Journals starting with prl_

PRL( Vol No. ) * *Pattern Recognition Letters

PRL(1) * Albedo Estimation for Scene Segmentation
* Automatic Grey Level Thresholding Through Index of Fuzziness and Entropy
* Automatic Procedure for Image Segmentation, An
* Automatic Recognition of Handprinted Chinese Characters: A Method of Extracting an Ordered Sequence of Strokes, The
* Bimean Clustering
* Classification of Handprinted Kanji Characters by Structured Segment Matching
* Constrained Bidirectional Propagation and Stroke Segmentation
* Counterexample to an Algorithm for Computing Monotone Hulls of Simple Polygons, A
* Detection and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of a Vascular Network from Serial Sections
* Development of the Clip7 Image Processing System, The
* Digital Connectedness: An Algebraic Approach
* Effect of Pixel Correlations on Class Separability, The
* Emergent Intelligent Properties of Progressively Structured Pattern Recognition Nets
* Finding the Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon
* Gray Level Corner Detection
* Gray Level Thresholding Using Second-Order Statistics
* Grey Level Edge Thinning: A New Method
* Handwritten Character Recognition by Parallel Labelling and Shape Analysis
* Image Coding Using Vector Quantization in the Transform Domain
* Image Processing Software Portability Using a Conceptual Frame Store
* Implementation of a Fast Programmable Edge Detection Preprocessor
* Inexact Graph Matching for Structural Pattern Recognition
* Insert and Delete Algorithms for Maintaining Dynamic Delaunay Triangulations
* Invitation to Shape Theory, An
* Large Window Median Filtering on CLIP7
* Least Disturbance Principle amd Weak Constraints, The
* Method of Recognition for Handwritten Block Capitals, A
* Moment Invariants for Pattern Recognition
* Nearest Neighbor Problem in an Abstract Metric Space, The
* New Definition of Shape Similarity, A
* New Domain for Image Analysis: VLSI Circuit Testing, with ROMULAD, Specialized in Parallel Image Processing, A
* Non-Maximum Suppression of Gradient Magnitudes Makes Them Easier to Threshold
* O(Diameter) Cellular Array Algorithm for Geometric Operations on Images, An
* On Change Detection and Displacement Vector Estimation in Image Sequences
* On Combining Range and Intensity Data
* On Edge Gradient Approximations
* On the Efficiency of Two-Bit Link Chain-Code
* Paradigm for Invariant Object Recognition of Brightness, Optical Flow and Binocular Disparity Images, A
* Parallel String Acceptance Using Lattice Graphs
* Paths and Distance Functions on Three-Dimensional Digitized Pictures
* Recognition of Handprinted Kanji Characters by the Stroke Matching Method
* Relational Consistency in On-Line Signature Validation
* Relaxation Labeling: The Principle of Least Disturbance
* Segmentation of Moving Observer Frame Sequences
* Segmentation of SAR Images Using a Local Similarity Rule
* Shape Similarity Measures for Open Curves
* Simple O(n log n) Algorithm for Finding the Maximum Distance between Two Finite Planar Sets, A
* Simple Proof of Pach's Extremal Theorem for Convex Polygons, A
* Some Properties of Hueckel-Type Edge Operators
* Test of Randomness Based on the Minimal Spanning Tree, A
* Texture Classification Using Features Derived from Random Field Models
* Topological and Statistical Analysis of Line Drawings
* Transformation Algorithm as an Aid to Chromosome Classification, The
* Two Remarks on Multidimensional Texture Analysis
* Volumetric Descriptions from Dynamic Scenes
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PRL(10) * About the Integrability Constraint in a Shape-from-Shading Algorithm
* Binary Hough Transform and Its Efficient Implementation in a Systolic Array Architecture, A
* Coarse-Fine Bimodality Analysis of Circular Histogram
* Detection of Airborne Compact Sources in Infra-Red Scenes Using Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Detection of Thin Structures in Images, The
* Direct Determination of the Orientation of a Translating 3D Straight Line
* Efficient Algorithm for Extrema Detection in Digital Images, An
* Elliptical Feature Extraction via an Improved Hough Transform
* Fuzzy Skeletonization of an Image
* Image Irradiance Equations for a Zooming Camera
* Improved Parallel Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns, An
* Knowledge-Based Contextual Recognition and Seiving of Digital Images
* Least Square Error Estimation of the Center and Radii of Concentric Arcs, A
* Low-Level Processing Techniques In Geophysical Image Interpretation
* Matching Polygon Fragments
* Metricity Preserving Transforms
* More on Path Generated Digital Metrics
* Motion Estimation Algorithm under Time-Varying Illumination, A
* Multiple-View Model-Based Inspection Of Quadric Objects
* Multistage Algorithm for Fast Classification of Patterns, A
* New Views of Linearity and Connectedness in Digital Geometry
* Note on Genetic Algorithms for Large-Scale Feature Selection, A
* On the Identity of Optimal Strategies for Multistage Classifiers
* On the Use of the Horizon of a Translating Planar Curve
* Polygonal Entropy: A Convexity Measure
* Polyhedral Objects Identification Through the Orthographic Projection Views Generation
* Regularization Model for Stereo Vision with Controlled Continuity, A
* Relaxation Algorithm for Shape Matching of Two-Dimensional Objects
* Segmentation of the Needle Map of Objects with Curved Surfaces
* Shape Normalization Through Compacting
* Thinning of 3-D Images Using the Safe Point Thinning Algorithm (SPTA)
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PRL(100) * 3D palmprint identification combining blocked ST and PCA
* Adaptive bootstrapping management by keypoint clustering for background initialization
* binary-constrained Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming for feature selection purposes, A
* Classification of nematode image stacks by an information fusion based multilinear approach
* Deep learning features exception for cross-season visual place recognition
* Dense structural learning for infrared object tracking at 200+ Frames per Second
* Detection of gestures without begin and end markers by fitting into Bézier curves with least squares method
* Distance metric learning with the Universum
* Drawing clustered graphs by preserving neighborhoods
* Effective subset approach for SVMpath singularities
* Graph edit distance contest: Results and future challenges
* Improved local binary pattern for real scene optical character recognition
* Improving multiclass classification using neighborhood search in error correcting output codes
* Increasing the robustness of CNN acoustic models using autoregressive moving average spectrogram features and channel dropout
* Learning off-line vs. on-line models of interactive multimodal behaviors with recurrent neural networks
* Means clustering with a new divergence-based distance metric: Convergence and performance analysis
* Multilinear class-specific discriminant analysis
* Novel phase-based descriptor using bispectrum for texture classification
* Parameter-free Laplacian centrality peaks clustering
* Robust shared feature learning for script and handwritten/machine-printed identification
* study on validating non-linear dimensionality reduction using persistent homology, A
* Superpixel-based online wagging one-class ensemble for feature selection in foreground/background separation
* Transfer learning for one class SVM adaptation to limited data distribution change
* unsupervised 2D point-set registration algorithm for unlabeled feature points: Application to fingerprint matching, An
* Unsupervised clustering under the Union of Polyhedral Cones (UOPC) model
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PRL(101) * Automatic brain segmentation using artificial neural networks with shape context
* binning formula of bi-histogram for joint entropy estimation using mean square error minimization, A
* Comparison of bubble detectors and size distribution estimators
* Distributing extreme learning machines with Apache Spark for NetFlow-based malware activity detection
* efficiency improved recognition algorithm for highly overlapping ellipses: Application to dense bubbly flows, An
* Hierarchical representation learning using spherical k-means for segmentation-free word spotting
* Integrated neural network model for identifying speech acts, predicators, and sentiments of dialogue utterances
* Multinomial classification with class-conditional overlapping sparse feature groups
* Optimized robust multi-sensor scheme for simultaneous video and image iris recognition
* parameter independent fuzzy weighted k-Nearest neighbor classifier, A
* Random forest regression for manifold-valued responses
* Saliency detection via alternative optimization adaptive influence matrix model
* Sparse kernel feature extraction via support vector learning
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PRL(102) * Acquiring qualified samples for RANSAC using geometrical constraints
* Efficient multicut enumeration of k-out-of-n:F and consecutive k-out-of-n:F systems
* Face alignment with cascaded semi-parametric deep greedy neural forests
* fuzzy clustering algorithm for the mode-seeking framework, A
* High-boost Weber local filter for precise eye localization under uncontrolled scenarios
* Improved hypergraph regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with sparse representation
* Multi-bit quantization based on neighboring structure preservation
* Multiview and multifeature spectral clustering using common eigenvectors
* Order embeddings and character-level convolutions for multimodal alignment
* Population-Contrastive-Divergence: Does consistency help with RBM training?
* Rotation of 2D orthogonal polynomials
* Unsupervised feature analysis with sparse adaptive learning
* Voxel-based segmentation of 3D point clouds from construction sites using a probabilistic connectivity model
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PRL(103) * alternative framework for univariate filter based feature selection for text categorization, An
* Bag of Expression framework for improved human action recognition, A
* Characterization and generation of straight line segments on triangular cell grid
* Enhancing image registration performance by incorporating distribution and spatial distance of local descriptors
* Hough Transform for real-time plane detection in depth images
* lexicon-free approach for 3D handwriting recognition using classifier combination, A
* Oriented Triplet Markov Fields
* Oversampling imbalanced data in the string space
* Reducing parameter number in residual networks by sharing weights
* Weighting scheme for a pairwise multi-label classifier based on the fuzzy confusion matrix
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PRL(104) * Active contours driven by local pre-fitting energy for fast image segmentation
* Adaptive clustering algorithm based on kNN and density
* Exploiting covariate embeddings for classification using Gaussian processes
* improved approximation algorithm for hierarchical clustering, An
* LightenNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for weakly illuminated image enhancement
* Randomized nonnegative matrix factorization
* versatile major axis voted method for efficient ellipse detection, A
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PRL(105) * Aggregating the temporal coherent descriptors in videos using multiple learning kernel for action recognition
* All-in-one multicategory least squares nonparallel hyperplanes support vector machine
* argumentative approach for discovering relevant opinions in Twitter with probabilistic valued relationships, An
* Data-driven approaches for meteorological time series prediction: A comparative study of the state-of-the-art computational intelligence techniques
* decision support tool using Order Weighted Averaging for conference review assignment, A
* Deep learning with geodesic moments for 3D shape classification
* Deep ranking structural support vector machine for image tagging
* Determining the optimal features in freezing of gait detection through a single waist accelerometer in home environments
* Effective semi-supervised learning strategies for automatic sentence segmentation
* End-to-end neural network architecture for fraud scoring in card payments
* EventAware: A mobile recommender system for events
* Exploring global sentence representation for graph-based dependency parsing using BLSTM-SCNN
* Graph based model for information retrieval using a stochastic local search
* Improving battery voltage prediction in an electric bicycle using altitude measurements and kernel adaptive filters
* Modeling perceptual categories of parametric musical systems
* Multimodal architecture for video captioning with memory networks and an attention mechanism
* On the role of syntactic dependencies and discourse relations for author and gender identification
* Online structural learning with dense samples and a weighting kernel
* optimized convolutional neural network with bottleneck and spatial pyramid pooling layers for classification of foods, An
* Predictive complex event processing based on evolving Bayesian networks
* Quantitative steganalysis of spatial LSB based stego images using reduced instances and features
* Recognizing irregular entities in biomedical text via deep neural networks
* Robot motion adaptation through user intervention and reinforcement learning
* Special issue MLAAI: Machine learning and applications in artificial intelligence
* study of deep convolutional auto-encoders for anomaly detection in videos, A
* Unsupervised rumor detection based on users' behaviors using neural networks
* Weighted kappa loss function for multi-class classification of ordinal data in deep learning
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PRL(106) * Axis estimation of thin-walled axially symmetric solids
* Bag of Shape Features with a learned pooling function for shape recognition
* Blind spots in Star Coordinate Visualization: Analysis and correction
* discriminative feature mapping approach to heterogeneous domain adaptation, A
* Efficient adaptive non-maximal suppression algorithms for homogeneous spatial keypoint distribution
* Grid-clustered rough set model for self-learning and fast reduction
* Iterative spectral clustering for unsupervised object localization
* Learning to recognize opinion targets using recurrent neural networks
* On the integration of crowd knowledge in pattern recognition
* Robust offline handwritten character recognition through exploring writer-independent features under the guidance of printed data
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PRL(107) * Anomaly detection based on maximum a posteriori
* Back projection: An effective postprocessing method for GAN-based face sketch synthesis
* CrowdFaceDB: Database and benchmarking for face verification in crowd
* Face biometric quality assessment via light CNN
* Fast and robust occluded face detection in ATM surveillance
* Going deeper with two-stream ConvNets for action recognition in video surveillance
* Learning effective binary descriptors for micro-expression recognition transferred by macro-information
* Multiview max-margin subspace learning for cross-view gait recognition
* Nonlinear subspace clustering for image clustering
* Person re-identification by kernel null space marginal Fisher analysis
* Reinforcement online learning for emotion prediction by using physiological signals
* Robust discriminative nonnegative dictionary learning for occluded face recognition
* Saliency fusion via sparse and double low rank decomposition
* Semi-supervised dictionary learning via local sparse constraints for violence detection
* SHISS: Supervised hashing with informative set selection
* Special issue on Video Surveillance-oriented Biometrics
* survey of recent advances in CNN-based single image crowd counting and density estimation, A
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PRL(108) * Asymmetric kernel in Gaussian Processes for learning target variance
* Ground segmentation and free space estimation in off-road terrain
* Local directional ZigZag pattern: A rotation invariant descriptor for texture classification
* Non-greedy Max-min Large Margin based on L1-norm
* Non-stationary deep network for restoration of non-Stationary lens blur
* Robust 3D registration of CBCT images aggregating multiple estimates through random sampling
* Robust feature selection via L2,1-norm in finite mixture of regression
* simple, robust and fast method for the perspective-n-point Problem, A
* Snatch theft detection in unconstrained surveillance videos using action attribute modelling
* study on regularized Weighted Least Square Support Vector Classifier, A
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PRL(109) * Adaptive structure learning for low-rank supervised feature selection
* community discovery algorithm based on boundary nodes and label propagation, A
* Distributed electricity load forecasting model mining based on hybrid gene expression programming and cloud computing
* DPFMDA: Distributed and privatized framework for miRNA-Disease association prediction
* Encoding multiple contextual clues for partial-duplicate image retrieval
* Extreme-Constrained Spatial-Spectral Corner Detector for Image-Level Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Face sketch aging via aging oriented principal component analysis
* GRIDEN: An effective grid-based and density-based spatial clustering algorithm to support parallel computing
* Metric learning via feature weighting for scalable image retrieval
* novel kNN algorithm with data-driven k parameter computation, A
* Pattern discovery from multi-source data
* Review on mining data from multiple data sources
* Selection of an index system for evaluating the application level of agricultural engineering technology
* Semantic segmentation of RGBD images based on deep depth regression
* Unsupervised feature selection by combining subspace learning with feature self-representation
* Zero-shot learning via discriminative representation extraction
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PRL(11) * Adaptive Multi-Scale Contrast Enhancement Through Non-Linear Pyramid Recombination
* Algorithm for Benchmarking an SIMD Pyramid with the Abingdon Cross, An
* Algorithm for the Localization of Rotated and Scaled Objects, An
* Amplitude Varying Rate Statistical Approach for Texture Classification, The
* Automatic Selection of Object Enhancement Operator with Quantitative Justification Based on Fuzzy Set Theoretic Measures
* Binary Image Processing by Polynomial Approach
* Border Delineation in Image Pyramids by Concurrent Tree Growing
* Calibration of a Video Camera Digitising System in the CIE LUV Colour Space
* Combinatorial Hough Transform, A
* Comments on Gray-Level Thresholding of Images Using a Correlation Criterion
* Comparison of Some One-Pass Parallel Thinnings, A
* Comparison of Two Algorithms for Segmentation Using Edge Detection Techniques, A
* Comparison of Two Shape-from-Shading Algorithms
* Computing the Orthographic Projection Aspect Graph of Solids of Revolution
* Concept of Virtual Motion in Vision Calculus, The
* Contour Coding Based on the Decomposition of Line Segments
* Contour Coding for Image Description
* Convergence Properties of Recursive Rank-Order Filter and Neural Network
* Critical View of Pyramid Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Depth from Focus Using a Pyramid Architecture
* Detecting Texture Periodicity from the Cooccurrence Matrix
* Discontinuity Preserving Visual Reconstruction by Means of Potential Theory
* Edge Detection: What About Rotation Invariance?
* Efficient Algorithm for Running Window Pel Gray Level Ranking in 2-D Images, An
* Estimating the Finite Displacement Using Moments
* Estimation of Length for Digitized Straight Lines in Three Dimensions
* Extraction of Periodicity Vectors from Structural Textures Using Projection Information
* Fast Generalized Hough Transform
* Feature Point Tracking in Time-Varying Images
* Fourier Interpretation of the Frei-Chen Edge Masks, A
* From Range to Frame: Extraction of 3-D Information from 2-1/2D Data
* Fuzzy Rectangles
* Fuzzy Thresholding: Mathematical Framework, Bound Functions and Weighted Moving Average Technique
* Generalized Hough Accumulator Space Compactification by Superimposed Coding
* Generation of Affine Invariant Local Contour Feature Data
* Hierarchical Morphological Image Decomposition, A
* Hierarchical Representation for Random Fields, A
* If We Use 4- or 8-Connectedness for Both the Objects and the Background, the Euler Characteristic Is Not Locally Computable
* Image Pixel Classification by Chromaticity Analysis
* Index of Area Coverage of Fuzzy Image Subsets and Object Extraction
* Interactive Histogram Equalization
* Knowledge Based Line Recognition System, A
* Lattice of Octagonal Distances in Digital Geometry
* Line-Based Structural Matching Via Segment Splitting
* Linear Octree of a 3D Object from 2D Silhouettes Using Segment Tree
* Matching Algorithm for Motion Analysis of Dense Populations, A
* Method for Working out the Moments of a Polygon, A
* Metricity of Super-Knight's Distance in Digital Geometry
* Minimum Feature Point Set Representing a Convex Polyhedral Object, The
* Moment Preserving Detection of Elliptical Shapes in Gray-Scale Images
* Motion Analysis of Long Image Sequence Flow
* New Curve Detection Method: Randomized Hough Transform (RHT), A
* New Fast One-Pass Thinning Algorithm and Its Parallel Hardware Implementation, A
* New Linear Feature Detection Technique Based on Second Order Neighbors, A
* New Method for Circular Object Detection and Location, A
* Nonparametric Test for Comparing Estimators in Markov Random Fields, A
* Note on Thinning of 3-D Images Using the Safe Point Thinning Algorithm (SPTA), A
* On Connectivity Issues of Espta
* On the Classification of Image Features
* Optimal Circular Fit to Objects in Two and Three Dimensions
* Optimal Thresholding: A New Approach
* Parallel Algorithms for Contour Extraction and Coding on an EREW PRAM Computer
* Parametrisable Skeletonization of Binary and Multilevel Images
* Polygonal Representation by Edge K-D Trees
* Probabilistic Models of Observed Features and Aspects with Application to Weighted Aspect Graphs
* Probability of a Random Straight Line in Two and Three Dimensions, The
* Pyramid Programming Environment on the Connection Machine, A
* Range Image Segmentation Based on 2D Quadratic Function Approximation
* Reducing the Expected Computational Cost of Template Matching Using Run Length Representation
* Relaxation Method for Image Segmentation Using a Spatially Dependent Stochastic Model, A
* Scene Recognition Using Genetic Algorithms with Semantic Nets
* SCILAIM: A Multi-Level Interactive Image Processing Environment
* Segmentation of Three-Dimensional Surfaces
* Shading from Shape, the Eikonal Equation Solved by Grey-Weighted Distance Transform
* Shadows and Texture in Computer Vision
* Some Adaptive Rank Order Filters for Image Enhancement
* Some Characterizations of the Chessboard Metric and the City Block Metric
* Some Geometric Operations on Binary Pictures and Their Shape Preserving Properties
* Stochastic Optimization Algorithms: An Application to Pattern Matching
* Three-Dimensional Object Recognition on the Connection Machine
* Use of Gray Value Distribution of Run Lengths for Texture Analysis
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PRL(110) * Combining Minkowski and Cheyshev: New distance proposal and survey of distance metrics using k-nearest neighbours classifier
* Compression and registration of 3D point clouds using GMMs
* Deep generative video prediction
* Emotional image color transfer via deep learning
* Intelligent video surveillance for real-time detection of suicide attempts
* Low cost localization using Nyström extended locally linear embedding
* Non-rigid surface recovery with a robust local-rigidity prior
* Plane-extraction from depth-data using a Gaussian mixture regression model
* probabilistic model derived term weighting scheme for text classification, A
* Redefining nearest neighbor classification in high-dimensional settings
* robust wrist point detection algorithm using geometric features, A
* Visual object tracking via the local soft cosine similarity
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PRL(111) * Algorithms for two dimensional multi set canonical correlation analysis
* Convolutional pyramid of bidirectional character sequences for the recognition of handwritten words
* Data augmentation and directional feature maps extraction for in-air handwritten Chinese character recognition based on convolutional neural network
* Discrete space reinforcement learning algorithm based on support vector machine classification
* efficient gradient-based model selection algorithm for multi-output least-squares support vector regression machines, An
* Explicit ensemble attention learning for improving visual question answering
* Finding a set of candidate parents using dependency criterion for the K2 algorithm
* Hierarchical prescription pattern analysis with symptom labels
* High-quality face image generated with conditional boundary equilibrium generative adversarial networks
* Joint asymptotic normality of granulometric moments under multiple structuring elements
* label compression method for online multi-label classification, A
* QR codes blind deconvolution algorithm based on binary characteristic and L0 norm minimization
* Restricted Set Classification with prior probabilities: A case study on chessboard recognition
* Robustified Structure from Motion with rolling-shutter camera using straightness constraint
* Shape group Boltzmann machine for simultaneous object segmentation and action classification
* spatial self-similarity based feature learning method for face recognition under varying poses, A
* Splitting criteria for classification problems with multi-valued attributes and large number of classes
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PRL(112) * Accelerated low-rank sparse metric learning for person re-identification
* Analysis of cosine distance features for speaker verification
* Boosting image classification through semantic attention filtering strategies
* coarse-to-fine scene text detection method based on Skeleton-cut detector and Binary-Tree-Search based rectification, A
* Data-dependent multiple kernel learning algorithm based on soft-grouping
* Deep domain similarity Adaptation Networks for across domain classification
* Deep self-guided cost aggregation for stereo matching
* Directional statistical Gabor features for texture classification
* Discriminative embedded unsupervised feature selection
* Effective integration of morphological analysis and named entity recognition based on a recurrent neural network
* Embedding the node-to-node mappings to learn the Graph edit distance parameters
* Exploiting alternative acoustic sensors for improved noise robustness in speech communication
* Extended-alphabet finite-context models
* Extracting discriminative features using task-oriented gaze maps measured from observers for personal attribute classification
* Fast Partitional Clustering Algorithm based on Nearest Neighbours Heuristics, A
* Feature proposal model on multidimensional data clustering and its application
* Feature selection considering the composition of feature relevancy
* First Person Action Recognition via Two-stream ConvNet with Long-term Fusion Pooling
* Foreground segmentation using convolutional neural networks for multiscale feature encoding
* Fundamental visual features for aesthetic classification of photographs across datasets
* Geodesic registration for interactive atlas-based segmentation using learned multi-scale anatomical manifolds
* hierarchical stereo matching algorithm based on adaptive support region aggregation method, A
* Hybrid generative-discriminative training of Gaussian mixture models
* Improving detection speed in video by exploiting frame correlation
* Improving multiclass classification by deep networks using DAGSVM and Triplet Loss
* Joint spatial-temporal attention for action recognition
* Learning maximum excluding ellipsoids from imbalanced data with theoretical guarantees
* line- and block-like structures extraction via ingenious snake, The
* Manifold-based constraint Laplacian score for multi-label feature selection
* Market basket analysis from egocentric videos
* Move, Attend and Predict: An attention-based neural model for people's movement prediction
* Multi-Label learning in the independent label sub-spaces
* Multi-part segmentation for porcine offal inspection with auto-context and adaptive atlases
* Multiple human tracking in wearable camera videos with informationless intervals
* new clustering validity index for arbitrary shape of clusters, A
* New spatial-organization-based scale and rotation invariant features for heterogeneous-content camera-based document image retrieval
* On connections between Rényi entropy Principal Component Analysis, kernel learning and graph embedding
* On the exact minimization of saturated loss functions for robust regression and subspace estimation
* Parameter k search strategy in outlier detection
* Persistent homology for object segmentation in multidimensional grayscale images
* Pose transforming network: Learning to disentangle human posture in variational auto-encoded latent space
* Real-time robust individual X point localization for stereoscopic tracking
* Signal-to-noise ratio in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
* Some computational aspects of Tchebichef moments for higher orders
* Spectral Eigen Index: Military vehicle fingerprinting using Eigen analysis in spectral domain
* Structured sparse K-means clustering via Laplacian smoothing
* Subgraph spotting in graph representations of comic book images
* Subspace clustering with the multivariate-t distribution
* Time warp invariant kSVD: Sparse coding and dictionary learning for time series under time warp
* Variational closed-Form deep neural net inference
* Video semantic object segmentation by self-adaptation of DCNN
* Which shirt for my first date? Towards a flexible attribute-based fashion query system
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PRL(113) * Biometrics and forensics integration using deep multi-modal semantic alignment and joint embedding
* CDVSec: Privacy-preserving biometrical user authentication in the cloud with CDVS descriptors
* deep learning approach for iris sensor model identification, A
* Evaluation of local descriptors and CNNs for non-adult detection in visual content
* Facial marks for improving face recognition
* From BoVW to VLAD with KAZE features: Offline signature verification considering cognitive processes of forensic experts
* Gaze-based biometrics: An introduction to forensic applications
* Improving the experimental analysis of tampered image detection algorithms for biometric systems
* Introduction to the special issue on integrating biometrics and forensics
* multi-biometric system for continuous student authentication in e-learning platforms, A
* novel pore extraction method for heterogeneous fingerprint images using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* novel quaternary pattern of local maximum quotient for heterogeneous face recognition, A
* Using brain prints as new biometric feature for human recognition
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PRL(114) * Deep periocular representation aiming video surveillance
* Facial expression recognition using temporal POEM features
* How to speed up outliers removal in image matching
* Joint upsampling of random color distance maps for fast salient region detection
* Preface of Special Issue on Data Representation and Representation Learning for Video Analysis
* Scalable object instance recognition based on keygraph matching
* TWM: A framework for creating highly compressible videos targeted to computer vision tasks
* Unsupervised similarity learning through Cartesian product of ranking references
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PRL(115) * 3D gesture based real-time object selection and recognition
* analysis of the effect of combining standard and alternate sensor signals on recognition of syllabic units for multimodal speech recognition, An
* Centre symmetric quadruple pattern: A novel descriptor for facial image recognition and retrieval
* Combining CNN streams of RGB-D and skeletal data for human activity recognition
* Discrete stationary wavelet transform based saliency information fusion from frequency and spatial domain in low contrast images
* fuzzy neural network approach for automatic K-complex detection in sleep EEG signal, A
* Hybrid deep neural networks for face emotion recognition
* Kernelized support vector machine with deep learning: An efficient approach for extreme multiclass dataset
* Magnetic optimization algorithm for data clustering
* Multi-level semantic appearance representation for person re-identification system
* Multimodal fusion for pattern recognition
* Multimodal vehicle detection: fusing 3D-LIDAR and color camera data
* Random walk-based feature learning for micro-expression recognition
* Real time vanishing points detection on smartphones under Manhattan world assumption
* Subspace clustering via seeking neighbors with minimum reconstruction error
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PRL(116) * Applications of single-operator edit distances for permuted sequences
* Are twin hyperplanes necessary?
* Autonomous vehicle routing problem solution based on artificial potential field with parallel ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm
* Classifying low-resolution images by integrating privileged information in deep CNNs
* Color correction algorithm for color constancy finite dimensional linear model under complex illumination
* Convolutional kernel networks based on a convex combination of cosine kernels
* Dual Rectified Linear Units (DReLUs): A replacement for tanh activation functions in Quasi-Recurrent Neural Networks
* Enrollee-constrained sparse coding of test data for speaker verification
* Error-tolerant graph matching using node contraction
* Evaluating attributed personality traits from scene perception probability
* Fast automatic estimation of the number of clusters from the minimum inter-center distance for k-means clustering
* Fourier coefficients and moments of piecewise-circular curves
* Fusion-Attention Network for person search with free-form natural language
* Heterogeneous multi-output classification by structured conditional risk minimization
* Hexagonal Grid based triangulated feature descriptor for shape retrieval
* Hierarchical ensemble of Extreme Learning Machine
* Hybrid Gabor Convolutional Networks
* Hyperspectral image compression based on simultaneous sparse representation and general-pixels
* Image segmentation algorithm based on geometric flow Bandelets transformation particle replanting
* Influence of emotion and cognitive demand on frame effect in crisis decision-making
* Latent space mapping for generation of object elements with corresponding data annotation
* Learning deep spatiotemporal features for video captioning
* Learning from multiple annotators using kernel alignment
* LLTO: Towards efficient lesion localization based on template occlusion strategy in intelligent diagnosis
* LR-GAN for degraded Face Recognition
* LRID: A new metric of multi-class imbalance degree based on likelihood-ratio test
* L_2,1-norm minimization based negative label relaxation linear regression for feature selection
* novel imputation methodology for time series based on pattern sequence forecasting, A
* Online Biterm Topic Model based short text stream classification using short text expansion and concept drifting detection
* robust unsupervised pattern discovery and clustering of speech signals, A
* Simultaneous robustness against random initialization and optimal order selection in Bag-of-Words modeling
* Single image rain removal based on depth of field and sparse coding
* solution to the classification problem with cellular automata, A
* Spatial domain morphological filtering for interpolation of the Fourier domain
* Strict Very Fast Decision Tree: A memory conservative algorithm for data stream mining
* Support vector candidates selection via Delaunay graph and convex-hull for large and high-dimensional datasets
* Variational Gaussian process for multisensor classification problems
* Visual saliency based on extended manifold ranking and third-order optimization refinement
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PRL(117) * Aerial image matching method based on HSI hash learning
* Are mid-air dynamic gestures applicable to user identification?
* Clustering-based proxy measure for optimizing one-class classifiers
* Collaborative representation with k-nearest classes for classification
* Counting local n-ary patterns
* DeepImSeq: Deep image sequencing for unsynchronized cameras
* Effective vector representation for the Korean named-entity recognition
* Example-based image super-resolution via blur kernel estimation and variational reconstruction
* Exploiting textual and visual features for image categorization
* Generic compact representation through visual-semantic ambiguity removal
* Iris recognition in visible spectrum based on multi-layer analogous convolution and collaborative representation
* Learning binary hash codes for finger vein image retrieval
* Learning discriminative compact binary face descriptor for kinship verification
* learning framework for shape retrieval based on multilayer perceptrons, A
* Learning robust latent representation for discriminative regression
* Machine learning methods for research highlight prediction in biomedical effects of nanomaterial application
* Multi-hypothesis contextual modeling for semantic segmentation
* Multi-phase image segmentation with the adaptive deformable mesh
* Multilevel triplet deep learning model for person re-identification
* novel distance measure for time series: Maximum shifting correlation distance, A
* NP-Hardness of minimum expected coverage
* Optimized projection for hashing
* Ranking 3D feature correspondences via consistency voting
* Sampling approaches for applying DBSCAN to large datasets
* sparse robust model for large scale multi-class classification based on K-SVCR, A
* Video-based person re-identification via spatio-temporal attentional and two-stream fusion convolutional networks
* Zero-shot Hashing with orthogonal projection for image retrieval
27 for PRL(117)

PRL(118) * aPOMDP: POMDP-based user-adaptive decision-making for social robots
* Cooperative and Social Robots: Understanding Human Activities and Intentions
* Learning skeleton representations for human action recognition
* Neural network based reinforcement learning for audio-visual gaze control in human-robot interaction
* new paradigm for autonomous human motion description and evaluation: Application to the Get Up & Go test use case, A
* Perceiving the person and their interactions with the others for social robotics: A review
* Probabilistic identification of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit with a wearable sensor
* Quantifying patterns of joint attention during human-robot interactions: An application for autism spectrum disorder assessment
* review of Convolutional-Neural-Network-based action recognition, A
* Robots that maintain equilibrium: Proactivity by reasoning about user intentions and preferences
* Socially aware robot navigation system in human-populated and interactive environments based on an adaptive spatial density function and space affordances
11 for PRL(118)

PRL(119) * Are you eligible? Predicting adulthood from face images via Class Specific Mean Autoencoder
* Automatic labeling of large amounts of handwritten characters with gate-guided dynamic deep learning
* Boosting deep attribute learning via support vector regression for fast moving crowd counting
* Combining global and minutia deep features for partial high-resolution fingerprint matching
* Convolutional low-resolution fine-grained classification
* D-STC: Deep learning with spatio-temporal constraints for train drivers detection from videos
* Deep contour and symmetry scored object proposal
* Deep feature representation based on privileged knowledge transfer
* Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition
* Deep learning for sensor-based activity recognition: A survey
* Deep neural networks for record counting in historical handwritten documents
* Deep spatial-temporal feature fusion for facial expression recognition in static images
* Fast cascade face detection with pyramid network
* FAST: Facilitated and Accurate Scene Text Proposals through FCN Guided Pruning
* Finger vein identification using Convolutional Neural Network and supervised discrete hashing
* Generative adversarial dehaze mapping nets
* hierarchical and regional deep learning architecture for image description generation, A
* Hierarchical recurrent highway networks
* Image Caption Generation with Part of Speech Guidance
* Integrating segmentation with deep learning for enhanced classification of epithelial and stromal tissues in H&E images
* Large-scale gesture recognition with a fusion of RGB-D data based on optical flow and the C3D model
* Learning domain-invariant feature for robust depth-image-based 3D shape retrieval
* Motion-blur kernel size estimation via learning a convolutional neural network
* multi-stream convolutional neural network for sEMG-based gesture recognition in muscle-computer interface, A
* Residual Codean Autoencoder for Facial Attribute Analysis
* Simple very deep convolutional network for robust hand pose regression from a single depth image
* Source camera identification based on content-adaptive fusion residual networks
* Training convolutional neural network from multi-domain contour images for 3D shape retrieval
* UP-CNN: Un-pooling augmented convolutional neural network
29 for PRL(119)

PRL(12) * Algebraic Method for Processing Colored Images, An
* Comments on Grey-Level Thresholding of Images Using a Correlation Criterion
* Comparison Between Fourier-Mellin Descriptors and Moment Based Features for Invariant Object Recognition Using Neural Networks, A
* Comparison of Splitting Methods for the Identification of Corner-Points, A
* Contour Detection by Using Information Theory of Deterministic Functions
* Counting Minimal Paths in Digital Geometry
* Data Structures for Image Processing in C
* Detecting Clouds and Cloud Shadows on Aerial Photographs
* Determining Perceptually Significant Points on Noisy Boundary Curves
* Digital or Analog Hough Transform
* Direct Detection of Flow Discontinuities by 3D Curvature Operators
* Edge-Preserving Artifact-Free Smoothing with Image Pyramids
* Elliptic Fit of Objects in Two and Three Dimensions by Moment of Inertia Optimization
* Fast Algorithm for Encoding the Image Structure by Edge Directions, A
* Fast Boundary Extraction for Industrial Inspection
* Field Theory Approach for Determining Optical Flow
* Finding the Perspective Projection of an Axis of Revolution
* Fold Principal Axis: A New Tool for Defining the Orientations of Rotationally Symmetric Shapes
* Fundamentals of Texture Flow Equations in Vision Calculus
* Fuzzy Convex Hull Determination in 2-D Space
* Fuzzy Medial Axis Transformation Based on Fuzzy Disks, A
* Generalized Discriminant Hyperplane Approach to Pattern Classification, A
* Generalizing the Aspect Graph Concept to Include Articulated Assemblies
* Generalizing the Generalized Hough Transform
* Generating Contrast Curves for Texture Regularity Analysis
* Graph Canonization Method For Pattern Recognition, A
* Hierarchical Local Symmetries
* Iconic Representation of Visual Data and Models
* Image Characterizations Based on Joint Gray Level-Run Length Distributions
* Improving Edge Measurement on Noisy Images by Hierarchical Neural Networks
* Inferring Convex Parts from Slice Data
* It Can Be Done Without Camera Calibration
* Lie Group Theoretical Approach to the Invariance Problem in Feature Extraction and Object Recognition, A
* Local Distances for Distance Transformations in Two and Three Dimensions
* Minimizing the Cost of Errors with a Markov Random Field
* Motion Analysis Using the Novelty Filter
* Multiscale Texture Element Detection
* New Approach to Polygonal Approximation, A
* New Method of Analysis for Discrete Straight Lines, A
* Note on Minimum Error Thresholding, A
* On Representation of a Shape's Skeleton
* On Surface Orientation Detection in 3-D
* On the Recognition of Digital Planes in Three-Dimensional Space
* On The Use of Time Varying Shading and Surface Rim Irradiance
* Optimal Algorithm to Find the Degrees of Connectedness in an Undirected Edge-Weighted Graph, An
* Optimal Algorithms for Extracting Spatial Regularity in Images
* Parallel Algorithm for Decomposition of Binary Objects Through Skeletonization, A
* Parallel Algorithm for Detection of Linear Structures in Satellite Images, A
* Parallel Algorithms for Testing if a Point is Inside a Closed Curve
* Parallel Calculation of 3-D Pose of a Known Object in a Single View
* Parallel Computable Contour Based Feature Strings for 2-D Shape Recognition
* Parallel Greytone Thinning Algorithm, A
* Picture Algebra for Spatial Reasoning of Iconic Images Represented in 2D C-String
* Pose Verification as an Optimal Assignment Problem
* Pseudo One Pass Thinning Algorithm
* Pyramid Cluster Detection and Delineation by Consensus
* Recognition and Positioning of Partially Occluded 3-D Objects
* Reconstructing Partially Occluded Object Boundaries
* Road Extraction from Multi-Temporal Satellite Images by an Evidential Reasoning Approach
* Some Results Concerning Connected Fuzzy Digital Pictures
* Some Shape Definitions in Fuzzy Geometry of Space
* Surface Extraction from Line Drawings of a Polyhedron
* Symmetry Analysis of Line Drawings Using the Hough Transform
* Symmetry-Based Recognition of Vehicle Rears
* Textural Analysis of Range Images
* Three-Dimensional Image Segmentation Using a Split, Merge and Group Approach
* Transition Region Determination Based Thresholding
* Variable-Resolution Character Thinning
* View Angle Transformations
69 for PRL(12)

PRL(120) * Assessing the best edit in perturbation-based iterative refinement algorithms to compute the median string
* Clustering a union of low-rank subspaces of different dimensions with missing data
* Depth matrix and adaptive Bayes classifier based dynamic hand gesture recognition
* DFP-ALC: Automatic video summarization using Distinct Frame Patch index and Appearance based Linear Clustering
* evaluation of deep learning based object detection strategies for threat object detection in baggage security imagery, An
* Exploiting superior CNN-based iris segmentation for better recognition accuracy
* Extended deep neural network for facial emotion recognition
* How to utilize syllable distribution patterns as the input of LSTM for Korean morphological analysis
* Image-attribute reciprocally guided attention network for pedestrian attribute recognition
* Joint Spectral Similarity Measure for Graphs Classification, A
* Marrying tracking with ELM: A Metric constraint guided multiple features fusion method
* minimal solution for plane motion and structure from two perspective views, A
* note on the triangle inequality for the Jaccard distance, A
* Patch match networks: Improved two-channel and Siamese networks for image patch matching
* Saliency guided deep network for weakly-supervised image segmentation
* Semi-supervised clustering of unknown expressions
* Widening siamese architectures for stereo matching
17 for PRL(120)

PRL(121) * Assessing visual attributes of handwriting for prediction of neurological disorders: A case study on Parkinson's disease
* Characteristics of bi-directional unimanual and bimanual drawing movements: The application of the Delta-Lognormal models and Sigma-Lognormal model
* Evaluation of children cursive handwritten words for e-education
* Functional abilities as reflected through temporal handwriting measures among adolescents with neuro-developmental disabilities
* Graph-based keyword spotting in historical manuscripts using Hausdorff edit distance
* Graphonomics for the e-citizens: e-health, e-society and e-education
* Grayification: A meaningful grayscale conversion to improve handwritten historical documents analysis
* Handwriting analysis to support neurodegenerative diseases diagnosis: A review
* Handwriting recognition using sinusoidal model parameters
* model-free technique based on computer vision and sEMG for classification in Parkinson's disease by using computer-assisted handwriting analysis, A
* multi-feature selection approach for gender identification of handwriting based on kernel mutual information, A
* PDNet: Semantic segmentation integrated with a primal-dual network for document binarization
* ranking-based feature selection approach for handwritten character recognition, A
* Robust and real-time stroke order evaluation using incremental stroke context for learners to write Kanji characters correctly
* SM-DTW: Stability Modulated Dynamic Time Warping for signature verification
* Text-independent writer identification using convolutional neural network
* unified multilingual handwriting recognition system using multigrams sub-lexical units, A
* Which characteristics predict writing capabilities among adolescents with dysgraphia?
18 for PRL(121)

PRL(122) * Approximate spectral clustering with eigenvector selection and self-tuned k
* Classification of myocardial infarction with multi-lead ECG signals and deep CNN
* Community structure detection from networks with weighted modularity
* Detection based long term tracking in correlation filter trackers
* Improved outlier detection using sparse coding-based methods
* Improved SVD-based initialization for nonnegative matrix factorization using low-rank correction
* Incremental models based on features persistence for object recognition
* modified intuitionistic fuzzy c-means algorithm incorporating hesitation degree, A
* Multi-Scale Aggregation Network for Temporal Action Proposals
* new simple and efficient density estimator that enables fast systematic search, A
* Principal component analysis with tensor train subspace
* Sparse over-complete patch matching
* Supervised dynamic mode decomposition via multitask learning
* Three-Fast-Inter Incremental Association Markov Blanket learning algorithm
* Towards recovery of conditional vectors from conditional generative adversarial networks
15 for PRL(122)

PRL(123) * Benchmarking parts based face processing in-the-wild for gender recognition and head pose estimation
* CNN-VWII: An efficient approach for large-scale video retrieval by image queries
* deep learning-shape driven level set synergism for pulmonary nodule segmentation, A
* Eye gaze pattern analysis for fatigue detection based on GP-BCNN with ESM
* From Optical Music Recognition to Handwritten Music Recognition: A baseline
* Hyperspectral image classification with a class-dependent spatial-spectral mixed metric
* Image caption generation with high-level image features
* information-theoretic approach to machine-oriented music summarization, An
* Locally linear embedding with additive noise
* New Set of Generalized Legendre Moment Invariants for Pattern Recognition
* Probabilistic density-based estimation of the number of clusters using the DBSCAN-martingale process
* Projected memory clustering
* Scalable multi-label annotation via semi-supervised kernel semantic embedding
* Topic representation: Finding more representative words in topic models
14 for PRL(123)

PRL(124) * 3D reconstruction under light ray distortion from parametric focal cameras
* Award winning papers from the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
* Blind visual inference by composition
* Combining knowledge with data for efficient and generalizable visual learning
* Deep motion and appearance cues for visual tracking
* Dependence
* Distributed person re-identification through network-wise rank fusion consensus
* Facial attributes: Accuracy and adversarial robustness
* method for discovering knowledge in texts, A
* Planar content selection in images and videos using frontalness
* Shape-aware label fusion for multi-atlas frameworks
* Unsupervised skin tissue segmentation for remote photoplethysmography
12 for PRL(124)

PRL(125) * 3D human pose estimation via human structure-aware fully connected network
* Acute lymphoblastic leukemia segmentation using local pixel information
* Alignment strength and correlation for graphs
* Bark recognition using novel rotationally invariant multispectral textural features
* BDNN: Binary convolution neural networks for fast object detection
* benchmark image dataset for industrial tools, A
* Benchmarking HEp-2 specimen cells classification using linear discriminant analysis on higher order spectra features of cell shape
* biometric system based on Gabor feature extraction with SVM classifier for Finger-Knuckle-Print, A
* BitStream: An efficient framework for inference of binary neural networks on CPUs
* Boosted negative sampling by quadratically constrained entropy maximization
* Calibrating GloVe model on the principle of Zipf's law
* Cascaded regression using landmark displacement for 3D face reconstruction
* Classification complexity assessment for hyper-parameter optimization
* Classification of EEG signals to detect alcoholism using machine learning techniques
* Classification of risk areas using a bootstrap-aggregated ensemble approach for reducing Zika virus infection in pregnant women
* Combining graph edit distance and triplet networks for offline signature verification
* continuation approach for training Artificial Neural Networks with meta-heuristics, A
* Cross-domain neural-kernel networks
* Cross-modal retrieval in challenging scenarios using attributes
* Cross-view gait recognition based on a restrictive triplet network
* CT lesion recognition algorithm based on improved particle reseeding method
* Deep multi-Wasserstein unsupervised domain adaptation
* Deep Sparse Representation Classifier for facial recognition and detection system
* Deep supervised hashing using symmetric relative entropy
* Depth Information Guided Crowd Counting for complex crowd scenes
* Detecting Parkinson's disease with sustained phonation and speech signals using machine learning techniques
* Diagnosis of diabetes diseases using optimized fuzzy rule set by grey wolf optimization
* Dirichlet densifier bounds: Densifying beyond the spectral gap constraint
* Distance-based camera network topology inference for person re-identification
* Distributed training of deep neural networks with spark: The MareNostrum experience
* ECG-based personal recognition using a convolutional neural network
* Efficient algorithm for sparse symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization
* efficient initial guess for the ICP method, An
* Efficient large-scale geometric verification for structure from motion
* empirical mode decomposition (EMD)-based scheme for alcoholism identification, An
* Error-tolerant geometric graph similarity and matching
* Extended-depth-of-field object detection with wavefront coding imaging system
* Facial expression recognition boosted by soft label with a diverse ensemble
* Finding autofocus region in low contrast surveillance images using CNN-based saliency algorithm
* Finding significant keywords for document databases by two-phase Maximum Entropy Partitioning
* Foreground detection by probabilistic modeling of the features discovered by stacked denoising autoencoders in noisy video sequences
* Fuzzy commonsense reasoning for multimodal sentiment analysis
* Gait metric learning siamese network exploiting dual of spatio-temporal 3D-CNN intra and LSTM based inter gait-cycle-segment features
* Gaussian process variance reduction by location selection
* Gender recognition in smartphones using touchscreen gestures
* general framework for scalable spectral clustering based on document models, A
* Generalised median of graph correspondences
* Generate adversarial examples by spatially perturbing on the meaningful area
* Global weighted LBP based entropy features for the assessment of pulmonary hypertension
* Granger-causality: An efficient single user movement recognition using a smartphone accelerometer sensor
* Guiding intelligent surveillance system by learning-by-synthesis gaze estimation
* Handwritten pattern recognition for early Parkinson's disease diagnosis
* High resolution fingerprint recognition using pore and edge descriptors
* How much do cross-modal related semantics benefit image captioning by weighting attributes and re-ranking sentences?
* How reliable is your reliability diagram?
* Image super-resolution using TV priori guided convolutional network
* K-center algorithm for hierarchical binary template matching
* k-means as a variational EM approximation of Gaussian mixture models
* Kernel modified optimal margin distribution machine for imbalanced data classification
* Learning edit cost estimation models for graph edit distance
* Learning motion field of LiDAR point cloud with convolutional networks
* Local Force Pattern (LFP): Descriptor for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Long term activity prediction in first person viewpoint
* Matrix regression-based classification with block-norm
* Mesh-based camera pairs selection and occlusion-aware masking for mesh refinement
* Metaheuristic FIR filter with game theory based compression technique- A reliable medical image compression technique for online applications
* Modelling marginal ranking distributions: The uncertainty tree
* modified contrastive loss method for face recognition, A
* MSDH: Matched subspace detector with heterogeneous noise
* Multi-kernel sparse subspace clustering on the Riemannian manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices
* Multi-projection deep learning network for segmentation of 3D medical images
* multi-scheme semi-supervised regression approach, A
* new hyperparameters optimization method for convolutional neural networks, A
* new method to identify coronary artery disease with ECG signals and time-Frequency concentrated antisymmetric biorthogonal wavelet filter bank, A
* Non-rigid medical image registration using image field in Demons algorithm
* novel deep learning based framework for the detection and classification of breast cancer using transfer learning, A
* novel multi-core algorithm for frequent itemsets mining in data streams, A
* novel pattern with high-level commands for encoding motor imagery-based brain computer interface, A
* Object occlusion guided stereo image retargeting
* Parameter optimization of a multiscale descriptor for shape analysis on healthcare image datasets
* Pattern Recognition Techniques for Non Verbal Human Behavior (NVHB)
* Peeking behind objects: Layered depth prediction from a single image
* Pyrboxes: An efficient multi-scale scene text detector with feature pyramids
* Quarter-Point Product Quantization for approximate nearest neighbor search
* Radical aggregation network for few-shot offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Recurrent age estimation
* Reflection symmetry aware image retargeting
* Regularized asymmetric nonnegative matrix factorization for clustering in directed networks
* Reverse-nearest neighborhood based oversampling for imbalanced, multi-label datasets
* reversible and multipurpose ECG data hiding technique for telemedicine applications, A
* Revisiting inaccuracies of time series averaging under dynamic time warping
* Robustness of functional connectivity metrics for EEG-based personal identification over task-induced intra-class and inter-class variations
* Rule-based hidden relation recognition for large scale knowledge graphs
* Scalable Framework for Data-Driven Subspace Representation and Clustering, A
* Self-reinforced diffusion for graph-based semi-supervised learning
* Semantics-enhanced supervised deep autoencoder for depth image-based 3D model retrieval
* Similarity preservation in dimensionality reduction using a kernel-based cost function
* Single image super resolution via neighbor reconstruction
* Skyline recommendation with uncertain preferences
* sparse regularized nuclear norm based matrix regression for face recognition with contiguous occlusion, A
* Sparse subspace clustering via smoothed LP minimization
* ST-CNN: Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network for crowd counting in videos
* Structural network inference from time-series data using a generative model and transfer entropy
* Study on the performance of three-dimensional ghost image affected by target
* Supervised discriminative manifold learning with subsidiary-view information for near infrared spectroscopic classification of crop seeds
* Thermodynamic edge entropy in Alzheimer's disease
* Thigh fracture detection using deep learning method based on new dilated convolutional feature pyramid network
* Time series classification via divergence measures between probability density functions
* Towards the interpretation of time-varying regularization parameters in streaming penalized regression models
* UAV first view landmark localization with active reinforcement learning
* Use of Neumann series decomposition to fit the Weighted Euclidean distance and Inner product scoring models in automatic speaker recognition
* Using down-sampling for multiscale analysis of texture images
* Valid oversampling schemes to handle imbalance
* VF3-Light: A lightweight subgraph isomorphism algorithm and its experimental evaluation
* Weakly supervised label distribution learning based on transductive matrix completion with sample correlations
115 for PRL(125)

PRL(126) * 3-Dimensional Secured Fingerprint Shell
* 3D Nose shape net for human gender and ethnicity classification
* Biometric surveillance using visual question answering
* Biopen-Fusing password choice and biometric interaction at presentation level
* Cancelable indexing based on low-rank approximation of correlation-invariant random filtering for fast and secure biometric identification
* CNN-based anti-spoofing two-tier multi-factor authentication system
* Deep learning for source camera identification on mobile devices
* Deep-ECG: Convolutional Neural Networks for ECG biometric recognition
* Introduction to the special issue on robustness, security and regulation aspects in current biometric systems (RSRA-BS)
* Lip biometric template security framework using spatial steganography
* Modern art challenges face detection
* Multiview gait-based gender classification through pose-based voting
* Palmprint recognition with an efficient data driven ensemble classifier
* PhysioUnicaDB: a dataset of EEG and ECG simultaneously acquired
* Random Slope method for generation of cancelable biometric features
* Score-level fusion for cancelable multi-biometric verification
* TGLSTM: A time based graph deep learning approach to gait recognition
17 for PRL(126)

PRL(127) * Assessment of feature fusion strategies in visual attention mechanism for saliency detection
* Consistent multiple graph matching with multi-layer random walks synchronization
* Context-aware long-term correlation tracking with hierarchical convolutional features
* DeepPoint3D: Learning discriminative local descriptors using deep metric learning on 3D point clouds
* Dynamic objects elimination in SLAM based on image fusion
* Enhancing image visuality by multi-exposure fusion
* Exploiting multi-layer graph factorization for multi-attributed graph matching
* GA-SURF: A new Speeded-Up robust feature extraction algorithm for multispectral images based on geometric algebra
* Ground and aerial meta-data integration for localization and reconstruction: A review
* Joint spatiograms for multi-modality tracking with online update
* Learning channel-aware deep regression for object tracking
* Learning correlation filters in independent feature channels for robust visual tracking
* Multi-level attention model for person re-identification
* Multi-stage cascaded deconvolution for depth map and surface normal prediction from single image
* Ocular multi-spectral imaging deblurring via regularization of mutual information
* Real-time visual tracking with ELM augmented adaptive correlation filter
* Reranking optimization for person re-identification under temporal-spatial information and common network consistency constraints
* Robust visible-infrared image matching by exploiting dominant edge orientations
* Simultaneous robot-world and hand-eye calibration by the alternative linear programming
* Spatial-Spectral SIFT for Hyperspectral Image Matching and Classification, A
* stable long-term object tracking method with re-detection strategy, A
* Stereoscopic image quality assessment combining statistical features and binocular theory
* Structure-aware SLAM with planes and lines in man-made environment
23 for PRL(127)

PRL(128) * 3D object recognition and pose estimation for random bin-picking using Partition Viewpoint Feature Histograms
* 3D Reconstruction system for collaborative scanning based on multiple RGB-D cameras
* Adversarial approach to domain adaptation for reinforcement learning on dialog systems
* Analysis of SparseHash: An efficient embedding of set-similarity via sparse projections
* Approximate spectral clustering density-based similarity for noisy datasets
* Augmenting a 3D morphable model of the human head with high resolution ears
* Auto-detection of epileptic seizure events using deep neural network with different feature scaling techniques
* Automatic music transcription for traditional woodwind instruments sopele
* Barzilai-Borwein-based adaptive learning rate for deep learning
* Bayesian receiver operating characteristic metric for linear classifiers
* CNN-based temporal detection of motion saliency in videos
* CNN-based two-stage cell segmentation improves plant cell tracking
* Combining dissimilarity measures for image classification
* Comments on The definition of half-Gabor filter by Lunke Fei
* Connected filters on generalized shape-Spaces
* deep learning approach for face recognition based on angularly discriminative features, A
* dissimilarity-based multiple instance learning approach for protein remote homology detection, A
* Doubly Stochastic Neighbor Embedding on Spheres
* Dual-supervised attention network for deep cross-modal hashing
* Dynamically enhanced static handwriting representation for Parkinson's disease detection
* embarrassingly simple approach to neural multiple instance classification, An
* EMG-based online classification of gestures with recurrent neural networks
* Epileptic seizure detection and prediction using stacked bidirectional long short term memory
* Estimation of affective dimensions using CNN-based features of audiovisual data
* Evaluating the performance of face sketch generation using generative adversarial networks
* Evolvable fuzzy systems from data streams with missing values: With application to temporal pattern recognition and cryptocurrency prediction
* Exemplar based regular texture synthesis using LSTM
* Fast and efficient calculations of structural invariants of chirality
* Fast and general density peaks clustering
* Fast image similarity search by distributed locality sensitive hashing
* Few-shot hypercolumn-based mitochondria segmentation in cardiac and outer hair cells in focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) data
* Forward-stagewise clustering: An algorithm for convex clustering
* Generating labels for regression of subjective constructs using triplet embeddings
* Guided thinning
* Handwritten Music Recognition for Mensural notation with convolutional recurrent neural networks
* High-dimensional data clustering by using local affine/convex hulls
* hybrid swarm intelligence based approach for abnormal event detection in crowded environments, A
* Hypergraph isomorphism using association hypergraphs
* Integrating word embeddings and document topics with deep learning in a video classification framework
* LB-LSD: A length-based line segment detector for real-time applications
* Learning a strong detector for action localization in videos
* Learning cost function for graph classification with open-set methods
* Learning part-aware attention networks for kinship verification
* Likelihood learning in modified Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for video analysis
* meta-learning approach for selecting image segmentation algorithm, A
* Mixture variational autoencoders
* Multi-distance support matrix machines
* Multilevel fusing paired visible light and near-infrared spectral images for face anti-spoofing
* Multiobjective optimization for recognition of isolated handwritten Indic scripts
* Multiple vector representations of images and robust dictionary learning
* Neighbor-rank densities for non-metric data
* new hybrid-parameter recurrent neural network for online handwritten chinese character recognition, A
* non-fuzzy interferometric phase estimation algorithm based on modified Fully Convolutional Network, A
* Normalization of unconstrained handwritten words in terms of Slope and Slant Correction
* Pattern generation strategies for improving recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
* Preface of virtual special issue on Smart Pattern Recognition for Medical Informatics
* Properties of combinations of hierarchical watersheds
* Re-ranking with ranking-reflected similarity for person re-identification
* real-time and unsupervised face re-identification system for human-robot interaction, A
* Removing non-significant regions in hierarchical clustering and segmentation
* robust dimensionality reduction and matrix factorization framework for data clustering, A
* Self-Supervised deep homography estimation with invertibility constraints
* Semantic three-stream network for social relation recognition
* Semi-supervised learning with connectivity-driven convolutional neural networks
* SeSe-Net: Self-Supervised deep learning for segmentation
* Shape description and recognition by implicit Chebyshev moments
* Similarity mapping for robust face recognition via a single training sample per person
* Single and multiple outputs decision tree classification using bi-level discrete-continues genetic algorithm
* Single image dehazing using deep neural networks
* Supervised classification using graph-based space partitioning
* Supervised non-parametric discretization based on Kernel density estimation
* Transductive non-linear semantic embedding for multi-class classification
* Unsupervised feature selection for large data sets
* Using fine-tuned conditional probabilities for data transformation of nominal attributes
* Using theoretical ROC curves for analysing machine learning binary classifiers
* Visual representation decoding from human brain activity using machine learning: A baseline study
* Weakly Supervised learning technique for classifying facial expressions, A
* Webly-supervised zero-shot learning for artwork instance recognition
* Width optimization of RBF kernels for binary classification of support vector machines: A density estimation-based approach
79 for PRL(128)

PRL(129) * Active deep neural network features selection for segmentation and recognition of brain tumors using MRI images
* bag of constrained informative deep visual words for image retrieval, A
* Brain tumor classification based on DWT fusion of MRI sequences using convolutional neural network
* Combinatorial space of watershed hierarchies for image characterization
* commentary on 'Learning error-correcting graph matching with a multiclass neural network', Pattern Recognition Letters, 2018, A
* Component trees for image sequences and streams
* Compressing the CNN architecture for in-air handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Data security based on homographic function
* Deep-learning framework to detect lung abnormality: A study with chest X-Ray and lung CT scan images
* Deeply learned pore-scale facial features with a large pore-to-pore correspondences dataset
* Delaunay triangulation based text detection from multi-view images of natural scene
* DELP-DAR system for license plate detection and recognition
* Depth estimation from stereo cameras through a curved transparent medium
* Developed Newton-Raphson based deep features selection framework for skin lesion recognition
* end-to-end deep learning system for medieval writer identification, An
* Enhancing sentient embodied conversational agents with machine learning
* Ethnicity classification by the 3D Discrete Landmarks Model measure in Kendall shape space
* Explaining digital humanities by aligning images and textual descriptions
* Exploring diverse and fine-grained caption for video by incorporating convolutional architecture into LSTM-based model
* GF-Net: Improving machine reading comprehension with feature gates
* Hyperspectral anomaly detection via density peak clustering
* Improved local search for graph edit distance
* In-classroom learning analytics based on student behavior, topic and teaching characteristic mining
* Incremental bit-quads count in component trees: Theory, algorithms, and optimization
* integrated design of particle swarm optimization (PSO) with fusion of features for detection of brain tumor, An
* Integrating prediction and reconstruction for anomaly detection
* Learning the Principles of Art History with convolutional neural networks
* Lungs cancer classification from CT images: An integrated design of contrast based classical features fusion and selection
* MASAT: A fast and robust algorithm for pose-graph initialization
* Merge-and-simplify operation for compact combinatorial pyramid definition
* Moving object detection under different weather conditions using full-spectrum light sources
* Multi-scale sequential network for semantic text segmentation and localization
* Reduced data set for multi-target recognition using compressed sensing frame
* Robust ECG biometrics using GNMF and sparse representation
* Scale-invariant batch-adaptive residual learning for person re-identification
* Securing biometric user template using modified minutiae attributes
* Segmentation strategies for the alpha-tree data structure
* Selective feature connection mechanism: Concatenating multi-layer CNN features with a feature selector
* Sparsification of core set models in non-metric supervised learning
* time-series prediction framework using sequential learning algorithms and dimensionality reduction within a sparsification approach, A
* torus model for optical flow, A
* Wasserstein GAN based on Autoencoder with back-translation for cross-lingual embedding mappings
* What is the minimum training data size to reliably identify writers in medieval manuscripts?
43 for PRL(129)

PRL(13) * 3-D Object Recognition from 2-D Images Using Geometric Hashing
* 3D Object Recognition System Using Voxel Representation, A
* Adaptive Decimated Median Filtering
* Algorithm for Detection of Dominant Points and Polygonal Approximation of Digitzed Curves, An
* Algorithm for Polygonal Approximation of Digitized Curves, An
* Analytical Results on the Quadtree Decomposition of Arbitrary Rectangles
* Application of Binary Mathematical Morphology to Separate Overlapped Objects
* Application of Moment and Fourier Descriptors to the Accurate Estimation of Elliptical-Shape Parameters
* Automatic Detection of Targets Against Cluttered Backgrounds Using a Fractal-Oriented Statistical Analysis and Radon Transform
* Colour Image Segmentation and Labeling Through Multiedit-Condensing
* Compilation and Sufficient Representation of Object Models for Visual Representation
* Compressing the Parameter Space of the Generalised Hough Transform
* Concave Fuzzy Set: A Concept Complementary to the Convex Fuzzy Set
* Context Knowledge and Search Control Issues in Object-Oriented Prolog-Based Image Understanding
* Contiguity-Constrained Clustering for Image Analysis
* Counting Minimal Paths in 3D Digital Geometry
* Decomposition of Digital Clumps into Convex Parts by Contour Tracing and Labelling
* Design of Morphological Filters Using Multiple Structuring Elements, Part I: Openings and Closings, The
* Design of Morphological Filters Using Multiple Structuring Elements, Part II: Open (Close) and Close (Open), The
* Detection and Verification of Surfaces of Revolution by Perceptual Grouping
* Detection of Significant Points and Polygonal Approximation of Digitized Curves
* Discrete Euclidean Metrics
* Edge Linking by Using Causal Neighborhood Window
* Efficient Multidimensional Transformation from Data Space to Parameter Space
* Errors in Digitized Area Measurements: Circles and Rectangles
* Fast Algorithm for Local Minimum and Maximum Filters on Rectangular and Octagonal Kernels, A
* Fast and Adaptive Method to Estimate Texture Statistics by the Spatial Gray Level Dependence Matrix for Texture Image Segmentation, A
* Fast Erosion and Dilation by Contour Processing and Thresholding of Distance Maps
* Fast Histogram-Clustering Approach for Multi-Level Thresholding, A
* Feature Frequency Matrices as Texture Image Representation
* Finding Circular Shapes in an Image on a Pyramid Architecture
* Finite Element Method for Determination of Optical Flow
* Formal Definition and Entropy Calculation of Hierarchical Attributed Random Graph
* Fuzzy Divergence, Probability Measure of Fuzzy Events and Image Thresholding
* Hierarchical Square Tessellation of the Sphere, A
* Higher-Order Neural Network for Distortion Invariant Pattern Recognition, A
* Linear Octree by Volume Intersection Using Perspective Silhouettes
* Local Symmetry Modeling in Multi-Dimensional Images
* Locating Objects from Their Point Features Using an Optimized Hough-Like Accumulation Technique
* Logic Gate Implementation for Gray-Scale Morphology
* Method to Design Filters for Image Smoothing, A
* Model-Based Approach to Representation and Matching of Object Shape Patterns, A
* Modified Stereo Matching Suitable for Implementation on a Convolution Specialized Hardware, A
* Multi-Resolution Texture Classifier Based on Multi-Resolution Tuned Mask, A
* Multiresolution Algorithm for Rotation-Invariant Matching of Planar Shapes, A
* Multiscale Color Image Enhancement
* Neural Network, Self-Organization and Object Extraction
* New One-Pass Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Binary Images, A
* Object Identification Using Modified Distributed Associated Memory
* On a Decomposition of 2-D Circular Convolution
* Optimal Discretization for Stereo Reconstruction
* Optimal Histogram Partitioning Using a Simulated Annealing Technique
* Parallel Image Segmentation Using Modified Hopfield Model
* Parallel Method for Locating and Representing 2D Contours, A
* Parallelizing Object Recognition on the Hypercube
* Performance Characterization in Image Analysis: Thinning, a Case in Point
* Properties of Some Euclidean Proximity Graphs
* Range-Intensity Histogram for Segmenting LADAR Images
* Recognizing 3-D Objects by Forward Checking Constrained Tree Search
* Ridge Points in Euclidean Distance Maps
* Shape Recognition Using the Kohonen Self-Organising Feature Map
* Stereo Matching Technique Based on the Theory of Possibility
* Surface Griding with Intrinsic Parameters
* Surface Reconstruction (of Rough Terrain) in Range Image Shadows
* Use of Perceptual Organization in the Prediction of Geometric Structures, The
* Visibility-Related Image Features
* Why Progress in Machine Vision Is so Slow
* Word Shape Analysis Approach to Recognition of Degraded Word Images, A
68 for PRL(13)

PRL(130) * 3D Convolutional Neural Network based on memristor for video recognition
* Adaptive multi-view subspace clustering for high-dimensional data
* Bayesian query expansion for multi-camera person re-identification
* Depth image super-resolution based on joint sparse coding
* Diverse fuzzy c-means for image clustering
* Efficient CNN based summarization of surveillance videos for resource-constrained devices
* Efficient weakly-supervised discrete hashing for large-scale social image retrieval
* Engineering Hand-designed and Deeply-learned features for person Re-identification
* Fast large scale deep face search
* Fast semi-supervised learning with anchor graph for large hyperspectral images
* Fast spectral clustering learning with hierarchical bipartite graph for large-scale data
* FC-RCCN: Fully convolutional residual continuous CRF network for semantic segmentation
* General model for linear information extraction based on the shear transformation
* general non-parametric active learning framework for classification on multiple manifolds, A
* Guest editorial: Image/video understanding and analysis
* hierarchical autoencoder learning model for path prediction and abnormality detection, A
* Hybrid convolutional neural network for sketch recognition, A
* Improved image clustering with deep semantic embedding
* Joint deep semantic embedding and metric learning for person re-identification
* Joint Spatial-Spectral Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Land contained sea area ship detection using spaceborne image
* Learning cross-modal correlations by exploring inter-word semantics and stacked co-attention
* Locality-constrained group lasso coding for microvessel image classification
* LPR-Net: Recognizing Chinese license plate in complex environments
* Modality-correlation-aware sparse representation for RGB-infrared object tracking
* Multi-Class Joint Subspace Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-label chest X-ray image classification via category-wise residual attention learning
* Multi-task learning for object keypoints detection and classification
* Object detection with class aware region proposal network and focused attention objective
* Parallel implementation for 3D medical volume fuzzy segmentation
* Pattern complexity-based JND estimation for quantization watermarking
* Polycrystalline silicon wafer defect segmentation based on deep convolutional neural networks
* Progressive generative adversarial networks with reliable sample identification
* Quick automatic head image matting method based on segmentation and propagation
* Semi-supervised cross-modal common representation learning with vector-valued manifold regularization
* Sequence in sequence for video captioning
* Software expert discovery via knowledge domain embeddings in a collaborative network
* Spatio-temporal fall event detection in complex scenes using attention guided LSTM
* Subgraph learning for graph matching
* Tensor-based sparse representations of multi-phase medical images for classification of focal liver lesions
* Unsupervised object-level video summarization with online motion auto-encoder
* Visual saliency guided complex image retrieval
* Wavelet energy feature based source camera identification for ear biometric images
* Weakly-paired deep dictionary learning for cross-modal retrieval
* Weighted constraint based dictionary learning for image classification
* Weighted tensor nuclear norm minimization for tensor completion using tensor-SVD
* Workflow recognition with structured two-stream convolutional networks
47 for PRL(130)

PRL(131) * adaptive feature extraction model for classification of thyroid lesions in ultrasound images, An
* agent-based approach for recommending cultural tours, An
* Approximating lower-star persistence via 2D combinatorial map simplification
* Attacking NIST biometric image software using nonlinear optimization
* Attention guided neural network models for occluded pedestrian detection
* bio-inspired quaternion local phase CNN layer with contrast invariance and linear sensitivity to rotation angles, A
* Brain tumor segmentation and classification from magnetic resonance images: Review of selected methods from 2014 to 2019
* BshapeNet: Object detection and instance segmentation with bounding shape masks
* Challenges in automatic Munsell color profiling for cultural heritage
* CHAT-Bot: A cultural heritage aware teller-bot for supporting touristic experiences
* Classification of engraved pottery sherds mixing deep-learning features by compact bilinear pooling
* CMIR-NET: A deep learning based model for cross-modal retrieval in remote sensing
* CNN based spatial classification features for clustering offline handwritten mathematical expressions
* cockpit of multiple measures for assessing film restoration quality, A
* comprehensive review on multi-organs tumor detection based on machine learning, A
* Conditional GAN based individual and global motion fusion for multiple object tracking in UAV videos
* Creating speaker independent ASR system through prosody modification based data augmentation
* Deep skin detection on low resolution grayscale images
* Deterministic dropout for deep neural networks using composite random forest
* dimension-reduction based multilayer perception method for supporting the medical decision making, A
* Discovering Leonardo with artificial intelligence and holograms: A user study
* DV-Net: Dual-view network for 3D reconstruction by fusing multiple sets of gated control point clouds
* Efficient hierarchical graph partitioning for image segmentation by optimum oriented cuts
* efficient unsupervised feature selection procedure through feature clustering, An
* EGO-CH: Dataset and fundamental tasks for visitors behavioral understanding using egocentric vision
* End-to-end video subtitle recognition via a deep Residual Neural Network
* End-to-end visual speech recognition for small-scale datasets
* Estimation of Gaussian mixture models via tensor moments with application to online learning
* Facial expression recognition based on a multi-task global-local network
* Facial expression recognition based on deep convolution long short-term memory networks of double-channel weighted mixture
* Feature-extraction methods for historical manuscript dating based on writing style development
* Flexible character accuracy measure for reading-order-independent evaluation
* Gastrointestinal diseases segmentation and classification based on duo-deep architectures
* group lasso based sparse KNN classifier, A
* Hierarchical Attention Network for Action Segmentation
* Hierarchical segmentation from a non-increasing edge observation attribute
* High cursive traditional Asian character recognition using integrated adaptive constraints in ensemble of DenseNet and Inception models
* I-PETER (Interactive platform to experience tours and education on the rocks): A virtual system for the understanding and dissemination of mineralogical-petrographic science
* Image fusion via sparse regularization with non-convex penalties
* Improving pattern spotting in historical documents using feature pyramid networks
* Improving smart interactive experiences in cultural heritage through pattern recognition techniques
* Integrated design of deep features fusion for localization and classification of skin cancer
* Long short term memory based patient-dependent model for FOG detection in Parkinson's disease
* Matching ostraca fragments using a siamese neural network
* multi-feature bipartite graph ensemble for image segmentation, A
* Multi-scale Gated Fully Convolutional DenseNets for semantic labeling of historical newspaper images
* Multi-Scale Weight Sharing Network for Image Recognition
* multimodal approach for human activity recognition based on skeleton and RGB data, A
* novel face presentation attack detection scheme based on multi-regional convolutional neural networks, A
* Parallel connected-Component-Labeling based on homotopy trees
* Persistence-based resolution-independent meshes of superpixels
* Recognising decorations in archaeological finds through the analysis of characteristic curves on 3D models
* Robust geodesic based outlier detection for class imbalance problem
* Sample reduction using farthest boundary point estimation (FBPE) for support vector data description (SVDD)
* Shaping for PET image analysis
* Single-image raindrop removal using concurrent channel-spatial attention and long-short skip connections
* Special issue on recent advances in statistical, structural and syntactic pattern recognition
* Speckle noise suppression in 2D ultrasound kidney images using local pattern based topological derivative
* SVD-based redundancy removal in 1-D CNNs for acoustic scene classification
* Swapping trajectories with a sufficient sanitizer
* Thorax Disease Classification with Attention Guided Convolutional Neural Network
* Two sides of the same coin: Improved ancient coin classification using Graph Transduction Games
* Using keyword spotting systems as tools for the transcription of historical handwritten documents: Models and procedures for performance evaluation
* Variance-preserving deep metric learning for content-based image retrieval
64 for PRL(131)

PRL(132) * Competitive and collaborative representation for classification
* Editorial special issue on multiple-task learning for big data
* Embedded conformal deep low-rank auto-encoder network for matrix recovery
* general extensible learning approach for multi-disease recommendations in a telehealth environment, A
* Leveraging unpaired out-of-domain data for image captioning
* Movie fill in the blank by joint learning from video and text with adaptive temporal attention
* Multi-task image set classification via joint representation with class-level sparsity and intra-task low-rankness
* Multi-task learning using variational auto-encoder for sentiment classification
* Multi-view predictive latent space learning
* new nested ensemble technique for automated diagnosis of breast cancer, A
* Omni-supervised joint detection and pose estimation for wild animals
* Opinion fraud detection via neural autoencoder decision forest
* Rating prediction via generative convolutional neural networks based regression
* Robust rigid registration algorithm based on pointwise correspondence and correntropy
* Self-paced Learning for K-means Clustering Algorithm
* Spatial-temporal multi-task learning for salient region detection
* Supervised feature selection by self-paced learning regression
* Unsupervised feature selection by self-paced learning regularization
18 for PRL(132)

PRL(133) * Adjusting the imbalance ratio by the dimensionality of imbalanced data
* Association between work-related features and coronary artery disease: A heterogeneous hybrid feature selection integrated with balancing approach
* Automated detection and classification of fundus diabetic retinopathy images using synergic deep learning model
* Automated detection of abnormal EEG signals using localized wavelet filter banks
* Automated invasive ductal carcinoma detection based using deep transfer learning with whole-slide images
* BEBLID: Boosted efficient binary local image descriptor
* classification of gliomas based on a Pyramid dilated convolution resnet model, The
* Classification of origin with feature selection and network construction for folk tunes
* Controllable digital restoration of ancient paintings using convolutional neural network and nearest neighbor
* Deep hard modality alignment for visible thermal person re-identification
* Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome: A comparative study of shear wave elastography, morphometry and artificial intelligence techniques
* Editorial for special section at Pattern Recognition Letters-IbPRIA 2019
* Egocentric visitor localization and artwork detection in cultural sites using synthetic data
* Error-tolerant approximate graph matching utilizing node centrality information
* Feature extraction from EEG spectrograms for epileptic seizure detection
* Feature fusion network based on attention mechanism for 3D semantic segmentation of point clouds
* Fitting local, low-dimensional parameterizations of optical turbulence modeled from optimal transport velocity vectors
* Generating (co)homological information using boundary scale
* Genetic algorithm based key sequence generation for cipher system
* GPU based parallel optimization for real time panoramic video stitching
* Graph based semi-supervised classification with probabilistic nearest neighbors
* Image segmentation based on ultimate levelings: From attribute filters to machine learning strategies
* Image-to-video person re-identification with cross-modal embeddings
* Improving FastText with inverse document frequency of subwords
* Learning deep face representation with long-tail data: An aggregate-and-disperse approach
* Learning to realign hierarchy for image segmentation
* lightweight face detector by integrating the convolutional neural network with the image pyramid, A
* Machine Learning for Cultural Heritage: A Survey
* MCENN: A variant of extended nearest neighbor method for pattern recognition
* Measuring user relevance in online debates through an argumentative model
* Metric Learning from Imbalanced Data with Generalization Guarantees
* Modernizing historical documents: A user Study
* Multi-criteria online frame-subset selection for autonomous vehicle videos
* Multi-scale superpatch matching using dual superpixel descriptors
* Multiple Instance Learning with Genetic Pooling for medical data analysis
* Multiscale summarization and action ranking in egocentric videos
* Nom document digitalization by deep convolution neural networks
* novel fitness function in genetic programming to handle unbalanced emotion recognition data, A
* permutational-based Differential Evolution algorithm for feature subset selection, A
* Quantifying the regularity of a 3D set of points on the surface of an ellipsoidal object
* Research on real-time analysis technology of urban land use based on support vector machine
* Sample imbalance disease classification model based on association rule feature selection
* Special issue on pattern recognition and cognitive assistants
* Supervised learning of the next-best-view for 3d object reconstruction
* Syntactic pattern recognition-based diagnostics of fetal palates
* Text alignment in early printed books combining deep learning and dynamic programming
* Text-to-image via mask anchor points
* Understanding the decisions of CNNs: An in-model approach
* Using persistent homology to quantify a diurnal cycle in hurricanes
* Validating the robustness of an internet of things based atrial fibrillation detection system
* Video captioning with text-based dynamic attention and step-by-step learning
* Visual question answering with attention transfer and a cross-modal gating mechanism
52 for PRL(133)

PRL(134) * Comparing performance of graph matching algorithms on huge graphs
* Correspondence edit distance to obtain a set of weighted means of graph correspondences
* Directed and undirected network evolution from Euler-Lagrange dynamics
* Efficient k-nearest neighbors search in graph space
* Error-tolerant graph matching in linear computational cost using an initial small partial matching
* Fast linear sum assignment with error-correction and no cost constraints
* Filters for graph-based keyword spotting in historical handwritten documents
* Graph edit distance: Accuracy of local branching from an application point of view
* Hierarchical graphs for coarse-to-fine error tolerant matching
* Learning error-correcting graph matching with a multiclass neural network
* Local-global nested graph kernels using nested complexity traces
* On the exact computation of the graph edit distance
* Protein function prediction as a graph-transduction game
* Special issue on Applications of graph-based techniques to pattern recognition
* Trends in graph-based representations for Pattern Recognition
* two-step hypergraph reduction based fitting method for unbalanced data, A
16 for PRL(134)

PRL(135) * Attentive multi-stage convolutional neural network for crowd counting
* Automated detection of Alzheimer's disease using bi-directional empirical model decomposition
* Automated detection of diabetic retinopathy using convolutional neural networks on a small dataset
* Automatic region of interest segmentation for breast thermogram image classification
* CNN-DMRI: A Convolutional Neural Network for Denoising of Magnetic Resonance Images
* Comparison of incremental linear dimension reduction methods for streaming data
* Cross-modal guidance based auto-encoder for multi-video summarization
* Decomposition and construction of higher-dimensional neighbourhood operations
* Deep learning frameworks for diabetic retinopathy detection with smartphone-based retinal imaging systems
* Defective texture classification using optimized neural network structure
* Deviation based clustering for unsupervised person re-identification
* DIABLO: Dictionary-based attention block for deep metric learning
* Efficient binocular stereo correspondence matching with 1-D Max-Trees
* Efficient component-hypertree construction based on hierarchy of partitions
* equivalence of two definitions of compatible homography matrices, The
* Fast correspondence-based point cloud registration by pair-wise inlier checking and transformation decomposition
* Gaze-based classification of autism spectrum disorder
* Graph-based selective rank fusion for unsupervised image retrieval
* Historical building point cloud segmentation combining hierarchical watershed transform and curvature analysis
* Image decomposition by bidimensional ensemble patch transform
* Image fusion for stabilized medical video sequence using multimodal parametric registration
* Image stitching with positional relationship constraints of feature points and lines
* Improved covariant local feature detector
* IoT-ready solution for automated recognition of water contaminants, An
* Joint image restoration and matching method based on distance-weighted sparse representation prior
* Learning transferable features in meta-learning for few-shot text classification
* Local low-rank matrix recovery for hyperspectral image denoising with L0 gradient constraint
* Markerless detection of ancient rock carvings in the wild: rock art in Vathy, Astypalaia
* Masking domain-specific information for cross-domain deception detection
* Mean oriented Riesz features for micro expression classification
* Modal features for image texture classification
* Multi scale mirror connection based encoder decoder network for text localization
* new approach for optimal time-series segmentation, A
* novel approach combined transfer learning and deep learning to predict TMB from histology image, A
* novel PCA-based approach for building on-board sensor classifiers for water contaminant detection, A
* novel Pooling Block for improving lightweight deep neural networks, A
* On the importance of similarity characteristics of curve clustering and its applications
* One-step spectral clustering based on self-paced learning
* Parametric PCA for unsupervised metric learning
* Pattern recognition techniques for provenance classification of archaeological ceramics using ultrasounds
* Peeling off image layers on topographic architectures
* Perturbation analysis of gradient-based adversarial attacks
* Phoneme classification in reconstructed phase space with convolutional neural networks
* Pseudo distribution on unseen classes for generalized zero shot learning
* Real time human action recognition using triggered frame extraction and a typical CNN heuristic
* Robust pruning for efficient CNNs
* Rubik Gaussian-based patterns for dynamic texture classification
* Securing the internet of vehicles through lightweight block ciphers
* Semantically consistent text to fashion image synthesis with an enhanced attentional generative adversarial network
* Spatially regularized active diffusion learning for high-dimensional images
* Steganographic universal adversarial perturbations
* Structural sparse representation with class-specific dictionary for ECG biometric recognition
* Time-sync comments denoising via graph convolutional and contextual encoding
* Topology-Learnable Graph Convolution for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Towards automated computer vision: analysis of the AutoCV challenges 2019
* Trends in IoT based solutions for health care: Moving AI to the edge
* Two-stream collaborative network for multi-label chest X-ray Image classification with lung segmentation
* Unsupervised generation of polygonal approximations based on the convex hull
* Weighted sigmoid gate unit for an activation function of deep neural network
* Zero shot learning based on class visual prototypes and semantic consistency
60 for PRL(135)

PRL(136) * Accelerating projections to kernel-induced spaces by feature approximation
* Adaptive learning of minority class prior to minority oversampling
* Adaptive machine learning strategies for network calibration of IoT smart air quality monitoring devices
* Adversarial joint domain adaptation of asymmetric feature mapping based on least squares distance
* attention-based row-column encoder-decoder model for text recognition in Japanese historical documents, An
* benchmark dataset for real-time detection of icons in mobile apps and a small-scale feature module, A
* Cascade of encoder-decoder CNNs with learned coordinates regressor for robust facial landmarks detection
* computer vision system for automatic cherry beans detection on coffee trees, A
* Data augmentation method for improving the accuracy of human pose estimation with cropped images
* Deep learning strategies for foetal electrocardiogram signal synthesis
* Deep tracking using double-correlation filters by membership weighted decision
* Discriminative block-diagonal covariance descriptors for image set classification
* Editorial of the special issue TIAR: Topological image analysis and recognition
* Ensembling complex network perspectives for mild cognitive impairment detection with artificial neural networks
* fast graph-based data classification method with applications to 3D sensory data in the form of point clouds, A
* Feature selection and learning for graphlet kernel
* From neighbors to strengths-the k-strongest strengths (kSS) classification algorithm
* Fuzzy logic and histogram of normal orientation-based 3D keypoint detection for point clouds
* Heuristic algorithms for diversity-aware balanced multi-way number partitioning
* How distance metrics influence missing data imputation with k-nearest neighbours
* Image fusion via sparse regularization with non-convex penalties
* Imbalance-XGBoost: leveraging weighted and focal losses for binary label-imbalanced classification with XGBoost
* Knowledge graph based methods for record linkage
* Meter classification of Arabic poems using deep bidirectional recurrent neural networks
* Multi-Scale Model based on the Long Short-Term Memory for day ahead hourly wind speed forecasting, A
* Multi-task learning for natural language processing in the 2020s: Where are we going?
* Multilabel Naďve Bayes classification considering label dependence
* neural model for text localization, transcription and named entity recognition in full pages, A
* new approach for classification skin lesion based on transfer learning, deep learning, and IoT system, A
* OccGAN: Semantic image augmentation for driving scenes
* On the performance of Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) for imbalanced dataset
* Palm vein recognition based on competitive coding scheme using multi-scale local binary pattern with ant colony optimization
* Positive-unlabeled learning for open set domain adaptation
* Receiver operating characteristic curves with an indeterminacy zone
* SaHAN: Scale-Aware Hierarchical Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition
* SceneAdapt: Scene-based domain adaptation for semantic segmentation using adversarial learning
* Simplified long short-term memory model for robust and fast prediction
* Special Section: CIARP 2018
* Temporal logistic neural Bag-of-Features for financial time series forecasting leveraging limit order book data
* text-based visual context modulation neural model for multimodal machine translation, A
* Three-dimensional reconstruction of CT image features based on multi-threaded deep learning calculation
* Two-stage human hair segmentation in the wild using deep shape prior
* Two-stage multi-modal MR images fusion method based on Parametric Logarithmic Image Processing (PLIP) Model
* Uncertainty-aware integration of local and flat classifiers for food recognition
* Understanding trained CNNs by indexing neuron selectivity
* Using an autoencoder in the design of an anomaly detector for smart manufacturing
* Vector score alpha integration for classifier late fusion
47 for PRL(136)

PRL(137) * Automated glaucoma detection using GIST and pyramid histogram of oriented gradients (PHOG) descriptors
* Beyond context: Exploring semantic similarity for small object detection in crowded scenes
* COMBAHO: A deep learning system for integrating brain injury patients in society
* Deep video-to-video transformations for accessibility with an application to photosensitivity
* Enhancing perception for the visually impaired with deep learning techniques and low-cost wearable sensors
* Feature mask network for person re-identification
* Human behaviour modelling for welfare technology using hidden Markov models
* Learning and recognition for assistive computer vision
* Positive technology for elderly well-being: A review
* projective chirp based stair representation and detection from monocular images and its application for the visually impaired, A
* Robust contactless pulse transit time estimation based on signal quality metric
* Thermal comfort measurement using thermal-depth images for robotic monitoring
* Wearable assistive devices for visually impaired: A state of the art survey
13 for PRL(137)

PRL(138) * Adversarial learning based attentional scene text recognizer
* Analysis of spatiotemporal influence patterns of toxic gas monitoring concentrations in an urban drainage network based on IoT and GIS
* Assessing similarity in handwritten texts
* Attention-aware invertible hashing network with skip connections
* Automated diagnosis of multi-class brain abnormalities using MRI images: A deep convolutional neural network based method
* Axis bound registration of pan-tilt RGB-D scans for fast and accurate reconstruction
* Blockchain-based anomaly detection of electricity consumption in smart grids
* CAN-GAN: Conditioned-attention normalized GAN for face age synthesis
* Community detection in complex network based on APT method
* Community enhanced graph convolutional networks
* comprehensive security analysis of match-in-database fingerprint biometric system, A
* Controlling information capacity of binary neural network
* COVID-CAPS: A capsule network-based framework for identification of COVID-19 cases from X-ray images
* Cross-modal retrieval via label category supervised matrix factorization hashing
* CtrlFaceNet: Framework for geometric-driven face image synthesis
* DAFNE: A dataset of fresco fragments for digital anastlylosis
* Deep k-Means: Jointly clustering with k-Means and learning representations
* Deep shape constrained network for robust face alignment
* Deep supervised feature selection for social relationship recognition
* Depth occlusion perception feature analysis for person re-identification
* Discriminative sampling via deep reinforcement learning for kinship verification
* Distributed discrete-time event-triggered algorithm for economic dispatch problem
* Dynamics of soil surface temperature with unmanned aerial systems
* EBIT: Weakly-supervised image translation with edge and boundary enhancement
* Editorial: Virtual Special Issue: 'Hierarchical Representations: New Results and Challenges for Image Analysis'
* Effective schizophrenia recognition using discriminative eye movement features and model-metric based features
* Encoding multi-granularity structural information for joint Chinese word segmentation and POS tagging
* exact algorithm for time-dependent variational inference for the dynamic stochastic block model, An
* Fast and efficient reconstruction of digitized frescoes
* Fused 3-D spectral-spatial deep neural networks and spectral clustering for hyperspectral image classification
* general model to define the substitution, insertion and deletion graph edit costs based on an embedded space, A
* Greedy AutoAugment
* High-quality depth up-sampling via a supervised classification guided MRF model
* If dropout limits trainable depth, does critical initialisation still matter? A large-scale statistical analysis on ReLU networks
* Improved ASD classification using dynamic functional connectivity and multi-task feature selection
* Intelligent medical heterogeneous big data set balanced clustering using deep learning
* Iris presentation attack detection: Where are we now?
* Joint multi-scale discrimination and region segmentation for person re-ID
* Learnable pooling weights for facial expression recognition
* Learning label correlations for multi-label image recognition with graph networks
* LieToMe: Preliminary study on hand gestures for deception detection via Fisher-LSTM
* MAGAN: A masked autoencoder generative adversarial network for processing missing IoT sequence data
* mDixon-based synthetic CT generation via transfer and patch learning
* Memetic algorithm for multivariate time-series segmentation
* MinReduct: A new algorithm for computing the shortest reducts
* Multi-lingual scene text detection and language identification
* Multi-view clustering by exploring complex mapping relationship between views
* new focus detection criterion in holograms of planktonic organisms, A
* Noninvasive electrocardiographic imaging with low-rank and non-local total variation regularization
* Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation using neural networks
* On minimum spanning tree streaming for hierarchical segmentation
* On the application of convex transforms to metric search
* On the design of biometric-based user authentication protocol in smart city environment
* On the expected behaviour of noise regularised deep neural networks as Gaussian processes
* On the use of a full stack hardware/software infrastructure for sensor data fusion and fault prediction in industry 4.0
* Partial attention and multi-attribute learning for vehicle re-identification
* Pattern recognition and artificial intelligence techniques for cultural heritage
* Pattern recognition and beyond: Alfredo Petrosino's scientific results
* Pedestrian attribute recognition based on multiple time steps attention
* Person re-identification based on multi-scale constraint network
* Person re-identification for smart cities: State-of-the-art and the path ahead
* Preface: In memory of Alfredo Petrosino
* Probabilistic graph-based valuation model for measuring the relative patent value in a valuation scenario
* Prudence when assuming normality: An advice for machine learning practitioners
* PSO-based algorithm for mining association rules using a guided exploration strategy, A
* Quantification of malaria parasitaemia using trainable semantic segmentation and capsnet
* Real-MFF: A large realistic multi-focus image dataset with ground truth
* RefineU-Net: Improved U-Net with progressive global feedbacks and residual attention guided local refinement for medical image segmentation
* Robust and precise isotropic scaling registration algorithm using bi-directional distance and correntropy
* Robust discriminant analysis using multi-directional projection pursuit
* Robust least squares one-class support vector machine
* Rotation-invariant NCC for 2D color matching of arbitrary shaped fragments of a fresco
* SAFFO: A SIFT based approach for digital anastylosis for fresco reconstruction
* Security in smart cities: A brief review of digital forensic schemes for biometric data
* Semantic scene segmentation in unstructured environment with modified DeepLabV3+
* Semantically-guided low-light image enhancement
* simple deep learning based image illumination correction method for paintings, A
* Spatial probabilistic distribution map-based two-channel 3D U-net for visual pathway segmentation
* Special issue on deep learning for video text analysis
* Supervised Filter Feature Selection method for mixed data based on Spectral Feature Selection and Information-theory redundancy analysis, A
* t-SS3: A text classifier with dynamic n-grams for early risk detection over text streams
* TGC20ReId: A dataset for sport event re-identification in the wild
* Towards practical implementations of person re-identification from full video frames
* Transcoding across 3D shape representations for unsupervised learning of 3D shape feature
* two-stage regularization framework for heterogeneous event networks, A
* User personality prediction based on topic preference and sentiment analysis using LSTM model
* Vanishing region loss for crowd density estimation
* Weak supervision for generating pixel-level annotations in scene text segmentation
* Weighted hybrid fusion with rank consistency
* Weighted-capsule routing via a fuzzy gaussian model
90 for PRL(138)

PRL(139) * Automated diagnosis of epilepsy from EEG signals using ensemble learning approach
* Classification of gait signals into different neurodegenerative diseases using statistical analysis and recurrence quantification analysis
* Classification of patients with tumor using MR FLAIR images
* Constraint saliency based intelligent camera for enhancing viewers attention towards intended face
* Decoding non-linearity for effective extraction of the eye-blink artifact pattern from EEG recordings
* deep inference learning framework for healthcare, A
* Detecting distraction of drivers using Convolutional Neural Network
* distinctive approach in brain tumor detection and classification using MRI, A
* Dynamic time warping-based imputation for univariate time series data
* Experiments using deep learning for dermoscopy image analysis
* Facial expressions classification and false label reduction using LDA and threefold SVM
* Filtering impulse noise in medical images using information sets
* framework for offline signature verification system: Best features selection approach, A
* improved block based joint reversible data hiding in encrypted images by symmetric cryptosystem, An
* improved nonlocal maximum likelihood estimation method for denoising magnetic resonance images with spatially varying noise levels, An
* Localization of eye Saccadic signatures in Electrooculograms using sparse representations with data driven dictionaries
* Marker controlled watershed transform for intra-retinal cysts segmentation from optical coherence tomography B-scans
* Multi angle optimal pattern-based deep learning for automatic facial expression recognition
* novel nonintrusive decision support approach for heart rate measurement, A
* novel segmentation technique for online handwritten Bangla words, A
* On-body wearable device localization with a fast and memory efficient SVM-kNN using GPUs
21 for PRL(139)

PRL(14) * 3D Motion Estimation from Combined 2D-3D Data of Line Segments
* Acquiring Information from Cues
* Adaptive Dominant Point Detection Algorithm for Digital Curves, An
* Analysis of Gray Level Histograms by Using Statistical Methods for Mixtures of Distributions
* Analysis of the Max-Min Approach to Feature Selection and Ordering, An
* Attitude Estimation Using Moment Invariants
* Characterizing Planar Outlines
* Clamping of Polygonal Objects
* Computation and Use of Planar Face Normals
* Computing Deviations from Convexity in Polygons
* Computing the Shape of a Point Set in Digital Images
* Counting Minimal 18-Paths in 3D Digital Space
* Decomposable Parameter Space for the Detection of Ellipses, A
* Decomposing a Plane Figure into Lines and Nodes
* Detection and Gradation of Oriented Texture
* Diagonal Quantization for the Hough Transform
* Efficient 3-D Object Representation and Recognition Based on CAD
* Efficient Method for Obtaining Morphological Skeletons, An
* Ellipse Fitting by Accumulating Five-Point Fits
* Estimating Surface Orientation from Directional Textures
* Euclidean Distance Transform in Arbitrary Dimensions, The
* Extraction of Key Letters for Cursive Script Recognition
* Fast Hierarchical Matching of an Arbitrarily Oriented Template
* Fast Line Detection in a Hybrid Pyramid
* Fuzzy Connectivity and Mathematical Morphology
* Fuzzy Geometric Feature-Based Texture Classification
* Hierarchical Maximum Entropy Partitioning in Texture Image Analysis
* Image Compression by Selecting Control Points Using Distance Function on Curved Space
* Improving Sampled Probability Distributions for Markov Random Fields
* Introducing Rotation Invariance into the Neocognitron Model for Target Recognition
* Localization of Circular Objects
* Markov Random Fields for Texture Classification
* Modified Homomorphic Approach on Invariant Features of Object Images, A
* New Approach to Combining Region Growing and Edge Detection, A
* New Camera Calibration Method for High Accuracy Non-Contact Metrology, A
* New Characterization of Digital Lines by Least Square Fits, A
* Note on the Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses, A
* Note on the Umbra Transform in Gray-Scale Morphology, A
* Object Classification Using Half-Contour Features
* Object-Oriented Similarity Retrieval Algorithm for Iconic Image Databases, An
* On Recognizing Unions of Two Convex Polygons and Related Problems
* On the Most Robust Affine Basis
* On the Representation of the Projected Motion Group in 2+1D
* Online Recognition of Handwritten Characters Using Differential Angles and Structural Descriptors
* Optimal Algorithm for Extracting the Regions of a Plane Graph, An
* Optimal Matching of Nonconvex Polygons
* Optimum Circular Fit to Weighted Data in Multi-Dimensional Space
* Outline of a Set of Points
* Parallel Computation of the Euler Number via Connectivity Graph
* Parallel Curve Matching on the Connection Machine
* Performance Analysis of an Associative System for Image Classification, A
* Periodic Differences of Digitized Curves
* Pictorial Drawing Generation For Polyhedral Object Recognition Using Intensity Images
* Polygonal Approximation by Boundary Reduction
* Probabilistic Models of Digital Region Maps Based on Markov Random Fields with Short- and Long-Range Interaction
* Programming Environment for Imaging Applications, A
* Projection Center Calibration by Motion
* Recognition by Constructive Neural Algorithms
* Recognition of Printed Text under Realistic Conditions
* Recognition Technology Frontiers
* Region Merging in 3-D Images Using Morphological Operators
* Related Approaches to Gradient-Based Thresholding
* Robust Edge Detection Based on Morphological Filters
* Segmentation Algorithm for Color Images, A
* Shape From Line Drawings: Beyond Huffman-Clowes Labeling
* Shape Normalization Through Visible Region Center and Unvisible Region Center
* Shape-Analysis Using Genetic Algorithms
* Shape-Matching Using Polygon Approximation and Dynamic Alignment
* Simple Algorithm for Detection of Significant Vertices for Polygonal-Approximation of Chain-Coded Curves, A
* Single Scan Boundary Removal Thinning Algorithm for 2-D Binary Object, A
* Special Issue on Computational Geometry
* Special Issue on Postal Processing and Character Recognition
* Statistical Calculations of 3D-Orientation Parameters of Flat Symmetrical Polyhedrons
* Statistical Shape Discrimination and Clustering Using an Efficient Set of Moments
* TEMPO: Template Matching by Parametric Optimization
* Topographic-Based Feature Labeling for Infrared Oceanographic Images
* Towards Absolute Invariants of Images Under Translation, Rotation, and Dilation
* Tracking Closed Curves by a Matching Process
* Uncertainty of Features in Planar Object Recognition and a New Classifier
* Unsupervised Feature Reduction in Image Segmentation by Local Transforms
80 for PRL(14)

PRL(140) * 3D PostureNet: A unified framework for skeleton-based posture recognition
* Adaptive volumetric texture segmentation based on Gaussian Markov random fields features
* AutoRSISC: Automatic design of neural architecture for remote sensing image scene classification
* Boosting gender identification using author preference
* Camera identification of multi-format devices
* Class mean vector component and discriminant analysis
* classification method for brain MRI via MobileNet and feedforward network with random weights, A
* Cross-resolution face recognition adversarial attacks
* Editorial of the special issue DLHI: Deep learning in medical imaging and healthinformatics
* End-to-end trainable network for superpixel and image segmentation
* Enhanced factorization machine via neural pairwise ranking and attention networks
* experimental study on classification of thyroid histopathology images using transfer learning, An
* Faster ILOD: Incremental learning for object detectors based on faster RCNN
* From 3D to 2D: Transferring knowledge for rib segmentation in chest X-rays
* Generating adversarial examples with elastic-net regularized boundary equilibrium generative adversarial network
* Grabber: A tool to improve convergence in interactive image segmentation
* Graph attention network for detecting license plates in crowded street scenes
* Graph-based non-maximal suppression for detecting products on the rack
* Head pose estimation by regression algorithm
* Identifying noisy labels with a transductive semi-supervised leave-one-out filter
* Improved prototypical networks for few-Shot learning
* Kernelized dual regression incorporating local information for image set classification
* Learning deep kernels in the space of monotone conjunctive polynomials
* light CNN for detecting COVID-19 from CT scans of the chest, A
* Listening-oriented response generation by exploiting user responses
* lower bound for generalized median based consensus learning using kernel-induced distance functions, A
* Multi-region saliency-aware learning for cross-domain placenta image segmentation
* Multilevel fusion of multimodal deep features for porn streamer recognition in live video
* NAPS: Non-adversarial polynomial synthesis
* new fuzzy k-nearest neighbor classifier based on the Bonferroni mean, A
* new machine learning based approach to predict Freezing of Gait, A
* Pixel re-representations for better classification of images
* Post-comparison mitigation of demographic bias in face recognition using fair score normalization
* promotion method for generation error-based video anomaly detection, A
* Pupil size as a soft biometrics for age and gender classification
* Rank consistent ordinal regression for neural networks with application to age estimation
* Reconfigurable cyber-physical system for critical infrastructure protection in smart cities via smart video-surveillance
* Revisiting hierarchy: Deep learning with orthogonally constrained prior for classification
* Self-supervised pain intensity estimation from facial videos via statistical spatiotemporal distillation
* Simultaneous 3D hand detection and pose estimation using single depth images
* single shot multibox detector based on welding operation method for biometrics recognition in smart cities, A
* Speech emotion recognition model based on Bi-GRU and Focal Loss
* SSFNET-VOS: Semantic segmentation and fusion network for video object segmentation
* sub-pixel image registration algorithm based on SURF and M-estimator sample consensus, A
* Thermal infrared pedestrian tracking using joint siamese network and exemplar prediction model
* Towards capsule routing as reconstruction with sparsity constraints
* UAV image analysis for leakage detection in district heating systems using machine learning
* Visual manipulation relationship recognition in object-stacking scenes
* Y-Autoencoders: Disentangling latent representations via sequential encoding
49 for PRL(140)

PRL(141) * application of cyber-physical system and multi-agent technology to demand-side management systems, An
* Clothes image caption generation with attribute detection and visual attention model
* Combined center dispersion loss function for deep facial expression recognition
* Comparative analysis of image classification algorithms based on traditional machine learning and deep learning
* Gradient clustering algorithm based on deep learning aerial image detection
* Learn to cycle: Time-consistent feature discovery for action recognition
* Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on supervised learning for fully convolutional neural network
* Object-oriented remote sensing image information extraction method based on multi-classifier combination and deep learning algorithm
* Random walkers on morphological trees: A segmentation paradigm
* Standardization-refinement domain adaptation method for cross-subject EEG-based classification in imagined speech recognition
10 for PRL(141)

PRL(142) * Artificial intelligence for distributed smart systems
* Auditory perception vs. face based systems for human age estimation in unsupervised environments: from countermeasure to multimodality
* Convolution operations for relief-pattern retrieval, segmentation and classification on mesh manifolds
* Improving visible-thermal ReID with structural common space embedding and part models
* Keyword weight optimization using gradient strategies in event focused web crawling
* Multi-modality fusion learning for the automatic diagnosis of optic neuropathy
* Pool-based unsupervised active learning for regression using iterative representativeness-diversity maximization (iRDM)
* Quantization based clustering: An iterative approach
* semi-supervised sparse K-Means algorithm, A
* Violence detection and face recognition based on deep learning
* Virtual special issue on advanced deep learning methods for biomedical engineering
* Virtual special issue on novel data-representation and classification techniques
12 for PRL(142)

PRL(143) * Attributes based skin lesion detection and recognition: A mask RCNN and transfer learning-based deep learning framework
* Customized VGG19 Architecture for Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-Rays
* deep Kalman filter network for hand kinematics estimation using sEMG, A
* DeepCADRME: A deep neural model for complex adverse drug reaction mentions extraction
* Efficient dispatching system of railway vehicles based on internet of things technology
* Facial micro-expressions as a soft biometric for person recognition
* Fine-grained image inpainting with scale-enhanced generative adversarial network
* graphkit-learn: A Python library for graph kernels based on linear patterns
* Image captioning with transformer and knowledge graph
* Learning deep features for task-independent EEG-based biometric verification
* modified capsule network algorithm for oct corneal image segmentation, A
* Network embedding from the line graph: Random walkers and boosted classification
* Robust control point estimation with an out-of-focus camera calibration pattern
* Self-attention binary neural tree for video summarization
* Solving the same-different task with convolutional neural networks
* SSS-PR: A short survey of surveys in person re-identification
* Supervised learning for parameterized Koopmans-Beckmann's graph matching
17 for PRL(143)

PRL(144) * Adaptive hybrid attention network for hyperspectral image classification
* Analyzing and visualizing scientific research collaboration network with core node evaluation and community detection based on network embedding
* Computer vision techniques for Upper Aero-Digestive Tract tumor grading classification: Addressing pathological challenges
* Dual aggregated feature pyramid network for multi label classification
* Exploring touch-based behavioral authentication on smartphone email applications in IoT-enabled smart cities
* Extending the Beta divergence to complex values
* Large group activity security risk assessment and risk early warning based on random forest algorithm
* Limitation of capsule networks
* Master Key backdoor for universal impersonation attack against DNN-based face verification, A
* multi-scale descriptor for real time RGB-D hand gesture recognition, A
* novel spatio-temporal Siamese network for 3D signature recognition, A
* Retraction: Deep learning for real-time semantic segmentation: Application in ultrasound imaging
* ROSNet: Robust one-stage network for CT lesion detection
* Speech emotion recognition via learning analogies
* Topic-aware latent models for representation learning on networks
15 for PRL(144)

PRL(145) * ACDnet: An action detection network for real-time edge computing based on flow-guided feature approximation and memory aggregation
* Action recognition using kinematics posture feature on 3D skeleton joint locations
* Building crack identification and total quality management method based on deep learning
* CHOP: An orthogonal hashing method for zero-shot cross-modal retrieval
* DAE-CNN: Exploiting and disentangling contrast agent effects for breast lesions classification in DCE-MRI
* DCR: Disentangled component representation for sketch generation
* distance for belief functions of orderable set, A
* Distance on the Cairo pattern
* Dynamic relationship identification for abnormality detection on financial time series
* Evolutionary multi-objective optimization based overlapping subspace clustering
* Experiencing with electronic image stabilization and PRNU through scene content image registration
* Face spoofing detection under super-realistic 3D wax face attacks
* Facial expression recognition using distance and shape signature features
* Fragmentary label distribution learning via graph regularized maximum entropy criteria
* Gammadion binary pattern of Shearlet coefficients (GBPSC): An illumination-invariant heterogeneous face descriptor
* Hierarchical deep neural network for mental stress state detection using IoT based biomarkers
* Improving face recognition performance using TeCS2 dictionary
* Iterative weak/self-supervised classification framework for abnormal events detection
* Landmark guidance independent spatio-channel attention and complementary context information based facial expression recognition
* Less-constrained Sclera Recognition Method based on Stem-and-leaf Branches Network, A
* Machine learning based blind color image watermarking scheme for copyright protection
* method of cross-layer fusion multi-object detection and recognition based on improved faster R-CNN model in complex traffic environment, A
* Mixed pooling and richer attention feature fusion for crack detection
* Multi-view discriminant analysis with sample diversity for ECG biometric recognition
* On the unification of the graph edit distance and graph matching problems
* Person re-identification: Implicitly defining the receptive fields of deep learning classification frameworks
* rotation and scale invariant approach for multi-oriented floor plan image retrieval, A
* Scene-Graph-Guided message passing network for dense captioning
* Self-attention-based conditional random fields latent variables model for sequence labeling
* SmaAt-UNet: Precipitation nowcasting using a small attention-UNet architecture
* Socially-driven multi-interaction attentive group representation learning for group recommendation
* Towards a data-driven adaptive anomaly detection system for human activity
* UFOD: An AutoML framework for the construction, comparison, and combination of object detection models
* Using dynamical quantization to perform split attempts in online tree regressors
* Weakly-supervised video object localization with attentive spatio-temporal correlation
35 for PRL(145)

PRL(146) * Adversarial robustness via attention transfer
* Attention fusion network for multi-spectral semantic segmentation
* Biometric recognition using wearable devices in real-life settings
* Building outlier detection ensembles by selective parameterization of heterogeneous methods
* Clustering online handwritten mathematical expressions
* Cognitive data augmentation for adversarial defense via pixel masking
* Common-covariance based person re-identification model
* Cross-modal context-gated convolution for multi-modal sentiment analysis
* Deep multimodal learning for cross-modal retrieval: One model for all tasks
* distributed source autoencoder of local visual descriptors for 3D reconstruction, A
* Enhancing the identification of web genres by combining internal and external structures
* Estimating the standard error of cross-Validation-Based estimators of classifier performance
* Feature selection based on fuzzy-neighborhood relative decision entropy
* First person video summarization using different graph representations
* Fully Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Background Subtraction, A
* HEVC steganalytic approach against motion vector modification using local optimality in candidate list, An
* Hybrid spatio-frequency domain global thresholding filter (HSFGTF) model for SAR image enhancement
* Improving knowledge distillation using unified ensembles of specialized teachers
* KU-HAR: An open dataset for heterogeneous human activity recognition
* Learning continuous temporal embedding of videos using pattern theory
* Leveraging auxiliary image descriptions for dense video captioning
* Leveraging recent advances in deep learning for audio-Visual emotion recognition
* Modality-wise relational reasoning for one-shot sensor-based activity recognition
* motor imagery EEG signal classification algorithm based on recurrence plot convolution neural network, A
* nearest neighbor-based active learning method and its application to time series classification, A
* novel multi-loss-based deep adversarial network for handling challenging cases in semi-supervised image semantic segmentation, A
* On the detection-to-track association for online multi-object tracking
* On-line learning the graph edit distance costs
* Optical Flow based CNN for detection of unlearnt deepfake manipulations
* Ordered Weighted Aggregation Networks for Video Face Recognition
* Perception matters: Exploring imperceptible and transferable anti-forensics for GAN-generated fake face imagery detection
* Subspace clustering via stacked independent subspace analysis networks with sparse prior information
* Super-resolving blurry face images with identity preservation
* Three-dimensional choroid neovascularization growth prediction from longitudinal retinal OCT images based on a hybrid model
* Two parallel versions of VF3: Performance analysis on a wide database of graphs
* Zero shot augmentation learning in internet of biometric things for health signal processing
36 for PRL(146)

PRL(147) * Adversarial attacks through architectures and spectra in face recognition
* AnimePose: Multi-person 3D pose estimation and animation
* Are IoBT services accessible to everyone?
* Capturing causality and bias in human action recognition
* comparative study on handcrafted features v/s deep features for open-set fingerprint liveness detection, A
* Deep learning-based apple detection using a suppression mask R-CNN
* Editorial for the special issue on the DAFNE project (DigitalAnastylosis of Frescoes challeNgE)
* Feature selection using hybrid poor and rich optimization algorithm for text classification
* Graph characterisation using graphlet-based entropies
* Hierarchical fusion convolutional neural networks for SAR image segmentation
* Hybrid models for intraday stock price forecasting based on artificial neural networks and metaheuristic algorithms
* MRP-GAN: Multi-resolution parallel generative adversarial networks for text-to-image synthesis
* novel feature extractor for human action recognition in visual question answering, A
* Object recognition in performed basic daily activities with a handcrafted data glove prototype
* On the channel density of EEG signals for reliable biometric recognition
* Outfit compatibility prediction with multi-layered feature fusion network
* Perceptual quality-preserving black-box attack against deep learning image classifiers
* Probabilistic personalised cascade with abstention
* Reconstruction of frescoes by sequential layers of feature extraction
* Remote 3D face reconstruction by means of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles
* Simplified Face Quality Assessment (SFQA)
* SmartCAMPP: Smartphone-based continuous authentication leveraging motion sensors with privacy preservation
* SML: Semantic meta-learning for few-shot semantic segmentation?
* STA3D: Spatiotemporally attentive 3D network for video saliency prediction
* Stable topological signatures for metric trees through graph approximations
* Static postural transition-based technique and efficient feature extraction for sensor-based activity recognition
* Steganogram removal using multidirectional diffusion in Fourier domain while preserving perceptual image quality
* Temporally sorting images from real-world events
* Using recurrent neural networks for continuous authentication through gait analysis
29 for PRL(147)

PRL(148) * Anomaly detection using improved deep SVDD model with data structure preservation
* Collaborative learning in bounding box regression for object detection
* Disentangling Image distortions in deep feature space
* Editorial of special section on CIARP 2019
* ensemble-based semi-supervised feature ranking for multi-target regression problems, An
* Graph-based neural network models with multiple self-supervised auxiliary tasks
* Identity authentication based on keystroke dynamics for mobile device users
* Introduction to the special issue on Biometrics in Smart Cities: Techniques and Applications (BI_SCI)
* new DCT-PCM method for license plate number detection in drone images, A
* Pattern Recognition and Remote Sensing techniques applied to Land Use and Land Cover mapping in the Brazilian Savannah
* Reading grid for feature selection relevance criteria in regression
* Recognition of 3D emotional facial expression based on handcrafted and deep feature combination
* Recognition of human locomotion on various transportations fusing smartphone sensors
* Ring-Regularized Cosine Similarity Learning for Fine-Grained Face Verification
* Robust domain-adaptive discriminant analysis
* Scene image and human skeleton-based dual-stream human action recognition
* Self-Supervised Deep Learning Framework for Unsupervised Few-Shot Learning and Clustering, A
* Signless-Laplacian Eigenvector Centrality: A Novel Vital Nodes Identification Method for Complex Networks
* T-VLAD: Temporal vector of locally aggregated descriptor for multiview human action recognition
* TrSeg: Transformer for semantic segmentation
* User recognition based on periocular biometrics and touch dynamics
* Variational DNN embeddings for text-independent speaker verification
22 for PRL(148)

PRL(149) * Analysis of a parallel MCMC algorithm for graph coloring with nearly uniform balancing
* Beyond visual semantics: Exploring the role of scene text in image understanding
* CASCARO: Cascade of classifiers for minimizing the cost of prediction
* Cost-sensitive design of quadratic discriminant analysis for imbalanced data
* Discriminative deep semi-nonnegative matrix factorization network with similarity maximization for unsupervised feature learning
* Diverse part attentive network for video-based person re-identification
* Document-level relation extraction via graph transformer networks and temporal convolutional networks
* Fusing dense and ReZero residual networks for super-resolution of retinal images
* Generalized isolation forest for anomaly detection
* Generate classical Chinese poems with theme-style from images
* Graph matching as a graph convolution operator for graph neural networks
* Heuristics-Based Learning Approach for Choquistic Regression Models
* Improving user verification in human-robot interaction from audio or image inputs through sample quality assessment
* Low-resolution face recognition in resource-constrained environments
* MetAdapt: Meta-learned task-adaptive architecture for few-shot classification
* Metric hull as similarity-aware operator for representing unstructured data
* Multi-type relational clustering for enterprise cyber-security networks
* PASTLE: Pivot-aided space transformation for local explanations
* Pedestrian instance segmentation with prior structure of semantic parts
* Regularizer based on Euler characteristic for retinal blood vessel segmentation
* Robust subspace clustering network with dual-domain regularization
* Some aspects of fractional-order circular moments for image analysis
* Stability of three-way concepts and its application to natural language generation
* TCD-CF: Triple cross-domain collaborative filtering recommendation
* Two metrics for attributed hypergraphs
* Unconstrained end-to-end text reading with feature rectification
26 for PRL(149)

PRL(15) * 2-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Multiresolution Non-Information-Preserving Shape-Features
* Adaptive Bayesian Decision-Model for Motion Segmentation
* Advances in Fuzzy Integration for Pattern Recognition
* Affine Moment Invariants: A New Tool For Character-Recognition
* Affine Point Matching
* Algorithm For Optimal Isomorphism Between 2 Random Graphs, An
* Analysis On Quantizing The Hough Space, An
* Analyzing Front View Face Profiles for Face Recognition Via the Walsh Transform
* Application of Geometric Hashing to Iconic Database Retrieval
* Application of Hopfield Neural Networks and Canonical Perspectives to Recognize and Locate Partially Occluded 3-D Objects
* Approximate Orthogonal Distance Regression Method for Fitting Quadric Surfaces to Range Data
* Automated Document Segmentation
* Automatic Characterization of Spiral and Elliptic Galaxies from Digital Images
* Bayesian Neural-Network For Separating Similar Complex Handwritten Chinese Characters, A
* Boundary Detection in a Hexagonal Grid Using Energy Minimization
* Detail-Preserving Median Based Filters In Image-Processing
* Detecting Number of Folds by a Simple Mathematical Property
* Detection and Localization of Faces on Digital Images
* Digitally Continuous-Functions
* Edge Localization by MOG Filters: Multiple-of-Gaussians
* Effective Clustering Technique for Feature-Extraction, An
* Effects of Edge Orientation on the Performance of 1st-Order Operators
* Efficacy of Fractal Features in Segmenting Images of Natural Textures
* Estimating Nonrigid Motion from Point and Line Correspondences
* Evaluation of Stochastic Models for Analysis and Synthesis of Gray Scale Texture, An
* Experimental Investigation of Projection and Permutation Invariants
* Experiments with Handwriting Recognition Using Holographic Representation of Line Images
* Face Recognition Using Perspective Invariant Features
* Fast Corner Detection In Grey-Level Images
* Feature-Selection Using A Proximity-Index Optimization Model
* Floating Search Methods in Feature-Selection
* Fuzzy Hough Transform
* Fuzzy Plane Geometry: Triangles
* Fuzzy Relaxation Technique For Partial Shape-Matching, A
* Generating Manifold Samples from a Handwritten Word
* GNC Algorithm for Constrained Image-Reconstruction with Continuous-Valued Line Processes, A
* Handwritten Digit Recognition Using an Optimized Nearest-Neighbor Classifier
* Hierarchical Classification of Surface-Defects on Dusty Wood Boards
* Hough Techniques For Fast Optimization of Linear Constant Velocity Motion in Moving Influence Fields
* Hough Transform Technique for the Detection of Rotational Symmetry, A
* Image Segmentation Using Texture Boundary Detection
* Image Understanding Via Representation of the Projected Motion Group
* Inference of Structure: Hands
* Informational Similarity of Graphs in Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Knowledge-Based Boundary Convergence Algorithm for Line Detection, A
* Making A Mobile Robot Learn To Determine Its Location Using Neural Networks
* Measurement of 3D-Line Shaped Objects
* Metareasoning in the Determination of Image Interpretation Strategies
* Method of Coding Hand-Written Arabic Characters and Its Application to Context-Free Grammar, A
* Moment-Based Texture Segmentation
* Multicolored Object Recognition And Location
* Multiscale Medial Axis and Its Applications in Image Registration, The
* Network Model for Invariant Object Recognition
* New Approach to Scale-Space Image, A
* New Characterization of 3-Dimensional Simple Points, A
* Non-Antisymmetrical Edge Profile Detection
* Nonparametric Sequential Method for Polygonal-Approximation of Digital Curves, A
* Note on the Calculation of Moments, A
* Off-Line Handwritten Korean Character-Recognition Based on Stroke Extraction and Representation
* One-Pass Thinning Algorithm With Interference Guards, A
* Optical-Flow Through Relaxation in the Velocity Space
* Optimum Polygonal-Approximation Of Digitized-Curves
* Pipelined Implementation of the Multiresolution Hough Transform in a Pyramid Multiprocessor
* Probabilistic Segmentation of Partial Volume Voxels
* Probability Weighted Hough Transform Technique for Shape Retrieval from Noisy Imagery, A
* Registration of 3D Multimodality Medical Images Using Surfaces and Point Landmarks
* Representing Planar Curves by Using a Scale Vector
* Representing the Color Aspect of Texture Images
* Robust Matching Process: A Dominant Point Approach
* Segmentation and Classification of Mixed Text/Graphics/Image Documents
* Similarity Measures In Computer Vision
* Steerable Filters and Invariance Theory
* Stereo and Motion Matching: A Hough-Transform Inspired Method
* Structural Texture Segmentation Using Irregular Pyramid
* Systematic Way for Region-Based Image Segmentation Based on Markov Random-Field Model, A
* Texture Classification Method Using Multiple Space Filling Curves
* Theory of Generalized Incremental Circle Transform and Its Application for Recognition of 2-Dimensional Objects, A
* Two-Plus-One-Dimensional Differential Geometry
* Visibility Scripts For Active Feature-Based Inspection
* Visibly Better Edge-Detection Using Observed Image Contrasts
* Visual Programming Interface for an Image-Processing Environment
* Volume Image-Processing (VIP 93)
82 for PRL(15)

PRL(150) * ACAE-REMIND for online continual learning with compressed feature replay
* ARatio: Extending area under the ROC curve for probabilistic labels
* automatic clustering algorithm based on the density-peak framework and Chameleon method, An
* Bangla Sign alphabet recognition with zero-shot and transfer learning
* Blind decision making: Reinforcement learning with delayed observations
* Convolutional neural network simplification with progressive retraining
* Deep leaf: Mask R-CNN based leaf detection and segmentation from digitized herbarium specimen images
* Density-aware and background-aware network for crowd counting via multi-task learning
* Dynamic sampling for deep metric learning
* Evolution of ICTs-empowered-identification: A general re-ranking method for person re-identification
* FM-based: Algorithm research on rural tourism recommendation combining seasonal and distribution features
* Human motion reconstruction using deep transformer networks
* Identification of source social network of digital images using deep neural network
* Inlier clustering based on the residuals of random hypotheses
* Joint nonlinear feature selection and continuous values regression network
* Laryngoscope8: Laryngeal image dataset and classification of laryngeal disease based on attention mechanism
* MHFP: Multi-view based hierarchical fusion pooling method for 3D shape recognition
* MIDCAN: A multiple input deep convolutional attention network for Covid-19 diagnosis based on chest CT and chest X-ray
* Modeling local and global behavior for trajectory classification using graph based algorithm
* Motion estimation in hazy videos
* Multimodal grid features and cell pointers for scene text visual question answering
* Multiscale permutation entropy for two-dimensional patterns
* Node2vec with weak supervision on community structures
* On assigning probabilities to new hypotheses
* Perturbation-based methods for explaining deep neural networks: A survey
* Pitch-robust acoustic feature using single frequency filtering for children's KWS
* R-SigNet: Reduced space writer-independent feature learning for offline writer-dependent signature verification
* Representing point clouds with generative conditional invertible flow networks
* RGB-IR cross-modality person ReID based on teacher-student GAN model
* Robust gait recognition using hybrid descriptors based on Skeleton Gait Energy Image
* Robust multi-view continuous subspace clustering
* Saliency for free: Saliency prediction as a side-effect of object recognition
* Scientific papers citation analysis using textual features and SMOTE resampling techniques
* Semantic segmentation on Swiss3DCities: A benchmark study on aerial photogrammetric 3D pointcloud dataset
* Sequential fusion of facial appearance and dynamics for depression recognition
* Sliced Wasserstein based Canonical Correlation Analysis for Cross-Domain Recommendation
* Soft-Boundary Label Relaxation with class placement constraints for semantic segmentation of the railway environment
* Transfer learning helps to improve the accuracy to classify patients with different speech disorders in different languages
* Visual question answering in the medical domain based on deep learning approaches: A comprehensive study
39 for PRL(150)

PRL(151) * ActivityExplorer: A semi-supervised approach to discover unknown activity classes in HAR systems
* Adoption of improved neural network blade pattern recognition in prevention and control of corona virus disease-19 pandemic
* Automated hyperparameter selection for the PC algorithm
* Bias correction for linear discriminant analysis
* Collaborative filtering grounded on knowledge graphs
* comparative study of shallow learning and deep transfer learning techniques for accurate fingerprints vitality detection, A
* Convex covariate clustering for classification
* Deep learning approaches for workout repetition counting and validation
* Deep multi-scale and multi-modal fusion for 3D object detection
* distributed algorithm for graph semi-supervised learning, A
* Editorial Deep Multi-Source Data Analysis
* Effective fake news detection using graph and summarization techniques
* Effective semi-supervised learning for structured data using Embedding GANs
* Efficient approximate approach for graph edit distance problem
* Empowering Knowledge Distillation via Open Set Recognition for Robust 3D Point Cloud Classification
* enhanced and interpretable feature representation approach to support shape classification from binary images, An
* ERINet: Enhanced Rotation-Invariant Network for Point Cloud Classification
* Exploration of block-wise dynamic sparseness
* fast and efficient image watermarking scheme based on Deep Neural Network, A
* FFAVOD: Feature fusion architecture for video object detection
* Futuristic person re-identification over internet of biometrics things (IoBT): Technical potential versus practical reality
* Gaussian process latent variable model factorization for context-aware recommender systems
* Geometry and statistics-preserving manifold embedding for nonlinear dimensionality reduction
* GRNet: Graph-based remodeling network for multi-view semi-supervised classification
* Image deep clustering based on local-topology embedding
* Imbalanced image classification with complement cross entropy
* Instance-Based Zero-Shot learning for semi-Automatic MeSH indexing
* Intelligent computing on time-series data analysis and prediction of COVID-19 pandemics
* Learning event guided network for salient object detection
* Learning Video Actions in Two Stream Recurrent Neural Network
* Machine learning in precision medicine to preserve privacy via encryption
* method for user-customized compensation of metamorphopsia through video see-through enabled head mounted display, A
* MISS GAN: A Multi-IlluStrator style generative adversarial network for image to illustration translation
* MOON: Multi-hash codes joint learning for cross-media retrieval
* MSAR-Net: Multi-scale attention based light-weight image super-resolution
* Multi-style learning for adaptation of perception intelligence in home service robots
* MVFFNet: Multi-view feature fusion network for imbalanced ship classification
* new similarity-based classifier with Dombi aggregative operators, A
* optimal variable exponent model for Magnetic Resonance Images denoising, An
* PMMN: Pre-Trained Multi-Modal Network for Scene Text Recognition
* PNU Spoofing: a menace for biometrics authentication systems?
* Predicting soluble solids content in Fuji apples of different ripening stages based on multiple information fusion
* Random Slope method for generation of cancelable biometric features
* Robust Multichannel EEG Signal Reconstruction Method
* SCANet: A Spatial and Channel Attention based Network for Partial-to-Partial Point Cloud Registration
* Semi-supervised partial multi-label classification with low-rank and manifold constraints
* Triple-Input-Unsupervised neural Networks for deformable image registration
* Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational Autoencoder Model for COVID-19 Diagnosis and Classification
* Visual question answering: Which investigated applications?
* Weighted multi-view common subspace learning method
50 for PRL(151)

PRL(152) * 3D Dental model segmentation with graph attentional convolution network
* ADCCF: Adaptive deep concatenation coder framework for visual question answering
* Attribute-driven image captioning via soft-switch pointer
* Automatic Annotation Algorithm of Medical Radiological Images using Convolutional Neural Network
* COLI: Collaborative clustering missing data imputation
* Combined secure approach based on whale optimization to improve the data classification for data analytics
* Deep adaptive group-based input normalization for financial trading
* Deep ladder reconstruction-classification network for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Deep learning for emotion driven user experiences
* Deep transfer learning based classification model for covid-19 using chest CT-scans
* DeepLTRS: A deep latent recommender system based on user ratings and reviews
* Deformable scene text detection using harmonic features and modified pixel aggregation network
* DQN-based gradual fisheye image rectification
* Efficient skew detection and correction in scanned document images through clustering of probabilistic hough transforms
* Enhanced model for fake image detection (EMFID) using convolutional neural networks with histogram and wavelet based feature extractions
* Experts perception-based system to detect misinformation in health websites
* Fast estimation for robust supervised classification with mixture models
* FinPAD: State-of-the-art of fingerprint presentation attack detection mechanisms, taxonomy and future perspectives
* Head pose estimation using facial-landmarks classification for children rehabilitation games
* hierarchical and multi-view registration of serial histopathological images, A
* Hopfield-type neural ordinary differential equation for robust machine learning
* improved watermarking algorithm for robustness and imperceptibility of data protection in the perception layer of internet of things, An
* Intelligent deep learning based bidirectional long short term memory model for automated reply of e-mail client prototype
* Joint object recognition and pose estimation using multiple-anchor triplet learning of canonical plane
* kNN-Based Feature Learning Network for Semantic Segmentation of Point Cloud Data
* Light gradient boosting machine-based phishing webpage detection model using phisher website features of mimic URLs
* maximum diversity-based path sparsification for geometric graph matching, A
* Medical Image Encryption Scheme Using Multiple Chaotic Maps
* method of fingermark anti-counterfeiting for forensic document identification, A
* model-based reinforcement learning method based on conditional generative adversarial networks, A
* Multi party secure data access management in cloud using user centric block chain data encryption
* Multimodal-adaptive hierarchical network for multimedia sequential recommendation
* new approach to training more interpretable model with additional segmentation, A
* Novel framework for multimodal biometric image authentication using visual share neural network
* On the benefits of defining vicinal distributions in latent space
* On the receptive field misalignment in CAM-based visual explanations
* On the transferability of adversarial perturbation attacks against fingerprint based authentication systems
* On utilizing 2D features from 3D scans to enhance the prediction of lung cancer survival rates
* Performing Attack Halting Process with Digital Pattern and Proactive Model Resolving the Security Issues in IoT Based Models
* practical artificial intelligence system to diagnose COVID-19 using computed tomography: A multinational external validation study, A
* Prediction of pediatric activity intensity with wearable sensors and bi-directional LSTM models
* Prediction on transmission trajectory of COVID-19 based on particle swarm algorithm
* Prognosticating the effect on Unemployment rate in the post-pandemic India via Time-Series Forecasting and Least Squares Approximation
* Protection motivation theory using multi-factor authentication for providing security over social networking sites
* Quantitative performance evaluation of object detectors in hazy environments
* secure model on Advanced Fake Image-Feature Network (AFIFN) based on deep learning for image forgery detection, A
* Self-Fusion Convolutional Neural Networks
* Semi-lexical languages: a formal basis for using domain knowledge to resolve ambiguities in deep-learning based computer vision
* SnipeDet: Attention-guided pyramidal prediction kernels for generic object detection
* Symbols Detection and Classification using Graph Neural Networks
* Triplet interactive attention network for cross-modality person re-identification
* Two-Stage Deep Learning Framework for Discrimination between COVID-19 and Community-Acquired Pneumonia from Chest CT scans
* Vanishing boosted weights: A consistent algorithm to learn interpretable rules
* Weighted distances on the truncated hexagonal grid
54 for PRL(152)

PRL(153) * adaptive index smoothing loss for face anti-spoofing, An
* Anomaly detection in streaming data with gaussian process based stochastic differential equations
* Application of CycleGAN and transfer learning techniques for automated detection of COVID-19 using X-ray images
* Automated visual stimuli evoked multi-channel EEG signal classification using EEGCapsNet
* Beyond neighbourhood-preserving transformations for quantization-based unsupervised hashing
* Biomedical image segmentation based on full-Resolution network
* Category attention transfer for efficient fine-grained visual categorization
* Central hubs prediction for bio networks by directed hypergraph: GA with validation to COVID-19 PPI
* Data-adaptive binary neural networks for efficient object detection and recognition
* Deep relational self-Attention networks for scene graph generation
* Design of Blockchain enabled intrusion detection model for detecting security attacks using deep learning
* directed graph convolutional neural network for edge-structured signals in link-fault detection, A
* Discriminative and semantic feature selection for place recognition towards dynamic environments
* discriminative channel diversification network for image classification, A
* Fast transformation of discriminators into encoders using pre-trained GANs
* High-fidelity 3D face reconstruction with multi-scale details
* HMFCA-Net: Hierarchical multi-frequency based Channel attention net for mobile phone surface defect detection
* Image encryption based on logistic chaotic systems and deep autoencoder
* Lifelong CycleGAN for continual multi-task image restoration
* MTHetGNN: A heterogeneous graph embedding framework for multivariate time series forecasting
* Multi-modal Human pose estimation based on probability distribution perception on a depth convolution neural network
* Oil palm tree counting in drone images
* Pattern detection in the activation space for identifying synthesized content
* PEDENet: Image anomaly localization via patch embedding and density estimation
* Personalized recommendation of collective points-of-interest with preference and context awareness
* robust image segmentation framework based on total variation spectral transform, A
* Salient Object Detection by Aggregating Contextual Information
* SAM-Net: Semantic probabilistic and attention mechanisms of dynamic objects for self-supervised depth and camera pose estimation in visual odometry applications
* Secure storage and matching of latent fingerprints using phase shifting digital holography
* Small object detection in remote sensing images based on super-resolution
* SparseShift-GCN: High precision skeleton-based action recognition
* SVDN: A spatially variant degradation network for blind image super-resolution
* Syntactic data generation for handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* Unsupervised thermal-to-visible domain adaptation method for pedestrian detection
34 for PRL(153)

PRL(154) * Active recursive Bayesian inference using Rényi information measures
* Application of optimal clustering and metric learning to patch-based anomaly detection
* Attention guided deep features for accurate body mass index estimation
* Compressed feature vector-based effective object recognition model in detection of COVID-19
* DeepStreamOS: Fast open-Set classification for convolutional neural networks
* Edge detection with attention: From global view to local focus
* Effective fake news video detection using domain knowledge and multimodal data fusion on youtube
* fuzzy-rough uncertainty measure to discover bias encoded explicitly or implicitly in features of structured pattern classification datasets, A
* Option compatible reward inverse reinforcement learning
* Regularizing deep networks with label geometry for accurate object localization on small training datasets
* Robust patchmatch HDR image reconstruction for deghosting
* Scale-aware heatmap representation for human pose estimation
* Self-supervised representation learning for detection of ACL tear injury in knee MR videos
* Supervised discrete hashing for hamming space retrieval
* unsupervised approach of colonic polyp segmentation using adaptive markov random fields, An
15 for PRL(154)

PRL(155) * Advances in human action, activity and gesture recognition
* Adversarial learning and decomposition-based domain generalization for face anti-spoofing
* CERN: Compact facial expression recognition net
* Clustering with multi-layered perceptron
* Data-aware relation learning-based graph convolution neural network for facial action unit recognition
* Detecting owner-member relationship in fisheye camera system with graph convolution network
* Effective extraction of ventricles and myocardium objects from cardiac magnetic resonance images with a multi-task learning U-Net
* Feature-Induced Label Distribution for Learning with Noisy Labels
* fusion representation for face learning by low-rank constrain and high-frequency texture components, A
* GAN-MVAE: A discriminative latent feature generation framework for generalized zero-shot learning
* GEVE: A generative adversarial network for extremely dark image/video enhancement
* Improvement in design and training of feature pyramid network for contour refinement
* InfraGAN: A GAN architecture to transfer visible images to infrared domain
* Iris R-CNN: Accurate iris segmentation and localization in non-cooperative environment with visible illumination
* Learning image aesthetic subjectivity from attribute-aware relational reasoning network
* Localized multiple kernel learning using graph modularity
* Mixing up contrastive learning: Self-supervised representation learning for time series
* OCmst: One-class novelty detection using convolutional neural network and minimum spanning trees
* PUNet: Novel and efficient deep neural network architecture for handwritten documents word spotting
* RectiNet-v2: A stacked network architecture for document image dewarping
* Robust experience replay sampling for multi-agent reinforcement learning
* SAF-Net: A spatio-temporal deep learning method for typhoon intensity prediction
* Selective Nearest Neighbors Clustering
* Super-resolution guided knowledge distillation for low-resolution image classification
* Transformer-based approach for joint handwriting and named entity recognition in historical document
* Video anomaly detection using deep residual-spatiotemporal translation network
26 for PRL(155)

PRL(156) * Accelerated sparse nonnegative matrix factorization for unsupervised feature learning
* Adaptive loss function based least squares one-class support vector machine
* Calibrating probabilistic predictions of quantile regression forests with conformal predictive systems
* Context-related video anomaly detection via generative adversarial network
* GDFormer: A Graph Diffusing Attention based approach for Traffic Flow Prediction
* HashWalk: An efficient node classification method based on clique-compressed graph embedding
* HITS: Binarizing physiological time series with deep hashing neural network
* Incremental few-shot object detection via knowledge transfer
* Instance-based learning using the half-space proximal graph
* Introduction to the special section on intelligent systems and pattern recognition (SS:ISPR20)
* Investigating strategies towards adversarially robust time series classification
* IoU-Balanced loss functions for single-stage object detection
* Knowledge guided learning: Open world egocentric action recognition with zero supervision
* mixture modeling approach for clustering log files with coreset and user feedback, A
* Multi-label video classification via coupling attentional multiple instance learning with label relation graph
* Multiple cross-attention for video-subtitle moment retrieval
* Network optimization using defender system in cloud computing security based intrusion detection system withgame theory deep neural network (IDSGT-DNN)
* Photoplethysmographic biometrics: A comprehensive survey
* Physiology-based augmented deep neural network frameworks for ECG biometrics with short ECG pulses considering varying heart rates
* Rapid trajectory clustering based on neighbor spatial analysis
* Revisiting convexity-preserving signal recovery with the linearly involved GMC penalty
* SC-LPR: Spatiotemporal context based LiDAR place recognition
* Self-supervised 2D face presentation attack detection via temporal sequence sampling
* survey on biometric recognition using wearable devices, A
* Triangle-based outlier detection
* VANT-GAN: Adversarial Learning for Discrepancy-Based Visual Attribution in Medical Imaging
26 for PRL(156)

PRL(157) * Cloud security based attack detection using transductive learning integrated with Hidden Markov Model
* CORE: A knowledge graph entity type prediction method via complex space regression and embedding
* Distilled light GaitSet: Towards scalable gait recognition
* Exploring multi-tasking learning in document attribute classification
* Generative adversarial U-Net for domain-free few-shot medical diagnosis
* Greedy-layer pruning: Speeding up transformer models for natural language processing
* Hyper-graph-based attention curriculum learning using a lexical algorithm for mental health
* IDeAuth: A novel behavioral biometric-based implicit deauthentication scheme for smartphones
* Improved fuzzy c-means clustering by varying the fuzziness parameter
* KGBoost: A classification-based knowledge base completion method with negative sampling
* Mobile behavioral biometrics for passive authentication
* Multiple change point clustering of count processes with application to California COVID data
* Reduced annotation based on deep active learning for arabic text detection in natural scene images
* ResT-ReID: Transformer block-based residual learning for person re-identification
* Scarcity-aware spam detection technique for big data ecosystem
* SynCoLFinGer: Synthetic contactless fingerprint generator
* Text-to-image synthesis with self-supervised learning
* Utilizing differential characteristics of high dimensional data as a mechanism for dimensionality reduction
18 for PRL(157)

PRL(158) * CDANet: Common-and-Differential Attention Network for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* Confidence intervals for the random forest generalization error
* Decoupling music notation to improve end-to-end Optical Music Recognition
* DP-k-modes: A self-tuning k-modes clustering algorithm
* enhanced N-point interpolation method to eliminate average precision distortion, An
* Face spoofing detection ensemble via multistage optimisation and pruning
* HarrisZ+: Harris corner selection for next-gen image matching pipelines
* hybrid active contour model based on pre-fitting energy and adaptive functions for fast image segmentation, A
* Improving query expansion using pseudo-relevant web knowledge for information retrieval
* infodemiological framework for tracking the spread of SARS-CoV-2 using integrated public data, An
* Iterative ridge regression using the aggregating algorithm
* Laplacian encoder-decoder network for raindrop removal
* Learning time-aware features for action quality assessment
* Missing Data Imputation via Conditional Generator and Correlation Learning for Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation
* novel unsupervised ensemble framework using concept-based linguistic methods and machine learning for twitter sentiment analysis, A
* Recognizing micro actions in videos by learning multi-layer local features
* Scene captioning with deep fusion of images and point clouds
* Spoken language identification in unseen channel conditions using modified within-sample similarity loss
* Time-series estimation from randomly time-warped observations
* Touch keystroke dynamics for demographic classification
* Twitter sentiment analysis using ensemble based deep learning model towards COVID-19 in India and European countries
* Vehicle detection using improved region convolution neural network for accident prevention in smart roads
* Zero-shot semantic segmentation via spatial and multi-scale aware visual class embedding
23 for PRL(158)

PRL(159) * Bi-discriminator GAN for tabular data synthesis
* Camera domain adaptation based on cross-patch transformers for person re-identification
* CE-text: A context-Aware and embedded text detector in natural scene images
* Conference on graphics, patterns and images
* Contour deformation network for instance segmentation
* Cross lingual handwritten character recognition using long short term memory network with aid of elephant herding optimization algorithm
* Cross-lingual transfer learning: A PARAFAC2 approach
* Cross-modal propagation network for generalized zero-shot learning
* Detail preserving conditional random field as 2-D RNN for gland segmentation in histology images
* Dilated residual grooming kernel model for breast cancer detection
* Editorial for the special issue on implicit biometric authentication and monitoring through Internet of Biometric Things (I-BIO)
* Editorial paper for pattern recognition letters VSI on multi-view representation learning and multi-modal information representation
* EEPNet: An efficient and effective convolutional neural network for palmprint recognition
* Enhanced iris presentation attack detection via contraction-expansion CNN
* Fast computation of mutual information in the frequency domain with applications to global multimodal image alignment
* Few shot learning-based fast adaptation for human activity recognition
* Hybrid Tucker-VQ Tensor Sketch decomposition model for coding and streaming real world light fields using stack of differently focused images, A
* impact of domain randomization on cross-device monocular deep 6DoF detection, The
* Learning scene-specific object detectors based on a generative-discriminative model with minimal supervision
* MOJ-DB: A new database of Arabic historical handwriting and a novel approach for subwords extraction
* Nature vs. Nurture: Feature vs. Structure for Graph Neural Networks
* Occlusion-aware spatial attention transformer for occluded object recognition
* On the choice of number of superstates in the aggregation of Markov chains
* One-net: Convolutional color constancy simplified
* Online product sentiment analysis using random evolutionary whale optimization algorithm and deep belief network
* optimized recommendation framework exploiting textual review based opinion mining for generating pleasantly surprising, novel yet relevant recommendations, An
* Retraction: Deep learning for real-time semantic segmentation: Application in ultrasound imaging
* Reversible image data hiding based on scalable difference expansion
* robust handwritten recognition system for learning on different data restriction scenarios, A
* Semantic-refined spatial pyramid network for crowd counting
* Task adaptive siamese neural networks for open-set recognition of encrypted network traffic with bidirectional dropout
* Task-specific dependency-based word embedding methods
* Texture analysis using two-dimensional permutation entropy and amplitude-aware permutation entropy
* transductive learning method to leverage graph structure for few-shot learning, A
* Virtual special issue on advances in digital security: Biometrics and forensics
35 for PRL(159)

PRL(16) * 3D Fully Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Generating Medial Faces, A
* Accurate 3D Localization of a Camera Using a Guide-Mark, An
* Active Contours Approach to Object Tracking in Image Sequences With Complex Background
* Adaptive Approach to Scale Selection for Line and Edge-Detection, An
* Agglomerative Clustering of Symbolic Objects Using the Concepts of Both Similarity and Dissimilarity
* Algorithm for Polygonal-Approximation Based on Iterative Point Elimination, An
* Alternative Models for Fish-Eye Lenses
* Application of Genetic Algorithms to Stereo Matching of Images
* Application of Wavelet-Based Affine-Invariant Representation, An
* Approach to Integration of Off-Line and Online Recognition of Handwriting, An
* Bipartite Matching Approach to Feature Correspondence in Stereo Vision, A
* Boundary Detection Using Mathematical Morphology
* Catching Moving-Objects with Snakes for Motion Tracking
* Character String Recognition on Maps, a Rotation-Invariant Recognition Method
* Characterizing the Hierarchical Hough Transform through a Polygonal Approximation Algorithm
* Circular-Arc Detection Based on Hough Transform
* Coarse Classification of Chinese Characters Via Stroke Clustering Method
* Coding Scheme for Certain Sets of Digital Curves, A
* Color Matching For Image Retrieval
* Colorimetric Calibration of Color Scanners by Back-Propagation
* Comparison of Bilinear Space Spatial-Frequency Representations for Texture-Discrimination, A
* Complete Object Recognition Under Projection Distortion
* Computational Approaches for Solving the Bas-Relief Ambiguity under Orthographic Projection
* Computer Vision: Compress to Comprehend
* Convex Polygon Is Determined by Its Hough Transform, A
* Corner Detection Using Bending Value
* Detection and Estimation of Circular-Arc Segments
* Determining Motion Fields Under Nonuniform Illumination
* Determining the Feature Relevance for Nonclassically Described Objects and a New Algorithm to Compute Typical Fuzzy Testors
* Digital Straightness and the Skeleton Property
* Discrete Distance Operator on Rectangular Grids
* Document Image Binarization Preserving Stroke Connectivity
* Efficient Shape Representation Scheme Using Voronoi Skeletons, An
* Euclidean Voronoi Labelling on the Multidimensional Grid
* Evaluating Digital Angles by a Parallel Diffusion Process
* Evolutionary Approach to Training Relaxation Labeling Processes, An
* Exact Match Retrieval Scheme Based Upon Principal Component Analysis, An
* Extraction of Intensity Connectedness for Image-Processing
* Fast Algorithm for Convex-Hull Extraction in 2D Images, A
* Fast Thresholding Selection Procedure for Multimodal and Unimodal Histograms, A
* Filling Gaps in the Hough-Transform Voting Locus for N-Dimensional Parameter Spaces
* Finding Shape Numbers in Parallel
* Generalized Solution to the Quadtree Expected Complexity Problem, A
* Generation of Moment Invariants and Their Uses for Character Recognition
* Genetic Algorithm for the Knowledge-Base Partitioning Problem, A
* Genetic Algorithm with the Dynamic Probability of Mutation in the Classification Problem
* Genetic Contour Matching
* Geometric Properties of Sets of Lines
* Graphics Recognition: General Context and Challenges
* Hierarchical Image Representation by Mathematical Morphology Sub-Band Decomposition
* Identification And Inspection Of 2-D Objects Using New Moment-Based Shape Descriptors
* Image Detection Technique Based on Morphological Edge-Detection and Background Differencing for Real-Time Traffic Analysis, An
* Implementation of Some Image Thresholding Algorithms on a Connection Machine-200
* Improvement of Integrated Function Algorithm for Binarization of Document Images
* Improving Boundary Detection Using Variable Resolution Masks
* Influence of Segmentation over Feature Measurement
* Introducing the Reduced Aspect Graph
* Kolmogorov-Smirnov Type Statistic for Detecting Structural-Changes of Textures, A
* Lie Group Approach to Steerable Filters, A
* Linear Time Recognition of Digital Arcs, The
* Localization of Dominant Points for Image-Coding
* Mode Determination in Noisy Bimodal Images by Histogram Comparison
* Modified and Parallelized Viterbi Algorithm on Hypercube Machines, A
* Near Pattern-Matching Scheme Based upon Principal Component Analysis, A
* Neural-Network-Based Dedicated Thinning Method, A
* New Split-and-Merge Technique for Polygonal-Approximation of Chain Coded Curves, A
* New Statistical Approach for Micro Texture Description, A
* Noise and Intensity Invariant Moments
* Note on the Nagendraprasad-Wang-Gupta Thinning Algorithm, A
* Novel Single-Pass Thinning Algorithm and an Effective Set of Performance Criteria, A
* Object Matching by Means of Matching Likelihood Coefficients
* Object Recognition By a Linear Weight Classifier
* Optimal Matching of General Polygons Based on the Minimum Zone Error
* Optimal Thresholding Using Multi-State Stochastic Connectionist Approach
* Optimized Minimal Edit Distance for Hand-Written Word Recognition, An
* Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Medial Surfaces, A
* Pattern-Recognition Approach to the Detection of Complex Edges, A
* Point Landmarks for Registration of CT and MR-Images
* Practical Method for Estimating Fractal Dimension, A
* Preclassification of Handwritten Chinese Characters Based on Basic Stroke Substructures
* Random Model for Analyzing Region Quadtrees, A
* Recovering 3-D Motion Parameters from Optical Flow Field Using Randomized Hough Transform
* Registration of 3-D Images by Genetic Optimization
* Representing Pattern Recognition-Embedded Systems through Object-Process Diagrams: The Case of the Machine Drawing Understanding System
* Scale-Vector Approach For Edge-Detection, A
* Searching for Flexible Repeated Patterns Using a Non-Transitive Similarity Relation
* Semi-Proximity Continuous-Functions in Digital Images
* Sigmoidal Approximations for Self-Interactive Line Processes in Edge-Preserving Image Restoration
* Stereo Matching Technique Based on the Perceptron Criterion Function
* Symmetry Detection Using Gradient Information
* Three Conditions of a Good Line Parameterization, The
* Topological Clustering of Maps Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Transputer Implementation of a Multiple Agent Model for Object Tracking
* Visual Tracking Technique Suitable for Control of Convoys, A
* Word-Level Recognition of Small Sets of Hand-Written Words
95 for PRL(16)

PRL(160) * Adversarial momentum-contrastive pre-training
* Baby steps towards few-shot learning with multiple semantics
* Collision avoidance approaches for autonomous mobile robots to tackle the problem of pedestrians roaming on campus road
* Compositional coding capsule network with k-means routing for text classification
* Cooperative auto-classifier networks for boosting discriminant capacity
* Cross-project defect prediction based on G-LSTM model
* Directionally Weighted Distance for Minutiae-Triplets Preservation on Elastic Deformation of Fingerprint Recognition
* Diverse video captioning through latent variable expansion
* Editorial paper for Pattern Recognition Letters VSI on Cross Model Understanding for Visual Question Answering
* Exploiting deep and hand-crafted features for texture image retrieval using class membership
* Few shots are all you need: A progressive learning approach for low resource handwritten text recognition
* GSTA: Pedestrian trajectory prediction based on global spatio-temporal association of graph attention network
* hybrid method based on estimation of distribution algorithms to train convolutional neural networks for text categorization, A
* Kernel-based convolution expansion for facial expression recognition
* Learning invariant representation for unsupervised domain adaptive thorax disease classification
* Learning to resolve uncertainties for large-scale face recognition
* Memory-based Transformer with shorter window and longer horizon for multivariate time series forecasting
* new fingerprint definition for effective song recognition, A
* Referring expression grounding by multi-context reasoning
* robust intrinsic feature of images derived from the tensor manifold, A
* TANA: The amalgam neural architecture for sarcasm detection in indian indigenous language combining LSTM and SVM with word-emoji embeddings
* Topic-word-constrained sentence generation with variational autoencoder
* Towards generalizable detection of face forgery via self-guided model-agnostic learning
* Transformer-based Cross Reference Network for video salient object detection
24 for PRL(160)

PRL(161) * Acceleration-based gait analysis for frailty assessment in older adults
* Adaptive Modulation and Rectangular Convolutional Network for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Affective word embedding in affective explanation generation for fine art paintings
* Attention Mechanism Based Mixture of Gaussian Processes
* CGNN: Caption-assisted graph neural network for image-text retrieval
* Comparison of color imaging vs. hyperspectral imaging for texture classification
* CSF: Closed-mask-guided semantic fusion method for semantic perception of unknown scenes
* Dual Gaussian Modeling for Deep Face Embeddings
* DuETNet: Dual Encoder based Transfer Network for thoracic disease classification
* Editorial paper for pattern recognition letters VSI on advances in graph-based recognition for pattern recognition
* Emotion Recognition Based on Brain Connectivity Reservoir and Valence Lateralization for Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
* ERANNs: Efficient residual audio neural networks for audio pattern recognition
* GaitPrivacyON: Privacy-preserving mobile gait biometrics using unsupervised learning
* Keyword weight optimization using gradient strategies in event focused web crawling
* LandmarkGAN: Synthesizing faces from landmarks
* Mask-guided cycle-GAN for specular highlight removal
* MetaAP: A meta-tree-based ranking algorithm optimizing the average precision from imbalanced data
* Non-parametric discretization for probabilistic labeled data
* On the robustness of self-supervised representations for multi-view object classification
* Periodicity counting in videos with unsupervised learning of cyclic embeddings
* Rethinking class orders and transferability in class incremental learning
* Robust Trimmed K-Means
* SeSAME: Re-identification-based ambient intelligence system for museum environment
* Transductive polyhedral conic classifiers for machine learning applications
24 for PRL(161)

PRL(162) * Adaptive preference transfer for personalized IoT entity recommendation
* Application of DNN for radar micro-doppler signature-based human suspicious activity recognition
* Automatic dottization of Arabic text (Rasms) using deep recurrent neural networks
* Characterizing pandemic waves: A latent class analysis of COVID-19 spread across US counties
* Classification of emotions using EEG activity associated with different areas of the brain
* Continual semi-supervised learning through contrastive interpolation consistency
* Detection of Intrusion behavior in cloud applications using Pearson's chi-squared distribution and decision tree classifiers
* Edge-aware motion based facial micro-expression generation with attention mechanism
* Editorial for the special issue on deep learning for precise and efficient object detection
* Local to Global Feature Learning for Salient Object Detection
* Multi-attribute balanced sampling for disentangled GAN controls
* Real-time identification of eye fixations and saccades using radial basis function networks and Markov chains
* Rotation invariant Gabor convolutional neural network for image classification
* Spatio-temporal convolutional emotional attention network for spotting macro- and micro-expression intervals in long video sequences
14 for PRL(162)

PRL(163) * Bayesian robust tensor completion via CP decomposition
* Biometric presentation attacks: Handcrafted features versus deep learning approaches
* boundary-preserving conditional convolution network for instance segmentation, A
* Causal learner: A toolbox for causal structure and Markov blanket learning
* comprehensive scheme for tattoo text detection, A
* Computational linguistics processing in indigenous language
* Dual-branch self-attention network for pedestrian attribute recognition
* Editorial of the special section on CIARP 2021
* efficient algorithm to update non-flat and incremental attributes in morphological trees, An
* Fuzzy prototype selection-based classifiers for imbalanced data. Case study
* Imbalanced regression for intensity series of pain expression from videos by regularizing spatio-temporal face nets
* improved entity recognition approach to cyber-social knowledge provision of intellectual property using a CRF-LSTM model, An
* Kernel embedding transformation learning for graph matching
* Knowledge points navigation based on three-way concept lattice for autonomous learning
* Micro-expression recognition with supervised contrastive learning
* Micro-expression spotting based on optical flow features
* Multi-stage and multi-branch network with similar expressions label distribution learning for facial expression recognition
* On the effect of selfie beautification filters on face detection and recognition
* Polarization-based optical characterization for color texture analysis and segmentation
* Predicting on-street parking violation rate using deep residual neural networks
* Robust structural similarity index measure for images with non-Gaussian distortions
* Similarity activation map for co-salient object detection
* Single image super-resolution using Wasserstein generative adversarial network with gradient penalty
* Sparse random projection isolation forest for outlier detection
* SSMTReID-Net: Multi-Target Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification
* Target-Cognisant Siamese Network for Robust Visual Object Tracking
26 for PRL(163)

PRL(164) * Adversarial training of LSTM-ED based anomaly detection for complex time-series in cyber-physical-social systems
* closed-form solution for conditional multidimensional scaling, A
* Concordance between facial micro-expressions and physiological signals under emotion elicitation
* Defending malware detection models against evasion based adversarial attacks
* Digital geometry on a cubic stair-case mesh
* Discrete space reinforcement learning algorithm based on twin support vector machine classification
* DNN self-embedding watermarking: Towards tampering detection and parameter recovery for deep neural network
* emotion index estimation based on facial action unit prediction, An
* ETCNN: Extra Tree and Convolutional Neural Network-based Ensemble Model for COVID-19 Tweets Sentiment Classification
* Events in crowded places: A smart service management
* Face-mask-aware Facial Expression Recognition based on Face Parsing and Vision Transformer
* Fast Point Cloud Sampling Network
* Fine-grained facial expression recognition via relational reasoning and hierarchical relation optimization
* fixed-point rotation-based feature selection method for micro-expression recognition, A
* Gaussian distribution-based facial expression feature extraction network
* Group-based bi-directional recurrent wavelet neural network for efficient video super-resolution (VSR)
* GSIP: Green Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Indoor Point Clouds
* Heterogeneous spatio-temporal relation learning network for facial action unit detection
* human-in-the-loop recommendation-based framework for reconstruction of mechanically shredded documents, A
* Image outpainting guided by prior structure information
* Information-theoretic policy learning from partial observations with fully informed decision makers
* Intentional-Deception Detection Based on Facial Muscle Movements in an Interactive Social Context
* Knowledge Transfer and Crowdsourcing in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
* MAN: Mining Ambiguity and Noise for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Memory-efficient distribution-guided experience sampling for policy consolidation
* Mixup gamblers+: Learning interpolated pseudo uncertainty in latent feature space for reliable inference
* Multi-scale convolutional networks for traffic forecasting with spatial-temporal attention
* NAS For efficient mobile eyebrow biometrics
* novel method for fusing graph convolutional network and feature based on feedback connection mechanism for nondestructive testing, A
* objective method for pedestrian occlusion level classification, An
* Open-Set Recognition and Few-Shot Learning Dataset for Audio Event Classification in Domestic Environments, An
* Perceived emotions and AU combinations in ambiguous facial expressions
* ProFeat: Unsupervised image clustering via progressive feature refinement
* Reparameterized attention for convolutional neural networks
* Structure-based graph convolutional networks with frequency filter
* Tensor ring with alternative change mask for multitemporal hyperspectral image change detection
* TRL: Transformer based refinement learning for hybrid-supervised semantic segmentation
* Unsupervised contrastive unpaired image generation approach for improving tuberculosis screening using chest X-ray images
* Unsupervised knowledge transfer for nonblind image deconvolution
39 for PRL(164)

PRL(165) * Adaptive cooperative exploration for reinforcement learning from imperfect demonstrations
* Artistic neural style transfer using CycleGAN and FABEMD by adaptive information selection
* Bi-path Combination YOLO for Real-time Few-shot Object Detection
* Capture and control content discrepancies via normalised flow transfer
* CLS-DETR: A DETR-series object detection network using classification information to accelerate convergence
* Deep Learning Pipeline for Spotting Macro- and Micro-expressions in Long Video Sequences Based on Action Units and Optical Flow
* GDRL: An interpretable framework for thoracic pathologic prediction
* Hiding data hiding
* Learning based method for near field acoustic range estimation in spherical harmonics domain using intensity vectors
* Learning to recover lost details from the dark
* Locating robust patterns based on invariant of LTP-based features
* multi-scenario text generation method based on meta reinforcement learning, A
* novel ensemble model with two-stage learning for joint dialog act recognition and sentiment classification, A
* overhead-free region-based JPEG framework for task-driven image compression, An
* RIS-GAN: Self-Supervised GANs via Recovering Initial State of Subimages
* Scene table structure recognition with segmentation collaboration and alignment
* self-attentive model for tracing knowledge and engagement in parallel, A
* SHCNet: A semi-supervised hypergraph convolutional networks based on relevant feature selection for hyperspectral image classification
* Sticks and STONES may build my bones: Deep learning reconstruction of limb rotations in stick figures
* TIGER: A Tucker-based instrument for gesture recognition with inertial sensors
* Underwater sEMG-based recognition of hand gestures using tensor decomposition
* weakly supervised deep active contour model for nodule segmentation in thyroid ultrasound images, A
* Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation via online pseudo-mask correcting
23 for PRL(165)

PRL(166) * Adaptive dynamic networks for object detection in aerial images
* analysis of ConformalLayers' robustness to corruptions in natural images, An
* angular shrinkage BERT model for few-shot relation extraction with none-of-the-above detection, An
* Approximating global illumination with ambient occlusion and environment light via generative adversarial networks
* CNN-Transformer for visual-tactile fusion applied in road recognition of autonomous vehicles
* Conference on graphics, patterns and images
* Confidence Estimation for Object Detection in Document Images
* DBPNet: A dual-branch pyramid network for document super-resolution
* Differentiable Mean Opinion Score Regularization for Perceptual Speech Enhancement
* Dual quaternion ambisonics array for six-degree-of-freedom acoustic representation
* Elastic-band transform for visualization and detection
* Exploiting enhanced and robust RGB-D face representation via progressive multi-modal learning
* Generating diverse augmented attributes for generalized zero shot learning
* Graph-based image gradients aggregated with random forests
* graphical approach for filter pruning by exploring the similarity relation between feature maps, A
* Image classification using graph neural network and multiscale wavelet superpixels
* Improving edit-based unsupervised sentence simplification using fine-tuned BERT
* Introduction to the special section Pattern Recognition for Recent and Future Advances On intelligent systems (SS:ISPR22)
* Jigsaw-ViT: Learning jigsaw puzzles in vision transformer
* Multi-scale self-attention-based feature enhancement for detection of targets with small image sizes
* multimodal hyperlapse method based on video and songs' emotion alignment, A
* novel dual-channel graph convolutional neural network for facial action unit recognition, A
* Reflections of an ancient document processor
* Reversible attack based on adversarial perturbation and reversible data hiding in YUV colorspace
* semi-automatic data integration process of heterogeneous databases, A
* SIT-SR 3D: Self-supervised slice interpolation via transfer learning for 3D volume super-resolution
* too-good-to-be-true prior to reduce shortcut reliance, A
* Wavelet detail perception network for single image super-resolution
* Weighted distances in the Cairo pattern
* Zero-shot ear cross-dataset transfer for person recognition on mobile devices
30 for PRL(166)

PRL(167) * accuracy-enhanced group recommendation approach based on DEMATEL, An
* Active anomaly detection based on deep one-class classification
* Age detection from handwriting using different feature classification models
* Automated labeling of training data for improved object detection in traffic videos by fine-tuned deep convolutional neural networks
* Automatic generation of scientific papers for data augmentation in document layout analysis
* Dead pixel test using effective receptive field
* DuaFace: Data uncertainty in angular based loss for face recognition
* Dynamic adjustment of hyperparameters for anchor-based detection of objects with large image size differences
* edge-preservation similarity for comparing rooted, unordered, node-labeled trees, The
* Extending the kinematic theory of rapid movements with new primitives
* Few-shot symbol classification via self-supervised learning and nearest neighbor
* Jointly Texture Enhanced and Stereo Captured Network for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Local Selective Vision Transformer for Depth Estimation Using a Compound Eye Camera
* Locality-aware subgraphs for inductive link prediction in knowledge graphs
* Modeling andness in multilabel classification to recognize mutual information
* Multi-head second-order pooling for graph transformer networks
* Opinion-Climate-Based Hegselmann-Krause dynamics
* Optical character correction of large-curvature annular sector text in polar coordinate system
* Relational distance and document-level contrastive pre-training based relation extraction model
* Rethinking 3D cost aggregation in stereo matching
* Secure latent fingerprint storage and self-recovered reconstruction using POB number system
* Semantic-aware self-supervised depth estimation for stereo 3D detection
* Soft precision and recall
* Subscripto multiplex: A Riemannian symmetric positive definite strategy for offline signature verification
* Temporal augmented contrastive learning for micro-expression recognition
* Transformer-based language models for mental health issues: A survey
* Uncertainty-Aware Scene Graph Generation
27 for PRL(167)

PRL(168) * binaural heterophasic adaptive beamformer and its deep learning assisted implementation, A
* Causal reasoning for algorithmic fairness in voice controlled cyber-physical systems
* Comparing filter and wrapper approaches for feature selection in handwritten character recognition
* Consistent attack: Universal adversarial perturbation on embodied vision navigation
* Counterfactual attention alignment for visible-infrared cross-modality person re-identification
* Cross-scale cascade transformer for multimodal human action recognition
* Deep Learning-based Fast Fake News Detection Model for Cyber-Physical Social Services, A
* Editorial for pattern recognition letters special issue on face-based emotion understanding
* Editorial for special section 'IbPRIA22'
* Efficient graph edit distance computation using isomorphic vertices
* efficient region expansion algorithm for regular triangulated meshes, An
* experimental study on marine debris location and recognition using object detection, An
* generality hard channel pruning with adaptive compression rate selection for HRNet, A
* Improving Parkinson's disease recognition through voice analysis using deep learning
* Improving Tail-Class Representation with Centroid Contrastive Learning
* Micro-expression spotting with multi-scale local transformer in long videos
* MSFA-Net: A convolutional neural network based on multispectral filter arrays for texture feature extraction
* Multi-scale self-attention mixup for graph classification
* PSA-Det3D: Pillar set abstraction for 3D object detection
* Re-ranking and TOPSIS-based ensemble feature selection with multi-stage aggregation for text categorization
* Small-object detection based on YOLOv5 in autonomous driving systems
* Transformer vision-language tracking via proxy token guided cross-modal fusion
* YOLOSA: Object detection based on 2D local feature superimposed self-attention
23 for PRL(168)

PRL(169) * AMGB: Trajectory prediction using attention-based mechanism GCN-BiLSTM in IOV
* Attentive ExFeat based deep generative adversarial network for noise robust face super-resolution
* Calibrated reconstruction based adversarial autoencoder model for novelty detection
* Disentangled convolution for optimizing receptive field
* Efficient anisotropic scaling and translation invariants of Tchebichef moments using image normalization
* Enriching the dialogue state tracking model with a asyntactic discourse graph
* Entropy regularization for weakly supervised object localization
* Exploiting mixing regularization for truly unsupervised font synthesis
* FlexFormer: Flexible Transformer for efficient visual recognition
* MACnet: Mask augmented counting network for class-agnostic counting
* MSdocTr-Lite: A lite transformer for full page multi-script handwriting recognition
* posteriori control densities: Imitation learning from partial observations, A
* Region contrastive camera localization
* Sequential Likelihood-Free Inference with Neural Proposal
* Text-to-image synthesis with self-supervised bi-stage generative adversarial network
15 for PRL(169)

PRL(17) * 2D Shape Metric and Its Implementation in Biomedical Imaging, A
* 2D Shape Segmentation: A New Approach
* 3-D Object Recognition and Orientation from Single Noisy 2-D Images
* 3D Data-Driven Prediction for Active Contour Models Based on Geometric Bounding Volumes
* Active Fusion: A New Method Applied to Remote Sensing Image Interpretation
* Active Intrinsic Calibration Using Vanishing Points
* Adaptive Fuzzy Pattern-Recognition in the Anaerobic-Digestion Process
* Analyzing Error of Fit Functions for Ellipses
* Application of the Least Trimmed Squares Technique to Prototype-Based Clustering
* Approach to Detect Lofar Lines, An
* Arrowhead Recognition During Automated Data Capture
* Artificial Neural Networks in Real-Time Car Detection and Tracking Applications
* Assessments of Neural-Network Classifier Output Codings Using Variability of Hamming Distance
* Automatic-Determination of the Spread Parameter in Gaussian Smoothing
* Bayesian and Neural Networks for Geographic Information-Processing
* Bayesian Compatibility Model for Graph Matching, A
* Boolean Characterization of 3-Dimensional Simple Points, A
* Boolean Function-Based Approach for Encoding of Binary Images
* Bounds on the Mean Classification Error Rate of Multiple Experts
* Character Image-Enhancement by Selective Region-Growing
* Classification of Relational Patterns as a Decomposition Problem
* Classification Trees with Optimal Multivariate Decision Nodes
* Clustering Method Based on the Estimation of the Probability Density-Function and on the Skeleton by Influence Zones: Application to Image-Processing, A
* Clustering Technique Based on the Distance Transform, A
* Comparison of Several Approaches for the Segmentation of Texture Images
* Computer Vision Approach to Air-Flow Analysis, A
* Computer Vision Approach to Digit Recognition on Pulp Bales, A
* Conditional Fuzzy C-Means
* Constrained Phase Congruency Feature Detector: Simultaneous Localization, Classification and Scale Determination, The
* Context Driven Text Segmentation and Recognition
* Continuous-Functions on Fuzzy Digital Pictures
* Cooccurrence Map: Quantizing Multidimensional Texture Histograms
* Data-Driven Registration for Local Deformations
* DCBAM: A Discrete Chainable Bidirectional Associative Memory
* Deformed Template Matching by the Viterbi Algorithm
* Detecting Danger Labels with RAM-Based Neural Networks
* Detection of Piecewise-Linear Signals by the Randomized Hough Transform
* Development of a BAM System Using a Delta-Rule Based Algorithm (The DBAM System), The
* Diagnostic Reasoning Based on a Genetic Algorithm Operating in a Bayesian Belief Network
* Edge-Detection Technique Using Local Smoothing and Statistical Hypothesis-Testing, An
* Efficient Illumination Normalization of Facial Images
* Error-Based Constraints for Efficient Learning of Pattern-Recognition Problems
* Estimation of Ellipse Parameters Using Optimal Minimum-Variance Estimator
* Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers: Testing the Significance of Classification Efficiency Using an Exact Probability Technique
* Experimental Comparison of Neural and Statistical Nonparametric Algorithms for Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images, An
* Extended Subspace Methods of Pattern-Recognition
* Extracting Straight-Lines by Sequential Fuzzy Clustering
* Face Recognition Using A Hybrid Supervised Unsupervised Neural-Network
* Fast Algorithms for Basic Processing and Analysis Operations on Block-Represented Binary Images
* Fast and Automatic Stereo Vision Matching Algorithm-Based on Dynamic-Programming Method
* Fast Branch-and-Bound Nearest-Neighbor Classifier in Metric-Spaces, A
* Fast Computation of Morphological Operations with Arbitrary Structuring Elements
* Fast K-NN Classification for Multichannel Image Data
* Fast Location of Address Blocks and Postcodes in Mail-Piece Images
* Fast, Simple Active Contour Algorithm for Biomedical Images, A
* Feature Analysis of Handprinted Chinese Characters
* Feature-Selection for Pattern-Classification with Gaussian Mixture-Models: A New Objective Criterion
* Finding Neighbors on Bincode-Based Images in O(n-log-log-n) Time
* Fresh Look At the Hough Transform, A
* Fusion of Handwritten Word Classifiers
* Fuzzy Knowledge-Base for Dynamic Image Understanding, A
* Fuzzy Local-Global Duality in Detecting Pictorial Patterns, The
* Fuzzy Pattern-Classification and the Connectionist Approach
* Fuzzy-Logic and Neural Techniques Integration: An Application to Remotely-Sensed Data
* Generation of Signal-Uncorrelated Noise for Control Experiments in Image Restoration
* Genetic Lloyd-Max Image Quantization Algorithm, A
* Gray-Level Corner Detector Using Fuzzy-Logic, A
* Handwritten Signature Retrieval and Identification
* Hardware Implementation of RAM Neural Networks
* High-Speed Algorithm For Line Detection, A
* Holistic Handwritten Word Recognition Using Temporal Features Derived from Off-Line Images
* Hough Transform Based Ellipse Detection Algorithm
* Houghtool: A Software Package for the Use of the Hough Transform
* Hue Preserving Enhancement Scheme for a Class of Color Images, A
* Hybrid Approach to Fuzzy Land-Cover Mapping, A
* Image Sequence Segmentation Based on 2D Temporal Entropic Thresholding
* Improved Document Skew Angle Estimation Technique, An
* In Search of Optimal Clusters Using Genetic Algorithms
* Incorporating Mixed Pixels in the Training, Allocation and Testing Stages of Supervised Classifications
* Incorporation of Gray-Level Imprecision in Representation and Processing of Digital Images
* Interval Error Estimators in Class Probability Trees
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Fuzzy Set Technology in Pattern-Recognition
* Iterative Solution for Object Pose Parameters Using Image Moments, An
* Learning of Prototypes and Decision Boundaries for a Verification Problem Having Only Positive Samples
* Metric For Spatial Lines, A
* Modified Block Truncation Coding for Image Compression
* Morphological Decomposition of 2-D Binary Shapes into Simpler Shape Parts
* Morphological Point Thinning Algorithm, A
* Moving Object Recognition in Eigenspace Representation: Gait Analysis and Lip Reading
* Multi-resolutional Gabor Filter in Texture Analysis
* Neural Matching Algorithm for 3-D Reconstruction from Stereo Pairs of Linear Images, A
* Neural-Network Approach to Quality-Control of Padlock Manufacturing, A
* New Color Image Energy for Active Contours in Natural Scenes, A
* New Definition of Neighborhood of a Point in Multidimensional Space, A
* New Geodesic Distance Transforms for Gray-Scale Images
* New Geodesic Distance Transforms for Gray-Scale Images
* New Method of Estimating Shape Similarity, A
* New Methods for the Initialization of Clusters
* Normalized Weighted Levensthein Distance and Triangle Inequality in the Context of Similarity Discrimination of Bilevel Images
* Note on Comparing Classifiers, A
* Novel Method for Parameter-Estimation of Digital Arc, A
* Numeric and Symbolic Data Fusion: A Soft Computing Approach to Remote Sensing Images Analysis
* On a Metric Distance Between Fuzzy-Sets
* On a New Computationally Fast Image Invariant Based on Bispectral Projections
* On Relational Data Versions of C-Means Algorithms
* On the Estimation of Spatial-Spectral Mixing with Classifier Likelihood Functions
* On the Hough Transform of a Polygon
* On The Uniqueness of the Representation of a Convex Polygon by Its Hough Transform
* Online Chinese Character-Recognition Using Art-Based Stroke Classification
* Online Recognition Of Cursive Korean Characters Using A Set Of Extended Primitive Strokes And Fuzzy Functions
* Parallel Euclidean Distance Transformations in Z(G)(N)
* Parametric Shape-Recognition Using a Probabilistic Inverse-Theory
* Parzen Classifier with an Improved Robustness Against Deviations Between Training and Test Data, A
* Pattern-Recognition in Gray-Level Images by Fourier-Analysis
* Periodic Lines: Definition, Cascades, and Application to Granulometries
* Plus Ca Va, Moins Ca Va
* Point Pattern-Matching Algorithm Invariant to Geometrical Transformation and Distortion
* Point Set Pattern-Matching in 3-D
* Pose Determination of a Cylinder Using Reprojection Transformation
* Primitive Coding of Structural ECG Features
* Radar Image Segmentation Using Recurrent Artificial Neural Networks
* Randomized Polygon Search for Planar Motion Detection
* Rational Bitmap Scaling
* Realization of Membership Queries in Character-Recognition
* Reconstructing 3D Light-Microscopic Images Using the EM Algorithm
* Reduction of Color Space Dimensionality by Moment-Preserving Thresholding and Its Application for Edge-Detection in Color Images
* Representation of Digital Hyperbolas Y=1/X Alpha+Beta, A
* Representations That Uniquely Characterize Images Modulo Translation, Rotation, and Scaling
* Robust Algorithm for Automatic Extraction of an Unknown Number of Clusters from Noisy Data, A
* Segmentation of Digital Plane-Curves: A Dynamic Focusing Approach
* Sewage Pipe Image Segmentation Using a Neural-Based Architecture
* Simple Algorithms for Some Classification Problems
* Simulated Annealing Clustering of Chinese Words for Contextual Text Recognition
* Some Aspects of Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory for Classification of Multimodality Medical Images Taking Partial Volume Effect into Account
* Some Results: Shape from Shading as a Fully Well-Constrained Problem
* Spatial Data Representation: An Adaptive 2D-H String, A
* Special Issue on Neural Networks for Computer Vision Applications
* Special Issue on Nonconventional Pattern Analysis in Remote Sensing
* Specifying Fuzzy Data from Grey-Tone Pictures for Pattern-Recognition
* Specifying Fuzzy Data from Grey-Tone Pictures for Pattern-Recognition
* Statistical Structuring of Pictorial Databases for Content-Based Image Retrieval-Systems
* Stochastic Properties of the Cross Ratio
* Stochastic Topology with Elastic Matching for Off-Line Handwritten Character-Recognition
* Stochastic Topology with Elastic Matching for Off-Line Handwritten Character-Recognition
* Surface Reconstruction Accuracy for Active Volume
* Symbolic Mapping of Neurons in Feedforward Networks
* Systematic-Error Detection as a Classification Problem, The
* Target Indexing in SAR Images Using Scattering Centers and the Hausdorff Distance
* Time-Efficient Computation of 3D Topological Functions
* Uniform Line Parameterization
* Unifying Framework for Invariant Pattern-Recognition, A
* Use Neural Networks to Determine Matching Order for Recognizing Overlapping Objects
* Using Spatial Information as an Aid to Maximum-Entropy Image Threshold Selection
* Validating Fuzzy Partitions Obtained Through C-Shells Clustering
* Visual Guidance of a Pig Evisceration Robot Using Neural Networks
155 for PRL(17)

PRL(170) * Dual-stream correlation exploration for face anti-Spoofing
* Fast computation of cluster validity measures for Bregman divergences and benefits
* Incorporating multi-stage spatial visual cues and active localization offset for pancreas segmentation
* K-Means for noise-insensitive multi-dimensional feature learning
* Large-margin representation learning for texture classification
* PFGAN: Fast transformers for image synthesis
* Positive-weighting feature enhancement for weakly supervised object localization
* Probability propagation for faster and efficient point cloud segmentation using a neural network
* Processing a large collection of historical tabular images
* ProUDA: Progressive unsupervised data augmentation for semi-Supervised 3D object detection on point cloud
* Question-aware dynamic scene graph of local semantic representation learning for visual question answering
* Synwmd: Syntax-aware word Mover's distance for sentence similarity evaluation
* Texts as points: Scene text detection with point supervision
* Topology-preserving transfer learning for weakly-supervised anomaly detection and segmentation
* Training circuit-based quantum classifiers through memetic algorithms
* Transformer for multiple object tracking: Exploring locality to vision
16 for PRL(170)

PRL(171) * AeroNet: An efficient relative localization and object detection network for cooperative aerial-ground unmanned vehicles
* Approximating dynamic time warping with a convolutional neural network on EEG data
* Atmospheric turbulence removal with complex-valued convolutional neural network
* Autoencoders with exponential deviation loss for weakly supervised anomaly detection
* Camera-independent color constancy by scene semantics
* ConCoNet: Class-agnostic counting with positive and negative exemplars
* Deep neural network with deformable convolution and side window convolution for image denoising
* Depth-based 3D human pose refinement: Evaluating the refinet framework
* Distilling EEG representations via capsules for affective computing
* Dual-decoder transformer network for answer grounding in visual question answering
* Editorial for special section ICPR 2020
* Generalized self-supervised contrastive learning with bregman divergence for image recognition
* HDGN: Heat diffusion graph network for few-shot learning
* individual fairness based outlier detection ensemble, An
* Learning non-parametric kernel via matrix decomposition for logistic regression
* Meta-learning with topic-agnostic representations for zero-shot stance detection
* Multi-Level Dynamic Error Coding for Face Recognition with a Contaminated Single Sample Per Person
* Multi-scale foreground-background separation for light field depth estimation with deep convolutional networks
* Novel features to detect gender from handwritten documents
* Novel Improved Binary Harris Hawks Optimization For High dimensionality Feature Selection, A
* risk-averse learning machine via variance-dependent penalization, A
* SANet-SI: A new Self-Attention-Network for Script Identification in scene images
* Seeing the unseen: Wifi-based 2D human pose estimation via an evolving attentive spatial-Frequency network
* Self-paced deep clustering with learning loss
* simple and effective patch-Based method for frame-level face anti-spoofing, A
* SNRCN2: Steganalysis noise residuals based CNN for source social network identification of digital images
* Towards realistic fingerprint presentation attacks: The ScreenSpoof method
* vehicle classification model based on deep active learning, A
28 for PRL(171)

PRL(172) * AEA-Net: Affinity-supervised entanglement attentive network for person re-identification
* Attribute disentanglement with gradient reversal for interactive fashion retrieval
* Automatic classification of company's document stream: Comparison of two solutions
* CanBiPT: Cancelable biometrics with physical template
* CDText: Scene text detector based on context-aware deformable transformer
* Data preprocessing and feature selection techniques in gait recognition: A comparative study of machine learning and deep learning approaches
* Deterministic sampling in heterogeneous graph neural networks
* Dicer: Dialogue-Centric Representation for Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue through Contrastive Learning
* Disentangling high-level factors and their features with conditional vector quantized VAEs
* Evaluating synthetic pre-Training for handwriting processing tasks
* Feature Selection as a Hedonic Coalition Formation Game for Arabic Topic Detection
* Federated learning with l1 regularization
* GFMRC: A machine reading comprehension model for named entity recognition
* handwritten ancient text detector based on improved feature pyramid network, A
* Hierarchical supervisions with two-stream network for Deepfake detection
* IBEM dataset: A large printed scientific image dataset for indexing and searching mathematical expressions, The
* improved checkerboard detection algorithm based on adaptive filters, An
* Improved prototypical network for active few-shot learning
* Information extraction in handwritten historical logbooks
* Learning modality-invariant binary descriptor for crossing palmprint to palm-vein recognition
* Learning smooth dendrite morphological neurons for pattern classification using linkage trees and evolutionary-based hyperparameter tuning
* Local pseudo-attributes for long-tailed recognition
* Low-rank learning for feature selection in multi-label classification
* MES-Loss: Mutually equidistant separation metric learning loss function
* MMA-Net: Multi-view mixed attention mechanism for facial action unit detection
* Multi-level attention for referring expression comprehension
* Multi-scale attention and dilation network for small defect detection
* Online and real-time mask-guided multi-person tracking and segmentation
* Open set classification of untranscribed handwritten text image documents
* Prediction of evoked expression from videos with temporal position fusion
* RBDL: Robust block-Structured dictionary learning for block sparse representation
* Residual 3D convolutional neural network to enhance sinograms from small-animal positron emission tomography images
* reversibility of cancelable biometric templates based on iterative perturbation stochastic approximation strategy, The
* SOLARNet: A single stage regression based framework for efficient and robust object recognition in aerial images
* Sparse fooling images: Fooling machine perception through unrecognizable images
* Special section: Best papers of the 14th Mexican conference on pattern recognition (MCPR) 2022
* TMO-Det: Deep tone-mapping optimized with and for object detection
* WETM: A word embedding-based topic model with modified collapsed Gibbs sampling for short text
38 for PRL(172)

PRL(173) * ablation study on part-based face analysis using a Multi-input Convolutional Neural Network and Semantic Segmentation, An
* Action class relation detection and classification across multiple video datasets
* Avoiding dominance of speaker features in speech-based depression detection
* CGFNet: 3D Convolution Guided and Multi-scale Volume Fusion Network for fast and robust stereo matching
* CSLT-AK: Convolutional-embedded transformer with an action tokenizer and keypoint emphasizer for sign language translation
* effectiveness of T5, GPT-2, and BERT on text-to-image generation task, The
* Few-shot node classification on attributed networks based on deep metric learning for Cyber-Physical-Social Services
* KeyEncoder: A secure and usable EEG-based cryptographic key generation mechanism
* Learning Motion-Perceive Siamese Network for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* MAML-SR: Self-adaptive super-resolution networks via multi-scale optimized attention-aware meta-learning
* Mask-guided network for image captioning
* MTFD-Net: Left atrium segmentation in CT images through fractal dimension estimation
* Multi-dataset fusion for multi-task learning on face attribute recognition
* Neural networks with divisive normalization for image segmentation
* Self-supervised contrastive speaker verification with nearest neighbor positive instances
* Towards desirable decision boundary by Moderate-Margin Adversarial Training
* Unsupervised image segmentation with robust virtual class contrast
17 for PRL(173)

PRL(174) * Adversarial image generation by spatial transformation in perceptual colorspaces
* AITST: Affective EEG-based person identification via interrelated temporal-spatial transformer
* Deep learning-based intelligent system for fingerprint identification using decision-based median filter
* Distributed edge-event-triggered consensus of multi-agent system under DoS attack
* EasyFuse: Easy-to-learn visible and infrared image fusion framework based on unpaired set
* Face recognition system with hybrid template protection scheme for Cyber-Physical-Social Services
* Hand-object information embedded dexterous grasping generation
* Handwriting word spotting in the space of difference between representations using vision transformers
* Hypersphere guided embedding for masked face recognition
* Information bottleneck disentanglement based sparse representation for fair classification
* Lightweight 3D hand pose estimation by cascading CNNs with reinforcement learning
* Milstein-driven neural stochastic differential equation model with uncertainty estimates
* Mobile image restoration via prior quantization
* Multicriteria decision support employing adaptive prediction in a tensor-based feature representation
* OS-DS tracker: Orientation-variant Siamese 3D tracking with Detection based Sampling
* Outlier detection: How to Select k for k-nearest-neighbors-based outlier detectors
* Polarization-based Camouflaged Object Detection
* Random forest clustering for discrete sequences
* Single-/Multi-Source Domain Adaptation via domain separation: A simple but effective method
* Style transformation super-resolution GAN for extremely small infrared target image
* Text line extraction strategy for palm leaf manuscripts
* Towards accurate dense pedestrian detection via occlusion-prediction aware label assignment and hierarchical-NMS
22 for PRL(174)

PRL(175) * Assisting Multimodal Named Entity Recognition by cross-modal auxiliary tasks
* Cloud removal using SAR and optical images via attention mechanism-based GAN
* Combining Minkowski and Cheyshev: New distance proposal and survey of distance metrics using k-nearest neighbours classifier
* EarlGAN: An enhanced actor-critic reinforcement learning agent-driven GAN for de novo drug design
* Efficient 2D Tikhonov smoothness regularization with recursive filtering
* Exploiting spatial relationships for visual tracking
* Florence multi-resolution 3D facial expression dataset, The
* Foreword to Special Section on SIBGRAPI 2022
* High-order knowledge-based Discriminant features for kinship verification
* Improving human-object interaction with auxiliary semantic information and enhanced instance representation
* Improving the matching of deformable objects by learning to detect keypoints
* MultiCardioNet: Interoperability between ECG and PPG biometrics
* Segmenting white matter hyperintensities in brain magnetic resonance images using convolution neural networks
* TCX: Texture and channel swappings for domain generalization
* Towards reliable multi-person pose estimation using Conditional Random Fields
* VQAPT: A New visual question answering model for personality traits in social media images
16 for PRL(175)

PRL(176) * Adaptive graph fusion learning for multi-view spectral clustering
* Attribute network joint embedding based on global attention
* Behavioral analysis of bar charts in documents via stochastic petri-net modeling
* CDS-Net: Cooperative dual-stream network for image manipulation detection
* D-DARTS: Distributed Differentiable Architecture Search
* Dense-and-Similar Object detection in aerial images
* dependency-based hybrid deep learning framework for target-dependent sentiment classification, A
* Discriminative projection fuzzy K-Means with adaptive neighbors
* E3ID: An efficient end to end person search model
* Explainable few-shot learning with visual explanations on a low resource pneumonia dataset
* Exposing fake images generated by text-to-image diffusion models
* Feature perturbation augmentation for reliable evaluation of importance estimators in neural networks
* Few-shot learning via weighted prototypes from graph structure
* FrankenMask: Manipulating semantic masks with transformers for face parts editing
* FusionCalib: Automatic extrinsic parameters calibration based on road plane reconstruction for roadside integrated radar camera fusion sensors
* Generalized black hole clustering algorithm
* Implicit space pose consistent transfer network for deep face verification
* Improving the adversarial robustness of quantized neural networks via exploiting the feature diversity
* Jackknife-Inspired Deep Learning Approach to Subject-Independent Classification of EEG, A
* Learning cross-task relations for panoptic driving perception
* Learning scalable dynamic filter in convolutional networks
* mr2vec: Multiple role-based social network embedding
* Multi-Dimension Compression of Feed-Forward Network in Vision Transformers
* Multi-label learning based on instance correlation and feature redundancy
* Multi-resolution distillation for self-supervised monocular depth estimation
* multi-task network for speaker and command recognition in industrial environments, A
* Multiple Spheres Detection Problem: Center Based Clustering Approach
* On complementing unsupervised learning with uncertainty quantification
* Participants-based Synchronous Optimization Network for skeleton-based action recognition
* PEAR: Positional-encoded Asynchronous Autoregression for satellite anomaly detection
* PRIME: Posterior Reconstruction of the Input for Model Explanations
* Progressive dense feature fusion network for single image deraining
* Self-Supervised Latent Feature Learning for Partial Point Clouds Recognition
* Two-step multi-view data classification based on dynamic Graph-ELM
* Verb-driven machine reading comprehension with dual-graph neural network
35 for PRL(176)

PRL(177) * Abductive natural language inference by interactive model with structural loss
* Automatic semantic modeling of structured data sources with cross-modal retrieval
* Basis scaling and double pruning for efficient inference in network-based transfer learning
* Clustered FedStack: Intermediate Global Models with Bayesian Information Criterion
* coincidence detection perspective for the maximum mean discrepancy, A
* Customization of latent space in semi-supervised Variational AutoEncoder
* Distilled non-semantic speech embeddings with binary neural networks for low-resource devices
* Evidential Pseudo-Label Ensemble for semi-supervised classification
* Exploiting stance similarity and graph neural networks for fake news detection
* Exploiting temporal information to detect conversational groups in videos and predict the next speaker
* GA-GWNN: Generalized Adaptive Graph Wavelet Neural Network
* Hidden classification layers: Enhancing linear separability between classes in neural networks layers
* Hyperbolic prototypical network for few shot remote sensing scene classification
* MMAN-M2: Multiple multi-head attentions network based on encoder with missing modalities
* MVSSC: Meta-reinforcement learning based visual indoor navigation using multi-view semantic spatial context
* Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
* Representation transfer and data cleaning in multi-views for text simplification
* Rethinking precision of pseudo label: Test-time adaptation via complementary learning
* Riemannian SPD learning to represent and characterize fixational oculomotor Parkinsonian abnormalities
* Saliency-guided stairs detection on wearable RGB-D devices for visually impaired persons with Swin-Transformer
* Self-supervised knowledge distillation in counterfactual learning for VQA
* SilentTrig: An imperceptible backdoor attack against speaker identification with hidden triggers
* Spammer detection on short video applications
* Special section: Best papers of the international conference on pattern recognition and artificial intelligence (ICPRAI) 2022
* Two-stage feature distribution rectification for few-shot point cloud semantic segmentation
25 for PRL(177)

PRL(178) * Capturing natural position relationships: A neural differential equation approach
* CATNet: Cross-modal fusion for audio-visual speech recognition
* CLUE: Contrastive language-guided learning for referring video object segmentation
* critical review of multi-output support vector regression, A
* Debiased Visual Question Answering via the perspective of question types
* Deep feature extraction with tri-channel textual feature map for text classification
* Deep semi-supervised clustering based on pairwise constraints and sample similarity
* Dynamic receptive field adaptation for scene text recognition
* effective deep learning adversarial defense method based on spatial structural constraints in embedding space, An
* EIGAN: An explicitly and implicitly feature-aligned GAN for degraded image classification
* Enhancing deep feature representation in self-knowledge distillation via pyramid feature refinement
* Finding hierarchy of clusters
* GLOCAL: A self-supervised learning framework for global and local motion estimation
* Learnable Chamfer Distance for point cloud reconstruction
* LiDAR video object segmentation with dynamic kernel refinement
* MCFP: A multi-target 3D perception method with weak dependence on 2D detectors
* Micro-expression spotting with a novel wavelet convolution magnification network in long videos
* multi-aspect framework for explainable sentiment analysis, A
* Multi-perspective thought navigation for source-free entity linking
* Multilevel depression status detection based on fine-grained prompt learning
* Neural ordinary differential equation for irregular human motion prediction
* On the bias in the AUC variance estimate
* Patterns of vehicle lights: Addressing complexities of camera-based vehicle light datasets and metrics
* Pyramid hybrid pooling quantization for efficient fine-grained image retrieval
* Recovering a clean background: A parallel deep network architecture for single-image deraining
* Reducing redundancy in the bottleneck representation of autoencoders
* Sequential visual and semantic consistency for semi-supervised text recognition
* Stochastic first-order learning for large-scale flexibly tied Gaussian mixture models
* Time-aware and task-transferable adversarial attack for perception of autonomous vehicles
* Token labeling-guided multi-scale medical image classification
* TU2Net-GAN: A temporal precipitation nowcasting model with multiple decoding modules
31 for PRL(178)

PRL(179) * Adaptive proposal network based on generative adversarial learning for weakly supervised temporal sentence grounding
* Adversarial mimicry attacks against image splicing forensics: An approach for jointly hiding manipulations and creating false detections
* analytic study on clustering driven self-supervised speaker verification, An
* Channel-level Matching Knowledge Distillation for object detectors via MSE
* CrossFormer: Cross-guided attention for multi-modal object detection
* CustomDepth: Customizing point-wise depth categories for depth completion
* Data-efficient 3D instance segmentation by transferring knowledge from synthetic scans
* deep learning-based global and segmentation-based semantic feature fusion approach for indoor scene classification, A
* Detection of visual pursuits using 1D convolutional neural networks
* Enhanced blind face inpainting via structured mask prediction
* Even small correlation and diversity shifts pose dataset-bias issues
* Example forgetting and rehearsal in continual learning
* Feature enhancement and coarse-to-fine detection for RGB-D tracking
* Gauss-like Logarithmic Kernel Function to improve the performance of kernel machines on the small datasets
* Hierarchical reinforcement learning for chip-macro placement in integrated circuit
* Less is more: A minimalist approach to robust GAN-generated face detection
* lightness-aware loss for low-light image enhancement, A
* Listwise learning to rank method combining approximate NDCG ranking indicator with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* M3TTS: Multi-modal text-to-speech of multi-scale style control for dubbing
* Machine learning for low signal-to-noise ratio detection
* N-QGNv2: Predicting the optimum quadtree representation of a depth map from a monocular camera
* On characterizing the evolution of embedding space of neural networks using algebraic topology
* PNSP: Overcoming catastrophic forgetting using Primary Null Space Projection in continual learning
* SemanticFormer: Hyperspectral image classification via semantic transformer
* Subdivided Mask Dispersion Framework for semi-supervised semantic segmentation
* synthetic human-centric dataset generation pipeline for active robotic vision, A
* Text-guided Fourier Augmentation for long-tailed recognition
27 for PRL(179)

PRL(18) * 2-Stage Neural-Network for Volume Segmentation of Medical Images
* Active Face Recognition with a Hybrid Approach
* Analysis of the Behavior of Genetic Algorithms When Learning Bayesian Network Structure from Data
* Another Look at the Dominant Point Detection of Digital Curves
* Application of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms in the Classification of Endothelial Cells
* Application of Neural Networks and Statistical Pattern Recognition Algorithms to Earthquake Risk Evaluation
* Approach to Form Recognition Based on Nonlinear Projections, Search and Optimization, An
* Autoassociative Learning in Relaxation Labeling Networks
* Bayesian Subsequence Matching and Segmentation
* Bayesian Ying-Yang Machine, Clustering and Number of Clusters
* Beatrix: A Self-Learning System for Off-Line Recognition of Handwritten Texts
* Belief Networks, Hidden Markov-Models, and Markov Random Fields: A Unifying View
* Block-Run Run-Length Coding of Handwriting and Bilevel Graphics-Based on Quadtree Segmentation
* CITE: A Trainable Image Annotation System
* Classification of Documents by Form and Content
* Classification of Imbalanced Remote Sensing Data by Neural Networks
* Cluster ZTP in the Recovery of an Image
* Clustering-Algorithm Using An Evolutionary Programming-Based Approach, A
* CMNN: Cooperative Modular Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
* Color Image Segmentation by Modular Neural-Network
* Combining Evidence in Personal Identity Verification Systems
* Comparison of Clustering Algorithms Applied to Color Image Quantization, A
* Comparison of Color Texture Attributes Selected by Statistical Feature Selection and Neural Network Methods, A
* Comparison of Genetic Algorithm Systems with Neural Network and Statistical Techniques for Analysis of Cloud Structures in Midlatitude Storm Systems
* Continuous Versus Exclusive Classification for Fingerprint Retrieval
* Convexity Indicators Based On Fuzzy Morphology
* Cramer-Rao Bound for Tracking in Clutter and Tracking Multiple Objects
* Cylindrical Surface Localization in Monocular Vision
* Data Induced Metric and Fuzzy Clustering of Nonconvex Patterns of Arbitrary Shape
* Decoding Bar Codes from Human Readable Characters
* Dense Disparity Map of Stereo Images, A
* Design of a Mathematical Expression Understanding System
* Detection of 3D Objects in Cluttered Scenes Using Hierarchical Eigenspace
* Detection of Human Faces in Color Image Sequences with Arbitrary Motions for Very Low Bit Rate Videophone Coding
* Different Methods to Segment Biomedical Images
* Dynamic Feature-Extraction via the Velocity Hough Transform
* Edge-Detection By Estimation and Minimization of Errors
* Effective Classification of Planar Shapes Based on Curve Segment Properties
* Effects of Unequal Focal Lengths in Stereo Imaging
* Efficient Search Algorithm on Compact S-Trees
* Efficient Shape Representation by Minimizing the Set of Centers of Maximal Discs/Spheres
* Estimating Optical Flow by Tracking Contours
* Estimation of Prior Probabilities for Numeral Recognition
* Euler Characteristic on the Face-Centered-Cubic Lattice, The
* Evaluation and Comparison of Different Segmentation Algorithms
* Experiments with a Featureless Approach to Pattern Recognition
* Extension to the Randomized Hough Transform Exploiting Connectivity, An
* Extracting Periodicity of a Regular Texture-Based on Autocorrelation Functions
* Face Detection By Direct Convexity Estimation
* Fast Approach to the Detection and Correction of Skew Documents, A
* Fast Computation of Moving Average and Related Filters in Octagonal Windows
* Fast Multilevel Thresholding Method Based on Lowpass and Highpass Filtering, A
* Fast Vector Quantization Encoding Method Using Wavelet Transform, A
* Feature-Extraction in Shape-Recognition Using Segmentation of the Boundary Curve
* Finding Rotational Symmetries by Cyclic String Matching
* Framework for Statistical 3-D Object Recognition, A
* Fusion of Audio and Video Information for Multi Modal Person Authentication
* Generalized Hough Transform for Natural Shapes
* Generalized Likelihood Ratio-Based Face Detection and Extraction of Mouth Features
* Generic and Fully Automatic Content Based Image Retrieval Using Color
* Genetic Algorithm for Affine Invariant Recognition of Object Shapes from Broken Boundaries, A
* Genetic Algorithm Parameter Sets for Line Labeling
* Genetic Annealing Search for Index Assignment in Vector Quantization
* Genetic Optimization of the Image Feature-Extraction Process
* Gray-Level 2D Feature Detector Using Circular Statistics, A
* Hierarchical Representation of 2-D Shapes Using Convex Polygons: A Morphological Approach
* Hopfield Neural-Network for Adaptive Image Segmentation: An Active Surface Paradigm, A
* Hybrid System for Target Classification, A
* Image Compression and Encryption Using Tree Structures
* Image Registration by Control Points Pairing Using the Invariant Properties of Line Segments
* Improved Seeded Region Growing Algorithm, An
* Improving OCR Performance Using Character Degradation Models and Boosting Algorithm
* Induction of Decision Rules That Fulfill User Specified Performance Requirements
* Infotree: A New Generic Method for Supervised Pattern Recognition Based on a Contextual Tree
* Invariant Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition Using Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Networks
* Investigating Redundancy in Feedforward Neural Classifiers
* Irregular Motion Recovery in Fluorescein Angiograms
* Irregular MRF Region Label Model for Multichannel Image Segmentation, An
* Iterative Curve Organization with the EM Algorithm
* Knowledge Reuse in Multiple Classifier Systems
* Linear Flaw Detection in Woven Textiles Using Model Based Clustering
* Links Between LVQ and Backpropagation
* Lipreading: A Classifier Combination Approach
* Local Deformations of Digital Curves
* Local Operators to Detect Regions of Interest
* Mean-Field Approach to Learning in Boltzmann Machines
* Measuring Texture Classification Algorithms
* Measuring Traffic Movements at Junctions Using Image-Processing Techniques
* Median Based Relaxation of Smoothness Constraints in Optic Flow Computation
* Minimum Error Thresholding: A Note
* Motion Analysis By Translational Decomposition
* Multiclass Classifier Independent Feature Analysis
* Multiple Graph Matching with Bayesian-Inference
* Multiple Line-Template Matching with the EM Algorithm
* Multiple-Base-Line Stereo for Precise Human Face Acquisition, A
* Multiresolution Locally Expanded Honn for Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Neural-Network That Visualizes What It Classifies, A
* New Approach for Detection of Dimensions Set in Mechanical Drawings, A
* New Hybrid Approach in Combining Multiple Experts to Recognize Handwritten Numerals, A
* New Minimum-Variance Region Growing Algorithm For Image Segmentation, A
* Nonlinear Image Processing Approach Through Fuzzy Measures, A
* Nonparametric Classifier Design Using Greedy Tree-Structured Vector Quantization Technique
* Note on Fuzzy Information Measures, A
* Numerical Optimization in Spot Detector Design
* Obtaining Base Edge Correspondence in Stereo Images via Quantitative Measures Along C-Diagonals
* On A Relation Between Graph Edit Distance and Maximum Common Subgraph
* On Hausdorff-Like Metrics for Fuzzy-Sets
* On Hausdorff-Like Metrics for Fuzzy-Sets
* On the Topological Representation of Line Drawings
* On the Use of Neighborhood Based Nonparametric Classifiers
* Online Handwritten Segmentation in Linear Drawings
* Online Signature Verification Based on Split and Merge Matching Mechanism
* Operations on Binary Images Encoded as Minimized Boolean Functions
* Optimal Approximation of Discrete Probability Distribution with Kth-Order Dependency and Its Application to Combining Multiple Classifiers
* Optimal Matching of Closed Contours with Line Segments and Arcs
* Orthogonal Polynomials Based Framework for Edge-Detection in 2-D Monochrome Images, An
* Outliers in Statistical Pattern Recognition and an Application to Automatic Chromosome Classification
* Partial Shape-Matching Using Genetic Algorithms
* Pattern Recognition in Practice V
* Pattern-Classification with Genetic Algorithms: Incorporation of Chromosome Differentiation
* Planar Motion Detection By Randomized Triangle Matching
* Prototype Selection for the Nearest-Neighbor Rule Through Proximity Graphs
* Pyramid Edge-Detection Based on Stack Filter
* Qualitative Landmark Recognition Using Visual Cues
* Recognition of Hand Gestures with 3D, Nonlinear Arm Movement
* Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals by a Radial Basis Function Neural Network Classifier
* Recognizing Patterns in Electromechanical Systems
* Recognizing White Line Markings for Vision-Guided Vehicle Navigation by Fuzzy-Reasoning
* Redundancy Of Parallel Thinning
* Regularized Shortest Path Extraction
* Residuals Plus Directional Gaps Equals Skeletons
* Retrieving Similar Pictures from A Pictorial Database by an Improved Hashing Table
* Retrieving Similar Pictures from Iconic Databases Using G-Tree
* Robust Comparison of Binary Images
* Robust Unmixing of Large Sets of Mixed Pixels
* Role of Integral Features for Perceiving Image Discriminability, The
* Sammons Mapping Using Neural Networks: A Comparison
* Scale Selection Using 3 Different Representations For Images
* Selective Partition Algorithm for Finding Regions of Maximum Pairwise Dissimilarity among Statistical Class Models
* Self-Organizing Neural Networks for Spatial Data
* SESAM: A Biometric Person Identification System Using Sensor Fusion
* Shape Alignment: Optimal Initial Point and Pose Estimation
* Simplified Approach to the HMM Based Texture Analysis and Its Application to Document Segmentation, A
* Skeletons from Dot Patterns: A Neural-Network Approach
* Snake for Model Based Segmentation of Biomedical Images, A
* Special Issue on Audio-Based and Video-Based Person Authentication
* Statistical Methods for Automatic Interpretation of Digitally Scanned Finger Prints
* Strategies for Combining Classifiers Employing Shared and Distinct Pattern Representations
* Strategy for Repetitive Neighbor Finding in Images Represented by Quadtrees, A
* Street Orientation Detection and Recognition in Landsat TM and SPOT HRV Imagery
* Suppression of False Edge-Detection Due to Specular Reflection in Color Images
* Suppression of Moire Patterns in Scanned Half-Tone Images by Double Scans with Grid Movements
* TABU Search Method for Geometric Primitive Extraction, A
* TC2: Structural and Syntactic Pattern-Recognition: Aims, Scope, History and Activities
* Texture Recognition Using a Superfast Cellular Neural Network VLSI Chip in a Real Experimental Environment
* Trademark Shape-Recognition Using Closed Contours
* Translation and Rotation of Binary Images Encoded as Minimized Boolean Functions
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Tuned Filters in Gaborian Space
* Vectorizations of Randomized Matching for Run-Length Coded Strings
159 for PRL(18)

PRL(180) * Adaptive regularized ensemble for evolving data stream classification
* Adaptive watermarking with self-mutual check parameters in deep neural networks
* Attention based multi-task interpretable graph convolutional network for Alzheimer's disease analysis
* Channel-spatial knowledge distillation for efficient semantic segmentation
* Continual learning for adaptive social network identification
* Forensic analysis of AI-compression traces in spatial and frequency domain
* Frame-part-activated deep reinforcement learning for Action Prediction
* GBCA: Graph Convolution Network and BERT combined with Co-Attention for fake news detection
* Hierarchical matrix factorization for interpretable collaborative filtering
* Human Gait Recognition by using Two Stream Neural Network along with Spatial and Temporal Features
* Improvised contrastive loss for improved face recognition in open-set nature
* Learning interactions across sentiment and emotion with graph attention network and position encodings
* Learning on sample-efficient and label-efficient multi-view cardiac data with graph transformer
* Multifractal characterization and recognition of animal behavior based on deep wavelet transform
* PDTE: Pyramidal deep Taylor expansion for optical flow estimation
* siamese-based verification system for open-set architecture attribution of synthetic images, A
* SPACE: Senti-Prompt As Classifying Embedding for sentiment analysis
* Towards high-fidelity facial UV map generation in real-world
18 for PRL(180)

PRL(181) * Deep neural networks for automatic speaker recognition do not learn supra-segmental temporal features
* EgoCap and EgoFormer: First-person image captioning with context fusion
* flexible non-monotonic discretization method for pre-processing in supervised learning, A
* Graph contrastive learning with consistency regularization
* guided-based approach for deepfake detection: RGB-depth integration via features fusion, A
* Joint facial action unit recognition and self-supervised optical flow estimation
* Keep DRĆMing: Discriminative 3D anomaly detection through anomaly simulation
* Loose to compact feature alignment for domain adaptive object detection
* more reliable local-global-guided network for correspondence pruning, A
* Multi-layer encoder-decoder time-domain single channel speech separation
* Multimodal prediction of student performance: A fusion of signed graph neural networks and large language models
* Multiresolution causality of Bitcoin on GCC stock markets: Utilizing EMD-Granger analytical methodology
* On the prediction of power outage length based on linear multifractional Lévy stable motion
* OSPC: Online Sequential Photometric Calibration
* Paired relation feature network for spatial relation recognition
* Real-time 3-D image analysis via Jacobi moments
* simple and efficient filter feature selection method via document-term matrix unitization, A
* Uncovering the authorship: Linking media content to social user profiles
* YOLO2U-Net: Detection-guided 3D instance segmentation for microscopy
19 for PRL(181)

PRL(182) * ABAE: Auxiliary Balanced AutoEncoder for class-imbalanced semi-supervised learning
* Attention-map augmentation for hypercomplex breast cancer classification
* Clustering-inspired channel selection method for weakly supervised object localization
* Co-TES: Learning noisy labels with a Co-Teaching Exchange Student method
* Content bias in deep learning image age approximation: A new approach towards better explainability
* DAT: A robust Discriminant Analysis-based Test of unimodality for unknown input distributions
* Decomposition via elastic-band transform
* Enhancing mass spectrometry data analysis: A novel framework for calibration, outlier detection, and classification
* Generalized and robust model for GAN-generated image detection
* Interpretable answer retrieval based on heterogeneous network embedding
* Krein twin support vector machines for imbalanced data classification
* Learning from feature and label spaces' bias for uncertainty-adaptive facial emotion recognition
* Low-quality image object detection based on reinforcement learning adaptive enhancement
* Manifold-based multi-graph embedding for semi-supervised classification
* mEBAL2 database and benchmark: Image-based multispectral eyeblink detection
* Misinformation detection in social networks using emotion analysis and user behavior analysis
* Time to retire F1-binary score for action unit detection
* Topological optimization of continuous action iterated dilemma based on finite-time strategy using DQN
* Towards better small object detection in UAV scenes: Aggregating more object-oriented information
* Weakly-Supervised Incremental Learning for Semantic Segmentation with Class Hierarchy
20 for PRL(182)

PRL(183) * Adaptive knowledge transfer for class incremental learning
* Adversarial regularized attributed network embedding for graph anomaly detection
* Data-agnostic Face Image Synthesis Detection using Bayesian CNNs
* Deepfake face discrimination based on self-attention mechanism
* diversified-equal loss for image translation tasks, The
* Efficient label-free pruning and retraining for Text-VQA Transformers
* Graph Representation and Prototype Learning for webly supervised fine-grained image recognition
* HandFormer: Hand pose reconstructing from a single RGB image
* Improving license plate recognition via diverse stylistic plate generation
* Improving radial lens distortion correction with multi-task learning
* Joint negative-positive-learning based sample reweighting for hyperspectral image classification with label noise
* Learning De-biased prototypes for Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation
* Manifold information through neighbor embedding projection for image retrieval
* MOD-YOLO: Multispectral object detection based on transformer dual-stream YOLO
* Object detection in drone video based on recurrent motion attention
* Patch-based probabilistic identification of plant roots using convolutional neural networks
* Segmentation assisted Prostate Cancer Grading with Multitask Collaborative Learning
* Select and Enhance: Masked-based image enhancement through tree-search theory and deep reinforcement learning
* shared-private sentiment analysis approach based on cross-modal information interaction, A
* Structural and positional ensembled encoding for Graph Transformer
* three-stream fusion and self-differential attention network for multi-modal crowd counting, A
* Toward deep drum source separation
* Towards accurate unsupervised video captioning with implicit visual feature injection and explicit
* Unsupervised face image deblurring via disentangled representation learning
24 for PRL(183)

PRL(184) * Beyond supervision: An unsupervised spatio-temporal point cloud noise modeling for event vision sensor
* Conditional Information Gain Trellis
* Decoding class dynamics in learning with noisy labels
* Deep motion estimation through adversarial learning for gait recognition
* Discovering the signal subgraph: An iterative screening approach on graphs
* DSR-Diff: Depth map super-resolution with diffusion model
* Edge-preserving image restoration based on a weighted anisotropic diffusion model
* Editorial: Special session on IbPRIA 2023
* efficient ensemble explainable AI (XAI) approach for morphed face detection, An
* End-to-end latent fingerprint enhancement using multi-scale Generative Adversarial Network
* Ensemble clustering via synchronized relabelling
* FDM: Document image seen-through removal via Fuzzy Diffusion Models
* Global-local graph neural networks for node-classification
* Graph node matching for edit distance
* HARWE: A multi-modal large-scale dataset for context-aware human activity recognition in smart working environments
* HDRfeat: A feature-rich network for high dynamic range image reconstruction
* Latent spectral regularization for continual learning
* Learning to learn point signature for 3D shape geometry
* MFAE: Multimodal Fusion and Alignment for Entity-level Disinformation Detection
* Neighbors selective Graph Convolutional Network for homophily and heterophily
* Neural network based cognitive approaches from face perception with human performance benchmark
* Patch-wise vector quantization for unsupervised medical anomaly detection
* Query-guided generalizable medical image segmentation
* Reading QR Codes on challenging surfaces using thin-plate splines
* RL-NBV: A deep reinforcement learning based next-best-view method for unknown object reconstruction
* Self-supervised assisted multi-task learning network for one-shot defect segmentation with fake defect generation
* Self-supervised learning with automatic data augmentation for enhancing representation
* Self-supervised scheme for generalizing GAN image detection
* Social domain integrated semantic self-discovery method for recommendation
* Structural self-similarity pattern in global food prices: Utilizing a segmented multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis
* Student State-aware knowledge tracing based on attention mechanism: A cognitive theory view
* Transforming gradient-based techniques into interpretable methods
* VTHSC-MIR: Vision Transformer Hashing with Supervised Contrastive learning based medical image retrieval
* Weight Saliency search with Semantic Constraint for Neural Machine Translation attacks
* Zigzag persistence for image processing: New software and applications
35 for PRL(184)

PRL(185) * Adversarial self-training for robustness and generalization
* Coding self-representative and label-relaxed hashing for cross-modal retrieval
* Contraction mapping of feature norms for data quality imbalance learning
* Contrastive Learning for Lane Detection via cross-similarity
* DECA-Net: Dual encoder and cross-attention fusion network for surgical instrument segmentation
* Deep NRSFM for multi-view multi-body pose estimation
* DualGroup for 3D instance and panoptic segmentation
* EHIR: Energy-based Hierarchical Iterative Image Registration for Accurate PCB Defect Detection
* Enhancing low-light images via dehazing principles: Essence and method
* Enhancing zero-shot object detection with external knowledge-guided robust contrast learning
* EXACT: How to train your accuracy
* Fall detection algorithm based on global and local feature extraction
* Feature decomposition-based gaze estimation with auxiliary head pose regression
* Feature-consistent coplane-pair correspondence- and fusion-based point cloud registration
* Fingerprint membership and identity inference against generative adversarial networks
* Gated Siamese Fusion Network based on multimodal deep and hand-crafted features for personality traits assessment
* Generating neural architectures from parameter spaces for multi-agent reinforcement learning
* Graph neural collaborative filtering with medical content-aware pre-training for treatment pattern recommendation
* HC-MVSNet: A probability sampling-based multi-view-stereo network with hybrid cascade structure for 3D reconstruction
* Introduction to the special issue on Computer vision solutions for part-based image analysis and classification (CV_PARTIAL)
* Introduction to the special section Advances trends of pattern recognition for intelligent systems applications (SS:ISPR23)
* lightweight attention-driven distillation model for human pose estimation, A
* Meta-learning from learning curves for budget-limited algorithm selection
* micro Reinforcement Learning architecture for Intrusion Detection Systems, A
* Multi-scale occlusion suppression network for occluded person re-identification
* Points2NeRF: Generating Neural Radiance Fields from 3D point cloud
* PSVMLP: Point and Shifted Voxel MLP for 3D deep learning
* Recent advances in behavioral and hidden biometrics for personal identification
* Recent Advances in Deep Learning Model Security
* Rescaling large datasets based on validation outcomes of a pre-trained network
* Robust clustering algorithm: The use of soft trimming approach
* Saliency-based video summarization for face anti-spoofing
* Scale-aware token-matching for transformer-based object detector
* Self-supervised Domain Adaptation with Significance-Oriented Masking for Pelvic Organ Prolapse detection
* Self-supervised multi-echo point cloud denoising in snowfall
* semantic guidance-based fusion network for multi-label image classification, A
* Semantic-aware hyper-space deformable neural radiance fields for facial avatar reconstruction
* sharper definition of alignment for Panoptic Quality, A
* Single image dehazing based on multi-label graph cuts
* Swin-chart: An efficient approach for chart classification
* unsupervised video anomaly detection method via Optical Flow decomposition and Spatio-Temporal feature learning, An
* Weighted Intersection over Union (wIoU) for evaluating image segmentation
42 for PRL(185)

PRL(186) * Adaptive feature alignment for adversarial training
* Analysis of systems' performance in natural language processing competitions
* Attribute disentanglement and re-entanglement for generalized zero-shot learning
* Bending classification from interference signals of a fiber optic sensor using shallow learning and convolutional neural networks
* CAST: Clustering self-Attention using Surrogate Tokens for efficient transformers
* ClarityDiffuseNet: Enhancing fundus image quality under black shadows with diffusion model-based research
* complex neural network model by Hilbert Transform, A
* Contrastive representation enhancement and learning for handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* Cross-attention based dual-similarity network for few-shot learning
* CvFormer: Cross-view transFormers with pre-training for fMRI analysis of human brain
* DBCvT: Double Branch Convolutional Transformer for Medical Image Classification
* DDOWOD: DiffusionDet for open-world object detection
* DeepMarkerNet: Leveraging supervision from the Duchenne Marker for spontaneous smile recognition
* DeepSet SimCLR: Self-supervised deep sets for improved pathology representation learning
* Denoising diffusion model with adversarial learning for unsupervised anomaly detection on brain MRI images
* Design of a differentiable L-1 norm for pattern recognition and machine learning
* Discrete diffusion models with Refined Language-Image Pre-trained representations for remote sensing image captioning
* DRGNN: Disentangled representation graph neural network for diverse category-level recommendations
* Editorial for pattern recognition letters special issue on Advances in Disinformation Detection and Media Forensics
* EDS: Exploring deeper into semantics for video captioning
* Enhancing abusive language detection: A domain-adapted approach leveraging BERT pre-training tasks
* Evaluation of visual SLAM algorithms in unstructured planetary-like and agricultural environments
* Explainable hypergraphs for gait based Parkinson classification
* FAM: Adaptive federated meta-learning for MRI data
* Hierarchical Glocal Attention Pooling for Graph Classification
* histogram-based approach to calculate graph similarity using graph neural networks, A
* Innovative multi-stage matching for counting anything
* Label-noise learning via uncertainty-aware neighborhood sample selection
* Local Reference Feature Transfer (LRFT): A simple pre-processing step for image enhancement
* LuminanceGAN: Controlling the brightness of generated images for various night conditions
* Main genes in breast cancer primary tumor and first metastasis in lymph nodes revealed by information-theory-based genetic networks pattern analysis
* Measuring student behavioral engagement using histogram of actions
* method for evaluating deep generative models of images for hallucinations in high-order spatial context, A
* MMIFR: Multi-modal industry focused data repository
* Motion-guided small MAV detection in complex and non-planar scenes
* novel HMM distance measure with state alignment, A
* On the effects of obfuscating speaker attributes in privacy-aware depression detection
* One-index vector quantization based adversarial attack on image classification
* Online probabilistic knowledge distillation on cryptocurrency trading using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Personalized Federated Learning on long-tailed data via knowledge distillation and generated features
* Polynomial kernel learning for interpolation kernel machines with application to graph classification
* Positional diffusion: Graph-based diffusion models for set ordering
* Pseudo-label refinement via hierarchical contrastive learning for source-free unsupervised domain adaptation
* Regional dynamic point cloud completion network
* Rethinking unsupervised domain adaptation for semantic segmentation
* Robust affine point matching via quadratic assignment on Grassmannians
* SiamMAF: A multipath and feature-enhanced thermal infrared tracker
* Special section: Best papers of the 15th Mexican conference on pattern recognition (MCPR) 2023
* Table Transformers for imputing textual attributes
* Text-free diffusion inpainting using reference images for enhanced visual fidelity
* Uncertainty quantification metrics for deep regression
* unified framework to stereotyped behavior detection for screening Autism Spectrum Disorder, A
* Use estimated signal and noise to adjust step size for image restoration
* Visual speech recognition using compact hypercomplex neural networks
* Visual-guided hierarchical iterative fusion for multi-modal video action recognition
55 for PRL(186)

PRL(187) * Dehazing with all we have
* FM-detector: End-to-end flight maneuver recognition method based on flight data
* GAF-Net: A new automated segmentation method based on multiscale feature fusion and feedback module
* GANzzle++: Generative approaches for jigsaw puzzle solving as local to global assignment in latent spatial representations
* Generation of super-resolution for medical image via a self-prior guided Mamba network with edge-aware constraint
* Graph Neural Networks with maximal independent set-based pooling: Mitigating over-smoothing and over-squashing
* IDA-NET: Individual Difference aware Medical Image Segmentation with Meta-Learning
* Improving ViT interpretability with patch-level mask prediction
* Incremental component tree contour computation
* LED-Net: A lightweight edge detection network
* MACT: Underwater image color correction via Minimally Attenuated Channel Transfer
* Multi source-free domain adaptation based on pseudo-label knowledge mining
* Multichannel image classification based on adaptive attribute profiles
* Neural network modelling of kinematic and dynamic features for signature verification
* Neuromorphic face analysis: A survey
* Prototypical class-wise test-time adaptation
* Segmentation of MRI tumors and pelvic anatomy via cGAN-synthesized data and attention-enhanced U-Net
* semi-supervised approach for breast tumor segmentation using sparse transformer attention UNet, A
* Sparse-attention augmented domain adaptation for unsupervised person re-identification
19 for PRL(187)

PRL(19) * 2D Spiral Pattern Recognition with Possibilistic Measures
* 3D 6-Subiteration Thinning Algorithm for Extracting Medial Lines, A
* 8-Point Discrete Hartley Transform as an Edge Operator and Its Interpretation in the Frequency-Domain
* Adaptive Confidence Transform Based Classifier Combination for Chinese Character Recognition
* Algorithms for Straight Line Fitting Using K-Means
* Analytic Solution for the Pose Determination of Human Faces from a Monocular Image, An
* Applying Adaptive Logic Networks to Character Recognition
* approach of clustering data with noisy or imprecise feature measurement, An
* Approximation of Class Regions by Quasi Convex Hulls
* Automatic Face Recognition in a Heterogeneous Population
* Bayesian Interpretation for the Exponential Correlation Associative Memory, A
* Centroid Method for Compressing Sets of Similar Images, The
* Characterization of image degradation caused by scanning
* Chromatic Correlation Features for Texture Recognition
* Classification of incomplete feature vectors by radial basis function networks
* Color Image Compression Using Quantization, Thresholding, and Edge Detection Techniques All Based on the Moment Preserving Principle
* Comparison of Fast Nearest Neighbor Classifiers for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Connectionist Expert System Model for Conflict Resolution in Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Recognition, A
* Connectionist Method for Pattern Classification with Diverse Features, A
* Convergence of an EM-type algorithm for spatial clustering
* Convexity of sets of lines
* Data Equalization with Evidence Combination for Pattern Recognition
* Datagen: A Generator of Datasets for Evaluation of Classification Algorithms
* Decimated Geometric Filter for Edge Preserving Smoothing of Nonwhite Image Noise
* Density Propagation for Surface Tracking
* Determination of meat quality by texture analysis
* Determining Local Natural Scales of Curves
* Determining number of clusters and prototype locations via multi-scale clustering
* discrete sequential bidirectional associative memory for multistep pattern recognition, A
* Discrete-Time CNN for Image Segmentation by Active Contours
* Distance Measure for Molecular Structures and Its Computing Method, A
* Domination in Fuzzy Graphs: I
* Effective Algorithm for the Segmentation of Digital Plane Curves: The Isoparametric Formulation, An
* Efficiently Computing the Closest Point to a Query Line
* Entity-Based Aspect Graphs: Making Viewer Centered Representations More Efficient
* Estimation of search-space in 3D coronary artery reconstruction using angiographic biplane images
* Evaluating Image Processing Algorithms that Predict Regions of Interest
* Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers: Applying a Monte Carlo Significance Test to the Classification Efficiency
* Expected Classification Error of the Fisher Linear Classifier with Pseudo Inverse Covariance Matrix
* Experimental Study of a Novel Neuro Fuzzy System for Online Handwritten Unipen Digit Recognition
* Exploiting Neural Trees in Range Image Understanding
* Fast Black Run Rotation Algorithm for Binary Images, A
* Faster point set pattern matching in 3-D
* Feature Selection Algorithm and Cobweb Correlation
* Feature-Selection Using Expected Attainable Discrimination
* Filtering of multivariate samples containing outliers for clustering
* Fractal Dimension Estimation For Texture Images: A Parallel Approach
* Frontal View Face Detection and Facial Feature Extraction Using Color, Shape and Symmetry Based Cost Functions
* fuzzy algorithm for curve and surface alignment, A
* Generalization of the EM Algorithm for Mixture Density Estimation
* Genetic Algorithmic Approach to the Detection of Subsurface Voids in Cross Hole Seismic Tomography
* Genetic operators for hierarchical graph clustering
* Gesture Spotting from Continuous Hand Motion
* Global and Local Neural-Network Ensembles
* Graph Distance Metric Based on the Maximal Common Subgraph, A
* gray-level transformation-based method for image enhancement, A
* Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition System Using Hierarchical Displacement Extraction Based on Directional Features, A
* Hexadecagonal region growing
* Hierarchical Filter Scheme For Efficient Corner Detection, A
* High-Accuracy Tracking of 2D/3D Curved Line Structures by Consecutive Cross Section Matching
* Image Structural Information Assessment
* Improved Cross Correlation for Template Matching on the Laplacian Pyramid
* Improving Backpropagation Learning Under Limited Precision
* Improving the k-NCN classification rule through heuristic modifications
* Iterative Algorithm For Minimum Cross-Entropy Thresholding, An
* Large Encrypting Binary Images with Higher Security
* Lie Generators For Computing Steerable Functions
* Local Characterization of Strong Surfaces within Strongly Separating Objects
* Low-Resolution, Degraded Document Recognition Using Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Models
* matching algorithm based on linear features, A
* Minkowski Decomposition of Convex Polygons into Their Symmetrical and Asymmetric Parts
* Model Based 3-D Tracking of Rigid Objects from a Sequence of Multiple Perspective Views, A
* Modified Morphological Corner Detector, A
* Monothetic Clustering Method, A
* multi-level dynamic programming method for stereo line matching, A
* Multidimensional Interval Filter: A New Indexing Method for Subpicture Query of Image Retrieval
* Multiple Point Boundary Smoothing Algorithm, A
* Multiresolution Approach for Page Segmentation, A
* New Cluster Validity Index for the Fuzzy C-Mean, A
* New Gray-Level Based Hough Transform for Region Extraction: An Application to IRS Images, A
* New Method for Polygonal Approximation Using Genetic Algorithms, A
* Noise tolerance of moment invariants in pattern recognition
* Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Unsupervised Feature Extraction
* Normalized Redundancy Presentation for 2D Digital Images, A
* Note on A Fresh Look at the Hough Transform, A
* Note on Hausdorff-like metrics for fuzzy sets
* Note on Practical Uses of Gray-Scale Image Analysis in Document Recognition, A
* Note on the Structured Light of 3-Dimensional Imaging Systems, A
* Note on the Weighted Matching with Penalty Problem, A
* Notes on Poisson Distribution Based Minimum Error Thresholding
* On Mean-Curvature Diffusion in Nonlinear Image Filtering
* On the Application of the Enhanced Hoshen-Kopelman Algorithm for Image Analysis
* On-line hierarchical clustering
* Optimal error discretization under depth and range constraints
* Optimal Line Segment Extraction Algorithm for Online Chinese Character Recognition Using Dynamic Programming, An
* Optimizing templates for finding trees in aerial photographs
* Panoramic Sensor Calibration
* Parallel Algorithm for Pulsed Laser Infrared Tomography, A
* Parallel Architecture for Implementation of Filters Based on Order Statistics, A
* Parallel Network of Modified 1-NN and K-NN Classifiers: Application to Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* PARM: A Parallel Relaxation Machine for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Pattern classification using genetic algorithms: Determination of H
* Pattern Recognition Using Evolution Algorithms with Fast Simulated Annealing
* Perceptron-Perceptron Net
* Perceptual Measure to Predict the Visual Distinction Between Two Color Images, A
* Quantitative Evaluation of Color Image Segmentation Results
* Randomized Hough Transform: Improved Ellipse Detection with Comparison
* Recursive Formula for Convolutions/Correlations and Its Application in Pattern-Recognition, A
* Reinforced Random Algorithm for a Partial Contour Perceptual Similarity Problem, A
* Robust epipolar geometry estimation using genetic algorithm
* Robust-Coded Pattern Projection for Dynamic 3D Scene Measurement, A
* Scan Calibration or Compensation in a Depth Imaging System
* segmentation algorithm for noisy images: Design and evaluation, A
* Segmentation of Touching Characters Using an MLP
* Segmenting focused objects in complex visual images
* Segmenting Handwritten Chinese Characters Based on Heuristic Merging of Stroke Bounding Boxes and Dynamic Programming
* Selection of the optimal prototype subset for 1-NN classification
* Self-Similar Texture Characterization Using a Fourier Domain Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method
* Shape description using cubic polynomial Bezier curves
* Shape Recognition Using Spectral Features
* Some remarks on the straight line Hough transform
* Stereo Matching Based on the Self-Organizing Feature-Mapping Algorithm
* Strongly Normal Sets of Convex Polygons or Polyhedra
* Structural/Statistical Feature Based Vector for Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* Subclass Model for Nonlinear Pattern Classification, A
* Texture classification using non-separable two-dimensional wavelets
* Tracking Objects with a Recognition Algorithm
* Transformation radial basis neural network for relevant feature selection
* Unbiased Active Contour Algorithm for Object Tracking, An
* universal colour transformation architecture, A
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Approach
* Using image signatures for place recognition
* Using Models of Feature Perception in Distortion Measure Guidance
* Using orientation tokens for object recognition
* Validation of Average Error Rate over Classifiers
* Variance Projection Function and its Application to Eye Detection for Human Face Recognition
* Visualization of Transformed Multivariate Data Sets with Autoassociative Neural Networks
* Window-Size Determination for Granulometric Structural Texture Classification
138 for PRL(19)

PRL(2) * 3-D Hough Shape Transform, The
* Analysis of Three-Dimensional Rotation and Linear Shape Changes
* Application of Image Analysis Techniques to Mineral Processing, The
* Approximation Technique for Photometric Stereo, An
* Automatic Evaluation of Segregation Streaks in Material Samples
* Concept of Deenhancement in Digital Image Processing, The
* Decomposition of Transformation Matrices for Robot Vision
* Difference Technique for Automatic Inspection of Casting Parts, A
* Digital Metrics: A Graph-Theoretical Approach
* Discrete Topology and Contour Definition
* Fast Algorithm for Cellular Logic Operations on Sequential Machines, A
* Feature Extraction and Decision Procedure for Automated Inspection of Textured Materials
* Formulation of Parallel Image Processing Tasks
* Fuzzy Geometry Of Image Subsets, The
* Hierarchical Image Representation for compression, Filtering and Normalization
* Hough Transform Technique for Subgraph Isomorphism, A
* Image Sequence Enhancements Based on the Normal Component of Image Motion
* Impulse Noise Cleaning by Iterative Threshold Median Filtering
* Inference of Fuzzy Regular Pattern Grammar
* Invariant Analogical Image Representation and Pattern Recognition
* Method for Detecting Structure in Polyhedra, A
* Method for Solving the N-Dimensional Convex Hull Problem, A
* New Linear Algorithm for Triangulating Monotone Polygons, A
* New Results Using an Integrated Model and Recursive Algorithm for Image Motion Estimation
* On the Application of the Convex Hull to Histogram Analysis in Threshold Selection
* On the Approximation of Convex Hulls of Finite Grid Point Sets
* Optimal Algorithms for Computing the Minimum Distance between Two Finite Planar Sets
* Optimal Set of Image Segmentation Rules, An
* Orientation of Anisotropic Random Fields and Images
* Performance Bound of Walsh-Hadamard Transform for Feature Selection and Compression and Some Related Fast Algorithms
* Properties and Some Fast Algorithms of the Haar Transform in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
* Recursive Pyramids and Their Use for Image Coding
* Sequential Piecewise-Linear Segmentation of Binary Contours
* Shape Information Extraction in Noisy Environments
* Significance of Visual Limitations in Automated Pattern Recognition Applications
* Some Experiments in Two-Dimensional Grammatical Inference
* Spatial Pattern in Sections of Human Muscle
* Spelling Correction Using Probabilistic Methods
* Syntactic Recognition of Skeletal Maturity
* Top-Down Cellular Pyramids
* Two-Dimensional Object Recognition by Matching Local Properties of Contour Points
41 for PRL(2)

PRL(20) * 2D object recognition based on curvature functions obtained from local histograms of the contour chain code
* Accommodating uncertainty in pixel-based verification of 3-D object hypotheses
* Adaptive floating search methods in feature selection
* adaptive fuzzy C-means algorithm for image segmentation in the presence of intensity inhomogeneities, An
* adaptive segmentation and 3-D visualisation of the lungs, An
* Analysis of gray level corner detection
* Applying genetic algorithms to search for the best hierarchical clustering of a dataset
* Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Data on Cheques: Fact or Fiction?
* Bayesian detection of the fovea in eye fundus angiographies
* Bayesian estimation of edge orientations in junctions
* Binary text image compression using overlapping rectangular partitioning
* boundary concavity code to support dominant point detection, A
* Classification of incomplete feature vectors by radial basis function networks
* Color and spatial feature for content-based image retrieval
* Combinatorial methods for approximate image matching under translations and rotations
* Combining Multiple Matchers for a High Security Fingerprint Verification System
* Comparative Study of Neural Network Based Feature Extraction Paradigms
* Comparison of Gaussian and Pearson Mixture Modeling for Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Applications, A
* Comparison of three methods for shape recognition in the case of mine detection
* competitive elliptical clustering algorithm, A
* Construction of partitioning paths for touching handwritten characters
* contour detection method: Initialization and contour model, A
* Corner Detection Via Topographic Analysis of Vector Potential
* Decomposition of Chinese character into strokes using mathematical morphology
* Detecting three-dimensional rotation of an ellipsoid from its orthographic projections
* Distance-based functions for image comparison
* Dynamic motion analysis using wavelet flow surface images
* Ellipse detection based on symmetry
* empirical comparison of four initialization methods for the K-Means algorithm, An
* Estimation of fractal dimension of images using a fixed mass approach
* Experimental Evaluation of Expert Fusion Strategies
* fast algorithm for tracking human faces based on chromatic histograms, A
* Fast and robust techniques for detecting straight line segments using local models
* fast and stable snake algorithm for medical images, A
* fast and stable snake algorithm for medical images, A
* Fast determination of textural periodicity using distance matching function
* Feature selection for multiple binary classification problems
* Filtering methods for texture discrimination
* Frontal-view face detection and facial feature extraction using color and morphological operations
* fuzzy set-based accuracy assessment of soft classification, A
* Graph matching with hierarchical discrete relaxation
* Histogram clustering for unsupervised segmentation and image retrieval
* Hough transform technique for the detection of parallel projected rotational symmetry, A
* Image coding using neighbourhood relations
* Image Compression Using the Distance Transform on Curved Space (DTOCS) and Delaunay Triangulation
* Improved Hoeffding-style performance guarantees for accurate classifiers
* improvement of the NEC criterion for assessing the number of clusters in a mixture model, An
* incremental-learning neural network for the classification of remote-sensing images, An
* Intelligent pattern detection and compression. An application to very low bit rate transmission of ship wake aerial images
* Interpretation of eight-point discrete cosine and sine transforms as 3x3 orthogonal edge masks in terms of the Frei-Chen masks
* Korean character recognition using a TDNN and an HMM
* Landmark recognition using invariant features
* Learning Bayesian networks for clustering by means of constructive induction
* Learning in a self-organising pattern formation system
* Lexicon reduction using key characters in cursive handwritten words
* Measure-based classifier performance evaluation
* Mending broken handwriting with a macrostructure analysis method to improve recognition
* MIMD algorithm for constant curvature feature extraction using curvature based data partitioning, A
* mixture model for pose clustering, A
* MLP using Hough transform based fuzzy feature extraction for Bengali script recognition, An
* Modeling image textures by Gibbs random fields
* Motion enhancement for preprocessing of optical flow detection and scientific visualization
* Motion tracking of human mouth by generalized deformable models
* multi-directional multiple-path recognition scheme for complex objects applied to the domain of a wooden toy kit, A
* Multidimensional curve classification using passing-through regions
* Nearest neighbor classifier: Simultaneous editing and feature selection
* Nearly-lossless autoregressive image compression
* Neural networks and fuzzy data fusion. Application to an on-line and real time vehicle detection system
* neural-vision based approach to measure traffic queue parameters in real-time, A
* new approach to photometric stereo, A
* new approach to similarity retrieval of 2-D graphic objects based on dominant shapes, A
* new circle/ellipse detector using genetic algorithms, A
* new local property of strong n-surfaces, A
* note on adaptive 2D-H strings, A
* On domain knowledge and feature selection using a support vector machine
* On finding the number of clusters
* On strongly normal tesselations
* One-dimensional frequency domain interpretation of compass roof edge and Frei-Chen line masks
* Operations on binary images represented by interpolation based bintrees
* Parallel Algorithm of Texture Analysis for Liquid Crystal Investigation, A
* Pattern Recognition in Practice VI
* Pattern skeletonization using run-length-wise processing for intersection distortion problem
* Perceptual grouping for symbol chain tracking in digitized topographic maps
* Real-time head tracking from the deformation of eye contours using a piecewise affine camera
* Recognition of objects with skew distortion based on synergetics
* Recognition of radiopaque markers in X-ray images using a neural network as nonlinear filter
* Recognition-based handwritten Chinese character segmentation using a probabilistic Viterbi algorithm
* reconfigurable processor based on FPGAs for pattern recognition, processing, analysis and synthesis of images, A
* Recovering cylindric and conic surfaces from contours and reflections
* Representation and recovery of 3D curved objects using generalized cylinders and the extended Gaussian image
* Robust algorithms for principal component analysis
* Robust detection of significant points in multiframe images
* Robust estimation of motion, structure and focal length from two views of a translating scene
* Robust motion and correspondence of noisy 3-D point sets with missing data
* role of topographical constraints in face recognition, The
* Search Technique for Rule Extraction from Trained Neural Networks, A
* Shape recognition from large image libraries by inexact graph matching
* Shrinking classification trees for boot-strap aggregation
* simple edge-preserving filtering technique for constructing multi-resolution systems of images, A
* Skew angle estimation in document processing using Cohen's class distributions
* Soft combination of neural classifiers: A comparative study
* Straight-line-based primitive extraction in grey-scale object recognition
* Sub-pattern texture recognition using intelligent focal-plane imaging sensor of small window-size
* syntactic approach applied to materials degradation, A
* Texture classification using multiresolution Markov random field models
* Texture segmentation through eigen-analysis of the Pseudo-Wigner distribution
* Toward robust handwritten Kanji character recognition
* Training PDMs on models: the case of deformable superellipses
* Two-dimensional entropic segmentation
* Unsupervised fuzzy clustering
* Unsupervised segmentation of spaceborne passive radar images
* use of linked line segments for cluster representation and data reduction, The
* Use of random graph parsing for scene labelling by probabilistic relaxation
* Verifying edges for visual inspection purposes
114 for PRL(20)

PRL(21) * A-Convexity
* Active-meshes
* adaptive clustering algorithm for color quantization, An
* adaptive thresholding method for binarization of blueprint images, An
* Algorithm for text page up/down orientation determination
* Application of image and sound analysis techniques to monitor the condition of cutting tools
* Application of principal axes for registration of NMR image sequences
* Area operators for edge detection
* Audio signal identification via pattern capture and template matching
* Automatic Geometric Reasoning in Structure and Motion Estimation
* Bayesian learning, global competition and unsupervised image segmentation
* Bayesian MLP neural networks for image analysis
* Bayesian weighting principle for the fundamental matrix estimation, A
* Biologically-inspired pattern recognition for odor detection
* Biomedical active segmentation guided by edge saliency
* BIONET: an artificial neural network model for diagnosis of diseases
* Block Truncation and Planar Image Coding
* Calibration, pose and novel views from single images of constrained scenes
* Can periodic perceptrons replace multi-layer perceptrons?
* class-dependent weighted dissimilarity measure for nearest neighbor classification problems, A
* Classification of scene photographs from local orientations features
* Combination of neural and statistical algorithms for supervised classification of remote-sensing images
* Combining DEKF algorithm and trace rule for fast on-line invariance extraction and recognition
* Compact and parametric shape representation by a tree of sigmoid functions for automatic shape modeling
* comparison of cluster validity criteria for a mixture of normal distributed data, A
* Content-based query of image databases: Inspirations from text retrieval
* Context-based filtering of document images
* Contextual and non-contextual performance evaluation of edge detectors
* Continuous HMM applied to quantization of on-line Korean character spaces
* Crucial combinations for the recognition of handwritten letters
* Detection and classification of lobular and DCIS (small cell) microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* Detection of line junctions and line terminations using curvilinear features
* Disparity interpolation for image synthesis
* Effective Source Recognition Algorithm: Extraction of Significant Binary Words, An
* Estimation of Illuminant Direction and Surface Reconstruction by Geotensity Constraint
* Estimation of motion parameters from blurred images
* Extracting facial features as in infants
* fast and accurate method to register medical images using Wavelet Modulus Maxima, A
* Fast color texture recognition using chromaticity moments
* Fast computation of cross-sections of 3D objects from their Medial Axis Transforms
* Fast mapping algorithm for histogram to binary set conversion
* genetic aggregate stereo algorithm for 3-D classification of occluded shapes, A
* Growing a tree classifier with imprecise data
* Hierarchical fuzzy partition for pattern classification with fuzzy if-then rules
* Hough transform technique for the detection of reflectional symmetry and skew-symmetry, A
* Hough-transform detection of lines in 3-D space
* hybrid method for unconstrained handwritten numeral recognition by combining structural and neural gas classifiers, A
* Image analysis for airborne reconnaissance and missile applications
* Image and edge detail detection algorithm for object-based coding
* Image classification using the frequencies of simple features
* Image identification and estimation using the maximum entropy principle
* Image object classification using saccadic search, spatio-temporal pattern encoding and self-organisation
* Image object signatures from centripetal autowaves
* improved Bayesian structural EM algorithm for learning Bayesian networks for clustering, An
* Improved coding of transform coefficients in JPEG-like image compression schemes
* Incremental circle transform and eigenvalue analysis for object recognition: an integrated approach
* Invariant 2D object recognition using the wavelet modulus maxima
* Knowledge-based English cursive script segmentation
* Lane detection using spline model
* Learning mixture models using a genetic version of the EM algorithm
* linguistic fuzzy recogniser of off-line handwritten characters, A
* Mandarin spoken document retrieval based on syllable lattice matching
* Mean and maximum common subgraph of two graphs
* Measuring homogeneity of planar point-patterns by using kurtosis
* Measuring the complexity of non-fractal shapes by a fractal method
* Model-based adaptive enhancement of far infrared image sequences
* Modelizing character allographs in omni-scriptor frame: A New Non-Supervised Clustering Algorithm
* Multiplication-free fast codeword search algorithm using Haar transform with squared-distance measure
* Neural network-based fuzzy observer with application to facial analysis
* new dichotomization technique to multilevel thresholding devoted to inspection applications, A
* new face detection method based on shape information, A
* new region matching method for stereoscopic images, A
* novel competitive learning algorithm for the parametric classification with Gaussian distributions, A
* On a grading system for beef marbling
* On approximating Euclidean metrics by digital distances in 2D and 3D
* On hierarchical segmentation for image compression
* On post-clustering evaluation and modification
* On the linear computational complexity of the parser for quasi-context sensitive languages
* On-line detection of red blood cell shape using deformable templates
* One-dimensional representation of two-dimensional information for HMM based handwriting recognition
* Particles shape analysis and classification using the wavelet transform
* partition-combination method for recognition of handwritten characters, The
* Patterns from the sky
* Perceptually tuned robust watermarking scheme for digital images
* PicSOM: Content-Based Image Retrieval with Self-Organizing Maps
* Preface: Selected Papers from The 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis SCIA '99
* Quantitative Measurement of Changes in Retinal Vessel Diameter in Ocular Fundus Images
* Randomized or probabilistic Hough transform: unified performance evaluation
* Range image segmentation of scenes with occluded curved objects
* Rayleigh reconstruction/interpolation algorithm for 3D ultrasound, A
* Reconstructing ellipsoids from three projection contours
* Registration of CT and MR images of Alzheimer's patient: A Shape Theoretic Approach
* Road Sign Classification using Laplace Kernel Classifier
* robust algorithm to estimate the fundamental matrix, A
* Robust direct motion estimation considering discontinuity
* Rough surface classification using point statistics from photometric stereo
* Sensitivity study of a semi-automatic training set generator
* Stroke extraction as pre-processing step to improve thinning results of Chinese characters
* Target tracking by matching a shape represented by a tree of sigmoid functions
* Texture segmentation based on MRMRF modeling
* Three Dimensional Model-Based Tracking Using Texture Learning and Matching
* Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome by monitoring patients airflow signals
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using resonance algorithm for natural scenes
* Weighted central moments in pattern recognition
* Zernike moment-based image shape analysis and its application
105 for PRL(21)

PRL(22) * 3-D localization and feature recovering through CAD-based stable pose calculation
* adaptive split-and-merge method for binary image contour data compression, An
* Advances in predictive models for data mining
* Application of Baddeley's distance to dissimilarity measurement between gray scale images
* Application of Dempster-Shafer Theory in Condition Monitoring Applications: A Case Study
* Application of the variance compensation likelihood measure for robust hidden Markov model in noise
* approach to the automatic design of multiple classifier systems, An
* approximate median search algorithm in non-metric spaces, An
* Architectural symbol recognition using a network of constraints
* asymptotic analysis of some expert fusion methods, An
* Asymptotic joint normality of the granulometric moments
* Bayesian boosting theorem, A
* BSP realisation of Jarvis' algorithm, A
* Chord-to-Point Distance Accumulation and Planar Curvature: A New Approach to Discrete Curvature
* Classification of general audio data for content-based retrieval
* Cognition of Free Space for Planning the Shortest Path: A Framed Free Space Approach
* Color image segmentation and parameter estimation in a markovian framework
* Color-based retrieval
* comparison between neural networks and decision trees based on data from industrial radiographic testing, A
* Comparison Study for Displacement Computation: Horn and Shunck's method versus March's method, A
* considerable improvement in non-iterative homography estimation using TLS and equilibration, A
* Content-based indexing and retrieval of TV news
* Cooperative object recognition
* corner preserving surface inference algorithm using 3D convolution, A
* Cursive character recognition by learning vector quantization
* Detecting duplicates among symbolically compressed images in a large document database
* Detecting Line Segments in an Image: A New Implementation for Hough Transform
* Detection of spatial points and lines by random sampling and voting procedure
* Document image template matching based on component block list
* dynamic programming approach for fitting digital planar curves with line segments and circular arcs, A
* Edge-Based Structural Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* efficient algorithm for the optimal polygonal approximation of digitized curves, An
* Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching
* efficient method for scene cut detection, An
* Elliptic Diagrams: Application to Patterns Detection from a Finite Set of Points
* Error propagation for the Hough transform
* Estimation of the joint probability of multisensory signals
* Estimation of the number of clusters and influence zones
* Experiences on data quality in automatic tissue classification
* Experimental evaluation of an on-line scribble recognizer
* Experiments in colour texture analysis
* Explicit formulae for polyhedra moments
* Extraction of line segments from fuzzy images
* Eye detection by using fuzzy template matching and feature-parameter-based judgement
* Face localization based on the morphological multiscale fingerprints
* Face verification from 3D and grey level clues
* fast algorithm for corner detection using the morphologic skeleton, A
* fast and novel technique for color quantization using reduction of color space dimensionality, A
* Feature extraction using wavelet and fractal
* Feature normalization and likelihood-based similarity measures for image retrieval
* framework for temporal similarity measures of content-based scene retrieval, A
* Fusion of multiple handwritten word recognition techniques
* fuzzy temporal notation and its application to specify fault patterns for diagnosis, A
* fuzzy theoretic approach for video segmentation using syntactic features, A
* generalized prime-number-based matrix strategy for efficient iconic indexing of symbolic pictures, A
* graph distance metric combining maximum common subgraph and minimum common supergraph, A
* Graph distances using graph union
* Hidden Markov models for online classification of single trial EEG data
* Image based document authentication using DCT
* Image fusion by using steerable pyramid
* Image matching using run-length feature
* Image prediction using face detection and triangulation
* Image retrieval based on object's orientation spatial relationship
* improved automatic isotropic color edge detection technique, An
* improved bound on the finite-sample risk of the nearest neighbor rule, An
* Improved MR image reconstruction from sparsely sampled scans based on neural networks
* improved search algorithm for vector quantization using mean pyramid structure, An
* Improving Image and Video Transmission Quality Over ATM with Foveal Prioritization and Priority Dithering
* Improving the Hough Transform gathering process for affine transformations
* Independent feature analysis for image retrieval
* Information-theoretic algorithm for feature selection
* Interactive image retrieval using fuzzy sets
* Introduction: Selected Papers from Statistical Methods for Image Processing
* Introduction: Selected Papers from the 11th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition
* Invariant feature extraction for 3D texture analysis using the autocorrelation function
* Invariant object detection based on evidence accumulation and Gabor features
* Invariant pattern identification by self-organising networks
* JPEG2000: The upcoming still image compression standard
* Knowledge-based segmentation and labeling of brain structures from MRI images
* Learning dimensionality and orientations of 3D objects
* Learning in Pattern Recognition: Some Thoughts
* Local stereovision matching through the ADALINE neural network
* Location and interpretation of destination addresses on handwritten Chinese envelopes
* Machine-printed and hand-written text lines identification
* Maintaining the relative positions and orientations of multiple robots using vision
* Markov random field processing for color demosaicing
* medial-surface oriented 3-d two-subfield thinning algorithm, A
* Mixture model for face-color modeling and segmentation
* Motion estimation based tracking of active contours
* Multi-spectral vision system for weed detection
* Multidimensional pattern recognition problems and combining classifiers
* Multiple feature clustering for image sequence segmentation
* Neural network-based text location in color images
* new normalization technique for cursive handwritten words, A
* new one-pass algorithm to detect region boundaries, A
* New progressive image transmission based on quadtree and shading approach with resolution control
* new segmentation technique for omnifont Farsi text, A
* new stereomatching algorithm based on linear features and the fuzzy integral, A
* new vector median filter for colour image processing, A
* Nonlinear regression analysis of the hemodynamic response in functional MRI
* novel approach to the derivation of fuzzy membership functions using the Falcon-MART architecture, A
* novel SVD- and VQ-based image hiding scheme, A
* novel triangulation procedure for thinning hand-written text, A
* novel visual landmark matching for a biologically inspired homing, A
* On calculation of fractal dimension of images
* On combining classifiers using sum and product rules
* On high resolution positioning of straight patterns via multiscale matched filtering of the Hough transform
* On Measuring Low-Level Self and Relative Saliency in Photographic Images
* Parameter-estimation in the auto-binomial model using the coding- and pseudo-likelihood method approached with simulated annealing and numerical optimization
* Performance Evaluation in Content-Based Image Retrieval: Overview and Proposals
* Positive tensor factorization
* Preconditioned edge-preserving image deblurring and denoising
* Preface Special Issue on Image/Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Properties of the generalised fuzzy aggregation operators
* Recognition of 3D planar objects in canonical frames
* Recognition of olfactory signals based on supervised fuzzy C-means and k-NN algorithms
* Reconstructing coronary arterial segments from three projection boundaries
* Retrieval of gamma corrected images
* Robust camera parameter estimation using genetic algorithm
* Robust image modeling on image processing
* rotation invariant printed Chinese character recognition system, A
* Scalable video browsing and searching via Q-metric
* Scale-dependent hierarchical unsupervised segmentation of textured images
* scheme of colour image retrieval from databases, A
* Segmentation from motion of non-rigid objects by neuronal lateral interaction
* Self-calibration with varying focal length from two images obtained by a camera with small rotation and general translation
* Shape and topology preserving multi-valued image pyramids for multi-resolution skeletonization
* Shape-resolving local thresholding for object detection
* simple mechanism for curvature detection, A
* Soft image segmentation by weighted linked pyramid
* Statistical active grid for segmentation refinement
* Statistical image analysis for pose estimation without point correspondences
* Stochastic K-means algorithm for vector quantization
* Support Vector Machines with Different Norms: Motivation, Formulations and Results
* Thickness extraction from biological images and interference colors
* Topological principal component analysis for face encoding and recognition
* Triangular Spatial Relationship: A New Approach for Spatial Knowledge Representation
* Two-phase clustering process for outliers detection
* two-step circle detection algorithm from the intersecting chords, A
* Unconstrained Farsi handwritten word recognition using fuzzy vector quantization and hidden Markov models
* Unsupervised texture segmentation with one-step mean shift and boundary Markov random fields
* Varying similarity metrics in visual information retrieval
* Video sequence matching via decision tree path following
* Visibility concepts in orthogonal polygon recognition
144 for PRL(22)

PRL(23) * 3-subiteration 3D thinning algorithm for extracting medial surfaces, A
* 3D reconstruction in a constrained camera system
* Accurate shape modeling with front propagation using adaptive level sets
* active mesh based tracker for improved feature correspondences, An
* Adaptive image compression using local pattern information
* adaptive modulated wavelet transform image representation, The
* Adaptive mouth segmentation using chromatic features
* adaptive multifeature correspondence algorithm for stereo using dynamic programming, An
* Affine invariant descriptors using Fourier series
* Affine invariants for object recognition using the wavelet transform
* Antiforgery: a novel pseudo-outer product based fuzzy neural network driven signature verification system
* Application of Agent-Oriented Techniques to Symbolic Matching and Object Recognition, An
* approach to the evaluation of the performance of a discrete classifier, An
* Automated 3D region growing algorithm based on an assessment function
* automatic and efficient dynamic programming algorithm for polygonal approximation of digital curves, An
* Automatic detection of built-up areas in high-resolution polarimetric SAR images
* Autonomous in situ training of classification modules in real-time vision systems and its application to pedestrian recognition
* Background subtraction based on logarithmic intensities
* Bayesian selection of the neighbourhood order for Gauss-Markov texture models
* BPCS steganography using EZW lossy compressed images
* Character preclassification based on genetic programming
* Clustering incomplete relational data using the non-Euclidean relational fuzzy c-means algorithm
* Collaborative fuzzy clustering
* Color texture segmentation using feature distributions
* comparative study of focused JPEG compression, Fjpeg, A
* Compressed Domain Action Classification Using HMM
* Content-based retrieval from trademark databases
* COP: a new corner detector
* Corner detection based on modified Hough transform
* Correction of bias for motion estimation algorithms
* Cryptanalysis of an encryption scheme for binary images
* Curve skeletonization of surface-like objects in 3D images guided by voxel classification
* Description of three-dimensional gray-level objects by the harmonic analysis approach
* Design of an optimal nearest neighbor classifier using an intelligent genetic algorithm
* Detection and Enhancement of Line Structures in an Image by Anisotropic Diffusion
* Direct feature extraction in a foveated environment
* Dissimilarity representations allow for building good classifiers
* Distance transforms in 3D using four different weights
* DTW-based probability model for speaker feature analysis and data mining, A
* Dynamic flies: a new pattern recognition tool applied to stereo sequence processing
* Edge detection by scale multiplication in wavelet domain
* efficient shape-based approach to image retrieval, An
* Entropy-based representation of image information
* Error-correcting tree language inference
* Estimating Facial Pose Using Shape-from-Shading
* Estimation of periodic-like motions of chaotic evolutions using detected unstable periodic patterns
* Evaluation of genetic operators and solution representations for shape recognition by genetic algorithms
* Exact corner location using attentional generalized symmetry transform
* Extracting medial curves on 3D images
* Face detection by aggregated Bayesian network classifiers
* Face recognition using the mixture-of-eigenfaces method
* Face recognition with one training image per person
* Facial feature detection and face recognition from 2D and 3D images
* Fast and robust recognition of orbit and sinus drawings using histograms of forces
* fast level set method for segmentation of low contrast noisy biomedical images, A
* fast pixel mapping algorithm using principal component analysis, A
* fast, non-iterative and exact histogram matching algorithm, A
* Feature selection toolbox software package
* Feature selection with neural networks
* Fingerprint identification using space invariant transforms
* Flame recognition in video
* Fuzzy shape matching with boundary signatures
* Generating classifier outputs of fixed accuracy and diversity
* generic fuzzy rule based image segmentation algorithm, A
* genetic approach to limited data tomographic reconstruction of time-resolved energy spectrum of short-pulsed neutron sources, A
* Genetic feature selection combined with composite fuzzy nearest neighbor classifiers for hyperspectral satellite imagery
* Geographic information system updating using remote sensing images
* Geometric matching of circular features by least squares fitting
* global method for music symbol recognition in typeset music sheets, A
* Go digital, go fuzzy
* Handwritten Chinese character recognition using nonlinear active shape models and the Viterbi algorithm
* hierarchical Bayesian model for continuous speech recognition, A
* hierarchical tag-graph search scheme with layered grammar rules for spontaneous speech understanding, A
* Hough transform for feature detection in panoramic images
* hybrid approach of NN and HMM for facial emotion classification, A
* Image classification: an evolutionary approach
* Image coding by fitting RBF-surfaces to subimages
* Image dense matching based on region growth with adaptive window
* image intellectual property protection scheme for gray-level images using visual secret sharing strategy, An
* Image segmentation based on situational DCT descriptors
* Improving fitting quality of polygonal approximation by using the dynamic programming technique
* Improving the performance of radial basis function classifiers in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis applications where unknown faults may occur
* Incremental feature weight learning and its application to a shape-based query system
* Index trees for accelerating deformable template matching
* Indexing for local appearance-based recognition of planar objects
* Integration of Local and Global Shape Analysis for Logo Classification
* iterative initial-points refinement algorithm for categorical data clustering, An
* k-segments algorithm for finding principal curves, A
* Kernel density estimation with adaptive varying window size
* Learning structural shape descriptions from examples
* Logic-oriented fuzzy clustering
* Loop-free snakes for highly irregular object shapes
* Matching of Palmprints
* Maximum entropy random fields for texture analysis
* mean string algorithm to compute the average among a set of 2D shapes, A
* Medial Axis for Chamfer Distances: Computing Look-Up Tables and Neighbourhoods in 2D or 3D
* Mixture density estimation with group membership functions
* Model-based recognition of articulated objects
* Modelling the histograms of various classes in SAR images
* Modified product fusion
* Mosaic representations of video sequences based on slice image analysis
* Motif analysis of noisy regular textures
* MRF clustering for segmentation of color images
* Multi-resolution image registration using multi-class Hausdorff fraction
* Multifocus image fusion using artificial neural networks
* multiresolution spatiotemporal motion segmentation technique for video sequences based on pyramidal structures, A
* new algorithm for fitting a rectilinear x-monotone curve to a set of points in the plane, A
* new shape descriptor for surfaces in 3D images, A
* New similarity measures of intuitionistic fuzzy sets and application to pattern recognitions
* new wavelet-based measure of image focus, A
* note on conic fitting by the gradient weighted least-squares estimation: refined eigenvector solution, A
* note on core research issues for statistical pattern recognition, A
* novel feature extraction method and hybrid tree classification for handwritten numeral recognition, A
* numeral character recognition using the PCA mixture model, A
* Object Discretizations in Higher Dimensions
* off-line signature verification system using an extracted displacement function, An
* On a Fluency Image Coding System for Beef Marbling Evaluation
* On a Higher-Order Neural Network for Distortion Invariant Pattern Recognition
* On distributing the clustering process
* On the nonexistence of Hausdorff-like metrics for fuzzy sets
* On the use of nearest feature line for speaker identification
* Optimal stroke-correspondence search method for on-line character recognition
* Order independent homotopic thinning for binary and grey tone anchored skeletons
* parallel fuzzy scale-space approach to the unsupervised texture separation, A
* partially unsupervised cascade classifier for the analysis of multitemporal remote-sensing images, A
* PCT: A technique to probe cluster terrain
* Perceptual organization with image formation compatibilities
* Planar object detection under scaled orthographic projection
* Planar shape indexing and retrieval based on Hidden Markov Models
* Point-to-line mappings as Hough transforms
* Probabilistic Regularisation and Symmetry in Binocular Dynamic Programming Stereo
* Projection based method for segmentation of human face and its evaluation
* pseudo-nearest-neighbor approach for missing data recovery on Gaussian random data sets, A
* Realistic mouth synthesis based on shape appearance dependence mapping
* Recognizing 2-tone images in grey-level parametric eigenspaces
* Recognizing marbling in dry-cured Iberian ham by multiscale analysis
* Rejection based classifier for face detection
* Retinal vision applied to facial features detection and face authentication
* Robust evidence-based object tracking
* Rotation-invariant pattern matching using wavelet decomposition
* Searching for the best elimination sequence in Bayesian networks by using ant colony optimization
* Segmentation of ultrasound images by using a hybrid neural network
* Segmentation-based recognition of handwritten touching pairs of digits using structural features
* Self-organizing map for clustering in the graph domain
* Shape recognition using attributed string matching with polygon vertices as the primitives
* Signal differentiation through a Green's function approach
* Simple hybrid classifier for face recognition with adaptively generated virtual data
* Skeletons in N dimensions using shape primitives
* Slice-adaptive histogram for improvement of anatomical structure extraction in volume data
* Spatial layout representation for query-by-sketch content-based image retrieval
* Special Issue: Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* statistical approach to the fusion of spectral and spatio-temporal contextual information for the classification of remote-sensing images, A
* StrCombo: combination of string recognizers
* Subspace position measurement in the presence of occlusion
* Suitability of texture features to assess changes in trabecular bone architecture
* surface-based method for detection of coronary vessel boundaries in poor quality X-ray angiogram images, A
* Tessellations by connection
* Texture classification using Gabor filters
* three-dimensional holes closing algorithm, A
* Towards Creating Abstract Features of Complex Objects: The Fusion of Contourpoints in Significant Contour Sections for Object Recognition
* Use of medial axis transforms for computing normals at boundary points
* Using moment invariants and HMM in facial expression recognition
* Variant code transformations for linear quadtrees
* Video sequence segmentation using genetic algorithms
* Vision-based adaptive and recursive tracking of unpaved roads
* Visual motion based behavior learning using hierarchical discriminant regression
* Wavelet-based corner detection technique using optimal scale
* Writer adaptation techniques in HMM based Off-Line Cursive Script Recognition
168 for PRL(23)

PRL(24 * Face recognition using LDA mixture model
* Shape Measures for Image Retrieval

PRL(24) * 2D Z-string: A new spatial knowledge representation for image databases
* 36 years on the pattern recognition front
* 3D particle tracking using an active vision
* 3D shape recovery of complex objects from multiple silhouette images
* abstract representation of geometric knowledge for object classification, An
* Accurate 3D image colour histogram transformation
* accurate and fast point-to-plane registration technique, An
* Adaptive color quantization based on perceptive edge protection
* Adaptive image denoising and edge enhancement in scale-space using the wavelet transform
* adaptive smoothing approach for fitting digital planar curves with line segments and circular arcs, An
* Adaptive vector median filtering
* Affine invariant descriptors for color images using Fourier series
* Aggressive region growing for speckle reduction in ultrasound images
* algorithm using length-r paths to approximate subgraph isomorphism, An
* Analysis methods of CT-scan images for the characterization of the bone texture: First results
* Analysis of mammogram classification using a wavelet transform decomposition
* Analysis of new techniques to obtain quality training sets
* Angle counts for isothetic polygons and polyhedra
* Anisotropic filtering for model-based segmentation of 4D cylindrical echocardiographic images
* Applying improved fast marching method to endocardial boundary detection in echocardiographic images
* Approximation of digital curves with line segments and circular arcs using genetic algorithms
* Archival and retrieval of symbolic images: An invariant scheme based on triangular spatial relationship
* Automated detection of blood vessels using dynamic programming
* Automatic Gait Recognition by Symmetry Analysis
* Automatic gait recognition using area-based metrics
* Automatic text detection and removal in video sequences
* Automatical detection of face features and exact face contour
* Bandwidth-adjusted LPC analysis for robust speech recognition
* BAS: A Perceptual Shape Descriptor Based on the Beam Angle Statistics
* Biologically inspired Cartesian and non-Cartesian filters for attentional sequences
* Biometrics break-ins and band-aids
* bit-pattern-based matrix strategy for efficient iconic indexing of symbolic pictures, A
* Breast tissue characterization based on modeling of ultrasonic echoes using the power-law shot noise model
* Choice of a 2-D causal autoregressive texture model using information criteria
* Choosing k for two-class nearest neighbour classifiers with unbalanced classes
* Classification of binary vectors by using SC distance to minimize stochastic complexity
* Classification of heart sounds using an artificial neural network
* Clustering and its validation in a symbolic framework
* Color active shape models for tracking non-rigid objects
* Color constancy from physical principles
* Color Image Enhancement by Fuzzy Intensification
* Colour quantization by three-dimensional frequency diffusion
* Combining implicit polynomials and geometric features for hand recognition
* Combining multiple classifiers based on third-order dependency for handwritten numeral recognition
* Comments on ground from figure discrimination
* Comparing salient point detectors
* Comparison of AESA and LAESA search algorithms using string and tree-edit-distances
* Comparison of techniques for environmental sound recognition
* Comprehensive interest points based imaging mosaic
* Computing approximate tree edit distance using relaxation labeling
* Construction of wavelets for width-invariant characterization of curves
* Contraction kernels and combinatorial maps
* Convexity properties of space curves
* Cooperative agents society organized as an irregular pyramid: A mammography segmentation application
* Darboux smoothing for shape-from-shading
* Decompression and speckle detection for ultrasound images using the homodyned k-distribution
* Defining a target distinctness measure through a single-channel computational model of vision
* Design of efficient line segment detectors for cereal grain inspection
* Design of optimal binary filters under joint multiresolution-envelope constraint
* Detected motion classification with a double-background and a Neighborhood-based difference
* Detecting pattern-based outliers
* Discovering cluster-based local outliers
* discrete region competition approach incorporating weak edge enhancement for ultrasound image segmentation, A
* Dissimilarity computation through low rank corrections
* Distributed learning with bagging-like performance
* Dual-T-Snakes model for medical imaging segmentation
* Dynamic selection and effective compression of key frames for video abstraction
* Edge detection in multispectral images using the self-organizing map
* efficient approach for slant correction of handwritten Korean strings based on structural properties, An
* Efficient computations for large least square support vector machine classifiers
* efficient method to build panoramic image mosaics, An
* efficient model order selection for PCA mixture model, An
* Efficient region-based motion segmentation for a video monitoring system
* Elastic image matching is NP-complete
* Emotional facial expression model building
* Engineering a freehand 3D ultrasound system
* Estimating 3D camera motion without correspondences using a search for the best structure
* Estimation of movement parameters of 3D textured surfaces using the autocorrelation function
* Evaluation of distance metrics for recognition based on non-negative matrix factorization
* Evaluation of global image thresholding for change detection
* evaluation of normalized cross correlations for defect detection, The
* Evaluation of the symmetry plane in 3D MR brain images
* Evolutionary semi-supervised fuzzy clustering
* Experimental comparison of superquadric fitting objective functions
* Face Recognition Using Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines
* Facial expression recognition: A clustering-based approach
* fast algorithm for level set-like active contours, A
* Fast features for face authentication under illumination direction changes
* Fast image segmentation based on multi-resolution analysis and wavelets
* Fast normalized cross correlation for defect detection
* Feature learning with a genetic algorithm for fluorescence fingerprinting of plant species
* Feature preserving image compression
* Feature subset selection using a new definition of classifiability
* Finding fuzzy classification rules using data mining techniques
* Finding textures by textual descriptions, visual examples, and relevance feedbacks
* Fisherpalms based palmprint recognition
* Floating search algorithm for structure learning of Bayesian network classifiers
* FractalNet: A biologically inspired neural network approach to fractal geometry
* framework for texture classification using the coordinated clusters representation, A
* fully automatic method for the reconstruction of spectral reflectance curves by using mixture density networks, A
* Fusion of multiple classifiers for intrusion detection in computer networks
* Fuzzy approach for color region extraction
* Fuzzy cluster validation index based on inter-cluster proximity
* generalized Foley-Sammon transform based on generalized Fisher discriminant criterion and its application to face recognition, A
* Genetic algorithm for affine point pattern matching
* Geometry of neighbourhood sequences
* Gradient detection in discrete log-polar images
* Gradient-based polyhedral segmentation for range images
* Granulometric parametric estimation for the random Boolean model using optimal linear filters and optimal structuring elements
* Hausdorff measure functions: A new way to characterize fractal sets, The
* Hierarchical representation of digitized curves through dominant point detection
* hierarchy of the cocoons of a graph and its application to image segmentation, The
* High speed associative memories for feature extraction and visualisation
* Histogram ratio features for color texture classification
* histogram-based moment-preserving clustering algorithm for video segmentation, A
* Ho-Kashyap classifier with generalization control
* Human face recognition based on spatially weighted Hausdorff distance
* Human motion estimation from monocular image sequence based on cross-entropy regularization
* Illuminant and gamma comprehensive normalisation in logRGB space
* Illumination Ratio Image: Synthesizing and Recognition with Varying Illuminations
* Image coding with modulated wavelets
* Image enhancement and minutiae matching in fingerprint verification
* Image retrieval based on perceptive weighted color blocks
* image retrieval method based on analysis of feedback sequence log, An
* Image segmentation by three-level thresholding based on maximum fuzzy entropy and genetic algorithm
* Impacts of verification on a numeral string recognition system
* impossibility of affine reconstruction from perspective image pairs obtained by a translating camera with varying parameters, The
* improved branch and bound algorithm for feature selection, An
* improved optimal bit allocation method for sub-band coding, An
* Improved Search Heuristics for the SA-Tree
* improved sequential method for principal component analysis, An
* Improvements on the linear discrimination technique with application to face recognition
* Improving similarity measures of histograms using smoothing projections
* Improving speaker identification in noise by subband processing and decision fusion
* inductive learning method for medical diagnosis, An
* Inferring shape evolution
* influence of prior knowledge on the expected performance of a classifier, The
* Information Fusion in Biometrics
* integrated method of adaptive enhancement for unsupervised segmentation of MRI brain images, An
* Introducing a weighted non-negative matrix factorization for image classification
* Is early detection of liver and breast cancers from ultrasound scans possible?
* Joint image registration and volume reconstruction for 3D ultrasound
* k*-Means: A new generalized k-means clustering algorithm
* Lane-Curve Detection Based on an LCF, A
* large database of graphs and its use for benchmarking graph isomorphism algorithms, A
* Learning with progressive transductive support vector machine
* Local entropy-based transition region extraction and thresholding
* Local Lines: A linear time line detector
* Localization of corresponding points in fingerprints by complex filtering
* Matching graphs by pivoting
* Material identification by surface reflection analysis in combination with bundle adjustment technique
* maximum a posteriori estimate for the source separation problem with statistical knowledge about the mixing matrix, A
* Median strings for k-nearest neighbour classification
* Membership authentication in the dynamic group by face classification using SVM ensemble
* model for image generation and symbol recognition through the deformation of lineal shapes, A
* Model-based varying pose face detection and facial feature registration in colour images
* modification of the LAESA algorithm for approximated k-NN classification, A
* modified Gabor filter design method for fingerprint image enhancement, A
* Modified support vector novelty detector using training data with outliers
* Monte Carlo Markov chain techniques for unsupervised MRF-based image denoising
* MRF parameter estimation by an accelerated method
* MRF-MAP-MFT visual object segmentation based on motion boundary field
* Multi-scale binarization of images
* multichannel watershed-based algorithm for supervised texture segmentation, A
* Multiresolution-based watersheds for efficient image segmentation
* multistage filtering technique to detect hazards on the ground plane, A
* N-division output coding method applied to face recognition
* Near optimum estimation of local fractal dimension for image segmentation
* nearest-neighbor chain based approach to skew estimation in document images, A
* new algorithm for unsupervised global and local color correction, A
* new image rectification algorithm, A
* Non-uniform sampling for improved appearance-based models
* Nonparametric discriminant analysis and nearest neighbor classification
* Object recognition with stereo vision and geometric hashing
* On stability of group fuzzy classification algorithms
* On the choice of consistent canonical form during moment normalization
* On the Dengfeng-Chuntian similarity measure and its application to pattern recognition
* On the relationship between majority vote accuracy and dependency in multiple classifier systems
* On the use of interval arithmetic in geometric branch and bound algorithms
* One-class texture classifier in the CCR feature space
* Online signature verification using a new extreme points warping technique
* Palmprint recognition using eigenpalms features
* Parameter estimation in Markov random field image modeling with imperfect observations. A comparative study
* PCA-based branch and bound search algorithms for computing K nearest neighbors
* Performance analysis of pattern classifier combination by plurality voting
* Pivot selection techniques for proximity searching in metric spaces
* Poisson equation for image texture modelling, The
* Pose classification of human faces by weighting mask function approach
* Pose estimation of SAR imagery using the two dimensional continuous wavelet transform
* Prediction suffix trees for supervised classification of sequences
* Preface, AVBPA
* Preface: Colour Image Processing and Analysis. First European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision
* Primal sketch feature extraction from a log-polar image
* QoS based video delivery with foveation and bandwidth monitoring
* Quantization from Bayes factors with application to multilevel thresholding
* Range image reconstruction based on robust multiresolution estimation of surface parameters
* Rate control optimization in embedded wavelet coding
* Real-time thresholding with Euler numbers
* Recognising handwritten Arabic manuscripts using a single hidden Markov model
* Recognition of hand-printed characters based on structural description and inductive logic programming
* Recognizing image style and activities in video using local features and naive Bayes
* Recognizing marbling in dry-cured Iberian ham by multiscale analysis
* Reduced-search dynamic programming for approximation of polygonal curves
* Refractive index estimation and color image rendering
* Region removal and restoration using a genetic algorithm with isophote constraint
* Regularized discriminant analysis for the small sample size problem in face recognition
* Representation and geometric computation using the extended Gaussian image
* Research on Chinese financial invoice recognition technology
* Road lane segmentation using dynamic programming for active safety vehicles
* Robust recovery of multiple light source based on local light source constant constraint
* robust two step approach for fingerprint identification, A
* Rotation and scale invariant texture features using discrete wavelet packet transform
* Rotation invariant texture classification using even symmetric Gabor filters
* Rotation-invariant texture classification
* Rough set methods in feature selection and recognition
* Segmentation of brush strokes by saliency preserving dual graph contraction
* Segmentation of ultrasonic images using Support Vector Machines
* Segmentation of ultrasound images: Multiresolution 2D and 3D algorithm based on global and local statistics
* Segmentation using fuzzy divergence
* sequential pruning strategy for the selection of the number of states in hidden Markov models, A
* shape and image merging technique to solve jigsaw puzzles, A
* Shape classification using smooth principal components
* shape of handwritten characters, The
* Signal recognition: Fourier transform vs. Cosine transform
* Similarity learning for graph-based image representations
* Similarity measures on intuitionistic fuzzy sets
* Simple termination conditions for k-nearest neighbor method
* Skew detection and correction in document images based on straight-line fitting
* Skewed alpha-stable distributions for modelling textures
* spatial wave-length analysis of coarseness or fineness of color variation in painting arts, A
* Spatio-temporal characterization of vessel segments applied to retinal angiographic images
* Speaker adaptation based on MAP estimation using fuzzy controller
* Special Issue Preface: Ultrasonic Image Processing and Analysis
* State of the art on automatic road extraction for GIS update: A Novel Classification
* Statistical background modeling for non-stationary camera
* steganographic method for images by pixel-value differencing, A
* Stereo matching and occlusion detection with integrity and illusion sensitivity
* Stereovision matching through support vector machines
* Stochastic pyramid revisited
* Strategies for image segmentation combining region and boundary information
* Strip line detection and thinning by RPCL-based local PCA
* Structurally noise resistant classifier for multi-modal person verification
* Supervised fuzzy clustering for the identification of fuzzy classifiers
* Suppressed fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm
* Suppression of sampling moire in color printing by spline-based least-squares prefiltering
* TASOM-based algorithm for active contour modeling, A
* Telemedicine and fuzzy logic: application in ophthalmology
* Texture classification by multi-model feature integration using Bayesian networks
* Texture classification using wavelet transform
* Texture segmentation using wavelet transform
* Threshold selection by clustering gray levels of boundary
* Touching numeral segmentation using water reservoir concept
* Towards automatic redeye effect removal
* Tracking brain deformations in time sequences of 3D US images
* Tracking regions of human skin through illumination changes
* Transform image coding with global thresholding: Application to baseline JPEG
* Truncating the Hough transform parameter space can be beneficial
* Two-dimensional cellular automata of radius one for density classification task
* Ultrasonic speckle formation, analysis and processing applied to tissue characterization
* Ultrasonic spectrum analysis for tissue evaluation
* Uncertainty modelling using Dempster-Shafer theory for improving detection of weld defects
* Undesirable effects of output normalization in multiple classifier systems
* Unsupervised and Non-Parametric Bayesian Classifier, An
* Unsupervised clustering of dominant scenes in sports video
* Unsupervised segmentation of scenes containing vegetation (Forsythia) and soil by hierarchical analysis of bi-dimensional histograms
* Use of depth and colour eigenfaces for face recognition
* Using attributed plex grammars for the generation of image and graph databases
* Using cross-ratios to model curve data for aircraft recognition
* Using known motion fields for image separation in transparency
* Using middle level features for robust shape tracking
* Using Mixture Covariance Matrices to Improve Face and Facial Expression Recognitions
* Using simplicial partitions to determine a closest point to a query line
* Using symmetry in robust model fitting
* Validation indices for graph clustering
* Vesselness enhancement diffusion
* Video segmentation based on 2D image analysis
* Virtual circles: a new set of features for fast image registration
* Visual cluster validity for prototype generator clustering models
* Visual cryptography for gray-level images by dithering techniques
* Visualizing concave and convex partitioning of 2D contours
* Voting method for the detection of subpixel flow field
* Watermarking in secure image retrieval
* Wavelet transform-based locally orderless images for texture segmentation
* Wavelet-based corner detection using eigenvectors of covariance matrices
284 for PRL(24)

PRL(25) * 2D and 3D Visibility in Discrete Geometry: An Application to Discrete Geodesic Paths
* Active learning for detecting a spectrally variable subject in color infrared imagery
* Adaptive anti-spam filtering for agglutinative languages: A special case for Turkish
* Adaptive fuzzy switching filter for images corrupted by impulse noise
* Adaptive Hough transform for the detection of natural shapes under weak affine transformations
* Adaptive Speaker Identification with Audio-Visual Cues for Movie Content Analysis
* adjustable algorithm for color quantization, An
* Almost autonomous training of mixtures of principal component analyzers
* Anchorperson extraction for Picture in Picture news video
* Approximate Bayesian estimation of a 3D point pattern from multiple views
* Articulated joint estimation from motion using two monocular images
* Automatic edge detection using 3X3 ideal binary pixel patterns and fuzzy-based edge thresholding
* Blind image data hiding based on self reference
* Camera auto-calibration using a sequence of 2D images with small rotations
* Characterization of digital circles in triangular grid
* Characterization of empirical discrepancy evaluation measures
* Classification of fluorescence in situ hybridization images using belief networks
* Cluster center initialization algorithm for K-means clustering
* Clustering and blending for texture synthesis
* Clustering interval-valued proximity data using belief functions
* clustering method based on boosting, A
* Clustering of interval data based on city-block distances
* Coastline extraction from SAR images and a method for the evaluation of the coastline precision
* Color image quantization using distances between adjacent colors along the color axis with highest color variance
* comparative analysis of structural risk minimization by support vector machines and nearest neighbor rule, A
* Computation of optical flow under non-uniform brightness variations
* Content driven dimensionality reduction at block level in the design of an efficient classifier for spatial multi spectral images
* Content-based image classification using a neural network
* Cosine-modulated wavelet based texture features for content-based image retrieval
* Curve spreads: A biometric from front-view gait video
* Data augmentation and language model adaptation using singular value decomposition
* Depth map compression for real-time view-based rendering
* description and retrieval of a sequence of moving objects using a shape variation map, The
* Detection of land-cover transitions by combining multidate classifiers
* Detection of ridges and ravines using fuzzy logic operations
* Determine the number of components in a mixture model by the extended KS test
* Development of the probabilistic neural network-cubic least squares mapping (PNN-LSM3) classifier to assess carotid plaque's risk
* diffusion stick method for speckle suppression in ultrasonic images, A
* Dimensionality reduction of multidimensional temporal data through regression
* Distance measures for PCA-based face recognition
* Distance-preserving mapping of patterns to 3-space
* Distance-preserving projection of high dimensional data
* Double random field models for remote sensing image segmentation
* ECG beat classification using neuro-fuzzy network
* efficient law-of-cosine-based search for vector quantization, An
* Efficient matching of large-size histograms
* Efficient Morphological Reconstruction: A Downhill Filter
* Enhanced (PC)2A for Face Recognition with One Training Image Per Person
* Estimating the amount of defocus through a wavelet transform approach
* Estimation for the number of components in a mixture model using stepwise split-and-merge EM algorithm
* Evolutionary algorithm-based face verification
* evolutionary rough partitive clustering, An
* explicit and compact coding of geometric and structural image information applied to stereo processing, An
* Extraction of video object with complex motion
* fast and robust image registration method based on an early consensus paradigm, A
* fast automatic extraction algorithm of elliptic object groups from remote sensing images, A
* Fast correspondence-based system for shape retrieval
* fast multi-scale edge detection algorithm, A
* Feature matching in omnidirectional images with a large sensor motion for map generation of a mobile robot
* Feature selection algorithms for the generation of multiple classifier systems and their application to handwritten word recognition
* Feature selection in the independent component subspace for face recognition
* Fingerprint enhancement with dyadic scale-space
* Fingerprint Verification by Fusion of Optical and Capacitive Sensors
* Flat image recognition in the process of microdevice assembly
* Flexible nonlinear contextual classification
* Fractal image compression: a randomized approach
* Fragile image watermarking using a gradient image for improved localization and security
* Fuzzy clustering of categorical data using fuzzy centroids
* Fuzzy clustering with a knowledge-based guidance
* generalized S-K algorithm for learning [nu]-SVM classifiers, A
* Groves decipherment from space photos using prototype matching
* Human face recognition based on multi-features using neural networks committee
* Hybrid approach to efficient text extraction in complex color images
* hybrid SVD-DCT watermarking method based on LPSNR, A
* Hyperpolygons generated by the invertible Minkowski sum of polygons
* Image retrieval using histograms of uni-color and bi-color blocks and directional changes in intensity gradient
* Image segmentation based on maximum-likelihood estimation and optimum entropy-distribution (MLE-OED)
* Image segmentation of G bands of Triticum monococcum chromosomes based on the model-based neural network
* Image Thinning Using Pulse Coupled Neural Network
* Image thresholding using Tsallis entropy
* improved face recognition technique based on modular PCA approach, An
* improved fast encoding algorithm for vector quantization using 2-pixel-merging sum pyramid data structure, An
* Improving Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Based on Feature-Weight Learning
* Information hiding based on search-order coding for VQ indices
* Integrating prior shape models into level-set approaches
* invariant scheme for exact match retrieval of symbolic images based upon principal component analysis, An
* Invertibility attack against watermarking based on forged algorithm and a countermeasure
* iterative method of palette-based image steganography, An
* Leaders-Subleaders: An efficient hierarchical clustering algorithm for large data sets
* Learning sparse features for classification by mixture models
* Learning using distance based training algorithm for pattern recognition
* light weight dynamic rate control scheme for video transmission over IP network, A
* Linear generalization probe samples for face recognition
* Local fuzzy PCA based GMM with dimension reduction on speaker identification
* Markov random field modeled range image segmentation
* Matching and normalization of affine deformed image from regular moments
* Matching of medical images by self-organizing neural networks
* Modal Symbolic Classifier for selecting time series models, A
* Modified winner-update search algorithm for fast block matching
* Moment relations and blur invariant conditions for finite-extent signals in one, two and N-dimensions
* Morphological carving
* Morphological operations in recursive neighbourhoods
* Multiple classifier implementation of a divide-and-conquer approach using appearance-based statistical methods for face recognition
* multiscale medial properties of interfering image structures, The
* Multivalued type proximity measure and concept of mutual similarity value useful for clustering symbolic patterns
* Neural adaptive stereo matching
* neural network for recovering 3D shape from erroneous and few depth maps of shaded images, A
* new algorithm for machine printed Arabic character segmentation, A
* new algorithm for skew detection and correction, A
* New Efficient SVM-Based Edge Detection Method, A
* new method of camera pose estimation using 2D-3D corner correspondence, A
* new robust circular Gabor based object matching by using weighted Hausdorff distance, A
* new similarity measure of generalized fuzzy numbers and its application to pattern recognition, A
* New visual secret sharing schemes using probabilistic method
* Non-convex onion-peeling using a shape hull algorithm
* Non-linear matched filtering for object detection and tracking
* Non-negative matrix factorization based methods for object recognition
* non-parametric filter for digital image restoration, using cluster analysis, A
* Nonrigid registration of medical image by linear singular blending techniques
* note on the iterative object symmetry transform, A
* novel 3D planar object reconstruction from multiple uncalibrated images using the plane-induced homographies, A
* Novel Approach for Structural Feature Extraction: Contour vs. Direction, A
* NOVEL contour-based 3D terrain matching algorithm using wavelet transform, A
* novel genetic algorithm for automatic clustering, A
* novel initialization scheme for the fuzzy c-means algorithm for color clustering, A
* Novelty detection employing an L2 optimal non-parametric density estimator
* On detecting all saddle points in 2D images
* On the relation between probabilistic inference and fuzzy sets in visual scene analysis
* On the structure of hidden Markov models
* Optical flow using textures
* Optimal sampling of Gabor features for face recognition
* Pattern Recognition using higher-order local autocorrelation coefficients
* Phase based feature detector consistent with human visual system characteristics
* Preface, Video Analysis
* Preface: Pattern Recognition for Remote Sensing
* Print keyword spotting with dynamically synthesized pseudo 2D HMMs
* Pseudo-linearizing collinearity constraint for accurate pose estimation from a single image
* Radial segmentation
* Recognition of Persian handwritten digits using image profiles of multiple orientations
* Recognition-based gesture spotting in video games
* relation between the theory of formal concepts and multiway clustering, A
* Representation of images for classification with independent features
* Retracted: Least-squares fitting for deformable superquadric model based on orthogonal distance
* Retrieval by Spatial Similarity: An Algorithm and a Comparative Evaluation
* robust algorithm for image principal curve detection, A
* Robust mixture modelling using multivariate t-distribution with missing information
* Robust normalization of silhouettes for recognition applications
* Robust object-based watermarking scheme via shape self-similarity segmentation
* Segmentation of multispectral remote sensing images using active support vector machines
* Selecting salient features for classification based on neural network committees
* Selecting the best hyperplane in the framework of optimal pairwise linear classifiers
* Self-adaptive design of hidden Markov models
* Sequential EM learning for subspace analysis
* Shape variability and spatial relationships modeling in statistical pattern recognition
* Shot reconstruction degree: a novel criterion for key frame selection
* Similarity measures of intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on Hausdorff distance
* simple and robust line detection algorithm based on small eigenvalue analysis, A
* Simple Gabor feature space for invariant object recognition
* steganographic method for digital images using side match, A
* Stochastic channel-adaptive rate control for wireless video transmission
* Structure analysis of soccer video with domain knowledge and hidden Markov models
* SVM-based feature selection of latent semantic features
* Symbolization assisted SVM classifier for noisy data
* Synthesizing feature agents using evolutionary computation
* template free approach to volumetric spatial normalization of brain anatomy, A
* Thinning grayscale well-composed images
* Threshold selection based on cluster analysis
* Threshold selection using fuzzy set theory
* Training algorithms for fuzzy support vector machines with noisy data
* Two quantitative measures of inlier distributions for precise fundamental matrix estimation
* Unsupervised video object segmentation and tracking based on new edge features
* vector quantization method for nearest neighbor classifier design, A
* Visual recognition of fastening bolts for railroad maintenance
* Vulnerability of pixel-value differencing steganography to histogram analysis and modification for enhanced security
* Watermarking text document images using edge direction histograms
* wavelet based multiresolution algorithm for rotation invariant feature extraction, A
* Weighted distance transforms for volume images digitized in elongated voxel grids
177 for PRL(25)

PRL(26) * 2D-LDA: A statistical linear discriminant analysis for image matrix
* 3D Z-string: A new knowledge structure to represent spatio-temporal relations between objects in a video
* accurate active shape model for facial feature extraction, An
* Accurate representation of local frequency using a computationally efficient Gabor filter fusion approach with application to image registration
* Adapted user-dependent multimodal biometric authentication exploiting general information
* Adaptive classification with ellipsoidal regions for multidimensional pattern classification problems
* adaptive evolutionary algorithm for Volterra system identification, An
* Adaptive modulated wavelet subband image coding
* Advances in Pattern Recognition
* Analysis of errors of handwritten digits made by a multitude of classifiers
* Application of information retrieval techniques to single writer documents
* approach of visual motion analysis, An
* Article retraction: Least-squares fitting for deformable superquadric model based on orthogonal distance
* Aspect ratio invariant visual secret sharing schemes with minimum pixel expansion
* association-based dissimilarity measure for categorical data, An
* Automated cartographic text placement
* Automated vision system for localizing structural defects in textile fabrics
* Automatic extraction of numerical sequences in handwritten incoming mail documents
* automatic method for road extraction in rural and semi-urban areas starting from high resolution satellite imagery, An
* Bayesian network based sequential inference for diagnosis of diseases from retinal images, A
* Bayesian network classification using spline-approximated kernel density estimation
* biologically inspired method for estimating 2D high-speed translational motion, A
* Blind source separation of more sources than mixtures using sparse mixture models
* Building k-edge-connected neighborhood graph for distance-based data projection
* Cancellable biometerics featuring with tokenised random number
* Cast shadow detection in video segmentation
* Classification of coins using an eigenspace approach
* Classifier geometrical characteristic comparison and its application in classifier selection
* cluster validity index for fuzzy clustering, A
* Clustering with a minimum spanning tree of scale-free-like structure
* Color restoration algorithm for dynamic images under multiple luminance conditions using correction vectors
* Color text image binarization based on binary texture analysis
* Color text image binarization based on binary texture analysis
* Color texture analysis using the wavelet-based hidden Markov model
* Color transfer based remote sensing image fusion using non-separable wavelet frame transform
* Combining a binary input encoding scheme with RBFNN for globulin protein inter-residue contact map prediction
* compact space decomposition for effective metric indexing, A
* Comparative experiment with colour texture classifiers using the CCR feature space
* comparative study of markovian and variational image-matching techniques in application to mammograms, A
* comparative study on the consistency of features in on-line signature verification, A
* Comparison and fusion of multiresolution features for texture classification
* Comparison between error correcting output codes and fuzzy support vector machines
* comparison of global, recurrent and smoothed-piecewise neural models for Istanbul stock exchange (ISE) prediction, A
* comparison of SVM and HMM classifiers in the off-line signature verification, A
* Correcting the Kullback-Leibler distance for feature selection
* Cost-conscious classifier ensembles
* DCT histogram optimization for image database retrieval
* Demosaicing of images obtained from single-chip imaging sensors in YUV color space
* Description and recognition of object contours using arc length and tangent orientation
* Design and implementation of a multi-PNN structure for discriminating one-month abstinent heroin addicts from healthy controls using the P600 component of ERP signals
* Design of committee machines for classification of single-wavelength lidar signals applied to early forest fire detection
* Detected edge position evaluation using measured acquisition system parameters
* Detecting moving people in video streams
* Detection of cracks in computer tomography images of logs
* diffusion stick method for speckle suppression in ultrasonic images, A
* Direct feature detection on compressed images
* Direct modelling of output context dependence in discriminative hidden Markov model
* Discrete geometry and Azriel Rosenfeld
* discriminative 3D wavelet-based descriptors: Application to the recognition of human body postures, A
* Distance measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets
* divide-and-conquer approach to the pairwise opposite class-nearest neighbor (POC-NN) algorithm, A
* Editorial, Introduction to Rosenfeld Special Issue
* Effective transductive learning via objective model selection
* effective voting method for circle detection, An
* Efficient Hodge-Helmholtz decomposition of motion fields
* efficient method of license plate location, An
* Efficient performance estimate for one-class support vector machine
* efficient star acquisition method based on SVM with mixtures of kernels, An
* equivalence of two-dimensional PCA to line-based PCA, The
* Estimating the uncertainty in the estimated mean area under the ROC curve of a classifier
* Evaluating the quality of light fields computed from hand-held camera images
* Evaluation of global thresholding techniques in non-contextual edge detection
* Exploratory basis pursuit classification
* Eyeglasses removal from facial images
* Face recognition: A study in information fusion using fuzzy integral
* facial expression recognition system based on supervised locally linear embedding, A
* Facial expressional image synthesis controlled by emotional parameters
* fast and robust feature-based 3D algorithm using compressed image correlation, A
* Fast correlation-based stereo matching with the reduction of systematic errors
* Fast sub-voxel re-initialization of the distance map for level set methods
* fast watershed algorithm based on chain code and its application in image segmentation, A
* Feature combination using boosting
* Feature extraction approaches based on matrix pattern: MatPCA and MatFLDA
* feature extraction of nonparametric curves based on niche genetic algorithms and multi-population competition, The
* Feature selection algorithms to find strong genes
* feature selection technique for classificatory analysis, A
* Fingerprint matching combining the global orientation field with minutia
* Fingerprint minutiae matching using the adjacent feature vector
* Force field analysis snake: an improved parametric active contour model
* Fusion of biometric algorithms in the recognition problem
* Fusion of multiple fingerprint matchers by single-layer perceptron with class-separation loss function
* Fusion of spatial relationships for guiding recognition, example of brain structure recognition in 3D MRI
* Fuzzy relations applied to minimize over segmentation in watershed algorithms
* G-wire: A livewire segmentation algorithm based on a generalized graph formulation
* Gas identification using density models
* Gaussian and Laplacian of Gaussian weighting functions for robust feature based tracking
* GCHL: A grid-clustering algorithm for high-dimensional very large spatial data bases
* Generalizations of angular radial transform for 2D and 3D shape retrieval
* generalized multiple projection axes method for fast encoding of vector quantization, A
* genetic integrated fuzzy classifier, A
* Granular computing, rough entropy and object extraction
* Graphical models for graph matching: Approximate models and optimal algorithms
* Hidden Markov Model approach for appearance-based 3D object recognition, A
* Hidden Markov models with states depending on observations
* Hierarchical representation of 2-D shapes using convex polygons: a contour-based approach
* High-order statistical texture analysis--font recognition applied
* Human dynamics: computation for organizations
* Human motion recognition using an eigenspace
* hybrid boundary detection algorithm based on watershed and snake, A
* Hybrid generative/discriminative classifier for unconstrained character recognition
* Identity authentication using improved online signature verification method
* Identity verification by relative 3-D structure using multiple facial images
* image importance approach to human vision based image quality characterization, The
* Image retrieval by pattern categorization using wavelet domain perceptual features with LVQ neural network
* Implicit, view invariant, linear flexible shape modelling
* Improved Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition System Using Support Vector Machine, An
* improved snake model for building detection from urban aerial images, An
* Improvement of interpolated color filter array image using modified mean-removed classified vector quantization
* improvement to the DR clustering algorithm, An
* Improving protein secondary structure prediction by using the residue conformational classes
* In Memory of Prof. A. Rosenfeld
* Infrared image segmentation with 2-D maximum entropy method based on particle swarm optimization (PSO)
* Input sensitive thresholding for ancient Hebrew manuscript
* intelligent modified fuzzy c-means based algorithm for bias estimation and segmentation of brain MRI, An
* Interactive 3D reconstruction from multiple images: A primitive-based approach
* Interest point characterisation through textural analysis for rejection of bad correspondences
* Interpretation of clusters in the framework of shadowed sets
* Intrusion detection using hierarchical neural networks
* Invariance of neighborhood relation under input space to feature space mapping
* invariant scheme for exact match retrieval of symbolic images: Triangular spatial relationship based approach, An
* kernel-based subtractive clustering method, A
* Learning dynamic Bayesian network models via cross-validation
* Learning-based algorithm selection for image segmentation
* main stem concept for image matching, A
* Maximum within-cluster association
* Mean shift blob tracking with kernel histogram filtering and hypothesis testing
* metasynthetic approach for segmenting handwritten Chinese character strings, A
* Metrical neighborhood sequences in Zn
* Modified high-order neural network for invariant pattern recognition
* modified regulated morphological corner detector, A
* Motion characterization from co-occurrence vector descriptor
* Motion detection via change-point detection for cumulative histograms of ratio images
* Multi-classifier framework for atlas-based image segmentation
* Multidimensional data in multidimensional scaling using the analytic network process
* Multiscale fuzzy reasoning (MFR) for automatic object extraction
* Multispectral panoramic mosaicing
* multistage adaptive thresholding method, A
* Naive Bayes Mystery: A classification detective story, The
* Neural vs. statistical classifier in conjunction with genetic algorithm based feature selection
* new accurate and flexible model based multi-corner detector for measurement and recognition, A
* new approach for image enhancement applied to low-contrast-low-illumination IC and document images, A
* new coarse-to-fine rectification algorithm for airborne push-broom hyperspectral images, A
* new constraint on the imaged absolute conic from aspect ratio and its application, A
* new Hausdorff distance for image matching, A
* New indices for cluster validity assessment
* new motion histogram to index motion content in video segments, A
* new parameter control method for S-GCM, A
* new scheme for extraction of affine invariant descriptor and affine motion estimation based on independent component analysis, A
* new wavelet based logo-watermarking scheme, A
* Non-negative matrix factorization based methods for object recognition
* Nonnegative features of spectro-temporal sounds for classification
* Note on the equivalence relationship between Renyi-entropy based and Tsallis-entropy based image thresholding
* novel fuzzy clustering algorithm based on a fuzzy scatter matrix with optimality tests, A
* Novel view synthesis using a translating camera
* Object recognition by symmetrised graph matching using relaxation labelling with an inhibitory mechanism
* Off-line Chinese signature verification based on support vector machines
* On fuzzy-rough sets approach to feature selection
* On musical stylometry: A pattern recognition approach
* On naive Bayesian fusion of dependent classifiers
* On optimal reject rules and ROC curves
* On the compact computational domain of fuzzy-rough sets
* On the use of a joint spatial-frequency representation for the fusion of multi-focus images
* One long argument: Azriel Rosenfeld and the genesis of modern image systems
* Online local learning algorithms for linear discriminant analysis
* Online mining maximal frequent structures in continuous landmark melody streams
* Optimal multi-thresholding using a hybrid optimization approach
* Optimising basic edge detectors for particular acquisition systems
* Ordered incremental training for GA-based classifiers
* PCA and LDA in DCT domain
* Performance evaluation of an incorporated DCT block-based watermarking algorithm with human visual system model
* Performance prediction for individual recognition by gait
* Polyphonic monotimbral music transcription using dynamic networks
* practical adaptive approach for dynamic background subtraction using an invariant colour model and object tracking, A
* privacy-sensitive approach to distributed clustering, A
* Probabilistic neural network playing and learning Tic-Tac-Toe
* QROCK: A quick version of the ROCK algorithm for clustering of categorical data
* Qualitative Real-Time Range Extraction for Preplanned Scene Partitioning Using Laser Beam Coding
* quantile-quantile plot based pattern matching for defect detection, A
* Range image segmentation based on randomized Hough transform
* Real time classification and tracking of multiple vehicles in highways
* Recent developments of the syntactic pattern recognition model based on quasi-context sensitive languages
* Recognition of the blurred image by complex moment invariants
* Recognition-directed recovering of temporal information from handwriting images
* Recognizing objects on cluttered backgrounds
* Reconstruction of structured scenes from two uncalibrated images
* Recursive computation method for fast encoding of vector quantization based on 2-pixel-merging sum pyramid data structure
* Recursive neural networks learn to localize faces
* Registration and retrieval of highly elastic bodies using contextual information
* Regularization studies of linear discriminant analysis in small sample size scenarios with application to face recognition
* Removing shadows
* Retracted Paper: Invariance image analysis using modified Zernike moments
* Robust centroids using fuzzy clustering with feature partitions
* robust dynamic programming algorithm to extract skyline in images for navigation, A
* Robust face detection using Gabor filter features
* robust method for detecting arbitrarily tilted human faces in color images, A
* robust method for eye features extraction on color image, A
* ROC-based reject rule for dichotomizers, A
* Seeded region growing: an extensive and comparative study
* Segmentation of remote-sensing images by incremental neural network
* Segmentation of tiny objects in very poor-quality angiogenesis images
* Selecting discriminant eigenfaces for face recognition
* Semi-automatic video object segmentation using seeded region merging and bidirectional projection
* Sequential clustering by statistical methodology
* Shape representation based on mathematical morphology
* Shape signatures of fuzzy star-shaped sets based on distance from the centroid
* Sign-based learning schemes for pattern classification
* Stochastic texture analysis for monitoring stochastic processes in industry
* Stratification for scaling up evolutionary prototype selection
* supervised training algorithm for self-organizing maps for structures, A
* Support vector machine-based image classification for genetic syndrome diagnosis
* SVD-based digital image watermarking scheme
* Symmetry parameters for 3D pattern classification
* Synthesis for handwriting analysis
* Texture classification via conditional histograms
* Thresholding technique with adaptive window selection for uneven lighting image
* Time series forecasting: Obtaining long term trends with self-organizing maps
* Traffic object detections and its action analysis
* Training TSVM with the proper number of positive samples
* Two motion-blurred images are better than one
* Unbalanced region matching based on two-level description for image retrieval
* Undecimated wavelet based speckle reduction for SAR images
* Unsupervised clustering on dynamic databases
* Unsupervised hierarchical image segmentation with level set and additive operator splitting
* Unsupervised spatial pattern classification of electrical-wafer-sorting maps in semiconductor manufacturing
* Unsupervised textured image segmentation using 2-D quarter plane autoregressive model with four prediction supports
* Use of Artificial Color filtering to improve iris recognition and searching
* Using diversity measures for generating error-correcting output codes in classifier ensembles
* Using phase information for symmetry detection
* Using unsupervised learning of a finite Dirichlet mixture model to improve pattern recognition applications
* Video text recognition using sequential Monte Carlo and error voting methods
* Vision pyramids that do not grow too high
* Wide coverage natural language processing using kernel methods and neural networks for structured data
* writer identification and verification system, A
* ZNCC-based template matching using bounded partial correlation
244 for PRL(26)

PRL(27) * 3D target recognition using cooperative feature map binding under Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Accurate distortion measurement for generic shape coding
* adaptive algorithm for image restoration using combined penalty functions, An
* Adaptive Hausdorff distances and dynamic clustering of symbolic interval data
* adaptive real-time skin detector based on Hue thresholding: A comparison on two motion tracking methods, An
* Age dependency in handwritten dynamic signature verification systems
* agent based evolutionary approach to path detection for off-road vehicle guidance, An
* Appearance-based gender classification with Gaussian processes
* Application of LVQ to novelty detection using outlier training data
* Applications of hidden Markov models in bar code decoding
* Applying 3D human model in a posture recognition system
* Applying the Hough transform pseudo-linearity property to improve computing speed
* Artifacts of Markov blanket filtering based on discretized features in small sample size applications
* assembled matrix distance metric for 2DPCA-based image recognition, An
* Astronomical image restoration using an improved anisotropic diffusion
* Automatic localization of craniofacial landmarks using multi-layer perceptron as a function approximator
* Automatic morphological detection of otolith nucleus
* Automatic parameter selection for a k-segments algorithm for computing principal curves
* Automatic recognition of animal vocalizations using averaged MFCC and linear discriminant analysis
* Automatic thresholding for defect detection
* Automatic video segmentation using genetic algorithms
* Bayes-spectral-entropy-based measure of camera focus using a discrete cosine transform, A
* Bayesian network classifier and hierarchical Gabor features for handwritten numeral recognition, A
* Benefit of the angular texture signature for the separation of parking lots and roads on high resolution multi-spectral imagery
* Boosting the distance estimation: Application to the K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* Car detection in aerial thermal images by local and global evidence accumulation
* Cell algorithms with data inflation for non-parametric classification
* chaincode based scheme for fingerprint feature extraction, A
* Circle detection on images using genetic algorithms
* Classifier evaluation under limited resources
* Classifier hierarchy learning by means of genetic algorithms
* closed-form nonparametric Bayesian estimator in the wavelet domain of images using an approximate alpha-stable prior, A
* Cluster-Based Pattern Discrimination: A Novel Technique for Feature Selection
* clustering-based method for unsupervised intrusion detections, A
* Color-texture image segmentation by integrating directional operators into JSEG method
* Combining local features for robust nose location in 3D facial data
* Comparison of extrasystolic ECG signal classifiers using discrete wavelet transforms
* Computer vision based method for real-time fire and flame detection
* Consistent multi-modal non-rigid registration based on a variational approach
* Constructing dense correspondences for the analysis of 3D facial morphology
* Content-based audio retrieval with relevance feedback
* Content-based image enhancement in the compressed domain based on multi-scale alpha-rooting algorithm
* Data complexity assessment in undersampled classification of high-dimensional biomedical data
* Decomposing parameters of mixture Gaussian model using genetic and maximum likelihood algorithms on dental images
* Detecting eye blink states by tracking iris and eyelids
* Detecting urbanization changes using SPOT5
* Detector of image orientation based on Borda Count
* Discriminant feature extraction using dual-objective optimization model
* Distances between frequency features for 3D visual pattern partitioning
* Dominant plane detection from optical flow for robot navigation
* Dynamical Gaussian mixture model for tracking elliptical living objects
* effective method to detect and categorize digitized traditional Chinese paintings, An
* Efficient adaptive density estimation per image pixel for the task of background subtraction
* efficient detection of vanishing points using inverted coordinates image space, An
* Efficient huge-scale feature selection with speciated genetic algorithm
* efficient illumination normalization method for face recognition, An
* efficient line symmetry-based K-means algorithm, An
* Efficient, recursively implemented differential operator, with application to edge detection
* EMD-based recognition method for Chinese fonts and styles, An
* Enhanced block motion estimation based on distortion-directional search patterns
* enhanced subspace method for face recognition, An
* ensemble-driven k-NN approach to ill-posed classification problems, An
* Evolutionary feature synthesis for facial expression recognition
* Evolving color constancy
* Evolving visual sonar: Depth from monocular images
* Exploiting AUC for optimal linear combinations of dichotomizers
* Exploring the use of latent topical information for statistical Chinese spoken document retrieval
* Face Recognition Based on Discriminant Fractional Fourier Feature Extraction
* Face recognition with local steerable phase feature
* fast and accurate approach for 3D image registration using the scatter search evolutionary algorithm, A
* Fast codebook search algorithms based on tree-structured vector quantization
* Fault diagnosis of machines based on D-S evidence theory. Part 1: D-S evidence theory and its improvement
* Fault diagnosis of machines based on D-S evidence theory. Part 2: Application of the improved D-S evidence theory in gearbox fault diagnosis
* Feature selection in robust clustering based on Laplace mixture
* Fingerprint alignment using a two stage optimization
* Gene subset selection in kernel-induced feature space
* Generating frontal view face image for pose invariant face recognition
* Generating fuzzy membership function with self-organizing feature map
* Genetic algorithms for linear feature extraction
* Grayscale aerial and space image colorization using texture classification
* Hallucinating multiple occluded face images of different resolutions
* Hierarchical clustering of gene expression profiles with graphics hardware acceleration
* High-performance JPEG steganography using quantization index modulation in DCT domain
* Higher order symmetry for non-linear classification of human walk detection
* highly robust estimator for regression models, A
* Ho-Kashyap classifier with early stopping for regularization
* hybrid parallel projection approach to object-based image restoration, A
* Identifying splice-junction sequences by hierarchical multiclassifier
* Identity verification through finger matching: A comparison of Support Vector Machines and Gaussian Basis Functions classifiers
* Image processing techniques for metallic object detection with millimetre-wave images
* Image reconstruction from a complete set of similarity invariants extracted from complex moments
* Image retrieval based on color distribution entropy
* Image segmentation based on merging of sub-optimal segmentations
* Image segmentation by histogram thresholding using hierarchical cluster analysis
* Image Segmentation by Unsupervised Sparse Clustering
* Image thresholding using two-dimensional Tsallis-Havrda-Charvát entropy
* image-based calibration technique of spatial domain depth-from-defocus, An
* Improve maximum likelihood estimation for subband GGD parameters
* Improved structure-adaptive anisotropic filter
* Improved the-law-of-cosines-based fast search method for vector quantization by updating angular information
* Improved-LDA based face recognition using both facial global and local information
* Improving image segmentation quality through effective region merging using a hierarchical social metaheuristic
* Improving visual evoked potential feature classification for person recognition using PCA and normalization
* Incremental training of support vector machines using hyperspheres
* Information-preserving hybrid data reduction based on fuzzy-rough techniques
* Inhibition of false landmarks
* interaction between classification and reject performance for distance-based reject-option classifiers, The
* introduction to ROC analysis, An
* Introduction to the special issue on evolutionary computer vision and image understanding
* Invariances in kernel methods: From samples to objects
* Learning probabilistic decision trees for AUC
* Learning spatial relations in object recognition
* Lexicon and hidden Markov model-based optimisation of the recognised Sinhala script
* local mean-based nonparametric classifier, A
* MACLAW: A modular approach for clustering with local attribute weighting
* Markov random fields for catadioptric image processing
* Matching two clusters of points extracted from satellite images
* Maxdiff kd-trees for data condensation
* Maximum likelihood combination of multiple clusterings
* Mean shift based clustering of Hough domain for fast line segment detection
* mean subjective utility score, a novel metric for cost-sensitive classifier evaluation, The
* method of visual metrology from uncalibrated images, A
* Modelling and accuracy estimation of a new omnidirectional depth computation sensor
* Modified Arc tree based hierarchical representation of digital curve
* Modified Segmental Histogram Equalization for robust speaker verification
* Motion features to enhance scene segmentation in active visual attention
* Moving average algorithms for diamond, hexagon, and general polygonal shaped window operations
* Moving object tracking under varying illumination conditions
* Moving vehicles segmentation based on Bayesian framework for Gaussian motion model
* Multi-class feature selection for texture classification
* Multi-class ROC analysis from a multi-objective optimisation perspective
* Multi-resolution subspace for financial trading
* multiagent system approach for image segmentation using genetic algorithms and extremal optimization heuristics, A
* Multiscale contour description for pattern recognition
* Multiscale Fourier descriptors for defect image retrieval
* MutualBoost learning for selecting Gabor features for face recognition
* N-gram inverted index structures on music data for theme mining and content-based information retrieval
* new approach to estimate fractal dimensions of corrosion images, A
* New features for automatic classification of human chromosomes: A feasibility study
* new use of the ridgelets transform for describing linear singularities in images, A
* Non-iterative generalized low rank approximation of matrices
* novel boundary growing approach for accurate skew estimation of binary document images, A
* novel fuzzy classification entropy approach to image thresholding, A
* novel immune evolutionary algorithm incorporating chaos optimization, A
* objective approach to cluster validation, An
* On minimum variance thresholding
* On the connection between the Zernike moments and Radon transform of an image
* On the extension of functional dependency degree from crisp to fuzzy partitions
* On the optimality of Naďve Bayes with dependent binary features
* On the use of the overlapping area matrix for image segmentation evaluation: A survey and new performance measures
* On-line trajectory clustering for anomalous events detection
* Outlier rejection by oriented tracks to aid pose estimation from video
* Parameter selection for suppressed fuzzy c-means with an application to MRI segmentation
* Parameterizations of digital surfaces homeomorphic to a sphere using discrete harmonic functions
* Parisian camera placement for vision metrology
* Partition based pattern synthesis technique with efficient algorithms for nearest neighbor classification
* partitioning based algorithm to fuzzy co-cluster documents and words, A
* Perceptual grouping for automatic detection of man-made structures in high-resolution SAR data
* person-specific, rigorous aging model of the human face, A
* Personal authentication using hand images
* Physical optics modelling of millimetre-wave personnel scanners
* Pragmatic Genetic Programming strategy for the problem of vehicle detection in airborne reconnaissance
* Pre-registration of arbitrarily oriented 3D surfaces using a genetic algorithm
* Prediction of subcellular localization of proteins using pairwise sequence alignment and support vector machine
* Projected clustering for categorical datasets
* Promoter recognition based on the Interpolated Markov Chains optimized via simulated annealing and genetic algorithm
* Random Forests for land cover classification
* Random subspace method for multivariate feature selection
* Real-time outdoor video surveillance with robust foreground extraction and object tracking via multi-state transition management
* Recent submissions in linear dimensionality reduction and face recognition
* Recognition of perspectively distorted planar grids
* recurrent neural network classifier for Doppler ultrasound blood flow signals, A
* Region-based CBIR in GIS with local space filling curves to spatial representation
* region-based multi-sensor image fusion scheme using pulse-coupled neural network, A
* regularized minimum cross-entropy algorithm on mixtures of experts for time series prediction and curve detection, A
* Regulation probability method for gene selection
* Rejection Strategies for Offline Handwritten Text Line Recognition
* Resolution enhancement via probabilistic deconvolution of multiple degraded images
* robust approach for constructing a graph representation of articulated and tubular-like objects from 3D scattered data, A
* ROC curves and video analysis optimization in intestinal capsule endoscopy
* ROC graphs with instance-varying costs
* Rotation and scaling invariant texture classification based on Radon transform and multiscale analysis
* Rough set based incremental clustering of interval data
* Ruggedness measures of medical time series using fuzzy-rough sets and fractals
* Secret image sharing with smaller shadow images
* segmentation-free biometric writer verification method based on continuous dynamic programming, A
* Selection of the optimal parameter value for the Isomap algorithm
* Semi-automatic choice of scale-dependent features for satellite SAR image classification
* shadow elimination approach in video-surveillance context, A
* Significance of classification scores subsequent to feature selection
* Similarity measures on three kinds of fuzzy sets
* situated model for sensory-motor coordination in gaze control, A
* Soft biometrics: Combining body weight and fat measurements with fingerprint biometrics
* SOM Segmentation of gray scale images for optical recognition
* Spaghetti PCA analysis: An extension of principal components analysis to time dependent interval data
* Special issue on ROC Analysis in Pattern Recognition
* Special Issue on Vision for Crime Detection and Prevention
* Spherical parameter detection based on hierarchical Hough transform
* straight line detection using principal component analysis, A
* Supervised feature-based classification of multi-channel SAR images
* Symmetric polarity in generalized symmetry transformation
* system for automatic face obscuration for privacy purposes, A
* Texture classification using Gabor wavelets based rotation invariant features
* Texture classification using ridgelet transform
* Texture image segmentation using combined features from spatial and spectral distribution
* Towards on-line saccade planning for high-resolution image sensing
* Tracking hand and finger movements for behaviour analysis
* Transformation model estimation of image registration via least square support vector machines
* Two preprocessing techniques based on grey level and geometric thickness to improve segmentation results
* Two-dimensional cellular automata and the analysis of correlated time series
* Unsupervised color-texture segmentation based on soft criterion with adaptive mean-shift clustering
* Urban monitoring using multi-temporal SAR and multi-spectral data
* Using Gaussian distribution to construct fitness functions in genetic programming for multiclass object classification
* utilization of a Taylor series-based transformation in fingerprint verification, The
* View synthesis for depth from motion 3D X-ray imaging
* watermarking-based image ownership and tampering authentication scheme, A
* Wavelet based approach to cluster analysis. Application on low dimensional data sets
* Weak-perspective structure from motion for strongly contaminated data
* Where physically is the optical center?
219 for PRL(27)

PRL(28) * 2D and 3D face recognition: A survey
* 3D face and hand biometric system for robust user-friendly authentication, A
* 3D free-form object recognition in range images using local surface patches
* 3D human model and joint parameter estimation from monocular image
* 3D registration using a new implementation of the ICP algorithm based on a comprehensive lookup matrix: Application to medical imaging
* Accuracy versus speed in context-based object detection
* Adaptive branch and bound algorithm for selecting optimal features
* Adaptive combination of adaptive classifiers for handwritten character recognition
* adaptive optical flow technique for person tracking systems, An
* adult image identification system employing image retrieval technique, An
* Advances in visual information processing
* Any dimension polygonal approximation based on equal errors principle
* Apple color grading based on organization feature parameters
* Application of a new type of singular points in fingerprint classification
* Application of image correction and bit-plane fusion in generalized PCA based face recognition
* Approximating the multiclass ROC by pairwise analysis
* Authenticating Pollock paintings using fractal geometry
* Automatic change detection and quantification of dermatological diseases with an application to psoriasis images
* automatic method for generating affine moment invariants, An
* Automatic recognition of biological particles in microscopic images
* Bayesian training of neural networks using genetic programming
* biomedical system based on hidden Markov model for diagnosis of the heart valve diseases, A
* Blind restoration of atmospherically degraded images by automatic best step-edge detection
* Body patterns in cephalopods: Polyphenism as a way of information exchange
* Boosted Landmarks of Contextual Descriptors and Forest-ECOC: A novel framework to detect and classify objects in cluttered scenes
* Calibration and removal of lateral chromatic aberration in images
* Center-of-mass variation under projective transformation
* Classification of recreational boat types based on trajectory patterns
* closed-form nonparametric Bayesian estimator in the wavelet domain of images using an approximate alpha-stable prior, A
* Color image segmentation guided by a color gradient network
* Color reduction based on ant colony
* Combining color and spatial information for object recognition across illumination changes
* Combining multiple class distribution modified subsamples in a single tree
* Comments on A closed-form nonparametric Bayesian estimator in the wavelet domain of images using an approximate [alpha]-stable prior
* comparative study of Minimax Probability Machine-based approaches for face recognition, A
* Competitive baseline methods set new standards for the NIPS 2003 feature selection benchmark
* Complexity accuracy tradeoffs of Lie operators in motion estimation
* composed supervised/unsupervised approach to improve change detection from remote sensing, A
* Computer analysis of Van Gogh's complementary colours
* Consistent parameter clustering: Definition and analysis
* curve tracing algorithm using level set based affine transform, A
* Damascening video databases for evaluation of face tracking and recognition: The DXM2VTS database
* decomposition scheme for 3D fuzzy objects based on fuzzy distance information, A
* Deriving the Medial Axis with geometrical arguments for planar shapes
* Detection and recognition of erasures in on-line captured paper forms
* Digital image watermarking capacity and detection error rate
* Distance and nearest neighbor transforms on gray-level surfaces
* Distances with neighbourhood sequences in cubic and triangular grids
* Dynamic agglomerative clustering of gene expression profiles
* effect of morphological smoothening by reconstruction on the extraction of peaks and pits from digital elevation models, The
* efficient face verification method in a transformed domain, An
* Efficient high-dimensional indexing by sorting principal component
* Efficient image updates using light fields
* Electrocardiogram beat classification based on wavelet transformation and probabilistic neural network
* empirical analysis of the probabilistic K-nearest neighbour classifier, An
* Employing Latent Dirichlet Allocation for fraud detection in telecommunications
* Engineering efficient metric indexes
* Enhancing quality of knowledge synthesized from multi-database mining
* Enhancing retinal image by the Contourlet transform
* Ensemblator: An ensemble of classifiers for reliable classification of biological data
* Ent-Boost: Boosting Using Entropy Measures for Robust Object Detection
* Equilibrium and dissipative structures role on images
* Error probabilities for local extrema in gene expression data
* Estimation of the center of rotation and 3D motion parameters from stereo sequence images and virtual validation using three-COMERO
* Evaluating Harker and O'Leary's distance approximation for ellipse fitting
* Evaluation and analysis of a face and voice outdoor multi-biometric system
* Evaluation of focus measures in multi-focus image fusion
* experimental evaluation of ensemble methods for EEG signal classification, An
* Explicit invariance of Cartesian Zernike moments
* Face detection in complicated backgrounds and different illumination conditions by using YCbCr color space and neural network
* Face recognition using multiple facial features
* Facial boundary detection with an active contour model
* Factoring Gaussian precision matrices for linear dynamic models
* Fast adaptive LDA using quasi-Newton algorithm
* Fast linear discriminant analysis using binary bases
* fast marching formulation of perspective shape from shading under frontal illumination, A
* Fast principal component analysis using fixed-point algorithm
* Feature selection algorithm for mixed data with both nominal and continuous features
* Feature selection based on rough sets and particle swarm optimization
* Feature selection of 3D volume data through multi-dimensional transfer functions
* feature-based matching scheme: MPCD and robust matching strategy, A
* Features extracted by eigenvector methods for detecting variability of EEG signals
* filter bank method to construct rotationally invariant moments for pattern recognition, A
* Fingerprint analysis and singular point detection
* Fingerprint minutiae extraction based on principal curves
* Fish age analysis and classification with kernel methods
* Fusion of complementary detectors for improving blotch detection in digitized films
* Fuzzy c-means clustering methods for symbolic interval data
* fuzzy extension of the Rand index and other related indexes for clustering and classification assessment, A
* Gabor wavelet similarity maps for optimising hierarchical road sign classifiers
* Gait recognition for human identification based on ICA and fuzzy SVM through multiple views fusion
* Generalized elastic graph matching for face recognition
* Generative learning of visual concepts using multiobjective genetic programming
* Generic object recognition with regional statistical models and layer joint boosting
* genetic algorithm that exchanges neighboring centers for k-means clustering, A
* Geometric invariants for 2D/3D face recognition
* Globally adaptive region information for automatic color-texture image segmentation
* Hand gesture modelling and recognition involving changing shapes and trajectories, using a Predictive EigenTracker
* HMM-based on-line signature verification: Feature extraction and signature modeling
* Holistic cursive word recognition based on perceptual features
* Homography-based partitioning of curved surface for stereo correspondence establishment
* hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection wrapper based on mutual information, A
* hybrid SVM/DDBHMM decision fusion modeling for robust continuous digital speech recognition, A
* Identification of drawing tools by classification of textural and boundary features of strokes
* Image analysis by discrete orthogonal dual Hahn moments
* Image registration using robust M-estimators
* Image retrieval based on indexing and relevance feedback
* Image segmentation by clustering of spatial patterns
* Improved DS acoustic-seismic modality fusion for ground-moving target classification in wireless sensor networks
* Improving nearest neighbor rule with a simple adaptive distance measure
* Improving quality of unwarped omni-images with irregularly-distributed unfilled pixels by a new edge-preserving interpolation technique
* Improving the accuracy of isotropic granulometries
* Imputing incomplete time-series data based on varied-window similarity measure of data sequences
* Inappropriateness of the criterion of k-way normalized cuts for deciding the number of clusters
* Inexact graph matching using a genetic algorithm for image recognition
* Integrated Color and Intensity Co-occurrence Matrix, An
* Integrated patch model: A generative model for image categorization based on feature selection
* Integrating monolithic and free-parts representations for improved face verification in the presence of pose mismatch
* Interest Operator versus Gabor filtering for facial imagery classification
* Introducing a very large dataset of handwritten Farsi digits and a study on their varieties
* Introduction to the Special Issue: Advances on pattern recognition for speech and audio processing
* Intuitionistic fuzzy information: Applications to pattern recognition
* Investigating the influence of the choice of the ensemble members in accuracy and diversity of selection-based and fusion-based methods for ensembles
* Iris recognition based on score level fusion by using SVM
* Is two-dimensional PCA equivalent to a special case of modular PCA?
* Laplacian spectral method for stereo correspondence, A
* Learning Bayesian classifiers from positive and unlabeled examples
* Length-weighted string kernels for sequence data classification
* Locally adaptive block thresholding method with continuity constraint
* matter of notation: Several uses of the Kronecker product in 3D computer vision, A
* Mean shift algorithm equipped with the intersection of confidence intervals rule for image segmentation
* Measurement of sinusoidal vibration from motion blurred images
* method for initialising the K-means clustering algorithm using kd-trees, A
* method to compute distance between two categorical values of same attribute in unsupervised learning for categorical data set, A
* model based approach for pose estimation and rotation invariant object matching, A
* modified Gabor function for content based image retrieval, A
* Moving dim point target detection with three-dimensional wide-to-exact search directional filtering
* multi-expert approach for wavelet-based face detection, A
* Multi-focus image fusion using pulse coupled neural network
* multi-level thresholding approach using a hybrid optimal estimation algorithm, A
* multi-matcher for ear authentication, A
* Multi-resolution system for artifact removal and edge enhancement in computerized tomography images
* Multi-scale curvature product for robust image corner detection in curvature scale space
* Multilingual news clustering: Feature translation vs. identification of cognate named entities
* Multiple color texture map fusion for 3D models
* Multiresolution mammogram analysis in multilevel decomposition
* Neighbor number, valley seeking and clustering
* Neighborhood Discriminant Projection for Face Recognition
* new edge detector based on Fresnel diffraction, A
* new motion detection algorithm based on Sigma-Delta background estimation, A
* new regions matching for color stereo images, A
* NGVF: An improved external force field for active contour model
* Non-parametric bootstrap ensembles for detection of tumor lesions
* Non-stationary fuzzy Markov chain
* Non-strict heterogeneous Stacking
* Nonrigid registration of brain MRI using NURBS
* note on A fully parallel 3D thinning algorithm and its applications, A
* novel conflict reassignment method based on grey relational analysis (GRA), A
* novel Episodic Associative Memory model for enhanced classification accuracy, A
* novel filtration method in biological sequence databases, A
* Object segmentation using ant colony optimization algorithm and fuzzy entropy
* Off-line signature verification using DTW
* Offline recognition of omnifont Arabic text using the HMM ToolKit (HTK)
* On Bayesian classification with Laplace priors
* On defocus, diffusion and depth estimation
* On steerability of Gabor-type filters for feature detection
* On the view synthesis of man-made scenes using uncalibrated cameras
* On-line recognition of handwritten Renqun shorthand for fast mobile Chinese text entry
* Optimization based grayscale image colorization
* Paintings and writings in the hands of scientists
* Pairwise classifier combination using belief functions
* Parallel univariate decision trees
* parametric gradient descent MRI intensity inhomogeneity correction algorithm, A
* Performance of similarity measures based on histograms of local image feature vectors
* Phase congruence measurement for image similarity assessment
* Polygonal shape description for recognition of partially occluded objects
* Predicting fingerprint biometrics performance from a small gallery
* probabilistic approach for 3D shape retrieval by characteristic views, A
* Propagator method for an application to contour estimation
* Quaternion wavelet phase based stereo matching for uncalibrated images
* randomized-Hough-transform-based method for great-circle detection on sphere, The
* Real-time object tracking using bounded irregular pyramids
* Recognizing vehicle classification information from blade sensor signature
* Recovery of visual structure in illustrated Japanese gardens
* recursive camera resectioning technique for off-line video-based augmented reality, A
* Recursive sub-image histogram equalization applied to gray scale images
* Reducing examples to accelerate support vector regression
* Reducing the number of sub-classifiers for pairwise multi-category support vector machines
* Region based matching for print process identification
* Region partition and feature matching based color recognition of tongue image
* RegionBoost learning for 2D+3D based face recognition
* Regularized fuzzy c-means method for brain tissue clustering
* Regularized mixture discriminant analysis
* Relational visual cluster validity (RVCV)
* Retracted Paper: Invariance image analysis using modified Zernike moments
* Retrieval of objects in video by similarity based on graph matching
* Rigid and Non-Rigid Face Motion Tracking by Aligning Texture Maps and Stereo 3D Models
* robust eyelash detection based on iris focus assessment, A
* Robust fuzzy relational classifier incorporating the soft class labels
* robust shot transition detection method based on support vector machine in compressed domain, A
* Robust SS watermarking with improved capacity
* Robust template tracking with drift correction
* Rule based system for archaeological pottery classification
* Sample-size adaptive self-organization map for color images quantization
* Seat detection in a car for a smart airbag application
* Segmentation of heterogeneous blob objects through voting and level set formulation
* Semismooth Newton support vector machine
* Similarity Measures Between Intuitionistic Fuzzy (Vague) Sets: A Comparative Analysis
* similarity-based neural network for facial expression analysis, A
* Simultaneous feature selection and feature weighting using Hybrid Tabu Search/K-nearest neighbor classifier
* Skew detection using wavelet decomposition and projection profile analysis
* Solving a decision problem with linguistic information
* Sparse view stereo matching
* Spatial filtering and selection of optimized components in four class motor imagery EEG data using independent components analysis
* Speech authentication system using digital watermarking and pattern recovery
* Stability and convergence of the level set method in computer vision
* statistical framework based on a family of full range autoregressive models for edge extraction, A
* Stereovision depth analysis by two-dimensional motion charge memories
* Structure and motion of nonrigid object under perspective projection
* Symbolic representation of two-dimensional shapes
* Symmetric hash functions for secure fingerprint biometric systems
* Syntactic recognition of distorted patterns by means of random graph parsing
* System-on-programmable-chip implementation for on-line face recognition
* Temporal Bayesian Network based contextual framework for structured information mining
* temporal fusion strategy for cross-camera data association, A
* Texture image retrieval using rotated wavelet filters
* Thickness measurement and crease detection of wheat grains using stereo vision
* Thresholding of noisy shoeprint images based on pixel context
* Towards a measure of deformability of shape sequences
* Transform coding of monochrome images with a statistical design of experiments approach to separate noise
* Transformation of arc-form-text to linear-form-text suitable for OCR
* trend pattern assessment approach to microarray gene expression profiling data analysis, A
* Ultrasound image guided patient setup for prostate cancer conformal radiotherapy
* Unifying multi-class AdaBoost algorithms with binary base learners under the margin framework
* Unsupervised multiscale segmentation of color images
* Using boosting to prune bagging ensembles
* Using codebooks of fragmented connected-component contours in forensic and historic writer identification
* Using Fourier local magnitude in adaptive smoothness constraints in motion estimation
* Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein subnuclear localization: Approached with PSSM
* Verification of Humans Using the Electrocardiogram
* Visible models for interactive pattern recognition
* Vision-based bicycle/motorcycle classification
* Volume measure in 2DPCA-based face recognition
* Weighted distances based on neighbourhood sequences
* Weighted Sub-Gabor for face recognition
* Which pattern? Biasing aspects of planar calibration patterns and detection methods
246 for PRL(28)

PRL(29) * 1.5D sieve algorithm, The
* 3D face recognition by constructing deformation invariant image
* 3D face verification using a free-parts approach
* 3D scene analysis from a single range image through occlusion graphs
* active feedback framework for image retrieval, An
* Active object recognition based on Fourier descriptors clustering
* Advanced methods for two-class pattern recognition problem formulation for minutiae-based fingerprint verification
* Agent-based modelling and simulation for the analysis of social patterns
* Anisotropic virtual electric field for active contours
* Anomaly detection in hyperspectral imagery based on maximum entropy and nonparametric estimation
* Application of smoothing technique on twin support vector machines
* Applying machine consciousness models in autonomous situated agents
* Approximating non-metrical Minkowski distances in 2D
* Aspects on the reverse fuzzy distance transform
* Automatic kernel clustering with a Multi-Elitist Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Automatic Medical Image Annotation in ImageCLEF 2007: Overview, Results, and Discussion
* Automatic target recognition using waveform diversity in radar sensor networks
* Bayes Machines for binary classification
* Belief updating in Bayesian networks by using a criterion of minimum time
* Better multiclass classification via a margin-optimized single binary problem
* Boosting recombined weak classifiers
* Bootstrapping approach to feature-weight selection in fuzzy c-means algorithms with an application in color image segmentation
* Boundary extraction of linear features using dual paths through gradient profiles
* Can graph-cutting improve microarray gene expression reconstructions?
* Chromosome classification using dynamic time warping
* Classifier ensemble selection using hybrid genetic algorithms
* Classifying EEG for brain computer interfaces using Gaussian processes
* Cluster-based visualisation with scatter matrices
* Color image segmentation: Rough-set theoretic approach
* combined Markovian and Dirichlet sub-mixture modeling for evidence assignment: Application to image fusion, A
* Combining similarity measures in content-based image retrieval
* Complementary combination of holistic and component analysis for recognition of low-resolution video character images
* Component-based face detection and verification
* compression algorithm for pre-simulated Monte Carlo p-value functions: Application to the ontological analysis of microarray studies, A
* Consensus unsupervised feature ranking from multiple views
* consensus-driven fuzzy clustering, A
* Constraints for closest point finding
* Constructing cylindrical coordinate colour spaces
* Cross-validation and bootstrapping are unreliable in small sample classification
* Deformations, patches, and discriminative models for automatic annotation of medical radiographs
* density-based cluster validity approach using multi-representatives, A
* Depth silhouettes for gesture recognition
* Design and implementation of Log-Gabor filter in fingerprint image enhancement
* Detection of the non-topology preservation of Ma's 3D surface-thinning algorithm, by the use of P-simple points
* Dichromatic illumination estimation without pre-segmentation
* Discriminative cue integration for medical image annotation
* Displacement BDD and geometric transformations of binary decision diagram encoded images
* Distance functions for categorical and mixed variables
* DIVFRP: An automatic divisive hierarchical clustering method based on the furthest reference points
* Doppler embolic signal detection using the adaptive wavelet packet basis and neurofuzzy classification
* Dynamic clustering of interval data using a Wasserstein-based distance
* dynamic data granulation through adjustable fuzzy clustering, A
* Edge detection improvement by ant colony optimization
* Editorial to the Special Issue on Medical Image Annotation in ImageCLEF 2007
* Effective clustering and boundary detection algorithm based on Delaunay triangulation
* Effective online unsupervised adaptation of Gaussian mixture models and its application to speech classification
* effective sentence-extraction technique using contextual information and statistical approaches for text summarization, An
* Effectiveness of global features for automatic medical image classification and retrieval: The experiences of OHSU at ImageCLEFmed
* efficient ant colony optimization approach to attribute reduction in rough set theory, An
* efficient conserved region detection method for multiple protein sequences using principal component analysis and wavelet transform, An
* efficient iterative algorithm for image thresholding, An
* efficient k-means clustering algorithm, An
* Efficient least squares fusion of MRI and CT images using a phase congruency model
* Efficient multi-resolution histogram matching for fast image/video retrieval
* Empirical likelihood confidence intervals for differences between two datasets with missing data
* Ensemble clustering with voting active clusters
* experimental comparison of gender classification methods, An
* Expression-invariant face recognition by facial expression transformations
* Extension of cascaded simple feature based face detection to facial expression recognition
* Extraction of curvilinear features from noisy point patterns using principal curves
* Extractive spoken document summarization for information retrieval
* Face recognition using HOG-EBGM
* fast accumulative motion orientation model based on integral image for video smoke detection, A
* fast fixed-point BYY harmony learning algorithm on Gaussian mixture with automated model selection, A
* filter bank method to construct rotationally invariant moments for pattern recognition, A
* Finding calendar-based periodic patterns
* Fourier-based geometric shape prior for snakes
* framework and baseline results for the CLEF medical automatic annotation task, A
* Fusing remote sensing images using a trous wavelet transform and empirical mode decomposition
* Fusion of visual and infra-red face scores by weighted power series
* Fuzzy relevance vector machine for learning from unbalanced data and noise
* Fuzzy-based algorithm for color recognition of license plates
* Gaussian kernel-based fuzzy c-means algorithm with a spatial bias correction, A
* general grid-clustering approach, A
* General solution and learning method for binary classification with performance constraints
* generalized family of fixed-radius distribution-based distance measures for content-based fMRI image retrieval, A
* Generalizing the Lucas-Kanade algorithm for histogram-based tracking
* Geodesic active contour, inertia and initial speed
* Good methods for coping with missing data in decision trees
* Gradient-based local affine invariant feature extraction for mobile robot localization in indoor environments
* graph-based image annotation framework, A
* Grayscale medical image annotation using local relational features
* Growing a multi-class classifier with a reject option
* Hierarchical classification using a frequency-based weighting and simple visual features
* hierarchical clustering algorithm based on the Hungarian method, A
* Hierarchical initialization approach for K-Means clustering
* Highly accurate error-driven method for noun phrase detection
* histogram based data-reducing algorithm for the fixed-point independent component analysis, A
* Illumination compensation and normalization in eigenspace-based face recognition: A comparative study of different pre-processing approaches
* illumination-independent edge detection and fuzzy enhancement algorithm based on wavelet transform for non-uniform weak illumination images, An
* Illumination-robust face recognition using ridge regressive bilinear models
* Image denoising with an optimal threshold and neighbouring window
* Image statistics and data mining of anal intraepithelial neoplasia
* Improving efficiency and effectiveness of the image distortion model
* Improving geodesic distance estimation based on locally linear assumption
* Improving image segmentation by gradient vector flow and mean shift
* Improving multiclass pattern recognition with a co-evolutionary RBFNN
* Incremental Bayesian classification for multivariate normal distribution data
* Indoor sound field feature matching for robot's location and orientation detection
* integer-coded evolutionary approach for mixture maximum likelihood clustering, An
* Interest filter vs. interest operator: Face recognition using Fisher linear discriminant based on interest filter representation
* Kernel maximum scatter difference based feature extraction and its application to face recognition
* Kruppa equation based camera calibration from homography induced by remote plane
* large margin approach for writer independent online handwriting classification, A
* LBP-guided active contours
* Learning automata based classifier
* Learning to learn: From smart machines to intelligent machines
* Lexicon reduction using dots for off-line Farsi/Arabic handwritten word recognition
* Local relative location error descriptor-based fingerprint minutiae matching
* Local stereo matching with adaptive support-weight, rank transform and disparity calibration
* Localized feature selection for clustering
* Markov random field model for mode detection in cluster analysis, A
* Matching of quasi-periodic time series patterns by exchange of block-sorting signatures
* Mathematical symbol recognition with support vector machines
* Matrix-pattern-oriented least squares support vector classifier with AdaBoost
* method to segment moving vehicle cast shadow based on wavelet transform, A
* Mining conditional patterns in a database
* Mining top-k Hot Melody Structures over online music query streams
* Model based human motion tracking using probability evolutionary algorithm
* Modeling human color categorization
* modified correlation coefficient based similarity measure for clustering time-course gene expression data, A
* Morphological mesh filtering and alpha-objects
* Motion Detection Using Fourier Image Reconstruction
* MRI brain image segmentation and bias field correction based on fast spatially constrained kernel clustering approach
* Multi-dimensional visual tracking using scatter search particle filter
* multi-modal method based on the competitors of FVC2004 and on palm data combined with tokenised random numbers, A
* Multifocus image fusion by combining curvelet and wavelet transform
* Multilevel thresholding for image segmentation through a fast statistical recursive algorithm
* multiple object tracking approach that combines colour and depth information using a confidence measure, A
* Neural disparity computation for dense two-frame stereo correspondence
* new algorithm for ellipse detection by curve segments, A
* New Focus Assessment Method for Iris Recognition Systems
* new normalized method on line-based homography estimation, A
* new similarity measure for histogram comparison and its application in time series analysis, A
* new video segmentation method of moving objects based on blob-level knowledge, A
* Noise reduction and edge detection via kernel anisotropic diffusion
* Noisy manifold learning using neighborhood smoothing embedding
* non-local regularization strategy for image deconvolution, A
* Non-negative matrix factorization with alpha-divergence
* Non-supervised image segmentation based on multiobjective optimization
* note on two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis, A
* novel algorithm for straightening highly curved images of human chromosome, A
* Novel approaches to principal component analysis of image data based on feature partitioning framework
* novel class-dependence feature analysis method for face recognition, A
* novel local on-line signature verification system, A
* Nucleus and cytoplast contour detector of cervical smear image
* Object handoff between uncalibrated views without planar ground assumption
* On applying linear discriminant analysis for multi-labeled problems
* On lexicographical ordering in multivariate mathematical morphology
* On the computation of the Circle Hough Transform by a GPU rasterizer
* On the correspondence between objects and events for the diagnosis of situations in visual surveillance tasks
* On the use of different loss functions in statistical pattern recognition applied to machine translation
* On-line handwritten digit recognition based on trajectory and velocity modeling
* Optical aerial image partitioning using level sets based on modified Chan-Vese model
* Optimistic pruning for multiple instance learning
* Optimum Gabor filter design and local binary patterns for texture segmentation
* Orthogonal moments based texture analysis of CT liver images
* Outlier rejection for cameras on intelligent vehicles
* Parametric active contours for object tracking based on matching degree image of object contour points
* Parametric model for video content analysis
* Pattern recognition in interdisciplinary perception and intelligence
* peaking phenomenon in the presence of feature-selection, The
* pictorial dictionary for printed Farsi subwords, A
* Pose determination and plane measurement using a trapezium
* Pose estimation and tracking using multivariate regression
* Progressive structural analysis for dynamic recognition of on-line handwritten mathematical expressions
* Progressive structural analysis for dynamic recognition of on-line handwritten mathematical expressions
* Radar target recognition based on the multi-resolution analysis theory and neural network
* Random subspace for an improved BioHashing for face authentication
* Real-time facial feature localization by combining space displacement neural networks
* Recognition of human behavior by space-time silhouette characterization
* Recognition of Partially Occluded and Deformed Binary Objects
* Recovering surface reflectance and multiple light locations and intensities from image data
* Recovering the 3D shape and poses of face images based on the similarity transform
* reduced and comprehensible polynomial neural network for classification, A
* Reduced bootstrap aggregating of learning algorithms
* region-based GLRT detection of oil spills in SAR images, A
* Regularity selection for effective 3D object reconstruction from a single line drawing
* Relationship between restricted dissimilarity functions, restricted equivalence functions and normal EN-functions: Image thresholding invariant
* Reliability estimation of a statistical classifier
* Repairing self-confident active-transductive learners using systematic exploration
* Retrieving scale from quasi-stationary images
* Robust fuzzy clustering using mixtures of Student's-t distributions
* robust gaze detection method by compensating for facial movements based on corneal specularities, A
* Robust shape-preserving contour tracing with synchronous redundancy pruning
* ROC analysis in ordinal regression learning
* Rotation constrained power factorization for structure from motion of nonrigid objects
* RotBoost: A technique for combining Rotation Forest and AdaBoost
* scaling problem in the pattern recognition approach to machine translation, The
* Selecting and constructing features using grammatical evolution
* Selecting features for object detection using an Adaboost-compatible evaluation function
* self-training semi-supervised SVM algorithm and its application in an EEG-based brain computer interface speller system, A
* Semi-continuous HMMs with explicit state duration for unconstrained Arabic word modeling and recognition
* Semi-supervised learning by search of optimal target vector
* Semi-supervised sub-manifold discriminant analysis
* Short note on two output-dependent hidden Markov models
* Single view based pose estimation from circle or parallel lines
* Sketch retrieval and relevance feedback with biased SVM classification
* Skew detection for complex document images using robust borderlines in both text and non-text regions
* Soccer video processing for the detection of advertisement billboards
* Soft clustering for nonparametric probability density function estimation
* Solving jigsaw puzzles using image features
* spatial-color mean-shift object tracking algorithm with scale and orientation estimation, A
* study on eyelid localization considering image focus for iris recognition, A
* study on the relevance criteria for medical images, A
* Subgroup discover in large size data sets preprocessed using stratified instance selection for increasing the presence of minority classes
* Synthesizing heavy association rules from different real data sources
* Text-independent speaker recognition using graph matching
* Texture classification using invariant ranklet features
* theoretical comparison of two-class Fisher's and heteroscedastic linear dimensionality reduction schemes, A
* Time-efficient spam e-mail filtering using n-gram models
* To combine steady-state genetic algorithm and ensemble learning for data clustering
* Topological control of level set method depending on topology constraints
* Topological multi-contour decomposition for image analysis and image retrieval
* Towards the experimental evaluation of novel supervised fuzzy adaptive resonance theory for pattern classification
* Unsupervised texture segmentation/classification using 2-D autoregressive modeling and the stochastic expectation-maximization algorithm
* Using acceleration measurements for activity recognition: An effective learning algorithm for constructing neural classifiers
* Using Chou's pseudo amino acid composition to predict subcellular localization of apoptosis proteins: An approach with immune genetic algorithm-based ensemble classifier
* Validation criteria for enhanced fuzzy clustering
* Video sequence matching based on temporal ordinal measurement
* Wavelet and curvelet moments for image classification: Application to aggregate mixture grading
* Wavelet based co-occurrence histogram features for texture classification with an application to script identification in a document image
* Wavelet decomposition tree selection for palm and face authentication
* Welfare interface implementation using multiple facial features tracking for the disabled people
* Wnd-charm: Multi-purpose image classification using compound image transforms
* Word level multi-script identification
236 for PRL(29)

PRL(3) * 3-D Reconstruction of Homogeneous Objects from two Poisson-Distributed Projections
* 3D Object Pose from Clustering with Multiple Views
* Application of Bootstrap and Other Resampling Techniques: Evaluation of Classifier Performance
* Application of the Hough Transform to Correct for Linear Variation of Background Illumination in Images
* Class of Sampling-Error Free Measures in Oversampled Band-Limited Images, A
* Color Edge Detection
* Computer Description and Decomposition of Scenes of 3D Line Drawings
* Data Structures for Image Processing in a C Language and Unix Environment
* Detection of Patterns in Images from Piecewise Linear Contours
* Determination of 3-D Object Orientation from Projections
* Distances Between Fuzzy Sets
* Efficient Implementation of Skeletonisation Using Interval Coding
* Expected and Worst-Case Storage Requirements for Quadtrees
* Fast Parallel Algorithm for Dot Linking in Glass Patterns, A
* Fast Technique for Recursive Scene Matching Using Pyramids, A
* Functionally Reconfigurable General Purpose Parallel Machines and Some Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Applications
* General Scheme for Discontinuity Detection, A
* Historical Note on Convex Hull Finding Algorithms, A
* Improving the Labeling Accuracy by a New Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling
* Intrinsic Characteristics as the Interface Between CAD and Machine Vision Systems
* Measuring the Sizes of Concavities
* Method for Detecting Correspondences in a Sequence of Modifying Shapes, A
* New Character Recognition Scheme with Lower Ambiguity and Higher Recognizability, A
* New Data Structure for Efficient Storing of Images, A
* New Method for Characterization of Shape, A
* Noisy Image Restoration by Cost Function Minimization
* O(N) Algorithm for Polygonal Approximation, An
* On a Conceptual Description of Images
* On Image Enhancement and Threshold Selection Using the Graylevel Co-Occurrence Matrix
* On the Ultimate Convex Hull Algorithm in Practice
* Pyramid That Grows by Powers of 2, A
* Restoration of Binary Images Using Stochastic Relaxation with Annealing
* Segmentation of Optical Flow Fields by Pyramid Linking
* Shrinking Technique for Complex Object Decomposition, A
* Simple Linear Hidden-Line Algorithm for Star-Shaped Polygons, A
* Simple Proof of Rosenfeld's Characterization of Digital Straight Line Segments, A
* Spatial Filtering Approach to Texture Analysis, A
* Speeding-up Successive Minkowski Operations with Bit-Plane Computers
* Structure Description of Visual Information, A
* Symbol Recognition in Electrical Diagrams Using Probabilistic Graph Matching
* Test for Spatial Randomness Based on K-NN Distances, A
* You Can (Sometimes) Tell an Image by Its Cover
42 for PRL(3)

PRL(30) * 3D Rigid registration by cylindrical phase correlation method
* 3D shape recursive decomposition by Poisson equation
* Acoustic event detection in meeting-room environments
* Action recognition feedback-based framework for human pose reconstruction from monocular images
* Adaptive active appearance model with incremental learning
* adaptive blink detector to initialize and update a view-basedremote eye gaze tracking system in a natural scenario, An
* Advanced intelligent computing theory and methodology
* Affine-invariant contours recognition using an incremental hybrid learning approach
* Ambiguous decision trees for mining concept-drifting data streams
* Automatic localization of the center of fiducial markers in 3D CT/MRI images for image-guided neurosurgery
* Automatic Player Detection, Labeling and Tracking in Broadcast Soccer Video
* bi-modal face recognition framework integrating facial expression with facial appearance, A
* Blurred Shape Model for Binary and Grey-Level Symbol Recognition
* Boosted multi-resolution spatiotemporal descriptors for facial expression recognition
* Boosting encoded dynamic features for facial expression recognition
* CamShift guided particle filter for visual tracking
* Class dependent feature scaling method using naive Bayes classifier for text datamining
* Classification of Audio Signals Using Fuzzy C-Means with Divergence-Based Kernel
* Classification of pathological shapes using convexity measures
* Cluster-based genetic segmentation of time series with DWT
* Clustering constrained symbolic data
* Color image segmentation using an enhanced Gradient Network Method
* Color image segmentation using morphological clustering and fusion with automatic scale selection
* Combined input variable selection and model complexity control for nonlinear regression
* Combining PCA-based datasets without retraining of the basis vector set
* Combining shadow detection and simulation for estimation of vehicle size and position
* Comparative analysis of Green's functions of 1D matching equations for motion synthesis, A
* Comparative evaluation of maximum a Posteriori vector quantization and Gaussian mixture models in speaker verification
* comparative study of facial appearance modeling methods for active appearance models, A
* concept lattice based outlier mining method in low-dimensional subspaces, A
* Contour-motion feature (CMF): A space-time approach for robust pedestrian detection
* Curve matching for open 2D curves
* decision-boundary-oriented feature selection method and its application to face recognition, A
* Decomposition of Mixed Pixels Based on Bayesian Self-Organizing Map and Gaussian Mixture Model
* Deriving distance metrics from generality relations
* Descriptive temporal template features for visual motion recognition
* detection cell using multiple points of a rotating triangle to find local planar regions from stereo depth data, A
* Detection of chain structures embedded in multidimensional symbolic data
* Different metaheuristic strategies to solve the feature selection problem
* Direct kernel neighborhood discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Discrimination of disease-related non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms using multi-scale RBF kernel fuzzy support vector machine
* Efficient Object-Based Video Inpainting
* efficient protocol for private and accurate mining of support counts, An
* Embedded surface classification in digital sports
* Enhanced supervised locally linear embedding
* Erratum to Distance measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets
* Estimating the 3D direction of a translating camera from a single motion-blurred image
* Evolutionary fuzzy discriminant analysis feature projection technique in myoelectric control
* Expansive competitive learning for kernel vector quantization
* experimental comparison of performance measures for classification, An
* Exploration of configural representation in landmark learning using working memory toolkit
* Exploration of term relationship for Bayesian network based sentence retrieval
* Eye-gaze based real-time surveillance video synopsis
* Eyelid and eyelash detection method in the normalized iris image using the parabolic Hough model and Otsu's thresholding method
* Face detection for video summary using illumination-compensation and morphological processing
* Face detection using simplified Gabor features and hierarchical regions in a cascade of classifiers
* Fast detection of marker pixels in video-based motion capture systems
* Fast gesture recognition based on a two-level representation
* fast VQ codebook generation algorithm via pattern reduction, A
* Feature selection using tabu search with long-term memories and probabilistic neural networks
* Feature subset selection from positive and unlabelled examples
* Frame difference energy image for gait recognition with incomplete silhouettes
* Frontal-view gait recognition by intra- and inter-frame rectangle size distribution
* fusion neural network classifier for image classification, A
* Gabor feature constrained statistical model for efficient landmark localization and face recognition
* generalization of dissimilarity representations using feature lines and feature planes, A
* hit-or-miss transform for multivariate images, A
* Human action recognition by feature-reduced Gaussian process classification
* Human pose estimation from corrupted silhouettes using a sub-manifold voting strategy in latent variable space
* Image description using joint distribution of filter bank responses
* Image feature enhancement based on the time-controlled total variation flow formulation
* Image matting based on local color discrimination by SVM
* Image/video-based pattern analysis and HCI applications
* improved Hough transform voting scheme utilizing surround suppression, An
* Improving the SIFT descriptor with smooth derivative filters
* Impulse noise suppression with an augmentation of ordered difference noise detector and an adaptive variational method
* Incorporating symmetry into the Lucas-Kanade framework
* incremental dimensionality reduction method on discriminant information for pattern classification, An
* Incremental Laplacian eigenmaps by preserving adjacent information between data points
* incremental learning algorithm for Lagrangian support vector machines, An
* Influence of compression on 3D face recognition
* Info-margin maximization for feature extraction
* Instantaneous 3D motion from image derivatives using the Least Trimmed Square regression
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Video-based Object and Event Analysis
* IP-LSSVM: A two-step sparse classifier
* Kernel Grassmannian distances and discriminant analysis for face recognition from image sets
* Learning a color distance metric for region-based image segmentation
* Learning complex background by multi-scale discriminative model
* Least squares one-class support vector machine
* Local relative transformation with application to isometric embedding
* locally constrained radial basis function for registration and warping of images, A
* lower bound on the sample size needed to perform a significant frequent pattern mining task, A
* Material-specific adaptation of color invariant features
* Mean shift: An information theoretic perspective
* Median graph: A new exact algorithm using a distance based on the maximum common subgraph
* method based on rank-ordered filter to detect edges in cellular image, A
* Minimal model dimension/order determination algorithms for recurrent neural networks
* Mining aggregates of over-the-counter products for syndromic surveillance
* Modelling and segmenting subunits for sign language recognition based on hand motion analysis
* Modelling intrusion detection as an allocation problem
* Morphological preprocessing method to thresholding degraded word images
* Morphological segmentation of binary patterns
* Multi-layer boosting for pattern recognition
* Multiscale texture classification using dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Mutual information-based SVM-RFE for diagnostic classification of digitized mammograms
* Neighbor embedding based super-resolution algorithm through edge detection and feature selection
* neural contextual model for detecting perceptually salient contours, A
* new framework for feature descriptor based on SIFT, A
* new hybrid ant colony optimization algorithm for the vehicle routing problem, A
* new lower bound for evaluating the performances of sensor location algorithms, A
* new multiobjective simulated annealing based clustering technique using symmetry, A
* Non-rigid object tracking in complex scenes
* novel approach for salient image regions detection and description, A
* novel approach to classification of facial expressions from 3D-mesh datasets using modified PCA, A
* novel modular neural network for imbalanced classification problems, A
* Novel Parameter Decomposition Based Optimization Approach for Automatic Pose Estimation of Distal Locking Holes From Single Calibrated Fluoroscopic Image, A
* number of all possible meaningful or discernible pictures, The
* online document clustering technique for short web contents, An
* Optimal multi-level thresholding using a two-stage Otsu optimization approach
* Optimal recursive clustering of likelihood functions for multiple object tracking
* Ore image segmentation by learning image and shape features
* Palmprint verification using binary orientation co-occurrence vector
* Pattern recognition of guided waves for damage evaluation in bars
* Pattern recognition with a Bayesian kernel combination machine
* Practical modeling technique for large-scale 3D building models from ground images
* Qualitative fusion of normalised scores in multimodal biometrics
* RECM: Relational evidential c-means algorithm
* Recognizing body poses using multilinear analysis and semi-supervised learning
* Recovery of upper body poses in static images based on joints detection
* Regional category parsing in undirected graphical models
* Resampling-based selective clustering ensembles
* Research on computer vision-based for UAV autonomous landing on a ship
* Robust human tracking based on multi-cue integration and mean-shift
* Robust image corner detection based on scale evolution difference of planar curves
* Robust partitional clustering by outlier and density insensitive seeding
* Rolling penetrate descriptor for shape-based image retrieval and object recognition
* Rotation-invariant colour texture classification through multilayer CCR
* Rough-DBSCAN: A fast hybrid density based clustering method for large data sets
* Selective color transfer with multi-source images
* Selective diffusion for oriented pattern extraction: Application to tagged cardiac MRI enhancement
* Semantic event representation and recognition using syntactic attribute graph grammar
* Semantic object classes in video: A high-definition ground truth database
* Semantic retrieval of events from indoor surveillance video databases
* Separability of ternary codes for sparse designs of error-correcting output codes
* Separating hypersurfaces of SVMs in input spaces
* Shape from silhouette using topology-adaptive mesh deformation
* Shape representation and description using the Hilbert curve
* Shot-based video retrieval with optical flow tensor and HMMs
* Similarity-based Fisherfaces
* Simultaneous detection of abrupt cuts and dissolves in videos using support vector machines
* STARS: Sign tracking and recognition system using input-output HMMs
* State-of-the-art of 3D facial reconstruction methods for face recognition based on a single 2D training image per person
* stochastic version of Expectation Maximization algorithm for better estimation of Hidden Markov Model, A
* stroke filter and its application to text localization, A
* Subtle facial expression recognition using motion magnification
* Synthetic data generation technique in Signer-independent sign language recognition
* Three-way auto-correlation approach to motion recognition
* Threshold selection based on cluster analysis
* Tracking articulated objects by learning intrinsic structure of motion
* Training data selection for improving discriminative training of acoustic models
* Trajectory representation using Gabor features for motion-based video retrieval
* Two-dimensional discriminant locality preserving projections for face recognition
* Use of aggregation pheromone density for image segmentation
* Using continuous features in the maximum entropy model
* Video event segmentation and visualisation in non-linear subspace
* Video object matching across multiple independent views using local descriptors and adaptive learning
* Virtual craniofacial reconstruction using graph theory and geometric constraints
* Visibility-based modelling and control for network-based robotics
* Weak inclusions and digital spaces
* What can we learn about the scene structure from three orthogonal vanishing points in images
* Zero knowledge hidden Markov model inference
171 for PRL(30)

PRL(31) * 20th SIBGRAPI: Advances in Image Processing and Computer Vision
* 2D building change detection from high resolution satelliteimagery: A two-step hierarchical method based on 3D invariant primitives
* Accurate reversible color-to-gray mapping algorithm without distortion conditions
* active contour algorithm for spectrogram track detection, An
* Adaptive algorithms and networks for optimal feature extraction from Gaussian data
* Adaptive filtering and hypothesis testing: Application to cancerous cells detection
* Adaptive linear models for regression: Improving prediction when population has changed
* Advanced Directional Mathematical Morphology for the Detection of the Road Network in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Affine invariant matching of broken boundaries based on simple genetic algorithm and contour reconstruction
* Affine iterative closest point algorithm for point set registration
* AISIR: Automated inter-sensor/inter-band satellite image registration using robust complex wavelet feature representations
* algorithm to find distant repeats in a pair of protein sequences, An
* Analysis of an evolutionary RBFN design algorithm, CO2RBFN, for imbalanced data sets
* Analytical evaluation of term weighting schemes for text categorization
* Anisotropic diffusion for effective shape corner point detection
* AntShrink: Ant colony optimization for image shrinkage
* approach based on self-organizing map and fuzzy membership for decomposition of mixed pixels in hyperspectral imagery, An
* Approximation-free running SVD and its application to motion detection
* Artificial bee colony (ABC) optimized edge potential function (EPF) approach to target recognition for low-altitude aircraft
* Automatic configuration of spectral dimensionality reduction methods
* Automatic detection and recognition of Korean text in outdoor signboard images
* Automatic detection of Mura defect in TFT-LCD based on regression diagnostics
* Automatic edge-based localization of facial features from images with complex facial expressions
* Automatic eye detection using intensity filtering and K-means clustering
* Automatic segmentation of focused objects from images with low depth of field
* Automatic vehicle extraction from airborne LiDAR data of urban areas aided by geodesic morphology
* Award winning papers from the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
* Block-recursive filtering for offset nonuniformity estimation in infrared imaging systems: Theory and implementation
* Blood vessel segmentation using multi-scale quadrature filtering
* Building detection from high-resolution PolSAR data at the rectangle level by combining region and edge information
* Building gene networks with time-delayed regulations
* causal discovery algorithm using multiple regressions, A
* Cluster validation using information stability measures
* Clustering based on random graph model embedding vertex features
* Clustering ensembles and space discretization: A new regard toward diversity and consensus
* Colonic fold detection from computed tomographic colonography images using diffusion-FCM and level sets
* Compact time-independent pattern representation of entire human gait cycle for tracking of gait irregularities
* Comparison of optimization techniques for sequence pattern discovery by maximum-likelihood
* comparison study on multiple binary-class SVM methods for unilabel text categorization, A
* composite kernel for named entity recognition, A
* Conditional random field for text segmentation from images with complex background
* Context information from search engines for document recognition
* Cost-conscious multiple kernel learning
* Creating diverse nearest-neighbour ensembles using simultaneous metaheuristic feature selection
* Critical line-set configurations to epipolar geometry determination and application to image line transfer
* CUDA-MEME: Accelerating motif discovery in biological sequences using CUDA-enabled graphics processing units
* Curvelet-based geodesic snakes for image segmentation with multiple objects
* Data clustering: 50 years beyond K-means
* Detection and tracking of coronal mass ejections based on supervised segmentation and level set
* Directional binary code with application to PolyU near-infrared face database
* Dividing protein interaction networks for modular network comparative analysis
* document binarization method based on connected operators, A
* document clustering algorithm for discovering and describing topics, A
* Dynamic hierarchical algorithms for document clustering
* DynTex: A comprehensive database of dynamic textures
* Efficient computation of new extinction values from extended component tree
* efficient design of a nearest neighbor classifier for various-scale problems, An
* efficient first-scan method for label-equivalence-based labeling algorithms, An
* Efficient nearest neighbor query based on extended B+-tree in high-dimensional space
* Efficient update of the covariance matrix inverse in iterated linear discriminant analysis
* Estimation of the parameters in regularized simultaneous super-resolution
* evaluation of direct attacks using fake fingers generated from ISO templates, An
* Evolutionary clustering based vector quantization and SPIHT coding for image compression
* Evolutionary multiobjective optimization of Topological Active Nets
* Exact correlation between actual and estimated errors in discrete classification
* Expectation Propagation for microarray data classification
* Expectation-Maximization algorithm for the Wishart mixture model: Application to movement clustering, An
* Extraction of building polygons from SAR images: Grouping and decision-level in the GESTALT system
* Eye/eyes tracking based on a unified deformable template and particle filtering
* Fabric defect classification using radial basis function network
* Face and iris localization using templates designed by particle swarm optimization
* Face recognition using combined multiple feature extraction based on Fourier-Mellin approach for single example image per person
* Face verification with a kernel fusion method
* Farsi font recognition based on Sobel-Roberts features
* Fast adaptive wavelet packets using interscale embedding of decomposition structures
* Fast and accurate method for radial moment's computation
* Fast and robust skew estimation of scanned documents through background area information
* fast divisive clustering algorithm using an improved discrete particle swarm optimizer, A
* Fast image segmentation based on multilevel banded closed-form method
* Fast range-independent spherical subsampling of 3D laser scanner points and data reduction performance evaluation for scene registration
* Fast three-dimensional Otsu thresholding with shuffled frog-leaping algorithm
* Feature distribution modelling techniques for 3D face verification
* Film line scratch detection using texture and shape information
* Flocking algorithm with multi-target tracking for multi-agent systems
* Forests of nested dichotomies
* Fuzzy clustering with semantically distinct families of variables: Descriptive and predictive aspects
* Gabor-Based Dynamic Representation for Human Fatigue Monitoring in Facial Image Sequences
* Gait recognition without subject cooperation
* Gaussian mixture learning via robust competitive agglomeration
* Gender recognition: A multiscale decision fusion approach
* Generalized external indexes for comparing data partitions with overlapping categories
* Geometrically local isotropic independence and numerical analysis of the Mahalanobis metric in vector space
* Global registration of overlapping images using accumulative image features
* Gradient operators for feature extraction and characterisation in range images
* Gradient vector flow active contours with prior directional information
* graph matching method and a graph matching distance based on subgraph assignments, A
* Hidden Markov Models for crop recognition in remote sensing image sequences
* Histograms of optical flow for efficient representation of body motion
* How to involve structural modeling for cartographic object recognition tasks in high-resolution satellite images?
* hybrid biometric cryptosystem for securing fingerprint minutiae templates, A
* hybrid optimization strategy for simplifying the solutions of support vector machines, A
* Identification and analysis of transcription factor family-specific features derived from DNA and protein information
* Identifying and evaluating community structure in complex networks
* Identifying multiple spatiotemporal patterns: A refined view on terrestrial photosynthetic activity
* Identifying touching and overlapping chromosomes using the watershed transform and gradient paths
* illumination normalization model for face recognition under varied lighting conditions, An
* Image categorization via robust pLSA
* image contrast enhancement method based on genetic algorithm, An
* Image inpainting based on scene transform and color transfer
* Image processing, computer vision and pattern recognition in Latin America
* Image scrambling encryption algorithm of pixel bit based on chaos map
* Image segmentation algorithms based on the machine learning of features
* improved anisotropic diffusion model for detail- and edge-preserving smoothing, An
* Improved direct LDA and its application to DNA microarray gene expression data
* Improved Group Sparse Classifier
* Improving face recognition by combination of natural and Gabor faces
* Improving polyp detection algorithms for CT colonography: Pareto front approach
* Independent components extraction from image matrix
* Information Theory framework for two-stage binary image operator design, An
* Information visibility using transmission methods
* innovative contactless palm print and knuckle print recognition system, An
* InstanceRank: Bringing order to datasets
* Integration of Gene Ontology-based similarities for supporting analysis of protein-protein interaction networks
* Invertible secret image sharing with steganography
* Is (N)PRI suitable for evaluating automated segmentation of cutaneous lesions?
* iterative approach for fitting multiple connected ellipse structure to silhouette, An
* Joint discriminative-generative modelling based on statistical tests for classification
* Lagrangian Half-Quadratic approach to robust estimation and its applications to road scene analysis, A
* Learning explicit and implicit visual manifolds by information projection
* Link between copula and tomography
* Local within-class accuracies for weighting individual outputs in multiple classifier systems
* Locality sensitive hashing: A comparison of hash function types and querying mechanisms
* M-band ridgelet transform based texture classification
* MAP-based image tag recommendation using a visual folksonomy
* Marginal discriminant projections: An adaptable margin discriminant approach to feature reduction and extraction
* Maximum Evidence Method for classification of brain tissues in MRI
* Measuring influence of an item in a database over time
* Meta-heuristic intelligence based image processing
* Mice and larvae tracking using a particle filter with an auto-adjustable observation model
* Mining outliers with faster cutoff update and space utilization
* Mixed-state causal modeling for statistical KL-based motion texture tracking
* multi-classifier for grading knee osteoarthritis using gait analysis, A
* multi-layer approach for the analysis of neighbourhood relations of polygons in remotely acquired images, A
* Multi-objective optimisation of real-valued parameters of a hybrid MT system using Genetic Algorithms
* Multi-resolution recognition of 3D objects based on visual resolution limits
* Multi-weight vector projection support vector machines
* Multifractal signature estimation for textured image segmentation
* Multimodal biometric identification system based on finger geometry, knuckle print and palm print
* Multiple and variable target visual tracking for video-surveillance applications
* Multiple camera people detection and tracking using support integration
* Music playlist generation by assimilating GMMs into SOMs
* New clustering algorithms for the support vector machine based hierarchical classification
* New features using fractal multi-dimensions for generalized Arabic font recognition
* New orientation-based elimination approach for accurate line-detection
* New reduced discrete Euclidean nD medial axis with optimal algorithm
* new uniform parameterization and invariant 3D spherical harmonic shape descriptors for shape analysis of the heart's left ventricle: A pilot study, A
* Nonnegative Matrix Factorization on Orthogonal Subspace
* Nonnegative matrix factorization with bounded total variational regularization for face recognition
* novel eye movement detection algorithm for EOG driven human computer interface, A
* Novel Gaussianized vector representation for improved natural scene categorization
* novel image template matching based on particle filtering optimization, A
* novel learning approach to multiple tasks based on boosting methodology, A
* novel MAP-MRF approach for multispectral image contextual classification using combination of suboptimal iterative algorithms, A
* novel statistical model for finding patterns in cell-cycle transcription data, A
* Numerical sequence matching based on local sum functions
* Off-line handwritten word recognition using multi-stream hidden Markov models
* On selection and combination of weak learners in AdaBoost
* On the memory complexity of the forward-backward algorithm
* On the regularization path of the support vector domain description
* Parallel implementation of Artificial Neural Network training for speech recognition
* Partial differences as tools for filtering data on graphs
* Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics
* Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing
* Peer group switching filter for impulse noise reduction incolor images
* Perceptually Motivated Shape Evolution with Shape-Preserving Property
* Performance measures for object detection evaluation
* person independent system for recognition of hand postures used in sign language, A
* Polygonal approximation of digital planar curves through adaptive optimizations
* polynomial fitting and k-NN based approach for improving classification of motor imagery BCI data, A
* Positive Matching Index: A new similarity measure with optimal characteristics, The
* pre-clustering technique for optimizing subclass discriminant analysis, A
* Precipitation data fusion using vector space transformation and artificial neural networks
* Predicting incomplete gene microarray data with the use of supervised learning algorithms
* Prediction of eigenvalues and regularization of eigenfeatures for human face verification
* Projecting independent components of SPECT images for computer aided diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
* Projections Onto Convex Sets through Particle Swarm Optimization and its application for remote sensing image restoration
* protein sequence meta-functional signature for calcium binding residue prediction, A
* Push-Pull marginal discriminant analysis for feature extraction
* Qualitative test-cost sensitive classification
* Quantum-inspired immune clone algorithm and multiscale Bandelet based image representation
* Quasi-automatic initialization for parametric active contours
* Quasi-random nonlinear scale space
* Question classification based on co-training style semi-supervised learning
* random-periods model for the comparison of a metrics efficiency to classify cell-cycle expressed genes, A
* Re-coding ECOCs without re-training
* Recent advances in face biometrics with Gabor wavelets: A review
* Recognition of human activities using SVM multi-class classifier
* Recovery of audio-to-video synchronization through analysis of cross-modality correlation
* Recursive computation of moments of 2D objects represented by elliptic Fourier descriptors
* Recursive ECOC classification
* Reduced data similarity-based matching for time series patterns alignment
* Refined translation and scale Legendre moment invariants
* Regularized tensor discriminant analysis for single trial EEG classification in BCI
* Relational indexing of vectorial primitives for symbol spotting in line-drawing images
* Relevance feedback based on genetic programming for image retrieval
* reliable multidomain model for speech act classification, A
* Representing Functional Data Using Support Vector Machines
* Resolution enhancement based on learning the sparse association of image patches
* Resolving stereo matching errors due to repetitive structures using model information
* Reversible color-to-gray mapping using subband domain texturization
* Robust and efficient analysis of signals and images
* Robust human authentication using appearance and holistic anthropometric features
* Robust iris verification for key management
* robust method for linear regression of symbolic interval data, A
* Robust mixture clustering using Pearson type VII distribution
* Robust speaker recognition based on filtering in autocorrelation domain and sub-band feature recombination
* Robust threshold estimation for images with unimodal histograms
* ROC skeleton for multiclass ROC estimation, The
* role of intensity standardization in medical image registration, The
* Rotation, illumination invariant polynomial kernel Fisher discriminant analysis using Radon and discrete cosine transforms based features for face recognition
* rough set approach to feature selection based on ant colony optimization, A
* RSMAT: Robust simultaneous modeling and tracking
* SAR image processing using adaptive stack filter
* Scale-independent quality criteria for dimensionality reduction
* Segmentation of complex nucleus configurations in biological images
* Segmentation of green vegetation of crop canopy images based on mean shift and Fisher linear discriminant
* Selecting features of linear-chain conditional random fields via greedy stage-wise algorithms
* Selection based heuristics for the non-unique oligonucleotide probe selection problem in microarray design
* semantic approach for question classification using WordNet and Wikipedia, A
* Semi-supervised geodesic Generative Topographic Mapping
* Semi-supervised learning for text-line detection
* Sense-Through-Foliage target detection using UWB radar sensor networks
* Shape classification using complex network and Multi-scale Fractal Dimension
* Shape modeling via local curvature scale
* similarity-based approach for shape classification using Aslan skeletons, A
* simple least squares method for fitting of ellipses and circles depends on border points of a two-tone image and their 3-D extensions, A
* SOMM: Self organizing Markov map for gesture recognition
* sorting optimization curve with quality and yield requirements, A
* Sparse learning for support vector classification
* Sparsity preserving discriminant analysis for single training image face recognition
* stability approach to convergence of curve evolution methods, A
* Statistics for Image Processing
* Stereo depth estimation using synchronous optimization with segment based regularization
* Stereo rectification of uncalibrated and heterogeneous images
* Stochastic-based pattern-recognition analysis
* Structural matching of 2D electrophoresis gels using deformed graphs
* Supervised image segmentation using watershed transform, fuzzy classification and evolutionary computation
* Support Vector Domain Method For Change Detection In Multitemporal Images, A
* symmetry and bi-recursive algorithm of accurately computing Krawtchouk moments, A
* Template matching using chaotic imperialist competitive algorithm
* Temporal consistent real-time stereo for intelligent vehicles
* Temporal synchronization of non-overlapping videos using known object motion
* tensorial framework for color images, A
* tetratricopeptide repeats (TPR)-like superfamily of proteins in Leishmania spp., as revealed by multi-relational data mining, The
* Text classification with the support of pruned dependency patterns
* Text- and speech-based phonotactic models for spoken language identification of Basque and Spanish
* Textural feature selection by joint mutual information based on Gaussian mixture model for multispectral image classification
* Texture analysis based on maximum contrast walker
* Thorax biometrics from millimetre-wave images
* Threshold-free object and ground point separation in LIDAR data
* Topology modeling for Adaboost-cascade based object detection
* tree-construction search approach for multivariate time series motifs discovery, A
* Tuning cost and performance in multi-biometric systems: A novel and consistent view of fusion strategies based on the Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT)
* Two information-theoretic tools to assess the performance of multi-class classifiers
* two-stage speech activity detection system considering fractal aspects of prosody, A
* Two-step fuzzy logic-based method for impulse noise detection in colour images
* Uncorrelated discriminant simplex analysis for view-invariant gait signal computing
* Unsupervised clustering in Hough space for recognition of multiple instances of the same object in a cluttered scene
* Unsupervised pattern recognition models for mixed feature-type symbolic data
* Unsupervised writer adaptation of whole-word HMMs with application to word-spotting
* Use of simplex search in active shape models for improved boundary segmentation
* Using dynamic time warping of T0 contours in the evaluation of cycle-to-cycle Pitch Detection Algorithms
* Using Gene Ontology annotations in exploratory microarray clustering to understand cancer etiology
* Using local features to measure land development in urban regions
* Variable selection using random forests
* Variational shape matching for shape classification and retrieval
* View-Independent Human Action Recognition with Volume Motion Template on Single Stereo Camera
* Vs-star: A visual interpretation system for visual surveillance
* VSUMM: A mechanism designed to produce static video summaries and a novel evaluation method
* White matter lesion segmentation based on feature joint occurrence probability and [chi]2 random field theory from magnetic resonance (MR) images
280 for PRL(31)

PRL(32) * 2-point algorithm for 3D reconstruction of horizontal lines from a single omni-directional image, A
* 3D Graph cut with new edge weights for cerebral white matter segmentation
* 3D scene retrieval and recognition with Depth Gradient Images
* 3D shape retrieval by Poisson histogram
* Abnormality detection using low-level co-occurring events
* Accurate chequerboard corner localisation for camera calibration
* Accurate M-hausdorff distance similarity combining distance orientation for matching multi-modal sensor images
* Adaptive learning codebook for action recognition
* adaptive local binarization method for document images based on a novel thresholding method and dynamic windows, An
* Adaptive Pixon Represented Segmentation (APRS) for 3D MR Brain Images Based on Mean Shift and Markov Random Fields
* Advances in theory and applications of pattern recognition, image processing and computer vision
* Analysis of Non-Local Image Denoising Methods
* Analysis of variance of Gabor filter banks parameters for optimal face recognition
* Anti-aliased Euclidean distance transform
* approach for on-line signature authentication using Zernike moments, An
* APSCAN: A parameter free algorithm for clustering
* Augmenting video surveillance footage with virtual agents for incremental event evaluation
* Automatic citrus canker detection from leaf images captured in field
* Automatic estimation of asymmetry for gradient-based alignment of noisy images on Lie group
* Automatic eye fixations identification based on analysis of variance and covariance
* Automatic initialization for 3D soccer player tracking
* Automatic segmentation of VHR images using type information of local structures acquired by mathematical morphology
* Bagging-based spectral clustering ensemble selection
* Bayes-true data generator for evaluation of supervised and unsupervised learning methods, A
* Bayesian change detection based on spatial sampling and Gaussian mixture model
* Bayesian network model of overall print quality: Construction and structural optimisation
* Bayesian texture classification and retrieval based on multiscale feature vector
* Beyond classical consensus clustering: The least squares approach to multiple solutions
* Canonical correlation analysis using within-class coupling
* CC-RANSAC: Fitting planes in the presence of multiple surfaces in range data
* Characteristic analysis of Otsu threshold and its applications
* Characterization of contour regularities based on the Levenshtein edit distance
* Class-dependent projection based method for text categorization
* Clustering data in an uncertain environment using an artificial immune system
* clustering method combining differential evolution with the K-means algorithm, A
* Color face recognition based on quaternion matrix representation
* Colour and rotation invariant textural features based on Markov random fields
* Combined pattern search optimization of feature extraction and classification parameters in facial recognition
* Combining multiple clusterings using fast simulated annealing
* Combining shape, texture and intensity features for cell nuclei extraction in Pap smear images
* Comments on: A locally constrained radial basis function for registration and warping of images
* Comparison of clustering methods: A case study of text-independent speaker modeling
* Consistency of functional learning methods based on derivatives
* Constraint scores for semi-supervised feature selection: A comparative study
* Construction of convex hull classifiers in high dimensions
* Contextual constraints based linear discriminant analysis
* Correlation based speech-video synchronization
* Cross-pose face recognition based on partial least squares
* de-texturing and spatially constrained K-means approach for image segmentation, A
* Detection of soldering defects in Printed Circuit Boards with Hierarchical Marked Point Processes
* Digital image splicing detection based on approximate run length
* Dimensionality reduction by minimizing nearest-neighbor classification error
* Discovery of motifs to forecast outlier occurrence in time series
* Discrete geometry for computer imagery
* dynamical neighborhood selection based on the sampling density and manifold curvature for isometric data embedding, The
* EDLines: A Real-Time Line Segment Detector with a False Detection Control
* effective discretization based on Class-Attribute Coherence Maximization, An
* Efficient appointment information extraction from short messages in mobile devices with limited hardware resources
* Efficient approximate Regularized Least Squares by Toeplitz matrix
* efficient decision-based and edge-preserving method for salt-and-pepper noise removal, An
* Efficient discriminative multiresolution cascade for real-time human detection applications
* Efficient template matching for multi-channel images
* empirical evaluation on dimensionality reduction schemes for dissimilarity-based classifications, An
* Empirical study of light source selection for palmprint recognition
* Enhancement of feature extraction for low-quality fingerprint images using stochastic resonance
* Entropy based region selection for moving object detection
* entropy weighting mixture model for subspace clustering of high-dimensional data, An
* Estimating redundancy information of selected features in multi-dimensional pattern classification
* Estimation of the orientation of textured patterns via wavelet analysis
* evaluation of indirect attacks and countermeasures in fingerprint verification systems, An
* Exact, scaled image rotations in finite Radon transform space
* experimental study of one- and two-level classifier fusion for different sample sizes, An
* Extracting discriminative color features for face recognition
* Face recognition based on 2D images under illumination and pose variations
* Face recognition using Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Fast and low-complexity method for exact computation of 3D Legendre moments
* Fast human activity recognition based on structure and motion
* Fast palmprint identification with multiple templates per subject
* fast pivot-based indexing algorithm for metric spaces, A
* Fast text categorization using concise semantic analysis
* Feature detection and tracking in optical flow on non-flat manifolds
* Feature extraction for novelty detection as applied to fault detection in machinery
* Feature selection using mutual information in CT colonography
* Finding relevant features for Korean comparative sentence extraction
* finger-vein verification system using mean curvature, A
* Foreground prediction for bilayer segmentation of videos
* From computational attention to image fusion
* Fully deformable 3D digital partition model with topological control
* Fundamental matrix estimation: A study of error criteria
* Fusion of covariance matrices of PCA and FLD
* Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for hand gesture interpretation in Sign Language
* Generalized playfield segmentation of sport videos using color features
* geometric-based method for recognizing overlapping polygonal-shaped and semi-transparent particles in gray tone images, A
* Global and local choice of the number of nearest neighbors in locally linear embedding
* GRASP algorithm for fast hybrid (filter-wrapper) feature subset selection in high-dimensional datasets, A
* Guest Editorial: Advances in people tracking
* Guided Locally Linear Embedding
* Hierarchical spatio-temporal extraction of models for moving rigid parts
* Homomorphic filtering based illumination normalization method for face recognition
* hybrid approach to outlier detection based on boundary region, A
* Hybrid line simplification for cartographic generalization
* image authentication method by applying Hamming code on rearranged bits, An
* Image Denoising Based on Hierarchical Markov Random Field
* Image feature detection from phase congruency based on two-dimensional Hilbert transform
* Image inpainting with salient structure completion and texture propagation
* image ray transform for structural feature detection, The
* Image representation using accurate orthogonal Gegenbauer moments
* Image segmentation via coherent clustering in L*a*b* color space
* Image-to-MIDI mapping based on dynamic fuzzy color segmentation for visually impaired people
* improved contour-based thinning method for character images, An
* improved local tangent space alignment method for manifold learning, An
* improved noise-robust voice activity detector based on hidden semi-Markov models, An
* Improvement of X-ray castings inspection reliability by using Dempster-Shafer data fusion theory
* Improving DBSCAN's execution time by using a pruning technique on bit vectors
* Improving dynamic facial expression recognition with feature subset selection
* Improving the classification accuracy of streaming data using SAX similarity features
* Increasing pattern recognition accuracy for chemical sensing by evolutionary based drift compensation
* Incremental manifold learning by spectral embedding methods
* Induction and selection of the most interesting Gene Ontology based multiattribute rules for descriptions of gene groups
* Induction motor fault detection and diagnosis using a current state space pattern recognition
* Integer approximation of 3D chamfer mask coefficients using a scaling factor in anisotropic grids
* integration of directional information and local region information for accurate image segmentation, The
* Integration of Hough Transform of lines and planes in the framework of conformal geometric algebra for 2D and 3D robot vision
* Intrinsic dimension estimation by maximum likelihood in isotropic probabilistic PCA
* Isolating top-k dense regions with filtration of sparse background
* Iterative sIB algorithm
* Joint photometric and geometric image registration in the total least square sense
* k-means type clustering algorithm for subspace clustering of mixed numeric and categorical datasets, A
* Kernel-based regularized-angle spectral matching for target detection in hyperspectral imagery
* key binding system based on n-nearest minutiae structure of fingerprint, A
* Large margin based nonnegative matrix factorization and partial least squares regression for face recognition
* Learning aspect models with partially labeled data
* Learning general Gaussian kernel hyperparameters of SVMs using optimization on symmetric positive-definite matrices manifold
* Learning with few examples for binary and multiclass classification using regularization of randomized trees
* line-based representation for matching words in historical manuscripts, A
* Linear-nonlinear neuronal model for shape from shading
* Linking the von Kries model to Wien's law for the estimation of an illuminant invariant image
* Local density adaptive similarity measurement for spectral clustering
* Local rank transform: Properties and applications
* Machine fusion to enhance the topology preservation of vector quantization artificial neural networks
* Manifold-respecting discriminant nonnegative matrix factorization
* Maximum Margin One Class Support Vector Machines for multiclass problems
* method for mixed states texture segmentation with simultaneous parameter estimation, A
* Modeling alternatives for fuzzy Markov chain-based classification of multitemporal remote sensing data
* Modeling continuous visual features for semantic image annotation and retrieval
* Moving-edge detection via heat flow analogy
* Multi scale Harris corner detector based on Differential Morphological Decomposition
* Multiclass object classification for real-time video surveillance systems
* Multiview human pose estimation with unconstrained motions
* Music classification via the bag-of-features approach
* Near real time enhancement of geospatial imagery via systolic implementation of neural network-adapted convex regularization techniques
* new active contour model based on the Conscience, Archiving and Mean-Movement mechanisms and the SOM, A
* new algorithm for computing the 2-dimensional matching distance between size functions, A
* new algorithm for initial cluster centers in k-means algorithm, A
* new approach to corner matching from image sequence using fuzzy similarity index, A
* new framework for on-line object tracking based on SURF, A
* new multi-purpose audio-visual UNMC-VIER database with multiple variabilities, A
* New separating hyperplane method with application to the optimisation of direct marketing campaigns
* note on ball segment picking related to clustering, A
* note on the computation of high-dimensional integral images, A
* novel algorithm of fingerprint encryption using minutiae-based transformation, A
* novel bacterial foraging technique for edge detection, A
* novel classifier based on shortest feature line segment, A
* novel histogram transformation to improve the performance of thresholding methods in edge detection, A
* novel Hough transform method for line detection by enhancing accumulator array, A
* novel illumination-robust face recognition using statistical and non-statistical method, A
* Object recognition using proportion-based prior information: Application to fisheries acoustics
* Offline handwritten Amharic word recognition
* Offline handwritten Arabic cursive text recognition using Hidden Markov Models and re-ranking
* On approximating Euclidean metrics by weighted t-cost distances in arbitrary dimension
* On the computation of the (3, 4, 5) curve skeleton of 3D objects
* On the discriminability of keystroke feature vectors used in fixed text keystroke authentication
* On the equivalence of Kernel Fisher discriminant analysis and Kernel Quadratic Programming Feature Selection
* On the focusing of thermal images
* Online error correcting output codes
* Optimality and stability of the K-hyperline clustering algorithm
* Optimized discriminative transformations for speech features based on minimum classification error
* Orthogonal local spline discriminant projection with application to face recognition
* Pairwise optimized Rocchio algorithm for text categorization
* pilot study on augmented speech communication based on Electro-Magnetic Articulography, A
* polynomial algorithm for submap isomorphism of general maps, A
* Probabilistic people tracking with appearance models and occlusion classification: The AD-HOC system
* Quantitative structural information for inferring context free grammars with an extended Cocke-Younger-Kasami algorithm
* Random one-dependence estimators
* Rao-Blackwellised particle filter for colour-based tracking
* Real-Time Stereo Matching Using Memory-Efficient Belief Propagation for High-Definition 3D Tele-Presence Systems
* Reconstruction of non-rigid 3D shapes from stereo-motion
* Region-based segmentation of 2D and 3D images with tissue-like P systems
* Robust 3D face recognition based on resolution invariant features
* Robust algorithm for tunnel closing in 3D volumetric objects based on topological characteristics of points
* Robust Positive semidefinite L-Isomap Ensemble
* Robust refinement methods for camera calibration and 3D reconstruction from multiple images
* Robust skeletonization using the discrete lambda-medial axis
* Robust speech recognition using spatial-temporal feature distribution characteristics
* robust template tracking algorithm with weighted active drift correction, A
* Rotation and translation invariants of Gaussian-Hermite moments
* Rotation invariant texture characterization using a curvelet based descriptor
* Rotation-invariant texture features from the steered Hermite transform
* Rough set based approaches to feature selection for Case-Based Reasoning classifiers
* scalable, high-precision, and low-noise detector of shift-invariant image locations, A
* Score level fusion of multimodal biometrics using triangular norms
* Selecting training points for one-class support vector machines
* semi-automatic algorithm for grey level estimation in tomography, A
* Semi-supervised kernel canonical correlation analysis with application to human fMRI
* Separable algorithms for distance transformations on irregular grids
* shape prior constraint for implicit active contours, A
* Sign language recognition using a combination of new vision based features
* Similarity-based multimodality image fusion with shiftable complex directional pyramid
* Similarity-margin based feature selection for symbolic interval data
* Simultaneous estimation of vanishing points and their converging lines using the EM algorithm
* Smooth contour coding with minimal description length active grid segmentation techniques
* sparse nearest mean classifier for high dimensional multi-class problems, A
* Sparse non-linear denoising: Generalization performance and pattern reproducibility in functional MRI
* sparse version of the ridge logistic regression for large-scale text categorization, A
* Speckle reduction of ultrasound images based on Rayleigh-trimmed anisotropic diffusion filter
* Spiral band model for locating Tropical Cyclone centers
* Stereo matching using gradient similarity and locally adaptive support-weight
* structure-preserved local matching approach for face recognition, A
* Submodular fractional programming for balanced clustering
* supervised algorithm with a new differentiated-weighting scheme for identifying the author of a handwritten text, A
* survey and experimental evaluation of image spam filtering techniques, A
* thin plate spline robust point matching (TPS-RPM) algorithm: A revisit, The
* time-frequency convolutional neural network for the offline classification of steady-state visual evoked potential responses, A
* Topology preservation evaluation of compact-support radial basis functions for image registration
* Toward a combined tool to assist dermatologists in melanoma detection from dermoscopic images of pigmented skin lesions
* Towards a standard methodology to evaluate internal cluster validity indices
* Towards reliable matching of images containing repetitive patterns
* Towards robust writer verification by correcting unnatural slant
* Towards stratified model-based environmental visual perception for humanoid robots
* Training linear ranking SVMs in linearithmic time using red-black trees
* Tree-structured image difference for fast histogram and distance between histograms computation
* Turkish fingerspelling recognition system using Generalized Hough Transform, interest regions, and local descriptors
* Uncorrelated trace ratio linear discriminant analysis for undersampled problems
* unified approach to autofocus and alignment for pattern localization using hybrid weighted Hausdorff distance, A
* Unsupervised multi-class segmentation of SAR images using triplet Markov fields models based on edge penalty
* Unsupervised range-constrained thresholding
* Use of leaf color images to identify nitrogen and potassium deficient tomatoes
* Using a Geometric Formulation of Annular-Like Shape Priors for Constraining Variational Level-Sets
* Using local density information to improve IB algorithms
* Validity index for clusters of different sizes and densities
* Variable lighting face recognition using discrete wavelet transform
* Versatile spectral methods for point set matching
* Weighted association based methods for the combination of heterogeneous partitions
243 for PRL(32)

PRL(33) * 2D representation of facial surfaces for multi-pose 3D face recognition
* 2D shape representation and similarity measurement for 3D recognition problems: An experimental analysis
* Adaboost and multi-orientation 2D Gabor-based noisy iris recognition
* adaptive prediction-error expansion oriented reversible information hiding scheme, An
* affinity-based new local distance function and similarity measure for kNN algorithm, An
* Algorithms for maximum-likelihood bandwidth selection in kernel density estimators
* Alignment of velocity fields for video surveillance
* Analysis of directional patterns of lung nodules in computerized tomography using Getis statistics and their accumulated forms as malignancy and benignity indicators
* annotation rule extraction algorithm for image retrieval, An
* attribute weighted distance transform, An
* Automatic extraction of texture-periodicity using superposition of distance matching functions and their forward differences
* Automatic facial expression recognition based on spatiotemporal descriptors
* Automatic grayscale image colorization using histogram regression
* Automatic vehicle identification for Argentinean license plates using intelligent template matching
* Background modeling by subspace learning on spatio-temporal patches
* Background subtraction based on phase feature and distance transform
* Belief C-Means: An extension of Fuzzy C-Means algorithm in belief functions framework
* Bilateral mesh filtering
* Biometric identification based on the eye movements and graph matching techniques
* Block principal component analysis with L1-norm for image analysis
* Boosting for transfer learning from multiple data sources
* Calibrating effective focal length for central catadioptric cameras using one space line
* calibration method for paracatadioptric camera from sphere images, A
* Characterization and exploitation of community structure in cover song networks
* cluster-assumption based batch mode active learning technique, A
* clustering-based approach for the identification of a class of temporally switched linear systems, A
* Color based skin classification
* Color image segmentation using tensor voting based color clustering
* Combining boundary and region features inside the combinatorial pyramid for topology-preserving perceptual image segmentation
* Combining perspiration- and morphology-based static features for fingerprint liveness detection
* comment on Fast and accurate method for radial moment's computation, A
* Comments on On approximating Euclidean metrics by weighted t-cost distances in arbitrary dimension
* comparative study on multiscale fractal dimension descriptors, A
* Complementary Kernel Density Estimation
* Component-based global k-NN classifier for small sample size problems
* Compressive Sampling based Single-Image Super-resolution Reconstruction by dual-sparsity and Non-local Similarity Regularizer
* Computational Topology in Image Context
* Content adaptive fast motion estimation based on spatio-temporal homogeneity analysis and motion classification
* Content-based mobile spam classification using stylistically motivated features
* Context models and out-of-context objects
* corpus for benchmarking of people detection algorithms, A
* Coverage segmentation based on linear unmixing and minimization of perimeter and boundary thickness
* CrackTree: Automatic crack detection from pavement images
* Cross-View and Multi-View Gait Recognitions Based on View Transformation Model Using Multi-Layer Perceptron
* Data mining from multiple heterogeneous relational databases using decision tree classification
* DBN-based structural learning and optimisation for automated handwritten character recognition
* Denoising of salt-and-pepper noise corrupted image using modified directional-weighted-median filter
* Density-based hierarchical clustering for streaming data
* Design strategies for direct multi-scale and multi-orientation feature extraction in the log-polar domain
* Dimensionality reduction via compressive sensing
* direct boosting algorithm for the k-nearest neighbor classifier via local warping of the distance metric, A
* Discriminative feature extraction for speech recognition using continuous output codes
* Discriminative Features for Image Classification and Retrieval
* dissimilarity space: Bridging structural and statistical pattern recognition, The
* Dynamic curve color model for image matting
* Dynamic Random Forests
* Dynamic Time Warping for Chinese calligraphic character matching and recognizing
* Ear recognition based on local information fusion
* Editorial for the Special Issue on Graph-based representations in pattern recognition
* effective double-bounded tree-connected Isomap algorithm for microarray data classification, An
* Efficient and effective algorithms for training single-hidden-layer neural networks
* Efficient feature selection filters for high-dimensional data
* Efficient image matching using weighted voting
* efficient incremental strategy for constrained groupwise registration based on symmetric pairwise registration, An
* Efficient symmetry-based screening strategy to speed up randomized circle-detection
* Eigentransformation-based face super-resolution in the wavelet domain
* Enhanced foreground segmentation and tracking combining Bayesian background, shadow and foreground modeling
* Error analysis and accurate calculation of rotational moments
* Evaluation measures for kernel optimization
* Exponentially weighted moving average charts for detecting concept drift
* Exponentially weighted moving average charts for detecting concept drift
* Face Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Discriminant Subclass-Center Manifold Preserving Projection
* fast algorithm to compute cohomology group generators of orientable 2-manifolds, A
* Fast exact local-mean based classification algorithm using class rejection and initial distance assigning processes
* Fast Local Self-Similarity for describing interest regions
* fast multi-scale covariance descriptor for object re-identification, A
* Fast multi-scale local phase quantization histogram for face recognition
* Fast person re-identification based on dissimilarity representations
* Faster subgraph isomorphism detection by well-founded total order indexing
* Feature fusion for 3D hand gesture recognition by learning a shared hidden space
* Feature grouping and local soft match for mobile visual search
* Feature selection from high-order tensorial data via sparse decomposition
* Feature selection on node statistics based embedding of graphs
* Feature-level fusion of fingerprint and finger-vein for personal identification
* FFT-based fast melody comparison method for query-by-singing/humming systems, An
* Finger-vein ROI localization and vein ridge enhancement
* Fourier implementation of Poisson image editing
* From maximum common submaps to edit distances of generalized maps
* Functional brain image classification using association rules defined over discriminant regions
* fusion approach to unconstrained iris recognition, A
* Fusion of electrocardiogram with unobtrusive biometrics: An efficient individual authentication system
* Gait identification using shadow biometrics
* Generalized Median String Computation by Means of String Embedding in Vector Spaces
* Good match exploration using triangle constraint
* Gradient computation in linear-chain conditional random fields using the entropy message passing algorithm
* Graph based semi-supervised human pose estimation: When the output space comes to help
* Graph characterizations from von Neumann entropy
* graph-based technique for semi-supervised segmentation of 3D surfaces, A
* grid-density based technique for finding clusters in satellite image, A
* Harris function based active contour external force for image segmentation
* hierarchical method combining gait and phase of motion with spatiotemporal model for person re-identification, A
* Hierarchical Normal Space Sampling to speed up point cloud coarse matching
* Hierarchical Salient Point Selection for image retrieval
* hierarchical threshold secret image sharing, A
* high performance centroid-based classification approach for language identification, A
* Homological optimality in Discrete Morse Theory through chain homotopies
* How to define a locally adaptive sampling criterion for topologically correct reconstruction of multiple regions
* Human action segmentation and recognition via motion and shape analysis
* hybrid motion and appearance prediction model for robust visual object tracking, A
* Hypergraph based geometric biclustering algorithm
* Hypergraph based information-theoretic feature selection
* IAIR-CarPed: A psychophysically annotated dataset with fine-grained and layered semantic labels for object recognition
* Image classification by multimodal subspace learning
* Image decomposition via learning the morphological diversity
* Image segmentation using local spectral histograms and linear regression
* Improved conjugate gradient implementation for least squares support vector machines
* Improved Particle Filter Algorithm Based on Markov Random Field Modeling in Stationary Wavelet Domain for SAR Image Despeckling, An
* Improving Korean verb-verb morphological disambiguation using lexical knowledge from unambiguous unlabeled data and selective web counts
* Improving neighborhood based Collaborative Filtering via integrated folksonomy information
* Improving the speed and stability of the k-nearest neighbors method
* In search of optimal centroids on data clustering using a binary search algorithm
* Infinite Liouville mixture models with application to text and texture categorization
* Intelligent multimedia interactivity
* Intelligent photo clustering with user interaction and distance metric learning
* Intelligent trainee behavior assessment system for medical training employing video analysis
* Introduction to the Special Issue on the Recognition of Visible Wavelength Iris Images Captured At-a-distance and On-the-move
* Invariants of distance k-graphs for graph embedding
* Iris recognition in non-ideal imaging conditions
* Is masking a relevant aspect lacking in MFCC? A speaker verification perspective
* ISE-bounded polygonal approximation of digital curves
* Iterative random projections for high-dimensional data clustering
* Kernels for acyclic digraphs
* Large scalability in document image matching using text retrieval
* Learning Bayesian network structure using Markov blanket decomposition
* Learning images using compositional pattern-producing neural networks for source camera identification and digital demographic diagnosis
* Learning local binary patterns for gender classification on real-world face images
* Least-squares estimation of anisotropic similarity transformations from corresponding 2D point sets
* Lexicon-free handwritten word spotting using character HMMs
* Liveness detection for iris recognition using multispectral images
* Local phase quantization descriptor for improving shape retrieval/classification
* log square average case algorithm to make insertions in fast similarity search, A
* Logistic label propagation
* Low bias histogram-based estimation of mutual information for feature selection
* M-VIVIE: A multi-thread video indexer via identity extraction
* Maximum likelihood method for parameter estimation of bell-shaped functions on graphs
* Memory-restricted latent semantic analysis to accumulate term-document co-occurrence events
* method for recognizing overlapping elliptical bubbles in bubble image, A
* Minimal design of error-correcting output codes
* Minutia handedness: A novel global feature for minutiae-based fingerprint matching
* Model selection for partial least squares based dimension reduction
* Modeling broken characters recognition as a set-partitioning problem
* Modeling the spatial layout of images beyond spatial pyramids
* Modified Short and Fukunaga Metric based on the attribute independence assumption, A
* modified valley-emphasis method for automatic thresholding, A
* Motion Recognition Using Local Auto-Correlation of Space-Time Gradients
* Multi-level Low-rank Approximation-based Spectral Clustering for image segmentation
* Multi-task learning to rank for web search
* multi-threshold secret image sharing scheme based on MSP, A
* Multi-view fast object detection by using extended haar filters in uncontrolled environments
* Multifocus image fusion and denoising: A variational approach
* Multilabel classification using heterogeneous ensemble of multi-label classifiers
* Multiple-shot person re-identification by chromatic and epitomic analyses
* Multispectral scleral patterns for ocular biometric recognition
* Neighborhood-consensus message passing as a framework for generalized iterated conditional expectations
* new feature-preserving nonlinear anisotropic diffusion for denoising images containing blobs and ridges, A
* New Iris Recognition Method for Noisy Iris Images
* new paradigm to compare a subject to a statistical model. Application to the detection of skull abnormalities, A
* New rank methods for reducing the size of the training set using the nearest neighbor rule
* New rank methods for reducing the size of the training set using the nearest neighbor rule
* Noise tolerant local binary pattern operator for efficient texture analysis
* Noisy iris image matching by using multiple cues
* Noisy Iris Recognition Integrated Scheme
* non-Newtonian gradient for contour detection in images with multiplicative noise, A
* novel approach for the registration of weak affine images, A
* novel biometric system based on palm vein image, A
* novel efficient local illumination compensation method based on DCT in logarithm domain, A
* Novel pattern recognition-based methods for re-identification in biometric context
* Object tracking by exploiting adaptive region-wise linear subspace representations and adaptive templates in an iterative particle filter
* On feature selection with principal component analysis for one-class SVM
* On pedestrian detection and tracking in infrared videos
* On the evolutionary optimization of k-NN by label-dependent feature weighting
* On the generation and pruning of skeletons using generalized Voronoi diagrams
* On the Mitchell similarity measure and its application to pattern recognition
* On the optimal decision rule for sequential interactive structured prediction
* On the search of optimal reconstruction resolution
* On the simultaneous recognition of identity and expression from BU-3DFE datasets
* On-line inverse multiple instance boosting for classifier grids
* Online multiple instance gradient feature selection for robust visual tracking
* Optimal decision trees for local image processing algorithms
* Orthogonal vs. uncorrelated least squares discriminant analysis for feature extraction
* Part-based spatio-temporal model for multi-person re-identification
* Pattern analysis with graphs: Parallel work at Bern and York
* Pattern recognition approach to identify natural clusters of acoustic emission signals
* Perfect discrete Morse functions on 2-complexes
* Persistent homology and partial similarity of shapes
* Person re-identification in crowd
* Pill-ID: Matching and retrieval of drug pill images
* Pixel selection based on discriminant features with application to face recognition
* plate-based definition of discrete surfaces, A
* point calculus for interlevel set homology, A
* probabilistic approach for semi-supervised nearest neighbor classification, A
* Probabilistic learning of similarity measures for tensor PCA
* Prostate cancer grading: Gland segmentation and structural features
* Random swap EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture models
* range of the value for the fuzzifier of the fuzzy c-means algorithm, The
* Reconstruction of Kikuchi patterns by intensity-enhanced Radon transformation
* reduct derived from feature selection, A
* Relevance feedback for real-world human action retrieval
* Reliable ear identification using 2-D quadrature filters
* reliable iris recognition algorithm based on reverse biorthogonal wavelet transform, A
* Remote identification of faces: Problems, prospects, and progress
* Resolving permutation ambiguity in correlation-based blind image separation
* results of the NICE.II Iris biometrics competition, The
* Retrieval of logically relevant 3D human motions by Adaptive Feature Selection with Graded Relevance Feedback
* Ridler and Calvard's, Kittler and Illingworth's and Otsu's methods for image thresholding
* Robust ellipse and spheroid fitting
* robust patch-statistical active contour model for image segmentation, A
* Robust re-identification using randomness and statistical learning: Quo vadis
* Ronse deletability conditions and -retractions
* rotation and scale invariant technique for ear detection in 3D, A
* Segmentation and multi-model approximation of digital curves
* Segmenting focused objects based on the Amplitude Decomposition Model
* Selection properties of type II maximum likelihood (empirical Bayes) in linear models with individual variance components for predictors
* Self-adaptive evolutionary image registration using differential evolution and artificial immune systems
* Semi-supervised action recognition in video via Labeled Kernel Sparse Coding and sparse L1 graph
* semi-supervised feature ranking method with ensemble learning, A
* Separation of human and animal seismic signatures using non-negative matrix factorization
* Shape based local thresholding for binarization of document images
* Shape matching and classification using height functions
* Shedding light on the asymmetric learning capability of AdaBoost
* Short baseline line matching for central imaging systems
* simplified multi-class support vector machine with reduced dual optimization, A
* Simultaneous line matching and epipolar geometry estimation based on the intersection context of coplanar line pairs
* Small object detection in cluttered image using a correlation based active contour model
* Smooth Chan-Vese segmentation via graph cuts
* Smooth point-set registration using neighboring constraints
* Space-time spectral model for object detection in dynamic textured background
* Spam detection using Random Boost
* Sparse and stable gene selection with consensus SVM-RFE
* Sparse spectral hashing
* Spatio-temporal reasoning for the classification of satellite image time series
* Spatio-temporal target-measure association using an adaptive geometrical approach
* Special Issue on Awards from ICPR 2010
* Special Issue on Awards Papers from ICPR 2010
* Spherical surface parameterization for perspective shape from shading
* statistical prediction model of speakers' intentions using multi-level features in a goal-oriented dialog system, A
* Structural Performance Evaluation of Curvilinear Structure Detection Algorithms with Application to Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* survey of cast shadow detection algorithms, A
* Symbol recognition using spatial relations
* Synthesis of a face image at a desired pose from a given pose
* Synthetic pattern generation for imbalanced learning in image retrieval
* Target detection of ISAR data by principal component transform on co-occurrence matrix
* Testing for the absence of correlation between two spatial or temporal sequences
* theoretical investigation of several model selection criteria for dimensionality reduction, A
* Thick boundaries in binary space and their influence on nearest-neighbor search
* tight bound on the performance of Fisher's linear discriminant in randomly projected data spaces, A
* Towards a dynamic expression recognition system under facial occlusion
* Towards the unification of structural and statistical pattern recognition
* Two new graphs kernels in chemoinformatics
* two-stage linear discriminant analysis for face-recognition, A
* unified framework for web video topic discovery and visualization, A
* Unimodal thresholding for Laplacian-based Canny-Deriche filter
* unsupervised data projection that preserves the cluster structure, An
* Unsupervised object discovery via self-organisation
* Using a boosted tree classifier for text segmentation in hand-annotated documents
* Vanishing point detection using cascaded 1D Hough Transform from single images
* Vein pattern extraction based on vectorgrams of maximal intra-neighbor difference
* Video synchronization based on events alignment
* VISON: VIdeo Summarization for ONline applications
* Visual tracking and learning using speeded up robust features
* Voice activity detection and speaker localization using audiovisual cues
* Weighted co-occurrence phase histogram for iris recognition
* Writer-independent off-line signature verification using surroundedness feature
273 for PRL(33)

PRL(34) * 3D face shape prediction from a frontal image using cylindrical coordinates and partial least squares
* AAM-based palm segmentation in unrestricted backgrounds and various postures for palmprint recognition
* Accurate spatio-temporal reconstruction of missing data in dynamic scenes
* Active contour model driven by local histogram fitting energy
* Active Learning with Bootstrapped Dendritic Classifier applied to medical image segmentation
* Active steganalysis for interpolation-error based reversible data hiding
* Adaptive morphology using tensor-based elliptical structuring elements
* Advances in pattern recognition methodology and applications
* Aging speech recognition with speaker adaptation techniques: Study on medium vocabulary continuous Bengali speech
* algorithm for training a large scale support vector machine for regression based on linear programming and decomposition methods, An
* Algorithms for a real-time HDR video system
* Artificial neural networks applied to statistical design of window operators
* Assessing similarity of feature selection techniques in high-dimensional domains
* Augmented Value Difference Measure, An
* Automatic detection of vascular bifurcations in segmented retinal images using trainable COSFIRE filters
* Automatic focal length estimation as an eigenvalue problem
* Automatic fovea location in retinal images using anatomical priors and vessel density
* Automatic hippocampus localization in histological images using Differential Evolution-based deformable models
* Avoiding the interpolation inaccuracy in nearest feature line classifier by spectral feature analysis
* Background intensity independent texture features for assessing breast cancer risk in screening mammograms
* Background subtraction using hybrid feature coding in the bag-of-features framework
* Bayesian predictive kernel discriminant analysis
* boosting approach for the simultaneous detection and segmentation of generic objects, A
* Bridging challenges of clinical decision support systems with a semantic approach. A case study on breast cancer
* Change detection based on a support vector data description that treats dependency
* Characteristic matching-based adaptive fast bilateral filter for ultrasound speckle reduction
* Classification of MRI brain images using combined wavelet entropy based spider web plots and probabilistic neural network
* Classification of multiscale spatiotemporal energy features for video segmentation and dynamic objects prioritisation
* Classifier ensemble for an effective cytological image analysis
* Classifier fusion with interval-valued weights
* Coarse to fine K nearest neighbor classifier
* Coarse-to-fine multiclass learning and classification for time-critical domains
* CoBi: Pattern Based Co-Regulated Biclustering of Gene Expression Data
* Collaborative neighbor representation based classification using L_2-minimization approach
* Coloring based approach for matching unrooted and/or unordered trees
* Combating Web spam through trust-distrust propagation with confidence
* comment on A novel approach for the registration of weak affine images, A
* comment on On the Mitchell similarity measure and its application to pattern recognition, A
* Common-sense reasoning for human action recognition
* comparative study on automatic audio-visual fusion for aggression detection using meta-information, A
* Comparison between supervised and unsupervised learning of probabilistic linear discriminant analysis mixture models for speaker verification
* Constrained spectral embedding for K-way data clustering
* Content-based texture image retrieval using fuzzy class membership
* Corrigendum to An algorithm for training a large scale support vector machine for regression based on linear programming and decomposition methods
* Crypts detection in microscopic images using hierarchical structures
* Decentralized Estimation using distortion sensitive learning vector quantization
* Decomposing the global financial crisis: A Self-Organizing Time Map
* Dense subgraph mining with a mixed graph model
* Dependency-based semantic role labeling using sequence labeling with a structural SVM
* Detecting bipedal motion from correlated probabilistic trajectories
* Discriminant and adaptive extensions to local temporal common spatial patterns
* Discriminant Convex Non-negative Matrix Factorization for the classification of human brain tumours
* Discriminative functional analysis of human movements
* Distance and similarity measures between intuitionistic fuzzy sets: A comparative analysis from a pattern recognition point of view
* distance of probabilistic fuzzy sets for classification, The
* Double-bootstrapping source data selection for instance-based transfer learning
* Dynamic action recognition based on dynemes and Extreme Learning Machine
* Dynamic discriminant functions with missing feature values
* edge detection with automatic scale selection approach to improve coherent visual attention model, An
* Effect of delayed strokes on the recognition of online Farsi handwriting
* Efficiency investigation of manifold matching for text document classification
* Enhanced anomaly detection in wire ropes by combining structure and appearance
* Enhanced multi-line code for minutiae-based fingerprint template protection
* Ensembles of strong learners for multi-cue classification
* Estimation of the number of states for gesture recognition with Hidden Markov Models based on the number of critical points in time sequence
* Experiencing real 3D gestural interaction with mobile devices
* Exploring STIP-based models for recognizing human interactions in TV videos
* Extracting semantics from multi-spectrum video
* Fall detection using single-tree complex wavelet transform
* Fast gradient vector flow computation based on augmented Lagrangian method
* Fast nearest neighbor retrieval using randomized binary codes and approximate Euclidean distance
* Fast pruning superfluous support vectors in SVMs
* Fast texel size estimation in visual texture using homogeneity cues
* Fast two-stage segmentation via non-local active contours in multiscale texture feature space
* Fast window fusion using fuzzy equivalence relation
* Feature extraction based on Lp-norm generalized principal component analysis
* Feature Interaction Maximisation
* Feature selection for multi-label classification using multivariate mutual information
* Framework for reliable, real-time facial expression recognition for low resolution images
* From visual patterns to semantic description: A cognitive approach using artificial curiosity as the foundation
* Further results on dissimilarity spaces for hyperspectral images RF-CBIR
* Fused Lasso and rotation invariant autoregressive models for texture classification
* Fusing cluster-centric feature similarities for face recognition in video sequences
* Fusion of probabilistic knowledge-based classification rules and learning automata for automatic recognition of digital images
* fuzzy clustering algorithm with spatial robust estimation constraint for noisy color image segmentation, A
* Gait recognition via optimally interpolated deformable contours
* GAS meter reading from real world images using a multi-net system
* Generalization of linear discriminant analysis using -norm
* Generalized canonical correlation analysis for disparate data fusion
* Genetic algorithm-based reconstruction of old films corrupted by scratches and blotches
* Handling imbalanced data sets with synthetic boundary data generation using bootstrap re-sampling and AdaBoost techniques
* Heel strike detection based on human walking movement for surveillance analysis
* Heterogeneous image transformation
* heuristic hierarchical clustering based on multiple similarity measurements, A
* Hierarchical speech-act classification for discourse analysis
* How do image complexity, task demands and looking biases influence human gaze behavior?
* Human action recognition using hull convexity defect features with multi-modality setups
* Human activity modeling by spatio temporal textural appearance
* Human-inspired features for natural scene classification
* hybrid method to face class overlap and class imbalance on neural networks and multi-class scenarios, A
* Hyperspectral image segmentation through evolved cellular automata
* Hyperspheres of weighted distances in arbitrary dimension
* Image analysis by moment invariants using a set of step-like basis functions
* Image classification using spatial pyramid robust sparse coding
* Image denoising via 2D dictionary learning and adaptive hard thresholding
* Image inpainting with nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Image thresholding based on semivariance
* improved fast edit approach for two-string approximated mean computation applied to OCR, An
* improved multiscale retinex algorithm for motion-blurred iris images to minimize the intra-individual variations, An
* improvement to the SIFT descriptor for image representation and matching, An
* Improving the stochastic watershed
* Increasing reliability of protein interactome by fast manifold embedding
* Inhomogeneity correction and fat-tissue extraction in MR images of FacioScapuloHumeral muscular Dystrophy
* Intelligent multi-camera video surveillance: A review
* Interactive Geospatial Object Extraction in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Shape-Based Global Minimization Active Contour Model
* K'-Means algorithms for clustering analysis with frequency sensitive discrepancy metrics
* Kalman-filter based spatio-temporal disparity integration
* Kernel analysis on Grassmann manifolds for action recognition
* Kidney segmentation using graph cuts and pixel connectivity
* Learning from multiple annotators: Distinguishing good from random labelers
* Learning kernel parameters for kernel Fisher discriminant analysis
* Learning person-specific models for facial expression and action unit recognition
* Learning vector quantization for variable ordering in constraint satisfaction problems
* Linear classifier combination and selection using group sparse regularization and hinge loss
* Linear combination of norms in improving approximation of Euclidean norm
* link-analysis-based discriminant analysis for exploring partially labeled graphs, A
* local descriptor based on Laplacian pyramid coding for action recognition, A
* Local joint entropy based non-rigid multimodality image registration
* Localization of mountain glacier termini in Landsat multi-spectral images
* Localizing people in multi-view environment using height map reconstruction in real-time
* Low complexity object detection and tracking with inter-layer graph mapping and intra-layer graph refinement in H.264/SVC bitstreams
* LVQ-SVM based CAD tool applied to structural MRI for the diagnosis of the Alzheimer's disease
* Malware detection by pruning of parallel ensembles using harmony search
* Margin-based ordered aggregation for ensemble pruning
* Max-margin embedding for multi-label learning
* Minimum-maximum local structure information for feature selection
* MMU GASPFA: A COTS multimodal biometric database
* modified interval type-2 fuzzy C-means algorithm with application in MR image segmentation, A
* Moment invariants to affine transformation of colours
* morphologic two-stage approach for automated optic disk detection in color eye fundus images, A
* Most discriminating segment: Longest common subsequence (MDSLCS) algorithm for dynamic hand gesture classification
* Multi-feature structure fusion of contours for unsupervised shape classification
* Multi-focus thermal image fusion
* multi-manifold semi-supervised Gaussian mixture model for pattern classification, A
* Multi-modal user identification and object recognition surveillance system
* Multi-output least-squares support vector regression machines
* Multi-part sparse representation in random crowded scenes tracking
* Multi-spectral saliency detection
* Multi-spectral video endoscopy system for the detection of cancerous tissue
* Multi-view action recognition using local similarity random forests and sensor fusion
* Multiclass classification of distributed memory parallel computations
* Multifocus image fusion based on robust principal component analysis
* Multimodality Image Fusion by Using Both Phase and Magnitude Information
* Multiple scale-specific representations for improved human action recognition
* Multiscale quality assessment of Global Human Settlement Layer scenes against reference data using statistical learning
* Multispectral piecewise planar stereo using Manhattan-world assumption
* new approach to estimate lacunarity of texture images, A
* new distance measure based on generalized Image Normalized Cross-Correlation for robust video tracking and image recognition, A
* new optimal seam finding method based on tensor analysis for automatic panorama construction, A
* Non-parametric Fisher's discriminant analysis with kernels for data classification
* Novel classifier scheme for imbalanced problems
* novel multiplex cascade classifier for pedestrian detection, A
* Object extraction from T2 weighted brain MR image using histogram based gradient calculation
* On improving robustness of LDA and SRDA by using tangent vectors
* On the convergence of the mean shift algorithm in the one-dimensional space
* On-line anomaly detection and resilience in classifier ensembles
* Online algorithm based on support vectors for orthogonal regression
* Opportunity challenge: A benchmark database for on-body sensor-based activity recognition, The
* Optimal contrast based saliency detection
* optimization for binarization methods by removing binary artifacts, An
* Osom: A method for building overlapping topological maps
* Overlapping sound event recognition using local spectrogram features and the generalised hough transform
* Parametrization of an image understanding quality metric with a subjective evaluation
* Part-based object detection into a hierarchy of image segmentations combining color and topology
* Performance comparison of feature extraction algorithms for target detection and classification
* Persistent Betti Numbers for a Noise Tolerant Shape-Based Approach to Image Retrieval
* Persistent Betti Numbers for a Noise Tolerant Shape-Based Approach to Image Retrieval
* Phases measure of image sharpness based on quaternion wavelet
* Picking up the pieces: Causal states in noisy data, and how to recover them
* practical use of regularization for supervised learning with kernel methods, A
* Probabilistic expression of Polynomial Semantic Indexing and its application for classification
* Probabilistic human interaction understanding: Exploring relationship between human body motion and the environmental context
* Protein motifs retrieval by SS terns occurrences
* QRS detection-free electrocardiogram biometrics in the reconstructed phase space
* Qualitative distances and qualitative image descriptions for representing indoor scenes in robotics
* Quantale-based autoassociative memories with an application to the storage of color images
* Radar target recognition based on fuzzy optimal transformation using high-resolution range profile
* Random direction divisive clustering
* RCD: A recurring concept drift framework
* real-time system for motion retrieval and interpretation, A
* Recognizing 3-colorings cycle-patterns on graphs
* Recognizing human-human interaction activities using visual and textual information
* Recognizing occluded faces by exploiting psychophysically inspired similarity maps
* Region-based image segmentation with local signed difference energy
* representation of time series based on implicit polynomial curve, A
* Representative cross information potential clustering
* Restoration of Poisson noise corrupted digital images with nonlinear PDE based filters along with the choice of regularization parameter estimation
* Retracted Paper: A robust kernelized intuitionistic fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm in segmentation of noisy medical images
* Retracted Paper: A robust kernelized intuitionistic fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm in segmentation of noisy medical images
* Retraction Notice: Model-based 3D tracking of an articulated hand from single depth images
* Retraction Notice: Model-based 3D tracking of an articulated hand from single depth images
* Robust abandoned object detection integrating wide area visual surveillance and social context
* Robust and efficient object segmentation using pseudo-elastica
* Robust estimation of distance between sets of points
* Robust estimation of shape and polarisation using blind source separation
* Robust non-rigid point registration based on feature-dependant finite mixture model
* Robust sign language recognition by combining manual and non-manual features based on conditional random field and support vector machine
* Robust trifocal tensor constraints for structure from motion estimation
* ROC curve equivalence using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
* Scale detection via keypoint density maps in regular or near-regular textures
* Scene text detection using graph model built upon maximally stable extremal regions
* Scene understanding and behaviour analysis
* Secret image sharing scheme with adaptive authentication strength
* Segmenting images with gradient-based edge detection using Membrane Computing
* Selective generation of Gabor features for fast face recognition on mobile devices
* Semantic assessment of shopping behavior using trajectories, shopping related actions, and context information
* Shape description from generalized support functions
* Shape priors extraction and application for geodesic distance transforms in images and videos
* Shape recognition of laser beam trace for human-robot interface
* Shopping behavior recognition using a language modeling analogy
* Silhouette-based human action recognition using sequences of key poses
* Single image super-resolution based on space structure learning
* Single tree species classification from Terrestrial Laser Scanning data for forest inventory
* skeleton pruning algorithm based on information fusion, A
* Skin detection by dual maximization of detectors agreement for video monitoring
* Smart Approaches for Human Action Recognition
* Source code author identification with unsupervised feature learning
* Spatio-temporal feature-based keyframe detection from video shots using spectral clustering
* Spatio-temporal layout of human actions for improved bag-of-words action detection
* Special issue on computer analysis of images and patterns
* Special issue on Innovative knowledge based techniques in pattern recognition
* Speeding up correlation search for binary data
* Speeding-up the kernel k-means clustering method: A prototype based hybrid approach
* Structure guided fusion for depth map inpainting
* Structured analysis of the ISI Atomic Pair Actions dataset using workflows
* study on font-family and font-size recognition applied to Arabic word images at ultra-low resolution, A
* study on output normalization in multiclass SVMs, A
* study on the consistency and significance of local features in off-line signature verification, A
* subspace approach to error correcting output codes, A
* Super-class Discriminant Analysis: A novel solution for heteroscedasticity
* Supervised feature extraction for tensor objects based on maximization of mutual information
* survey of human motion analysis using depth imagery, A
* template matching approach of one-shot-learning gesture recognition, A
* Temporal segmentation and assignment of successive actions in a long-term video
* Text-independent writer recognition using multi-script handwritten texts
* Texture analysis and classification using shortest paths in graphs
* Texture databases: A comprehensive survey
* Texture representations using subspace embeddings
* Thai sign language translation using Scale Invariant Feature Transform and Hidden Markov Models
* Toward a compression-based self-organizing recognizer: Preliminary implementation of PRDC-CSOR
* Toward parts-based scene understanding with pixel-support parts-sparse pictorial structures
* treeKL: A distance between high dimension empirical distributions
* Two-dimensional bar code out-of-focus deblurring via the Increment Constrained Least Squares filter
* Unsupervised approximate-semantic vocabulary learning for human action and video classification
* Using classifiers as heuristics to describe local structure in Active Shape Models with small training sets
* Using evolutionary algorithms for model-based clustering
* Vague C-means clustering algorithm
* Vanishing points in point-to-line mappings and other line parameterizations
* Variance inflation in high dimensional Support Vector Machines
* Video driven fire spread forecasting (f) using multi-modal LWIR and visual flame and smoke data
* Visible and infrared image registration in man-made environments employing hybrid visual features
* WaveLBP based hierarchical features for image classification
* When is the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve an appropriate measure of classifier performance?
263 for PRL(34)

PRL(35) * annotation assistance system using an unsupervised codebook composed of handwritten graphical multi-stroke symbols, An
* Application of Bayes linear discriminant functions in image classification
* Automatic analysis and sketch-based retrieval of architectural floor plans
* Bridging the gap between handwriting recognition and knowledge management
* Building compact recognizer with recognition rate maintained for on-line handwritten Japanese text recognition
* combined approach for the binarization of handwritten document images, A
* Detection of alcohol intoxication via online handwritten signature verification
* Discriminative Bernoulli HMMs for isolated handwritten word recognition
* GA-based feature selection approach with an application to handwritten character recognition, A
* Global feature for online character recognition
* global learning approach for an online handwritten mathematical expression recognition system, A
* Handling signal variability with contextual markovian models
* Handwriting word recognition using windowed Bernoulli HMMs
* IMISketch: An interactive method for sketch recognition
* iterative multimodal framework for the transcription of handwritten historical documents, An
* Model-based ruling line detection in noisy handwritten documents
* More than ink: Realization of a data-embedding pen
* novel sparse model based forensic writer identification, A
* Off-line hand written input based identity determination using multi kernel feature combination
* Recent developments in the study of rapid human movements with the kinematic theory: Applications to handwriting and signature synthesis
* Recognition of on-line handwritten mathematical expressions using 2D stochastic context-free grammars and hidden Markov models
* Recovery and localization of handwritings by a camera-pen based on tracking and document image retrieval
* Similar handwritten Chinese character recognition by kernel discriminative locality alignment
* Slant estimation and core-region detection for handwritten Latin words
* Text line extraction for historical document images
* Training of an on-line handwritten Japanese character recognizer by artificial patterns
* Watermarking in binary document images using fractal codes
27 for PRL(35)

PRL(36) * Class specific subspace dependent nonlinear correlation filtering for illumination tolerant face recognition
* Combining anisotropic diffusion, transport equation and texture synthesis for inpainting textured images
* Context-based hand gesture recognition for the operating room
* Convergent Projective Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* Efficient descriptor tree growing for fast action recognition
* Efficient software attack to multimodal biometric systems and its application to face and iris fusion
* Epipolar geometry estimation for wide baseline stereo by Clustering Pairing Consensus
* Estimation of linear transformation by analyzing the periodicity of interpolation
* Explicit rough-fuzzy pattern classification model
* Face recognition on partially occluded images using compressed sensing
* fast feature selection approach based on rough set boundary regions, A
* Fused intra-bimodal face verification approach based on Scale-Invariant Feature Transform and a vocabulary tree
* Gabor wavelets combined with volumetric fractal dimension applied to texture analysis
* Geometrical and computational aspects of Spectral Support Estimation for novelty detection
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Robust Recognition Methods for Multimodal Interaction
* Hidden Markov Model on a unit hypersphere space for gesture trajectory recognition
* Image enhancement using Exposure based Sub Image Histogram Equalization
* Interval clustering algorithm for fast event detection in stream monitoring applications
* Learning ensemble classifiers via restricted Boltzmann machines
* Lessons to learn from a mistaken optimization
* Line detection in images showing significant lens distortion and application to distortion correction
* Multimodal interaction: A review
* new iterative algorithm for computing a quality approximate median of strings based on edit operations, A
* On the improvement of human action recognition from depth map sequences using Space-Time Occupancy Patterns
* Optimal local community detection in social networks based on density drop of subgraphs
* Partial-update dimensionality reduction for accumulating co-occurrence events
* patch analysis method to detect seam carved images, A
* People counting by learning their appearance in a multi-view camera environment
* Prototype reduction based on Direct Weighted Pruning
* Query by humming: Automatically building the database from music recordings
* Robust gender recognition by exploiting facial attributes dependencies
* Scene transformation for detector adaptation
* Speckle reduction with adaptive stack filters
* Texture and region dependent breast cancer risk assessment from screening mammograms
* Towards a real-time interface between a biomimetic model of sensorimotor cortex and a robotic arm
35 for PRL(36)

PRL(37) * Analysis of unsupervised template update in biometric recognition systems
* bagging SVM to learn from positive and unlabeled examples, A
* Boosting for multiclass semi-supervised learning
* case study of linear classifiers adapted using imperfect labels derived from human event-related potentials, A
* Combination of supervised and unsupervised learning for training the activation functions of neural networks
* Constrained instance clustering in multi-instance multi-label learning
* Context-sensitive intra-class clustering
* Cost-sensitive active learning for computer-assisted translation
* Effective balancing error and user effort in interactive handwriting recognition
* Feature enrichment and selection for transductive classification on networked data
* Hierarchical spatiotemporal feature extraction using recurrent online clustering
* Hinge loss bound approach for surrogate supervision multi-view learning
* Joint semi-supervised learning of Hidden Conditional Random Fields and Hidden Markov Models
* Laplacian minimax probability machine
* new interactive semi-supervised clustering model for large image database indexing, A
* Partially supervised learning for pattern recognition
* Pattern classification and clustering: A review of partially supervised learning approaches
* Semi-supervised clustering of large data sets with kernel methods
* Semi-supervised ensemble update strategies for on-line classification of fMRI data
* Semi-supervised linear discriminant analysis through moment-constraint parameter estimation
* Transfer learning with one-class data
* Unlabeled patterns to tighten Rademacher complexity error bounds for kernel classifiers
* Unlabeling data can improve classification accuracy
23 for PRL(37)

PRL(38) * Alhazen and the nearest neighbor rule
* Automatic detection of auditory salience with optimized linear filters derived from human annotation
* Comment on the paper 'On the memory complexity of the forward-backward algorithm,'
* Comparison of different approaches to visual terrain classification for outdoor mobile robots
* Coupled dimensionality reduction and classification for supervised and semi-supervised multilabel learning
* Elastic Net subspace clustering applied to pop/rock music structure analysis
* Enhanced interval type-2 fuzzy c-means algorithm with improved initial center
* Fast and efficient visual codebook construction for multi-label annotation using predictive clustering trees
* Feature selection for improved 3D facial expression recognition
* Focusing in thermal imagery using morphological gradient operator
* Fusion of finger types for fingerprint indexing using minutiae quadruplets
* Half-AUC for the evaluation of sensitive or specific classifiers
* Local information-based fast approximate spectral clustering
* Manifold learning by preserving distance orders
* Multimodal biometric system combining ECG and sound signals
* nonlinear mixed-effects model for simultaneous smoothing and registration of functional data, A
* Regression-based Active Appearance Model initialization for facial feature tracking with missing frames
* robust cost function for stereo matching of road scenes, A
* Weighted ensemble of algorithms for complex data clustering
19 for PRL(38)

PRL(39) * Car detection in sequences of images of urban environments using mixture of deformable part models
* Combining patch matching and detection for robust pedestrian tracking in monocular calibrated cameras
* comparison between k-Optimum Path Forest and k-Nearest Neighbors supervised classifiers, A
* Constraining image object search by multi-scale spectral residue analysis
* framework for selection and fusion of pattern classifiers in multimedia recognition, A
* multiple camera methodology for automatic localization and tracking of futsal players, A
* Online gesture recognition from pose kernel learning and decision forests
* Open set source camera attribution and device linking
* SIBGRAPI 25th: Advances in Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
* tensor motion descriptor based on histograms of gradients and optical flow, A
* Visual words dictionaries and fusion techniques for searching people through textual and visual attributes
11 for PRL(39)

PRL(4) * Adaptive Windows: Edges, Stereopsis, and Stripes
* Algorithm for Finding Nearest Neighbors in (Approximately) Constant Time, An
* Application of the Singular Value Method and Signal Sub-Space Methods to Sampled Radar Images
* Classification of Chromosomes Contrained by Expected Class Size
* Compact Set of Image Processing Primitives and Their Role in a Successful Application Program, A
* Computing Depth from Stereo Images by Using Optical Flow
* Computing Voronoi Diagrams in Digital Pictures
* Continuous Functions on Digital Pictures
* Core-Line Tracing for Fuzzy Image Subsets
* Cosmos Image Analyser, The
* Curve Matching Problem in Astronomy, A
* Detecting the Image Boundaries Between Optical Flow Fields from Several Moving Planar Facets
* Detection of Abnormalities on Carotid Angiograms Using Syntactic Techniques
* Detection of Diffuse Clusters in Noise Background
* Effect of Fuzzy Membership on Recognition of Gray Level Images
* Extraction of Boundaries Using Local Measures Driven by Rules, The
* Fast Percentile Filtering
* How to Discriminate Shapes Using the Shape Vector
* Image Space Transforms for Detecting Straight Edges in Industrial Images
* Interactive Curve Drawing by Segmented Bezier Approximation with a Control Parameter
* Linear Feature Detection and Enhancement in Noisy Images via the Radon Transform
* Linear-Time Algorithm for Solving the Strong Hidden-Line Problem in a Simple Polygon, A
* Measure of Edge Ambiguity Using Fuzzy Sets, A
* Measuring the Human Chest with Structured Lighting
* Method of Detecting the Orientation of Aligned Components, A
* Multi-Layered Image Representation: Structure And Application in Recognition of Parts of Brain Anatomy
* Multi-Look Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data from Dynamic Ocean Surfaces
* On Bit Reduction of Chain Coded Line Drawings
* On the Use of Relaxation Labelling in the Correspondence Problem
* On-Line Processing of Transmission Electron Microscopic Images
* Optical Flow and the Taylor Expansion
* Optical Flow Fields in Hough Transform Space
* Parallel Processor Implementation of a Chromosome Analysis System, A
* Pattern Storage and Associative Memory in Quasi-Neural Networks
* Picture and Text Query and Archiving System, A
* Recent Advances in Error Rate Estimation
* Shape Coding Array, A
* Shortest Path Solves Edge-to-Edge Visibility in a Polygon
* Simplified Method of Detecting Structure in Glass Patterns, A
* Some Experiments on the Detection of Three-Dimensional Motion of Rigid Objects in Blocks World
* Statistical Evaluation of Computer Markers to Detect Leukemias
* Stereo Matching Using Intra- and Inter-Row Dynamic Programming
* Tessellation Graph Characterization Using Rosettas
* Thresholding for Edge Detection Using Human Psychovisual Phenomena
* Time Effects Comparison for Software Computation of Images
* Two Methods for Analyzing Pleural Smears for the Presence of Abnormalities
* Use of Data Windows in Feature Extraction for High Dimensional PR Problems, The
47 for PRL(4)

PRL(40) * better Beta for the H measure of classification performance, A
* biased selection strategy for information recycling in Boosting cascade visual-object detectors, A
* Color Fourier-Mellin descriptors for image recognition
* Confidence and prediction intervals for semiparametric mixed-effect least squares support vector machine
* Data mining from multiple heterogeneous relational databases using decision tree classification
* efficient node ordering method using the conditional frequency for the K2 algorithm, An
* Entropic image thresholding based on GLGM histogram
* homography transform based higher-order MRF model for stereo matching, A
* Integration of dense subgraph finding with feature clustering for unsupervised feature selection
* least-squares approach to anomaly detection in static and sequential data, A
* Linear combination of weighted t-cost and chamfering weighted distances
* Mapping industrial patterns in spatial agglomeration: A SOM approach to Italian industrial districts
* Modified directional weighted filter for removal of salt & pepper noise
* Multi-label learning under feature extraction budgets
* Multiple instance learning based on positive instance selection and bag structure construction
* new geometric descriptor for symbols with affine deformations, A
* Optimized aperture shapes for depth estimation
* path- and label-cost propagation approach to speedup the training of the optimum-path forest classifier, A
18 for PRL(40)

PRL(41) * Adaptive composite filters for pattern recognition in nonoverlapping scenes using noisy training images
* Balanced Relative Margin Machine: The missing piece between FDA and SVM classification
* evolutionary algorithm with acceleration operator to generate a subset of typical testors, An
* graph-based multi-level linguistic representation for document understanding, A
* Infinity Laplacian on graphs with gradient terms for image and data clustering
* Introduction to the special issue on supervised and unsupervised classification techniques and their applications
* Multi-label classification with Bayesian network-based chain classifiers
* novel associative model for time series data mining, A
* On incrementally using a small portion of strong unlabeled data for semi-supervised learning algorithms
* Spatial-based skin detection using discriminative skin-presence features
* subspace co-training framework for multi-view clustering, A
11 for PRL(41)

PRL(42) * Authorship analysis based on data compression
* Cancer diagnosis by nuclear morphometry using spatial information
* Enhanced multi-weight vector projection support vector machine
* Exploring some practical issues of SVM+: Is really privileged information that helps?
* Fractal descriptors based on the probability dimension: A texture analysis and classification approach
* Generalized Bhattacharyya and Chernoff upper bounds on Bayes error using quasi-arithmetic means
* improved Haar-like feature for efficient object detection, An
* Intuitionistic fuzzy similarity measures based on Frank t-norms family
* Lexicon expansion for latent variable grammars
* Local Oppugnant Color Texture Pattern for image retrieval system
* Multi-label learning based on iterative label propagation over graph
* new fast approach to nonparametric scene parsing, A
* non-invertible Randomized Graph-based Hamming Embedding for generating cancelable fingerprint template, A
* novel classification technique based on progressive transductive SVM learning, A
* review of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning for time-series modeling, A
* Screen-based active user authentication
* Simple filter design for first and second order derivatives by a double filtering approach
* Two-phase reanalysis model for understanding user intention
* Using scale space filtering to make thinning algorithms robust against noise in sketch images
19 for PRL(42)

PRL(43) * Active learning with uncertain labeling knowledge
* Adaptive and Weighted Collaborative Representations for image classification
* Context augmented Dynamic Bayesian Networks for event recognition
* Differential geometric representations and algorithms for some pattern recognition and computer vision problems
* Discriminative anatomy detection: Classification vs regression
* evaluation of the compactness of superpixels, An
* fully connected model for consistent collective activity recognition in videos, A
* Liver segmentation with constrained convex variational model
* Low rank subspace clustering (LRSC)
* Revisioning the unification of syntax, semantics and statistics in shape analysis
* Shadow modelling based upon Rayleigh scattering and Mie theory
* Special Issue on ICPR 2012 Awarded Papers
* Structural similarity for document image classification and retrieval
* Synapse classification and localization in Electron Micrographs
14 for PRL(43)

PRL(44) * Abnormal behavior detection using hybrid agents in crowded scenes
* Activity analysis in crowded environments using social cues for group discovery and human interaction modeling
* agent-based crowd behaviour model for real time crowd behaviour simulation, An
* Bayesian Human Motion Intentionality Prediction in urban environments
* bio-inspired multi-camera system for dynamic crowd analysis, A
* Contextual anomaly detection in crowded surveillance scenes
* Crowd-Z: The user-friendly framework for crowd simulation on an architectural floor plan
* Detection of static groups and crowds gathered in open spaces by texture classification
* Improving counterflow detection in dense crowds with scene features
* Mobility analysis of the aged pedestrians by experiment and simulation
* Motion feature filtering for event detection in crowded scenes
* Pattern recognition and crowd analysis
* Performance evaluation of crowd image analysis using the PETS2009 dataset
* Real-time video event detection in crowded scenes using MPEG derived features: A multiple instance learning approach
* Scene invariant multi camera crowd counting
* Towards an integrated approach to crowd analysis and crowd synthesis: A case study and first results
* Unsupervised dense crowd detection by multiscale texture analysis
* Using the Agoraset dataset: Assessing for the quality of crowd video analysis methods
18 for PRL(44)

PRL(45) * adaptive rank-sparsity K-SVD algorithm for image sequence denoising, An
* appendix to 'Texture databases: A comprehensive survey', An
* Bayesian approach to the Lee-Seung update rules for NMF, A
* Book inner boundary extraction with modified active shape model
* Computer analysis of similarities between albums in popular music
* Cost-sensitive Bayesian network classifiers
* Digital flow for shape decomposition: Application to 3-D microtomographic images of snow
* Discriminative restricted Boltzmann machine for invariant pattern recognition with linear transformations
* Fast computation of Bipartite graph matching
* Fingerprint shell: Secure representation of fingerprint template
* From binary features to Non-Reducible Descriptors in supervised pattern recognition problems
* Generalization of c-means for identifying non-disjoint clusters with overlap regulation
* Head pose estimation using image abstraction and local directional quaternary patterns for multiclass classification
* High resolution image fusion algorithm based on multi-focused region extraction
* Improving cluster analysis by co-initializations
* Improving domain action classification in goal-oriented dialogues using a mutual retraining method
* Label propagation through minimax paths for scalable semi-supervised learning
* MCA aided geodesic active contours for image segmentation with textures
* Mitotic cells recognition in HEp-2 images
* Modeling 'don't know' responses in rating scales
* new efficient method to characterize dynamic textures based on a two-phase texture and dynamism analysis, A
* NLP-inspired structural pattern recognition in chemical application
* Recursive Gaussian process: On-line regression and learning
* Reproducing kernel Hilbert space based estimation of systems of ordinary differential equations
* Robust regression with extreme support vectors
* Scalable semi-supervised clustering by spectral kernel learning
* Sequential pattern recognition by maximum conditional informativity
* Spectrometric differentiation of yeast strains using minimum volume increase and minimum direction change clustering criteria
* Suboptimal branch and bound algorithms for feature subset selection: A comparative study
* Support vector clustering of time series data with alignment kernels
* t-Test feature selection approach based on term frequency for text categorization
* Undoing the codebook bias by linear transformation with sparsity and F-norm constraints for image classification
* Using derivatives in a longest common subsequence dissimilarity measure for time series classification
33 for PRL(45)

PRL(46) * Building confidence regions for the ROC surface
* Customized TRS invariants for 2D vector fields via moment normalization
* Dictionary-based anisotropic diffusion for noise reduction
* Digital fingerprinting for color images based on the quaternion encryption scheme
* Efficient image mosaicing for multi-robot visual underwater mapping
* Exploring neighborhood and spatial information for improving scene classification
* Fast salient object detection through efficient subwindow search
* Image segmentation by fusion of low level and domain specific information via Markov Random Fields
* Iterative multi-class multi-scale stacked sequential learning: Definition and application to medical volume segmentation
* simple boundary reinforcement technique for segmentation without prior, A
* Statistical machine translation of subtitles for highly inflected language pair
* Supervised super-vector encoding for facial expression recognition
12 for PRL(46)

PRL(47) * Adaptive mathematical morphology: A survey of the field
* approach to color-morphology based on Einstein addition and Loewner order, An
* Automatic retinal vessel extraction based on directional mathematical morphology and fuzzy classification
* Axiomatics for oriented connectivity
* Color Adaptive Neighborhood Mathematical Morphology and its application to pixel-level classification
* Comparison of curve and surface skeletonization methods for voxel shapes
* Dimensional operators for mathematical morphology on simplicial complexes
* efficient algorithm for exact evaluation of stochastic watersheds, An
* Frames, the Loewner order and eigendecomposition for morphological operators on tensor fields
* Fusion of ground truths and hierarchies of segmentations
* Graph-based hierarchical video segmentation based on a simple dissimilarity measure
* graph-based mathematical morphology reader, A
* Laplacian spectral distances and kernels on 3D shapes
* Modelling mammographic microcalcification clusters using persistent mereotopology
* morphological approach for distinguishing texture and individual features in images, A
* Random tessellations generated by Boolean random functions
* Riemannian mathematical morphology
* Segmentation of elongated objects using attribute profiles and area stability: Application to melanocyte segmentation in engineered skin
* Special issue on advances in mathematical morphology
* Watersheds on weighted graphs
20 for PRL(47)

PRL(48) * *Homage to Professor Maria Petrou
* *Professor Maria Petrou's Professional Career
* Cast shadows estimation and synthesis using the Walsh transform
* Error analysis of photometric stereo with colour lights
* Fast pose invariant face recognition using super coupled multiresolution Markov Random Fields on a GPU
* Human activity recognition from 3D data: A review
* Identification of people walking along curved trajectories
* Progress in the restoration of image sequences degraded by atmospheric turbulence
* Rotation invariant co-occurrence features based on digital circles and discrete Fourier transform
* rule-based classification methodology to handle uncertainty in habitat mapping employing evidential reasoning and fuzzy logic, A
* Subpixel temporal spectral imaging
* Tower of Knowledge for scene interpretation: A survey
12 for PRL(48)

PRL(49) * Activity-based methods for person recognition in motion capture sequences
* Adaptive conformal semi-supervised vector quantization for dissimilarity data
* Bag-of-words with aggregated temporal pair-wise word co-occurrence for human action recognition
* Best of 18th Scandinavian Conference On Image Analysis 2013
* Cell morphology based classification for red cells in blood smear images
* Chronological classification of ancient paintings using appearance and shape features
* Classification of clouds in satellite imagery using over-complete dictionary via sparse representation
* Compressive classification of human motion using pyroelectric infrared sensors
* Denoising by semi-supervised kernel PCA preimaging
* Deterministic discrete tomography reconstruction by energy minimization method on the triangular grid
* Discriminant Bag of Words based representation for human action recognition
* Efficient classification using the Euler characteristic
* Entropy-based outlier detection using semi-supervised approach with few positive examples
* Feature selection using Principal Component Analysis for massive retweet detection
* Genus zero graph segmentation: Estimation of intracranial volume
* Hierarchical Bayes based Adaptive Sparsity in Gaussian Mixture Model
* improved set covering problem for Isomap supervised landmark selection, An
* Interval prediction for graded multi-label classification
* Kernel Reference Discriminant Analysis
* kernel support vector machine-based feature selection approach for recognizing Flying Apsaras' streamers in the Dunhuang Grotto Murals, China, A
* Leaf margins as sequences: A structural approach to leaf identification
* Learning high-dimensional networks with nonlinear interactions by a novel tree-embedded graphical model
* Local value difference metric
* Markov chain based computational visual attention model that learns from eye tracking data
* new extracting algorithm of k nearest neighbors searching for point clouds, A
* nonparametric approach to region-of-interest detection in wide-angle views, A
* novel phase congruency based descriptor for dynamic facial expression analysis, A
* Real-time local stereo via edge-aware disparity propagation
* Removal of high-intensity impulse noise by Weber's law Noise Identifier
* Revisiting the Fisher vector for fine-grained classification
* Robust human silhouette extraction with Laplacian fitting
* Robust Scale-Adaptive Mean-Shift for Tracking
* Scale Object Selection (SOS) through a hierarchical segmentation by a multi-spectral per-pixel classification
* Session compensation using binary speech representation for speaker recognition
* View invariant action recognition using generalized 4D features
35 for PRL(49)

PRL(5) * 3-D Model Building for Computer Vision
* Appropriate Representation for Early Vision, An
* Automatic Extraction of Face Features
* Clip4S System, The
* Comparison of 2-D Gel Electrophoresis Images
* Computing Lightness
* Depth from Focus
* Detection and Measurement of Visual Motion, The
* Direction-Weighted Line Fitting to Edge Data
* Distributed Inference for Plausible Classification
* Euclidean Distance Transformations and Model-Guided Image Interpretation
* Finding High-Redshift Quasars Using Low-Resolution Spectra
* Georeferencing and Registering Satellite Data for Monitoring Vegetation over Large Areas
* Goal Driven Parameter Evaluation for the Detection of Objects in SAR Data
* Improving Image Resolution Using Subpixel Motion
* Inversion of Picture Operators
* Method of Curve Partitioning Using Arc-Chord Distance, A
* Motion Analysis of Isolated Targets in Infrared Image Sequences
* Motion Constraint Equation under Space-Varying or Time-Varying Illumination, A
* Noniterative Correction of Images and Motion Sequences
* Note on Average Distances in Digital Sets, A
* On the Relationship of the Markov Mesh to the NSHP Markov Chain
* Outline of the Primal Sketch in Human Vision, An
* Production System for LSI Chip Anatomizing, A
* Recognition and Characterization of Digitized Curves
* Representation of Patterns of Symbols by Equations with Applications to Puzzle Solving
* Resegmentation Using Generic Shape: Locating General Cultural Objects
* Rule-Based Systems and Pattern Recognition
* Segmentation Using Contrast and Homogeneity Measures
* Semantic Thresholding
* Sequential Inference of Markov Networks by Dynamic Programming for Structural Pattern Recognition
* Some Segmentation Processes for Application with a Spoke Filter
* System for the Representation of Human Body Movement from Dance Scores, A
* Texture Discrimination by Projective Invariants
* Texture, Contour, Shape, and Motion
* Use of Geometric and Grey-Level Models for Industrial Inspection, The
* Use of Segmentation and Shape Recognition Techniques in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, The
* Using a Simple Shape Measure to Improve Automatic 3D Reconstruction
38 for PRL(5)

PRL(50) * 3D people surveillance on range data sequences of a rotating Lidar
* 3D reconstruction methods for digital preservation of cultural heritage: A survey
* Automatic alignment and reconstruction of facial depth images
* Combining multiple depth-based descriptors for hand gesture recognition
* Edge-aware depth image filtering using color segmentation
* Geometric 3D point cloud compression
* Hierarchically constrained 3D hand pose estimation using regression forests from single frame depth data
* High-resolution 3D surface strain magnitude using 2D camera and low-resolution depth sensor
* Human activity recognition by separating style and content
* Human body part estimation from depth images via spatially-constrained deep learning
* improved photometric stereo through distance estimation and light vector optimization from diffused maxima region, An
* Multi-sensor background subtraction by fusing multiple region-based probabilistic classifiers
* Orthogonal projection images for 3D face detection
* Probability-based Dynamic Time Warping and Bag-of-Visual-and-Depth-Words for Human Gesture Recognition in RGB-D
* ReadingAct RGB-D action dataset and human action recognition from local features
* Robust shape from depth images with GR2T
* Spatio-temporal feature extraction and representation for RGB-D human action recognition
* Special issue on depth image analysis
18 for PRL(50)

PRL(51) * Action recognition in still images by learning spatial interest regions from videos
* classification of multi-modal data with hidden conditional random field, The
* Compact color-texture description for texture classification
* comparison of two Monte Carlo algorithms for 3D vehicle trajectory reconstruction in roundabouts, A
* DEMD-based video coding for textured videos in an H.264/MPEG framework
* Domain adaptation of weighted majority votes via perturbed variation-based self-labeling
* empirical evaluation of information metrics for low-rate and high-rate DDoS attack detection, An
* Fast Data Selection for SVM Training Using Ensemble Margin
* Feature coding for image classification combining global saliency and local difference
* Incorporating side information into multivariate Information Bottleneck for generating alternative clusterings
* Local Directional Texture Pattern image descriptor
* Multi-source transfer learning based on label shared subspace
* New feature weighting approaches for speech-act classification
* On the projection similarity in line grouping
* recognition of landed aircrafts based on PCNN model and affine moment invariants, The
* Scale invariant texture representation based on frequency decomposition and gradient orientation
* Window repositioning for printed Arabic recognition
17 for PRL(51)

PRL(52) * adaptive neighbourhood construction algorithm based on density and connectivity, An
* Asymmetric power distribution model of wavelet subbands for texture classification
* Background suppressing Gabor energy filtering
* Camera motion estimation through monocular normal flow vectors
* Computing inverse optical flow
* confidence-based late fusion framework for audio-visual biometric identification, A
* Contributions to empirical analysis of keystroke dynamics in passwords
* Fast computation of Bipartite graph matching
* Hamming distance based binary particle swarm optimization (HDBPSO) algorithm for high dimensional feature selection, classification and validation, A
* Interactive textual feature selection for consensus clustering
* Low-rank matrix approximations for Coherent point drift
* Maximum distance minimization for feature weighting
* Multiple Circle Detection Based on Center-Based Clustering
* Object detection in security applications using dominant edge directions
* Texton analysis for mass classification in mammograms
15 for PRL(52)

PRL(53) * adaptive bimodal recognition framework using sparse coding for face and ear, An
* Conditional random fields versus template-matching in MT phrasing tasks involving sparse training data
* Detecting and tracking people in real time with RGB-D camera
* Ear-parotic face angle: A unique feature for 3D ear recognition
* Facial feature points detecting based on Gaussian Mixture Models
* Feature selection for unsupervised learning through local learning
* Gear classification and fault detection using a diffusion map framework
* grid-growing clustering algorithm for geo-spatial data, A
* Hybrid vision-based navigation for mobile robots in mixed indoor/outdoor environments
* Improving distance based image retrieval using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm
* Is there any need for rough clustering?
* new algorithm for number of holes attribute filtering of grey-level images, A
* New one-class classifiers based on the origin separation approach
* Ranking cell tracking systems without manual validation
* Recognition of online handwritten mathematical formulas using probabilistic SVMs and stochastic context free grammars
* Special Section on CIARP 2013 (Congreso IberoAmericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones) Awards
* Wavelet-based fuzzy multiphase image segmentation method
17 for PRL(53)

PRL(54) * *Homage to Professor Maria Petrou
* 3D rotation invariants of Gaussian-Hermite moments
* Discovering common recurrent patterns in multiple strings over large alphabets
* Gradient operators for feature extraction from omnidirectional panoramic images
* Hierarchical clustering with planar segments as prototypes
* Infrared image enhancement using adaptive trilateral contrast enhancement
* Kernel optimization using nonparametric Fisher criterion in the subspace
* Local image region description using orthogonal symmetric local ternary pattern
* Machine training and parameter settings with social emotional optimization algorithm for support vector machine
* multilevel color image thresholding scheme based on minimum cross entropy and differential evolution, A
* new shape prior model with rotation invariance, A
* novel indexing scheme for similarity search in metric spaces, A
* On the kernel Extreme Learning Machine classifier
* PCA-guided search for K-means
* Quadratic programming for class ordering in rule induction
* stable approach for model order selection in nonnegative matrix factorization, A
16 for PRL(54)

PRL(55) * Detection of Moroccan coastal upwelling fronts in SST images using the microcanonical multiscale formalism
* efficient tree structure for indexing feature vectors, An
* Identifying intervals for hierarchical clustering using the Gershgorin circle theorem
* Image moment invariants as local features for content based image retrieval using the Bag-of-Visual-Words model
* Order preserving pattern matching revisited
* Outlier robust point correspondence based on GNCCP
* PQ kernel: A rank correlation kernel for visual word histograms
* Special Section: ICIAP 2013 Awards
* Structured multi-class feature selection with an application to face recognition
9 for PRL(55)

PRL(56) * Efficient extraction of domain specific sentiment lexicon with active learning
* Improving the accuracy and low-light performance of contrast-based autofocus using supervised machine learning
* Information revealed from scrolling interactions on mobile devices
* Learning graph-matching edit-costs based on the optimality of the oracle's node correspondences
* Multi-part body segmentation based on depth maps for soft biometry analysis
* new perspective of modified partition coefficient, A
* Object recognition in hyperspectral images using Binary Partition Tree representation
* Robust visual tracking based on product sparse coding
8 for PRL(56)

PRL(57) * BIRD: Watershed Based IRis Detection for mobile devices
* Fusing iris and periocular information for cross-sensor recognition
* Guest editorial introduction to the special executable issue on Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation part I (MICHE I)
* Improving colour iris segmentation using a model selection technique
* Iris liveness detection for mobile devices based on local descriptors
* Mobile Iris Challenge Evaluation (MICHE)-I, biometric iris dataset and protocols
* robust perception based method for iris tracking, A
* Segmenting iris images in the visible spectrum with applications in mobile biometrics
* Smartphone based visible iris recognition using deep sparse filtering
* Ubiquitous iris recognition by means of mobile devices
* Unsupervised detection of non-iris occlusions
11 for PRL(57)

PRL(58) * Camera-based document image matching using multi-feature probabilistic information fusion
* improved global lower bound for graph edit similarity search, An
* Learning to classify gender from four million images
* new optical music recognition system based on combined neural network, A
* novel centrality method for weighted networks based on the Kirchhoff polynomial, A
* Plant leaf recognition using texture and shape features with neural classifiers
* Predicting the quality of user-generated answers using co-training in community-based question answering portals
* Semi-automatic ground truth generation using unsupervised clustering and limited manual labeling: Application to handwritten character recognition
* sparser reduced set density estimator by introducing weighted L_1 penalty term, A
* Unsupervised learning via mixtures of skewed distributions with hypercube contours
10 for PRL(58)

PRL(59) * Exponential family Fisher vector for image classification
* Off-line writer identification using an ensemble of grapheme codebook features
* On classification with bags, groups and sets
* Self-affine snake for medical image segmentation
* simple and effective relevance-based point sampling for 3D shapes, A
* Spatio-temporal filter for dense real-time Scene Flow estimation of dynamic environments using a moving RGB-D camera
* Visual hierarchical cluster structure: A refined co-association matrix based visual assessment of cluster tendency
7 for PRL(59)

PRL(6) * Adaptive Pattern Recognition Systems and Boltzmann Machines: A Rapprochement
* Automatically Extracting Traffic Data from Video-Tape Using the CLIP4 Parallel Image Processor
* Averaging Edge Detector, An
* Colour Recognition Using Spectral Signatures
* Contour Characterization for Multiply Connected Figures, A
* Curve Representations in Multiple Resolutions
* Determination of the Optic Flow Field Using the Spatiotemporal Deformation of Region Properties
* DIPOD: An Image Understanding Development and Implementation System
* Distribution of Black Nodes at Various Levels in a Linear Quadtree
* Effect of Noise on Edge Orientation Computations, The
* Expansion of Color Images Using Three Perceptual Attributes
* Feature Detection from Local Energy
* General Approach to Parameter Evaluation in Fuzzy Digital Pictures, A
* High Speed Algorithm for Circular Object Detection, A
* Hough Transform Applied to SAR Images for Thin Line Detection, The
* Identification of Fringe Minima in Electronic Speckle Pattern Images
* Knowledge Based and Statistical Techniques Applied to Textural Image Classifications
* Lateral Histograms for Efficient Object Location: Speed Versus Ambiguity
* Localizing Discontinuities Using Weak Continuity Constraints
* New Class of Edge-Preserving Smoothing Filters, A
* New Framework for Analyzing the Properties of the Generalized Hough Transform, A
* New Method of Classification for Landsat Data Using the Watershed Algorithm, A
* New Parametrisation of the Straight Line and Its Application for the Optimal Detection of Objects with Straight Edges, A
* Note on Shrinking and Expanding Operations in Pyramids, A
* On the Relation Between the Hough Transformation and the Projection Curves of a Rectangular Window
* Pattern Analysis for Point-of-Sale Automation
* Pattern Recognition by Traversal of Connected Components of a Line Segments Field
* Picture Synthesizing System with a Database of Semantic Picture Elements of Ukiyoe Colour Wood-Printed Pictures, A
* Relaxation Labelling and the Entropy of Neighborhood Information
* Results from a Sideways Looking Radar (SLAR) with a Very Low Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF)
* Rotation-Invariant Operators and Scale-Space Filtering
* Shape Decomposition by Collinearity
* Some Characterizations of City Block Distance
* Some Remarks on Fuzzy Graphs
* Texture Feature Extraction
* Texture Imperfections
* Texture Segmentation Using Gabor Modulation/Demodulation
* Working Towards the Automatic Detection of Blood Vessels in X-Ray Angiograms
38 for PRL(6)

PRL(60-61) * Aggregation distance measure and its induced similarity measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets
* evaluation of fake fingerprint databases utilizing SVM classification, An
* Fast nearest neighbor searching based on improved VP-tree
* imaging approach for the automatic thresholding of photo defects, An
* Modified criterion to select useful unlabeled data for improving semi-supervised support vector machines
* Natural scene text detection with multi-layer segmentation and higher order conditional random field based analysis
* novel aggregate gene selection method for microarray data classification, A
* Outlier detection using neighborhood rank difference
* Sparse alternating decision tree
9 for PRL(60-61)

PRL(62) * Application of GRNN neural network in non-texture image inpainting and restoration
* Centroid prior topic model for multi-label classification
* Community detection for graph-based similarity: Application to protein binding pockets classification
* Effect of spider-web-plot in MR brain image classification
* new Chebyshev polynomials descriptor applicable to open curves, A
* Parallel selective sampling method for imbalanced and large data classification
* Robust object tracking using semi-supervised appearance dictionary learning
* Saliency-based keypoint selection for fast object detection and matching
* Speeding up the cyclic edit distance using LAESA with early abandon
* Unsupervised learning via mixtures of skewed distributions with hypercube contours
* Zigzag persistent homology for processing neuronal images
11 for PRL(62)

PRL(63) * Automated feature weighting in clustering with separable distances and inner product induced norms: A theoretical generalization
* Document image binarization using a discriminative structural classifier
* flexible framework of adaptive method selection for image saliency detection, A
* Frontal gait recognition from occluded scenes
* Kernel fusion-refinement for semi-supervised nonlinear dimension reduction
* New SVD based initialization strategy for non-negative matrix factorization
* novel 2D shape signature method based on complex network spectrum, A
* Parzen Window method: In terms of two vectors and one matrix, The
* Phase-based spatio-temporal interpolation for accurate 3D localization in camera networks
* Scene analysis by mid-level attribute learning using 2D LSTM networks and an application to web-image tagging
* Spatial co-training for semi-supervised image classification
11 for PRL(63)

PRL(64) * Computation and dissipative dynamical systems in neural networks for classification
* disembodied predictor stance, The
* dissimilarity representation for finding universals from particulars by an anti-essentialist approach, The
* nature of the visual field, a phenomenological analysis, The
* On unifiers, diversifiers, and the nature of pattern recognition
* Pattern recognition between science and engineering: A red herring?
* Semantics of object representation in machine learning
* Special issue on 'Philosophical Aspects of Pattern Recognition'
* Subjectivity, Bayesianism, and causality
* What are the true clusters?
10 for PRL(64)

PRL(65) * 3D dynamic facial expression recognition using low-resolution videos
* Attribute reduction approaches for general relation decision systems
* Cross-domain sentiment classification-feature divergence, polarity divergence or both?
* Cross-pose face recognition based on multiple virtual views and alignment error
* Deep neural network based image annotation
* Dominant Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification: Labelled or Unlabelled?
* Feature subset selection using naive Bayes for text classification
* Fractal dimension of maximum response filters applied to texture analysis
* Graph Edit Distance: Moving from global to local structure to solve the graph-matching problem
* Heterogeneous machine learning system for improving the diagnosis of primary aldosteronism
* Hierarchical interestingness measures for association rules with generalization on both antecedent and consequent sides
* Highly efficient contour-based predictive shape coding
* Human action recognition based on multi-layer Fisher vector encoding method
* Improving Bipartite Graph Matching by Assessing the Assignment Confidence
* Iris recognition using multiscale morphologic features
* Joint cross-domain classification and subspace learning for unsupervised adaptation
* Measure for data partitioning in mX2 cross-validation
* modified ICP algorithm based on dynamic adjustment factor for registration of point cloud and CAD model, A
* Multi-resolution local Gabor wavelets binary patterns for gray-scale texture description
* Neural shape codes for 3D model retrieval
* Precise Euclidean distance transforms in 3D from voxel coverage representation
* QR factorization based Incremental Extreme Learning Machine with growth of hidden nodes
* Reliable detection of audio events in highly noisy environments
* robust framework for tracking simultaneously rigid and non-rigid face using synthesized data, A
* signature-based bag of visual words method for image indexing and search, A
* Simultaneous feature selection and weighting: An evolutionary multi-objective optimization approach
* Sparse extreme learning machine classifier exploiting intrinsic graphs
* Split and merge algorithm for deep learning and its application for additional classes
* Stochastic complexity-based model selection with false alarm rate control in optical spectroscopy
* Towards the creation of reliable voice control system based on a fuzzy approach
* Trilateral constrained sparse representation for Kinect depth hole filling
31 for PRL(65)

PRL(66) * Appearance-based indoor localization: A comparison of patch descriptor performance
* Automatic measure of imitation during social interaction: A behavioral and hyperscanning-EEG benchmark
* Combining dynamic head pose-gaze mapping with the robot conversational state for attention recognition in human-robot interactions
* Direct hand pose estimation for immersive gestural interaction
* Emotion recognition from speech signals via a probabilistic echo-state network
* Estimating smile intensity: A better way
* Factored four way conditional restricted Boltzmann machines for activity recognition
* Human implicit intent recognition based on the phase synchrony of EEG signals
* Learning interaction protocols by mimicking understanding and reproducing human interactive behavior
* MAHNOB Mimicry Database: A database of naturalistic human interactions, The
* Maximum-likelihood normalization of features increases the robustness of neural-based spoken human-computer interaction
* Needs and challenges in human computer interaction for processing social emotional information
* Pattern classification to optimize the performance of Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography-based brain machine interface
* Prediction of asynchronous dimensional emotion ratings from audiovisual and physiological data
* Preface of pattern recognition in human computer interaction
* Recognizing affect in human touch of a robot
* Toward shift invariant detection of event-related potentials in non-invasive brain-computer interface
17 for PRL(66)

PRL(67, Part 1) * Cognitive system for autonomous underwater intervention
* comRAT-C: A computational compound Remote Associates Test solver based on language data and its comparison to human performance
* Customising a qualitative colour description for adaptability and usability
* Emotion recognition from mid-level features
* Energy wasting at internet data centers due to fear
* Gesture learning and execution in a humanoid robot via dynamic movement primitives
* Non-verbal communication analysis in Victim-Offender Mediations
* online reversed French Sign Language dictionary based on a learning approach for signs classification, An
* Promoting consensus in the concept mapping methodology: An application in the hospitality sector
* Special issue CogKnow
* transformational creativity tool to support chocolate designers, A
* Trust-based community assessment
* Understanding the impact of brand colour on brand image: A preference disaggregation approach
13 for PRL(67, Part 1)

PRL(67, Part 2) * Clustering in augmented space of granular constraints: A study in knowledge-based clustering
* Data granulation by the principles of uncertainty
* Data science, big data and granular mining
* Detecting natural scenes text via auto image partition, two-stage grouping and two-layer classification
* Fuzzy-rough community in social networks
* Learning relational facts from the web: A tolerance rough set approach
* new method for constructing granular neural networks based on rule extraction and extreme learning machine, A
7 for PRL(67, Part 2)

PRL(68, Part 1) * 2DLDA as matrix-variate formulation of a separable 1DLDA
* automatic clustering algorithm inspired by membrane computing, An
* Design of coupled strong classifiers in AdaBoost framework and its application to pedestrian detection
* efficient online active learning algorithm for binary classification, An
* Entire reflective object surface structure understanding based on reflection motion estimation
* Feature description using local neighborhoods
* Foreground detection for moving cameras with stochastic approximation
* Generative part-based Gabor object detector
* Grassmann manifold for nearest points image set classification
* Image restoration with L2-type edge-continuous overlapping group sparsity
* Importance-weighted covariance estimation for robust common spatial pattern
* mathematical analysis of the Tensorial Morphological Gradient approach, A
* Multi-objective genetic algorithm for missing data imputation
* Multiple representations and sparse representation for image classification
* Multiscale analysis of tortuosity in retinal images using wavelets and fractal methods
* neural tree for classification using convex objective function, A
* Nonlinear subspace clustering using curvature constrained distances
* Novel histograms kernels with structural properties
* On affinity matrix normalization for graph cuts and spectral clustering
* On how to improve tracklet-based gait recognition systems
* On the kernel Extreme Learning Machine speedup
* Optimal feature selection for nonlinear data using branch-and-bound in kernel space
* Recovering an indoor 3D layout with top-down semantic segmentation from a single image
* robust semi-supervised learning approach via mixture of label information, A
* rotation symmetry group detection technique for the characterization of Islamic Rosette Patterns, A
* Scalable identification of mixed environmental sounds, recorded from heterogeneous sources
* Supervised transfer kernel sparse coding for image classification
* Synthesis of large scale hand-shape databases for biometric applications
* Unconstrained pose-invariant face recognition by a triplet collaborative dictionary matrix
* Unsteady camera zoom stabilization using slope estimation over interest warping vectors
* Unsupervised spatio-temporal filtering of image sequences. A mean-shift specification
31 for PRL(68, Part 1)

PRL(68, Part 2) * Assessing speaker independence on a speech-based depression level estimation system
* Automatic facial attribute analysis via adaptive sparse representation of random patches
* deep analysis on age estimation, A
* Exploring orientation and accelerometer sensor data for personal authentication in smartphones using touchscreen gestures
* Extracting human attributes using a convolutional neural network approach
* Eye movement-driven defense against iris print-attacks
* framework for gait-based recognition using Kinect, A
* Gait based authentication using gait information image features
* Gender and texture classification: A comparative analysis using 13 variants of local binary patterns
* Integration of multiple soft biometrics for human identification
* On soft biometrics
* On the use of Kinect depth data for identity, gender and ethnicity classification from facial images
* Recovering and matching minutiae patterns from finger knuckle images
* Regularized local metric learning for person re-identification
* Searching for people using semantic soft biometric descriptions
* Shape Context for soft biometrics in person re-identification and database retrieval
* Special issue on 'Soft Biometrics'
17 for PRL(68, Part 2)

PRL(69) * Buzzword detection in the scientific scenario
* Extended fast compressive tracking with weighted multi-frame template matching for fast motion tracking
* Half-orientation extraction of palmprint features
* hybrid feature selection method based on instance learning and cooperative subset search, A
* Improved Bayesian information criterion for mixture model selection
* Kernel subspace pursuit for sparse regression
* MRF model for binarization of music scores with complex background, An
* Multi-feature Hashing Tracking
* Normalized residual-based constant false-alarm rate outlier detection
* Predicting the correctness of node assignments in bipartite graph matching
* Robust histogram-based image retrieval
* Rotation invariant texture descriptors based on Gaussian Markov random fields for classification
* Weak supervision and other non-standard classification problems: A taxonomy
13 for PRL(69)

PRL(7) * Algorithm for Polygonal Approximation of a Digital Object, An
* Apparent Symmetries in Range Data
* Application Of Linear Programming To Object Location In R Dimensions, An
* Characterization and Featuring of Histological Section Images
* Compression of Chain Codes Using Digital Straight Line Sequences
* Contour Processing Method for Fast Binary Neighbourhood Operations, A
* Description and Representation of 3-D Scenes in Computer Vision Systems
* Efficient Computation of Two-Dimensional Gaussian Windows
* Efficient Systematic Analysis of Occlusion
* Extraction of Diffuse Edges by Edge Focusing
* Facial Image Reconstruction and Manipulation from Measurements Obtained Using a Structured Lighting Technique
* Feature Point Matching in Image Sequences
* Formula for Computing the Number of Quadtree Node Fragments Created by a Shift, A
* Handprinted Chinese Character Recognition Via Neural Networks
* Heuristic Noise Reduction Algorithm Applied to Handwritten Numeric Characters, A
* Hybrid Sequential-Parallel Approach to Accurate Circle Centre Location, A
* Identification of Planar Objects in 3-D Space from Perspective Projections
* Image Enhancement and Thresholding by Optimization of Fuzzy Compactness
* Isodata Algorithm for Straight Line Fitting, An
* Knight's Distance in Digital Geometry
* Linear Time Algorithms for an Image Labelling Machine
* Model-Based Prediction-Verification Scheme for Real-Time Inspection
* Modified Fast Parallel Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns, A
* Modified Hough Scheme for General Circle Location, A
* New Technique for Shape Analysis Using Orthogonal Polynomials, A
* On Minimum Error Thresholding and Its Implementations
* Pattern Recognition and Categorical Shape Theory
* Perception of a Quadrilateral
* Polygonal Approximation of 2-D Shapes Through Boundary Merging
* Preprocessing Algorithm for Hand-Written Character Recognition, A
* Recognition of Partially Occluded 3-D Objects by Depth Map Matching
* Separability of Unimodal Polygons
* Symbolic Description of Edges Using a Geometric Relaxation Technique
* Using Moment Invariants to Recognize and Locate Partially Occluded 2D Objects
34 for PRL(7)

PRL(70) * Accuracy improved image registration based on pre-estimation and compensation
* adaptive streaming active learning strategy based on instance weighting, An
* Automatic graph pruning based on kernel alignment for spectral clustering
* Cardiac arrhythmia classification using statistical and mixture modeling features of ECG signals
* Fast adaptive algorithms for optimal feature extraction from Gaussian data
* Fuzzy community detection via modularity guided membership-degree propagation
* Label transfer via sparse representation
* Local Deep Neural Networks for gender recognition
* Locally enhancing fractal descriptors by using the non-additive entropy
* Long term analysis of time series of satellite images
* Minimalistic CNN-based ensemble model for gender prediction from face images
* Nonparametric discovery of movement patterns from accelerometer signals
* Toward a generic representation of random variables for machine learning
13 for PRL(70)

PRL(71) * angle-based neighborhood graph classifier with evidential reasoning, An
* Assisted keyword indexing for lecture videos using unsupervised keyword spotting
* Automated checkerboard detection and indexing using circular boundaries
* coupled discriminative dictionary and transformation learning approach with applications to cross domain matching, A
* Dominant Rotated Local Binary Patterns (DRLBP) for texture classification
* local convex method for rank-sparsity factorization, A
* Minimum cost subgraph matching using a binary linear program
* Pathwise component descent method with MC+ penalty for low rank matrix recovery
* pool of multiple person re-identification experts, A
* Robust solutions to fuzzy one-class support vector machine
* simplified two-view geometry based external calibration method for omnidirectional and PTZ camera pairs, A
* spectral envelope approach towards effective SVM-RFE on infrared data, A
12 for PRL(71)

PRL(72) * Discriminative human action classification using locality-constrained linear coding
* fully automatic method for segmenting retinal artery walls in adaptive optics images, A
* Image-oriented economic perspective on user behavior in multimedia social forums: An analysis on supply, consumption, and saliency
* Learning to rank salient segments extracted by multispectral Quantum Cuts
* Matching thermal to visible face images using hidden factor analysis in a cascaded subspace learning framework
* Pattern theory for representation and inference of semantic structures in videos
* Special issue on ICPR 2014 awarded papers
* three R's of computer vision: Recognition, reconstruction and reorganization, The
* Transfer metric learning for action similarity using high-level semantics
* Understanding pollen tube growth dynamics using the Unscented Kalman Filter
* Visipedia circa 2015
* Weighted multi-view key-frame extraction
12 for PRL(72)

PRL(73) * Active graph based semi-supervised learning using image matching: Application to handwritten digit recognition
* Automated checkerboard detection and indexing using circular boundaries
* Cascaded regression with sparsified feature covariance matrix for facial landmark detection
* comparative study of data fusion for RGB-D based visual recognition, A
* Delta-density based clustering with a divide-and-conquer strategy: 3DC clustering
* Diagnosing a disorder in a classification benchmark
* Facial descriptors for human interaction recognition in still images
* Frequency features and GMM-UBM approach for gait-based person identification using smartphone inertial signals
* general framework for image feature matching without geometric constraints, A
* Iris recognition based on sparse representation and k-nearest subspace with genetic algorithm
* naďve Bayes baseline for early gesture recognition, A
* Optimising sampling rates for accelerometer-based human activity recognition
* Optimized projection for Collaborative Representation based Classification and its applications to face recognition
* Recognition of handwritten Chinese address with writing variations
* Summarization of films and documentaries based on subtitles and scripts
15 for PRL(73)

PRL(74) * Baseline detection of multi-lingual unconstrained handwritten text lines
* Combining diversity measures for ensemble pruning
* Extreme learning machine for out-of-sample extension in Laplacian eigenmaps
* Graphical models for social behavior modeling in face-to face interaction
* High dimensional nearest neighbor classification based on mean absolute differences of inter-point distances
* Incremental Similarity for real-time on-line incremental learning systems
* Learning automata for image segmentation
* On the completeness of feature-driven maximally stable extremal regions
* Partial instance reduction for noise elimination
* Symmetry detection based on multiscale pairwise texture boundary segment interactions
* Towards generic image classification using tree-based learning: An extensive empirical study
* Using a novel clumpiness measure to unite data with metadata: Finding common sequence patterns in immune receptor germline V genes
12 for PRL(74)

PRL(75) * Automated synchronization of driving data using vibration and steering events
* deep source-context feature for lexical selection in statistical machine translation, A
* dual method for solving the nonlinear structured prediction problem, A
* Error analysis of octagonal distances defined by periodic neighborhood sequences for approximating Euclidean metrics in arbitrary dimension
* Feature selection via binary simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation
* Generalized k-means-based clustering for temporal data under weighted and kernel time warp
* Geodesic weighted Bayesian model for saliency optimization
* Local linear Laplacian eigenmaps: A direct extension of LLE
* Vector Taylor series based model adaptation using noisy speech trained hidden Markov models
* Weighted Reward-Punishment Editing
10 for PRL(75)

PRL(76) * 3D tree skeletonization from multiple images based on PyrLK optical flow
* Asymmetric parallel 3D thinning scheme and algorithms based on isthmuses
* comparative study using contours and skeletons as shape representations for binary image matching, A
* Computing refined skeletal features from medial point clouds
* Fast vascular skeleton extraction algorithm
* Free-form image registration of human cochlear µCT data using skeleton similarity as anatomical prior
* In vivo precision of digital topological skeletonization based individual trabecula segmentation (ITS) analysis of trabecular microstructure at the distal radius and tibia by HR-pQCT
* new strategy for skeleton pruning, A
* Quantification of nano-scale carbon structure by HRTEM and lattice fringe analysis
* robust and efficient curve skeletonization algorithm for tree-like objects using minimum cost paths, A
* Skeletonization and its application
* survey on skeletonization algorithms and their applications, A
12 for PRL(76)

PRL(77) * Analyzing documents with Quantum Clustering: A novel pattern recognition algorithm based on quantum mechanics
* binary clonal flower pollination algorithm for feature selection, A
* Classifying networked text data with positive and unlabeled examples
* Deep belief network based statistical feature learning for fingerprint liveness detection
* Improving clustering performance by incorporating uncertainty
* Kernel matrix decomposition via empirical kernel map
* Maximum margin hidden Markov models for sequence classification
* Non-negative embedding for fully unsupervised domain adaptation
* Shape-based object recognition via Evidence Accumulation Inference
9 for PRL(77)

PRL(78) * 3D face recognition using covariance based descriptors
* Adaptive descriptor-based robust stereo matching under radiometric changes
* Continuous sign language recognition using level building based on fast hidden Markov model
* Distance interior ratio: A new shape signature for 2D shape retrieval
* Fast and reliable noise level estimation based on local statistic
* Greedy dictionary learning for kernel sparse representation based classifier
* Human gait recognition based on deterministic learning through multiple views fusion
* Local fractal dimension and binary patterns in texture recognition
* Symmetric stability of low level feature detectors
* Unsupervised SAR image segmentation using high-order conditional random fields model based on product-of-experts
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PRL(79) * 50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities
* Binary tomography reconstruction based on shape orientation
* Disruptive developments in document recognition
* Geometric divergence based fuzzy clustering with strong resilience to noise features
* holistic approach for Off-line handwritten cursive word recognition using directional feature based on Arnold transform, A
* Initialization of deformable models in 3D magnetic resonance images guided by automatically detected phase congruency point landmarks
* Initialization of dynamic time warping using tree-based fast Nearest Neighbor
* new adaptive filtering method for removing salt and pepper noise based on multilayered PCNN, A
* On the computation of integrals over fixed-size rectangles of arbitrary dimension
* On the infinite clipping of handwritten signatures
* Predicting sex as a soft-biometrics from device interaction swipe gestures
* SuMoTED: An intuitive edit distance between rooted unordered uniquely-labelled trees
* Virus image classification using multi-scale completed local binary pattern features extracted from filtered images by multi-scale principal component analysis
13 for PRL(79)

PRL(8) * Adaptive Gaussian Weighted Filtering for Image Segmentation
* Algebraic Environment to Process Fuzzy Images, An
* ARCHI: An Expert System for Biological Objects Recognition
* Artificial Intelligence Approach for Medical Picture Analysis, An
* Automatic Interpretation of Medical Image Sequences
* Binary Contour Coding Using Bezier Approximation
* Computation of Stereo Disparity Using Regularization
* Computer Vision on Magnetic Resonance Images
* Convexity Is Necessary: A Correction
* Corner Characterization by Differential Geometry Techniques
* Correction of Background in Very Low Statistics Images
* Delaunay Triangulation and the Shape Hull as Tools in Muscle Fibre Analysis, The
* Determination of the Optic Flow Field in the Presence of Occlusion
* Estimation of 3-D Translational Motion Parameters via Hadamard Transform
* Extension of IBIS for 3D Organ Recognition in NMR Multislices
* Fast Algorithm to Calculate the Euler Number for Binary Images, A
* Fast Approximation to a Convex Hull, A
* Individual Hip Prosthesis Design from CT Images
* Knowledge-Based System for the Delineation of Blood Vessels on Subtraction Angiograms, A
* Line Thinning by Line Following
* Modelling Uncertainty in ESATS by Classification Inference
* Moving Object Detection, Inspection and Counting Using Image Stripe Analysis
* Multi-Colored Quadtrees for GIS: Exploiting Bit-Parallelism for Rapid Boolean Overlay
* New Digital Image Registration Algorithm Based on the Double Spatial Intensity Gradients Using Pyramids, A
* New Technique for Visual Motion Alarm, A
* Note on Grey Level-Intensity Transformation: Effect on HVS Thresholding, A
* Note on Rutovitz' Method for Parallel Thinning, A
* On the Description of Relative Position of Fuzzy Objects
* Parallel Algorithms for Corner Following on Digital Curves
* Properties of Fractal Intensity Surfaces
* Quick Recognition of Circular Objects in a Black-White Picture
* Random Field Identification from a Sample: Experimental Results
* Scale-Rotation Invariant Pattern Recognition Applied to Image Data Compression
* Simulation of Constant Size Multiresolution Representations on Image Pyramids
* Special Issue on Expert Systems in Medical Imaging
* Statistical Pattern Recognition of Low Resolution Pictures
* Symbolic Pixel Labeling for Curvilinear Feature Detection
37 for PRL(8)

PRL(80) * adaptive over-split and merge algorithm for page segmentation, An
* Beyond accuracy: Learning selective Bayesian classifiers with minimal test cost
* Class-specific mid-level feature learning with the Discriminative Group-wise Beta-Bernoulli process restricted Boltzmann machines
* Clothing and carrying condition invariant gait recognition based on rotation forest
* Cost-Sensitive Large margin Distribution Machine for classification of imbalanced data
* Deep Multitask Metric Learning for Offline Signature Verification
* Design of self-adaptive and equilibrium differential evolution optimized radial basis function neural network classifier for imputed database
* Estimation of Feret's diameter from pixel coverage representation of a shape
* Explicit discriminative representation for improved classification of manifold features
* family of the subgradient algorithm with several cosparsity inducing functions to the cosparse recovery problem, A
* Fast binary image set operations on a run-based representation
* Fast structural ensemble for One-Class Classification
* feasibility study of an autoencoder meta-model for improving generalization capabilities on training sets of small sizes, A
* Feature representation of RGB-D images using joint spatial-depth feature pooling
* feature weighted penalty based dissimilarity measure for k-nearest neighbor classification with missing features, A
* game-theoretic approach to sub-vertex registration, A
* Generating synthetic test matrices as a benchmark for the computational behavior of typical testor-finding algorithms
* Improving data field hierarchical clustering using Barnes-Hut algorithm
* Manifold regularized matrix completion for multilabel classification
* Natural neighbor: A self-adaptive neighborhood method without parameter K
* Nearest neighbour estimators of density derivatives, with application to mean shift clustering
* new cryptographic primitive for noise tolerant template security, A
* No-reference image quality assessment using statistical wavelet-packet features
* Online signature verification based on writer dependent features and classifiers
* PAC-bayesian analysis of distribution dependent priors: tighter risk bounds and stability analysis
* proposal for supervised clustering with Dirichlet Process using labels, A
* Removal of salt-and-pepper noise in corrupted image using three-values-weighted approach with variable-size window
* Representation learning for very short texts using weighted word embedding aggregation
* Robust color texture descriptor for material recognition
* Segmentation of RGB-D indoor scenes by stacking random forests and conditional random fields
* Special section on 19th Scandinavian conference on image analysis (SCIA 2015)
* Time Varying Metric Learning for visual tracking
* Topological Attribute Patterns for texture recognition
* Toward semantic attributes in dictionary learning and non-negative matrix factorization
* Überatlas: Fast and robust registration for multi-atlas segmentation
35 for PRL(80)

PRL(81) * Automatic classification of flying bird species using computer vision techniques
* Categorizing plant images at the variety level: Did you say fine-grained?
* Counting people by RGB or depth overhead cameras
* Finely-grained annotated datasets for image-based plant phenotyping
* Improving retail efficiency through sensing technologies: A survey
* new fine-grained classification strategy for solar daily radiation patterns, A
* Phenological visual rhythms: Compact representations for fine-grained plant species identification
* Purchase behavior analysis through gaze and gesture observation
* Robust and affordable retail customer profiling by vision and radio beacon sensor fusion
* Special issue on 'Video analytics for audience measurement in retail and digital signage'
* Special issue on Fine-grained categorization in ecological multimedia
* Time series-based classifier fusion for fine-grained plant species recognition
* Tracking multiple persons under partial and global occlusions: Application to customers' behavior analysis
* Wildlife recognition in nature documentaries with weak supervision from subtitles and external data
14 for PRL(81)

PRL(82, Part 1) * Accurate HEp-2 cell classification based on Sparse Coding of Superpixels
* Analyzing features by SWLDA for the classification of HEp-2 cell images using GMM
* Cell image classification by a scale and rotation invariant dense local descriptor
* Classification of ANA HEp-2 slide images using morphological features of stained patterns
* Computer Aided Diagnosis for Anti-Nuclear Antibodies HEp-2 images: Progress and challenges
* Ensembles of dense and dense sampling descriptors for the HEp-2 cells classification problem
* Executable thematic special issue on pattern recognition techniques for indirect immunofluorescence images analysis
* HEp-2 cell classification: The role of Gaussian Scale Space Theory as a pre-processing approach
* HEp-2 staining pattern recognition at cell and specimen levels: Datasets, algorithms and results
* Integration of spatial and orientation contexts in local ternary patterns for HEp-2 cell classification
* multi-process system for HEp-2 cells classification based on SVM, A
11 for PRL(82, Part 1)

PRL(82, Part 2) * DeepIris: Learning pairwise filter bank for heterogeneous iris verification
* Eye movements during scene understanding for biometric identification
* framework for liveness detection for direct attacks in the visible spectrum for multimodal ocular biometrics, A
* Fusion of operators for heterogeneous periocular recognition at varying ranges
* insight on eye biometrics, An
* Iris liveness detection using regional features
* Iris recognition through machine learning techniques: A survey
* low-cost and calibration-free gaze estimator for soft biometrics: An explorative study, A
* Markov Chains for unsupervised segmentation of degraded NIR iris images for person recognition
* Multimodal authentication on smartphones: Combining iris and sensor recognition for a double check of user identity
* new multi-level approach to EEG based human authentication using eye blinking, A
* On using periocular biometric for gender classification in the wild
* OSIRIS: An open source iris recognition software
* score level fusion method for eye movement biometrics, A
* Severe: Segmenting vessels in retina images
* study of how gaze angle affects the performance of iris recognition, A
* survey on periocular biometrics research, A
* Towards demographic categorization using gaze analysis
* Using iris and sclera for detection and classification of contact lenses
19 for PRL(82, Part 2)

PRL(83, Part 1) * classification of endoscopy images with persistent homology, The
* Detecting keypoint sets on 3D point clouds via Histogram of Normal Orientations
* Detection of the mandibular canal in orthopantomography using a Gabor-filtered anisotropic generalized Hough transform
* Effective homology of filtered digital images
* Effective homology of k-D digital objects (partially) calculated in parallel
* fast persistence-based segmentation of noisy 2D clouds with provable guarantees, A
* Fully automatized parallel segmentation of the optic disc in retinal fundus images
* MR image bias field harmonic approximation with histogram statistical analysis
* parallel Homological Spanning Forest framework for 2D topological image analysis, A
* Revision of multifractal descriptors for texture classification based on mathematical morphology
* Spatiotemporal representation of 3D skeleton joints-based action recognition using modified spherical harmonics
* Special issue on GeToHa
* topological 4-coordinate system for the face centered cubic grid, A
13 for PRL(83, Part 1)

PRL(83, Part 2) * Class centroid alignment based domain adaptation for classification of remote sensing images
* Correcting color and hyperspectral images with identification of distortion model
* Enhanced analysis of thermographic images for monitoring of district heat pipe networks
* Estimating accurate water levels for rivers and reservoirs by using SAR products: A multitemporal analysis
* Fusion of time series representations for plant recognition in phenology studies
* Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Morphological path filtering at the region scale for efficient and robust road network extraction from satellite imagery
* new approach to contextual learning using interval arithmetic and its applications for land-use classification, A
* new hyperspectral band selection and classification framework based on combining multiple classifiers, A
* Orthogonal polynomial function fitting for hyperspectral data representation and discrimination
* Regularized set-to-set distance metric learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Self-organizing maps and Gestalt organization as components of an advanced system for remotely sensed data: An example with thermal hyper-spectra
* Special issue on advances in pattern recognition in remote sensing
* survey on representation-based classification and detection in hyperspectral remote sensing imagery, A
14 for PRL(83, Part 2)

PRL(83, Part 3) * 3D facial landmark localization using texture regression via conformal mapping
* BESAC: Binary External Symmetry Axis Constellation for unconstrained handwritten character recognition
* Classification of human actions using pose-based features and stacked auto encoder
* Co-spectral for robust shape clustering
* Efficient shape representation, matching, ranking, and its applications
* EI3D: Expression-invariant 3D face recognition based on feature and shape matching
* Energy-based automatic recognition of multiple spheres in three-dimensional point cloud
* GOOD: A global orthographic object descriptor for 3D object recognition and manipulation
* graph-based ranked-list model for unsupervised distance learning on shape retrieval, A
* Hierarchical image simplification and segmentation based on Mumford-Shah-salient level line selection
* Human action recognition with skeleton induced discriminative approximate rigid part model
* Image retrieval based on image-to-class similarity
* Improving retrieval of plane geometry figure with learning to rank
* Learning a discriminative deformation-invariant 3D shape descriptor via many-to-one encoder
* Linear discrimination dictionary learning for shape descriptors
* Mode seeking on graphs for geometric model fitting via preference analysis
* probabilistic sparse skeleton based object detection, A
* Shape recognition by bag of skeleton-associated contour parts
* Shape similarity assessment based on partial feature aggregation and ranking lists
* Shape-based object matching using interesting points and high-order graphs
* spectral graph wavelet approach for nonrigid 3D shape retrieval, A
* TSS &, TSB: Tensor scale descriptors within circular sectors for fast shape retrieval
22 for PRL(83, Part 3)

PRL(84) * Adaptive fusion of biometric and biographic information for identity de-duplication
* Anytime graph matching
* approximation of the Gaussian RBF kernel for efficient classification with SVMs, An
* Background of shape contexts for point matching
* Bayes covariant multi-class classification
* Clustering with side information: Further efforts to improve efficiency
* Combining multiple approaches for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
* Computational aspects of exponent-Fourier moments
* Distance and similarity measures between hesitant fuzzy sets and their application in pattern recognition
* Efficient evolutionary spectral clustering
* enhanced contextual DTW based system for online signature verification using Vector Quantization, An
* Enhancing SIFT-based image registration performance by building and selecting highly discriminating descriptors
* Eye movement analysis for human authentication: a critical survey
* Fast algorithm for real-time ground extraction from unorganized stereo point clouds
* Fault detection via recurrence time statistics and one-class classification
* Feature optimisation for stress recognition in speech
* Gait based recognition via fusing information from Euclidean and Riemannian manifolds
* Improving the efficiency of IRWLS SVMs using parallel Cholesky factorization
* Local linear neighbor reconstruction for multi-view data
* Low-level features for visual attribute recognition: An evaluation
* Modeling of palm leaf character recognition system using transform based techniques
* new micro-objects-based evaluation measure for co-clustering algorithms, A
* novel geometric graph miner and its applications, A
* Novel segmentation algorithm for identification of cell membrane staining in HER2 images
* Orthogonal discriminant analysis revisited
* Robust visual tracking via constrained correlation filter coding
* saliency-modulated just-noticeable-distortion model with non-linear saliency modulation functions, A
* Salient object detection via point-to-set metric learning
* Self-adaptive SVDD integrated with AP clustering for one-class classification
* Self-organizing trajectories
* Semantic parts based top-down pyramid for action recognition
* Sparse representation-based classification: Orthogonal least squares or orthogonal matching pursuit?
* Support vector number reduction by extending iterative preimage addition using genetic algorithm-based preimage estimation
* Three-dimensional connectivity index for texture recognition
* Unsupervised detection and tracking of moving objects for video surveillance applications
* Unsupervised morphological segmentation based on affixality measurements
* use of Lorentzian distance metric in classification problems, The
* Using filter banks in Convolutional Neural Networks for texture classification
* weighted MVDR beamformer based on SVM learning for sound source localization, A
39 for PRL(84)

PRL(85) * Adjustable preference affinity propagation clustering
* Analysis of several decision fusion strategies for clustering validation. Strategy definition, experiments and validation
* correntropy function based on coincidence detection, A
* fuzzy clustering image segmentation algorithm based on Hidden Markov Random Field models and Voronoi Tessellation, A
* How could a subcellular image, or a painting by Van Gogh, be similar to a great white shark or to a pizza?
* Modeling temporal structure of complex actions using Bag-of-Sequencelets
* Multi-channel multi-model feature learning for face recognition
* optimized palmprint recognition approach based on image sharpness, An
* Ramp Loss based robust one-class SVM
* Real-time multi-agent system for an adaptive intrusion detection system
* ROC curves and nonrandom data
* Sentence level matrix representation for document spectral clustering
* Structure preserving binary image morphing using Delaunay triangulation
13 for PRL(85)

PRL(86) * Adaptive fuzzy model for blur estimation on document images
* Coupled HMM-based multi-sensor data fusion for sign language recognition
* Discovering overlooked objects: Context-based boosting of object detection in indoor scenes
* Image registration model and algorithm for multi-focus images
* KVD: Scale invariant keypoints by combining visual and depth data
* M-estimator for reduced-rank system identification, An
* Object recognition under severe occlusions with a hidden Markov model approach
* Open Turbulent Image Set (OTIS)
* Phase based distance regularized level set for the segmentation of ultrasound kidney images
* Proximal maximum margin matrix factorization for collaborative filtering
* Sequential data feature selection for human motion recognition via Markov blanket
* Special section: CIARP 2015
* tomographical reconstruction method from unknown direction projections for 2D gray-level images, A
* versatile EEG spike detector with multivariate matrix of features based on the linear discriminant analysis, combined wavelets, and descriptors, A
14 for PRL(86)

PRL(87) * Category independent object discovery via background modeling
* Chemoinformatics and stereoisomerism: A stereo graph kernel together with three new extensions
* Exploring generalized shape analysis by topological representations
* Game theoretic hypergraph matching for multi-source image correspondences
* generalization of the most common subgraph distance and its application to graph editing, A
* Graph based skill acquisition and transfer Learning for continuous reinforcement learning domains
* Graph edit distance as a quadratic assignment problem
* Graph-based approach for 3D human skeletal action recognition
* Graph-based approach for Kite recognition, A
* High-order covariate interacted Lasso for feature selection
* Image representation and matching with geometric-edge random structure graph
* Improved quadratic time approximation of graph edit distance by combining Hausdorff matching and greedy assignment
* Large-scale graph indexing using binary embeddings of node contexts for information spotting in document image databases
* Learning arbitrary-shape object detector from bounding-box annotation by searching region-graph
* Multilayer matching of metric structures using hierarchically well-separated trees
* mutual information between graphs, The
* Obtaining the consensus of multiple correspondences between graphs through online learning
* Optimising the Volgenant-Jonker algorithm for approximating graph edit distance
* Optimizing the class information divergence for transductive classification of texts using propagation in bipartite graphs
* Optimum-Path Forest based on k-connectivity: Theory and applications
* Protein functional annotation refinement based on graph regularized l1-norm PCA
* Quantum kernels for unattributed graphs using discrete-time quantum walks
* Revealing structure in large graphs: Szemerédi's regularity lemma and its use in pattern recognition
* Robust graph representation of images with underlying structural networks. Application to the classification of vascular networks of mice's colon
* Sequential image segmentation based on minimum spanning tree representation
* Special issue Advances in graph-based pattern recognition
* Two-Dimensional Discriminant Locality Preserving Projection Based on l1-norm Maximization
27 for PRL(87)

PRL(88) * Boosting ensembles with controlled emphasis intensity
* Combining image and global pixel distribution model for skin colour segmentation
* Combining visual and acoustic features for audio classification tasks
* Double distribution support vector machine
* Empirical comparison of cross-validation and internal metrics for tuning SVM hyperparameters
* Entropy-based matrix learning machine for imbalanced data sets
* faster and more accurate heuristic for cyclic edit distance computation, A
* Feature weighting and selection with a Pareto-optimal trade-off between relevancy and redundancy
* Motion intent recognition of individual fingers based on mechanomyogram
* Neural sentence embedding using only in-domain sentences for out-of-domain sentence detection in dialog systems
* Scene conditional background update for moving object detection in a moving camera
* Testing exchangeability for transfer decision
12 for PRL(88)

PRL(89) * Differential privacy and generalization: Sharper bounds with applications
* Enhancing classification performance using attribute-oriented functionally expanded data
* global-local affinity matrix model via EigenGap for graph-based subspace clustering, A
* highly scalable clustering scheme using boundary information, A
* Multiresolution LDBP descriptors for texture classification using anisotropic diffusion with an application to wood texture analysis
* Non-conventional keystroke dynamics for user authentication
* Nonparametric kernel sparse representation-based classifier
* Occlusion detecting window matching scheme for optical flow estimation with discrete optimization
* Optimization approach for feature selection in multi-label classification
* probabilistic multi-label classifier with missing and noisy labels handling capability, A
* Toward high-performance online HCCR: A CNN approach with DropDistortion, path signature and spatial stochastic max-pooling
11 for PRL(89)

PRL(9) * 2-D Adaptive Smoothing by 3-D Distance Transformation
* Algorithm for Computing the Number of the Minimal Paths in Digital Images, An
* Application of Differential Geometry to Recognize and Locate Partially Occluded Objects
* Compressing Quadtrees Via Common Subtree Merging
* Concise Vector Equations for Stereopsis
* Correspondence of 2-D Projections by Bipartite Matching
* Determining Perspective Structures using Hierarchical Hough Transform
* Distance Transformations on Hexagonal Grids
* Edge Detection is a Projection
* Erosion and Dilation of Binary Images by Arbitrary Structuring Elements Using Interval Coding
* Finding Ellipses Using the Generalised Hough Transform
* Fractal Based Criteria to Evaluate the Performance of Digital Image Magnification Techniques
* Gray-Level Thresholding of Images Using A Correlation Criterion
* Image Fusion by a Ratio of Low-Pass Pyramid
* Inferring the Presence of Objects from Feature Data
* Local Operations on Labelled Dots Patterns
* Matching Topographic Structures in Stereo Vision
* Minimising the Search Space for Polygon Detection Using the Generalised Hough Transform
* Morphological Pyramidal Image Decomposition, A
* Non-Sequential Contour Detection with a Priori Knowledge, A
* O(log n) Pyramid Hough Transforms, An
* Optimal Matching of Convex Polygons
* Parallel Algorithm to Generate a Markov Random Field Image on a SIMD Hypercube Machine, A
* Pattern Recognition with Moment Invariants on a Machine Vision System
* Relaxation Labeling Using Continuous Label Sets
* Statistical Pattern Matching
* String Matching for Stereo Vision
27 for PRL(9)

PRL(90) * Bayesian belief network for positive unlabeled learning with uncertainty
* Combination of context-dependent bidirectional long short-term memory classifiers for robust offline handwriting recognition
* Convolutional neural networks for wavelet domain super resolution
* Deep network aided by guiding network for pedestrian detection
* Fuzzy c-means clustering based on weights and gene expression programming
* Handwritten isolated Bangla compound character recognition: A new benchmark using a novel deep learning approach
* k-means clustering with outlier removal
* Kernelized temporal locality learning for real-time visual tracking
* Large Age-Gap face verification by feature injection in deep networks
* Partially collapsed parallel Gibbs sampler for Dirichlet process mixture models
* Real time visual tracking using a spatially weighted von Mises mixture model
11 for PRL(90)

PRL(91) * Combining iris and periocular biometric for matching visible spectrum eye images
* Convolutional neural networks for ocular smartphone-based biometrics
* FIRE: Fast Iris REcognition on mobile phones by combining colour and texture features
* Iris matching by means of Machine Learning paradigms: A new approach to dissimilarity computation
* Kurtosis and skewness at pixel level as input for SOM networks to iris recognition on mobile devices
* Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation part II (MICHE II)
* Multi-patch deep sparse histograms for iris recognition in visible spectrum using collaborative subspace for robust verification
* Periocular and iris local descriptors for identity verification in mobile applications
* Results from MICHE II-Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation II
9 for PRL(91)

PRL(92) * Active learning via local structure reconstruction
* Appearance-invariant place recognition by discriminatively training a convolutional neural network
* Feature selection by maximizing correlation information for integrated high-dimensional protein data
* Generative classification model for categorical data based on latent Gaussian process
* Joint facial expression recognition and intensity estimation based on weighted votes of image sequences
* k-quantiles: L1 distance clustering under a sum constraint
* Manifold matching using shortest-path distance and joint neighborhood selection
* Modeling label dependence for multi-label classification using the Choquistic regression
* new feature selection method based on a validity index of feature subset, A
* Numerically efficient algorithms for anisotropic scale and translation Tchebichef moment invariants
* Spatio-temporal feature using optical flow based distribution for violence detection
* Three-stream CNNs for action recognition
* Upper and lower volumetric fractal descriptors for texture classification
13 for PRL(92)

PRL(93) * Analyzing the evolution of breast tumors through flow fields and strain tensors
* BA-based algorithm for parameter optimization of Support Vector Machine, A
* Combining feature extraction and expansion to improve classification based similarity learning
* comparison of prefilters in ORB-based object detection, A
* Distributed representation learning for knowledge graphs with entity descriptions
* efficient multiple classifier system for Arabic handwritten words recognition, An
* Improved TFIDF in big news retrieval: An empirical study
* Kernel alignment for identifying objective criteria from brain MEG recordings in schizophrenia
* Lexicon based feature extraction for emotion text classification
* MapReduce-based artificial bee colony for large-scale data clustering, A
* methodology to discover and understand complex patterns: Interpreted Integrative Multiview Clustering (I2MC), A
* Pattern classification using smallest normalized difference associative memory
* People silhouette extraction from people detection bounding boxes in images
* Redundancy-driven modified Tomek-link based undersampling: A solution to class imbalance
* Scaling-up multiobjective evolutionary clustering algorithms using stratification
* semBnet: A semantic Bayesian network for multivariate prediction of meteorological time series data
* Special Issue on Pattern Recognition Techniques in Data Mining
* tree based representation for effective pattern discovery from multimedia documents, A
* Tweet-SCAN: An event discovery technique for geo-located tweets
* Unsupervised varied density based clustering algorithm using spline
* Windowing strategy for Distributed Data Mining optimized through GPUs, A
* Winner takes all hashing for speeding up the training of neural networks in large class problems
22 for PRL(93)

PRL(94) * Analysis of human tissue densities: A new approach to extract features from medical images
* Automated detection of focal EEG signals using features extracted from flexible analytic wavelet transform
* Certain investigation on iris image recognition using hybrid approach of Fourier transform and Bernstein polynomials
* Classification of focal and non focal EEG using entropies
* Classification of text documents based on score level fusion approach
* Deep deformable registration: Enhancing accuracy by fully convolutional neural net
* Deep feature learning for dummies: A simple auto-encoder training method using Particle Swarm Optimisation
* Deep long short-term memory structures model temporal dependencies improving cognitive workload estimation
* Dual Way Residue Noise Thresholding along with feature preservation
* Efficient fusion of osseous and vascular details in wavelet domain
* Entropy based segmentation of tumor from brain MR images: A study with teaching learning based optimization
* Exploiting line metric reconstruction from non-central circular panoramas
* feature descriptor based on the local patch clustering distribution for illumination-robust image matching, A
* Generalized mean based back-propagation of errors for ambiguity resolution
* Human attribute recognition by refining attention heat map
* hybrid method for underwater image correction, A
* Intensity-based 3D local image registration
* Local texture patterns for traffic sign recognition using higher order spectra
* Microcalcification cluster detection using multiscale products based Hessian matrix via the Tsallis thresholding scheme
* Multipurpose image watermarking in the domain of DWT based on SVD and ABC
* Multisensor of thermal and visual images to detect concealed weapon using harmony search image fusion approach
* new approach to characterize epileptic seizures using analytic time-frequency flexible wavelet transform and fractal dimension, A
* new image classification method based on modified condensed nearest neighbor and convolutional neural networks, A
* professional estimate on the computed tomography brain tumor images using SVM-SMO for classification and MRG-GWO for segmentation, A
* Scalable out-of-sample extension of graph embeddings using deep neural networks
* simple approach to multilingual polarity classification in Twitter, A
* SK-SVR: Sigmoid kernel support vector regression based in-scale single image super-resolution
* theory of point-wise homography estimation, A
* Using line segments to train multi-stream stacked autoencoders for image classification
* What is my rat doing? Behavior understanding of laboratory animals
30 for PRL(94)

PRL(95) * Anaphora resolution with pointer networks
* convolutional approach to reflection symmetry, A
* CUDA-based hill-climbing algorithm to find irreducible testors from a training matrix, A
* Face recognition against occlusions via colour fusion using 2D-MCF model and SRC
* Fractional DCT and DWT hybridization based efficient feature extraction for gender classification
* Improved pipelined wavelet implementation for filtering ECG signals
* Improving the permutation-based proximity searching algorithm using zones and partial information
* Max-Margin feature selection
* Multiple vocabulary coding for 3D shape retrieval using Bag of Covariances
* new accelerated proximal gradient technique for regularized multitask learning framework, A
* new Least Squares based congealing technique, A
* Nonlinear combination method of forecasters applied to PM time series
* Permanence of the CEREBRE brain biometric protocol
* Representing local structure in Bayesian networks by Boolean functions
* Reverse engineering for causal discovery based on monotonic characteristic of causal structure
15 for PRL(95)

PRL(96) * Adaptive background model registration for moving cameras
* Background estimation by weightless neural networks
* Editorial: Scene background modeling and initialization
* Improving pedestrian detection using motion-guided filtering
* Interactive deep learning method for segmenting moving objects
* keypoint-based method for background modeling and foreground detection using a PTZ camera, A
* LaBGen: A method based on motion detection for generating the background of a scene
* Matrix and tensor completion algorithms for background model initialization: A comparative evaluation
* Modeling depth for nonparametric foreground segmentation using RGBD devices
* Parallel multi-modal background modeling
* Scene background initialization: A taxonomy
* Temporal weighted learning model for background estimation with an automatic re-initialization stage and adaptive parameters update
12 for PRL(96)

PRL(97) * Efficient and fast multi-modal foreground-background segmentation using RGBD data
* Highly accurate and numerically stable higher order QPCET moments for color image representation
* Improved self-paced learning framework for nonnegative matrix factorization
* Independently weighted value difference metric
* Learning cast shadow appearance for human posture recognition
* Multi-Label learning in the independent label sub-spaces
* Multi-order co-occurrence activations encoded with Fisher Vector for scene character recognition
* novel density peaks clustering algorithm for mixed data, A
* NP-Hardness of balanced minimum sum-of-squares clustering
* Saliency-guided Pairwise Matching
* Texture characterization via deterministic walks' direction histogram applied to a complex network-based image transformation
* Using real-time cluster configurations of streaming asynchronous features as online state descriptors in financial markets
12 for PRL(97)

PRL(98) * Adaptive spectrum transformation by topology preservation on indefinite proximity data
* Adaptive total-variation for non-negative matrix factorization on manifold
* Context-based abnormal object detection using the fully-connected conditional random fields
* Enhancement of the Box-Counting Algorithm for fractal dimension estimation
* Ensemble of steerable local neighbourhood grey-level information for binarization
* Exploring kernel discriminant analysis for speaker verification with limited test data
* Hierarchical Bayesian combination of plug-in maximum a posteriori decoders in deep neural networks-based speech recognition and speaker adaptation
* hybrid decision tree algorithm for mixed numeric and categorical data in regression analysis, A
* k-max distance in graphs and images, The
* Kernel transform learning
* Lattice-Support repetitive local feature detection for visual search
* Let the robot tell: Describe car image with natural language via LSTM
* Measuring the class-imbalance extent of multi-class problems
* No fuss metric learning, a Hilbert space scenario
* Query specific re-ranking for improved cross-modal retrieval
* Semi-supervised manifold regularization with adaptive graph construction
* Unconstrained large margin distribution machines
* Unsupervised geodesic convex combination of shape dissimilarity measures
18 for PRL(98)

PRL(99) * Active Incremental Recognition of Human Activities in a Streaming Context
* Continuous hand gesture recognition based on trajectory shape information
* human activity recognition framework using max-min features and key poses with differential evolution random forests classifier, A
* Human-aware motion reshaping using dynamical systems
* Learning assistive strategies for exoskeleton robots from user-robot physical interaction
* Learning features combination for human action recognition from skeleton sequences
* Learning robot tasks with loops from experiences to enhance robot adaptability
* Recognizing users feedback from non-verbal communicative acts in conversational recommender systems
* robotic platform for customized and interactive rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, A
* Special issue on user profiling and behavior adaptation for human-robot interaction
* Supervised autonomy for online learning in human-robot interaction
* User profiling and behavioral adaptation for HRI: A survey
* Using data dimensionality reduction for recognition of incomplete dynamic gestures
13 for PRL(99)

Index for "p"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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