* 12th Asian conference on computer vision
* 2D Images Recorded With a Single-Sided Magnetic Particle Imaging Scanner
* 30+ Year AVHRR LAI and FAPAR Climate Data Record: Algorithm Description and Validation, A
* 3D Geometry and Motion Estimations of Maneuvering Targets for Interferometric ISAR With Sparse Aperture
* 3D Reconstruction: Why should the accuracy always be presented in the pixel unit?
* 3D Shape Descriptor Based on Contour Clusters for Damaged Roof Detection Using Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* 4D-SAS: A Distributed Dynamic-Data Driven Simulation and Analysis System for Massive Spatial Agent-Based Modeling
* A-Optimal Projection for Image Representation
* Abnormal Event Detection via Compact Low-Rank Sparse Learning
* Absolute Orientation Based on Distance Kernel Functions
* Accuracy Analysis of Photogrammetric UAV Image Blocks: Influence of Onboard RTK-GNSS and Cross Flight Patterns
* Accurate Facial Landmark Extraction
* Action recognition by using kernels on aclets sequences
* Active contours textural and inhomogeneous object extraction
* Active graph based semi-supervised learning using image matching: Application to handwritten digit recognition
* Active-Metric Learning for Classification of Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Images
* Activity detection using Sequential Statistical Boundary Detection (SSBD)
* Adaptive Approach for the Segmentation and the TV-Filtering in the Optic Flow Estimation, An
* Adaptive fuzzy c-means algorithm based on local noise detecting for image segmentation
* Adaptive Kuwahara filter
* adaptive motion compensation method using superimposed inter-frame signals, An
* Adaptive Pairing Reversible Watermarking
* Adaptive sparse coding on PCA dictionary for image denoising
* Adaptive Sparse Subpixel Mapping With a Total Variation Model for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Adaptive spatial pooling for image classification
* Adaptive Variable Time Fractional Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering for Seismic Data Noise Attenuation
* Advanced methods for the estimation of an unknown projection from a map
* Advanced Pre-Processing Pipeline to Improve Automated Photogrammetric Reconstructions of Architectural Scenes, An
* Advancements for Snowmelt Monitoring by Means of Sentinel-1 SAR
* Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis
* Affective interaction recognition using spatio-temporal features and context
* Affine Invariant Distance Using Multiscale Analysis
* Aggregation of local parametric candidates with exemplar-based occlusion handling for optical flow
* Aging Face Recognition: A Hierarchical Learning Model Based on Local Patterns Selection
* Algebraic reasoning for the enhancement of data-driven building reconstructions
* Algorithm Development of Temperature and Humidity Profile Retrievals for Long-Term HIRS Observations
* Alternative Complexity Reduction Method for Partitioned-Block Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filters, An
* Amazon Forests' Response to Droughts: A Perspective from the MAIAC Product
* Analysis and Approximation of Some Shape-from-Shading Models for Non-Lambertian Surfaces
* Analysis of Decorrelation Transform Gain for Uncoded Wireless Image and Video Communication
* Analysis of Georeferenced Building Data for the Identification and Evaluation of Thermal Microgrids
* Analysis of Settlement Expansion and Urban Growth Modelling Using Geoinformation for Assessing Potential Impacts of Urbanization on Climate in Abuja City, Nigeria
* Analysis of Target Localization With Ideal Binary Detectors via Likelihood Function Smoothing
* Analyzing Highly Cited Papers in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Anatomy of Subsidence in Tianjin from Time Series InSAR
* Animated visualization of spatial-temporal trajectory data for air-traffic analysis
* Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images Based on Low-Rank and Sparse Representation
* Application of the Frequency Spectrum to Spectral Similarity Measures
* Application of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager to Mapping the Diurnal and Seasonal Variability of Surface Suspended Matter in a Macro-Tidal Estuary
* Approach to Streaming Video Segmentation With Sub-Optimal Low-Rank Decomposition, An
* Archetypal Analysis for Nominal Observations
* Architecture design of the high-throughput compensator and interpolator for the H.265/HEVC encoder
* Area-to-point regression kriging for pan-sharpening
* ART: An Attack-Resistant Trust Management Scheme for Securing Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Artistic Low Poly rendering for images
* Ash Decline Assessment in Emerald Ash Borer Infested Natural Forests Using High Spatial Resolution Images
* Aspherical Lens Design and Imaging
* Assessing Earthquake-Induced Tree Mortality in Temperate Forest Ecosystems: A Case Study from Wenchuan, China
* Assessing the Capability of a Downscaled Urban Land Surface Temperature Time Series to Reproduce the Spatiotemporal Features of the Original Data
* Assessing the Impact of Climate Variability on Cropland Productivity in the Canadian Prairies Using Time Series MODIS FAPAR
* Assessment of SNPP VIIRS VIS/NIR Radiometric Calibration Stability Using Aqua MODIS and Invariant Surface Targets
* Assessment of the Added-Value of Sentinel-2 for Detecting Built-up Areas
* Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogenetic Variation in Oaks: Prospects for Remote Detection of Biodiversity
* Asymptotic Expansions for Heavy-Tailed Data
* Audio Coding Using Overlap and Kernel Adaptation
* Audio Postprocessing Detection Based on Amplitude Cooccurrence Vector Feature
* Automated Archiving of Archaeological Aerial Images
* Automated checkerboard detection and indexing using circular boundaries
* Automated Detection of Forest Gaps in Spruce Dominated Stands Using Canopy Height Models Derived from Stereo Aerial Imagery
* Automated Detection of Threat Objects Using Adapted Implicit Shape Model
* Automated Extraction and Mapping for Desert Wadis from Landsat Imagery in Arid West Asia
* Automated synchronization of driving data using vibration and steering events
* automated, open-source pipeline for mass production of digital elevation models (DEMs) from very-high-resolution commercial stereo satellite imagery, An
* Automatic Building Extraction and Regularisation Technique Using LiDAR Point Cloud Data and Orthoimage, An
* Automatic Design of Color Filter Arrays in the Frequency Domain
* Automatic fire pixel detection using image processing: a comparative analysis of rule-based and machine learning-based methods
* Automatic Generation of Orthorectified High Resolution Satellite Imagery: A Case Study for Saudi Arabia
* Automatic Geometric Processing for Very High Resolution Optical Satellite Data Based on Vector Roads and Orthophotos
* Automatic Procedure for Early Disaster Change Mapping Based on Optical Remote Sensing, An
* Automatic Recognition of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Based on Active Shape Model
* Automatic segmentation of cerebral hemispheres in MR human head scans
* Autonomous Information Collection and Dissemination Model for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks, An
* AVHRR GAC SST Reanalysis Version 1 (RAN1)
* AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Climate Data Records, The
* Background Subtraction Using Illumination-Invariant Structural Complexity
* Backward and forward linear prediction applied to ultraspectral image processing
* Band-Limited Signal Reconstruction From Irregular Samples With Variable Apertures
* Band-to-band registration and ortho-rectification of multilens/multispectral imagery: A case study of MiniMCA-12 acquired by a fixed-wing UAS
* Bandwidth-Efficient Packet Scheduling for Live Streaming With Network Coding
* Baseline detection of multi-lingual unconstrained handwritten text lines
* Bayesian Analysis of Uncertainty in the GlobCover 2009 Land Cover Product at Climate Model Grid Scale
* Bayesian Blind Identification of Nonlinear Distortion with Memory for Audio Applications
* Bayesian Estimation of Smooth Altimetric Parameters: Application to Conventional and Delay/Doppler Altimetry
* Bayesian Nonparametric Clustering for Positive Definite Matrices
* Binarization With Boosting and Oversampling for Multiclass Classification
* Bio-inspired image enhancement derived from a rank order coding model
* bioinformatics approach to 2D shape classification, A
* Biometric cryptosystems: A new biometric key binding and its implementation for fingerprint minutiae-based representation
* Biometric-Enabled Authentication Machines: A Survey of Open-Set Real-World Applications
* Blending Satellite Observed, Model Simulated, and in Situ Measured Soil Moisture over Tibetan Plateau
* Blind Deconvolution With Nonlocal Similarity and L_0 Sparsity for Noisy Image
* Blind Image Blur Estimation via Deep Learning
* Blind Super Resolution of Real-Life Video Sequences
* Body-Part Motion Synthesis System and Its Evaluation for Discovery Learning of Dance
* Boosted NNE collections for multicultural facial expression recognition
* Brain MRI Tumor Segmentation with 3D Intracranial Structure Deformation Features
* Buffer structure optimized VLSI architecture for efficient hierarchical integer pixel motion estimation implementation
* Building detection and building parameter retrieval in InSAR phase images
* Building Earthquake Damage Information Extraction from a Single Post-Earthquake PolSAR Image
* Calibration and Unwrapping of the Normalized Scattering Cross Section for the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System
* Calibration and Validation of the RapidScat Scatterometer Using Tropical Rainforests
* Can COMT-inhibitor delay the clinical progression of Parkinson's disease? 2 years follow up pilot study
* Capillary extraction by detecting polarity in circular profiles
* CASAIR: Content and Shape-Aware Image Retargeting and Its Applications
* Cascaded regression with sparsified feature covariance matrix for facial landmark detection
* CERES Top-of-Atmosphere Earth Radiation Budget Climate Data Record: Accounting for in-Orbit Changes in Instrument Calibration
* Change detection based on deep feature representation and mapping transformation for multi-spatial-resolution remote sensing images
* Change Detection Between SAR Images Using a Pointwise Approach and Graph Theory
* Change Detection of Submerged Seagrass Biomass in Shallow Coastal Water
* Character-Position-Free On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition by Two Segmentation Methods
* Characteristic Functions of the Product of Two Gaussian Random Variables and the Product of a Gaussian and a Gamma Random Variable
* Characterizing Traffic Conditions from the Perspective of Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity
* Classification and Segmentation of Satellite Orthoimagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Classification of Complex Urban Fringe Land Cover Using Evidential Reasoning Based on Fuzzy Rough Set: A Case Study of Wuhan City
* Clever eye algorithm for target detection of remote sensing imagery
* Client threshold prediction in biometric signature recognition by means of Multiple Linear Regression and its use for score normalization
* Climatology Analysis of Aerosol Effect on Marine Water Cloud from Long-Term Satellite Climate Data Records
* Closed-form solutions for estimating a rigid motion from plane correspondences extracted from point clouds
* Cloud Cover Assessment for Operational Crop Monitoring Systems in Tropical Areas
* Cloud Removal Based on Sparse Representation via Multitemporal Dictionary Learning
* Cloud/web mapping and geoprocessing services: Intelligently linking geoinformation
* Clustered car-following strategy for improving car-following stability under Cooperative Vehicles Infrastructure Systems
* Code obfuscation using very long identifiers for FFT motion estimation models in embedded processors
* Codebook Calibration Method for Vector Quantizers Implemented at the Focal Plane of CMOS Imagers
* Codec and GOP Identification in Double Compressed Videos
* Collaborative Total Variation: A General Framework for Vectorial TV Models
* Color-Enriched Gradient Similarity for Retouched Image Quality Evaluation
* Color-Texture-Structure Descriptor for High-Resolution Satellite Image Classification, A
* Combination of hybrid median filter and total variation minimisation for medical X-ray image restoration
* Combined adjustment of multi-resolution satellite imagery for improved geo-positioning accuracy
* Combined Satellite-Derived Drought Indicator to Support Humanitarian Aid Organizations, A
* Combining diversity measures for ensemble pruning
* Combining L- and X-Band SAR Interferometry to Assess Ground Displacements in Heterogeneous Coastal Environments: The Po River Delta and Venice Lagoon, Italy
* Compact Representation of High-Dimensional Feature Vectors for Large-Scale Image Recognition and Retrieval
* Comparative Analysis of the Distributions of KFC and McDonald's Outlets in China, A
* comparative study of data fusion for RGB-D based visual recognition, A
* Comparative study on the capacity of a signalised roundabout
* Comparing Near Coincident Space Borne C and X Band Fully Polarimetric SAR Data for Arctic Sea Ice Classification
* Comparison and Evaluation of Sonification Strategies for Guidance Tasks
* Comparison of Data Fusion Methods Using Crowdsourced Data in Creating a Hybrid Forest Cover Map
* Comparison of delay estimation models for signalised intersections using field observations in Shanghai
* Comparison of Mangrove Canopy Height Using Multiple Independent Measurements from Land, Air, and Space, A
* Comparison of Multiple Datasets for Monitoring Thermal Time in Urban Areas over the U.S. Upper Midwest, A
* Comparison of Small Baseline Interferometric SAR Processors for Estimating Ground Deformation
* competitive study of the pseudoflow algorithm for the minimum s-t cut problem in vision applications, A
* Complex Deformation Monitoring over the Linfen-Yuncheng Basin (China) with Time Series InSAR Technology
* Complexity Control Based on a Fast Coding Unit Decision Method in the HEVC Video Coding Standard
* Comprehensive and Practical Vision System for Self-Driving Vehicle Lane-Level Localization
* comprehensive survey of human action recognition with spatio-temporal interest point (STIP) detector, A
* Compressed Sensing Doppler Ultrasound Reconstruction Using Block Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Compressed-Sensing-Based Pan-Sharpening Method for Spectral Distortion Reduction, A
* Compressive Sensing Reconstruction of Correlated Images Using Joint Regularization
* computationally efficient technique for real-time detection of particular-slope edges, A
* Computationally Inexpensive Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) Pansharpening
* Conditional Joint Decision and Estimation With Application to Joint Tracking and Classification
* Congested scene classification via efficient unsupervised feature learning and density estimation
* Connectivity Preserving Multivalued Functions in Digital Topology
* Constrained Misspecified Cramer-Rao Bound, The
* Context-Based Predictor Blending for Lossless Color Image Compression
* Context-dependent detection of non-linearly distributed points for vegetation classification in airborne LiDAR
* Contextual Atlas Regression Forests: Multiple-Atlas-Based Automated Dose Prediction in Radiation Therapy
* Continuous Exact L_0 Penalty (CEL0) for Least Squares Regularized Problem, A
* Cooperative vehicle-infrastructure localization based on the symmetric measurement equation filter
* Coping With Heterogeneous Video Contributors and Viewers in Crowdsourced Live Streaming: A Cloud-Based Approach
* Core Failure Mitigation in Integer Sum-of-Product Computations on Cloud Computing Systems
* Corn Response to Climate Stress Detected with Satellite-Based NDVI Time Series
* COROLA: A sequential solution to moving object detection using low-rank approximation
* Correction of Incidence Angle and Distance Effects on TLS Intensity Data Based on Reference Targets
* Corrections for On-Orbit ATMS Lunar Contamination
* Correlated Percolation, Fractal Structures, and Scale-Invariant Distribution of Clusters in Natural Images
* Correlating Synthetic Aperture Radar (CoSAR)
* Corrupted and occluded face recognition via cooperative sparse representation
* Cosegmentation of multiple image groups
* Coseismic Fault Model of Mw 8.3 2015 Illapel Earthquake (Chile) Retrieved from Multi-Orbit Sentinel1-A DInSAR Measurements
* Coupled Dictionary Learning for the Detail-Enhanced Synthesis of 3-D Facial Expressions
* Coupled Model Simulation of Wind Stress Effect on Far Wakes of Ships in SAR Images
* CRIM-FCHO: SAR Image Two-Stage Segmentation With Multifeature Ensemble
* Crop row detection by global energy minimization
* Cropland Mapping over Sahelian and Sudanian Agrosystems: A Knowledge-Based Approach Using PROBA-V Time Series at 100-m
* Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Domain-Adaptive Least-Squares Regression
* Crown Segmentation From Computed Tomography Images With Metal Artifacts
* CUDA-based real-time hand gesture interaction and visualization for CT volume dataset using leap motion
* Cumulative Impulse Strength for Epoch Extraction
* CURL: Image Classification using co-training and Unsupervised Representation Learning
* Current computational transportation science
* DAC-Mobi: Data-Assisted Communications of Mobile Images with Cloud Computing Support
* Data Management in Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research Projects: Conclusions from the Digitalization of Research in Sustainable Manufacturing
* Data-Dependent Higher-Order Clique Selection for Artery-Vein Segmentation by Energy Minimization
* Data-Driven Soft Decoding of Compressed Images in Dual Transform-Pixel Domain
* data-fusion approach to motion-stereo, A
* Decision-Tree-Based Perceptual Video Quality Prediction Model and Its Application in FEC for Wireless Multimedia Communications, A
* Decoding Method Based on Complex ICA for a Multicell Massive MIMO Uplink System
* Deep Ranking for Person Re-Identification via Joint Representation Learning
* deep source-context feature for lexical selection in statistical machine translation, A
* DeepTrack: Learning Discriminative Feature Representations Online for Robust Visual Tracking
* DeepWriterID: An End-to-End Online Text-Independent Writer Identification System
* Defect Detection from Multi-frequency Limited Data via Topological Sensitivity
* Deformable MR Prostate Segmentation via Deep Feature Learning and Sparse Patch Matching
* Delay-Optimized Video Traffic Routing in Software-Defined Interdatacenter Networks
* Delta Medial Axis: A fast and robust algorithm for filtered skeleton extraction, The
* Delta-density based clustering with a divide-and-conquer strategy: 3DC clustering
* Dense and Sparse Reconstruction Error Based Saliency Descriptor
* Dense Correspondences across Scenes and Scales
* Dense Light Transport for Relighting Computation Using Orthogonal Illumination Based on Walsh-Hadamard Matrix
* dense subgraph based algorithm for compact salient image region detection, A
* Design and Evaluation of a Teleoperated Robotic 3-D Mapping System using an RGB-D Sensor
* Design of Massive-MIMO-NOMA With Limited Feedback
* Detecting Drivers' Mirror: Checking Actions and Its Application to Maneuver and Secondary Task Recognition
* Detection and Characterization of Ship Targets Using CryoSat-2 Altimeter Waveforms
* Detection and Correction of Glitches in a Multiplexed Multichannel Data Stream: Application to the MADRAS Instrument
* Detection and Mapping of Black Rock Coatings Using Hyperion Images: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
* Detection of bubbles as Concentric Circular Arrangements
* Detection of Drought-Induced Hickory Disturbances in Western Lin An County, China, Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
* Determining Fire Dates and Locating Ignition Points With Satellite Data
* Determining the Points of Change in Time Series of Polarimetric SAR Data
* Developing Daily Cloud-Free Snow Composite Products From MODIS Terra: Aqua and IMS for the Tibetan Plateau
* Development of a Class-Based Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (C-MESMA) Approach for Analyzing Urban Environments
* Development of a Semi-Analytical Algorithm for the Retrieval of Suspended Particulate Matter from Remote Sensing over Clear to Very Turbid Waters
* Development of an ideal observer that incorporates nuisance parameters and processes list-mode data
* Diagnosing a disorder in a classification benchmark
* Differences Between the HUT Snow Emission Model and MEMLS and Their Effects on Brightness Temperature Simulation
* Differential components of discriminative 2D Gaussian-Hermite moments for recognition of facial expressions
* Diffusion and Clustering-Based Approach for Finding Coherent Motions and Understanding Crowd Scenes, A
* Digital Elevation Model Differencing and Error Estimation from Multiple Sources: A Case Study from the Meiyuan Shan Landslide in Taiwan
* Direct Fourier Inversion Reconstruction Algorithm for Computed Laminography
* Directional Filters for Color Cartoon+Texture Image and Video Decomposition
* Dirichlet-Derived Multiple Topic Scene Classification Model for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Discriminant Incoherent Component Analysis
* Discriminative human action classification using locality-constrained linear coding
* Discriminative Training of NMF Model Based on Class Probabilities for Speech Enhancement
* Discriminative Weighted Sparse Partial Least Squares for Human Detection
* Dispersion Entropy: A Measure for Time-Series Analysis
* Distance Based Leakage Alignment for Side Channel Attacks
* Distributed Compressed Video Sensing with Joint Optimization of Dictionary Learning and l1-Analysis Based Reconstruction
* Distributed Spectrum Estimation Based on Alternating Mixed Discrete-Continuous Adaptation
* Distribution Pattern of Landslides Triggered by the 2014 Ludian Earthquake of China: Implications for Regional Threshold Topography and the Seismogenic Fault Identification
* Diverse videos synthesis using manifold-based parametric motion model for facial understanding
* Doppler Velocity Characteristics During Tropical Cyclones Observed Using ScanSAR Raw Data
* Downscaling of MODIS One Kilometer Evapotranspiration Using Landsat-8 Data and Machine Learning Approaches
* DPcode: Privacy-Preserving Frequent Visual Patterns Publication on Cloud
* Driver Distraction Detection Using Semi-Supervised Machine Learning
* Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* dual method for solving the nonlinear structured prediction problem, A
* Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition With Atlas Construction and Sparse Representation
* Dynamic MRI Using SmooThness Regularization on Manifolds (SToRM)
* Dynamic Network Modeling-Based Approach for Traffic Observability Problem, A
* Dynamic social formations of pedestrian groups navigating and using public transportation in a virtual city
* Early Detection and Quantification of Almond Red Leaf Blotch Using High-Resolution Hyperspectral and Thermal Imagery
* Earth observation from the manned low Earth orbit platforms
* Editorial for the IJGI Special Issue on Geo-Information Fostering Innovative Solutions for Smart Cities
* EEG-based brain source localization using visual stimuli
* Effect of emissivity uncertainty on surface temperature retrieval over urban areas: Investigations based on spectral libraries
* Effective Five Directional Partial Derivatives-Based Image Smoothing and a Parallel Structure Design
* Effects of the Three-Dimensional Hydrometeor Distributions of Precipitating Clouds on Passive Microwave Rainfall Estimations
* Efficient Algorithms for Constructing Enhanced Quadtrees Using MapReduce, The
* Efficient and Robust Learning for Sustainable and Reacquisition-Enabled Hand Tracking
* Efficient Local Feature Encoding for Human Action Recognition with Approximate Sparse Coding
* Efficient Motion Vector Re-Estimation Based on a Novel Cost Model for a H.264/AVC Transcoder
* efficient multi-layer reference frame motion estimation for video coding, An
* Efficient multi-target tracking via discovering dense subgraphs
* Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Multi-Scale Analysis of Connected Components in Gigapixel Images, An
* Efficient robust filtering technique for blocking artifacts reduction
* Efficient Small Blob Detection Based on Local Convexity, Intensity and Shape Information
* Efficient, Non-Iterative Estimator for Imaging Contrast Agents With Spectral X-Ray Detectors
* Ellipticity and Circularity Measuring via Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* Empirical Model for Phycocyanin Concentration Estimation as an Indicator of Cyanobacterial Bloom in the Optically Complex Coastal Waters of the Baltic Sea
* Empirical Prediction of Leaf Area Index (LAI) of Endangered Tree Species in Intact and Fragmented Indigenous Forests Ecosystems Using WorldView-2 Data and Two Robust Machine Learning Algorithms
* Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation Optimization for Multimedia Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks
* EnergyViz: an interactive system for visualization of energy systems
* Engineering web maps with gradual content zoom based on streaming vector data
* Enhanced detection of gossans using hyperspectral data: Example from the Cape Smith Belt of northern Quebec, Canada
* Enhanced Low-Rank Matrix Approximation
* Enhanced mutual information based medical image registration
* Enhanced Subpixel Mapping With Spatial Distribution Patterns of Geographical Objects
* Enhanced-Resolution Reconstruction of ASCAT Backscatter Measurements
* Enhancing energy minimization framework for scene text recognition with top-down cues
* Entropy Measurement for Biometric Verification Systems
* Error analysis of octagonal distances defined by periodic neighborhood sequences for approximating Euclidean metrics in arbitrary dimension
* Error Analysis of Satellite Precipitation-Driven Modeling of Flood Events in Complex Alpine Terrain
* Estimate the Primary-Link SNR Using Full-Duplex Relay for Underlay Spectrum Sharing
* Estimating Evapotranspiration of an Apple Orchard Using a Remote Sensing-Based Soil Water Balance
* Estimating Stand Volume and Above-Ground Biomass of Urban Forests Using LiDAR
* Estimating the Exposure of Coral Reefs and Seagrass Meadows to Land-Sourced Contaminants in River Flood Plumes of the Great Barrier Reef: Validating a Simple Satellite Risk Framework with Environmental Data
* Estimating the Fractional Vegetation Cover from GLASS Leaf Area Index Product
* Estimation of Virtual View Synthesis Distortion Toward Virtual View Position
* Estimation Performance for the Bayesian Hierarchical Linear Model
* Evaluating an Enhanced Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) Based on VIUPD for Drought Monitoring in the Continental United States
* Evaluating the Diurnal Cycle of Upper Tropospheric Humidity in Two Different Climate Models Using Satellite Observations
* Evaluating the influence of packet loss on visual quality of perception for high bandwidth automotive networks
* Evaluation Criteria for Recent LoD Proposals for City-GML Buildings
* Evaluation Method, Dataset Size or Dataset Content: How to Evaluate Algorithms for Image Matching?
* Evaluation of an Airborne Remote Sensing Platform Consisting of Two Consumer-Grade Cameras for Crop Identification
* Evaluation of Continuous VNIR-SWIR Spectra versus Narrowband Hyperspectral Indices to Discriminate the Invasive Acacia longifolia within a Mediterranean Dune Ecosystem
* Evaluation of the Reanalysis Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation Products from NCEP, ECMWF, GSFC, and JMA Using Satellite and Surface Observations
* Evidential event inference in transport video surveillance
* Examining the Influence of Seasonality, Condition, and Species Composition on Mangrove Leaf Pigment Contents and Laboratory Based Spectroscopy Data
* Examining Urban Impervious Surface Distribution and Its Dynamic Change in Hangzhou Metropolis
* Example-based caricature generation with exaggeration control
* Exemplar-Based Recognition of Human: Object Interactions
* Expanding dictionary for robust face recognition: Pixel is not necessary while sparsity is
* Exploiting Joint Sparsity for Pansharpening: The J-SparseFI Algorithm
* Exploiting Power Signatures for Camera Forensics
* Exploiting Spatial Structure from Parts for Adaptive Kernelized Correlation Filter Tracker
* Exploiting Surroundedness for Saliency Detection: A Boolean Map Approach
* Exploiting task and data parallelism for advanced video coding on hybrid CPU + GPU platforms
* Exploiting Thread-Level Parallelism on HEVC by Employing a Reference Dependency Graph
* Exploring cell tower data dumps for supervised learning-based point-of-interest prediction (industrial paper)
* Exploring Long Term Spatial Vegetation Trends in Taiwan from AVHRR NDVI3g Dataset Using RDA and HCA Analyses
* Extended Shearlet HMT Model-Based Image Denoising Using BKF Distribution
* Extended Three-Stage Polarimetric SAR Interferometry Algorithm by Dual-Polarization Data
* Extension of Co-Prime Arrays Based on the Fourth-Order Difference Co-Array Concept
* Extracting Stops from Noisy Trajectories: A Sequence Oriented Clustering Approach
* Extreme learning machine for out-of-sample extension in Laplacian eigenmaps
* Face recognition using supervised probabilistic principal component analysis mixture model in dimensionality reduction without loss framework
* Facial descriptors for human interaction recognition in still images
* Factorization Algorithms for Temporal Psychovisual Modulation Display
* Faraday Rotation Correction for the SMAP Radiometer
* Fast and Robust Vanishing Point Detection for Unstructured Road Following
* Fast averaging peer group filter for the impulsive noise removal in color images
* Fast Backprojection Algorithms Based on Subapertures and Local Polar Coordinates for General Bistatic Airborne SAR Systems
* Fast coding unit selection and motion estimation algorithm based on early detection of zero block quantified transform coefficients for high-efficiency video coding standard
* Fast Depth Video Compression for Mobile RGB-D Sensors
* Fast Detection of Multiple Objects in Traffic Scenes With a Common Detection Framework
* Fast Intra prediction algorithm for quality scalable video coding
* Fast Mode Decision Technique for HEVC Intra Prediction Based on Reliability Metric for Motion Vectors
* Fast Multidimensional Ellipsoid-Specific Fitting by Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Fast Region-based Active Contour Model Driven by Local Signed Pressure Force
* Fast SAR Imaging Method for Ground Moving Target Using a Second-Order WVD Transform, A
* Fast SPH simulation for gaseous fluids
* Fast Vanishing Point Estimation Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* Feature Learning and Object Recognition Framework for Underwater Fish Images, A
* Feature selection in mixed data: A method using a novel fuzzy rough set-based information entropy
* Feature selection via binary simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation
* Feature-based active contour model and occluding object detection
* Feature-Based On-Line Object Tracking Combining Both Keypoints and Quasi-Keypoints Matching
* Feature-based registration of historical aerial images by Area Minimization
* Field Verification of an Algorithm for Retrieving Vegetation Water Content From Passive Microwave Observations, A
* Fine Surveying and 3D Modeling Approach for Wooden Ancient Architecture via Multiple Laser Scanner Integration
* finite mixture model of geometric distributions for lossless image compression, A
* First Experience with Sentinel-2 Data for Crop and Tree Species Classifications in Central Europe
* First Results of a GNSS-R Experiment From a Stratospheric Balloon Over Boreal Forests
* Fisher encoding of differential fast point feature histograms for partial 3D object retrieval
* Fisher-Rao Metric for Curves Using the Information in Edges, A
* Folksonomy-Based Visual Ontology Construction and Its Applications
* Forcing Multiple Spectral Compatibility Constraints in Radar Waveforms
* Forest above Ground Biomass Inversion by Fusing GLAS with Optical Remote Sensing Data
* Forest Disturbance Mapping Using Dense Synthetic Landsat/MODIS Time-Series and Permutation-Based Disturbance Index Detection
* Forest Disturbances and Regrowth Assessment Using ALOS PALSAR Data from 2007 to 2010 in Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR
* Forward Collision Warning Algorithm With Adaptation to Driver Behaviors, A
* Fourier Spectral Filter Array for Optimal Multispectral Imaging
* FPGA implementation of a one-bit-per-pixel image registration algorithm, The
* FPGA-based fast computation of gray-level morphological granulometries
* FPGA-DSP co-processing for feature tracking in smart video sensors
* Frame Interpolation for Cloud-Based Mobile Video Streaming
* Framelet-Based Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images
* Framework for Data-Centric Analysis of Mapping Activity in the Context of Volunteered Geographic Information, A
* framework for intelligence analysis using spatio-temporal storytelling, A
* Framework for Large-Area Mapping of Past and Present Cropping Activity Using Seasonal Landsat Images and Time Series Metrics, A
* Free-Energy Principle Inspired Video Quality Metric and Its Use in Video Coding
* Frequency features and GMM-UBM approach for gait-based person identification using smartphone inertial signals
* Frescoed Vaults: Accuracy Controlled Simplified Methodology for Planar Development of Three-Dimensional Textured Models
* From Intrinsic Optimization to Iterated Extended Kalman Filtering on Lie Groups
* From pose to activity: Surveying datasets and introducing CONVERSE
* Frontally placed eyes versus laterally placed eyes: Computational comparison of their functions for ego-motion estimation
* fully automatic method for biological target volume segmentation of brain metastases, A
* fully automatic method for segmenting retinal artery walls in adaptive optics images, A
* Further Improvement on Bit-Quad-Based Euler Number Computing Algorithm, A
* Fuzzy Classification for Shoreline Change Monitoring in a Part of the Northern Coastal Area of Java, Indonesia
* Gaze-Reactive Display for Simulating Depth-of-Field of Eyes When Viewing Scenes with Multiple Depths, A
* Gender classification based on fuzzy clustering and principal component analysis
* general biorthogonal wavelet based on Karhunen-Loéve transform approximation, A
* general framework for image feature matching without geometric constraints, A
* General Theory of Fuzzy Connectedness Segmentations
* Generalized k-means-based clustering for temporal data under weighted and kernel time warp
* generalized methodology for the gridding of microarray images with rectangular or hexagonal grid, A
* Generative Probabilistic Model and Discriminative Extensions for Brain Lesion Segmentation: With Application to Tumor and Stroke, A
* Geodesic Distance and Curves Through Isotropic and Anisotropic Heat Equations on Images and Surfaces
* Geodesic Flow Kernel Support Vector Machine for Hyperspectral Image Classification by Unsupervised Subspace Feature Transfer
* Geodesic weighted Bayesian model for saliency optimization
* Geodesics on Shape Spaces with Bounded Variation and Sobolev Metrics
* Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model for Ground-Level PM2.5 Estimation from Satellite-Derived 500 m Resolution AOD, A
* Geometric Approach to Server Selection for Interactive Video Streaming, A
* Geospatial big data handling theory and methods: A review and research challenges
* GLASS Daytime All-Wave Net Radiation Product: Algorithm Development and Preliminary Validation
* Global and Regional Variability and Change in Terrestrial Ecosystems Net Primary Production and NDVI: A Model-Data Comparison
* Global discriminative-based nonnegative spectral clustering
* Global Sensitivity Analysis of the L-MEB Model for Retrieving Soil Moisture
* Globally Optimal Base Station Clustering in Interference Alignment-Based Multicell Networks
* Globally Optimal Hand-Eye Calibration Using Branch-and-Bound
* Graph-Based Compression of Dynamic 3D Point Cloud Sequences
* Graphical models for social behavior modeling in face-to face interaction
* Graphics processing unit-accelerated multi-resolution exhaustive search algorithm for real-time keypoint descriptor matching in high-dimensional spaces
* Grey-level context-driven histogram equalisation
* Ground-Based Water Vapor Retrieval in Antarctica: An Assessment
* Guest Editorial: Cloud-Based Video Processing and Content Sharing
* Guest Editorial: Real-time motion estimation for image video processing applications
* Guest Editorial: Shape Analysis Beyond the Eikonal Equation
* hardware/software prototyping system for driving assistance investigations, A
* Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platoon Formation for Fuel Efficiency
* Height from photometric ratio with model-based light source selection
* Heterogeneous Fault Mechanisms of the 6 October 2008 MW 6.3 Dangxiong (Tibet) Earthquake Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations
* Heuristic Distributed Task Allocation Method for Multivehicle Multitask Problems and Its Application to Search and Rescue Scenario, A
* Hierarchical Geodesic Models in Diffeomorphisms
* Hierarchical transfer learning for online recognition of compound actions
* High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Patch-Level Sparse Representation
* High dimensional nearest neighbor classification based on mean absolute differences of inter-point distances
* High performance architecture for real-time HDTV broadcasting
* High quality impulse noise removal via non-uniform sampling and autoregressive modelling based super-resolution
* High-Resolution Classification of South Patagonian Peat Bog Microforms Reveals Potential Gaps in Up-Scaled CH4 Fluxes by use of Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) and CIR Imagery
* Higher-order MRFs based image super resolution: why not MAP?
* Histogram-Based Attribute Profiles for Classification of Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Histogram-based cost aggregation strategy with joint bilateral filtering for stereo matching
* Holons Visual Representation for Image Retrieval
* Human Visual System-Based Fundus Image Quality Assessment of Portable Fundus Camera Photographs
* Human Visual System-Based Saliency Detection for High Dynamic Range Content
* Hybrid 3D-2D human tracking in a top view
* Hybrid macro-micro visual analysis for city-scale state estimation
* Hybridizing mesh adaptive search algorithm and artificial immune systems for discrete rational Bézier curve approximation
* Hydrological Response of Alpine Wetlands to Climate Warming in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Based on Low-Rank Representation and Learned Dictionary
* Hyperspectral Image Analysis by Spectral: Spatial Processing and Anticipative Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest Classification
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Non-Negative Structured Sparse Representation
* Hyperspectral Image Target Detection Improvement Based on Total Variation
* Identification of Factors Influencing Locations of Tree Cover Loss and Gain and Their Spatio-Temporally-Variant Importance in the Li River Basin, China
* Identification of Structurally Damaged Areas in Airborne Oblique Images Using a Visual-Bag-of-Words Approach
* Identification of Village Building via Google Earth Images and Supervised Machine Learning Methods
* Identifying tree crown delineation shapes and need for remediation on high resolution imagery using an evidence based approach
* Illumination invariant optical flow using neighborhood descriptors
* Image Arbitrary-Ratio Down- and Up-Sampling Scheme Exploiting DCT Low Frequency Components and Sparsity in High Frequency Components
* Image Denoising Using Quadtree-Based Nonlocal Means With Locally Adaptive Principal Component Analysis
* Image Segmentation Using Parametric Contours With Free Endpoints
* Image Segmentation With Eigenfunctions of an Anisotropic Diffusion Operator
* Image-based styling
* Image-oriented economic perspective on user behavior in multimedia social forums: An analysis on supply, consumption, and saliency
* image-to-class dynamic time warping approach for both 3D static and trajectory hand gesture recognition, An
* Imaging Compensation Algorithm for Spaceborne High-Resolution SAR Based on a Continuous Tangent Motion Model, An
* Imaging with Power Controlled Source Pairs
* Impact of Aerosol Property on the Accuracy of a CO2 Retrieval Algorithm from Satellite Remote Sensing
* Impact of Forest Density on Forest Height Inversion Modeling from Polarimetric InSAR Data, The
* Impact of Geophysical Corrections on Sea-Ice Freeboard Retrieved from Satellite Altimetry, The
* Impact of Satellite Radiance Data on Simulations of Bay of Bengal Tropical Cyclones Using the WRF-3DVAR Modeling System
* improved algorithm of median flow for visual object tracking and its implementation on ARM platform, An
* Improved Attributed Scattering Model Optimized by Incremental Sparse Bayesian Learning, An
* Improved Edge Boxes with Object Saliency and Location Awards
* Improved Indirect Attribute Weighted Prediction Model for Zero-Shot Image Classification, An
* Improvement of Search Strategy With K-Nearest Neighbors Approach for Traffic State Prediction
* Improvement of the PARASOL Radiometric In-Flight Calibration Based on Synergy Between Various Methods Using Natural Targets
* improvement of the state-of-the-art covariance-based methods for statistical anomaly detection algorithms, An
* Improving Multiyear Ice Concentration Estimates With Reanalysis Air Temperatures
* Improving Saliency Detection Via Multiple Kernel Boosting and Adaptive Fusion
* Improving Spring Maize Yield Estimation at Field Scale by Assimilating Time-Series HJ-1 CCD Data into the WOFOST Model Using a New Method with Fast Algorithms
* In-Network View Synthesis for Interactive Multiview Video Systems
* Incremental granular relevance vector machine: A case study in multimodal biometrics
* Incremental learning of human activity models from videos
* incremental LMS network with reduced communication delay, An
* Incremental p-margin algorithm for classification with arbitrary norm
* Incremental Principal Component Pursuit for Video Background Modeling
* Incremental Similarity for real-time on-line incremental learning systems
* Infimal Convolution Regularisation Functionals of BV and L_p Spaces
* Influence of Unknown Exterior Samples on Interpolated Values for Band-Limited Images
* Influence of Vegetation Growth on the Polarimetric Zero-Baseline DInSAR Phase Diversity: Implications for Deformation Studies
* Information from imagery: ISPRS scientific vision and research agenda
* Information-Theoretic Feature Selection for Human Micro-Doppler Signature Classification
* Infrared ship target segmentation through integration of multiple feature maps
* InSAR Detection and Field Evidence for Thermokarst after a Tundra Wildfire, Using ALOS-PALSAR
* Instant Outdoor Localization and SLAM Initialization from 2.5D Maps
* Integrated Analysis of Productivity and Biodiversity in a Southern Alberta Prairie
* Integrated Field and Remote Sensing Method for Mapping Seagrass Species, Cover, and Biomass in Southern Thailand, An
* Integrated Surface Parameter Inversion Scheme Over Agricultural Fields at Early Growing Stages by Means of C-Band Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Imagery, An
* Integrating geo web services for a user driven exploratory analysis
* Integrating Geometrical Context for Semantic Labeling of Indoor Scenes using RGBD Images
* Integrating Global Satellite-Derived Data Products as a Pre-Analysis for Hydrological Modelling Studies: A Case Study for the Red River Basin
* Integrating Multiple Global and Local Features by Product Sparse Coding for Image Retrieval
* Integration of colour and uniform interlaced derivative patterns for object tracking
* Integration of Hyperspectral Shortwave and Longwave Infrared Remote-Sensing Data for Mineral Mapping of Makhtesh Ramon in Israel
* Intelligent Transportation Systems and Powered Two Wheelers Traffic
* Intent Inference for Hand Pointing Gesture-Based Interactions in Vehicles
* Interacting Multiview Tracker
* Interactive mesh cloning driven by boundary loop
* Interactive multilevel focus+context visualization framework
* Interferometric Processing of Sentinel-1 TOPS Data
* Interlaced Double-Precision 2-D Angle Estimation Algorithm Using L-Shaped Nested Arrays
* Interpretation of Forest Resources at the Individual Tree Level in Japanese Conifer Plantations Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Interseismic Deformation of the Altyn Tagh Fault Determined by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Measurements
* Invariant multi-scale descriptor for shape representation, matching and retrieval
* Investigating Locality of Intra-Urban Spatial Interactions in New York City Using Foursquare Data
* Investigating the Ground Deformation and Source Model of the Yangbajing Geothermal Field in Tibet, China with the WLS InSAR Technique
* Investigation and Mitigation of the Crosstalk Effect in Terra MODIS Band 30
* Iris recognition based on sparse representation and k-nearest subspace with genetic algorithm
* Irregularity Issue of Total Orders on Metric Spaces and Its Consequences for Mathematical Morphology, The
* Iterative Haze Optimized Transformation for Automatic Cloud/Haze Detection of Landsat Imagery, An
* Joint Cross-Range Scaling and 3D Geometry Reconstruction of ISAR Targets Based on Factorization Method
* Joint reference frame inter-mode selection for fast H.264 video coding
* Joint Relay-and-Antenna Selection Scheme in Energy-Harvesting MIMO Relay Networks, A
* Kernel Density Estimator-Based Maximum A Posteriori Image Reconstruction Method for Dynamic Emission Tomography Imaging, A
* Kernel-Based Domain-Invariant Feature Selection in Hyperspectral Images for Transfer Learning
* Kinect-Based System for Balance Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients, A
* Kriging and Local Polynomial Methods for Blending Satellite-Derived and Gauge Precipitation Estimates to Support Hydrologic Early Warning Systems
* L1-norm and maximum margin criterion based discriminant locality preserving projections via trace Lasso
* Labelling strategies for hierarchical multi-label classification techniques
* Land Cover Extraction from High Resolution ZY-3 Satellite Imagery Using Ontology-Based Method
* Land Cover Mapping in Southwestern China Using the HC-MMK Approach
* Land-use scene classification using multi-scale completed local binary patterns
* Landslide Deformation Analysis by Coupling Deformation Time Series from SAR Data with Hydrological Factors through Data Assimilation
* Landslide Mapping in Vegetated Areas Using Change Detection Based on Optical and Polarimetric SAR Data
* Large-Scale Open-Source Acoustic Simulator for Speaker Recognition, A
* Lattice-Based Screen Set: Square N -Color All-Orders Moire-Free Screen Set, The
* LBP-Based Segmentation of Defocus Blur
* Learn Sparse Dictionaries for Edit Propagation
* Learning a Combined Model of Visual Saliency for Fixation Prediction
* Learning a Similarity Constrained Discriminative Kernel Dictionary from Concatenated Low-Rank Features for Action Recognition
* Learning automata for image segmentation
* Learning Deep Representation for Face Alignment with Auxiliary Attributes
* Learning hierarchical 3D kernel descriptors for RGB-D action recognition
* Learning Iteration-wise Generalized Shrinkage: Thresholding Operators for Blind Deconvolution
* Learning Optimal Nonlinearities for Iterative Thresholding Algorithms
* Learning Personalized Models for Facial Expression Analysis and Gesture Recognition
* Learning to Name Objects
* Learning to rank salient segments extracted by multispectral Quantum Cuts
* Lidar Waveform-Based Analysis of Depth Images Constructed Using Sparse Single-Photon Data
* LiDAR-Based Solar Mapping for Distributed Solar Plant Design and Grid Integration in San Antonio, Texas
* Light Field Special Issue Editorial
* Link Adaptation for High-Quality Uncompressed Video Streaming in 60-GHz Wireless Networks
* Linked Data and SDI: The case on Web geoprocessing workflows
* Local Autoencoding for Parameter Estimation in a Hidden Potts-Markov Random Field
* Local directional mask maximum edge patterns for image retrieval and face recognition
* Local linear Laplacian eigenmaps: A direct extension of LLE
* Local polynomial space-time descriptors for action classification
* Local Variation as a Statistical Hypothesis Test
* Localizing activity groups in videos
* Logarithmic Image Prior for Blind Deconvolution, A
* Long-Range Motion Trajectories Extraction of Articulated Human Using Mesh Evolution
* Low Acceptance Rates of Conference Papers Considered Harmful
* Low Resolution Face Recognition Across Variations in Pose and Illumination
* Low-Power Video Recording System With Multiple Operation Modes for H.264 and Light-Weight Compression, A
* Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition Based Frame Difference Method for Small Infrared Target Detection in Coastal Surveillance
* Low-Rank Matrix Factorization With Adaptive Graph Regularizer
* L_0-Norm Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Arctan Smoothing
* Machine Learning Methods for Binary and Multiclass Classification of Melanoma Thickness From Dermoscopic Images
* Macroscopic Modeling and Control of Reversible Lanes on Freeways
* Mapping a Knowledge-Based Malaria Hazard Index Related to Landscape Using Remote Sensing: Application to the Cross-Border Area between French Guiana and Brazil
* Mapping Aboveground Biomass using Texture Indices from Aerial Photos in a Temperate Forest of Northeastern China
* Mapping Irrigated and Rainfed Wheat Areas Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
* Mapping Plant Functional Types in Floodplain Wetlands: An Analysis of C-Band Polarimetric SAR Data from RADARSAT-2
* Marginal Bayesian Cramer-Rao Bound for Jump Markov Systems, The
* Massively parallel Lucas Kanade optical flow for real-time video processing applications
* Matched-Field Performance Prediction with Model Mismatch
* Matching thermal to visible face images using hidden factor analysis in a cascaded subspace learning framework
* Maximally Localized Radial Profiles for Tight Steerable Wavelet Frames
* mDASH: A Markov Decision-Based Rate Adaptation Approach for Dynamic HTTP Streaming
* Measurement and Analysis of Bidirectional SIF Emissions in Wheat Canopies
* Memory-Based Learning Approach as Compared to Other Data Mining Algorithms for the Prediction of Soil Texture Using Diffuse Reflectance Spectra, A
* Message Passing Algorithms for Upper and Lower Bounding the Coded Modulation Capacity in a Large-Scale Linear System
* Method of Reduction of Artifacts of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, A
* Methods to Quantify Regional Differences in Land Cover Change
* Migrating 2 and 3D Datasets: Preserving AutoCAD at the Archaeology Data Service
* Minimal Closed-form Solution for the Perspective Three Orthogonal Angles (P3oA) Problem: Application To Visual Odometry, A
* Mining Personal Frequent Routes via Road Corner Detection
* Misaligned Image Integration With Local Linear Model
* Mitigation of Wind Turbine Clutter for Weather Radar by Signal Separation
* MM-Based Algorithm for L_1 -Regularized Least-Squares Estimation With an Application to Ground Penetrating Radar Image Reconstruction, An
* Modeling 3D synthetic view dissimilarity
* Modeling Non-Stationary Asymmetric Lens Blur by Normal Sinh-Arcsinh Model
* Modeling Spatial Interactions between Areas to Assess the Burglary Risk
* Modeling the Relationship between the Gross Domestic Product and Built-Up Area Using Remote Sensing and GIS Data: A Case Study of Seven Major Cities in Canada
* Modeling Vehicle Merging Behavior in Work Zone Merging Areas During the Merging Implementation Period
* Modelling vehicles acceleration during overtaking manoeuvres
* Modified patch-based locally optimal Wiener method for interferometric SAR phase filtering
* Monitoring Grassland Seasonal Carbon Dynamics, by Integrating MODIS NDVI, Proximal Optical Sampling, and Eddy Covariance Measurements
* Monitoring interannual variation in global crop yield using long-term AVHRR and MODIS observations
* Monitoring of the Lac Bam Wetland Extent Using Dual-Polarized X-Band SAR Data
* Monitoring Plastic-Mulched Farmland by Landsat-8 OLI Imagery Using Spectral and Textural Features
* Monitoring Riverbank Erosion in Mountain Catchments Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Monocular Depth-Ordering Reasoning with Occlusion Edge Detection and Couple Layers Inference
* Mosaicking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery in the Absence of Camera Poses
* MR imaging reconstruction using a modified descent-type alternating direction method
* Multi-class obstacle detection and classification using stereovision and improved active contour models
* Multi-class Support Vector Machine classifiers using intrinsic and penalty graphs
* Multi-contrast MR image denoising for parallel imaging using multilayer perceptron
* Multi-Cue Illumination Estimation via a Tree-Structured Group Joint Sparse Representation
* Multi-layer graph constraints for interactive image segmentation via game theory
* Multi-manifold Discriminant Isomap for visualization and classification
* Multi-Modal Clique-Graph Matching for View-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Multi-modal human aggression detection
* Multi-resolution Fourier Analysis: achieved high resolutions with suppressed finite observation effects
* Multichannel Analysis and Suppression of Sea Clutter for Airborne Microwave Radar Systems
* Multidimensional Scaling-Based TDOA Localization Scheme Using an Auxiliary Line
* Multihypothesis Compressed Video Sensing Technique
* Multimodal Biometrics for Enhanced Mobile Device Security
* Multimodal information fusion for urban scene understanding
* Multimodal Person Reidentification Using RGB-D Cameras
* Multimodal Personality Recognition in Collaborative Goal-Oriented Tasks
* Multimodel Prediction of Monsoon Rain Using Dynamical Model Selection
* Multipart Vehicle Detection Using Symmetry-Derived Analysis and Active Learning
* Multiple Morphological Component Analysis Based Decomposition for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Multiscale Edge Detection Using a Finite Element Framework for Hexagonal Pixel-Based Images
* Multiscale Estimation of Leaf Area Index from Satellite Observations Based on an Ensemble Multiscale Filter
* Multitemporal Monitoring of Plant Area Index in the Valencia Rice District with PocketLAI
* Multiview and 3D Video Compression Using Neighboring Block Based Disparity Vectors
* Multiyear Arctic Ice Classification Using ASCAT and SSMIS
* Mumford-Shah and Potts Regularization for Manifold-Valued Data
* National-Scale Estimates of Ground-Level PM2.5 Concentration in China Using Geographically Weighted Regression Based on 3 km Resolution MODIS AOD
* naïve Bayes baseline for early gesture recognition, A
* Neural substrates in secondary somatosensory area for the perception of different tactile sensations
* New Algorithm Framework for Image Inpainting in Transform Domain, A
* New Approach on Design of a Digital Phase-Locked Loop, A
* New Automated Method to Develop Geometrically Corrected Time Series of Brightness Temperatures from Historical AVHRR LAC Data
* New Data Extrapolation Approach Based on Spectral Partitioning, A
* new fast motion estimation algorithm using fast mode decision for high-efficiency video coding standard, A
* New Global fAPAR and LAI Dataset Derived from Optimal Albedo Estimates: Comparison with MODIS Products, A
* New Maximum-Likelihood Change Estimator for Two-Pass SAR Coherent Change Detection, A
* New Measure for Analyzing and Fusing Sequences of Objects, A
* New Method for the Estimation of Broadband Apparent Albedo Using Hyperspectral Airborne Hemispherical Directional Reflectance Factor Values, A
* New Model for Sand-Ripple Scattering Based on SSA Method and Practical Ripple Profiles, A
* New R-D Optimization Criterion for Fast Mode Decision Algorithms in Video Coding and Transrating
* New Soil Moisture Agricultural Drought Index (SMADI) Integrating MODIS and SMOS Products: A Case of Study over the Iberian Peninsula, A
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Prewitt Magnitude Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for Multiply-Distorted Images in Gradient Domain
* No-reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Using Natural Scene Statistics
* Nodal Sampling: A New Image Reconstruction Algorithm for SMOS
* Noise Localization Method for Model Tests in a Large Cavitation Tunnel Using a Hydrophone Array
* Noise robustness of a combined phase retrieval and reconstruction method for phase-contrast tomography
* Noise-insensitive and edge-preserving resolution upconversion scheme for digital image based on the spatial general autoregressive model
* Non-Intrusive Planning the Roadside Infrastructure for Vehicular Networks
* Non-linear diffusion of image noise with minimal iterativity
* Non-Local Auto-Encoder With Collaborative Stabilization for Image Restoration
* Non-local Discrete INF-Poisson and Hamilton Jacobi Equations
* Non-local feature back-projection for image super-resolution
* Non-Negative Temporal Decomposition Regularization With an Augmented Lagrangian
* Non-Parametric Bayesian Registration (NParBR) of Body Tumors in DCE-MRI Data
* Non-Parametric Blur Map Regression for Depth of Field Extension
* Nonlinear Regression of Saliency Guided Proposals for Unsupervised Segmentation of Dynamic Scenes
* Nonlocal Total Variation Subpixel Mapping for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* NonLocal via Local-NonLinear via Linear: A New Part-coding Distance Field via Screened Poisson Equation
* Nonnegative Component Representation with Hierarchical Dictionary Learning Strategy for Action Recognition
* Nonnegative Tensor CP Decomposition of Hyperspectral Data
* Note on Compressed Sensing of Structured Sparse Wavelet Coefficients From Subsampled Fourier Measurements, A
* Note on the Size of Denoising Neural Networks, A
* Novel Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection Based on a Robust Semi-Supervised FCM Clustering Algorithm
* novel brain image segmentation using intuitionistic fuzzy C means algorithm, A
* Novel Data-Driven Learning Method for Radar Target Detection in Nonstationary Environments, A
* Novel Dynamic Physical Storage Model for Vehicle Navigation Maps, A
* Novel Extreme Learning Control Framework of Unmanned Surface Vehicles, A
* Novel Fractional Implicit Polynomial Approach for Stable Representation of Complex Shapes, A
* novel hierarchical framework for human action recognition, A
* Novel Image Quality Assessment With Globally and Locally Consilient Visual Quality Perception, A
* Novel monocular head-up display system
* Novel Spectral Unmixing Method Incorporating Spectral Variability Within Endmember Classes, A
* novel target detection algorithm combining foreground and background manifold-based models, A
* O(1) disparity refinement method for stereo matching, An
* Object matching with hierarchical skeletons
* Object Tracking with Embedded Deformable Parts in Dynamic Conditional Random Fields
* Object Tracking With Spatial Context Model
* Objective evaluation of computer-generated hologram image quality
* Objectness to assist salient object detection
* Observing Volcanoes from the Seafloor in the Central Mediterranean Area
* Oceanic Rain Flagging Using Radar Backscatter and Noise Measurements From Oceansat-2 Scatterometer
* On an algorithm for Vision-based hand gesture recognition
* On Combining Multiple-Instance Learning and Active Learning for Computer-Aided Detection of Tuberculosis
* On Data-Driven Delay Estimation for Media Cloud
* On detecting the playing/non-playing activity of musicians in symphonic music videos
* On Fast Bilateral Filtering Using Fourier Kernels
* On the accuracy potential of focused plenoptic camera range determination in long distance operation
* On the Added Value of Quad-Pol Data in a Multi-Temporal Crop Classification Framework Based on RADARSAT-2 Imagery
* On the completeness of feature-driven maximally stable extremal regions
* On the Implementation of Collaborative TV Regularization: Application to Cartoon+Texture Decomposition
* On the Mathematical Foundations of Computational Photography
* Ongoing Deformation of Sinkholes in Wink, Texas, Observed by Time-Series Sentinel-1A SAR Interferometry (Preliminary Results)
* Online Approximate Model Representation Based on Scale-Normalized and Fronto-Parallel Appearance
* Online Metric-Weighted Linear Representations for Robust Visual Tracking
* Online Nonparametric Bayesian Activity Mining and Analysis From Surveillance Video
* Online real-time crowd behavior detection in video sequences
* Online System for Nowcasting Satellite Derived Temperatures for Urban Areas, An
* Open Data and Beyond
* Open Polar Server (OPS): An Open Source Infrastructure for the Cryosphere Community
* Operational Drought Monitoring in Kenya Using MODIS NDVI Time Series
* Operational Surface Water Detection and Monitoring Using Radarsat 2
* Optical Models for Remote Sensing of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter Absorption and Salinity in New England, Middle Atlantic and Gulf Coast Estuaries USA
* Optical remotely sensed time series data for land cover classification: A review
* Optimal Leaf Biochemical Selection for Mapping Species Diversity Based on Imaging Spectroscopy, The
* Optimising computer vision based ADAS: vehicle detection case study
* Optimising sampling rates for accelerometer-based human activity recognition
* Optimization-Based Approach for Joint X-Ray Fluorescence and Transmission Tomographic Inversion
* Optimization-based methodology for training set selection to synthesize composite correlation filters for face recognition
* Optimized projection for Collaborative Representation based Classification and its applications to face recognition
* Optimum Image Formation for Spaceborne Microwave Radiometer Products
* Optimum Surface Roughness to Parameterize Advanced Integral Equation Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval in Prairie Area Using Radarsat-2 Data
* Orientation-Independent Empirical Mode Decomposition for Images Based on Unconstrained Optimization
* panMetaDocs, eSciDoc, and DOIDB: An Infrastructure for the Curation and Publication of File-Based Datasets for GFZ Data Services
* Pansharpening Image Fusion Using Cross-Channel Correlation: A Framelet-Based Approach
* Parallel algorithm implementation for multi-object tracking and surveillance
* Parallel Systems for Traffic Control: A Rethinking
* Partial instance reduction for noise elimination
* Patch Ordering as a Regularization for Inverse Problems in Image Processing
* Patch-Based Approach for the Segmentation of Pathologies: Application to Glioma Labelling, A
* Pattern theory for representation and inference of semantic structures in videos
* PDE Based Algorithms for Smooth Watersheds
* People re-identification across non-overlapping cameras using group features
* Perceptual modeling in the problem of active object recognition in visual scenes
* Performance Analysis of Differential Modulation in SWIPT Cooperative Networks
* Performance Analysis of Incoherent RF Tomography Using Wireless Sensor Networks
* Performance Evaluation of Cluster Validity Indices (CVIs) on Multi/Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Datasets
* Persistent people tracking and face capture using a PTZ camera
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry: A review
* Person Reidentification With Reference Descriptor
* Phase-Contrast Micro-Computed Tomography Measurements of the Intraocular Pressure-Induced Deformation of the Porcine Lamina Cribrosa
* Phylogenetic Structure of Foliar Spectral Traits in Tropical Forest Canopies
* Physical Analysis of Polarimetric SAR Data Statistical Models, A
* Pi-SAR-L2 Observation of the Landslide Caused by Typhoon Wipha on Izu Oshima Island
* Polarimetric Two-Scale Two-Component Model for the Retrieval of Soil Moisture Under Moderate Vegetation via L-Band SAR Data
* Potential of High Spatial and Temporal Ocean Color Satellite Data to Study the Dynamics of Suspended Particles in a Micro-Tidal River Plume
* Potential of Resolution-Enhanced Hyperspectral Data for Mineral Mapping Using Simulated EnMAP and Sentinel-2 Images
* Potential of UAVs for Monitoring Mudflat Morphodynamics (Application to the Seine Estuary, France)
* Practical Method for On-Orbit Estimation of Polarization Response of Satellite Ocean Color Sensor, A
* Predicting the Performance in Decision-Making Tasks: From Individual Cues to Group Interaction
* Preface to the special issue on Cyberworlds 2014
* Preliminary Inter-Comparison between AHI, VIIRS and MODIS Clear-Sky Ocean Radiances for Accurate SST Retrievals
* Privacy Protection for Social Video via Background Estimation and CRF-Based Videographer's Intention Modeling
* Probabilistic Analysis of Semidefinite Relaxation for Leakage-Based Multicasting
* Probabilistic-Kernel Collaborative Representation for Spatial-Spectral Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Progressive Lossy-to-Lossless Compression of DNA Microarray Images
* Proportional data modeling with hidden Markov models based on generalized Dirichlet and Beta-Liouville mixtures applied to anomaly detection in public areas
* Protein Fold Classification Using Large Margin Combination of Distance Metrics
* Proton Radiography With Timepix Based Time Projection Chambers
* PSTG-based multi-label optimization for multi-target tracking
* Public participation in GIS via mobile applications
* Pull-Based Modeling and Algorithms for Real-Time Provision of High-Frequency Sensor Data from Sensor Observation Services
* QFHD 30-frames/s HEVC Decoder Design, A
* QP Selection Optimization for Intra-Frame Encoding Based on Constant Perceptual Quality
* Quadratic projection based feature extraction with its application to biometric recognition
* Quantization-Unaware Double JPEG Compression Detection
* Query Bootstrapping: A Visual Mining Based Query Expansion
* Query-Adaptive Small Object Search Using Object Proposals and Shape-Aware Descriptors
* RADAR Project: A Service for Research Data Archival and Publication, The
* Radiometric Inter-Calibration between Himawari-8 AHI and S-NPP VIIRS for the Solar Reflective Bands
* Rainfall Model Based on a Geographically Weighted Regression Algorithm for Rainfall Estimations over the Arid Qaidam Basin in China, A
* Random forest in remote sensing: A review of applications and future directions
* Randomized low-rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition for motion detection
* Rank-based camera spectral sensitivity estimation
* Real time motion estimation using a neural architecture implemented on GPUs
* Real-time collaborative GIS: A technological review
* Real-time EEG-based emotion monitoring using stable features
* Real-Time Global Localization of Robotic Cars in Lane Level via Lane Marking Detection and Shape Registration
* Real-time multi-camera video analytics system on GPU
* Real-time speckle image processing
* Real-time vehicle detection with foreground-based cascade classifier
* Real-time velocity measurement to linear motion of a rigid object with monocular image sequence analyses
* Real-time, automatic shape-changing robot adjustment and gender classification
* Realistic surface geometry reconstruction using a hand-held RGB-D camera
* Recent developments in large-scale tie-point matching
* Recognising occluded multi-view actions using local nearest neighbour embedding
* Recognition of handwritten Chinese address with writing variations
* Reconstruction of Fine-Scale Auroral Dynamics
* Red Lesion Detection Using Dynamic Shape Features for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
* Reduced-Rank DOA Estimation Algorithms Based on Alternating Low-Rank Decomposition
* Reference View Selection in DIBR-Based Multiview Coding
* Regenerated Phase-Shifted Sinusoid-Assisted Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Region Based Exemplar References for Image Segmentation Evaluation
* Region saliency detection via multi-feature on absorbing Markov chain
* Regional Mapping of Plantation Extent Using Multisensor Imagery
* Regional Scale Rain-Forest Height Mapping Using Regression-Kriging of Spaceborne and Airborne LiDAR Data: Application on French Guiana
* Registration of Long-Strip Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds Using RANSAC and Closed Constraint Adjustment
* Registration of Multiple Shapes using Constrained Optimal Control
* Regularization Strategies for Discontinuity-Preserving Optical Flow Methods
* Relaxed Linearized Algorithms for Faster X-Ray CT Image Reconstruction
* Remote Sensing of Deformation of a High Concrete-Faced Rockfill Dam Using InSAR: A Study of the Shuibuya Dam, China
* Remote Sensing of the North American Laurentian Great Lakes' Surface Temperature
* Remote sensing platforms and sensors: A survey
* Requirements on Long-Term Accessibility and Preservation of Research Results with Particular Regard to Their Provenance
* Research Data Management Training for Geographers: First Impressions
* Resolution enhancement of textual images: a survey of single image-based methods
* Resource Allocation for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Using Directional Transmission
* Resource Allocation With Video Traffic Prediction in Cloud-Based Space Systems
* Rethinking big data: A review on the data quality and usage issues
* Retrieval of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) from VIIRS Time-Series Data
* Retrieval of the Ocean Skin Temperature Profiles From Measurements of Infrared Hyperspectral Radiometers Part I: Derivation of an Algorithm
* Retrieval of the Ocean Skin Temperature Profiles From Measurements of Infrared Hyperspectral Radiometers Part II: Field Data Analysis
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images with Distributed Source Encoding
* Review of Motion Planning Techniques for Automated Vehicles, A
* Review of Thermal Infrared Applications and Requirements for Future High-Resolution Sensors
* Riemannian Optimization for Registration of Curves in Elastic Shape Analysis
* Rigid image registration by General Adaptive Neighborhood matching
* RIMOC, a feature to discriminate unstructured motions: Application to violence detection for video-surveillance
* River Basin over the Course of Time: Multi-Temporal Analyses of Land Surface Dynamics in the Yellow River Basin (China) Based on Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data, A
* RLS Adaptive Filter With Inequality Constraints
* Robotic Online Path Planning on Point Cloud
* Robust All-in-Focus Super-Resolution for Focal Stack Photography
* Robust and Scalable Management of Power Networks in Dual-Source Trolleybus Systems: A Consensus Control Framework
* Robust Blur Kernel Estimation for License Plate Images From Fast Moving Vehicles
* Robust depth estimation for light field via spinning parallelogram operator
* Robust Detection of Single and Double Persistent Scatterers in Urban Built Environments
* Robust Face Alignment with Random Forest: Analysis of Initialization, Landmarks Regression, and Shape Regularization Methods
* Robust fast corner detector based on filled circle and outer ring mask
* Robust Fringe Projection Profilometry via Sparse Representation
* Robust Gaussian Approximate Fixed-Interval Smoother for Nonlinear Systems With Heavy-Tailed Process and Measurement Noises, A
* Robust Locally Weighted Regression Techniques for Ground Surface Points Filtering in Mobile Laser Scanning Three Dimensional Point Cloud Data
* Robust Multi-Focus Image Fusion Using Multi-Task Sparse Representation and Spatial Context
* Robust Visual Tracking via Convolutional Networks Without Training
* ROML: A Robust Feature Correspondence Approach for Matching Objects in A Set of Images
* Saddlepoint Approximations for Correlation Testing Among Multiple Gaussian Random Vectors
* Saliency detection in MPEG and HEVC video using intra-frame and inter-frame distances
* Saliency Detection With Spaces of Background-Based Distribution
* SAR Ground Moving Target Imaging Algorithm Based on Parametric and Dynamic Sparse Bayesian Learning
* SAR Image Despeckling Method Based on Two-Dimensional S Transform Shrinkage, A
* Satellite Climate Data Records: Development, Applications, and Societal Benefits
* scalable and flexible framework for smart video surveillance, A
* Scalable hardware architecture for disparity map computation and object location in real-time
* Scalable Semi-Automatic Annotation for Multi-Camera Person Tracking
* Scaling of FAPAR from the Field to the Satellite
* Scene parsing using graph matching on street-view data
* Scene Parsing With Integration of Parametric and Non-Parametric Models
* Seasonal Variations of the Surface Urban Heat Island in a Semi-Arid City
* Second-Order TV-Type Approach for Inpainting and Denoising Higher Dimensional Combined Cyclic and Vector Space Data, A
* Segmentation and Restoration of Images on Surfaces by Parametric Active Contours with Topology Changes
* Segmentation-Based CFAR Detection Algorithm Using Truncated Statistics, A
* Self-calibration method for rotating laser positioning system using interscanning technology and ultrasonic ranging
* Semantic Image Segmentation with Contextual Hierarchical Models
* Semantic Specification of Data Types for a World of Open Data
* Semantic video labeling by developmental visual agents
* Semantic, Cognitive, and Perceptual Computing: Paradigms That Shape Human Experience
* Semi-Automated Workflow Solution for Data Set Publication, A
* Semi-Automatic Mapping of Tidal Cracks in the Fast Ice Region near Zhongshan Station in East Antarctica Using Landsat-8 OLI Imagery
* Semi-Variogram and Spectral Distortion Measures for Image Texture Retrieval, The
* Semiblind Interference Alignment: A New Framework
* Semiparametric Algorithm for Processing MST Radar Data
* Sensor Fusion Algorithm Design in Detecting Vehicles Using Laser Scanner and Stereo Vision
* Sensor modelling and camera calibration for close-range photogrammetry
* Sensor Pattern Noise Estimation Using Probabilistically Estimated RAW Values
* Sensor Stability for SST (3S): Toward Improved Long-Term Characterization of AVHRR Thermal Bands
* Sensor-Based Data Visualization System for Training Blood Pressure Measurement by Auscultatory Method, A
* Separating Reflective and Fluorescent Components Using High Frequency Illumination in the Spectral Domain
* Separation of Reflection Components by Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Sequential Non-Rigid Structure from Motion Using Physical Priors
* Service-oriented model-encapsulation strategy for sharing and integrating heterogeneous geo-analysis models in an open web environment
* Shape-appearance-correlated active appearance model
* Siegel Descriptors for Image Processing
* Similarity metric learning for face verification using sigmoid decision function
* Simple change detection from mobile light field cameras
* simplified texture gradient method for improved image segmentation, A
* Simulating an Autonomously Operating Low-Cost Static Terrestrial LiDAR for Multitemporal Maize Crop Height Measurements
* Simulation of the Grazing Effects on Grassland Aboveground Net Primary Production Using DNDC Model Combined with Time-Series Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Zoige Plateau, China
* Single and Multipolarimetric P-Band SAR Tomography of Subsurface Ice Structure
* Single image super resolution using local smoothness and nonlocal self-similarity priors
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Local Geometric Duality and Non-Local Similarity
* Smartphone-based fatigue detection system using progressive locating method
* Smoothed Dual Approach for Variational Wasserstein Problems, A
* Social Diffusion Analysis With Common-Interest Model for Image Annotation
* Socially Constrained Structural Learning for Groups Detection in Crowd
* Soil Moisture Estimation Using Hybrid Polarimetric SAR Data of RISAT-1
* Soil Moisture Mapping in an Arid Area Using a Land Unit Area (LUA) Sampling Approach and Geostatistical Interpolation Techniques
* Solution of a Bivariate L_1 Regularized Problem
* Space Traffic Safety Management and Control
* Space View of Radar Archaeological Marks: First Applications of COSMO-SkyMed X-Band Data, A
* Space-Borne and Ground-Based InSAR Data Integration: The Åknes Test Site
* Space-Time Graph Optimization Approach Based on Maximum Cliques for Action Detection, A
* Sparse Code Multiple Access Decoding Based on a Monte Carlo Markov Chain Method
* Sparse matrix transform-based linear discriminant analysis for hyperspectral image classification
* Sparse-view statistical iterative head CT image reconstruction via joint regularization
* Sparsity-Induced Similarity Measure and Its Applications
* Spatial and Anatomical Regularization Based on Multiple Kernel Learning for Neuroimaging Classification
* Spatial Estimation of Classification Accuracy Using Indicator Kriging with an Image-Derived Ambiguity Index
* Spatial Methods for Multispectral Pansharpening: Multiresolution Analysis Demystified
* Spatial Up-Scaling Correction for Leaf Area Index Based on the Fractal Theory
* Spatial-Hessian-Feature-Guided Variational Model for Pan-Sharpening
* Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of China's Terrestrial Biodiversity: A Dynamic Habitat Index Diagnostic
* Spatio-temporal mean curvature based image sequence restoration
* Spatio-Temporal Modeling of the Urban Heat Island in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area: Land Use Change Implications
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Urban-Rural Development and Transformation in East of the Hu Huanyong Line, China
* Spatio-temporal texture modelling for real-time crowd anomaly detection
* Spatiotemporal Characterization of Land Subsidence and Uplift (2009-2010) over Wuhan in Central China Revealed by TerraSAR-X InSAR Analysis
* Special issue on IAPR MVA2013 best papers
* Special issue on ICPR 2014 awarded papers
* Special Issue on Individual and Group Activities in Video Event Analysis
* Special Section on CVM 2015
* Spectral Characteristics of Common Reed Beds: Studies on Spatial and Temporal Variability
* Spectral Classification of the Yellow Sea and Implications for Coastal Ocean Color Remote Sensing
* Spectral Dependent Degradation of the Solar Diffuser on Suomi-NPP VIIRS Due to Surface Roughness-Induced Rayleigh Scattering
* Spectral Reflectance of Palauan Reef-Building Coral with Different Symbionts in Response to Elevated Temperature
* Spectral Reflectance of Polar Bear and Other Large Arctic Mammal Pelts; Potential Applications to Remote Sensing Surveys
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on the Algebraic Multigrid Method and Hierarchical Segmentation Algorithm, A
* Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Subspace-Based Support Vector Machines and Adaptive Markov Random Fields
* spectral-structural bag-of-features scene classifier for very high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery, A
* Speech frame recognition based on less shift sensitive wavelet filter banks
* Stability analysis of Uçar prototype delayed system
* Stable Imaging and Accuracy Issues of Low-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry Systems
* Stable, fast computation of high-order Zernike moments using a recursive method
* Standardized Evaluation System for Left Ventricular Segmentation Algorithms in 3D Echocardiography
* Statistical Performance Analysis of a Fast Super-Resolution Technique Using Noisy Translations
* Statistics of Natural Stochastic Textures and Their Application in Image Denoising
* Steady-State Behavior of General Complex-Valued Diffusion LMS Strategies
* Stepwise calibration of focused plenoptic cameras
* Stereo fusion: Combining refractive and binocular disparity
* Stereo Matching Based on Efficient Image-Guided Cost Aggregation
* Stereoscopic 3D objects evoke stronger saliency for nonverbal working memory: An fMRI study
* Stereoscopic Estimation of Volcanic Ash Cloud-Top Height from Two Geostationary Satellites
* Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment Based on Visual Attention and Just-Noticeable Difference Models
* Stochastic Framework for Robust Fuzzy Filtering and Analysis of Signals: Part I, A
* Stochastic Geometry Method for Pylon Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Data, A
* Stochastic Modeling and Simulation of Delay: Doppler Maps in GNSS-R Over the Ocean
* Strategy for the Development of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the Czech Republic, The
* Street-side vehicle detection, classification and change detection using mobile laser scanning data
* Stripe Noise Separation and Removal in Remote Sensing Images by Consideration of the Global Sparsity and Local Variational Properties
* Structural Design of Convolutional Neural Networks for Steganalysis
* structured light method for underwater surface reconstruction, A
* Study of the Remote Sensing Model of FAPAR over Rugged Terrains
* Sub-Riemannian Mean Curvature Flow for Image Processing
* Subsampling-based acceleration of simple linear iterative clustering for superpixel segmentation
* Summarization of films and documentaries based on subtitles and scripts
* Super-Resolution of Positive Sources: The Discrete Setup
* Superresolution from a Single Noisy Image by the Median Filter Transform
* Supervised dictionary learning with multiple classifier integration
* Supervised framework for automatic recognition and retrieval of interaction: a framework for classification and retrieving videos with similar human interactions
* Surface Current Measurements Using X-Band Marine Radar With Vertical Polarization
* survey on real-time motion estimation techniques for underwater robots, A
* SVM-based model-transferring method for heterogeneous domain adaptation, A
* Symmetric Generalized LIP Model and Its Application in Dynamic Range Enhancement, The
* Symmetric Sparse Representation Based Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification, A
* Symmetry detection based on multiscale pairwise texture boundary segment interactions
* Synchronization Algorithm for Spaceborne/Stationary BiSAR Imaging Based on Contrast Optimization With Direct Signal From Radar Satellite, A
* Synthetic Aperture Imaging of Direction- and Frequency-Dependent Reflectivities
* targeted change-detection procedure by combining change vector analysis and post-classification approach, A
* Temporal mapping of surveillance video for indexing and summarization
* Tensor low-rank and sparse light field photography
* TerraSAR-X Data for High-Precision Land Subsidence Monitoring: A Case Study in the Historical Centre of Hanoi, Vietnam
* Terrestrial laser scanning in forest inventories
* Test of the MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Separation Algorithm With Ground Measurements Over a Rice Paddy
* Testing the Contribution of Stress Factors to Improve Wheat and Maize Yield Estimations Derived from Remotely-Sensed Dry Matter Productivity
* Text-aware balloon extraction from manga
* Texture Classification Using Dense Micro-Block Difference
* Theme issue 'State-of-the-art in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science'
* Theoretical Analysis of Penalized Maximum-Likelihood Patlak Parametric Image Reconstruction in Dynamic PET for Lesion Detection
* Theoretical Limitations of Allan Variance-based Regression for Time Series Model Estimation
* Theoretical performance assessment and empirical analysis of super-resolution under unknown affine sensor motion
* Theory of Optimal Flutter Shutter for Probabilistic Velocity Models, A
* three R's of computer vision: Recognition, reconstruction and reorganization, The
* Three-Dimensional Traffic Scenes Simulation From Road Image Sequences
* Time Flexible Kernel framework for video-based activity recognition, A
* Time series analysis of InSAR data: Methods and trends
* Time-Causal and Time-Recursive Spatio-Temporal Receptive Fields
* Time-coherent 3D animation reconstruction from RGB-D video
* Time-Delay Neural Network for Continuous Emotional Dimension Prediction From Facial Expression Sequences
* Time-Domain Attribute-Based Access Control for Cloud-Based Video Content Sharing: A Cryptographic Approach
* Time-domain period detection in short-duration videos
* Time-Gating-Based Time Reversal Imaging for Impulse Borehole Radar in Layered Media
* TOD District Planning Based on Residents' Perspectives
* Top-down visual attention integrated particle filter for robust object tracking
* Total Variation Regularized RPCA for Irregularly Moving Object Detection Under Dynamic Background
* Toward a Blind Deep Quality Evaluator for Stereoscopic Images Based on Monocular and Binocular Interactions
* Toward Cost-Efficient Content Placement in Media Cloud: Modeling and Analysis
* Towards an Automatic Ice Navigation Support System in the Arctic Sea
* Towards fusing uncertain location data from heterogeneous sources
* Towards generic image classification using tree-based learning: An extensive empirical study
* Towards sustainable mobility behavior: research challenges for location-aware information and communication technology
* Trading Delay for Distortion in One-Way Video Communication Over the Internet
* Traffic network micro-simulation model and control algorithm based on approximate dynamic programming
* Traffic sign detection in MLS acquired point clouds for geometric and image-based semantic inventory
* Transductive People Tracking in Unconstrained Surveillance
* Transfer metric learning for action similarity using high-level semantics
* Transferred Deep Convolutional Neural Network Features for Extensive Facial Landmark Localization
* Trends in Automatic Individual Tree Crown Detection and Delineation: Evolution of LiDAR Data
* Triangulation and metric of lines based on geometric error
* Tropical Forest Fire Susceptibility Mapping at the Cat Ba National Park Area, Hai Phong City, Vietnam, Using GIS-Based Kernel Logistic Regression
* Two-Source Model for Estimating Evaporative Fraction (TMEF) Coupling Priestley-Taylor Formula and Two-Stage Trapezoid, A
* Two-Step Constrained Nonlinear Spectral Mixture Analysis Method for Mitigating the Collinearity Effect
* ULGS II: A High-Performance Field and Laboratory Spectrogoniometer for Measuring Hyperspectral Bidirectional Reflectance Characteristics
* Ultraspectral image compression using two-stage prediction: Prediction gain and rate-distortion analysis
* Underdetermined Joint Blind Source Separation for Two Datasets Based on Tensor Decomposition
* Understanding pollen tube growth dynamics using the Unscented Kalman Filter
* Unified Variational Volume Registration Method Based on Automatically Learned Brain Structures, A
* Unscented Transformation based estimation of parameters of nonlinear models using heteroscedastic data
* Unscented von Mises: Fisher Filtering
* Unsupervised Co-Segmentation for Indefinite Number of Common Foreground Objects
* Unsupervised Learning of Generalized Gamma Mixture Model With Application in Statistical Modeling of High-Resolution SAR Images
* Unsupervised Multitemporal Spectral Unmixing for Detecting Multiple Changes in Hyperspectral Images
* Unsupervised Polarimetric SAR Urban Area Classification Based on Model-Based Decomposition with Cross Scattering
* Use of Remotely Sensed Rainfall for Managing Drought Risk: A Case Study of Weather Index Insurance in Zambia, The
* use of suitable pseudo-invariant targets for MIVIS data calibration by the empirical line method, The
* Using 2D Maps for 3D Localization
* Using a novel clumpiness measure to unite data with metadata: Finding common sequence patterns in immune receptor germline V genes
* Using an Integer Least Squares Estimator to Connect Isolated InSAR Fringes in Earthquake Slip Inversion
* Using Convolution to Estimate the Score Function for Intractable State-Transition Models
* Using Remotely Sensed Imagery to Document How Land Use Drives Turbidity of Playa Waters in Texas
* Utilizing polygon segmentation technique to extract and optimize light stripe centerline in line-structured laser 3D scanner
* Validation of ATMS Calibration Accuracy Using Suomi NPP Pitch Maneuver Observations
* Validation of MODIS 3 km Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals Over Asia
* Vanishing Point Estimation and Line Classification in a Manhattan World with a Unifying Camera Model
* variants of an LOD of a 3D building model and their influence on spatial analyses, The
* variational based model for estimating true tracklets in wide area surveillance, A
* Vector Taylor series based model adaptation using noisy speech trained hidden Markov models
* Vehicle License Plate Recognition Based on Extremal Regions and Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Vibrotactile Displays: A Survey With a View on Highly Automated Driving
* Video Extruder: a semi-dense point tracker for extracting beams of trajectories in real time
* Viewpoint-independent gait recognition through morphological descriptions of 3D human reconstructions
* VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Calibration Progress and Its Impact on Ocean Color Products
* Vineyard Detection and Vine Variety Discrimination from Very High Resolution Satellite Data
* Violence detection using Oriented VIolent Flows
* Visipedia circa 2015
* Visual change detection on tunnel linings
* Visual inspection of multivariate volume data based on multi-class noise sampling
* Visual Saliency Detection Using Group Lasso Regularization in Videos of Natural Scenes
* Visual tracking with semi-supervised online weighted multiple instance learning
* Visualizing the Structure of the Earth's Lithosphere on the Google Earth Virtual-Globe Platform
* Walking to singular points of fingerprints
* Water Bodies' Mapping from Sentinel-2 Imagery with Modified Normalized Difference Water Index at 10-m Spatial Resolution Produced by Sharpening the SWIR Band
* Water Depth Inversion From a Single SPOT-5 Dataset
* WD-RANSAC Instantaneous Frequency Estimator, A
* We Must all Pay More Attention to Rigor in Accuracy Assessment: Additional Comment to The Improvement of Land Cover Classification by Thermal Remote Sensing. Remote Sens. 2015, 7, 8368-8390
* Weakly Supervised Fine-Grained Categorization With Part-Based Image Representation
* Web-Based Tool for Calculating Spectral Band Difference Adjustment Factors Derived From SCIAMACHY Hyperspectral Data, A
* Weighted multi-view key-frame extraction
* Weighted Reward-Punishment Editing
* When Compressive Sensing Meets Data Hiding
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