Update Dates 0008

0008 * 3-D Reconstruction of Real-world Objects Using Extended Voxels
* 3d Curves Tracking and Its Application to Cortical Sulci Detection
* 3d Manipulation of Motion Imagery
* 3d Model Enhanced Face Recognition
* 3D Object Recognition and Pose with Relational Indexing
* 3D Shape Inferencing and Modeling for Video Retrieval
* A-Convexity
* Acceleration of Filtering and Enhancement Operations Through Geometric Processing of Gray-level Images
* Accuracy Assessment Curves for Satellite-Based Change Detection
* Accuracy Assessment of Automatically Derived Digital Elevation Models from SPOT Images
* Accurate Detection of 3d Tubular Tree Structures
* Active constrained truncated Newton method for simple-bound optical tomography
* Active Contour Based Rock Sole Recognition
* Active Contours for the Movement and Motility Analysis of Biological Objects
* Active Contours without Edges for Vector-Valued Images
* Active shape from stereo for highway inspection
* Acuity-Matching Resolution Degradation Through Wavelet Coefficient Scaling
* Adapting Scale by Minimising Spectral Defocusing for Shape from Texture
* Adaptive Contour Sampling and Coding Using Skeleton and Curvature
* Adaptive Finite Element Method for Large Scale Image Processing, An
* Adaptive Gop Structure Selection for Real-time MPEG-2 Video Encoding
* Adaptive Hierarchical Segmentation Algorithm Based on Quadtree Decomposition for Hyperspectral Imagery, An
* Adaptive Light Projection and Highlight Analysis Method for Measuring Three-dimensional Scene
* Adaptive Linear Prediction for Lossless Coding of Greyscale Images
* Adaptive Model for Texture Analysis, An
* Adaptive Motion Vector Vector Quantization for Video Coding
* Adaptive Parallel System Dedicated to Projective Image Matching, An
* Adaptive Post-processing Error Concealment Based on Feedback from a Video-surveillance System
* Adaptive Post-processing for Fractal Image Compression
* Adaptive Resolution Image Acquisition Using Image Mosaicing Technique from Video Sequence
* Adaptive Rest Condition Spring System: An Edge-preserving Regularization Technique, The
* Adaptive Scanning Methods for Wavelet Difference Reduction in Lossy Image Compression
* Adaptive soft k-nearest-neighbour classifiers
* Adaptive Target Detection Across a Clutter Boundary: GLR and Maximally Invariant Detectors
* Adaptive Thresholding for Noisy MPEG-4 Still Texture Image
* adaptive thresholding method for binarization of blueprint images, An
* Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding for Image Denoising and Compression
* Address Generator for an N-dimensional Pseudo-Hilbert Scan in a Hyper-rectangular Parallelepiped Region, An
* Advanced Center Biased Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation, An
* Algorithm for Contrast Enhancement and Segmentation of Complex Geophysical Images, An
* AM-FM Image Segmentation
* Analysis and Classification of Tissue Section Images Using Directional Fractal Dimension Features
* Analysis and evaluation of hard and fuzzy clustering segmentation techniques in burned patient images
* Analysis and Recognition of Real-World Textures in Three Dimensions, The
* Analysis and Reconstruction of Broken Handwritten Digits
* Analysis of Color Images of Tissues Derived from Patients with Adenocarcinoma of the Lung
* Analysis of Corneal Images for Assessing Contact Lens Trauma
* Analysis of Doppler Ultrasound Time Frequency Images Using Deformable Models
* Analysis of Interscale and Intrascale Dependencies Between Image Wavelet Coefficients
* Analysis of Space-dependent Characteristics of Motion-compensated Frame Differences
* Analysis of the Robustness of Iterative Restoration Methods with Respect to Variations of the Point Spread Function
* Analysis, Understanding and Representation of Chinese Newspaper with Complex Layout
* Analytical Study of JPEG 2000 Functionalities, An
* Apparatus and method for locating a commercial disposed within a video data stream
* Apparatus for determining the alertness of a driver
* Appearance Based Neural Image Processing Algorithm for 3-d Object Recognition, An
* Application of Fractals to the Detection and Classification of Shoeprints
* Application of projection pursuit learning to boundary detection and deblurring in images
* Applications of Locally Orderless Images
* Approximately Optimal Assignment for Unequal Loss Protection
* Area Morphological Segmentation for Content Based Retrieval
* Assessing a Mixture Model for Clustering with the Integrated Completed Likelihood
* Asymptotic Closed-loop Design of Predictive Multi-stage Vector Quantizers
* Atherosclerotic Blood Vessel Tracking and Lumen Segmentation in Topology Changes Situations of MR Image Sequences
* Automated 3d Region Growing Algorithm Governed by an Evaluation Function
* Automatic calibration of cameras and structured light sources
* Automatic Extraction of Roads from Aerial Images Based on Scale Space and Snakes
* Automatic Extraction of Urban Regions from Multispectral SPOT Satellite Imagery
* Automatic knowledge database generation for classifying objects and systems therefor
* Automatic Segmentation of Lung Regions in Chest Radiographs: A Model Guided Approach
* B-Spline Snakes: A Flexible Tool for Parametric Contour Detection
* Backward Tracking of B-pictures Bidirectional Motion for Interframe Concealment of Anchor Pictures
* Bayesian Graph Edit Distance
* Bayesian Multiresolution Algorithm for PET Reconstruction
* Bayesian relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval
* Benefits of Adaptive Motion Accuracy in H.26l Video Coding
* Bidirectional multiple-valued neural network for pattern recognition and associative recall
* Blind and Readable Watermarking Technique for Color Images, A
* Blind Deconvolution of Images and Small-extent Point-spread Functions Using Resultant Matrices
* Blind Measurement of Blocking Artifacts in Images
* Blind Polarimetric Equalization of Ultrawideband Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
* Blind Restoration System of Blurred and Noisy Numerical Images, A
* Block Color Quantization: a New Method for Color Halftoning
* Block Truncation Coding Using Edginess Information
* Block-based Adaptive Lossless Image Coder
* Blockiness Detection for MPEG2-Coded Video
* Blocking Artifact Free Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform
* Blocking effect reduction of compressed images using classification-based constrained optimization
* Blocking-Artifact Reduction in Block-Coded Images Using Wavelet-Based Subband Decomposition
* Blockwise Zero Mapping Image Coding
* Blotches Correction and Contrast Enhancement for Old Film Pictures
* Blur and Disorder
* Boundary Finding with Prior Shape and Smoothness Models
* Camera Calibration for Road Applications
* Camera Motion Estimation Using Feature Points in MPEG Compressed Domain
* Cancellation of Show-through in Duplex Scanning
* Capacity of Full Frame DCT Image Watermarks
* Change Detection Methods for Automatic Scene Analysis by Using Mobile Surveillance Cameras
* Channel Coding in Video Watermarking: Use of Soft Decoding to Improve the Watermark Retrieval
* Channel Condition ARQ Rate Control for Real-time Wireless Video Under Buffer Constraints
* Characterization of Perceptual Importance for Object-based Image Segmentation
* Chromaticity Diffusion
* Classification of Textured and Non-textured Images Using Region Segmentation
* Classification with Nonmetric Distances: Image Retrieval and Class Representation
* Classifying Color Transitions Into Shadow-geometry, Illumination, Highlight or Material Edges
* Classifying the Literature Related to Computer Vision and Image Analysis
* Closed-form Reconstruction of Images from Irregular 2-d Discrete Fourier Samples Using the Good-Thomas FFT
* Clustered Component Analysis for FMRI Signal Estimation and Classification
* Coarse-to-fine Approach for the Generation and Tracking of Mesh Objects from a Natural Image Sequence, A
* Code Excited Pel-recursive Motion Compensated Video Coding
* Coding of 12-bit video from thermal imaging systems
* Coding of 3d Objects Using Surface Signatures
* Coding Tools in MPEG-4 for Interlaced Video
* Color Based Video Segmentation Using Level Sets
* Color Blindness and a Color Human Visual System Model
* Color correction of a compressed image
* Color Edge Detector Based on Dempster-shafer Theory, A
* Color Edge Detector Based on Statistical Rupture Tests, A
* Color Filter Arrays Based on Mutually Exclusive Blue Noise Patterns
* Color from Shape from Color: A Simple Formalism with Known Light Sources
* Color Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology
* Color Image Watermarking in HSI Space
* Color Imaging: Current Trends and Beyond
* Color indexing using wavelet-based salient points
* Color Measurement by Imaging Spectrometry
* Color Segmentation and Figure-ground Segregation of Natural Images
* Colorimetric Characterization of Low-end Digital Camera and Its Application for On-screen Texture Visualization
* Combine User Defined Region-of-interest and Spatial Layout for Image Retrieval
* Combined Dynamic Tracking and Recognition of Curves with Application to Road Detection
* Combined sensor device for measuring both rain-covered area on and visual range through a windshield of a motor vehicle
* Combined Spatial and Subband Block Coding of Images
* Combining Visual and Detection Models in Spread-spectrum Watermarking
* Combustion Analysis by Image Processing of Premixed Flames
* compact algorithm for rectification of stereo pairs, A
* Comparametric Equations with Practical Applications in Quantigraphic Image Processing
* Comparative Study on Statistical Image Reconstruction Combined with Modification of the Number of Projections
* Comparison of Color Image Edge Detectors in Multiple Color Spaces
* Comparison of Omega-k and Generalized SAR Inversion for Runway Imaging, A
* Comparison of Two Wavelet Based Image Watermarking Schemes
* Complete Parametrization of Piecewise Polynomial Interpolators According to Degree, Support, Regularity, and Order
* complete system for NN classification based on a VLSI array processor, A
* Complex Representation of Algebraic Curves and Its Simple Exploitation for Pose Estimation and Invariant Recognition, The
* Complexity-regularized Denoising of Poisson-corrupted Data
* Compound PCA-ICA Neural Network Model for Enhancement and Feature Extraction of Multi-frequency Polarimetric SAR Imagery
* Compressed Domain MPEG-2 Video Editing with VBV Requirement
* Compression of Hyperspectral Data Using Vector Quantisation and the Discrete Cosine Transform
* Compression Tolerant Watermarking for Image Verification
* computational approach to color adaptation effects, A
* Computational Image Sensor with Pixel-based Integration Time Control, A
* Computational Measures Corresponding to Perceptual Textural Features
* Computational Technique Based on a Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm for Microwave Imaging Purposes, A
* Computationally Scalable Partial Distance Based Fast Search Motion Estimation
* Computer Aided Diagnosis System with Functions to Assist Comparative Reading for Lung Cancer Based on Helical CT Image
* Computerized Characterization of Contrast Enhancement Patterns for Classifying Pulmonary Nodules
* Computing the Cost of Occlusion
* Conditional DCT Event Coding Without Side Information in Video Compression
* Congestion Control for Multipoint Videoconferencing
* Constant-time Algorithm for Erosions/Dilations with Applications to Morphological Texture Feature Computation, A
* Constrained and Unconstrained Simplification of Image Partitions Encoded with the Method of Transition Points
* Construction of a 3d Physically-based Multi-object Deformable Model
* Construction of Error Resilient Synchronization Codeword for Variable-length Code in Image Transmission
* Content Authentication and Tamper Detection in Digital Video
* Content description for efficient video navigation, browsing and personalization
* Contex-based Predictive Coder for Lossless and Near-lossless Compression of Video, A
* Context-Based Multiscale Classification of Document Images Using Wavelet Coefficient Distributions
* Contextual and non-contextual performance evaluation of edge detectors
* Contour Analysis Using Time-varying Autoregressive Model
* Contour Tracking in Clutter: A Subset Approach
* Control of a Camera for Active Vision: Foveal Vision, Smooth Tracking and Saccade
* Convergence performance of adaptive lattice filters with nonlinear parameter updates
* Cooperative Algorithm for Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection, A
* Cooperative Stereo-Motion: Matching and Reconstruction
* Copyright Labeling of Printed Images
* Copyright Protection of Still Images Using Self-similar Chaotic Watermarks
* Correspondence and Line Field Estimation Using Map-based Probabilistic Diffusion Algorithm
* Craters Detection Via Possibilistic Shell Clustering
* Criterion Based on Fourier Transform for Segmentation of Connected Digits, A
* Crucial combinations for the recognition of handwritten letters
* Cumulant Expansion Technique for Simultaneous Markov Random Field Image Restoration and Hyperparameter Estimation, A
* Curve Evolution, Boundary-value Stochastic Processes, the Mumford-Shah Problem, and Missing Data Applications
* Data Fusion Solution to the Accuracy-efficiency Trade-off Problem in Motion Estimation, A
* Data-driven Nonlinear Diffusion for Object Segmentation
* DCT-domain Blind Watermarking System Using Optimum Detection on Laplacian Model, A
* DCT-prediction Based Progressive Fine Granularity Scalability Coding
* Decision feedback equaliser design using support vector machines
* Definition of a Spatial Entropy and Its Use for Texture Discrimination
* Deformable Shapes Detection by Stochastic Optimization
* Deformable Template Model Based on Fuzzy Alignment Algorithm, A
* Deformation Model for Biotissues Behaviour Simulation, A
* Deformation of a Cartographic Road Network on a SPOT Satellite Image
* Dense Range Image Smoothing Using Adaptive Regularization
* Depth from Defocus vs. Stereo: How Different Really Are They?
* Description of shape information for 2-D and 3-D objects
* Description schemes for video programs, users and devices
* Design and Analysis of a Forward-adaptive Wavelet Image Coder
* Design and implementation of a computational processing system for off-line digital close-range photogrammetry
* Design and operation of an imaging sensor for detecting vegetation
* Designing scalable and efficient parallel clustering algorithms on arrays with reconfigurable optical buses
* Designing Translation Invariant Operations Via Neural Network Training
* Detecting Assembly Actions by Scene Observation
* Detection and Correction of Recognition Errors in Check Reading
* Detection of Eyes from Human Faces by Hough Transform and Separability Filter
* Detection of Non-uniform Motion in Image Sequences Using a Reduced Order Likelihood Ratio Test
* Determining and Controlling Convergence in Fractal Image Coding
* Device to Classify Surface Orientation from Polarization Images, A
* Dictionary Approximation for Matching Pursuit Video Coding
* Digital Watermarking Applied to Mpeg-2 Coded Video Sequences Exploiting Space and Frequency Masking
* Digital Watermarking Using Complex Wavelets
* Dimensionality Reduction for Image Retrieval
* Direct Minutiae Extraction from Gray-level Fingerprint Image by Relationship Examination
* Directional Filters and a New Structure for Estimation of Optical Flow
* Discovering Recurrent Visual Semantics in Consumer Photographs
* Distance Constraint Based Iterative Structure and Pose Estimation from a Single Image
* Distribution-Based Restoration of DCT Coefficients
* Distributional Clustering for Efficient Content-based Retrieval of Images and Video
* Document Image Matching Based on Component Blocks
* Document image segmentation and quality improvement by Moiré pattern analysis
* Dominant-Subspace Invariants
* Dual Transducer Approach to Ultrasound Imaging and Spatial Deformations, A
* Dual-band Passive Infrared Imagery for Automatic Clutter Rejection
* Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Transform with Improved Orthogonality and Symmetry Properties, A
* DVD Applications in Business and Industry
* DVD-18: Application Opportunities and Manufacturing Technology
* DVD: Ground Zero in the Convergence Zone
* DVD: Redefining Multimedia
* DVD: The Bridge to Broadband
* DWT-based Object Watermarking System for MPEG-4 Video Streams, A
* Dyadic Wavelet-based Nonlinear Conduction Equation: Theory and Applications
* Dynamic Memory Model Based Optimization of Scalar and Vector Quantizer for Fast Image Encoding
* Dynamic Resource Allocation Via Video Content and Short-term Traffic Statistics
* EBWIC: A Low Complexity and Efficient Rate Constrained Wavelet Image Coder
* Edge Detection by Genetic Algorithm
* Edge Enhancement Technique for Image Segmentation Based on Resistive Circuit Simulation, An
* Edge-adaptive Clustering for Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* EdgeFlow: A Technique for Boundary Detection and Image Segmentation
* Effective Channel Coding for DCT Watermarks
* Effective Color Interpolation in CCD Color Filter Array Using Signal Correlation
* Efficient Algorithm for Realizing Matching Pursuits and Its Applications in MPEG4 Coding System, An
* Efficient and effective wipe detection in MPEG compressed video based on the macroblock information
* Efficient Coding of Segmentation Maps for Layered Object Representations
* Efficient Color Re-indexing Scheme for Palette-based Compression, An
* Efficient Context Modeling in Scalable 3d Wavelet-based Video Compression
* Efficient Decoding Scheme for Fractal Image Compression, An
* Efficient Detection of a Spatial Spread-spectrum Watermark in MPEG Video Streams
* Efficient Embedded Zerotree Wavelet Image Codec Based on Intraband Partitioning, An
* Efficient Face Detection for Multimedia Applications
* Efficient High-order Image Subsampling Using FANNS
* Efficient Image and Channel Coding for Wireless Packet Networks
* Efficient Image Gradient Based Vehicle Localization
* Efficient labeling procedures for image partition encoding
* Efficient Methods for Encoding Regions of Interest in the Upcoming JPEG2000 Still Image Coding Standard
* Efficient PDM Shape Fitting Using the Kalman Filter
* Efficient Prediction Error Regions Determination for Region-based Video Coding Through Shape Adaptive DCT
* Efficient Prediction in Multiple Description Video Coding
* Efficient Region of Interest Coding Techniques in the Upcomimg JPEG2000 Still Image Coding Standard
* Efficient Video Similarity Measurement and Search
* Efficient Wavelet-based Algorithm for Image Superresolution, An
* Efficient, Similarity-based Error Concealment Method for Block-based Coded Images, An
* Efficiently Estimating Projective Transformations
* Elasticity-based Region Model and Its Application to the Estimation of the Heart Deformation in Tagged MRI, An
* Embedded block coding in JPEG 2000
* Embedded Coding of Stereo Images
* Embedding Data in Digital Images Using CDMA Techniques
* Energy Allocation for High-capacity Watermarking in the Presence of Compression
* Enhanced motion compensation algorithm based on second-order prediction
* Enhancement of Color Images in Poor Visibility Conditions
* Enhancement of Compressed Video Using Visual Quality Measurements
* Entropy Minimization Principle for Semi-supervised Terrain Classification, An
* Error Analysis for Quadtree Image Formation
* Error Resilient Coding Technique for JPEG2000, An
* Error Stabilization in Successive Estimation of Registration Parameters
* Error-resilient Video Compression Through the Use of Multiple States
* Estimating Decoding Times of MPEG-2 Video Streams
* Estimating Laplacian Parameters of DCT Coefficients for Requantization in the Transcoding of MPEG-2 Video
* Estimation of 2-D Noisy Fractional Brownian Motion and its Applications Using Wavelets
* Estimation of 3-D Motion Using Eigen-Normalization and Expansion Matching
* Estimation of Optical Flow for Occlusion Using Extrapolation
* Evaluating the Quality of Pellet Component by Using Image Processing Technique with Neural Networks
* Evaluation of a Quincunx Wavelet Filter Design Approach for Quadtree-based Embedded Image Coding
* Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors
* Evaluation of Lossless Compression Methods for Gray Scale Document Images
* Evolutionary Pursuit and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Examining the Effects of Basis Function Truncation in the DFT
* Experiments in Constructing Belief Networks for Image Classification Systems
* expert system for general symbol recognition, An
* Exploring Texture Ensembles by Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo-Toward a Trichromacy Theory of Texture
* Exploring the Capability of Some GIS Surface Interpolators for DEM Gap Fill
* Extended Depth from Focus Using White Light Interferometer
* Extracting Structure from Optical Flow Using the Fast Error Search Technique
* Extraction of a Symmetric Object for Eyeglass Face Analysis Using Active Contour Model
* Extraction of Arteriovenous Malformation with Factor Analysis
* Extraction of Perceptually Important Colors and Similarity Measurement for Image Matching
* Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Thin-section CT Images Using Calculation of Surface-curvatures and Morphology Filters
* Extraction of Tree Groups from High-resolution Digital Surface Models
* Face Detection and Tracking in Video Using Dynamic Programming
* Face Detection by Facets: Combined Bottom-up and Top-down Search Using Compound Templates
* Face recognition apparatus, method, system and computer readable medium thereof
* Face Recognition Using Kernel Eigenfaces
* Facial Expression Analysis by Integrating Information of Feature-point Positions and Gray Levels of Facial Images
* factor graph framework for semantic indexing and retrieval in video, A
* Fast 2-D DCT Algorithm Via Distributed Arithmetic Optimization, A
* Fast Algorithm for DCT-Domain Inverse Motion Compensation Based on Shared Information in a Macroblock, A
* Fast and Globally Convergent Pose Estimation from Video Images
* Fast Binary Image Resolution Increasing by K-nearest Neighbor Learning
* Fast Classification Using Weighted Distortion
* Fast Code Enhancement with Local Search for Fractal Image Compression
* Fast color texture recognition using chromaticity moments
* Fast Dissolve Operations for MPEG Video Contents
* Fast Exact GLA Based on Code Vector Activity Detection, A
* Fast Hierarchical Algorithm of Maximum Intensity Projection, A
* Fast Lighting Independent Background Subtraction
* Fast mapping algorithm for histogram to binary set conversion
* Fast Matching Pursuit Method with Distance Comparison
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm for MPEG-4 Shape Coding, A
* Fast Motion Estimation Method for MPEG-4 Arbitrarily Shaped Objects, A
* fast multi-resolution block matching algorithm for motion estimation, A
* Fast Nearest Neighbor Search of Entropy-Constrained Vector Quantization
* Fast recursive algorithms for 2-D discrete cosine transform
* Fast Retrieval Methods for Images with Significant Variations
* Fast Segmentation Using Level Set Curves of Complex Wavelet Surfaces
* Fast Variable-Length Decoder Using Plane Separation, A
* Fast, High-Quality Inverse Halftoning Algorithm for Error Diffused Halftones, A
* Feature-based Single-view 3d Object Recognition in Optical Images using Invariants
* Feature-based Video Mosaic
* Feature-less Single-view 3d Object Recognition in Range Images using Invariants
* Feature-preserving Flows: A Stochastic Differential Equation's View
* Filtering and processing of panoramic images obtained using a camera and a wide-angle-imaging reflective surface
* Filtering Color Images in the xyY Color Space
* Finding Curvilinear Features in Spatial Point Patterns: Principal Curve Clustering with Noise
* Fingerprint Enhancement Based on the Directional Filter Bank
* Fingerprint Image Ridge Frequency Estimation by Higher Order Spectrum
* Finite Precision Wavelets for Image Coding: Lossy and Lossless Compression Performance Evaluation
* First Steps Towards a Self-dual Morphology
* Fitting Optimal Piecewise Linear Functions Using Genetic Algorithms
* Fitting Superellipses
* Flicker Reduction in Old Films
* Focusing Resonance Signatures in Ultra-Wideband SAR Images by Allpass Filtering
* Foreground/background Bit Allocation for Region-of-interest Coding
* Fourier Descriptors Watermarking of Vector Graphics Images
* Fractal Coding of Shapes Based on a Projected Ifs Model
* Fractional-Step Dimensionality Reduction
* Framing Through Peripheral Perception
* Frequency Domain Measurement of Blockiness in MPEG-2 Coded Video
* Frequency-Aspect Extrapolation Algorithm for ISAR Image Simulation Based on Two-Dimensional ESPRIT, A
* From Image and Video Compression to Computer Graphics
* Fundamental error analysis and geometric interpretation for block truncation coding techniques
* Fusing Audio and Visual Features of Speech
* Fusion Classification of Hyperspectral Image Based on Adaptive Subspace Decomposition
* Fuzzy Color Credibility Approach to Color Image Filtering, A
* Fuzzy logic detection of landmines with ground penetrating radar
* Fuzzy Modeling of Knowledge for MRI Brain Structure Segmentation
* Fuzzy Representation and Grouping in Building Detection
* fuzzy video content representation for video summarization and content-based retrieval, A
* Gabor Attributes Tracking for Face Verification
* Gamma mixture models for target recognition
* Gamut Clipping in Color Image Processing
* Gender Classification Using Support Vector Machines
* Generalized 2-d Cyclic Patterns for Secret Watermark Generation
* Generalized 3D Shape Sampling Method and File Format for Storage or Indexing, A
* Generalized Neural Trees for Outdoor Scene Understanding
* Generalized Scale-selection
* Generalized Wiener Reconstruction of Images from Colour Sensor Data Using a Scale Invariant Prior
* Generating Video Objects by Multiple-view Extensive Partition Lattice Operators
* Generation of 3-d Head Models from Multiple Images Using Ellipsoid Approximation for the Rear Part
* Generation of a Disparity Panorama Using a 3-camera Capturing System
* Genetic algorithm with competitive image labelling and least square
* Genetic algorithms for feature selection in machine condition monitoring with vibration signals
* Geometric and Topological Lossy Compression of Dense Range Images
* Geometric fusion for a hand-held 3D sensor
* Geometric Properties of Watermarking Schemes
* Geometric-invariant Robust Watermarking Through Constellation Matching in the Frequency Domain
* Geometry-image Representation Tradeoff for Rendering, The
* Global 3D Rigid Registration of Medical Images
* Gradient Based Polyhedral Segmentation for 3-d Range Image
* Gradient Magnitude Based Region Growing Algorithm for Accurate Segmentation, A
* Grayscale Hit-or-miss Transform Based on Level Sets, A
* Group-of-frames/pictures Color Histogram Descriptors for Multimedia Applications
* Growing a tree classifier with imprecise data
* Haar Wavelet Approach to Compressed Image Quality Measurement, A
* Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Through a Video Camera
* Hardware and Software Cache Prefetching Techniques for MPEG Benchmarks
* Hausdorff Dimension and Scale-Space Normalization of Natural Images, The
* Heteroscedastic Regression in Computer Vision: Problems with Bilinear Constraint
* Hierarchical Block Matching Algorithm in MRME
* Hierarchical Characterization Scheme for Image Retrieval, A
* Hierarchical Coding of 3d Models with Subdivision Surfaces
* Hierarchical Genetic Disparity Estimation Algorithm for Multiview Image Synthesis, A
* Hierarchical Histograms: A New Representation Scheme for Image-based Data Retrieval
* Hierarchical Image Probability (HIP) Models
* Hierarchical Mesh-based Global Motion Estimation, Including Occlusion Areas Detection
* Hierarchical Model Based Human Motion Tracking
* Hierarchical Motion Estimation with Spatial Transforms
* Hierarchical Representation and Coding of Surfaces Using 3-D Polygon Meshes
* Hierarchical Video Indexing and Retrieval for Subband-Coded Video
* Hierarchical Wavelet Video Coding Using Warping Prediction
* High capacity image steganographic model
* High Performance VBR Coding Algorithm for Fixed Size Storage Applications, A
* High Quality Region-based Video Coding
* Higher-Order (Nonlinear) Diffraction Tomography: Reconstruction Algorithms and Computer Simulation
* Higher-order Spectral Analysis of Human Motion
* Histogram-based Method for Detection of Faces and Cars, A
* Holistic recognition of handwritten character pairs
* Home Based 3D Entertainment: An Overview
* Hough Technique for Bar Charts Detection and Recognition in Document Images
* Hough-transform detection of lines in 3-D space
* How to Achieve Robustness Against Scaling in a Real-time Digital Watermarking System for Broadcast Monitoring
* Human Gait and Posture Analysis for Diagnosing Neurological Disorders
* Human Perception of Mismatched Stereoscopic 3D Inputs
* Hybrid image coding based on partial fractal mapping
* Hybrid Perceptual Image Processing Using New Interpolating Wavelets
* Hybrid Sender and Receiver Driven Rate Control in Multicast Layered Video Transmission
* Hypercomplex Color-sensitive Smoothing Filters
* Hypercomplex Wiener-Khintchine Theorem with Application to Color Image Correlation
* Illumination Invariance and Object Model in Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval
* Image analysis for meat
* Image and Audio Sequence Visualization and Interaction Mechanisms for Structured Video Browsing and Editing
* Image and Video Processing Using MAJC 5200
* Image Authentication and Integrity Verification Via Content-based Watermarks and a Public Key Cryptosystem
* Image Classification Using Pseudo Power Signatures
* Image Compression with Geometrical Wavelets
* Image Databases, Scale and Fractal Transforms
* Image Denoising Using Directional Filter Banks
* Image Denoising Using Scale-adaptive Lifting Schemes
* Image Denoising Using Wavelet Thresholding and Model Selection
* Image Denoising Via Adjustment of Wavelet Coefficient Magnitude Correlation
* Image enlargement based on a step edge model
* Image insertion in video streams using a combination of physical sensors and pattern recognition
* Image Magnification Using Decimated Orthogonal Wavelet Transform
* Image Metrics for Clutter Characterization
* Image processing for multimedia terminals and related architectures
* Image Registration Using Wavelet-Based Motion Model
* Image Registration with Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
* Image Restoration by Fuzzy Convex Ordinary Kriging
* Image Restoration Method Using IFS, An
* Image Retrieval Based on Edge Representation
* Image Retrieval Based on Similarity Learning
* Image Retrieval on Uncompressed and Compressed Domains
* Image Retrieval Through Shape Matching of Partially Occluded Objects Using Hierarchical Content Description
* Image retrieval using spatial intensity features
* Image Retrieval with Local and Spatial Queries
* Image Retrieval: Feature Primitives, Feature Representation, and Relevance Feedback
* Image Segmentation and Object Recognition by Bayesian Grouping
* Image Segmentation Based on an Original Multiscale Analysis of the Pixel Connectivity Properties
* Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Field Model in Fully Parallel Cellular Network Architectures
* Image Texture Description Using Complex Wavelet Transform
* Image Watermarking by Moment Invariants
* Image Watermarking with Better Resilience
* Image-based rendering and 3D modeling: A complete framework
* Images as Embedded Maps and Minimal Surfaces: Movies, Color, Texture, and Volumetric Medical Images
* Imaging Near-surface Buried Structure with High-resolution Surface-wave Group-velocity Tomography
* Imaging with THZ Pulses
* Impact of Misregistration Upon Composited Wide Field of View Satellite Data and Implications for Change Detection, The
* Implementation of a 3D Vision System on DSPs TMS320C31
* Improved Algorithm for Vector Quantizer Design, An
* Improved Compression by Coupling of Coding Techniques and Redundant Transform
* Improved Fade and Dissolve Detection for Reliable Video Segmentation
* Improved Image Compression Using S-Tree and Shading Approach
* Improved Multi-image Resolution Enhancement for Colour Images Captured by Single-CCD Cameras
* Improved Video Object Tracking Algorithm Based on Motion Re-estimation, An
* Improvement of H.263 Encoding by Adaptive Arithmetic Coding
* Improving the performance of spatial watermarking of images using channel coding
* Impulse Restoration Template Matching Under Geometric Uncertainties
* Incorporate support vector machines to content-based image retrieval with relevance feedback
* Incremental Shape Reconstruction Using Stereo Image Sequences
* Incremental View Maintenance of Spatial Joins
* Index trees for efficient deformable shape-based retrieval
* Indexing and Retrieval Mechanism for Complex Similarity Queries in Image Databases, An
* Individual 3d Face Synthesis Based on Orthogonal Photos and Speech-driven Facial Animation
* Industrial inspection using Gaussian functions in a colour space
* Inferring Semantic Concepts for Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Influence of Encoder Parameters on the Decoded Video Quality for MPEG-4 Over W-CDMA Mobile Networks
* Information Theoretic Analysis of Plaque in MR Imaging
* Information-theoretic Model for Image Watermarking and Data Hiding, An
* Informed Embedding: Exploiting Image and Detector Information During Watermark Insertion
* Innovative Approach for Spatial Video Noise Reduction Using a Wavelet Based Frequency Decomposition, An
* Integral Equation Formulation for Iterative Calculation of Scattering from Lossy Rough Surfaces
* Integrated Compression and Linear Feature Detection in the Wavelet Domain
* Integrated Person Tracking Using Stereo, Color, and Pattern Detection
* Integrated Segmentation Technique for Interactive Image Retrieval, An
* Integrated Text and Line-Art Extraction from a Topographic Map
* Integrating Knowledge Sources in Devanagari Text Recognition System
* Integrating Visual, Audio and Text Analysis for News Video
* Interactive DVD Programming Using Next Generation Content-based Encoded Multimedia Data
* Interactive Image Morphing on a Single-Chip Multiprocessor using a Multilayered Parallel Image Computing Library
* Interactive Quality Evaluation of Reduced Polygon Model, An
* Interactive Segmentation of Biomedical Images and Volumes Using Connected Operators
* Internal Structure Analysis of Pulmonary Nodules in Topological and Histogram Feature Spaces
* Interpolation in the DST and DCT Domains
* Interval hash tree: an efficient index structure for searching object queries in large image databases
* Intra and Inter-band Information Evaluation in Still Image Coding by Means of the Wavelet Transform
* Introduction Computer Vision Research at the Technion
* Introduction: Surveillance
* Invariant 2D object recognition using the wavelet modulus maxima
* Inverse Filters for Reconstruction of Arbitrarily Focused Images from Two Differently Focused Images
* Investigating the prediction capabilities of the simple recurrent neural network on real temporal sequences
* Isotropic Versus Anisotropic Encoding of Visual Information
* Iterative Algorithm for the Projective Registration of Free Form Surfaces, An
* Iterative Backward Segmentation for Hierarchical Wavelet Image Coding
* Iterative Deconvolution of Linearly Blurred Images Using Non-parametric Stabilizing Functions, The
* Iterative statistical approach to blind image deconvolution
* Jasper: A Software-based JPEG-2000 Codec Implementation
* JBIG2: The Ultimate Bi-level Image Coding Standard
* Joint Geometry/texture Progressive Coding of 3d Models
* Joint Halftoning and Watermarking
* Joint Kalman-based Noise Filtering and Motion Compensated Video Coding for Low Bit Rate Videoconferencing
* Joint Region Merging Criteria for Watershed-based Image Segmentation
* Joint Source-channel Coding Approach to Scalable Delivery of Digital Video Over ATM Networks, A
* Joint Space-frequency Segmentation, Entropy Coding and the Compression of Ultrasound Images
* JPEG 2000 Next Generation Image Compression System Features and Syntax
* JPEG 2000: Overview, Architecture, and Applications
* Just Enough Reality, Microstereopsis and the Prospect of Zoneless Autostereoscopic Displays
* Key Frame Selection to Represent a Video
* Knowledge-based English cursive script segmentation
* Landmark Matching via Large Deformation Diffeomorphisms
* Lane Detection by Orientation and Length Discrimination
* Laplace Integral for a Watershed Segmentation, The
* Lapped Orthogonal Transform Designed for Error Resilient Image Coding
* Learning Algorithms for Audio and Video Processing: Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine Based Approaches
* Let us Suppose a Liquid Optical Flow in Images: The Validity of Optical Flow Revisited
* Lighting Synthetic Objects in Image-based Environments
* Line Detection in Images Through Regularized Hough Transform
* Line Extraction with the Use of an Automatic Gradient Threshold Technique and the Hough Transform
* Linear Epipolar Algorithm for Multiframe Orientation
* Linear-phase Paraunitary Filter Banks with Unequal Length
* Linearly Constrained Generalized Lloyd Algorithm for Virtual Codebook Vector Quantization
* Lip Contour Extraction Using a Deformable Model
* Lip Feature Extraction Towards an Automatic Speechreading System
* Local Spectra Features Extraction Based-on 2d Pseudo-wigner Distribution for Texture Analysis
* Local Vector Tomography by Use of Wavelets
* Localization of Colored Objects
* Locally adaptive conductance in geometry-driven-diffusion filtering of magnetic resonance tomograms
* Locally Adaptive Deblocking Filter for Low Bit Rate Video
* Locally Adaptive Perceptual Image Coding
* LOCO-I Lossless Image Compression Algorithm: Principles and Standardization into JPEG-LS, The
* Long-term Memory Motion-compensated Prediction for Robust Video Transmission
* Look up Table (LUT) Method for Image Halftoning
* Look-Up-Table Based Halftoning Algorithm
* Lookahead Search for Lossy Context-based Adaptive Entropy Coding
* Lossless Coding of Still Images Using Minimum-rate Predictors
* Low Bit-rate Subband Video Coding Using Context Models
* Low Complexity Cut Detection in the Presence of Flicker
* Low-complexity Face-assisted Video Coding
* Low-complexity Global Motion Estimation from P-frame Motion Vectors for Mpeg-7 Applications
* Low-complexity Post-processing for Artifact Reduction in Block-DCT Based Video Coding
* Low-complexity Scalable DCT Image Compression
* Low-level Cortical Perception Model with Applications to Image Analysis, A
* Low-level musical descriptors for MPEG-7
* Mammographic Image Segmentation Using a Tissue-mixture Model and Markov Random Fields
* Mapping of Urban Areas: A Multiresolution Modeling Approach for Semi-Automatic Extraction of Streets
* Mastering for DVD
* Matching Lines and Points in an Active Stereo Vision System Using Genetic Algorithms
* Matching with shape contexts
* Maximum a Posteriori Estimator for High Resolution Video Reconstruction from MPEG Video, A
* Maximum Entropy Image Restoration Revisited
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of JPEG Quantization Table in the Identification of Bitmap Compression History
* Maximum Likelihood Training of the Embedded HMM for Face Detection and Recognition
* Maximum-Likelihood Parameter Estimation for Image Ringing-Artifact Removal
* Mean Field Annealing EM for Image Segmentation
* Mean Quantization Blind Watermarking for Image Authentication
* Mean Shift and Optimal Prediction for Efficient Object Tracking
* Mesh and Crack Lines: Application to Object-based Motion Estimation and Higher Scalability
* Mesh Based Video Coding at Very Low Bitrate
* Mesh-based Segmentation and Update for Object-based Video
* Method and apparatus for inspecting solder joints
* Method and apparatus for motion estimation
* Method and apparatus for synthesizing realistic animations of a human speaking using a computer
* Method and apparatus for unencumbered capture of an object
* Method and system monitoring video image by updating template image
* Method for Choosing the Regularization Parameter in Generalized Tikhonov Regularized Linear Inverse Problems, A
* Method for Continuous Extraction of Multispectrally Classified Urban Rivers, A
* Method for matching input image with reference image, apparatus for the same, and storage medium storing program for implementing the method
* Method for recovery of heading from motion
* Method for Restoration of Low-Resolution Document Images, A
* Method for Segmentation of Cursive Handwritings and Its Application to Character Shape Extraction, A
* Method of Extracting Embedded Binary Data from JPEG Bitstreams Using Standard JPEG Decoder, A
* Method of grouping handwritten word segments in handwritten document images
* Migration of Underground Targets in UWB-SAR Systems
* MIR: An Approach to Robust Clustering-Application to Range Image Segmentation
* Model-aided Coding of Multi-viewpoint Image Data
* Model-aided Coding: Using 3-D Scene Models in Motion-compensated Video Coding
* Model-based adaptive enhancement of far infrared image sequences
* Model-Based Human Face Detection in Unconstrained Scenes
* Model-based Inverse Halftoning with Wavelet-vaguelette Deconvolution
* Modeling and Coding of DFD Using Dense Motion Fields in Video Compression
* Modeling and Extrapolation of Prior Scene Information for Set Theoretic Restoration and Super-resolution of Diffraction-limited Images
* Modeling and Restoration of Raman Microscopic Images
* Modeling of Operational Distortion-rate Characteristics for Joint Source-channel Coding of Video
* Modeling Parameter Space Behavior of Vision Systems Using Bayesian Networks
* Modeling spatial relationships between color sets
* Modeling Wave Set: Definition and Application of a New Topological Organization for 3D Object Modeling
* Modelling Profiles with a Mixture of Gaussians
* Modelling the Autocorrelation of Wavelet Coefficients for Image Denoising
* Modified Robust Embedding Scheme for Faithful Watermark Extraction, A
* Modular Clutter Rejection Technique for Flir Imagery Using Region-based Principal Component Analysis, A
* Monocular Vision System for Autonomous Vehicle Guidance, A
* Morphing Active Contours
* Morphological elastic graph matching applied to frontal face authentication under well-controlled and real conditions
* Morphological Estimator for Clique Potentials of Binary Markov Random Fields, A
* Morphological image analysis applied to crop field mapping
* Motion Compensated De-interlacing for Both Realtime Video and Still Images
* Motion descriptors for content-based video representation
* Motion Estimation Based on Optical Flow with Adaptive Gradients
* Motion Estimation Methods for Overlapped Block Motion Compensation
* Motion Estimation Using Adaptive Blocksize Observation Model and Efficient Multiscale Regularization
* Motion Estimation Using the Spatio-temporal Continuous Wavelet Transform: New Results and Alternative Implementations
* Motion Estimation with Incomplete Information Using Omni-directional Vision
* Motion Estimation with Power Scalability and Its VHDL Model
* Motion Monitoring and Classification with Center-biased Motion Estimation
* Motion Vector Estimation Using Edge Oriented Block Matching Algorithm for Video Sequences
* Motion-based Video Segmentation Using Fuzzy Clustering and Classical Mixture Model
* Motion-JPEG2000 Standardization and Target Market
* Moving Targets in Synthetic Aperture Images: A Bayesian Approach
* MPEG-7 Videotext Description Scheme for Superimposed Text in Images and Video
* MPEG-7: A standardised description of audiovisual content
* Multi-bands Image Segmentation: A Scalar Approach
* Multi-bit Binary Arithmetic Coding Technique, A
* Multi-bit Image Watermarking Robust to Geometric Distortions
* Multi-channel Channel-optimized Scheme for EZW Using Rate-distortion Functions, A
* Multi-feature Analysis and Classification of Human Chromosome Images Using Centromere Segmentation Algorithms
* Multi-fractal Formalism for Stabilization, Object Detection and Tracking in FLIR Sequences, A
* Multi-frame compression: Theory and Design
* Multi-iteration wavelet zero-tree coding for image compression
* Multi-resolution Area Matching
* Multi-resolution Corner Detection
* Multi-stage Vector Quantizer Design for Image Transmission Over Packet Networks
* Multichannel Image Compression by Bijection Mappings Onto Zero-trees
* Multichannel M-filtering for Color Image Restoration
* Multidimensional Elastic Registration of Images Using Splines
* Multifractal Characterization of Texture-based Segmentation
* Multiframe Bayesian Tracking of Cluttered Targets with Random Motion
* Multilevel Domain Decomposition Algorithm for Fast O(N2 log N) Reprojection of Tomographic Images, A
* Multilevel Domain Decomposition Algorithm for Fast O(N2 log N) Reprojection of Tomographic Images, A
* Multimedia Document Retrieval Using Speech and Speaker Recognition
* Multimedia Search and Retrieval: New Concepts, System Implementation, and Application
* Multimedia Understanding: Challenges in the New Millennium
* Multiple Description Coding Using Trellis Coded Quantization
* Multiple Expert Classification: A New Methodology for Parallel Decision Fusion
* Multiple View Surface Registration with Error Modeling and Analysis
* Multiple-face Tracking System for General Region-of-interest Video Coding
* Multirate Coding of 3d Medical Data
* Multirate, Two-dimensional Channel Coding for Optical Page Memories
* Multiresolution Hidden Markov Trees for Analysis of Automatic Target Recognition Algorithms
* Multiresolution Permutation Filters Based on Decision Trees
* Multiresolution spot detection by means of entropy thresholding
* Multiresolution-histogram Indexing and Relevance Feedback Learning for Image Retrieval
* Multiscale Classification Using Complex Wavelets and Hidden Markov Tree Models
* Multiscale Texture Segmentation Using Hybrid Contextual Labeling Tree
* Near Exact Image Expansion Scheme for Bi-level Images, A
* Near-lossless Compression of Coherent Image Data
* Nested Local Symmetry Set
* Nested-multilevel Redundancy Exploitation for Fast Block Matching, A
* New Approach for Image-content Adaptive Mesh Generation, A
* New Approach to Segmentation Based on Fusing Circumscribed Contours, Region Growing and Clustering, A
* New Approach to Tracking with Active Contours, A
* New Block-matching Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Successive Elimination, A
* New Class of Median Based Impulse Rejecting Filters, A
* New Devices for 3D Pose Estimation: Mantis Eyes, Agam Paintings, Sundials, and Other Space Fiducials
* New edge-directed interpolation
* new focus measure method using moments, A
* New Force Field Transform for Ear and Face Recognition, A
* New Fragile Authentication Watermark for Images
* New Image Similarity Measure Based on Ordinal Correlation, A
* New Method for Perspective View Registration, A
* New Morphological Method for Cursive Word Segmentation, A
* New Motion Compensation on a Wavelet Transform Domain, A
* New Multiscale Bayesian Model Averaging Framework for Texture Segmentation, A
* New Reference Point for Fingerprint Recognition, A
* New Resolution Progressive Coding Scheme Using a Sorting Algorithm, A
* New Restoration Method and Its Application to Speckle Images, A
* New Rule-based Framework for Post-processing Merging in Video Sequence Segmentation
* New Series of Biorthogonal Wavelet Filters for Image Compression, A
* New Shape-Based Method for Object Localization and Characterization from Scattered Field Data, A
* New Spread Spectrum Watermarking Method with Self-synchronization Capabilities, A
* New Structure-from-Motion Ambiguity, A
* New Wavelet-based Approach to Sharpening and Smoothing of Images in Besov Spaces with Applications to Deblurring, A
* Non-redundant, Directionally Selective, Complex Wavelets
* Non-separable Non-linear Decompositions with Applications to Image Compression
* Nonlinear Distortion Correction in Endoscopic Video Images
* Nonlinear Filtering Impulse Noise Removal from Corrupted Images
* Nonlinear Filtering in the Wavelet Transform Domain
* Nonlinear Image Interpolation Through Extended Permutation Filters
* Nonlinear Prediction in the 2d Wold Decomposition for Texture Modeling
* Nonlinear Scale-Space Representation with Morphological Levelings
* Nonrigid Motion Analysis Based on Dynamic Refinement of Finite Element Models
* Normalized Color Difference Edge Detector Based on Quaternion Representation, A
* Normalized Training for HMM-based Visual Speech Recognition
* Novel Affine Invariant Feature Set and Its Application in Motion Estimation, A
* Novel Approach to Determining Tempo and Dramatic Story Sections in Motion Pictures
* Novel Approach to Scene Change Detection Using a Cross Entropy, A
* Novel Digital Image Hiding Technology Based on Tangram and Conway's Game, A
* Novel MPEG-4 Based Hybrid Temporal-snr Scalability for Internet Video, A
* Novel Multiresolution Color Image Segmentation Technique and Its Application to Dermatoscopic Image Segmentation, A
* Novel Product Coding and Decoding Scheme for Wireless Image Transmission, A
* Novel Rigid Object Segmentation Method Based on Multiresolution 3-d Motion and Luminance Analysis, A
* Novel Scheme for Image Rotation for Document Processing, A
* Object Modeling Using Space Carving
* Object Tracking by Adaptive Modeling
* Object Tracking Using Deformable Templates
* Object Tracking with Shape Representation Network Using Color Information
* Object-based 3-d Wavelet Coding Using Layered Object Representation
* Object-based multimedia content description schemes and applications for MPEG-7
* Object-based Reconstruction Using Coupled Tomographic Flows
* Object-Based Very Low Bit-Rate Coding Using Motion Parameter Estimation Based on Multiple Frame Prediction
* Objective Evaluation of Relative Segmentation Quality
* Oblivious Cocktail Watermarking by Sparse Code Shrinkage: A Regional- and Global-based Scheme
* On Data-filling Algorithms for MRC Layers
* On describing color and shape information in images
* On Digital Image Watermarking Robust to Geometric Transformations
* On DPCM and Its Variation Applied to Geometry Compression
* On Improving MPEG Spatial Scalability
* On Learning Texture Edge Detectors
* On the Algorithmic Implementation of Stochastic Discrimination
* On the Application of Bayes Networks to Semantic Understanding of Consumer Photographs
* On the Compression of Image Based Rendering Scene
* On the Design of the Bandpass Filters in Harmonic Phase MRI
* On the Invariance of Differential Scale Invariants
* On the Level Lines and Geometry of Vector-Valued Images
* On the Performance of Temporal Error Concealment for Long-term Motion-compensated Prediction
* On the Transmission of a Class of Hidden Markov Sources Over Gaussian Channels with Applications to Image Communication
* Open-ended Texture Classification for Terrain Mapping
* Optical Flow Constraints on Deformable Models with Applications to Face Tracking
* Optical Flow Estimation Using Forward-backward Constraint Equation
* Optical tomography in the presence of void regions
* Optimal Design of Transform Coders and Quantizers for Image Classification
* Optimal Quantization Error Feedback Filter for Wavelet Image Compression
* Optimal reconstruction from quantized data
* Optimal Sampling in Array-based Image Formation
* Optimal Shape Detection
* Optimal Spatial Filter Selection for Illumination-Invariant Color Texture Discrimination
* Optimised feature map finite-state vector quantisation for image coding
* Optimization Algorithm for Recursive Weighted Median Filters with Real-valued Weights, An
* Optimization of Dynamic UEP Schemes for Embedded Image Sources in Noisy Channels
* Optimizing Block-threshold Segmentation for MRC Compression
* Optimizing Block-Thresholding Segmentation for Multilayer Compression of Compound Images
* Optimizing MPEG-4 Coding Performance by Taking Post-processing Into Account
* Optimizing Prediction Gain in Axial Symmetric Scans
* Optimum Binarization of Technical Document Images
* Ordering and Parameterizing Scattered 3D Data for B-Spline Surface Approximation
* Orientation Adaptive Lapped Orthogonal Transform for Image Coding, The
* Orientation Space Filtering for Multiple Orientation Line Segmentation
* Orientation Template Matching for Face Localization in Complex Visual Scenes
* Origins of illusory percepts in digital images
* Orthonormal Finite Ridgelet Transform for Image Compression
* Overview of IBR: Software and Hardware Issues
* Overview of Run-Length Encoding of Handwritten Word Images, An
* overview of the MPEG-7 Description Definition Language (DDL) proposals, An
* Packet-loss Resilient Internet Video Using MPEG-4 Fine Granular Scalability
* Parallel Implementation of the Sparse-Matrix/Canonical Grid Method for the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Random Rough Surfaces (Three-Dimensional Scattering Problem) on a Beowulf System
* Parallel Pipeline Based Multiprocessor System for Real-Time Measurement of Road Traffic Parameters, A
* Parametric Description of Object Motion Using Emus
* Pariss: Panoramic, Adaptive and Reconfigurable Interface for Similarity Search
* Parking guidance and management system
* Partition-based Image Representation as Basis for User-assisted Segmentation
* Partitioned Separable Paraboloidal Surrogate Coordinate Ascent Algorithm for Image Restoration
* Partitioning of Video Objects Into Temporal Segments Using Local Motion Information
* Pattern Extraction and Synthesis Using a Hierarchical Wavelet-based Framework
* Pattern recognition: Historical perspective and future directions
* Pattern regularity as a visual key
* PDE Approach to Nonlinear Image Simplification Via Levelings and Reconstruction Filters, A
* Perceptible Level Lines and Isoperimetric Ratio
* Perceptual Quantization for Wavelet-based Image Coding
* Perceptually Based Image Comparison
* Perceptually Lossless, Model-Based, Texture Compression Technique, A
* Perceptually-based Robust Image Transmission Over Wireless Channels
* Performance Analysis of an H.263 Video Encoder for Viram
* Performance Characterization in Computer Vision
* Performance Evaluation of Data Hiding System Using Wavelet Transform and Error-control Coding
* Piecewise Affine Model for Image Registration in Nonrigid Motion Analysis, A
* Pitch Based Segmentation and Recognition of Dot-Matrix Text
* POCS-based Image Reconstruction from Irregularly-spaced Samples
* Point-wise Extended Visual Masking for JPEG-2000 Image Compression
* Polarimetric SAR Image Segmentation Using Texture Partitioning and Statistical Analysis
* Polyhedral Representation and Adjacency Graph in n-dimensional Digital Images
* Polynomial Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* Postprocessing of Compressed 3D Graphic Data
* Practical Structure and Motion from Stereo When Motion is Unconstrained
* Precise Candidate Selection for Large Character Set Recognition by Confidence Evaluation
* Prediction and Tracking of Moving Objects in Image Sequences
* Prediction of Image Detail
* Priority Dropping in Network Transmission of Scalable Video
* Probabilistic Exclusion Principle for Tracking Multiple Objects, A
* Probabilistic image classification using geological map units applied to land-cover change detection
* Projective Fourier analysis for patterns
* Proposal of Real World Video Stream Description Language(VSDL-RW) and Its Application
* Pyramid Texture Compression and Decompression Using Interpolative Vector Quantization
* Pyramidal Algorithm for Area Morphology, A
* quadratic motion-based object-oriented video codec, A
* Qualitative Multiscale Feature Hierarchies for Object Tracking
* Quantitative Error Analysis of Color in IEEE Publications
* Quantitative Evaluation of Rank-order Similarity of Images
* Query expansion for imperfect speech: applications in distributed learning
* Quincunx Lifting Scheme for Lossy Image Compression
* Radar and Optical Data Integration for Land-Use/Land-Cover Mapping
* Radar fusion to detect dim targets
* Random Cascades of Gaussian Scale Mixtures and Their Use in Modeling Natural Images with Application to Denoising
* Range Image Segmentation with Application to CAD Model Acquisition
* Rank-Based Decompositions of Morphological Templates
* Rate Control Scheme for Low-delay MPEG-2 Video Transcoder
* Rate-complexity-distortion Optimization for Quadtree-based DCT Coding
* Rate-constrained Multi-hypothesis Motion-compensated Prediction for Video Coding
* Rate-distortion Approach to Wavelet-based Encoding of Predictive Error Frames, A
* Rate-distortion Optimal Joint Source/channel Coding for Robust and Efficient Low Bit Rate Packet Video Communications
* Rationality of Restricted Re-quantization for Efficient MPEG Transcoding
* Rayleigh reconstruction/interpolation algorithm for 3D ultrasound, A
* Real Time Adaptive Ultrasound Speckle Reduction and Coherence Enhancement
* Real-time 3D Reconstruction on High Resolution Focal Plane Array
* Real-Time Classification of Traffic Signs
* real-time encoding and decoding system for nonlinear HDTV editor, A
* Real-time Interactive Object Outlining Using Control Points and Smoothness Parameter Manipulation
* Real-time Object Tracking with Movels and Affine Transformations
* Real-time video surveillance system using a field programmable gate array
* Reconciling Distance Functions and Level Sets
* Reconfigurable Hardware for Real Time Image Processing
* Reconstruction of Local Features for Facial Video Compression
* Reconstruction of missing or occluded contour segments using Bezier interpolations
* Recovering Frontal-pose Image from a Single Profile Image
* Recovering the Vanishing Self-polar Triangle from a Single View of a Planar Pattern
* Recovery of Global Nonrigid Motion: A Model-Based Approach without Point Correspondences
* Recursive Propagation of Correspondences with Applications to the Creation of Virtual Video
* Recursive Soft-decision Psf and Neural Network Approach to Adaptive Blind Image Regularization, A
* Recursive total least squares algorithm for single-user blind channel equalisation
* Redesigning of JPEG Statistical Model in the Lossy Mode Fitting Distribution of Dct Coefficients
* Reduction of Blocking Artifacts by Adaptive DCT Coefficient Estimation in Block-based Video Coding
* Reduction of Inherent Ambiguities in Structure from Motion Problem Using Inertial Data
* Region Based Descriptor for Spatial Distribution of Motion Activity for Compressed Video, A
* Region correspondence for image matching via EMD flow
* Region-based Alternative for Edge-preserving Smoothing, A
* Region-based Image Retrieval
* Region-based Scanning for Image Compression
* Region-based shape descriptor invariant to rotation, scale and translation
* region-based shape descriptor using Zernike moments, A
* Region-based Subband/wavelet Image Coding
* Region-Based Video Coding Using a Geometric Motion Compensation
* Registration of Digital Ophthalmic Images Using Vector Mapping
* Regularized Bundle-Adjustment to Model Heads from Image Sequences without Calibration Data
* Relative Priority Based QoS Interaction Between Video Applications and Differentiated Service Networks
* Relative Radiometric Normalization Performance for Change Detection from Multi-Date Satellite Images
* Relevance feedback decision trees in content-based image retrieval
* Reliable and Fast Fingerprint Identification for Security Applications
* reliable descriptor for face objects in visual content, A
* Reliable Estimation of Dense Optical Flow Fields with Large Displacements
* Remote Estimation of Grey Seal Length, Width, and Body Mass from Aerial Photography
* Representation and linking mechanisms for audio in MPEG-7
* Resolution Scalable Lossless Progressive Image Coding Via Conditional Quadrisection
* Restoration of Wavelet-compressed Images Using Adaptively Masking Smoothness Constraints
* Restricted-structure linear estimators for multiple-model systems
* Riemannian Drums, Anisotropic Curve Evolution, and Segmentation
* Road Detection in SAR Images Using Genetic Algorithm with Region Growing Concept
* Robust 2D Shape Estimation of Moving Objects Considering Spatial and Temporal Coherency in One MAP Detection Rule
* Robust 3D Clue-Based Video Segmentation for Video Indexing
* robust algorithm to estimate the fundamental matrix, A
* Robust Algorithms for Recognizing Shape Changes of Deformable Linear Objects in Video Image Sequences
* Robust Data Hiding Using Psychovisual Thresholding
* Robust Depth-map Estimation from Image Sequences with Precise Camera Operation Parameters
* Robust Error Concealment Algorithm Using Iterative Weighted Boundary Matching Criterion
* Robust Estimation of Motion and Structure Using a Discrete h8 Filter
* Robust Estimation of Planar Rigid Body Motion in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Robust Global Motion Estimation Using a Simplified M-estimator Approach
* Robust H.263+ Video for Real-time Internet Applications
* Robust Head Pose Estimation by Machine Learning
* Robust High Capacity Data Embedding
* Robust Image Based Face Recognition
* Robust Image Hashing
* Robust Image Registration Using Log-polar Transform
* Robust image transmission using JPEG2000 and turbo-codes
* robust linear least-squares estimation of camera exterior orientation using multiple geometric features, A
* Robust Method of Image Flicker Correction for Heavily-corrupted Old Film Sequences, A
* Robust Oblivious Digital Watermarking Using Image Transform Phase Modulation
* Robust Oblivious Watermarking Scheme, A
* Robust Quantization Table Design for Echocardiac Images
* Robust Region-based Motion Estimation for Video Compression
* Robust Shape Tracking in the Presence of Cluttered Background
* Robust Spot Fitting for Genetic Spot Array Images
* Robust vector quantizer design using self-organizing neural networks
* Robustness of a Blind Image Watermarking Scheme
* Robustness of an Asymmetric Watermarking Technique
* Role of Color in Content Based Image Retrieval, The
* Role of Massive Color Quantization in Object Recognition, The
* Rotated Partial Distance Search for Faster Vector Quantization Encoding
* Rotationally Invariant Texture Features Using the Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Transform
* Row-oriented Error Diffusion Technique for Digital Halftoning, A
* SAR Sidelobe Apodization Using the Kaiser Window
* Satellite Image Deconvolution Using Complex Wavelet Packets
* Scalable Image Coder Mixing DCT and Triangular Meshes
* Scalable Image Coding with Projection-based Context Modeling
* Scalable Lossy to Lossless Video Coding Via Adaptive 3d Wavelet Transform and Context Modeling
* Scalable Object-based Video Multicasting Over the Internet
* Scalable, Highly Efficient, and Error Resilient Image Transmission by Using Joint Source-channel Coding Strategies
* Scale-Space from a Level Lines Tree
* Scale-Space Properties of Nonstationary Iterative Regularization Methods
* Scaled rotation regularization
* Scanner-model-based Document Image Improvement
* Scene Analysis and Organization of Behavior in Driver Assistance Systems
* Scene Boundary Detection Method, A
* Scene change detection
* Scene Reconstruction from Multiple Cameras
* Scene-Based Shot Change Detection and Comparative Evaluation
* Scheme for Joint Watermarking and Compression of Video, A
* Searching Images on the Basis of Color Homogeneous Objects and their Spatial Relationship
* Second order H-infinity optimal LMS and NLMS algorithms based on a second-order Markov model
* Secret Key Watermarking with Changing Keys
* Securing Images Online: A Protection Mechanism That Does Not Involve Watermarking
* Segmentation and Tracking of Video Objects: Suited to Content-based Video Indexing, Interactive Television and Production Systems
* Segmentation of remotely sensed images with fuzzy thresholding, and quantitative evaluation
* Segmentation-free Skeletonization of Gray-scale Images via PDE's
* Segmenting Images with Support Vector Machines
* Segmenting skin lesions with partial-differential-equations-based image processing algorithms
* Selecting the Neighbourhood Size, Shape, Weights and Model Order in Optical Flow Estimation
* Selective Sharpness Enhancement of Heavily-corrupted Old Film Sequences
* Self Learning Video Filters for Wavelet Coded Video Streams
* Semantic Access of Frontal Face Images: The Expression-Invariant Problem
* Semantics-based Retrieval by Content
* Semi-automatic Semantic Object Extraction for Video Coding
* Separation of Transparent Layers using Focus
* Sequential Karhunen-Loeve Basis Extraction and its Application to Images
* Sequential Techniques in Hierarchical Radar Target Localization
* set of visual feature descriptors and their combination in a low-level description scheme, A
* Shape Approximation Through Recursive Scalable Layer Generation
* Shape Coding Using Temporal Correlation and Joint VLC Optimization
* Shape Matching Using a Curvature Based Polygonal Approximation in Scale-space
* Shape Reconstruction of 3D Bilaterally Symmetric Surfaces
* Shape-Adaptive Discrete Wavelet Transforms for Arbitrarily Shaped Visual Object Coding
* Shift Invariant Restoration: An Overcomplete Maxent MAP Framework
* Signal-dependent film grain noise generation using homomorphic adaptive filtering
* Significance Tree Image Sequence Coding with DCT-based Pyramid Structure
* Silicon Solutions for Recordable DVD Products: Enabling Storage of Digital Video for Mass Markets
* Simple and Effective Filter Based on the Rank Difference, A
* Simple and Efficient Face Detection Algorithm for Video Database Applications, A
* Simple and Efficient Wavelet Image Compression
* Simplification of a Color Image Segmentation Using a Fuzzy Attributed Graph
* Simultaneous Motion Estimation and Resolution Enhancement of Compressed Low Resolution Video
* Snake Pedals: Compact and Versatile Geometric Models with Physics-Based Control
* Some Simple Parametric Lossless Image Compressors
* Sorted Region Merging to Maximize Test Reliability
* Source Models for Content-based Video Coding
* Space-time Compression of FLIR Video
* Spatial Segmentation of Color Images According to the MDL Formalism
* Spatially Adaptive Image Denoising Under Overcomplete Expansion
* Spatially Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding with Context Modeling for Image Denoising
* Spatio-frequency Noise Distribution a Priori for Satellite Image Joint Denoising/deblurring
* Spatio-temporal Joint Probability Images for Video Segmentation
* Spatio-temporal optimization method for determining motion vector fields under non-stationary illumination
* Spatio-temporal Wiener Filtering of Image Sequences Using a Parametric Motion Model
* Special Issue on the Second International Conference on Scale Space Theory in Computer Vision, Guest Editors' Comments
* Spectral Analysis for Light Field Rendering, A
* Spectral Model for Halftone Color Prediction, A
* Spectral sharpening with positivity
* Spherical Mosaics with Quaternions and Dense Correlation
* SPOT Satellite Data Analysis for Bathymetric Mapping
* Statistical Approach to Rough Surface Underground Imaging, A
* Statistical Feature Extraction from Compressed Video Sequences
* Statistical Models of Object Interaction
* Statistical Threshold Design for the Two-state Signal-dependent Rank Order Mean Filter
* Steganography for a Low Bit-rate Wavelet Based Image Coder
* Stereographic image compression with adaptive control parameter generation
* Stop Word Location and Identification for Adaptive Text Recognition
* String Techniques for Detecting Duplicates in Document Databases
* Stripe-based SPIHT Lossy Compression of Volumetric Medical Images for Low Memory Usage and Uniform Reconstruction Quality
* Stroke extraction as pre-processing step to improve thinning results of Chinese characters
* Structure from Motion: Beyond the Epipolar Constraint
* Study on the Rate Control Method for MPEG Transcoder Considering Drift-error Propagation, A
* Sub-pixel location of edges with non-uniform blurring: a finite closed-form approach
* Subimage Extraction by Integer-type Lifting Wavelet Transforms
* Subspaces of Quantization Artifacts for Image Transform Compression
* Super-Resolution of Coherent Targets by a Directional Borehole Radar
* Superresolution and Edge-preserving Reconstruction of Complex-valued Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Supervised Fuzzy and Bayesian Classification of High Dimensional Data: a Comparative Study
* Supervised Learning of Large Perceptual Organization: Graph Spectral Partitioning and Learning Automata
* Surrounding Structures Analysis of Pulmonary Nodules Using Differential Geometry Based Vector Fields
* Switched Error Concealment and Robust Coding Decisions in Scalable Video Coding
* Symmetric Region Growing
* Synthesis Filter Bank Optimization in Two-Dimensional Separable Subband Coding Systems
* Synthetic Summaries of Video Sequences Using a Multiresolution Based Key Frame Selection Technique in a Perceptually Uniform Color Space
* system for effortless content annotation to untold the semantics in videos, A
* System for the Automatic Extraction of 3-d Facial Feature Points for Face Model Calibration, A
* Target Identification Comparison of Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer Multisensor Fusion, A
* Temporal Segmentation of Video Using Frame and Histogram-space
* Terrain Feature Identification by Modeling Radar Image Statistics
* Text Extraction from Colored Book and Journal Covers
* Texture classification based on Markov modeling in wavelet feature space
* texture descriptor for browsing and similarity retrieval, A
* Texture Mapping by Successive Refinement
* Texture Modeling and Classification in Wavelet Feature Space
* Texture Recognition and Image Retrieval Using Gradient Indexing
* Texture Segmentation Using Moving Average Modeling Approach
* Texture Similarity Measurement Using Kullback-leibler Distance on Wavelet Subbands
* Texture-based Segmentation of Satellite Weather Imagery
* Textured Image Segmentation Using MRF in Wavelet Domain
* Three Algorithms for Computing the 2-d Discrete Hartley Transform
* Three Dimensional Facial Model Adaptation
* Tomographic Reconstruction of Homogeneous Objects Using Multi Step Art
* Tomographic Reconstruction Using Nonseparable Wavelets
* Topology Preserving Deformable Image Matching Using Constrained Hierarchical Parametric Models
* Topology-independent Region Tracking with Level Sets
* Total Variation Improved Wavelet Thresholding in Image Compression
* Towards an Integrated Framework for Contour-based Grouping and Object Recognition Using Markov Random Fields
* Towards an Optimal Television Display Format
* Tracking a Person with Pre-Recorded Image Database by a Pan, Tilt, and Zoom Camera
* Trade-off Between Source and Channel Coding for Video Transmission
* Translation, Scale, and Rotation Invariant Texture Descriptor for Texture-based Image Retrieval
* Transmission of Multiple Description and Layered Video Over an EGPRS Wireless Network
* Transpose Memory for Video Rate JPEG Compression on Highly Parallel Single-chip Digital Cmos Imager
* Trellis-Based R-D Optimal Quantization in H.263+
* Trellis-Based R-D Optimal Quantization in H.263+
* Tumor Detection in Digital Mammograms
* Two Approaches to Incorporate Approximate Geometry Into Multi-view Image Coding
* Two Dimensional Volterra Parameter Estimation Using a Zero Tolerance Optimisation Formulation
* Two Subspace Methods to Discriminate Faces and Clutters
* Two-Dimensional Mesh-Based Mosaic Representation for Manipulation of Video Objects with Occlusion
* Two-stage Texture Segmentation Using Complementary Features
* Ultrasound Imaging Simulation and Echocardiographic Image Synthesis
* Underwater Video Mosaicing for Seabed Mapping
* Unequal Error Protection for Foveation-based Error Resilience Over Mobile Networks
* Unified Approach to Gradual Shot Transition Detection, A
* Unified Approach to Restoration, Deinterlacing and Superresolution of Mpeg-2 Decoded Video, A
* Universal Multi-scale Matching Pursuits Algorithm with Reduced Blocking Effect
* Universal perceptual weighted zerotree coding for image and video compression
* Universal Variable Length Code for DCT Coding
* Unknown Target Motion Compensation for Spotlight-mode Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
* Unsupervised and adaptive Gaussian skin-color model
* Unsupervised Color Texture Feature Extraction and Selection for Soccer Image Segmentation
* Unsupervised Image Object Segmentation Over Compressed Domain
* Unsupervised Scheme for Detection of Microcalcifications on Mammograms, An
* Unsupervised Seed Determination for a Region-based Color Image Segmentation Scheme
* Unsupervised Segmentation for Automatic Detection of Brain Tumors in MRI
* Use of Decision Trees in Colour Feature Selection. Application to Object Recognition in Outdoor Scenes
* Use of Gaussian Codebooks for Residual Vector Quantizers
* Use of Intensity-Hue-Saturation Transformation of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper Data for Burned Land Mapping, The
* Use of the angle information in the wavelet transform maxima for image de-noising
* Using Anisotropic Diffusion of Probability Maps for Activity Detection in Block-design Functional MRI
* Using artificial queries to evaluate image retrieval
* Using Support Vector Machines for Face Authentication Based on Elastic Graph Matching
* Using Vector Quantization to Build Nonlinear Factorial Models of the Low-dimensional Independent Manifolds in Optical Imaging Data
* Utilization of the Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree Algorithm for Video Object Segmentation by 2-D Affine Motion Modeling
* Variable-rate hierarchical vector quantization with variance classification
* Variational Approach for Digital Watermarking, A
* Variational Energy Approach for Estimating Vascular Structure and Deformation from B-mode Ultrasound Imagery, A
* Variational Model for Image Classification and Restoration, A
* Variational Segmentation by Piecewise Facet Models with Application to Range Imagery
* Vector probability diffusion
* Vector Quantization with Edge Reconstruction
* Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Video
* Very-low-bit Rate Coding Using Matching Pursuit and Codebook Adaptation
* Video Coding Using Streamed 3d Representation
* Video Compression Using Integer DCT
* Video Dissolve and Wipe Detection Via Spatio-temporal Images of Chromatic Histogram Differences
* Video Editing Using Figure Tracking and Image-based Rendering
* Video encoder and decoder image motion estimation system with reduced computation
* Video Multicast Over Fair Queueing Networks
* Video Summarization Using Reinforcement Learning in Eigenspace
* Video Transcoding by Reducing Spatial Resolution
* Video-rate Pipeline Straight Line Extraction Algorithm
* Virtual Reality Using the Concentric Mosaic: Construction, Rendering and Data Compression
* Visual Embedding of Wavelet Transform Coefficients
* Visual inspection of a combustion process in a thermoelectric plant
* Visual Looming Navigation Cue: A Unified Approach, The
* Visual Motion Estimation Via Second Order Cone Programming
* Visual Optimization Tools in JPEG 2000
* Visual Surveillance for Moving Vehicles
* Visual Tracking System for Sports Video Annotation in Unconstrained Environments, A
* VLSI Implementation of a Reduced Memory Bandwidth Realtime EZW Video Coder
* Volterra Series Approach to Nonlinear Traveltime Tomography, A
* Volume Registration by Surface Point Signature and Mutual Information Maximization with Applications in Intra-operative MRI Surgeries
* Volumetric morphologic deformation method for intersubject image registration
* VORTEX: Video Retrieval and Tracking from Compressed Multimedia Databases: Multiple Object Tracking from MPEG-2 Bit Stream
* VQ Based Bayesian Image Filtering
* VQ Based on a Main Feature Classification in Images
* VQ Image Coding Using Sub-vector Techniques
* Watermarking Based on Duality with Distributed Source Coding and Robust Optimization Principles
* Wavelet Core for Video Processing, A
* Wavelet image coding using variable blocksize vector quantization with optimal quadtree segmentation
* wavelet multiresolution compression technique for 3D stereoscopic image sequence based on mixed-resolution psychophysical experiments, A
* Wavelet Packet and Adaptive Spatial Transformation of Watermark for Digital Image Authentication
* Wavelet packets and spatial adaptive intraband coding of images
* Wavelet Thresholding for Multiple Noisy Image Copies
* Wavelet to DCT Progressive Image Transcoder, A
* Wavelet Transform Footprints: Catching Singularities for Compression and Denoising
* Wavelet-Based Coarse-to-Fine Image Matching Scheme in A Parallel Virtual Machine Environment, A
* Wavelet-based Coding of Three-dimensional Oceanographic Images Around Land Masses
* Wavelet-based Color Image Denoising
* Wavelet-Based Image Denoising Technique Using Spatial Priors, A
* Wavelet-based Image Denoising Using Hidden Markov Models
* Wavelet-based Reconstruction of Irregularly-sampled Images: Application to Stereo Imaging
* Wavelet-based Salient Points for Image Retrieval
* Wavelet-based Watermarking for Digital Images and Video, A
* Wavelet-based Watermarking for Tamper Proofing of Still Images
* Weighted Factorization
* Widening the dynamic range of pictures using a minimum spanning tree algorithm
* Wipe Production in MPEG-2 Compressed Video
* Worst-case Criterion for Content-based Error-resilient Video Coding
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.