Update Dates 1704

1704 * *3D Modelling and Applications
* *Benchmark and Evaluation of Surveillance Task
* *Computational Color Imaging
* *Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images
* *Computer Vision Technologies for Smart Vehicle
* *Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing
* *Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology for Computer Vision
* *eHeritage and Digital Art Preservation
* *Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing
* *IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recogniton in Remote Sensing
* *IEEE International Conference on Imaging, Vision and Pattern Recognition
* *International Conference on Machine Vision and Information Technology
* *International Workshop on Driver Drowsiness Detection from Video
* *Interpretation and Visualization of Deep Neural Nets
* *Mathematical and Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging and Image Analysis
* *Meeting HCI with CV
* *Multi-view Lip-Reading Challenges
* *New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement
* *Spontaneous Facial Behavior Analysis
* *Workshop on Assistive Vision
* *Workshop on Computer Vision for Affective Computing
* *Workshop on Facial Informatics
* *Workshop on Human Identification for Surveillance
* 2-D DOA Estimation for L-Shaped Array With Array Aperture and Snapshots Extension Techniques
* 30+ Year AVHRR Land Surface Reflectance Climate Data Record and Its Application to Wheat Yield Monitoring, A
* 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Classification
* 3D Display Calibration by Visual Pattern Analysis
* 3D Estimation of Extensible Surfaces Through a Local Monocular Reconstruction Technique
* 3D Human Pose Tracking Priors using Geodesic Mixture Models
* 3D Line Segment Reconstruction in Structured Scenes via Coplanar Line Segment Clustering
* 3D Object Recognition with Enhanced Grassmann Discriminant Analysis
* 3D Pose Estimation of a Front-Pointing Hand Using a Random Regression Forest
* 3D Recognition System with Local-Global Collaboration, A
* 3D Reconstruction Method with Color Reproduction from Multi-band and Multi-view Images, A
* 3D Shape Reconstruction in Traffic Scenarios Using Monocular Camera and Lidar
* 3D Shape Retrieval via Irrelevance Filtering and Similarity Ranking (IF/SR)
* 3D Solid Texture Classification Using Locally-Oriented Wavelet Transforms
* 3D Watertight Mesh Generation with Uncertainties from Ubiquitous Data
* 4D change detection based on persistent scatterer interferometry
* 6DOF decoupled roto-translation alignment of large-scale indoor point clouds
* Absolute Reconstructions Using Rotational Electrical Impedance Tomography for Breast Cancer Imaging
* Accelerated H.264/AVC Encoder on Graphic Processing Unit for UAV Videos, An
* Accelerated liver tumor segmentation in four-phase computed tomography images
* Accurate Depth Extraction Method for Multiple Light-Coding-Based Depth Cameras
* Accurate Detection and Recognition of Dirty Vehicle Plate Numbers for High-Speed Applications
* Accurate object detection using memory-based models in surveillance scenes
* Accurate Real-time Map Matching for Challenging Environments
* Action Recognition Based on Optimal Joint Selection and Discriminative Depth Descriptor
* Action Recognition from Still Images Based on Deep VLAD Spatial Pyramids
* Actions Recognition in Crowd Based on Coarse-to-Fine Multi-object Tracking
* Adaptation of Telegraph Diffusion Equation for Noise Reduction on Images
* adaptive digital image watermarking scheme with PSO, DWT and XFCM, An
* Adaptive Direct RGB-D Registration and Mapping for Large Motions
* Adaptive Direction Detection in Deterministic Interference and Partially Homogeneous Noise
* Adaptive LSTAR Model for Long-Range Variable Bit Rate Video Traffic Prediction
* Adaptive morphological closing based on inertia tensor for structuring element estimation
* Adaptive Moving Shadows Detection Using Local Neighboring Information
* Adaptive Non-Local-Means Filter for Real-Time MR-Thermometry, An
* Adaptive Pulse Compression for Range Focusing in SAR Imagery
* Adaptive Spatial-Spectral Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Restoration
* Adaptive Updating Probabilistic Model for Visual Tracking
* adjustable window function to design an FIR filter, An
* Advanced synchronization techniques for the Internet of Things
* Aesthetic Evaluation of Facial Portraits Using Compositional Augmentation for Deep CNNs
* Affective Gait Recognition and Baseline Evaluation from Real World Samples
* Affective level design for a role-playing videogame evaluated by a brain-computer interface and machine learning methods
* Affine Non-Local Means Image Denoising
* Age Estimation Based on a Single Network with Soft Softmax of Aging Modeling
* Aggregating Local Context for Accurate Scene Text Detection
* Algorithmic Framework of Generalized Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Methods for Saddle Point Problems, An
* Aliasing Detection and Reduction Scheme on Angularly Undersampled Light Fields
* Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for a Class of Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Problems with Applications to Background/Foreground Extraction
* Analysis and Practical Minimization of Registration Error in a Spherical Fish Tank Virtual Reality System
* Analysis of fractal inter frame video coding using parallel approach
* Analysis of Galileo and GPS Integration for GNSS Tomography
* Analysis of Microwave Emission and Related Indices Over Snow using Experimental Data and a Multilayer Electromagnetic Model
* Analysis of Task and Data Characteristic and the Collaborative Processing Method in Real-Time Visualization Pipeline of Urban 3DGIS, The
* Analysis of V2V Broadcast Performance Limit for WAVE Communication Systems Using Two-Ray Path Loss Model
* Analysis on scalability and energy efficiency of HEVC decoding using task-based programming model
* Analysis on the Dropout Effect in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Analytical and numerical investigations on the accuracy and robustness of geometric features extracted from 3D point cloud data
* Analytical Survey of Highlight Detection in Color and Spectral Images
* Analyzing Glacier Surface Motion Using LiDAR Data
* Annual Gross Primary Production from Vegetation Indices: A Theoretically Sound Approach
* Answer Selection in Community Question Answering via Attentive Neural Networks
* Anti-noise Fusion Method for the Infrared and the Visible Image Based upon Sparse Representation, An
* Anticipating Accidents in Dashcam Videos
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation via Uncalibrated Gaze Pattern Recovery
* Applicability Analysis of VTEC Derived from the Sophisticated Klobuchar Model in China
* Applications and Challenges of Wearable Visual Lifeloggers
* Applying Detection Proposals to Visual Tracking for Scale and Aspect Ratio Adaptability
* Applying OGC Standards to Develop a Land Surveying Measurement Model
* approach to recognize book title from multi-cell bookshelf images, An
* Approximation of N-Way Principal Component Analysis for Organ Data
* Aqua and Terra MODIS RSB Calibration Comparison Using BRDF Modeled Reflectance
* Architecture-aware optimization of an HEVC decoder on asymmetric multicore processors
* Are They Paying Attention? A Model-Based Method to Identify Individuals' Mental States
* ARM-FPGA based platform for automated adaptive wireless communication systems using partial reconfiguration technique
* Articulation Entropy: An Unsupervised Measure of Articulatory Precision
* Artistic Photo Filtering Recognition Using CNNs
* ASIST: Automatic semantically invariant scene transformation
* Assessing Crowdsourced POI Quality: Combining Methods Based on Reference Data, History, and Spatial Relations
* Assessment of Canopy Chlorophyll Content Retrieval in Maize and Soybean: Implications of Hysteresis on the Development of Generic Algorithms
* Assessment of GPM and TRMM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Products in Streamflow Simulations in a Data-Sparse Mountainous Watershed in Myanmar
* Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Health in the Yangtze and Amazon River Basins
* Assimilating leaf area index of three typical types of subtropical forest in China from MODIS time series data based on the integrated ensemble Kalman filter and PROSAIL model
* Assimilation of Remotely-Sensed Leaf Area Index into a Dynamic Vegetation Model for Gross Primary Productivity Estimation
* Associative Memory based on clustered Neural Networks: Improved model and architecture for Oriented Edge Detection
* Asymmetry analysis of breast thermograms using automated segmentation and texture features
* Asynchronous Event-Based Fourier Analysis
* Attentive Contexts for Object Detection
* Attributes and Action Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Spatial Pyramid VLAD Encoding
* Attributes driven tracklet-to-tracklet person re-identification using latent prototypes space mapping
* Atypical (Rare) Elements Detection: A Conditional Nonparametric Approach
* Augmented Reality Maintenance Training with Intel Depth Camera
* Auto-Illustrating Poems and Songs with Style
* Autocalibration for Structure from Motion
* Automated and Cooperative Vehicle Merging at Highway On-Ramps
* Automated Brain Tumor Diagnosis and Severity Analysis from Brain MRI
* Automated brain tumour segmentation techniques: A review
* Automated cropland mapping of continental Africa using Google Earth Engine cloud computing
* Automated Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy Images via Very Deep Residual Networks
* Automated Visual Fin Identification of Individual Great White Sharks
* Automatic Assessment of Green Space Ratio in Urban Areas from Mobile Scanning Data
* Automatic Attribute Profiles
* Automatic detection and classification of the ceramic tiles' surface defects
* Automatic Detection of Low-Rise Gable-Roof Building from Single Submeter SAR Images Based on Local Multilevel Segmentation
* Automatic ear detection and feature extraction using Geometric Morphometrics and convolutional neural networks
* Automatic identification of ground control points in synthetic aperture radar images
* Automatic large-scale three dimensional modeling using cooperative multiple robots
* Automatic Micro-expression Recognition from Long Video Using a Single Spotted Apex
* Automatic Object-Oriented, Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction Driven by Tobler's First Law of Geography for Very High Resolution Aerial Imagery Classification
* Automatic recognition of flower species in the natural environment
* Automatic Sleep System Recommendation by Multi-modal RBG-Depth-Pressure Anthropometric Analysis
* Automatic target recognition in SAR images using quaternion wavelet transform and principal component analysis
* Automatically Creating Adaptive Video Summaries Using Constraint Satisfaction Programming: Application to Sport Content
* Background-Driven Salient Object Detection
* bag of words approach for semantic segmentation of monitored scenes, A
* Band Selection for Nonlinear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images as a Maximal Clique Problem
* Band-to-Band Misregistration of the Images of MODIS Onboard Calibrators and Its Impact on Calibration
* Basin Scale Assessment of Landslides Geomorphological Setting by Advanced InSAR Analysis
* Batched Cholesky factorization for tiny matrices
* Bayesian belief network for positive unlabeled learning with uncertainty
* Bayesian myopic parallel MRI reconstruction
* Bayesian Quantification of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Images With Adaptive Inclusion of an Irreversible Component
* Bayesian Saliency Model for Focal Liver Lesion Enhancement and Detection
* Bayesian Time-of-Flight for Realtime Shape, Illumination and Albedo
* BCP-BCS: Best-Fit Cascaded Matching Paradigm with Cohort Selection Using Bezier Curve for Individual Recognition
* Being a Supercook: Joint Food Attributes and Multimodal Content Modeling for Recipe Retrieval and Exploration
* BEST: Benchmark and Evaluation of Surveillance Task
* Beyond Frame-level CNN: Saliency-Aware 3-D CNN With LSTM for Video Action Recognition
* Bi-Level Semantic Representation Analysis for Multimedia Event Detection
* Bi-spectral higher order statistics and time-frequency domain features for arithmetic task classification from EEG signals
* Bias Compensation for Rational Polynomial Coefficients of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery by Local Polynomial Modeling
* Big Universe, Big Data: Machine Learning and Image Analysis for Astronomy
* Bilinear Discriminant Analysis Hashing: A Supervised Hashing Approach for High-Dimensional Data
* Binary Pattern Dictionary Learning for Gene Expression Representation in Drosophila Imaginal Discs
* Bio-Inspired Architecture for Deriving 3D Models from Video Sequences
* Biologically Inspired Motion Encoding for Robust Global Motion Estimation
* Biomechanical signal classification of surgical and non-surgical candidates for knee arthroplasty
* Bionic RSTN invariant feature extraction method for image recognition and its application
* Blind Deconvolution With Model Discrepancies
* Blind Image Deblurring Using Elastic-Net Based Rank Prior
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Natural Redundancy Statistics
* Block compressive sensing of image and video with nonlocal Lagrangian multiplier and patch-based sparse representation
* Blotch detection in archived video based on regions matching
* Bohai Sea Ice Parameter Estimation Based on Thermodynamic Ice Model and Earth Observation Data
* Boosting normalized sparsity regularization for blind image deconvolution
* Boosting Zero-Shot Image Classification via Pairwise Relationship Learning
* Bootstrap Dual-Polarimetric Spectral Density Estimator
* Bottom-Up Fixation Prediction Using Unsupervised Hierarchical Models
* Boundary and Shape Complexity of a Digital Object
* Bounded Self-Weights Estimation Method for Non-Local Means Image Denoising Using Minimax Estimators
* Brain tumor extraction using graph based classification of MRI time series for diagnostic assistance
* Bringing 3D Models Together: Mining Video Liaisons in Crowdsourced Reconstructions
* Building statistical shape spaces for 3D human modeling
* Burst Misalignment Evaluation for ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR-ScanSAR Interferometry
* Calibrating Satellite-Based Indices of Burn Severity from UAV-Derived Metrics of a Burned Boreal Forest in NWT, Canada
* Calibration and Validation of a Detailed Architectural Canopy Model Reconstruction for the Simulation of Synthetic Hemispherical Images and Airborne LiDAR Data
* Calorie Counter: RGB-Depth Visual Estimation of Energy Expenditure at Home
* Camera calibration based on the principal rays model of imaging optical systems
* Can Computer Vision Techniques be Applied to Automated Forensic Examinations? A Study on Sex Identification from Human Skulls Using Head CT Scans
* Can Vehicle Become a New Pattern for Roadside Camera Calibration?
* Cancer larynx detection using glottal flow parameters and statistical tools
* Cardiac anomalies detection by cepstral analysis of ICG signal
* Cardiotocography Analysis Using Conjunction of Machine Learning Algorithms
* Cartographic continuum rendering based on color and texture interpolation to enhance photo-realism perception
* Case Study: Hyperspectral face recognition via feature extraction and CRC-based classifier
* Cell Lineage Tree Reconstruction from Time Series of 3D Images of Zebrafish Embryogenesis
* Cell tracking using deep neural networks with multi-task learning
* CFAR Knowledge-Aided Radar Detection With Heterogeneous Samples
* Changes in Landscape Greenness and Climatic Factors over 25 Years (1989-2013) in the USA
* Chaotic target representation for robust object tracking
* Characterization by Hyperspectral Imaging and Hypercolor Gamut Estimation for Structural Color Prints
* Characterization of Turbulence in Wind Turbine Wakes under Different Stability Conditions from Static Doppler LiDAR Measurements
* Chord Angle Deviation using Tangent (CADT), an efficient and robust contour-based corner detector
* City-Wide Traffic Flow Estimation From a Limited Number of Low-Quality Cameras
* Classification of ALS Point Cloud with Improved Point Cloud Segmentation and Random Forests
* Classification of Gait Anomaly due to Lesion Using Full-Body Gait Motions
* Classification of Lung Nodule Malignancy Risk on Computed Tomography Images Using Convolutional Neural Network: A Comparison Between 2D and 3D Strategies
* Classification-Segmentation Framework for the Detection of Individual Trees in Dense MMS Point Cloud Data Acquired in Urban Areas, A
* CLEAR: Covariant LEAst-Square Refitting with Applications to Image Restoration
* Clustering nominal data using unsupervised binary decision trees: Comparisons with the state of the art methods
* Clustering Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices on the Riemannian Manifolds
* Clustering-based Bangla spell checker
* CNN-GRNN for Image Sharpness Assessment
* Co-Saliency Detection via a Self-Paced Multiple-Instance Learning Framework
* Coarse-to-Fine Indoor Layout Estimation (CFILE) Method, A
* Code generation for a SIMD architecture with custom memory organisation
* Codebook Guided Feature-Preserving for Recognition-Oriented Image Retargeting
* Codebook Learning for Image Recognition Based on Parallel Key SIFT Analysis
* Coherent and Noncoherent Dictionaries for Action Recognition
* Collaborative Learning Network for Face Attribute Prediction
* Collaborative representation with HM-LBP features for palmprint recognition
* Color Correction for Image-Based Modeling in the Large
* Color Feature Reinforcement for Cosaliency Detection Without Single Saliency Residuals
* Color Filter Array Demosaicking Based on the Distribution of Directional Color Differences
* Color Fringe Correction by the Color Difference Prediction Using the Logistic Function
* Color Vision Is a Spatial Process: The Retinex Theory
* Colour image encryption based on logistic mapping and double random-phase encoding
* Combination of context-dependent bidirectional long short-term memory classifiers for robust offline handwriting recognition
* Combination of Feature Tracking and Pattern Matching with Optimal Parametrization for Sea Ice Drift Retrieval from SAR Data, A
* Combination of the adaptive Kuwahara and BM3D filters for filtering mixed Gaussian and impulsive noise
* Combinatorial Approach for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation, A
* Combined Optimization of Feature Reduction and Classification for Radiometric Identification
* Combined Random Forest and OBIA Classification Scheme for Mapping Smallholder Agriculture at Different Nomenclature Levels Using Multisource Data (Simulated Sentinel-2 Time Series, VHRS and DEM), A
* Combining Local-Physical and Global-Statistical Models for Sequential Deformable Shape from Motion
* Combining Spectral Data and a DSM from UAS-Images for Improved Classification of Non-Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
* Combining Speech and Handwriting Modalities for Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Combining Texture and Shape Cues for Object Recognition with Minimal Supervision
* Comments on 'fast computation of jacobi-Fourier moments for invariant image recognition'
* Comments on Steganography Using Reversible Texture Synthesis
* Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room
* Compact Fractional Fourier Domains
* Comparing methods for the approximation of rainfall fields in environmental applications
* comparison of cost construction methods onto a C6678 platform for stereo matching, A
* Comparison of different methods to suppress muscle artifacts in EEG signals
* Comparison of Kinect V1 and V2 Depth Images in Terms of Accuracy and Precision
* Comparison of low-altitude UAV photogrammetry with terrestrial laser scanning as data-source methods for terrain covered in low vegetation
* Comparison of MODIS/VIIRS Cloud Masks over Ice-Bearing River: On Achieving Consistent Cloud Masking and Improved River Ice Mapping, A
* Comparison of Passive Microwave-Derived Early Melt Onset Records on Arctic Sea Ice
* Comparison of Radar Polarimetry Data of the Moon From the LRO Mini-RF Instrument and Earth-Based Systems, A
* Comparison of Stand-Level Volume Estimates from Image-Based Canopy Height Models of Different Spatial Resolutions, A
* comparison of two downscaling procedures to increase the spatial resolution of mapping actual evapotranspiration, A
* Complete three-phase detection framework for identifying abnormal cervical cells
* Complex Activity Recognition Via Attribute Dynamics
* Complex networks driven salient region detection based on superpixel segmentation
* Complexity control of HEVC encoders targeting real-time constraints
* Complexity-Based Image Analysis to Investigate Interference Between Distortions and Image Contents in Image Quality Assessment, A
* Comprehensive Feature-Based Robust Video Fingerprinting Using Tensor Model
* comprehensive study on object proposals methods for vehicle detection in aerial images, A
* Compressed Sensing Strategy for Synthetic Transmit Aperture Ultrasound Imaging, A
* Compressive sensing based high-resolution passive bistatic radar
* Computational modeling of spectral data fitting with nonlinear distortions
* Computational Print Control
* Computing multiple aggregation levels and contextual features for road facilities recognition using mobile laser scanning data
* Concatenated Frame Image Based CNN for Visual Speech Recognition
* Concepts of Binary Morphological Operations Dilation and Erosion on the Triangular Grid
* Configurable real-time motion estimation for medical imaging: application to X-ray and ultrasound
* COnfusion REduction (CORE) algorithm for local descriptors, floating-point and binary cases
* Consistency-Constrained Nonnegative Coding for Tracking
* Consistent multi-layer subtask tracker via hyper-graph regularization
* Consistent Sparse Representation for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Constrained Dual Kalman Filter Based on pdf Truncation for Estimation of Vehicle Parameters and Road Bank Angle: Analysis and Experimental Validation, A
* Construction of the Calibration Set through Multivariate Analysis in Visible and Near-Infrared Prediction Model for Estimating Soil Organic Matter
* Content based image retrieval with sparse representations and local feature descriptors: A comparative study
* Content-Adaptively Sparse Reconstruction Method for Abnormal Events Detection With Low-Rank Property, A
* Content-Aware Image Retargeting Incorporated with Letterboxing
* Continuous Supervised Descent Method for Facial Landmark Localisation
* Contrast enhancement of noisy low-light images based on structure-texture-noise decomposition
* Contrast limited fuzzy adaptive histogram equalization for enhancement of brain images
* ConvNet-Based Depth Estimation, Reflection Separation and Deblurring of Plenoptic Images
* Convolutional neural networks for wavelet domain super resolution
* Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Data Classification
* Cooperative Charging in Residential Areas
* Cooperative Precoding for Wireless Energy Transfer and Secure Cognitive Radio Coexistence Systems
* Correction of geometrically distorted underwater images using shift map analysis
* Cosine transforms over fields of characteristic 2: Fast computation and application to image encryption
* Cost-Based Feature Transfer for Vehicle Occupant Classification
* Cost-Sensitive Two-Stage Depression Prediction Using Dynamic Visual Clues
* Cross layer optimization of end to end delay in WSN for smart grid communications
* Cross-layer algorithm for QoS in WBANs
* Cross-satellite comparison of operational land surface temperature products derived from MODIS and ASTER data over bare soil surfaces
* Cross-scale cost aggregation integrating intrascale smoothness constraint with weighted least squares in stereo matching
* Crosstalk-aware link power model for Networks-on-Chip
* Crowdsourcing User-Generated Mobile Sensor Weather Data for Densifying Static Geosensor Networks
* CUDA accelerated visual relative motion estimation
* Curvature Filters Efficiently Reduce Certain Variational Energies
* Custom processor design for efficient, yet flexible Lucas-Kanade optical flow
* CVT-Based 3D Image Segmentation for Quality Tetrahedral Meshing
* D2C: Deep cumulatively and comparatively learning for human age estimation
* Dancelets Mining for Video Recommendation Based on Dance Styles
* Data acquisition by 2D compression and ID reconstruction techniques for WSN spatially correlated data
* Data Association Based Multi-target Tracking Using a Joint Formulation
* Data-Driven Assessment of Biosphere-Atmosphere Interaction Impact on Seasonal Cycle Patterns of XCO2 Using GOSAT and MODIS Observations, A
* Data-Driven Techniques in Disaster Information Management
* Database of Spectral Filter Array Images that Combine Visible and NIR, A
* Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Depth Estimation on 4D Light Fields, A
* Debluring Low-Resolution Images
* Decision-level fusion for single-view gait recognition with various carrying and clothing conditions
* dedicated lightweight binocular stereo system for real-time depth-map generation, A
* Deep Architectures for Face Attributes
* Deep Depth Super-Resolution: Learning Depth Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Deep Discrete Flow
* Deep face liveness detection based on nonlinear diffusion using convolution neural network
* Deep Hashing for Scalable Image Search
* Deep learning and mapping based ternary change detection for information unbalanced images
* Deep learning for ocean remote sensing: an application of convolutional neural networks for super-resolution on satellite-derived SST data
* Deep network aided by guiding network for pedestrian detection
* Deep or Shallow Facial Descriptors? A Case for Facial Attribute Classification and Face Retrieval
* Deep Perceptual Mapping for Cross-Modal Face Recognition
* Deep Relative Attributes
* Deep Relative Tracking
* Deep Second-Order Siamese Network for Pedestrian Re-identification
* Deep Supervised and Contractive Neural Network for SAR Image Classification
* Deep Supervised Hashing with Triplet Labels
* Deep Video Code for Efficient Face Video Retrieval
* Deep-Cascade: Cascading 3D Deep Neural Networks for Fast Anomaly Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes
* DeepSafeDrive: A grammar-aware driver parsing approach to Driver Behavioral Situational Awareness (DB-SAW)
* Delay-Encoded Harmonic Imaging (DE-HI) in Multiplane-Wave Compounding
* Demo abstract: FPGA-based implementation of a flexible FFT dedicated to LTE standard
* Demo abstract: How fuzzy logic can enhance energy management in Wireless Sensor nodes equipped by energy harvesters and wake-up radios
* Demo: Efficient delay and apodization for on-FPGA 3D ultrasound
* Demo: HELICoiD tool demonstrator for real-time brain cancer detection
* Demo: Ker-ONE: Embedded virtualization approach with dynamic reconfigurable accelerators management
* Demo: Localisation in a faulty digital GPS receiver
* Demo: MPPA: manycore processor towards future ADAS system solutions
* Demo: Overlay architectures for heterogeneous FPGA cluster management
* Demo: Reconfigurable Platform Composer Tool
* Demo: SLP-aware word length optimization
* Demo: UHD live video streaming with a real-time scalable HEVC encoder
* Dense Depth-Map Estimation and Geometry Inference from Light Fields via Global Optimization
* Dense Motion Estimation for Smoke
* Dense Residual Pyramid Networks for Salient Object Detection
* Depth Estimation by Parameter Transfer With a Lightweight Model for Single Still Images
* Depth Map Super-Resolution Considering View Synthesis Quality
* Design and fabrication of a teleoperated explorer mobile robot
* Design and implementation of wireless sensor network-monitoring system for leak detection
* Design of Alignment-Free Cancelable Fingerprint Templates with Zoned Minutia Pairs
* Design of oversampled nonuniform filter banks with arbitrary rational frequency partitioning
* Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Point Cloud Codec for Tele-Immersive Video
* Designed emotions: challenges and potential methodologies for improving multisensory cues to enhance user engagement in immersive systems
* Detecting Communities on Topic of Transportation With Sparse Crowd Annotations
* Detecting Flying Objects Using a Single Moving Camera
* Detecting sudden moving objects in a series of digital images with different exposure times
* Detecting violent and abnormal crowd activity using temporal analysis of grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)-based texture measures
* Detection and Segmentation of Vine Canopy in Ultra-High Spatial Resolution RGB Imagery Obtained from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV): A Case Study in a Commercial Vineyard
* Detection of Counterfeit Coins Based on Modeling and Restoration of 3D Images
* Detection of Driver Drowsiness Using 3D Deep Neural Network and Semi-Supervised Gradient Boosting Machine
* Detection of Interstitial Lung Disease using correlation and regression methods on texture measure
* Detector of Electrical Discontinuity of Rails in Double-Track Railway Lines: Electronic System and Measurement Methodology
* Development and evaluation of a specialized task taxonomy for spatial planning: A map literacy experiment with topographic maps
* Diagnosing deep learning models for high accuracy age estimation from a single image
* Dictionary Reduction: Automatic Compact Dictionary Learning for Classification
* Differences in Rate and Direction of Shifts between Phytoplankton Size Structure and Sea Surface Temperature
* Differential privacy and generalization: Sharper bounds with applications
* Digital Longmen Project: A Free Walking VR System with Image-Based Restoration
* Direct and Global Component Separation from a Single Image Using Basis Representation
* Direct Digital Surface Model Generation by Semi-Global Vertical Line Locus Matching
* Direct Phasing of Crystalline Materials from X-ray Powder Diffraction
* Direction-of-Arrival Analysis of Airborne Ice Depth Sounder Data
* Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Subjective Surfaces Problem, A
* Discrete Approach for Decomposing Noisy Digital Contours into Arcs and Segments, A
* Discrete Polynomial Curve Fitting Guaranteeing Inclusion-Wise Maximality of Inlier Set
* Discriminant Context Information Analysis for Post-Ranking Person Re-Identification
* Discriminative archetypal self-taught learning for multispectral landcover classification
* Discriminative multi-layer illumination-robust feature extraction for face recognition
* Discriminative multi-scale sparse coding for single-sample face recognition with occlusion
* Discriminative Pose-Free Descriptors for Face and Object Matching
* Discriminative Subtree Selection for NBI Endoscopic Image Labeling
* Discriminative Training of Deep Fully Connected Continuous CRFs With Task-Specific Loss
* Discriminative transfer learning with sparsity regularization for single-sample face recognition
* Disparity Estimation by Simultaneous Edge Drawing
* Distinguishing Posed and Spontaneous Smiles by Facial Dynamics
* distributed approach for real-time multi-camera multiple object tracking, A
* Distributed Computation of Quantiles via ADMM
* Distributed Network Formation Strategy for Network Coding Based Wireless Networks
* Distributed Temperature Measurement in a Self-Burning Coal Waste Pile through a GIS Open Source Desktop Application
* Diversity induced matrix decomposition model for salient object detection
* Divide and Conquer: A Hierarchical Approach to Large-Scale Structure-from-Motion
* Divide and Conquer: Efficient Density-Based Tracking of 3D Sensors in Manhattan Worlds
* DNA-SLAM: Dense Noise Aware SLAM for ToF RGB-D Cameras
* Do less and achieve more: Training CNNs for action recognition utilizing action images from the Web
* Domain Adaptation for Automatic OLED Panel Defect Detection Using Adaptive Support Vector Data Description
* Doppler Spectrum-Based NRCS Estimation Method for Low-Scattering Areas in Ocean SAR Images
* Driver Drowsiness Detection System Based on Feature Representation Learning Using Various Deep Networks
* Driver Drowsiness Detection via a Hierarchical Temporal Deep Belief Network
* Driver Fatigue Detection Based on Eye State Recognition
* DSLIC: A Superpixel Based Segmentation Algorithm for Depth Image
* Dual Adaptive Regularization Method to Remove Mixed Gaussian-Poisson Noise, A
* Dual Deep Network for Visual Tracking
* Dynamic Data Structure to Efficiently Find the Points below a Line and Estimate Their Number, A
* Dynamic graph fusion label propagation for semi-supervised multi-modality classification
* Dynamic Whitening Saliency
* Earth Observations for Geohazards: Present and Future Challenges
* Edge detection using G-lets based on matrix factorization by group representations
* edge-based method for effective abandoned luggage detection in complex surveillance videos, An
* Editorial for special section of video analytics with deep learning
* Editorial for the ICMR 2016 special issue
* Editorial: Special issue on real-time processing of medical images
* Editorial: Special issue on ubiquitous biometrics
* EEG correlates of video game experience and user profile in motor-imagery-based brain-computer interaction
* EERC-MAC: Energy efficient Receiver Centric MAC protocol for Wireless Sensor network
* effect of spatial information characterization on 3D local feature descriptors: A quantitative evaluation, The
* Effect of the Long-Term Mean and the Temporal Stability of Water-Energy Dynamics on China's Terrestrial Species Richness
* Efficient 3D morphable face model fitting
* Efficient 3D scene abstraction using line segments
* Efficient Activity Detection in Untrimmed Video with Max-Subgraph Search
* Efficient architectural structural element decomposition
* Efficient bearing fault diagnosis by extracting intrinsic fault information using envelope power spectrum
* Efficient cross-layer design for MIMO-HARQ wireless systems
* Efficient DVFS for low power HEVC software decoder
* Efficient edge-aware surface mesh reconstruction for urban scenes
* Efficient frame-level bit allocation algorithm for H.265/HEVC
* Efficient Framework for Multirequest Route Planning in Urban Environments, An
* Efficient Geometric Pruning Strategies for Continuous Skyline Queries
* Efficient Hardware Implementation For Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Anisotropic Gaussian Filter
* Efficient Meta-Algorithm for Triangulation, An
* Efficient Method for Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Extreme Learning Machine, An
* Efficient Model Averaging for Deep Neural Networks
* Efficient object-based surveillance image search using spatial pooling of convolutional features
* Efficient parallel architecture of an intra-only scalable multi-layer HEVC encoder
* Efficient retrieval strategies for quantized stereo image
* Efficient Tensor Completion for Color Image and Video Recovery: Low-Rank Tensor Train
* Efficient tree-structured SfM by RANSAC generalized Procrustes analysis
* Efficient Unsupervised Temporal Segmentation of Motion Data
* Eigen-Aging Reference Coding for Cross-Age Face Verification and Retrieval
* Elastic Functional Coding of Riemannian Trajectories
* Elastic Spatial Query Processing in OpenStack Cloud Computing Environment for Time-Constraint Data Analysis
* Elevation Change and Improved Velocity Retrieval Using Orthorectified Optical Satellite Data from Different Orbits
* ELM-based hyperspectral imagery processor for onboard real-time classification
* EMG signal analysis for comprehension of genders differences behavior during pre-motor activity
* EMOTHAW: A Novel Database for Emotional State Recognition From Handwriting and Drawing
* Emotion recognition from scrambled facial images via many graph embedding
* Emotion Understanding Using Multimodal Information Based on Autobiographical Memories for Alzheimer's Patients
* End-to-End Learning for Image Burst Deblurring
* End-to-End Online Writer Identification With Recurrent Neural Network
* End-to-End Training of Object Class Detectors for Mean Average Precision
* Endmember extraction from hyperspectral image based on discrete firefly algorithm (EE-DFA)
* Energy-aware scheme for the 3D-HEVC depth maps prediction
* Enhanced Algorithm of Automated Ground Truth Generation and Validation for Lane Detection System by M^2 BMT
* Enhanced color visualization by spectral imaging: An application in cultural heritage
* Enhanced skeleton visualization for view invariant human action recognition
* Enhancement of Spectral Tilt in Synthesized Speech
* Enhancing Automatic Maritime Surveillance Systems With Visual Information
* Enhancing classification performance using attribute-oriented functionally expanded data
* Enhancing Direct Camera Tracking with Dense Feature Descriptors
* Enhancing textural differences using wavelet-based texture characteristics morphological component analysis: A preprocessing method for improving image segmentation
* Ensemble based deep networks for image super-resolution
* Epipolar geometry for prism-based single-lens stereovision
* Error-aware construction and rendering of multi-scan panoramas from massive point clouds
* Estimating and mapping chlorophyll content for a heterogeneous grassland: Comparing prediction power of a suite of vegetation indices across scales between years
* Estimating encoding complexity of a real-time embedded software HEVC codec
* Estimating Snow Mass and Peak River Flows for the Mackenzie River Basin Using GRACE Satellite Observations
* Estimating the Real Positions of Objects in Images by Using Evolutionary Algorithm
* Estimating urban vegetation fraction across 25 cities in pan-Pacific using Landsat time series data
* Estimation of 3-D Surface Displacement Based on InSAR and Deformation Modeling
* Estimation of 3D Indoor Models with Constraint Propagation and Stochastic Reasoning in the Absence of Indoor Measurements
* Estimation of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter From Landsat-8 Imagery for Complex Inland Water: Case Study of Lake Huron
* Estimation of Downwelling Surface Longwave Radiation under Heavy Dust Aerosol Sky
* Estimation of measurement uncertainty in stereo vision system
* Estimation of Passenger Route Choice Pattern Using Smart Card Data for Complex Metro Systems
* Estimation of the Number of Endmembers in a Hyperspectral Image via the Hubness Phenomenon
* Estuarine Plume: A Case Study by Satellite SAR Observations and In Situ Measurements
* Evaluating contour segment descriptors
* Evaluating imaging quality of the offner hyperspectrometer
* Evaluating the performance of BSBL methodology for EEG source localization on a realistic head model
* Evaluating Water Controls on Vegetation Growth in the Semi-Arid Sahel Using Field and Earth Observation Data
* Evaluation of Orthomosics and Digital Surface Models Derived from Aerial Imagery for Crop Type Mapping
* Evaluation of Recently Released Open Global Digital Elevation Models of Hubei, China
* Evaluation of Satellite Retrievals of Chlorophyll-a in the Arabian Gulf
* Evaluations on multi-scale camera networks for precise and geo-accurate reconstructions from aerial and terrestrial images with user guidance
* Evapotranspiration Estimates Derived Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing in a Semiarid Region
* evolutionary learning based fuzzy theoretic approach for salient object detection, An
* Examination of Bias in SODA Interferometry, An
* Expanding and Shift Scheme for Constructing Fourth-Order Difference Coarrays, An
* Experimental analysis of SIFT and SURF features for multi-object image retrieval
* Exploitation of SAR and Optical Sentinel Data to Detect Rice Crop and Estimate Seasonal Dynamics of Leaf Area Index
* Exploiting superpixel and hybrid hash for kernel-based visual tracking
* Exploratory Study Investigating Gender Effects on Using 3D Maps for Spatial Orientation in Wayfinding, An
* Exploring Digital Surface Models from Nine Different Sensors for Forest Monitoring and Change Detection
* Exploring Manipulation Behavior on Video See-Through Head-Mounted Display with View Interpolation
* Exploring visual attention using random walks based eye tracking protocols
* Expression Recognition with Ri-HOG Cascade
* Extended Selective Encryption of H.264/AVC (CABAC)- and HEVC-Encoded Video Streams
* Extended Sparse Classification Framework for Domain Adaptation in Video Surveillance, An
* extractive text summarization technique for Bengali document(s) using K-means clustering algorithm, An
* F-SORT: An Alternative for Faster Geometric Verification
* Face Detection and Object Recognition for a Retinal Prosthesis
* Face Detection by Aggregating Visible Components
* Face detection with a Viola-Jones based hybrid network
* Facet-Based Investigation on Microwave Backscattering From Sea Surface With Breaking Waves: Sea Spikes and SAR Imaging
* Facial expression recognition using dual dictionary learning
* Facial Expression-Aware Face Frontalization
* Failure Detection for Facial Landmark Detectors
* FALDOI: A New Minimization Strategy for Large Displacement Variational Optical Flow
* Fast 2D Convolutions and Cross-Correlations Using Scalable Architectures
* Fast alignment for sparse representation based face recognition
* Fast and Efficient Pedestrian Detection via the Cascade Implementation of an Additive Kernel Support Vector Machine
* Fast Blind Spatially-Varying Motion Deblurring Algorithm with Camera Poses Estimation, A
* Fast Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Globally Regularized Archetypal Representation With Approximate Solution
* Fast depth map mode decision based on depth-texture correlation and edge classification for 3D-HEVC
* Fast Detection of Oil Spills and Ships Using SAR Images
* Fast extraction of dominant planes in MLS-data of urban areas
* Fast Fashion Guided Clothing Image Retrieval: Delving Deeper into What Feature Makes Fashion
* Fast General Norm Approximation via Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares
* Fast hardware implementation of ECDSA signature scheme
* Fast Multiregion Image Segmentation Using Statistical Active Contours
* Fast Pixelwise Adaptive Visual Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects
* Fast Segmentation and Classification of Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Data Using SLIC Superpixels
* Fast-Calibration Reflectance-Transmittance Model to Compute Multiview Recto-Verso Prints
* faster cutting plane algorithm with accelerated line search for linear SVM, A
* Feature extraction and characterization of cardiovascular arrhythmia and normal sinus rhythm from ECG signals using LabVIEW
* Feature extraction using HHT-based locally optimized short-time fractional Fourier transform for speaker recognition
* Feature Selection and Discretization based on Mutual Information
* Fiber dye classification by spectral imaging
* Fiducial Points Detection of a Face Using RBF-SVM and Adaboost Classification
* Filtrated Algebraic Subspace Clustering
* Finding Shortest Isothetic Path Inside a 3D Digital Object
* Fine scale image registration in large-scale urban LIDAR point sets
* Fine-grained face verification: FGLFW database, baselines, and human-DCMN partnership
* Fine-Tuning Deep Neural Networks in Continuous Learning Scenarios
* Finger-vein image matching based on adaptive curve transformation
* Fingerprint indexing based on minutiae pairs and convex core point
* Fingerprint liveness detection using local texture features
* Fingertips Tracking Algorithm for Guitarist Based on Temporal Grouping and Pattern Analysis
* First Results from Sentinel-1A InSAR over Australia: Application to the Perth Basin
* Fish Species Classification Using Graph Embedding Discriminant Analysis
* Fitting a 3D Morphable Model to Edges: A Comparison Between Hard and Soft Correspondences
* Five-Dimensional Seismic Reconstruction Using Parallel Square Matrix Factorization
* Flexible, Generic Photogrammetric Approach to Zoom Lens Calibration, A
* Fluorescence-Based Approach to Estimate the Chlorophyll-A Concentration of a Phytoplankton Bloom in Ardley Cove (Antarctica)
* Focused augmented mirror based on human visual perception
* Forest point processes for the automatic extraction of networks in raster data
* Fourier Multispectral Imaging: Measuring Spectra, One Sinusoid at a Time
* FPGA Implementation of High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay Tracking with Local-Search Based Block Matching
* FPGA memory optimization for real-time imaging
* FPGA-based bio-inspired architecture for multi-scale attentional vision
* FPGA-based Hardware-in-the-Loop environment using video injection concept for camera-based systems in automotive applications
* Fractals Based Multi-Oriented Text Detection System for Recognition in Mobile Video Images
* Free training object detection based on multi-stage fusion using belief functions
* Freeze/Thaw-Induced Deformation Monitoring and Assessment of the Slope in Permafrost Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanner and GNSS
* Frequency-Domain Transient Imaging
* From Face Images and Attributes to Attributes
* Frontiers in Spatial and Spatiotemporal Crime Analytics: An Editorial
* FUIQA: Fetal Ultrasound Image Quality Assessment With Deep Convolutional Networks
* Fully-automated person re-identification in multi-camera surveillance system with a robust kernel descriptor and effective shadow removal method
* FuseNet: Incorporating Depth into Semantic Segmentation via Fusion-Based CNN Architecture
* Fusing Observational, Satellite Remote Sensing and Air Quality Model Simulated Data to Estimate Spatiotemporal Variations of PM2.5 Exposure in China
* Fusion of Magnetic and Visual Sensors for Indoor Localization: Infrastructure-Free and More Effective
* Fusion of spatial-temporal and kinematic features for gait recognition with deterministic learning
* Fusion rules for cooperative censored energy detection: Thresholds derivation based on analytical performance
* Fuzzy c-means clustering based on weights and gene expression programming
* Fuzzy logic modeling for objective image quality assessment
* Fuzzy model-based clustering and its application in image segmentation
* Fuzzy Transform-Based Fusion of Multiple Images
* Fuzzy-Contextual Contrast Enhancement
* Gait Energy Response Function for Clothing-Invariant Gait Recognition
* Gait Gate: An Online Walk-Through Multimodal Biometric Verification System Using a Single RGB-D Sensor
* Gamut Extension for Cinema
* Gas sensor based on octagonal hollow core photonic crystal Fiber
* Gender classification from facial images using gray relational analysis with novel local binary pattern descriptors
* general subspace ensemble learning framework via totally-corrective boosting and tensor-based and local patch-based extensions for gait recognition, A
* generalised framework for saliency-based point feature detection, A
* Generalized Fusion Moves for Continuous Label Optimization
* Generalized Rao Test for Decentralized Detection of an Uncooperative Target
* Generating natural language tags for video information management
* Generating Topographic Map Data from Classification Results
* Generating various composite human faces from real 3D facial images
* Generation of Duplicated Off-Line Signature Images for Verification Systems
* Generation of Long Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences
* Generation of schedule tables on multi-core systems for AUTOSAR applications
* Generation of Stereo Oil Paintings from RGBD Images
* Generic 3D Convolutional Fusion for Image Restoration
* Generic performance measure for multiclass-classifiers
* Geodesic Distance Histogram Feature for Video Segmentation
* Geodesic Landmark Shooting Algorithm for Template Matching and Its Applications, A
* Geodesic Video Stabilization in Transformation Space
* geometric control of fire motion editing, A
* Geometric feature extraction by FTAs for finger-based biometrics system
* Geometric Refinement of ALS-Data Derived Building Models Using Monoscopic Aerial Images
* Geostatistical Integration of Coarse Resolution Satellite Precipitation Products and Rain Gauge Data to Map Precipitation at Fine Spatial Resolutions
* Gesture sequence recognition with one shot learned CRF/HMM hybrid model
* GIS-Based Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Spatial Coverage of Public Transport Networks in Tourist Destinations, A
* Glacier Mass Loss during the 1960s and 1970s in the Ak-Shirak Range (Kyrgyzstan) from Multiple Stereoscopic Corona and Hexagon Imagery
* Glance and Glimpse Network: A Stochastic Attention Model Driven by Class Saliency
* Global Minimum for a Finsler Elastica Minimal Path Approach
* Global robust image rotation from combined weighted averaging
* global-local affinity matrix model via EigenGap for graph-based subspace clustering, A
* Globally consistent alignment for planar mosaicking via topology analysis
* Glottal Vocoding With Frequency-Warped Time-Weighted Linear Prediction
* Going deeper into action recognition: A survey
* GPU implementation of non-local maximum likelihood estimation method for denoising magnetic resonance images
* Granger Causality Driven AHP for Feature Weighted kNN
* Granular multi-label feature selection based on mutual information
* Graph Laplacian Regularization for Image Denoising: Analysis in the Continuous Domain
* Graph-Based Transform for 2D Piecewise Smooth Signals With Random Discontinuity Locations
* Graphical Human-Machine Interactive Approach for Integrated Bus Transit Scheduling: Lessons Gained From a Large Bus Company
* Grayscale-Thermal Object Tracking via Multitask Laplacian Sparse Representation
* GrCS: Granular Computing-Based Crowd Segmentation
* GREAT: a gradient-based color-sampling scheme for Retinex
* Ground-truth localisation system for humanoid soccer robots using RGB-D camera
* Group sparse autoencoder
* Group Sparse-Based Mid-Level Representation for Action Recognition
* Group-aware deep feature learning for facial age estimation
* Growing Regression Tree Forests by Classification for Continuous Object Pose Estimation
* GSMNet: A Hierarchical Graph Model for Moving Objects in Networks
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Large-Scale Video Analytics for Enhanced Security: Algorithms and Systems
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Drawing and Handwriting Processing for User-Centered Systems
* Guest Editorial: Machine Vision Applications
* Habitat Mapping and Quality Assessment of NATURA 2000 Heathland Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
* Hand gesture-based interactive puppetry system to assist storytelling for children
* Hand Pose Regression via a Classification-Guided Approach
* Hand-Crafted vs Learned Descriptors for Color Texture Classification
* Hand-held video deblurring via efficient Fourier aggregation
* Handwriting Movement Sonification: Why and How?
* Handwritten Arabic numeral recognition using deep learning neural networks
* Handwritten isolated Bangla compound character recognition: A new benchmark using a novel deep learning approach
* Hardware acceleration of Maximum-Likelihood angle estimation for automotive MIMO radars
* Hardware architecture for lowering the error floor of LTE turbo codes
* HD-MTL: Hierarchical Deep Multi-Task Learning for Large-Scale Visual Recognition
* HDR video past, present and future: A perspective
* Head Gesture Recognition Based on SAE
* HeadPager: Page Turning with Computer Vision Based Head Interaction
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition: A Common Encoding Feature Discriminant Approach
* Heterogeneous Information Fusion and Visualization for a Large-Scale Intelligent Video Surveillance System
* HF-FCN: Hierarchically Fused Fully Convolutional Network for Robust Building Extraction
* Hierarchical Bayesian Theme Models for Multipose Facial Expression Recognition
* Hierarchical feature concatenation-based kernel sparse representations for image categorization
* Hierarchical graph-based segmentation for extracting road networks from high-resolution satellite images
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Based on Iterative Contraction and Merging
* Hierarchical Latent Concept Discovery for Video Event Detection
* Hierarchical learning of multi-task sparse metrics for large-scale image classification
* Hierarchical Maritime Target Detection Method for Optical Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Hierarchical MK Splines: Algorithm and Applications to Data Fitting
* Hierarchical Supervoxel Graph for Interactive Video Object Representation and Segmentation
* High and low-level hierarchical classification as an efficient analysis of remotely sensed hyperpectral data
* High throughput pipelined hardware implementation of the KECCAK hash function
* High-dimensional feature extraction using bit-plane decomposition of local binary patterns for robust face recognition
* High-Fidelity Reversible Data Hiding Using Directionally Enclosed Prediction
* High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using Manifold Alignment
* highly scalable clustering scheme using boundary information, A
* Holistic Approach for Data-Driven Object Cutout, A
* Human Activity Influences on Vegetation Cover Changes in Beijing, China, from 2000 to 2015
* Human Interaction Recognition by Mining Discriminative Patches on Key Frames
* Human pose search using deep networks
* Hybrid Approach for Facial Performance Analysis and Editing, A
* Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network for Plankton Classification, A
* hybrid method for ellipse detection in industrial images, A
* Hybrid multi-GPU computing: accelerated kernels for segmentation and object detection with medical image processing applications
* Hyperbolic Harmonic Mapping for Surface Registration
* Hyperspatial and Multi-Source Water Body Mapping: A Framework to Handle Heterogeneities from Observations and Targets over Large Areas
* Hyperspectral Band Selection From Statistical Wavelet Models
* Hyperspectral image classification using a parallel implementation of the linear SVM on a Massively Parallel Processor Array (MPPA) platform
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via a Joint Weighted K-Nearest Neighbour Approach
* ICA based on asymmetry
* Identification and Rating of Developmental Dysgraphia by Handwriting Analysis
* Identifying Developmental Dysgraphia Characteristics Utilizing Handwriting Classification Methods
* iFAS: Image Fidelity Assessment
* Illumination invariant single face image recognition under heterogeneous lighting condition
* Illumination-Recovered Pose Normalization for Unconstrained Face Recognition
* Image and video mining through online learning
* Image augmentation by blocky artifact in Deep Convolutional Neural Network for handwritten digit recognition
* Image Contrast Measure as a Gloss Material Descriptor
* Image enhancement using divide-and-conquer strategy
* Image Labeling by Assignment
* Image Location Inference by Multisaliency Enhancement
* Image Patch Matching Using Convolutional Descriptors with Euclidean Distance
* Image Piece Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Image quality assessment based on multi-feature extraction and synthesis with support vector regression
* Image quality assessment based on regions of interest
* Image Quality Assessment Using Directional Anisotropy Structure Measurement
* Image Segmentation by Active Contour Model with a New Data Fidelity
* Image Set Classification via Template Triplets and Context-Aware Similarity Embedding
* Image-Based Camera Localization for Large and Outdoor Environments
* Image-guided ToF depth upsampling: a survey
* Imaging in Random Media with Convex Optimization
* Immersive physically interactive game studio for a ball throwing game
* Impact of Energy Consumption on the Surface Urban Heat Island in China's 32 Major Cities, The
* Impacts of Land Cover and Seasonal Variation on Maximum Air Temperature Estimation Using MODIS Imagery
* Implantation of voicing on whispered speech using frequency-domain parametric modelling of source and filter information
* Implementation of Algorithm for Satellite-Derived Bathymetry using Open Source GIS and Evaluation for Tsunami Simulation
* Implementation of Local Fourier Burst Accumulation for Video Deblurring
* Improved Aerosol Optical Thickness, Columnar Water Vapor, and Surface Reflectance Retrieval from Combined CASI and SASI Airborne Hyperspectral Sensors
* Improved Automatic Algorithm for Global Eddy Tracking Using Satellite Altimeter Data, An
* Improved Class-Specific Codebook with Two-Step Classification for Scene-Level Classification of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Improved Combination of Spectral and Spatial Features for Vegetation Classification in Hyperspectral Images, An
* Improved DBSCAN Algorithm to Detect Stops in Individual Trajectories, An
* Improved Denoising via Poisson Mixture Modeling of Image Sensor Noise
* improved label fusion approach with sparse patch-based representation for MRI brain image segmentation, An
* Improved Multiple Matching Method for Observing Glacier Motion With Repeat Image Feature Tracking
* Improved Opponent Colour Local Binary Patterns for Colour Texture Classification
* Improved Temperature and Emissivity Separation Algorithm for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Sensors
* Improvement of BM3D Algorithm Based on Wavelet and Directed Diffusion
* Improving patch-based scene text script identification with ensembles of conjoined networks
* Improving semantic orthophotos by a fast method based on harmonic inpainting
* Improving Soil Moisture Estimation with a Dual Ensemble Kalman Smoother by Jointly Assimilating AMSR-E Brightness Temperature and MODIS LST
* Improving texture analysis performance in biometrics by adjusting image sharpness
* Improving Winter Wheat Yield Estimation from the CERES-Wheat Model to Assimilate Leaf Area Index with Different Assimilation Methods and Spatio-Temporal Scales
* In Memorium: Gunter Menz
* Incoming data prediction in smart home environment with HMM-based machine learning
* Individual and group tracking with the evaluation of social interactions
* Individual Tree Crown Delineation from Airborne Laser Scanning for Diseased Larch Forest Stands
* Individual Tree Detection and Classification with UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds and Hyperspectral Imaging
* Individual-free representation-based classification for facial expression recognition
* Indoor Manhattan spatial layout recovery from monocular videos via line matching
* Inexact implementation using Krylov subspace methods for large scale exponential discriminant analysis with applications to high dimensionality reduction problems
* Influence of the Spatio-Temporal Terzi Treatment on the Kinematics of Cursive Writing of Dysgraphic Subjects, The
* Information content-based low probability of interception waveforms selection against channelized receivers
* Information-Estimation Relationship in Mismatched Gaussian Channels
* Innovative polymer technologies for flexible liquid crystal displays
* Instance Annotation via Optimal BoW for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Instance cloned extreme learning machine
* Instance search retrospective with focus on TRECVID
* Instance-Level Segmentation of Vehicles by Deep Contours
* Integrated Approach for Monitoring and Information Management of the Guanling Landslide (China), An
* Integrated Platform for Live 3D Human Reconstruction and Motion Capturing, An
* Integrating Sparse and Collaborative Representation Classifications for Image Classification
* Integration of fuzzy logic and image analysis for the detection of gullies in the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory using airborne LiDAR data
* Integration of Traffic Information into the Path Planning among Moving Obstacles
* Intensity Estimation of Spectroscopic Signals With an Improved Sparse Reconstruction Algorithm
* Interactive intelligent agents with creative minds: Experiments with mobile robots in cooperating tasks by using machine learning
* Interactive Segmentation from 1-Bit Feedback
* Interest of Integrating Spaceborne LiDAR Data to Improve the Estimation of Biomass in High Biomass Forested Areas
* Interior and Exterior Shape Representations Using the Screened Poisson Equation
* Introducing an approach for writer recognition based on the i -vector paradigm
* Introduction to the Special Section on Augmented Video
* Intuitive Pointing Position Estimation for Large Scale Display Interaction in Top-View Depth Images
* Invariant-Feature Based Object Tracking Using Discrete Dynamic Swarm Optimization
* Inverting Aboveground Biomass-Canopy Texture Relationships in a Landscape of Forest Mosaic in the Western Ghats of India Using Very High Resolution Cartosat Imagery
* Investigating country-specific music preferences and music recommendation algorithms with the LFM-1b dataset
* Investigating Size Personalization for More Accurate Eye Tracking Glasses
* Investigation of Simultaneous Effects of Aerosol Properties and Aerosol Peak Height on the Air Mass Factors for Space-Borne NO2 Retrievals
* Iterative Re-Constrained Group Sparse Face Recognition With Adaptive Weights Learning
* Jam-Absorption Driving Strategy for Mitigating Traffic Oscillations, A
* JCLMM: A finite mixture model for clustering of circular-linear data and its application to psoriatic plaque segmentation
* Joint and collaborative representation with local adaptive convolution feature for face recognition with single sample per person
* Joint Antenna-and-Relay Selection in MIMO Decode-and-Forward Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels
* Joint Bayesian Estimation of Time-Varying LP Parameters and Excitation for Speech
* joint cascaded framework for simultaneous eye detection and eye state estimation, A
* Joint Compression of Near-Duplicate Videos
* Joint Dictionary Learning for Multispectral Change Detection
* Joint Distance Maps Based Action Recognition With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Joint I/Q imbalances estimation using data-dependent superimposed training
* Joint learning sparsifying linear transformation for low-resolution image synthesis and recognition
* Joint Multiview Fused ELM Learning with Propagation Filter for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Joint Reconstruction Strategy for Structured Illumination Microscopy With Unknown Illuminations
* Joint Shape and Local Appearance Features for Real-Time Driver Drowsiness Detection
* Joint Sparse Recovery With Semisupervised MUSIC
* Joint Training of Generic CNN-CRF Models with Stochastic Optimization
* k-means clustering with outlier removal
* k-MS: A novel clustering algorithm based on morphological reconstruction
* Kernel Density Estimation on Spaces of Gaussian Distributions and Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices
* Kernel Slow Feature Analysis for Scene Change Detection
* kernel-based soft BER estimator for coded QAM transmission systems, A
* Kernelized temporal locality learning for real-time visual tracking
* Keynote speaker: An engineered microenvironment for manipulating cells in tissue regeneration: A way towards the development of bioartificial organs using mesenchymal stem cell
* Keynote speaker: An experimental and computational framework to build a dynamic protein atlas for human cell division
* Keynote speaker: Computer aided diagnostics in medicine: Discrimination for some lung diseases
* Keynote speaker: Electromagnetic performances analysis of an ultra-wideband antenna in microwave breast imaging
* Keynote speaker: Nano-cancer technology: New diagnostic and therapeutic devices
* Keynote speaker: Sensing motion on wild data and virtual reality application
* Keynote speaker: State of the art brain PET inserts for the existing MRI system
* Kinship verification using neighborhood repulsed correlation metric learning
* Knowledge Guided Disambiguation for Large-Scale Scene Classification With Multi-Resolution CNNs
* L1-Regularized Reconstruction Error as Alpha Matte
* Land Use Influencing the Spatial Distribution of Urban Crime: A Case Study of Szczecin, Poland
* Landsat-Based Land Cover Change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Urban Agglomeration in 1990, 2000 and 2010
* Langerhans Islet Volume Estimation from 3D Optical Projection Tomography
* Large Age-Gap face verification by feature injection in deep networks
* Large scale and long standing simultaneous reconstruction and segmentation
* Large-scale outdoor 3D reconstruction on a mobile device
* Late pre-dereverberation for speech intelligibility enhancement in public address systems
* Latent Structure Preserving Hashing
* Layered Scene Reconstruction from Multiple Light Field Camera Views
* LBP-TOP: A Tensor Unfolding Revisit
* learned feature descriptor for efficient gender recognition using an RGB-D sensor, A
* Learning a Mixture of Deep Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Learning a no-reference quality metric for single-image super-resolution
* Learning Action Concept Trees and Semantic Alignment Networks from Image-Description Data
* Learning Bases of Activity for Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning completed discriminative local features for texture classification
* Learning Contextual Dependencies for Optical Flow with Recurrent Neural Networks
* Learning Correspondence Structures for Person Re-Identification
* Learning Deep Sharable and Structural Detectors for Face Alignment
* Learning Dictionaries as a Sum of Kronecker Products
* Learning discriminative binary codes for finger vein recognition
* Learning Discriminative Binary Codes for Large-scale Cross-modal Retrieval
* Learning discriminative trajectorylet detector sets for accurate skeleton-based action recognition
* Learning Facial Point Response for Alignment by Purely Convolutional Network
* Learning hierarchical video representation for action recognition
* Learning Optimal Parameters for Multi-target Tracking with Contextual Interactions
* Learning Robust and Discriminative Low-Rank Representations for Face Recognition with Occlusion
* Learning spatially regularized similarity for robust visual tracking
* Learning to Describe E-Commerce Images from Noisy Online Data
* Learning to Extract Motion from Videos in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning to Generate Object Segment Proposals with Multi-modal Cues
* Learning to Integrate Occlusion-Specific Detectors for Heavily Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Learning to Predict High-Quality Edge Maps for Room Layout Estimation
* Learning Traffic Patterns at Small Airports From Flight Tracks
* Learning with Ambiguous Label Distribution for Apparent Age Estimation
* Level Set Segmentation of Brain Matter Using a Trans-Roto-Scale Invariant High Dimensional Feature
* Leveraging observation uncertainty for robust visual tracking
* LFW-Gender Dataset, The
* License Plate Recognition System Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Light Field Compressed Sensing Over a Disparity-Aware Dictionary
* Light-Field Depth Estimation via Epipolar Plane Image Analysis and Locally Linear Embedding
* Lighting-aware face frontalization for unconstrained face recognition
* Lightweight UAV with on-board photogrammetry and single-frequency GPS positioning for metrology applications
* Limited Effects of Water Absorption on Reducing the Accuracy of Leaf Nitrogen Estimation
* Linear Processing for Intercarrier Interference in OFDM Index Modulation Based on Capacity Maximization
* Linking Neighborhood Characteristics and Drug-Related Police Interventions: A Bayesian Spatial Analysis
* Lip Reading from Multi View Facial Images Using 3D-AAM
* Lip Reading in the Wild
* LiverDefense: how to employ a tower defense game as a customisable research tool
* Local binary circumferential and radial derivative pattern for texture classification
* Local Feature-Based Photo Album Compression by Eliminating Redundancy of Human Partition
* Local Fractional Order Derivative Vector Quantization Pattern for Face Recognition
* Local motion deblurring using an effective image prior based on both the first- and second-order gradients
* local start search algorithm to compute exact Hausdorff Distance for arbitrary point sets, A
* Locality regularized group sparse coding for action recognition
* Locally Normalized Filter Banks Applied to Deep Neural-Network-Based Robust Speech Recognition
* Logo Retrieval Using Logo Proposals and Adaptive Weighted Pooling
* Long-Term Activity Forecasting Using First-Person Vision
* Longitudinal Analysis of Pre-Term Neonatal Cerebral Ventricles From 3D Ultrasound Images Using Spatial-Temporal Deformable Registration
* Lookup Table-Based Method for Estimating Sea Surface Hemispherical Broadband Emissivity Values (8-13.5 µm), A
* Low power design methodology for signal processing systems using lightweight dataflow techniques
* Low rank representation with adaptive distance penalty for semi-supervised subspace classification
* Low-Complexity Multidimensional DCT Approximations for High-Order Tensor Data Decorrelation
* low-complexity sensing algorithm for cooperative cognitive MIMO systems, A
* Low-Rank Tensor Recovery and Alignment Based on Lp Minimization
* LPID based criterion for airborne radar hopping frequency design
* LRR-TTK DL for face recognition
* L_0 Gradient Projection
* L_0 Regularized Stationary-Time Estimation for Crowd Analysis
* Magic Glasses: From 2D to 3D
* Main Directional Maximal Difference Analysis for Spotting Micro-expressions, A
* Mammographic mass classification according to Bi-RADS lexicon
* Mapping Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Oilseed Rape Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Data at Parcel Scale under Waterlogging Conditions
* Mapping Forest Ecosystem Biomass Density for Xiangjiang River Basin by Combining Plot and Remote Sensing Data and Comparing Spatial Extrapolation Methods
* Mapping of Vegetation Using Multi-Temporal Downscaled Satellite Images of a Reclaimed Area in Saemangeum, Republic of Korea
* Mapping Rice Fields in Urban Shanghai, Southeast China, Using Sentinel-1A and Landsat 8 Datasets
* Mapping Urban Bare Land Automatically from Landsat Imagery with a Simple Index
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo Cascade for Camera Network Calibration Based on Unconstrained Pedestrian Tracklets
* Martial Arts, Dancing and Sports dataset: A challenging stereo and multi-view dataset for 3D human pose estimation
* MARVEL: A Large-Scale Image Dataset for Maritime Vessels
* MasterPrint: Exploring the Vulnerability of Partial Fingerprint-based Authentication Systems
* matched subspace detector with interaction effects, The
* Mathematical modeling of clean and noisy ECG signals in a level-crossing sampling context
* Mathematical Morphology on Irregularly Sampled Signals
* matrix-free approach to efficient affine-linear image registration on CPU and GPU, A
* MaxEnt Upper Bounds for the Differential Entropy of Univariate Continuous Distributions
* Maximum a posteriori estimation method for aorta localization and coronary seed identification
* Maximum Likelihood TDOA Estimation From Compressed Sensing Samples Without Reconstruction
* Maximum mean discrepancy regularized sparse reconstruction for robust salient regions detection
* Maximum-a-Posteriori Estimation with Bayesian Confidence Regions
* Mean LBP and modified fuzzy C-means weighted hybrid feature for illumination invariant mean-shift tracking
* Measuring Group Velocity in Seismic Noise Correlation Studies Based on Phase Coherence and Resampling Strategies
* Median Filtering: A New Insight
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Improved Affinity Propagation
* Memory efficient Multi-Scale Line Detector architecture for retinal blood vessel segmentation
* Memory management in embedded vision systems: Optimization problems and solution methods
* Message Passing on the Two-Layer Network for Geometric Model Fitting
* MHHT-Based Method for Analysis of Micro-Doppler Signatures for Human Finer-Grained Activity Using Through-Wall SFCW Radar
* Microwave remote sensing techniques for the analysis of land surface parameters
* Midway Video Equalization
* Minkowski central partition as a pointer to a suitable distance exponent and consensus partitioning, The
* Minutiae neighborhood validation by Quaternion Zernike Moments forfingerprint matching
* Mixed Finite Element Method to Solve the EEG Forward Problem, A
* Mixed Reality Telepresence System for Collaborative Space Operation, A
* Mobile LiDAR System: New Possibilities for the Documentation and Dissemination of Large Cultural Heritage Sites
* Model and Dictionary Guided Face Inpainting in the Wild
* Model Development and Incremental Learning Based on Case-Based Reasoning for Signal and Image Analysis
* model for adapting 3D graphics based on scalable coding, real-time simplification and remote rendering, A
* Model-Free Multiple Object Tracking with Shared Proposals
* Modeling Gross Primary Production for Sunlit and Shaded Canopies Across an Evergreen and a Deciduous Site in Canada
* Modeling large-scale indoor scenes with rigid fragments using RGB-D cameras
* Modeling Stylized Character Expressions via Deep Learning
* Modelling Respiration Induced Torso Deformation Using a Mesh Fitting Algorithm
* Modern Computer Vision Techniques for X-Ray Testing in Baggage Inspection
* Modified Hidden Factor Analysis for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* Monitoring of Wheat Growth Status and Mapping of Wheat Yield's within-Field Spatial Variations Using Color Images Acquired from UAV-camera System
* Monocular Depth Estimation of Outdoor Scenes Using RGB-D Datasets
* Monte Carlo method based precision analysis of deep convolution nets
* Motion Capture of the Human Body Using Multiple Depth Sensors
* Motion Classification-Based Fast Motion Estimation for High-Efficiency Video Coding
* Motion Estimation and Correction in Photoacoustic Tomographic Reconstruction
* Motion priors based on goals hierarchies in pedestrian tracking applications
* Motion Robust Remote-PPG Approach to Driver's Health State Monitoring, A
* Motion Segmentation Via a Sparsity Constraint
* Motion-Adaptive Depth Superresolution
* Motion-compensated frame interpolation using patch-based sparseland model
* Motion-Extended Array Synthesis: Part I: Theory and Method
* Motion-Extended Array Synthesis: Part II: Experimental Validation
* Motion-Extended Array Synthesis: Part III: An Offset Imaging System Perspective
* Movement correction in DCE-MRI through windowed and reconstruction dynamic mode decomposition
* MS-RMAC: Multiscale Regional Maximum Activation of Convolutions for Image Retrieval
* MSTN: Multistage Spatial-Temporal Network for Driver Drowsiness Detection
* Multi-biometric template protection based on Homomorphic Encryption
* Multi-Camera Multi-Target Tracking with Space-Time-View Hyper-graph
* Multi-camera systems use for dental arch shape measurement
* Multi-cue Information Fusion for Two-Layer Activity Recognition
* Multi-Feature Kernel Discriminant Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* Multi-Feature Registration of Point Clouds
* Multi-focus image fusion using HOSVD and edge intensity
* Multi-Image Deblurring Using Complementary Sets of Fluttering Patterns
* Multi-instance dictionary learning via multivariate performance measure optimization
* Multi-Instance Dynamic Ordinal Random Fields for Weakly-Supervised Pain Intensity Estimation
* Multi-layer multi-view topic model for classifying advertising video
* multi-model restoration algorithm for recovering blood vessels in skin images, A
* Multi-Scale Hierarchy Deep Feature Aggregation for Compact Image Representations
* Multi-Scale Residential Areas Matching Method Using Relevance Vector Machine and Active Learning, A
* Multi-Stack Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Analysis in Wider Athens, Greece
* Multi-task and multi-kernel Gaussian process dynamical systems
* Multi-task mid-level feature learning for micro-expression recognition
* Multi-view Automatic Lip-Reading Using Neural Network
* Multi-view Multi-exposure Image Fusion Based on Random Walks Model
* Multichannel Consistent Sampling and Reconstruction Associated With Linear Canonical Transform
* Multidistortion Database for Image Quality, A
* Multifrequency Microwave Backscatter From a Highly Saline Snow Cover on Smooth First-Year Sea Ice: First-Order Theoretical Modeling
* Multilingual visual sentiment concept clustering and analysis
* Multimedia content security with random key generation approach in cloud computing
* Multimedia news QA: Extraction and visualization integration with multiple-source information
* Multimodal Fusion: Progresses and issues for augmented reality environment
* Multimodal Image Registration With Line Segments by Selective Search
* Multimodal Learning of Geometry-Preserving Binary Codes for Semantic Image Retrieval
* Multimodal medical image fusion based on discrete Tchebichef moments and pulse coupled neural network
* Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Based on Sugeno's Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
* Multiple Facial Attributes Estimation Based on Weighted Heterogeneous Learning
* Multiple object cues for high performance vector quantization
* Multiple QoS priority based scheduling in cloud computing
* Multiple-Branches Faster RCNN for Human Parts Detection and Pose Estimation
* Multiple-Shot Person Re-identification via Riemannian Discriminative Learning
* Multiresolution LDBP descriptors for texture classification using anisotropic diffusion with an application to wood texture analysis
* Multiscale salient region-based visual tracking
* Multiscale Sampling Based Texture Image Classification
* Multiscale Segmentation via Bregman Distances and Nonlinear Spectral Analysis
* Multiscale spatially regularised correlation filters for visual tracking
* Multiview Cauchy Estimator Feature Embedding for Depth and Inertial Sensor-Based Human Action Recognition
* Multiview convolutional neural networks for lung nodule classification
* Mutation Operator Accelerated Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction, A
* Nasal Patches and Curves for Expression-Robust 3D Face Recognition
* Network Flow Integer Programming to Track Elliptical Cells in Time-Lapse Sequences
* Neuro-fuzzy localization in wireless sensor networks
* Neuroimage-based clinical prediction using machine learning tools
* New Approach for Realistic 3D Reconstruction of Planar Surfaces from Laser Scanning Data and Imagery Collected Onboard Modern Low-Cost Aerial Mapping Systems, A
* new classification approach based on source separation and feature extraction, A
* New Combined Feature Extraction Method for Persian Handwritten Digit Recognition, A
* new maximum relevance-minimum multicollinearity (MRmMC) method for feature selection and ranking, A
* New Multiple-Target Tracking Strategy Using Domain Knowledge and Optimization
* new S-box construction method based on the fractional-order chaotic Chen system, A
* New Sparse LSSVM Method Based the Revised LARS, A
* New TDOA-Based Three-Dimensional Positioning Method for 3GPP LTE System
* Nighttime Vehicle Detection Based on Bio-Inspired Image Enhancement and Weighted Score-Level Feature Fusion
* No-Reference and Robust Image Sharpness Evaluation Based on Multiscale Spatial and Spectral Features
* No-reference stereo image quality assessment based on joint wavelet decomposition and statistical models
* No-Reference Video Shakiness Quality Assessment
* Non-conventional keystroke dynamics for user authentication
* Non-convex online robust PCA: Enhance sparsity via lp-norm minimization
* Non-convex regularized self-representation for unsupervised feature selection
* Noncolocated Time-Reversal MUSIC: High-SNR Distribution of Null Spectrum
* Nonlinear analysis of GMSK carrier phase recovery loop
* Nonlinear Deep Kernel Learning for Image Annotation
* Nonlinear Feature Transformation and Deep Fusion for Alzheimer's Disease Staging Analysis
* Nonlinear Observation Models With Additive Gaussian Noises and Efficient MLEs
* Nonlinearity in Simple and Complex Cells in Early Biological Visual Systems
* Nonlocal Denoising Algorithm for Manifold-Valued Images Using Second Order Statistics, A
* Nonparametric kernel sparse representation-based classifier
* Nonrigid Medical Image Registration Based on Curves
* Nonuniform Orthogonal Filterbanks Based on MDCT Analysis/Synthesis and Time-Domain Aliasing Reduction
* novel active contour model based on modified symmetric cross entropy for remote sensing river image segmentation, A
* Novel CMOS sensors for improved quantum imaging
* novel companion objective function for regularization of deep convolutional neural networks, A
* novel correspondence-based face-hallucination method, A
* Novel Digital Cancelation Method in Presence of Harmonic Self-Interference
* Novel Distance Estimation Method Leading a Forward Collision Avoidance Assist System for Vehicles on Highways, A
* novel filter-based model for mobile-to-mobile double-Rayleigh fading channels, A
* Novel Illumination Estimation for Face Recognition under Complex Illumination Conditions, A
* Novel Iterative Method for Airway Tree Segmentation from CT Imaging Using Multiscale Leakage Detection, A
* novel Markov random field model based on region adjacency graph for T1 magnetic resonance imaging brain segmentation, A
* Novel PRCC Scheme for OFDM Systems Over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels, A
* Novel recommendation systems in social networks
* novel resource scheduling approach to improve the reliability of Shuffle-exchange networks, A
* Novel robust zero-watermarking scheme for digital rights management of 3D videos
* Novel Scanning Technique for Imaging of Gold and Silver Foils Used in Art Works, A
* novel surface tension formulation for SPH fluid simulation, A
* Novel Time Series Kernel for Sequences Generated by LTI Systems, A
* Numerical Framework for Sobolev Metrics on the Space of Curves, A
* Object Boundary Guided Semantic Segmentation
* Object Category Understanding via Eye Fixations on Freehand Sketches
* Object tracking based on incremental Bi-2DPCA learning with sparse structure
* Object Tracking via Temporal Consistency Dictionary Learning
* Object-Aware Dictionary Learning with Deep Features
* Object-Centric Representation Learning from Unlabeled Videos
* Objective Quality Assessment of Screen Content Images by Uncertainty Weighting
* Obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis based on a statistical analysis of the optical flow in video recordings
* Occlusion detecting window matching scheme for optical flow estimation with discrete optimization
* Occlusion-Aware Real-Time Object Tracking
* Ocular biometrics in the visible spectrum: A survey
* On Data Quality Assurance and Conflation Entanglement in Crowdsourcing for Environmental Studies
* On Log-Normality of RSSI in Narrowband Receivers Under Static Conditions
* On Market-Driven Hybrid-P2P Video Streaming
* On Maximum-Likelihood Methods for Localizing More Sources Than Sensors
* On Some Properties of Calibrated Trifocal Tensors
* On the Absence of Uniform Recovery in Many Real-World Applications of Compressed Sensing and the Restricted Isometry Property and Nullspace Property in Levels
* On the Distribution of Photon Counts with Censoring in Two-Photon Laser Scanning Microscopy
* On the Estimation of the Parameters of a Real Sinusoid in Noise
* On the Identification of Bilinear Forms With the Wiener Filter
* On the impact of pdf-matched quantization for heterogeneous cognitive radio networks
* On the impact of users distribution in indoor reference node placement
* On the Iterative Computation of Error Matrix in Unbiased FIR Filtering
* On the Uniqueness of FROG Methods
* On the use of opening phase slopes of the glottal signal to characterize unilateral vocal folds paralysis
* On the use of radiance domain for burn scar detection under varying atmospheric illumination conditions and viewing geometry
* Online Algorithm for Efficient and Temporally Consistent Subspace Clustering, An
* Opportunistic resource blocks allocation for underlay D2D communications in 5G uplink network with awareness of BER constraint
* Optimal cross-correlated moments' selection using mixed integer non-linear programming for a novel efficient spectrum sensing approach
* Optimal Design of Oversampled Modulated Filter Bank
* Optimal mean two-dimensional principal component analysis with F-norm minimization
* Optimal Nonnegative Eigenvalue Decomposition for the Freeman and Durden Three-Component Scattering Model, An
* Optimal Planar Array Architecture for Full-Dimensional Multi-user Multiple-Input Multiple-Output with Elevation Modeling
* Optimising Phenological Metrics Extraction for Different Crop Types in Germany Using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS)
* Optimization approach for feature selection in multi-label classification
* Optimization of depth modeling modes in 3D-HEVC depth intra coding
* Optimized Color Filter Arrays for Sparse Representation-Based Demosaicking
* Optimized Sample Selection in SVM Classification by Combining with DMSP-OLS, Landsat NDVI and GlobeLand30 Products for Extracting Urban Built-Up Areas
* Out of Time: Automated Lip Sync in the Wild
* Output Constraint Transfer for Kernelized Correlation Filter in Tracking
* Overlapped Subarray Based Hybrid Beamforming for Millimeter Wave Multiuser Massive MIMO
* Oversampled Pulse Compression Based on Signal Modeling: Application to CONSERT/Rosetta Radar
* overview of Multimodal Sentiment Analysis research: Opportunities and Difficulties, An
* Packet loss visibility across SD, HD, 3D, and UHD video streams
* Palette-Based Image Recoloring Using Color Decomposition Optimization
* Pano2Vid: Automatic Cinematography for Watching 360° Videos
* ParaBoost stereoscopic image quality assessment (PBSIQA) system, A
* Parallel Accelerated Matting Method Based on Local Learning
* Parametric Image Segmentation of Humans with Structural Shape Priors
* Parametric Planning Model for Video Quality Evaluation of IPTV Services Combining Channel and Video Characteristics
* Partial Hash Update via Hamming Subspace Learning
* Partially collapsed parallel Gibbs sampler for Dirichlet process mixture models
* Partly First Among Equals: Semantic Part-Based Benchmarking for State-of-the-Art Object Recognition Systems
* Passive Acoustic Mapping with the Angular Spectrum Method
* Passive Moving Target Classification Via Spectra Multiplication Method
* Patch Group Based Bayesian Learning for Blind Image Denoising
* Patterns of approximated localised moments for visual loop closure detection
* PBC: Polygon-Based Classifier for Fine-Grained Categorization
* Pedestrian and Vehicle Detection and Tracking with Object-Driven Vanishing Line Estimation
* Pedestrian Color Naming via Convolutional Neural Network
* Pedestrian Counting With Back-Propagated Information and Target Drift Remedy
* Pedestrian recognition in multi-camera networks using multilevel important salient feature and multicategory incremental learning
* Perceptual Adaptation of Image Based on Chevreul: Mach Bands Visual Phenomenon
* Perceptual Color Classification Based on Lightning Environment with Hyperspectral Data
* Perceptual Distributed Compressive Video Sensing via Reweighted Sampling and Rate-Distortion Optimized Measurements Allocation
* Perfect fingerprint orientation fields by locally adaptive global models
* Performance analysis of 2-D DOA estimation using L-shaped array in scattered channel
* Performance analysis of PPM modulation in multihop FSO system over gamma gamma channel
* Performance analysis of PSK modulation in DF dual-hop hybrid RF/FSO system over gamma gamma channel
* Performance Evaluation of Radio Map Construction Methods for Wi-Fi Positioning Systems
* Performance evaluation of strain field measurement by digital image correlation using HEVC compressed ultra-high speed video sequences
* Persistent homology to analyse 3D faces and assess body weight gain
* Person re-identification by multiple instance metric learning with impostor rejection
* Person re-identification with block sparse recovery
* Phase Code to Mitigate the Copolar Correlation Coefficient Bias in PPAR Weather Radar
* Phase Retrieval From Multiple-Window Short-Time Fourier Measurements
* phi-LSTM: A Phrase-Based Hierarchical LSTM Model for Image Captioning
* Photometric Bundle Adjustment for Vision-Based SLAM
* Photoplethysmogram signal analysis for detecting vital physiological parameters: An evaluating study
* Piano Transcription With Convolutional Sparse Lateral Inhibition
* PicMarker: Data-Driven Image Categorization Based on Iterative Clustering
* Picture Scanning Automata
* Piecewise Video Condensation for Complex Scenes
* pipelined multi-softcore approach for the HOG algorithm, A
* Planar Markerless Augmented Reality Using Online Orientation Estimation
* Plant Cell Tracking Using Kalman Filter Based Local Graph Matching
* Plenary speaker: Development of the next generation positron emission tomography
* Plenary speaker: Granular video tracking: Role of r-granules
* Plenary speaker: Smart material interfaces: Playful and artistic applications
* Point cloud registration by combining shape and intensity contexts
* Point-Cut: Interactive Image Segmentation Using Point Supervision
* Portable implementation of profuse perspiration indicator for use in disease symptom detection
* Pose-invariant face recognition with homography-based normalization
* Posterior-Based Multistream Formulation for G2P Conversion, A
* potential of more accurate InSAR covariance matrix estimation for land cover mapping, The
* Potential of RapidEye and WorldView-2 Satellite Data for Improving Rice Nitrogen Status Monitoring at Different Growth Stages
* potential use of high resolution X-band SAR moisture products for the calibration of a water balance model over bare agricultural soils (Tunisia), The
* Power control and RB allocation in cloud radio access networks
* power-efficient implementation of in-band full-duplex communication system (ReflectFX), A
* Practical and Highly Optimized Convolutional Neural Network for Classifying Traffic Signs in Real-Time, A
* Precise Measurement of Cargo Boxes for Gantry Robot Palletization in Large Scale Workspaces Using Low-Cost RGB-D Sensors
* Predicting Image Memorability Through Adaptive Transfer Learning From External Sources
* Predicting Spatial Distribution of Key Honeybee Pests in Kenya Using Remotely Sensed and Bioclimatic Variables: Key Honeybee Pests Distribution Models
* Preface to the special issue on VS-Games 2015
* Preflight Radiometric Calibration of Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2
* Preliminary Evaluation of the SMAP Radiometer Soil Moisture Product over China Using In Situ Data
* Preliminary Investigation on Stationarity of Dynamic Smoke Texture and Dynamic Fire Texture Based on Motion Coherent Metric
* Presentation Attack Detection Methods for Face Recognition Systems: A Comprehensive Survey
* Privacy Preserving Cloth Try-On Using Mobile Augmented Reality
* probabilistic multi-label classifier with missing and noisy labels handling capability, A
* Probabilistic multi-person localisation and tracking in image sequences
* Probabilistic Prediction Model for the Safety Assessment of HDVs Under Complex Driving Environments, A
* Products of the SNPP VIIRS SD Screen Transmittance and the SD BRDFs From Both Yaw Maneuver and Regular On-Orbit Data
* Propagation of Radio and Microwave Frequency Electromagnetic Pulses in Dielectric and Magnetic Dispersive Media
* Proposal of a multi-standard transceiver for the WBAN Internet of Things
* Prototype Discriminative Learning for Face Image Set Classification
* Proximity operators for a class of hybrid sparsity: entropy priors application to dosy NMR signal reconstruction
* PSI: Patch-Based Script Identification Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Public Security Video and Image Analysis Challenge: A Retrospective
* Public Traffic Demand Forecast Method Based on Computational Experiments, A
* QOS for cognitive radio Ad Hoc Networks
* Quality Assessment of Sharpened Images: Challenges, Methodology, and Objective Metrics
* Quantitative Analysis of a Bioplausible Model of Misperception of Slope in the Café Wall Illusion
* Quantized Segmentation of Fibrotic Tissue of Left Atrial from Delay-Enhancement MRI Images Using Level-Set and Graph-Cut
* Quantum particle swarm optimization for multiobjective combined economic emission dispatch problem using cubic criterion function
* Quaternion DISC-harmonic moments based on healpix sampling for fast 2D colour shape retrieval
* R-CNN for Small Object Detection
* Radial Lens Distortion Correction Using Convolutional Neural Networks Trained with Synthesized Images
* Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4 in Multispectral Bands
* Radiometry Propagation to Large 3D Point Clouds from Sparsely Sampled Ground Truth
* Random Forest with Suppressed Leaves for Hough Voting
* Random Multi-Graphs: A semi-supervised learning framework for classification of high dimensional data
* Rank-1 Tensor Decomposition for Hyperspectral Image Denoising with Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
* Rapid Analytic Optimization of Quadratic ICP Algorithms
* Rate model considering inter-symbol dependency for HEVC inter-frame coding
* Real Time Direct Visual Odometry for Flexible Multi-camera Rigs
* Real time Hand Gesture Recognition using different algorithms based on American Sign Language
* Real time visual tracking using a spatially weighted von Mises mixture model
* Real-Time 3D Face Fitting and Texture Fusion on In-the-Wild Videos
* Real-time assessment of bone structure positions via ultrasound imaging
* Real-Time Bidirectional Traffic Flow Parameter Estimation From Aerial Videos
* Real-Time Correlation Filter Tracking by Efficient Dense Belief Propagation With Structure Preserving
* Real-Time Feature-Based Video Stabilization on FPGA
* Real-Time Head Pose Estimation on Mobile Devices
* real-time near infrared image acquisition system based on image quality assessment, A
* Real-time patch-based medical image modality propagation by GPU computing
* Real-time scalable hardware architecture for 3D-HEVC bipartition modes
* Realtime Hierarchical Clustering Based on Boundary and Surface Statistics
* Recognition of Paper-Based Conceptual Models Captured Under Uncontrolled Conditions
* Recognition of Texting-While-Walking by Joint Features Based on Arm and Head Poses
* Recognizing and Presenting the Storytelling Video Structure With Deep Multimodal Networks
* Recommendation of move method refactorings using coupling, cohesion and contextual similarity
* Reconstruction Formula for Photoacoustic Tomography with Cylindrical Detectors
* Reconstruction of 3D Models Consisting of Line Segments
* Reconstruction of gene network through Backward Elimination based Information-Theoretic Inference with Maximal Information Coefficient
* Recovering Pose and 3D Deformable Shape from Multi-instance Image Ensembles
* Recurrent Convolutional Face Alignment
* Reflectance-based 3D shape refinement of surfaces with spatially varying BRDF properties
* Reflectance-Elevation Relationships and Their Seasonal Patterns over Twelve Glaciers in Western China Based on Landsat 8 Data
* Regional mutual information-based identification and reduction of flicker artifacts during video encoding
* Regularization techniques for high-dimensional data analysis
* Regularized max-min linear discriminant analysis
* Relational-Regularized Discriminative Sparse Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Reliable Age Estimation Based on Apt Gabor Features Selection and SVM
* reliable fault detection scheme for the AES hardware implementation, A
* Removal of specular reflections from image sequences using feature correspondences
* Removing Shadows from Images of Documents
* Representation Learning, Scene Understanding, and Feature Fusion for Drowsiness Detection
* Reproducibility and Practical Adoption of GEOBIA with Open-Source Software in Docker Containers
* Resistivity Tensor Imaging via Network Discretization of Faraday's Law
* Resource Provisioning and Profit Maximization for Transcoding in Clouds: A Two-Timescale Approach
* Rethinking Transit Time Reliability by Integrating Automated Vehicle Location Data, Passenger Patterns, and Web Tools
* Retrieval of Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Solids Using Iterative Stepwise Elimination Partial Least Squares (ISE-PLS) Regression Based on Field Hyperspectral Measurements in Irrigation Ponds in Higashihiroshima, Japan
* Retrospective analysis of time series for frame selection in surveillance video summarization
* Revealing Event Saliency in Unconstrained Video Collection
* Revisiting the Kronecker Array Transform
* Reweighted Algorithms for Independent Vector Analysis
* RF absorption in biological tissue at varying distances and angles and rapport to tissue impedance
* RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Minimum Barrier Distance Transform and Saliency Fusion
* RGBD Salient Object Detection via Deep Fusion
* River sediment yield classification using remote sensing imagery
* Robust alignment for UAV images based on adaptive adjustment
* Robust and Dense Depth Estimation for Light Field Images
* Robust and Discriminative Labeling for Multi-Label Active Learning Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Robust and Fast Method for Sidescan Sonar Image Segmentation Using Nonlocal Despeckling and Active Contour Model, A
* Robust and Low-Rank Representation for Fast Face Identification With Occlusions
* Robust contourlet-based blind watermarking for depth-image-based rendering 3D images
* Robust corner detection using the eigenvector-based angle estimator
* Robust face recognition with structural binary gradient patterns
* Robust facial landmark tracking via cascade regression
* Robust Feature Extraction Based Watermarking Method Using Spread Transform Dither Modulation
* Robust Fitting of Ellipsoids by Separating Interior and Exterior Points During Optimization
* Robust fuzzy local information and -norm distance-based image segmentation method
* Robust Generalized Low-Rank Decomposition of Multimatrices for Image Recovery
* Robust Matrix Completion via Alternating Projection
* Robust Multi-Exposure Image Fusion: A Structural Patch Decomposition Approach
* Robust Multi-Model Fitting Using Density and Preference Analysis
* Robust Neighborhood Preserving Projection by Nuclear/L2,1-Norm Regularization for Image Feature Extraction
* Robust Noisy Image Super-Resolution Using l1-norm Regularization and Non-local Constraint
* Robust Non-Rigid Point Set Registration Using Spatially Constrained Gaussian Fields
* Robust Nuclear Norm-Based Matrix Regression With Applications to Robust Face Recognition
* Robust object tracking based on local discriminative sparse representation
* Robust pedestrian detection under deformation using simple boosted features
* Robust Registration of Dynamic Facial Sequences
* Robust scene matching method based on sparse representation and iterative correction
* Robust SIFT for dark face images recogntition
* Robust Statistical Frontalization of Human and Animal Faces
* Robust uncalibrated stereo rectification with constrained geometric distortions (USR-CGD)
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Structure-Preserving Sparse Learning
* Robustness analysis of lane keeping system for autonomous ground vehicle
* Robustness of the coherently distributed MUSIC algorithm to the imperfect knowledge of the spatial distribution of the sources
* Role of Climate Variability and Human Activity on Poopó Lake Droughts between 1990 and 2015 Assessed Using Remote Sensing Data
* Rule-guided human classification of Volunteered Geographic Information
* SAHARA: A Simplified AtmospHeric Correction AlgoRithm for Chinese gAofen Data: 1. Aerosol Algorithm
* Salience Indicators for Landmark Extraction at Large Spatial Scales Based on Spatial Analysis Methods
* Saliency and KAZE features assisted object segmentation
* Saliency Detection via Diversity-Induced Multi-view Matrix Decomposition
* Saliency-Based Person Re-identification by Probability Histogram
* Salient Object Detection via Multiple Instance Learning
* Salient Object Detection via Weighted Low Rank Matrix Recovery
* Salient object detection with high-level prior based on Bayesian fusion
* SAR-PC: Edge Detection in SAR Images via an Advanced Phase Congruency Model
* scalable and multi-purpose point cloud server (PCS) for easier and faster point cloud data management and processing, A
* Scalable Bag of Subpaths Kernel for Learning on Hierarchical Image Representations and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Classification
* Scalable HEVC decoder for mobile devices: Trade-off between energy consumption and quality
* Scalable region-based image retrieval system in the Wavelet Transform domain
* Scale-Adaptive Deconvolutional Regression Network for Pedestrian Detection
* Scene Text Detection and Segmentation Based on Cascaded Convolution Neural Networks
* SCLS: Multi-label feature selection based on scalable criterion for large label set
* Scope of Video Magnification in Human Pulse Rate Estimation
* Scrambling Cryptography Using Programmable SLM-Based Filter for Video Streaming Over a WDM Network
* Screening Tests for LASSO Problems
* Seamless Lesion Insertion for Data Augmentation in CAD Training
* Searching Action Proposals via Spatial Actionness Estimation and Temporal Path Inference and Tracking
* Second-Order Recursive Filtering on the Rigid-Motion Lie Group SE3 Based on Nonlinear Observations
* Sector-ring HOG for rotation-invariant human detection
* Securing fingerprint templates using fused structures
* Segment based co-factor detection and elimination for effective gait recognition
* Segmentation models diversity for object proposals
* Segmentation of 3D outdoor scenes using hierarchical clustering structure and perceptual grouping laws
* Segmentation of brain MRI using active contour model
* Segmentation of ischemic stroke area from CT brain images
* Segmentation of Partially Overlapping Convex Objects Using Branch and Bound Algorithm
* Segmentation of the left ventricle in short-axis sequences by combining deformation flow and optical flow
* Segmentation of Trabecular Bone for In Vivo CT Imaging Using a Novel Approach of Computing Spatial Variation in Bone and Marrow Intensities
* Selecting Appropriate Spatial Scale for Mapping Plastic-Mulched Farmland with Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery
* semantic content based recommendation system for cross-lingual news, A
* Semantic Segmentation of Earth Observation Data Using Multimodal and Multi-scale Deep Networks
* Semantic segmentation of forest stands of pure species combining airborne lidar data and very high resolution multispectral imagery
* Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation for Weakly Labeled Semantic Video Object Segmentation
* Semi-Supervised Image-to-Video Adaptation for Video Action Recognition
* Semi-supervised learning through adaptive Laplacian graph trimming
* Semi-supervised manifold-embedded hashing with joint feature representation and classifier learning
* Semi-Supervised Sparse Representation Based Classification for Face Recognition With Insufficient Labeled Samples
* Semisupervised classification of hyperspectral remote sensing images with spatial majority voting
* Semisupervised Online Multikernel Similarity Learning for Image Retrieval
* Semivariogram analysis of bone images implemented on FPGA architectures
* Separable reversible data hiding in encrypted image based on pixel value ordering and additive homomorphism
* Sequential Segment Networks for Action Recognition
* Set of bilateral and radial symmetry shape descriptor based on contour information
* Sharpening filter for false color imaging of dual-energy X-ray scans
* Shortest Processing Time Scheduling to Reduce Traffic Congestion in Dense Urban Areas
* SIFT based video watermarking resistant to temporal scaling
* Sign-Correlation Partition Based on Global Supervised Descent Method for Face Alignment
* Signature of Geometric Centroids for 3D Local Shape Description and Partial Shape Matching
* Signature Verification Based on the Kinematic Theory of Rapid Human Movements
* Similarities and Differences in the Mathematical Formalizations of the Retinex Model and Its Variants
* Simple Scanner for High Resolution Imaging of Wall Paintings, A
* Simple Signed-Distance Function Depth Calculation Applied to Measurement of the fMRI BOLD Hemodynamic Response Function in Human Visual Cortex
* simulation of multiple grouping movements for pedestrians, A
* Simultaneous Independent Image Display Technique on Multiple 3D Objects
* Single cell mass measurement from deformation of nanofork
* Single Image Dehazing Using Fixed Points and Nearest-Neighbor Regularization
* Single image dehazing using kernel regression model and dark channel prior
* Single Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Edge-Preserving with External and Internal Gradient Prior Knowledge
* Sketch-a-Net: A Deep Neural Network that Beats Humans
* SketchSeeker: Finding Similar Sketches
* Skin Segmentation Algorithm Based on Stacked Autoencoders, A
* Skull Conductivity Estimation for EEG Source Localization
* Sleep Apnea Detection via Depth Video and Audio Feature Learning
* SMAP L-Band Microwave Radiometer: Instrument Design and First Year on Orbit
* Smart Computing and Sensing Technologies for Animal Welfare: A Systematic Review
* Smart material interfaces: Playful and artistic applications
* Social Force Model-Based MCMC-OCSVM Particle PHD Filter for Multiple Human Tracking
* Social-spider optimised particle filtering for tracking of targets with discontinuous measurement data
* Solar powered smart ultrasonic insects repellent with DTMF and manual control for agriculture
* Solving feature selection problem using intelligent double treatment iterative composite neighbourhood structure algorithm
* SPA: Sparse Photorealistic Animation Using a Single RGB-D Camera
* Space-time representation of people based on 3D skeletal data: A review
* Sparse Code Filtering for Action Pattern Mining
* Sparse Coding Based Fisher Vector Using a Bayesian Approach
* Sparse coding based orientation estimation for latent fingerprints
* Sparse Coding on Cascaded Residuals
* Sparse composition of body poses and atomic actions for human activity recognition in RGB-D videos
* Sparse Gradient Pursuit for Robust Visual Analysis
* Sparse Graph Regularization for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Sparse Hilbert Schmidt Independence Criterion and Surrogate-Kernel-Based Feature Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Sparse representation-based algorithm for joint SAR image formation and autofocus
* Sparse SAR Imaging Method Based on Multiple Measurement Vectors Model, A
* Sparse transfer for facial shape-from-shading
* Spatial Indexing of Complex Virtual Reality Scenes in the Web
* Spatial Lattice Model Applied for Meteorological Visualization and Analysis, A
* Spatial Reuse Algorithm Using Interference Graph in Millimeter Wave Beamforming Systems
* Spatial Variability Analysis of Within-Field Winter Wheat Nitrogen and Grain Quality Using Canopy Fluorescence Sensor Measurements
* Spatio-Temporal Attention Models for Grounded Video Captioning
* Spatio-Temporal Change Detection of Ningbo Coastline Using Landsat Time-Series Images during 1976-2015
* Spatio-Temporal Change of Lake Water Extent in Wuhan Urban Agglomeration Based on Landsat Images from 1987 to 2015
* Spatiotemporal Deformable Prototypes for Motion Anomaly Detection
* Spatiotemporal downscaling approaches for monitoring 8-day 30 m actual evapotranspiration
* Special Issue Introduction: Recognition, Tracking, and Optimisation
* Special Issue on Large-Scale 3D Modeling of Urban Indoor or Outdoor Scenes from Images and Range Scans
* Special issue on real-time energy-aware circuits and systems for HEVC and for its 3D and SVC extensions
* Speckle Reduction with Trained Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Spectral attribute learning for visual regression
* Spectral Dichromatic Parameter Recovery from Two Views via Total Variation Hyper-priors
* Spectral Reflectance Recovery with Interreflection Using a Hyperspectral Image
* Spectral-Spatial Response for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spectral-Spatial Shared Linear Regression for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Specular Reflection Separation With Color-Lines Constraint
* Specularity removal: A global energy minimization approach based on polarization imaging
* Speed Invariance vs. Stability: Cross-Speed Gait Recognition Using Single-Support Gait Energy Image
* SPID: Surveillance Pedestrian Image Dataset and Performance Evaluation for Pedestrian Detection
* Spider monkey optimisation assisted particle filter for robust object tracking
* SSP: Supervised Sparse Projections for Large-Scale Retrieval in High Dimensions
* Stable Analytical Framework for Isometric Shape-from-Template by Surface Integration, A
* Stacked Convolutional Denoising Auto-Encoders for Feature Representation
* Stacked Learning to Search for Scene Labeling
* Stacked Overcomplete Independent Component Analysis for Action Recognition
* Statistical Atmospheric Parameter Retrieval Largely Benefits From Spatial-Spectral Image Compression
* Statistical Framework for Generalized Linear Image Processing Systems, A
* Statistically Indifferent Quality Variation: An Approach for Reducing Multimedia Distribution Cost for Adaptive Video Streaming Services
* Stay-Green and Associated Vegetative Indices to Breed Maize Adapted to Heat and Combined Heat-Drought Stresses
* Steerable Wavelet Machines (SWM): Learning Moving Frames for Texture Classification
* Steered Response Power Localization of Acoustic Passband Signals
* Stereo reconstruction using top-down cues
* STFCN: Spatio-Temporal Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes
* Stokes parameters and DOAs estimation of partially polarized sources using a EM vector sensor
* Structuring Digital Spaces by Path-Partition Induced Closure Operators on Graphs
* Study of Children Facial Recognition for Privacy in Smart TV, A
* Study of Combining Re-coloring and Adding Patterns to Images for Dichromats, A
* study on the potential roles of a robot peer in socio-emotional development of children, A
* study on the usability of opinion-unaware no-reference natural image quality metrics in the context of medical images, A
* Style Transfer Via Texture Synthesis
* Subspace clustering guided unsupervised feature selection
* Subspace Learning Based Low-Rank Representation
* Success based locally weighted Multiple Kernel combination
* Sufficient Image Appearance Transfer Combining Color and Texture
* Suited architecture for massive MIMO detector based on antenna selection and LAS algorithm
* SUMO Ship Detector Algorithm for Satellite Radar Images, The
* Super Normal Vector for Human Activity Recognition with Depth Cameras
* Superpixel-based class-semantic texton occurrences for natural roadside vegetation segmentation
* Supervised Multiview Feature Selection Exploring Homogeneity and Heterogeneity With L_1,2-Norm and Automatic View Generation
* Supervised Sub-Pixel Mapping for Change Detection from Remotely Sensed Images with Different Resolutions
* Supervoxel-Based Segmentation of 3D Volumetric Images
* Supplementations to the Higher Order Subspace Algorithm for Suppression of Spatially Colored Noise
* Support vector machine classifier with truncated pinball loss
* Suppression of Alpha Oscillation During Micro-expression Recognition
* Surf Zone Characterization Using a Small Quadcopter: Technical Issues and Procedures
* Surface Echo Characteristics Derived From the Wide Swath Experiment of the Precipitation Radar Onboard TRMM Satellite During Its End-of-Mission Operation
* Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Using the L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Onboard the Soil Moisture Active-Passive Satellite and Evaluation at Core Validation Sites
* Surface-Height Determination of Crevassed Glaciers: Mathematical Principles of an Autoadaptive Density-Dimension Algorithm and Validation Using ICESat-2 Simulator (SIMPL) Data
* survey of document image word spotting techniques, A
* Survey on handwritten documents word spotting, A
* SUST-BHND: A database of Bangla Handwritten Numerals
* Synchronization Error Compensation of Multi-view RGB-D 3D Modeling System
* Synergistic Use of Nighttime Satellite Data, Electric Utility Infrastructure, and Ambient Population to Improve Power Outage Detections in Urban Areas
* Synthetic Word Gesture Generation for Stroke-Based Virtual Keyboards
* System for multimodal biometric recognition based on finger knuckle and finger vein using feature-level fusion and k-support vector machine classifier
* System performance of two-way decode-and-forward relaying assisted D2D communication underlaying cellular networks
* system-level security approach for heterogeneous MPSoCs, A
* SystemC modelling of lossless compression IP cores for space applications
* T-Rex: A Milano Retinex Implementation Based on Intensity Thresholding
* T-Test Based Adaptive Random Walk Segmentation Under Multiplicative Speckle Noise Model
* Tactile modeling and rendering image-textures based on electrovibration
* Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Phytoplankton Primary Production in Lake Taihu Derived from MODIS Data
* Temporal city modeling using street level imagery
* Temporal evolution in synthetic handwriting
* Temporal Scale Selection in Time-Causal Scale Space
* Tensor B-Spline Approach for Solving the Diffusion PDE With Application to Optical Diffusion Tomography, A
* Tensor DoA Estimation With Directional Elements
* Tensor Matched Subspace Detector for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Text/Non-Text Image Classification in the Wild with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Textured image segmentation via scattering transform and score fusion
* Texturedness decision time for audio texturedness indicator
* Theme issue 'Papers from Geospatial Week 2015'
* Thermal Imaging Based Elderly Fall Detection
* Three-Dimensional Cumulant-Based Coherent Integration Method to Enhance First-Break Seismic Signals
* Three-Dimensional Local Binary Patterns for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Three-Step Semi-Empirical Radiometric Terrain Correction Approach for PolSAR Data Applied to Forested Areas
* Time Efficient Receiver Oriented Sleep Scheduling for Underwater Sensor Network
* Time synchronization in IoT networks: Case of a wireless body area network
* Toward a Reliable Collection of Eye-Tracking Data for Image Quality Research: Challenges, Solutions, and Applications
* Toward high-performance online HCCR: A CNN approach with DropDistortion, path signature and spatial stochastic max-pooling
* Towards a Landmark-Based Pedestrian Navigation Service Using OSM Data
* Towards a Universal Hyperspectral Index to Assess Chlorophyll Content in Deciduous Forests
* Towards complex activity recognition using a Bayesian network-based probabilistic generative framework
* Towards Segmenting Consumer Stereo Videos: Benchmark, Baselines and Ensembles
* Towards vegetation species discrimination by using data-driven descriptors
* Trace Coherence: A New Operator for Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR images
* Tracing the Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Events Based on Social Media Data
* Track-to-Track Association by Coherent Point Drift
* Tracking and Size Estimation of Objects in Motion
* Tracking of Lines in Spherical Images via Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SO(3)
* Tractable framework for modeling and analyzing Joint CoMP Transmission and eICIC technology in two-tier heterogeneous cellular networks
* Traffic Sign Detection Based on Histograms of Oriented Gradients and Boolean Convolutional Neural Networks
* Traffic Sign Recognition via Multi-Modal Tree-Structure Embedded Multi-Task Learning
* Transferability of multi- and hyperspectral optical biocrust indices
* Transferring Pre-Trained Deep CNNs for Remote Scene Classification with General Features Learned from Linear PCA Network
* Transformation of a high-dimensional color space for material classification
* Transmission Type Scanning System for Ultra High Resolution Scanning, A
* Transparent encryption with scalable video communication: Lower-latency, CABAC-based schemes
* Tumor detection in T1, T2, FLAIR and MPR brain images using a combination of optimization and fuzzy clustering improved by seed-based region growing algorithm
* Tunable data hiding in partially encrypted H.264/AVC videos
* Twilight for the golden age of earth observation?
* Two-Dimensional Compact Variational Mode Decomposition
* Two-dimensional discriminant analysis based on Schatten p-norm for image feature extraction
* Two-Dimensional Input-Revolving Automata
* Two-dimensional shape retrieval using the distribution of extrema of Laplacian eigenfunctions
* Two-stage filtering of compressed depth images with Markov Random Field
* Two-View 3D Reconstruction for Food Volume Estimation
* UAV-Based Oblique Photogrammetry for Outdoor Data Acquisition and Offsite Visual Inspection of Transmission Line
* UAV-Based Optical Granulometry as Tool for Detecting Changes in Structure of Flood Depositions
* Ultra wide band audio visual PHY IEEE 802.15.3c for SPIHT-compressed image transmission
* Ultra-Shallow DoF Imaging Using Faced Paraboloidal Mirrors
* Ultrareliable Short-Packet Communications With Wireless Energy Transfer
* Ultrasound Speckle Reduction via L0 Minimization
* Unconstrained Gaze Estimation Using Random Forest Regression Voting
* Underdetermined DOA Estimation Method for Wideband Signals Using Joint Nonnegative Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Underwater Image Restoration Based on Image Blurriness and Light Absorption
* Unified Approach to the Well-Posedness of Some Non-Lambertian Models in Shape-from-Shading Theory, A
* Unified Characterization of P-Simple Points in Triangular, Square, and Hexagonal Grids
* Unified Form for the Robust Gaussian Information Filtering Based on M-Estimate
* Unified subspace learning for incomplete and unlabeled multi-view data
* Unifying Algebraic Solvers for Scaled Euclidean Registration from Point, Line and Plane Constraints
* Universum Autoencoder-Based Domain Adaptation for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Unmanned Aerial Systems and DSM matching for rock glacier monitoring
* Unsupervised Band Selection Based on Group-Based Sparse Representation
* Unsupervised Crowd Counting
* Unsupervised Feature Learning for Land-Use Scene Recognition
* Unsupervised hierarchical image segmentation through fuzzy entropy maximization
* Unsupervised Learning for Robust Respiratory Signal Estimation From X-Ray Fluoroscopy
* Unsupervised Person Re-identification via Graph-Structured Image Matching
* Unsupervised Simplification of Image Hierarchies via Evolution Analysis in Scale-Sets Framework
* Unsupervized Image Clustering With SIFT-Based Soft-Matching Affinity Propagation
* Urban Change Analysis with Multi-Sensor Multispectral Imagery
* Usability-Based Subjective Remote Sensing Image Quality Assessment Database, A
* Usage of Smartphone Data to Derive an Indicator for Collaborative Mobility between Individuals
* Use of Mixed-Realities Techniques for the Representation of Islamic Cultural Heritage, The
* Use of Sub-Ensembles and Multi-Template Observers to Evaluate Detection Task Performance for Data That are Not Multivariate Normal
* Use of Surveillance Cameras for the Rapid Mapping of Lava Flows: An Application to Mount Etna Volcano, The
* User-Centered Segmentation Method for Complex Historical Manuscripts Based on Document Graphs, A
* User-Generated Geographic Information for Visitor Monitoring in a National Park: A Comparison of Social Media Data and Visitor Survey
* Using Gaussian Processes to Improve Zero-Shot Learning with Relative Attributes
* Using Multimodal Wearable Technology to Detect Conflict among Couples
* Variational Convolutional Networks for Human-Centric Annotations
* Variational Gaussian Process Auto-Encoder for Ordinal Prediction of Facial Action Units
* Variational Model for Intrinsic Light Field Decomposition, A
* Vehicle make and model recognition using local features and logo detection
* Vehicle-Bicyclist Dynamic Position Extracted From Naturalistic Driving Videos
* very low bit rate codec for wide band speech based on a long-term perceptual harmonic plus noise model, A
* VFSC: A Very Fast Sparse Clustering to Cluster Faces from Videos
* Video Captioning via Sentence Augmentation and Spatio-Temporal Attention
* Video deblurring for hand-held cameras using patch-based synthesis
* Video Enhancement via Super-Resolution Using Deep Quality Transfer Network
* Video registration in egocentric vision under day and night illumination changes
* Video Smoke Removal Based on Smoke Imaging Model and Space-Time Pixel Compensation
* Video Stabilization for Strict Real-Time Applications
* Video Summarization Using Deep Semantic Features
* Video Super Resolution Using Non-Local Means with Adaptive Decaying Factor and Searching Window
* Video Temporal Alignment for Object Viewpoint
* Video Vectorization via Tetrahedral Remeshing
* Video-Based Outdoor Human Reconstruction
* Video-Based Pedestrian Re-Identification by Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Appearance Model
* Videography-Based Unconstrained Video Analysis
* View selection for sketch-based 3D model retrieval using visual part shape description
* Visual animal biometrics: survey
* Visual Concept Recognition and Localization via Iterative Introspection
* Visual Place Recognition Using Landmark Distribution Descriptors
* Visual Saliency Detection for RGB-D Images with Generative Model
* Visual Smoke Detection
* Visual Speech Recognition Using PCA Networks and LSTMs in a Tandem GMM-HMM System
* Visual Tracking via Probabilistic Hypergraph Ranking
* Visual tracking with structured patch-based model
* Visualization of Subsurface Features in Oil Paintings Using High-Resolution Visible and Near Infrared Scanned Images
* Visualizing Lost Designs in Degraded Early Modern Tapestry Using Infra-red Image
* Visually Similar K-poselets Based Human Pose Recognition
* Visuohaptic augmented feedback for enhancing motor skills acquisition
* Vote-and-Verify Strategy for Fast Spatial Verification in Image Retrieval, A
* Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures in Balise-Based Train Control Systems
* Wavelet-based gender detection on off-line handwritten documents using probabilistic finite state automata
* weakly supervised method for makeup-invariant face verification, A
* Weakly Supervised PatchNets: Describing and Aggregating Local Patches for Scene Recognition
* Weakly-Supervised Video Scene Co-parsing
* Wearable Virtual Usher for Vision-Based Cognitive Indoor Navigation, A
* Web-Based Visual and Analytical Geographical Information System for Oil and Gas Data, A
* Webcam-based detection of emotional states
* Weighted Level Set Evolution Based on Local Edge Features for Medical Image Segmentation
* Weighted linear loss multiple birth support vector machine based on information granulation for multi-class classification
* Weighted Low-Rank Decomposition for Robust Grayscale-Thermal Foreground Detection
* Weighted Non-locally Self-similarity Sparse Representation for Face Deblurring
* When It Is Not Only About Color: The Importance of Hyperspectral Imaging Applied to the Investigation of Paintings
* Who's that Actor? Automatic Labelling of Actors in TV Series Starting from IMDB Images
* Winter wheat yield estimation based on multi-source medium resolution optical and radar imaging data and the AquaCrop model using the particle swarm optimization algorithm
* Words Matter: Scene Text for Image Classification and Retrieval
* World Is Changing: Finding Changes on the Street, The
* XJU1: A Chinese Ethnic Minorities Face Database
* XY-Separable Scale-Space Filtering by Polynomial Representations and Its Applications
* ZigzagNet: Efficient Deep Learning for Real Object Recognition Based on 3D Models
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.