Journals starting with smpr

SMPR13 * *ISPRS Symposium SMPR
* 3D Object Coordinates Extraction by Radargrammetry and Multi Step Image Matching
* About the Applications of Unmixing-Based Denoising for Hyperspectral Data
* Adaptive Edge Detection Using Adjusted Ant Colony Optimization
* Agricultural Land Classification Based on Statistical Analysis of Full Polarimetric SAR Data
* Application of ALOS and Envisat Data in Improving Multi-Temporal InSAR Methods for Monitoring Damavand Volcano and Landslide Deformation in the Center of Alborz Mountains, North Iran
* Application of radar polarimetry techniques for retrieval snow and rain characteristics in remote sensing
* Architecture for Automated Fire Detection Early Warning System Based on Geoprocessing Service Composition, An
* Assesment and Evluation of the Impact of Using Polsar Imageries with Diferent Incident Angles in Forest Classification
* Automatic 3D Mapping Using Multiple Uncalibrated Close Range Images
* Automatic Model Selection for 3D Reconstruction of Buildings from Satellite Imagary
* Boundary Based Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images with Limited Training Samples
* Canopy Density Mapping on Ultracam-D Aerial Imagery in Zagros Woodlands, Iran
* Classifier Fusion of Hyperspectral and Lidar Remote Sensing Data for Improvement of Land Cover Classifcation
* Clustering-Based Approach for Evaluation of EO Image Indexing, A
* Comparison of Empirical and Inteligent Methods for Dust Detection Using Modis Satellite Data, A
* Contextual Image Classification Approach for Monitoring of Agricultural Land Cover by Support Vector Machines and Markov Random Fields
* Cooperating Mobile GIS and Wireless Sensor Networks for Managing Transportation Infrastructures in Urban areas
* Correction of Atmospheric Haze in Resourcesat-1 LISS-4 MX Data for Urban Analysis: An Improved Dark Object Subtraction Approach
* Coseismic and Poseismic Gravity Changes Obtained from Grace Satellite Data During the Powerful Tohoku-Oki Earthquake of 11 March 2011
* Decision Level Fusion Method for Object Recognition Using Multi-Angular Imagery, A
* Design and Implementation of an Optical Astronomical Satellite Tracking System, The
* Detection of High Local Groundwater Inflow to Rock Tunnels using ASTER Satellite Images
* Detection of Tree Crowns Based on Reclassification Using Aerial Images and LIDAR Data
* Development of New Hyperspectral Angle Index for Estimation of Soil Moisture Using in Situ Spectral Measurments
* Diagnosis and Repair of Random Noise in The Sensor's Chris-Proba
* Digital Elevation Model Approximation from Stream Networks: A Reversed Approach
* Effect of Digital Fringe Projection Parameters on 3D Reconstruction Accuracy
* Enriching Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) by User Generated Contents for Transportation
* Evaluating Damage Assessment of Breaches Along the Embankments of Indus River During Flood 2010 Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Evaluation and Analysis of a Parametric Approach for Simultaneous Space Resection-Intersection of High Resolution Satellite Images Without Using Ground Control Points
* Evaluation of Different Change Detection Techniques in Forestry for Improvement of Spatial Objects Extraction Algorithms by Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Digital Imagery
* Evaluation of Radar Backscattering Models IEM, OH, and Dubois using L and C-Bands SAR Data over different vegetation canopy covers and soil depths
* Exploration of Oil Seepages Using Target Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Images
* Extracting Road Features from Aerial Videos of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Extraction of Accidents Prediction Maps Modeling Hot Spots in Geospatial Information System
* Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation In Urban Environments
* Fusion of ALS Point Cloud and Optical Imagery for 3D Reconstruction of Building's Roof
* Fusion of Hyperspectral and Panchromatic Images Using Spectral Unmixing Results
* Fusion of Multi-Resolution Digital Surface Models
* GIS Based System for Post-Earthquake Crisis Managment Using Cellular Network
* Heat of Mars is Love of Life?! Two Ways to Look at Mars
* Identification of Active Areas of Earthquake by Thermal Remote Sensing
* Image Enhancement and Speckle Reduction of Full Polarimetric SAR Data by Gaussian Markov Random Field
* Immersive Visualization of the Quality of Dimensionality Reduction
* INSAR and Finite Element Analysis of Ground Deformation at Lake Urmia Causeway (LUC), Northwest Iran
* Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (INSAR) Technology and Geomorphology Interpretation
* Interoperable Architecture for Air Pollution Early Warning System Based on Sensor Web, An
* Introducing an Agent-Based Object Recognition Operator for Proximity Analysis
* Investigation of Polarization Phase Difference Related to Forest Fields Characterizations
* Investigation of Sensitivity of SVM Classifier Respect to the Number of Fetures and the Number of Training Samples, The
* Kernel-Based Unsupervised Change Detection of Agricultural Lands Using Multi-Temporal Polarimetric SAR Data
* Mapping Forest Species Composition Using Imaging Spectrometry and Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Mapping from space: Ontology Based Map Production Using Satellite Imageries
* Mapping from space: Ontology Based Map Production Using Satellite Imageries
* Maximum Margin Clustering of Hyperspectral Data
* Method to Select Coherence Window Size for forest height estimation using PolInSAR Data, A
* Modeling of urban growth using cellular automata (CA) optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
* Modified Polarimetric Decompostion for Applicabilty in Complex Agricultural Environment, A
* Monitoring of Snow Cover Variation Using MODIS Snow Product
* New Developed GIHS-BT-SFIM Fusion Method Based On Edge and Class Data, A
* New Prompt for Building Extraction in High Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* Newtonian Imperialist Competitve Approach to Optimizing Observation of Multiple Target Points in Multisensor Surveillance Systems
* Novel Criterion for Earthquake Risk Assessment, the Case of Bushehr Catastrophe in April 9, 2013, A
* Novel Method for Cloud Detection in MODIS Imagery, A
* Oil spill detection from SAR image using SVM based classification
* Optimazation of Multi Resolution Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Data Using Genetic Alghorithm, The
* Ortho Image and DTM Generation with Intelligent Methods
* Path Planning of an Autonomous Mobile Multi-Sensor Platform in a 3D Environment Using Newtonian Imperialist Competitive Optimization Method
* Positioning Based on Integration of Muti-Sensor Systems Using Kalman Filter and Least Square Adjustment
* Rule-Based Classification of a Hyperspectral Image Using MSSC Hierarchical Segmentation
* Sensitivity Analysis of Ordered Weighted Averaging Operator in Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment
* Seperation of IKONOS Sensor's Electronic Noise from Atmospheric Induced Effects
* Spatial Deforestation Modelilng Using Cellular Automata (Case Study: Central Zagros Forests)
* Spatiotemporal Modelling of Dust Storm Sources Emission in West Asia
* Statistical Evaluation of Fitting Accuracy of Global and Local Digital Elevation Models in Iran
* Study toward the Evaluation of ALOS Images for LAI Estimation in Rice Fields, A
* Supervised Classification of Polarimetric SAR Imagery Using Temporal and Contextual Information
* Three Pre-Processing Steps to Increase the Quality of Kinect Range Data
* Traffic Flow Estimation from Single Satellite Images
* Tree Crown Delineation on VHR Aerial Imagery with SVM Classification Technique Optimized by Taguchi Method: A Case Study in Zagros Woodlands
* Uncertain Training Data Edition for Automatic Object-Based Change Map Extraction
* Urban Area Extraction in SAR Data
* Urban Expansion Monitoring Using Satellite Images by Means of Decision Level Fusion of Fuzzy Change Detectors
* Urban Growth Modeling Using ANFIS Algorithm: A Case Study for Sanandaj City, Iran
* Urban Heat Island Growth Modeling Using Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Regression: A case study of Tehran, Iran
* Use of Ubiquitous Technologies in Military Logistic System In Iran
* Using Aerosol Reflectance for Dust Detection
* Using MCSST Method for Measuring Sea Surface Temperature with MODIS Imagery and Modeling and Prediction of Regional Variations with Least Squares Method (Case Study: Persian Gulf, Iran)
* Using Multi Resolution Census and Ranklet Transformation in Long Base Line SAR Image Matching
* VGI Based Urban Public Transport
* Weibull Multiplicative Model and Machine Learning Models for Full-Automatic Dark-Spot Detection from SAR Images
* Wireless Sensor Networks and Fusion of Contextual Information for Weather Outlier Detection
* Zoning of Forest Fire Potential of Gulestan Province Forests Using Granular Computing and MODIS Images, The
94 for SMPR13

SMPR19 * *ISPRS Symposium SMPR
* 3d Change Detection in Urban Areas Based on DCNN Using a Single Image
* 3D Surveying and 3d Reconstruction of Architecture of The Royal Park Of Tirana
* 3d Thermal Mapping of Building Roofs Based On Fusion of Thermal And Visible Point Clouds in UAV Imagery
* Aerial Point Cloud Classification With Deep Learning and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Agent-based Modelling for Ride Sharing Optimization Using A* Algorithm and Clustering Approach, An
* Agricultural Land Change Detecting and Forecasting Using Combination Of Feedforward Multilayer Neural Network, Cellular Automata and Markov Chain Models
* Air Pollution Estimation Using Aerosol Optical Thickness By OLI Images In Tehran
* Analysis of The Precipitation Climate Signal Using Empirical Mode Decomposition (emd) Over The Caspian Catchment Area
* Annual Monitoring of Dust Storm in Iran and Adjacent Areas Using Modis Images (1396 and 1397 Hijri Shamsi)
* Applicability of Dual Polarized Sentinel-1 SAR Data for Detection Of Flooded Areas in Pol-e Dokhtar, Lorestan, Iran, The
* Application of B-spline Method in Surface Fitting Problem
* Application of Machine and Deep Learning Strategies for The Classification of Heritage Point Clouds
* Application of Radar and Optical Satellite Imagery Data in Landslide Potential Mapping of Sheshpeer Sub-catchment in Iran
* Application of Sentinel-1 Multi-temporal Data for Crop Monitoring And Mapping
* Application of Worldview-3 Data in Alteration Mineral Mapping In Chadormalu Area, Central Iran
* Architecture of a Stereo Image Based System to Measure Tree Geometric Parameters, The
* Assessing and Comparing The Performance of Endmember Extraction Methods In Multiple Change Detection Using Hyperspectral Data
* Assessment and Mapping of Iran Desertification Intensity Using Arcgis Environment
* Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection By Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in The Coastal Deserts, South of Iran
* Assessment of Low-cost Particulate Matter Sensors
* Assessment of The Effects of Air Pollutants On Blood Glucose Control In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
* Assessment, Monitoring and Early Warning System for Desertification Based On Water Criterion (case Tudy: Kashan, Iran)
* Attention Based Convolutional Neural Network for Building Extraction From Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* Automatic Building Extraction From Lidar Point Cloud Data in The Fusion Of Orthoimage
* Automatic Building Extraction Using a Decision Tree Object-based Classification On Joint Use of Aerial and Lidar Data
* Automatic Vehicle Recognition for Urban Traffic Management
* Band to Band Registration of Multi-spectral Aerial Imagery - Relief Displacement and Miss-registration Error
* Beech Tree Density Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Data (case Study: Khyroud Forest)
* Building Floor Plan Reconstruction From Slam-based Point Cloud Using Ransac Algorithm
* Building Outline Extraction From Aerial Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Built Up Change Detection Based On Structural Classification of Digital Elevation Models
* C-arm Pose Estimation and Navigation in Surgeries for Augmented Reality Application
* Change Vector Analysis Method to Monitor Drought Using Landsat Data, A
* Changes in Evapotranspiration and The Potential Drivers in Asian Arid Regions During 2003 to 2017
* Characterizing Spatial and Temporal Trends of Soil and Surface Properties Changes in An Area With Urban, Bare Soil and Wetland Covers: A 30-year Case Study in Gomishan, Iran
* Classification of Mobile Terrestrial Lidar Point Cloud in Urban Area Using Local Descriptors
* Classifier Fusion of Polsar, Hyperspectral and Pan Remote Sensing Data For Improving Land Use Classification
* Cnn-based Feature-level Fusion of Very High Resolution Aerial Imagery And Lidar Data
* Collective Spatial Cognition of Kids in Community Mappings
* Combination of Meteorological Indices and Satellite Data for Drought Monitoring in Two Different Environments in Iran
* Combined Use of Long-term Multi-sensor Insar Analysis and Finite Element Simulation to Predict Land Subsidence, The
* Comparative Study of Utilizing Mobile-GIS Technology to Collect Online Crime, A
* Comparison of Analytical Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Method In Deforestation Risk Zoning
* Comparison of Decomposition Methods Over Agricultural Fields Using The Uavsar Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Comparison of Efficiency of The Optimization Approach for Clustering of Trajectories, A
* Comparison of Point and Segment Based Point Cloud Classification Method In Urban Scenes
* Comparison of Traditional and Machine Learning Base Methods for Ground Point Cloud Labeling
* Contribution of Earthquakes to The Deformation of Zagros Tectonic Province, The
* Convolutional Neural Network for Flood Mapping Using Sentinel-1 And Srtm Dem Data: Case Study in Poldokhtar-iran, A
* Critical Review of Quality Assessment Protocols in Pan-sharpening, A
* Deep Learning Framework for Roads Network Damage Assessment Using Post-earthquake Lidar Data, A
* Dense Multi-view Image Matching for DSM Generation From Satellite Images
* Design and Evaluation of a Controller to Achieve Optimum Seeding Rate With Specific Spatial Management in Agricultural Machinery
* Designing a Context-aware Recommender System in The Optimization of The Relief and Rescue
* Detecting Probable Rockfalls in Open Pit Mines Based On UAV Point Clouds
* Developing a Cellular Automata Model for Simulating Rainfall-runoff Process (case Study: Babol Catchment)
* Digital Soil Mapping Using Geomorphometric Analysis and Case-based Fuzzy Logic Approach
* Digital Soil Mapping With Regression Tree Classification Approaches By Rs and Geomorphometry Covariate in The Qazvin Plain, Iran
* Discover Points of Interest Based On Users' Internet Searches Through An Online Shopping Website
* Discrimination Aerosol Form Clouds Using Cats-iss Lidar Observations Based On Random Forest and Svm Algorithms Over The Eastern Part Of Middle East
* Discrimination of Tomato Plants (solanum Lycopersicum) Grown Under Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Effluent, Nitrified Urine Concentrate And Commercial Hydroponic Fertilizer Regimes Using Multi-source Satellite
* Drought Assessment of Iran Using The Mdi Index
* Dust Storm Detection Using Modis Data Over The Middle East
* Earthquake Damage Detection Using Satellite Images (Case Study: Sarpol-zahab Earthquake)
* Estimating Aboveground Biomass in Zagros Forest, Iran, Using Sentinel-2 Data
* Estimating Canola's Biophysical Parameters From Temporal, Spectral, And Polarimetric Imagery Using Machine Learning Approaches
* Estimating The Forest Stand Volume and Basal Area Using Pleiades Spectral and Auxiliary Data
* Estimating Water Level in The Urmia Lake Using Satellite Data: A Machine Learning Approach
* Estimation of Soil Moisture and Earth's Surface Temperature Using Landsat-8 Satellite Data
* Evaluation of Long Term Trend of Different Drought Indices Using Mann-kendall and Sen's Slope Estimator Over Iran
* Evaluation of Selected Cost Aggregation Methods On High Resolution Satellite Stereo Images
* Evaluation of Spatial Justice in Accessibility of Urban Facilities: A Case Study of Accessibility of Public Parks in District # 11 of Tehran, Iran
* Evaluation of TRMM-3B42V7 and Persiann-CDR Daily-precipitation Products For The Southern Slopes of Alborz Mountains, Iran
* Examining Associations of The Socioeconomic Characteristics With The Number of Geo-tagged Tweets in Census Block Level (case Study: Boston)
* Exploitation of Mcda to Learn The Radial Base Neural Network (rbfnn) Aim Physical and Social Vulnerability Analysis Versus The Earthquake (case Study: Sanandaj City, Iran)
* Exploring Driving Factors of Higher Paid Taxi Trips Using Origin-destination GPS Data (case Study: Green Taxis of New York City)
* Exploring The Potential of Full Waveform Airborne Lidar Features And Its Fusion With Rgb Image in Classification of a Sparsely Forested Area
* Extracting Point of Interests From Movement Data Using Kernel Density And Weighted K-means
* Fire Modelling to Assess Spatial Patterns of Wildfire Exposure In Ardabil, Nw Iran
* Flood Mapping and Permanent Water Bodies Change Detection Using Sentinel Sar Data
* Flood Monitoring Using Ndwi and Mndwi Spectral Indices: a Case Study Of Aghqala Flood-2019, Golestan Province, Iran
* Flood Risk Zonation Using a Multi-criteria Spatial Group Fuzzy-ahp Decision Making and Fuzzy Overlay Analysis
* Full Polarimetric Uavsar Image Change Detection Based On Change Indices
* Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Northern Iran
* Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping Using a Modified-drastic Model In Ajabshir Plain, Southeast Coast of Urmia Lake, Iran
* Harmful Algal Blooms Monitoring Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Images
* History and Applications of Space-borne Lidars
* How Will Climate Change Impact The Storm Magnitude and Throufall In Several Forest Areas in Iran?
* Hybrid Optimization Method for Vehicle Routing Problem Using Artificial Bee Colony and Genetic Algorithm, A
* Hyperspectral Change Detection in Wetland and Water-body Areas Based On Machine Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Classification By Exploiting Convolutional Neural Networks
* Impact of Gap Filling On Quality of Road Networks
* Impact of Polarimetric SAR Speckle Reduction On Classification Of Agriculture Lands
* Improved Indoor Positioning Technique Based On a Geographic Weighted Regression
* Individual Tree Detection and Determination of Tree Parameters Using Uav-based Lidar Data
* INSAR Time Series Investigation of Land Surface Deformation in Azar Oil Field
* Integrated Network-constrained Spatial Analysis for Car Accidents: A Case Study of Tehran City, Iran, An
* Integration of Mobile GIS and Linked Data Technology For Spatio-temporal Transport Data Model
* Integration of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Data for Surface Reflectance Time-series Analysis
* Intelligent Management Occurrence and Spread of Front Fire in GIS by Using Cellular Automata. Case Study: Golestan Forest
* Interferometric Path Models for GNSS Ground-based Phase Altimetry
* Interferometric Point Target Analysis (ipta) for Landslide Monitoring
* Introducing a Novel Method to Solve Shortest Path Problems Based On Structure of Network Using Genetic Algorithm
* Investigating Mangrove Fragmentation Changes Using Landscape Metrics
* Investigating of Forest Change in Golestan Province Using Landsat Image
* Investigating Temporal and Spatial Effects of Urban Planning Variables On Crime Rate: a GWR and OLS Based Approach
* Investigating The Effect of Capacity Criterion On The Optimal Allocation of Emergency Facilities in Gis Environment
* Investigating The Effect of Pso Algorithm On Reducing Control Points In Camera Calibration
* Investigating The Possibility of Preparing Small Scale Soil Moisture Map From Coupled Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Investigating The Rhythms of Human Movements in Geneva Lake Region Using MDC Data
* Investigating Water Storage Changes in Iran Using Grace and Chirps Data In The Google Earth Engine System
* Investigation of Forest Canopy Density Changes in Hyrcanian Forest Resources During 1987 to 2002 Using Remote Sensing Technology
* Investigation of Potential Dust Sources Using Sentinel-1 and Neural Network: a Case Study From Bandar-e Emam-omidiye
* Investigation of Spectral Characteristics of Carbonate Rocks - a Case Study On Posht Moleh Mount in Iran
* Investigation of The Correlation Between Grace Tws and Soil Moisture In Sarakhs Catchment
* Iranian Land Cover Mapping Using Landsat-8 Imagery and Random Forest Algorithm
* Landslide Hazard Mapping Using a Radial Basis Function Neural Network Model: a Case Study in Semirom, Isfahan, Iran
* Lidar and Photogrammetry Approaches for Monitoring Land Surface Morphology in Ephemeral Gully System
* Local Binary Graph Feature Reduction for Three-dimensional Gabor Filter Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Mapping Bathymetry By Landsat Data in Shallow Coastal Environment (case Study: The Southeast of The Caspian Sea)
* Mems Based Bridge Monitoring Supported By Image-assisted Total Station
* Modeling The Impact of Surface Characteristics On The Near Surface Temperature Lapse Rate
* Modelling The Amount of Carbon Stock Using Remote Sensing in Urban Forest and Its Relationship With Land Use Change
* Modelling Urban Heat Island Using Remote Sensing and City Morphological Parameters
* Moving Obstacles Planner Algorithm for a Six-wheeled Surveying Robot, A
* Multi Criteria Recommendation Model for Jaunt, A
* Multiple Vehicles and People Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using Stack of Micro Single-Object-Tracking CNNs
* Neural Network Method for Drought Modeling Using Satellite Data
* New Hybrid Pan-sharpening Method Based On Type-1 Fuzzy-DWT Strategy
* New Multiple Classifier System Based on a PSO Algorithm for The Classification of Hyperspectral Images, A
* New Strategy for Phase Unwrapping in Insar Time Series Over Areas With High Deformation Rate: Case Study On The Southern Tehran Subsidence, A
* Novel Approach to Optimize The Ridesharing Problem Using Genetic Algorithm, A
* Novel Tie Point Based Strategy for Point Cloud and Imagery Data Fine Registration, A
* Novel Water Index (SWI) for Salty Water from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS, A
* Occluded Area Removing From Handheld Laser Scanner Data During 3d Building Modelling
* Ontological Assessment and Significance of Semantic Levels of Tags In OpenStreetMap
* Optimization of Emergency Evacuation in Fire Building By Integrated BIM and GIS
* Optimization of Sugarcane Harvest Using Remote Sensing
* Optimizing Energy Consumption of Vehicle Sensor Networks Based On The K-means Clustering Method and Ant Colony Algorithm
* Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Using Smartphones Sensors: An Efficient Indoor Positioning System in Complex Buildings of Smart Cities
* Photogrammetric Solutions for 3d Modeling of Cultural Heritage Sites In Remote Areas
* Photometric Stereo Assisted Drawing of Architectural Reliefs
* Predicting Sugarcane Yields in Khuzestan Using a Large Time-series Of Remote Sensing Imagery Region
* Proposing a New Method for Encrypting Satellite Images Based On Hash Function and Chaos Parameters
* Public Participation in Gis Via Mobile Applications for Crisis Management Process: a Case Study of An Earthquake, Tehran, Iran
* Range Migration Algorithm in The Processing Chain of Signals of A Ground-based Sar Sensor
* Reducing The Time to Get Emergency Assistance for Accident Vehicles On The Road Through An Intelligent Transportation System
* Reduction of Insar DEM Tropospheric Noise With GPS Observations
* Relationships Between Land Use/land Cover and Land Surface Temperature In Tabriz From 2000 to 2017
* Review On Spatial Quality Assessment Methods for Evaluation Of Pan-sharpened Satellite Imagery, A
* Rice Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series Images (case Study: Mazandaran, Iran)
* Road Crack Detection Using Gaussian/prewitt Filter
* Road Recognition Based On Decision Level Fusion of SAR and Optic Data
* Robust Building Footprint Extraction From Big Multi-sensor Data Using Deep Competition Network
* Seasons in Stuttgart: Developing a Google Earth Engine Tool for Heat Island Mapping
* Seismo-magnetic Field Anomalies Detection Using Swarm Satellites (Alpha, Bravo and Charlie)
* Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Semi-sparse Point Clouds
* Simultaneous Registration and Integration of Two Sequential Velodyne Point Clouds Using Voxel-based Least Square Adjustment
* Single-Image Dehazing on Aerial Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Spatial-spectral Morphological Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* Spatio-statistical Modeling of Human Brucellosis Using Environmental Parameters: a Case Study of Northern Iran
* Spatio-temporal Assessment of Mixed Land-use Impact On Travel Demand
* Spatioltemporal Modeling The Impact of Surface Characteristics Variations On Land Surface Temperature Variations: A Case Study Of Samalghan Valley
* Spatiotemporal Monitoring of Thermal Environment in Isfahan Metropolitan Area
* Speckle Reduction in Sar Images Using a Bayesian Multiscale Approach
* Spectral-spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery Using a Hybrid Framework
* Strategies of Digital Knowledge's Representation: From De-morphogenesis At Msh-BIM. Optical, Theatrical Illusion and Perspective in The Neapolitan School's Architecture Drawing
* Survey of Light Pollution of Arak City By Using of Dmsp and Suoni-npp Satellite Imagery
* Thermal 3d Models Enhancement Based On Integration With Visible Imagery
* Traffic Collision Time Series Analysis (a Case Study of Karaj-Qazvin Freeway)
* Transformation Based Algorithms for Change Detection in Full Polarimetric Remote Sensing Images
* Uncertainty Modelling of Citizen-centered Group Decision Making Using Fuzzy-vikor Case Study: Site Selection of Healthcare Services
* Unsupervised Zoning of Cultivation Areas With Similar Cultivation Pattern in Golestan Province Based On The Vegetation Products of MODIS Sensor
* Urban Impervious Surface Detection With Landsat and Full Polarimetric Alos/palsar Images
* Urban Vision Development in Order to Monitor Wheelchair Users Based On The Yolo Algorithm
* Urban's River Flood Analysing Using Sentinel-1 Data Case Study: (gorganrood, Aq'qala)
* Usability, Strength and Practicality of The Upcoming Hyspiri In Detecting Maize Gray Leafy Spot in Relation to Sentinel-2 Msi, Venµs And Landsat 8 Oli Spectral Band-settings
* Using a Pulse Integration Technique for Improvement of Received Signal Power in Ground Based Sar System
* Using Index and Cumulative Overlay Analyses to Determine Geothermal Potential Targets in Damavand Region
* Using Remote Sensing Data to Create Maps of Vegetation and Relief For Natural Resource Management of a Large Administrative Region
* Utility Poles Extraction From Mobile Lidar Data in Urban Area Based On Density Information
* Validation of Extracted Endmembers From Hyperspectral Images
* Vegetation Dynamics Trend Using Satellite Time Series Imagery
* Vegetation Mapping of Sentinel-1 and 2 Satellite Images Using Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest With The Aid Of Dual-polarized and Optical Vegetation Indexes
* Virtual Training Sample Generation by Generative Adversarial Networks for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* Water Salinity Mapping of Karun Basin Located in Iran Using The Svr Method
* Web-based Smart Telecare System for Early Diagnosis of Heart Attack, A
188 for SMPR19

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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