Obrecht, L.[Laura]
Co Author Listing * First Analyses of the TIMELINE AVHRR SST Product: Long-Term Trends of Sea Surface Temperature at 1 km Resolution across European Coastal Zones
* Mapping Changes in Fractional Vegetation Cover on the Namib Gravel Plains with Satellite-Retrieved Land Surface Emissivity Data
Obregon, A.[Andre]
Co Author Listing * Satellite-Based Sunshine Duration for Europe
* Satellite-Based Surface Radiation Climatology Derived by Combining Climate Data Records and Near-Real-Time Data, A
Includes: Obregon, A.[Andre] Obregón, A.[André]
Obregon, D.F.[David Freire]
Co Author Listing * Introduction to the special issue on Computer vision solutions for part-based image analysis and classification (CV_PARTIAL)
Includes: Obregon, D.F.[David Freire] Obregón, D.F.[David Freire]
Obregon, M.A.[Maria Angeles]
Co Author Listing * Footprint of the 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown on Column-Integrated Aerosol Parameters in Spain
* Global Spatial and Temporal Variation of the Combined Effect of Aerosol and Water Vapour on Solar Radiation
* Spatial and Temporal Variation of Aerosol and Water Vapour Effects on Solar Radiation in the Mediterranean Basin during the Last Two Decades
* Validation of ESA Sentinel-2 L2A Aerosol Optical Thickness and Columnar Water Vapour during 2017-2018
Includes: Obregon, M.A.[Maria Angeles] Obregón, M.Á.[María Ángeles] Obregón, M.A.[Maria A.]
Obrenovic, N.[Nikola]
Co Author Listing * Combining Telecom Data with Heterogeneous Data Sources for Traffic and Emission Assessments: An Agent-Based Approach
Obrenovic, Z.
Co Author Listing * Modeling multimodal human-computer interaction