Index for jung

Jung, A. Co Author Listing * Correction to A New Type of Space Telescope for Observation of Extreme Lightning Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere
* Graphical LASSO based Model Selection for Time Series
* Hyperspectral Imaging for Fine to Medium Scale Applications in Environmental Sciences
* In Situ/Remote Sensing Integration to Assess Forest Health: A Review
* Information-Theoretic Approach to Personalized Explainable Machine Learning, An
* Iterative Recovery of Dense Signals from Incomplete Measurements
* Linking Remote Sensing and Geodiversity and Their Traits Relevant to Biodiversity: Part I: Soil Characteristics
* Local Graph Clustering With Network Lasso
* Localized Linear Regression in Networked Data
* Low-weight and UAV-based Hyperspectral Full-frame Cameras for Monitoring Crops: Spectral Comparison with Portable Spectroradiometer Measurements
* Monitoring Water Diversity and Water Quality with Remote Sensing and Traits
* On the Duality Between Network Flows and Network Lasso
* Overview of Experimental Setups in Spectroscopic Laboratory Measurements: The SpecTour Project
* Potential of Digital Sensors for Land Cover and Tree Species Classifications A Case Study in the Framework of the DGPF-Project
* Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity: Part III: Traits, Processes and Remote Sensing Characteristics
* Scale-aware token-matching for transformer-based object detector
* Short-Term Prediction of Electricity Outages Caused by Convective Storms
* Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging for Soil Diagnostics: Results of a Case Study in the Spectral Laboratory
* Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III: Requirements for a Scalable Multi-Source Forest Health Monitoring Network Based on Data Science Approaches
* Underwater Use of a Hyperspectral Camera to Estimate Optically Active Substances in the Water Column of Freshwater Lakes
* Use of a Portable Camera for Proximal Soil Sensing with Hyperspectral Image Data
* White-reference based post-correction method for multi-source spectral libraries
Includes: Jung, A. Jung, A.[András] Jung, A.[Alexander] Jung, A.[Aecheon]
22 for Jung, A.

Jung, B.[Bongsoo] Co Author Listing * Adaptive slice-level parallelism for H.264/AVC encoding using pre macroblock mode selection
* Variant Design in Immersive Virtual Reality: A Markup Language for Scalable CSG Parts
Includes: Jung, B.[Bongsoo] Jung, B.[Bernhard]

Jung, B.K.[Bong Kyu] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Radio-Shaded Areas in the Geoje Island Sea Based on the Automatic Identification System (AIS)
Includes: Jung, B.K.[Bong Kyu] Jung, B.K.[Bong-Kyu]

Jung, C.[Christopher] Co Author Listing * Application of Satellite Data for Estimating Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Potential
* Backlight scaled contrast enhancement for liquid crystal displays using image key-based compression
* Bayesian image denoising using two complementary discontinuity measures
* Blind Deblurring of Text Images Using a Text-Specific Hybrid Dictionary
* Boundary-preserving stereo matching with certain region detection and adaptive disparity adjustment
* CNN-Based Multi-Focus Image Fusion with Light Field Data
* Color-guided boundary-preserving depth upsampling based on L0 gradient minimization
* Comp-LOP: Complex form of local orientation plane for object tracking
* Content adaptive video denoising based on human visual perception
* Cross Spectral Disparity Estimation From VIS and NIR Paired Images Using Disentangled Representation and Reversible Neural Networks
* Curvature preserving image super-resolution with gradient-consistency-anisotropic-regularization prior
* DCSR: Dilated Convolutions for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Deep face generation from a rough sketch using multi-level generative adversarial networks
* Deep Fusion of RGB and NIR Paired Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Deep Fusion of Visible and Near Infrared Images for Registration and Defogging Using Cross Modal Transformer
* Deep Near Infrared Colorization with Semantic Segmentation and Transfer Learning
* Depth map estimation based on geometric scene categorization
* Detail-preserving tone mapping for low dynamic range displays with adaptive gamma correction
* Determining the Existence of Objects in an Image and Its Application to Image Thumbnailing
* Discriminative Structure Learning for Semantic Concept Detection With Graph Embedding
* DSRNet: Depth Super-Resolution Network guided by blurry depth and clear intensity edges
* Dual Back-Projection-Based Internal Learning for Blind Super-Resolution
* Example-Based Video Stereolization With Foreground Segmentation and Depth Propagation
* fast deconvolution-based approach for single-image super-resolution with GPU acceleration, A
* Fully Convolutional Siamese Fusion Networks for Object Tracking
* Global-Local Embedding Module for Fashion Landmark Detection, A
* Guided filtering based data fusion for light field depth estimation with L0 gradient minimization
* Head pose estimation using deep neural networks and 3D point clouds
* Hybrid Integration of Visual Attention Model into Image Quality Metric
* Image deblocking via sparse representation
* Image-guided depth propagation using superpixel matching and adaptive autoregressive model
* Intensity-Guided Depth Upsampling Using Edge Sparsity and Weighted L_0 Gradient Minimization
* Intensity-guided edge-preserving depth upsampling through weighted L0 gradient minimization
* Interaction-free hand segmentation using kinect camera
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Constraint Propagation
* Interactive image segmentation via kernel propagation
* Joint Contrast Enhancement and Noise Reduction of Low Light Images Via JND Transform
* Joint Reflection Removal and Depth Estimation from a Single Image
* Korean-English bilingual videotext recognition for news headline generation based on a split-merge strategy
* Large Language Model-Driven Structured Output: A Comprehensive Benchmark and Spatial Data Generation Framework
* Learned Image Compression Using a Long and Short Attention Module
* Learning to Discriminate Information for Online Action Detection
* Learning to Discriminate Information for Online Action Detection: Analysis and Application
* Lightweight CNN-Based in-Loop Filter for VVC Intra Coding
* Low Light Image Denoising Based on Poisson Noise Model and Weighted TV Regularization
* Low Light Image Enhancement by Multispectral Fusion and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Low Light Image Enhancement by Multispectral Fusion of RGB and NIR Images
* Low light image enhancement with dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Multi-Spectral Fusion and Denoising of RGB and NIR Images Using Multi-Scale Wavelet Analysis
* Multiple Connected Residual Network for Image Enhancement on Smartphones
* Multisensor Collaboration Network for Video Compression Based on Wavelet Decomposition
* Naturalness-preserved tone mapping in images based on perceptual quantization
* NIR Image Colorization Using SPADE Generator and Grayscale Approximated Self-Reconstruction
* Optimized Perceptual Tone Mapping for Contrast Enhancement of Images
* Patch-Based Stereo Matching Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Perceptual backlight scaling for low power liquid crystal displays based on visual saliency
* Perceptual contrast enhancement of dark images based on textural coefficients
* Perceptual stereoscopic video coding using disparity just-noticeable-distortion model
* PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones: Report
* Point-cut: Fixation point-based image segmentation using random walk model
* Position-Patch Based Face Hallucination Using Convex Optimization
* Power-constrained backlight scaling using brightness compensated contrast-tone mapping operation
* Progressive Face Super-Resolution with Non-Parametric Facial Prior Enhancement
* Readability Enhancement of Displayed Images Under Ambient Light
* Real-time estimation of 3D scene geometry from a single image
* Reliability-Based Discontinuity-Preserving Stereo Matching
* Revisiting the Regression between Raw Outputs of Image Quality Metrics and Ground Truth Measurements
* Saliency refinement: Towards a uniformly highlighted salient object
* Selective Progressive Learning for Sparse Depth Completion
* Semi-Supervised Bi-Dictionary Learning for Image Classification With Smooth Representation-Based Label Propagation
* Semi-supervised kernel matrix learning using adaptive constraint-based seed propagation
* Sensitivity Enhancement in Magnetic Particle Imaging by Background Subtraction
* Siamese Dense Network for Reflection Removal with Flash and No-Flash Image Pairs
* Single Image Reflection Removal Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection and Its Applications in Static and Dynamic Scenes
* SQI-based illumination normalization for face recognition based on discrete wavelet transform
* SRG: Snippet Relatedness-Based Temporal Action Proposal Generator
* Structure tensor-based WLS filter for adaptive smoothing
* Subband Adaptive Enhancement of Low Light Images Using Wavelet-Based Convolutional Neural Networks
* Superpixel matching-based depth propagation for 2D-to-3D conversion with joint bilateral filtering
* Temporal filtering networks for online action detection
* Tone-preserving contrast enhancement in images using rational tone mapping and constrained optimization
* Unified Spectral-Domain Approach for Saliency Detection and Its Application to Automatic Object Segmentation, A
* Unsupervised discriminative feature learning via finding a clustering-friendly embedding space
* Variational Fusion of Time-of-Flight and Stereo Data for Depth Estimation Using Edge-Selective Joint Filtering
* Variational fusion of time-of-flight and stereo data using edge selective joint filtering
* Visual Attention-Aware High Dynamic Range Quantization for HEVC Video Coding
* Visual comfort assessment for stereoscopic 3D images based on salient discomfort regions
* Weakly-supervised temporal attention 3D network for human action recognition
* Weighted Chroma Downsampling and Luma-Referenced Chroma Upsampling for HDR/WCG Video Coding
Includes: Jung, C.[Christopher] Jung, C. Jung, C.[Cheolkon] Jung, C.[Chanho] Jung, C.[Cheol_Kon] Jung, C.[Calvin] Jung, C.[Christian]
90 for Jung, C.

Jung, C.D.[Chang Dae] Co Author Listing * Color fringe correction based on image fusion
Includes: Jung, C.D.[Chang Dae] Jung, C.D.[Chang-Dae]

Jung, C.G.[Chung Gil] Co Author Listing * Performance Evaluation of the Multiple Quantile Regression Model for Estimating Spatial Soil Moisture after Filtering Soil Moisture Outliers
* Soil Moisture Content Estimation Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery Using an Artificial Neural Network and Hydrological Components
* Study of Spatial Soil Moisture Estimation Using a Multiple Linear Regression Model and MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data Corrected by Conditional Merging, A
Includes: Jung, C.G.[Chung Gil] Jung, C.G.[Chung-Gil]

Jung, C.H.[Chang Ho] Co Author Listing * High Quality Perceptual Steganographic Techniques
* Impacts of Single-Scattering and Microphysical Properties of Ice Particles Smaller Than 100 muM on the Bulk Radiative Properties of Tropical Cirrus, The
* Iterative Method for Preserving Edges and Reducing Noise in High Resolution Image Reconstruction, An
* Motion skip mode using dynamic property of anchor pictures in multi-view video coding
* novel monochromatic cue for detecting regions of visual interest, A
* Steganographic Scheme Using a Block Cipher
* Theoretical Calculations of Directional Scattering Intensities of Small Nonspherical Ice Crystals: Implications for Forward Scattering Probes
Includes: Jung, C.H.[Chang Ho] Jung, C.H.[Chang-Ho] Jung, C.H.[Chang Hoon] Jung, C.H.[Chan-Ho] Jung, C.H.[Choong-Hyun]
7 for Jung, C.H.

Jung, C.K.[Cheol Kon] Co Author Listing * Accurate text localization in images based on SVM output scores
* Adaptive perceptual quantizer for high dynamic range video compression
* Adaptive PQ: Adaptive perceptual quantizer for HEVC main 10 profile-based HDR video coding
* Automatic Segmentation of Non-rigid Objects in Image Sequences Using Spatiotemporal Information
* Backward compatible opto-electrical transfer function for HDR video coding based on rational quantization
* HEVC encoder optimization for HDR video coding based on irregularity concealment effect
* HEVC encoder optimization for HDR video coding based on perceptual block merging
* High-Quality Virtual View Synthesis for Light Field Cameras Using Multi-Loss Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-Modal Reflection Removal Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Perceptual block merging for quadtree-based partitioning in HEVC using disorderly concealment effect
* Robust detection of key captions for sports video understanding
* stroke filter and its application to text localization, A
* Stroke Filter for Text Localization in Video Images
Includes: Jung, C.K.[Cheol Kon] Jung, C.K.[Cheol-Kon]
13 for Jung, C.K.

Jung, C.R.[Claudio R.] Co Author Listing * 3D Scene Geometry Estimation from 360° Imagery: A Survey
* Adaptive image denoising and edge enhancement in scale-space using the wavelet transform
* Adaptive image denoising using scale and space consistency
* Adaptive scale selection for multiresolution defocus blur estimation
* Artifact-Type Aware DIBR Method for View Synthesis, An
* Audiovisual voice activity detection using off-the-shelf cameras
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Road Lane Markings Using Onboard Vehicular Cameras
* Camera Self-Calibration Based on Nonlinear Optimization and Applications in Surveillance Systems
* Can we trust bounding box annotations for object detection?
* Color-based lips extraction applied to voice activity detection
* Combining patch matching and detection for robust pedestrian tracking in monocular calibrated cameras
* Combining wavelets and watersheds for robust multiscale image segmentation
* Crowd Analysis Using Computer Vision Techniques
* Deep Multi-Scale Feature Learning for Defocus Blur Estimation
* Detection of Global and Local Motion Changes in Human Crowds
* Distilling Knowledge from Refinement in Multiple Instance Detection Networks
* Dynamic Time Warping for Music Conducting Gestures Evaluation
* Edge-Based Defocus Blur Estimation With Adaptive Scale Selection
* Efficient Background Subtraction and Shadow Removal for Monochromatic Video Sequences
* evaluation of stereo matching methods for view interpolation, An
* Event Detection Using Trajectory Clustering and 4-D Histograms
* Facial expression recognition using temporal POEM features
* Flexible Approach for Automatic License Plate Recognition in Unconstrained Scenarios, A
* Hand and object segmentation from RGB-D images for interaction with planar surfaces
* Head-shoulder human contour estimation in still images
* Hierarchical Superpixel-Based Approach for DIBR View Synthesis, A
* Human upper body identification from images
* Image processing, computer vision and pattern recognition in Latin America
* Indoor Depth Estimation from Single Spherical Images
* lane departure warning system based on a linear-parabolic lane model, A
* Lane following and lane departure using a linear-parabolic model
* License Plate Detection and Recognition in Unconstrained Scenarios
* Low-cost license plate detection using a calibrated camera
* Multimodal Multi-Channel On-Line Speaker Diarization Using Sensor Fusion Through SVM
* Multiview image and video interpolation using weighted vector median filters
* National-Scale 1-km Resolution PM2.5 Estimation Model over Japan Using MAIAC AOD and a Two-Stage Random Forest Model, A
* Object tracking using multiple fragments
* Omnidirectional 2.5D representation for COVID-19 diagnosis using chest CTs
* Perturbation Analysis of the 8-Point Algorithm: A Case Study for Wide FoV Cameras
* Pose Estimation for Two-View Panoramas based on Keypoint Matching: A Comparative Study and Critical Analysis
* Probabilistic Intersection-Over-Union for Training and Evaluation of Oriented Object Detectors
* Real-time license plate detection and recognition using deep convolutional neural networks
* Robust watershed segmentation using wavelets
* Self-occlusion and 3D pose estimation in still images
* Simultaneous-Speaker Voice Activity Detection and Localization Using Mid-Fusion of SVM and HMMs
* Single-Panorama Classification of 3D Objects Using Horizontally Stacked Dilated Convolutions
* Skeleton-based human segmentation in still images
* Stereo Matching and View Interpolation Based on Image Domain Triangulation
* Stereo matching based on image triangulation for view synthesis
* SVBR-Net: A Non-Blind Spatially Varying Defocus Blur Removal Network
* Target Tracking Using Multiple Patches and Weighted Vector Median Filters
* Temporal Consistency for Still Image Based Defocus Blur Estimation Methods
* Temporally Coherent Background Model for DIBR View Synthesis, A
* Unsupervised multiscale segmentation of color images
* Voice activity detection and speaker localization using audiovisual cues
Includes: Jung, C.R.[Claudio R.] Jung, C.R.[Cláudio Rosito] Jung, C.R. Jung, C.R.[Claudio Rosito] Jung, C.R.[Cláudio R.] Jung, C.R.[C. Rosito] Jung, C.R.[Chau-Ren]
55 for Jung, C.R.

Jung, C.S.[Chi Sang] Co Author Listing * Estimating redundancy information of selected features in multi-dimensional pattern classification
* Rate-Distortion Based Image Segmentation Using Recursive Merging
* Waveform Interpolation-Based Speech Analysis/Synthesis for HMM-Based TTS Systems
Includes: Jung, C.S.[Chi Sang] Jung, C.S.[Chi-Sang] Jung, C.S.

Jung, C.Y.[Chang Yeol] Co Author Listing * Exact Inversion of the Cone Transform Arising in an Application of a Compton Camera Consisting of Line Detectors
* Exploring Patch-wise Semantic Relation for Contrastive Learning in Image-to-Image Translation Tasks
* Optimal Transport Driven CycleGAN for Unsupervised Learning in Inverse Problems
* Self-Supervised Debiasing Using Low Rank Regularization
Includes: Jung, C.Y.[Chang Yeol] Jung, C.Y.[Chang-Yeol] Jung, C.Y.[Chan-Yong]

Jung, D. Co Author Listing * Arbitrary Style Transfer Using Graph Instance Normalization
* Attentive Semantic Alignment with Offset-Aware Correlation Kernels
* Best-Next-View-Selection Algorithm for Multi-view Rendering, A
* Burst Image Super-Resolution with Base Frame Selection
* Damage-Map Estimation Using UAV Images and Deep Learning Algorithms for Disaster Management System
* Development of Geo-KOMPSAT-2A Algorithm for Sea-Ice Detection Using Himawari-8/AHI Data
* Devil's on the Edges: Selective Quad Attention for Scene Graph Generation
* Efficient Depth-Compensated Interpolation for Full Parallax Displays
* Efficient Diffusion-driven Corruption Editor for Test-time Adaptation
* Efficient Rendering of Light Field Images
* Evaluation of Sea Ice Radiative Forcing according to Surface Albedo and Skin Temperature over the Arctic from 1982-2015
* Few-shot Metric Learning: Online Adaptation of Embedding for Retrieval
* Generating Instance-level Prompts for Rehearsal-free Continual Learning
* iCaps: An Interpretable Classifier via Disentangled Capsule Networks
* Just a Few Points are All You Need for Multi-view Stereo: A Novel Semi-supervised Learning Method for Multi-view Stereo
* Near-Surface Air Temperature Retrieval Using a Deep Neural Network from Satellite Observations over South Korea
* New Algorithm to Estimate Chlorophyll-A Concentrations in Turbid Yellow Sea Water Using a Multispectral Sensor in a Low-Altitude Remote Sensing System, A
* Real-Time Neighborhood Based Disparity Estimation Incorporating Temporal Evidence
* Refractive Plane Sweep for Underwater Images
* Relational Context Learning for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Retrieval and Uncertainty Analysis of Land Surface Reflectance Using a Geostationary Ocean Color Imager
* TMO: Textured Mesh Acquisition of Objects with a Mobile Device by using Differentiable Rendering
* Wildfire-Detection Method Using DenseNet and CycleGAN Data Augmentation-Based Remote Camera Imagery
Includes: Jung, D. Jung, D.[Deunsol] Jung, D.[Daekyo] Jung, D.[Daeseong] Jung, D.[Daniel] Jung, D.[Dahuin] Jung, D.[Dongki] Jung, D.[Dawoon]
23 for Jung, D.

Jung, D.H.[Dae Hwan] Co Author Listing * Sparse Scene Recovery for High-Resolution Automobile FMCW SAR via Scaled Compressed Sensing
Includes: Jung, D.H.[Dae Hwan] Jung, D.H.[Dae-Hwan]

Jung, D.J.[Dae Jin] Co Author Listing * Detecting Re-captured Videos Using Shot-Based Photo Response Non-Uniformity
* Detection and Tracking of Face by a Walking Robot
* Fingerprint-PKI authentication using Zernike moments
* Recaptured video detection based on sensor pattern noise
* Vision-Based Game Interface Using Human Gesture
Includes: Jung, D.J.[Dae Jin] Jung, D.J.[Dae-Jin] Jung, D.J.[Do Joon]

Jung, D.K.[Dong Ki] Co Author Listing * DnD: Dense Depth Estimation in Crowded Dynamic Indoor Scenes
Includes: Jung, D.K.[Dong Ki] Jung, D.K.[Dong-Ki]

Jung, D.M. Co Author Listing * Joint Feature and Classifier Design for OCR Based on a Small Training Set
* N-Tuple Features for OCR Revisited

Jung, D.S.[Daniel Sungho] Co Author Listing * Cyclic Test-Time Adaptation on Monocular Video for 3D Human Mesh Reconstruction
* Extract-and-Adaptation Network for 3D Interacting Hand Mesh Recovery
* Joint Reconstruction of 3D Human and Object via Contact-Based Refinement Transformer

Jung, D.U.[Da Un] Co Author Listing * 3D Footwear Model Matching System using Two Cameras
* hand tracking framework using the 3D active tracking volume, A
* Model-based gait tracking method: A review of recent development gesture interaction
Includes: Jung, D.U.[Da Un] Jung, D.U.[Da-Un]

Jung, D.W.[Dong Wook] Co Author Listing * Document image binarization based on topographic analysis using a water flow model
Includes: Jung, D.W.[Dong Wook] Jung, D.W.[Dong-Wook]

Jung, D.Y.[Dae Yon] Co Author Listing * Efficient learning of sparse, distributed, convolutional feature representations for object recognition

Jung, E.[Eunseo] Co Author Listing * Boosting Weak Learners With Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Enhanced Stacking Models: An Application on Driver Emotion Classification
* Conditional GAN with 3D discriminator for MRI generation of Alzheimer's disease progression
* Statistical Characteristics of Cloud Occurrence and Vertical Structure Observed by a Ground-Based Ka-Band Cloud Radar in South Korea
Includes: Jung, E.[Eunseo] Jung, E.[Euijin] Jung, E.[Eunsil]

Jung, E.H.[Eui Hyun] Co Author Listing * Robust Digital Watermarking Adopting 2D Barcode, A
Includes: Jung, E.H.[Eui Hyun] Jung, E.H.[Eui-Hyun]

Jung, E.J.[Eun Jin] Co Author Listing * On the Fast Shape Recovery Technique Using Multiple Ring Lights
* Recovery of 3-D shape using hybrid reflectance model
Includes: Jung, E.J.[Eun Jin] Jung, E.J.[Eun-Jin]

Jung, E.K.[Eun Ku] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Transform Coefficient Scan for H.264 Intra Coding
Includes: Jung, E.K.[Eun Ku] Jung, E.K.[Eun-Ku]

Jung, E.S.[Eun Soo] Co Author Listing * DUET: Detection Utilizing Enhancement for Text in Scanned or Captured Documents
Includes: Jung, E.S.[Eun Soo] Jung, E.S.[Eun-Soo]

Jung, F.[Franck] Co Author Listing * 3D Road-Mark Reconstruction from Multiple Calibrated Aerial Images
* Detecting building changes from multitemporal aerial stereopairs
* Extracting 3D Edgels Hypotheses From Multiple Calibrated Images: A Step Towards Curved Objects Boundary Lines Reconstruction
* Extracting 3D Free-Form Surface Boundaries of Man-Made Objects from Multiple Calibrated Images: A Robust, Accurate and High Resolving Power Edgel Matching and Chaining Approach
* Five Points Pose Problem: A New and Accurate Solution Adapted to Any Geometric Configuration, The
* graph cut optimization guided by 3D-features for surface height recovery, A
* Multi-Image 3D Feature and DSM Extraction for Change Detection and Building Reconstruction
* New Solution to the Relative Orientation Problem Using Only 3 Points and the Vertical Direction, A
* Recognizing Buildings in Aerial Images
* Robust and Automatic Vanishing Points Detection with Their Uncertainties from a Single Uncalibrated Image, by Planes Extraction on the Unit Sphere
* Supervised Classification Approach Towards Quality Self-Diagnosis of 3D Building Models Using Digital Aerial Imagery, A
Includes: Jung, F.[Franck] Jung, F.
11 for Jung, F.

Jung, G.[Geunyoung] Co Author Listing * BlackVIP: Black-Box Visual Prompting for Robust Transfer Learning
* Fast Full Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation Using Priority of Matching Scan, A
* Fast Motion Estimator for Real-Time System, A
* Tutorial on Matching-based Causal Analysis of Human Behaviors Using Smartphone Sensor Data
Includes: Jung, G.[Geunyoung] Jung, G.[Gwang] Jung, G. Jung, G.[Gyuwon]

Jung, G.J. Co Author Listing * Information Distance-Based Subvector Clustering for ASR Parameter Quantization

Jung, G.S. Co Author Listing * 3D CAD Drawing Watermarking Based on Three Components
* Efficient Video Watermarking Scheme Using Adaptive Threshold and Minimum Modification on Motion Vectors, An
* Focused augmented mirror based on human visual perception
* Two-Phase Calibration for a Mirror Metaphor Augmented Reality System
Includes: Jung, G.S. Jung, G.S.[Gwang-Seok] Jung, G.S.[Gi Sook]

Jung, H.[Heechul] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Bias Discovery for Learning Debiased Classifier
* AnyFlow: Arbitrary Scale Optical Flow with Implicit Neural Representation
* Autofocusing Technique Based on Generalized Multilayer Stolt Migration
* Bin-wise Temperature Scaling (BTS): Improvement in Confidence Calibration Performance through Simple Scaling Techniques
* Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis-Based Semi-Supervised Training for Object Detection
* ConfTrack: Kalman Filter-based Multi-Person Tracking by Utilizing Confidence Score of Detection Box
* Data Orchestration for Accelerating GPU-Based Light Field Rendering Aiming at a Wide Virtual Space
* Deeply Aggregated Alternating Minimization for Image Restoration
* Depth prediction from a single image with conditional adversarial networks
* Development of deep learning-based facial expression recognition system
* Development of Fast Refinement Detectors on AI Edge Platforms
* Distinctive-Attribute Extraction for Image Captioning
* Drone-Aided Blockchain-Based Smart Vehicular Network, A
* Dynamic Pricing for Intelligent Transportation System in the 6G Unlicensed Band
* Edge-Aware 3D Instance Segmentation Network with Intelligent Semantic Prior
* Energy Efficiency and Hover Time Optimization in UAV-Based HetNets
* Enhancing Multi-view Pedestrian Detection Through Generalized 3D Feature Pulling
* EVET: Enhancing Visual Explanations of Deep Neural Networks Using Image Transformations
* Fast Signal Separation of 2-D Sparse Mixture via Approximate Message-Passing
* Feasibility Evaluation of Oversize Load Transportation Using Conditional Rewarded Deep Q-Networks
* Fine-grained Semantics-aware Representation Enhancement for Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* FixBi: Bridging Domain Spaces for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Flexibly Connectable Light Field System For Free View Exploration
* Geometry Transfer for Stylizing Radiance Fields
* Holo-Relighting: Controllable Volumetric Portrait Relighting from a Single Image
* Impacts of Single-Scattering and Microphysical Properties of Ice Particles Smaller Than 100 muM on the Bulk Radiative Properties of Tropical Cirrus, The
* Indoor Subspacing to Implement IndoorGML for Indoor Navigation
* InstaFormer++: Multi-Domain Instance-Aware Image-to-Image Translation with Transformer
* Interpreting Undesirable Pixels for Image Classification on Black-Box Models
* Joint Fine-Tuning in Deep Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Jointly Optimize Positive and Negative Saliencies for Black Box Classifiers
* Learning Deeply Aggregated Alternating Minimization for General Inverse Problems
* Learning Receptive Field Size by Learning Filter Size
* MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge
* Motion estimated and compensated compressed sensing dynamic magnetic resonance imaging: What we can learn from video compression techniques
* Multi-Task Learning Framework for Motion Estimation and Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Neural Architecture Adaptation for Object Detection by Searching Channel Dimensions and Mapping Pre-trained Parameters
* On Minimizing the Age of Information in NOMA-Based Vehicular Networks Using Markov Decision Process
* Quantifying the Potential Contribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation to Coastal Carbon Capture in a Delta System from Field and Landsat 8/9-Operational Land Imager (OLI) Data with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Randomized Voting-Based Rigid-Body Motion Segmentation
* RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference for Resource-Constrained Deep Learning
* Re-VoxelDet: Rethinking Neck and Head Architectures for High-Performance Voxel-based 3D Detection
* Real-Time Localization for Underwater Moving Object Using Precalculated DC Electric Field Template
* Relightful Harmonization: Lighting-Aware Portrait Background Replacement
* ResNet-Based Vehicle Classification and Localization in Traffic Surveillance Systems
* Rigid Motion Segmentation Using Randomized Voting
* Rotating your face using multi-task deep neural network
* SSP-Tree: A Method for Distributed Processing of Range Monitoring Queries in Road Networks, The
* Swapanything: Enabling Arbitrary Object Swapping in Personalized Image Editing
* Towards Better Explanations of Class Activation Mapping
* Training Domain-invariant Object Detector Faster with Feature Replay and Slow Learner
* Unsupervised Deep Image Fusion With Structure Tensor Representations
* Video correction apparatus for camcorder
* Visiontrap: Vision-augmented Trajectory Prediction Guided by Textual Descriptions
Includes: Jung, H.[Heechul] Jung, H.[Hyunyoung] Jung, H. Jung, H.[Hyeonchul] Jung, H.[Hyunmin] Jung, H.[Hyedong] Jung, H.[Haejoon] Jung, H.[Hwanhee] Jung, H.[Hyungjoo] Jung, H.[Hyungsik] Jung, H.[Hyoyoung] Jung, H.[Hyunjin] Jung, H.[HyunJoon] Jung, H.[Heejung] Jung, H.[Homin] Jung, H.[Hyun] Jung, H.[Hong] Jung, H.[Harim] Jung, H.[Hoonshin] Jung, H.[Ho] Jung, H.[Hee_Chul] Jung, H.[Ha_Rim] Jung, H.[Han] Jung, H.[Haeji]
54 for Jung, H.

Jung, H.C.[Ho Choul] Co Author Listing * Authenticating corrupted face image based on noise model
* Authenticating Corrupted Facial Images on Stand-Alone DSP System
* Authenticating corrupted photo images based on noise parameter estimation
* Corrupted Face Image Authentication Based on Noise Model
* Estimation of Water Level Changes of Large-Scale Amazon Wetlands Using ALOS2 ScanSAR Differential Interferometry
* Joint motion and residual information latent representation for P-frame coding
* Lake Chad Total Surface Water Area as Derived from Land Surface Temperature and Radar Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Reservoir Drought Dynamics with Landsat and Radar/Lidar Altimetry Time Series in Persistently Cloudy Eastern Brazil
* Monitoring River Basin Development and Variation in Water Resources in Transboundary Imjin River in North and South Korea Using Remote Sensing
* Multi-Mode Intra Prediction for Learning-Based Image Compression
* Phase-Decomposition-Based PSInSAR Processing Method, A
* Rate-constrained learning-based image compression
* Real-Time Implementation of Face Recognition Algorithms on DSP Chip
* Sensitivity of a Floodplain Hydrodynamic Model to Satellite-Based DEM Scale and Accuracy: Case Study: The Atchafalaya Basin
* Statistical Analysis for Tidal Flat Classification and Topography Using Multitemporal SAR Backscattering Coefficients
* Toward Estimating Wetland Water Level Changes Based on Hydrological Sensitivity Analysis of PALSAR Backscattering Coefficients over Different Vegetation Fields
* Uncertainties in Evapotranspiration Estimates over West Africa
* Visual Navigation for a Mobile Robot Using Landmarks
Includes: Jung, H.C.[Ho Choul] Jung, H.C.[Ho-Choul] Jung, H.C.[Ho-Cheol] Jung, H.C.[Hahn Chul] Jung, H.C. Jung, H.C.[Henrique C.]
18 for Jung, H.C.

Jung, H.G.[Ho Gi] Co Author Listing * Analysis of reduced-set construction using image reconstruction from a HOG feature vector
* Automatic free parking space detection by using motion stereo-based 3D reconstruction
* Background Compensation for Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras Using 1-D Feature Matching and Outlier Rejection
* Counterfactual explanation based on gradual construction for deep networks
* Deep Neural Network-Based Flood Monitoring System Fusing RGB and LWIR Cameras for Embedded IoT Edge Devices
* Dense Stereo-Based Robust Vertical Road Profile Estimation Using Hough Transform and Dynamic Programming
* End-to-End Trainable One-Stage Parking Slot Detection Integrating Global and Local Information
* Enhancing Light Blob Detection for Intelligent Headlight Control Using Lane Detection
* Face occlusion detection by using B-spline active contour and skin color information
* Internal-to-internal transition method for consecutive hierarchical template matching
* K-center algorithm for hierarchical binary template matching
* Light-Stripe-Projection-Based Target Position Designation for Intelligent Parking-Assist System
* Mixture of Gaussians-Based Background Subtraction for Bayer-Pattern Image Sequences
* New Approach to Urban Pedestrian Detection for Automatic Braking, A
* Non-intrusive Iris Image Capturing System Using Light Stripe Projection and Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera
* Oblique aerial image matching based on iterative simulation and homography evaluation
* Outlier rejection for cameras on intelligent vehicles
* Precise Localization of an Autonomous Car Based on Probabilistic Noise Models of Road Surface Marker Features Using Multiple Cameras
* Precrash Dipping Nose (PCDN) Needs Pedestrian Recognition
* Radial Distortion Refinement by Inverse Mapping-Based Extrapolation
* Real-Time Gaze Estimator Based on Driver's Head Orientation for Forward Collision Warning System
* Rearview Camera-Based Backover Warning System Exploiting a Combination of Pose-Specific Pedestrian Recognitions
* Rearview Camera-Based Stixel Generation for Backing Crash Prevention
* Recognizability assessment of facial images for automated teller machine applications
* Scanning Laser Radar-Based Target Position Designation for Parking Aid System
* Sensor Fusion Based Obstacle Detection/Classification for Active Pedestrian Protection System
* Sensor Fusion-Based Low-Cost Vehicle Localization System for Complex Urban Environments
* Sensor Fusion-Based Vacant Parking Slot Detection and Tracking
* Spatial reasoning for few-shot object detection
* Stereo Vision Based Localization of Free Parking Site
* Structure Analysis Based Parking Slot Marking Recognition for Semi-automatic Parking System
* Support vector number reduction by extending iterative preimage addition using genetic algorithm-based preimage estimation
* Support Vector Number Reduction: Survey and Experimental Evaluations
Includes: Jung, H.G.[Ho Gi] Jung, H.G. Jung, H.G.[Hong-Gyu]
33 for Jung, H.G.

Jung, H.J.[Hyung Joo] Co Author Listing * Automatic 2D-to-3D conversion using multi-scale deep neural network
* Deep Monocular Depth Estimation via Integration of Global and Local Predictions
* Distributed Video Decoding on Hadoop
* Dynamic Response Measurement and Cable Tension Estimation Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Enhanced Sequence Matching for Action Recognition from 3D Skeletal Data
* HouseCat6D: A Large-Scale Multi-Modal Category Level 6D Object Perception Dataset with Household Objects in Realistic Scenarios
* InstantBooth: Personalized Text-to-Image Generation without Test-Time Finetuning
* LightPainter: Interactive Portrait Relighting with Freehand Scribble
* Modeling temporal structure of complex actions using Bag-of-Sequencelets
* On the Importance of Accurate Geometry Data for Dense 3D Vision Tasks
* PhoCaL: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation with Photometrically Challenging Objects
* Polarimetric Pose Prediction
* Robust Monocular Depth Estimation under Challenging Conditions
* Two-dimensional local ternary patterns using synchronized images for outdoor place categorization
* Versatile Model for Activity Recognition: Sequencelet Corpus Model
* Wild ToFu: Improving Range and Quality of Indirect Time-of-Flight Depth with RGB Fusion in Challenging Environments
Includes: Jung, H.J.[Hyung Joo] Jung, H.J.[Hyung-Joo] Jung, H.J.[Hyeon-Jin] Jung, H.J.[Hyung-Jo] Jung, H.J.[Hyun-Joo] Jung, H.J.[Hyun-Jun] Jung, H.J.[Hyun Joon] Jung, H.J.[Hyun-Joon] Jung, H.J.[Ho-Jung]
16 for Jung, H.J.

Jung, H.K. Co Author Listing * Real-Time Underwater Object Detection Based on DC Resistivity Method
* Trinocular Stereo Sequence Coding Based on MPEG-2

Jung, H.M. Co Author Listing * HD-VCR Codec for Studio Application Using Quadtree Structured Binary Symbols in Wavelet Transform Domain
* Method and apparatus for detecting motion vectors based on hierarchical motion estimation
* Method and apparatus for encoding a video signal using feature point based motion estimation
* Method and apparatus for encoding a video signal using pixel-by-pixel motion prediction
* Method for segmenting and estimating a moving object motion using a hierarchy of motion models
* Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
Includes: Jung, H.M. Jung, H.M.[Hae-Mook] Jung, H.M.[Ho Min]

Jung, H.S.[Hyung Sup] Co Author Listing * Automated Bias-Compensation Approach for Pushbroom Sensor Modeling Using Digital Elevation Model
* Automatic Ship Detection Using the Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine from X-Band SAR Satellite Images
* Detecting the Source Location of Recent Summit Inflation via Three-Dimensional InSAR Observation of Kilauea Volcano
* Detection and Restoration of Defective Lines in the SPOT 4 SWIR Band
* Earth Observation from KOMPSAT Optical, Thermal, and Radar Satellite Images
* Error-resilient video coding using long-term memory prediction and feedback channel
* Feasibility of Along-Track Displacement Measurement From Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide-Swath Mode
* Forest Vertical Structure Mapping Using Multi-Seasonal UAV Images and Lidar Data via Modified U-Net Approaches
* Forest Vertical Structure Mapping Using Two-Seasonal Optic Images and LiDAR DSM Acquired from UAV Platform through Random Forest, XGBoost, and Support Vector Machine Approaches
* Formulation of distortion error for the line-of-sight (LOS) vector adjustment model and its role in restitution of SPOT imagery
* Hierarchical Synchronization Technique Based on the EREC for Robust Transmission of H.263 Bit Stream, A
* Improved Calibration of Wind Estimates from Advanced Scatterometer MetOp-B in Korean Seas Using Deep Neural Network
* Improvement of Ionospheric Phase Correction by Multiple-Aperture Interferometry, An
* Improvement of the Performance of Multiple-Aperture SAR Interferometry (MAI), An
* Intercomparison and Validation of SAR-Based Ice Velocity Measurement Techniques within the Greenland Ice Sheet CCI Project
* Ionospheric Correction of SAR Interferograms by Multiple-Aperture Interferometry
* Joint Correction of Ionosphere Noise and Orbital Error in L-Band SAR Interferometry of Interseismic Deformation in Southern California
* Mapping Forest Vertical Structure in Jeju Island from Optical and Radar Satellite Images Using Artificial Neural Network
* Mapping Forest Vertical Structure in Sogwang-ri Forest from Full-Waveform Lidar Point Clouds Using Deep Neural Network
* Mapping Tree Species Using CNN from Bi-Seasonal High-Resolution Drone Optic and LiDAR Data
* Melt Pond Mapping With High-Resolution SAR: The First View
* Multi-bit Video Watermarking Based on 3D DFT Using Perceptual Models
* Novel Multitemporal InSAR Model for Joint Estimation of Deformation Rates and Orbital Errors, A
* Oil Spill Mapping from Kompsat-2 High-Resolution Image Using Directional Median Filtering and Artificial Neural Network
* On the robust transmission technique for H.263 video data stream over wireless networks
* Performance Comparison of Oil Spill and Ship Classification from X-Band Dual- and Single-Polarized SAR Image Using Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Deep Neural Network
* Post-Eruptive Inflation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, from InSAR, 2008-2014
* Remote Sensing and Geoscience Information Systems Applied to Groundwater Research
* Retrieval of Reflected Shortwave Radiation at the Top of the Atmosphere Using Himawari-8/AHI Data
* Simulation of the SuperSAR Multi-Azimuth Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging System for Precise Measurement of Three-Dimensional Earth Surface Displacement
* Spatial Mapping of the Groundwater Potential of the Geum River Basin Using Ensemble Models Based on Remote Sensing Images
* Spatial Sharpening of KOMPSAT-3A MIR Images Using Optimal Scaling Factor
* Special Issue on Selected Papers from International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2021
* Special Issue on Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018
Includes: Jung, H.S.[Hyung Sup] Jung, H.S.[Hyung-Sup] Jung, H.S.[Han-Seung] Jung, H.S. Jung, H.S.[Hyun-Seok]
34 for Jung, H.S.

Jung, H.W.[Hye Won] Co Author Listing * Multiple particle tracking in time-lapse synchrotron X-ray images using discriminative appearance and neighbouring topology learning
* Noisy and incomplete fingerprint classification using local ridge distribution models
Includes: Jung, H.W.[Hye Won] Jung, H.W.[Hye-Won] Jung, H.W.[Hye-Wuk]

Jung, H.Y.[Ho Youl] Co Author Listing * 3-D Dynamic Mesh Compression using Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Analysis
* 3-D Mesh Sequence Coding Using the Combination of Spatial and Temporal Wavelet Analysis, A
* Consistent color and detail transfer from multiple source images for video and images
* Echo Watermarking in Sub-band Domain
* Efficient LiDAR-Trajectory Affinity Model for Autonomous Vehicle Orchestration
* Efficient local adaptive thresholding for night-time vehicle candidate detection
* Local Wavelets Decomposition for 3-D Surfaces
* Multi-port filtering system for lossless image compression
* multiresolution Wavelet Scheme for Irregularly Subdivided 3D Triangular Mesh, A
* Random tree walk toward instantaneous 3D human pose estimation
* Regularized Marching Cubes Mesh
* Robust Watermarking on Polygonal Meshes Using Distribution of Vertex Norms
* Rounding Transform and Its Application for Lossless Pyramid Structured Coding
* Rounding Transform Based Approach for Lossless Subband Coding
* Rounding Transform for Lossless Image Coding
* Secure Watermarking for JPEG-2000, A
* Sequential Approach to 3D Human Pose Estimation: Separation of Localization and Identification of Body Joints, A
* Stereo Matching Using Scanline Disparity Discontinuity Optimization
* Stereo reconstruction using high order likelihood
* Stereo reconstruction using high-order likelihoods
* Toward Global Minimum through Combined Local Minima
* Unified Mathematical Form of the Walsh-Hadamard Transform for Lossless Image Data-Compression, A
* Wavelet Analysis Based Blind Watermarking for 3-D Surface Meshes
* Window annealing for pixel-labeling problems
* Window Annealing over Square Lattice Markov Random Field
Includes: Jung, H.Y.[Ho Youl] Jung, H.Y.[Ho-Youl] Jung, H.Y.[Ho Yub] Jung, H.Y.
25 for Jung, H.Y.

Jung, I.[Inhwan] Co Author Listing * IoT-based smart parking management system, An
* Local Binary Pattern-Based Features for Text Identification of Web Images
* MarioQA: Answering Questions by Watching Gameplay Videos
* Mobile Robot Navigation Using Difference of Wavelet SIFT
* Prototypical class-wise test-time adaptation
* Real-Time MDNet
* study on the trustworthiness of store rating in restaurant recommendation O2O service, A
* Tracking-by-Segmentation with Online Gradient Boosting Decision Tree
Includes: Jung, I.[Inhwan] Jung, I.[Insook] Jung, I.[Ilchae] Jung, I.[Ilkyun] Jung, I.[Inyoung] Jung, I.
8 for Jung, I.

Jung, I.H.[In Hwan] Co Author Listing * Collaborative drawing shared between mobile devices using MQTT
* Construction of metadata of video for effective video search
* implementation of searchable video player, An
* U-Mosquitto: extension of Mosquitto broker for delivery of urgent MQTT message

Jung, I.K.[Il Kyun] Co Author Listing * High resolution terrain mapping using low altitude aerial stereo imagery
* Robust Interest Points Matching Algorithm, A
* Vision-Based SLAM: Stereo and Monocular Approaches
Includes: Jung, I.K.[Il Kyun] Jung, I.K.[Il-Kyun]

Jung, I.L.[Il Lyong] Co Author Listing * Consistent Stereo Matching Under Varying Radiometric Conditions
* Histogram-Based stereo matching under varying illumination conditions
* Image Enhancement using Sorted Histogram Specification and POCS Postprocessing
* Multi-view video coding with view interpolation prediction for 2D camera arrays
* Robust stereo matching under radiometric variations based on cumulative distributions of gradients
* Virtual view synthesis using multi-view video sequences
Includes: Jung, I.L.[Il Lyong] Jung, I.L.[Il-Lyong]

Jung, I.W.[Il Won] Co Author Listing * Hydrological Utility and Uncertainty of Multi-Satellite Precipitation Products in the Mountainous Region of South Korea

Jung, J.[Jungkyo] Co Author Listing * 3D SAR Speckle Offset Tracking Potential for Monitoring Landfast Ice Growth and Displacement
* Accurate Camera Calibration Robust to Defocus Using a Smartphone
* All-Zero Block Detection Scheme for Low-Complexity HEVC Encoders, An
* Automated and efficient powerline extraction from laser scanning data using a voxel-based subsampling with hierarchical approach
* Automatic Room Segmentation of 3D Laser Data Using Morphological Processing
* Blind Image Deblurring with Noise-robust Kernel Estimation
* Block Merging for Quadtree-Based Partitioning in HEVC
* Bridging the Gap Between Audio and Text Using Parallel-Attention for User-Defined Keyword Spotting
* Building Extraction from Satellite Images Using Mask R-CNN with Building Boundary Regularization
* Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis-Based Semi-Supervised Training for Object Detection
* Coherent Change Detection Using InSAR Temporal Decorrelation Model: A Case Study for Volcanic Ash Detection
* Competition Based Prediction for Skip Mode Motion Vector Using Macroblock Classification for the H.264 JM KTA Software
* Correction of Atmospheric Phase Screen in Time Series InSAR Using WRF Model for Monitoring Volcanic Activities
* Damage-Mapping Algorithm Based on Coherence Model Using Multitemporal Polarimetric-Interferometric SAR Data
* Data hiding of intra prediction information in chroma samples for video compression
* Deep-learning architecture to forecast destinations of bus passengers from entry-only smart-card data
* Dynamic Search Range Algorithm for Stabilized Reduction of Memory Traffic in Video Encoder, A
* Effects of national forest inventory plot location error on forest carbon stock estimation using k-nearest neighbor algorithm
* Efficient and robust lane marking extraction from mobile lidar point clouds
* Energy Efficient Online Power Allocation for Two Users With Energy Harvesting
* Evaluation of Coherent and Incoherent Landslide Detection Methods Based on Synthetic Aperture Radar for Rapid Response: A Case Study for the 2018 Hokkaido Landslides
* feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen imaging X-ray system based on carbon nanotube field emitters, A
* Feature Separation and Recalibration for Adversarial Robustness
* Flexible Motion Vector Resolution Prediction for Video Coding
* Full parallax super multi-view video coding
* Gene function prediction using protein domain probability and hierarchical Gene Ontology information
* GeodesicPSIM: Predicting the Quality of Static Mesh With Texture Map via Geodesic Patch Similarity
* High-Resolution Canopy Height Model Generation and Validation Using USGS 3DEP LiDAR Data in Indiana, USA
* Immersive Video Coding: Should Geometry Information Be Transmitted as Depth Maps?
* Implicit Regularization For 3d Building Rooftop Modeling Using Airborne Lidar Data, An
* Initialization, Limitation, and Predictive Coding of the Depth and Texture Quadtree in 3D-HEVC
* Intra Coding With Prediction Mode Information Inference
* Inverse Histogram-Based Clustering Approach to Seafloor Segmentation from Bathymetric Lidar Data
* ISPRS Benchmark On Urban Object Classification And 3d Building Reconstruction, The
* Method to Create a Metaverse Using Smartphone Data
* Modification of the merge candidate list for dependent views in 3D-HEVC
* Monitoring the Vertical Land Motion of Tide Gauges and Its Impact on Relative Sea Level Changes in Korean Peninsula Using Sequential SBAS-InSAR Time-Series Analysis
* MPEG Immersive Video Coding Standard
* New Coding Mode for Hybrid Video Coders Based on Quantized Motion Vectors, A
* Object-Based Ground Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Data for Large-Area DTM Generation, An
* Optimal JPEG decoding
* Overview and Efficiency of Decoder-Side Depth Estimation in MPEG Immersive Video
* Practical Implementation of Semi-Automated As-Built BIM Creation for Complex Indoor Environments
* Pseudo-monochromatic Imaging in Industrial X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Rate Distortion Data Hiding of Motion Vector Competition Information in Chroma and Luma Samples for Video Compression
* RD Optimized Coding for Motion Vector Predictor Selection
* Reinforcement Learning-Based Layer-Wise Quantization For Lightweight Deep Neural Networks
* ResNet-Based Vehicle Classification and Localization in Traffic Surveillance Systems
* Restoration of Wavelet-compressed Images Using Adaptively Masking Smoothness Constraints
* Robust wavelet-based arbitrary grid detection for MPEG
* Scalable Method to Improve Large-Scale Lidar Topographic Differencing Results, A
* Simultaneous invariant normalization of waveform features from bathymetric lidar, SINWav: A Saipan case study
* Sinking Tide Gauge Revealed by Space-borne InSAR: Implications for Sea Level Acceleration at Pohang, South Korea
* Subjective evaluation of Super Multi-View compressed contents on high-end light-field 3D displays
* Surface Smoothing for Enhancement of 3D Data Using Curvature-Based Adaptive Regularization
* Thermal Infrared Inspection of Roof Insulation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Time-of-Flight Sensor Calibration for a Color and Depth Camera Pair
* Towards Object Driven Floor Plan Extraction From Laser Point Cloud
* Transfer Learning of Wi-Fi Handwritten Signature Signals for Identity Verification based on the Kernel and the Range Space Projection
* Tree Species Classification from UAV Canopy Images with Deep Learning Models
* Unifying Correspondence, Pose and NeRF for Generalized Pose-Free Novel View Synthesis
* Unsupervised Canopy-to-Root Pathing (UCRP) Tree Segmentation Algorithm for Automatic Forest Mapping, An
* Video Coding Using a Simplified Block Structure and Advanced Coding Techniques
Includes: Jung, J.[Jungkyo] Jung, J. Jung, J.[Jaehoon] Jung, J.[Jaehwang] Jung, J.[Jaemin] Jung, J.[Joel] Jung, J.[Jaeyoung] Jung, J.[Jongpil] Jung, J.[Jaeik] Jung, J.[Junsik] Jung, J.[Jaehee] Jung, J.[Jinha] Jung, J.[Jingi] Jung, J.[Joël] Jung, J.[Junhwa] Jung, J.[Junghoon] Jung, J.[Jaewoo]
63 for Jung, J.

Jung, J.A.[James A.] Co Author Listing * Optimizing the Assimilation of the GOES-16/-17 Atmospheric Motion Vectors in the Hurricane Weather Forecasting (HWRF) Model
* Physically Based Thermal Infrared Snow/Ice Surface Emissivity for Fast Radiative Transfer Models

Jung, J.H.[Jik Han] Co Author Listing * 2:1 Candidate Position Subsampling Technique for Fast Optimal Motion Estimation
* 3D Characterization of Sorghum Panicles Using a 3D Point Cloud Derived from UAV Imagery
* Analysis of Cross-Borehole Pulse Radar Signatures on a Terminated Tunnel With Various Penetration Lengths
* Assessing the Effect of Drought on Winter Wheat Growth Using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)-Based Phenotyping
* Automated Crop Residue Estimation via Unsupervised Techniques Using High-Resolution UAS RGB Imagery
* Automated Open Cotton Boll Detection for Yield Estimation Using Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) Data
* Boundaries of Single-Class Regions in the Input Space of Piece-Wise Linear Neural Networks
* Cadastral-to-Agricultural: A Study on the Feasibility of Using Cadastral Parcels for Agricultural Land Parcel Delineation
* Cloud Detection Using a UNet3+ Model with a Hybrid Swin Transformer and EfficientNet (UNet3+STE) for Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Color, Edge, and Pixel-wise Explanation of Predictions Based on Interpretable Neural Network Model
* Comparative Study of RGB and Multispectral Sensor-Based Cotton Canopy Cover Modelling Using Multi-Temporal UAS Data, A
* Comparison of Canopy Shape and Vegetation Indices of Citrus Trees Derived from UAV Multispectral Images for Characterization of Citrus Greening Disease
* Comparison of Vegetation Indices Derived from UAV Data for Differentiation of Tillage Effects in Agriculture
* Construction of a non-overlapping panoramic mosaic in wireless multimedia sensor networks
* Develop Then Rival: A Human Vision-Inspired Framework for Superimposed Image Decomposition
* Developing a machine learning based cotton yield estimation framework using multi-temporal UAS data
* effective successive elimination algorithm for fast optimal block-matching motion estimation, An
* Fast Block Matching Technique Using a Gradual Voting Strategy, A
* Frequency-domain analysis of discrete wavelet transform coefficients and their adaptive shrinkage for anti-aliasing
* Initial Radiometric Characteristics of KOMPSAT-3A Multispectral Imagery Using the 6S Radiative Transfer Model, Well-Known Radiometric Tarps, and MFRSR Measurements
* Monocular Visual-Inertial-Wheel Odometry Using Low-Grade IMU in Urban Areas
* Noise reduction and interlaced-to-progressive conversion based on optimal adaptation
* Non-contrast based edge descriptor for image segmentation
* novel framework to detect conventional tillage and no-tillage cropping system effect on cotton growth and development using multi-temporal UAS data, A
* Novel Template Matching Scheme for Fast Full-Search Boosted by an Integral Image, A
* Performance Evaluation of Parallel Structure from Motion (SfM) Processing with Public Cloud Computing and an On-Premise Cluster System for UAS Images in Agriculture
* Plant Counting of Cotton from UAS Imagery Using Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Framework
* Precise mapping of high resolution satellite images without ground control points.
* Prediction of Cereal Rye Cover Crop Biomass and Nutrient Accumulation Using Multi-Temporal Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based Visible-Spectrum Vegetation Indices
* Real-time super-resolution for digital zooming using finite kernel-based edge orientation estimation and truncated image restoration
* Restoration of differential images for enhancement of compressed video
* Suppression of Borehole-Guided Waves Supported by the Connection Cable of a Single-Borehole Monostatic Pulse Radar
* Tar Spot Disease Quantification Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Data
* UAV-Based Phenotyping: A Non-Destructive Approach to Studying Wheat Growth Patterns for Crop Improvement and Breeding Programs
* Viewing window expansion in integral floating display using tilted side mirrors
Includes: Jung, J.H.[Jik Han] Jung, J.H.[Jik-Han] Jung, J.H.[Jin-Ha] Jung, J.H. Jung, J.H.[Jay Hoon] Jung, J.H.[Jae-Hyun] Jung, J.H.[Jung-Hoon] Jung, J.H.[Jae-Heon] Jung, J.H.[Jae Hyung] Jung, J.H.[Jae-Han] Jung, J.H.[Jae-Hoon] Jung, J.H.[Ji-Hyun]
35 for Jung, J.H.

Jung, J.I.[Jae Il] Co Author Listing * Color correction algorithm based on camera characteristics for multi-view video coding
* Depth map estimation from single-view image using object classification based on Bayesian learning
* Geometric and colorimetric error compensation for multi-view images
* Low-bit depth-high-dynamic range image generation by blending differently exposed images
* Multi-view 3D video acquisition using hybrid cameras with beam splitter
Includes: Jung, J.I.[Jae Il] Jung, J.I.[Jae-Il]

Jung, J.J.[Jason J.] Co Author Listing * Dynamic relationship identification for abnormality detection on financial time series
* OurPlaces: Cross-Cultural Crowdsourcing Platform for Location Recommendation Services

Jung, J.K.[Jung Kyo] Co Author Listing * Long-Term Deflection Monitoring for Bridges Using X and C-Band Time-Series SAR Interferometry
Includes: Jung, J.K.[Jung Kyo] Jung, J.K.[Jung-Kyo]

Jung, J.M.[Jin Man] Co Author Listing * Intricacies of Opening Geometry Detection in Terrestrial Laser Scanning: An Analysis Using Point Cloud Data from BLK360
Includes: Jung, J.M.[Jin Man] Jung, J.M.[Jin-Man]

Jung, J.P.[Jong Pil] Co Author Listing * low-energy video event data recorder using dual image/video codec, A
Includes: Jung, J.P.[Jong Pil] Jung, J.P.[Jong-Pil]

Jung, J.S. Co Author Listing * Real-Time H.264/AVC Encoder With Complexity-Aware Time Allocation, A

Jung, J.T.[Jan Thomas] Co Author Listing * Automated Camera Pose Generation for High-Resolution 3D Reconstruction of Bridges by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Jung, J.W.[Jin Woong] Co Author Listing * Deep Upright Adjustment of 360 Panoramas Using Multiple Roll Estimations
* line-based progressive refinement of 3D rooftop models using airborne LiDAR data with single view imagery, A
* Multi-Range Conditional Random Field for Classifying Railway Electrification System Objects Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Online Chinese Character-Recognition Using Art-Based Stroke Classification
* PeerAiD: Improving Adversarial Distillation from a Specialized Peer Tutor
* Results of the ISPRS benchmark on urban object detection and 3D building reconstruction
* Robust upright adjustment of 360 spherical panoramas
Includes: Jung, J.W.[Jin Woong] Jung, J.W.[Jin-Woong] Jung, J.W.[Jae-Wook] Jung, J.W. Jung, J.W.[Jae-Won]
7 for Jung, J.W.

Jung, J.Y.[Ji Young] Co Author Listing * Bibimbap: Pre-trained models ensemble for Domain Generalization
* BlackVIP: Black-Box Visual Prompting for Robust Transfer Learning
* Context-Aware Dynamic Event Processing Using Event Pattern Templates
* Experimental service of 3DTV cable broadcasting using dual HD streams
* Flow Orientation Analysis for Major Activity Regions Based on Smart Card Transit Data
* Hierarchical on-line boosting based background subtraction
* High-dimensional feature extraction using bit-plane decomposition of local binary patterns for robust face recognition
* Motion Estimation of Lips in Pronouncing Korean Vowels Based on Fuzzy Constraint Line Clustering
* One-Day Outdoor Photometric Stereo Using Skylight Estimation
* One-day outdoor photometric stereo via skylight estimation
* Recognition of Map Using the Geometric Relations Between Lines and the Structural Information of Objects, A
* Robust Computer Vision Techniques for High-Quality 3D Modeling
* Tensor Voting Approach for Multi-View 3D Scene Flow Estimation and Refinement, A
Includes: Jung, J.Y.[Ji Young] Jung, J.Y.[Ji-Young] Jung, J.Y.[Jae-Yoon] Jung, J.Y.[Joon-Young] Jung, J.Y.[June-Young] Jung, J.Y.[Jae Y.] Jung, J.Y.
13 for Jung, J.Y.

Jung, K.[Kwansue] Co Author Listing * Application of Convolutional Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Bias Correction of Daily Satellite-Based Precipitation
* Efficient Energy Minimization for Enforcing Label Statistics
* Efficient Search and Browsing of Large-Scale Video Collections with Vibro
* Energy Minimization under Constraints on Label Counts
* Fusing Keyword Search and Visual Exploration for Untagged Videos
* Gaussian Process Regression-Based Structural Response Model and Its Application to Regional Damage Assessment
* GPR1200: A Benchmark for General-Purpose Content-Based Image Retrieval
* High-definition 3DTV trial service over terrestrial broadcasting network
* ImageX - Explore and Search Local/Private Images
* Meet the Virtual Jeju Dol Harubang The Mixed VR/AR Application for Cultural Immersion in Korea's Main Heritage
* PalmitoAR: The Last Battle of the U.S. Civil War Reenacted Using Augmented Reality
* PicArrange: Visually Sort, Search, and Explore Private Images on a Mac Computer
* Scene Text Extraction with Edge Constraint and Text Collinearity
* SERP: SURF Enhancer for Repeated Pattern
* Sparsity Reduction Technique Using Grouping Method for Matrix Factorization in Differentially Private Recommendation Systems
* Technical development and broadcast trials of 3D service over digital multimedia broadcasting
* Vibro: Video Browsing with Semantic and Visual Image Embeddings
* Video Search with Sub-image Keyword Transfer Using Existing Image Archives
Includes: Jung, K.[Kwansue] Jung, K.[Kyomin] Jung, K.[Klaus] Jung, K.[Kichul] Jung, K.[Kwanghee] Jung, K.[Kyungboo] Jung, K.[Kangsoo]
18 for Jung, K.

Jung, K.C.[Kee Chul] Co Author Listing * 3D Posture Representation Using Meshless Parameterization with Cylindrical Virtual Boundary
* Advanced Documents Authoring Tool
* Automatic text detection and removal in video sequences
* Better Foreground Segmentation for 3D Face Reconstruction Using Graph Cuts
* Codebook-Based Background Subtraction to Generate Photorealistic Avatars in a Walkthrough Simulator
* Contents Recycling Using Content-Based Image Retrieval on Mobile Device
* Continuous HMM applied to quantization of on-line Korean character spaces
* Dimension Reduction in 3D Gesture Recognition Using Meshless Parameterization
* Face recognition using kernel principal component analysis
* Font Classification Using NMF
* Genetic algorithms for video segmentation
* GPU implementation of neural networks
* Graph Cuts-Based Automatic Color Image Segmentation
* Graph-Cut Based Background Subtraction Using Visual Hull in Multiveiw Images
* Human Pose Recognition Using Chamfer Distance in Reduced Background Edge for Human-Robot Interaction
* Hybrid approach to efficient text extraction in complex color images
* Intelligent document scanning with active camera
* Korean character recognition using a TDNN and an HMM
* Meshless Parameterization for Dimensional Reduction Integrated in 3D Voxel Reconstruction Using a Single PC
* Neural Network Implementation Using CUDA and OpenMP
* Neural Network-based Text Location for News Video Indexing
* Neural network-based text location in color images
* On-line recognition of cursive Korean characters using graph representation
* Real-Time Automatic Calibration for Omni-display in Ubiquitous Computing
* Recognition-based gesture spotting in video games
* Segment-Based Foreground Extraction Dedicated to 3D Reconstruction
* Segmentation of Touching Characters Using an MLP
* Support vector machine-based text detection in digital video
* Support Vector Machines for Texture Classification
* Text extraction in real scene images on planar planes
* Text information extraction in images and video: a survey
* Text scanner with text detection technology on image sequences
* Texture-based approach for text detection in images using support vector machines and continuously adaptive mean shift algorithm
* Using Skeletonization and Shortest Skeleton Path Approach for Chinese Character Representation
Includes: Jung, K.C.[Kee Chul] Jung, K.C.[Kee-Chul] Jung, K.C.
34 for Jung, K.C.

Jung, K.H.[Kwang Hee] Co Author Listing * Caption insertion method for 3D broadcasting service
* Data hiding scheme improving embedding capacity using mixed PVD and LSB on bit plane
* data hiding scheme using parity-bit pixel value differencing and improved rightmost digit replacement, A
* Depth Image Based Rendering for 3D Data Service Over T-DMB
* Depth-image-based rendering for 3DTV service over T-DMB
* Dynamic pattern denoising method using multi-basin system with kernels
* Efficient DWT and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Based Multimodality Medical Image Fusion, An
* Fast support-based clustering method for large-scale problems
* Forced intra refreshment method based on the propagation model of uncertainties in the reference pixels for H.264 streaming service
* High-capacity reversible data hiding method using block expansion in digital images
* Image compression using projection vector quantization with quadtree decomposition
* Image steganography in spatial domain: A survey
* Quality Enhancement for Hybrid 3DTV with Mixed Resolution Using Conditional Replenishment Algorithm
* Semantic Image Analysis Based on the Representation of the Spatial Relations Between Objects in Images
Includes: Jung, K.H.[Kwang Hee] Jung, K.H.[Kwang-Hee] Jung, K.H.[Ki-Hyun] Jung, K.H.[Kyu-Hwan] Jung, K.H.[Kyeong Hoon] Jung, K.H.[Kyeong-Hoon] Jung, K.H.[Kwan-Ho]
14 for Jung, K.H.

Jung, K.K. Co Author Listing * Fine grain parallel processors and real-time applications: MIMD controller/SIMD array

Jung, K.Y. Co Author Listing * Analysis on the Utility of Satellite Imagery for Detection of Agricultural Facility

Jung, M.[Martin] Co Author Listing * 1982-2010 Trends of Light Use Efficiency and Inherent Water Use Efficiency in African vegetation: Sensitivity to Climate and Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
* Assessing Complex Damage Using Pre-disaster Optical and Post-disaster Polsar Data
* Bodily Sensation Map vs. Bodily Motion Map: Visualizing and Analyzing Emotional Body Motions
* Copernicus Sentinel-2A Calibration and Products Validation Status
* Estimation of Terrestrial Global Gross Primary Production (GPP) with Satellite Data-Driven Models and Eddy Covariance Flux Data
* Hybrid Modeling: Fusion of A Deep Learning Approach and A Physics-based Model for Global Hydrological Modeling
* Low Power 24 GHz ad hoc Networking System Based on TDOA for Indoor Localization
* Low-dimensional manifold model for demosaicking from a RGBW color filter array
* NITEC: Versatile Hand-Annotated Eye Contact Dataset for Ego-Vision Interaction
* Non-local Active Contours
* Non-local segmentation and inpaiting
* Nonlocal Active Contours
* Rician denoising and deblurring using sparse representation prior and nonconvex total variation
* Simultaneous Cartoon and Texture Image Restoration with Higher-Order Regularization
* Texture Segmentation via Non-local Non-parametric Active Contours
* Wildfire Damage Assessment Using Multi-temporal Sentinel-2 Data
Includes: Jung, M.[Martin] Jung, M. Jung, M.[Myeongul] Jung, M.[Mathieu] Jung, M.[Melanie] Jung, M.[Miyoun] Jung, M.[Magnus]
16 for Jung, M.

Jung, M.C.[Meen Chel] Co Author Listing * Night on South Korea: Unraveling the Relationship between Urban Development Patterns and DMSP-OLS Night-Time Lights

Jung, M.G.[Myung Gu] Co Author Listing * Spatial Variations in Fertility of South Korea: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach
Includes: Jung, M.G.[Myung Gu] Jung, M.G.[Myung-Gu]

Jung, M.H.[Mun Ho] Co Author Listing * Road lane segmentation using dynamic programming for active safety vehicles
Includes: Jung, M.H.[Mun Ho] Jung, M.H.[Mun-Ho]

Jung, M.J.[Min Jae] Co Author Listing * Re-scoring using image-language similarity for few-shot object detection

Jung, M.R.[Moon Ryul] Co Author Listing * Local shape blending using coherent weighted regions
* Segmentation of Triangular Meshes Using Multi-scale Normal Variation
Includes: Jung, M.R.[Moon Ryul] Jung, M.R.[Moon-Ryul]

Jung, M.Y.[Mi Youn] Co Author Listing * Color Image Restoration Using Nonlocal Mumford-Shah Regularizers
* Comparison of Pre-Event VHR Optical Data and Post-Event PolSAR Data to Investigate Damage Caused by the 2011 Japan Tsunami in Built-Up Areas
* Dual Norm Based Iterative Methods for Image Restoration
* Enhancing Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Guided by Bicubic-Downsampled Low-Resolution Image
* Iterative Method with General Convex Fidelity Term for Image Restoration, An
* Multiframe image restoration in the presence of noisy blur kernel
* Nonconvex higher-order regularization based Rician noise removal with spatially adaptive parameters
* Nonlocal Mumford-Shah Regularizers for Color Image Restoration
* Nonlocal Variational Image Deblurring Models in the Presence of Gaussian or Impulse Noise
* ProtoFL: Unsupervised Federated Learning via Prototypical Distillation
* Scalable Method to Improve Large-Scale Lidar Topographic Differencing Results, A
* Video Retrieval System for Bridging the Semantic Gap
* Weighted Interpolation Scheme for Robust Video Deinterlacing
Includes: Jung, M.Y.[Mi Youn] Jung, M.Y.[Mi-Youn] Jung, M.Y.[Min-Young] Jung, M.Y.[Min Young]
13 for Jung, M.Y.

Jung, N.[Norbert] Co Author Listing * alternative method of optoelectronic color analysis for slides, An
* Fast motion estimation for field sequential imaging: Survey and benchmark

Jung, N.K.[Nam Kyo] Co Author Listing * CIPF: Crossing Intention Prediction Network based on Feature Fusion Modules for Improving Pedestrian Safety
Includes: Jung, N.K.[Nam Kyo] Jung, N.K.[Nam-Kyo]

Jung, N.S.[Nam Soon] Co Author Listing * Method and apparatus for providing virtual touch interaction in the drive-thru
Includes: Jung, N.S.[Nam Soon] Jung, N.S.[Nam-Soon]

Jung, N.W.[Nathalie W.] Co Author Listing * Introducing ICEDAP: An Iterative Coastal Embayment Delineation and Analysis Process with Applications for the Management of Coastal Change
* Massive Sea-Level-Driven Marsh Migration and Implications for Coastal Resilience along the Texas Coast
* MorphEst: An Automated Toolbox for Measuring Estuarine Planform Geometry from Remotely Sensed Imagery and Its Application to the South Korean Coast

Jung, O.[Okchul] Co Author Listing * Online Continual Learning on Hierarchical Label Expansion

Jung, P.[Patrick] Co Author Listing * Estimating Net Photosynthesis of Biological Soil Crusts in the Atacama Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Illinois-Type Methods for Noisy Euclidean Distance Realization
Includes: Jung, P.[Patrick] Jung, P.[Peter]

Jung, R.[Raehyuk] Co Author Listing * Upright Adjustment With Graph Convolutional Networks

Jung, S.[Sungho] Co Author Listing * Application of Random Forest Algorithm for Merging Multiple Satellite Precipitation Products across South Korea
* Artificial Neural Network Model Development to Predict Theft Types in Consideration of Environmental Factors
* Bridge Inspection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on HG-SLAM: Hierarchical Graph-based SLAM
* CAFA: Class-Aware Feature Alignment for Test-Time Adaptation
* CG-NeRF: Conditional Generative Neural Radiance Fields for 3D-aware Image Synthesis
* Change Detection of Building Objects in High-Resolution Single-Sensor and Multi-Sensor Imagery Considering the Sun and Sensor's Elevation and Azimuth Angles
* Collision handling for free-form deformation embedded surface
* Data-Driven Air Traffic Sequencing Model Based on Pairwise Preference Learning, A
* Dynamic In Vivo X-ray Fluorescence Imaging of Gold in Living Mice Exposed to Gold Nanoparticles
* Effect of Incidence Angle on Temperature Measurement of Solar Panel with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Thermal Infrared Camera
* Efficient Lane Detection Based on Spatiotemporal Images
* Enhancing Indoor Air Quality Estimation: A Spatially Aware Interpolation Scheme
* Estimating Crown Variables of Individual Trees Using Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Explanation-based Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification
* Fair Feature Distillation for Visual Recognition
* FrequencyLowCut Pooling: Plug and Play Against Catastrophic Overfitting
* Gradtrans: Transformer-Based Gradient Guidance for Image Generation
* High-Resolution Seamless Daily Sea Surface Temperature Based on Satellite Data Fusion and Machine Learning over Kuroshio Extension
* HIMap: HybrId Representation Learning for End-to-end Vectorized HD Map Construction
* Hybrid Rule-Based and Data-Driven Approach to Driver Modeling Through Particle Filtering, A
* Improved Surface Solar Irradiation Estimation Using Satellite Data and Feature Engineering
* Improving Short-Term Prediction of Ocean Fog Using Numerical Weather Forecasts and Geostationary Satellite-Derived Ocean Fog Data Based on AutoML
* Learning Fair Classifiers with Partially Annotated Group Labels
* Learning to Quantize Deep Networks by Optimizing Quantization Intervals With Task Loss
* Learning Where to Look: Generative NAS is Surprisingly Efficient
* LiDAR-UDA: Self-ensembling Through Time for Unsupervised LiDAR Domain Adaptation
* Mapdistill: Boosting Efficient Camera-based Hd Map Construction via Camera-lidar Fusion Model Distillation
* Maximum a posteriori estimation method for aorta localization and coronary seed identification
* Mnemonic Kalman Filter for Non-Linear Systems With Extensive Temporal Dependencies, A
* Morphological Band Registration of Multispectral Cameras for Water Quality Analysis with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Multipath Video Real-Time Streaming by Field-Based Anycast Routing
* Multistep-Ahead Solar Radiation Forecasting Scheme Based on the Light Gradient Boosting Machine: A Case Study of Jeju Island
* novel three-dimensional transform and its supporting tools for improving inter coding performance in H.264/AVC, A
* Object-Based High-Rise Building Detection Using Morphological Building Index and Digital Map
* Predicting Human Postures for Manual Material Handling Tasks Using a Conditional Diffusion Model
* RaScaNet: Learning Tiny Models by Raster-Scanning Images
* Real-time video photomosaics with optimized image set and GPU
* Review of t-SNE, A
* RobustNet: Improving Domain Generalization in Urban-Scene Segmentation via Instance Selective Whitening
* Safeguard Text-to-image Diffusion Models with Human Feedback Inversion
* Selfswapper: Self-supervised Face Swapping via Shape Agnostic Masked Autoencoder
* Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning-Based Forecasting of Surface Solar Irradiance: Leveraging Satellite Data and Feature Selection
* Standardized Max Logits: A Simple yet Effective Approach for Identifying Unexpected Road Obstacles in Urban-Scene Segmentation
* Water-Filling: An Efficient Algorithm for Digitized Document Shadow Removal
Includes: Jung, S.[Sungho] Jung, S.[Sungwon] Jung, S.[Sungwook] Jung, S.[Sanghun] Jung, S.[Sejung] Jung, S. Jung, S.[Seungwoog] Jung, S.[Seungjun] Jung, S.[Sangwon] Jung, S.[Steffen] Jung, S.[Sangil] Jung, S.[Sihun] Jung, S.[Soyeon] Jung, S.[Seunghwan] Jung, S.[Sunghee] Jung, S.[Sunghun] Jung, S.[Sangsu] Jung, S.[Seungmin] Jung, S.[Seyoon] Jung, S.[Sehee] Jung, S.[Soonchul] Jung, S.[Seohyeon] Jung, S.[Sohyun]
44 for Jung, S.

Jung, S.C.[Shi Chang] Co Author Listing * Modified Regularized Image Restoration for Postprocessing Inter-Frame Coded Images
* new algorithm for ellipse detection by curve segments, A
Includes: Jung, S.C.[Shi Chang] Jung, S.C.[Sung-Cheol]

Jung, S.D.[Summer D.] Co Author Listing * Virtual Solutions for Gathering Consumer Feedback on Food: A Literature Review and Analysis

Jung, S.H.[Sang Hack] Co Author Listing * Action exemplar based real-time action detection
* Automatic Modelling Method for Steel Structures Using Photogrammetry
* Camera Trajectory Estimation using Inertial Sensor Measurements and Structure from Motion Results
* Case Study on Microphysical Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective System Using Generalized DSD Parameters Retrieved from Dual-Polarimetric Radar Observations, A
* Characteristics of the Bright Band Based on Quasi-Vertical Profiles of Polarimetric Observations from an S-Band Weather Radar Network
* Complexity reduction algorithm for prediction unit decision process in high efficiency video coding
* Correction of Dual-PRF Velocity for Operational S-Band Doppler Weather Radar
* Deep Feature Prior Guided Face Deblurring
* Egomotion Estimation in Monocular Infra-red Image Sequence for Night Vision Applications
* Estimation of a 3D Bounding Box for a Segmented Object Region in a Single Image
* Extraction of major object features using VQ clustering for content-based image retrieval
* Fast Mode Decision Method in HEVC Using Adaptive Ordering of Modes, A
* GC-MVSNet: Multi-View, Multi-Scale, Geometrically-Consistent Multi-View Stereo
* Learning Physical Activities in Immersive Virtual Environments
* Methods and Tools to Construct a Global Indoor Positioning System
* Monitoring for Changes in Spring Phenology at Both Temporal and Spatial Scales Based on MODIS LST Data in South Korea
* Multiple Cue Integrated Action Detection
* New Display-Capture Based Mobile Watermarking System, A
* Novel fast PU decision algorithm for the HEVC video standard
* Pedestrian detection with depth-guided structure labeling
* Performance Evaluation of Radio Map Construction Methods for Wi-Fi Positioning Systems
* Real-Time Calibration and Monitoring of Radar Reflectivity on Nationwide Dual-Polarization Weather Radar Network
* Robust kernel-based feature representation for 3D point cloud analysis via circular convolutional network
* Robust Visual Servoing Based on Relative Orientation
* Subband DCT: Definition, Analysis, and Applications
* Urban Monitoring Using Persistent Scatterer InSAR and Photogrammetry
* Visual information retrieval system via content-based approach
Includes: Jung, S.H.[Sang Hack] Jung, S.H.[Sang-Hack] Jung, S.H. Jung, S.H.[Sung-Hwa] Jung, S.H.[Soon-Heung] Jung, S.H.[Soo Hyun] Jung, S.H.[Sung-Hoon] Jung, S.H.[She-Hwan] Jung, S.H.[Song Hie] Jung, S.H.[Sung-Hwan] Jung, S.H.[Seung-Hwan] Jung, S.H.[Sung-Heuk] Jung, S.H.[Seh-Hwan]
27 for Jung, S.H.

Jung, S.I.[Sang Il] Co Author Listing * Deep network aided by guiding network for pedestrian detection
* Direct multi-scale dual-stream network for pedestrian detection
Includes: Jung, S.I.[Sang Il] Jung, S.I.[Sang-Il]

Jung, S.J.[Sang Joong] Co Author Listing * Driver fatigue and drowsiness monitoring system with embedded electrocardiogram sensor on steering wheel
* Korean Sign Language Dataset for Action Recognition, The
* Object-Based Building Change Detection by Fusing Pixel-Level Change Detection Results Generated from Morphological Building Index
* Object-Based Change Detection of Very High Resolution Images by Fusing Pixel-Based Change Detection Results Using Weighted Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Understanding VQA for Negative Answers Through Visual and Linguistic Inference
Includes: Jung, S.J.[Sang Joong] Jung, S.J.[Sang-Joong] Jung, S.J.[Seung-Jun] Jung, S.J.[Se-Jung]

Jung, S.K. Co Author Listing * 3-D Tracking and Motion Estimation Using Hierarchical Kalman Filter
* Anaphora resolution with pointer networks
* Automatic Integration of Facade Textures into 3D Building Models with a Projective Geometry Based Line Clustering
* Automatic pose estimation of complex 3D building models
* Background Subtraction via Superpixel-Based Online Matrix Decomposition with Structured Foreground Constraints
* Background-Foreground Modeling Based on Spatiotemporal Sparse Subspace Clustering
* Background/Foreground Separation: Guided Attention based Adversarial Modeling (GAAM) versus Robust Subspace Learning Methods
* Calibration-free approach to 3D reconstruction using light stripe projections on a cube frame
* Combining ARF and OR-PCA for Robust Background Subtraction of Noisy Videos
* Complete Moving Object Detection in the Context of Robust Subspace Learning
* Depth extended online RPCA with spatiotemporal constraints for robust background subtraction
* Dynamic Background Subtraction Using Least Square Adversarial Learning
* Dynamic Obstacle Detection of Road Scenes using Equi-Height Mosaicking Image
* Efficient 3-D Object Representation and Recognition Based on CAD
* Focused augmented mirror based on human visual perception
* hand-held approach to 3D reconstruction using light stripe projections onto a cube frame, A
* Handcrafted and Deep Trackers: Recent Visual Object Tracking Approaches and Trends
* hSGM: Hierarchical Pyramid Based Stereo Matching Algorithm
* Iddiffuse: Dual-conditional Diffusion Model for Enhanced Facial Image Anonymization
* Integrating ground and aerial views for urban site modeling
* Localized Earth Mover's Distance for Robust Histogram Comparison
* Model Based 3-D Tracking of Rigid Objects from a Sequence of Multiple Perspective Views, A
* Motion-Aware Graph Regularized RPCA for background modeling of complex scenes
* Moving Object Detection in Complex Scene Using Spatiotemporal Structured-Sparse RPCA
* Natural Image Matting Based on Neighbor Embedding
* Online Stochastic Tensor Decomposition for Background Subtraction in Multispectral Video Sequences
* OR-PCA with MRF for Robust Foreground Detection in Highly Dynamic Backgrounds
* Particle filter with analytical inference for human body tracking
* Pedestrian detection using labeled depth data
* Practical modeling technique for large-scale 3D building models from ground images
* Spatiotemporal Low-Rank Modeling for Complex Scene Background Initialization
* Two-Phase Calibration for a Mirror Metaphor Augmented Reality System
* Unsupervised deep context prediction for background estimation and foreground segmentation
* Unsupervised Moving Object Detection in Complex Scenes Using Adversarial Regularizations
* Unsupervised moving object segmentation using background subtraction and optimal adversarial noise sample search
Includes: Jung, S.K. Jung, S.K.[Sang-Keun] Jung, S.K.[Soon Ki]
35 for Jung, S.K.

Jung, S.L.[So Lyung] Co Author Listing * usefulness of diffusion-weighted readout-segmented EPI and fast spin echo with BLADE (PROPELLER) k-space sampling: A comparison with single-shot EPI for diffusion-weighted imaging in ischemic stroke patients, The
Includes: Jung, S.L.[So Lyung] Jung, S.L.[So-Lyung]

Jung, S.M. Co Author Listing * Efficient multilevel successive elimination algorithms for block matching motion estimation

Jung, S.P.[Sueng Pil] Co Author Listing * Dropsonde-Based Heat Fluxes and Mixed Layer Height over the Sea Surface near the Korean Peninsula
Includes: Jung, S.P.[Sueng Pil] Jung, S.P.[Sueng-Pil]

Jung, S.U.[Sung Uk] Co Author Listing * Detection Human Motion with Heel Strikes for Surveillance Analysis
* Extension of cascaded simple feature based face detection to facial expression recognition
* Heel strike detection based on human walking movement for surveillance analysis
* Model-based feature refinement by ellipsoidal face tracking
* Real-Time Face Verification for Mobile Platforms
* Robust Eye Detection Method in Facial Region, A
Includes: Jung, S.U.[Sung Uk] Jung, S.U.[Sung-Uk]

Jung, S.W.[Seung Wan] Co Author Listing * Amortized Linux Ext3 File System with Fast Writing after Editing for WinXP-Based Multimedia Application
* CAWM: Class-Aware Weight Map for Improved Semi-Supervised Nuclei Segmentation
* Consensus-Driven Approach for Structure and Texture Aware Depth Map Upsampling, A
* Cross-Domain Denoising for Low-Dose Multi-Frame Spiral Computed Tomography
* Depth Map Based Image Enhancement Using Color Stereopsis
* Depth Sensation Enhancement Using the Just Noticeable Depth Difference
* Enhancement of Image and Depth Map Using Adaptive Joint Trilateral Filter
* Estimation-Based Interlayer Intra Prediction for Scalable Video Coding
* Fast Mode Decision Using All-Zero Block Detection for Fidelity and Spatial Scalable Video Coding
* Foreground extraction via dual-side cameras on a mobile device using long short-term trajectory analysis
* Generative Adversarial Network Using Weighted Loss Map and Regional Fusion Training for LDR-to-HDR Image Conversion
* GPS-GLASS: Learning Nighttime Semantic Segmentation Using Daytime Video and GPS data
* Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Transformers for Video Object Segmentation
* Image Contrast Enhancement Using Color and Depth Histograms
* Improved B-Picture Coding Scheme for Next Generation Video Compression
* Improved Differential Energy Watermarking for Embedding Watermark
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using Semi-transparent Wearable Glasses
* Learning-Based Filter Selection Scheme for Depth Image Super Resolution
* MAIR: Multi-View Attention Inverse Rendering with 3D Spatially-Varying Lighting Estimation
* Method for extracting fingerprint feature data using ridge orientation model
* Modified Model of the Just Noticeable Depth Difference and Its Application to Depth Sensation Enhancement, A
* New Histogram Modification Based Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm Considering the Human Visual System, A
* Novel Multiple Image Deblurring Technique Using Fuzzy Projection onto Convex Sets, A
* Order-Preserving Condensation of Moving Objects in Surveillance Videos
* Overlapped Block Motion Compensation Based on Irregular Grid
* Parametric Shape Estimation of Human Body Under Wide Clothing
* PD-CR: Patch-Based Diffusion Using Constrained Refinement for Image Restoration
* Pose and Shape Estimation of Humans in Vehicles
* Progressive Joint Low-Light Enhancement and Noise Removal for Raw Images
* RAWtoBit: A Fully End-to-end Camera ISP Network
* Reduced Reference Quality Metric for Synthesized Virtual Views in 3DTV
* RefQSR: Reference-Based Quantization for Image Super-Resolution Networks
* Rethinking Coarse-to-Fine Approach in Single Image Deblurring
* review on dark channel prior based image dehazing algorithms, A
* Revisiting PID Control for Power-Constrained Video Display
* RZSR: Reference-Based Zero-Shot Super-Resolution With Depth Guided Self-Exemplars
* Semantic and Instance-Aware Pixel-Adaptive Convolution for Panoptic Segmentation
* Sharpness Enhancement of Stereo Images Using Binocular Just-Noticeable Difference
* Simple Yet Effective Way for Improving the Performance of Depth Map Super-Resolution
* Text-aware image dehazing using stroke width transform
* Video Object Segmentation-aware Video Frame Interpolation
* XYDeblur: Divide and Conquer for Single Image Deblurring
Includes: Jung, S.W.[Seung Wan] Jung, S.W.[Seung-Wan] Jung, S.W.[Seung-Won] Jung, S.W. Jung, S.W.[Sung-Woon] Jung, S.W.[Soon Won]
42 for Jung, S.W.

Jung, S.Y.[Seok Yoon] Co Author Listing * Animation data compression in MPEG-4: interpolators
* Detecting Occlusion for Hidden Markov Modeled Shapes
* Embedded planar surface segmentation system for stereo images
* Hidden Markov Model-Based Weighted Likelihood Discriminant for 2-D Shape Classification
* Interpolator Data Compression for MPEG-4 Animation
* Kernel design for real-time denoising implementation in low-resolution images
* Message Effect of Augmented Health Messages on Body, The
* motion field reconstruction scheme for smooth boundary video object segmentation, A
* Occlusion Resistant Shape Classifier based on Warped Optimal Path Matching
* Real-time Planar Surface Segmentation in Disparity Space
Includes: Jung, S.Y.[Seok Yoon] Jung, S.Y.[Sung-Yong] Jung, S.Y. Jung, S.Y.[Sun Young] Jung, S.Y.[So-Young]
10 for Jung, S.Y.

Jung, T.[Taeyeol] Co Author Listing * Measuring residents' perceptions of city streets to inform better street planning through deep learning and space syntax
* Real-Time Charging Station Recommendation System for Electric-Vehicle Taxis
Includes: Jung, T.[Taeyeol] Jung, T.

Jung, T.D.[Tae Du] Co Author Listing * Stereoscopic 3D objects evoke stronger saliency for nonverbal working memory: An fMRI study
Includes: Jung, T.D.[Tae Du] Jung, T.D.[Tae-Du]

Jung, T.J.[Tae Jun] Co Author Listing * client-driven media synchronization mechanism for RTP packet-based video streaming, A
* efficient delay-constrained ARQ scheme for MMT packet-based real-time video streaming over IP networks, An
Includes: Jung, T.J.[Tae Jun] Jung, T.J.[Tae-Jun]

Jung, T.P.[Tzyy Ping] Co Author Listing * EEG-based prediction of driver's cognitive performance by deep convolutional neural network
* Utilizing Deep Learning Towards Multi-Modal Bio-Sensing and Vision-Based Affective Computing
Includes: Jung, T.P.[Tzyy Ping] Jung, T.P.[Tzyy-Ping]

Jung, T.Y.[Tae Yeon] Co Author Listing * Efficient Moving Object Segmentation Algorithm for Illumination Change in Surveillance System
Includes: Jung, T.Y.[Tae Yeon] Jung, T.Y.[Tae-Yeon]

Jung, U.J.[Uk Jin] Co Author Listing * Modeling and Dynamic Radar Cross-Section Estimation of Chaff Clouds for Real-Time Simulation

Jung, W.[Woonseon] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Occurrence Frequency of Seedable Clouds on the Korean Peninsula for Precipitation Enhancement Experiments
* Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution at Windward and Leeward Side over Mountain Area, The
* Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distributions in Different Climatological Regions in South Korea, The
* DIFFnet: Diffusion Parameter Mapping Network Generalized for Input Diffusion Gradient Schemes and b-Value
* Dual-Polarization Radar-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation of Mountain Terrain Using Multi-Disdrometer Data
* GMM-Based KLT-Domain Switched-Split Vector Quantization for LSF Coding
* Impacts of Single-Scattering and Microphysical Properties of Ice Particles Smaller Than 100 muM on the Bulk Radiative Properties of Tropical Cirrus, The
* Individual Tree Crown Delineation From High Spatial Resolution Imagery Using U-net
* OCELOT: Overlapped Cell on Tissue Dataset for Histopathology
* Precipitation Enhancement Experiments in Catchment Areas of Dams: Evaluation of Water Resource Augmentation and Economic Benefits
* Quad-Contrast Imaging: Simultaneous Acquisition of Four Contrast-Weighted Images (PD-Weighted, T2-Weighted, PD-FLAIR and T2-FLAIR Images) With Synthetic T1-Weighted Image, T1- and T2-Maps
* Robust Cuboid Modeling from Noisy and Incomplete 3D Point Clouds Using Gaussian Mixture Model
Includes: Jung, W.[Woonseon] Jung, W.[Woojin] Jung, W. Jung, W.[Wonkyung] Jung, W.[Woonhyung]
12 for Jung, W.

Jung, W.H.[Wi Hoon] Co Author Listing * impact of genetic variation in COMT and BDNF on resting-state functional connectivity, The

Jung, W.R.[Wook Rak] Co Author Listing * Mapping WLAN coverage as a potential complementary source for GPS-based navigation in indoor environments

Jung, W.S.[Won Sik] Co Author Listing * Deep Generative-Discriminative Learning for Multimodal Representation in Imaging Genetics, A
* EAG-RS: A Novel Explainability-Guided ROI-Selection Framework for ASD Diagnosis via Inter-Regional Relation Learning
Includes: Jung, W.S.[Won Sik] Jung, W.S.[Won-Sik]

Jung, W.Y. Co Author Listing * Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis-Based Semi-Supervised Training for Object Detection
* New GAN-Based Anomaly Detection (GBAD) Approach for Multi-Threat Object Classification on Large-Scale X-Ray Security Images, A
* ResNet-Based Vehicle Classification and Localization in Traffic Surveillance Systems
Includes: Jung, W.Y. Jung, W.Y.[Woo-Young]

Jung, Y. Co Author Listing * Cross-Layer Resource Allocation Using Video Slice Header Information for Wireless Transmission Over LTE
* Curb Detection and Tracking in Low-Resolution 3D Point Clouds Based on Optimization Framework
* Dealing with Missing Modalities in the Visual Question Answer-Difference Prediction Task through Knowledge Distillation
* Design of V2X-Based Vehicular Contents Centric Networks for Autonomous Driving
* Discontinuity-preserving Normal Integration with Auxiliary Edges
* Experimental protocol designed to employ Nd:YAG laser surgery for anterior chamber glaucoma detection via UBM
* Extending a distributed virtual reality system with exchangeable rendering back-ends
* Imagination-Augmented Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Safe and Interactive Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments
* Implementation of The Distributed Parallel Program for Geoid Heights Computation Using MPI and Openmp
* Joint Sparse Recovery Framework for Accurate Reconstruction of Inclusions in Elastic Media, A
* Locally Constrained Random Walk Approach for Airway Segmentation of Low-Contrast Computed Tomography (CT) Image, A
* Low-Power LoRa Signal-Based Outdoor Positioning Using Fingerprint Algorithm
* M3FPolypSegNet: Segmentation Network with Multi-Frequency Feature Fusion for Polyp Localization in Colonoscopy Images
* Massive Sea-Level-Driven Marsh Migration and Implications for Coastal Resilience along the Texas Coast
* MorphEst: An Automated Toolbox for Measuring Estuarine Planform Geometry from Remotely Sensed Imagery and Its Application to the South Korean Coast
* Multi-TI Arterial Spin Labeling MRI with Variable TR and Bolus Duration for Cerebral Blood Flow and Arterial Transit Time Mapping
* OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Automatic Dense Volumetric 3D Intracranial Blood Vessels Segmentation
* Robust Error Concealment Algorithm Using Iterative Weighted Boundary Matching Criterion
* TMO: Textured Mesh Acquisition of Objects with a Mobile Device by using Differentiable Rendering
* X3dom as Carrier of the Virtual Heritage
Includes: Jung, Y. Jung, Y.[Yunjae] Jung, Y.[Younghwa] Jung, Y.[Yucheol] Jung, Y.[Younhyun] Jung, Y.[Yvonne] Jung, Y.[Yoonjae] Jung, Y.[Younghoon] Jung, Y.[Yeonuk] Jung, Y.[Yerim] Jung, Y.[Yoonho] Jung, Y.[Youngkyoo] Jung, Y.[Youngdong]
20 for Jung, Y.

Jung, Y.B.[Yun Beom] Co Author Listing * Image Segmentation by Unsupervised Sparse Clustering
Includes: Jung, Y.B.[Yun Beom] Jung, Y.B.[Yun-Beom]

Jung, Y.C.[Yu Chul] Co Author Listing * Classification of Facial Expression In-the-Wild based on Ensemble of Multi-head Cross Attention Networks
* Ensemble of Multi-task Learning Networks for Facial Expression Recognition In-the-wild with Learning from Synthetic Data
Includes: Jung, Y.C.[Yu Chul] Jung, Y.C.[Yu-Chul]

Jung, Y.G.[Yoon Gyo] Co Author Listing * Discriminative Multi -level Reconstruction under Compact Latent Space for One-Class Novelty Detection
* Face Reconstruction Transfer Attack as Out-of-distribution Generalization
* Multi-class Multi-object Tracking Using Changing Point Detection
* Nearest Neighbor Guidance for Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Periocular Recognition in the Wild With Generalized Label Smoothing Regularization
* Revisiting ImprovedGAN with Metric Learning for Semi-Supervised Learning
Includes: Jung, Y.G.[Yoon Gyo] Jung, Y.G.[Young Giu] Jung, Y.G.

Jung, Y.H.[Young Hun] Co Author Listing * Application of Convolutional Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Bias Correction of Daily Satellite-Based Precipitation
* Controllable Style Transfer via Test-time Training of Implicit Neural Representation
* Intricacies of Opening Geometry Detection in Terrestrial Laser Scanning: An Analysis Using Point Cloud Data from BLK360
* Soil Moisture-Vegetation-Carbon Flux Relationship under Agricultural Drought Condition using Optical Multispectral Sensor
* Visibility-driven PET-CT visualisation with region of interest (ROI) segmentation
Includes: Jung, Y.H.[Young Hun] Jung, Y.H.[Young-Hun] Jung, Y.H.[Young-Hoon] Jung, Y.H.[Youn-Hyun]

Jung, Y.J. Co Author Listing * Critical Binocular Asymmetry Measure for the Perceptual Quality Assessment of Synthesized Stereo 3D Images in View Synthesis
* Effective adaptation of multimedia documents with modality conversion
* fMRI analysis of excessive binocular disparity on the human brain
* Global-and-local Relative Position Embedding for Unsupervised Video Summarization
* Impact of Aerosol Property on the Accuracy of a CO2 Retrieval Algorithm from Satellite Remote Sensing
* Inter-view consistent hole filling in view extrapolation for multi-view image generation
* Joint control for hybrid transcoding using multidimensional rate distortion modeling
* Metadata Hiding for Content Adaptation
* Modality conversion for QoS management in universal multimedia access
* Neural substrates in secondary somatosensory area for the perception of different tactile sensations
* Predicting Visual Discomfort of Stereoscopic Images Using Human Attention Model
* Retrieving XCO2 from GOSAT FTS over East Asia Using Simultaneous Aerosol Information from CAI
* Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM 2022 Challenge Report
* SIFNet: Free-form image inpainting using color split-inpaint-fuse approach
* Spatial Frequency Band Division in Human Visual System Based-Watermarking
* Unsupervised Deep Event Stereo for Depth Estimation
* Visual Comfort Amelioration Technique for Stereoscopic Images: Disparity Remapping to Mitigate Global and Local Discomfort Causes
* Visual Importance- and Discomfort Region-Selective Low-Pass Filtering for Reducing Visual Discomfort in Stereoscopic Displays
Includes: Jung, Y.J. Jung, Y.J.[Yong Ju] Jung, Y.J.[Yun-Jae] Jung, Y.J.[Yeon-Jin] Jung, Y.J.[Yu-Jin]
18 for Jung, Y.J.

Jung, Y.K.[Young Kee] Co Author Listing * Building Detection and Reconstruction from Aerial Images
* Content-based event retrieval using semantic scene interpretation for automated traffic surveillance
* High-Resolution Depth Map Generation by Applying Stereo Matching Based on Initial Depth Informaton
* Three-dimensional video generation using foreground separation and disocclusion detection
Includes: Jung, Y.K.[Young Kee] Jung, Y.K.[Young-Kee] Jung, Y.K.[Young-Ki]

Jung, Y.M. Co Author Listing * Environmentally Robust Motion Detection for Video Surveillance
* Fast segmentation of ultrasound images using robust Rayleigh distribution decomposition
* First-order modeling and stability analysis of illusory contours
* Illusory Shapes via First-Order Phase Transition and Approximation
* Impedance Imaging With First-Order TV Regularization
Includes: Jung, Y.M. Jung, Y.M.[Yoon Mo]

Jung, Y.T.[Yoon Taek] Co Author Listing * Comparative Analysis of Polarimetric SAR Calibration Methods
* Detection of Earthquake-Induced Building Damages Using Polarimetric SAR Data
* Monitoring Long-Term Land Cover Change in Central Yakutia Using Sparse Time Series Landsat Data
* Theoretical Evaluation of Water Cloud Model Vegetation Parameters

Jung, Y.Y.[Yoon Yong] Co Author Listing * Frame grouping measure for factorization-based projective reconstruction
* Motion Compensation Assisted Motion Adaptive Interlaced-to-Progressive Conversion
* Noise reduction and interlaced-to-progressive conversion based on optimal adaptation
* Texture map generation for 3D reconstructed scenes
Includes: Jung, Y.Y.[Yoon Yong] Jung, Y.Y.[Yoon-Yong] Jung, Y.Y.[You-Young] Jung, Y.Y.[Yeong-Yu]

Junge, O.[Oliver] Co Author Listing * fully implicit alternating direction method of multipliers for the minimization of convex problems with an application to motion segmentation, A

Junger, J.[John] Co Author Listing * Quantifying infrared target signature evolution using AM-FM features

Jungerman, S.[Sacha] Co Author Listing * 3D Scene Inference from Transient Histograms
* Panoramas from Photons
* Towards 3D Vision with Low-Cost Single-Photon Cameras

Jungers, R.M. Co Author Listing * Optimal Measurement Budget Allocation For Particle Filtering

Jungert, E.[Erland] Co Author Listing * Human- and System-Directed Fusion of Multimedia and Multimodal Information Using the s-Tree Data Model
* Image Algebra for Pictorial Data Manipulation, An
* Intelligent Image Database Systems
* Qualitative Spatial Reasoning from the Observers Point-of-View: Towards a Generalization of Symbolic Projection
* Sigma-Tree Q A Symbolic Spatial Data Model, The
Includes: Jungert, E.[Erland] Jungert, E.

Jungert, E.R.A. Co Author Listing * Symbolic and Geometric Connectivity Graph Methods for Route Planning in Digitized Maps

Junghanns, S.[Sebastian] Co Author Listing * Comprehensible and Interactive Visualizations of GIS Data in Augmented Reality

Junghyun, J. Co Author Listing * Use of Moiré Patterns in Camera Position Estimation

Jungkunst, H. Co Author Listing * Terrestrial Lidar Measurents for Analysing Canopy Structure in an Old-Growth Forest

Junglas, L.[Lorenz] Co Author Listing * Meshvpr: Citywide Visual Place Recognition Using 3d Meshes

Jungling, K. Co Author Listing * Monocular Camera Trajectory Optimization using LiDAR data

Jungmichel, M.[Markus] Co Author Listing * Low Budget Mobile Laser Scanning Solution Using on Board Sensors and Field Bus Systems of Today's Consumer Automobiles, A

Jungner, A. Co Author Listing * Persistent Scatterer Interferometry: potential and limits

Jungong, H.[Han] Co Author Listing * Salient object detection employing robust sparse representation and local consistency

Jungst, S.[Steve] Co Author Listing * 32-Channel Sleeve Antenna Receiver Array for Human Head MRI Applications at 10.5 T, A
* Comparison of 16-Channel Asymmetric Sleeve Antenna and Dipole Antenna Transceiver Arrays at 10.5 Tesla MRI
Includes: Jungst, S.[Steve] Jungst, S.

Jungthirapanich, C. Co Author Listing * Invariants of Three-Dimensional Contours

Index for "j"

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