* *Guest Editorial: Deep Learning in Computer Vision
* *Guest Editorial: Face Recognition and Spoofing Attacks
* *International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* *International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images
* *Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
* *Vision, Image and Signal Processing
* 2015-2016 Ground Displacements of the Shanghai Coastal Area Inferred from a Combined COSMO-SkyMed/Sentinel-1 DInSAR Analysis, The
* 3D Digital Cadastre for New Zealand and the International Opportunity, A
* 3D discrete wavelet transform-based feature extraction for hyperspectral face recognition
* 3D MRI image super-resolution for brain combining rigid and large diffeomorphic registration
* 3D neuron tip detection in volumetric microscopy images using an adaptive ray-shooting model
* 3D palmprint identification combining blocked ST and PCA
* 3D Shape from SEM Image Using Improved Fast Marching Method
* 3D Visualization of Radioactive Sources by Combining Depth Maps Generated from a Stereo Radiation Detection Device
* Above-bottom biomass retrieval of aquatic plants with regression models and SfM data acquired by a UAV platform-A case study in Wild Duck Lake Wetland, Beijing, China
* Accuracy Assessment of Landform Classification Approaches on Different Spatial Scales for the Iranian Loess Plateau
* Accurate fall detection using 3-axis accelerometer sensor and MLF algorithm
* Active Canny: Edge detection and recovery with open active contour models
* Active Compressive Sensing via Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor for Human Situation Recognition
* Active Sampling Exploiting Reliable Informativeness for Subjective Image Quality Assessment Based on Pairwise Comparison
* Active Self-Paced Learning for Cost-Effective and Progressive Face Identification
* Adaptive Approximated DCT Architectures for HEVC
* Adaptive bootstrapping management by keypoint clustering for background initialization
* Adaptive Fusion Algorithm for Visible and Infrared Videos Based on Entropy and the Cumulative Distribution of Gray Levels, An
* Adaptive hash retrieval with kernel based similarity
* Adaptive image segmentation algorithm under the constraint of edge posterior probability
* Adaptive localised region and edge-based active contour model using shape constraint and sub-global information for uterine fibroid segmentation in ultrasound-guided HIFU therapy
* Adding GLCM Texture Analysis to a Combined Watershed Transform and Graph Cut Model for Image Segmentation
* Adequation and hardware implementation of the color structure descriptor for real-time temporal video segmentation
* Advanced texture and depth coding in 3D-HEVC
* Advancing the PROSPECT-5 Model to Simulate the Spectral Reflectance of Copper-Stressed Leaves
* ADVICE: Decision Support for Complex Geospatial Decision Making Tasks
* Aerial Base Stations for Enabling Cellular Communications during Emergency Situation
* Aerial photography flight quality assessment with GPS/INS and DEM data
* Affective Reasoning for Big Social Data Analysis
* Agricultural monitoring using clustering techniques on satellite image time series of low spatial resolution
* Airborne LiDAR Data Filtering Based on Geodesic Transformations of Mathematical Morphology
* Aircraft Reconstruction in High-Resolution SAR Images Using Deep Shape Prior
* Airport Detection Using End-to-End Convolutional Neural Network with Hard Example Mining
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Multirate Frame Rate Up-conversion for Ultra-HD LCD Systems
* Algorithm for Supervised Driving of Cooperative Semi-Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Alterations of regional cerebral blood flow after NMDA receptor antagonist administration in patients with alcohol-related dementia
* AMD Classification in Choroidal OCT Using Hierarchical Texton Mining
* Analysis and design of coded apertures for defocus deblurring based on imaging system properties and optical features
* Analysis of multitemporal Sentinel-2 images in the framework of the ESA Scientific Exploitation of Operational Missions
* Analysis of reduced-set construction using image reconstruction from a HOG feature vector
* Analysis of Riparian forest buffers dynamics in Colombian basins by Landsat Time Series
* Analysis of Skeletal Shape Trajectories for Person Re-Identification
* Analytical Mapping of Linear Walk from Infinite Virtual Space to Finite Real Space
* Analyzing the performance of PROSPECT model inversion based on different spectral information for leaf biochemical properties retrieval
* Angular difference feature extraction for urban scene classification using ZY-3 multi-angle high-resolution satellite imagery
* Angular normalisation of PROBA-V 300m NDVI
* Anisotropic-Scale Junction Detection and Matching for Indoor Images
* Anomaly detection and localisation in the crowd scenes using a block-based social force model
* Anomaly detection based on two global grid motion templates
* Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenarios Using Local and Global Gaussian Mixture Models
* Anomaly detection in video using two-part sparse dictionary in 170 FPS
* Application of Augmented Reality Technology on Museum Exhibition: A Museum Display Project in Mawangdui Han Dynasty Tombs, The
* Application of Low-Cost UASs and Digital Photogrammetry for High-Resolution Snow Depth Mapping in the Arctic
* Application of Mobility Management: A Web structure for the optimisation of the mobility of working staff of big companies
* Appling the One-Class Classification Method of Maxent to Detect an Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora with Time-Series Analysis
* Applying Model Parameters as a Driving Force to a Deterministic Nonlinear System to Detect Land Cover Change
* Arbitrary-Oriented Vehicle Detection in Aerial Imagery with Single Convolutional Neural Networks
* ASAP - Anomaly hot Spots of Agricultural Production, a new early warning decision support system developed by the Joint Research Centre
* Assessing hypertemporal SENTINEL-1 COHERENCE maps for LAND COVER monitoring
* Assessing the Relationship Between Type of Head Movement and Simulator Sickness Using an Immersive Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display: A Pilot Study
* Assessment of ALOS PALSAR 25-m mosaic data for land cover mapping
* Assessment of AquaCrop for winter wheat using satellite derived fCover data
* Assessment of Errors Caused by Forest Vegetation Structure in Airborne LiDAR-Derived DTMs
* Assessment of In-Season Cotton Nitrogen Status and Lint Yield Prediction from Unmanned Aerial System Imagery
* Assessment of MODIS BRDF/Albedo Model Parameters (MCD43A1 Collection 6) for Directional Reflectance Retrieval
* Assessment of RISAT-1 and Radarsat-2 for Sea Ice Observations from a Hybrid-Polarity Perspective
* Assessment of time series consistency of terrestrial Essential Climate Variables
* Assessment of UAV and Ground-Based Structure from Motion with Multi-View Stereo Photogrammetry in a Gullied Savanna Catchment
* Assessment of WorldView-3 Data for Lithological Mapping
* Asymptotically Efficient Identification of Known-Sensor Hidden Markov Models
* Atmospheric Boundary Layer Characterization Using Multiyear Ground-Based Microwave Radiometric Observations Over a Tropical Coastal Station
* Atmospheric light estimation in hazy images based on color-plane model
* Audio-Driven Laughter Behavior Controller
* Audio-Facial Laughter Detection in Naturalistic Dyadic Conversations
* Augmented Reality/Internet of Things Prototype for Just-in-time Astronaut Training, An
* Auto-calibration of GF-1 WFV images using flat terrain
* AutoBD: Automated Bi-Level Description for Scalable Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Automated and Robust Quantification of Colocalization in Dual-Color Fluorescence Microscopy: A Nonparametric Statistical Approach
* Automated Detection of Buildings from Heterogeneous VHR Satellite Images for Rapid Response to Natural Disasters
* Automated Processing Algorithm for Flat Areas Resulting from DEM Filling and Interpolation, An
* Automated Vehicle Detection and Classification: Models, Methods, and Techniques
* Automatic Accurate High-Resolution Satellite Image Retrieval Method, An
* Automatic age estimation from facial profile view
* Automatic choroid layer segmentation using normalized graph cut
* Automatic production of large-scale cloud-free orthomosaics from multitemporal satellite images
* Automatic segmentation of cross-sectional coronary arterial images
* Automatic smoothing of remote sensing data
* Autonomous Campus Mobility Services Using Driverless Taxi
* Background Subtraction with Multispectral Images Using Codebook Algorithm
* Backprojection Slice Theorem for Tomographic Reconstruction, A
* Band registration of tuneable frame format hyperspectral UAV imagers in complex scenes
* Bayesian dictionary learning for hyperspectral image super resolution in mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise
* Benchmark Dataset and Saliency-Guided Stacked Autoencoders for Video-Based Salient Object Detection, A
* Beyond Maximum Independent Set: An Extended Integer Programming Formulation for Point Labeling
* Bias of cylinder diameter estimation from ground-based laser scanners with different beam widths: A simulation study
* Bibliometric Analysis of Global Remote Sensing Research during 2010-2015
* Bilateral Filter for Point Clouds, The
* Bimodal Person Re-identification in Multi-camera System
* Binary Multidimensional Scaling for Hashing
* binary-constrained Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming for feature selection purposes, A
* Blind image sharpness assessment based on local contrast map statistics
* Blind Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment: From Depth Perception to Overall Experience
* Block-Composed Background Reference for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Blur Map Generation Based on Local Natural Image Statistics for Partial Blur Segmentation
* Body Related Occupancy Maps for Human Action Recognition
* Bootstrapping Social Emotion Classification with Semantically Rich Hybrid Neural Networks
* Breaking new ground in mapping human settlements from space: The Global Urban Footprint
* Breath Chair: Reduce Fear and Anxiety by Simulating Breathing Movements
* Brightness Temperature Computation of Microwave Calibration Targets
* Built-up areas mapping at global scale based on adaptive parametric thresholding of Sentinel-1 intensity coherence time series
* Burned Area Mapping in the Brazilian Savanna Using a One-Class Support Vector Machine Trained by Active Fires
* CAPFF: A Context-Aware Assistant for Paper Form Filling
* Case Study of UAS Borne Laser Scanning for Measurement of Tree Stem Diameter, A
* Cell-Based Approach for 3D Reconstruction from Incomplete Silhouettes
* CGACLC: Improving genetic algorithm through clustering for designing of combinational logic circuits
* Change detection in a series of Sentinel-1 SAR data
* Character segmentation and transcription system for historical Japanese books with a self-proliferating character image database
* Characterizing and Modeling User Behavior in a Large-Scale Mobile Live Streaming System
* Characterizing Drought and Flood Events over the Yangtze River Basin Using the HUST-Grace2016 Solution and Ancillary Data
* ChildGuard: A Child-Safety Monitoring System
* Circa 2010 Land Cover of Canada: Local Optimization Methodology and Product Development
* Circular change detection in image time series inspired by two-dimensional phase unwrapping
* Class-Aware Analysis Dictionary Learning for Pattern Classification
* Classification of anthropogenic landscapes
* Classification of fNIRS based brain hemodynamic response to mental arithmetic tasks
* Classification of human sperm heads using elliptic features and LDA
* Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Kernel Fully Constrained Least Squares
* Classification of nematode image stacks by an information fusion based multilinear approach
* Classification of power quality events using deep learning on event images
* Classification with an edge: Improving semantic image segmentation with boundary detection
* Co-Saliency Detection for RGBD Images Based on Multi-Constraint Feature Matching and Cross Label Propagation
* Coarse-Grained +/-Effect Word Sense Disambiguation for Implicit Sentiment Analysis
* Coarse-to-fine parameter tuning for content-based object categorization
* CODE: Coherence Based Decision Boundaries for Feature Correspondence
* Collaborative discriminative multi-metric learning for facial expression recognition in video
* Collaborative filtering model for enhancing fingerprint image
* Collaborative multiview hashing
* Color Balance and Fusion for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Color image dehazing using surround filter and dark channel prior
* Combination of score level fusion methods in receiver operating characteristic space
* combinational algorithm for connected-component labeling and Euler number computing, A
* Combined Co- and Cross-Polarized SAR Measurements Under Extreme Wind Conditions
* Combined use of SAR and optical time series data for near real-time forest disturbance mapping
* Combining Estimation of Green Vegetation Fraction in an Arid Region from Landsat 7 ETM+ Data
* Comparison and Evolution of Extreme Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Taiwan
* Comparison of Feature Representations for Explosive Threat Detection in Ground Penetrating Radar Data, A
* Comparison of Global Land Cover Datasets for Cropland Monitoring
* Comparison of Motion Smoothing Strategies for Video Stabilization using Parametric Models
* Comparison of Retrieved L2 Products from Four Successive Versions of L1B Spectra in the Thermal Infrared Band of TANSO-FTS over the Arctic Ocean
* Complex-Valued Convolutional Neural Network and Its Application in Polarimetric SAR Image Classification
* Comprehensive survey of 3D image steganography techniques
* Compressive Bayesian K-SVD
* Computer-aided mammogram diagnosis system using deep learning convolutional fully complex-valued relaxation neural network classifier
* Computing Ocean Surface Currents From GOCI Ocean Color Satellite Imagery
* Conceptual Design of a Mobile Application for Geography Fieldwork Learning
* Consensus Regularized Multi-View Outlier Detection
* constructive genetic algorithm for LBP in face recognition, A
* Content-based image retrieval with color and texture features in neutrosophic domain
* Contrast-aware power control method for mobile active-matrix organic light-emitting diode display
* Contrasting Instructional Strategies Suited to a Detection Task: Examining Differences in Subjective Workload
* Contributors' Withdrawal from Online Collaborative Communities: The Case of OpenStreetMap
* Convolutional neural network with nonlinear competitive units
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Inverse Problems in Imaging: A Review
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for String Stable Mixed Traffic: Benchmark and Human-Centered Design
* Cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems for improving driver information services: an analysis of COOPERS test results
* Cost-Effective Active Learning for Deep Image Classification
* Cost-Effective Low-Delay Design for Multiparty Cloud Video Conferencing
* Counting Large Flocks of Birds Using Videos Acquired with Hand-Held Devices
* Coupling Uncertainties with Accuracy Assessment in Object-Based Slum Detections, Case Study: Jakarta, Indonesia
* Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for State-Constrained Nonlinear Filtering
* Cross modal similarity learning with active queries
* Cross-Calibration of Spectral Radiances and Cross-Validation of CO2 Estimates from GOSAT and OCO-2, The
* Cross-regional in-vehicle information system design: The preferences and comprehension of Australian, US and Chinese drivers
* Cross-View Retrieval via Probability-Based Semantics-Preserving Hashing
* Cross-view semantic projection learning for person re-identification
* Crowd counting considering network flow constraints in videos
* CrowdOLR: Toward Object Location Recognition With Crowdsourced Fingerprints Using Smartphones
* Crowdsensing Multimedia Data: Security and Privacy Issues
* Cryptographic algorithm based on pixel shuffling and dynamical chaotic economic map
* Cryptographic algorithm based on pixel shuffling and dynamical chaotic economic map
* CSF-Based Preprocessing Method for Image Deblurring, A
* Curvature Integration in a 5D Kernel for Extracting Vessel Connections in Retinal Images
* Curved Plates Positioning and Flexible Brackets Control in Virtual Shipbuilding Simulation
* Data Assimilation to Extract Soil Moisture Information from SMAP Observations
* Data Augmentation for Plant Classification
* Data Set for Camera-Independent Color Constancy, A
* Davos-Laret Remote Sensing Field Laboratory: 2016/2017 Winter Season L-Band Measurements Data-Processing and Analysis
* DCAR: A Discriminative and Compact Audio Representation for Audio Processing
* Decoding the User Experience in Mobile Virtual Reality Narratives
* Decreasing Physical Burden Using the Following Effect and a Superimposed Navigation System
* Deep Convolutional Neural Models for Picture-Quality Prediction: Challenges and Solutions to Data-Driven Image Quality Assessment
* Deep convolutional neural network for latent fingerprint enhancement
* Deep convolutional neural networks for automatic segmentation of left ventricle cavity from cardiac magnetic resonance images
* Deep Correlation Feature Learning for Face Verification in the Wild
* Deep Domain Generalization With Structured Low-Rank Constraint
* Deep learning assisted robust visual tracking with adaptive particle filtering
* Deep learning features exception for cross-season visual place recognition
* Deep Learning for Image-to-Text Generation: A Technical Overview
* Deep Learning for Visual Understanding
* Deep Learning on Underwater Marine Object Detection: A Survey
* Deep Learning Triggers a New Era in Industrial Robotics
* Deep Metric Learning for Visual Understanding: An Overview of Recent Advances
* Deep Multimodal Distance Metric Learning Using Click Constraints for Image Ranking
* Deep Multimodal Learning: A Survey on Recent Advances and Trends
* Deep Neural Networks for No-Reference and Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Brief Survey
* Deep-Learning Systems for Domain Adaptation in Computer Vision: Learning Transferable Feature Representations
* Deeply vulnerable: a study of the robustness of face recognition to presentation attacks
* DeepPore: Fingerprint Pore Extraction Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Delay-Rate-Distortion Optimization for Cloud Gaming With Hybrid Streaming
* DEM generation from contours and a low-resolution DEM
* Dense structural learning for infrared object tracking at 200+ Frames per Second
* Deriving 3-D Time-Series Ground Deformations Induced by Underground Fluid Flows with InSAR: Case Study of Sebei Gas Fields, China
* Deriving Ephemeral Gullies from VHR Image in Loess Hilly Areas through Directional Edge Detection
* Design and Optimization of Nonlinear Observers for Road Curvature and State Estimation in Automated Vehicles
* Designing a symmetric classifier for image annotation using multi-layer sparse coding
* Detail-Based Method for Linear Full Reference Image Quality Prediction, A
* Detecting Dominant Vanishing Points in Natural Scenes with Application to Composition-Sensitive Image Retrieval
* Detecting the spread of invasive species in central Chile with a Sentinel-2 time-series
* Detection and Estimation of Equatorial Spread F Scintillations Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Detection and Tracking of the Pores of the Lamina Cribrosa in Three Dimensional SD-OCT Data
* Detection of gestures without begin and end markers by fitting into Bézier curves with least squares method
* Detection of Informal Settlements from VHR Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Detection of Irrigated Crops from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data to Estimate Seasonal Groundwater Use in South India
* Detection of Moving Ships in Sequences of Remote Sensing Images
* Developing a Random Forest Algorithm for MODIS Global Burned Area Classification
* Development of a Mobile Tool for Dismounted Squad Team Performance Observations
* Development of a Safety Index to Identify Differences in Safety Performance by Postal Delivery Motorcyclists Based either in Different Regional Post Offices or within the Same Regional Office
* Dictionary Learning-Based 3D Morphable Shape Model, A
* Different forms of attentional disturbances involved in driving accidents
* Digital Map Table VR: Bringing an Interactive System to Virtual Reality
* Dimensionality Reduction on SPD Manifolds: The Emergence of Geometry-Aware Methods
* Direct Least Square Fitting of Hyperellipsoids
* Disaggregation of SMOS Soil Moisture to 100 m Resolution Using MODIS Optical/Thermal and Sentinel-1 Radar Data: Evaluation over a Bare Soil Site in Morocco
* Discriminant Analysis on Riemannian Manifold of Gaussian Distributions for Face Recognition With Image Sets
* Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction for Multi-Dimensional Sequences
* Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Change Detection in Heterogeneous Images Based on a Coupled Neural Network
* Discriminative feature learning-based pixel difference representation for facial expression recognition
* Discriminative Feature Representation to Improve Projection Data Inconsistency for Low Dose CT Imaging
* Discriminative metric learning for multi-view graph partitioning
* Dispelling the Gorilla Arm Syndrome: The Viability of Prolonged Gesture Interactions
* Dissecting and Reassembling Color Correction Algorithms for Image Stitching
* Distance metric learning for pattern recognition
* Distance metric learning with the Universum
* Distance metric optimization driven convolutional neural network for age invariant face recognition
* Distantly Supervised Lifelong Learning for Large-Scale Social Media Sentiment Analysis
* Distributed Particle Filtering of alpha-Stable Signals
* DNN-Based Feature Extraction for Conflict Intensity Estimation From Speech
* Domain Independent Approach to Video Summarization, A
* Drawing clustered graphs by preserving neighborhoods
* Drive Mode Optimization and Path Planning for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Duplex Metric Learning for Image Set Classification
* Dynamic Spatiotemporal Analysis Model for Traffic Incident Influence Prediction on Urban Road Networks, A
* Dynamic Texture Comparison Using Derivative Sparse Representation: Application to Video-Based Face Recognition
* Dynamic Video Stitching via Shakiness Removing
* Edge Preserving and Multi-Scale Contextual Neural Network for Salient Object Detection
* Edge Probability and Pixel Relativity-Based Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion
* EEG source localization using a sparsity prior based on Brodmann areas
* Effect of Heat Wave Conditions on Aerosol Optical Properties Derived from Satellite and Ground-Based Remote Sensing over Poland
* effect of short cardio on inhibitory control ability of obese people, The
* Effective subset approach for SVMpath singularities
* Effects of Data Density, Display Organization, and Stress on Search Performance: An Eye Tracking Study of Clutter, The
* Effects of External Digital Elevation Model Inaccuracy on StaMPS-PS Processing: A Case Study in Shenzhen, China
* Effects of Instruction Methods on User Experience in Virtual Reality Serious Games
* Efficient All-Zero Block Detection Algorithm for High Efficiency Video Coding with RDOQ, An
* Efficient Computation of MSE Lower Bounds via Matching Pursuit
* Efficient Descriptor Based on Radial Line Integration for Fast Non-invariant Matching and Registration of Microscopy Images, An
* Efficient Human Motion Retrieval via Temporal Adjacent Bag of Words and Discriminative Neighborhood Preserving Dictionary Learning
* Efficient multi-modal geometric mean metric learning
* Efficient Processing of Deep Neural Networks: A Tutorial and Survey
* Efficient Query Algorithm for Trajectory Similarity Based on Fréchet Distance Threshold, An
* efficient solution to the perspective-three-point pose problem, An
* efficient systolic array grid-based structure of the robust Bayesian regularization technique for real-time enhanced imaging in uncertain remote sensing environment, An
* efficient weak sharpening detection method for image forensics, An
* Egocentric Temporal Action Proposals
* Embedding and extracting two separate images signal in salt pepper noises in digital images based on watermarking
* Embedding the Awareness State and Response State in an Image-Based Avatar to Start Natural User Interaction
* End-to-end subtitle detection and recognition for videos in East Asian languages via CNN ensemble
* Energy Consumption Models for Smart Camera Networks
* Enhance support relation extraction accuracy using improvement of segmentation in RGB-D images
* Enhanced Map-Matching Algorithm with a Hidden Markov Model for Mobile Phone Positioning
* Enhanced Multi-label Random Walk for Biomedical Image Segmentation Using Statistical Seed Generation, An
* Enhanced Resolution of Microwave Sounder Imagery through Fusion with Infrared Sensor Data
* Ensemble Model for Co-Seismic Landslide Susceptibility Using GIS and Random Forest Method, An
* Epileptic seizure detection by combining robust-principal component analysis and least square-support vector machine
* Equalized Global Graph Model-Based Approach for Multicamera Object Tracking, An
* Estimate yield at parcel level from S2 time serie in sub-Saharan smallholder farming systems
* Estimating Azimuth Offset With Double-Difference Interferometric Phase: The Effect of Azimuth FM Rate Error in Focusing
* Estimating Daily Global Evapotranspiration Using Penman-Monteith Equation and Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature
* Estimating Leaf Area Density of Individual Trees Using the Point Cloud Segmentation of Terrestrial LiDAR Data and a Voxel-Based Model
* Estimating Snow Depth Using Multi-Source Data Fusion Based on the D-InSAR Method and 3DVAR Fusion Algorithm
* Estimating total aboveground, stem and branch biomass using multi-frequency SAR
* Estimation and mapping of above-ground biomass of mangrove forests and their replacement land uses in the Philippines using Sentinel imagery
* Estimation of High-Resolution Surface Shortwave Radiative Fluxes Using SARA AOD over the Southern Great Plains
* European Space agency (ESA) Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI archive: 42 years of our history
* Evaluating an energy balance setting and random forest-based downscaling for the estimation of daily ET at sub-kilometer spatial resolution
* Evaluating Factors Affecting Virtual Reality Display
* Evaluating the Applicability of Four Latest Satellite-Gauge Combined Precipitation Estimates for Extreme Precipitation and Streamflow Predictions over the Upper Yellow River Basins in China
* Evaluation and Aggregation Properties of Thermal Infra-Red-Based Evapotranspiration Algorithms from 100 m to the km Scale over a Semi-Arid Irrigated Agricultural Area
* Evaluation of a Low Cost EMG Sensor as a Modality for Use in Virtual Reality Applications
* Evaluation of Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Remote Sensing Images Using Classification and 3D Visualization
* Evaluation of Empirical and Machine Learning Algorithms for Estimation of Coastal Water Quality Parameters
* Evaluation of Four MODIS Collection 6 Aerosol Products in a Humid Subtropical Region, An
* Evaluation of graph embedding approach for dimensionality reduction using different kernels
* Evaluation of Rainfall Products Derived From Satellites and Microwave Links for The Netherlands
* Evaluation of the New Information in the H/alpha Feature Space Provided by ICA in PolSAR Data Analysis
* Evaluation of the S-NPP VIIRS land surface temperature product using ground data acquired by an autonomous system at a rice paddy
* Event-Triggered Control for String-Stable Vehicle Platooning
* Example-Based Image Synthesis via Randomized Patch-Matching
* Excavation Equipment Recognition Based on Novel Acoustic Statistical Features
* Expediting Determination of Coding Unit Partition Based on Quantization Parameter and Frame Complexity
* Explicit Ringing Removal in Image Deblurring
* Exploiting evidential theory in the fusion of textual, audio, and visual modalities for affective music video retrieval
* Exploiting Multi-View SAR Images for Robust Target Recognition
* Exploratory Comparison of the Visual Quality of Virtual Reality Systems Based on Device-Independent Testsets, An
* Exploring Determinants of Housing Prices in Beijing: An Enhanced Hedonic Regression with Open Access POI Data
* Exploring end-user experiences: self-perceived notions on use of adaptive cruise control systems
* Exploring Spatiotemporal Patterns of Long-Distance Taxi Rides in Shanghai
* Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Global Land Cover Fractions from Satellite Data Using High Performance Computing
* Extracting Relevant Features from Videos for a Robust Smoke Detection
* Extracting sub-exposure images from a single capture through Fourier-based optical modulation
* Face Detection in Thermal Infrared Images: A Comparison of Algorithm- and Machine-Learning-Based Approaches
* Face detection using color segmentation and RHT
* Face recognition under spoofing attacks: countermeasures and research directions
* Face spoofing detection based on colour distortions
* Face spoofing detection using a light field imaging framework
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Local Region Specific Dense Optical Flow and LBP Features
* Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral Instruments Approximating Multiple Scattering: Part 1: Radiative Transfer and a Potential OCO-2 XCO2 Retrieval Setup, A
* Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral Instruments Approximating Multiple Scattering: Part 2: Application to XCO2 Retrievals from OCO-2, A
* Fast Compressed Domain JPEG Image Retrieval
* Fast computation of the compressive hyperspectral imaging by using alternating least squares methods
* Fast discrete curvelet transform-based anisotropic feature extraction for biomedical image indexing and retrieval
* Fast Gradient Method for Nonnegative Sparse Regression With Self-Dictionary, A
* Fast Ground Detection for Range Cameras on Road Surfaces Using a Three-Step Segmentation
* fast inter CU decision algorithm for HEVC, A
* Fast intra encoding decisions for high efficiency video coding standard
* Fast Optical Flow Estimation Without Parallel Architectures
* Fast segmentation of ultrasound images by incorporating spatial information into Rayleigh mixture model
* FBSLS model for image segmentation
* Feasibility Study of Low-Dose Single-Scan Dual-Energy Cone-Beam CT in Many-View Under-Sampling Framework, A
* Feature Ensemble Network with Occlusion Disambiguation for Accurate Patch-Based Stereo Matching
* feature-based approach for monocular camera tracking in unknown environments, A
* Feature-Based Approach of Decision Tree Classification to Map Time Series Urban Land Use and Land Cover with Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI in a Coastal City, China, A
* Feedback mechanism based iterative metric learning for person re-identification
* FestGPU: a framework for fast robust estimation on GPU
* Filling Missing Parts of a 3D Mesh by Fusion of Incomplete 3D Data
* Filtering mislabeled data for improving time series classification
* Fire Regimes and Their Drivers in the Upper Guinean Region of West Africa
* Flexible Algorithm for Detecting Challenging Moving Objects in Real-Time within IR Video Sequences, A
* Flow Watermarking for Antinoise and Multistream Tracing in Anonymous Networks
* Fluid Dynamic Models for Bhattacharyya-Based Discriminant Analysis
* FoodNet: Recognizing Foods Using Ensemble of Deep Networks
* Forest Types Classification Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion
* Formal Machine-Learning Approach to Generating Human-Machine Interfaces From Task Models, A
* Framework for Biometric and Interaction Performance Assessment of Automated Border Control Processes, A
* Framework for Fast and Robust Visual Odometry, A
* Framework for Online Segmentation and Classification of Modeled Actions Performed in the Context of Unmodeled Ones, A
* Framework of Multiuser Satisfaction for Assessing Interaction Models Within Collaborative Virtual Environments
* Frankenstein: Learning Deep Face Representations Using Small Data
* Frequency Shift Chirp Modulation: The LoRa Modulation
* Frequency-Domain Adaptive Kalman Filter With Fast Recovery of Abrupt Echo-Path Changes
* From Google Maps to a fine-grained catalog of street trees
* From machine generated to handwritten character recognition; a deep learning approach
* From Sparse Coding Significance to Perceptual Quality: A New Approach for Image Quality Assessment
* Full Screen Touch Detection for the Virtual Touch Screen
* Fully Automated Facial Expression Recognition Using 3D Morphable Model and Mesh-Local Binary Pattern
* fully automated hybrid methodology using Cuckoo-based fuzzy clustering technique for magnetic resonance brain image segmentation, A
* Fully convolutional networks for action recognition
* Fully Pipelined Hardware Architecture for Intra Prediction of HEVC, A
* Fundamental Principles on Learning New Features for Effective Dense Matching
* Fusion Approaches for Land Cover Map Production Using High Resolution Image Time Series without Reference Data of the Corresponding Period
* Fusion of Multi-Source Satellite Data and DEMs to Create a New Glacier Inventory for Novaya Zemlya
* Fusion of Random Walk and Discrete Fourier Spectrum Methods for Gait Recognition
* GenealogyVis: A System for Visual Analysis of Multidimensional Genealogical Data
* General Framework for Linear Distance Preserving Hashing, A
* Generation of Radiometric, Phenological Normalized Image Based on Random Forest Regression for Change Detection
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Noise Reduction in Low-Dose CT
* Generative Local Metric Learning for Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Geo-Environmental Estimation of Land Use Changes and Its Effects on Egyptian Temples at Luxor City
* geometric approach for color image regularization, A
* Geometric Hypergraph Learning for Visual Tracking
* Geometry Guided Three-Dimensional Propagation for Depth From Small Motion
* Geometry-Based Camera Calibration Using Five-Point Correspondences From a Single Image
* Gestalt laws based tracklets analysis for human crowd understanding
* GESTO: A Glove for Enhanced Sensing and Touching Based on Inertial and Magnetic Sensors for Hand Tracking and Cutaneous Feedback
* GIS-Based Evaluation of Spatial Interactions by Geographic Disproportionality of Industrial Diversity
* GIS-Based Procedure for Landslide Intensity Evaluation and Specific risk Analysis Supported by Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI), A
* Glacier ice loss monitored through the Planet cubesat constellation
* Global climatic drivers of vegetation based on wavelet analysis
* Globally Consistent Indoor Mapping via a Decoupling Rotation and Translation Algorithm Applied to RGB-D Camera Output
* GOCD: Gradient Order Curve Descriptor
* GPU-accelerated denoising of 3D magnetic resonance images
* Graph edit distance contest: Results and future challenges
* Graph-based spatial-spectral feature learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Graph-Based Vehicle Proposal Location and Detection Algorithm, A
* Ground Deformation Detection Using China's ZY-3 Stereo Imagery in an Opencast Mining Area
* Group-Based Image Inpainting Using Patch Refinement in MRF Framework, A
* Guest Editorial Low-Dose CT: What Has Been Done, and What Challenges Remain?
* Guest Editorial: Language in Vision
* Guest Editorial: Towards Machines Able to Deal with Laughter
* Guided color consistency optimization for image mosaicking
* Guided filter-based images fusion algorithm for CT and MRI medical images
* Hand-Dorsa Vein Recognition Based on Scale and Contrast Invariant Feature Matching
* Handling coherence measures of displacement field time series: Application to Greenland ice sheet glaciers
* Handling Noisy Labels in Gaze-Based CBIR System
* Handwriting on Smartwatches: An Empirical Investigation
* Harbour pattern of life analysis with time series of medium resolution satellite images
* Hashing Based Hierarchical Feature Representation for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Hashing with Angular Reconstructive Embeddings
* Haze removal for unmanned aerial vehicle aerial video based on spatial-temporal coherence optimisation
* Haze visibility enhancement: A Survey and quantitative benchmarking
* Heuristic Method for Power Pylon Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Data, A
* Hierarchical & multimodal video captioning: Discovering and transferring multimodal knowledge for vision to language
* Hierarchical non-parametric Markov random field for image segmentation
* Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Hashing for Image Retrieval With Hierarchical Convolutional Features
* Hierarchical Split-Based Approach for Parametric Thresholding of SAR Images: Flood Inundation as a Test Case, A
* Hierarchical Superpixel-to-Pixel Dense Matching
* Hierarchical Vertex Regression-Based Segmentation of Head and Neck CT Images for Radiotherapy Planning
* High Throughput Hardware Architecture of a MIMO-based Sea Land Segmentation for On-Orbit Remote Sensing Image Processing
* High-order Markov random field for single depth image super-resolution
* High-Resolution Aerial Image Labeling With Convolutional Neural Networks
* High-Resolution Image Inpainting through Multiple Deep Networks
* Histogram modelling-based no reference blur quality measure
* Historic Low Wall Detection via Topographic Parameter Images Derived from Fine-Resolution DEM
* HoloLens for Assembly Assistance: A Focus Group Report
* Homography-Based Navigation System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Human Attention in Visual Question Answering: Do Humans and Deep Networks Look at the Same Regions?
* Human Face Detection Improvement Using Incremental Learning Based on Low Variance Directions
* Human Motion Segmentation via Robust Kernel Sparse Subspace Clustering
* Humid tropical forest monitoring with multi-temporal L-, C- and X-band SAR data
* Hybrid Parallel Spatial Interpolation Algorithm for Massive LiDAR Point Clouds on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems, A
* Hybrid Pre-Log and Post-Log Image Reconstruction for Computed Tomography
* Hybrid Spatial Data Model for Indoor Space: Combined Topology and Grid
* hybrid training approach for leaf area index estimation via Cubist and random forests machine-learning, A
* Hyperspectral anomaly detection using outlier removal from collaborative representation
* Hyperspectral image compression approaches: opportunities, challenges, and future directions: discussion
* Hyperspectral Image Spatial Super-Resolution via 3D Full Convolutional Neural Network
* Hyperspectral Imaging Approach to White Matter Hyperintensities Detection in Brain Magnetic Resonance Images, A
* Hyperspectral Imaging: A Review on UAV-Based Sensors, Data Processing and Applications for Agriculture and Forestry
* Hyperspectral Super-Resolution with Spectral Unmixing Constraints
* iAVS2: A Fast Intra-Encoding Platform for IEEE 1857.4
* Ice Detection for Satellite Ocean Color Data Processing in the Great Lakes
* Identification of C-Band Radio Frequency Interferences from Sentinel-1 Data
* Identifying crops in smallholder farms using time series of WorldView-2 images
* Image Classification for Ground Traversability Estimation in Robotics
* Image De-hazing Based on Polynomial Estimation and Steepest Descent Concept
* Image dehazing using adaptive bi-channel priors on superpixels
* Image Denoising Based on the Wavelet Semi-soft Threshold and Total Variation
* Image noise types recognition using convolutional neural network with principal components analysis
* Image Pattern Similarity Index and Its Application to Task-Specific Transfer Learning
* Image representation alternatives for the analysis of satellite image time series
* Image Ridge Denoising Using No-Reference Metric
* Image Stitching Using Multiple Homographies Estimated by Segmented Regions for Different Parallaxes
* Image-Based Appraisal of Real Estate Properties
* Images Annotation Extension Based on User Feedback
* Impact of driving characteristics on electric vehicle energy consumption and range
* Impervious Surface Change Mapping with an Uncertainty-Based Spatial-Temporal Consistency Model: A Case Study in Wuhan City Using Landsat Time-Series Datasets from 1987 to 2016
* Implicit Block Diagonal Low-Rank Representation
* Improved block redundancy mining based reversible data hiding using multi-sub-blocking
* Improved BM3D denoising method
* Improved chamfer matching method for surface mount component positioning
* Improved Formula Extraction Method of Printed Chinese Layouts Based on Connected Component Run-Length Feature, An
* Improved kernelized correlation filter tracking by using spatial regularization
* Improved local binary pattern for real scene optical character recognition
* Improved Medical Image Registration Algorithm Based on Mutual Information, An
* Improved Rotation Forest for Multi-Feature Remote-Sensing Imagery Classification, An
* Improving multiclass classification using neighborhood search in error correcting output codes
* Improving Rainfall Erosivity Estimates Using Merged TRMM and Gauge Data
* Improving the robustness of motion vector temporal descriptor
* Improving the Triple-Carrier Ambiguity Resolution with a New Ionosphere-Free and Variance-Restricted Method
* In-Season Crop Mapping with GF-1/WFV Data by Combining Object-Based Image Analysis and Random Forest
* Inclined planes optimization algorithm in optimal architecture of MLP neural networks
* Increasing the robustness of CNN acoustic models using autoregressive moving average spectrogram features and channel dropout
* Index Based on Joint Density of Corners and Line Segments for Built-Up Area Detection from High Resolution Satellite Imagery, An
* Inferring Affective Meanings of Words from Word Embedding
* Initial Study to Evaluate Fuzzy Logic on Diagnosis of Generic Atherosclerosis
* Innovative CFAR detector with effective parameter estimation method for generalised gamma distribution and iterative sliding window strategy
* InSAR Coherence-Dependent Fuzzy C-Means Flood Mapping Using Particle Swarm Optimization
* Integrated Spatial Clustering Analysis Method for Identifying Urban Fire Risk Locations in a Network-Constrained Environment: A Case Study in Nanjing, China, An
* Integrated tone and structure refinement for high-fidelity colour transfer
* Integrating Intuitive Driver Models in Autonomous Planning for Interactive Maneuvers
* Integrating Social Grouping for Multitarget Tracking Across Cameras in a CRF Model
* Intelligent Virtual Environment Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Interaction of Automation Visibility and Information Quality in Flight Deck Information Automation
* Introducing a new method of image reconstruction against crop attack using sudoku watermarking algorithm
* Introducing a new method robust against crop attack in digital image watermarking using two-step sudoku
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Applications and Systems for Collaborative Driving
* Investigating the control of ocean-atmospheric oscillations over global terrestrial evaporation using a simple supervised learning method
* Ionospheric Reconstructions Using Faraday Rotation in Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR Data
* Is a Memoryless Motion Detection Truly Relevant for Background Generation with LaBGen?
* ISR-AIWALKER: Robotic Walker for Intuitive and Safe Mobility Assistance and Gait Analysis
* Iterative Low-Dose CT Reconstruction With Priors Trained by Artificial Neural Network
* Iterative Weighted Recovery for Block-Based Compressive Sensing of Image/Video at a Low Subrate
* JND-Guided Perceptual Pre-filtering for HEVC Compression of UHDTV Video Contents
* Joint gender classification and age estimation by nearly orthogonalizing their semantic spaces
* Joint retrieval of surface reflectance and aerosol properties from PROBA-V observations, part I: Algorithm performance evaluation
* Joint Surface Reflectance and AeRosol properties retrieval in the PV-LAC framework, part II: Validation
* Kernel Recursive Generalized Maximum Correntropy
* Kind of Effective Method for Interference Image Binarization, A
* Knowledge-Based Topic Model for Unsupervised Object Discovery and Localization
* L-Band Model Function of the Dielectric Constant of Seawater
* Label propagation approach for predicting missing biographic labels in face-based biometric records
* Land cover change detection in Satellite Image Time Series using an active learning method
* Land surface phenology from Copernicus Global Land time series
* Land-cover evolution class analysis in Image Time Series of Landsat and Sentinel-2 based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation
* Landmark-Based Shape Encoding and Sparse-Dictionary Learning in the Continuous Domain
* Large tree diameter distribution modelling using sparse airborne laser scanning data in a subtropical forest in Nepal
* Large-scale block adjustment without use of ground control points based on the compensation of geometric calibration for ZY-3 images
* Large-Scale Camera Network Topology Estimation by Lighting Variation
* Latent-Class Hough Forests for 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation
* Laughter and Smiling in 16 Positive Emotions
* Laughter and Tickles: Toward Novel Approaches for Emotion and Behavior Elicitation
* Lava emplacement mapping with SAR and optical satellite data
* Layered Multitask Tracker via Spatial-Temporal Laplacian Graph
* Layerwise Class-Aware Convolutional Neural Network
* Leaning-Based 360° Interfaces: Investigating Virtual Reality Navigation Interfaces with Leaning-Based-Translation and Full-Rotation
* Learn to model blurry motion via directional similarity and filtering
* Learning explicit video attributes from mid-level representation for video captioning
* Learning local metrics from pairwise similarity data
* Learning off-line vs. on-line models of interactive multimodal behaviors with recurrent neural networks
* Learning part-in-whole relation of 3D shapes for part-based 3D model retrieval
* Learning Siamese Features for Finger Spelling Recognition
* Learning Structured Ordinal Measures for Video Based Face Recognition
* Learning-Based Restoration of Backlit Images
* Leaves Segmentation in 3D Point Cloud
* level set based method for coastline detection of SAR images, A
* Leveraging a Virtual Environment to Prepare for School Shootings
* Leveraging Sentinel-1 time-series data for mapping agricultural land cover and land use in the tropics
* License plate detection using adaptive morphological closing and local adaptive thresholding
* Light Field Compression With Disparity-Guided Sparse Coding Based on Structural Key Views
* Light field image coding with jointly estimated self-similarity bi-prediction
* Light Field Reconstruction Using Shearlet Transform
* Limited-Range Few-View CT: Using Historical Images for ROI Reconstruction in Solitary Lung Nodules Follow-up Examination
* Linear Multi-Task Learning for Predicting Soil Properties Using Field Spectroscopy
* Lip-reading via a DNN-HMM hybrid system using combination of the image-based and model-based features
* Local All-Pass Geometric Deformations
* Locality constraint distance metric learning for traffic congestion detection
* Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal mining from space-borne SAR interferometry
* Longitudinal Study of Automatic Face Recognition
* Look Wider to Match Image Patches With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Low Cost Target Design and Detection for Camera Calibration in Image Based Close Range Inspection Applications
* Low-complexity face recognition using contour-based binary descriptor
* Low-Dose CBCT Reconstruction Using Hessian Schatten Penalties
* Low-Dose Contrast-Enhanced Breast CT Using Spectral Shaping Filters: An Experimental Study
* Low-Dose CT With a Residual Encoder-Decoder Convolutional Neural Network
* Low-Dose Dynamic Cerebral Perfusion Computed Tomography Reconstruction via Kronecker-Basis-Representation Tensor Sparsity Regularization
* Low-Dose Lung CT Image Restoration Using Adaptive Prior Features From Full-Dose Training Database
* Lower Complexity Lifting Structures for Hierarchical Lapped Transforms Highly Compatible With JPEG XR Standard
* machine learning approach for brain image enhancement and segmentation, A
* Manhattan Frame Model: Manhattan World Inference in the Space of Surface Normals, The
* Mapping and Analyzing Stream Network Changes in Watonwan River Watershed, Minnesota, USA
* Mapping of season length anomalies in Mexico
* Mapping Radar Glacier Zones and Dry Snow Line in the Antarctic Peninsula Using Sentinel-1 Images
* Mapping small reservoirs in semi-arid regions using multitemporal SAR: Methods and applications
* Mapping tree species of forests in southwest France using Sentinel-2 image time series
* Marginalized Denoising Dictionary Learning With Locality Constraint
* Maximised self-similarity upsampler
* Means clustering with a new divergence-based distance metric: Convergence and performance analysis
* Measurement of Ionospheric Scintillation Parameters From SAR Images Using Corner Reflectors
* Measurement of Precipitation in the Alps Using Dual-Polarization C-Band Ground-Based Radars, the GPM Spaceborne Ku-Band Radar, and Rain Gauges
* Measurement of the Earth Radiation Budget at the Top of the Atmosphere: A Review
* Mechanisms of SAR Imaging of Shallow Water Topography of the Subei Bank
* Medical optical imaging: Signal processing leads to new methods of detecting life-threatening situations
* Merge Mode for Deformable Block Motion Information Derivation
* Method of Wind Velocity Estimation Using a Tethered, Spherical Balloon with Standard Aviation Sensors, A
* Methodology for the Estimation of Effort for a Project of Virtual Reality: A Case Study: Ennui
* Methods of evaluating electric vehicles from a user's perspective: The MINI E field trial in Berlin
* Mitigating Silent Data Corruptions in Integer Matrix Products: Toward Reliable Multimedia Computing on Unreliable Hardware
* Mixed Library: Bridging Real and Virtual Libraries
* Mixture Statistical Distribution Based Multiple Component Model for Target Detection in High Resolution SAR Imagery
* Mobile Phone as Surveillance Device: Progress, Perils, and Protective Measures, The
* Mobile Three-Dimensional Maps for Wayfinding in Large and Complex Buildings: Empirical Comparison of First-Person Versus Third-Person Perspective
* Model-Based Referenceless Quality Metric of 3D Synthesized Images Using Local Image Description
* Modeling, Evaluation, and Scale on Artificial Pedestrians: A Literature Review
* Modified Chirp Scaling Algorithm for Circular Trace Scanning Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Modified Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Using the Hadamard Product to Estimate Real-Time Continuous Finger-Motion Intentions
* Modified Three-Step Algorithm for TOPS and Sliding Spotlight SAR Data Processing, A
* Monitoring and Evaluation of Flooded Areas Based on Fused Texture Descriptors
* Monitoring pasture intesification in Brazilian Amazon biome with MODIS time series
* Monitoring Thermal Pollution in Rivers Downstream of Dams with Landsat ETM+ Thermal Infrared Images
* Motion Blur Kernel Estimation via Deep Learning
* Motion Estimation in Echocardiography Using Sparse Representation and Dictionary Learning
* Motion-Adaptive Frame Deletion Detection for Digital Video Forensics
* Motion-Based Temporal Alignment of Independently Moving Cameras
* Mountain crop monitoring with multitemporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery
* MPEG-4 AVC stream-based saliency detection. Application to robust watermarking
* Multi temporal data visualization in EO mobile apps
* Multi-camera Finger Tracking and 3D Trajectory Reconstruction for HCI Studies
* Multi-Dimensional Sparse Models
* Multi-frame twin-channel descriptor for person re-identification in real-time surveillance videos
* Multi-graph embedding discriminative correlation feature learning for image recognition
* Multi-modal data fusion using group-structured sparse canonical correlation analysis: A simulation study
* Multi-object Tracking Using Compressive Sensing Features in Markov Decision Process
* multi-objective component-substitution-based pansharpening, A
* Multi-Scale DCT Denoising
* Multi-Scale Evaluation of the SMAP Product Using Sparse In-Situ Network over a High Mountainous Watershed, Northwest China
* multi-scale non-uniformity correction method based on wavelet decomposition and guided filtering for uncooled long wave infrared camera, A
* Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Multi-Task Vehicle Detection With Region-of-Interest Voting
* Multi-temporal and multi-source alpine glacier cover classification
* Multi-type attributes driven multi-camera person re-identification
* Multi-view Pose Estimation with Flexible Mixtures-of-Parts
* Multilayer Projective Dictionary Pair Learning and Sparse Autoencoder for PolSAR Image Classification
* Multilevel Haar Wavelet Transform and Histogram Usage in Content Based Image Retrieval System
* Multilinear class-specific discriminant analysis
* Multimodal 2D+3D Facial Expression Recognition With Deep Fusion Convolutional Neural Network
* Multimodal image registration based on the expectation-maximisation methodology
* Multimorphological Superpixel Model for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiple face tracking and recognition with identity-specific localized metric learning
* Multiple Feature Hashing Learning for Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Multiple rotation symmetry group detection via saliency-based visual attention and Frieze expansion pattern
* Multiple-Level Feature-Based Measure for Retargeted Image Quality
* multiresolution approach to trajectory description, A
* Multiresolution Search of the Rigid Motion Space for Intensity-Based Registration
* Multiscale adaptive regularisation Savitzky-Golay method for speckle noise reduction in ultrasound images
* Multisensor-Based Periodic Estimation in Sensor Networks With Transmission Constraint and Periodic Mixed Storage
* Multitemporal Sentinel-2 data: remarks and observations
* MuVi: Multiview Video Aware Transmission Over MIMO Wireless Systems
* Natural Facial and Head Behavior Recognition using Dictionary of Motion Primitives
* Natural image illuminant estimation via deep non-negative matrix factorisation
* Naturalness Preserved Image Enhancement Using a Priori Multi-Layer Lightness Statistics
* Near-Real-Time OGC Catalogue Service for Geoscience Big Data
* Nearest-Regularized Subspace Classification for PolSAR Imagery Using Polarimetric Feature Vector and Spatial Information
* Negative results in computer vision: A perspective
* Neural class-specific regression for face verification
* Neural Word Embeddings Approach for Multi-Domain Sentiment Analysis, A
* Neuromorphic Hardware Accelerated Lane Detection System
* new active contour model for tumor segmentation, A
* New Approach of Matrix Factorization on Complex Domain for Data Representation, A
* new approach to locate the hippocampus nest in brain MR images, A
* New Formulation for Design of Digital IIR Band Stop Filters, A
* New Framework for Cognitive Mobility of Visually Impaired Users in Using Tactile Device, A
* New LMS Adaptive Filtering Algorithm with Variable Step Size
* New Low-Rank Representation Based Hyperspectral Image Denoising Method for Mineral Mapping, A
* new method in simultaneous estimation of Kinect-V2 sensor calibration using shuffled frog leaping algorithm, A
* new pansharpening method using multi resolution analysis framework and deep neural networks, A
* new primal-dual algorithm for multilabel graph-cuts problems with approximate moves, A
* New Recursive Filtering Method of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data to Preserve Ground Surface Information in Steep-Slope Areas, A
* NFV-Based Video Quality Assessment Method over 5G Small Cell Networks, An
* No-Reference Quality Metric of Contrast-Distorted Images Based on Information Maximization
* Noise Suppression by Minima Controlled Recursive Averaging for SSVEP-Based BCIs With Single Channel
* Noise-Filtered Under-Sampling Scheme for Imbalanced Classification, A
* Non-Cooperative Bistatic SAR Clock Drift Compensation for Tomographic Acquisitions
* Non-GPS Positioning Systems: A Survey
* non-linear data-driven approach to reveal global vegetation sensitivity to climate, A
* Non-local means denoising based on SVD basis images
* Nonlinear analysis of video images using deep recurrent auto-associative neural networks for facial understanding
* Nonlinear Conflict Resolution and Flow Management Using Particle Swarm Optimization
* Nonlinear dictionary learning with application to image classification
* note on patch-based low-rank minimization for fast image denoising, A
* Novel and Accurate Local 3D Representation for Face Recognition, A
* Novel Approach to Semantic Similarity Measurement Based on a Weighted Concept Lattice: Exemplifying Geo-Information, A
* Novel De-Noising Method for Improving the Performance of Full-Waveform LiDAR Using Differential Optical Path, A
* Novel Integration of Frame Rate Up Conversion and HEVC Coding Based on Rate-Distortion Optimization
* novel method for unsupervised multiple Change Detection in hyperspectral images based on binary Spectral Change Vectors, A
* Novel Method of Unsupervised Change Detection Using Multi-Temporal PolSAR Images, A
* Novel Network Architecture for C/U-Plane Staggered Handover in 5G Decoupled Heterogeneous Railway Wireless Systems, A
* Novel phase-based descriptor using bispectrum for texture classification
* Novel Principal Component Analysis Method for the Reconstruction of Leaf Reflectance Spectra and Retrieval of Leaf Biochemical Contents, A
* Novel Sketch Attack for H.264/AVC Format-Compliant Encrypted Video, A
* novel statistical model for content-based stereo image retrieval in the complex wavelet domain, A
* Numerical accuracy of integral images computation algorithms
* Object Classification With Joint Projection and Low-Rank Dictionary Learning
* Object Matching for Inter-Vehicle Communication Systems: An IMM-Based Track Association Approach With Sequential Multiple Hypothesis Test
* Object Tracking Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Visual Appearance Models
* Object-Based Linear Weight Assignment Fusion Scheme to Improve Classification Accuracy Using Landsat and MODIS Data at the Decision Level, An
* Object-Level Motion Detection From Moving Cameras
* Omnidirectional Localization in vSLAM with Uncertainty Propagation and Bayesian Regression
* On Recommending Opportunistic Rides
* On the Amplitude Distributions of Bistatic Scattered Fields From Rough Surfaces
* On the Impact of Prefiltering on Compressed Sensing in Presence of Invalid Measurements
* On the Spatial and Temporal Sampling Errors of Remotely Sensed Precipitation Products
* On the Usability of Electroencephalographic Signals for Biometric Recognition: A Survey
* On the use of guided regularized random forests to identify crops in smallholder farm fields
* Online Low-Rank Representation Learning for Joint Multi-Subspace Recovery and Clustering
* Online User Analysis Regarding the Usage of Mobile Augmented and Virtual Reality Devices in the Field of Robotics, An
* Open-Contour Tracking Using a New State-Space Model and Nonrigid Motion Training
* OPML: A one-pass closed-form solution for online metric learning
* Optimal Bit Allocation for CTU Level Rate Control in HEVC
* Optimal feature combination analysis for crowd saliency prediction
* Optimal Representations for Adaptive Streaming in Interactive Multiview Video Systems
* Optimal Tiling Strategy for Memory Bandwidth Reduction for CNNs
* Optimizing Cruising Routes for Taxi Drivers Using a Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Model
* Optimizing Performance Outcomes for Emergency Management Personnel Through Simulation Based Training Applications
* Optimizing SAR change detection based on log-ratio features
* Optimizing the Timing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image Acquisition for Applied Mapping of Woody Vegetation Species Using Feature Selection
* Origami: A 803-GOp/s/W Convolutional Network Accelerator
* OSSIM: An Object-Based Multiview Stereo Algorithm Using SSIM Index Matching Cost
* overview of approaches for content-based medical image retrieval, An
* OVIS: ontology video surveillance indexing and retrieval system
* Pairwise registration of TLS point clouds using covariance descriptors and a non-cooperative game
* Panorama Stitching, Moving Object Detection and Tracking in UAV Videos
* Pansharpening approach using Hilbert vibration decomposition
* Parallel Block Sequential Closed-Form Matting With Fan-Shaped Partitions
* Parameter-free Laplacian centrality peaks clustering
* Parameterizing Anthropogenic Heat Flux with an Energy-Consumption Inventory and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Parametric Local Multiview Hamming Distance Metric Learning
* parasitic metric learning net for breast mass classification based on mammography, A
* Parking Like a Human: A Direct Trajectory Planning Solution
* Partial Deconvolution With Inaccurate Blur Kernel
* PCA-Based Edge-Preserving Features for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Pedestrian Movement Direction Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Per-pixel bias-variance decomposition of continuous errors in data-driven geospatial modeling: A case study in environmental remote sensing
* Performance Analysis of Ship Wake Detection on Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* Performance and User Preference of Various Functions for Mapping Hand Position to Movement Velocity in a Virtual Environment
* Performance Bounds for Parameter Estimation under Misspecified Models: Fundamental Findings and Applications
* performance evaluation of point pair features, A
* Performance of Three MODIS Fire Products (MCD45A1, MCD64A1, MCD14ML), and ESA Fire_CCI in a Mountainous Area of Northwest Yunnan, China, Characterized by Frequent Small Fires
* Performance Re-Evaluation on Codewords Distribution-Based Optimal Combination of Equal-Average Equal-Variance Equal-Norm Nearest Neighbor Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization Encoding
* Persian logo recognition using local binary patterns
* Person re-identification via integrating patch-based metric learning and local salience learning
* Person Re-Identification With Metric Learning Using Privileged Information
* Personalized Egocentric Video Summarization of Cultural Tour on User Preferences Input
* Phenological Approach to Spectral Differentiation of Low-Arctic Tundra Vegetation Communities, North Slope, Alaska, A
* Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) for Detecting Responses of Diurnal and Seasonal Photosynthetic Activity to Experimental Drought and Warming in a Mediterranean Shrubland
* Photogrammetric UAV Mapping of Terrain under Dense Coastal Vegetation: An Object-Oriented Classification Ensemble Algorithm for Classification and Terrain Correction
* Physical Activity Recognition From Smartphone Accelerometer Data for User Context Awareness Sensing
* Physics-Based Deep Learning Approach to Shadow Invariant Representations of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Picking Neural Activations for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Playing Both Sides
* Plug-and-Play Priors Approach for Solving Nonlinear Imaging Inverse Problems, A
* Polarimetric Calibration of Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Post-Rectification Approach of Depth Images of Kinect v2 for 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes, A
* Potato monitoring in Belgium with WatchITGrow
* Potential of Sentinel-2 and SPOT5 (Take5) time series for the estimation of grasslands biodiversity indices
* Potential of Spaceborne Lidar Measurements of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions from Strong Point Sources
* Predicting Top-of-Atmosphere Thermal Radiance Using MERRA-2 Atmospheric Data with Deep Learning
* Prediction of Probability of Crying of a Child and System Formation for Cry Detection and Financial Viability of the System
* Preliminary exploration of introducing spatial correlation information into the probabilistic patch-based similarity measure
* Primal-dual optimization strategies in Huber-L1 optical flow with temporal subspace constraints for non-rigid sequence registration
* Principal component dictionary-based patch grouping for image denoising
* Proba-V cloud detection Round Robin: Validation results and recommendations
* Procrustean Regression: A Flexible Alignment-Based Framework for Nonrigid Structure Estimation
* Proposal for the Selection of Eye-Tracking Metrics for the Implementation of Adaptive Gameplay in Virtual Reality Based Games, A
* Proposal of Segmentation Method Adapted to the Infrared Sensor
* Prostate Size Inference from Abdominal Ultrasound Images with Patch Based Prior Information
* Proximal robust factorization for piecewise planar reconstruction
* Proximity Operator of a Sum of Functions; Application to Depth Map Estimation
* Pseudo-full-space representation based classification for robust face recognition
* Pulse Breath Water System: Exploring Breathing as an Embodied Interaction for Enhancing the Affective Potential of Virtual Reality, The
* PURE-LET Image Deconvolution
* QoE-Aware Bandwidth Allocation for Video Traffic Using Sigmoidal Programming
* Qualitative Action Recognition by Wireless Radio Signals in Human-Machine Systems
* Quantification of Soil Properties with Hyperspectral Data: Selecting Spectral Variables with Different Methods to Improve Accuracies and Analyze Prediction Mechanisms
* Quantifying Tourist Behavior Patterns by Travel Motifs and Geo-Tagged Photos from Flickr
* Quantization-based hashing: a general framework for scalable image and video retrieval
* Quasi-Polar-Based FFBP Algorithm for Miniature UAV SAR Imaging Without Navigational Data
* Radiation Dose Reduction in CT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using SMART-RECON
* Radon Space Dose Optimization in Repeat CT Scanning
* Random Walks for Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Fusion in Framelet Domain
* RapidScat Cross-Calibration Using the Double Difference Technique
* Real Time Continuous Tracking of Dynamic Hand Gestures on a Mobile GPU
* Real-Time and Accurate Segmentation of 3-D Point Clouds Based on Gaussian Process Regression
* Real-time camera orientation estimation based on vanishing point tracking under Manhattan World assumption
* Real-Time Fatigue Driving Recognition Method Incorporating Contextual Features and Two Fusion Levels, A
* Real-time field sports scene classification using colour and frequency space decompositions
* Real-time fingerprint image enhancement with a two-stage algorithm and block-local normalization
* Real-Time Nonlinear Complementary Filter on SO(3) for Attitude Estimation of Small-Scale Aerial Robot
* Real-Time Professional Photographing Guiding System Through Image Composition Analysis, A
* Real-time, parallel segmentation of high-resolution images on multi-core platforms
* Real-World Non-NIR Illumination and Wavelength-Specific Acquisition Variants in Iris Recognition
* Recognition of complex static hand gestures by using the wristband-based contour features
* Recognition of handwritten Lanna Dhamma characters using a set of optimally designed moment features
* Recognizing multiple observations using adaptive graph based label propagation
* Recognizing semantic correlation in image-text Weibo via feature space mapping
* Reconstruction of Daily Sea Surface Temperature Based on Radial Basis Function Networks
* Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine Seeps
* Reduced-Dose Imageless Needle and Patient Tracking in Interventional CT Procedures
* Reducing circular hough transform parameters using morphological operations
* Regression-Based User Calibration Framework for Real-Time Gaze Estimation, A
* Regularity of spectral residual for reduced reference image quality assessment
* Relationship between MRPV Model Parameters from MISRL2 Land Surface Product and Land Covers: A Case Study within Mainland Spain
* Relationships of S-Band Radar Backscatter and Forest Aboveground Biomass in Different Forest Types
* Relative Camera Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Relay-Aided NOMA in Uplink Cellular Networks
* Remote Inspection of the Structural Integrity of Engineering Structures and Materials With Passive MST Probes
* Remote sensing monitoring of land restoration interventions in semi-arid environments using a before-after control-impact statistical design
* Remote Sensing of 2000-2016 Alpine Spring Snowline Elevation in Dall Sheep Mountain Ranges of Alaska and Western Canada
* Remote Touch: Humanizing Social Interactions in Technology Through Multimodal Interfaces
* Representation Method for Complex Road Networks in Virtual Geographic Environments, A
* Resample-Based Hybrid Multi-Hypothesis Scheme for Distributed Compressive Video Sensing
* Research and Implementation on Face Detection Approach Based on Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks
* Resolving vision and language ambiguities together: Joint segmentation & prepositional attachment resolution in captioned scenes
* restoration method for distorted comics to improve comic contents identification, A
* Restoring highly corrupted images by impulse noise using radial basis functions interpolation
* Retrospective analysis of long-term landscape evolution based on archive satellite imagery and historical maps
* Review on Design and Control Aspects of Robotic Shoulder Rehabilitation Orthoses
* RGB SAR product exploiting multitemporal: General processing and applications
* Riemannian Alternative Matrix Completion for Image-Based Flame Recognition
* Road Constrained Monocular Visual Localization Using Gaussian-Gaussian Cloud Model
* Road Scene Content Analysis for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Driving
* Road2Vec: Measuring Traffic Interactions in Urban Road System from Massive Travel Routes
* Robinia pseudoacacia L. Flower Analyzed by Using An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* Robust ANMF Detection in Noncentered Impulsive Background
* Robust discrete code modeling for supervised hashing
* Robust discriminative tracking via structured prior regularization
* Robust Guided Image Filtering Using Nonconvex Potentials
* Robust hypothesis generation method using binary blob analysis for multi-lane detection
* Robust Iris Segmentation Method Based on a New Active Contour Force With a Noncircular Normalization
* Robust Joint Sparse Representation Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Robust Lane Detection Method Based on Vanishing Point Estimation Using the Relevance of Line Segments, A
* Robust Low-Dose CT Sinogram Preprocessing via Exploiting Noise-Generating Mechanism
* Robust LSTM-Autoencoders for Face De-Occlusion in the Wild
* Robust Matrix Factorization by Majorization Minimization
* Robust method for constructing rotational invariant descriptors, A
* Robust multi-feature visual tracking via multi-task kernel-based sparse learning
* Robust Quantization for General Similarity Search
* Robust shared feature learning for script and handwritten/machine-printed identification
* Robust Tracking in Weakly Dynamic Scenes
* Robust Video Watermarking for Real-Time Application, A
* Robustness of Deep Networks: A Geometrical Perspective, The
* Saliency Detection Based on Multiscale Extrema of Local Perceptual Color Differences
* Saliency Detection for 3D Surface Geometry Using Semi-regular Meshes
* Saliency Detection for Unconstrained Videos Using Superpixel-Level Graph and Spatiotemporal Propagation
* Saliency Detection via Absorbing Markov Chain With Learnt Transition Probability
* Saliency ranker: A new salient object detection method
* Saliency-Aware Video Object Segmentation
* saliency-based approach to event recognition, A
* Salient Object Detection Based on Global Multi-Scale Superpixel Contrast
* SAR image denoising using homomorphic and shearlet transforms
* SAR Image Despeckling Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* SAR image segmentation using region growing and spectral cluster
* Satellite and Ground Observations of Snow Cover in Tibet during 2001-2015
* Satellite Monitoring of Urban Land Change in the Middle Yangtze River Basin Urban Agglomeration, China between 2000 and 2016
* Satellite-Derived Spatiotemporal Variations in Evapotranspiration over Northeast China during 1982-2010
* Scalable Learning Framework for Traversable Region Detection Fusing With Appearance and Geometrical Information
* Scalable Mammogram Retrieval Using Composite Anchor Graph Hashing With Iterative Quantization
* Scarce face recognition via two-layer collaborative representation
* Scene-aware image dehazing based on sky-segmented dark channel prior
* SDL: Saliency-Based Dictionary Learning Framework for Image Similarity
* Sea Surface Temperature changes analysis, an Essential Climate Variable for Ecosystem Services provisioning
* Secure Beamforming in Downlink MIMO Nonorthogonal Multiple Access Networks
* Secure chaotic dual encryption scheme for H.264/AVC video conferencing protection
* Secure Smart Homes: Opportunities and Challenges
* Segmental Prediction for Video Coding
* Segmentation and semantic labelling of RGBD data with convolutional neural networks and surface fitting
* Segmentation method for medical image based on improved GrabCut
* Segmentation Method of Single- and Multiple-Touching Characters in Offline Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition, A
* Segmentation of glioma tumors using convolutional neural networks
* Segmentation of large images based on super-pixels and community detection in graphs
* Selecting telecommunications technologies for intelligent transport system services in Helsinki Municipality
* Selective Privacy-Preserving Approach for Multimedia Data, A
* Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution with Dynamic Selecting Mutation Strategy, A
* Semantic-aware blind image quality assessment
* Semi-Automatic System for Land Cover Change Detection Using Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images
* Semi-autonomous advanced parking assistants: do they really have to be learned if steering is automated?
* Semi-supervised transfer subspace for domain adaptation
* Sensing Forest for Pattern Recognition
* Sentence-level sentiment analysis in Persian
* Sequential Closed-Form Semiblind Receiver for Space-Time Coded Multihop Relaying Systems
* Sequential Subspace Clustering via Temporal Smoothness for Sequential Data Segmentation
* Shape Acquisition System Using an Handheld Line Laser Pointer Without Markers
* Shape analysis of hippocampus in temporal lobe epilepsy using Signed Poisson Mapping
* Shearlet-Based Region Map Guidance for Improving Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Ship-Iceberg Discrimination in Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery by Supervised Classification
* Shrinkage estimator based common spatial pattern for multi-class motor imagery classification by hybrid classifier
* Similarities and Improvements of GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) upon TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR) in Global Precipitation Rate Estimation, Type Classification and Vertical Profiling
* Simple and Efficient Method for Radial Distortion Estimation by Relative Orientation, A
* Simple to complex cross-modal learning to rank
* Simplified and Efficient Gravitational Search Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization Problems, A
* Simplifying GPS Trajectory Data with Enhanced Spatial-Temporal Constraints
* Simulation Modeling and Ergonomic Assessment of Complex Multiworker Physical Processes
* Simulation Sickness Related to Virtual Reality Driving Simulation
* Single Image De-Hazing Using Globally Guided Image Filtering
* Single Image Dehazing Using Color Ellipsoid Prior
* Single Image Dehazing Using Invariance Principle
* Single image-based HDR image generation with camera response function estimation
* Single-Image Distance Measurement by a Smart Mobile Device
* SITS for estimating sugarcane production
* Situation Awareness Inferred From Posture Transition and Location: Derived From Smartphone and Smart home Sensors
* Skin lesion images classification using new color pigmented boundary descriptors
* Sliding Window Based Micro-expression Spotting: A Benchmark
* Small Reflectors for Ground Motion Monitoring With InSAR
* Small Target Detection Based on Reweighted Infrared Patch-Image Model
* SNR Estimation in Linear Systems With Gaussian Matrices
* Soil Moisture Retrieval and Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis Using Sentinel-1 Data of Dahra, Senegal
* Source Parameters of the 2016-2017 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence from the Sentinel-1, ALOS-2 and GPS Data
* Sparse Network Completion via Discrete-Constrained Nuclear-Norm Minimization
* Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data with Noise Level Estimation
* Sparse Weighted Constrained Energy Minimization for Accurate Remote Sensing Image Target Detection
* Spatial Analysis of Linear Structures in the Exploration of Groundwater
* Spatial Recognition of the Urban-Rural Fringe of Beijing Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data
* Spatial relationships between natural resources and land use dynamics in the Amazonian agricultural frontier
* Spatio-Temporal Data Fusion Model for Generating NDVI Time Series in Heterogeneous Regions, A
* Spatio-temporal evolution of crop fields in Sentinel-2 Satellite Image Time Series
* Spatio-Temporal Series Remote Sensing Image Prediction Based on Multi-Dictionary Bayesian Fusion
* Spatio-Temporal Variability in a Turbid and Dynamic Tidal Estuarine Environment (Tasmania, Australia): An Assessment of MODIS Band 1 Reflectance
* Spatiotemporal Fusion of MODIS and Landsat-7 Reflectance Images via Compressed Sensing
* Spatiotemporal lacunarity spectrum for dynamic texture classification
* Spatiotemporal variations of alpine climate, snow cover and phenology
* Species Richness (of Insects) Drives the Use of Acoustic Space in the Tropics
* Spectral Contextual Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery With Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling
* Spectral Efficiency under Energy Constraint for Mixed-ADC MRC Massive MIMO
* Spectral Radiance Modeling and Bayesian Model Averaging for Longwave Infrared Hyperspectral Imagery and Subpixel Target Identification
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery with Cooperative Game
* Spectral-Spatial Scale Invariant Feature Transform for Hyperspectral Images
* Speed Limit Sign Detection Based on Gaussian Color Model and Template Matching
* Squad-Level Soldier-Robot Dynamics: Exploring Future Concepts Involving Intelligent Autonomous Robots
* SSP-Tree: A Method for Distributed Processing of Range Monitoring Queries in Road Networks, The
* Statistical Radial Binary Patterns (SRBP) for Bark Texture Identification
* Statistical search range adaptation solution for effective frame rate up-conversion
* STBD: a simple tri-bit binary descriptor for point matching
* Stochastic Models of Very High-Rate (50 Hz) GPS/BeiDou Code and Phase Observations
* Strategy of Rapid Extraction of Built-Up Area Using Multi-Seasonal Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Band 10 Images, A
* Strengths and weaknesses of deep learning models for face recognition against image degradations
* Structure-Preserving Image Super-Resolution via Contextualized Multitask Learning
* Structured Sparse Coding-Based Hyperspectral Imagery Denoising With Intracluster Filtering
* study on validating non-linear dimensionality reduction using persistent homology, A
* Sub-Pixel Edge Detector: an Implementation of the Canny/Devernay Algorithm, A
* Subgridded FDTD Modeling of Ground Penetrating Radar Scenarios Beyond the Courant Stability Limit
* Subjective Evaluation of Tactile Fidelity for Single-Finger and Whole-Hand Touch Gestures
* Submesoscale Sea Surface Temperature Variability from UAV and Satellite Measurements
* Subspace Clustering via Optimal Direction Search
* Super-resolution reconstruction: Using non-local structure similarity and edge sharpness dictionary
* SuperCut: Superpixel Based Foreground Extraction With Loose Bounding Boxes in One Cutting
* SuperJam: Participatory Design for Accessible Games
* Superpixel tracking using Kalman filter
* Superpixel-based feature learning for joint sparse representation of hyperspectral images
* Superpixel-based online wagging one-class ensemble for feature selection in foreground/background separation
* Superpixels by Bilateral Geodesic Distance
* Superpixels: An evaluation of the state-of-the-art
* Supervised deep hashing for scalable face image retrieval
* Support for Multi-temporal and Multi-mission data processing: The ESA Research and Service Support
* Support Vector Motion Clustering
* Surveillance Video Synopsis in GIS
* Survey of current hyperspectral Earth observation applications from space and synergies with Sentinel-2
* Survey of Smart Parking Solutions, A
* Survey on deep learning methods in human action recognition
* SVCV: segmentation volume combined with cost volume for stereo matching
* SymPS: BRDF Symmetry Guided Photometric Stereo for Shape and Light Source Estimation
* Synthetic aperture radar image segmentation using non-linear diffusion-based hierarchical triplet Markov fields model
* System to Analyze Group Socializing Behaviors in Social Parties, A
* Task-Driven Optimization of Fluence Field and Regularization for Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction in Computed Tomography
* temperature and vegetation adjusted NTL urban index for urban area mapping and analysis, A
* Temporal analysis of SAR imagery for permanent and evolving Earth land cover behavior assessment
* Temporal and Spatial Comparison of Agricultural Drought Indices from Moderate Resolution Satellite Soil Moisture Data over Northwest Spain
* Temporal Evolution of Regional Drought Detected from GRACE TWSA and CCI SM in Yunnan Province, China
* Temporal Pyramid Pooling-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Action Recognition
* Temporal relationships between daily precipitation and NDVI time series in Mexico
* Temporal Scalability of Dynamic Volume Data Using Mesh Compensated Wavelet Lifting
* Tensor Rank Preserving Discriminant Analysis for Facial Recognition
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning Intensity Correction by Piecewise Fitting and Overlap-Driven Adjustment
* Texture classification by multifractal spectrum and barycentric coordinates of bit planes of wavelet coefficients
* Texturizing and Refinement of 3D City Models with Mobile Devices
* Three-dimensional FDTD modeling of neurons to solve EEG and MEG forward problem
* Topic driven multimodal similarity learning with multi-view voted convolutional features
* Topologically Aware Building Rooftop Reconstruction From Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* Toward Real-Time Ray Tracing: A Survey on Hardware Acceleration and Microarchitecture Techniques
* Toward semantic content-based image retrieval using Dempster-Shafer theory in multi-label classification framework
* Toward Simultaneous Visual Comfort and Depth Sensation Optimization for Stereoscopic 3-D Experience
* Towards Condition Analysis for Machine Vision Based Traffic Sign Inventory
* Towards Edge-Aware Spatio-Temporal Filtering in Real-Time
* Tracking as a Whole: Multi-Target Tracking by Modeling Group Behavior With Sequential Detection
* Traffic Sign Detection Using a Cascade Method With Fast Feature Extraction and Saliency Test
* Transfer learning for one class SVM adaptation to limited data distribution change
* Tree-Species Classification in Subtropical Forests Using Airborne Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* Triple Collocation-Based Merging of Satellite Soil Moisture Retrievals
* Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Turn Signal Detection During Nighttime by CNN Detector and Perceptual Hashing Tracking
* Tutorial for Olfaction-Based Multisensorial Media Application Design and Evaluation, A
* Two-Layer Gaussian Process Regression With Example Selection for Image Dehazing
* Two-Step Methodology for Human Pose Estimation Increasing the Accuracy and Reducing the Amount of Learning Samples Dramatically, A
* Ultimate levelings
* Understanding the Functionality of Human Activity Hotspots from Their Scaling Pattern Using Trajectory Data
* Understanding Where to Project Information on the Desk for Supporting Work with Paper and Pen
* Unified optimization framework for localization and tracking of multiple targets with multiple cameras
* Uniform competency-based local feature extraction for remote sensing images
* Unknown aware k nearest neighbor classifier
* Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)-based phenotyping of soybean using multi-sensor data fusion and extreme learning machine
* Unpowered Sensorimotor-Enhancing Suit Reduces Muscle Activation and Improves Force Perception
* unsupervised 2D point-set registration algorithm for unlabeled feature points: Application to fingerprint matching, An
* Unsupervised change detection of remote sensing images using superpixel segmentation and variational Gaussian mixture model
* Unsupervised clustering under the Union of Polyhedral Cones (UOPC) model
* Unsupervised manifold learning through reciprocal kNN graph and Connected Components for image retrieval tasks
* Unsupervised Mixture-Eliminating Estimation of Equivalent Number of Looks for PolSAR Data
* Unsupervised-Restricted Deconvolutional Neural Network for Very High Resolution Remote-Sensing Image Classification
* Urban area change detection based on generalized likelihood ratio test
* Urban freeway users' diversion response to variable message sign displaying the travel time of both freeway and local street
* Urban Sprawl and Adverse Impacts on Agricultural Land: A Case Study on Hyderabad, India
* Usability Comparison of Conventional Direct Control Versus Pattern Recognition Control of Transradial Prostheses
* Usability evaluation as part of iterative design of an in-vehicle information system
* Use of High-Quality and Common Commercial Mirrors for Scanning Close-Range Surfaces Using 3D Laser Scanners: A Laboratory Experiment
* use of Landsat time series for identification of forest degradation levels in the eastern Brazilian Amazon (Paragominas), The
* User-Generated Accessibility in Virtual World Games
* Using Commercial Virtual Reality Games to Prototype Serious Games and Applications
* Using Eye Tracking to Detect the Effects of Clutter on Visual Search in Real Time
* Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 data for Above Ground Biomass assessment in the Tamar valley and Dartmoor
* Using Visual Exploratory Data Analysis to Facilitate Collaboration and Hypothesis Generation in Cross-Disciplinary Research
* Utilizing a Greenhouse Activities Streamlining System Towards Accurate VPD Monitoring for Tropical Plants
* Validation and Calibration of QAA Algorithm for CDOM Absorption Retrieval in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuarine and Coastal Waters
* Variable-Weighted Linear Combination Model for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Case Study in the Shennongjia Forestry District, China
* Variational Decompression of Image Data From DjVu Encoded Files
* Variations in mangrove regeneration rates under different management plans: An analysis of Landsat time-series in the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia
* Vide-omics: A genomics-inspired paradigm for video analysis
* Video Salient Object Detection via Fully Convolutional Networks
* Video-based kinship verification using distance metric learning
* VideoLSTM convolves, attends and flows for action recognition
* VIGOR: Virtual Interaction with Gravitational Waves to Observe Relativity
* Virtual Geographic Environment for Debris Flow Risk Analysis in Residential Areas, A
* Virtual Reality for Training Diagnostic Skills in Anorexia Nervosa: A Usability Assessment
* Virtual Reality Tool Applied to Improve the Effects on Chronic Diseases - Case: Emotional Effects on T2DM, A
* Visible watermark removal scheme based on reversible data hiding and image inpainting
* Vision Based Lidar Segmentation for Scan Matching and Camera Fusion
* Vision-Based Mid-Air Unistroke Character Input Using Polar Signatures
* Vision-language integration using constrained local semantic features
* Visual Communication with UAS: Recognizing Gestures from an Airborne Platform
* Visual Localization Based on Place Recognition Using Multi-feature Combination (D-lambdaLBP++HOG)
* Visual question answering: A survey of methods and datasets
* Visual Question Answering: A Tutorial
* Visual question answering: Datasets, algorithms, and future challenges
* Visual Representation and Classification by Learning Group Sparse Deep Stacking Network
* Visual tracking based on edge field with object proposal association
* Visual Tracking via Joint Discriminative Appearance Learning
* Visual Tracking via Nonnegative Multiple Coding
* Visual versus Textual Embedding for Video Retrieval
* Visualization of Features in 3D Terrain
* Vitty: Virtual Touch Typing Interface with Added Finger Buttons
* Voting with Their Feet: Delineating the Sphere of Influence Using Social Media Data
* VoTrE: A Vocational Training and Evaluation System to Compare Training Approaches for the Workplace
* VR Rio 360: The Challenges of Motion Sickness in VR Environments
* Wave Height Estimation from First-Order Backscatter of a Dual-Frequency High Frequency Radar
* Wavelet-based variational Bayesian ECG denoising
* Weakly supervised learning of actions from transcripts
* Weakly Supervised Learning with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation: Understanding Semantic Layout of Images with Minimum Human Supervision
* Wearable Device for Fast and Subtle Spontaneous Smile Recognition, A
* Web-Scale Normalization of Geospatial Metadata Based on Semantics-Aware Data Sources
* WebGIS and Geospatial Technologies for Landscape Education on Personalized Learning Contexts
* Weighted Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images via Class-Specific Band Contribution
* Wide Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Algorithm for Spaceborne Stripmap Range Sweep SAR Imaging
* Wireless sensor networks for traffic management and road safety
* Within-component and between-component multi-kernel discriminating correlation analysis for colour face recognition
* WLAN Fingerprint Indoor Positioning Strategy Based on Implicit Crowdsourcing and Semi-Supervised Learning
* Word of Mouth Mobile Crowdsourcing: Increasing Awareness of Physical, Cyber, and Social Interactions
* Working with Open BIM Standards to Source Legal Spaces for a 3D Cadastre
* Z-Index Parameterization for Volumetric CT Image Reconstruction via 3-D Dictionary Learning
* Zernike moment based method for classification of Alzheimer's disease from structural MRI, A
* Zero-Shot Learning via Attribute Regression and Class Prototype Rectification
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