24.8.1 ATR -- Survey, Review, Evaluation, General Discussions

Chapter Contents (Back)
Survey, ATR. ATR. Evaluation, ATR.

Holmes, W.S.,
Automatic Photointerpretation and Target Location,
PIEEE(54), 1966, pp. 1679-1686. BibRef 6600

Bhanu, B.,
Automatic Target Recognition: State of the Art Survey,
AeroSys(22), No. 4, July 1986, pp. 364-379. Survey, ATR. ATR, Survey. Application, ATR. BibRef 8607

Bhanu, B., and Jones, T.L.,
Image Understanding Research for Automatic Target Recognition,
AeroSysMag(8), No. 10, October 1993, pp. 15-23. Journal volume may be wrong. BibRef 9310

Trinder, J.C.,
Precision of Digital Target Location,
PhEngRS(55), June 1989, pp. 883-886. BibRef 8906

Trinder, J.C., Jansa, J., Huang, Y.,
An Assessment of the Precision and Accuracy of Methods of Digital Target Location,
PandRS(50), No. 2, April 1995, pp. 12-20. BibRef 9504

Rogers, S.K., Colombi, J.M., Martin, C.E., Gainey, J.C., Fielding, K.H., Burns, T.J., Ruck, D.W., Kabrisky, M., Oxley, M.,
Neural Networks for Automatic Target Recognition,
NeurNet(8), No. 7-8, 1995, pp. 1153-1184. BibRef 9500

Johnston, S.L.,
Target Model Pitfalls (Illness, Diagnosis, and Prescription),
AeroSys(33), No. 2, Part 2, April 1997, pp. 715-720. 9704

Succary, R., Maltz, M., Hadar, O., Rotman, S.R., Kopeika, N.S.,
Relative Effects of Distortion and Noise on Target Acquisition: The Advisability of Image Restoration,
OptEng(37), No. 7, July 1998, pp. 1914-1922. 9808

Matchko, R.M., Gerhart, G.R.,
Parametric Analysis of the Blackwell-McCready Data,
OptEng(37), No. 7, July 1998, pp. 1937-1944. 9808

Meitzler, T.J., Kistner, R.W., Pibil, W.T., Sohn, E., Bryk, D., Bednarz, D.,
Computing the Probability of Target Detection in Dynamic Visual Scenes Containing Clutter Using Fuzzy Logic Approach,
OptEng(37), No. 7, July 1998, pp. 1951-1959. 9808

Melamed, R., Yitzhaky, Y., Kopeika, N.S., Rotman, S.R.,
Experimental Comparison of 3 Target Acquisition Models,
OptEng(37), No. 7, July 1998, pp. 1902-1913. 9808

Williams, L.R.[Lance R.], Thornber, K.K.[Karvel K.],
A Comparison of Measures for Detecting Natural Shapes in Cluttered Backgrounds,
IJCV(34), No. 2-3, August 1999, pp. 81-96.
DOI Link BibRef 9908 ECCV98(II: 432).
Springer DOI BibRef

Milisavljevic, N.[Nada],
Comparison of three methods for shape recognition in the case of mine detection,
PRL(20), No. 11-13, November 1999, pp. 1079-1083. 0001

Deaett, M.A.[Michael A.], DeGraaf, E.J.[Erik J.], Johnson, S.G.[Stephen G.], Norcross, M.L.[Melinda L.], Pawlak, A.J.[Anthony J.],
Method and system for imaging target detection,
US_Patent6,072,889, 06/06/2000.
HTML Version. Features on grouped pixels. BibRef 0006

Fdez-Vidal, X.R.[Xose R.], Rodriguez-Sanchez, R.[Rosa], Garcia, J.A., Fdez-Valdivia, J.,
Integral opponent-colors features for computing visual target distinctness,
PR(33), No. 7, July 2000, pp. 1179-1198.
Elsevier DOI 0005

García, J.A.[Jose A.], Fdez-Valdivia, J.[Joaquín], Fdez-Vidal, X.R.[Xose R.], and Rodriguez-Sánchez, R.[Rosa],
Information Theoretic Measure for Visual Target Distinctness,
PAMI(23), No. 4, April 2001, pp. 362-383.
An approach to a model for target distinctness that can be used rather than extensive human testing. BibRef

Jain, A.[Avinash], Moulin, P.[Pierre], Miller, M.I.[Michael I.], Ramchandran, K.[Kannan],
Information-Theoretic Bounds on Target Recognition Performance Based on Degraded Image Data,
PAMI(24), No. 9, September 2002, pp. 1153-1166.
IEEE Abstract. 0209
Analysis of effects of nois on recognition.l BibRef

Byrnes, J.[Jim], (Ed.)
Imaging for Detection and Identification,
Springer2007, ISBN: 978-1-4020-5618-5. And ISBN 978-1-4020-5619-2. Survey, ATR. 2 Volumes. Covers: The mathematics and computer science of automatic detection and identification; Image processing techniques for radar and sonar; Detection of anomalies in biomedical and chemical images.
WWW Link. And:
WWW Link. Buy this book: Imaging for Detection and Identification (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series / NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics) BibRef 0700

Lim, T.H.[Tae-Heung], Choo, H.[Hosung],
Prediction of Target Detection Probability Based on Air-to-Air Long-Range Scenarios in Anomalous Atmospheric Environments,
RS(13), No. 19, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2110

Jiang, W.[Wen], Wang, Y.P.[Yan-Ping], Li, Y.[Yang], Lin, Y.[Yun], Shen, W.J.[Wen-Jie],
Radar Target Characterization and Deep Learning in Radar Automatic Target Recognition: A Review,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308
Survey, Radar ATR. BibRef

Canady, J.D.[Jonroy D.], Marathe, A.R.[Amar R.], Herman, D.H.[David H.], Files, B.T.[Benjamin T.],
A Maximum Likelihood Method for Estimating Performance in a Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Target-Detection Task,
VAMR18(I: 383-392).
Springer DOI 1807

Ralph, S.K., Irvine, J.M., Snorrason, M., Stevens, M.R., Vanstone, D.,
An image metric-based ATR performance prediction testbed,
And: A1, A2, A3, A5, Only: AIPR06(33-33).

Ralph, S.K., Irvine, J.M., Stevens, M.R., Snorrason, M., Gwilt, D.,
Assessing the performance of an automated video ground truthing application,

Theiler, J., Harvey, N.R., David, N.A., Irvine, J.M.,
Approach to target detection based on relevant metric for scoring performance,

Mariano, V.Y., Min, J.H.[Jung-Hye], Park, J.H.[Jin-Hyeong], Kasturi, R., Mihalcik, D., Li, H.P.[Hui-Ping], Doermann, D., Drayer, T.,
Performance evaluation of object detection algorithms,
ICPR02(III: 965-969).

Liu, G.[Gang], Haralick, R.M.[Robert M.],
Vehicle Ground-truth Database for the Vertical-view Ft. Hood Imagery,
ICPR00(Vol I: 342-345).
Evaluation, Vehicles. BibRef

Stanford, D.,
Multiresolution Hidden Markov Trees for Analysis of Automatic Target Recognition Algorithms,
ICIP00(Vol II: 942-945).

Rosario, D.S.,
Simultaneous multitarget detection and false alarm mitigation algorithm for the Predator UAV TESAR ATR system,

Doria, D.M.[David M.],
ATR Performance Prediction with Feature Based Optimization,
DARPA98(731-746). BibRef 9800

Liu, G.[Gang], Zhuge, F.[Feng], Gong, L.X.[Li-Xin], Haralick, R.M.[Robert M.],
Performance Evaluation of the CFAR Vehicle Detection Algorithm,
DARPA98(1229-1234). BibRef 9800

Clark, L.G., Velten, V.J.,
Image Characterization for Automatic Target Recognition Algorithm Evaluations,
PESIPS93(XX-YY). BibRef 9300

Oh, Y., Cook, M.,
Analytical Modeling for Automatic Target Recognition Performance Evaluation,
PESIPS93(XX-YY). BibRef 9300

Sadjadi, F.,
Experimental Design Methodology: The Scientific Tool for Performance Evaluation,
PESIPS93(XX-YY). BibRef 9300

Sadjadi, F.A.,
Applications Of Image Metrics In Dynamic Scene Adaptation,
PESIPS93(XX-YY). BibRef 9300

Sadjadi, F.,
Performance Evaluation Of A Texture-Based Segmentation Algorithm,
PESIPS93(XX-YY). BibRef 9300

Nasr, H., Sadjadi, F.,
Automatic Target Recognition Algorithm Performance Evaluation: The Bottleneck in the Development Life Cycle,
PESIPS93(XX-YY). BibRef 9300

Au, W., Roberts, B.,
Overview of a Self-Adaptive ATR System via Context-Based Configuration and Control,
ARPA96(585-588). BibRef 9600

Gilfillan, L.[Lynne], and Yachik, T.R.[Theodore R.],
User-Centered Evaluation (UCE) Methods and Metrics,
ARPA94(I:541-547). BibRef 9400

Chapter on Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR continues in
ATR -- Clutter, Background Issues, Noise .

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