Update Dates 2005

2005 * *Guest Editorial: AI Applications to Intelligent Vehicles for Advancing Intelligent Transport Systems
* *proximity sensor for robots, A
* 2-D Pseudospectral Time-Domain (PSTD) Simulator for Large-Scale Electromagnetic Scattering and Radar Sounding Applications, A
* 2018 Long Rainy Season in Kenya: Hydrological Changes and Correlated Land Subsidence, The
* 2D Pose-Based Real-Time Human Action Recognition With Occlusion-Handling
* 3D Building Façade Reconstruction Using Deep Learning
* 3D face mask presentation attack detection based on intrinsic image analysis
* 3D human pose estimation by depth map
* 3D Point Cloud and BIM-Based Reconstruction for Evaluation of Project by As-Planned and As-Built
* 3D Probabilistic Deep Learning System for Detection and Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Using Low-Dose CT Scans, A
* 3D RANs: 3D Residual Attention Networks for action recognition
* 3D Shape Modeling and Analysis of Retinal Microvasculature in OCT-Angiography Images
* 4D facial expression recognition using multimodal time series analysis of geometric landmark-based deformations
* 4D Flow MRI Pressure Estimation Using Velocity Measurement-Error-Based Weighted Least-Squares
* Abandoned Farmland Location in Areas Affected by Rapid Urbanization Using Textural Characterization of High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* AbolDeepIO: A Novel Deep Inertial Odometry Network for Autonomous Vehicles
* Above-Ground Biomass Retrieval over Tropical Forests: A Novel GNSS-R Approach with CyGNSS
* Absent Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithms
* Accelerating monotone fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm with sequential subspace optimization for sparse recovery
* Accelerating Non-Cartesian MRI Reconstruction Convergence Using k-Space Preconditioning
* Accuracy of Ground Surface Interpolation from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) Data in Dense Forest Cover
* Accurate and Reliable Facial Expression Recognition Using Advanced Softmax Loss With Fixed Weights
* Accurate and Robust Video Saliency Detection via Self-Paced Diffusion
* Accurate Near-Field Millimeter-Wave Imaging of Concave Objects: A Case Study of Dihedral Structures Under Monostatic Array Configurations
* Acoustic Deep-Sea Seafloor Characterization Accounting for Heterogeneity Effect
* Acoustic Scene Clustering Using Joint Optimization of Deep Embedding Learning and Clustering Iteration
* Action matching network: open-set action recognition using spatio-temporal representation matching
* Active emulation of computer codes with Gaussian processes: Application to remote sensing
* Adaptive Algorithm for Active Vibration Control of Parameter-Varying Systems With a New Online Secondary Path Estimation Method, An
* Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Modeling of Intrinsic Attenuation Anisotropy for Fluid-Saturated Porous Media
* adaptive document recognition system for lettrines, An
* Adaptive frequency median filter for the salt and pepper denoising problem
* Adaptive Fuzzy Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Time-Varying Delay Systems
* Adaptive fuzzy optimal control for a class of active suspension systems with full-state constraints
* Adaptive Gaussian notch filter for removing periodic noise from digital images
* Adaptive neural network-based fault-tolerant trajectory-tracking control of unmanned surface vessels with input saturation and error constraints
* Adaptive quantile low-rank matrix factorization
* Adaptive Single Image Dehazing Using Joint Local-Global Illumination Adjustment
* Additive neural network for forest fire detection
* Adjusting the imbalance ratio by the dimensionality of imbalanced data
* Advanced Algorithm to Retrieve Total Atmospheric Water Vapor Content From the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Data Over Sea Ice and Sea Water Surfaces in the Arctic, An
* Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments: A Collective Benchmark Study
* Adversarial Framework for Unsupervised Learning of Motion Dynamics in Videos
* Affective Communication of Map Symbols: A Semantic Differential Analysis
* Agent Transparency and Reliability in Human-Robot Interaction: The Influence on User Confidence and Perceived Reliability
* Agent Transparency: A Review of Current Theory and Evidence
* AI-GAN: Asynchronous interactive generative adversarial network for single image rain removal
* Air Quality Index Forecasting via Deep Dictionary Learning
* Air-Ground Impedance Matching by Depositing Metasurfaces for Enhanced GPR Detection
* Air-writing recognition system for Persian numbers with a novel classifier
* ALCN: Adaptive Local Contrast Normalization
* ALERT: Adversarial Learning With Expert Regularization Using Tikhonov Operator for Missing Band Reconstruction
* Algorithms and Analyses for Joint Spectral Image Reconstruction in Y-90 Bremsstrahlung SPECT
* Aligning Discriminative and Representative Features: An Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Method for Building Damage Assessment
* All-in-One Application for Temporal Coordinate Transformation in Geodesy and Geoinformatics, An
* All-Pass Parametric Image Registration
* Amphibian Sounds Generating Network Based on Adversarial Learning
* Analysis of Cooperative Bus Priority at Traffic Signals
* Analysis of Online Reputation Indicators by Means of Geostatistical Techniques: The Case of Rural Accommodation in Extremadura, Spain, An
* Analysis of overlapping origin-destination pairs between bus stations to enhance the efficiency of bus operations
* Analysis of the Occurrence Frequency of Seedable Clouds on the Korean Peninsula for Precipitation Enhancement Experiments
* Analyzing spatial variability in night-time lights using a high spatial resolution color Jilin-1 image-Jerusalem as a case study
* Anisotropic Convolution for Image Classification
* Anisotropic tubular minimal path model with fast marching front freezing scheme
* Anomaly Detection of Folding Operations for Origami Instruction with Single Camera
* Anti-occlusion object tracking based on correlation filter
* Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial Assessment of Inland Excess Water Hazard
* Application of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in the Longwave Infrared Region to Assess the Influence of Dust from the Desert on Soil Surface Mineralogy
* Application of Luojia 1-01 Nighttime Images for Detecting the Light Changes for the 2019 Spring Festival in Western Cities, China
* Applications of UAV Thermal Imagery in Precision Agriculture: State of the Art and Future Research Outlook
* Approach Based on Landsat Images for Shoreline Monitoring to Support Integrated Coastal Management: A Case Study, Ezbet Elborg, Nile Delta, Egypt, An
* Arrival Times of Plane Waves Obliquely Incident on a Dipole Array Antenna in a Borehole
* Assessing Earthquake-Induced Urban Rubble by Means of Multiplatform Remotely Sensed Data
* Assessing Equity in the Accessibility to Urban Green Spaces According to Different Functional Levels
* Assessing Meteorological and Agricultural Drought in Chitral Kabul River Basin Using Multiple Drought Indices
* Assessing Safety and Suitability of Old Trails for Hiking Using Ground and Drone Surveys
* Assessing Soil Cover Levels during the Non-Growing Season Using Multitemporal Satellite Imagery and Spectral Unmixing Techniques
* Assessing Soil Erosion Hazards Using Land-Use Change and Landslide Frequency Ratio Method: A Case Study of Sabaragamuwa Province, Sri Lanka
* Assessing the Applicability of Mobile Laser Scanning for Mapping Forest Roads in the Republic of Korea
* Assessment of Enhanced Dempster-Shafer Theory for Uncertainty Modeling in a GIS-Based Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Model, Case Study: Tabriz City
* Assessment of INSAT-3D Retrieved Temperature and Water Vapour With Collocated Radiosonde Measurements Over Indian Region
* Assimilating VLF Transmitter Observations With an LETKF for Spatial Estimates of the D-Region Ionosphere
* Assimilation of SAR Ice and Open Water Retrievals in Environment and Climate Change Canada Regional Ice-Ocean Prediction System
* Association between work-related features and coronary artery disease: A heterogeneous hybrid feature selection integrated with balancing approach
* ASTS: A Unified Framework for Arbitrary Shape Text Spotting
* Asymmetric Joint GANs for Normalizing Face Illumination From a Single Image
* Asymptotical Optimality of Change Point Detection With Unknown Discrete Post-Change Distributions
* Attaining The Third Dimension
* Augmenting Geostatistics with Matrix Factorization: A Case Study for House Price Estimation
* Automated and efficient powerline extraction from laser scanning data using a voxel-based subsampling with hierarchical approach
* Automated detection and classification of fundus diabetic retinopathy images using synergic deep learning model
* Automated detection of abnormal EEG signals using localized wavelet filter banks
* Automated detection of calcified plaque using higher-order spectra cumulant technique in computer tomography angiography images
* Automated Evaluation of Semantic Segmentation Robustness for Autonomous Driving
* Automated facial video-based recognition of depression and anxiety symptom severity: cross-corpus validation
* Automated Filtering of Multibeam Water-Column Data to Detect Relative Abundance of Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
* Automated invasive ductal carcinoma detection based using deep transfer learning with whole-slide images
* Automated Procurement of Training Data for Machine Learning Algorithm on Ship Detection Using AIS Information
* Automatic aircraft extraction using video matting and frame registration
* Automatic characteristic-calibrated registration (ACC-REG): Hippocampal surface registration using eigen-graphs
* Automatic cloud segmentation from INSAT-3D satellite image via IKM and IFCM clustering
* Automatic darkest filament detection (ADFD): a new algorithm for crack extraction on two-dimensional pavement images
* Automatic Diagnosis Based on Spatial Information Fusion Feature for Intracranial Aneurysm
* Automatic Generation of High-Accuracy Stair Paths for Straight, Spiral, and Winder Stairs Using IFC-Based Models
* Automatic Microseismic Events Detection Using Multiscale Morphological Characteristic Function
* Automatic processing of Historical Arabic Documents: A comprehensive Survey
* Automatic Radiofrequency Ablation Planning for Liver Tumors With Multiple Constraints Based on Set Covering
* Automatic recognition of image of abnormal situation in scenic spots based on Internet of things
* Automatic segmentation for pulmonary nodules in CT images based on multifractal analysis
* Automatic semantic style transfer using deep convolutional neural networks and soft masks
* Automatic soccer field of play registration
* Autonomous road vehicles: recent issues and expectations
* Back-Projection Based Fidelity Term for Ill-Posed Linear Inverse Problems
* Basal Channel Extraction and Variation Analysis of Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Ice Shelf in Greenland
* BEBLID: Boosted efficient binary local image descriptor
* Behavioural validity of driving simulators for prototype HMI evaluation
* Biclustering with dominant sets
* Bionic Face Sketch Generator
* Bit-string representation of a fingerprint image by normalized local structures
* BLAN: Bi-directional ladder attentive network for facial attribute prediction
* Blind Audio-Visual Localization and Separation via Low-Rank and Sparsity
* Blind Night-Time Image Quality Assessment: Subjective and Objective Approaches
* Blind quality assessment for 3D synthesised video with binocular asymmetric distortion
* Blind Quality Index of Depth Images Based on Structural Statistics for View Synthesis
* Blockchain-enabled virtual coupling of automatic train operation fitted mainline trains for railway traffic conflict control
* Boosting Computational Effectiveness in Big Spatial Flow Data Analysis with Intelligent Data Reduction
* Breast Cancer: Model Reconstruction and Image Registration From Segmented Deformed Image Using Visual and Force Based Analysis
* Building Extraction Based on U-Net with an Attention Block and Multiple Losses
* Building socially-enabled event-enriched maps
* CAGNet: Content-Aware Guidance for Salient Object Detection
* Can InSAR Coherence and Closure Phase Be Used to Estimate Soil Moisture Changes?
* Cancelable multi-biometric recognition system based on deep learning
* CANet: Cross-Disease Attention Network for Joint Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Macular Edema Grading
* Canopy Height Estimation Using Sentinel Series Images through Machine Learning Models in a Mangrove Forest
* Capability of Integrating Optical and Microwave Data for Detecting Soil Moisture in an Oasis Region, The
* CARs-Lands: An associative classifier for large-scale datasets
* Cartographic Vandalism in the Era of Location-Based Games: The Case of OpenStreetMap and Pokémon GO
* Category-specific upright orientation estimation for 3D model classification and retrieval
* Causal Long Short-Term Memory Sequence to Sequence Model for TEC Prediction Using GNSS Observations, A
* CBinfer: Exploiting Frame-to-Frame Locality for Faster Convolutional Network Inference on Video Streams
* CGAN-TM: A Novel Domain-to-Domain Transferring Method for Person Re-Identification
* Change Detection in Aerial Images Using Three-Dimensional Feature Maps
* Change-Driven Image Foveation Approach for Tracking Plant Phenology, A
* Characterization of the High-Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder Using Lunar Observations
* Characterizing Generalized Rate-Distortion Performance of Video Coding: An Eigen Analysis Approach
* Chua's diode and strange attractor: a three-layer hardware-software co-design for medical image confidentiality
* Circular Clustering in Fuzzy Approximation Spaces for Color Normalization of Histological Images
* Circular object arrangement using spherical embeddings
* Citizen-Centric Approach for the Improvement of Territorial Services Management, A
* Citizens' Spatial Footprint on Twitter: Anomaly, Trend and Bias Investigation in Istanbul
* CitSci Approach for Rapid Earthquake Intensity Mapping: A Case Study from Istanbul (Turkey), A
* City-Scale Distance Sensing via Bispectral Light Extinction in Bad Weather
* CityCraft: 3D virtual city creation from a single image
* Classification of dry age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular oedema from optical coherence tomography images using dictionary learning
* classification of gliomas based on a Pyramid dilated convolution resnet model, The
* Classification of origin with feature selection and network construction for folk tunes
* Classification of priors and regularization techniques appurtenant to single image super-resolution
* Closed-Form Robust Cluster-Analysis-Based Multibaseline InSAR Phase Unwrapping and Filtering Algorithm With Optimal Baseline Combination Analysis, A
* Clustering quality metrics for subspace clustering
* Clustering social audiences in business information networks
* Co-occurrence of deep convolutional features for image search
* CO2 Concentration, A Critical Factor Influencing the Relationship between Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Gross Primary Productivity
* Coarse-to-Fine Localization of Temporal Action Proposals
* CoCNN: RGB-D deep fusion for stereoscopic salient object detection
* Cognitive Mapping and Planning for Visual Navigation
* Cognitive Resource Allocation for Target Tracking in Location-Aware Radar Networks
* Color Constancy by Reweighting Image Feature Maps
* Column Integrated Water Vapor and Aerosol Load Characterization with the New ZEN-R52 Radiometer
* Combined Impact of Sample Size and Modeling Approaches for Predicting Stem Volume in Eucalyptus spp. Forest Plantations Using Field and LiDAR Data
* Combining AHP and ROC with GIS for Airport Site Selection: A Case Study in Libya
* Combining deep generative and discriminative models for Bayesian semi-supervised learning
* Combining Deep Learning and Location-Based Ranking for Large-Scale Archaeological Prospection of LiDAR Data from The Netherlands
* Combining gaze and AI planning for online human intention recognition
* Combining Genetic Analysis and Multivariate Modeling to Evaluate Spectral Reflectance Indices as Indirect Selection Tools in Wheat Breeding under Water Deficit Stress Conditions
* Combining single photon and multispectral airborne laser scanning for land cover classification
* Combining Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Image Processing for Wastewater Treatment Plant Asset Inspection
* Comparative Performance Analysis of Enhancement Methods Applied to Arabic Manuscripts
* Comparing Machine Learning Models and Hybrid Geostatistical Methods Using Environmental and Soil Covariates for Soil pH Prediction
* Comparing performance of graph matching algorithms on huge graphs
* Comparison of Estimating Crop Residue Cover from Sentinel-2 Data Using Empirical Regressions and Machine Learning Methods, A
* Comparison of pixel unmixing models in the evaluation of post-fire forest resilience based on temporal series of satellite imagery at moderate and very high spatial resolution
* Comparison of Relief Shading Techniques Applied to Landforms
* Comparison of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Models Over Two Typical Sites in an Arid Riparian Ecosystem of Northwestern China
* Comparison of Statistical Modelling Approaches for Estimating Tropical Forest Aboveground Biomass Stock and Reporting Their Changes in Low-Intensity Logging Areas Using Multi-Temporal LiDAR Data
* Compatibility of Aerial and Terrestrial LiDAR for Quantifying Forest Structural Diversity
* Competitive and collaborative representation for classification
* Complex Contourlet-CNN for polarimetric SAR image classification
* comprehensive survey on automatic facial action unit analysis, A
* Compressing animated meshes with fine details using local spectral analysis and deformation transfer
* Compressive sensed video recovery via iterative thresholding with random transforms
* Computational approach to body mass index estimation from dressed people in 3D space
* Computer-aided diagnosis of retinal diseases using multidomain feature fusion
* Concatenation hashing: A relative position preserving method for learning binary codes
* concave optimization algorithm for matching partially overlapping point sets, A
* Concentrated Local Part Discovery With Fine-Grained Part Representation for Person Re-Identification
* Conditional Variational Image Deraining
* Confidence-Guided Self Refinement for Action Prediction in Untrimmed Videos
* Connectivity-based cylinder detection in unorganized point clouds
* Consistency Analysis of Remote Sensing Land Cover Products in the Tropical Rainforest Climate Region: A Case Study of Indonesia
* Consistent Population Synthesis With Multi-Social Relationships Based on Tensor Decomposition
* Construction of high dynamic range image based on gradient information transformation
* Contextualized CNN for Scene-Aware Depth Estimation From Single RGB Image
* Contribution of Connectivity Assessments to Green Infrastructure (GI)
* Controllable digital restoration of ancient paintings using convolutional neural network and nearest neighbor
* Convolutional LSTM based transportation mode learning from raw GPS trajectories
* Convolutional neural network in the detection of lung carcinoma using transfer learning approach
* Convolutional Neural Network with Mapping Layers for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Cooperation: A new force for boosting generative adversarial nets with dual-network structure
* Cooperative Control of Metro Trains to Minimize Net Energy Consumption
* Cooperative Eco-Driving at Signalized Intersections in a Partially Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment
* Cooperative Parameter Estimation on the Unit Sphere Using a Network of Diffusion Particle Filters
* Corner detection based on shearlet transform and multi-directional structure tensor
* Correction of amplitude scintillation effect in fully polarimetric SAR coherency matrix data
* Correlation classifiers based on data perturbation: New formulations and algorithms
* Correlation Studies between Land Cover Change and Baidu Index: A Case Study of Hubei Province
* Correlation-aware adversarial domain adaptation and generalization
* Correspondence edit distance to obtain a set of weighted means of graph correspondences
* Cost-effective and accurate palm vein recognition system based on multiframe super-resolution algorithms
* CostNet: A Concise Overpass Spatiotemporal Network for Predictive Learning
* Counting of grapevine berries in images via semantic segmentation using convolutional neural networks
* Coupled Adversarial Training for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* Coupling cell detection and tracking by temporal feedback
* CPGAN: Conditional patch-based generative adversarial network for retinal vessel segmentation
* Crop Mapping Using Random Forest and Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2
* Crop Monitoring Using Satellite/UAV Data Fusion and Machine Learning
* Cross-view hashing via supervised deep discrete matrix factorization
* Crosstown traffic: supervised prediction of impact of planned special events on urban traffic
* Crowd intelligence for sustainable futuristic intelligent transportation system: a review
* Crowdsourcing Based Cross Random Access Point Referencing for Video Coding
* Cultural Heritage and the Shaping of Tourist Itineraries in Rural Areas: The Case of Historical Ensembles of Extremadura, Spain, The
* Curriculum Model Adaptation with Synthetic and Real Data for Semantic Foggy Scene Understanding
* Cursive multilingual characters recognition based on hard geometric features
* D2N4: A Discriminative Deep Nearest Neighbor Neural Network for Few-Shot Space Target Recognition
* Damage Signature Generation of Revetment Surface along Urban Rivers Using UAV-Based Mapping
* Day and Night-Time Dehazing by Local Airlight Estimation
* De-smokeGCN: Generative Cooperative Networks for Joint Surgical Smoke Detection and Removal
* Deblurring Face Images Using Uncertainty Guided Multi-Stream Semantic Networks
* Decoding visual network-related dynamic functional connectivity for eyes-open and eyes-closed using machine learning
* Decreasing Cramer-Rao lower bound by preprocessing steps
* Deep cascaded cross-modal correlation learning for fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval
* Deep detector classifier (DeepDC) for moving objects segmentation and classification in video surveillance
* Deep Discriminative Representation Learning with Attention Map for Scene Classification
* Deep eigen-filters for face recognition: Feature representation via unsupervised multi-structure filter learning
* Deep ensemble network using distance maps and body part features for skeleton based action recognition
* Deep generative smoke simulator: connecting simulated and real data
* Deep hard modality alignment for visible thermal person re-identification
* Deep imitator: Handwriting calligraphy imitation via deep attention networks
* Deep label refinement for age estimation
* Deep Learning Analysis of Coronary Arteries in Cardiac CT Angiography for Detection of Patients Requiring Invasive Coronary Angiography
* Deep learning and optimization algorithms for automatic breast cancer detection
* Deep Learning Approaches Applied to Remote Sensing Datasets for Road Extraction: A State-Of-The-Art Review
* Deep Learning Calibration of the High-Frequency Airborne Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Radiometer (HAMMR) Instrument
* Deep learning for face recognition on mobile devices
* Deep Learning for Fingerprint Localization in Indoor and Outdoor Environments
* Deep Learning for Multilabel Remote Sensing Image Annotation With Dual-Level Semantic Concepts
* Deep Learning for Regularly Missing Data Reconstruction
* Deep Learning Model for Automatic Plastic Mapping Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Data, A
* Deep learning-based remote and social sensing data fusion for urban region function recognition
* Deep Learning-Based Robust Change Detection Approach for Very High Resolution Remotely Sensed Images with Multiple Features, A
* Deep Learning-Based Technology in Responses to the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* Deep Metric Learning With Density Adaptivity
* Deep metric learning with dynamic margin hard sampling loss for face verification
* Deep morphological simplification network (MS-Net) for guided registration of brain magnetic resonance images
* Deep motion templates and extreme learning machine for sign language recognition
* Deep Multicameral Decoding for Localizing Unoccluded Object Instances from a Single RGB Image
* Deep Multiple Instance Convolutional Neural Networks for Learning Robust Scene Representations
* Deep Neural Network Augmentation: Generating Faces for Affect Analysis
* Deep point embedding for urban classification using ALS point clouds: A new perspective from local to global
* Deep Recognition of Vanishing-Point-Constrained Building Planes in Urban Street Views
* Deep reinforcement hashing with redundancy elimination for effective image retrieval
* Deep reinforcement learning collision avoidance using policy gradient optimisation and Q-learning
* Deep spatio-spectral Bayesian posterior for hyperspectral image non-i.i.d. noise removal
* Deep support vector machine for hyperspectral image classification
* Deep Transfer Learning Framework for Seismic Data Analysis: A Case Study on Bright Spot Detection, A
* Deep Underwater Image Restoration and Beyond
* Deep3DSCan: Deep residual network and morphological descriptor based framework for lung cancer classification and 3D segmentation
* DeepSUM: Deep Neural Network for Super-Resolution of Unregistered Multitemporal Images
* Deformable face net for pose invariant face recognition
* Demand-Driven Transparency for Monitoring Intelligent Agents
* Democratic Republic of the Congo Tropical Forest Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass Estimation with Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Airborne LiDAR Data: The Effect of Seasonal Landsat Image Selection
* Denoising Color Images Based on Local Orientation Estimation and CNN Classifier
* Dense Depth Estimation in Monocular Endoscopy With Self-Supervised Learning Methods
* Dense Dilated Network With Probability Regularized Walk for Vessel Detection
* Densely Distilled Flow-Based Knowledge Transfer in Teacher-Student Framework for Image Classification
* Depth estimation for advancing intelligent transport systems based on self-improving pyramid stereo network
* Depth image upsampling based on guided filter with low gradient minimization
* Depth upsampling based on deep edge-aware learning
* Description method of Illumination invariant image features
* Design and Implementation of Content-Based Natural Image Retrieval Approach Using Feature Distance
* Design and Implementation of Sensor-Embedded Chair for Continuous Sitting Posture Recognition
* Design of unimodular sequences with small PSL
* Detecting Seam-Carved Image by Extreme Learning Machines Using Patch Analysis Method, Jury Voting, and Combinatorial Fusion
* Detection and segmentation of cancer regions in cervical images using fuzzy logic and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system classification method
* Detection of Levee Damage Based on UAS Data: Optical Imagery and LiDAR Point Clouds
* Detection of pulmonary micronodules in computed tomography images and false positive reduction using 3D convolutional neural networks
* Detection of Thunderstorm Using Indian Navigation Satellite NavIC
* Detection, Segmentation, and Model Fitting of Individual Tree Stems from Airborne Laser Scanning of Forests Using Deep Learning
* Determination of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with Top-of-Canopy (TOC) Reflectance from a KOMPSAT-3A Image Using Orfeo ToolBox (OT
* Developing a Proximal Active Canopy Sensor-based Precision Nitrogen Management Strategy for High-Yielding Rice
* Development and Testing of a Clear-Sky Data Selection Algorithm for FY-3C/D Microwave Temperature Sounder-2
* Development of post-fire vegetation response-ability model in grassland mountainous ecosystem using GIS and remote sensing
* Development of the Theory of Six Value Aggregation Paths in Network Modeling for Spatial Analyses
* DevsNet: Deep Video Saliency Network using Short-term and Long-term Cues
* DGPose: Deep Generative Models for Human Body Analysis
* Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome: A comparative study of shear wave elastography, morphometry and artificial intelligence techniques
* Diagnosis of disc bulge and disc desiccation in lumbar MRI using concatenated shape and texture features with random forest classifier
* Difference-Frequency Ultrasound Imaging With Non-Linear Contrast
* Different Sourcing Point of Interest Matching Method Considering Multiple Constraints
* differential information residual convolutional neural network for pansharpening, A
* Diffusion LMS With Communication Delays: Stability and Performance Analysis
* Digital Terrain, Surface, and Canopy Height Models From InSAR Backscatter-Height Histograms
* Digital Twin and CyberGIS for Improving Connectivity and Measuring the Impact of Infrastructure Construction Planning in Smart Cities
* Digital Twin: Research Framework to Support Preventive Conservation Policies
* Digital video intrusion intelligent detection method based on narrowband Internet of Things and its application
* Dilated Residual Learning With Skip Connections for Real-Time Denoising of Laser Speckle Imaging of Blood Flow in a Log-Transformed Domain
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Spatial-Spectral Manifold Learning
* Directed and undirected network evolution from Euler-Lagrange dynamics
* Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of Coherent Signals via Coprime Array Interpolation
* Directional dense-trajectory-based patterns for dynamic texture recognition
* Disaster Mitigation in Urban Pakistan Using Agent Based Modeling with GIS
* Discovering influential factors in variational autoencoders
* Discriminant analysis for lodging severity classification in wheat using RADARSAT-2 and Sentinel-1 data
* Discrimination of Parallel and Perpendicular Insects Based on Relative Phase of Scattering Matrix Eigenvalues
* Discriminative Marginalized Least-Squares Regression for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Disdyakis Triacontahedron DGGS
* Disentangled representation learning and residual GAN for age-invariant face verification
* Disentangled Spectrum Variations Networks for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Disocclusion Inpainting Framework for Depth-Based View Synthesis, A
* Dissimilarity-based representations for one-class classification on time series
* Distinct Feature Extraction for Video-Based Gait Phase Classification
* Distributed predictive cruise control based on reinforcement learning and validation on microscopic traffic simulation
* Distributed Scatterer Interferometry With the Refinement of Spatiotemporal Coherence
* Distribution and Structure Match Generative Adversarial Network for SAR Image Classification, A
* Distribution Pattern of Coseismic Landslides Triggered by the 2017 Jiuzhaigou Ms 7.0 Earthquake of China: Control of Seismic Landslide Susceptibility
* DM-SLAM: A Feature-Based SLAM System for Rigid Dynamic Scenes
* DOA Estimation Method Based on Cascaded Neural Network for Two Closely Spaced Sources
* domain adaptation approach to solve inverse problems in imaging via coupled deep dictionary learning, A
* DRAN: Deep recurrent adversarial network for automated pancreas segmentation
* Driving maneuver early detection via sequence learning from vehicle signals and video images
* Driving policies of V2X autonomous vehicles based on reinforcement learning methods
* Driving-Behavior-Based SoC Prediction Method for Light Urban Vehicles Powered by Supercapacitors, A
* Drought Sensitivity and Trends of Riparian Vegetation Vigor in Nevada, USA (1985-2018)
* DTW-CNN: time series-based human interaction prediction in videos using CNN-extracted features
* Dual attention convolutional network for action recognition
* Dual-Branch Network With a Subtle Motion Detector for Microaction Recognition in Videos
* dual-cue network for multispectral photometric stereo, A
* Dual-Objective Optimization for Lane Reservation With Residual Capacity and Budget Constraints
* Dynamic Cell Imaging in PET With Optimal Transport Regularization
* Dynamic image reconstruction and synthesis framework using deep learning algorithm
* Dynamic imposter based online instance matching for person search
* Dynamic Simulation Method of High-Speed Railway Engineering Construction Processes Based on Virtual Geographic Environment
* Dynamic Spatial Predicted Background
* Dynamics of Sediments in Reservoir Inflows: A Case Study of the Skalka and Nechranice Reservoirs, Czech Republic
* Early detection of cancerous tissues in human breast utilizing near field microwave holography
* Earth Observation and Cloud Computing in Support of Two Sustainable Development Goals for the River Nile Watershed Countries
* Echocardiogram Analysis Using Motion Profile Modeling
* Editorial for special section at Pattern Recognition Letters-IbPRIA 2019
* Editorial special issue on multiple-task learning for big data
* Effectiveness of Large-Scale, High-Resolution Ground-Penetrating Radar Surveys and Trial Trenching for Archaeological Site Evaluations: A Comparative Study from Two Sites in Norway, The
* Effectiveness of Sentinel-2 in Multi-Temporal Post-Fire Monitoring When Compared with UAV Imagery
* Effects of Length and Orientation on Numerical Representation in Flow Maps, The
* Efficient and Effective Context-Based Convolutional Entropy Modeling for Image Compression
* Efficient Coarse Registration of Pairwise TLS Point Clouds Using Ortho Projected Feature Images
* Efficient DCE-MRI Parameter and Uncertainty Estimation Using a Neural Network
* Efficient distance transformation for path-based metrics
* Efficient image noise estimation based on skewness invariance and adaptive noise injection
* Efficient Indoor Wi-Fi Positioning Method Using Virtual Location of AP, An
* Efficient k-nearest neighbors search in graph space
* Efficient Method for Multi-Parameter Mapping in Quantitative MRI Using B-Spline Interpolation, An
* Efficient Object Annotation via Speaking and Pointing
* Efficient Seismic Source Localization Using Simplified Gaussian Beam Time Reversal Imaging
* Efficient symmetric image encryption by using a novel 2D chaotic system
* Egocentric visitor localization and artwork detection in cultural sites using synthetic data
* Embedded conformal deep low-rank auto-encoder network for matrix recovery
* Empirical Evaluation of Texture Features and Classifiers for Liver Disease Diagnosis
* Empirical wavelet transform-based fog removal via dark channel prior
* Employing a Multi-Input Deep Convolutional Neural Network to Derive Soil Clay Content from a Synergy of Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Imagery Data
* Employment, Utilization, and Development of Airborne Laser Scanning in Fenno-Scandinavian Archaeology: A Review
* Encoding features robust to unseen modes of variation with attentive long short-term memory
* End-to-End Active Object Tracking and Its Real-World Deployment via Reinforcement Learning
* End-to-end deep metric network for visual tracking
* End-to-End Deep ROI Image Compression
* End-to-end learning interpolation for object tracking in low frame-rate video
* End-to-end training of CNN ensembles for person re-identification
* Enhancing Image-Based Multiscale Heritage Recording with Near-Infrared Data
* Enhancing local live tweet stream to detect news
* Enhancing multivariate pattern analysis for magnetoencephalography through relevant sensor selection
* Ensemble Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Tangent Collaborative Representation
* Ensemble Learning-Based Vehicle Steering Detector Using Smartphones, An
* Ensemble Selection based on Classifier Prediction Confidence
* Error-tolerant approximate graph matching utilizing node centrality information
* Error-tolerant graph matching in linear computational cost using an initial small partial matching
* Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Freeway Traffic: A Spatiotemporal Cell-Based Model
* Estimating Daily Inundation Probability Using Remote Sensing, Riverine Flood, and Storm Surge Models: A Case of Hurricane Harvey
* Estimating Frost during Growing Season and Its Impact on the Velocity of Vegetation Greenup and Withering in Northeast China
* Estimating Stem Volume in Eucalyptus Plantations Using Airborne LiDAR: A Comparison of Area- and Individual Tree-Based Approaches
* Estimating Travel Time Distributions by Bayesian Network Inference
* Estimation of All-Weather 1 km MODIS Land Surface Temperature for Humid Summer Days
* Estimation of Indoor Location Through Magnetic Field Data: An Approach Based On Convolutional Neural Networks
* Evaluating Responses of Temperature Regulating Service to Landscape Pattern Based on Source-Sink Theory
* Evaluating Simulated RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) Compact Polarimetry for Open-Water and Flooded-Vegetation Wetland Mapping
* Evaluating the likely temporal variation in electric vehicle charging demand at popular amenities using smartphone locational data
* Evaluating the Relationships of Inter-Annual Farmland Vegetation Dynamics with Biodiversity Using Multi-Spatial and Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
* Evaluation of Geological and Ecological Bearing Capacity and Spatial Pattern along Du-Wen Road Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) Method
* Evaluation of multi-slice spiral computed tomography application in the diagnosis of arterial root lesions
* Evaluation of Radar-Rainfall Products over Coastal Louisiana
* Evaluation of Replication Mechanisms on Selected Database Systems
* Evaluation of Satellite-Derived Surface Soil Moisture Products over Agricultural Regions of Canada
* Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 time series for predicting wheat and rapeseed phenological stages
* Evaluation of the Sensitivity of SMOS L-VOD to Forest Above-Ground Biomass at Global Scale
* Evolution of Backscattering Coefficients of Drifting Multi-Year Sea Ice during End of Melting and Onset of Freeze-up in the Western Beaufort Sea
* Exact and Fast CBCT Reconstruction via Pseudo-Polar Fourier Transform-Based Discrete Grangeat's Formula, An
* Expanding vision-based ADAS for non-structured environments
* Explaining away results in accurate and tolerant template matching
* Explicit and Scene-Adapted Definition of Convex Self-Similarity Prior With Application to Unsupervised Sentinel-2 Super-Resolution, An
* Exploiting complexity in pen- and touch-based signature biometrics
* Exploiting Two-Dimensional Geographical and Synthetic Social Influences for Location Recommendation
* Exploring Resilient Observability in Traffic-Monitoring Sensor Networks: A Study of Spatial-Temporal Vehicle Patterns
* Exploring temporal consistency for human pose estimation in videos
* Exponential sparsity preserving projection with applications to image recognition
* ExprADA: Adversarial domain adaptation for facial expression analysis
* Extended Motion Diffusion-Based Change Detection for Airport Ground Surveillance
* Extended Nested Arrays for Consecutive Virtual Aperture Enhancement
* Extracting and searching news articles in web portal news pages
* F-measure curves: A tool to visualize classifier performance under imbalance
* Fabric defect detection using saliency of multi-scale local steering kernel
* Face quality analysis of single-image super-resolution based on SIFT
* Facial expression recognition using digital signature feature descriptor
* Failure Case of Phase Transition for Penalized Problems in Corrupted Sensing, The
* Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots
* Fast Adaptive Reparametrization (FAR) With Application to Human Action Recognition
* Fast algorithm for large-scale subspace clustering by LRR
* Fast and Latent Low-Rank Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Fast and sub-pixel precision target tracking algorithm for intelligent dual-resolution camera
* Fast Depth and Mode Decision in Intra Prediction for Quality SHVC
* Fast linear sum assignment with error-correction and no cost constraints
* Fast minutiae extractor using neural network
* Fast multi-language LSTM-based online handwriting recognition
* Fast Multi-Scale Structural Patch Decomposition for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Fast two-stage segmentation model for images with intensity inhomogeneity
* fast yet reliable noise level estimation algorithm using shallow CNN-based noise separator and BP network, A
* Feature extraction from EEG spectrograms for epileptic seizure detection
* Feature fusion network based on attention mechanism for 3D semantic segmentation of point clouds
* Few-shot traffic sign recognition with clustering inductive bias and random neural network
* Filtering of airborne LiDAR bathymetry based on bidirectional cloth simulation
* Filters for graph-based keyword spotting in historical handwritten documents
* Fine-Grained Visual Comparison Based on Relative Attribute Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
* Finite-time spatial path following control for a robotic underactuated airship
* Finite-time trajectory tracking control for autonomous airships with uncertainties and external disturbances
* Fitting local, low-dimensional parameterizations of optical turbulence modeled from optimal transport velocity vectors
* Flickr Image Community Analytics by Deep Noise-Refined Matrix Factorization
* Flight Routing and Scheduling Under Departure and En Route Speed Uncertainty
* Flood Evacuation Mapping Using a Time-Distance cartogram
* Flood Proxy Mapping with Normalized Difference Sigma-Naught Index and Shannon's Entropy
* Flow driven attention network for video salient object detection
* FMSSD: Feature-Merged Single-Shot Detection for Multiscale Objects in Large-Scale Remote Sensing Imagery
* Focusing of Bistatic SAR With Curved Trajectory Based on Extended Azimuth Nonlinear Chirp Scaling
* Footprint Determination of a Spectroradiometer Mounted on an Unmanned Aircraft System
* Forecasting Time Series Albedo Using NARnet Based on EEMD Decomposition
* Forest Inventory with Long Range and High-Speed Personal Laser Scanning (PLS) and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Technology
* FormNet: Formatted Learning for Image Restoration
* FORUM Earth Explorer 9: Characteristics of Level 2 Products and Synergies with IASI-NG
* FPRSGF denoised non-subsampled shearlet transform-based image fusion using sparse representation
* Fractional evergreen forest cover mapping by MODIS time-series FEVC-CV methods at sub-pixel scales
* framework for large-scale mapping of human settlement extent from Sentinel-2 images via fully convolutional neural networks, A
* Frobenius correlation based u-shapelets discovery for time series clustering
* Fruit Fly-Based Artificial Neural Network Classifier with Kernel-Based Fuzzy c-Means Clustering for Satellite Image Classification
* Full Reference Light Field Image Quality Evaluation Based on Angular-Spatial Characteristic
* Fully Adaptive Ridge Detection Based on STFT Phase Information
* Fully Convolutional Networks and a Manifold Graph Embedding-Based Algorithm for PolSAR Image Classification
* Fundamental sampling patterns for low-rank multi-view data completion
* FuSENet: Fused Squeeze-and-Excitation Network for Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification
* fusion network for road detection via spatial propagation and spatial transformation, A
* Fusion of complex networks and randomized neural networks for texture analysis
* Fusion of visual salience maps for object acquisition
* Future trends of ITS in difficult times: A message from the new Editor-in-Chief of IET Intelligent Transport Systems
* FY-3D HIRAS Radiometric Calibration and Accuracy Assessment
* GAN-based person search via deep complementary classifier with center-constrained Triplet loss
* Gauss mixture hidden Markov model to characterise and model discretionary lane-change behaviours for autonomous vehicles
* Gaussian learning-based fuzzy predictive cruise control for improving safety and economy of connected vehicles
* Gaussian Lifting for Fast Bilateral and Nonlocal Means Filtering
* general extensible learning approach for multi-disease recommendations in a telehealth environment, A
* general framework for the recognition of online handwritten graphics, A
* General Method for Extending Discrete Global Grid Systems to Three Dimensions
* General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* Generalised deep learning framework for HEp-2 cell recognition using local binary pattern maps
* Generalized MPI Multi-Patch Reconstruction Using Clusters of Similar System Matrices
* Generalized support vector data description for anomaly detection
* Generalized Visual Information Analysis Via Tensorial Algebra
* Generating (co)homological information using boundary scale
* Generating Human Action Videos by Coupling 3D Game Engines and Probabilistic Graphical Models
* Generating Stereoscopic Images With Convergence Control Ability From a Light Field Image Pair
* Generative and Discriminative Fuzzy Restricted Boltzmann Machine Learning for Text and Image Classification
* Generic Primitive Detection in Point Clouds Using Novel Minimal Quadric Fits
* Genetic algorithm based key sequence generation for cipher system
* Genetic Algorithm Based Rate Control for AV1
* GENPass: A Multi-Source Deep Learning Model for Password Guessing
* Geodesic Analysis in Kendall's Shape Space with Epidemiological Applications
* Geographical Structural Features of the WeChat Social Networks
* Geolocation Accuracy Assessment of Himawari-8/AHI Imagery for Application to Terrestrial Monitoring
* Geological Map Generalization Driven by Size Constraints
* geometry-attentional network for ALS point cloud classification, A
* Geospatial Assessment of Water-Migration Scenarios in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 11, and 16
* Geospatial Serverless Computing: Architectures, Tools and Future Directions
* Geostatistical Based Models for the Spatial Adjustment of Radar Rainfall Data in Typhoon Events at a High-Elevation River Watershed
* Gingivitis Identification Via Multichannel Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and Particle Swarm Optimization Neural Network
* GIS-Based Modeling for Selection of Dam Sites in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq
* GIS-Based Statistical Analysis of Detecting Fear of Crime with Digital Sketch Maps: A Hungarian Multicity Study
* Glacial Lake Inventory Derived from Landsat 8 OLI in 2016-2018 in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
* Glioma extraction from MR images employing Gradient Based Kernel Selection Graph Cut technique
* Global Analysis of Anthropogenic Development of Marine Turtle Nesting Beaches, A
* Global and local sensitivity guided key salient object re-augmentation for video saliency detection
* Global multi-scale grid integer coding and spatial indexing: A novel approach for big earth observation data
* Global Spatial and Local Spectral Similarity-Based Manifold Learning Group Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* GNSS Positioning Using Mobile Devices with the Android Operating System
* Google Earth Engine for geo-big data applications: A meta-analysis and systematic review
* Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovoltaic Solar Panels in Arid Environments
* Google Earth Engine Open-Source Code for Land Surface Temperature Estimation from the Landsat Series
* GPU based parallel optimization for real time panoramic video stitching
* Graph based semi-supervised classification with probabilistic nearest neighbors
* Graph convolutional network with structure pooling and joint-wise channel attention for action recognition
* Graph convolutional neural network for multi-scale feature learning
* Graph edit distance: Accuracy of local branching from an application point of view
* Graph regularized low-rank representation for submodule clustering
* Greedy Soft Matching for Vascular Tracking of Coronary Angiographic Image Sequences
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Analytics for Local Events and News
* Guided Soft Attention Network for Classification of Breast Cancer Histopathology Images
* Habitat Suitability Estimation Using a Two-Stage Ensemble Approach
* Handling Gaussian blur without deconvolution
* Handwriting posture prediction based on unsupervised model
* HDR image retrieval by using color-based descriptor and tone mapping operator
* Head Motion Correction Based on Filtered Backprojection in Helical CT Scanning
* Heterogeneous Angular Spectrum Method for Trans-Skull Imaging and Focusing
* Heterogeneous Transfer Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recommendation
* Hierarchical Behavior Model for Multi-Agent System with Evasion Capabilities and Dynamic Memory
* Hierarchical Coding of Convolutional Features for Scene Recognition
* Hierarchical graphs for coarse-to-fine error tolerant matching
* Hierarchical morphological graph signal multi-layer decomposition for editing applications
* Hierarchical reinforcement learning for self-driving decision-making without reliance on labelled driving data
* Hierarchical Semantic Propagation for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Hierarchical Surface Prediction
* Hierarchical-Distributed Optimized Coordination of Intersection Traffic
* High Dynamic Range Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* High Quality Zenith Tropospheric Delay Estimation Using a Low-Cost Dual-Frequency Receiver and Relative Antenna Calibration
* High resolution for software-defined GPS-based SAR imaging using waveform-modulated range-compressed pulse: field experimental demonstration
* High Spectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder (HIRAS): System Overview and On-Orbit Performance Assessment
* high-efficiency energy and storage approach for IoT applications of facial recognition, A
* High-ISO Long-Exposure Image Denoising Based on Quantitative Blob Characterization
* High-performance dynamic magnetic resonance image reconstruction and synthesis employing deep feature learning convolutional networks
* High-Quality Proposals for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* High-resolution 3D imaging of microvascular architecture in human glioma tissues using X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography as a potential adjunct to histopathology
* High-Resolution Cropland Map for the West African Sahel Based on High-Density Training Data, Google Earth Engine, and Locally Optimized Machine Learning, A
* High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Integrity Authentication Method Considering Both Global and Local Features
* Holistic Overview of Anticipatory Learning for the Internet of Moving Things: Research Challenges and Opportunities, A
* HoPPF: A novel local surface descriptor for 3D object recognition
* Household Level Vulnerability Analysis: Index and Fuzzy Based Methods
* How Do Drivers Allocate Their Potential Attention? Driving Fixation Prediction via Convolutional Neural Networks
* How Do We Experience Crossmodal Correspondent Mulsemedia Content?
* How Much Do We Learn from Addresses? On the Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Addressing Systems
* HRTF Selection by Anthropometric Regression for Improving Horizontal Localization Accuracy
* HTD-Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Human activity recognition from UAV-captured video sequences
* Human Model-Based Active Driving System in Vehicular Dynamic Simulation
* Human position and head direction tracking in fisheye camera using randomized ferns and fisheye histograms of oriented gradients
* Hybrid Downlink NOMA With OFDM and OFDM-IM for Beyond 5G Wireless Networks, A
* Hybrid fully convolutional networks-based skin lesion segmentation and melanoma detection using deep feature
* Hybrid Massive MIMO Two-Way Relaying With Users and Relay Hardware Impairments
* Hybrid Method to Incrementally Extract Road Networks Using Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Data, A
* Hybrid Video Codec Based on Flexible Block Partitioning With Extensions to the Joint Exploration Model
* Hyper-parameter optimization in classification: To-do or not-to-do
* Hyperbolic Wasserstein Distance for Shape Indexing
* Hyperspectral Band Selection for Spectral-Spatial Anomaly Detection
* Hyperspectral Classification With Noisy Label Detection via Superpixel-to-Pixel Weighting Distance
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising With Total Variation Regularization and Nonlocal Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution by Band Attention Through Adversarial Learning
* Hyperspectral-Physiological Phenomics System: Measuring Diurnal Transpiration Rates and Diurnal Reflectance, A
* Ice Production in Ross Ice Shelf Polynyas during 2017-2018 from Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* Identification and Extraction of Geomorphological Features of Landslides Using Slope Units for Landslide Analysis
* Identification of Rain and Low-Backscatter Regions in X-Band Marine Radar Images: An Unsupervised Approach
* Identification of Wheat Yellow Rust Using Spectral and Texture Features of Hyperspectral Images
* Identifying Morphological Indicators of Aging With Neural Networks on Large-Scale Whole-Body MRI
* Identifying Post-Fire Recovery Trajectories and Driving Factors Using Landsat Time Series in Fire-Prone Mediterranean Pine Forests
* Identifying the Socio-Spatial Logics of Foreclosed Housing Accumulated by Large Private Landlords in Post-Crisis Catalan Cities
* Identifying the Structure of Cities by Clustering Using a New Similarity Measure Based on Smart Card Data
* Identifying Urban Residents' Activity Space at Multiple Geographic Scales Using Mobile Phone Data
* Identity-Aware Face Super-Resolution for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* IFC Schemas in ISO/TC 211 Compliant UML for Improved Interoperability between BIM and GIS
* Illumination-Invariant Video Cut-Out Using Octagon Sensitive Optimization
* Image captioning using DenseNet network and adaptive attention
* Image Clustering via Deep Embedded Dimensionality Reduction and Probability-Based Triplet Loss
* Image DAEs based on residual entropy maximum
* Image dehazing based on a transmission fusion strategy by automatic image matting
* Image encryption using a combination of Grain-128a algorithm and Zaslavsky chaotic map
* Image Haze Removal Using Airlight White Correction, Local Light Filter, and Aerial Perspective Prior
* Image interpolation with adaptive k-nearest neighbours search and random non-linear regression
* Image reflection removal using end-to-end convolutional neural network
* Image saliency detection via multi-scale iterative CNN
* Image segmentation based on ultimate levelings: From attribute filters to machine learning strategies
* Image-Based Geo-Localization Using Satellite Imagery
* Image-to-video person re-identification with cross-modal embeddings
* Imaging Methods Versus Inverse Methods: An Option or An Alternative?
* Imaging of Nonlinear and Dynamic Functional Brain Connectivity Based on EEG Recordings With the Application on the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
* Impact of Aerosol Vertical Distribution on Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval from Passive Satellite Sensors
* IMPACT of Agent Transparency on Human Performance, The
* Impact of Canopy Reflectance on the 3D Structure of Individual Trees in a Mediterranean Forest, The
* Impact of SMOS Soil Moisture Data Assimilation within the Operational Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), The
* Impact of System Noise in Polarimetric SAR Imagery on Oil Spill Observations, The
* Impact of train positioning inaccuracies on railway traffic management systems: framework development and impacts on TMS functions
* Impact of Various Atmospheric Corrections on Sentinel-2 Land Cover Classification Accuracy Using Machine Learning Classifiers
* Impacts of Ionospheric Irregularities on L-Band Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Importance of Context When Recommending TV Content: Dataset and Algorithms, The
* Improved Cloud Detection Method for GF-4 Imagery, An
* Improved compound image segmentation using automatic pixel block classification with SVM
* improved GrabCut on multiscale features, An
* Improved optical image matching time series inversion approach for monitoring dune migration in North Sinai Sand Sea: Algorithm procedure, application, and validation
* Improved Parallelized Multi-Objective Optimization Method for Complex Geographical Spatial Sampling: AMOSA-II, An
* Improved SMAP Dual-Channel Algorithm for the Retrieval of Soil Moisture
* Improved Supervised Learning-Based Approach for Leaf and Wood Classification From LiDAR Point Clouds of Forests
* Improved water quality mapping based on cross-fusion of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 imageries
* Improving 3-m Resolution Land Cover Mapping through Efficient Learning from an Imperfect 10-m Resolution Map
* Improving Description-Based Person Re-Identification by Multi-Granularity Image-Text Alignments
* Improving FastText with inverse document frequency of subwords
* Improving Land Cover Classification Using Extended Multi-Attribute Profiles (EMAP) Enhanced Color, Near Infrared, and LiDAR Data
* Independent Component-Based Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering for Slow Flow Ultrasound
* Indicator and Min-Cost Approach for Shoreline Extraction From Satellite Imagery in Muddy Coasts, An
* Individual Differences in Trust in Autonomous Robots: Implications for Transparency
* Induced-Current Learning Method for Nonlinear Reconstructions in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Influence of Culture, Transparency, Trust, and Degree of Automation on Automation Use
* Influence of Map Projections on People's Global-Scale Cognitive Map: A Worldwide Study, The
* Influence of Satellite Observation Angle to Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation Using the Deviation Angle Variance Technique
* Influence of Temperature Inertia on Thermal Radiation Directionality Modeling Based on Geometric Optical Model
* Influence of the Suspended Particulate Matter on the Satellite Radiance in the Sunglint Observation Geometry in Coastal Waters
* Infrared Small Target Detection via Non-Convex Tensor Rank Surrogate Joint Local Contrast Energy
* Inhomogeneous morphological PDEs for robust and adaptive image shock filters
* Initial Observations for Precipitation Cores With X-Band Dual Polarized Phased Array Weather Radar
* Inlier extraction for point cloud registration via supervoxel guidance and game theory optimization
* Integrated Approach to Registration and Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Images, An
* Integrated Landscape Change Analysis of Protected Areas and their Surrounding Landscapes: Application in the Brazilian Cerrado
* Integrated Solution for 3D Heritage Modeling Based on Videogrammetry and V-SLAM Technology, An
* Integrating global and local image features for enhanced loop closure detection in RGB-D SLAM systems
* Integrating Land-Use and Renewable Energy Planning Decisions: A Technical Mapping Guide for Local Government
* Integrating National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Airborne Remote Sensing and In-Situ Data for Optimal Tree Species Classification
* Integration of Constructive Solid Geometry and Boundary Representation (CSG-BRep) for 3D Modeling of Underground Cable Wells from Point Clouds
* Integration of Remotely Sensed Soil Sealing Data in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
* Integration of TanDEM-X and SRTM DEMs and Spectral Imagery to Improve the Large-Scale Detection of Opencast Mining Areas
* Integrative Approach to Assessing Property Owner Perceptions and Modeled Risk to Coastal Hazards, An
* Intelligent estimation for electric vehicle mass with unknown uncertainties based on particle filter
* Intensity Thresholding and Deep Learning Based Lane Marking Extraction and Lane Width Estimation from Mobile Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Point Clouds
* Interact as You Intend: Intention-Driven Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Interactive dense point clouds in a game engine
* Interactive influences of color attributes on color perception bias
* Interannual Variations of TOA Albedo over the Arctic, Antarctic and Tibetan Plateau in 2000-2019
* Intertidal topography mapping using the waterline method from Sentinel-1 & -2 images: The examples of Arcachon and Veys Bays in France
* Intrapulse Polyphase Coding System for Second Trip Suppression in a Weather Radar
* Invariant Attribute Profiles: A Spatial-Frequency Joint Feature Extractor for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Investigation of Aerosol Peak Height Effect on PBL and Volcanic Air Mass Factors for SO2 Column Retrieval from Space-Borne Hyperspectral UV Sensors
* IOS-Net: An inside-to-outside supervision network for scale robust text detection in the wild
* IoU-aware single-stage object detector for accurate localization
* Irregular Travel Groups Detection Based on Cascade Clustering in Urban Subway
* Isolating Anthropogenic Wetland Loss by Concurrently Tracking Inundation and Land Cover Disturbance across the Mid-Atlantic Region, U.S.
* Isotropic and anisotropic filtering norm-minimization: A generalization of the TV and TGV minimizations using NESTA
* ISPH-PBD: Coupled Simulation of Incompressible Fluids and Deformable Bodies
* IT Services and Crowdsourcing in Support of the Hellenic Cadastre: Advanced Citizen Participation and Crowdsourcing in the Official Property Registration Process
* Iterative learning of an unknown road path through cooperative driving of vehicles
* Joint Angular Refinement and Reconstruction for Single-Particle Cryo-EM
* Joint Exploration Model (JEM) for Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC, The
* Joint graph regularized dictionary learning and sparse ranking for multi-modal multi-shot person re-identification
* Joint image deblurring and matching with feature-based sparse representation prior
* Joint Label Space for Generalized Zero-Shot Classification, A
* Joint low-rank project embedding and optimal mean principal component analysis
* Joint rain and atmospheric veil removal from single image
* Joint Rain Detection and Removal from a Single Image with Contextualized Deep Networks
* Joint Segmentation and Path Classification of Curvilinear Structures
* Joint temporal context exploitation and active learning for video segmentation
* K-Net: Integrate Left Ventricle Segmentation and Direct Quantification of Paired Echo Sequence
* Key protected classification for collaborative learning
* Knowledge-Based Classification of Grassland Ecosystem Based on Multi-Temporal WorldView-2 Data and FAO-LCCS Taxonomy
* Kode Vicious Plays in Traffic
* L-Band Ocean Surface Roughness
* label-noise robust active learning sample collection method for multi-temporal urban land-cover classification and change analysis, A
* Lake Ice-Water Classification of RADARSAT-2 Images by Integrating IRGS Segmentation with Pixel-Based Random Forest Labeling
* Land Use/Land Cover Mapping Using Multitemporal Sentinel-2 Imagery and Four Classification Methods: A Case Study from Dak Nong, Vietnam
* Landslide Image Captioning Method Based on Semantic Gate and Bi-Temporal LSTM
* Large Scale Characterization of the Dielectric Properties of Heterogeneous Layered Rock Salt, A
* Large-scale point cloud contour extraction via 3D guided multi-conditional generative adversarial network
* Large-scale scene image categorisation with deep learning-based model
* Latency-Aware Adaptive Video Summarization for Mobile Edge Clouds
* Latent Relationship Guided Stacked Sparse Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* LDGAN: A Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Generation Method for Automatic Target Recognition
* Learning 3D Shape Completion Under Weak Supervision
* Learning deep face representation with long-tail data: An aggregate-and-disperse approach
* Learning error-correcting graph matching with a multiclass neural network
* Learning Local Metrics and Influential Regions for Classification
* Learning motion representation for real-time spatio-temporal action localization
* Learning Scene Attribute for Scene Recognition
* Learning semantic dependencies with channel correlation for multi-label classification
* Learning shape and motion representations for view invariant skeleton-based action recognition
* Learning to Draw Sight Lines
* Learning to Explore Saliency for Stereoscopic Videos Via Component-Based Interaction
* Learning to infer human attention in daily activities
* Learning to realign hierarchy for image segmentation
* Learning to Reconstruct and Understand Indoor Scenes From Sparse Views
* Learning variable-length representation of words
* Learning visual features for relational CBIR
* Lens-Loaded Coded Aperture with Increased Information Capacity for Computational Microwave Imaging
* Leveraging unpaired out-of-domain data for image captioning
* LFNet: Light Field Fusion Network for Salient Object Detection
* LG: A clustering framework supported by point proximity relations
* Light Field Super-Resolution Using Edge-Preserved Graph-Based Regularization
* lightweight face detector by integrating the convolutional neural network with the image pyramid, A
* Lightweight Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction and Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Literature Explorer: effective retrieval of scientific documents through nonparametric thematic topic detection
* Local climate zone mapping as remote sensing scene classification using deep learning: A case study of metropolitan China
* Local descriptor for retinal fundus image registration
* Local JPEG Grid Detector via Blocking Artifacts, a Forgery Detection Tool
* Local trend discovery on real-time microblogs with uncertain locations in tight memory environments
* Local, Daily, and Total Bio-Optical Models of Coastal Waters of Manfredonia Gulf Applied to Simulated Data of CHRIS, Landsat TM, MIVIS, MODIS, and PRISMA Sensors for Evaluating the Error
* Local-global nested graph kernels using nested complexity traces
* Locality-constrained affine subspace coding for image classification and retrieval
* Locally lateral manifolds of normalised Gabor features for face recognition
* Location Extraction and Prediction Method Based on Floating Car Spatial-Temporal Trajectory
* Location-Based Analyses for Electronic Monitoring of Parolees
* Location-based data delivery between vehicles and infrastructure
* Long short-term memory and convolutional neural network for abnormal driving behaviour recognition
* Long-Range Binocular Vision Target Geolocation Using Handheld Electronic Devices in Outdoor Environment
* Long-Term Analysis of Sea Ice Drift in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica, at High and Low Spatial Resolution
* Longitudinal structural MRI analysis and classification in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment
* Longitudinal, Lateral, Vertical, and Temporal Thermal Heterogeneity in a Large Impounded River: Implications for Cold-Water Refuges
* Loss-Sensitive Generative Adversarial Networks on Lipschitz Densities
* Lossless digital image watermarking in sparse domain by using K-singular value decomposition algorithm
* Low-cost Fiberoptic Probe for Ammonia Early Detection in Fish Farms
* Low-Rank Regularized Multi-Representation Learning for Fashion Compatibility Prediction
* LR3M: Robust Low-Light Enhancement via Low-Rank Regularized Retinex Model
* LSTM guided ensemble correlation filter tracking with appearance model pool
* Lymph node detection method based on multisource transfer learning and convolutional neural network
* MA-CRNN: a multi-scale attention CRNN for Chinese text line recognition in natural scenes
* Machine Learning for Cultural Heritage: A Survey
* Machine Learning for Gully Feature Extraction Based on a Pan-Sharpened Multispectral Image: Multiclass vs. Binary Approach
* Machine Learning-Based Fast Intra Mode Decision for HEVC Screen Content Coding via Decision Trees
* Mapping coastal wetlands of China using time series Landsat images in 2018 and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Floristic Patterns of Trees in Peruvian Amazonia Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
* Mapping Fragmented Impervious Surface Areas Overlooked by Global Land-Cover Products in the Liping County, Guizhou Province, China
* Mapping Natural Forest Remnants with Multi-Source and Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data for More Informed Management of Global Biodiversity Hotspots
* Mapping Seasonal Tree Canopy Cover and Leaf Area Using Worldview-2/3 Satellite Imagery: A Megacity-Scale Case Study in Tokyo Urban Area
* Mapping the Distribution of Shallow Groundwater Occurrences Using Remote Sensing-Based Statistical Modeling over Southwest Saudi Arabia
* Mapping Topobathymetry in a Shallow Tidal Environment Using Low-Cost Technology
* Masked Linear Regression for Learning Local Receptive Fields for Facial Expression Synthesis
* MCENN: A variant of extended nearest neighbor method for pattern recognition
* MDFN: Multi-scale deep feature learning network for object detection
* Measurement of Fatigue Based on Changes in Eye Movement during Gaze
* Measuring photography aesthetics with deep CNNs
* Measuring Shapes with Desired Convex Polygons
* Measuring user relevance in online debates through an argumentative model
* Mechanisms for Cooperative Freight Routing: Incentivizing Individual Participation
* MeMu: Metric Correlation Siamese Network and Multi-Class Negative Sampling for Visual Tracking
* Message Passing Based Joint Channel and User Activity Estimation for Uplink Grant-Free Massive MIMO Systems With Low-Precision ADCs
* Method for Generating the Centerline of an Elongated Polygon on the Example of a Watercourse, A
* Method for Generating Variable-Scale Maps for Small Displays, A
* Method for Tree Detection Based on Similarity with Geometric Shapes of 3D Geospatial Data, A
* method to improve the accuracy of SAR image change detection by using an image enhancement method, A
* Methods for Inferring Route Choice of Commuting Trip From Mobile Phone Network Data
* Metric Learning from Imbalanced Data with Generalization Guarantees
* MFFA-SARNET: Deep Transferred Multi-Level Feature Fusion Attention Network with Dual Optimized Loss for Small-Sample SAR ATR
* Micro-scale Flood Hazard Assessment Based on Catastrophe Theory and an Integrated 2-D Hydraulic Model: A Case Study of Gongshuangcha Detention Basin in Dongting Lake Area, China
* Microscopic images classification for cancer diagnosis
* Missing Data Imputation for Geolocation-based Price Prediction Using KNN-MCF Method
* Mitigating the impact of light rail on urban traffic networks using mixed-integer linear programming
* MLDNet: Multi-Level Dense Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* MobileFAN: Transferring deep hidden representation for face alignment
* Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network for cross-modal retrieval
* Model adaptive torque control and distribution with error reconstruction strategy for RWID EVs
* Model-Based Robot Imitation with Future Image Similarity
* Model-Based Robot Imitation with Future Image Similarity
* Modeling strawberry biomass and leaf area using object-based analysis of high-resolution images
* Modelling High-Resolution Actual Evapotranspiration through Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Data Fusion
* Modelling visual impressions for Chinese and Pakistani ethnic groups
* Models and Theoretical Analysis of SoOp Circular Polarization Bistatic Scattering for Random Rough Surface
* Models Matter, So Does Training: An Empirical Study of CNNs for Optical Flow Estimation
* Models of Trust in Human Control of Swarms With Varied Levels of Autonomy
* Modernizing historical documents: A user Study
* Modified eigenvector-based feature extraction for hyperspectral image classification using limited samples
* Modified U-Net (mU-Net) With Incorporation of Object-Dependent High Level Features for Improved Liver and Liver-Tumor Segmentation in CT Images
* Momental directional patterns for dynamic texture recognition
* Monitoring 10-m LST from the Combination MODIS/Sentinel-2, Validation in a High Contrast Semi-Arid Agroecosystem
* Monitoring Invasion Process of Spartina alterniflora by Seasonal Sentinel-2 Imagery and an Object-Based Random Forest Classification
* Monitoring Long-Term Lake Level Variations in Middle and Lower Yangtze Basin over 2002-2017 through Integration of Multiple Satellite Altimetry Datasets
* Monocular pedestrian orientation estimation based on deep 2D-3D feedforward
* morphological approach to piecewise constant active contour model incorporated with the geodesic edge term, A
* Morphometric Prioritization, Fluvial Classification, and Hydrogeomorphological Quality in High Andean Livestock Micro-Watersheds in Northern Peru
* Motion Segmentation of RGB-D Sequences: Combining Semantic and Motion Information Using Statistical Inference
* Motion Tracking Control Design for a Class of Nonholonomic Mobile Robot Systems
* Mountainous City Featured Landscape Planning Based on GIS-AHP Analytical Method
* Movie fill in the blank by joint learning from video and text with adaptive temporal attention
* Moving Towards a Single Smart Cadastral Platform in Victoria, Australia
* MRI and SPECT Image Fusion Using a Weighted Parameter Adaptive Dual Channel PCNN
* MSTGAR: Multioperator-Based Stereoscopic Thumbnail Generation With Arbitrary Resolution
* Multi-Component and Multi-Source Approach for Studying Land Subsidence in Deltas
* Multi-criteria online frame-subset selection for autonomous vehicle videos
* Multi-dimensional data modelling of video image action recognition and motion capture in deep learning framework
* Multi-Direction Dictionary Learning Based Depth Map Super-Resolution With Autoregressive Modeling
* Multi-Distance Function Trilateration over k-NN Fingerprinting for Indoor Positioning and Its Evaluation
* Multi-focus image fusion based on non-negative sparse representation and patch-level consistency rectification
* Multi-focus image fusion with Siamese self-attention network
* Multi-Hypergraph Learning-Based Brain Functional Connectivity Analysis in fMRI Data
* Multi-label feature selection with shared common mode
* Multi-level context extraction and attention-based contextual inter-modal fusion for multimodal sentiment analysis and emotion classification
* Multi-Level Policy and Reward-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Image Captioning
* Multi-Manifold Positive and Unlabeled Learning for Visual Analysis
* Multi-Modal Deep Guided Filtering for Comprehensible Medical Image Processing
* Multi-mode human-machine cooperative control for lane departure prevention based on steering assistance and differential braking
* Multi-Objective Optimization for the Vehicle Routing Problem With Outsourcing and Profit Balancing
* Multi-Objective Permanent Basic Farmland Delineation Model Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization, A
* Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
* multi-plot assessment of vegetation structure using a micro-unmanned aerial system (UAS) in a semi-arid savanna environment, A
* Multi-scale crowd feature detection using vision sensing and statistical mechanics principles
* Multi-Scale Representation of Ocean Flow Fields Based on Feature Analysis
* Multi-Scale Representation of Point-of-Interest (POI) Features in Indoor Map Visualization, A
* Multi-Scale Shape Index-Based Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
* Multi-scale superpatch matching using dual superpixel descriptors
* Multi-Scale Water Extraction Convolutional Neural Network (MWEN) Method for GaoFen-1 Remote Sensing Images, A
* Multi-Task Adapters for On-Device Audio Inference
* Multi-task image set classification via joint representation with class-level sparsity and intra-task low-rankness
* Multi-task learning using variational auto-encoder for sentiment classification
* Multi-view predictive latent space learning
* Multi-View Saliency Guided Deep Neural Network for 3-D Object Retrieval and Classification
* Multifrequency Future for Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity from Space, The
* MultiKernel Domain Adaptation Method for Unsupervised Transfer Learning on Cross-Source and Cross-Region Remote Sensing Data Classification, A
* Multilabel Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding
* Multilabel Sample Augmentation-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiobjective Hyperspectral Feature Selection Based on Discrete Sine Cosine Algorithm
* Multiple Instance Learning with Genetic Pooling for medical data analysis
* Multiscale Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiscale summarization and action ranking in egocentric videos
* Multisensorial Close-Range Sensing Generates Benefits for Characterization of Managed Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Stands
* Multisource Domain Adaptation for Remote Sensing Using Deep Neural Networks
* Multispecies Assessment to Identify the Functional Connectivity of Amphibians in a Human-Dominated Landscape, A
* Multispectral Models from Bare Soil Composites for Mapping Topsoil Properties over Europe
* Multitemporal Analysis of Gully Erosion in Olive Groves by Means of Digital Elevation Models Obtained with Aerial Photogrammetric and LiDAR Data
* Multiview Synthetic Aperture Ground-Penetrating Radar Detection in Rough Terrain Environment: A Real-Time 3-D Forward Model
* National wetland mapping in China: A new product resulting from object-based and hierarchical classification of Landsat 8 OLI images
* NDVI as a Proxy for Estimating Sedimentation and Vegetation Spread in Artificial Lakes: Monitoring of Spatial and Temporal Changes by Using Satellite Images Overarching Three Decades
* Near Real-Time Irrigation Detection at Plot Scale Using Sentinel-1 Data
* Near-Real-Time Application of SEVIRI Aerosol Optical Depth Algorithm
* Neighborhood Pyramid Preserving Hashing
* Neural Network Reflectance Prediction Model for Both Open Ocean and Coastal Waters
* Neural Networks Approach to Detecting Lost Heritage in Historical Video, A
* Neural Segmentation of Seeding ROIs (sROIs) for Pre-Surgical Brain Tractography
* New adaptive histogram equalisation heuristic approach for contrast enhancement
* New Architecture of Densely Connected Convolutional Networks for Pan-Sharpening, A
* New fractional-order Legendre-Fourier moments for pattern recognition applications
* New Heights of the Highest Peaks of Polish Mountain Ranges
* New Modeling Approach for Spatial Prediction of Flash Flood with Biogeography Optimized CHAID Tree Ensemble and Remote Sensing Data, A
* New Multi-Focus Image Fusion Algorithm and Its Efficient Implementation, A
* new multi-secret image sharing scheme based on DCT, A
* new nested ensemble technique for automated diagnosis of breast cancer, A
* New Polyphase Down-Sampling-Based Multiple Description Image Coding, A
* New Robust Kalman Filter With Adaptive Estimate of Time-Varying Measurement Bias, A
* New Set of Non-separable Orthogonal Invariant Moments for Image Recognition
* No-reference mesh visual quality assessment via ensemble of convolutional neural networks and compact multi-linear pooling
* No-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment using a multi-task CNN and registered distortion representation
* No-reference video quality assessment method based on spatio-temporal features using the ELM algorithm
* No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Using Natural Spatiotemporal Scene Statistics
* Noise-robust dictionary learning with slack block-Diagonal structure for face recognition
* Noise-tolerant texture feature extraction through directional thresholded local binary pattern
* Nom document digitalization by deep convolution neural networks
* Non-Common Band SAR Interferometry Via Compressive Sensing
* Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo Network Based on Inverse Reflectance Model With Collocated Light
* Non-linear calibration optimisation based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
* Non-rigid object tracking via deep multi-scale spatial-temporal discriminative saliency maps
* Noninvasive methods of classification and staging of chronic hepatic diseases
* Nonlinear Inversion MR Elastography With Low-Frequency Actuation
* Nonlinear Relationship Between the Yield of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Photosynthetic Efficiency in Senescent Crops
* Nonlocal Elastica Model for Sparse Reconstruction
* novel automatic shot boundary detection algorithm: robust to illumination and motion effect, A
* novel classification-selection approach for the self updating of template-based face recognition systems, A
* Novel deep learning model for facial expression recognition based on maximum boosted CNN and LSTM
* Novel dimensionality reduction approach for unsupervised learning on small datasets
* novel fitness function in genetic programming to handle unbalanced emotion recognition data, A
* Novel Method Based on Backscattering for Discriminating Summer Blooms of the Raphidophyte (Chattonella spp.) and the Diatom (Skeletonema spp.) using MODIS Images in Ariake Sea, Japan, A
* novel motion-model-free UWB short-range positioning method, A
* Novel Multitemporal Image-Fusion Algorithm: Method and Application to GOCI and Himawari Images for Inland Water Remote Sensing, A
* novel proximity graph: Circular neighborhood cell graph for histopathological tissue image analyzing, A
* Novel Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on a Superpixel Graph and Discrete Potential Method
* NSST and vector-valued C-V model based image segmentation algorithm
* Object counting method based on dual attention network
* Object Detection Based on Global-Local Saliency Constraint in Aerial Images
* Object detection based on RGC mask R-CNN
* Observation of Turbulent Mixing Characteristics in the Typical Daytime Cloud-Topped Boundary Layer over Hong Kong in 2019
* Offline and Online Electric Vehicle Charging Scheduling With V2V Energy Transfer
* Oil Flow Analysis in the Maritime Silk Road Region Using AIS Data
* Omni-supervised joint detection and pose estimation for wild animals
* Omnidirectional 360° Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* Omnidirectional Motion Classification With Monostatic Radar System Using Micro-Doppler Signatures
* On a Flood-Producing Coastal Mesoscale Convective Storm Associated with the Kor'easterlies: Multi-Data Analyses Using Remotely-Sensed and In-Situ Observations and Storm-Scale Model Simulations
* On evolutionary computation techniques for multi-view triangulation
* On Link Stability Metric and Fuzzy Quantification for Service Selection in Mobile Vehicular Cloud
* On the Design of a Happiness Cups System: A Smart Device for Health Care and Happiness Improvement Using LSTM
* On the exact computation of the graph edit distance
* On the Frequency Dispersion in DBF SAR and Digital Scalloped Beamforming
* On the Use of Lateral Wave for the Interlayer Debonding Detecting in an Asphalt Airport Pavement Using a Multistatic GPR System
* On the Value of Available MODIS and Landsat8 OLI Image Pairs for MODIS Fractional Snow Cover Mapping Based on an Artificial Neural Network
* One-Step Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Subpixel Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imaging
* One-Step Three-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Approach Based on Small Baseline Subset Interferograms
* Online estimation of inertial parameter for lightweight electric vehicle using dual unscented Kalman filter approach
* Online Fast Adaptive Low-Rank Similarity Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Online flu epidemiological deep modeling on disease contact network
* Online Reinforcement Learning Control for the Personalization of a Robotic Knee Prosthesis
* Online Tensor Sparsifying Transform Based on Temporal Superpixels From Compressive Spectral Video Measurements
* Online tracking of ants based on deep association metrics: Method, dataset and evaluation
* Online writer identification system using adaptive sparse representation framework
* OP-MR: the implementation of order picking based on mixed reality in a smart warehouse
* Open-set face identification with index-of-max hashing by learning
* Opinion fraud detection via neural autoencoder decision forest
* Optical flow refinement using iterative propagation under colour, proximity and flow reliability constraints
* Optimal Access Management for Cooperative Intersection Control
* Optimal Location Analysis of Delivery Parcel-Pickup Points Using AHP and Network Huff Model: A Case Study of Shiweitang Sub-District in Guangzhou City, China
* Optimal Lowest Astronomical Tide Estimation Using Maximum Likelihood Estimator with Multiple Ocean Models Hybridization
* Optimal Soybean (Glycine max L.) Land Suitability Using GIS-Based Multicriteria Analysis and Sentinel-2 Multitemporal Images
* Optimal Troposphere Tomography Technique Using the WRF Model Outputs and Topography of the Area, An
* Optimisation analysis of pulmonary nodule diagnostic test based on deep belief nets
* Optimization of a new Golay sequences shaping for low sidelobe radar ambiguity function
* Optimization of Drive Parameters for Resolution, Sensitivity and Safety in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Optimized Quantization Constraints Set for Image Restoration and its GPU Implementation, An
* Out-of-Distribution Detection for Reliable Face Recognition
* Outdoor Shadow Estimating Using Multiclass Geometric Decomposition Based on BLS
* Outliers-Robust CFAR Detector of Gaussian Clutter Based on the Truncated-Maximum-Likelihood- Estimator in SAR Imagery
* Output-Feedback Cooperative Formation Maneuvering of Autonomous Surface Vehicles With Connectivity Preservation and Collision Avoidance
* Overview of deep-learning based methods for salient object detection in videos
* Overview of the MPEG-5 Essential Video Coding Standard, An
* Pain intensity recognition via multi-scale deep network
* paired sparse representation model for robust face recognition from a single sample, A
* Pan-sharpening via multi-scale and multiple deep neural networks
* Panorama construction using binary trees
* parallel fuzzy rule-base based decision tree in the framework of map-reduce, A
* Parallel strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm-II based image encryption
* Parameter selection framework for stereo correspondence
* Part-Aware Fine-Grained Object Categorization Using Weakly Supervised Part Detection Network
* Participation, for Whom? The Potential of Gamified Participatory Artefacts in Uncovering Power Relations within Urban Renewal Projects
* Patch-Based Image Hallucination for Super Resolution With Detail Reconstruction From Similar Sample Images
* Patched-tube unitary transform for robust tensor completion
* Pattern understanding and synthesis based on layout tree descriptor
* Pavement crack detection network based on pyramid structure and attention mechanism
* PBR-Net: Imitating Physically Based Rendering Using Deep Neural Network
* Pedestrian detection in underground mines via parallel feature transfer network
* Pedestrian motion recognition via Conv-VLAD integrated spatial-temporal-relational network
* Perceptual quality assessment for multimodal medical image fusion
* Perceptual Temporal Incoherence-Guided Stereo Video Retargeting
* Performance Analysis of Open Source Time Series InSAR Methods for Deformation Monitoring over a Broader Mining Region
* Performance evaluation of various texture analysis techniques for machine vision-based characterisation of machined surfaces
* Performance of Quality Metrics in Assessing Error-Concealed Video Quality, The
* Performance of the CMORPH and GPM IMERG Products over the United Arab Emirates
* Permittivity Spectrum of Low-Loss Liquid and Powder Geomaterials Using Multipoint Reentrant Cavities
* permutational-based Differential Evolution algorithm for feature subset selection, A
* Personalized Image Enhancement Using Neural Spline Color Transforms
* personalized traffic simulation integrating emotion using a driving simulator, A
* Persymmetric Adaptive Detection With Reduced-Dimension Approach
* Phase Recovery Guarantees From Designed Coded Diffraction Patterns in Optical Imaging
* Photo and Video Technologies Target New Frontiers: Innovative Imaging Research Enabled by Signal Processing Is Making Cameras More Powerful and Versatile
* Photogrammetric determination of 3D crack opening vectors from 3D displacement fields
* PHY-NGSC-Based ORT Run Length Encoding Scheme for Video Compression, The
* Physics-preserving fluid reconstruction from monocular video coupling with SFS and SPH
* Physics-preserving fluid reconstruction from monocular video coupling with SFS and SPH
* Placement Optimization of Multiple Lidar Sensors for Autonomous Vehicles
* Plant Traits Help Explain the Tight Relationship between Vegetation Indices and Gross Primary Production
* Platoon Control of Connected Multi-Vehicle Systems Under V2X Communications: Design and Experiments
* Platooning Control for Heterogeneous Sailboats Based on Constant Time Headway
* Plug-and-Play ISTA Converges With Kernel Denoisers
* Point cloud coding: A privileged view driven by a classification taxonomy
* Point Cloud Feature Regularization Method by Fusing Judge Criterion of Field Force, A
* Point set registration with mixture framework and variational inference
* Polar Format-Based Compressive SAR Image Reconstruction With Integrated Autofocus
* Polarimetric Bistatic Scattering From Multiple Parallel Cylinders
* Polarimetric SAR Calibration and Residual Error Estimation When Corner Reflectors Are Unavailable
* PolSAR Scattering Power Factorization Framework and Novel Roll-Invariant Parameter-Based Unsupervised Classification Scheme Using a Geodesic Distance, A
* Postearthquake Multiple Scene Recognition Model Based on Classical SSD Method and Transfer Learning, A
* Potential of hyperspectral data and machine learning algorithms to estimate the forage carbon-nitrogen ratio in an alpine grassland ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau
* Potential Water Harvesting Sites Identification Using Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation in Maysan Province, Iraq
* Power charging management strategy for electric vehicles based on a Stackelberg game
* Pragmatic Approach to the Design of Advanced Precision Terrain-Aided Navigation for UAVs and Its Verification, A
* Pre-Training Audio Representations With Self-Supervision
* Precise Orbit and Clock Products of Galileo, BDS and QZSS from MGEX Since 2018: Comparison and PPP Validation
* Predicting station level demand in a bike-sharing system using recurrent neural networks
* Prediction of vehicle energy consumption on a planned route based on speed features forecasting
* Predictive Analytics for Identifying Land Cover Change Hotspots in the Mekong Region
* Preliminary Results of Multichannel SAR-GMTI Experiments for Airborne Quad-Pol Radar System
* Privacy-Aware Human Activity Recognition From a Wearable Camera: Highlights From the IEEE Video And Image Processing Cup 2019 Student Competition [SP Competitions]
* Privacy-Preserving Constrained Quadratic Optimization With Fisher Information
* Privileged Modality Distillation for Vessel Border Detection in Intracoronary Imaging
* Probabilistic 1-D Inversion of Frequency-Domain Electromagnetic Data Using a Kalman Ensemble Generator
* Probabilistic object detection and shape extraction in remote sensing data
* Probabilistic River Water Mapping from Landsat-8 Using the Support Vector Machine Method
* Probabilistic, Multi-Scale Fractional Tonal Correction Bilateral Filter-Based Hazy Image Enhancement
* Progressive Representation Adaptation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Progressively Trained Convolutional Neural Networks for Deformable Image Registration
* Projection-Based Method for Shape Measurement, A
* Propagated Uncertainty Models Arising From Device, Environment, and Target for a Small Laser Spot Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry and its Verification in the South China Sea
* Property-based shadow detection and removal method for licence plate image
* Protected Areas from Space Map Browser with Fast Visualization and Analytical Operations on the Fly. Characterizing Statistical Uncertainties and Balancing Them with Visual Perception
* Protein function prediction as a graph-transduction game
* Prototype learning and collaborative representation using Grassmann manifolds for image set classification
* Protuberance of depth: Detecting interest points from a depth image
* Pulmonary nodule risk classification in adenocarcinoma from CT images using deep CNN with scale transfer module
* Pure intra mode decision in HEVC using optimized firefly algorithm
* Quality Prediction on Deep Generative Images
* Quantification Method for the Uncertainty of Matching Point Distribution on 3D Reconstruction
* Quantifying and Detecting Collective Motion in Crowd Scenes
* Quantifying the Characteristics of the Local Urban Environment through Geotagged Flickr Photographs and Image Recognition
* Quantifying the regularity of a 3D set of points on the surface of an ellipsoidal object
* Quantitative assessment of capabilities of colour models for pen ink discrimination in handwritten documents
* Quantitative Estimation of Grazing Intensity on the Zoige Plateau Based on the Space-Air-Ground Integrated Monitoring Technology, The
* Query-Biased Self-Attentive Network for Query-Focused Video Summarization
* Radar Interferometry: 20 Years of Development in Time Series Techniques and Future Perspectives
* RadialNet: a point cloud classification approach using local structure representation with radial basis function
* Radical analysis network for learning hierarchies of Chinese characters
* Radio Frequency Tomography for Nondestructive Testing of Pillars
* RAIM-NET: A Deep Neural Network for Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
* Range and Bearing Data Fusion for Precise Convex Network Localization
* Rank-One Matrix Approximation With lp-Norm for Image Inpainting
* Ranking of Assets with Respect to Their Exposure to the Landslide Hazard: A GIS Proposal
* Rapid and Robust Background Modeling Technique for Low-Cost Road Traffic Surveillance Systems
* Rapid Determination of Soil Class Based on Visible-Near Infrared, Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy and Data Fusion
* Rate Constrained Multiple-QP Optimization for HEVC
* Rate Control for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Rate-Distortion Driven Decomposition of Multiview Imagery to Diffuse and Specular Components
* Rating prediction via generative convolutional neural networks based regression
* Re-ranking image-text matching by adaptive metric fusion
* real time expert system for anomaly detection of aerators based on computer vision and surveillance cameras, A
* Real-Time Automatic Cloud Detection Using a Low-Cost Sky Camera
* Real-Time Correlation Tracking Via Joint Model Compression and Transfer
* Real-time running detection system for UAV imagery based on optical flow and deep convolutional networks
* Realistic Speech-Driven Facial Animation with GANs
* Reassembling Shredded Document Stripes Using Word-Path Metric and Greedy Composition Optimal Matching Solver
* Recent advances in small object detection based on deep learning: A review
* Receptive Multi-Granularity Representation for Person Re-Identification
* Recognition of Isothetic Arc Using Number Theoretic Properties
* Recognizing actions in images by fusing multiple body structure cues
* Recognizing Linear Building Patterns in Topographic Data by Using Two New Indices based on Delaunay Triangulation
* Recovering facial reflectance and geometry from multi-view images
* Referring Image Segmentation by Generative Adversarial Learning
* Refractive Two-View Reconstruction for Underwater 3D Vision
* Region level SAR image classification using deep features and spatial constraints
* Regional Forest Mapping over Mountainous Areas in Northeast China Using Newly Identified Critical Temporal Features of Sentinel-1 Backscattering
* Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds: A review and benchmark
* Relationship between Near-Repeat Street Robbery and the Environment: Evidence from Malmö, Sweden, The
* Remote Sensing and Bio-Geochemical Modeling of Forest Carbon Storage in Spain
* Remote Sensing Applications in Monitoring of Protected Areas
* Remote sensing image segmentation using geodesic-kernel functions and multi-feature spaces
* Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation Based on Edge Information Guidance
* Remote sensing of chlorophyll a concentration in turbid coastal waters based on a global optical water classification system
* Remote Sensing Retrieval of Total Phosphorus in the Pearl River Channels Based on the GF-1 Remote Sensing Data
* Remote Sensing-Based Mapping of Senescent Leaf C:N Ratio in the Sundarbans Reserved Forest Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Remote Sensing-Based Rainfall Variability for Warming and Cooling in Indo-Pacific Ocean with Intentional Statistical Simulations
* Remote-Sensing Image Superresolution Based on Visual Saliency Analysis and Unequal Reconstruction Networks
* repeatable and robust local reference frame for 3D surface matching, A
* Representing Complex Evolving Spatial Networks: Geographic Network Automata
* Research on real-time analysis technology of urban land use based on support vector machine
* Retrieval of Sea Surface Wind Fields Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Retrieval of Secchi Disk Depth in Turbid Lakes from GOCI Based on a New Semi-Analytical Algorithm
* Retrieval of Total Precipitable Water over Global Land Based on FY-3D/MWRI Data, The
* retrieval-based approach for diverse and image-specific adversary selection, A
* Revealing the Microscopic Structure of Human Renal Cell Carcinoma in Three Dimensions
* Review of image processing approaches for detecting plant diseases
* review of monocular visual odometry, A
* Review of Motion Planning for Highway Autonomous Driving, A
* review on object pose recovery: From 3D bounding box detectors to full 6D pose estimators, A
* Reweighted Tensor Factorization Method for SAR Narrowband and Wideband Interference Mitigation Using Smoothing Multiview Tensor Model
* RFI Source Localization in Microwave Interferometric Radiometry: A Sparse Signal Reconstruction Perspective
* road ahead for self-driving cars: The AV industry has had to reset expectations, as it shifts its focus to level 4 autonomy, The
* Robust Graph Learning From Noisy Data
* Robust human pose estimation from distorted wide-angle images through iterative search of transformation parameters
* Robust normal vector estimation in 3D point clouds through iterative principal component analysis
* Robust Point Set Registration Using Signature Quadratic Form Distance
* Robust random walk for leaf segmentation
* Robust rigid registration algorithm based on pointwise correspondence and correntropy
* robust statistics approach for plane detection in unorganized point clouds, A
* Robust visual tracking by embedding combination and weighted-gradient optimization
* Rolling Shutter Camera Absolute Pose
* Roof Plane Segmentation from Airborne LiDAR Data Using Hierarchical Clustering and Boundary Relabeling
* RootsGLOH2: embedding RootSIFT square rooting in sGLOH2
* Rotation invariant features based on three dimensional Gaussian Markov random fields for volumetric texture classification
* Saddle: Fast and repeatable features with good coverage
* Saliency bagging: a novel framework for robust salient object detection
* Saliency detection using a deep conditional random field network
* Saliency-Guided Single Shot Multibox Detector for Target Detection in SAR Images
* Salient object detection in video using deep non-local neural networks
* Sample imbalance disease classification model based on association rule feature selection
* Sampling Strategy for Detailed Urban Land Use Classification: A Systematic Analysis in Shenzhen
* Satellite-Based Observations Reveal Effects of Weather Variation on Rice Phenology
* Saturation Based Iterative Approach for Single Image Dehazing
* Scene Recognition With Prototype-Agnostic Scene Layout
* Screen Content Compression Based on Enhanced Soft Context Formation
* Screen-Light Decomposition Framework for Point-of-Gaze Estimation Using a Single Uncalibrated Camera and Multiple Light Sources
* Sea Fog Detection Based on Normalized Difference Snow Index Using Advanced Himawari Imager Observations
* Secular Changes in Atmospheric Turbidity over Iraq and a Possible Link to Military Activity
* Secure Binary Image Steganography With Distortion Measurement Based on Prediction
* Securing DICOM images by a new encryption algorithm using Arnold transform and Vigenère cipher
* SeDAR: Reading Floorplans Like a Human: Using Deep Learning to Enable Human-Inspired Localisation
* Segmentation of crowd flow by trajectory clustering in active contours
* Segmentation of osteosarcoma tumor using diffusion weighted MRI: A comparative study using nine segmentation algorithms
* Segmentation of the pulmonary nodule and the attached vessels in the CT scan of the chest using morphological features and topological skeleton of the nodule
* Segmenting Purple Rapeseed Leaves in the Field from UAV RGB Imagery Using Deep Learning as an Auxiliary Means for Nitrogen Stress Detection
* Seizure prediction with cross-higher-order spectral analysis of EEG signals
* Selecting Prices Determinants and Including Spatial Effects in Peer-to-Peer Accommodation
* Selection Method of Dendritic River Networks Based on Hybrid Coding for Topographic Map Generalization
* Selection of Robust and Relevant Features for 3-D Steganalysis
* Self-paced Learning for K-means Clustering Algorithm
* Self-Supervised Model Adaptation for Multimodal Semantic Segmentation
* Semi-Automated Generation of Road Transition Lines Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Semi-Automated Technique for Transcribing Accurate Crowd Motions, A
* Semi-supervised cross-modal image generation with generative adversarial networks
* Semi-supervised network embedding with text information
* Semi-supervised robust deep neural networks for multi-label image classification
* Semi-supervised Semantic Mapping Through Label Propagation with Semantic Texture Meshes
* Sensing and Computational Framework for Estimating the Seismic Velocities of Rocks Interacting With the Drill Bit, A
* Sensor fault estimation of networked vehicle suspension system with deny-of-service attack
* Sensor-Augmented Neural Adaptive Bitrate Video Streaming on UAVs
* Sentinel-2 Leaf Area Index Estimation for Pine Plantations in the Southeastern United States
* Sequential Poisson Regression in Diffusion Networks
* SGHs for 3D local surface description
* SGM-Net: Skeleton-guided multimodal network for action recognition
* Shadow effect weakening based on intrinsic image extraction with effective projection of logarithmic domain for road scene
* Shallow2Deep: Indoor scene modeling by single image understanding
* Shape-from-focus reconstruction using nonlocal matting Laplacian prior followed by MRF-based refinement
* Short-Term Ecogeomorphic Evolution of a Fluvial Delta from Hindcasting Intertidal Marsh-Top Elevations (HIME)
* Short-term traffic flow prediction of road network based on deep learning
* SI Traceable Solar Spectral Irradiance Measurement Based on a Quantum Benchmark: A Prototype Design
* Sign consistency for the linear programming discriminant rule
* signal adaptive diffusion filter for video coding: Mathematical framework and complexity reductions, A
* Signal Reconstruction Algorithm for Azimuth Multichannel SAR System Based on a Multiobjective Optimization Model
* Simple Yet Effective Way for Improving the Performance of Lossy Image Compression
* Simplifying TugGraph using zipping algorithms
* Simultaneous Morphological and Flow Imaging Enabled by Megahertz Intravascular Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography
* Single image rain removal with reusing original input squeeze-and-excitation network
* Single image super-resolution based on sparse representation using dictionaries trained with input image patches
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Fire Modules With Asymmetric Configuration
* Single image-based head pose estimation with spherical parametrization and 3D morphing
* Single-image crowd counting: a comparative survey on deep learning-based approaches
* Single-Image Super-Resolution Method Based on Progressive-Iterative Approximation, A
* SIRA: An efficient method for retrieving stereo images from anaglyphs
* Site Selection of Digital Signage in Beijing: A Combination of Machine Learning and an Empirical Approach
* Skeleton-Based Online Action Prediction Using Scale Selection Network
* Skewness-Based Partitioning in SpatialHadoop
* SLAM-aided forest plot mapping combining terrestrial and mobile laser scanning
* Small-Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images with End-to-End Edge-Enhanced GAN and Object Detector Network
* Smoke detection in ship engine rooms based on video images
* SODNet: Small object detection using deconvolutional neural network
* Soil Erosion Indicator for Supporting Agricultural, Environmental and Climate Policies in the European Union, A
* Soil Moisture Estimation With SVR and Data Augmentation Based on Alpha Approximation Method
* Soil Moisture-Vegetation-Carbon Flux Relationship under Agricultural Drought Condition using Optical Multispectral Sensor
* Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measured From an Unmanned Aircraft System: Sensor Etaloning and Platform Motion Correction
* Solving RED With Weighted Proximal Methods
* Space-Variant Nonlinear Algorithm for Denoising Omnidirectional Images Corrupted by Poisson Noise, A
* Sparse analysis for mesoscale convective systems tracking
* sparse representation denoising algorithm for visible and infrared image based on orthogonal matching pursuit, A
* Sparse Signal Reconstruction Using Blind Super-Resolution With Arbitrary Sampling
* Spatial Analysis of the Rural-Urban Structure of the Spanish Municipalities
* Spatial Coherence Beamformer Design for Power Doppler Imaging, A
* Spatial Downscaling of MODIS Chlorophyll-a with Genetic Programming in South Korea
* Spatial Downscaling of MSG Downward Shortwave Radiation Product Under Clear-Sky Condition
* Spatial Heterogeneity of Factors of Drug Dealing: A Case Study from ZG, China, The
* Spatial Optimization Approach for Simultaneously Districting Precincts and Locating Polling Places, A
* Spatial Orientation Skill Performance with a Workshop Based on Green Infrastructure in Cities
* Spatial Paradigms in Road Networks and Their Delimitation of Urban Boundaries Based on KDE
* Spatial Reliability Assessment of Social Media Mining Techniques with Regard to Disaster Domain-Based Filtering
* Spatial Variability of Electric Field Implied by Common Dielectric Effective Medium Models
* Spatial-Spectral Feature Extraction via Deep ConvLSTM Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* spatial-spectral semisupervised deep learning framework using siamese networks and angular loss, A
* Spatial-Temporal Evolution and Analysis of the Driving Force of Oil Palm Patterns in Malaysia from 2000 to 2018
* Spatial-temporal multi-task learning for salient region detection
* Spatially Supported Disaster Management: Introduction to the Special Issue GI for Disaster Management
* Spatially-Variant CNN-Based Point Spread Function Estimation for Blind Deconvolution and Depth Estimation in Optical Microscopy
* Spatio-Temporal Ageing Atlas of the Proximal Femur, A
* Spatio-temporal expand-and-squeeze networks for crowd flow prediction in metropolis
* Spatio-Temporal Model of Seizure Propagation in Focal Epilepsy, A
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Taxi-Driver Shifts Using Big Trace Data
* Spatiotemporal Variation of NDVI in the Vegetation Growing Season in the Source Region of the Yellow River, China
* Special issue on Applications of graph-based techniques to pattern recognition
* Special Issue on Deep Learning for Robotic Vision
* Special issue on deep learning in image and video retrieval
* Special Issue on Generating Realistic Visual Data of Human Behavior
* Special issue on pattern recognition and cognitive assistants
* Spectral-Spatial Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Speed sign recognition in complex scenarios based on deep cascade networks
* SRP-AKAZE: an improved accelerated KAZE algorithm based on sparse random projection
* STA-CNN: Convolutional Spatial-Temporal Attention Learning for Action Recognition
* Stacked Bayesian Matching Pursuit for One-Bit Compressed Sensing
* State-of-the-Art Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics
* Statistical Behavior of Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator in Presence of White Gaussian Noise
* Statistical bootstrap-based principal mode component analysis for dynamic background subtraction
* Statistical Derivation of Wind Speeds From CYGNSS Data
* Statistical Gap-Filling of SEVIRI Land Surface Temperature
* Statistical Properties of Kendall's Tau Under Contaminated Gaussian Model With Applications in Random Signal Detection
* Steerable ePCA: Rotationally Invariant Exponential Family PCA
* Stego-key-based image steganography scheme using edge detector and modulus function
* Stereo Attention Module for Stereo Image Super-Resolution, A
* Structured Low-Rank Matrix Factorization: Global Optimality, Algorithms, and Applications
* Structured self-attention architecture for graph-level representation learning
* Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Audio-Visual Signals
* Study on 2D Feature-Based Hash Learning
* study on deep learning spatiotemporal models and feature extraction techniques for video understanding, A
* Studying the Applicability of X-Band SAR Data to the Network-Scale Mapping of Pavement Roughness on US Roads
* Subband Aware CNN for Cell-Phone Recognition
* Subjective and objective quality assessment for image restoration: A critical survey
* Subjective or Objective? How Objective Measures Relate to Subjective Life Satisfaction in Europe
* Subpixel SAR Image Registration Through Parabolic Interpolation of the 2-D Cross Correlation
* Subspace Clustering Constrained Sparse NMF for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Subspace Clustering via Good Neighbors
* Subspace Selection-Based Discriminative Forest Method for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection, A
* Super-resolution mapping of hyperspectral satellite images using hybrid genetic algorithm
* Super-Resolution of Optical Coherence Tomography Images by Scale Mixture Models
* Superpixel Contracted Graph-Based Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Supervised feature selection by self-paced learning regression
* Supervised learning of the next-best-view for 3d object reconstruction
* Support vector machine combined with magnetic resonance imaging for accurate diagnosis of paediatric pancreatic cancer
* Support vector regression-based 3D-wavelet texture learning for hyperspectral image compression
* Surface Diffuse Solar Radiation Determined by Reanalysis and Satellite over East Asia: Evaluation and Comparison
* Survey of cube mapping methods in interactive computer graphics
* survey on image and video cosegmentation: Methods, challenges and analyses, A
* Survey on visual sentiment analysis
* SVLA: A compact supervoxel segmentation method based on local allocation
* Syntactic pattern recognition-based diagnostics of fetal palates
* Systematic Review into Factors Influencing Sketch Map Quality, A
* Systematic review of 3D facial expression recognition methods
* Tablet identification using support vector machine based text recognition and error correction by enhanced n-grams algorithm
* Techniques for efficient detection of rapid weather changes and analysis of their impacts on a highway network
* Temporal Reasoning Graph for Activity Recognition
* Temporal-spatial consistency of self-adaptive target response for long-term correlation filter tracking
* Tephra Mass Eruption Rate From Ground-Based X-Band and L-Band Microwave Radars During the November 23, 2013, Etna Paroxysm
* Testing a Comprehensive Volcanic Risk Assessment of Tenerife by Volcanic Hazard Simulations and Social Vulnerability Analysis
* Text alignment in early printed books combining deep learning and dynamic programming
* Text Region Extraction From Scene Images Using AGF and MSER
* Text-to-image via mask anchor points
* Textual data summarization using the Self-Organized Co-Clustering model
* Textural Approach to Improving Snow Depth Estimates in the Weddell Sea, A
* Texture and colour region separation based image retrieval using probability annular histogram and weighted similarity matching scheme
* TGNet: Geometric Graph CNN on 3-D Point Cloud Segmentation
* Three-dimensional trajectory tracking of an underactuated AUV based on fuzzy dynamic surface control
* Three-stream fusion network for first-person interaction recognition
* Timed-image based deep learning for action recognition in video sequences
* Timing of Landsat Overpasses Effectively Captures Flow Conditions of Large Rivers
* Toblerone: Surface-Based Partial Volume Estimation
* Toeplitz Structured Covariance Matrix Estimation for Radar Applications
* Tools for Video Coding Beyond HEVC: Flexible Partitioning, Motion Vector Coding, Luma Adaptive Quantization, and Improved Deblocking
* Topic modelling for routine discovery from egocentric photo-streams
* Toward a Standardized Encoding of Remote Sensing Geo-Positioning Sensor Models
* Toward Precise Osteotomies: A Coarse-to-Fine 3D Cut Plane Planning Method for Image-Guided Pelvis Tumor Resection Surgery
* Towards Automatic Points of Interest Matching
* Towards High Fidelity Face Frontalization in the Wild
* Tracking and frame-rate enhancement for real-time 2D human pose estimation
* Traffic Pattern Mining and Forecasting Technologies in Maritime Traffic Service Networks: A Comprehensive Survey
* Traffic sign recognition by combining global and local features based on semi-supervised classification
* Training bidirectional generative adversarial networks with hints
* Training data independent image registration using generative adversarial networks and domain adaptation
* Training Faster by Separating Modes of Variation in Batch-Normalized Models
* TrajCompressor: An Online Map-matching-based Trajectory Compression Framework Leveraging Vehicle Heading Direction and Change
* Transceive Beamforming With Accurate Nulling in FDA-MIMO Radar for Imaging
* Transfer learning-based discriminative correlation filter for visual tracking
* Transferable heterogeneous feature subspace learning for JPEG mismatched steganalysis
* Translational Motion Compensation for ISAR Images Through a Multicriteria Decision Using Surrogate-Based Optimization
* Transparency for a Workload-Adaptive Cognitive Agent in a Manned-Unmanned Teaming Application
* Trends in graph-based representations for Pattern Recognition
* Tri-Clustering Based Exploration of Temporal Resolution Impacts on Spatio-Temporal Clusters in Geo-Referenced Time Series
* Triangulation-Based Coverage Path Planning, A
* Triplet Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Pixel-Level Classification of VHR Remote Sensing Images
* TVENet: Temporal variance embedding network for fine-grained action representation
* Two motion models for improving video object tracking performance
* Two-Dimensional Autofocus Technique Based on Spatial Frequency Domain Fragmentation
* Two-scale image decomposition based image fusion using structure tensor
* Two-stage image smoothing based on edge-patch histogram equalisation and patch decomposition
* two-step hypergraph reduction based fitting method for unbalanced data, A
* UAV and Satellite Multispectral Data Approach to Monitor Water Quality in Small Reservoirs, An
* UAV Video Dataset for Mosaicking and Change Detection From Low-Altitude Flights, A
* Ultra-Wideband and Odometry-Based Cooperative Relative Localization With Application to Multi-UAV Formation Control
* Under-canopy UAV laser scanning for accurate forest field measurements
* Understanding Chinese Urban Form: The Universal Fractal Pattern of Street Networks over 298 Cities
* Understanding the decisions of CNNs: An in-model approach
* Uni-and-Bi-Directional Video Prediction via Learning Object-Centric Transformation
* UNIC: A fast nonparametric clustering
* Unified Graph-Based Multicue Feature Fusion for Robust Visual Tracking
* Unified Video Codec for SDR, HDR, and 360° Video Applications, A
* Unifying Analytical Methods With Numerical Methods for Traffic System Modeling and Control
* Uniqueness Guarantee of Solutions of Tensor Tubal-Rank Minimization Problem
* Universal Data Anomaly Detection via Inverse Generative Adversary Network
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Benchmark: Object Detection, Tracking and Baseline, The
* Unsupervised change detection between SAR images based on hypergraphs
* Unsupervised feature selection by self-paced learning regularization
* Unsupervised hashing based on the recovery of subspace structures
* Unsupervised learning of optical flow with patch consistency and occlusion estimation
* Unsupervised Person Re-identification via Cross-Camera Similarity Exploration
* Unsupervised Stereo Matching Using Confidential Correspondence Consistency
* Unsupervised Variational Video Hashing With 1D-CNN-LSTM Networks
* Unsupervised Video Matting via Sparse and Low-Rank Representation
* Upscaling of Single-Site-Based Measurements for Validation of Long-Term Coarse-Pixel Albedo Products
* Urban Fire Dynamics and Its Association with Urban Growth: Evidence from Nanjing, China
* Using GIS for Disease Mapping and Clustering in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
* Using GIS to Explore the Potential of Business Rating Data to Analyse Stock and Value Change for Land Administration: A Case Study of York
* Using GIS, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning to Highlight the Correlation between the Land-Use/Land-Cover Changes and Flash-Flood Potential
* Using Local Toponyms to Reconstruct the Historical River Networks in Hubei Province, China
* Using persistent homology to quantify a diurnal cycle in hurricanes
* Using pseudo voxel octree to accelerate collision between cutting tool and deformable objects modeled as linked voxels
* Using Satellite Interferometry to Infer Landslide Sliding Surface Depth and Geometry
* Using Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Measuring Post-Flood High-Water Marks and Streambed Elevations
* Utilization Management and Pricing of Parking Facilities Under Uncertain Demand and User Decisions
* Utilization of a convolutional method for Alzheimer disease diagnosis
* Validating the robustness of an internet of things based atrial fibrillation detection system
* Validation of New Sea Surface Wind Products From Scatterometers Onboard the HY-2B and MetOp-C Satellites
* Validation of Sentinel-3A SRAL Coastal Sea Level Data at High Posting Rate: 80 Hz
* Variable Urbanization Warming Effects across Metropolitans of China and Relevant Driving Factors
* Variational Osmosis for Non-Linear Image Fusion
* Vector Line Simplification Algorithm Based on the Douglas-Peucker Algorithm, Monotonic Chains and Dichotomy, A
* Vehicle platooning with constant spacing strategies and multiple vehicle look ahead information
* Video anomaly detection and localization via Gaussian Mixture Fully Convolutional Variational Autoencoder
* Video Captioning With Object-Aware Spatio-Temporal Correlation and Aggregation
* Video captioning with text-based dynamic attention and step-by-step learning
* Video Codec Using Flexible Block Partitioning and Advanced Prediction, Transform and Loop Filtering Technologies
* Video Compression Using Generalized Binary Partitioning, Trellis Coded Quantization, Perceptually Optimized Encoding, and Advanced Prediction and Transform Coding
* Video object tracking and segmentation with box annotation
* Video semantic segmentation via feature propagation with holistic attention
* Video super-resolution via pre-frame constrained and deep-feature enhanced sparse reconstruction
* Visual complexity analysis using deep intermediate-layer features
* Visual computing resources distribution and balancing by multimodal cat swarm optimization
* Visual domain adaptation based on modified A-distance and sparse filtering
* Visual Exposure of Rock Outcrops in the Context of a Forest Disease Outbreak Simulation Based on a Canopy Height Model and Spectral Information Acquired by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Visual object tracking via iterative ant particle filtering
* Visual question answering with attention transfer and a cross-modal gating mechanism
* Visual tracking tracker via object proposals and co-trained kernelized correlation filters
* Visual-Texual Emotion Analysis With Deep Coupled Video and Danmu Neural Networks
* Visualization of 3D Survey Data for Strata Titles
* Visualizing the USA's Maritime Freight Flows Using DM, LP, and AON in GIS
* VVC Proposal With Quaternary Tree Plus Binary-Ternary Tree Coding Block Structure and Advanced Coding Techniques, A
* Wanted: A fallback for GPS: The U.S. government seeks tech that could step in if its global satellite fleet were to fail
* Water Areas Segmentation from Remote Sensing Images Using a Separable Residual SegNet Network
* Water Vapor Retrieval From MODIS NIR Channels Using Ground-Based GPS Data
* Watershed Segmentation Algorithm Based on LUV Color Space Region Merging for Extracting Slope Hazard Boundaries
* Wavelet-Based Image Compression Encoding Techniques: A Complete Performance Analysis
* Wavelet-based segmentation on the sphere
* Weakly Supervised Multi-task Ranking Framework for Actor-Action Semantic Segmentation, A
* Webly-supervised learning for salient object detection
* WeGAN: Deep Image Hashing With Weighted Generative Adversarial Networks
* Weighted quasi-arithmetic mean based score level fusion for multi-biometric systems
* When Traditional Selection Fails: How to Improve Settlement Selection for Small-Scale Maps Using Machine Learning
* Wideband Waveform Generation Using MDDS and Phase Compensation for X-Band SAR
* Will the vehicle restriction policy maintain a long-term deterrent effect?
* Writer identification with n-tuple direction feature from contour
* Writer-aware CNN for parsimonious HMM-based offline handwritten Chinese text recognition
* WSCNet: Weakly Supervised Coupled Networks for Visual Sentiment Classification and Detection
1348 for 2005

Index for "2"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.