1 Copyright, Help, FAQs, Supporters, How to Find Entries and Get Articles, Introduction, Look Here, Contributions

1.1 Introduction, Copyright

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Copyright © © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Keith Price

All rights reserved.
HTML Version.

In May 2018 my formerhosting service (site5.com) completely trashed this website and was unable to fix the problems they created, and would not allow me to fix it either. Transfer to another service (both the site and DNS service) was faster than getting any response from them. Even now site5.com can't understand that I have transferred everything from them. Therefore site5.com is a service to avoid. You would think that 12 months would be enough for them to understand I have left, but they (site5.com) persist and their customer service is as bad as ever.

This is a annotated bibliography (note, bibliography is an English word, not a word in one of the related languages where the similar word means the same as the English word Library -- they are different words) of computer vision papers accumulated over a number of years. Papers are grouped into chapters and sections by general topic using some obscure classification scheme. Annotations have been added at various times, but are not complete. Within each section, papers are generally arranged with the oldest journal papers first then the conference papers, but conference papers related to specific journal papers are often grouped with the journal paper. When you reach some entry, look above and below it for other possibly more relevant references. Prolific authors often get grouped in a separate section. This is due more to numbers than importance, though large numbers of papers by an author is usually an indication of importance.

The whole thing is generated by a Lisp program from a set of input files. The programs also convert from a variety of formats for new entries. I chose this method (a complete, fixed set of links) over the keyword search method because for research purposes you are not always looking for something specific and want to see other related items. 9609

1.1.1 Search Based Access

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There are two simple search techniques for those who prefer to type rather than merely click on entries. The first one is fairly simple, you choose the category and the words to look for. The second one searches by multiple categories. Additionally, you can use a web search, currently the default is Google, -- this should usually work, but updates take time so the files shown may not always correspond to the current version. Go to the Search Page. After some questions and a little work this bibliography is now available on the Computer Science Bibliographies. That version allows searching, but does not contain the annotations and context for entries, but does have a link to the full bibliograpy. (There are brief periods when these 2 are not exactly in sync -- usually on Thursdays -- we try to keep those times to a minimum. The update schedule for the Computer Science Bibliographies is used to control the update schedule of the full version.

1.1.2 Frequently Asked/Answered Question

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There is only one really frequently asked/answered question, but several more are included here: How do I reference the Bibliography in a paper?

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For a single section, I suggest a combination of a Book chapter and an online reference using the following components
Author: Keith Price
Book Title: Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography
If a single section, use the number and title from the contents page: Section a.b.c aaaa bbbb cccc
URL: http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/contentsnnnnnnnnn.html
Where nnnnnnnnn is the file name in the URL, for the main section contents rather than any sub-section, which is a less stable reference.
Or the top level for the entire bibliography: http://iris.usc.edu/Vision-Notes/bibliography/contents.html
Or the mirror: http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/contents.html
Date: October 2007 (Or whenever you last check it) -- date is important if the URL changes or in case the section number changes.) How can I get the actual paper

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At one time (i.e. late in the last millennium) journals prided themselves on a simple reasonable arrangement of at least the table of contents of their journals. In this new century they have fallen for the "hide everything useful behind endless links to unnecessarily fancy systems" syndrome. This means a lot of older references break, and a lot of newer references become difficult to track. I have made an attempt to keep pace with these changes, but the publishers seem bent on hiding most useful information from the public.

Historical scientific literature is only on paper. While there may be thousands of papers available online, much of the archival material is only available on paper (or microfilm). Some journals have a part or all of their table of contents, abstracts, or text available online, either free or as a part of the subscription, and may have archives of older articles, so follow the journal pointers to see. Many of these have arranged their collection in a meaningful manner and I have included pointers to the publically available abstracts of the articles, some journals have less reliable arrangements for access to abstracts and those are usually not included. But, more information may be available through the journal web site. The IEEE site has more than just IEEE journals and conferences and with the library subscription provides access to many papers. But it also randomally changes what the DOI reference points to -- the abstract or the paper. When it is to the abstract, links work for everyone. When it is the paper, you get the login message from IEEE.

Buy this book: 

For a number of books (usually they are collections of papers) and some conferences there are links to purchase the book through Amazon. You can often find used copies of these books on that site. In Association with:

Some authors have made papers directly available online and pointers to these are given when known. But, as with the entire World Wide Web entropy is at work and pointers slowly decay and may not point to the the paper any more. The decay rate of WWW pointers is somewhat faster than that of cheap high-acid content paper left outside in the rain. Research groups often have large collections of reports available, so an alternative is to track down information through the pointers to the person or research group. A few have scanned early reports and make these available, but there should be no expectation of finding a Postscript version of a paper that was written a decade before the invention of Postscript.

The best source for an actual copy of a journal paper is a good local university library, next is from the author directly (follow the links to see if the author has a web link), then from the research group where the work was performed (or where the author now works), then from the publisher (especially a book or entire proceedings). The publisher, unless you are a member of the society or have access through a good university library, generally wants to be paid for a copy since it does cost them money to provide this service. Help: Where did the link go

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You got a page reference from the result of a search, but the item referenced is no longer there. The page may not be correct for 2 reasons: 1: Page names in the bibliography are computed at each update and a few may change so the old names from old searches or cached names from a search engine may take you to the wrong page. 2: The entry has moved to a more appropriate section of the bibliography. All the data is still here, it just has a different URL. As it is not always possible to automatically predict the new page reference you can go to the top level contentes page page and find the appropriate section in the Vision Bibliographypage. Or use the indexing options on that page to find the author, title, or keyword reference. What are the online references

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There are several ways pointers to online versions of papers appear. Files that are .ps, .ps.gz or .ps.Z are Postscript and linked with "Postscript Version." Files that are .pdf say "PDF Version." References to .html and .htm say "HTML Source." There are now links to the IEEExplore site, which leads to full versions if your library has paid for it, or you can pay for the paper, these are given by "IEEE Reference." Others are noted with "WWW reference" which can mean a link to almost anything. Usually the pointers to journal copies goes to the abstract (from here you can usually get to the full paper if it is available for free, or information on how to purchase it).

Note that the IEEE changed the reference method on their web site so old links are not always correct, the pointers go to the top level reference. How do I find People or Groups or Companies

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If you find a paper reference and want to find the author, there are several methods. Some papers (or abstracts if you do not have full access to publisher sites, which is the usual case) have the author affiliation and sometimes a recent email. Also, the author reference links to the list for the author which starts with the last known email and home page. The listed email address has some obvious modifications to reduce automatic extraction. Note this email address is only current as of when it is added. There are some that are out of date, but this email or home page often provides an initial starting point to find the person. The Research Group section is arranged according to large geographic regions (
See also Computer Vision Related Research Groups, North America -- US.
See also Computer Vision Related Research Groups, Americas -- Other than US.
See also Computer Vision Related Research Groups, Europe.
See also Computer Vision Related Research Groups, Asia, Africa, Australia, Oceania. ). Or use the Complete Listing of Research Groups. If you have information about where a person is (or was), the research group page often has a listing of current and (especially for universities) former members. The Research Group People Listingis one way to search for the group given the person. People are automatically sorted by host name of their home page or email (note that emails are not available from this page directly). Not everyone is listed. The Computer Vision Information page at CMU had not been maintained for several years, so those links are out of date. The Computer Vision Researcher list assembled by Margaret Fleck was another listing, but it also has not been kept up to date. For these and other resources you should start at the Computer Vision Resources Listing. How do I find the full journal name

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In each entry, there is a reference to the source (call it the journal). If you follow the link from the journal you will get to the listing of all entries for that journal (or conference, or book). For journals these are listed by volume. At the top of these listings there is a bold face entry, which has an extra "*" in front of it, that links to the entry for the actual journal, conference, or book. Follow this link and you can get whatever information exists. How do I Get Code for WHATEVER?

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Generally speaking, this is a bibliography (a listing of papers), not a source of code. But all is not lost. Some authors provide references to available code in their papers, others provide code on their web sites. The extracted Code Available list is given in the Vision Bib Code Reference Listing. This list includes pointers to papers (or other publications) that reference code and includes some standard code repositories. You may want a computer vision system by name (e.g. Acronym), for this you can look under the Vision Bib Computer Vision Systems Listing. How do I Find Products or Vendors?

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This is still mostly a research area, there are few products you can by in shrink-wrapped boxes that solve your big problems. But, there may be code for your problem (see the previous section), or there may be some vendor for a useful product. The listing of vendors are spread through the bibliography, usually in the appropriate section for the product, but an extracted list is available at the Vision Bib Vendor Listing. Why are several different people listed together?

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The author index lists people by Last name (family name) and initials. Many papers only have this information, some have varying numbers of initials, some have different versions of the name for one person. In order to generally group all papers by one author under one heading they are grouped by initial. The various forms of the name that have been grouped into the entry are listed at the end. How often are changes made to the bibliography?

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Generally speaking there are major updates (i.e. a large number of new papers) every month, which corresponds to the publishing cycle for many of the major journals. Additionally, conferences result in less regular large updates as those papers are incorporated into the overall listing. Since there is some order to the entries and this is not just a heap of unconnected titles there is some work involved in preparing each update. These separate update cycles result in changes roughly each week. Less than weekly would cause problems with other links and make search results less reliable.

1.1.3 History, And How is This Created?

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This bibliography first appeared in hypertext form in March 1994.

The first version of some of the references was in the bibliographic information for my thesis (
See also Change Detection and Analysis in Multi-Spectral Images. ). After starting to work at USC, I maintaied online notes and references for use in current research and papers (that is why there are more comments on papers dealing with segmentation and matching). As this bibliography grew, I began to organize it into a printed document using various indexes (this organization is reflected in the current organization). At this time the printed version was about 200 pages, including indexes.

In March 1994, shortly after HTML appeared on the scene, I converted these files to an intermediate format that is still used. These files are processed by a set of Lisp and Perl programs to generate the intertwined hypertext for the online bibliography you see today. The entire collection also includes scripts or Lisp code to convert a lot of input formats into a form that is usagle, emacs mode modifications for the specific SGML codes that I need, and scripts that do various searches and modifications to the files. I never released this with an announcement, I just made it available and mentioned it to a few people. After it appeared on the CMU vision page, access increased greatly. At this point I felt it was important to keep everything up to date and to make sure older references were included and thus the total size grew from around 5000 entries to the more than 200,000 of today.

Current references are formatted using more lisp programs and occasional perl scripts (the search mechanism was added in an effort to learn perl). Conference listings are added soon after they are available. Periodically, large sections are subdivided and rearranged so that transfer times can be reasonable.

At some point, I decided to try formatting the online text versions of the Rosenfeld bibliographies (1984-1994). This resulted in more lisp code that tries to guess the content of the entry and works for most paper references.

After my retirement, USC continued to provide computing and other support, but to transistion to the day when this is not available and when the server in the IRIS group has problems I created an official mirror: http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/contents.html. This former mirror site is now the official siet since updates to the system at USC made continued updates difficult.

1.1.4 How can I get a copy for myself?

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This database is intended to be used. Individual references cannot be covered by any copyright and users are expected to copy information from individual references for their own use. The overall collection and arrangement of the data can be and is protected by
HTML Version. © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. Online Distribution

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Given the current network performance, why would you want it? The organization is highly interleaved was not amenable to any file system other than Unix. (Windows slowly improved and manages to deal with most of the issues -- though it has some real limits.) So, generally I make it available on the web, but see no reason to make it available in any other way.

1.1.5 Support

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Since about 2003 the maintainer of the bibliography has been enjoying retirement from full time computer vision research. This means a reduction in the time and resources that are available to maintain the bibliography. For a while, the main support will be continued through computer resources provided by the USC Computer Vision Group and some financial support from the IEEE TC-PAMI. You can assist in the propmt inclusion of various journals and conferences by providing Support to the Bibliography.

1.1.6 Index Descriptions

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The entries are indexed by several categories. AUTHOR (who wrote the entry, with entries sorted by LastName, I.I.) (this may not be unique), also by AUTHOR and YEAR (suggested by someone who needed to generate a listing for an annual faculty review), JOURNALS (where it appeared -- includes conferences and other collections, also includes book publishers), general KEYWORDS (to individual papers or to sections which are noted in bold face with the level indicated (H1) after the title), TITLE, and a KWIC index using almost all words in titles (1 and 2 letter words, the, for, and, from, into, with, than, that, image, using, algorithm, analysis, and vision are ommitted) where hypenated words are counted as one word.

Each index has links to the full reference using the title. Sometimes the reference comes up with the html link pointing at the very top of the screen, the author and title are usually above this point. The bottom of the Table of Contents has direct links to the various index files. Author, Journal, Keyword, KWIC

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Note: Some file names for the index are not possible, e.g. Windows does not allow files names such as con.ext. So, while the obvious file to index Conte is not possible, it is dealt with.

The AUTHOR, JOURNAL, KEYWORDand the KWICindexes are accessed in two steps (primarily to reduce file sizes). The intro page shows the indexed name (journal or word) and the number of entries. The name is linked to the listing of all the appropriate titles. Within the bibliography itself, the AUTHOR (or JOURNAL or KEYWORD) entry links directly to the detailed listing for that entry. The TITLE and KWIC indexes are reachable only through the introductory pages using the letter links at the bottom of the main Bibliography page. You can also use a direct jump to the Author, KWIC, and Journal indices through the direct index link.

The AUTHORindex has links to the titles for each author, sorted by Last name, Initials. Within each author the sorting is alphabetical by TITLE. Due to the grouping of similar papers most papers where there are multiple versions with the same title only appear once for a given author. The indexing by Last-name, Initials usually works, but there are many cases where different authors have the same last name and initials. These end up in the same author index entry. Full names are available for some references and these are used to create separate entries in the initial author index.

Author names that include characters with diacritical marks usually collapse into the single character without the mark. This is an effort to include more papers by one author in a single index listing. The main entry still appears with the name in the form that it came in (maybe with or without diacritical marks). This is not a complete solution since the German characters with an umlaut generally become 2 characters (e.g. ü should be ue rather than u). But not all sources of the original data had the umlaut or the correct conversion. Most author index references with an umlaut have a link (labeled "Maybe also") to the possible alternate spelling.

The Author-by-Yearindex lists the author's titles ordered by year, and include the year. The year 1900 really means that the year was not derivable from the entry, while there are a few references for 1908, the 1890s and 1850s, there are none for 1900 itself.

The link to the full information (title, web site, purchase information) for the journal, conference, or book should be near the beginning of the JOURNALindex list for that item. This link is in bold face with an extra * in front. Journals are separated by Volume number. Technical report series and other collections are also referenced this way. KWIC Index -- Key Work In Context Index

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Follow links to the relevant word and find all papers that include that word in the title. From there you can go to the paper entry.

A number of words are omitted from the KWIC index -- some are the obvious: 2 letter words, and, the, for, that, from, with, than, their, into; some are the ones specific to the topic: image, vision, using, computer, based, algorithm, analysis. 9609 Keyword Index

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Often the keyword index entry points to a subsection rather than any individual paper. In this case, the keyword applies to all papers in that section. The keyword also points to the chapter contents, indicated by (H) at the end of the entry, when it appears in a given chapter. When Added, or Date Index

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Update dates: Most entries include a linked date (given as YYMM). For most, this corresponds in some way to the derived date of the entry. For more recent entries it will be the date the entry was added or updated. The update index can be used to find articles added in a given month. If no month is derivable it is given as 00. No year is also 00. For Sections, the date corresponds to when it was added to the file. 9605

1.1.7 Bibtex Formats

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The bibliography automatically generates the Bibtex entries. Because of the nature of the input files, generating the correct Bibtex categories (inproceedings, inbook, etc.) is not always possible so that everything defaults to article. Over time some things may be fixed, but the entries will never be directly exportable with no editing to a bib file for use by bibtex. These are indicated by the BibRef pointer in the bibliography (the BibRef pointer applies to the immediately preceeding reference, due to the nature of the computation, the placement is not always ideal). Most of the journal and conference detailed references generate the correct @string definitions for bibtex --
See also Full Names of Journal Abbreviations. But the journal name in the BibRef entry (for inproceedings or article) is always quoted so some editing may be required.

1.1.8 Cross References and Online papers

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Some entries have cross references to other papers (by title -- indicated by something like See also --something--.) or include pointers to an online source of the paper (if it is known to be available). The online paper links also include a large number of journal abstracts (most of the time, the abstracts are free to everyone, but the full article requires either individual payment, paying for on-line access, or using your university access). The pointers to online sources are taken directly as given to me. The location or existence of the source can change at any time but updates only occur if the author informs me.

1.2 Bibliography Supporters

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For Subscription information

Chapter on Copyright, Help, FAQs, Supporters, How to Find Entries and Get Articles, Introduction, Look Here, Contributions continues in
Rosenfeld Bibliographies .

Last update:Apr 18, 2024 at 11:38:49