* *Integrating Photogrammetric Techniques with Scene Analysis and Machine Vision II
* *Visual Information Processing IV
* Active Space-Variant Object Recognition
* Analysis of Optical-Flow Constraints
* Assessment of the Precision and Accuracy of Methods of Digital Target Location, An
* Chinese-Character Thinning Algorithm-Based on Global Features and Contour Information, A
* Comparison Between Invariance and Photogrammetry for Image and Object Transfer
* Comparison of Rotational Representations in Structure and Motion Estimation for Maneuvering Objects, A
* Controlling a Computer Via Facial Aspect
* Discontinuous MRF Prior and Robust Statistics: A Comparative-Study
* Edge-Detection by Curve-Fitting
* Edge-Detection by Regularized Cubic B-Spline Fitting
* Efficient Edge-Detection Algorithm Using Relaxation Labeling Technique, An
* Finding Grey-Skeletons by Iterated Pixel Removal
* First Sight: A Human-Body Outline Labeling System
* Fourier Descriptor Based Technique for Reconstructing 3D Contours from Stereo Images
* Fouth Annual Test of OCR Accuracy, The
* From Inspection to Process Understanding and Monitoring: A View on Computer Vision in Manufacturing
* General Surface Approach to the Integration of a Set of Range Views, A
* Generalization of the Lambertian Model and Implications for Machine Vision
* Geometric Alignment and Calibration of a Photogrammetric Image Scanner
* Halftoning in a hyperacuity printer
* Heuristic Algorithm for the Recognition of Printed Chinese Characters, A
* Image area discriminating device
* Image Feature-Extraction with the Optical Haar Wavelet Transform
* Image-based Digital Mapping
* Initial Results in Vision Based Road and Intersection Detection and Traversal
* Intelligent Robots: Control and Cooperation
* Invariant Pattern-Recognition for Range Images Using the Phase Fourier-Transform and a Neural-Network
* ISPRS Commission-III Symposium: Spatial Information from Digital Photogrammetry and Computer Vision
* Knowledge-Based Organ Identification from CT Images
* Layout Recognition of Multi-Kinds of Table-Form Documents
* Line Segment-Based Axial Motion Stereo
* Local Feature Detector Using 3-Point Matching and Dynamic-Programming
* Method for identifying word bounding boxes in text
* Method for Invariant Pattern-Recognition Using the Scale-Vector Representation of Planar Curves, A
* Modelling an Object of Revolution by Zooming
* Motion Control of a Mobile Vehicle Travelling in a Convoy Using Fuzzy Logic
* Moving picture encoding apparatus and method
* Multiple Subclass Pattern-Recognition: A Maximum Correlation Approach
* Multivariate Classification through Adaptive Delaunay-Based C-0 Spline Approximation
* Near-Optimal MST-Based Shape-Description Using Genetic Algorithm
* Occlusions and Binocular Stereo
* On the Smoothness Constraint in the Intensity-Based Estimation of the Parallax Field
* Organizing Large Structural Modelbases
* PCASYS: A Pattern-level Classification Automation System for Fingerprints
* Perceptually Motivated 3-Component Image Model 1. Description of the Model, A
* Performance Analysis of Object Space Matching for Building Extraction Using Several Images
* Probabilistic Analysis of the Application of the Cross Ratio to Model-Based Vision: Misclassification
* Recovering the Position and Orientation of Free-Form Objects from Image Contours Using 3D Distance Maps
* Recursive Nonstationary Map Displacement Vector Field Estimation Algorithm, A
* Relative 3D Positioning and 3D Convex-Hull Computation from a Weakly Calibrated Stereo Pair
* Run-based method for smoothing handwritten Chinese characters
* Scene change detector for detecting a scene change of a moving picture
* Segmentation of Range Images as the Search for Geometric Parametric Models
* Shape from Texture Using Local Spectral Moments
* Simplified Design Strategy for Mapping Image Processing Algorithms on a SIMD Torus, A
* Special Issue: VLSI and Parallel Computing for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
* Split-radix discrete cosine transform
* Statistical Geometrical Features For Texture Classification
* Target Ranging Using Passive Sensing Approaches
* Task Planning and Action Coordination in Integrated Sensor-Based Robots
* Tree Approximations to Markov Random-Fields
* Visual Analysis of High DOF Articulated Objects with Application to Hand Tracking
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