Keywords v

VAE Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: VAE, Variational Autoencoder (H4)

Valley Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: DEM, Surface Analysis for Ridges and Streams, Rivers, Drainage, Depressions (H2)

VANET Section: Cell Based, 6G, 5G, 4G, LTE (H4)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Privacy in Vehicle Networks, VANET (H4)
Section: Security in Vehicle Networks, Blockchain, VANET (H4)
Section: Using Vehicle Networks, Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication, VANET (H4)
Section: VANET, Internet of Vehicles, IoV (H4)
Section: Vehicle Networks, Implementations, VANET (H4)
7 for VANET

Vanishing Points * 3D Shape Reconstruction by Using Vanishing Points
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Camera Calibration, Perspective Based, Vanishing Points (H2)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Shape and Structure from Perspective Effects, Vanishing Points, Detection (H1)
* Canonic Representations for the Geometries of Multiple Projective Views
* Computing Camera Parameters Using Vanishing-Line Information from a Rectangular Parallelepiped
* Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Vanishing Point Detection Techniques
9 for Vanishing Points

Variational Approach Section: Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys (H)
* Mathematical Problems in Image Processing Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations

Variational Autoencoder Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: VAE, Variational Autoencoder (H4)

Variational Models Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Variational Models, Snake Models, Active Contours (H4)

Variational Problems Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
* Using Dynamic Programming for Solving Variational Problems in Vision

Variational Reconstruction Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Total Variation Restoration, TV Restoration (H3)

Vascular Analysis Section: Aneurysms -- Vascular Analysis (H3)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Vascular Tree Section: Medical Applications -- Blood Vessels, Arteries, Veins, Vascular (H2)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Vaulted Structures Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Specific 3-D Models, Vaulted Structures (H3)

Vector Fields Section: Computation for Vector Fields, Flow Fields (H4)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)

Vector Quantization Section: Entropy Based Vector Quantization (H3)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Metrics to Compare Vector Quantization (H4)
Section: Predictive, Adaptive Vector Quantization (H3)
Section: Vector Quantization Code Book Generation, Learning and Search (H3)
Section: Vector Quantization Survey and General (H3)
Section: Vector Quantization with other Transform Coding Methods (H3)
Section: Vector Quantization, VQ, Applied to Motion and Video Coding (H2)
Section: Vector Quantization, VQ, Image Compression (H2)
* Jointly Optimized Subband Coder, A
10 for Vector Quantization

Vectorization Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Line Vectorization, Document Analysis (H2)

Vegetables Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Vegetables Detection, Vegetable Inspection, Roots, Tomatoes, Potatoes (H4)

Vehicle Control Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Carnegie Mellon NAVLAB, AMBLER, etc. (H3)
Section: Vehicle Control, Dickmanns (H3)

Vehicle Counting Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
Section: Vehicle Counting (H3)
* Integrated System for Site Model Supported Monitoring of Transportation Activities in Aerial Images, An
* Performance Analysis of a Simple Vehicle Detction Algorithm

Vehicle Detection Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: ATR - Oriented Objects, Vehicles, Aerial Images (H3)
Section: ATR -- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Vehicle Detection (H2)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Nighttime Vehicle Detection and Recognition (H4)
Section: Other Vehicles (H4)
Section: Vehicle Detection, SAR (H3)
Section: Vehicle Make or Model or Type Recogniton (H4)
Section: Vehicle Pose (H3)
Section: Vehicle Recognition, Car Recognition, Vehicle Detection (H3)
Section: Vehicle Recogniton, Lidar, Laser Data, Depth Data (H3)
* On-line boosting-based car detection from aerial images
13 for Vehicle Detection

Vehicle Emissions Section: Emission Control Issues in Traffic Control (H4)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vehicle Networks Section: Cell Based, 6G, 5G, 4G, LTE (H4)
Section: Connected Vehicles, Use, Evaluation (H4)
Section: Edge Computing in Vehicle Networks, VANET (H4)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Privacy in Vehicle Networks, VANET (H4)
Section: Security in Vehicle Networks, Blockchain, VANET (H4)
Section: Using Vehicle Networks, Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication, VANET (H4)
Section: VANET, Internet of Vehicles, IoV (H4)
Section: Vehicle Networks, Implementations, VANET (H4)
9 for Vehicle Networks

Vehicle Path Planning Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Planning Vehicle Position, Path Planning or Route Planning (H3)

Vehicle Pose Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Vehicle Pose (H3)

Vehicle Radar Section: Automotive Radar, Automotive MIMO Radars, Analysis, Use (H3)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)

Vehicle Re-Identification Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Vehicle Tracking, Re-Identification (H4)

Vehicle Recognition Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Vehicle Make or Model or Type Recogniton (H4)
Section: Vehicle Pose (H3)
Section: Vehicle Recognition, Car Recognition, Vehicle Detection (H3)
Section: Vehicle Recogniton, Lidar, Laser Data, Depth Data (H3)
Section: Vehicle Tracking, Vehicle Motion Analysis (H3)

Vehicle Sharing Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: On-Demand Ride Systems, Car Sharing, Taxi, Analysis (H4)
Section: Shared Ride Systems, Car Sharing, Taxi, Analysis (H4)

Vehicle Speed Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Vehicle Tracking, Speed Computations, Vehicle Speed, Traffic Speed (H4)

Vehicle Stability Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Vehicle Stability, Rollover, Vehicle Systems (H4)

Vehicle Systems Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Vehicle Stability, Rollover, Vehicle Systems (H4)
Section: Vehicle Systems, Transportation (H4)

Vehicle Tracking Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Traffic Surveillance, Analysis, Aerial Images, Overhead, Airborne Sensors (H4)
Section: Vehicle Tracking, Re-Identification (H4)
Section: Vehicle Tracking, Speed Computations, Vehicle Speed, Traffic Speed (H4)
Section: Vehicle Tracking, Vehicle Motion Analysis (H3)
Section: Vehicle Trajectory Prediction (H4)
* Combining shadow detection and simulation for estimation of vehicle size and position
* Object Contour Extraction Using Color and Motion
10 for Vehicle Tracking

Vehicle Traffic Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Traffic Anomaly Detection, Traffic Analysis (H4)
Section: Traffic Control, Traffic Analysis, Not Image Analysis (H4)

Vehicle Trajectory Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Vehicle Trajectory Analysis, Prediction (H4)
Section: Vehicle Trajectory Prediction (H4)

Vehicle, Airplane Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Autonomous Landing Of Airplanes By Dynamic Machine Vision

Vehicles Section: ATR -- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Vehicle Detection (H2)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Vehicle Stability, Rollover, Vehicle Systems (H4)
Section: Vehicle Systems, Transportation (H4)

Vein Patterns Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Vein Structure in Palm, Hands, Recognition, Systems (H2)

Vein Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Finger Veins, Recognition and Extraction (H3)

Velocity Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Vehicle Tracking, Speed Computations, Vehicle Speed, Traffic Speed (H4)

Vendor, 3-D Construction * *Pix4D
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)

Vendor, 3-D Modeling * *CogniTens
* *Neptec
* *Vitronic
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, 3-D Models * *Project Photofly
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)

Vendor, 3-D Scanner * *ERDAS
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Vendor, 3-D Shape * *AQSENSE
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)

Vendor, 3-D Visualization * *LiberoVision
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)

Vendor, 3D Cameras * *ISEE3D Inc.
* *VanGogh Imaging
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)

Vendor, 3D Models * *Direct Dimensions
* *VisualSize
* *ZBE Inc.
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)

Vendor, 3D Scanner * *Automation Technology
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)

Vendor, Aerial Images * *Aerial Express
* *Hansa Luftbild
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Vendor, Age Estimation * *Yoti
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Vendor, Augmented Reality * *Augmate Reality
* *Junaio
* *MobileAcuity
* *Total Immersion
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Autonomous Aircraft * *Cloud Cap Technology
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)

Vendor, Autonomous Navigation * *Evolution Robotics
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)

Vendor, Avatars * *Big Stage Entertainment, Inc.
* *Weta Digital
* *WorldViz
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)

Vendor, Bar Codes * *Microscan Machine Vision Systems
* *Occipital
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Vendor, Baseball Umpire * *QuesTec
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Biometrics * *Acsys
* *Biometrica Systems
* *Digital Signal Corproation
* *FaceKey Corporation
* *L1 Identity Solutions
* *Securics
* *Swift Biometrics
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
8 for Vendor, Biometrics

Vendor, Body Measurements * *Poikos
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Vendor, CAD * *3DS Max Online
* *Autodesk
* *NVision, Inc.
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)

Vendor, Change Detection * *eMap International
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Vendor, Character Animation * *Mixamo
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Vendor, Compression * *Utopia Compression
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Vendor, Counting People * *Hella Aglaia
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Cultural Heritage * *CyArk
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)

Vendor, Database * *Photosynth
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Dental * *Brontes Technologies
* *Cynovad
* *StereoImaging Corp
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Vendor, Depth Sensors * *Pelican Imaging Corporation
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)

Vendor, Digital Pathology * *Bioimagene
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Document Analysis * *Diffbot
* *Palo Alto Research Center
* *ReadSoft International
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Vendor, Driver Assistance * *Canesta, Inc.
* *Daimler
* *Delphi Electronics and Safety
* *Green Road Technologies
* *Hella Aglaia
* *Iteris
* *MobilEye
* *Siemens VDO Automotive
* *Sphericon
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
12 for Vendor, Driver Assistance

Vendor, Driver Monitoring * *Seeing Machines
* *Smart Eye
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Emotion Recognition * *Affectiva, Inc.
* *Emotient Analytics
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Vendor, Eye Tracking * *Applied Science Laboratories
* *Arrington Research
* *Avotec
* *CartoGaze: Eye tracking dataset
* *Eye Gaze
* *Eye Tech
* *Gesture Central
* *IScan, Inc.
* *Polehemus, Eye Tracking
* *Seeing Machines
* *Smart Eye
* *SMI: Senso Motric Instruments GmbH
* *Tobii
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
15 for Vendor, Eye Tracking

Vendor, Face Detection * *BetaFace: Face Detection and Recognition
* *CognoVision
* *CV Dazzle: Camouflage from Computer Vision
* *Face Sensing Engine
* *Face.Com
* *FaceFirst
* *FotoNation
* *Imagen
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
9 for Vendor, Face Detection

Vendor, Face Models * *BigStage
* *CaptiveMotion
* *Image Metrics
* *Luxland
* *Modi Face
* *Mova
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
7 for Vendor, Face Models

Vendor, Face Recognition * *A4Vision
* *Animetrics Inc.
* *Aurora Computer Services Ltd.
* *Cognitec Systems
* *Cross Match
* *Geometrix
* *Guradia
* *Human Recognition Systems
* *HumanScan, BioID
* *Identix
* *ImageWare Systems, Inc.
* *L1 Identity Solutions
* *NeuroTechnologija
* *OKI Electric Industry Company
* *OmniPerception
* *Passfaces Corporation
* *Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition
* *Polar Rose
* *SAGEM Morpho
* *Toshiba
* *Viewdle Labs
* *Viisage
* *Vision Box
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
24 for Vendor, Face Recognition

Vendor, Face Synthesis * *TAAZ Inc./TR> 2010.
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)

Vendor, Face Tracking * *Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition
* *Seeing Machines
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Vendor, Fingerprints * *AuthenTec
* *BioKey
* *Biometrika
* *Bioscrypt
* *Cogent Systems
* *Cross Match
* *Digital Persona
* *ImageWare Systems, Inc.
* *L1 Identity Solutions
* *NEC
* *NeuroTechnologija
* *Privaris
* *SAGEM Morpho
* *Sequiam
* *Suprema
* *Tychi Systems
* *Zvetco Biometrics
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
20 for Vendor, Fingerprints

Vendor, Geospatial * *1Spatial
* *eMap International
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Vendor, Gesture * *Canesta, Inc.
* *Gesture Tek
* *Leap Motion
* *Microsoft Kinect
* *Oblong Industries
* *PrimeSense
* *Sixth Sense Project
* *Sony Eye Toy
* *Vivid Group
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
10 for Vendor, Gesture

Vendor, GIS * *3D Geo
* *Compusult Limited
* *Fugro EarthData
* *GIS Development
* *Pasco
* *UltraSpectal Inc.
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
7 for Vendor, GIS

Vendor, High Dynamic Range * *HDRSoft
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)

Vendor, Image Analysis * *Alpha Tec Ltd.
* *Amerinex Applied Imaging
* *Applied Imagery
* *Claron Technology Inc.
* *Cognex Inc.
* *Definiens
* *Epix Imaging
* *Illuxtech
* *Image Labs International
* *Imsense Limited
* *Intelligent Perception
* *IQBase
* *ITT Visual Information Solutions
* *Microsoft Kinect SDK
* *Microsoft Research
* *Mu Labs
* *MVTec Software GmbH
* *Newton Labs
* *Numenta
* *Pattern Recogniton Company
* *Perspectum Diagnostics Ltd.
* *Photometria
* *RSIP Vision
* *Scoprion Vision Software
* *SLR Engineering
* *Snapture Labs, LLC
* *Think Spectrally
* *Tordivel AS
* *Utopia Compression
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
35 for Vendor, Image Analysis

Vendor, Image Enhancement * *DxO Labs
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Image Evaluation * *Aesthetic Quality Inference Engine (ACQUINE)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Image Printing * *ZBE Inc.
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)

Vendor, Image Processing * *Automation Technology
* *Braintech, Inc.
* *Imagineer Systems
* *Intel Corp.
* *KitWare, Inc
* *Matrox Imaging
* *Parimic
* *Willow Garage
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
11 for Vendor, Image Processing

Vendor, Image Query * *Automatic Photo Tagging and Visual Image Search (ALIPR)
* *Blue Lava Technologies
* *Google Goggles Web Search
* *Google Labs Similar Images
* *Grab Networks
* *HP Labs
* *iBase
* *Imagen
* *Incogna
* *IQBase
* *Leafsnap
* *Like
* *LTU Technologies
* *Modista
* *OculusAI Technologies
* *Ojos Inc.
* *Polar Rose
* *Shopachu
* *VideoSurf
* *Virage
* *Virage
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
23 for Vendor, Image Query

Vendor, Image Recogniton * *CogniSign LLC
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Image Stitching * *ArcSoft
* *Cloudburst Research
* *D Joiner
* *Gigapixel Photography Inc.
* *Kolor Autopano
* *Panavue
* *Panorama Builder
* *Panorama Composer
* *Panorama Factory
* *PanoWeaver
* *Paxcam
* *PhotoFit
* *PhotoVista
* *PhotoWarp
* *PTgui
* *RealViz
* *Spherical Panorama Software
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
19 for Vendor, Image Stitching

Vendor, Imaging Technology * *Tessera Technologies
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)

Vendor, Impala * *Euvision Technologies

Vendor, Infrared * *Automation Technology
* *Xenics
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)

Vendor, Inspection * *Acsis, Inc.
* *Aptúra Machine Vision Solutions
* *Automation Technology
* *Avalon Vision Solutions
* *AVT
* *Basler Vision Technologies
* *Buhler Sortex
* *Cognex Inc.
* *Dipix Technologies
* *Ellips B.V.
* *Epix Imaging
* *EVS Elbit Vision Systems Ltd.
* *Hermary Opto Electronics
* *Imagemetry Ltd.
* *Integral Vision
* *JLI Vision
* *KLA Tencor
* *LMI Technologies
* *Mnemonics, Inc.
* *National Instruments
* *NeuroCheck GmbH
* *Orbotech Ltd.
* *PPT Vision
* *Qioptiq Photonics for Innovation
* *Sightech
* *Soliton
* *Stemmer Imaging
* *Tillett and Hague Technology Ltd
* *Visionx Inc.
* *Vitronic
* *Voyant Vision
* *Wintriss Engineering Corporation
* *Xiris
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
36 for Vendor, Inspection

Vendor, Intrusion Detection * *Viion Systems
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Iris Recognition * *AOptix Technoligies
* *Human Recognition Systems
* *ImageWare Systems, Inc.
* *Iri Scan
* *Iridian
* *Iris Recognition Homepage
* *IriTech
* *JIris Tech
* *LG Iris Access
* *Nextgen ID
* *Panasonic
* *Retica
* *SAGEM Morpho
* *Securimetrics
* *Sensar
* *Smart Sensors Limited
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
17 for Vendor, Iris Recognition

Vendor, Lane Following * *mSonar
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)

Vendor, Laser Scan Data * *Advanced Simulation Technologies Ltd.
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)

Vendor, Laser Scanner * *3D Digital Corp
* *3D Scanners
* *3D Shape GmbH
* *Acuity Laser Measurement
* *Advanced Seientific Concepts
* *Advanced Simulation Technologies Ltd.
* *Direct Dimensions
* *Faro Technologies
* *GKS Inspection Services
* *Konica Minolta 3-D
* *Leica GeoSystems HDS
* *Neptec
* *Perceptron
* *Photon Focus AG
* *Polehemus, Laser Scanner
* *Veoldyne LiDAR
* *Virtek Vision International Inc.
* *VR Magic
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
20 for Vendor, Laser Scanner

Vendor, License Plate Recognition * *Appian Technology Plc
* *Automatic License Plate Recognition
* *Autovu Inc.
* *INEX/Zamir
* *IRIDA Labs
* *KritiKal Solutions
* *Optasia License Plate Recognition System
* *Park Assist
* *PIPS Technology
* *SLR Engineering
* *Zamir Recognition Systems Ltd.
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
12 for Vendor, License Plate Recognition

Vendor, Localization * *Junaio
* *MobileAcuity
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)

Vendor, Map Labels * *MapText, Inc.
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Vendor, Mapping * *3D Laser Mapping
* *MapMart, Global Mapping Solutions
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Vendor, Medical Image Analysis * *Computer Vision Systems Laboratories
* *IKOMED Technologies, Inc.
* *Imorphics Ltd
* *Ziosoft
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Vendor, Medical Imaging * *Analogic
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Vendor, Medical Visualization * *BodyViz: Visual Medical Solutions
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Vendor, Mesh Models * *Finite Element Models from Medical Data
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)

Vendor, Metrology * *Microscan Machine Vision Systems
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Vendor, Mobile Robots * *Seegrid Corporation
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)

Vendor, Model Generation * *3DSOM
* *PhotoModeler
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)

Vendor, Motion Capture * *4D View Solutions
* *Ascension Technology Corp
* *Gesture Central
* *Meta Motion
* *Motion Analysis Corporation
* *Omek Interactive
* *Organic Motion
* *PhaseSpace Inc.
* *RealViz
* *Simi Motion
* *Sports Motion
* *Vicon Motion Systems
* *Xsens
* *Yotta OMG
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
16 for Vendor, Motion Capture

Vendor, Motion Tracking * *InterSense
* *Polehemus, Motion Tracking
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, MPEG * *Moving Picture Experts Group
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)

Vendor, Multimedia * *Avaya Labs

Vendor, Neuroengineering * *Neuromaters, LLC
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Vendor, Object Detection * *Spikenet Technology
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)

Vendor, Object Recognition * *LookTel
* *Nerual ID
* *Recognition Robotics,Inc.
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)

Vendor, Object Recotnition * *MVTec Software GmbH
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Object Tracking * *Spikenet Technology
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)

Vendor, Obstacles * *Hella Aglaia
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, OCR * *ABBYY FineReader
* *Adlib Software
* *Caere
* *Creative ICR Inc.
* *Datacap
* *Novo Dynamics
* *OmniPage
* *Prime Recognition
* *ReadSoft International
* *ScanSoft
* *Simple OCR.
* *Word Lens
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
13 for Vendor, OCR

Vendor, Panoramic Images * *Charmed Labs
* *Everyscape
* *Occipital
* *Photosynth
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)

Vendor, Parking Lot Surveillance * *Park Assist
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Pedestrian Detection * *Migma Systems

Vendor, Pedestrian Tracking * *Reveal
* *SLR Engineering
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Photogrammetry * *BAE SYSTEMS Geospatial eXploitation Products
* *City Geography Markup Language: CityGML
* *Hexagon AB
* *Image Processing Software, Inc.
* *InfoTerra
* *Inpho
* *Intergraph: Z/I Imaging
* *Intermap Technologies
* *Land Info
* *Leica GeoSystems, Geospatial Imaging
* *PCI Geomatics
* *Sanborn
* *SANI International Technology Advisors Inc.
* *Vexcel
* *VisionMap Ltd
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
18 for Vendor, Photogrammetry

Vendor, Post Production * *Imagineer Systems

Vendor, Postproduction * *Vicon Motion Systems
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Projection * *Mersive
* *MirriAd
* *PVI Virtual Media Services
* *Reactrix
* *SportVision
* *WorldViz
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
8 for Vendor, Projection

Vendor, Railroad Inspection * *Mermec Group
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)

Vendor, Range Sensor * *3D Laser Mapping
* *3shape
* *4DDynamics
* *ArcTron
* *Breuckmann
* *Faro
* *in Speck
* *ISEE3D Inc.
* *LMI Technologies Inc.
* *MESA Imaging
* *NVision, Inc.
* *Riegl
* *TDVision Systems
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
15 for Vendor, Range Sensor

Vendor, Remote Sensing * *Global Environment Monitoring and Disaster Assessment System
* *I-Cubed: Information Integration and Imaging LLC.
* *Iunctus Geomatics Corp.
* *SeaSpace Corporation
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Vendor, Robots * *Adept
* *Aldebaran Robotics
* *Boston Dynamics
* *Heartland Robotics
* *iRobot
* *Willow Garage
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
7 for Vendor, Robots

Vendor, Satellite Images * *DigitalGlobe
* *eMap International
* *Geo Eye
* *Imagesat International
* *MapMart, Global Mapping Solutions
* *Skybox Imaging
* *Spatial Energy
* *Spot Image
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
9 for Vendor, Satellite Images

Vendor, Seismic Processing * *ffA
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Sensors * *Allied Vision Technologies
* *Ambarella
* *Aptina Imaging
* *Axis Communications
* *Big Shot Camera
* *Chromasens
* *DALSA Corporation
* *Equinox Corporation
* *ImmerVision
* *Insilica Corp.
* *Lytro
* *MakerBot Industries, LLC
* *Matrix Vision
* *Matrox Imaging
* *MegaVision
* *Millivision Technoligies
* *Navitar Machine Vision
* *Occipital
* *OmniVision Technologies
* *Pelican Imaging Corporation
* *StarDot Technologies
* *Vision Components GmbH
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
27 for Vendor, Sensors

Vendor, Sign Detection * *Word Lens
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Vendor, Sign Language * *Technabling
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Vendor, Signatures * *Neuro Script
* *Signature ID
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Vendor, Similar Images * *Automatic Photo Tagging and Visual Image Search (ALIPR)
* *Google Labs Similar Images
* *Incogna
* *Shopachu
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Software * *Charles River Analytics, Inc.
* *MediaCybernetics
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Speech Recognition * *Dragon Voice
Section: New Unsorted Entries, and Other Miscellaneous Papers (H)

Vendor, Sports Highlights * *On Demand Real Time, LiveClips
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Sports * *Goal-Ref Technologies
* *Hawk-Eye Innovations
* *PVI Virtual Media Services
* *SportVision
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Stabilization * *2d3
* *Pyramid Vision
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)

Vendor, Stereo Display * *PMD Technologies
* *TDVision Systems
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)

Vendor, Stereo Sensor * *EyeTronics
* *Mapvision
* *Point Grey Research
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)

Vendor, Stereo * *3D Media Corporation
* *Acute3D
* *PrimeSense
* *Videre Design
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
7 for Vendor, Stereo

Vendor, Superresolution * *Almalence Incorporated
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)

Vendor, Surgery * *Ascension Technology Corp
* *Claron Technology Inc.
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Surveillance * *ActivEye
* *Aimetis
* *Behavioral Recognition Systems, Inc.
* *Cernium Corporation
* *Evitech
* *Gentec
* *Hella Aglaia
* *Honeywell
* *IntelliVision
* *L-3 Communications
* *Logos Technologies
* *Millivision Technoligies
* *ObjectVideo
* *OmniPerception
* *Parimic
* *Poseidon Technologies
* *Pyramid Vision
* *Remote Reality
* *Reveal
* *SET Corporation
* *Stoplift
* *TechnoAware
* *Tensor Vision Technologies
* *Thales Research and Technology
* *Utopia Compression
* *Verificon
* *Verint® Systems
* *Video IQ
* *Video Mining
* *Vidient Systems, Inc.
* *Virage
* *Viseum, Inc.
* *Vitamin D, Inc.
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
38 for Vendor, Surveillance

Vendor, Terrain Modeling * *Applied Imagery: Quick Terrain Modeler
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)

Vendor, Terrain Visualization * *Applied Imagery
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)

Vendor, Tracking * *2d3
* *Brickstream
* *Electro-Optical Imaging, Inc.
* *Imago
* *ObjectVideo
* *Orad
* *PerceptiVu, Inc.
* *QuesTec
* *Sport Universal
* *WorldViz
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
15 for Vendor, Tracking

Vendor, Traffic Monitoring * *Image Sensing Systems
* *Miovision Technologies
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Transportation * *Voyant Vision
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, TV Applications * *EVS Broadcast Equipment
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)

Vendor, Ultrasound * *EchoeScan
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Vendor, Vectorization * *AlgoLab
* *DWG Tool
* *I/Vector (Vectory)
* *VextraSoft
* *VPstudio
Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)

Vendor, Vehicle Tracking * *Spikenet Technology
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Vendor, Video Applications * *Appscio, Inc.
* *Ooyala
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Video Compression * *Euclid Discoveries
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)

Vendor, Video Conference * *Quindi corp
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)

Vendor, Video Search * *VideoSurf
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vendor, Virtual Reality * *WorldViz
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)

Vendor, Visual Assistance * *ORCAM
* *VA-ST
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)

Vendor, Visualization * *Ceetron

Vendor, Watermarks * *Alpha Tec Ltd.

Vendors * *1Spatial
* *2d3
* *2d3
* *3D Digital Corp
* *3D Geo
* *3D Laser Mapping
* *3D Laser Mapping
* *3D Media Corporation
* *3D Scanners
* *3D Shape GmbH
* *3DS Max Online
* *3DSOM
* *3shape
* *4D View Solutions
* *4DDynamics
* *A4Vision
* *ABBYY FineReader
* *Acsis, Inc.
* *Acsys
* *ActivEye
* *Acuity Laser Measurement
* *Acute3D
* *Adept
* *Adlib Software
* *Advanced Seientific Concepts
* *Advanced Simulation Technologies Ltd.
* *Advanced Simulation Technologies Ltd.
* *Aerial Express
* *Aesthetic Quality Inference Engine (ACQUINE)
* *Affectiva, Inc.
* *Aimetis
* *Aldebaran Robotics
* *AlgoLab
* *Allied Vision Technologies
* *Almalence Incorporated
* *Alpha Tec Ltd.
* *Alpha Tec Ltd.
* *Ambarella
* *Amerinex Applied Imaging
* *Analogic
* *Animetrics Inc.
* *AOptix Technoligies
* *Appian Technology Plc
* *Applied Imagery: Quick Terrain Modeler
* *Applied Imagery
* *Applied Imagery
* *Applied Science Laboratories
* *Appscio, Inc.
* *Aptina Imaging
* *Aptúra Machine Vision Solutions
* *ArcSoft
* *ArcTron
* *Arrington Research
* *Ascension Technology Corp
* *Ascension Technology Corp
* *Augmate Reality
* *Aurora Computer Services Ltd.
* *AuthenTec
* *Autodesk
* *Automatic License Plate Recognition
* *Automatic Photo Tagging and Visual Image Search (ALIPR)
* *Automatic Photo Tagging and Visual Image Search (ALIPR)
* *Automation Technology
* *Automation Technology
* *Automation Technology
* *Automation Technology
* *Autovu Inc.
* *Avalon Vision Solutions
* *Avaya Labs
* *Avotec
* *AVT
* *Axis Communications
* *BAE SYSTEMS Geospatial eXploitation Products
* *Basler Vision Technologies
* *Behavioral Recognition Systems, Inc.
* *BetaFace: Face Detection and Recognition
* *Big Shot Camera
* *Big Stage Entertainment, Inc.
* *BigStage
* *Bioimagene
* *BioKey
* *Biometrica Systems
* *Biometrika
* *Bioscrypt
* *Blue Lava Technologies
* *BodyViz: Visual Medical Solutions
* *Boston Dynamics
* *Braintech, Inc.
* *Breuckmann
* *Brickstream
* *Brontes Technologies
* *Buhler Sortex
* *Caere
* *Canesta, Inc.
* *Canesta, Inc.
* *CaptiveMotion
* *CartoGaze: Eye tracking dataset
* *Ceetron
* *Cernium Corporation
* *Charles River Analytics, Inc.
* *Charmed Labs
* *Chromasens
* *City Geography Markup Language: CityGML
* *Claron Technology Inc.
* *Claron Technology Inc.
* *Cloud Cap Technology
* *Cloudburst Research
* *Cogent Systems
* *Cognex Inc.
* *Cognex Inc.
* *CogniSign LLC
* *Cognitec Systems
* *CogniTens
* *CognoVision
* *Compusult Limited
* *Computer Vision Systems Laboratories
* *Creative ICR Inc.
* *Cross Match
* *Cross Match
* *CV Dazzle: Camouflage from Computer Vision
* *CyArk
* *Cynovad
* *D Joiner
* *Daimler
* *DALSA Corporation
* *Datacap
* *Definiens
* *Delphi Electronics and Safety
* *Diffbot
* *Digital Persona
* *Digital Signal Corproation
* *DigitalGlobe
* *Dipix Technologies
* *Direct Dimensions
* *Direct Dimensions
* *Dragon Voice
* *DWG Tool
* *DxO Labs
* *EchoeScan
* *Electro-Optical Imaging, Inc.
* *Ellips B.V.
* *eMap International
* *eMap International
* *eMap International
* *Emotient Analytics
* *Epix Imaging
* *Epix Imaging
* *Equinox Corporation
* *Euclid Discoveries
* *Euvision Technologies
* *Everyscape
* *Evitech
* *Evolution Robotics
* *EVS Broadcast Equipment
* *EVS Elbit Vision Systems Ltd.
* *Eye Gaze
* *Eye Tech
* *EyeTronics
* *Face Sensing Engine
* *Face.Com
* *FaceFirst
* *FaceKey Corporation
* *Faro Technologies
* *Faro
* *ffA
* *Finite Element Models from Medical Data
* *FotoNation
* *Fugro EarthData
* *Gentec
* *Geo Eye
* *Geometrix
* *Gesture Central
* *Gesture Central
* *Gesture Tek
* *Gigapixel Photography Inc.
* *GIS Development
* *GKS Inspection Services
* *Global Environment Monitoring and Disaster Assessment System
* *Goal-Ref Technologies
* *Google Goggles Web Search
* *Google Labs Similar Images
* *Google Labs Similar Images
* *Grab Networks
* *Green Road Technologies
* *Guradia
* *Hansa Luftbild
* *Hawk-Eye Innovations
* *HDRSoft
* *Heartland Robotics
* *Hella Aglaia
* *Hella Aglaia
* *Hella Aglaia
* *Hella Aglaia
* *Hermary Opto Electronics
* *Hexagon AB
* *Honeywell
* *HP Labs
* *Human Recognition Systems
* *Human Recognition Systems
* *HumanScan, BioID
* *I-Cubed: Information Integration and Imaging LLC.
* *I/Vector (Vectory)
* *iBase
* *Identix
* *IKOMED Technologies, Inc.
* *Illuxtech
* *Image Labs International
* *Image Metrics
* *Image Processing Software, Inc.
* *Image Sensing Systems
* *Imagemetry Ltd.
* *Imagen
* *Imagen
* *Imagesat International
* *ImageWare Systems, Inc.
* *ImageWare Systems, Inc.
* *ImageWare Systems, Inc.
* *Imagineer Systems
* *Imagineer Systems
* *Imago
* *ImmerVision
* *Imorphics Ltd
* *Imsense Limited
* *in Speck
* *Incogna
* *Incogna
* *INEX/Zamir
* *InfoTerra
* *Inpho
* *Insilica Corp.
* *Integral Vision
* *Intel Corp.
* *Intelligent Perception
* *IntelliVision
* *Intergraph: Z/I Imaging
* *Intermap Technologies
* *InterSense
* *IQBase
* *IQBase
* *Iri Scan
* *IRIDA Labs
* *Iridian
* *Iris Recognition Homepage
* *IriTech
* *iRobot
* *IScan, Inc.
* *ISEE3D Inc.
* *ISEE3D Inc.
* *Iteris
* *ITT Visual Information Solutions
* *Iunctus Geomatics Corp.
* *JIris Tech
* *JLI Vision
* *Junaio
* *Junaio
* *KitWare, Inc
* *KLA Tencor
* *Kolor Autopano
* *Konica Minolta 3-D
* *KritiKal Solutions
* *L-3 Communications
* *L1 Identity Solutions
* *L1 Identity Solutions
* *L1 Identity Solutions
* *Land Info
* *Leafsnap
* *Leap Motion
* *Leica GeoSystems HDS
* *Leica GeoSystems, Geospatial Imaging
* *LG Iris Access
* *LiberoVision
* *Like
* *LMI Technologies Inc.
* *LMI Technologies
* *Logos Technologies
* *LookTel
* *LTU Technologies
* *Luxland
* *Lytro
* *MakerBot Industries, LLC
* *MapMart, Global Mapping Solutions
* *MapMart, Global Mapping Solutions
* *MapText, Inc.
* *Mapvision
* *Matrix Vision
* *Matrox Imaging
* *Matrox Imaging
* *MediaCybernetics
* *MegaVision
* *Mermec Group
* *Mersive
* *MESA Imaging
* *Meta Motion
* *Microscan Machine Vision Systems
* *Microscan Machine Vision Systems
* *Microsoft Kinect SDK
* *Microsoft Kinect
* *Microsoft Research
* *Migma Systems
* *Millivision Technoligies
* *Millivision Technoligies
* *Miovision Technologies
* *MirriAd
* *Mixamo
* *Mnemonics, Inc.
* *MobileAcuity
* *MobileAcuity
* *MobilEye
* *Modi Face
* *Modista
* *Motion Analysis Corporation
* *Mova
* *Moving Picture Experts Group
* *mSonar
* *Mu Labs
* *MVTec Software GmbH
* *MVTec Software GmbH
* *National Instruments
* *Navitar Machine Vision
* *NEC
* *Neptec
* *Neptec
* *Nerual ID
* *Neuro Script
* *NeuroCheck GmbH
* *Neuromaters, LLC
* *NeuroTechnologija
* *NeuroTechnologija
* *Newton Labs
* *Nextgen ID
* *Novo Dynamics
* *Numenta
* *NVision, Inc.
* *NVision, Inc.
* *ObjectVideo
* *ObjectVideo
* *Oblong Industries
* *Occipital
* *Occipital
* *Occipital
* *OculusAI Technologies
* *Ojos Inc.
* *OKI Electric Industry Company
* *Omek Interactive
* *OmniPage
* *OmniPerception
* *OmniPerception
* *OmniVision Technologies
* *On Demand Real Time, LiveClips
* *Ooyala
* *Optasia License Plate Recognition System
* *Orad
* *Orbotech Ltd.
* *Organic Motion
* *Palo Alto Research Center
* *Panasonic
* *Panavue
* *Panorama Builder
* *Panorama Composer
* *Panorama Factory
* *PanoWeaver
* *Parimic
* *Parimic
* *Park Assist
* *Park Assist
* *Pasco
* *Passfaces Corporation
* *Pattern Recogniton Company
* *Paxcam
* *PCI Geomatics
* *Pelican Imaging Corporation
* *Pelican Imaging Corporation
* *PerceptiVu, Inc.
* *Perceptron
* *Perspectum Diagnostics Ltd.
* *PhaseSpace Inc.
* *PhotoFit
* *Photometria
* *PhotoModeler
* *Photon Focus AG
* *Photosynth
* *Photosynth
* *PhotoVista
* *PhotoWarp
* *PIPS Technology
* *Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition
* *Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition
* *Pix4D
* *PMD Technologies
* *Poikos
* *Point Grey Research
* *Polar Rose
* *Polar Rose
* *Polehemus, Eye Tracking
* *Polehemus, Laser Scanner
* *Polehemus, Motion Tracking
* *Poseidon Technologies
* *PPT Vision
* *Prime Recognition
* *PrimeSense
* *PrimeSense
* *Privaris
* *Project Photofly
* *PTgui
* *PVI Virtual Media Services
* *PVI Virtual Media Services
* *Pyramid Vision
* *Pyramid Vision
* *Qioptiq Photonics for Innovation
* *QuesTec
* *QuesTec
* *Quindi corp
* *Reactrix
* *ReadSoft International
* *ReadSoft International
* *RealViz
* *RealViz
* *Recognition Robotics,Inc.
* *Remote Reality
* *Retica
* *Reveal
* *Reveal
* *Riegl
* *RSIP Vision
* *SAGEM Morpho
* *SAGEM Morpho
* *SAGEM Morpho
* *Sanborn
* *SANI International Technology Advisors Inc.
* *ScanSoft
* *Scoprion Vision Software
* *SeaSpace Corporation
* *Securics
* *Securimetrics
* *Seegrid Corporation
* *Seeing Machines
* *Seeing Machines
* *Seeing Machines
* *Sensar
* *Sequiam
* *SET Corporation
* *Shopachu
* *Shopachu
* *Siemens VDO Automotive
* *Sightech
* *Signature ID
* *Simi Motion
* *Simple OCR.
* *Sixth Sense Project
* *Skybox Imaging
* *SLR Engineering
* *SLR Engineering
* *SLR Engineering
* *Smart Eye
* *Smart Eye
* *Smart Sensors Limited
* *SMI: Senso Motric Instruments GmbH
* *Snapture Labs, LLC
* *Soliton
* *Sony Eye Toy
* *Spatial Energy
* *Spherical Panorama Software
* *Sphericon
* *Spikenet Technology
* *Spikenet Technology
* *Spikenet Technology
* *Sport Universal
* *Sports Motion
* *SportVision
* *SportVision
* *Spot Image
* *StarDot Technologies
* *Stemmer Imaging
* *StereoImaging Corp
* *Stoplift
* *Suprema
* *Swift Biometrics
* *TAAZ Inc./TR> 2010.
* *TDVision Systems
* *TDVision Systems
* *Technabling
* *TechnoAware
* *Tensor Vision Technologies
* *Tessera Technologies
* *Thales Research and Technology
* *Think Spectrally
* *Tillett and Hague Technology Ltd
* *Tobii
* *Tordivel AS
* *Toshiba
* *Total Immersion
* *Tychi Systems
* *UltraSpectal Inc.
* *Utopia Compression
* *Utopia Compression
* *Utopia Compression
* *VA-ST
* *VanGogh Imaging
* *Veoldyne LiDAR
* *Verificon
* *Verint® Systems
* *Vexcel
* *VextraSoft
* *Vicon Motion Systems
* *Vicon Motion Systems
* *Video IQ
* *Video Mining
* *VideoSurf
* *VideoSurf
* *Videre Design
* *Vidient Systems, Inc.
* *Viewdle Labs
* *Viion Systems
* *Viisage
* *Virage
* *Virage
* *Virage
* *Virtek Vision International Inc.
* *Viseum, Inc.
* *Vision Box
* *Vision Components GmbH
* *VisionMap Ltd
* *Visionx Inc.
* *VisualSize
* *Vitamin D, Inc.
* *Vitronic
* *Vitronic
* *Vivid Group
* *Voyant Vision
* *Voyant Vision
* *VPstudio
* *VR Magic
* *Weta Digital
* *Willow Garage
* *Willow Garage
* *Wintriss Engineering Corporation
* *Word Lens
* *Word Lens
* *WorldViz
* *WorldViz
* *WorldViz
* *WorldViz
* *Xenics
* *Xiris
* *Xsens
* *Yoti
* *Yotta OMG
* *Zamir Recognition Systems Ltd.
* *ZBE Inc.
* *ZBE Inc.
* *Ziosoft
* *Zvetco Biometrics
563 for Vendors

Ventricle Segmentation Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Ventricle Segmentation, Left Ventricle, using MRI (H2)

Vergence Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Gaze Control, Binocular System, Vergence (H3)

Versatile Video Coding Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: VVC Issues, Versatile Video Coding Standard (H3)

Vertebra Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Medical Applications, Vertebra, Spine, Skeletons, Bone (H3)

Vertical Datum Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Geoid Analysis, Computation, Definition, Vertical Datum (H2)

Vessel Tree Section: Medical Applications -- Blood Vessels, Arteries, Veins, Vascular (H2)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Vessels Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Retinal Images, Angiography, Blood Vessels in the Eye (H2)

VGI Section: GIS: Volunteered Geographic Information, Open Access, Crowd Sourcing, Crowdsource (H2)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Video Abstracts Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Multimedia Summarization, Multimodal Summarization (H4)
Section: Personal Videos, Consumer Videos, Abstracts, Synopsis, Summarization (H4)
Section: Surveillance Video Summarization, Surveillance Synopsis (H4)
Section: Video Analysis, Abstracts, Synopsis, Summarization (H3)

Video Analysis Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Face Recognition from Video, Faces in Video, Chellappa Group Papers (H4)
Section: Face Recognition from Video, Faces in Video (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Find Text in Video Scenes (H4)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Instructional, Training Videos, How To, Teach Machine How (H4)
Section: Multimedia Summarization, Multimodal Summarization (H4)
Section: News Video Analysis, Cut Detection, Summaries, Indexing (H2)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Personal Videos, Consumer Videos, Abstracts, Synopsis, Summarization (H4)
Section: Telepresence, Immersion, for Instruction, Training, Education (H4)
Section: Telepresence, Teleoperation, Immersion (H3)
Section: Video Analysis -- Captions, Text, Video Text (H3)
Section: Video Analysis, Abstracts, Synopsis, Summarization (H3)
Section: Video Analysis, Cut Detection, Scene Segmentation, Shot Detection, Shot Boundary (H3)
Section: Video Analysis, Key Frames, Keyframe (H4)
Section: Video Analysis, Pan, Fade, Wipe and Dissolve Detection (H4)
Section: Video Delivery, Video-on-Demand, Indexing, Techniques, Systems (H2)
Section: Video Retrieval, Video Annotation, Video Categorization, Genre (H4)
20 for Video Analysis

Video Annotation Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Summarization, Movies, Script Based, Structured Videos, Presentations (H4)
Section: Video Retrieval, Video Annotation, Video Categorization, Genre (H4)

Video Anomaly Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Video Anomaly Detection (H3)

Video Captioning Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Captioning (H4)

Video Coding Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Multiple Description Video Coding (H3)

Video Completion Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Inpainting, Video Inpainting (H4)

Video Compression Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Video Conferencing, Videoconference, Teleconference (H2)

Video Conferencing Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Video Conferencing, Videoconference, Teleconference (H2)

Video Copy Detection Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
Section: Video Copy, Video Duplicate Detection (H4)

Video Database Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: User Feedback, Video Indexing, Video Retrieval, Relevance Feedback (H4)
Section: Video Database Indexing Techniques (H3)
Section: Video Database Issues and Techniques (H2)

Video Denoising Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Video Denoising (H4)

Video Dissolve Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Analysis, Pan, Fade, Wipe and Dissolve Detection (H4)

Video Editing Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Video Editing, Interactive Video Editing Systems (H3)

Video Encryption Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Video Encryption, Video Cryptography, Authentication (H4)

Video Enhancement Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Video Image Restoration and Enhancement (H3)

Video Error Concealment Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Transmission Issues, Reduce Errors from Coding or Transmission (H3)

Video Face Recognition Section: Face Recognition from Video, Faces in Video, Chellappa Group Papers (H4)
Section: Face Recognition from Video, Faces in Video (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Video Fade Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Analysis, Pan, Fade, Wipe and Dissolve Detection (H4)

Video Genre Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Retrieval, Video Annotation, Video Categorization, Genre (H4)

Video Indexing Section: Audio-Video Analysis for Indexing and Classification (H4)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Movie, Video Recommender Systems, Personalization, Video on Demand (H3)
Section: News Video Analysis, Cut Detection, Summaries, Indexing (H2)
Section: Video Analysis -- Captions, Text, Video Text (H3)
Section: Video Analysis, Cut Detection, Scene Segmentation, Shot Detection, Shot Boundary (H3)
Section: Video Analysis, Scene Segmentation for Indexing and Retrieval (H4)
Section: Video Database General, Overview, Survey and Evaluations (H3)
Section: Video Database Indexing Systems (H3)
Section: Video Database Indexing Techniques (H3)
Section: Video Database Indexing, Color Analysis, Object Appearance (H4)
Section: Video Database Indexing, Motion Analysis (H4)
Section: Video Database Issues and Techniques (H2)
Section: Video Delivery, Video-on-Demand, Indexing, Techniques, Systems (H2)
Section: Video Servers, Video on Demand, Systems Issues, Hardware Issues (H3)
15 for Video Indexing

Video Inpainting Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Inpainting, Video Inpainting (H4)

Video Interpolation Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Video Frame Interpolation -- Interpolation Operations (H4)

Video Matting Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Image Matting, Video Matting (H3)

Video Object Segmentation Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Video Object Segmentation (H3)

Video on Demand Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Delivery, Video-on-Demand, Indexing, Techniques, Systems (H2)

Video Phone Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Video Phone Issues, Chat, Coding (H3)

Video Q-A Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Question Answering, Movies, Spatio-Temporal, Query, VQA (H4)

Video Quality Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Video Quality for Compression, Coded Video (H3)
Section: Video Quality for Stereo, 3D Video (H3)
Section: Video Quality, Video Image Quality Evaluations (H3)

Video Resolution Enhancement Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Video Super-Resolution, Resolution Enhancement (H4)

Video Restoration Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Video Image Restoration and Enhancement (H3)

Video Retrieval Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Database Indexing Systems (H3)
Section: Video Retrieval, Video Annotation, Video Categorization, Genre (H4)

Video Saliency Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Motion Segmentation, Motion Saliency, Video Salience (H3)

Video Scene Segmentation Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Analysis, Scene Segmentation for Indexing and Retrieval (H4)

Video Segmentation Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Active Contours and Snakes, Video, Motion Segmentation Issues (H4)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Video Object Segmentation (H3)
* New Merit Version for MPEG-2 Encoded Files, A

Video Sequences Section: Challenges for Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution and Stabilization (H3)
Section: Challenges for Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution and Stabilization (H3)
Section: Creating Super Resolution Image from Video (H3)
Section: Image Montage, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution and Stabilization (H1)
Section: Image Stabilization, Video Stabilization, Alignment (H2)
Section: Mosaic Generation for Video, Stitching (H3)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Video Denoising (H4)
Section: Video Frame Rate Up-Conversion (H3)
Section: Video Image Restoration and Enhancement (H3)
Section: Video Super-Resolution, Resolution Enhancement (H4)
11 for Video Sequences

Video Servers Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Movie, Video Recommender Systems, Personalization, Video on Demand (H3)
Section: Video Delivery, Video-on-Demand, Indexing, Techniques, Systems (H2)
Section: Video Servers, Video on Demand, Quality of Service, QoS, QoE (H3)
Section: Video Servers, Video on Demand, Systems Issues, Hardware Issues (H3)

Video Skimming Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Skimming (H4)

Video Steganography Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Video Data Hiding, Data Hiding in Video, Video Steganography (H3)

Video Streaming Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Streaming Video, Video Streaming, Transmission Issues (H3)

Video Summarization Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Multimedia Summarization, Multimodal Summarization (H4)
Section: Personal Videos, Consumer Videos, Abstracts, Synopsis, Summarization (H4)
Section: Surveillance Video Summarization, Surveillance Synopsis (H4)
Section: Video Analysis, Abstracts, Synopsis, Summarization (H3)
Section: Video Summarization, Abstract, MPEG Based, AVC, H264, MPEG Metadata (H4)

Video Super-Resolution Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Video Super-Resolution, Resolution Enhancement (H4)

Video Synchronization Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
Section: Video Registration Techniques, Synchronizing, Synchronization (H3)
* Camera Network Calibration and Synchronization from Silhouettes in Archived Video

Video Synthesis Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Image Based Rendering, View Generation for Video, Free-Viewpoint Video (H3)

Video Text Section: Find Text in Video Scenes (H4)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Video Transformers Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Video Transformers (H4)

Video Understanding Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Understanding (H4)

Video Watermark Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Watermarks in Video and Multi-Media, Other Data (H2)

Video Wipe Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Analysis, Pan, Fade, Wipe and Dissolve Detection (H4)

Video Section: Computer Vision Conferences and Workshops -- Motion, Video (H3)
Section: Creating Super Resolution Image from Video (H3)
Section: Face Detection in Video (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Human Pose Recognition from Video, Pose from Motion (H3)
Section: Human Pose Tracking, Posture Tracking, Posture from Video, Pose from Motion (H3)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Motion and Video Coding: General (H1)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Watermarks in Video and Multi-Media, Other Data (H2)
11 for Video

Videoconference Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
* efficient use of MPEG-4 FAP interpolation for facial animation at 70 bits/frame, An

Videoconferencing Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Video Conferencing, Videoconference, Teleconference (H2)

Videophone Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Video Phone Issues, Chat, Coding (H3)

View Based Section: Aspect Graph Matching, Characteristic Views (H2)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)

View Frames Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Qualitative Navigation, View Frames (H3)

View Interpolation Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: View Interpolation for Image Based Rendering (H4)
Section: Virtual View Generation, View Synthesis, Image Based Rendering, IBR (H2)
* Example-Based Learning for View-Based Human Face Detection
* Rendering real-world objects without 3-D model

View Planning Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Planning Sensor Position, View Selection, View Planning, Next View (H3)
Section: UAV Path or View Planning, Next View (H4)

View Selection Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Planning Sensor Position, View Selection, View Planning, Next View (H3)
Section: UAV Path or View Planning, Next View (H4)

View Synthesis Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Depth and Range for View Synthesis, Image Based Rendering, IBR (H3)
Section: View Generation for Video, Free-Viewpoint Video, Stereo and Depth Aided (H4)
Section: Virtual View Generation, Morphing (H3)
Section: Virtual View Generation, View Synthesis, Image Based Rendering, IBR (H2)

Viewpoint Constraint Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* ARGOS Image Understanding System, The
* Viewpoint Consistency Constraint, The

Vignetting Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Vignetting Correction, Vignetting Analysis (H3)

VIIRS Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Radiometric Calibration of Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer, VIIRS (H3)

Vineyard Analysis Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
Section: Vineyard Analysis, Viticulture, Grapes, Production, Detection, Health, Change (H3)

Violence Section: Human Activities, Violence, Violent Actions (H4)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Virtual Reality Section: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Applications (H1)
Section: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Overviews, Surveys, Systems, Evaluations (H2)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Cultural Heritage, Museum Visitation Models, Immersive, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality (H4)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Virus Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Virus Extraction, Virus Analysis (H3)

Viseo Prediction Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Video Prediction (H4)

Visibility Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Free Space Computations, Free Space Analysis (H3)
Section: Visibility Analysis, Sight Lines, Line of Sight (H3)

Visible-Infrared Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Visible-Infrared Re-Identification, RGB-IR (H4)

Vision-Language Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Vision-Language Navigation (H3)

Vision Language Model Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Vision-Language Models, Language-Vision Models, VQA (H4)

Vision Systems, General Section: Factory Automation - General Vision Systems (H2)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Vision Text Section: Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys (H)
* Computer Vision
* Machine Perception
* Pattern Classification
* Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis
* Robot Vision

Vision Transformer Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Vision Transformers for Semantic Segmentation (H3)

Vision Transformers Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Attention in Vision Transformers (H4)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Human Posture, or Human Pose, Transformers, ViT (H3)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Vision Transformers for Image Generation and Image Synthesis (H4)
Section: Vision Transformers, ViT (H3)
7 for Vision Transformers

VISIONS Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: University of Massachusetts VISIONS System (H2)

Visual-Language Model Section: CLIP, Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (H4)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Vision-Language Models, Language-Vision Models, VQA (H4)

Visual Assistance Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Personal Visual Assistance Systems and Techniques, Visually Impaired (H4)
Section: Scene Text, Assistance for Visually Imapired (H4)

Visual Attention Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Active Vision, Visual Attention (H2)

Visual Cryptography Section: Encryption, Visual Cryptography, Authentication (H3)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Visual Dialog Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Visual Dialog (H4)
Section: Visual Grounding, Grounding Expressions (H4)

Visual Grounding Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Visual Grounding, Grounding Expressions (H4)

Visual Inspection Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* Automatic Defect Classification for Semiconductor Manufacturing

Visual Odometry Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Visual Odometry, Distance Measurments from Vision, Motion (H3)

Visual Q-A Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Visual Question Answering, Datasets, Benchmarks, Surveys (H4)
Section: Visual Question Answering, Query, VQA (H3)
Section: VQA, Visual Question Answering, Neural Networks (H4)

Visual Reasoning Section: General Spatial Reasoning and Geometric Reasoning Issues, Visual Relations (H1)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)

Visual Relations Section: General Spatial Reasoning and Geometric Reasoning Issues, Visual Relations (H1)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Spatial Information and Features, Visual Relationships (H3)

Visual Search Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Using Intermediate Objects to Improve the Efficiency of Visual-Search

Visual Sentiment Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Visual Sentiment Evaluation (H4)

Visual Servo Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Hand-Eye Coordination (H2)

Visual Speech Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Lipreading, Lip Reading, Lip Tracking (H2)

Visualization * *BodyViz: Visual Medical Solutions
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Autostereoscopic, Glasses-Free Three Dimensional Displays (H2)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Cultural Heritage, Museum Visitation Models, Tour Guide, Visualization (H3)
Section: Data Visualization (H4)
Section: Holographic Displays, Holograms, Three Dimensional Visualization (H2)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Specific Museum Visitation Models, Tour Guide, Visualization (H4)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
Section: Stereoscopic Viewing, Three Dimensional Visualization, Displays (H1)
Section: Texture Mapping, Terrain Visualization, Terrain Rendering, DEM Rendering (H4)
Section: Three Dimensional Visualization for Medical Data (H2)
* Parallel Coordinates: Visual Multidimensional Geometry and Its Applications
14 for Visualization

Visualization, Fluid Flow Section: Fluid Flow, Fluid Motion, Visualization for Flow, Fluids (H2)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)

Visually Impaired Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Personal Visual Assistance Systems and Techniques, Visually Impaired (H4)

VLAD Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors, VLAD Features (H3)

VLSI Section: H.264 Coding, Decoding: Hardware and Systems (H3)
Section: Hardware Implementations, FPGA, Image Processing (H3)
Section: Hardware, VLSI Implementations, Embedded Processors, Sensor Processing (H2)
Section: HEVC Coding, Decoding: Hardware and Systems (H3)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Single Chip, Chipset for Coding (H3)
7 for VLSI

Volcanic Ash Section: Atmospheric, Dust, Dust Storms, Volcanic Ash, Remote Sensing (H2)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Volcano Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Lava Flows, Eruptions Volcanoes, Thermal (H4)
Section: Surface Deformation from SAR Applied to Volcanoes (H4)

Volcanoes Section: Monioring Mt. Etna (H3)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Volunteered Data Section: GIS: Volunteered Geographic Information, Open Access, Crowd Sourcing, Crowdsource (H2)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Voronoi Diagrams Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Voronoi Diagrams, Delaunay Triangulation, 2-D Meshes (H2)
* Local Operations on Labelled Dots Patterns
* Metric Approach to Vector-Valued Image Segmentation, A

Voronoi Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
* Arrangement: A Spatial Relation Between Parts for Evaluating Similarity of Tomographic Section
* Division-Based Analysis Of Symmetry And Its Application
* Out-of-Roundness Problem Revisited

Vortex Breakdown Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
* Wavelet Filtering for Topological Decomposition of Flow-fields

Voting Section: Hough, Voting, Accumulation Methods for Moving Object Extraction (H3)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Voting for Combinations, Classifiers (H4)

Voxels Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Occupancy Grids, Voxels (H2)
Section: Oct-Trees (or Octrees) and Voxels for Three-Dimensional Descriptions (H1)
* Building an Environment Model Using Depth Information
* Recovery of Dynamic Scene Structure from Multiple Image Sequences

VQ Codebook Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Vector Quantization Code Book Generation, Learning and Search (H3)

VQ Definition:* Vector Quantization. Especially as used as an image compression technique.

VQA Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Question Answering, Movies, Spatio-Temporal, Query, VQA (H4)
Section: Vision-Language Models, Language-Vision Models, VQA (H4)
Section: Visual Question Answering, Datasets, Benchmarks, Surveys (H4)
Section: Visual Question Answering, Query, VQA (H3)
Section: VQA, Visual Question Answering, Neural Networks (H4)

VVC Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: VVC Issues, Versatile Video Coding Standard (H3)

Index for "w"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:14
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