Index for lyu_

Lyu, B. Co Author Listing * Efficient Seismic Source Localization Using Simplified Gaussian Beam Time Reversal Imaging
* Fine-Grained Recognition in High-throughput Phenotyping
* Oracle Bone Inscription Detector Based on SSD
Includes: Lyu, B. Lyu, B.[Bing]

Lyu, B.L.[Bao Lei] Co Author Listing * Identification and Analysis of Long-Range Aerosol Transport Pathways with Layered Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization Datasets from 2006 to 2016, The
Includes: Lyu, B.L.[Bao Lei] Lyu, B.L.[Bao-Lei]

Lyu, B.Y.[Bo Yang] Co Author Listing * Conditional entropy minimization principle for learning domain invariant representation features
* TSFNet: Triple-Steam Image Captioning
Includes: Lyu, B.Y.[Bo Yang] Lyu, B.Y.[Bo-Yang]

Lyu, C.[Chen] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Multiview Graph Difference Analysis for Video Summarization
* Attention-Based Deep Ensemble Net for Large-Scale Online Taxi-Hailing Demand Prediction
* Automatic Feature Engineering for Bus Passenger Flow Prediction Based on Modular Convolutional Neural Network
* Behavior2vector: Embedding Users' Personalized Travel Behavior to Vector
* Building Personalized Transportation Model for Online Taxi-Hailing Demand Prediction
* Efficient Meta-Tuning for Content-Aware Neural Video Delivery
* Gaussian Process Regression for Transportation System Estimation and Prediction Problems: The Deformation and a Hat Kernel
* Gaussian-Process-Based Data-Driven Traffic Flow Model and Its Application in Road Capacity Analysis, A
* Key-frame selection for automatic summarization of surveillance videos: a method of multiple change-point detection
* Partial-Fréchet-Distance-Based Framework for Bus Route Identification, A
* Quantify the Road Link Performance and Capacity Using Deep Learning Models
* Spatio-Temporal Ensemble Method for Car-Hailing Demand Prediction
Includes: Lyu, C.[Chen] Lyu, C.[Cheng] Lyu, C.
12 for Lyu, C.

Lyu, C.G.[Chen Gang] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Illumination Optimization Method for Local Overexposed Image, An
* Error Analysis of LAI Measurements with LAI-2000 Due to Discrete View Angular Range Angles for Continuous Canopies
* Mapping the Dynamics of Winter Wheat in the North China Plain from Dense Landsat Time Series (1999 to 2019)
Includes: Lyu, C.G.[Chen Gang] Lyu, C.G.[Chen-Gang] Lyu, C.G.[Chun-Guang]

Lyu, C.H.[Cheng Hsuan] Co Author Listing * JPSS-1 ATMS Postlaunch Active Geolocation Analysis
Includes: Lyu, C.H.[Cheng Hsuan] Lyu, C.H.[Cheng-Hsuan]

Lyu, C.J.[Cheng Jin] Co Author Listing * Clip-level Feature Aggregation: A Key Factor for Video-based Person Re-identification
* Remote Sensing Image Registration with Line Segments and Their Intersections
* Resolution based Feature Distillation for Cross Resolution Person Re-Identification
Includes: Lyu, C.J.[Cheng Jin] Lyu, C.J.[Cheng-Jin]

Lyu, C.Q.[Cheng Qi] Co Author Listing * Consistent-Teacher: Towards Reducing Inconsistent Pseudo-Targets in Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* Dense Distinct Query for End-to-End Object Detection
Includes: Lyu, C.Q.[Cheng Qi] Lyu, C.Q.[Cheng-Qi]

Lyu, C.X.[Chao Xin] Co Author Listing * Robust visual tracking with the cross-bin metric
Includes: Lyu, C.X.[Chao Xin] Lyu, C.X.[Chao-Xin]

Lyu, C.Y.[Cong Yi] Co Author Listing * Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Objects by Spatial-Temporal Multiplexing and Motion-Induced Error Elimination
Includes: Lyu, C.Y.[Cong Yi] Lyu, C.Y.[Cong-Yi]

Lyu, C.Z.[Cheng Zhi] Co Author Listing * Multi-path connected network for medical image segmentation
Includes: Lyu, C.Z.[Cheng Zhi] Lyu, C.Z.[Cheng-Zhi]

Lyu, D.[Du] Co Author Listing * Combining Object-Oriented and Deep Learning Methods to Estimate Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover in the Desert from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images with Consideration of Shadows
* Comprehensive Analysis of PPP-B2b Service and Its Impact on BDS-3/GPS Real-Time PPP Time Transfer
* Estimation of Moist Atmospheric Profiles from Refraction and Attenuation Measurements by Using Centimeter and Millimeter Wave Links between LEO Satellites
* Evaluation of Cloud Mask and Cloud Top Height from Fengyun-4A with MODIS Cloud Retrievals over the Tibetan Plateau
* Experimental Study on Field Spectral Measurements to Determine Appropriate Daily Time for Distinguishing Fractional Vegetation Cover, An
* Interstation Undifferenced Real-Time Time Transfer Method with Refined Modeling of Receiver Clock, An
* Retrieval of Stratospheric Ozone Profiles from Limb Scattering Measurements of the Backward Limb Spectrometer on Chinese Space Laboratory Tiangong-2: Preliminary Results
* Snowfall Microphysics Characterized by PARSIVEL Disdrometer Observations in Beijing from 2020 to 2022
* Tempo-Spatial Distributions and Transport Characteristics of Two Dust Events over Northern China in March 2021
* Using Various Analysis Center Products to Assess the Time-Frequency Transfer Performance of GPS/Galileo/BDS PPPAR Methods
* verification framework for behavioral safety of self-driving cars, A
Includes: Lyu, D.[Du] Lyu, D.[Daqian] Lyu, D.[Daren] Lyu, D.[Dong] Lyu, D.[Deyun]
11 for Lyu, D.

Lyu, D.D.[Dan Dan] Co Author Listing * Convolutional Neural Network and Matrix Factorization-Based Travel Location Recommendation Method Using Community-Contributed Geotagged Photos, A
Includes: Lyu, D.D.[Dan Dan] Lyu, D.D.[Dan-Dan]

Lyu, E.[EunTae] Co Author Listing * Image-Based Absolute Positioning System for Mobile Robot Navigation

Lyu, F.[Feng] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Resource Allocation for Diverse Safety Message Transmissions in Vehicular Networks
* Applying Sonification to Sketching in the Air With Mobile AR Devices
* Associating Multi-Scale Receptive Fields For Fine-Grained Recognition
* Attend and Imagine: Multi-Label Image Classification With Visual Attention and Recurrent Neural Networks
* Characterizing Urban Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications for Reliable Safety Applications
* Combinational sign language recognition
* Disentangling Semantic-to-Visual Confusion for Zero-Shot Learning
* Implications of GNSS-Inferred Tropopause Altitude Associated with Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
* Learning From Synthetic CT Images via Test-Time Training for Liver Tumor Segmentation
* Measuring Asymmetric Gradient Discrepancy in Parallel Continual Learning
* Multi-Label Continual Learning Using Augmented Graph Convolutional Network
* Multi-semantic hypergraph neural network for effective few-shot learning
* Multitype Highway Mobility Analytics for Efficient Learning Model Design: A Case of Station Traffic Prediction
* NDN-MMRA: Multi-Stage Multicast Rate Adaptation in Named Data Networking WLAN
* Precipitation Merging Based on the Triple Collocation Method Across Mainland China
* Pseudo-Label Guided Image Synthesis for Semi-Supervised COVID-19 Pneumonia Infection Segmentation
* SDN/NFV-Empowered Future IoV With Enhanced Communication, Computing, and Caching
* Service-Oriented Dynamic Resource Slicing and Optimization for Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks
* Towards Rear-End Collision Avoidance: Adaptive Beaconing for Connected Vehicles
* UAV-Assisted Physical Layer Security in Multi-Beam Satellite-Enabled Vehicle Communications
* Visual Grounding Via Accumulated Attention
* Weakly Supervised Liver Tumor Segmentation Using Couinaud Segment Annotation
Includes: Lyu, F.[Feng] Lyu, F.[Fei] Lyu, F. Lyu, F.[Fan] Lyu, F.[Fanchao]
22 for Lyu, F.

Lyu, F.Z.[Fang Zheng] Co Author Listing * Ndist2vec: Node with Landmark and New Distance to Vector Method for Predicting Shortest Path Distance along Road Networks
Includes: Lyu, F.Z.[Fang Zheng] Lyu, F.Z.[Fang-Zheng]

Lyu, G.[Gengyu] Co Author Listing * Beyond Word Embeddings: Heterogeneous Prior Knowledge Driven Multi-Label Image Classification
* Class-Balanced Text to Image Synthesis With Attentive Generative Adversarial Network
* Lightless Fields: Enhancement and Denoising of Light-deficient Light Fields
* Toward a More Robust Estimation of Forest Biomass Carbon Stock and Carbon Sink in Mountainous Region: A Case Study in Tibet, China
Includes: Lyu, G.[Gengyu] Lyu, G.[Geng] Lyu, G.[Guanting]

Lyu, G.H.[Guo Hao] Co Author Listing * Local Characteristic Image Restoration Based on Convolutional Neural Network, A
Includes: Lyu, G.H.[Guo Hao] Lyu, G.H.[Guo-Hao]

Lyu, G.T.[Guang Tao] Co Author Listing * FETNet: Feature erasing and transferring network for scene text removal
Includes: Lyu, G.T.[Guang Tao] Lyu, G.T.[Guang-Tao]

Lyu, G.X.[Guo Xin] Co Author Listing * SAR Target Detection Based on Domain Adaptive Faster R-CNN with Small Training Data Size
Includes: Lyu, G.X.[Guo Xin] Lyu, G.X.[Guo-Xin]

Lyu, G.Y.[Geng Yu] Co Author Listing * Global-Local Label Correlation for Partial Multi-Label Learning
Includes: Lyu, G.Y.[Geng Yu] Lyu, G.Y.[Geng-Yu]

Lyu, H.[Heng] Co Author Listing * Assessment of Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Inland Waters: A Round-Robin Scoring Method Based on the Optically Fuzzy Clustering
* Characteristics of the Total Suspended Matter Concentration in the Hongze Lake during 1984-2019 Based on Landsat Data
* Constructing a Learning Map with Lattice for a Programming Course
* Eastern Arctic Sea Ice Sensing: First Results from the RADARSAT Constellation Mission Data
* Esnet: Edge-Based Segmentation Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation in Traffic Scenes
* Four-Band Semi-Analytical Model for Estimating Phycocyanin in Inland Waters From Simulated MERIS and OLCI Data, A
* Improved longitudinal control strategy for connected and automated truck platoon against cyberattacks
* Inland Water Atmospheric Correction Based on Turbidity Classification Using OLCI and SLSTR Synergistic Observations
* Learning a Transferable Change Rule from a Recurrent Neural Network for Land Cover Change Detection
* Learning to Aggregate and Refine Noisy Labels for Visual Sentiment Analysis
* Long-Term Annual Mapping of Four Cities on Different Continents by Applying a Deep Information Learning Method to Landsat Data
* New Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Testing Linear Separability Between Two Sets, A
* Nineteen Years of Trophic State Variation in Large Lakes of the Yangtze River Delta Region Derived from MODIS Images
* Novel Algorithm to Estimate Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration in Inland Lakes Using Sentinel-3 OLCI Images, A
* Quantifying Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Column-Integrated Algal Biomass in Nonbloom Conditions Based on OLCI Data: A Case Study of Lake Dianchi, China
* Remote Estimation of the Particulate Phosphorus Concentrations in Inland Water Bodies: A Case Study in Hongze Lake
* Retrieval of Secchi Disk Depth in Turbid Lakes from GOCI Based on a New Semi-Analytical Algorithm
* Semianalytical Algorithm for Mapping Proportion of Cyanobacterial Biomass in Eutrophic Inland Lakes Based on OLCI Data, A
* Urban Water Quality Assessment Based on Remote Sensing Reflectance Optical Classification
Includes: Lyu, H.[Heng] Lyu, H.[Han] Lyu, H.[Hangyu] Lyu, H. Lyu, H.[Hao] Lyu, H.[Haobo] Lyu, H.[Hanjia] Lyu, H.[Huan]
19 for Lyu, H.

Lyu, H.B.[Hong Bo] Co Author Listing * Continuous Decimeter-Level Positioning in Urban Environments Using Multi-Frequency GPS/BDS/Galileo PPP/INS Tightly Coupled Integration
Includes: Lyu, H.B.[Hong Bo] Lyu, H.B.[Hong-Bo]

Lyu, H.C.[Hao Chen] Co Author Listing * Ranking Information Based Network for Facial Beauty Prediction, A
Includes: Lyu, H.C.[Hao Chen] Lyu, H.C.[Hao-Chen]

Lyu, H.M.[Hui Min] Co Author Listing * New Hybrid Algorithm to Image Lightning Channels Combining the Time Difference of Arrival Technique and Electromagnetic Time Reversal Technique, A
Includes: Lyu, H.M.[Hui Min] Lyu, H.M.[Hui-Min]

Lyu, H.Q.[Hong Qiang] Co Author Listing * Unsteady Flow Field Prediction: Understanding the Dynamics in an Intuitive Physics Way
Includes: Lyu, H.Q.[Hong Qiang] Lyu, H.Q.[Hong-Qiang]

Lyu, H.S.[Hermes Shing] Co Author Listing * Automatic saliency inspired foreground object extraction from videos

Lyu, H.X.[Hai Xia] Co Author Listing * Estimation of Polar Depletion Regions by VTEC Contrast and Watershed Enhancing
* Real-Time Tomographic Inversion of Truncated Ionospheric GNSS Radio Occultations
* Wide-Area GNSS Corrections for Precise Positioning and Navigation in Agriculture
Includes: Lyu, H.X.[Hai Xia] Lyu, H.X.[Hai-Xia]

Lyu, H.Y.[Hong Yi] Co Author Listing * Assessing the Leaf Blade Nutrient Status of Pinot Noir Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Models
* Hyperspectral Imaging Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Determination of Grape Berry Total Soluble Solids and Titratable Acidity
* Using Remote and Proximal Sensing Data and Vine Vigor Parameters for Non-Destructive and Rapid Prediction of Grape Quality
Includes: Lyu, H.Y.[Hong Yi] Lyu, H.Y.[Hong-Yi]

Lyu, I.[Ilwoo] Co Author Listing * Body Part Regression With Self-Supervision
* Fast Polynomial Approximation of Heat Kernel Convolution on Manifolds and Its Application to Brain Sulcal and Gyral Graph Pattern Analysis
* Multiple Atlases-Based Joint Labeling of Human Cortical Sulcal Curves
* SPHARM-Net: Spherical Harmonics-Based Convolution for Cortical Parcellation
* TRACE: A Topological Graph Representation for Automatic Sulcal Curve Extraction
Includes: Lyu, I.[Ilwoo] Lyu, I.

Lyu, J. Co Author Listing * 3D Face Shape Regression From 2D Videos with Multi-Reconstruction and Mesh Retrieval
* AADG: Automatic Augmentation for Domain Generalization on Retinal Image Segmentation
* autoSMIM: Automatic Superpixel-Based Masked Image Modeling for Skin Lesion Segmentation
* BinaryRelax: A Relaxation Approach for Training Deep Neural Networks with Quantized Weights
* Coarse-to-Fine Facial Landmark Detection Method Based on Self-attention Mechanism, A
* Cross co-teaching for semi-supervised medical image segmentation
* Defect Inspection using Gravitation Loss and Soft Labels
* Fast Pedestrian Detection via Random Projection Features with Shape Prior
* HIPA: Hierarchical Patch Transformer for Single Image Super Resolution
* Individual Wave Propagations in Ionosphere and Troposphere Triggered by the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Underwater Volcano Eruption on 15 January 2022
* Joint Framework for Denoising and Estimating Diffusion Kurtosis Tensors Using Multiple Prior Information, A
* Joint Shape and Local Appearance Features for Real-Time Driver Drowsiness Detection
* Kernel-Based Low-Rank (KLR) Model for Low-Dimensional Manifold Recovery in Highly Accelerated Dynamic MRI, A
* KerNL: Kernel-Based Nonlinear Approach to Parallel MRI Reconstruction
* LDDMM-Face: Large deformation diffeomorphic metric learning for cross-annotation face alignment
* Learning Fixation Point Strategy for Object Detection and Classification
* PRIOR: Prototype Representation Joint Learning from Medical Images and Reports
* Review of Image Super-Resolution Approaches Based on Deep Learning and Applications in Remote Sensing, A
* Robust Compressive Two-Dimensional Near-Field Millimeter-Wave Image Reconstruction in Impulsive Noise
Includes: Lyu, J. Lyu, J.[Junyan] Lyu, J.[Jun] Lyu, J.[Jie] Lyu, J.[Jian]
19 for Lyu, J.

Lyu, J.C.[Jian Cheng] Co Author Listing * Dense Network Expansion for Class Incremental Learning
Includes: Lyu, J.C.[Jian Cheng] Lyu, J.C.[Jian-Cheng]

Lyu, J.F.[Jun Feng] Co Author Listing * Portrait Eyeglasses and Shadow Removal by Leveraging 3D Synthetic Data
Includes: Lyu, J.F.[Jun Feng] Lyu, J.F.[Jun-Feng]

Lyu, J.H.[Jia Hao] Co Author Listing * Learning filter selection policies for interpretable image denoising in parametrised action space
* Mobile Robot Path Planning Based on the Focused Heuristic Algorithm
Includes: Lyu, J.H.[Jia Hao] Lyu, J.H.[Jia-Hao]

Lyu, J.J.[Jian Jun] Co Author Listing * Extracting the Tailings Ponds from High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images by Integrating a Deep Learning-Based Model
* Robust Face Alignment via Deep Progressive Reinitialization and Adaptive Error-Driven Learning
* Toward 3D Face Reconstruction in Perspective Projection: Estimating 6DoF Face Pose From Monocular Image
Includes: Lyu, J.J.[Jian Jun] Lyu, J.J.[Jian-Jun] Lyu, J.J.[Jiang-Jing]

Lyu, J.L.[Jia Lin] Co Author Listing * Cost-Sensitive Boosting Pruning Trees for Depression Detection on Twitter
* Identity Preserve Transform: Understand What Activity Classification Models Have Learnt
Includes: Lyu, J.L.[Jia Lin] Lyu, J.L.[Jia-Lin] Lyu, J.L.[Jia-Ling]

Lyu, J.P.[Ji Peng] Co Author Listing * NeuralEditor: Editing Neural Radiance Fields via Manipulating Point Clouds
Includes: Lyu, J.P.[Ji Peng] Lyu, J.P.[Ji-Peng]

Lyu, J.Q.[Ji Qiang] Co Author Listing * Assessing the Spatiotemporal Variations in the Hydrological Response of the Qin River Basin in Loess Plateau, China
* Flood Runoff Simulation under Changing Environment, Based on Multiple Satellite Data in the Jinghe River Basin of the Loess Plateau, China
Includes: Lyu, J.Q.[Ji Qiang] Lyu, J.Q.[Ji-Qiang]

Lyu, J.X.[Jin Xin] Co Author Listing * Generating Urban Road Networks with Conditional Diffusion Models
Includes: Lyu, J.X.[Jin Xin] Lyu, J.X.[Jin-Xin]

Lyu, J.Y.[Jia Yi] Co Author Listing * Cross-Modality Neuroimage Synthesis: A Survey
* IM-IAD: Industrial Image Anomaly Detection Benchmark in Manufacturing
Includes: Lyu, J.Y.[Jia Yi] Lyu, J.Y.[Jia-Yi]

Lyu, K. Co Author Listing * Attention-Aware Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Networks
* Bid Generation Problem in Truckload Transportation Service Procurement Considering Multiple Periods and Uncertainty: Model and Benders Decomposition Approach, A
* HOI4D: A 4D Egocentric Dataset for Category-Level Human-Object Interaction
* Light Field Reconstruction Using Dynamically Generated Filters
* Modulations of the South China Sea Ocean Circulation by the Summer Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation Inferred from Satellite Observations
* Pseudo-Label Generation-Evaluation Framework for Cross Domain Weakly Supervised Object Detection
Includes: Lyu, K. Lyu, K.[Ke] Lyu, K.[Kangbo] Lyu, K.[Keiwei] Lyu, K.[Kejie]

Lyu, K.L.[Kai Lin] Co Author Listing * Challenging Benchmark of Anime Style Recognition, A
Includes: Lyu, K.L.[Kai Lin] Lyu, K.L.[Kai-Lin]

Lyu, L.[Ling] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Data Collection and Offloading in Multi-UAV-Assisted Maritime IoT Systems: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Adaptive Multiview Graph Difference Analysis for Video Summarization
* Contrastive Multi-Level Graph Neural Networks for Session-Based Recommendation
* Focusing Fine-Grained Action by Self-Attention-Enhanced Graph Neural Networks With Contrastive Learning
* Remote sensing of total suspended matter concentration in lakes across China using Landsat images and Google Earth Engine
* Review of Quantifying pCO2 in Inland Waters with a Global Perspective: Challenges and Prospects of Implementing Remote Sensing Technology, A
* Satellite Estimation of pCO2 and Quantification of CO2 Fluxes in China's Chagan Lake in the Context of Climate Change
* Single View Facial Age Estimation Using Deep Learning with Cascaded Random Forests
* Sino-InSpace: A Digital Simulation Platform for Virtual Space Environments
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Through Contrasting Two-Stream Spatial-Temporal Networks
Includes: Lyu, L.[Ling] Lyu, L.[Lei] Lyu, L.[Lili] Lyu, L.[Linquan] Lyu, L.[Liang]
10 for Lyu, L.

Lyu, L.J.[Lin Jie] Co Author Listing * Efficient and Differentiable Shadow Computation for Inverse Problems
* MAS: Towards Resource-Efficient Federated Multiple-Task Learning
* Neural Radiance Transfer Fields for Relightable Novel-View Synthesis with Global Illumination
* Perils of Learning From Unlabeled Data: Backdoor Attacks on Semi-supervised Learning, The
* TARGET: Federated Class-Continual Learning via Exemplar-Free Distillation
Includes: Lyu, L.J.[Lin Jie] Lyu, L.J.[Lin-Jie] Lyu, L.J.[Ling-Juan]

Lyu, M.[Michael] Co Author Listing * Learning 3d Face Reconstruction with a Pose Guidance Network
* Low-Complexity Embedded Compression Codec Design With Rate Control for High-Definition Video, A
Includes: Lyu, M.[Michael] Lyu, M.

Lyu, M.H.[Ming Hui] Co Author Listing * Interstation Undifferenced Real-Time Time Transfer Method with Refined Modeling of Receiver Clock, An
Includes: Lyu, M.H.[Ming Hui] Lyu, M.H.[Ming-Hui]

Lyu, M.J.[Min Jie] Co Author Listing * ConstDet: Control Semantics-Based Detection for GPS Spoofing Attacks on UAVs
* Rigid pairwise 3D point cloud registration: A survey
Includes: Lyu, M.J.[Min Jie] Lyu, M.J.[Min-Jie] Lyu, M.J.[Meng-Jin]

Lyu, M.R. Co Author Listing * Boosting the Transferability of Adversarial Samples via Attention
* comprehensive method for multilingual video text detection, localization, and extraction, A
* Edge Color Distribution Transform: An Efficient Tool for Object Detection in Images
* Effective Approach to 3D Deformable Surface Tracking, An
* Effective Multiresolution Arc Segmentation: Algorithms and Performance Evaluation
* Extraction and segmentation of tables from Chinese ink documents based on a matrix model
* Extraction of karyocytes and their components from microscopic bone marrow images based on regional color features
* Face Annotation Using Transductive Kernel Fisher Discriminant
* Face Processing System Based on Committee Machine: The Approach and Experimental Results, A
* Face recognition committee machines: dynamic vs. static structures
* Fast 2D Shape Recovery Approach by Fusing Features and Appearance, A
* Flow2Stereo: Effective Self-Supervised Learning of Optical Flow and Stereo Matching
* Graphics recognition from binary images: one step or two steps
* Group-based relevance feedback with support vector machine ensembles
* Hough transform based line recognition method utilizing both parameter space and image space, A
* Improving Adversarial Transferability via Neuron Attribution-based Attacks
* Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Samples by Path-Augmented Method
* Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Samples with Adversarial Transformations
* Learning by Distillation: A Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Optical Flow Estimation
* Learning classifiers from imbalanced data based on biased minimax probability machine
* Learning Distance Metrics with Contextual Constraints for Image Retrieval
* Multi-Scale Tikhonov Regularization Scheme for Implicit Surface Modelling, A
* Multimodal and Multilevel Ranking Scheme for Large-Scale Video Retrieval, A
* new approach for line recognition in large-size images using Hough transform, A
* new approach for video text detection, A
* Nonrigid shape recovery by Gaussian process regression
* Novel Scheme for Hybrid Digital Video Watermarking: Approach, Evaluation and Experimentation, A
* Progressive Finite Newton Approach To Real-time Nonrigid Surface Detection
* Real-Time Non-rigid Shape Recovery Via Active Appearance Models for Augmented Reality
* Recognition of merged characters based on forepart prediction, necessity-sufficiency matching, and character-adaptive masking
* SelFlow: Self-Supervised Learning of Optical Flow
* Semi-Supervised Active Learning Framework for Image Retrieval, A
* Semi-supervised SVM batch mode active learning for image retrieval
* Spectrum Analysis Based on Windows with Variable Widths for Online Signature Verification
* study of regularized Gaussian classifier in high-dimension small sample set case based on MDL principle with application to spectrum recognition, A
* Towards Global Explanations of Convolutional Neural Networks With Concept Attribution
* Transferable Adversarial Attacks on Vision Transformers with Token Gradient Regularization
* VL-PET: Vision-and-Language Parameter-Efficient Tuning via Granularity Control
Includes: Lyu, M.R. Lyu, M.R.[Michael R.]
38 for Lyu, M.R.

Lyu, M.R.T.[Michael R.T.] Co Author Listing * Bridging the Semantic Gap Between Image Contents and Tags

Lyu, M.Y.[Meng Yao] Co Author Listing * Box-Level Active Detection
* Detection of Seasonal Deformation of Highway Overpasses Using the PS-InSAR Technique: A Case Study in Beijing Urban Area
* Mechanism of Land Subsidence Mutation in Beijing Plain under the Background of Urban Expansion
* Nonlinear Evolutionary Pattern Recognition of Land Subsidence in the Beijing Plain
* Robust Nonlinear Filter Strategy Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Multi-GNSS and Dual-Frequency RTK, A
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Search and Rescue: A Survey
Includes: Lyu, M.Y.[Meng Yao] Lyu, M.Y.[Meng-Yao] Lyu, M.Y.[Ming-Yuan] Lyu, M.Y.[Ming-Yang]

Lyu, N.[Nengchao] Co Author Listing * Longitudinal Velocity CF-MPC Model for Connected and Automated Vehicle Platooning, A
* Scene-Adaptive Real-Time Fast Dehazing and Detection in Driving Environment
Includes: Lyu, N.[Nengchao] Lyu, N.[Nana]

Lyu, N.C.[Neng Chao] Co Author Listing * Development of a Safety Prediction Method for Arterial Roads Based on Big-Data Technology and Stacked AutoEncoder-Gated Recurrent Unit
* Exploring longitudinal driving behaviour on a freeway deceleration lane using field operational test data
* Modelling large vehicles operating speed characteristics on freeway alignment based on aggregated GPS data
* Predicting drivers' direction sign reading reaction time using an integrated cognitive architecture
* Vehicle Behavior Learning via Sparse Reconstruction with L_2-L_p Minimization and Trajectory Similarity
* Vehicle Trajectory Prediction and Cut-In Collision Warning Model in a Connected Vehicle Environment
Includes: Lyu, N.C.[Neng Chao] Lyu, N.C.[Neng-Chao] Lyu, N.C.

Lyu, P. Co Author Listing * Fusing Image and Segmentation Cues for Skeleton Extraction in the Wild
* Iterative Learning-Based Cooperative Motion Planning and Decision-Making for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Coordination at On-Ramps
* Multi-oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation
* Performance Enhancement of Tightly Coupled GNSS/IMU Integration Based on Factor Graph With Robust TDCP Loop Closure
* Robust Scene Text Recognition with Automatic Rectification
Includes: Lyu, P. Lyu, P.[Peiyuan] Lyu, P.[Pin]

Lyu, P.Y.[Peng Yuan] Co Author Listing * ASTER: An Attentional Scene Text Recognizer with Flexible Rectification
* Distinguishing Text/Non-Text Natural Images with Multi-Dimensional Recurrent Neural Networks
* Irregular text block recognition via decoupling visual, linguistic, and positional information
* Learning Shape-Aware Embedding for Scene Text Detection
* Mask TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes
Includes: Lyu, P.Y.[Peng Yuan] Lyu, P.Y.[Peng-Yuan]

Lyu, Q.[Qing] Co Author Listing * Cine Cardiac MRI Motion Artifact Reduction Using a Recurrent Neural Network
* Multi-Contrast Super-Resolution MRI Through a Progressive Network
* Noise Suppression With Similarity-Based Self-Supervised Deep Learning
* WCANet: Wavelet Channel Attention Network for Citrus Variety Identification
Includes: Lyu, Q.[Qing] Lyu, Q. Lyu, Q.[Qiang]

Lyu, Q.Y.[Qi Yue] Co Author Listing * Copy Move Forgery Detection based on double matching
Includes: Lyu, Q.Y.[Qi Yue] Lyu, Q.Y.[Qi-Yue]

Lyu, R.[Ruyin] Co Author Listing * Studying the Internal Wave Generation Mechanism in the Northern South China Sea Using Numerical Simulation, Synthetic Aperture Radar, and In Situ Measurements

Lyu, S. Co Author Listing * 2018 NVIDIA AI City Challenge, The
* Celeb-DF: A Large-Scale Challenging Dataset for DeepFake Forensics
* Change Detection via Graph Matching and Multi-View Geometric Constraints
* Deep Constrained Low-Rank Subspace Learning for Multi-View Semi-Supervised Classification
* DenseNet-CTC: An end-to-end RNN-free architecture for context-free string recognition
* Designing and Construction of The Spectral Library for Typical Pigments Used in Chinese Paintings
* Efficient large-scale photometric reconstruction using Divide-Recon-Fuse 3D Structure from Motion
* Explain Black-box Image Classifications Using Superpixel-based Interpretation
* Exploiting Hierarchical Dense Structures on Hypergraphs for Multi-Object Tracking
* Fusion Strategy for the Single Shot Text Detector, A
* Geometric Hypergraph Learning for Visual Tracking
* Global Contrast Enhancement Detection via Deep Multi-Path Network
* Handwritten Digit String Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network
* Hybrid structure hypergraph for online deformable object tracking
* Iterative Graph Seeking for Object Tracking
* Online Deformable Object Tracking Based on Structure-Aware Hyper-Graph
* Process-Oriented heterogeneous graph learning in GNN-Based ICS anomalous pattern recognition
* Reflectance Reconstruction of Hyperspectral Image Based on Gaussian Surface Fitting
* SGBANet: Semantic GAN and Balanced Attention Network for Arbitrarily Oriented Scene Text Recognition
* UA-DETRAC 2017: Report of AVSS2017 IWT4S Challenge on Advanced Traffic Monitoring
* Video Analytics in Smart Transportation for the AIC'18 Challenge
Includes: Lyu, S. Lyu, S.[Shujing] Lyu, S.[Shuaiyi]
21 for Lyu, S.

Lyu, S.C.[Shu Chang] Co Author Listing * Change Detection Methods for Remote Sensing in the Last Decade: A Comprehensive Review
* CNN-SIFT Hybrid Pedestrian Navigation Method Based on First-Person Vision, A
* Decision Boundary Optimization for Few-shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Detection Method of Infected Wood on Digital Orthophoto Map-Digital Surface Model Fusion Network
* feature consistency driven attention erasing network for fine-grained image retrieval, A
* Feature reconstruction and metric based network for few-shot object detection
* Interpretable Relative Squeezing bottleneck design for compact convolutional neural networks model
* Iterative Robust Visual Grounding with Masked Reference based Centerpoint Supervision
* Learn by Oneself: Exploiting Weight-Sharing Potential in Knowledge Distillation Guided Ensemble Network
* Similarity Distillation Guided Feature Refinement Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation, A
* TPH-YOLOv5++: Boosting Object Detection on Drone-Captured Scenarios with Cross-Layer Asymmetric Transformer
* TPH-YOLOv5: Improved YOLOv5 Based on Transformer Prediction Head for Object Detection on Drone-Captured Scenarios
* VALNet: Vision-Based Autonomous Landing with Airport Runway Instance Segmentation
* VisDrone-DET2021: The Vision Meets Drone Object detection Challenge Results
Includes: Lyu, S.C.[Shu Chang] Lyu, S.C.[Shu-Chang]
14 for Lyu, S.C.

Lyu, S.H.[Shi Hua] Co Author Listing * Dynamics of Freezing/Thawing Indices and Frozen Ground from 1961 to 2010 on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Integrating Remote-Sensing and Assimilation Data to Improve Air Temperature on Hot Weather in East China
* Investigation of Ice Surface Albedo and Its Influence on the High-Altitude Lakes of the Tibetan Plateau, An
* Performance of GLASS and MODIS Satellite Albedo Products in Diagnosing Albedo Variations during Different Time Scales and Special Weather Conditions in the Tibetan Plateau
* Thermal Responses of the Largest Freshwater Lake in the Tibetan Plateau and Its Nearby Saline Lake to Climate Change
Includes: Lyu, S.H.[Shi Hua] Lyu, S.H.[Shi-Hua]

Lyu, S.J.[Shu Jing] Co Author Listing * Few-Shot Segmentation for Prohibited Items Inspection With Patch-Based Self-Supervised Learning and Prototype Reverse Validation
* New Few-Shot Learning-Based Model for Prohibited Objects Detection in Cluttered Baggage X-Ray Images Through Edge Detection and Reverse Validation, A
Includes: Lyu, S.J.[Shu Jing] Lyu, S.J.[Shu-Jing]

Lyu, S.L.[Shi Lei] Co Author Listing * HyperSFormer: A Transformer-Based End-to-End Hyperspectral Image Classification Method for Crop Classification
Includes: Lyu, S.L.[Shi Lei] Lyu, S.L.[Shi-Lei]

Lyu, S.Q.[Shu Qiang] Co Author Listing * Novel Spectral Matching Approach for Pigment: Spectral Subsection Identification Considering Ion Absorption Characteristics, A
Includes: Lyu, S.Q.[Shu Qiang] Lyu, S.Q.[Shu-Qiang]

Lyu, S.W.[Si Wei] Co Author Listing * AdaNI: Adaptive Noise Injection to improve adversarial robustness
* Adaptive Face Forgery Detection in Cross Domain
* Adaptive RNN Tree for Large-Scale Human Action Recognition
* AI-Synthesized Voice Detection Using Neural Vocoder Artifacts
* Anti-Forensics for Face Swapping Videos via Adversarial Training
* AutoSplice: A Text-prompt Manipulated Image Dataset for Media Forensics
* Average Top-k Aggregate Loss for Supervised Learning
* Blind estimation of pixel brightness transform
* Boosting with Side Information
* Cascade Graph Neural Networks for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Category-Blind Human Action Recognition: A Practical Recognition System
* DE-GAN: Domain Embedded GAN for High Quality Face Image Inpainting
* Detection, Tracking, and Counting Meets Drones in Crowds: A Benchmark
* DetPoseNet: Improving Multi-Person Pose Estimation via Coarse-Pose Filtering
* Efficient algorithms for graph regularized PLSA for probabilistic topic modeling
* Evolvement Constrained Adversarial Learning for Video Style Transfer
* Exposing image splicing with inconsistent local noise variances
* Exposing Region Splicing Forgeries with Blind Local Noise Estimation
* ExS-GAN: Synthesizing Anti-Forensics Images via Extra Supervised GAN
* Face Forgery Detection Based on Segmentation Network
* Faketracer: Exposing Deepfakes with Training Data Contamination
* Fast Online Upper Body Pose Estimation from Video
* Fast Online Video Pose Estimation by Dynamic Bayesian Modeling of Mode Transitions
* Fast Portrait Segmentation With Highly Light-Weight Network
* Fusing Global and Local Features for Generalized AI-Synthesized Image Detection
* GLFF: Global and Local Feature Fusion for AI-Synthesized Image Detection
* Harnessing the Power of Text-image Contrastive Models for Automatic Detection of Online Misinformation
* Imperceptible Adversarial Examples for Fake Image Detection
* implicit Markov random field model for the multi-scale oriented representations of natural images, An
* Improving Fairness in Deepfake Detection
* Improving Image Restoration with Soft-Rounding
* Infomax Boosting
* Invisible Backdoor Attack with Sample-Specific Triggers
* LandmarkGAN: Synthesizing faces from landmarks
* Learning a deep dual-level network for robust DeepFake detection
* Learning Semantic Neural Tree for Human Parsing
* MagGAN: High-resolution Face Attribute Editing with Mask-guided Generative Adversarial Network
* Mercer Kernels for Object Recognition with Local Features
* ML-MG: Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels Using a Mixed Graph
* Model Attribution of Face-Swap Deepfake Videos
* Modeling Multiscale Subbands of Photographic Images with Fields of Gaussian Scale Mixtures
* Modeling transition patterns between events for temporal human action segmentation and classification
* Multi-Camera Multi-Target Tracking with Space-Time-View Hyper-graph
* Multi-label learning with missing labels for image annotation and facial action unit recognition
* Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels Using Mixed Dependency Graphs
* Multi-Scale Structure-Aware Network for Human Pose Estimation
* Multi-Scale Supervised Network for Human Pose Estimation
* Non-blind image restoration with symmetric generalized Pareto priors
* Nonlinear image representation using divisive normalization
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Object-Driven Text-To-Image Synthesis via Adversarial Training
* PseudoProp: Robust Pseudo-Label Generation for Semi-Supervised Object Detection in Autonomous Driving Systems
* Rank-Based Decomposable Losses in Machine Learning: A Survey
* Seeing as it happens: Real time 3D video event visualization
* Simultaneous Clustering and Tracklet Linking for Multi-face Tracking in Videos
* Simultaneous multi-person tracking and activity recognition based on cohesive cluster search
* Single-Shot Scale-Aware Network for Real-Time Face Detection
* Tagging Like Humans: Diverse and Distinct Image Annotation
* Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking VOT-TIR2016 Challenge Results, The
* TkML-AP: Adversarial Attacks to Top-k Multi-Label Learning
* Tracking Multiple Deformable Objects in Egocentric Videos
* TransRPN: Towards the Transferable Adversarial Perturbations using Region Proposal Networks and Beyond
* UA-DETRAC: A new benchmark and protocol for multi-object detection and tracking
* Uncertainty Aware Multitask Pyramid Vision Transformer for UAV-Based Object Re-Identification
* Unified Framework for High Fidelity Face Swap and Expression Reenactment, A
* UniHIST: A unified framework for image restoration with marginal histogram constraints
* Using Projection Kurtosis Concentration of Natural Images for Blind Noise Covariance Matrix Estimation
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2017 Challenge Results, The
Includes: Lyu, S.W.[Si Wei] Lyu, S.W.[Si-Wei]
69 for Lyu, S.W.

Lyu, S.X.[Shi Xuan] Co Author Listing * Characterizing Vegetation Phenology Shifts on the Loess Plateau over Past Two Decades
* Dual-Flow Attentive Network With Feature Crossing for Chained Trip Purpose Inference, A
* Long-Term Baseflow Responses to Projected Climate Change in the Weihe River Basin, Loess Plateau, China
Includes: Lyu, S.X.[Shi Xuan] Lyu, S.X.[Shi-Xuan] Lyu, S.X.[Su-Xing]

Lyu, W. Co Author Listing * Application of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition in Low-Frequency Lightning Electric Field Signal Analysis and Lightning Location
* Hypothesis Testing Based Tracking With Spatio-Temporal Joint Interaction Modeling
* Long-Term Tracking With Deep Tracklet Association
* Prediction of Depression Severity Based on the Prosodic and Semantic Features With Bidirectional LSTM and Time Distributed CNN
* Reversible data hiding based on automatic contrast enhancement using histogram expansion
Includes: Lyu, W. Lyu, W.[Wei] Lyu, W.[WanLi]

Lyu, W.J.[Wei Jie] Co Author Listing * Consistent Multimodal Generation via A Unified GAN Framework
* No-reference quality metric for contrast-distorted image based on gradient domain and HSV space
* RAV: Learning-Based Adaptive Streaming to Coordinate the Audio and Video Bitrate Selections
Includes: Lyu, W.J.[Wei Jie] Lyu, W.J.[Wei-Jie] Lyu, W.J.[Wen-Jing] Lyu, W.J.[Wen-Jun]

Lyu, W.L.[Wan Li] Co Author Listing * High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted 3d Mesh Models Based on Topology
* Local Texture Complexity Guided Adversarial Attack
* Reversible attack based on adversarial perturbation and reversible data hiding in YUV colorspace
Includes: Lyu, W.L.[Wan Li] Lyu, W.L.[Wan-Li]

Lyu, W.T.[Wei Tao] Co Author Listing * Close Observation of the Evolution Process during Initial Stage of Triggered Lightning Based on Continuous Interferometer
* Correlation between Frequency-Divided Magnetic Field and Channel-Base Current for Rocket-Triggered Lightning
* Correlation between the Channel Discharge Current and Spectrum of a Single-Stroke Lightning Flash to Canton Tower
* Interval data-based k-means clustering method for traffic state identification at urban intersections
* Lightning Classification Method Based on Convolutional Encoding Features, A
* Preliminary Observations from the China Fengyun-4A Lightning Mapping Imager and Its Optical Radiation Characteristics
* Significant Location Accuracy Changes Resulting from Lightning Detection Networks Deployed on Inclined Terrains
* Spatiotemporal Correlation between Artificially Triggered and Adjacent Natural Lightning Flashes
* Thunderstorm Activity over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Indicated by the Combined Data of the FY-2E Geostationary Satellite and WWLLN
* Time Delay Calibration Technique for Improving Broadband Lightning Interferometer Locating, A
* Variational Bayesian and Generalized Approximate Message Passing-Based Sparse Bayesian Learning Model for Image Reconstruction
Includes: Lyu, W.T.[Wei Tao] Lyu, W.T.[Wei-Tao] Lyu, W.T.[Wen-Tao]
11 for Lyu, W.T.

Lyu, X.[Xin] Co Author Listing * Boundary-Guided Semantic Context Network for Water Body Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* Concordance between facial micro-expressions and physiological signals under emotion elicitation
* Encoding Contextual Information by Interlacing Transformer and Convolution for Remote Sensing Imagery Semantic Segmentation
* Feature difference for single-shot object detection
* Frequency Domain Feature-Guided Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Hybridizing Cross-Level Contextual and Attentive Representations for Remote Sensing Imagery Semantic Segmentation
* Improved Multi-Frame Coherent Integration Algorithm for Heterogeneous Radar, An
* MSAFNet: Multiscale Successive Attention Fusion Network for Water Body Extraction of Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Stage Frequency Attention Network for Progressive Optical Remote Sensing Cloud Removal
* Multiscale Normalization Attention Network for Water Body Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery
* New Pansharpening Method Using Objectness Based Saliency Analysis and Saliency Guided Deep Residual Network, A
* Novel Target Detection Method Based on Multi-Parameter Space for Mobile Passive Multistatic Radar, A
* Optimizing the Land Use and Land Cover Pattern to Increase Its Contribution to Carbon Neutrality
* Perspective on the Impact of Grassland Degradation on Ecosystem Services for the Purpose of Sustainable Management, A
* Quantitative Analysis of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors Influencing Vegetation NDVI Changes in Temperate Drylands from a Spatial Stratified Heterogeneity Perspective: A Case Study of Inner Mongolia Grasslands, China
* Semi-Structural Interview-Based Chinese Multimodal Depression Corpus Towards Automatic Preliminary Screening of Depressive Disorders
* Spectral-Spatial Context-Boosted Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images, A
* SSCNet: A Spectrum-Space Collaborative Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Tensor Graphical Model: Non-Convex Optimization and Statistical Inference
* Trajectory Released Scheme for the Internet of Vehicles Based on Differential Privacy, A
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Remote Sensing in Grassland Ecosystem Monitoring: A Systematic Review
Includes: Lyu, X.[Xin] Lyu, X.[Xiangwen] Lyu, X.[Xiaode] Lyu, X. Lyu, X.[Xiang]
21 for Lyu, X.

Lyu, X.C.[Xin Chen] Co Author Listing * Distributed Graph-Based Optimization of Multicast Data Dissemination for Internet of Vehicles
Includes: Lyu, X.C.[Xin Chen] Lyu, X.C.[Xin-Chen]

Lyu, X.D.[Xiao De] Co Author Listing * C3Net: Cross-Modal Feature Recalibrated, Cross-Scale Semantic Aggregated and Compact Network for Semantic Segmentation of Multi-Modal High-Resolution Aerial Images
Includes: Lyu, X.D.[Xiao De] Lyu, X.D.[Xiao-De]

Lyu, X.G.[Xue Gang] Co Author Listing * Banana Fusarium Wilt Disease Detection by Supervised and Unsupervised Methods from UAV-Based Multispectral Imagery
Includes: Lyu, X.G.[Xue Gang] Lyu, X.G.[Xue-Gang]

Lyu, X.J.[Xu Jun] Co Author Listing * Benggang Extraction Based on Improved U-Net Model from Satellite Remote Sensing Images
Includes: Lyu, X.J.[Xu Jun] Lyu, X.J.[Xu-Jun]

Lyu, X.Q.[Xian Qiang] Co Author Listing * Enhancing Low-Light Light Field Images With a Deep Compensation Unfolding Network
* Learning a Locally Unified 3D Point Cloud for View Synthesis
* Probabilistic-Based Feature Embedding of 4-D Light Fields for Compressive Imaging and Denoising
Includes: Lyu, X.Q.[Xian Qiang] Lyu, X.Q.[Xian-Qiang]

Lyu, X.R.[Xin Rong] Co Author Listing * Cloud detection with boundary nets
* Gamma-Log Net for Oil Spill Detection in Inhomogeneous SAR Images, A
* Maximum Margin Linear Classifiers in Unions of Subspaces
* Oil Spill Detection with Multiscale Conditional Adversarial Networks with Small-Data Training
* Progressive Refinement Learning Based on Feature Interactive Fusion for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Limited Dataset
* Semi-supervised thin cloud removal with mutually beneficial guides
Includes: Lyu, X.R.[Xin Rong] Lyu, X.R.[Xin-Rong] Lyu, X.R.[Xin-Rui] Lyu, X.R.[Xin-Ran]

Lyu, X.W.[Xiao Wei] Co Author Listing * Multidecadal Changes in the Flow Velocity and Mass Balance of the Hailuogou Glacier in Mount Gongga, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
* Real-Time Micro-expression Detection in Unlabeled Long Videos Using Optical Flow and LSTM Neural Network
Includes: Lyu, X.W.[Xiao Wei] Lyu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei] Lyu, X.W.[Xiang-Wen]

Lyu, X.X.[Xiao Xuan] Co Author Listing * Crop Identification Based on Multi-Temporal Active and Passive Remote Sensing Images
Includes: Lyu, X.X.[Xiao Xuan] Lyu, X.X.[Xiao-Xuan]

Lyu, X.Y.[Xin Yu] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Fine-Grained Predicates Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Annual Review of In Situ Observations of Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interaction in the Western North Pacific during 2023
* Dual-Branch Hybrid Learning Network for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Evaluation of GPM IMERG Satellite Precipitation Products in Event-Based Flood Modeling over the Sunshui River Basin in Southwestern China
* Fine-Grained Predicates Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* GuessWhich? Visual dialog with attentive memory network
* Hybrid Neural Rendering for Large-Scale Scenes with Motion Blur
* Learning A Room with the Occ-SDF Hybrid: Signed Distance Function Mingled with Occupancy Aids Scene Representation
* MobileSAM-Track: Lightweight One-Shot Tracking and Segmentation of Small Objects on Edge Devices
* Prototype-Based Embedding Network for Scene Graph Generation
* RICO: Regularizing the Unobservable for Indoor Compositional Reconstruction
* Speech2Lip: High-fidelity Speech to Lip Generation by Learning from a Short Video
* SPT: Spatial Pyramid Transformer for Image Captioning
Includes: Lyu, X.Y.[Xin Yu] Lyu, X.Y.[Xin-Yu] Lyu, X.Y.[Xin-Yan] Lyu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu] Lyu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yang] Lyu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yong]
13 for Lyu, X.Y.

Lyu, X.Z.[Xu Zhe] Co Author Listing * Building Change Detection Using a Shape Context Similarity Model for LiDAR Data
* Validation of Land Cover Products Using Reliability Evaluation Methods
Includes: Lyu, X.Z.[Xu Zhe] Lyu, X.Z.[Xu-Zhe]

Lyu, Y.[Yan] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Feature Fusion Networks for Origin-Destination Passenger Flow Prediction in Metro Systems
* Automatic Segmentation of Brain Tumor Image Based on Region Growing with Co-constraint
* CollaborativeBEV: Collaborative bird eye view for reconstructing crowded environment
* Deep Generative Mixture Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
* Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
* Exploring cell tower data dumps for supervised learning-based point-of-interest prediction (industrial paper)
* Factorizing and Reconstituting Large-Kernel MBConv for Lightweight Face Recognition
* Learning to Segment 3D Point Clouds in 2D Image Space
* LIP: Learning Instance Propagation for Video Object Segmentation
* Multivehicle Flocking With Collision Avoidance via Distributed Model Predictive Control
* Pavement Temperature Forecasts Based on Model Output Statistics: Experiments for Highways in Jiangsu, China
* Physics-Guided Reflection Separation From a Pair of Unpolarized and Polarized Images
* PL-GNet: Pixel Level Global Network for detection and localization of image forgeries
* Quantifying the Individual Differences of Drivers' Risk Perception via Potential Damage Risk Model
* Quick Detection of Field-Scale Soil Comprehensive Attributes via the Integration of UAV and Sentinel-2B Remote Sensing Data
* Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Context Aggregation Network
* Reflection Removal With NIR and RGB Image Feature Fusion
* Shape From Polarization With Distant Lighting Estimation
* Transformation-Aggregation Framework for State Representation of Autonomous Driving Systems, A
* UAVid: A semantic segmentation dataset for UAV imagery
* Video object detection with a convolutional regression tracker
* Vision-Based Plane Estimation and Following for Building Inspection with Autonomous UAV
Includes: Lyu, Y.[Yan] Lyu, Y.[Yingda] Lyu, Y.[Yilin] Lyu, Y. Lyu, Y.[Yang] Lyu, Y.[Youwei] Lyu, Y.[Yao] Lyu, Y.[Yun] Lyu, Y.[Ye]
22 for Lyu, Y.

Lyu, Y.C.[Ye Cheng] Co Author Listing * EllipsoidNet: Ellipsoid Representation for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation
* Revisiting 2D Convolutional Neural Networks for Graph-Based Applications
* TreeRNN: Topology-Preserving Deep Graph Embedding and Learning
Includes: Lyu, Y.C.[Ye Cheng] Lyu, Y.C.[Ye-Cheng]

Lyu, Y.D.[Ying Da] Co Author Listing * complementary and contrastive network for stimulus segmentation and generalization, A
* Global Semantic Consistency Network for Image Manipulation Detection
* Image splicing detection based on Markov features in discrete octonion cosine transform domain
* UP-Net: Uncertainty-Supervised Parallel Network for Image Manipulation Localization
Includes: Lyu, Y.D.[Ying Da] Lyu, Y.D.[Ying-Da]

Lyu, Y.F.[Yi Fan] Co Author Listing * Detecting Video Anomaly with a Stacked Convolutional LSTM Framework
* Nuclear Density Distribution Feature for Improving Cervical Histopathological Images Recognition
* Remote Sensing Estimation of CDOM and DOC with the Environmental Implications for Lake Khanka
Includes: Lyu, Y.F.[Yi Fan] Lyu, Y.F.[Yi-Fan] Lyu, Y.F.[Yang-Fan] Lyu, Y.F.[Yun-Feng]

Lyu, Y.L.[Yan Li] Co Author Listing * Flood Risk Assessment of Subway Systems in Metropolitan Areas under Land Subsidence Scenario: A Case Study of Beijing
* Impact of Expansion Pattern of Built-Up Land in Floodplains on Flood Vulnerability: A Case Study in the North China Plain Area
Includes: Lyu, Y.L.[Yan Li] Lyu, Y.L.[Yan-Li]

Lyu, Y.M.[Yue Ming] Co Author Listing * 3D-Aware Adversarial Makeup Generation for Facial Privacy Protection
* DeltaEdit: Exploring Text-free Training for Text-Driven Image Manipulation
* DRAN: Detailed Region-Adaptive Normalization for Conditional Image Synthesis
* Earning Extra Performance From Restrictive Feedbacks
* InfoStyler: Disentanglement Information Bottleneck for Artistic Style Transfer
Includes: Lyu, Y.M.[Yue Ming] Lyu, Y.M.[Yue-Ming]

Lyu, Y.T.[Yi Tong] Co Author Listing * Spatiotemporal path inference model for urban rail transit passengers based on travel time data
Includes: Lyu, Y.T.[Yi Tong] Lyu, Y.T.[Yi-Tong]

Lyu, Y.X.[Yu Xiao] Co Author Listing * Cirrus Detection Based on RPCA and Fractal Dictionary Learning in Infrared imagery
* UEDG:Uncertainty-Edge Dual Guided Camouflage Object Detection
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Target Tracking Based on OTSCKF and Improved Coordinated Lateral Guidance Law
Includes: Lyu, Y.X.[Yu Xiao] Lyu, Y.X.[Yu-Xiao] Lyu, Y.X.[Yi-Xuan] Lyu, Y.X.[Yong-Xi]

Lyu, Y.X.T.[Yang Xin Tong] Co Author Listing * Consistent video projection on curved displays
* MONO6D: Monocular Vehicle 6D Pose Estimation with 3D Priors
Includes: Lyu, Y.X.T.[Yang Xin Tong] Lyu, Y.X.T.[Yang-Xin-Tong]

Lyu, Y.Y.[Yan Yi] Co Author Listing * Real-time and Lightweight Method for Tiny Airborne Object Detection, A
Includes: Lyu, Y.Y.[Yan Yi] Lyu, Y.Y.[Yan-Yi]

Lyu, Z.[Zonglei] Co Author Listing * Apron surveillance video coding based on compositing virtual reference frame with object library
* Chaotic Properties of Gravity Waves during Typhoons Observed by HFSWR
* Characterization and Assessment of Projection Probability Density Function and Enhanced Sampling in Self-Collimation SPECT
* Depth-Induced Gap-Reducing Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection: An Interaction, Guidance and Refinement Approach
* dual fusion deep convolutional network for blind universal image denoising, A
* Joint Analysis and Morphological Characterization of HFSWR Echo Properties during Severe Typhoon Muifa
* MCPNet: Multi-space color correction and features prior fusion for single-image dehazing in non-homogeneous haze scenarios
* MetaMax: Improved Open-Set Deep Neural Networks via Weibull Calibration
* Multi-Step Regression Network With Attention Fusion for Airport Delay Prediction
* novel multi-image super-resolution reconstruction method using anisotropic fractional order adaptive norm, A
* Progressive Collapse of Dual-Line Rivers Based on River Segmentation Considering Cartographic Generalization Rules
* Road Network Generalization Method Constrained by Residential Areas
Includes: Lyu, Z.[Zonglei] Lyu, Z.[Zhe] Lyu, Z.[Zhenlei] Lyu, Z.[Zehua] Lyu, Z.[Zhiyu] Lyu, Z.[Zongyao] Lyu, Z.[Zengwei] Lyu, Z.[Zheng]
12 for Lyu, Z.

Lyu, Z.D.[Zhen Dong] Co Author Listing * HyperSFormer: A Transformer-Based End-to-End Hyperspectral Image Classification Method for Crop Classification
Includes: Lyu, Z.D.[Zhen Dong] Lyu, Z.D.[Zhen-Dong]

Lyu, Z.H.[Ze Hua] Co Author Listing * Manifold Adaptive Label Propagation for Face Clustering
* PGA-Net: Polynomial Global Attention Network With Mean Curvature Loss for Lane Detection
* Scale-balanced loss for object detection
Includes: Lyu, Z.H.[Ze Hua] Lyu, Z.H.[Ze-Hua] Lyu, Z.H.[Zhi-Han] Lyu, Z.H.[Zhi-Heng]

Lyu, Z.J.[Zhi Jun] Co Author Listing * Active Scene Flow Estimation for Autonomous Driving via Real-Time Scene Prediction and Optimal Decision
Includes: Lyu, Z.J.[Zhi Jun] Lyu, Z.J.[Zhi-Jun]

Lyu, Z.L.[Zong Lei] Co Author Listing * GPU-free real-time object detection method for apron surveillance video based on quantized MobileNet-SSD, A
* Self-Collimating SPECT With Multi-Layer Interspaced Mosaic Detectors
Includes: Lyu, Z.L.[Zong Lei] Lyu, Z.L.[Zong-Lei] Lyu, Z.L.[Zhen-Lei]

Lyu, Z.Y.[Zhi Yuan] Co Author Listing * Bijective Density-Equalizing Quasiconformal Map for Multiply Connected Open Surfaces
* BITS-Net: Blind Image Transparency Separation Network
* Controllable Mesh Generation Through Sparse Latent Point Diffusion Models
* Generative Diffusion Prior for Unified Image Restoration and Enhancement
* nonsubsampled countourlet transform based CNN for real image denoising, A
* Towards Evaluating and Training Verifiably Robust Neural Networks
Includes: Lyu, Z.Y.[Zhi Yuan] Lyu, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yuan] Lyu, Z.Y.[Zhao-Yan] Lyu, Z.Y.[Zhao-Yang] Lyu, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yu]

Index for "l"

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