Ocean Temperature, Sea Surface Temperature, SST

Chapter Contents (Back)
Sea Surface Temperature. Temperature. There are a few Sub-Surface temperature papers, not enough to separate. Usually for land:
See also Land Surface Temperature, Remote Sensing.
See also Downwelling, Upwelling Analysis, Oceans, Lakes, Water.

Liu, C.C.[Chung-Chih], Liu, G.R.[Gin-Rong], Chen, W.J.[Wann-Jin], Yang, H.Y.[Hong-Yu],
Modified Bowen ratio method in near-sea-surface air temperature estimation by using satellite data,
GeoRS(41), No. 5, May 2003, pp. 1025-1033.
IEEE Abstract. 0307

Sun, W., Cetin, M., Thacker, W.C., Chin, T.M., Willsky, A.S.,
Variational Approaches on Discontinuity Localization and Field Estimation in Sea Surface Temperature and Soil Moisture,
GeoRS(44), No. 2, February 2006, pp. 336-350.

Tandeo, P., Chapron, B., Ba, S., Autret, E., Fablet, R.,
Segmentation of Mesoscale Ocean Surface Dynamics Using Satellite SST and SSH Observations,
GeoRS(52), No. 7, July 2014, pp. 4227-4235.
Ocean temperature BibRef

Jiang, G., Liu, R.,
Retrieval of Sea and Land Surface Temperature From SVISSR/FY-2C/D/E Measurements,
GeoRS(52), No. 10, October 2014, pp. 6132-6140.
Atmospheric measurements BibRef

Zabolotskikh, E.[Elizaveta], Mitnik, L.[Leonid], Chapron, B.[Bertrand],
An Updated Geophysical Model for AMSR-E and SSMIS Brightness Temperature Simulations over Oceans,
RS(6), No. 3, 2014, pp. 2317-2342.
DOI Link 1404

Sudre, J., Yahia, H., Pont, O., Garcon, V.,
Ocean Turbulent Dynamics at Superresolution From Optimal Multiresolution Analysis and Multiplicative Cascade,
GeoRS(53), No. 11, November 2015, pp. 6274-6285.
ocean temperature BibRef

Zhu, Y., Kang, E., Bo, Y., Tang, Q., Cheng, J., He, Y.,
A Robust Fixed Rank Kriging Method for Improving the Spatial Completeness and Accuracy of Satellite SST Products,
GeoRS(53), No. 9, September 2015, pp. 5021-5035.
Covariance matrices BibRef

Koner, P.K.[Prabhat K.], Harris, A.[Andy], Maturi, E.,
A Physical Deterministic Inverse Method for Operational Satellite Remote Sensing: An Application for Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals,
GeoRS(53), No. 11, November 2015, pp. 5872-5888.
ocean temperature BibRef

Wong, E.W., Minnett, P.J.,
Retrieval of the Ocean Skin Temperature Profiles From Measurements of Infrared Hyperspectral Radiometers Part I: Derivation of an Algorithm,
GeoRS(54), No. 4, April 2016, pp. 1879-1890.
Measurement uncertainty BibRef

Wong, E.W., Minnett, P.J.,
Retrieval of the Ocean Skin Temperature Profiles From Measurements of Infrared Hyperspectral Radiometers Part II: Field Data Analysis,
GeoRS(54), No. 4, April 2016, pp. 1891-1904.
Atmospheric measurements BibRef

Koner, P.K.[Prabhat K.], Harris, A.[Andy],
Improved Quality of MODIS Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval and Data Coverage Using Physical Deterministic Methods,
RS(8), No. 6, 2016, pp. 454.
DOI Link 1608

Koner, P.K.[Prabhat K.], Harris, A.[Andy],
Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval from MODIS Radiances Using Truncated Total Least Squares with Multiple Channels and Parameters,
RS(8), No. 9, 2016, pp. 725.
DOI Link 1610

Tu, Q.G.[Qian-Guang], Pan, D.[Delu], Hao, Z.Z.[Zeng-Zhou],
Validation of S-NPP VIIRS Sea Surface Temperature Retrieved from NAVO,
RS(7), No. 12, 2015, pp. 15881.
DOI Link 1601

Ignatov, A.[Alexander], Zhou, X.J.[Xin-Jia], Petrenko, B.[Boris], Liang, X.M.[Xing-Ming], Kihai, Y.[Yury], Dash, P.[Prasanjit], Stroup, J.[John], Sapper, J.[John], di Giacomo, P.[Paul],
AVHRR GAC SST Reanalysis Version 1 (RAN1),
RS(8), No. 4, 2016, pp. 315.
DOI Link 1604
Sea Surface Temperature. BibRef

Hosoda, K.[Kohtaro], Sakaida, F.[Futoki],
Global Daily High-Resolution Satellite-Based Foundation Sea Surface Temperature Dataset: Development and Validation against Two Definitions of Foundation SST,
RS(8), No. 11, 2016, pp. 962.
DOI Link 1612

Liu, M., Guan, L., Zhao, W., Chen, G.,
Evaluation of Sea Surface Temperature From the HY-2 Scanning Microwave Radiometer,
GeoRS(55), No. 3, March 2017, pp. 1372-1380.
Extraterrestrial measurements BibRef

Liu, M.K.[Ming-Kun], Guan, L.[Lei], Chen, G., Zhao, W.,
Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature From HY-2A Scanning Microwave Radiometer,
GeoRS(58), No. 10, October 2020, pp. 7216-7231.
Microwave radiometry, Calibration, Microwave imaging, Microwave theory and techniques, Microwave measurement, sea surface temperature (SST) BibRef

Li, Z.M.[Zhuo-Min], Liu, M.K.[Ming-Kun], Wang, S.J.[Su-Juan], Qu, L.Q.[Li-Qin], Guan, L.[Lei],
Sea Surface Skin Temperature Retrieval from FY-3C/VIRR,
RS(14), No. 6, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2204

Chen, Y.[Yan], Qu, L.Q.[Li-Qin], Li, Z.M.[Zhuo-Min], Guan, L.[Lei],
Retrieval of Sea Surface Skin Temperature from the High Resolution Picture Transmission Data of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Series Satellites,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Sutton, J.R.P.[Jessica R. P.], Lakshmi, V.[Venkat],
From Space to the Rocky Intertidal: Using NASA MODIS Sea Surface Temperature and NOAA Water Temperature to Predict Intertidal Logger Temperature,
RS(9), No. 2, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1703

Wu, F.[Fan], Cornillon, P.[Peter], Boussidi, B.[Brahim], Guan, L.[Lei],
Determining the Pixel-to-Pixel Uncertainty in Satellite-Derived SST Fields,
RS(9), No. 9, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1711

Cheng, J.[Jie], Cheng, X.L.[Xiao-Long], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin], Niclòs, R.[Raquel], Nie, A.X.[Ai-Xiu], Liu, Q.[Qiang],
A Lookup Table-Based Method for Estimating Sea Surface Hemispherical Broadband Emissivity Values (8-13.5 µm),
RS(9), No. 3, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1704

Liao, Z.H.[Zhi-Hong], Dong, Q.[Qing], Xue, C.[Cunjin], Bi, J.W.[Jing-Wu], Wan, G.T.[Guang-Tong],
Reconstruction of Daily Sea Surface Temperature Based on Radial Basis Function Networks,
RS(9), No. 11, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1712

Castro, S.L.[Sandra L.], Emery, W.J.[William J.], Wick, G.A.[Gary A.], Tandy, W.[William],
Submesoscale Sea Surface Temperature Variability from UAV and Satellite Measurements,
RS(9), No. 11, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1712

Zhou, Y., Lang, R.H., Dinnat, E.P., Le Vine, D.M.,
L-Band Model Function of the Dielectric Constant of Seawater,
GeoRS(55), No. 12, December 2017, pp. 6964-6974.
Data models, Dielectric constant, Dielectric measurement, Ocean temperature, Salinity (geophysical), Sea measurements, seawater BibRef

Chang, L., Feng, G., Zhang, Y., He, X.,
Effect of Cloud Fraction on Arctic Low-Level Temperature Inversions in AIRS Observations Over Both Land and Ocean,
GeoRS(56), No. 4, April 2018, pp. 2025-2032.
Arctic, Clouds, Land surface temperature, Meteorology, Ocean temperature, Temperature measurement, cloud fraction (CF) BibRef

Ditri, A.L.[Angela L.], Minnett, P.J.[Peter J.], Liu, Y.[Yang], Kilpatrick, K.[Katherine], Kumar, A.[Ajoy],
The Accuracies of Himawari-8 and MTSAT-2 Sea-Surface Temperatures in the Tropical Western Pacific Ocean,
RS(10), No. 2, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1804

Cavalli, R.M.[Rosa Maria],
Comparison of Split Window Algorithms for Retrieving Measurements of Sea Surface Temperature from MODIS Data in Near-Land Coastal Waters,
IJGI(7), No. 1, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1801

Pearson, K.[Kevin], Merchant, C.[Christopher], Embury, O.[Owen], Donlon, C.[Craig],
The Role of Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 Channels within an Optimal Estimation Scheme for Sea Surface Temperature,
RS(10), No. 1, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1802

Berry, D.I.[David I.], Corlett, G.K.[Gary K.], Embury, O.[Owen], Merchant, C.J.[Christopher J.],
Stability Assessment of the (A)ATSR Sea Surface Temperature Climate Dataset from the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative,
RS(10), No. 1, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1802

Danklmayer, A., Förster, J., Fabbro, V., Biegel, G., Brehm, T., Colditz, P., Castanet, L., Hurtaud, Y.,
Radar Propagation Experiment in the North Sea: The Sylt Campaign,
GeoRS(56), No. 2, February 2018, pp. 835-846.
Clutter, Ocean temperature, Radar measurements, Sea measurements, Sea surface, Sensors, Millimeter-wave propagation, tropospheric propagation BibRef

Picart, S.S.[Stéphane Saux], Tandeo, P.[Pierre], Autret, E.[Emmanuelle], Gausset, B.[Blandine],
Exploring Machine Learning to Correct Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperatures,
RS(10), No. 2, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1804

Nielsen-Englyst, P.[Pia], Høyer, J.L.[Jacob L.], Pedersen, L.T.[Leif Toudal], Gentemann, C.L.[Chelle L.], Alerskans, E.[Emy], Block, T.[Tom], Donlon, C.[Craig],
Optimal Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature from AMSR-E,
RS(10), No. 2, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1804

Tsamalis, C.[Christoforos], Saunders, R.[Roger],
Quality Assessment of Sea Surface Temperature from ATSRs of the Climate Change Initiative (Phase 1),
RS(10), No. 4, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1805

Fablet, R., Verron, J., Mourre, B., Chapron, B., Pascual, A.,
Improving Mesoscale Altimetric Data From a Multitracer Convolutional Processing of Standard Satellite-Derived Products,
GeoRS(56), No. 5, May 2018, pp. 2518-2525.
Atmospheric modeling, Data models, Image reconstruction, Ocean temperature, Sea surface, Spatial resolution, superresolution BibRef

Fablet, R.[Ronan], Viet, P.H.[Phi Huynh], Lguensat, R.[Redouane], Horrein, P.H.[Pierre-Henri], Chapron, B.[Bertrand],
Spatio-Temporal Interpolation of Cloudy SST Fields Using Conditional Analog Data Assimilation,
RS(10), No. 2, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1804

Brewin, R.J.W.[Robert J. W.], Smale, D.A.[Dan A.], Moore, P.J.[Pippa J.], Dall'Olmo, G.[Giorgio], Miller, P.I.[Peter I.], Taylor, B.H.[Benjamin H.], Smyth, T.J.[Tim J.], Fishwick, J.R.[James R.], Yang, M.X.[Ming-Xi],
Evaluating Operational AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature Data at the Coastline Using Benthic Temperature Loggers,
RS(10), No. 6, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1806

Robles-Tamayo, C.M.[Carlos Manuel], Valdez-Holguín, J.E.[José Eduardo], García-Morales, R.[Ricardo], Figueroa-Preciado, G.[Gudelia], Herrera-Cervantes, H.[Hugo], López-Martínez, J.[Juana], Enríquez-Ocaña, L.F.[Luis Fernando],
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Variability of the Eastern Coastal Zone of the Gulf of California,
RS(10), No. 9, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1810

Hernández-Carrasco, I., Garçon, V., Sudre, J., Garbe, C., Yahia, H.,
Increasing the Resolution of Ocean pCO2Maps in the South Eastern Atlantic Ocean Merging Multifractal Satellite-Derived Ocean Variables,
GeoRS(56), No. 11, November 2018, pp. 6596-6610.
Spatial resolution, Satellites, Sea measurements, Sea surface, Ocean temperature, Chaos, CO2, fractals, fronts, wavelet transforms BibRef

Woo, H.J.[Hye-Jin], Park, K.A.[Kyung-Ae], Li, X.F.[Xiao-Feng], Lee, E.Y.[Eun-Young],
Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval from the First Korean Geostationary Satellite COMS Data: Validation and Error Assessment,
RS(10), No. 12, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1901

Tang, B.,
Nonlinear Split-Window Algorithms for Estimating Land and Sea Surface Temperatures From Simulated Chinese Gaofen-5 Satellite Data,
GeoRS(56), No. 11, November 2018, pp. 6280-6289.
Atmospheric modeling, Ocean temperature, Land surface temperature, Sea surface, Land surface, Satellites, thermal infrared (TIR) BibRef

Hakuba, M.Z., Stephens, G.L., Christophe, B., Nash, A.E., Foulon, B., Bettadpur, S.V., Tapley, B.D., Webb, F.H.,
Earth's Energy Imbalance Measured From Space,
GeoRS(57), No. 1, January 2019, pp. 32-45.
Extraterrestrial measurements, Sea measurements, Oceans, Heating systems, Space vehicles, Earth, Pressure measurement, remote sensing BibRef

García-Santos, V., Cuxart, J., Jiménez, M.A., Martínez-Villagrasa, D., Simó, G., Picos, R., Caselles, V.,
Study of Temperature Heterogeneities at Sub-Kilometric Scales and Influence on Surface-Atmosphere Energy Interactions,
GeoRS(57), No. 2, February 2019, pp. 640-654.
Land surface temperature, Sensors, Temperature measurement, Unmanned aerial vehicles, Land surface, Ocean temperature, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) BibRef

Lai, Z., Kiang, J.,
Brightness Temperatures From Very Lossy Medium With Near-Field Bistatic Transmission Coefficients,
GeoRS(57), No. 7, July 2019, pp. 4407-4416.
Brightness temperature, Time-domain analysis, Propagation losses, Ocean temperature, Scattering, Finite difference methods, Planck's law BibRef

Zheng, Y.T.[Yi-Tong], Ren, H.Z.[Hua-Zhong], Guo, J.X.[Jin-Xin], Ghent, D.[Darren], Tansey, K.[Kevin], Hu, X.[Xingbang], Nie, J.[Jing], Chen, S.S.[Shan-Shan],
Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Sentinel-3A Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer, Using a Split-Window Algorithm,
RS(11), No. 6, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Lee, E.Y.[Eun-Young], Park, K.A.[Kyung-Ae],
Change in the Recent Warming Trend of Sea Surface Temperature in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) over Decades (1982-2018),
RS(11), No. 22, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1911

Ouala, S.[Said], Fablet, R.[Ronan], Herzet, C.[Cédric], Chapron, B.[Bertrand], Pascual, A.[Ananda], Collard, F.[Fabrice], Gaultier, L.[Lucile],
Neural Network Based Kalman Filters for the Spatio-Temporal Interpolation of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature,
RS(10), No. 12, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1901

Niu, Z., Zou, X.,
Development of a New Algorithm to Identify Clear Sky MSU Data Using AMSU-A Data for Verification,
GeoRS(57), No. 2, February 2019, pp. 700-708.
Ocean temperature, Cloud computing, Clouds, Atmospheric modeling, Temperature distribution, Sea surface, microwave sounding unit (MSU) BibRef

Zheng, G., Yang, J., Li, X., Zhou, L., Ren, L., Chen, P., Zhang, H., Lou, X.,
Using Artificial Neural Network Ensembles With Crogging Resampling Technique to Retrieve Sea Surface Temperature From HY-2A Scanning Microwave Radiometer Data,
GeoRS(57), No. 2, February 2019, pp. 985-1000.
Microwave radiometry, Microwave measurement, Microwave imaging, Sea measurements, Data models, Ocean temperature, Training, sea surface temperature (SST) BibRef

Susanto, R.D.[R. Dwi], Pan, J.Y.[Jia-Yi], Devlin, A.T.[Adam T.],
Tidal Mixing Signatures in the Hong Kong Coastal Waters from Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature,
RS(11), No. 1, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1901

Petrenko, B.[Boris], Ignatov, A.[Alexander], Kihai, Y.[Yury], Pennybacker, M.[Matthew],
Optimization of Sensitivity of GOES-16 ABI Sea Surface Temperature by Matching Satellite Observations with L4 Analysis,
RS(11), No. 2, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1902

Boussidi, B.[Brahim], Cornillon, P.[Peter], Puggioni, G.[Gavino], Gentemann, C.[Chelle],
Determining the AMSR-E SST Footprint from Co-Located MODIS SSTs,
RS(11), No. 6, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Wu, F.[Fan], Cornillon, P.[Peter], Guan, L.[Lei], Kilpatrick, K.[Katherine],
Long-Term Variations in the Pixel-to-Pixel Variability of NOAA AVHRR SST Fields from 1982 to 2015,
RS(11), No. 7, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1904

Han, G.Q.[Guo-Qing], Dong, C.M.[Chang-Ming], Li, J.[Junde], Yang, J.S.[Jing-Song], Wang, Q.Y.[Qing-Yue], Liu, Y.[Yu], Sommeria, J.[Joel],
SST Anomalies in the Mozambique Channel Using Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling Data,
RS(11), No. 9, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1905

Kataoka, F., Knuteson, R.O., Kuze, A., Shiomi, K., Suto, H., Yoshida, J., Kondoh, S., Saitoh, N.,
Calibration, Level 1 Processing, and Radiometric Validation for TANSO-FTS TIR on GOSAT,
GeoRS(57), No. 6, June 2019, pp. 3490-3500.
Calibration, Radiometry, Detectors, Satellite broadcasting, Ocean temperature, Terrestrial atmosphere, satellite BibRef

Kubar, T.L.[Terence L.], Jiang, J.H.[Jonathan H.],
Net Cloud Thinning, Low-Level Cloud Diminishment, and Hadley Circulation Weakening of Precipitating Clouds with Tropical West Pacific SST Using MISR and Other Satellite and Reanalysis Data,
RS(11), No. 10, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1906

Taniguchi, N.[Naokazu], Kida, S.[Shinichiro], Sakuno, Y.J.[Yu-Ji], Mutsuda, H.[Hidemi], Syamsudin, F.[Fadli],
Short-Term Variation of the Surface Flow Pattern South of Lombok Strait Observed from the Himawari-8 Sea Surface Temperature,
RS(11), No. 12, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1907

Su, H.[Hua], Yang, X.[Xin], Lu, W.F.[Wen-Fang], Yan, X.H.[Xiao-Hai],
Estimating Subsurface Thermohaline Structure of the Global Ocean Using Surface Remote Sensing Observations,
RS(11), No. 13, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1907

Vazquez-Cuervo, J.[Jorge], Gomez-Valdes, J.[Jose], Bouali, M.[Marouan], Miranda, L.E.[Luis E.], van der Stocken, T.[Tom], Tang, W.Q.[Wen-Qing], Gentemann, C.[Chelle],
Using Saildrones to Validate Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Salinity and Sea Surface Temperature along the California/Baja Coast,
RS(11), No. 17, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1909

Vazquez-Cuervo, J.[Jorge], Gomez-Valdes, J.[Jose], Bouali, M.[Marouan],
Comparison of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity Gradients Using the Saildrone California/Baja and North Atlantic Gulf Stream Deployments,
RS(12), No. 11, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2006

Vincent, R.F.,
The Case for a Single Channel Composite Arctic Sea Surface Temperature Algorithm,
RS(11), No. 20, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1910

Medina-Lopez, E.[Encarni], Ureña-Fuentes, L.[Leonardo],
High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity in Coastal Areas Worldwide from Raw Satellite Data,
RS(11), No. 19, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1910

Pearson, K.[Kevin], Good, S.[Simon], Merchant, C.J.[Christopher J.], Prigent, C.[Catherine], Embury, O.[Owen], Donlon, C.[Craig],
Sea Surface Temperature in Global Analyses: Gains from the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer,
RS(11), No. 20, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1910

González-Haro, C.[Cristina], Ponte, A.[Aurélien], Autret, E.[Emmanuelle],
Quantifying Tidal Fluctuations in Remote Sensing Infrared SST Observations,
RS(11), No. 19, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1910

Jang, J.C.[Jae-Cheol], Park, K.A.[Kyung-Ae],
High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Data at Coastal Regions,
RS(11), No. 22, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1911

Wu, C.R.[Chau-Ron], Wang, Y.L.[You-Lin], Chao, S.Y.[Shenn-Yu],
Disassociation of the Kuroshio Current with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Since 1999,
RS(11), No. 3, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1902

Klein, K.P.[Konstantin P.], Lantuit, H.[Hugues], Heim, B.[Birgit], Fell, F.[Frank], Doxaran, D.[David], Irrgang, A.M.[Anna M.],
Long-Term High-Resolution Sediment and Sea Surface Temperature Spatial Patterns in Arctic Nearshore Waters Retrieved Using 30-Year Landsat Archive Imagery,
RS(11), No. 23, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1912

Storto, A.[Andrea], Oddo, P.[Paolo],
Optimal Assimilation of Daytime SST Retrievals from SEVIRI in a Regional Ocean Prediction System,
RS(11), No. 23, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1912

Jeong, Y.[Yubeen], Hwang, J.Y.[Jih-Yun], Park, J.[Jinku], Jang, C.J.[Chan Joo], Jo, Y.H.[Young-Heon],
Reconstructed 3-D Ocean Temperature Derived from Remotely Sensed Sea Surface Measurements for Mixed Layer Depth Analysis,
RS(11), No. 24, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1912

Hook, S.J., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Barsi, J., Radocinski, R., Hulley, G.C., Johnson, W.R., Rivera, G., Markham, B.,
In-Flight Validation of the ECOSTRESS, Landsats 7 and 8 Thermal Infrared Spectral Channels Using the Lake Tahoe CA/NV and Salton Sea CA Automated Validation Sites,
GeoRS(58), No. 2, February 2020, pp. 1294-1302.
Temperature measurement, Ocean temperature, Instruments, Lakes, Earth, Sea measurements, Atmospheric measurements, validation BibRef

Pivato, M.[Mattia], Carniello, L.[Luca], Viero, D.P.[Daniele Pietro], Soranzo, C.[Chiara], Defina, A.[Andrea], Silvestri, S.[Sonia],
Remote Sensing for Optimal Estimation of Water Temperature Dynamics in Shallow Tidal Environments,
RS(12), No. 1, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2001

Pisano, A.[Andrea], Marullo, S.[Salvatore], Artale, V.[Vincenzo], Falcini, F.[Federico], Yang, C.X.[Chun-Xue], Leonelli, F.E.[Francesca Elisa], Santoleri, R.[Rosalia], Nardelli, B.B.[Bruno Buongiorno],
New Evidence of Mediterranean Climate Change and Variability from Sea Surface Temperature Observations,
RS(12), No. 1, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2001

Saha, K.[Korak], Dash, P.[Prasanjit], Zhao, X.P.[Xue-Peng], Zhang, H.M.[Huai-Min],
Error Estimation of Pathfinder Version 5.3 Level-3C SST Using Extended Triple Collocation Analysis,
RS(12), No. 4, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2003

Stathopoulos, C.[Christos], Patlakas, P.[Platon], Tsalis, C.[Christos], Kallos, G.[George],
The Role of Sea Surface Temperature Forcing in the Life-Cycle of Mediterranean Cyclones,
RS(12), No. 5, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2003

Kwon, K.[Kyungman], Choi, B.J.[Byoung-Ju], Kim, S.D.[Sung-Dae], Lee, S.H.[Sang-Ho], Park, K.A.[Kyung-Ae],
Assessment and Improvement of Global Gridded Sea Surface Temperature Datasets in the Yellow Sea Using In Situ Ocean Buoy and Research Vessel Observations,
RS(12), No. 5, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2003

Reid, R.[Rebecca], Good, S.[Simon], Martin, M.J.[Matthew J.],
Use of Uncertainty Inflation in OSTIA to Account for Correlated Errors in Satellite-Retrieved Sea Surface Temperature Data,
RS(12), No. 7, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2004

Androulakis, D.N.[Dimitrios N.], Banks, A.C.[Andrew Clive], Dounas, C.[Costas], Margaris, D.P.[Dionissios P.],
An Evaluation of Autonomous In Situ Temperature Loggers in a Coastal Region of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea for Use in the Validation of Near-Shore Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Measurements,
RS(12), No. 7, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2004

Yin, Z.[Zi], Dong, Q.[Qing], Kong, F.[Fanping], Cao, D.[Dan], Long, S.[Shuang],
Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool and its Associated Climate Factors Based on Remote Sensing,
RS(12), No. 7, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2004

Yang, M.L.[Ming-Lun], Guan, L.[Lei], Beggs, H.[Helen], Morgan, N.[Nicole], Kurihara, Y.[Yukio], Kachi, M.[Misako],
Comparison of Himawari-8 AHI SST with Shipboard Skin SST Measurements in the Australian Region,
RS(12), No. 8, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2004

Woo, H.J.[Hye-Jin], Park, K.A.[Kyung-Ae],
Inter-Comparisons of Daily Sea Surface Temperatures and In-Situ Temperatures in the Coastal Regions,
RS(12), No. 10, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2006

Luo, B.[Bingkun], Minnett, P.J.[Peter J.],
Evaluation of the ERA5 Sea Surface Skin Temperature with Remotely-Sensed Shipborne Marine-Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer Data,
RS(12), No. 11, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2006

Liu, Y.Y.[Ying-Ying], Zhang, Y.Z.[Yuan-Zhi], Cai, J.Z.[Jing-Ze], Tsou, J.Y.[Jin Yeu],
Analyzing the Effects of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) on Soil Moisture (SM) in Coastal Areas of Eastern China,
RS(12), No. 14, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2007

Alawad, K.A.[Kamal A.], Al-Subhi, A.M.[Abdullah M.], Alsaafani, M.A.[Mohammed A.], Alraddadi, T.M.[Turki M.],
Atmospheric Forcing of the High and Low Extremes in the Sea Surface Temperature over the Red Sea and Associated Chlorophyll-a Concentration,
RS(12), No. 14, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2007

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OPEN: A New Estimation of Global Ocean Heat Content for Upper 2000 Meters from Remote Sensing Data,
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Unabated Global Ocean Warming Revealed by Ocean Heat Content from Remote Sensing Reconstruction,
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Reconstructing Ocean Heat Content for Revisiting Global Ocean Warming from Remote Sensing Perspectives,
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A Warming Mediterranean: 38 Years of Increasing Sea Surface Temperature,
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Seasonal Variability of SST Fronts in the Inner Sea of Chiloé and Its Adjacent Coastal Ocean, Northern Patagonia,
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Statistical Characteristics of the Response of Sea Surface Temperatures to Westward Typhoons in the South China Sea,
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Comparison of a Smartfin with an Infrared Sea Surface Temperature Radiometer in the Atlantic Ocean,
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Observing Water Surface Temperature from Two Different Airborne Platforms over Temporarily Flooded Wadden Areas at the Elbe Estuary: Methods for Corrections and Analysis,
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Continuous Sensing of Water Temperature in a Reservoir with Grid Inversion Method Based on Acoustic Tomography System,
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A Process-Oriented Approach to Identify Evolutions of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies with a Time-Series of a Raster Dataset,
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Assessment of Global FY-3C/VIRR Sea Surface Temperature,
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Correcting Sea Surface Temperature Spurious Effects in Salinity Retrieved From Spaceborne L-Band Radiometer Measurements,
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High-Resolution Ocean Currents from Sea Surface Temperature Observations: The Catalan Sea (Western Mediterranean),
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A Completeness and Complementarity Analysis of the Data Sources in the NOAA In Situ Sea Surface Temperature Quality Monitor (iQuam) System,
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Can the Structure Similarity of Training Patches Affect the Sea Surface Temperature Deep Learning Super-Resolution?,
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A New Methodology on Noise Equivalent Differential Temperature Calculation for On-Orbit Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A Instrument,
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Aumann, H.[Hartmut], Manning, E.[Evan], Wilson, R.C.[R. Chris], Vazquez-Cuervo, J.,
Evaluation of AIRS and CrIS SST Measurements Relative to Three Globally Gridded SST Products Between 2013 and 2019,
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Two-Decade Variability of Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a in the Northern South China Sea as Revealed by Reconstructed Cloud-Free Satellite Data,
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Landsat 8 Data as a Source of High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Maps in the Baltic Sea,
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Skin Sea Surface Temperatures From the GOES-16 ABI Validated With Those of the Shipborne M-AERI,
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Global Intercomparison of Hyper-Resolution ECOSTRESS Coastal Sea Surface Temperature Measurements from the Space Station with VIIRS-N20,
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The Evaluation of Temporal and Spatial Trends of Global Warming and Extreme Ocean Surface Temperatures: A Case Study of Canada,
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Weak Mesoscale Variability in the Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISST)-AVHRR-Only Version 2 Data before 2007,
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Comparison of GHRSST SST Analysis in the Arctic Ocean and Alaskan Coastal Waters Using Saildrones,
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High-Resolution Seamless Daily Sea Surface Temperature Based on Satellite Data Fusion and Machine Learning over Kuroshio Extension,
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Characteristics of Marine Heatwaves in the Japan/East Sea,
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A Hybrid Deep Learning Model for the Bias Correction of SST Numerical Forecast Products Using Satellite Data,
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SST Anywhere: A Portable Solution for Wide Field Low Earth Orbit Surveillance,
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An Information Spatial-Temporal Extension Algorithm for Shipborne Predictions Based on Deep Neural Networks with Remote Sensing Observations: Part I: Ocean Temperature,
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Comparative Study of the 60 GHz and 118 GHz Oxygen Absorption Bands for Sounding Sea Surface Barometric Pressure,
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Relative Merits of Optimal Estimation and Non-Linear Retrievals of Sea-Surface Temperature from MODIS,
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Sea Surface Temperature Variability and Marine Heatwaves in the Black Sea,
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MIMO: A Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Multi-Scale Sea Surface Temperature Prediction,
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Yang, Y.C.[Yi-Chung], Lu, C.Y.[Ching-Yuan], Huang, S.J.[Shih-Jen], Yang, T.Z.[Thwong-Zong], Chang, Y.C.[Yu-Cheng], Ho, C.R.[Chung-Ru],
On the Reconstruction of Missing Sea Surface Temperature Data from Himawari-8 in Adjacent Waters of Taiwan Using DINEOF Conducted with 25-h Data,
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Sensitivity Testing of Microwave Temperature Sounder-II Onboard the Fengyun-3 Satellite to Sea Surface Barometric Pressure Based on Deep Neural Network,
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Ocean-Atmosphere Variability in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean during Active Marine Heatwave Years,
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Albarqouni, M.M.Y.[Mohammed M. Y.], Yagmur, N.[Nur], Balcik, F.B.[Filiz Bektas], Sekertekin, A.[Aliihsan],
Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Surface Extents and Lake Surface Temperatures Using Google Earth Engine for Lakes Region, Turkiye,
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Jia, X.Y.[Xiao-Yan], Ji, Q.[Qiyan], Han, L.[Lei], Liu, Y.[Yu], Han, G.Q.[Guo-Qing], Lin, X.[Xiayan],
Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature in the East China Sea Based on LSTM Neural Network,
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Hao, P.[Peng], Li, S.[Shuang], Song, J.B.[Jin-Bao], Gao, Y.[Yu],
Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature in the South China Sea Based on Deep Learning,
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He, H.[Hailun], Shi, B.[Benyun], Zhu, Y.T.[Yu-Ting], Feng, L.[Liu], Ge, C.H.[Cong-Hui], Tan, Q.[Qi], Peng, Y.[Yue], Liu, Y.[Yang], Ling, Z.[Zheng], Li, S.[Shuang],
Numerical Weather Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature in South China Sea Using Attention-Based Context Fusion Network,
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Shi, B.[Benyun], Ge, C.H.[Cong-Hui], Lin, H.[Hongwang], Xu, Y.P.[Yan-Peng], Tan, Q.[Qi], Peng, Y.[Yue], He, H.[Hailun],
Sea Surface Temperature Prediction Using ConvLSTM-Based Model with Deformable Attention,
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Su, H.[Hua], Jiang, J.W.[Jin-Wen], Wang, A.[An], Zhuang, W.[Wei], Yan, X.H.[Xiao-Hai],
Subsurface Temperature Reconstruction for the Global Ocean from 1993 to 2020 Using Satellite Observations and Deep Learning,
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Petrenko, B.[Boris], Pryamitsyn, V.[Victor], Ignatov, A.[Alexander], Jonasson, O.[Olafur], Kihai, Y.[Yury],
AVHRR GAC Sea Surface Temperature Reanalysis Version 2,
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Jonasson, O.[Olafur], Ignatov, A.[Alexander], Pryamitsyn, V.[Victor], Petrenko, B.[Boris], Kihai, Y.[Yury],
JPSS VIIRS SST Reanalysis Version 3,
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Qi, J.F.[Ji-Feng], Liu, C.Y.[Chuan-Yu], Chi, J.W.[Jian-Wei], Li, D.[Delei], Gao, L.[Le], Yin, B.[Baoshu],
An Ensemble-Based Machine Learning Model for Estimation of Subsurface Thermal Structure in the South China Sea,
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Choi, W.[Wonkeun], Bang, M.[Minkyoung], Joh, Y.[Youngji], Ham, Y.G.[Yoo-Geun], Kang, N.[Namyoung], Jang, C.J.[Chan Joo],
Characteristics and Mechanisms of Marine Heatwaves in the East Asian Marginal Seas: Regional and Seasonal Differences,
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Moschos, E.[Evangelos], Barboni, A.[Alexandre], Stegner, A.[Alexandre],
Why Do Inverse Eddy Surface Temperature Anomalies Emerge? The Case of the Mediterranean Sea,
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Dyba, K.[Krzysztof], Ermida, S.[Sofia], Ptak, M.[Mariusz], Piekarczyk, J.[Jan], Sojka, M.[Mariusz],
Evaluation of Methods for Estimating Lake Surface Water Temperature Using Landsat 8,
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Govekar, P.D.[Pallavi Devidas], Griffin, C.[Christopher], Beggs, H.M.[Helen Mary],
Multi-Sensor Sea Surface Temperature Products from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology,
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Govekar, P.D.[Pallavi Devidas], Griffin, C.[Christopher], Embury, O.[Owen], Mittaz, J.[Jonathan], Beggs, H.M.[Helen Mary], Merchant, C.J.[Christopher J.],
Himawari-8 Sea Surface Temperature Products from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology,
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Tritt, R.[Remigiusz], Mlynarczyk, A.[Adam], Proch, J.[Jedrzej],
Attempt to Combine Physicochemical Data with Thermal Remote Sensing to Determine the Extent of Water Mixing between River and Lake,
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Guo, X.[Xing], He, J.H.[Jiang-Hai], Wang, B.[Biao], Wu, J.J.[Jia-Ji],
Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature by Combining Interdimensional and Self-Attention with Neural Networks,
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Hsu, P.C.[Po-Chun],
Evaluation of Wind and Solar Insolation Influence on Ocean Near-Surface Temperature from In Situ Observations and the Geostationary Himawari-8 Satellite,
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Sun, N.L.[Neng-Li], Zhou, Z.M.[Ze-Ming], Li, Q.[Qian], Zhou, X.[Xuan],
Spatiotemporal Prediction of Monthly Sea Subsurface Temperature Fields Using a 3D U-Net-Based Model,
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Kishcha, P.[Pavel], Lechinsky, Y.[Yury], Starobinets, B.[Boris],
Cooling by Cyprus Lows of Surface and Epilimnion Water in Subtropical Lake Kinneret in Rainy Seasons,
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Ahn, J.[Jihye], Lee, Y.[Yangwon],
Spatial Gap-Filling of GK2A Daily Sea Surface Temperature (SST) around the Korean Peninsula Using Meteorological Data and Regression Residual Kriging (RRK),
RS(14), No. 20, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2211

Zhao, L.H.[Lin-Hong], Yang, D.T.[Ding-Tian], Zhong, R.[Rong], Yin, X.Q.[Xiao-Qing],
Interannual, Seasonal, and Monthly Variability of Sea Surface Temperature Fronts in Offshore China from 1982-2021,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Lazhu, Yang, K.[Kun], Qin, J.[Jun], Hou, J.[Juzhi], Lei, Y.B.[Yan-Bin], Wang, J.[Junbo], Huang, A.N.[An-Ning], Chen, Y.Y.[Ying-Ying], Ding, B.H.[Bao-Hong], Li, X.[Xin],
A Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature on the Tibetan Plateau,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Li, Y.[Yan], Ren, G.Y.[Guo-Yu], Wang, Q.Y.[Qing-Yuan], Mu, L.[Lin], Niu, Q.[Qianru],
Marine Heatwaves in the South China Sea: Tempo-Spatial Pattern and Its Association with Large-Scale Circulation,
RS(14), No. 22, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

O'Sullivan, A.M.[Antóin M.], Kurylyk, B.L.[Barret L.],
Limiting External Absorptivity of UAV-Based Uncooled Thermal Infrared Sensors Increases Water Temperature Measurement Accuracy,
RS(14), No. 24, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Jamali, S.[Sadegh], Ghorbanian, A.[Arsalan], Abdi, A.M.[Abdulhakim M.],
Satellite-Observed Spatial and Temporal Sea Surface Temperature Trends of the Baltic Sea between 1982 and 2021,
RS(15), No. 1, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Marcq, S.[Sébastien], Delogu, E.[Emilie], Chapelier, M.[Morgane], Vidal, T.H.G.[Thomas H. G.],
DirecTES: A Direct Method for Land and Sea Surface Temperature and Emissivity Separation for Thermal Infrared Sensors: Application to TRISHNA and ECOSTRESS,
RS(15), No. 2, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Vazquez-Cuervo, J.[Jorge], García-Reyes, M.[Marisol], Gómez-Valdés, J.[José],
Identification of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity Fronts along the California Coast: Application Using Saildrone and Satellite Derived Products,
RS(15), No. 2, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Chen, S.[Sijie], Yao, Y.L.[Yu-Long], Feng, Y.T.[Yu-Ting], Zhang, Y.C.[Yong-Chui], Xia, C.S.[Chang-Shui], Sian, K.T.C.L.K.[Kenny T. C. Lim Kam], Dong, C.M.[Chang-Ming],
Characteristics and Drivers of Marine Heatwaves in 2021 Summer in East Korea Bay, Japan/East Sea,
RS(15), No. 3, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2302

Hao, Z.H.[Zi-Han], Li, W.[Weide], Wu, J.[Jinran], Zhang, S.[Shaotong], Hu, S.[Shujuan],
A Novel Deep Learning Model for Mining Nonlinear Dynamics in Lake Surface Water Temperature Prediction,
RS(15), No. 4, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Ciani, D.[Daniele], Sabatini, M.[Mattia], Nardelli, B.B.[Bruno Buongiorno], Dekker, P.L.[Paco Lopez], Rommen, B.[Björn], Wethey, D.S.[David S.], Yang, C.X.[Chun-Xue], Liberti, G.L.[Gian Luigi],
Sea Surface Temperature Gradients Estimation Using Top-of-Atmosphere Observations from the ESA Earth Explorer 10 Harmony Mission: Preliminary Studies,
RS(15), No. 4, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Yu, K.[Kai], Dong, C.M.[Chang-Ming], Wang, J.[Jin], Cheng, X.[Xuhua], Yu, Y.[Yi],
Statistical Characteristics of the Multiscale SST Fractal Structure over the Kuroshio Extension Region Using VIIRS Data,
RS(15), No. 4, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Yao, R.[Ru], Shao, W.Z.[Wei-Zeng], Hao, M.Y.[Meng-Yu], Zuo, J.C.[Jun-Cheng], Hu, S.[Song],
The Respondence of Wave on Sea Surface Temperature in the Context of Global Change,
RS(15), No. 7, 2023, pp. 1948.
DOI Link 2304

Varghese, R.[Roma], Behera, S.K.[Swadhin K.], Behera, M.D.[Mukunda Dev],
Significant Inverse Influence of Tropical Indian Ocean SST on SIF of Indian Vegetation during the Summer Monsoon Onset Phase,
RS(15), No. 7, 2023, pp. 1756.
DOI Link 2304

Aboelkhair, H.[Hassan], Mohamed, B.[Bayoumy], Morsy, M.[Mostafa], Nagy, H.[Hazem],
Co-Occurrence of Atmospheric and Oceanic Heatwaves in the Eastern Mediterranean over the Last Four Decades,
RS(15), No. 7, 2023, pp. 1841.
DOI Link 2304

Jin, C.[Chang], Peng, H.[Han], Yang, H.[Hanchen], Li, W.[Wengen], Guan, J.H.[Ji-Hong],
On Evaluating the Predictability of Sea Surface Temperature Using Entropy,
RS(15), No. 8, 2023, pp. 1956.
DOI Link 2305

Xu, P.[Pan], Xu, S.J.[Shi-Jie], Yu, F.[Fenyuan], Gao, Y.X.[Yi-Xin], Li, G.M.[Guang-Ming], Hu, Z.L.[Zheng-Liang], Huang, H.[Haocai],
Water Temperature Reconstruction via Station Position Correction Method Based on Coastal Acoustic Tomography Systems,
RS(15), No. 8, 2023, pp. 1965.
DOI Link 2305

Wang, Q.H.[Qian-Hui], Shi, J.[Jian], Xia, J.[Jingmin], Han, K.F.[Kai-Feng], Xiao, W.B.[Wen-Bin], Zhang, W.J.[Wen-Jing], Wang, H.[Haodi], Lv, J.[Jialei],
Influence of Wave-Induced Radiation Stress on Upper-Layer Ocean Temperature during Typhoons,
RS(15), No. 9, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2305

Cao, X.[Xuhui], Shi, J.[Jian], Chen, J.[Jie], Wang, Q.H.[Qian-Hui], Lv, J.[Jialei], Zhao, Z.[Zeqi],
Influence of Radiation Stress on Upper-Layer Ocean Temperature under Geostrophic Condition,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2288.
DOI Link 2407

Liberti, G.L.[Gian Luigi], Sabatini, M.[Mattia], Wethey, D.S.[David S.], Ciani, D.[Daniele],
A Multi-Pixel Split-Window Approach to Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval from Thermal Imagers with Relatively High Radiometric Noise: Preliminary Studies,
RS(15), No. 9, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2305

Feng, C.L.[Chang-Long], Yin, W.B.[Wen-Bin], He, S.Y.[Shuang-Yan], He, M.J.[Ming-Jun], Li, X.X.[Xiao-Xia],
Evaluation of SST Data Products from Multi-Source Satellite Infrared Sensors in the Bohai-Yellow-East China Sea,
RS(15), No. 10, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2306

Zhang, H.F.[Hai-Feng], Beggs, H.[Helen], Griffin, C.[Christopher], Govekar, P.D.[Pallavi Devidas],
Validation of Himawari-8 Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals Using Infrared SST Autonomous Radiometer Measurements,
RS(15), No. 11, 2023, pp. 2841.
DOI Link 2306

Castro, S.L.[Sandra L.], Wick, G.A.[Gary A.], Eastwood, S.[Steinar], Steele, M.A.[Michael A.], Tonboe, R.T.[Rasmus T.],
Examining the Consistency of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Concentration in Arctic Satellite Products,
RS(15), No. 11, 2023, pp. 2908.
DOI Link 2306

Xue, J.Y.[Jing-Yuan], Shan, H.X.[Hai-Xia], Liang, J.H.[Jun-Hong], Dong, C.M.[Chang-Ming],
Assessment and Projections of Marine Heatwaves in the Northwest Pacific Based on CMIP6 Models,
RS(15), No. 12, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2307

Yuan, T.K.[Tai-Kang], Zhu, J.X.[Jun-Xing], Wang, W.[Wuxin], Lu, J.Z.[Jing-Ze], Wang, X.[Xiang], Li, X.Y.[Xiao-Yong], Ren, K.J.[Kai-Jun],
A Space-Time Partial Differential Equation Based Physics-Guided Neural Network for Sea Surface Temperature Prediction,
RS(15), No. 14, 2023, pp. 3498.
DOI Link 2307

Zhang, Y.X.[Yu-Xin], Wang, J.[Junbang], Watson, A.E.[Alan E.],
Rapid Vegetation Growth due to Shifts in Climate from Slow to Sustained Warming over Terrestrial Ecosystems in China from 1980 to 2018,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Liu, Z.Y.[Zhen-Yu], Yang, M.L.[Ming-Lun], Qu, L.Q.[Li-Qin], Guan, L.[Lei],
Regional Study on the Oceanic Cool Skin and Diurnal Warming Effects: Observing and Modeling,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Martínez, J.L.[Juana López], Espinoza, E.B.F.[Edgardo Basilio Farach], Cervantes, H.H.[Hugo Herrera], Morales, R.G.[Ricardo García],
Long-Term Variability in Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll a Concentration in the Gulf of California,
RS(15), No. 16, 2023, pp. 4088.
DOI Link 2309

Guo, L.[Linan], Zheng, H.X.[Hong-Xing], Wu, Y.H.[Yan-Hong], Zhu, L.P.[Li-Ping], Wang, J.[Junbo], Ju, J.T.[Jian-Ting],
Modelling Heat Balance of a Large Lake in Central Tibetan Plateau Incorporating Satellite Observations,
RS(15), No. 16, 2023, pp. 3982.
DOI Link 2309

Zou, R.[Runtai], Wei, L.[Li], Guan, L.[Lei],
Super Resolution of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature Using a Transformer-Based Model,
RS(15), No. 22, 2023, pp. 5376.
DOI Link 2311

Kishcha, P.[Pavel], Lechinsky, Y.[Yury], Starobinets, B.[Boris],
Impact of a Severe Dust Event on Diurnal Behavior of Surface Water Temperature in Subtropical Lake Kinneret,
RS(15), No. 22, 2023, pp. 5297.
DOI Link 2311

Jonasson, O.[Olafur], Ignatov, A.[Alexander], Petrenko, B.[Boris], Pryamitsyn, V.[Victor], Kihai, Y.[Yury],
NOAA MODIS SST Reanalysis Version 1,
RS(15), No. 23, 2023, pp. 5589.
DOI Link 2312

Wang, Y.[Yang], Karimi, H.A.[Hassan A.], Jia, X.W.[Xiao-Wei],
Reconstruction of Continuous High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Data Using Time-Aware Implicit Neural Representation,
RS(15), No. 24, 2023, pp. 5646.
DOI Link 2401

Ji, C.M.[Chang-Ming], Ding, H.Y.[Hai-Yong],
Optimizing Back-Propagation Neural Network to Retrieve Sea Surface Temperature Based on Improved Sparrow Search Algorithm,
RS(15), No. 24, 2023, pp. 5722.
DOI Link 2401

Wang, W.[Weibo], Wang, Y.[Yu], Zhang, J.P.[Jun-Peng], Jing, C.S.[Chun-Sheng], Ding, R.[Rui],
Assessment of the Impact of Pacific Inflow on Sea Surface Temperature Prior to the Freeze-Up Period over the Bering Sea,
RS(16), No. 1, 2024, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2401

Yu, H.Q.[Hai-Qing], Ma, J.[Jie], Wang, H.[Hui], Xing, Q.W.[Qin-Wang], Jiang, L.[Lin],
An Extreme Marine Heatwave Event in the Yellow Sea during Winter 2019/20: Causes and Consequences,
RS(16), No. 1, 2024, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2401

Xu, P.[Pan], Xu, S.J.[Shi-Jie], Shi, K.[Kequan], Ou, M.Y.[Ming-Yu], Zhu, H.[Hongna], Xu, G.J.[Guo-Jun], Gao, D.[Dongbao], Li, G.M.[Guang-Ming], Zhao, Y.[Yun],
Prediction of Water Temperature Based on Graph Neural Network in a Small-Scale Observation via Coastal Acoustic Tomography,
RS(16), No. 4, 2024, pp. 646.
DOI Link 2402

Tu, Q.G.[Qian-Guang], Hao, Z.Z.[Zeng-Zhou], Liu, D.[Dong], Tao, B.[Bangyi], Shi, L.L.[Liang-Liang], Yan, Y.W.[Yun-Wei],
The Impact of Diurnal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature on Air-Sea Heat Flux Estimation over the Northwest Pacific Ocean,
RS(16), No. 4, 2024, pp. 628.
DOI Link 2402

Wachmann, A.[Alena], Starko, S.[Samuel], Neufeld, C.J.[Christopher J.], Costa, M.[Maycira],
Validating Landsat Analysis Ready Data for Nearshore Sea Surface Temperature Monitoring in the Northeast Pacific,
RS(16), No. 5, 2024, pp. 920.
DOI Link 2403

Zhang, M.M.[Meng-Meng], Han, G.J.[Gui-Jun], Wu, X.B.[Xiao-Bo], Li, C.L.[Chao-Liang], Shao, Q.[Qi], Li, W.[Wei], Cao, L.[Lige], Wang, X.[Xuan], Dong, W.Q.[Wan-Qiu], Ji, Z.[Zenghua],
SST Forecast Skills Based on Hybrid Deep Learning Models: With Applications to the South China Sea,
RS(16), No. 6, 2024, pp. 1034.
DOI Link 2403

Moisan, J.R.[John R.], Rousseaux, C.S.[Cecile S.], Stysley, P.R.[Paul R.], Clarke, G.B.[Gregory B.], Poulios, D.P.[Demetrios P.],
Ocean Temperature Profiling Lidar: Analysis of Technology and Potential for Rapid Ocean Observations,
RS(16), No. 7, 2024, pp. 1236.
DOI Link 2404

Ren, J.[Jing], Wang, C.Y.[Chang-Ying], Sun, L.[Ling], Huang, B.X.[Bao-Xiang], Zhang, D.Y.[De-Yu], Mu, J.[Jiadong], Wu, J.Q.[Jian-Qiang],
Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature Using U-Net Based Model,
RS(16), No. 7, 2024, pp. 1205.
DOI Link 2404

Li, C.H.[Chun-Hui], Sun, W.J.[Wen-Jin], Ji, J.L.[Jin-Lin], Zhu, Y.X.[Yu-Xin],
Historical Marine Cold Spells in the South China Sea: Characteristics and Trends,
RS(16), No. 7, 2024, pp. 1171.
DOI Link 2404

Li, Z.K.[Zu-Kun], Wei, D.M.[Dao-Ming], Zhang, X.F.[Xue-Feng], Gao, Y.T.[Yao-Ting], Zhang, D.J.[Dian-Jun],
A Daily High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction Using an I-DINCAE and DNN Model Based on FY-3C Thermal Infrared Data,
RS(16), No. 10, 2024, pp. 1745.
DOI Link 2405

Putra, D.P.[Dimas Pradana], Hsu, P.C.[Po-Chun],
Leveraging Transfer Learning and U-Nets Method for Improved Gap Filling in Himawari Sea Surface Temperature Data Adjacent to Taiwan,
IJGI(13), No. 5, 2024, pp. 162.
DOI Link 2405

Zhao, Y.[Yili], Liu, P.[Ping], Zhou, W.[Wu],
Inter-Comparison of SST Products from iQuam, AMSR2/GCOM-W1, and MWRI/FY-3D,
RS(16), No. 11, 2024, pp. 2034.
DOI Link 2406

Reiners, P.[Philipp], Obrecht, L.[Laura], Dietz, A.[Andreas], Holzwarth, S.[Stefanie], Kuenzer, C.[Claudia],
First Analyses of the TIMELINE AVHRR SST Product: Long-Term Trends of Sea Surface Temperature at 1 km Resolution across European Coastal Zones,
RS(16), No. 11, 2024, pp. 1932.
DOI Link 2406

Wethey, D.S.[David S.], Weidberg, N.[Nicolas], Woodin, S.A.[Sarah A.], Vazquez-Cuervo, J.[Jorge],
Characterization and Validation of ECOSTRESS Sea Surface Temperature Measurements at 70 m Spatial Scale,
RS(16), No. 11, 2024, pp. 1876.
DOI Link 2406

Jia, C.[Chong], Minnett, P.J.[Peter J.], Szczodrak, M.[Malgorzata],
Assessment of Accuracy of Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Sea Surface Temperature at High Latitudes Using Saildrone Data,
RS(16), No. 11, 2024, pp. 2008.
DOI Link 2406

Jiang, J.W.[Jia-Wei], Wang, J.[Jun], Liu, Y.P.[Yi-Ping], Huang, C.[Chao], Jiang, Q.[Qiufu], Feng, L.Q.[Li-Qiang], Wan, L.Y.[Li-Ying], Zhang, X.G.[Xiang-Guang],
Multi-Scale Window Spatiotemporal Attention Network for Subsurface Temperature Prediction and Reconstruction,
RS(16), No. 12, 2024, pp. 2243.
DOI Link 2406

Lim, G.C.[Gyu-Chang], Park, J.J.[Jong-Jin],
Exploring Long-Term Persistence in Sea Surface Temperature and Ocean Parameters via Detrended Cross-Correlation Approach,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2501.
DOI Link 2407

Wanigasekara, R.W.W.M.U.P., Zhang, Z.Q.[Zhen-Qiu], Wang, W.Q.[Wei-Qiang], Luo, Y.[Yao], Pan, G.[Gang],
Application of Fast MEEMD-ConvLSTM in Sea Surface Temperature Predictions,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2468.
DOI Link 2407

Song, T.[Tao], Xu, G.X.[Guang-Xu], Yang, K.L.[Kun-Lin], Li, X.[Xin], Peng, S.Q.[Shi-Qiu],
Convformer: A Model for Reconstructing Ocean Subsurface Temperature and Salinity Fields Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Observations,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2422.
DOI Link 2407

Usta, D.F.B.[David Francisco Bustos], Parra, R.R.T.[Rafael Ricardo Torres], Rodríguez-López, L.[Lien], Alvarez, M.C.[Maibelin Castillo], Bourrel, L.[Luc],
Observation and Projection of Marine Heatwaves in the Caribbean Sea from CMIP6 Models,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2357.
DOI Link 2407

Vazquez-Cuervo, J.[Jorge], Steele, M.[Michael], Wethey, D.S.[David S.], Gómez-Valdés, J.[José], García-Reyes, M.[Marisol], Spratt, R.[Rachel], Wang, Y.[Yang],
Validation and Application of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature Gradients in the Bering Strait and Bering Sea,
RS(16), No. 14, 2024, pp. 2530.
DOI Link 2408

Yang, F.[Fu], Chen, W.H.[Wen-Hao], Liang, L.[Luqiang], Fang, C.Q.[Chun-Qi], He, Y.[Yan],
System Design of Ocean Temperature Measurement System Using Brillouin Lidar Based on Dual Iodine Cells,
RS(16), No. 15, 2024, pp. 2748.
DOI Link 2408

He, Q.J.[Quan-Jun], Cui, P.[Peng], Chen, Y.W.[Yan-Wei],
Quality Assessment of Operational Sea Surface Temperature Product from FY-4B/AGRI with In Situ and OSTIA Data,
RS(16), No. 15, 2024, pp. 2769.
DOI Link 2408

Jin, Z.F.[Ze-Feng], Zhang, W.Z.[Wen-Zhou],
Statistical Characteristics of Remote Sensing Extreme Temperature Anomaly Events in the Taiwan Strait,
RS(16), No. 16, 2024, pp. 3091.
DOI Link 2408

Li, Z.H.[Zheng-Hao], Zhang, Z.J.[Zhi-Jie], Xiong, S.Q.[Sheng-Qing], Zhang, W.[Wanchang], Li, R.[Rui],
Lake Surface Temperature Predictions under Different Climate Scenarios with Machine Learning Methods: A Case Study of Qinghai Lake and Hulun Lake, China,
RS(16), No. 17, 2024, pp. 3220.
DOI Link 2409

Lou, G.[Ge], Zhang, J.[Jiabao], Zhao, X.F.[Xiao-Feng], Zhou, X.[Xuan], Li, Q.[Qian],
A Non-Uniform Grid Graph Convolutional Network for Sea Surface Temperature Prediction,
RS(16), No. 17, 2024, pp. 3216.
DOI Link 2409

Mao, C.Y.[Chong-Yuan], Good, S.[Simon], Worsfold, M.[Mark],
Use of SLSTR Sea Surface Temperature Data in OSTIA as a Reference Sensor: Implementation and Validation,
RS(16), No. 18, 2024, pp. 3396.
DOI Link 2410

Worsfold, M.[Mark], Good, S.[Simon], Atkinson, C.[Chris], Embury, O.[Owen],
Presenting a Long-Term, Reprocessed Dataset of Global Sea Surface Temperature Produced Using the OSTIA System,
RS(16), No. 18, 2024, pp. 3358.
DOI Link 2410

Wang, S.[Shuo], Li, X.Y.[Xiao-Yan], Zhu, X.M.[Xue-Ming], Li, J.D.[Jian-Dong], Guo, S.J.[Shao-Jing],
Spatial Downscaling of Sea Surface Temperature Using Diffusion Model,
RS(16), No. 20, 2024, pp. 3843.
DOI Link 2411

Jia, C.[Chong], Minnett, P.J.[Peter J.], Szczodrak, M.[Malgorzata],
Characteristics of R2019 Processing of MODIS Sea Surface Temperature at High Latitudes,
RS(16), No. 21, 2024, pp. 4102.
DOI Link 2411

Tu, Q.U.[Qiang-Uang], Hao, Z.Z.[Zeng-Zhou], Liu, D.[Dong], Tao, B.[Bangyi], Shi, L.L.[Liang-Liang], Yan, Y.W.[Yun-Wei],
Reconstruction of Hourly Gap-Free Sea Surface Skin Temperature from Multi-Sensors,
RS(16), No. 22, 2024, pp. 4268.
DOI Link 2412

Su, H.[Hua], Zhang, F.[Feiyan], Teng, J.C.[Jian-Chen], Wang, A.[An], Huang, Z.[Zhanchao],
Reconstructing high-resolution subsurface temperature of the global ocean using deep forest with combined remote sensing and in situ observations,
PandRS(218), 2024, pp. 389-404.
Elsevier DOI 2412
Subsurface temperature, Remote sensing observations, High resolution, Ocean warming, Deep forest, DORS0.25° dataset BibRef

Pan, Y.F.[Yu-Feng], Li, P.[Pin], Sun, J.X.[Jia-Xuan], Liu, S.[Siyu], Xing, L.[Lvyang], Yu, D.[Di], Feng, Q.[Qi],
Potential Impact of Sea Surface Temperature Variability on the 2007 Sudden Bloom of Ulva prolifera in the Southern Yellow Sea,
RS(16), No. 23, 2024, pp. 4407.
DOI Link 2501

Speiser, W.H.[William H.], Largier, J.L.[John L.],
High-Resolution Nearshore Sea Surface Temperature from Calibrated Landsat Brightness Data,
RS(16), No. 23, 2024, pp. 4477.
DOI Link 2501

Luo, B.[Bingkun], Minnett, P.J.[Peter J.], Jia, C.[Chong],
Improving Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Sea Surface Skin Temperature Retrievals from Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Using Machine Learning Methods,
RS(16), No. 23, 2024, pp. 4555.
DOI Link 2501

Bhattacharjee, S., Lekshmi, K., Bharti, R.,
Time Series Analysis of Urbanisation Impact on the Temperature Variations Off Mumbai Coast,
ISPRS21(B3-2021: 31-37).
DOI Link 2201

Shibata, S., Iiyama, M., Hashimoto, A., Minoh, M.,
Restoration of Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Images Using a Partially Occluded Training Set,
Image restoration, Training, Generators, Image reconstruction, Generative adversarial networks, Ocean temperature BibRef

Filipponi, F., Valentini, E., Taramelli, A.,
Sea Surface Temperature changes analysis, an Essential Climate Variable for Ecosystem Services provisioning,
aquaculture, climatology, ecology, ocean temperature, oceanographic regions, remote sensing, time series, time series BibRef

López-Radcenco, M., Fablet, R., Aïssa-El-Bey, A., Ailliot, P.,
Locally-adapted convolution-based super-resolution of irregularly-sampled ocean remote sensing data,
Analytical models, Calibration, Dictionaries, Image reconstruction, Image resolution, Principal component analysis, Remote sensing, non-negativity BibRef

Ducournau, A., Fablet, R.,
Deep learning for ocean remote sensing: an application of convolutional neural networks for super-resolution on satellite-derived SST data,
data handling BibRef

Bayat, F., Hasanlou, M.,
Feasibility Study Of Landsat-8 Imagery For Retrieving Sea Surface Temperature (case Study Persian Gulf),
ISPRS16(B8: 1107-1110).
DOI Link 1610

Syariz, M.A., Jaelani, L.M., Subehi, L., Pamungkas, A., Koenhardono, E.S., Sulisetyono, A.,
Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature over Poteran Island Water of Indonesia with Landsat 8 TIRS Image: A Preliminary Algorithm,
DOI Link 1602

Pakdaman, M.S., Eyvazkhani, S., Almodaresi, S.A., Ardekani, A.S., Sadeghnejad, M., Hamisi, M.,
Using MCSST Method for Measuring Sea Surface Temperature with MODIS Imagery and Modeling and Prediction of Regional Variations with Least Squares Method (Case Study: Persian Gulf, Iran),
DOI Link 1311

Chapter on Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover continues in
ENSO, El Nino Southern Oscillation, Ocean Temperature .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25