* *Aspects of Visual Form Processing
* *Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing: Computer Vision
* *Progress in Image Analysis and Processing, III
* *Report of the NSF/ARPA Workshop on 3D Object Representation for Computer Vision
* *Shape in Picture: Mathematical Description of Shape in Grey-level Images
* *Unipen Project
* 2-D Curve Partitioning by Kohonen Feature Maps
* 3-D morphological segmentation and motion estimation for image sequences
* 3-D Object Recognition Using MEGI Model from Range Data
* 3-D Scene Representation as a Collection of Images
* 3-D Texture Characterized by Accessibility Measurements, Based on the Grey Weighted Distance Transform
* 3D Contour Image Coding by Morphological Filters and Motion Estimation
* Accurate Computation of Optical Flow by Using Layered Motion Representations
* Accurate Structure and Motion Computation in the Presence of Range Image Distortions Due to Sequential Acquisition
* Accurate Vergence Control in Complex Scenes
* Acquiring 3D Models from Rotation and Highlights
* Acquisition of consistent range data using local calibration
* Active 3D Object Recognition Using 3D Affine Invariants
* Active Bifocal Vision
* Active Camera Self-Orientation Using Dynamic Image Parameters
* Active motion detection and object tracking
* Active Multibaseline Stereo System with Real-time Image Acquisition, An
* Active Part-Decomposition, Shape and Motion Estimation of Articulated Objects: A Physics-based Approach
* Active stereo vision and cyclotorsion
* Active Visual Attention System to Play Where's Waldo, An
* Adapted Wavelet Analysis from Theory to Software
* Adaptive Configuration and Control in an ATR System
* Adaptive Delaunay Triangulation for Attractor Image Coding
* Adaptive Meshes and Nonrigid Motion Computation
* Adaptive Polynomial Modelling of the Reflectance Map for Shape Estimation from Stereo and Shading
* Adaptive-complexity registration of images
* Advances in Fuzzy Integration for Pattern Recognition
* Advances in Polarization Vision
* Affine and Projective Normalization of Planar Curves and Regions
* Affine Invariant Detection of Periodic Motion
* Affine Reconstruction from Perspective Image Pairs Obtained by a Translating Camera
* Aircraft Group Recognition In Multitarget Tracking Environment
* Algorithm for Matching OCR-Generated Text Strings, An
* Algorithms for Invariant Model Transfer and Object Reconstruction
* Analysis and Synthesis of Human Movement
* Analysis of Shape from Shading Techniques
* Analysis, Interpretation and Synthesis of Facial Expressions
* Analytic Outlier Removal in Line Fitting
* Analytical Methods for Uncalibrated Stereo and Motion Reconstruction
* Analytical Studies of Low-Level Motion Estimators in Space-Time Images Using a Unified Filter Concept
* Analyzing and Recognizing Walking Figures in XYT
* Analyzing the Probability of a False Alarm for the Hausdorff Distance Under Translation
* Anisotropic Diffusion
* Anisotropic Diffusion Filters for Image Processing Based Quality Control
* Apply Mid-Level Vision Techniques for Video Data Compression and Manipulation
* Approach to Model-based 3-D Recognition of Vehicles in Real Time by Machine Vision, An
* Approximate Clustering via the Mountain Method
* Approximate Graph Matching Problem, The
* Association of Motion Verbs with Vehicle Movements Extracted from Dense Optical Flow Fields
* Automated Design of Bayesian Perceptual Inference Networks
* Automated Discovery of Detectors and Interation -- Performing Calculations to Recognize Patterns in Protein Sequences Using Genetic Programming
* Automated Registration for Visualization in Surgery
* Automatic Jigsaw Puzzle Solver, An
* Automatic Orientation Determination of Three-Dimensional Objects from Three-Dimensional Data
* Automatic Selection of Tuning Parameters for Feature Extraction Sequences
* Automatic Signature Verification: The State of the Art
* Automatic Tracking, Coding and Reconstruction of Human Faces using Flexible Appearance Models
* Automating the Construction of Large Scale Virtual Worlds
* Automating the Hunt for Volcanoes on Venus
* Autonomous Landing Of Airplanes By Dynamic Machine Vision
* Autonomous Visual Control of a Mobile Robot
* Autoregressive Approach to Texture Analysis, An
* Basic Meanings of Spatial Relations: Computation and Evaluation in 3D Space
* Bayes Nets for Selective Perception and Data Fusion
* Bayesian Approach to Learn and Classify 3D Objects from Intensity Images, A
* Bayesian Corner Detector: Theory and Performance Evaluation, A
* Bayesian Regularization
* Behavior Control for Robotic Exploration of Planetary Surfaces
* Behavior-Based Active Vision
* Behavior-Based System for Off-Road Navigation, A
* Benchmarking Page Segmentation Algorithms
* Bibliography of Heuristic Search Research Through 1992, A
* Blind Approximation of Planar Convex Sets
* Building Global Object Models by Purposive Viewpoint Control
* C-Factor: A Morphological Shape Descriptor
* CAD Model Acquisition using Binary Space Partitioning Trees
* Calibrating a Robot Camera
* Camera Calibration from Spheres Images
* Camera Calibration of a Head-Eye System for Active Vision
* Camera Calibration of the KTH Head-Eye System
* Camera Parameter Determination from a Single View of a General Planar Calibration Object
* Camera Platform for Intelligent Vehicles, A
* Can a Sequential Thinning Algorithm Be Parallelized?
* Can Categorical Shape Theory Handle Grey-level Images?
* Canonical Views in Object Representation and Recognition
* Canonical Views, or the Stability and Likelihood of Images of 3D Objects
* Capacity of Color Histogram Indexing, The
* Chamfer Metrics in Mathematical Morphology
* Characterizing Natural Backgrounds for Target Detection
* Characterizing the Hierarchical Hough Transform through a Polygonal Approximation Algorithm
* Classification of Handwritten Vector Symbols Using Elliptic Fourier Descriptors
* Closed-Form Attitude Determination under Spectrally Varying Illumination
* Coarse-Grained Algorithms and Implementations of Structural Indexing-Based Object Recognition on Intel Touchstone Delta
* Coarse-to-Fine Algorithm for Fast Median Filtering of Image Data with a Huge Number of Levels, A
* Color Constancy. III. General Linear Recovery of Spectral Descriptions for Lights and Surfaces
* Color Edge Detector Using Jointly Hue, Saturation, and Intensity
* Combining Deformable Models and Neural Networks for Handprinted Digit Recognition
* Comparison between the Standard Hough Transform and the Mahalanobis Distance Hough Transform, A
* Compilation of Mosaics from Separately Scanned Line Drawings
* Complementary Data Fusion for Limited-Angle Tomography
* Complete Navigation System for Goal Acquisition in Unknown Environments, A
* Component-Oriented Algorithms for Signature Verification
* Composite Source Modeling Based on VQ and Arithmetic Coding for Digital Subband Video Compression
* Computational analysis of non-Fourier motion
* Computational Analysis of Visual Motion
* Computational mathematical morphology
* Computational Sensors for Global Operations
* Computational Structure for Preattentive Perceptual Organization: Graphical Enumeration and Voting Methods, A
* Computer Generated Color: A Practical Guide to Presentation and Display
* Computer Vision at The Hebrew University
* Computing Depth from Out-of-Focus Blur Using a Local Frequency Representation
* Computing Motion and Structure in Image Sequences without Calibration
* Computing Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision
* Computing Swept Volumes for Sensor Planning Tasks
* Conic Primitives for Projectively Invariant Representation of Planar Curves
* Connected Character Recogniser Using Level Building of HMMS, A
* Connectivity Preservation Tests for Parallel Reduction-Augmentation Algorithms
* Constrained Regularization Approach in Robust Corner Detection, A
* Content Access for Image/Video Coding: The Fourth Criterion
* Content-Based Video Indexing Retrieval
* Context Vector Approach to Image Indexing and Retrieval, A
* Contour Texture and Frame Curves for the Recognition of Non-Rigid Objects
* Contribution To Multisensor Fusion Formalization
* Control of Eye and Arm Movements Using Active, Attentional Vision
* Controlling Growing Snakes by Using Key-Points
* Convergence of Fuzzy-Pyramid Algorithms
* Cooperative Integration of Stereopsis and Optic Flow Computation, A
* Coordinating Motion of Cooperative Mobile Robots Through Visual Observation
* Coping with delays for Real-Time Gaze Control
* Corner Detection Using the Map Technique
* Correlated Run Length Algorithm (CURL) for Detecting Form Structure within Digitized Documents
* Correspondence of Coplanar Features Through P2-Invariant Representations
* Coupled Geometry-Driven Diffusion Equations for Low-Level Vision
* Crack Detection in Eggs Using Computer Vision and Neural Networks
* Data and Model-Driven Selection Using Closely-Spaced Parallel-Line Groups
* Decision Fusion
* Decomposition of Morphological Structuring Elements
* Deformable Models With Parameter Functions: Application to Heart-Wall Modeling
* Dense, Time-varying Range Data Acquisition from Stereo Pairs of Thermal and Intensity Images
* Depth from Focus with One Image
* Depth Map Construction from Range-Guided Multiresolution Stereo Matching
* Deriving Orientation Cues from Stereo Images
* Design and Application of Curves and Surfaces: Mathematics of Surfaces V
* Design of an On-Line Signature Verification System: From Theory to Practice, The
* Design, Collection, and Analysis of Handwriting Sample Image Databases
* Detecting Activities
* Detecting Irregularities in Cyclic Motion
* Detecting Junctions Using Properties of the Laplacian of Gaussian Detector
* Detecting lines in gray level images using search techniques
* Detecting Multiple Image Motions by Exploiting Temporal Coherence of Apparent Motion over a Long Image Sequence
* Detection of Buildings Using Perceptual Groupings and Shadows
* Detection of Defects in Colour Texture Surfaces
* Detection of Linear Features in Satellite Imagery Using Robust Estimation
* Determination of Optical Flow and Its Discontinuities Using Non-Linear Diffusion
* Development of the Image Understanding Environment, The
* Diagnostics and Performance Evaluation in Computer Vision
* Differential and Semi-differential Invariant Signature Functions for Space Curve Recognition
* Differential Geometric Approach to Anisotropic Diffusion, A
* Differential Invariant Signatures and Flows in Computer Vision: A Symmetry Group Approach
* Digital Image Processing
* Digital Image Processing Methods
* Digital Image Processing: Principles and Applications
* Digital skeletons in Euclidean and geodesic spaces
* Direct Computation of Shape from Shading
* Direct Estimation of Local Surface Shape in a Fixating Binocular Vision System
* Direct Recovery of Superquadric Models in Range Images Using Recover-and-Select Paradigm, A
* Discrete Spline Filters for Multiresolutions and Wavelets of L2
* Discriminating Feature Tracker for Vision-Based Autonomous Driving, A
* Disparity-Space Images and Large Occlusion Stereo
* Document Image Analysis: Geometric and Logical Layout
* Document Image Segmentation and Layout Analysis
* Document Processing for Automatic Knowledge Acquisition
* Document Understanding Research at Maryland
* Dynamic Attributes, Code Generation and the IUE
* Dynamic Dictionary Matching with Failure Functions
* Dynamic Energy Image with Applications, A
* Effective Image Thresholding Method Using a Fuzzy Compactness Measure, An
* Efficient Algorithm for Drainage Network Extraction on DEMs, An
* Efficient Differential Box-Counting Approach to Compute Fractal Dimension of Image, An
* Efficient Image Retrieval Algorithms for Large Spatial Databases
* Efficient Indexing Techniques for Model Based Sensing
* Efficient Method for Contour Tracking Using Active Shape Models, An
* Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Geometrically Characterising Drawings of a Class of 3-D Objects, An
* Efficient Parallel Multigrid Relaxation Algorithms for Markov Random Field-Based Low-Level Vision Applications
* Efficient VLSI Architecture for Template Matching Based on Moment Preserving Pattern Matching, An
* Error Detection and Error Recovery in Two Dimensional Topological Navigation
* Error Propagation in Full 3-D and 2-D Object Recognition
* Error Propagation in Machine Vision
* Estimating Angles and Curvature Features in Grey Scale Images
* Estimation of 3-D Parametric Models from Shading Image Using Genetic Algorithms
* Estimation of Aspect Angles of Targets in Forward-Looking Infrared Images
* Estimation Of Motion Vectors And Their Application To Scene Retrieval
* Estimation of Skew Angle in Text-Image Analysis by SLIDE: Subspace-Based Line Detection
* Estimation of the Second Order Spatio-Temporal Derivatives of Deforming Image Curves
* Estimation of Unstabilized Components in Vehicular Motion
* Euclidean Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Views
* Euclidean Structure from Uncalibrated Images
* Evaluation of Information Retrieval Accuracy with Simulated OCR Output, An
* Evaluation of Parallel Strategies for Feture Vector Construction in Automatic Signature Verification Systems, An
* Evaluation of Stochastic Models for Analysis and Synthesis of Gray Scale Texture, An
* Executing Reactive Behavior for Autonomous Navigation
* Expansion Matching of Multiple Templates in Complex Images
* Experimental Environments in Computer Vision and Image Analysis
* Experimenting 3d Vision On A Robotic Head
* Exploring with a Foveated Robot Eye System
* Extracting Shape from Shading
* Extraction of 3D Shape from Optic Flow: A Geometric Approach
* Extraction of Facial Images from a Complex Background Using SGLD Matrices
* Extraction of the Zero-Crossings of the Curvature Derivative in Volumetric 3D Medical Images: A Multi-Scale Approach
* Extruded Generalized Cylinder: A Deformable Model for Object Recovery, The
* Eye In Hand Robot Calibration
* Face Recognition Under Varying Pose
* Face Recognition Using View-Based and Modular Eigenspaces
* Face Recognition with the Synergetic Computer
* Facial Feature Extraction from Color Images
* Fast 3-D Object Recognition Using Feature Based Aspect-Trees
* Fast Algorithm for Locating Head Boundaries
* Fast Algorithm for MDL-Based Multi-Band Image Segmentation, A
* Fast Computation of Invariant Geometric Moments: A New Method Giving Correct Results
* Fast Correlation Matching in Large (Edge) Image Databases
* Fast K-NN Search for Robust ATR Object Matching
* Fast Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Mobile Robots
* Fast Segmentation of Range Images by Scan Line Grouping
* Fast Watershed Algorithms: Analysis and Extensions
* Feature Extraction and Matching as Signal Detection
* Feature Matching for Building Extraction from Multiple Views
* Finding Structurally Consistent Motion Correspondences
* Floating Search Methods for Feature Selection with Nonmonotonic Criterion Functions
* Following Corners on Curves and Surfaces in the Scale Space
* Four-Degree-of-Freedom Robot Head for Active Vision, A
* Fractal Based Classification of Natural Textures
* Fractal based image coding with fast decoder convergence
* Fractal Surfaces, Multiresolution Analyses, and Wavelet Transforms
* Framework For Low Level Feature Extraction, A
* Framework for Recovering Affine Transforms Using Points, Lines or Image Brightnesses, A
* Fringe Distance Measure: An Easily Calculated Image Distance Measure with Recognition Results Comparable to Gaussian Blurring, The
* From 3-D Scattered Data to Geometric Signal Description: Invariant Stable Recovery of Straight Line Segments
* From Learning Objects to Learning Environments: Biological and Computational Neural Systems
* From Pictures to Words: Generating Locative Descriptions of Objects in an Image
* From Vision To Multimodal Communication: Incremental Route Descriptions
* Fundamentals in Handwriting Recognition
* Fuzzy Plane Geometry: Triangles
* Fuzzy Probabilistic Model for the Generalized Hough Transform, A
* Gaussian Normalization of Morphological Size Distributions for Increasing Sensitivity to Texture Variations and its Application to Pavement Distress Classification
* General Intensity Transformations and Differential Invariants
* General-Purpose Optical Pattern Recognition Image Processors
* Generalized Cylinders: What Are They?
* Generalized Motion Model for Estimating Optical Flow Using 3-D Hermite Polynomials, A
* Generation of Fuzzy Rules by Mountain Clustering
* Generic, Model-Based Estimation and Detection of Discontinuities in Image Surfaces
* Genetic Algorithm for the Detection of 2D Geometric Primitives in Images, A
* Genetic Learning for Adaptive Image Segmentation
* Geometric Invariant of Noncoplanar Lines in a Single View
* Geometry-Based Image Segmentation Using Anisotropic Diffusion
* Geometry-Driven Curve Evolution
* Good Features to Track
* Grasping the Apparent Contour
* Grouping Curved Lines
* Guaranteed Geometric Hashing
* Hard-Copy Benchmark Suite for Image Understanding in Manufacturing
* Hexagonal Wavelet Representations for Recognizing Complex Annotations
* Hidden Markov Model Approach for Degraded and Connected Character Recognition: A European Perspective, A
* Hierarchical Gabor Filters for Object Detection in Infrared Images
* Hierarchical Labeling For Integrating Images And Words
* Hierarchical Mixture of experts and the EM Algorithm
* Hierarchical Shape Analysis in Grey-level Images
* Hierarchical Shape Representation Using Locally Adaptive Finite Elements
* Hierarchical Structural Stereo Matching with Simultaneous Autonomous Camera Calibration
* Hierarchy of Representations for Curves, A
* High Performance Computing in Image Processing and Computer Vision
* High-Quality 3D Multiview Model-Building Technique Based on CAD, A
* Historical development of use of dynamical models for the representation of knowledge about real world processes in machine vision
* Historical development of use of dynamical models for the representation of knowledge about real world processes in machine vision: Response
* Hough Transform Technique for Detection of Rotationally Invariant Surface Features, A
* How to Catch a Crook
* How to Track Efficiently Piecewise Curved Contours with a View to Reconstructing 3D Objects
* Human Posture Estimation from Multiple Images Using Genetic Algorithm
* Hybrid Method for Range Image Segmentation, A
* Hybrid Method Towards the Segmentation of Range Images for 3-D Object Recognition, A
* Ideal spatial adaptation via wavelets shrinkage
* Identification of Textured Region Boundaries, The
* Image Analysis Algorithms on General Purpose Parallel Architectures
* Image and Brain: The Resolution of the Imagery Debate
* Image Coding Based on Zero-Crossing and Energy Information
* Image Descriptions for Browsing and Retrieval
* Image Feature Extraction on Connection Machine CM-5
* Image Motion Estimation Technique Based on a Combined Statistical Test and Spatiotemporal Generalised Likelihood Ratio Approach, An
* Image Processing in C: Analyzing and Enhancing Digital Images
* Image Retrieval Using Fuzzy Evaluation of Color Similarity
* Image Segmentation by Directed Region Subdivision
* Image Segmentation by Integration of Edge and Region Data: The Influence of Edge Detection Algorithms
* Image Segmentation With A Propagator Markov Mesh Model
* Image Segmentation: Generic Modeling, Detection, and Estimation of Discontinuities in Image Surfaces
* Image Sequence Analysis for Counting in Real Time People Getting in and out of a Bus
* Image Sequence Analysis for Three-Dimensional Perception of Dynamic Scenes
* Image Stabilization by Registration to a Reference Mosaic
* Image Understanding Architecture: A Status Report
* Image Understanding at CMU
* Image Understanding at IIT
* Image Understanding Research at Columbia University
* Image Understanding Research at Johns Hopkins
* Image Understanding Research at SRI International
* Image Understanding Research at the University of Utah
* Image Understanding Research at TI
* Image Understanding Research at UC Riverside
* Image vector quantization using ordered codebooks: Properties and applications
* Image Visual Quality Restoration by Cancellation of the Unmasked Noise
* Image-Analysis System for Automatic Data-Acquisition from Colored Scanned Maps, An
* Image-Analysis System for the Production of Sea-Ice Maps from Space, An
* Image-Sensing Model and Computer-Simulation for CCD Camera Systems
* Incorporating Intensity Edges in the Recovery of Occlusion Regions
* Independent Motion Segmentation and Collision Prediction for Road Vehicles
* Indexing for Complex Queries on a Query-by-Content Image Database
* Inferring 3D Structure from Three Points in Rigid Motion
* Information Extraction from Telephone Company Drawings
* Informational Similarity of Graphs in Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Integral and Local Affine Invariant Parameter and Application to Shape Recognition
* Integrated Gradient Edge Detector -- Theory and Performance Evaluation, An
* Integrated Stereo Vision - A Multiresolution Approach
* Integrating Natural-Language Understanding with Document Structure-Analysis
* Integration of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Cues for Visual Attention Using Non-Linear Relaxation
* Integration of Geometric and Non-Geometric Attributes for Fast Object Recognition
* Integration of Transitory Image Sequences
* Intelligent Hand: An Experimental Approach to Human Object Recognition and Implications for Robotics and AI, The
* Intelligent Path Prediction For Vehicular Travel
* Intelligent Robotic Systems
* Intensity-Based Bi- And Trinocular Stereo Vision: Bayesian Decisions and Regularizing Assumptions
* Interactive Feature-Based Reverse Engineering of Mechanical Parts
* Interreflections with Rough Surfaces
* Intrinsic Stabilizers of Planar Curves
* Introduction to Categorical Shape Theory, with Applications in Mathematical Morphology
* Introduction to Simulated Evolutionary Optimization, An
* Intrusion Detection Using Extraction of Moving Edges
* Invariants, Indexing, and Single View Recognition
* Investigating Functionality: The Case of Piercing Operation
* Investigation Into The Common Semantics Of Language And Vision, An
* Invited Talk: Pattern Recognition: Present and Future
* Is Computer Vision Still AI?
* ISR3: Communication and Data Storage for an Unmanned Ground Vehicle
* IU at the Honeywell Technology Center
* IUE Committee Report, The
* IUE Data Exchange: Status and Experiments
* Junction Classification by Multiple Orientation Detection
* Junction Detection with Automatic Selection of Detection Scales and Localization Scales
* Khalimsky Line as a Foundation for Digital Topology, The
* Knowledge Organization and Interpretation Process in Engineering Drawing Interpretation
* Knowledge Representation for Computer Vision: The VEIL Project
* Knowledge-Based Image-Inspection System for Automatic Defect Recognition, Classification, and Process Diagnosis, A
* Knowledge-Based Updating of Maps by Interpretation of Aerial Images
* Lattice-Theoretical Fixpoint Theorems in Morphological Image Filtering
* Layout Extraction of Mixed-Mode Documents
* Learning by Watching: Extracting Reusable Task Knowledge from Visual Observation of Human Performance
* Learning Fuzzy Algorithm for Motion Planning of Mobile Robots
* Learning Hand/Eye Coordination By an Active Observer
* Learning in Robot Vision Directed Reaching: A Comparison of Methods
* Learning Object Models From Visual Observation and Background Knowledge
* Learning Relational Structures: Applications to Computer Vision
* Learning System for Consolidated Recognition and Motion Analysis, A
* Learning to Navigate on a Graph
* Learning, Recognition and Navigation from a Sequence of Infrared Images
* Least squares image texture analysis and synthesis
* Legend-Driven Geographic Symbol Recognition System, A
* Level Set Approach for Computing Solutions to Incompressible Two-Phase Flow, A
* Linear Scale-Space
* Linear Solution for Multiframe Structure from Motion, A
* Lines and Points in Three Views: A Unified Approach
* Local and Multilocal Scale-Space Description
* Localization Properties of Direct Corner Detectors
* Localizing in Unstructured Environments: Dealing with the Errors
* Location Estimation of Cylinders from a 2-D Image
* Long-Term Effects of Secondary Sensing, The
* Low Level Vision as the Opportunist Scheduling of Incremental Edge and Region Detection Processes
* Low-Cost Calibration Method for Automated Optical Mensuration Using A Video Camera, A
* Machine Learning of Computer Vision Algorithms
* Machine Vision System for Enhancing the Teleoperation of an Industrial Robot, A
* Making Snakes Converge from Minimal Initialization
* Markov Random Field Model for Object Matching under Relational Constraints, A
* Maryland Progress in Image Understanding
* Matching Images by Comparing Their Gradient Fields
* Mathematical Morphology as a Tool for Shape Description
* Maximum Likelihood N-Camera Stereo Algorithm, A
* MDL-Based Segmentation and Motion Modeling in Scenes with Multiple Independently Moving Objects
* Measure of Closure, A
* Measuring 3-D Location and Shape Parameters of Cylinders by a Spatial Encoding Technique
* Measuring the Affine Transform Using Gaussian Filters
* Medium Level Scene Representation Using VLSI Smart Hexagonal Sensor with multi-resolution Edge Extraction Capability and Scale Space Integration Co-Processor
* Medusa Synthesized
* Merging Range Images of Arbitrarily Shaped Objects
* Methodology for Automatic Selection of IU Algorithm Tuning Parameters, A
* Methodology for Evaluating Range Image Segmentation Techniques, A
* MFT Based Discrete Relaxation for Matching High Order Relational Structures
* Microscopic Shape from Focus Using Active Illumination
* Minimization of Energy Functional with Curve-Represented Edges
* Model Supported Exploitation: Quick Look, Detection and Counting, and Change Detection
* Model Validation for Change Detection
* model-based approach to automatically locating tree crowns in high spatial resolution images, A
* Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition System for the UGV/RSTA Ladar
* Model-based Next View Planning By Using Rules: Automatic Feature Prediction and Detection
* Modeling Sensor Confidence for Sensor Integration Tasks
* Modelled Object Pose Estimation and Tracking by a Multi-Camera System
* Modelling Issues in Vision Based Aircraft Navigation During Landing
* Modified Hausdorff Distance for Object Matching, A
* Morphological Approach to Multiscale Analysis
* Morphological Area Openings and Closings for Grey-scale Images
* Morphological Filtering: An overview
* Morphological multiscale segmentation for image coding
* Morphological Representation of Nonlinear Filters
* Morphological Signal Processing and the Slope Transform
* MORSE: A 3D Object Recognition System Based on Geometric Invariants
* Motion and Depth Perception using Spatio Temporal Frequency Analysis
* Motion and Structure Based Image Segmentation for Object-Oriented Time-Varying Sequences Coding
* Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences: Some Further Results
* Motion and Structure from One Dimensional Optical Flow
* Motion Boundary Detection in Image Sequences by Local Stochastic Tests
* Motion Estimation and Vector Splines
* Motion Estimation Methods and Noisy Phenomena
* Motion Estimation Relaxing the Constant Brightness Constraint
* Motion Field Segmentation to Improve Moving Edges Reconstruction in Video Coding, A
* Motion Segmentation Using Convergence Properties
* Multi-Resolution Search with Active Shape Models
* Multidimensional Lines I: Representation
* Multidimensional Lines II: Proximity and Applications
* Multilevel Grouping: Combining Bottom-Up and Top-Down Reasoning for Object Recognition
* Multiple Object Recognition and Scene Interpretation for Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance
* Multiresolution Based Contrast Analysis of Images
* Multiresolution Statistical Object Recognition
* Multiresolution Stochastic Hybrid Shape Models with Fractal Priors
* Multiscale Image Segmentation Using a Recent Transform
* Multiscale Markov Fields: Applications to the Segmentation of Textured Images and Film Fusion
* Multiscale Region-Based Approach to Image Matching, A
* Multiscale Regularity Measure as a Geometric Criterion for Image Segmentation, A
* N-Gram-Based Text Categorization
* Navigation Based on a Network of 2D Images
* Need for Information Metrics: With Examples from Document Analysis
* Neural Network/Pyramid Architectures That Learn Target Context
* Neural Networks for the Classification of Image Texture
* Neural-Network Fingerprint Classification
* New Anthropomorphic Retina-Like Visual Sensor, A
* New Approach to Qualitative Stereo, A
* New Closed-Form Solution for Absolute Orientation, A
* New Concept for Digital Geometry, A
* New Edge Detection Method Through Template Matching, A
* New Identification Jacobian for Robotic Hand-Eye Calibration, A
* New Method for Straight Line and Circular Arc Extraction, A
* New Parallel Thinning Methodology, A
* New Robust Approach to Image Shading Analysis and 3-D Shape Reconstruction, A
* Next Generation Image Understanding Architecture, The
* Non-Gaussian CFAR Techniques for Target Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images
* Non-Linear Variational Problem for Image Matching, A
* Non-parametric Classification of Pixels Under Varying Outdoor Illumination
* Non-Parametric Multi-Scale Curve Smoothing
* Non-Rigid Registration for Building 3D Anatomical Atlases
* Nonlinear Diffusion of Scalar Images using Well-Posed Differential Operators with Applications in Medical Imaging
* Nonlinear Local and Global Document Degradation Models
* Nonrigid Motion Analysis
* Numerical Analysis and Applications of Geometry-Driven Diffusion
* O(N) Iterative Solution to the Poisson Equation in Low-Level Vision Problems, An
* Object Recognition and Categorization Using Modal Matching
* Object Recognition by Alignment Using Invariant Projections of Planar Surfaces
* Object Recognition by Alignment using Invariant Projections of Planar Surfaces of 3D Objects
* Object Recognition Through Continuous Spectral Images, An
* Object Representation for Object Recognition
* Object Shape Before Boundary Shape: Scale-Space Medial Axes
* Object to Multisensor Coregistration with Eight Degrees of Freedom
* Objective and quantitative segmentation evaluation and comparison
* Obstacle Avoidance and Path Planning
* Obstacle Detection Analysis
* Obtaining Focused Images Using a Non-frontal Imaging Camera
* Occlusion Ambiguities in Motion
* OFDM for digital TV broadcasting
* On Boundaries and Boundary Crack-Codes of Multidimensional Digital Images
* On Curve Approximation And Hierarchical Hough Transform
* On Digital Approximation of Moment Descriptors
* On Integrating Depth from Motion and Stereo Approaches
* On Integration of Vision Modules
* On Modal Modeling for Medical Images: Underconstrained Shape Description and Data Compression
* On Multiresolution Image Restoration
* On Optimal Control Methods in Computer Vision and Image Processing
* On Perceptual Advantages Of Eye-Head Active Control
* On Shape Similarity
* On the Classification of Top Points in Scale Space
* On the construction of morphological operators which are self-dual and activity-extensive
* On the Relation Between Region and Contour Representation
* On-Line Color Camera Calibration
* On-Line Cursive Word Recognition System, An
* Optimal and Suboptimal Motion Planning for Collision-Avoidance of Mobile Robots in Nonstationary Environments
* Optimal Control Formulation and Related Numerical Methods for a Problem in Shape Reconstruction, An
* Optimal filters for the generation of multiresolution sequences
* Optimal Mean-Absolute-Error Filtering of Gray-Scale Signals by the Morphological Hit-or-Miss Transform
* Optimization Algorithm for Shape Analysis of Regular Polygons, An
* Optimization Framework for Efficient Self-Calibration and Motion Determination, An
* Optimization Methods For Estimating 3D Object Parameters
* Ordering Landmarks in a View
* Orientation-Based Representations of 3-D Shape
* Overcomplete Steerable Pyramid Filters and Rotation Invariance
* Overlapped Adaptive Partitioning for Image Coding Based on the Theory of Iterated Functions Systems
* Overview of the Theory and Applications of Wavelets, An
* Overview: Computer Vision Performance Characterization
* Panel on Computer Vision: Past, Present and Future
* Parallel 3-D Filling with Octrees
* Parallel Algorithm for Object Recognition
* Parallel Algorithm for Surface-Based Object Reconstruction, A
* Parallel Algorithms on Compact Binary Objects
* Parallel Architectures for Digital Optical Cellular Image Processing
* Parallel Implementation of a Multisensor Feature-Based Range-Estimation Method, A
* Parallel Implementation of Vision Algorithms on Workstation Clusters
* Parallel Processing for Spatial Grouping and Matching
* Parallelization of Computer Vision Algorithms on a Reconfigurable Multiprocessor
* Parameterisation of a Stochastic Model for Human Face Identification
* Part Decomposition and Description of 3D Shapes
* Partial Matching of 3-D Objects in CAD/CAM Systems
* Pattern Recognition by Local Radial Moments
* Patterned Wafer Inspection By High-Resolution Spectral Estimation Techniques
* PDL-HM: Morphological and Syntactic Shape Classification Algorithm
* Pedestrian Recognition by Modelling their Shapes and Movements
* Perception of Linear Structure: A Generic Linker, The
* Performance Analysis of a Morphological Voronoi Tessellation Algorithm
* Performance Comparison of Ten Variations on the Interpretation-Tree Matching Algorithm
* Performance Evaluation of First Order Operators
* Physically-Based Combinations of Views: Representing Rigid and Nonrigid Motion
* Physics-Based Object Pose and Shape Estimation from Multiple Views
* Physics-Based Tracking of 3D Objects in 2D Image Sequences
* Pictures and Trails: a New Framework for the Computation of Shape and Motion from Perspective Image Sequences
* Planning the Optimal Set of Views Using the Max-Min Principle
* Point Pattern Representation Using Imprecise, Incomplete, Nonmetric Information
* Polygons in Three Dimensions
* Portable Imaging Polarimeters
* Pose Refinement of Active Models Using Forces in 3D
* Positive matrix factorization: A non-negative factor model with optimal utilization of error estimates of data values
* Practical Edge Finding with a Robust Estimator
* Practical Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System, A
* Practical Pattern Recognition System for Translation, Scale and Rotation Invariance, A
* Precision of morphological representation estimators for translation invariant binary filters: Increasing and nonincreasing
* Principles of Computer Vision
* Probabilistic Matching Algorithm for Computer Vision, A
* Probabilities for Bayesian Networks in Vision
* Progress on Vision through Learning at George Mason University
* Projective and Object Space Geometry for Monocular Building Extraction
* Projective Invariants for Planar Contour Recognition
* Prospects for image restoration
* Provable Strategies for Vision-Guided Exploration in Three Dimensions
* Pyramid Framework for Early Vision: Multiresolution Computer Vision, A
* Pyramidal Architectures for Computer Vision
* Qualitative Image Analysis of Group Behaviour
* Qualitative Tracking of 3-D Objects using Active Contour Networks
* Quantification of Local Symmetry: Application to Texture Discrimination
* Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Thinning Algorithms Under Noisy Conditions
* Quasi-Mechanical Method for Solving the Rectangle Covering Problem: An Approach to Tackling NP Hard Problems, A
* RADIUS: Site Model Content
* Range Estimation from Camera Blur by Regularized Adaptive Identification
* Range Image Analysis
* Reactive View Planning for Quantification of Local Geometry
* Real-Time 3D Pose Estimation Using a High-Speed Range Sensor
* Real-Time Facial-Feature Tracking Based on Matching Techniques and Its Applications
* Real-Time Feature Tracking and Projective Invariance as a Basis for Hand-Eye Coordination
* Real-Time Parallel and Cooperative Recognition of Facial Images for an Interactive Visual Human Interface
* Real-time Scene Stabilization and Mosaic Construction
* Real-Time Traffic Monitoring
* Real-Time Vision System Using an Integrated Memory Array Processor Prototype, A
* Real-Time Visual Servoing Using Controlled Illumination
* Real-World Computing Program, The
* Realtime Stereo and Motion Integration for Navigation
* Recognition of Cylindrical Objects Using Occluding Boundaries Obtained from Colour Based Segmentation
* Recognition of Human Facial Expressions without Feature Extraction
* Recognizing 2D Objects by a Multi-Resolution Approach
* Recognizing 3-D Curves from a Stereo Pair of Images: A Semi-differential Approach
* Recognizing Groups of Curves Based on New Affine Mutual Geometric Invariants, with Applications to Recognizing Intersecting Roads in Aerial Images
* Recognizing Human Facial Expressions in a Potential Field
* Recognizing Object Function Through Reasoning About 3-D Shape and Dynamic Physical Properties
* Recognizing Off-Line Cursive Handwriting
* Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition in the UGV/Demo II Program
* Reconstruction of High Resolution 3D Visual Information Using Sub-pixel Camera Displacements
* Reconstruction of Quadric Surface From Occluding Contour
* Recovering Parametric Geons from Multiview Range Data
* Recovering Surface Curvature and Orientation from Texture Distortion: A Least Squares Algorithm and Sensitivity Analysis
* Recovery of Illuminant and Surface Colors from Images Based on the CIE Daylight
* Recovery of Three-Dimensional Shape of Curved Objects from a Single Image
* Recursive Affine Structure and Motion from Image Sequences
* recursive algorithm for computing Cramer-Rao-type bounds on estimator covariance, A
* Recursive Identification of Gesture Inputs Using Hidden Markov Models
* Recursive Image Sequence Segmentation by Hierarchical Models
* Recursive Non-Linear Estimation of Discontinuous Flow Fields
* Region Correspondence for Color Scene Images Taken from Different Viewpoints
* Registration Method for Rigid Objects Without Point Matching, A
* Registration of a Curve on a Surface Using Differential Properties
* Registration of Multiple Range Views for Automatic 3-D Model Building
* Registration without Correspondences
* Rejecting Outliers and Esitmating Errors in an Orthogonal Regression Framework
* Relational Matching
* Reliable Color Labelling
* Report of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Machine Learning and Computer Vision: What, Why and How?
* Research in the Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery: 1993-1994
* Restoration and Enhancement of Fingerprint Images Using M-Lattice: A Novel Non-Linear Dynamical System
* Ridges for Image Analysis
* Road Obstacle Detection and Tracking by an Active and Intelligent Sensing Strategy
* Robot Task Programming by Human Demonstration
* Robotic Assembly Operation Teaching in a Virtual Environment
* Robotic Sensor-Motor Transformations
* Robust and Stable Road Model, A
* Robust Cognitive Approach to Traffic Scene Analysis, A
* Robust Egomotion Estimation from Affine Motion Parallax
* Robust Estimation of Multiple Models in the Structure from Motion Domain
* Robust Feature Selection for Object Recognition using Uncertain 2D Image Data
* Robust Geometric Matching for 3D Object Recognition
* Robust Matching Process: A Dominant Point Approach
* Robust Method for Road Sign Detection and Recognition, A
* Robust Multiple Car Tracking with Occlusion Reasoning
* Robust Recovery of the Epipolar Geometry for an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig
* Robust Skeletonisation and Object Recognition from Grey Images
* Robust Tracking of 3D Motion, A
* Robust, Automated Alignment Concept for Robotics, A
* Role of Key-Points in Finding Contours, The
* RPCT Algorithm and its VLSI Implementation
* RSTA on the Move
* Salient Structure Analysis for Fluid Flow
* Scalar Function Formulation For Optical Flow, A
* Scale Decomposed Information Measure in Images, A
* Scale-Invariant Polyhedral Object Recognition Using Fragmentary Edge Segments
* Scale-Space Behaviour and Invariance Properties of Differential Singularities
* Scale-Space for N-Dimensional Discrete Signals
* Scale-Space Theory: A Basic Tool for Analysing Structures at Different Scales
* Scenario-based Engineering Process for Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition
* Scene Understanding from Propagation and Consistency of Polarization-Based Constraints
* Seeing Behind Occlusions
* Seeing Passenger Car VaMoRs-P, The
* Segment-Based Detection of Moving Objects in a Sequence of Images
* Segmentation and 3-D Recovery of Curved-Axis Generalized Cylinders from an Intensity Image
* Segmentation Characterization for Change Detection
* Segmentation of Moving Objects by Robust Motion Parameter Estimation over Multiple Frames
* Segmenting Textured 3D Surfaces Using the Space/Frequency Representation
* Sekeleton-Space: a Multiscale Shape Description Combining Region and Boundary Information
* Self Calibration of a Stereo Head Mounted onto a Robot Arm
* Self-Calibration from Multiple Views with a Rotating Camera
* Self-Correcting 100-Font Classifier, A
* Semiautomatic Tool for 3-D Medical Image Analysis Using Active Contour Models, A
* Sensing Strategies Based on Manufacturing Knowledge
* Sensor Planning and Coordination in Multiagent Systems
* Sequential Method of Extracting Contour Chains from an Image, A
* Shape Analysis of Brain Structures Using Physical and Experimental Modes
* Shape Description and Classification Using the Interrelationship of Structures at Multiple Scales
* Shape Discrimination by Radial Sectoral Projection Signatures
* Shape from Diameter: Recognizing Polygonal Parts with a Parallel-Jaw Gripper
* Shape from Motion Algorithms: A Comparative Analysis of Scaled Orthography and Perspective
* Shape from Shading on a Cloudy Day
* Shape from Shading: Provably Convergent Algorithms and Uniqueness Results
* Shape Recovery and Error Correction Based on Hypothetical Constraints by Parallel Network for Energy Minimization
* Shape Recovery from Multiple Views: A Parallax Based Approach
* Shape-Adapted Smoothing in Estimation of 3-D Depth Cues from Affine Distortions of Local 2-D Structure
* Shape-from-Texture Algorithm Based on the Human Visual Psychophysics, A
* Signal and Image Restoration Using Shock Filters and Anisotropic Diffusion
* Signal-to-Symbol Conversion for Structural Object Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Silhouette-based Structure and Motion Estimation of a Smooth Object
* Simplifying Motion and Structure Analysis Using Planar Parallax and Image Warping
* Simultaneous Determination of Camera Pose and Intrinsic Parameters by Visual Servoing
* Simultaneous Estimation of Pitch Angle and Lane Width from the Video Image of a Marked Road
* Singularities of the Visual Motion Field: 3D Rotation or 3D Translation
* Singularity Analysis and Derivative Scale-Space
* Site Model Acquisition under the UMass RADIUS Project
* Site-Model-Based Monitoring of Aerial Images
* Slime: A New Deformable Surface
* Smooth Spline Surfaces over Irregular Meshes
* Software Library for Appearance Matching (SLAM)
* Space-Variant Active Vision and Visually Guided Robotics: Design and Construction of a High-Performance Miniature Vehicle
* Spatial Logic for Symbolic Descriptions of Image Contents, A
* Spatial Organization in 2D Segmented Images: Representation and Recognition of Primitive Spatial Relations
* Spatio-Chromatic Model for Colour Image Processing
* Spatio-Temporal Segmentation of Video Data
* Special Issue on Innovative Applications of Computer Vision: Introduction
* Special Section on Frontiers in Machine Vision Applications: Introduction
* Stability and Likelihood of Views of Three Dimensional Objects
* Statistical Methods for On-Line Signature Verification
* Stealth Navigation: Planning and Behaviors
* Stellar Application of the IUE: Solar Feature Extraction, A
* Stereo Correspondence Based on Line Matching in Hough Space Using Dynamic Programming
* Stereo Vision
* Stereo Vision by Self-Organization
* Stereoscopic Recovery of Egomotion and Structure: Models, Uniqueness and Experimental Results
* Stochastic Motion Clustering
* Structure from Image Sequences Captured Through a Monocular Extra-Wide Angle Lens
* Study Relating Image Sampling Rate and Image Pattern Recognition, A
* Subpixel Contour Matching Using Continuous Dynamic Programming
* Subpixel Image Registration Using Circular Fiducials
* Sufficient Image Structure for 3-D Motion and Shape Estimation
* Summary of Progress in FLIR/LADAR Fusion for Target Identification at Rockwell
* Super-Resolution Estimation of Edge Images
* Surface Description of Complex Images from Multiple Range Images
* Surface Reflection Mechanism
* Surveillance of Dynamic Scenes with an Active Vision System
* Survey of ATR Research and Development at HNC Software Inc.
* Symmetric 3D Objects are an Easy Case for 2D Object Recognition
* System for Aircraft Recognition in Perspective Aerial Images, A
* System for the Recognition of Handwritten Literal Amounts of Checks, A
* Target Detection Using Phase-Based Gabor Element Aggregation
* Target Recognition Using Multi-Scale Gabor Filters
* Task and Environment-Sensitive Tracking
* Task Driven Perceptual Organization for Extraction of Rooftop Polygons
* Task-Directed Computation of Quantitative Decisions from Sensor Data
* Terrain Mapping for a Walking Planetary Rover
* Terrain Reconstruction from Oblique Views
* Text Line Characterization by Connected Component Transformations
* Texture Classification Method Using Multiple Space Filling Curves
* Texture Orientation for Sorting Photos at a Glance
* Theoretical Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms with an Infinite Population in Continuous Space: Basic Properties of Selection and Mutation
* Thinning by Thickening: Using Gaussian Filtering to Perform Feature Preserving Thinning
* Thinning of Gray-Scale Images with Combined Sequential and Parallel Conditions for Pixel Removal
* Three-Dimensional Image Registration for Spiral CT Angiography
* Three-Dimensional Object Recognition
* Three-Dimensional Part-Based Descriptions from a Real Intensity Image
* Three-Dimensional Shape Recovery from Line Drawings
* Three-Dimensional Shape Representation
* Three-Dimensional Shape Representation from Curvature Dependent Surface Evolution
* Time-to-Collision from First-Order Models of the Motion Field
* Time-Varying Motion Estimation Using Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications
* Top-Down Gaze Targeting for Space-Variant Active Vision
* Topological Foundations of Shape Analysis
* Toward a General Theory of Stereopsis: Binocular Matching, Occluding Contours and Fusion
* Towards a Hierarchical Contour Description via Dominant Point Detection
* Towards a Morphological Scale-Space Theory
* Towards An American Sign Language Interface
* Towards Automatic Annotation of Video Documents
* Towards Robust Automatic Traffic Scene Analysis in Real-Time
* Tracking and Classification of Overtaking Vehicles on Autobahnen
* Tracking Complex Primitives in an Image Sequence
* Tracking Facial Motion
* Tracking Human Body Motion Based on a Stick Figure Model
* Triangulation without Correspondences
* Trilinearity in Visual Recognition by Alignment
* Two-Dimensional Shape Recognition Scheme Based on Principal Component Analysis, A
* Two-Level Global Optimization for Image Segmentation
* Two-Parameter Generate-and-Test Method for Camera Parameter Estimation with Any Planar Calibration Object, A
* Uncertainty Management for Rule-Based Systems with Applications to Image Analysis
* Unconstrained Handprint Recognition Using a Limited Lexicon
* Unified Framework to Recover 3-D Surfaces by Combining Image-Based and Externally-Supplied Constraints, A
* Unified Recognition and Stereo Vision System for Size Assessment of Fish, A
* Unique Reconstruction of Piecewise Smooth Images by Minimizing Strictly Convex Nonquadratic Functionals
* Uniquely Representing Point Patterns with Minimal Information
* Unsupervised Regions Segmentation: Real Time Control of an Upkeep Machine of Natural Spaces
* Urban Area Detection in Satellite Images Using Map Knowledge by a Feedback Control Technique
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1993-1994
* Use of Collateral Text in Image Interpretation
* Use of Optical Flow for the Autonomous Navigation, The
* Use of Synthesized Images to Evaluate the Performance of Optical Character Recognition Devices and Algorithms, The
* User-Centered Evaluation (UCE) Methods and Metrics
* Using Configuration States for the Representation and Recognition of Gesture
* Using Contextual Information to Set Control Parameters of a Vision Process
* Using Global Consistency to Recognise Euclidean Objects with an Uncalibrated Camera
* Using Polyballs to Approximate Shapes and Skeletons
* Using Texture for Image Retrieval
* VaMoRs-P An Advanced Platform for Visual Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance
* Variable Window Gabor Filters and Their Use in Focus and Correspondence
* Vector-Valued Diffusion
* Vectorization and Representation of Large-Size 2-D Line Drawing Images
* Very Low Bit Rate Image Coding Using Morphological Operators and Adaptive Decompositions
* Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Using Multi-Criterion Segmentation
* Very Low Bitrate Video Coding Using Morphological Segmentation and Contour/Texture Motion Compensation
* Vibration Modes for Nonrigid Motion Analysis in 3D Images
* View-Based and Modular Eigenspaces for Face Recognition
* Viewpoint Selection for Visual Search Tasks
* Visible Light and X-Ray Ray Tracing of Generalized Cylinders
* Vision of Vision and Language Comprises Action: An Example From Road Traffic, A
* Vision System for Observing and Extracting Facial Action Parameters, A
* Vision Texture for Annotation
* Vista: A Software Environment for Computer Vision Research
* Visual Collision Avoidance by Segmentation
* Visual Control of Grasping and Manipulation Tasks
* Visual Road Following Without 3D Reconstruction
* Visual Semantics: Extracting Visual Information from Text Accompanying Pictures
* Visual Tracking of High DoF Articulated Structures: An Application to Human Hand Tracking
* Visual Translator: Linking Perceptions And Natural-Language Descriptions
* Visual-Motion Fixation Invariant, A
* Visualization and Verification of Automatic Target Recognition Results Using Combined Range and Optical Imagery
* Visually-Guided Navigation by Comparing Two-Dimensional Edge Images
* VLSI Design of Digital Cellular Neural Networks for Image Processing
* Watershed of a continuous function
* Well-Shaped, Stable, and Reversible Skeletons from the (3,4)-Distance Transform
* What You Say Is What You See: Interactive Generation, Manipulation and Modification of 3-D Shapes Based on Verbal Descriptions
* Where am I? A Tutorial on Mobile Vehicle Localization
* Where We Look When We Steer
* X-Y separable pyramid steerable scalable kernels
* Zippered Polygon Meshes from Range Images
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