Update Dates 1908

1908 * *CRV
* *Guest Editorial: Selected papers from the 6th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention (DDI2018)
* 3-D Atrous Convolution Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Denoising, A
* 3-D Tomographic Reconstruction of Rain Field Using Microwave Signals From LEO Satellites: Principle and Simulation Results
* 3D Layout encoding network for spatial-aware 3D saliency modelling
* Above the Nyquist Rate, Modulo Folding Does Not Hurt
* Acceleration of simple linear iterative clustering using early candidate cluster exclusion
* Acceleration techniques and evaluation on multi-core CPU, GPU and FPGA for image processing and super-resolution
* Accuracy of the TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model for Coastal Geomorphological Studies in Patagonia (South Argentina)
* Accurate Facial Image Parsing at Real-Time Speed
* Action Recognition With Spatio-Temporal Visual Attention on Skeleton Image Sequences
* Active Machine Learning Approach for Crater Detection From Planetary Imagery and Digital Elevation Models
* Active Vision in the Era of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive convolutional neural network for large change in video object segmentation
* Adaptive dynamic surface longitudinal tracking control of autonomous vehicles
* Adaptive error prediction method based on multiple linear regression for reversible data hiding
* adaptive framework for saliency detection, An
* Adaptive Lucas-Kanade tracking
* Adaptive RBF-AR Models Based on Multi-Innovation Least Squares Method
* Adaptive Transform Domain Image Super-Resolution via Orthogonally Regularized Deep Networks
* Addressing overfitting on point cloud classification using Atrous XCRF
* Advanced Nonlinear Frequency Modulation Waveform for Radar Imaging With Low Sidelobe, An
* Advantages of Geostationary Satellites for Ionospheric Anomaly Studies: Ionospheric Plasma Depletion Following a Rocket Launch
* Adversarial Learning Semantic Volume for 2D/3D Face Shape Regression in the Wild
* Adversarially Learned Abnormal Trajectory Classifier
* Affine-Function Transformation-Based Object Matching for Vehicle Detection from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
* AFIF4: Deep gender classification based on AdaBoost-based fusion of isolated facial features and foggy faces
* Agent-based Model Simulation of Human Mobility Based on Mobile Phone Data: How Commuting Relates to Congestion, An
* Alternately Updated Spectral-Spatial Convolution Network for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Alternating Joint Inversion of Controlled-Source Electromagnetic and Seismic Data Using the Joint Total Variation Constraint
* Analysis of parallel encoding using tiles in 3D High Efficiency Video Coding
* Analytical Approximation Model for Quadratic Phase Error Introduced by Orbit Determination Errors in Real-Time Spaceborne SAR Imaging
* Anomalous Urban Mobility Pattern Detection Based on GPS Trajectories and POI Data
* Apparent Age Estimation with Relational Networks
* Application of Integrated 3D Technologies for Replicas in Cultural Heritage, An
* Application of Remote Sensing to the Investigation of Rock Slopes: Experience Gained and Lessons Learned
* Application of the Spatial Autocorrelation Method on the Change of Real Estate Prices in Taitung City, An
* Approach to the Simulation of Radar Sounder Radargrams Based on Geological Analogs, An
* Arbitrary Length Perfect Integer Sequences Using All-Pass Polynomial
* Arctic Ocean Sea Level Record from the Complete Radar Altimetry Era: 1991-2018
* Arctic Sea Ice Classification Using Microwave Scatterometer and Radiometer Data During 2002-2017
* Are There Sufficient Landsat Observations for Retrospective and Continuous Monitoring of Land Cover Changes in China?
* Areal Interpolation Using Parcel and Census Data in Highly Developed Urban Environments
* ASPIRE: Automatic scanner position reconstruction
* Assessing Rebar Corrosion through the Combination of Nondestructive GPR and IRT Methodologies
* Assessing Spatial Information Themes in the Spatial Information Infrastructure for Participatory Urban Planning Monitoring: Indonesian Cities
* Assessing the Effect of Seasonality on Leaf and Canopy Spectra for the Discrimination of an Alien Tree Species, Acacia Mearnsii, From Co-Occurring Native Species Using Parametric and Nonparametric Classifiers
* Assessing the Impact of the Built-Up Environment on Nighttime Lights in China
* Assessment and Benchmarking of Spatially Enabled RDF Stores for the Next Generation of Spatial Data Infrastructure
* Assessment of Police Officers' Perception of Hotspots: What Can Be Done to Improve Officer's Situational Awareness?, An
* Assessment of severity in neuropsychiatric disorders based on radiomic features with prior shape level set and metaheuristic algorithms
* ASTER: An Attentional Scene Text Recognizer with Flexible Rectification
* Asymmetric Effects of Daytime and Nighttime Warming on Boreal Forest Spring Phenology
* Attend and Imagine: Multi-Label Image Classification With Visual Attention and Recurrent Neural Networks
* Attention to Lesion: Lesion-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Image Classification
* Automated Acquisition of Anisotropic Friction
* Automated Near-Real-Time Mapping and Monitoring of Rice Extent, Cropping Patterns, and Growth Stages in Southeast Asia Using Sentinel-1 Time Series on a Google Earth Engine Platform
* Automatic (Tactile) Map Generation: A Systematic Literature Review
* Automatic 3-D Building Model Reconstruction from Very High Resolution Stereo Satellite Imagery
* Automatic Building Outline Extraction from ALS Point Clouds by Ordered Points Aided Hough Transform
* Automatic Detection of Driver Impairment Based on Pupillary Light Reflex
* Automatic Detection of Lightning Whistlers Observed by the Plasma Wave Experiment Onboard the Arase Satellite Using the OpenCV Library
* Automatic Discovery of Railway Train Driving Modes Using Unsupervised Deep Learning
* Automatic Example-Based Image Colorization Using Location-Aware Cross-Scale Matching
* Automatic optic disk detection and segmentation by variational active contour estimation in retinal fundus images
* Automatic Semi-Global Artificial Shoreline Subpixel Localization Algorithm for Landsat Imagery
* Automatic Temporally Coherent Video Colorization
* Automatic Vector-Based Road Structure Mapping Using Multibeam LiDAR
* Automatic Vehicle Tracking With Roadside LiDAR Data for the Connected-Vehicles System
* Autonomous void detection and characterisation in point clouds and triangular meshes
* aUToTrack: A Lightweight Object Detection and Tracking System for the SAE AutoDrive Challenge
* BDPK: Bayesian Dehazing Using Prior Knowledge
* BDS-2/BDS-3 Integrated Method for Ultra-Rapid Orbit Determination with the Aid of Precise Satellite Clock Offsets, A
* BDS-3 Time Group Delay and Its Effect on Standard Point Positioning
* Bearing-Based Network Localizability: A Unifying View
* Benchmarking the Retrieval of Biomass in Boreal Forests Using P-Band SAR Backscatter with Multi-Temporal C- and L-Band Observations
* Big Data in ITS: Concept, Case Studies, Opportunities, and Challenges
* Bimodal Gaussian Inhomogeneous Poisson Algorithm for Bike Number Prediction in a Bike-Sharing System, A
* Bistatic-Like Differential SAR Tomography
* Blind Video Quality Assessment With Weakly Supervised Learning and Resampling Strategy
* Brain disease diagnosis using local binary pattern and steerable pyramid
* Brightness preserving optimized weighted bi-histogram equalization algorithm and its application to MR brain image segmentation
* Building Extraction Approach Based on the Fusion of LiDAR Point Cloud and Elevation Map Texture Features, A
* Bundle Adjustment Using Space-Based Triangulation Method for Improving the Landsat Global Ground Reference
* Burn severity analysis in Mediterranean forests using maximum entropy model trained with EO-1 Hyperion and LiDAR data
* Can we Monitor Height of Native Grasslands in Uruguay with Earth Observation?
* Canopy and Terrain Height Retrievals with ICESat-2: A First Look
* Capsule Networks for Object Detection in UAV Imagery
* Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely Gated Recurrent Neural Networks and Global Extrema Loss
* Cascaded Deep Networks With Multiple Receptive Fields for Infrared Image Super-Resolution
* Cascaded Recurrent Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* CDnet: CNN-Based Cloud Detection for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Cell-type based semantic segmentation of histopathological images using deep convolutional neural networks
* Changes in Water Surface Area during 1989-2017 in the Huai River Basin using Landsat Data and Google Earth Engine
* Chaos game theory and its application for offline signature identification
* Characteristic Basis Function Method for Fast Analysis of 3-D Scattering From Objects Buried Under Rough Surfaces
* Characterizing Boreal Peatland Plant Composition and Species Diversity with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Characterizing Crop Water Use Dynamics in the Central Valley of California Using Landsat-Derived Evapotranspiration
* Characterizing Land Use/Land Cover Using Multi-Sensor Time Series from the Perspective of Land Surface Phenology
* Chlorophyll Concentration Response to the Typhoon Wind-Pump Induced Upper Ocean Processes Considering Air-Sea Heat Exchange
* City Maker: Reconstruction of Cities from OpenStreetMap Data for Environmental Visualization and Simulations
* Classification of Alzheimer disease among susceptible brain regions
* Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Multiclass Spatial-Spectral Generative Adversarial Networks
* Click Carving: Interactive Object Segmentation in Images and Videos with Point Clicks
* CLOSE: Coupled content-semantic embedding
* Closed-Form Anisotropic Polarimetric Two-Scale Model for Fast Evaluation of Sea Surface Backscattering
* Clustering-based disambiguation of fine-grained place names from descriptions
* Co-weighting semantic convolutional features for object retrieval
* Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Cloud Removal in Remote Sensing Image Sequence, A
* Coastal Dune Vegetation Mapping Using a Multispectral Sensor Mounted on an UAS
* code division multiplexing and block classification-based real-time reversible data-hiding algorithm for medical images, A
* Collision Detection for UAVs Based on GeoSOT-3D Grids
* Color Image and Multispectral Image Denoising Using Block Diagonal Representation
* Combined Field and Remote-Sensing Based Methodology to Assess the Ecosystem Service Potential of Urban Rivers in Developing Countries, A
* Combing Triple-Part Features of Convolutional Neural Networks for Scene Classification in Remote Sensing
* Combining Bottom-Up and Top-Down Visual Mechanisms for Color Constancy Under Varying Illumination
* Combining Color Indices and Textures of UAV-Based Digital Imagery for Rice LAI Estimation
* COMET's Education and Training for the Worldwide Meteorological Satellite User Community: Meeting Evolving Needs with Innovative Instruction
* Commodifying Pointing in HRI: Simple and Fast Pointing Gesture Detection from RGB-D Images
* Comparative analysis of Alzheimer's disease classification by CDR level using CNN, feature selection, and machine-learning techniques
* Comparative Analysis of Firearm Discharge Recorded by Gunshot Detection Technology and Calls for Service in Louisville, Kentucky
* Comparative evaluation of the polynomial and spline fitting methods for the B0 correction of CEST MRI data acquired from human brains
* Comparing Deep Neural Networks, Ensemble Classifiers, and Support Vector Machine Algorithms for Object-Based Urban Land Use/Land Cover Classification
* Comparing Human Versus Machine-Driven Cadastral Boundary Feature Extraction
* Comparing Spectral Characteristics of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Same-Day Data for Arctic-Boreal Regions
* Comparison of Changes in Urban Land Use/Cover and Efficiency of Megaregions in China from 1980 to 2015
* Comparison of Cloud Properties from Himawari-8 and Feng-Yun-4A Geostationary Satellite Radiometers with MODIS Cloud Retrievals
* Comparison of Mature Douglas-Firs' Crown Structures Developed with Two Quantitative Structural Models Using TLS Point Clouds for Neighboring Trees in a Natural Regime Stand
* Comparison of Tropospheric Path Delay Estimates from GNSS and Space-Borne SAR Interferometry in Alpine Conditions
* Compression of the biomedical images using quadtree-based partitioned universally classified energy and pattern blocks
* Computational Mapping of the Ground Reflectivity With Laser Scanners
* Computer aided diagnosis of brain abnormalities using texture analysis of MRI images
* Constrained-Target Band Selection for Multiple-Target Detection
* Constructing a Finer-Resolution Forest Height in China Using ICESat/GLAS, Landsat and ALOS PALSAR Data and Height Patterns of Natural Forests and Plantations
* Content in Motion: An Edge Computing Based Relay Scheme for Content Dissemination in Urban Vehicular Networks
* context-adaptive fast intra coding algorithm of high-efficiency video coding (HEVC), A
* Context-based image acquisition from memory in digital systems
* Continuous-Time Model-Based Approach for Activity Recognition in Pervasive Environments, A
* Contrasting Aerosol Optical Characteristics and Source Regions During Summer and Winter Pollution Episodes in Nanjing, China
* Control proximal gradient algorithm for image L_1 regularization
* Convolution Theorems for Two-Dimensional LCT of Angularly Periodic Functions in Polar Coordinates
* Convolutional Analysis Operator Learning: Dependence on Training Data
* Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Auto-Detection of Landslide Photographs to Assess Citizen Science and Volunteered Geographic Information Data Quality, A
* Cooking With Computers: The Vision of Digital Gastronomy
* Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer (CIMR) Benefits for the Copernicus Level 4 Sea-Surface Salinity Processing Chain
* Coupled Subspace-Based Atmospheric Compensation of LWIR Hyperspectral Data
* Coupling Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data with a Crop Model to Study Winter Wheat Water Demand
* Crater Detection Using Unsupervised Algorithms and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Crypto-compression scheme based on the DWT for medical image security
* Curve description by histograms of tangent directions
* CWT-Based Approach for Epoch Extraction From Telephone Quality Speech
* Dance Interactive Learning Systems: A Study on Interaction Workflow and Teaching Approaches
* Dasymetric Mapping Using UAV High Resolution 3D Data within Urban Areas
* Data Augmentation Strategy Based on Simulated Samples for Ship Detection in RGB Remote Sensing Images, A
* Data-Adaptive EOF-Based Method for Displacement Signal Retrieval From InSAR Displacement Measurement Time Series for Decorrelating Targets, A
* Data-Driven Shared Steering Control of Semi-Autonomous Vehicles
* Decision Tree Approach for Spatially Interpolating Missing Land Cover Data and Classifying Satellite Images, A
* Decoupling Spatial Pattern and its Movement Via Complex Factorization Over Orthogonal Filter Pairs
* Deep Collaborative Embedding for Social Image Understanding
* Deep Constrained Low-Rank Subspace Learning for Multi-View Semi-Supervised Classification
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition Using Depth Maps and Postures
* Deep Fully Convolutional Networks for Cadastral Boundary Detection from UAV Images
* Deep fusion based video saliency detection
* Deep Learning Approach for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Radiometer Calibration, A
* Deep Learning Approach in Aerial Imagery for Supporting Land Search and Rescue Missions
* Deep Learning Method for Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, A
* Deep Manifold Structure Transfer for Action Recognition
* Deep part-related feature learning for human-level biometrics
* Deep Q Learning Driven CT Pancreas Segmentation With Geometry-Aware U-Net
* Deep Residual Squeeze and Excitation Network for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Supervised Hashing for Fast Image Retrieval
* Deep Universal Generative Adversarial Compression Artifact Removal
* Deeply Supervised Depth Map Super-Resolution as Novel View Synthesis
* DeepRange: deep-learning-based object detection and ranging in autonomous driving
* Deformed landmark fitting for sequential faces
* Dempster-Shafer theory-based hierarchical saliency detection
* Denoising and segmentation of MR images using fourth order non-linear adaptive PDE and new convergent clustering
* Density-Based Approach for Leaf Area Index Assessment in a Complex Forest Environment Using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner, A
* Depths of Cast Shadow, The
* Designing Wearable Systems for Sports: A Review of Trends and Opportunities in Human-Computer Interaction
* Detecting anomalous crowd behavior using correlation analysis of optical flow
* Detecting sleep in drivers during highly automated driving: the potential of physiological parameters
* Detecting Traffic Information From Social Media Texts With Deep Learning Approaches
* Detecting Urban Polycentric Structure from POI Data
* Detection of severity level of diabetic retinopathy using Bag of features model
* Determining and Evaluating the Hydrological Signal in Polar Motion Excitation from Gravity Field Models Obtained from Kinematic Orbits of LEO Satellites
* Developing Transformation Functions for VENµS and Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance over Israel
* Development and evaluation of a deep learning model for real-time ground vehicle semantic segmentation from UAV-based thermal infrared imagery
* DHFML: deep heterogeneous feature metric learning for matching photograph and cartoon pairs
* Diachronic UAV Photogrammetry of a Sandy Beach in Brittany (France) for a Long-Term Coastal Observatory
* Different Agricultural Responses to Extreme Drought Events in Neighboring Counties of South and North Korea
* Differential Features for Pedestrian Detection: A Taylor Series Perspective
* Differential-Algebraic Projective Framework for the Deformable Single-View Geometry of the 1D Perspective Camera, A
* Dim and small target detection based on feature mapping neural networks
* Direct Fitting of Gaussian Mixture Models
* Discovering Memory-Based Preferences for POI Recommendation in Location-Based Social Networks
* Discrepancy Between Backscattering Model Simulations and Radar Observations Caused by Scaling Issues: An Uncertainty Analysis, The
* Discrete Curvature Representations for Noise Robust Image Corner Detection
* Discrete Multi-Graph Clustering
* Discriminative Feature Learning With Foreground Attention for Person Re-Identification
* Discriminative representation learning for person re-identification via multi-loss training
* Dissecting Performances of PERSIANN-CDR Precipitation Product over Huai River Basin, China
* Distance Encoded Product Quantization for Approximate K-Nearest Neighbor Search in High-Dimensional Space
* Distributed Gaussian Processes Hyperparameter Optimization for Big Data Using Proximal ADMM
* Distributed Multi-Agent Gaussian Regression via Finite-Dimensional Approximations
* Distributed Nesterov Gradient Methods Over Arbitrary Graphs
* Distributional semantics of objects in visual scenes in comparison to text
* DLMPCS-based improved yaw stability control strategy for DDEV
* Do Urban Functional Zones Affect Land Surface Temperature Differently? A Case Study of Beijing, China
* Double chaotic image encryption algorithm based on optimal sequence solution and fractional transform
* Driving Style Analysis Using Primitive Driving Patterns With Bayesian Nonparametric Approaches
* Dual-Stream Recurrent Neural Network for Video Captioning
* Dust Storm Remote Sensing Monitoring Supported by MODIS Land Surface Reflectance Database
* Dynamic Cross-Layer Signaling Exchange for Real-Time and On-Demand Multimedia Streams
* Dynamic Fractal Texture Analysis for PolSAR Land Cover Classification
* Dynamic traffic demand uncertainty prediction using radio-frequency identification data and link volume data
* Early Detection of Invasive Exotic Trees Using UAV and Manned Aircraft Multispectral and LiDAR Data
* Earthquake Information Extraction and Comparison from Different Sources Based on Web Text
* ECG analysis for human recognition using non-fiducial methods
* Edge Computing for Autonomous Driving: Opportunities and Challenges
* Edge Video Analytics for Public Safety: A Review
* Edge-Enhanced GAN for Remote Sensing Image Superresolution
* Editorial for the Special Issue Frontiers in Spectral Imaging and 3D Technologies for Geospatial Solutions
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Target Detection in Marine Environment
* EEG signal improvement with cascaded filter based on OWA operator
* EF-Index: Determining number of clusters (K) to estimate number of segments (S) in an image
* Effect Inference From Two-Group Data With Sampling Bias
* Effect of Current on the First-Order Spectral Power of High-Frequency Radar
* Effect of Droughts on Vegetation Condition in Germany: An Analysis Based on Two Decades of Satellite Earth Observation Time Series and Crop Yield Statistics, The
* Effective Autofocus Method for Fast Factorized Back-Projection, An
* Effective Descriptors for Human Action Retrieval from 3D Mesh Sequences
* Effects of ACC and CACC vehicles on traffic flow based on an improved variable time headway spacing strategy
* Effects of nicergoline treatment on regional cerebral blood flow in early Alzheimer's disease
* Effects of the Earth's Curvature and Lunar Revolution on the Imaging Performance of the Moon-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Efficiency of Extreme Gradient Boosting for Imbalanced Land Cover Classification Using an Extended Margin and Disagreement Performance
* Efficient 3D Low-Discrepancy k-Space Sampling Using Highly Adaptable Seiffert Spirals
* efficient aggregation and overlap removal algorithm for circle maps, An
* Efficient and robust segmentation and tracking of sperm cells in microscopic image sequences
* Efficient Base Conversion Using Variable Length Segmentation and Remainder Transfer, An
* Efficient Feature Matching via Nonnegative Orthogonal Relaxation
* Efficient hardware implementation strategy for local normalization of fingerprint images
* Efficient Multiple Organ Localization in CT Image Using 3D Region Proposal Network
* Efficient parallelization on GPU of an image smoothing method based on a variational model
* Efficient Storage of Infrared Video of Drone Inspections via Iterative Aerial Map Construction, An
* Efficient Traffic Estimation With Multi-Sourced Data by Parallel Coupled Hidden Markov Model
* Efficient tree construction for multiscale image representation and processing
* efficient two-scan algorithm for computing basic shape features of objects in a binary image, An
* EL Approach for Similarity Parameter Selection in KA Covariance Matrix Estimation, An
* Embedded processing methods for online visual analysis of laser welding
* Emergent Challenges for Science sUAS Data Management: Fairness through Community Engagement and Best Practicse Development
* Encoding Visual Sensitivity by MaxPol Convolution Filters for Image Sharpness Assessment
* End-to-End Automatic Image Annotation Based on Deep CNN and Multi-Label Data Augmentation
* Endmember Extraction From Highly Mixed Data Using Linear Mixture Model Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization
* Enhance Visual Recognition Under Adverse Conditions via Deep Networks
* enhanced SURF algorithm based on new interest point detection procedure and fast computation technique, An
* Estimating and Examining the Sensitivity of Different Vegetation Indices to Fractions of Vegetation Cover at Different Scaling Grids for Early Stage Acacia Plantation Forests Using a Fixed-Wing UAS
* Estimating Autonomous Vehicle Localization Error Using 2D Geographic Information
* Estimating Forest Leaf Area Index and Canopy Chlorophyll Content with Sentinel-2: An Evaluation of Two Hybrid Retrieval Algorithms
* Estimating Leaf Area Index with a New Vegetation Index Considering the Influence of Rice Panicles
* Estimating Savings in Parking Demand Using Shared Vehicles for Home-Work Commuting
* Estimating the occupancy status of parking areas by counting cars and non-empty stalls
* Estimation of the Attractiveness of Food Photography Based on Image Features
* Evaluating Movement Quality Through Intrapersonal Synchronization
* Evaluating the Performance of Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indices for Estimating Gross Primary Productivity Using FLUXNET Observations across the Globe
* Evaluating the Suitability of Urban Expansion Based on the Logic Minimum Cumulative Resistance Model: A Case Study from Leshan, China
* Evaluating the Variability of Urban Land Surface Temperatures Using Drone Observations
* Evaluating Urban Bicycle Infrastructures through Intersubjectivity of Stress Sensations Derived from Physiological Measurements
* Evaluation and Comparison of Random Forest and A-LSTM Networks for Large-scale Winter Wheat Identification
* Evaluation of an Extended PICS (EPICS) for Calibration and Stability Monitoring of Optical Satellite Sensors
* Evaluation of Bayesian Multimodel Estimation in Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation Simulation over High Latitude Areas
* Evaluation of Chlorophyll-a and POC MODIS Aqua Products in the Southern Ocean
* Evaluation of Different Methods for Estimating the Fraction of Sunlit Leaves and Its Contribution for Photochemical Reflectance Index Utilization in a Coniferous Forest
* Evaluation of Four Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for GOCI Images over the Yellow Sea
* Evaluation of Four Kernel-Driven Models in the Thermal Infrared Band
* Evaluation of Grass Quality under Different Soil Management Scenarios Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Evaluation of Synoptic Snowfall on the Antarctic Ice Sheet Based on CloudSat, In-Situ Observations and Atmospheric Reanalysis Datasets
* Evaluation of Topological Consistency in CityGML
* Examination of Radiometric Deviations in Bands 29, 31, and 32 of MODIS Collection 6.0 and 6.1
* Expert Surgeons Can Smoothly Control Robotic Tools With a Discrete Control Interface
* Extended Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites (EPICS) for the Cross-Calibration of Optical Satellite Sensors
* Extending the Visibility of Dichromats Using Histogram Equalization of Hue Value Defined for Dichromats
* Extension of the virtual electric field model using bilateral-like filter for active contours
* External Patch-Based Image Restoration Using Importance Sampling
* Extraction of Power Line Pylons and Wires Using Airborne LiDAR Data at Different Height Levels
* Extraction of the Level Lines of a Bilinear Image
* Eye center localization in a facial image based on geometric shapes of iris and eyelid under natural variability
* Eye-tracking Evaluation of Weather Web Maps
* Face Alignment Accelerator Based on Optimized Coarse-to-Fine Shape Searching, A
* Face Detection With Different Scales Based on Faster R-CNN
* Face Expression Recognition with the Optimization based Multi-SVNN Classifier and the Modified LDP Features
* Facial expression recognition via region-based convolutional fusion network
* Factoring a Homography to Analyze Projective Distortion
* Fast adaptive switching technique of impulsive noise removal in color images
* Fast combination filtering based on weighted fusion
* Fast High-Resolution Imaging Algorithm for Helicopter-Borne Rotating Array SAR Based on 2-D Chirp-Z Transform, A
* Fast local SAR image despeckling by edge-avoiding wavelets
* Fast ScanNet: Fast and Dense Analysis of Multi-Gigapixel Whole-Slide Images for Cancer Metastasis Detection
* fast temporal constraint semi-dense stereo matching method, A
* Fatigue driving detection model based on multi-feature fusion and semi-supervised active learning
* Fatigue driving recognition network: fatigue driving recognition via convolutional neural network and long short-term memory units
* Fault Slip Model of the 2018 Mw 6.6 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi, Japan, Earthquake Estimated from Satellite Radar and GPS Measurements
* Feasibility Study of Extracting Tissue Textures From a Previous Full-Dose CT Database as Prior Knowledge for Bayesian Reconstruction of Current Low-Dose CT Images, A
* Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Data and Growing Degree Days in Manitoba, Canada
* Finer Resolution Mapping of Marine Aquaculture Areas Using WorldView-2 Imagery and a Hierarchical Cascade Convolutional Neural Network
* Finger vein verification using a Siamese CNN
* Finite Difference Analysis and Bivariate Correlation of Hyperspectral Data for Detecting Laurel Wilt Disease and Nutritional Deficiency in Avocado
* First Results of Phytoplankton Spatial Dynamics in Two NW-Mediterranean Bays from Chlorophyll-a Estimates Using Sentinel 2: Potential Implications for Aquaculture
* Flood Distance Algorithms and Fault Hidden Danger Recognition for Transmission Line Towers Based on SAR Images
* Force classification using surface electromyography from various object lengths and wrist postures
* Forecasting GRACE Data over the African Watersheds Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Formulation and Efficient Computation of L_1 - and Smoothness Penalized Estimates for Microstructure-Informed Tractography
* Forward Simulation of Multi-Frequency Microwave Brightness Temperature over Desert Soils in Kuwait and Comparison with Satellite Observations
* FPGA implementation of a tone mapping algorithm with a halo-reducing filter, An
* FPGA implementation of cost-effective robust Canny edge detection algorithm
* FPGA-based accurate star segmentation with moon interference
* FPGA-based low-complexity high-throughput real-time hardware accelerator for robust watermarking
* Fractional Regularization to Improve Photoacoustic Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* framework for accelerating local feature extraction with OpenCL on multi-core CPUs and co-processors, A
* Fuel-Efficient En Route Speed Planning and Tracking Control of Truck Platoons
* Fully convolutional multi-scale dense networks for monocular depth estimation
* FuseGAN: Learning to Fuse Multi-Focus Image via Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Fuzzy relevance vector machine based classification of lung nodules in computed tomography images
* GCSAC: geometrical constraint sample consensus for primitive shapes estimation in 3D point cloud
* General Framework for Unmet Demand Prediction in On-Demand Transport Services, A
* Generalized Structured Low-Rank Matrix Completion Algorithm for MR Image Recovery, A
* Generalizing semi-supervised generative adversarial networks to regression using feature contrasting
* Generating Realistic Videos From Keyframes With Concatenated GANs
* Generative Adversarial Networks Using Adaptive Convolution
* Geodetic Constraints on the Crustal Deformation along the Kunlun Fault and Its Tectonic Implications
* Geographic Information Metadata: An Outlook from the International Standardization Perspective
* Geometric Model to Simulate Urban Thermal Anisotropy in Simplified Dense Neighborhoods (GUTA-Dense), A
* GeoSay: A geometric saliency for extracting buildings in remote sensing images
* GeoSOT-Based Spatiotemporal Index of Massive Trajectory Data
* Ghost-free multi exposure image fusion technique using dense SIFT descriptor and guided filter
* GIS Tool for Mapping Dam-Break Flood Hazards in Italy, A
* GIS-Based Support Vector Machine Model for Flash Flood Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping in China, A
* Giving Ecological Meaning to Satellite-Derived Fire Severity Metrics across North American Forests
* Glioma brain tumor detection and segmentation using weighting random forest classifier with optimized ant colony features
* GNSS-R Soil Moisture Retrieval Based on a XGboost Machine Learning Aided Method: Performance and Validation
* GPU-Based Lossless Compression of Aurora Spectral Data using Online DPCM
* Ground Moving Target Refocusing in SAR Imagery Based on RFRT-FrFT
* Group Cycling Meets Technology: A Cooperative Cycling Cyber-Physical System
* Guest Editorial: Special issue on mobility analytics for spatio-temporal and social data
* HandSeg: An Automatically Labeled Dataset for Hand Segmentation from Depth Images
* Harmonious Satellite-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Ground Measurement Inversion Method for Monitoring Salinity in Coastal Saline Soil, A
* Harmonising the OGC Standards for the Built Environment: A CityGML Extension for LandInfra
* HBIM for Conservation: A New Proposal for Information Modeling
* HBIM Modeling from the Surface Mesh and Its Extended Capability of Knowledge Representation
* HEVC early termination methods for optimal CU decision utilizing encoding residual information
* HEVC intra-frame drift cancellation matrix
* Hierarchical and Robust Convolutional Neural Network for Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Object Detection
* Hierarchical deep transfer learning for finie-grained categorization on micro datasets
* Hierarchically Learned View-Invariant Representations for Cross-View Action Recognition
* Hierarchically-Fused Generative Adversarial Network for Text to Realistic Image Synthesis
* High Capacity Multi-Level Approach for Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images, A
* High Cognitive Load Assessment in Drivers Through Wireless Electroencephalography and the Validation of a Modified N-Back Task
* High ISO JPEG Image Denoising by Deep Fusion of Collaborative and Convolutional Filtering
* High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Method for Homomorphic Encrypted Images, A
* High-Efficiency Compressed Sensing-Based Terminal-to-Cloud Video Transmission System, A
* High-Performance Overlay Analysis of Massive Geographic Polygons That Considers Shape Complexity in a Cloud Environment
* High-speed video haze removal algorithm for embedded systems
* Highlight Ovals, The
* Histogram distance metric learning for facial expression recognition
* Histograms of the Normalized Inverse Depth and Line Scanning for Urban Road Detection
* Hovercraft-Borne LiDAR and a Comprehensive Filtering Method for the Topographic Survey of Mudflats, A
* How to Assess the Quality of Compressed Surveillance Videos Using Face Recognition
* HPM-TDP: An efficient hierarchical PatchMatch depth estimation approach using tree dynamic programming
* Human Motion Prediction Via Pattern Completion in Latent Representation Space
* Human tracking from single RGB-D camera using online learning
* hybrid CNN-LSTM model for typhoon formation forecasting, A
* Hybrid descriptors and Weighted PCA-EFMNet for Face Verification in the Wild
* Hybrid Dual-Polarization Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Hybrid Modeling of Non-Rigid Scenes From RGBD Cameras
* Hyperspectral Classification Based on Lightweight 3-D-CNN With Transfer Learning
* Hyplant-Derived Sun-Induced Fluorescence: A New Opportunity to Disentangle Complex Vegetation Signals from Diverse Vegetation Types
* I Don't Understand My Car
* Identification and Separation of Turbulence Echo From the Multipeaked VHF Radar Spectra During Precipitation
* Identifying Alternative Wetting and Drying (AWD) Adoption in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta: A Change Detection Approach
* Identifying Building Functions from the Spatiotemporal Population Density and the Interactions of People among Buildings
* Identifying Salt Marsh Shorelines from Remotely Sensed Elevation Data and Imagery
* Illumination Estimation and Compensation of Low Frame Rate Video Sequences for Wavelet-Based Video Compression
* Image Classification Base on PCA of Multi-View Deep Representation
* Image Deblurring with a Class-Specific Prior
* Image Denoiser Using Convolutional Neural Network with Deconvolution and Modified Residual Network
* Image Forensics Based on Lighting Estimation
* Image Recapture Prevention Using Secure Display Schemes on Polarized 3D System
* Image super resolution by dilated dense progressive network
* Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
* Impacts of Land-Use Changes on Soil Erosion in Water-Wind Crisscross Erosion Region of China
* Impacts of Large-Scale Open-Pit Coal Base on the Landscape Ecological Health of Semi-Arid Grasslands
* Implementation and Validation of a Retrieval Algorithm for Profiling of Water Vapor From Differential Attenuation Measurements at Microwaves
* Improved Hatch Filter Algorithm towards Sub-Meter Positioning Using only Android Raw GNSS Measurements without External Augmentation Corrections, An
* Improved Performance Measures for Video Quality Assessment Algorithms Using Training and Validation Sets
* Improved PPG-based estimation of the blood pressure using latent space features
* Improved Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization for Endmember Extraction, An
* Improved Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers Applied to 3D Building Reconstruction and Monitoring, An
* Improved Statistically Based Retrievals via Spatial-Spectral Data Compression for IASI Data
* Improvement for distortion resistance of Delaunay triangulation net-based fingerprint templates
* Improvement of Clustering Methods for Modelling Abrupt Land Surface Changes in Satellite Image Fusions
* Improvement of EPIC/DSCOVR Image Registration by Means of Automatic Coastline Detection
* Improvement of Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of Defoliation of Pinus spp. Caused by Thaumetopoea pityocampa Denis and Schiffermüller and Related Environmental Drivers in Southeastern Spain
* Improving Reliability in Nonlinear Hyperspectral Unmixing by Multidimensional Structural Optimization
* Increasing Outbreak of Cyanobacterial Blooms in Large Lakes and Reservoirs under Pressures from Climate Change and Anthropogenic Interferences in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Basin
* Incremental Hash-Bit Learning for Semantic Image Retrieval in Nonstationary Environments
* Indirect UAV Strip Georeferencing by On-Board GNSS Data under Poor Satellite Coverage
* Indoor Localization Improved by Spatial Context: A Survey
* Influence of Landscape Heterogeneity and Spatial Resolution in Multi-Temporal In Situ and MODIS NDVI Data Proxies for Seasonal GPP Dynamics
* Influence of Thermal Properties and Canopy- Intercepted Snow on Passive Microwave Transmissivity of a Scots Pine, The
* Infrastructure-Independent Indoor Localization and Navigation
* Insect Biological Parameter Estimation Based on the Invariant Target Parameters of the Scattering Matrix
* Instance Segmentation Based Semantic Matting for Compositing Applications
* Integrated Land Cover Mapping Method Suitable for Low-Accuracy Areas in Global Land Cover Maps, An
* Integrated Optimization Model for Energy Saving in Metro Operations, An
* Integrating Latent Heat Flux Products from MODIS and Landsat Data Using Multi-Resolution Kalman Filter Method in the Midstream of Heihe River Basin of Northwest China
* Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Multidisciplinary Monitoring Data to Analyze the Eruptive Activity of Stromboli Volcano in 2017-2018
* Integration of National Forest Inventory and Nationwide Airborne Laser Scanning Data to Improve Forest Yield Predictions in North-Western Spain
* Interference Mitigation for Synthetic Aperture Radar Based on Deep Residual Network
* Interpolation of the Mean Anomalies for Cloud Filling in Land Surface Temperature and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
* Interpreting Deep Visual Representations via Network Dissection
* Intriguing Properties of Randomly Weighted Networks: Generalizing While Learning Next to Nothing
* Intrusion detection using mouse dynamics
* Investigating and modelling the relationship between traffic volume and extracts from cellphone activity data
* Investigating long-term vehicle speed prediction based on BP-LSTM algorithms
* Investigating Trust Factors in Human-Robot Shared Control: Implicit Gender Bias Around Robot Voice
* Invisible Semi-Fragile Watermarking and Steganography of Digital Videos for Content Authentication and Data Hiding
* ITS-Frame: A Framework for Multi-Aspect Analysis in the Field of Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Joint Detection and Localization of Vessels at Sea With a GNSS-Based Multistatic Radar
* K-polytopes: a superproblem of k-means
* KalmanFlow 2.0: Efficient Video Optical Flow Estimation via Context-Aware Kalman Filtering
* Kernel PCA for road traffic data non-linear feature extraction
* kernel-based method for fast and accurate computation of PHT in polar coordinates, A
* Know More Say Less: Image Captioning Based on Scene Graphs
* Knowledge Embedding with Geospatial Distance Restriction for Geographic Knowledge Graph Completion
* Kronecker Product Model for Repeated Pattern Detection on 2D Urban Images, A
* LaIF: A Lane-Level Self-Positioning Scheme for Vehicles in GNSS-Denied Environments
* Land Surface Temperature Derivation under All Sky Conditions through Integrating AMSR-E/AMSR-2 and MODIS/GOES Observations
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Method Based on GIS Technology and an AHP-Weighted Information Content Method: A Case Study of Southern Anhui, China, A
* Lateral control system for vehicle platoon considering vehicle dynamic characteristics
* LDS-Inspired Residual Networks
* learning based approach to additive, correlated noise removal, A
* Learning Cartographic Building Generalization with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning Compact Appearance Representation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Learning deep CNNs for impulse noise removal in images
* Learning Descriptors With Cube Loss for View-Based 3-D Object Retrieval
* Learning Structural Representations via Dynamic Object Landmarks Discovery for Sketch Recognition and Retrieval
* Learning-Based Framework for Error Compensation in 3D Printing, A
* LEO to GEO-SAR Interferences: Modelling and Performance Evaluation
* Lever-arm and boresight correction, and field of view determination of a spectroradiometer mounted on an unmanned aircraft system
* Leveraging Commercial High-Resolution Multispectral Satellite and Multibeam Sonar Data to Estimate Bathymetry: The Case Study of the Caribbean Sea
* Linear Prediction-Based DOA Estimation for Directional Borehole Radar 3-D Imaging
* Linking Persistent Scatterers to the Built Environment Using Ray Tracing on Urban Models
* Lip reading with Hahn Convolutional Neural Networks
* Local Block Multilayer Sparse Extreme Learning Machine for Effective Feature Extraction and Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Locally optimum image watermark decoder by modeling NSCT domain difference coefficients with vector based Cauchy distribution
* Long automated driving phase affects take-over performance
* Long Time Series Land Cover Classification in China from 1982 to 2015 Based on Bi-LSTM Deep Learning
* Long-Term Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Terrestrial Biophysical Variables in the Three-River Headwaters Region of China from Satellite and Meteorological Datasets
* Lossless compression codec of aurora spectral data using hybrid spatial-spectral decorrelation with outlier recognition
* Low-Altitude Flight Conflict Detection Algorithm Based on a Multilevel Grid Spatiotemporal Index, A
* low-complexity MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC wavefront intra-frame transcoder architecture, A
* Low-Dose CT Image Restoration Based on Adaptive Prior Feature Matching and Nonlocal Means
* Low-Latency Layer-2-Based Multicast Scheme for Localized V2X Communications
* Low-Light Image Enhancement via a Deep Hybrid Network
* Lucid Data Dreaming for Video Object Segmentation
* Lung and Pancreatic Tumor Characterization in the Deep Learning Era: Novel Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Approaches
* Lung computed axial tomography image segmentation using possibilistic fuzzy C-means approach for computer aided diagnosis system
* Lung HRCT pattern classification for cystic fibrosis using convolutional neural network
* Machine Learning Algorithms for Automatic Lithological Mapping Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study from Souk Arbaa Sahel, Sidi Ifni Inlier, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco
* Magic-Wall: Visualizing Room Decoration by Enhanced Wall Segmentation
* Magnetic resonance and computed tomography image fusion using saliency map and cross bilateral filter
* Mapless Online Detection of Dynamic Objects in 3D Lidar
* Mapping Biological Current Densities With Ultrafast Acoustoelectric Imaging: Application to the Beating Rat Heart
* Mapping Human Settlements with Higher Accuracy and Less Volunteer Efforts by Combining Crowdsourcing and Deep Learning
* Mapping Hydrothermal Zoning Pattern of Porphyry Cu Deposit Using Absorption Feature Parameters Calculated from ASTER Data
* Mapping Irrigated Areas Using Sentinel-1 Time Series in Catalonia, Spain
* Mapping irrigated cropland extent across the conterminous United States at 30?m resolution using a semi-automatic training approach on Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Paddy Rice Planting Area in Northeastern China Using Spatiotemporal Data Fusion and Phenology-Based Method
* Maximum Correntropy Criterion With Variable Center
* MC-SSM: Nonparametric Semantic Image Segmentation With the ICM Algorithm
* Mean Curvature Is a Good Regularization for Image Processing
* Measuring Urban Greenspace Distribution Equity: The Importance of Appropriate Methodological Approaches
* Method Based on Temporal Component Decomposition for Estimating 1-km All-Weather Land Surface Temperature by Merging Satellite Thermal Infrared and Passive Microwave Observations, A
* Methods to Detect Edge Effected Reductions in Fire Frequency in Simulated Forest Landscapes
* MF-CNN: Traffic Flow Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-Features Fusion
* MGWR: A Python Implementation of Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression for Investigating Process Spatial Heterogeneity and Scale
* Micro-Motion Estimation of Maritime Targets Using Pixel Tracking in Cosmo-Skymed Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: An Operative Assessment
* Missing Value Imputation for Traffic-Related Time Series Data Based on a Multi-View Learning Method
* Model-Based Design System for Terrestrial Laser Scanning Networks in Complex Sites, A
* Model-Dependent Method for Monitoring Subtle Changes in Vegetation Height in the Boreal-Alpine Ecotone Using Bi-Temporal, Three Dimensional Point Data from Airborne Laser Scanning, A
* Modeling Mid-Season Rice Nitrogen Uptake Using Multispectral Satellite Data
* Modeling the Vagueness of Areal Geographic Objects: A Categorization System
* Modelling discontinuous terrain from DSMs using segment labelling, outlier removal and thin-plate splines
* Modelling the Spectral Uncertainty of Geographic Features in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images: Semi-Supervising and Weighted Interval Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
* Monitoring Ground Instabilities Using SAR Satellite Data: A Practical Approach
* Monitoring of Land Use/Land Cover and Socioeconomic Changes in South China over the Last Three Decades Using Landsat and Nighttime Light Data
* Monitoring of Nitrogen and Grain Protein Content in Winter Wheat Based on Sentinel-2A Data
* Motion Estimation for Fisheye Video With an Application to Temporal Resolution Enhancement
* Multi-Level Semantic Feature Augmentation for One-Shot Learning
* Multi-person pose estimation based on a deep convolutional neural network
* Multi-receptive field graph convolutional neural networks for pedestrian detection
* Multi-Resolution Weed Classification via Convolutional Neural Network and Superpixel Based Local Binary Pattern Using Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-robot adversarial patrolling: Handling sequential attacks
* Multi-script text versus non-text classification of regions in scene images
* Multi-target Tracking in Multiple Non-overlapping Cameras Using Fast-Constrained Dominant Sets
* Multi-Temporal Monsoon Crop Biomass Estimation Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* Multi-View Saliency-Guided Clustering for Image Cosegmentation
* Multichannel Cross-Modal Fusion Framework for Electron Tomography, A
* Multidimensional Web GIS Approach for Citizen Participation on Urban Evolution
* Multilevel Model for Video Object Segmentation Based on Supervision Optimization
* Multilevel Terrain Rendering Method Based on Dynamic Stitching Strips, A
* Multiple Description Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Compression
* Multiscale Ray-Shooting Model for Termination Detection of Tree-Like Structures in Biomedical Images, A
* Multiview, Few-Labeled Object Categorization by Predicting Labels With View Consistency
* MWNet: object detection network applicable for different weather conditions
* My Mother the Car (or Why It's a Bad Idea to Give Your Car a Personality)
* Navigation in Indoor Environments: Does the Type of Visual Learning Stimulus Matter?
* Network Uncertainty Informed Semantic Feature Selection for Visual SLAM
* New Agent-Based Methodology for the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Urban Areas, A
* New Algorithms of Stroke Generation Considering Geometric and Structural Properties of Road Network, A
* New Approach to Earth's Gravity Field Modeling Using GPS-Derived Kinematic Orbits and Baselines, A
* new approach with enhanced accuracy in zero motion prejudgment for motion estimation in real-time applications, A
* New local difference binary image descriptor and algorithm for rapid and precise vehicle visual localisation
* New Strategies for Time Delay Estimation during System Calibration for UAV-Based GNSS/INS-Assisted Imaging Systems
* Next-Generation Smart Environments: From System of Systems to Data Ecosystems
* NIR and VW iris image recognition using ensemble of patch statistics features
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for Screen Content Images Based on Hybrid Region Features Fusion
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for View Synthesis Using DoG-Based Edge Statistics and Texture Naturalness
* Nomination-favoured opinion pool for optical-SAR-synergistic rice mapping in face of weakened flooding signals
* Non-invasive technique of diabetes detection using iris images
* Nonlinear Feature Normalization for Hyperspectral Domain Adaptation and Mitigation of Nonlinear Effects
* Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Continuity of the Landsat 4-5 MSS and TM: Investigations Based on Simulation
* Novel Coarse-to-Fine Scheme for Remote Sensing Image Registration Based on SIFT and Phase Correlation, A
* novel deep hashing method for fast image retrieval, A
* Novel Derived Mode for Block Partitioning Structure in Video Coding, A
* novel EEG-based approach to classify emotions through phase space dynamics, A
* Novel Framework for Evaluating Performance-Estimation Models, A
* Novel Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction Algorithm Based on Online Robust Dictionary Learning, A
* novel in-loop filtering mechanism of HEVC based on 3D sub-bands and CNN processing, A
* novel instrument to compare dynamic object detection algorithms, A
* novel part-based cascaded regression algorithm research combining with pose estimation, The
* Novel Probabilistic Contrast-Based Complex Salient Object Detection, A
* Novel Vessel Velocity Estimation Method Using Dual-Platform TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Full Polarimetric SAR Data in Pursuit Monostatic Mode, A
* object counting network based on hierarchical context and feature fusion, An
* Object detection for panoramic images based on MS-RPN structure in traffic road scenes
* Objective analysis and bit rate analysis of HEVC compressed 4D-fMRI images
* Objective Detection of Eloquent Axonal Pathways to Minimize Postoperative Deficits in Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Using Diffusion Tractography and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Objective Quality Evaluation of Dehazed Images
* Ocean Optical Profiling in South China Sea Using Airborne LiDAR
* Oceanic Internal Waves in the Sulu-Celebes Sea Under Sunglint and Moonglint
* OFDM Performance Assessment for Traffic Surveillance in Drone Small Cells
* Oil Spill Identification from Satellite Images Using Deep Neural Networks
* Oil Spill Segmentation in Ship-Borne Radar Images with an Improved Active Contour Model
* Oil-Slick Category Discrimination (Seeps vs. Spills): A Linear Discriminant Analysis Using RADARSAT-2 Backscatter Coefficients (s°, ß°, and ?°) in Campeche Bay (Gulf of Mexic
* On Building Classification from Remote Sensor Imagery Using Deep Neural Networks and the Relation Between Classification and Reconstruction Accuracy Using Border Localization as Proxy
* On Detection, Data Association and Segmentation for Multi-Target Tracking
* On High-Resolution Adaptive Sampling of Deterministic Signals
* On the composition and recommendation of multi-feature paths: a comprehensive approach
* On the Potential of Sentinel-1 for High Resolution Monitoring of Water Table Dynamics in Grasslands on Organic Soils
* On the Sensitivity of TanDEM-X-Observations to Boreal Forest Structure
* On-Orbit Star-Based Calibration and Modulation Transfer Function Measurements for PLEIADES High-Resolution Optical Sensors
* Online Asymmetric Metric Learning With Multi-Layer Similarity Aggregation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Online video object segmentation via LRS representation
* Opening the Black Box: Hierarchical Sampling Optimization for Hand Pose Estimation
* Optimal Baseline Design for Multibaseline InSAR Phase Unwrapping
* Optimal inter-view rate allocation for multi-view video plus depth over MPEG-DASH using QoE measures and paired comparison
* Optimal Least Squares Estimator and Precoder for Energy Beamforming Over IQ-Impaired Channels
* Optimal Linear Canonical Wigner Distribution of Noisy Linear Frequency-Modulated Signals, The
* Optimal mass transport based brain morphometry for patients with congenital hand deformities
* Optimal Multivariate Gaussian Fitting with Applications to PSF Modeling in Two-Photon Microscopy Imaging
* Optimal Timing Assessment for Crop Separation Using Multispectral Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Data and Textural Features
* Optimization of Image B-spline Interpolation for GPU Architectures
* Optimization of X-Band Radar Rainfall Retrieval in the Southern Andes of Ecuador Using a Random Forest Model
* Optimized De-Noising Scheme Based on the Null Hypothesis of Intrinsic Mode Functions, An
* Optimized minimal path selection (OMPS) method for automatic and unsupervised crack segmentation within two-dimensional pavement images
* Optimized Rate Control for Low-Delay H.265/HEVC, An
* Optimized Stratification for Mapping Riparian Vegetation in Arid and Semiarid Environments
* Out-of-the-loop crash prediction: the automation expectation mismatch (AEM) algorithm
* Outlier Detection for Robust Multi-Dimensional Scaling
* Overlapping pixel value ordering predictor for high-capacity reversible data hiding
* Pairwise-Comparison-Based Rank Learning for Benchmarking Image Restoration Algorithms
* Pan-Sharpening Using an Efficient Bidirectional Pyramid Network
* Parallel hybrid bispectrum-multi-frame blind deconvolution image reconstruction technique
* Parallel refinement of slanted 3D reconstruction using dense stereo induced from symmetry
* Pareto-Based Sparse Subspace Learning Framework, A
* Passive Bistatic Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar: Concept, System, and Experiment Results
* Path planning for autonomous underwater vehicle in time-varying current
* Per-point processing for detailed urban solar estimation with aerial laser scanning and distributed computing
* Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences Embedding Pre-Given Gaussian Integers
* Performance Analysis of Depth Intra-Coding in 3D-HEVC
* Performance Analysis of Shrinkage Linear Complex-Valued LMS Algorithm
* Performance analysis of single-query 6-DoF camera pose estimation in self-driving setups
* Person Re-Identification by Semantic Region Representation and Topology Constraint
* Personalized Radiotherapy Design for Glioblastoma: Integrating Mathematical Tumor Models, Multimodal Scans, and Bayesian Inference
* Personalized training through Kinect-based games for physical education
* Petrophysical Parameter Calculation Based on NMR Echo Data in Tight Sandstone
* PFA for Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR Mounted on High-Speed Maneuvering Platforms
* Physically based modeling and animation of landslides with MPM
* Picture-level just noticeable difference for symmetrically and asymmetrically compressed stereoscopic images: Subjective quality assessment study and datasets
* Planning and Operation of Parking Lots Considering System, Traffic, and Drivers Behavioral Model
* Point Me In The Right Direction: Improving Visual Localization on UAVs with Active Gimballed Camera Pointing
* PolinSAR Inversion Error Model on Polarimetric System Parameters for Forest Height Mapping, A
* PolSAR Image Classification via Learned Superpixels and QCNN Integrating Color Features
* Pose-Invariant Embedding for Deep Person Re-Identification
* Pose-Projected Action Recognition Hourglass Network (PARHN) in Soccer
* Potato Yield Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques and Sentinel 2 Data
* PPGIS and Public Use in Protected Areas: A Case Study in the Ebro Delta Natural Park, Spain
* Practical Access Point Deployment Optimization Strategy in Communication-Based Train Control Systems, A
* Preamble Detection Based on Cyclic Features of Zadoff-Chu Sequences for Underwater Acoustic Communications
* Precipitation Structure of the Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone Numa: Analysis of GPM Observations and Numerical Weather Prediction Model Simulations, The
* Precise and Automatic 3-D Absolute Geolocation of Targets Using Only Two Long-Aperture SAR Acquisitions
* Predicting How to Distribute Work Between Algorithms and Humans to Segment an Image Batch
* Predicting Station-Level Short-Term Passenger Flow in a Citywide Metro Network Using Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
* Predicting the Spatial Distribution and Severity of Soil Erosion in the Global Tropics using Satellite Remote Sensing
* Predicting the Upcoming Services of Vacant Taxis near Fixed Locations Using Taxi Trajectories
* Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon based on Landsat 8 Monthly NDVI Data for the Jianghan Plain in Hubei Province, China
* Prestack Waveform Inversion by Using an Optimized Linear Inversion Scheme
* Probabilistic Incremental Proximal Gradient Method, A
* Progressive Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks for Single Tree Detection with Google Earth Imagery
* Properties of approximated empirical mode decomposition and optimal design of its system kernel matrix for signal decomposition
* Proposal-Driven Segmentation for Videos
* Pushing the Limits of Seagrass Remote Sensing in the Turbid Waters of Elkhorn Slough, California
* Quality evaluation-based iterative seam estimation for image stitching
* Quantifying the Impacts of Land-Use and Climate on Carbon Fluxes Using Satellite Data across Texas, U.S.
* Radial feature descriptors for cell classification and recommendation
* Radiometric Calibration of 'Commercial off the Shelf' Cameras for UAV-Based High-Resolution Temporal Crop Phenotyping of Reflectance and NDVI
* Rain Removal in Traffic Surveillance: Does it Matter?
* Random Noise Suppression of Magnetic Resonance Sounding Data with Intensive Sampling Sparse Reconstruction and Kernel Regression Estimation
* Rapid Assessment of a Typhoon Disaster Based on NPP-VIIRS DNB Daily Data: The Case of an Urban Agglomeration along Western Taiwan Straits, China
* Re-Ranking High-Dimensional Deep Local Representation for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Real time sign language recognition using depth sensor
* Real-time adaptive visual secret sharing with reversibility and high capacity
* Real-Time Convolutional Neural Network for Super-Resolution on FPGA With Applications to 4K UHD 60 fps Video Services, A
* Real-time identification of pedestrian meeting and split events from surveillance videos using motion similarity and its applications
* Real-Time Predictive Cruise Control for Eco-Driving Taking into Account Traffic Constraints
* Real-time raindrop detection based on cellular neural networks for ADAS
* Real-time smart and standalone vision/IMU navigation sensor
* Real-time smoke simulation based on vorticity preserving lattice Boltzmann method
* Realization of CUDA-based real-time registration and target localization for high-resolution video images
* Recognition of Anomalously Deformed Kana Sequences in Japanese Historical Documents
* Reconstruction Algorithms for Photoacoustic Tomography in Heterogeneous Damping Media
* Reconstruction of a Segment of the UNESCO World Heritage Hadrian's Villa Tunnel Network by Integrated GPR, Magnetic-Paleomagnetic, and Electric Resistivity Prospections
* Rectal cancer: Toward fully automatic discrimination of T2 and T3 rectal cancers using deep convolutional neural network
* Rectification of Camera-Captured Document Images with Mixed Contents and Varied Layouts
* Recuperation of Regenerative Braking Energy in Electric Rail Transit Systems
* Reference Model for Driver Attention in Automation: Glance Behavior Changes During Lateral and Longitudinal Assistance, A
* Reflectance Properties of Hemiboreal Mixed Forest Canopies with Focus on Red Edge and Near Infrared Spectral Regions
* Regional Vicarious Calibration of the SWIR-Based Atmospheric Correction Approach for MODIS-Aqua Measurements of Highly Turbid Inland Water
* Regionalization Analysis and Mapping for the Source and Sink of Tourist Flows
* Regularized topic-aware latent influence propagation in dynamic relational networks
* Relevant features for gender classification in NIR periocular images
* Reliable broadcast mechanism for emergency message in urban vehicular ad hoc networks
* Remote Sensing 10th Anniversary Best Paper Award
* Remote Sensing Observation of New Particle Formation Events with a (UV, VIS) Polarization Lidar
* Remote Sensing of Explosives-Induced Stress in Plants: Hyperspectral Imaging Analysis for Remote Detection of Unexploded Threats
* Remote Sensing of Lake Ice Phenology across a Range of Lakes Sizes, ME, USA
* Remote Sensing to Detect Nests of the Leaf-Cutting Ant Atta sexdens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Teak Plantations
* Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of the Crop, Energy and Water Nexus in the Central Valley, California
* Removal of Chlorophyll-a Spectral Interference for Improved Phycocyanin Estimation from Remote Sensing Reflectance
* Rendezvous in planar environments with obstacles and unknown initial distance
* Repetition Estimation
* Research on deep learning in the field of mechanical equipment fault diagnosis image quality
* Research on fuzzy enhancement algorithms for infrared image recognition quality of power internet of things equipment based on membership function
* Research on regional energy efficiency based on GIS technology and image quality processing
* Research on the Construction Method of the Service-Oriented Web-SWMM System
* Resource-Aware Optimization of DNNs for Embedded Applications
* RetinaMatch: Efficient Template Matching of Retina Images for Teleophthalmology
* RETOUCH: The Retinal OCT Fluid Detection and Segmentation Benchmark and Challenge
* RETRACTED: Deeply fusing multimodal features in hypergraph
* RETRACTED: Image quality tendency modeling by fusing multiple visual cues
* Retraction notice
* Retrieval of Internal Solitary Wave Amplitude in Shallow Water by Tandem Spaceborne SAR
* Retrieval of Permafrost Active Layer Properties Using Time-Series P-Band Radar Observations
* Retrieval of Total Precipitable Water from Himawari-8 AHI Data: A Comparison of Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting, and Deep Neural Network
* Retrieving Total and Inorganic Suspended Sediments in Amazon Floodplain Lakes: A Multisensor Approach
* Revealing Kunming's (China) Historical Urban Planning Policies Through Local Climate Zones
* Revealing Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Patterns of Urban Travel: A Large-Scale Analysis and Visualization Study with Taxi GPS Data
* Reversible Data Hiding With Automatic Brightness Preserving Contrast Enhancement
* Review of Enhancement and Segmentation Techniques for Digital Images, A
* Review of Protocols for Fiducial Reference Measurements of Downwelling Irradiance for the Validation of Satellite Remote Sensing Data over Water, A
* Revisiting Jump-Diffusion Process for Visual Tracking: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Reweighted Nuclear Norm and Reweighted Frobenius Norm Minimizations for Narrowband RFI Suppression on SAR System
* Ridesharing car detection by transfer learning
* Rigorous Error Modeling for sUAS Acquired Image-Derived Point Clouds
* River channel extraction from synthetic aperture radar images based on region-based active contour model
* Road Congestion Detection Based on Trajectory Stay-Place Clustering
* Robotic Leg Illusion: System Design and Human-in-the-Loop Evaluation
* Robust and computationally efficient online image stabilisation framework based on adaptive dual motion vector integration
* Robust correlation filter tracking via context fusion and subspace constraint
* Robust Facial Alignment with Internal Denoising Auto-Encoder
* Robust Label Prediction via Label Propagation and Geodesic k-Nearest Neighbor in Online Semi-Supervised Learning
* robust method for reconstructing global MODIS EVI time series on the Google Earth Engine, A
* Robust Mismatched Filter for Off-Grid Target
* Robust Model Selection in 2D Parametric Motion Estimation
* Robust Non-Rigid Motion Compensation of Free-Breathing Myocardial Perfusion MRI Data
* Robust Residual Dense Neural Network For Countering Antiforensic Attack on Median Filtered Images, A
* Robust Single-Shot T2 Mapping via Multiple Overlapping-Echo Acquisition and Deep Neural Network
* Robust Time-Frequency Analysis of Multiple FM Signals With Burst Missing Samples
* Role of African Emerging Space Agencies in Earth Observation Capacity Building for Facilitating the Implementation and Monitoring of the African Development Agenda: The Case of African Earth Observation Program, The
* RR^2-CNN: Fast Tiny Object Detection in Large-Scale Remote Sensing Images
* S-MDP: Streaming With Markov Decision Processes
* Saccade Information Based Directional Heat Map Generation for Gaze Data Visualization
* Safe Classification with Augmented Features
* Saliency Inside: Learning Attentive CNNs for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Salient object detection using background subtraction, Gabor filters, objectness and minimum directional backgroundness
* Salient Subsequence Learning for Time Series Clustering
* Sampling and Reconstruction of Diffused Sparse Graph Signals From Successive Local Aggregations
* SAPSC: SignRecrypting authentication protocol using shareable clouds in VANET groups
* SAR Speckle Dependence on Ocean Surface Wind Field
* Satellite-Derived Correlation of SO2, NO2, and Aerosol Optical Depth with Meteorological Conditions over East Asia from 2005 to 2015
* SBAS-InSAR Based Deformation Detection of Urban Land, Created from Mega-Scale Mountain Excavating and Valley Filling in the Loess Plateau: The Case Study of Yan'an City
* Scattering Networks for Hybrid Representation Learning
* Seasonal Variability of Upwelling off Central-Southern Chile
* Semantic consistency cross-modal dictionary learning with rank constraint
* Semantic Segmentation of Urban Buildings from VHR Remote Sensing Imagery Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Semi-Automatic Identification and Pre-Screening of Geological-Geotechnical Deformational Processes Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Datasets
* Semi-empirical Approach Based on Genetic Programming for the Study of Biophysical Controls on Diameter-Growth of Fagus orientalis in Northern Iran, A
* Semi-supervised center-based discriminative adversarial learning for cross-domain scene-level land-cover classification of aerial images
* Sensitivity of Seven MODIS Vegetation Indices to BRDF Effects during the Amazonian Dry Season
* Sequential Data Analysis Approach to Detect Emergent Leaders in Small Groups, A
* Ship Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images by Clustering Spatially Enhanced Pixel Descriptor
* Short-term FFBS demand prediction with multi-source data in a hybrid deep learning framework
* Short-term passenger flow forecast of urban rail transit based on GPR and KRR
* Short-Term Prediction of Signal Cycle on an Arterial With Actuated-Uncoordinated Control Using Sparse Time Series Models
* Simplification and Detection of Outlying Trajectories from Batch and Streaming Data Recorded in Harsh Environments
* Simulation of Pedestrian Rotation Dynamics Near Crowded Exits
* Single image rain removal via a deep decomposition-composition network
* single-cycle parallel multi-slice connected components analysis hardware architecture, A
* Single-Image Reflection Removal via a Two-Stage Background Recovery Process
* SIRV-Based High-Resolution PolSAR Image Speckle Suppression via Dual-Domain Filtering
* Skeleton Line Extraction Method in Areas with Dense Junctions Considering Stroke Features
* SketchHelper: Real-Time Stroke Guidance for Freehand Sketch Retrieval
* SmokeNet: Satellite Smoke Scene Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network with Spatial and Channel-Wise Attention
* Smooth switching method for asynchronous multiple viewpoint videos using frame interpolation
* Solving Square Jigsaw Puzzle by Hierarchical Loop Constraints
* Sparse and Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition for Automatic Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Spatial Analysis of Surface Urban Heat Islands in Four Rapidly Growing African Cities
* Spatial Forecasting of the Landscape in Rapidly Urbanizing Hill Stations of South Asia: A Case Study of Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka (1996-2037)
* Spatial Keyword Query of Region-Of-Interest Based on the Distributed Representation of Point-Of-Interest
* Spatial Variations in Fertility of South Korea: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach
* Spatial-Spectral Fusion by Combining Deep Learning and Variational Model
* Spatial-Temporal Attention-Aware Learning for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Spatially Adaptive Colocalization Analysis in Dual-Color Fluorescence Microscopy
* spatially-pruned vertex expansion operator in the Neo4j graph database system, A
* Spatio-temporal Assessment of Drought in Ethiopia and the Impact of Recent Intense Droughts
* Spatio-Temporal Change Characteristics of Spatial-Interaction Networks: Case Study within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing, China
* Spatio-temporal mining of keywords for social media cross-social crawling of emergency events
* Spatio-temporal object detection by deep learning: Video-interlacing to improve multi-object tracking
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Coastal Aquaculture Derived from Sentinel-1 Time Series Data and the Full Landsat Archive
* Spatio-temporal saliency detection using objectness measure
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of MODIS NDVI in the Semi-Arid Region of Kurdistan (Iran)
* Spatiotemporal Feature Integration and Model Fusion for Full Reference Video Quality Assessment
* Spatiotemporal Patterns and Phenology of Tropical Vegetation Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence across Brazilian Biomes Using Satellite Observations
* Spatiotemporal wavelet correlogram for human action recognition
* Special issue on real-time image watermarking and forensics in cloud computing
* Spectral Super-Resolution with Optimized Bands
* Speed Estimation of Multiple Moving Objects from a Moving UAV Platform
* Speedup 3-D Texture-Less Object Recognition Against Self-Occlusion for Intelligent Manufacturing
* SSIM-Based Global Optimization for CTU-Level Rate Control in HEVC
* SSPA-LBS: Scalable and Social-Friendly Privacy-Aware Location-Based Services
* Stabilization of Traffic Videos Based on Both Foreground and Background Feature Trajectories
* STAR-Net: Action Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Activation Reprojection
* Stochastic Airline Fleet Assignment With Risk Aversion
* Structural Similarity-Based Nonlocal Variational Models for Image Restoration
* Structure-Aware Window Optimization for Texture Filtering
* Study of Vertical Structures and Microphysical Characteristics of Different Convective Cloud-Precipitation Types Using Ka-Band Millimeter Wave Radar Measurements, A
* study on wrist identification for forensic investigation, A
* Stylized Aesthetic QR Code
* Subpixel Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Subspace Pursuit Method to Infer Refractivity in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer, A
* Summertime Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation Derived from IMERG, The
* Super-Resolution Land Cover Mapping Based on the Convolutional Neural Network
* Surface-to-Underground Transient Electromagnetic Detection of Water-Bearing Goaves
* Surveillance video online prediction using multilayer ELM with object principal trajectory
* SVM-based hybrid approach for corridor-level travel-time estimation
* SVRGSA: a hybrid learning based model for short-term traffic flow forecasting
* SWI post processing using granularity controlled edge-preserved denoising of multichannel GRE images
* Synthesis of Robust Lane Keeping Systems: Impact of Controller and Design Parameters on System Performance
* Taxonomy-Oriented Domain Analysis of GIS: A Case Study for Paleontological Software Systems
* Tensor Discriminant Analysis via Compact Feature Representation for Hyperspectral Images Dimensionality Reduction
* tentative test for measuring the sub-millimeter settlement and uplift of a high-speed railway bridge using COSMO-SkyMed images, A
* Terrain-Based Vehicle Localization Approach Robust to Braking, A
* Texture Relative Superpixel Generation With Adaptive Parameters
* Thermal Airborne Optical Sectioning
* Three-Dimensional Pose Estimation for Laboratory Mouse From Monocular Images
* Three-Stream Network With Bidirectional Self-Attention for Action Recognition in Extreme Low Resolution Videos
* Time-based feedback-control framework for real-time video surveillance systems with utilization control
* To text or not to text- drivers' interpretation of traffic situations as the basis for their decision to (not) engage in text messaging
* Tone-Index Multisine Modulation for SWIPT
* topology-based descriptor for 3D point cloud modeling: Theory and experiments, A
* Total Column Ozone Retrieval From the Infrared Measurements of a Geostationary Imager
* Total variation constraint GAN for dynamic scene deblurring
* Toward Approximating Job Completion Time in Vehicular Clouds
* Toward the Evolution of National Spatial Data Infrastructure Development in Indonesia
* Towards a Data-Derived Observation Error Covariance Matrix for Satellite Measurements
* Towards Direct Localization for Visual Teach and Repeat
* Towards genre-specific frameworks for video summarisation: A survey
* Tracking Position and Orientation Through Millimeter Wave Lens MIMO in 5G Systems
* Tracking the Land Use/Land Cover Change in an Area with Underground Mining and Reforestation via Continuous Landsat Classification
* Traffic Risk Assessment: A Two-Stream Approach Using Dynamic-Attention
* Training Data Selection and Update Strategies for Airborne Post-Doppler STAP
* Transfer Neural Trees: Semi-Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation and Beyond
* Trends in the Seaward Extent of Saltmarshes across Europe from Long-Term Satellite Data
* Two-Layer QR Codes
* Two-Level Attention Network With Multi-Grain Ranking Loss for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Two-level attention with two-stage multi-task learning for facial emotion recognition
* Two-Stream Action Recognition in Ice Hockey using Player Pose Sequences and Optical Flows
* Two-Streamed Network for Estimating Fine-Scaled Depth Maps from Single RGB Images, A
* Unmanned Aerial System multispectral mapping for low and variable solar irradiance conditions: Potential of tensor decomposition
* Unscented Kalman Filter-Based Unbiased Minimum-Variance Estimation for Nonlinear Systems With Unknown Inputs
* Unsupervised Learning of Foreground Object Segmentation
* Unsupervised Method to Detect Rock Glacier Activity by Using Sentinel-1 SAR Interferometric Coherence: A Regional-Scale Study in the Eastern European Alps, An
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Multilook Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Upscaling Gross Primary Production in Corn-Soybean Rotation Systems in the Midwest
* Urban Flood Detection with Sentinel-1 Multi-Temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Observations in a Bayesian Framework: A Case Study for Hurricane Matthew
* Urban Parcel Grouping Method Based on Urban Form and Functional Connectivity Characterisation
* Urban Traffic Coulomb's Law: A New Approach for Taxi Route Recommendation
* Use of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images and Open-Source Software for Cultural Heritage: An Example from Paphos Area in Cyprus for Mapping Landscape Changes after a 5.6 Magnitude Earthquake, The
* User-centric QoE model of visual perception for mobile videos
* Using Curvilinear Features in Focus for Registering a Single Image to a 3D Object
* Using Forest Inventory Data with Landsat 8 Imagery to Map Longleaf Pine Forest Characteristics in Georgia, USA
* Using Nighttime Light Data and POI Big Data to Detect the Urban Centers of Hangzhou
* Using Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Observed by OCO-2 to Predict Autumn Crop Production in China
* Utilizing CNNs and transfer learning of pre-trained models for age range classification from unconstrained face images
* Validation of ESA Sentinel-2 L2A Aerosol Optical Thickness and Columnar Water Vapour during 2017-2018
* Validation of ICESat-2 ATLAS Bathymetry and Analysis of ATLAS's Bathymetric Mapping Performance
* Variability and Geographical Origin of Five Years Airborne Fungal Spore Concentrations Measured at Saclay, France from 2014 to 2018
* Variables Selection for Aboveground Biomass Estimations Using Satellite Data: A Comparison between Relative Importance Approach and Stepwise Akaike's Information Criterion
* Vegetation and Soil Fire Damage Analysis Based on Species Distribution Modeling Trained with Multispectral Satellite Data
* Vehdoop: A Scalable Analytical Processing Framework for Vehicular Sensor Networks
* Video instance search via spatial fusion of visual words and object proposals
* Video-based method for detecting potential risks among multiple electric bikes
* Vision-based traffic accident detection using sparse spatio-temporal features and weighted extreme learning machine
* Visual Attention Network for Low-Dose CT
* Visual Dynamics: Stochastic Future Generation via Layered Cross Convolutional Networks
* visual object tracking benchmark for cell motility in time-lapse imaging, A
* VoxelMorph: A Learning Framework for Deformable Medical Image Registration
* VS30 Seismic Microzoning Based on a Geomorphology Map: Experimental Case Study of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Lamphun, Thailand
* VST-Net: Variance-stabilizing transformation inspired network for Poisson denoising
* Water Column Optical Properties of Pacific Coral Reefs Across Geomorphic Zones and in Comparison to Offshore Waters
* Water Content Continuous Monitoring of Grapevine Xylem Tissue Using a Portable Low-Power Cost-Effective FMCW Radar
* Water productivity assessments for dwarf coconut by using Landsat 8 images and agrometeorological data
* Water-Quality Classification of Inland Lakes Using Landsat8 Images by Convolutional Neural Networks
* Weakly Supervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation in Urban Scenes
* Weighted Dynamic Time Warping for Grid-Based Travel-Demand-Pattern Clustering: Case Study of Beijing Bicycle-Sharing System
* Weighted Patch-based Manifold Regularization Dictionary Pair Learning model for facial expression recognition using Iterative Optimization Classification Strategy
* What contextual and demographic factors predict drivers' decision to engage in secondary tasks?
* Which and How Many Regions to Gaze: Focus Discriminative Regions for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Who, Where, Why and When? Using Smart Card and Social Media Data to Understand Urban Mobility
* Wind Speed Retrieval from Simulated RADARSAT Constellation Mission Compact Polarimetry SAR Data for Marine Application
* Winter Wheat Yield Assessment from Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data: Incorporating Surface Reflectance, Through Phenological Fitting, into Regression Yield Models
* Young people use their smartphone all the time- even when crossing the street?
* Zero-Shot Learning: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
852 for 1908

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.