Update Dates 0510

0510 * 3-D model-based vehicle tracking
* 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single 2D Line Drawing without Hidden Lines
* 3D scene modeling using sensor fusion with laser range finder and image sensor
* 3D Shape Recognition and Reconstruction Based on Line Element Geometry
* 3D Surface Reconstruction Based on Combined Analysis of Reflectance and Polarisation Properties: A Local Approach
* 3D velocity from 3D Doppler radial velocity
* 3D visual reconstruction of large scale natural sites and their fauna
* 8-Point Algorithm Revisited: Factorized 8-Point Algorithm
* Accelerating colour space conversion on reconfigurable hardware
* Accuracy of Fluorescent Tomography in the Presence of Heterogeneities: Study of the Normalized Born Ratio
* accurate active shape model for facial feature extraction, An
* Accurate representation of local frequency using a computationally efficient Gabor filter fusion approach with application to image registration
* Actions as Space-Time Shapes
* Active curve axis Gaussian mixture models
* Active Search for Real-Time Vision
* Activity Recognition for Physically-Embodied Agent Teams
* Adaptive Active Appearance Models
* Adaptive confidence level assignment to segmented human face regions for improved face recognition
* Adaptive Enhancement of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) Images
* Adaptive perceptual color-texture image segmentation
* Adaptive Snakes Using the EM Algorithm
* Adaptive Tissue Characterization Network for Model-Free Visualization of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Image Data, An
* Adaptive training of a kernel-based nonlinear discriminator
* adequacy of different landscape metrics for various landscape patterns, The
* Advanced modeling of visual information processing: A multi-resolution directional-oriented image transform based on Gaussian derivatives
* Affine-Permutation Invariance of 2-D Shapes
* Agent-Based Gesture Tracking
* Aircraft type recognition in satellite images
* Algebraic Approach to Surface Reconstruction from Gradient Fields, An
* Analysis of Iterative Methods for Solving a Ginzburg-Landau Equation
* Appearance Modeling Under Geometric Context
* Application of information retrieval techniques to single writer documents
* Arbitrary resizing of images in DCT space
* Architecture and Algorithms for Tracking Football Players with Multiple Cameras
* Artifact removal from electroencephalograms using a hybrid BSS-SVM algorithm
* Assessing the contribution of color in visual attention
* Attending to visual motion
* Automatic 3D Face Modeling from Video
* Automatic facial feature extraction and 3D face modeling using two orthogonal views with application to 3D face recognition
* Automatic Image Sequence Registration Based on a Linear Solution and Scale Invariant Keypoint Matching
* Automatic inspection system using machine vision
* Automatic registration of multisensor airborne imagery
* Avoiding the Streetlight Effect: Tracking by Exploring Likelihood Modes
* Axis-Based Representation for Recognition, An
* Background Estimation as a Labeling Problem
* Basic Gray Level Aura Matrices: Theory and its Application to Texture Synthesis
* Bayesian Approach for Shadow Extraction from a Single Image, A
* Bayesian Approach to the Hough Transform for Line Detection, A
* Bayesian Autocalibration for Surveillance
* Bayesian Body Localization Using Mixture of Nonlinear Shape Models
* Bayesian Framework for Noise Covariance Estimation Using the Facet Model, A
* Bayesian image segmentation using local iso-intensity structural orientation
* Bayesian Modeling of Dynamic Scenes for Object Detection
* Bayesian Structural Content Abstraction for Region-Level Image Authentication
* Behaviour Understanding in Video: A Combined Method
* Beyond Trees: Common-Factor Models for 2D Human Pose Recovery
* Bi-Directional Tracking Using Trajectory Segment Analysis
* Bilinear factorisation for facial expression analysis and synthesis
* Bilinear Illumination Model for Robust Face Recognition, A
* Bimodal Laser-Based Attention System, A
* biologically inspired method for estimating 2D high-speed translational motion, A
* Biometric Identification System Based on Eigenpalm and Eigenfinger Features, A
* Blind Image Restoration With Eigen-Face Subspace
* Bottom-up/Top-Down Image Parsing by Attribute Graph Grammar
* BRDF Invariant Stereo Using Light Transport Constancy
* Building a Classification Cascade for Visual Identification from One Example
* Building Robust Wavelet Estimators for Multicomponent Images Using Stein's Principle
* Can Two Specular Pixels Calibrate Photometric Stereo?
* Chirp Imaging Vibro-Acoustography for Removing the Ultrasound Standing Wave Artifact
* Civilian target detection using hierarchical fusion
* Class-Specific Material Categorisation
* Classification-Based Multidimensional Adaptation Prediction for Scalable Video Coding Using Subjective Quality Evaluation
* Closely Coupled Object Detection and Segmentation
* Cluster Labeling and Parameter Estimation for the Automated Setup of a Hand-Gesture Recognition System
* Collimator Optimization for Detection and Quantitation Tasks: Application to Gallium-67 Imaging
* Color Image Denoising Using Wavelets and Minimum Cut Analysis
* Colour image segmentation using the self-organizing map and adaptive resonance theory
* Combining Generative Models and Fisher Kernels for Object Recognition
* Combining image and model based rendering of an archaeological site
* Combining Image Regions and Human Activity for Indirect Object Recognition in Indoor Wide-Angle Views
* Common Pattern Discovery Using Earth Mover's Distance and Local Flow Maximization
* Comparative Study of Disparity Estimations with Multi-Camera Configurations in Relation to Descriptive Parameters of Complex Biological Objects
* comparative study on the consistency of features in on-line signature verification, A
* Comparison of Photoconsistency Measures Used in Voxel Coloring
* complete system for on-line 3D modelling from acoustic images, A
* Composite Support Vector Machines with Extended Discriminative Features for Accurate Face Detection
* Computer vision system for in-house video surveillance
* Conditional Random Fields for Contextual Human Motion Recognition
* Conformal Metrics and True Gradient Flows for Curves
* Consistent Segmentation for Optical Flow Estimation
* Consistent Surface Color for Texturing Large Objects in Outdoor Scenes
* Constrained optimal interferometric imaging of extended objects
* Content based object retrieval with image primitive database
* Content-adaptive feature extraction using image variance
* Content-based 3D mosaic representation for video of dynamic 3D scenes
* Contour-Based Learning for Object Detection
* Control of Object Visibility in Volume Rendering: A Distance-based Approach
* control theoretic method for categorizing visual imagery as human motion behaviors, A
* Convex Grouping Combining Boundary and Region Information
* Cost-conscious classifier ensembles
* cost-effective encryption scheme for color images, A
* Coupled Parametric Active Contours
* Coupled Space Learning for Image Style Transformation
* Creating Efficient Codebooks for Visual Recognition
* DCT histogram optimization for image database retrieval
* Decomposition of arbitrary gray-scale morphological structuring elements
* Decomposition of morphological structuring elements with integer linear programming
* Deformation Invariant Image Matching
* Degenerate Cases and Closed-form Solutions for Camera Calibration with One-Dimensional Objects
* Designing Spatially Coherent Minimizing Flows for Variational Problems Based on Active Contours
* Detecting Irregularities in Images and in Video
* Detecting moving people in video streams
* Detecting Rotational Symmetries
* Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from a Moving Platform in Presence of Strong Parallax
* Detection apparatus for road obstructions
* Detection of Concentric Circles for Camera Calibration
* Detection of cracks in computer tomography images of logs
* Detection of Multiple, Partially Occluded Humans in a Single Image by Bayesian Combination of Edgelet Part Detectors
* Detection, Analysis and Matching of Hair
* Development and validation of a multi-step approach to improved detection of 3D point landmarks in tomographic images
* Diffusion-Inspired Shrinkage Functions and Stability Results for Wavelet Denoising
* Dimensionality reduction of image features using the canonical contextual correlation projection
* Direct feature detection on compressed images
* Direct Shape from Isophotes
* Discontinuity Preserving Stereo with Small Baseline Multi-Flash Illumination
* Discovering Objects and their Localization in Images
* Discrete Surfaces and Frontier Orders
* Discrete Topology of (An*) Optimal Sampling Grids. Interest in Image Processing and Visualization
* Discretization error based mesh generation for diffuse optical tomography
* DTI Segmentation Using an Information Theoretic Tensor Dissimilarity Measure
* Dual camera intelligent sensor for high definition 360 degrees surveillance
* Dual-modality imager based on ultrasonic modulation of incoherent light in turbid medium
* DWT-based scene-adaptive color quantization
* Dynamic B-snake model for complex objects segmentation
* Dynamic Measurement Clustering to Aid Real Time Tracking
* Dynamic Refraction Stereo
* Dynamic Trees for Unsupervised Segmentation and Matching of Image Regions
* Edge detection in bar code signals corrupted by integrated time-varying speckle
* Edge registration versus triangular mesh registration, a comparative study
* Edge-based image restoration
* Edge-Based Rich Representation for Vehicle Classification
* Editorial. Special section on intelligent distributed surveillance systems
* Editorial: Technologies for interactive multimedia services
* efficient algorithm for computing moments on a block representation of a grey-scale image, An
* Efficient Block Noise Removal Based on Nonlinear Manifolds
* Efficient Learning of Relational Object Class Models
* efficient method of license plate location, An
* Efficient Model-Based 3D Tracking of Deformable Objects
* Efficient Reconstruction Method for Nonuniform Attenuation Compensation in Nonparallel Beam Geometries Based on Novikov's Explicit Inversion Formula, An
* Efficient representation of in-plane rotation within a PCA framework
* Efficient Search Method Based on Dynamic Attention Map by Ising Model, An
* Efficient Shape Matching Using Shape Contexts
* Efficient Visual Event Detection Using Volumetric Features
* Efficiently Registering Video into Panoramic Mosaics
* Efficiently Solving Dynamic Markov Random Fields Using Graph Cuts
* eigenvalue-based similarity measure and its application in defect detection, An
* Eliminating Structure and Intensity Misalignment in Image Stitching
* EM image segmentation algorithm based on an inhomogeneous hidden MRF model
* emergence of attention by population-based inference and its role in distributed processing and cognitive control of vision, The
* empirical comparison of combinations of evolutionary algorithms and neural networks for classification problems, An
* empirical comparison of nine pattern classifiers, An
* Enhanced Correlation-Based Method for Stereo Correspondence with Sub-Pixel Accuracy, An
* Ensemble Prior of Image Structure for Cross-Modal Inference, An
* Ensuring Color Consistency across Multiple Cameras
* Ergodic chaotic parameter modulation with application to digital image watermarking
* Estimating the Pen Trajectories of Static Signatures Using Hidden Markov Models
* European strategies, approaches, and projects for new media
* Evaluation of Features Detectors and Descriptors Based on 3D Objects
* Evaluation of selective attention under similarity transformations
* Event Detection in Field Sports Video Using Audio-Visual Features and a Support Vector Machine
* Expectation Maximization Approach to the Synergy between Image Segmentation and Object Categorization, An
* Explanation for the Logarithmic Connection between Linear and Morphological System Theory, An
* Exploring the Space of a Human Action
* Extraction of visual features with eye tracking for saliency driven 2D/3D registration
* Eyeglasses removal from facial images
* Face Recognition by Stepwise Nonparametric Margin Maximum Criterion
* Face recognition from 2D and 3D images using 3D Gabor filters
* Face Recognition in the Presence of Multiple Illumination Sources
* Face recognition using multispectral random field texture models, color content, and biometric features
* Face Recognition with MRC-Boosting
* facial expression recognition system based on supervised locally linear embedding, A
* Fast algorithm for distortion-based error protection of embedded image codes
* fast approach for dimensionality reduction with image data, A
* Fast correlation-based stereo matching with the reduction of systematic errors
* Fast detection and impulsive noise removal in color images
* Fast Global Kernel Density Mode Seeking with Application to Localisation and Tracking
* Fast Hybrid Shading: An Application Of Finite Element Methods In 3d Rendering
* Fast image restoration without boundary artifacts
* fast impulsive noise color image filter using fuzzy metrics, A
* Fast Multiple Object Tracking via a Hierarchical Particle Filter
* fast piecewise deformable method for multi-modality image registration, A
* Fast Recognition of Multi-View Faces with Feature Selection
* Fast Texture-Based Tracking and Delineation Using Texture Entropy
* Fast video shot retrieval based on trace geometry matching
* FastICA Algorithm With Spatial Constraints, The
* Fault-tolerant and progressive transmission of images
* Feature combination using boosting
* Feature extraction on 3-D TexMesh using scale-space analysis and perceptual evaluation
* Feature Hierarchies for Object Classification
* Features for Recognition: Viewpoint Invariance for Non-Planar Scenes
* Fiducial line based skew estimation
* field-portable simultaneous dual-band infrared hyperspectral imager, A
* Finding Tree Structures by Grouping Symmetries
* Fingerprint matching combining the global orientation field with minutia
* Fingerprint Minutiae Relationship Representation And Matching Based On Curve Coordinate System
* Fitting Globally Stabilized Algebraic Surfaces to Range Data
* Fixed Point Probability Field for Complex Occlusion Handling
* FPGA Implementations of Fast Fourier Transforms for Real-Time Signal and Image Processing
* framework for fully format-independent adaptation of scalable bit streams, A
* Frequency shift keyed narrowband interference rejection: Optimal exponential weighting factor for the RLS algorithm
* From OPIMA to MPEG IPMP-X: A standard's history across R&D projects
* Fully automatic face recognition system using a combined audio-visual approach
* Fundamental Matrix for Cameras with Radial Distortion
* fundamental role of pattern recognition for gene-expression/microarray data in bioinformatics, The
* Fusing Points and Lines for High Performance Tracking
* Fusion of Multi-View Silhouette Cues Using a Space Occupancy Grid
* GA-fisher: a new LDA-based face recognition algorithm with selection of principal components
* General Framework for Temporal Video Scene Segmentation, A
* Generalizations of angular radial transform for 2D and 3D shape retrieval
* Generalized ISAR-Part I: An Optimal Method for Imaging Large Naval Vessels
* Generalized ISAR-Part II: Interferometric Techniques for Three-Dimensional Location of Scatterers
* generalized Radon transform: Sampling, accuracy and memory considerations, The
* Generative/Discriminative Learning Algorithm for Image Classification, A
* Generic vs. Person Specific Active Appearance Models
* Genetic coding of image on synthetic peptides
* Geometric and Photometric Restoration of Distorted Documents
* Geometric Context from a Single Image
* Geometric Invariants and Applications under Catadioptric Camera Model
* Global Uncertainty in Epipolar Geometry via Fully and Partially Data-Driven Sampling
* Globally Optimal Estimates for Geometric Reconstruction Problems
* Globally Optimal Solutions for Energy Minimization in Stereo Vision Using Reweighted Belief Propagation
* Good Continuation of General 2D Visual Features: Dual Harmonic Models and Computational Inference
* Gradient-driven update lifting for adaptive wavelets
* Graph Cut Algorithm for Generalized Image Deconvolution, A
* Graphical-Model-Based Morphometric Analysis
* Grey relational analysis based approach for data clustering
* Group Theoretical Structure of Spectral Spaces
* Grouping sensory primitives for object recognition and tracking
* Guiding Model Search Using Segmentation
* Géométrie d'images multiples pour des modèles de caméra généraux
* Hierarchical Bayesian algorithm for diffuse optical tomography
* hierarchical digital watermarking method for image tamper detection and recovery, A
* Hierarchical Field Framework for Unified Context-Based Classification, A
* High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid 3D Motion of Densely Sampled Data Using Harmonic Maps
* Hilbert Functions and Applications to the Estimation of Subspace Arrangements
* Homography-based visual servo regulation of mobile robots
* How Hard is 3-View Triangulation Really?
* Human Posture Recognition: Eigenspace Tuning By A Mean Eigenspace
* Hybrid Image Compression Scheme Based on PVQ and DCTVQ
* Hyperspectral aural cueing
* Hyperspectral detection algorithms: operational, next generation, on the horizon
* Identifying Individuals in Video by Combining Generative and Discriminative Head Models
* Identity authentication using improved online signature verification method
* illuminance-reflectance nonlinear video enhancement model for homeland security applications, An
* Image analysis architectures and techniques for intelligent surveillance systems
* Image Based Regression Using Boosting Method
* Image Collector II: A System to Gather a Large Number of Images from the Web
* Image decomposition via the combination of sparse representations and a variational approach
* Image denoising algorithm via doubly local Wiener filtering with directional windows in wavelet domain
* image metric-based ATR performance prediction testbed, An
* Image processing apparatus and method to reduce gray levels of image
* Image processing device, image processing method, and storage medium
* Image reconstruction of buried inhomogeneous dielectric cylinders coated on a conductor
* Image registration using log-polar mappings for recovery of large-scale similarity and projective transformations
* Image retrieval by pattern categorization using wavelet domain perceptual features with LVQ neural network
* Image Segmentation and Selective Smoothing by Using Mumford-Shah Model
* Image Segmentation with Fast Wavelet-Based Color Segmenting and Directional Region Growing
* Image Statistics Based on Diffeomorphic Matching
* Image thresholding using type II fuzzy sets
* Image up-sampling using total-variation regularization with a new observation model
* Impact of error estimation on feature selection
* improved binarization algorithm based on a water flow model for document image with inhomogeneous backgrounds, An
* improved SNoW based classification technique for head-pose estimation and face detection, An
* Improved Sub-pixel Stereo Correspondences through Symmetric Refinement
* Improving Geometric Accuracy in the Presence of Susceptibility Difference Artifacts Produced by Metallic Implants in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Improving protein secondary structure prediction by using the residue conformational classes
* Inclusion Filters: A Class of Self-Dual Connected Operators
* Incorporating Visual Knowledge Representation in Stereo Reconstruction
* Incremental Discovery of Object Parts in Video Sequences
* Incremental linear discriminant analysis for classification of data streams
* Inference of Non-Overlapping Camera Network Topology by Measuring Statistical Dependence
* Integrated Framework for Image Segmentation and Perceptual Grouping, An
* Integrated Spatial and Frequency Domain 2D Motion Segmentation and Estimation
* Integrating Representative and Discriminative Models for Object Category Detection
* Integrating the Effects of Motion, Illumination and Structure in Video Sequences
* Integration of Conditionally Dependent Object Features for Robust Figure/Background Segmentation
* Intelligent distributed surveillance systems: a review
* Interpretation of clusters in the framework of shadowed sets
* intGuide: A platform for context-aware services featuring augmented-reality, based on the outcome of European Research Projects
* Inverse halftoning algorithm using edge-based lookup table approach
* investigation of bistatic calibration objects, An
* investigation of bistatic calibration techniques, An
* Is ICA Significantly Better than PCA for Face Recognition?
* Is Levenberg-Marquardt the Most Efficient Optimization Algorithm for Implementing Bundle Adjustment?
* Isotropic Polyharmonic B-Splines: Scaling Functions and Wavelets
* Iterative Optimization Approach for Unified Image Segmentation and Matting, An
* JBEAM: Multiscale Curve Coding via Beamlets
* Joint Haar-like Features for Face Detection
* Joint optimization of the motion estimation module and the up/down scaler in transcoders
* KALMANSAC: Robust Filtering by Consensus
* Kernel matching pursuit for large datasets
* Kernel-Based Multifactor Analysis for Image Synthesis and Recognition
* Knowledge-assisted semantic video object detection
* Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping of Fiber Orientations
* Layered Active Appearance Models
* Learning a Sparse, Corner-Based Representation for Time-varying Background Modeling
* Learning and Inference in Parametric Switching Linear Dynamical Systems
* Learning dynamic Bayesian network models via cross-validation
* Learning Effective Image Metrics from Few Pairwise Examples
* Learning Hierarchical Models of Scenes, Objects, and Parts
* Learning Layered Motion Segmentation of Video
* Learning Models for Predicting Recognition Performance
* Learning multi-kernel distance functions using relative comparisons
* Learning Non-Generative Grammatical Models for Document Analysis
* Learning Non-Negative Sparse Image Codes by Convex Programming
* Learning Object Categories from Google's Image Search
* Learning the Probability of Correspondences without Ground Truth
* Least Squares and Robust Estimation of Local Image Structure
* Least Squares Fitting of Circles
* Least squares phase unwrapping in wavelet domain
* Least-squares smoothing of 3D digital curves
* Lighting Normalization with Generic Intrinsic Illumination Subspace for Face Recognition
* Linear Approaches to Camera Calibration from Sphere Images or Active Intrinsic Calibration Using Vanishing Points
* Linear Versus Nonlinear Neural Modeling for 2-D Pattern Recognition
* Local Correlation Tracking and the Magnetic Induction Equation
* Local Features for Object Class Recognition
* Local Gabor Binary Pattern Histogram Sequence (LGBPHS): A Novel Non-Statistical Model for Face Representation and Recognition
* Localized Measurement of Optical Attenuation Coefficients of Atherosclerotic Plaque Constituents by Quantitative Optical Coherence Tomography
* LOCUS: Learning Object Classes with Unsupervised Segmentation
* Long-Range Saliency of Edge- and Corner-Based Salient Points, The
* Low Bit-rate Image Compression Schemes Based On Vector Quantization
* Low discrepancy holographic image sampling
* Manifold Clustering
* Maximum Entropy Framework for Part-Based Texture and Object Recognition, A
* MCMC-Based Particle Filtering for Tracking a Variable Number of Interacting Targets
* Measurement of canopy geometry characteristics using LiDAR laser altimetry: a feasibility study
* Measurements on individual trees using multiple VHF SAR images
* Measuring Complete Ground-Truth Data and Error Estimates for Real Video Sequences, for Performance Evaluation of Tracking, Camera Pose and Motion Estimation Algorithms
* Medical image watermarking for multiple modalities
* Mesh Optimization Using an Inconsistency Detection Template
* Method for calculating first-order derivative based feature saliency information in a trained neural network and its application to handwritten digit recognition
* Method for detecting moving objects by comparing video images
* Millimeter-wave weapons detection system
* MINMAX optimal video summarization
* Mixtures of Dynamic Textures
* Modality conversion for QoS management in universal multimedia access
* Model (In)Validation Approach to Gait Classification, A
* Model-Based Vehicle Segmentation Method for Tracking, A
* Modeling Scenes with Local Descriptors and Latent Aspects
* Modeling Visual Attention's Modulatory Aftereffects on Visual Sensitivity and Quality Evaluation
* Modelling Shapes with Uncertainties: Higher Order Polynomials, Variable Bandwidth Kernels and Non Parametric Density Estimation
* Modified SPIHT algorithm for wavelet packet image coding
* Monogenic Scale Space on a Rectangular Domain and its Features, The
* More-Than-Topology-Preserving Flows for Active Contours and Polygons
* MPEG Standard for Rich Media Services, An
* MPEG-A: Multimedia Application Formats
* Multi-dimensional image processing
* Multi-Modal Tensor Face for Simultaneous Super-Resolution and Recognition
* Multi-Scale Gesture Recognition from Time-Varying Contours
* Multi-Scale Hybrid Linear Model for Lossy Image Representation, A
* Multi-View AAM Fitting and Camera Calibration
* Multi-View Geometry of 1D Radial Cameras and its Application to Omnidirectional Camera Calibration
* Multi-View Reconstruction Using Photo-consistency and Exact Silhouette Constraints: A Maximum-Flow Formulation
* Multi-View Surface Reconstruction Using Polarization
* Multilevel Banded Graph Cuts Method for Fast Image Segmentation, A
* Multimodal biometric identification for large user population using fingerprint, face and iris recognition
* Multimodal polymeric contrast agents for MRI and fluorescence imaging in the management of cancer
* Multiobjective algorithm parameter optimization using multivariate statistics in three-dimensional electron microscopy reconstruction
* Multiperspective Projection and Collineation
* Multiple Description Pattern Analysis: Robustness to Misclassification Using Local Discriminant Frame Expansions
* Multiple Light Sources and Reflectance Property Estimation Based on a Mixture of Spherical Distributions
* Multiple View Geometry and the L_inf-norm
* Multiresolution Shape Modeling and Editing in Reverse Engineering
* multisensor image fusion and enhancement system for assisting drivers in poor lighting conditions, A
* Mutual feedback scheme for face detection and tracking aimed at density estimation in demonstrations
* Mutual Information Regularized Bayesian Framework for Multiple Image Restoration
* Mutual Information-Based 3D Surface Matching with Applications to Face Recognition and Brain Mapping
* N-Dimensional Probablility Density Function Transfer and its Application to Colour Transfer
* neighborhood evaluated adaptive vector filter for suppression of impulse noise in color images, A
* Neighborhood Preserving Embedding
* network of co-operative cameras for visual surveillance, A
* new and fast contour-filling algorithm, A
* New Class of Elastic Body Splines for Nonrigid Registration of Medical Images, A
* New Detection Approach for the Fingerprint Core Location Using Extended Relation Graph, A
* New Framework for Approximate Labeling via Graph Cuts, A
* New indices for cluster validity assessment
* new method of feature fusion and its application in image recognition, A
* Newly Modified Algorithm Of Hough Transform For Line Detection, A
* Newton type algorithm on Riemannian manifolds applied to robot vision, and suggestions for improvement of its performance
* No-Reference Quality Assessment Using Natural Scene Statistics: JPEG2000
* Non-Negative Lighting and Specular Object Recognition
* Non-Orthogonal Binary Subspace and Its Applications in Computer Vision
* Non-Parametric Self-Calibration
* noninvasive, multimodality approach based on MRS and MRI techniques for monitoring intracranial brain tumor angiogenesis, A
* Nonlinear acoustic concealed weapons detection
* Nonlinear blind signal separation with intelligent controlled learning
* Nonlinear blind source separation using a hybrid RBF-FMLP network
* Nonlinear Discrete Wavelet Transforms over Finite Sets and an Application to Binary Image Compression
* Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis of Image Data, A
* nonparametric statistical method for image segmentation using information theory and curve evolution, A
* Note on the equivalence relationship between Renyi-entropy based and Tsallis-entropy based image thresholding
* novel fusion approach to content-based image retrieval, A
* Novel multimedia retrieval technique: progressive query (why wait?)
* novel objective no-reference metric for digital video quality assessment, A
* Object Categorization by Learned Universal Visual Dictionary
* Object Detection in Aerial Imagery Based on Enhanced Semi-Supervised Learning
* Object recognition and pose estimation using color cooccurrence histograms and geometric modeling
* Object Recognition in High Clutter Images Using Line Features
* Object Tracking across Multiple Independently Moving Aerial Cameras
* Objective Image Fusion Performance Characterisation
* Off-line Chinese signature verification based on support vector machines
* Okapi-Chamfer Matching for Articulated Object Recognition
* On naive Bayesian fusion of dependent classifiers
* On Optimal Light Configurations in Photometric Stereo
* On Optimizing Template Matching via Performance Characterization
* On Space-Time Interest Points
* On the correct convergence of the EM algorithm for Gaussian mixtures
* On the Design of Filters for Gradient-Based Motion Estimation
* On the Equivalence of Common Approaches to Lighting Insensitive Recognition
* On the Spatial Statistics of Optical Flow
* On-Line Density-Based Appearance Modeling for Object Tracking
* Online Trajectory Planning of Robot Arms for Interception of Fast Maneuvering Object Under Torque and Velocity Constraints
* Opaque Document Imaging: Building Images of Inaccessible Texts
* Open Set Face Recognition Using Transduction
* Optimization of Integer Wavelet Transforms Based on Difference Correlation Structures
* Optimization on Lie manifolds and pattern recognition
* Optimizing a Triangular Mesh for Shape Reconstruction from Images
* Optimizing image segmentation using color model mixtures
* Ordered incremental training for GA-based classifiers
* Overcoming Dress Effect In Eigenspace
* overview of concealed weapons detection for homeland security, An
* overview of through the wall surveillance for homeland security, An
* Palmprint verification using hierarchical decomposition
* Parameter-Free Radial Distortion Correction with Center of Distortion Estimation
* Partition Sampling: An Active Learning Selection Strategy for Large Database Annotation
* Passive Photometric Stereo from Motion
* Patch Based Blind Image Super Resolution
* PCA and LDA in DCT domain
* Perceptual Scale-Space and Its Applications
* Performance assessment of mammography image segmentation algorithms
* Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Algorithms or Systems for Calibration, Orientation and Surface Reconstruction
* Performance Evaluation of a Localization System Relying on Monocular Vision and Natural Landmarks
* Periodic Motion Detection and Segmentation via Approximate Sequence Alignment
* Phase Field Models and Higher-Order Active Contours
* Photo-realistic facial expression synthesis
* Photometric Stereo under Perspective Projection
* Polyphase Antialiasing in Resampling of Images
* Practical Single Image Based Approach for Estimating Illumination Distribution from Shadows, A
* Prior-Based Segmentation by Projective Registration and Level Sets
* Priors for People Tracking from Small Training Sets
* Probabilistic Boosting-Tree: Learning Discriminative Models for Classification, Recognition, and Clustering
* Probabilistic Contour Extraction Using Hierarchical Shape Representation
* Probabilistic Semantic Model for Image Annotation and Multi-Modal Image Retrieval, A
* Progressive Surface Reconstruction from Images Using a Local Prior
* Projective reconstruction of all visual primitives
* Pseudo two-dimensional shape normalization methods for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Push the Bottleneck of Streaming Media System from Streaming Media Server to Network
* Pyramid Match Kernel: Discriminative Classification with Sets of Image Features, The
* QROCK: A quick version of the ROCK algorithm for clustering of categorical data
* Quasiconvex Optimization for Robust Geometric Reconstruction
* Query Learning Method for Character Recognition Methods Using Genetic Algorithm
* Quickly tracing detection for spread spectrum watermark based on effect estimation of the affine transform
* Randomized RANSAC with Sequential Probability Ratio Test
* rate distortion method for waveform design in RF image formation, A
* Rate-Distortion Hint Tracks for Adaptive Video Streaming
* Rate-distortion optimal video summary generation
* Real-time acquisition of depth and color images using structured light and its application to 3D face recognition
* Real-Time Color Image Processing Using Order Statistics Filters
* Real-time FPGA implementation of Hough Transform using gradient and CORDIC algorithm
* Real-Time Interactively Distributed Multi-Object Tracking Using a Magnetic-Inertia Potential Model
* Real-time lossless compression of mosaic video sequences
* Real-time segmentation of surgical instruments inside the abdominal cavity using a joint hue saturation color feature
* Realistic Simulation of the 3-D Growth of Brain Tumors in MR Images Coupling Diffusion With Biomechanical Deformation
* Realtime IBR with Omnidirectional Crossed-Slits Projection
* Recognizing Human Actions in Videos Acquired by Uncalibrated Moving Cameras
* Reconstructing Arbitrarily Focused Images From Two Differently Focused Images Using Linear Filters
* Reconstructing the Geometry of Flowing Water
* Recovering Facial Shape and Albedo Using a Statistical Model of Surface Normal Direction
* Recovering Human Body Configurations Using Pairwise Constraints between Parts
* Recovering Photometric Properties of Multiple Strongly-Reflective, Partially-Transparent Surfaces from a Single Image
* Rectangular building extraction from stereoscopic airborne Radar images
* Registration of Multimodal Fluorescein Images Sequence of the Retina
* Regular Polygon Detection
* Relevance feedback using generalized Bayesian framework with region-based optimization learning
* Relevance Vector Machine for Automatic Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications
* Retrieval with Knowledge-driven Kernel Design: An Approach to Improving SVM-Based CBIR with Relevance Feedback
* Rician Inverse Gaussian Distribution: A New Model for Non-Rayleigh Signal Amplitude Statistics, The
* Robust Algorithm for Point Set Registration Using Mixture of Gaussians, A
* Robust Estimation Approach for Blind Denoising
* Robust face recognition using 2D and 3D data: Pose and illumination compensation
* robust iterative hypothesis testing design of the repeated genetic algorithm, A
* Robust Least-Squares Adjustment Based Orientation and Auto-Calibration of Wide-Baseline Image Sequences
* robust method for eye features extraction on color image, A
* Robust Metric Structure From Motion for an Extended Sequence with Outliers and Missing Data
* Robust Path-Based Spectral Clustering with Application to Image Segmentation
* Robust Point Matching for Two-Dimensional Nonrigid Shapes
* Robust shape similarity retrieval based on contour segmentation polygonal multiresolution and elastic matching
* Robust Structure from Motion and Identified Dynamics
* Robustness of Shape Descriptors to Incomplete Contour Representations
* Rotation invariant pattern recognition using ridgelets, wavelet cycle-spinning and Fourier features
* Salt-and-pepper noise removal by median-type noise detectors and detail-preserving regularization
* Scalable Model-Based Clustering for Large Databases Based on Data Summarization
* Scale-Invariant Contour Completion Using Conditional Random Fields
* Scale-Space Image Analysis Based on Hermite Polynomials Theory
* Score normalization in multimodal biometric systems
* See-through-wall imaging using ultra wideband pulse systems
* Segmentation approach and comparison to hyperspectral object detection algorithms
* Segmentation of Hybrid Motions via Hybrid Quadratic Surface Analysis
* Segmenting a low-depth-of-field image using morphological filters and region merging
* Selective Attention for Identification Model: Simulating visual neglect
* Selective perception policies for guiding sensing and computation in multimodal systems: A comparative analysis
* Selective visual attention enables learning and recognition of multiple objects in cluttered scenes
* Semantic video analysis for adaptive content delivery and automatic description
* Semi-Supervised Framework for Mapping Data to the Intrinsic Manifold, A
* Separating Reflections in Human Iris Images for Illumination Estimation
* Separating Transparent Layers of Repetitive Dynamic Behaviors
* Sequential clustering by statistical methodology
* Shadow Flow: A Recursive Method to Learn Moving Cast Shadows
* Shadow Function for Rough Surfaces, The
* Shape Activity: a continuous-state HMM for moving/deforming shapes with application to abnormal activity detection
* Shape and Appearance Repair for Incomplete Point Surfaces
* Shape and Spatially-Varying BRDFs from Photometric Stereo
* Shape Classifer Based on Generalized Probabilistic Descent Method with Hidden Markov Descriptor
* Shape from Symmetry
* Shape Parameter Optimization for AdaBoosted Active Shape Model
* Shape Recovery of 3D Data Obtained from a Moving Range Sensor by Using Image Sequences
* Shape-Based Segmentation Approach: An Improved Technique Using Level Sets, A
* Shapelets Correlated with Surface Normals Produce Surfaces
* Similarity K-d tree method for sparse point pattern matching with underlying non-rigidity
* Simultaneous Facial Action Tracking and Expression Recognition Using a Particle Filter
* Simultaneous Multiple 3D Motion Estimation via Mode Finding on Lie Groups
* Simultaneous Noise Filtering and Super-Resolution With Second-Generation Wavelets
* Space-Time Scene Manifolds
* Sparse Image Coding Using a 3D Non-Negative Tensor Factorization
* spatially adaptive nonparametric regression image deblurring, A
* Spatiotemporal Neuronal Filter for Channel Equalization and Video Restoration, A
* Special issue on analysis and understanding for video adaptation
* Special issue on European projects on visual representation systems and services
* Special Section on Image Recognition and Understanding
* Spectral Technique for Correspondence Problems Using Pairwise Constraints, A
* Spherical Matching for Temporal Correspondence of Non-Rigid Surfaces
* Squaring the Circles in Panoramas
* Statistical Optimization for 3-D Reconstruction from a Single View
* statistics-based approach to control the quality of subclusters in incremental gravitational clustering, A
* Stochastic Filter for Fluid Motion Tracking, A
* Structured Light in Scattering Media
* study of seismic inverse methods for radar signal processing, A
* Submacroblock motion compensation for fast down-scale transcoding of compressed video
* Super-Resolution Image Restoration from Blurred Low-Resolution Images
* Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Hyperspectral Images
* Supervised Learning Framework for Generic Object Detection in Images, A
* Surface Parameterization Using Riemann Surface Structure
* Symmetric Patch-Based Correspondence Model for Occlusion Handling, A
* Symmetric-key block cipher for image and text cryptography
* Systems and methods for improved telepresence
* Target tracking with distributed sensors: The focus of attention problem
* Temporal And Spatial Compression Of Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography In Sinogram Domain
* Temporal Scale Spaces
* TemporalBoost for Event Recognition
* Terahertz laser based standoff imaging system
* Texture Classification Using Hierarchical Linear Discriminant Space
* Texture for Script Identification
* Theoretical Limit on the Number of Effective Pixels that can be Optically Resolved on a Non-Planar Subject, A
* Theory of Inverse Light Transport, A
* Theory of Refractive and Specular 3D Shape by Light-Path Triangulation, A
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Quantification of Cervical Carcinoma Invasion Fronts From Histological Serial Sections
* Time-Delay- and Time-Reversal-Based Robust Capon Beamformers for Ultrasound Imaging
* TIRAMISU: A novel approach to content representation and key management for seamless super-distribution of protected media
* Tomography-Based 3-D Anisotropic Elastography Using Boundary Measurements
* Toward a Generic Evaluation of Image Segmentation
* Towards automated wide area visual surveillance: tracking objects between spatially-separated, uncalibrated views
* Towards Ultimate Motion Estimation: Combining Highest Accuracy with Real-Time Performance
* Tracking non-rigid objects using probabilistic Hausdorff distance matching
* Training TSVM with the proper number of positive samples
* Transform and embedded coding techniques for maximum efficiency and random accessibility in 3-D scalable compression
* unbiased implementation of regularization mechanisms, An
* Uncalibrated Perspective Reconstruction of Deformable Structures
* Unifying Approach to Hard and Probabilistic Clustering, A
* Universal Noise Removal Algorithm With an Impulse Detector, A
* Use of Artificial Color filtering to improve iris recognition and searching
* User-adaptive hand gesture recognition system with interactive training
* Using Catastrophe Theory to Derive Trees from Images
* Using Extended Light Sources for Modeling Object Appearance under Varying Illumination
* Using Eye Reflections for Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination
* Using Frontier Points to Recover Shape, Reflectance and Illumunation
* Using Line Segments as Structuring Elements for Sampling-Invariant Measurements
* Variational Maximum A Posteriori by Annealed Mean Field Analysis
* Variational-Based Method to Extract Parametric Shapes from Images
* Vector Boosting for Rotation Invariant Multi-View Face Detection
* Vehicle Identification between Non-Overlapping Cameras without Direct Feature Matching
* VERL: An Ontology Framework for Representing and Annotating Video Events
* Vicarious calibration of GLI by ground observation data
* Video Behaviour Profiling and Abnormality Detection without Manual Labelling
* Vignette and Exposure Calibation and Compensation
* Vision sensor planning for 3-D model acquisition
* Visual Direction Estimation from a Monocular Image
* Visual Learning Given Sparse Data of Unknown Complexity
* Visual Speech Recognition with Loosely Synchronized Feature Streams
* Wavelet correlogram: A new approach for image indexing and retrieval
* What Metrics Can Be Approximated by Geo-Cuts, Or Global Optimization of Length/Area and Flux
* What's New with MPEG?
* When Does a Camera See Rain?
* Wireless Image Transmission Using Turbo Codes and Optimal Unequal Error Protection
* wireless multimedia framework for the management of emergency situations in automotive applications: The AIDER system, A
* ZNCC-based template matching using bounded partial correlation
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.