Chapter Contents (Back)
Canadian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society,
WWW Link.
Society, Canada. The society sponsors the Computer and Robot Vision Conference
Canadian Institute of Geomatics,
The Canadian society for Photogrammetry.
WWW Link.
Society, Canada.
Carleton University,
Geographical Information Systems Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada.
Concordia University,
Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Especially documents.
1997. Owns several other surveillance companies.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Surveillance. Synergis and Omnicast.
See also Autovu Inc..
IAPR: International Association for Pattern Recognition,
International umbrella organization.
WWW Link.
Society, International. The association sponsors the International Conference on Pattern Recognition.
And sponsors or supports a variety of other meetings. Local societies also
participate in sponsoring ICPR.
See also IAPR Pattern Recognition Education Resources.
ISIF: International Society of Information Fusion,
WWW Link.
Society, International. Sponsors the Information Fusion Conferences.
ISPRS: International Society for Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing,
The international umbrella society for Photogrammetry.
WWW Link.
Society, International. The Society sponsors a large number of workshops through its working
groups and the member societies. See the society web site for the full
listing of the 80+ member societies and corporate sponsors.
And publishes The Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Also the U.V. Helava award:
(U.V. Helava List)
Best paper of 4 years of the journal.
The society maintains desriptions of a number of related datasets and benchmarks.
See also ISPRS Benchmarks.
International Imaging Industry Association I3A,
WWW Link.
Society, International. A non-profit association for industrial imaging.
Laval University,
Computer Vision and Systems Laboratory (CVSL)
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada.
McGill University,
Department of Computer Science,
WWW Link.
perception, visualization, shape analysis, robotics, probabilistic
Also the Psychology department group:
HTML Version.
Research Group, Canada.
National University of Mexico,
Research Group, Mexico.
Queen's University,
Diagram Recognition Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Documents, tables, diagrams.
SANI International Technology Advisors Inc.,
GIS, Photogrammetry
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada.
Vendor, Photogrammetry.
Simon Fraser University,
Computational Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Computational models of color vision.
Universidade Federal do Paraná,
IMAGO: Computer Vision and Graphics
HTML Version.
Research Group, Brazil.
University of Alberta,
Computer Vision and Multimedia Communications
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Database and server systems, image compression, inspection.
University of British Columbia,
UBCVancouver, BC.
UBC Lab for Computational Intelligence
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Robotics, Computational vision, Constraint systems.
The source for Vista
See also Vista: A Software Environment for Computer Vision Research.
University of Calgary,
Digital Media Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, Canada. Code for chain codes and Hough are available.
See also Hough Transform Code.
University of Costa Rica,
Image Processing and Computer Vision Research Laboratory (IPCV-LAB)
WWW Link.
Research Group, Costa Rica. Image segmentation, pose, shape, color, mimic and motion estimation.
University of Guelph,
Robot Vision Group of Intelligent Systems Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Robotic controls.
University of Ottawa,
VIVA: Video, Image, Vision and Audio Research Group
WWW Link.
DISCOVER: DIStributed and COllaborative Virtual Environment Research
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Image based rendering, visual surveillance, image and video,
range sensing, matching.
The Incogna Spinoff
See also Incogna.
Université du Quebec,
Laboratory for imagery, vision, and artificial intelligence
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Documents.
University of Sao Paulo,
Creative Vision Group:
WWW Link.
Cybernetic Vision Research:
HTML Version.
Research Group, Brazil. Neural networks, vision systems.
University of Saskatchewan,
Computer Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Color, shape, biomedical, edge detection
Universite de Sherbrooke,
Centre de Moivre
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada.
University of Toronto,
WWW Link.
eyeTap Personal Imaging Lab:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Open Vidia code.
See also OpenVidia. Large group.
CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 Datasets,
Dataset, Tiny Images. HTML Version.
10 classes, 10000 images per class. Or 100 classes t00 images each.
University of Western Ontario,
Computer Vision and Image Processing
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. 2-d and 3-d motion.
University of Waterloo,
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Knowledge Systems, image processing, autonomous systems, sensors.
York University,
Vision Lab:
WWW Link.
Center For Vision Research:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. human motion, HCI.
Note York U is in Canada, Univ. of York is in England.
Chapter on Journal Name List, Conference Name List, Research Groups continues in
Computer Vision Related Research Groups, Europe .
Last update:Sep 28, 2024 at 17:47:54