the Continuous Permafrost in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with Time-Series InSAR Analysis
* Monitoring Relaxation Algorithms Using Labeling Evaluations
* Monitoring Reservoir Drought Dynamics with Landsat and Radar/Lidar Altimetry Time Series in Persistently Cloudy Eastern Brazil
* Monitoring Residual Soil Moisture and Its Association to the Long-Term Variability of Rainfall over the Upper Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia
* Monitoring Retreat of Coastal Sandy Systems Using Geomatics Techniques: Somo Beach (Cantabrian Coast, Spain, 1875-2017)
* Monitoring Rice Agriculture across Myanmar Using Time Series Sentinel-1 Assisted by Landsat-8 and PALSAR-2
* Monitoring Rice Phenology Based on Backscattering Characteristics of Multi-Temporal RADARSAT-2 Datasets
* Monitoring River Basin Development and Variation in Water Resources in Transboundary Imjin River in North and South Korea Using Remote Sensing
* Monitoring Riverbank Erosion in Mountain Catchments Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Monitoring Rock Desert Formation Caused by Ice-Snow Melting in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Using an Optimized Remote Sensing Technique: A Case Study of Yushu Prefecture
* Monitoring Rock Glacier Kinematics with Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Monitoring rubber plantation expansion using Landsat data time series and a Shapelet-based approach
* Monitoring Rural Water Points in Tanzania with Mobile Phones: The Evolution of the SEMA App
* Monitoring Sand Spit Variability Using Sentinel-2 and Google Earth Engine in a Mediterranean Estuary
* Monitoring Satellite Radiance Biases Using NWP Models
* Monitoring Scheduling of Drones for Emission Control Areas: An Ant Colony-Based Approach
* Monitoring SDG 9 with Global Open Data and Open Software - a Case Study From Rural Tanzania
* Monitoring Sea Level and Topography of Coastal Lagoons Using Satellite Radar Altimetry: The Example of the Arcachon Bay in the Bay of Biscay
* Monitoring Seabirds And Marine Mammals By Georeferenced Aerial Photography
* Monitoring Seasonal Hydrological Dynamics of Minerotrophic Peatlands Using Multi-Date GeoEye-1 Very High Resolution Imagery and Object-Based Classification
* Monitoring Seasonal Movement Characteristics of the Landslide Based on Time-Series InSAR Technology: The Cheyiping Landslide Case Study, China
* Monitoring seasonal snow dynamics using ground based high resolution photography (Austre Lovénbreen, Svalbard, 79°N)
* Monitoring Seedling Emergence, Growth, and Survival Using Repeat High-Resolution Imagery
* Monitoring Seismo-TEC Perturbations Utilizing the Beidou Geostationary Satellites
* Monitoring Services for Food Security: Successful Transfer of Technology to the Sudanese Government
* Monitoring Shoreline Changes along the Southwestern Coast of South Africa from 1937 to 2020 Using Varied Remote Sensing Data and Approaches
* Monitoring short-lived climate pollutants by laser absorption spectroscopy
* Monitoring Short-Term Morphobathymetric Change of Nearshore Seafloor Using Drone-Based Multispectral Imagery
* Monitoring Small Water Bodies Using High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Analysis Ready Datasets
* Monitoring Soil Moisture Drought over Northern High Latitudes from Space
* Monitoring Soil Moisture In A Coal Mining Area With Multi-phase Landsat Images
* Monitoring Soil Salinity Classes through Remote Sensing-Based Ensemble Learning Concept: Considering Scale Effects
* Monitoring Soil Salinization in Keriya River Basin, Northwestern China Using Passive Reflective and Active Microwave Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Soil Surface Mineralogy at Different Moisture Conditions Using Visible Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Data
* Monitoring Spartina alterniflora Expansion Mode and Dieback Using Multisource High-Resolution Imagery in Yancheng Coastal Wetland, China
* Monitoring Spatial-Temporal Variations in River Width in the Aral Sea Basin with Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Monitoring Spatial-Temporal Variations of Lake Level in Western China Using ICESat-1 and CryoSat-2 Satellite Altimetry
* Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Flood Regimes and Their Relation to Wetland Landscape Patterns in Dongting Lake from MODIS Time-Series Imagery
* Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Variabilities of Gross Primary Production Using MAIAC MODIS Data
* Monitoring Spatial Behavior of Pastoralist Sheep Through GPS, Lidar Data and VNIR Image
* Monitoring Spatial Patterns Of Vegetation Phenology In An Australian Tropical Transect Using Modis Evi
* Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Rice Planting Area in the Yangtze River Delta Region Using MODIS Images
* Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in the Eastern Plain Lakes of China Using Long-Term MODIS UNWI Index
* Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Variations of Ponds in Typical Rural Area in the Huai River Basin of China
* Monitoring Spatiotemporal Changes of Impervious Surfaces in Beijing City Using Random Forest Algorithm and Textural Features
* Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface moisture using a long-range terrestrial laser scanner
* Monitoring Suaeda salsa Spectral Response to Salt Conditions in Coastal Wetlands: A Case Study in Dafeng Elk National Nature Reserve, China
* Monitoring Sub-weekly Evolution of Surface Velocity and Elevation for A High-latitude Surging Glacier Using Sentinel-2
* Monitoring Subsidence in Urban Area by PSInSAR: A Case Study of Abbottabad City, Northern Pakistan
* Monitoring Subsidence over the Planned Jakarta-Bandung (Indonesia) High-Speed Railway Using Sentinel-1 Multi-Temporal InSAR Data
* Monitoring Surface Deformation over a Failing Rock Slope with the ESA Sentinels: Insights from Moosfluh Instability, Swiss Alps
* Monitoring Surface Displacement of a Deep-Seated Landslide by a Low-Cost and near Real-Time GNSS System
* Monitoring Surface Phenomena Created by an Underground Chemical Explosion Using Fully Polarimetric VideoSAR
* Monitoring Surface Soil Moisture Content over the Vegetated Area by Integrating Optical and SAR Satellite Observations in the Permafrost Region of Tibetan Plateau
* Monitoring Surface Subsidence Using Distributed Scatterer InSAR with an Improved Statistically Homogeneous Pixel Selection Method in Coalfield Fire Zones
* Monitoring surface urban heat island formation in a tropical mountain city using Landsat data (1987-2015)
* Monitoring surface water area variations of reservoirs using daily MODIS images by exploring sub-pixel information
* Monitoring Surface Water Inundation of Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake in China Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* Monitoring Suspended Sediment Transport in the Lower Yellow River using Landsat Observations
* Monitoring system and imaging system
* Monitoring system and method
* Monitoring system employing infrared image
* Monitoring system for measuring kinematic data of golf balls
* Monitoring System of OpenStack Cloud Platform Based on Prometheus
* Monitoring system using infrared image processing
* Monitoring systems to measure and display flight characteristics of moving sports object
* Monitoring Tamarix Changes Using WorldView-2 Satellite Imagery in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
* Monitoring temperate glacier with high resolution automated digital cameras: Application to the Argentière glacier
* Monitoring Temporal and Spatial Changes of Land Use and Land Cover Based on Remote Sensing In the Hilly Region of Central Sichuan Between 1989 and 2009
* Monitoring Terrain Deformations Caused By Underground Mining Using UAV Data
* Monitoring the Agung (Indonesia) Ash Plume of November 2017 by Means of Infrared Himawari 8 Data
* Monitoring the Arctic Seas: How Satellite Altimetry Can Be Used to Detect Open Water in Sea-Ice Regions
* Monitoring the Area Change in the Three Gorges Reservoir Riparian Zone Based on Genetic Algorithm Optimized Machine Learning Algorithms and Sentinel-1 Data
* Monitoring the Changes of Lakes in the Source Region of Three Rivers with Remote Sensing Data from 1976 To 2009
* Monitoring the Characteristics of Ecological Cumulative Effect Due to Mining Disturbance Utilizing Remote Sensing
* Monitoring the Coastal Changes of the Po River Delta (Northern Italy) since 1911 Using Archival Cartography, Multi-Temporal Aerial Photogrammetry and LiDAR Data: Implications for Coastline Changes in 2100 A.D.
* Monitoring the coastline change of Hatiya Island in Bangladesh using remote sensing techniques
* Monitoring the Degree of Mosaic Disease in Apple Leaves Using Hyperspectral Images
* Monitoring the Deterioration of Stone at Mindener Museum's Lapidarium
* Monitoring the Dissipation of the Floating Green Macroalgae Blooms in the Yellow Sea (2007-2020) on the Basis of Satellite Remote Sensing
* Monitoring the Distribution and Dynamics of an Invasive Grass in Tropical Savanna Using Airborne LiDAR
* Monitoring the Distribution and Variations of City Size Based on Night-Time Light Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Delta of China
* Monitoring the Dynamics of Formby Sand Dunes Using Airborne LiDAR DTMs
* Monitoring the Effects of Slope Hazard Mitigation and Weather on Rockfall along a Colorado Highway Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Monitoring the Effects of Water Stress in Cotton Using the Green Red Vegetation Index and Red Edge Ratio
* Monitoring the Efficacy of Crested Floatingheart (Nymphoides cristata) Management with Object-Based Image Analysis of UAS Imagery
* Monitoring the Fluctuation of Lake Qinghai Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring the Foliar Nutrients Status of Mango Using Spectroscopy-Based Spectral Indices and PLSR-Combined Machine Learning Models
* Monitoring the Hydrological Activities of Antarctic Subglacial Lakes Using CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 Altimetry Data
* Monitoring the Ice Phenology of Qinghai Lake from 1980 to 2018 Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data and Google Earth Engine
* Monitoring the Ice Thickness in High-Order Rivers on the Tibetan Plateau with Dual-Polarized C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Monitoring the Impact of Heat Damage on Summer Maize on the Huanghuaihai Plain, China
* Monitoring the Impact of Land Cover Change on Surface Urban Heat Island through Google Earth Engine: Proposal of a Global Methodology, First Applications and Problems
* Monitoring the Impact of Large Transport Infrastructure on Land Use and Environment Using Deep Learning and Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring the Impacts of Human Activities on Urban Ecosystems Based on the Enhanced UCCLN (EUCCLN) Model
* Monitoring the Impacts of Severe Drought on Southern California Chaparral Species using Hyperspectral and Thermal Infrared Imagery
* Monitoring the Indian Summer Monsoon Evolution at the Granularity of the Indian Meteorological Sub-divisions using Remotely Sensed Rainfall Products
* Monitoring the Influence of the Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics on Phytoplanktonic Plumes around the Marquesas Islands Using Multi-Satellite Missions
* Monitoring the Invasion of Spartina alterniflora Using Multi-source High-resolution Imagery in the Zhangjiang Estuary, China
* Monitoring the Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora in Jiangsu Coastal Wetland Using MRCNN and Long-Time Series Landsat Data
* Monitoring the morphological evolution of the Sciara del Fuoco during the 2002-2003 Stromboli eruption using multi-temporal photogrammetry
* Monitoring the NOAA Operational VIIRS RSB and DNB Calibration Stability Using Monthly and Semi-Monthly Deep Convective Clouds Time Series
* Monitoring the On-Orbit Calibration of Terra MODIS Reflective Solar Bands Using Simultaneous Terra MISR Observations
* Monitoring the Rapid-Moving Reactivation of Earth Flows by Means of GB-InSAR: The April 2013 Capriglio Landslide (Northern Appennines, Italy)
* Monitoring the Recovery after 2016 Hurricane Matthew in Haiti via Markovian Multitemporal Region-Based Modeling
* Monitoring the Reduced Resilience of Forests in Southwest China Using Long-Term Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring the Relationships between Environment and Coffee Production in Agroecosytems of the State of Minas Gerais in Brazil
* Monitoring the Response of Roads and Railways to Seasonal Soil Movement with Persistent Scatterers Interferometry over Six UK Sites
* Monitoring the Responses of Deciduous Forest Phenology to 2000-2018 Climatic Anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere
* Monitoring the Seasonal Decay of a Proglacial Icing using Ground-Based Time-Lapse Photography
* Monitoring the Seasonal Hydrology of Alpine Wetlands in Response to Snow Cover Dynamics and Summer Climate: A Novel Approach with Sentinel-2
* Monitoring the Severity of Pantana phyllostachysae Chao on Bamboo Using Leaf Hyperspectral Data
* Monitoring the Spatial and Temporal Variations in The Water Surface and Floating Algal Bloom Areas in Dongting Lake Using a Long-Term MODIS Image Time Series
* Monitoring the spatial distribution and changes in permafrost with passive microwave remote sensing
* Monitoring the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Ulva prolifera in the Yellow Sea (2020-2022) Based on Satellite Remote Sensing
* Monitoring the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Shale Oil/Gas Development with Landsat Time Series: Case Studies in the USA
* Monitoring the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Aeolian Desertification Using Google Earth Engine
* Monitoring the Spatiotemporal Trajectory of Urban Area Hotspots Using the SVM Regression Method Based on NPP-VIIRS Imagery
* Monitoring the Speed, Configurations, and Weight of Vehicles Using an In-Situ Wireless Sensing Network
* Monitoring the Spring Flood in Lena Delta with Hydrodynamic Modeling Based on SAR Satellite Products
* Monitoring the Structure of Regenerating Vegetation Using Drone-Based Digital Aerial Photogrammetry
* Monitoring the Surface Elevation Changes of a Monsoon Temperate Glacier with Repeated UAV Surveys, Mainri Mountains, China
* Monitoring The Surface Heat Island (SHI) Effects of Industrial Enterprises
* Monitoring The Surface Subsidence of Handan City Using Sentinel-1a Images and Sbas-insar Technology
* Monitoring the Testing, Construction and as-Built Condition of Membrane Structures by Close Range Photogrammetry
* Monitoring the thermal deformation of steel beams via vision metrology
* Monitoring the Topography of a Dynamic Tidal Inlet Using UAV Imagery
* Monitoring the Transformation of Arctic Landscapes: Automated Shoreline Change Detection of Lakes Using Very High Resolution Imagery
* Monitoring the Variation in Ice-Cover Characteristics of the Slave River, Canada Using RADARSAT-2 Data: A Case Study
* Monitoring the Variation of Vegetation Water Content with Machine Learning Methods: Point-Surface Fusion of MODIS Products and GNSS-IR Observations
* Monitoring the Vertical Distribution of Maize Canopy Chlorophyll Content Based on Multi-Angular Spectral Data
* Monitoring the Vertical Land Motion of Tide Gauges and Its Impact on Relative Sea Level Changes in Korean Peninsula Using Sequential SBAS-InSAR Time-Series Analysis
* Monitoring the viability of coral reefs
* Monitoring the Vulnerability of the Dam and Dikes in Germano Iron Mining Area after the Collapse of the Tailings Dam of Fundão (Mariana-MG, Brazil) Using DInSAR Techniques with TerraSAR-X Data
* Monitoring the water quality of Liangzi Lake based on HJ-1 data
* Monitoring the Water Quality of Small Water Bodies Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring the Work Cycles of Earthmoving Excavators in Earthmoving Projects Using UAV Remote Sensing
* Monitoring Thermal Exchange of Hot Water Mass via Underwater Acoustic Tomography with Inversion and Optimization Method
* Monitoring Thermal Pollution in Rivers Downstream of Dams with Landsat ETM+ Thermal Infrared Images
* Monitoring Thermal Stress in Wafer-Scale Integrated Circuits by the Attentive Vision Method Using an Infrared Camera
* Monitoring thirty years of small water reservoirs proliferation in the southern Brazilian Amazon with Landsat time series
* Monitoring Three-Decade Expansion of China's Major Cities Based on Satellite Remote Sensing Images
* Monitoring Total Suspended Solids and Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Turbid Waters: A Case Study of the Pearl River Estuary and Coast Using Machine Learning
* Monitoring Trace Gases over the Antarctic Using Atmospheric Infrared Ultraspectral Sounder Onboard GaoFen-5: Algorithm Description and First Retrieval Results of O3, H2O, and HCl
* Monitoring Treatment Outcome: A Visualization Prototype for Left Ventricular Transformation
* Monitoring tree-crown scale autumn leaf phenology in a temperate forest with an integration of PlanetScope and drone remote sensing observations
* Monitoring Tree Population Dynamics In Arid Zone Through Multiple Temporal Scales: Integration Of Spatial Analysis, Change Detection And Field Long Term Monitoring
* Monitoring Trends in Light Pollution in China Based on Nighttime Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring Tropical Forest Structure Using SAR Tomography at L- and P-Band
* Monitoring truck's operations at freight intermodal terminals: traffic observation by scanning on-board devices
* Monitoring Underwater Sensors with an Amphibious Robot
* Monitoring Urban-Freight Transport Based on GPS Trajectories of Heavy-Goods Vehicles
* Monitoring Urban Areas with Sentinel-2A Data: Application to the Update of the Copernicus High Resolution Layer Imperviousness Degree
* Monitoring Urban Change in Conflict from the Perspective of Optical and SAR Satellites: The Case of Mariupol, a City in the Conflict between RUS and UKR
* Monitoring Urban Clusters Expansion in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, China, Using Time-Series Nighttime Light Images
* Monitoring Urban Dynamics in the Southeast U.S.A. Using Time-Series DMSP/OLS Nightlight Imagery
* Monitoring Urban Expansion by Coupling Multi-Temporal Active Remote Sensing and Landscape Analysis: Changes in the Metropolitan Area of Cordoba (Argentina) from 2010 to 2021
* Monitoring Urban Green Infrastructure Changes and Impact on Habitat Connectivity Using High-Resolution Satellite Data
* Monitoring urban land cover change: An expert system approach to land cover classification of semiarid to arid urban centers
* Monitoring Urban Tree Cover Using Object-Based Image Analysis and Public Domain Remotely Sensed Data
* Monitoring Vegetation Change and Its Potential Drivers in Inner Mongolia from 2000 to 2019
* Monitoring Vegetation Change in the Presence of High Cloud Cover with Sentinel-2 in a Lowland Tropical Forest Region in Brazil
* Monitoring Vegetation Dynamics Inferred by Satellite Data Using the PhenoSat Tool
* Monitoring vegetation dynamics with open earth observation tools: the case of fire-modulated savanna to forest transitions in Central Africa
* Monitoring Vegetation Greenness in Response to Climate Variation along the Elevation Gradient in the Three-River Source Region of China
* Monitoring Vertical Land Motions in Southwestern Taiwan with Retracked Topex/Poseidon and Jason-2 Satellite Altimetry
* Monitoring Vineyard Canopy Management Operations Using UAV-Acquired Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* Monitoring Volumetric Surface Soil Moisture Content at the La Grande Basin Boreal Wetland by Radar Multi Polarization Data
* Monitoring Water-Related Ecosystems with Earth Observation Data in Support of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Reporting
* Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE)
* Monitoring Water Level Change and Seasonal Vegetation Change in the Coastal Wetlands of Louisiana Using L-Band Time-Series
* Monitoring Water Levels and Discharges Using Radar Altimetry in an Ungauged River Basin: The Case of the Ogooué
* Monitoring Water Quality Indicators over Matagorda Bay, Texas, Using Landsat-8
* Monitoring Water Quality of Valle de Bravo Reservoir, Mexico, Using Entire Lifespan of MERIS Data and Machine Learning Approaches
* Monitoring water stress and fruit quality in an orange orchard under regulated deficit irrigation using narrow-band structural and physiological remote sensing indices
* Monitoring Water Surface and Level of a Reservoir Using Different Remote Sensing Approaches and Comparison with Dam Displacements Evaluated via GNSS
* Monitoring Water Transparency in Shallow and Eutrophic Lake Waters Based on GOCI Observations
* Monitoring Wet Snow Over an Alpine Region Using Sentinel-1 Observations
* Monitoring Wetlands Ecosystems Using ALOS PALSAR (L-Band, HV) Supplemented by Optical Data: A Case Study of Biebrza Wetlands in Northeast Poland
* Monitoring Wheat Crop Growth Parameters Using Time Series Sentinel-1 And Sentinel-2 Data for Agricultural Application In Mongolia
* Monitoring Wheat Fusarium Head Blight Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hyperspectral Imagery
* Monitoring Wheat Leaf Rust and Stripe Rust in Winter Wheat Using High-Resolution UAV-Based Red-Green-Blue Imagery
* Monitoring Wildfires in the Northeastern Peruvian Amazon Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery in the GEE Platform
* Monitoring Within-Field Variability of Corn Yield using Sentinel-2 and Machine Learning Techniques
* Monitoring Woody Cover Dynamics in Tropical Dry Forest Ecosystems Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring, recognizing and discovering social networks
* Monitors vs. Smart Glasses: A Study on Cognitive Workload of Digital Information Systems on Forklift Trucks
* Monitory Consensus Mechanism of Blockchain for Internet of Things
* Monkey Swing Counting Algorithm Based on Object Detection, A
* Monkeys: A Software Architecture for ViRoom - Low-Cost Multicamera System
* MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of Loosely-Coupled Cameras
* Mono-camera person tracking based on template matching and covariance descriptor
* Mono-font Cursive Arabic Text Recognition Using Speech Recognition System
* Mono-SF: Multi-View Geometry Meets Single-View Depth for Monocular Scene Flow Estimation of Dynamic Traffic Scenes
* Mono-spectrum marker: an AR marker robust to image blur and defocus
* Mono-temporal GIS Update Assistance System Based on Unsupervised Coherence Analysis and Evolutionary Optimisation
* Mono camera multi-view diminished reality
* Mono is Enough: Instance Segmentation from Single Annotated Sample
* Mono Lay out: Amodal scene layout from a single image
* Mono versus Multi-view tracking-based model for automatic scene activity modeling and anomaly detection
* MONO6D: Monocular Vehicle 6D Pose Estimation with 3D Priors
* MonoATT: Online Monocular 3D Object Detection with Adaptive Token Transformer
* MonoCap: Monocular Human Motion Capture using a CNN Coupled with a Geometric Prior
* Monocentric Optical Space
* Monochrome And Color Polarization Demosaicking Using Edge-Aware Residual Interpolation
* Monochrome Digital Image Enhancement
* MonoCInIS: Camera Independent Monocular 3D Object Detection using Instance Segmentation
* MonoClothCap: Towards Temporally Coherent Clothing Capture from Monocular RGB Video
* Monocular-Based Pose Estimation Based on Fiducial Markers for Space Robotic Capture Operations in GEO
* Monocular 3-D Gait Tracking in Surveillance Scenes
* Monocular 3-D Tracking of Inextensible Deformable Surfaces Under L_2-Norm
* Monocular 3-D Tracking of the Golf Swing
* Monocular 3D Facial Expression Features for Continuous Affect Recognition
* Monocular 3D facial shape reconstruction from a single 2D image with coupled-dictionary learning and sparse coding
* Monocular 3D Fingerprint Reconstruction and Unwarping
* Monocular 3D human body reconstruction towards depth augmentation of television sequences
* Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Generation and Ordinal Ranking
* Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Multiple Hypothesis Prediction and Joint Angle Supervision
* Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Predicting Depth on Joints
* Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation for Sports Broadcasts using Partial Sports Field Registration
* Monocular 3D human pose estimation using sparse motion features
* Monocular 3D Localization of Vehicles in Road Scenes
* Monocular 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation by Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Networks
* Monocular 3D multi-person pose estimation via predicting factorized correction factors
* Monocular 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
* Monocular 3D Object Detection Leveraging Accurate Proposals and Shape Reconstruction
* Monocular 3d Object Detection via Feature Domain Adaptation
* Monocular 3D object detection via Mask-Revised Network and quality perception loss
* Monocular 3D Object Detection with Bounding Box Denoising in 3D by Perceiver
* Monocular 3D Object Detection with Depth from Motion
* Monocular 3D Object Detection with Pseudo-LiDAR Point Cloud
* Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Monocular 3D Object Detection: An Extrinsic Parameter Free Approach
* Monocular 3D Object Reconstruction with GAN Inversion
* Monocular 3D Pose and Shape Estimation of Multiple People in Natural Scenes: The Importance of Multiple Scene Constraints
* Monocular 3D pose estimation and tracking by detection
* Monocular 3D Pose Estimation via Pose Grammar and Data Augmentation
* Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion in Long Action Sequences
* Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Hands via Collision-Aware Factorized Refinements
* Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Locally Textured Surfaces
* Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Objects Based on Cylindrical Panoramas
* Monocular 3D Scene Modeling and Inference: Understanding Multi-Object Traffic Scenes
* Monocular 3D scene reconstruction at absolute scale
* Monocular 3D Scene Reconstruction at Absolute Scales by Combination of Geometric and Real-Aperture Methods
* Monocular 3D scene understanding with explicit occlusion reasoning
* Monocular 3D structure estimation for urban scenes
* Monocular 3D Tracking of Articulated Human Motion in Silhouette and Pose Manifolds
* Monocular 3D Tracking of Deformable Surfaces Using Linear Programming
* Monocular 3D tracking of deformable surfaces using sequential second order cone programming
* Monocular 3D tracking of multiple interacting targets
* Monocular 6-DoF Pose Estimation for Non-cooperative Spacecrafts Using Riemannian Regression Network
* Monocular albedo reconstruction
* Monocular and Binocular Interactions Oriented Deformable Convolutional Networks for Blind Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Omnidirectional Images
* Monocular and Stereo Methods for AAM Learning from Video
* Monocular Blind Spot Estimation with Occupancy Grid Mapping
* Monocular Body Pose Estimation by Color Histograms and Point Tracking
* Monocular Camera-Based Complex Obstacle Avoidance via Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Monocular Camera Fall Detection System Exploiting 3D Measures: A Semi-supervised Learning Approach
* Monocular Camera Trajectory Optimization using LiDAR data
* Monocular catadioptric panoramic depth estimation via caustics-based virtual scene transition
* Monocular Collision Warning System, A
* Monocular contextual constraint for stereo matching with adaptive weights assignment
* Monocular Deformable Model-to-Image Registration of Vascular Structures
* Monocular Dense 3D Reconstruction of a Complex Dynamic Scene from Two Perspective Frames
* Monocular Depth-Ordering Reasoning with Occlusion Edge Detection and Couple Layers Inference
* Monocular Depth by Nonlinear Diffusion
* Monocular Depth Cues in Computer Vision Applications
* Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge
* Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
* Monocular Depth Estimation for Glass Walls With Context: A New Dataset and Method
* Monocular Depth Estimation of Outdoor Scenes Using RGB-D Datasets
* Monocular Depth Estimation Primed by Salient Point Detection and Normalized Hessian Loss
* Monocular Depth Estimation Through Virtual-World Supervision and Real-World SfM Self-Supervision
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Cues Inspired by Biological Vision Systems
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Information Exchange Network
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Laplacian Pyramid-Based Depth Residuals
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Multi-Scale Continuous CRFs as Sequential Deep Networks
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Multi Scale Neural Network And Feature Fusion
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Neural Regression Forest
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Relative Depth Maps
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Whole Strip Masking and Reliability-Based Refinement
* Monocular Depth Estimation via Deep Structured Models with Ordinal Constraints
* Monocular Depth Estimation via Listwise Ranking using the Plackett-Luce Model
* Monocular Depth Estimation with Adaptive Geometric Attention
* Monocular Depth Estimation with Affinity, Vertical Pooling, and Label Enhancement
* Monocular Depth Estimation With Augmented Ordinal Depth Relationships
* Monocular depth estimation with hierarchical fusion of dilated CNNs and soft-weighted-sum inference
* Monocular Depth Estimation With Improved Long-Range Accuracy for UAV Environment Perception
* Monocular Depth Estimation With Multi-Scale Feature Fusion
* Monocular depth estimation with spatially coherent sliced network
* Monocular depth estimation with SPN loss
* Monocular Depth Estimation: a Review of the 2022 State of the Art
* Monocular Depth Estimation: A Thorough Review
* Monocular Depth Ordering Using T-Junctions and Convexity Occlusion Cues
* Monocular depth perception by evaluation of the blur in defocused images
* Monocular Depth Perception from Optical Flow by Space Time Signal Processing
* Monocular Depth Perception on Microcontrollers for Edge Applications
* Monocular Depth Prediction Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Monocular Differentiable Rendering for Self-supervised 3D Object Detection
* Monocular Epipolar Constraint for Optical Flow Estimation
* Monocular Expressive Body Regression Through Body-Driven Attention
* Monocular Extraction of 2.1D Sketch Using Constrained Convex Optimization
* Monocular Free-Head 3D Gaze Tracking with Deep Learning and Geometry Constraints
* Monocular Ground Plane Estimation System, A
* Monocular Hand Pose Estimation Using Variable Metric Gradient-Descent
* Monocular Head Pose Estimation Using Generalized Adaptive View-Based Appearance Model
* Monocular Head Pose Estimation
* Monocular Human Detection System Based on EOH and Oriented LBP Features, A
* Monocular Human Motion Capture with a Mixture of Regressors
* Monocular Human Motion Tracking by Using DE-MC Particle Filter
* Monocular Human Motion Tracking with Non-Connected Body Part Dependency
* Monocular human pose estimation: A survey of deep learning-based methods
* Monocular Human Pose Tracking Using Multi Frame Part Dynamics
* Monocular Human Shape and Pose with Dense Mesh-borne Local Image Features
* Monocular Image-Based 3-D Model Retrieval: A Benchmark
* Monocular Image 3D Human Pose Estimation under Self-Occlusion
* monocular image based intersection assistant, A
* monocular image depth estimation method based on weighted fusion and point-wise convolution, A
* Monocular lie algebra approach for 3d motion estimation
* Monocular Long-Term Target Following on UAVs
* Monocular Model-Based 3D Tracking of Rigid Objects: A Survey
* Monocular multi-human detection using Augmented Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Monocular Multiview Object Tracking with 3D Aspect Parts
* Monocular Neural Image Based Rendering With Continuous View Control
* Monocular Object Detection Using 3D Geometric Primitives
* Monocular Object Instance Segmentation and Depth Ordering with CNNs
* Monocular obstacle avoidance for blind people using probabilistic focus of expansion estimation
* Monocular obstacle detection using reciprocal-polar rectification
* Monocular omnidirectional head motion capture in the visible light spectrum
* Monocular Omnidirectional Visual Odometry for Outdoor Ground Vehicles
* Monocular Online Learning for Road Region Labeling and Object Detection from a Moving Platform
* Monocular Optical Flow for Real-Time Vision Systems
* Monocular Pedestrian Detection: Survey and Experiments
* Monocular pedestrian orientation estimation based on deep 2D-3D feedforward
* Monocular Pedestrian Tracking from a Moving Vehicle
* Monocular Perception of Biological Motion in Johansson Displays
* Monocular Perception of Biological Motion: Clutter and Partial Occlusion
* Monocular Perception of Biological Motion: Detection and Labeling
* Monocular Piecewise Depth Estimation in Dynamic Scenes by Exploiting Superpixel Relations
* Monocular Point Based Pose Estimation of Artificial Markers by Using Evolutionary Computing
* Monocular Pose Capture with a Depth Camera Using a Sums-of-Gaussians Body Model
* Monocular Pose Determination from Lines: Critical Sets and Maximum Number of Solutions
* Monocular Pose Estimation Case Study: The Hayabusa2 Minerva-II2 Deployment, A
* Monocular pose estimation of circular primitives
* Monocular Pose of a Rigid Body Using Point Landmarks
* Monocular Position-Pose Measurement Based on Circular and Linear Features
* Monocular Precrash Vehicle Detection: Features and Classifiers
* Monocular Pseudo-LiDAR Point Cloud Extrapolation Based on Iterative Hybrid Rendering
* Monocular Quasi-Dense 3D Object Tracking
* Monocular Range Estimation through a Double-Sided Half-Mirror Plate
* Monocular Real-Time Foreground Cut Based on Multiple Cues
* Monocular Real-time Full Body Capture with Inter-part Correlations
* Monocular Real-Time Hand Shape and Motion Capture Using Multi-Modal Data
* Monocular Real-time Volumetric Performance Capture
* Monocular Rear-View Obstacle Detection Using Residual Flow
* Monocular Reconstruction of 3-D Bilateral Symmetrical Objects
* Monocular Reconstruction of a Complex Urban Scene in the 3D MOSAIC System
* Monocular reconstruction of human motion by qualitative selection
* Monocular Reconstruction of Neural Face Reflectance Fields
* Monocular Relative Depth Perception with Web Stereo Data Supervision
* Monocular RGB Hand Pose Inference from Unsupervised Refinable Nets
* Monocular Road Planar Parallax Estimation
* Monocular Road Scene Bird's Eye View Prediction via Big Kernel-Size Encoder and Spatial-Channel Transform Module
* Monocular Road Terrain Detection by Combining Visual and Spatial Information
* Monocular Robot Navigation with Self-Supervised Pretrained Vision Transformers
* Monocular Robust 3D Human Localization by Global and Body-Parts Depth Awareness
* Monocular Rotational Odometry with Incremental Rotation Averaging and Loop Closure
* Monocular Segment-Wise Depth: Monocular Depth Estimation Based on a Semantic Segmentation Prior
* Monocular SLAM as a Graph of Coalesced Observations
* Monocular SLAM with Conditionally Independent Split Mapping
* Monocular SLAM with Inverse Scaling Parametrization
* Monocular SLAM with locally planar landmarks via geometric rao-blackwellized particle filtering on Lie groups
* Monocular spherical depth estimation with explicitly connected weak layout cues
* Monocular Stereovision : Depth Map from two Blurred Images
* Monocular Stixels: A LIDAR-guided Approach
* Monocular structure from motion for near to long ranges
* Monocular Surface Reconstruction Using 3D Deformable Part Models
* Monocular Template-Based 3D Reconstruction of Extensible Surfaces with Local Linear Elasticity
* Monocular template-based 3D surface reconstruction: Convex inextensible and nonconvex isometric methods
* Monocular Template-based Reconstruction of Inextensible Surfaces
* Monocular Template-Based Reconstruction of Smooth and Inextensible Surfaces
* Monocular Template-Based Tracking of Inextensible Deformable Surfaces under L2-Norm
* Monocular Total Capture: Posing Face, Body, and Hands in the Wild
* Monocular Tracking 3D People By Gaussian Process Spatio-Temporal Variable Model
* Monocular Tracking of 3D Human Motion with a Coordinated Mixture of Factor Analyzers
* Monocular Tracking of the Human Arm in 3D
* Monocular Tracking of the Human Arm in 3D: Real-Time Implementation and Experiments
* Monocular Tracking with a Mixture of View-Dependent Learned Models
* Monocular Video-Based Trailer Coupler Detection Using Multiplexer Convolutional Neural Network
* Monocular video foreground segmentation system
* Monocular Video Foreground/Background Segmentation by Tracking Spatial-Color Gaussian Mixture Models
* Monocular Vision-Based Distributed Node Localization for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
* Monocular Vision Based SLAM for Mobile Robots
* Monocular Vision for Mobile Robot Localization and Autonomous Navigation
* Monocular Vision System for Autonomous Vehicle Guidance, A
* Monocular Vision Using Inverse Perspective Projection Geometry: Analytic Relations
* Monocular Visual-IMU Odometry: A Comparative Evaluation of Detector-Descriptor-Based Methods
* Monocular Visual-IMU Odometry: A Comparative Evaluation of the Detector-Descriptor Based Methods
* Monocular Visual-Inertial-Wheel Odometry Using Low-Grade IMU in Urban Areas
* Monocular Visual-Inertial Navigation for Dynamic Environment
* Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM for Fixed-Wing UAVs Using Sliding Window Based Nonlinear Optimization
* Monocular Visual Odometry and Dense 3D Reconstruction for On-Road Vehicles
* Monocular visual odometry from frame to frame intensity differences for planetary exploration mobile robots
* Monocular Visual Scene Understanding: Understanding Multi-Object Traffic Scenes
* Monocular Visual Traffic Surveillance: A Review
* Monocular, One-stage, Regression of Multiple 3D People
* Monocular, Real-Time Surface Reconstruction Using Dynamic Level of Detail
* Monocular, vision based, autonomous refueling system
* MonoDETR: Depth-guided Transformer for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* MonoDTR: Monocular 3D Object Detection with Depth-Aware Transformer
* MonoDVPS: A Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Approach to Depth-aware Video Panoptic Segmentation
* MonoEdge: Monocular 3D Object Detection Using Local Perspectives
* MonoEF: Extrinsic Parameter Free Monocular 3D Object Detection
* MonoFENet: Monocular 3D Object Detection With Feature Enhancement Networks
* Monogenic-LBP: A new approach for rotation invariant texture classification
* Monogenic Binary Pattern (MBP): A Novel Feature Extraction and Representation Model for Face Recognition
* Monogenic Curvature Scale-Space, The
* monogenic curvelet transform, The
* Monogenic Scale-Space: A Unifying Approach to Phase-Based Image Processing in Scale-Space, The
* Monogenic Scale Space on a Bounded Domain and Its Applications, The
* Monogenic Scale Space on a Rectangular Domain and its Features, The
* MonoGRNet: A General Framework for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* MonoGround: Detecting Monocular 3D Objects from the Ground
* MonoHuman: Animatable Human Neural Field from Monocular Video
* MonoIndoor: Towards Good Practice of Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Indoor Environments
* MonoIndoor++: Towards Better Practice of Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Indoor Environments
* MonoJSG: Joint Semantic and Geometric Cost Volume for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Monolithic Folded Pendulum Accelerometers for Seismic Monitoring and Active Isolation Systems
* Monolithic Hough Transform Processor Based on Restructurable VLSI, A
* Monolithic Silicon Microbolometer Arrays for Low-cost Uncooled Infrared Imagers
* MonoLoco: Monocular 3D Pedestrian Localization and Uncertainty Estimation
* Monomodal image registration using mutual information based methods
* MonoNeRD: NeRF-like Representations for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* MonoNeRF: Learning a Generalizable Dynamic Radiance Field from Monocular Videos
* MonoPair: Monocular 3D Object Detection Using Pairwise Spatial Relationships
* Monoplanar Camera Calibration: Iterative Multistep Approach
* Monoplanar CT Reconstruction with GANs
* MonoPLFlowNet: Permutohedral Lattice FlowNet for Real-Scale 3D Scene Flow Estimation with Monocular Images
* Monoplotting: A Semi-Automated Approach for 3D Reconstruction from Single Satellite Image
* MonoPoly: A practical monocular 3D object detector
* Monopulse Parameter Estimation for FDA-MIMO Radar under Mainlobe Deception Jamming
* MONORAIL: A Disk-Friendly Index for Huge Descriptor Databases
* MonoRec: Semi-Supervised Dense Reconstruction in Dynamic Environments from a Single Moving Camera
* MonoRUn: Monocular 3D Object Detection by Reconstruction and Uncertainty Propagation
* Monoscale Dual Ridgelet Frame
* MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion
* MonoSLAM: Real-Time Single Camera SLAM
* Monostatic and Bistatic Scattering Modeling of the Anisotropic Rough Soil
* Monothetic Clustering Method, A
* Monoto nicity-preserving Operations and the Morphological Scale-Space Method for Image Segmentation
* Monotone operator splitting for optimization problems in sparse recovery
* monotonic-decreasing rate scheduler for variable-bit-rate video streaming, A
* Monotonic algorithms for transmission tomography
* Monotonic and Continuous Two-Dimensional Warping Based on Dynamic Programming, A
* monotonic constrained regression framework for histogram equalization and specification, A
* Monotonic Iterative Algorithms for SAR Image Restoration
* Monotonic penalized-likelihood image reconstruction for X-ray fluorescence computed tomography
* Monotonic Regression: A New Way for Correlating Subjective and Objective Ratings in Image Quality Research
* Monotonic Vector Forces and Green's Theorem for Automatic Area Calculation
* Monotonically Convergent Regularization by Denoising
* Monotonicity and Error Type Differentiability in Performance Measures for Target Detection and Tracking in Video
* Monotonicity Enhancing Nonlinear Diffusion
* Monotonicity of Linear Separability under Translation
* Monotonicity Prior for Cloud Tomography
* MonoTrack: Shuttle trajectory reconstruction from monocular badminton video
* Monovision-based vehicle detection, distance and relative speed measurement in urban traffic
* Monozygotic twin face recognition: An in-depth analysis and plausible improvements
* Monsoon Effects on Chlorophyll-a, Sea Surface Temperature, and Ekman Dynamics Variability along the Southern Coast of Lesser Sunda Islands and Its Relation to ENSO and IOD Based on Satellite Observations
* Monsoon Season Quantitative Assessment of Biomass Burning Clear-Sky Aerosol Radiative Effect at Surface by Ground-Based Lidar Observations in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia in 2014
* MONstEr: A Deep Learning-Based System for the Automatic Generation of Gaming Assets
* MontageGAN: Generation and Assembly of Multiple Components by GANs
* Monte-carlo- Simulation for Accuracy Assessment of A Single Camera Navigation System
* Monte-Carlo-Based Parametric Motion Estimation Using a Hybrid Model Approach
* Monte-Carlo Acceleration of Bilateral Filter and Non-Local Means
* Monte-Carlo Siamese Policy on Actor for Satellite Image Super Resolution
* Monte-Carlo Sure: A Black-Box Optimization of Regularization Parameters for General Denoising Algorithms
* Monte Carlo-Based Outlier Diagnosis Method for Sensitivity Analysis, A
* Monte Carlo Approach to Simulate the Stochastic Demand in a Continuous Dynamic Traffic Network Loading Problem, A
* Monte Carlo Based Framework for Multi-Target Detection and Tracking Over Multi-Camera Surveillance System, A
* Monte Carlo cluster refinement for noise robust image segmentation
* Monte Carlo Comparison of Distance Transform Based Matching Measures
* Monte Carlo comparison of six hierarchical clustering methods on random data
* Monte Carlo comparisons of selected clustering procedures
* Monte Carlo DropBlock for modeling uncertainty in object detection
* Monte Carlo Dropout for Uncertainty Analysis and ECG Trace Image Classification
* Monte Carlo Evaluation of the Hausdorff Distance for Shape Matching
* Monte Carlo Evaluation of the Moving Method, K-means and Self-Organising Neural Networks, A
* Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization with Hidden Markov Models to Detect Functional Networks in Resting-State fMRI
* Monte Carlo Full-Waveform Inversion of Cross-Hole Ground-Penetrating Radar Data Based on Improved Residual Network
* Monte Carlo Gradient Quantization
* Monte Carlo Linear Clustering with Single-Point Supervision is Enough for Infrared Small Target Detection
* Monte Carlo Localization on Gaussian Process Occupancy Maps for Urban Environments
* Monte Carlo Localization Using SIFT Features
* Monte Carlo Markov chain techniques for unsupervised MRF-based image denoising
* Monte Carlo method based precision analysis of deep convolution nets
* Monte Carlo Method for Simulating Scattering From Sea Ice Using FVTD, A
* Monte Carlo Model of a Benchtop X-Ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography System and Its Application to Validate a Deconvolution-Based X-Ray Fluorescence Signal Extraction Method, A
* Monte Carlo Non-Local Means: Random Sampling for Large-Scale Image Filtering
* Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Simulation to Analyze the Spectral Index for Remote Detection of Oil Dispersed in the Southern Baltic Sea Seawater Column: The Role of Water Surface State
* Monte Carlo sampling for visual pose tracking
* Monte Carlo Scene Search for 3D Scene Understanding
* Monte Carlo Simulation Study on the Dome Effect, A
* Monte carlo simulations for clutter statistics in minefields: AP-mine-like-target buried near a dielectric object beneath 2-D random rough ground surfaces
* Monte Carlo Simulations of Diffusion Weighted MRI in Myocardium: Validation and Sensitivity Analysis
* Monte Carlo Simulations of Water Exchange Through Myelin Wraps: Implications for Diffusion MRI
* Monte Carlo Strategy to Integrate Detection and Model-Based Face Analysis, A
* Monte Carlo subspace method: An incremental approach to high-dimensional data classification
* Monte Carlo Tracking Method with Threshold Constraint
* Monte Carlo Tree Search for Scheduling Activity Recognition
* Monte Carlo Tree Search on Directed Acyclic Graphs for Object Pose Verification
* Monte Carlo Visual Tracking Using Color Histograms and a Spatially Weighted Oriented Hausdorff Measure
* MonteBoxFinder: Detecting and Filtering Primitives to Fit a Noisy Point Cloud
* MonteFloor: Extending MCTS for Reconstructing Accurate Large-Scale Floor Plans
* Monthly Analysis of Wetlands Dynamics Using Remote Sensing Data
* Monthly Ocean Primary Productivity Forecasting by Joint Use of Seasonal Climate Prediction and Temporal Memory
* Montmorillonite Estimation in Clay-Quartz-Calcite Samples from Laboratory SWIR Imaging Spectroscopy: A Comparative Study of Spectral Preprocessings and Unmixing Methods
* MonuAnno: Automatic Annotation of Georeferenced Landmarks Images
* MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge
* Mood-Learning Public Display: Adapting Content Design Evolutionarily through Viewers' Involuntary Gestures and Movements
* MOOD 2020: A Public Benchmark for Out-of-Distribution Detection and Localization on Medical Images
* Mood and Its Mapping onto Facial Expressions
* Mood detection analyzing lyrics and audio signal based on deep learning architectures
* Mood from painting: Estimating the mood of painting by using color image scale
* Mood Versus Identity: Studying the Influence of Affective States on Mobile Biometrics
* MOOD: Multi-level Out-of-distribution Detection
* Moon as a Climate-Quality Radiometric Calibration Reference, The
* Moon Imaging Performance of FAST Radio Telescope in Bistatic Configuration with Other Radars
* moon Mapping Project To Promote Cooperation Between Students Of Italy And China, The
* Moon, Lunar Treeain, Lunar Analysis, Martian Terrain
* MOON: A Mixed Objective Optimization Network for the Recognition of Facial Attributes
* MOON: Multi-hash codes joint learning for cross-media retrieval
* Mooney face classification and prediction by learning across tone
* MOOSE Users' Manual Implementation Guide Evaluation
* Mop Moiré Patterns Using MopNet
* MoPaCo: High telepresence video communication system using motion parallax with monocular camera
* MoQA: A Multi-modal Question Answering Architecture
* Moquad: Motion-focused Quadruple Construction for Video Contrastive Learning
* Moral Challenges of Driverless Cars, The
* Moral Lineage Tracing
* MORAL: A vision-based object recognition system for autonomous mobile systems
* Morality Classification in Natural Language Text
* MORAN: A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for scene text recognition
* MORB: A Multi-Scale Binary Descriptor
* More-natural Mimetic Words Generation for Fine-grained Gait Description
* More-Than-Topology-Preserving Flows for Active Contours and Polygons
* More About Areas and Perimeters of Quantized Objects
* More About Covariance Descriptors for Image Set Coding: Log-Euclidean Framework Based Kernel Matrix Representation
* More about Polyhedra: Interpretation through Construction in the Image Plane
* More about VLAD: A leap from Euclidean to Riemannian manifolds
* More Accurate Field-to-Field Method towards the Wind Retrieval of HY-2B Scatterometer, A
* More accurate pinhole camera calibration with imperfect planar target
* More Classifiers, Less Forgetting: A Generic Multi-classifier Paradigm for Incremental Learning
* More Control for Free! Image Synthesis with Semantic Diffusion Guidance
* More Correlations Better Performance: Fully Associative Networks for Multi-label Image Classification
* More Direct Ego Motion Computation
* More Diverse Means Better: Multimodal Deep Learning Meets Remote-Sensing Imagery Classification
* More Efficient and Video Friendly Spatial Resizing Algorithm, A
* more efficient branch and bound algorithm for feature selection, A
* More Efficient Convex Hull Algorithm, A
* More Exploration, Less Exploitation
* More for less: Fast image warping for improving the appearance of head tracking on HMDs
* More for less: Insights into convolutional nets for 3D point cloud recognition
* More Grounded Image Captioning by Distilling Image-Text Matching Model
* More is Better: Precise and Detailed Image Captioning Using Online Positive Recall and Missing Concepts Mining
* More is Less: A More Complicated Network with Less Inference Complexity
* More Knowledge, Less Bias: Unbiasing Scene Graph Generation with Explicit Ontological Adjustment
* More on Path Generated Digital Metrics
* More on the Benefit of a Third Eye for Machine Stereo Perception
* More on Weak Feature: Self-correlate Histogram Distances
* More or Less (MoL): Defending against Multiple Perturbation Attacks on Deep Neural Networks through Model Ensemble and Compression
* More Personality in Personality Computing
* More Photos are All You Need: Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Sketch Based Image Retrieval
* More Real Than Real: A Study on Human Visual Perception of Synthetic Faces
* More Reliable Orbit Initialization Method for LEO Precise Orbit Determination Using GNSS, A
* More robust face recognition by considering occlusion information
* More Robust Feature Correspondence for more Accurate Image Recognition, A
* More Robust Mean Shift Tracker Using Joint Monogenic Signal Analysis and Color Histogram, A
* More Robust Subsampling-Based Image Watermarking, A
* More Synergy, Less Redundancy: Exploiting Joint Mutual Information for Self-Supervised Learning
* More Than a Flight: The Extensive Contributions of UAV Flights to Archaeological Research: The Case Study of Curium Site in Cyprus
* More than a Mouse
* More than ink: Realization of a data-embedding pen
* More Than Just Attention: Improving Cross-Modal Attentions with Contrastive Constraints for Image-Text Matching
* More Than Meets the Eye: Using Sentinel-2 to Map Small Plantations in Complex Forest Landscapes
* More than twenty years of advancements on Frontiers in handwriting recognition
* More than Words: In-the-Wild Visually-Driven Prosody for Text-to-Speech
* more the merrier: Analysing the affect of a group of people in images, The
* More Traffic Means More Accidents? the Case of French Nice Highway
* More Usable V-EGI for Volumetric Dataset Registration
* More versatile scientific documents
* more you know, the less you learn: from knowledge transfer to one-shot learning of object categories, The
* More You Know: Using Knowledge Graphs for Image Classification, The
* more you learn, the less you store: Memory-controlled incremental SVM for visual place recognition, The
* More You Look, the More You See: Towards General Object Understanding Through Recursive Refinement, The
* MoRe: A Large-Scale Motorcycle Re-Identification Dataset
* MORE: Multi-Order RElation Mining for Dense Captioning in 3D Scenes
* MoRE: Multi-output residual embedding for multi-label classification
* Moreau-Enhanced Total Variation and Subspace Factorization for Hyperspectral Denoising
* MoreauGrad: Sparse and Robust Interpretation of Neural Networks via Moreau Envelope
* MoreFusion: Multi-object Reasoning for 6D Pose Estimation from Volumetric Fusion
* MORF: Multi-Objective Random Forests for face characteristic estimation
* MORFO3D Foot Database, The
* MORGAN: Meta-Learning-based Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition via Generative Adversarial Network
* Moroccan Dialect Speech Recognition System Based on CMU SphinxTools
* Moroccan sign language recognition based on machine learning
* MORPH-DSLAM: Model Order Reduction for Physics-Based Deformable SLAM
* Morph Detection Enhanced by Structured Group Sparsity
* Morph Transformation of the Facial Image
* MORPH: A Longitudinal Image Database of Normal Adult Age-Progression
* Morphable 3D Models from Video
* Morphable Detector for Object Detection on Demand
* Morphable Displacement Field Based Image Matching for Face Recognition across Pose
* Morphable Face Albedo Model, A
* Morphable Face Models - An Open Framework
* Morphable Face Reconstruction with Multiple Images
* morphable model for the synthesis of 3-D Faces, A
* Morphable model space based face super-resolution reconstruction and recognition
* Morphable Models for the Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Motion Patterns
* Morphable Reflectance Fields for enhancing face recognition
* Morphable Surface Models
* Morpheme-Based Automatic Speech Recognition of Basque
* Morpheme-Based Weighting for Chinese-Mongolian Statistical Machine Translation, A
* MorphEst: An Automated Toolbox for Measuring Estuarine Planform Geometry from Remotely Sensed Imagery and Its Application to the South Korean Coast
* MorpheuS: Generating Structured Music with Constrained Patterns and Tension
* Morphing-Based Method for Paleotopographic Reconstruction of the Transverse Canyon, A
* Morphing Active Contours
* Morphing active contours: a geometric approach to topology-independent image segmentation and tracking
* Morphing and Repairing a 3D Scalp Geometry in Building Hair Models and Simulation
* Morphing as a tool for motion modelling
* Morphing of 2-D models by Fresnel transform
* Morphing of Building Footprints Using a Turning Angle Function
* Morphing of Manifold-Valued Images Inspired by Discrete Geodesics in Image Spaces
* MorphMLP: An Efficient MLP-Like Backbone for Spatial-Temporal Representation Learning
* MorphNet: Fast & Simple Resource-Constrained Structure Learning of Deep Networks
* MOrpho-LEXical analysis for correcting OCR-genereted arabic words (MOLEX)
* Morpho-Spectral Recognition of Dense Urban Objects by Hyperspectral Imagery
* Morpho-tectonic Assessment of the Abu-Dabbab Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt: Insights from Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis
* Morphodynamic Analysis of Cerebral Aneurysm Pulsation From Time-Resolved Rotational Angiography
* Morpholog: A Software Package for the Quantitative Image Analysis
* Morphologic Analysis of Cirrhotic Liver in CT Images, A
* Morphologic Edge Detection
* Morphologic Field Morphing: Contour Model-Guided Image Interpolation
* Morphologic Field Warping: A Volumetric Deformation Method for Medical Image Registration
* Morphologic gain-controlled regularization for edge-preserving super-resolution image reconstruction
* Morphologic Quality of DSMs Based on Optical and Radar Space Imagery
* morphologic two-stage approach for automated optic disk detection in color eye fundus images, A
* Morphological-Based License Plate Location, A
* Morphological Algorithms for Computing Non-Planar Point Neighborhoods on Cellular Automata
* Morphological Amoebas Are Self-snakes
* Morphological Analysis Combined with a Machine Learning Approach to Detect Utrasound Median Sagittal Sections for the Nuchal Translucency Measurement
* Morphological analysis for investigating artistic images
* Morphological Analysis for Temporary Behaviour Description of Photoelasticity Images on Plastic Films
* Morphological Analysis of Brownian Motion for Physical Measurements
* Morphological Analysis of Discrete Random Shapes
* Morphological Analysis of Landslides In Extreme Topography By UAS-SFM: Data Acquisition, 3d Models and Change Detection
* Morphological analysis of spatio-temporal patterns for the segmentation of cyclic human activities
* Morphological and Linear Scale Spaces for Fiber Enhancement in DW-MRI
* Morphological and Physiological Screening to Predict Lettuce Biomass Production in Controlled Environment Agriculture
* Morphological Anisotropic Diffusion
* morphological approach for distinguishing texture and individual features in images, A
* Morphological Approach for Segmentation and Tracking of Human Faces, A
* Morphological Approach for Text-Line Segmentation in Handwritten Documents, A
* morphological approach of target detection on perspective plane, A
* Morphological Approach to Curvature-Based Evolution of Curves and Surfaces, A
* Morphological Approach to Fish Discrimination, A
* Morphological Approach to Multiscale Analysis
* morphological approach to piecewise constant active contour model incorporated with the geodesic edge term, A
* Morphological Approach to Shortest Path Planning for Rotating Objects, A
* Morphological Approach to Text String Extraction from Regular Periodic Overlapping Text-Background Images, A
* morphological approach to the automatic detection of dark fringes applied to birefringence images, A
* Morphological Approach to the Generalised 2-Stage Stock-Cutting Problem, A
* Morphological Area Openings and Closings for Grey-scale Images
* Morphological Attribute Profiles for the Analysis of Very High Resolution Images
* Morphological Attribute Profiles With Partial Reconstruction
* Morphological Autocorrelation Transform: A New Representation and Classification Scheme for Two-Dimensional Images
* Morphological Background Detection and Enhancement of Images With Poor Lighting
* Morphological Band Registration of Multispectral Cameras for Water Quality Analysis with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Morphological Bilateral Filtering
* Morphological carving
* Morphological Change Detection Algorithms for Surveillance Applications
* Morphological Change of a Scene Employing Synthetic Multispectral and Panchromatic Images
* Morphological Changes Along A Dike Landside Slope Sampled By 4d High Resolution Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Morphological Changes Detection of a Large Earthflow Using Archived Images, LiDAR-Derived DTM, and UAV-Based Remote Sensing
* Morphological Characteristics of Tidal Creeks in the Central Coastal Region of Jiangsu, China, Using LiDAR
* Morphological Characterization of Graphene Plans Stacking
* Morphological Characterization of Intracranial Aneurysms Using 3-D Moment Invariants
* Morphological classification of cancerous cells
* Morphological Classification: Application to Cardiac MRI of Tetralogy of Fallot
* Morphological classifiers
* Morphological co-processing unit for embedded devices
* Morphological Color Quantization
* Morphological Colour Image Segmentation
* Morphological colour operators in totally ordered lattices based on distances: Application to image filtering, enhancement and analysis
* Morphological Component Analysis: An Adaptive Thresholding Strategy
* Morphological Connected Filtering on Viscous Lattices
* Morphological contour coding using structuring functions optimized by genetic algorithms
* Morphological contrast index based on the Weber's law
* Morphological Corner Detection
* Morphological corner detector using paired triangular structuring elements
* Morphological Counterparts of Linear Shift-Invariant Scale-Spaces
* Morphological Decomposition and Compression of Binary Images via a Minimum Set Cover Algorithm
* Morphological Decomposition of 2-D Binary Shapes into Conditionally Maximal Convex Polygons
* Morphological Decomposition of 2-D Binary Shapes into Convex Polygons: A Heuristic Algorithm
* Morphological Decomposition of 2-D Binary Shapes into Modestly Overlapped Disk Components
* Morphological Decomposition of 2-D Binary Shapes Into Modestly Overlapped Octagonal and Disk Components
* Morphological Decomposition of 2-D Binary Shapes into Simpler Shape Parts
* Morphological decomposition of convex polytopes and its application in discrete image space
* Morphological Decomposition of Restricted Domains: A Vector Space Solution
* Morphological Degradation Models and Their Use in Document Image Restoration
* Morphological Description of Color Images for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Morphological dilation image coding with context weights prediction
* Morphological Distinguished Regions
* Morphological Diversity and Sparsity for Multichannel Data Restoration
* Morphological Edge Detector for Gray-Level Image Thresholding, A
* Morphological elastic graph matching applied to frontal face authentication under well-controlled and real conditions
* Morphological Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms
* Morphological Equivalents of Relativistic and Alpha-Scale-Spaces, The
* Morphological Erosions and Openings: Fast Algorithms Based on Anchors
* Morphological Estimator for Clique Potentials of Binary Markov Random Fields, A
* Morphological Exploration of Shape Spaces
* Morphological Extraction of Line Networks from Noisy Low-Contrast Images
* Morphological Feature-Oriented Algorithm for Extracting Impervious Surface Areas Obscured by Vegetation in Collaboration with OSM Road Networks in Urban Areas, A
* Morphological Feature Detection
* Morphological feature extraction and KNG-CNN classification of CT images for early lung cancer detection
* Morphological Features-Based Descriptive Index System for Lunar Impact Craters
* Morphological features for leaf based plant recognition
* Morphological filling of digital elevation models
* Morphological filter for lossless image subsampling
* Morphological Filtering and Hierarchical Deformation for Partially Overlapping Cell Segmentation
* Morphological filtering as template matching
* Morphological filtering in shape spaces: Applications using tree-based image representations
* Morphological filtering on graphs
* Morphological Filtering: An overview
* Morphological filters implementation based on a co-design approach
* Morphological filters without distorting image
* Morphological Filters. Part I: Their Set-Theoretic Analysis and Relations to Linear Shift-Invariant Filters
* Morphological Filters. Part II: Their Relations to Median, Order-Statistic, and Stack Filters
* Morphological Filters: Statistical and Further Syntactic Properties
* Morphological floodings and optimal cuts in hierarchies
* Morphological Galaxies Classification According to Hubble-de Vaucouleurs Diagram Using CNNs
* Morphological geodesic active contour algorithm for the segmentation of the histogram-equalized welding bead image edges
* Morphological Gradient Approach to Color Edge Detection, A
* Morphological gradient operators for colour images
* Morphological grain operators for binary images
* Morphological granulometric estimation of random patterns in the context of parameterized random sets
* Morphological Gray Scale Reconstruction in Image Analysis: Applications and Efficient Algorithms
* Morphological Grayscale Reconstruction: Definition, Efficient Algorithm and Applications in Image Analysis
* Morphological hat-transform scale spaces and their use in pattern classification
* Morphological hat-transform scale spaces and their use in texture classification
* Morphological Hierarchical Image Decomposition Based on Laplacian 0-Crossings
* Morphological hierarchical segmentation and color spaces
* Morphological Hit-or-miss Transform Based Approach for Building Damage Estimation from VHR Airborne Imagery in 2011 Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami
* Morphological Hit-or-Miss Transformation for Shape Recognition
* Morphological image analysis applied to crop field mapping
* Morphological Image Analysis: Principles and Applications
* Morphological Image Compositing
* Morphological Image Enlargements
* Morphological Image Interpolation to Magnify Images with Sharp Edges
* Morphological Image Processing for Evaluating Malaria Disease
* morphological image processing method for locating myosin filaments in muscle electron micrographs, A
* Morphological image processing on a token passing pyramid computer
* Morphological interpolation and color images
* Morphological interpolation for texture coding
* Morphological Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
* Morphological Links Between Formal Concepts and Hypergraphs
* Morphological Lomo Filter for Multiscale Image Processing, The
* Morphological mapping for non-linear dimensionality reduction
* Morphological mesh filtering and alpha-objects
* morphological method for music score staff removal, A
* Morphological Method of Detection of Defects on the Surface of Ferrite Cores
* Morphological Methods for Detection and Classification of Edges in Range Images
* Morphological Model-Driven Approach to Real-Time Road Boundary Detection for Vision-Based Automotive Systems, A
* morphological model for automatic edge detection: Comparison with ad-hoc Hysteresis Thresholding, A
* Morphological Models for the Collapse of Area Features in Digital Map Generalization
* Morphological Moments of Binary Images
* Morphological multiscale decomposition of connected regions with emphasis on cell clusters
* Morphological Multiscale Gradient Watershed Image Analysis
* Morphological Multiscale Representation for Boundaries and Surfaces
* Morphological multiscale segmentation for image coding
* Morphological Networks for Image De-Raining
* Morphological normalization of vowel images for articulatory speech recognition
* Morphological operation based dense houses extraction from DSM
* Morphological operations in recursive neighbourhoods
* Morphological Operations on Crack Coded Binary Images
* Morphological Operations on Delaunay Triangulations
* Morphological Operations on Matrix-Valued Images
* Morphological Operations to Extract Urban Curbs in 3D MLS Point Clouds
* Morphological Operator Decomposition, Implementation
* morphological operator for corner detection, A
* Morphological Operators for Flooding, Leveling and Filtering Images Using Graphs
* Morphological Operators for Image and Video Compression
* Morphological Operators for Image Sequences
* Morphological operators for images valued on the sphere
* Morphological Operators for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Morphological operators on graph based on geodesic distance map
* Morphological operators on the unit circle
* Morphological operators to extract channel networks from digital elevation models
* Morphological Partitioning of Multispectral Images
* Morphological path filtering at the region scale for efficient and robust road network extraction from satellite imagery
* Morphological pattern-spectrum classification of noisy shapes: Exterior granulometries
* Morphological PDE and Dilation/Erosion Semigroups on Length Spaces
* Morphological PDEs on Graphs for Image Processing on Surfaces and Point Clouds
* Morphological PDEs on graphs for saliency detection
* Morphological Perceptrons: Geometry and Training Algorithms
* Morphological Point Thinning Algorithm, A
* Morphological postprocessing for object tracking and segmentation
* Morphological preprocessing method to thresholding degraded word images
* Morphological Principal Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Morphological Processing of Gaussian Residuals for Edge-Preserving Smoothing
* Morphological processing of hyperspectral images using kriging-based supervised ordering
* Morphological Processing of Severely Occluded Digital Elevation Images to Extract and Connect Stream Channels
* Morphological Pseudo Bandpass Image Decompositions
* Morphological Pyramidal Image Decomposition, A
* Morphological Pyramids in Multiresolution MIP Rendering of Large Volume Data: Survey and New Results
* Morphological pyramids with alternating sequential filters
* Morphological rational operator for contrast enhancement
* Morphological recognition of the spatial patterns of olive trees
* morphological reconstruction algorithm for separating off-terrain points from terrain points in laser scanning data, A
* Morphological Reduction of Skeleton Redundancy
* Morphological Refinement of an Image Segmentation
* Morphological registration of 3D medical images
* Morphological regularization neural networks
* Morphological Representation of 2-D Binary Shapes Using Rectangular Components
* Morphological representation of DCT coefficients for image compression
* Morphological Representation of Discrete and Binary Images
* Morphological Representation of Nonlinear Filters
* Morphological representation of order-statistics filters
* Morphological Representations of Scalar Fields
* Morphological Representations of Vector Fields
* Morphological Residual Representations of Signals
* Morphological Residues and a General Framework for Image Filtering and Segmentation
* Morphological Reversible Contour Representation
* Morphological Sampling
* Morphological Scale-space Analysis and Feature Extraction
* Morphological Scale-Space Operators for Images Supported on Point Clouds
* Morphological Scale-Space Preserving Transforms in Many Dimensions
* Morphological scale-space representation with levelings
* Morphological scale-space using generalized zero-crossings as feature points
* Morphological Scale-Space with Application to Three-Dimensional Object Recognition
* Morphological scale-space
* Morphological Scale Space and Mathematical Morphology
* Morphological Scale Space for 2D Shape Smoothing
* Morphological Scale Spaces and Associative Morphological Memories: Results on Robustness and Practical Applications
* morphological scheme for mean curvature motion and applications to anisotropic diffusion and motion of level sets, A
* Morphological segmentation and classification of underground pipe images
* Morphological Segmentation and Partial Volume Analysis for Volumetry of Solid Pulmonary Lesions in Thoracic CT Scans
* Morphological Segmentation Applied to Displaced Frame Difference Coding
* Morphological segmentation of binary patterns
* Morphological segmentation of building façade images
* Morphological Segmentation of Histology Cell Images
* Morphological segmentation of sport scenes using color information
* Morphological segmentation of yeast by image analysis
* Morphological segmentation on learned boundaries
* Morphological segmentation produces a Voronoi tesselation of the markers
* Morphological Segmentation
* Morphological Semigroups and Scale-Spaces on Ultrametric Spaces
* Morphological Separation of Clustered Nuclei in Histological Images
* Morphological shape and region description
* Morphological Shape Context: Semi-locality and Robust Matching in Shape Recognition
* Morphological Shape Decomposition
* Morphological Shape Description Using Geometric Spectrum on Multidimensional Binary Images
* Morphological Shape Representation for Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Morphological shape representation of segmented images based on temporally modeled motion vectors
* Morphological Shape Representation
* Morphological Shared-Weight Networks with Applications to Automatic Target Recognition
* Morphological Shared-Weight Neural Networks: A Tool for Automatic Target Recognition Beyond the Visible Spectrum
* Morphological Sharpening and Denoising Using a Novel Shock Filter Model
* Morphological Signal Processing and the Slope Transform
* Morphological Signature Transform for Shape Description, A
* Morphological skeleton and shape decomposition
* Morphological Skeleton Representation and Coding of Binary Images
* Morphological snakes
* Morphological source separation for particle tracking in complex biological environments
* Morphological spatio-temporal simplification for video image segmentation
* morphological structure of images, The
* Morphological Structure of Images: The Differential Equations of Morphological Scale-Space, The
* Morphological Structuring Element Decomposition
* Morphological structuring function decomposition
* morphological study on structure line, A
* morphological subband decomposition structure using GF(N) arithmetic, A
* Morphological Subtraction Scheme for Form Analysis, A
* Morphological surface profile extraction with multiple range sensors
* Morphological Systems for Multidimensional Signal Processing
* Morphological tagging approach in document analysis of invoices
* Morphological techniques in the iterative closest point algorithm
* Morphological Template Decomposition with Max-Polynomials
* Morphological Text Extraction from Images
* Morphological Texture-Based Maximum-Likelihood Pixel Classification Based on Local Granulometric Moments
* Morphological Texture Analysis Using Optimization of Structuring Elements
* Morphological Texture Description from Multispectral Skin Images in Cosmetology
* Morphological Texture Features for Unsupervised and Supervised Segmentations of Natural Landscapes
* Morphological Thick Line Center Detection
* Morphological tools for robust key region extraction and video shot modeling
* morphological top-hat operator generalised to multi-channel images, The
* Morphological Transformation for Sharpening Edges of Features before Segmentation, A
* Morphological transformations of binary images with arbitrary structuring elements
* Morphological Tree of Shapes for Color Images, A
* Morphological Undecimated Wavelet Decomposition for Fault Feature Extraction of Rolling Element Bearing
* Morphological waveform coding for writer identification
* Morphological wavelet-based stereo image coders
* Morphological wavelet transform with adaptive dyadic structures
* Morphological, Affine, and Galilean Invariant Scale-Space for Movies, A
* Morphologically Constrained Gibbs Random Fields
* Morphologically Constrained GRFs: Applications to Texture Synthesis and Analysis
* Morphologically Decoupled Structured Sparsity for Rotation-Invariant Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Morphologically dilated convolutional neural network for hyperspectral image classification
* Morphologically Invariant Matching of Structures with the Complete Rank Transform
* Morphologically Optimal Strategy for Classifier Combinaton: Multiple Expert Fusion as a Tomographic Process, A
* morphologically preserved multi-resolution TIN surface modeling and visualization method for virtual globes, A
* Morphology-Based Border Noise Removal Method for Camera-Captured Label Images, A
* Morphology-Based Building Detection from Airborne Lidar Data
* morphology-based filter structure for edge-enhancing smoothing, A
* Morphology-based hierarchical representation with application to text segmentation in natural images
* Morphology-Based Interslice Interpolation on Manual Segmentations of Joint Bones and Muscles in MRI
* Morphology-based license plate detection from complex scenes
* Morphology-Based Multifractal Estimation for Texture Segmentation
* Morphology-Based Noise Reduction: Structural Variation and Thresholding in the Bitonic Filter
* Morphology-based structure-preserving projection for spectral-spatial feature extraction and classification of hyperspectral data
* Morphology-Based Symbolic Image Modeling, Multi-Scale Nonlinear Smoothing, and Pattern Spectrum
* Morphology-based text line extraction
* Morphology-based three-dimensional interpolation
* Morphology-Retained Non-Linear Image Registration of Serial Electron Microscopy Sections
* Morphology - General, Surveys
* Morphology - Techniques and Applications
* Morphology - Theory
* Morphology analysis of physiological signals using hidden Markov models
* Morphology and Active Contour Model for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* Morphology Based Approach for Binarization of Handwritten Documents, A
* Morphology Based Spatial Relationships between Local Primitives in Line Drawings
* Morphology Dynamics of Ice Cover in a River Bend Revealed by the UAV-GPR and Sentinel-2
* Morphology Focused Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Synthesis of Histopathology Images, A
* Morphology for Color Images via Loewner Order for Matrix Fields
* Morphology for matrix data: Ordering versus PDE-based approach
* Morphology for Range and 3-D data
* Morphology of Evolved Urban Fabric around Farm Ponds, The
* Morphology of Rain Clusters Influencing Rainfall Intensity over Hainan Island
* Morphology of the Excited Hydroxyl in the Martian Atmosphere: A Model Study: Where to Search for Airglow on Mars?
* Morphology On Convolution Lattices with Applications to the Slope Transform and Random Set-Theory
* Morphology on Graphs and Minimum Spanning Trees
* Morphology on Label Images: Flat-Type Operators and Connections
* Morphology on Umbra Matrices
* Morphology Preserving Segmentation Method for Occluded Cell Nuclei from Medical Microscopy Image
* Morphology
* Morphology, Dynamics and Potential Hotspots of Land Surface Temperature at a Local Scale in Urban Areas, The
* Morphometric Analysis for Soil Erosion Susceptibility Mapping Using Novel GIS-based Ensemble Model
* Morphometric Analysis of Groundwater Icings: Intercomparison of Estimation Techniques
* Morphometric Analysis of Pluto's Impact Craters
* Morphometric Analysis of Trail Network and Tourist Vulnerability in a Highly Frequented Protected Area
* Morphometric Prioritization, Fluvial Classification, and Hydrogeomorphological Quality in High Andean Livestock Micro-Watersheds in Northern Peru
* Morphometric Shape Analysis with Measurement Covariance Estimates
* Morphometric Tools for Landmark Data: Geometry and Biology
* Morphometrical data analysis using wavelets
* Morphometry and Debris-Flow Susceptibility Map in Mountain Drainage Basins of the Vallo di Diano, Southern Italy
* Morphons: Paint on Priors and Elastic Canvas for Segmentation and Registration
* Morphons: Segmentation Using Elastic Canvas and Paint on Priors
* Morphset: Augmenting Categorical Emotion Datasets With Dimensional Affect Labels Using Face Morphing
* MorphText: Deep Morphology Regularized Accurate Arbitrary-Shape Scene Text Detection
* Morra Game: Developing an Automatic Gesture Recognition System to Interface Human and Artificial Players, The
* Morse-Theory Based Method for Segmentation of Triangulated Freeform Surfaces, A
* Morse Chain Complex from Forman Gradient in 3D with Z2 Coefficients
* Morse Codes Enter Using Finger Gesture Recognition
* Morse Description and Geometric Encoding of DEM Data
* Morse Description and Geometric Encoding of Digital Elevation Maps
* Morse Functions for Activity Classification Using Spatiotemporal Volumes
* Morse homology descriptor for shape characterization
* Morse operators for digital planar surfaces and their application to image segmentation
* Morse theory and persistent homology for topological analysis of 3D images of complex materials
* MORSE: A 3D Object Recognition System Based on Geometric Invariants
* Mortality Prediction via Logistic Regression in Intensive Care Unit Patients with Pneumonia
* Morton (Z) Scan Based Real-Time Variable Resolution CMOS Image Sensor
* MOS: Towards Scaling Out-of-distribution Detection for Large Semantic Space
* Mosaic-Based 3D Scene Representation and Rendering
* Mosaic-Based Clustering of Scene Locations in Videos
* Mosaic-Based Color-Transform Optimization for Lossy and Lossy-to-Lossless Compression of Pathology Whole-Slide Images
* Mosaic-Based Panoramic Depth Imaging with a Single Standard Camera
* Mosaic Animations from Video Inputs
* Mosaic Based Representations of Video Sequences and Their Applications
* Mosaic construction from a sparse set of views
* Mosaic Decomposition: An Electronic Cleansing Method for Inhomogeneously Tagged Regions in Noncathartic CT Colonography
* Mosaic generation and sprite-based coding with automatic foreground and background separation
* Mosaic generation for under vehicle inspection
* Mosaic Generation for Video, Stitching
* Mosaic Generation, Image Stitching, Photomosaic
* Mosaic gradient histogram for object tracking in DoFP infrared polarization imaging
* Mosaic Grammars
* Mosaic Image Generation on a Flattened Gaussian Sphere
* Mosaic image method: a local and global method
* Mosaic method of side-scan sonar strip images using corresponding features
* Mosaic Models for Image Analysis and Synthesis
* Mosaic Models for Images - I: Geometric Properties of Components in Cell-Structure Mosaics
* Mosaic Models for Images - II: Geometric Properties of Components in Coverage Mosaics
* Mosaic Models for Images - III: Spatial Correlation in Mosaics
* Mosaic Models for Textures
* Mosaic of a video shot with multiple moving objects
* Mosaic representation and video object manipulations for post-production applications
* Mosaic representations of video sequences based on slice image analysis
* Mosaic Super-resolution via Sequential Feature Pyramid Networks
* MOSAIC System -- Herman
* MOSAIC: Multi-Object Segmented Arbitrary Stylization Using CLIP
* Mosaicfaces: a discrete representation for face recognition
* Mosaicing-by-recognition for video-based text recognition
* Mosaicing-by-recognition: a technique for video-based text recognition
* Mosaicing a Large Number of Widely Dispersed, Noisy, and Distorted Images: A Bayesian Approach
* Mosaicing and enhancement of images for ophthalmic diagnosis and documentation
* mosaicing approach for the acquisition and representation of 3D painted surfaces for conservation and restoration purposes, A
* Mosaicing Fidelity Geometrical Assessment Based On Surf Point Classification
* Mosaicing images with an offset lens
* Mosaicing new views: the crossed-slits projection
* Mosaicing of camera-captured document images
* Mosaicing of Dynamic Mesentery Video with Gradient Blending
* Mosaicing of Fibered Fluorescence Microscopy Video
* Mosaicing of flattened images from straight homogeneous generalized cylinders
* Mosaicing of Images with Few Textures and Strong Illumination Changes: Application to Gastroscopic Scenes
* Mosaicing of microscope images based on SURF
* Mosaicing of Microscope Images with Global Geometric and Radiometric Corrections
* Mosaicing of Paintings on Curved Surfaces
* Mosaicing on Adaptive Manifolds
* Mosaicing scenes with a quadcopter
* Mosaicing Scheme for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition, A
* Mosaicing with Parallax using Time Warping
* Mosaicing with Strips on Adaptive Manifolds
* Mosaicking Airborne Scanner Data with the Multiquadric Rectification Technique
* Mosaicking Cluttered Ground Planes Based on Stereo Vision
* Mosaicking images with parallax
* Mosaicking Landsat and Sentinel-2 Data to Enhance LandTrendr Time Series Analysis in Northern High Latitude Permafrost Regions
* Mosaicking Mexico - The Big Picture Of Big Data
* Mosaicking of Orthorectified Aerial Images
* Mosaicking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery in the Absence of Camera Poses
* Mosaicking Weather Radar Retrievals from an Operational Heterogeneous Network at C and X Band for Precipitation Monitoring in Italian Central Apennines
* Mosaicking with Generalized Strips
* MosaicOS: A Simple and Effective Use of Object-Centric Images for Long-Tailed Object Detection
* Mosaics from Arbitrary Stereo Video Sequences
* Mosaics of Scenes with Moving Objects
* Mosaics of Video Sequences with Moving Objects
* MosaicShape: Stochastic Region Grouping with Shape Prior
* MOSE: A New Dataset for Video Object Segmentation in Complex Scenes
* MOSES: A Streaming Algorithm for Linear Dimensionality Reduction
* MOSES: A Structural Approach to Aerial Image Understanding
* MoshViz: A Detail+Overview Approach to Visualize Music Elements
* MOSO: Decomposing MOtion, Scene and Object for Video Prediction
* Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba: Graphic Analysis of Interior Perspectives by Girault de Prangey around 1839, The
* Mosquito Larvae Image Classification Based on DenseNet and Guided Grad-CAM
* MosReformer: Reconstruction and Separation of Multiple Moving Targets for Staggered SAR Imaging
* MOSRO: Enabling Mobile Sensing for Real-Scene Objects with Grid Based Structured Output Learning
* MOST-Net: A Memory Oriented Style Transfer Network for Face Sketch Synthesis
* Most-Unfavorable-Condition Method for Bridge-Damage Detection and Analysis Using PSP-InSAR, A
* Most and Least Retrievable Images in Visual-Language Query Systems
* Most discriminating segment: Longest common subsequence (MDSLCS) algorithm for dynamic hand gesture classification
* Most Discriminative Primitive Selection for Identity Determination Using Handwritten Devanagari Script
* Most Important Person-guided Dual-branch Cross-Patch Attention for Group Affect Recognition
* Most Influential Paper over the Decade Award
* Most Likely Separation of Intensity and Warping Effects in Image Registration
* Most minutiae-based matching algorithms confront
* Most Probable Longest Common Subsequence for Recognition of Gesture Character Input
* MOST: A Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detector with Localization Refinement
* MOST: Multiple Object localization with Self-supervised Transformers for object discovery
* MoStGAN-V: Video Generation with Temporal Motion Styles
* mostly complete chart of Neural Networks, A
* MOT: Masked Optimal Transport for Partial Domain Adaptation
* MoT: Mixture of Trees Probabilistic Graphical Model for Video Segmentation
* MOTA Object Tracking Benchmark
* MOTChallenge: A Benchmark for Single-Camera Multiple Target Tracking
* MOTCOM: The Multi-Object Tracking Dataset Complexity Metric
* MOTEXATION: Multiple Object Tracking with Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* MOTFR: Multiple Object Tracking Based on Feature Recoding
* Motherese detection based on segmental and supra-segmental features
* Mothership-Cubesat Radioscience for Phobos Geodesy and Autonomous Navigation
* Motif-based defect detection for patterned fabric
* Motif-Based Design for Connected Vehicle Systems in Presence of Heterogeneous Connectivity Structures and Time Delays
* Motif-Based Method for the Genome-Wide Prediction of Eukaryotic Gene Clusters
* Motif-GCNs With Local and Non-Local Temporal Blocks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Motif analysis of noisy regular textures
* Motif Discovery and Feature Selection for CRF-based Activity Recognition
* Motif Entropy Graph Kernel
* Motif Mining: Finding and Summarizing Remixed Image Content
* MoTIF: Learning Motion Trajectories with Local Implicit Neural Functions for Continuous Space-Time Video Super-Resolution
* Motion- and aliasing-compensated prediction for hybrid video coding
* Motion- and Aliasing-Compensated Prediction Using a Two-Dimensional Non-Separable Adaptive Wiener Interpolation Filter
* Motion-Adaptive Deinterlacer via Hybrid Motion Detection and Edge-Pattern Recognition, A
* Motion-Adaptive Depth Superresolution
* Motion-Adaptive Frame Deletion Detection for Digital Video Forensics
* Motion-adaptive modelling of scene content for very low bit rate model-assisted coding of video sequences
* Motion-adaptive standards conversion between formats of similar field rates
* Motion-Adjustable Neural Implicit Video Representation
* Motion-aided sampling and reconstruction
* Motion-Aligned Auto-Regressive Model for Frame Rate Up Conversion, A
* Motion-Appearance Co-memory Networks for Video Question Answering
* Motion-Appearance Interactive Encoding for Object Segmentation in Unconstrained Videos
* Motion-Augmented Inference and Joint Kernels in Structured Learning for Object Tracking
* Motion-Augmented Self-Training for Video Recognition at Smaller Scale
* Motion-aware Contrastive Video Representation Learning via Foreground-background Merging
* Motion-Aware Decoding of Compressed-Sensed Video
* Motion-Aware Dynamic Architecture for Efficient Frame Interpolation
* Motion-Aware Feature Enhancement Network for Video Prediction
* Motion-Aware Gradient Domain Video Composition
* Motion-Aware Graph Regularized RPCA for background modeling of complex scenes
* Motion-Aware KNN Laplacian for Video Matting
* Motion-Aware Memory Network for Fast Video Salient Object Detection
* Motion-Aware Mesh-Structured Trellis for Correlation Modelling Aided Distributed Multi-View Video Coding
* Motion-aware noise filtering for deblurring of noisy and blurry images
* Motion-Aware Rapid Video Saliency Detection
* Motion-Aware Structured Light Using Spatio-Temporal Decodable Patterns
* Motion-based background modeling for foreground segmentation
* Motion-based background subtraction and panoramic mosaicing for freight train analysis
* Motion-based background subtraction using adaptive kernel density estimation
* Motion-based behaviour learning, profiling and classification in the presence of anomalies
* Motion-Based Boundary Tracking of Moving Object Using Parametric Active Contour Model
* Motion-based command generation technology
* Motion-Based Compression of Underwater Video Imagery for the Operations of Unmanned Submersible Vehicles
* Motion-Based Conceptual Space Model to Support 3D Evacuation Simulation in Indoor Environments, A
* Motion-based counter-measures to photo attacks in face recognition
* Motion-based countermeasure against photo and video spoofing attacks in face recognition
* Motion-based depth estimation for 2D-to-3D video conversion
* Motion-based easy initialization of online foreground segmentation
* Motion-based figure-ground segmentation by maximum motion separation
* Motion-based filtering of magneto-optic imagers
* Motion-based flexible camera registration
* Motion-based frame interpolation for film and television effects
* Motion-Based Geometry Compensation for DWT Compression of 3D mesh Sequences
* Motion-Based Handwriting Recognition for Mobile Interaction
* Motion-Based Hierarchical Active Contour Model for Deformable Object Tracking
* Motion-based identification of deformable templates
* Motion-Based Motion Deblurring
* Motion-Based Object Segmentation and Estimation Using the MDL Principle
* Motion-based object segmentation using frame alignment and consensus filtering
* Motion-based object segmentation using hysteresis and bidirectional inter-frame change detection in sequences with moving camera
* Motion-based obstacle detection and tracking for car driving assistance
* Motion-Based Partitioning Algorithm for HEVC Using a Pre-Analysis Stage, A
* Motion-based projection generation for 4D-CT reconstruction
* Motion-Based Rate Adaptation in WebRTC Videoconferencing Using Scalable Video Coding
* Motion-Based Recognition of Pedestrians
* Motion-based recognition of people in eigengait space
* Motion-Based Recognition
* Motion-Based Recognition: A Survey
* motion-based scene tree for compressed video content management, A
* Motion-based segmentation and region tracking in image sequences
* Motion-Based Segmentation and Tracking of Dynamic Radar Clutters
* Motion-based segmentation by means of active contours
* Motion-Based Segmentation of Chest and Abdomen Region of Neonates from Videos
* Motion-Based Segmentation of Image Sequences Using Orientation Tensors
* Motion-based segmentation of objects using overlapping temporal windows
* Motion-Based Segmentation Using a Thresholded Merging Strategy on Watershed Segments
* Motion-based shape error concealment for object-based video
* Motion-Based Side-Information Generation for a Scalable Wyner-Ziv Video Coder
* Motion-based spatial-temporal image repairing
* Motion-Based Structure Separation for Label-Free High-Speed 3-D Cardiac Microscopy
* Motion-Based Temporal Alignment of Independently Moving Cameras
* Motion-based unusual event detection in human crowds
* Motion-based Video Indexing Evaluating Object Shading
* Motion-Based Video Object Tracking in the Compressed Domain
* Motion-Based Video Representation for Scene Change Detection
* Motion-based video retrieval by trajectory matching
* Motion-based Video Segmentation Using Fuzzy Clustering and Classical Mixture Model
* Motion-Based View-Invariant Articulated Motion Detection and Pose Estimation Using Sparse Point Features
* motion-based visual interface for 3D visualization and robotic control applications, A
* motion-based waveform for the detection of breathing difficulties during sleep, A
* Motion-blur-free exposure fusion
* Motion-blur kernel size estimation via learning a convolutional neural network
* Motion-blurred image restoration framework based on parameter estimation and fuzzy radial basis function neural networks
* Motion-classified autoregressive modeling of variable bit rate video
* Motion-Coherent Affinities for Hypergraph Based Motion Segmentation
* Motion-Compensated 3-D Subband Coding of Video
* Motion-compensated 3-D subband coding with multiresolution representation of motion parameters
* Motion-Compensated and Gated Cone Beam Filtered Back-Projection for 3-D Rotational X-Ray Angiography
* Motion-compensated compressed-sensing reconstruction for dynamic MRI
* Motion-Compensated Compression of Dynamic Voxelized Point Clouds
* Motion-compensated compression of point cloud video
* Motion-compensated conversion from interlaced to progressive formats
* Motion-compensated CT image reconstruction
* Motion-compensated DCT temporal filters for efficient spatio-temporal scalable video coding
* Motion-compensated deblocking and upscaling for viewing low-res videos on high-res displays
* Motion-Compensated Deinterlacing Using Edge Information
* Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Based on Multihypothesis Motion Estimation and Texture Optimization
* Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation for Intra-Mode Blocks
* Motion-compensated frame interpolation for multiview video using inter-view and intra-view correlations
* Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Using Bilateral Motion Estimation and Adaptive Overlapped Block Motion Compensation
* Motion-compensated frame interpolation using patch-based sparseland model
* Motion-compensated Highly Scalable Video Compression Using an Adaptive 3d Wavelet Transform Based on Lifting
* Motion-Compensated Interframe Coding Scheme for NTSC Color Television Signals, A
* Motion-Compensated Interframe Coding Scheme for Television Pictures, A
* Motion-compensated interframe coding system
* Motion-compensated layered video coding for playback scalability
* Motion-Compensated Mega-Voltage Cone Beam CT Using the Deformation Derived Directly From 2D Projection Images
* Motion-compensated noise estimation for efficient pre-filtering in a video encoder
* Motion-compensated orthonormal expansion -minimization for reference-driven MRI reconstruction using Augmented Lagrangian methods
* Motion-Compensated Overcomplete Temporal Decomposition for Multiple Description Scalable Video Coding, A
* Motion-compensated prediction based algorithm for medical image sequence compression
* Motion-Compensated Predictive RAHT for Dynamic Point Clouds
* Motion-compensated reconstruction of tomographic image sequences
* Motion-Compensated Residue Preprocessing in Video Coding Based on Just-Noticeable-Distortion Profile
* Motion-Compensated Scalable Video Transmission Over MIMO Wireless Channels
* Motion-Compensated Spatio-Temporal Filtering for Multi-Image and Multimodal Super-Resolution
* Motion-Compensated Steering: Enhanced Azimuthal Resolution for Polarimetric Rotating Phased Array Radar
* Motion-Compensated Television Coding: Part 1
* Motion-Compensated Television Coding: Some new Results
* Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering and Motion Vector Coding Using Biorthogonal Filters
* Motion-compensated temporal filtering with optimized motion estimation
* Motion-compensated temporal filtering within the H.264/AVC standard
* Motion-compensated temporal pre-filtering for noise reduction in a video encoder
* Motion-compensated TV standards converter using motion vectors computed by an iterative gradient method
* Motion-compensated video coding with adaptive perceptual quantization
* Motion-compensated video compression using variable length Huffman coding
* Motion-compensated video compression with reduced complexity encoding for remote transmission
* Motion-Compensated Visual-Pattern Image Sequence Coding for Full-Motion Multisession Videoconferencing on Multimedia Workstations
* Motion-compensated wavelet transform coder for very low bit-rate visual telephony
* Motion-compensated wavelet transform coding for color video compression
* Motion-Compensated Wavelet Video Denoising
* Motion-Compensating Long-Term Memory Prediction
* Motion-compensating prediction within spatiotemporal band-pass outputs based on a feature specific vector representation
* Motion-Compensating Real-Time Format Converter for Video on Multimedia Displays
* Motion-Compensation Using Variable-Size Block-Matching with Binary Partition Trees
* Motion-consistent video inpainting
* Motion-Constrained GNSS/INS Integrated Navigation Method Based on BP Neural Network
* Motion-Correction Method for Turbulence Estimates from Floating Lidars, A
* Motion-Depth: RGB-D Depth Map Enhancement with Motion and Depth in Complement
* Motion-Distorted Composite-Frame Restoration
* Motion-Driven Approach for Fine-Grained Temporal Segmentation of User-Generated Videos, A
* Motion-Driven Spatial and Temporal Adaptive High-Resolution Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Motion-Driven Tracking via End-to-End Coarse-to-Fine Verifying
* Motion-Driven Visual Tempo Learning for Video-Based Action Recognition
* Motion-Egomotion Discrimination and Motion Segmentation from Image-Pair Streams
* Motion-energy-based unequal error protection for H.264/AVC video bitstreams
* motion-enhanced hybrid Probability Hypothesis Density filter for real-time multi-human tracking in video surveillance scenarios, A
* Motion-Excited Sampler: Video Adversarial Attack with Sparked Prior
* Motion-Extended Array Synthesis: Part I: Theory and Method
* Motion-Extended Array Synthesis: Part II: Experimental Validation
* Motion-Extended Array Synthesis: Part III: An Offset Imaging System Perspective
* Motion-Focused Contrastive Learning of Video Representations*
* Motion-focusing key frame extraction and video summarization for lane surveillance system
* Motion-Free Super-Resolution
* Motion-free superresolution and the role of relative blur
* Motion-from-Blur: 3D Shape and Motion Estimation of Motion-blurred Objects in Videos
* Motion-guided and occlusion-aware multi-object tracking with hierarchical matching
* Motion-Guided Cascaded Refinement Network for Video Object Segmentation
* Motion-Guided Masking for Spatiotemporal Representation Learning
* Motion-Guided Spatial Time Attention for Video Object Segmentation
* Motion-Homogeneous-Based Fast Transcoding Method From H.264: AVC to HEVC
* Motion-induced error correction in ultrasound imaging
* Motion-Induced Phase Error Estimation and Correction in 3D Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Motion-Invariant Coding Using a Programmable Aperture Camera
* Motion-JPEG2000 Codec Compensated for Interlaced Scanning Videos
* Motion-JPEG2000 Standardization and Target Market
* Motion-Model-Based Boundary Extraction and a Real-Time Implementation
* Motion-Model-Based Boundary Extraction
* Motion-modulated Temporal Fragment Alignment Network For Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Motion-only video compression
* Motion-partitioned adaptive block matching for video compression
* Motion-pattern recognition apparatus
* Motion-planning chip speeds robots
* Motion-refined rewriting of H.264/AVC-coded video to SVC streams
* Motion-Related Resource Allocation in Dynamic Wireless Visual Sensor Network Environments
* Motion-resistant heart rate measurement from face videos using patch-based fusion
* Motion-Resistant Remote Imaging Photoplethysmography Based on the Optical Properties of Skin
* Motion-Robust Diffusion-Weighted Brain MRI Reconstruction Through Slice-Level Registration-Based Motion Tracking
* Motion-Robust Spatially Constrained Parameter Estimation in Renal Diffusion-Weighted MRI by 3D Motion Tracking and Correction of Sequential Slices
* Motion-sketch Based Video Retrieval Using a Trellis Levenshtein Distance
* Motion-State-Adaptive Video Summarization via Spatiotemporal Analysis
* Motion-state Alignment for Video Semantic Segmentation
* Motion-Stereo Double Matching Restriction in 3D Motion Analysis
* Motion-Stereo Integration for Depth Estimation
* Motion-supervised Co-Part Segmentation
* motion-texture aware denoising for economic hardware design, A
* Motion-tolerance contextual visual saliency preserving for video retargeting
* Motion-towards-each-other-based hand gesture initialization
* Motion-Vector Optimization of Control Grid Interpolation and Overlapped Block Motion Compensation Using Iterated Dynamic Programming
* Motion-vision architectures
* Motion activity-based extraction of key-frames from video shots
* Motion Adaptive Deblurring with Single-Photon Cameras
* motion adaptive deinterlacing method with hierarchical motion detection algorithm, A
* Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing With Modular Neural Networks
* Motion Adaptive Patch-Based Low-Rank Approach for Compressed Sensing Cardiac Cine MRI
* Motion Adaptive Pose Estimation from Compressed Videos
* Motion Adjustment for Extrinsic Calibration of Cameras with Non-overlapping Views
* Motion Analysis and Epicardial Deformation Estimation from Angiography Data
* Motion Analysis and Image Sequence Processing
* Motion Analysis and Modeling of Epicardial Surfaces from Point and Line Correspondences
* Motion Analysis and Performance Improved Method for 3D LiDAR Sensor Data Compression
* Motion analysis and segmentation for object-oriented mid-level image representation
* Motion analysis and segmentation through spatio-temporal slices processing
* Motion Analysis by Random Sampling and Voting Process
* Motion Analysis By Translational Decomposition
* Motion Analysis Corporation
* Motion Analysis for Image Enhancement: Resolution, Occlusion, and Transparency
* Motion Analysis from First-Order Properties of Optical Flow
* Motion analysis in 3D DCT domain and its application to video coding
* Motion Analysis in Compressed Video: An Hybrid Approach
* Motion Analysis in Natural Scenes Picked up by a Moving Optical Sensor
* Motion analysis in oceanographic satellite images using multiscale methods and the energy cascade
* Motion Analysis of a Homogeneously Deformable Object Using Subset Correspondences
* Motion Analysis of Articulated Objects from Monocular Images
* Motion Analysis of Articulated Objects with Applications to Human Ambulatory Patterns
* Motion Analysis of Deformable Objects
* Motion Analysis of Endovascular Stent-Grafts by MDL Based Registration
* Motion Analysis of Fast Flowing Glaciers from Multi-temporal Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Motion Analysis of Human Ambulatory Patterns
* Motion Analysis of Image Sequences for Object Grouping and Reconstruction
* Motion Analysis of Isolated Targets in Infrared Image Sequences
* Motion Analysis of Long Image Sequence Flow
* Motion Analysis of Multiple Moving Objects Using Hartley Transform
* Motion Analysis of Nonridgid Surfaces
* Motion Analysis of Nonrigid Membranes, The
* Motion Analysis of Simulated Patients During Bed-to-Wheelchair Transfer by Nursing Students and Skill Acquisition Based on the Analysis
* Motion Analysis of Traditional Dances and Its Applications
* Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify Parkinson's Disease Patients' Motor Status Within the Framework of I-Prognosis Personalized Game Suite
* Motion Analysis Using 3D High-Resolution Frequency Analysis
* Motion analysis using frame differences with spatial gradient measures
* Motion analysis using the neural accelerator board
* Motion Analysis Using the Novelty Filter
* Motion Analysis Via Interframe Point Correspondence Establishment
* Motion Analysis via Local Translational Processing
* Motion Analysis with a Camera with Unknown, and Possibly Varying Intrinsic Parameters
* Motion Analysis with the Radon Transform on Log-Polar Images
* Motion analysis: Action detection, recognition and evaluation based on motion capture data
* Motion analysis: Model selection and motion segmentation
* Motion analyzing/advising system
* Motion and Appearance Adaptation for Cross-domain Motion Transfer
* Motion and appearance based background subtraction for freely moving cameras
* Motion and Appearance Contexts for Tracking and Re-Acquiring Targets in Aerial Videos
* Motion and Appearance Nonparametric Joint Entropy for Video Segmentation
* Motion and Binocular Stereo Integrated System for Passive Ranging
* Motion and Color Analysis for Animat Perception
* Motion and Color Based Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Motion And Depth From Binocular Orthographic Views
* Motion and Depth Perception using Spatio Temporal Frequency Analysis
* Motion and Disparity Compensated Coding for Multiview Video
* Motion and disparity estimation method, image synthesis method, and apparatus for implementing same methods
* Motion and Disparity Field Estimation Using Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Motion and Gray Based Automatic Road Segment Method MGARS in Urban Traffic Surveillance
* Motion and illumination defiant cut detection based on Weber features
* motion and illumination resilient framework for automatic shot boundary detection, A
* Motion and Illumination Variation Estimation Using a Hierarchy of Models: Application to Image Sequence Coding
* Motion and Image Differencing
* Motion and intensity-based segmentation and its application to traffice monitoring
* Motion and Region Aware Adversarial Learning for Fall Detection with Thermal Imaging
* Motion and region overlapping estimation for segmentation-based video coding
* Motion and segmentation prediction in image sequences based on moving object tracking
* Motion and Shape Recovery Based on Iterative Stabilization for Modest Deviation from Planar Motion
* Motion and Structure Based Image Segmentation for Object-Oriented Time-Varying Sequences Coding
* Motion and Structure Estimation from Stereo Image Sequences
* Motion and Structure Estimation Using Long Sequence Motion Models
* Motion and Structure Factorization and Segmentation of Long Multiple Motion Image Sequences
* Motion and Structure from Feature Correspondences: A Review
* Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences under Orthographic Projection
* Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences: Closed-Form Solution, Uniqueness, and Optimization
* Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences: Some Further Results
* Motion and Structure from Long Stereo Image Sequences
* Motion and Structure from Motion from Point and Line Matches
* Motion and Structure from Motion in a Piecewise Planar Environment
* Motion and structure from multiple cues; image motion, shading flow, and stereo disparity
* Motion and Structure from Multiple Frame Correspondence
* Motion and Structure from One Dimensional Optical Flow
* Motion and Structure from Optical Flow
* Motion and Structure from Orthographic Projections
* Motion and Structure from Point Correspondences: A Robust Algorithm for Planar Case with Error Estimation
* Motion and Structure from Two Perspective Views: Algorithms, Error Analysis, and Error Estimation
* Motion and Structure from Two Perspective Views: From Essential Parameters to Euclidean Motion Through the Fundamental Matrix
* Motion and Structure in rigid Multi-Surfaced Stationary Environments Using Time-Varying Image Velocity: Linear Solutions
* Motion and Structure of Four Points from One Motion of a Stereo Rig with Unknown Extrinsic Parameters
* Motion and Surface Recovery Using Curvature and Motion Consistency
* Motion and texture rate-allocation for prediction-based scalable motion-vector coding
* Motion and Time-Varying Imagery
* Motion and Time-Varying Imagery: An Overview
* Motion and trajectory recovery for tracking multiple objects undergoing a planar motion
* Motion and Video Coding: General
* Motion and Video Coding: Hardware and Systems
* Motion Annotation Programs: A Scalable Approach to Annotating Kinematic Articulations in Large 3D Shape Collections
* Motion artifact-free HDR imaging under dynamic environments
* Motion artifact correction of MRI via iterative inverse problem solving
* Motion Artifact Reduction in 4D Helical CT: Graph-Based Structure Alignment
* Motion artifacts free image resolution enhancement exploiting image priors
* Motion as Shape: A Novel Method for the Recognition and Prediction of Biological Motion
* Motion Attention Deep Transfer Network for Cross-database Micro-expression Recognition
* Motion Aware Double Attention Network for Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Motion aware motion invariance
* Motion Aware Self-Supervision for Generic Event Boundary Detection
* Motion based 3D Target Tracking with Interacting Multiple Linear Dynamic Models
* Motion Based Analysis and Segmentation of Image Sequences Using 3-D Scene Models
* Motion based Decompositing of Video
* Motion based detection of respiration rate in infants using video
* Motion based event detection system and method
* Motion based event recognition using HMM
* Motion Based Foreground Detection and Poselet Motion Features for Action Recognition
* Motion Based Grouping of Optical Flow Fields: The Extrapolation and Subtraction Technique
* Motion Based Human Detection, Spatio-Temporal Analysis, Pedestrians
* Motion Based Image Segmentation for Video Coding
* Motion Based Image Segmentation with Unsupervised Bayesian Learning
* Motion based low complexity algorithm for spatial scalability of H.264/SVC
* motion based real-time foveation control loop for rapid and relevant 3D laser scanning, A
* Motion Based Segmentation Using MPEG Streams and Watershed Method
* Motion Based Segmentation
* Motion based vehicle surround analysis using an omni-directional camera
* Motion Based X-Ray Imaging Modality
* Motion Basis Learning for Unsupervised Deep Homography Estimation with Subspace Projection
* Motion bias and structure distortion induced by calibration errors
* Motion bias and structure distortion induced by intrinsic calibration errors
* Motion blur adaptive identification from natural image model
* Motion Blur Concealment of Digital Video Using Invariant Features
* Motion blur detection based on lowest directional high-frequency energy
* Motion blur detection in aerial images shot with channel-dependent exposure time
* Motion blur estimation of handheld camera using regular- and short-exposure image pair
* Motion blur for motion segmentation
* Motion blur free HDR image acquisition using multiple exposures
* Motion blur free photometric stereo using correlation image sensor
* Motion Blur Identification Based on Differently Exposed Images
* Motion Blur Identification Based on Phase Change Experienced After Trial Restorations
* Motion blur identification from image gradients
* Motion Blur Identification in Noisy Images Using Feed-Forward Back Propagation Neural Network
* Motion blur identification in noisy images using mathematical models and statistical measures
* Motion blur kernel estimation using noisy inertial data
* Motion Blur Kernel Estimation via Deep Learning
* Motion Blur Prior
* Motion blur removal and its application to vehicle speed detection
* Motion Blur Removal for UAV-Based Wind Turbine Blade Images Using Synthetic Datasets
* Motion blur removal via coupled autoencoder
* Motion blur removal with orthogonal parabolic exposures
* Motion Blur Removal With Quality Assessment Guidance
* Motion Blur Resilient Fiducial for Quadcopter Imaging, A
* Motion blur resistant method for temporal video denoising
* Motion boundary based sampling and 3D co-occurrence descriptors for action recognition
* Motion Boundary Detection in Image Sequences by Local Stochastic Tests
* Motion boundary emphasised optical flow method for human action recognition
* Motion Boundary Trajectory for Human Action Recognition
* Motion capture based on color error maps in a distributed collaborative environment
* Motion Capture Data Completion via Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization
* Motion capture data recovery using skeleton constrained singular value thresholding
* Motion capture data retrieval using an artist's doll
* Motion Capture for Clinical Purposes, an Approach Using PrimeSense Sensors
* Motion capture for realtime control of virtual actors in live, distributed, theatrical performances
* Motion capture from dynamic orthographic cameras
* Motion Capture from Internet Videos
* Motion Capture from Pan-Tilt Cameras with Unknown Orientation
* Motion Capture Moves into New Realms
* Motion Capture of Hand Movements Using Stereo Vision for Minimally Invasive Vascular Interventions
* Motion Capture of Hands in Action Using Discriminative Salient Points
* Motion Capture of the Human Body Using Multiple Depth Sensors
* Motion Capture System for Sign Language Synthesis: Overview and Related Issues, A
* Motion capture using joint skeleton tracking and surface estimation
* Motion capture: capturing interaction between human and animal
* Motion Characterization by Temporal Slices Analysis
* Motion characterization from co-occurrence vector descriptor
* Motion Characterization from Temporal Cooccurrences of Local Motion-Based Measures for Video Indexing
* Motion characterization of unrigid objects by detecting and tracking feature points
* Motion Classification-Based Fast Motion Estimation for High-Efficiency Video Coding
* Motion classified 3D vector quantization for sequence coding
* Motion coding of image primitives
* Motion Coding, Video Coding, Evaluations, Surveys
* Motion Coherence Theory, The
* Motion Coherent Tracking Using Multi-label MRF Optimization
* Motion Coherent Tracking with Multi-label MRF optimization
* Motion Compensated Component Color Coding
* Motion Compensated Composite Color Coding
* Motion Compensated De-interlacing for Both Realtime Video and Still Images
* Motion compensated de-interlacing with adaptive global motion estimation and compensation
* Motion Compensated Fan-Beam Reconstruction for Nonrigid Transformation
* Motion compensated film restoration
* Motion compensated filtering
* Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation of Occlusion and Motion Ambiguity Regions Using Color-Plus-Depth Information
* Motion compensated frame interpolation using skipped frame information
* Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation with a Symmetric Optical Flow Constraint
* Motion Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion for Low Frame Rate Video
* Motion Compensated Generic Coding of Video Based on Multiresolution Data Structure
* Motion Compensated Image Coding with a Combined Maximum a Posteriori and Regression Algorithm
* Motion Compensated Interframe Image Prediction
* Motion compensated multiresolution transmission of high definition video
* Motion Compensated Prediction Method Based on Perspective Transform for Coding of Moving Images
* Motion compensated prediction using partial mesh generation
* Motion compensated prediction with geometry padding for 360 video coding
* Motion compensated refinement for low complexity pixel based distributed video coding
* Motion Compensated Shape Error Concealment
* Motion Compensated Spatiotemporal Filter for Image Sequences with Signal Dependent Noise, A
* motion compensated subband coder for very low bit-rates, A
* Motion compensated subband coding schemes for compatible high definition TV coding
* Motion compensated super-resolution of video by level sets evolution
* Motion compensated temporal filtering with optimal temporal distance between each motion compensation pair
* Motion Compensated Three-Dimensional Frequency Selective Extrapolation for improved error concealment in video communication
* Motion Compensated Transform Coding of Video Using Hierarchical Displacement Field and Global Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Motion compensated tree depth limitation for complexity control of HEVC encoding
* Motion compensated video signal processing by interpolation of correlation surfaces and apparatus for doing the same
* Motion Compensated Video Super Resolution
* Motion Compensated Virtual View Synthesis Using Novel Particle Cell
* Motion compensating interpolation considering covered and uncovered background
* Motion compensation and multiresolution coding
* Motion Compensation and Plane Tracking for Kinematic MR-Imaging
* Motion compensation and scalability in lifting-based video coding
* Motion Compensation Assisted Motion Adaptive Interlaced-to-Progressive Conversion
* Motion compensation based on implicit block segmentation
* Motion compensation based on spatial transformations
* Motion compensation based on tangent distance prediction for video compression
* Motion compensation by phase correction for synthetic-aperture side-scan sonar imaging
* Motion compensation estimating device and method achieving improved motion compensation
* Motion Compensation for Airborne SAR via Parametric Sparse Representation
* Motion Compensation for Coding
* Motion Compensation for Face Recognition Based on Active Differential Imaging
* Motion Compensation for Long Integration Times and DoA Processing in Passive Radars
* Motion Compensation for Radar
* Motion Compensation for UAV SAR Based on Raw Radar Data
* Motion compensation for very low bit-rate video
* Motion Compensation Hardware Accelerator Architecture for H.264/AVC
* Motion Compensation in Color Video with Illumination Variations
* Motion compensation in video compression using hexagonal blocks
* Motion compensation method for moving pictures with binary shape
* Motion Compensation Method for Shipborne HFSWR by Using Dual Reference RF Signals Generated Onshore, A
* Motion compensation of motion vectors
* Motion compensation of non-linear stepped-frequency pulse train by least step error
* Motion compensation of submillimeter wave 3D imaging radar data for security screening
* Motion Compensation of Wavelet Coefficients for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Motion Compensation on DCT Domain
* Motion Compensation using Adaptive Rectangular Partitions
* Motion compensation using backward prediction and prediction refinement
* Motion compensation using critically sampled DWT subbands for low-bitrate video coding
* Motion compensation using geometry and an elastic motion model
* Motion Compensation Using Polyline Based Block Partition
* Motion Compensation Using Region Constrained Warping Prediction
* Motion compensation using second-order geometric transformations
* Motion compensation using spatial transformations with forward mapping
* Motion Compensation Via Redundant-Wavelet Multihypothesis
* Motion Compensation, Block, Region, Object, and Low Bit Rate Coding
* Motion Compensation, Low Bit Rate, Survey, Evaluations
* Motion Compensation: The Selection of Optimal Motion Estimation Technique and Quantization Levels
* Motion Competition: A Variational Approach to Piecewise Parametric Motion Segmentation
* Motion Competition: Variational Integration of Motion Segmentation and Shape Regularization
* Motion Complement and Temporal Multifocusing for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Motion Complementary Network for Efficient Action Recognition
* Motion Computation and Interpretation Framework for Oceanographic Satellite Images, A
* motion confidence measure from phase information, A
* Motion Consistency for Image-Based Rendering
* Motion Constraint Equation for Optical Flow, The
* Motion Constraint Equation under Space-Varying or Time-Varying Illumination, A
* Motion Constraint Equations Based on Constant Image Irradiance
* Motion Constraint Patterns
* Motion Context Network for Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Videos
* Motion Context: A New Representation for Human Action Recognition
* Motion Control for Realistic Walking Behavior using Inverse Kinematics
* Motion Control of a Mobile Vehicle Travelling in a Convoy Using Fuzzy Logic
* Motion Control of Omni-Directional Three-Wheel Robots by Brain-Emotional-Learning-Based Intelligent Controller
* Motion control of unmanned underwater vehicles via deep imitation reinforcement learning algorithm
* motion controller for a pan-tilt camera on an autonomous helicopter, A
* Motion Correction and Attenuation Correction for Respiratory Gated PET Images
* Motion Correction for Coronary Stent Reconstruction From Rotational X-ray Projection Sequences
* Motion Correction in Dual Gated Cardiac PET Using Mass-Preserving Image Registration
* Motion Correction in Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy
* Motion Correction of Intravital Microscopy of Preclinical Lung Tumour Imaging Using Multichannel Structural Image Descriptor
* Motion correction of PET images using multiple acquisition frames
* Motion Correction Strategies for Interventional Angiography Images: A Comparative Approach
* Motion Correction Using Subpixel Image Registration
* Motion Correlation Discovery for Visual Tracking
* Motion Correspondence using a Neural Network
* Motion Cueing Algorithm With Look-Ahead and Driver Characterization: Application to Vertical Car Dynamics, A
* Motion Curves for Parametric Shape and Motion Estimation
* Motion data-driven model for semantic events classification using an optimized support vector machine
* Motion Deblur by Learning Residual From Events
* Motion deblurring algorithm for wind power inspection images based on Ghostnet and SE attention mechanism
* Motion deblurring and depth estimation from multiple images
* Motion Deblurring and Super-Resolution from an Image Sequence
* Motion deblurring as optimisation
* Motion deblurring for optical character recognition
* Motion Deblurring in the Wild
* Motion Deblurring of Faces
* Motion Deblurring Using Hybrid Imaging
* Motion Deblurring Using Non-stationary Image Modeling
* Motion Deblurring with Real Events
* Motion decision feedback deinterlacing algorithms
* Motion Decoupling Network for Intra-Operative Motion Estimation Under Occlusion
* Motion denoising with application to time-lapse photography
* Motion density-based unequal error protection technique for video bitstream compressed by HEVC standard
* Motion Dependent and Spatially Variant Resolution Modeling for PET Rigid Motion Correction
* Motion Dependent Spatiotemporal Smoothing for Noise Reduction in Very Dim Light Image Sequences
* Motion dependent video signal processing
* Motion descriptors for content-based video representation
* Motion descriptors for micro-expression recognition
* Motion Detail Preserving Optical Flow Estimation
* Motion detecting apparatus
* Motion detecting apparatus, motion detecting method, and storage medium storing motion detecting program for avoiding incorrect detection
* Motion detecting circuit for video image
* Motion Detection Algorithm for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Nighttime Surveillance
* Motion Detection and Analysis of Matching Graphs of Intermediate Level Primitives
* Motion Detection and Analysis
* Motion Detection and Segmentation Using Image Mosaics
* Motion detection and tracking based on level set algorithm
* Motion detection and tracking system based on frame analysis and simulated static electric field (SSEF) snake
* Motion detection and tracking using belief indicators for an automatic visual-surveillance system
* Motion detection and tracking using deformable templates
* Motion Detection Based on a Temporal Multiscale Approach
* Motion detection based on contour strings
* Motion Detection Based on Local Variation of Spatiotemporal Texture
* Motion detection based on the combining of the background subtraction and spatial color information
* Motion Detection by Classification of Local Structures in Airborne Thermal Videos
* Motion Detection for Rapidly Moving Cameras in Fully 3D Scenes
* Motion Detection from Temporally Integrated Images
* Motion Detection from the Measured Signals in Magnetic-Resonance-Imaging
* Motion Detection From Time-varied Background
* Motion Detection in Complex and Dynamic Backgrounds
* Motion Detection in Driving Environment Using U-V-Disparity
* Motion Detection in Image Sequences: An Evaluation of Feature Detectors
* Motion detection in moving camera videos using background modeling and FlowNet
* Motion detection in old film sequences using adaptive Gaussian mixture model
* Motion Detection in Spatio-Temporal Space
* Motion Detection Robust to Perturbations: A Statistical Regularization and Temporal Integration Framework
* motion detection scheme for motion adaptive pro-scan conversion, A
* motion detection system based on a CMOS photo sensor array, A
* Motion detection system
* Motion Detection using a Model of Visual Attention
* Motion Detection Using an Improved Colour Model
* Motion Detection Using Background Constraints
* Motion detection using color structure-texture image decomposition
* Motion Detection Using Fourier Image Reconstruction
* Motion Detection Using Hough Techniques
* Motion detection using image histogram sequence analysis
* Motion detection using normal optical flow
* Motion Detection Using the Randomized Hough Transform: Exploiting Gradient Information and Detecting Multiple Moving-Objects
* Motion Detection Using Wavelet Analysis and Hierarchical Markov Models
* Motion detection via change-point detection for cumulative histograms of ratio images
* Motion detection with an unstable camera
* Motion detection with false discovery rate control
* Motion detection with fuzzy logic in real time
* Motion detection with nonstationary background
* Motion Detection, Analysis of Motion Detectors
* Motion detection, labeling, data association and tracking, in real-time on RISC computer
* Motion detection: Fast and robust algorithms for embedded systems
* Motion detector and image stabilizing system
* Motion detector for video signals including a novel line comparison processing scheme
* Motion detector with improved signal discrimination
* Motion Detectors and Motion Segregation
* Motion Determination in Space-Time Images
* Motion determining apparatus, method thereof, and picture information converting apparatus
* Motion differential set partition coding for image sequence and video compression
* Motion Displacement Extimation Using an Affine Model for Image Matching
* Motion Distillation Framework for Video Frame Interpolation, A
* Motion divergence fields for dynamic hand gesture recognition
* Motion Drift Modeling and Correction for Downscale Video Transcoding
* Motion Driven Tonal Stabilization
* Motion Dynamics Approach to the PnP Problem, The
* Motion Edges -- Detection and Analysis
* Motion Editing Designed For Animators
* Motion Editing in 3D Video Database
* Motion energy guided multi-scale heterogeneous features for 3D action recognition
* Motion energy image for evaluation of video stabilization
* Motion enhancement for preprocessing of optical flow detection and scientific visualization
* Motion Equation Estimation Methods
* Motion Error Estimation and Compensation of Airborne Array Flexible SAR Based on Multi-Channel Interferometric Phase
* Motion Errors and Compensation for Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR With Cubic-Order Processing
* Motion Estimated-Compensated Reconstruction with Preserved-Features in Free-Breathing Cardiac MRI
* Motion estimated and compensated compressed sensing dynamic magnetic resonance imaging: What we can learn from video compression techniques
* Motion Estimates Using 2 Frames
* Motion Estimates Using 3 Frames
* Motion Estimates Using 4 Frames
* Motion Estimates Using 5 or More Frames
* Motion Estimation Accelerator with User Search Strategy in an RVC Context
* Motion Estimation Algorithm for Image Sequence Coding
* Motion Estimation Algorithm under Time-Varying Illumination, A
* Motion Estimation Algorithms for Video Compression
* Motion Estimation and Classification in Compressive Sensing from Dynamic Measurements
* Motion Estimation and Coding Structure for Inter-Prediction of LiDAR Point Cloud Geometry
* Motion Estimation and Compensation Based on Almost Shift Invariant Wavelet Transform for Image Sequence Coding
* Motion estimation and compensation for fisheye warped video
* Motion Estimation and Compensation for Foveated Video
* Motion estimation and compensation for image sequence coding
* Motion estimation and compensation from noisy image sequences: A new filtering scheme
* Motion Estimation and Compensation in Automotive MIMO SAR
* Motion estimation and compensation in the redundant-wavelet domain using triangle meshes
* Motion estimation and compensation in video compression
* Motion estimation and compensation technologies for standards conversion
* Motion estimation and compensation under varying illumination
* Motion estimation and correction for simultaneous PET/MR using SIRF and CIL
* Motion Estimation and Correction in Photoacoustic Tomographic Reconstruction
* Motion Estimation and Deblurring of Fast Moving Objects
* Motion estimation and detection of complex object by analyzing resampled movements of parts
* Motion estimation and encoding of video signals in the transform domain
* Motion estimation and figure-ground segmentation using log-polar images
* Motion estimation and motion-compensated interpolition
* Motion Estimation and Motion Compensation Using an Overcomplete Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Motion estimation and reconstruction of piecewise planar scenes from two views
* Motion estimation and representation for arbitrarily shaped image regions
* Motion Estimation and Segmentation by Fuzzy Algorithms
* Motion Estimation and Segmentation
* Motion estimation and the Randomized Hough Transform (RHT): New methods with gradient information
* Motion estimation and tracking for urban traffic monitoring
* Motion Estimation and Vector Splines
* Motion Estimation Applied to Reconstruct Undersampled Dynamic MRI
* Motion estimation approach based on dual-tree complex wavelets
* Motion Estimation Based on Global and Local Uncompensability Analysis
* Motion estimation based on Markov random fields
* Motion Estimation Based on Multiple Local Constraints and Nonlinear Smoothing
* Motion Estimation Based on Mutual Information and Adaptive Multi-Scale Thresholding
* Motion Estimation Based on Optical Flow with Adaptive Gradients
* Motion estimation based on spatio -temporal correlations
* Motion estimation based on the direction of intensity gradient
* Motion Estimation Based on Time-Sequentially Sampled Imagery
* Motion estimation based tracking of active contours
* Motion estimation by decoupling rotation and translation in catadioptric vision
* Motion Estimation by Deep Learning in 2D Echocardiography: Synthetic Dataset and Validation
* Motion Estimation by Image Content Matching and Application to Video Processing
* Motion estimation by pre-coded image planes matching
* Motion Estimation by Swendsen-Wang Cuts
* Motion Estimation Computational Complexity Reduction With CNN Shape Segmentation
* Motion Estimation for a Mobile Robot Based on Real-Time Stereo Vision System
* Motion Estimation for Complex Fluid Flows Using Helmholtz Decomposition
* Motion Estimation for Content Adaptive Video Compression
* Motion Estimation for Dynamic Texture Videos Based on Locally and Globally Varying Models
* Motion estimation for fisheye video sequences combining perspective projection with camera calibration information
* Motion Estimation for Fisheye Video With an Application to Temporal Resolution Enhancement
* Motion Estimation for High-Performance Transcoding
* Motion Estimation for Low Power Video Devices
* Motion Estimation for Moving Target Detection
* Motion estimation for multi-camera systems using global optimization
* Motion estimation for non-overlapping cameras by improvement of feature points matching based on urban 3D structure
* Motion Estimation for Nonoverlapping Multicamera Rigs: Linear Algebraic and L_infty Geometric Solutions
* Motion estimation for panoramic digital camera
* Motion estimation for region-based video coding
* Motion Estimation for Self-Driving Cars with a Generalized Camera
* Motion Estimation for Spike Camera Data Sequence via Spike Interval Analysis
* Motion Estimation for the Correction of Twin-Lens Telecine Flicker
* Motion Estimation for Video Coding Standards
* Motion Estimation from 3-D Point Sets with and without Correspondences
* Motion Estimation From A Sequence Of Stereo Images: A Direct Method
* Motion Estimation from Disparity Images
* Motion Estimation from Equation of Continuity. The Well-Conditioned Computation Point of View
* Motion Estimation from Image and Inertial Measurements
* Motion Estimation from Motion Smear: A System Identification Approach
* Motion Estimation from RGB-D Images Using Graph Homomorphism
* Motion Estimation from Scaled Orthographic Projections without Correspondences
* Motion Estimation from Spheres
* Motion Estimation in a Sequence of Television Pictures
* Motion Estimation in Echocardiography Using Sparse Representation and Dictionary Learning
* Motion estimation in hazy videos
* Motion estimation in high resolution image reconstruction from compressed video sequences
* Motion Estimation in Image Sequences Using the Deformation of Apparent Contours
* Motion estimation in low-delay hierarchical p-frame coding using motion vector composition
* Motion Estimation in Noisy Ultrasound Images by Maximum Likelihood
* Motion Estimation in the 3-D Gabor Domain
* Motion estimation in the frequency domain using fuzzy c-planes clustering
* Motion estimation in the presence of illumination variations
* Motion Estimation in Video Coding: A Systematic Review, Classification and Evaluation
* Motion Estimation in X-Ray Image Sequences with Bi-Distributed Transparency
* Motion estimation method based on physical properties of waves
* Motion Estimation Method Based on Possibility Theory, A
* Motion Estimation Method Using a 3D Steerable Filter
* Motion Estimation Methods and Noisy Phenomena
* Motion Estimation Methods for Overlapped Block Motion Compensation
* Motion Estimation of Articulated Objects from Perspective Views
* Motion estimation of elastic articulated objects from points and contours with volume invariable constraint
* Motion Estimation of Lips in Pronouncing Korean Vowels Based on Fuzzy Constraint Line Clustering
* Motion estimation of multiple depth cameras using spheres
* Motion Estimation of Non-Holonomic Ground Vehicles From a Single Feature Correspondence Measured Over N Views
* Motion Estimation of Ocular Fundus Images
* Motion Estimation of Opaque or Transparent Objects Using Triads of Gabor Filters
* Motion estimation of partially viewed 3-D objects based on a continuous distance transform neural network
* Motion Estimation of Two-Dimensional Objects Based on the Straight-Line Hough Transform: A New Approach
* Motion Estimation on the Essential Manifold
* Motion Estimation Optimization for H.264/AVC Using Source Image Edge Features
* Motion Estimation Relaxing the Constant Brightness Constraint
* Motion estimation revisited: an estimation-theoretic approach
* Motion Estimation Techniques for Digital TV: A Review and a New Contribution
* Motion Estimation Techniques for Digital Video Coding
* Motion Estimation Techniques to Automatically Track Oceanographic Thermal Structures in Multisensor Image Sequences
* Motion Estimation to a Failed Satellite on Orbit using Stereo Vision and 3D Model Matching
* Motion Estimation under Orthographic Projection
* Motion Estimation Using A Complex-Valued Wavelet Transform
* Motion estimation using a frame-based adaptive thresholding approach
* Motion Estimation Using a General Purpose Neural Network Simulator for Visual Attention
* Motion estimation using a hierarchical search
* Motion Estimation using a Joint Optimisation of the Motion Vector Field and a Super-Resolution Reference Image
* Motion Estimation Using a One-Dimensional Gradient Descent Search
* Motion Estimation Using Adaptive Blocksize Observation Model and Efficient Multiscale Regularization
* Motion estimation using adaptive correlation and local directional smoothing
* Motion estimation using audio and video fusion
* Motion estimation using combined shape and edge matching
* Motion estimation using dynamic programming with selective path search
* Motion Estimation Using Higher-Order Statistics
* Motion estimation using invariance under group transformations
* Motion Estimation using Kinetic Energy with Controlled Friction
* Motion estimation using learning automata
* Motion Estimation Using Low-Band-Shift Method for Wavelet-Based Moving-Picture Coding
* Motion Estimation Using More Than Two Images
* Motion Estimation Using Multiple Frames, Simple Cases: Rotation and Translation
* Motion Estimation Using Ordinal Measures
* Motion Estimation Using Quad-Tree Phase Correlation
* Motion Estimation Using Region-Level Segmentation and Extended Kalman Filter for Autonomous Driving
* Motion Estimation Using Segmented Gibbs-Modeled Vector Fields
* Motion Estimation Using Spatio-Temporal Contextual Information
* Motion Estimation using Spatiotemporal Frequency Channels
* Motion Estimation Using Statistical Learning Theory
* Motion Estimation using Tangent Distance
* Motion Estimation Using the Correlation Transform
* Motion Estimation Using the Differential Epipolar Equation
* Motion estimation using the fast and adaptive bidimensional empirical mode decomposition
* Motion Estimation Using the Spatio-temporal Continuous Wavelet Transform: New Results and Alternative Implementations
* Motion Estimation via Belief Propagation
* Motion Estimation Via Cluster Matching
* Motion estimation via dynamic vision
* Motion estimation via hierarchical block matching and graph cut
* Motion estimation with a dynamic programming optimization operator
* Motion Estimation with Adaptive Regularization and Neighborhood Dependent Constraint
* Motion Estimation with Edge Continuity Constraint for Crowd Scene Analysis
* Motion estimation with entropy coding considerations in H.264/AVC
* Motion Estimation with Incomplete Information Using Omni-directional Vision
* Motion Estimation With More Than Two Frames
* Motion estimation with non-local total variation regularization
* Motion Estimation with Power Scalability and Its VHDL Model
* Motion Estimation With Quadtree Splines
* Motion Estimation Without Integer-Pel Search
* Motion estimation
* Motion estimation, segmentation and separation, using hypercomplex phase correlation, clustering techniques and graph-based optimization
* Motion estimation/compensation for screen capture video
* Motion Estimation: The Proper Formulation for when 3 or 4 Frames Are Available
* Motion estimator
* Motion Feature Aggregation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Motion Feature and Hadamard Coefficient-Based Fast Multiple Reference Frame Motion Estimation for H.264
* Motion feature augmented recurrent neural network for skeleton-based dynamic hand gesture recognition
* Motion Feature Detection Using Steerable Flow Fields
* Motion feature filtering for event detection in crowded scenes
* Motion Feature Network: Fixed Motion Filter for Action Recognition
* Motion Features from Lip Movement for Person Authentication
* Motion features to enhance scene segmentation in active visual attention
* Motion field and occlusion time estimation via alternate exposure flow
* Motion Field and Optical Flow: Differences and Qualitative Properties
* Motion Field and Optical Flow: Qualitative Properties
* Motion Field Estimation from Alternate Exposure Images
* Motion Field Histograms for Robust Modeling of Facial Expressions
* Motion field interpolation for temporal error concealment
* Motion Field Modeling and Estimation using Motion Transformation
* Motion Field Modeling for Video Sequences
* Motion Field of Curves: Applications
* Motion field prediction and restoration for low bit-rate video coding
* motion field reconstruction scheme for smooth boundary video object segmentation, A
* Motion Field Segmentation to Improve Moving Edges Reconstruction in Video Coding, A
* Motion Fields Are Hardly Ever Ambiguous
* Motion Fields for Interactive Character Locomotion
* Motion fields to predict play evolution in dynamic sport scenes
* Motion filter vector quantization
* Motion Flow-Based Video Retrieval
* Motion Flow Clustering for Moving Vehicle Detection from Satellite High Definition Video
* Motion Flow Estimation from Image Sequences with Applications to Biological Growth and Motility
* Motion Flow Tracking in Unconstrained Videos for Retail Scenario
* Motion Flow, Motion Vectors for Human Action Recognition and Detection
* Motion from 3D Line Correspondences: Linear and Non-Linear Solutions
* Motion from a Sequence of Images
* Motion from blur
* Motion from Continuous or Discontinuous Arrangements
* Motion from Fixation
* Motion from Flow Along Contours: A Note on Robustness and Ambiguous Cases
* Motion from Focus
* Motion from Images: Image Matching Parameter Estimation and Intrinsic Stability
* Motion from Optic Flow: Multiplicity of Solutions
* Motion from Ordered Sets of Curvature Points
* Motion from Point Matches Using Affine Epipolar Geometry
* Motion from Point Matches: Multiplicity of Solutions
* Motion from projection: a forward model
* Motion from Structure (MfS): Searching for 3D Objects in Cluttered Point Trajectories
* Motion from the Frontier of Curved Surfaces
* Motion from Three Weak Perspective Images Using Image Rotation
* Motion Fused Frames: Data Level Fusion Strategy for Hand Gesture Recognition
* Motion Generation and Adaptive Control Method of Automated Guided Vehicles in Road Following
* Motion gradient vector flow: an external force for tracking rolling leukocytes with shape and size constrained active contours
* Motion Graphics, Description and Control
* Motion Guidance for a Passive Robot Walking Helper via User's Applied Hand Forces
* Motion Guided 3d Pose Estimation from Videos
* Motion Guided Attention for Video Salient Object Detection
* Motion Guided Attention Fusion to Recognize Interactions from Videos
* Motion Guided Attention Learning for Self-Supervised 3D Human Action Recognition
* Motion Guided Region Message Passing for Video Captioning
* Motion Guided Video Sequence Synchronization
* Motion Histogram Analysis Based Key Frame Extraction for Human Action/Activity Representation
* Motion histogram quantification for human action recognition
* Motion history image: Its variants and applications
* Motion History Images for Action Recognition and Understanding
* Motion History of Skeletal Volumes for Human Action Recognition
* Motion Hooks for the Multiview Extension of HEVC
* Motion illusions as optimal percepts
* Motion Image Enhancement of LCDs
* Motion Image Segmentation Using 3-d Watershed Algorithm
* Motion image segmentation using global criteria and DP
* Motion imagery metadata standards assist in object and activity classification
* Motion imagery navigation using terrain estimates
* Motion in deformable templates
* motion in emotion: A CERT based approach to the FERA emotion challenge, The
* Motion in Games
* Motion in human and machine: a virtual fatigue approach
* Motion Indexing of Video
* Motion Influence Map for Unusual Human Activity Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes
* Motion Information Exploitation in H.264 Frame Skipping Transcoding
* Motion information extraction system
* Motion Information in the Phase Domain
* Motion Information Propagation for Neural Video Compression
* Motion information scalability for MC-EZBC
* Motion information sharing mode for depth video coding
* Motion Inpainting by an Image-Based Geodesic AMLE Method
* Motion Inspired Unsupervised Perception and Prediction in Autonomous Driving
* Motion intent recognition of individual fingers based on mechanomyogram
* Motion Interaction Field for Accident Detection in Traffic Surveillance Video
* Motion interaction field for detection of abnormal interactions
* Motion Interchange Patterns for Action Recognition in Unconstrained Videos
* Motion Interpretation Using Adjustable Linear Models.
* Motion invariance and custom blur from lens motion
* Motion JPEG2000 Coding Scheme Based on Human Visual System for Digital Cinema
* Motion keypoint trajectory and covariance descriptor for human action recognition
* Motion Language of Stereo Image Sequence
* Motion Layer Based Object Removal in Videos
* Motion Layer Extraction in the Presence of Occlusion Using Graph Cuts
* Motion level control in reconstruction of 3D human translation
* Motion magnification
* Motion Magnification, Micro-Motions
* Motion Map Generation for Maintaining the Temporal Coherence of Brush Strokes
* Motion Matters: Difference-based Multi-scale Learning for Infrared UAV Detection
* Motion measurement errors and autofocus in bistatic SAR
* Motion Measurement Vision Chip, A
* motion model based on recurrent neural networks for visual object tracking, A
* Motion Modeling and Prediction
* Motion Modeling with Geometry and Quad-tree Leaf Merging
* Motion modelling and motion compensated reconstruction of tumours in cone-beam computed tomography
* Motion Models that Only Work Sometimes
* Motion Monitoring and Classification with Center-biased Motion Estimation
* Motion normalization method based on an inverted pendulum model for clustering
* Motion objects segmentation based on structural similarity background modelling
* Motion Observability Analysis of the Simplified Color Correlogram for Visual Tracking
* motion observable representation using color correlogram and its applications to tracking, A
* Motion Occlusions for Automatic Generation of Relative Depth Maps
* Motion of a Stereo Rig: Strong, Weak, and Self-Calibration
* Motion of an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig: Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction
* Motion of Disturbances: Detection and Tracking of Multi-Body Non-Rigid Motion
* Motion of moving camera from point matches: Comparison of two robust estimation methods
* Motion of Nonrigid Objects from Multiframe Correspondences
* Motion of Oriented Magnitudes Patterns for Human Action Recognition
* Motion Of Points And Lines In The Uncalibrated Case
* Motion Optimization of Ordered Blocks for Overlapped Block Motion Compensation
* Motion Panoramas
* Motion Parallax without Motion Compensation in 3D Cluttered Scenes
* Motion Parameter-Estimation Based on the Block Recursive Algorithm with Finite Word-Length
* Motion Parameter Constraints Analysis From a Single Image
* Motion Parameter Estimation by Tracking Stationary 3-Dimensional Straight Lines in Image Sequences
* Motion Parameter Estimation from Global Flow Field Data
* Motion Parameter Estimation in TV Pictures
* Motion Parameter Identification and Motion Compensation for Shipborne HFSWR by Using the Reference RF Signal Generated at the Shore
* motion parameters estimating method based on deep learning for visual blurred object tracking, A
* Motion parameters estimation by new propagation approach and time-frequency representations
* Motion Parameters from an Occluded Rectangle
* Motion Parameters from Right Angles
* Motion Part Regularization: Improving action recognition via trajectory group selection
* Motion Pattern-Based Video Classification and Retrieval
* Motion pattern analysis in crowded scenes based on hybrid generative-discriminative feature maps
* Motion Pattern Encapsulation for Data-Driven Constraint-Based Motion Editing
* Motion Pattern Extraction and Event Detection for Automatic Visual Surveillance
* Motion pattern interpretation and detection for tracking moving vehicles in airborne video
* Motion Pattern Study and Analysis from Video Monitoring Trajectory
* Motion Patterns: High-Level Representation of Natural Video Sequences
* Motion Perceptibility and Its Application to Active Vision-Based Servo Control
* Motion Perception Using Analog VLSI
* Motion perception using spatiotemporal frequency analysis
* Motion Phase Compensation Methods for Azimuth Ambiguity Suppression in HRWS SAR
* Motion picture detecting method
* Motion Plane Adaptive Motion Modeling for Spherical Video Coding in H.266/VVC
* Motion Planning and Coordination for Robot Systems Based on Representation Space
* Motion planning and coordination of multi-agent systems
* Motion Planning and Synthesis of Human-Like Characters in Constrained Environments
* Motion planning based on relative coordinates in dynamic environments for mobile robot
* Motion Planning for Connected Automated Vehicles at Occluded Intersections With Infrastructure Sensors
* Motion Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration Using an Objective-Switching Strategy
* Motion Planning for Wheeled Mobile Robots Based on Singularity Criteria
* Motion Planning in a Plane Using Generalized Voronoi Diagrams
* Motion Planning in Medicine: Optimization and Simulation Algorithms for Image-Guided Procedures
* Motion Planning in the Presence of Moving Obstacles
* Motion prediction apparatus and method
* Motion Prediction of Beating Heart Using Spatio-Temporal LSTM
* Motion Prediction of Moving Objects Based on Autoregressive Model
* Motion Prediction Using Temporal Inception Module
* Motion Prediction using Trajectory Cues
* Motion prediction using vc-generalization bounds
* Motion Primitives and Probabilistic Edit Distance for Action Recognition
* Motion Primitives Representation, Extraction and Connection for Automated Vehicle Motion Planning Applications
* Motion priors based on goals hierarchies in pedestrian tracking applications
* Motion Priors Estimation for Robust Matching Initialization in Automotive Applications
* Motion priors for multiple target visual tracking
* Motion Problem: A Decomposition-Based Solution, The
* Motion Problem: How to Use More Than Two Frames, The
* Motion Profiles for Deception Detection Using Visual Cues
* Motion Projection for Floating Object Detection
* Motion propagation detection association for multi-target tracking in wide area aerial surveillance
* Motion Quantification and Automated Correction in Clinical RSOM
* Motion rank: applying page rank to motion data search
* Motion re-estimation for H.264/AVC video downscaling transcoding using EPZS algorithm
* Motion recognition approach to solve overwriting in complex actions
* Motion recognition based on Dynamic-Time Warping method with Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network
* Motion Recognition Employing Multiple Kernel Learning of Fisher Vectors Using Local Skeleton Features
* Motion Recognition Using Local Auto-Correlation of Space-Time Gradients
* Motion recognition using nonparametric image motion models estimated from temporal and multiscale co-occurrence statistics
* Motion Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Random Walks in Sequence of 2D Motion-related Measurements
* Motion Recovery by Integrating over the Joint Image Manifold
* Motion Recovery for Uncalibrated Turntable Sequences Using Silhouettes and a Single Point
* Motion Recovery from Image Sequences Using First-Order Optical Flow Information
* Motion Recovery from Image Sequences Using Only First Order Optical Flow Information
* Motion Recovery from Image Sequences: Discrete Viewpoint vs. Differential Viewpoint
* Motion Recovery of a Single Camera Installed on a Wheeled Vehicle
* Motion Rectification Network for Unsupervised Learning of Monocular Depth and Camera Motion
* Motion Refinement Based Progressive Side-Information Estimation for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Motion Regularization for Matting Motion Blurred Objects
* Motion Regularization for Model-Based Head Tracking
* Motion rendition quality metric for MPEG coded video
* Motion representation using composite energy features
* Motion Representation Using Residual Frames with 3D CNN
* Motion Representation with Acceleration Images
* Motion Representations for Articulated Animation
* Motion retrieval by temporal slices analysis
* Motion retrieval using consistency of epipolar geometry
* Motion retrival using low-rank decomposition of Fundamental Ratios
* Motion Robust Remote-PPG Approach to Driver's Health State Monitoring, A
* Motion Saliency Based Generative Adversarial Network for Underwater Moving Object Segmentation
* Motion saliency based multi-stream multiplier ResNets for action recognition
* Motion Scaling for High-Performance Driving Simulators
* Motion segment decomposition of RGB-D sequences for human behavior understanding
* Motion segmentation and abnormal behavior detection via behavior clustering
* Motion segmentation and activity representation in crowds
* Motion Segmentation and Depth Ordering Based on Morphological Segmentation
* Motion Segmentation and Depth Ordering Using an Occlusion Detector
* Motion Segmentation and Estimation by Constraint Line Filtering
* Motion segmentation and estimation
* Motion Segmentation and Local Structure
* Motion Segmentation and Outlier Detection
* Motion Segmentation and Pose Recognition with Motion History Gradients
* Motion Segmentation and Qualitative Dynamic Scene Analysis from an Image Sequence
* Motion Segmentation and Tracking Using Normalized Cuts
* Motion Segmentation and Tracking with Edge Relaxation and Optimization using Fully Parallel Methods in the Cellular Nonlinear Network Architecture
* Motion Segmentation and Tracking
* Motion Segmentation at Any Speed
* Motion Segmentation based on Factorization Method and Discriminant Criterion
* Motion Segmentation Based on Perceptual Organization of Spatio-temporal Volumes
* Motion segmentation by consensus
* Motion Segmentation by EM Clustering of Good Features
* Motion Segmentation by Exploiting Complementary Geometric Models
* Motion Segmentation by Fuzzy Clustering with Automatic Determination of the Number of Motions
* Motion Segmentation by Learning Homography Matrices from Motor Signals
* Motion Segmentation by Multibody Trifocal Tensor Using Line Correspondence
* Motion Segmentation by Multistage Affine Classification
* Motion segmentation by SCC on the hopkins 155 database
* Motion Segmentation by Spatiotemporal Smoothness Using 5D Tensor Voting
* Motion Segmentation by Subspace Separation and Model Selection
* Motion Segmentation by Subspace Separation: Model Selection and Reliability Evaluation
* Motion Segmentation by Tracking Edge Information over Multiple Frames
* Motion Segmentation by Tracking, Trajectories, Region Based Tracking
* Motion Segmentation by Velocity Clustering with Estimation of Subspace Dimension
* Motion Segmentation for 3D Video Based on Spherical Registration
* Motion Segmentation for a Binocular Observer
* Motion Segmentation from Feature Trajectories with Missing Data
* Motion Segmentation in Long Image Sequences
* Motion Segmentation in the Presence of Outlying, Incomplete, or Corrupted Trajectories
* Motion Segmentation Multiple Object Tracking by Correlation Co-Clustering
* Motion Segmentation of Multiple Translating Objects Using Line Correspondences
* Motion Segmentation of RGB-D Sequences: Combining Semantic and Motion Information Using Statistical Inference
* Motion Segmentation of Truncated Signed Distance Function Based Volumetric Surfaces
* Motion segmentation system with multi-frame hypothesis tracking
* Motion Segmentation Using a K-Nearest-Neighbor-Based Fusion Procedure of Spatial and Temporal Label Cues
* Motion Segmentation Using an Occlusion Detector
* Motion Segmentation Using Convergence Properties
* Motion segmentation using curve fitting on Lagrangian particle trajectories
* Motion Segmentation Using Divisive Graph Cuts
* Motion Segmentation Using Feature Selection and Subspace Method Based on Shape Space
* Motion Segmentation Using Inference in Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Motion segmentation using occlusions
* Motion Segmentation Using Singular Value Decomposition
* Motion Segmentation Using Spectral Clustering on Indian Road Scenes
* Motion segmentation using the Hadamard product and spectral clustering
* Motion Segmentation Via a Sparsity Constraint
* Motion Segmentation via Generalized Curvatures
* Motion segmentation via overlapping temporal windows
* Motion segmentation via robust subspace separation in the presence of outlying, incomplete, or corrupted trajectories
* Motion Segmentation via Synchronization
* Motion segmentation with accurate boundaries: A tensor voting approach
* Motion Segmentation with Level Sets
* Motion segmentation with missing data using powerfactorization and GPCA
* Motion segmentation with occlusions on the superpixel graph
* Motion Segmentation with Pairwise Matches and Unknown Number of Motions
* Motion Segmentation with Weak Labeling Priors
* Motion Segmentation, Motion Saliency, Video Salience
* Motion Segmentation, Neural Networks, Learning
* Motion Segmentation, Object Extraction in Compressed Domains
* Motion Segmentation, Object Extraction, Evaluation, Survey
* Motion Segmentation: A Synergistic Approach
* Motion Selectivity of Neurons in Self-driving Networks
* Motion Sensitive Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Video Representation
* Motion Sensitive Pre-processing for Video
* Motion Sequence, Background Subtraction
* Motion Sequence, Color Models for Background Subtraction
* Motion Sickness Mitigating Algorithms and Control Strategy for Autonomous Vehicles
* Motion Sickness Prediction Based on Dry EEG in Real Driving Environment
* Motion Sickness Prediction in Self-Driving Cars Using the 6DOF-SVC Model
* Motion silencing of flicker distortions on naturalistic videos
* Motion sketch based crowd video retrieval via motion structure coding
* Motion skip mode using dynamic property of anchor pictures in multi-view video coding
* Motion Smear
* Motion Smoothing Strategies for 2D Video Stabilization
* Motion stereo at sea: Dense 3D reconstruction from image sequences monitoring conveyor systems on board fishing vessels
* Motion Stereo for Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles in a Passageway
* Motion Stereo for Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles in Man-Made Environments
* Motion Stereo Using Ego-Motion Complex Logarithmic Mapping
* Motion Stimulation for Compositional Action Recognition
* Motion study of the hip joint in extreme postures
* Motion Synthesis from the Semantic Signals
* Motion Texture
* Motion texture: a new motion based video representation
* Motion Textures: Modeling, Classification, and Segmentation Using Mixed-State Markov Random Fields
* Motion tracking as a constrained optimization problem
* Motion tracking based on area and level set weighted centroid shifting
* Motion Tracking Control Design for a Class of Nonholonomic Mobile Robot Systems
* Motion Tracking for Medical Imaging: A Nonvisible Structured Light Tracking Approach
* Motion Tracking of Animals for Behavior Analysis
* Motion tracking of cattle with a constrained deformable model
* Motion Tracking of Deformable Objects Based on Energy Minimization Using Multiscale Dynamic Programming
* Motion Tracking of Deformable Objects by Active Contour Models Using Multiscale Dynamic Programming
* Motion Tracking of Discontinuous Sea Ice
* Motion tracking of human mouth by generalized deformable models
* Motion Tracking of the Carotid Artery Wall From Ultrasound Image Sequences: a Nonlinear State-Space Approach
* Motion Tracking on the Spatiotemporal Surface
* Motion Tracking with an Active Camera
* Motion Trajectories
* Motion trajectory based video indexing and retrieval
* Motion trajectory based visual saliency for video quality assessment
* Motion Trajectory Classification for Visual Surveillance and Tracking
* Motion Trajectory Extraction Based on Macroblock Motion Vectors for Video Indexing
* Motion Trajectory Learning in the DFT-Coefficient Feature Space
* Motion trajectory reproduction from generalized signature description
* Motion Trajectory Segmentation via Minimum Cost Multicuts
* Motion Transformer for Unsupervised Image Animation
* Motion transforms for video coding
* Motion Trend Patterns for Action Modelling and Recognition
* Motion Tuned Spatio-Temporal Quality Assessment of Natural Videos
* Motion U-Net: Multi-cue Encoder-Decoder Network for Motion Segmentation
* Motion Understanding from Qualitative Visual Dynamics
* Motion Understanding Meets Early Vision: An Introduction
* Motion Understanding: Robot and Human Vision
* Motion Understanding: Task-Directed Attention and Representations that Link Perception with Action
* Motion Using Depth Information
* Motion Using Stereo Pairs or Depth
* Motion Using Stereo Pairs or Depth, Multiple Cameras -- Features
* Motion Vector-based Steganographic Algorithm for HEVC with MTB Mapping Strategy, A
* Motion vector-domain video steganalysis exploiting skipped macroblocks
* Motion vector analysis based homography estimation for efficient HEVC compression of 2D and 3D navigation video sequences
* Motion Vector Based Features for Content Based Video Copy Detection
* Motion vector calculation circuit, with flatness-judgement circuitry, that selects a generated motion vector for output in accordance with a flatness judgement result
* Motion Vector Coding and Block Merging in the Versatile Video Coding Standard
* Motion vector coding for in-band motion compensated temporal filtering
* Motion vector coding using optimal predictor
* Motion vector computation for video sequences
* Motion vector derivation of deformable block
* Motion vector detecting apparatus for detecting motion of image to prevent disturbance thereof
* Motion vector detecting apparatus for moving picture
* Motion vector detecting apparatus for video telephone/teleconference systems
* Motion vector detecting device for compensating for movements in a motion picture
* Motion vector detecting device
* Motion vector detecting method of a video signal
* Motion vector detection apparatus and predictive coding system for compensating for movement with apparatus
* Motion vector detection apparatus and predictive coding system for compensating for movement with the apparatus
* Motion vector detection apparatus
* Motion vector detection apparatus, method of the same, and image processing apparatus
* Motion vector detection circuit
* Motion vector detection system of a moving object on a screen
* Motion vector detector circuit
* Motion vector detector employing image subregions and median values
* motion vector difference based self-incremental adaptive search range algorithm for variable block size motion estimation, A
* Motion Vector Entropy Coding Scheme Based on Motion Field Referencing for Video Compression, A
* Motion Vector Estimation and Encoding for Motion Compensated DWT
* Motion vector estimation in television images
* Motion vector estimation method and apparatus for use in an image signal encoding system
* Motion vector estimation method and apparatus having half-pixel accuracy
* Motion Vector Estimation Using Edge Oriented Block Matching Algorithm for Video Sequences
* Motion Vector Field Analysis in Motion-Assisted Rate Control for H.264
* Motion vector fields based video coding
* Motion Vector for Outlier Elimination in Feature Matching and Its Application in SLAM Based Laparoscopic Tracking
* Motion vector generation for video coding by gray prediction
* Motion vector modification distortion analysis-based payload allocation for video steganography
* motion vector prediction method for multi-view video coding, A
* Motion vector predictive encoding method, motion vector decoding method, predictive encoding apparatus and decoding apparatus, and storage media storing motion vector predictive encoding and decoding programs
* Motion Vector Processing Based on Residual Energy Information for Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation
* Motion vector processing based on trajectory curve analysis for motion compensated frame interpolation
* Motion vector processing circuit
* Motion vector processing device
* Motion vector processing using the color information
* Motion vector quantization for video coding
* Motion Vector Quantization in a Rate-Distortion Framework
* Motion Vector Recovery for Video Error Concealment by Using Iterative Dynamic-Programming Optimization
* Motion vector refinement for frame rate up conversion on 3D video
* Motion vector refinement for video downsampling in the dct domain
* Motion vector refinement in a Wyner-Ziv to H.264 transcoder for mobile telephony
* Motion vector replenishment for low bit-rate video coding
* motion vector replenishment video codec for ATM networks, A
* Motion vector searching method using plural search areas
* Motion vector selection in television images
* Motion Vector Size-Compensation Based Method for Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Motion verifying camera and motion verifying photography method
* Motion video adaptive quantization in the transform domain
* Motion vision for mobile robot localization
* Motion Visualization of Ultrasound Imaging
* Motion warping
* Motion wavelet difference reduction (MWDR) video codec
* Motion with Matrix Factorization, Missing Data Issues, Articulated Motion
* Motion with Optical Flow and Depth
* Motion without correspondence from tomographic projections by Bayesian inversion theory
* Motion Without Movement
* Motion without Structure
* Motion Words for Videos
* Motion
* Motion, Shape from Motion for RGB-D Sensors, Kinect Motion
* Motion, stereo and color analysis for dynamic virtual environments
* Motion: Representation and Perception
* Motional foreground attention-based video crowd counting
* MotionAug: Augmentation with Physical Correction for Human Motion Prediction
* MotionBERT: A Unified Perspective on Learning Human Motion Representations
* MotionCLIP: Exposing Human Motion Generation to CLIP Space
* MotionDeltaCNN: Sparse CNN Inference of Frame Differences in Moving Camera Videos with Spherical Buffers and Padded Convolutions
* MotionDiffuser: Controllable Multi-Agent Motion Prediction Using Diffusion
* Motionlets: Mid-level 3D Parts for Human Motion Recognition
* MotionLM: Multi-Agent Motion Forecasting as Language Modeling
* MotionNet: Joint Perception and Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving Based on Bird's Eye View Maps
* MotionRec: A Unified Deep Framework for Moving Object Recognition
* MotionRNN: A Flexible Model for Video Prediction with Spacetime-Varying Motions
* MotionSearch: Context-Based Video Retrieval and Activity Recognition in Video Surveillance
* Motionsqueeze: Neural Motion Feature Learning for Video Understanding
* MotionTrack: End-to-End Transformer-based Multi-Object Tracking with LiDAR-Camera Fusion
* MotionTrack: Learning Robust Short-Term and Long-Term Motions for Multi-Object Tracking
* MotionVideoGAN: A Novel Video Generator Based on the Motion Space Learned From Image Pairs
* Motivating Bilevel Approaches To Filter Learning: A Case Study
* Motivating class-specific nonlinear projections for single and multiple view face verification
* Motivation Design Methodology for Online Knowledge Sharing Interface
* Motivational System for Human-Robot Interaction
* Moto: Enhancing Embedding with Multiple Joint Factors for Chinese Text Classification
* Motor-Imagery-Based Brain-Computer Interface Using Signal Derivation and Aggregation Functions
* Motor algebra approach for visually guided robotics
* Motor Algebra for 3D Kinematics: The Case of the Hand-Eye Calibration
* Motor Extended Kalman Filter: A Geometric Approach for Rigid Motion Estimation, The
* Motor Faults, Engine Faults, Electrical Faults, Vibrations, Vehicles
* motor imagery EEG signal classification algorithm based on recurrence plot convolution neural network, A
* Motor Intention Recognition in EEG: In Pursuit of a Relevant Feature Set
* Motor Protein Function in Skeletal Muscle: A Multiple Scale Approach to Contractility
* Motor Pump Fault Diagnosis with Feature Selection and Levenberg-Marquardt Trained Feedforward Neural Network
* Motorcycle Detection and Collision Warning Using Monocular Images from a Vehicle
* Motorcycle State Estimation and Tire Cornering Stiffness Identification Applied to Road Safety: Using Observer-Based Identifiers
* Motorway Tidal Flow Lane Control
* Motorways in Metropolitan Areas: The Northwestern Growth of Florence and the Urban Use of Motorway A1
* MOTR: End-to-End Multiple-Object Tracking with Transformer
* Motron: Multimodal Probabilistic Human Motion Forecasting
* MOTRv2: Bootstrapping End-to-End Multi-Object Tracking by Pretrained Object Detectors
* MOTS: Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
* MOTSynth: How Can Synthetic Data Help Pedestrian Detection and Tracking?
* Mottling Assessment of Solid Printed Areas and Its Correlation to Perceived Uniformity
* Moulding Humans: Non-Parametric 3D Human Shape Estimation From Single Images
* MoundCount: A detection-based approach for automatic counting of planting microsites on UAV images
* Mountain c-regressions method
* Mountain Clustering on Non-Uniform Grids Using P-Trees
* Mountain clustering on nonuniform grids
* Mountain crop monitoring with multitemporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery
* Mountain Glacier Flow Velocity Retrieval from Ascending and Descending Sentinel-1 Data Using the Offset Tracking and MSBAS Technique: A Case Study of the Siachen Glacier in Karakoram from 2017 to 2021
* Mountain Habitats Segmentation and Change Detection Dataset, The
* Mountain Landscape Dynamics after Large Wind and Bark Beetle Disasters and Subsequent Logging: Case Studies from the Carpathians
* Mountain Segmentation Based on Global Optimization with the Cloth Simulation Constraint
* Mountain Top-Based Atmospheric Radio Occultation Observations with Open/Closed Loop Tracking: Experiment and Validation
* Mountain Tree Species Mapping Using Sentinel-2, PlanetScope, and Airborne HySpex Hyperspectral Imagery
* Mountain Vegetation Classification Method Based on Multi-Channel Semantic Segmentation Model
* Mountainous City Featured Landscape Planning Based on GIS-AHP Analytical Method
* Mouse Arterial Wall Imaging and Analysis from Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography
* Mouse face tracking using convolutional neural networks
* Mouse neuroimaging phenotyping in the cloud
* MouseGAN++: Unsupervised Disentanglement and Contrastive Representation for Multiple MRI Modalities Synthesis and Structural Segmentation of Mouse Brain
* Mouth Cavity Visual Analysis Based on Deep Learning for Oropharyngeal Swab Robot Sampling
* Mouth Location, Lip Location, Detection
* Mouth Region Localization Method Based on Gaussian Mixture Model
* Mouth state estimation in mobile computing environment
* MOV-Modified-FxLMS Algorithm With Variable Penalty Factor in a Practical Power Output Constrained Active Control System
* Mova
* Move-Based Algorithms for the Optimization of an Isotropic Gradient MRF Model
* Move and remove: Multi-task learning for building simplification in vector maps with a graph convolutional neural network
* Move Forward and Tell: A Progressive Generator of Video Descriptions
* Move, Attend and Predict: An attention-based neural model for people's movement prediction
* Move2Hear: Active Audio-Visual Source Separation
* MoveEnet: Online High-Frequency Human Pose Estimation with an Event Camera
* Movement-flow-based visual servoing and force control fusion for Manipulation Tasks in unstructured environments
* Movement-Imagery Brain-Computer Interface: EEG Classification of Beta Rhythm Synchronization Based on Cumulative Distribution Function
* Movement-induced Priors for Deep Stereo
* Movement-Oriented Objectified Organization and Retrieval Approach for Heterogeneous GeoVideo Data
* Movement Analysis for Interactive Dance Using Motion Capture Data Part I: Real-Time Tracking of Multiple People from Unlabelled Markers
* Movement Awareness-Adaptive Spatio Temporal Noise Reduction in Video
* Movement Classification in Video Using Kinematics-Driven Change Detection and Local Kinematics Shape Pattern
* Movement Compensated Interframe Prediction for NTSC Color TV Signals
* Movement compensation predictive coding/decoding method
* Movement correction in DCE-MRI through windowed and reconstruction dynamic mode decomposition
* Movement Detection and Tracking Using Video Frames
* Movement detection for the synthesis of high dynamic range images
* Movement detector
* Movement direction-based approaches for pedestrian detection in road scenes
* Movement Enhancement toward Multi-Scale Video Feature Representation for Temporal Action Detection
* Movement Epenthesis Generation Using NURBS-Based Spatial Interpolation
* Movement Ephenthesis
* Movement estimation method and system for high definition digital television frames
* Movement of GPS Positioning Discrepancy Clouds at a Mid-Latitude Region in March 2015, The
* Movement Pattern Analysis Based on Sequence Signatures
* Movement Pattern Histogram for Action Recognition and Retrieval
* Movement Primitive Segmentation for Human Motion Modeling: A Framework for Analysis
* Movement, Activity, and Action: The Role of Knowledge in the Perception of Motion
* MOVES: Manipulated Objects in Video Enable Segmentation
* MoViDNN: A Mobile Platform for Evaluating Video Quality Enhancement with Deep Neural Networks
* Movie and Video Scale-Time Equalization Application to Flicker Reduction
* Movie Classifier Based on Visual Features, A
* Movie Content Analysis, Indexing and Skimming Via Multimodal Information
* Movie Denoising by Average of Warped Lines
* Movie Description
* Movie dimensionalization via sparse user annotations
* Movie fill in the blank by joint learning from video and text with adaptive temporal attention
* Movie genre classification by exploiting audio-visual features of previews
* Movie Genre Classification by Exploiting MEG Brain Signals
* Movie Lens: Discovering and Characterizing Editing Patterns in the Analysis of Short Movie Sequences
* Movie Map for Virtual Exploration in a City
* Movie Question Answering via Textual Memory and Plot Graph
* Movie Recommendation via BLSTM
* Movie scene segmentation using background information
* Movie segmentation into scenes and chapters using locally weighted bag of visual words
* Movie summarization based on audiovisual saliency detection
* Movie, Video Recommender Systems, Personalization, Video on Demand
* Movie/Script: Alignment and Parsing of Video and Text Transcription
* Movie2Comics: Towards a Lively Video Content Presentation
* MovieCLIP: Visual Scene Recognition in Movies
* MovieCuts: A New Dataset and Benchmark for Cut Type Recognition
* MovieGraphs: Towards Understanding Human-Centric Situations from Videos
* Movienet: A Holistic Dataset for Movie Understanding
* MovieQA
* MovieQA: Understanding Stories in Movies through Question-Answering
* Movies tags extraction using deep learning
* MOVIES: indexing moving objects by shooting index images
* Movies2Scenes: Using Movie Metadata to Learn Scene Representation
* MoVieUp: Automatic Mobile Video Mashup
* Moviewall: A New Interface for Browsing Large Video Collections, The
* MoViNets: Mobile Video Networks for Efficient Video Recognition
* Moving-Camera Video Surveillance in Cluttered Environments Using Deep Features
* Moving-edge detection via heat flow analogy
* Moving-Object Detection From Consecutive Stereo Pairs Using Slanted Plane Smoothing
* Moving-Object Detection, Association, and Selection in Home Videos
* Moving-object segmentation using a foreground history map
* Moving-object Segmentation with Adaptive Sprite for DCT-based Video Coder
* Moving-Talker, Speaker-Independent Feature Study, and Baseline Results Using the CUAVE Multimodal Speech Corpus
* Moving-Target Search: A Real-Time Search for Changing Goals
* Moving-Target Tracking by Cognitive RF Stealth Radar Using Frequency Diverse Array Antenna
* Moving-Target Tracking in Single-Channel Wide-Beam SAR
* Moving-window discrete Fourier transform
* Moving average algorithms for diamond, hexagon, and general polygonal shaped window operations
* Moving Average Bidirectional Texture Function Model, A
* Moving beam helical CT scanning
* Moving Beyond Simulation: Data-Driven Quantitative Photoacoustic Imaging Using Tissue-Mimicking Phantoms
* Moving body detecting apparatus
* Moving body detection device of camera
* Moving camera background-subtraction for obstacle detection on railway tracks
* Moving camera human activity localization and recognition with motionplanes and multiple homographies
* Moving Camera Moving Object Segmentation in Compressed Video Sequences
* Moving Camera Registration for Multiple Camera Setups in Dynamic Scenes
* Moving camera video stabilization using homography consistency
* Moving Cameras Meet Video Surveillance: From Body-Borne Cameras to Drones
* Moving Cameras
* Moving Car Recognition and Removal for 3D Urban Modelling Using Oblique Images
* Moving cast shadow detection by exploiting multiple cues
* Moving Cast Shadow Detection from a Gaussian Mixture Shadow Model
* Moving Cast Shadow Detection Using Joint Color and Texture Features with Neighboring Information
* Moving cast shadow detection using online sub-scene shadow modeling and object inner-edges analysis
* Moving cast shadow detection using physics-based features
* Moving cast shadow detection using scale-relation multi-layer pooling features
* Moving Cast Shadow Detection
* Moving cast shadow elimination for robust vehicle extraction based on 2D joint vehicle/shadow models
* Moving Cast Shadow Removal Based on Local Descriptors
* Moving cast shadows detection based on ratio edge
* Moving Cast Shadows Detection Using Ratio Edge
* Moving Cast Shadows Segmentation Using Illumination Invariant Feature
* Moving code: Sharing geoprocessing logic on the Web
* Moving Creative Words
* Moving dim point target detection with three-dimensional wide-to-exact search directional filtering
* Moving Edge Segment Matching for the Detection of Moving Object
* Moving Foreground Detection Based on Modified Codebook
* Moving foreground object detection via robust SIFT trajectories
* Moving Forward in Structure From Motion
* Moving from Space-Based to Ground-Based Solutions in Remote Sensing for Archaeological Heritage: A Case Study from Egypt
* Moving GeoPQL: a pictorial language towards spatio-temporal queries
* Moving Grid Framework for Geometric Deformable Models, A
* Moving Horizon Estimation of Pedestrian Interactions Based on Multiple Velocity Fields
* Moving horizon estimation of pedestrian interactions using multiple velocity fields
* Moving Horizon Optimization of Dynamic Trajectory Planning for High-Speed Train Operation
* Moving horizon shared steering strategy for intelligent vehicle based on potential-hazard analysis
* Moving Humans Detection Based on Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion
* Moving Humans Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Models
* Moving Image Coding, Compression: Using Vector Fields, Flow Fields
* moving image genre-form guide, The
* Moving imager camera for track and range capture
* Moving in stereo: Efficient structure and motion using lines
* Moving in the Right Direction: A Regularization for Deep Metric Learning
* Moving Indoor: Unsupervised Video Depth Learning in Challenging Environments
* moving infrared small target detection method based on optical flow-guided neural networks, A
* Moving interfacial boundary estimation in stratified flow of two immiscible liquids using electrical resistance tomography
* Moving Least-Squares Method for Interlaced to Progressive Scanning Format Conversion
* Moving Morphable Components Based Shape Reconstruction Framework for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Moving Multitarget Detection Using a Multisite Radar System with Widely Separated Stations
* Moving Object and Shadow Detection Based on RGB Color Space and Edge Ratio
* Moving object and transient event detection using rotation strip aperture image measurements
* Moving Object Classification Using a Combination of Static Appearance Features and Spatial and Temporal Entropy Values of Optical Flows
* Moving Object Completion on the Compressed Domain
* Moving object detecting system
* moving object detection algorithm for smart cameras, A
* Moving Object Detection and Event Recognition Algorithms for Smart Camera
* Moving Object Detection and Identification from MPEG coded data
* Moving Object Detection and Tracking Based on Interaction of Static Obstacle Map and Geometric Model-Free Approachfor Urban Autonomous Driving
* Moving object detection and tracking from video captured by moving camera
* Moving Object Detection and Tracking Using a Spatio-Temporal Graph in H.264/AVC Bitstreams for Video Surveillance
* Moving Object Detection and Tracking with Doppler LiDAR
* Moving object detection apparatus and method
* Moving object detection apparatus
* Moving Object Detection Based on Clausius Entropy
* Moving object detection based on frame difference and W4
* Moving object detection based on Kirsch operator combined with Optical Flow
* Moving object detection based on shape prediction
* Moving object detection based on T-test combined with kirsch operator
* Moving Object Detection Based on Temporal Information
* Moving object detection between multiple and color images
* Moving Object Detection by 3D Flow Field Analysis
* Moving Object Detection by Detecting Contiguous Outliers in the Low-Rank Representation
* Moving object detection by low rank approximation and L1-TV regularization on RPCA framework
* Moving Object Detection by Robust PCA Solved via a Linearized Symmetric Alternating Direction Method
* Moving Object Detection for Event-based Vision using Graph Spectral Clustering
* Moving object detection for humanoid navigation in cluttered dynamic indoor environments using a confidence tracking approach
* Moving Object Detection for Real-Time Applications
* Moving object detection for vehicle tracking in Wide Area Motion Imagery using 4D filtering
* Moving object detection from a point cloud using photometric and depth consistencies
* Moving object detection from moving platforms using Lagrange multiplier
* Moving Object Detection from MPEG Coded Picture
* Moving Object Detection in Color Image Sequences using Region-Level Graph Labeling
* Moving Object Detection in Complex Scene Using Spatiotemporal Structured-Sparse RPCA
* Moving Object Detection in Noisy Video Sequences Using Deep Convolutional Disentangled Representations
* Moving Object Detection in Spatial Domain using Background Removal Techniques: State-of-Art
* Moving object detection in the H.264/AVC compressed domain for video surveillance applications
* Moving Object Detection in Time-Lapse or Motion Trigger Image Sequences Using Low-Rank and Invariant Sparse Decomposition
* Moving Object Detection in Traffic Surveillance Video: New MOD-AT Method Based on Adaptive Threshold
* Moving object detection in video by detecting non-Gaussian regions in subbands and active contours
* Moving Object Detection in Video via Hierarchical Modeling and Alternating Optimization
* Moving object detection in wavelet compressed video
* Moving Object Detection Method Based on Graph Neural Network, A
* Moving Object Detection on a Runway Prior to Landing Using an Onboard Infrared Camera
* Moving Object Detection Revisited: Speed and Robustness
* Moving Object Detection System in Aerial Video Surveillance
* Moving Object Detection Technology for Intelligent Police Based on ViBe Algorithm, A
* Moving Object Detection Through Image Bit-Planes Representation Without Thresholding
* Moving Object Detection Unaffected by Cast Shadows, Highlights and Ghosts
* Moving object detection under different weather conditions using full-spectrum light sources
* Moving Object Detection Under Discontinuous Change in Illumination Using Tensor Low-Rank and Invariant Sparse Decomposition
* Moving object detection under free-moving camera
* Moving Object Detection Using a Cross Correlation between a Short Accumulated Histogram and a Long Accumulated Histogram
* Moving Object Detection Using Energy Model and Particle Filter for Dynamic Scene
* Moving object detection using keypoints reference model
* Moving Object Detection Using SIFT Matching on Three Frames for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Moving Object Detection Using Spatial Correlation in LAB Colour Space
* Moving Object Detection Using Tensor-Based Low-Rank and Saliently Fused-Sparse Decomposition
* Moving Object Detection via Robust Low Rank Matrix Decomposition with Irls Scheme
* Moving Object Detection With a Freely Moving Camera via Background Motion Subtraction
* Moving object detection with an adaptive background model
* Moving object detection with background model based on spatio-temporal texture
* Moving object detection with mobile stereo omni-directional system (SOS) based on motion compensatory inter-frame depth subtraction
* Moving object detection zone using a block-based background model
* Moving Object Detection, Inspection and Counting Using Image Stripe Analysis
* Moving Object Extraction by Watershed Algorithm Considering Energy Minimization
* Moving Object Extraction Method Robust Against Illumination Level Changes for a Pedestrian Counting System, A
* Moving Object Extraction Using a Shape-Constraint-Based Splitting Active Contour Model
* Moving Object Extraction Using Compressed Domain Features of H.264 INTRA Frames
* Moving Object Extraction Using Edges
* Moving Object Extraction with a Hand-held Camera
* Moving object extraction with a localized pyramid
* Moving Object Extraction with Moving Cameras
* Moving Object Extraction, Using Models or Analysis of Regions
* Moving Object Graphs and Layer Extraction from Image Sequences
* moving object identification algorithm for image sequence interpolation, A
* Moving object localisation using a multi-label fast marching algorithm
* Moving Object Localization in Thermal Imagery by Forward-backward MHI
* Moving object measurement device employing a three-dimensional analysis to obtain characteristics of the moving object
* Moving object monitoring surveillance apparatus for detecting, tracking and identifying a moving object by zooming in on a detected flesh color
* Moving Object Recognition in Eigenspace Representation: Gait Analysis and Lip Reading
* Moving Object Recognition Method by Optical Flow Analysis, A
* Moving object reconstruction from 3D segments using a fixed camera
* Moving object reconstruction in monocular video data using boundary generation
* Moving Object Removal Based on Global Feature Registration
* Moving Object Segmentation Based on Video Coding Information in H.264 Compressed Domain
* Moving object segmentation by background subtraction and temporal analysis
* Moving object segmentation for jittery videos, by clustering of stabilized latent trajectories
* Moving object segmentation in Daubechies complex wavelet domain
* Moving Object Segmentation in the H.264 Compressed Domain
* Moving object segmentation in video sequences by user interaction and automatic object tracking
* Moving object segmentation using depth and optical flow in car driving sequences
* Moving Object Segmentation Using Improved Running Gaussian Average Background Model
* Moving Object Segmentation Using Motor Signals
* Moving Object Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Depth Information
* Moving Object Segmentation using Scene Understanding
* Moving object segmentation using the 9/7-10/8 dual-tree complex filter bank
* Moving object selection based on an active curve approach
* Moving Object Tracked by A Mobile Robot with Real-Time Obstacles Avoidance Capacity, A
* Moving object tracking based on multi-independent features distribution fields with comprehensive spatial feature similarity
* Moving Object Tracking by Optimizing Active Models
* Moving Object Tracking in H.264/AVC Bitstream
* Moving Object Tracking in the Sequence of Images Acquired from Non-stationary Camera
* Moving Object Tracking Technique Using Few Frames with Feature Map Extraction and Feature Fusion, A
* Moving object tracking under varying illumination conditions
* Moving object tracking using active models
* Moving object tracking using an adaptive colour filter
* Moving object tracking via one-dimensional optical flow using queue
* Moving Object Tracking with Structure Complexity Coefficients
* Moving Object Verification from Airborne Video
* Moving Object Verification in Airborne Video Sequences
* Moving Objects Aware Sensor Mesh Fusion for Indoor Reconstruction From A Couple of 2d Lidar Scans
* Moving Objects Detection and Tracking Framework for UAV-based Surveillance
* Moving Objects Detection from Time-Varied Background: An Application of Camera 3D Motion Analysis
* Moving objects detection using freely moving depth sensing camera
* Moving objects forecast in image sequences using autoregressive algorithms
* Moving Objects Localization by Local Regions Based Level Set: Application on Urban Traffic
* Moving Objects Segmentation from compressed surveillance video based on Motion Estimation
* Moving Objects Tracking Based on Geometric Model-Free Approach With Particle Filter Using Automotive LiDAR
* Moving Obstacle Detection from a Navigating Robot
* Moving obstacles' motion prediction for autonomous navigation
* Moving Obstacles Extraction with Stereo Global Motion Model
* Moving Obstacles Planner Algorithm for a Six-wheeled Surveying Robot, A
* Moving Parallax Barrier Design for Eye-Tracking Autostereoscopic Displays
* Moving pedestrian detection based on motion segmentation
* Moving Picture Coding by Lapped Transform and Edge Adaptive Deblocking Filter with Zero Pruning SPIHT
* Moving picture coding system for digital storage media using hybrid coding
* Moving picture encoding apparatus and method
* Moving Picture Experts Group
* Moving picture image encoder with continuously changing quantization step size
* Moving picture processing method and apparatus, and computer program product having processing procedure recorded therefore
* Moving picture scene detection system
* Moving plane detection under translational camera motion using the c-velocity concept
* Moving Point Density Estimation Algorithm Based on a Generated Bayesian Prior
* Moving Point Target Detection Based on Temporal Transient Disturbance Learning in Low SNR
* Moving Portraits
* Moving Pose: An Efficient 3D Kinematics Descriptor for Low-Latency Action Recognition and Detection, The
* Moving Poselets: A Discriminative and Interpretable Skeletal Motion Representation for Action Recognition
* Moving Region Segmentation From Compressed Video Using Global Motion Estimation and Markov Random Fields
* Moving Shadow and Object Detection in Traffic Scenes
* Moving shadow detection and removal: A wavelet transform based approach
* Moving shadow detection based on stationary wavelet transform and Zernike moments
* Moving Shadow Detection from Background Image and Deep Learning
* Moving Shadow Detection using a Combined Geometric and Color Classification Approach
* Moving shadow detection using a physics-based approach
* Moving shadow detection via binocular vision and colour clustering
* Moving shadow detection with support vector domain description in the color ratios space
* Moving shadow representation based on a level curves decomposition
* Moving shape dynamics: A signal processing perspective
* Moving Ship Detection and Movement Prediction In Remote Sensing Videos
* Moving Source Localization in Passive Sensor Network With Location Uncertainty
* Moving surface extraction based on unordered hexagonal perfect submaps projection: Applications to 3D feature tracking
* Moving Target's HRRP Synthesis With Sparse Frequency-Stepped Chirp Signal via Atomic Norm Minimization
* Moving Target's Scattering Matrix Estimation With a Polarimetric Radar
* Moving Target Analysis in ISAR Image Sequences With a Multiframe Marked Point Process Model
* Moving Target Classification and Tracking from Real Time Video
* Moving Target Detection and Parameter Estimation via a Modified Imaging STAP with a Large Baseline in Multistatic GEO SAR
* Moving Target Detection Based on the Spreading Characteristics of SAR Interferograms in the Magnitude-Phase Plane
* Moving Target Detection by Quadrature Mirror Filter
* Moving Target Detection in Foliage Using Along-Track Monopulse Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imaging
* Moving Target Detection in Infrared Imagery Using a Regularised CDWT Optical Flow
* Moving Target Detection in Multi-Static GNSS-Based Passive Radar Based on Multi-Bernoulli Filter
* Moving target detection in thermal infrared imagery using spatiotemporal information
* Moving target detection method using two-frame subtraction and a two quadrant multiplier
* Moving target detection using super-resolution algorithms with an ultra wideband radar
* Moving Target Detection with Modified Logarithm Background Subtraction and Its Application to the GF-3 Spotlight Mode
* moving target evaluating algorithms for removing MRI motion artifacts, A
* Moving Target Imaging Using GNSS-Based Passive Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Moving target inverse synthetic aperture radar image resolution enhancement based on two-dimensional block sparse signal reconstruction
* Moving Target Localization in Multistatic Sonar by Differential Delays and Doppler Shifts
* Moving Target Shadow Analysis and Detection for ViSAR Imagery
* Moving Target Tracking Algorithm Based on the Confidence Measure of Motion Vectors
* Moving Target Tracking in SAR Data Using Combined Exo- and Endo-Clutter Processing
* Moving Target Tracking in Single- and Multichannel SAR
* Moving Target Tracking Technology for Intelligent Police Based on Kalman Filter Method, A
* Moving Target Tracking Using Symbolic Registration
* Moving Target Velocity Estimation Method Based on the MC-MASA SAR Mode, A
* Moving Targets Detection Capacities Improvement in Multichannel SAR Framework
* Moving targets detection from UAV based on a robust real-time image registration algorithm
* Moving Targets in Synthetic Aperture Images: A Bayesian Approach
* Moving Targets Velocity and Direction Estimation by Using a Single Optical VHR Satellite Imagery
* Moving Targets, Radar, Radar Tracking, SAR Applications
* Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives
* Moving to Automated Tree Inventory: Comparison of UAS-Derived Lidar and Photogrammetric Data with Manual Ground Estimates
* Moving to the RADARSAT Constellation Mission: Comparing Synthesized Compact Polarimetry and Dual Polarimetry Data with Fully Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data for Image Classification of Peatlands
* Moving Toward Open Geospatial Systems: the Un Open GIS Initiative
* Moving Towards a Single Smart Cadastral Platform in Victoria, Australia
* Moving Towards Centers: Re-Ranking With Attention and Memory for Re-Identification
* Moving Towards Dynamic Ocean Management: How Well Do Modeled Ocean Products Predict Species Distributions?
* Moving vector detecting device
* Moving Vehicle Detection for Remote Sensing Video Surveillance With Nonstationary Satellite Platform
* Moving Vehicle Information Extraction from Single-Pass WorldView-2 Imagery Based on ERGAS-SNS Analysis
* Moving Vehicle Registration and Super-Resolution
* Moving vehicle tracking based on improved tracking-learning-detection algorithm
* Moving vehicle velocity estimation from obscure falling snow scenes based on brightness and contrast model
* Moving vehicles segmentation based on Bayesian framework for Gaussian motion model
* Moving video image estimation system
* Moving vistas: Exploiting motion for describing scenes
* Moving visual focus in salient object segmentation
* Moving Visual Representations of Video Objects for Content-Based Search and Browsing
* Moving Volume KinectFusion
* Moving Voxel Method for Estimating Canopy Base Height from Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Moving Weighted Harmonic Analysis Method for Reconstructing High-Quality SPOT VEGETATION NDVI Time-Series Data, A
* Moving Window-Based Double Haar Wavelet Transform for Image Processing
* Moving Window Regression: A Novel Approach to Ordinal Regression
* Moving Window Segmentation Framework for Point Clouds
* Moving: A Modular and Flexible Platform for Embodied Visual Navigation
* MovingFashion: a Benchmark for the Video-to-Shop Challenge
* MoViSys: A Visualization System for Geo-Referenced Information on Mobile Devices
* Moxifloxacin-Based Extended Depth-of-Field Fluorescence Microscopy for Real-Time Conjunctival Goblet Cell Examination
* MozzieNet: A deep learning approach to efficiently detect malaria parasites in blood smear images
* MP-Former: Mask-Piloted Transformer for Image Segmentation
* MP-Mono: Monocular 3D Detection Using Multiple Priors for Autonomous Driving
* MP-Polynomial Kernel for Training Support Vector Machines
* MP)2T: Multiple People Multiple Parts Tracker
* MP2020: Visual quality assessment database for macro photography images
* MP3: A Unified Model to Map, Perceive, Predict and Plan
* MPA-Net: multi-path attention stereo matching network
* MPAF: Model Poisoning Attacks to Federated Learning based on Fake Clients
* MPAL Cross-Dipole Array Acoustic Logging Data Processing
* MPANET: Multi-Scale Pyramid Aggregation Network for Stereo Matching
* MPASNET: Motion Prior-Aware Siamese Network for Unsupervised Deep Crowd Segmentation In Video Scenes
* MPC-CSAS: Multi-Party Computation for Real-Time Privacy-Preserving Speed Advisory Systems
* MPC-PF: Socially and Spatially Aware Object Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving Systems Using Potential Fields
* MPC Combined Decision Making and Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicle Collision Avoidance, A
* MPC: Multi-view Probabilistic Clustering
* MPCA: EM-based PCA for mixed-size image datasets
* MPCC: Matching Priors and Conditionals for Clustering
* MPCCL: Multiview predictive coding with contrastive learning for person re-identification
* MPCCT: Multimodal vision-language learning paradigm with context-based compact Transformer
* MPCT: Multiscale Point Cloud Transformer With a Residual Network
* MPCViT: Searching for Accurate and Efficient MPC-Friendly Vision Transformer with Heterogeneous Attention
* MPED: Quantifying Point Cloud Distortion Based on Multiscale Potential Energy Discrepancy
* MPEG-1 Audio Real-Time Encoding System
* MPEG-1, Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio for Digital Storage Media at Up to About 1.5 mbit/s
* MPEG-2 based lossless video compression
* MPEG-2 Compressed-Domain Algorithms for Video Analysis
* MPEG-2 Error Concealment Based on Block-Matching Principles
* MPEG-2 One-pass Variable Bit Rate Control Algorithm and Its LSI Implementation
* MPEG-2 requirements, profiles and performance verification: Framework for developing a generic video coding standard
* MPEG-2 Spatial Scalable Coding and Transport Stream Error Concealment for Satellite TV Broadcasting Using KA-Band
* MPEG-2 stereoscopic video coding technique using adaptive bandwidth control
* MPEG-2 streaming of full interactive content
* MPEG-2 Test Stream with Static Test Patterns in DTV System
* MPEG-2 to H.264 Transcoding for DVB-H Applications
* MPEG-2 to H.264 Video Transcoder in the Baseline Profile, An
* MPEG-2 to HEVC Video Transcoding With Content-Based Modeling
* MPEG-2 to WMV Transcoder With Adaptive Error Compensation and Dynamic Switches
* MPEG-2 Video Watermarking Using Pattern Consideration
* MPEG-21 and Its Interoperability with Rights-Information Standards
* MPEG-21 digital item adaptation by applying perceived motion energy to H.264 video
* MPEG-4's binary format for scene description
* MPEG-4-Based Automatic Fine Granularity Personalization of Broadcast Multimedia Content
* MPEG-4-compatible stereoscopic/multiview video coding scheme, An
* MPEG-4 AFX compliant platform for 3D contents distribution in peer-to-peer, A
* MPEG-4 and Rate Distortion Based Shape Coding Techniques
* MPEG-4 AVC stream-based saliency detection. Application to robust watermarking
* MPEG-4 Beyond Conventional Video Coding: Object Coding, Resilience, and Scalability
* MPEG-4 constant-quality constant-bit-rate control algorithms
* MPEG-4 facial animation in video analysis and synthesis
* MPEG-4 Facial Animation Technology: Survey, Implementation, and Results
* MPEG-4 LASeR-based thin client remote viewer
* MPEG-4 natural audio coding
* MPEG-4 natural video coding: An overview
* MPEG-4 one-pass VBR rate control for digital storage
* MPEG-4 Part 25: A Generic Model for 3D Graphics Compression
* MPEG-4 Part 25: A graphics compression framework for XML-based scene graph formats
* MPEG-4 Rate Control for Multiple Video Objects
* MPEG-4 Real-Time Video Decoder Software, An
* MPEG-4 standardized methods for the compression of arbitrarily shaped video objects
* MPEG-4 Systems and Description Languages: A Way Ahead in Audio Visual Information Representation, The
* MPEG-4 Systems: Elementary stream management
* MPEG-4 Systems: Overview
* MPEG-4 Toward Solid Representation
* MPEG-4 towards solid representation
* MPEG-4 video object-based rate allocation with variable temporal rates
* MPEG-4 Video Standard Verification Model, The
* MPEG-4 Video Streaming Quality Evaluation in IEEE 802.11E WLANs
* MPEG-4 Video Subjective Test Procedures and Results
* MPEG-4 video verification model: A video encoding/decoding algorithm based on content representation
* MPEG-4 Video Verification Model: Status and Directions
* MPEG-4, Part 1: Invited papers
* MPEG-4, Part 2: Submitted papers
* MPEG-4: Audio/video and synthetic graphics/audio for mixed media
* MPEG-4: Context and objectives
* MPEG-4: Editorial
* MPEG-4: Why, what, how and when?
* MPEG-7 based description schemes for multi-level video content classification
* MPEG-7 Camera
* MPEG-7 Color Descriptors and Their Applications
* MPEG-7 Color Layout Descriptor: a Compact Image Feature Description for High-speed Image/video Segment Retrieval, The
* MPEG-7 Colour Structure Descriptor: Image Description Using Colour and Local Spatial Information, The
* MPEG-7 compliant generalized structure descriptor for still image indexing
* MPEG-7 MDS Content Description Tools and Applications
* MPEG-7 Motion Descriptor Extraction for Panning Camera Using Sprite Generated
* MPEG-7 multimedia description schemes
* MPEG-7 standardization activities
* MPEG-7 systems: overview
* Mpeg-7 Texture Descriptors
* MPEG-7 Video Signature Tools for Content Identification, The
* MPEG-7 Videotext Description Scheme for Superimposed Text in Images and Video
* MPEG-7 Visual Description Framework: Concepts, Accuracy, and Applications, The
* MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors: Contributions for Automated Feature Extraction in Capsule Endoscopy
* MPEG-7 visual motion descriptors
* MPEG-7 visual shape descriptors
* MPEG-7 visual standard for content description-an overview, The
* Mpeg-7: A Standard For Multimedia Content Description
* MPEG-7: A standardised description of audiovisual content
* MPEG-7: Evolution or Revolution?
* MPEG-A: Multimedia Application Formats
* MPEG-based personalized content delivery
* MPEG-DASH Standard for Multimedia Streaming Over the Internet, The
* MPEG-M: A digital media ecosystem for interoperable applications
* MPEG-M: Multimedia Service Platform Technologies
* MPEG-Processor-Based Robot Vision System for Real-Time Detection of Moving Objects by a Moving Observer, An
* MPEG 2-Based Video Coding with Three-Layer Mixed Scalability
* MPEG 2 video error resilience experiments: The importance considering the impact of the systems layer
* MPEG 4 Issues
* MPEG 7 Issues
* MPEG and Multimedia Communications
* MPEG and Related Standard Coding Methods
* MPEG Coding Performance Improvement by Jointly Optimizing Coding Mode Decisions and Rate Control
* MPEG Decoder with Embedded Compression for Memory Reduction, An
* MPEG Digital Audio-Coding and Video-Coding Standards
* MPEG Digital Storage Media (DSM) Control Command
* MPEG Digital Video Coding Standards: Delivering Picture-Perfect Compression for Storage, Transmission, and Multimedia Applications
* MPEG Error Concealment, Artifacts Issues
* MPEG Hardware and Implementations
* MPEG Immersive Video Coding Standard
* MPEG Immersive Video Standard: Current Status and Future Outlook, The
* MPEG Industry Forum
* MPEG Internet Video-Coding Standard, The
* MPEG Internet Video Coding Standard and Its Performance Evaluation
* MPEG Motion Picture Coding With Long-Term Constraint on Distortion Variation
* MPEG Org Home Page
* MPEG Postprocessing System Using Edge Signal Variable Filter
* MPEG Rate-Distortion Trade-Offs, Transmissions Issues
* MPEG reconfigurable graphics coding framework: Overview and applications
* MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding: From specification to a reconfigurable implementation
* MPEG Standard for Rich Media Services, An
* MPEG Standard
* MPEG Standards for Compressed Representation of Immersive Audio
* MPEG systems coding specification, The
* MPEG video compression algorithm, The
* MPEG video markup language and its applications to robust video transmission
* MPEG video modelling based on scene description
* MPEG video object segmentation under camera motion and multimodal backgrounds
* MPEG video streaming with VCR functionality
* MPEG video transcoding to a fine-granular scalable format
* MPEG Video Watermarking Using Tensor Singular Value Decomposition
* MPEG: A Video Compression Standard for Multimedia Applications
* MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group
* MPEG++: A robust compression and transport system for digital HDTV
* MPEG2-to-ATM Converter to Optimize Performance of VBR Video Broadcast Over ATM Networks, An
* MPEG2 Video Encoding in Consumer Electronics
* MPEG4 Face Modeling Using Fiducial Points
* MPEG4 performance-driven avatar via robust facial motion tracking
* MPEG4 Shape Coding with Morphological Enhancement
* MPFINet: A Multilevel Parallel Feature Injection Network for Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Fusion
* MPG-LSD: A high-quality line segment detector based on multi-scale perceptual grouping
* MPGI-Terminal defect detection based on M-FRCNN
* MPI-Flow: Learning Realistic Optical Flow with Multiplane Images
* MPI: Multi-receptive and parallel integration for salient object detection
* MPIB: An MPI-Based Bokeh Rendering Framework for Realistic Partial Occlusion Effects
* MPII Human Shape
* MPIIGaze: Real-World Dataset and Deep Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
* MPL-Boosted Integrable Features Pool for pedestrian detection
* MPLP++: Fast, Parallel Dual Block-Coordinate Ascent for Dense Graphical Models
* MPM-MAP Algorithm for Image Segmentation, The
* MPM-MAP algorithm for motion segmentation, The
* MPM: Joint Representation of Motion and Position Map for Cell Tracking
* MPPCANet: A Feedforward Learning Strategy for Few-Shot Image Classification
* MPPM: A Mobile-Efficient Part Model for Object re-ID
* MPPNet: Multi-frame Feature Intertwining with Proxy Points for 3D Temporal Object Detection
* MPRNet: Multi-Path Residual Network for Lightweight Image Super Resolution
* MPTCP-Based Network Architecture for Intelligent Train Control and Traffic Management Operations, A
* MPTR: A Maximal-Marginal-Relevance-Based Personalized Trip Recommendation Method
* MPTV: Matching Pursuit-Based Total Variation Minimization for Image Deconvolution
* MPViT: Multi-Path Vision Transformer for Dense Prediction
* MQ-Coder Inspired Arithmetic Coder for Synthetic DNA Data Storage
* MQANet: Multi-Task Quadruple Attention Network of Multi-Object Semantic Segmentation from Remote Sensing Images
* MQDF Discriminative Learning Based Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* MQDF with a novel covariance matrix estimation and discriminant LSRC, which is better for in-air handwritten Chinese character recognition
* MQI Based Face Recognition Under Uneven Illumination
* MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensation of Overlays in X-Ray Fluoroscopy, An
* MR-CA Models for Analysis of Pollution Sources and Prediction of PM2.5, The
* MR-CT Image Registration in Liver Cancer Treatment with an Open Configuration MR Scanner
* MR-Guided Thermotherapy of Abdominal Organs Using a Robust PCA-Based Motion Descriptor
* Mr-SDM: a novel statistical deformable model for object deformation
* MR-Srnet: Transformation of Low Field MR Images to High Field MR Images
* MR-UNet: An UNet model using multi-scale and residual convolutions for retinal vessel segmentation
* MR Brain Image Segmentation Based on Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Fuzzy Clustering Methods
* MR Brain Image Segmentation to Detect White Matter, Gray Matter, and Cerebro Spinal Fluid Using TLBO Algorithm
* MR Brain Imaging Segmentation Based On Spatial Gaussian Mixture Model And Markov Random Field
* MR Brain Tissue Segmentation Based on Clustering Techniques and Neural Network
* MR Elastography With Optimization-Based Phase Unwrapping and Traveling Wave Expansion-Based Neural Network (TWENN)
* MR image bias field harmonic approximation with histogram statistical analysis
* MR image compression by spiral coding
* MR image denoising and enhancing using multiresolution image decomposition technique
* MR Image Denoising and Super-Resolution Using Regularized Reverse Diffusion
* MR image encoding by spatially selective RF excitation: An analysis using linear response models
* MR image enhancement using an extended neighborhood filter
* MR Image Monomodal Registration Using Structure Similarity Index
* MR Image Reconstruction From Highly Undersampled k-Space Data by Dictionary Learning
* MR image reconstruction of a regularly undersampled signal using quadratic phase scrambling
* MR Image Reconstruction Using a Combination of Compressed Sensing and Partial Fourier Acquisition: ESPReSSo
* MR image reconstruction using cosupport constraints and group sparsity regularisation
* MR Image Reconstruction Using Deep Density Priors
* MR Image Reconstruction with Convolutional Characteristic Constraint (CoCCo)
* MR image restoration and segmentation via denoising deep adversarial network for blood vessels accurate diagnosis
* MR Image Segmentation Using a Power Transformation Approach
* MR Image Super-Resolution with Squeeze and Excitation Reasoning Attention Network
* MR Image Texture Analysis Applied to the Diagnosis and Tracking of Alzheimers-Disease
* MR images reconstruction based on TVWL2-L1 model
* MR images segmentation and bias correction via LIC model
* MR imaging near metal: The POP algorithm
* MR imaging reconstruction using a modified descent-type alternating direction method
* MR Performance in the Presence of a Radio Frequency-Penetrable Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Insert for Simultaneous PET/MRI
* MR Simulation for Re-wallpapering a Room in a Free-Hand Movie
* MR susceptibility misregistration correction
* MR tag surface tracking using a spatio-temporal filter/interpolator
* MR Water Quantitative Priors Improves the Accuracy of Optical Breast Imaging
* Mr.BiQ: Post-Training Non-Uniform Quantization based on Minimizing the Reconstruction Error
* MR.TOMP: Inversion of the Modulo Radon Transform (MRT) via Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP)
* mr2vec: Multiple role-based social network embedding
* Mr4Soil: A MapReduce-Based Framework Integrated with GIS for Soil Erosion Modelling
* MRA-Net: Improving VQA Via Multi-Modal Relation Attention Network
* MRA-SNet: Siamese Networks of Multiscale Residual and Attention for Change Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* MRA data segmentation using level sets
* MRANet: Multi-atrous residual attention Network for stereo image super-resolution
* MRC Compression of Compound Documents Using Threshold Segmentation, Iterative Data-Filling and H.264/AVC-INTRA
* MRCNN: A stateful Fast R-CNN
* MRDFlow: Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation Network With Multi-Scale Recurrent Decoder
* MRE-Net: Multi-Rate Excitation Network for Deepfake Video Detection
* MREKLM: A fast multiple empirical kernel learning machine
* MRENet: Simultaneous Extraction of Road Surface and Road Centerline in Complex Urban Scenes from Very High-Resolution Images
* MRF-based algorithms for segmentation of SAR images
* MRF-based Approach for Real-Time Subway Monitoring, A
* MRF-Based Approach to Generation of Super-Resolution Images from Blurred Observations, An
* MRF-Based Background Initialisation for Improved Foreground Detection in Cluttered Surveillance Videos
* MRF-Based Blind Image Deconvolution
* MRF-Based Deformable Registration and Ventilation Estimation of Lung CT
* MRF-Based DeInterlacing Algorithm With Exemplar-Based Refinement, An
* MRF-Based Depth Upsampling: Upsample the Depth Map With Its Own Property, An
* MRF-Based Disparity Upsampling Using Stereo Confidence Evaluations
* MRF-Based Fast HEVC Inter CU Decision With the Variance of Absolute Differences
* MRF-Based Foreground Detection in Image Sequences from a Moving Camera
* MRF-based image segmentation using Ant Colony System
* MRF-based image segmentation with unsupervised model parameter estimation, An
* MRF-based kernel method for nonlinear feature extraction, An
* MRF-based motion segmentation exploiting a 2D motion model robust estimation
* MRF-based Moving Object Detection from MPEG Coded Video
* MRF-based planar co-segmentation for depth compression
* MRF-based segmentation and unsupervised classification for building and road detection in peri-urban areas of high-resolution satellite images
* MRF-based statistical deformation model for morphological image analysis, An
* MRF-based texture segmentation using wavelet decomposed images
* MRF-MAP-MFT visual object segmentation based on motion boundary field
* MRF-motion Segmentation Based on Dominant Motion Estimation and the Detection of Uncovered Regions
* MRF-Poselets Model for Detecting Highly Articulated Humans, An
* MRF and Dempster-Shafer theory for simultaneous shadow/vegetation detection on high resolution aerial color images
* MRF and DP based specular surface reconstruction
* MRF and Gaussian Curvature Based Shape Representation for Shape Matching, An
* MRF Approach to Optical Flow Estimation, A
* MRF Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection, An
* MRF Augmented Particle Filter Tracker
* MRF based abnormal event detection approach using motion and appearance features, An
* MRF Based Image Segmentation Augmented with Domain Specific Information
* MRF Based LSB Steganalysis: A New Measure of Steganography Capacity
* MRF based motion detection algorithm implemented on analog resistive network, An
* MRF Based Random Graph Modelling the Human Cortical Topography, A
* MRF Based Segmentatiom Approach to Classification Using Dempster Shafer Fusion for Multisensor Imagery, A
* MRF Based Spatial Complexity for Hyperspectral Imagery Unmixing
* MRF based text binarization in complex images using stroke feature
* MRF clustering for segmentation of color images
* MRF Energy Minimization and Beyond via Dual Decomposition
* MRF formulation for coded structured light, A
* MRF framework for joint registration and segmentation of natural and perfusion images, An
* MRF Guided Anisotropic Depth Diffusion for Kinect Range Image Enhancement
* MRF Inference by k-Fan Decomposition and Tight Lagrangian Relaxation
* MRF Labeling for Multi-view Range Image Integration
* MRF Labeling with a Graph-Shifts Algorithm
* MRF Model-Based Algorithms for Image Segmentation
* MRF Model-Based Approach to Simultaneous Recovery of Depth and Restoration from Defocused Images, An
* MRF model-based identification of shift-variant point spread function for a class of imaging systems
* MRF Model-Based Method for Unsupervised Textured Image Segmentation, An
* MRF Model-Based Segmentation Approach to Classification for Multispectral Imagery, A
* MRF Model-Based Segmentation of Range Images
* MRF Model Based Image Segmentation Using Hierarchical Distributed Genetic Algorithm
* MRF Model Based Scheme for Accurate Detection and Adaptive Interpolation of Missing Data in Highly Corrupted Image Sequences, A
* MRF model for binarization of music scores with complex background, An
* MRF Model for Binarization of Natural Scene Text, An
* MRF Modeling for Optical Flow Computation from Multi-Structure Objects
* MRF Models for Segmentation
* MRF optimization by graph approximation
* MRF Optimization via Dual Decomposition: Message-Passing Revisited
* MRF Optimization with Separable Convex Prior on Partially Ordered Labels
* MRF Optimization, Energy Minimization
* MRF parameter estimation by an accelerated method
* MRF parameter estimation by MCMC method
* MRF shape prior for facade parsing with occlusions, A
* MRF Solutions for Probabilistic Optical Flow Formulations
* MRFF-YOLO: A Multi-Receptive Fields Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Target Detection
* MRFN: Multi-Receptive-Field Network for Fast and Accurate Single Image Super-Resolution
* MRFormer: Multiscale retractable transformer for medical image progressive denoising via noise level estimation
* MRFs for MRIs: Bayesian Reconstruction of MR Images via Graph Cuts
* MRFT: Multiscale Recurrent Fusion Transformer Based Prior Knowledge for Bit-Depth Enhancement
* MRG-OHTC Database for Online Handwritten Tibetan Character Recognition
* MRG-T: Mask-Relation-Guided Transformer for Remote Vision-Based Pedestrian Attribute Recognition in Aerial Imagery
* MRGAN: A generative adversarial networks model for global mosaic removal
* MRGAN: Multi-Rooted 3D Shape Representation Learning with Unsupervised Part Disentanglement
* MRGTraj: A Novel Non-Autoregressive Approach for Human Trajectory Prediction
* MRI-Based Automated Computer Classification of Probable AD Versus Normal Controls
* MRI-Based Medial Axis Extraction and Boundary Segmentation of Cranial Nerves Through Discrete Deformable 3D Contour and Surface Models
* MRI-Based Radiomics Analysis for Identification of Features Correlated with the Expanded Disability Status Scale of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
* MRI-Compatible Device for Examining Brain Activation Related to Stepping
* MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound: Methodology and Applications
* MRI and CT image indexing and retrieval using local mesh peak valley edge patterns
* MRI and SPECT Image Fusion Using a Weighted Parameter Adaptive Dual Channel PCNN
* MRI artifact cancellation due to rigid motion in the imaging plane
* MRI Based Bayesian Personalization of a Tumor Growth Model
* MRI brain image classification: a hybrid approach
* MRI brain image enhancement using brightness preserving adaptive fuzzy histogram equalization
* MRI brain image segmentation and bias field correction based on fast spatially constrained kernel clustering approach
* MRI brain image segmentation for spotting tumors using improved mountain clustering approach
* MRI brain segmentation in combination of clustering methods with Markov random field
* MRI Brain Segmentation Using Cellular Automaton Approach
* MRI Confirmed Prostate Tissue Classification with Laplacian Eigenmaps of Ultrasound RF Spectra
* MRI denoising by nonlocal means on multi-GPU
* MRI Estimation of T1 Relaxation Time Using a Constrained Optimization Algorithm
* MRI image segmentation based on fast global minimization of snake model
* MRI Imputation based on Fused Index- and Intensity-Registration
* MRI Information-Based Correction and Restoration of Photoacoustic Tomography
* MRI Meets MPI: A Bimodal MPI-MRI Tomograph
* MRI motion artifact correction based on spectral extrapolation with generalized series
* MRI of Moving Subjects Using Multislice Snapshot Images With Volume Reconstruction (SVR): Application to Fetal, Neonatal, and Adult Brain Studies
* MRI Pulse Sequence Design With First-Order Gradient Moment Nulling in Arbitrary Directions by Solving a Polynomial Program
* MRI Receiver Coil Produced by Inkjet Printing Directly on to a Flexible Substrate, An
* MRI reconstruction using a joint constraint in patch-based total variational framework
* MRI RF Array Decoupling Method With Magnetic Wall Distributed Filters
* MRI segmentation of brain tissue based on spatial prior and neighboring pixels affinities
* MRI simulation-based evaluation of image-processing and classification methods
* MRI Study of Bone Erosions Healing in the Wrist and Metacarpophalangeal Joints of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, An
* MRI Texture Analysis Applied to Trabecular Bone: An Experimental Study
* MRI Upsampling Using Feature-Based Nonlocal Means Approach
* MRI Ventilation Analysis by Merging Parametric Active Contours
* MRI, Enhancement, Noise and Artifact Reduction
* MRI, Surveys, Overviews, Evaluations
* MRINet: Multilevel Reverse-Context Interactive-Fusion Network for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-D Images
* MRISIMUL: A GPU-Based Parallel Approach to MRI Simulations
* MRL-Filters: A General Class of Nonlinear Systems and Their Optimal Design for Image Processing
* MRM: Masked Relation Modeling for Medical Image Pre-Training with Genetics
* mRMR-based hybrid convolutional neural network model for classification of Alzheimer's disease on brain magnetic resonance images
* mRMR+: An Effective Feature Selection Algorithm for Classification
* MRN-LOD: Multi-exposure Refinement Network for Low-light Object Detection
* MRN: Multiplexed Routing Network for Incremental Multilingual Text Recognition
* MRP-GAN: Multi-resolution parallel generative adversarial networks for text-to-image synthesis
* MRP-Net: A Light Multiple Region Perception Neural Network for Multi-label AU Detection
* MRS-MIL: Minimum reference set based multiple instance learning for automatic image annotation
* MRS-Net+ for Enhancing Face Quality of Compressed Videos
* MRS-XNet: An Explainable One-Dimensional Deep Neural Network for Magnetic Spectroscopic Data Classification
* MRSCAtt: A Spatio-Channel Attention-Guided Network for Mars Rover Image Classification
* MRSDI-CNN: Multi-Model Rail Surface Defect Inspection System Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* MRSSC: A Benchmark Dataset for Multimodal Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* MRtrix: Diffusion tractography in crossing fiber regions
* MS-AGAN: Road Extraction via Multi-Scale Information Fusion and Asymmetric Generative Adversarial Networks from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images under Complex Backgrounds
* MS-CapsNet: A Novel Multi-Scale Capsule Network
* MS-Celeb-1M: A Dataset and Benchmark for Large-Scale Face Recognition
* MS-Faster R-CNN: Multi-Stream Backbone for Improved Faster R-CNN Object Detection and Aerial Tracking from UAV Images
* MS-IAF: Multi-Scale Information Augmentation Framework for Aircraft Detection
* MS-Net: Multi-Site Network for Improving Prostate Segmentation With Heterogeneous MRI Data
* MS-Net: Multi-Source Spatio-Temporal Network for Traffic Flow Prediction
* MS-Pansharpening Algorithm Based on Dual Constraint Guided Filtering
* MS-RadarFormer: A Transformer-Based Multi-Scale Deep Learning Model for Radar Echo Extrapolation, The
* MS-RMAC: Multiscale Regional Maximum Activation of Convolutions for Image Retrieval
* MS-RRFSegNet: Multiscale Regional Relation Feature Segmentation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scene Point Clouds
* MS-TCN: Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Network for Action Segmentation
* MS-TCN++: Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Network for Action Segmentation
* MS-TCT: Multi-Scale Temporal ConvTransformer for Action Detection
* MS-TDNN with global discriminant trainings
* MS-VACSNet: A Network for Multi-scale Volcanic Ash Cloud Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images
* MS kinect image and depth sensors use for gait features detection, The
* MS lesions segmentation in 3D MR images using FCM and SVM
* MS²-GNN: Exploring GNN-Based Multimodal Fusion Network for Depression Detection
* MS2DG-Net: Progressive Correspondence Learning via Multiple Sparse Semantics Dynamic Graph
* MS2GAH: Multi-label semantic supervised graph attention hashing for robust cross-modal retrieval
* MS2Net: Multi-Scale and Multi-Stage Feature Fusion for Blurred Image Super-Resolution
* MS4D-Net: Multitask-Based Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Framework with Perturbed Dual Mean Teachers for Building Damage Assessment from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* MSA-GCN: Multiscale Adaptive Graph Convolution Network for gait emotion recognition
* MSA-Net: Establishing Reliable Correspondences by Multiscale Attention Network
* MSAC-Net: 3D Multi-Scale Attention Convolutional Network for Multi-Spectral Imagery Pansharpening
* MSAF: Multimodal Supervise-Attention Enhanced Fusion for Video Anomaly Detection
* MSAFF-Net: Multiscale Attention Feature Fusion Networks for Single Image Dehazing and Beyond
* MSAFNet: Multiscale Successive Attention Fusion Network for Water Body Extraction of Remote Sensing Images
* MSAGNet: Multi-Stream Attribute-Guided Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* MSANet: multimodal self-augmentation and adversarial network for RGB-D object recognition
* MSAR-DefogNet: Lightweight cloud removal network for high resolution remote sensing images based on multi scale convolution
* MSAR-Net: Multi-scale attention based light-weight image super-resolution
* MSB-FCN: Multi-Scale Bidirectional FCN for Object Skeleton Extraction
* MSCA-Net: Multi-scale contextual attention network for skin lesion segmentation
* MSCAF-Net: A General Framework for Camouflaged Object Detection via Learning Multi-Scale Context-Aware Features
* Mscanet: Adaptive Multi-scale Context Aggregation Network for Congested Crowd Counting
* MSCap: Multi-Style Image Captioning With Unpaired Stylized Text
* MSCAReg-Net: Multi-scale complexity-aware convolutional neural network for deformable image registration
* MSCC: Maximally Stable Corner Clusters
* MSCE-Net: Multi-scale Spatial and Channel Enhancing Net based on Attention for Cloud Image Classification
* MSCFNet: A Lightweight Network With Multi-Scale Context Fusion for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* MSCNet: A Multilevel Stacked Context Network for Oriented Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* MSCPT: Toward Cross-Place Transportation Mode Recognition Based on Multi-Sensor Neural Network Model
* MSCS: MeshStereo with Cross-Scale Cost Filtering for fast stereo matching
* MSD-HMM Approach to Pen Trajectory Modeling for Online Handwriting Recognition, A
* MSdB-NMF: MultiSpectral Document Image Binarization Framework via Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Approach
* MSDESIS: Multitask Stereo Disparity Estimation and Surgical Instrument Segmentation
* MSDH: Matched subspace detector with heterogeneous noise
* MSDN: Mutually Semantic Distillation Network for Zero-Shot Learning
* MSdocTr-Lite: A lite transformer for full page multi-script handwriting recognition
* MSDRN: Pansharpening of Multispectral Images via Multi-Scale Deep Residual Network
* MSE optimized polynomial equalizer for 16QAM and 64QAM constellation, A
* MSE period based estimation of first quantization step in double compressed JPEG images
* MSeg: A Composite Dataset for Multi-Domain Semantic Segmentation
* MSeg3D: Multi-Modal 3D Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving
* MSEN-GRP: A Geographic Relations Prediction Model Based on Multi-Layer Similarity Enhanced Networks for Geographic Relations Completion
* MSER-Based Real-Time Text Detection and Tracking
* MSF-Net: Multi-Scale Feedback Reconstruction for Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution
* MSF 2DN: Multi Scale Feature Fusion Dehazing Network with Dense Connection
* MSF: Motion-guided Sequential Fusion for Efficient 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud Sequences
* MSFA-Net: A convolutional neural network based on multispectral filter arrays for texture feature extraction
* MSFANet: Multiscale Fusion Attention Network for Road Segmentation of Multispectral Remote Sensing Data
* MSFD: Multi-Scale Receptive Field Face Detector
* MSFD: Multi-Scale Segmentation-Based Feature Detection for Wide-Baseline Scene Reconstruction
* MSFE: Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Multi-Stage Feature Encoding
* MSFF: A Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for Surface Defect Detection of Aluminum Profiles
* MSFgNet: A Novel Compact End-to-End Deep Network for Moving Object Detection
* MSFRNet: Two-Stream Deep Forgery Detector via Multi-Scale Feature Extraction
* MSFSR: A Multi-Stage Face Super-Resolution with Accurate Facial Representation via Enhanced Facial Boundaries
* MSG-GAN: Multi-Scale Gradients for Generative Adversarial Networks
* MSG-Transformer: Exchanging Local Spatial Information by Manipulating Messenger Tokens
* MSG Technique: Improving Commercial Microwave Link Rainfall Intensity by Using Rain Area Detection from Meteosat Second Generation, The
* MSGFNet: Multi-Scale Gated Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* MsgFusion: Medical Semantic Guided Two-Branch Network for Multimodal Brain Image Fusion
* MSI: Maximize Support-Set Information for Few-Shot Segmentation
* MSIDA-Net: Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation via Multi-Spatial Information and Dual Adaptive Blocks
* MSIDX: Multi-Sort Indexing for Efficient Content-Based Image Search and Retrieval
* MsIFT: Multi-Source Image Fusion Transformer
* MSINet: Mining scale information from digital surface models for semantic segmentation of aerial images
* MSINet: Twins Contrastive Search of Multi-Scale Interaction for Object ReID
* MSISR-STF: Spatiotemporal Fusion via Multilevel Single-Image Super-Resolution
* MsKAT: Multi-Scale Knowledge-Aware Transformer for Vehicle Re-Identification
* MSKVS: Adaptive mean shift-based keyframe extraction for video summarization and a new objective verification approach
* MSL-FER: Mirrored Self-Supervised Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
* MSL-Net: An Efficient Network for Building Extraction from Aerial Imagery
* MSLD: A robust descriptor for line matching
* MsLRR: A Unified Multiscale Low-Rank Representation for Image Segmentation
* MSLWENet: A Novel Deep Learning Network for Lake Water Body Extraction of Google Remote Sensing Images
* MSMCT: Multi-State Multi-Camera Tracker
* MSMDFusion: Fusing LiDAR and Camera at Multiple Scales with Multi-Depth Seeds for 3D Object Detection
* MSMFN: An Ultrasound Based Multi-Step Modality Fusion Network for Identifying the Histologic Subtypes of Metastatic Cervical Lymphadenopathy
* MSN: Mapless Short-Range Navigation Based on Time Critical Deep Reinforcement Learning
* MSN: Multi-Style Network for Trajectory Prediction
* MSND: Modified Standard Normal Deviate Incident Detection Algorithm for Connected Autonomous and Human-Driven Vehicles in Mixed Traffic
* MSNet: A Multi-Stream Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Spatiotemporal Fusion Based on Transformer and Convolution
* MSNet: A Multilevel Instance Segmentation Network for Natural Disaster Damage Assessment in Aerial Videos
* MSNet: A novel end-to-end single image dehazing network with multiple inter-scale dense skip-connections
* MSNet: Multi-Resolution Synergistic Networks for Adaptive Inference
* MSNet: Multi-Scale Convolutional Network for Point Cloud Classification
* MSNet: Multifunctional Feature-Sharing Network for Land-Cover Segmentation
* MSNet: Structural Wired Neural Architecture Search for Internet of Things
* mSODANet: A network for multi-scale object detection in aerial images using hierarchical dilated convolutions
* mSonar
* MSP-IMPROV: An Acted Corpus of Dyadic Interactions to Study Emotion Perception
* Msplit Estimation Approach to Modeling Vertical Terrain Displacement from TLS Data Disturbed by Outliers
* Mspnet: Multi-level Semantic Pyramid Network for Real-time Object Detection
* MSPR-Net: A Multi-Scale Features Based Point Cloud Registration Network
* MSR-CNN: Applying motion salient region based descriptors for action recognition
* MSR-FAN: Multi-scale residual feature-aware network for crowd counting
* MSR-GCN: Multi-Scale Residual Graph Convolution Networks for Human Motion Prediction
* MSR-HARDI: Accelerated Reconstruction of HARDI Data Using Multiple Sparsity Regularizers
* MSR-Video to Text dataset with clean annotations, The
* MSR-VTT: A Large Video Description Dataset for Bridging Video and Language
* MSR VTT Dataset
* MSRC Stereo Vision C# SDK, The
* MSRC: multimodal spatial regression with semantic context for phrase grounding
* MSResNet: Multiscale Residual Network via Self-Supervised Learning for Water-Body Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* MsRi-CCF: Multi-Scale and Rotation-Insensitive Convolutional Channel Features for Geospatial Object Detection
* MSSDet: Multi-Scale Ship-Detection Framework in Optical Remote-Sensing Images and New Benchmark
* MSSF: A Novel Mutual Structure Shift Feature for Removing Incorrect Keypoint Correspondences between Images
* MSSFF: Advancing Hyperspectral Classification through Higher-Accuracy Multistage Spectral-Spatial Feature Fusion
* Mssnet: Multi-scale-stage Network for Single Image Deblurring
* MSST-Net: A Multi-Scale Adaptive Network for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images Based on Swin Transformer
* MSSTNet: A Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Prediction Neural Network for Precipitation Nowcasting
* MSSVT: Multi-scale feature extraction for single face recognition
* MsSVT++: Mixed-Scale Sparse Voxel Transformer With Center Voting for 3D Object Detection
* MST-Based Stepwise Connection Strategies for Multipass Radar Data, With Application to Coregistration and Equalization
* MST-compression: Compressing and Accelerating Binary Neural Networks with Minimum Spanning Tree
* MST-CSS (Multi-Spectro-Temporal Curvature Scale Space), a Novel Spatio-Temporal Representation for Content-Based Video Retrieval
* MST Radar Signal Processing Using Cepstral Thresholding
* MST Radars of Chinese Meridian Project: System Description and Atmospheric Wind Measurement
* MST++: Multi-stage Spectral-wise Transformer for Efficient Spectral Reconstruction
* MSTA-Net: Forgery Detection by Generating Manipulation Trace Based on Multi-Scale Self-Texture Attention
* MsTGANet: Automatic Drusen Segmentation From Retinal OCT Images
* MSTGAR: Multioperator-Based Stereoscopic Thumbnail Generation With Arbitrary Resolution
* MSTN: Multistage Spatial-Temporal Network for Driver Drowsiness Detection
* MSTR: Multi-Scale Transformer for End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection
* MSTRIQ: No Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Swin Transformer with Multi-Stage Fusion
* MSU-AVIS dataset: Fusing Face and Voice Modalities for Biometric Recognition in Indoor Surveillance Videos
* MSV-Based Face Detection in Color Images
* MSV-RGNN: Multiscale Voxel Graph Neural Network for 3D Object Detection
* MSViT: Dynamic Mixed-scale Tokenization for Vision Transformers
* MSViT: Training Multiscale Vision Transformers for Image Retrieval
* MsVRL: Self-Supervised Multiscale Visual Representation Learning via Cross-Level Consistency for Medical Image Segmentation
* MSVT: Multiple Spatiotemporal Views Transformer for DeepFake Video Detection
* MSYS: A System for Reasoning about Scenes
* MT-DETR: Robust End-to-end Multimodal Detection with Confidence Fusion
* MT-e&R: NMEA Protocol-Assisted High-Accuracy Navigation Algorithm Based on GNSS Error Estimation Using Multitask Learning
* MT-emotieffnet for Multi-task Human Affective Behavior Analysis and Learning from Synthetic Data
* MT-FANet: A Morphology and Topology-Based Feature Alignment Network for SAR Ship Rotation Detection
* MT-GN: Multi-Task-Learning-Based Graph Residual Network for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation
* MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive Monitoring of an Earth-Fill Dam: The Case of the Beninar Dam (Almeria, Spain)
* MT-InSAR Data Partition Strategy for Sentinel-1A/B TOPS Data, An
* MT-Net: Fast video instance lane detection based on space time memory and template matching
* MT-ORL: Multi-Task Occlusion Relationship Learning
* MT-UNET: A Novel U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture For Visual Scene Understanding
* MT-VAE: Learning Motion Transformations to Generate Multimodal Human Dynamics
* Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and Quantified through a Multi-Platform Satellite Observing System
* MT4MTL-KD: A Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation Framework for Triplet Recognition
* MTA Dataset for Multi Target Multi Camera Pedestrian Tracking by Weighted Distance Aggregation, The
* MTANet: Multi-Task Attention Network for Automatic Medical Image Segmentation and Classification
* Mtar: A Robust 2d Shape Representation
* MTBI Identification From Diffusion MR Images Using Bag of Adversarial Visual Features
* MTCD: Cataract detection via near infrared eye images
* MTCNet: Multi-task collaboration network for rotation-invariance face detection
* MTCSNet: Mean Teachers Cross-Supervision Network for Semi-Supervised Cloud Detection
* MTF-Adjusted Pansharpening Approach Based on Coupled Multiresolution Decompositions
* MTF-tailored Multiscale Fusion of High-resolution MS and Pan Imagery
* Mtf Determination of Sentinel-4 Detector Arrays
* MTFD-Net: Left atrium segmentation in CT images through fractal dimension estimation
* MTFH: A Matrix Tri-Factorization Hashing Framework for Efficient Cross-Modal Retrieval
* MTFormer: Multi-task Learning via Transformer and Cross-Task Reasoning
* MTGAN: Extending Test Case set for Deep Learning Image Classifier
* MTGAN: Mask and Texture-driven Generative Adversarial Network for Lung Nodule Segmentation
* MTGLS: Multi-Task Gaze Estimation with Limited Supervision
* MTHetGNN: A heterogeneous graph embedding framework for multivariate time series forecasting
* Mti-net: Multi-scale Task Interaction Networks for Multi-task Learning
* MTJND: Multi-Task Deep Learning Framework for Improved JND Prediction
* MTKDSR: Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation for Super Resolution Image Reconstruction
* MTL-NAS: Task-Agnostic Neural Architecture Search Towards General-Purpose Multi-Task Learning
* MTLSegFormer: Multi-task Learning with Transformers for Semantic Segmentation in Precision Agriculture
* MTMSN: Multi-Task and Multi-Modal Sequence Network for Facial Action Unit and Expression Recognition
* MTMVC: Semi-supervised 3D hand pose estimation using multi-task and multi-view consistency
* MTN: Forensic Analysis of MP4 Video Files Using Graph Neural Networks
* Mtnas: Search Multi-task Networks for Autonomous Driving
* MTNet: Mutual tri-training network for unsupervised domain adaptation on person re-identification
* mToFNet: Object Anti-Spoofing with Mobile Time-of-Flight Data
* MToS: A Tree of Shapes for Multivariate Images
* MTR++: Multi-Agent Motion Prediction With Symmetric Scene Modeling and Guided Intention Querying
* MTrajPlanner: A Multiple-Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* MTRBNet: Multi-Branch Topology Residual Block-Based Network for Low-Light Enhancement
* MTRC-Tolerated Multi-Target Imaging Based on 3D Hough Transform and Non-Equal Sampling Sparse Solution
* MTRNet++: One-stage mask-based scene text eraser
* MTS: A Multiple Temporal Scale Tracker Handling Occlusion and Abrupt Motion Variation
* MTSAT-1R Visible Imager Point Spread Correction Function, Part I: The Need for, Validation of, and Calibration With
* MTSAT-1R Visible Imager Point Spread Function Correction, Part II: Theory
* MTSCANet: Multi temporal resolution temporal semantic context aggregation network
* MTStereo 2.0: Accurate Stereo Depth Estimation via Max-Tree Matching
* MTT: Multi-Scale Temporal Transformer for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* MTTR Prediction of railway rolling stock using regression algorithms
* MTTrans: Cross-domain Object Detection with Mean Teacher Transformer
* MTU2-Net: Extracting Internal Solitary Waves from SAR Images
* MTUNet: Few-shot Image Classification with Visual Explanations
* mu-Nect: On using a gaming RGBD camera in micro-metrology applications
* MU-Net: Embedding MixFormer into Unet to Extract Water Bodies from Remote Sensing Images
* mu-Split: image decomposition for fluorescence microscopy
* Mu Labs
* MuA-SAR Fast Imaging Based on UCFFBP Algorithm with Multi-Level Regional Attention Strategy
* MuCaLe-Net: Multi Categorical-Level Networks to Generate More Discriminating Features
* MuCAN: Multi-correspondence Aggregation Network for Video Super-resolution
* MUcast: Linear Uncoded Multiuser Video Streaming With Channel Assignment and Power Allocation Optimization
* MuCoGraph: A multi-scale constraint enhanced pose-graph framework for MLS point cloud inconsistency correction
* Mud Volcanism at the Taman Peninsula: Multiscale Analysis of Remote Sensing and Morphometric Data
* MuFeSaC: Learning When to Use Which Feature Detector
* MuffNet: Multi-Layer Feature Federation for Mobile Deep Learning
* MUG: A Parameterless No-Reference JPEG Quality Evaluator Robust to Block Size and Misalignment
* MUGEN RANSAC: MUltiple GENerator Applied to Motion Estimation
* MUGEN: A Playground for Video-Audio-Text Multimodal Understanding and GENeration
* MUGGLE: MUlti-Stream Group Gaze Learning and Estimation
* MUGL: Large Scale Multi Person Conditional Action Generation with Locomotion
* MugNet: Deep Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Limited Samples
* Mugshot database acquisition in video surveillance networks using incremental auto-clustering quality measures
* MuHAVi: A Multicamera Human Action Video Dataset for the Evaluation of Action Recognition Methods
* Muiqa: Image Quality Assessment Database and Algorithm for Medical Ultrasound Images
* MuIT: An End-to-End Multitask Learning Transformer
* Muithu: A Touch-Based Annotation Interface for Activity Logging in the Norwegian Premier League
* MuKEA: Multimodal Knowledge Extraction and Accumulation for Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering
* MULLER: Multilayer Laplacian Resizer for Vision
* MuLoG, or How to Apply Gaussian Denoisers to Multi-Channel SAR Speckle Reduction?
* Mulsemedia vs. Multimedia: State of the art and future trends
* MultEYE: Monitoring System for Real-Time Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Speed Estimation from UAV Imagery on Edge-Computing Platforms
* Multi- and dual-tuned microstripline-based transmit/receive switch for 7-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging
* Multi-1D Block Matching Algorithm based motion estimation processor using mixed-signal approach
* Multi-activity Tracking in LLE Body Pose Space
* Multi-Adapter RGBT Tracking
* Multi-Adversarial Discriminative Deep Domain Generalization for Face Presentation Attack Detection
* Multi-Adversarial Faster-RCNN for Unrestricted Object Detection
* Multi-adversarial Faster-RCNN with Paradigm Teacher for Unrestricted Object Detection
* multi-affine model for tensor decomposition, A
* multi-agent-based approach for fuzzy clustering of large image data, A
* Multi-Agent Activity Recognition Using Observation Decomposed Hidden Markov Model
* Multi-Agent Activity Recognition Using Observation Decomposed Hidden Markov Models
* Multi-Agent Advanced Traveler Information System for Optimal Trip Planning in a Co-Modal Framework, A
* Multi-agent Approach for Range Image Segmentation with Bayesian Edge Regularization, A
* Multi-Agent Approach to Edge Detection as a Distributed Optimization Problem, A
* multi-agent architecture to support active fusion in a visual sensor network, A
* Multi-Agent Automated Machine Learning
* Multi-agent Based Interactive System Towards Child's Emotion Performances Quantified Through Affective Body Gestures, A
* Multi-agent Based Simulation Of Optimal Urban Land Use Allocation In The Middle Reaches Of The Yangtze River, China
* Multi-agent Crowd Simulation in an Active Shooter Environment
* Multi-Agent Deep Collaboration Learning for Face Alignment Under Different Perspectives
* Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Large-Scale Traffic Signal Control
* Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online 3D Human Poses Estimation
* Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework Strategized by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Multi-Vessel Full Communication Connection
* Multi-agent detection and labelling of activity patterns
* Multi-agent Diverse Generative Adversarial Networks
* Multi-Agent Driving Simulation Approach for Evaluating the Safety Benefits of Connected Vehicles, A
* Multi-Agent DRL-Based Lane Change With Right-of-Way Collaboration Awareness
* Multi-agent dueling Q-learning with mean field and value decomposition
* Multi-Agent Dynamic Routing of a Fleet of Cybercars
* Multi-agent Embodied Question Answering in Interactive Environments
* Multi-agent Event Detection: Localization and Role Assignment
* Multi-agent event recognition by preservation of spatiotemporal relationships between probabilistic models
* Multi-agent event recognition in structured scenarios
* Multi-Agent Event Recognition
* multi-agent framework for visual surveillance, A
* Multi-Agent Fuzzy-Based Transit Signal Priority Control for Traffic Network Considering Conflicting Priority Requests
* Multi-Agent Interaction and Relational Reasoning
* Multi-Agent Lifelong Implicit Neural Learning
* Multi-Agent Mix Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning for Large-Scale Fleet Management
* Multi-Agent Model and Tabu Search Optimization to Manage Agricultural Territories, A
* Multi-Agent Planning for Automatic Geospatial Web Service Composition in Geoportals
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Frame Sampling for Effective Untrimmed Video Recognition
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent V2G Integration in Future Transportation Systems
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Slicing Resource Allocation in Vehicular Networks
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Method With Route Recorders for Vehicle Routing in Supply Chain Management, A
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning With Policy Clipping and Average Evaluation for UAV-Assisted Communication Markov Game
* Multi-agent segmentation of IVUS images
* Multi-agent simulation of the Moroccan conventional insurance sector
* Multi-agent stochastic level set method in image segmentation
* Multi-agent system based on fuzzy control and prediction using NN for smart microgrid energy management
* Multi-agent system based on the fuzzy control and extreme learning machine for intelligent management in hybrid energy system
* Multi-Agent System for Hand-drawn Diagram Recognition, A
* Multi-agent system for moving object segmentation and tracking
* multi-agent system for the classification of gender and age from images, A
* Multi-Agent Tensor Fusion for Contextual Trajectory Prediction
* Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction With Heterogeneous Edge-Enhanced Graph Attention Network
* Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction With Spatio-Temporal Sequence Fusion
* Multi-Agent Transfer Reinforcement Learning With Multi-View Encoder for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control
* Multi-agents system for breast tumour detection in mammography by deep learning pre-processing and watershed segmentation
* Multi-aircrafts tracking using spatial-temporal constraints-based intra-frame scale-invariant feature transform feature matching
* Multi-algorithm fusion with template protection
* Multi-Algorithm Indices and Look-Up Table for Chlorophyll-a Retrieval in Highly Turbid Water Bodies Using Multispectral Data
* Multi-Analytical Study for the Enhancement and Accessibility of Archaeological Heritage: The Churches of San Nicola and San Basilio in Motta Sant'Agata (RC, Italy), A
* Multi-Anchor Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Angle Detection of Spatial Differences in Tea Physiological Parameters
* Multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer (MISR) on-board calibrator (OBC) in-flight performance studies
* Multi-Angle Point Cloud-VAE: Unsupervised Feature Learning for 3D Point Clouds From Multiple Angles by Joint Self-Reconstruction and Half-to-Half Prediction
* Multi-Angle Projection Based Blind Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-angle View, Illumination and Cosmetic Facial Image Database (MaVIC) and Quantitative Analysis of Facial Appearance
* Multi-Annotation Attention Model for Video Summarization
* Multi-Annotator Probabilistic Active Learning
* Multi-Annual Kinematics of an Active Rock Glacier Quantified from Very High-Resolution DEMs: An Application-Case in the French Alps
* Multi-Antenna Global Navigation Satellite System/Inertial Measurement Unit Tight Integration for Measuring Displacement and Vibration in Structural Health Monitoring
* multi-aperture computational ultra-high-speed camera with ultra-fast charge modulators, A
* Multi-Aperture Joint-Encoding Fourier Ptychography for a Distributed System
* Multi-Aperture Space-Time Transmit and Receive Design for MIMO Radar
* Multi-Application Strategy Based on Railway Static Power Conditioner With Energy Storage System
* Multi-approach Satellite Images Fusion Based On Blind Sources Separation
* Multi-Area Self-Adaptive Pricing Control in Smart City With EV User Participation
* Multi-Array Camera Disparity Enhancement
* Multi-Aspect Analysis of Object-Oriented Landslide Detection Based on an Extended Set of LiDAR-Derived Terrain Features
* Multi-Aspect Aware Session-Based Recommendation for Intelligent Transportation Services
* Multi-Aspect Convolutional-Transformer Network for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Multi-Aspect Detection of Articulated Objects
* multi-aspect framework for explainable sentiment analysis, A
* Multi-Aspect Rating Inference with Aspect-Based Segmentation
* Multi-Aspect Streaming Tensor Ring Completion for Dynamic Incremental Data
* Multi-aspect target detection for SAR imagery using hidden Markov models
* Multi-aspect Target Tracking in Image Sequences Using Particle Filters
* Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation Framework for Prostate Brachytherapy, A
* Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation With Local Decision Fusion: Application to Cardiac and Aortic Segmentation in CT Scans
* Multi-atlas automatic positioning of anatomical landmarks
* Multi-Atlas Based Pseudo-CT Synthesis Using Multimodal Image Registration and Local Atlas Fusion Strategies
* Multi-atlas Based Segmentation of Corpus Callosum on MRIs of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
* Multi-Atlas Brain Parcellation Using Squeeze-and-Excitation Fully Convolutional Networks
* Multi-atlas Context Forests for Knee MR Image Segmentation
* Multi-Atlas Image Soft Segmentation via Computation of the Expected Label Value
* Multi-atlas segmentation and correction model with level set formulation for 3D brain MR images
* Multi-atlas Segmentation and Landmark Localization in Images with Large Field of View
* Multi-Atlas Segmentation of MR Tumor Brain Images Using Low-Rank Based Image Recovery
* Multi-Atlas Segmentation Using Partially Annotated Data: Methods and Annotation Strategies
* Multi-Atlas Segmentation with Joint Label Fusion
* Multi-atlas Segmentation with Learning-Based Label Fusion
* Multi-attack Reference Hashing Generation for Image Authentication
* Multi-Attention Augmented Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Attention Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on the Extended Linear Mixing Model, A
* Multi-Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Video Deblurring
* Multi-Attention DenseNet: A Scattering Medium Imaging Optimization Framework for Visual Data Pre-Processing of Autonomous Driving Systems
* multi-attention dynamic graph convolution network with cost-sensitive learning approach to road-level and minute-level traffic accident prediction, A
* Multi-Attention Feature Fusion Network for Accurate Estimation of Finger Kinematics From Surface Electromyographic Signals
* Multi-Attention Multi-Class Constraint for Fine-grained Image Recognition
* Multi-attention Network for One Shot Learning
* Multi-Attention Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Multi-Attention Transformer for Naturalistic Driving Action Recognition
* Multi-attentional Deepfake Detection
* Multi-attribute balanced sampling for disentangled GAN controls
* Multi-attribute Based Fire Detection in Diverse Surveillance Videos
* Multi-Attribute Blind Quality Evaluator for Tone-Mapped Images, A
* Multi-Attribute Discriminative Representation Learning for Prediction of Adverse Drug-Drug Interaction
* Multi-Attribute Driven Vehicle Re-Identification with Spatial-Temporal Re-Ranking
* Multi-Attribute Learning With Highly Imbalanced Data
* Multi-Attribute Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for 3D Facial Shapes
* Multi-attribute Queries: To Merge or Not to Merge?
* Multi-Attribute Regression Network for Face Reconstruction
* Multi-attribute Residual Network (MAResNet) for Soft-Biometrics Recognition in Surveillance Scenarios
* Multi-attribute robust facial feature localization
* Multi-attribute spaces: Calibration for attribute fusion and similarity search
* Multi-attribute sparse representation with group constraints for face recognition under different variations
* Multi-Attribute Subspace Clustering via Auto-Weighted Tensor Nuclear Norm Minimization
* Multi-attributed Dictionary Learning for Sparse Coding
* Multi-Attributed Graph Matching With Multi-Layer Graph Structure and Multi-Layer Random Walks
* Multi-attributed Graph Matching with Multi-layer Random Walks
* Multi-axis interactive multidimensional attention network for vehicle re-identification
* multi-balanced hybrid optimization technique to track objects using rough set theory, A
* Multi-Band and Polarization SAR Images Colorization Fusion
* multi-band approach to unsupervised scale parameter selection for multi-scale image segmentation, A
* Multi-Band Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for Deriving Water Leaving Reflectances over Turbid Waters from VIIRS Data, A
* Multi-Band Brain Network Analysis for Functional Neuroimaging Biomarker Identification
* Multi-band color image deblurring using contourlets for fluid lens camera systems
* Multi-band Gradient Component Pattern (MGCP): A New Statistical Feature for Face Recognition
* Multi-band modelling of appearance
* Multi-band segmentation using morphological clustering and fusion: application to color image segmentation
* Multi-Band Texture Modeling Using Finite Mixtures of Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distributions
* Multi-Band Wavelet for Fusing SPOT Panchromatic and Multispectral Images
* Multi-bands Image Segmentation: A Scalar Approach
* Multi-Baseline Polarimetric SAR Interferometry: First Experimental Spaceborne and Airborne Results
* Multi-baseline SAR 3D reconstruction of vehicle from very sparse aspects: A generative adversarial network based approach
* Multi-baseline Stereo Matching Using Genetic Algorithm
* Multi-baseline stereo using a single-lens camera
* Multi-baseline Stereo Using Surface Extraction
* Multi-Baseline Stereo, Multibaseline Stereo
* Multi-beam steering for 3D audio rendering in linear phased loudspeaker arrays
* Multi-Bernoulli sample consensus for simultaneous robust fitting of multiple structures in machine vision
* Multi-Bernoulli Tracking Approach for Occupancy Monitoring of Smart Buildings Using Low-Resolution Infrared Sensor Array
* Multi-Bin search: improved large-scale content-based image retrieval
* Multi-biometric Score-Level Fusion and the Integration of the Neighbors Distance Ratio
* multi-biometric system for continuous student authentication in e-learning platforms, A
* Multi-biometric template protection based on Homomorphic Encryption
* Multi-biometric Template Protection on Smartphones: An Approach Based on Binarized Statistical Features and Bloom Filters
* Multi-biometric template protection: A security analysis of binarized statistical features for bloom filters on smartphones
* Multi-Biometric Unified Network for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* Multi-biometrics 2D and 3D Ear Recognition
* Multi-biometrics based cryptographic key regeneration scheme
* Multi-Biometrics Fusion for Identity Verification
* Multi-biometrics using facial appearance, shape and temperature
* Multi-bit Binary Arithmetic Coding Technique, A
* Multi-bit Image Watermarking Robust to Geometric Distortions
* Multi-Bit Informed Embedding Watermarking with Constant Robustness
* Multi-bit quantisation for similarity-preserving hashing
* Multi-bit quantization based on neighboring structure preservation
* Multi-bit Video Watermarking Based on 3D DFT Using Perceptual Models
* Multi-Bitrate Video Caching for D2D-Enabled Cellular Networks
* Multi-Bits Biometric String Generation based on the Likelihood Ratio
* Multi-Block Mixed Sample Semi-Supervised Learning for SAR Target Recognition
* Multi-Block N-ary trie structure for exact r-neighbour search in hamming space, A
* Multi-block PCA method for image change detection
* Multi-body Depth-Map Fusion with Non-intersection Constraints
* Multi-body Depth and Camera Pose Estimation from Multiple Views
* Multi-Body Factorization Method for Motion Analysis, A
* Multi-body Factorization with Uncertainty: Revisiting Motion Consistency
* Multi-Body Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion
* Multi-body Segmentation and Motion Number Estimation via Over-Segmentation Detection
* Multi-Bracket High Dynamic Range Imaging with Event Cameras
* Multi-Brain Coding Expands the Instruction Set in SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Multi-Branch Adaptive Hard Region Mining Network for Urban Scene Parsing of High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images
* Multi-branch and Multi-scale Attention Learning for Fine-grained Visual Categorization
* Multi-Branch and Progressive Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Multi-branch and two-pass HMM modeling approaches for off-line cursive handwriting recognition
* Multi-Branch Attention Networks for Classifying Galaxy Clusters
* Multi-branch Body Region Alignment Network for Person Re-identification
* Multi-branch CNN for Multi-scale Age Estimation
* Multi-Branch Context-Aware Network for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Branch Deep Learning Framework for Land Scene Classification in Satellite Imagery
* Multi-Branch Distance-Sensitive Self-Attention Network for Image Captioning
* Multi-Branch Enhanced Discriminative Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Multi-Branch Feature Fusion Strategy Based on an Attention Mechanism for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, A
* multi-branch hand pose estimation network with joint-wise feature extraction and fusion, A
* Multi-branch Network with Ensemble Learning for Text Removal in the Wild
* Multi-branch network with hierarchical bilinear pooling for person reidentification
* Multi-Branch Networks for Video Super-Resolution With Dynamic Reconstruction Strategy
* Multi-branch Neural Networks for Video Anomaly Detection in Adverse Lighting and Weather Conditions
* Multi-branch residual image semantic segmentation combined with inverse weight gated-control
* Multi-branch Segmentation-guided Attention Network for crowd counting
* Multi-branch Siamese Networks with Online Selection for Object Tracking
* Multi-Branch Spatial-Temporal Network for Action Recognition
* Multi-branch sustainable convolutional neural network for disease classification
* Multi-Branch Tensor Network Structure for Tensor-Train Discriminant Analysis
* Multi-Branch U-Net for Interactive Segmentation
* Multi-Branch with Attention Network for Hand-Based Person Recognition
* Multi-Bus Dispatching Strategy Based on Boarding Control, A
* Multi-Camera-Based Object Handoff Using Decision-Level Fusion
* Multi-camera 3D ball tracking framework for sports video
* Multi-Camera 3D Position Estimation using Conditional Random Field
* Multi-camera 3D Scanning with a Non-rigid and Space-Time Depth Super-Resolution Capability
* Multi-Camera Acquisitions for High-Accuracy 3D Reconstruction
* Multi-Camera Action Dataset for Cross-Camera Action Recognition Benchmarking
* Multi-camera active surveillance of an articulated human form: An implementation strategy
* Multi-camera activity correlation analysis
* Multi-Camera Analysis of Soccer Sequences
* Multi-Camera Approach to Image-Based Rendering and 3-D/Multiview Display of Ancient Chinese Artifacts, A
* Multi-Camera Approach to Sensor Evaluation in Video Surveillance, A
* Multi-Camera Calibration Using a Globe
* Multi-camera calibration using multi-view constraints
* Multi-Camera Calibration with One-Dimensional Object under General Motions
* Multi-camera collision detection between known and unknown objects
* Multi-Camera Color Correction via Hybrid Histogram Matching
* Multi-Camera Colour Tracking
* multi-camera conical imaging system for robust 3D motion estimation, positioning and mapping from UAVs, A
* Multi-camera Control through Constraint Satisfaction for Persistent Surveillance
* Multi-camera correspondence based on principal axis of human body
* Multi-camera detection association for 3D localisation
* Multi-camera epipolar plane image feature detection for robust view synthesis
* Multi-camera Finger Tracking and 3D Trajectory Reconstruction for HCI Studies
* Multi-camera head pose estimation
* Multi-camera imaging, coding and innovative display: Techniques and systems
* Multi-camera interference cancellation of time-of-flight (TOF) cameras
* Multi-camera invariant appearance modeling for non-rigid object identification in a real-time environment
* Multi-camera Matching under Illumination Change Over Time
* Multi-camera Matching using Bi-Directional Cumulative Brightness Transfer Functions
* Multi-Camera Method for 3D Digitization of Dynamic, Real-World Events, A
* Multi-camera Microenvironment to Capture Multi-view Time-Lapse Videos for 3D Analysis of Aging Objects
* Multi-camera Motion Estimation with Affine Correspondences
* Multi-camera multi-object tracking by robust hough-based homography projections
* Multi-Camera Multi-Person 3D Space Tracking with MCMC in Surveillance Scenarios
* Multi-Camera Multi-Person Tracking for EasyLiving
* Multi-Camera Multi-Player Tracking with Deep Player Identification in Sports Video
* Multi-Camera Multi-Target Tracking with Space-Time-View Hyper-graph
* Multi-Camera Multi-Vehicle Tracking with Domain Generalization and Contextual Constraints
* Multi-Camera Multiple 3D Object Tracking on the Move for Autonomous Vehicles
* Multi-camera multiple vehicle tracking in urban intersections based on multilayer graphs
* Multi-Camera Networks: Eyes from Eyes
* Multi-camera open space human activity discovery for anomaly detection
* Multi-camera parameter tracking
* Multi-camera Pedestrian Detection with Multi-view Bayesian Network Model
* Multi-camera People Localization and Height Estimation Using Multiple Birth-and-Death Dynamics
* Multi-camera People Tracking by Collaborative Particle Filters and Principal Axis-Based Integration
* Multi-camera People Tracking With Mixture of Realistic and Synthetic Knowledge
* Multi-camera Person Tracking in a Cluttered Interaction Environment
* Multi-camera person tracking in crowded environments
* Multi-camera Photometric Simulation for Creation of 3D Object Reconstruction System
* Multi-Camera Piecewise Planar Object Tracking with Mutual Information
* Multi-camera Platform Calibration Using Multi-linear Constraints
* Multi-camera platform for panoramic real-time HDR video construction and rendering
* Multi-Camera Pose Tracker for Assisting the Visually Impaired, A
* Multi-camera positioning to optimize task observability
* Multi-camera Radiometric Surface Modelling for Image-Based Re-lighting
* Multi-camera real-time depth estimation with discontinuity handling on PC graphics hardware
* Multi-camera reconstruction based on surface normal estimation and best viewpoint selection
* Multi-camera rectification using linearized trifocal tensor
* Multi-camera Relay Tracker Utilizing Color-Based Particle Filtering
* Multi-Camera Saliency
* Multi-Camera Scene Analysis using an Object-Centric Continuous Distribution Hidden Markov Model
* Multi-Camera Scene Flow by Tracking 3-D Points and Surfels
* Multi-camera Scene Reconstruction via Graph Cuts
* Multi-camera Sports Players 3D Localization with Identification Reasoning
* Multi-Camera Structure from Motion with Eye-to-Eye Calibration
* Multi-Camera Surveillance System that Estimates Quality-of-View Measurement, A
* Multi-Camera Surveillance with Visual Tagging and Generic Camera Placement
* Multi-camera systems use for dental arch shape measurement
* Multi-camera systems
* Multi-Camera Target Tracking in Blind Regions of Cameras with Non-overlapping Fields of View
* Multi-camera tele-immersion system with real-time model driven data compression: A new model-based compression method for massive dynamic point data
* Multi-Camera Topology Recovery from Coherent Motion
* Multi-camera Tracking and Atypical Motion Detection with Behavioral Maps
* Multi-camera Tracking and Segmentation of Occluded People on Ground Plane Using Search-Guided Particle Filtering
* Multi-Camera Tracking Based on Information Fusion in Video Surveillance
* Multi-Camera Tracking By Candidate Intersection Ratio Tracklet Matching
* Multi-camera Tracking of Articulated Human Motion Using Motion and Shape Cues
* Multi-Camera Tracking of Intelligent Targets with Hidden Reciprocal Chains
* Multi-Camera Tracking with Adaptive Resource Allocation
* Multi-camera traffic scene mosaic based on camera calibration
* Multi-Camera Trajectory Forecasting With Trajectory Tensors
* Multi-Camera Trajectory Forecasting: Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in a Network of Cameras
* Multi-camera Trajectory Mining: Database and Evaluation
* Multi-camera transfer GAN for person re-identification
* Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking Based on Occlusion-aware and Inter-vehicle Information
* Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking System based on City-Scale Vehicle Re-ID and Spatial-Temporal Information, A
* Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking System Based on Spatial-Temporal Filtering
* Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking System for AI City Challenge 2022
* Multi-camera Video Resolution Enhancement by Fusion of Spatial Disparity and Temporal Motion fields
* Multi-Camera Video Scene Graphs for Surveillance Videos Indexing and Retrieval
* Multi-camera video surveillance for real-time analysis and reconstruction of soccer games
* Multi-Camera Visual Surveillance for Motion Detection, Occlusion Handling, Tracking and Event Recognition
* Multi-Camera Visual Surveillance System for Tracking of Reoccurrences of People, A
* Multi-camera, Multi-projector Super-Resolution Framework for Structured Light, A
* multi-cameras 3D volumetric method for outdoor scenes: A Road Traffic Monitoring Application., A
* Multi-capture Dynamic Calibration of Multi-camera Systems
* Multi-Category Image Super-Resolution with Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-Task Learning
* Multi-Category Mesh Reconstruction From Image Collections
* Multi-Category Segmentation of Sentinel-2 Images Based on the Swin UNet Method
* Multi-cell 3D tracking with adaptive acceptance gates
* Multi-cell Detection and Classification Using a Generative Convolutional Model
* Multi-Center MRI Carotid Plaque Component Segmentation Using Feature Normalization and Transfer Learning
* multi-center study of ultrasound images using a fully automated segmentation architecture, A
* Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmentation: The M &Ms Challenge
* Multi-Centroid Task Descriptor for Dynamic Class Incremental Inference
* Multi-channel 4D Probabilistic Atlas of the Developing Brain: Application to Fetuses and Neonates, A
* Multi-Channel AC-3 Encoder Architecture Design and Optimization, A
* Multi-Channel Acquisition for Isotropic Resolution in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Multi-Channel Algorithm for Edge Detection Under Varying Lighting, A
* Multi-Channel Algorithm for Mapping Volcanic Thermal Anomalies by Means of Sentinel-2 MSI and Landsat-8 OLI Data, A
* Multi-channel and large angle-of-view imaging systematic research of bio-inspired compound eye
* Multi-Channel and Multi-Model-Based Autoencoding Prior for Grayscale Image Restoration
* Multi-Channel Attention Selection GAN With Cascaded Semantic Guidance for Cross-View Image Translation
* Multi-Channel Attention Selection GANs for Guided Image-to-Image Translation
* Multi-Channel Based Approach for Extracting Significant Scales on Gray-Level Images, A
* Multi-channel Channel-optimized Scheme for EZW Using Rate-distortion Functions, A
* Multi-channel Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble for Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-channel Convolutional Neural Networks with Multi-level Feature Fusion for Environmental Sound Classification
* Multi-channel correlation filters for human action recognition
* Multi-channel Correlation Filters
* Multi-Channel Decomposition in Tandem With Free-Energy Principle for Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-Channel Deconvolution for Forward-Looking Phase Array Radar Imaging
* Multi-Channel Deep Networks for Block-Based Image Compressive Sensing
* Multi-Channel Descriptor for LiDAR-Based Loop Closure Detection and Its Application, A
* Multi-channel descriptors and ensemble of Extreme Learning Machines for classification of remote sensing images
* Multi-Channel Filtering Approach to Texture Segmentation, A
* Multi-channel Filtering Methods for Segmentation of Color Images
* multi-channel geometric algebra residual network for traffic data prediction, A
* Multi-Channel Ground-Penetrating Radar Array Surveys of the Iron Age and Medieval Ringfort Bårby on the Island of Öland, Sweden
* Multi-Channel HEVC Steganography by Minimizing IPM Steganographic Distortions
* Multi-Channel Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer Design for Ultraviolet Detection in the Atmosphere of Venus
* Multi-channel Image Registration of Cardiac MR Using Supervised Feature Learning with Convolutional Encoder-decoder Network
* Multi-Channel Microstrip Transceiver Arrays Using Harmonics for High Field MR Imaging in Humans
* Multi-Channel Modulo Samplers Constructed From Gaussian Integers
* Multi-Channel Multi-Loss Deep Learning Based Compression Model of Color Images
* Multi-channel multi-model feature learning for face recognition
* Multi-Channel Optical Receiver for Ground-Based Topographic Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Multi-Channel Pose-Aware Convolution Neural Networks for Multi-View Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-channel Registration for Diffusion MRI: Longitudinal Analysis for the Neonatal Brain
* Multi-channel restoration of electron micrographs
* Multi-Channel SAR Imaging on Cruising Ships with Sub-Orbital Spaceplane
* Multi-channel Shape-Flow Kernel Descriptors for Robust Video Event Detection and Retrieval
* Multi-channel sub-Nyquist cross-spectral estimation for modal analysis of vibrating structures
* Multi-Channel Weather Radar Echo Extrapolation with Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks
* Multi-Channel Weight-Sharing Autoencoder Based on Cascade Multi-Head Attention for Multimodal Emotion Recognition
* Multi-channel Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization for Real Color Image Denoising
* Multi-Channels LSTM Networks for Fence Activity Classification
* Multi-character Field Recognition for Arabic and Chinese Handwriting
* Multi-Chart Geometry Video: A Compact Representation for 3D Animations
* Multi-Chromatic Analysis of SAR Images for Coherent Target Detection
* Multi-Circular SAR Three-Dimensional Image Formation via Group Sparsity in Adjacent Sub-Apertures
* Multi-class action recognition based on inverted index of action states
* Multi-Class Active Learning by Uncertainty Sampling with Diversity Maximization
* Multi-class active learning for image classification
* Multi-class ada-boost classification of object poses through visual and infrared image information fusion
* Multi-class AdaBoost with Hypothesis Margin
* Multi-class anisotropic blue noise sampling for discrete element pattern generation
* Multi-Class ASD Classification Based on Functional Connectivity and Functional Correlation Tensor via Multi-Source Domain Adaptation and Multi-View Sparse Representation
* multi-class bi-level thresholding method for accurate anthropometric measurements of scanned plantar images, A
* Multi-class Binary Object Categorization Using Blurred Shape Models
* Multi-class Binary Symbol Classification with Circular Blurred Shape Models
* Multi-class Blind Steganalysis Based on Image Run-Length Analysis
* Multi-class Boosting for Early Classification of Sequences
* Multi-class Boosting for Imbalanced Data
* Multi-class boosting with asymmetric binary weak-learners
* Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Modified Self-Attention
* Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Representation
* Multi-class Cell Segmentation Using CNNs with F1-measure Loss Function
* Multi-class classification and symbolic cognitive processing with ALISA
* Multi-class Classification on Riemannian Manifolds for Video Surveillance
* Multi-class classification strategies for Fisher scores of gesture and sign sequences
* multi-class classification strategy for Fisher scores: Application to signer independent sign language recognition, A
* Multi-Class Constrained Normalized Cut With Hard, Soft, Unary and Pairwise Priors and its Applications to Object Segmentation
* Multi-class cosegmentation
* multi-class COVID-19 segmentation network with pyramid attention and edge loss in CT images, A
* Multi-Class Double-Transformation Network for SAR Image Registration
* Multi-class extensions of the GLDB feature extraction algorithm for spectral data
* Multi-class feature selection for texture classification
* Multi-class fruit detection based on multiple color channels
* Multi-class Fukunaga Koontz discriminant analysis for enhanced face recognition
* Multi-class geospatial object detection and geographic image classification based on collection of part detectors
* Multi-class geospatial object detection based on a position-sensitive balancing framework for high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery
* Multi-class Graph Boosting with Subgraph Sharing for Object Recognition
* Multi-class Graph Mumford-Shah Model for Plume Detection Using the MBO scheme
* Multi-Class Hinge Loss for Conditional GANs, A
* Multi-Class Hypersphere Anomaly Detection
* Multi-Class Image Labeling with Top-Down Segmentation and Generalized Robust P^N Potentials
* Multi-class indoor semantic segmentation with deep structured model
* Multi-Class Joint Subspace Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-class JPEG Image Steganalysis by Ensemble Linear SVM Classifier
* Multi-class Kernel Alignment Method for Image Collection Summarization, A
* Multi-Class Lane-Changing Advisory System for Freeway Merging Sections Using Cooperative ITS, A
* Multi-class learning for vessel characterisation in intravascular ultrasound
* Multi-class Leveraged k-NN for Image Classification
* Multi-class Linear Feature Extraction by Nonlinear PCA
* Multi-Class Metric Problem in Nearest Neighbour Discrimination Rules, The
* Multi-class Model Fitting by Energy Minimization and Mode-Seeking
* Multi-class Multi-annotator Active Learning with Robust Gaussian Process for Visual Recognition
* Multi-class multi-instance boosting for part-based human detection
* Multi-Class Multi-Instance Count Conditioned Adversarial Image Generation
* Multi-Class Multi-Movement Vehicle Counting Based on CenterTrack
* Multi-class Multi-object Tracking Using Changing Point Detection
* Multi-Class Multi-Scale Series Contextual Model for Image Segmentation
* Multi-class Novelty Detection Using Mix-up Technique
* Multi-class Object Detection with Hough Forests Using Local Histograms of Visual Words
* Multi-class Object Layout with Unsupervised Image Classification and Object Localization
* Multi-class object localization by combining local contextual interactions
* Multi-class object recognition using boosted linear discriminant analysis combined with masking covariance matrix method
* Multi-class object tracking algorithm that handles fragmentation and grouping
* Multi-class obstacle detection and classification using stereovision and improved active contour models
* Multi-class Open Set Recognition Using Probability of Inclusion
* Multi-class pairwise linear dimensionality reduction using heteroscedastic schemes
* Multi-Class Part Parsing With Joint Boundary-Semantic Awareness
* Multi-class Pattern Classification in Imbalanced Data
* Multi-class pattern classification using neural networks
* Multi-class predictive template for tree crown detection
* Multi-class Probabilistic Atlas-Based Segmentation Method in Breast MRI
* Multi-class ranking based most probable prediction unit selection for HEVC encoding
* Multi-class Relevance Feedback Approach to Image Retrieval, A
* Multi-class relevance feedback content-based image retrieval
* Multi-class ROC analysis from a multi-objective optimisation perspective
* Multi-class segmentation based on generalized fuzzy gibbs random fields
* Multi-class segmentation of free-form online documents with tree conditional random fields
* Multi-Class Segmentation with Relative Location Prior
* Multi-class semantic segmentation of faces
* Multi-class Semantic Segmentation of Tooth Pathologies and Anatomical Structures on Bitewing and Periapical Radiographs
* Multi-class Semantic Video Segmentation with Exemplar-Based Object Reasoning
* Multi-class semi-supervised SVMs with Positiveness Exclusive Regularization
* Multi-Class Simultaneous Adaptive Segmentation and Quality Control of Point Cloud Data
* Multi-class steganalysis for Jpeg stego algorithms
* Multi-Class Supervised Novelty Detection
* Multi-class Support Vector Machine classifiers using intrinsic and penalty graphs
* Multi-class support vector machine
* Multi-class Support Vector Machines with Case-Based Combination for Face Recognition
* multi-class SVM approach based on the L1-norm minimization of the distances between the reduced convex hulls, A
* multi-class SVM classifier for automatic hand washing quality assessment, A
* Multi-class SVM for forestry classification
* Multi-class Token Transformer for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Class Tracker Using a Scalable Condensation Filter, A
* Multi-class Transductive Learning Based on L_1 Relaxations of Cheeger Cut and Mumford-Shah-Potts Model
* Multi-class Video Co-segmentation with a Generative Multi-video Model
* Multi-class weather classification on single images
* Multi-Classes and Motion Properties for Concurrent Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments
* Multi-classification of brain tumor by using deep convolutional neural network model in magnetic resonance imaging images
* Multi-classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images by Using a Fine-Tuning Strategy
* Multi-classification of Parkinson's Disease via Sparse Low-Rank Learning
* Multi-Classification of Retinal Diseases Using a Pyramidal Ensemble Deep Framework
* Multi-Classifier Combined Decision Tree Hierarchical Classification Method, A
* multi-classifier for grading knee osteoarthritis using gait analysis, A
* Multi-classifier framework for atlas-based image segmentation
* Multi-Classifier Fusion for Open-Set Specific Emitter Identification
* Multi-classifier Q-stack Aging Model for Adult Face Verification
* Multi-Classifier Strategy for the Recognition of Handwritten Cursive Words, A
* Multi-classifier System Configuration Using Genetic Algorithms
* Multi-Clip Query Optimization in Video Databases
* Multi-Clue Reconstruction of Sharing Chains for Social Media Images
* Multi-Coil FD-EMI in Tidal Flat Areas: Prospection and Ground Truthing at a 17th Century Wooden Ship Wreckage
* Multi-Color Balance for Color Constancy
* Multi-Colored Quadtrees for GIS: Exploiting Bit-Parallelism for Rapid Boolean Overlay
* Multi-ColorGAN: Few-shot vehicle recoloring via memory-augmented networks
* Multi-column deep neural networks for image classification
* Multi-Commodity Network Flow for Tracking Multiple People
* Multi-Commodity Traffic Signal Control and Routing With Connected Vehicles
* multi-compartment segmentation framework with homeomorphic level sets, A
* Multi-complementary and unlabeled learning for arbitrary losses and models
* Multi-component AM-FM image models and wavelet-based demodulation with component tracking
* Multi-Component and Multi-Source Approach for Studying Land Subsidence in Deltas
* Multi-component Document Image Coding Using Regions-of-Interest
* Multi-component image segmentation in homogeneous regions based on description length minimization: Application to speckle, Poisson and Bernoulli noise
* Multi-component image segmentation using a hybrid dynamic genetic algorithm and fuzzy C-means
* Multi-Component Image Translation for Deep Domain Generalization
* Multi-component Models for Object Detection
* Multi-Componential Approach to Emotion Recognition and the Effect of Personality, A
* Multi-Components Low Dimensional Manifold Model For Photonlimited Poisson Noisy Image Reconstruction
* Multi-Concept Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion
* Multi-concept learning with large-scale multimedia lexicons
* Multi-condition Place Generator for Robust Place Recognition
* Multi-conditional Latent Variable Model for Joint Facial Action Unit Detection
* Multi-ConDoS: Multimodal Contrastive Domain Sharing Generative Adversarial Networks for Self-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Multi-conformation Aproach of ENM-NMA Dynamic-based Descriptors for HIV Drug Resistance Prediction
* Multi-Connectivity Representation Learning Network for Major Depressive Disorder Diagnosis
* Multi-Constrained Optimization Method of Line Segment Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Image Space
* Multi-Constraint Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* Multi-Constraint Combined Method for Ground Surface Point Filtering from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* Multi-content GAN for Few-Shot Font Style Transfer
* Multi-context Attention for Human Pose Estimation
* Multi-Context Aware Human Mobility Prediction Model Based on Motif-Preserving Travel Preference Learning, A
* Multi-Contextual Predictions with Vision Transformer for Video Anomaly Detection
* Multi-contrast MR image denoising for parallel imaging using multilayer perceptron
* Multi-Contrast Super-Resolution MRI Through a Progressive Network
* Multi-Controller Deployment in SDN-Enabled 6G Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network
* Multi-core Median Redescending M-Estimator for Impulsive Denoising in Color Images
* Multi-core parallelism for plane sweep algorithms as a foundation for GIS operations
* Multi-Core Platforms for Beamforming and Wave Field Synthesis
* Multi-Correlation Filters With Triangle-Structure Constraints for Object Tracking
* Multi-Correlation Peak Phase Deblurring Algorithm for BeiDou B1C Signals in Urban Environments, A
* Multi-covariate Imaging of Sub-resolution Targets
* Multi-Criteria Analysis of UAVS Regulations in 6 Countries Using the Analytical Hierarchical Process and Expert Knowledge
* Multi-Criteria Assessment for City-Wide Rooftop Solar PV Deployment: A Case Study of Bandung, Indonesia
* Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Model for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) of Urban Residential Buildings
* Multi-criteria decision making approach for ITIL processes performance evaluation: Application to a Moroccan SME
* Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Method for the Management of Woodland Plantations in Floodplain Areas
* Multi-criteria evaluation method for freight logistics innovations
* Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Snowpack Simulations in Complex Alpine Terrain Using Satellite and In Situ Observations
* Multi-Criteria Evaluation of the Urban Ecological Environment in Shanghai Based on Remote Sensing, A
* Multi-criteria feature selection on cost-sensitive data with missing values
* Multi-criteria GIS Analyses with the Use of UAVs For The Needs Of Spatial Planning
* Multi-criteria handwriting quality analysis with online fuzzy models
* Multi-Criteria High Voltage Power Line Routing: An Open Source GIS-Based Approach
* Multi-Criteria Land Evaluation of Suitability for the Sport of Foot Orienteering: A Case Study of Croatia and Slovenia
* multi-criteria model for robust foreground extraction, A
* Multi-criteria online frame-subset selection for autonomous vehicle videos
* Multi-criteria optimization for optimal nutrition of Moroccan diabetics
* Multi-criteria Optimization for Scalable Bitstreams
* Multi-criteria optimization of neural networks using multi-objective genetic algorithm
* Multi-criteria Path Finding
* Multi-criteria search algorithm: An efficient approximate k-NN algorithm for image retrieval
* Multi-criteria Selection of Rehearsal Samples for Continual Learning
* Multi-Criteria Selection of Surface Units for SAR Operations at Sea Supported by AIS Data
* Multi-Criterion Analysis of Cyclone Risk along the Coast of Tamil Nadu, India: A Geospatial Approach
* Multi-Criterion Spatial Optimization of Future Police Stations Based on Urban Expansion and Criminal Behavior Characteristics
* Multi-Crop Classification Using Feature Selection-Coupled Machine Learning Classifiers Based on Spectral, Textural and Environmental Features
* Multi-crop Convolutional Neural Networks for lung nodule malignancy suspiciousness classification
* Multi-cue-Based Crowd Segmentation in Stereo Vision
* Multi-cue Based Visual Tracking in Clutter Scenes with Occlusions
* Multi-cue collaborative kernel tracking with cross ratio invariant constraint
* Multi-cue combination network for action-based video classification
* Multi-cue Correlation Filters for Robust Visual Tracking
* Multi-cue Facial Feature Detection and Tracking
* Multi-cue fusion: Discriminative enhancing for person re-identification
* Multi-cue hand detection and tracking for a head-mounted augmented reality system
* Multi-Cue Illumination Estimation via a Tree-Structured Group Joint Sparse Representation
* Multi-cue Information Fusion for Two-Layer Activity Recognition
* Multi-Cue Integration for Multi-Camera Tracking
* Multi-cue learning and visualization of unusual events
* Multi-cue Mid-level Grouping
* Multi-cue onboard pedestrian detection
* Multi-cue pedestrian classification with partial occlusion handling
* Multi-cue Pedestrian Detection and Tracking from a Moving Vehicle
* Multi-Cue Semi-Supervised Color Constancy With Limited Training Samples
* multi-cue spatio-temporal framework for automatic frontal face clustering in video sequences., A
* Multi-cue Structure Preserving MRF for Unconstrained Video Segmentation
* Multi-cue Visual Tracking Using Robust Feature-Level Fusion Based on Joint Sparse Representation
* Multi-cue Zero-Shot Learning with Strong Supervision
* Multi-cues eye detection on gray intensity image
* Multi-cues underwater image restoration algorithm combined with light field technology
* Multi-cultural Aspects of Spatial Knowledge
* Multi-Curve Translator for High-Resolution Photorealistic Image Translation
* Multi-cycle Reconstruction of Cardiac MRI for the Analysis of Inter-ventricular Septum Motion During Free Breathing
* Multi-Data Source and Multi-Sensor Approach for the 3D Reconstruction and Visualization of a Complex Archaelogical Site: The Case Study of Tolmo de Minateda, A
* Multi-Data Source and Multi-Sensor Approach for the 3D Reconstruction and Web Visualization of a Complex Archaelogical Site: The Case Study of Tolmo De Minateda, A
* Multi-data UAV Images for Large Scale Reconstruction of Buildings
* multi-dataflow composer tool: Generation of on-the-fly reconfigurable platforms, The
* Multi-dataset Approach for DME Risk Detection in Eye Fundus Images, A
* Multi-Dataset Benchmarks for Masked Identification using Contrastive Representation Learning
* Multi-dataset fusion for multi-task learning on face attribute recognition
* Multi-Dataset, Multitask Learning of Egocentric Vision Tasks
* Multi-Date Earth Observation NeRF: The Detail Is in the Shadows
* Multi-Decadal Changes in Mangrove Extent, Age and Species in the Red River Estuaries of Viet Nam
* Multi-Decadal Investigation of Tidal Creek Wetland Changes, Water Level Rise, and Ghost Forests, A
* Multi-Decadal Mangrove Forest Change Detection and Prediction in Honduras, Central America, with Landsat Imagery and a Markov Chain Model
* Multi-Decadal Monitoring of Lake Level Changes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by the TOPEX/Poseidon-Family Altimeters: Climate Implication
* Multi-Decadal Surface Water Dynamics in North American Tundra
* Multi-Decadal Variability of Polynya Characteristics and Ice Production in the North Water Polynya by Means of Passive Microwave and Thermal Infrared Satellite Imagery
* Multi-Decoding Deraining Network and Quasi-Sparsity Based Training
* Multi-Deformation Aware Attention Learning for Concrete Structural Defect Classification
* Multi-Degradation Aided Method for Unsupervised Remote Sensing Image Super Resolution With Convolution Neural Networks, A
* Multi-Delay Sparse Approach to Residual Crosstalk Reduction for Blind Source Separation
* Multi-Density Sketch-to-Image Translation Network
* Multi-Depth Branch Network for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-depth dilated network for fashion landmark detection with batch-level online hard keypoint mining
* Multi-description multipath video streaming in wireless ad hoc networks
* Multi-description of local interest point for partial-duplicate image retrieval
* Multi-Difference Image Fusion Change Detection Using a Visual Attention Model on VHR Satellite Data
* Multi-Dimension and Multi-Channel Seismic-Ionospheric Coupling: Case Study of Mw 8.8 Concepcion Quake on 27 February 2010
* Multi-Dimension Compression of Feed-Forward Network in Vision Transformers
* Multi-Dimensional Analysis of El Niño on Twitter: Spatial, Social, Temporal, and Semantic Perspectives, A
* Multi-dimensional Analytics Platform to Support Planning and Design For Liveable and Sustainable Urban Environment, A
* Multi-Dimensional Attention With Similarity Constraint for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Multi-Dimensional Automatic Detection of Scanning Radar Images of Marine Targets Based on Radar PPInet
* Multi-dimensional classification via kNN feature augmentation
* Multi-dimensional clustering through fusion of high-order similarities
* Multi-dimensional Color Histograms for Segmentation of Wounds in Images
* Multi-Dimensional Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition With Adaptive Noise Applied to Laser Speckle Contrast Images
* Multi-Dimensional Data Model for Personal Photo Browsing, A
* Multi-dimensional data modelling of video image action recognition and motion capture in deep learning framework
* Multi-dimensional data representation using linear tensor coding
* Multi-Dimensional Deep-Learning-Based Evaporation Duct Height Prediction Model Derived from MAGIC Data, A
* Multi-Dimensional Drought Assessment in Abbay/Upper Blue Nile Basin: The Importance of Shared Management and Regional Coordination Efforts for Mitigation
* Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Model Compression for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-dimensional earth mover's distance active contours
* Multi-Dimensional Edge Features Graph Neural Network on Few-Shot Image Classification
* Multi-Dimensional Evaluation of Ecosystem Health in China's Loess Plateau Based on Function-Oriented Metrics and BFAST Algorithm
* Multi-dimensional evolutionary feature synthesis for content-based image retrieval
* Multi-Dimensional Feature Fusion Recognition Method for Space Infrared Dim Targets Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive with Spatio-Temporal Correlation, A
* Multi-Dimensional Flow-Preserving Compressed Sensing (MuFloCoS) for Time-Resolved Velocity-Encoded Phase Contrast MRI
* Multi-Dimensional Fusion of Spectral and Polarimetric Images Followed by Pseudo-Color Algorithm Integration and Mapping in HSI Space
* Multi-dimensional Graph Neural Network for Sequential Recommendation
* Multi-dimensional Histogram Comparison Via Scale Trees
* Multi-dimensional image processing
* Multi-dimensional Indoor Location Information Model
* Multi-Dimensional Infinitely Divisible Cascades to Model the Statistics of Natural Images
* Multi-Dimensional Local Binary Pattern Descriptors for Improved Texture Analysis
* Multi-dimensional long short-term memory networks for artificial Arabic text recognition in news video
* Multi-Dimensional Low-Rank with Weighted Schatten p-Norm Minimization for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Multi-dimensional low rank plus sparse decomposition for reconstruction of under-sampled dynamic MRI
* Multi-dimensional Medical Image Segmentation with Partial Volume and Gradient Modelling
* Multi-dimensional multi-directional mask maximum edge pattern for bio-medical image retrieval
* Multi-dimensional multi-label classification: Towards encompassing heterogeneous label spaces and multi-label annotations
* Multi-Dimensional Parameter Estimation in Polarimetric ULA with Cross-Distribution Dipole Pairs
* Multi-dimensional Pattern Discovery of Trajectories Using Contextual Information
* Multi-dimensional pattern recognition by use of digital holography
* Multi-Dimensional Pruned Sparse Convolution for Efficient 3D Object Detection
* Multi-Dimensional Pruning: A Unified Framework for Model Compression
* Multi-Dimensional Quality Assessment of Photogrammetric and Lidar Datasets Based on a Vector Approach
* Multi-Dimensional Remote Sensing Analysis Documents Beaver-Induced Permafrost Degradation, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
* Multi-Dimensional Robust Edge Detection
* Multi-dimensional SAR tomography for monitoring the deformation of newly built concrete buildings
* Multi-dimensional Scale Saliency Feature Extraction Based on Entropic Graphs
* Multi-Dimensional Scaling on Groups
* Multi-Dimensional Scattered Ranking Methods for Geographic Information Retrieval
* Multi-dimensional semantic clustering of large databases for association rule mining
* Multi-Dimensional Similarity Modeling and Relevance Feedback Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval., A
* Multi-Dimensional Sparse Models
* Multi-Dimensional Spatial and Temporal Variations of Ecosystem Service Values in the Li River Basin, 1990-2020
* Multi-Dimensional Spread Target Detection with Across Range-Doppler Unit Phenomenon Based on Generalized Radon-Fourier Transform
* Multi-Dimensional Traffic Congestion Detection Based on Fusion of Visual Features and Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-Dimensional Tumor Detection in Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound Using Topographic Watershed
* Multi-Dimensional Vision Transformer Compression via Dependency Guided Gaussian Process Search
* Multi-Dimensional Visual Data Completion via Low-Rank Tensor Representation Under Coupled Transform
* Multi-dimensional visual tracking using scatter search particle filter
* Multi-dimensional Visualization and Analysis of Cardiac MR Images During Long-Term Follow-Up
* Multi-dimensional weighted cross-attention network in crowded scenes
* Multi-Dimensional, Nuanced and Subjective - Measuring the Perception of Facial Expressions
* Multi-Direction Convolution for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Direction Dictionary Learning Based Depth Map Super-Resolution With Autoregressive Modeling
* Multi-Direction Extracting Method of the Building Contour Based on Point Cloud of the Terrestrial Laser Scanner, A
* multi-direction GVF snake for the segmentation of skin cancer images, A
* multi-direction image fusion based approach for classification of multi-focal nematode image stacks, A
* Multi-Direction Networks With Attentional Spectral Prior for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multi-direction search algorithm for block motion estimation in H.264/AVC
* Multi-directional broad learning system for the unsupervised stereo matching method
* Multi-directional Camera 3-d Vision System for Micro-operation
* Multi-directional change detection between point clouds
* Multi-directional colour edge detector using LQS convolution
* Multi-directional feature refinement network for real-time semantic segmentation in urban street scenes
* multi-directional ground filtering algorithm for airborne LIDAR, A
* Multi-directional implicit weighted prediction based on image characteristics of reference pictures for inter coding
* Multi-directional local adjacency descriptors (MDLAD) for heterogeneous face recognition
* Multi-directional local gradient descriptor: A new feature descriptor for face recognition
* Multi-Directional Multi-Level Dual-Cross Patterns for Robust Face Recognition
* multi-directional multiple-path recognition scheme for complex objects applied to the domain of a wooden toy kit, A
* Multi-Directional Subspace Editing in Style-Space
* Multi-Disciplinary Approach to the Study of Large Rock Avalanches Combining Remote Sensing, GIS and Field Surveys: The Case of the Scanno Landslide, Italy, A
* Multi-Discipline Approach for Learning Concepts
* Multi-disnet: Machine Learning-based Object Distance Estimation from Multiple Cameras
* Multi-Distance Function Trilateration over k-NN Fingerprinting for Indoor Positioning and Its Evaluation
* Multi-Distance Point Cloud Quality Assessment
* Multi-distance support matrix machines
* Multi-distributions Particle Filter for Eye Tracking Inside a Vehicle
* Multi-document summarisation using feature distribution analysis
* Multi-Domain Adaptation for Motion Deblurring
* Multi-Domain Adversarial Feature Generalization for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Domain and Multi-Modal Representation Disentangler for Cross-Domain Image Manipulation and Classification, A
* Multi-Domain and Multi-Task Learning for Human Action Recognition
* Multi-Domain Attentive Detection Network
* Multi-domain autonomous driving dataset: Towards enhancing the generalization of the convolutional neural networks in new environments
* Multi-Domain Collaborative Transfer Learning Method with Multi-Scale Repeated Attention Mechanism for Underwater Side-Scan Sonar Image Classification, A
* Multi-Domain Conditional Image Translation: Translating Driving Datasets from Clear-Weather to Adverse Conditions
* Multi-domain data modeling for biometrics
* Multi-domain Document Layout Understanding Using Few-shot Object Detection
* Multi-Domain Few-Shot Learning and Dataset for Agricultural Applications
* Multi-Domain Fusion Graph Network for Semi-Supervised PolSAR Image Classification
* Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation via a Unified Circular Framework
* Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation with Adaptive Inference Graph
* Multi-Domain Image Completion for Random Missing Input Data
* Multi-Domain Incremental Learning for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Domain Joint Novel Method for ISAR Imaging of Multi-Ship Targets, A
* Multi-Domain Learning and Identity Mining for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Multi-Domain Learning for Accurate and Few-Shot Color Constancy
* Multi-domain Learning for Updating Face Anti-spoofing Models
* Multi-domain Multi-definition Landmark Localization for Small Datasets
* Multi-Domain Pose Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Tracking
* Multi-Domain Regularization Based Computed Tomography for High-Speed Rotation Objects
* Multi-domain residual encoder-decoder networks for generalized compression artifact reduction
* Multi-domain semantic segmentation with overlapping labels *
* Multi-domain, higher order level set scheme for 3D image segmentation on the GPU
* Multi-dot dither matrix generation
* Multi-Drone-Based Single Object Tracking With Agent Sharing Network
* Multi-dropout regression for wide-angle landmark localization
* Multi-echo hyperspectral reflectance extraction method based on full waveform hyperspectral LiDAR
* Multi-Echo LiDAR for 3D Object Detection
* Multi-Eigenspace Learning for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Multi-Element Approach to Location Inference of Twitter: A Case for Emergency Response, A
* multi-embedding neural model for incident video retrieval, A
* multi-emission-driven efficient network design for green hub-and-spoke airline networks, A
* Multi-encoder Network for Parameter Reduction of a Kernel-based Interpolation Architecture
* Multi-Encoder Parse-Decoder Network for Sequential Medical Image Segmentation
* Multi-Encoder Towards Effective Anomaly Detection in Videos
* Multi-Entity Bayesian Networks for Knowledge-Driven Analysis of ICH Content
* Multi-environment model adaptation based on vector Taylor series for robust speech recognition
* Multi-Epoch and Multi-Imagery (MEMI) Photogrammetric Workflow for Enhanced Change Detection Using Time-Lapse Cameras
* Multi-event Video-Text Retrieval
* Multi-Evidence and Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Ground-Based Cloud Recognition
* Multi-evidence Filtering and Fusion for Multi-label Classification, Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation Based on Weakly Supervised Learning
* Multi-excitation Magnetoacoustic Tomography With Magnetic Induction for Bioimpedance Imaging
* Multi-Exemplar Affinity Propagation
* Multi-Exit Resource-Efficient Neural Architecture for Image Classification with Optimized Fusion Block
* Multi-Exit Semantic Segmentation Networks
* Multi-Exit Vision Transformer with Custom Fine-Tuning for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Multi-Experiment Observations of Ionospheric Disturbances as Precursory Effects of the Indonesian Ms6.9 Earthquake on August 05, 2018
* Multi-Expert Adversarial Attack Detection in Person Re-identification Using Context Inconsistency
* multi-expert approach for robust face detection, A
* Multi-expert Approach for Shot Classification in News Videos, A
* multi-expert approach for wavelet-based face detection, A
* multi-expert based framework for automatic image annotation, A
* Multi-expert Seal Imprint Verification System for Bankcheck Processing
* Multi-expert verification of hand-written signatures
* Multi-Exponential Relaxometry Using L_1-Regularized Iterative NNLS (MERLIN) With Application to Myelin Water Fraction Imaging
* Multi-Exponential Transverse Relaxation Times Estimation From Magnetic Resonance Images Under Rician Noise and Spatial Regularization
* Multi-Exposure Decomposition-Fusion Model for High Dynamic Range Image Saliency Detection
* Multi-Exposure Document Fusion Based on Edge-Intensities
* multi-exposure fusion framework for contrast enhancement of hazy images employing dynamic stochastic resonance, A
* Multi-Exposure Fusion of Gray Images Under Low Illumination Based on Low-Rank Decomposition
* Multi-Exposure Fusion with CNN Features
* Multi-exposure image fusion based on feature evaluation with adaptive factor
* Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based on Information-Theoretic Channel
* Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based on the Adaptive Weights Reflecting the Relative Pixel Intensity and Global Gradient, A
* Multi-exposure image fusion technique using multi-resolution blending
* Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Techniques: A Comprehensive Review
* Multi-exposure image fusion via a pyramidal integration of the phase congruency of input images with the intensity-based maps
* Multi-Exposure Image Fusion via Deformable Self-Attention
* Multi-Exposure Image Fusion via Multi-Scale and Context-Aware Feature Learning
* Multi-exposure image fusion: A patch-wise approach
* Multi-exposure photomontage with hand-held cameras
* Multi-face detection algorithm suitable for video surveillance
* Multi-face tracking by extended bag-of-tracklets in egocentric photo-streams
* multi-faceted CNN architecture for automatic classification of mobile LiDAR data and an algorithm to reproduce point cloud samples for enhanced training, A
* Multi-faceted Distillation of Base-Novel Commonality for Few-Shot Object Detection
* multi-factor analysis model of quantitative investment based on GA and SVM, A
* Multi-Factor Approach to Improving Recognition Performance in Surveillance-Quality Video
* Multi-Factor Authentication on Cloud
* Multi-factor cheating prevention in visual secret sharing by hybrid codebooks
* Multi-Factor Collaborative Analysis of Conservation Effectiveness of Nature Reserves Based on Remote Sensing Data and Google Earth Engine
* Multi-factor joint normalisation for face recognition in the wild
* Multi-factor Spatial Optimization Approach for Emergency Medical Facilities in Beijing, A
* multi-factors approach for image quality assessment based on a human visual system model, A
* Multi-Factors Synthetically Contribute to Ulva prolifera Outbreaks in the South Yellow Sea of China
* Multi-Feature Aggregation for Semantic Segmentation of an Urban Scene Point Cloud
* Multi-feature Analysis and Classification of Human Chromosome Images Using Centromere Segmentation Algorithms
* Multi-feature based benchmark for cervical dysplasia classification evaluation
* Multi-feature based boresight self-calibration of a terrestrial mobile mapping system
* Multi-feature Based Invertible Authentication Watermarking for JPEG Images, A
* Multi-Feature Based Network Revealing the Structural Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder
* Multi-Feature Based Ocean Oil Spill Detection for Polarimetric SAR Data Using Random Forest and the Self-Similarity Parameter
* multi-feature bipartite graph ensemble for image segmentation, A
* Multi-feature Co-learning for Image Inpainting
* Multi-feature deep information bottleneck network for breast cancer classification in contrast enhanced spectral mammography
* Multi-Feature Enhanced Building Change Detection Based on Semantic Information Guidance
* Multi-feature extraction and selection in writer-independent off-line signature verification
* Multi-Feature Framework for Quantifying Information Content of Optical Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Multi-Feature Fusion-Based Method for Crater Extraction of Airport Runways in Remote-Sensing Images, A
* Multi-feature fusion-based strabismus detection for children
* Multi-Feature Fusion and Attention Network for Multi-Scale Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, A
* Multi-feature fusion attention network for single image super-resolution
* Multi-feature fusion based background subtraction for video sequences with strong background changes
* Multi-Feature Fusion for Crime Scene Investigation Image Retrieval
* Multi-feature fusion for image retrieval using constrained dominant sets
* Multi-Feature Fusion for Weak Target Detection on Sea-Surface Based on FAR Controllable Deep Forest Model
* Multi-feature fusion of deep networks for mitosis segmentation in histological images
* Multi-feature fusion tracking algorithm based on peak-context learning
* Multi-Feature Fusion Using Multi-GMM Supervector for SVM Speaker Verification
* Multi-Feature Fusion via Hierarchical Regression for Multimedia Analysis
* Multi-feature gradient vector flow snakes for adaptive segmentation of the ultrasound images of breast cancer
* Multi-Feature Guided Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Magnetic Resonance Images
* Multi-feature hashing based on SNR maximization
* Multi-feature Hashing Tracking
* Multi-Feature Hierarchical Template Matching Using Distance Transforms
* Multi-Feature Information Complementary Detector: A High-Precision Object Detection Model for Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Feature Joint Sparse Model for the Classification of Mangrove Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Feature Kernel Discriminant Dictionary Learning for Classification in Alzheimer's Disease
* Multi-Feature Kernel Discriminant Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* Multi-feature Late Fusion for Image Tagging
* Multi-Feature Manifold Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multi-Feature Matching Algorithm for Free-Form 3D Surface Registration
* Multi-feature max-margin hierarchical Bayesian model for action recognition
* Multi-feature metric learning with knowledge transfer among semantics and social tagging
* Multi-Feature Object-Based Change Detection Using Self-Adaptive Weight Change Vector Analysis
* multi-feature object association framework for overlapped field of view multi-camera video surveillance systems, A
* Multi-feature Optimization Approach to Object-Based Image Classification, A
* Multi-feature ordinal ranking for facial age estimation
* Multi-Feature Registration of Point Clouds
* Multi-Feature Segmentation for High-Resolution Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Fractal Net Evolution Approach
* multi-feature selection approach for gender identification of handwriting based on kernel mutual information, A
* Multi-feature sparse similar representation for person identification
* Multi-feature Spectral Clustering with Minimax Optimization
* Multi-feature stationary foreground detection for crowded video-surveillance
* Multi-feature structure fusion of contours for unsupervised shape classification
* Multi-feature walking pedestrians detection for driving assistance systems
* Multi-Feature Weighted Sparse Graph for SAR Image Analysis
* Multi-Featured Sea Ice Classification with SAR Image Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-features based Semantic Augmentation Networks for Named Entity Recognition in Threat Intelligence
* Multi-fiber Networks for Video Recognition
* Multi-fiber reconstruction from DW-MRI using a continuous mixture of von Mises-Fisher distributions
* Multi-Field Context Fusion Network for Semantic Segmentation of High-Spatial-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Field De-Interlacing Using Deformable Convolution Residual Blocks and Self-Attention
* Multi-filters guided low-rank tensor coding for image inpainting
* Multi-focal nematode image classification using the 3D X-Ray Transform
* Multi-focal nematode image stack classification using a projection-based multi-linear method
* multi-focus color image fusion algorithm based on low vision image reconstruction and focused feature extraction, A
* Multi-focus color image fusion in the HSI space using the sum-modified-laplacian and a coarse edge map
* Multi-Focus Fusion, Multi-Focal Fusion
* Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on Laplacian pyramids
* Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on multilevel morphological component analysis and support vector machine
* Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on supervised learning for fully convolutional neural network
* Multi-focus image fusion approach based on CNP systems in NSCT domain
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Dictionary Learning with Rolling Guidance Filter
* Multi-focus Image Fusion Based on Fuzzy and Wavelet Transform
* Multi-focus image fusion based on joint sparse representation and optimum theory
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Multi-Scale Gradients and Image Matting
* Multi-focus image fusion based on multi-scale sparse representation
* Multi-focus image fusion based on non-negative sparse representation and patch-level consistency rectification
* Multi-focus image fusion based on non-subsampled shearlet transform
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Spatial Frequency in Discrete Cosine Transform Domain
* Multi-focus image fusion based on the neighbor distance
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion by Hessian Matrix Based Decomposition
* Multi-focus image fusion by local optimization over sliding windows
* Multi-focus Image Fusion by Nonsubsampled Shearlet Transform
* Multi-focus image fusion evaluation based on jointly sparse representation and atom focus measure
* Multi-focus Image Fusion for Confocal Microscopy Using U-Net Regression Map
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion Method based on Fractal Dimension and Guided Filtering, A
* multi-focus image fusion method based on multi-source joint layering and convolutional sparse representation, A
* Multi-focus image fusion using HOSVD and edge intensity
* Multi-focus image fusion using maximum symmetric surround saliency detection
* Multi-focus image fusion using PCNN
* Multi-focus image fusion using pulse coupled neural network
* Multi-focus image fusion using quaternion wavelet transform
* Multi-focus image fusion using structure-guided flow
* Multi-focus image fusion using wavelet-domain statistics
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion via Boundary Finding and Multi-Scale Morphological Focus-Measure
* Multi-focus image fusion via Joint convolutional analysis and synthesis sparse representation
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion With a Natural Enhancement via a Joint Multi-Level Deeply Supervised Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-focus image fusion with alternating guided filtering
* Multi-focus image fusion with Geometrical Sparse Representation
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion with Joint Guided Image Filtering
* Multi-focus image fusion with Siamese self-attention network
* Multi-Focus Imaging using Local Focus Estimation and Mosaicking
* Multi-focus thermal image fusion
* Multi-Fogs-Based Traceable Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Vehicular Identity in Internet of Vehicles
* Multi-Fold Gabor, PCA, and ICA Filter Convolution Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Multi-fold MIL Training for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Multi-Font and Multi-Size Character Recognition Based on the Sampling and Quantization of an Unwrapped Contour
* Multi-font Arabic Word Recognition Using Spectral Features
* Multi-Font Off-Line Arabic Character Recognition Using the BBN Byblos Speech Recognition System
* Multi-font printed Chinese character recognition using multi-pooling convolutional neural network
* Multi-font printed Mongolian document recognition system
* Multi-font Script Identification Using Texture-Based Features
* Multi-forest Tracker: A Chameleon in Tracking
* Multi-Fourier spectra descriptor and augmentation with spectral clustering for 3D shape retrieval
* Multi-FoV Viewport-Based Visual Saliency Model Using Adaptive Weighting Losses for 360° Images, A
* multi-FPGA architecture-based real-time TFM ultrasound imaging, A
* Multi-fractal Formalism for Stabilization, Object Detection and Tracking in FLIR Sequences, A
* Multi-fractal Modeling for On-line Text-Independent Writer Identification
* Multi-Frame Alignment of Planes
* Multi-frame Approach to Visual Motion Perception, A
* Multi-frame Approaches To Improve Face Recognition
* Multi-Frame Attention with Feature-Level Warping for Drone Crowd Tracking
* Multi-frame based adversarial learning approach for video surveillance
* Multi-frame based motion estimation for semantic object tracking in the presence of occlusion
* Multi-frame co-saliency spatio-temporal regularization correlation filters for object tracking
* Multi-Frame Compressed Video Quality Enhancement by Spatio-Temporal Information Balance
* Multi-frame compression: Theory and Design
* Multi-Frame Correspondence Estimation Using Subspace Constraints
* Multi-frame de-raining algorithm using a motion-compensated non-local mean filter for rainy video sequences
* Multi-Frame Estimation of Planar Motion
* Multi-Frame Feature-Based Motion Analysis
* Multi-frame Feature Integration for Multi-camera Visual Odometry
* Multi-Frame GLMB Smoothing Based on the Image-Observation Sensor for Tracking Multiple Weak Targets Using Belief Propagation, A
* Multi-frame Image Super-Resolution Algorithm Based on Small Amount of Data
* Multi-frame image super resolution using spatially weighted total variation regularisations
* Multi-Frame Infinitesimal Motion Model for the Reconstruction of (Dynamic) Scenes with Multiple Linearly Moving Objects
* Multi-frame information fusion for gray-scale and spatial enhancement of images
* Multi-frame motion-compensated video compression for the digital set-top box
* Multi-Frame motion deblurring of video using the natural oscillatory motion of dexterous legged robots
* Multi-frame Motion Segmentation by Combining Two-Frame Results
* Multi-Frame Moving Object Track Matching Based on an Incremental Major Color Spectrum Histogram Matching Algorithm
* Multi-Frame Optical Flow Estimation using Subspace Constraints
* multi-frame optical flow spot tracker, A
* Multi-frame packet reservation multiple access using oscillation-scaled histogram-based Markov modelling of video codecs
* Multi-frame pel-recursive motion estimation for video image interpolation
* Multi-Frame Post-Processing Approach to Improved Decoding of H.264/AVC Video, A
* Multi-frame Quality Enhancement for Compressed Video
* Multi-frame Radial Basis Functions to Combine Shape and Speckle Tracking for Cardiac Deformation Analysis in Echocardiography
* Multi-frame real image restoration based on double loops with alternative maximum likelihood estimation
* Multi-frame Recurrent Adversarial Network for Moving Object Segmentation
* Multi-frame Scene-flow Estimation Using a Patch Model and Smooth Motion Prior
* Multi-Frame Self-Supervised Depth with Transformers
* Multi-frame ship detection and tracking in an infrared image sequence
* Multi-frame sparse aperture image restoration based on movable array
* Multi-frame stereo matching with edges, planes, and superpixels
* Multi-Frame Structure-from-Motion Algorithm under Perspective Projection, A
* Multi-frame super-resolution algorithm using common vector approach
* Multi-Frame Super-Resolution Combining Demons Registration and Regularized Bayesian Reconstruction
* Multi-Frame Super-Resolution for Face Recognition
* Multi-frame super-resolution for long range captured iris polar image
* Multi-frame Super-resolution from Noisy Data
* multi-frame super-resolution method based on the variable-exponent nonlinear diffusion regularizer, A
* Multi-frame super-resolution reconstruction based on mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise
* Multi-frame super-resolution using adaptive normalized convolution
* Multi-frame Super Resolution for Ocular Biometrics
* Multi-Frame Super Resolution with Deep Residual Learning on Flow Registered Non-Integer Pixel Images
* Multi-Frame Superposition Detection Method for Dim-Weak Point Targets Based on Optimized Clustering Algorithm, A
* Multi-frame twin-channel descriptor for person re-identification in real-time surveillance videos
* Multi-Frame Video Prediction with Learnable Motion Encodings
* Multi-Frame, Region-Feature Based Technique for Motion Segmentation, A
* Multi-Framework of Google Earth Engine and GEV for Spatial Analysis of Extremes in Non-Stationary Condition in Southeast Queensland, Australia, A
* Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastography (S-WAVE) System for the Prostate
* Multi-Frequency Decomposition with Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series Classification
* Multi-Frequency Differential Absorption LIDAR (DIAL) System for Aerosol and Cloud Retrievals of CO2/H2O and CH4/H2O
* Multi-Frequency Electromagnetic Tomography for Acute Stroke Detection Using Frequency-Constrained Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Multi-Frequency Galileo PPP-RTK Convergence Analysis with an Emphasis on the Role of Frequency Spacing, A
* Multi-Frequency GPR Data Fusion with Genetic Algorithms for Archaeological Prospection
* Multi-Frequency Interferometric Coherence Characteristics Analysis of Typical Objects for Coherent Change Detection
* Multi-frequency Phase Unwrapping from Noisy Data: Adaptive Local Maximum Likelihood Approach
* Multi-Frequency Polarimetric SAR Classification Based on Riemannian Manifold and Simultaneous Sparse Representation
* Multi-Frequency Representation Enhancement with Privilege Information for Video Super-Resolution
* Multi-Frequency SDR-Based GBSAR: System Overview and First Results, A
* Multi-Frequency, Multi-Sonar Mapping of Shallow Habitats: Efficacy and Management Implications in the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, Greece
* Multi-function image processing system
* Multi-Function Radar Signal Sorting Based on Complex Network
* Multi-functional intelligent access control system based on hand vein recognition
* Multi-Fusion Residual Memory Network for Multimodal Human Sentiment Comprehension
* Multi-future Transformer: Learning diverse interaction modes for behaviour prediction in autonomous driving
* Multi-Gait Recognition Based on Attribute Discovery
* Multi-gait recognition using hypergraph partition
* Multi-Garment Net: Learning to Dress 3D People From Images
* Multi-generation characteristics of the MPEG video compression standards
* Multi-generation packet scheduling for live streaming with network coding
* Multi-genomic curve extraction
* Multi-Gesture Interaction System Using a 3-D Iris Disk Model for Gaze Estimation and an Active Appearance Model for 3-D Hand Pointing, A
* Multi-glimpse LSTM with color-depth feature fusion for human detection
* Multi-GNSS Combination Multipath Reflectometry Based on IVMD Method for Sea Level Retrieval
* Multi-GNSS Combined Precise Point Positioning Using Additional Observations with Opposite Weight for Real-Time Quality Control
* Multi-GNSS Differential Inter-System Bias Estimation for Smartphone RTK Positioning: Feasibility Analysis and Performance
* Multi-GNSS Differential Phase Kinematic Post-Processing Method, A
* Multi-GNSS Meteorology: Real-Time Retrieving of Atmospheric Water Vapor from BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS, and GPS Observations
* Multi-GNSS Receiver for Aerospace Navigation and Positioning Applications
* Multi-GNSS Relative Positioning with Fixed Inter-System Ambiguity
* Multi-GNSS/IMU Data Fusion Algorithm Based on the Mixed Norms for Land Vehicle Applications, A
* Multi-GPU-Parallel and Tile-Based Kernel Density Estimation for Large-Scale Spatial Point Pattoern Analysis
* Multi-Gradient Directional Features for Gender Identification
* Multi-gradient features and elongated quinary pattern encoding for image-based facial expression recognition
* Multi-Grained Attention Network With Mutual Exclusion for Composed Query-Based Image Retrieval
* Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-grained clip focus for skeleton-based action recognition
* Multi-Grained Deep Feature Learning for Robust Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-grained Fusion for Conditional Image Retrieval
* Multi-Grained Interpretable Network for Image Recognition
* Multi-Grained Parallel Solution for HEVC Encoding on Heterogeneous Platforms, A
* Multi-Grained Random Fields for Mitosis Identification in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences
* Multi-grained Spatio-Temporal Features Perceived Network for Event-based Lip-Reading
* Multi-grained Temporal Prototype Learning for Few-shot Video Object Segmentation
* Multi-Grained Temporal Segmentation Attention Modeling for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* multi-grained unsupervised domain adaptation approach for semantic segmentation, A
* Multi-Granularity Aggregation Transformer for Joint Video-Audio-Text Representation Learning
* Multi-Granularity Aggregation Transformer for Light Field Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Granularity Alignment Domain Adaptation for Object Detection
* Multi-Granularity Anchor-Contrastive Representation Learning for Semi-Supervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Multi-Granularity Archaeological Dating of Chinese Bronze Dings Based on a Knowledge-Guided Relation Graph
* Multi-Granularity Canonical Appearance Pooling for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Multi-Granularity Collaborative Decision With Cognitive Networking in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Multi-Granularity Context Network for Efficient Video Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-granularity Cross Transformer Network for person re-identification
* Multi-Granularity Denoising and Bidirectional Alignment for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-granularity Distillation Scheme Towards Lightweight Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-granularity episodic contrastive learning for few-shot learning
* Multi-granularity for knowledge distillation
* Multi-Granularity Generator for Temporal Action Proposal
* Multi-Granularity Interaction and Integration Network for Video Question Answering
* Multi-Granularity Interaction for Multi-Person 3D Motion Prediction
* Multi-granularity Interaction Simulation for Unsupervised Interactive Segmentation
* Multi-Granularity Matching Transformer for Text-Based Person Search
* Multi-Granularity Mission Negotiation for a Decentralized Remote Sensing Satellite Cluster
* Multi-Granularity Modeling Method for Effectiveness Evaluation of Remote Sensing Satellites
* Multi-Granularity Mutual Learning Network for Object Re-Identification
* Multi-granularity Prediction for Scene Text Recognition
* Multi-granularity Pruning for Model Acceleration on Mobile Devices
* Multi-granularity Pseudo-label Collaboration for unsupervised person re-identification
* Multi-granularity Recurrent Attention Graph Neural Network for Few-shot Learning
* Multi-Granularity Reference-Aided Attentive Feature Aggregation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Multi-granularity Retrieval System for Natural Language-based Vehicle Retrieval, A
* Multi-Granularity Tracking with Modularlized Components for Unsupervised Vehicles Anomaly Detection
* Multi-granularity Transformer for Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-graph Based Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Graph Convolutional-Recurrent Neural Network (MGC-RNN) for Short-Term Forecasting of Transit Passenger Flow
* Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Relationship-Driven Stock Movement Prediction
* Multi-graph convolutional network for short-term passenger flow forecasting in urban rail transit
* Multi-Graph Cross-Attention-Based Region-Aware Feature Fusion Network Using Multi-Template for Brain Disorder Diagnosis, A
* Multi-graph embedding discriminative correlation feature learning for image recognition
* Multi-Graph Fusion and Learning for RGBT Image Saliency Detection
* Multi-Graph Matching via Affinity Optimization with Graduated Consistency Regularization
* Multi-graph multi-instance learning for object-based image and video retrieval
* Multi-graph similarity reinforcement for image annotation refinement
* Multi-Grid Chain Coding of Binary Shapes
* Multi-Grid Iterative Method for Photoacoustic Tomography, A
* Multi-Grid Phase Field Skin Tumor Segmentation in 3D Ultrasound Images
* Multi-group-multi-class domain adaptation for event recognition
* Multi-group Adaptation for Event Recognition from Videos
* Multi-H: Efficient recovery of tangent planes in stereo images
* Multi-Hand Gesture Recognition Using Automotive FMCW Radar Sensor
* Multi-Hazard and Spatial Transferability of a CNN for Automated Building Damage Assessment
* Multi-Hazard Exposure Mapping Using Machine Learning for the State of Salzburg, Austria
* Multi-Hazard Exposure Mapping Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Case Study from Iran
* Multi-hazard Risk Assessment in Urban Planning and Development Using Ahp
* Multi-Hazard Susceptibility Assessment Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process and Frequency Ratio Techniques in the Northwest Himalayas, Pakistan
* Multi-Hazard Tropical Cyclone Risk Assessment for Australia
* Multi-Head Deep Metric Learning Using Global and Local Representations
* Multi-Head Distillation for Continual Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-head enhanced self-attention network for novelty detection
* Multi-head mutual-attention CycleGAN for unpaired image-to-image translation
* Multi-head second-order pooling for graph transformer networks
* Multi-head Self-relation Network for Scene Text Recognition, A
* Multi-Helper NOMA for Cooperative Mobile Edge Computing
* Multi-Hierarchical Category Supervision for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Multi-Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Multi-histogram Clustering Approach Toward Markov Random Field For Foreground Segmentation, A
* Multi-Hop Broadcast Protocol for Emergency Message Dissemination in Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, A
* Multi-Hop Interactive Cross-modal Retrieval
* Multi-Horizon Predictive Soil Mapping of Historical Soil Properties Using Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multi-human Fall Detection and Localization in Videos
* Multi-human tracking from sparse detection responses
* Multi-Hypergraph Learning-Based Brain Functional Connectivity Analysis in fMRI Data
* Multi-hypothesis-Based Error Concealment for Whole Frame Loss in HEVC
* Multi-Hypothesis Approach for Off-Line Signature Verification with HMMs, A
* Multi-Hypothesis Approach to Color Constancy, A
* Multi-hypothesis contextual modeling for semantic segmentation
* Multi-hypothesis error concealment algorithm for H.26l video
* Multi-Hypothesis Marginal Multi-Target Bayes Filter for a Heavy-Tailed Observation Noise
* Multi-hypothesis motion planning for visual object tracking
* Multi-Hypothesis Prediction Based on Implicit Motion Vector Derivation for Video Coding
* Multi-hypothesis Prediction for Disparity-compensated Light Field Compression
* Multi-Hypothesis Prediction Scheme Based on the Joint Sparsity Model
* Multi-hypothesis representation learning for transformer-based 3D human pose estimation
* Multi-Hypothesis Topological Isomorphism Matching Method for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images with Large Geometric Distortion
* Multi-Illuminant Estimation With Conditional Random Fields
* Multi-illumination Face Recognition from a Single Training Image per Person with Sparse Representation
* Multi-Illumination Fusion With Crack Enhancement Using Cycle-Consistent Losses
* Multi-Image-Feature-Based Hierarchical Concrete Crack Identification Framework Using Optimized SVM Multi-Classifiers and D-S Fusion Algorithm for Bridge Structures
* Multi-Image 3D Feature and DSM Extraction for Change Detection and Building Reconstruction
* Multi-Image Alignment
* Multi-Image and Multi-Sensor Change Detection for Long-Term Monitoring of Arid Environments With Landsat Series
* Multi-image Blind Deblurring Using a Coupled Adaptive Sparse Prior
* Multi-Image Blind Deblurring Using a Smoothed NUV Prior and Iteratively Reweighted Coordinate Descent
* Multi-Image Blind Deconvolution Using Low-Rank Representation
* Multi-Image Blind Super-Resolution of 3D Scenes
* Multi-Image Camera Calibration and Object-Point Estimation
* Multi-Image Correspondence Using Geometric and Structural Constraints
* Multi-Image Deblurring Using Complementary Sets of Fluttering Patterns
* Multi-image encryption algorithm based on image hash, bit-plane decomposition and dynamic DNA coding
* Multi-image Fusion in Remote Sensing: Spatial Enhancement vs. Spectral Characteristics Preservation
* Multi-image high dynamic range algorithm using a hybrid camera
* multi-image Joint Re-ranking framework with updateable Image Pool for person re-identification, A
* Multi-image matching for a general motion stereo camera model
* Multi-image matching for DSM generation from IKONOS imagery
* Multi-Image Matching for DTM Generation from SPOT-5 HRS/HRG and IRS-P5 Imagery - For the Project of West China Topographic Mapping at 1:50,000 Scale
* Multi-image matching for object recognition
* Multi-Image Matching Using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches
* Multi-Image Matching Using Neural Networks and Photogrammetric Conditions
* Multi-image Matching via Fast Alternating Minimization
* Multi-Image Matching: an Old and New Photogrammetric Answer to LIDAR Techniques
* Multi-image Region Growing for Integrating Disparity Maps
* Multi-Image Restoration Method for Image Reconstruction from Projections, A
* Multi-Image Robust Alignment of Medium-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Multi-image saliency analysis via histogram and spectral feature clustering for satellite images
* Multi-image Segmentation: A Collaborative Approach Based on Binary Partition Trees
* Multi-image Semantic Matching by Mining Consistent Features
* Multi-Image Shape-from-Shading Framework for Near-Lighting Perspective Endoscopes, A
* Multi-image super-resolution based low complexity deep network for image compressive sensing reconstruction
* Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing using Deep Recurrent Networks
* Multi-image super-resolution using a dual weighting scheme based on Voronoi tessellation
* Multi-Image Super Resolution of Remotely Sensed Images Using Residual Attention Deep Neural Networks
* Multi-Image Tie-Point Detection Applied to Multi-Angle Imagery from MISR
* Multi-image transformer for multi-focus image fusion
* Multi-Index Image Differencing Method (MINDED) for Flood Extent Estimations
* multi-index learning approach for classification of high-resolution remotely sensed images over urban areas, A
* Multi-Index Multi-Object Content-Based Retrieval
* Multi-Indicator Evaluation Method for Spatial Distribution of Urban Emergency Shelters, A
* Multi-information-based convolutional neural network with attention mechanism for pedestrian trajectory prediction
* Multi-input Convlstm for Flood Extent Prediction
* Multi-Input Convolutional Neural Networks Model for Earthquake Precursor Detection Based on Ionospheric Total Electron Content, A
* Multi-Input Fusion for Practical Pedestrian Intention Prediction
* Multi-Instance Classification by Max-Margin Training of Cardinality-Based Markov Networks
* Multi-Instance Deep Learning: Discover Discriminative Local Anatomies for Bodypart Recognition
* Multi-instance dictionary learning via multivariate performance measure optimization
* Multi-Instance Dynamic Ordinal Random Fields for Weakly-Supervised Pain Intensity Estimation
* Multi-Instance Dynamic Ordinal Random Fields for Weakly Supervised Facial Behavior Analysis
* Multi-instance Feature Learning Based on Sparse Representation for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-instance Hidden Markov Model for facial expression recognition
* Multi-Instance Inertial Navigation System for Radar Terrain Imaging
* Multi-instance inflated 3D CNN for classifying urine red blood cells from multi-focus videos
* Multi-instance learning via instance-based and bag-based representation transformations
* Multi-instance learning with relational information of instances
* Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning Combining Hierarchical Context and its Application to Image Annotation
* Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning for Image Classification with Large Vocabularies
* Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning for Multi-Class Classification of Whole Slide Breast Histopathology Images
* Multi-instance multi-label learning of natural scene images: via sparse coding and multi-layer neural network
* Multi-instance Object Segmentation with Exemplars
* Multi-instance object segmentation with occlusion handling
* Multi-instance Point Cloud Registration by Efficient Correspondence Clustering
* Multi-Instance Pose Networks: Rethinking Top-Down Pose Estimation
* Multi-instance rendering based on dynamic differential surface propagation
* Multi-institutional Collaboration in Delivery of Team-Project-Based Computer Graphics Studio Courses
* Multi-institutional Collaborations for Improving Deep Learning-based Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction Using Federated Learning
* Multi-Instrument Inter-Calibration (MIIC) System
* Multi-Instrument Observations of the Atmospheric and Ionospheric Response to the 2013 Sudden Stratospheric Warming Over Eastern Asia Region
* Multi-Instrumental Approach to Slope Failure Monitoring in a Landslide Susceptible Newly Built-Up Area: Topo-Geodetic Survey, UAV 3D Modelling and Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Multi-Instrumental Observations of Midlatitude Plasma Irregularities over Eastern Asia during a Moderate Magnetic Storm on 16 July 2003
* Multi-Interactive Dual-Decoder for RGB-Thermal Salient Object Detection
* Multi-interactive Feature Learning and a Full-time Multi-modality Benchmark for Image Fusion and Segmentation
* Multi-IRS and Multi-UAV-Assisted MEC System for 5G/6G Networks: Efficient Joint Trajectory Optimization and Passive Beamforming Framework
* Multi-iteration wavelet zero-tree coding for image compression
* Multi-Itinerary Optimization as Cloud Service
* Multi-IVE: Privacy Enhancement of Multiple Soft-Biometrics in Face Embeddings
* multi-Kalman filtering approach for video tracking of human-delineated objects in cluttered environments, A
* Multi-Kernel Appearance Model
* multi-kernel based framework for heterogeneous feature selection and over-sampling for computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules, A
* Multi-Kernel Classification for Integration of Clinical and Imaging Data: Application to Prediction of Cognitive Decline in Older Adults
* Multi-kernel collaborative representation for image classification
* Multi-kernel Correlation Filter for Visual Tracking
* Multi-Kernel Coupled Projections for Domain Adaptive Dictionary Learning
* Multi-kernel Diffusion CNNs for Graph-Based Learning on Point Clouds
* Multi-Kernel Fuzzy-Based Local Gabor Patterns for Gait Recognition
* Multi-Kernel Implicit Curve Evolution for Selected Texture Region Segmentation in VHR Satellite Images
* Multi-Kernel Local Level Set Image Segmentation Algorithm for Fluorescence Microscopy Images, A
* Multi-kernel metric learning for person re-identification
* Multi-Kernel Online Reinforcement Learning for Path Tracking Control of Intelligent Vehicles
* Multi-Kernel Prediction Networks for Denoising of Burst Images
* Multi-kernel sparse subspace clustering on the Riemannian manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices
* Multi-Kernel Supervised Hashing with Graph Regularization for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-kernel SVM based classification for brain tumor segmentation of MRI multi-sequence
* Multi-keyframe abstraction from videos
* Multi-Kinect scene reconstruction: Calibration and depth inconsistencies
* Multi-Label Action Unit Detection on Multiple Head Poses with Dynamic Region Learning
* Multi-label Active Learning Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion: Towards Robust and Discriminative Labeling
* Multi-Label Active Learning for Image Classification
* Multi-Label Active Learning with Label Correlation for Image Classification
* Multi-Label Activity Recognition using Activity-specific Features and Activity Correlations
* Multi-Label Adversarial Attack Based on Label Correlation
* Multi-Label Adversarial Fine-Grained Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-label Aerial Image Classification Based on Image-Specific Concept Graphs
* Multi-label affordance mapping from egocentric vision
* Multi-Label and Multimodal Classifier for Affective States Recognition in Virtual Rehabilitation
* Multi-label annotation of music
* Multi-label Attention Map Assisted Deep Feature Learning for Medical Image Classification
* Multi-label automatic image annotation approach based on multiple improvement strategies
* Multi-label borderline oversampling technique
* Multi-label chest X-ray image classification via category-wise residual attention learning
* Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Image Classification via Semantic Similarity Graph Embedding
* Multi-Label Classification and Automatic Damage Detection of Masonry Heritage Building through CNN Analysis of Infrared Thermal Imaging
* Multi-label classification and extracting predicted class hierarchies
* multi-label classification approach for Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Multi-Label Classification Based on Low Rank Representation for Image Annotation
* Multi-Label Classification by Semi-Supervised Singular Value Decomposition
* Multi-label Classification for Drill-core Hyperspectral Mineral Mapping
* Multi-label Classification for Image Annotation via Sparse Similarity Voting
* Multi-Label Classification of Fundus Images With Graph Convolutional Network and Self-Supervised Learning
* Multi-Label classification of multi-modality skin lesion via hyper-connected convolutional neural network
* Multi-label Classification of Panoramic Radiographic Images Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-label Classification of Stem Cell Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning
* Multi-Label Classification Scheme Based on Local Regression for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* Multi-Label Classification via Adaptive Resonance Theory-Based Clustering
* Multi-label classification via label correlation and first order feature dependance in a data stream
* Multi-label classification with a reject option
* Multi-label classification with Bayesian network-based chain classifiers
* Multi-Label Classification With Label-Specific Feature Generation: A Wrapped Approach
* Multi-label classification with meta-label-specific features
* Multi-label Classification with Partial Annotations using Class-aware Selective Loss
* Multi-Label Classification, Multilabel Classification
* Multi-Label Compound Expression Recognition: C-EXPR Database and Network
* Multi-Label Continual Learning Using Augmented Graph Convolutional Network
* Multi-label Contrastive Focal Loss for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* Multi-label contrastive hashing
* Multi-label convolutional neural network based pedestrian attribute classification
* Multi-label core vector machine with a zero label
* Multi-label Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-Label Deep Active Learning with Label Correlation
* Multi-label Deep Regression and Unordered Pooling for Holistic Interstitial Lung Disease Pattern Detection
* Multi-label Depth Estimation for Graph Cuts Stereo Problems
* Multi-Label Dictionary Learning for Image Annotation
* Multi-label Discriminative Weakly-Supervised Human Activity Recognition and Localization
* Multi-Label Emotion Detection via Emotion-Specified Feature Extraction and Emotion Correlation Learning
* Multi-label Fashion Image Classification with Minimal Human Supervision
* Multi-label feature selection by strongly relevant label gain and label mutual aid
* Multi-label feature selection considering label supplementation
* Multi-label feature selection via latent representation learning and dynamic graph constraints
* Multi-label feature selection via manifold regularization and dependence maximization
* Multi-label feature selection via robust flexible sparse regularization
* Multi-label feature selection with missing labels
* Multi-label feature selection with shared common mode
* Multi-label Feature Transform for Image Classifications
* multi-label front propagation approach for object segmentation, A
* Multi-label Generic Cuts: Optimal Inference in Multi-label Multi-clique MRF-MAP Problems
* Multi-Label Hashing for Dependency Relations Among Multiple Objectives
* Multi-label image annotation via Maximum Consistency
* Multi-Label Image Categorization With Sparse Factor Representation
* Multi-Label Image Classification via Category Prototype Compositional Learning
* Multi-label image classification with recurrently learning semantic dependencies
* Multi-label Image Recognition by Recurrently Discovering Attentional Regions
* Multi-label image recognition by using semantics consistency, object correlation, and multiple samples
* Multi-Label Image Recognition With Graph Convolutional Networks
* Multi-label image recognition with two-stream dynamic graph convolution networks
* Multi-label image segmentation via max-sum solver
* Multi-label image segmentation via point-wise repetition
* Multi-label Iterated Learning for Image Classification with Label Ambiguity
* Multi-Label Knowledge Distillation
* Multi-label learning based deep transfer neural network for facial attribute classification
* Multi-label learning based on instance correlation and feature redundancy
* Multi-label learning based on iterative label propagation over graph
* Multi-Label Learning based Semi-Global Matching Forest
* Multi-label learning based target detecting from multi-frame data
* Multi-label learning by Image-to-Class distance for scene classification and image annotation
* Multi-label learning for concept-oriented labels of product image data
* Multi-label Learning from Noisy Labels with Non-linear Feature Transformation
* Multi-Label Learning from Single Positive Labels
* Multi-Label learning in the independent label sub-spaces
* Multi-label Learning of Part Detectors for Heavily Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-label learning of part detectors for occluded pedestrian detection
* Multi-label learning under feature extraction budgets
* Multi-Label Learning Using Mathematical Programming
* Multi-label learning vector quantization algorithm
* Multi-Label Learning With Fused Multimodal Bi-Relational Graph
* Multi-label learning with globAl densiTy fusiOn Mapping features
* Multi-label learning with incomplete class assignments
* Multi-label learning with missing labels for image annotation and facial action unit recognition
* Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels Using Mixed Dependency Graphs
* Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels
* Multi-label Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Multi-label Logo Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-label methods for prediction with sequential data
* Multi-label Moves for MRFs with Truncated Convex Priors
* Multi-label MRF Optimization via a Least Squares s-t Cut
* Multi-Label Multi-Task Deep Learning for Behavioral Coding
* Multi-Label Nonlinear Matrix Completion With Transductive Multi-Task Feature Selection for Joint MGMT and IDH1 Status Prediction of Patient With High-Grade Gliomas
* Multi-label out-of-distribution detection via exploiting sparsity and co-occurrence of labels
* Multi-label Poster Classification into Genres Using Different Problem Transformation Methods
* Multi-label propagation for coherent video segmentation and artistic stylization
* Multi-Label Radar Compound Jamming Signal Recognition Using Complex-Valued CNN with Jamming Class Representation Fusion
* Multi-label Ranking from Positive and Unlabeled Data
* Multi-label ReliefF and F-statistic feature selections for image annotation
* Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Classification with Latent Semantic Dependencies
* Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Land Cover Classification Based on a Multi-Dimensional Attention Mechanism
* Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification by Combining a Convolutional Neural Network and a Graph Neural Network
* Multi-label sampling based on local label imbalance
* Multi-Label Self-Supervised Learning with Scene Images
* Multi-Label Semantic 3D Reconstruction Using Voxel Blocks
* Multi-label Semantic Decoding from Human Brain Activity
* Multi-Label Semantic Feature Fusion for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
* Multi-label semantics preserving based deep cross-modal hashing
* Multi-Label Simple Points Definition for 3D Images Digital Deformable Model
* Multi-Label Softmax Networks for Pulmonary Nodule Classification Using Unbalanced and Dependent Categories
* Multi-label sparse coding for automatic image annotation
* Multi-Label Speech Emotion Recognition via Inter-Class Difference Loss Under Response Residual Network
* Multi-label SVM active learning for image classification
* Multi-label Text Classification Approach for Sentence Level News Emotion Analysis
* Multi-Label Transfer Learning With Sparse Representation
* Multi-label video classification via coupling attentional multiple instance learning with label relation graph
* Multi-label visual classification with label exclusive context
* Multi-Label Visual Feature Learning with Attentional Aggregation
* Multi-label X-ray Imagery Classification via Bottom-up Attention and Meta Fusion
* Multi-label Zero-Shot Learning with Structured Knowledge Graphs
* Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning With Transfer-Aware Label Embedding Projection
* Multi-labeler Classification Using Kernel Representations and Mixture of Classifiers
* Multi-lane architecture for eigenface based real-time face recognition
* Multi-Lane Capsule Network, The
* Multi-Lane Coordinated Control Strategy of Connected and Automated Vehicles for On-Ramp Merging Area Based on Cooperative Game
* Multi-Lane Detection and Tracking Using Temporal-Spatial Model and Particle Filtering
* Multi-lane detection based on omnidirectional camera using anisotropic steerable filters
* Multi-Lane Unsignalized Intersection Cooperation Strategy Considering Platoons Formation in a Mixed Connected Automated Vehicles and Connected Human-Driven Vehicles Environment
* Multi-Language Online Handwriting Recognition
* Multi-Laplacian GAN with Edge Enhancement for Face Super Resolution
* Multi-Latent GAN Inversion for Unsupervised 3D Shape Completion
* Multi-Layer Abstraction Saliency for Airport Detection in SAR Images
* Multi-Layer Acoustic Neural Network-Based Intelligent Early Diagnosis System for Rheumatic Heart Disease, A
* Multi-layer age regression for face age estimation
* Multi-layer and Multi-scale feature aggregation for DIBR-Synthesized image quality assessment
* multi-layer approach for camera-based complex map image retrieval and spotting system, A
* multi-layer approach for the analysis of neighbourhood relations of polygons in remotely acquired images, A
* Multi-Layer Atlas System for Map Management
* Multi-layer authentication scheme for HEVC video based on embedded statistics
* Multi-Layer Background Subtraction Based on Color and Texture
* Multi-layer boosting for pattern recognition
* Multi-layer capsule network with joint dynamic routing for fire recognition
* Multi-layer CNN Features Aggregation for Real-time Visual Tracking
* Multi-layer Composite Model for Human Pose Estimation, A
* Multi-Layer Decoupling Attention Network for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Multi-layer Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Multi-layer discriminative dictionary learning with locality constraint for image classification
* Multi-layer feature extractions for image classification: Knowledge from deep CNNs
* Multi-layer filtering approach for map images
* Multi-Layer Frame Rate Up-Conversion Using Trilateral Filtering for Multi-View Video
* Multi-layer fusion network for blind stereoscopic 3D visual quality prediction
* Multi-layer fusion techniques using a CNN for multispectral pedestrian detection
* Multi-Layer Gas of Circles Markov Random Field Model for the Extraction of Overlapping Near-Circular Objects, A
* Multi-layer graph constraints for interactive image segmentation via game theory
* Multi-layer group sparse coding: For concurrent image classification and annotation
* Multi-Layer Hierarchical Clustering of Pedestrian Trajectories for Automatic Counting of People in Video Sequences
* Multi-Layer Hybrid Network With Its Application in Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring, A
* multi-layer image representation using regularized residual quantization: Application to compression and denoising, A
* Multi-layer joint gait-pose manifold for human motion modeling
* Multi-layer Lacunarity for Texture Recognition
* Multi-layer light field display characterisation
* Multi-layer linear model for top-down modulation of visual attention in natural egocentric vision
* Multi-layer local energy patterns for texture representation and classification
* Multi-layer Local Graph Words for Object Recognition
* Multi-layer manifold learning for deep non-negative matrix factorization-based multi-view clustering
* multi-layer memory sharing network for video captioning, A
* Multi-Layer Model Based on Multi-Scale and Multi-Feature Fusion for SAR Images
* Multi-Layer Model Based on Transformer and Deep Learning for Traffic Flow Prediction, A
* Multi-Layer Modeling of Dense Vegetation from Aerial LiDAR Scans
* Multi-layer Mosaics in the Presence of Motion and Depth Effects
* Multi-Layer MRF Model for Object-Motion Detection in Unregistered Airborne Image-Pairs, A
* Multi-Layer MRF Model for Video Object Segmentation, A
* Multi-layer multi-view topic model for classifying advertising video
* Multi-Layer Overlapped Subaperture Algorithm for Extremely-High-Squint High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR Imaging with Continuously Time-Varying Radar Parameters
* multi-layer phase field model for extracting multiple near-circular objects, A
* Multi-Layer Projections for the Classification of Similar Chinese Characters
* Multi-Layer Pruning Framework for Compressing Single Shot MultiBox Detector
* Multi-Layer Quantization Control for Quality-Constrained H.265/HEVC
* Multi-layer random walker image segmentation for overlapped cervical cells using probabilistic deep learning methods
* Multi-layer semantic representation learning for image retrieval
* Multi-layer Spectral Clustering for Video Segmentation
* Multi-layer strategy and reconstruction model with low rank and local rank regularizations for single image super-resolution
* Multi-Layer Surface Segmentation Using Energy Minimization
* Multi-layer temporal graphical model for head pose estimation in real-world videos
* Multi-layer Tree Matching Using HSTs
* Multi-Layer Virtual Slide Scanning System with Multi-Focus Image Fusion for Cytopathology and Image Diagnosis
* Multi-layer WS2 and MOS2 Based Plasmonic Solar Cell for Smart Energy Harvesting
* Multi-layered Approach for Tailored Black-box Explanations, A
* Multi-layered Background Modeling for Complex Environment Surveillance
* Multi-layered Decomposition of Recurrent Scenes
* Multi-layered Discriminative Restricted Boltzmann Machine with Untrained Probabilistic Layer
* Multi-layered Framebuffer Condensation: The l-buffer Concept
* Multi-Layered Image Representation: Structure And Application in Recognition of Parts of Brain Anatomy
* Multi-layered image retargeting
* Multi-layered self-attention mechanism for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* Multi-layered Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels Using an Adaptive Modulation and Coding Scheme
* Multi-LDI: An Image Based Rendering Approach for Interaction, Navigation, and Visualization in Complex Vitrual Environments, The
* Multi-leaf alignment from fluorescence plant images
* Multi-leaf tracking from fluorescence plant videos
* Multi-lens imaging apparatus having a mechanism for combining a plurality of images without displacement of registration
* Multi-LEO Satellite Stereo Winds
* Multi-level 3-D rotational invariant classification
* Multi-Level 3D Reconstruction with Visibility Constraints
* Multi-level action detection via learning latent structure
* Multi-level Activation for Segmentation of Hierarchically-Nested Classes
* Multi-level Adaptive Active Learning for Scene Classification
* Multi-Level Adaptive Separable Convolution for Large-Motion Video Frame Interpolation
* Multi-level adaptive switching filters for highly corrupted images
* Multi-level adversarial attention cross-modal hashing
* Multi-level adversarial network for domain adaptive semantic segmentation
* Multi-Level Alignment Network for Cross-Domain Ship Detection
* Multi-Level Analysis of Risky Streets and Neighbourhoods for Dissident Republican Violence in Belfast, A
* Multi-level anchorperson detection using multimodal association
* Multi-level and multi-scale deep saliency network for salient object detection
* Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Factor Analysis for Soil Moisture Information Extraction by Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data, The
* Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Auto-Tagging
* Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Spatial and Spectral Fusion CNN for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Level and Multiple Aspect Semantic Trajectory Model: Application to the Tourism Domain
* Multi-level attention for referring expression comprehension
* Multi-Level Attention Interactive Network for Cloud and Snow Detection Segmentation
* Multi-level attention model for person re-identification
* Multi-Level Attention Model for Remote Sensing Image Captions, A
* Multi-level Attention Networks for Visual Question Answering
* Multi-level Attentive Adversarial Learning with Temporal Dilation for Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation
* Multi-level augmented inpainting network using spatial similarity
* Multi-Level Auto-Adaptive Noise-Filtering Algorithm for Land ICESat-2 Photon-Counting Data, A
* Multi-Level Based Stereo Line Matching with Structural Information Using Dynamic Programming
* Multi-Level Bottom-Top and Top-Bottom Feature Fusion for Crowd Counting
* Multi-level Building Reconstruction For Automatic Enhancement Of High Resolution Dsms
* Multi-Level Canonical Correlation Analysis for Standard-Dose PET Image Estimation
* Multi-Level Cascade Sparse Representation Learning for Small Data Classification
* Multi-level channel attention excitation network for human action recognition in videos
* Multi-Level Classification Based on Trajectory Features of Time Series for Monitoring Impervious Surface Expansions
* Multi-level classification of emotional body expression
* Multi-Level Clustering and its Visualization for Exploratory Spatial Analysis
* Multi-level colored directional motif histograms for content-based image retrieval
* Multi-Level Common Space Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-level complexity reduction for HEVC multiview coding
* multi-level component grouping algorithm and its applications, A
* Multi-Level Confined Error Diffusion Algorithm for Flat Panel Display
* Multi-Level Content-Aware Boundary Detection for Temporal Action Proposal Generation
* Multi-level context-adaptive correlation tracking
* Multi-level context extraction and attention-based contextual inter-modal fusion for multimodal sentiment analysis and emotion classification
* Multi-Level Context Ultra-Aggregation for Stereo Matching
* Multi-level Contextual Model for Person Recognition in Photo Albums, A
* Multi-Level Contextual RNNs With Attention Model for Scene Labeling
* Multi-level contour combination features for shape recognition
* Multi-Level Contour Segmentation Using Multiple Segmentation Primitives
* Multi-level contrast filtering in image difference metrics
* Multi-level Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Vision Transformers
* Multi-level convolutional channel features for content-based image retrieval
* Multi-Level Convolutional Network for Ground-Based Star Image Enhancement
* Multi-Level Cooperative Fusion of GM-PHD Filters for Online Multiple Human Tracking
* Multi-Level Correlation Adversarial Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-Level Counter Propagation Network for diabetes classification
* Multi-Level Curriculum for Training A Distortion-Aware Barrel Distortion Rectification Model
* Multi-Level Data Analyses in the Gajevo Landslide Research, Croatia
* Multi-level deep learning based lung cancer classifier for classification based on tumour-node-metastasis approach
* Multi-level Deep Learning Vehicle Re-identification using Ranked-based Loss Functions
* Multi-level Dense Capsule Networks
* Multi-Level Difference Network for Change Detection from Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study in Open-Pit Mines
* Multi-Level Difference Repair Architecture for Face Hallucination
* Multi-level dilated convolutional neural network for brain tumour segmentation and multi-view-based radiomics for overall survival prediction
* Multi-Level Discrete Cosine Transform for Content-Based Image Retrieval by Support Vector Machines
* Multi-level Discriminative Dictionary Learning towards Hierarchical Visual Categorization
* Multi-Level Discriminative Dictionary Learning With Application to Large Scale Image Classification
* Multi-level Dispersion Residual Network for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Level Distributed Computing Approach to XDraw Viewshed Analysis Using Apache Spark, A
* Multi-level Domain Adaptation for Lane Detection
* Multi-Level Domain Adaptive Learning for Cross-Domain Detection
* Multi-Level Dual-Attention Based CNN for Macular Optical Coherence Tomography Classification
* Multi-Level Dynamic Analysis of Landscape Patterns of Chinese Megacities during the Period of 2016-2021 Based on a Spatiotemporal Land-Cover Classification Model Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* multi-level dynamic complexity reduction scheme for multiview video coding, A
* Multi-Level Dynamic Error Coding for Face Recognition with a Contaminated Single Sample Per Person
* Multi-level dynamic programming for axial motion stereo line matching
* Multi-Level Dynamic Programming Method for Line Segment Matching in Axial Motion Stereo, A
* multi-level dynamic programming method for stereo line matching, A
* Multi-level Education and Capacity Building Framework for Technology Adaptation
* Multi-level Factorisation Net for Person Re-identification
* Multi-level fast multipole method for thin plate spline evaluation
* Multi-Level Feature-Refinement Anchor-Free Framework with Consistent Label-Assignment Mechanism for Ship Detection in SAR Imagery
* Multi-Level Feature Abstraction from Convolutional Neural Networks for Multimodal Biometric Identification
* Multi-level feature disentanglement network for cross-dataset face forgery detection
* Multi-Level Feature Extraction Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multi-level feature fusion and multi-loss learning for person Re-Identification
* Multi-level feature fusion model-based real-time person re-identification for forensics
* Multi-level Feature Learning for Contrastive Multi-view Clustering
* Multi-level Feature Learning for Face Recognition under Makeup Changes
* Multi-level features extraction network with gating mechanism for crowd counting
* Multi-level Framework for Video Shot Structuring, A
* Multi-Level Fusion and Attention-Guided CNN for Image Dehazing
* Multi-Level Fusion Based 3D Object Detection from Monocular Images
* Multi-level Fusion Based Deep Convolutional Network for Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-Level Fusion Indoor Positioning Technology Considering Credible Evaluation Analysis
* Multi-Level Fusion Net for hand pose estimation in hand-object interaction
* Multi-level Fusion of Audio and Visual Features for Speaker Identification
* Multi-level fuzzy contourlet-based image fusion for medical applications
* Multi-level Gate Feature Aggregation with Spatially Adaptive Batch-instance Normalization for Semantic Image Synthesis
* Multi-Level Generative Chaotic Recurrent Network for Image Inpainting
* multi-level geometric reasoning system for vision, A
* Multi-level geosimulation of zoonosis propagation: A multi-agent and climate sensitive tool for risk management in public health
* Multi-level graph learning network for hyperspectral image classification
* Multi-Level Grid Database for Protecting and Sharing Historical Geographic Urban Data: A Case Study of Shanghai, A
* Multi-level hermite variational interpolation and quasi-interpolation
* Multi-Level Image Description Model Based on Digital Topology, A
* multi-level image thresholding approach using Otsu based on the improved invasive weed optimization algorithm, A
* Multi-Level Image Thresholding Based on Histogram Voting
* Multi-Level Indoor Path Planning Method
* Multi-level inference by relaxed dual decomposition for human pose segmentation
* Multi-Level Knowledge Injecting for Visual Commonsense Reasoning
* Multi-level Learning and Classification of Multi-class Parts-Based Representations of U.S. Marine Postures, The
* Multi-level local descriptor quantization for bag-of-visterms image representation
* Multi-Level Logit Distillation
* Multi-level Low-rank Approximation-based Spectral Clustering for image segmentation
* Multi-level Modeling of Manuscripts for Authorship Identification with Collective Decision Systems
* Multi-level monitoring of three-dimensional building changes for megacities: Trajectory, morphology, and landscape
* Multi-Level Morphometric Characterization of Built-up Areas and Change Detection in Siberian Sub-Arctic Urban Area: Yakutsk
* Multi-level Motion Attention for Human Motion Prediction
* Multi-Level Multimodal Common Semantic Space for Image-Phrase Grounding
* Multi-level mutual supervision for cross-domain Person Re-identification
* Multi-level Net: A Visual Saliency Prediction Model
* Multi-Level Network for High-Speed Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Multi-Level Optical Flow Estimation Based on Spatial Partitioning
* Multi-level Particle Filter Fusion of Features and Cues for Audio-Visual Person Tracking
* Multi-level pedestrian signalisation at large four-leg roundabouts
* Multi-Level Perception Approach to Reading Cursive Script, A
* Multi-level pixel-based texture classification through efficient prototype selection via normalized cut
* Multi-level pixel difference classification methods
* Multi-Level Planning and Navigation System for a Mobile Robot; A First Approach to HILARE, A
* Multi-Level Policy and Reward-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Image Captioning
* Multi-level prediction Siamese network for real-time UAV visual tracking
* Multi-level progressive transfer learning for cervical cancer dose prediction
* Multi-Level Query Interaction for Temporal Language Grounding
* Multi-level rate-constrained successive elimination algorithm tailored to suboptimal motion estimation in HEVC
* Multi-Level Reconstruction of Visual Surfaces: Variational Principles and Finite Element Representations
* Multi-level refinement enriched feature pyramid network for object detection
* Multi-Level Relationships between Satellite-Derived Nighttime Lighting Signals and Social Media-Derived Human Population Dynamics
* Multi-Level Representation Learning for Deep Subspace Clustering
* Multi-Level Representation Learning with Semantic Alignment for Referring Video Object Segmentation
* Multi-level representation of terrain features on a contour map
* Multi-Level Residual Up-Projection Activation Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-level scene understanding via hierarchical classification
* Multi-Level Second-Order Few-Shot Learning
* Multi-level semantic appearance representation for person re-identification system
* Multi-Level Semantic Feature Augmentation for One-Shot Learning
* Multi-level semantic labeling of Sky/cloud images
* Multi-Level Semantic Scene Interpretation Strategy for Change Interpretation in Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Multi-level Sequence GAN for Group Activity Recognition
* multi-level span analysis for improving 3D power-line reconstruction performance using airborne laser scanning data, A
* Multi-Level Spatial Analysis for Change Detection of Urban Vegetation at Individual Tree Scale
* Multi-Level Structured Image Coding on High-Dimensional Image Representation
* Multi-Level Supervision Model: A novel approach for Thermal Image Super Resolution, A
* Multi-level Supporting Scheme for Face Recognition under Partial Occlusions and Disguise, A
* Multi-level tamper detection and recovery with tamper type identification
* Multi-Level Temporal Dilated Dense Prediction for Action Recognition
* Multi-Level Texture Encoding and Representation (Multer) Based on Deep Neural Networks
* Multi-level thinking cellular automata using granular computing title
* Multi-level Thresholding-Based Method to Learn Fuzzy Membership Functions from Data Warehouse, A
* multi-level thresholding approach using a hybrid optimal estimation algorithm, A
* Multi-level thresholding based on differential evolution and Tsallis Fuzzy entropy
* Multi-level Thresholding Using Entropy-Based Weighted FCM Algorithm in Color Image
* Multi-level Thresholding: Maximum Entropy Approach Using Icm
* Multi-level Topological Relations Between Spatial Regions Based Upon Topological Invariants
* Multi-Level Transitional Contrast Learning for Personalized Image Aesthetics Assessment
* Multi-Level Video Frame Interpolation: Exploiting the Interaction Among Different Levels
* Multi-Level View Associative Convolution Network for View-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Multi-level visual alphabets
* Multi-level Watermarking with Independent Decoding
* Multi-level Wavelet-based Generative Adversarial Network for Perceptual Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video
* Multi-level Wavelet-CNN for Image Restoration
* Multi-level, Multi-Scale Segmentation and Smoothing Methods
* Multi-linear neighborhood preserving projection for face recognition
* Multi-lingual and Multi-modal Speech Processing and Applications
* Multi-lingual City Name Recognition for Indian Postal Automation
* Multi-lingual Offline Handwriting Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models: A Script-Independent Approach
* Multi-lingual Phoneme Recognition and Language Identification Using Phonotactic Information
* Multi-Lingual Recognition System for Arabic and Latin Handwriting, A
* Multi-lingual scene text detection and language identification
* Multi-lingual text recognition from video frames
* Multi-Linguistic Optical Font Recognition Using Stroke Templates
* Multi-Local-Task Learning with Global Regularization for Object Tracking
* Multi-local model image set matching based on domain description
* Multi-Localized Sensitive Autoencoder-Attention-LSTM For Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Multi-Look in GLRT-Based Detection of Single and Double Persistent Scatterers
* Multi-look Model-based Target Recognition in Pulsed Ladar Imagery
* Multi-look processing of high-resolution SAS data for improved target detection performance
* Multi-Look Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data from Dynamic Ocean Surfaces
* Multi-loop graph convolutional network for multimodal conversational emotion recognition
* Multi-loop Scalable MPEG-2 Video Coders
* Multi-Loss-Aware Channel Pruning of Deep Networks
* Multi-loss Rebalancing Algorithm for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Multi-loss Regularized Deep Neural Network
* Multi-loss Spatial-Temporal Attention-Convolution Network for Action Tube Detection
* Multi-Loss Weighting with Coefficient of Variations
* multi-LREP decomposition of solids and its application to a point-in-polyhedron inclusion test, The
* Multi-manifold-based skin classifier on feature space Voronoï regions for skin segmentation
* Multi-manifold clustering: A graph-constrained deep nonparametric method
* Multi-Manifold Deep Discriminative Cross-Modal Hashing for Medical Image Retrieval
* Multi-manifold deep metric learning for image set classification
* multi-manifold discriminant analysis method for image feature extraction, A
* Multi-manifold Discriminant Isomap for visualization and classification
* Multi-manifold discriminant local spline embedding
* Multi-manifold LLE learning in pattern recognition
* Multi-manifold matrix decomposition for data co-clustering
* Multi-manifold metric learning for face recognition based on image sets
* Multi-manifold modeling for head pose estimation
* Multi-Manifold Positive and Unlabeled Learning for Visual Analysis
* multi-manifold semi-supervised Gaussian mixture model for pattern classification, A
* Multi-marginal Contrastive Learning for Multilabel Subcellular Protein Localization
* Multi-marker tracking for large-scale X-ray stereo video data
* multi-matcher for ear authentication, A
* Multi-Matching Process Based on Wavelet Transform for Iris Recognition
* Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Material Sparsity Constraint
* Multi-Material Decomposition Using Statistical Image Reconstruction for Spectral CT
* Multi-Matrices Low-Rank Decomposition With Structural Smoothness for Image Denoising
* Multi-media Ambiance Communication based on Actual Moving Pictures
* Multi-media Projector: Single Camera Photogrammetric System For Fast 3d Reconstruction
* Multi-Memory Convolutional Neural Network for Video Super-Resolution
* multi-metric approach for block-level video quality assessment, A
* Multi-metric domain adaptation for unsupervised transfer learning
* Multi-Metric Fusion Network for Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-Metric Objective Picture-Quality Measurement Model for MPEG Video, A
* Multi-Metric Re-Identification for Online Multi-Person Tracking
* Multi-metrics adaptively identifies backdoors in Federated learning
* Multi-Mission Cross-Calibration of Satellite Altimeters: Constructing a Long-Term Data Record for Global and Regional Sea Level Change Studies
* Multi-Mission Oriented Joint Optimization of Task Assignment and Flight Path Planning for Heterogeneous UAV Cluster
* Multi-Mission Satellite Detection and Tracking of October 2019 Sabiti Oil Spill in the Red Sea
* Multi-modal (2-D and 3-D) face modeling and recognition using Attributed Relational Graph
* Multi-modal 2D + 3D Face Recognition Method with a Novel Local Feature Descriptor, A
* Multi-modal 2D and 3D biometrics for face recognition
* Multi-modal 3D Human Pose Estimation with 2D Weak Supervision in Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Multi-modal 3d reconstruction and measurements of zebrafish larvae and its organs using axial-view microscopy
* Multi-modal abnormality detection in video with unknown data segmentation
* Multi-modal activity recognition from egocentric vision, semantic enrichment and lifelogging applications for the care of dementia
* Multi-modal Aerial View Image Challenge: Translation from Synthetic Aperture Radar to Electro-Optical Domain Results - PBVS 2023
* Multi-modal Aerial View Object Classification Challenge Results - PBVS 2023
* Multi-modal Aerial View Object Classification Challenge Results: PBVS 2022
* Multi-modal Alignment using Representation Codebook
* Multi-modal and Cross-Modal for Lecture Videos Retrieval
* Multi-Modal and Multi-Domain Embedding Learning for Fashion Retrieval and Analysis
* Multi-modal and multi-layout discriminative learning for placental maturity staging
* Multi-modal and Multi-spectral Registration for Natural Images
* Multi-Modal Association based Grouping for Form Structure Extraction
* Multi-modal Attention System for Smart Environments, A
* multi-modal automatic image registration technique based on complex wavelets, A
* Multi-modal Background Model Initialization
* Multi-modal background subtraction using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Multi-modal Bifurcated Network for Depth Guided Image Relighting
* Multi-modal big-data management for film production
* Multi-Modal Biometrics Involving the Human Ear
* Multi-Modal Biometrics Pixel Level Fusion and KPCA-RBF Feature Classification for Single Sample Recognition Problem
* Multi-modal brain tumor image segmentation based on SDAE
* Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Cascaded 3D U-Net
* Multi-modal brain tumor segmentation via disentangled representation learning and region-aware contrastive learning
* Multi-modal Characteristic Guided Depth Completion Network
* Multi-modal classification of Alzheimer's disease using nonlinear graph fusion
* Multi-Modal Clique-Graph Matching for View-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Multi-modal Clustering for Multimedia Collections
* Multi-Modal Co-Learning for Liver Lesion Segmentation on PET-CT Images
* Multi-Modal Combined Route Choice Modeling in the MaaS Age Considering Generalized Path Overlapping Problem
* Multi-modal Complete Breast Segmentation
* Multi-modal Computer Vision for the Detection of Multi-scale Crowd Physical Motions and Behavior in Confined Spaces
* Multi-Modal Context Propagation for Person Re-Identification With Wireless Positioning
* Multi-modal Contextual Graph Neural Network for Text Visual Question Answering
* Multi-Modal Continual Test-Time Adaptation for 3D Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Modal Convolutional Dictionary Learning
* Multi-Modal Correlated Network with Emotional Reasoning Knowledge for Social Intelligence Question-Answering
* Multi-Modal Cross-Domain Alignment Network for Video Moment Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Crowd Counting
* Multi-Modal Curriculum Learning for Semi-Supervised Image Classification
* Multi-modal Cycle-Consistent Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Multi-modal data fusion for pain intensity assessment and classification
* Multi-Modal Data Fusion for Person Authentication Using SVM
* Multi-modal data fusion using group-structured sparse canonical correlation analysis: A simulation study
* Multi-Modal Deep Analysis for Multimedia
* Multi-Modal Deep Clustering: Unsupervised Partitioning of Images
* Multi-modal deep feature learning for RGB-D object detection
* Multi-Modal Deep Guided Filtering for Comprehensible Medical Image Processing
* Multi-modal deep learning for landform recognition
* Multi-modal Deep Learning: Challenges and Applications
* Multi-modal defect detection of residual oxide scale on a cold stainless steel strip
* Multi-modal Dense Video Captioning
* Multi-modal Depression Estimation Based on Sub-attentional Fusion
* Multi-Modal Design of an Intelligent Transportation System
* Multi-Modal Detection Fusion on a Mobile UGV for Wide-Area, Long-Range Surveillance
* Multi-Modal Dialog Scene Detection Using Hidden Markov Models for Content-Based Multimedia Indexing
* Multi-Modal Dictionary Learning for Image Separation With Application in Art Investigation
* Multi-Modal Distance Metric Learning: A Bayesian Non-parametric Approach
* Multi-Modal Domain Adaptation for Fine-Grained Action Recognition
* Multi-Modal Dynamic Graph Transformer for Visual Grounding
* Multi-modal ear and face modeling and recognition
* Multi-modal Embedding for Main Product Detection in Fashion
* Multi-modal emotion analysis from facial expressions and electroencephalogram
* Multi-modal Emotion Reaction Intensity Estimation with Temporal Augmentation
* Multi-modal Emotion Recognition Using Canonical Correlations and Acoustic Features
* Multi-Modal Emotion, Multimodal Emotion Recognition
* Multi-Modal Event Topic Model for Social Event Analysis
* Multi-modal Expression Recognition in the Wild Using Sequence Modeling
* Multi-modal Extreme Classification
* Multi-Modal Face Anti-Spoofing Based on Central Difference Networks
* Multi-Modal Face Image Super-Resolutions in Tensor Space
* Multi-Modal Face Recognition by Means of Augmented Normal Map and PCA
* Multi-modal Face Tracking in Multi-camera Environments
* Multi-modal face tracking using bayesian network
* Multi-modal Facial Affective Analysis based on Masked Autoencoder
* Multi-modal Factorized Bilinear Pooling with Co-attention Learning for Visual Question Answering
* Multi-modal feature fusion for geographic image annotation
* multi-modal feature fusion framework for kinect-based facial expression recognition using Dual Kernel Discriminant Analysis (DKDA), A
* Multi-Modal Feature Fusion Network for Ghost Imaging Object Detection
* Multi-Modal Feature Fusion Network with Adaptive Center Point Detector for Building Instance Extraction
* Multi-Modal Feature Pyramid Transformer for RGB-Infrared Object Detection
* Multi-modal Fusion based on classifiers using reject options and Markov Fusion Networks
* Multi-Modal Fusion for End-to-End RGB-T Tracking
* Multi-modal fusion method for human action recognition based on IALC
* Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Rumor Detection with Texts and Images
* Multi-Modal Fusion Network Guided by Feature Co-Occurrence for Urban Region Function Recognition, A
* Multi-modal fusion network with multi-scale multi-path and cross-modal interactions for RGB-D salient object detection
* Multi-Modal Fusion Transformer for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Modal Fusion With Observation Points For Skeleton Action Recognition
* Multi-modal Gait Recognition via Effective Spatial-Temporal Feature Fusion
* multi-modal garden dataset and hybrid 3D dense reconstruction framework based on panoramic stereo images for a trimming robot, A
* Multi-modal Gated Mixture of Local-to-Global Experts for Dynamic Image Fusion
* Multi-modal Gesture Recognition Using Skeletal Joints and Motion Trail Model
* Multi-Modal Gesture Recognition, Multimodal Recognition
* Multi-Modal Graph Learning for Disease Prediction
* Multi-Modal Graph Neural Network for Joint Reasoning on Vision and Scene Text
* Multi-Modal Graphical Model for Robust Recognition of Group Actions in Meetings from Disturbed Videos, A
* Multi-modal Graphical Model for Scene Analysis, A
* Multi-modal gray-level histogram modeling and decomposition
* Multi-Modal Hierarchical Attention-Based Dense Video Captioning
* Multi-modal human aggression detection
* Multi-Modal Human Authentication Using Silhouettes, Gait and RGB
* Multi-Modal Human Identification System
* Multi-modal Human pose estimation based on probability distribution perception on a depth convolution neural network
* Multi-Modal Human Verification Using Face and Speech
* Multi-Modal Identification of State-Sponsored Propaganda on Social Media
* Multi-Modal Identity Verification Based on Improved BP Neural Network
* Multi-modal image fusion based on saliency guided in NSCT domain
* Multi-modal Image Fusion Based on Weight Local Features and Novel Sum-modified-laplacian in Non-subsampled Shearlet Transform Domain
* Multi-Modal Image Fusion via Deep Laplacian Pyramid Hybrid Network
* Multi-modal Image Re-ranking with Autoencoders and Click Semantics
* Multi-Modal Image Registration Based on Gradient Orientations of Minimal Uncertainty
* Multi-Modal Image Registration Based on Phase Exponent Differences of the Gaussian Pyramid
* Multi-modal image registration by minimizing Kullback-Leibler distance between expected and observed joint class histograms
* Multi-modal Image Registration by Quantitative-Qualitative Measure of Mutual Information (Q-MI)
* Multi-modal Image Registration Using Dirichlet-Encoded Prior Information
* Multi-modal image registration using fuzzy kernel regression
* Multi-modal image registration using line features and mutual information
* Multi-modal image registration using local frequency representation and computer-aided design (CAD) models
* Multi-modal Image Registration Using Polynomial Expansion and Mutual Information
* Multi-Modal Imaging Genetics Data Fusion via a Hypergraph-Based Manifold Regularization: Application to Schizophrenia Study
* Multi-modal Information Fusion for Action Unit Detection in the Wild
* Multi-modal Information Integration for Document Retrieval
* Multi-modal information retrieval from broadcast video using OCR and speech recognition
* Multi-Modal Interaction Graph Convolutional Network for Temporal Language Localization in Videos
* Multi-modal Interactive Video Retrieval with Temporal Queries
* Multi-Modal Interface for Road Planning Tasks Using Vision, Haptics and Sound, A
* Multi-Modal Intra-Operative Navigation During Distal Locking of Intramedullary Nails
* Multi-Modal Joint Clustering With Application for Unsupervised Attribute Discovery
* Multi-modal joint embedding for fashion product retrieval
* Multi-modal laughter recognition in video conversations
* Multi-Modal Learning for AU Detection Based on Multi-Head Fused Transformers
* Multi-Modal Learning for Predicting the Genotype of Glioma
* Multi-modal Learning from Unpaired Images: Application to Multi-organ Segmentation in CT and MRI
* Multi-Modal Learning With Generalizable Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* Multi-Modal Learning with Missing Modality via Shared-Specific Feature Modelling
* Multi-modal Masked Pre-training for Monocular Panoramic Depth Completion
* Multi-Modal Matching Applied to Stereo
* Multi-modal Mean-Fields via Cardinality-Based Clamping
* Multi-modal medical image fusion using 2DPCA
* Multi-Modal Medical Image Fusion Using 3-Stage Multiscale Decomposition and PCNN with Adaptive Arguments
* Multi-Modal Meta-Transfer Fusion Network for Few-Shot 3D Model Classification
* Multi-Modal Meta Multi-Task Learning for Social Media Rumor Detection
* multi-modal method based on the competitors of FVC2004 and on palm data combined with tokenised random numbers, A
* Multi-modal method for locating objects in images
* Multi-modal metric learning for vehicle re-identification in traffic surveillance environment
* Multi-modal motion dictionary learning for facial expression recognition
* Multi-Modal Multi-Action Video Recognition
* Multi-Modal Multi-Grained Embedding Learning for Generalized Zero-Shot Video Classification
* Multi-Modal Multi-Objective Contrastive Learning for Sentinel-1/2 Imagery
* Multi-Modal Multi-Scale Deep Learning for Large-Scale Image Annotation
* multi-modal multi-view dataset for human fall analysis and preliminary investigation on modality, A
* Multi-modal multiple kernel learning for accurate identification of Tourette syndrome children
* Multi-Modal Mutual Attention and Iterative Interaction for Referring Image Segmentation
* Multi-modal Neural Conditional Ordinal Random Fields for agreement level estimation
* Multi-Modal Neural Radiance Field for Monocular Dense SLAM with a Light-Weight ToF Sensor
* Multi-Modal Non-Line-of-Sight Passive Imaging
* Multi-modal non-rigid registration of medical images based on mutual information maximization
* Multi-modal nonlinear feature reduction for the recognition of handwritten numerals
* Multi-modal object detection and localization for high integrity driving assistance
* Multi-modal object detection via transformer network
* Multi-Modal Object Tracking using Dynamic Performance Metrics
* Multi-Modal Pain Intensity Recognition Based on the SenseEmotion Database
* Multi-Modal Particle Filtering Tracking using Appearance, Motion and Audio Likelihoods
* Multi-Modal Pedestrian Detection with Large Misalignment Based on Modal-Wise Regression and Multi-Modal IoU
* multi-modal perception based assistive robotic system for the elderly, A
* Multi-modal Person Identification in a Smart Environment
* Multi-Modal Pyramid Feature Combination for Human Action Recognition
* Multi-Modal Re-Identification, Multi-Modal Human Tracking
* Multi-Modal Reasoning Graph for Scene-Text Based Fine-Grained Image Classification and Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Recurrent Attention Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-Modal Reflection Removal Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-modal region selection approach for training object detectors
* Multi-modal Registration of SAR and Optical Satellite Images
* Multi-Modal Relational Graph for Cross-Modal Video Moment Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Remote Sensing Image Matching Considering Co-Occurrence Filter
* Multi-Modal Representation Learning with Text-Driven Soft Masks
* Multi-Modal Retinal Image Classification with Modality-Specific Attention Network
* multi-modal RGB-D object recognizer, A
* Multi-Modal RGB-D Scene Recognition Across Domains
* Multi-modal RGB-Depth-Thermal Human Body Segmentation
* Multi-Modal Sarcasm Detection and Humor Classification in Code-Mixed Conversations
* Multi-modal Scene Reconstruction using Perceptual Grouping Constraints
* Multi-modal Score Fusion and Decision Trees for Explainable Automatic Job Candidate Screening from Video CVs
* Multi-modal Segment Assemblage Network for Ad Video Editing with Importance-coherence Reward
* Multi-modal Segmental Models for On-line Handwriting Recognition
* Multi-Modal Segmentation Using Markov Random Fields
* Multi-modal semantic image segmentation
* Multi-modal Semantic Inconsistency Detection in Social Media News Posts
* Multi-modal Sequence-to-sequence Model for Continuous Affect Prediction in the Wild Using Deep 3D Features
* Multi-modal Sequential Monte Carlo for On-Line Hierarchical Graph Structure Estimation in Model-based Scene Interpretation
* Multi-Modal Siamese Network for Diagnostically Similar Lesion Retrieval in Prostate MRI
* Multi-modal Sign Language Spotting by Multi/one-shot Learning
* Multi-modal Solution for Unconstrained News Story Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Sparse Coding Classifier Using Dictionaries with Different Number of Atoms, A
* Multi-modal spatial relational attention networks for visual question answering
* Multi-Modal Spatio-Temporal Meteorological Forecasting with Deep Neural Network
* Multi-modal Spectral Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Modal Stacked Ensemble Model for Bipolar Disorder Classification, A
* Multi-modal Steganography Based on Semantic Relevancy
* Multi-Modal Structure-Embedding Graph Transformer for Visual Commonsense Reasoning
* Multi-modal subspace learning with dropout regularization for cross-modal recognition and retrieval
* Multi-modal Subspace Learning with Joint Graph Regularization for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-modal summarization of key events and top players in sports tournament videos
* Multi-modal surface registration for markerless initial patient setup in radiation therapy using microsoft's Kinect sensor
* Multi-modal system for locating heads and faces
* multi-modal system for the retrieval of semantic video events, A
* Multi-modal temporal attention models for crop mapping from satellite time series
* Multi-Modal Temporal Convolutional Network for Anticipating Actions in Egocentric Videos
* Multi-Modal Tensor Face for Simultaneous Super-Resolution and Recognition
* Multi-modal Text Recognition Networks: Interactive Enhancements Between Visual and Semantic Features
* Multi-Modal Three-Stream Network for Action Recognition
* Multi-Modal Topic Model for Image Annotation Using Text Analysis, A
* Multi-Modal Tracking of Faces for Video Communications
* Multi-Modal Tracking of Interacting Targets using Gaussian Approximations
* Multi-modal tracking of people using laser scanners and video camera
* Multi-modal tracking using texture changes
* Multi-Modal Traffic Signal Control in Shared Space Street
* Multi-Modal Trajectory Prediction of NBA Players
* Multi-Modal Transformer Approach for Football Event Classification, A
* Multi-Modal Transformer for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Multi-modal Transformer for Video Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Transformer network for action detection, A
* Multi-Modal Transformer With Global-Local Alignment for Composed Query Image Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Tumor Segmentation With Deformable Aggregation and Uncertain Region Inpainting
* Multi-modal uniform deep learning for RGB-D person re-identification
* multi-modal universe of fast-fashion: the Visuelle 2.0 benchmark, The
* Multi-modal unsupervised domain adaptation for semantic image segmentation
* Multi-modal Unsupervised Feature Learning for RGB-D Scene Labeling
* Multi-modal user identification and object recognition surveillance system
* Multi-modal user interaction method based on gaze tracking and gesture recognition
* Multi-Modal User Interactions in Controlled Environments
* Multi-modal Variational Faster R-CNN for Improved Visual Object Detection in Manufacturing
* Multi-Modal Variational Graph Auto-Encoder for Recommendation Systems
* Multi-modal vehicle trajectory prediction based on mutual information
* Multi-Modal Video Reasoning and Analyzing Competition, The
* Multi-Modal Video Reasoning and Analyzing
* Multi-Modal Video Retrieval in Virtual Reality with VITRIVR-VR
* Multi-modal Video Surveillance aided by Pyroelectric Infrared Sensors
* Multi-modal visual concept classification of images via Markov random walk over tags
* Multi-Modal Visual Place Recognition in Dynamics-Invariant Perception Space
* Multi-Modal, Cross-Modal Captioning, Image Captioning
* Multi-Modal, Discriminative and Spatially Invariant CNN for RGB-D Object Labeling, A
* multi-modal, multi-atlas-based approach for Alzheimer detection via machine learning, A
* Multi-modal, multi-resource methods for placing Flickr videos on the map
* Multi-modal, Multi-touch Interaction with Maps in Disaster Management Applications
* Multi-modal/multi-scale convolutional neural network based in-loop filter design for next generation video codec
* Multi-modality-based Arabic sign language recognition
* Multi-modality American Sign Language recognition
* Multi-Modality and Multi-Scale Attention Fusion Network for Land Cover Classification from VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-modality Associative Bridging through Memory: Speech Sound Recollected from Face Video
* Multi-Modality Atherosclerosis Imaging and Diagnosis
* Multi-Modality Cross Attention Network for Image and Sentence Matching
* Multi-Modality Deep Restoration of Extremely Compressed Face Videos
* Multi-Modality Diversity Fusion Network with Swintransformer for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Modality Empowered Network for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Multi-Modality Feature Transform: An Interactive Image Segmentation Approach
* Multi-Modality Fusion and Gated Multi-Filter U-Net for Water Area Segmentation in Remote Sensing, A
* Multi-modality fusion learning for the automatic diagnosis of optic neuropathy
* Multi-modality Gesture Detection and Recognition with Un-supervision, Randomization and Discrimination
* Multi-Modality Image Fusion Using the Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform
* Multi-modality Image Registration Using Mutual Information Based on Gradient Vector Flow
* Multi-modality imagery database for plant phenotyping
* Multi-Modality Imaging Enables Detailed Hemodynamic Simulations in Dissecting Aneurysms in Mice
* Multi-Modality Latent Interaction Network for Visual Question Answering
* Multi-modality medical image fusion based on separable dictionary learning and Gabor filtering
* Multi-modality model-based registration in the cardiac domain
* Multi-modality movie scene detection using Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Multi-Modality Multi-Task Recurrent Neural Network for Online Action Detection
* Multi-modality Network with Visual and Geometrical Information for Micro Emotion Recognition
* Multi-Modality Self-Distillation for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Multi-Modality Sensing and Data Fusion for Multi-Vehicle Detection
* Multi-Modality Stereo with Varying Spatial, Temporal, and Spectral Resolution
* Multi-Modality Transfer Based on Multi-Graph Optimization for Domain Adaptive Video Concept Annotation
* Multi-Modality Vertebra Recognition in Arbitrary Views Using 3D Deformable Hierarchical Model
* Multi-Mode Huff-Based 2SFCA: Examining Geographical Accessibility to Food Outlets in Austin, Texas
* Multi-mode human-machine cooperative control for lane departure prevention based on steering assistance and differential braking
* Multi-Mode Intra Prediction for Learning-Based Image Compression
* Multi-Mode Modulator for Multi-Domain Few-Shot Classification, A
* Multi-mode neural network for human action recognition
* Multi-Mode Online Knowledge Distillation for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
* Multi-Mode PDR Perception and Positioning System Assisted by Map Matching and Particle Filtering, A
* Multi-Mode Surface Wave Tomography of a Water-Rich Layer of the Jizhong Depression Using Beamforming at a Dense Array
* Multi-mode switching-based model predictive control approach for longitudinal autonomous driving with acceleration estimation
* Multi-Mode Two-Step Floating Catchment Area (2SFCA) Method to Measure the Potential Spatial Accessibility of Healthcare Services
* Multi-Model-Based Local Path Planning Methodology for Autonomous Driving: An Integrated Framework
* Multi-Model Adaptive Control for CACC Applications
* Multi-model Adaptive Estimation for Nonuniformity Correction of Infrared Image Sequences
* Multi-model adaptive predictive control for path following of autonomous vehicles
* Multi-model Approach for Multicomponent Texture Classification
* Multi-model based cross-component linear model chroma intra-prediction for video coding
* Multi-model classification method in heterogeneous image databases
* Multi-Model Component-Based Tracking Using Robust Information Fusion
* Multi-model direct generalised predictive control for automatic train operation system
* Multi-model ensemble for short-term traffic flow prediction under normal and abnormal conditions
* Multi-Model Ensemble Pattern Method to Estimate the Refractive Index Structure Parameter Profile and Integrated Astronomical Parameters in the Atmosphere, A
* Multi-model Ensemble to Classify Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Blood Smear Images
* Multi-model ensemble with rich spatial information for object detection
* Multi-Model Fusion Framework for NIR-to-RGB Translation, A
* multi-model image line reconstruction, A
* Multi-model particle filter-based tracking with switching dynamical state to study bedload transport
* Multi-model prediction for image set compression
* multi-model restoration algorithm for recovering blood vessels in skin images, A
* Multi-model robust error correction for face recognition
* multi-model selection framework for unknown and/or evolutive misclassification cost problems, A
* Multi-module switching and fusion for robust video surveillance
* Multi-Moments in Time: Learning and Interpreting Models for Multi-Action Video Understanding
* Multi-mother wavelet neural network-based on genetic algorithm and multiresolution analysis for fast 3D mesh deformation
* Multi-motion and Appearance Self-Supervised Moving Object Detection
* Multi-Motion Segmentation via Co-Attention-Induced Heterogeneous Model Fitting
* Multi-MSB Compression Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme in Encrypted Images
* Multi-Mutual Consistency Induced Transfer Subspace Learning for Human Motion Segmentation
* Multi-Needle Detection in 3D Ultrasound Images Using Unsupervised Order-Graph Regularized Sparse Dictionary Learning
* Multi-Neighborhood Simulated Annealing-Based Iterated Local Search for Colored Traveling Salesman Problems
* multi-net local learning framework for pattern recognition, A
* Multi-net System Configuration for Visual Object Segmentation by Error Backpropagation
* Multi-Node Joint Power Allocation Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Game Learning in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
* Multi-Node Motion Estimation Method Based on B-Spline of Array Position and Orientation System
* Multi-node Training for StyleGAN2
* Multi-Object Analysis of Volume, Pose, and Shape Using Statistical Discrimination
* Multi-object Convexity Shape Prior for Segmentation
* Multi-object detection and behavior recognition from motion 3D data
* Multi-object detection and tracking by stereo vision
* Multi-Object Discovery by Low-Dimensional Object Motion
* Multi-object Graph-based Segmentation with Non-overlapping Surfaces
* Multi-object image retrieval based on shape and topology
* multi-object image segmentation C-V model based on region division and gradient guide, A
* Multi-Object Manipulation via Object-Centric Neural Scattering Functions
* Multi-Object Model-Free Tracking with Joint Appearance and Motion Inference
* Multi-object Motion Pattern Classification for Visual Surveillance and Sports Video Retrieval
* Multi-object Multi-feature Content-based Search Using MPEG-7
* Multi-Object Navigation Using Potential Target Position Policy Function
* Multi-Object Navigation with dynamically learned neural implicit representations
* Multi-object particle filter tracking with automatic event analysis
* Multi-object reconstruction from dynamic scenes: An object-centered approach
* Multi-object segmentation by stereo mismatch
* Multi-object Segmentation in a Projection Plane Using Subtraction Stereo
* Multi-Object Segmentation in Complex Urban Scenes from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Multi-object Segmentation with Coupled Deformable Models
* Multi-object shape estimation and tracking from silhouette cues
* multi-object tracker using dynamic Bayesian networks and a residual neural network based similarity estimator, A
* Multi-Object Tracking Algorithm With Center-Based Feature Extraction and Occlusion Handling, A
* Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation Via Neural Message Passing
* Multi-Object Tracking as Attention Mechanism
* Multi-object Tracking Based on a Modular Knowledge Hierarchy
* Multi-Object Tracking Based on Deep Path Aggregation Network
* Multi-Object Tracking Based on Improved Mean-Shift Algorithm
* Multi-Object Tracking by Iteratively Associating Detections with Uniform Appearance for Trawl-Based Fishing Bycatch Monitoring
* Multi-Object Tracking by Self-supervised Learning Appearance Model
* Multi-object tracking by virtual nodes added min-cost network flow
* Multi-Object Tracking Hierarchically in Visual Data Taken From Drones
* Multi-object tracking in non-stationary video using bacterial foraging swarms
* Multi-Object Tracking in Video
* Multi-Object Tracking Meets Moving UAV
* Multi-object tracking of pedestrian driven by context
* multi-object tracking system for surveillance video analysis, A
* Multi-Object Tracking Through Clutter Using Graph Cuts
* Multi-object tracking through learning relational appearance features and motion patterns
* Multi-object tracking through occlusions by local tracklets filtering and global tracklets association with detection responses
* Multi-Object Tracking Through Simultaneous Long Occlusions and Split-Merge Conditions
* Multi-object Tracking under Occlusion Using Dual-Mode Graph Embedding
* Multi-object tracking using an adaptive transition model particle filter with region covariance data association
* Multi-object tracking using binary masks
* Multi-Object Tracking Using Color, Texture and Motion
* Multi-object Tracking Using Compressive Sensing Features in Markov Decision Process
* Multi-object tracking using dominant sets
* Multi-Object Tracking Using Dynamical Graph Matching
* Multi-object tracking using hybrid observation in PHD filter
* Multi-Object tracking using multi-channel part appearance representation
* Multi-Object Tracking Using Online Metric Learning with Long Short-Term Memory
* Multi-object Tracking via Constrained Sequential Labeling
* Multi-object tracking via discriminative appearance modeling
* Multi-Object Tracking Via Species Based Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multi-object Tracking with a Hierarchical Single-Branch Network
* Multi-object tracking with adaptive measurement noise and information fusion
* Multi-object Tracking with Neural Gating Using Bilinear LSTM
* Multi-object Tracking with Quadruplet Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-object tracking with robust object regression and association
* Multi-Object Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Topology-Based Detector
* Multi-Object Tracking, Neural Networks, Learning
* Multi-Object Tracking, Space Debries
* Multi-Object Tracking: Decoupling Features to Solve the Contradictory Dilemma of Feature Requirements
* Multi-object trajectory tracking
* Multi-object visual tracking based on reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo
* Multi-Object, Multi-Target, Particle Filter Techniques
* Multi-objective adaptive differential evolution for SVM/SVR hyperparameters selection
* Multi-Objective Agent-Based Control Approach With Application in Intelligent Traffic Signal System, A
* Multi-Objective Ant Colony System Algorithm for Airline Crew Rostering Problem With Fairness and Satisfaction, A
* multi-objective approach based on TOPSIS to solve the image segmentation combination problem, A
* multi-objective approach towards cost effective isolated handwritten Bangla character and digit recognition, A
* Multi-Objective Asymmetric Sliding Mode Control of Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Multi-Objective Based Spatio-Temporal Feature Representation Learning Robust to Expression Intensity Variations for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-objective based spectral unmixing for hyperspectral images
* Multi-objective Cluster Head Selection Optimization Algorithm for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Multi-Objective CNN-Based Algorithm for SAR Despeckling
* multi-objective component-substitution-based pansharpening, A
* Multi-objective convolutional learning for face labeling
* Multi-Objective Cooperative Control for a Ship-Towing System in Congested Water Traffic Environments
* Multi-objective Decision Algorithm Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm and Grey Relation Degree
* Multi-Objective Decision Making Approach for Solving the Image Segmentation Fusion Problem, A
* Multi-objective Detector and Tracker Parameter Optimization via NSGA-II
* Multi-objective differential evolution-based ensemble method for brain tumour diagnosis
* Multi-Objective Diverse Human Motion Prediction with Knowledge Distillation
* Multi-Objective Emergency Material Vehicle Dispatching and Routing under Dynamic Constraints in an Earthquake Disaster Environment
* Multi-Objective Emergency Rescue Facilities Location Model for Catastrophic Interlocking Chemical Accidents in Chemical Parks, A
* Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for PET Image Reconstruction: Concept
* Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for financial portfolio design
* Multi-Objective Evolutionary Biclustering of Gene Expression Data
* Multi-Objective Evolutionary Clustering using Variable-Length Real Jumping Genes Genetic Algorithm
* Multi-objective Evolutionary Feature Selection
* Multi-Objective Four-Dimensional Vehicle Motion Planning in Large Dynamic Environments
* Multi-objective genetic algorithm for missing data imputation
* Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing an ELM-Based Driver Distraction Detection System
* Multi-objective genetic algorithm on hexagonal search for fast motion estimation
* Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Optimization for Image Watermarking Based on Singular Value Decomposition and Lifting Wavelet Transform
* Multi-Objective Geoacoustic Inversion of Modal-Dispersion and Waveform Envelope Data Based on Wasserstein Metric, A
* Multi-Objective Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling With Sharing Service via a Problem-Specific Knowledge-Based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
* Multi-Objective Interpolation Training for Robustness to Label Noise
* Multi-objective learning of Relevance Vector Machine classifiers with multi-resolution kernels
* Multi-Objective Linear Optimization Problem for Strategic Planning of Shared Autonomous Vehicle Operation and Infrastructure Design
* Multi-Objective Matrix Normalization for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Multi-Objective Memetic Search for Robust Motion and Distortion Correction in Diffusion MRI
* Multi-Objective Modeling Method of Multi-Satellite Imaging Task Planning for Large Regional Mapping, A
* Multi-Objective Multi-Index Transportation Model for Crude Oil Using Fuzzy NSGA-II
* Multi-Objective Multi-Satellite Imaging Mission Planning Algorithm for Regional Mapping Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Multi-objective optimal cooperative driving for connected and automated vehicles at non-signalised intersection
* multi-objective optimisation approach for class imbalance learning, A
* Multi-Objective Optimisation Based Planning of Power-Line Grid Expansions
* Multi-objective optimisation of electro-hydraulic braking system based on MOEA/D algorithm
* Multi-objective optimisation of real-valued parameters of a hybrid MT system using Genetic Algorithms
* Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm With Adaptive Resource Allocation for Truck-Drone Collaborative Delivery and Pick-Up Services
* Multi-Objective Optimization and Characterization of Pareto Points for Scalable Coding
* Multi-Objective Optimization for Multimodal Visualization
* Multi-Objective Optimization for Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing Networks
* Multi-Objective Optimization for SVM Model Selection
* Multi-Objective Optimization for the Vehicle Routing Problem With Outsourcing and Profit Balancing
* multi-objective optimization model and its evolution-based solutions for the fingertip localization problem, A
* Multi-objective optimization of cordon sanitaire with vehicle waiting time constraint
* Multi-Objective Optimization of Evacuation Route for Heterogeneous Passengers in the Metro Station Considering Node Efficiency
* Multi-Objective Optimization of Quality in VVC Rate Control for Low-Delay Video Coding
* Multi-objective Overlapping Community Detection by Global and Local Approaches
* Multi-Objective Permanent Basic Farmland Delineation Model Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization, A
* Multi-Objective Quantum Genetic Algorithm for MIMO Radar Waveform Design, A
* Multi-Objective Resource Pre-Allocation Scheme Using SDN for Intelligent Transportation System, A
* Multi-Objective Roadside Unit Deployment Model for an Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Network, A
* Multi-Objective Robust Optimization Model for Customized Bus Routes, A
* Multi-Objective Semantic Segmentation Algorithm Based on Improved U-Net Networks, A
* Multi-Objective Semi-Supervised Feature Selection and Model Selection Based on Pearson's Correlation Coefficient
* Multi-Objective Sparse Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multi-Objective Support Vector Regression Reduces Systematic Error in Moderate Resolution Maps of Tree Species Abundance
* Multi-Objective Timetabling Optimization for a Two-Way Metro Line Under Dynamic Passenger Demand
* Multi-Objective Transit Route Network Design as Set Covering Problem
* Multi-Objective Two-Echelon City Dispatching Problem With Mobile Satellites and Crowd-Shipping
* Multi-Objective Unsupervised Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* Multi-objective Visual Odometry
* Multi-objectives optimisation of features selection for the classification of thyroid nodules in ultrasound images
* Multi-Objects Interpretation
* Multi-Observation Blind Deconvolution with an Adaptive Sparse Prior
* Multi-observation face recognition in videos based on label propagation
* Multi-Observation Least-Squares Inversion for GNSS-Acoustic Seafloor Positioning, A
* Multi-observation visual recognition via joint dynamic sparse representation
* multi-one-class dynamic classifier for adaptive digitization of document streams, A
* Multi-operator Image Retargeting based on Saliency Object Ranking and Similarity Evaluation Metric
* Multi-operator image retargeting with automatic integration of direct and indirect seam carving
* Multi-Operator Minimum Variance Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms Accelerated With GPU
* Multi-order co-occurrence activations encoded with Fisher Vector for scene character recognition
* multi-order derivative feature-based quality assessment model for light field image, A
* Multi-Order Feature Statistical Model for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Multi-Order Networks for Action Unit Detection
* Multi-order similarity learning for multi-view spectral clustering
* Multi-order Standard Deviation Based Distance Metrics and its Application in Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
* Multi-Organ Plant Classification Based on Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks
* Multi-organ segmentation by minimization of higher-order energy for CT boundary
* Multi-organ Segmentation of Chest CT Images in Radiation Oncology: Comparison of Standard and Dilated UNet
* Multi-Organ Segmentation Over Partially Labeled Datasets With Multi-Scale Feature Abstraction
* Multi-Orientation Analysis Approach to Retinal Vessel Tracking, A
* Multi-orientation analysis by decomposing the structure tensor and clustering
* Multi-Orientation Log-Gabor Local Binary Pattern for Face Representation and Recognition
* Multi-Orientation Scene Text Detection with Adaptive Clustering
* Multi-orientation scene text detection with multi-information fusion
* Multi-Oriented and Multi-Lingual Scene Text Detection With Direct Regression
* Multi-Oriented and Multi-Sized Touching Character Segmentation Using Dynamic Programming
* Multi-oriented Bangla and Devnagari text recognition
* Multi-oriented English Text Line Identification
* Multi-Oriented Enhancement Branch and Context-Aware Module for Few-Shot Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images With Double Horizontal Rectangles
* Multi-Oriented Object Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Convolutional Neural Networks with Adaptive Object Orientation Features
* Multi-oriented run length based static and dynamic features fused with Choquet fuzzy integral for human fall detection in videos
* Multi-oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation
* Multi-oriented text detection from natural scene images based on a CNN and pruning non-adjacent graph edges
* Multi-oriented Text Detection with Fully Convolutional Networks
* Multi-Oriented Text Extraction in Stylistic Documents
* Multi-oriented touching text character segmentation in graphical documents using dynamic programming
* Multi-Output Gaussian Processes for Crowdsourced Traffic Data Imputation
* Multi-Output Laplacian Dynamic Ordinal Regression for Facial Expression Recognition and Intensity Estimation
* Multi-output Learning for Camera Relocalization
* Multi-output least-squares support vector regression machines
* Multi-Output Network Combining GNN and CNN for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Multi-Output Random Forests for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Multi-output regression on the output manifold
* Multi-Output Regularized Projection
* Multi-output speckle reduction filter for ultrasound medical images based on multiplicative multiresolution decomposition
* Multi-overlapped based global registration of UAV images
* Multi-Paced Dictionary Learning for cross-domain retrieval and recognition
* Multi-Panda Tracking
* Multi-parameter Approach to Automated Building Grouping and Generalization, A
* Multi-Parameter Empirical Fusion Model for Ionospheric TEC in China's Region, A
* Multi-Parameter Estimation of Average Speed in Road Networks Using Fuzzy Control
* Multi-Parameter Inversion of AIEM by Using Bi-Directional Deep Neural Network
* Multi-Parameter Regularization Method for Synthetic Aperture Imaging Radiometers
* Multi-Parameter Simultaneous Estimation on Area-Based Matching
* Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the Largest 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Eruptions, A
* Multi-Parametric Climatological Analysis Reveals the Involvement of Fluids in the Preparation Phase of the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan and 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan Earthquakes
* Multi-part body segmentation based on depth maps for soft biometry analysis
* Multi-part compact bilinear CNN for person re-identification
* Multi-part Convolutional Attention Network for Fine-Grained Image Recognition, A
* Multi-Part Modeling and Segmentation of Left Atrium in C-Arm CT for Image-Guided Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
* Multi-part segmentation for porcine offal inspection with auto-context and adaptive atlases
* Multi-part sparse representation in random crowded scenes tracking
* Multi-Part Target Representation for Color Tracking
* Multi-parts and multi-feature fusion in face verification
* Multi-Party WebRTC Services Using Delay and Bandwidth Aware SDN-Assisted IP Multicasting of Scalable Video Over 5G Networks
* Multi-Pass Fast Watershed for Accurate Segmentation of Overlapping Cervical Cells
* Multi-pass Feedback Control for Object Recognition
* Multi-patch deep sparse histograms for iris recognition in visible spectrum using collaborative subspace for robust verification
* Multi-patch embedding canonical correlation analysis for multi-view feature learning
* Multi-patch Learning: Looking More Pixels in the Training Phase
* Multi-patch multi-scale model for motion deblurring with high-frequency information
* Multi-patches Iris Based Person Authentication System Using Particle Swarm Optimization And Fuzzy C-means Clustering
* Multi-path connected network for medical image segmentation
* Multi-path content delivery: Efficiency analysis and optimization algorithms
* Multi-Path Encoder Network for GPR Data Inversion to Improve Defect Detection in Reinforced Concrete, A
* Multi-Path Interactive Network for Aircraft Identification with Optical and SAR Images
* Multi-Path Learning for Object Pose Estimation Across Domains
* Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Visual Classification
* Multi-path Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Accurate Detection of Unconstrained Hard Faces
* Multi-Path Region Mining for Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation on Point Clouds
* Multi-Path Search Algorithm for Block-Based Motion Estimation
* Multi-Path Selection for Multiple Description Video Streaming over Overlay Networks
* Multi-Pathway Generative Adversarial Hashing for Unsupervised Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-pattern Embedded Phase Shifting Using a High-Speed Projector for Fast and Accurate Dynamic 3D Measurement
* Multi-Peak Estimation for Real-Time 3D Ping-Pong Ball Tracking with Double-Queue Based GPU Acceleration
* Multi-Peak Range Imaging for Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Specular Objects
* Multi-peak Retracking of CryoSat-2 SARIn Waveforms Over Arctic Sea Ice
* Multi-Pedestrian detection and tracking using unified multi-channel features
* Multi-pedestrian detection in crowded scenes: A global view
* Multi-Period Charging Service Pricing Game for Public Charging Network Operators Considering the Dynamics of Coupled Traffic-Power Systems, A
* Multi-Person 3D Human Pose Estimation from Monocular Images
* Multi-Person 3D Pose and Shape Estimation via Inverse Kinematics and Refinement
* Multi-person 3D pose estimation from 3D cloud data using 3D convolutional neural networks
* Multi-person 3D pose estimation from a single image captured by a fisheye camera
* Multi-person 3d Pose Estimation in Crowded Scenes Based on Multi-view Geometry
* Multi-Person Articulated Tracking With Spatial and Temporal Embeddings
* Multi-person Collaborative Augmented Reality Assembly Process Evaluation System Based on HoloLens
* Multi-Person Extreme Motion Prediction
* Multi-Person Gaze-Following with Numerical Coordinate Regression
* Multi-Person Hierarchical 3D Pose Estimation in Natural Videos
* Multi-Person Human Pose Desicriptions
* Multi-person Implicit Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Multi-person interaction and activity analysis: A synergistic track- and body-level analysis framework
* Multi-person Localization and Track Assignment in Overlapping Camera Views
* Multi-person pose estimation based on a deep convolutional neural network
* Multi-person Pose Estimation for Pose Tracking with Enhanced Cascaded Pyramid Network
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation in the Wild: Using Adversarial Method to Train a Top-Down Pose Estimation Network
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation Using Bounding Box Constraint and LSTM
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation via Multi-Layer Fractal Network and Joints Kinship Pattern
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation With Accurate Heatmap Regression and Greedy Association
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation With Enhanced Channel-Wise and Spatial Information
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation with LIMB Detection Heatmaps
* Multi-person Pose Estimation with Local Joint-to-Person Associations
* Multi-person Tracking-by-Detection Based on Calibrated Multi-camera Systems
* Multi-person Tracking Based on Body Parts and Online Random Ferns Learning of Thermal Images
* Multi-person tracking based on vertical reference lines and dynamic visibility analysis
* Multi-person Tracking by Multicut and Deep Matching
* Multi-person tracking from sparse 3D trajectories in a camera sensor network
* Multi-person Tracking Strategies Based on Voxel Analysis
* Multi-person tracking with overlapping cameras in complex, dynamic environments
* Multi-Person Tracking with Sparse Detection and Continuous Segmentation
* Multi-Perspective 3D Reconstruction Method with Single Perspective Instantaneous Target Attitude Estimation, A
* Multi-perspective anomaly prediction using neural networks
* Multi-Perspective Assessment Method with a Dynamic Benchmark for Human Activity Impacts on Alpine Ecosystem under Climate Change, A
* Multi-Perspective Cost-Sensitive Context-Aware Multi-Instance Sparse Coding and Its Application to Sensitive Video Recognition
* Multi-perspective cross-class domain adaptation for open logo detection
* Multi-Perspective Features Learning for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Multi-perspective gait recognition based on classifier fusion
* Multi-Perspective LSTM for Joint Visual Representation Learning
* Multi-perspective thought navigation for source-free entity linking
* Multi-Perspective Tracking for Intelligent Vehicle
* Multi-Perspective View on Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs), A
* Multi-perspective viewer for content-based interactivity
* Multi-Phase Camera-LiDAR Fusion Network for 3D Semantic Segmentation With Weak Supervision, A
* Multi-phase image segmentation with the adaptive deformable mesh
* Multi-phase joint reconstruction framework for multi-view video compression using block-based compressive sensing
* Multi-phase recognition of multifont photoscript Arabic text
* multi-phase sparse probability framework via entropy minimization for single sample face recognition, A
* Multi-photo Combined Adjustment with Airborne SAR Images Based on Ortho-rectification Model
* Multi-Photo Least Squares Matching Algorithm for Urban Area DEM Refinement Using Breaklines, A
* Multi-physical and Temporal Feature Based Self-correcting Approximation Model for Monocular 3D Volleyball Trajectory Analysis
* Multi-PIE
* Multi-Pinhole SPECT Calibration: Influence of Data Noise and Systematic Orbit Deviations
* Multi-Pixel Split-Window Approach to Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval from Thermal Imagers with Relatively High Radiometric Noise: Preliminary Studies, A
* Multi-planar 3D knee MRI segmentation via UNet inspired architectures
* Multi-planar Fitting in an Indoor Manhattan World
* Multi-planar Monocular Reconstruction of Manhattan Indoor Scenes
* Multi-Planar Projection by Fixed-Center Pan-Tilt Projectors
* multi-plane approach for text segmentation of complex document images, A
* multi-plane block-coordinate frank-wolfe algorithm for training structural SVMs with a costly max-oracle, A
* Multi-Plane Projection for Extending Perspective Image Object Detection Models to 360° Images
* Multi-platform Graphical Software for Determining Reproductive Parameters in Fishes Using Histological Image Analysis, A
* Multi-Platform Hydrometeorological Analysis of the Flash Flood Event of 15 November 2017 in Attica, Greece, A
* Multi-Platform LiDAR for Non-Destructive Individual Aboveground Biomass Estimation for Changbai Larch (Larix olgensis Henry) Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
* Multi-Platform Satellite Based Estimates of Runoff in Ungauged Areas
* Multi-player Detection with Articulated Mixtures-of-Parts Representation Constrained by Global Appearance
* multi-plot assessment of vegetation structure using a micro-unmanned aerial system (UAS) in a semi-arid savanna environment, A
* Multi-point Stereo Camera System for Controlling Safety at Railroad Crossings
* Multi-Polarisation C-Band SAR Imagery to Estimate the Recent Dynamics of the d'Iberville Glacier
* Multi-polarity text segmentation using graph theory
* Multi-Polarization ASAR Backscattering from Herbaceous Wetlands in Poyang Lake Region, China
* Multi-polygonal object tracking
* Multi-polyhedron reconstruction in a three-view system using relaxation
* Multi-Pooling Context Network for Image Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-port filtering system for lossless image compression
* Multi-Pose 3D Face Recognition Based on 2D Sparse Representation
* Multi-pose face detection for accurate face logging
* Multi-Pose Face Detection with Asymmetric Haar Features
* Multi-pose face hallucination via neighbor embedding for facial components
* Multi-pose Face Recognition for Person Retrieval in Camera Networks
* Multi-Pose Image Fusion Research Based on Structured Block and Edge Superposition, A
* Multi-pose multi-target tracking for activity understanding
* Multi-posture Human Detection in Video Frames by Motion Contour Matching
* Multi-PPTP: Multiple Probabilistic Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in the Complex Junction Scene
* Multi-Primitive-Based Hierarchical Optimal Approach for Semantic Labeling of ALS Point Clouds, A
* Multi-primitive Analysis of Digital Curves
* Multi-Primitive Hierarchical (MPH) Stereo System
* Multi-Prior Based Multi-Scale Condition Network for Single-Image HDR Reconstruction
* Multi-Prior Twin Least-Square Network for Anomaly Detection of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multi-Probe Based Artificial DNA Encoding and Matching Classifier for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multi-procedural Virtual Reality Simulator for Orthopaedic Training, A
* multi-process system for HEp-2 cells classification based on SVM, A
* multi-processed salient point detection system for autonomous navigation, A
* Multi-Processor Algorithms, Connection Machine, Hypercube
* Multi-Processor Algorithms, Multi-Core, Cellular, Systolic
* Multi-Processor Algorithms, Pyramid Machines
* multi-processor NoC-based architecture for real-time image/video enhancement, A
* Multi-processor system for polygonal object recognition by means of fuzzy algorithms
* Multi-projection 3D displays using multiplexing techniques in autostereoscopic displays
* Multi-projection deep learning network for segmentation of 3D medical images
* Multi-projective Parameter Estimation for Sets of Homogeneous Matrices
* Multi-projector color structured-light vision
* Multi-projector Resolution Enhancement Through Biased Interpolation
* Multi-projectors for arbitrary surfaces without explicit calibration nor reconstruction
* multi-prototype clustering algorithm, A
* Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
* Multi-proxy feature learning for robust fine-grained visual recognition
* Multi-Pseudo Regularized Label for Generated Data in Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Pulse Cross Ambiguity Function for the Wideband TDOA and FDOA to Locate an Emitter Passively, A
* Multi-purpose bi-local CAT-based guidance filter
* Multi-purpose Chestnut Clusters Detection Using Deep Learning: A Preliminary Approach
* Multi-purpose Convolutional Neural Network for Simultaneous Super-Resolution and High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction, A
* Multi-purpose Cultural Heritage Data Platform for 4d Visualization And Interactive Information Services, A
* Multi-purpose Image Counter-anti-forensic Method Using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* multi-purpose image forensic method using densely connected convolutional neural networks, A
* multi-purpose objective quality metric for image watermarking, A
* Multi-Purpose Oriented Single Nighttime Image Haze Removal Based on Unified Variational Retinex Model
* Multi-Purpose Realistic Haze Benchmark With Quantifiable Haze Levels and Ground Truth, A
* Multi-Quadratic Dynamic Programming Procedure of Edge-Preserving Denoising for Medical Images
* Multi-query interactive image and video retrieval: Theory and practice
* Multi-Query Vehicle Re-Identification: Viewpoint-Conditioned Network, Unified Dataset and New Metric
* Multi-Query Video Retrieval
* Multi-Queue Merging Scheme And Its Application in Arabic Script Segmentation
* Multi-Radar Data Fusion for Object Tracking and Shape Estimation
* Multi-Radio Access Software-Defined Vehicular Network
* multi-range approach for Cultural Heritage survey: A case study in Mantua Unesco site, A
* Multi-Range Conditional Random Field for Classifying Railway Electrification System Objects Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Multi-Range View Aggregation Network With Vision Transformer Feature Fusion for 3D Object Retrieval
* Multi-rank Method: Achieving Projection Transformation with Adjustable Accuracy and Speed
* Multi-Rate Acquisition for Dead Time Reduction in Magnetic Resonance Receivers: Application to Imaging With Zero Echo Time
* Multi-rate recognition of human gestures by concurrent frame rate control
* Multi-Realism Image Compression with a Conditional Generator
* Multi-receptive Field Aggregation Network for single image deraining
* Multi-receptive field graph convolutional neural networks for pedestrian detection
* Multi-reference combinatorial strategy towards longer long-term dense motion estimation
* Multi-Reference Shape Priors for Active Contours
* Multi-Region Active Contours with a Single Level Set Function
* Multi-Region bilinear convolutional neural networks for person re-identification
* Multi-region competitive tractography via graph-based random walks
* Multi-Region Probabilistic Histograms for Robust and Scalable Identity Inference
* Multi-region saliency-aware learning for cross-domain placenta image segmentation
* Multi-Region Segmentation Method for SAR Images Based on the Multi-Texture Model With Level Sets, A
* Multi-region Two-Stream R-CNN for Action Detection
* Multi-Relation Attention Network for Image Patch Matching
* Multi-relational Learning Approach for Knowledge Extraction in in Vitro Fertilization Domain, A
* Multi-Relations Aware Network for In-the-Wild Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-Relay Cognitive Network With Anti-Fragile Relay Communication for Intelligent Transportation System Under Aggregated Interference
* Multi-Representations Encoding Framework for Adaptive HTTP Streaming
* Multi-Resemblance Multi-Target Low-Rank Coding for Prediction of Cognitive Decline With Longitudinal Brain Images
* Multi-resolution-Tract CNN with Hybrid Pretrained and Skin-Lesion Trained Layers
* Multi-resolution 3D Mesh Coding in MPEG
* Multi-resolution 3D morphable models and its matching method
* Multi-resolution access control algorithm based on fractal coding
* Multi-resolution Action Recognition Algorithm Using Wavelet Domain Features, A
* Multi-Resolution Aitchison Geometry Image Denoising for Low-Light Photography
* Multi-resolution an multi-sensor data fusion for remote sensing in detecting air pollution
* Multi-resolution Analysis
* multi-resolution and adaptive 3-D image denoising framework with applications in medical imaging, A
* Multi-Resolution and Multi-Domain Analysis of Off-Road Datasets for Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Resolution and Parallel Hough Transform
* Multi-resolution Approach for Color Correction of Textured Meshes, A
* multi-resolution approach for filtering LiDAR altimetry data, A
* multi-resolution approach for imaging hydraulic conductivity, A
* multi-resolution approach for infrared vision-based pedestrian detection, A
* multi-resolution approach for massively-parallel hardware-friendly optical flow estimation, A
* multi-resolution approach to depth field estimation in dense image arrays, A
* Multi-Resolution Approach to Point Cloud Registration without Control Points, A
* multi-resolution area-based technique for automatic multi-modal image registration, A
* Multi-resolution Area Matching
* Multi-resolution backward video coding
* Multi-resolution based algorithms for low bit-rate image coding
* multi-resolution based approach for handwriting segmentation in gray-scale images, A
* Multi-Resolution Blending Considering Changed Regions for Orthoimage Mosaicking, A
* Multi-Resolution Block Matching Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture for Fast Motion Estimation in an MPEG-2 Video Encoder
* Multi-resolution Cell Complexes Based on Homology-Preserving Euler Operators
* Multi-Resolution Collaborative Fusion of SAR, Multispectral and Hyperspectral Images for Coastal Wetlands Mapping
* Multi-resolution compressed sensing reconstruction via approximate message passing
* Multi-resolution compressive sensing reconstruction
* Multi-Resolution Compressive Spectral Imaging Reconstruction from Single Pixel Measurements
* Multi-Resolution Content-Based Retrieval Approach for Geographic Images, A
* Multi-Resolution Contrast Amplification in Digital Radiography with Compensation for Scattered Radiation
* Multi-resolution Corner Detection
* Multi-Resolution Curve Alignment Based on Salient Features
* Multi-Resolution Data Fusion for Super-Resolution Electron Microscopy
* Multi-resolution deblurring
* Multi-Resolution Design for Large-Scale and High-Resolution Monitoring
* Multi-resolution dictionary learning for face recognition
* Multi-Resolution Disparity Processing and Fusion for Large High-Resolution Stereo Image
* Multi-resolution distillation for self-supervised monocular depth estimation
* Multi-resolution dyadic wavelet denoising approach for extraction of visual evoked potentials in the brain
* Multi-resolution dynamic mode decomposition-based salient region detection in noisy images
* Multi-resolution Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Foreground/Background Separation and Object Tracking
* Multi-Resolution Dynamic Model for Face Aging Simulation, A
* Multi-resolution feature fusion for face recognition
* Multi-Resolution Feature Fusion for Image Classification of Building Damages with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-Resolution Feature Reduction Technique for Image Segmentation with Multiple Components, A
* Multi-Resolution Flow - Through Motion Analysis
* Multi-resolution form of SVD for text-independent speaker recognition
* Multi-resolution Fourier Analysis: achieved high resolutions with suppressed finite observation effects
* Multi-resolution fourier analysis: extraction and missing signal recovery of short buried signals in noise
* Multi-resolution Fourier analysis: Time-frequency resolution in excess of Gabor-Heisenberg limit
* multi-resolution framework for diffusion tensor images, A
* multi-resolution framework for multi-object tracking in Daubechies complex wavelet domain, A
* Multi-Resolution Fusion and Multi-scale Input Priors Based Crowd Counting
* Multi-resolution Fusion Model Incorporating Color And Elevation For Semantic Segmentation, A
* Multi-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks for Tiny-Scale Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-resolution genetic algorithm and its application in motion estimation
* Multi-resolution Histograms of Local Variation Patterns (MHLVP) for Robust Face Recognition
* Multi-resolution ICP for the efficient registration of point clouds based on octrees
* multi-resolution ICP with heuristic closest point search for fast and robust 3D registration of range images, A
* Multi-Resolution Illumination Compensation for foreground extraction
* Multi-resolution Image Alignment Technique Based on Direct Methods for Pose Estimation of Aerial Vehicles, A
* Multi-resolution Image Analysis for Vehicle Detection
* Multi-resolution image fusion by FFT
* Multi-resolution image fusion using multistage guided filter
* Multi-resolution Image Registration Using Genetics
* Multi-resolution image registration using multi-class Hausdorff fraction
* Multi-resolution image representation using Markov random fields
* Multi-resolution image signal processing apparatus and method
* Multi-Resolution Intra-Predictive Coding of 3d Point Cloud Attributes
* Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium: 20 Years of Development and Integration of USA National Land Cover Data, The
* Multi-resolution LC-MS images alignment using dynamic time warping and Kullback-Leibler distance
* Multi-resolution level set image segmentation using wavelets
* Multi-resolution Local Appearance-Based Face Verification
* Multi-resolution local Gabor wavelets binary patterns for gray-scale texture description
* Multi-Resolution Local Histogram Analysis for Edge Detection
* Multi-resolution local ternary patterns for image indexing retrieval
* Multi-Resolution Mapping and Accuracy Assessment of Forest Carbon Density by Combining Image and Plot Data from a Nested and Clustering Sampling Design
* Multi-resolution Matching of Uncalibrated Images Utilizing Epipolar Geometry and Its Uncertainty
* Multi-Resolution Mesh Based 3D Object Recognition
* Multi-resolution missing data interpolation in SST image series
* Multi-resolution mobile vision system for plant leaf disease diagnosis
* Multi-resolution modeling and locally refined collision detection for haptic interaction
* Multi-Resolution Morphology
* Multi-resolution Morse-Smale Complexes for Terrain Modeling
* Multi-resolution Mosaic Construction Using Resolution Maps
* Multi-resolution motion estimation for motion compensated frame interpolation
* Multi-Resolution Multi-Temporal Technique for Detecting and Mapping Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest, A
* Multi-resolution Outlier Pooling for Sorghum Classification
* Multi-resolution parametric region tracking for 2D object replacement in video
* multi-resolution particle filter tracking in a multi-camera environment, A
* Multi-resolution patch and window-based priority for digital image inpainting problem
* Multi-Resolution Patch Tensor for Facial Expression Hallucination
* Multi-Resolution Pixel Linking for Image Smoothing and Segmentation
* Multi-Resolution Population Mapping Based on a Stepwise Downscaling Approach Using Multisource Data
* Multi-Resolution Probabilistic Information Fusion for Camera-Based Document Image Matching
* Multi-Resolution Range Data Fusion for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction
* Multi-resolution real-time stereo on commodity graphics hardware
* Multi-resolution recognition of 3D objects based on visual resolution limits
* Multi-Resolution Relaxation
* Multi-Resolution Representation for Shape, A
* Multi-Resolution ResNet for Road and Bridge Crack Detection
* multi-resolution scheme ICP algorithm for fast shape registration, A
* Multi-Resolution Search with Active Shape Models
* Multi-Resolution Segmentation of Solar Photovoltaic Systems Using Deep Learning
* Multi-resolution Shape Analysis via Non-Euclidean Wavelets: Applications to Mesh Segmentation and Surface Alignment Problems
* Multi-resolution skeletons without explicit image smoothing
* Multi-resolution space carving using level set methods
* Multi-Resolution Spectral Graph Matching
* Multi-Resolution Spin-Images
* Multi-Resolution STAP for Enhanced Ultra-Low-Altitude Target Detection
* multi-resolution statistical deformable model (MISTO) for soft-tissue organ reconstruction, A
* Multi-Resolution Stereo Matching Using Maximum-Surface Techniques
* Multi-resolution streaming and rendering of 3-D dynamic data
* Multi-Resolution Study of Thermal Unmixing Techniques over Madrid Urban Area: Case Study of TRISHNA Mission
* Multi-resolution subspace for financial trading
* Multi-resolution super-pixels and their applications on fluorescent mesenchymal stem cells images using 1-D SIFT merging
* Multi-Resolution Supervision Network with an Adaptive Weighted Loss for Desert Segmentation
* Multi-Resolution Surface Description of 3-D Objects by Shape-Adaptive Triangular Meshes
* Multi-Resolution Surface Modeling from Multiple Range Views
* Multi-resolution surface reconstruction
* Multi-resolution surfel maps for efficient dense 3D modeling and tracking
* Multi-resolution system for artifact removal and edge enhancement in computerized tomography images
* Multi-Resolution Technique for Comparing Images Using the Hausdorff Distance
* Multi-resolution template kernels
* Multi-resolution terrain rendering with GPU tessellation
* Multi-resolution texture analysis of self-similar textures using hierarchical Gaussian Markov random field models
* Multi-resolution Texture Classification Based on Local Image Orientation
* Multi-Resolution Texture Classifier Based on Multi-Resolution Tuned Mask, A
* Multi-resolution texture coding for multi-resolution 3D meshes
* Multi-resolution Tracking in Space and Time
* Multi-Resolution Transformer Network for Building and Road Segmentation of Remote Sensing Image
* Multi-resolution tree search for iterated transformation theory-based coding
* Multi-resolution vehicle detection using artificial vision
* Multi-resolution visually lossless image coding using JPEG2000
* Multi-resolution volumetric reconstruction using labeled regions
* Multi-Resolution Weed Classification via Convolutional Neural Network and Superpixel Based Local Binary Pattern Using Remote Sensing Images
* multi-resolution, geometry-driven error concealment method for corrupted JPEG color images, A
* Multi-resolution, object-oriented fuzzy analysis of remote sensing data for GIS-ready information
* Multi-Resolution, Semantic Objects, and Context for Road Extraction
* Multi-Resolutional Ensemble of Stacked Dilated U-Net for Inner Cell Mass Segmentation in Human Embryonic Images
* Multi-resolutional Gabor Filter in Texture Analysis
* Multi-resolutional human visual perception optimized pathology image progressive coding based on JPEG2000
* Multi-resolutional optical flow estimation with local optimization
* Multi-resolutive sparse approximations of d-dimensional data
* Multi-Ridge Recognition Method Using Modified MOPSO Algorithm and its Application on Modal Parameter Identification, A
* Multi-Robot Active Mapping via Neural Bipartite Graph Matching
* Multi-robot adversarial patrolling strategies via lattice paths
* Multi-robot adversarial patrolling: Handling sequential attacks
* Multi-Robot Coverage Path Planning Method for Maritime Search and Rescue Using Multiple AUVs, A
* Multi-Robot Exploration of an Unknown Environment, Efficiently Reducing the Odometry Error
* Multi-Robot Plume Source Localization by Distributed Quantum-Inspired Guidance With Formation Behavior
* Multi-Robot Repeated Area Coverage: Performance Optimization Under Various Visual Ranges
* Multi-Robot Source Location of Scalar Fields by a Novel Swarm Search Mechanism With Collision/Obstacle Avoidance
* Multi-robot, EKF-Based Visual SLAM System
* Multi-ROI Association and Tracking With Belief Functions: Application to Traffic Sign Recognition
* Multi-Rotor Drone Micro-Motion Parameter Estimation Method Based on CVMD and SVD, A
* Multi-Rotor UAV-Borne PolInSAR Data Processing and Preliminary Analysis of Height Inversion in Urban Area
* Multi-round dynamic swap optimisation for table-based steganography
* Multi-run 3D Streetside Reconstruction from a Vehicle
* Multi-Run: An Approach for Filling in Missing Information of 3D Roadside Reconstruction
* Multi-Saliency Detection via Instance Specific Element Homology
* Multi-sample inference network
* multi-sample, multi-tree approach to bag-of-words image representation for image retrieval, A
* Multi-Satellite Altimeter Validation along the French Atlantic Coast in the Southern Bay of Biscay from ERS-2 to SARAL
* Multi-Satellite Detection of Long-Range Transport and Transformation of Atmospheric Emissions from the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano
* Multi-Satellite Environmental and Socioeconomic Predictors of Vector-Borne Diseases in African Cities: Malaria as an Example, The
* Multi-Satellite Imaging Task Planning for Large Regional Coverage: A Heuristic Algorithm Based on Triple Grids Method
* Multi-Satellite Observation-Relay Transmission-Downloading Coupling Scheduling Method
* Multi-satellite Scheduling Approach For Dynamic Areal Tasks Triggered By Emergent Disasters
* Multi-scalar Photogrammetric Recording Approach in Termez (Uzbekistan), A
* Multi-scalar Surveys for Complex Architectures
* Multi-scale 2D Representation Learning for weakly-supervised moment retrieval
* Multi-Scale 2D Temporal Adjacency Networks for Moment Localization With Natural Language
* Multi-scale 2D tracking of articulated objects using hierarchical spring systems
* Multi-Scale 3-d Free-Form Surface Smoothing
* Multi-Scale 3-D Surface Description: Open and Closed Surfaces
* Multi-scale 3D-Modeling
* Multi-Scale 3D Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multi-scale 3D Modelling of Damaged Cultural Sites: Use Cases and Image-Based Workflows
* Multi-scale 3D representation via volumetric quasi-random scale space
* Multi-Scale 3D Scene Flow from Binocular Stereo Sequences
* Multi-Scale 3D U-Nets: An approach to automatic segmentation of brain tumor
* Multi-Scale Acoustic Velocity Inversion Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-scale active patches fusion based on spatiotemporal LBP-TOP for micro-expression recognition
* Multi-Scale Active Shape Description
* Multi-scale adaptive factors video acceleration magnification
* Multi-scale Adaptive Feature Fusion Network for Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Scale Adaptive Gain Control of IR Images
* Multi-Scale Adaptive Grey World Algorithm, A
* Multi-scale Adaptive Mask 3D Rigid Registration of Ultrasound and CT Images
* Multi-scale Adaptive Structure Network for Human Pose Estimation from Color Images
* Multi-Scale Adaptive Task Attention Network for Few-Shot Learning
* Multi-Scale Adversarial Cross-Domain Detection with Robust Discriminative Learning
* Multi-scale adversarial network for vehicle detection in UAV imagery
* Multi-Scale Aggregation Network for Direct Face Alignment
* Multi-Scale Aggregation Network for Temporal Action Proposals
* Multi-Scale Aggregation Transformers for Multispectral Object Detection
* Multi-Scale Aligned Distillation for Low-Resolution Detection
* Multi-Scale Analysis for Coherent Change Detection: A Method for Extracting Typical Changed Area
* Multi-scale analysis of color and texture for salient object detection
* Multi-Scale Analysis of Contextual Information Within Spatio-Temporal Video Volumes for Anomaly Detection
* Multi-scale Analysis of Discrete Contours for Unsupervised Noise Detection
* Multi-Scale Analysis of Discrete Point Sets
* Multi-scale Analysis of Jack Pine Saplings After Fire Across Burn Severities
* Multi-Scale Analysis of PM2.5 Concentrations in the Yangtze River Economic Belt: Investigating the Combined Impact of Natural and Human Factors
* Multi-Scale Analysis of Regional Inequality based on Spatial Field Model: A Case Study of China from 2000 to 2012
* Multi-scale analysis of skin hyper-pigmentation evolution
* Multi-Scale Analysis of the Relationship between Land Subsidence and Buildings: A Case Study in an Eastern Beijing Urban Area Using the PS-InSAR Technique
* Multi-scale analysis of ulcer disease detection from WCE images
* Multi-Scale Analysis of Very High Resolution Satellite Images Using Unsupervised Techniques
* Multi-Scale and Attention based ResNet for Heartbeat Classification
* Multi-Scale and Context-Aware Framework for Flood Segmentation in Post-Disaster High Resolution Aerial Images
* Multi-scale and Cross-scale Contrastive Learning for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-scale and First Derivative Analysis for Edge Detection in TEM Images
* Multi-Scale and Hierarchical Description Using Energy Controlled Active Balloon Model
* Multi-Scale and Multi-Level Spectral-Spatial Feature Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Multi-scale and Multi-orientation Local Feature Extraction for Lane Detection Using High-Level Information
* Multi-scale and multi-patch transformer for sandstorm image enhancement
* Multi-Scale and Multi-Scope Convolutional Neural Networks for Destination Prediction of Trajectories
* Multi-Scale and Multi-Sensor 3D Documentation of Heritage Complexes in Urban Areas
* Multi-scale and Multi-stage Deraining Network with Fourier Space Loss
* Multi-Scale and Multi-Stream Fusion Network for Pansharpening
* Multi-Scale and Multi-Task Deep Learning Framework for Automatic Road Extraction
* Multi-Scale and Occlusion Aware Network for Vehicle Detection and Segmentation on UAV Aerial Images
* Multi-scale and real-time non-parametric approach for anomaly detection and localization
* Multi-scale and Scale Dimension Properties in Spatial Raster Modelling: Concept and Current Implementation
* Multi-Scale and Snakes for Automatic Road Extraction
* Multi-Scale and spatial position-based channel attention network for crowd counting
* Multi-scale Anisotropic Fourth-Order Diffusion Improves Ridge and Valley Localization
* Multi-scale anisotropic heat diffusion based on normal-driven shape representation
* Multi-Scale Approach for Remote Sensing Scene Classification Based on Feature Maps Selection and Region Representation, A
* multi-scale approach for seismic tomography, A
* Multi-Scale Approach to Corner Tracking, A
* Multi-scale Approach to Decompose a Digital Curve into Meaningful Parts, A
* Multi-scale Approach to Gesture Detection and Recognition, A
* Multi-Scale Approach To Nonuniform Diffusion, A
* Multi-scale Approximation of the Matching Distance for Shape Retrieval
* Multi-scale architectures matter: Examining the adversarial robustness of flow-based lossless compression
* Multi-scale Arithmetization of Linear Transformations
* Multi-Scale Assessment of SMAP Level 3 and Level 4 Soil Moisture Products over the Soil Moisture Network within the ShanDian River (SMN-SDR) Basin, China
* Multi-Scale Association between Vegetation Growth and Climate in India: A Wavelet Analysis Approach
* Multi-scale Attention-based Multiple Instance Learning for Classification of Multi-gigapixel Histology Images
* Multi-scale attention-based pseudo-3D convolution neural network for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using structural MRI
* Multi-scale attention and dilation network for small defect detection
* Multi-Scale Attention Deep Neural Network for Fast Accurate Object Detection
* Multi-scale attention guided network for end-to-end face alignment and recognition
* Multi-scale attention guided pose transfer
* Multi-Scale Attention Learning Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-scale attention network for image inpainting
* Multi-scale attention network for image super-resolution
* Multi-Scale Attention with Dense Encoder for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Multi-Scale Attentive Aggregation for LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation
* Multi-scale Attentive Residual Dense Network for Single Image Rain Removal
* Multi-Scale Attributes Attention Model for Transport Mode Identification, A
* Multi-scale autoconvolution for affine invariant pattern recognition
* Multi-scale B-spline level set segmentation based on Gaussian kernel equalization
* Multi-Scale Background Suppression Anomaly Detection In Surveillance Videos
* Multi-Scale Based Context-Aware Net for Action Detection
* Multi-scale Bayesian Based Horizon Matchings Across Faults in 3d Seismic Data
* Multi-Scale Bidirectional Recurrent Network with Hybrid Correlation for Point Cloud Based Scene Flow Estimation
* Multi-scale Bilateral Structure Tensor Based Corner Detector, A
* Multi-scale binarization of images
* Multi-scale Binary Patterns for Texture Analysis
* Multi-scale bisector integrals: An invariant descriptor for accurate shape retrieval
* Multi-scale blocks based image emotion classification using multiple instance learning
* Multi-Scale Boosted Dehazing Network with Dense Feature Fusion
* Multi-scale Boosted Detector for Efficient and Robust Gesture Recognition, A
* Multi-Scale Boosting Feature Encoding Network for Texture Recognition
* Multi-scale Building Maps From Aerial Imagery
* Multi-scale capsule generative adversarial network for snow removal
* Multi-scale car detection and localization using contour fragments
* Multi-scale Cartoon Motion Capture and Retargeting without Shape Matching
* multi-scale cascade fully convolutional network face detector, A
* Multi-Scale Cascading Network with Compact Feature Learning for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Multi-scale Cell-based Layout Representation for Document Understanding
* Multi-Scale Cell Segmentation Method for Detecting Hematological Disorders, A
* Multi-scale Classification for Electrosensing
* Multi-scale classification network for road crack detection
* Multi-Scale Classification of 3D Objects
* Multi-scale Clustering of Frame-to-Frame Correspondences for Motion Segmentation
* Multi-scale CNN for Affordance Segmentation in RGB Images, A
* Multi-scale CNN Stereo and Pattern Removal Technique for Underwater Active Stereo System
* Multi-Scale Coal Fire Detection Based on an Improved Active Contour Model from Landsat-8 Satellite and UAV Images
* Multi-scale color image enhancement
* Multi-scale Color Local Binary Patterns for Visual Object Classes Recognition
* Multi-scale Colorectal Tumour Segmentation Using a Novel Coarse to Fine Strategy
* Multi-scale Comparison Network for Few-shot Learning
* Multi-Scale Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Face Sketch Synthesis, A
* Multi-scale Conditional Random Fields for over-segmented irregular 3D point clouds classification
* Multi-scale conditional reconstruction generative adversarial network
* Multi-Scale Content-Insensitive Fusion CNN for Source Social Network Identification, A
* Multi-Scale Context Aggregation for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-scale context for scene labeling via flexible segmentation graph
* Multi-scale Context Intertwining for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-scale Continuous CRFs as Sequential Deep Networks for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Multi-scale contour detection model based on fixational eye movement mechanism
* Multi-Scale Contour Extraction Based on Natural Image Statistics
* Multi-scale contour flexibility shape signature for Fourier descriptor
* Multi-Scale Contour Matching in a Motion Sequence
* Multi-Scale Contour Segmentation
* Multi-Scale Contourlet Knowledge Guide Learning Segmentation
* Multi-scale contrast-based saliency enhancement for salient object detection
* Multi-scale Contrastive Learning for Complex Scene Generation
* Multi-Scale Convolution Aggregation and Stochastic Feature Reuse for DenseNets
* Multi-scale convolutional attention network for lightweight image super-resolution
* Multi-scale convolutional networks for traffic forecasting with spatial-temporal attention
* Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network-Based Intra Prediction for Video Coding
* Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* Multi-scale convolutional neural network for pixel-wise reconstruction of Van Gogh's drawings
* Multi-scale convolutional neural networks and saliency weight maps for infrared and visible image fusion
* Multi-scale convolutional neural networks for crowd counting
* Multi-Scale correlation module for video-based facial expression recognition in the wild
* Multi-Scale Correspondence Learning for Person Image Generation
* Multi-scale Cortical Keypoint Representation for Attention and Object Detection
* Multi-scale counting and difference representation for texture classification
* Multi-scale creases detection on noisy meshes
* Multi-Scale Cross-Band Encoding of Sectored Local Binary Pattern for Robust Texture Classification
* Multi-scale Cross-Modal Transformer Network for RGB-D Object Detection
* Multi-scale Cross-path Concatenation Residual Network for Poisson denoising
* Multi-scale crowd feature detection using vision sensing and statistical mechanics principles
* Multi-scale curvature product for robust image corner detection in curvature scale space
* Multi-Scale Curvatures for Contour Feature Extraction
* Multi-scale Curve Detection on Surfaces
* Multi-Scale DCT Denoising
* Multi-scale Deblurring with Smooth Region Constraints
* Multi-scale decomposition-based CT-MR neurological image fusion using optimized bio-inspired spiking neural model with meta-heuristic optimization
* Multi-scale decomposition of point process data
* Multi-scale decomposition tool for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Multi-scale deep feature fusion based sparse dictionary selection for video summarization
* Multi-scale deep feature learning network with bilateral filtering for SAR image classification
* Multi-scale Deep Learning Architectures for Person Re-identification
* Multi-scale Deep Learning for Gesture Detection and Localization
* Multi-Scale Deep Networks for Image Compressed Sensing
* Multi-scale deep neural network for salient object detection
* Multi-Scale Deep Neural Network for Water Detection from SAR Images in the Mountainous Areas, A
* Multi-Scale Deep Pixel Distribution Learning for Concrete Crack Detection
* multi-scale deep quad tree based feature extraction method for the recognition of isolated handwritten characters of popular indic scripts, A
* Multi-Scale Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time 3D-Landmark Detection in CT Scans
* Multi-scale deep relational reasoning for facial kinship verification
* Multi-Scale Deep Residual Learning-Based Single Image Haze Removal via Image Decomposition
* Multi-Scale Defense of Adversarial Images
* Multi-Scale Deformable Alignment and Content-Adaptive Inference for Flexible-Rate Bi-Directional Video Compression
* Multi-Scale Deformable Transformer Encoder Based Single-Stage Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-Scale Dense Networks for Deep High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Multi-Scale Dense Networks for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Multi-Scale Density-Aware Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Multi-scale Depth from Slope with Weights
* Multi-Scale Depthwise Separable Convolution for Semantic Segmentation in Street-Road Scenes
* Multi-Scale Description of Space Curves and Three-Dimensional Objects
* multi-scale descriptor for real time RGB-D hand gesture recognition, A
* Multi-Scale Descriptor for Robust and Fast Camera Motion Estimation
* Multi-Scale Detail Enhancement Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Scale Detection of Characteristic Figure Structures Using Principal Curvatures of Image Gray-Lever Profile
* Multi-scale dictionary for single image super-resolution
* Multi-scale differential feature for ECG biometrics with collective matrix factorization
* Multi-scale Direct Sparse Visual Odometry for Large-Scale Natural Environment
* Multi-scale directional-filtering-based method for follicular lymphoma grading
* Multi-Scale Discrete Cosine Transform Network for Building Change Detection in Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Scale Discriminant Analysis and Recognition of Signals and Images
* Multi-scale Domain-adversarial Multiple-instance CNN for Cancer Subtype Classification with Unannotated Histopathological Images
* Multi-Scale Dynamic Feature Encoding Network for Image Demoiréing
* Multi-scale dynamic fusion for correcting uneven illumination images
* Multi-Scale Dynamic Human Fatigue Detection with Feature Level Fusion
* Multi-Scale Edge Constraint Network for the Fine Extraction of Buildings from Remote Sensing Images, A
* Multi-scale edge detection on range and intensity images
* Multi-scale EM-ICP: A Fast and Robust Approach for Surface Registration
* Multi-scale embedded descriptor for shape classification
* Multi-Scale Encoding (MSE) Method with Spectral Shape Information (SSI) for Detecting Marine Oil-Gas Leakages
* Multi-Scale end-to-End Learning for Point Cloud Geometry Compression
* Multi-Scale Engineering Geological Zonation for Linear Projects in Mountainous Regions: A Case Study of National Highway 318 Chengdu-Shigatse Section
* Multi-scale enhanced graph convolutional network for mild cognitive impairment detection
* Multi-Scale Estimation for Omni-Directional Saliency Maps Using Learnable Equator Bias
* Multi-Scale Evaluation of Drone-Based Multispectral Surface Reflectance and Vegetation Indices in Operational Conditions
* Multi-Scale Evaluation of the SMAP Product Using Sparse In-Situ Network over a High Mountainous Watershed, Northwest China
* Multi-Scale Evaluation of the TSEB Model over a Complex Agricultural Landscape in Morocco
* Multi-Scale Explainable Feature Learning for Pathological Image Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-scale f-formation discovery for group detection
* Multi-scale face hallucination based on frequency bands analysis
* Multi-scale Fast Detection of Objects in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-scale FCN with Cascaded Instance Aware Segmentation for Arbitrary Oriented Word Spotting in the Wild
* Multi-Scale Feasibility Study into Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Monitoring Using Same-Day Observations, A
* Multi-scale feature aggregation and boundary awareness network for salient object detection
* Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Land Cover
* Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Network for Water Area Segmentation
* Multi-scale Feature Based Optic Flow Method for 3D Cardiac Motion Estimation, A
* Multi-scale feature combination for person re-identification
* Multi-scale Feature Extraction and Nested-subset Classifier Design for High Accuracy Handwritten Character Recognition
* Multi-scale feature extraction approaches for classification of INSAR and Phase Gradient INSAR Images
* Multi-scale Feature Extraction for 3D Models Using Local Surface Curvature
* Multi-scale feature extraction for 3d surface registration using local shape variation
* Multi-scale Feature Extraction in a Sub-pixel Virtual Hexagonal Environment
* Multi-scale Feature Fused Single Shot Detector for Small Object Detection in UAV Images
* Multi-scale Feature Fusion Network for Blind Deblurring
* Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-scale feature fusion network with local attention for lung segmentation
* Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network with Symmetric Attention for Land Cover Classification Using SAR and Optical Images
* Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Pedestrian Detection Algorithm Based on Transformer
* Multi-scale feature fusion pyramid attention network for single image dehazing
* Multi-Scale Feature Guided Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Multi-scale feature identification using evolution strategies
* Multi-Scale Feature Interaction Network for Remote Sensing Change Detection
* multi-scale feature likelihood map for direct evaluation of object hypotheses, A
* Multi-Scale Feature Map Aggregation and Supervised Domain Adaptation of Fully Convolutional Networks for Urban Building Footprint Extraction
* Multi-Scale Feature Pyramid Network for Detection and Instance Segmentation of Marine Ships in SAR Images, A
* Multi-Scale Feature Pyramids for Weakly Supervised Thoracic Disease Localization
* multi-scale feature representation and interaction network for underwater object detection, A
* Multi-Scale Feature Residual Feedback Network for Super-Resolution Reconstruction of the Vertical Structure of the Radar Echo
* Multi-scale Feature Selection in Stereo
* Multi-scale Features for Detection and Segmentation of Rocks in Mars Images
* Multi-Scale Features Joint Rain Removal For Single Image
* Multi-Scale Filtering Building Index for Building Extraction in Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* Multi-Scale Fine-Grained Alignments for Image and Sentence Matching
* Multi-Scale Flood Mapping under Climate Change Scenarios in Hexagonal Discrete Global Grids
* Multi-Scale Flood Monitoring System Based on Fully Automatic MODIS and TerraSAR-X Processing Chains, A
* Multi-Scale Flow Field Mapping Method Based on Real-Time Feature Streamlines
* Multi-scale foreground-background separation for light field depth estimation with deep convolutional networks
* Multi-Scale Forest Above-Ground Biomass Mapping Approach: Employing a Step-by-Step Spatial Downscaling Method with Bias-Corrected Ensemble Machine Learning, A
* Multi-Scale Fractal Analysis of Image Texture and Patterns
* multi-scale framework for adaptive binarization of degraded document images, A
* multi-scale framework for the automated surveying of the Whangateau estuary using off-the-shelf equipment, A
* Multi-scale free-form 3D object recognition using 3D models
* Multi-Scale Frequency Reconstruction for Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution via Deep Residual Network
* Multi-Scale Frequency Separation Network for Image Deblurring
* Multi-scale Fully Convolutional DenseNets for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation in Dermoscopy Images
* Multi-scale Fully Convolutional Network for Face Detection in the Wild
* Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Network for Fast Face Detection
* multi-scale fully convolutional network for semantic labeling of 3D point clouds, A
* Multi-Scale Fused SAR Image Registration Based on Deep Forest
* Multi-Scale Fusion and Decomposition Network for Single Image Deraining
* Multi-Scale Fusion and Transformer Based Registration Guided Speckle Noise Reduction for OCT Images, A
* Multi-Scale Fusion for Improved Localization of Malicious Tampering in Digital Images
* Multi-scale Fusion of Texture and Color for Background Modeling
* Multi-Scale Fusion of Two Large-Exposure-Ratio Images
* Multi-Scale Fusion Subspace Clustering Using Similarity Constraint
* Multi-Scale Fusion with Context-Aware Network for Object Detection
* Multi-Scale Fusion With Matching Attention Model: A Novel Decoding Network Cooperated With NAS for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Scale Fuzzy Classification by KNN: Application to the Interpretation of Aerial Images, A
* Multi-scale GAN with residual image learning for removing heterogeneous blur
* Multi-scale Gated Fully Convolutional DenseNets for semantic labeling of historical newspaper images
* Multi-scale Gaussian Difference Preprocessing and Dual Stream CNN-transformer Hybrid Network for Skin Lesion Segmentation
* Multi-Scale Generalization of the HoG and HMAX Image Descriptors for Object Detection, A
* Multi-scale Generative Adversarial Networks for Crowd Counting
* multi-scale generative model for animate shapes and parts, A
* Multi-Scale Geometric Consistency Guided and Planar Prior Assisted Multi-View Stereo
* Multi-Scale Geometric Consistency Guided Multi-View Stereo
* Multi-Scale Geophysical Methodologies Applied to Image Archaeological Ruins at Various Depths in Highly Terraneous Sites
* Multi-Scale Geospatial Object Detection Based on Shallow-Deep Feature Extraction
* Multi-Scale Gesture Recognition from Time-Varying Contours
* Multi-scale Gradient Approach for Color-based Morphological Segmentation, A
* Multi-scale gradient attention guidance and adaptive style fusion for image inpainting
* Multi-Scale Gradient Image Super-Resolution for Preserving SIFT Key Points in Low-Resolution Images
* Multi-scale gradient magnitude watershed segmentation
* Multi-Scale Graph-Based Feature Fusion for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Multi-scale Graph-based Guided Filter for De-noising Cryo-Electron Tomographic Data
* Multi-Scale Graph Based on Spatio-Temporal-Radiometric Interaction for SAR Image Change Detection, A
* Multi-Scale Graph Convolutional Interaction Network for Salient Object Detection
* Multi-scale graph neural network for global stereo matching
* Multi-Scale Grid Network for Image Deblurring With High-Frequency Guidance
* Multi-Scale Gridded Gabor Attention for Cirrus Segmentation
* Multi-Scale Ground Deformation Analysis and Investigation of Driver Factors Based on Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of Zhuhai City
* Multi-scale Grouped Dense Network for VVC Intra Coding
* Multi-Scale Guided Cascade Hourglass Network for Depth Completion, A
* Multi-Scale Guided Mask Refinement for Coarse-to-Fine RGB-D Perception
* Multi-Scale Hierarchical Codebook Method for Human Action Recognition in Videos Using a Single Example, A
* Multi-Scale Hierarchy Deep Feature Aggregation for Compact Image Representations
* Multi-Scale High-Resolution Vision Transformer for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Scale histogram tone mapping algorithm enables better object detection in wide dynamic range images
* Multi-scale homography estimation based on dual feature aggregation transformer
* Multi-Scale Hourglass Hierarchical Fusion Network for Single Image Deraining
* Multi-Scale Human-Object Interaction Detector
* Multi-Scale Hybrid Linear Model for Lossy Image Representation, A
* Multi-Scale Hybrid Saliency Analysis for Region of Interest Detection in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Scale Hypergraph-Based Feature Alignment Network for Cell Localization
* Multi-Scale Image- and Feature-Level Alignment for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Scale Image Analysis Applied to Radioastronomical Interferometric Data
* Multi-Scale Image Analysis by Pyramidal Algorithms
* Multi-Scale Image Analysis for Detection of Characteristic Component Figure Shapes and Sizes
* Multi-scale image contrast enhancement
* Multi-scale Image Segmentation Using MSER
* Multi-Scale Image Transforms
* Multi-scale image warping using weighted Voronoi diagram
* Multi-scale Improves Boundary Detection in Natural Images
* Multi-Scale Influence Analysis of Urban Shadow and Spatial Form Features on Urban Thermal Environment
* Multi-scale inherent variation features-based texture filtering
* Multi-scale Integral Modified Census Transform for Eye Detection
* Multi-scale Integration of Slope Data on an Irregular Mesh
* Multi-scale interaction transformer for temporal action proposal generation
* Multi-Scale Interactive Network for Salient Object Detection
* Multi-scale interest regions from unorganized point clouds
* Multi-Scale Interpretation Model for Convolutional Neural Networks: Building Trust Based on Hierarchical Interpretation
* Multi-Scale Investigation of Human Renal Tissue in Three Dimensions
* Multi-scale Iso-surface Extraction For Volume Visualization
* Multi-scale Joint Encoding of Local Binary Patterns for Texture and Material Classification
* Multi-scale Kernel Operators for Reflection and Rotation Symmetry: Further Achievements
* Multi-Scale Keypoint Matching
* Multi-Scale LBP Texture Feature Learning Network for Remote Sensing Interpretation of Land Desertification
* Multi-Scale Learning for Low-Resolution Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Scale Learning Framework for Visual Categorization, A
* multi-scale learning method with dilated convolutional network for concrete surface cracks detection, A
* multi-scale level set method based on local features for segmentation of images with intensity inhomogeneity, A
* Multi-Scale LG-Mod Analysis for a More Reliable SAR Sea Surface Wind Directions Retrieval
* Multi-scale Line Feature Detection Using Second Order Semi-Gaussian Filters, A
* Multi-Scale Line Filter with Automatic Scale Selection Based on the Hessian Matrix for Medical Image Segmentation, A
* Multi-scale local-temporal similarity fusion for continuous sign language recognition
* Multi-scale Local Binary Pattern Histograms for Face Recognition
* Multi-scale local binary patterns based on path integral for texture classification
* Multi-scale Local Implicit Keypoint Descriptor for Keypoint Matching
* Multi-scale Location-Aware Kernel Representation for Object Detection
* Multi-Scale Low-Discriminative Feature Reactivation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Multi-scale MAP Estimation of High-Resolution Images
* Multi-Scale Massive Points Fast Clustering Based on Hierarchical Density Spanning Tree
* Multi-Scale Matching for Stereo
* Multi-Scale Matching for the Automatic Location of Control Points in Large Scale Aerial Images Using Terrestrial Scenes
* Multi-scale Matching Networks for Semantic Correspondence
* Multi-scale mean shift tracking
* Multi-Scale Memory-Based Video Deblurring
* Multi-scale mesh saliency with local adaptive patches for viewpoint selection
* Multi-scale Method for Adaptive Mesh Editing Based on Rigidity Estimation
* Multi-Scale Metric Learning for Few-Shot Learning
* Multi-scale microstructure binary pattern extraction and learning for image representation
* Multi-scale model-based skeletonization of object shapes using self-organizing maps
* Multi-Scale Model based on the Long Short-Term Memory for day ahead hourly wind speed forecasting, A
* Multi-Scale Model Driven Single Image Dehazing
* Multi-Scale Modeling and Oxygen Impact on Tumor Temporal Evolution: Application on Rectal Cancer During Radiotherapy
* Multi-Scale Modeling of Neural Structure in X-Ray Imagery
* Multi-scale modeling of textures
* Multi-Scale Morphological Method for Human Posture Recognition, A
* Multi-Scale Motion-Aware Module for Video Action Recognition
* Multi-scale Multi-attention Network for Moiré Document Image Binarization
* Multi-scale multi-feature codebook-based background subtraction
* Multi-Scale Multi-Feature Context Modeling for Scene Recognition in the Semantic Manifold
* Multi-scale multi-hierarchy attention convolutional neural network for fetal brain extraction
* Multi-Scale Multi-Level Generative Model in Scene Classification
* Multi-scale Multi-task Distillation for Incremental 3d Medical Image Segmentation
* Multi-Scale Multi-View Deep Feature Aggregation for Food Recognition
* Multi-scale mutual feature convolutional neural network for depth image denoise and enhancement
* Multi-Scale Neighborhood Feature Extraction and Aggregation for Point Cloud Segmentation
* Multi-scale network for remote sensing segmentation
* Multi-scale Network with Attentional Multi-resolution Fusion for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-scale neural texture classification using the GPU as a stream processing engine
* Multi-scale noise estimation for image splicing forgery detection
* Multi-scale Non-Local Kernel Regression for super resolution
* Multi-Scale Non-Local Spatio-Temporal Information Fusion Networks for Multi-Step Traffic Flow Forecasting
* multi-scale non-uniformity correction method based on wavelet decomposition and guided filtering for uncooled long wave infrared camera, A
* Multi-scale object detection by clustering lines
* Multi-scale object detection in remote sensing imagery with convolutional neural networks
* Multi-Scale Object Detection with the Pixel Attention Mechanism in a Complex Background
* Multi-Scale Object Detector Based on Coordinate and Global Information Aggregation for UAV Aerial Images, A
* Multi-Scale Object Histogram Distance for LCCD Using Bi-Temporal Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-scale observation models for motion estimation
* Multi-scale Opening: A New Morphological Operator
* Multi-Scale Optimal Fusion Model for Single Image Dehazing
* Multi-scale Orderless Pooling of Deep Convolutional Activation Features
* Multi-Scale Particle Filter Framework for Contour Detection, A
* Multi-Scale Patch-Based Image Restoration
* Multi-Scale Patch-Based Representation Learning for Image Anomaly Detection and Segmentation
* Multi-scale patch-based sparse appearance model for robust object tracking
* Multi-scale Patch Aggregation (MPA) for Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation
* Multi-Scale Patch Based Collaborative Representation for Face Recognition with Margin Distribution Optimization
* Multi-scale patches based image denoising using weighted nuclear norm minimisation
* Multi-Scale Pathological Fluid Segmentation in OCT With a Novel Curvature Loss in Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-scale pedestrian detection based on self-attention and adaptively spatial feature fusion
* Multi-scale pedestrian detection with global-local attention and multi-scale receptive field context
* multi-scale perceptual polyp segmentation network based on boundary guidance, A
* Multi-scale phase-based local features
* Multi-scale Piecewise-Linear Feature Detector for Spectrogram Tracks, A
* Multi-Scale Piecewise Line Integral Strategy for Structure Integral Transform
* Multi-Scale Point-Wise Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Object Segmentation From LiDAR Point Clouds in Large-Scale Environments
* Multi-Scale Position Feature Transform Network for Video Frame Interpolation, A
* Multi-scale Positive Sample Refinement for Few-shot Object Detection
* Multi-Scale Primal Feature Based Facial Expression Modeling and Identification
* Multi-Scale Probabilistic Dithering for Suppressing Banding Artifacts in Digital Images
* Multi-scale Processing of Noisy Images using Edge Preservation Losses
* Multi-Scale Progressive Fusion Network for Single Image Deraining
* Multi-Scale Proposal Generation for Ship Detection in SAR Images
* Multi-scale pyramid pooling for deep convolutional representation
* Multi-scale Radar HRRP Target Recognition Method Based on Pyramid Depthwise Separable Convolution Network, A
* Multi-Scale Raft: Combining Hierarchical Concepts for Learning-Based Optical Flow Estimation
* Multi-scale Recognition with DAG-CNNs
* Multi-scale Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Network for Dense Temporal Classification
* Multi-scale Recursive and Perception-Distortion Controllable Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-scale region-based saliency detection using W2 distance on N-dimensional normal distributions
* Multi-scale region candidate combination for action recognition
* Multi-scale Region Detector, A
* Multi-scale region perpendicular local binary pattern: An effective feature for interest region description
* Multi-Scale Regularized Deep Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* Multi-scale Relation Network for Few-shot Learning Based on Meta-learning
* Multi-scale relation reasoning for multi-modal Visual Question Answering
* Multi-scale Relational Reasoning with Regional Attention for Visual Question Answering
* Multi-Scale Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Landscape Pattern Based on Wavelet Coherence: The Case of Metropolitan Beijing, China
* Multi-Scale Remote Sensing-Assisted Forest Inventory: A Glimpse of the State-of-the-Art and Future Prospects
* Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Assessment of Ecological Environment Quality and Its Driving Factors in Watersheds: A Case Study of Huashan Creek Watershed in China
* Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Semantic Analysis Based on a Global Perspective
* Multi-Scale Representation Learning on Hypergraph for 3D Shape Retrieval and Recognition
* Multi-Scale Representation of Ocean Flow Fields Based on Feature Analysis
* Multi-Scale Representation of Point-of-Interest (POI) Features in Indoor Map Visualization, A
* Multi-Scale Residential Areas Matching Method Considering Spatial Neighborhood Features, A
* Multi-Scale Residential Areas Matching Method Using Relevance Vector Machine and Active Learning, A
* Multi-Scale Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Haze Removal of Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Scale Residual Deep Network for Semantic Segmentation of Buildings with Regularizer of Shape Representation
* Multi-scale Residual Interaction for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Multi-scale Residual Low-Pass Filter Network for Image Deblurring
* Multi-scale Residual Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Multi-Scale Response Analysis and Displacement Prediction of Landslides Using Deep Learning with JTFA: A Case Study in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
* Multi-Scale Retinex for Color Image Enhancement
* Multi-Scale Road Matching Based on the Summation Product of Orientation and Distance and Shape Descriptors
* Multi-Scale Rotation-Invariant Haar-Like Feature Integrated CNN-Based Ship Detection Algorithm of Multiple-Target Environment in SAR Imagery
* Multi-scale Salience Distance Transforms
* Multi-Scale Saliency-Guided Compressive Sensing Approach to Efficient Robotic Laser Range Measurements
* Multi-scale saliency detection via inter-regional shortest colour path
* Multi-scale saliency of 3D colored meshes
* Multi-scale salient object detection using graph ranking and global-local saliency refinement
* Multi-Scale Segmentation and Surface Fitting for Measuring 3-D Macular Holes
* Multi-scale Segmentation Approach to Mapping Seagrass Habitats Using Airborne Digital Camera Imagery, A
* Multi-scale segmentation for remote sensing imagery based on minimum heterogeneity rule
* Multi-scale Segmentation of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images By Integrating Multiple Features
* Multi-Scale Selective Image Texture Smoothing Via Intuitive Single Clicks
* Multi-Scale Selective Residual Learning for Non-Homogeneous Dehazing
* Multi-scale self-attention-based feature enhancement for detection of targets with small image sizes
* Multi-scale self-attention mixup for graph classification
* Multi-Scale Self-Calibrated Dual-Attention Lightweight Residual Dense Deraining Network Based on Monogenic Wavelets
* Multi-scale Self-calibrated Network for Image Light Source Transfer
* Multi-scale self-supervised representation learning with temporal alignment for multi-rate time series modeling
* Multi-Scale Semantic and Detail Extraction Network for Lightweight Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Scale Semantic Segmentation and Spatial Relationship Recognition of Remote Sensing Images Based on an Attention Model
* Multi-scale Semantic Segmentation Enriched Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-Scale Semi-Transparent Blotch Removal on Archived Photographs using Bayesian Matting Techniques and Visibility Laws
* Multi-Scale Separable Network for Ultra-High-Definition Video Deblurring
* Multi-scale sequential network for semantic text segmentation and localization
* Multi-scale Settlement Matching Algorithm Based on ARG, A
* Multi-Scale Shape Index-Based Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
* Multi-Scale Shape Representation for Profiled Fibers
* Multi-scale shared features for cascade object detection
* Multi-Scale Ship Detection Algorithm Based on a Lightweight Neural Network for Spaceborne SAR Images
* Multi-Scale Ship Detection Algorithm Based on YOLOv7 for Complex Scene SAR Images
* Multi-scale ship tracking via random projections
* Multi-scale signed recurrence plot based time series classification using inception architectural networks
* Multi-Scale Similarity Guidance Few-Shot Network for Ship Segmentation in SAR Images
* Multi-scale single image dehazing based on the fusion of global and local features
* Multi-Scale Single Image Dehazing Using Laplacian and Gaussian Pyramids
* Multi-Scale Single Image Dehazing Using Perceptual Pyramid Deep Network
* Multi-scale Singularity Trees: Soft-Linked Scale-Space Hierarchies
* Multi-scale Space-time Registration of Growing Plants
* Multi-scale space vehicle component identification
* Multi-Scale Sparse Graph Convolutional Network For the Assessment of Parkinsonian Gait
* Multi-scale spatial-spectral fusion based on multi-input fusion calculation and coordinate attention for hyperspectral image classification
* Multi-scale spatial-temporal attention graph convolutional networks for driver fatigue detection
* Multi-Scale Spatial-Temporal Attention Model for Person Re-Identification in Videos, A
* Multi-Scale Spatial Attention-Guided Monocular Depth Estimation With Semantic Enhancement
* Multi-Scale Spatial Attention Region Proposal Network for High-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Multi-scale spatial convolution algorithm for lane line detection and lane offset estimation in complex road conditions
* Multi-Scale Spatial Difference Approach to Estimating Topography Correlated Atmospheric Delay in Radar Interferograms, A
* Multi-scale Spatial Location Preference for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-scale Spatially-Asymmetric Recalibration for Image Classification
* Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Change Characteristics Analysis of High-Frequency Disturbance Forest Ecosystem Based on Improved Spatiotemporal Cube Model
* Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Feature Fusion Network for Video Saliency Prediction
* Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis and Simulation (MSPAS) Model with Driving Factors for Land Cover Change and Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Nepal
* Multi-Scale Spectral-Spatial Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification Combining 2D Octave and 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-Scale Spectral Loss Revisited
* Multi-scale stacked sequential learning
* Multi-Scale Statistical Detection and Ballistic Imaging Through Turbid Media
* Multi-Scale Stereo Matching
* Multi-scale structural kernel representation for object detection
* Multi-scale Structural Saliency for Signature Detection
* Multi-Scale Structure-Aware Network for Human Pose Estimation
* Multi-Scale Structure-Aware Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Detection
* Multi-Scale Structure from Multi-Views by d{2}G Filtered 3D Voting
* Multi-Scale Structured Dictionary Learning for 3-D Point Cloud Attribute Compression
* Multi-scale superpatch matching using dual superpixel descriptors
* Multi-Scale Superpixel-Guided Filter Feature Extraction and Selection Approach for Classification of Very-High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* Multi-scale Superpixel based Hierarchical Attention model for brain CT classification
* Multi-scale supervised network for crowd counting
* Multi-Scale Supervised Network for Human Pose Estimation
* multi-scale technique for detecting forest-cover boundary from L-band SAR images, A
* Multi-scale techniques for document page segmentation
* Multi-Scale Temporal Cues Learning for Video Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Scale Temporal Feature Fusion for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Multi-Scale Temporal Information Extractor for Gait Recognition
* Multi-scale Tensor l1-Based Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multi-scale tensor vector field active contour
* Multi-scale terrain texturing using generative adversarial networks
* Multi-scale Tetrahedral Fusion of a Similarity Reconstruction and Noisy Positional Measurements
* Multi-scale Text Line Segmentation Method in Freestyle Handwritten Documents, A
* Multi-scale texture classification from generalized locally orderless images
* Multi-Scale Tikhonov Regularization Scheme for Implicit Surface Modelling, A
* Multi-Scale Tokens-Aware Transformer Network for Multi-Region and Multi-Sequence MR-to-CT Synthesis in a Single Model
* Multi-scale Topo-morphometric Opening of Arteries and Veins: An Evaluative Study via Pulmonary CT Imaging
* Multi-scale Topological Features for Hand Posture Representation and Analysis
* multi-scale topological shape model for single and multiple component shapes, A
* Multi-scale Total Variation with Automated Regularization Parameter Selection for Color Image Restoration
* Multi-Scale Transformer-Based Feature Combination for Image Retrieval
* Multi-Scale Transformer-Based Matching Network for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Scale Transformer Network for Saliency Prediction on 360-Degree Images
* Multi-Scale Transformer Network With Edge-Aware Pre-Training for Cross-Modality MR Image Synthesis
* Multi-scale Triplet Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Person Re-identification, A
* Multi-Scale Tubular Structure Detection in Ultrasound Imaging
* Multi-scale Two-step Fast Search Algorithm For Block Motion Estimation, A
* Multi-scale underwater descattering
* Multi-Scale Validation and Uncertainty Analysis of GEOV3 and MuSyQ FVC Products: A Case Study of an Alpine Grassland Ecosystem
* Multi-Scale Validation of MODIS LAI Products Based on Crop Growth Period
* Multi-Scale Validation of SMAP Soil Moisture Products over Cold and Arid Regions in Northwestern China Using Distributed Ground Observation Data
* Multi-Scale Validation Strategy for Albedo Products over Rugged Terrain and Preliminary Application in Heihe River Basin, China, A
* Multi-Scale Vector-Ridge-Detection for Perceptual Organization Without Edges
* Multi-scale Vector Spline Method for Estimating the Fluids Motion on Satellite Images, A
* Multi-Scale Vectorial L-tau-TV Framework for Color Image Restoration, A
* Multi-scale vehicle logo recognition by directional dense SIFT flow parsing
* Multi-scale Vessel Boundary Detection
* Multi-Scale Video Inverse Tone Mapping with Deformable Alignment
* Multi-Scale Video Super-Resolution Transformer With Polynomial Approximation
* Multi-scale video text detection based on corner and stroke width verification
* Multi-Scale Virtual Terrain for Hierarchically Structured Non-Location Data, A
* Multi-Scale Vision Longformer: A New Vision Transformer for High-Resolution Image Encoding
* Multi-scale Visual Aggregation Residual Network for Super-Resolution
* Multi-scale visual attention & saliency modelling with decision theory
* Multi-scale visual attention for attribute disambiguation in zero-shot learning
* Multi-Scale Visual Perception Based Progressive Feature Interaction Network for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-scale visual tracking by sequential belief propagation
* Multi-scale volumes for deep object detection and localization
* Multi-Scale Voxel Class Balanced ASPP for LIDAR Pointcloud Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-scale Voxel Hashing and Efficient 3D Representation for Mobile Augmented Reality
* Multi-Scale Water Extraction Convolutional Neural Network (MWEN) Method for GaoFen-1 Remote Sensing Images, A
* Multi-Scale Wavelet 3D-CNN for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution, A
* Multi-scale Wavelet Transformer for Face Forgery Detection
* Multi-Scale Weight Sharing Network for Image Recognition
* Multi-Scale Weighted Back Projection Imaging Technique for Ground Penetrating Radar Applications, A
* Multi-scale Weighted Nuclear Norm Image Restoration
* Multi-scale, multi-level, heterogeneous features extraction and classification of volumetric medical images
* Multi-Scale, Pyramid Texture Segmentation Approaches
* Multi-Scale, Scale Aware Crowd Counting
* Multi-Scale, Torsion-Based Shape Representations for Space Curves
* Multi-scale/multi-resolution Kronecker compressive imaging
* Multi-Scaled Hierarchical Structure Model for Multispectral Image Detection, A
* Multi-scan segmentation of terrestrial laser scanning data based on normal variation analysis
* Multi-scanner Harmonization of Paired Neuroimaging Data via Structure Preserving Embedding Learning
* Multi-Scanning Based Recurrent Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multi-Scenario Model of Plastic Waste Accumulation Potential in Indonesia Using Integrated Remote Sensing, Statistic and Socio-Demographic Data
* Multi-Scenario Prediction and Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Land Use and Carbon Storage Response in Shaanxi, A
* Multi-Scenario Prediction of Intra-Urban Land Use Change Using a Cellular Automata-Random Forest Model
* Multi-Scenario Simulation of Production-Living-Ecological Space in the Poyang Lake Area Based on Remote Sensing and RF-Markov-FLUS Model
* multi-scenario text generation method based on meta reinforcement learning, A
* Multi-Scene Building Height Estimation Method Based on Shadow in High Resolution Imagery
* multi-scene deep learning model for image aesthetic evaluation, A
* multi-scheme semi-supervised regression approach, A
* Multi-Script-Oriented Text Detection and Recognition in Video/Scene/Born Digital Images
* Multi-script and Multi-oriented Text Localization from Scene Images
* Multi-script handwriting recognition with N-streams low level features
* Multi-script Identification from Printed Words
* Multi-script iterative steerable directional filtering for handwritten text line extraction
* Multi-script line identification from Indian documents
* Multi-script Text Extraction from Natural Scenes
* Multi-script text versus non-text classification of regions in scene images
* Multi-script versus single-script scenarios in automatic off-line signature verification
* Multi-script Writer Identification Optimized with Retrieval Mechanism
* Multi-script writer identification using dissimilarity
* multi-scroll hyper-chaotic coexistence attractors and its application, The
* Multi-Season Phenology Mapping of Nile Delta Croplands Using Time Series of Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 Green LAI
* Multi-season RapidEye imagery improves the classification of wetland and dryland communities in a subtropical coastal region
* Multi-sector algorithm for hardware acceleration of the general Hough transform
* Multi-Sector Oriented Object Detector for Accurate Localization in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* multi-seed dynamic local graph matching model for tracking of densely packed cells across unregistered microscopy image sequences, A
* Multi-Segment Rupture Model of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Revealed by InSAR and GPS Data
* Multi-segments Naïve Bayes classifier in likelihood space
* Multi-Semantic Alignment Co-Reasoning Network for Video Question Answering
* Multi-semantic hypergraph neural network for effective few-shot learning
* Multi-semantic long-range dependencies capturing for efficient video representation learning
* Multi-Semantic Path Representation Learning for Travel Time Estimation
* Multi-Semantics Aggregation Network Based on the Dynamic-Attention Mechanism for 3D Human Motion Prediction
* Multi-sensor 3d Recording Pipeline for The Documentation of Javanese Temples
* Multi-sensor Acceleration-Based Action Recognition
* Multi-Sensor Analysis of a Weak and Long-Lasting Volcanic Plume Emission
* Multi-Sensor Analysis of Snow Seasonality and a Preliminary Assessment of SAR Backscatter Sensitivity to Arctic Vegetation: Limits and Capabilities
* Multi-Sensor and Analytical Constraints Tightly Augmented BDS-3 RTK for Vehicle-Borne Positioning
* Multi-Sensor and Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Approach for Assessing Slope Instability along Transportation Corridors Using Satellites and Uncrewed Aircraft Systems
* Multi-sensor Appearance-Based Place Recognition
* multi-sensor approach for People Fall Detection in home environment, A
* Multi-Sensor Approach for Volcanic Ash Cloud Retrieval and Eruption Characterization: The 23 November 2013 Etna Lava Fountain, A
* Multi-Sensor Approach to Characterize Winter Water-Level Drawdown Patterns in Lakes, A
* Multi-Sensor Approach to Improve Bathymetric Lidar Mapping of Semi-Arid Groundwater-Dependent Streams: Devils River, Texas
* Multi-sensor Approach To Semi-Global Matching, A
* Multi-Sensor As-Built Models of Complex Industrial Architectures
* Multi-sensor background subtraction by fusing multiple region-based probabilistic classifiers
* Multi-Sensor Based Perception Network for Vehicle Driving Assistance
* Multi-Sensor Biometric Person Recognition in an Access Control System
* Multi-Sensor Calibration Studies of AVHRR-Heritage Channel Radiances Using the Simultaneous Nadir Observation Approach
* Multi-Sensor Classification Framework of Urban Vegetation for Improving Ecological Services Management
* Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Modeling African Palm in the Ecuadorian Amazon
* Multi-sensor Data Fusion Using the Influence Model
* Multi-sensor Ensemble-guided Attention Network for Aerial Vehicle Perception Beyond Visible Spectrum
* Multi-Sensor Exportable Approach for Automatic Flooded Areas Detection and Monitoring by a Composite Satellite Constellation, A
* Multi-sensor Fire Detection by Fusing Visual and Non-visual Flame Features
* Multi-Sensor Fusion Based Estimation of Tire-Road Peak Adhesion Coefficient Considering Model Uncertainty
* Multi-sensor Fusion for Outdoor Dynamic Scene Understanding
* Multi-sensor Fusion Framework in 3-D, A
* Multi-Sensor Fusion of SDGSAT-1 Thermal Infrared and Multispectral Images
* Multi-Sensor Fusion Self-Supervised Deep Odometry and Depth Estimation
* Multi-Sensor Fusion Technology for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Review
* Multi-Sensor Fusion Tracking Using Visual Information and WI-Fl Location Estimation
* Multi-sensor Fusion Using Dempster's Theory of Evidence for Video Segmentation
* Multi-sensor fusion with Bayesian inference
* Multi-Sensor Geodetic Observations and Modeling of the 2017 Mw 6.3 Jinghe Earthquake
* Multi-Sensor Geomagnetic Prospection: A Case Study from Neolithic Thessaly, Greece
* Multi-Sensor Graph Transfer Network for Health Assessment of High-Speed Rail Suspension Systems
* Multi-sensor image fusion based on statistical features and wavelet transform
* Multi-sensor Image Fusion Using Multirate Filter Banks
* Multi-Sensor Image Fusion Using Subband Decomposed Multiscale Retinex
* Multi-sensor image fusion with ICA bases and region rule
* Multi-sensor image fusion
* Multi-Sensor Image Fusion: Difficulties and Key Techniques
* Multi-Sensor Image Interpretation Using Laser Radar and Thermal Images
* Multi-sensor image registration based-on local phase coherence
* Multi-sensor image registration based on intensity and edge orientation information
* Multi-Sensor Imaging and Space-Ground Cross-Validation for 2010 Flood along Indus River, Pakistan
* Multi-Sensor InSAR Analysis of Progressive Land Subsidence over the Coastal City of Urayasu, Japan
* Multi-Sensor InSAR Assessment of Ground Deformations around Lake Mead and Its Relation to Water Level Changes
* multi-sensor integrated head-mounted display setup for augmented reality applications, A
* Multi-Sensor Integrated Intelligent Robot for Automated Assembly
* Multi-sensor integrated mapping of global XCO2 from 2015 to 2021 with a local random forest model
* Multi-Sensor Interacted Vehicle-Tracking Algorithm with Time-Varying Observation Error, A
* Multi-Sensor Large-Scale Dataset for Multi-View 3D Reconstruction
* Multi-sensor medical image fusion using pyramid-based DWT: a multi-resolution approach
* Multi-Sensor Micro UAV Based Automatic Rapid Mapping System for Damage Assessment in Disaster Areas, A
* Multi-sensor Multi-cue Fusion for Object Detection in Video Surveillance
* Multi-sensor multi-resolution image fusion for improved vegetation and urban area classification
* Multi-Sensor Multi-Target Tracking: Strategies for Events that become Invisible
* Multi-Sensor Object Localization System, A
* Multi-Sensor Observations of Submesoscale Eddies in Coastal Regions
* Multi-Sensor Observations Reveal Large-Amplitude Nonlinear Internal Waves in the Kara Gates, Arctic Ocean
* Multi-sensor People Counting
* Multi-Sensor Platform for Indoor Mobile Mapping: System Calibration and Using a Total Station for Indoor Applications
* Multi-sensor prediction of Eucalyptus stand volume: A support vector approach
* Multi-Sensor Radiometric Study to Detect Pathologies in Historical Buildings
* Multi-sensor recognition of electronic components
* Multi-sensor registration for objects motion detection
* Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing of Intertidal Flat Habitats for Migratory Shorebird Conservation
* Multi-Sensor Representation of Extended Scenes Using Multi-View Geometry
* Multi-Sensor Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Properties for Near-Real-Time Applications Using the Metop Series of Satellites: Concept, Detailed Description, and First Validation
* Multi-Sensor SAR Geodetic Imaging and Modelling of Santorini Volcano Post-Unrest Response
* Multi-Sensor SAR Image Registration Based on Object Shape
* Multi-Sensor Satellite Approach to Characterize the Volcanic Deposits Emitted during Etna's Lava Fountaining: The 2020-2022 Study Case, A
* Multi-Sensor Sea Surface Temperature Products from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
* Multi-Sensor SLAM Approach for Robot Navigation
* Multi-sensor super-resolution
* Multi-Sensor System for Airborne Image Capture and Georeferencing
* Multi-sensor system for driver's hand-gesture recognition
* multi-sensor system for positioning in urban environments, A
* Multi-sensor text classification experiments: A comparison
* Multi-sensor tracking and lane estimation in highly automated vehicles
* Multi-sensor Traffic Data Fusion for Congestion Detection and Tracking
* Multi-sensor Traffic Scene Dataset with Omnidirectional Video, A
* Multi-Sensor UAV Application for Thermal Analysis on a Dry-Stone Terraced Vineyard in Rural Tuscany Landscape
* Multi-Sensor Unoccupied Aerial System Improves Characterization of Vegetation Composition and Canopy Properties in the Arctic Tundra, A
* Multi-Sensor, Active Fire-Supervised, One-Class Burned Area Mapping in the Brazilian Savanna
* Multi-sensorial inputs for the identification of persons with synergetic computers
* Multi-Sensors Remote Sensing Applications for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mapping NPK Content in Soil and Crops in African Agricultural Land
* Multi-sensory and Multi-modal Fusion for Sentient Computing
* Multi-Sensory Face Biometric Fusion (for Personal Identification)
* Multi-sensory surveillance for moving vehicles
* Multi-Sentence Auxiliary Adversarial Networks for Fine-Grained Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Multi-Session High-Definition Map-Monitoring System for Map Update
* Multi-shape Descriptor Vehicle Classification for Urban Traffic
* Multi-Shot Deblurring for 3D Scenes
* Multi-Shot Human Re-Identification Using Adaptive Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Multi-shot Imaging: Joint Alignment, Deblurring, and Resolution-Enhancement
* Multi-shot Pedestrian Re-identification via Sequential Decision Making
* Multi-shot Person Re-Identification Using Part Appearance Mixture
* Multi-shot person re-identification via relational Stein divergence
* Multi-shot Person Re-identification with Automatic Ambiguity Inference and Removal
* Multi-shot Re-identification with Random-Projection-Based Random Forests
* Multi-shot SURF-based person re-identification via sparse representation
* Multi-shot Temporal Event Localization: a Benchmark
* Multi-signal gesture recognition using temporal smoothing hidden conditional random fields
* Multi-similarity based hyperrelation network for few-shot segmentation
* Multi-Similarity Loss With General Pair Weighting for Deep Metric Learning
* Multi-Similarity Re-Ranking for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Site and Multi-Year Remote Records of Operative Temperatures with Biomimetic Loggers Reveal Spatio-Temporal Variability in Mountain Lizard Activity and Persistence Proxy Estimates
* Multi-Site Harmonization of Diffusion MRI Data via Method of Moments
* Multi-Site Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2019 Challenge
* Multi-sketch Semantic Video Browser
* Multi-skew detection of Indian script documents
* Multi-skill aware task assignment in real-time spatial crowdsourcing
* Multi-SLM holographic display system with planar configuration
* Multi-SNR GMMs-Based Noise-Robust Speaker Verification Using 1/fa Noises
* Multi-Source-Data-Assisted AUV for Path Cruising: An Energy-Efficient DDPG Approach, A
* Multi-Source-Driven Asynchronous Diffusion Model for Video-Sharing in Online Social Networks
* Multi-Source 3D Models Supporting Ultrasonic Test to Investigate An Egyptian Sculpture of the Archaeological Museum in Bologna
* Multi-source Adaptive Learning for Fast Control of Prosthetics Hand
* Multi-Source Aggregation Transformer for Concealed Object Detection in Millimeter-Wave Images
* Multi-source Airborne IR and Optical Image Fusion and Its Application to Target Detection
* Multi-Source and Multi-Temporal Image Fusion on Hypercomplex Bases
* Multi-source Approaches for Complex Architecture Documentation: The Palazzo Ducale in Gubbio (Perugia, Italy)
* Multi-Source Causal Feature Selection
* Multi-Source Change-Point Detection over Local Observation Models
* Multi-Source Clustering based on spectral recovery
* Multi-Source Collaborative Contrastive Learning for Decentralized Domain Adaptation
* Multi-source Collaborative Target Classification Based on ISAR and Infrared Image
* Multi-source color transfer for natural images
* Multi-source combined-media video tracking for summarization
* Multi-Source Data Analysis of Mesoscale Eddies and Their Effects on Surface Chlorophyll in the Bay of Bengal
* Multi-Source Data and Machine Learning-Based Refined Governance for Responding to Public Health Emergencies in Beijing: A Case Study of COVID-19
* Multi-source Data Approach for the Investigation of Land Subsidence In the Konya Basin, Turkey, A
* Multi-Source Data Fusion Based on Ensemble Learning for Rapid Building Damage Mapping during the 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami in Palu, Indonesia
* Multi-Source Data Fusion Decision-Making Method for Disease and Pest Detection of Grape Foliage Based on ShuffleNet V2, A
* Multi-Source Data Fusion Method to Improve the Accuracy of Precipitation Products: A Machine Learning Algorithm, A
* Multi-Source Data Integration to Investigate a Deep-Seated Landslide Affecting a Bridge
* Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware for Land Monitoring within a Web-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Siberia
* Multi-source Deep Learning for Human Pose Estimation
* Multi-source Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition
* Multi-source domain adaptation for image classification
* Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation
* Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Object Detection
* Multi-Source Domain Adaptation with Collaborative Learning for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Source Domain Adaptation with Mixture of Joint Distributions
* Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
* Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitoring in the Great Lakes Basin
* Multi-Source Geo-Information Fusion in Transition: A Summer 2019 Snapshot
* Multi-source heterogeneous iris segmentation method based on lightweight convolutional neural network
* Multi-Source Hierarchical Conditional Random Field Model for Feature Fusion of Remote Sensing Images and LIDAR Data
* Multi-Source Hydrological Data Products to Monitor High Asian River Basins and Regional Water Security
* Multi-source image auto-annotation
* Multi-Source Image Matching Network for UAV Visual Location, A
* Multi-Source Information Exchange Encoding With PCNN for Medical Image Fusion
* Multi-source Information Gain for Random Forest: An Application to CT Image Prediction from MRI Data
* Multi-Source Interactive Stair Attention for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
* Multi-source Learning for Skeleton-based Action Recognition Using Deep LSTM Networks
* Multi-source material image optimized selection based multi-option composition
* Multi-Source Multi-Label Learning for User Profiling in Online Games
* Multi-source Multi-modal Activity Recognition in Aerial Video Surveillance
* Multi-source Multi-scale Counting in Extremely Dense Crowd Images
* Multi-source Open-set Deep Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Multi-Source Precipitation Data Merging for Heavy Rainfall Events Based on Cokriging and Machine Learning Methods
* Multi-Source Precipitation Data Merging for High-Resolution Daily Rainfall in Complex Terrain
* Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Product Analysis: Investigating Anthropogenic and Naturogenic Impacts on Mangroves in Southeast Asia
* Multi-Source Remote Sensing Image Fusion for Ship Target Detection and Recognition
* Multi-Source Remote Sensing Imageries Matching Based on SIFT Feature with Match-Support Measurement
* Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images Matching Based on Improved Kaze Algorithm
* Multi-Source Remote Sensing Pretraining Based on Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning
* Multi-source remotely sensed data fusion for improving land cover classification
* Multi-Source SAR-Based Surface Deformation Monitoring and Groundwater Relationship Analysis in the Yellow River Delta, China
* Multi-Source Satellite and WRF-Chem Analyses of Atmospheric Pollution from Fires in Peninsular Southeast Asia
* Multi-source Satellite Observations Reveal Evolution Pattern of Rifts In The Filchner-ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica
* Multi-Source Spatio-Temporal Data-Based Tourism Structure Analysis of Demonstration City for Global Tourism: Case Study of Liyang, China
* Multi-Source Style Transfer via Style Disentanglement Network
* Multi-Source T-S Target Recognition via an Intuitionistic Fuzzy Method
* Multi-Source Time Series Remote Sensing Feature Selection and Urban Forest Extraction Based on Improved Artificial Bee Colony
* Multi-source to multi-target domain adaptation method based on similarity measurement
* Multi-source transfer learning based on label shared subspace
* Multi-source Transfer Learning for Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Multi-Source Uncertainty Mining for Deep Unsupervised Saliency Detection
* Multi-Source Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Pseudo Target Domain
* Multi-Source Video Domain Adaptation With Temporal Attentive Moment Alignment Network
* Multi-Source Weak Supervision for Saliency Detection
* Multi-Sourced Knowledge Integration for Robust Self-Supervised Facial Landmark Tracking
* Multi-sourced, Remote Sensing Data in Levees Monitoring: Case Study Of Safedam Project
* Multi-Space Approach to Zero-Shot Object Detection, A
* Multi-Space Neural Radiance Fields
* Multi-Speaker Tracking From an Audio-Visual Sensing Device
* Multi-speaker voice activity detection using a camera-assisted microphone array
* Multi-Specialist Architecture for Sensor Fusion in Remote Sensing, A
* Multi-Species Individual Tree Segmentation and Identification Based on Improved Mask R-CNN and UAV Imagery in Mixed Forests
* Multi-Species Inference of Exotic Annual and Native Perennial Grasses in Rangelands of the Western United States Using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 Data
* Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from Underwater Images
* Multi-species Seagrass Detection Using Semi-supervised Learning
* Multi-spectral and multi-perspective video arrays for driver body tracking and activity analysis
* Multi-Spectral Based Cell Segmentation and Analysis
* Multi-spectral data acquisition and processing techniques for damage detection on building surfaces
* Multi-Spectral Database for NIR Heart Rate Estimation, A
* Multi-spectral dataset and its application in saliency detection
* Multi-spectral demosaicing technique for single-sensor imaging
* Multi-spectral demosaicing: A joint-sparse elastic-net formulation
* Multi-spectral document image binarization using image fusion and background subtraction techniques
* Multi-spectral False Color Shadow Detection
* Multi-spectral flash imaging using weight map
* Multi-Spectral Fusion and Denoising of RGB and NIR Images Using Multi-Scale Wavelet Analysis
* Multi-Spectral Fusion Based Approach for Arbitrarily Oriented Scene Text Detection in Video Images
* Multi-spectral image analysis for skin pigmentation classification
* Multi-Spectral Image Classification Based on an Object-Based Active Learning Approach
* Multi-Spectral Imaging by Optimized Wide Band Illumination
* Multi-Spectral Imaging Filters
* Multi-spectral Imaging System (IWN) for the Digitization and Investigation of Cultural Heritage
* Multi-Spectral Lidar: Radiometric Calibration, Canopy Spectral Reflectance, and Vegetation Vertical SVI Profiles
* Multi-Spectral Low-Rank Structured Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* Multi-spectral Material Classification in Landscape Scenes Using Commodity Hardware
* Multi-spectral medical image visualization with self-organizing maps
* Multi-spectral multi-image super-resolution of Sentinel-2 with radiometric consistency losses and its effect on building delineation
* Multi-spectral pedestrian detection based on accumulated object proposal with fully convolutional networks
* Multi-Spectral Probabilistic Diffusion Using Bayesian Classification
* Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Pigment Absorption Properties in Cyanobacteria Bloom Waters: A Regional Example in the Western Basin of Lake Erie
* Multi-spectral saliency detection
* Multi-spectral Satellite Image Registration Using Scale-Restricted SURF
* Multi-spectral Sensor Dedicated to 3d Spherical Reconstruction, A
* Multi-spectral SIFT for scene category recognition
* Multi-spectral stereo image matching using mutual information
* Multi-spectral Texture Characterisation for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* Multi-spectral Texture Segmentation Based on the Spectral Cooccurrence Matrix
* Multi-spectral video endoscopy system for the detection of cancerous tissue
* Multi-spectral vision system for weed detection
* Multi-Spectral Visual Odometry without Explicit Stereo Matching
* Multi-Spectral Water Index (MuWI): A Native 10-m Multi-Spectral Water Index for Accurate Water Mapping on Sentinel-2
* Multi-Spectro-Temporal Analysis of Hyperspectral Imagery Based on 3-D Spectral Modeling and Multilinear Algebra
* Multi-Stack Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Analysis in Wider Athens, Greece
* Multi-stage 3D reconstruction under circular motion
* Multi-stage adaptive regression for online activity recognition
* Multi-stage affine motion estimation fast algorithm for versatile video coding using decision tree
* Multi-stage age estimation using two level fusions of handcrafted and learned features on facial images
* Multi-stage Aggregated Transformer Network for Temporal Language Localization in Videos
* Multi-stage all-zero block detection for HEVC coding using machine learning
* Multi-stage and multi-branch network with similar expressions label distribution learning for facial expression recognition
* Multi-Stage Approach Combining Very High-Resolution Satellite Image, GIS Database and Post-Classification Modification Rules for Habitat Mapping in Hong Kong, A
* Multi-stage Approach for 3D Teeth Segmentation from Dentition Surfaces, A
* Multi-stage Approach for Anchor Shot Detection, A
* Multi-Stage Approach for Fast Person Re-identification, A
* Multi-stage approach for the transshipment of import containers at maritime container terminals
* Multi-stage Approach to Curve Extraction, A
* Multi-Stage Approach to Facial Feature Detection, A
* Multi-Stage Approach to Fast Face Detection, A
* Multi-Stage Astronomical Images Registration Based on Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform, A
* Multi-Stage Asynchronous Federated Learning With Adaptive Differential Privacy
* Multi-stage Attention based Visual Question Answering
* Multi-stage attention network for video-based person re-identification
* Multi-Stage Automatic Evaluation System for Sight-Singing, A
* Multi-stage branch-and-bound for maximum variance disparity clustering
* Multi-stage cascaded deconvolution for depth map and surface normal prediction from single image
* Multi-stage Combination of Geometric and Colorimetric Detectors for Eyes Localization
* Multi-stage Combined Ellipse and Line Detection
* Multi-stage Contextual Deep Learning for Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-stage Contour Based Detection of Deformable Objects
* Multi-Stage Convolutional Broad Learning with Block Diagonal Constraint for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multi-stage Deep Learning Technique for Improving Traffic Sign Recognition
* Multi-Stage Degradation Homogenization for Super-Resolution of Face Images With Extreme Degradations
* Multi-Stage Duplex Fusion Convnet for Aerial Scene Classification, A
* Multi-stage feature-fusion dense network for motion deblurring
* Multi-Stage Feature Alignment Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Multi-Stage Feature Enhancement Pyramid Network for Detecting Objects in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Stage Feature Fusion Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Multi-Stage Feature Pyramid Stereo Network-Based Disparity Estimation Approach for Two to Three-Dimensional Video Conversion
* Multi-Stage Fusion for Multi-Class 3D Lidar Detection
* Multi-stage Fusion for One-Click Segmentation
* Multi-Stage Graph Fusion Networks for Major Depressive Disorder Diagnosis
* Multi-stage HMM based Arabic text recognition with rescoring
* Multi-stage image denoising with the wavelet transform
* Multi-stage Image Segmentation Framework for Human Detection in Mid Wave Infra-Red (MWIR) Imagery, A
* Multi-stage information diffusion for joint depth and surface normal estimation
* Multi-stage Multi-recursive-input Fully Convolutional Networks for Neuronal Boundary Detection
* Multi-stage Neural Networks with Single-Sided Classifiers for False Positive Reduction and Its Evaluation Using Lung X-Ray CT Images
* Multi-stage object classification featuring confidence analysis of classifier and inclined local Naive Bayes nearest neighbor
* Multi-Stage Optimisation Approach to Design Relocation Strategies in One-Way Car-Sharing Systems With Stackable Cars, A
* Multi-stage part-aware graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognition
* Multi-Stage Pathological Image Classification Using Semantic Segmentation
* multi-stage pedestrian detection using monolithic classifiers, A
* Multi-Stage Progressive Change Detection on High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multi-Stage Progressive Image Restoration
* Multi-stage ranking approach for fast person re-identification
* multi-stage restoration method for degraded images with light scattering and absorption, A
* Multi-stage Sampling with Boosting Cascades for Pedestrian Detection in Images and Videos
* Multi-Stage Semantic Segmentation Quantifies Fragmentation of Small Habitats at a Landscape Scale
* multi-stage spatio-temporal adaptive network for video super-resolution, A
* Multi-Stage Spatio-Temporal Aggregation Transformer for Video Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Stage Spatio-Temporal Fusion Network for Fast and Accurate Video Bit-Depth Enhancement
* Multi-stage Speaker Diarization for Conference and Lecture Meetings
* Multi-stage stacked temporal convolution neural networks (MS-S-TCNs) for biosignal segmentation and anomaly localization
* Multi-Stage Strategy to Perspective Rectification for Mobile Phone Camera-Based Document Images, A
* Multi-Stage Target Recognition Using Modular Vector Quantizers and Multi-Layer Perceptions
* Multi-stage vector quantization towards low bit rate visual search
* Multi-stage Vector Quantizer Design for Image Transmission Over Packet Networks
* Multi-Stage Vessel Tracklet Association Method for Compact High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar, A
* Multi-stage Visible Wavelength and Near Infrared Iris Segmentation Framework
* Multi-Stage Visual Tracking With Siamese Anchor-Free Proposal Network
* Multi-Stage, Multi-Feature Machine Learning Approach to Detect Driver Sleepiness in Naturalistic Road Driving Conditions, A
* Multi-Staged NDVI Dependent Snow-Free Land-Surface Shortwave Albedo Narrowband-to-Broadband (NTB) Coefficients and Their Sensitivity Analysis
* multi-standard interpolation hardware solution for H.264 and HEVC, A
* Multi-start Method with Prior Learning for Image Registration
* Multi-State Based Facial Feature Tracking and Detection
* Multi-State Choice Automata Model for Expedient Learning in Random Environment
* Multi-state Discriminative Video Segment Selection for Complex Event Classification
* Multi-Station and Multi-Instrument Observations of F-Region Irregularities in the Taiwan-Philippines Sector
* Multi-Stencil Streamline Fast Marching: A General 3-D Framework to Determine Myocardial Thickness and Transmurality in Late Enhancement Images
* Multi-step-ahead, Short-Term Prediction of Wind Speed Using a Fusion Approach
* Multi-Step Active Object Tracking with Entropy Based Optimal Actions Using the Sequential Kalman Filter
* multi-step airport delay prediction model based on spatial-temporal correlation and auxiliary features, A
* multi-step alignment scheme for face recognition in range images, A
* Multi-step Coding Structure of Spatial Audio Object Coding
* Multi-step Entropy Based Sensor Control for Visual Object Tracking
* Multi-step flow fusion: Towards accurate and dense correspondences in long video shots
* Multi-step implicit Adams predictor-corrector network for fire detection
* Multi-step Machine Learning Approach for Short Axis MR Images Segmentation, A
* Multi-step Multi-camera View Planning for Real-Time Visual Object Tracking
* Multi-Step Prediction of Occupancy Grid Maps With Recurrent Neural Networks
* Multi-Step Procedures for the Localization of 2-D and 3-D Point Landmarks and Automatic ROI Size Selection
* Multi-Step Pseudo-Measurement Adaptive Kalman Filter Based on Filtering Performance Evaluation and Its Application in the INS/GNSS Navigation System, A
* Multi-Step Quantization Of A Multi-Scale Network For Crowd Counting
* Multi-step radiographic image enhancement conforming to weld defect segmentation
* Multi-Step Reinforcement Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Step Test-Time Adaptation with Entropy Minimization and Pseudo-Labeling
* Multi-step traffic speed prediction model with auxiliary features on urban road networks and its understanding
* Multi-Step View Synthesis with Occlusion Handling
* Multi-STEPS: Multi-label similarity and truth estimation for propagated segmentations
* Multi-stereo 3D object reconstruction
* Multi-stimuli multi-channel data and decision fusion strategies for dyslexia prediction using neonatal ERPs
* MUlti-Store Tracker (MUSTer): A cognitive psychology inspired approach to object tracking
* Multi-strand Graph for a PTZ Tracker, The
* multi-strategy contrastive learning framework for weakly supervised semantic segmentation, A
* Multi-strategy tracking based text detection in scene videos
* Multi-stratification feature selection for diagnostic analysis of Alzheimer's disease
* Multi-stream 3D CNN structure for human action recognition trained by limited data
* Multi-stream 3D video distribution over peer-to-peer networks
* Multi-stream adaptive spatial-temporal attention graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognition
* Multi-stream Approach to Off-Line Handwritten Word Recognition, A
* Multi-Stream Attention-Aware Convolutional Neural Network: Monitoring of Sand and Dust Storms from Ordinary Urban Surveillance Cameras, A
* Multi-Stream Attention-Aware Graph Convolution Network for Video Salient Object Detection
* Multi-stream Bi-directional Recurrent Neural Network for Fine-Grained Action Detection, A
* Multi-Stream CNN for Spatial Resource Allocation: a Crop Management Application
* Multi-stream CNN: Learning representations based on human-related regions for action recognition
* Multi-stream Convolutional Autoencoder and 2D Generative Adversarial Network for Glioma Classification
* Multi-stream Convolutional Networks for Indoor Scene Recognition
* Multi-Stream Convolutional Neural Network for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* multi-stream convolutional neural network for sEMG-based gesture recognition in muscle-computer interface, A
* Multi-Stream Deep Neural Networks for RGB-D Egocentric Action Recognition
* Multi-Stream Dense View Reconstruction Network for Light Field Image Compression
* Multi-stream densely connected network for semantic segmentation
* Multi-stream dynamic video Summarization
* Multi-Stream Feature Fusion Approach for Traffic Prediction, A
* Multi-stream feature refinement network for human object interaction detection
* Multi-stream Fusion for Class Incremental Learning in Pill Image Classification
* Multi-stream Fusion Model for Social Relation Recognition from Videos
* Multi-stream Fusion Network for Image Splicing Localization, A
* Multi-Stream Fusion Network With Generalized Smooth L1 Loss for Single Image Dehazing
* Multi-Stream Graph Convolutional Networks-Hidden Conditional Random Field Model for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, A
* Multi-stream Integrated Neural Networks for Facial Expression-based Pain Recognition
* Multi-Stream Interaction Networks for Human Action Recognition
* Multi-Stream Network for Mesh Denoising Via Graph Neural Networks with Gaussian Curvature, A
* Multi-stream partitioning and parity rate allocation for scalable IPTV delivery
* Multi-stream pose convolutional neural networks for human interaction recognition in images
* Multi-Stream Scale-Insensitive Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Liver Tumor Detection in Dynamic Ct Images
* Multi-Stream Sequence Learning Framework for Human Interaction Recognition, A
* Multi-Stream Siamese and Faster Region-Based Neural Network for Real-Time Object Tracking
* Multi-stream slowFast graph convolutional networks for skeleton-based action recognition
* Multi-stream switching for interactive virtual reality video streaming
* Multi-Streaming of Visual Scenes with Scalable Partial Reliability
* Multi-stripe Video Browser for Tablets, The
* Multi-stroke Dynamic Time Warping Distance Based on A* Optimization, A
* Multi-Stroke Relaxation Matching Method For Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition
* Multi-structure Atlas-Based Segmentation Using Anatomical Regions of Interest
* Multi-structure model selection via kernel optimisation
* Multi-style Chinese art painting generation of flowers
* Multi-style Generative Network for Real-Time Transfer
* Multi-style learning for adaptation of perception intelligence in home service robots
* Multi-style License Plate Recognition System Based on Tree of Shapes for Character Segmentation, A
* Multi-Style Shape Matching GAN for Text Images
* Multi-style transfer and fusion of image's regions based on attention mechanism and instance segmentation
* Multi-SUAV Collaboration and Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Technology-Based Image Registration and Change Detection Network of Garbage Scattered Areas in Nature Reserves
* Multi-subgraph matching for logo localization using genetic algorithm
* Multi-Subject Variational Registration for Probabilistic Unbiased Atlas Generation
* Multi-subregion based correlation filter bank for robust face recognition
* Multi-subregion face recognition using coarse-to-fine Quad-tree decomposition
* Multi-Subset Selection for Keyword Extraction and Other Prototype Search Tasks Using Feature Selection Algorithms
* Multi-Supervised Feature Fusion Attention Network for Clouds and Shadows Detection
* Multi-Surface and Multi-Field Co-Segmentation of 3-D Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Multi-SVM Multi-instance Learning for Object-Based Image Retrieval
* Multi-Swin Mask Transformer for Instance Segmentation of Agricultural Field Extraction
* Multi-symbol QIM video watermarking
* Multi-Target Adversarial Frameworks for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-target and Multi-camera Object Detection with Monte-Carlo Sampling
* Multi-target Attachment for Surgical Instrument Tracking
* Multi-Target CFAR Detection Method for HF Over-The-Horizon Radar Based on Target Sparse Constraint in Weibull Clutter Background
* Multi-target Data Association by Tracklets with Unsupervised Parameter Estimation
* Multi-target Data Association Using Sparse Reconstruction
* Multi-target detection and tracking with a laser scanner
* Multi-target Detection From Full-waveform Airborne Laser Scanner Using PHD Filter
* Multi-target detection in CCTV footage for tracking applications using deep learning techniques
* Multi-Target Detection Method Based on Improved U-Net for UWB MIMO Through-Wall Radar, A
* Multi-Target Domain Adaptation with Collaborative Consistency Learning
* Multi-Target Embodied Question Answering
* Multi-Target Extractor and Detector for Unknown-Number Speaker Diarization
* Multi-target Knowledge Distillation via Student Self-reflection
* Multi-Target Localization of MIMO Radar with Widely Separated Antennas on Moving Platforms Based on Expectation Maximization Algorithm
* Multi-Target Markov Boundary Discovery: Theory, Algorithm, and Application
* Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking by Tracklet-to-Target Assignment
* Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking of Vehicles by Graph Auto-Encoder and Self-Supervised Camera Link Model
* Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking of Vehicles Using Metadata-Aided Re-ID and Trajectory-Based Camera Link Model
* Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking With Optical-Based Pose Association
* Multi-Target Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking for City-Scale Traffic Management
* Multi-target multi-object tracking, sensor fusion of radar and infrared
* Multi-Target Pan-Class Intrinsic Relevance Driven Model for Improving Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Target Positive Emotion Recognition From EEG Signals
* Multi-Target Regression via Robust Low-Rank Learning
* Multi-Target State Estimation Using Interactive Kalman Filter for Multi-Vehicle Tracking
* Multi-Target Track-Before-Detect Particle Filter Using Superpositional Data in Non-Gaussian Noise, A
* Multi-target Tracking and Segmentation via Discriminative Appearance Model
* Multi-target tracking by continuous energy minimization
* Multi-Target Tracking by Discrete-Continuous Energy Minimization
* Multi-target tracking by discriminative analysis on Riemannian manifold
* Multi-target Tracking by Lagrangian Relaxation to Min-cost Network Flow
* Multi-Target Tracking by Learning Class-Specific and Instance-Specific Cues
* Multi-target tracking by learning local-to-global trajectory models
* Multi-target tracking by on-line learned discriminative appearance models
* Multi-Target Tracking by Online Learning a CRF Model of Appearance and Motion Patterns
* Multi-target tracking by online learning of non-linear motion patterns and robust appearance models
* Multi-target Tracking by Rank-1 Tensor Approximation
* Multi-Target Tracking in Clutter
* Multi-target Tracking in Crowded Scenes
* Multi-target Tracking in Multiple Non-overlapping Cameras Using Fast-Constrained Dominant Sets
* Multi-target tracking in team-sports videos via multi-level context-conditioned latent behaviour models
* Multi-target tracking of time-varying spatial patterns
* Multi-target tracking on confidence maps: An application to people tracking
* Multi-Target Tracking on Riemannian Manifolds via Probabilistic Data Association
* Multi-target tracking through opportunistic camera control in a resource constrained multimodal sensor network
* Multi-Target Tracking Using Hybrid Particle Filtering
* Multi-target tracking using long-term stochastic associations
* Multi-target Tracking Using Sample-Based Data Association for Mixed Images
* Multi-target Tracking with Motion Context in Tensor Power Iteration
* Multi-Target Tracking with Multiple Sensors, Stereo, Depth, Range
* Multi-target tracking with occlusion management in a mean field framework
* Multi-target Tracking with Poisson Processes Observations
* Multi-target Tracking with Sparse Group Features and Position Using Discrete-Continuous Optimization
* Multi-Target Tracking With Time-Varying Clutter Rate and Detection Profile: Application to Time-Lapse Cell Microscopy Sequences
* Multi-Target Tracking: Linking Identities using Bayesian Network Inference
* Multi-Task Adapters for On-Device Audio Inference
* Multi-task Adversarial Network for Disentangled Feature Learning
* Multi-task and multi-kernel Gaussian process dynamical systems
* Multi-task based object tracking via a collaborative model
* Multi-Task Bayesian Compressive Sensing Exploiting Intra-Task Dependency
* Multi-Task Bayesian Deep Neural Net for Detecting Life-Threatening Infant Incidents From Head Images, A
* Multi-Task Cascaded Network for Prediction of Affect, Personality, Mood and Social Context Using EEG Signals, A
* Multi-Task Center-of-Pressure Metrics Estimation With Graph Convolutional Network
* Multi-Task cGAN for Simultaneous Spaceborne DSM Refinement and Roof-Type Classification
* Multi-Task Classification of Sewer Pipe Defects and Properties using a Cross-Task Graph Neural Network Decoder
* Multi-task classification with sequential instances and tasks
* Multi-task Clustering of Human Actions by Sharing Information
* Multi-task clustering via domain adaptation
* Multi-Task CNN for Maritime Target Detection, A
* Multi-task CNN for restoring corrupted fingerprint images
* Multi-Task CNN Model for Attribute Prediction
* Multi-task co-clustering via nonnegative matrix factorization
* Multi-Task Collaboration Deep Learning Framework for Infrared Precipitation Estimation
* Multi-Task Collaborative Network for Joint Referring Expression Comprehension and Segmentation
* Multi-Task Collaborative Network for Light Field Salient Object Detection, A
* Multi-Task Comparator Framework for Kinship Verification, A
* Multi-task Compositional Network for Visual Relationship Detection
* Multi-Task Consistency-Preserving Adversarial Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-Task Consistency Enhancement Network for Semantic Change Detection in HR Remote Sensing Images and Application of Non-Agriculturalization, A
* Multi-Task Consistency for Active Learning
* Multi-task Contextual Atrous Residual Network for Brain Tumor Detection Segmentation, A
* Multi-task contrastive learning for automatic CT and X-ray diagnosis of COVID-19
* Multi-Task Convolution Operators with Object Detection for Visual Tracking
* Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Blind Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Using Naturalness Analysis, A
* Multi-task Convolutional Neural Network for Joint Iris Detection and Presentation Attack Detection, A
* Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Patient Detection and Skin Segmentation in Continuous Non-Contact Vital Sign Monitoring
* Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Renal Tumor Segmentation and Classification Using Multi-Phasic CT Images, A
* multi-task convolutional neural network with spatial transform for parking space detection, A
* Multi-task Correlation Particle Filter for Robust Object Tracking
* Multi-task Curriculum Framework for Open-set Semi-supervised Learning
* Multi-task Curriculum Transfer Deep Learning of Clothing Attributes
* Multi-Task Deep Dual Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* Multi-task Deep Learning for Cerebrovascular Disease Classification and MRI-to-PET Translation
* Multi-Task Deep Learning for Image Segmentation Using Recursive Approximation Tasks
* Multi-task Deep Learning for No-reference Screen Content Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-Task Deep Learning for Real-Time 3D Human Pose Estimation and Action Recognition
* Multi-task deep learning with optical flow features for self-driving cars
* Multi-Task Deep Model With Margin Ranking Loss for Lung Nodule Analysis
* Multi-Task Deep Neural Network for Multi-Label Learning
* Multi-Task Deep Relative Attribute Learning for Visual Urban Perception
* Multi-task deep visual-semantic embedding for video thumbnail selection
* Multi-Task Distillation: Towards Mitigating the Negative Transfer in Multi-Task Learning
* Multi-Task Distributed Learning Using Vision Transformer With Random Patch Permutation
* Multi-task driven explainable diagnosis of COVID-19 using chest X-ray images
* Multi-task face analyses through adversarial learning
* Multi-task Facial Activity Patterns Learning for micro-expression recognition using Joint Temporal Local Cube Binary Pattern
* Multi-task feature learning-based improved supervised descent method for facial landmark detection
* Multi-task few-shot learning with composed data augmentation for image classification
* Multi-task Forest for Human Pose Estimation in Depth Images
* Multi-task framework based on feature separation and reconstruction for cross-modal retrieval
* Multi-task fully convolutional network for tree species mapping in dense forests using small training hyperspectral data
* multi-task fully deep convolutional neural network for contactless fingerprint minutiae extraction, A
* Multi-Task Fusion Deep Learning Model for Short-Term Intersection Operation Performance Forecasting
* Multi-Task Fusion for Improving Mammography Screening Data Classification
* Multi-task Gaussian Process Regression-based Image Super Resolution
* Multi-task Generative Adversarial Network for Detecting Small Objects in the Wild
* Multi-task GLOH feature selection for human age estimation
* Multi-Task Hardwired Accelerator for Face Detection and Alignment, A
* Multi-Task Head Pose Estimation in-the-Wild
* Multi-task hierarchical convolutional network for visual-semantic cross-modal retrieval
* Multi-Task Hypergraphs for Semi-supervised Learning using Earth Observations
* Multi-task image classification via collaborative, hierarchical spike-and-slab priors
* Multi-task image set classification via joint representation with class-level sparsity and intra-task low-rankness
* Multi-Task Interaction Learning for Spatiospectral Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Task Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Representation for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* Multi-Task Knowledge Distillation for Eye Disease Prediction
* Multi-task Layout Analysis of Handwritten Musical Scores
* Multi-Task Learning Approach for Human Activity Segmentation and Ergonomics Risk Assessment, A
* Multi-Task Learning Based Traditional Mongolian Words Recognition
* Multi-Task Learning based Video Anomaly Detection with Attention
* Multi-Task Learning By A Top-Down Control Network
* Multi-task Learning by Maximizing Statistical Dependence
* Multi-Task Learning for 2D Phase Unwrapping in Fringe Projection, A
* Multi-Task Learning for Acoustic Event Detection Using Event and Frame Position Information
* Multi-Task Learning for Blind Source Separation
* Multi-Task Learning for Calorie Prediction on a Novel Large-Scale Recipe Dataset Enriched with Nutritional Information
* Multi-task learning for captioning images with novel words
* Multi-Task Learning for Dense Prediction Tasks: A Survey
* Multi-task learning for gait-based identity recognition and emotion recognition using attention enhanced temporal graph convolutional network
* Multi-task Learning for Human Affect Prediction with Auditory-Visual Synchronized Representation
* Multi-task learning for natural language processing in the 2020s: Where are we going?
* Multi-task learning for object keypoints detection and classification
* Multi-task learning for one-class SVM with additional new features
* Multi-Task Learning for Predicting Parkinson's Disease Based on Medical Imaging Information
* Multi-Task Learning for Segmentation of Building Footprints with Deep Neural Networks
* Multi-task learning for simultaneous script identification and keyword spotting in document images
* Multi-task Learning for Simultaneous Video Generation and Remote Photoplethysmography Estimation
* Multi-task Learning for Supervised and Unsupervised Classification of Grocery Images
* Multi-Task Learning for UAV Aerial Object Detection in Foggy Weather Condition
* Multi-task learning for video anomaly detection
* Multi-Task Learning for Video Surveillance with Limited Data
* Multi-task Learning Framework for Emotion Recognition In-the-wild
* Multi-Task Learning Framework for Emotion Recognition Using 2D Continuous Space, A
* Multi-Task Learning Framework for Head Pose Estimation under Target Motion, A
* Multi-task Learning Framework for Joint Disease Risk Prediction and Comorbidity Discovery, A
* Multi-Task Learning Framework for Motion Estimation and Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* multi-task learning method for extraction of newly constructed areas based on bi-temporal hyperspectral images, A
* Multi-task Learning of Cascaded CNN for Facial Attribute Classification
* Multi-Task Learning of Depth from Tele and Wide Stereo Image Pairs
* Multi-Task Learning of Emotion Recognition and Facial Action Unit Detection with Adaptively Weights Sharing Network
* Multi-task Learning of Facial Landmarks and Expression
* Multi-Task Learning of Hierarchical Vision-Language Representation
* Multi-Task Learning of Relative Height Estimation and Semantic Segmentation from Single Airborne RGB Images
* multi-task learning strategy for unsupervised clustering via explicitly separating the commonality, A
* Multi-task learning to rank for web search
* Multi-task learning using GNet features and SVM classifier for signature identification
* Multi-task Learning Using Multi-modal Encoder-Decoder Networks with Shared Skip Connections
* Multi-task Learning Using Uncertainty to Weigh Losses for Scene Geometry and Semantics
* Multi-task learning using variational auto-encoder for sentiment classification
* Multi-task Learning via Non-sparse Multiple Kernel Learning
* Multi-Task Learning via Scale Aware Feature Pyramid Networks and Effective Joint Head
* Multi-task Learning with Attention for End-to-end Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Task Learning With Coarse Priors for Robust Part-Aware Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Task Learning with Compressible Features for Collaborative Intelligence
* Multi-task learning with deformable convolution
* Multi-task Learning with Future States for Vision-based Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Task Learning with Knowledge Distillation for Dense Prediction
* Multi-Task Learning with Low Rank Attribute Embedding for Multi-Camera Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Task Learning with Low Rank Attribute Embedding for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Task Learning with Multi-Query Transformer for Dense Prediction
* Multi-task learning with over-sampled time-series representation of a trajectory for traffic motion pattern recognition
* Multi-Task Learning, Multiple Tasks, Transfer Learning, Domain Adaption
* Multi-task linear discriminant analysis for multi-view action recognition
* Multi-task low-rank affinity pursuit for image segmentation
* Multi-Task low-rank and sparse matrix recovery for human motion segmentation
* Multi-Task Matrix Factorized Graph Neural Network for Co-Prediction of Zone-Based and OD-Based Ride-Hailing Demand, A
* Multi-task Mean Teacher for Semi-supervised Facial Affective Behavior Analysis, A
* Multi-Task Mean Teacher for Semi-Supervised Shadow Detection, A
* Multi-task meta label correction for time series prediction
* Multi-task Micro-expression Recognition Combining Deep and Handcrafted Features
* Multi-task mid-level feature learning for micro-expression recognition
* Multi-Task Model Based on Vision Task Level for Saliency Object Detection in Foggy Conditions
* Multi-task Model for Comic Book Image Analysis
* Multi-Task Multi-Domain Learning for Digital Staining and Classification of Leukocytes
* Multi-Task Multi-modal Semantic Hashing for Web Image Retrieval with Limited Supervision
* Multi-Task Multi-Sample Learning
* Multi-Task Multi-Sensor Fusion for 3D Object Detection
* Multi-Task Multi-Stage Transitional Training Framework for Neural Chat Translation, A
* Multi-task Multi-view based Multi-objective Clustering Algorithm, A
* Multi-task multimodal feature refinement for emotional speech animation
* Multi-task multiple kernel machines for personalized pain recognition from functional near-infrared spectroscopy brain signals
* Multi-Task Network for Joint Specular Highlight Detection and Removal, A
* multi-task network for speaker and command recognition in industrial environments, A
* Multi-Task Network with Distance-Mask-Boundary Consistency Constraints for Building Extraction from Aerial Images, A
* Multi-Task Neural Approach for Emotion Attribution, Classification, and Summarization, A
* Multi-Task Neural Network for Action Recognition with 3D Key-Points, A
* Multi-Task Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Multi-Task Occlusion Learning for Real-Time Visual Object Tracking
* Multi-Task Paired Masking With Alignment Modeling for Medical Vision-Language Pre-Training
* Multi-Task Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Multi-Task Probabilistic Regression with Overlap Maximization for Visual Tracking
* Multi-task proximal support vector machine
* Multi-Task Rank Learning for Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-Task Rank Learning for Visual Saliency Estimation
* Multi-task Recurrent Neural Network for Immediacy Prediction
* Multi-task Relative Attribute Prediction by Incorporating Local Context and Global Style Information
* Multi-Task SE-Network for Image Splicing Localization
* Multi-Task Self-Supervised Object Detection via Recycling of Bounding Box Annotations
* Multi-task Self-Supervised Visual Learning
* Multi-Task Self-Training for Learning General Representations
* Multi-Task Semantic Segmentation Network for Threat Detection in X-Ray Security Images, A
* Multi-Task Semi-Supervised Adversarial Autoencoding for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Multi-task semi-supervised crowd counting via global to local self-correction
* Multi-Task Siamese Network for Retinal Artery/Vein Separation via Deep Convolution Along Vessel
* Multi-task signal recovery by higher level hyper-parameter sharing
* Multi-task Sparse Learning with Beta Process Prior for Action Recognition
* Multi-task Spatiotemporal Neural Networks for Structured Surface Reconstruction
* Multi-Task Structure-Aware Context Modeling for Robust Keypoint-Based Object Tracking
* Multi-Task Transfer Methods to Improve One-Shot Learning for Multimedia Event Detection
* Multi-Task Travel Route Planning With a Flexible Deep Learning Framework
* Multi-Task Vehicle Detection With Region-of-Interest Voting
* Multi-task View Synthesis with Neural Radiance Fields
* Multi-task warped Gaussian process for personalized age estimation
* Multi-Task WaveRNN With an Integrated Architecture for Cross-Lingual Voice Conversion
* Multi-Task Y-Shaped Graph Neural Network for Point Cloud Learning in Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Task Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Prioritised Data Augmentation
* Multi-tasking smart cameras for intelligent video surveillance systems
* Multi-tasking to Correct: Motion-Compensated MRI via Joint Reconstruction and Registration
* Multi-temperature annealing: a new approach for the energy-minimization of hierarchical Markov random field models
* Multi-template ASM Method for Feature Points Detection of Facial Image with Diverse Expressions
* Multi-template GAT correlation for character recognition with a limited quantity of data
* Multi-template GAT/PAT Correlation for Character Recognition with a Limited Quantity of Data
* Multi-template Scale-Adaptive Kernelized Correlation Filters
* Multi-template temporal information fusion for Siamese object tracking
* Multi-Temporal Analysis and Trends of the Drought Based on MODIS Data in Agricultural Areas, Romania
* Multi-temporal analysis of a mangrove ecosystem in Southeastern Brazil using object-based classification applied to IKONOS II data
* Multi-Temporal Analysis of Changes of the Southern Part of the Baltic Sea Coast Using Aerial Remote Sensing Data
* Multi-Temporal Analysis of Environmental Carrying Capacity and Coastline Changes in Yueqing City
* Multi-Temporal Analysis of Forest Fire Probability Using Socio-Economic and Environmental Variables
* Multi-Temporal Analysis of Forestry and Coastal Environments Using UASs
* Multi-temporal Analysis of Land Use and Vegetation Cover in SÃo Francisco Do Sul and ItapoÁ, Santa Catarina State - Brazil: Implications to Groundwater Contamination
* Multi-temporal Analysis Of Landscapes And Urban Areas
* Multi-temporal Analysis of RapidEye Data to Detect Natural Vegetation Phenology During Two Growing Seasons in the Northern Negev, Israel
* Multi-temporal Analysis of WWII Reconnaissance Photos
* Multi-Temporal and Multi-Frequency SAR Analysis for Forest Land Cover Mapping of the Mai-Ndombe District (Democratic Republic of Congo)
* Multi-temporal and Multi-sensor Image Matching Based On Local Frequency Information
* Multi-temporal and multi-source alpine glacier cover classification
* Multi-temporal and multi-source remote sensing image classification by nonlinear relative normalization
* Multi-Temporal and Multi-Spectral Method to Estimate Aerosol Optical Thickness over Land, for the Atmospheric Correction of FormoSat-2, LandSat, VENµS and Sentinel-2 Images, A
* Multi-Temporal and Multiscale Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery Analysis for Detecting Pasture Area Changes after Grazing Cessation Due to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
* Multi-Temporal and Spectral Analysis of High-Resolution Hyperspectral Airborne Imagery for Precision Agriculture: Assessment of Wheat Grain Yield and Grain Protein Content
* Multi-Temporal and Time-Lag Responses of Terrestrial Net Ecosystem Productivity to Extreme Climate from 1981 to 2019 in China
* Multi-temporal Approach For Detecting Snow Cover Area Using Geostationary Imagery Data, A
* Multi-temporal Classification for Crop Discrimination using TerraSAR-X Spotlight images
* multi-temporal classification of multi-spectral images using a neural network, A
* Multi-Temporal Cliff Erosion Analysis Using Airborne Laser Scanning Surveys
* Multi-temporal Crop Surface Models Combined with the RGB Vegetation Index From UAV-based Images for Forage Monitoring In Grassland
* Multi-temporal damage assessment of linear infrastructural objects using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Multi-Temporal DInSAR to Characterise Landslide Ground Deformations in a Tropical Urban Environment: Focus on Bukavu (DR Congo)
* Multi-Temporal Dual- and Quad-Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Crop-Type Mapping
* Multi-Temporal Evaluation of Soil Moisture and Land Surface Temperature Dynamics Using in Situ and Satellite Observations
* Multi-temporal foreground detection in videos
* Multi-temporal geospatial query grouping using correlation signatures
* Multi-temporal High-resolution Landslide Monitoring Based On Uas Photogrammetry and Uas Lidar Geoinformation
* Multi-Temporal Hyperspectral and Radar Remote Sensing for Estimating Winter Wheat Biomass in the North China Plain
* Multi-Temporal Image Analysis for Fluvial Morphological Characterization with Application to Albanian Rivers
* Multi-temporal image change mining based on evidential conflict reasoning
* Multi-temporal Image Co-registration of UAV Blocks: a Comparison Of Different Approaches
* Multi-temporal Image Registration Method Based on Edge Matching and Maximum Likelihood Estimation Sample Consensus, A
* Multi-Temporal Independent Component Analysis and Landsat 8 for Delineating Maximum Extent of the 2013 Colorado Front Range Flood
* Multi-Temporal InSAR Data Fusion for Investigating Mining Subsidence
* Multi-Temporal InSAR Parallel Processing for Sentinel-1 Large-Scale Surface Deformation Mapping
* Multi-Temporal InSAR Structural Damage Assessment: The London Crossrail Case Study
* Multi-Temporal Investigation of the Boulder Clay Glacier and Northern Foothills (Victoria Land, Antarctica) by Integrated Surveying Techniques
* Multi-Temporal Land-Cover Classification of Agricultural Areas in Two European Regions with High Resolution Spotlight TerraSAR-X Data
* Multi-Temporal Land Cover Classification with Sequential Recurrent Encoders
* Multi-Temporal Landsat-8 Images for Retrieval and Broad Scale Mapping of Soil Copper Concentration Using Empirical Models
* Multi-Temporal Landsat Images and Ancillary Data for Land Use/Cover Change (LULCC) Detection in the Southwest of Burkina Faso, West Africa
* Multi-Temporal LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data Fusion for Classification of Semi-Arid Woody Cover Species
* Multi-Temporal Loess Landslide Inventory Mapping with C-, X- and L-Band SAR Datasets: A Case Study of Heifangtai Loess Landslides, China
* Multi-temporal mesoscale hyperspectral data of mixed agricultural and grassland regions for anomaly detection
* Multi-temporal Monitoring of Urban River Water Quality Using UAV-borne Multi-spectral Remote Sensing
* Multi-Temporal Monsoon Crop Biomass Estimation Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* Multi-Temporal Network for Improving Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Landsat Imagery, A
* Multi-Temporal Object-Based Image Analysis to Detect Long-Lived Shrub Cover Changes in Drylands, A
* Multi-temporal object-oriented classifications and analysis of Quickbird scenes at a metropolitan area in Brazil (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State)
* Multi-Temporal Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 for Land Cover Monitoring in Northeastern Ontario, Canada
* Multi-Temporal Predictive Modelling of Sorghum Biomass Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* Multi-Temporal PSI Analysis and Burn Severity Combination to Determine Ground-Burned Hazard Zones
* Multi-temporal Recurrent Neural Networks for Progressive Non-uniform Single Image Deblurring with Incremental Temporal Training
* Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Inversion of Evapotranspiration in the Lower Yangtze River Based on Landsat 8 Remote Sensing Data and Analysis of Driving Factors
* Multi-Temporal SamplePair Generation for Building Change Detection Promotion in Optical Remote Sensing Domain Based on Generative Adversarial Network
* Multi-temporal Sar Change Detection And Monitoring
* Multi-temporal SAR classification according to change detection operators
* Multi-Temporal SAR Data Large-Scale Crop Mapping Based on U-Net Model
* Multi-temporal SAR images change detection based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Multi-temporal SAR Interferometry For Landslide Monitoring
* Multi-Temporal Satellite Image Composites in Google Earth Engine for Improved Landslide Visibility: A Case Study of a Glacial Landscape
* Multi-Temporal Satellite Images on Topsoil Attribute Quantification and the Relationship with Soil Classes and Geology
* Multi-Temporal Satellite Interferometry for Fast-Motion Detection: An Application to Salt Solution Mining
* Multi-Temporal Scene Classification and Scene Change Detection With Correlation Based Fusion
* Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 and -2 Data Fusion for Optical Image Simulation
* Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data for Orchards Discrimination in Khairpur District, Pakistan Using Spectral Separability Analysis and Machine Learning Classification
* Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 Backscatter and Coherence for Rainforest Mapping
* Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 MSI Data for Flood Mapping and Damage Assessment in Mozambique
* Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data Analysis for Smallholding Forest Cut Control
* Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data in Classification of Mountain Vegetation
* Multi-Temporal Small Baseline Interferometric SAR Algorithms: Error Budget and Theoretical Performance
* Multi-Temporal Small Baseline Interferometry Procedure Applied to Mining-Induced Deformation Monitoring, A
* Multi-Temporal Speckle Filtering of Polarimetric P-Band SAR Data over Dense Tropical Forests: Study Case in French Guiana for the BIOMASS Mission
* Multi-Temporal Time-Dependent Terrain Visualization through Localized Spatial Correspondence Parameterization
* Multi-Temporal Trend Analysis of Coastal Vegetation Using Metrics Derived from Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* Multi-Temporal UAV Data and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) for Estimation of Substrate Changes in a Post-Bleaching Scenario on a Maldivian Reef
* Multi-Temporal Ultra Dense Memory Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Multi-Temporal Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing for Vegetable Mapping Using an Attention-Based Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-Temporal Urban Development SpaceNet Dataset, The
* Multi-Temporal Variations in Surface Albedo on Urumqi Glacier No.1 in Tien Shan, under Arid and Semi-Arid Environment
* Multi-Temporal Vineyard Monitoring through UAV-Based RGB Imagery
* Multi-Temporal X-Band Radar Interferometry Using Corner Reflectors: Application and Validation at the Corvara Landslide (Dolomites, Italy)
* Multi-temporal, multi-frequency, and multi-polarization coherence and SAR backscatter analysis of wetlands
* Multi-Terminal Model-Based Video Compression Algorithm, A
* multi-texture approach for estimating iris positions in the eye using 2.5D Active Appearance Models, A
* Multi-texturing 3D models: How to choose the best texture?
* Multi-thread Parsing for Recognizing Complex Events in Videos
* Multi-Threshold Dimension Vector for Texture Analysis and Its Application to Liver Tissue Classification
* Multi-Threshold LIP Contour Detection
* multi-threshold secret image sharing scheme based on MSP, A
* Multi-Threshold Segmentation for Tree-Level Parameter Extraction in a Deciduous Forest Using Small-Footprint Airborne LiDAR Data, A
* Multi-Threshold Wavelet Coder (MTWC) For High Fidelity Image Compression, A
* Multi-Thresholding Segmentation and Contour Tracing of ACF Surface Image
* Multi-TI Arterial Spin Labeling MRI with Variable TR and Bolus Duration for Cerebral Blood Flow and Arterial Transit Time Mapping
* Multi-Tier Attention Network using Term-weighted Question Features for Visual Question Answering
* Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah Products of Holistic Islamic Banking System (HiCORE): Virtual Banking Environment
* Multi-Time Scale Analysis of Regional Aerosol Optical Depth Changes in National-Level Urban Agglomerations in China Using Modis Collection 6.1 Datasets from 2001 to 2017
* Multi-Timescale Actor-Critic Learning for Computing Resource Management With Semi-Markov Renewal Process Mobility
* Multi-timescale boosting for efficient and improved event camera face pose alignment
* Multi-Timescale Collaborative Tracking
* Multi-timescale Trajectory Prediction for Abnormal Human Activity Detection
* Multi-Tissue Decomposition of Diffusion MRI Signals via L_0 Sparse-Group Estimation
* multi-touch finger gesture based low-fatigue VR travel framework, A
* Multi-touch Surface Using Multiple Cameras, A
* Multi-touchless: Real-time fingertip detection and tracking using geodesic maxima
* Multi-Tracker Partition Fusion
* Multi-Trailer Drop-and-Pull Container Drayage Problem
* Multi-transformational Model for Background Subtraction with Moving Cameras, A
* Multi-Transmit Beam Forming for Fast Cardiac Imaging: Experimental Validation and In Vivo Application
* Multi-trend binary code descriptor: a novel local texture feature descriptor for image retrieval
* Multi-Trip Multi-Trailer Drop-and-Pull Container Drayage Problem
* Multi-Turn Video Question Answering via Hierarchical Attention Context Reinforced Networks
* Multi-Turn Video Question Generation via Reinforced Multi-Choice Attention Network
* Multi-type attributes driven multi-camera person re-identification
* Multi-Type Classification Comparison of Mammogram Abnormalities
* Multi-type decision fusion network for visual Q&A
* Multi-Type Features Embedded Deep Learning Framework for Residential Building Prediction
* Multi-Type Forest Change Detection Using BFAST and Monthly Landsat Time Series for Monitoring Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Forests in Subtropical Wetland
* Multi-type relational clustering for enterprise cyber-security networks
* multi-UAV cooperative route planning methodology for 3D fine-resolution building model reconstruction, A
* Multi-UAV Mapping and Target Finding in Large, Complex, Partially Observable Environments
* Multi-UAV Navigation for Optimized Video Surveillance of Ground Vehicles on Uneven Terrains
* Multi-UAV Safe Collaborative Transportation Based on Adaptive Control Barrier Function
* Multi-unit Biometric Fusion in Fingerprint Verification
* Multi-unit Iris Recognition System by Image Check Algorithm
* Multi-Use Light Engine: Fast Projection
* Multi-User Adaptive Video Delivery Over Wireless Networks: A Physical Layer Resource-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Multi-user Based Watermarking System with Two-Security-Level Keys, A
* Multi-User Collusion Behavior Forensics: Game Theoretic Formulation of Fairness Dynamics
* Multi-User Egocentric Online System for Unsupervised Assistance on Object Usage
* Multi-user eye tracking suitable for 3D display applications
* Multi-user glasses free 3D display using an optical array
* Multi-user immersive stereo
* Multi-user Interaction in Collaborative Augmented Reality for Urban Simulation
* Multi-user Multi-platform xR Collaboration: System and Evaluation
* Multi-User Natural Interaction System based on Real-Time Hand Tracking and Gesture Recognition
* Multi-user natural interaction with sensor on activity
* Multi-User Non-Coherent Detection for Downlink MIMO Communication
* Multi-user VR Experience for Creating and Trading Non-fungible Tokens
* Multi-utility Learning: Structured-Output Learning with Multiple Annotation-Specific Loss Functions
* Multi-UUV Maneuvering Counter-Game for Dynamic Target Scenario Based on Fractional-Order Recurrent Neural Network
* Multi-VAE: Learning Disentangled View-common and View-peculiar Visual Representations for Multi-view Clustering
* Multi-Valued and Universal Binary Neurons: Mathematical Model, Learning, Networks, Application to Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
* Multi-valued Images and Their Separation
* Multi-Variable Classification Approach for the Detection of Lightning Activity Using a Low-Cost and Portable X Band Radar
* Multi-Variable Sentinel-2 Random Forest Machine Learning Model Approach to Predicting Perennial Ryegrass Biomass in Commercial Dairy Farms in Southeast Australia, A
* Multi-Variate Cross-Correlation and Image Matching
* Multi-varied Cumulative Alignment for Domain Adaptation
* Multi-Vector Color-Image Filters
* Multi-Vehicle Automated Driving as a Generalized Mixed-Integer Potential Game
* Multi-Vehicle Collaborative Learning for Trajectory Prediction With Spatio-Temporal Tensor Fusion
* Multi-Vehicle Control Framework With Application to Automated Valet Parking, A
* Multi-Vehicle Multi-Camera Tracking With Graph-Based Tracklet Features
* Multi-Vehicle Tracking Using Microscopic Traffic Models
* Multi-Vehicle Tracking With Road Maps and Car-Following Models
* Multi-vehicles dynamic navigating method for large-scale event crowd evacuations
* Multi-Velocity Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition in Videos
* Multi-video browsing and summarization
* Multi-video compression in texture space
* Multi-Video Temporal Synchronization by Matching Pose Features of Shared Moving Subjects
* Multi-view-based Cooperative Tracking of Multiple Human Objects in Cluttered Scenes
* multi-view-CNN framework for deep representation learning in image classification, A
* Multi-view 3D analysis with applications for augmented reality and enhanced video visualization
* Multi-View 3D CG Image Quality Assessment for Contrast Enhancement Based on S-CIELAB Color Space
* Multi-View 3D Compton Image Reconstruction With a Generalized List-Mode MLEM Algorithm
* Multi-View 3D Estimation and Applications to Match Move
* Multi-View 3D Face Reconstruction in the Wild Using Siamese Networks
* Multi-view 3D face reconstruction with deep recurrent neural networks
* Multi-view 3D human pose estimation combining single-frame recovery, temporal integration and model adaptation
* Multi-view 3D Human Pose Estimation in Complex Environment
* Multi-view 3D Models from Single Images with a Convolutional Network
* Multi-view 3D Object Detection Network for Autonomous Driving
* Multi-View 3D Object Retrieval With Deep Embedding Network
* Multi-view 3D Objects Localization from Street-Level Scenes
* Multi-view 3D reconstruction for scenes under the refractive plane with known vertical direction
* Multi-view 3D Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Radially-Symmetric Cameras
* Multi-view 3D Reconstruction from Video with Transformer
* Multi-view 3D Reconstruction of a Texture-less Smooth Surface of Unknown Generic Reflectance
* Multi-view 3D Reconstruction with Transformers
* Multi-View 3D Shape and Motion Recovery on the Spatio-Temporal Curve Manifold
* Multi-View 3D Shape Recognition via Correspondence-Aware Deep Learning
* Multi-View 3D TV Sub-Pixel Coding for Stress Free Perception
* Multi-view 3D video acquisition using hybrid cameras with beam splitter
* Multi-View 3D Video Transport using Application Layer Multicast with View Switching Delay Constraints
* Multi-view 6D Object Pose Estimation and Camera Motion Planning Using RGBD Images
* Multi-View AAM Fitting and Camera Calibration
* Multi-View AAM Fitting and Construction
* Multi-view Access Monitoring and Singularization in Interlocks
* Multi-view action recognition one camera at a time
* Multi-View Action Recognition using Contrastive Learning
* Multi-view Action Recognition Using Cross-view Video Prediction
* Multi-view action recognition using local similarity random forests and sensor fusion
* Multi-view Action Synchronization in Complex Background
* Multi-view Active Appearance Models for the X-Ray Based Analysis of Avian Bipedal Locomotion
* Multi-View Active Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Multi-View Active Shape Model with Robust Parameter Estimation
* Multi-view Adaptive Bone Activation from Chest X-ray with Conditional Adversarial Nets
* Multi-view Adaptive Graph Convolutions for Graph Classification
* Multi-view Adversarial Discriminator: Mine the Non-causal Factors for Object Detection in Unseen Domains
* Multi-view Alpha Matte for Free Viewpoint Rendering
* Multi-View and 3D Deformable Part Models
* Multi-view and Multi-scale Recognition of Symmetric Patterns
* Multi-view Appearance-based 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Multi-View Appearance Model for people re-identification, A
* multi-view approach on modular PCA for illumination and pose invariant face recognition, A
* Multi-View Approach to Motion and Stereo, A
* Multi-View Auto-Calibration Method Based on Human Pose Estimation
* Multi-View Autoencoder for Image Feature Learning with Structured Nonnegative Low Rank
* Multi-view Automatic Lip-Reading Using Neural Network
* Multi-View Azimuth Stereo via Tangent Space Consistency
* Multi-view Based 3D Point Cloud Completion Algorithm for Vehicles
* Multi-view Based AdaBoost Classifier Ensemble for Class Prediction from Gene Expression Profiles
* Multi-view Based Estimation of Human Upper-Body Orientation
* Multi-View Body Image-Based Prediction of Body Mass Index and Various Body Part Sizes
* Multi-view Body Part Recognition with Random Forests
* Multi-view Body Tracking with a Detector-Driven Hierarchical Particle Filter
* Multi-View Calibration from Planar Motion for Video Surveillance
* Multi-view calibration from planar motion trajectories
* multi-view camera-based anti-fraud system and its applications, A
* Multi-view Camera Calibration Method for Coplanar Targets, A
* Multi-view Camera System for the Generation of Real-Time Occlusion-Free Scene Video, A
* Multi-view Canonical Pose 3d Human Body Reconstruction Based on Volumetric Tsdf
* Multi-View Classification and 3D Bounding Box Regression Networks
* Multi-view Classification for Identification of Alzheimer's Disease
* Multi-View Classifier Swarms for Pedestrian Detection and Tracking
* Multi-View Clustering Based on Invisible Weights
* Multi-view clustering by exploring complex mapping relationship between views
* Multi-view clustering via efficient representation learning with anchors
* Multi-view clustering via joint feature selection and partially constrained cluster label learning
* Multi-view clustering via pseudo-label guide learning and latent graph structure recovery
* Multi-View Clustering via Triplex Information Maximization
* Multi-view clustering with Laplacian rank constraint based on symmetric and nonnegative low-rank representation
* Multi-view clustering with local refinement for cancer patient stratification
* Multi-View Coding for Image-Based Rendering Using 3-D Scene Geometry
* Multi-view collective tensor decomposition for cross-modal hashing
* Multi-view common component discriminant analysis for cross-view classification
* Multi-View Complementary Hash Tables for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Multi-view Consensus CNN for 3D Facial Landmark Placement
* Multi-view Consistency as Supervisory Signal for Learning Shape and Pose Prediction
* Multi-View Consistency Contrastive Learning With Hard Positives for Sleep Signals
* Multi-view Consistency Loss for Improved Single-image 3d Reconstruction of Clothed People
* Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D-aware Image Synthesis
* Multi-view Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Compositional 3D-Aware Image Synthesis
* Multi-view Constrained Local Models for Large Head Angle Facial Tracking
* Multi-View Constraints between Collineations: Application to Self-Calibration from Unknown Planar Structures
* Multi-view content-based mammogram retrieval using dynamic similarity and locality sensitive hashing
* Multi-view Continuous Structured Light Scanning
* Multi-view Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Recognition
* Multi-view convolutional vision transformer for 3D object recognition
* Multi-View correlation distillation for incremental object detection
* Multi-view correspondence by enforcement of rigidity constraints
* Multi-view Coupled Self-attention Network for Pulmonary Nodules Classification
* Multi-view daily action recognition based on Hooke balanced matrix and broad learning system
* Multi-View Data-Based Layover Information Compensation Method for SAR Image Mosaic
* Multi-view Data Aggregation for Behaviour Analysis in Video Surveillance Systems
* Multi-View Data Fusion Oriented Clustering via Nuclear Norm Minimization
* Multi-View DCNN Based Method for Breast Cancer Screening, A
* Multi-view Deep Features for Robust Facial Kinship Verification
* Multi-View Deep Gaussian Processes for Supervised Learning
* Multi-view deep metric learning for image classification
* Multi-view Deep Network for Cross-View Classification
* Multi-view dense 3D modelling of untextured objects from a moving projector-cameras system
* Multi-View Dense Image Matching Method for High-Resolution Aerial Imagery Based on a Graph Network, A
* Multi-view Dense Match for Forest Area
* Multi-view dense matching supported by triangular meshes
* Multi-View Dense Point Cloud Generation Algorithm Based on Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Images, A
* Multi-view depth estimation based on visual-hull enhanced Hybrid Recursive Matching for 3D video conference systems
* Multi-View Depth Estimation by Fusing Single-View Depth Probability with Multi-View Geometry
* Multi-view Depth Estimation using Epipolar Spatio-Temporal Networks
* Multi-View Depth Map Estimation With Cross-View Consistency
* Multi-view descriptor mining via codeword net for action recognition
* Multi-View Diffusion Process for Spectral Clustering and Image Retrieval
* Multi-View Discrete Clustering: A Concise Model
* Multi-view discriminant analysis with sample diversity for ECG biometric recognition
* Multi-view discriminant analysis with tensor representation and its application to cross-view gait recognition
* Multi-View Discriminant Analysis
* Multi-View Distributed Video Coding with Low-Complexity Inter-Sensor Communication Over Wireless Video Sensor Networks
* Multi-View Document Rectification using Boundary
* Multi-view Domain Generalization for Visual Recognition
* Multi-view DVC system based on iterative inter-view prediction
* Multi-view dynamic facial action unit detection
* Multi-view dynamic geometry capture using structured light
* Multi-view Dynamic Shape Refinement Using Local Temporal Integration
* Multi-view dynamic texture learning
* Multi-View Edge-based Stereo by Incorporating Spatial Coherence
* Multi-View Embedding Space for Modeling Internet Images, Tags, and Their Semantics, A
* Multi-view Event Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Tracklet Plots
* multi-view extension of the ICP algorithm, A
* Multi-View Extraction of Dynamic Pedestrian Density Fields
* Multi-View Face Alignment Using 3D Shape Model for View Estimation
* Multi-view face alignment using direct appearance models
* Multi-view face and eye detection using discriminant features
* Multi-View Face Detection and Pose Estimation Using a Composite Support Vector Machine across the View Sphere
* Multi-view face detection in videos with online adaptation
* Multi-view face detection under complex scene based on combined SVMs
* Multi-view face detection with FloatBoost
* Multi-view Face Detection with One Classifier for Video Analytics Systems
* Multi-View Face Expression Recognition and Analysis
* Multi-view face identification and pose estimation using B-spline interpolation
* Multi-View Face Image Synthesis Using Factorization Model
* Multi-view face pose estimation based on supervised ISA learning
* Multi-View Face Recognition By Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction And Generalized Linear Models
* Multi-view face recognition by nonlinear tensor decomposition
* Multi-view face recognition from single RGBD models of the faces
* Multi-view face recognition via joint dynamic sparse representation
* Multi-view face segmentation using fusion of statistical shape and appearance models
* Multi-View Face Synthesis via Progressive Face Flow
* Multi-View Face Tracking with Factorial and Switching HMM
* Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition Analysis with Generic Sparse Coding Feature
* Multi-View Facial Expression Recognition Based on Group Sparse Reduced-Rank Regression
* Multi-view facial expression recognition using local appearance features
* Multi-view facial expression recognition
* Multi-view facial landmark detection by using a 3D shape model
* Multi-view facial landmark detector learned by the Structured Output SVM
* Multi-view fast object detection by using extended haar filters in uncontrolled environments
* Multi-View Feature Boosting Network for Deep Subspace Clustering
* Multi-view feature engineering and learning
* Multi-view Feature Matching and Image Grouping from Multiple Unordered Wide-Baseline Images
* Multi-View Feature Selection for PolSAR Image Classification via L_2,1 Sparsity Regularization and Manifold Regularization
* Multi-View Features Joint Learning with Label and Local Distribution Consistency for Point Cloud Classification
* Multi-View Frustum Pointnet for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Multi-View Fusion for Action Recognition in Child-Robot Interaction
* Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved Perception and Prediction in Autonomous Driving
* Multi-View Fusion Through Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-view Gait Fusion for Large Scale Human Identification in Surveillance Videos
* Multi-View Gait Image Generation for Cross-View Gait Recognition
* Multi-view Gait Recognition Based on Motion Regression Using Multilayer Perceptron
* Multi-view gait recognition using 3D convolutional neural networks
* Multi-view Gait recognition using sparse representation
* Multi-View Geometric Mean Metric Learning for Kinship Verification
* Multi-view Geometry Compression
* Multi-View Geometry for General Camera Models
* Multi-View Geometry of 1D Radial Cameras and its Application to Omnidirectional Camera Calibration
* Multi-view Geometry of the Refractive Plane
* Multi-View Geometry
* Multi-View Graph Autoencoder for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning
* Multi-view graph convolution network for the recognition of human action with spatial and temporal occlusion problems
* Multi-view graph convolutional networks with attention mechanism
* Multi-view Gymnastic Activity Recognition with Fused HMM
* Multi-view HAC for Semi-supervised Document Image Classification
* Multi-view hair capture using orientation fields
* Multi-view hand gesture recognition via pareto optimal front
* Multi-view Harmonized Bilinear Network for 3D Object Recognition
* Multi-view Head Detection and Tracking with Long Range Capability for Social Navigation Planning
* Multi-View Head Pose Estimation using Neural Networks
* Multi-view human action recognition system employing 2DPCA
* Multi-view human activity recognition using motion frequency
* multi-view human gait recognition using hybrid whale and gray wolf optimization algorithm with a random forest classifier, A
* Multi-View Human Model Fitting Using Bone Orientation Constraint and Joints Triangulation
* Multi-view Human Motion Capture with an Improved Deformation Skin Model
* Multi-View Human Movement Recognition Based on Fuzzy Distances and Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Multi-view hypotheses transfer for enhanced object recognition in clutter
* Multi-view image and ToF sensor fusion for dense 3D reconstruction
* Multi-View Image Classification With Visual, Semantic and View Consistency
* Multi-View Image Coding with Wavelet Lifting and In-Band Disparity Compensation
* Multi-View Image Color Correction Using 3D Point Set Registration
* Multi-view image denoising based on graphical model of surface patch
* multi-view image fusion algorithm for industrial weld, A
* Multi-View Image Fusion
* Multi-view image inpainting with sparse representations
* Multi-View Image Matching Method for Feature Points Based on the Moving Z-Plane Constraint, A
* Multi-View Image Matting and Compositing Using Trimap Sharing for Natural 3-D Scene Generation
* Multi-View Image Registration for Wide-Baseline Visual Sensor Networks
* Multi-view image registration with application to mosaicing and lens distortion correction
* Multi-view Image Restoration from Plenoptic Raw Images
* Multi-View Imaging System Using Paraboloidal Mirror Arrays for Efficient Acquisition of Dynamic Light Fields
* Multi-view Infant Cry Classification
* Multi-View Inpainting for Image-Based Scene Editing and Rendering
* Multi-view Inpainting for RGB-D Sequence
* Multi-View Instance Matching with Learned Geometric Soft-Constraints
* Multi-view intact space clustering
* Multi-View Intact Space Learning
* Multi-view Intelligent Vehicle Surveillance System
* Multi-view intrinsic low-rank representation for robust face recognition and clustering
* Multi-view Inverse Rendering for Large-scale Real-world Indoor Scenes
* Multi-view Inverse Rendering Under Arbitrary Illumination and Albedo
* Multi-view Knowledge Graph for Explainable Course Content Recommendation in Course Discussion Posts
* Multi-view label embedding
* Multi-View Label Prediction for Unsupervised Learning Person Re-Identification
* Multi-view latent variable discriminative models for action recognition
* Multi-View Learning a Decomposable Affinity Matrix via Tensor Self-Representation on Grassmann Manifold
* Multi-View Learning Approach to Deception Detection, A
* Multi-view learning for benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes
* Multi-view learning with batch mode active selection for image retrieval
* Multi-View Learning With Incomplete Views
* Multi-View Learning, Co-Clustering
* Multi-View Learning, Transfer from Other View
* Multi-View Linear Discriminant Analysis Network
* Multi-view Lip-Reading Challenges
* Multi-View Low-Rank Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Multi-view low-rank sparse subspace clustering
* Multi-view manhole detection, recognition, and 3D localisation
* Multi-view manifold learning with locality alignment
* Multi-view Matching for Unordered Image Sets, or How Do I Organize My Holiday Snaps?
* Multi-view matching tensors from lines for general camera models
* Multi-View Maximum Margin Clustering With Privileged Information Learning
* Multi-View MERA Subspace Clustering
* Multi-View Mesh Reconstruction with Neural Deferred Shading
* Multi-view Method for Gait Recognition Using Static Body Parameters, A
* Multi-View Metric Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Multi-View Modeling and Synthesis
* Multi-view motion modelled deep attention networks (M2DA-Net) for video based sign language recognition
* Multi-View Motion Synthesis via Applying Rotated Dual-Pixel Blur Kernels
* Multi-View Mouse Social Behaviour Recognition With Deep Graphic Model
* Multi-view multi-class object detection via exemplar compounding
* Multi-view Multi-exposure Image Fusion Based on Random Walks Model
* Multi-View Multi-Exposure Stereo
* Multi-View Multi-Human Association with Deep Assignment Network
* Multi-view Multi-illuminant Intrinsic Dataset
* Multi-View Multi-Instance Learning Based on Joint Sparse Representation and Multi-View Dictionary Learning
* Multi-view Multi-modal Feature Embedding for Endomicroscopy Mosaic Classification
* Multi-View Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation with Plane Sweep Stereo
* Multi-view multi-scale CNNs for lung nodule type classification from CT images
* Multi-view multi-stance gait identification
* Multi-view network-based social-tagged landmark image clustering
* Multi-View Neural Human Rendering
* Multi-view non-negative matrix factorization for scene recognition
* Multi-view Non-rigid Refinement and Normal Selection for High Quality 3D Reconstruction
* Multi-View Nonlinear Active Shape Model Using Kernel PCA
* Multi-View Nonlinear Active Shape Model Using Kernel PCA, A
* Multi-view Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Clothing Image Characterization
* Multi-View Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis for Image Retrieval and Recognition
* Multi-view Normal Estimation: Application to Slanted Plane-sweeping
* Multi-view Normal Field Integration for 3D Reconstruction of Mirroring Objects
* Multi-View Normalization for Face Recognition
* Multi-view object and human body part detection utilizing 3D scene information
* Multi-view object class detection with a 3D geometric model
* Multi-view Object Detection Based on Spatial Consistency in a Low Dimensional Space
* Multi-view object detection in dual-energy X-ray images
* Multi-view Object Detection Using Epipolar Constraints within Cluttered X-ray Security Imagery
* Multi-View Object Detection, Object Extraction
* Multi-View Object Extraction With Fractional Boundaries
* Multi-view Object Localization in H.264/AVC Compressed Domain
* Multi-view object matching and tracking using canonical correlation analysis
* Multi-View Object Retrieval via Multi-Scale Topic Models
* Multi-view Object Segmentation in Space and Time
* Multi-view Object Tracking Using Sequential Belief Propagation
* multi-view object tracking using triplet model, A
* Multi-view Occlusion Reasoning for Probabilistic Silhouette-Based Dynamic Scene Reconstruction
* Multi-view Optimization of Local Feature Geometry
* Multi-View Pedestrian Tracking Method in an Uncalibrated Camera Network, A
* Multi-view people surveillance using 3D information
* Multi-view People Tracking via Hierarchical Trajectory Composition
* Multi-view Performance Capture of Surface Details
* Multi-view Photometric Stereo by Example
* Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited
* Multi-view Photometric Stereo Using Semi-isometric Mappings
* Multi-view photometric stereo using surface deformation
* Multi-view Photometric Stereo with Spatially Varying Isotropic Materials
* Multi-View Photometric Stereo: A Robust Solution and Benchmark Dataset for Spatially Varying Isotropic Materials
* Multi-view Pictorial Structures for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Multi-view Planning for Simultaneous Coverage and Accuracy Optimisation
* Multi-view Player Action Recognition in Soccer Games
* Multi-view Point Cloud Registration Using Affine Shape Distributions
* Multi-View PointNet for 3D Scene Understanding
* Multi-View Polarimetric Scattering Cloud Tomography and Retrieval of Droplet Size
* Multi-view Pose and Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-view Pose Estimation with Flexible Mixtures-of-Parts
* Multi-view pose estimation with mixtures of parts and adaptive viewpoint selection
* Multi-view prediction structure for free viewpoint video
* Multi-view predictive latent space learning
* Multi-View Probabilistic Classification of Breast Microcalcifications
* multi-view probabilistic model for 3D object classes, A
* Multi-view Profilometry System Using RGB Channel Separated Fringe Patterns and Unscented Kalman Filter, A
* Multi-view prototype-based disambiguation for partial label learning
* Multi-View Radar Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-view Recognition Using Weighted View Selection
* Multi-view reconstruction combining underwater and air sensors
* Multi-view reconstruction for projector camera systems based on bundle adjustment
* Multi-view Reconstruction of Unknown Objects within a Known Environment
* Multi-view reconstruction preserving weakly-supported surfaces
* Multi-View Reconstruction using Narrow-Band Graph-Cuts and Surface Normal Optimization
* Multi-View Reconstruction Using Photo-consistency and Exact Silhouette Constraints: A Maximum-Flow Formulation
* Multi-View Reconstruction Using Signed Ray Distance Functions (SRDF)
* Multi-view registration based on weighted LRS matrix decomposition of motions
* Multi-view repetitive structure detection
* Multi-view representation and synthesis for 3d object movie
* Multi-View Representation Learning for Multi-View Action Recognition
* Multi-View Representation Learning With Deep Gaussian Processes
* Multi-View Reprojection Architecture for Orientation Estimation
* Multi-view RGB-D Approach for Human Pose Estimation in Operating Rooms, A
* Multi-View Robust Feature Learning for Data Clustering
* Multi-view robust regression for feature extraction
* Multi-View Saliency-Guided Clustering for Image Cosegmentation
* Multi-View Saliency Guided Deep Neural Network for 3-D Object Retrieval and Classification
* Multi-View Sampling for Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval
* Multi-view scans alignment for 3D spherical mosaicing in large-scale unstructured environments
* Multi-View Scene Capture by Surfel Sampling
* Multi-View Scene Capture by Surfel Sampling: From Video Streams to Non-Rigid 3D Motion, Shape and Reflectance
* Multi-View Scene Classification Based on Feature Integration and Evidence Decision Fusion
* Multi-view Scene Flow Estimation: A View Centered Variational Approach
* Multi-view Self-Constructing Graph Convolutional Networks with Adaptive Class Weighting Loss for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-view Self-supervised Disentanglement for General Image Denoising
* Multi-view self-supervised learning for 3D facial texture reconstruction from single image
* Multi-view Semantic Information Guidance for Light Field Image Segmentation
* Multi-View Separable Pyramid Network for AD Prediction at MCI Stage by 18F-FDG Brain PET Imaging
* Multi-view Separation of Background and Reflection by Coupled Low-Rank Decomposition
* Multi-view Shape from Shading Constrained by Stereo Image Analysis
* Multi-View Spatial Aggregation Framework for Joint Localization and Segmentation of Organs at Risk in Head and Neck CT Images
* Multi-View Spatial Attention Embedding for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Multi-view Spatial Integration and Tracking with Bayesian Networks
* Multi-View Spectral Clustering Tailored Tensor Low-Rank Representation
* Multi-view Spectral Clustering via Integrating Label and Data Graph Learning
* Multi-view Spectral Polarization Propagation for Video Glass Segmentation
* Multi-view Stereo 3D Edge Reconstruction
* Multi-View Stereo and Depth Priors Guided NeRF for View Synthesis
* Multi-View Stereo and LIDAR for Outdoor Scene Modelling
* Multi-view Stereo Benchmark with High-Resolution Images and Multi-camera Videos, A
* Multi-view stereo beyond Lambert
* Multi-View Stereo by Temporal Nonparametric Fusion
* Multi-View Stereo Evaluation for Fine Object Reconstruction, A
* Multi-View Stereo for Community Photo Collections
* Multi-View Stereo Matching Based on Self-Adaptive Patch and Image Grouping for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
* Multi-View Stereo Point Clouds Visualization
* Multi-view stereo ranging via Distributed Ray Tracing
* Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matching Score
* Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction of Dense Shape and Complex Appearance
* Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction with High Dynamic Range Texture
* Multi-View Stereo Representation Revist: Region-Aware MVSNet
* Multi-View Stereo Revisited
* Multi-View Stereo Using Graph Cuts-Based Depth Refinement
* Multi-view stereo using multi-luminance images
* Multi-View Stereo via Graph Cuts on the Dual of an Adaptive Tetrahedral Mesh
* Multi-View Stereo via Volumetric Graph-Cuts
* Multi-view Stereo With Semantic Priors
* Multi-view Stereo with Single-View Semantic Mesh Refinement
* Multi-View Stereo: A Tutorial
* Multi-View Structural Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multi-View Structure-from-Motion for Hybrid Camera Scenarios
* Multi-view structure computation without explicitly estimating motion
* Multi-View Subspace Clustering for Face Images
* Multi-View Subspace Clustering via Simultaneously Learning the Representation Tensor and Affinity Matrix
* Multi-view subspace clustering with intactness-aware similarity
* Multi-view Subspace Clustering
* Multi-View Subspace Constraints on Homographies
* Multi-view subspace learning via bidirectional sparsity
* Multi-view Super Vector for Action Recognition
* Multi-view Superpixel Stereo in Urban Environments
* Multi-View Supervision for Single-View Reconstruction via Differentiable Ray Consistency
* Multi-View Surface Reconstruction Using Polarization
* Multi-View Surveillance Video Summarization via Joint Embedding and Sparse Optimization
* Multi-view synchronization of human actions and dynamic scenes
* Multi-View Synthesis and Analysis Dictionaries Learning for Classification
* Multi-view Synthesis Based on Single View Reference Layer
* Multi-view synthesis: A novel view creation approach for free viewpoint video
* Multi-view Target Transformation for Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-view task-driven recognition in visual sensor networks
* Multi-View Texture Learning for Face Super-Resolution
* Multi-view Texturing of Imprecise Mesh
* Multi-View Thermal-Visible Image Dataset for Cross-Spectral Matching, A
* Multi-view to Novel View: Synthesizing Novel Views With Self-learned Confidence
* Multi-view Tracking of Multiple Targets with Dynamic Cameras
* Multi-view Tracking Using Weakly Supervised Human Motion Prediction
* Multi-view Tracking, Re-ID, and Social Network Analysis of a Flock of Visually Similar Birds in an Outdoor Aviary
* Multi-view traffic sign detection, recognition, and 3D localisation
* Multi-View Transformer for 3D Visual Grounding
* Multi-view unsupervised feature selection with tensor robust principal component analysis and consensus graph learning
* Multi-View Variational Recurrent Neural Network for Human Emotion Recognition Using Multi-Modal Biological Signals
* Multi-View Vehicle Detection Based on Fusion Part Model With Active Learning
* Multi-View Vehicle Type Recognition With Feedback-Enhancement Multi-Branch CNNs
* Multi-view Video Analysis of Humans and Vehicles in an Unconstrained Environment
* Multi-View Video and Multi-Channel Audio Broadcasting System
* Multi-view video based multiple objects segmentation using graph cut and spatiotemporal projections
* Multi-View Video Codec Based on H.264, A
* Multi-View Video Coding Based on High Efficiency Video Coding
* Multi-view Video Coding via Dense Depth Estimation
* Multi-view video coding with view interpolation prediction for 2D camera arrays
* Multi-View Video Plus Depth Representation and Coding
* Multi-View Video Representation Based on Fast Monte Carlo Surface Reconstruction
* Multi-view video streaming over P2P networks with low start-up delay
* Multi-view video streaming over wireless networks with RD-optimized scheduling of network coded packets
* Multi-View Video Summarization Using Bipartite Matching Constrained Optimum-Path Forest Clustering
* Multi-View Video Summarization
* Multi-view video super-resolution for hybrid cameras using modified NLM and adaptive thresholding
* multi-view video synopsis framework, A
* Multi-View Video Synopsis via Simultaneous Object-Shifting and View-Switching Optimization
* multi-view vision-based hand motion capturing system, A
* Multi-view Vision Transformers for Object Detection
* Multi-View Visual Saliency-Based MRI Classification for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Multi-view visual speech recognition based on multi task learning
* Multi-view wide baseline depth estimation robust to sparse input sampling
* Multi-view X-Ray R-CNN
* Multi-Viewpoint Panorama Construction With Wide-Baseline Images
* Multi-Viewpoint Synthesis from Uncalibrated Stereo Cameras
* Multi-vision tracking and collaboration based on spatial particle filter
* Multi-Visual-Modality Human Activity Understanding
* Multi-VMap: A Multi-Scale Model for Vector Maps
* Multi-Volumetric Refocusing of Light Fields
* multi-watermarking based on DWT and ICA, A
* Multi-Wavelength Airborne Laser Scanning for Archaeological Prospection
* Multi-wavelength analysis of substances levels in human blood
* Multi-wavelength canopy LiDAR for remote sensing of vegetation: Design and system performance
* Multi-wavelengths 3d Laser Scanning for Pigment and Structural Studies On The Frescoed Ceiling the Triumph of Divine Providence
* Multi-wavelet guided deep mean-shift prior for image restoration
* Multi-wavelets from B-spline super-functions with approximation order
* Multi-way Clustering Using Super-Symmetric Non-negative Tensor Factorization
* Multi-Way Compressed Sensing for Sparse Low-Rank Tensors
* Multi-way constrained spectral clustering by nonnegative restriction
* Multi-Way Distance Join Queries in Spatial Databases
* Multi-way Encoding for Robustness
* Multi-way Multi-level Kernel Modeling for Neuroimaging Classification
* Multi-Weather 4Seasons Dataset
* Multi-weather city: Adverse weather stacking for autonomous driving
* Multi-weather Image Restoration via Domain Translation
* Multi-weight vector projection support vector machines
* Multi-Weights Intra Prediction with Double Reference Lines
* Multi-Wiener SURE-LET Deconvolution
* Multi-window Approach to Classify Histological Features, A
* multi-window Gabor-type analysis of images and multidimensional signals, The
* Multi-windowing technique for thresholding an image using local image properties
* Multi-Year Analyses of Columnar Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties in Xi'an, a Megacity in Northwestern China
* Multi-Year Behavioral Observations of Quasi-2-Day Wave Activity in High-Latitude Mohe (52.5°N, 122.3°E) and Middle-Latitude Wuhan (30.5°N, 114.6°E) Using Meteor Radars
* Multi-Year Comparison of Carbon Dioxide from Satellite Data with Ground-Based FTS Measurements (2003-2011)
* Multi-Year Crop Type Mapping Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Deep Semantic Segmentation Algorithm in the Hetao Irrigation District in China
* Multi-Year Evaluation of Doppler Lidar Wind-Profile Observations in the Arctic, A
* Multi-year hyperspectral remote sensing of a comprehensive set of crop foliar nutrients in cranberries
* Multi-Year Mapping of Maize and Sunflower in Hetao Irrigation District of China with High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Vegetation Index Series
* Multi-Year NDVI Values as Indicator of the Relationship between Spatiotemporal Vegetation Dynamics and Environmental Factors in the Qaidam Basin, China
* Multi-Year Time Series Transfer Learning: Application of Early Crop Classification
* Multi-Year Winter Variations in Suspended Sediment Flux through the Bohai Strait
* Multi-Zone Staged Indoor Emergency Evacuation Algorithm Based on Time Equalization, A
* Multi-Zone Transformer Based on Self-Distillation for Facial Attribute Recognition
* Multi agent based incident management system according to ITIL
* Multi angle optimal pattern-based deep learning for automatic facial expression recognition
* Multi attention module for visual tracking
* Multi bearer channel resource allocation for optimised transmission of video objects
* Multi Bit Plane Image Steganography
* Multi Branch Siamese Network For Person Re-Identification
* Multi Camera-Based Person Tracking Using Region Covariance and Homography Constraint
* Multi Camera Image Tracking
* Multi camera person tracking applying a graph-cuts based foreground segmentation in a homography framework
* multi camera unsupervised domain adaptation pipeline for object detection in cultural sites through adversarial learning and self-training, A
* Multi Channel EOG Signal Recognition for an Embedded Eye Movement Tracking Device
* Multi class boosted random ferns for adapting a generic object detector to a specific video
* Multi class Support Vector Machines classifier for machine vision application
* Multi Classifier Approach for Supporting Alzheimer's Diagnosis Based on Handwriting Analysis, A
* Multi Color Channel vs. Multi Spectral Band Representations for Texture Classification
* Multi Contrast Based Texture Model for Understanding Human Subjectivity
* Multi Criteria Decision Urban Development Framework for Land Expropriation In South Africa: A Strategic Approach, A
* Multi Criteria Recommendation Model for Jaunt, A
* Multi Cue Performance Evaluation Metrics for Tracking in Video Sequences
* Multi Dimensional Coding, Stereo Coding, Disparity Maps, 3-D Shapes
* Multi Domain Learning for Motion Magnification
* Multi Event Localization by Audio-Visual Fusion with Omnidirectional Camera and Microphone Array
* Multi exposure image fusion based on exposure correction and input refinement using limited low dynamic range images
* Multi feature-rich synthetic colour to improve human visual perception of point clouds
* Multi Feature Deconvolutional Faster R-CNN for Precise Vehicle Detection in Aerial Imagery
* Multi feature path modeling for video surveillance
* Multi features hybrid Active Shape Model for automated lip contours tracking in video sequence
* Multi features models for robust lip tracking
* Multi Focus Image Fusion Based on Spline Pyramidal Direction Filter Banks
* Multi Focus Structured Light for Recovering Scene Shape and Global Illumination
* Multi frame multi-head attention learning on deep features for recognizing Indian classical dance poses
* Multi Hybrid Extractor Network for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Multi hypotheses based object tracking in HCI environments
* Multi Image Focus of Attention for Rapid Site Model Construction
* Multi Information Fusion Network for Saliency Quality Assessment
* Multi Label Image Classification using Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks (ML-AGCN)
* Multi language text detection using fast stroke width transform
* Multi layer multi objective extreme learning machine
* Multi level surface maps for outdoor terrain mapping and loop closing
* Multi Level Time Model for Interactive Multiple Dataset Visualization: The Dataset Sequencer, A
* Multi Long-Short Term Memory Models for Short Term Traffic Flow Prediction
* Multi modal semantic indexing for image retrieval
* Multi Object Tracking Based on Uncertainty-Aware RE-ID
* Multi parallel U-net encoder network for effective polyp image segmentation
* Multi Parametric Micro-level Vulnerability Assessment Model For Mountain Habitat: a Case Example From Bhilangana Block, Uttarakhand Himalaya, India, A
* Multi party secure data access management in cloud using user centric block chain data encryption
* Multi Person Tracking Within Crowded Scenes
* Multi perspective panoramic imaging
* Multi pose face recognition using double stages classifications: SMLDA and fusion of scale invariant features
* Multi Projection Fusion for Real-time Semantic Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Point Clouds
* Multi proxy anchor family loss for several types of gradients
* Multi Receptive Field Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi Resolution Geometric Fusion
* Multi Resolution Layout Analysis of Medieval Manuscripts Using Dynamic MLP
* Multi Rotor UAV at Different Altitudes for Slope Mapping Studies
* Multi scale block histogram of template feature for pedestrian detection
* Multi scale diffeomorphic metric mapping of spatial transcriptomics datasets
* Multi scale Harris corner detector based on Differential Morphological Decomposition
* Multi scale mirror connection based encoder decoder network for text localization
* Multi scale multi descriptor local binary features and exponential discriminant analysis for robust face authentication
* Multi scale multi structuring element top-hat transform for linear feature detection
* Multi scale pixel attention and feature extraction based neural network for image denoising
* Multi Scale Shape Index for 3D Object Recognition
* Multi Sensor Airborne Systems: The Potential for In Situ Sensor Calibration
* Multi Sensor And Platforms Setups For Various Airborne Applications
* Multi Sensor Approach to Forest Type Mapping for Advancing Monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Myanmar, A
* Multi Sensor Based Tracking of Pedestrians: A Survey of Suitable Movement Models
* Multi Sensor Data Integration for an Accurate 3D Model Generation
* multi sensory approach using error bounds for improved visual odometry, A
* Multi source retinal fundus image classification using convolution neural networks fusion and Gabor-based texture representation
* Multi Source Streaming for Robust Video Transmission in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
* Multi stain graph fusion for multimodal integration in pathology
* Multi Subspaces Active Appearance Models
* Multi Target Tracking from Drones by Learning from Generalized Graph Differences
* Multi Target Tracking Using Determinantal Point Processes
* Multi Task-Based Facial Expression Synthesis with Supervision Learning and Feature Disentanglement of Image Style
* Multi temporal data visualization in EO mobile apps
* Multi Times Images Fusion Based On Wavelet Theory
* Multi View Action Recognition for Distracted Driver Behavior Localization
* Multi View Facial Action Unit Detection Based on CNN and BLSTM-RNN
* Multi view image surveillance and tracking
* Multi view registration for novelty/background separation
* Multi viewpoint stereo from uncalibrated video sequences
* Multi3DRefer: Grounding Text Description to Multiple 3D Objects
* Multiaccess Edge Integrated Networking for Internet of Vehicles: A Blockchain-Based Deep Compressed Cooperative Learning Approach
* Multiactivity 3-D Human Pose Tracking in Incorporated Motion Model with Transition Bridges
* Multiagent Approach to the Dynamic Enactment of Semantic Transportation Services, A
* Multiagent Object-Based Classifier for High Spatial Resolution Imagery
* Multiagent Pathfinding Under Rigid, Optimization, and Uncertainty Constraints
* Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Integrated Network of Adaptive Traffic Signal Controllers (MARLIN-ATSC): Methodology and Large-Scale Application on Downtown Toronto
* Multiagent Rendezvous With Shortest Distance to Convex Regions With Empty Intersection: Algorithms and Experiments
* Multiagent Swarming System for Distributed Automatic Target Recognition Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, A
* multiagent system approach for image segmentation using genetic algorithms and extremal optimization heuristics, A
* Multiagent System for Edge Detection and Continuity Perception on Fish Otolith Images, A
* Multiagent System to Segment Living Cells, A
* Multiagent Visual Surveillance of Dynamic Scenes
* Multiagents to Separating Handwritten Connected Digits
* Multialgorithm Fusion Image Processing for High Speed Railway Dropper Failure-Defect Detection
* Multiangle Backscattering Observations of Continental Surfaces in Ku-Band (13 GHz) From Satellites: Understanding the Signals, Particularly in Arid Regions
* Multiangle BSAR Imaging Based on BeiDou-2 Navigation Satellite System: Experiments and Preliminary Results
* Multiangular Observation of Canopy Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence by Combining Imaging Spectroscopy and Stereoscopy
* Multiannual Seafloor Dynamics around a Subtidal Rocky Reef Habitat in the North Sea
* Multiantenna Assisted Source Detection in Toeplitz Noise Covariance
* Multiapproach System Based on Fusion of Multispectral Images for Land-Cover Classification
* Multiapproximator-Based Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control for Unmanned Autonomous Helicopter With Input Saturation
* Multiarray Tomographic Approach for Through-Wall Imaging, A
* Multiaspect Target Identification with Wave-Based Matched Pursuits and Continuous Hidden Markov Models
* Multiatlas-based segmentation of female pelvic organs: Application for computer-aided diagnosis of cervical cancer
* Multiatlas Segmentation as Nonparametric Regression
* Multiattention Adaptation Network for Motor Imagery Recognition
* Multiattribute Sparse Coding Approach for Action Recognition From a Single Unknown Viewpoint, A
* Multiband compact texture unit descriptor for intra-band and inter-band texture analysis
* Multiband cyclic wavelet transforms
* Multiband image classification with a distributed architecture
* Multiband Image Fusion Based on Spectral Unmixing
* Multiband Image Segmentation and Object Recognition for Understanding Road Scenes
* Multiband image segmentation and object recognition using texture filter banks
* Multiband Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images
* Multiband Radar Signal Coherent Fusion Processing With IAA and apFFT
* Multiband segmentation based on a hierarchical Markov model
* Multibaseline InSAR DEM Reconstruction: The Wavelet Approach
* Multibaseline INSAR terrain elevation estimation: A dynamic programming approach
* Multibaseline Interferometric SAR at Millimeterwaves
* Multibaseline Pol-InSAR Inversion Scheme for Crop Parameter Estimation at Different Frequencies, A
* Multibaseline Polarimetric SAR Tomography of a Boreal Forest at P- and L-Bands
* Multibaseline stereo in the presence of specular reflections
* Multibaseline Stereo System with Active Illumination and Real-Time Image Acquisition, A
* Multibeam Echosounder Simulator Applying Noise Generator for the Purpose of Sea Bottom Visualisation
* Multibiometric human recognition using 3D ear and face features
* Multibiometric People Identification: A Self-tuning Architecture
* Multibiometric System Using Distance Regularized Level Set Method and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multibiometric system using fuzzy level set, and genetic and evolutionary feature extraction
* Multibiometric System Using Level Set Method and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multibiometric System Using Level Set, Modified LBP and Random Forest
* Multibiometric Template Security Using Fuzzy Vault
* Multibiometrics Belief Fusion
* Multibiometrics for Identity Authentication: Issues, Benefits and Challenges
* Multibit Assignment Steganography in Palette Images
* Multibit Digital Watermarking Robust Against Local Nonlinear Geometrical Distortions
* Multibit Embedding Algorithm for Steganography of Palette-Based Images
* multibit geometrically robust image watermark based on Zernike moments, A
* Multiblock-fusion scheme for face recognition
* Multibody Factorization Method for Independently Moving-Objects, A
* Multibody factorization with uncertainty and missing data using the EM algorithm
* Multibody Grouping by Inference of Multiple Subspaces from High-Dimensional Data Using Oriented-Frames
* Multibody Grouping from Motion Images
* Multibody Grouping via Orthogonal Subspace Decomposition
* Multibody motion segmentation based on simulated annealing
* Multibody Motion Segmentation Using the Geometry of 6 Points in 2D Images
* Multibody Structure-and-Motion Segmentation by Branch-and-Bound Model Selection
* Multibody Structure-from-Motion in Practice
* Multibody Structure and Motion: 3-D Reconstruction of Independently Moving Objects
* Multibody Trifocal Tensor: Motion Segmentation from 3 Perspective Views, The
* MultiBodySync: Multi-Body Segmentation and Motion Estimation via 3D Scan Synchronization
* MultiBranch-Mono3D: Lightweight improvement of FCOS3D
* Multibranch Adversarial Regression for Domain Adaptative Hand Pose Estimation
* Multibranch Crossover Feature Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Multibranch Reconstruction Error (MbRE) Intrusion Detection Architecture for Intelligent Edge-Based Policing in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* Multibranch Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Network for Cross Multidomain Orchard Area Segmentation
* MultiCAM: Multiple Class Activation Mapping for Aircraft Recognition in Remote Sensing Images
* Multicamera-multispectral video library: An algorithm development tool
* Multicamera Calibration from Visible and Mirrored Epipoles
* multicamera fusion framework for multiple occluding objects tracking in intelligent monitoring and sport viewing applications, A
* Multicamera human detection and tracking supporting natural interaction with large-scale displays
* Multicamera Information Processing: Acquisition, Collaboration, Interpretation, and Production
* Multicamera Joint Video Synopsis
* Multicamera motion estimation for high-accuracy 3D reconstruction
* Multicamera object detection and tracking with object size estimation
* Multicamera object disambiguation using view angles in a plane
* Multicamera pedestrian detection using logic minimization
* Multicamera People Tracking Using a Locus-based Probabilistic Occupancy Map
* Multicamera People Tracking with a Probabilistic Occupancy Map
* Multicamera rig calibration by double-sided thick checkerboard
* Multicamera Tracking of Articulated Human Motion Using Shape and Motion Cues
* Multicamera trajectory analysis for semantic behaviour characterisation
* Multicamera Video Summarization from Optimal Reconstruction
* Multicamera Vision System Supporting the Development of Wide-Area Exertainment Applications, A
* MultiCardioNet: Interoperability between ECG and PPG biometrics
* Multicarrier modem for digital HDTV terrestrial broadcasting
* Multicarrier Systems Based on Multistage Layered IFFT Structure
* Multicast and unicast real-time video streaming over wireless LANs
* Multicast with cache (Mcache): An adaptive zero-delay video-on-demand service
* Multicenter and Multichannel Pooling GCN for Early AD Diagnosis Based on Dual-Modality Fused Brain Network
* Multichannel Adaptive Detection Based on Gradient Test and Durbin Test in Deterministic Interference and Structure Nonhomogeneity
* Multichannel adaptive L-filters in color image filtering
* Multichannel Analysis and Suppression of Sea Clutter for Airborne Microwave Radar Systems
* Multichannel and Multimodality Person Identification
* Multichannel Approach to Fingerprint Classification, A
* Multichannel Approach to Metric-Based SAR Autofocus, A
* Multichannel Approach to Texture Description with Feature Distributions
* Multichannel AR parameter estimation from noisy observations as an errors-in-variables issue
* Multichannel Attention Network for Analyzing Visual Behavior in Public Speaking
* Multichannel Audio Coding Based on Analysis by Synthesis
* Multichannel Autofocus Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Multichannel Autofocusing Scheme for Gray Level Shape Scale Detection, A
* Multichannel Azimuth Processing in ScanSAR and TOPS Mode Operation
* Multichannel blind deconvolution of polarimetric imagery
* Multichannel Blind Deconvolution of Spatially Misaligned Images
* Multichannel Blind Deconvolution of the Short-exposure Astronomical Images
* Multichannel blind image deconvolution using the bussgang algorithm: Spatial and multiresolution approaches
* Multichannel blind iterative image restoration
* Multichannel Blind Separation and Deconvolution of Images for Document Analysis
* Multichannel bussgang algorithm for blind restoration of natural images
* Multichannel Consistent Sampling and Reconstruction Associated With Linear Canonical Transform
* Multichannel Cross-Modal Fusion Framework for Electron Tomography, A
* Multichannel Data Fusion Method to Enhance the Spatial Resolution of Microwave Radiometer Measurements, A
* Multichannel Decoded Local Binary Patterns for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Multichannel Detection of an Unknown Rank-N Signal Using Uncalibrated Receivers
* Multichannel digital watermarking of color images using SVD
* Multichannel distance filters
* Multichannel Double-Talk Detector based on Fundamental Frequency Estimation
* Multichannel dual domain infrared target tracking for highly evolutionary target signatures
* Multichannel dynamic modeling of non-Gaussian mixtures
* Multichannel Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation algorithm for 3D super-alloy image segmentation, A
* Multichannel edge enhancement in color image processing
* Multichannel filtering for color image processing
* Multichannel filtering for image texture segmentation
* Multichannel filters for image processing
* Multichannel filters for speech recognition using a particle swarm optimization
* Multichannel Full-Aperture Azimuth Processing for Beam Steering SAR
* Multichannel Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix for Multi/Hyperspectral Image Texture Representation, A
* Multichannel guided image filter
* Multichannel HRWS SAR Imaging Based on Range-Variant Channel Calibration and Multi-Doppler-Direction Restriction Ambiguity Suppression
* Multichannel Image Completion With Mixture Noise: Adaptive Sparse Low-Rank Tensor Subspace Meets Nonlocal Self-Similarity
* Multichannel Image Compression by Bijection Mappings Onto Zero-trees
* Multichannel Image Decomposition by using Pseudo-Linear Haar Wavelets
* Multichannel Image Identification and Restoration Using Continuous Spatial Domain Modeling
* Multichannel image processing by using the Rank M-type L-filter
* Multichannel Image Registration by Feature-Based Information Fusion
* Multichannel Image Regularisation Using Anisotropic Geodesic Filtering
* Multichannel Image Restorations Using an Iterative Algorithm in Space Domain
* Multichannel InSAR Building Edge Detection
* Multichannel Localization Method for Camouflaged Object Detection, A
* Multichannel M-filtering for Color Image Restoration
* Multichannel Markov Random Field Framework for Tumor Segmentation With an Application to Classification of Gene Expression-Based Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk, A
* Multichannel Mobile Ad Hoc Links for Multimedia Communications
* Multichannel Nonlocal Means Fusion for Color Image Denoising
* Multichannel permutation filters
* Multichannel Phase Unwrapping: Problem Topology and Dual-Level Parallel Computational Model
* Multichannel Pulse-Coupled Neural Network-Based Hyperspectral Image Visualization
* Multichannel Random Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform
* Multichannel restoration of single channel images using a wavelet-based subband decomposition
* Multichannel Restoration with Limited A Priori Information
* Multichannel sampling of low light level scenes with unknown shifts
* Multichannel Sampling of Parametric Signals with a Successive Approximation Property
* Multichannel SAR Interferometry via Classical and Bayesian Estimation Techniques
* Multichannel Sea Clutter Measurement and Space-Time Characteristics Analysis with L-Band Shore-Based Radar
* Multichannel Sea Clutter Modeling for Spaceborne Early Warning Radar and Clutter Suppression Performance Analysis
* Multichannel segmentation of magnetic resonance cerebral images based on neural networks
* Multichannel Segmentation Using Contour Relaxation: Fast Super-Pixels and Temporal Propagation
* Multichannel Semantic Segmentation with Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Multichannel shape from shading techniques for moving specular surfaces
* Multichannel Signal Enhancement Algorithms for Assisted Listening Devices: Exploiting spatial diversity using multiple microphones
* Multichannel Spectral Image Enhancement for Visualizing Diabetic Retinopathy Lesions
* Multichannel Staggered SAR Azimuth Processing
* Multichannel Statistical Broadband Wavelet Deconvolution for Improving Resolution of Seismic Signals
* Multichannel Steganography in Digital Images for Multiple Receivers
* Multichannel Techniques in Color Image-Enhancement and Modeling
* Multichannel Texture Analysis Using Localized Spatial Filters
* Multichannel Texture Segmentation Using Bamberger Pyramids
* Multichannel Transforms for Signal/Image Processing
* Multichannel Vision System for Estimating Surface and Illumination Functions
* Multichannel Watermarking for Color Images by Using Quantization Visibility Thresholds
* Multichannel watermarking of color images
* multichannel watershed-based algorithm for supervised texture segmentation, A
* Multichannel Watershed-Based Segmentation Method for Multispectral Chromosome Classification, A
* Multichannel Wiener filters in color image restoration
* Multichannel, Multipulse, Multiweight Block-Adaptive Quantization (3MBAQ) Algorithm Based on Space-Borne Multichannel SAR Doppler Domain A-BAQ, A
* Multichromatic Analysis of InSAR Data
* Multiclass-SGCN: Sparse Graph-Based Trajectory Prediction with Agent Class Embedding
* Multiclass Adaboost and Coupled Classifiers for Object Detection
* Multiclass Approach for Land-Cover Mapping by Using Multiple Data Sensors, A
* Multiclass Boosting Framework for Multimodal Data Analysis
* Multiclass boosting SVM using different texture features in HEp-2 cell staining pattern classification
* Multiclass cell detection in bright field images of cell mixtures with ECOC probability estimation
* Multiclass Classification Based on Extended Support Vector Data Description
* Multiclass Classification Framework for Document Categorization, A
* multiclass classification method based on multiple pairwise classifiers, A
* Multiclass Classification of Breast Cancer in Whole-Slide Images
* Multiclass classification of distributed memory parallel computations
* Multiclass classification with potential function rules: Margin distribution and generalization
* Multiclass Classifier Independent Feature Analysis
* Multiclass classifiers based on dimension reduction with generalized LDA
* Multiclass Coarse Analysis for UAV Imagery
* Multiclass Confidence and Localization Calibration for Object Detection
* Multiclass Data Segmentation Using Diffuse Interface Methods on Graphs
* multiclass extension of discriminant mappings, A
* Multiclass feature learning for hyperspectral image classification: Sparse and hierarchical solutions
* Multiclass Image Labeling with Semidefinite Programming
* Multiclass Land Cover Mapping from Historical Orthophotos Using Domain Adaptation and Spatio-Temporal Transfer Learning
* Multiclass Land Use and Land Cover Classification of Andean Sub-Basins in Colombia with Sentinel-2 and Deep Learning
* Multiclass Linear Dimension Reduction by Weighted Pairwise Fisher Criteria
* Multiclass Maximum-Likelihood Symmetry Determination and Motif Reconstruction of 3-D Helical Objects From Projection Images for Electron Microscopy
* Multiclass mv-granular soft support vector machine: A case study in dynamic classifier selection for multispectral face recognition
* Multiclass object classification for computer vision using Linear Genetic Programming
* Multiclass object classification for real-time video surveillance systems
* MultiClass Object Classification in Video Surveillance Systems: Experimental Study
* Multiclass Object Detection With Single Query in Hyperspectral Imagery Using Class-Associative Spectral Fringe-Adjusted Joint Transform Correlation
* Multiclass Object Recognition Based on Texture Linear Genetic Programming
* Multiclass Object Recognition with Sparse, Localized Features
* Multiclass pixel labeling with non-local matching constraints
* Multiclass Probabilistic Classification for Support Vector Machines
* Multiclass recognition and part localization with humans in the loop
* Multiclass ROC Front method for cost-sensitive classification, The
* Multiclass SAR ATR Using Shift-Invariant Correlation Filters
* Multiclass semantic video segmentation with object-level active inference
* Multiclass spectral clustering based on discriminant analysis
* Multiclass spectral clustering
* Multiclass Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Frequency Evaluation Using Chirp-Modulated Stimuli
* multiclass TrAdaBoost transfer learning algorithm for the classification of mobile lidar data, A
* Multiclass transfer learning from unconstrained priors
* Multiclass User Equilibrium Model Considering Overtaking Across Classes, A
* Multiclass Weighted Loss for Instance Segmentation of Cluttered Cells
* Multiclassification Method of Landslide Risk Assessment in Consideration of Disaster Levels: A Case Study of Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province
* Multiclassification: reject criteria for the Bayesian combiner
* Multiclassifier Approach for Lung Nodule Classification, A
* Multiclassifier for severity-level categorization of glioma tumors using multimodal magnetic resonance imaging brain images
* Multicodebook split vector quantization of LSF parameters
* MultiCol Bundle Adjustment: A Generic Method for Pose Estimation, Simultaneous Self-Calibration and Reconstruction for Arbitrary Multi-Camera Systems
* Multicolor image segmentation using Ambrosio-Tortorelli approximation
* Multicolor removal based on color lines and improved hough transform for SFS
* Multicolor removal based on color lines for SFS
* Multicolored Object Recognition And Location
* Multicolour Analysis and Local Image Correlation in Confocal Microscopy
* Multicomponent AM-FM Image Representation, The
* Multicomponent AM-FM signal separation and demodulation with null space pursuit
* Multicomponent Image Restoration, an Experimental Study
* Multicomponent Image Segmentation Framework, A
* Multicomponent Linear Frequency Modulation Signal-Separation Network for Multi-Moving-Target Imaging in the SAR-Ground-Moving-Target Indication System, A
* Multicomponent Signal Processing for Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity Estimation : Application to Seismic Hazard Assessment
* Multicomponent Temporal Coherence Model for 3-D Phase Unwrapping in Time-Series InSAR of Seasonal Deformation Areas, A
* Multicomponent volume reconstruction from slice data using a modified multicomponent Cahn-Hilliard system
* Multicomputer Architectures for Real-Time Perception
* Multicomputer Vision
* Multiconstraint Shape Analysis
* Multiconstraint Wiener-based motion compensation using wavelet pyramids
* Multicontext-adaptive indexing and search for large-scale video navigation
* Multicontext 3D residual CNN for false positive reduction of pulmonary nodule detection
* Multicontrast MRI Reconstruction with Structure-Guided Total Variation
* Multicore bundle adjustment
* Multicore Convex Optimization Algorithm with Applications to Video Restoration, A
* Multicore Image Processing with OpenMP
* Multicore Processing and Efficient On-Chip Caching for H.264 and Future Video Decoders
* Multicore speedup for automated stitching of large images
* Multicore system-on-chip architecture for MPEG-4 streaming video
* MultiCost: Multi-stage Cost-sensitive Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
* Multicriteria Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Produced by Airborne P-Band Polarimetric SAR Tomography in Tropical Rainforests
* Multicriteria decision support employing adaptive prediction in a tensor-based feature representation
* Multicriteria maximum likelihood neural network approach to positron emission tomography
* Multicriteria Robust Fitting of Elliptical Primitives
* Multicriteria second-order neural networks approach to imaging through turbulence
* Multicriteria Spatial Decision Analysis in Web GIS Environment
* Multicriterion cross-entropy minimization approach to positron emission tomographic imaging
* Multicriterion Image Reconstruction and Implementation
* Multicue-Based Crowd Segmentation Using Appearance and Motion
* Multicue Bayesian State Estimator for Gaze Prediction in Open Signed Video, A
* Multicue Graph Mincut for Image Segmentation
* Multicue HMM-UKF for Real-Time Contour Tracking
* Multicue MRF image segmentation: combining texture and color features
* Multicues 2D Articulated Pose Tracking using Particle Filtering and Belief Propagation on Factor Graphs
* Multicues 3D Monocular Upper Body Tracking Using Constrained Belief Propagation
* Multicues Face Detection in Complex Background for Frontal Faces
* Multicultural Facial Expression Recognition Based on Differences of Western-Caucasian and East-Asian Facial Expressions of Emotions
* Multicuts and Perturb and MAP for Probabilistic Graph Clustering
* Multicycle disassembly-based decomposition algorithm to train multiclass support vector machines
* Multidataset independent subspace analysis extends independent vector analysis
* Multidataset Independent Subspace Analysis With Application to Multimodal Fusion
* Multidate Divergence Matrices for the Analysis of SAR Image Time Series
* Multidecadal Changes in the Flow Velocity and Mass Balance of the Hailuogou Glacier in Mount Gongga, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
* Multidecadal Land Water and Groundwater Drought Evaluation in Peninsular India
* Multidecade Trends of Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-a Concentration, and Ocean Eddies in the Gulf of Mexico
* MultiDIAL: Domain Alignment Layers for (Multisource) Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Multidimensional-Scaling Approach to Explore the Behavior of a Texture-Perception Algorithm, A
* Multidimensional AM-FM Models with Image Processing Applications
* Multidimensional Analysis of Social Biases in Vision Transformers, A
* Multidimensional and Multiscale GIS
* multidimensional approach to syntactic pattern recognition, A
* Multidimensional Arrays for Analysing Geoscientific Data
* Multidimensional Artificial Field Embedding With Spatial Sensitivity
* Multidimensional Assessment of Food Provisioning Ecosystem Services Using Remote Sensing and Agricultural Statistics
* Multidimensional Assessment of Lake Water Ecosystem Services Using Remote Sensing
* Multidimensional attribute analysis and pattern recognition for seismic interpretation
* Multidimensional b-spline forms and their fourier transforms
* Multidimensional Belief Quantification for Label-Efficient Meta-Learning
* Multidimensional Binary Search Trees Used for Associative Searching
* Multidimensional causal, stable, perfect reconstruction filter banks
* Multidimensional chirp algorithms for computing Fourier transforms
* Multidimensional comparison of shot detection algorithms
* Multidimensional Compression of ITS Data Using Wavelet-Based Compression Techniques
* Multidimensional Context Awareness in Mobile Devices
* Multidimensional Cooccurrence Matrices for Object Recognition and Matching
* Multidimensional Culturally Adapted Representation of Emotions for Affective Computational Simulation and Recognition, A
* Multidimensional curve classification using passing-through regions
* Multidimensional data clustering utilizing hybrid search strategies
* Multidimensional data in multidimensional scaling using the analytic network process
* Multidimensional Deformable Object Manipulation Based on DN-Transporter Networks
* Multidimensional Descriptor Indexing: Exploring the BitMatrix
* Multidimensional Digital Boundaries
* Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing
* Multidimensional Directional Filter Banks and Surfacelets
* Multidimensional directional steerable filters: Theory and application to 3D flow estimation
* Multidimensional Edge Detection by Hypersurface Fitting
* Multidimensional Elastic Registration of Images Using Splines
* Multidimensional Evaluation Methods for Deep Learning Models in Target Detection for SAR Images
* Multidimensional Extension of the Concept of Coherence in Polarimetric SAR Interferometry, A
* Multidimensional fast Fourier transform algorithm for signals with arbitrary symmetries
* Multidimensional Feature Representation and Learning for Robust Hand-Gesture Recognition on Commercial Millimeter-Wave Radar
* Multidimensional Filter Bank Signal Reconstruction From Multichannel Acquisition
* Multidimensional Filter Banks and Wavelets: Research Developments and Applications - Preface
* Multidimensional Generalized Sampling Theorem for wavelet Based Image Superresolution
* Multidimensional Histogram Equalization and Modification
* Multidimensional Histogram Equalization by Fitting an Isotropic Gaussian Mixture to a Uniform Distribution, A
* Multidimensional image processing for remote sensing anomaly detection
* Multidimensional image reconstruction in astronomy
* Multidimensional image value assessment and rating for automated albuming and retrieval
* Multidimensional Incremental Parsing for Universal Source Coding
* Multidimensional Indexing for Recognizing Visual Shapes
* Multidimensional Interval Filter: A New Indexing Method for Subpicture Query of Image Retrieval
* Multidimensional k-space model for analysis of flow-related phenomena in MR imaging
* Multidimensional linear-phase perfect reconstruction filter banks with higher order feasible building blocks
* Multidimensional Lines I: Representation
* Multidimensional Lines II: Proximity and Applications
* Multidimensional Logical Transforms
* Multidimensional Management of Geospatial Data Quality Information for its Dynamic Use Within GIS
* Multidimensional modeling of image quality
* Multidimensional Morphable Models
* Multidimensional Morphable Models: A Framework for Representing and Matching Object Classes
* Multidimensional Motion Parameters: Estimation for Multi-SAR System Using the Cubic Phase Function
* Multidimensional Motion Segmentation and Identification
* Multidimensional Multichannel FIR Deconvolution Using GrÖbner Bases
* Multidimensional multistage K-NN classifiers for handwritten digit recognition
* Multidimensional Noise Removal Based on Fourth Order Cumulants
* Multidimensional Noise Removal Method Based on Best Flattening Directions
* Multidimensional Noise Removal Method Based on PARAFAC Decomposition
* Multidimensional Nonlinear Edge-Preserving Filter for Magnetic-Resonance Image Restoration, A
* Multidimensional Optical Sensing and Imaging System (MOSIS): From Macroscales to Microscales
* Multidimensional Orientation Estimation with Applications to Texture Analysis and Optical Flow
* Multidimensional Orthogonal Filter Bank Characterization and Design Using the Cayley Transform
* Multidimensional orthogonal FM transforms
* Multidimensional overlap-add and overlap-save for correlation and convolution
* Multidimensional particle swarm optimization-based unsupervised planar segmentation algorithm of unorganized point clouds
* Multidimensional particle swarm optimization and applications in data clustering and image retrieval
* Multidimensional pattern classification of bottles using diffuse and specular illumination
* Multidimensional pattern recognition problems and combining classifiers
* Multidimensional Phase Unwrapping Integral and Applications to Microwave Tomographical Image Reconstruction, The
* Multidimensional Pixel Purity Index for Convex Hull Estimation and Endmember Extraction
* Multidimensional Probability Density Function Matching for Preprocessing of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images
* Multidimensional Processing of Video Signals
* Multidimensional Prototype Refactor Enhanced Network for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Multidimensional Quasi-Eigenfunction Approximations and Multicomponent AM-FM Models
* Multidimensional range mapping with pattern projection and cross correlation
* Multidimensional Rotations for Robust Quantization of Image Data
* Multidimensional Rotations in Feature Selection
* Multidimensional Roughness Characterization for Microwave Remote Sensing Applications Using A Simple Photogrammetric Acquisition System
* Multidimensional Sampling of Isotropically Bandlimited Signals
* Multidimensional Scaling-Based TDOA Localization Scheme Using an Auxiliary Line
* Multidimensional scaling by iterative majorization using radial basis functions
* Multidimensional Scaling for Matching Low-Resolution Face Images
* Multidimensional scaling of simplex shapes
* multidimensional scaling optimization and fusion approach for the unsupervised change detection problem in remote sensing images, A
* Multidimensional Seismic Data Reconstruction Using Frequency-Domain Adaptive Prediction-Error Filter
* Multidimensional Signal Compression Using Multi-Scale Recurrent Patterns with Smooth Side-Match Criterion
* Multidimensional Signal Compression Using Multiscale Recurrent Patterns
* Multidimensional Size Functions for Shape Comparison
* multidimensional smoothing algorithm with applications to digital color printer calibration, A
* Multidimensional Spatial Vitality Automated Monitoring Method for Public Open Spaces Based on Computer Vision Technology: Case Study of Nanjing's Daxing Palace Square
* Multidimensional Speckle Noise Model
* Multidimensional Spectral Hashing
* Multidimensional State-Space Model Kalman Filtering with Applications to Image Restoration
* Multidimensional steerable filters and 3D flow estimation
* Multidimensional SVC bitstream adaptation and extraction for rate-distortion optimized heterogeneous multicasting and playback
* Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
* Multidimensional Urban Vitality on Streets: Spatial Patterns and Influence Factor Identification Using Multisource Urban Data
* Multidimensional Variational Line Spectra Estimation
* Multidimensional virtual reality-MVR method: A new method of visualization of multidimensional worlds
* Multidimensional Visualization and Processing of Big Open Urban Geospatial Data on the Web
* Multidimensional Waveform Encoding: A New Digital Beamforming Technique for Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing
* Multidimensional Web GIS Approach for Citizen Participation on Urban Evolution
* Multidimensional X-Space Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Multidimensional, Mapping-Based Complex Wavelet Transforms
* Multidirectional and Multiscale Edge-detection Via M-Band Wavelet Transform
* Multidirectional Building Detection in Aerial Images without Shape Templates
* Multidirectional Face Tracking with 3D Face Model and Learning Half-Face Template
* Multidirectional parabolic prediction-based interpolation-free sub-pixel motion estimation
* Multidirectional Scratch Detection and Restoration in Digitized Old Images
* Multidirectional Shift Rasterization (MDSR) Algorithm for Effective Identification of Ground in Dense Point Clouds
* Multidirectional Stereovision Sensor, Calibration and Scenes Reconstruction
* Multidirectional Weighted Interpolation and Refinement Method for Bayer Pattern CFA Demosaicking
* Multidisciplinar Approach to Historic Arch Bridges Documentation
* Multidisciplinary Analysis of Ground Movements: An Underground Gas Storage Case Study
* Multidisciplinary Analytical Framework For Studying Active Mobility Patterns, A
* Multidisciplinary Approach for the Mapping, Automatic Detection and Morphometric Analysis of Ancient Submerged Coastal Installations: The Case Study of the Ancient Aegina Harbour Complex, A
* Multidisciplinary Approach to the Coastal Protection of Two Archaeological Sites in Lybia, A
* Multidisciplinary Documental Representation Method for Kinetic and Environmental Art, A
* Multidisciplinary Experiences of Virtual Heritage for the Documentation of Architecture and Archaeology Within the DigitCH Group - Digital Cultural Heritage Group
* Multidisciplinary Image Understanding Research at the University of Maryland
* Multidisciplinary Information System of Assyrian Cuneiform Tablets Enhancing New Research Possibilities Via Heterogeneous Data in Records
* Multidisciplinary Landslide Case Study: Devrek Landslide, A
* Multidisciplinary Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring
* Multidistortion Database for Image Quality, A
* Multidomain pseudospectral time-domain simulations of scattering by objects buried in lossy media
* Multidomain Subspace Classification for Hyperspectral Images
* Multidomain Suppression of Ambient Light in Visible Light Communication Transceivers
* Multidomain Verification of Dynamic Signatures Using Local Stability Analysis
* Multidrone Systems: More Than the Sum of the Parts
* Multiecho-Recording Mobile Laser Scanning for Enhancing Individual Tree Crown Reconstruction
* Multiedge Detection by Isotropical 2-D ISEF Cascade
* Multielement synthetic transmit aperture imaging using temporal encoding
* Multiencoder-based federated intelligent deep learning model for brain tumor segmentation
* Multienergy Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Reconstruction with a Spatial Spectral Nonlocal Means Algorithm
* Multientity Registration of Point Clouds for Dynamic Objects on Complex Floating Platform Using Object Silhouettes
* Multiexposure image fusion using intensity enhancement and detail extraction
* Multifaceted Approach to Social Multimedia-Based Prediction of Elections, A
* Multifaceted Engagement in Social Interaction with a Machine: The JOKER Project
* Multifaceted Geometric Assessment towards Simplified Urban Surfaces Built by 3D Reconstruction
* Multifactor analysis based on factor-dependent geometry
* Multifactor Eigenvector Spatial Filtering-Based Method for Resolution-Enhanced Snow Water Equivalent Estimation in the Western United States, A
* multifactor extension of Grassmann manifolds for face recognition, The
* Multifactor feature extraction for human movement recognition
* Multifactor Identity Verification Using Aggregated Proof of Knowledge
* Multifactorial Evaluation of Spatial Suitability and Economic Viability of Light Green Bridges Using Remote Sensing Data and Spatial Urban Planning Criteria
* Multifamily GLRT for CFAR Detection of Signals in a Union of Subspaces, A
* Multifamily GLRT for Oil Spill Detection, A
* Multifeature-Assisted Road and Vehicle Detection Method Based on Monocular Depth Estimation and Refined U-V Disparity Mapping, A
* Multifeature-Based High-Resolution Palmprint Recognition
* Multifeature-based medical image segmentation
* Multifeature-Based Surround Inhibition Improves Contour Detection in Natural Images
* Multifeature Dictionary Learning for Collaborative Representation Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multifeature extracting CNN with concatenation for image denoising
* Multifeature Fusion-Based Object Detection for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Multifeature Hyperspectral Image Classification With Local and Nonlocal Spatial Information via Markov Random Field in Semantic Space
* Multifeature Landmark-Free Active Appearance Models: Application to Prostate MRI Segmentation
* Multifeature Object Tracking using a Model-Free Approach
* Multifeature Object Trajectory Clustering for Video Analysis
* Multifeature Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Grading of Histological Images
* Multifeature texture analysis for the classification of clouds in satellite imagery
* MultiFeNet: Multi-scale feature scaling in deep neural network for the brain tumour classification in MRI images
* Multiflash Stereopsis: Depth-Edge-Preserving Stereo with Small Baseline Illumination
* Multifluorophore localization as a percolation problem: limits to density and precision
* Multifocal planes head-mounted displays
* Multifocus and multispectral image fusion based on pixel significance using discrete cosine harmonic wavelet transform
* Multifocus and multispectral image fusion based on pixel significance using multiresolution decomposition
* Multifocus image fusion and denoising: A variational approach
* Multifocus image fusion based on redundant wavelet transform
* Multifocus image fusion based on robust principal component analysis
* Multifocus image fusion based on surface area analysis
* Multifocus image fusion by combining curvelet and wavelet transform
* Multifocus Image Fusion by Establishing Focal Connectivity
* Multifocus image fusion using artificial neural networks
* Multifocus Image Fusion Using Local Phase Coherence Measurement
* Multifocus image fusion using modified pulse coupled neural network for improved image quality
* Multifocus image fusion using region segmentation and spatial frequency
* Multifocus Image Fusion via Region Reconstruction
* Multifocus Image Sequences for Iris Recognition
* Multifocusing and Depth Estimation Using a Color Shift Model-Based Computational Camera
* Multifont optical character recognition using a box connectivity approach
* Multifont size-resilient recognition system for Ethiopic script
* Multifoveal imager for stereo applications
* Multifractal-based texture segmentation using variational procedure
* Multifractal-Based Wavefront Phase Estimation Technique for Ground-Based Astronomical Observations, A
* Multifractal analysis based on discrete wavelet for texture classification: Application to medical magnetic resonance imaging
* Multifractal Analysis of Human Retinal Vessels
* Multifractal Analysis of Multivariate Images Using Gamma Markov Random Field Priors
* Multifractal Analysis on the Sphere
* Multifractal Anomaly Detection in Images via Space-Scale Surrogates
* Multifractal characterisation and classification of bread crumb digital images
* Multifractal Characteristics Analysis Based on Slope Distribution Probability in the Yellow Rivre Basin, China
* Multifractal Characteristics of Seismogenic Systems and b Values in the Taiwan Seismic Region
* Multifractal characterization and recognition of animal behavior based on deep wavelet transform
* Multifractal Characterization of Texts for Pattern Recognition: On the Complexity of Morphological Structures in Modern and Ancient Languages
* Multifractal Characterization of Texture-based Segmentation
* Multifractal Correlation between Terrain and River Network Structure in the Yellow River Basin, China
* Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis of Global Methane and Temperature
* Multifractal feature descriptor for grading Hepatocellular carcinoma
* Multifractal Image Denoising
* Multifractal signature estimation for textured image segmentation
* Multifractal Texture Analysis and Classification
* Multifractality in arterial pulse
* Multifractals, texture, and image analysis
* Multiframe-Based Identification of Mobile Components of a Scene with a Moving Camera
* Multiframe-to-Multiframe Network for Video Denoising
* Multiframe Auto White Balance
* Multiframe Bayesian Tracking of Cluttered Targets with Random Motion
* Multiframe blind deconvolution of passive millimeter wave images using variational dirichlet blur kernel estimation
* Multiframe blind deconvolution, super-resolution, and saturation correction via incremental EM
* Multiframe blocking-artifact reduction for transform-coded video
* Multiframe Demosaicing and Super-Resolution of Color Images
* Multiframe error concealment for MPEG-coded video delivery over error-prone networks
* Multiframe Error Concealment for Whole-Frame Loss in H.264/AVC
* Multiframe Image Point Matching and 3-D Surface Reconstruction
* Multiframe image restoration in the presence of noisy blur kernel
* Multiframe image super-resolution adapted with local spatial information
* Multiframe image superresolution based on cepstral analysis
* Multiframe Joint Enhancement for Early Interlaced Videos
* Multiframe Many-Many Point Correspondence for Vehicle Tracking in High Density Wide Area Aerial Videos
* Multiframe Motion Coupling for Video Super Resolution
* Multiframe Motion Estimation Architecture for H.264/AVC, A
* Multiframe Motion Segmentation via Penalized Map Estimation and Linear Programming
* Multiframe Motion Segmentation with Missing Data Using PowerFactorization and GPCA
* Multiframe nonrigid motion analysis with anisotropic spatial constraints: applications to cardiac image analysis
* Multiframe phase-diversity algorithm for active imaging
* Multiframe Poisson MAP deconvolution of astronomical images
* Multiframe resolution-enhancement methods for compressed video
* Multiframe Selective Information Fusion From Robust Error Estimation Theory
* Multiframe spatial resolution enhancement of color video
* Multiframe Structure from Motion in Perspective
* Multiframe super-resolution based on a high-order spatially weighted regularisation
* Multiframe super-resolution based on half-quadratic prior with artifacts suppress
* Multiframe Super-Resolution Employing a Spatially Weighted Total Variation Model
* Multiframe Super-Resolution for Flickering Objects
* Multiframe Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Small Moving Objects
* Multiframe Super-Resolution Reconstruction Using Sparse Directional Regularization
* Multiframe Temporal Estimation of Cardiac Nonrigid Motion
* Multiframe video coding for improved performance over wireless channels
* Multifrequency 3-D Inversion of GREATEM Data by BCGS-FFT-BIM
* Multifrequency and Full-Polarimetric SAR Assessment for Estimating Above Ground Biomass and Leaf Area Index in the Amazon Várzea Wetlands
* Multifrequency Bayesian compressive sensing methods for microwave imaging
* Multifrequency Channel Decompositions of Images and Wavelet Models
* Multifrequency eddy current image processing techniques for nondestructive evaluation
* Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography Using Spectral Constraints
* Multifrequency Future for Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity from Space, The
* Multifrequency Impedance Imaging with Multiple Signal Classification
* Multifrequency InSAR height reconstruction through maximum likelihood estimation of local planes parameters
* Multifrequency Interferometric Imaging with Intensity-Only Measurements
* Multifrequency Microwave Backscatter From a Highly Saline Snow Cover on Smooth First-Year Sea Ice: First-Order Theoretical Modeling
* Multifrequency Particle Swarm Optimization for Enhanced Multiresolution GPR Microwave Imaging
* Multifrequency Radar Imagery and Characterization of Hazardous and Noxious Substances at Sea
* Multifrequency Vibro-Acoustography
* Multifringe Pattern Analysis of Circular Zone Plates
* Multifunction Phased Array Radar for Aircraft and Weather Surveillance
* Multifunctional 3D Model for the Farnese Theatre in Parma
* Multifunctional Reading Assistant for the Visually Impaired, A
* Multifunctional Signal Design for Measurement, Navigation and Communication Based on BOC and BPSK Modulation
* Multigap: Multi-pooled inception network with text augmentation for aesthetic prediction of photographs
* Multigradient: a new neural network learning algorithm for pattern classification
* Multigranular Event Recognition of Personal Photo Albums
* Multigranularity Multiclass-Layer Markov Random Field Model for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Multigraph-Based Query-Independent Learning for Video Search
* Multigraph Representation for Improved Unsupervised/Semi-supervised Learning of Human Actions, A
* Multigrid adaptive image processing
* Multigrid Algorithm For High Order Denoising
* Multigrid Algorithms on the Hypercube Multiprocessor
* Multigrid and Multi-Level Swendsen-Wang Cuts for Hierarchic Graph Partition
* Multigrid Anisotropic Diffusion
* Multigrid Approach for Hierarchical Motion Estimation, A
* Multigrid Approach to Image Processing, A
* Multigrid Bayesian Estimation of Image Motion Fields Using Stochastic Relaxation
* Multigrid Bilateral Filtering
* Multigrid Computation of Rotationally Invariant Non-Linear Optical Flow
* Multigrid Convergence and Surface Area Estimation
* Multigrid Convergence for the MDCA Curvature Estimator
* Multigrid Convergence of Calculated Features in Image Analysis
* Multigrid Convergent Curvature Estimator
* Multigrid convergent principal curvature estimators in digital geometry
* MultiGrid Embedding (MGE) Image Coding
* Multigrid Error Bounds for Moments of Arbitrary Order
* Multigrid Geometric Active Contour Models
* Multigrid gradient vector flow computation on the GPU
* Multigrid image reconstruction from arbitrarily spaced samples
* Multigrid Method for Efficiently Training Video Models, A
* Multigrid MRF based picture segmentation with cellular neural networks
* Multigrid Narrow Band Surface Reconstruction via Level Set Functions
* Multigrid Neural Architectures
* Multigrid Optimization for Large-Scale Ptychographic Phase Retrieval
* Multigrid Platform for Real-Time Motion Computation with Discontinuity-Preserving Variational Methods, A
* Multigrid Relaxation Methods and the Analysis of Lightness, Shading and Flow
* Multigrid Tomographic Inversion With Variable Resolution Data and Image Spaces
* Multihierarchical Graph Search
* Multihop Packet Delay Bound Violation Modeling for Resource Allocation in Video Streaming Over Mesh Networks
* Multihuman Tracking Based on a Spatial-Temporal Appearance Match
* multihypothesis-based residual reconstruction scheme in compressed video sensing, A
* Multihypothesis Compressed Video Sensing Technique
* Multihypothesis Motion-Compensated Temporal Filter for Video Denoising, A
* Multihypothesis motion compensation in the redundant wavelet domain
* Multihypothesis Pictures for H.261
* Multihypothesis Prior for Segmentation of Stereo Disparity
* Multihypothesis recursive video denoising based on separation of motion state
* Multihypothesis trajectory analysis for robust visual tracking
* Multiimage Photometric Stereo Using Surface Approximation by Legendre Polynomials
* MultiK-MHKS: A Novel Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithm
* Multikernel Adaptive Collaborative Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multikernel Capsule Network for Schizophrenia Identification
* MultiKernel Domain Adaptation Method for Unsupervised Transfer Learning on Cross-Source and Cross-Region Remote Sensing Data Classification, A
* Multilabel Aerial Image Classification With a Concept Attention Graph Neural Network
* Multilabel classification using heterogeneous ensemble of multi-label classifiers
* Multilabel classifiers with a probabilistic thresholding strategy
* Multilabel Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding
* Multilabel Extension of LDA Based on the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure, A
* Multilabel Image Classification via Feature/Label Co-Projection
* Multilabel Image Classification Via High-Order Label Correlation Driven Active Learning
* Multilabel Image Classification with Deep Transfer Learning for Decision Support on Wildfire Response
* Multilabel Image Classification With Regional Latent Semantic Dependencies
* Multilabel learning based adaptive graph convolutional network for human parsing
* Multilabel Naïve Bayes classification considering label dependence
* Multilabel partition moves for MRF optimization
* Multilabel predictions with sets of probabilities: The Hamming and ranking loss cases
* Multilabel Prototype Generation for data reduction in K-Nearest Neighbour classification
* Multilabel Random Walker Image Segmentation Using Prior Models
* Multilabel Ranking with Inconsistent Rankers
* Multilabel Recognition Algorithm With Multigraph Structure
* Multilabel Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Using a Semisupervised Graph-Theoretic Method
* Multilabel Sample Augmentation-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multilabel statistical shape prior for image segmentation
* Multilabel Text Classification With Incomplete Labels: A Safe Generative Model With Label Manifold Regularization and Confidence Constraint
* Multilane freeway merging control via trajectory optimization in a mixed traffic environment
* Multilateral filtering: A novel framework for generic similarity-based image denoising
* Multilateral Semantic Relations Modeling for Image Text Retrieval
* Multilayer-Based Framework for Online Background Subtraction with Freely Moving Cameras, A
* Multilayer Adaptive Linear Predictors for Real-Time Tracking
* Multilayer Architectures for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Multilayer Attention Mechanism for Change Detection in SAR Image Spatial-Frequency Domain
* Multilayer background modeling under occlusions
* Multilayer Backpropagation Saliency Detection Algorithm Based on Depth Mining, A
* Multilayer Data and Artificial Intelligence for the Delineation of Homogeneous Management Zones in Maize Cultivation
* Multilayer Densities of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the South China Sea Using Gravity Multiscale Analysis
* Multilayer document compression algorithm
* Multilayer Encoder-Decoder Network for 3D Nuclear Segmentation in Spheroid Models of Human Mammary Epithelial Cell Lines
* Multilayer graph cuts based unsupervised color-texture image segmentation using multivariate mixed student's t-distribution and regional credibility merging
* Multilayer Joint Gait-Pose Manifolds for Human Gait Motion Modeling
* Multilayer Joint Segmentation Using MRF and Graph Cuts
* Multilayer manifold and sparsity constrained nonnegative matrix factorization for hyperspectral unmixing
* Multilayer Markov Random Field models for change detection in optical remote sensing images
* Multilayer Markovian Model for Change Detection in Aerial Image Pairs with Large Time Differences, A
* Multilayer Massively Parallel Architecture for Optical Flow Computation, A
* Multilayer matching of metric structures using hierarchically well-separated trees
* multilayer neural network for image demosaicking, A
* Multilayer Neural Network with Multi-Valued Neurons in Time Series Forecasting of Oil Production
* Multilayer Obstacle-Avoiding X-Architecture Steiner Minimal Tree Construction Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multilayer Online Self-Acquired Knowledge Distillation
* Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network for Surface Water Extraction in Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Images
* Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks Model for Meteosat Second Generation SEVIRI Daytime Cloud Masking
* Multilayer pLSA for multimodal image retrieval
* Multilayer Projective Dictionary Pair Learning and Sparse Autoencoder for PolSAR Image Classification
* Multilayer Recognition Method for Understanding Table-Form Documents, A
* Multilayer reference frame motion estimation for video coding
* Multilayer Self-Organizing Feature Map for Range Image Segmentation, A
* Multilayer semitransparent-edge processing for depth-image-based rendering
* Multilayer Soil Moisture Mapping at a Regional Scale from Multisource Data via a Machine Learning Method
* Multilayer structures and resilience evaluation for multimode regional rail transit system
* Multilayer Surface Albedo for Face Recognition With Reference Images in Bad Lighting Conditions
* Multilayer Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo, and Water Vapor Product of Greenland from MODIS, A
* Multilayered 3D LiDAR Image Construction Using Spatial Models in a Bayesian Framework
* Multilayered Diagnostics for Smart Cities
* Multilayered image file
* Multilayered image representation: application to image compression
* Multilayered protection of embedded video bitstreams over binary symmetric and packet erasure channels
* Multilayered Wrinkle Textures from Strain
* Multilevel- and Neural-Network-Based Stereo-Matching Method for Real-Time Obstacle Detection Using Linear Cameras
* Multilevel 2d-3d Intensity-based Image Registration
* Multilevel Algebraic Invariants Extraction by Incremental Fitting Scheme
* Multilevel and Multiscale Network for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Multilevel Anomaly Detection Through Variational Autoencoders and Bayesian Models for Self-Aware Embodied Agents
* Multilevel Approach and Distributed Consistency for Technical Map Interpretation: Application to Cadastral Maps
* multilevel approach for learning from labeled and unlabeled data on graphs, A
* multilevel approach to change detection for port surveillance with very high resolution SAR images, A
* Multilevel Approach to Pattern Processing, A
* Multilevel Approach to Sequential Detection of Pictorial Features, A
* Multilevel Approximate Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Multilevel Array Grammars for Generating Texture Scenes
* Multilevel Asymmetric Scheme for Digital Fingerprinting, A
* multilevel automatic thresholding method based on a genetic algorithm for a fast image segmentation, A
* Multilevel Banded Graph Cuts Method for Fast Image Segmentation, A
* Multilevel Character Templates for Document Image Decoding
* Multilevel Chinese Takeaway Process and Label-Based Processes for Rule Induction in the Context of Automated Sports Video Annotation
* Multilevel classification of milling tool wear with confidence estimation
* Multilevel Collaborative Attention Network for Person Search
* Multilevel Collision Mitigation Approach: Its Situation Assessment, Decision Making, and Performance Tradeoffs, A
* multilevel color image thresholding scheme based on minimum cross entropy and differential evolution, A
* Multilevel Computational Processes for Visual Surface Reconstruction
* Multilevel Context-Based System for Classification of Very High Spatial Resolution Images, A
* Multilevel depression status detection based on fine-grained prompt learning
* Multilevel Depth and Image Fusion for Human Activity Detection
* Multilevel Domain Decomposition Algorithm for Fast O(N2 log N) Reprojection of Tomographic Images, A
* Multilevel Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Model of House Prices: A Case Study of House Sales in Fairfax County, Virginia, A
* Multilevel Electronic Control Unit Re-Encryption Scheme for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Multilevel Enhancement and Detection of Stereo Disparity Surfaces
* Multilevel Feature Aggregated Network with Instance Contrastive Learning Constraint for Building Extraction
* Multilevel Framework to Detect and Handle Vehicle Occlusion
* Multilevel fusing paired visible light and near-infrared spectral images for face anti-spoofing
* Multilevel Fusion Approach to Object Identification in Outdoor Road Scenes, A
* Multilevel fusion of multimodal deep features for porn streamer recognition in live video
* Multilevel GMRF-based segmentation of image sequences
* Multilevel Graph Cuts Based Image Segmentation
* Multilevel Grouping: Combining Bottom-Up and Top-Down Reasoning for Object Recognition
* Multilevel Haar Wavelet Transform and Histogram Usage in Content Based Image Retrieval System
* Multilevel halftone screen design: Keeping texture or keeping smoothness?
* Multilevel histogram shape-based image watermarking invariant to geometric attacks
* Multilevel Illumination Coding for Fourier Transform Interferometry in Fluorescence Spectroscopy
* Multilevel Image Coding with Hyperfeatures
* Multilevel Image Processing and Analysis
* Multilevel Image Segmentation Based on Fractional-Order Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multilevel Image Thresholding Based on 2D Histogram and Maximum Tsallis Entropy: A Differential Evolution Approach
* Multilevel Image Thresholding Method Using the Darwinian Cuckoo Search Algorithm, A
* Multilevel Integration of Vision and Speech Understanding Using Bayesian Networks
* Multilevel Interaction Reasoning For Complex Event Recognition
* Multilevel Longitudinal Analysis of Shooting Performance as a Function of Stress and Cardiovascular Responses
* Multilevel magnetic resonance imaging compression using compressive sensing
* Multilevel Mapping From Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study of Urban Buildings
* Multilevel Mapping Strategy to Calculate the Information Content of Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* Multilevel mesh simplification
* Multilevel Mixture-of-Experts Framework for Pedestrian Classification, A
* Multilevel Model for Video Object Segmentation Based on Supervision Optimization
* Multilevel Modeling of the Traffic Dynamic
* Multilevel Modified Finite Radon Transform Network for Image Upsampling
* Multilevel Multispectral Data Set Analysis in the Visible and Infrared Wavelength Regions, A
* Multilevel Optimization for Registration of Deformable Point Clouds
* Multilevel Optimization of DSP Based SPEEX Decoder
* Multilevel Parallel Intra Coding for H.264/AVC Based on CUDA, A
* Multilevel Parallel Processing Approach to Scene Labeling Problems, A
* Multilevel Point-Cluster-Based Discriminative Feature for ALS Point Cloud Classification, A
* Multilevel Post-Processing for Korean Character-Recognition Using Morphological Analysis and Linguistic Evaluation
* Multilevel Probabilistic Relaxation
* Multilevel processing of image signals
* Multilevel receptive field expansion network for small object detection
* Multilevel Relaxation in Low-Level Computer Vision
* Multilevel Relevance Feedback for 3D Shape Retrieval
* Multilevel Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of Difference Images
* multilevel reversible data hiding scheme in encrypted domain based on LWE, A
* Multilevel screen design using direct binary search
* multilevel self-attention based segmentation and classification technique using Directional Hexagonal Mixed Pattern algorithm for lung nodule detection in thoracic CT image, A
* Multilevel Shape Representation Using Global Deformations and Locally Adaptive Finite-Elements
* Multilevel signal compression method
* Multilevel Spatial-Temporal Excited Graph Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Multilevel Spatial-Temporal Feature Aggregation for Video Object Detection
* Multilevel Spectral Partitioning for Efficient Image Segmentation and Tracking
* Multilevel Structure Extraction-Based Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
* Multilevel Successive Elimination Algorithm for Block Matching Motion Estimation, A
* Multilevel Terrain Rendering Method Based on Dynamic Stitching Strips, A
* Multilevel Text-Line Segmentation Framework for Handwritten Historical Documents, A
* Multilevel Thresholding Color Image Segmentation Using a Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
* Multilevel thresholding for image segmentation through a fast statistical recursive algorithm
* Multilevel Thresholding Method Based on Normalized Cut
* Multilevel Thresholding Using Edge Matching
* Multilevel Training of Binary Morphological Operators
* Multilevel triplet deep learning model for person re-identification
* Multilevel Video Coding and Distribution Architectures for Emerging Broad-Band Digital Networks
* Multilevel Vision Based Spatial Reasoning for Robotic Tasks
* Multilevel Visualization of Travelogue Trajectory Data
* Multilevel wavelet-based hierarchical networks for image compressed sensing
* Multilevel weighted enhancement for underwater image dehazing
* Multilinear analysis based on image texture for face recognition
* Multilinear Analysis of Image Ensembles: TensorFaces
* Multilinear Autoencoder for 3D Face Model Learning
* Multilinear class-specific discriminant analysis
* Multilinear Compressive Sensing With Tensor Ring Factorization
* Multilinear Constraint on Dichromatic Planes for Illumination Estimation, A
* Multilinear Constraints in Two-dimensional Vision and Isogonal Conjugacy
* Multilinear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Multilinear Discriminant Analysis for Higher-Order Tensor Data Classification
* Multilinear Factorizations for Multi-Camera Rigid Structure from Motion Problems
* Multilinear feature extraction and classification of multi-focal images, with applications in nematode taxonomy
* Multilinear Forms in the Velocity Case
* Multilinear Graph Embedding: Representation and Regularization for Images
* Multilinear Hyperplane Hashing
* Multilinear image analysis for facial recognition
* Multilinear Independent Components Analysis
* Multilinear Isometric Embedding for visual pattern analysis
* Multilinear Laplacian discriminant analysis for gait recognition
* Multilinear Methods for Spatio-Temporal Image Recognition
* Multilinear Mixing Model for Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing, A
* Multilinear Model Estimation with L2-Regularization
* Multilinear Modelling of Faces and Expressions
* Multilinear Nonparametric Feature Analysis
* Multilinear pose and body shape estimation of dressed subjects from image sets
* Multilinear Principal Component Analysis of Tensor Objects for Recognition
* Multilinear Projection for Appearance-Based Recognition in the Tensor Framework
* Multilinear projection for face recognition via canonical decomposition
* Multilinear Relationships Between the Coordinates of Corresponding Image Conics
* Multilinear Sampling Algorithm to Estimate Shapley Values, A
* Multilinear Sparse Decomposition for Best Spectral Bands Selection
* Multilinear Spatial Discriminant Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction
* Multilinear subspace analysis of image ensembles
* Multilinear Subspace Method Based on Geodesic Distance for Volumetric Object Classification
* Multilinear Supervised Neighborhood Embedding of a Local Descriptor Tensor for Scene/Object Recognition
* Multilinear Supervised Neighborhood Embedding with Local Descriptor Tensor for Face Recognition
* Multilinear Tensor-Based Non-parametric Dimension Reduction for Gait Recognition
* Multilinear Wavelets: A Statistical Shape Space for Human Faces
* Multilingual articulatory features augmentation learning
* Multilingual Artificial Text Detection Using a Cascade of Transforms
* Multilingual document recognition research and its application in China
* Multilingual news clustering: Feature translation vs. identification of cognate named entities
* Multilingual scene character recognition with co-occurrence of histogram of oriented gradients
* Multilingual signature-verification by generalized combined segmentation verification
* Multilingual Specialist Glossaries in a Framework for Intangible Cultural Heritage
* Multilingual visual sentiment concept clustering and analysis
* Multilingual word spotting in offline handwritten documents
* MultiLink: Multi-class Structure Recovery via Agglomerative Clustering and Model Selection
* Multilocal Creaseness Based on the Level-Set Extrinsic Curvature
* Multilook Polarimetric SAR Change Detection Using Stochastic Distances Between Matrix-Variate Gd0 Distributions
* Multiloss strategy for breast cancer subtype classification using digital breast tomosynthesis
* MultiMAE: Multi-modal Multi-task Masked Autoencoders
* Multimedia adaptation in end-user terminals
* Multimedia Analysis + Visual Analytics = Multimedia Analytics
* Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy: Tools to support scholars on Maya hieroglyphics
* Multimedia Analysis by Learning
* Multimedia analysis with collective intelligence
* Multimedia Analytics Challenges and Opportunities for Creating Interactive Radio Content
* Multimedia and the Tactile Internet
* Multimedia annotation via semi-supervised shared-subspace feature selection
* Multimedia Applications of Computer Vision
* Multimedia at Work: Harvesting Resources for Recording Concurrent Videoconferences
* Multimedia Authoring Tool for Real-Time Facial Animation
* Multimedia Big Data Analytics: A Survey
* Multimedia Big Data Computing
* Multimedia Big Data
* Multimedia Classification Using Bipolar Relation Graphs
* Multimedia communication techniques for remote cable-based video-surveillance systems
* Multimedia Conferencing in the Etherphone Environment
* Multimedia Content Analysis and Mining
* Multimedia content analysis for consumer electronics
* Multimedia content analysis for emotional characterization of music video clips
* Multimedia Content Analysis: Theory and Applications
* Multimedia content authentication: fundamental limits
* Multimedia Content Delivery with Network Function Virtualization: The Energy Perspective
* Multimedia content recommendation engine with automatic inference of user preferences
* Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security
* Multimedia content security with random key generation approach in cloud computing
* Multimedia Data and Document Engineering
* Multimedia Data Delivery Based on IoT Clouds
* Multimedia Data Embedding and Watermarking Technologies
* Multimedia Data Hiding and Authentication via Halftoning and Coordinate Projection
* Multimedia Data Mining and Searching Through Dynamic Index Evolution
* Multimedia Data Privacy Against Machines
* Multimedia Data Visualization Based on Ad Hoc Communication Networks and Its Application to Disaster Management, A
* Multimedia database management systems
* Multimedia database retrieval system which maintains a posterior probability distribution that each item in the database is a target of a search
* Multimedia Datasets: Challenges and Future Possibilities
* Multimedia Document Retrieval Using Speech and Speaker Recognition
* Multimedia documents adaptive platform using multi-agent system and mobile ubiquitous environment
* Multimedia Event Detection Using A Classifier-Specific Intermediate Representation
* Multimedia event detection using GMM supervectors and SVMS
* Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fusion and temporal concept localization
* Multimedia Event Detection
* Multimedia Fingerprinting Forensics For Traitor Tracing
* Multimedia for Autonomous Driving
* Multimedia for Cultural Heritage
* Multimedia for Disaster Information Management
* Multimedia forensic hash based on visual words
* MultiMedia FORensics in the WILD 2020
* Multimedia Fusion With Mean-Covariance Analysis
* multimedia gesture dataset for human robot communication: Acquisition, tools and recognition results, A
* Multimedia Grand Challenge 2013, The
* Multimedia Hashing and Networking
* Multimedia Image Coding Using Adaptive Integer-to-Integer Wavelet Transforms
* Multimedia in Cultural Heritage Manuscripts: Integrating Description, Transcription, and Image Content
* Multimedia in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
* Multimedia Information Processing for Personality and Social Networks Analysis Workshop
* Multimedia Information Retrieval Based on Late Semantic Fusion Approaches: Experiments on a Wikipedia Image Collection
* Multimedia information retrieval: best papers and expanding frontiers
* Multimedia Intelligence: When Multimedia Meets Artificial Intelligence
* Multimedia Interaction and Intelligent User Interfaces: Principles, Methods and Applications
* Multimedia Interactive Map for CH Presentation
* Multimedia IP architecture trends in the mobile multimedia consumer device
* Multimedia Memory Cues for Augmenting Human Memory
* Multimedia Mining on Manycore Architectures: The Case for GPUs
* Multimedia Monitoring System of Obstructive Sleep Apnea via a Deep Active Learning Model
* Multimedia news QA: Extraction and visualization integration with multiple-source information
* Multimedia Objects Conversion for a Digital Repository: A Case Study
* Multimedia Ontology Based Computational Framework for Video Annotation and Retrieval
* Multimedia Over Coax Alliance, The
* Multimedia Pivot Tables for Multimedia Analytics on Image Collections
* Multimedia Presentation and Transmission Standards and Their Support for Automatic Analysis, Conversion and Scaling: A Survey
* Multimedia processor-based implementation of an error-diffusion halftoning algorithm exploiting subword parallelism
* Multimedia Quality-Driven Network Resource Management Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks With Stream Authentication, A
* Multimedia Quality Assessment Standards in ITU-T SG12
* Multimedia Quality Assessment
* Multimedia Research Challenges for Industry
* Multimedia Retrieval and Delivery: Essential Metadata Challenges and Standards
* Multimedia retrieval by deep hashing with multilevel similarity learning
* Multimedia Retrieval Framework Based on Automatic Graded Relevance Judgments, A
* Multimedia Retrieval Framework Based on Semi-Supervised Ranking and Relevance Feedback, A
* Multimedia retrieval in social networks for photo book creation
* Multimedia Retrieval Through Unsupervised Hypergraph-Based Manifold Ranking
* Multimedia Retrieval Using Multiple Examples
* Multimedia Retrieval via Deep Learning to Rank
* Multimedia search and retrieval using multimodal annotation propagation and indexing techniques
* Multimedia Search and Retrieval: New Concepts, System Implementation, and Application
* Multimedia search reranking: A literature survey
* Multimedia Search Without Visual Analysis: The Value of Linguistic and Contextual Information
* Multimedia Search: From Relevance to Usefulness
* Multimedia Semantic Retrieval Mobile System Based on HCFGs, A
* Multimedia semantics-aware query-adaptive hashing with bits reconfigurability
* Multimedia Semantics: Interactions Between Content and Community
* Multimedia Simulation of Colour Blindness and Colour Enhancement Assisted Colour Blindness
* Multimedia Social Event Detection in Microblog
* Multimedia streaming in Multi-Homed Hybrid Ad Hoc Networks: A model of network connectivity
* Multimedia Summarization for Social Events in Microblog Stream
* Multimedia Summarization, Multimodal Summarization
* Multimedia Surveillance and Monitoring
* Multimedia surveillance systems
* Multimedia surveillance: content-based retrieval with multicamera people tracking
* Multimedia System Architecture for Automatic Annotation of Sports Videos, A
* Multimedia Systems for Surveillance
* Multimedia Systems
* Multimedia Systems, Multimedia Indexing, Multimedia Retrieval
* Multimedia Technologies for Enriched Music Performance, Production, and Consumption
* Multimedia Tools and Applications
* Multimedia translation for linking visual data to semantics in videos
* Multimedia Understanding: Challenges in the New Millennium
* Multimedia venue semantic modeling based on multimodal data
* Multimedia Video-Based Surveillance Systems
* Multimedia watermarking techniques
* Multimedia, Audio-Visual Communications, Survey
* Multimedia, Document Analysis Conferences
* Multimodadl Graph Signal Denoising With Simultaneous Graph Learning using Deep Algorithm Unrolling
* Multimodal-adaptive hierarchical network for multimedia sequential recommendation
* Multimodal-Based and Aesthetic-Guided Narrative Video Summarization
* Multimodal-Based Stream Integrated Neural Networks for Pain Assessment
* Multimodal 2D-3D face recognition using local descriptors: Pyramidal shape map and structural context
* Multimodal 2D, 2.5D and 3D Face Verification
* Multimodal 2D+3D Facial Expression Recognition With Deep Fusion Convolutional Neural Network
* Multimodal 3D Healthcare Communication System, A
* Multimodal 3D Human Pose Estimation from a Single Image
* Multimodal 3D Shape Reconstruction under Calibration Uncertainty Using Parametric Level Set Methods
* Multimodal 3D Shape Recovery from Texture, Silhouette and Shadow Information
* Multimodal 3D tracking and Event Detection via the Particle Filter
* Multimodal 3D visible articulation system for syllable based Mandarin Chinese training
* Multimodal Abandoned/Removed Object Detection for Low Power Video Surveillance Systems
* Multimodal Action Quality Assessment
* Multimodal action recognition using variational-based Beta-Liouville hidden Markov models
* Multimodal activity recognition with local block CNN and attention-based spatial weighted CNN
* Multimodal ADAS System for Unmarked Urban Scenarios Based on Road Context Understanding, A
* Multimodal Affect Classification at Various Temporal Lengths
* Multimodal Affect Recognition Using Boltzmann Zippers
* Multimodal Affective Computing With Dense Fusion Transformer for Inter- and Intra-Modality Interactions
* Multimodal Affective States Recognition Based on Multiscale CNNs and Biologically Inspired Decision Fusion Model
* Multimodal Aggregation Network With Serial Self-Attention Mechanism for Micro-Video Multi-Label Classification, A
* Multimodal Algorithm for Iris Recognition with Local Topological Descriptors
* Multimodal Analysis for Identification and Segmentation of Moving-Sounding Objects
* Multimodal Analysis of Expressive Gesture in Music and Dance Performances
* Multimodal analysis of user behavior and browsed content under different image search intents
* Multimodal and Context-Aware Emotion Perception Model With Multiplicative Fusion
* Multimodal and Multi-Model Deep Fusion for Fine Classification of Regional Complex Landscape Areas Using ZiYuan-3 Imagery
* Multimodal and Multi-task Audio-Visual Vehicle Detection and Classification
* Multimodal and Multilevel Ranking Scheme for Large-Scale Video Retrieval, A
* Multimodal and Multistage Face Recognition Method for Simulated Portrait, A
* Multimodal and Multitemporal Land Use/Land Cover Semantic Segmentation on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery: An Application on a MultiSenGE Dataset
* Multimodal and multiview distillation for real-time player detection on a football field
* multimodal approach for 3D face modeling and recognition using 3D deformable facial mask, A
* multimodal approach for dynamic event capture of vehicles and pedestrians, A
* multimodal approach for human activity recognition based on skeleton and RGB data, A
* multimodal approach for image de-fencing and depth inpainting, A
* Multimodal Approach for Mania Level Prediction in Bipolar Disorder, A
* Multimodal Approach for Natural Biomedical Multi-scale Exploration
* Multimodal Approach for Percussion Music Transcription from Audio and Video, A
* Multimodal Approach for Recognizing Human Actions Using Depth Information, A
* Multimodal Approach for the Safeguarding and Transmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Case of i-Treasures, A
* Multimodal Approach to Assess a Virtual Reality-based Surgical Training Platform
* multimodal approach to high resolution image classification, A
* multimodal approach to music transcription, A
* Multimodal Approach to Speaker Diarization on TV Talk-Shows, A
* Multimodal Approach to Violence Detection in Video Sharing Sites, A
* Multimodal architecture for video captioning with memory networks and an attention mechanism
* Multimodal assessment of apparent personality using feature attention and error consistency constraint
* Multimodal Assessment of Shopping Behavior
* Multimodal Attention-Mechanism For Temporal Emotion Recognition
* multimodal attention fusion network with a dynamic vocabulary for TextVQA, A
* Multimodal attention networks for low-level vision-and-language navigation
* Multimodal Augmented Reality and Subtle Quidance for Industrial Assembly: A Survey and Ideation Method
* Multimodal Augmented Reality: Augmenting Auditory-Tactile Feedback to Change the Perception of Thickness
* Multimodal authentication on smartphones: Combining iris and sensor recognition for a double check of user identity
* Multimodal Authentication Using Asynchronous HMMs
* Multimodal Automatic Indexing for Broadcast Soccer Video
* Multimodal Background Modeling Using RGB-Depth Features
* Multimodal background subtraction for high-performance embedded systems
* Multimodal BCIs: Target Detection, Multidimensional Control, and Awareness Evaluation in Patients With Disorder of Consciousness
* Multimodal biomedical image retrieval using hierarchical classification and modality fusion
* Multimodal Biometric-Based Authentication with Secured Templates
* Multimodal biometric authentication based on iris pattern and pupil light reflex
* Multimodal biometric authentication using quality signals in mobile communications
* Multimodal biometric authentication using speech and hand geometry fusion
* Multimodal Biometric Fusion: A Study on Vulnerabilities to Indirect Attacks
* Multimodal Biometric Human Recognition for Perceptual Human-Computer Interaction
* Multimodal biometric identification for large user population using fingerprint, face and iris recognition
* Multimodal biometric identification system based on finger geometry, knuckle print and palm print
* Multimodal biometric method based on vein and geometry of a single finger
* Multimodal Biometric Person Authentication Using Face, Ear and Periocular Region Based on Convolution Neural Networks
* Multimodal biometric recognition systems using deep learning based on the finger vein and finger knuckle print fusion
* Multimodal biometric recognition using human ear and palmprint
* Multimodal biometric system combining ECG and sound signals
* Multimodal Biometric System Using Fingerprint, Face and Speech, A
* multimodal biometric test bed for quality-dependent, cost-sensitive and client-specific score-level fusion algorithms, A
* Multimodal biometric user-identification system for network-based applications
* Multimodal Biometrics for Enhanced Mobile Device Security
* Multimodal biometrics fusion using Correlation Filter Bank
* Multimodal biometrics management using adaptive score-level combination
* Multimodal Biometrics of Lip Movements and Voice using Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Multimodal biometrics using geometry preserving projections
* Multimodal Bone Cancer Detection Using Fuzzy Classification and Variational Model
* Multimodal Boosting: Addressing Noisy Modalities and Identifying Modality Contribution
* Multimodal Brain Image Analysis
* Multimodal brain tumor detection and classification using deep saliency map and improved dragonfly optimization algorithm
* Multimodal Brain Tumor Image Segmentation Benchmark (BRATS), The
* Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Boosted by Monomodal Normal Brain Images
* Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Encoder-decoder with Hierarchical Separable Convolution
* Multimodal Breast Parenchymal Patterns Correlation Using a Patient-Specific Biomechanical Model
* Multimodal Calibration of Portable X-Ray Capture Systems for 3D Reconstruction
* Multimodal Categorization of Crisis Events in Social Media
* Multimodal Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using an Unsupervised Pixel Pairwise-Based Markov Random Field Model
* Multimodal channel-wise attention transformer inspired by multisensory integration mechanisms of the brain
* Multimodal classification of events in social media
* Multimodal Classification of Remote Sensing Images: A Review and Future Directions
* Multimodal Classification of Stressful Environments in Visually Impaired Mobility Using EEG and Peripheral Biosignals
* Multimodal clothing recognition for semantic search in unconstrained surveillance imagery
* Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learning from Unlabeled Videos
* Multimodal Co-Attention Transformer for Survival Prediction in Gigapixel Whole Slide Images
* Multimodal Colored Point Cloud to Image Alignment
* Multimodal complex event detection framework for wide area surveillance
* Multimodal Composition Example Mining for Composed Query Image Retrieval
* Multimodal composition of the digital patient: a strategy for the knee articulation
* Multimodal Conditional Image Synthesis with Product-of-Experts GANs
* Multimodal Constellation Model for Object Image Classification, A
* Multimodal Content Moderation
* Multimodal Continuous Emotion Recognition: A Technical Report for ABAW5
* Multimodal Continuous Visual Attention Mechanisms
* Multimodal Contrastive Learning and Tabular Attention for Automated Alzheimer's Disease Prediction
* Multimodal Contrastive Training for Visual Representation Learning
* Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks for Matching Image and Sentence
* Multimodal cooperative self-attention network for action recognition
* Multimodal coordination of facial action, head rotation, and eye motion during spontaneous smiles
* Multimodal Core Tensor Factorization and its Applications to Low-Rank Tensor Completion
* Multimodal Coupled Graph Attention Network for Joint Traffic Event Detection and Sentiment Classification, A
* Multimodal covid network: Multimodal bespoke convolutional neural network architectures for COVID-19 detection from chest X-ray's and computerized tomography scans
* Multimodal Cross-Layer Bilinear Pooling for RGBT Tracking
* Multimodal Cue Detection Engine for Orchestrated Entertainment
* Multimodal Dance Training System based on Motion Analysis
* Multimodal Data and Multiscale Kernel-Based Multistream CNN for Fine Classification of a Complex Surface-Mined Area
* Multimodal Data Augmentation for Visual-Infrared Person ReID with Corrupted Data
* Multimodal Data Fusion Using Source Separation: Application to Medical Imaging
* Multimodal Data Fusion Using Source Separation: Two Effective Models Based on ICA and IVA and Their Properties
* Multimodal Data Fusion
* Multimodal Data Fusion: An Overview of Methods, Challenges, and Prospects
* Multimodal Data Processing System for LiDAR-Based Human Activity Recognition, A
* Multimodal Data Representations with Parameterized Local Structures
* Multimodal Database for Affect Recognition and Implicit Tagging, A
* Multimodal Database of Emotional Speech, Video and Gestures
* Multimodal Deception Detection Using Real-Life Trial Data
* Multimodal Decision-Level Fusion for Person Authentication
* Multimodal Deep Autoencoder for Human Pose Recovery
* Multimodal Deep Embedding via Hierarchical Grounded Compositional Semantics
* Multimodal Deep Learning Approach for Typhoon Track Forecast by Fusing CNN and Transformer Structures, A
* Multimodal Deep Learning for Advanced Driving Systems
* Multimodal Deep Learning for Rice Yield Prediction Using UAV-Based Multispectral Imagery and Weather Data
* Multimodal Deep Learning for Robust Recognizing Maritime Imagery in the Visible and Infrared Spectrums
* Multimodal deep learning for solar radio burst classification
* Multimodal Deep Learning Framework for Enhanced Accuracy of UAV Detection
* Multimodal Deep Learning Framework for Mental Disorder Recognition
* multimodal deep learning framework using local feature representations for face recognition, A
* Multimodal Deep Models for Predicting Affective Responses Evoked by Movies
* Multimodal Deep Regression Bayesian Network for Affective Video Content Analyses, A
* Multimodal Deep Sparse Subspace Clustering for Multiple Stimuli-based Cognitive task
* Multimodal Deep Unfolding for Guided Image Super-Resolution
* Multimodal Dense Stereo Matching
* Multimodal Depression Detection: Fusion Analysis of Paralinguistic, Head Pose and Eye Gaze Behaviors
* Multimodal Detection of Engagement in Groups of Children Using Rank Learning
* Multimodal Detection of Tonic-clonic Seizures Based on 3d Acceleration and Heart Rate Data from an In-ear Sensor
* Multimodal Differential Evolution Algorithm in Initial Orbit Determination for a Space-Based Too Short Arc, A
* Multimodal Discriminative Binary Embedding for Large-Scale Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multimodal Disentangled Domain Adaption for Social Media Event Rumor Detection
* Multimodal Distillation for Egocentric Action Recognition
* Multimodal Driver Monitoring Database: A Naturalistic Corpus to Study Driver Attention, The
* Multimodal Dual Attention Memory for Video Story Question Answering
* Multimodal Dynamic Freight Load Balancing
* Multimodal Dynamics: Dynamical Fusion for Trustworthy Multimodal Classification
* Multimodal Elastic Matching of Brain Images
* Multimodal Embedding for Lifelog Retrieval
* Multimodal Embeddings From Language Models for Emotion Recognition in the Wild
* Multimodal Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations
* Multimodal Emotion Classification With Multi-Level Semantic Reasoning Network
* Multimodal emotion recognition based on peak frame selection from video
* Multimodal Emotion Recognition Based on Speech and Physiological Signals Using Deep Neural Networks
* Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Response to Videos
* Multimodal emotion recognition using cross modal audio-video fusion with attention and deep metric learning
* Multimodal emotion recognition using deep learning architectures
* Multimodal Emotion Recognition with Modality-Pairwise Unsupervised Contrastive Loss
* Multimodal Empathic Feedback Through a Virtual Character
* Multimodal End-to-End Autonomous Driving
* Multimodal End-to-End Learning for Autonomous Steering in Adverse Road and Weather Conditions
* Multimodal Engagement Analysis From Facial Videos in the Classroom
* Multimodal Ensemble Fusion for Disambiguation and Retrieval
* Multimodal Entity Coreference for Cervical Dysplasia Diagnosis
* Multimodal Error Correction with Natural Language and Pointing Gestures
* Multimodal Estimation of Discontinuous Optical Flow Using Markov Random Fields
* Multimodal Evaluation for Medical Image Segmentation
* Multimodal Event-Aware Network for Sentiment Analysis in Tourism
* Multimodal Explanations by Predicting Counterfactuality in Videos
* Multimodal Explanations: Justifying Decisions and Pointing to the Evidence
* Multimodal face aging framework via learning disentangled representation
* Multimodal Face Recognition: Combination of Geometry with Physiological Information
* Multimodal Face Spoofing Detection via RGB-D Images
* Multimodal facial biometrics recognition: Dual-stream convolutional neural networks with multi-feature fusion layers
* Multimodal Facial Gender and Ethnicity Identification
* Multimodal Feature Evaluation and Fusion for Emotional Well-Being Monitorization
* Multimodal Feature Extraction and Fusion for Emotional Reaction Intensity Estimation and Expression Classification in Videos with Transformers
* Multimodal Feature Fusion and Knowledge-Driven Learning via Experts Consult for Thyroid Nodule Classification
* Multimodal Feature Fusion for 3D Shape Recognition and Retrieval
* Multimodal feature fusion for robust event detection in web videos
* multimodal feature fusion image dehazing method with scene depth prior, A
* Multimodal feature generation framework for semantic image classification
* Multimodal Feature Selection for Detecting Mothers' Depression in Dyadic Interactions with their Adolescent Offspring
* Multimodal Features Alignment for Vision-Language Object Tracking
* Multimodal Features for Detection of Driver Stress and Fatigue: Review
* Multimodal features fusion for gait, gender and shoes recognition
* Multimodal First Impression Analysis with Deep Residual Networks
* Multimodal framework based on audio-visual features for summarisation of cricket videos
* Multimodal Framework for Analyzing the Affect of a Group of People
* Multimodal Framework for Automated Teaching Quality Assessment of One-to-many Online Instruction Videos, A
* Multimodal Functional and Morphological Nonrigid Image Registration
* Multimodal Fusion-Based Deep Learning Network for Effective Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
* Multimodal Fusion-Based Image Hiding Algorithm for Secure Healthcare System
* Multimodal Fusion Fatigue Driving Detection Method Based on Heart Rate and PERCLOS, A
* Multimodal fusion for image retrieval using matrix factorization
* Multimodal fusion for indoor sound source localization
* Multimodal fusion for pattern recognition
* Multimodal fusion hierarchical self-attention network for dynamic hand gesture recognition
* Multimodal fusion of audio, scene, and face features for first impression estimation
* Multimodal fusion of brain structural and functional imaging with a deep neural machine translation approach
* Multimodal Fusion of Mobility Demand Data and Remote Sensing Imagery for Urban Land-Use and Land-Cover Mapping
* Multimodal Fusion of Physiological Signals and Facial Action Units for Pain Recognition
* multimodal fusion system for people detection and tracking, A
* Multimodal fusion using dynamic hybrid models
* Multimodal fusion via a series of transfers for noise removal
* Multimodal Fusion With Reference: Searching for Joint Neuromarkers of Working Memory Deficits in Schizophrenia
* Multimodal Fusion: Progresses and issues for augmented reality environment
* Multimodal Future Localization and Emergence Prediction for Objects in Egocentric View With a Reachability Prior
* Multimodal Gait Recognition for Neurodegenerative Diseases
* Multimodal Gait Recognition Under Missing Modalities
* Multimodal GANs: Toward Crossmodal Hyperspectral-Multispectral Image Segmentation
* Multimodal Garment Designer: Human-Centric Latent Diffusion Models for Fashion Image Editing
* Multimodal Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models with Harmonization
* Multimodal Gaze-Controlled Virtual Keyboard, A
* Multimodal genetic algorithms-based algorithm for automatic point correspondence
* Multimodal Gesture Recognition Based on the ResC3D Network
* Multimodal Gesture Recognition Using Densely Connected Convolution and BLSTM
* Multimodal Gesture Recognition Using Multi-stream Recurrent Neural Network
* Multimodal Graph-Based Reranking for Web Image Search
* Multimodal grid features and cell pointers for scene text visual question answering
* Multimodal Ground-Based Cloud Classification Using Joint Fusion Convolutional Neural Network
* Multimodal Ground-Based Remote Sensing Cloud Classification via Learning Heterogeneous Deep Features
* Multimodal hand gesture recognition combining temporal and pose information based on CNN descriptors and histogram of cumulative magnitudes
* Multimodal Head-Mounted Virtual-Reality Brain-Computer Interface for Stroke Rehabilitation
* Multimodal Hierarchical Attention Neural Network: Looking for Candidates Behaviour Which Impact Recruiter's Decision
* Multimodal High-order Relation Transformer for Scene Boundary Detection
* Multimodal High Level Video Segmentation for Content Targeted Online Advertising, A
* Multimodal human-computer interaction for crisis management systems
* Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction: A Survey
* Multimodal Human-Human-Robot Interactions (MHHRI) Dataset for Studying Personality and Engagement
* Multimodal Human Computer Interaction with MIDAS Intelligent Infokiosk
* Multimodal Human Emotion/Expression Recognition
* Multimodal Human Pose Feature Fusion for Gait Recognition
* Multimodal Humor Dataset: Predicting Laughter tracks for Sitcoms
* multimodal hyperlapse method based on video and songs' emotion alignment, A
* Multimodal identification using Markov logic networks
* Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation for Generation of Gastritis Images
* Multimodal Image Alignment Through a Multiscale Chain of Neural Networks with Application to Remote Sensing
* Multimodal Image Denoising Based on Coupled Dictionary Learning
* Multimodal image feature detection with ROI-based optimization for image registration
* Multimodal image fusion based on point-wise mutual information
* Multimodal image fusion via sparse representation with local patch dictionaries
* Multimodal image matching using self similarity
* Multimodal Image Matching: A Scale-Invariant Algorithm and an Open Dataset
* Multimodal Image Outpainting with Regularized Normalized Diversification
* Multimodal Image Reconstruction Method Using Ultrasonic Waves and Electrical Resistance Tomography, A
* Multimodal image registration based on the expectation-maximisation methodology
* Multimodal image registration system for image-guided orthopaedic surgery
* Multimodal Image Registration Through Simultaneous Segmentation
* Multimodal Image Registration Using Local Frequency
* Multimodal image registration using statistically constrained deformable multimodels
* Multimodal image registration using stochastic differential equation optimization
* Multimodal Image Registration With Line Segments by Selective Search
* Multimodal Image Retrieval
* Multimodal Image Segmentation Using a Modified Hopfield Neural Network
* Multimodal Image Synthesis and Editing: The Generative AI Era
* Multimodal Image Synthesis with Conditional Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation
* Multimodal image/video fusion rule using generalized pixel significance based on statistical properties of the neighborhood
* Multimodal Imaging Based on Digital Holography
* Multimodal imaging: modelling and segmentation with biomedical applications
* Multimodal Impact Analysis of an Airside Catastrophic Event: A Case Study of the Asiana Crash
* Multimodal Industrial Anomaly Detection via Hybrid Fusion
* Multimodal Information Bottleneck: Learning Minimal Sufficient Unimodal and Multimodal Representations
* Multimodal information fusion for urban scene understanding
* Multimodal information fusion for video concept detection
* Multimodal Inputs Driven Talking Face Generation With Spatial-Temporal Dependency
* Multimodal Integration of Human-Like Attention in Visual Question Answering
* Multimodal Interaction Abilities for a Robot Companion
* Multimodal interaction in collaborative virtual environments
* Multimodal Interaction in Image and Video Applications
* Multimodal interaction of auditory spatial cues and passive observer movement in simulated self motion
* Multimodal interaction: A review
* Multimodal Interactive Continuous Scoring of Subjective 3D Video Quality of Experience
* Multimodal Interactive Parsing
* Multimodal interactive transcription of text images
* Multimodal Interface for Virtual Information Environments, A
* Multimodal Interface Framework for Using Hand Gestures and Speech in Virtual Environment Applications, A
* Multimodal Interface Towards Smartphones: The Use of Pico Projector, Passive RGB Imaging and Active Infrared Imaging
* Multimodal Interfaces in Support of Human-Human Interaction
* Multimodal knowledge-based analysis in multimedia event detection
* Multimodal Knowledge Expansion
* Multimodal Learning and Applications Workshop
* Multimodal Learning and Applications
* Multimodal learning for facial expression recognition
* Multimodal Learning for Human Action Recognition Via Bimodal/Multimodal Hybrid Centroid Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Multimodal learning for multi-label image classification
* Multimodal Learning for Sign Language Recognition
* Multimodal Learning for Temporally Coherent Talking Face Generation With Articulator Synergy
* Multimodal Learning in Loosely-Organized Web Images
* Multimodal Learning of Geometry-Preserving Binary Codes for Semantic Image Retrieval
* Multimodal Learning of Social Image Representation by Exploiting Social Relations
* Multimodal Learning using Optimal Transport for Sarcasm and Humor Detection
* Multimodal Learning With Transformers: A Survey
* Multimodal Local-Global Attention Network for Affective Video Content Analysis
* Multimodal Machine Learning: A Survey and Taxonomy
* Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using hybrid features extraction and ensemble support vector machines
* Multimodal Manifold Analysis by Simultaneous Diagonalization of Laplacians
* Multimodal Marketing Intent Analysis for Effective Targeted Advertising
* Multimodal Material Segmentation
* Multimodal Mean Adaptive Backgrounding for Embedded Real-Time Video Surveillance
* Multimodal medical image fusion based on discrete Tchebichef moments and pulse coupled neural network
* Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Based on Sugeno's Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
* Multimodal medical image fusion based on the spectral total variation and local structural patch measurement
* Multimodal medical image fusion by cloud model theory
* Multimodal medical image fusion using L0 gradient smoothing with sparse representation
* Multimodal medical image fusion using non-subsampled shearlet transform and pulse coupled neural network incorporated with morphological gradient
* Multimodal Meme Classification Identifying Offensive Content in Image and Text
* Multimodal Memorability: Modeling Effects of Semantics and Decay on Video Memorability
* multimodal molecular image fusion method based on relative total variation and co-saliency detection, A
* Multimodal monitoring of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients using the ICT4LIFE platform
* Multimodal Motion Conditioned Diffusion Model for Skeleton-based Video Anomaly Detection
* Multimodal Motion Estimation and Segmentation Using Markov Random Fields
* Multimodal Motion Prediction with Stacked Transformers
* Multimodal MR Synthesis via Modality-Invariant Latent Representation
* Multimodal MRI Reconstruction Assisted With Spatial Alignment Network
* Multimodal MRI Template Creation in the Ring-tailed Lemur and Rhesus Macaque
* Multimodal Multi-Channel On-Line Speaker Diarization Using Sensor Fusion Through SVM
* Multimodal Multi-Head Convolutional Attention with Various Kernel Sizes for Medical Image Super-Resolution
* Multimodal Multi-label Transfer Learning for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
* Multimodal Multi-Stream Deep Learning for Egocentric Activity Recognition
* Multimodal Multi-tasking for Skin Lesion Classification Using Deep Neural Networks
* Multimodal Multilevel Converged Attention Network for Hand Gesture Recognition With Hybrid sEMG and A-Mode Ultrasound Sensing, A
* Multimodal Multilevel Fusion for Sequential Protective Behavior Detection and Pain Estimation
* Multimodal Multipart Learning for Action Recognition in Depth Videos
* Multimodal multiscale dynamic graph convolution networks for stock price prediction
* Multimodal Music Mood Classification by Fusion of Audio and Lyrics
* Multimodal Mutual Attention-Based Sentiment Analysis Framework Adapted to Complicated Contexts
* Multimodal Neighborhood Signature for Modeling Object Color Appearance and Applications in Object Recognition and Image Retrieval, The
* Multimodal Neural Networks: RGB-D for Semantic Segmentation and Object Detection
* Multimodal Neuroimaging Predictors for Cognitive Performance Using Structured Sparse Learning
* Multimodal neurological image fusion based on adaptive biological inspired neural model in nonsubsampled Shearlet domain
* Multimodal Neurons in Pretrained Text-Only Transformers
* Multimodal Non-Intrusive Stress Monitoring From the Pleasure-Arousal Emotional Dimensions, A
* Multimodal non-rigid image registration based on elastodynamics
* Multimodal Non-Rigid Registration Methods Based on Demons Models and Local Uncertainty Quantification Used in 3D Brain Images
* Multimodal non-rigid registration methods based on local variability measures in computed tomography and magnetic resonance brain images
* Multimodal Object Detection by Channel Switching and Spatial Attention
* Multimodal Object Detection via Probabilistic Ensembling
* Multimodal Object Recognition Using Random Clustering Trees
* Multimodal object tracking by exploiting appearance and class information
* Multimodal Optimal Transport-based Co-Attention Transformer with Global Structure Consistency for Survival Prediction
* Multimodal Output Combination for Transcribing Historical Handwritten Documents
* Multimodal page classification in administrative document image streams
* Multimodal Parameter-Efficient Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning
* Multimodal Partial Estimates Fusion
* Multimodal Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Using Probabilistic Proposal Network
* Multimodal Perception-Driven Self Evolving Autonomous Ground Vehicle, A
* Multimodal Perceptual User Interface for Collaborative Environments, A
* Multimodal person authentication using speech, face and visual speech
* Multimodal Person Identification in Movies
* Multimodal Person Recognition Using Unconstrained Audio and Video
* Multimodal Person Reidentification Using RGB-D Cameras
* Multimodal Personality Recognition in Collaborative Goal-Oriented Tasks
* Multimodal Photoacoustic Tomography
* Multimodal Physiological-Based Emotion Recognition
* Multimodal Point Distribution Model for Anthropological Landmark Detection
* Multimodal Polarimetric and Color Fusion for Road Scene Analysis In Adverse Weather Conditions
* Multimodal Political Deception Detection
* Multimodal polymeric contrast agents for MRI and fluorescence imaging in the management of cancer
* Multimodal Pre-Training Based on Graph Attention Network for Document Understanding
* Multimodal Predictive Agent Model for Human Interaction Generation, A
* Multimodal predictive classification of Alzheimer's disease based on attention-combined fusion network: Integrated neuroimaging modalities and medical examination data
* Multimodal preserving embedding for face recognition
* Multimodal Processing and Interaction: Audio, Video, Text
* Multimodal Prompting with Missing Modalities for Visual Recognition
* Multimodal Prostate Registration Using Thin-Plate Splines from Automatic Correspondences
* Multimodal Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning
* Multimodal random forest based tensor regression
* Multimodal Range Image Segmentation by Curve Grouping
* Multimodal ranking for non-compliance detection in retail surveillance
* Multimodal Reaction: Information Modulation for Cross-Modal Representation Learning
* Multimodal real-time focus of attention estimation in SmartRooms
* Multimodal Recognition of Cognitive Workload for Multitasking in the Car
* Multimodal recognition of visual concepts using histograms of textual concepts and selective weighted late fusion scheme
* Multimodal Reconstruct and Align Net for Missing Modality Problem in Sentiment Analysis
* Multimodal Reconstruction and Segmentation with Markov Random Fields and HCF Optimization
* Multimodal Reconstruction Using Vector Representation
* Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks With Information Transfer Layers for Indoor Scene Labeling
* multimodal registration algorithm of eye fundus images using vessels detection and Hough transform, A
* Multimodal Registration and Data Fusion for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Optimization
* Multimodal Registration of Multiple Retinal Images Based on Line Structures
* Multimodal Registration of PET/MR Brain Images Based on Adaptive Mutual Information
* Multimodal registration of remotely sensed images based on Jeffrey's divergence
* Multimodal registration of retinal images using self organizing maps
* Multimodal Registration using the Discrete Wavelet Frame Transform
* Multimodal Registration via Mutual Information Incorporating Geometric and Spatial Context
* Multimodal remote sensing benchmark datasets for land cover classification with a shared and specific feature learning model
* Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration Methods and Advancements: A Survey
* Multimodal remote sensing image registration using multiscale self-similarities
* Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration With Accuracy Estimation at Local and Global Scales
* Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Segmentation With Intuition-Inspired Hypergraph Modeling
* Multimodal representation: Kneser-ney smoothing/skip-gram based neural language model
* multimodal retina-iris biometric system using the Levenshtein distance for spatial feature comparison, A
* Multimodal retinal image registration using a fast principal component analysis hybrid-based similarity measure
* Multimodal retinal image registration using edge map and feature guided Gaussian mixture model
* Multimodal retinal imaging: new strategies for the detection of glaucoma
* Multimodal Retinal Vessel Segmentation From Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and Fundus Photography
* Multimodal Robust Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Approach Driven by Geodesic Coordinates for Coal Mine Mobile Robots, A
* Multimodal Route Planning With Public Transport and Carpooling
* Multimodal Saliency and Fusion for Movie Summarization Based on Aural, Visual, and Textual Attention
* Multimodal Saliency Model for Videos With High Audio-Visual Correspondence, A
* Multimodal Salient Objects: General Building Blocks of Semantic Video Concepts
* Multimodal Satellite Image Time Series Analysis Using GAN-Based Domain Translation and Matrix Profile
* Multimodal Scheme for Program Segmentation and Representation in Broadcast Video Streams, A
* Multimodal Schizophrenia Detection by Multiclassification Analysis
* Multimodal Search for Effective Video Retrieval
* Multimodal Segmentation of Dense Depth Maps and Associated Color Information
* Multimodal Segmentation of Optic Disc and Cup From SD-OCT and Color Fundus Photographs Using a Machine-Learning Graph-Based Approach
* Multimodal Self-Assessed Personality Estimation During Crowded Mingle Scenarios Using Wearables Devices and Cameras
* Multimodal Semantic Analysis and Annotation for Basketball Video
* Multimodal Semantic Forecasting Based on Conditional Generation of Future Features
* Multimodal Semantics-Based Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Event Classification
* Multimodal semi-supervised image classification by combining tag refinement, graph-based learning and support vector regression
* Multimodal semi-supervised learning for image classification
* Multimodal Sensing and Computational Intelligence for Situation Awareness Classification in Autonomous Driving
* Multimodal Sensor Data Analysis for Detection of Risk Situations of Fragile People in @home Environments
* Multimodal sensor medical image fusion based on mutual-structure for joint filtering using sparse representation
* Multimodal Sentient Computing: Sensors, Algorithms, and Systems
* Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Based on Attentional Temporal Convolutional Network and Multi-Layer Feature Fusion
* Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Car Reviews (MuSe-CaR) Dataset: Collection, Insights and Improvements, The
* Multimodal Sentiment Analysis With Image-Text Interaction Network
* Multimodal Sentiment Analysis: A Survey of Methods, Trends, and Challenges
* Multimodal Sentiment Analysis: Addressing Key Issues and Setting Up the Baselines
* Multimodal Sentiment Intensity Analysis in Videos: Facial Gestures and Verbal Messages
* Multimodal Shape Completion via Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Multimodal Shape Completion via Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation
* Multimodal Shape Tracking with Point Distribution Models
* Multimodal Side- Tuning for Document Classification
* Multimodal Signature Method: An Efficiency and Sensitivity Study, The
* Multimodal Similarity-Preserving Hashing
* Multimodal Similarity Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
* Multimodal Sleeping Posture Classification
* Multimodal sparse representation classification with Fisher discriminative sample reduction
* Multimodal Spatio-Temporal Theme Modeling for Landmark Analysis
* Multimodal Spatiotemporal Representation for Automatic Depression Level Detection
* Multimodal Speaker Detection using Error Feedback Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Multimodal Speaker Diarization
* Multimodal speaker identification with audio-video processing
* Multimodal Speaker Recognition in a Conversation Scenario
* Multimodal Speaker Verification Using Ear Image Features Extracted by PCA and ICA
* Multimodal Spontaneous Emotion Corpus for Human Behavior Analysis
* Multimodal Stereo from Thermal Infrared and Visible Spectrum
* Multimodal Stereo Vision For Reconstruction In The Presence Of Reflection
* Multimodal Stereoscopic Movie Summarization Conforming to Narrative Characteristics
* Multimodal Stress Detection from Multiple Assessments
* Multimodal Style Transfer via Graph Cuts
* Multimodal subspace support vector data description
* Multimodal Support for Interruption Management: Models, Empirical Findings, and Design Recommendations
* Multimodal Surveillance: an Introduction
* Multimodal System for Accessing Driving Directions, A
* Multimodal System for Object Learning, A
* Multimodal Target Detection by Sparse Coding: Application to Paint Loss Detection in Paintings
* Multimodal Task-Driven Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans
* Multimodal Telepresence Systems
* Multimodal template matching based on gradient and mutual information using scale-space
* Multimodal templates for real-time detection of texture-less objects in heavily cluttered scenes
* multimodal temporal panorama approach for moving vehicle detection, reconstruction and classification, A
* Multimodal temporal pattern mining
* Multimodal Tensor-based Late Fusion Approach for Satellite Image Search in Sentinel 2 Images, A
* Multimodal three-dimensional vision for wildland fires detection and analysis
* Multimodal Token Fusion for Vision Transformers
* Multimodal topic modeling based geo-annotation for social event detection in large photo collections
* Multimodal Topic Modeling by Exploring Characteristics of Short Text Social Media
* Multimodal tracking and classification of audio-visual features
* Multimodal Tracking for Smart Videoconferencing and Video Surveillance
* Multimodal Trajectory Predictions for Autonomous Driving without a Detailed Prior Map
* Multimodal Transfer: A Hierarchical Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Fast Artistic Style Transfer
* Multimodal Transformer for Accelerated MR Imaging
* Multimodal Transformer for Automatic 3D Annotation and Object Detection
* Multimodal Transformer for Nursing Activity Recognition
* Multimodal Transformer With Multi-View Visual Representation for Image Captioning
* Multimodal Transformer with Variable-Length Memory for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* Multimodal Tree Decoder for Table of Contents Extraction in Document Images
* Multimodal Triplet Attention Network for Brain Disease Diagnosis
* Multimodal Unrolled Robust PCA for Background Foreground Separation
* Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Without Independent Style Encoder
* Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* Multimodal User Interfaces: From Signals to Interaction
* Multimodal Variational Auto-encoder based Audio-Visual Segmentation
* Multimodal vehicle detection: fusing 3D-LIDAR and color camera data
* Multimodal vehicle type classification using convolutional neural network and statistical representations of MFCC
* Multimodal Vehicular Trajectory Prediction With Inverse Reinforcement Learning and Risk Aversion at Urban Unsignalized Intersections
* Multimodal Video-to-Near-Scene Annotation
* Multimodal Video-to-Video Linking: Turning to the Crowd for Insight and Evaluation
* Multimodal Video Analysis and Moments in Time
* Multimodal Video Annotation for Retrieval and Discovery of Newsworthy Video in a News Verification Scenario
* Multimodal Video Characterization and Summarization
* Multimodal Video Concept Detection via Bag of Auditory Words and Multiple Kernel Learning
* multimodal video copy detection approach with sequential pyramid matching, A
* Multimodal Video Indexing (MVI): A New Method Based on Machine Learning and Semi-Automatic Annotation on Large Video Collections
* Multimodal Video Indexing and Retrieval Using Directed Information
* Multimodal Vision Transformers with Forced Attention for Behavior Analysis
* Multimodal Visual Concept Learning with Weakly Supervised Techniques
* Multimodal Visual Data Registration for Web-Based Visualization in Media Production
* Multimodal Voxelization and Kinematically Constrained Gaussian Mixture Models for Full Hand Pose Estimation: An Integrated Systems Approach
* Multimodal Web Aesthetics Assessment Based on Structural SVM and Multitask Fusion Learning
* Multimodal weighted dictionary learning
* Multimodal Whole Brain Registration: MRI and High Resolution Histology
* Multimodal Wildland Fire Smoke Detection
* Multimodal workbench for automatic surveillance applications
* Multimodal(Audio, Facial and Gesture) based Emotion Recognition challenge
* Multimodality and Gestures in the Teacher's Communication
* Multimodality Bayesian Algorithm for Image-Reconstruction in Positron-Emission-Tomography: A Tissue Composition Model
* Multimodality Biomolecular Imaging
* Multimodality Framework for Creating Speaker/Non-Speaker Profile Databases for Real-World Video, A
* Multimodality Image Alignment Using Information-Theoretic Approach
* Multimodality Image Fusion by Using Both Phase and Magnitude Information
* Multimodality Image Registration by Maximization of Mutual Information
* Multimodality image registration by maximization of quantitative-qualitative measure of mutual information
* Multimodality Image Registration Utilizing Ant Colony Algorithm
* Multimodality Matching of Brain Images
* Multimodality Pain and related Behaviors Recognition based on Attention Learning
* Multimodality Radionuclide, Fluorescence, and Bioluminescence Small-Animal Imaging
* Multimodality: Exploring Sensibility and Sense-making Beyond the Metaverse
* Multimodaltrace: Deepfake Detection using Audiovisual Representation Learning
* Multimode camera calibration
* Multimode Coherent Pattern in Bistatic Scattering From Randomly Corrugated Surfaces With Irregular Grooves at L-Band
* Multimode Embedded Compression Codec Engine for Power-Aware Video Coding System
* Multimode Energy Management for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Buses Based on Driving Cycles Prediction
* Multimode Hybrid Geometric Calibration of Spaceborne SAR Considering Atmospheric Propagation Delay
* Multimode illumination for speckle reduction and angle neutrality in millimeter wave active imaging: range and time-resolved mode averaging
* Multimode Image Clustering Using Optimal Image Descriptor
* Multimode Video Coding for Noisy Channels
* Multimodel Ensemble for Freeway Traffic State Estimations
* Multimodel Prediction of Monsoon Rain Using Dynamical Model Selection
* Multimorphological Superpixel Model for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multimutation Differential Evolution Algorithm and Its Application to Seismic Inversion
* Multinational License Plate Recognition System: Segmentation and Classification
* Multinational vehicle license plate detection in complex backgrounds
* MultiNet: Multi-Modal Multi-Task Learning for Autonomous Driving
* Multinomial classification with class-conditional overlapping sparse feature groups
* Multinomial Distribution Learning for Effective Neural Architecture Search
* Multinomial Latent Logistic Regression for Image Understanding
* Multinomial Level-Set Framework for Multi-region Image Segmentation
* Multinomial logit analysis of the effects of five different app-based incentives to encourage cycling to work
* Multinomial processing models in visual cognitive effort diagnostics
* Multinomial random forest
* multinomial selection procedure for evaluating pattern recognition algorithms, A
* Multinomial Sequence Based Estimation Using Contiguous Subsequences of Length Three
* Multinuclear Cell Analysis Using Laplacian of Gaussian and Delaunay Graphs
* Multiobject Behavior Recognition by Event Driven Selective Attention Method
* Multiobject Detection of Targets with Fine Details, Scale and Translation Variations
* Multiobject Fusion With Minimum Information Loss
* Multiobject Pattern Recognition and Detection in Noisy Backgrounds Using a Hierarchical Approach
* Multiobject tracking as maximum weight independent set
* Multiobject Tracking by Submodular Optimization
* Multiobjective-Based Sparse Representation Classifier for Hyperspectral Imagery Using Limited Samples
* Multiobjective algorithm parameter optimization using multivariate statistics in three-dimensional electron microscopy reconstruction
* Multiobjective clustering with metaheuristic: Current trends and methods in image segmentation
* Multiobjective Control Design for Human-Machine Systems With Safety Performance Constraints
* Multiobjective data clustering
* Multiobjective Deep Clustering and its Applications in Single-cell RNA-seq Data
* Multiobjective Departure Runway Scheduling Using Dynamic Programming
* Multiobjective Endmember Extraction Based on Bilinear Mixture Model
* Multiobjective Evolution of Biped Robot Gaits Using Advanced Continuous Ant-Colony Optimized Recurrent Neural Networks
* Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for the optimization of noisy combustion processes
* Multiobjective Evolutionary Superpixel Segmentation for PolSAR Image Classification
* Multiobjective genetic algorithm-based adaptive wavelet design
* Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Image Thresholding
* multiobjective genetic algorithm for obtaining the optimal size of a recurrent neural network for grammatical inference, A
* Multiobjective Genetic Clustering for Pixel Classification in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multiobjective genetic optimization of diagnostic classifiers with implications for generating receiver operating characteristic curves
* Multiobjective Genetic SVM Approach for Classification Problems With Limited Training Samples, A
* Multiobjective Hyperspectral Feature Selection Based on Discrete Sine Cosine Algorithm
* multiobjective immune clustering ensemble technique applied to unsupervised SAR image segmentation, A
* Multiobjective Land Use Design Framework with Geo-Big Data for Station-Level Transit-Oriented Development Planning, A
* Multiobjective Learning in the Model Space for Time Series Classification
* Multiobjective Mission Route Planning Problem: A Neural Network-Based Forecasting Model for Mission Planning
* Multiobjective Neural Network for Image Reconstruction
* Multiobjective Optimization Approach for COLREGs-Compliant Path Planning of Autonomous Surface Vehicles Verified on Networked Bridge Simulators, A
* Multiobjective optimization approach to image reconstruction from projections
* Multiobjective optimization for classifier ensemble and feature selection: an application to named entity recognition
* Multiobjective optimization for recognition of isolated handwritten Indic scripts
* Multiobjective Optimization for Train Speed Trajectory in CTCS High-Speed Railway With Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm
* Multiobjective Optimization for Vehicle Routing Optimization Problem in Low-Carbon Intelligent Transportation
* Multiobjective Optimization Models for Locating Vehicle Inspection Stations Subject to Stochastic Demand, Varying Velocity and Regional Constraints
* Multiobjective Optimized Endmember Extraction for Hyperspectral Image
* Multiobjective Overtaking Maneuver Planning for Autonomous Ground Vehicles
* Multiobjective Platooning of Connected and Automated Vehicles Using Distributed Economic Model Predictive Control
* multiobjective simulated annealing based fuzzy-clustering technique with symmetry for pixel classification in remote sensing imagery, A
* Multiobjective Sine Cosine Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Spatial-Spectral Clustering
* Multiobjective Sparse Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Multiobjective Sparse Subpixel Mapping for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multiobjective Subpixel Land-Cover Mapping
* Multiobjective Subpixel Mapping With Multiple Shifted Hyperspectral Images
* Multiobjective Vehicle Routing Problems With Simultaneous Delivery and Pickup and Time Windows: Formulation, Instances, and Algorithms
* Multioccupant Activity Recognition in Pervasive Smart Home Environments
* Multiorder polygonal approximation of digital curves
* Multiorientation-based Multistructure Morphological Inpainting
* Multioriented and Curved Text Lines Extraction From Indian Documents
* Multioriented Video Scene Text Detection Through Bayesian Classification and Boundary Growing
* Multipage Administrative Document Stream Segmentation
* Multipage document retrieval by textual and visual representations
* Multiparameter Correction Intensity Of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data As An Input For Rock Surface Modelling
* Multiparameter discrete transforms based on discrete orthogonal polynomials and their application to image watermarking
* Multiparameter Elastic Full Waveform Inversion of Ocean Bottom Seismic Four-Component Data Based on A Modified Acoustic-Elastic Coupled Equation
* Multiparameter Estimation From Landsat Observations With Topographic Consideration
* Multiparameter Inversion of a Layer of Vegetation Canopy Over Rough Surface From the System Response Function Based on the Mueller Matrix Solution of Pulse Echoes
* Multipart Vehicle Detection Using Symmetry-Derived Analysis and Active Learning
* Multiparty Visual Co-Occurrences for Estimating Personality Traits in Group Meetings
* Multipass encoding for reducing pulsing artifacts in cloud based video transcoding
* Multipass Hierarchical Stereo Matching for Generation of Digital Terrain Models from Aerial Images
* Multipass SAR Interferometry Based on Total Variation Regularized Robust Low Rank Tensor Decomposition
* Multipatch Unbiased Distance Non-Local Adaptive Means With Wavelet Shrinkage
* Multipath-based transmission scheme for improving the QoE of HTTP adaptive streaming
* Multipath-Closure Calibration of Stereo Camera and 3D LiDAR Combined with Multiple Constraints
* Multipath Cooperative Communications Networks for Augmented and Virtual Reality Transmission
* Multipath Error Fusion Modeling Methods for Multi-GNSS
* Multipath Error Modeling Methodology for GNSS Integrity Monitoring Using a Global Optimization Strategy
* Multipath Error Reduction Method for BDS Using Tikhonov Regularization with Parameter Optimization, A
* Multipath Exploitation and Suppression for SAR Imaging of Building Interiors: An overview of recent advances
* Multipath Exploitation in Through-Wall Radar Imaging Via Point Spread Functions
* Multipath Exploitation with Time Reversal Waveform Covariance Matrix for SNR Maximization
* Multipath fading effects on integrated video, voice and data transmission in hybrid-code BPSK-DS/CDMA systems
* Multipath Interference Compensation in Time-of-Flight Camera Images
* Multipath Interferences in Ground-Based Radar Data: A Case Study
* Multipath Issues, GPS, GNSS
* Multipath Mitigation for BOC Signals Based on Prompt-Assisted-Offset Correlator
* Multipath Mitigation for GNSS Positioning in an Urban Environment Using Sparse Estimation
* Multipath Model and Exploitation in Through-the-Wall and Urban Radar Sensing
* MultiPath Network for Object Detection, A
* Multipath Residual Network for Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multipath Scattering of Typical Structures in Urban Areas
* Multipath Sparse Coding Using Hierarchical Matching Pursuit
* Multipath Time-Delay Estimation With Impulsive Noise via Bayesian Compressive Sensing
* Multipath Video Real-Time Streaming by Field-Based Anycast Routing
* Multipe/Single-View Human Action Recognition via Part-Induced Multitask Structural Learning
* Multiperiod Location Models for Urban System Planning With Fuzzy Intercity Passenger Transportation Demands
* Multiperson Continuous Tracking and Identification From mm-Wave Micro-Doppler Signatures
* Multiperson Locating and Their Soft Tracking in a Binary Infrared Sensor Network
* Multiperson Tracking by Online Learned Grouping Model With Nonlinear Motion Context
* Multiperson Visual Focus of Attention from Head Pose and Meeting Contextual Cues
* Multiperspective Distortion Correction Using Collineations
* Multiperspective Projection and Collineation
* Multiperspective stereo matching and volumetric reconstruction
* Multiperspective Thermal IR and Video Arrays for 3D Body Tracking and Driver Activity Analysis
* Multiperspective Ultrasound Strain Imaging of the Abdominal Aorta
* Multiphase active contour segmentation constrained by evolving medial axes
* Multiphase B-spline level set and incremental shape priors with applications to segmentation and tracking of left ventricle in cardiac MR images
* Multiphase Dynamic Labeling Model for Variational Recognition-driven Image Segmentation, A
* Multiphase geometric couplings for the segmentation of neural processes
* Multiphase Image Segmentation and Modulation Recovery Based on Shape and Topological Sensitivity
* Multiphase Image Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Region Competition, A
* Multiphase Image Segmentation Using the Deformable Simplicial Complex Method
* Multiphase image segmentation via equally distanced multiple well potential
* Multiphase Joint Segmentation-Registration and Object Tracking for Layered Images
* Multiphase Level Set Based Segmentation Framework with Pose Invariant Shape Priors, A
* Multiphase Level Set Evolution Scheme for Aerial Image Segmentation Using Multi-scale Image Geometric Analysis, A
* multiphase level set formulation for image segmentation using a MRF-based nonsymmetric Student's-t mixture model, A
* Multiphase Level Set Framework for Image Segmentation Using the Mumford and Shah Model, A
* Multiphase Level Set Framework for Motion Segmentation, A
* Multiphase Level Set Method on Graphs for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation, A
* Multiphase Local Mean Geodesic Active Regions
* Multiphase Mumford-Shah Problem, The
* multiphase region-based framework for image segmentation based on least square method, A
* Multiphase SAR Image Segmentation With G^0-Statistical-Model-Based Active Contours
* Multiphase Segmentation Based on Implicit Active Shape Models
* multiphase segmentation method based on binary segmentation method for Gaussian noisy image, A
* Multiphase Segmentation of Deformation using Logarithmic Priors
* Multiphase segmentation using an implicit dual shape prior: Application to detection of left ventricle in cardiac MRI
* Multiphase Soft Segmentation with Total Variation and H1 Regularization
* Multiphoto Geometrically Constrained Matching
* Multiphoton Imaging of Neurons in Living Tissue: Acquisition and Analysis of Time-Lapse Morphological Data
* Multipitch Estimation of Piano Music by Exemplar-Based Sparse Representation
* Multipixel Retrieval of Structural and Optical Parameters in a 2-D Scene With a Path-Recycling Monte Carlo Forward Model and a New Bayesian Inference Engine
* Multiplatform-SfM and TLS Data Fusion for Monitoring Agricultural Terraces in Complex Topographic and Landcover Conditions
* Multiplatform Approach To Mobile Laser Scanning
* Multiplatform Earth Observation Systems for Monitoring Water Quality in Vulnerable Inland Ecosystems: Maspalomas Water Lagoon
* Multiplatooning Leaders Positioning and Cooperative Behavior Algorithms of Communicant Automated Vehicles for High Traffic Capacity
* Multiplayer tracking system for short track speed skating
* Multiplayer VR Live Concert With Information Exchange Through Feedback Modulated by EEG Signals, A
* Multiple-Activity Human Body Tracking in Unconstrained Environments
* Multiple-aperture imaging spectrometer: Computer simulation and experimental validation
* Multiple-Base-Line Stereo for Precise Human Face Acquisition, A
* Multiple-Baseline Stereo Method, A
* Multiple-Baseline Stereo, A
* Multiple-Branches Faster RCNN for Human Parts Detection and Pose Estimation
* Multiple-Camera 3-D Production Studio, The
* Multiple-Camera Contour Stereo
* Multiple-camera lane departure warning system for the automotive environment
* Multiple-Camera Tracking of Rigid Objects
* multiple-cascade-classifier system for a robust and partially unsupervised updating of land-cover maps, A
* Multiple-Classifier Fusion Using Spatial Features for Partially Occluded Handwritten Digit Recognition
* multiple-classifier system for recognition of printed mathematical symbols, A
* Multiple-concept feature generative models for multi-label image classification
* Multiple-constraint variational framework and image restoration problems
* Multiple-cost constraints for the design of tree-structured vector quantizers
* Multiple-cue illumination estimation in textured scenes
* Multiple-Cue Object Recognition for interactionable Objects
* Multiple-description coding for robust image watermarking
* Multiple-Description Video Coding Using Motion-Compensated Temporal Prediction
* Multiple-Domain Image Modeling and Restoration
* Multiple-domain knowledge based MRF model for tumor segmentation in breast ultrasound images
* Multiple-entity based classification of airborne laser scanning data in urban areas
* Multiple-exemplar discriminant analysis for face recognition
* multiple-expert binarization framework for multispectral images, A
* Multiple-face Tracking System for General Region-of-interest Video Coding
* Multiple-Facial Action Unit Recognition by Shared Feature Learning and Semantic Relation Modeling
* Multiple-False-Target ISAR Shape Deception Jamming Method Based on Improved Template Multiplication Modulated Time-Delay Algorithm and Sub-Nyquist Sampling, A
* Multiple-Feature and Multiple-Kernel Scene Segmentation Algorithm for Humanoid Robot, A
* Multiple-Feature Kernel-Based Probabilistic Clustering for Unsupervised Band Selection
* Multiple-Feature Reuse Network to Extract Buildings from Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Multiple-Feature Spatiotemporal Segmentation of Moving Sequences using a Rule-based Approach
* Multiple-Fine-Tuned Convolutional Neural Networks for Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis From Offline Handwriting
* Multiple-focal-planes 3D displays: A practical solution to the vergence-accommodation conflict?
* Multiple-food recognition considering co-occurrence employing manifold ranking
* Multiple-Gaze Geometry: Inferring Novel 3D Locations from Gazes Observed in Monocular Video
* Multiple-Goal Reinforcement Learning Method for Complex Vehicle Overtaking Maneuvers, A
* Multiple-Hand-Gesture Tracking Using Multiple Cameras
* Multiple-Hit Parameter Estimation in Monolithic Detectors
* Multiple-Human Tracking by Iterative Data Association and Detection Update
* Multiple-Human Tracking Using Multiple Cameras
* Multiple-Hypothesis Affine Region Estimation with Anisotropic LoG Filters
* Multiple-Hypothesis Approach for Multiobject Visual Tracking, A
* Multiple-Hypothesis Map-Matching Method Suitable for Weighted and Box-Shaped State Estimation for Localization, A
* Multiple-image compressed encryption and decryption by compressive holography
* Multiple-image encryption based on chaotic phase mask and equal modulus decomposition in quaternion gyrator domain
* Multiple-input ghost imaging via sparsity constraints
* Multiple-Input Multiple-Output OFDM with Index Modulation
* Multiple-instance content-based image retrieval employing isometric embedded similarity measure
* Multiple-Instance Densely-Connected ConvNet for Aerial Scene Classification, A
* Multiple-Instance Discriminant Analysis for Weakly Supervised Segment Annotation
* Multiple-instance discriminant analysis
* Multiple-Instance Hidden Markov Model for GPR-Based Landmine Detection
* Multiple-Instance Hidden Markov Models With Applications to Landmine Detection
* Multiple-instance image database retrieval by spatial similarity based on Interval Neighbor Group
* Multiple-instance learning as a classifier combining problem
* Multiple-Instance Learning for Anomaly Detection in Digital Mammography
* Multiple-Instance Learning for Natural Scene Classification
* Multiple-Instance learning from multiple perspectives: Combining models for Multiple-Instance learning
* Multiple-Instance Learning with Empirical Estimation Guided Instance Selection
* Multiple-Instance Learning with Structured Bag Models
* Multiple-Instance Multiple-Label Learning for the Classification of Frog Calls with Acoustic Event Detection
* Multiple-instance ranking: Learning to rank images for image retrieval
* Multiple-Kernel Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Image Segmentation, A
* Multiple-Kernel, Multiple-Instance Similarity Features for Efficient Visual Object Detection
* Multiple-Label Guided Clustering Algorithm for Historical Document Dating and Localization, A
* Multiple-Level Feature-Based Measure for Retargeted Image Quality
* Multiple-Level Heterogeneous Architecture for Image Understanding, A
* Multiple-level information source and entropy-reduced transformation models
* Multiple-Model Based Verification of Road Data
* Multiple-model Bayesian approach to volumetric imaging of cardiac current sources
* Multiple-model MKS with Improved Learning/Prior Modeling
* Multiple-model tracking for the detection of lane change maneuvers
* Multiple-Object-Tracking Algorithm Based on Dense Trajectory Voting in Aerial Videos
* Multiple-object Tracking in Cluttered and Crowded Public Spaces
* Multiple-Object Tracking in Large-Scale Scene
* Multiple-Order Derivatives for Detecting Local Image Characteristics
* Multiple-organ segmentation based on spatially-divided neighboring data energy
* Multiple-organ segmentation by graph cuts with supervoxel nodes
* Multiple-Oriented and Small Object Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks for Aerial Image
* Multiple-Output Regression with High-Order Structure Information
* Multiple-Parameter Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform, The
* Multiple-parameter fractional quaternion Fourier transform and its application in colour image encryption
* Multiple-person tracker with a fixed slanting stereo camera
* Multiple-Person Tracking for a Mobile Robot Using Stereo
* Multiple-Person Tracking Using a Plan-View Map with Error Estimation
* Multiple-Phases-Sectionalized-Modulation SAR Barrage Jamming Method Based on NLFM Signal
* Multiple-process procedural texture
* Multiple-Reference-Frame Based Fast Motion Estimation & Mode Decision for H.263-to-H.264 Transcoder
* Multiple-Region Segmentation Without Supervision by Adaptive Global Maximum Clustering
* Multiple-Regression Model Considering Deformation Information for Atmospheric Phase Screen Compensation in Ground-Based SAR, A
* Multiple-Robot Motion Planning Under Independent Objectives
* Multiple-sample fusion of matching scores in biometric systems
* Multiple-Scale Segmentation and Representation of Solid Plane Shapes
* Multiple-Scale Variations of Sea Ice and Ocean Circulation in the Bering Sea Using Remote Sensing Observations and Numerical Modeling
* Multiple-Scanner Character Reading System
* Multiple-Scattering Microphysics Tomography
* Multiple-Sensor Indoor Surveillance System
* multiple-sensor multiple-target tracking approach for the autotaxi system, A
* Multiple-Server Movie-Retrieval Strategies for Distributed Multimedia Applications: A Play-While-Retrieve Approach
* Multiple-Shape Reconstruction by Means of Multiregion Level Sets
* Multiple-shot human re-identification by Mean Riemannian Covariance Grid
* Multiple-Shot People Re-Identification by Patch-Wise Learning
* Multiple-shot person re-identification by chromatic and epitomic analyses
* Multiple-Shot Person Re-identification by HPE Signature
* Multiple-Shot Person Re-Identification by Pairwise Multiple Instance Learning
* Multiple-Shot Person Re-identification via Riemannian Discriminative Learning
* Multiple-Size Operators and Optimal Curve Finding
* Multiple-Solution Optimization Strategy for Multirobot Task Allocation
* Multiple-solutions RANSAC for finding axes of symmetry in fragments of objects
* Multiple-Spectral-Band CRFs for Denoising Junk Bands of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multiple-step local Wiener filter with proper stopping in wavelet domain
* Multiple-step Sampling for Dense Object Detection and Counting
* multiple-substream unequal error-protection and error-concealment algorithm for SPIHT-coded video bitstreams, A
* Multiple-Symbol Differential Sphere Detection Aided Differential Space-Time Block Codes Using QAM Constellations
* Multiple-Target Tracking by Spatiotemporal Monte Carlo Markov Chain Data Association
* Multiple-Target Tracking for Intelligent Headlights Control
* Multiple-target tracking on mixed images with reflections and occlusions
* Multiple-valued feedback neural networks for image restoration
* Multiple-View-Based Tracking of Multiple Humans
* Multiple-view constrained video registration and its applications
* Multiple-View Face Tracking For Modeling and Analysis Based On Non-Cooperative Video Imagery
* Multiple-View Geometry Under the L_inf-Norm
* Multiple-view geospatial comparison using web-based virtual globes
* Multiple-View Model-Based Inspection Of Quadric Objects
* Multiple-view multiple-learner active learning
* Multiple-view structure and motion from line correspondences
* Multiple-view Video Coding Using Depth Map in Projective Space
* Multiple-Window Parallel Adaptive Boundary Finding in Computer Vision
* Multiple 3-D Feature Fusion Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiple 3D Approaches for the Architectural Study of the Medieval Abbey of Cormery in the Loire Valley
* Multiple acoustic sources localization using incident Signal Power comparison
* Multiple Active Camera Assignment for High Fidelity 3D Video
* multiple active contour model for cardiac boundary detection on echocardiographic sequences, A
* Multiple Active Contour Models Based on the EM Algorithm
* Multiple Active Contour Models with Application to Region Extraction
* Multiple adverse effects prediction in longitudinal cancer treatment
* Multiple Adverse Weather Conditions Adaptation for Object Detection via Causal Intervention
* Multiple Aerosol Unmixing by the Split Bregman Algorithm
* multiple agent architecture for handwritten text recognition, A
* Multiple Agile Satellite Staring Observation Mission Planning Method for Dense Regions, A
* Multiple Aligned Characteristic Curves for Surface Fairing
* Multiple Alignment of Spatiotemporal Deformable Objects for the Average-Organ Computation
* Multiple Anchor Learning for Visual Object Detection
* Multiple and variable target visual tracking for video-surveillance applications
* Multiple Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Indoor Room Optimal Spatial Allocation, A
* Multiple ant tracking with global foreground maximization and variable target proposal distribution
* Multiple Antenna Selection and Successive Signal Detection for SM-Based IRS-Aided Communication
* Multiple Anthropological Fisher Kernel Framework and Its Application to Kinship Verification
* Multiple Aperture SAR Interferometry (MAI) Technique for the Detection of Large Ground Displacement Dynamics: An Overview, The
* Multiple appearance models for face tracking in surveillance videos
* Multiple appearance models
* Multiple Assessment for Multiple Users in Virtual Reality Training Environments
* Multiple Atlas Construction from a Heterogeneous Brain MR Image Collection
* Multiple Atlas Inference and Population Analysis Using Spectral Clustering
* Multiple Atlases-Based Joint Labeling of Human Cortical Sulcal Curves
* Multiple attention encoded cascade R-CNN for scene text detection
* Multiple attentional pyramid networks for Chinese herbal recognition
* Multiple Attributes Image Quality Database for Smartphone Camera Photo Quality Assessment, A
* Multiple auxiliary classifiers GAN for controllable image generation: Application to license plate recognition
* Multiple Background Sprite Generation Using Camera Motion Characterization for Object-Based Video Coding
* Multiple Band Prioritization Criteria-Based Band Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multiple Basis Wavelet Denoising using Besov Projections
* Multiple Bernoulli relevance models for image and video annotation
* Multiple Binary Codes for Fast Approximate Similarity Search
* Multiple binary decision tree classifiers
* Multiple bleeding detection in wireless capsule endoscopy
* Multiple blind re-watermarking with quantisation-based embedding
* Multiple block-size transform video coding using a subband structure
* Multiple blocks matching pursuit update algorithm for low bit rate video coding
* Multiple camera-based chamfer matching for pedestrian detection
* Multiple Camera Approach for SLAM Based Ultrasonic Tank Roof Inspection
* Multiple Camera Calibration Using Robust Perspective Factorization
* Multiple Camera Calibration with Bundled Optimization using Silhouette Geometry Constraints
* multiple camera methodology for automatic localization and tracking of futsal players, A
* Multiple camera people detection and tracking using support integration
* Multiple Camera Person Tracking in multiple layers combining 2D and 3D information
* Multiple Camera Self-calibration and 3D Reconstruction Using Pedestrians
* Multiple camera tracking of interacting and occluded human motion
* Multiple Camera Types Simultaneous Stereo Calibration
* Multiple Camera, Multiple Person Tracking with Pointing Gesture Recognition in Immersive Environments
* Multiple Cameras or Views
* Multiple change point clustering of count processes with application to California COVID data
* Multiple channel division for efficient distributed video coding
* Multiple Channel Model for Perception of Optical Flow, A
* Multiple channels local binary pattern for color texture representation and classification
* Multiple Characteristics of Precipitation Inferred from Wind Profiler Radar Doppler Spectra
* Multiple Circle Detection Based on Center-Based Clustering
* multiple circular path convolution neural network system for detection of mammographic masses, A
* Multiple Class Multiple-instance Learning And Its Application To Image Categorization
* Multiple Class Novelty Detection Under Data Distribution Shift
* Multiple Class Segmentation Using A Unified Framework over Mean-Shift Patches
* Multiple classifier-based fast coding unit partition for intra coding in future video coding
* Multiple classifier applied on predicting microsleep from speech
* Multiple Classifier Approach for Detecting Naked Human Bodies in Images, A
* Multiple Classifier Approach for the Recognition of Screen-Rendered Text, A
* multiple classifier approach to detect Chinese character recognition errors, A
* Multiple Classifier Combination for Character Recognition: Revisiting the Majority Voting System and Its Variations
* Multiple classifier combination for face-based identity verification
* Multiple classifier combination for target identification from high resolution remote sensing image
* Multiple classifier decision combination strategies for character recognition: A review
* Multiple classifier implementation of a divide-and-conquer approach using appearance-based statistical methods for face recognition
* Multiple Classifier Learning by Sampling System for White Blood Cells Segmentation, A
* Multiple Classifier System Approach for Facial Expressions in Image Sequences Utilizing GMM Supervectors, A
* Multiple Classifier System Approach to Affine Invariant Object Recognition, A
* Multiple Classifier System Approach to Model Pruning in Object Recognition
* Multiple Classifier System for Classification of Breast Lesions Using Dynamic and Morphological Features in DCE-MRI, A
* Multiple classifier system for remotely sensed data clustering
* Multiple Classifier System for Urban Area's Extraction from High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multiple classifier system with sensitivity based dynamic weighting fusion for hand gesture recognition
* Multiple Classifier Systems for Image Forgery Detection
* Multiple Classifier Systems for the Recognition of Orthoptera Songs
* Multiple Classifier Systems in Texton-Based Approach for the Classification of CT Images of Lung
* Multiple Classifiers Applied to Arabic Numbers
* Multiple classifiers applied to multisource remote sensing data
* Multiple Classifiers Based Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Multiple classifiers for color flag and trademark image retrieval
* Multiple Classifiers, Combining Classifiers, Combinations
* Multiple Close-Range Geomatic Techniques for the Kinematic Study of the La Pael Rock Glacier, Southern Pyrenees
* Multiple Clues for License Plate Detection and Recognition
* Multiple Clustered Instance Learning for Histopathology Cancer Image Classification, Segmentation and Clustering
* Multiple clusters parts-based sparse representation for single example face identification
* Multiple Collaborative Kernel Tracking
* Multiple Color and Depth Video Coding Using a Hierarchical Representation
* Multiple color image encryption based on cascaded quaternion gyrator transforms
* Multiple Color Matches to Estimate Human Color Vision Sensitivities
* Multiple color texture map fusion for 3D models
* Multiple Combined Constraints for Image Stitching
* Multiple Combined Constraints for Optical Flow Estimation
* Multiple Competitive Learning Network Fusion for Object Classification
* Multiple Complementary Sequence Sets With Low Inter-Set Cross-Correlation Property
* Multiple complex object tracking using a combined technique
* Multiple Component Learning for Object Detection
* Multiple Component Matching Framework for Person Re-identification, A
* Multiple Concentric Gating Traffic Control in Large-Scale Urban Networks
* Multiple Conditional Random Fields Ensemble Model for Urban Area Detection in Remote Sensing Optical Images, A
* Multiple Connected Residual Network for Image Enhancement on Smartphones
* Multiple Constraints Based Robust Matching of Poor-Texture Close-Range Images for Monitoring a Simulated Landslide
* Multiple Constraints for Optical Flow
* Multiple Constraints to Compute Optical-Flow
* Multiple consumer-grade depth camera registration using everyday objects
* Multiple Context Features in Siamese Networks for Visual Object Tracking
* Multiple contour extraction from graylevel images using an artificial neural network
* Multiple Contour Finding and Perceptual Grouping as a Set of Energy Minimizing Paths
* Multiple Contour Finding and Perceptual Grouping using Minimal Paths
* Multiple Contours and Images
* Multiple copy image denoising via wavelet thresholding
* Multiple correlation filters with gaussian constraint for fast online tracking
* Multiple Cost Functions and Regularization Options for Improved Retrieval of Leaf Chlorophyll Content and LAI through Inversion of the PROSAIL Model
* multiple criteria active learning method for support vector regression, A
* Multiple Criteria for Evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms for Land Cover Classification from Satellite Data
* Multiple cross-attention for video-subtitle moment retrieval
* Multiple cue adaptive tracking of deformable objects with Particle Filter
* Multiple cue indexing and summarization of surveillance video
* Multiple Cue Integrated Action Detection
* Multiple cue integration in transductive confidence machines for head pose classification
* Multiple cues-based active contours for target contour tracking under sophisticated background
* Multiple Cues for Model-Based Human Motion Capture
* Multiple curvature based approach to human upper body parts detection with connected ellipse model fine-tuning
* Multiple Cycle-in-Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Image Super-Resolution
* Multiple Cycle Frequencies Estimation Under Cochannel Interference
* Multiple Data Products Reveal Long-Term Variation Characteristics of Terrestrial Water Storage and Its Dominant Factors in Data-Scarce Alpine Regions
* Multiple Data Source for Survey and Modeling of Very Complex Architecture.
* Multiple deep features learning for object retrieval in surveillance videos
* Multiple Degradation and Reconstruction Network for Single Image Denoising via Knowledge Distillation
* Multiple degree total variation (MDTV) regularization for image restoration
* Multiple Delay and Sum With Enveloping Beamforming Algorithm for Photoacoustic Imaging
* Multiple depth-levels features fusion enhanced network for action recognition
* Multiple depth layers and all-in-focus image generations by blurring and deblurring operations
* Multiple description based image transmission with Low Density Parity Check codes
* multiple description codec based on combinatorial optimization and its application to image coding, A
* Multiple description coded video streaming in peer-to-peer networks
* Multiple Description Coding and Delivery Scheme for Motion-Compensated Fine Granularity Scalable Video, A
* Multiple description coding based on enhanced X-tree
* Multiple Description Coding for Best-Effort Delivery of Light Field Video Using GNN-Based Compression
* Multiple Description Coding for H.264/AVC With Redundancy Allocation at Macro Block Level
* Multiple description coding for internet video streaming
* Multiple Description Coding for Robust Video Transmission Over Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
* Multiple Description Coding for Stereoscopic Videos With Stagger Frame Order
* Multiple Description Coding for Video Delivery
* Multiple Description Coding for Video Using Motion Compensated Prediction
* Multiple Description Coding of 3D Geometry with Forward Error Correction Codes
* Multiple description coding of animated meshes
* Multiple description coding of motion fields for robust video transmission
* Multiple Description Coding of Plane-Based 3-D Surfaces
* Multiple description coding using pairwise correlating transforms
* Multiple Description Coding Using Trellis Coded Quantization
* Multiple Description Coding with Error Correction Capabilities: An Application to Motion JPEG 2000
* Multiple Description Coding With Prediction Compensation
* Multiple Description Coding With Randomly and Uniformly Offset Quantizers
* Multiple Description Coding with Redundant Expansions and Application to Image Communications
* Multiple Description Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Compression
* Multiple Description Distributed Video Coding Using Redundant Slices and Lossy Syndromes
* Multiple description for robust Scalable Video Coding
* Multiple description image and video coding for wireless channels
* Multiple Description Image Coding Based on Delta-Sigma Quantization With Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Multiple Description Image Coding Based on Lagrangian Rate Allocation
* Multiple description image coding based on lapped orthogonal transforms
* Multiple description image coding framework for EBCOT
* Multiple Description Image Coding Using Signal Decomposition and Reconstruction Based on Lapped Orthogonal Transforms
* Multiple Description Image Coding with Prediction Compensation
* multiple description method for wavelet based image coding, A
* Multiple Description of Coded Video for Path Diversity Streaming Adaptation
* Multiple Description Pattern Analysis: Robustness to Misclassification Using Local Discriminant Frame Expansions
* Multiple description scalable coding using wavelet-based motion compensated temporal filtering
* Multiple Description Scalar Quantization Based 3D Mesh Coding
* Multiple Description Shifted Lattice Vector Quantization for Progressive Wavelet Image Coding
* Multiple description subband coding
* Multiple description transform coding of images
* Multiple description trellis coded quantization
* Multiple Description Video Codec With Adaptive Residual Distributed Coding, A
* Multiple description video coding against both erasure and bit errors by compressive sensing
* Multiple description video coding based on adaptive data reuse
* Multiple description video coding based on forward error correction within expanding windows
* Multiple Description Video Coding Based on Hierarchical B Pictures Using Unequal Redundancy
* Multiple Description Video Coding Based on Hierarchical B Pictures
* Multiple Description Video Coding Based on Human Visual System Characteristics
* Multiple Description Video Coding for Real-Time Applications using HEVC
* Multiple Description Video Coding for Scalable and Robust Transmission Over IP
* Multiple description video coding using coefficients ordering and interpolation
* Multiple Description Video Coding Using Inter- and Intra-Description Correlation at Macro Block Level
* Multiple Description Video Coding With 3D-SPIHT Employing a New Tree Structure
* Multiple Description Video Coding With H.264/AVC Redundant Pictures
* Multiple Description Video Coding with Un-quantized Prediction Loop
* Multiple Description Video Coding
* Multiple description video decoding using map
* Multiple Description Video Transcoding
* Multiple Description Video Using Rate-distortion Splitting
* Multiple Description Wavelet Based Image Coding
* Multiple description wavelet coding of layered video
* Multiple description wavelet coding with dual decomposition and cross packetization
* Multiple Description Wavelet Video Coding Employing a New Tree Structure
* Multiple Descriptions Based on Multirate Coding for JPEG 2000 and H.264/AVC
* Multiple Descriptions Coinciding Lattice Vector Quantizer for Wavelet Image Coding
* Multiple Detector Approach to Low-Resolution FIR Pedestrian Recognition, A
* Multiple direct mode for intra coding
* Multiple discriminant analysis for collaborative representation-based classification
* Multiple disjoint dictionaries for representation of histopathology images
* Multiple Distortion Measures for video with temporal scalability
* Multiple Document Datasets Pre-training Improves Text Line Detection With Deep Neural Networks
* Multiple Domain Watermarking for Print-Scan and JPEG Resilient Data Hiding
* Multiple dynamic models for tracking the left ventricle of the heart from ultrasound data using particle filters and deep learning architectures
* Multiple Dynamic Object Tracking for Visual SLAM
* Multiple Effects of Topographic Factors on Spatio-Temporal Variations of Vegetation Patterns in the Three Parallel Rivers Region, Southeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Multiple Eigenspaces by MDL
* Multiple eigenspaces
* Multiple ellipses detection in noisy environments: A hierarchical approach
* Multiple Emergency Vehicle Priority in a Connected Vehicle Environment: A Cooperative Method
* Multiple Emotion Tagging for Multimedia Data by Exploiting High-Order Dependencies Among Emotions
* Multiple encoder architecture for extended search
* Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) Applied to the Study of Habitat Diversity in the Fine-Grained Landscapes of the Cantabrian Mountains
* Multiple Endmember Unmixing of CHRIS/Proba Imagery for Mapping Impervious Surfaces in Urban and Suburban Environments
* Multiple Events Detection In Seismic Structures Using A Novel U-Net Variant
* Multiple Exemplar-Based Facial Image Retrieval Using Independent Component Analysis
* Multiple Exemplars-based Hallucination for Face Super-resolution and Editing
* Multiple Expert Brainstorming for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification
* Multiple Expert Classification: A New Methodology for Parallel Decision Fusion
* Multiple Experts Recognition System Based on Neural Network
* Multiple Exposure Fusion for High Dynamic Range Image Acquisition
* Multiple exposure integration for restoring all in-focus images
* Multiple Extended Target Tracking for Through-Wall Radars
* Multiple face contour detection based on geometric active contours
* Multiple face detection algorithm using colour skin modelling
* Multiple Face Detection at Different Resolutions for Perceptual User Interfaces
* Multiple face detection based on machine learning
* Multiple Face Model of Hybrid Fourier Feature for Large Face Image Set
* Multiple Face Recognition Using Local Features and Swarm Intelligence
* Multiple face tracking and recognition with identity-specific localized metric learning
* Multiple Faces Tracking Using Motion Prediction and IPCA in Particle Filters
* Multiple Facial Action Unit recognition by learning joint features and label relations
* Multiple facial action unit recognition enhanced by facial expressions
* Multiple Facial Attributes Estimation Based on Weighted Heterogeneous Learning
* Multiple Facial Feature Tracking Using Multi-cue Based Prediction Model
* Multiple Feature-Based Superpixel-Level Decision Fusion for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Classification
* Multiple feature clustering for image sequence segmentation
* Multiple feature distinctions based saliency flow model
* Multiple Feature Domains Information Fusion for Computer-Aided Clinical Electromyography
* Multiple feature extraction for early Parkinson risk assessment based on transcranial sonography image
* Multiple feature fusion by subspace learning
* Multiple feature fusion for face recognition
* Multiple Feature Fusion in the Dempster-Shafer Framework for Multi-Object Tracking
* Multiple Feature Fusion via Weighted Entropy for Visual Tracking
* Multiple feature hashing for real-time large scale near-duplicate video retrieval
* Multiple Feature Hashing Learning for Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Multiple Feature Integration for Robust Object Localization
* Multiple feature kernel hashing for large-scale visual search
* Multiple Feature Kernel Sparse Representation Classifier for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multiple Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiple Feature Models for Image Matching
* Multiple feature representations from multi-layer geometric shape for hand gesture analysis
* Multiple feature selection and fusion based on generalized N-dimensional independent component analysis
* Multiple feature subspaces analysis for single sample per person face recognition
* Multiple Feature/Resolution Approach to Handprinted Digit and Character-Recognition, A
* Multiple Features and Isolation Forest-Based Fast Anomaly Detector for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multiple Features Based Low-Contrast Infrared Ship Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Inference System
* Multiple features based shared models for background subtraction
* Multiple Features Distance Preserving (MFDP) Model for Saliency Detection, A
* Multiple features extraction for timber defects detection and classification using SVM
* Multiple features learning via rotation strategy
* Multiple Fiducial Identification Using the Hidden Markov Model in Image Guided Radiosurgery
* Multiple Fisher Classifiers Combination for Face Recognition based on Grouping AdaBoosted Gabor Features
* Multiple Fisheye Camera Calibration and Stereo Measurement Methods for Uniform Distance Errors throughout Imaging Ranges
* Multiple Flights or Single Flight Instrument Fusion of Hyperspectral and ALS Data? A Comparison of their Performance for Vegetation Mapping
* Multiple forecasting using local approximation
* Multiple foreground recognition and cosegmentation: An object-oriented CRF model with robust higher-order potentials
* Multiple Frame Analysis of Translation Dominant Motion
* Multiple frame motion inference using belief propagation
* Multiple Frames Matching for Object Discovery in Video
* Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation Based on Harmonic Structure Model
* Multiple Future Prediction Leveraging Synthetic Trajectories
* Multiple GAN Inversion for Exemplar-based Image-to-Image Translation
* multiple gated boosting network for multi-organ medical image segmentation, A
* Multiple Gaussian Mixture Models for Image Registration
* Multiple Genetic Snakes for People Segmentation in Video Sequences
* multiple geometric deformable model framework for homeomorphic 3D medical image segmentation, A
* Multiple geometry representations for 6D object pose estimation in occluded or truncated scenes
* Multiple Geometry Transform Estimation from Single Camera-Captured Text Image
* Multiple Global Population Datasets: Differences and Spatial Distribution Characteristics
* Multiple Granularity Analysis for Fine-Grained Action Detection
* Multiple Granularity Descriptors for Fine-Grained Categorization
* Multiple Granularity Group Interaction Prediction
* Multiple Granularity Modeling: A Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Fine-grained Action Analysis
* Multiple Graph Affinity Interactive Network and a Variable Illumination Dataset for RGBT Image Salient Object Detection
* Multiple Graph Cut Based Approach for Stereo Analysis, A
* Multiple Graph Matching with Bayesian-Inference
* Multiple graph regularized nonnegative matrix factorization
* Multiple Greenness Indexes Revealed the Vegetation Greening during the Growing Season and Winter on the Tibetan Plateau despite Regional Variations
* Multiple Handwritten Text Line Recognition Systems Derived from Specific Integration of a Language Model
* Multiple Heads are Better than One: Few-shot Font Generation with Multiple Localized Experts
* Multiple Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes for anomaly detection in traffic
* Multiple histogram matching
* Multiple Histograms-Based Reversible Data Hiding: Framework and Realization
* Multiple HOG templates for gait recognition
* Multiple Homography Estimation with Full Consistency Constraints
* Multiple Human Association and Tracking From Egocentric and Complementary Top Views
* Multiple human body tracking using the fusion of CCD and thermal image sensor
* Multiple Human Identification and Cosegmentation: A Human-Oriented CRF Approach With Poselets
* Multiple Human Objects Tracking in Crowded Scenes
* Multiple Human Pose Estimation with Temporally Consistent 3D Pictorial Structures
* Multiple Human Tracking Based on Multi-view Upper-Body Detection and Discriminative Learning
* Multiple Human Tracking In Complex Situation By Data Assimilation With Pedestrian Behavior Model
* Multiple Human Tracking in High-Density Crowds
* Multiple human tracking in RGB-depth data: a survey
* Multiple human tracking in wearable camera videos with informationless intervals
* Multiple human tracking system for unpredictable trajectories
* Multiple Human Tracking Using an Omnidirectional Camera with Local Rectification and World Coordinates Representation
* Multiple Human Tracking Using Particle Filter with Gaussian Process Dynamical Model
* multiple hyper-ellipsoidal subclass model for an evolutionary classifier, A
* Multiple Hypotheses Bayesian Frame Rate Up-Conversion by Adaptive Fusion of Motion-Compensated Interpolations
* Multiple Hypothesis Approach for a Ball Tracking System, A
* Multiple Hypothesis Approach to Figure Tracking, A
* Multiple hypothesis colorization and its application to image compression
* Multiple Hypothesis for Object Class Disambiguation from Multiple Observations
* Multiple Hypothesis Target Tracking Using Merge and Split of Graph's Nodes
* Multiple Hypothesis Testing-Based Cepstrum Thresholding for Nonparametric Spectral Estimation
* Multiple hypothesis tracking algorithm for multi-target multi-camera tracking with disjoint views
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking for Automatic Optical Motion Capture
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking for Cluttered Biological Image Sequences
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking in camera networks
* Multiple hypothesis tracking in cluttered condition
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Method with Fragmentation Handling, A
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Revisited
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking with Merged Bounding Box Measurements Considering Occlusion
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking with Sign Language Hand Motion Constraints
* Multiple Hypothesis Video Segmentation from Superpixel Flows
* Multiple Illuminant Color Estimation via Statistical Inference on Factor Graphs
* Multiple Illuminant Direction Detection with Application to Image Synthesis
* Multiple illuminant estimation from the covariance of colors
* Multiple Illuminant Estimation
* Multiple Image-Based Noise Level Estimation Algorithm, A
* Multiple Image Analysis at the Hebrew University: Motion, Structure, and Recognition
* Multiple image disparity correction for 3-D scene representation
* Multiple image matching in an automatic aerotriangulation system
* Multiple Image View Synthesis for Free Viewpoint Video Applications
* Multiple Images Improve Lake CDOM Estimation: Building Better Landsat-8 Empirical Algorithms across Southern Canada
* Multiple importance sampling characterization by weighted mean invariance
* Multiple Importance Sampling for Efficient Symbol Error Rate Estimation
* Multiple Importance Sampling for PET
* Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations: K-Nearest Neighbors and Deep Neural Network Architecture for Kidney Disease Prediction
* Multiple initial point prediction based search pattern selection for fast motion estimation
* Multiple Input Branches Shift Graph Convolutional Network with DropEdge for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Multiple Insect Tracking with Occlusion Sub-tunnels
* Multiple Instance Active Learning for Object Detection
* Multiple Instance Boost Using Graph Embedding Based Decision Stump for Pedestrian Detection
* Multiple Instance Boosting for Face Recognition in Videos
* Multiple Instance Captioning: Learning Representations from Histopathology Textbooks and Articles
* Multiple Instance Choquet Integral Classifier Fusion and Regression for Remote Sensing Applications
* Multiple instance deep learning for weakly-supervised visual object tracking
* Multiple Instance Dense Connected Convolution Neural Network for Aerial Image Scene Classification
* Multiple Instance Detection Network with Online Instance Classifier Refinement
* Multiple Instance Detection Networks With Adaptive Instance Refinement
* Multiple Instance Dictionary Learning for Activity Representation
* Multiple Instance Dictionary Learning using Functions of Multiple Instances
* Multiple Instance Differentiation Learning for Active Object Detection
* Multiple instance fFeature for robust part-based object detection
* Multiple instance hybrid estimator for hyperspectral target characterization and sub-pixel target detection
* Multiple Instance Learning Approach toward Optimal Classification of Pathology Slides, A
* Multiple Instance Learning Based Method for Similar Handwritten Chinese Characters Discrimination
* Multiple instance learning based on positive instance selection and bag structure construction
* Multiple Instance Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for Fine-Grained Aircraft Recognition
* Multiple Instance Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for object recognition
* Multiple Instance Learning for Behavioral Coding
* Multiple Instance Learning for Breast Cancer Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Multiple instance learning for classifying histopathological images of the breast cancer using residual neural network
* Multiple Instance Learning for Emotion Recognition Using Physiological Signals
* Multiple instance learning for soft bags via top instances
* Multiple Instance Learning Framework with Masked Hard Instance Mining for Whole Slide Image Classification
* Multiple instance learning from multiple cameras
* Multiple instance learning from similarity-confidence bags
* Multiple Instance Learning of Pulmonary Embolism Detection with Geodesic Distance along Vascular Structure
* Multiple instance learning on deep features for weakly supervised object detection with extreme domain shifts
* Multiple instance learning tracking method with local sparse representation
* Multiple instance learning via distance metric optimization
* Multiple Instance Learning via Iterative Self-Paced Supervised Contrastive Learning
* Multiple instance learning with bag dissimilarities
* Multiple Instance Learning with Genetic Pooling for medical data analysis
* Multiple Instance Learning with multiple positive and negative target concepts
* Multiple Instance Learning with Response-Optimized Random Forests
* Multiple Instance Learning
* Multiple instance learning: A survey of problem characteristics and applications
* Multiple Instance Metric Learning from Automatically Labeled Bags of Faces
* Multiple Instance Models Regression for Robust Visual Tracking
* Multiple instance real boosting with aggregation functions
* Multiple instance subspace learning via partial random projection tree for local reflection symmetry in natural images
* Multiple Instance Triplet Loss for Weakly Supervised Multi-Label Action Localisation of Interacting Persons
* multiple instances approach to improving keyword spotting on historical Mongolian document images, A
* Multiple Instances Detection in RGBD Images
* Multiple integration model for single-source domain generalizable person re-identification
* multiple interaction model for nonshallow scatterers buried beneath 2-D random rough surfaces, The
* Multiple interpretations by using pixel resonance concept
* Multiple Interpretations of a Pair of Images of a Surface
* Multiple Interpretations of the Shape and Motion of Objects from Two Perspective Images
* Multiple kernel-based dictionary learning for weakly supervised classification
* Multiple Kernel-Based Multi-Instance Learning Algorithm for Image Classification
* Multiple Kernel-Based SVM Classification of Hyperspectral Images by Combining Spectral, Spatial, and Semantic Information
* Multiple kernel boosting based tracking using pooling features
* Multiple kernel clustering based on centered kernel alignment
* Multiple kernel discriminant analysis
* Multiple Kernel Feature Line Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiple kernel Gaussian process classification for generic 3D object recognition
* Multiple Kernel Graph Cut for SAR Image Change Detection
* Multiple Kernel kk-Means with Incomplete Kernels
* Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithm for Cell Nucleus Classification of Renal Cell Carcinoma, A
* Multiple Kernel Learning Approach to Joint Multi-class Object Detection, A
* Multiple Kernel Learning Approach to Multi-Modal Pedestrian Classification, A
* Multiple kernel learning based modality classification for medical images
* Multiple Kernel Learning Based Multi-view Spectral Clustering
* Multiple Kernel Learning Based on Discriminative Kernel Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Dimensionality Reduction
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A Review
* Multiple kernel learning for image indexing
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Sparse Representation-Based Classification
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Spectral Dimensionality Reduction
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Visual Object Recognition: A Review
* Multiple Kernel Learning framework for detecting altered fingerprints, A
* Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate the Relationship Between Ventricular Fibrillation and First Myocardial Infarction, A
* Multiple kernel learning from sets of partially matching image features
* Multiple kernel learning SVM and statistical validation for facial landmark detection
* Multiple kernel learning using data envelopment analysis and feature vector selection and projection
* Multiple Kernel Learning with High Order Kernels
* Multiple kernel learning with hybrid kernel alignment maximization
* Multiple kernel learning with NOn-conVex group spArsity
* Multiple Kernel Learning, MKL
* Multiple Kernel Maximum Margin Criterion
* Multiple Kernel Point Set Registration
* Multiple Kernel Sparse Representation-Based Orthogonal Discriminative Projection and Its Cost-Sensitive Extension
* Multiple Kernel Sparse Representation for Airborne LiDAR Data Classification
* Multiple Kernel Sparse Representations for Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
* Multiple kernel tracking with SSD
* Multiple Kernel Two-Step Tracking
* Multiple kernels for generalised discriminant analysis
* Multiple kernels for object detection
* Multiple knowledge sources and evidential reasoning for shape recognition
* Multiple label prediction for image annotation with multiple Kernel correlation models
* Multiple Landmark Feature Point Mapping for Robust Face Recognition
* Multiple Lane Detection Algorithm Based on Novel Dense Vanishing Point Estimation
* Multiple Lane Detection via Combining Complementary Structural Constraints
* Multiple Laplacian graph regularised low-rank representation with application to image representation
* Multiple layer cluster dither matrix for reducing artifacts in printed images
* Multiple Layer Screening for Reducing Moire Patterning and Ink Bleeding
* Multiple Layers of Contrasted Images for Robust Feature-Based Visual Tracking
* Multiple Learned Dictionaries Based Clustered Sparse Coding for the Super-Resolution of Single Text Image
* Multiple Level Feature-Based Universal Blind Image Quality Assessment Model
* Multiple Level Representations for Texture Description
* Multiple licence plate detection for Chinese vehicles in dense traffic scenarios
* Multiple Light Source Detection
* Multiple Light Source Optical Flow
* Multiple Light Sources and Reflectance Property Estimation Based on a Mixture of Spherical Distributions
* Multiple Line-Template Matching with the EM Algorithm
* Multiple Line Skew Estimation of Handwritten Images of Documents Based on a Visual Perception Approach
* Multiple Linear Regression Based High-Accuracy Error Prediction Algorithm for Reversible Data Hiding, A
* Multiple linear regression for universal steganalysis of images
* Multiple local kernel integrated feature selection for image classification
* Multiple Look Angle Sar Recognition
* Multiple LREK Active Contours for Knee Meniscus Ultrasound Image Segmentation
* Multiple Manifold Learning by Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* Multiple Manifolds Metric Learning with Application to Image Set Classification
* Multiple marker tracking in a single-camera system for gait analysis
* Multiple Mask Enhanced Transformer for Robust Visual Tracking
* Multiple Matching of Parameterized Patterns
* Multiple Measurement Vector Approach to Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging, A
* Multiple metric learning based on bar-shape descriptor for person re-identification
* Multiple metric learning with query adaptive weights and multi-task re-weighting for person re-identification
* Multiple Mice Tracking: Occlusions Disentanglement using a Gaussian Mixture Model
* Multiple Migration and Stacking Algorithm Designed for Land Mine Detection, A
* Multiple model adaptive visual tracking with correlation filters
* Multiple Model Approach to Track Head Orientation With Delta Quaternions, A
* Multiple Model Estimation for the Detection of Curvilinear Segments in Medical X-ray Images Using Sparse-plus-dense-RANSAC
* Multiple Model Fitting by Evolutionary Dynamics
* Multiple Model Particle Filter for Traffic Estimation and Incident Detection
* multiple model structure for tracking by variable rate particle filters, A
* Multiple Models Fitting as a Set Coverage Problem
* Multiple module architecture for implementing full search block matching
* Multiple moduli prediction error expansion reversible data hiding
* Multiple Morphological Component Analysis Based Decomposition for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Multiple motion analysis: in spatial or in spectral domain?
* Multiple Motion Detection Using Genetic Algorithms
* Multiple Motion Fields for Multiple Types of Agents
* Multiple Motion Scene Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Views
* Multiple motion segmentation with level sets without prior information
* Multiple Motion Segmentation with Level Sets
* Multiple Motions from Instantaneous Frequency
* Multiple Moving Object Detection From UAV Videos Using Trajectories of Matched Regional Adjacency Graphs
* Multiple Moving Object Estimation in Image Sequences of a Natural Scene
* Multiple Network CGP for the Classification of Mammograms
* Multiple Network Fusion Using Fuzzy Logic
* Multiple neural networks and weighted voting
* Multiple Non-rigid Surface Detection and Registration
* Multiple nonoverlapping camera pose estimation
* Multiple Norms and Boundary Constraint Enforced Image Deblurring via Efficient MCMC Algorithm
* Multiple Nose Region Matching for 3D Face Recognition under Varying Facial Expression
* Multiple Nuclei Tracking Using Integer Programming for Quantitative Cancer Cell Cycle Analysis
* Multiple Object Category Detection and Localization Using Generative and Discriminative Models
* Multiple Object Class Detection with a Generative Model
* Multiple object clustering using FCM and K-means algorithms
* Multiple object cues for high performance vector quantization
* Multiple object decomposition based on independent component analysis of multi-energy x-ray projections
* Multiple object detection and tracking from drone videos based on GM-YOLO and multi-tracker
* Multiple Object Detection and Tracking in the Thermal Spectrum
* Multiple Object Detection by a Deformable Part-Based Model and an R-CNN
* Multiple object detection by sequential monte carlo and Hierarchical Detection Network
* Multiple Object Detection for Pick-and-Place Applications
* Multiple Object Detection with Occlusion Using Active Contour Model and Fuzzy C-Mean
* Multiple Object Forecasting: Predicting Future Object Locations in Diverse Environments
* multiple object geometric deformable model for image segmentation, A
* Multiple object identification using grid voting of object center estimated from keypoint matches
* Multiple object labeling in video sequences without skill
* Multiple Object Recognition and Scene Interpretation for Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance
* Multiple Object Scene Description for the Visually Impaired Using Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multiple Object Tracking and Forecasting: Jointly Predicting Current and Future Object Locations
* multiple object tracking approach that combines colour and depth information using a confidence measure, A
* Multiple Object Tracking Based on Adaptive Depth Segmentation
* Multiple object tracking based on motion segmentation of point trajectories
* Multiple object tracking based on multi-task learning with strip attention
* Multiple object tracking based on quadratic graph matching
* Multiple object tracking based on sparse generative appearance modeling
* Multiple Object Tracking by Efficient Graph Partitioning
* Multiple object tracking by hierarchical association of spatio-temporal data
* Multiple object tracking by reliable tracklets
* Multiple Object Tracking Evaluation Analysis Framework, A
* Multiple object tracking in soccer videos using topographic surface analysis
* Multiple Object Tracking in Urban Traffic Scenes with a Multiclass Object Detector
* Multiple Object Tracking of Drone Videos by a Temporal-Association Network with Separated-Tasks Structure
* Multiple object tracking on static surveillance video using field-based prediction information in MPEG-2 video
* Multiple Object Tracking System with Three Level Continuous Processes
* Multiple object tracking under heavy occlusions by using kalman filters based on shape matching
* Multiple object tracking using a dual-attention network for autonomous driving
* Multiple object tracking using a neural cost function
* Multiple object tracking using an automatic variable-dimension particle filter
* Multiple object tracking using elastic matching
* Multiple object tracking using flow linear programming
* Multiple Object Tracking Using K-Shortest Paths Optimization
* Multiple Object Tracking Using Local Motion Patterns
* Multiple Object Tracking Using Local PCA
* Multiple Object Tracking Using Motion Vectors from Compressed Video
* Multiple Object Tracking Via Multi-layer Multi-modal Framework
* Multiple Object Tracking via Prediction and Filtering with a Sobolev-Type Metric on Curves
* Multiple Object Tracking Via Species-Based Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multiple Object Tracking with Correlation Learning
* Multiple Object Tracking with Kernel Particle Filter
* Multiple Object Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters in Urban Mixed Traffic
* Multiple Object Tracking with Motion and Appearance Cues
* Multiple object tracking with segmentation and interactive multiple model
* Multiple object tracking: A literature review
* Multiple Objects Colour-Based Tracking using Multiple Cameras in Complex Time-Varying Outdoor Scenes
* Multiple objects segmentation based on maximum-likelihood estimation and optimum entropy-distribution (MLE-OED)
* Multiple objects segmentation with fuzzy rule-base trained topology adaptive active membrane
* Multiple Objects Tracking across Multiple Non-Overlapped Views
* Multiple objects tracking by a highly decisive three-frame differencing-combined-background subtraction method with GMPFM-GMPHD filters and VGG16-LSTM classifier
* Multiple objects tracking in the presence of long-term occlusions
* Multiple Objects Tracking via Topology Adaptive Active Membrane
* Multiple Objects Tracking with Multiple Hypotheses Dynamic Updating
* Multiple Objects Tracking with Multiple Hypotheses Graph Representation
* Multiple Occluding Objects Tracking Using a Non-Redundant Boundary-Based Representation for Image Sequence Interpolation After Decoding
* Multiple Ocular Diseases Classification with Graph Regularized Probabilistic Multi-label Learning
* Multiple One-Class Classifier Combination for Multi-class Classification
* Multiple One-shots for Utilizing Class Label Information
* Multiple operating mode ANFIS modelling for speed control of HSEMU
* Multiple Order Graph Matching
* Multiple Organs Segmentation in Abdomen CT Scans Using a Cascade of CNNs
* Multiple over-the-Horizon Radar Track Association
* Multiple Overlapping k-Space Junctions for Investigating Translating Objects (MOJITO)
* Multiple Pairwise Ranking Networks for Personalized Video Summarization
* Multiple parallel FPGA implementations of a Kolmogorov phase screen generator
* Multiple Parametric Motion Model Estimation and Segmentation
* Multiple parenting identification in image phylogeny
* Multiple Particle Tracking in 3-D+t Microscopy: Method and Application to the Tracking of Endocytosed Quantum Dots
* Multiple particle tracking in time-lapse synchrotron X-ray images using discriminative appearance and neighbouring topology learning
* Multiple path exploration for graph matching
* Multiple path search for action tube detection in videos
* Multiple Paths Extraction in Images Using a Constrained Expanded Trellis
* Multiple pattern classification by sparse subspace decomposition
* Multiple patterns of gradient magnitudes for face recognition
* Multiple pedestrian detection and tracking based on weighted temporal texture features
* Multiple Pedestrian Tracking From Monocular Videos in an Interacting Multiple Model Framework
* Multiple Pedestrian Tracking Using Colour and Motion Models
* Multiple Pedestrian Tracking With Graph Attention Map on Urban Road Scene
* Multiple Pedestrians and Vehicles Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Multiple pedestrians tracking algorithm by incorporating histogram of oriented gradient detections
* Multiple Penalized Principal Curves: Analysis and Computation
* Multiple people tracking and pose estimation with occlusion estimation
* Multiple People Tracking by Lifted Multicut and Person Re-identification
* Multiple People Tracking Using Appearance Model Based on Temporal Color
* multiple person eye contact (MPEC) teleconferencing system, A
* Multiple person re-identification using part based spatio-temporal color appearance model
* Multiple Person Tracking by Spatiotemporal Tracklet Association
* Multiple Persons Tracking with Data Fusion of Multiple Cameras and Sensing Floor Using Particle Filters
* Multiple Perspective Interactive Video Architecture for VSAM, A
* Multiple Perspective Interactive Video Surveillance and Monitoring
* Multiple Perspective Response of Vegetation to Drought on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, The
* Multiple piecewise constant with geodesic active contours (MPC-GAC) framework for interactive image segmentation using graph cut optimization
* Multiple Planar Object Tracking
* Multiple Plane Detection in Image Pairs Using J-Linkage
* Multiple Plane Segmentation Using Optical Flow
* Multiple planes based registration using 3D Projective Space for Augmented Reality
* Multiple Player Tracking in Sports Video: A Dual-Mode Two-Way Bayesian Inference Approach With Progressive Observation Modeling
* Multiple Point Boundary Smoothing Algorithm, A
* Multiple Point Light Estimation from Low-Quality 3D Reconstructions
* Multiple pose context trees for estimating human pose in object context
* Multiple Positives Enhanced NCE Loss for Image-Text Retrieval, A
* Multiple Priority Region of Interest Coding with H.264
* Multiple Pyramids Based Image Inpainting Using Local Patch Statistics and Steering Kernel Feature
* Multiple QoS priority based scheduling in cloud computing
* Multiple queries for large scale specific object retrieval
* Multiple Random Subset-Kernel Learning
* Multiple random walkers and their application to image cosegmentation
* Multiple Range Image Registration by Matching Local Log-Polar Range Images
* Multiple rank multi-linear SVM for matrix data classification
* Multiple Recognizers System Using Two Stage Combinations
* Multiple reconstruction and dynamic modeling of 3D digital objects using a morphing approach
* Multiple rectangle model for buildings segmentation and 3D scene reconstruction
* Multiple Reference Frame Transcoding from H.264/AVC to HEVC
* Multiple Reflection Effects In Nonlinear Mixture Model For Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Multiple Reflection Symmetry Detection via Linear-Directional Kernel Density Estimation
* Multiple Regimes in Operation of the Swiss Railway System and Potential Influences on Power Load
* Multiple Region Categorization for Scenery Images
* Multiple Regions and Their Spatial Relationship-Based Image Retrieval
* Multiple Regions of Interest Image Coding using Compensation Scheme and Alternating Shift
* Multiple Regression Analysis for Unmixing of Surface Temperature Data in an Urban Environment
* Multiple Relational Learning Network for Joint Referring Expression Comprehension and Segmentation
* Multiple Relaxation Time Lattice Boltzmann Models for Multigrid Phase-Field Segmentation of Tumors in 3D Ultrasound Images
* Multiple Remotely Sensed Lines of Evidence for a Depleting Seasonal Snowpack in the Near East
* multiple representation data structure for dynamic visualisation of generalised 3D city models, A
* Multiple representations and sparse representation for image classification
* Multiple Representations for Cartographic Objects in a Multiscale Tree: An Intelligent Graphical Zoom
* Multiple Resolution Bayesian Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* Multiple Resolution Edge Detectors to Improve Performance, Hierarchical, Multi-Scale
* Multiple Resolution Image Classification
* Multiple Resolution Image Restoration
* Multiple resolution image segmentation using four QP supports of 2D autoregressive model
* Multiple Resolution Imagery and Texture Analysis
* Multiple Resolution Prediction With Deep Up-Sampling for Depth Video Coding
* Multiple Resolution Representation and Probabilistic Matching of 2-D Gray-Scale Shape
* Multiple Resolution Residually Connected Feature Streams for Automatic Lung Tumor Segmentation From CT Images
* Multiple Resolution Segmentation of Textured Images
* Multiple Resolution Skeletons
* Multiple Resolution Texture Analysis and classification
* Multiple RFI Sources Location Method Combining Two-Dimensional ESPRIT DOA Estimation and Particle Swarm Optimization for Spaceborne SAR
* Multiple Robotic Wheelchair System Considering Group Communication
* Multiple Robustness Enhancements for Image Adaptive Steganography in Lossy Channels
* Multiple rotation symmetry group detection via saliency-based visual attention and Frieze expansion pattern
* Multiple sample group pairs' graph embedding for tracking
* Multiple scale-specific representations for improved human action recognition
* Multiple scale correlation of chirp signal by discrete wavelet transform
* Multiple scale correlation of signals by shift-invariant discrete wavelet transform
* Multiple Scale Faster-RCNN Approach to Driver's Cell-Phone Usage and Hands on Steering Wheel Detection
* Multiple Scattering in Cumulus Clouds
* Multiple Scattering Within the FLAIR Model Incorporating the Photon Recollision Probability Approach
* Multiple Sclerosis Detection and Analysis
* Multiple sclerosis identification in brain MRI images using wavelet convolutional neural networks
* Multiple sclerosis lesion quantification using fuzzy-connectedness principles
* Multiple Scrambling and Adaptive Synchronization for Audio Watermarking
* Multiple Sea Ice Type Retrieval Using the HaiYang-2B Scatterometer in the Arctic
* Multiple Semantic Matching on Augmented N-Partite Graph for Object Co-Segmentation
* Multiple Sensor Fusion and Classification for Moving Object Detection and Tracking
* Multiple Sensor Integration/Fusion through Image Processing: A Review
* Multiple Sequence Alignment Based Upon Statistical Approach of Curve Fitting
* Multiple Sequential Regularized Extreme Learning Machines for Single Image Super Resolution
* multiple server scheme for fingerprint fuzzy vaults, A
* Multiple Shape-from-Texture into Texture Analysis and Surface Segmentation
* Multiple shape models for simultaneous object classification and segmentation
* Multiple Shape Recognition Using Pairwise Geometric Histogram Based Algorithms
* Multiple shell structured hypercube feature maps for vector quantization of images
* Multiple Ship Tracking in Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning
* Multiple sign bits hiding for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Multiple Similarities Based Kernel Subspace Learning for Image Classification
* Multiple Skip Connections of Dilated Convolution Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Multiple Sound Sources Localization from Coarse to Fine
* Multiple sparse priors technique with optimized patches for brain source localization
* Multiple spatial watermarking technique in color images
* multiple spatio-temporal features fusion approach for short-term passenger flow forecasting in urban rail transit, A
* Multiple Speaker Tracking in Spatial Audio via PHD Filtering and Depth-Audio Fusion
* Multiple Spectral-Spatial Classification Approach for Hyperspectral Data
* Multiple Spectral Peak Tracking for Heart Rate Monitoring from Photoplethysmography Signal During Intensive Physical Exercise
* Multiple Spectral Resolution 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiple sperm tracking in microscopic videos using modified GM-PHD filter
* Multiple Spheres Detection Problem: Center Based Clustering Approach
* Multiple Stable States and Catastrophic Shifts in Coastal Wetlands: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities in Validating Theory Using Remote Sensing and Other Methods
* Multiple Stage Residual Model for Accurate Image Classification
* Multiple Stage Residual Model for Image Classification and Vector Compression
* Multiple statistical models for soft decision in noisy speech enhancement
* Multiple Stochastic Models for Recognition of Occluded Targets in SAR Images
* Multiple straight line detection based on labeling of pixels by Genetic Algorithm
* Multiple stream deep learning model for human action recognition
* Multiple strong and balanced cluster-based ensemble of deep learners
* Multiple Structure Recovery via Probabilistic Biclustering
* Multiple structure recovery via robust preference analysis
* Multiple structure recovery with maximum coverage
* Multiple Structured-Instance Learning for Semantic Segmentation with Uncertain Training Data
* Multiple Style Transfer Via Variational Autoencoder
* Multiple Subclass Pattern-Recognition: A Maximum Correlation Approach
* Multiple subsequence combination in human action recognition
* Multiple Subspace Model and Image-Inpainting Algorithm Based on Multiple Matrix Rank Minimization
* Multiple Subspaces-Based Model: Interpreting Urban Functional Regions with Big Geospatial Data, A
* Multiple Substructure Matching Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification, A
* Multiple Superpixel Graphs Learning Based on Adaptive Multiscale Segmentation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiple support vector machines for land cover change detection: An application for mapping urban extensions
* Multiple Target Direction of Arrival Tracking
* Multiple Target Localisation at over 100 Fps
* Multiple target performance evaluation model for HD video encoder VLSI architecture design
* Multiple Target Tracking Based on Position Matching and Feature Correlation
* Multiple Target Tracking Based on Undirected Hierarchical Relation Hypergraph
* Multiple target tracking by appearance-based condensation tracker using structure information
* Multiple Target Tracking by Learning-Based Hierarchical Association of Detection Responses
* Multiple Target Tracking in World Coordinate with Single, Minimally Calibrated Camera
* Multiple target tracking using cognitive data association of spatiotemporal prediction and visual similarity
* Multiple Target Tracking Using Frame Triplets
* Multiple Target Tracking Using Spatio-Temporal Markov Chain Monte Carlo Data Association
* Multiple target tracking with an efficient compact colour correlogram
* Multiple target tracking with lazy background subtraction and connected components analysis
* Multiple Target Tracking With Unresolved Measurements
* Multiple Targets Appearance Tracker Based on Object Interaction Models, A
* Multiple template matching using the expansion filter
* Multiple temporal texture detection using feature space mapping
* Multiple Testing Correction in Medical Image Analysis
* Multiple threshold perceptron
* Multiple Tissue Antigen Analysis by Sequential Immunofluorescence Staining and Multi-dimensional Image analysis
* Multiple Train Trajectory Optimization to Minimize Energy Consumption and Delay, A
* Multiple Trajectory Prediction of Moving Agents With Memory Augmented Networks
* Multiple Transfer Learning and Multi-label Balanced Training Strategies for Facial AU Detection In the Wild
* Multiple transformation function estimation for image enhancement
* Multiple Tree Models for Occlusion and Spatial Constraints in Human Pose Estimation
* Multiple Tree Video Multicast Over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* Multiple UAV Flights across the Growing Season Can Characterize Fine Scale Phenological Heterogeneity within and among Vegetation Functional Groups
* Multiple Uses of A 3D Point Cloud: the Castle of Franchimont (province Of LiÈge, Belgium)
* Multiple vector representations of images and robust dictionary learning
* Multiple Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Hard Real Time
* Multiple Vehicles and People Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using Stack of Micro Single-Object-Tracking CNNs
* Multiple Velocity Fields Approach to the Detection of Pedestrians Interactions Using HMM and Data Association Filters, A
* Multiple Video Delivery in m-Health Emergency Applications
* Multiple Video Frame Interpolation via Enhanced Deformable Separable Convolution
* Multiple View 2D-3D Mutual Information Registration
* Multiple view based 3D object classification using ensemble learning of local subspaces
* Multiple View Based Building Modeling with Multi-box Grammar
* Multiple View Camera Calibration for Localization
* Multiple View Feature Descriptors from Image Sequences via Kernel Principal Component Analysis
* Multiple View Geometries for Mirrors and Cameras
* Multiple View Geometry and the L_inf-norm
* Multiple View Geometry for Curvilinear Motion Cameras
* Multiple View Geometry for Non-rigid Motions Viewed from Curvilinear Motion Projective Cameras
* Multiple View Geometry for Non-rigid Motions Viewed from Translational Cameras
* Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision
* Multiple View Geometry in Dynamic Environment
* Multiple View Geometry in the Space-Time
* Multiple View Geometry of General Algebraic Curves
* Multiple View Geometry of Non-planar Algebraic Curves
* Multiple View Geometry of Projector-Camera Systems from Virtual Mutual Projection
* Multiple View Geometry under Projective Projection in Space-Time
* Multiple View Geometry
* Multiple view human articulated tracking using charting and particle swarm optimisation
* Multiple view image denoising using 3D focus image stacks
* Multiple view image denoising
* Multiple View Image Reconstruction: A Harmonic Approach
* Multiple View Integration and Display Using Virtual Mirrors
* Multiple View Layered Representation for Dynamic Novel View Synthesis, A
* Multiple View Object Cosegmentation Using Appearance and Stereo Cues
* Multiple View Reconstruction of a Quadric of Revolution from Its Occluding Contours
* Multiple view reconstruction of people
* Multiple view semantic segmentation for street view images
* Multiple view semi-supervised dimensionality reduction
* Multiple View Stereo by Reflectance Modeling
* Multiple View Stereo with quadtree-guided priors
* Multiple View Surface Registration with Error Modeling and Analysis
* Multiple view tracking of humans modelled by kinematic chains
* Multiple view, multiple target tracking with principal axis-based data association
* Multiple Viewpoint Recognition and Localization
* Multiple views based human motion tracking in surveillance videos
* Multiple Views Gait Recognition Using View Transformation Model Based on Optimized Gait Energy Image
* Multiple Views Tracking of Maritime Targets
* Multiple Views, Space Carving
* Multiple Visual Models Based Perceptive Analysis Framework for Multilevel Video Summarization, A
* Multiple vocabulary coding for 3D shape retrieval using Bag of Covariances
* Multiple Watermarking in Visual Cryptography
* Multiple Watermarking Using Multilevel Quantization Index Modulation
* Multiple Watermarking with Side Information
* Multiple Wavelet Basis Image Denoising Using Besov Ball Projections
* Multiple Wavelet Pooling for CNNs
* Multiple Wavelet Threshold Estimation by Generalized Cross Validation for Images with Correlated Noise
* Multiple weighted prediction models for video coding with brightness variations
* Multiple Widths Yield Reliable Finite Differences
* Multiple Window Parameter Transform, The
* Multiplex Cellular Communities in Multi-Gigapixel Colorectal Cancer Histology Images for Tissue Phenotyping
* Multiplex Image Projection Using Multi-band Projectors
* Multiplex Transformed Tensor Decomposition for Multidimensional Image Recovery
* Multiplexed Analysis of Proteins in Tissue Using Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging
* Multiplexed clustered-dot halftone watermarks using bi-directional phase modulation and detection
* Multiplexed fluorescence unmixing
* Multiplexed Illumination for Measuring BRDF Using an Ellipsoidal Mirror and a Projector
* Multiplexed illumination for scene recovery in the presence of global illumination
* Multiplexed Network for End-to-End, Multilingual OCR, A
* Multiplexed real-time pyramid signal processing system
* Multiplexing digital television sources on ATM networks
* Multiplexing for Optimal Lighting
* Multiplexing of variable rate encoded streams
* Multiplexing VBR Video Sequences onto a CBR Channel with Lexicographic Optimization
* Multiplexing Video Traffic Using Frame-skipping Aggregation Technique
* Multiplication-Free Approximate Algorithm for the Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Multiplication-Free Approximate Algorithms for Compressed-Domain Linear Operations on Images
* Multiplication-Free Estimation of Integer Frequency Offset for OFDM-Based DRM Systems
* Multiplication-free fast codeword search algorithm using Haar transform with squared-distance measure
* Multiplication-Free One-Bit Transform for Low-Complexity Block-Based Motion Estimation
* Multiplication free vector quantization using L1 distortion measure and its variants
* Multiplicationless Burt and Adelson's Pyramids for Motion Estimation
* Multiplicative-Regularized FFT Twofold Subspace-Based Optimization Method for Inverse Scattering Problems
* Multiplicative Background-Foreground Estimation Under Uncontrolled Illumination using Intrinsic Images
* Multiplicative bases approach in mathematical cybernetics
* Multiplicative Calculus in Biomedical Image Analysis
* Multiplicative filtering in the fractional Fourier domain
* Multiplicative Fourier Level of Detail
* Multiplicative Iterative Algorithm for Box-Constrained Penalized Likelihood Image Restoration, A
* Multiplicative kernels: Object detection, segmentation and pose estimation
* Multiplicative Long Short-Term Memory with Improved Mayfly Optimization for LULC Classification
* Multiplicative Model of Appearance for Visual Tracking, A
* Multiplicative multiresolution decomposition for 2D signals: application to speckle reduction in sar images
* Multiplicative Noise and Blur Removal by Framelet Decomposition and l_1 -Based L-Curve Method
* Multiplicative Noise Channel in Generative Adversarial Networks
* Multiplicative Noise Cleaning via a Variational Method Involving Curvelet Coefficients
* Multiplicative Noise Removal Based on the Smooth Diffusion Equation
* Multiplicative Noise Removal for Texture Images Based on Adaptive Anisotropic Fractional Diffusion Equations
* Multiplicative Noise Removal Using L1 Fidelity on Frame Coefficients
* Multiplicative Noise Removal Using Variable Splitting and Constrained Optimization
* Multiplicative Noise Removal via a Learned Dictionary
* Multiplicative Noise Removal via a Novel Variational Model
* Multiplicative Noise Removal via Nonlocal Similarity-Based Sparse Representation
* Multiplicative Noise Removal With Spatially Varying Regularization Parameters
* Multiplicative Noise Removal
* Multiplicative Noise Removal: Nonlocal Low-Rank Model and Its Proximal Alternating Reweighted Minimization Algorithm
* Multiplicative nonnegative graph embedding
* Multiplicative Operator Splittings in Nonlinear Diffusion: From Spatial Splitting to Multiple Timesteps
* Multiplicative Path Toward Prior-Shape Guided Active Contour for Object Detection, The
* Multiplicative Regularization Approach for Deblurring Problems, A
* Multiplicative update rules for incremental training of multiclass support vector machines
* Multiplicative Update Rules for Multilinear Support Tensor Machines
* Multiplicative updates algorithm to minimize the generalized total variation functional with a non-negativity constraint
* Multiplicative Updates for Learning with Stochastic Matrices
* multiplicative video watermarking robust to H.264/AVC compression standard, A
* Multiplicative Watermark Decoder in Contourlet Domain Using the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution
* Multiplier-Free Bandpass Channelizer for Undersampled Applications
* Multiplier-free implementation of DCT used in image and video processing and compression
* Multiplier-Less Stream Processor for 2D Filtering in Visual Search Applications
* Multiplierless 16-point DCT approximation for low-complexity image and video coding
* Multiplierless Design of Biorthogonal Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform using Lifting Scheme
* Multiplierless Fast DCT Algorithms with Minimal Approximation Errors
* Multiplierless Filter Bank Design: Structures That Improve Both Hardware and Image Compression Performance
* Multiplierless Implementation of Rotators and FFTs
* multiplierless letter-box converter for displaying 16:9 images on a 4:3 screen, A
* Multiplierless PR Quadrature Mirror Filters for Subband Image-coding
* multiplierless pruned DCT-like transformation for image and video compression that requires ten additions only, A
* Multiplierless Reversible Color Transforms and Their Automatic Selection for Image Data Compression
* Multiplierless Winograd and Prime Factor FFT Implementation
* Multiply-rooted multiscale models for large-scale estimation
* Multipoint Cooperative Transmission for Virtual Reality in 5G New Radio
* Multipoint Filtering with Local Polynomial Approximation and Range Guidance
* Multipoint Relaying Versus Chain-Branch-Leaf Clustering Performance in Optimized Link State Routing-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Multipolar Acoustic Source Reconstruction From Sparse Far-Field Data Using ALOHA
* Multipolarimetric SAR Image Change Detection Based on Multiscale Feature-Level Fusion
* Multipolarization Through-Wall Radar Imaging Using Low-Rank and Jointly-Sparse Representations
* Multipole-motivated reduced-state estimation
* Multipopulation Multiobjective Ant Colony System Considering Travel and Prevention Costs for Vehicle Routing in COVID-19-Like Epidemics, A
* MultiPoseNet: Fast Multi-Person Pose Estimation Using Pose Residual Network
* MultiPoseSeg: Feedback Knowledge Transfer for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation
* Multiprimitive segmentation based on meaningful breakpoints for fitting digital planar curves with line segments and conic arcs
* Multiprimitive Segmentation of Planar Curves: A Two-Level Breakpoint Classification and Tuning Approach
* Multipriority video transmission for third-generation wireless communication systems
* Multiprocessor 3D Vision System for Pick and Place
* multiprocessor 3D vision system for pick and place, A
* Multiprocessor architecture for real-time applications using mean shift clustering
* Multiprocessor Computing for Images
* Multiprocessor Implementation of the Randomized Hough Transform
* Multiprocessor performance for real-time processing of video coding applications
* Multiprocessor Pyramid Architectures for Bottom-Up Image Analysis
* multiprocessor system for multiple image recognition: Application to automatic routing system, A
* Multipurpose audio watermarking
* Multipurpose GIS Portal for Forest Management, Research, and Education
* Multipurpose Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Multistage Vector Quantization
* Multipurpose image watermarking in the domain of DWT based on SVD and ABC
* Multipurpose strategic planning in the game of Go
* Multipurpose watermarking for image authentication and protection
* Multiransac Algorithm and its Application to Detect Planar Homographies, The
* Multirate-Based Fast Parallel Algorithms for 2-D DHT-Based Real-Valued Discrete Gabor Transform
* Multirate 3-D subband coding of video
* Multirate Coding of 3d Medical Data
* Multirate Kalman Filtering Approach for Optimal Two-Dimensional Signal Reconstruction from Noisy Subband Systems
* Multirate signal processing on finite fields
* Multirate, Two-dimensional Channel Coding for Optical Page Memories
* Multireader multicase variance analysis for binary data
* Multiregion competition: A level set extension of region competition to multiple region image partitioning
* Multiregion Image Segmentation by Parametric Kernel Graph Cuts
* Multiregion Level-Set Partitioning of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Multiregion level-set segmentation of synthetic aperture radar images
* Multiregion Level Set Tracking with Transformation Invariant Shape Priors
* Multiregion Multiscale Image Segmentation with Anisotropic Diffusion
* Multiregional Coverage Path Planning for Multiple Energy Constrained UAVs
* Multirelay Cooperation Method for Wireless Transmission of MWD and LWD Signals, A
* Multiresolution-Based Image Fusion with Additive Wavelet Decomposition
* multiresolution-based method for the determination of the relative resolution between images: First application to remote sensing and medical images, A
* Multiresolution-Based Segmentation of Calcifications for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer
* Multiresolution-Based Texture Adaptive Algorithm for High-Quality Deinterlacing
* Multiresolution-based watersheds for efficient image segmentation
* Multiresolution-based weighted regularization for denoised image interpolation from scattered samples with application to confocal microscopy
* Multiresolution-histogram Indexing and Relevance Feedback Learning for Image Retrieval
* Multiresolution 3-D Range Segmentation Using Focus Cues
* Multiresolution 3-D Reconstruction From Side-Scan Sonar Images
* Multiresolution 3D facial model compression
* Multiresolution 3d mesh compression
* Multiresolution Active Contour Models in Textured Stereo Images
* Multiresolution Adaptive Filtering of Signal-Dependent Noise Based on a Generalized Laplacian Pyramid
* Multiresolution Adaptive Image Segmentation based on Global and Local Statistics
* Multiresolution Adaptive Image Smoothing
* multiresolution adaptive VQ based still image codec with application to progressive image transmission, A
* Multiresolution Aerial Image Interpretation
* Multiresolution Algorithm for Rotation-Invariant Matching of Planar Shapes, A
* Multiresolution Algorithm for Signal and Image Registration, A
* Multiresolution Algorithms in Computational Vision
* Multiresolution analysis and orthogonal wavelets associated with fractional wavelet transform
* Multiresolution Analysis for Meshes with Appearance Attributes
* Multiresolution Analysis for Optimal Binary Filters
* Multiresolution Analysis in Extraction of Reference Lines from Documents with Gray-Level Background
* Multiresolution Analysis of 3D Images Based on Discrete Distortion
* Multiresolution Analysis of Ridges and Valleys in Grey-Scale Images
* Multiresolution Analysis of Triangle Surface Meshes with Lifting Scheme, The
* Multiresolution and Hybrid Bayesian Algorithms for Automatic Detection of Change Points
* Multiresolution and Wide-Scope Depth Estimation Using a Dual-PTZ-Camera System
* Multiresolution approach based on adaptive superpixels for administrative documents segmentation into color layers
* multiresolution approach for contour extraction from brain images, A
* multiresolution approach for enhancement and denoising of microscopy images, A
* Multiresolution Approach for Non-Contact Measurements of Arterial Pulse using Thermal Imaging
* Multiresolution Approach for Page Segmentation, A
* multiresolution approach for rotation invariant texture image retrieval with orthogonal polynomials model, A
* Multiresolution Approach for Shape from Shading Coupling Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization, A
* multiresolution approach for texture synthesis using the circular harmonic functions, A
* Multiresolution Approach in Computing NTF
* Multiresolution approach to automatic detection of spherical particles from electron cryomicroscopy images
* Multiresolution Approach to Biomedical Image Segmentation with Statistical Models of Appearance
* multiresolution approach to color image restoration and parameter estimation using homotopy continuation method, A
* Multiresolution Approach to Computer Verification of Handwritten Signatures, A
* Multiresolution Approach to Discrimination in SAR Imagery, A
* Multiresolution Approach to Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms in X-Ray Computed Tomography, A
* multiresolution approach to on-line handwriting segmentation and feature extraction, A
* multiresolution approach to texture segmentation using neural networks, A
* multiresolution approach to the 3D reconstruction of a 50S ribosome from an EM-tilt series solving the alignment problem without gold particles, A
* Multiresolution approach to three-dimensional stereo vision
* multiresolution approach to trajectory description, A
* Multiresolution Approach to Visual Pattern Partitioning of 3D Images
* Multiresolution approaches to adaptive speckle reduction in synthetic aperture radar images
* Multiresolution Approximation and Wavelet Orthogonal Bases of L2(R)
* Multiresolution approximation using shifted splines
* Multiresolution attention and associative memory systems for time-varying imagery
* Multiresolution Based Contrast Analysis of Images
* Multiresolution Based Gaussian Mixture Model for Background Suppression
* Multiresolution Based Method for Recognizing Weeds in Corn Fields, A
* Multiresolution Bilateral Filtering for Image Denoising
* Multiresolution block sampling-based method for texture synthesis
* Multiresolution chain coding of contours
* Multiresolution co-clustering for uncalibrated multiview segmentation
* Multiresolution Codebook Design for Wavelet/VQ Image Coding
* Multiresolution Color Image Segmentation
* Multiresolution Compression and Visualization of Global Topographic Data
* Multiresolution Compressive Feature Fusion for Spectral Image Classification
* Multiresolution Computation of Visible-Surface Representations
* Multiresolution Contourlet Transform Fusion Based Depth Map Super Resolution
* Multiresolution cooperation makes easier document structure recognition
* multiresolution DCT-based blind blur quality measure, A
* Multiresolution decomposition for triangular mesh geometry coding based on structuring surrounding vertices
* Multiresolution Deep Implicit Functions for 3D Shape Representation
* multiresolution descriptor for deformable 3D shape retrieval, A
* Multiresolution Design of Aperture Operators
* Multiresolution Detection of Coherent Radar Targets
* Multiresolution Detection of Persistent Scatterers: A Performance Comparison Between Multilook GLRT and CAESAR
* Multiresolution detection of spiculated lesions in digital mammograms
* Multiresolution Detection of Stellate Lesions in Mammograms
* Multiresolution discontinuity-preserving surface reconstruction
* Multiresolution Distance Measure for Images, A
* Multiresolution distance volumes for progressive surface compression
* Multiresolution Dynamic Image Representation with Uniform and Foveal Spiral Scan Data
* Multiresolution Edge-Detection Techniques
* Multiresolution edge adaptive algorithm for low bit rate image coding
* Multiresolution Edge Labelling Using Hierarchical Relaxation
* Multiresolution Elastic Matching
* Multiresolution EM Algorithm for Unsupervised Image Classification Using a Quadtree Model, A
* Multiresolution energy minimisation framework for stereo matching
* Multiresolution estimates of classification complexity
* Multiresolution Estimation of 2-D Disparity Using a Frequency Domain Approach
* Multiresolution face recognition
* Multiresolution feature detection using a family of isotropic bandpass filters
* Multiresolution Feature Extraction and Selection for Texture Segmentation
* Multiresolution fMRI activation detection using translation invariant wavelet transform and statistical analysis based on resampling
* Multiresolution Fourier Descriptors for Multiresolution Shape Analysis
* Multiresolution fragile watermarking using complex chirp signal for content integrity verification
* Multiresolution fragile watermarking using complex chirp signals for content authentication
* multiresolution framework for local similarity based image denoising, A
* multiresolution framework for stereoscopic image sequence compression, A
* Multiresolution Frequency Domain Method for Estimating Affine Motion Parameters, A
* Multiresolution Gauss-Markov Random-Field Models for Texture Segmentation
* Multiresolution Gaussian Mixture Models for Visual Motion Estimation
* Multiresolution genetic clustering algorithm for texture segmentation
* Multiresolution GMRF Models for Image Segmentation
* multiresolution gradient vector field skeleton, The
* Multiresolution Graph Fourier Transform for Compression of Piecewise Smooth Images
* Multiresolution Gray-Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns
* Multiresolution Grid Structure Applied to Seafloor Shape Modeling, A
* Multiresolution Hidden Markov Trees for Analysis of Automatic Target Recognition Algorithms
* Multiresolution Hierarchical Approach to Image Segmentation Based on Intensity Extrema, A
* multiresolution hierarchical classification algorithm for filtering airborne LiDAR data, A
* Multiresolution Hierarchy Co-Clustering for Semantic Segmentation in Sequences with Small Variations
* Multiresolution Histogram Analysis for Color Reduction
* Multiresolution Histograms and Their Use for Recognition
* Multiresolution Histograms for SVM-Based Texture Classification
* Multiresolution Hough Transform -- An Efficient Method of Detecting Patterns in Images
* Multiresolution Hybrid Neuro-Markovian Image Modeling and Segmentation, A
* Multiresolution Image Acquisition and Surface Reconstruction
* Multiresolution image analysis using dual fresnel transform pairs and application to medical image denoising
* Multiresolution image compression with BSP trees and multilevel BTC
* Multiresolution Image Dynamic Thresholding
* Multiresolution Image Motion Detection and Displacement Estimation
* Multiresolution image registration
* Multiresolution Image Representation Using Combined 2-D and 1-D Directional Filter Banks
* Multiresolution Image Segmentation for Region-Based Motion Estimation and Compensation
* Multiresolution image segmentation integrating Gibbs sampler and region merging algorithm
* Multiresolution Image Segmentation Technique Based on Pyramidal Segmentation and Fuzzy Clustering, A
* Multiresolution Image Sensor
* Multiresolution Image Shape Description
* Multiresolution Imaging
* Multiresolution Imaging: An End-to-End Assessment
* Multiresolution Implicit Object Modeling
* Multiresolution in Astronomical Image-Processing: A General Framework
* Multiresolution interactive modeling with efficient visualization
* Multiresolution Isosurface Fitting on a Surface Octree
* Multiresolution Knowledge Distillation for Anomaly Detection
* Multiresolution LDBP descriptors for texture classification using anisotropic diffusion with an application to wood texture analysis
* Multiresolution Level-set Approach to Surface Fusion, A
* Multiresolution linear discriminant analysis: efficient extraction of geometrical structures in images
* Multiresolution Local-Statistics Speckle Filtering Based on a Ratio Laplacian Pyramid
* Multiresolution localization and segmentation of the optical disc in fundus images using inpainted background and vessel information
* Multiresolution Localization With Temporal Scanning for Super-Resolution Diffuse Optical Imaging of Fluorescence
* Multiresolution Locally Expanded Honn for Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Multiresolution Lossless Compression Scheme
* Multiresolution Lossy-to-Lossless Coding of MRI Objects
* Multiresolution mammogram analysis in multilevel decomposition
* Multiresolution MAP Despeckling of SAR Images Based on Locally Adaptive Generalized Gaussian pdf Modeling
* Multiresolution Markovian Fusion Model for the Color Visualization of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Multiresolution maximum intensity volume rendering by morphological adjunction pyramids
* Multiresolution Mesh Reconstruction from Noisy 3D Point Sets
* Multiresolution method for reconstructing the cross sections of coronary arteries from biplane angiograms
* Multiresolution Methodology for Signal-Level Fusion and Data Assimilation with Applications to Remote Sensing, A
* Multiresolution model development for overlapping trees via canonical correlation analysis
* Multiresolution Models for Object Detection
* Multiresolution Models for Topographic Surface Description
* Multiresolution moment filters
* Multiresolution Moment Filters: Theory and Applications
* Multiresolution Monogenic Signal Analysis Using the Riesz-Laplace Wavelet Transform
* Multiresolution Mosaic
* Multiresolution Motion Analysis Combining Feature-Based and Featureless Estimates
* multiresolution motion estimation technique with indexing, A
* Multiresolution Motion Estimation Techniques for Video Compression
* Multiresolution Motion Estimation/Segmentation Incorporating Feature Correspondence and Optical Flow
* Multiresolution Motion Planning for Autonomous Agents via Wavelet-Based Cell Decompositions
* Multiresolution Motion Segmentation
* Multiresolution Multimodal Sensor Fusion for Remote Sensing Data With Label Uncertainty
* Multiresolution Multiresource Progressive Image Transmission
* Multiresolution non-rigid image registration method and its application to removal of normal anatomic structures in chest radiographs
* multiresolution nonparametric regression and image de-noising, A
* Multiresolution object-of-interest detection for images with low depth of field
* Multiresolution Object Detection and Delineation
* Multiresolution Optical Flow Computation of Spherical Images
* Multiresolution Optical Flow Estimation using Adaptive Shifting
* Multiresolution Optimal Interpolation and Statistical Analysis of Topex/Poseidon Satellite Altimetry
* Multiresolution Parameter Choice Method for Total Variation Regularized Tomography
* Multiresolution Parametric Estimation of Transparent Motions
* Multiresolution Pattern Spectrum and Its Application to Optimization of Nonlinear Filter
* Multiresolution permutation filter implementations based on acyclic connected graphs
* Multiresolution Permutation Filters Based on Decision Trees
* Multiresolution Phase Unwrapping for SAR Interferometry
* Multiresolution polygonal approximation of digital curves
* Multiresolution Probability Analysis of Gray-Scaled Images
* Multiresolution probability analysis of random fields
* Multiresolution Progressive Image Transmission with Storage and Transmission Time Constraints
* Multiresolution Random Field Based Model for Image Segmentation, A
* Multiresolution recognition of offline handwritten Chinese characters with wavelet transform
* Multiresolution Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals with Wavelet Transform and Multilayer Cluster Neural-Network
* Multiresolution reconstruction in fan-beam tomography
* Multiresolution registration of remote sensing imagery by optimization of mutual information using a stochastic gradient
* Multiresolution Relaxation: Experiments and Evaluations
* Multiresolution Representations and Wavelets
* Multiresolution Robust Watermarking Approach for Scalable Wavelet Image Compression, A
* Multiresolution Rotation Invariant Simultaneous Auto Regressive Model for Texture Analysis
* Multiresolution Sampling Procedure for Analysis and Synthesis of Texture Images
* Multiresolution Search of the Rigid Motion Space for Intensity-Based Registration
* Multiresolution Segmentation of Natural Images: From Linear to Nonlinear Scale-Space Representations
* Multiresolution Segmentation Using the Irregular Pyramid
* Multiresolution Segmentation: A Parallel Approach for High Resolution Image Segmentation in Multicore Architectures
* Multiresolution sequential edge linking
* Multiresolution Shape Codes with Applications to Image Retrieval
* multiresolution shape description algorithm, A
* Multiresolution Shape Description by Corners
* Multiresolution Shape from Shading
* Multiresolution shape matching for image fusion
* Multiresolution Shape Modeling and Editing in Reverse Engineering
* Multiresolution skeletonization an electrostatic field-based approach
* Multiresolution Skeletonization in Binary Pyramids
* Multiresolution Spatial Partitioning for Shape Representation
* multiresolution spatiotemporal motion segmentation technique for video sequences based on pyramidal structures, A
* Multiresolution Spline with Applications to Image Mosaics, A
* Multiresolution spot detection by means of entropy thresholding
* Multiresolution statistical analysis of high-resolution digital mammograms
* Multiresolution Statistical Object Recognition
* Multiresolution Stereo Image Matching Using Complex Wavelets
* Multiresolution Stereo: A Bayesian Approach
* Multiresolution Stochastic Hybrid Shape Models with Fractal Priors
* Multiresolution stochastic imaging of satellite oceanographic altimetric data
* Multiresolution Stochastic Level Set Method for Mumford-Shah Image Segmentation, A
* Multiresolution Subdivision Snakes
* Multiresolution subspace-based optimization method for inverse scattering problems
* Multiresolution Supervised Classification of Panchromatic and Multispectral Images by Markov Random Fields and Graph Cuts
* Multiresolution Support Applied to Image Filtering and Restoration
* Multiresolution Surface Feature Analysis for Automatic Target Identification Based on Laser Radar Images
* Multiresolution Surface Modeling Based on Hierarchical Triangulation
* Multiresolution Surface Parameter Estimation for Range Images
* Multiresolution synthetic fingerprint generation
* Multiresolution Technique for the Classification of Precipitation Echoes in Radar Data, A
* multiresolution technique for video indexing and retrieval, A
* Multiresolution Texture Analysis of Surface Reflection Images
* multiresolution texture gradient method for unsupervised segmentation, A
* Multiresolution Texture Segmentation Approach with Application to Diagnostic Ultrasound Images, A
* Multiresolution Texture Signatures Using Min-Max Operators
* Multiresolution Threshold Selection Method Based on Training, A
* multiresolution time domain approach to RF image formation, A
* Multiresolution tomographic reconstruction using wavelets
* Multiresolution transmission of video using an EZW coder with GA generated motion vectors
* Multiresolution Tree Networks for 3D Point Cloud Processing
* Multiresolution using multisplines for image compression
* Multiresolution Vector Data Compression Algorithm Based on Space Division, A
* Multiresolution Vector Quantization for Video Coding
* Multiresolution Video Coding Based on Kalman Filtering Motion Estimation
* Multiresolution video object extraction fitted to scalable wavelet-based object coding
* Multiresolution Video Watermarking Using Perceptual Models and Scene Segmentation
* Multiresolution visualization of massive black oil reservoir models
* Multiresolution Watermark for Digital Images, A
* Multiresolution Watermarking for Digital Images
* Multiresolution Watermarking for Images and Video
* Multiresolution watermarking for images and video: a unified approach
* Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis of Digital Mammograms Using Gaussian Markov Random Field Model, A
* multiresolution Wavelet Scheme for Irregularly Subdivided 3D Triangular Mesh, A
* Multiresolution Weed Recognition Method based on Multispectral Image Processing, A
* Multiresolution, Hierarchical Restoration Techniques
* Multiresolutional Approach to 3D Object Recognition, A
* multiresolutional coding method based on SPIHT, A
* Multiresolutional regularization of local linear regression over adaptive neighborhoods for color management
* Multirobot convoying using neuro-fuzzy control
* Multirobot Cooperative Path Optimization Approach for Multiobjective Coverage in a Congestion Risk Environment
* Multirobot Cooperative Patrolling Strategy for Moving Objects
* Multirobot Coordination for Space Exploration
* Multirobot Exploration of Communication-Restricted Environments: A Survey
* Multirobot Object Localization: A Fuzzy Fusion Approach
* Multirobot Path-Planning Strategy for Autonomous Wilderness Search and Rescue, A
* Multirobot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Using Manifold Representations
* Multirobot systems: a classification focused on coordination
* MultiRPN-DIDNet: Multiple RPNs and Distance-IoU Discriminative Network for Real-Time UAV Target Tracking
* Multisample-Based Contrastive Loss for Top-K Recommendation
* Multisatellite-Based Feeding Habitat Suitability Modeling of Albacore Tuna in the Southern Atlantic Ocean
* Multisatellite Multisensor Observations of a Sub-Plinian Volcanic Eruption: The 2015 Calbuco Explosive Event in Chile
* Multiscalar rock recognition using active vision
* Multiscale (inter/intra-frame) fractal video coding
* Multiscale 2D Kalman filtering based on wavelet transform
* Multiscale 3-D Shape Representation and Segmentation Using Spherical Wavelets
* Multiscale 3D-Shift Graph Convolution Network for Emotion Recognition From Human Actions
* Multiscale 3D Feature Extraction and Matching
* Multiscale Active Contours
* Multiscale adaptive image restoration in the wavelet domain
* Multiscale adaptive regularisation Savitzky-Golay method for speckle noise reduction in ultrasound images
* Multiscale Adjacent Superpixel-Based Extended Multi-Attribute Profiles Embedded Multiple Kernel Learning Method for Hyperspectral Classification
* Multiscale Algorithm for Closed Contour Matching in Image Sequence, A
* Multiscale AM-FM analysis of pneumoconiosis x-ray images
* Multiscale AM-FM decompositions with GPU acceleration for diabetic retinopathy screening
* Multiscale AM-FM Demodulation and Image Reconstruction Methods With Improved Accuracy
* Multiscale AM-FM Methods for Diabetic Retinopathy Lesion Detection
* Multiscale Analysis for Images on Riemannian Manifolds
* Multiscale Analysis from 1D Parametric Geometric Decomposition of Shapes
* Multiscale Analysis Model Applied to Natural Surfaces, A
* Multiscale Analysis of Digital Segments by Intersection of 2D Digital Lines
* Multiscale Analysis of DInSAR Measurements for Multi-Source Investigation at Uturuncu Volcano (Bolivia)
* Multiscale Analysis of Geometric Planar Deformations: Application to Wild Animal Electronic Tracking and Satellite Ocean Observation Data
* Multiscale Analysis of Intensive Longitudinal Biomedical Signals and Its Clinical Applications
* Multiscale analysis of movies for depth recovery
* Multiscale Analysis of Reflected Radiation on Lunar Surface Region Based on MRRT Model
* Multiscale Analysis of Spatial Accessibility to Acute Hospitals in Carinthia, Austria
* Multiscale analysis of tortuosity in retinal images using wavelets and fractal methods
* Multiscale Analysis of Volumetric Motion Field Using General Order Prior
* Multiscale anchor box and optimized classification with faster R-CNN for object detection
* Multiscale and Hierarchical Feature Extraction Method for Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Cloud Classification, A
* Multiscale and local search methods for real time region tracking with particle filters: local search driven by adaptive scale estimation on GPUs
* Multiscale and Multi-Perturbation Blind Forensic Technique for Median Detecting, A
* Multiscale and multidirection depth map super resolution with semantic inference
* Multiscale and Multidirectional Multilooking for SAR Image Enhancement
* Multiscale and multidirectional tight frames for image analysis
* Multiscale and Multifeature Normalized Cut Segmentation for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multiscale and Multifeature Segmentation of High-Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Superpixels with Mutual Optimal Strategy
* Multiscale and multiorientation feature extraction with degenerative patterns for 3D neuroimaging retrieval
* Multiscale and Multiorientation Recognition Technique Applied to Document Interpretation: Application to the French Telephone Network Maps, A
* Multiscale and Multisource Classification using Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Multiscale and multisource data fusion for full-coverage PM2.5 concentration mapping: Can spatial pattern recognition come with modeling accuracy?
* Multiscale and Multitask Deep Learning Framework for Automatic Building Extraction, A
* Multiscale and Multitemporal Remote Sensing for Neolithic Settlement Detection and Protection: The Case of Gorjani, Croatia
* Multiscale and Multitemporal Road Detection from High Resolution SAR Images Using Attention Mechanism
* Multiscale And Multitemporal Urban Remote Sensing
* Multiscale Anisotropic Filtering of Color Images
* Multiscale Anisotropic Texture Analysis and Classification of Photographic Prints: Art scholarship meets image processing algorithms
* Multiscale Annealing for Grouping and Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
* Multiscale Annealing for Real-Time Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
* Multiscale Antidiffusion Approach for Gaussian Blurred Images, A
* Multiscale Approach for Recognizing Complex Annotations in Engineering Documents, A
* Multiscale Approach for Thinning Ridges of Fingerprint
* Multiscale Approach for Three-Dimensional Conformal Image Registration
* multiscale approach to connectivity, A
* Multiscale Approach to Deep Blind Image Quality Assessment, A
* Multiscale Approach to Image Sequence-Analysis
* Multiscale Approach to Restoring Scanned Color Document Images with Show-Through Effects, A
* Multiscale Assimilation Approach to Improve Fine-Resolution Leaf Area Index Dynamics, A
* Multiscale Assimilation of Sentinel and Landsat Data for Soil Moisture and Leaf Area Index Predictions Using an Ensemble-Kalman-Filter-Based Assimilation Approach in a Heterogeneous Ecosystem
* Multiscale Attention-Based Prototypical Network For Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Multiscale attention network for retinal vein occlusion classification with multicolor image
* Multiscale Attentive Image De-Raining Networks via Neural Architecture Search
* Multiscale Autoconvolution Histograms for Affine Invariant Pattern Recognition
* Multiscale bayesian segmentation using a trainable context model
* Multiscale Bi-Gaussian Filter for Adjacent Curvilinear Structures Detection With Application to Vasculature Images
* Multiscale bilateral filtering to detect 3D interest points
* Multiscale Blob Features for Gray Scale, Rotation and Spatial Scale Invariant Texture Classification
* Multiscale Blob Representation of Mammographic Parenchymal Patterns and Mammographic Risk Assessment, A
* Multiscale Blood Vessel Delineation Using B-COSFIRE Filters
* Multiscale Blur Estimation and Edge Type Classification for Scene Analysis
* Multiscale Boundary Identification for Medical Images
* multiscale bowler-hat transform for blood vessel enhancement in retinal images, The
* Multiscale Categorical Object Recognition Using Contour Fragments
* Multiscale Centerline Detection by Learning a Scale-Space Distance Transform
* Multiscale Centerline Detection
* Multiscale Change Detection Domain Adaptation Model Based on Illumination-Reflection Decoupling
* Multiscale Change Detection Technique Robust to Registration Noise, A
* Multiscale Characterization of Texture Anistropy
* Multiscale Classification of Remote Sensing Images
* Multiscale Classification Using Complex Wavelets and Hidden Markov Tree Models
* Multiscale Classification Using Nearest Neighbor Density Estimates
* Multiscale Classifier, The
* Multiscale Cloud Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using a Dual Convolutional Neural Network
* Multiscale CNN With Autoencoder Regularization Joint Contextual Attention Network for SAR Image Classification
* Multiscale Co-linearity Statistic Based Approach to Robust Background Modeling, A
* Multiscale Coarse-to-Fine Guided Screenshot Demoiréing
* Multiscale Coarse-to-Fine Human Pose Estimation Network With Hard Keypoint Mining, A
* Multiscale coding of images
* Multiscale Color and Texture Invariants for Image Recognition
* Multiscale Color Image Enhancement
* Multiscale color invariants based on the human visual system
* multiscale colour texture model, A
* Multiscale colour texture retrieval using the geodesic distance between multivariate generalized Gaussian models
* Multiscale Combination of Physically-based Registration and Deformation Modeling
* Multiscale Combinatorial Grouping for Image Segmentation and Object Proposal Generation
* Multiscale Combinatorial Grouping
* Multiscale Comparative Evaluation of the GPM IMERG v5 and TRMM 3B42 v7 Precipitation Products from 2015 to 2017 over a Climate Transition Area of China
* Multiscale competitive code for efficient palmprint recognition
* multiscale competitive code via sparse representation for palmprint verification, The
* Multiscale complex moments of the local power spectrum
* Multiscale Compression of Planar Curves Using Constant Curvature Segments
* Multiscale conditional random fields for image labeling
* Multiscale Conditional Random Fields for Semi-supervised Labeling and Classification
* Multiscale Connected Operators
* Multiscale Context-Aware Ensemble Deep KELM for Efficient Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiscale contour corner detection based on local natural scale and wavelet transform
* Multiscale contour description for pattern recognition
* Multiscale Contour Segmentation and Approximation: An Algorithm Based on the Geometry of Regular Inscribed Polygons
* Multiscale Contrast Enhancement for Radiographies: Laplacian Pyramid versus Fast Wavelet Transform
* Multiscale Contrast Enhancement Method, A
* Multiscale contrast similarity deviation: An effective and efficient index for perceptual image quality assessment
* Multiscale Convolutional Fusion Network for Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo
* Multiscale Convolutional Neural Networks for Vision-Based Classification of Cells
* Multiscale Corner Detection by Using Wavelet Transform
* Multiscale corner detection for gray level images using Plessey method
* Multiscale Corner Detection in Planar Shapes
* Multiscale Corner Detection of Gray Level Images Based on Log-Gabor Wavelet Transform
* Multiscale Correlation Networks Based on Deep Learning for Automatic Modulation Classification
* Multiscale Cross-Modal Homogeneity Enhancement and Confidence-Aware Fusion for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* Multiscale Cross Interaction Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Multiscale Crossing Representation Using Combined Feature of Contour and Venation for Leaf Image Identification
* Multiscale Curvature-Based Shape Representation Using B-Spline Wavelets
* Multiscale Curvature Algorithm for Classifying Discrete Return LiDAR in Forested Environments, A
* Multiscale Decomposition Approach to Gel Image Interpretation, A
* Multiscale Decomposition in Low-Rank Approximation
* Multiscale Decomposition Prediction of Propagation Loss in Oceanic Tropospheric Ducts
* Multiscale Deep Alternative Neural Network for Large-Scale Video Classification
* Multiscale Deep Convolutional Networks for Characterization and Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using MR images
* Multiscale Deep Middle-level Feature Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Classification, A
* Multiscale Deep Spatial Feature Extraction Using Virtual RGB Image for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Multiscale Deeply Described Correlatons-Based Model for Land-Use Scene Classification, A
* Multiscale deformable model segmentation and statistical shape analysis using medial descriptions
* Multiscale deformable registration using edge preserving scale space for adaptive radiation therapy
* Multiscale Deformation Representation, A
* Multiscale Densely-Connected Fusion Networks for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* Multiscale descriptors and metric learning for human body shape retrieval
* Multiscale Detection and Assessment of Vegetation Eco-Environmental Restoration following Ecological Water Compensation in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River, China
* Multiscale Detection of Cancerous Tissue in High Resolution Slide Scans
* Multiscale Detection of Curvilinear Structures in 2D and 3D Image Data
* Multiscale Detection of Gesture Patterns in Continuous Motion Trajectories
* Multiscale Diagnosis of Mangrove Status in Data-Poor Context Using Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images: A Case Study in Pichavaram Mangrove Forest, Tamil Nadu, India
* Multiscale Dictionary Learning via Cross-Scale Cooperative Learning and Atom Clustering for Visual Signal Processing
* multiscale dilated dense convolutional network for saliency prediction with instance-level attention competition, A
* Multiscale directional AM-FM demodulation of images using a 2D optimized method
* Multiscale directional filter bank with applications to structured and random texture retrieval
* multiscale directional neighborhood filter and its application to clutter removal in GPR data, The
* multiscale directional operator and morphological tools for reconnecting broken ridges in fingerprint images, A
* Multiscale Discrete Geometry
* Multiscale Distance Matrix for Fast Plant Leaf Recognition
* Multiscale distilled sensing: A source detection method for infrared and radio astronomical images
* Multiscale Document Description Using Rectangular Granulometries
* Multiscale Document Page Segmentation Using Soft Decision Integration
* Multiscale Documentation And Monitoring of L'aquila Historical Centre Using UAV Photogrammetry
* Multiscale Domain Adaptive YOLO for Cross-Domain Object Detection
* Multiscale Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiscale Dynamic Graph Representation for Biometric Recognition With Occlusions
* multiscale dynamic programming procedure for boundary detection in ultrasonic artery images, A
* Multiscale Edge-Detection on Range Images Via Normal Changes
* multiscale edge detection algorithm based on wavelet domain vector hidden Markov tree model, A
* Multiscale Edge Detection and Feature Binding: An Integrated Approach
* Multiscale Edge Detection and Fiber Enhancement Using Differences of Oriented Means
* Multiscale Edge Detection Using a Finite Element Framework for Hexagonal Pixel-Based Images
* Multiscale Edge Detection Using First-Order Derivative of Anisotropic Gaussian Kernels
* Multiscale edge detection using first order R-filter
* Multiscale edge detection via normal changes
* Multiscale Edge Detector, A
* Multiscale Edge Grammars for Complex Wavelet Transforms
* Multiscale Effects of Multimodal Public Facilities Accessibility on Housing Prices Based on MGWR: A Case Study of Wuhan, China
* multiscale elastic registration scheme for retinal angiograms, A
* Multiscale Emotion Representation Learning for Affective Image Recognition
* Multiscale Energy-based Time-domain Approach for Interference Detection in Non-stationary Signals, A
* Multiscale ensemble of convolutional neural networks for skin lesion classification
* Multiscale Entropy-Based Surface Complexity Analysis for Land Cover Image Semantic Segmentation
* Multiscale Error Diffusion Technique for Digital Half-Toning, A
* Multiscale error diffusion technique for digital halftoning with Dot Overlap Compensation, A
* Multiscale Error Diffusion Technique for Digital Multitoning, A
* Multiscale Estimation of Leaf Area Index from Satellite Observations Based on an Ensemble Multiscale Filter
* Multiscale estimation of multiple orientations based on morphological directional openings
* Multiscale Estimation of Textural Features. Application to the Characterization of Texture Anisotropy
* Multiscale Evaluation of Gridded Precipitation Datasets across Varied Elevation Zones in Central Asia's Hilly Region
* Multiscale Exemplar Based Texture Synthesis by Locally Gaussian Models
* Multiscale Expectation-Maximization Semisupervised Classifier Suitable for Badly Posed Image Classification, A
* Multiscale extraction of features from medical images
* Multiscale facial structure representation for face recognition under varying illumination
* Multiscale Factorization of the Wave Equation with Application to Compressed Sensing Photoacoustic Tomography
* Multiscale Feature Aggregation Capsule Neural Network for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Multiscale Feature Extraction by Using Convolutional Neural Network: Extraction of Objects from Multiresolution Images of Urban Areas
* Multiscale Feature Extraction from the Visual Environment in an Active Vision System
* Multiscale Feature Extraction of Finger-Vein Patterns Based on Curvelets and Local Interconnection Structure Neural Network
* Multiscale Feature Extraction U-Net for Infrared Dim- and Small-Target Detection
* Multiscale Feature Fusion for the Multistage Denoising of Airborne Single Photon LiDAR
* Multiscale Feature Fusion Network Incorporating 3D Self-Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiscale features integration based multiple-in-single-out network for object detection
* Multiscale Fourier descriptor based on triangular features for shape retrieval
* Multiscale fourier descriptor for shape-based image retrieval
* Multiscale fourier descriptor for shape classification
* Multiscale fourier descriptors for classifying semivowels in spectrograms
* Multiscale Fourier descriptors for defect image retrieval
* Multiscale Fragile Watermarking Based on the Gaussian Mixture Model
* Multiscale Frame-Based Kernels for Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping
* Multiscale framework for adaptive and robust enhancement of depth in multi-view imagery
* Multiscale Framework for Spatial Gamut Mapping, A
* Multiscale Full-Waveform Dual-Parameter Inversion Based on Total Variation Regularization to On-Ground GPR Data
* Multiscale Fully Convolutional Network-Based Approach for Multilingual Character Segmentation
* Multiscale fully convolutional network with application to industrial inspection
* Multiscale fundamental forms: a multimodal image wavelet representation
* Multiscale Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Plant Leaf Recognition, A
* Multiscale Fusion of Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Based on Adaptive Iterative Filtering
* Multiscale Fusion of Visible and Thermal IR Images for Illumination-Invariant Face Recognition
* Multiscale fusion of wavelet-domain hidden Markov tree through graph cut
* Multiscale fuzzy reasoning (MFR) for automatic object extraction
* Multiscale Gabor Wavelet for Shoeprint Image Retrieval
* multiscale Galerkin method for second-order boundary value problems of Fredholm integro-differential equation II: Efficient algorithm for the discrete linear system, A
* Multiscale Geographic Information with Multigraph of Multigraphs
* Multiscale geometric and spectral analysis of plane arrangements
* Multiscale geometric feature extraction and selection algorithms of similar objects
* Multiscale geometrical feature extraction and object recognition with wavelets and morphology
* Multiscale Geoscene Segmentation for Extracting Urban Functional Zones from VHR Satellite Images
* Multiscale Global-Aware Channel Attention for Person Re-identification
* Multiscale Gradient Algorithm for Image Segmentation Using Watersheds, A
* Multiscale gradient watersheds of color images
* Multiscale Gradients-Based Color Filter Array Interpolation
* Multiscale Graph Convolutional Networks for Cardiac Motion Analysis
* Multiscale Graph Theory Based Color Segmentation
* Multiscale Ground Validation of Satellite and Reanalysis Precipitation Products over Diverse Climatic and Topographic Conditions
* Multiscale Handwriting Characterization for Writers' Classification
* Multiscale Hermite Transform for Local Orientation Analysis, The
* Multiscale Hidden Markov Models for Bayesian Image Analysis
* Multiscale Hierarchical Image Decomposition and Refinements: Qualitative and Quantitative Results
* Multiscale Hierarchical Model for Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing, A
* Multiscale Hierarchical segmentation
* Multiscale Histogram of Oriented Gradient Descriptors for Robust Character Recognition
* Multiscale Hybrid Linear Models for Lossy Image Representation
* multiscale hybrid model exploiting heterogeneous contextual relationships for image segmentation, A
* Multiscale Hydraulic Fracture Modeling With Discontinuous Galerkin Frequency-Domain Method and Impedance Transition Boundary Condition
* Multiscale Hydrogeomorphometric Analysis for Fluvial Risk Management. Application in the Carrión River, Spain
* Multiscale Hypothesis Testing Approach to Anomaly Detection and Localization from Noisy Tomographic Data, A
* Multiscale hypothesis testing with application to anomaly characterization from tomographic projections
* Multiscale ICA for fundus image analysis
* Multiscale Identification of Buildings in Compressed Large Aerial Scenes
* Multiscale illumination normalization for face recognition using dual-tree complex wavelet transform in logarithm domain
* Multiscale Image Blind Denoising
* Multiscale Image Disparity Estimation using the Quaternion Wavelet Transform
* multiscale image enhancement method for calcification detection in screening mammograms, A
* Multiscale Image Filtering And Segmentation by Means of Adaptive Neighborhood Mathematical Morphology
* Multiscale Image Fusion Using the Undecimated Wavelet Transform With Spectral Factorization and Nonorthogonal Filter Banks
* Multiscale Image Processing on the Sphere
* Multiscale image processing using normal triangulated meshes
* Multiscale image reconstruction for low bit-rate wavelet-based image coding
* Multiscale Image Registration Using Scale Trace Correlation
* Multiscale Image Representation Using Novel Integro-Differential Equations
* Multiscale Image Segmentation by Integrated Edge and Region Detection
* multiscale image segmentation method, A
* Multiscale Image Segmentation Using a Recent Transform
* Multiscale image segmentation using wavelet-domain hidden Markov models
* Multiscale image texture analysis in wavelet spaces
* Multiscale Image Understanding
* Multiscale Information Fusion by Graph Cut through Convex Optimization
* Multiscale Information Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Hybrid 2D-3D CNN
* Multiscale Intensity Propagation to Remove Multiplicative Stripe Noise From Remote Sensing Images
* Multiscale Interactive Communication: Inside And Outside Thun Castle
* Multiscale Inverse Compositional Alignment for Subdivision Surface Maps
* Multiscale IOU: A Metric for Evaluation of Salient Object Detection with Fine Structures
* Multiscale Isotropic Matched Filtering for Individual Tree Detection in LiDAR Images
* Multiscale Joint Segmentation and Registration of Image Morphology
* Multiscale Keypoint Analysis based on Complex Wavelets
* Multiscale Keypoint Detection using the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
* Multiscale landscape representation derived from remote sensing images using spatial subpixel models and combinatorial maps
* Multiscale Laplacian Operators for Feature Extraction on Irregularly Distributed 3-D Range Data
* Multiscale Latent-Guided Entropy Model for LiDAR Point Cloud Compression
* Multiscale Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model for Object-Oriented Clustering of VHR Panchromatic Satellite Images, A
* Multiscale line segment detector for robust and accurate SfM
* Multiscale Linear/Median Hybrid Filters for Noise Reduction in Low Dose X-Ray Images
* Multiscale LMMSE-Based Image Denoising With Optimal Wavelet Selection
* Multiscale Local Map-Drift-Driven Multilateration SAR Autofocus Using Fast Polar Format Image Synthesis
* Multiscale Local Phase Quantization for Robust Component-Based Face Recognition Using Kernel Fusion of Multiple Descriptors
* Multiscale Locality and Rank Preservation for Robust Feature Matching of Remote Sensing Images
* Multiscale Logarithm Difference Edgemaps for Face Recognition Against Varying Lighting Conditions
* Multiscale Low-Light Image Enhancement Network With Illumination Constraint
* Multiscale Maize Tassel Identification Based on Improved RetinaNet Model and UAV Images
* Multiscale MAP Filtering of SAR Images
* Multiscale Markov Fields: Applications to the Segmentation of Textured Images and Film Fusion
* Multiscale Markov Random Field Method for SAR Image Segmentation
* Multiscale Markov Random Field Models for Parallel Image Classification
* Multiscale matters for part segmentation of instruments in robotic surgery
* Multiscale Measures in Linear Scale-Space for Characterizing Cerebral Functional Activations in 3D PET Difference Images
* Multiscale Medial Analysis Of Medical Images
* Multiscale Medial Axis and Its Applications in Image Registration, The
* Multiscale medial axis through a complete set of optimal scale ridges
* Multiscale Medial Loci and Their Properties
* multiscale medial properties of interfering image structures, The
* Multiscale Medial Response of Grey-level Images, The
* Multiscale medial shape-based analysis of image objects
* Multiscale Method for Road Network Extraction from High-Resolution SAR Images Based on Directional Decomposition and Regional Quality Evaluation, A
* multiscale method for shape recognition of overlapping elliptical particles, A
* Multiscale Method for the Reassembly of Fragmented Objects, A
* Multiscale Method for the Reassembly of Two-Dimensional Fragmented Objects, A
* Multiscale Methods for the Segmentation and Reconstruction of Signals and Images
* Multiscale Methods for the Segmentation of Images
* Multiscale Minimization of Global Energy Functions in Some Visual Recovery Problems
* Multiscale Mining of fMRI Data with Hierarchical Structured Sparsity
* Multiscale Model of Liver DCE-MRI Towards a Better Understanding of Tumor Complexity
* Multiscale Modeling and Constraints for Max-flow/Min-cut Problems in Computer Vision
* Multiscale Modeling and Estimation of Motion Fields for Video Coding
* Multiscale modeling and imaging: the challenges of biocomplexity
* Multiscale Morphologic Edge Detector, A
* multiscale morphological approach to local contrast enhancement, A
* Multiscale Morphological Image Simplification
* Multiscale morphological segmentation of gray-scale images
* Multiscale Morphological Segmentations based on Watershed, Flooding, and Eikonal PDE
* Multiscale Motion Estimation for Scalable Video Coding
* Multiscale Multiresolution Spherical Photogrammetry With Long Focal Lenses For Architectural Surveys
* Multiscale Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography by a Stationary Wavelet Transform Prior to Unmixing
* Multiscale Nakagami parametric imaging for improved liver tumor localization
* Multiscale noise-adaptive homomorphic filtering based speckle denoising in laser speckle imaging
* Multiscale Nonlinear Decomposition: The Sieve Decomposition Theorem
* Multiscale Nonlinear Diffusion and Shock Filter for Ultrasound Image Enhancement
* Multiscale Nonrigid Point Cloud Registration Using Rotation-Invariant Sliced-Wasserstein Distance via Laplace-Beltrami Eigenmap
* Multiscale Normalization Attention Network for Water Body Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multiscale Object-Based Classification and Feature Extraction along Arctic Coasts
* Multiscale Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Combined with Multi-Receptive-Field Features and Relation-Connected Attention
* Multiscale Observation Product (MOP) for Temporal Flood Inundation Mapping of the 2015 Dallas Texas Flood
* Multiscale Omnibearing Attention Networks for Person Re-Identification
* Multiscale Optimal Filtering on the Sphere
* Multiscale Optimized Segmentation of Urban Green Cover in High Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* Multiscale Orientation and Recognition for Permanent Scatterers
* Multiscale parallel deep CNN (mpdCNN) architecture for the real low-resolution face recognition for surveillance
* Multiscale Parametric Background Model for Stationary Foreground Object Detection, A
* Multiscale patch-based contrast measure for small infrared target detection
* Multiscale Path Optimization for the Reduced Environmental Impact of Air Transportation
* Multiscale permutation entropy for two-dimensional patterns
* Multiscale Perspectives on an Extreme Warm-Sector Rainfall Event over Coastal South China
* Multiscale Photon-Limited Spectral Image Reconstruction
* Multiscale Probabilistic Dithering for Suppressing Contour Artifacts in Digital Images
* Multiscale probability map guided index pooling with attention-based learning for road and building segmentation
* Multiscale Productivity Assessment of High Andean Peatlands across the Chilean Altiplano Using 31 Years of Landsat Imagery, A
* Multiscale quality assessment of Global Human Settlement Layer scenes against reference data using statistical learning
* Multiscale Random Field Model for Bayesian Image Segmentation, A
* Multiscale Random Projections for Compressive Classification
* Multiscale Ray-Shooting Model for Termination Detection of Tree-Like Structures in Biomedical Images, A
* Multiscale recurrent pattern image coding with a flexible partition scheme
* Multiscale recurrent patterns applied to stereo image coding
* Multiscale Recursive Medians, Scale-Space, and Transforms with Applications to Image-Processing
* Multiscale Region-Based Approach to Image Matching, A
* Multiscale Region Detection
* Multiscale Registration
* Multiscale Regularity Measure as a Geometric Criterion for Image Segmentation, A
* multiscale relaxation algorithm for SNR maximization in nonorthogonal subband coding, A
* Multiscale relaxation labeling of fractal images
* Multiscale Remote Sensing to Map the Spatial Distribution and Extent of Cropland in the Sudanian Savanna of West Africa
* Multiscale Representation and Analysis of Features from Medical Images
* Multiscale Representation and Matching of Curves Using Codons
* Multiscale Representation and Segmentation of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Geometric Partial Differential Equations and Algebraic Multigrid Methods
* Multiscale Representation for Real-Time Anti-Aliasing Neural Rendering
* Multiscale Representation Including Opponent-Color Features for Texture Recognition, A
* multiscale representation method for nonrigid shapes with a single closed contour, A
* Multiscale representation of brownfield sites with IKONOS imagery
* Multiscale Representation of Radar Echo Data Retrieved through Deep Learning from Numerical Model Simulations and Satellite Images
* Multiscale Representations Fusion With Joint Multiple Reconstructions Autoencoder for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis
* Multiscale Representations Learning Transformer Framework for Point Cloud Classification
* Multiscale representations of Markov random fields
* Multiscale Residual Attention Network for Multitask Learning of Human Activity Using Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures, A
* Multiscale residual fusion network for image denoising
* Multiscale residual gradient attention for face anti-spoofing
* Multiscale Residual Network With Mixed Depthwise Convolution for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiscale Residual Solver for Total Variation Models, A
* Multiscale Retinex for Bridging the Gap Between Color Images and the Human Observation of Scenes, A
* Multiscale Retinex
* Multiscale Reverse-Time-Migration-Type Imaging Using the Dyadic Parabolic Decomposition of Phase Space
* Multiscale Rician approach to Gabor filter design for texture segmentation
* Multiscale Saliency Detection Using Random Walk With Restart
* Multiscale salient region-based visual tracking
* Multiscale Sampling Based Texture Image Classification
* Multiscale Sampling Geometries and Methods for Deterministic and Stochastic Reconstructions of Magnitude and Phase Spectra of Satellite Imagery
* Multiscale Segmentation and Anomaly Enhancement of SAR Imagery
* Multiscale Segmentation and Approximation for Significant Description of 2D Contours
* Multiscale Segmentation by Combining Motion and Intensity Cues
* Multiscale Segmentation of Document Images Using M-Band Wavelets
* Multiscale Segmentation of HRCT Images Using Bipolar Incoherent Filtering
* Multiscale Segmentation Of Polarimetric Sar Image Based On Srm Superpixels
* Multiscale segmentation of textured sonar images using cooccurence statistics
* Multiscale Segmentation of Three-Dimensional MR Brain Images
* Multiscale Segmentation of Unstructured Document Pages Using Soft Decision Integration
* Multiscale Segmentation Through a Radial Basis Neural Network
* Multiscale Segmentation via Bregman Distances and Nonlinear Spectral Analysis
* Multiscale Segmentation With Vector-Valued Nonlinear Diffusions on Arbitrary Graphs
* Multiscale Self-Adaptive Attention Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* Multiscale Semantic Feature Optimization and Fusion Network for Building Extraction Using High-Resolution Aerial Images and LiDAR Data
* Multiscale Semilocal Interpolation With Antialiasing
* Multiscale Shannon's Entropy Modeling of Orientation and Distance in Steel Fiber Micro-Tomography Data
* Multiscale shape analysis using the continuous wavelet transform
* Multiscale shape and detail enhancement from multi-light image collections
* Multiscale Shape Description with Laplacian Profile and Fourier Transform
* Multiscale Sigma Filter and Active Contour for Image Segmentation
* Multiscale Signal Enhancement: Beyond the Normality and Independence Assumption
* Multiscale skeletons by image foresting transform and its application to neuromorphometry
* Multiscale skewed heavy tailed model for texture analysis
* Multiscale smoothing error models
* Multiscale Sparse Image Representation with Learned Dictionaries
* Multiscale sparse representation of high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) lung images for diffuse lung disease classification
* Multiscale Spatial-Spectral Convolutional Network with Image-Based Framework for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Multiscale Spatial-Spectral Interaction Transformer for Pan-Sharpening
* Multiscale Spatial Polygonal Object Granularity Factor Matching Method Based on BPNN
* Multiscale spatial temporal attention graph convolution network for skeleton-based anomaly behavior detection
* Multiscale spatially regularised correlation filters for visual tracking
* multiscale spatio-temporal background model for motion detection, A
* Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks for 3D Skeleton-Based Motion Prediction
* Multiscale Spatiotemporal Fusion Network Based on an Attention Mechanism, A
* Multiscale Spatiotemporal Variations of GNSS-Derived Precipitable Water Vapor over Yunnan
* Multiscale Spectral-Spatial Cross-Extraction Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* multiscale stochastic image model for automated inspection, A
* Multiscale Structure Guided Diffusion for Image Deblurring
* Multiscale Structure Tensor for Improved Feature Extraction and Image Regularization
* Multiscale summarization and action ranking in egocentric videos
* Multiscale Superpixel-Based Fine Classification of Crops in the UAV-Manned Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multiscale Superpixel-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Recurrent Neural Networks With Stacked Autoencoders
* Multiscale Superpixel-Based Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiscale superpixel classification for tumor segmentation in breast ultrasound images
* Multiscale Superpixel Guided Discriminative Forest for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Multiscale Superpixels and Supervoxels Based on Hierarchical Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation
* Multiscale Supervised Kernel Dictionary Learning for SAR Target Recognition
* Multiscale Supervision-Guided Context Aggregation Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Multiscale surface organization and description for free form object recognition
* Multiscale surface representation and rendering for point clouds
* Multiscale Surface Roughness for Improved Soil Moisture Estimation
* Multiscale Symmetric Dense Micro-Block Difference for Texture Classification
* Multiscale Symmetric Part Detection and Grouping
* Multiscale Taylor Series Approaches to Optic Flow and Stereo: A Generalization of Optic Flow Under the Aperture, A
* Multiscale Tensor Decomposition and Rendering Equation Encoding for View Synthesis
* Multiscale texture classification using dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Multiscale Texture Element Detection
* Multiscale texture enhancement
* Multiscale Texture Extraction with Hierarchical (BV,Gp,L2) Decomposition
* Multiscale texture features for the retrieval of high resolution satellite images
* Multiscale Texture Orientation Analysis Using Spectral Total-Variation Decomposition
* Multiscale texture retrieval based on low-dimensional and rotation-invariant features of curvelet transform
* Multiscale Texture Segmentation Using Hybrid Contextual Labeling Tree
* Multiscale Texture Segmentation with Vector-Valued Nonlinear Diffusions on Arbitrary Graphs
* Multiscale Tikhonov-Total Variation Image Restoration Using Spatially Varying Edge Coherence Exponent
* Multiscale TILT Feature Detection with Application to Geometric Image Segmentation
* Multiscale two-view stereo using convolutional neural networks for unrectified images
* Multiscale U-Shaped CNN Building Instance Extraction Framework With Edge Constraint for High-Spatial-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multiscale ultrawide foveated video extrapolation
* Multiscale Union Regions Adaptive Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiscale Urban Functional Zone Recognition Based on Landmark Semantic Constraints
* Multiscale Variability and the Comparison of Ground and Satellite Radar Based Measures of Peatland Surface Motion for Peatland Monitoring
* Multiscale Variability of Hydrological Responses in Urbanizing Watershed
* Multiscale Variable-Grouping Framework for MRF Energy Minimization, A
* Multiscale Variance-Stabilizing Transform for Mixed-Poisson-Gaussian Processes and its Applications in Bioimaging
* Multiscale Vascular Surface Model Generation From Medical Imaging Data Using Hierarchical Features
* Multiscale Vessel Tracking
* Multiscale Veto Model: A 2-Stage Analog Network for Edge-Detection and Image-Reconstruction, The
* Multiscale video compression using wavelet transform and motion compensation
* Multiscale Vision Model Adapted to the Astronomical Images, A
* Multiscale Vision Transformers
* Multiscale Visual Object Detection for Unsupervised Ubiquitous Projection Based on a Portable Projector-Camera System
* Multiscale watershed segmentation of multivalued images
* Multiscale Wavelet-Based Test for Isotropy of Random Fields on a Regular Lattice, A
* Multiscale wedgelet image analysis: fast decompositions and modeling
* Multiscale Weighted Adjacent Superpixel-Based Composite Kernel for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiscale Weighted Ensemble Kalman Filter for Fluid Flow Estimation
* Multiscale) Local Phase Quantisation histogram discriminant analysis with score normalisation for robust face recognition
* Multiscale, asymmetry signatures for texture analysis
* Multiscale, curvature-based shape representation for surfaces
* multiscale, decision-theoretic algorithm for anomaly detection in images based upon scattered radiation, A
* Multiscale, Statistical Anomaly Detection Analysis and Algorithms for Linearized Inverse Scattering Problems
* Multiscaled Multi-Head Attention-Based Video Transformer Network for Hand Gesture Recognition
* Multiscaling Approach Based on Morphological Filtering, A
* Multiscaling NDVI Series Analysis of Rainfed Cereal in Central Spain
* Multiscan-based map optimizer for RFID map-building with low-accuracy measurements
* Multiscenario Multienvironment BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB), The
* Multiseeded Segmentation Using Fuzzy Connectedness
* MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentations From Minimal User Input
* Multisegment Detection
* MultiSense: Context-Aware Nonverbal Behavior Analysis Framework: A Psychological Distress Use Case
* Multisensensor Multitemporal Data Fusion Using Wavelet Transform
* Multisensor-Based Human Detection and Tracking for Mobile Service Robots
* Multisensor-Based Navigation and Control of a Mobile Service Robot
* Multisensor-Based Periodic Estimation in Sensor Networks With Transmission Constraint and Periodic Mixed Storage
* Multisensor-fusion for 3D full-body human motion capture
* Multisensor and Multiresolution Remote Sensing Image Classification through a Causal Hierarchical Markov Framework and Decision Tree Ensembles
* Multisensor and spectral image fusion and mining: From neural systems to applications
* Multisensor Anomaly Detection and Interpretable Analysis for Linear Induction Motors
* Multisensor approach to determine changes of wetland characteristics in semiarid environments (central Spain)
* Multisensor Approach to Global Retrievals of Land Surface Albedo, A
* Multisensor approach to land use and land cover mapping in Brazilian Amazon
* Multisensor Approach to Satellite Monitoring of Trends in Lake Area, Water Level, and Volume, A
* Multisensor Assessment of Leaf Area Index across Ecoregions of Ardabil Province, Northwestern Iran
* Multisensor ATR and Identification of Friend or Foe Using MLANS
* Multisensor Characterization of the Incandescent Jet Region of Lava Fountain-Fed Tephra Plumes
* Multisensor Characterization of Urban Morphology and Network Structure
* Multisensor Collaboration Network for Video Compression Based on Wavelet Decomposition
* Multisensor Coupled Spectral Unmixing for Time-Series Analysis
* Multisensor Data Fusion by Means of Voxelization: Application to a Construction Element of Historic Heritage
* Multisensor Data Fusion for Cloud Removal in Global and All-Season Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Multisensor Data Fusion for Surface Land-Mine Detection
* Multisensor Data Fusion Using Fuzzy Concepts: Application to Land-Cover Classification Using ERS-1/JERS-1 SAR Composites
* Multisensor Data Fusion
* Multisensor Data Product Fusion for Aerosol Research
* Multisensor Data Synergy of Terra-MODIS, Aqua-MODIS, and Suomi NPP-VIIRS for the Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth and Land Surface Reflectance Properties
* Multisensor evidence integration and optimization in rail inspection
* Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems
* Multisensor Fusion for Automatic Scene Interpretation
* Multisensor Fusion for Monitoring Elderly Activities at Home
* Multisensor Fusion for Scene Perception: Integrating Thermal and Visual Imagery
* Multisensor fusion for volumetric reconstruction of large outdoor areas
* Multisensor Fusion Methodologies Compared
* Multisensor Fusion: An Autonomous Mobile Robot
* Multisensor Hough Transform and Logic-Based Track Initiation Techniques
* Multisensor Image Fusion and Enhancement in Spectral Total Variation Domain
* multisensor image fusion and enhancement system for assisting drivers in poor lighting conditions, A
* Multisensor Image Fusion Using a Region-Based Wavelet Transform Approach
* Multisensor Image Fusion Using the Wavelet Transform
* Multisensor image registration by feature consensus
* Multisensor Image Registration via Implicit Similarity
* Multisensor image segmentation using Dempster-Shafer fusion in Markov fields context
* Multisensor Integration for Building Modeling
* Multisensor Integration for Scene Classification: an Experiment in Human Form Detection
* Multisensor Integration for Underwater Scene Classification
* Multisensor Integration: Experiments in Integrating Thermal and Visual Sensors
* Multisensor Interface to Improve the Learning Experience in Arc Welding Training Tasks, A
* Multisensor Knowledge Systems: Interpreting 3D Structure
* Multisensor Microwave Sensitivity to Freeze/Thaw Dynamics Across a Complex Boreal Landscape
* Multisensor Multiclassifier Hierarchical Fusion Model Based on Entropy Weight for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Inertial Sensors, A
* Multisensor Navigation System Based on an Adaptive Fault-Tolerant GOF Algorithm, A
* Multisensor Navigation Systems: A Remedy for GNSS Vulnerabilities?
* Multisensor NDVI-Based Monitoring of the Tundra-Taiga Interface (Mealy Mountains, Labrador, Canada)
* Multisensor obstacle detection and tracking
* Multisensor Occlusion Reasoning
* Multisensor of thermal and visual images to detect concealed weapon using harmony search image fusion approach
* multisensor platform for comprehensive detection of crop status: Results from two case studies, A
* Multisensor raster and vector data fusion based on uncertainty modeling
* Multisensor Recognition System for Sorting Post-Consumer Goods Using Image Processing and Neural Networks, A
* Multisensor Satellite Data and Field Studies for Unravelling the Structural Evolution and Gold Metallogeny of the Gerf Ophiolitic Nappe, Eastern Desert, Egypt
* multisensor surveillance system for Automated Border Control (eGate), A
* Multisensor surveillance systems based on image and video data
* Multisensor Surveillance Systems: The Fusion Perspective
* Multisensor Technique for Gesture Recognition Through Intelligent Skeletal Pose Analysis, A
* Multisensor Thermal Infrared and Microwave Land Surface Temperature Algorithm Intercomparison
* Multisensor Tracking System with an Image-Based Maneuver Detector, A
* Multisensor triplet Markov fields and theory of evidence
* Multisensor UAS mapping of Plant Species and Plant Functional Types in Midwestern Grasslands
* Multisensor UAV Payload and Processing Pipeline for Generating Multispectral Point Clouds, A
* Multisensoral Topsoil Mapping in the Semiarid Lake Manyara Region, Northern Tanzania
* Multisensoral, object- and GIS-based classification of grassland habitats in the Bio sphere Reserve Schwäbische Alb
* Multisensorale Fernerkundungsdaten zur mikroklimatischen Beschreibung und Klassifikation urbaner Strukturen
* Multisensorial Close-Range Sensing Generates Benefits for Characterization of Managed Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Stands
* Multisensory Analysis of the Moisture Course of the Cave of Altamira (Spain): Implications for Its Conservation, A
* Multisensory embedded pose estimation
* Multisensory Experiences in HCI
* Multisensory integration of a sound with stereo 3-D visual events
* Multisensory Visual Servoing by a Neural Network
* Multiset Canonical Correlation Analysis: Texture Feature Level Fusion of Multiple Descriptors for Intra-modal Palmprint Biometric Recognition
* Multiset canonical correlations analysis and multispectral, truly multitemporal remote sensing data
* Multiset Feature Learning for Highly Imbalanced Data Classification
* Multisets mixture learning-based ellipse detection
* Multishot rosette trajectories for spectrally selective MR imaging
* Multishutter camera system
* MultiSiam: Self-supervised Multi-instance Siamese Representation Learning for Autonomous Driving
* Multisite and Multitemporal Grassland Yield Estimation Using UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Data
* Multisite Remote Sensing for Tsunami-Induced Waves
* Multisize Patched Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Short- and Long-Term Crowd Flow Prediction
* Multisize Superpixel Approach for Salient Object Detection Based on Multivariate Normal Distribution Estimation, A
* Multislice helical CT: image temporal resolution
* Multislice Radio-Frequency Current Density Imaging
* Multisnapshot Sparse Bayesian Learning for DOA
* Multisource-multitarget cooperative positioning based on the fusion of inter-vehicle relative vector in internet of vehicles
* Multisource Adaption for Driver Attention Prediction in Arbitrary Driving Scenes
* Multisource Assessments of the FengYun-3D Microwave Humidity Sounder (MWHS) On-Orbit Performance
* Multisource Classification Using Support Vector Machines: An Empirical Comparison with Decision Tree and Neural Network Classifiers
* Multisource Compensation Network for Remote Sensing Cross-Domain Scene Classification
* Multisource data classification with dependence trees
* Multisource Data Fusion and Adversarial Nets for Landslide Extraction from UAV-Photogrammetry-Derived Data
* Multisource Data Fusion for Landslide Classification Using Generalized Positive Boolean Functions
* Multisource Data Fusion with Multiple Self-Organizing Maps
* Multisource Domain Adaptation for Remote Sensing Using Deep Neural Networks
* Multisource forest inventories: A model-based approach using k-NN to reconcile forest attributes statistics and map products
* Multisource Fusion UAV Cluster Cooperative Positioning Using Information Geometry
* Multisource Fusion/Classification Using ICM and DSmT with New Decision Rule
* Multisource Geospatial Data Fusion via Local Joint Sparse Representation
* Multisource High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Vegetation Extraction with Comprehensive Multifeature Perception
* Multisource Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Fusion for Urban Land-Use Mapping based on a Modified Two-Branch Convolutional Neural Network
* Multisource Image Fusion Method Using Support Value Transform
* Multisource Point Clouds, Point Simplification and Surface Reconstruction
* Multisource Region Attention Network for Fine-Grained Object Recognition in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multisource Remote Sensing Data-Based Flood Monitoring and Crop Damage Assessment: A Case Study on the 20 July 2021 Extraordinary Rainfall Event in Henan, China
* Multisource remote sensing data classification based on consensus and pruning
* Multisource Remote Sensing Data Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Multisource Remote Sensing Data Classification With Graph Fusion Network
* Multisource Remote Sensing Imagery Fusion Scheme Based on Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (BEMD) and Its Application to the Extraction of Bamboo Forest
* Multisource Single-Tree Inventory in the Prediction of Tree Quality Variables and Logging Recoveries
* Multisource surveillance video coding with synthetic reference frame
* Multisource Transfer Learning for Cross-Subject EEG Emotion Recognition
* Multisource Vegetation Inventory (MVI): A Satellite-Based Forest Inventory for the Northwest Territories Taiga Plains, The
* Multispace Behavioral Model for Face-Based Affective Social Agents
* Multispace KL for Pattern Representation and Classification
* Multispeaker Localization and Tracking in Intelligent Environments
* MultiSpec: A Freeware Multispectral Image Data Analysis System
* Multispecies Assessment to Identify the Functional Connectivity of Amphibians in a Human-Dominated Landscape, A
* Multispectral-based Imaging and Machine Learning for Noninvasive Blood Loss Estimation
* Multispectral-image coding by spectral classification
* Multispectral-Image Coding by Vector Quantization with Kronecker-Product Representation
* Multispectral Acquisition of Large-Sized Pictorial Surfaces
* Multispectral Airborne Laser Scanning For Automated Map Updating
* Multispectral Airborne Laser Scanning Point-clouds for Land Cover Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multispectral Airborne LiDAR Data in the Prediction of Boreal Tree Species Composition
* Multispectral Analysis Of Indigenous Rock Art Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Multispectral analysis of object surfaces extracted from volumetric data sets
* Multispectral Analysis of Oil Paintings and Data Compression
* Multispectral and Color Image Modeling and Synthesis Using Random Field Models
* Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Analysis with Convex Cones
* Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion Based on Group Spectral Embedding and Low-Rank Factorization
* Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion Based on Joint-Structured Sparse Block-Term Tensor Decomposition
* Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion Based on Regularized Coupled Non-Negative Block-Term Tensor Decomposition
* Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion by MS/HS Fusion Net
* Multispectral and Hyperspectral Satellite Data for Alteration Mapping Using Partial-Subpixel Algorithm in an Unexplored Region
* Multispectral and Mobile Mapping ISPRS Wg Iii/5 Data Set: First Analysis of the Dataset Impact
* Multispectral and Multiangle 3-D Convolutional Neural Network for the Classification of ZY-3 Satellite Images Over Urban Areas, A
* Multispectral and Panchromatic Data Fusion Assessment Without Reference
* Multispectral and Panchromatic Image Fusion Based on Genetic Algorithm and Data Assimilation
* Multispectral and Radar Data for the Setting of Gold Mineralization in the South Eastern Desert, Egypt
* Multispectral and SAR Image Fusion Based on Laplacian Pyramid and Sparse Representation
* Multispectral and Texture Feature Application in Image-Object Analysis of Summer Vegetation in Eastern Tajikistan Pamirs
* Multispectral and Thermal Sensors Onboard UAVs for Heterogeneity in Merlot Vineyard Detection: Contribution to Zoning Maps
* Multispectral Approach for Identifying Invasive Plant Species Based on Flowering Phenology Characteristics
* Multispectral Approach to Remote Detection of Deer, A
* Multispectral background subtraction with deep learning
* Multispectral Band-Aware Generation of Satellite Images across Domains Using Generative Adversarial Networks and Contrastive Learning
* Multispectral Bathymetry Using a Simple Physically Based Algorithm
* Multispectral Bilateral Video Fusion
* Multispectral calibration to enhance the metrology performance of C-mount camera systems
* Multispectral Camera Suite for the Observation of Earth's Outgoing Radiative Energy, A
* Multispectral Camera System Speeds Print Inspection
* Multispectral change detection using multivariate Kullback-Leibler distance
* Multispectral Characteristics of Glacier Surface Facies (Chandra-Bhaga Basin, Himalaya, and Ny-Alesund, Svalbard) through Investigations of Pixel and Object-Based Mapping Using Variable Processing Routines
* Multispectral Classification of Landsat Images Using Neural Networks
* Multispectral Co-Occurrence With Three Random Variables in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Breast Cancer
* Multispectral Code Excited Linear Prediction Coding and Its Application in Magnetic-Resonance Images
* Multispectral Constancy Based on Spectral Adaptation Transform
* Multispectral Constraints for Optical Flow Computation
* Multispectral Contrast of Archaeological Features: A Quantitative Evaluation
* Multispectral Contrastive Learning with Viewmaker Networks
* Multispectral Data Model for Higher-Order Active Contours and Its Application to Tree Crown Extraction, A
* Multispectral Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection
* Multispectral demosaicking algorithm based on inter-channel correlation
* Multispectral demosaicking using adaptive kernel upsampling
* Multispectral demosaicking with novel guide image generation and residual interpolation
* Multispectral Denoising Framework for Seismic Random Noise Attenuation, A
* Multispectral Direct-Global Separation of Dynamic Scenes
* Multispectral Dynamic Codebook and Fusion Strategy for Moving Objects Detection
* Multispectral Edge-Detection: Some Experiments on Data from Landsat-TM
* Multispectral Endoscopy to Identify Precancerous Lesions in Gastric Mucosa
* Multispectral Eye Detection: A Preliminary Study
* Multispectral Face Recognition in Texture Space
* Multispectral Filter-Wheel Cameras: Geometric Distortion Model and Compensation Algorithms
* Multispectral Filter Array Design by Optimal Sphere Packing
* Multispectral focal stack acquisition using a chromatic aberration enlarged camera
* Multispectral Fusion for Object Detection with Cyclic Fuse-and-Refine Blocks
* Multispectral human co-segmentation via joint convolutional neural networks
* Multispectral illumination estimation using deep unrolling network
* Multispectral Image-Based Estimation of Drought Patterns and Intensity around Lake Chad, Africa
* Multispectral Image Analysis for Patient Tissue Tracking During Complex Interventions
* Multispectral Image Capturing with Foveon Sensors
* Multispectral Image Change Detection Based on Single-Band Slow Feature Analysis
* Multispectral image classification using wavelets: a simulation study
* Multispectral image coding using lattice VQ and the wavelet transform
* Multispectral Image Colour Encoding
* Multispectral image compression by cluster-adaptive subspace representation
* Multispectral image compression using eigenregion-based segmentation
* Multispectral image compression with band ordering and wavelet transforms
* Multispectral Image Compression
* Multispectral Image Context Classification Using Stochastic Relaxation
* Multispectral Image Data Fusion Under a Bayesian-Approach
* Multispectral image data fusion using POCS and super-resolution
* Multispectral Image Demosaicking Based on Novel Spectrally Localized Average Images
* Multispectral Image Denoising Using Optimized Vector NLM Filter
* Multispectral Image Denoising via Nonlocal Multitask Sparse Learning
* Multispectral Image Denoising With Optimized Vector Bilateral Filter
* Multispectral Image Encoding
* Multispectral Image Enhancement Based on the Dark Channel Prior and Bilateral Fractional Differential Model
* Multispectral Image Fusion and Merging Using Multiscale Fundamental Forms
* Multispectral Image Fusion Using Local Mapping Techniques
* Multispectral Image Intrinsic Decomposition via Subspace Constraint
* Multispectral Image Out-of-Focus Deblurring Using Interchannel Correlation
* Multispectral Image Restoration via Inter- and Intra-Block Sparse Estimation Based on Physically-Induced Joint Spatiospectral Structures
* Multispectral Image Restoration with Multisensors
* Multispectral Image Retrieval Using Vector Quantization
* Multispectral Image Segmentation Based on a Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm Combined with Tsallis Entropy and a Gaussian Mixture Model
* Multispectral Image Segmentation by Energy Minimization for Fruit Quality Estimation
* Multispectral image segmentation using the rough-set-initialized EM algorithm
* Multispectral Image Smoothing by Local Use of Global Information
* Multispectral Image Smoothing Guided by Global Distribution of Pixel Values
* Multispectral Image Super-Resolution Burned-Area Mapping Based on Space-Temperature Information
* Multispectral Image Super-Resolution via RGB Image Fusion and Radiometric Calibration
* Multispectral image visualization through first-order fusion
* Multispectral Image Visualization With Nonlinear Projections
* Multispectral Imagery Provides Benefits for Mapping Spruce Tree Decline Due to Bark Beetle Infestation When Acquired Late in the Season
* Multispectral Images Denoising by Intrinsic Tensor Sparsity Regularization
* Multispectral Imaging and Digital Restoration for Paintings Documentation
* Multispectral Imaging for Fine-Grained Recognition of Powders on Complex Backgrounds
* Multispectral imaging for material analysis in an outdoor environment using Normalized Cuts
* Multispectral Imaging in Cultural Heritage Conservation
* Multispectral Imaging of Degraded Parchment
* Multispectral imaging of the Archimedes palimpsest
* Multispectral Imaging Using Multiplexed Illumination
* Multispectral Integration for Segmentation of Chromosome Images
* Multispectral interaction convolutional neural network for pedestrian detection
* Multispectral interest points for RGB-NIR image registration
* Multispectral Interlaced Sparse Sampling Photoacoustic Tomography
* Multispectral Iris Analysis: A Preliminary Study51
* Multispectral Iris Recognition Using Patch Based Game Theory
* Multispectral Joint Image Restoration via Optimizing a Scale Map
* Multispectral Land Sensing: Where From, Where to?
* Multispectral LiDAR-Based Estimation of Surface Fuel Load in a Dense Coniferous Forest
* Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification Using SE-PointNet++
* Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification: A Two-Step Approach
* Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation for Land Cover Leveraging Semantic Fusion in Deep Learning Network
* Multispectral Local Binary Pattern Histogram for Component-based Color Face Verification
* Multispectral Mapping on 3D Models and Multi-Temporal Monitoring for Individual Characterization of Olive Trees
* Multispectral Models from Bare Soil Composites for Mapping Topsoil Properties over Europe
* Multispectral MRI image segmentation using Markov random field model
* Multispectral Object Segmentation and Retrieval in Surveillance Video
* Multispectral Optic Flow
* Multispectral Optical Diagnostics of Lightning from Space
* Multispectral palm image fusion for accurate contact-free palmprint recognition
* Multispectral palmprint matching based on joint sparse representation
* Multispectral panoramic mosaicing
* Multispectral Pansharpening with Radiative Transfer-Based Detail-Injection Modeling for Preserving Changes in Vegetation Cover
* Multispectral pattern recognition of MR imagery for the noninvasive analysis of atherosclerosis
* Multispectral pedestrian detection: Benchmark dataset and baseline
* Multispectral Photoacoustic Imaging Artifact Removal and Denoising Using Time Series Model-Based Spectral Noise Estimation
* Multispectral Photogrammetric Data Acquisition and Processing Forwall Paintings Studies
* Multispectral Photometric Stereo for Spatially-Varying Spectral Reflectances
* Multispectral Photometric Stereo for Spatially-Varying Spectral Reflectances: A well posed problem?
* Multispectral piecewise planar stereo using Manhattan-world assumption
* Multispectral Radiometric Analysis of Façades to Detect Pathologies from Active and Passive Remote Sensing
* Multispectral Random Field Models for Synthesis and Analysis of Color Images
* Multispectral Reconstruction From Reference Objects in the Scene
* Multispectral Remote Sensing as a Tool to Support Organic Crop Certification: Assessment of the Discrimination Level between Organic and Conventional Maize
* Multispectral Remote Sensing Data Are Effective and Robust in Mapping Regional Forest Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in a Northeast Forest Region in China
* Multispectral Remote Sensing from Unmanned Aircraft: Image Processing Workflows and Applications for Rangeland Environments
* Multispectral Remote Sensing Monitoring of Soil Particle-Size Distribution in Arid and Semi-Arid Mining Areas in the Middle and Upper Reaches of the Yellow River Basin: A Case Study of Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
* Multispectral Remote Sensing of Wetlands in Semi-Arid and Arid Areas: A Review on Applications, Challenges and Possible Future Research Directions
* Multispectral Satellite Image and Ancillary Data Integration for Geological Classification
* Multispectral Satellite Image Denoising via Adaptive Cuckoo Search-Based Wiener Filter
* Multispectral Satellite Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Clustering and Nonlinear Filtering Methods
* Multispectral Satellite Image Understanding: From Land Classification to Building and Road Detection
* Multispectral scleral patterns for ocular biometric recognition
* Multispectral single-sensor RGB-NIR imaging: New challenges and opportunities
* Multispectral Skin Color Modeling
* Multispectral Stereo Image Correspondence
* Multispectral Stereo Odometry
* Multispectral target detection based on the space-spectrum structure constraint with the multi-scale hierarchical model
* Multispectral texture analysis of histopathological abnormalities in colorectal tissues
* Multispectral Texture Analysis Using Interplane Sum- and Difference-Histograms
* Multispectral Texture Synthesis Using Fractal Concepts
* Multispectral Texture
* Multispectral Thermal Imager: Mission and Applications Overview
* Multispectral Transforms Using Convolution Neural Networks for Remote Sensing Multispectral Image Compression
* Multispectral UAS Data Accuracy for Different Radiometric Calibration Methods
* Multispectral UAV-Based Monitoring of Leek Dry-Biomass and Nitrogen Uptake across Multiple Sites and Growing Seasons
* Multispectral venous images analysis for optimum illumination selection
* Multispectral Video Semantic Segmentation: A Benchmark Dataset and Baseline
* Multispectral Video
* Multispectral visible and infrared imaging for face recognition
* MultiSports: A Multi-Person Video Dataset of Spatio-Temporally Localized Sports Actions
* Multisquint Framework for Change Detection in High-Resolution Multitemporal SAR Images, A
* Multistage Adaptive Point-Growth Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion
* Multistage Adaptive Prediction Using Local Area Based Predictor Evaluation
* multistage adaptive thresholding method, A
* Multistage Adversarial Losses for Pose-Based Human Image Synthesis
* Multistage Algorithm for Fast Classification of Patterns, A
* Multistage Approach for Image Registration, A
* multistage approach to information extraction in degraded document images, The
* Multistage Approach to the Dense Estimation of Disparity from Stereo SEM Images, A
* Multistage attention network for image inpainting
* Multistage Branch-and-Bound Merging for Planar Surface Segmentation in Disparity Space
* Multistage Cascade Predictor of Structural Elements Movement in the Deformation Analysis of Large Objects Based on Time Series Influencing Factors
* Multistage Curvature-Guided Network for Progressive Single Image Reflection Removal
* multistage dataflow implementation of a Deep Convolutional Neural Network based on FPGA for high-speed object recognition, A
* Multistage Decision Optimization Approach for Train Timetable Rescheduling Under Uncertain Disruptions in a High-Speed Railway Network, A
* Multistage Deep Neural Network Framework for People Detection and Localization Using Fusion of Visible and Thermal Images
* Multistage Discriminative Model for Tumor and Lymph Node Detection in Thoracic Images, A
* Multistage Dynamic Optimization with Different Forms of Neural-State Constraints to Avoid Many Object Collisions Based on Radar Remote Sensing
* Multistage Evolution in Transverse Aeolian Ridges
* multistage fast motion estimation scheme for video compression, A
* multistage filtering technique to detect hazards on the ground plane, A
* Multistage Framework With Mean Subspace Computation and Recursive Feedback for Online Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, A
* Multistage Fusion of Face Matchers
* Multistage Fuzzy Classifier for Recognition of Handprinted Characters, A
* Multistage GAN for Fabric Defect Detection
* Multistage Hierarchical Algorithm for Hand Shape Recognition, A
* Multistage hybrid active appearance model matching: segmentation of left and right ventricles in cardiac MR images
* Multistage Image Segmentation and Denoising Method: Based on the Mumford and Shah Variational Approach, A
* Multistage Impacts of the Heavy Rain Process on the Travel Speeds of Urban Roads
* Multistage index assignments for M-description coding
* Multistage Interaction Network for Remote Sensing Change Detection
* Multistage motion estimation for image interpolation
* Multistage Motion Vector Processing Method for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation, A
* Multistage multimodal medical image fusion model using feature-adaptive pulse coupled neural network
* Multistage Object Detection With Group Recursive Learning
* Multistage Parallel Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction Method, A
* Multistage Particle Windows for Fast and Accurate Object Detection
* Multistage Pattern Recognition with Reject Option
* Multistage Pooling for Blind Quality Prediction of Asymmetric Multiply-Distorted Stereoscopic Images
* Multistage Pre-Candidate Selection In Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition Systems
* Multistage reaction-diffusion equation network for image super-resolution
* Multistage Refinement Network for Salient Object Detection, A
* Multistage sampling structure conversion of video signals
* Multistage SDTV/HDTV scanning rate converters
* Multistage Segmentation of Optical-Flow Field
* Multistage SFM: Revisiting Incremental Structure from Motion
* Multistage Spatio-Temporal Networks for Robust Sketch Recognition
* Multistage Spread Spectrum Watermark Detection Technique Using Fuzzy Logic
* Multistage temporal convolution transformer for action segmentation
* Multistage temporal motion compensation for motion vector coding
* Multistage VQ Based Watermarking Technique with Fake Watermarks, A
* Multistage, Optimal Active Contour Model, A
* MultiStage: A MINMAX Bit Allocation Algorithm for Video Coders
* Multistandard Digital HD/SD Audio Multiplexer With Modular Ancillary Packet Substitution, A
* Multistart Tabu Search and Diversification Strategies for the Quadratic Assignment Problem
* Multistate Constrained Invariant Kalman Filter For Rolling Shutter Camera and IMU Calibration
* Multistatic and MIMO Distributed ISAR for Enhanced Cross-Range Resolution of Rotating Targets
* Multistatic Geosynchronous SAR Resolution Analysis and Grating Lobe Suppression Based on Array Spatial Ambiguity Function
* Multistatic GNSS Synthetic Aperture Radar for Surface Characterization, A
* Multistatic Ground-Penetrating Radar Experiments
* Multistatic Imaging of Extended Targets
* Multistatic Localization With Unknown Transmitter Position and Signal Propagation Speed
* Multistatic Passive Radar Imaging Using the Smoothed Pseudo Wigner-ville Distribution
* Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Formation
* Multistation Bundle Adjustment with a Machine Vision Parallel Camera System: An Alternative to the Perspective Case for the Measurement of Small Objects
* Multistation coordinated and dynamic passenger inflow control for a metro line
* MultiStencils Fast Marching Methods: A Highly Accurate Solution to the Eikonal Equation on Cartesian Domains
* Multistep-Ahead Solar Radiation Forecasting Scheme Based on the Light Gradient Boosting Machine: A Case Study of Jeju Island
* Multistep Approach to Restoration of Locally Undersampled Meshes, A
* Multistep Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Energy Schedule Strategy of Charging Stations in Smart Grid
* Multistrategical Approach in Visual Learning
* Multistrategy ensemble regression for mapping of built-up density and height with Sentinel-2 data
* Multistrategy Learning Approach for Target Model Recognition, Acquisition, and Refinement, A
* Multistream Articulatory Feature-Based Models for Visual Speech Recognition
* Multistream Recognition of Speech: Dealing With Unknown Unknowns
* Multistream Validnet: Improving 6D Object Pose Estimation by Automatic Multistream Validation
* Multistreaming of 3-D Scenes With Optimized Transmission and Rendering Scalability
* Multisubject Task-Related fMRI Data Processing via a Two-Stage Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Multisubjects Tracking by Time-of-Flight Camera
* multisurface method for pattern classification, A
* Multisurface Proximal Support Vector Machine Classification via Generalized Eigenvalues
* multisymbol context-based arithmetic coding architecture for MPEG-4 shape coding, A
* Multisystem Interferometric Data Fusion Framework: A Three-Step Sensing Approach
* Multitaper-Mel Spectrograms for Keyword Spotting
* Multitaper Estimation on Arbitrary Domains
* Multitaper Frequency-Domain Bootstrap Method, A
* Multitapering and a wavelet variant of MFCC in speech recognition
* Multitarget association and tracking in 3-D space based on particle filter with joint multitarget probability density
* Multitarget data association with higher-order motion models
* Multitarget Detection Algorithms for Multitemporal Remote Sensing Data
* Multitarget Filtering With Unknown Clutter Density Using a Bootstrap GMCPHD Filter
* Multitarget Multiple-Instance Learning for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Multitarget region tracking based on short-sight modelling of background and color distribution temporal variation
* Multitarget Tracking Control for Coupled Heterogeneous Inertial Agents Systems Based on Flocking Behavior
* Multitarget Tracking for Multiple Lagrangian Plants With Input-to-Output Redundancy and Sampled-Data Interactions
* Multitarget tracking using Gaussian Process Dynamical Model particle filter
* Multitarget Tracking Using Hough Forest Random Field
* Multitarget Tracking Video System Based on Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques, A
* Multitarget tracking with a corner-based particle filter
* Multitarget Tracking with Split and Merged Measurements
* Multitarget Visual Tracking Based Effective Surveillance With Cooperation of Multiple Active Cameras
* MultiTask-CenterNet (MCN): Efficient and Diverse Multitask Learning using an Anchor Free Approach
* Multitask-Oriented Brain-Controlled Intelligent Vehicle Based on Human-Machine Intelligence Integration
* Multitask AET with Orthogonal Tangent Regularity for Dark Object Detection
* Multitask Air-Quality Prediction Based on LSTM-Autoencoder Model
* Multitask classification and reconstruction using extended Turbo approximate message passing
* Multitask Deep Learning Reconstruction and Localization of Lesions in Limited Angle Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Multitask Emotion Recognition with Incomplete Labels
* Multitask Feature Learning as Multiobjective Optimization: A New Genetic Programming Approach to Image Classification
* Multitask Feature Learning Meets Robust Tensor Decomposition for EEG Classification
* Multitask Hypergraph Convolutional Networks: A Heterogeneous Traffic Prediction Framework
* Multitask Identity-Aware Image Steganography via Minimax Optimization
* Multitask Image Clustering via Deep Information Bottleneck
* Multitask Learning-Based for SAR Image Superpixel Generation
* Multitask Learning for Cross-Domain Image Captioning
* Multitask learning for EEG-based biometrics
* Multitask learning for large-scale semantic change detection
* Multitask learning for neural generative question answering
* Multitask Learning for Super-Resolution of Seismic Velocity Model
* Multitask Learning for Video-based Surgical Skill Assessment
* Multitask Learning From Augmented Auxiliary Data for Improving Speech Emotion Recognition
* Multitask Learning of Compact Semantic Codebooks for Context-Aware Scene Modeling
* Multitask Learning Strengthens Adversarial Robustness
* Multitask Learning to Improve Egocentric Action Recognition
* Multitask learning via pseudo-label generation and ensemble prediction for parasitic egg cell detection: IEEE ICIP Challenge 2022
* Multitask Linear Discriminant Analysis for View Invariant Action Recognition
* Multitask Multi-database Emotion Recognition
* Multitask multiclass privileged information support vector machines
* Multitask multiclass support vector machines: Model and experiments
* Multitask Multigranularity Aggregation With Global-Guided Attention for Video Person Re-Identification
* Multitask multivariate common sparse representations for robust multimodal biometrics recognition
* Multitask Neural Tensor Factorization for Road Traffic Speed-Volume Correlation Pattern Learning and Joint Imputation
* Multitask Non-Autoregressive Model for Human Motion Prediction
* Multitask Reinforcement Learning in Nondeterministic Environments: Maze Problem Case
* Multitask Remote Sensing Data Classification
* Multitask Representation Learning for Multimodal Estimation of Depression Level
* Multitask Semantic Boundary Awareness Network for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* Multitask Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Joint Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Imagery Denoising
* Multitask Spectral Clustering by Exploring Intertask Correlation
* Multitask, Multilabel, and Multidomain Learning With Convolutional Networks for Emotion Recognition
* Multitechnique Rain Classification From Ground-Based Measurements Over a Tropical Location
* MultiTempGAN: Multitemporal multispectral image compression framework using generative adversarial networks
* Multitemporal-Multispectral UAS Surveys for Archaeological Research: The Case Study of San Vincenzo Al Volturno (Molise, Italy)
* Multitemporal 2016-2018 Sentinel-2 Data Enhancement for Landscape Archaeology: The Case Study of the Foggia Province, Southern Italy
* Multitemporal 3D Change Detection in Urban Areas Using Stereo Information from Different Sensors
* Multitemporal 3D Modelling for Cultural Heritage Emergency During Seismic Events: Damage Assesment of S. Agostino Church in Amatrice (RI)
* Multitemporal Analysis of Deforestation in Response to the Construction of the Tucuruí Dam
* Multitemporal Analysis of Gully Erosion in Olive Groves by Means of Digital Elevation Models Obtained with Aerial Photogrammetric and LiDAR Data
* Multitemporal Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover within an Oil Block in the Ecuadorian Amazon
* Multitemporal Analysis of Slow-Moving Landslides and Channel Dynamics through Integrated Remote Sensing and In Situ Techniques
* Multitemporal Analysis of Soil Sealing and Land Use Changes Linked to Urban Expansion of Salamanca (Spain) Using Landsat Images and Soil Carbon Management as a Mitigating Tool for Climate Change
* Multitemporal analysis of urban reflectance
* Multitemporal and Multiscale Applications of Geomatic Techniques to Medium-Sized Archaeological Sites: Case Study of Marroquies Bajos (Jaen, Spain)
* Multitemporal and Multisensor InSAR Analysis for Ground Displacement Field Assessment at Ischia Volcanic Island (Italy)
* Multitemporal Backscattering Logistic Analysis for Intertidal Bathymetry
* Multitemporal Change Detection Analysis in an Urbanized Environment Based upon Sentinel-1 Data
* Multitemporal Chlorophyll Mapping in Pome Fruit Orchards from Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
* Multitemporal classification of natural vegetation cover in Brazilian Cerrado
* Multitemporal Classification of River Floodplain Vegetation Using Time Series of UAV Images
* Multitemporal classification without new labels: A solution with optimal transport
* Multitemporal Cloud Masking in the Google Earth Engine
* Multitemporal Crop Type Classification using Conditional Random Fields and RapidEye Data
* Multitemporal Cross-Calibration of the Terra MODIS and Landsat 7 ETM+ Reflective Solar Bands
* Multitemporal data management and exploitation infrastructure
* Multitemporal data mining: From biomass monitoring to nuclear proliferation detection
* Multitemporal evaluation of topographic normalization methods on Deciduous Forest TM Data
* Multitemporal Feature-Level Fusion on Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data in the Urban Environment
* Multitemporal Fluctuations in L-Band Backscatter From a Japanese Forest
* Multitemporal fusion of Landsat and MERIS images
* Multitemporal fuzzy classification model based on class transition possibilities
* Multitemporal Geometric Distortion Correction Utilizing the Affine Transform
* Multitemporal Glacier Mass Balance and Area Changes in the Puruogangri Ice Field during 1975-2021 Based on Multisource Satellite Observations
* Multitemporal Hyperspectral Data Fusion with Topographic Indices: Improving Classification of Natura 2000 Grassland Habitats
* Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images Change Detection Based on Joint Unmixing and Information Coguidance Strategy
* Multitemporal Image Change Detection Using Undecimated Discrete Wavelet Transform and Active Contours
* Multitemporal image change detection with compressed sparse representation
* Multitemporal Images Change Detection Based on AMMF and Spectral Constraint Strategy
* Multitemporal InSAR Coherence Analysis and Methods for Sand Mitigation
* Multitemporal Investigation of AMSR-E C-Band Radio-Frequency Interference, A
* Multitemporal Land Use and Land Cover Classification from Time-Series Landsat Datasets Using Harmonic Analysis with a Minimum Spectral Distance Algorithm
* Multitemporal land use and land cover classification of urbanized areas within sensitive coastal environments
* Multitemporal Landsat Missing Data Recovery Based on Tempo-Spectral Angle Model
* Multitemporal Landslide Inventory and Activity Analysis by Means of Aerial Photogrammetry and LiDAR Techniques in an Area of Southern Spain
* Multitemporal Level-1-beta Products: Definitions, Interpretation, and Applications
* Multitemporal Method for Correction of Tropospheric Effects in Differential SAR Interferometry: Application to the Gulf of Corinth Earthquake, A
* Multitemporal Monitoring of Plant Area Index in the Valencia Rice District with PocketLAI
* Multitemporal Monitoring of the Morphodynamics of a Mid-Mountain Stream Using UAS Photogrammetry
* Multitemporal Mountain Rice Identification and Extraction Method Based on the Optimal Feature Combination and Machine Learning, A
* Multitemporal Profile-Based Interpolation Method for Gap Filling Nonstationary Data, A
* Multitemporal Quality Assessment of Grassland and Cropland Objects of a Topographic Dataset
* Multitemporal Remote Sensing Based on an FVC Reference Period Using Sentinel-2 for Monitoring Eichhornia crassipes on a Mediterranean River
* Multitemporal Repeat Pass SAR Interferometry of Boreal Forests
* Multitemporal SAR Data and 2D Hydrodynamic Model Flood Scenario Dynamics Assessment
* Multitemporal SAR image compression
* Multitemporal SAR Image Despeckling Based on Block-Matching and Collaborative Filtering
* Multitemporal Scale and Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Temporal Action Localization, A
* Multitemporal Sentinel-2 data: remarks and observations
* Multitemporal Spaceborn SAR Data For Change Detection In Urban Areas:a Case Study In Shanghai
* Multitemporal Unmixing of Medium-Spatial-Resolution Satellite Images: A Case Study Using MERIS Images for Land-Cover Mapping
* Multitemporal Water Extraction of Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake Based on an Automatic Water Extraction and Dynamic Monitoring Framework
* Multitemporal/multiband SAR classification of urban areas using spatial analysis: statistical versus neural kernel-based approach
* Multitemporale und kantenbasierte Analyseverfahren zur Detektion agrarischer Landnutzungsdynamiken auf Teneriffa
* Multiterminal Video Coding
* Multitexture Model for Multilook Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data, A
* Multithreaded Algorithms for Lossless Intra Compression of Point Cloud Geometry Based on the Silhouette 3d Coder
* Multithreaded Rendering for Cross-platform 3d Visualization Based On Vulkan API
* Multithreading AdaBoost framework for object recognition
* Multithreading Architecture for Real-Time MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 SVC Decoder
* Multithreading Based Parallel Processing for Image Geometric Coregistration in SAR Interferometry
* Multithresholding of color and gray-level images through a neural network technique
* Multitier Biometric Template Security Using Cryptographic Salts and Personal Image Identification
* Multitone Model-Based Seismic Data Compression, A
* Multitone reconstruction visual cryptography based on phase periodicity
* Multitoning using generalized projections and the DCT
* Multitouching the Fourth Dimension
* Multitraining Support Vector Machine for Image Retrieval
* Multitransform Architecture for H.264/AVC High-Profile Coders, A
* Multitype Highway Mobility Analytics for Efficient Learning Model Design: A Case of Station Traffic Prediction
* Multiuser Detection for Uplink DS-CDMA Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems
* Multiuser Incomplete Preference K-Nearest Neighbor Query Method Based on Differential Privacy in Road Network
* Multiuser Massive MIMO Relaying With Mixed-ADC Receiver
* Multiuser Rate Allocation Games for Multimedia Communications
* Multiuser Stereoscopic Projection Techniques for CAVE-Type Virtual Reality Systems
* Multivalued Component-Tree Filtering
* Multivalued Default Logic for Identity Maintenance in Visual Surveillance
* Multivalued Distance Maps for Motion Planning on Surfaces with Moving Obstacles
* Multivalued Geodesic Ray-Tracing for Computing Brain Connections Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Multivalued image segmentation based on first fundamental form
* multivalued image wavelet representation based on multiscale fundamental forms, A
* Multivalued label diffusion for semi-supervised segmentation
* Multivalued Morphology and Segmentation-based Coding
* Multivalued Representation for View Synthesis, A
* Multivalued type dissimilarity measure and concept of mutual dissimilarity value for clustering symbolic patterns
* Multivalued type proximity measure and concept of mutual similarity value useful for clustering symbolic patterns
* Multivariable robust H-inf control for aeroengines using modified Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
* Multivariant Techniques for Multiclass Pattern Recognition
* Multivariate alternating decision trees
* Multivariate Analysis for Solar Resource Assessment Using Unsupervised Learning on Images from the GOES-13 Satellite
* Multivariate Analysis Framework to Detect Key Environmental Factors Affecting Spatiotemporal Variability of Chlorophyll-a in a Tropical Productive Estuarine-Lagoon System, A
* Multivariate Analysis of Gaze Behavior and Task Performance Within Interface Design Evaluation
* Multivariate Analysis of MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aerosol Retrievals and the Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) Parameters for Atlantic Hurricanes
* Multivariate analysis of thalamo-cortical connectivity loss in TBI
* Multivariate Approach to Registration of Dissimilar Four-Dimensional Nuclear Medical Images, A
* Multivariate Attention Network for Image Captioning
* Multivariate Autoregressive Spectrogram Modeling for Noisy Speech Recognition
* Multivariate Bayesian classification of epilepsy EEG signals
* Multivariate Bayesian cognitive modeling for unsupervised quality control of baked pizzas
* Multivariate Brain Mapping by Random Subspaces
* Multivariate Classification through Adaptive Delaunay-Based C-0 Spline Approximation
* Multivariate Compressive Sensing for Image Reconstruction in the Wavelet Domain: Using Scale Mixture Models
* Multivariate Confidence Calibration for Object Detection
* multivariate contour detector for high-resolution polarimetric SAR images, A
* Multivariate Correlated Rayleigh Fading With MRC and Applications to Wireless Secrecy
* Multivariate data representation and analysis by face pattern using facial expression characteristics
* Multivariate Drought Index for Seasonal Agriculture Drought Classification in Semiarid Regions, A
* Multivariate Empirical Mode DecompositionBased Approach to Pansharpening, A
* Multivariate Extension of Matrix-Based Rényi's alpha-Order Entropy Functional
* Multivariate Functional Network Connectivity for Disorders of Consciousness
* Multivariate Gaussian MRF for Multispectral Scene Segmentation and Anomaly Detection
* Multivariate General Linear Models (MGLM) on Riemannian Manifolds with Applications to Statistical Analysis of Diffusion Weighted Images
* Multivariate Hit-or-Miss Transform for Conjoint Spatial and Spectral Template Matching, A
* Multivariate Hypothesis Testing for Gaussian Data: Theory and Software
* Multivariate Image Segmentation Using Semantic Region Growing with Adaptive Edge Penalty
* Multivariate image similarity in the compressed domain using statistical graph matching
* Multivariate Image Texture by Multivariate Variogram for Multispectral Image Classification
* Multivariate indexing of multichannel images based on the copula theory
* Multivariate k-Nearest Neighbor Density Estimates
* Multivariate kernel diffusion for surface denoising
* Multivariate Laplace Filter: A heavy-tailed model for target tracking
* Multivariate log-Gaussian Cox models of elementary shapes for recognizing natural scene categories
* Multivariate Machine Learning Methods for Fusing Multimodal Functional Neuroimaging Data
* Multivariate mathematical morphology based on fuzzy extremum estimation
* Multivariate Mathematical Morphology Based on Orthogonal Transformation, Probabilistic Extrema Estimation and Distance Optimization, A
* Multivariate Median Filters and Partial Differential Equations
* Multivariate MIMO FIR inverses
* Multivariate Mixture Model for Myocardial Segmentation Combining Multi-Source Images
* Multivariate MTM filters-analysis and design options
* Multivariate multi-layer classifier
* Multivariate mutual information for audio video fusion
* Multivariate Myriad Filters Based on Parameter Estimation of Student-t Distributions
* Multivariate nonlinear mixed model to analyze longitudinal image data: MRI study of early brain development
* Multivariate online kernel density estimation with Gaussian kernels
* Multivariate optimization for multifractal-based texture segmentation
* Multivariate ordering in color image filtering
* Multivariate orthogonal polynomials to extract singular points
* Multivariate Probabilistic Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Multivariate Quasi-Laplacian Mixture Models For Wavelet-Based Image Denoising
* Multivariate Regression on the Grassmannian for Predicting Novel Domains
* Multivariate Regression via Stiefel Manifold Constraints
* Multivariate Regression with Gross Errors on Manifold-Valued Data
* Multivariate Relevance Vector Machines for Tracking
* Multivariate Saddle Point Detection for Statistical Clustering
* Multivariate Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Time-Series Analysis
* Multivariate Skew t-Mixture Models: Applications to Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting Data
* Multivariate Slow Feature Analysis and Decorrelation Filtering for Blind Source Separation
* Multivariate Spatial Data Fusion for Very Large Remote Sensing Datasets
* Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Existing Image Quality Metrics Over Turbulent Images
* multivariate statistical analysis of the developing human brain in preterm infants, A
* Multivariate Statistical Differences of MRI Samples of the Human Brain
* Multivariate statistical modeling for image denoising using wavelet transforms
* Multivariate statistical modeling for multi-temporal SAR change detection using wavelet transforms
* Multivariate statistical modeling of images in sparse multiscale transforms domain
* Multivariate statistical modeling of images in wavelet and curvelet domain using the Bessel K Form densities
* Multivariate Statistical Modeling of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Multivariate Statistical Models for Image Denoising in the Wavelet Domain
* Multivariate Statistics for Blind Image Quality Applications
* Multivariate Structural Bernoulli Mixtures for Recognition of Handwritten Numerals
* Multivariate Tensor-Based Morphometry with a Right-Invariant Riemannian Distance on GL+(n)
* Multivariate texture discrimination using a principal geodesic classifier
* Multivariate texture retrieval using the geodesic distance between elliptically distributed random variables
* Multivariate texture retrieval using the Kullback-Leibler divergence between bivariate generalized Gamma times an Uniform distribution
* Multivariate Thresholding Technique for Image Denoising Using Multiwavelets, A
* Multivariate Time Series Analysis of Ground Deformation Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, A
* Multivariate time series clustering based on complex network
* Multivariate Time Series Imputation With Transformers
* Multivariate time series modeling of geometric features of spatio-temporal volumes for content based video retrieval
* Multivariate Transformer Network for Mild Cognitive Impairment Identification, The
* Multivariate Watershed Segmentation of Compositional Data
* Multivariate, Multi-Frequency and Multimodal: Rethinking Graph Neural Networks for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
* MultiVCRank With Applications to Image Retrieval
* Multivehicle 3D Cooperative Positioning Algorithm Based on Information Geometric Probability Fusion of GNSS/Wireless Station Navigation
* Multivehicle Cooperative Driving Using Cooperative Perception: Design and Experimental Validation
* Multivehicle Cooperative Local Mapping: A Methodology Based on Occupancy Grid Map Merging
* Multivehicle Flocking With Collision Avoidance via Distributed Model Predictive Control
* Multiverse Loss for Robust Transfer Learning, The
* Multivideo Object Cosegmentation for Irrelevant Frames Involved Videos
* Multiview-Based 3-D Action Recognition Using Deep Networks
* Multiview-Based Cooperative Tracking of Multiple Human Objects
* Multiview-Consistent Semi-Supervised Learning for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Multiview-Video-Plus-Depth Coding Based on the Advanced Video Coding Standard
* Multiview 2D/3D Rigid Registration via a Point-Of-Interest Network for Tracking and Triangulation
* Multiview 3d Markerless Human Pose Estimation from Openpose Skeletons
* multiview 3D modeling system based on stereo vision techniques, A
* Multiview 3D Pose Estimation of a Wand for Human-Computer Interaction
* Multiview 3D Tracking with an Incrementally Constructed 3D Model
* Multiview 3D warps
* Multiview Absolute Pose Using 3D-2D Perspective Line Correspondences and Vertical Direction
* Multiview Active Shape Models with SIFT Descriptors for the 300-W Face Landmark Challenge
* Multiview Alignment Hashing for Efficient Image Search
* Multiview and 3D Video Compression Using Neighboring Block Based Disparity Vectors
* Multiview and multifeature spectral clustering using common eigenvectors
* Multiview Approach to Robust Detection in the Presence of Cast Shadows, A
* Multiview Approach to Tracking People in Crowded Scenes Using a Planar Homography Constraint, A
* Multiview Attenuation Estimation and Correction
* Multiview Automatic Target Recognition for Infrared Imagery Using Collaborative Sparse Priors
* Multiview Cauchy Estimator Feature Embedding for Depth and Inertial Sensor-Based Human Action Recognition
* Multiview cluster ensembles for multimodal MRI segmentation
* Multiview clustering based on Robust and Regularized Matrix Approximation
* Multiview Clustering by Consensus Spectral Rotation Fusion
* Multiview Clustering of Images with Tensor Rank Minimization via Nonconvex Approach
* Multiview Clustering via Hypergraph Induced Semi-Supervised Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Multiview Clustering: A Scalable and Parameter-Free Bipartite Graph Fusion Method
* Multiview Co-segmentation for Wide Baseline Images using Cross-view Supervision
* Multiview coding and error correction coding for 3D video over noisy channels
* Multiview Coding Mode Decision With Hybrid Optimal Stopping Model
* Multiview Compressive Coding for 3D Reconstruction
* Multiview Consensus Graph Clustering
* Multiview constraints in frequency space and camera calibration from unsynchronized images
* Multiview Constraints on Homographies
* Multiview convolutional neural networks for lung nodule classification
* Multiview Convolutional Neural Networks for Multidocument Extractive Summarization
* Multiview Cross-Media Hashing with Semantic Consistency
* Multiview Deblurring for 3-D Images from Light-Sheet-Based Fluorescence Microscopy
* Multiview Deep Feature Learning Network for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Multiview Depth-based Motion Capture Benchmark Dataset for Human Motion Denoising and Enhancement Research, A
* Multiview Depth-Image Compression Using an Extended H.264 Encoder
* Multiview depth coding based on combined color/depth segmentation
* Multiview Depth Parameterisation with Second Order Regularisation
* Multiview Detection with Feature Perspective Transformation
* Multiview Diffeomorphic Registration for Motion and Strain Estimation from 3D Ultrasound Sequences
* Multiview Differential Geometry of Curves
* Multiview discriminative learning for age-invariant face recognition
* Multiview Distance Metric Learning on facial feature descriptors for automatic pain intensity detection
* Multiview encoder parallelized fast search realization on NVIDIA CUDA
* Multiview Extended Video with Activities
* Multiview extension of HEVC using reduced resolution disparity information for inter-view prediction tools
* Multiview extensive partition operators for semantic video object extraction
* Multiview Face Detection and Registration Requiring Minimal Manual Intervention
* Multiview Face Identification Model With No Geometric Constraints, A
* Multiview face recognition based on multilinear decomposition and pose manifold
* Multiview Face Recognition: From TensorFace to V-TensorFace and K-TensorFace
* Multiview Facial Expression Recognition, A Survey
* Multiview Facial Feature Tracking with a Multi-modal Probabilistic Model
* Multiview Facial Landmark Localization in RGB-D Images via Hierarchical Regression With Binary Patterns
* Multiview feature co-factorization based dictionary selection for video summarization
* Multiview feature distributions for object detection and continuous pose estimation
* Multiview Feature Selection for Single-View Classification
* Multiview foreground extraction and composition to multiview background using trimap sharing for natural 3D scene generation
* Multiview foreground segmentation using 3D probabilistic model
* Multiview fusion for canonical view generation based on homography constraints
* Multiview gait-based gender classification through pose-based voting
* Multiview Gait Recognition Based on Patch Distribution Features and Uncorrelated Multilinear Sparse Local Discriminant Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Multiview Geometry for Texture Mapping 2D Images Onto 3D Range Data
* Multiview geometry in traditional vision and omnidirectional vision under the L_inf-norm
* Multiview Geometry: Profiles and Self-Calibration
* Multiview Graph Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Multiview Hessian discriminative sparse coding for image annotation
* Multiview Hessian Regularization for Image Annotation
* Multiview Hessian Semisupervised Sparse Feature Selection for Multimedia Analysis
* Multiview High Dynamic Range Image Synthesis Using Fuzzy Broad Learning System
* Multiview human pose estimation with unconstrained motions
* Multiview image and video interpolation using weighted vector median filters
* Multiview Image Coding Based on Geometric Prediction
* Multiview Image Coding Using Depth Layers and an Optimized Bit Allocation
* Multiview Image Completion with Space Structure Propagation
* Multiview image compression using a layer-based representation
* Multiview Image Matching of Optical Satellite and UAV Based on a Joint Description Neural Network
* Multiview Imaging for Low-Signature Target Detection in Rough-Surface Clutter Environment
* Multiview Intensity-Based Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiview Joint Sparse Representation with Discriminative Dictionary for Melanoma Detection, A
* Multiview Jointly Sparse Discriminant Common Subspace Learning
* Multiview Kernels for Low-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Events
* Multiview Label Sharing for Visual Representations and Classifications
* Multiview Language Bias Reduction for Visual Question Answering
* Multiview Laplacian semisupervised feature selection by leveraging shared knowledge among multiple tasks
* Multiview Marker-Free Registration of Forest Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data With Embedded Confidence Metrics
* Multiview Matching of Articulated Objects
* Multiview Matrix Completion for Multilabel Image Classification
* Multiview max-margin subspace learning for cross-view gait recognition
* Multiview Multimodal System for Monitoring Patient Sleep, A
* Multiview normal field integration using level set methods
* Multiview occlusion analysis for tracking densely populated objects based on 2-D visual angles
* Multiview panoramic cameras using a mirror pyramid
* Multiview Panoramic Cameras Using Mirror Pyramids
* Multiview Pedestrian Detection Based on Vector Boosting
* Multiview pedestrian localisation via a prime candidate chart based on occupancy likelihoods
* Multiview Photometric Stereo Using Planar Mesh Parameterization
* Multiview Photometric Stereo
* Multiview plus depth scalable coding in the depth domain
* Multiview Plus Depth Video Coding With Temporal Prediction View Synthesis
* Multiview projectors/cameras system for 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes
* Multiview Pseudo-Labeling for Semi-supervised Learning from Video
* Multiview range-image registration for forested scenes using explicitly-matched tie points estimated from natural surfaces
* Multiview Range Image Registration Using the Surface Interpenetration Measure
* Multiview Reconstruction of Complex Organic Shapes
* Multiview reconstruction of space curves
* Multiview Rectification of Folded Documents
* Multiview Regenerative Morphing with Dual Flows
* Multiview registration for large data sets
* Multiview Registration of 3D Scenes by Minimizing Error between Coordinate Frames
* Multiview registration via graph diffusion of dual quaternions
* Multiview Relationships in 3D Data
* Multiview RGB-D Dataset for Object Instance Detection
* Multiview Segmentation and Tracking of Dynamic Occluding Layers
* Multiview Semantic Vegetation Index for Robust Estimation of Urban Vegetation Cover, A
* multiview sequence CODEC with view scalability, A
* Multiview Shape and Reflectance from Natural Illumination
* Multiview side information creation for efficient Wyner-Ziv video coding: Classifying and reviewing
* Multiview Similarity Learning for Robust Visual Clustering
* Multiview Skeletal Interaction Recognition Using Active Joint Interaction Graph
* Multiview Spectral Clustering With Bipartite Graph
* Multiview specular stereo reconstruction of large mirror surfaces
* Multiview Sprite Generation and Coding
* Multiview Stereo and Silhouette Consistency via Convex Functionals over Convex Domains
* Multiview stereo and silhouette fusion via minimizing generalized reprojection error
* Multiview Stereo via Volumetric Graph-Cuts and Occlusion Robust Photo-Consistency
* Multiview Stereo with Cascaded Epipolar RAFT
* Multiview Stereoscopic Video Hole Filling Considering Spatiotemporal Consistency and Binocular Symmetry for Synthesized 3D Video
* Multiview structure from motion in trajectory space
* Multiview Subspace Clustering Using Low-Rank Representation
* Multiview super-resolution using high-frequency synthesis in case of low-framerate depth information
* Multiview Supervision By Registration
* Multiview Synthetic Aperture Ground-Penetrating Radar Detection in Rough Terrain Environment: A Real-Time 3-D Forward Model
* Multiview Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition Optimization: Modeling and Implementation
* Multiview Text Imagination Network Based on Latent Alignment for Image-Text Matching, A
* Multiview Texture Models
* Multiview Textured Mesh Recovery by Differentiable Rendering
* Multiview Trajectory Mapping Using Homography with Lens Distortion Correction
* Multiview Transformers for Video Recognition
* Multiview Uncorrelated Discriminant Analysis
* Multiview Unsupervised Shapelet Learning for Multivariate Time Series Clustering
* Multiview Video-Based 3-D Pose Estimation of Patients in Computer-Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN)
* Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Color Correction
* Multiview Video Coding, Stereo Video Coding, 3D Video Coding
* Multiview video compression with 1-D transforms
* Multiview video depth estimation using spacial-temporal consistency
* Multiview Video Plus Depth Coding With Depth-Based Prediction Mode
* Multiview video quality enhancement without depth information
* Multiview video representations for quality-scalable navigation
* Multiview Video Sequence Analysis, Compression, and Virtual Viewpoint Synthesis
* Multiview video summarization using video partitioning and clustering
* Multiview Video Transmission Over Underwater Acoustic Path
* Multiview vision-based human crowd localization for UAV fleet flight safety
* Multiview, Few-Labeled Object Categorization by Predicting Labels With View Consistency
* multiview, multimodal fusion framework for classifying small marine animals with an opto-acoustic imaging system, A
* Multiviewpoint Outdoor Dataset for Human Action Recognition, A
* Multiviewpoint Video Coding with MPEG-2 Compatibility
* Multiwavelet-Based Estimation for Improving Magnetic Resonance Images
* Multiwavelet-Based Region of Interest Image Coding
* Multiwavelet prefilters-part II: optimal orthogonal prefilters
* Multiwavelet transform based license plate detection
* Multiwavelets in Spectral Image Compression
* Multiway Cut for Stereo and Motion with Slanted Surfaces
* Multiway Filtering Applied on Hyperspectral Images
* Multiway Non-Rigid Point Cloud Registration via Learned Functional Map Synchronization
* Multiway Spectral Clustering with Out-of-Sample Extensions through Weighted Kernel PCA
* Multiwindow Approach for Radargrammetric Improvements, A
* Multiwindowed Approach to the Optimum Estimation of the Local Fractal Dimension for Natural Image Segmentation
* Multiyear Arctic Ice Classification Using ASCAT and SSMIS
* Multiyear Arctic Sea Ice Classification Using OSCAT and QuikSCAT
* Multiyear Arctic Sea Ice Classification Using QuikSCAT
* Multiyear Crop Monitoring Using Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data
* Multiyear On-Orbit Calibration and Performance of Terra MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* Multiyear On-Orbit Calibration and Performance of Terra MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands
* Multl-resolution background subtraction for dynamic scenes
* MULTRAK: a system for automatic multiperson localization and tracking in real-time
* MuLTReNets: Multilingual text recognition networks for simultaneous script identification and handwriting recognition
* MuLUT: Cooperating Multiple Look-Up Tables for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* MulViMotion: Shape-Aware 3D Myocardial Motion Tracking From Multi-View Cardiac MRI
* MUM: Mix Image Tiles and UnMix Feature Tiles for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* MUMC: Minimizing uncertainty of mixture of cues
* Mumford-Shah-ATV functional for limited angle tomography
* Mumford-Shah-Euler Flow with Sphere Constraint and Applications to Color Image Inpainting
* Mumford-Shah-Like Method for Limited Data Tomography with an Application to Electron Tomography, A
* Mumford-Shah and Potts Regularization for Manifold-Valued Data
* Mumford-Shah digital filter pair (MS-DFP) and applications, The
* Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with contour, shape, and probability prior information for prostate segmentation, A
* Mumford-Shah Loss Functional for Image Segmentation With Deep Learning
* Mumford-Shah Meets Stereo: Integration of Weak Depth Hypotheses
* Mumford-Shah Model Based Man-Made Objects Detection from Aerial Images
* Mumford-Shah Model for One-to-One Edge Matching
* Mumford-Shah model on lattice, A
* Mumford-Shah on the Move: Region-Based Segmentation on Deforming Manifolds with Application to 3-D Reconstruction of Shape and Appearance from Multi-View Images
* Mumford-Shah Regularizer with Contextual Feedback
* Mumford-Shah Regularizer with Spatial Coherence
* Mumford-Shah Style Unified Framework for Layering: Pitfalls and Solutions, A
* Mumford-Shah variational model for image segmentation: An overview of the theory, implementation and use, The
* Mumford and Shah Functional: VLSI Analysis and Implementation
* MuMIe: a new system for multimedia metadata interoperability
* MUNet: Macro Unit-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Mobile Devices
* MUNet: Motion uncertainty-aware semi-supervised video object segmentation
* MUNformer: A strong encoder that uses multi-level features extracted by different feature extractors for fusion
* Munich to Dubai: How far is it for Semantic Segmentation?
* Municipal and Urban Renewal Development Index System: A Data-Driven Digital Analysis Framework
* Municipal Open Data Portals: Their Implementation In the Face of A Municipality's Political and Territorial Reality
* Muon Tracing and Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Cosmic Ray Muon Computed Tomography
* MUPCOS: A multi-purpose coding scheme
* mura detection method, A
* MURAUER: Mapping Unlabeled Real Data for Label AUstERity
* MuRCL: Multi-Instance Reinforcement Contrastive Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification
* MUREL: Multimodal Relational Reasoning for Visual Question Answering
* MUREN: MUltistage Recursive Enhanced Network for Coal-Fired Power Plant Detection
* MURF: Mutually Reinforcing Multi-Modal Image Registration and Fusion
* MURI Project for Rapid Feature Extraction in Urban Areas, The
* MuRNet: A deep recursive network for super resolution of bicubically interpolated images
* MUSAK: A Multi-Scale Space Kinematic Method for Drone Detection
* Muscle-Driven Motion Simulation Based on Deformable Human Model Constructed from Real Anatomical Slice Data
* Muscle-Synergies-Based Neuromuscular Control for Motion Learning and Generalization of a Musculoskeletal System
* Muscle Fatigue Induced Hand Tremor Clustering in Dynamic Laparoscopic Manipulation
* Muscle injury determination by image segmentation
* Muscle Type Classification on Ultrasound Imaging Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* MUSCLE: Strengthening Semi-Supervised Learning Via Concurrent Unsupervised Learning Using Mutual Information Maximization
* Muscles in Action
* MuSCoWERT: multi-scale consistence of weighted edge Radon transform for horizon detection in maritime images
* Muscular Movement Model-Based Automatic 3D/4D Facial Expression Recognition
* Muscular Movement Model Based Automatic 3D Facial Expression Recognition
* Musculoskeletal Model for Path Generation and Modification of an Ankle Rehabilitation Robot
* MUSE-VAE: Multi-Scale VAE for Environment-Aware Long Term Trajectory Prediction
* MUSE: Robust Surface Fitting Using Unbiased Scale Estimates
* Museed: A mobile image analysis application for plant seed morphometry
* Musepick: An Integrated Technological Framework to Present the Complex Of Santissima Annunziata in Ascoli Piceno (Italy)
* MUSER: A prototype musical score recognition system using mathematical morphology
* Museum Exhibit Identification Challenge for the Supervised Domain Adaptation and Beyond
* Museums Go High-Tech with Digital Forensics
* MuseumVisitors: A dataset for pedestrian and group detection, gaze estimation and behavior understanding
* Mush: Multi-scale Hierarchical Feature Extraction for Semantic Image Synthesis
* Mushroom Segmentation and 3D Pose Estimation from Point Clouds using Fully Convolutional Geometric Features and Implicit Pose Encoding
* MUSIC-CSR: Hyperspectral Unmixing via Multiple Signal Classification and Collaborative Sparse Regression
* Music-Driven Group Choreography
* Music-Elicited Emotion Identification Using Optical Flow Analysis of Human Face
* Music-Induced Emotion Classification from the Prefrontal Hemodynamics
* Music Annotation and Retrieval using Unlabeled Exemplars: Correlation and Sparse Codes
* Music classification via the bag-of-features approach
* Music Conditioned Generation for Human-Centric Video
* Music Emotion Recognition: Toward new, robust standards in personalized and context-sensitive applications
* Music Generation with Markov Models
* Music genre classification using EMD and pitch based feature
* Music Genre Classification Using GA-Induced Minimal Feature-Set
* Music Genre Recognition in the Rough Set-Based Environment
* Music Genre Recognition Using Gabor Filters and LPQ Texture Descriptors
* Music Gesture for Visual Sound Separation
* Music Instrument Classification Reprogrammed
* Music Interfaces Based on Automatic Music Signal Analysis: New Ways to Create and Listen to Music
* Music Mobility Patterns: How Songs Propagate Around The World Through Spotify
* Music playlist generation by assimilating GMMs into SOMs
* Music Popularity: Metrics, Characteristics, and Audio-Based Prediction
* Music Related Gestures, Systems, Music Video Analysis
* Music Scene Analysis System with the MRF-Based Information Integration Scheme, A
* Music Score Binarization Based on Domain Knowledge
* Music Source Separation With Generative Flow
* Music staff removal with supervised pixel classification
* Music video affective understanding using feature importance analysis
* Music
* Musical keys and chords recognition using unsupervised learning with infinite Gaussian mixture
* Musical Onset Detection Using Constrained Linear Reconstruction
* Musical Source Separation: An Introduction
* Musical Style Identification with n-Grams and Neural Networks
* MusicMixer: Automatic DJ System Considering Beat and Latent Topic Similarity
* Musicoder: A Universal Music-acoustic Encoder Based on Transformer
* Musimage: A System for Automatically Presenting Pictures Depending on the Music Being Played
* Musip Multi-Sensor Image Processing System
* MUSIQ: Multi-Scale Image Quality Transformer
* Musiré: multimodal simulation and reconstruction framework for the radiological imaging sciences
* MuSpel-Fi: Multipath Subspace Projection and ELM-Based Fingerprint Localization
* MUSSOL: A Micro-UAS to Survey Ship Cargo hOLds
* MUST-GAN: Multi-level Statistics Transfer for Self-driven Person Image Generation
* MUST-VQA: Multilingual Scene-Text VQA
* MUTAN: Multimodal Tucker Fusion for Visual Question Answering
* Mutation Operator Accelerated Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction, A
* Mutational Equations for Shapes and Vision-Based Control
* MUTE: Inter-class Ambiguity Driven Multi-hot Target Encoding for Deep Neural Network Design
* MUter: Machine Unlearning on Adversarially Trained Models
* Mutex Watershed and its Objective: Efficient, Parameter-Free Graph Partitioning, The
* Mutex Watershed: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning, The
* Muti-modal learning in photogrammetry and remote sensing
* Mutibiometric System Based on Game Theory
* Mutiswarm particle filter for robust tracking under observation ambiguity
* Mutli-channel micro-structure difference descriptor for image retrieval
* MUTR3D: A Multi-camera Tracking Framework via 3D-to-2D Queries
* Mutual-Assistance Learning for Object Detection
* Mutual-Assistance Learning for Standalone Mono-Modality Survival Analysis of Human Cancers
* Mutual-Complementing Framework for Nuclei Detection and Segmentation in Pathology Image
* Mutual-Guidance Transformer-Embedding Network for Video Salient Object Detection
* Mutual-information-based registration of medical images: a survey
* Mutual-Information-Based Registration of TerraSAR-X and Ikonos Imagery in Urban Areas
* Mutual-Information-Based Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Band Selection With High Discrimination, High Information, and Low Redundancy
* mutual-information scale-space for image feature detection and feature-based classification of volumetric brain images, A
* Mutual-optimization Towards Generative Adversarial Networks For Robust Speech Recognition
* Mutual-Structure for Joint Filtering
* Mutual-Supervised Feature Modulation Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Mutual Affine Network for Spatially Variant Kernel Estimation in Blind Image Super-Resolution
* Mutual Alignment between Audiovisual Features for End-to-End Audiovisual Speech Recognition
* Mutual Benefits of Cognitive and Computer Vision
* Mutual Benefits of Cognitive and Computer Vision: How Can We Use One to Understand the Other?
* Mutual Bootstrapping Model for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation and Classification, A
* Mutual calibration training: Training deep neural networks with noisy labels using dual-models
* Mutual Comparative Filtering For Change Detection In Videos With Unstable Illumination Conditions
* Mutual Component Convolutional Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Mutual Context Network for Jointly Estimating Egocentric Gaze and Action
* Mutual CRF-GNN for Few-shot Learning
* Mutual Domain Adaptation
* Mutual Dual-Task Generator With Adaptive Attention Fusion for Image Inpainting
* Mutual Enhancement for Detection of Multiple Logos in Sports Videos
* Mutual Enhancement of Weak Laser Pulses for Point Cloud Enrichment Based on Full-Waveform Analysis
* Mutual Exclusive Modulator for Long-Tailed Recognition
* Mutual exclusivity loss for semi-supervised deep learning
* Mutual feedback scheme for face detection and tracking aimed at density estimation in demonstrations
* Mutual Foreground Segmentation with Multispectral Stereo Pairs
* mutual GrabCut method to solve co-segmentation, A
* Mutual Graph Learning for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Mutual Guidance Meets Supervised Contrastive Learning: Vehicle Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Mutual Hypothesis Verification for 6D Pose Estimation of Natural Objects
* Mutual Illumination
* Mutual Induction and the Effect of Host Conductivity on the EM Induction Response of Buried Plate Targets Using 3-D Finite-Element Analysis
* Mutual Information-Based 3D Object Tracking
* Mutual Information-Based 3D Surface Matching with Applications to Face Recognition and Brain Mapping
* Mutual Information-Based Analysis of JPEG2000 Contexts
* Mutual information-based binarisation of multiple images of an object: An application in medical imaging
* Mutual information-based context quantization
* Mutual Information-Based CT-MR Brain Image Registration Using Generalized Partial Volume Joint Histogram Estimation
* Mutual Information-Based Disentangled Neural Networks for Classifying Unseen Categories in Different Domains: Application to Fetal Ultrasound Imaging
* Mutual Information-Based Graph Co-Attention Networks for Multimodal Prior-Guided Magnetic Resonance Imaging Segmentation
* Mutual information-based method for selecting informative feature sets
* Mutual Information-Based Methods to Improve Local Region-of-Interest Image Registration
* Mutual information-based RBM neural networks
* Mutual information-based rigid and nonrigid registration of ultrasound volumes
* Mutual information-based selection of optimal spatial-temporal patterns for single-trial EEG-based BCIs
* Mutual Information-Based Self-Supervised Learning Model for PolSAR Land Cover Classification, A
* Mutual information-based stereo matching combined with SIFT descriptor in log-chromaticity color space
* Mutual information-based SVM-RFE for diagnostic classification of digitized mammograms
* Mutual Information-Based Waveform Design for MIMO Radar Space-Time Adaptive Processing
* Mutual Information-driven Pan-sharpening
* Mutual information aspects of scale space images
* Mutual Information Based Adaptive Windowing of Informative EEG for Emotion Recognition, A
* Mutual Information Based Automatic Registration and Analysis Algorithm for Defect Identification in Printed Documents, A
* Mutual information based evaluation of 3D building models
* mutual information based face clustering algorithm for movie content analysis, A
* Mutual information based feature subset selection in multivariate time series classification
* Mutual Information Based Fusion Model (MIBFM): Mild Depression Recognition Using EEG and Pupil Area Signals
* Mutual Information Based Gesture Recognition
* Mutual Information based Method for Unsupervised Disentanglement of Video Representation
* Mutual Information Based Registration and Region Based Wavelet Fusion of Images
* Mutual information based registration of multimodal stereo videos for person tracking
* Mutual Information Based Semi-Global Stereo Matching on the GPU
* mutual information between graphs, The
* Mutual Information Boosted Precipitation Nowcasting from Radar Images
* Mutual information computation and maximization using GPU
* Mutual Information Driven Equivariant Contrastive Learning for 3D Action Representation Learning
* Mutual Information for Lucas-Kanade Tracking (MILK): An Inverse Compositional Formulation
* Mutual Information for Multi-modal, Discontinuity-preserving Image Registration
* Mutual information guided 3D ResNet for self-supervised video representation learning
* Mutual Information in 3D Video
* Mutual information matching in multiresolution contexts
* Mutual Information Maximization Based Similarity Operation for 3D Point Cloud Completion Network
* Mutual Information Maximization for Effective Lip Reading
* Mutual Information Maximization on Disentangled Representations for Differential Morph Detection
* Mutual information maximizing GAN inversion for real face with identity preservation
* Mutual information of image intensity and gradient flux for markerless pose estimation
* Mutual Information Refinement for Flash-no-Flash Image Alignment
* Mutual Information Regularization for Weakly-Supervised RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Mutual Information Regularized Bayesian Framework for Multiple Image Restoration
* Mutual Information Regularized Feature-Level Frankenstein for Discriminative Recognition
* Mutual information regularized identity-aware facial expression recognition in compressed video
* Mutual Information Theory for Adaptive Mixture Models
* Mutual interaction model between the number of people in real space and the number of tweets in virtual space
* Mutual Interference Mitigation of Millimeter-Wave Radar Based on Variational Mode Decomposition and Signal Reconstruction
* Mutual Interference Suppression Using Wavelet Denoising in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems
* Mutual Learning and Feature Fusion Siamese Networks for Visual Object Tracking
* Mutual Learning Between Saliency and Similarity: Image Cosegmentation via Tree Structured Sparsity and Tree Graph Matching
* Mutual Learning for Long-Tailed Recognition
* Mutual Learning Method for Salient Object Detection With Intertwined Multi-Supervision, A
* Mutual Learning of Complementary Networks via Residual Correction for Improving Semi-Supervised Classification
* Mutual Learning of Joint and Separate Domain Alignments for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
* Mutual Learning of Unsupervised Interactions Between Mobile Robots
* Mutual Learning to Adapt for Joint Human Parsing and Pose Estimation
* mutual local-ternary-pattern based method for aligning differently exposed images, A
* Mutual Multi-Scale Triplet Graph Convolutional Network for Classification of Brain Disorders Using Functional or Structural Connectivity, A
* Mutual Neighborhood Based Discriminant Projection for Face Recognition
* Mutual Noise Estimation Algorithm for Video Denoising
* Mutual occlusion between real and virtual elements in Augmented Reality based on fiducial markers
* Mutual Quantization for Cross-Modal Search with Noisy Labels
* Mutual reference frame-quality assessment for first-person videos
* mutual reference shape based on information theory, A
* Mutual Relative Position Learning Transformer for Cross-View Geo-Localization
* Mutual Segmentation with Level Sets
* Mutual Supervision for Dense Object Detection
* Mutual Support of Data Modalities in the Task of Sign Language Recognition
* Mutual Teaching Framework with Momentum Correction for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Change Detection, A
* Mutual Use of Semantics and Geometry for CNN-based Object Localization in Tof Images
* MutualBoost learning for selecting Gabor features for face recognition
* Mutualistic Pattern of Intra-Urban Agglomeration and Impact Analysis: A Case Study of 11 Urban Agglomerations of Mainland China
* Mutually Attentive Co-Training Framework for Semi-Supervised Recognition, A
* Mutually Beneficial Transformer for Multimodal Data Fusion
* Mutually coupled multiple inductive loop system suitable for heterogeneous traffic
* Mutually Guided Dual-Task Network for Scene Text Detection
* Mutually Guided Image Filtering
* Mutually incoherent pose bases for Action recognition
* Mutually Reinforcing Structure with Proposal Contrastive Consistency for Few-Shot Object Detection
* Mutually Supervised Learning via Interactive Consistency for Geographic Object Segmentation from Weakly Labeled Remote Sensing Imagery
* MutualNet: Adaptive ConvNet via Mutual Learning From Different Model Configurations
* MutualNet: Adaptive Convnet via Mutual Learning from Network Width and Resolution
* MUVA: A New Large-Scale Benchmark for Multi-view Amodal Instance Segmentation in the Shopping Scenario
* MuVi: Multiview Video Aware Transmission Over MIMO Wireless Systems
* MUXConv: Information Multiplexing in Convolutional Neural Networks
* muxGNN: Multiplex Graph Neural Network for Heterogeneous Graphs
* Muzzle point pattern based techniques for individual cattle identification
* MV-CDN: Multi-Visual Collaborative Deep Network for Change Detection of Double-Temporal Hyperspectral Images
* MV-DeepSDF: Implicit Modeling with Multi-Sweep Point Clouds for 3D Vehicle Reconstruction in Autonomous Driving
* MV-GNN: Multi-View Graph Neural Network for Compression Artifacts Reduction
* MV-GPRNet: Multi-View Subsurface Defect Detection Network for Airport Runway Inspection Based on GPR
* MV-JAR: Masked Voxel Jigsaw and Reconstruction for LiDAR-Based Self-Supervised Pre-Training
* MV-MAP: Multiresolution Video Visualization and Summarization on MAPs
* MV-Map: Offboard HD Map Generation with Multi-view Consistency
* MV-TAL: Mulit-view Temporal Action Localization in Naturalistic Driving
* MVA2023 Small Object Detection Challenge for Spotting Birds: Dataset, Methods, and Results
* MVAAM (multi-view active appearance model) optimized by multi-objective genetic algorithm
* MVANet: Multi-Task Guided Multi-View Attention Network for Chinese Food Recognition
* MVCM Car-Following Model for Connected Vehicles and Simulation-Based Traffic Analysis in Mixed Traffic Flow
* MvDeCor: Multi-view Dense Correspondence Learning for Fine-Grained 3D Segmentation
* MVDepthNet: Real-Time Multiview Depth Estimation Neural Network
* MVDG: A Unified Multi-view Framework for Domain Generalization
* MVDRNet: Multi-view diabetic retinopathy detection by combining DCNNs and attention mechanisms
* MVEM-Based Fault Diagnosis of Automotive Engines Using Dempster-Shafer Theory and Multiple Hypotheses Testing
* MVF-Net: A Multi-View Fusion Network for Event-Based Object Classification
* MVF-Net: Multi-View 3D Face Morphable Model Regression
* MVFFNet: Multi-view feature fusion network for imbalanced ship classification
* Mvfi-net: Motion-aware Video Frame Interpolation Network
* MVFRnet: A Novel High-Accuracy Network for ISAR Air-Target Recognition via Multi-View Fusion
* MVFuseNet: Improving End-to-End Object Detection and Motion Forecasting through Multi-View Fusion of LiDAR Data
* MVHGN: Multi-View Adaptive Hierarchical Spatial Graph Convolution Network Based Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Traffic-Agents
* MVHM: A Large-Scale Multi-View Hand Mesh Benchmark for Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* MVImgNet: A Large-scale Dataset of Multi-view Images
* MVIRT, a toolbox for manifold-valued image restoration
* MViTv2: Improved Multiscale Vision Transformers for Classification and Detection
* MvLFDA-based video preference estimation using complementary properties of features
* MVMO: A Multi-Object Dataset for Wide Baseline Multi-View Semantic Segmentation
* MVMP: Multi-view Matching Pursuit with geometry constraints
* MVP-Stereo: A Parallel Multi-View Patchmatch Stereo Method with Dilation Matching for Photogrammetric Application
* MVP Matching: A Maximum-Value Perfect Matching for Mining Hard Samples, With Application to Person Re-Identification
* MVP Sensor Planning System for Robotic Vision Tasks, The
* MVP: Multimodality-Guided Visual Pre-training
* MVP2P: Layer-dependency-aware live MVC video streaming over peer-to-peer networks
* MVPCC-Net: Multi-View Based Point Cloud Completion Network for MLS data
* MVPSNet: Fast Generalizable Multi-view Photometric Stereo
* MVS: A multi-view video synopsis framework
* MVS2: Deep Unsupervised Multi-View Stereo with Multi-View Symmetry
* MVS2D: Efficient Multiview Stereo via Attention-Driven 2D Convolutions
* MVSalNet: Multi-view Augmentation for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* MVSCRF: Learning Multi-View Stereo With Conditional Random Fields
* MVSNeRF: Fast Generalizable Radiance Field Reconstruction from Multi-View Stereo
* MVSNet: Depth Inference for Unstructured Multi-view Stereo
* MVSNet++: Learning Depth-Based Attention Pyramid Features for Multi-View Stereo
* MVSS-Net: Multi-View Multi-Scale Supervised Networks for Image Manipulation Detection
* MVSSC: Meta-reinforcement learning based visual indoor navigation using multi-view semantic spatial context
* MVSTER: Epipolar Transformer for Efficient Multi-view Stereo
* MVSTT: A Multiview Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Traffic-Flow Forecasting
* MVTec AD: A Comprehensive Real-World Dataset for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* MVTec Anomaly Detection Dataset: A Comprehensive Real-World Dataset for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection, The
* MVTec D2S: Densely Segmented Supermarket Dataset
* MVTec Software GmbH
* MVTN: Multi-View Transformation Network for 3D Shape Recognition
* MW-GAN: Multi-Warping GAN for Caricature Generation With Multi-Style Geometric Exaggeration
* MW-GAN+ for Perceptual Quality Enhancement on Compressed Video
* MWNET: A Tracking Method for Frequently Occluded Scenes Based on Matter Waves
* MWNet: object detection network applicable for different weather conditions
* MX-LSTM: Mixing Tracklets and Vislets to Jointly Forecast Trajectories and Head Poses
* MxR Framework for Uncertainty Based Explanation for Uncovering Adversarial Behavior
* My Car Has Eyes: Intelligent Vehicle with Vision Technology
* My Face My Choice: Privacy Enhancing Deepfakes for Social Media Anonymization
* My Mother the Car (or Why It's a Bad Idea to Give Your Car a Personality)
* My View is the Best View: Procedure Learning from Egocentric Videos
* MyBottega: An Environment for the Innovative Production and Distribution of Digital Art
* Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Finite State Matrix Automata and Finite Matrix Languages, A
* MYI Floes Identification Based on the Texture and Shape Feature from Dual-Polarized Sentinel-1 Imagery
* MyMultiMediaWorld.com: A benchmark platform for 3D compression algorithms
* Myocardial Deformation Recovery Using a 3D Biventricular Incompressible Model
* Myocardial Function Imaging in Echocardiography Using Deep Learning
* Myocardial Infarct Segmentation From Magnetic Resonance Images for Personalized Modeling of Cardiac Electrophysiology
* Myocardial Infarction
* Myocardial Motion Analysis From B-Mode Echocardiograms
* Myocardial Motion Estimation From Medical Images Using the Monogenic Signal
* Myocardial Perfusion Analysis from Adenosine-Induced Stress MDCT
* Myocardial Perfusion Characterization From Contrast Angiography Spectral Distribution
* Myocardial Scar Segmentation in LGE-MRI using Fractal Analysis and Random Forest Classification
* Myocardial Segmentation Using Constrained Multi-Seeded Region Growing
* Myocardial Stiffness Estimation: A Novel Cost Function for Unique Parameter Identification
* Myocardial strain imaging with tagged MRI
* Myocardium segmentation in strain-encoded (SENC) magnetic resonance images using graph-cuts
* Myocardium segmentation on 3D spect images
* Myofibril image processing for studying sarcomere dynamics
* Myope Models: Are face presentation attack detection models short-sighted?
* MyPlaces: detecting important settings in a visual diary
* MyRedList: Virtual Application for Threatened Plant Species
* Myron Dale Flickner
* Mysnapfoodlog: Culturally Sensitive Food Photo-logging App for Dietary Biculturalism Studies
* Mystery behind similarity measures mse and SSIM
* Myth of Semantic Video Retrieval, The
* Myth of the Minimum SAR Antenna Area Constraint, The

Index for "n"

Last update:18-Apr-24 12:22:37
Use price@usc.edu for comments.