Update Dates 1407

1407 * *AMDO
* *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* *Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition
* *Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images
* *John Asmus: Optical techniques and the mysterious Mona Lisa
* *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* *National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics
* *UTIRIS: University of Tehran IRIS Image Repository
* *Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration
* 3-Pol Polarimetric Weather Measurements With Agile-Beam Phased-Array Radars
* 3D Articulated Registration of the Mouse Hind Limb for Bone Morphometric Analysis in Rheumatoid Arthritis
* 3D Ground Penetrating Radar to Detect Tree Roots and Estimate Root Biomass in the Field
* 3D Human Motion Analysis for Reconstruction and Recognition
* 3D Scene Modeling And Understanding From Image Sequences
* 3D segmentation and labeling of fractured bone from CT images
* 4D Liver Ultrasound Registration
* AB3D: action-based 3D descriptor for shape analysis
* Abnormal behavior detection using dominant sets
* Abnormal behavior detection using hybrid agents in crowded scenes
* Accelerated Learning-Based Interactive Image Segmentation Using Pairwise Constraints
* Accuracy of sun localization in the second step of sky-polarimetric Viking navigation for north determination: a planetarium experiment
* Accurate High-Resolution Measurements of 3-D Tissue Dynamics With Registration-Enhanced Displacement Encoded MRI
* Acoustic Echo Control with Frequency-Domain Stage-Wise Regression
* Acoustic signal based detection and localisation of faults in motorcycles
* Action recognition on motion capture data using a dynemes and forward differences representation
* Active and Semisupervised Learning for the Classification of Remote Sensing Images
* Activity analysis in crowded environments using social cues for group discovery and human interaction modeling
* Adaptive and Integrated Multimodal Sensing and Processing Framework For Long-Range Moving Object Detection and Classification, An
* adaptive approach for the segmentation and extraction of planar and linear/cylindrical features from laser scanning data, An
* Adaptive Base Plane Filtering Algorithm for Inter-plane Estimation of RGB Images in HEVC RExt, An
* Adaptive Bi-Level Gradient Procedure for the Estimation of Dynamic Traffic Demand, An
* Adaptive Color Constancy Using Faces
* Adaptive Covariance Matrix Estimation for Multi-Baseline InSAR Data Stacks
* Adaptive fusion of particle filtering and spatio-temporal motion energy for human tracking
* Adaptive image segmentation by using mean-shift and evolutionary optimisation
* Adaptive Mechanism for Optimal Content Download in Wireless Networks, An
* Adaptive Multiscale Similarity Measure for Non-rigid Registration, An
* adaptive octree grid for GPU-based collision detection of deformable objects, An
* Adaptive Propagation-Based Color-Sampling for Alpha Matting
* Adaptive Quantification and Longitudinal Analysis of Pulmonary Emphysema With a Hidden Markov Measure Field Model
* adaptive rank-sparsity K-SVD algorithm for image sequence denoising, An
* Adaptive region matching for region-based image retrieval by constructing region importance index
* Adaptive Sampling and Non Linear Reconstruction for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* adaptive surface filter for airborne laser scanning point clouds by means of regularization and bending energy, An
* Adaptive Texture Description and Estimation of the Class Prior Probabilities for Seminal Quality Control
* Adaptive weighted fusion with new spatial and temporal fingerprints for improved video copy detection
* Advanced background modeling with RGB-D sensors through classifiers combination and inter-frame foreground prediction
* Affect and Engagement in Game-Based Learning Environments
* Affective Movement Recognition Based on Generative and Discriminative Stochastic Dynamic Models
* agent-based crowd behaviour model for real time crowd behaviour simulation, An
* Agent-Based Microscopic Pedestrian Flow Simulation Model for Pedestrian Traffic Problems, An
* Airborne Multispectral Imaging System Based on Two Consumer-Grade Cameras for Agricultural Remote Sensing, An
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of High-Quality Video Upscaling Using Database-Free Texture Synthesis
* Algorithm for Boundary Adjustment toward Multi-Scale Adaptive Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
* Algorithm for Drop-Size Distribution Retrieval From GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar, An
* Algorithm for Variable Density Sampling with Block-Constrained Acquisition, An
* Algorithms for selecting parameters of combination of acyclic adjacency graphs in the problem of texture image processing
* Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 3. Model Optimization and Testing over Continental China
* Alternative Approach to Mapping Thermophysical Units from Martian Thermal Inertia and Albedo Data Using a Combination of Unsupervised Classification Techniques, An
* Alternative formulations to compute the binary shape Euler number
* Analysis and Method for Contrast Enhancement Turbulence Mitigation, An
* Analysis and Segmentation of a Three-Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography Image of a Textile Composite
* Analysis of Cardiac MRI Based Regional Timing of Left Ventricular Mechanical Contraction as a Biomarker for Electrical Dyssynchrony in Heart-Failure Patients
* Analysis of the Performance of the TES Algorithm Over Urban Areas
* Analysis of the Viola-Jones Face Detection Algorithm, An
* Analytical Model for Optical Polarimetric Imaging Systems, An
* Anonymizing Temporal Phrases in Natural Language Text to be Posted on Social Networking Services
* Anticipatory traveller information system for freeway-arterial networks
* appendix to 'Texture databases: A comprehensive survey', An
* Applicability of Multi-Frequency Passive Microwave Observations and Data Assimilation Methods for Improving Numerical Weather Forecasting in Niger, Africa
* Application of Adaptive Controllers in Teleoperation Systems: A Survey
* Application of Matched Statistical Filters for EarthCARE Cloud Doppler Products
* Application of Tolerance Limits to the Characterization of Image Registration Performance
* Applications of algorithmic differentiation to phase retrieval algorithms
* Applying Mathematical Morphology for the Classification of Iberian Ceramics from the Upper Valley of Guadalquivir River
* Approach for Multi-Pose Face Detection Exploring Invariance by Training, An
* Approximate Ensemble Methods for Physical Activity Recognition Applications
* Area-delay-power-efficient architecture for folded two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform by multiple lifting computation
* As-Projective-As-Possible Image Stitching with Moving DLT
* Assembling Similar Tracking Approaches in Order to Strengthen Performance
* Assessment of InSAR Atmospheric Correction Using Both MODIS Near-Infrared and Infrared Water Vapor Products
* Assessment of Langley and NASA-GISS Calibration Techniques for MFRSR Aerosol Retrieval
* Assessment of Methods for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat-5 TM Images Applicable to Multiscale Tree-Grass Ecosystem Modeling
* Assessment of MODIS, MERIS, GEOV1 FPAR Products over Northern China with Ground Measured Data and by Analyzing Residential Effect in Mixed Pixel
* Assessment of NIR-red algorithms for observation of chlorophyll-a in highly turbid inland waters in China
* Assessment of Surface Urban Heat Islands over Three Megacities in East Asia Using Land Surface Temperature Data Retrieved from COMS
* Assessment of the Repeatability of Automatic Forest Inventory Metrics Derived From UAV-Borne Laser Scanning Data, An
* Assessment of using an Intelligent Algorithm for the Interpolation of Elevation in the DTM Generation, The
* assisting, constrained 3D navigation technique for multiscale virtual 3D city models, An
* Asymmetric and Category Invariant Feature Transformations for Domain Adaptation
* Atmospheric Corrections for Altimetry Studies over Inland Water
* Augmented Lagrangian-based approach for dense three-dimensional structure and motion estimation from binocular image sequences
* Autofocus Technique for High-Resolution Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery, An
* Automated Classification of Cricket Pitch Frames in Cricket Video
* Automated Detection of Cloud and Cloud Shadow in Single-Date Landsat Imagery Using Neural Networks and Spatial Post-Processing
* Automated Ice-Water Classification Using Dual Polarization SAR Satellite Imagery
* Automated Method for Extracting Rivers and Lakes from Landsat Imagery, An
* Automated Polyp Detection in Colon Capsule Endoscopy
* Automated recognition of human activities in video streams in real time
* Automated Registration of 3D TEE Datasets of the Descending Aorta for Improved Examination and Quantification of Atheromas Burden
* Automated Training Sample Extraction for Global Land Cover Mapping
* Automatic and Accurate Shadow Detection Using Near-Infrared Information
* Automatic building detection and land use classification in urban areas using multispectral high-spatial resolution imagery and LiDAR data
* Automatic Evaluation of Hypernasality and Consonant Misarticulation in Cleft Palate Speech
* Automatic expression spotting in videos
* Automatic extraction, segmentation and recognition of multi-font Indian Pincode
* Automatic Feature Learning for Spatio-Spectral Image Classification With Sparse SVM
* Automatic Information and Safety Systems for Driving Assistance
* Automatic Radiometric Normalization for Multitemporal Remote Sensing Imagery With Iterative Slow Feature Analysis
* Automatic representation and reconstruction of DBM from LiDAR data using Recursive Minimum Bounding Rectangle
* Automatic Segmentation of Anatomical Structures using Deformable Models and Bio-Inspired/Soft Computing
* Automatic Segmentation of Raw LIDAR Data for Extraction of Building Roofs
* Automatic Spectral-Spatial Classification Framework Based on Attribute Profiles and Supervised Feature Extraction
* Automatic target recognition of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images based on optimal selection of Zernike moments features
* Autonomous UAV for Suspicious Action Detection using Pictorial Human Pose Estimation and Classification
* Axiomatic Design Approach to Passenger Itinerary Enumeration in Reconfigurable Transportation Systems, An
* Background modeling in the maritime domain
* Background subtraction model based on color and depth cues
* Background subtraction using finite mixtures of asymmetric Gaussian distributions and shadow detection
* Background subtraction: separating the modeling and the inference
* Baltic Sea Ice Concentration Estimation Based on C-Band Dual-Polarized SAR Data
* Baseline-Combination Method for Precise Estimation of Ice Motion in Antarctica, A
* Bayesian approach to the Lee-Seung update rules for NMF, A
* Bayesian Based Method to Generate a Synergetic Land-Cover Map from Existing Land-Cover Products, A
* Bayesian Human Motion Intentionality Prediction in urban environments
* Bayesian Precalibration of a Large Stochastic Microsimulation Model
* Bayesian Video Super-Resolution With Heavy-Tailed Prior Models
* Beyond parametric score normalisation in biometric verification systems
* Beyond visual word ambiguity: Weighted local feature encoding with governing region
* Bijective Mappings of Meshes with Boundary and the Degree in Mesh Processing
* Bimodal Vertex Splitting: Acceleration of Quadtree Triangulation for Terrain Rendering
* bio-inspired multi-camera system for dynamic crowd analysis, A
* Bioinspired metaheuristics for image segmentation
* Biometric quality: a review of fingerprint, iris, and face
* Bipartite graph-based mismatch removal for wide-baseline image matching
* Bird breed classification and annotation using saliency based graphical model
* Bitspotting: Detecting Optimal Adaptive Steganography
* Blending using ODE swept surfaces with shape control and C1 continuity
* Blind Categorical Deconvolution in Two-Level Hidden Markov Models
* Body Surface Context: A New Robust Feature for Action Recognition From Depth Videos
* Book inner boundary extraction with modified active shape model
* Boosting Separability in Semisupervised Learning for Object Classification
* bottom-up approach to segment individual deciduous trees using leaf-off lidar point cloud data, A
* BRINT: Binary Rotation Invariant and Noise Tolerant Texture Classification
* Building a cyber-physical fall detection system for seniors
* Building confidence regions for the ROC surface
* Buried-Object Time-Reversal Imaging Using UWB Near-Ground Scattered Fields
* C-DIIVINE: No-reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Local Magnitude and Phase Statistics of Natural Scenes
* Calibrated Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning for 3D Object Segmentation
* Calibration and Verification of Remote Sensing Instruments and Observations
* Calibration of area based diameter distribution with individual tree based diameter estimates using airborne laser scanning
* Calibration of NIR 2 of Spectral Profiler Onboard Kaguya/SELENE
* Camera Networks for Healthcare, Teleimmersion, and Surveillance
* Camera Source Identification Game with Incomplete Information
* Canadian Forest Fires and the Effects of Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Hospitalizations among the Elderly
* Capturing 3D hyperspectral image cubes for dynamic events
* Carbon Stock Assessment Using Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory Data in Savannakhet, Lao PDR
* Case-based background modeling: associative background database towards low-cost and high-performance change detection
* Categorizing Extent of Tumor Cell Death Response to Cancer Therapy Using Quantitative Ultrasound Spectroscopy and Maximum Mean Discrepancy
* Change detection by probabilistic segmentation from monocular view
* Change Detection of Tree Biomass with Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Quantitative Structure Modelling
* Characterization and Identification of IR-UWB Respiratory-Motion Response of Trapped Victims
* Characterization of a Novel Imaging-Based Metric of Patellofemoral Separation Using Computational Modeling
* Characterization of aboveground biomass in an unmanaged boreal forest using Landsat temporal segmentation metrics
* Characterization of Drought Development through Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Central Yunnan, China
* Characterization of Marine Surface Slicks by Radarsat-2 Multipolarization Features
* Cheat-Prevention Visual Secret Sharing Scheme with Minimum Pixel Expansion, A
* Cheating Immune Block-Based Progressive Visual Cryptography
* Chott El Djerid, Tunisia: Observation and Discussion of a SAR Phase Signature Over Evaporitic Soils, The
* Circa 2010 Thirty Meter Resolution Forest Map for China, A
* CLARREO Approach for Reference Intercalibration of Reflected Solar Sensors: On-Orbit Data Matching and Sampling
* Classification and Boosting with Multiple Collaborative Representations
* Classification and identification of vehicle type and make by cortex-like image descriptor HMAX
* Classification of business documents for real-time application
* Classifying Complex Mountainous Forests with L-Band SAR and Landsat Data Integration: A Comparison among Different Machine Learning Methods in the Hyrcanian Forest
* Cloud Detection of RGB Color Aerial Photographs by Progressive Refinement Scheme
* Cloud Mobile Media: Reflections and Outlook
* Cloud removal for remotely sensed images by similar pixel replacement guided with a spatio-temporal MRF model
* Cloud-Assisted Smart Camera Networks for Energy-Efficient 3D Video Streaming
* Cluster-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm With Low Memory and Bandwidth Requirements for H.264/AVC Scalable Extension
* Clustering Faces in Movies Using an Automatically Constructed Social Network
* Co-segmentation of multiple similar images using saliency detection and region merging
* Color correction algorithm based on camera characteristics for multi-view video coding
* Color face image decomposition under complex lighting conditions
* Color image segmentation using adaptive color quantization and multiresolution texture characterization
* Colour constancy in natural images through colour naming and sensor sharpening
* Column-generation kernel nonlocal joint collaborative representation for hyperspectral image classification
* Combined PET-MR Brain Registration to Discriminate between Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Controls
* Combining fractional-order edge detection and chaos synchronisation classifier for fingerprint identification
* Combining High-Resolution Optical and InSAR Features for Height Estimation of Buildings With Flat Roofs
* Combining Image Registration, Respiratory Motion Modelling, and Motion Compensated Image Reconstruction
* Combining local binary patterns and local color contrast for texture classification under varying illumination
* Combining Priors, Appearance, and Context for Road Detection
* Commuter Route Optimized Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Compact Airborne C-Band Radar Sounder
* Compact Graph based Semi-Supervised Learning for Medical Diagnosis in Alzheimer's Disease
* Comparing G-maps with other topological data structures
* Comparing Two Photo-Reconstruction Methods to Produce High Density Point Clouds and DEMs in the Corral del Veleta Rock Glacier (Sierra Nevada, Spain)
* Comparison of Medium Spatial Resolution ENVISAT-MERIS and Terra-MODIS Time Series for Vegetation Decline Analysis: A Case Study in Central Asia
* Comparison of Model Predictions With Measurements of Ku- and Ka-Band Near-Nadir Normalized Radar Cross Sections of the Sea Surface From the Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes Experiment
* Comparison of Three Electrochemical Energy Buffers Applied to a Hybrid Bus Powertrain With Simultaneous Optimal Sizing and Energy Management
* Complementary feature sets for optimal face recognition
* Complex Background Subtraction by Pursuing Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Models
* Complexity-Aware Adaptive Preprocessing Scheme for Region-of-Interest Spatial Scalable Video Coding
* Compressed sampling strategies for tomography
* Compressed Sensing Detector for Wideband Radar Using the Dominant Scatterer
* Compression of Trajectory Data: A Comprehensive Evaluation and New Approach
* Compressive Sensing Based Quantized Watermarking Scheme with Statistical Transparency Constraint, A
* Computational Image Modeling for Characterization and Analysis of Intracellular Cargo Transport
* Computational methods for aberration correction in simple lens imaging
* Computer analysis of similarities between albums in popular music
* Computer-generated iron filing art
* Computing Probabilistic Optical Flow Using Markov Random Fields
* Concept and development of a unified ontology for generating test and use-case catalogues for assisted and automated vehicle guidance
* Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and Management Based on Earth Observation, A
* Constrained Concept Factorization for Image Representation
* Content-based image retrieval using local visual attention feature
* Content-Based Image Retrieval with LIRe and SURF on a Smartphone-Based Product Image Database
* Context-assisted face clustering framework with human-in-the-loop
* Context-based approach of separating contactless captured high-resolution overlapped latent fingerprints
* Context-based automatic reconstruction and texturing of 3D urban terrain for quick-response tasks
* Contextual anomaly detection in crowded surveillance scenes
* Contextual Information-Based Multichannel Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry: Addressing DEM reconstruction using contextual information
* Contextual Query Expansion for Image Retrieval
* Contextualized Hand Gesture Recognition with Smartphones
* Convergence Analysis for a Primal-Dual Monotone + Skew Splitting Algorithm with Applications to Total Variation Minimization
* Convergence of the Huber Regression M-Estimate in the Presence of Dense Outliers
* Cooperative vehicle-actuator system: a sequence-based framework of cooperative intersections management
* Corpus Development for Affective Video Indexing
* Corrections to the MODIS Aqua Calibration Derived From MODIS Aqua Ocean Color Products
* Correlating Remote Sensing Data with the Abundance of Pupae of the Dengue Virus Mosquito Vector, Aedes aegypti, in Central Mexico
* Correspondence and Depth-Image Based Rendering a Hybrid Approach for Free-Viewpoint Video
* Corresponding color datasets and a chromatic adaptation model based on the OSA-UCS system
* Corruptive Artifacts Suppression for Example-Based Color Transfer
* Cortical-Inspired Geometry for Contour Perception and Motion Integration, A
* Cosmetic Contact Lenses and Iris Recognition Spoofing
* COSMO-SkyMed Constellation Monitors the Costa Concordia Wreck, The
* Cost-Sensitive Active Learning With Lookahead: Optimizing Field Surveys for Remote Sensing Data Classification
* Cost-sensitive Bayesian network classifiers
* COTraMS: A Collaborative and Opportunistic Traffic Monitoring System
* Coupling high-resolution satellite imagery with ALS-based canopy height model and digital elevation model in object-based boreal forest habitat type classification
* Critical Metadata for Spectroscopy Field Campaigns
* Crop Condition Assessment with Adjusted NDVI Using the Uncropped Arable Land Ratio
* Cross-Calibration Between QuikSCAT and Oceansat-2
* Cross-Calibration of HJ-1/CCD Over a Desert Site Using Landsat ETM + Imagery and ASTER GDEM Product
* Cross-Layer Forward Error Correction Scheme Using Raptor and RCPC Codes for Prioritized Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels
* Cross-Modal Approach for Extracting Semantic Relationships Between Concepts Using Tagged Images, A
* Crowd-Z: The user-friendly framework for crowd simulation on an architectural floor plan
* CSMMI: Class-Specific Maximization of Mutual Information for Action and Gesture Recognition
* Curvature-Based Registration for Slice Interpolation of Medical Images
* Custom-modified three-dimensional periodic microstructures by pattern-integrated interference lithography
* Customized TRS invariants for 2D vector fields via moment normalization
* Cycle graph analysis for 3D roof structure modelling: Concepts and performance
* Daily Evaporative Fraction Parameterization Scheme Driven by Day-Night Differences in Surface Parameters: Improvement and Validation
* Daily Global Plasmaspheric Maps Derived from COSMIC GPS Observations
* Damage Mapping of Powdery Mildew in Winter Wheat with High-Resolution Satellite Image
* Dasymetric Mapping and Spatial Modeling of Mosquito Vector Exposure, Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
* Data matching of building polygons at multiple map scales improved by contextual information and relaxation
* Data Transformation Functions for Expanded Search Spaces in Geographic Sample Supervised Segment Generation
* Data-Driven Investigation and Estimation of Optimal Topologies under Variable Loading Configurations, A
* Daytime Low Stratiform Cloud Detection on AVHRR Imagery
* Decade Long, Multi-Scale Map Comparison of Fire Regime Parameters Derived from Three Publically Available Satellite-Based Fire Products: A Case Study in the Central African Republic, A
* Decreasing Weighted Sorted L_1 Regularization
* Deep Learning for Emotional Speech Recognition
* Deformable Registration of Multi-modal Microscopic Images Using a Pyramidal Interactive Registration-Learning Methodology
* Delay-Bounded Priority-Driven Resource Allocation for Video Transmission Over Multihop Networks
* Delay: Power-Rate-Distortion Model for Wireless Video Communication Under Delay and Energy Constraints
* Depth order estimation for video frames using motion occlusions
* Derivation of an urban materials spectral library through emittance and reflectance spectroscopy
* Design and Performance Enhancements in Communication-Based Train Control Systems With Coordinated Multipoint Transmission and Reception
* Design of a GIS-Based Web Application for Simulating Biofuel Feedstock Yields
* Design, implementation and optimisation of an energy harvesting system for vehicular ad hoc networks' road side units
* Detecting and indexing moving objects for Behavior Analysis by Video and Audio Interpretation
* Detecting Cars in UAV Images With a Catalog-Based Approach
* Detecting Non-aligned Double JPEG Compression Based on Refined Intensity Difference and Calibration
* Detecting Traitors in Re-publishing Updated Datasets
* Detection and Characterization of Hedgerows Using TerraSAR-X Imagery
* Detection and localization of specular surfaces using image motion cues
* Detection of Compound Structures Using a Gaussian Mixture Model With Spectral and Spatial Constraints
* Detection of early plant stress responses in hyperspectral images
* Detection of Myocardial Perfusion Defects Using First Pass Perfusion Cardiac MRI Data
* Detection of premature ventricular contraction arrhythmias in electrocardiogram signals with kernel methods
* Detection of static groups and crowds gathered in open spaces by texture classification
* Detection, segmentation and classification of 3D urban objects using mathematical morphology and supervised learning
* Determination of Carbonate Rock Chemistry Using Laboratory-Based Hyperspectral Imagery
* Determination of Suitable Areas for the Generation of Wind Energy in Germany: Potential Areas of the Present and Future
* Determination of the crop row orientations from Formosat-2 multi-temporal and panchromatic images
* Developing Architectures of Spiking Neural Networks by Using Grammatical Evolution Based on Evolutionary Strategy
* Developing Two Spectral Disease Indices for Detection of Wheat Leaf Rust (Pucciniatriticina)
* Development and Application of a Suite of 4-D Virtual Breast Phantoms for Optimization and Evaluation of Breast Imaging Systems
* Development and Evaluation of an Intelligent Energy-Management Strategy for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Development and Investigation of a Long-Range Time-of-Flight and Color Imaging System
* Development of a GIS-Based Tool for Aquaculture Siting
* Dictionary-based anisotropic diffusion for noise reduction
* Digital fingerprinting for color images based on the quaternion encryption scheme
* Digital flow for shape decomposition: Application to 3-D microtomographic images of snow
* Digital Forensics of Printed Source Identification for Chinese Characters
* Direct and Steering Tilt Robust Control of Narrow Vehicles
* Disaggregation of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature: A Generalized Paradigm
* Discontinuous GBSAR deformation monitoring
* Discovering repetitive patterns in facade images using a RANSAC-style algorithm
* Discrete Cosine Transform Locality-Sensitive Hashes for Face Retrieval
* Discriminative Metric Learning Based Anomaly Detection Method, A
* Discriminative restricted Boltzmann machine for invariant pattern recognition with linear transformations
* Discriminative Structural Similarity Measure and its Application to Video-Volume Registration for Endoscope Three-Dimensional Motion Tracking, A
* Distributed Canny Edge Detector: Algorithm and FPGA Implementation, A
* Distributed Scatterer Interferometry Approach for Precision Monitoring of Known Surface Deformation Phenomena, A
* Distributed Scheme for Image Splicing Detection, A
* Diverse Expected Gradient Active Learning for Relative Attributes
* Do Prospect-Based Emotions Enhance Believability of Game Characters? A Case Study in the Context of a Dice Game
* Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition: Targetize Source Domain Bridged by Common Subspace
* Domain Adaptation for Structured Regression
* Dominance-Based Ranking Functions for Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
* drive for driverless cars, The
* Driving behaviour-based event data recorder
* dual quaternion-based, closed-form pairwise registration algorithm for point clouds, A
* Dual-Geometric Neighbor Embedding for Image Super Resolution With Sparse Tensor
* Dual-Wavelength Method for Hailstorm Detection by Airborne Radar, The
* Dynamic 3D facial expression modeling using Laplacian smooth and multi-scale mesh matching
* Dynamic BFECC Characteristic Mapping method for fluid simulations
* Dynamic BFECC Characteristic Mapping method for fluid simulations
* Dynamic image mosaic via SIFT and dynamic programming
* Dynamic Obstacle Detection of Road Scenes using Equi-Height Mosaicking Image
* Dynamic Point Clustering with Line Constraints for Moving Object Detection in DAS
* Dynamic Probabilistic CCA for Analysis of Affective Behavior and Fusion of Continuous Annotations
* Dynamic selection of classifiers: A comprehensive review
* Dynamic-static unsupervised sequentiality, statistical subunits and lexicon for sign language recognition
* ECG Parametric Modeling Based on Signal Dependent Orthogonal Transform
* Edge detection for illumination varying images using wavelet similarity
* Edge-preserving colour-to-greyscale conversion
* Edge-preserving Intra mode for efficient depth map coding based on H.264/AVC
* Editorial CGI 2014 Conference
* Effect of field plot location on estimating tropical forest above-ground biomass in Nepal using airborne laser scanning data
* Effect of Grid Boundary Expansion to Include One Additional Data Source on Ionospheric Imaging Accuracy
* Effect of Snow Surface Metamorphism on Aquarius L-Band Radiometer Observations at Dome C, Antarctica
* Effect of Variable Soil Moisture Profiles on P-Band Backscatter, The
* Effective Feature Extraction and Data Reduction in Remote Sensing Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* Effective layer-based segmentation of compound images using morphology
* Effective mobile mapping of multi-room indoor structures
* Effective Permutant Selection Heuristic for Proximity Searching in Metric Spaces, An
* Effective Video Copy Detection Using Statistics of Quantized Zernike Moments
* Effects of Doppler Aliasing on Baseline Estimation in Multichannel SAR-GMTI and Solutions to Address These Effects
* Efficiency of DCT-Based Denoising Techniques Applied to Texture Images
* Efficient adaptive fuzzy-based switching weighted average filter for the restoration of impulse corrupted digital images
* Efficient Algorithm of Both Frechet Derivative and Inversion of MCIL Data in a Deviated Well in a Horizontally Layered TI Formation Based on TLM Modeling, An
* Efficient and Training-Free Blind Image Blur Assessment in the Spatial Domain, An
* Efficient BOF Generation and Compression for On-Device Mobile Visual Location Recognition
* Efficient facial landmark localization using spatial-contextual AdaBoost algorithm
* Efficient H.264/AVC Video Coding with Adaptive Transforms
* Efficient image mosaicing for multi-robot visual underwater mapping
* Efficient multiscale Sauvola's binarization
* Efficient residual coding algorithm based on hadamard transform in lossless H.264/AVC
* efficient reversible data hiding scheme using prediction and optimal side information selection, An
* Efficient texture synthesis of aggregate solid material
* Efficient triangulation of Poisson-disk sampled point sets
* Eigen-feature analysis of weighted covariance matrices for LiDAR point cloud classification
* Elderly driver retraining using automatic evaluation system of safe driving skill
* Electromagnetic Scattering by a Perfectly Conducting Rectangular Plate Buried in a Lossy Half-Space
* Element Stiffness Matrix Integration in Image-Based Cartesian Grid Finite Element Method
* Empirical Regression Models for Estimating Multiyear Leaf Area Index of Rice from Several Vegetation Indices at the Field Scale
* Energy Preserving QMF for Image Processing
* Energy-Efficient Locomotive Operation for Chinese Mainline Railways by Fuzzy Predictive Control
* Energy-Efficient Train Operation in Urban Rail Transit Using Real-Time Traffic Information
* Energy-Sustainable Traffic Signal Timings for a Congested Road Network With Heterogeneous Users
* Enhanced ISAR Imaging by Exploiting the Continuity of the Target Scene
* ESLPV: enhanced subsurface light propagation volumes
* Essentials of Digital Signal Processing
* Estimating 3-D Point-of-Regard in a Real Environment Using a Head-Mounted Eye-Tracking System
* Estimating Canopy Nitrogen Content in a Heterogeneous Grassland with Varying Fire and Grazing Treatments: Konza Prairie, Kansas, USA
* Estimating Ice Water Path in Tropical Cyclones With Multispectral Microwave Data From the FY-3B Satellite
* Estimation of an unknown cartographic projection and its parameters from the map
* Estimation of Effective Resolution for Daily MODIS Gridded Surface Reflectance Products
* Estimation of instantaneous frequencies using iterative empirical mode decomposition
* Estimation of Kinect depth confidence through self-training
* Estimation of Mass Balance of the Grosser Aletschgletscher, Swiss Alps, from ICESat Laser Altimetry Data and Digital Elevation Models
* Estimation of the Image Interpretability of ZY-3 Sensor Corrected Panchromatic Nadir Data
* Evaluating Remotely Sensed Phenological Metrics in a Dynamic Ecosystem Model
* Evaluating spatiotemporal interest point features for depth-based action recognition
* Evaluating the Effect of Different Wheat Rust Disease Symptoms on Vegetation Indices Using Hyperspectral Measurements
* Evaluating the Potential of WorldView-2 Data to Classify Tree Species and Different Levels of Ash Mortality
* Evaluation of Radiometric Improvements With Electronic Crosstalk Correction for Terra MODIS Band 27
* Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Variations of Global Fractional Vegetation Cover Based on GIMMS NDVI Data from 1982 to 2011
* Evaluation of TRMM PR Sampling Error Over a Subtropical Basin Using Bootstrap Technique
* Evolutionary Algorithms With Segment-Based Search for Multiobjective Optimization Problems
* Exact image representation via a number-theoretic radon transform
* Exemplar-Based Human Action Pose Correction
* expeditious cum efficient algorithm for salt-and-pepper noise removal and edge-detail preservation using cardinal spline interpolation, An
* Experimental Results of an X-Band PARIS Receiver Using Digital Satellite TV Opportunity Signals Scattered on the Sea Surface
* Expert content-based image retrieval system using robust local patterns
* Exploiting Environmental Information for Improved Underwater Target Classification in Sonar Imagery
* Exploiting Long-Term Connectivity and Visual Motion in CRF-Based Multi-Person Tracking
* Exploiting Multimedia Content: A Machine Learning Based Aproach
* Exploiting Patch Similarity for SAR Image Processing: The nonlocal paradigm
* Exploiting Universum data in AdaBoost using gradient descent
* Exploratory Study of Two Efficient Approaches for the Sensitivity Analysis of Computationally Expensive Traffic Simulation Models, An
* Exploring neighborhood and spatial information for improving scene classification
* Exploring Transfer Learning Approaches for Head Pose Classification from Multi-view Surveillance Images
* Extended Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation for Image Segmentation
* External Validation of the ASTER GDEM2, GMTED2010 and CGIAR-CSI- SRTM v4.1 Free Access Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in Tunisia and Algeria
* Extracting Ground-Level DEM From SRTM DEM in Forest Environments Based on Mathematical Morphology
* Extracting Salient Brain Patterns for Imaging-Based Classification of Neurodegenerative Diseases
* Face Hallucination Based on Modified Neighbor Embedding and Global Smoothness Constraint
* Face recognition based on the fusion of global and local HOG features of face images
* Face Recognition Using LBP Eigenfaces
* Faces of Engagement: Automatic Recognition of Student Engagement from Facial Expressions, The
* Facial Image Compression using Patch-Ordering-Based Adaptive Wavelet Transform
* Factor Graph Based LMMSE Filtering for Colored Gaussian Processes
* Factorized Geometrical Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing
* Family of Two-Dimensional Benchmark Data Sets and Its Application to Comparing Different Cluster Validation Indices, A
* FAO-56 Dual Model Combined with Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing for Regional Evapotranspiration Estimations
* Fashion Analysis: Current Techniques and Future Directions
* fast and accurate contour-based method for writer-dependent offline handwritten Farsi/Arabic subwords recognition, A
* fast and effective ellipse detector for embedded vision applications, A
* Fast and Robust 3D to 2D Image Registration by Backprojection of Gradient Covariances
* Fast computation of Bipartite graph matching
* Fast electrostatic halftoning
* Fast Feature Pyramids for Object Detection
* Fast Fourier Transform on FCC and BCC Lattices with Outputs on FCC and BCC Lattices Respectively
* Fast Generic Polar Harmonic Transforms
* Fast high-quality non-blind deconvolution using sparse adaptive priors
* Fast Multidimensional B-spline Interpolation Using Template Metaprogramming
* Fast nonparametric active contour adapted to quadratic inhomogeneous intensity fluctuations
* Fast salient object detection through efficient subwindow search
* Fast SAR Image Segmentation via Merging Cost With Relative Common Boundary Length Penalty
* Fast sorting for exact OIT of complex scenes
* Fast Upper Body Joint Tracking Using Kinect Pose Priors
* Fast Volume-Gradient-Based Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Image, A
* Fast, Simple, Accurate Multi-Atlas Segmentation of the Brain
* Feasibility Study on Kinematic Feature Extraction from the Human Interventricular Septum toward Hypertension Classification, A
* Feasibility Study on the Use of Binary Keypoint Descriptors for 3D Face Recognition, A
* Feature Correlation Hypergraph: Exploiting High-order Potentials for Multimodal Recognition
* Feature Fusion for Blurring Detection in Image Forensics
* Feature Selection Inspired Classifier Ensemble Reduction
* Feature-Sensitive and Adaptive Mesh Generation of Grayscale Images
* Field Spectroscopy Metadata System Based on ISO and OGC Standards
* Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses
* Fingerprint shell: Secure representation of fingerprint template
* Fingerprint Verification and Identification Based on Local Geometric Invariants Constructed from Minutiae Points and Augmented with Global Directional Filterbank Features
* Finite-State Markov Modeling for Wireless Channels in Tunnel Communication-Based Train Control Systems
* first in-flight absolute calibration of the Chilean Earth Observation Satellite, A
* First-Principle Simulation of Spaceborne Micropulse Photon-Counting Lidar Performance on Complex Surfaces
* Fisher discrimination based low rank matrix recovery for face recognition
* Flexible Spatial Framework for Modeling Spread of Pathogens in Animals with Biosurveillance and Disease Control Applications, A
* Flow Simulations on 3D Segmented Images Using Reinitialization and Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation
* Fluorescence-Based Enhanced Reality for Colorectal Endoscopic Surgery
* FMT-PCCT: Hybrid Fluorescence Molecular Tomography: X-Ray Phase-Contrast CT Imaging of Mouse Models
* Forest Fire Severity Assessment Using ALS Data in a Mediterranean Environment
* Framework of Jitter Detection and Compensation for High Resolution Satellites
* Frequency-Modulated Interrupted Continuous Wave as Wall Removal Technique in Through-the-Wall Imaging
* From a Serious Training Simulator for Ship Maneuvering to an Entertainment Simulator
* From binary features to Non-Reducible Descriptors in supervised pattern recognition problems
* From Heuristic Optimization to Dictionary Learning: A Review and Comprehensive Comparison of Image Denoising Algorithms
* Fully automatic segmentation of AP pelvis X-rays via random forest regression with efficient feature selection and hierarchical sparse shape composition
* Fully Unsupervised Learning of Camera Link Models for Tracking Humans Across Nonoverlapping Cameras
* Fundus Image Mosaicking for Information Augmentation in Computer-Assisted Slit-Lamp Imaging
* Fusing target information from multiple views for robust visual tracking
* Fusion framework for effective color image retrieval
* Fusion of Airborne LiDAR With Multispectral SPOT 5 Image for Enhancement of Feature Extraction Using Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Fuzzy Content-Based Image Retrieval for Oceanic Remote Sensing
* Fuzzy Multilevel Graph Embedding for Recognition, Indexing and Retrieval of Graphic Document Images
* Gabor-based anisotropic diffusion for speckle noise reduction in medical ultrasonography
* Gait as evidence
* Gait probability image: An information-theoretic model of gait representation
* Gait recognition by fluctuations
* GAMYGDALA: An Emotion Engine for Games
* General Framework for Nonlinear Regularized Krylov-Based Image Restoration, A
* Generalization of c-means for identifying non-disjoint clusters with overlap regulation
* Generalized Boundaries from Multiple Image Interpretations
* Generalized convolution and product theorems associated with linear canonical transform
* Generalized Histogram Shifting-Based Blind Reversible Data Hiding with Balanced and Guarded Double Side Modification
* Generalized multiple maximum scatter difference feature extraction using QR decomposition
* Generalized Omega-K Algorithm to Process Translationally Variant Bistatic-SAR Data Based on Two-Dimensional Stolt Mapping, A
* Generalized Transfer Subspace Learning Through Low-Rank Constraint
* Generating Task-Oriented Interactions of Service Robots
* Generation of a Precise Roadway Map for Autonomous Cars
* Generic polar harmonic transforms for invariant image representation
* Geographical-Based Multi-Criteria Approach for Marine Energy Farm Planning, A
* Geometric invariant features in the Radon transform domain for near-duplicate image detection
* Geometric Surface Deformation Based on Trajectories: A New Approach
* Geometry and Colour Based Classification of Urban Point Cloud Scenes Using a Supervised Self-Organizing Map
* Geospatial Approach for Prioritizing Wind Farm Development in Northeast Nebraska, USA, A
* Getting drivers to do the right thing: a review of the potential for safely reducing energy consumption through design
* GIS and Public Health
* GIS-Based Planning and Modeling for Renewable Energy: Challenges and Future Research Avenues
* Global and local exploitation for saliency using bag-of-words
* Global consistency, local sparsity and pixel correlation: A unified framework for face hallucination
* Global Ecosystem Response Types Derived from the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index and FPAR3g Series
* global optimization approach to roof segmentation from airborne lidar point clouds, A
* GNSS Accuracy Improvement Using Rapid Shadow Transitions
* GOST: A Geometric-Optical Model for Sloping Terrains
* GPR Raw-Data Order Statistic Filtering and Split-Spectrum Processing to Detect Moisture
* Gradient descent with adaptive momentum for active contour models
* Graph Based Segmentation Strategy for Baggage Scanner Images, A
* graph edit dictionary for correcting errors in roof topology graphs reconstructed from point clouds, A
* Greedy framework for optical flow tracking of myocardium contours
* Ground and building extraction from LiDAR data based on differential morphological profiles and locally fitted surfaces
* Group Sparse Multiview Patch Alignment Framework With View Consistency for Image Classification
* Guest Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue on Domain Adaptation for Vision Applications
* Guest Editorial Traffic Simulation
* Guest Editorial: Emotion in Games
* H.264 High-Profile Intra-Prediction with Adaptive Selection Between the Parallel and Pipelined Executions of Prediction Modes, An
* Hand-held 3D light field photography and applications
* Handheld object detection and its related event analysis using ratio histogram and mixture of HMMs
* Harnessing Lab Knowledge for Real-World Action Recognition
* Haze Detection and Removal in Remotely Sensed Multispectral Imagery
* Head pose estimation using image abstraction and local directional quaternary patterns for multiclass classification
* HEp-2 Cell Classification Using Shape Index Histograms With Donut-Shaped Spatial Pooling
* Hiding a Secret Pattern into Color Halftone Images
* Hierarchical Coarse-to-Fine Approach for Fundus Image Registration, A
* Hierarchical level of detail for varied animated crowds
* Hierarchical tone mapping based on image colour appearance model
* HIFU Treatment of Liver Cancer: Reciprocal Effect of Blood Flow and US Studied from a Patient-Specific Configuration
* High Capacity Data Hiding Scheme for Binary Images Based on Minimizing Flipping Distortion
* High Performance Stereo System for Dense 3-D Reconstruction
* High resolution image fusion algorithm based on multi-focused region extraction
* High-Fidelity Component Substitution Pansharpening by the Fitting of Substitution Data
* High-precision rotation angle measurement method based on monocular vision
* High-Rate GPS Seismology Using Real-Time Precise Point Positioning With Ambiguity Resolution
* High-Resolution Fully Polarimetric ISAR Imaging Based on Compressive Sensing
* High-Speed Simultaneous Image Distortion Correction Transformations for a Multicamera Cylindrical Panorama Real-time Video System Using FPGA
* Hire me: Computational Inference of Hirability in Employment Interviews Based on Nonverbal Behavior
* Historical forest biomass dynamics modelled with Landsat spectral trajectories
* HMPMR strategy for real-time tracking in aerial images, using direct methods
* Holistic Human Pose Estimation with Regression Forests
* HOOSC128: A More Robust Local Shape Descriptor
* Huffman Table Index Based Approach to Detect Double MP3 Compression, A
* Human gait identification from extremely low-quality videos: An enhanced classifier ensemble method
* Human Hand Motion Recognition Using an Extended Particle Filter
* Human Land-Use Practices Lead to Global Long-Term Increases in Photosynthetic Capacity
* Human Pose Estimation in Stereo Images
* Human3.6M: Large Scale Datasets and Predictive Methods for 3D Human Sensing in Natural Environments
* Humans in groups: The importance of contextual information for understanding collective activities
* Hurricane Tangential Wind Profile Estimation Method for C-Band Cross-Polarization SAR, A
* Hybrid Feature Based Method for Distinguishing Computer Graphics and Photo-Graphic Image, A
* Hybrid Geometric Optical-Radiative Transfer Model Suitable for Forests on Slopes
* hybrid mobile object tracker based on the modified Cuckoo Search algorithm and the Kalman Filter, A
* Hybrid Object-Oriented Conditional Random Field Classification Framework for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Hybrid tree reconstruction from inhomogeneous point clouds
* Hybrid watermarking based on chaos and histogram modification
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Through Bilayer Graph-Based Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Resolution Enhancement Using High-Resolution Multispectral Image Based on Spectral Unmixing
* Hyperspectral Unmixing With L_q Regularization
* Identification of Distinct Blood Vessels in Retinal Fundus Images
* Identifying the Neuroanatomical Basis of Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer's Disease by Correlation- and Nonlinearity-Aware Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Identifying Video Forgery Process Using Optical Flow
* IEEE Standards for Advanced Audio and Video Coding in Emerging Applications
* IET-BMT special issue on the 'Integration of Biometrics and Forensics'
* Illumination Normalization-Based Face Detection under Varying Illumination
* Image Attribute Adaptation
* Image Authentication Scheme for Accurate Localization and Restoration, An
* Image clustering based on sparse patch alignment framework
* Image Geo-Localization Based on Multiple Nearest Neighbor Feature Matching Using Generalized Graphs
* Image Matching Using SIFT Features and Relaxation Labeling Technique: A Constraint Initializing Method for Dense Stereo Matching
* Image Recognition Based on Separable Lattice Trajectory 2-D HMMs
* Image Restoration of Phase Contrast Nano Scale X-ray CT Images
* Image Restoration Using Joint Statistical Modeling in a Space-Transform Domain
* Image Retargeting with Protection of Object Arrangement
* Image segmentation by fusion of low level and domain specific information via Markov Random Fields
* Image Segmentation by Image Analogies
* Image Similarity Using Sparse Representation and Compression Distance
* Image Super-Resolution via Local Self-Learning Manifold Approximation
* Image Zooming by Curvature Interpolation and Iterative Refinement
* Image-Based and Sensor-Based Approaches to Arabic Sign Language Recognition
* Imaging Strong Localized Scatterers with Sparsity Promoting Optimization
* Impact of Radio-Frequency Interference on WindSat Ocean Surface Observations, The
* Implementing a Commercial-Strength Parallel Hybrid Movie Recommendation Engine
* Importance of Physical Quantities for the Analysis of Multitemporal and Multiangular Optical Very High Spatial Resolution Images, The
* Improved adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system car-following behaviour model based on the driver-vehicle delay
* Improved Algorithm of Edge Adaptive Image Steganography Based on LSB Matching Revisited Algorithm
* Improved appearance updating method in multiple instance learning tracking
* Improved Frequency Domain Focusing Method in Geosynchronous SAR, An
* improved geometric descriptor associated with wavelet transform for aggressive human behaviour recognition, An
* Improved License Plate Recognition for Low-Resolution CCTV Forensics by Integrating Sparse Representation-Based Super-Resolution
* Improved maize cultivated area estimation over a large scale combining MODIS-EVI time series data and crop phenological information
* Improved NRL Tropical Cyclone Monitoring System with a Unified Microwave Brightness Temperature Calibration Scheme, The
* Improved Performance of Computer Networks by Embedded Pattern Detection
* Improved Tagged Visual Cryptograms by Using Random Grids
* Improved VIIRS Day/Night Band Imagery With Near-Constant Contrast
* Improving Atlas-Based Medical Image Segmentation with a Relaxed Object Search
* Improving Change Detection in Forest Areas Based on Stereo Panchromatic Imagery Using Kernel MNF
* Improving Classification of Airborne Laser Scanning Echoes in the Forest-Tundra Ecotone Using Geostatistical and Statistical Measures
* Improving cluster analysis by co-initializations
* Improving counterflow detection in dense crowds with scene features
* Improving domain action classification in goal-oriented dialogues using a mutual retraining method
* Improving Estimates of Grassland Fractional Vegetation Cover Based on a Pixel Dichotomy Model: A Case Study in Inner Mongolia, China
* Improving Group Transit Schemes to Minimize Negative Effects of Maritime Piracy
* Improving Level Set Method for Fast Auroral Oval Segmentation
* Improving Mountainous Snow Cover Fraction Mapping via Artificial Neural Networks Combined With MODIS and Ancillary Topographic Data
* Improving Species Diversity and Biomass Estimates of Tropical Dry Forests Using Airborne LiDAR
* Improving the Estimation of Above Ground Biomass Using Dual Polarimetric PALSAR and ETM+ Data in the Hyrcanian Mountain Forest (Iran)
* Improving the Geolocation Algorithm for Sensors Onboard the ISS: Effect of Drift Angle
* In-Loop Noise-Filtered Prediction for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Incorporating Surface Soil Moisture Information in Error Modeling of TRMM Passive Microwave Rainfall
* Incremental partial least squares analysis of big streaming data
* Information extraction from multimedia web documents: An open-source platform and testbed
* Informative visual words construction to improve bag of words image representation
* Infrared-based vehicular positioning with the automatic radiation-strength control
* Innovative On-line Handwriting Identification Algorithm Based on Stroke Features
* InSAR Coherence Estimation for Small Data Sets and Its Impact on Temporal Decorrelation Extraction
* Integrated Compensation of Magnetometer Array Magnetic Distortion Field and Improvement of Magnetic Object Localization
* Integrating Consumer Smart Cameras into Camera Networks: Opportunities and Obstacles
* Integration of intensity textures and local geometry descriptors from Terrestrial Laser Scanning to map chert in outcrops
* Intelligent Trip Modeling for the Prediction of an Origin: Destination Traveling Speed Profile
* Inter-Projection Interpolation (IPI) Approach with Geometric Model Restriction to Reduce Image Dose in Cone Beam CT (CBCT), An
* Interactive and audience-adaptive information interfaces
* Interactive Multimodal Platform for Digital Signage
* Interactive Segmentation Using Constrained Laplacian Optimization
* Interesting Interest Points: A Comparative Study of Interest Point Performance on a Unique Data Set
* Internal-to-internal transition method for consecutive hierarchical template matching
* Interruption Probability of Wireless Video Streaming With Limited Video Lengths
* Intersection detection and recognition for autonomous urban driving using a virtual cylindrical scanner
* Intrinsic Modeling of Near-Field Electromagnetic Induction Antennas for Layered Medium Characterization
* Introducing an Experimental Framework in C# for Fingerprint Recognition
* Inverse Modeling of GPS Multipath for Snow Depth Estimation: Part I: Formulation and Simulations
* Inverse Modeling of GPS Multipath for Snow Depth Estimation: Part II: Application and Validation
* Investigating High-Resolution AMSR2 Sea Ice Concentrations during the February 2013 Fracture Event in the Beaufort Sea
* Investigating the Impact of Data Parallelism and GPU Technology on Computer Gaming
* Investigating the Performance of Four Empirical Cross-Calibration Methods for the Proposed SWOT Mission
* Investigating the Relationship between the Inter-Annual Variability of Satellite-Derived Vegetation Phenology and a Proxy of Biomass Production in the Sahel
* iPiano: Inertial Proximal Algorithm for Nonconvex Optimization
* ISAR Imaging of Targets With Complex Motion Based on the Chirp Rate-Quadratic Chirp Rate Distribution
* Iterative Discovery of Multiple Alternative Clustering Views
* Iterative multi-class multi-scale stacked sequential learning: Definition and application to medical volume segmentation
* Joint Collaborative Representation With Multitask Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Joint Deblurring and Demosaicing Using Edge Information from Bayer Images
* Joint Video and Text Parsing for Understanding Events and Answering Queries
* Joint-Scatterer Processing for Time-Series InSAR
* Keeping an eye on the ball
* Kernel sparse tracking with compressive sensing
* Knapsack Intersection Graphs and Efficient Computation of Their Maximal Cliques
* Kurtosis-Based Approach to Detect RFI in SMOS Image Reconstruction Data Processor, A
* Label Consistent Multiclass Discriminative Dictionary Learning for MRI Segmentation
* Label propagation through minimax paths for scalable semi-supervised learning
* Land Cover and Soil Type Mapping From Spaceborne PolSAR Data at L-Band With Probabilistic Neural Network
* Land Cover Classification for Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Mixture Models
* Land cover classification of finer resolution remote sensing data integrating temporal features from time series coarser resolution data
* Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from MODIS Data by Integrating Regression Models and the Genetic Algorithm in an Arid Region
* Land-Surface Emissivity Retrieval in MSG-SEVIRI TIR Channels Using MODIS Data
* Large Earthquake Occurrence Estimation Based on Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
* Large-Margin Multi-View Information Bottleneck
* Layer Stripping Approach for EM Reconstruction of Stratified Media, A
* Learning Co-occurrence of Local Spatial Strokes for Robust Character Recognition
* Learning Cross-Media Joint Representation With Sparse and Semisupervised Regularization
* Learning kernel logistic regression in the presence of class label noise
* Learning Kernels for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Applications to Visual Object Recognition
* Learning Local Feature Descriptors Using Convex Optimisation
* Learning Pullback HMM Distances
* Linearized Bregman Method via Split Feasibility Problems: Analysis and Generalizations, The
* Local feature fitting active contour for segmenting vessels in angiograms
* Local Maximal Homogeneous Region Search for SAR Speckle Reduction With Sketch-Based Geometrical Kernel Function
* Locally adaptive combining colour and depth for human body contour tracking using level set method
* LOGISMOS-B: Layered Optimal Graph Image Segmentation of Multiple Objects and Surfaces for the Brain
* Long-Distance Geomagnetic Navigation: Imitations of Animal Migration Based on a New Assumption
* Long-Term Land Subsidence Monitoring of Beijing (China) Using the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) Technique
* Long-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Chemical Clouds: A focus on signal processing approaches
* Lossless Compression of Color Filter Array Images by Hierarchical Prediction and Context Modeling
* Lossless to Lossy Dual-Tree BEZW Compression for Hyperspectral Images
* low latency implementation of a non-uniform partitioned convolution algorithm for room acoustic simulation, A
* Low-complexity background subtraction based on spatial similarity
* Low-Level Feature Extraction for Edge Detection Using Genetic Programming
* Machine-learning methodology for energy efficient routing
* Macro 64-regions for uniform grids on GPU
* MAD-MEX: Automatic Wall-to-Wall Land Cover Monitoring for the Mexican REDD-MRV Program Using All Landsat Data
* magic of split augmented Lagrangians applied to K-frame-based L0-L2 minimization image restoration, The
* Making Tactile Textures with Predefined Affective Properties
* Many-to-Many Superpixel Matching for Robust Tracking
* Mapping Land Management Regimes in Western Ukraine Using Optical and SAR Data
* Mapping Mountain Pine Beetle Mortality through Growth Trend Analysis of Time-Series Landsat Data
* Matching and Perturbation Theories for Affine-Invariant Shapes Using QR Factorization with Column Pivoting
* Matching corners using the informative arc
* Max-Margin Multiattribute Learning With Low-Rank Constraint
* Maximally concentrated sequences in both time and linear canonical transform domains
* Maximizing the efficiency and affordability of high-performance radar
* Maximum Likelihood Doppler Frequency Estimation Under Decorrelation Noise for Quantifying Flow in Optical Coherence Tomography
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Shear Wave Speed in Transient Elastography
* Maximum Voiced Frequency Estimation: Exploiting Amplitude and Phase Spectra
* MCA aided geodesic active contours for image segmentation with textures
* Mean Polynomial Kernel and Its Application to Vector Sequence Recognition
* Measurements of Forest Biomass Change Using P-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter
* Measuring and mitigating targeted biometric impersonation
* Measuring Crowd Collectiveness
* Metamodel for Estimating Error Bounds in Real-Time Traffic Prediction Systems, A
* Method for accuracy assessment of aggregated freeway traffic data
* method for fusing a pair of images in the JPEG domain, A
* Method of Evaluating the Internal Precision of Multi-View Stereo Dense Reconstruction, Applied on Parthenon Frieze, A
* Method to Estimate Biomechanics and Mechanical Properties of Optic Nerve Head Tissues From Parameters Measurable Using Optical Coherence Tomography, A
* Methodology for Processing Seismograms Containing Total Internal Reflections
* Methods for text segmentation from scene images
* Metric Optimization for Surface Analysis in the Laplace-Beltrami Embedding Space
* Metrology of Directional, Spectral Reflectance Factor Measurements Based on Area Format Imaging by UAVs, The
* Micro-Doppler Trajectory Estimation of Pedestrians Using a Continuous-Wave Radar
* MIMOSA: An Automatic Change Detection Method for SAR Time Series
* Mind Module: Using an Affectand Personality Computational Modelas a Game-Play Element, The
* Mining Compact Bag-of-Patterns for Low Bit Rate Mobile Visual Search
* Mining Mid-level Features for Image Classification
* Mitigation of RFIS for SMOS: A Distributed Approach
* Mitotic cells recognition in HEp-2 images
* Mixture of Merged Gaussian Algorithm using RTDENN
* ML-Reconstruction for TOF-PET With Simultaneous Estimation of the Attenuation Factors
* Mobility analysis of the aged pedestrians by experiment and simulation
* model for the gray-intensity distribution of historical handwritten documents and its application for binarization, A
* Model of Surface Roughness for Use in Passive Remote Sensing of Bare Soil Moisture, A
* Model-Driven Domain Adaptation on Product Manifolds for Unconstrained Face Recognition
* Modeling 'don't know' responses in rating scales
* Modeling and Analysis of an Infrastructure Service Request Queue in Multichannel V2I Communications
* Modeling and Interpretation of Scattering Mechanisms in Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar: Advances and perspectives
* Modeling and Simulating a Narrow Tilting Car Using Robotics Formalism
* Modeling In-Use Steel Stock in China's Buildings and Civil Engineering Infrastructure Using Time-Series of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Lights
* Modeling Properties of Influenza-Like Illness Peak Events with Crossing Theory
* Modeling the Microwave Emission of Bubbly Ice: Applications to Blue Ice and Superimposed Ice in the Antarctic and Arctic
* Modelling and animation of impact and damage with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
* Modelling of Bioimpedance Measurements: Application to Sensitivity Analysis
* Modified Level Set Approach for Segmentation of Multiband Polarimetric SAR Images, A
* Modulation transfer function of a triangular pixel array detector
* Monitoring and Diagnosing Neonatal Seizures by Video Signal Processing
* Monitoring Changes in Rice Cultivated Area from SAR and Optical Satellite Images in Ben Tre and Tra Vinh Provinces in Mekong Delta, Vietnam
* Monitoring of Irrigation Schemes by Remote Sensing: Phenology versus Retrieval of Biophysical Variables
* Monitoring Trends in Light Pollution in China Based on Nighttime Satellite Imagery
* Monocular Depth Cues in Computer Vision Applications
* Monte Carlo Approach to Simulate the Stochastic Demand in a Continuous Dynamic Traffic Network Loading Problem, A
* Mood and Its Mapping onto Facial Expressions
* Motion Correction of Intravital Microscopy of Preclinical Lung Tumour Imaging Using Multichannel Structural Image Descriptor
* Motion feature filtering for event detection in crowded scenes
* Motion Fields for Interactive Character Locomotion
* Motion Pattern Study and Analysis from Video Monitoring Trajectory
* multi-band approach to unsupervised scale parameter selection for multi-scale image segmentation, A
* Multi-class learning for vessel characterisation in intravascular ultrasound
* Multi-Commodity Network Flow for Tracking Multiple People
* Multi-Dimensional Tumor Detection in Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound Using Topographic Watershed
* Multi-Observation Blind Deconvolution with an Adaptive Sparse Prior
* Multi-Orientation Analysis Approach to Retinal Vessel Tracking, A
* Multi-Polarization ASAR Backscattering from Herbaceous Wetlands in Poyang Lake Region, China
* Multi-scale contrast-based saliency enhancement for salient object detection
* Multi-Scale Weighted Back Projection Imaging Technique for Ground Penetrating Radar Applications, A
* Multi-sensory surveillance for moving vehicles
* Multi-subregion based correlation filter bank for robust face recognition
* Multi-Transmit Beam Forming for Fast Cardiac Imaging: Experimental Validation and In Vivo Application
* Multi-User Non-Coherent Detection for Downlink MIMO Communication
* Multi-View Facial Expression Recognition Based on Group Sparse Reduced-Rank Regression
* Multiclass Data Segmentation Using Diffuse Interface Methods on Graphs
* Multilayer Neural Network with Multi-Valued Neurons in Time Series Forecasting of Oil Production
* Multilevel Modeling of the Traffic Dynamic
* Multimedia information retrieval: best papers and expanding frontiers
* Multimodal composition of the digital patient: a strategy for the knee articulation
* Multimodal Interface Towards Smartphones: The Use of Pico Projector, Passive RGB Imaging and Active Infrared Imaging
* Multimodal Registration and Data Fusion for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Optimization
* Multimodal Stereo from Thermal Infrared and Visible Spectrum
* Multimodel Ensemble for Freeway Traffic State Estimations
* Multipath Exploitation and Suppression for SAR Imaging of Building Interiors: An overview of recent advances
* Multiphase image segmentation via equally distanced multiple well potential
* Multiple Face Recognition Using Local Features and Swarm Intelligence
* Multiple Gaussian Mixture Models for Image Registration
* Multiple kernel clustering based on centered kernel alignment
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Sparse Representation-Based Classification
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Visual Object Recognition: A Review
* Multiple Kernel Sparse Representations for Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
* Multiple Migration and Stacking Algorithm Designed for Land Mine Detection, A
* Multiscale Analysis for Images on Riemannian Manifolds
* Multisensor Microwave Sensitivity to Freeze/Thaw Dynamics Across a Complex Boreal Landscape
* Multiview face recognition based on multilinear decomposition and pose manifold
* Multiview Video Plus Depth Coding With Depth-Based Prediction Mode
* N-Ary coded structured light-based range scanners using color invariants
* Narrow-Band Interference Mitigation for SAR Using Independent Subspace Analysis
* NASA Team 2 Sea Ice Concentration Algorithm Retrieval Uncertainty
* National, Detailed Map of Forest Aboveground Carbon Stocks in Mexico, A
* Near-Linear Time Guaranteed Algorithm for Digital Curve Simplification Under the Fréchet Distance, A
* Nearly Zero Inclination Geosynchronous SAR Mission Analysis With Long Integration Time for Earth Observation
* New accelerated graph-based method of image segmentation applying minimum spanning tree
* New Adaptive Weighted Mean Filter for Removing Salt-and-Pepper Noise, A
* New Approach to Two-View Motion Segmentation Using Global Dimension Minimization, A
* new continuous max-flow algorithm for multiphase image segmentation using super-level set functions, A
* New Detail-Preserving Regularization Scheme, A
* new efficient method to characterize dynamic textures based on a two-phase texture and dynamism analysis, A
* New Equation for Deriving Vegetation Phenophase from Time Series of Leaf Area Index (LAI) Data, A
* New Forensic Methods for OOXML Format Documents
* New Formula for Bivariate Hermite Interpolation on Variable Step Grids and Its Application to Image Interpolation, A
* New Image Quality Evaluation Metric for Underwater Video
* New Method for Skeleton Pruning, A
* New Method of Tipping Calibration for Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer in Cloudy Atmosphere, A
* New Method to Improve Quality of Reconstructed Images in Tomography, A
* new metric for measuring structure-preserving capability of despeckling of SAR images, A
* New optimised region-based multi-scale image fusion method for thermal and visible images
* New Postprocessing Methods for Remote Sensing Image Classification: A Systematic Study
* New Retinal Recognition System Using a Logarithmic Spiral Sampling Grid, A
* New Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Efficient Prediction, A
* New Similarity Metric for Groupwise Registration of Variable Flip Angle Sequences for Improved T 10 Estimation in DCE-MRI, A
* New Sparse Source Separation-Based Classification Approach, A
* Next-Generation 3D Formats with Depth Map Support
* Nexus of Health and Development: Modelling Crude Birth Rate and Maternal Mortality Ratio Using Nighttime Satellite Images
* NLP-inspired structural pattern recognition in chemical application
* No-reference image quality assessment using statistical characterization in the shearlet domain
* Noise modeling and depth calibration for Time-Of-Flight cameras
* Noise-Removal Markers to Improve PCA-Based Face Recognition
* Non-MLE Approach for Satellite Scatterometer Wind Vector Retrievals in Tropical Cyclones, A
* Non-parametric Discrete Registration with Convex Optimisation
* Non-rigid Groupwise Image Registration for Motion Compensation in Quantitative MRI
* Non-rigid Image Registration with Equally Weighted Assimilated Surface Constraint
* Non-rigid Object Segmentation Using Robust Active Shape Models
* Non-uniform Quantization in Breaking HUGO
* Nonlinear Transformation of the Distance Function in the Nearest Neighbor Image Recognition
* Nonparallel Support Vector Machines for Pattern Classification
* Nonparametric Temperature Controller With Nonlinear Negative Reaction for Multi-Point Rapid MR-Guided HIFU Ablation, A
* Normalization of Surface Anisotropy Effects Present in SEVIRI Reflectances by Using the MODIS BRDF Method, The
* novel approach for automatic region of interest extraction in industrial radiographic images, A
* Novel Clustering-Based Feature Representation for the Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Novel Folded-PCA for improved feature extraction and data reduction with hyperspectral imaging and SAR in remote sensing
* novel image restoration scheme based on structured side information and its application to image watermarking, A
* Novel Interest-Point-Based Background Subtraction Algorithm, A
* Novel Local Pattern Descriptor: Local Vector Pattern in High-Order Derivative Space for Face Recognition, A
* Novel Method for Detecting Image Sharpening Based on Local Binary Pattern, A
* novel method for straightening curved text-lines in stylistic documents, A
* Novel Moving Target Imaging Algorithm for HRWS SAR Based on Local Maximum-Likelihood Minimum Entropy, A
* Novel Rapid SAR Simulator Based on Equivalent Scatterers for Three-Dimensional Forest Canopies, A
* Novel Rate Control Algorithm for Onboard Predictive Coding of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Images, A
* Novel SOM-SVM-Based Active Learning Technique for Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* Novel Spatial-Spectral Similarity Measure for Dimensionality Reduction and Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Novel Technique Based on the Combination of Labeled Co-Occurrence Matrix and Variogram for the Detection of Built-up Areas in High-Resolution SAR Images, A
* Novice and Expert Performance of KeyScretch: A Gesture-Based Text Entry Method for Touch-Screens
* Numerical Characterization of Quasi-Static Ultrasound Elastography for the Detection of Deep Tissue Injuries
* Numerical Implementation of Geodesic X-Ray Transforms and Their Inversion
* Numerical Simulation from Medical Images: Accurate Integration by Means of the Cartesian Grid Finite Element Method
* Numerical Simulation of Whitecaps and Foam Effects on Satellite Altimeter Response
* Object Recognition with Näive Bayes-NN via Prototype Generation
* Object-Based Approach for Fire History Reconstruction by Using Three Generations of Landsat Sensors, An
* Object-Based Classification of Abandoned Logging Roads under Heavy Canopy Using LiDAR
* Object-Based Greenhouse Classification from GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 Stereo Imagery
* Object-Based Image Classification of Summer Crops with Machine Learning Methods
* Object-color-signal prediction using wraparound Gaussian metamers
* Object-Oriented Shadow Detection and Removal from Urban High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Observing System Simulation Experiment for the Aquarius/SAC-D Soil Moisture Product, An
* Odor Plume Tracking Algorithm Inspired on Evolution
* Oil Spill Detection in Hybrid-Polarimetric SAR Images
* Omega-K Algorithm for Translational Invariant Bistatic SAR Based on Generalized Loffeld's Bistatic Formula, An
* On a spatiotemporally discrete urban traffic model
* On calculating metamer sets for spectrally tunable LED illuminators
* On detecting spatial categorical outliers
* On Line Validation Exercise (OLIVE): A Web Based Service for the Validation of Medium Resolution Land Products. Application to FAPAR Products
* On the Atmospheric Correction of Antarctic Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* On the Estimation of Melt Pond Fraction on the Arctic Sea Ice With ENVISAT WSM Images
* On the Processing of Very High Resolution Spaceborne SAR Data
* On the SAR Backscatter of Burned Forests: A Model-Based Study in C-Band, Over Burned Pine Canopies
* On the Semi-Automatic Retrieval of Biophysical Parameters Based on Spectral Index Optimization
* On Two Definitions of Reduct
* On User Interaction Behavior as Evidence for Computer Forensic Analysis
* On-Orbit Geometric Calibration Model and Its Applications for High-Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery
* Ontology-Based Text Mining Method to Develop D-Matrix From Unstructured Text, An
* Operational Data Fusion Framework for Building Frequent Landsat-Like Imagery
* Optical Flow in Driver Assistance Systems
* Optical illusion shape texturing using repeated asymmetric patterns
* Optimal acceleration thresholds for non-holonomic agents
* Optimal ATMS Remapping Algorithm for Climate Research
* Optimal colour-based mean shift algorithm for tracking objects
* Optimal Energy Transfer Pipe Arrangement for Acoustic Drill String Telemetry
* Optimal Interval Clustering: Application to Bregman Clustering and Statistical Mixture Learning
* Optimal Multiuser Transmit Beamforming: A Difficult Problem with a Simple Solution Structure
* Optimised speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations
* Optimising three-band spectral indices to assess aerial N concentration, N uptake and aboveground biomass of winter wheat remotely in China and Germany
* Optimization for calibration of large-scale optical measurement positioning system by using spherical constraint
* Optimized Tropical Cyclone Winds From QuikSCAT: A Neural Network Approach
* Optimizing redundant-data clustering for interactive walkthrough applications
* Optimum Signal Processing for Multichannel SAR: With Application to High-Resolution Wide-Swath Imaging
* Orthogonal Frequency Diversity Waveform with Range-Doppler Optimization for MIMO Radar
* OSRI: A Rotationally Invariant Binary Descriptor
* Outlier modeling for spectral data reduction
* Overcoming Drowsiness by Inducing Cardiorespiratory Phase Synchronization
* Overcomplete Image Representations for Texture Analysis
* Overflow Oscillation Elimination of 2-D Digital Filters in the Roesser Model with Wiener Process Noise
* Pairwise matching of 3D fragments using fast fourier transform
* Paradigm Shifts in Video Technologies: Introduction to T-CSVT Future Special Issues
* Parallel Adaptive Physics-Based Non-rigid Registration Framework for Brain Tumor Resection, A
* Parallel Framework for Video Super-resolution, A
* Parallel implementation of sequential morphological filters
* Parallel incremental power mean SVM for the classification of large-scale image datasets
* Parameter Optimization for the Extraction of Matching Points Between High-Resolution Multisensor Images in Urban Areas
* Parametric meta-filter modeling from a single example pair
* Part-to-part morphing for planar curves
* Particle-Based Solution for Modeling and Tracking Dynamic Digital Elevation Maps, A
* passive multi-purpose scheme based on periodicity analysis of CFA artifacts for image forensics, A
* Password hardened fuzzy vault for fingerprint authentication system
* Patch-Based Conditional Context Coding of Stereo Disparity Images
* Patch-Ordering-Based Wavelet Frame and Its Use in Inverse Problems
* Pattern Classes in Retinal Fundus Images Based on Function Norms
* Pattern recognition and crowd analysis
* Perceptual Annotation: Measuring Human Vision to Improve Computer Vision
* Performance analysis of wave atom transform in texture classification
* Performance evaluation of crowd image analysis using the PETS2009 dataset
* Performance Improved Methods for Communication-Based Train Control Systems With Random Packet Drops
* Performance improvement of fuzzy-based algorithms for medical image retrieval
* Performance of Building Height Estimation Using High-Resolution PolInSAR Images
* Performance of select color-difference formulas in the blue region
* Personalised face neutralisation based on subspace bilinear regression
* Phase-Based Binarization of Ancient Document Images: Model and Applications
* PhoneLens: A Low-Cost, Spatially Aware, Mobile-Interaction Device
* Photogrammetric and Computer Vision-Based Approach for Automated 3D Architectural Modeling and Its Typological Analysis, A
* Physical Metaphor for Streaming Media Retargeting
* Physical, Bio-Optical State and Correlations in North-Western European Shelf Seas
* PicWords: Render a Picture by Packing Keywords
* Pixel Based Meshfree Modeling of Skeletal Muscles
* Platform enabling intelligent safety applications for vulnerable road users
* Player Tracking in Far-View Soccer Videos Based on Composite Energy Function
* Polarimetric Simulations of SAR at L-Band Over Bare Soil Using Scattering Matrices of Random Rough Surfaces From Numerical Three-Dimensional Solutions of Maxwell Equations
* PolSAR Coherency Matrix Decomposition Based on Constrained Sparse Representation
* polygon-based clustering and analysis framework for mining spatial datasets, A
* Polyp Localization and Segmentation in Colonoscopy Images by Means of a Model of Appearance for Polyps
* Positive and Negative Local Trend Association Patterns in Analysis of Associations between Time Series
* Power-optimized log-based image processing system
* Prediction of Human Activity by Discovering Temporal Sequence Patterns
* Predictive Modeling for 2D Form Design
* Prelaunch Radiometric Calibration of the HIRDLS Flight Instrument: Results and Use in On-Orbit Data Processing
* Prior-Free Weighting Scheme for Binary Code Ranking, A
* Probabilistic Diffeomorphic Registration: Representing Uncertainty
* Probabilistic shape-based segmentation method using level sets
* Problem Solving Environment Based on Knowledge Based System Principles
* Progressive Image Denoising
* Progressive medical image coding using binary wavelet transforms
* pROST: a smoothed lp -norm robust online subspace tracking method for background subtraction in video
* Prostate Segmentation Based on Variant Scale Patch and Local Independent Projection
* QR Images: Optimized Image Embedding in QR Codes
* Quality evaluation of degraded document images for binarization result prediction
* Quality Study of the OpenStreetMap Dataset for Tehran, A
* Quantifying Responses of Spectral Vegetation Indices to Dead Materials in Mixed Grasslands
* Quaternion Neural-Network-Based PolSAR Land Classification in Poincare-Sphere-Parameter Space
* Query-expanded collaborative representation based classification with class-specific prototypes for object recognition
* Radar Backscatter Modeling Based on Global TanDEM-X Mission Data
* Radar Imaging Through a Building Corner
* Radar Imaging Through Cinderblock Walls: Achievable Performance by a Model-Corrected Linear Inverse Scattering Approach
* Radial Basis Functions for Combining Shape and Speckle Tracking in 4D Echocardiography
* Radial distortion invariants and lens evaluation under a single-optical-axis omnidirectional camera
* Radiological Pain Predictors in Knee Osteoarthritis, a Four Feature Selection Comparison: Data from the OAI
* Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occultation Measurements
* Random Cluster Model for Robust Geometric Fitting, The
* Random Decision Forests Approach to Face Detection, A
* Randomly Perturbed Free-Form Deformation for Nonrigid Image Registration
* Rapid Damage Assessment by Means of Multi-Temporal SAR: A Comprehensive Review and Outlook to Sentinel-1
* Rapid Prototyping: A Tool for Presenting 3-Dimensional Digital Models Produced by Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Rapid Spectral Cloud Screening Onboard Aircraft and Spacecraft
* Rate-Constrained 3D Surface Estimation From Noise-Corrupted Multiview Depth Videos
* Ray tracing via GPU rasterization
* Re-estimation of Motion and Reconstruction for Distributed Video Coding
* Real time adaptive non-linear estimator/predictor design for traffic systems with inadequate detectors
* Real-Time Classification of Lying Bodies by HOG Descriptors
* Real-Time Crisis Mapping of Natural Disasters Using Social Media
* Real-time detecting and tracking of traffic shockwaves based on weighted consensus information fusion in distributed video network
* Real-time fingertip localization conditioned on hand gesture classification
* Real-Time Hand-Painted Graphics for Mobile Games
* Real-time rendering of glossy materials with regular sampling
* Real-time simulating and rendering of layered dust
* Real-time video event detection in crowded scenes using MPEG derived features: A multiple instance learning approach
* Realistic and Easy-to-Implement Weighting Model for GPS Phase Observations, A
* Recent Advances in Radar Imaging [From the Guest Editors]
* Recognising human interaction from videos by a discriminative model
* reconstructed residual error: A novel segmentation evaluation measure for reconstructed images in tomography, The
* Reconstruction of hv-Convex Sets by Their Coordinate X-Ray Functions
* Recovering Euclidean structure from principal-axes paralleled conics: applications to camera calibration
* Recovering Quantitative Remote Sensing Products Contaminated by Thick Clouds and Shadows Using Multitemporal Dictionary Learning
* Recovery of elevation from estimated gradient fields constrained by digital elevation maps of lower lateral resolution
* Recursive Gaussian process: On-line regression and learning
* Reduced Data Based Improved MEB/L2-SVM Equivalence
* Reduced memory, low complexity embedded image compression algorithm using hierarchical listless discrete tchebichef transform
* Reduction of Signal-Dependent Noise From Hyperspectral Images for Target Detection
* Regional fusion for high-resolution palmprint recognition using spectral minutiae representation
* Regional Manifold Learning for Disease Classification
* Registration and analysis for images couple: Application to mammograms
* Registration Fusion Using Markov Random Fields
* Registration of Image Sequences from Experimental Low-Cost Fundus Camera
* Registration of Noisy Images via Maximum A-Posteriori Estimation
* Regression-Based Facial Expression Optimization
* Regularity Preserved Superpixels and Supervoxels
* Regularized Simultaneous Forward-Backward Greedy Algorithm for Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data
* Relating Things and Stuff via ObjectProperty Interactions
* Relative Saliency Model over Multiple Images with an Application to Yarn Surface Evaluation
* Relevance Feedback in Biometric Retrieval of Animal Photographs
* Remote Identification of Housing Buildings with High-Resolution Remote Sensing
* Remote Sensing Assessment of Forest Disturbance across Complex Mountainous Terrain: The Pattern and Severity of Impacts of Tropical Cyclone Yasi on Australian Rainforests
* Remote Sensing Estimates of Grassland Aboveground Biomass Based on MODIS Net Primary Productivity (NPP): A Case Study in the Xilingol Grassland of Northern China
* Remote sensing of alpine lake water environment changes on the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings: A review
* Representation and Inference of User Intention for Internet Robot
* Reproducing kernel Hilbert space based estimation of systems of ordinary differential equations
* Research on a DSRC-Based Rear-End Collision Warning Model
* Restorable Semi-fragile Watermarking Combined DCT with Interpolation, A
* Results of the ISPRS benchmark on urban object detection and 3D building reconstruction
* Retinal Image Analysis Oriented to the Clinical Task
* Retrieval of Arctic Sea Ice Parameters by Satellite Passive Microwave Sensors: A Comparison of Eleven Sea Ice Concentration Algorithms
* Retrieval of land surface temperature from the Kalpana-1 VHRR data using a single-channel algorithm and its validation over western India
* Retrieval of leaf water content spanning the visible to thermal infrared spectra
* Retrieval of Sea and Land Surface Temperature From SVISSR/FY-2C/D/E Measurements
* Reversible and Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Quantization Index Modulation and Amplitude Expansion
* Reversible Audio Information Hiding Based on Integer DCT Coefficients with Adaptive Hiding Locations
* Reversible data hiding based on hybrid prediction and interleaving histogram modification with single seed pixel recovery
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted H.264/AVC Video Streams
* Reversible Data Hiding Using Invariant Pixel-Value-Ordering and Prediction-Error Expansion
* reversible steganographic scheme for VQ indices based on locally adaptive coding, A
* review of ground-based SAR interferometry for deformation measurement, A
* Ricci flow embedding for rectifying non-Euclidean dissimilarity data
* Rigging and Data Capture for the Facial Animation of Virtual Actors
* Road Centerline Extraction in Complex Urban Scenes From LiDAR Data Based on Multiple Features
* Robot, you can drive my car
* Robots Compete in Disaster Scenarios
* Robust (Semi) Nonnegative Graph Embedding
* Robust Approach for Object-Based Detection and Radiometric Characterization of Cloud Shadow Using Haze Optimized Transformation, A
* Robust Head Gestures Recognition for Assistive Technology
* Robust human detection through fusion of color and infrared video
* Robust local stereo matching under varying radiometric conditions
* Robust multilane detection and tracking in urban scenarios based on LIDAR and mono-vision
* Robust Online Multiobject Tracking With Data Association and Track Management
* Robust Optimization of Dynamic Motorway Traffic via Ramp Metering
* Robust regression with extreme support vectors
* Robust river boundaries extraction of dammed lakes in mountain areas after Wenchuan Earthquake from high resolution SAR images combining local connectivity and ACM
* Robust visual tracking via augmented kernel SVM
* robust watermark authentication technique based on Weber's descriptor, A
* Role of Scattering in Virtual Source Array Imaging
* Rotation invariance for dense features inside regions of interest
* Rotor Unbalance Detection in Electrical Induction Motors Using Orbital Analysis
* Saliency detection in complex scenes
* Salient Region Detection Based on Color Uniqueness and Color Spatial Distribution
* SAR change detection based on intensity and texture changes
* SAR Image Denoising via Clustering-Based Principal Component Analysis
* SAR Imaging Algorithms and Some Unconventional Applications: A unified mathematical overview
* SAVERS: A Simulator of GNSS Reflections From Bare and Vegetated Soils
* Scalable semi-supervised clustering by spectral kernel learning
* Scalable Similarity Search With Topology Preserving Hashing
* Scale recovery in multicamera cluster SLAM with non-overlapping fields of view
* Scaled-Distance-Transforms and Monotonicity of Autocorrelations
* Scattering Mechanisms for the 'Ear' Feature of Lop Nur Lake Basin
* Scattering Studies for Two-Dimensional Exponential Correlation Textured Rough Surfaces Using Small-Slope Approximation Method
* Scene appearance model based on spatial prediction
* Scene invariant multi camera crowd counting
* Scene Text Character Recognition Using Spatiality Embedded Dictionary
* Scene Text Recognition in Mobile Applications by Character Descriptor and Structure Configuration
* Scene Text Recognition Using Structure-Guided Character Detection and Linguistic Knowledge
* Scene-based pedestrian safety performance model in mixed traffic situation
* Sea Surface Microwave Scattering at Extreme Grazing Angle: Numerical Investigation of the Doppler Shift
* Seamless Fusion of LiDAR and Aerial Imagery for Building Extraction
* Secret Sharing in Images Based on Error-Diffused Block Truncation Coding and Error Diffusion
* sEditor: A Prototype for a Sign Language Interfacing System
* Segmentation of 3D Meshes Using p-Spectral Clustering
* Segmentation of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Hard-Boundary Constraint and Two-Stage Merging
* Segmentation of Skin Lesions Using Level Set Method
* Segmentation of Two-Phase Flow: A Free Representation for Levet Set Method with a Priori Knowledge
* Self-Calibration Bundle Adjustment Method for Photogrammetric Processing of Chang 'E-2 Stereo Lunar Imagery, A
* Self-embedding watermarking scheme for colour images by bi-level moment-preserving technique
* Self-Reconfigurable Smart Camera Networks
* Self-Similar Prior and Wavelet Bases for Hidden Incompressible Turbulent Motion
* Self-Sorting Map: An Efficient Algorithm for Presenting Multimedia Data in Structured Layouts
* Semantic Awareness for Automatic Image Interpretation
* Semantic image classification by genetic algorithm using optimised fuzzy system based on Zernike moments
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Ill-Posed Polarimetric SAR Classification
* Semi-supervised Puzzle-Based Method for Separating the Venous and Arterial Vascular Networks in Retinal Images, A
* Semisupervised Kernel Feature Extraction for Remote Sensing Image Analysis
* Sensitivity-Analysis-Based Approach for the Calibration of Traffic Simulation Models, A
* Separation of Weak Reflection from a Single Superimposed Image
* Sequential Generation of Gaussian Random Fields for Applications in the Geospatial Sciences, The
* Sequential pattern recognition by maximum conditional informativity
* Shadow Detection of Man-Made Buildings in High-Resolution Panchromatic Satellite Images
* Shallow-Water Benthic Identification Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery: Investigation on the Effects of Improving Noise Correction Method and Spectral Cover
* Shape Analysis of Planar Multiply-Connected Objects Using Conformal Welding
* Shape Reconstructability Measure of Object Part Importance with Applications to Object Detection and Localization, A
* Shift-invariant ring feature for 3D shape
* Short Length Trellis-Based Codes for Gaussian Multiple-Access Channels
* Short-Range Wideband FMCW Radar for Millimetric Displacement Measurements
* SIFT Hardware Implementation for Real-Time Image Feature Extraction
* Signal Processing: On the Edge of Astronomy's New Frontier
* Signal-to-noise ratio limitations for intensity correlation imaging
* Silhouette estimation
* Silhouette-based gait recognition via deterministic learning
* simple boundary reinforcement technique for segmentation without prior, A
* Simple method for camera calibration of roundabout traffic scenes using a single circle
* Simulation Study of Compact Polarimetry for Radar Retrieval of Soil Moisture, A
* Simultaneous active camera array focus plane estimation and occluded moving object imaging
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Multiresolution Nonrigid Atlas Registration
* Simultaneous-Speaker Voice Activity Detection and Localization Using Mid-Fusion of SVM and HMMs
* Single change detection-based moving object segmentation by using Daubechies complex wavelet transform
* Single Image Dehazing and Denoising: A Fast Variational Approach
* Single image haze removal using content-adaptive dark channel and post enhancement
* Single Image Interpolation Via Adaptive Nonlocal Sparsity-Based Modeling
* SIT-REM: An Interoperable and Interactive Web Geographic Information System for Fauna, Flora and Plant Landscape Data Management
* Sizing Finite-Population Vehicle Pools
* Skip Decision and Reference Frame Selection for Low-Complexity H.264/AVC Surveillance Video Coding
* Smart Camera Networks [Guest editors' introduction]
* Smoothing of HMM parameters for efficient recognition of online handwriting
* SMOS Brightness Temperature Angular Noise: Characterization, Filtering, and Validation
* Social Multimedia Crawling for Mining and Search
* Soil Phosphorus and Nitrogen Predictions Across Spatial Escalating Scales in an Aquatic Ecosystem Using Remote Sensing Images
* Soil respiration mapped by exclusively use of MODIS data for forest landscapes of Saskatchewan, Canada
* Source phone identification using sketches of features
* Spaceborne GNSS-R Minimum Variance Wind Speed Estimator
* Sparse approximation of 3D shapes via spectral graph wavelets
* Sparsity-based edge noise removal from bilevel graphical document images
* Sparsity-Driven Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging: Reconstruction, autofocusing, moving targets, and compressed sensing
* Spatial Co-Registration of Ultra-High Resolution Visible, Multispectral and Thermal Images Acquired with a Micro-UAV over Antarctic Moss Beds
* spatial discrepancy measure between voxel sets in brain imaging, A
* Spatial temporal pyramid matching using temporal sparse representation for human motion retrieval
* spatial-temporal Hopfield neural network approach for super-resolution land cover mapping with multi-temporal different resolution remotely sensed images, A
* Spatially-Resolved Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation Via Poroelastic Magnetic Resonance Elastography
* Special issue on background modeling for foreground detection in real-world dynamic scenes
* Spectral Decomposition Algorithm for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Lake Taihu, China, A
* Spectral Embedded Hashing for Scalable Image Retrieval
* Spectral Unmixing via Compressive Sensing
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Data Using Local and Global Probabilities for Mixed Pixel Characterization
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Image Based on Kernel Extreme Learning Machine
* Spectrometric differentiation of yeast strains using minimum volume increase and minimum direction change clustering criteria
* Speech Based Shopping Assistance for the Blind
* Sport Type Classification of Mobile Videos
* Stacked Sequential Scale-Space Taylor Context
* Stationary Probability Model for Microscopic Parallelism in JPEG2000
* Statistical Analysis of Real Aperture Radar Field Backscattered From Sea Surfaces Under Moderate Winds by Monte Carlo Simulations
* Statistical Characteristics of Mesoscale Eddies in the North Pacific Derived from Satellite Altimetry
* Statistical machine translation of subtitles for highly inflected language pair
* Statistical Modeling of Sea Ice Concentration Using Satellite Imagery and Climate Reanalysis Data in the Barents and Kara Seas, 1979-2012
* Steganalysis of Compressed Speech Based on Markov and Entropy
* Steganography Based on Adaptive Pixel-Value Differencing Scheme Revisited
* Stepwise Inverse Consistent Euler's Scheme for Diffeomorphic Image Registration
* Stereo Time-of-Flight with Constructive Interference
* Stereoscopic image completion and depth recovery
* Stopping Criteria for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Based Supervised and Semi-Supervised Source Separation
* Strategic analysis of stakeholder preferences regarding the design of ITS-based road safety measures
* Strategic Capability-Learning for Improved Multiagent Collaboration in Ad Hoc Environments
* Structure-Aware Global Optimization Method for Reconstructing 3-D Tree Models From Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data, A
* Structured Time Series Analysis for Human Action Segmentation and Recognition
* Study of a geo-multicast framework for efficient message dissemination at unmanned level crossings
* Study of Overlapping Clustering Algorithms Based on Kmeans through FBcubed Metric
* Study on the Display Positions for the Haptic Rotary Device-Based Integrated In-Vehicle Infotainment Interface
* Studying Netconf in Hybrid Rule Ordering Strategies for Associative Classification
* Sub-pixel mapping of remote sensing images based on radial basis function interpolation
* Subdividing Prismatic Meshes by Cutting Flow
* Suboptimal branch and bound algorithms for feature subset selection: A comparative study
* Suboptimal Solutions to the Algebraic-Error Line Triangulation
* Subsampling-based HMC parameter estimation with application to large datasets classification
* Subspace-Based Technique for Speckle Noise Reduction in SAR Images
* Successive Elimination Algorithm for Constrained One-bit Transform Based Motion Estimation Using the Bonferroni Inequality
* Successive Nonnegative Projection Algorithm for Robust Nonnegative Blind Source Separation
* Superresolution Land Cover Mapping With Multiscale Information by Fusing Local Smoothness Prior and Downscaled Coarse Fractions
* Superresolving SAR Tomography for Multidimensional Imaging of Urban Areas: Compressive sensing-based TomoSAR inversion
* Supervised super-vector encoding for facial expression recognition
* Support vector clustering of time series data with alignment kernels
* Supporting Annotation of Anatomical Landmarks Using Automatic Scale Selection
* Supporting Global Environmental Change Research: A Review of Trends and Knowledge Gaps in Urban Remote Sensing
* Surface Temperatures at the Continental Scale: Tracking Changes with Remote Sensing at Unprecedented Detail
* Surface-Constrained Nonrigid Registration for Dose Monitoring in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy
* Surrogate safety measures as aid to driver assistance system design of the cognitive vehicle
* Surveillance video summarisation by jointly applying moving object detection and tracking
* SWT voting-based color reduction method for detecting text in natural scene images
* SymBA: Diffeomorphic Registration Based on Gradient Orientation Alignment and Boundary Proximity of Sparsely Selected Voxels
* Symbiotic Tracker Ensemble Toward A Unified Tracking Framework
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Clustering with Curvelet Subband Gauss Distribution Parameters
* Synthetic Generation of Myocardial Blood: Oxygen-Level-Dependent MRI Time Series Via Structural Sparse Decomposition Modeling
* synthetic training framework for providing gesture scalability to 2.5D pose-based hand gesture recognition systems, A
* t-Test feature selection approach based on term frequency for text categorization
* TanDEM-X Pol-InSAR Performance for Forest Height Estimation
* TARS: traffic-aware route search
* Temperature and Emissivity Separation From MSG/SEVIRI Data
* Temporal Decorrelation-Robust SAR Tomography
* Tensor Product Complex Tight Framelets with Increasing Directionality
* Testing the Energy of Random Signals in a Known Subspace: An Optimal Invariant Approach
* Theme section 'Urban object detection and 3D building reconstruction'
* Thermal Image Processing for Breast Symmetry Detection Oriented to Automatic Breast Cancer Analysis
* Thermal spatio-temporal data for stress recognition
* Thermal-Infrared Spectral and Angular Characterization of Crude Oil and Seawater Emissivities for Oil Slick Identification
* three-band semi-analytical model for deriving total suspended sediment concentration from HJ-1A/CCD data in turbid coastal waters, A
* Three-Dimensional Index for Characterizing Crop Water Stress, A
* Time Series Analysis of Land Cover Change: Developing Statistical Tools to Determine Significance of Land Cover Changes in Persistence Analyses
* Time-Frequency Analysis on the Impact of Climate Variability on Semi-Natural Mountain Meadows, A
* Time-of-Flight Camera Based Virtual Reality Interaction for Balance Rehabilitation Purposes
* Time-Reversal Technique for SAR Focusing of Buried Targets: Theoretical improvements and practical limitations, The
* Timer-based greedy forwarding algorithm in vehicular ad hoc networks
* To What Extent do the Findings of Laboratory-Based Spatial Attention Research Apply to the Real-World Setting of Driving?
* Tomographic airborne ground penetrating radar imaging: Achievable spatial resolution and on-field assessment
* Tomographic Processing of Interferometric SAR Data: Developments, applications, and future research perspectives
* Topographic and spectral data resolve land cover misclassification to distinguish and monitor wetlands in western Uganda
* TOPSIS-Based Consensus Model for Group Decision-Making With Incomplete Interval Fuzzy Preference Relations
* Toward Compressive Camera Networks
* Toward Dynamic Scene Understanding by Hierarchical Motion Pattern Mining
* Toward Experiential Mobile Media Processing
* Toward Haptic Cinematography: Enhancing Movie Experiences with Camera-Based Haptic Effects
* Toward Satellite-Based Land Cover Classification Through Optimum-Path Forest
* Towards an integrated approach to crowd analysis and crowd synthesis: A case study and first results
* Towards an interactive index structuring system for content-based image retrieval in large image databases
* Tracking by Sampling and Integrating Multiple Trackers
* Tracking with scattering descriptor
* Transferability of a Visible and Near-Infrared Model for Soil Organic Matter Estimation in Riparian Landscapes
* Tree Stem and Height Measurements using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and the RANSAC Algorithm
* Two-Half-Barrier Level Crossings Versus Four-Half-Barrier Level Crossings: A Comparative Risk Analysis Study
* Two-Stage Framework for 3D Face Reconstruction from RGBD Images, A
* Two-Step Multitemporal Nonlocal Means for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Two-way partitioning of a recursive Gaussian filter in CUDA
* UAVision: A Modular Time-Constrained Vision Library for Color-Coded Object Detection
* Uncalibrated flatfielding and illumination vector estimationfor photometric stereo face reconstruction
* Understanding drivers' perspective on parking guidance information
* Understanding, Optimising, and Extending Data Compression with Anisotropic Diffusion
* Undoing the codebook bias by linear transformation with sparsity and F-norm constraints for image classification
* Unified Graphical Models Framework for Automated Mitosis Detection in Human Embryos, A
* Unitary rotations in two-, three-, and D-dimensional Cartesian data arrays
* Unitary torus model for conical mirror based catadioptric system
* Unmanned aerial systems for photogrammetry and remote sensing: A review
* Unstructured Light Scanning Robust to Indirect Illumination and Depth Discontinuities
* Unsupervised dense crowd detection by multiscale texture analysis
* Use of Lexico-Syntactic Patterns for the Evaluation of Taxonomic Relations
* Using a Head-up Display-Based Steady-State Visually Evoked Potential Brain: Computer Interface to Control a Simulated Vehicle
* Using Delayed Observations for Long-Term Vehicle Tracking in Large Environments
* Using derivatives in a longest common subsequence dissimilarity measure for time series classification
* Using RZL Coding to Enhance Histogram-Pair Based Image Reversible Data Hiding
* Using Song to Identify Cassin's Vireo Individuals. A Comparative Study of Pattern Recognition Algorithms
* Using Surface Stations to Improve Sounding Retrievals from Hyperspectral Infrared Instruments
* Using the Agoraset dataset: Assessing for the quality of crowd video analysis methods
* Using Webcam to Enhance Fingerprint Recognition
* Validation of Near-Field Ground-Penetrating Radar Modeling Using Full-Wave Inversion for Soil Moisture Estimation
* Variable-Eccentricity Hyperbolic-Trace TFPF for Seismic Random Noise Attenuation
* Variational Approach for Image Decolorization by Variance Maximization, A
* Variational Bayesian Methods For Multimedia Problems
* Vehicle classification framework: a comparative study
* Velocity difference control based on dynamic tracking of safe following distance in the process of vehicle following
* Vertical Measurements in Oblique Aerial Imagery
* VHR Object Detection Based on Structural Feature Extraction and Query Expansion
* Video background modeling: Recent Approaches, Issues and Our Proposed Techniques
* Video Browser Showdown: a live evaluation of interactive video search tools, The
* Video De-Fencing
* Video denoising via spatially adaptive coefficient shrinkage and threshold adjustment in Surfacelet transform domain
* Video face recognition via combination of real-time local features and temporal-spatial cues
* Video Object Co-Segmentation via Subspace Clustering and Quadratic Pseudo-Boolean Optimization in an MRF Framework
* Video Saliency Detection Using Contrast of Spatiotemporal Directional Coherence
* Video Segmentation of Life-Logging Videos
* Video Tomographs and a Base Detector Selection Strategy for Improving Large-Scale Video Concept Detection
* View Synthesis Distortion Estimation for AVC- and HEVC-Compatible 3-D Video Coding
* Vision-Based Egomotion Estimation on FPGA for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation
* Vision-Only Localization
* VISTA: achieving cumulative VIsion through energy efficient Silhouette recognition of mobile Targets through collAboration of visual sensor nodes
* Visual Cryptography and Random Grids Schemes
* Visual Cryptography Schemes Based in k -Linear Maps
* Visual Tracking Via Kernel Sparse Representation With Multikernel Fusion
* Visual Tracking: An Experimental Survey
* Visual wafer dies counting using geometrical characteristics
* Vocal Separation from Monaural Music Using Temporal/Spectral Continuity and Sparsity Constraints
* Volumetric Quantification of Airway Wall in CT via Collision-Free Active Surface Model: Application to Asthma Assessment
* Water Feature Extraction and Change Detection Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
* Watermarking-Based Perceptual Hashing Search Over Encrypted Speech
* Wavelet Filter Adjusting for Image Lossless Compression Using Pattern Recognition
* Wavelet-Based Computer-Aided Detection of Bright Lesions in Retinal Fundus Images
* Wavelet-Based Sparse Reduced-Rank Regression for Hyperspectral Image Restoration
* Weak*-Convergence to Minimum Energy Measure and Dispersed-Dot Halftoning
* Weakly supervised learning of semantic colour terms
* Weakly-Supervised Cross-Domain Dictionary Learning for Visual Recognition
* Weighted Maximum Variance Dimensionality Reduction
* Well-Posed Gaussian-Like Models for Image Denoising and Sharpening
* What Makes a Photograph Memorable?
* Wide-Angle Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging: Models and algorithms for anisotropic scattering
* Wind Speed Retrieval From VH Dual-Polarization RADARSAT-2 SAR Images
* Wireless Smart Camera Networks for the Surveillance of Public Spaces
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Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.