23.5.7 Water Quality, Water Areas

Chapter Contents (Back)
Classification. Water Quality.
See also Water Turbidity, Turbid Water Areas.
See also Water Clarity.
See also Coastal Water Quality, Water Clarity.
See also Organic Carbon, Dissolved Organic Matter, Water Quality.
See also Sediment, Suspended Sediment, Silt, Water Quality.
See also Suspended Particulates, Suspended Matter, Water Quality.
See also Chlorophyll Estimation in Water. Color basis for ocean analysis:
See also Ocean Color Analysis, Ocean Colour Analysis, Water Quality.
See also Plankton Analysis, Extraction, Features, Small Scale and Large Scale.
See also Cyanobacteria, Analysis, Detection.

Lee, Z., Weidemann, A., Arnone, R.,
Combined Effect of Reduced Band Number and Increased Bandwidth on Shallow Water Remote Sensing: The Case of WorldView 2,
GeoRS(51), No. 5, May 2013, pp. 2577-2586.

Ogashawara, I.[Igor], Moreno-Madrińán, M.J.[Max J.],
Improving Inland Water Quality Monitoring through Remote Sensing Techniques,
IJGI(3), No. 4, 2014, pp. 1234-1255.
DOI Link 1412

Liu, X.H.[Xiao-Han], Zhang, Y.L.[Yun-Lin], Shi, K.[Kun], Zhou, Y.Q.[Yong-Qiang], Tang, X.M.[Xiang-Ming], Zhu, G.W.[Guang-Wei], Qin, B.Q.[Bo-Qiang],
Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in a Large, Shallow Eutrophic Lake: A Frequency-Based Approach Using Multiple Years of MODIS Data,
RS(7), No. 8, 2015, pp. 10295.
DOI Link 1509

Shen, Q.[Qian], Li, J.S.[Jun-Sheng], Zhang, F.F.[Fang-Fang], Sun, X.[Xu], Li, J.[Jun], Li, W.[Wei], Zhang, B.[Bing],
Classification of Several Optically Complex Waters in China Using in Situ Remote Sensing Reflectance,
RS(7), No. 11, 2015, pp. 14731.
DOI Link 1512

Bramante, J.F.[James F.], Sin, T.M.[Tsai Min],
Optimization of a Semi-Analytical Algorithm for Multi-Temporal Water Quality Monitoring in Inland Waters with Wide Natural Variability,
RS(7), No. 12, 2015, pp. 15845.
DOI Link 1601

Ampe, E.M., Raymaekers, D., Hestir, E.L., Jansen, M., Knaeps, E., Batelaan, O.,
A Wavelet-Enhanced Inversion Method for Water Quality Retrieval From High Spectral Resolution Data for Complex Waters,
GeoRS(53), No. 2, February 2015, pp. 869-882.
hydrological techniques BibRef

Feng, Y., Liu, Q., Qu, Y., Liang, S.,
Estimation of the Ocean Water Albedo From Remote Sensing and Meteorological Reanalysis Data,
GeoRS(54), No. 2, February 2016, pp. 850-868.
Biological system modeling BibRef

Poupardin, A., Idier, D., de Michele, M., Raucoules, D.,
Water Depth Inversion From a Single SPOT-5 Dataset,
GeoRS(54), No. 4, April 2016, pp. 2329-2342.
Correlation BibRef

Kaabi, M.R.A.[Muna. R. Al], Zhao, J.[Jun], Ghedira, H.[Hosni],
MODIS-Based Mapping of Secchi Disk Depth Using a Qualitative Algorithm in the Shallow Arabian Gulf,
RS(8), No. 5, 2016, pp. 423.
DOI Link 1606

Kutser, T.[Tiit], Paavel, B.[Birgot], Verpoorter, C.[Charles], Ligi, M.[Martin], Soomets, T.[Tuuli], Toming, K.[Kaire], Casal, G.[Gema],
Remote Sensing of Black Lakes and Using 810 nm Reflectance Peak for Retrieving Water Quality Parameters of Optically Complex Waters,
RS(8), No. 6, 2016, pp. 497.
DOI Link 1608

Kutser, T.[Tiit], Paavel, B.[Birgot], Verpoorter, C.[Charles], Kauer, T., Vahtmäe, E.,
Remote Sensing Of Water Quality In Optically Complex Lakes,
DOI Link 1209

Zolfaghari, K.[Kiana], Duguay, C.R.[Claude R.],
Estimation of Water Quality Parameters in Lake Erie from MERIS Using Linear Mixed Effect Models,
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DOI Link 1608

Tan, J.[Jing], Cherkauer, K.A.[Keith A.], Chaubey, I.[Indrajeet],
Developing a Comprehensive Spectral-Biogeochemical Database of Midwestern Rivers for Water Quality Retrieval Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of the Wabash River and Its Tributary, Indiana,
RS(8), No. 6, 2016, pp. 517.
DOI Link 1608

Toming, K.[Kaire], Kutser, T.[Tiit], Laas, A.[Alo], Sepp, M.[Margot], Paavel, B.[Birgot], Nőges, T.[Tiina],
First Experiences in Mapping Lake Water Quality Parameters with Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery,
RS(8), No. 8, 2016, pp. 640.
DOI Link 1609

Watanabe, F.[Fernanda], Mishra, D.R.[Deepak R.], Astuti, I.[Ike], Rodrigues, T.[Thanan], Alcântara, E.H.[Enner Heręnio], Imai, N.N.[Nilton N.], Barbosa, C.[Cláudio],
Parametrization and calibration of a quasi-analytical algorithm for tropical eutrophic waters,
PandRS(121), No. 1, 2016, pp. 28-47.
Elsevier DOI 1609
Quasi-analytical algorithm BibRef

Ma, J.H.[Jian-Hang], Song, K.S.[Kai-Shan], Wen, Z.D.[Zhi-Dan], Zhao, Y.[Ying], Shang, Y.X.[Ying-Xin], Fang, C.[Chong], Du, J.[Jia],
Spatial Distribution of Diffuse Attenuation of Photosynthetic Active Radiation and Its Main Regulating Factors in Inland Waters of Northeast China,
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Markelin, L.[Lauri], Simis, S.G.H.[Stefan G. H.], Hunter, P.D.[Peter D.], Spyrakos, E.[Evangelos], Tyler, A.N.[Andrew N.], Clewley, D.[Daniel], Groom, S.[Steve],
Atmospheric Correction Performance of Hyperspectral Airborne Imagery over a Small Eutrophic Lake under Changing Cloud Cover,
RS(9), No. 1, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1702

Vadakke-Chanat, S., Shanmugam, P., Ahn, Y.H.,
A Model for Deriving the Spectral Backscattering Properties of Particles in Inland and Marine Waters From In Situ and Remote Sensing Data,
GeoRS(55), No. 3, March 2017, pp. 1461-1476.
Absorption BibRef

Li, C., Li, X., Zhang, G., Boswell, K.M., Kimball, M.E., Shen, D., Lin, J.,
Estuarine Plume: A Case Study by Satellite SAR Observations and In Situ Measurements,
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lakes BibRef

Hansen, C.H.[Carly Hyatt], Burian, S.J.[Steven J.], Dennison, P.E.[Philip E.], Williams, G.P.[Gustavious P.],
Spatiotemporal Variability of Lake Water Quality in the Context of Remote Sensing Models,
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DOI Link 1706

Zhao, J.H.[Jian-Hu], Zhao, X.L.[Xing-Lei], Zhang, H.M.[Hong-Mei], Zhou, F.N.[Feng-Nian],
Shallow Water Measurements Using a Single Green Laser Corrected by Building a Near Water Surface Penetration Model,
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Moknatian, M.[Mahrokh], Piasecki, M.[Michael], Gonzalez, J.[Jorge],
Development of Geospatial and Temporal Characteristics for Hispaniola's Lake Azuei and Enriquillo Using Landsat Imagery,
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Jorge, D.S.F.[Daniel S.F.], Barbosa, C.C.F.[Claudio C.F.], de Carvalho, L.A.S.[Lino A. S.], Affonso, A.G.[Adriana G.], de Lucia Lobo, F.[Felipe], de Moraes Novo, E.M.L.[Evlyn Márcia Leăo],
SNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio) Impact on Water Constituent Retrieval from Simulated Images of Optically Complex Amazon Lakes,
RS(9), No. 7, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
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Zhang, Y.L.[Yun-Lin], Giardino, C.[Claudia], Li, L.H.[Lin-Hai],
Water Optics and Water Colour Remote Sensing,
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Huang, C.C.[Chang-Chun], Yao, L.[Ling],
Semi-Analytical Retrieval of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in Large and Shallow Lakes from GOCI, a High Temporal-Resolution Satellite,
RS(9), No. 8, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1708

Shrestha, A.[Anil], Luo, W.[Wei],
Analysis of Groundwater Nitrate Contamination in the Central Valley: Comparison of the Geodetector Method, Principal Component Analysis and Geographically Weighted Regression,
IJGI(6), No. 10, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1710

Shrestha, A.[Anil], Luo, W.[Wei],
Assessment of Groundwater Nitrate Pollution Potential in Central Valley Aquifer Using Geodetector-Based Frequency Ratio (GFR) and Optimized-DRASTIC Methods,
IJGI(7), No. 6, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1806

Toming, K.[Kaire], Kutser, T.[Tiit], Uiboupin, R.[Rivo], Arikas, A.[Age], Vahter, K.[Kaimo], Paavel, B.[Birgot],
Mapping Water Quality Parameters with Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument imagery in the Baltic Sea,
RS(9), No. 10, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1711

Gunaalan, K.[Kuddithamby], Ranagalage, M.[Manjula], Gunarathna, M.H.J.P.[M. H. J. P.], Kumari, M.K.N., Vithanage, M.[Meththika], Srivaratharasan, T.[Tharmalingam], Saravanan, S.[Suntharalingam], Warnasuriya, T.W.S.,
Application of Geospatial Techniques for Groundwater Quality and Availability Assessment: A Case Study in Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka,
IJGI(7), No. 1, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1801

Miralha, L.[Lorrayne], Kim, D.[Daehyun],
Accounting for and Predicting the Influence of Spatial Autocorrelation in Water Quality Modeling,
IJGI(7), No. 2, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1802

Powers, C.[Craig], Hanlon, R.[Regina], Schmale, D.G.[David G.],
Tracking of a Fluorescent Dye in a Freshwater Lake with an Unmanned Surface Vehicle and an Unmanned Aircraft System,
RS(10), No. 1, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1802

McCarthy, M.J.[Matthew J.], Otis, D.B.[Daniel B.], Méndez-Lázaro, P.[Pablo], Muller-Karger, F.E.[Frank E.],
Water Quality Drivers in 11 Gulf of Mexico Estuaries,
RS(10), No. 2, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1804

Göritz, A.[Anna], Berger, S.A.[Stella A.], Gege, P.[Peter], Grossart, H.P.[Hans-Peter], Nejstgaard, J.C.[Jens C.], Riedel, S.[Sebastian], Röttgers, R.[Rüdiger], Utschig, C.[Christian],
Retrieval of Water Constituents from Hyperspectral In-Situ Measurements under Variable Cloud Cover: A Case Study at Lake Stechlin (Germany),
RS(10), No. 2, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1804

Kratzer, S.[Susanne], Moore, G.[Gerald],
Inherent Optical Properties of the Baltic Sea in Comparison to Other Seas and Oceans,
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DOI Link 1804

van der Woerd, H.J.[Hendrik Jan], Wernand, M.R.[Marcel Robert],
Hue-Angle Product for Low to Medium Spatial Resolution Optical Satellite Sensors,
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DOI Link 1804
Color for water quality analysis. BibRef

Li, H.X.[Hui-Xuan], Wang, C.Z.[Cui-Zhen], Huang, X.[Xiao], Hug, A.[Andrew],
Spatial Assessment of Water Quality with Urbanization in 2007-2015, Shanghai, China,
RS(10), No. 7, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1808

Hilton, A.E.[Annette E.], Bausell, J.T.[Jesse T.], Kudela, R.M.[Raphael M.],
Quantification of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Concentration in San Francisco Bay Using Satellite Imagery,
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DOI Link 1808

Lehmann, M.K.[Moritz K.], Nguyen, U.[Uyen], Allan, M.[Mathew], van der Woerd, H.J.[Hendrik Jan],
Colour Classification of 1486 Lakes across a Wide Range of Optical Water Types,
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DOI Link 1809

Dettmering, D.[Denise], Wynne, A.[Alan], Müller, F.L.[Felix L.], Passaro, M.[Marcello], Seitz, F.[Florian],
Lead Detection in Polar Oceans: A Comparison of Different Classification Methods for Cryosat-2 SAR Data,
RS(10), No. 8, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1809

Betancur-Turizo, S.P.[Stella Patricia], González-Silvera, A.[Adriana], Santamaría-del-Ángel, E.[Eduardo], Tan, J.[Jing], Frouin, R.[Robert],
Evaluation of Semi-Analytical Algorithms to Retrieve Particulate and Dissolved Absorption Coefficients in Gulf of California Optically Complex Waters,
RS(10), No. 9, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1810

Pahlevan, N.[Nima], Balasubramanian, S.V.[Sundarabalan V.], Sarkar, S.[Sudipta], Franz, B.A.[Bryan A.],
Toward Long-Term Aquatic Science Products from Heritage Landsat Missions,
RS(10), No. 9, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1810

Huang, M.[Mutao], Tian, Y.[Yong],
An Integrated Graphic Modeling System for Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Simulation in Lakes,
IJGI(8), No. 1, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1901

Li, N.[Na], Shi, K.[Kun], Zhang, Y.[Yunlin], Gong, Z.J.[Zhi-Jun], Peng, K.[Kai], Zhang, Y.[Yibo], Zha, Y.[Yong],
Decline in Transparency of Lake Hongze from Long-Term MODIS Observations: Possible Causes and Potential Significance,
RS(11), No. 2, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1902

Rivaro, P.[Paola], Ianni, C.[Carmela], Raimondi, L.[Lorenza], Manno, C.[Clara], Sandrini, S.[Silvia], Castagno, P.[Pasquale], Cotroneo, Y.[Yuri], Falco, P.[Pierpaolo],
Analysis of Physical and Biogeochemical Control Mechanisms on Summertime Surface Carbonate System Variability in the Western Ross Sea (Antarctica) Using In Situ and Satellite Data,
RS(11), No. 3, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1902

Vundo, A.[Augusto], Matsushita, B.[Bunkei], Jiang, D.[Dalin], Gondwe, M.[Mangaliso], Hamzah, R.[Rossi], Setiawan, F.[Fajar], Fukushima, T.[Takehiko],
An Overall Evaluation of Water Transparency in Lake Malawi from MERIS Data,
RS(11), No. 3, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1902

Cao, Y.Z.[Ying-Zhi], Wu, Y.C.[Yi-Chen], Fang, Z.X.[Zhi-Xiang], Cui, X.J.[Xiao-Jian], Liang, J.F.[Jian-Feng], Song, X.[Xiao],
Spatiotemporal Patterns and Morphological Characteristics of Ulva prolifera Distribution in the Yellow Sea, China in 2016-2018,
RS(11), No. 4, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Hafeez, S.[Sidrah], Wong, M.S.[Man Sing], Ho, H.C.[Hung Chak], Nazeer, M.[Majid], Nichol, J.[Janet], Abbas, S.[Sawaid], Tang, D.[Danling], Lee, K.H.[Kwon Ho], Pun, L.[Lilian],
Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Retrieval of Water Quality Indicators in Case-II Waters: A Case Study of Hong Kong,
RS(11), No. 6, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Batur, E., Maktav, D.,
Assessment of Surface Water Quality by Using Satellite Images Fusion Based on PCA Method in the Lake Gala, Turkey,
GeoRS(57), No. 5, May 2019, pp. 2983-2989.
data mining, geophysical image processing, image fusion, lakes, mean square error methods, neural nets, water quality BibRef

Jiang, D.[Dalin], Matsushita, B.[Bunkei], Setiawan, F.[Fajar], Vundo, A.[Augusto],
An improved algorithm for estimating the Secchi disk depth from remote sensing data based on the new underwater visibility theory,
PandRS(152), 2019, pp. 13-23.
Elsevier DOI 1905
Secchi disk depth, Quasi-analytical algorithm, Remote sensing, Various waters, Hybrid BibRef

Cao, Z.G.[Zhi-Gang], Ma, R.H.[Rong-Hua], Duan, H.T.[Hong-Tao], Xue, K.[Kun],
Effects of broad bandwidth on the remote sensing of inland waters: Implications for high spatial resolution satellite data applications,
PandRS(153), 2019, pp. 110-122.
Elsevier DOI 1906
High spatial resolution, Optical sensors, Bandwidth, Inland waters, Deep neural network BibRef

Wicaksono, P.[Pramaditya], Aryaguna, P.A.[Prama Ardha], Lazuardi, W.[Wahyu],
Benthic Habitat Mapping Model and Cross Validation Using Machine-Learning Classification Algorithms,
RS(11), No. 11, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1906

Liu, R.[Rong], Wen, J.[Jun], Wang, X.[Xin], Wang, Z.L.[Zuo-Liang], Li, Z.C.[Zhen-Chao], Xie, Y.[Yan], Zhu, L.[Li], Li, D.P.[Dong-Peng],
Derivation of Vegetation Optical Depth and Water Content in the Source Region of the Yellow River using the FY-3B Microwave Data,
RS(11), No. 13, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1907

Pu, F.L.[Fang-Ling], Ding, C.J.[Chu-Jiang], Chao, Z.Y.[Ze-Yi], Yu, Y.[Yue], Xu, X.[Xin],
Water-Quality Classification of Inland Lakes Using Landsat8 Images by Convolutional Neural Networks,
RS(11), No. 14, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1908

Russell, B.J.[Brandon J.], Dierssen, H.M.[Heidi M.], Hochberg, E.J.[Eric J.],
Water Column Optical Properties of Pacific Coral Reefs Across Geomorphic Zones and in Comparison to Offshore Waters,
RS(11), No. 15, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1908

Chen, P.[Peng], Pan, D.[Delu],
Ocean Optical Profiling in South China Sea Using Airborne LiDAR,
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DOI Link 1908

Shen, Q.[Qian], Yao, Y.[Yue], Li, J.S.[Jun-Sheng], Zhang, F.F.[Fang-Fang], Wang, S.L.[Sheng-Lei], Wu, Y.H.[Yan-Hong], Ye, H.P.[Hu-Ping], Zhang, B.[Bing],
A CIE Color Purity Algorithm to Detect Black and Odorous Water in Urban Rivers Using High-Resolution Multispectral Remote Sensing Images,
GeoRS(57), No. 9, September 2019, pp. 6577-6590.
Rivers, Image color analysis, Satellites, Remote sensing, Atmospheric measurements, Water pollution, Urban areas, water color BibRef

Chen, J.[Jun], Han, Q.J.[Qi-Jin], Chen, Y.L.[Yan-Long], Li, Y.D.[Yong-Dong],
A Secchi Depth Algorithm Considering the Residual Error in Satellite Remote Sensing Reflectance Data,
RS(11), No. 16, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1909

Xiong, J.F.[Jun-Feng], Lin, C.[Chen], Ma, R.H.[Rong-Hua], Cao, Z.G.[Zhi-Gang],
Remote Sensing Estimation of Lake Total Phosphorus Concentration Based on MODIS: A Case Study of Lake Hongze,
RS(11), No. 17, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1909

Wei, L.F.[Li-Fei], Huang, C.[Can], Wang, Z.X.[Zheng-Xiang], Wang, Z.[Zhou], Zhou, X.C.[Xiao-Cheng], Cao, L.Q.[Li-Qin],
Monitoring of Urban Black-Odor Water Based on Nemerow Index and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression Using UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Imagery,
RS(11), No. 20, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1910

Lee, S.[Shihyan], Meister, G.[Gerhard], Franz, B.[Bryan],
MODIS Aqua Reflective Solar Band Calibration for NASA's R2018 Ocean Color Products,
RS(11), No. 19, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1910

Liu, D., Xu, P., Zhou, Y., Chen, W., Han, B., Zhu, X., He, Y., Mao, Z., Le, C., Chen, P., Che, H., Liu, Z., Liu, Q., Song, Q., Chen, S.,
Lidar Remote Sensing of Seawater Optical Properties: Experiment and Monte Carlo Simulation,
GeoRS(57), No. 11, November 2019, pp. 9489-9498.
Laser radar, Optical attenuators, Oceans, Optical sensors, Optical scattering, Sea measurements, Attenuation, simulation BibRef

Chen, S.G.[Shu-Guo], Xue, C.[Cheng], Zhang, T.[Tinglu], Hu, L.[Lianbo], Chen, G.[Ge], Tang, J.[Junwu],
Analysis of the Optimal Wavelength for Oceanographic Lidar at the Global Scale Based on the Inherent Optical Properties of Water,
RS(11), No. 22, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1911

Soomets, T.[Tuuli], Uudeberg, K.[Kristi], Jakovels, D.[Dainis], Zagars, M.[Matiss], Reinart, A.[Anu], Brauns, A.[Agris], Kutser, T.[Tiit],
Comparison of Lake Optical Water Types Derived from Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3,
RS(11), No. 23, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1912

Setiawan, F.[Fajar], Matsushita, B.[Bunkei], Hamzah, R.[Rossi], Jiang, D.[Dalin], Fukushima, T.[Takehiko],
Long-Term Change of the Secchi Disk Depth in Lake Maninjau, Indonesia Shown by Landsat TM and ETM+ Data,
RS(11), No. 23, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1912

Niroumand-Jadidi, M., Bovolo, F., Bruzzone, L.,
Novel Spectra-Derived Features for Empirical Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters: Demonstrations for OLI, MSI, and OLCI Sensors,
GeoRS(57), No. 12, December 2019, pp. 10285-10300.
Water, Optical sensors, Feature extraction, Optical imaging, Optical variables measurement, Image color analysis, water quality BibRef

Racault, M.F.[Marie-Fanny], Abdulaziz, A.[Anas], George, G.[Grinson], Menon, N.[Nandini], Jasmin, C., Punathil, M.[Minu], McConville, K.[Kristian], Loveday, B.[Ben], Platt, T.[Trevor], Sathyendranath, S.[Shubha], Vijayan, V.[Vijitha],
Environmental Reservoirs of Vibrio cholerae: Challenges and Opportunities for Ocean-Color Remote Sensing,
RS(11), No. 23, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1912

Avdan, Z.Y.[Zehra Yigit], Kaplan, G.[Gordana], Goncu, S.[Serdar], Avdan, U.[Ugur],
Monitoring the Water Quality of Small Water Bodies Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data,
IJGI(8), No. 12, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1912

Zhang, Y.S.[Yi-Shan], Wu, L.[Lun], Ren, H.Z.[Hua-Zhong], Liu, Y.[Yu], Zheng, Y.Q.[Yong-Qian], Liu, Y.W.[Yao-Wen], Dong, J.J.[Jia-Ji],
Mapping Water Quality Parameters in Urban Rivers from Hyperspectral Images Using a New Self-Adapting Selection of Multiple Artificial Neural Networks,
RS(12), No. 2, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2001

Zhang, Y.S.[Yi-Shan], Wu, L.[Lun], Ren, H.Z.[Hua-Zhong], Deng, L.C.[Li-Cui], Zhang, P.C.[Peng-Cheng],
Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters from Hyperspectral Images Using Hybrid Bayesian Probabilistic Neural Network,
RS(12), No. 10, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2006

Eugenio, F.[Francisco], Marcello, J.[Javier], Martín, J.[Javier],
Multiplatform Earth Observation Systems for Monitoring Water Quality in Vulnerable Inland Ecosystems: Maspalomas Water Lagoon,
RS(12), No. 2, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2001

Bai, S.Y.[Shu-Ying], Gao, J.X.[Ji-Xi], Sun, D.Y.[De-Yong], Tian, M.R.[Mei-Rong],
Monitoring Water Transparency in Shallow and Eutrophic Lake Waters Based on GOCI Observations,
RS(12), No. 1, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2001

Dias, M.A.[Maurício Araújo], da Silva, E.A.[Erivaldo Antônio], de Azevedo, S.C.[Samara Calçado], Casaca, W.[Wallace], Statella, T.[Thiago], Negri, R.G.[Rogério Galante],
An Incongruence-Based Anomaly Detection Strategy for Analyzing Water Pollution in Images from Remote Sensing,
RS(12), No. 1, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2001

Otto, P.[Peter], Vallejo-Rodríguez, R.[Ramiro], Keesstra, S.[Saskia], León-Becerril, E.[Elizabeth], de Anda, J.[José], Hernández-Mena, L.[Leonel], del Real-Olvera, J.[Jorge], de Jesús Díaz-Torres, J.[José],
Time Delay Evaluation on the Water-Leaving Irradiance Retrieved from Empirical Models and Satellite Imagery,
RS(12), No. 1, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2001
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Wicaksono, P.[Pramaditya], Fauzan, M.A.[Muhammad Afif], Asta, S.G.W.[Septian Galih Widhi],
Assessment of Sentinel-2A multispectral image for benthic habitat composition mapping,
IET-IPR(14), No. 2, February 2020, pp. 279-288.
DOI Link 2001

Castagna, A.[Alexandre], Simis, S.[Stefan], Dierssen, H.[Heidi], Vanhellemont, Q.[Quinten], Sabbe, K.[Koen], Vyverman, W.[Wim],
Extending Landsat 8: Retrieval of an Orange contra-Band for Inland Water Quality Applications,
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DOI Link 2003

Zhao, Y.[Yelong], Shen, Q.[Qian], Wang, Q.[Qian], Yang, F.[Fan], Wang, S.L.[Sheng-Lei], Li, J.S.[Jun-Sheng], Zhang, F.F.[Fang-Fang], Yao, Y.[Yue],
Recognition of Water Colour Anomaly by Using Hue Angle and Sentinel 2 Image,
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Li, X.J.[Xiao-Juan], Huang, M.[Mutao], Wang, R.H.[Rong-Hui],
Numerical Simulation of Donghu Lake Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Based on Remote Sensing and MIKE 21,
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DOI Link 2003

Rodrigues, G.[Gonçalo], Potes, M.[Miguel], Costa, M.J.[Maria Joăo], Novais, M.H.[Maria Helena], Penha, A.M.[Alexandra Marchă], Salgado, R.[Rui], Morais, M.M.[Maria Manuela],
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Meta-classification of remote sensing reflectance to estimate trophic status of inland and nearshore waters,
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Monitoring Changes in the Transparency of the Largest Reservoir in Eastern China in the Past Decade, 2013-2020,
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A Machine Learning Approach for Estimating the Trophic State of Urban Waters Based on Remote Sensing and Environmental Factors,
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Optical Classification of Lower Amazon Waters Based on In Situ Data and Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Color Instrument Imagery,
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Quantification of Phycocyanin in Inland Waters through Remote Measurement of Ratios and Shifts in Reflection Spectral Peaks,
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Multidimensional Assessment of Lake Water Ecosystem Services Using Remote Sensing,
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Coupling Coordination and Influencing Mechanism of Ecosystem Services Using Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Food Provision and Soil Conservation,
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Changes in Nutrient Concentrations in Shenzhen Bay Detected Using Landsat Imagery between 1988 and 2020,
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Retrieval of Water Quality from UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Imagery: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms,
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Urban Water Quality Assessment Based on Remote Sensing Reflectance Optical Classification,
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Retrieval of Total Phosphorus Concentration in the Surface Water of Miyun Reservoir Based on Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning Algorithms,
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Spectral and Spatial Feature Integrated Ensemble Learning Method for Grading Urban River Network Water Quality,
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Evaluation of Total Nitrogen in Water via Airborne Hyperspectral Data: Potential of Fractional Order Discretization Algorithm and Discrete Wavelet Transform Analysis,
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Implementation Strategy and Spatiotemporal Extensibility of Multipredictor Ensemble Model for Water Quality Parameter Retrieval With Multispectral Remote Sensing Data,
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Performance of deep learning in mapping water quality of Lake Simcoe with long-term Landsat archive,
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A New Method for Continuous Monitoring of Black and Odorous Water Body Using Evaluation Parameters: A Case Study in Baoding,
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Satellite Remote Sensing of Water Quality Variation in a Semi-Enclosed Bay (Yueqing Bay) under Strong Anthropogenic Impact,
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Modelling of Greek Lakes Water Quality Using Earth Observation in the Framework of the Water Framework Directive (WFD),
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Anatomy of Anthropically Controlled Natural Lagoons through Geophysical, Geological, and Remote Sensing Observations: The Valli Di Comacchio (NE Italy) Case Study,
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The Evaluation of Color Spaces for Large Woody Debris Detection in Rivers Using XGBoost Algorithm,
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Du, Y.[Yunxia], Song, K.[Kaishan], Liu, G.[Ge],
Monitoring Optical Variability in Complex Inland Waters Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data,
RS(14), No. 8, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Yang, Z.Z.[Zhi-Zhou], Zou, L.[Lei], Xia, J.[Jun], Qiao, Y.F.[Yun-Feng], Cai, D.[Diwen],
Inner Dynamic Detection and Prediction of Water Quality Based on CEEMDAN and GA-SVM Models,
RS(14), No. 7, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Yang, H.B.[Hai-Bo], Kong, J.L.[Jia-Lin], Hu, H.H.[Hui-Hui], Du, Y.[Yao], Gao, M.Y.[Mei-Yan], Chen, F.[Fei],
A Review of Remote Sensing for Water Quality Retrieval: Progress and Challenges,
RS(14), No. 8, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205
Survey, Water Quality. BibRef

Zheng, Y.X.[Yue-Xin], Wang, Q.Y.[Qian-Yang], Zhang, X.[Xuan], Yu, J.S.[Jing-Shan], Li, C.[Chong], Chen, L.W.[Li-Wen], Liu, Y.[Yuan],
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Retention Risk Assessment in a Drinking Water Source Area under Anthropogenic Activities,
RS(14), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Rodrigues, G.[Gonçalo], Potes, M.[Miguel], Penha, A.M.[Alexandra Marchă], Costa, M.J.[Maria Joăo], Morais, M.M.[Maria Manuela],
The Use of Sentinel-3/OLCI for Monitoring the Water Quality and Optical Water Types in the Largest Portuguese Reservoir,
RS(14), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Petus, C.[Caroline], Waterhouse, J.[Jane], Tracey, D.[Dieter], Wolanski, E.[Eric], Brodie, J.[Jon],
Using Optical Water-Type Classification in Data-Poor Water Quality Assessment: A Case Study in the Torres Strait,
RS(14), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Fronkova, L.[Lenka], Greenwood, N.[Naomi], Martinez, R.[Roi], Graham, J.A.[Jennifer A.], Harrod, R.[Richard], Graves, C.A.[Carolyn A.], Devlin, M.J.[Michelle J.], Petus, C.[Caroline],
Can Forel-Ule Index Act as a Proxy of Water Quality in Temperate Waters? Application of Plume Mapping in Liverpool Bay, UK,
RS(14), No. 10, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Qing, S.[Song], Cui, T.W.[Ting-Wei], Tang, J.[Junwu], Song, Q.J.[Qing-Jun], Liu, R.J.[Rong-Jie], Bao, Y.[Yuhai],
An optical water classification and quality control model (OC_QC model) for spectral diffuse attenuation coefficient,
PandRS(189), 2022, pp. 255-271.
Elsevier DOI 2206
Spectral diffuse attenuation coefficient, Optical water classification, Quality control, Clustering BibRef

Zhai, M.J.[Ming-Jian], Tao, Z.[Zui], Zhou, X.[Xiang], Lv, T.T.[Ting-Ting], Wang, J.[Jin], Li, R.X.[Ruo-Xi],
Water Multi-Parameter Sampling Design Method Based on Adaptive Sample Points Fusion in Weighted Space,
RS(14), No. 12, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Xiao, Y.[Yi], Guo, Y.H.[Ya-Hui], Yin, G.D.[Guo-Dong], Zhang, X.[Xuan], Shi, Y.[Yu], Hao, F.H.[Fang-Hua], Fu, Y.S.[Yong-Shuo],
UAV Multispectral Image-Based Urban River Water Quality Monitoring Using Stacked Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study of the Zhanghe River, China,
RS(14), No. 14, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Coladello, L.F.[Leandro Fernandes], de Lourdes Bueno Trindade Galo, M.[Maria], Shimabukuro, M.H.[Milton Hirokazu], Ivánová, I.[Ivana], Awange, J.[Joseph],
Assessing Climate Influence on Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Macrophytes in Eutrophicated Reservoirs by Remotely Sensed Time Series,
RS(14), No. 14, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Zhang, D.H.[Dong-Hui], Zhang, L.[Lifu], Sun, X.J.[Xue-Jian], Gao, Y.[Yu], Lan, Z.Y.[Zi-Yue], Wang, Y.N.[Yi-Ning], Zhai, H.R.[Hao-Ran], Li, J.R.[Jing-Ru], Wang, W.[Wei], Chen, M.[Maming], Li, X.S.[Xu-Sheng], Hou, L.[Liang], Li, H.L.[Hong-Liang],
A New Method for Calculating Water Quality Parameters by Integrating Space-Ground Hyperspectral Data and Spectral-In Situ Assay Data,
RS(14), No. 15, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Varotsos, C.A.[Costas A.], Mkrtchyan, F.A.[Ferdenant A.], Soldatov, V.Y.[Vladimir Y.],
Remote Monitoring of Atmospheric and Hydrophysical Characteristics of the Water Surface Based on Microwave Radiometric Measurements,
RS(14), No. 15, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Li, H.Y.[Han-Yu], Zhang, G.Z.[Guang-Zong], Zhu, Y.Y.[Yu-Yan], Kaufmann, H.[Hermann], Xu, G.C.[Guo-Chang],
Inversion and Driving Force Analysis of Nutrient Concentrations in the Ecosystem of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bay Area,
RS(14), No. 15, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Isgró, M.A.[Melisa A.], Basallote, M.D.[M. Dolores], Caballero, I.[Isabel], Barbero, L.[Luis],
Comparison of UAS and Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery for Water Quality Monitoring: A Case Study for Acid Mine Drainage Affected Areas (SW Spain),
RS(14), No. 16, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Zhang, H.W.[Han-Wen], Xue, B.L.[Bao-Lin], Wang, G.Q.[Guo-Qiang], Zhang, X.J.[Xiao-Jing], Zhang, Q.Z.[Qing-Zhu],
Deep Learning-Based Water Quality Retrieval in an Impounded Lake Using Landsat 8 Imagery: An Application in Dongping Lake,
RS(14), No. 18, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Niroumand-Jadidi, M.[Milad], Bovolo, F.[Francesca], Bresciani, M.[Mariano], Gege, P.[Peter], Giardino, C.[Claudia],
Water Quality Retrieval from Landsat-9 (OLI-2) Imagery and Comparison to Sentinel-2,
RS(14), No. 18, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Yang, Z.[Zhe], Gong, C.[Cailan], Ji, T.[Tiemei], Hu, Y.[Yong], Li, L.[Lan],
Water Quality Retrieval from ZY1-02D Hyperspectral Imagery in Urban Water Bodies and Comparison with Sentinel-2,
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Mucheye, T.[Tadesse], Haro, S.[Sara], Papaspyrou, S.[Sokratis], Caballero, I.[Isabel],
Water Quality and Water Hyacinth Monitoring with the Sentinel-2A/B Satellites in Lake Tana (Ethiopia),
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Sňria-Perpinyŕ, X.[Xavier], Delegido, J.[Jesús], Urrego, E.P.[Esther Patricia], Ruíz-Verdú, A.[Antonio], Soria, J.M.[Juan Miguel], Vicente, E.[Eduardo], Moreno, J.[José],
Assessment of Sentinel-2-MSI Atmospheric Correction Processors and In Situ Spectrometry Waters Quality Algorithms,
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Liu, Y.Y.[Yu-Yang], Liu, J.C.[Jia-Cheng], Zhao, Y.[Yubo], Wang, X.J.[Xue-Ji], Song, S.Y.[Shu-Yao], Liu, H.[Hong], Yu, T.[Tao],
Retrieving Water Quality Parameters from Noisy-Label Data Based on Instance Selection,
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Xu, H.Q.[Han-Qiu], Duan, W.F.[Wei-Fang], Deng, W.H.[Wen-Hui], Lin, M.[Mengjing],
RSEI or MRSEI? Comment on Jia et al. Evaluation of Eco-Environmental Quality in Qaidam Basin Based on the Ecological Index (MRSEI) and GEE. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4543,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

See also Evaluation of Eco-Environmental Quality in Qaidam Basin Based on the Ecological Index (MRSEI) and GEE. BibRef

Zhang, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan], Jin, S.G.[Shuang-Gen], Wang, N.[Ning], Zhao, J.R.[Jia-Rui], Guo, H.W.[Hong-Wei], Pellikka, P.[Petri],
Total Phosphorus and Nitrogen Dynamics and Influencing Factors in Dongting Lake Using Landsat Data,
RS(14), No. 22, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Zhao, Y.[Yubo], Yu, T.[Tao], Hu, B.L.[Bing-Liang], Zhang, Z.F.[Zhou-Feng], Liu, Y.Y.[Yu-Yang], Liu, X.[Xiao], Liu, H.[Hong], Liu, J.C.[Jia-Cheng], Wang, X.J.[Xue-Ji], Song, S.Y.[Shu-Yao],
Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters Based on Near-Surface Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Algorithm,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Li, N.[Ning], Ning, Z.Y.[Zi-Yu], Chen, M.[Miao], Wu, D.M.[Dong-Ming], Hao, C.Z.[Cheng-Zhi], Zhang, D.H.[Dong-Hui], Bai, R.[Rui], Liu, H.[Huiran], Chen, X.[Xin], Li, W.[Wei], Zhang, W.[Wen], Chen, Y.C.[Yi-Cheng], Li, Q.F.[Qin-Fen], Zhang, L.[Lifu],
Satellite and Machine Learning Monitoring of Optically Inactive Water Quality Variability in a Tropical River,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Pereira-Sandoval, M.[Marcela], Ruescas, A.B.[Ana B.], García-Jimenez, J.[Jorge], Blix, K.[Katalin], Delegido, J.[Jesús], Moreno, J.[José],
Supervised Classifications of Optical Water Types in Spanish Inland Waters,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Goyens, C.[Clémence], Lavigne, H.[Héloďse], Dille, A.[Antoine], Vervaeren, H.[Han],
Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Monitor Water Quality in Drinking Water Reservoirs,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Wei, Z.Y.[Ze-Yang], Wei, L.F.[Li-Fei], Yang, H.[Hong], Wang, Z.X.[Zheng-Xiang], Xiao, Z.W.[Zhi-Wei], Li, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qiang], Yang, Y.J.[Yu-Jing], Xu, G.B.[Guo-Bin],
Water Quality Grade Identification for Lakes in Middle Reaches of Yangtze River Using Landsat-8 Data with Deep Neural Networks (DNN) Model,
RS(14), No. 24, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Liu, X.P.[Xing-Peng], Al-Shaibah, B.[Bazel], Zhao, C.L.[Chun-Li], Tong, Z.J.[Zhi-Jun], Bian, H.F.[Hong-Feng], Zhang, F.[Feng], Zhang, J.[Jiquan], Pei, X.J.[Xiang-Jun],
Estimation of the Key Water Quality Parameters in the Surface Water, Middle of Northeast China, Based on Gaussian Process Regression,
RS(14), No. 24, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Shao, Z.[Zhanchao], Bryan, K.R.[Karin R.], Lehmann, M.K.[Moritz K.], Pilditch, C.A.[Conrad A.],
Extracting Remotely Sensed Water Quality Parameters from Shallow Intertidal Estuaries,
RS(15), No. 1, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Pose, S.[Sebastian], Reitmann, S.[Stefan], Licht, G.J.[Gero Jörn], Grab, T.[Thomas], Fieback, T.[Tobias],
AI-Prepared Autonomous Freshwater Monitoring and Sea Ground Detection by an Autonomous Surface Vehicle,
RS(15), No. 3, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2302

Martín-Crespo, T.[Tomás], Gomez-Ortiz, D.[David], Pryimak, V.[Vladyslava], Martín-Velázquez, S.[Silvia], Rodríguez-Santalla, I.[Inmaculada], Ropero-Szymańska, N.[Nikoletta], de Ignacio-San José, C.[Cristina],
Quantification of Pollutants in Mining Ponds Using a Combination of LiDAR and Geochemical Methods: Mining District of Hiendelaencina, Guadalajara (Spain),
RS(15), No. 5, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Assegide, E.[Endaweke], Shiferaw, H.[Hailu], Tibebe, D.[Degefie], Peppa, M.V.[Maria V.], Walsh, C.L.[Claire L.], Alamirew, T.[Tena], Zeleke, G.[Gete],
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Water Quality Indicators in Koka Reservoir, Ethiopia,
RS(15), No. 4, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Arias-Rodriguez, L.F.[Leonardo F.], Tüzün, U.F.[Ulas Firat], Duan, Z.[Zheng], Huang, J.[Jingshui], Tuo, Y.[Ye], Disse, M.[Markus],
Global Water Quality of Inland Waters with Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Using Cloud-Computed Machine Learning,
RS(15), No. 5, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Deng, L.[Li], Li, W.[Wanshu], Liu, X.J.[Xiao-Jie], Wang, Y.Z.[Ya-Zhu], Wang, L.Q.[Ling-Qing],
Landscape Patterns and Topographic Features Affect Seasonal River Water Quality at Catchment and Buffer Scales,
RS(15), No. 5, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Zhang, X.Q.[Xian-Qing], Li, C.[Cai], Zhou, W.[Wen], Zheng, Y.N.[Yuan-Ning], Cao, W.X.[Wen-Xi], Liu, C.[Cong], Xu, Z.T.[Zhan-Tang], Yang, Y.Z.[Yue-Zhong], Yang, Z.[Zeming], Chen, F.[Fei],
Study of the Profile Distribution of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient and Secchi Disk Depth in the Northwestern South China Sea,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1533.
DOI Link 2304

Cardall, A.C.[Anna Catherine], Hales, R.C.[Riley Chad], Tanner, K.B.[Kaylee Brooke], Williams, G.P.[Gustavious Paul], Markert, K.N.[Kel N.],
LASSO (L1) Regularization for Development of Sparse Remote-Sensing Models with Applications in Optically Complex Waters Using GEE Tools,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1670.
DOI Link 2304

Adjovu, G.E.[Godson Ebenezer], Stephen, H.[Haroon], James, D.[David], Ahmad, S.[Sajjad],
Overview of the Application of Remote Sensing in Effective Monitoring of Water Quality Parameters,
RS(15), No. 7, 2023, pp. 1938.
DOI Link 2304

Ren, J.H.[Jiang-Hua], Cui, J.Y.[Jian-Yong], Dong, W.[Wen], Xiao, Y.F.[Yan-Fang], Xu, M.M.[Ming-Ming], Liu, S.W.[Shan-Wei], Wan, J.H.[Jian-Hua], Li, Z.W.[Zhong-Wei], Zhang, J.[Jie],
Remote Sensing Inversion of Typical Offshore Water Quality Parameter Concentration Based on Improved SVR Algorithm,
RS(15), No. 8, 2023, pp. 2104.
DOI Link 2305

Zhao, J.R.[Jia-Rui], Jin, S.G.[Shuang-Gen], Zhang, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan],
Dynamic Water Quality Changes in the Main Stream of the Yangtze River from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data,
RS(15), No. 10, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2306

Men, J.L.[Ji-Lin], Chen, X.[Xi], Hou, X.J.[Xue-Jiao], Tian, J.Y.[Jing-Yi], Song, Q.J.[Qing-Jun], Tian, L.Q.[Li-Qiao],
OC_3S: An optical classification and spectral scoring system for global waters using UV-visible remote sensing reflectance,
PandRS(200), 2023, pp. 153-172.
Elsevier DOI 2306
Water classification, Spectral quality, Ultraviolet, Hyperspectral dataset, Water optical properties, Remote sensing reflectance BibRef

Wang, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yi], Mao, Z.H.[Zhi-Hua], Zhang, L.W.[Long-Wei], Zhang, X.L.[Xian-Liang], Yuan, D.P.[Da-Peng], Li, Y.Z.[You-Zhi], Wu, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qiang], Huang, H.Q.[Hai-Qing], Zhu, Q.[Qiankun],
Observations of the Impacts of Hong Kong International Airport on Water Quality from 1986 to 2022 Using Landsat Satellite,
RS(15), No. 12, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2307

Logan, R.D.[Riley D.], Torrey, M.A.[Madison A.], Feijó-Lima, R.[Rafael], Colman, B.P.[Benjamin P.], Valett, H.M.[H. Maurice], Shaw, J.A.[Joseph A.],
UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imaging for River Algae Pigment Estimation,
RS(15), No. 12, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2307

Mouta, N.[Nuno], Silva, R.[Renato], Pinto, E.M.[Eva M.], Vaz, A.S.[Ana Sofia], Alonso, J.M.[Joaquim M.], Gonçalves, J.F.[Joăo F.], Honrado, J.[Joăo], Vicente, J.R.[Joana R.],
Sentinel-2 Time Series and Classifier Fusion to Map an Aquatic Invasive Plant Species along a River: The Case of Water-Hyacinth,
RS(15), No. 13, 2023, pp. 3248.
DOI Link 2307

Lin, C.[Chuan], Han, G.J.[Guang-Jie], Zhang, T.W.[Tong-Wei], Shah, S.B.H.[Syed Bilal Hussain], Peng, Y.[Yan],
Smart Underwater Pollution Detection Based on Graph-Based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Towards AUV-Based Network ITS,
ITS(24), No. 7, July 2023, pp. 7494-7505.
Pollution, Task analysis, Optimization, Systems architecture, Heuristic algorithms, Computer architecture, Routing, intelligent transportation systems BibRef

Zhang, Y.[Yu], Zhang, L.[Lifu], Huang, C.P.[Chang-Ping], Cen, Y.[Yi], Tong, Q.X.[Qing-Xi],
Dependence of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Factor fnof' on the Particulate Backscattering Ratio in an Inland Lake,
RS(15), No. 13, 2023, pp. 3392.
DOI Link 2307

Sedighkia, M.[Mahdi], Datta, B.[Bithin], Saeedipour, P.[Parisa], Abdoli, A.[Asghar],
Predicting Water Quality Distribution of Lakes through Linking Remote Sensing-Based Monitoring and Machine Learning Simulation,
RS(15), No. 13, 2023, pp. 3302.
DOI Link 2307

Li, B.[Bo], Peng, Z.[Zhan], Wang, S.L.[Shi-Lei], Guo, L.Y.[Lin-Yan],
Identification of Ballast Fouling Status and Mechanized Cleaning Efficiency Using FDTD Method,
RS(15), No. 13, 2023, pp. 3437.
DOI Link 2307

Huang, Z.K.[Zheng-Kai], Wu, X.[Xin], Wang, H.[Haihong], Hwang, C.[Cheinway], He, X.X.[Xiao-Xing],
Monitoring Inland Water Quantity Variations: A Comprehensive Analysis of Multi-Source Satellite Observation Technology Applications,
RS(15), No. 16, 2023, pp. 3945.
DOI Link 2309

Efimova, T.[Tatiana], Churilova, T.[Tatiana], Skorokhod, E.[Elena], Suslin, V.[Vyacheslav], Buchelnikov, A.S.[Anatoly S.], Glukhovets, D.[Dmitry], Khrapko, A.[Aleksandr], Moiseeva, N.[Natalia],
Light Absorption by Optically Active Components in the Arctic Region (August 2020) and the Possibility of Application to Satellite Products for Water Quality Assessment,
RS(15), No. 17, 2023, pp. 4346.
DOI Link 2310

Zeng, F.[Fanxuan], Song, C.Q.[Chun-Qiao], Cao, Z.G.[Zhi-Gang], Xue, K.[Kun], Lu, S.[Shanlong], Chen, T.[Tan], Liu, K.[Kai],
Monitoring inland water via Sentinel satellite constellation: A review and perspective,
PandRS(204), 2023, pp. 340-361.
Elsevier DOI 2310
Remote sensing, Earth observation, Water quantity, Water quality, SDG 6, Satellite constellation BibRef

Dong, L.[Lei], Gong, C.[Cailan], Huai, H.Y.[Hong-Yan], Wu, E.[Enuo], Lu, Z.H.[Zhi-Hua], Hu, Y.[Yong], Li, L.[Lan], Yang, Z.[Zhe],
Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters in Dianshan Lake Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery and Machine Learning: Algorithm Evaluation and Spatiotemporal Change Research,
RS(15), No. 20, 2023, pp. 5001.
DOI Link 2310

Jin, H.[Haohai], Fang, S.Y.[Shi-Yu], Chen, C.[Chao],
Mapping of the Spatial Scope and Water Quality of Surface Water Based on the Google Earth Engine Cloud Platform and Landsat Time Series,
RS(15), No. 20, 2023, pp. 4986.
DOI Link 2310

Kanjin, K.[Kingsley], Adade, R.[Richard], Quaicoe, J.[Julia], Lan, M.[Minxuan],
Assessing Potable Water Access and Its Implications for Households' Livelihoods: The Case of Sibi in the Nkwanta North District, Ghana,
IJGI(12), No. 9, 2023, pp. 365.
DOI Link 2310

Villota-González, F.H.[Freddy Hernán], Sulbarán-Rangel, B.[Belkis], Zurita-Martínez, F.[Florentina], Gurubel-Tun, K.J.[Kelly Joel], Zúńiga-Grajeda, V.[Virgilio],
Assessment of Machine Learning Models for Remote Sensing of Water Quality in Lakes Cajititlán and Zapotlán, Jalisco—Mexico,
RS(15), No. 23, 2023, pp. 5505.
DOI Link 2312

Xia, X.T.[Xie-Tian], Lu, H.[Hui], Xu, Z.H.[Zeng-Hui], Li, X.[Xiang], Tian, Y.[Yu],
Research on the Characteristic Spectral Band Determination for Water Quality Parameters Retrieval Based on Satellite Hyperspectral Data,
RS(15), No. 23, 2023, pp. 5578.
DOI Link 2312

Marinho, G.C.[Giovanna Carreira], Júnior, W.E.M.[Wilson Estécio Marcílio], Dias, M.A.[Mauricio Araujo], Eler, D.M.[Danilo Medeiros], Artero, A.O.[Almir Olivette], Casaca, W.[Wallace], Negri, R.G.[Rogério Galante],
Associating Anomaly Detection Strategy Based on Kittler's Taxonomy with Image Editing to Extend the Mapping of Polluted Water Bodies,
RS(15), No. 24, 2023, pp. 5760.
DOI Link 2401

Jakovljevic, G.[Gordana], Álvarez-Taboada, F.[Flor], Govedarica, M.[Miro],
Long-Term Monitoring of Inland Water Quality Parameters Using Landsat Time-Series and Back-Propagated ANN: Assessment and Usability in a Real-Case Scenario,
RS(16), No. 1, 2024, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2401

Yépez, S.[Santiago], Velásquez, G.[Germán], Torres, D.[Daniel], Saavedra-Passache, R.[Rodrigo], Pincheira, M.[Martin], Cid, H.[Hayleen], Rodríguez-López, L.[Lien], Contreras, A.[Angela], Frappart, F.[Frédéric], Cristóbal, J.[Jordi], Pons, X.[Xavier], Flores, N.[Neftali], Bourrel, L.[Luc],
Spatiotemporal Variations in Biophysical Water Quality Parameters: An Integrated In Situ and Remote Sensing Analysis of an Urban Lake in Chile,
RS(16), No. 2, 2024, pp. 427.
DOI Link 2402

Wang, Z.G.[Zhen-Guo], Xue, C.J.[Cun-Jin], Ping, B.[Bo],
A Reconstructing Model Based on Time-Space-Depth Partitioning for Global Ocean Dissolved Oxygen Concentration,
RS(16), No. 2, 2024, pp. 228.
DOI Link 2402

Gao, L.F.[Ling-Fang], Shangguan, Y.L.[Yu-Lin], Sun, Z.[Zhong], Shen, Q.[Qiaohui], Shi, Z.[Zhou],
Estimation of Non-Optically Active Water Quality Parameters in Zhejiang Province Based on Machine Learning,
RS(16), No. 3, 2024, pp. 514.
DOI Link 2402

Toming, K.[Kaire], Liu, H.[Hui], Soomets, T.[Tuuli], Uuemaa, E.[Evelyn], Nőges, T.[Tiina], Kutser, T.[Tiit],
Estimation of the Biogeochemical and Physical Properties of Lakes Based on Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence Applications,
RS(16), No. 3, 2024, pp. 464.
DOI Link 2402

Xie, Y.[Ya], Zhou, Q.[Qing], Xiao, X.[Xiao], Chen, F.[Fulong], Huang, Y.C.[Ying-Chun], Kang, J.L.[Jin-Long], Wang, S.[Shenglei], Zhang, F.F.[Fang-Fang], Gao, M.[Min], Du, Y.C.[Yi-Chen], Shen, W.[Wei], Li, J.S.[Jun-Sheng],
Satellite-Based Water Quality Assessment of the Beijing Section of the Grand Canal: Implications for SDG11.4 Evaluation,
RS(16), No. 5, 2024, pp. 909.
DOI Link 2403

Liu, B.[Bing], Li, T.H.[Tian-Hong],
A Machine-Learning-Based Framework for Retrieving Water Quality Parameters in Urban Rivers Using UAV Hyperspectral Images,
RS(16), No. 5, 2024, pp. 905.
DOI Link 2403

Waczak, J.[John], Aker, A.[Adam], Wijeratne, L.O.H.[Lakitha O. H.], Talebi, S.[Shawhin], Fernando, A.[Ashen], Dewage, P.M.H.[Prabuddha M. H.], Iqbal, M.[Mazhar], Lary, M.[Matthew], Schaefer, D.[David], Lary, D.J.[David J.],
Characterizing Water Composition with an Autonomous Robotic Team Employing Comprehensive In Situ Sensing, Hyperspectral Imaging, Machine Learning, and Conformal Prediction,
RS(16), No. 6, 2024, pp. 996.
DOI Link 2403

Shao, S.[Shidi], Wang, Y.[Yu], Liu, G.[Ge], Song, K.[Kaishan],
A Systematic Review of the Application of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager to the Water Quality Monitoring of Inland and Coastal Waters,
RS(16), No. 9, 2024, pp. 1623.
DOI Link 2405

Zhu, L.[Liudi], Cui, T.W.[Ting-Wei], Runa, A., Pan, X.L.[Xin-Liang], Zhao, W.J.[Wen-Jing], Xiang, J.Z.[Jin-Zhao], Cao, M.M.[Meng-Meng],
Robust remote sensing retrieval of key eutrophication indicators in coastal waters based on explainable machine learning,
PandRS(211), 2024, pp. 262-280.
Elsevier DOI 2405
Explainable machine learning, Water quality, Remote sensing, Eutrophication, Coastal waters BibRef

Dong, L.[Lei], Gong, C.[Cailan], Wang, X.H.[Xin-Hui], Wang, Y.[Yang], He, D.G.[Dao-Gang], Hu, Y.[Yong], Li, L.[Lan], Yang, Z.[Zhe],
Seasonal Monitoring Method for TN and TP Based on Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images,
RS(16), No. 9, 2024, pp. 1614.
DOI Link 2405

Fabbretto, A.[Alice], Bresciani, M.[Mariano], Pellegrino, A.[Andrea], Alikas, K.[Krista], Pinardi, M.[Monica], Mangano, S.[Salvatore], Padula, R.[Rosalba], Giardino, C.[Claudia],
Tracking Water Quality and Macrophyte Changes in Lake Trasimeno (Italy) from Spaceborne Hyperspectral Imagery,
RS(16), No. 10, 2024, pp. 1704.
DOI Link 2405

Odetti, A.[Angelo], Bruzzone, G.[Gabriele], Ferretti, R.[Roberta], Aracri, S.[Simona], Carotenuto, F.[Federico], Vagnoli, C.[Carolina], Zaldei, A.[Alessandro], Scagnetto, I.[Ivan],
Lake Environmental Data Harvester (LED) for Alpine Lake Monitoring with Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs),
RS(16), No. 11, 2024, pp. 1998.
DOI Link 2406

Lei, X.D.[Xiang-Dong], Jiang, J.[Jie], Deng, Z.F.[Zi-Feng], Wu, D.[Di], Wang, F.Y.[Fang-Yi], Lai, C.G.[Cheng-Guang], Wang, Z.L.[Zhao-Li], Chen, X.H.[Xiao-Hong],
An Ensemble Machine Learning Model to Estimate Urban Water Quality Parameters Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multispectral Imagery,
RS(16), No. 12, 2024, pp. 2246.
DOI Link 2406

Lausch, A.[Angela], Bannehr, L.[Lutz], Berger, S.A.[Stella A.], Borg, E.[Erik], Bumberger, J.[Jan], Hacker, J.M.[Jorg M.], Heege, T.[Thomas], Hupfer, M.[Michael], Jung, A.[András], Kuhwald, K.[Katja], Oppelt, N.[Natascha], Pause, M.[Marion], Schrodt, F.[Franziska], Selsam, P.[Peter], von Trentini, F.[Fabian], Vohland, M.[Michael], Glässer, C.[Cornelia],
Monitoring Water Diversity and Water Quality with Remote Sensing and Traits,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2425.
DOI Link 2407

Waczak, J.[John], Aker, A.[Adam], Wijeratne, L.O.H.[Lakitha O. H.], Talebi, S.[Shawhin], Fernando, A.[Ashen], Dewage, P.M.H.[Prabuddha M. H.], Iqbal, M.[Mazhar], Lary, M.[Matthew], Schaefer, D.[David], Balagopal, G.[Gokul], Lary, D.J.[David J.],
Unsupervised Characterization of Water Composition with UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imaging and Generative Topographic Mapping,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2430.
DOI Link 2407

Schröder, T.[Tanja], Schmidt, S.I.[Susanne I.], Kutzner, R.D.[Rebecca D.], Bernert, H.[Hendrik], Stelzer, K.[Kerstin], Friese, K.[Kurt], Rinke, K.[Karsten],
Exploring Spatial Aggregations and Temporal Windows for Water Quality Match-Up Analysis Using Sentinel-2 MSI and Sentinel-3 OLCI Data,
RS(16), No. 15, 2024, pp. 2798.
DOI Link 2408

Lisboa, F.[Filipe], Brotas, V.[Vanda], Santos, F.D.[Filipe Duarte],
Earth Observation: An Essential Tool towards Effective Aquatic Ecosystems' Management under a Climate in Change,
RS(16), No. 14, 2024, pp. 2597.
DOI Link 2408

Byrne, A.[Aidan], Lomeo, D.[Davide], Owoko, W.[Winnie], Aura, C.M.[Christopher Mulanda], Nyakeya, K.[Kobingi], Odoli, C.[Cyprian], Mugo, J.[James], Barongo, C.[Conland], Kiplagat, J.[Julius], Mwirigi, N.[Naftaly], Avery, S.[Sean], Chadwick, M.A.[Michael A.], Norris, K.[Ken], Tebbs, E.J.[Emma J.], on behalf of the NSF-IRES Lake Victoria Research Consortium
LAQUA: a LAndsat water QUality retrieval tool for east African lakes,
RS(16), No. 16, 2024, pp. 2903.
DOI Link 2408

Pérez-García, Á.[Ámbar], Lorenzo, A.M.[Alba Martín], Hernández, E.[Emma], Rodríguez-Molina, A.[Adrián], van Emmerik, T.H.M.[Tim H. M.], López, J.F.[José F.],
Developing a Generalizable Spectral Classifier for Rhodamine Detection in Aquatic Environments,
RS(16), No. 16, 2024, pp. 3090.
DOI Link 2408

Rodríguez-López, L.[Lien], Alvarez, L.B.[Lisandra Bravo], Duran-Llacer, I.[Iongel], Ruíz-Guirola, D.E.[David E.], Montejo-Sánchez, S.[Samuel], Martínez-Retureta, R.[Rebeca], López-Morales, E.[Ernesto], Bourrel, L.[Luc], Frappart, F.[Frédéric], Urrutia, R.[Roberto],
Leveraging Machine Learning and Remote Sensing for Water Quality Analysis in Lake Ranco, Southern Chile,
RS(16), No. 18, 2024, pp. 3401.
DOI Link 2410

Schmidt, S.I.[Susanne I.], Schröder, T.[Tanja], Kutzner, R.D.[Rebecca D.], Laue, P.[Pia], Bernert, H.[Hendrik], Stelzer, K.[Kerstin], Friese, K.[Kurt], Rinke, K.[Karsten],
Evaluating Satellite-Based Water Quality Sensing of Inland Waters on Basis of 100+ German Water Bodies Using 2 Different Processing Chains,
RS(16), No. 18, 2024, pp. 3416.
DOI Link 2410

He, S.[Shiyue], Zhang, Y.J.[Yan-Jun], Luo, L.[Lan], Song, Y.Y.X.[Yuan-Yan-Xin],
Establishment of Remote Sensing Inversion Model and Its Application in Pollution Source Identification: A Case Study of East Lake in Wuhan,
RS(16), No. 18, 2024, pp. 3402.
DOI Link 2410

Xu, X.L.[Xiao-Ling], Pan, J.Y.[Jia-Yi], Zhang, H.[Hua], Lin, H.[Hui],
Progress in Remote Sensing of Heavy Metals in Water,
RS(16), No. 20, 2024, pp. 3888.
DOI Link 2411

Deng, Y.[Ying], Zhang, Y.[Yue], Pan, D.[Daiwei], Yang, S.X.[Simon X.], Gharabaghi, B.[Bahram],
Review of Recent Advances in Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Methods for Lake Water Quality Management,
RS(16), No. 22, 2024, pp. 4196.
DOI Link 2412

Balla, D.[Dániel], Kiss, E.[Emoke], Zichar, M.[Marianna], Mester, T.[Tamás],
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Water Quality: Long-Term Assessment Using Water Quality Indices and GIS,
IJGI(13), No. 11, 2024, pp. 408.
DOI Link 2412

Muhammad, A.[Ali], Shangguan, D.H.[Dong-Hui], Rasool, G.[Ghulam], Khan, A.A.[Amjad Ali], Butt, A.Q.[Asim Qayyum], Hussain, A.[Ayesha], Mukhtar, M.A.[Muhammad Ahsan],
A Localized Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Using GIS-Based Water Quality Index along Satpara Watershed Skardu Baltistan, Pakistan,
IJGI(13), No. 11, 2024, pp. 393.
DOI Link 2412

Das, S.[Subhasmita], Nandi, D.[Debabrata], Thakur, R.R.[Rakesh Ranjan], Bera, D.K.[Dillip Kumar], Behera, D.[Duryadhan], Durin, B.[Bojan], Cetl, V.[Vlado],
A Novel Approach for Ex Situ Water Quality Monitoring Using the Google Earth Engine and Spectral Indices in Chilika Lake, Odisha, India,
IJGI(13), No. 11, 2024, pp. 381.
DOI Link 2412

Li, P.F.[Pei-Feng], Hao, F.[Fanghua], Wu, H.[Hao], Nie, H.J.[Han-Jiang],
Spatiotemporal Dynamic Analysis of Eutrophication Status Based on Machine Learning-Based Retrieval Algorithm: Case Study in Liangzi Lake, Hubei, China,
RS(16), No. 22, 2024, pp. 4192.
DOI Link 2412

Farahnakian, F.[Fahimeh], Luodes, N.[Nike], Karlsson, T.[Teemu],
Machine Learning Algorithms for Acid Mine Drainage Mapping Using Sentinel-2 and Worldview-3,
RS(16), No. 24, 2024, pp. 4680.
DOI Link 2501

Wen, Y.F.[Yan-Feng], Chen, P.[Peng], Zhang, Z.H.[Zhen-Hua], Li, Y.Z.[Yun-Zhou],
Cross-Attention-Based High Spatial-Temporal Resolution Fusion of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Data for Ocean Water Quality Assessment,
RS(16), No. 24, 2024, pp. 4781.
DOI Link 2501

Vaughn, N.R.[Nicholas R.], König, M.[Marcel], Hondula, K.L.[Kelly L.], Harrison, D.E.[Dominica E.], Asner, G.P.[Gregory P.],
Rapid Water Quality Mapping from Imaging Spectroscopy with a Superpixel Approach to Bio-Optical Inversion,
RS(16), No. 23, 2024, pp. 4344.
DOI Link 2501

Maligaya, V.H.[Vann Harvey], Baltodano, A.[Analy], Agramont, A.[Afnan], van Griensven, A.[Ann],
Exploring Trends and Variability of Water Quality over Lake Titicaca Using Global Remote Sensing Products,
RS(16), No. 24, 2024, pp. 4785.
DOI Link 2501

Sun, Z.H.[Zhi-Hao], Guo, L.[Liang], Tao, Z.[Zhe], Li, Y.[Yana], Zhan, Y.[Yang], Li, S.[Shuling], Zhao, Y.[Ying],
Water Quality Inversion Framework for Taihu Lake Based on Multilayer Denoising Autoencoder and Ensemble Learning,
RS(16), No. 24, 2024, pp. 4793.
DOI Link 2501

Lyu, J.Q.[Ji-Qiang], Zhang, H.[Haihao], Huang, Y.[Yuanjia], Bai, C.Y.[Chun-Yu], Yang, Y.H.[Yu-Hao], Shi, J.L.[Jun-Lin], Yang, Z.Z.[Zhi-Zhou], Wang, Y.[Yan], Zhou, Z.H.[Zhao-Hui], Luo, P.P.[Ping-Ping], Jiao, M.[Meng], Huo, A.[Aidi],
Evolution Characteristics and Risk Assessment on Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Weihe River Basin, China,
RS(16), No. 23, 2024, pp. 4605.
DOI Link 2501

Wang, M.[Manqi], Zhou, C.[Caili], Shi, J.Q.[Jia-Qi], Lin, F.[Fei], Li, Y.C.[Yu-Cheng], Hu, Y.M.[Yi-Min], Zhang, X.S.[Xue-Sheng],
Inversion of Water Quality Parameters from UAV Hyperspectral Data Based on Intelligent Algorithm Optimized Backpropagation Neural Networks of a Small Rural River,
RS(17), No. 1, 2025, pp. 119.
DOI Link 2501

Zhang, J.D.[Jun-Dong], Xue, S.[Shilong], Geng, P.[Pan],
Research on BiLSTM-GRU Water Quality Prediction Model Based on Attention Mechanism,
Deep learning, Analytical models, Computational modeling, Neural networks, Water quality, Sewage treatment BibRef

Shiling, Z.[Zhang],
Research on On-line Detection Method and Device Development of HF and Micro Water Content with Optical Image Processing,
Water, Optical fibers, Absorption, Adsorption, Hafnium, Optical saturation, Optical variables measurement, Detection limit BibRef

Rocha, I.[Inęs], Azevedo, F.[Fábio], Carvalho, P.H.[Pedro H.], Peixoto, P.S.[Patrícia S.], Segundo, M.A.[Marcela A.], Oliveira, H.P.[Hélder P.],
An Edge-Based Computer Vision Approach for Determination of Sulfonamides in Water,
Springer DOI 2205

Ahi, S., Eymen, A.,
Examine of the Impact of Land Use on Water Basins Using Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing: Terkos Basin Example,
DOI Link 2201

Biraghi, C.A., Lotfian, M., Carrion, D., Brovelli, M.A.,
AI in Support to Water Quality Monitoring,
ISPRS21(B4-2021: 167-174).
DOI Link 2201

Gerosa, C., Bresciani, M., Luciani, G., Biraghi, C.A., Carrion, D., Rogora, M., Brovelli, M.A.,
Zonation of Subalpine Lakes Based on Remotely Sensed Water Quality Parameters,
ISPRS21(B3-2021: 551-558).
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Fattah, G., Ghrissi, F., Mabrouki, J., Al-Jadabi, N.,
Modeling and Assessment of the Impact of Land Use in the Western Rif Region, Morocco, on Water Quality,
DOI Link 2201

Toro Herrera, J.F., Carrion, D., Brovelli, M.A.,
A Collaborative Platform for Water Quality Monitoring: Simile Webgis,
ISPRS21(B4-2021: 201-207).
DOI Link 2201

Baek, J.Y.[Ji Yeon], Krishna de Guzman, M.[Maria], Park, H.M.[Ho-Min], Park, S.[Sanghyeon], Shin, B.[Boyeon], Velickovic, T.C.[Tanja Cirkovic], van Messem, A.[Arnout], de Neve, W.[Wesley],
Developing a Segmentation Model for Microscopic Images of Microplastics Isolated from Clams,
Springer DOI 2103

Ech-Chafay, H., Najy, M., Talbi, F.Z., El Ghazouany, A., Lachhab, M., Belghyti, D.,
Study of the Purification Performance of the Natural Lagunating Technique of the Purification Station of the City of Outat El Haj - Morocco,
DOI Link 2012

Liu, C., Zhou, X., Zhou, Y., Akbar, A.,
Multi-temporal Monitoring of Urban River Water Quality Using UAV-borne Multi-spectral Remote Sensing,
DOI Link 2012

Carrion, D., Pessina, E., Biraghi, C.A., Bratic, G.,
Crowdsourcing Water Quality with the Simile App,
DOI Link 2012

Šádek, P., Struhár, J.,
The Evaluation of Water Pollution With The Help of Remote Sensing Tools,
DOI Link 1912

Yagmur, N., Musaoglu, N., Taskin, G.,
Detection of Shallow Water Area With Machine Learning Algorithms,
DOI Link 1912

Jalbuena, R.L., Blanco, A.C., Manuel, A., Santa Ana, R.R., Santos, J.A.,
Bio Optical Modelling of Laguna Lake Using Bomber Tool and Wasi-derived Inverted Parameters,
DOI Link 1912

Carvalho, P.H.[Pedro H.], Bessa, S.[Sílvia], Silva, A.R.M.[Ana Rosa M.], Peixoto, P.S.[Patrícia S.], Segundo, M.A.[Marcela A.], Oliveira, H.P.[Hélder P.],
Estimation of Sulfonamides Concentration in Water Based on Digital Colourimetry,
Springer DOI 1910

Wu, X., Shivakumara, P., Zhu, L., Zhang, H., Shi, J., Lu, T., Pal, U., Blumenstein, M.,
Fourier Transform based Features for Clean and Polluted Water Image Classification,
Water pollution, Feature extraction, Image color analysis, Support vector machines, Image classification, Surface cleaning, SVM classifier and Water image detection BibRef

Dong, J.Y.[Jun-Yu], Dong, X.H.[Xing-Hui],
Oceanic Scene Recognition Using Graph-of-Words (GoW),
Feature extraction, Flickr, Histograms, Image recognition, Layout, Roads, Sea measurements BibRef

Teja, K.T.[K. Tarun], Rajan, K.S.,
Understanding The Behaviour Of Contamination Spread In Nagarjuna Sagar Reservoir Using Temporal Landsat Data,
ISPRS16(B8: 343-348).
DOI Link 1610

Cheng-Fang, H., Xiao, X., Dingtao, S., Bo, C., Xiongfei, W.,
Study Of Water Pollution Early Warning Framework Based On Internet Of Things,
ISPRS16(B8: 335-338).
DOI Link 1610

Pásler, M., Komárková, J.,
Utilization of Landsat Data for Water Quality Observation in Small Inland Water Bodies,
ISPRS16(B8: 373-377).
DOI Link 1610

Tormos, T., Harmel, T., Danis, P.A., Chami, M.,
Exploiting satelitte image time series for monitoring ecological quality parameters of french reservoirs,
ecology BibRef

Liu, Y., Zhang, W., Yan, C.,
The Huaihe Basin Water Resource And Water Quality Management Platform Implemented With A Spatio-temporal Data Model,
DOI Link 1209

Campbell, G., Phinn, S.R.,
Measuring The Particulate Backscattering Of Inland Waters: A Comparison Of Techniques,
AnnalsPRS(I-7), No. 2012, pp. 7-12.
DOI Link 1209

Akbar, T.[Tahir], Hassan, Q.[Quazi], Achari, G.[Gopal],
A remote sensing based framework for predicting water quality of different source waters,
PDF File. 1006

Chapter on Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover continues in
Water Turbidity, Turbid Water Areas .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25