IJIG( Vol No. )
* *International Journal of Image and Graphics
* Active Fourier Contour Applied To Real Time 3d Ultrasound Of The Heart
* Artistic Image Generation By Deviation Mapping
* Automatic Palmprint Verification
* Computing Line Intersections
* Content-based Retrieval Of Multimedia Information
* Designing and Simulating Clothes
* Discrete Clothoid Spline Surfaces On Open Meshes
* Efficient and Simple Quad Edge Conversion of Polygonal Mainfold Objects, An
* Efficient Quadtree Datastructure For Neighbor Finding Algorithm, An
* Fast Rendering Water Surface For Outdoor Scenes
* Fundamentals Of Biometric Authentication Technologies
* Fuzzy Image Processing and Recognition: Uncertainty Handling and Applications
* Geometric Approach To Data Mining
* Gradient-oriented Profiles For Boundary Parameterization and Their Application to Core Atoms Towards Shape Analysis
* Human Face Image Processing Techniques
* iface: A 3d Synthetic Talking Face
* Interactive Navigation Of Virtual Vessel Tracking With 3d Intelligent Scissors
* Interactive Retrieval Of Color Images
* Learning Structured Visual Detectors From User Input At Multiple Levels
* Level of Detail and Multi-Resolution Modeling for Virtual Prototyping
* Markov Process In Pattern Recognition
* Modeling Segmentation Via Geometric Deformable Regularizers, Pde And Level Sets In Still And Motion Imagery: A Revisit
* Mpeg-7 Texture Descriptors
* Mpeg-7: A Standard For Multimedia Content Description
* On the Compression of Image Based Rendering Scene: A Comparison Among Block, Reference and Wavelet Coders
* Overview Of Photo-realism For Outdoor Scenes, An
* Page Segmentation And Classification Utilizing Bottom-up Approach
* Recent Advances In Content-based Video Analysis
* Recent Advances In Video Content Analysis: From Visual Features to Semantic Video Segments
* Recognizing Symbols By Drawing Them
* Reliable Transition Detection in Videos: A Survey And Practitioner's Guide
* Remote Cooperative Design System Using Interactive 3d Graphics, A
* Stereoscopic Video Coding Using A Fast And Robust Affine Motion Search
* Tom: Totally Ordered Mesh A Multiresolution Structure For Time Critical Graphics Applications
* Tree Triangular Coding Image Compression Algorithms
* Two Algorithms For Computing The Euclidean Distance Transform
* Video Classification Using Object Tracking
* Video Content Representation For Shot Retrieval And Scene Extraction
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* 2D Image Transmission Using Bandwidth Efficient Mapping Technique
* 3D Segmentation of MRI Brain Using Level Set and Unsupervised Classification
* Accurate Interactive Animation of Deformable Models At Arbitrary Resolution
* Adaptive Nonlinear Image Enhancement of Gaussian Degraded Images
* Artificial Vision For The Blind: A Bio-inspired Algorithm For Objects And Obstacles Detection
* Concept Of Triangular Spatial Relationship And B-tree For Partially Occluded Object Recognition: An Efficient And Robust Approach
* Constructing Surface Features Through Deformation
* Creating The Displacement Mapped Low-level Mesh And Its Application For CG Software
* Detection of Blood Vessels in Retinal Images
* Detection Of Tongue Crack Based On Distant Gradient And Prior Knowledge
* Developing A Next Generation Colonoscopy Simulator
* Efficient Invariant Image Registration Utilizing Pre-shifted Logarithmic Spiral
* Fragmented Particles-based Robust Object Tracking With Feature Fusion
* Hierarchical Parameterization of Triangular Mesh with a Boundary Polygon Triangulation
* Hybrid Edge Detector Using Fuzzy Logic And Mathematical Morphology, A
* Image Matching Optimization Via Vision And Inertial Data Fusion: Application To Navigation Of The Visually Impaired
* Matching Descriptors Of Noisy Outline Shapes
* New Plot/character-based Interactive System For Story-based Virtual Reality Applications, A
* Novel Feature Extraction Scheme For Human Gait Recognition, A
* On The Evaluation Of Progressive Point-sampled Geometry
* Online Animation System For Practicing Cued Speech
* Outdoor/indoor Vision-based Localization For Blind Pedestrian Navigation Assistance
* Partially Pipelined VLSI Implementation Of Blowfish Encryption/decryption Algorithm
* Representation Bound for Human Facial Mimic with the Aid of Principal Component Analysis
* Segmentation of Brain MR Images Using Reformative Expectation-maximization Algorithm, The
* Semi-automatic Surface Scanner For Medical Tangible User Interfaces
* Simulation of the Retina: A Tool for Visual Prostheses
* Spectral Sensitivity Design For Optical Sensors
* Steganographic Scheme For Gray-level Image Using Pixel Neighborhood And LSB Substitution
* Training Based On Real-time Motion Evaluation For Functional Rehabilitation In Virtual Environment
* Video Image Clustering Based On Human Face And Shirt Color
* Visualization and Fusion System for Image Guided RFA Procedures, A
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* Adaptive Thresholding-based Color Reduction Algorithm And Its Applications, An
* Binary-Uncoded Image and Video Compression Using SPIHT-ZTR Coding
* Blind Image Restoration With Modified CMA
* Chaos-based Robust Watermarking Algorithm For Rightful Ownership Protection, A
* Combining Graph-cut Technique And Anatomical Knowledge For Automatic Segmentation Of Lungs Affected By Diffuse Parenchymal Disease In Hrct Images
* Feature Line Extraction On Meshes Through Vertex Marking And 2d Topological Operators
* Image Quality Feedback-based Adaptive Video Definition Improvement For The Space Manipulation Task
* Image Quality Metric Based On Biologically Inspired Feature Model, An
* Image Segmentation With Complementary Use Of Edge And Region Information
* Impairment Metric For Video Temporal Fluctuation Measure, An
* Improved Fractal Image Compression Based On Robust Feature Descriptors
* Improvement Of Colorization Realism Via The Structure Tensor
* Iterative Shape Refinement in AAM
* Kannada Alphabets Recognition With Application To Braille Translation
* Multi-approach Satellite Images Fusion Based On Blind Sources Separation
* Multi-histogram Clustering Approach Toward Markov Random Field For Foreground Segmentation, A
* Multiorientation-based Multistructure Morphological Inpainting
* Nonuniform High-quality Image Compression Method To Preserve User-specified Compression Ratio, A
* Novel Compressed Images Quality Metric, A
* Novel Texture-based Multi-linear Analysis Algorithm For Face Recognition, A
* Novel Two-level Color Image Retrieval Method, A
* Object Tracking of Video Sequences in Curvelet Domain
* Post-compression Rate-distortion Development For Embedded Block Coding With Optimal Truncation In Jpeg2000 Imagery
* Quaternion Based Color Image Quality Assessment Index
* Recognition Of Postal Codes From Fingerspelling Video Sequence
* Robust Extraction of Statistics from Images of Material Fragmentation
* Security of the Medical Media Using a Hybrid and Multiple Watermark Technique
* Spatial-temporal Video Quality Assessment Based On Two-level Temporal Pooling
* Speeding Up Best Neighborhood Matching Algorithm For High-definition Image on GPU Platform
* Summarization of Surveillance Video Sequences Using Face Quality Assessment
* Tackling the Problem of Invariant Texture Retrieval Using Multiple Strategies
* Vectorization and Line Detection for Automatic Image Recognition
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* 3D Mesh Object Retrieval by Discrete and Continuous Hidden Markov Models
* Adaptive Diffusion Scheme for Image Restoration and Selective Smoothing, An
* Binary Image Registration Based on Geometric Moments: Application to the Registraion of 3D Segmented CT Head Images
* Circular Arc Segmentation by Curvature Estimation and Geometric Validation
* Computational Model for Context-based Image Categorization and Description, A
* Contour Interpolation Using Level-set Analysis
* Distributed Video Coding: Feedback-free Architecture and Implementation
* Document Rectification Approach Dealing with Both Perspective Distortion and Warping Based on Text Flow Curve Fitting, A
* Exploring GPU- and Cluster-Based Improvements for Over-Sampled Volume Ray Casting Opacity Correction
* Face Recognition Based on GPPBTF and LBP With Classifier Fusion
* Face Recognition Using Hybrid Approach
* Fast Mesh Interpolation and Mesh Decomposition with Applications
* Geometric Invariants Construction for Semantic Scene Understanding From Multiple Views Inspired by the Human Visual System
* HDR Image Rerendering Using GPU-based Processing
* Human Body Segmentation in a Static Image with On-Line Adaboost at Multiscale Superpixels
* Image Cosegmentation Based on Local and Global Level Set Methods
* Image Inpainting Algorithm Based on Energy Minimization, An
* Image Restoration Based on Smooth Gray-level Detection and Line Prediction Method for Large Missing Regions
* Improved Edge-Directed Image Interpolation Algorithm, An
* Invisible Calibration Pattern for Print-and-Scan Data Hiding Based on Human Visual Perception
* Iris Recognition Method Based on Gabor Filters and Uniform Local Binary Patterns
* Locating Text in Images Based on the Smooth Gray-Level Detection
* Medical Images Segmentation Using Active Contours Driven by Global and Local Image Fitting Energy
* Piecewise Quartic Trigonometric Polynomial B-Spline Curves with Two Shape Parameters
* Real-Time Object Tracking Algorithm with Cameras Mounted on Moving Platforms
* Relative Positioning of Stroke-based Clustering: A New Approach to Online Handwritten Devanagari Character Recognition
* Segmentation and Tracking of Progenitor Cells in Time Lapse Microscopy
* Sharp Features Extraction from Point Clouds
* Tri-Tracking: Combining Three Independent Views for Robust Visual Tracking
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* Automatic Defect Classification of TFT-LCD Panels with Shape, Histogram and Color Features
* Comparing Bitmapped Microrna Structure Images Using Mutual Symmetry
* Enhancement of Screen Film Mammogram up to a Level of Digital Mammogram: Experimental Analysis
* Estimation of Frame Sequence Noise with Removal of JPEG Artifacts
* Fusion of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images Based on the Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform
* Fuzzy Clustering of Image Trademark Database and Preprocessing Using Adaptive Filter and Karhunen-Loêve Transform
* GPU-Accelerated Interactive Visualization of 3D Volumetric Data Using CUDA
* Hand Gesture Recognition Towards Vocabulary and Application Independency
* Handheld Device-Based Character Recognition System for Camera Captured Images
* Hybrid Approach for Information Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* Image Sequence Prediction Using ANN and RBFNN
* Improved View Frustum Culling Method Using Octrees for 3D Real-Time Rendering, An
* Logo Extraction Using Combined Discrete Wavelet Transform and Dynamic Stochastic Resonance
* Low Bit Rate Image Compression Using Hierarchical Listless Block-Tree DTT Algorithm
* Mammographic Density Estimation and Classification Using Segmentation and Progressive Elimination Method
* Novel Technique for Size Constrained Video Storyboard Generation Using Statistical Run Test and Spanning Tree, A
* Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curve Based on Reverse Engineering Concept
* Preface
* Provable Algorithm to Detect Weak Symmetry in a Polygon, A
* Quality Measure of the Compressed Echo, X-Ray and CT Images
* Quantization-Based Fragile Watermarking Using Block-Wise Authentication and Pixel-Wise Recovery Scheme for Tampered Image
* Recent Advance on Mean Shift Tracking: A Survey
* Recognition of Occlusions in CT Images Using a Curve-Based Parameterization Method
* Region-Based Contrast Enhancement of Digital Mammograms Using an Improved Watershed Segmentation
* Scale-Space Toggle Operator for Image Transformations, A
* Self-Dual Filtering Toggle Operator for Speckle Noise Filtering, A
* Semi-Automatic Cracks Correction Based on Seam Processing, Stochastic Analysis and Learning Process
* Small Moving Object Detection from Infra-Red Sequences
* Spatial Domain Object Separability Based No-Reference Image Quality Measure Using Mean and Variance, A
* Survey on 3D Human Body Modeling for Interactive Fashion Design, A
* Video-Based Approach for Detecting Prohibited Activities on Sporting Courts
31 for IJIG(13)
* Automatic Image Annotation Based on Scene Analysis
* Evaluation of Direct Volume Rendering-Based Uncertainty Visualization Techniques for 3D Scalar Data, The
* Fingerprint Liveness Detection Using Multiple Static Features and Random Forests
* Foreground Object Extraction Based on Interactive Color Saliency Map
* GLCM-Based Multiclass Iris Recognition Using FKNN and KNN
* GPU-Based Sphere Tracing for Radial Basis Function Implicits
* Hybrid Color Segmentation Method Using a Customized Nonlinear Similarity Function
* Improved Iterative Back Projection Based Single Image Super Resolution Approach, An
* Improved Listless Embedded Block Partitioning Algorithms for Image Compression
* Investigation of the Effects of Data Collection on Visual Stylometry
* Learning Discriminating Features for Gender Recognition of Real World Faces
* Learning-Based Framework for Supervised and Unsupervised Image Segmentation Evaluation, A
* Medical Image Denoising Based on Soft Thresholding Using Biorthogonal Multiscale Wavelet Transform
* Mixed Gauss and Directional Distance Filter for Fiber Direction Tracking, A
* Multibiometric System Using Level Set, Modified LBP and Random Forest
* On Markov Earth Mover's Distance
* Pattern Recognition Based on Fuzzy Set and Genetic Algorithm
* Real-Time Computer Vision-Based Static and Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition System, A
* Robust Edge-Based Corner Detector (EBCD), A
* Robust Segmentation Technique for Line, Word and Character Extraction from Kannada Text in Low Resolution Display Board Images, A
* Single Viewpoint Image-Driven Simplification
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* 3D Edge Detection Based on Boolean Functions and Local Operators
* 3D Video Communication System by Using Kinect and Head Mounted Displays
* Automatic Robust Image Registration Algorithm for Aerial Mapping, An
* Background Ruled-Lines Detection and Removal in Full-Colored Handwritten Image Documents
* Comparing Ranking Methods for Tensor Components in Multilinear and Concurrent Subspace Analysis with Applications in Face Images
* Comparison Between an HVS Inspired Linear Filter and the Bilateral Filter in Performing Vision at a Glance through Smoothing with Edge Preservation
* Computer Modeling and Simulation of Fruit Sunscald
* Computer Vision-Based Real-Time 3D Gesture Recognition Using Depth Image
* Data-Driven Approach for Human Locomotion Generation
* Designing the Visualization of Information
* Empirical Evaluation of Generic Weighted Cubicle Pattern and LBP Derivatives for Abnormality Detection in Mammogram Images
* Exploration with Novel Shape Signature of GMSC Distance Function to Track the Object, An
* Force Field-Based Control of Dynamic Particles with User-Specified Paths
* Heuristic Initialization for Active Contour Models in CT/MRI Image Processing
* Histogram-Based Two-Stage Adaptive Character Segmentation for Transcription of Inter-Point Hindi Braille to Text, A
* Improved AM-FM-Based Approach for Reconstructing Fingerprints from Minutiae, An
* Improving Graph-Based Image Segmentation Using Nonlinear Color Similarity Metrics
* Light Weight Text Extraction Technique for Hand-Held Device, A
* Local Feature Integration Method Using Phase Congruency for Palm Print Authentication
* Multi-Oriented Text Extraction in Stylistic Documents
* On Growing Persian Words with L-Systems: Visual Modeling of Neyname
* Robust Recognition Method for Occlusion of Mini Tomatoes Based on Hue Information and the Curvature, A
* Stereo Vision-Based Conic Reconstruction Using a Ray-Quadric Intersection
* Survey on Document Image Processing Methods Useful for Assistive Technology for the Blind, A
* Upper Body Tracking and 3D Gesture Reconstruction Using Agent-Based Architecture
25 for IJIG(15)
* Anisotropic Diffusion Model Based on a New Diffusion Coefficient and Fractional Order Differential for Image Denoising
* Automatic Reassembly of Three-Dimensional Jigsaw Puzzles
* Automatic Segmentation of Bones in X-ray Images Based on Entropy Measure
* Clock Algorithm Analysis for Increasing Quality of Digital Images
* Computer Aided Diagnosis of Abdomen Diseases Using Curvelet Transform
* Efficient Temporal Redundancy Transformation for Wavelet Based Video Compression, An
* Evaluating Multiscale Transform Based Image Compression Using Encoding Techniques
* Fast and Direct Polygonization for Gray-Scale Images Using Digital Straightness and Exponential Averaging
* Geometrical Features and Active Appearance Model Applied to Facial Expression Recognition
* Image Restoration Using Adaptive Region-Wise p-Norm Filter with Local Constraints
* Integrated Repainting System for Digital Restoration of Vijayanagara Murals, An
* Integrating Global Zernike and Local Discriminative HOG Features for Face Recognition
* K out of N Secret Sharing Scheme for Multiple Color Images with Steganography and Authentication
* Leaf Recognition for Plant Classification Using Direct Acyclic Graph Based Multi-Class Least Squares Twin Support Vector Machine
* New Robust Reversible Blind Watermarking in Wavelet-Domain for Color Images, A
* Novel Fusion Rule for Medical Image Fusion in Complex Wavelet Transform Domain, A
* Parallel Rendering for Legible Illustrative Visualizations of Dense Geometries on Commodity CPUs
* Perona-Malik Model with a New Diffusion Coefficient for Image Denoising
* Realistic Projection on Casual Dual-Planar Surfaces with Global Illumination Compensation
* Sparse Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Mesh Segmentation
* Unsupervised Image Segmentation with Pairwise Markov Chains Based on Nonparametric Estimation of Copula Using Orthogonal Polynomials
* Video Descriptor Using Orientation Tensors and Shape-Based Trajectory Clustering, A
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* 3-Dimensional Object Recognition Method Using Relationship of Distances and Angles in Feature Points, A
* Adaptation of Telegraph Diffusion Equation for Noise Reduction on Images
* Contactless Cardiac Activity Detection Based on Head Motion Magnification
* Deep Learning Approach for Devanagari Script Recognition
* Enhanced Minutiae Extraction for High-Resolution Palmprint Recognition
* FPGA-Based Hardware Architecture for Fuzzy Homomorphic Enhancement Based on Partial Differential Equations
* FPGA-Based Multiplier-Less Log-Based Hardware Architectures for Hybrid Color Image Enhancement System
* Fuzzy Transform-Based Fusion of Multiple Images
* Haar-Like Multi-Granularity Texture Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Human Action Classification Based on Silhouette Indexed Interest Points for Multiple Domains
* Image Noise Reduction Method Based on Compatibility with Adjacent Pixels
* Integrating Sparse and Collaborative Representation Classifications for Image Classification
* Inter-Image Similarity-Based Fast Adaptive Block Size Vector Quantizer for Image Coding
* Makeup Invariant Face Recognition using Features from Accelerated Segment Test and Eigen Vectors
* New Combined Feature Extraction Method for Persian Handwritten Digit Recognition, A
* Nonrigid Medical Image Registration Based on Curves
* Optimality in Distortion Control in Reversible Watermarking Using Genetic Algorithms
* Optimized Automatic Seeded Region Growing Algorithm with Application to ROI Extraction
* Quadratic Trigonometric Nu Spline with Shape Control, A
* Shape-Based Weighting Strategy Applied to the Covariance Estimation on ICP, A
* Spatial Indexing of Complex Virtual Reality Scenes in the Web
* Textural Image Denoising Using Gumbel Random Vectors in Gaussian Noise
* Wavelet-Based Feature Vector for Shot Boundary Detection
* Wide Angle Rigid Registration Using a Comparative Tensor Shape Factor
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* Analysis of CNN Feature Extractor Based on KL Divergence, An
* Automatic Quantification of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Levels in a Microvessel with and without Tumor Cell Adhesion
* Contour-Point Signature Shape Descriptor for Point Correspondence
* Crypto-stego System for Securing Text and Image Data
* Fast Video Stitching for Aerially Captured HD Videos
* Feature Selection Based on Evolution Strategy for Character Recognition
* Generic Framework for Semantic Annotation of Images, A
* Handwritten Devanagari Similar Character Recognition by Fisher Linear Discriminant and Pairwise Classification
* High Speed Area Optimized Hybrid DA Architecture for 2D-DTCWT
* HVS Inspired Robust Non-blind Watermarking Scheme in YCbCr Color Space, An
* Image Appearance-Based Facial Expression Recognition
* Image Denoising using Alexander Fractional Hybrid Filter
* Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Patch Image Model with Local and Global Analysis
* Log Transform Based Optimal Image Enhancement Using Firefly Algorithm for Autonomous Mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: An Application of Aerial Photography
* Novel Data Independent Approach for Conversion of Hand Punched Kannada Braille Script to Text and Speech, A
* Real-Time Continuous Image Processing
* Robust Hybrid Filter Based on Evolutionary Intelligence and Fuzzy Evaluation, A
* Secure Image Watermarking Based on LWT and SVD
* Shadow-Free, Expeditious and Precise, Moving Object Separation from Video
* Shape Descriptors for Porous Media Analysis Using Computed Tomography Images
* Survey on Biometrics and Cancelable Biometrics Systems, A
* Textural Region Denoising: Application in Agriculture
* VEA: Vessel Extraction Algorithm by Active Contour Model and a Novel Wavelet Analyzer for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
* Video Caption Extraction Using Spatio-Temporal Slices
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* Boundary Layer Detection Techniques Applied to Edge Detection
* Color PET-MRI Medical Image Fusion Combining Matching Regional Spectrum in Shearlet Domain
* Effective Descriptors for Human Action Retrieval from 3D Mesh Sequences
* Extending the Visibility of Dichromats Using Histogram Equalization of Hue Value Defined for Dichromats
* Face Identification Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Neural Networks
* Fingerprint-Based Document Image Retrieval
* Formulation of Fractional Derivative-Based De-Hazing Algorithm and Implementation on Mobile-Embedded Devices
* Framework for Automatic Selection of Kernels based on Convolutional Neural Networks and CkMeans Clustering Algorithm
* Handwritten Farsi Word Recognition Using NN-Based Fusion of HMM Classifiers with Different Types of Features
* Image Forensics Based on Lighting Estimation
* Image Segmentation Based Approach for the Purpose of Developing Satellite Image Spatial Information Extraction for Forestation and River Bed Analysis
* Improved Single Image De-Hazing Via Sky Region Detection, Classification and Illumination Refinement
* Invisible Semi-Fragile Watermarking and Steganography of Digital Videos for Content Authentication and Data Hiding
* Kernel-Coefficient-Based Feature Method for Face Detection
* Line and Polygon Clipping Techniques on Natural Images: A Mathematical Solution and Performance Evaluation
* Low-Dose CT Image Restoration Based on Adaptive Prior Feature Matching and Nonlocal Means
* Memetic Algorithm Image Enhancement for Preserving Mean Brightness Without Losing Image Features
* New Technique for Binary Morphological Shape-Based Interpolation
* Performance Assessment of Sky Segmentation Approaches for UAVs
* Real-Time Fidelity Measurement of JPEG2000 Coded Images
* Retinal Blood Vessel Caliber Estimation for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Images Based on 3D Superellipsoid Modeling
* Review of Enhancement and Segmentation Techniques for Digital Images, A
* Single Image Super-Resolution Algorithm Possessing Edge and Contrast Preservation
* Statistical Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal Algorithm, A
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* Absolute: An Information Visualization System for Decision Support in Sourcing
* Adaptive Subspace Self-organizing Map And Its Applications In Face Recognition
* Automatic Identification Of Diatoms Using Visual Human-Interpretable Features
* Color Face Segmentation Using A Fuzzy Min-max Neural Network
* Complete System for Interpretation of Color Maps, A
* Constructive Relaxation Matching Involving Dynamical Model Switching And Its Application To Shape Matching
* Correcting Distortion of Image by Image Registration with the Implicit Function Theorem
* Detection Of Obstacles By The Horizon View Camera, The
* Direct Manipulation Graphics For Data Mining
* Eigenspaces For Graphs
* Finding The Beat: An Analysis Of The Rhythmic Elements Of Motion Pictures
* Full-view: A Visual Data-mining Environment
* Fuzzy C-means And Mixture Distribution Models In The Presence Of Noise Clusters
* Fuzzy Clustering With Genetically Adaptive Scaling
* Fuzzy Hough Transform Approach To Shape Description, A
* Fuzzy Relation Calculus In The Compression And Decompression Of Fuzzy Relations
* Image Engineering and Related Publications
* Image Restoration Based on Generalized Finite Automata Encoded Edge Preserving Regularization
* Large-scale Mining, Discovery and Visualization of WWW User Clickpaths
* Motion Detection From Time-varied Background
* Motion Segmentation by Subspace Separation: Model Selection and Reliability Evaluation
* Multi-scale Two-step Fast Search Algorithm For Block Motion Estimation, A
* Neural-network-based Image Resolution Enhancement Scheme For Image Resizing, A
* Object-oriented Bsp Tree Algorithm For Hidden Surface Removal, An
* Perception-based Analysis Of Engineering Experiments In The Semiconductor Industry
* Performance Measures For Assessing Contour Trackers
* Practical Approach For 3d Building Modeling From Uncalibrated Video Sequences, A
* Reconstruction of 3D Space Structure with a Rotational Imaging System
* Robust Object Matching Using A Modified Version Of The Hausdorff Measure
* Rough Feature Selection For Neural Network Based Image Classification
* Search For Patterns In Compressed Time Series
* Shape-based Image Retrieval Applied To Trademark Images
* Smart Sensor: An On-board Image Processing System For Real-time Remote Sensing
* Sub-vector Weighting Scheme For Image Retrieval With Relevance Feedback, A
* Towards an Automatic Approach for View-Dependent Geometry
* Visualization Framework For The Analysis Of Hyperdimensional Data, A
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* 3D Emotion Recognition Using SVM and HoG Features, The
* 3D Morphable Face Model for Face Animation
* Adaptive Trimmed Median Filter for Impulse Noise Detection and Removal with an Application to Mammogram Images
* Automatic Seeded Region Growing Image Segmentation for Medical Image Segmentation: A Brief Review
* Camouflaged Object Detection and Tracking: A Survey
* Comparative Performance Analysis of Enhancement Methods Applied to Arabic Manuscripts
* Decision Support Techniques for Dermatology Using Case-Based Reasoning
* Design and Implementation of Content-Based Natural Image Retrieval Approach Using Feature Distance
* Directional Vector-Based Skin Lesion Segmentation: A Novel Approach to Skin Segmentation
* Effect of Various Visual Speech Units on Language Identification Using Visual Speech Recognition
* Effective Image-Adaptive Hybrid Watermarking Scheme with Transform Coefficients, An
* Effects of Color Quantization on JPEG Compression
* Empirical Evaluation of Texture Features and Classifiers for Liver Disease Diagnosis
* Food Sustenance Estimation Using Food Image
* Fractional-Order Anisotropic Diffusion for Defogging of RGB Images
* Fruit Fly-Based Artificial Neural Network Classifier with Kernel-Based Fuzzy c-Means Clustering for Satellite Image Classification
* Geometric Feature-Based Classification of Segmented Human Chromosomes
* Image Normalization and Weighted Classification Using an Efficient Approach for SVM Classifiers
* Non-Extra Pixel Interpolation
* Novel Cardiac Arrhythmia Processing using Machine Learning Techniques
* Novel DWT/IDWT Architecture for 3D with Nine Stage 2D Parallel Processing using Split Distributed Arithmetic
* PHY-NGSC-Based ORT Run Length Encoding Scheme for Video Compression, The
* Probabilistic, Multi-Scale Fractional Tonal Correction Bilateral Filter-Based Hazy Image Enhancement
* Recognition of Isothetic Arc Using Number Theoretic Properties
* Research Contributions with Algorithmic Comparison on the Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy
* Robust DWT-Based Compressed Domain Video Watermarking Technique, A
* Semi-Automated Technique for Transcribing Accurate Crowd Motions, A
* Shape Preserving Properties with Constraints on the Tension Parameter of Binary Three-Point Approximating Subdivision Scheme
* Sparse Optical Flow Computation Using Wave Equation-Based Energy
* Static Thresholded Pulse Coupled Neural Networks in Contourlet Domain: A New Framework for Medical Image Denoising
* Statistical Analysis of HRV Parameters for the Detection of Arrhythmia
* Text Region Extraction From Scene Images Using AGF and MSER
* Ultrasound Image Despeckling Method Based on Weighted Adaptive Bilateral Filter, An
* User Authentication System Based on Speech and Cascade Hybrid Facial Feature
* Wavelet-Based Image Compression Encoding Techniques: A Complete Performance Analysis
* Who are My Family Members? A Solution Based on Image Processing and Machine Learning
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* Accurate Liver Border Identification Model in CT Scan Images
* Automated Image Denoising Model: Contribution Towards Optimized Internal and External Basis
* Automatic Localization of Elevation Values in a Poor Quality Topographic Map
* CBI + R: A Fusion Approach to Assist Dermatological Diagnoses
* Challenges in Sparse Image Reconstruction
* Chaos-based Video Steganography Method in Discrete Cosine Transform Domain
* Classification of Human Metaspread Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Classification of Mammogram Abnormalities Using Legendre Moments
* Classifying Breast Density in Mammographic Images Using Wavelet-Based and Fine-Tuned Sensory Neural Networks
* Color Enhancement Method to Improve the Colors of the Images Perceived by the Elderly People
* Curve and Surface Fitting Techniques in Computer Vision
* Design of Matched Wavelet Using Improved Genetic Algorithm for Heart Rate Variability Analysis of the Menstrual Cycle
* Despeckling of SAR Images Using Shrinkage of Two-Dimensional Discrete Orthonormal S-Transform
* Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Residual Neural Networks (RESNET)
* Dewarping Document Image Techniques: Survey and Comparative Study
* Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Optimization Assisted Deep Learning Model: Outlook on Improved Grey Wolf Algorithm
* Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease Using SVM Classifier
* Different CNN-based Architectures for Detection of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in Breast Using Histopathology Images
* Efficient Cooperative Smearing Technique for Degraded Historical Document Image Segmentation, An
* Efficient Local Block Sobolev Gradient and Laplacian Approach for Elimination of Atmospheric Turbulence, An
* Enhanced Bidirectional Insertion Sort Over Classical Insertion Sort, An
* Enhanced Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Information Oriented Angle-Based Local Tri-Directional Weber Patterns
* Extremely High Compression and Identification of Fingerprint Images Using SA4 Multiwavelet Transform
* Fast Encryption Scheme Suitable for Video Surveillance Applications Using SHA-256 Hash Function and 1D Sine-Sine Chaotic Map, A
* Fast Hyperspectral Image Encoder Based on Supervised Multimodal Scheme
* Fast Single Image Fog Removal Method Using Geometric Mean Histogram Equalization, A
* Gaussian Image Binarization
* Gray Matter Segmentation of Brain MRI Using Hybrid Enhanced Independent Component Analysis
* HDR Image Compression by Multi-Scale down Sampling of Intensity Levels
* Hybrid Technique of the Branch-Cut and the Quality-Guided for Insar Phase Unwrapping
* Image Captioning for Video Surveillance System using Neural Networks
* Improvement in CNN-Based Multifocus Image Fusion Algorithm with Triangulated Fuzzy Filter
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Sparse Representation and Spatial Frequency in DTCWT Domain
* Joint Bilateral Filter for Signal Recovery from Phase Preserved Curvelet Coefficients for Image Denoising
* Machine Learning Techniques for Corneal Diseases Diagnosis: A Survey
* Modified Rider Optimization-Based V Channel Magnification for Enhanced Video Super Resolution
* MR Brain Image Segmentation to Detect White Matter, Gray Matter, and Cerebro Spinal Fluid Using TLBO Algorithm
* Multi-Type Classification Comparison of Mammogram Abnormalities
* Multilevel Image Thresholding Method Using the Darwinian Cuckoo Search Algorithm, A
* Multimodal Biometric-Based Authentication with Secured Templates
* New Content-Based Image Retrieval System Using Deep Visual Features, A
* Novel Hybrid Filter for Image Despeckling Based On Improved Adaptive Wiener Filter, Bilateral Filter and Wavelet Filter, A
* Novel Iterative Rigid Image Registration Algorithm Based on the Newton Method, A
* Pixel Prediction-Based Image Steganography Using Crow Search Algorithm-Based Deep Belief Network Approach
* Real-Time Computer Vision-Based Bangla Vehicle License Plate Recognition using Contour Analysis and Prediction Algorithm
* Region of Interest-Based Coding Technique of Medical Images Using Varying Grading of Compression
* Reminiscent Net: Conditional GAN-based Old Image De-Creasing
* Research Perception Towards Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection: Challenges and Future Directions
* Robust Method for Dehazing of Single Image with Sky Region Detection and Segmentation, A
* Satellite Image Classification Using Cellular Automata
* Security of Digital Images Based on 3D Arnold Cat Map and Elliptic Curve
* Self-guided Stereo Correspondence Estimation Algorithm
* Significance of the Transition to Biometric Template Protection: Explore the Future
* Single Image De-Hazing via Multiscale Wavelet Decomposition and Estimation with Fractional Gradient-Anisotropic Diffusion Fusion
* Single-Image Dehazing via Dark Channel Prior and Adaptive Threshold
* Spatio Temporal Joint Distance Maps for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Super-Resolution Based on Residual Learning and Optimized Phase Stretch Transform
* Supervised Method for Congestion Detection at Entry and Exit Corridors of Public Places
* U-Net Model-Based Classification and Description of Brain Tumor in MRI Images
* Video Inpainting: A Complete Framework
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* AdaBoosted Extra Trees Classifier for Object-Based Multispectral Image Classification of Urban Fringe Area
* Analysis of Brain Tumor Using MR Images: A Brief Survey
* Analytical Review of Biometric Technology Employing Vivid Modalities
* Automated Image Super Resolution with the Aid of Activation Function Optimized Deep CNN and Adaptive Wavelet Lifting Approach
* Biometric Authentication Using Finger-Vein Patterns with Deep-Learning and Discriminant Correlation Analysis
* Breast Tumor Detection in MR Images Based on Density
* Classification of Low-Resolution Satellite Images Using Fractal Augmented Descriptors
* CNN-based Prediction of COVID-19 using Chest CT Images
* Colon Cancer Detection Using Hybrid Features and Genetically Optimized Neural Network Classifier
* Comparative Analysis of Different Data Replication Strategies in Cloud Environment
* Compressed Sensing in Parallel MRI: A Review
* Content-Based Video Retrieval Using Integration of Curvelet Transform and Simple Linear Iterative Clustering
* Deep Learning-Based Classification of Malignant and Benign Cells in Dermatoscopic Images via Transfer Learning Approach
* Deep Learning-Based Hexrep Neural Network for Convergence Free with Operator's Efficacy in Hexagonal Image Processing
* Detection and Correction of Multi-Warping Document Image
* Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Dynamic Selective Edge-Based Integer/Fractional-Order Partial Differential Equation for Degraded Document Image Binarization
* Dynamic Shadow Detection and Removal for Vehicle Tracking System
* Efficient Image Privacy-Preserving Scheme Based On Mixed Chaotic Map and Compression, An
* Enhanced Face Recognition Using Adaptive Local Tri Weber Pattern with Improved Deep Learning Architecture
* Enhancement of MRI Brain Images Using Notch Filter Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Enhancement of Vascular Patterns in Palm Images Using Various Image Enhancement Techniques for Person Identification
* Extraction of Multiple Diseases in Apple Leaf Using Machine Learning
* Feature Extraction and Selection in Archaeological Images for Automatic Annotation
* Firefly Algorithm Optimized Functional Link Artificial Neural Network for ISA-Radar Image Recognition
* Functional Brain Connectivity Hyper-Network Embedded with Structural Information for Epilepsy Diagnosis
* Fusion-Based Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Learning Architecture in Case of Very Small Training Dataset
* Generating Spectrum Images from Different Types: Visible, Thermal, and Infrared Based on Autoencoder Architecture (GVTI-AE)
* Hardware Efficient Modified CNN Architecture for Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition
* Histogram of Marked Background (HMB) Feature Extraction Method for Arabic Handwriting Recognition
* Human Action Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Multiplier Network and Attentive Correlated Temporal Feature
* Human Activity Recognition Algorithm in Video Sequences Based on Integration of Magnitude and Orientation Information of Optical Flow
* Hybrid Biogeography-Based Optimization and Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection in Mammographic Breast Density Classification
* IDH-Based Radiogenomic Characterization of Glioma Using Local Ternary Pattern Descriptor Integrated with Radiographic Features and Random Forest Classifier
* Image Authentication Using Block Truncation Coding in Lifting Wavelet Domain
* Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Combination of Scale-Invariant Feature Transform and Local Binary Pattern Features
* Image De-Speckling Based on the Coefficient of Variation, Improved Guided Filter, and Fast Bilateral Filter
* Image Denoising Using Sparse Representation and Principal Component Analysis
* Improved Content Based Image Retrieval Process Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Salp Swarm Algorithm
* Improved Framework using Rider Optimization Algorithm for Precise Image Caption Generation
* Integration of Dynamic Multi-Atlas and Deep Learning Techniques to Improve Segmentation of the Prostate in MR Images
* Kumaraswamy Distribution Based Bi-histogram Equalization for Enhancement of Microscopic Images
* Machine Learning Techniques for Identifying Fetal Risk During Pregnancy
* Medical Data and Mathematically Modeled Implicit Surface Real-Rime Visualization in Web Browsers
* Metaheuristics Framework for Weighted Multi-band Image Fusion, A
* Modified Flower Pollination-based Segmentation of Medical Images
* Morphology Preserving Segmentation Method for Occluded Cell Nuclei from Medical Microscopy Image
* Multimodal Video Indexing (MVI): A New Method Based on Machine Learning and Semi-Automatic Annotation on Large Video Collections
* New Set of Invariant Quaternion Krawtchouk Moments for Color Image Representation and Recognition
* Non-Rigid Image Registration based on Parameterized Surfaces: Application to 3D Cardiac Motion Image Analysis
* Optimized Approach for Intra-Class Fruit Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network, An
* Performance Analysis of Two-Stage Iterative Ensemble Method over Random Oversampling Methods on Multiclass Imbalanced Datasets
* Recognition of Hand Gesture Image Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Review on Natural Disaster Detection in Social Media and Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning, A
* Script Identification for Printed and Handwritten Indian Documents: An Empirical Study of Different Feature Classifier Combinations
* Secret Key-Based Image Steganography in Spatial Domain
* Spatial Distribution of Ink at Keypoints (SDIK): A Novel Feature for Word Spotting in Arabic Documents
* Study on Darwinian Crow Search Algorithm for Multilevel Thresholding, A
* Study on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and Machine Learning Based Approach to Detect COVID-19 Through X-Ray Images, A
* Surface Reconstruction: Roles in the Field of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
* Thermal Blended Facial Expression Analysis and Recognition System Using Deformed Thermal Facial Areas, A
* Two-Stage PAN-Sharpening Algorithm Based on Sparse Representation for Spectral Distortion Reduction, A
62 for IJIG(22)
* 2D Wavelet Tree Ordering Based Localized Total Variation Model for Efficient Image Restoration
* Analysis of Various Visual Cryptographic Techniques and their Issues Based on Optimization Algorithms
* Analysis on Mental Stress of Professionals and Pregnant Women Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Automated Brain Imaging Diagnosis and Classification Model using Rat Swarm Optimization with Deep Learning based Capsule Network
* BCS-AE: Integrated Image Compression-Encryption Model Based on AE and Block-CS
* Certainty-Based Deep Fused Neural Network Using Transfer Learning and Adaptive Movement Estimation for the Diagnosis of Cardiomegaly
* Challenges and Imperatives of Deep Learning Approaches for Detection of Melanoma: A Review
* Chaotic Encryption System Based on DNA Coding Using a Deep Neural Network, A
* CNN with Multiple Inputs for Automatic Glaucoma Assessment Using Fundus Images
* Critical Survey on Developed Reconstruction Algorithms for Computed Tomography Imaging from a Limited Number of Projections, A
* Data Ownership and Secure Medical Data Transmission using Optimal Multiple Key-Based Homomorphic Encryption with Hyperledger Blockchain
* DCT Coefficients Weighting (DCTCW)-Based Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO) for Brightness Preserving Image Contrast Enhancement
* Deep Ensemble Model for Spam Classification in Twitter via Sentiment Extraction: Bio-Inspiration-Based Classification Model
* Deep Learning Feature Extraction Using Attention-Based DenseNet 121 for Copy Move Forgery Detection
* Deep Learning-Based Medical Image Fusion Using Integrated Joint Slope Analysis with Probabilistic Parametric Steered Image Filter
* Deep Learning-Based Melanoma Detection with Optimized Features via Hybrid Algorithm
* Deep Learning-Enabled Road Segmentation and Edge-Centerline Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Descriptive Survey on Face Emotion Recognition Techniques, A
* Dimensionality Reduction and Visualization of Bharatanatyam Mudras
* DSIT: A Dynamic Lightweight Cryptography Algorithm for Securing Image in IoT Communication
* Early Success Prediction of Indian Movies Using Subtitles: A Document Vector Approach
* Edge Detection in Natural Scenes Inspired by the Speed Drawing Challenge
* Fake Colorized Image Detection Approaches: A Review
* Finger Vein Recognition Model for Biometric Authentication Using Intelligent Deep Learning
* Firefly Competitive Swarm Optimization Based Hierarchical Attention Network for Lung Cancer Detection
* FO-DPSO Algorithm for Segmentation and Detection of Diabetic Mellitus for Ulcers
* Food Image-based Nutritional Management System to Overcome Polycystic Ovary Syndrome using DeepLearning: A Systematic Review
* Fourth-Order Partial Differential Equation Framelet Fusion-Based Colour Correction and Contrast Enhancement for Underwater Images
* Generation of Random Fields for Image Segmentation Techniques: A Review
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Adaptive Wiener Gain for Speech Enhancement Using an Iterative Posterior NMF
* Graph Theory-Based Brain Network Connectivity Analysis and Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
* HHO-Based Vector Quantization Technique for Biomedical Image Compression in Cloud Computing
* Hybrid Features and Deep Learning Model for Facial Expression Recognition From Videos
* Hybrid Pattern Extraction with Deep Learning-Based Heart Disease Diagnosis Using Echocardiogram Images
* Illumination Invariance Adaptive Sidewalk Detection Based on Unsupervised Feature Learning
* Image Interpolation Based on 2D-DWT with Novel Regularity-Preserving Algorithm Using RLS Adaptive Filters
* Image Matting: A Comprehensive Survey on Techniques, Comparative Analysis, Applications and Future Scope
* Integrated Double Hybrid Fusion Approach for Image Smoothing, An
* Locust Mayfly Optimization-Tuned Neural Network for AI-Based Pruning in Chess Game
* Machine Learning with Data Science-Enabled Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Classification Using Computed Tomography Images
* Medical Image Fusion using ECNN- and OMBO-based Adaptive Weighted Fusion Rule
* Multi-Modal Medical Image Fusion Using 3-Stage Multiscale Decomposition and PCNN with Adaptive Arguments
* Multimodal Biometric Person Authentication Using Face, Ear and Periocular Region Based on Convolution Neural Networks
* Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations: K-Nearest Neighbors and Deep Neural Network Architecture for Kidney Disease Prediction
* New Design of Occlusion-Invariant Face Recognition Using Optimal Pattern Extraction and CNN with GRU-Based Architecture, A
* New Method for Arabic Text Detection in Natural Scene Images, A
* Non-Invasive Grading and Sorting of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Using Antlion Optimizer-Based Artificial Neural Networks
* Novel Ensemble Stacking Classification of Genetic Variations Using Machine Learning Algorithms, A
* Novel Segmentation Error Minimization-Based Method for Multilevel Optimal Threshold Selection Using Opposition Equilibrium Optimizer, A
* Optimized Neural Network with Refined Features for Categorization of Motor Imaginary Signals
* Pan-Sharpening for Spectral Details Preservation Via Convolutional Sparse Coding in Non-Subsampled Shearlet Space
* Performance Analysis and Critical Review on Segmentation Techniques for Brain Tumor Classification
* Performance Evaluation of Convolutional Neural Network Using Synthetic Medical Data Augmentation Generated by GAN
* Postal Automation System in Gurmukhi Script using Deep Learning
* Product Image Recommendation with Transformer Model Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Quick Dissimilarity Detection for Center-Based Binary Images Via Smart Mapping
* Real-time Multi-person Pose Tracking Method Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction Using a New Enhancement Technique of Modified Convolution Filters and Sauvola Thresholding
* Review of Machine Learning-Based Recognition of Sign Language, A
* Review on Deep Learning Classifier for Hyperspectral Imaging, A
* Review on Rice Crop Disease Classification Using Computational Approach, A
* Sarcasm Detection: A Review, Synthesis and Future Research Agenda
* Selective Mean Filtering for Reducing Impulse Noise in Digital Color Images
* Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Sail Squirrel Search Optimization-based Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Sentinel-1 Images
* Some Studies on Measurement of Worn Surface by Digital Image Processing
* Spatio-Temporal Inference Transformer Network for Video Inpainting
* Survey on Various Deep Learning Algorithms for an Efficient Facial Expression Recognition System, A
* Systematic Survey on Photorealistic Computer Graphic and Photographic Image Discrimination, A
* T2FRF Filter: An Effective Algorithm for the Restoration of Fingerprint Images
* Time Image De-Noising Method Based on Sparse Regularization
* Underwater Video Enhancement Using Manta Ray Foraging Lion Optimization-Based Fusion Convolutional Neural Network
* Visualizing Android Malicious Applications Using Texture Features
* Widespread Assessment and Open Issues on Image Captioning Models, A
* Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Infected Images Detection and Classification Using MobileNetV2-BiLSTM Model
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* 3D Vision Using Multiple Structured Light-Based Kinect Depth Cameras
* Abnormal Behavior Recognition for Human Motion Based on Improved Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive Illumination Optimization Method for Local Overexposed Image, An
* Analysis of Single Image Super-Resolution Techniques: An Evolutionary Study
* Artistic Image Style Transfer Based on CycleGAN Network Model
* Automatic Tracking Method for 3D Human Motion Pose Using Contrastive Learning
* Bayesian Selective Median Filtering for Reduction of Impulse Noise in Digital Color Images
* Cardiac MRI Segmentation Using Efficient ResNeXT-50-Based IEI Level Set and Anisotropic Sigmoid Diffusion Algorithms
* Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction Using ML-Based Neuro-Fuzzy Model
* Classification and Analysis of Pistachio Species Through Neural Embedding-Based Feature Extraction and Small-Scale Machine Learning Techniques
* Cloud Multimedia Data Security by Optimization-Assisted Cryptographic Technique
* CNN Classification of Computed Tomography Images for Pancreatic Tumor Detection
* Combined Use of Nonlinear Measures for Analyzing Pathological Voices
* Computer-Aided Classification of Cell Lung Cancer Via PET/CT Images Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Convoluted Neighborhood-Based Ordered-Dither Block Truncation Coding for Ear Image Retrieval
* Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) with Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO)-Based Medical Image Fusion
* Deep Learning Era for Computer Vision-Based Eye Gaze Tracking: An Intensive Model
* Deer Hunting Optimization with 3D-Convolutional Neural Network for Diabetic Retinopathy Classification Model
* Defect Detection Scheme of Pins for Aviation Connectors Based on Image Segmentation and Improved RESNET-50
* Detecting Epileptic Seizures Using Symplectic Geometry Decomposition-Based Features and Gaussian Deep Boltzmann Machines
* Detection Accuracy Improvement on One-Stage Object Detection Using AP-Loss-Based Ranking Module and ResNet-152 Backbone
* Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) Image Synthesis Using DCGAN and Classification of DR Using Transfer Learning Approaches
* EBMICQL: Improving Efficiency of Blockchain Miner Pools via Incremental and Continuous Q-Learning Framework
* Efficient Blood Pressure Estimation and Risk Analysis System of PPG Signals Using IDA and MPPIW-DLNN Algorithms, An
* Efficient COVID-19 Disease Outbreak Prediction Using BI-SSOA-TMLPNN and ARIMA, An
* Efficient Cybersecurity Model Using Wavelet Deep CNN and Enhanced Rain Optimization Algorithm
* Efficient JSH-FCM-Based Thyroid Disease Detection Using Ash-Ann with Stage Classification via a Fuzzy Rule-Based Approach, An
* Enhanced Deep Neural Network-Based Approach for Speaker Recognition Using Triumvirate Euphemism Strategy, An
* Entropy-Based Feature Extraction Model for Fundus Images with Deep Learning Model
* Fault Signal Perception of Nanofiber Sensor for 3D Human Motion Detection Using Multi-Task Deep Learning
* FCM with Spatial Constraint Multi-Kernel Distance-Based Segmentation and Optimized Deep Learning for Flood Detection
* Feature-Based Object Detection and Tracking: A Systematic Literature Review
* Full-Reference Objective Quality Metric for Three-Dimensional Deformed Models
* Heuristic-Based Ensemble Model Selection Strategy with Parameter Tuning for Optimal Diabetes Mellitus Prediction
* High Embedding Capacity Color Image Steganography Scheme Using Pixel Value Differencing and Addressing the Falling-Off Boundary Problem
* HM-SMF: An Efficient Strategy Optimization using a Hybrid Machine Learning Model for Stock Market Prediction
* Hybrid Mayfly Lévy Flight Distribution Optimization Algorithm-Tuned Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Indoor-Outdoor Image Classification
* Hybrid Optimization-Based Neural Network Classifier for Software Defect Prediction
* Hybrid Segmentation Approach for Tumors Detection in Brain Using Machine Learning Algorithms
* Improved COVID-19 Lung X-Ray Image Classification Algorithm Based on ConvNeXt Network, An
* Improvement of Bounding Box and Instance Segmentation Accuracy Using ResNet-152 FPN with Modulated Deformable ConvNets v2 Backbone-based Mask Scoring R-CNN
* Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Optimally Weighted Multi-Scale Laplacian of Gaussian and Local Statistics Using Particle Swarm Optimization
* IRFNet: Skin Lesion Detection and Classification Using Unified Intuitive and Object Classifier with Iterative Random Forest Algorithm
* Laplace-Based 3D Human Mesh Sequence Compression
* MODCN: Fine-Tuned Deep Convolutional Neural Network with GAN Deployed to Forecast Diabetic Eye Damage in Fundus Retinal Images
* MRI Image-Based Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Brain Tumor and Swelling Using Novel Methodologies
* Multi-Disease Classification of Mango Tree Using Meta-Heuristic-Based Weighted Feature Selection and LSTM Model
* Multi-Layer Acoustic Neural Network-Based Intelligent Early Diagnosis System for Rheumatic Heart Disease, A
* Multiclass Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Analysis Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques
* Novel High-Speed Data Encryption Scheme for Internet of Medical Things Using Modified Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman and Advance Encryption Standard, A
* Novel Image Recovery from Moving Water Surface Using Multi-Objective Bispectrum Method, A
* Novel Square Error Minimization-Based Multilevel Thresholding Method for COVID-19 X-Ray Image Analysis Using Fast Cuckoo Search
* Nutrient Deficiency Classification in Rice Plants Using DenseNet121
* Optimization-Assisted CNN Model for Fault Classification and Site Location in Transmission Lines
* Optimized Deep CNN with Deviation Relevance-based LBP for Skin Cancer Detection: Hybrid Metaheuristic Enabled Feature Selection
* Optimized Deep Neuro-Fuzzy Network with MapReduce Architecture for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Classification and Severity Analysis
* Optimized ResUNet++-Enabled Blood Vessel Segmentation for Retinal Fundus Image Based on Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Improvement
* RDN-NET: A Deep Learning Framework for Asthma Prediction and Classification Using Recurrent Deep Neural Network
* Real-Time Multi-Object Detection Using Enhanced Yolov5-7S on Multi-GPU for High-Resolution Video
* Reflection Removal with Varied Field of View Images
* Robust Convolutional Neural Network Based on UNet for Iris Segmentation
* Self-Attention CycleGAN for Cross-Domain Semi-Supervised Contactless Palmprint Recognition, A
* Self-Attention-Based Convolutional GRU for Enhancement of Adversarial Speech Examples
* Semi-Supervised Skin Lesion Segmentation via Iterative Mask Optimization
* Severity Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy: A Review
* Shuffle Attention U-Net for Speech Enhancement in Time Domain
* Super Resolved Maize Plant Leaves Disease Detection Using Optimal Generative Adversarial Network
* Time-Variant Satellite Vegetation Classification Enabled by Hybrid Metaheuristic-Based Adaptive Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping
* Two-Stream Spatial-Temporal Feature Extraction and Classification Model for Anomaly Event Detection Using Hybrid Deep Learning Architectures
* Weighted Graph Embedding Feature with Bi-Directional Long Short-Term Memory Classifier for Multi-Document Text Summarization
* Yoga Posture Recognition by Learning Spatial-Temporal Feature with Deep Learning Techniques
71 for IJIG(24)
* Content-based Image Retrieval With Relevance Feedback Using Adaptive Processing Of Tree-structure Image Representation
* Discriminatory Sparse Coding And Its Application To Face Recognition
* Efficient Content-based Image Retrieval Using Fuzzy Organization And Optimal Relevance Feedback
* Enumeration of Contour Correspondence
* Estimation of Asymmetry in Facial Actions for the Analysis of Motion Dysfunction Due to Paralysis
* Extraction of Dermo-epidermal Surface from 3d Volumetric Images of Human Skin
* Face Annotation for Family Photo Album Management
* Fast, Simple, Feature Preserving and Memory Efficient Simplification of Triangle Meshes
* Faster Similarity Search For Multimedia Data Via Query Transformations
* Footprint Sampling-based Motion Editing
* Image-based Inexpensive 3d Scanner, An
* Kidney Glomerulus Observation in Interactive VR Space
* Minimizing Latency and Jitter for Large-Scale Multimedia Repositories Through Prefix Caching
* Model-based Approach To Hair Region Segmentation, A
* Non-rigid Body Interpolation Based On Generalized Morphologic Morphing
* Optimization Techniques For Assembly Planning Of Complex Models In Large-scale Virtual Environments
* Perceptual User Interface In Virtual Shopping Environment
* Personalized Face Animation In Showface System
* Polyhedral Model Retrieval Using Weighted Point Sets
* Recognition Method of Lung Nodule Shadows in X-ray Ct Images Using 3d Object Models, A
* Remote Authentication System Using Fingerprints, A
* Review Of Fingerprint Image Enhancement Methods, A
* Robust Multiscale Deformable Registration of 3d Ultrasound Images
* Semantic Video Transcoding Using Classes Of Relevance
* Similarity-based Subsequence Search In Image Sequence Databases
* Single-pass Approach To Adaptive Simplification Of Out-of-core Models, A
* System For Human Face And Facial Feature Location, A
* Three Dimensional Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries by Using Registration and Texture-mapping onto Epicardial Surface on Nuclear 3d Image
* Using The Beta-binomial Distribution To Assess Performance Of A Biometric Identification Device
* Verification Speed In Fingerprint-based Biometric Systems
* View-dependent Rendering For Large Polygonal Models Over Networks
* Views or Points of View on Images
32 for IJIG(3)
* Active Deformable Models Using Density Estimation
* Automated Spline Surface Modeling and Matching for Recognition of Free-form Objects
* Automatic 3d Prostate Surface Detection From Trus With Level Sets
* Automatic Detection Of Circular Objects By Ellipse Growing
* Automatic Image Registration Using Virtual Circles
* Automatic Thresholding For Correspondence Detection
* Closed Free-form Surface Geometrical Modeling A New Approach With Global And Local Characterization
* Combining 2d Feature Tracking And Volume Reconstruction For Online Video-based Human Motion Capture
* Deformable Mesh For Automated Surface Extraction From Noisy Images
* Directional Coherence Interpolation For Three-dimensional Gray-level Images
* Dmesh: Fast Depth-image Meshing And Warping
* Face And Facial Feature Tracking Using Deformable Models
* Fast And Accurate Stereo Vision-based Estimation Of 3d Position And Axial Motion Of Road Obstacles
* Fast Implementation Of Morphological Operations Using Binary Image Block Decomposition
* Fully Automated Peeling Technique For T1-weighted, High-quality MR Head Scans
* Genetic Algorithm-based Approach For Detection Of Significant Vertices For Polygonal Approximation Of Digital Curves, A
* Handwritten Bank Check Recognition Of Courtesy Amounts
* Image-based Template Generation Of Road Networks For Virtual Maps
* Incorporating Geometric Registration with PC-Cluster Rendering for Flexible Tiled Displays
* Inter-frame Prediction Of Medical And Videophone Sequences: A Deformable Triangle-based Approach
* Invariant Snakes And Initialization Of Deformable Models
* Lighting and Shadow Interpolation Using Intrinsic Lumigraphs
* Mesh Comparison Using Attribute Deviation Metric
* Multiple Look Angle Sar Recognition
* Performance Boundaries Of Optimal Weighted Median Filters
* Probabilistic Boundary-based Contour Tracking With Snakes In Natural Cluttered Video Sequences
* Solution of Camera Registration Problem via 3D-2D Parameterized Model Matching for On-Road Navigation
* Some Algorithms for Curve Design and Automatic Outline Capturing of Images
* Sprite Generation From Mpeg Video Using Motion Information
* Surface Camera (scam) Light Field Rendering
* Texture Segmentation By Statistical Deformable Models
* Unified Approach To Real-time, Multi-resolution, Multi-baseline 2d View Synthesis And 3d Depth Estimation Using Commodity Graphics Hardware, A
* Vectorization and Precise Refractions in Beam Tracing
33 for IJIG(4)
* 3d Face Recognition From Range Data
* 3D Structure And Motion Estimation From Range And Intensity Images Using Particle Filtering
* Automatic Elastic Medical Image Registration Based On Image Intensity
* Automatic Model Creation for Kinematic Analysis and Optimization Of Engineering Systems
* Binary Image Watermarking Through Blurring And Biased Binarization
* Control of Object Visibility in Volume Rendering: A Distance-based Approach
* Cover Noise Interference Suppression In Multimedia Data Hiding
* Crypto Signature Scheme For Image Authentication Over Wireless Channel, A
* Determination Of Minutiae Scores For Fingerprint Image Applications
* Distortion Removal For Camera-imaged Print Materials Using Boundary Interpolation
* Document Image Binarization With Feedback For Improving Character Segmentation
* DWT-based Video Data Hiding Robust to MPEG Compression And Frame Loss
* Efficient 3d Plenoptic Representation For Approximating A Path Of Motion To A Curved Line, An
* Fast Hybrid Shading: An Application Of Finite Element Methods In 3d Rendering
* Fingerprint Minutiae Relationship Representation And Matching Based On Curve Coordinate System
* Human Posture Recognition: Eigenspace Tuning By A Mean Eigenspace
* Human Posture Reconstruction And Animation From Monocular Images Based On Genetic Algorithms
* Image Watermarking Resistant To Combined Geometric And Removal Attacks
* Information-theoretic Data-hiding: Recent Achievements And Open Problems
* Locally Adaptive Chromatic Restoration Of Digitally Acquired Paintings
* Low Bit-rate Image Compression Schemes Based On Vector Quantization
* Model-based Methods For Steganography And Steganalysis
* Multiresolution Shape Modeling and Editing in Reverse Engineering
* Natural Skeletonization: New Approach For The Skeletonization Of Handwritten Characters
* Newly Modified Algorithm Of Hough Transform For Line Detection, A
* Nonphotorealistic Virtual Environment Navigation From Images
* Overcoming Dress Effect In Eigenspace
* Palmprints: A Cooperative Co-evolutionary Algorithm For Clustering Hand Images
* Perceptually Adaptive Video Watermarking Using Motion Estimation
* Projective Volume Rendering By Excluding Occluded Voxels
* Push the Bottleneck of Streaming Media System from Streaming Media Server to Network
* Review Of Performance Evaluation For Biometrics Systems, A
* Robust System For Thresholding And Skew Detection In Mixed Text/graphics Documents, A
* Scci-hybrid Methods For 2d Curve Tracing
* Self Recovery Authentication Of Images In The Dwt Domain
* Shape From Texture: Local Scales And Vanishing Line Computation To Improve Results For Macrotextures
* Shock Filter-based Diffusion Fields: Application To Grayscale Character Image Processing
* State Of The Art In The Realistic Modeling Of Plant Venation Systems
* Temporal And Spatial Compression Of Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography In Sinogram Domain
* Video Processing and Understanding Tools for Augmented Multisensor Perception and Mobile User Interaction in Smart Spaces
40 for IJIG(5)
* Artistic Mosaic Series Generation
* Automatic Active Contours Propagation In A Sequence Of Medical Images
* Bio-native Shape Modeling And Virtual Reality For Bio Education
* Color Image Retrieval Based On Color-texture-edge Feature Histograms
* Decision-level Fusion Of Pca And Lda-based Face Recognition Algorithms
* Design and Implementation of Wavelet-domain Video Compression Using Multiresolution Motion Estimation And Compensation
* Design Review In A Distributed Collaborative Virtual Environment
* Dynamic Linear Level Octree-based Volume Rendering Methods For Interactive Microsurgical Simulation
* Facial Expression Recognition Based On Gabor Wavelet Transformation And Elastic Templates Matching
* Fast And Realistic Rendering Of Deformable Virtual Characters Using Impostor And Stencil Buffer
* Freeform Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Points Using a Deformable Spherical Map
* From Decision to Action: Intentionality, A Guide for the Specification of Intelligent Agent's Behavior
* Haptic Deformation Simulation With Poisson Equation
* Haptic Needle Manipulation Simulator For Chinese Acupuncture Learning And Training, A
* Harmonic Interpolation For Image Compression
* Image Segmentation Using Ncut In The Wavelet Domain
* Insight Of Fuzzy Neural Systems In The Application Of Handwritten Digits Classification
* Integrating Shape And Texture For Hand Verification
* Integration of a Virtual Environment and 3D Modeling Tools in a Networked Robot System, The
* Length, Area And Volume Computation In Homogeneous Coordinates
* Mtar: A Robust 2d Shape Representation
* Multi-scale Iso-surface Extraction For Volume Visualization
* New Computational Way To Monte Carlo Global Illumination, A
* New Method of Feature Based Image Mosaic, A
* New Noise Removing Algorithm, A
* Online Signature Verification By Combining Shape Contexts And Local Features
* Public Mesh Watermarking Algorithm Based On Addition Property Of Fourier Transform, A
* Rayset: A Taxonomy For Image-based Rendering
* Real-time Seamless Texture Synthesis Based On Patch Quantization Clustering
* Region-based Semantic Image Classification
* Reinforced Contrast Adaptation
* Relief Texture Mapping On Field Programmable Gate Array
* Semi Automatic Registration Of Partially Overlapped Aerial Images Via Pattern Search Method
* Shape-based Adult Image Detection
* Study of Volume Variation of Implicit Objects
* Template-based Isocontouring
* Visibility Preprocessing For Complex 3d Scenes Using Hardware-visibility Queries
* VR Enhanced Collaborative System For 3d Confocal Microscopic Image Processing And Visualization, A
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* 1d Bar Code Reading On Camera Phones
* Addressing The Problems Of Detecting Faces With Neural Networks
* Analytical Inversion of the 180deg Exponential Radon Transform with a Numerically Generated Kernel, An
* Approach To Surface Reconstruction Using Uncertain Data, An
* Autonomous Decentralized Multi-server Framework For Large Scale Collaborative Virtual Environments, An
* Capturing and Re-Using Artistic Styles with Reverse Subdivision-Based Multiresolution Methods
* Coiflet Based Methods For Range Image Processing
* Color Segmentation Via Improved Mountain Clustering Technique
* Comprehensive 3d Fiber Tracking As A New Visualization System In Brain Studies
* Computation Of Vesselness in CTA Images for Fast And Interactive Vessel Segmentation
* Daubechies Complex Wavelet Transform Based Technique For Denoising Of Medical Images
* Digital Model Framework Of Metabolic System Based On Visible Human Data Set, A
* Dual Adaptive Paths For Multiresolution Hierarchies
* Dynamic Extraction for VOI from CT Images Based on Volume Rendering
* Efficient Computation Of Legendre Moments For Gray Level Images
* Empirical Study of Query Effectiveness Improvement via Multiple Visual Feature Integration, An
* Exact Analytic Approach To 3d Pet Image Reconstruction, An
* Face Recognition: A Generalized Marginal Fisher Analysis Approach
* Fast Analytical Reconstruction Of Gated Cardiac Spect With Non-uniform Attenuation Compensation
* Fast Codebook Design Algorithm Based On A Fuzzy Clustering Methodology, A
* Fusion of the Magnetic and Optical Information for Motion Capturing
* Fuzzy Vector Objective Optimization Algorithm For Image Reconstruction From Incomplete Projections
* Guest Editorial: Medical Imaging Informatics: An Information Processing From Image Formation To Visualization
* Image Restoration And Detail Preservation By Bayesian Estimation
* Interpixel-shifted Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography For In Vivo Bladder Cancer Diagnosis
* Kernel GBDA for Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval
* Labelling Of Three Dimensional Human Body Scans: A Topological Approach
* Local Gabor Binary Patterns Based On Mutual Information For Face Recognition
* Local Laplacian Detail Learning For Face Aging Manipulation
* Magnetic Resonance (MR) Image Analysis: A Statistical Approach
* Multiple Class Multiple-instance Learning And Its Application To Image Categorization
* New Blind Attack Procedure For Dct-based Image Encryption With Spectrum Learning, A
* New Method of Representing and Matching Two Dimensional Shapes, A
* On The Equivalence Of Stable And Unstable Forms Of The Inverse Circular Harmonic Transform Solution For The Radon Transform
* Optimization Of Bit-pairing Codification With Learning For 3d Reconstruction
* Recognition Of Engineering Drawing Entities: Review Of Approaches
* Robust Color Object Tracking With Application To People Monitoring
* Similarity Metric In Image Searching, A
* Structure Detection from a 3D Set of Points with Anisotropic Alpha-Shapes
* Toward An Optimal Block Motion Estimation Algorithm For H.264/avc
* Turbulence Degraded Images Restoration Based On Improved Multiframe Iterative Loops And Data Mining
41 for IJIG(7)
* Accelerating 3d Non-rigid Registration Using Graphics Hardware
* Analytical Solution To The Perspective-n-point Problem For Common Planar Camera And For Catadioptric Sensor, An
* Automatic Generation of 3D Radar Display Views
* Automatic Video Object Extraction With Camera In Motion
* Blind Watermarking Of Non-uniform B-spline Surfaces
* Design and Implementation of a Foveal Projection Display
* Digital Watermarking In The Singular Vector Domain
* Document Skew Detection: A Novel Approach
* Fingerprint Silicon Replicas: Static And Dynamic Features For Vitality Detection Using An Optical Capture Device
* Generating Seams And Wrinkles For Virtual Clothing
* Graph-based Ordering Scheme For Color Image Filtering
* Hardware-accelerated Parallel-split Shadow Maps
* Hybrid Camera Pose Estimation Combining Square Fiducials Localization Technique And Orthogonal Iteration Algorithm
* Imaging System For Textile Surface Profile Based On Silhouette Image Analysis, An
* Intersection Computation In Projective Space Using Homogeneous Coordinates
* Intuitive Parameterized Input Interface For Proportional Reshaping Of Human Bodies
* Layered Image Transmission With Quality Pre-specifiable Jpeg2000
* Linear Features Extraction With An Orientation Constrained Probabilistic Hough Transform
* Motion Synthesis from the Semantic Signals
* Noise Removal For Medical X-ray Images In Multiwavelet Domain
* Novel Algorithm For Speeding Up Keypoint Detection And Matching, A
* Point-based Asynchronous Remote Visualization Framework For Real-time Virtual Reality, A
* Reaction-diffusion Based Deformable Object Simulation
* Regularity Scalable Image Coding Based on Wavelet Singularity Detection
* Research Of Nested Parallel Pipelines On Parallel Graphics Rendering System
* Rose Curve Model And An Analytical Solution For Estimating Its Parameters
* Theoretical Framework For Matrix-based Feature Extraction Algorithms With Its Application To Image Recognition, A
* Tracking Human Motion From Monocular Sequences
* User Interface Design For Acquiring Statistics From Video, A
* Variable-branch Tree-structured Residual Vector Quantization
* Video-based Gait Analysis By Silhouette Chamfer Distance And Kalman Filter
* Visual Speech Recognition Using Dynamic Features And Support Vector Machines
* Visual Tracking With Automatic Confident Region Extraction
* Wavelet-based Edge Detection In Digital Images
34 for IJIG(8)
* Co-occurrence Probabilities And Wavelet-based Spoof Fingerprint Detection
* Continuous Skeleton-driven Skinning: A General Approach for Modeling Skin Deformation
* Dense Estimation of Optical Flow Field Within the Mpeg-2 Compressed Domain
* Efficient Approach To Color Image Segmentation Using Intermediate Features Of Maximum Overlap Wavelet Transform In Peak Finding Algorithm, An
* Face Recognition Scheme Based on Embedded Hidden Markov Model and Selective Ensemble Strategy, A
* Function Approximation Method for Images with Grading Regions, A
* Fungiform Papillae Hyperplasia (fph) Identification by Tongue Texture Analysis
* Generation Of Optimal Multiresolution Models For Deforming Mesh Sequence
* Geometric Transform Invariant Texture Analysis with Modified Chebyshev Moments Based Algorithm
* GPU-based Algorithm For Approximately Finding The Largest Common Point Set In The Plane Under Similarity Transformation, A
* Identification of Coherent Structures in Three-dimensional Simulations of a Fluid-Mix Problem
* Image Based 3d Face Reconstruction: A Survey
* Image Reconstruction Based On Combination Of Wavelet Decomposition, Inpainting And Texture Synthesis
* Image Watermarking Based on the Hessenberg Transform
* Improved Image Compression Based on Feed-forward Adaptive Downsampling Algorithm
* Julia Set of the Newton Method for Solving Some Complex Exponential Equation
* Moving Camera Moving Object Segmentation in Compressed Video Sequences
* Multilevel Thresholding Method Based on Normalized Cut
* Neuro-wavelet Model Using Fuzzy Vector Quantization For Efficient Image Compression, A
* New Visualization Modes For Effective Image Presentation
* Non-parametric Adaptive Approach for the Detection of Dominant Points on Boundary Curves Based on Non-symmetric Region of Support
* Nonlinear Filtering Based Optical Flow Computation, A
* On Segmentation of Touching Characters and Overlapping Lines in Degraded Printed Gurmukhi Script
* Optimal Rate Allocation For Logo Watermarking
* PECSI: A Practical Perceptually-enhanced Compression Framework for Still Images
* Processing and Visualization of Light Microscope Images
* Reference-free Machine Vision Inspection Of Semiconductor Die Images
* Robust Reference-watermarking Scheme Using Wavelet Packet Transform and Bidiagonal-singular Value Decomposition
* Survey of Biologically Inspired Image Processing for Objects Recognition, A
* Texture Characterization Using Wsfs And Wcfs
* Translation and Scale Invariants of Hahn Moments
* User Authentication Using Fusion Of Face And Palmprint
32 for IJIG(9)