Journals starting with ibpr

IbPRIA05 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) on Meshes with Hierarchical Control Modes
* 3D Dynamic Model of Human Actions for Probabilistic Image Tracking, A
* Accelerometer Based Gesture Recognition Using Continuous HMMs
* Adaptive Optimization with Constraints: Convergence and Oscillatory Behaviour
* Adaptive Signal Models for Wide-Band Speech and Audio Compression
* Adaptive Window Growing Technique for Efficient Image Matching
* Adding Subsurface Attenuation to the Beckmann-Kirchhoff Theory
* Adjacency Grammar to Recognize Symbols and Gestures in a Digital Pen Framework, An
* Algorithm for Crest Detection Based on Graph Contraction
* Algorithm for the Detection of Multiple Concentric Circles, An
* Analysis of Facial Description in Static Images and Video Streams, An
* Analysis of Meso Textures of Geomaterials Through Haralick Parameters
* Anisotropic 3D Reconstruction and Restoration for Rotation-Scanning 4D Echocardiographic Images Based on MAP-MRF
* Appearance-Based Recognition of Words in American Sign Language
* Application of Wavelet Transforms and Bayes Classifier to Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* Approach to Improve Online Hand-Eye Calibration, An
* Approach to Vision-Based Person Detection in Robotic Applications, An
* AutoAssign: An Automatic Assignment Tool for Independent Components
* Automatic Classification of Breast Tissue
* Automatic Mask Extraction for PIV-Based Dam-Break Analysis
* Automatic Matching and Motion Estimation from Two Views of a Multiplane Scene
* Automatic Segmentation and Registration of Lung Surfaces in Temporal Chest CT Scans
* Automatic Segmentation of Bilingual Corpora: A Comparison of Different Techniques
* Automatic Selection of Multiple Texture Feature Extraction Methods for Texture Pattern Classification
* Bayesian Reconstruction for Transmission Tomography with Scale Hyperparameter Estimation
* Bayesian Reconstruction of Color Images Acquired with a Single CCD
* Boosting Statistical Local Feature Based Classifiers for Face Recognition
* Breast Segmentation with Pectoral Muscle Suppression on Digital Mammograms
* Calibration Algorithm for POX-Slits Camera, A
* Car License Plates Extraction and Recognition Based on Connected Components Analysis and HMM Decoding
* Clustering Algorithm for the Fast Match of Acoustic Conditions in Continuous Speech Recognition, A
* Color Distribution Tracking for Facial Analysis
* Color Image Segmentation Using Acceptable Histogram Segmentation
* Combining Fuzzy Clustering and Morphological Methods for Old Documents Recovery
* Combining Global and Local Threshold to Binarize Document of Images
* Compact and Robust Fingerprints Using DCT Coefficients of Key Blocks
* Comparative Study of Highlights Detection and Elimination by Color Morphology and Polar Color Models, A
* Comparison of Feature Extraction Methods for Breast Cancer Detection
* Comparison of Two Different Prediction Schemes for the Analysis of Time Series of Graphs
* Computer Vision Sensor for Panoramic Depth Perception, A
* Contextual Soccer Detection Using Mosaicing Techniques
* Contour-Based Image Registration Using Mutual Information
* Contribution of External Features to Face Recognition, The
* Conversion into Three-Dimensional Implicit Surface Representation from Topological Active Volumes Based Segmentation
* Cryptographic-Speech-Key Generation Architecture Improvements
* Curvature Based Clustering for DNA Microarray Data Analysis
* Data Characterization for Effective Prototype Selection
* Dealing with Multiple Motions in Optical Flow Estimation
* Decision Fusion for Target Detection Using Multi-spectral Image Sequences from Moving Cameras
* Detection and Tracking of Face by a Walking Robot
* Detector of image orientation based on Borda Count
* Different Approaches to Bilingual Text Classification Based on Grammatical Inference Techniques
* Discriminative Face Recognition Through Gabor Responses and Sketch Distortion
* Dissimilarity Measures for Visual Pattern Partitioning
* Domain-Specific Codesign for Automated Visual Inspection Systems
* Dynamic and Static Weighting in Classifier Fusion
* Dynamic Stroke Segmentation Technique for Sketched Symbol Recognition, A
* Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Normal Flow and Texture Regularity
* Efficient Object-Class Recognition by Boosting Contextual Information
* Enhancement and Cleaning of Handwritten Data by Using Neural Networks
* Euclidean Distance Transform Applied to the FCC and BCC Grids, The
* Evaluation of Distances Between Color Image Segmentations
* Extended Bi-gram Features in Text Categorization
* Extracting Motion Features for Visual Human Activity Representation
* Fast and Accurate Hand Pose Detection for Human-Robot Interaction
* Fast and Exact Algorithm for Total Variation Minimization, A
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Diamond and Triangle Search Patterns, A
* Fast Run-Length Algorithm for Wavelet Image Coding with Reduced Memory Usage, A
* Fast Surface Grading Using Color Statistics in the CIE Lab Space
* Feature Selection for Graph-Based Image Classifiers
* Fingerprint Matching Using Minutiae Coordinate Systems
* Framework to Integrate Particle Filters for Robust Tracking in Non-stationary Environments, A
* From Moving Edges to Moving Regions
* Functional Simplification of the BCS/FCS Image Segmentation, A
* Gabor Parameter Selection for Local Feature Detection
* Global-to-Local Matching Strategy for Registering Retinal Fundus Images, A
* Globally Exponential Stability of Non-autonomous Delayed Neural Networks
* Graph Clustering Using Heat Content Invariants
* Grouping of Non-connected Structures by an Irregular Graph Pyramid
* Hardware-Accelerated Template Matching
* Head Gesture Recognition Based on Bayesian Network
* HMM-Based Gesture Recognition for Robot Control
* Human Figure Segmentation Using Independent Component Analysis
* Illumination Intensity, Object Geometry and Highlights Invariance in Multispectral Imaging
* Image Corner Detection Using Hough Transform
* Image Processing Application Development: From Rapid Prototyping to SW/HW Co-simulation and Automated Code Generation
* Improving ASM Search Using Mixture Models for Grey-Level Profiles
* Improving Correspondence Matching Using Label Consistency Constraints
* Improving the Discrimination Capability with an Adaptive Synthetic Discriminant Function Filter
* Information Theoretic Text Classification Using the Ziv-Merhav Method
* Intelligent Target Recognition Based on Wavelet Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System
* Invariant and Compact Representation for Unrestricted Pose Estimation, An
* Iris Recognition Based on Quadratic Spline Wavelet Multi-scale Decomposition
* Learning Framework for Object Recognition on Image Understanding, A
* Leather Inspection Based on Wavelets
* Local Single-Patch Features for Pose Estimation Using the Log-Polar Transform
* Machine Learning with Seriated Graphs
* Managing Resolution in Digital Elevation Models Using Image Processing Techniques
* Matching Attributed Graphs: 2nd-Order Probabilities for Pruning the Search Tree
* Matching Deformable Regions Using Local Histograms of Differential Invariants
* Mathematical Morphology in Polar-Logarithmic Coordinates. Application to Erythrocyte Shape Analysis
* Medial Grey-Level Based Representation for Proteins in Volume Images
* Model-Based Method for Face Shape Recovery, A
* Modelling Spatial Correlation and Image Statistics for Improved Tracking of Human Gestures
* Monte Carlo Localization Using SIFT Features
* MORFO3D Foot Database, The
* Multi-resolution Image Analysis for Vehicle Detection
* Multi-scale Cortical Keypoint Representation for Attention and Object Detection
* Multiple Face Detection at Different Resolutions for Perceptual User Interfaces
* Multiscale Approach for Thinning Ridges of Fingerprint
* Multispectral Image Segmentation by Energy Minimization for Fruit Quality Estimation
* New Algorithm for Pattern Optimization in Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction System, A
* New Approach to the Template Update Problem, A
* New Fuzzy Multi-channel Filter for the Reduction of Impulse Noise, A
* New Method for the Estimation of the Image Jacobian for the Control of an Uncalibrated Joint System, A
* New Region-Based Active Contour for Object Extraction Using Level Set Method, A
* New Secret Sharing Scheme for Images Based on Additive 2-Dimensional Cellular Automata, A
* Novel Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model for Background Subtraction, A
* Novel One-Parameter Regularized Kernel Fisher Discriminant Method for Face Recognition, A
* Object Image Retrieval by Shape Content in Complex Scenes Using Geometric Constraints
* On Reproducibility of Ultrasound Image Classification
* Parallel Perceptrons, Activation Margins and Imbalanced Training Set Pruning
* PCA Positioning Sensor Characterization for Terrain Based Navigation of UVs
* Performance Analysis of Homomorphic Systems for Image Change Detection
* Performance Driven Facial Animation by Appearance Based Tracking
* Performance of a SCFG-Based Language Model with Training Data Sets of Increasing Size
* Phase Unwrapping via Graph Cuts
* Phrase-Based Alignment Models for Statistical Machine Translation
* Polygon Optimisation for the Modelling of Planar Range Data
* Prior Based Cardiac Valve Segmentation in Echocardiographic Sequences: Geodesic Active Contour Guided by Region and Shape Prior
* Probabilistic Image-Based Tracking: Improving Particle Filtering
* Probabilistic Object Tracking Based on Machine Learning and Importance Sampling
* Proposal for a Homeostasis Based Adaptive Vision System, A
* Quantitative Identification of Marbles Aesthetical Features
* Real-Time Driver Visual Attention Monitoring System, A
* Real-Time Gabor Primal Sketch for Visual Attention, A
* Real-Time Tracking Using Multiple Target Models
* Recognition of Facial Gestures Based on Support Vector Machines
* Registration of Moving Surfaces by Means of One-Shot Laser Projection
* Relaxed Grey-World: Computational Colour Constancy by Surface Matching
* Removing Shadows from Face Images Using ICA
* Robust Person-Independent Visual Sign Language Recognition
* Roof Edge Detection Model, A
* Segment Extraction Using Burns Principles in a Pseudo-color Fuzzy Hough Transform
* Semantic Feature Extraction Based on Video Abstraction and Temporal Modeling
* Semantic Similarity Between Sentences Through Approximate Tree Matching
* Semivariogram and SGLDM Methods Comparison for the Diagnosis of Solitary Lung Nodule
* Signal Subspace Identification in Hyperspectral Linear Mixtures
* Solving Particularization with Supervised Clustering Competition Scheme
* Speaker Dependent ASRs for Huastec and Western-Huastec Náhuatl Languages
* Spectral Methods in Image Segmentation: A Combined Approach
* Spontaneous Handwriting Text Recognition and Classification Using Finite-State Models
* Stereo Reconstruction of a Submerged Scene
* Stereo Vision System with the Grouping Process of Multiple Reaction-Diffusion Models
* Stochastic Approach to Wilson's Editing Algorithm, A
* Support Vector Machines for HIV-1 Protease Cleavage Site Prediction
* Synthesis of Median Spectral Graph
* Testing Some Improvements of the Fukunaga and Narendra's Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Algorithm in a Spelling Task
* Text Categorization Approach for Music Style Recognition, A
* Texture Interpolation Using Ordinary Kriging
* Thresholding Methods on MRI to Evaluate Intramuscular Fat Level on Iberian Ham
* Time Reduction of Stochastic Parsing with Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
* Use of Neural Networks in Automatic Caricature Generation: An Approach Based on Drawing Style Capture
* Utterance Verification Algorithm in Keyword Spotting System, An
* Video Retrieval Using an EDL-Based Timeline
* Vision-Based Interface for Integrated Home Entertainment System
* Visual Detection of Hexagonal Headed Bolts Using Method of Frames and Matching Pursuit
* Watermarking Scheme Based on Discrete Non-separable Wavelet Transform, A
* Word Translation Disambiguation Using Multinomial Classifiers
* Xilinx System Generator Based HW Components for Rapid Prototyping of Computer Vision SW/HW Systems
* Zerotree Wavelet Based Image Quilting for Fast Texture Synthesis
172 for IbPRIA05

IbPRIA07 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* 3-D Motion Estimation for Positioning from 2-D Acoustic Video Imagery
* 3D Reconstruction on MRI to Analyse Marbling and Fat Level in Iberian Loin
* 3D Shape Recovery with Registration Assisted Stereo Matching
* Algebraic-Distance Minimization of Lines and Ellipses for Traffic Sign Shape Localization
* Analysis of Relevant Maxima in Distance Transform. An Application to Fast Coarse Image Segmentation
* Analytic Reconstruction of Transparent and Opaque Surfaces from Texture Images
* Anisotropic Continuous-Scale Morphology
* Atmospheric Turbulence Effects Removal on Infrared Sequences Degraded by Local Isoplanatism
* Automatic Construction of Fuzzy Rules for Modelling and Prediction of the Central Nervous System
* Automatic Labeling of Colonoscopy Video for Cancer Detection
* Automatic Learning of Conceptual Knowledge in Image Sequences for Human Behavior Interpretation
* Automatic Segmentation of the Liver in CT Using Level Sets Without Edges
* Automatic Topological Active Net Division in a Genetic-Greedy Hybrid Approach
* Bayesian Hyperspectral Image Segmentation With Discriminative Class Learning
* Bayesian Oil Spill Segmentation of SAR Images Via Graph Cuts
* Bilingual Text Classification
* Blind Estimation of Motion Blur Parameters for Image Deconvolution
* Boundary Shape Recognition Using Accumulated Length and Angle Information
* Bounding the Size of the Median Graph
* Breast Skin-Line Segmentation Using Contour Growing
* Catadioptric Camera Calibration by Polarization Imaging
* Classification of Continuous Heart Sound Signals Using the Ergodic Hidden Markov Model
* Classification of Voltage Sags Based on MPCA Models
* Classifiers for Vegetation and Forest Mapping with Low Resolution Multiespectral Imagery
* Clustering Technique for Video Copy Detection, A
* Combination of N-Grams and Stochastic Context-Free Grammars in an Offline Handwritten Recognition System
* Comparative Study of Local Descriptors for Object Category Recognition: SIFT vs HMAX, A
* Comparison of Unsupervised Band Selection Methods for Hyperspectral Imaging
* Computer Assisted Transcription of Speech
* Computer Vision Approaches to Pedestrian Detection: Visible Spectrum Survey
* Condition of Kernelizing an Algorithm and an Equivalence Between Kernel Methods, The
* Constrained Monocular Obstacle Perception with Just One Frame
* Cyclic Viterbi Score for Linear Hidden Markov Models
* Data-Driven Jacobian Adaptation in a Multi-model Structure for Noisy Speech Recognition
* Dealing with Non-linearity in Shape Modelling of Articulated Objects
* Dealing with the Perspective Distortion to Detect Overtaking Cars for Driving Assistance
* Decimation Estimation and Linear Model-Based Super-Resolution Using Zoomed Observations
* Decision-Tree-Based Online Speaker Clustering, A
* Density-Based Data Reduction Algorithm for Robust Estimators, A
* Dependent Component Analysis: A Hyperspectral Unmixing Algorithm
* Detection of Lung Nodule Candidates in Chest Radiographs
* Development of a Cascade Processing Method for Microarray Spot Segmentation
* Development of a Computer Vision System for the Automatic Quality Grading of Mandarin Segments
* Development of a Methodology for Automated Crater Detection on Planetary Images
* Dimensionless Monocular SLAM
* Dominant Points Detection Using Phase Congruence
* Efficiently Downdating, Composing and Splitting Singular Value Decompositions Preserving the Mean Information
* Epiflow Based Stereo Fusion
* Estimation of Multiple Objects at Unknown Locations with Active Contours
* Evaluation of Spectral-Based Methods for Median Graph Computation
* Explicit Modelling of Invariances in Bernoulli Mixtures for Binary Images
* Exploiting Information Theory for Filtering the Kadir Scale-Saliency Detector
* Extracting Average Shapes from Occluded Non-Rigid Motion
* Face Recognition in Color Using Complex and Hypercomplex Representations
* Face Recognition Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Manifold Learning
* False Positive Reduction in Breast Mass Detection Using Two-Dimensional PCA
* Fast and Robust Iris Segmentation Method, A
* Fast Central Catadioptric Line Extraction
* Fast Stochastic Context-Free Parsing: A Stochastic Version of the Valiant Algorithm
* Feasible Application of Shape-Based Classification
* Feature Selection Based on a New Formulation of the Minimal-Redundancy-Maximal-Relevance Criterion
* Functional Pattern Recognition of 3D Laser Scanned Images of Wood-Pulp Chips
* Fuzzy Rule Based Edge-Sensitive Line Average Algorithm in Interlaced HDTV Sequences
* General Framework to Deal with the Scaling Problem in Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation, A
* Haar Wavelets and Edge Orientation Histograms for On-Board Pedestrian Detection
* Handwritten Symbol Recognition by a Boosted Blurred Shape Model with Error Correction
* Hardware Implementation of Moment Functions in a CMOS Retina: Application to Pattern Recognition
* Hierarchical Approach for Multi-task Logistic Regression, A
* Hierarchical Eyelid and Face Tracking
* HMM-Based Action Recognition Using Contour Histograms
* Human Motion Characterization Using Spatio-temporal Features
* Improved Camera Calibration Method Based on a Two-Dimensional Template
* Improving Background Subtraction Based on a Casuistry of Colour-Motion Segmentation Problems
* Improving Piecewise-Linear Registration Through Mesh Optimization
* Inference of Stochastic Finite-State Transducers Using N -Gram Mixtures
* Influence of Resampling and Weighting on Diversity and Accuracy of Classifier Ensembles
* Invariant Multi-scale Object Categorisation and Recognition
* Kernel Matching Pursuit Approach to Man-Made Objects Detection in Aerial Images, A
* Known Unknowns: Novelty Detection in Condition Monitoring
* Language Identification Based on Phone Decoding for Basque and Spanish
* Learning Mixture Models for Gender Classification Based on Facial Surface Normals
* Line Extraction from Mechanically Scanned Imaging Sonar
* Locating and Segmenting 3D Deformable Objects by Using Clusters of Contour Fragments
* Mathematical Morphology in the HSI Colour Space
* Matrics, a Car License Plate Recognition System
* Measuring the Applicability of Self-organization Maps in a Case-Based Reasoning System
* Modeling Aceto-White Temporal Patterns to Segment Colposcopic Images
* Modelling of Magnetic Resonance Spectra Using Mixtures for Binned and Truncated Data
* Moment-Based Pattern Representation Using Shape and Grayscale Features
* Mosaicking Cluttered Ground Planes Based on Stereo Vision
* Motion Segmentation from Feature Trajectories with Missing Data
* Neural Network Model for Image Change Detection Based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, A
* New Measure for Shape Elongation
* New Method for Robust and Efficient Occupancy Grid-Map Matching, A
* New Neighborhood Based Classification Rules for Metric Spaces and Their Use in Ensemble Classification
* New Type of Feature: Loose N-Gram Feature in Text Categorization, A
* Non Parametric Classification of Human Interaction
* On the Detection of Regions-of-Interest in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
* On-Line Classification of Human Activities
* On-Line Handwriting Recognition System for Tamil Handwritten Characters
* Optimally Discriminant Moments for Speckle Detection in Real B-Scan Images
* Optimized Associative Memories for Feature Selection
* Parameter System for Human Physiological Data Representation and Analysis
* Parsimonious Kernel Fisher Discrimination
* Part-of-Speech Tagging Based on Machine Translation Techniques
* Perceptually-Based Functions for Coarseness Textural Feature Representation
* Performance Analysis of Classifier Ensembles: Neural Networks Versus Nearest Neighbor Rule
* Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation Using Approximate Matching
* Probabilistic Observation Model for Stereo Vision Systems: Application to Particle Filter-Based Mapping and Localization, A
* Progressive Compression of Geometry Information with Smooth Intermediate Meshes
* Protocol to Cipher Digital Images Based on Cat Maps and Cellular Automata, A
* Random Forest for Gene Expression Based Cancer Classification: Overlooked Issues
* Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter for Human Appearance and Position Tracking
* Rate Control Algorithm for MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC Transcoding
* Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition for Natural Interaction
* Recognizing Individual Typing Patterns
* Region-Based Pose Tracking
* Registration-Based Segmentation Using the Information Bottleneck Method
* Rejection Strategies Involving Classifier Combination for Handwriting Recognition
* Relative Pose Estimation of Surgical Tools in Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery
* Residual Filter for Improving Coding Performance of Noisy Video Sequences
* Risk Classification of Mammograms Using Anatomical Linear Structure and Density Information
* Road Signs Recognition by the Scale-Space Template Matching in the Log-Polar Domain
* Robust Audio Fingerprint's Based Identification Method, A
* Robust Automatic Speech Recognition Using PD-MEEMLIN
* Robust Complex Salient Regions
* Robust Estimation of Reflectance Functions from Polarization
* Robust Lane Lines Detection and Quantitative Assessment
* Robust Multiple-People Tracking Using Colour-Based Particle Filters
* Sedimentological Analysis of Sands
* Seeing the Invisible and Predicting the Unexpected
* Segmentation of Rigid Motion from Non-rigid 2D Trajectories
* Semi-automatic Approach to Photo Identification of Wild Elephants, A
* Semiring Lattice Parsing Applied to CYK
* Shadow Resistant Road Segmentation from a Mobile Monocular System
* Similarity-Based Object Retrieval Using Appearance and Geometric Feature Combination
* Simple But Effective Approach to Speaker Tracking in Broadcast News, A
* Snake for Retinal Vessel Segmentation, A
* Spectral Modes of Facial Needle-Maps
* Speech/Music Classification Based on Distributed Evolutionary Fuzzy Logic for Intelligent Audio Coding
* Stochastic Local Search for Omnidirectional Catadioptric Stereovision Design
* Structure Restriction for Tracking Through Multiple Views and Occlusions
* Summarizing Image/Surface Registration for 6DOF Robot/Camera Pose Estimation
* Supervised Segmentation Based on Texture Signatures Extracted in the Frequency Domain
* Synchronization of Video Sequences from Free-Moving Cameras
* Tabular Pruning Rule in Tree-Based Fast Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms, A
* Testing Geodesic Active Contours
* Three-Dimensional Ultrasonic Assessment of Atherosclerotic Plaques
* Topological Histogram Reduction Towards Colour Segmentation
* Tracking the Left Ventricle in Ultrasound Images Based on Total Variation Denoising
* Unidimensional Multiscale Local Features for Object Detection Under Rotation and Mild Occlusions
* Using Graphics Hardware for Enhancing Edge and Circle Detection
* Variational Deconvolution of Multi-channel Images with Inequality Constraints
* Vehicle Trajectory Estimation Based on Monocular Vision
* Vision-Based SLAM in Real-Time
* Vote-Based Classifier Selection for Biomedical NER Using Genetic Algorithms
* When Overlapping Unexpectedly Alters the Class Imbalance Effects
* Word Segments in Category-Based Language Models for Automatic Speech Recognition
* Word Spotting in Archive Documents Using Shape Contexts
160 for IbPRIA07

IbPRIA09 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* AdaBoost Multiple Feature Selection and Combination for Face Recognition
* Adaptive Approach for Affine-Invariant 2D Shape Description, An
* Appearance and Shape Prior Alignments in Level Set Segmentation
* Approach to Estimate Perplexity Values for Language Models Based on Phrase Classes, An
* Autonomous Configuration of Parameters in Robotic Digital Cameras
* Bernoulli HMMs at Subword Level for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Cell Division Detection on the Arabidopsis Thaliana Root
* Characterizing Graphs Using Spherical Triangles
* Chromatographic Pattern Recognition Using Optimized One-Class Classifiers
* Class Representative Visual Words for Category-Level Object Recognition
* Comparison of Wavelet Based Spatio-temporal Decomposition Methods for Dynamic Texture Recognition, A
* Contour Regularity Extraction Based on String Edit Distance
* Diagonal Split: A Pre-segmentation Step for Page Layout Analysis and Classification, The
* Enhancing In-Vitro IVUS Data for Tissue Characterization
* Estimating Vehicle Velocity Using Image Profiles on Rectified Images
* Experimental Analysis of Insertion Costs in a Naďve Dynamic MDF-Tree
* Face-to-Face Social Activity Detection Using Data Collected with a Wearable Device
* Facial Feature Extraction and Change Analysis Using Photometric Stereo
* Facial Reconstruction and Alignment Using Photometric Stereo and Surface Fitting
* Fast Anisotropic Mumford-Shah Functional Based Segmentation, A
* Fatty Liver Characterization and Classification by Ultrasound
* Gender Recognition from a Partial View of the Face Using Local Feature Vectors
* High Performance Circle Detection through a GPU Rasterization Approach
* High-Speed Human Detection Using a Multiresolution Cascade of Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* HOG-Based Decision Tree for Facial Expression Classification
* Human Action Recognition Using Optical Flow Accumulated Local Histograms
* Improving Scene Recognition through Visual Attention
* Index of Balanced Accuracy: A Performance Measure for Skewed Class Distributions
* Inference and Learning for Active Sensing, Experimental Design and Control
* Inpainting Ideas for Image Compression
* Kernel Based Multi-object Tracking Using Gabor Functions Embedded in a Region Covariance Matrix
* Labeling Still Image Databases Using Graphical Models
* Large Scale Online Learning of Image Similarity through Ranking
* Left Ventricle Segmentation from Heart MDCT
* Local Boosted Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Match Selection in Batch Mosaicing Using Mutual Information
* Mean Shift Parallel Tracking on GPU
* Median Graph Computation by Means of a Genetic Approach Based on Minimum Common Supergraph and Maximum Common Subgraph
* Melodic Track Identification in MIDI Files Considering the Imbalanced Context
* Minimum Error-Rate Training in Statistical Machine Translation Using Structural SVMs
* Morpheme-Based Automatic Speech Recognition of Basque
* Multi-Scale Image Analysis Applied to Radioastronomical Interferometric Data
* Multi-spectral Texture Characterisation for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* New Clustering Algorithm for Color Image Segmentation, A
* On a Kernel Regression Approach to Machine Translation
* Plane Filtering for the Registration of Urban Range Laser Imagery
* Random Extension for Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction and Metric Learning, A
* Real-Time Motion Detection for a Mobile Observer Using Multiple Kernel Tracking and Belief Propagation
* Robust and Efficient Multipose Face Detection Using Skin Color Segmentation
* Robust Statistical Estimation Applied to Automatic Lip Segmentation
* Robust Super-Resolution Using a Median Filter for Irregular Samples
* Scale Invariant Interest Point Detector for Discriminative Blob Detection, A
* Score Fusion by Maximizing the Area under the ROC Curve
* Simultaneous Identity and Expression Recognition Using Face Geometry on Low Dimensional Manifolds
* Sleep/Wakefulness State from Actigraphy
* Smoothed Disparity Maps for Continuous American Sign Language Recognition
* Space Carving Acceleration Using Uncertainty Measurements
* Textural Features for Hyperspectral Pixel Classification
* Texture Measuring by Means of Perceptually-Based Fineness Functions
* Top-Down Approach for Automatic Dropper Extraction in Catenary Scenes, A
* Toward Robust Myocardial Blush Grade Estimation in Contrast Angiography
* Towards Real-Time Human Action Recognition
* Trajectory Modeling Using Mixtures of Vector Fields
* Using One-Class Classification Techniques in the Anti-phoneme Problem
* Variable Order Finite-Context Models in DNA Sequence Coding
66 for IbPRIA09

IbPRIA11 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* Active Learning for Dialogue Act Labelling
* Age Regression from Soft Aligned Face Images Using Low Computational Resources
* And-Or Graph Grammar for Architectural Floor Plan Representation, Learning and Recognition. A Semantic, Structural and Hierarchical Model
* Automatic and Semi-automatic Analysis of the Extension of Myocardial Infarction in an Experimental Murine Model
* Automatic Branching Detection in IVUS Sequences
* Automatic Detection of Facial Feature Points via HOGs and Geometric Prior Models
* Automatic Estimation of the Number of Segmentation Groups Based on MI
* Automatic HyperParameter Estimation in fMRI
* Bag-of-Paths Based Serialized Subgraph Matching for Symbol Spotting in Line Drawings, A
* Character-Level Interaction in Multimodal Computer-Assisted Transcription of Text Images
* Characterizing Graphs Using Approximate von Neumann Entropy
* Classification of High Dimensional and Imbalanced Hyperspectral Imagery Data
* Classification of Repetitive Patterns Using Symmetry Group Prototypes
* Classification of Ultrasound Medical Images Using Distance Based Feature Selection and Fuzzy-SVM
* Classifying Melodies Using Tree Grammars
* Combining Growcut and Temporal Correlation for IVUS Lumen Segmentation
* Comparison of Spectrum Kernel Machines for Protein Subnuclear Localization, A
* Complex Wavelet Transform Variants in a Scale Invariant Classification of Celiac Disease
* Deforming the Blurred Shape Model for Shape Description and Recognition
* Detection Performance Evaluation of Boosted Random Ferns
* Diagnostic of Pathology on the Vertebral Column with Embedded Reject Option
* Diffuse Liver Disease Classification from Ultrasound Surface Characterization, Clinical and Laboratorial Data
* Distance for Partially Labeled Trees, A
* Distance Maps from Unthresholded Magnitudes
* Dual Layer Voting Method for Efficient Multi-label Classification
* Explicit Length Modelling for Statistical Machine Translation
* Fast and the Flexible: Extended Pseudo Two-Dimensional Warping for Face Recognition, The
* Fast Classification in Incrementally Growing Spaces
* Feature Selection for Gender Classification
* Feature Selection in Regression Tasks Using Conditional Mutual Information
* Feature Selection with Complexity Measure in a Quadratic Programming Setting
* Feature Set Search Space for FuzzyBoost Learning
* Filled-in Document Identification Using Local Features and a Direct Voting Scheme
* Gait Identification Using a Novel Gait Representation: Radon Transform of Mean Gait Energy Image
* Graph Matching on a Low-Cost and Parallel Architecture
* Handwritten Digits Recognition Improved by Multiresolution Classifier Fusion
* Handwritten Word Spotting in Old Manuscript Images Using a Pseudo-structural Descriptor Organized in a Hash Structure
* Human Activity Recognition from Accelerometer Data Using a Wearable Device
* Human Recognition Based on Gait Poses
* Identification of Erythrocyte Types in Greyscale MGG Images for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis
* Identifying Potentially Cancerous Tissues in Chromoendoscopy Images
* Impact of the Approaches Involved on Word-Graph Derivation from the ASR System
* Interactive Labeling of WCE Images
* Interactive Structured Output Prediction: Application to Chromosome Classification
* Language Identification for Interactive Handwriting Transcription of Multilingual Documents
* Learning Features for Human Action Recognition Using Multilayer Architectures
* Level Set Segmentation with Shape and Appearance Models Using Affine Moment Descriptors
* Linear Prediction Based Mixture Models for Event Detection in Video Sequences
* Lossless Compression of Polar Iris Image Data
* Multi-class Probabilistic Atlas-Based Segmentation Method in Breast MRI
* Multi-sensor People Counting
* Music Score Binarization Based on Domain Knowledge
* Myocardial Perfusion Analysis from Adenosine-Induced Stress MDCT
* Natural Material Segmentation and Classification Using Polarisation
* New Algorithm for Segmentation of Images Represented as Hypergraph Hexagonal-Grid
* New Approach for Road Extraction from High Resolution Remotely Sensed Images Using the Quaternionic Wavelet
* Non-rigid Multi-modal Registration of Coronary Arteries Using SIFTflow
* Null Space Based Image Recognition Using Incremental Eigendecomposition
* Occlusion Management in Sequential Mean Field Monte Carlo Methods
* On Importance of Interactions and Context in Human Action Recognition
* On the Distribution of Dissimilarity Increments
* On the Influence of Spatial Information for Hyper-spectral Satellite Imaging Characterization
* On the Use of Diagonal and Class-Dependent Weighted Distances for the Probabilistic k-Nearest Neighbor
* On the Use of Dot Scoring for Speaker Diarization
* On-Line Classification of Data Streams with Missing Values Based on Reinforcement Learning
* Online Metric Learning Approach through Margin Maximization, An
* Opponent Colors for Human Detection
* Passive-Aggressive for On-Line Learning in Statistical Machine Translation
* Poker Vision: Playing Cards and Chips Identification Based on Image Processing
* Probabilistic Framework to Obtain a Common Labelling between Attributed Graphs, A
* Probabilistic Ranking of Product Features from Customer Reviews
* Rectifying Non-euclidean Similarity Data through Tangent Space Reprojection
* Reflection Component Separation Using Statistical Analysis and Polarisation
* Region Segmentation Method for Colonoscopy Images Using a Model of Polyp Appearance, A
* Scratch Assay Analysis with Topology-Preserving Level Sets and Texture Measures
* Semi-supervised Probabilistic Relaxation for Image Segmentation
* Shortest Path Approach for Vibrating Line Detection and Tracking, A
* Simultaneous Lesion Segmentation and Bias Correction in Breast Ultrasound Images
* Statistical and Wavelet Based Texture Features for Fish Oocytes Classification
* There Is More Than One Way to Get Out of a Car: Automatic Mode Finding for Action Recognition in the Wild
* Topographic EEG Brain Mapping before, during and after Obstructive Sleep Apnea Episodes
* Trajectory Analysis Using Switched Motion Fields: A Parametric Approach
* Tree Classifier for Automatic Breast Tissue Classification Based on BIRADS Categories, A
* Ultrasound Plaque Enhanced Activity Index for Predicting Neurological Symptoms
* Unsupervised Joint Feature Discretization and Selection
* Using Mathematical Morphology for Similarity Search of 3D Objects
* Viola-Jones Based Detectors: How Much Affects the Training Set?
* Visual Saliency Map Based on Random Sub-window Means, A
* Visual Word Aggregation
* Vitality Assessment of Boar Sperm Using N Concentric Squares Resized (NCSR) Texture Descriptor in Digital Images
* vManager, Developing a Complete CBVR System
* Vocabulary Selection for Graph of Words Embedding
93 for IbPRIA11

IbPRIA13 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* Algorithm for the Delineation of Craters in Very High Resolution Images of Mars Surface, An
* Alignment-Free Gender Recognition in the Wild
* Assessment of Image Quality Using a Pseudophakic Eye Model for Refractive Evaluation
* Automated Mammographic Risk Classification Based on Breast Density Estimation
* Automatic Classification of Retinal Vessels Using Structural and Intensity Information
* Automatic Color Profiling of Digital Cameras Using Unordered Photos
* Automatic Detection and Characterization of Acoustic Plane-Wave Reflections Using Circular Microphone Arrays
* Automatic Identification of Marked Pigs in a Pen Using Image Pattern Recognition
* Automatic Intra Muscular Fat Analysis on Dry-Cured Ham Slices
* Automatic Quantification of Cell Outgrowth from Neurospheres
* Automatic Tampering Detection in Spliced Images with Different Compression Levels
* Bag-of-Words and Topic Modeling-Based Sport Video Analysis
* Bayesian Approach to Perfusion Imaging Using ASL MRI, A
* Bias and Variance Multi-objective Optimization for Support Vector Machines Model Selection
* Cancer Cell Detection and Morphology Analysis Based on Local Interest Point Detectors
* Characterization and Reduction of MR-Environment-Related EEG Artefacts
* Characterizing Actions with Local Descriptors Based on Kinematics and Flow Recurrences
* Cirrhosis Prognostic Quantification with Ultrasound: An Approximation to Model for End-Stage Liver Disease
* Comparative Evaluation of Occupancy Grid Mapping Methods Using Sonar Sensors
* Complexity Measure of Gait Perception, A
* Consensus Clustering Using Partial Evidence Accumulation
* DCT Based Approach for Tampered Image Detection and Recovery Using Block Wise Fragile Watermarking Scheme
* Demons Methods for Digital Mammography Registration
* Detecting Arbitrarily Oriented Text Labels in Early Maps
* Detection and Matching of Lines for Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Detection of Carotid Plaque Symptoms Using Ultrasound Imaging
* Detection of Elliptical Shapes via Cross-Entropy Clustering
* Detection of Indoor and Outdoor Stairs
* Dissimilarity Increments Distribution in the Evidence Accumulation Clustering Framework
* Do We Really Need All These Neurons?
* DWOF: A Robust Density-Based Outlier Detection Approach
* E-Cadherin Radial Distribution Characterization for Mutation Detection Purposes
* Efficient Algorithm for Estimating the Inverse Optical Flow, An
* Efficient Optimization Algorithm for Space-Variant Mixture of Vector Fields
* Efficient Stereo Matching Using Histogram Aggregation with Multiple Slant Hypotheses
* Eigenexpressions: Emotion Recognition Using Multiple Eigenspaces
* Estimating Point of Regard with a Consumer Camera at a Distance
* Event Detection in Communication and Transportation Data
* Experimental Study of Pruning Techniques in Handwritten Text Recognition Systems, An
* Exploring Relevance Vector Machines for Faster Pedestrian Classification
* Fast 3D Object Recognition of Rotationally Symmetric Objects
* Fast Implementation of a New Radial Symmetry Measure for Photogrammetry
* Fast Implementations of the Levelset Segmentation Method With Bias Field Correction in MR Images: Full Domain and Mask-Based Versions
* Feasibility Study of Lesion Detection Using Deformable Part Models in Breast Ultrasound Images
* Foreground Segmentation by Combining Color and Depth Images
* Fractal Analysis for Symmetry Plane Detection in Neuroimages
* Fusion of Multi-temporal and Multi-sensor Hyperspectral Data for Land-Use Classification
* Genetic Programming of Prototypes for Pattern Classification
* Geostatistical Approach for Selecting the Highest Quality MODIS Daily Images, A
* HMM Based Model for Arabic Word Conjugation Recognition and Word Reconstitution from Morphological Concepts
* Homeomorphic Geometrical Transform for Collision Response in Surgical Simulation
* Human Action Recognition under Partial Occlusions
* Human Body Segmentation with Multi-limb Error-Correcting Output Codes Detection and Graph Cuts Optimization
* Human Interaction Recognition by Motion Decoupling
* Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Gravitational Search Algorithm for Image Segmentation Using Multilevel Thresholding, A
* Hybrid Grammar Language Model for Handwritten Historical Documents Recognition
* Image-Based Measure for Evaluation of Mathematical Expression Recognition, An
* Improved Labelling for the INRIA Person Data Set for Pedestrian Detection, An
* Incremental Bit Allocation Strategy for Supervised Feature Discretization, An
* Industrial Non-intrusive Coded-Target Identification and Decoding Application
* Integrated Matching and Geocoding of SAR and Optical Satellite Images
* Is Kinect Depth Data Accurate for the Aesthetic Evaluation after Breast Cancer Surgeries?
* Learning to Detect Stent Struts in Intravascular Ultrasound
* License Plate Recognition Using Weighted Finite-State Transducers and Different Evidence Combination Methods
* Manifold Learning for Density Segmentation in High Risk Mammograms
* MirBot: A Multimodal Interactive Image Retrieval System
* Modality Combination Techniques for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Modeling Musical Style with Language Models for Composer Recognition
* Modeling Pose/Appearance Relations for Improved Object Localization and Pose Estimation in 2D images
* Motion Flow Tracking in Unconstrained Videos for Retail Scenario
* Multi-net System Configuration for Visual Object Segmentation by Error Backpropagation
* Multimodal Interactive Parsing
* Multinuclear Cell Analysis Using Laplacian of Gaussian and Delaunay Graphs
* One-Shot Learning for Real-Time Action Recognition
* Optimization of BOW Using Self Organizing Map Artificial Neural Network in Similar Images Retrieval Systems
* Page Segmentation of Structured Documents Using 2D Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
* Parametric Image Restoration Using Consensus: An Application to Nonstationary Noise Filtering
* Partial Least Squares for Word Confidence Estimation in Machine Translation
* Path Analysis Using Directional Forces. A Practical Case: Traffic Scenes
* Pattern-Based Approach to Table Extraction
* Person Identification Based on Visual Analysis of Soft-Biometric Features in Surveillance Environments
* Perspective Shape from Shading for Wide-FOV Near-Lighting Endoscopes
* Physical Activity Recognition from Smartphone Embedded Sensors
* Pose-Invariant Face Recognition with a Two-Level Dynamic Programming Algorithm
* Probabilistic Appearance-Based Mapping and Localization Using Visual Features
* Probabilistic Template Model for Finding Macromolecules in MET Volume Images, A
* Real-Time Object Recognition Based on Cortical Multi-scale Keypoints
* Real-Time Visual Ground-Truth System for Indoor Robotic Applications
* Robust Machine Learning Approach for Signal Separation and Classification, A
* Robust Principal Component Analysis for Improving Cognitive Brain States Discrimination from fMRI
* Role of Keypoint Sampling on the Classification of Melanomas in Dermoscopy Images Using Bag-of-Features, The
* Scalp EEG Continuous Space ERD/ERS Quantification
* Supervised Approach for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation Using Context Features and an Outlier Map, A
* Surface Layout Estimation Using Multiple Segmentation Methods and 3D Reasoning
* Thermal Infrared Face Segmentation: A New Pose Invariant Method
* Topological Auto-Calibration of Central Imaging Sensors
* Total Variation Based Reconstruction Algorithm for 3D Ultrasound, A
* Towards Modelling an Attention-Based Text Localization Process
* View Synthesis for Real Scene Visualisation on Autostereoscopic Displays
* Vision-Based 3D-Reconstruction of Barley Plants
* Visual Attribute Extraction Using Human Pose Estimation
* Vocabulary Reduction in BoW Representing by Topic Modeling
* What Is the Role of Color in Dermoscopy Analysis?
* Which Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Algorithm to Use?
* Wide Spread of Algorithms for Automatic Segmentation of Dermoscopic Images, A
106 for IbPRIA13

IbPRIA15 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* 3D-Guided Multiscale Sliding Window for Pedestrian Detection
* Adaptive Line Matching for Low-Textured Images
* Analysis of Expressiveness of Portuguese Sign Language Speakers
* Applying Basic Features from Sentiment Analysis for Automatic Irony Detection
* Arabic Writer Identification Using Local Binary Patterns (LBP) of Handwritten Fragments
* Automatic Eye Localization; Multi-block LBP vs. Pyramidal LBP Three-Levels Image Decomposition for Eye Visual Appearance Description
* Bag-of-phonemes Model for Homeplace Classification of Mandarin Speakers, A
* Binary and Multi-class Parkinsonian Disorders Classification Using Support Vector Machines
* Brain Neural Data Analysis with Feature Space Defined by Descriptive Statistics
* Calibration Algorithm for Multi-camera Visual Surveillance Systems Based on Single-View Metrology, A
* Canonical Views for Scene Recognition in Mobile Robotics
* Clinical Evaluation of an Automatic Method for Segmentation and Characterization of the Thoracic Aorta with and Without Aneurysm Patients
* Clustering of Strokes from Pen-Based Music Notation: An Experimental Study
* Color Correction for Image Stitching by Monotone Cubic Spline Interpolation
* Color Detection in Dermoscopy Images Based on Scarce Annotations
* Combined MPEG7 Color Descriptors for Image Classification: Bypassing the Training Phase
* Combining Statistical and Semantic Knowledge for Sarcasm Detection in Online Dialogues
* Crater Detection in Multi-ring Basins of Mercury
* Dense 3D SLAM in Dynamic Scenes Using Kinect
* Dimension Reduction of Hyperspectral Image with Rare Event Preserving
* Dissimilarity-Based Learning from Imbalanced Data with Small Disjuncts and Noise
* Empirical Evaluation of Different Feature Representations for Social Circles Detection
* Escaping Path Approach with Extended Neighborhood for Speckle Noise Reduction
* Escritoire: A Multi-touch Desk with e-Pen Input for Capture, Management and Multimodal Interactive Transcription of Handwritten Documents
* Estimating Fuel Consumption from GPS Data
* Estimation and Tracking of Partial Planar Templates to Improve VSLAM
* Exploiting the Bin-Class Histograms for Feature Selection on Discrete Data
* Extracting Categories by Hierarchical Clustering Using Global Relational Features
* Extremely Overlapping Vehicle Counting
* Fast Head Pose Estimation for Human-Computer Interaction
* Fast Simple Linear Iterative Clustering by Early Candidate Cluster Elimination
* Feature-Based Gaze Estimation Algorithm for Natural Light Scenarios, A
* Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Fingerprint Segmentation, A
* Gaussian Process Emulator for Estimating the Volume of Tissue Activated During Deep Brain Stimulation, A
* Genetic Seam Carving: A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Content-Aware Image Retargeting
* Goal-Driven Phenotyping Through Spectral Imaging for Grape Aromatic Ripeness Assessment
* Homographic Class Template for Logo Localization and Recognition
* Human Centered Scene Understanding Based on 3D Long-Term Tracking Data
* Image Analysis-Based Automatic Detection of Transmission Towers using Aerial Imagery
* Improving Diffusion Tensor Estimation Using Adaptive and Optimized Filtering Based on Local Similarity
* Improving the Minimum Description Length Inference of Phrase-Based Translation Models
* Iterative Versus Voting Method to Reach Consensus Given Multiple Correspondences of Two Sets
* Kernel-Based Feature Relevance Analysis for ECG Beat Classification
* Kinect-Based System to Assess Lymphedema Impairments in Breast Cancer Patients, A
* Latent Topic Encoding for Content-Based Retrieval
* Measuring Scene Detection Performance
* Multi-class Boosting for Imbalanced Data
* Multi-platform Graphical Software for Determining Reproductive Parameters in Fishes Using Histological Image Analysis, A
* Multimodal Object Recognition Using Random Clustering Trees
* New Method for Obtaining Optimal Polygonal Approximations
* New Smoothing Method for Lexicon-Based Handwritten Text Keyword Spotting, A
* New Trajectory Based Motion Segmentation Benchmark Dataset (UdG-MS15), A
* Noise Decomposition Using Polynomial Approximation
* Object Discovery Using CNN Features in Egocentric Videos
* On the Impact of Distance Metrics in Instance-Based Learning Algorithms
* On the Modification of Binarization Algorithms to Retain Grayscale Information for Handwritten Text Recognition
* Online Learning of Stochastic Bi-automaton to Model Dialogues
* Pectoral Muscle Segmentation in Mammograms Based on Cartoon-Texture Decomposition
* Peripheral Nerve Segmentation Using Speckle Removal and Bayesian Shape Models
* Peripheral Nerves Segmentation in Ultrasound Images Using Non-linear Wavelets and Gaussian Processes
* Person Enrollment by Face-Gait Fusion
* PPG Beat Reconstruction Based on Shape Models and Probabilistic Templates for Signals Acquired with Conventional Smartphones
* Prototype Generation on Structural Data Using Dissimilarity Space Representation: A Case of Study
* R-Clustering for Egocentric Video Segmentation
* Robust 3D Active Shape Model for the Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in MRI
* Scene Recognition Invariant to Symmetrical Reflections and Illumination Conditions in Robotics
* Sentence Clustering Using Continuous Vector Space Representation
* Single-Channel Separation Between Stationary and Non-stationary Signals Using Relevant Information
* Sliding Window Framework for Word Spotting Based on Word Attributes, A
* Social Signaling Descriptor for Group Behaviour Analysis
* Source-Target-Source Classification Using Stacked Denoising Autoencoders
* Spatial-Dependent Similarity Metric Supporting Multi-atlas MRI Segmentation
* Spatiotemporal Stacked Sequential Learning for Pedestrian Detection
* Spectral Clustering Using Friendship Path Similarity
* Structured Light System Calibration for Perception in Underwater Tanks
* Structured Output Prediction with Hierarchical Loss Functions for Seafloor Imagery Taxonomic Categorization
* System for Medical Mask Detection in the Operating Room Through Facial Attributes
* Temporal Segmentation of Digital Colposcopies
* Threshold of Graph-Based Volumetric Segmentation
* Time-Series Prediction Based on Kernel Adaptive Filtering with Cyclostationary Codebooks
* Unsupervised Approximation of Digital Planar Curves
* Videogrammetry System for Wind Turbine Vibration Monitoring
* Word-Graph Based Applications for Handwriting Documents: Impact of Word-Graph Size on Their Performances
84 for IbPRIA15

IbPRIA17 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* ASARI: A New Adaptive Oversegmentation Method
* Automated Detection and Categorization of Genital Injuries Using Digital Colposcopy
* Automatic Documents Counterfeit Classification Using Image Processing and Analysis
* Bayesian Approach in Kendall Shape Space for Plant Species Classification
* BMOG: Boosted Gaussian Mixture Model with Controlled Complexity
* Body Shape-Based Biometric Person Recognition from mmW Images
* Classification of Fiducial Markers in Challenging Conditions with SVM
* Combining Defocus and Photoconsistency for Depth Map Estimation in 3D Integral Imaging
* Context-Aware Distance for Anomalous Human Trajectories Detection
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Maximum-Likelihood Principle in Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Detecting Changes with the Robust Competitive Detector
* Detecting Spatio-Temporally Interest Points Using the Shearlet Transform
* Feature-Based Scaffolding for Object Tracking
* Graph Embedding Through Probabilistic Graphical Model Applied to Symbolic Graphs
* Historical Document Handwriting Transcription End-to-end System, A
* Human Pose Estimation by a Series of Residual Auto-Encoders
* Impact of the Acquisition Time on ECG Compression-Based Biometric Identification Systems
* Improved Compression-Based Pattern Recognition Exploiting New Useful Features
* Information Extraction in Handwritten Marriage Licenses Books Using the MGGI Methodology
* Insight on the Large G, Small n Problem in Gene-Expression Microarray Classification, An
* Interactive Layout Detection
* Leveraging Activity Indexing for Egocentric Image Retrieval
* Local Features Applied to Dermoscopy Images: Bag-of-Features versus Sparse Coding
* Log-Linear Weight Optimization Using Discriminative Ridge Regression Method in Statistical Machine Translation
* Measuring the Quality of Annotations for a Subjective Crowdsourcing Task
* Multi-channel Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble for Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-modal Complete Breast Segmentation
* Multimodal Learning for Sign Language Recognition
* Neighbor Distance Ratios and Dynamic Weighting in Multi-biometric Fusion
* New Normalized Supervised Edge Detection Evaluation, A
* On the Approximation of the Kolmogorov Complexity for DNA Sequences
* On the Use of Spearman's Rho to Measure the Stability of Feature Rankings
* Online Learning of Attributed Bi-Automata for Dialogue Management in Spoken Dialogue Systems
* Ordinal Class Imbalance with Ranking
* Oversegmentation Methods: A New Evaluation
* Performance Metrics for Model Fusion in Twitter Data Drifts
* Pre-trained Convolutional Networks and Generative Statistical Models: A Comparative Study in Large Datasets
* Prediction of Breast Deformities: A Step Forward for Planning Aesthetic Results After Breast Surgery
* Pupil Light Reflex Mitigation Using Non-linear Image Warping
* Recognizing Activities of Daily Living from Egocentric Images
* Registration of Breast Surface Data Before and After Surgical Intervention
* RGB-D Computer Vision Techniques for Simulated Prosthetic Vision
* Segmentation of the Rectus Abdominis Muscle Anterior Fascia for the Analysis of Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforators
* Sentiment Recognition in Egocentric Photostreams
* Sign Language Gesture Recognition Using HMM
* Similarity Metrics for Intensity-Based Registration Using Breast Density Maps
* Simple and Effective Multi-word Query Spotting in Handwritten Text Images
* Space-Time Flexible Kernel for Recognizing Activities from Wearable Cameras
* Spacial Aliasing Artefact Detection on T1-Weighted MRI Images
* Staff-Line Detection on Grayscale Images with Pixel Classification
* Strategies of Dictionary Usages for Sparse Representations for Pedestrian Classification
* Study of Prototype Selection Algorithms for Nearest Neighbour in Class-Imbalanced Problems, A
* Study on the Cardinality of Ordered Average Pooling in Visual Recognition, A
* Transfer Learning with Partial Observability Applied to Cervical Cancer Screening
* VFH-Color and Deep Belief Network for 3D Point Cloud Recognition
* VIBIKNet: Visual Bidirectional Kernelized Network for Visual Question Answering
* Visualization of Distinct DNA Regions of the Modern Human Relatively to a Neanderthal Genome
* What Do Datasets Say About Saliency Models?
* Z-Images
60 for IbPRIA17

IbPRIA19 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* 3D Non-rigid Registration of Deformable Object Using GPU
* 3D Reconstruction of Archaeological Pottery from Its Point Cloud
* Addressing the Big Data Multi-class Imbalance Problem with Oversampling and Deep Learning Neural Networks
* Aggregation of Deep Features for Image Retrieval Based on Object Detection
* Approaching End-to-End Optical Music Recognition for Homophonic Scores
* Artificial Vision Based Method for Vehicle Detection and Classification in Urban Traffic, An
* Automatic Detection of Tuberculosis Bacilli from Microscopic Sputum Smear Images Using Faster R-CNN, Transfer Learning and Augmentation
* Automatic Fault Detection in a Cascaded Transformer Multilevel Inverter Using Pattern Recognition Techniques
* Automatic Vision Based Calibration System for Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
* BELID: Boosted Efficient Local Image Descriptor
* Blind Robust 3-D Mesh Watermarking Based on Mesh Saliency and QIM Quantization for Copyright Protection
* Breaking Text-Based CAPTCHA with Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks
* Catastrophic Interference in Disguised Face Recognition
* Characterization of Cardiac and Respiratory System of Healthy Subjects in Supine and Sitting Position
* Class Reconstruction Driven Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Collision Anticipation via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Visual Navigation
* Combining Online Clustering and Rank Pooling Dynamics for Action Proposals
* Data Augmentation of Minority Class with Transfer Learning for Classification of Imbalanced Breast Cancer Dataset Using Inception-V3
* Deep Learning of Visual and Textual Data for Region Detection Applied to Item Coding
* Deep Learning Versus Classic Methods for Multi-taxon Diatom Segmentation
* Deep Vesselness Measure from Scale-Space Analysis of Hessian Matrix Eigenvalues
* Description and Recognition of Activity Patterns Using Sparse Vector Fields
* Detection of Stone Circles in Periglacial Regions of Antarctica in UAV Datasets
* Development of a Fire Detection Based on the Analysis of Video Data by Means of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Diatom Classification Including Morphological Adaptations Using CNNs
* Domain Adaptation for Handwritten Symbol Recognition: A Case of Study in Old Music Manuscripts
* Don't You Forget About Me: A Study on Long-Term Performance in ECG Biometrics
* Efficient Binary Descriptor to Describe Retinal Bifurcation Point for Image Registration, An
* Estimation of Sulfonamides Concentration in Water Based on Digital Colourimetry
* Evaluating the Impact of Color Information in Deep Neural Networks
* Face Identification Using Local Ternary Tree Pattern Based Spatial Structural Components
* Focus Estimation in Academic Environments Using Computer Vision
* Food Recognition by Integrating Local and Flat Classifiers
* Frame by Frame Pain Estimation Using Locally Spatial Attention Learning
* From Features to Attribute Graphs for Point Set Registration
* Geometric Interpretation of CNNs' Last Layer
* Glyph and Position Classification of Music Symbols in Early Music Manuscripts
* Going Back to Basics on Volumetric Segmentation of the Lungs in CT: A Fully Image Processing Based Technique
* Gun and Knife Detection Based on Faster R-CNN for Video Surveillance
* Hierarchical Deep Learning Approach for Plant Disease Detection
* Image Based Estimation of Fruit Phytopathogenic Lesions Area
* Image Feature Detection Based on Phase Congruency by Monogenic Filters with New Noise Estimation
* Image Processing Method for Epidermal Cells Detection and Measurement in Arabidopsis Thaliana Leaves
* Impact of Enhancement for Coronary Artery Segmentation Based on Deep Learning Neural Network
* Impact of Fused Visible-Infrared Video Streams on Visual Tracking
* Impact of Pre-Processing on Recognition of Cursive Video Text
* Impact of Ultrasound Image Reconstruction Method on Breast Lesion Classification with Deep Learning
* Improvement for Capsule Networks Using Depthwise Separable Convolution, An
* Incremental Learning for Football Match Outcomes Prediction
* Incremental Learning Techniques Within a Self-updating Approach for Face Verification in Video-Surveillance
* Instance Selection for the Nearest Neighbor Classifier: Connecting the Performance to the Underlying Data Structure
* Interactive-Predictive Neural Multimodal Systems
* Iris Center Localization Using Geodesic Distance and CNN
* Keystroke Mobile Authentication: Performance of Long-Term Approaches and Fusion with Behavioral Profiling
* Learning to Perform Visual Tasks from Human Demonstrations
* Lesion Detection in Breast Ultrasound Images Using a Machine Learning Approach and Genetic Optimization
* Line Segmentation Free Probabilistic Keyword Spotting and Indexing
* Low-Light Face Image Enhancement Based on Dynamic Face Part Selection
* Method for the Evaluation and Classification of the Orange Peel Effect on Painted Injection Moulded Part Surfaces, A
* Model Based Recursive Partitioning for Customized Price Optimization Analytics
* Modified DBSCAN Algorithm for Microscopic Image Analysis of Wood
* Mosquito Larvae Image Classification Based on DenseNet and Guided Grad-CAM
* Multi-label Logo Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-task Layout Analysis of Handwritten Musical Scores
* New Automatic Cancer Colony Forming Units Counting Method, A
* Non-destructively Prediction of Quality Parameters of Dry-Cured Iberian Ham by Applying Computer Vision and Low-Field MRI
* Note on Gradient-Based Intensity Normalization, A
* Novel Graph-Based Approach for Seriation of Mouse Brain Cross-Section from Images, A
* Offline Signature Verification Using Textural Descriptors
* On the Direction Guidance in Structure Tensor Total Variation Based Denoising
* Pencil Drawing of Microscopic Images Through Edge Preserving Filtering
* Personalised Aesthetics with Residual Adapters
* Proposal of Neural Networks with Intermediate Outputs, A
* Quality-Based Pulse Estimation from NIR Face Video with Application to Driver Monitoring
* Radiogenomics: Lung Cancer-Related Genes Mutation Status Prediction
* Re-Weighted L_1 Algorithms within the Lagrange Duality Framework
* Real-Time Traffic Monitoring with Occlusion Handling
* Recognition of Arabic Handwritten Literal Amounts Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Reinforcement Learning and Neuroevolution in Flappy Bird Game
* Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation: A Semi-supervised Approach
* Segmentation in Corridor Environments: Combining Floor and Ceiling Detection
* Segmentation of Cell Nuclei in Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning
* Serious Game Controlled by a Human-Computer Interface for Upper Limb Motor Rehabilitation: A Feasibility Study
* Single View Facial Hair 3D Reconstruction
* Spectral Band Subset Selection for Discrimination of Healthy Skin and Cutaneous Leishmanial Ulcers
* Standard Plenoptic Camera Calibration for a Range of Zoom and Focus Levels
* Study of the Impact of Pre-processing Applied to Images Acquired by the Cygno Experiment
* Texture Classification Using Capsule Networks
* Towards a Joint Approach to Produce Decisions and Explanations Using CNNs
* Towards Automatic and Robust Particle Tracking in Microrheology Studies
* Towards Automatic Rat's Gait Analysis Under Suboptimal Illumination Conditions
* Uncertainty Estimation for Black-Box Classification Models: A Use Case for Sentiment Analysis
* User Modeling on Mobile Device Based on Facial Clustering and Object Detection in Photos and Videos
* Using Copies to Remove Sensitive Data: A Case Study on Fair Superhero Alignment Prediction
* Wave Front Tracking in High Speed Videos Using a Dynamic Template Matching
* Weakly-Supervised Approach for Discovering Common Objects in Airport Video Surveillance Footage, A
* Weapon Detection for Particular Scenarios Using Deep Learning
* Weighted Multisource Tradaboost
* What Is the Role of Annotations in the Detection of Dermoscopic Structures?
100 for IbPRIA19

IbPRIA22 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* Abbreviating Labelling Cost for Sentinel-2 Image Scene Classification Through Active Learning
* Automated Adequacy Assessment of Cervical Cytology Samples Using Deep Learning
* Case of Study on Traffic Cone Detection for Autonomous Racing on a Jetson Platform, A
* Characterization of Emotions Through Facial Electromyogram Signals
* Classification of Untranscribed Handwritten Notarial Documents by Textual Contents
* CleanSea Set: A Benchmark Corpus for Underwater Debris Detection and Recognition, The
* Contribution of Low, Mid and High-Level Image Features of Indoor Scenes in Predicting Human Similarity Judgements
* Deep Aesthetic Assessment and Retrieval of Breast Cancer Treatment Outcomes
* Deep Detection Models for Measuring Epidermal Bladder Cells
* Deep Learning for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease with FDG-PET Neuroimaging
* Detection of Epilepsy in EEGs Using Deep Sequence Models: A Comparative Study
* Diagnosis of Skin Cancer Using Hierarchical Neural Networks and Metadata
* Differential Gene Expression Analysis of the Most Relevant Genes for Lung Cancer Prediction and Sub-type Classification
* Digital Image Conspicuous Features Classification Using TLCNN Model with SVM Classifier
* Discriminative Learning of Two-Dimensional Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars for Mathematical Expression Recognition and Retrieval
* Domain Adaptation in Robotics: A Study Case on Kitchen Utensil Recognition
* Dynamic PCA Based Statistical Monitoring of Air Pollutant Concentrations in Wildfire Scenarios
* Edge-Based Computer Vision Approach for Determination of Sulfonamides in Water, An
* End-to-End Approach for Seam Carving Detection Using Deep Neural Networks, An
* Energy Savings in Residential Buildings Based on Adaptive Thermal Comfort Models
* Exploring Alterations in Electrocardiogram During the Postoperative Pain
* Extracting Descriptive Words from Untranscribed Handwritten Images
* Facial Emotion Recognition for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Data
* Feature-Based Classification of Archaeal Sequences Using Compression-Based Methods
* Film Shot Type Classification Based on Camera Movement Styles
* First Approach to Image Transformation Sequence Retrieval, A
* From Captions to Explanations: A Multimodal Transformer-based Architecture for Natural Language Explanation Generation
* GMM-Aided DNN Bearing Fault Diagnosis Using Sparse Autoencoder Feature Extraction
* Golf Swing Sequencing Using Computer Vision
* Heartbeat Selection Based on Outlier Removal
* Identification of External Defects on Fruits Using Deep Learning
* Improving Action Quality Assessment Using Weighted Aggregation
* Improving Licence Plate Detection Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Increased Robustness in Chest X-Ray Classification Through Clinical Report-Driven Regularization
* Incremental Vocabularies in Machine Translation Through Aligned Embedding Projections
* Innovative Vision System for Floor-Cleaning Robots Based on YOLOv5, An
* Interactive Machine Translation Framework for Modernizing the Language of Historical Documents, An
* Learning Sparse Masks for Diffusion-Based Image Inpainting
* Lesion-Based Chest Radiography Image Retrieval for Explainability in Pathology Detection
* LIDAR Signature Based Node Detection and Classification in Graph Topological Maps for Indoor Navigation
* MaxDropoutV2: An Improved Method to Drop Out Neurons in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multimodal Feature Evaluation and Fusion for Emotional Well-Being Monitorization
* On the Performance of Deep Learning Models for Respiratory Sound Classification Trained on Unbalanced Data
* On the Topological Disparity Characterization of Square-Pixel Binary Image Data by a Labeled Bipartite Graph
* On the Use of Transformers for End-to-End Optical Music Recognition
* Opt-SSL: An Enhanced Self-Supervised Framework for Food Recognition
* Proposal of a Comparative Framework for Face Super-Resolution Algorithms in Forensics
* Retrieval of Music-Notation Primitives via Image-to-Sequence Approaches
* Temporal Convolutional Networks for Robust Face Liveness Detection
* Test Sample Selection for Handwriting Recognition Through Language Modeling
* Transparent Management of Adjacencies in the Cubic Grid
* Using Bus Tracking Data to Detect Potential Hazard Driving Zones
* Visual Event-Based Egocentric Human Action Recognition
* Visual Semantic Context Encoding for Aerial Data Introspection and Domain Prediction
55 for IbPRIA22

IbPRIA23 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* Addressing Class Imbalance in Multilabel Prototype Generation for k-nearest Neighbor Classification
* Automated Detection and Identification of Olive Fruit Fly Using Yolov7 Algorithm
* Automated Orientation Detection of 3d Head Reconstructions from SMRI Using Multiview Orthographic Projections: An Image Classification-based Approach
* Automatic Eye-tracking-assisted Chest Radiography Pathology Screening
* Calibration of Non-central Conical Catadioptric Systems from Parallel Lines
* Can Representation Learning for Multimodal Image Registration be Improved by Supervision of Intermediate Layers?
* CCLM: Class-conditional Label Noise Modelling
* Clustering ECG Time Series for the Quantification of Physiological Reactions to Emotional Stimuli
* Continual Vocabularies to Tackle the Catastrophic Forgetting Problem in Machine Translation
* DARTS with Degeneracy Correction
* Deep Approach for Volumetric Tractography Segmentation, A
* Deep Neural Networks to Distinguish Between Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
* Deeparuco: Marker Detection and Classification in Challenging Lighting Conditions
* Detecting Loose Wheel Bolts of a Vehicle Using Accelerometers in the Chassis
* Enhancing Transferability of Adversarial Audio in Speaker Recognition Systems
* Ensemble-based Phenotype Classifier to Diagnose Crohn's Disease from 16s RRNA Gene Sequences, An
* ETS2 Dataset, Synthetic Data from Video Games for Monocular Depth Estimation, The
* Evaluating Domain Generalization in Kitchen Utensils Classification
* Evaluation of Regularization Techniques for Transformers-based Models
* Few-shot Image Classification for Automatic Covid-19 Diagnosis
* Few-shot Learning for Prediction of Electricity Consumption Patterns
* Fishing Gear Classification from Vessel Trajectories and Velocity Profiles: Database and Benchmark
* Fuzzy Logic Inference System for Display Characterization, A
* Guided Depth Completion Using Active Infrared Images in Time of Flight Systems
* Hierarchical Line Extremity Segmentation U-net for the Soccernet 2022 Calibration Challenge - Pitch Localization
* Identifying Thermokarst Lakes Using Discrete Wavelet Transform-based Deep Learning Framework
* Inter vs. Intra Domain Study of Covid Chest X-ray Classification with Imbalanced Datasets
* Interpretability-guided Human Feedback During Neural Network Training
* Learning Semantic-visual Embeddings with a Priority Queue
* Learning to Search for and Detect Objects in Foveal Images Using Deep Learning
* Lifelong Learning for Document Image Binarization: An Experimental Study
* Lightweight Vision Transformers for Face Verification in the Wild
* Measure of Tortuosity for 3d Curves: Identifying 3d Beating Patterns of Sperm Flagella, A
* Microgliaj: An Automatic Tool for Microglial Cell Detection and Segmentation
* Multi-view Infant Cry Classification
* Multimodal Human Pose Feature Fusion for Gait Recognition
* Object Detection for Rescue Operations by High-altitude Infrared Thermal Imaging Collected by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Object Localization with Multiplanar Fiducial Markers: Accurate Pose Estimation
* Optimal Wavelength Selection for Deep Learning from Hyperspectral Images
* Optimizing Object Detection Models via Active Learning
* Predicting the Subjective Responses' Emotion in Dialogues with Multi-task Learning
* Proxemics-net: Automatic Proxemics Recognition in Images
* PY4MER: A CTC-based Mathematical Expression Recognition System
* Real-time Unsupervised Object Localization on the Edge for Airport Video Surveillance
* Relation Networks for Few-shot Video Object Detection
* Respho(sc)net: A Zero-shot Learning Framework for Norwegian Handwritten Word Image Recognition
* S2-LOR: Supervised Stream Learning for Object Recognition
* Segmentation of Large Historical Manuscript Bundles into Multi-page Deeds
* Smart-tree: Neural Medial Axis Approximation of Point Clouds for 3d Tree Skeletonization
* Stocamo: Online Calibration Monitoring for Stereo Cameras
* Study and Automatic Translation of Toki Pona
* Study of Augmentation Methods for Handwritten Stenography Recognition, A
* Synthetic Spermatozoa Video Sequences Generation Using Adversarial Imitation Learning
* Test-time Augmentation for Document Image Binarization
* Time Series Imputation in Faulty Systems
* Weakly-supervised Approach for Layout Analysis in Music Score Images, A
57 for IbPRIA23

Index for "i"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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