Journals starting with geoi

GeoInfo( Vol No. ) * *GeoInformatica

GeoInfo(1) * Achieving Integrity in Geographic Information Systems: Maps and Nested Maps
* Algorithms for Hierarchical Spatial Reasoning
* Efficient Window Block Retrieval in Quadtree-Based Spatial Databases
* Environment for Modeling and Design of Geographic Applications, An
* Global Framework for Qualitative Shape Description, A
* Hierarchical Path View Model for Path Finding in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Nearest Neighbor Queries in Shared-Nothing Environments
* Parallel Processing for Terrain Analysis in GIS: Visibility as a Case Study
* Platform for Research in Generalization: Application to Caricature, A
* Point-in-Polygon Analysis Under Certainty and Uncertainty
* Qualitative Spatial Representation and Reasoning with the Region Connection Calculus
* Taxonomy of Spatial Data Integrity Constraints, A
* Visibility Computations on Hierarchical Triangulated Terrain Models
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GeoInfo(10) * Automatically Conflating Road Vector Data with Orthoimagery
* Fast Cluster Polygonization and its Applications in Data-Rich Environments
* GABRIEL: Gis Activity-Based tRavel sImuLator. Activity Scheduling in the Presence of Real-Time Information
* Indexing Fast Moving Objects for kNN Queries Based on Nearest Landmarks
* Mining Co-Location Patterns with Rare Events from Spatial Data Sets
* Multi-Agent Model and Tabu Search Optimization to Manage Agricultural Territories, A
* Multi-VMap: A Multi-Scale Model for Vector Maps
* New Method for Feature Mining in Remotely Sensed Images, A
* Ontological Investigation of a Multiscale Ecosystem Classification Using the National Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units as an Example
* Radial Topology Algorithm: A New Approach for Deriving 2.5D GIS Data Models, The
* Spatial Query Estimation without the Local Uniformity Assumption
* Specifying and Implementing Constraints in GIS: With Examples from a Geo-Virtual Reality System
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GeoInfo(11) * Advances in GML for Geospatial Applications
* Aim4GDI: Facilitating the Synthesis of GDI Resources through Mapping and Superimpositions of Metadata Summaries
* Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Search on Moving Object Trajectories
* Assessing the Certainty of Locations Produced by an Address Geocoding System
* Computation of Random Errors in Digital Terrain Models
* Contextualization of Geospatial Database Semantics for Human-GIS Interaction
* Convergence Analysis and Quality Criteria for an Iterative Schematization of Networks
* Efficient Detection of Patterns in 2D Trajectories of Moving Points
* Enabling Routes of Road Network Constrained Movements as Mobile Service Context
* Higher Order Vagueness in Geographical Information: Empirical Geographical Population of Type-n Fuzzy Sets
* LiDAR-Derived High Quality Ground Control Information and DEM for Image Orthorectification
* Logical Representation of a Conceptual Model for Spatial Data Warehouses
* Multi-level Topological Relations Between Spatial Regions Based Upon Topological Invariants
* Multicriteria Spatial Decision Analysis in Web GIS Environment
* New Model for Cloud Tracking and Analysis on Satellite Images, A
* Ontology-Based Descriptions for Semantic Discovery and Composition of Geoprocessing Services
* Relative Representation of Trajectories in Geogaphical Spaces, A
* Schedule-based Pathfinding Algorithm for Transit Networks Using Pattern First Search, A
* Unified Hybrid Terrain Representation Based on Local Convexifications
* Weight-proportional Space Partitioning Using Adaptive Voronoi Diagrams
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GeoInfo(12) * Application of Advanced Spatio-Temporal Formalisms to Behavioural Ecology, An
* Approximating the Visible Region of a Point on a Terrain
* Area Collapse and Road Centerlines based on Straight Skeletons
* Automatically and Accurately Conflating Raster Maps with Orthoimagery
* Efficient Implementation Techniques for Topological Predicates on Complex Spatial Objects
* Efficient Maintenance of Continuous Queries for Trajectories
* Enabling Location-based Services: Multi-Graph Representation of Transportation Networks
* Generalization-oriented Road Line Classification by Means of an Artificial Neural Network
* Innovations in Individual Feature History Management: The Significance of Feature-based Temporal Model
* Matching Networks with Different Levels of Detail
* Modeling Motion Relations for Moving Objects on Road Networks
* Multi-parameter Approach to Automated Building Grouping and Generalization, A
* On Detecting Spatial Outliers
* One Way Distance: For Shape Based Similarity Search of Moving Object Trajectories
* PIST: An Efficient and Practical Indexing Technique for Historical Spatio-Temporal Point Data
* Processing Optimal Sequenced Route Queries Using Voronoi Diagrams
* Reporting Leaders and Followers among Trajectories of Moving Point Objects
* Statistical Model for Directional Relations Between Spatial Objects, A
* Techniques for Computing Fitness of Use (FoU) for Time Series Datasets with Applications in the Geospatial Domain
* Variable-resolution Compression of Vector Data
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GeoInfo(13) * Application of a model to the evaluation of flood damage
* Automated processing for map generalization using web services
* Automated tools within workflows for 3D structural construction from surface and subsurface data
* Automatic and Accurate Extraction of Road Intersections from Raster Maps
* Cloaking locations for anonymous location based services: A hybrid approach
* Comparison of 2-D and 3-D computer models for the M. Salta rock fall, Vajont Valley, northern Italy
* Comparison of GIS-based methodologies for the landslide susceptibility assessment
* Continuous K -Nearest Neighbor Query for Moving Objects with Uncertain Velocity
* Effects of Navigation Sensors and Spatial Road Network Data Quality on the Performance of Map Matching Algorithms, The
* Efficient MaxCount and threshold operators of moving objects
* Evaluation and Implementation of the OGC Web Processing Service for Use in Client-Side GIS
* GIS-based method for the environmental vulnerability assessment to volcanic ashfall at Etna Volcano
* meeting scheduling problem respecting time and space, A
* Mining Long, Sharable Patterns in Trajectories of Moving Objects
* Preface: Geology and information technology
* preliminary method for the evaluation of the landslides volume at a regional scale, A
* Retrieval of Spatial Join Pattern Instances from Sensor Networks
* Shape deformation in continuous map generalization
* Update-efficient indexing of moving objects in road networks
* Urban granularities: A data structure for cognitively ergonomic route directions
* Web data retrieval: solving spatial range queries using k-nearest neighbor searches
* WebGIS for the dissemination of information on historical landslides and floods in Umbria, Italy, A
* Yet Another Map Algebra
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GeoInfo(14) * Algorithms for constrained k-nearest neighbor queries over moving object trajectories
* Colors of the past: color image segmentation in historical topographic maps based on homogeneity
* Combining ontologies to automatically generate temporal perspectives of geospatial domains
* Effect of SRTM resolution on morphometric feature identification using neural network: self organizing map
* Efficient evaluation of continuous spatio-temporal queries on moving objects with uncertain velocity
* Evaluating the benefits of multimodal interface design for CoMPASS: A Mobile GIS
* Exploiting geographic references of documents in a geographical information retrieval system using an ontology-based index
* High-dimensional kNN joins with incremental updates
* IRSJ: incremental refining spatial joins for interactive queries in GIS
* knowledge infrastructure for intelligent query answering in location-based services, A
* Managing sensor traffic data and forecasting unusual behaviour propagation
* Mastering map scale: balancing workloads using display and geometry change in multi-scale mapping
* OCL for formal modelling of topological constraints involving regions with broad boundaries
* OGC web coverage processing service (WCPS) standard, The
* Preface: Semantic and Conceptual Issues in Geographic Information Systems
* semantic and language-based representation of an environmental scene, A
* Semantic-based pruning of redundant and uninteresting frequent geographic patterns
* Spatial interpolation in wireless sensor networks: Localized algorithms for variogram modeling and Kriging
* Support vector machines for urban growth modeling
* Tightly-coupled spatial database features in the Odysseus/OpenGIS DBMS for high-performance
* User defined topological predicates in database systems
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GeoInfo(15) * Approximate and exact hybrid algorithms for private nearest-neighbor queries with database protection
* Comparison of distribution strategies in uncertainty-aware catchment delineation
* Computational method for the point cluster analysis on networks
* Connectivity in the regular polytope representation
* Controlling patterns of geospatial phenomena
* Crime analysis through spatial areal aggregated density patterns
* data model and query language for spatio-temporal decision support, A
* Editing and versioning for high performance network models in a multiuser environment
* Efficient viewshed computation on terrain in external memory
* elements of probabilistic time geography, The
* framework for regional association rule mining and scoping in spatial datasets, A
* Functional description of geoprocessing services as conjunctive datalog queries
* How to achieve consistency for 3D city models
* hybrid classification scheme for mining multisource geospatial data, A
* Integrating semantic web technologies and geospatial catalog services for geospatial information discovery and processing in cyberinfrastructure
* Interpreting motion events of pairs of moving objects
* Mining boundary effects in areally referenced spatial data using the Bayesian information criterion
* MOVIES: indexing moving objects by shooting index images
* Ontology-driven discovery of geospatial evidence in web pages
* openModeller: A Generic Approach to Species' Potential Distribution modelling
* partial sequenced route query with traveling rules in road networks, The
* Qualitative change detection using sensor networks based on connectivity information
* Query-aware location anonymization for road networks
* Representing topological relationships for spatiotemporal objects
* Spatial cloaking for anonymous location-based services in mobile peer-to-peer environments
* Spatial skyline queries: exact and approximation algorithms
* Spatiotemporal pattern queries
* Special section on spatial and temporal databases
* TIDES: a new descriptor for time series oscillation behavior
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GeoInfo(16) * Assessing the changing flowering date of the common lilac in North America: a random coefficient model approach
* Automatic classification of building types in 3D city models: Using SVMs for semantic enrichment of low resolution building data
* Automatic geospatial metadata generation for earth science virtual data products
* Blind and squaring-resistant watermarking of vectorial building layers
* Cluster recognition in spatial-temporal sequences: The case of forest fires
* Comparison of four line-based positional assessment methods by means of synthetic data
* Efficient parallel algorithm for pixel classification in remote sensing imagery
* evaluation of ontology matching in geo-service applications, An
* framework for integrating multi-accuracy spatial data in geographical applications, A
* fuzzy index for detecting spatiotemporal outliers, A
* fuzzy index for detecting spatiotemporal outliers, A
* Generating seamless surfaces for transport and dispersion modeling in GIS
* Guest editorial: Integrated spatio-temporal analysis and data mining
* Integrating GI with non-GI services: showcasing interoperability in a heterogeneous service-oriented architecture
* Interactive Framework for Spatial Joins: A Statistical Approach to Data Analysis in GIS, An
* Moving GeoPQL: a pictorial language towards spatio-temporal queries
* Multi-scale decomposition of point process data
* PNN query processing on compressed trajectories
* Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters in health data
* Provably correct and complete transaction rules for updating 3D city models
* Reference model for a data grid approach to address data in a dynamic SDI
* Retrospective adaptive prefetching for interactive Web GIS applications
* SB-index and the HSB-index: Efficient indices for spatial data warehouses, The
* SKIF-P: a point-based indexing and ranking of web documents for spatial-keyword search
* Topological operators: a relaxed query processing approach
* Towards dynamic behavior-based profiling for reducing spatial information overload in map browsing activity
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GeoInfo(17) * algorithm for local geoparsing of microtext, An
* Blind evaluation of location based queries using space transformation to preserve location privacy
* Building pattern recognition in topographic data: Examples on collinear and curvilinear alignments
* Computer-Based Synthetic Data to Assess the Tree Delineation Algorithm from Airborne LiDAR Survey
* Continuous aggregate nearest neighbor queries
* Decentralized querying of topological relations between regions monitored by a coordinate-free geosensor network
* Directional relations and frames of reference
* Evolutionary search for understanding movement dynamics on mixed networks
* Footprint generation using fuzzy-neighborhood clustering
* framework to model and manipulate constraints for over-constrained geographic applications, A
* Generic and efficient framework for search trees on flash memory storage systems
* generic data model for moving objects, A
* Guest editorial: spatial and temporal databases
* HFPaC: GPU friendly height field parallel compression
* Index-based query processing on distributed multidimensional data
* k closest pairs in spatial databases, The
* Multi-level representation of terrain features on a contour map
* Opportunistic sampling-based query processing in wireless sensor networks
* query integrity assurance scheme for accessing outsourced spatial databases, A
* Spatial inverse query processing
* Spatio-temporal polygonal clustering with space and time as first-class citizens
* STHist-C: A highly accurate cluster-based histogram for two and three dimensional geographic data points
* Users plan optimization for participatory urban texture documentation
* Using virtual reality and percolation theory to visualize fluid flow in porous media
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GeoInfo(18) * Active learning of user's preferences estimation towards a personalized 3D navigation of geo-referenced scenes
* assisting, constrained 3D navigation technique for multiscale virtual 3D city models, An
* comparative study of two approaches for supporting optimal network location queries, A
* Comparing G-maps with other topological data structures
* Compression of Trajectory Data: A Comprehensive Evaluation and New Approach
* Context-based mobile GeoBI: enhancing business analysis with contextual metrics/statistics and context-based reasoning
* Effective mix-zone anonymization techniques for mobile travelers
* Estimation of an unknown cartographic projection and its parameters from the map
* evaluative baseline for geo-semantic relatedness and similarity, An
* general framework for trajectory data warehousing and visual OLAP, A
* Group spatiotemporal pattern queries
* Guest editorial: location-centric privacy in mobile services
* Improving geographic information retrieval in spatial data infrastructures
* Interactive cartographic route descriptions
* Large-scale geo-tagged video indexing and queries
* largest empty rectangle containing only a query object in Spatial Databases, The
* Location privacy models in mobile applications: Conceptual view and research directions
* Modeling vague spatial data warehouses using the VSCube conceptual model
* On detecting spatial categorical outliers
* polygon-based clustering and analysis framework for mining spatial datasets, A
* probabilistic data model and algebra for location-based data warehouses and their implementation, A
* Protecting query privacy in location-based services
* Publishing deep web geographic data
* Reconstruct street network from imprecise excavation data using fuzzy Hough transforms
* Special section on Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP
* TARS: traffic-aware route search
* User-side adaptive protection of location privacy in participatory sensing
* Using spatial data support for reducing uncertainty in geospatial applications
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GeoInfo(19) * Adaptive generation of variable-scale network maps for small displays based on line density distribution
* Best upgrade plans for single and multiple source-destination pairs
* CASE histogram: Privacy-aware processing of trajectory data using aggregates, The
* comparison and evaluation of map construction algorithms using vehicle tracking data, A
* Dilution-matching-encoding compaction of trajectories over road networks, A
* Domain-driven co-location mining
* EcoMark 2.0: empowering eco-routing with vehicular environmental models and actual vehicle fuel consumption data
* Efficient continuous top-k spatial keyword queries on road networks
* Efficiently computing the drainage network on massive terrains using external memory flooding process
* From GPS and virtual globes to spatial computing - 2020
* GMOBench: Benchmarking generic moving objects
* High performance FPGA and GPU complex pattern matching over spatio-temporal streams
* Impact of data representation rules on the robustness of topological relation evaluation
* Improving label placement quality by considering basemap detail with a raster-based approach
* MobiFeed: A location-aware news feed framework for moving users
* On reverse-k-nearest-neighbor joins
* Partition-based range query for uncertain trajectories in road networks
* Planning unobstructed paths in traffic-aware spatial networks
* Querying visible points in large obstructed space
* Recognizing text in raster maps
* Recommendations in location-based social networks: a survey
* Spatio-temporal compression of trajectories in road networks
* Special issue on spatial and temporal database management
* Stacked space-time densities: A geovisualisation approach to explore dynamics of space use over time
* TM-RTree: an index on generic moving objects for range queries, The
* Travel topic analysis: A mutually reinforcing method for geo-tagged photos
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GeoInfo(2) * 3D-GIS for Urban Purposes
* Approximation-Based Similarity Search for 3-D Surface Segments
* Comparison of Two Approaches to Ranking Algorithms Used to Compute Hill Slopes
* Computational Perspectives on Map Generalization
* Conflict Reduction in Map Generalization Using Iterative Improvement
* Data Partitioning for Parallel Spatial Join Processing
* Experiments with Learning Techniques for Spatial Model Enrichment and Line Generalization
* Finite-Resolution Simplicial Complexes
* Imprecision in Finite Resolution Spatial Data
* Improved Modeling of Elevation Error with Geostatistics
* Linking Objects of Different Spatial Data Sets by Integration and Aggregation
* Managing, Modeling, and Visualizing High-dimensional Spatio-temporal Data in an Integrated System
* Morphological Models for the Collapse of Area Features in Digital Map Generalization
* Rule-based Approach for the Conflation of Attributed Vector Data, A
* Sorting Spatial Data for Sampling and Other Geographic Applications
* Symbolic Intersect Detection: A Method for Improving Spatial Intersect Joins
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GeoInfo(20) * Advanced methods for the estimation of an unknown projection from a map
* Automatic targeted-domain spatiotemporal event detection in twitter
* big data of violent events: algorithms for association analysis using spatio-temporal storytelling, The
* Cooperative vehicle-infrastructure localization based on the symmetric measurement equation filter
* Current computational transportation science
* Developing a web-based system for supervised classification of remote sensing images
* direction-constrained k nearest neighbor query, The
* domain specific language for spatial simulation scenarios, A
* Efficient indexing and retrieval of large-scale geo-tagged video databases
* Exploring cell tower data dumps for supervised learning-based point-of-interest prediction (industrial paper)
* Finding optimal region for bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor in two- and three-dimensional spaces
* framework for intelligence analysis using spatio-temporal storytelling, A
* Geographically weighted evidence combination approaches for combining discordant and inconsistent volunteered geographical information
* Guest editorial: big spatial data
* index array approach and the dual tiled similarity algorithm for UAS hyper-spatial image processing, The
* Integrating tourist packages and tourist attractions for personalized trip planning based on travel constraints
* Kernel density estimation based on Ripley's correction
* Location K-anonymity in indoor spaces
* Mining spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns in non-relational databases
* New plane-sweep algorithms for distance-based join queries in spatial databases
* On discovering co-location patterns in datasets: A case study of pollutants and child cancers
* probabilistic approach to detect mixed periodic patterns from moving object data, A
* Robust high-quality interpolation of regions to moving regions
* Skyline for geo-textual data
* SMe: explicit & implicit constrained-space probabilistic threshold range queries for moving objects
* Spatio-temporal traffic video data archiving and retrieval system
* SPLZ: An efficient algorithm for single source shortest path problem using compression method
* Support Vector machine and duration-aware conditional random field for identification of spatio-temporal activity patterns by combined indoor positioning and heart rate sensors
* Task selection in spatial crowdsourcing from worker's perspective
* Towards fusing uncertain location data from heterogeneous sources
* Towards sustainable mobility behavior: research challenges for location-aware information and communication technology
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GeoInfo(21) * Constrained energy-efficient routing in time-aware road networks
* Controllability matters: The user experience of adaptive maps
* Design principles of a stream-based framework for mobility analysis
* Discovering historic traffic-tolerant paths in road networks
* Discovering non-compliant window co-occurrence patterns
* Distributed processing of big mobility data as spatio-temporal data streams
* Efficient maximal reverse skyline query processing
* Efficient online extraction of keywords for localized events in twitter
* Enabling time-dependent uncertain eco-weights for road networks
* Exploiting location-aware social networks for efficient spatial query processing
* Finding dense locations in symbolic indoor tracking data: Modeling, indexing, and processing
* Guest editorial: GeoStreaming
* Guest editorial: map interaction
* High performance location-based services in a main-memory database
* How users perceive transparency in the 3D visualization of cadastre: testing its usability in an online questionnaire
* Hub Labels on the database for large-scale graphs with the COLD framework
* Humaine: A Ubiquitous Smartphone-Based User Heading Estimation for Mobile Computing Systems
* Implementing set operations over moving regions using the component moving region model
* Index-supported pattern matching on tuples of time-dependent values
* Interactive shearing for terrain visualization: an expert study
* Knowledge extraction from crowdsourced data for the enrichment of road networks
* Multi-core parallelism for plane sweep algorithms as a foundation for GIS operations
* Online event recognition from moving vessel trajectories
* Operations to support temporal coverage aggregates over moving regions
* Panda*: A generic and scalable framework for predictive spatio-temporal queries
* PerSE: visual analytics for calendar related spatiotemporal periodicity detection and analysis
* Personalized location recommendation by aggregating multiple recommenders in diversity
* Popularity-aware collective keyword queries in road networks
* Privacy-preserving detection of anomalous phenomena in crowdsourced environmental sensing using fine-grained weighted voting
* Snapshot and continuous points-based trajectory search
* Special issue on spatial and temporal database management
* Uncertain Voronoi cell computation based on space decomposition
* Vague distance predicates
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GeoInfo(22) * Aggregate keyword nearest neighbor queries on road networks
* Assessing spatiotemporal predictability of LBSN: A case study of three Foursquare datasets
* Automatic evacuation guiding scheme based on implicit interactions between evacuees and their mobile nodes
* Close range photogrammetry with tablet technology in post-earthquake scenario: Sant'Agostino church in Amatrice
* Combined geo-social search: computing top-k join queries over incomplete information
* compiler approach to map algebra: automatic parallelization, locality optimization, and GPU acceleration of raster spatial analysis, A
* Continuous k nearest neighbor queries over large multi-attribute trajectories: a systematic approach
* Diverse nearest neighbors queries using linear skylines
* Editorial: Advances in spatial and temporal databases
* Efficient CPS model based online opinion governance modeling and evaluation for emergency accidents
* Efficient evaluation of shortest travel-time path queries through spatial mashups
* Efficient large-scale distance-based join queries in spatialhadoop
* Efficient task assignment in spatial crowdsourcing with worker and task privacy protection
* EPLA: efficient personal location anonymity
* framework for annotating OpenStreetMap objects using geo-tagged tweets, A
* framework for annotating OpenStreetMap objects using geo-tagged tweets, A
* FTS: a feature-preserving trajectory synthesis model
* Generating random connected planar graphs
* Guest editorial: mobile computing support for geospatial systems
* Guest editorial: special issue on spatial computing in emergency management
* Human mobility semantics analysis: A probabilistic and scalable approach
* k-most suitable locations selection
* Location-aware query reformulation for search engines
* Mining mobile application usage pattern for demand prediction by considering spatial and temporal relations
* Multi-vehicles dynamic navigating method for large-scale event crowd evacuations
* national geographic characteristics of online public opinion propagation in China based on WeChat network, The
* novel computational knowledge-base framework for visualization and quantification of geospatial metadata in spatial data infrastructures, A
* Optimal group route query: Finding itinerary for group of users in spatial databases
* OSCAR: a framework to integrate spatial computing ability and data aggregation for emergency management of public health
* Preface to the special issue on advances in Spatio-temporal data analysis and management
* Preface: special issue on geo-social media analytics
* Probabilistic spatio-temporal resource search
* semantic HTML based approach for geosensor media, A
* Spatio-temporal prediction of crop disease severity for agricultural emergency management based on recurrent neural networks
* Spatio-temporal Scenario Model for Emergency Decision, A
* ST-Hadoop: a MapReduce framework for spatio-temporal data
* Strategies for combining Twitter users geo-location methods
* Towards pervasive geospatial affect perception
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GeoInfo(23) * Bayesian networks for spatial learning: a workflow on using limited survey data for intelligent learning in spatial agent-based models
* Building, composing and experimenting complex spatial models with the GAMA platform
* Clustering-based disambiguation of fine-grained place names from descriptions
* Continuous decaying of telco big data with data postdiction
* Crossing the chasm: a tube-map for agent-based social simulation of policy scenarios in spatially-distributed systems
* dynamic approach for presenting local and global information in geospatial network visualizations, A
* Editorial: mobile data management and analytics
* efficient aggregation and overlap removal algorithm for circle maps, An
* Efficient framework for processing top-k queries with replication in mobile ad hoc networks
* Efficient matching of offers and requests in social-aware ridesharing
* FeaturEyeTrack: automatic matching of eye tracking data with map features on interactive maps
* Guest editorial for spatial agent-based models: current practices and future trends
* Guest Editorial: Special issue on mobility analytics for spatio-temporal and social data
* hybrid CNN-LSTM model for typhoon formation forecasting, A
* On the composition and recommendation of multi-feature paths: a comprehensive approach
* overlapping Voronoi diagram-based system for multi-criteria optimal location queries, An
* Qualitatively correct bintrees: an efficient representation of qualitative spatial information
* Quantifying the ambient population using hourly population footfall data and an agent-based model of daily mobility
* Query rewriting for semantic query optimization in spatial databases
* Regularized topic-aware latent influence propagation in dynamic relational networks
* Spatial data management in apache spark: the GeoSpark perspective and beyond
* spatially-pruned vertex expansion operator in the Neo4j graph database system, A
* Spatio-temporal access methods: a survey (2010-2017)
* Spatio-temporal mining of keywords for social media cross-social crawling of emergency events
* Top-k trajectories with the best view
* Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological systems across scales
* Using word embeddings to generate data-driven human agent decision-making from natural language
* versatile computational framework for group pattern mining of pedestrian trajectories, A
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GeoInfo(24) * Annotating semantic tags of locations in location-based social networks
* Behavior-based location recommendation on location-based social networks
* Building socially-enabled event-enriched maps
* Collective spatial keyword search on activity trajectories
* Crosstown traffic: supervised prediction of impact of planned special events on urban traffic
* Enhancing local live tweet stream to detect news
* Generalized communication cost efficient multi-way spatial join: revisiting the curse of the last reducer
* Graph simulation on large scale temporal graphs
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Analytics for Local Events and News
* Influences of different underground station map designs on map-reading and wayfinding
* innovative multi-label learning based algorithm for city data computing, An
* Introduction to Spatio-temporal data management and analytics for Smart City research
* ITISS: an efficient framework for querying big temporal data
* Joint hyperspectral unmixing for urban computing
* Learning evolving user's behaviors on location-based social networks
* Local trend discovery on real-time microblogs with uncertain locations in tight memory environments
* Map construction algorithms: a local evaluation through hiking data
* Multi-skill aware task assignment in real-time spatial crowdsourcing
* Online flu epidemiological deep modeling on disease contact network
* Preference-aware sequence matching for location-based services
* S2R-tree: a pivot-based indexing structure for semantic-aware spatial keyword search
* Spatial keyword search: A survey
* Techniques for efficient detection of rapid weather changes and analysis of their impacts on a highway network
* template-based approach for the specification of 3D topological constraints, A
* Top-k spatial distance joins
* Toward volume preserving spheroid degenerated-octree grid
* Two-sided online bipartite matching in spatial data: Experiments and analysis
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GeoInfo(3) * Automating the Detection and Simplification of Junctions in Road Networks
* Caching Strategies for Spatial Joins
* Conceptual Data Modeling for Spatiotemporal Applications
* Constraint-Based Interoperability of Spatiotemporal Databases
* Design of a Query Language for Accessing Spatial Analysis in the Web Environment
* Developing GIS Applications with Objects: A Design Patterns Approach
* Diachronic Analysis of Fuzzy Objects
* Editorial: Object Dynamics
* Multi-Resolution Content-Based Retrieval Approach for Geographic Images, A
* Object Model of Direction and Its Implications, An
* Requirement Analysis for the Definition of Reusable Spatial Objects
* SMART: Towards Spatial Internet Marketplaces
* Spatio-Temporal Data Types: An Approach to Modeling and Querying Moving Objects in Databases
* Survey of Spatio-Temporal Databases
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GeoInfo(4) * Basic Topological Models for Spatial Entities in 3-Dimensional Space
* Compressing Triangulated Irregular Networks
* Conceptual Model for a Feature-Based Virtual Network, A
* Development of Transport Telematics in Europe
* Distributed Geographic Information System on the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), A
* Distributed Spatial Catalog Service on the CORBA Object Bus
* Editorial: A Perspective on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS in the 21st Century
* Editorial: Geographic Information Systems and Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Event-Based Approach to Spatio-Temporal Data Modeling in Land Subdivision Systems, An
* Expression and Visualization of Cloverleaf Junction in a 3-Dimensional City Model
* Fast Range Searching with Delaunay Triangulations
* GIS and ITS Traffic Assignment: Issues in Dynamic User-Optimal Assignments
* GIS and Transportation: Status and Challenges
* GIS Software for Measuring Space-Time Accessibility in Transportation Planning and Analysis
* Handling Disaggregate Spatiotemporal Travel Data in GIS
* Methodology for Spatial Consistency Improvement of Geographic Databases, A
* Spatial Data Handling for ITS: Perspective, Issues and Approaches
* Temporal Interpolation of Spatially Dynamic Object
* Terrain Reconstruction from Contours by Skeleton Construction
* Topology in Raster and Vector Representation
* Towards ITS Map Database Interoperability-Database Error and Rectification
* VARIANT: A System for Terrain Modeling at Variable Resolution
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GeoInfo(5) * Beyond Schema Versioning: A Flexible Model for Spatio-Temporal Schema Selection
* DR-tree: A Main Memory Data Structure for Complex Multi-dimensional Objects, The
* Editorial: Spatio-Temporal Data Models and Languages
* Graphical Information Portals: The Application of Smart Maps in GeoNet4D
* Making Space for Time: Issues in Space-Time Data Representation
* MapScript: A Map Algebra Programming Language Incorporating Neighborhood Analysis
* Neighborhood Relations between Fields with Applications to Cellular Networks
* Object Calculus and the Object-Oriented Analysis and Design of an Error-Sensitive GIS
* OMT-G: An Object-Oriented Data Model for Geographic Applications
* Oporto: A Realistic Scenario Generator for Moving Objects
* Progressive Transmission of Vector Map Data over the World Wide Web
* Spatio-Temporal Data Handling with Constraints
* Spatio-Temporal Model for the Manipulation of Lineage Metadata, A
* Spatio-Temporal Modeling in Video and Multimedia Geographic Information Systems
* Towards a Methodology for the Evaluation of Multimedia Geographical Information Products
* Wavelet Compression and the Automatic Classification of Urban Environments Using High Resolution Multispectral Imagery and Laser Scanning Data
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GeoInfo(6) * Classifying Ambiguities in a Visual Spatial Language
* Development of a Process-Based Model for Dynamic Interaction in Spatio-Temporal GIS
* Dual Grid: A New Approach for Robust Spatial Algebra Implementation
* Field Data Collection with Mobile GIS: Dependencies Between Semantics and Data Quality
* Framework for Generating Network-Based Moving Objects, A
* Generalized Model for Linear Referencing in Transportation
* Merging R-Trees: Efficient Strategies for Local Bulk Insertion
* Modeling Costs of Turns in Route Planning
* Multi-Level Clustering and its Visualization for Exploratory Spatial Analysis
* On the Generation of Time-Evolving Regional Data
* Practical Extensions of Point Labeling in the Slider Model
* Semi-Automated Extraction of Rivers from Digital Imagery
* Simultaneous Graphic Generalization of Vector Data Sets
* TABU Search Heuristic for Point-Feature Cartographic Label Placement
* Using Genetic Algorithms for Solving Hard Problems in GIS
* Vagueness and Rough Location
16 for GeoInfo(6)

GeoInfo(7) * Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Space-Filling Curves
* Bridging Ontologies and Conceptual Schemas in Geographic Information Integration
* Efficient Estimation of Qualitative Topological Relations based on the Weighted Walkthroughs Model
* Efficient Flow Computation on Massive Grid Terrain Datasets
* Fast Nearest-Neighbor Query Processing in Moving-Object Databases
* Finding Geographic Information: Collection-Level Metadata
* ICEAGE: Interactive Clustering and Exploration of Large and High-Dimensional Geodata
* Imprecise Navigation
* Interpretive Tools for 3-D Structural Geological Modeling Part I: Bézier-Based Curves, Ribbons and Grip Frames
* Introduction to the Special Issue, ACMGIS 2002
* Multiresolution Compression and Visualization of Global Topographic Data
* Ordering Points for Incremental TIN Construction from DEMs
* Performance Evaluation of Lazy Deletion Methods in R-trees
* Polyline Spatial Join Evaluation Using Raster Approximation
* Road Network Embedding Technique for K-Nearest Neighbor Search in Moving Object Databases, A
* Unified Approach to Detecting Spatial Outliers, A
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GeoInfo(8) * Complex Spatial Query Processing
* Defining and Comparing Content Measures of Topological Relations
* Design and Implementation of a Repository for the Management of Spatial Data Integrity Constraints, The
* Development of a Temporal Extension to Query Travel Behavior Time Paths Using an Object-Oriented GIS
* Filter Flow Visual Querying Language and Interface for Spatial Databases, A
* From Onto-GeoNoesis to Onto-Genesis: The Design of Geographic Ontologies
* Multi-Way Distance Join Queries in Spatial Databases
* Predicting Forest Age Classes from High Spatial Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery Using Voronoi Polygon Aggregation
* Probability-based Uncertainty Model for Point-in-Polygon Analysis in GIS, A
* Spatial Access-Oriented Implementation of a 3-D GIS Topological Data Model for Urban Entities, A
* Story of the GeoToolKit: An Object-Oriented Geodatabase Kernel System, The
* Structural Approach to the Model Generalization of an Urban Street Network, A
* System for Change Documentation Based on a Spatiotemporal Database, A
* Towards Temporal Dynamic Segmentation
14 for GeoInfo(8)

GeoInfo(9) * Alternative Solutions for Continuous K Nearest Neighbor Queries in Spatial Network Databases
* Building and Querying a P2P Virtual World
* Classification of Spatial Properties for Spatial Allocation Modeling
* Construction of the Planar Partition Postal Code Map Based on Cadastral Registration
* Continuous Query Processing of Spatio-Temporal Data Streams in PLACE
* Controlled Line Smoothing by Snakes
* Decreasing Computational Time of Urban Cellular Automata Through Model Portability
* Detecting Roads in Stabilized Video with the Spatio-Temporal Structure Tensor
* Digital Terrain Model Computation from Contour Lines: How to Derive Quality Information from Artifact Analysis
* Handling High-Level Queries in Location-Based Services for User Groups
* How to Get 3-D for the Price of 2-D: Topology and Consistency of 3-D Urban GIS
* In-Route Nearest Neighbor Queries
* Indeterminacy and Spatiotemporal Data: Basic Definitions and Case Study
* Indexing the Trajectories of Moving Objects in Networks
* Interpretive Tools for 3-D Structural Geological Modelling Part II: Surface Design from Sparse Spatial Data
* Metadata Community Profiles for the Semantic Web
* Mobility Patterns
* Multi-Dimensional Scattered Ranking Methods for Geographic Information Retrieval
* Ontology-Based Approach to Personalized Situation-Aware Mobile Service Supply, An
* Quantitative Description Model for Direction Relations Based on Direction Groups, A
* SaIL: A Spatial Index Library for Efficient Application Integration
* Supporting Distributed Spatial Collaboration: An Investigation of Navigation and Radar View Techniques
* Trajectory Indexing Using Movement Constraints
* Utilizing Voronoi Cells of Location Data Streams for Accurate Computation of Aggregate Functions in Sensor Networks
* Visualizing Demographic Trajectories with Self-Organizing Maps
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GeoInfo10 * *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* 3D Cadastre in the province of Quebec: A First experiment for the construction of a volumetric representation
* 3D Modeling for Mobile Augmented Reality in Unprepared Environment
* 3D Reconstruction and Modeling of Celestial Bodies
* 3D-capabilities required by users of the 2D-large scale topographic reference database in Flanders, Belgium
* 4-dimensional geological modelling of the Skellefte District, Sweden
* Automatic Landmark Detection for 3D Urban Models
* Beyond Visualisation: 3D GIS Analyses for Virtual City Models
* BIM for Geo-Analysis (BIM4GEOA): Set up of 3D Information System with Open Source Software and Open Specification (OS)
* Challenges in 3D Geo Information and Participatory Design and Decision
* concept for assignment of textures to partially occluded faces of 3D city models stored in CityGML, A
* Concept for Building Licensing based on standardised 3D Geo Information
* Decision Support Systems using 3D OGC Services and Indoor Routing: Example Scenario from the OWS-6 Testbed
* Defining Spatial Neighborhoods for 3D Topological Analysis in Indoor Space
* Delaunay Tetrahedralizations: Honor Degenerated Cases
* Depth Perception in Virtual Reality
* Developing a framework for Malaysian 3D SDI
* Digital Rock Engineering System based on 3D GIS Technology, The
* Dynamic Features in a 3D City Model As an Energy System
* Enriching a 3D world with synthetic and visible information about the distribution of points of interest
* Estimation of the energetic rehabilitation state of buildings for the city of Berlin using a 3D City Model represented in CityGML
* Extension of Sea Charts for 3D Visualization
* From GIS to BIM and back again: A Spatial Query Language for 3D building models and 3D city models
* Genetic Algorithm-Aided Routing on 3D Dynamic Networks
* Geometric Data Structures and Analysis in GIS: ISO 19107 Case Study
* Girapim: A 3D Information System for Surveying Cultural Heritage Environments
* Implementation of a 3D GIS in Internet environment
* Incorporating 3D-GIS Spatial Operator with Building Information Models in Construction Management using Geo-DBMS
* Initial investigations for modeling interior Utilities within 3D Geo Context: Transforming IFC-interior utility to CityGML/UtilityNetworkADE
* Integrated 3D modeling of multi-utility networks and their interdependencies for critical infrastructure analysis
* Integrated Framework for Reconstructing Full 3D Building Models, An
* Integrated Representation of (Potentially Unbounded) 2D and 3D Spatial Objects for Rigorously Correct Query and Manipulation
* Integration of BIM and GIS: The development of the CityGML GeoBIM extension
* Interactive Rendering Techniques for Highlighting in 3D Geovirtual Environments
* Interactive Urban and Forest Fire Simulation with Extinguishment Support
* Large Scale Constraint Delaunay Triangulation for Virtual Globe Rendering
* Mobile Mapping System LIDAR Data Framework
* Modeling Space by Stereographic Rejection
* Modelling three-dimensional geoscientific datasets with the discrete Voronoi diagram
* New Method For Interfacing 3D Simulation Systems And Object-Oriented Geo Data Sources, A
* On the Way of Integrating Evacuation Approaches
* Ontological Impedance in 3D Semantic Data Modeling
* Open Issues in Bringing 3D to Location Based Services (LBS): A Review Focusing on 3D Data Streaming and 3D Indoor Navigation
* Optimized Workflow for Processing Airborne Laserscan Data in a GIS-Based Environment, An
* Rapid Modelling of Complex Building Interiors
* Retrieving information Through navigating in historical Baalbek
* Towards a 3D Geo-Information Standard in the Netherlands
* Towards an Automated Healing of 3D Urban Models
* Towards Interoperating CityGML and IFC Building Models: A Unified Model Based Approach
* Towards Semantic 3D City Modeling and Visual Explorations
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GeoInfo12 * *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* 3D geospatial modelling and visualization for marine environment: Study of the marine pelagic ecosystem of the south-eastern Beaufort Sea, Canadian Arctic
* Exploring Cultural Heritage Resources in a 3D Collaborative Environment
* Indoor Localization Using Wi-Fi Based Fingerprinting and Trilateration Techiques for LBS Applications
* Integrating Scale and Space in 3D City Models
* Mobile Modelling for Crowdsourcing Building Interior Data
* Modeling an Application Domain Extension of CityGML In UML
* Representation and Reconconstruction of Triangular Irregular Networks with Vertical Walls
8 for GeoInfo12

GeoInfo13 * *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* 3D Applications in Disaster Mitigation and Management: Core Results of Ditac Project
* 3D Campus Information System: Initial Studies, A
* Assessing Façade Visibility in 3D City Models for City Marketing
* Calculating Least Risk Paths in 3D Indoor Space
* Development of Indoor Spatial Data Model Using CityGML ADE
* Documentation and Visualization of an As-Built Tunnel by Combining 3D Laser Scanning and Web Mapping
* Evaluation on Different Number of Ground Control Points in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetric Block, An
* Experiments with Notaries About the Semiology of 3D Cadastral Models
* Exploring the Processes of Generating LOD (0-2) CITYGML Models in Greater Municipality of Istanbul
* Feature-Based Quality Evaluation of 3D Point Clouds: Study of the Performance of 3D Registration Algorithms
* Generic Augmented Reality Telescope for Heritage Valorization, A
* GIS-Based Smart Cartography Using 3D Modeling
* Integrating and Managing BIM in GIS, Software Review
* Novel Method for Automation of 3D Hydro Break Line Generation from Lidar Data Using MATLAB, A
* Oblique Photogrammetry and Usage on Land Administration
* Participatory GIS: Experimentations for a 3D Social Virtual Globe
* Production in GDLRC and Present Reflections
* Real Time Processing for Epipolar Resampling of Linear Pushbroom Imagery Based on the Fast Algorithm for Best Scan Line Searching
* Real-Time GIS and Its Application in Indoor Fire Disaster
* Reconstruction of 3D Objects of Assets and Facilities by Using Benchmark Points
* Semantic World Modelling and Data Management in a 4D Forest Simulation and Information System
* Spatial Data Web Services Pricing Model Infrastructure
* Transforming 2D Cadastral Data into a Dynamic Smart 3D Model
* Usability of Online Geographic Virtual Reality for Urban Planning, The
* Using Terrestrial Laser Scanners to Calculate and Map Vertical Bridge Clearance
* Virtual 3D City Modeling: Techniques and Applications
27 for GeoInfo13

GeoInfo15 * *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* 3-Dimensional Geological Mapping and Modeling Activities at the Geological Survey of Norway
* Analyze the Impact of Habitat Patches on Wildlife Road-Kill
* Areal Feature Matching Based on Similarity Using Critic Method
* BIM and IoT: A Synopsis from GIS Perspective
* Developing a Method to Generate IndoorGML Data from the Omni-Directional Image
* Geoinformation postgraduate education at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: towards a centre of high quality postgraduate education and research
* GIS for Predicting the Avalanche Zones in the Mountain Regions of Kazakhstan
* Grouping Method for Neighbor Objects of Moving Object Using Hash Index
* Indoor Subspacing to Implement IndoorGML for Indoor Navigation
* Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Geospatial Information Infrastructure: An Initial Study
* Multi-Platform Satellite Based Estimates of Runoff in Ungauged Areas
* Ocean Wave Energy Estimation Using Active Satellite Imagery as a Solution of Energy Scarce in Indonesia Case Study: Poteran Island's Water, Madura
* Overview of 3D Topology for LADM-Based Objects, An
* Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature over Poteran Island Water of Indonesia with Landsat 8 TIRS Image: A Preliminary Algorithm
* Review of Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment (MHRA) Using 4D Dynamic Models, A
* Smartkadaster: Observing Beyond Traditional Cadastre Capabilities for Malaysia
* Study on the Improvement of Cadastral System in Mongolia: Focused on National Land Information System, A
* Terrain Extraction by Integrating Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data and Spectral Information
* Terrestrial Laser Scanners Self-Calibration Study: Datum Constraints Analyses for Network Configurations
* Utilizing Mobile Sensing to Investigate the Effects of Urban Space on Users Behavior
* Walking Disturbance Index Suggestions for Optimized Path Search for the People with Reduced Mobility, A
22 for GeoInfo15

GeoInfo16 * *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* 3D Building Modeling in LOD2 Using the CITYGML Standard
* 3D Building Models Segmentation Based on K-Means++ Cluster Analysis
* 3D Documentation and BIM Modeling of Cultural Heritage Structures Using UAVS: The Case of the Foinikaria Church
* 3D Geo-Information in Urban Climate Studies
* 3D Network Analysis for Indoor Space Applications
* 3D Procedural Reconstruction of Urban Landscapes for the Purposes of a Web-Based Historical Atlas
* 3D Surveying, Modeling and Geo-Information System of the New Campus of ITB-Indonesia
* 3D Weight Matrices in Modeling Real Estate Prices
* 3D-Modeling of Vegetation from LIDAR Point Clouds and Assessment of Its impact on Façade Solar Irradiation
* Accuracy of Measurements in Oblique Aerial Images for Urban Environment
* Comparison of UAV-Enabled Photogrammetry-Based 3D Point Clouds and Interpolated DSMs of Sloping Terrain for Rockfall Hazard Analysis
* Estimation of Solar Energy on Vertical 3D Building Walls on City Quarter Scale
* Global Registration of Kinect Point Clouds Using Augmented Extended Information Filter and Multiple Features
* Implicit Three-Dimensional Geo-Modelling Based on HRBF Surface
* Indoor Mobile Positioning Based on LIDAR Data and Coded Sequence Patternn
* Investigating the Enrichment of a 3D City Model with Various CITYGML Modules
* Managing Geological Profiles in Databases for 3D Visualisation
* Potential of Light Laser Scanners Developed for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: The Review and Accuracyn, The
* Qualitative Screening Method for Impact Assessment of Uncertain Building Geometry on Thermal Energy Demand Predictions
* Roadmap for Generating Semantically Enriched Building Models According to CITYGML Model Via Two Different Methodologies, A
* Space Partitioning for Privacy Enabled 3D City Models
* Touch Interaction with 3D Geographical Visualization on Web: Selected Technological and User Issues
* UAV Photogrammetry Implementation to Enhance Land Surveying, Comparisons and Possibilities
24 for GeoInfo16

GeoInfo17 * *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* Acquisition And Processing of High Resolution Hyperspectral Imageries For the 3D Mapping of Urban Heat Islands And Microparticles of Montreal
* Citygml Modelling for Singapore 3D National Mapping
* Comparison of Artificial Neural Network And Homotopy Continuation In 3d Interior Building Modelling, A
* High-resolution Urban Greenery Mapping for Micro-climate Modelling Based On 3D City Models
* Indoor Space Location Model Based On Location Service
* Investigating Integration Capabilities Between IFC and CityGML LOD3 for 3D City Modelling
* LADM And Interlis as a Perfect Match for 3D Cadastre
* Multi-dimensional Pattern Discovery of Trajectories Using Contextual Information
* Webgis to Support GPR 3D Data Acquisition: A First Step for The Integration of Underground Utility Networks in 3D City Models, A
10 for GeoInfo17

GeoInfo18 * *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* Automated Building Detection In Dense Point Cloud and Update of Open Source Data Bases
* Automatic 3D Reconstruction of Buildings Roof Tops In Densely Urbanized Areas
* BIM-GIS Oriented Intelligent Knowledge Discovery
* Cell Complexes Topological Links for Buildings in CityGML
* Challenges With Obstacle Data for Manned And Unmanned Aviation
* Combined Visual Exploration of 2d Ground Radar and 3D Point Cloud Data For Road Environments
* Combining Urban Metabolism Methods and Semantic 3D City Models
* Dynamic 3D Visualization of Floods: Case of the Netherlands
* Exploring Schema Matching To Compare Geospatial Standards: Application To Underground Utility Networks
* Extension and Contextualisation for Linked Semantic 3D Geodata
* Framework for Reliable Three-dimensional Underground Utility Mapping For Urban Planning, A
* Globe Based 3D GIS Solutions for Virtual Heritage
* How Can 3D GIS Be Used To Better Store, Integrate And Communicate Results of Environmental Impact Assessments?
* Increasing Awareness for Urban Cultural Heritage Based On 3D Narrative System
* Integration of Semantic 3D City Models And 3D Mesh Models for Accuracy Improvements of Solar Potential Analyses
* Integration of Tree Database Derived From Satellite Imagery And Lidar Point Cloud Data
* Investigating Interoperability Capabilities Between IFC and CityGML LOD 4: Retaining Semantic Information
* Investigating the State of Play of GeoBIM Across Europe
* Modeling Trees for Virtual Singapore: From Data Acquisition To Citygml Models
* Optimized Organization And Adaptive Visualization of Complicated Mountain Disaster 3D Scenes for Diverse Terminals
* Prediction Based Workload Performance Evaluation for Disaster Management Spatial Database
* Proposal for an Improved Transportation Model In CityGML, A
* Segmentation of 3D Photogrammetric Point Cloud for 3D Building Modeling
* Shape Based Classification of Seismic Building Structural Types
* Sliding Window Method for Detecting Corners of Openings from Terrestrial LIDAR Data, A
* Sweep-plane Algorithm for the Simplification of 3D Building Models In The Application Scenario of Wind Simulations, A
* Testing the Impact of 2D Generalisation on 3D Models: Exploring Analysis Options with an Off-the-Shelf Software Package
* Topological 3D Elevation Data Interpolation of ASTER GDEM Based on Continuous Deformation
* Urban Heat Island Micro-mapping Via 3D City Model
* Urban Heritage Characterization Using 3D Geographic Information Systems. the System of Medium-sized Cities In Andalusia, The
* Usability Evaluation of A 3D Map Display for Pedestrian Navigation, A
* Visible Routes In 3D Dense City Using Reinforcement Learning
* What Is the Need for Building Parts?: A Comparison of CityGML, Inspire Building and a Swedish Building Standard
34 for GeoInfo18

GeoInfo19 * *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* Applicability of Neural Networks for Image Classification on Object Detection in Mobile Mapping 3D Point Clouds
* Conceptual Model of CityGML Restful Web Service
* Considerations for a Contemporary 3d Cadastre for Our Times
* Data Capture Framework for Improving The Quality of Subsurface Utility Information, A
* Eurosdr GeoBIM Project a Study in Europe On How to Use The Potentials Of BIM and Geo Data in Practice
* Formalizing a Multi-dimensional Land Management System: The Stakeholders' Perspective
* GeoBIM Benchmark 2019: Intermediate Results
* Interactive Design Tool for Urban Planning Using The Size of The Living Space As Unit of Measurement, An
* LADM-Based 3D Underground Utility Mapping: Case Study in Singapore, The
* Multi-dimensional Analytics Platform to Support Planning and Design For Liveable and Sustainable Urban Environment, A
* Producing and Visualizing a Country-wide 3d Data Repository in Finland
* Semantically Enriched High Resolution LOD 3 Building Model Generation
* Survey on the Adoption of GIS Data and Standards in Urban Application Domains, A
* Testing of V3.sun Module Prototype for Solar Radiation Modelling On 3d Objects With Complex Geometric Structure
* Towards a Generic 3d Standardisation Approach for The Netherlands Supporting Different Applications and Encodings
* Towards Wind-simulation of Virtual 3d City Models in a Collaborative VR Environment
* Use of CCTV in The Emergency Response: A 3D GIS Perspective, The
18 for GeoInfo19

GeoInfo20 * *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* 3d Virtual Models for An Early Education Serious Gaming Application
* 3rd BIM/GIS Integration Workshop and 15th 3dgeoinfo Conference 2020: Preface
* 4D GIS for Monitoring River Bank Erosion At Meander Bend Scale: Case of Moselle River
* Automatic Conversion of CityGML to IFC
* EUROSDR GEOBIM Project: Developing Case Studies for the Use of GEOBIM in Practice, The
* Evaluation of Mobile Mapping Systems for Indoor Surveys
* Generating, Storing, Updating and Disseminating A Countrywide 3d Model
* Graph CNN with Radius Distance for Semantic Segmentation of Historical Buildings TLS Point Clouds
* Integrating Expertises and Ambitions for Data-driven Digital Building Permits: The Eunet4dbp
* Integration of IOT Sensors to 3d Indoor Models with IndoorGML
* Interactive Geo-information In Virtual Reality: Observations and Future Challenges
* Knowledge Modeling for Heritage Conservation Process: From Survey To HBIM Implementation
* Modelling Land-use Regulation Conflicts with 3d Components to Support Issuing A Building Permit
* Modular Approach to 3d Representation of Underground Infrastructure In The Model for Underground Data Definition and Integration (MUDDI)
* Multithreaded Rendering for Cross-platform 3d Visualization Based On Vulkan API
* Ontology-based Rule Compliance Checking for Subsurface Objects
* Photogrammetric 3d Information Systems for the Management of Models Of Cultural Heritage
* Point Cloud Room Segmentation Based on Indoor Spaces and 3d Mathematical Morphology
* Towards A Generic Mapping for IFC-CityGML Data Integration
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Indoor 3d Point Cloud: Application To Object-based Classification
* Virtualization of CH for Historical Reconstruction: the AR Fruition Of the Fountain of St. George Square In Valletta (Malta), The
* Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments by Employing OGC Standards
* Visualising Detailed CityGML and ADE at the Building Scale
* Visualization of Point Cloud Models In Mobile Augmented Reality Using Continuous Level of Detail Method
25 for GeoInfo20

GeoInfo21 * *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densifications
* Adaptation of the Global Geoid Model EGM2008 on Campania Region (Italy) Based on Geodetic Network Points
* Addressing the Elephant In the Underground: An Argument for The Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources for Reconciliation Of Subsurface Utility Data
* ALS Point Cloud Classification Using Pointnet++ and Kpconv with Prior Knowledge
* Assessing Lidar Training Data Quantities for Classification Models
* Automatic 3d Building Model Generation Using Deep Learning Methods Based on Cityjson and 2d Floor Plans
* Beyond HBIM: Serious Games and Procedural Modelling for Heritage Dissemination
* Building Roof Vectorization with Ppgnet
* Category-theory Approach for Construction Ontologies In Subsurface Mass Transit, A
* Contribution of Bathymetric Multi-beam Sonar and Laser Scanners In 3d Modeling and Estimation of Siltation of Dam Basin In Morocco
* Data Interoperability of Building Information Modeling and Geographic Information System In Construction Industry
* Evaluation of 3d Building Model Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning And Drone Photogrammetry
* First Attempt to Define Level of Details Based on Decision-making Tasks: Application to Underground Utility Network, A
* Impact of Level of Detail In 3d City Models for Cfd-based Wind Flow Simulations, The
* Inferring Roof Semantics for More Accurate Solar Potential Assessment
* Knowledge Graph Construction for Subsurface Objects Including Uncertainty and Time Variation
* Map Generation for Retro Gaming Engines
* New Potree Shader Capabilities for 3d Visualization of Behaviors Near Covid-19 Rich Healthcare Facilities
* Quality Assessment of a Nationwide Data Set Containing Automatically Reconstructed 3d Building Models
* Room-based Energy Demand Classification of BIM Data Using Graph Supervised Learning
* Smartphone-based Reality Capture for Subsurface Utilities: Experiences From Water Utility Companies In Denmark
* Towards a Digital Twin of a Storage Tank Using Laser Scan Data
* Towards Representing Transitional Spaces: Developmental Direction for IndoorGML Anchor Node
* Transferability Assessment of Open-source Deep Learning Model For Building Detection on Satellite Data
25 for GeoInfo21

Index for "g"

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