* *Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision
* 2D Filtering of Curvilinear Structures by Ranking the Orientation Responses of Path Operators (RORPO)
* 3D model watermarking algorithm robust to geometric attacks
* Accelerated Alternating Descent Methods for Dykstra-Like Problems
* Acceleration of the PDHGM on Partially Strongly Convex Functions
* Accurate and efficient shape matching approach using vocabularies of multi-feature space representations
* Action recognition technique based on fast HOG3D of integral foreground snippets and random forest
* Active Incremental Recognition of Human Activities in a Streaming Context
* Active Mean Fields for Probabilistic Image Segmentation: Connections with Chan-Vese and Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Models
* Adaptive 3D Face Reconstruction from Unconstrained Photo Collections
* Adaptive Chroma Subsampling-Binding and Luma-Guided Chroma Reconstruction Method for Screen Content Images
* Adaptive Computation of Contour Representations for Mode Decomposition, An
* Adaptive Control of Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation System With Asymmetric Time-Varying Delays and Input Uncertainties
* Adaptive Detection and Range Estimation of Point-Like Targets With Symmetric Spectrum
* Adaptive e-learning system based on learning style and ant colony optimization
* Adaptive Multimedia Data Forwarding for Privacy Preservation in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* Adaptive search range control in H.265/HEVC with error propagation resilience and hierarchical adjustment
* Adaptive Search Range for HEVC Motion Estimation Based on Depth Information
* Adaptive spectrum transformation by topology preservation on indefinite proximity data
* Adaptive Sweep-Circle Spatial Clustering Algorithm Based on Gestalt, An
* Adaptive total-variation for non-negative matrix factorization on manifold
* Advanced Fast 3-D Electromagnetic Solver for Microwave Tomography Imaging
* advanced global point signature for 3D shape recognition and retrieval, An
* Advantage of cooperative traffic light control algorithms
* Algorithm for Gaussian Texture Inpainting, An
* Amazigh audiovisual speech recognition system design
* Analysis of Distribution Using Graphical Goodness of Fit for Airborne SAR Sea-Clutter Data
* Analysis of drivers' performance in response to potential collision with pedestrians at urban crosswalks
* Analysis of Groundwater Nitrate Contamination in the Central Valley: Comparison of the Geodetector Method, Principal Component Analysis and Geographically Weighted Regression
* Analysis of speed disturbances in empirical single vehicle probe data before traffic breakdown
* Analytical Study of Circularly Pulse-Shaped FBMC-OQAM Waveforms, An
* Analyzing of facial paralysis by shape analysis of 3D face sequences
* Analyzing Refugee Migration Patterns Using Geo-tagged Tweets
* Anatomical-Functional Image Fusion by Information of Interest in Local Laplacian Filtering Domain
* Anisotropic Discrete Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform for Improved Classification of Trabecular Bone
* approach for revising a fuzzy logic controller using Q-learning algorithm, An
* Approach to Detect Cavities in X-Ray Astronomical Images Using Granular Convolutional Neural Networks, An
* Approximate Mean Delay Analysis for a Signalized Intersection With Indisciplined Traffic
* Arabic information retrieval: Stemming or lemmatization?
* Arabic Online Handwriting Recognition (AOHR): A Survey
* Artificial Noise Aided Hybrid Precoding Design for Secure mmWave MISO Systems With Partial Channel Knowledge
* Artistic stylization of face photos based on a single exemplar
* Assessing Spatial Accessibility of Public and Private Residential Aged Care Facilities: A Case Study in Wuhan, Central China
* Assessment of Spatial Pattern Characterization of Air Pollution: A Case Study of CO and PM2.5 in Tehran, Iran, An
* auto-adapting global-to-local color balancing method for optical imagery mosaic, An
* Automated angular and translational tomographic alignment and application to phase-contrast imaging
* Automated Detection of Ice and Open Water From Dual-Polarization RADARSAT-2 Images for Data Assimilation
* Automated wireless video surveillance: an evaluation framework
* Automatic exposure selection and fusion for high-dynamic-range photography via smartphones
* Automatic insertion of subject content in domain knowledge of an intelligent tutoring system
* Automatic Modulation Classification Using Deep Learning Based on Sparse Autoencoders With Nonnegativity Constraints
* Automatic Steganographic Distortion Learning Using a Generative Adversarial Network
* autonomous vehicular system based on muli-agents control: Architecture and behavior simulation, An
* Background-Foreground Modeling Based on Spatiotemporal Sparse Subspace Clustering
* Bayesian compressive sensing using wavelet based Markov random fields
* Bayesian Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusions via Double Matrix Factorization
* Bayesian regularized artificial neural network for fault detection and isolation in wind turbine
* Beyond Group: Multiple Person Tracking via Minimal Topology-Energy-Variation
* Bias Reduction in Variational Regularization
* Bidirectional Polarized Reflectance Factors of Vegetation Covers: Influence on the BRF Models Results
* Bifurcation of lane change on highway for large bus
* Binocular mobile augmented reality based on stereo camera tracking
* Binocular spatial activity and reverse saliency driven no-reference stereopair quality assessment
* Biologically inspired simulation of livor mortis
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Rank-Order Regularized Regression
* Blind Stereo Quality Assessment Based on Learned Features From Binocular Combined Images
* Bloch quantum artificial bee colony algorithm and its application in image threshold segmentation
* Blur Kernel Estimation Via Salient Edges and Low Rank Prior for Blind Image Deblurring
* Bright spot regions segmentation and classification for specular highlights detection in colonoscopy videos
* Calibrating second-moment matrix for better shape adaptation with bias term from directional filter bank
* Cambits: A Reconfigurable Camera System
* Camera pose refinement by matching uncertain 3D building models with thermal infrared image sequences for high quality texture extraction
* Cell tracking via Structured Prediction and Learning
* Challenges of Sentiment Analysis for Dynamic Events
* Characterizing the impact of optically induced blurring of a high-resolution phase-shift 3D scanner
* Chirp Rate and Instantaneous Frequency Estimation: Application to Recursive Vertical Synchrosqueezing
* Chirp Spread Spectrum Toward the Nyquist Signaling Rate: Orthogonality Condition and Applications
* Circular particle fusion filter applied to map matching
* Close to Optimal Adaptive Filter for Sudden System Changes, A
* Closing Data Gaps with Citizen Science? Findings from the Danube Region
* Cluster-based adaptive SVM: A latent subdomains discovery method for domain adaptation problems
* Clustering based on density estimation using variable kernel and maximum entropy principle
* Co-Design of Controller and Communication Topology for Vehicular Platooning
* Coastal Sea-Level Measurements Based on GNSS-R Phase Altimetry: A Case Study at the Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden
* Combination of R1-PCA and median LDA for anomaly network detection
* Combination of Sharing Matrix and Image Encryption for Lossless (k,n)-Secret Image Sharing
* Combined Pulse-Echo Ultrasound and Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography With a Multi-Segment Detector Array
* Command and Control for Multifunction Phased Array Radar
* Compact Hash Codes for Efficient Visual Descriptors Retrieval in Large Scale Databases
* Comparative Analysis on Topological Structures of Urban Street Networks
* comparison between fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy GRA for the vertical handover decision making, A
* comparison of classification algorithms for verbose queries detection using BabelNet, A
* Comparison of Elevation Change Detection Methods From ICESat Altimetry Over the Greenland Ice Sheet
* Comparison of SIFT, Bi-SIFT, and Tri-SIFT and their frequency spectrum analysis
* Complexity Reduction by Modified Scale-Space Construction in SIFT Generation Optimized for a Mobile GPU
* Computing object-based saliency via locality-constrained linear coding and conditional random fields
* Consensus Nonlinear Filter With Measurement Uncertainty in Distributed Sensor Networks, A
* Conservative Scale Recomposition for Multiscale Denoising (The Devil is in the High Frequency Detail)
* Consistency preserving for evolving megamodels through axiomatic semantics
* Consistent Roof Geometry Encoding for 3D Building Model Retrieval Using Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds
* Content-Based Remote Sensing Image Change Information Retrieval Model, A
* Context-based abnormal object detection using the fully-connected conditional random fields
* Context-sensitive, first-principles approach to bicycle speed estimation
* Contextual Building Selection Based on a Genetic Algorithm in Map Generalization
* Contextually guided very-high-resolution imagery classification with semantic segments
* Continuous hand gesture recognition based on trajectory shape information
* Contrast normalization steps for increased sensitivity of a retinal image segmentation method
* Contravariant Adaptation on the Manifold of Causal, FIR, Invertible Multivariable Matrix Systems
* Control Scheme for Automatic Level Crossings Under the ERTMS/ETCS Level 2/3 Operation, A
* Convergence of Proximal Iteratively Reweighted Nuclear Norm Algorithm for Image Processing
* Convex Multiview Semi-Supervised Classification
* Copula-Based Joint Statistical Model for Polarimetric Features and Its Application in PolSAR Image Classification
* CorrC2G: Color to Gray Conversion by Correlation
* count data model for heart rate variability forecasting and premature ventricular contraction detection, A
* Cross-Convolutional-Layer Pooling for Image Recognition
* Cross-Domain Shoe Retrieval With a Semantic Hierarchy of Attribute Classification Network
* Cross-Validated Variable Selection in Tree-Based Methods Improves Predictive Performance
* Cubature Kalman filter-based chaotic synchronization and image encryption
* Curve computation by geodesics and graph modelling for polymer analysis
* Curve speed model for driver assistance based on driving style classification
* Customer experience in a regulated telecom market from mobile service users perspective
* Data embedding in digital images using critical functions
* Data lifecycles analysis: Towards intelligent cycle
* DBN wavelet transform denoising method in soybean straw composition based on near-infrared rapid detection
* DCT approximations based on Chen's factorization
* Decay-weighted extreme learning machine for balance and optimization learning
* Decomposing Joint Distortion for Adaptive Steganography
* Deep Edge Guided Recurrent Residual Learning for Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Ensemble Tracking
* Deep Fully Convolutional Network-Based Spatial Distribution Prediction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep Learning Approach for Devanagari Script Recognition
* Deep Multimetric Learning for Shape-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* DeepCloud: Ground-Based Cloud Image Categorization Using Deep Convolutional Features
* Definition of the database anonymization method for open data
* Delivering CRL with Low Bit Rate Network Coded Communication for ITS
* Delivering Real-Time Information Services on Public Transit: A Framework
* Demystifying the Asymptotic Behavior of Global Denoising
* DePass: A secure hash-based authentication scheme
* Depth Estimation Using an Infrared Dot Projector and an Infrared Color Stereo Camera
* Design and Prototyping a Smart Deep Brain Stimulator: An Autonomous Neuro-Sensing and Stimulating Electrode System
* Design of fuzzy observer for a class of Takagi-Sugeno descriptor systems subject to unknown inputs
* Destination and route choice models for bidirectional pedestrian flow based on the social force model
* Detecting Curved Edges in Noisy Images in Sublinear Time
* Detecting the Presence of ENF Signal in Digital Videos: A Superpixel-Based Approach
* Detection of Cars in High-Resolution Aerial Images of Complex Urban Environments
* Determination of Areas Susceptible to Landsliding Using Spatial Patterns of Rainfall from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Data, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
* Determining the Dimension of the Improper Signal Subspace in Complex-Valued Data
* Diagonal-based fast intra-mode decision algorithm for HEVC
* Digital Hearing
* Digital image watermarking method based on DCT and fractal encoding
* Direct Derivation of the Stochastic CRB of DOA Estimation for Rectilinear Sources
* Direct Multitype Cardiac Indices Estimation via Joint Representation and Regression Learning
* Discovering non-compliant window co-occurrence patterns
* Discrete Total Variation: New Definition and Minimization
* Distributed Alamouti Relay Beamforming Scheme in Multiuser Relay Networks
* Distributed Estimation Recovery Under Sensor Failure
* Distributed Flight Routing and Scheduling for Air Traffic Flow Management
* Distributed Learning With Time Correlated Information
* Distributed Scheduling and Cooperative Control for Charging of Electric Vehicles at Highway Service Stations
* Doc-Trace: Tracing Secret Documents in Cloud Computing via Steganographic Marking
* Does Vector Gaussian Approximation After LMMSE Filtering Improve the LLR Quality?
* Door Knob Hand Recognition System
* Driving risk status prediction using Bayesian networks and logistic regression
* Dual Block-Coordinate Forward-Backward Algorithm with Application to Deconvolution and Deinterlacing of Video Sequences
* Dynamic Rerouting Behavior and Its Impact on Dynamic Traffic Patterns
* Early adopters of emergency braking and speed alert
* Ecological Security Pattern and Its Constraint on Urban Expansion of a Black Soil Farming Area in Northeast China, The
* Effect of Prosody Modification on Children's ASR
* Effective geometric restoration of distorted historical document for large-scale digitisation
* effective histogram modification scheme for image contrast enhancement, An
* effective two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis with locality preserving approach for image recognition, An
* Effects of Image Quality on the Fundamental Limits of Image Registration Accuracy
* Efficient Manifold Algorithm for Constructive Interference Based Constant Envelope Precoding, An
* efficient multi-agent computationnal model for massively distribution of independent and heterogeneous tasks, An
* Efficient Ordinary Differential Equation-Based Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Viscoelastic Wave Modeling
* Efficient Polyphase Filter-Based Resampling Method for Unifying the PRFs in SAR Data, An
* Efficient Privacy-Preserving Dual Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Secure V2V Communications in an IoV Paradigm
* efficient reversible image authentication method using improved PVO and LSB substitution techniques, An
* Efficient rotation estimation for 3D registration and global localization in structured point clouds
* Efficient Single Image Dehazing and Denoising: An Efficient Multi-Scale Correlated Wavelet Approach
* Efficient structure from motion for oblique UAV images based on maximal spanning tree expansion
* Eigenvalues of Random Matrices with Isotropic Gaussian Noise and the Design of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Experiments
* Empirical Study of DSRC Performance Based on Safety Pilot Model Deployment Data
* Employing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques for Improving the Discovery of Geospatial Resources on the Web
* End-Member-Based Two-Source Approach for Estimating Land Surface Evapotranspiration From Remote Sensing Data, An
* End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Image-Based Sequence Recognition and Its Application to Scene Text Recognition, An
* Energy Management of a Dual-Mode Power-Split Powertrain Based on the Pontryagin's Minimum Principle
* Enhancement of the Box-Counting Algorithm for fractal dimension estimation
* Ensemble of steerable local neighbourhood grey-level information for binarization
* Entropy-Based Fusion of Water Indices and DSM Derivatives for Automatic Water Surfaces Extraction and Flood Monitoring
* Estimating Fractional Vegetation Cover From Landsat-7 ETM Reflectance Data Based on a Coupled Radiative Transfer and Crop Growth Model
* Estimation of sinusoidal frequency-modulated signal parameters in high-noise environment
* Evaluating Multiexposure Fusion Using Image Information
* Evaluating Scattering Contributions to C-Band Radar Backscatter From Snow-Covered First-Year Sea Ice at the Winter-Spring Transition Through Measurement and Modeling
* Evaluation of the CO2 emissions pathway from hydrogen production to fuel cell car utilisation
* Event Detection in Continuous Video: An Inference in Point Process Approach
* Examining the Driving Factors Causing Rapid Urban Expansion in China: An Analysis Based on GlobeLand30 Data
* Exploiting Experts: Knowledge for Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks
* Exploring kernel discriminant analysis for speaker verification with limited test data
* Exploring the Role of the Spatial Characteristics of Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance in Predicting Soil Organic Carbon Density
* Extended iris color features analysis and cluster headache diagnosis based on support vector classifier
* Extended Kalman Filter for Multichannel InSAR Height Reconstruction
* Extended Locality-Constrained Linear Self-Coding for Saliency Detection
* Extended OMP algorithm for sparse phase retrieval
* Extreme compression of fingerprint image databases using the model-based transform
* Face alignment in-the-wild: A Survey
* Face segmentation and detection using Voronoi diagram and 2D histogram
* Facial decomposition for expression recognition using texture/shape descriptors and SVM classifier
* Fast Algorithm and VLSI Architecture of Rate Distortion Optimization in H.265-HEVC
* Fast algorithm for 2D fragment assembly based on partial EMD
* Fast and accurate detection and localization of abnormal behavior in crowded scenes
* Fast pedestrian detection and dynamic tracking for intelligent vehicles within V2V cooperative environment
* Fast recovery of unknown coefficients in DCT-transformed images
* Feature Augmentation for Learning Confidence Measure in Stereo Matching
* Feature selection based on pairwise evalution
* Feature selection in multimedia: The state-of-the-art review
* Feedback T-S fuzzy controller in finite frequency for wind energy conversion systems based on neural network
* Fer-pixel extrusion mapping: The correction of the intersection point between the extrusion geometry and the viewing ray
* Fiber Bundle Geometry Approach for Edge Detection of Chromaticity Distributions, A
* Flexible Multiple Base Station Association and Activation for Downlink Heterogeneous Networks
* Flow Orientation Analysis for Major Activity Regions Based on Smart Card Transit Data
* Foreground Removal Approach for Hole Filling in 3D Video and FVV Synthesis
* Forensic Face Photo-Sketch Recognition Using a Deep Learning-Based Architecture
* Fractal dimension in textures analysis of xenotransplants
* Framework for Evaluating Stay Detection Approaches, A
* Frequency-Domain Intergroup Interference Coordination for V2V Communications
* Full and partial shape similarity through sparse descriptor reconstruction
* Fusion of Deep Learning and Compressed Domain Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Fuzzy deep learning based urban traffic incident detection
* fuzzy ontology-based support for multi-criteria decision-making in collaborative product development, A
* Game theoretic approach for real-time data dissemination and offloading in vehicular ad hoc networks
* Gaze-Based Object Segmentation
* Generalization of the weighted product aggregation applied to data fusion of intuitionistic fuzzy quantities
* Generalized Least Squares for ESPRIT-Type Direction of Arrival Estimation
* generalized Lyapunov stability theory-based adaptive FIR filter algorithm with variable step sizes, A
* Generalized Rational Sampling Rate Conversion Polyphase FIR Filter
* Generation and performance assessment of the global TanDEM-X digital elevation model
* Genetic algorithms and dynamic weighted sum method for RNA alignment
* Geo-Hazard Detection and Monitoring Using SAR and Optical Images in a Snow-Covered Area: The Menyuan (China) Test Site
* Geodetic Imaging of Time-Dependent Three-Component Surface Deformation: Application to Tidal-Timescale Ice Flow of Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica
* Geometric Graph Matching Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
* Geometric Occlusion Analysis in Depth Estimation Using Integral Guided Filter for Light-Field Image
* GeoPose3K: Mountain landscape dataset for camera pose estimation in outdoor environments
* GeoSpark SQL: An Effective Framework Enabling Spatial Queries on Spark
* Geospatial Google Street View with Virtual Reality: A Motivational Approach for Spatial Training Education
* Geotagging Text Content With Language Models and Feature Mining
* Global sparse gradient guided variational Retinex model for image enhancement
* Governance Landscape of Geospatial E-Services: The Belgian Case, The
* GPU parallel neural hierarchical multi objective solver for burst routing and wavelength assignment
* GPU-accelerated SPH fluids surface reconstruction using two-level spatial uniform grids
* Gradient-Based Tone Mapping for Rate-Distortion Optimized Backward-Compatible High Dynamic Range Compression
* Graph Regularized and Locality-Constrained Coding for Robust Visual Tracking
* Graph SLAM correction for single scanner MLS forest data under boreal forest canopy
* Ground Plane Detection with a New Local Disparity Texture Descriptor
* Group Structure Preserving Pedestrian Tracking in a Multicamera Video Network
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Internet of Things and Sensors Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial: Advances in Big Data Methods for Image Processing
* Guest Editorial: Highlights from the ITS European Congress in Glasgow (2016)
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Real-Time Perceptual-Inspired Imaging Systems with Computational Science and Aesthetics
* H-MAS architecture and reinforcement learning method for autonomous robot path planning
* H-Model reduction for T-S fuzzy systems with finite frequency specifications
* hand gesture recognition system based on canonical superpixel-graph, A
* Hand pose estimation based on deep learning depth map for hand gesture recognition
* Handwritten signature verification using the quad-tree histogram of templates and a Support Vector-based artificial immune classification
* Hazard Detection for Motorcycles via Accelerometers: A Self-Organizing Map Approach
* heuristic algorithm for RNA secondary structure based on genetic algorithm, A
* Hierarchical Bayesian combination of plug-in maximum a posteriori decoders in deep neural networks-based speech recognition and speaker adaptation
* Hierarchical semantic cognition for urban functional zones with VHR satellite images and POI data
* Hierarchical-Masked Image Filtering for Privacy-Protection
* High density salt-and-pepper noise suppression using adaptive dual threshold decision based algorithm in fingerprint images
* Histogram-based image segmentation using variational mode decomposition and correlation coefficients
* History of the Endoscope [Scanning Our Past]
* Hub Labels on the database for large-scale graphs with the COLD framework
* Human Action Classification Based on Silhouette Indexed Interest Points for Multiple Domains
* human activity recognition framework using max-min features and key poses with differential evolution random forests classifier, A
* Human body segmentation based on shape constraint
* Human Tagging
* Human-aware motion reshaping using dynamical systems
* HVS-MRMR wrapper method for variables selection
* Hybrid ant colony system algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with dynamic customers and traffic factors
* Hybrid classifier for fault detection and isolation in wind turbine based on data-driven
* Hybrid CS-DMRI: Periodic Time-Variant Subsampling and Omnidirectional Total Variation Based Reconstruction
* Hybrid Data Association Framework for Robust Online Multi-Object Tracking, A
* hybrid decision tree algorithm for mixed numeric and categorical data in regression analysis, A
* Hybrid image noise reduction algorithm based on genetic ant colony and PCNN
* Hybrid method for background modeling and subtracting
* Hybrid Process/Thread Parallel Algorithm for Generating DEM from LiDAR Points, A
* Hybrid strategy based on MAS for an intelligent energy management: Application to an electric vehicle
* Hybrid WPT-BDCT transform for high-quality image compression
* Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion Based on Local Low Rank and Coupled Spectral Unmixing
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection With Attribute and Edge-Preserving Filters
* Hyperspectral dimensionality reduction for biophysical variable statistical retrieval
* ICESAT/GLAS Altimetry Measurements: Received Signal Dynamic Range and Saturation Correction
* Identifying and Analyzing the Prevalent Regions of a Co-Location Pattern Using Polygons Clustering Approach
* Illumination and pose variable face recognition via adaptively weighted ULBP_MHOG and WSRC
* Illumination-insensitive features for face recognition
* Image coding based on classified vector quantisation using edge orientation patterns
* Image denoising via correlation-based sparse representation
* Image Denoising via Multiscale Nonlinear Diffusion Models
* Image Noise Reduction Method Based on Compatibility with Adjacent Pixels
* Image reconstruction by Krawtchouk moments via digital filter
* Image registration of medical images
* Image Retrieval Framework Based on Dual Representation Descriptor
* Image segmentation using a unified Markov random field model
* Image Segmentation Using Linked Mean-Shift Vectors and Global/Local Attributes
* Imaging of Local Rough Surfaces by the Linear Sampling Method with Near-Field Data
* Imaging Polarizable Dipoles
* Imbalance Compensation Framework for Background Subtraction, An
* Improved Depth-Assisted Error Concealment Algorithm for 3D Video Transmission
* Improvement of Lake Ice Thickness Retrieval From MODIS Satellite Data Using a Thermodynamic Model
* Improvement view: Extension of seven views approach
* Improving Destination Choice Modeling Using Location-Based Big Data
* Improving Identification of Areas for Ecological Restoration for Conservation by Integrating USLE and MCDA in a GIS-Environment: A Pilot Study in a Priority Region Northern Mexico
* Improving relational aggregated search from big data sources using deep learning
* Improving the Algorithm of Extracting Regional Total Precipitable Water Vapor Over Land From MODIS Images
* In-band sub-pixel registration of wavelet-encoded images from sparse coefficients
* Incremental Hashing for Semantic Image Retrieval in Nonstationary Environments
* Individualized Super-Gaussian Single Microphone Speech Enhancement for Hearing Aid Users With Smartphone as an Assistive Device, An
* Infimal Convolution of Data Discrepancies for Mixed Noise Removal
* Influence of Surface Roughness Measurement Scale on Radar Backscattering in Different Agricultural Soils
* Information Theory-Based Scheme for Efficient Classification of Remote Sensing Data, An
* Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Stable Multisubspace Learning in Heterogeneous Scene
* Infrastructure-Assisted Message Dissemination for Supporting Heterogeneous Driving Patterns
* InSAR Time-Series Estimation of the Ionospheric Phase Delay: An Extension of the Split Range-Spectrum Technique
* Integral imaging techniques for flexible sensing through image-based reprojection
* Integrating Multilayer Features of Convolutional Neural Networks for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* intelligent system solution for improving the distance collaborative work, An
* Inter-Image Similarity-Based Fast Adaptive Block Size Vector Quantizer for Image Coding
* Interactive Planning Support Tool for Addressing Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Projects in The Netherlands, An
* Interactive Systems Based on Electrical Muscle Stimulation
* INTERLIS Language for Modelling Legal 3D Spaces and Physical 3D Objects by Including Formalized Implementable Constraints and Meaningful Code Lists
* Interpersonal Coevolution of Body Movements in Daily Face-to-Face Communication
* Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging With Virtual Source Synthetic Aperture Focusing and Coherence Factor Weighting
* Inverse kinematics using dynamic joint parameters: inverse kinematics animation synthesis learnt from sub-divided motion micro-segments
* Investigation on deep learning for off-line handwritten Arabic Character Recognition using Theano research platform
* ISR: indoor shop recognition via user-friendly and efficient fingerprinting on smartphones
* iterative image super-resolution approach based on Bregman distance, An
* Iterative Target Localization in Distributed MIMO Radar From Bistatic Range Measurements
* Iterative weighted nuclear norm for X-ray cardiovascular angiogram image denoising
* JMIV Special Issue Mathematics and Image Analysis 2017
* Joint Human Detection and Head Pose Estimation via Multistream Networks for RGB-D Videos
* Joint image registration and point spread function estimation for the super-resolution of satellite images
* Joint Machine Learning and Game Theory for Rate Control in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Joint Sparse Recovery Framework for Accurate Reconstruction of Inclusions in Elastic Media, A
* Joint Transceiver Optimization of MIMO SWIPT Systems for Harvested Power Maximization
* Jointly Learning Heterogeneous Features for RGB-D Activity Recognition
* k-max distance in graphs and images, The
* Kernel transform learning
* Knowledge extraction from crowdsourced data for the enrichment of road networks
* Kronecker-Markov Prior for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
* Ku-/Ka-Band Extrapolation of the Altimeter Cross Section and Assessment With Jason2/AltiKa Data
* Land Surface Temperature Estimate From Chinese Gaofen-5 Satellite Data Using Split-Window Algorithm
* Large-Scale Optimization Method Using a Sparse Approximation of the Hessian for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting, A
* Lattice-Support repetitive local feature detection for visual search
* Layover Analysis in Synthetic Aperture Imagery
* Learning aggregated features and optimizing model for semantic labeling
* Learning assistive strategies for exoskeleton robots from user-robot physical interaction
* Learning efficient and interpretable prototypes from data for nearest neighbor classification method
* Learning Efficient Binary Codes From High-Level Feature Representations for Multilabel Image Retrieval
* Learning features combination for human action recognition from skeleton sequences
* Learning robot tasks with loops from experiences to enhance robot adaptability
* Learning the Distribution Preserving Semantic Subspace for Clustering
* Learning-Based Shadow Recognition and Removal From Monochromatic Natural Images
* Let the robot tell: Describe car image with natural language via LSTM
* Limits of Colour Perception in the Context of Minimum Dimensions in Digital Cartography
* Line Detection as an Inverse Problem: Application to Lung Ultrasound Imaging
* Local Colocation Patterns of Crime and Land-Use Features in Wuhan, China, The
* Local Directional Ternary Pattern for Facial Expression Recognition
* local feature with multiple line descriptors and its speeded-up matching algorithm, A
* Location error resilient geographical routing for vehicular ad-hoc networks
* Log-Euclidean Metrics for Contrast Preserving Decolorization
* Low-Complexity Pedestrian Detection Framework for Smart Video Surveillance Systems, A
* Low-latency median filter core for hardware implementation of 5X5 median filtering
* Low-Rank Discriminant Embedding for Multiview Learning
* Low-Rank-Based Nonlocal Adaptive Loop Filter for High-Efficiency Video Compression
* Lunar Brightness Temperature Model Based on the Microwave Radiometer Data of Chang'e-2
* Machine Learning Classification of Buildings for Map Generalization
* Machine learning techniques applied to prepaid subscribers: Case study on the telecom industry of Morocco
* Making Likelihood Ratios Digestible for Cross-Application Performance Assessment
* Mapping Changes in Carbon Storage and Productivity Services Provided by Riparian Ecosystems of Semi-Arid Environments in Northwestern Mexico
* Mapping Forest Species in the Central Middle Atlas of Morocco (Azrou Forest) through Remote Sensing Techniques
* Mapping Parallels between Outdoor Urban Environments and Indoor Manufacturing Environments
* Mapping the Far Right: Geomedia in an Educational Response to Right-Wing Extremism
* MAS based energy-coordination for decentralized control of the hybrid electrical system, A
* Max-Min Multicell-Aware Precoding and Power Allocation for Downlink Massive MIMO Systems
* mdBRIEF-a fast online-adaptable, distorted binary descriptor for real-time applications using calibrated wide-angle or fisheye cameras
* Measurement of the Ionospheric Scintillation Parameter C_kL From SAR Images of Clutter
* Measuring the class-imbalance extent of multi-class problems
* methodology for prior management of temporal data quality in a data mining process, A
* Mining tweets of Moroccan users using the framework Hadoop, NLP, K-means and basemap
* Mixture Reduction on Matrix Lie Groups
* Modeling the Temporal Variability of Thermal Emissions From Row-Planted Scenes Using a Radiosity and Energy Budget Method
* Modelling the driving behaviour at a signalised intersection with the information of remaining green time
* Mongo2SPARQL: Automatic and semantic query conversion of MongoDB query language to SPARQL
* Monitoring and Modeling of Spatiotemporal Urban Expansion and Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Using Integrated Markov Chain Cellular Automata Model
* Monitoring Rural Water Points in Tanzania with Mobile Phones: The Evolution of the SEMA App
* Moving object detection with an adaptive background model
* Multi-agent system based on the fuzzy control and extreme learning machine for intelligent management in hybrid energy system
* Multi-criteria decision making approach for ITIL processes performance evaluation: Application to a Moroccan SME
* Multi-criteria optimization of neural networks using multi-objective genetic algorithm
* Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on multilevel morphological component analysis and support vector machine
* Multi-object tracking through learning relational appearance features and motion patterns
* Multi-view clustering with local refinement for cancer patient stratification
* Multi-View Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis for Image Retrieval and Recognition
* Multifrequency Interferometric Imaging with Intensity-Only Measurements
* Multimedia documents adaptive platform using multi-agent system and mobile ubiquitous environment
* Multimodal Image Registration Through Simultaneous Segmentation
* Multiple Image-Based Noise Level Estimation Algorithm, A
* Multiple path exploration for graph matching
* Multiple Semantic Matching on Augmented N-Partite Graph for Object Co-Segmentation
* Multiple structure recovery via robust preference analysis
* Multiple-process procedural texture
* Multitemporal SAR Image Despeckling Based on Block-Matching and Collaborative Filtering
* Muzzle point pattern based techniques for individual cattle identification
* Naturally combined shape-color moment invariants under affine transformations
* Neighbor-Aided Localization in Vehicular Networks
* New Approach for Interpreting the Morisita Index of Aggregation through Quadrat Size, A
* New Deformation Model of Biological Tissue for Surgery Simulation, A
* New Endmember Preprocessing Method for the Hyperspectral Unmixing of Imagery Containing Marine Oil Spills, A
* New load balancing framework based on mobile AGENT and ant-colony optimization technique
* New Moneyball: How Ballpark Sensors Are Changing Baseball, The
* New Optimality Property of the Capon Estimator, A
* New optimized GPU version of the k-means algorithm for large-sized image segmentation
* new robust watermarking scheme based on polynomial decomposition, A
* No fuss metric learning, a Hilbert space scenario
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Image Statistics and Robust Feature Descriptors
* No-reference quality assessment of compressive sensing image recovery
* Noise removal from MR images via iterative regularization based on higher-order singular value decomposition
* Noise Robust Face Image Super-Resolution Through Smooth Sparse Representation
* Non-local Topology-Preserving Segmentation-Guided Registration Model, A
* Non-orthogonal Simultaneous Diagonalization of K-Order Complex Tensors for Source Separation
* Non-redundant rendering for efficient multi-view scene discretization
* Non-rigid registration based model-free 3D facial expression recognition
* Non-separable four-dimensional integer wavelet transform with reduced rounding noise
* Noncontact 3-D Speckle Contrast Diffuse Correlation Tomography of Tissue Blood Flow Distribution
* Nonconvex Weighted L_p Minimization Based Group Sparse Representation Framework for Image Denoising
* Nonconvex-TV Based Image Restoration with Impulse Noise Removal
* nonlocal L0 model with regression predictor for saliency detection and extension, A
* Nonlocaly Multi-Morphological Representation for Image Reconstruction From Compressive Measurements
* Nonnegative Decompositions for Dynamic Visual Data Analysis
* Nonrigid synthetic aperture radar and optical image coregistration by combining local rigid transformations using a Kohonen network
* Novel Hybrid Kinect-Variety-Based High-Quality Multiview Rendering Scheme for Glass-Free 3D Displays, A
* Novel image inpainting algorithm based on adaptive fourth-order partial differential equation
* Novel Iterative Shrinkage Algorithm for CS-MRI via Adaptive Regularization, A
* Novel Methodology to Label Urban Remote Sensing Images Based on Location-Based Social Media Photos, A
* Nuclear Norm-Based 2DLPP for Image Classification
* Numerical Computation of Weil-Peterson Geodesics in the Universal Teichmüller Space
* Objective Quality Assessment of Image Retargeting by Incorporating Fidelity Measures and Inconsistency Detection
* Observer-based stabilization for a class of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy descriptor systems
* Occluded Appearance Modeling with Sample Weighting for Human Pose Estimation
* On Combining Social Media and Spatial Technology for POI Cognition and Image Localization
* On Metrics for Location-Aware Games
* On Probability of Support Recovery for Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Using Mutual Coherence
* On the Spark of Binary LDPC Measurement Matrices From Complete Protographs
* On-Board Object Detection: Multicue, Multimodal, and Multiview Random Forest of Local Experts
* On-Skin Interaction Using Body Landmarks
* Online Combination of EPID-Cherenkov Imaging for 3-D Dosimetry in a Liquid Phantom
* Online-Learning-Based Mode Prediction Method for Quality Scalable Extension of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard
* Onto a Skewness Approach to the Generalized Curvature Ocean Surface Scattering Model
* Open transport data for maximising reuse in multimodal route planners: a study in Flanders
* Optimal Bandwidth for Multitaper Spectrum Estimation
* Optimal Couple Projections for Domain Adaptive Sparse Representation-Based Classification
* Optimal nonlinear control for a variable speed wind turbine based on support vector machine algorithm
* Optimal Parameter Encoding Based on Worst Case Fisher Information Under a Secrecy Constraint
* Optimal seamline detection in dynamic scenes via graph cuts for image mosaicking
* Optimal Selection of the Regularization Function in a Weighted Total Variation Model. Part I: Modelling and Theory
* Optimal Selection of the Regularization Function in a Weighted Total Variation Model. Part II: Algorithm, Its Analysis and Numerical Tests
* Optimal tracking and robust intelligent based PI power controller of the wind turbine systems
* Optimality in Distortion Control in Reversible Watermarking Using Genetic Algorithms
* Optimisation model for network progression coordinated control under the signal design mode of split phasing
* Optimization and Design of Wireless Systems for the Implementation of Context Aware Scenarios in Railway Passenger Vehicles
* Optimization of high-level design edge detect filter for video processing system on FPGA
* Optimizing explicit feature maps on intervals
* Order-Based Disparity Refinement Including Occlusion Handling for Stereo Matching
* Overview of Environment Perception for Intelligent Vehicles
* Overview of the OGC CDB Standard for 3D Synthetic Environment Modeling and Simulation
* P recognizer for automatic facial emotion recognition using Kinect sensor, A
* Parallel Approach to HRTF Approximation and Interpolation Based on a Parametric Filter Model, A
* Parcel-Level Model for Ranking and Allocating Urban Land-Uses, A
* Partial Membership Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Soft Image Segmentation
* Participatory Urban Traffic Monitoring System: The Power of Bus Riders, A
* Pattern mining based video saliency detection
* Percentage of human-occupied areas for fall detection from two views
* Perceptually Driven Nonuniform Asymmetric Coding of Stereoscopic 3D Video
* Perceptually inspired real-time artistic style transfer for video stream
* Performance evaluation of vehicular platoons using Webots
* Person Reidentification in a Distributed Camera Network Framework
* Personalized Social Image Recommendation Method Based on User-Image-Tag Model
* Phase Vector Incompressible Registration Algorithm for Motion Estimation From Tagged Magnetic Resonance Images
* Pipeline-Based Ray-Tracing Runtime System for HSA-Compliant Frameworks, A
* Point Spread Function Field Learning Based on Optimal Transport Distances
* Post-processing of video sequences using deblocking and adaptive trilateral filtering
* Potentials of Active and Passive Geospatial Crowdsourcing in Complementing Sentinel Data and Supporting Copernicus Service Portfolio
* Power and sub-channel optimization of JPEG 2000 image transmission over OFDM-based cognitive radio networks
* Pre-/post-processing to improve the coding performance of multiview plus depth map
* Pre-Capture Privacy for Small Vision Sensors
* Predicting Popularity of Online Videos Using Support Vector Regression
* Principal Graph and Structure Learning Based on Reversed Graph Embedding
* Privacy-preserving detection of anomalous phenomena in crowdsourced environmental sensing using fine-grained weighted voting
* Proactive Drone-Cell Deployment: Overload Relief for a Cellular Network Under Flash Crowd Traffic
* Proactive Monitoring via Jamming in Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks
* Probabilistic Approach to People-Centric Photo Selection and Sequencing, A
* Public bus commuter assistance through the named entity recognition of twitter feeds and intelligent route finding
* Public service approach to car-sharing in mid-sized towns: The example of Belfort (France)
* Public Transit Route Mapping for Large-Scale Multimodal Networks
* Purdue University Team Tackles Global Underwater-Vehicle Competition
* PVR: Patch-to-Volume Reconstruction for Large Area Motion Correction of Fetal MRI
* QoS optimal real-time video streaming in distributed wireless image-sensing platforms
* QoS Provisionings for Device-to-Device Content Delivery in Cellular Networks
* Quadratic Trigonometric Nu Spline with Shape Control, A
* Quantification of road grade to improve the estimation of fuel consumptions using the global positioning system
* Query specific re-ranking for improved cross-modal retrieval
* Radar Sounding Through the Earth's Ionosphere at 45 MHz
* Radial Meixner moments for rotational invariant pattern recognition
* Rainfall-integrated traffic speed prediction using deep learning method
* Randomized Approach to Probabilistic Footprint Estimation of a Space Debris Uncontrolled Reentry, A
* Rapid Solution of the Cryo-EM Reconstruction Problem by Frequency Marching
* Rate-Performance-Loss Optimization for Inter-Frame Deep Feature Coding From Videos
* READER: Robust Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Dimension Reduction
* Real-time 3D fluid simulation digital art using BCI
* Real-Time 3D Motion Capture by Monocular Vision and Virtual Rendering
* real-time image dehazing method considering dark channel and statistics features, A
* Real-time imaging-based assessment model for improving teaching performance and student experience in e-learning
* Real-Time Perceptual Model for Distraction in Interfering Audio-on-Audio Scenarios
* Real-time recognition of cattle using animal biometrics
* Real-time selective video encryption based on the chaos system in scalable HEVC extension
* Real-time SLAM relocalization with online learning of binary feature indexing
* Real-time tonal depiction method by reaction-diffusion mask
* Real-Time Video Analytics: The Killer App for Edge Computing
* Real-time video watermarking techniques robust against re-encoding
* Real-time, large-scale duplicate image detection method based on multi-feature fusion
* REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimeters and Microwave Radiometer Data
* Recent Improvements to Suomi NPP Ozone Mapper Profiler Suite Nadir Mapper Sensor Data Records
* Recognizing users feedback from non-verbal communicative acts in conversational recommender systems
* Recovery of Damped Exponentials Using Structured Low Rank Matrix Completion
* Reducing Image Compression Artifacts by Structural Sparse Representation and Quantization Constraint Prior
* Reflection Removal Under Fast Forward Camera Motion
* Reflection Symmetry Axes Detection Using Multiple Model Fitting
* Relationships Between Nonlinear and Space-Variant Linear Models in Hyperspectral Image Unmixing
* Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification: Benchmark and State of the Art
* Residual-Consensus Driven Linear Matching
* Review of Web Mapping: Eras, Trends and Directions
* review on image mining, A
* Revisiting the Astonishing Growth of Human-Computer Interaction Research
* Road Disturbance Estimation and Cloud-Aided Comfort-Based Route Planning
* Road Intersection Detection through Finding Common Sub-Tracks between Pairwise GNSS Traces
* Road network abstraction approach for traffic analysis: Framework and numerical analysis
* Road traffic: Vehicle detection and classification
* robotic platform for customized and interactive rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, A
* Robust 2-D-3-D Registration Optimization for Motion Compensation During 3-D TRUS-Guided Biopsy Using Learned Prostate Motion Data
* Robust and cost-efficient experimental design for technical tests of information and communication technology-based solutions in the automotive sector
* Robust and Fast Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Clustering Combined with Unsupervised Histogram Analysis
* Robust and parallel Uyghur text localization in complex background images
* Robust epipolar geometry estimation using noisy pose priors
* Robust feature matching via support-line voting and affine-invariant ratios
* robust PID controller for active queue management framework in congested routers, A
* Robust Sonar ATR Through Bayesian Pose-Corrected Sparse Classification
* Robust system for road sign detection and recognition using template matching
* Rotation-reversal invariant HOG cascade for facial expression recognition
* Rotational Invariant Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms
* Route optimization for school bus scheduling problem based on a distributed ant colony system algorithm
* Rural Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Geometric Feature Inference
* Saliency Prior Context Model for Real-Time Object Tracking, A
* Saliency-weighted graphs for efficient visual content description and their applications in real-time image retrieval systems
* Salient object detection in complex scenes via D-S evidence theory based region classification
* Salient Region Detection Using Diffusion Process on a Two-Layer Sparse Graph
* Scalable 3D shape retrieval using local features and the signature quadratic form distance
* Scalable ADMM Algorithm for Rigid Registration, A
* Scalable secret image sharing scheme with essential shadows
* Scaling effects on spring phenology detections from MODIS data at multiple spatial resolutions over the contiguous United States
* Scene Classification Based on the Fully Sparse Semantic Topic Model
* Search optimal fuzzy model using evolutionary algorithm: Application to predict the form function of the composite cylindrical shell
* Second-Order Statistics of One-Sided CPM Signals
* Selecting the Best Band Ratio to Estimate Chlorophyll-a Concentration in a Tropical Freshwater Lake Using Sentinel 2A Images from a Case Study of Lake Ba Be (Northern Vietnam)
* Selective Video Object Cutout
* Self-calibration of omnidirectional multi-cameras including synchronization and rolling shutter
* Self-driving wheelchairs debut in hospitals and airports
* Semi-supervised manifold regularization with adaptive graph construction
* Semi-Supervised Method for Surveillance-Based Visual Location Recognition, A
* Sequency-based mapped real transform: properties and applications
* Sequential Decomposition Framework and Method for Calibrating Dynamic Origin-Destination Demand in a Congested Network, A
* Sequential Estimator: Toward Efficient InSAR Time Series Analysis
* service relation model for web-based land cover change detection, A
* Service-Oriented Dynamic Connection Management for Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Set-Membership Type-1 Fuzzy Logic System Applied to Fault Classification in a Switch Machine
* Severe-occluded 3D object identification via region-based descriptions
* Shape Projectors for Landmark-Based Spline Curves
* Sharpness improvement of license plates using a fusion method
* Siamese inception architecture network for person re-identification, A
* Sightseeing Spot Recommendation System That Takes into Account the Change in Circumstances of Users, A
* Signal Dependent Transform Based on SVD for HEVC Intracoding
* Significant effect of topographic normalization of airborne LiDAR data on the retrieval of plant area index profile in mountainous forests
* simple tool for automatic extraction of the Moroccan coastal upwelling from sea surface chlorophyll images, A
* Simulation of hard shoulder running combined with queue warning during traffic accident with CTM model
* Simulation-Based Evaluation of Ease of Wayfinding Using Digital Human and As-Is Environment Models
* Simultaneous Sparse Bayesian Learning With Partially Shared Supports
* Single image dehazing based on multiscale product prior and application to vision control
* Single image dehazing via an improved atmospheric scattering model
* Single-Image Shadow Removal Using 3D Intensity Surface Modeling
* Sinogram Blurring Matrix Estimation From Point Sources Measurements With Rank-One Approximation for Fully 3-D PET
* Smartphone-based crowdsourcing for position estimation of public transport vehicles
* Smartphone-Based Vehicle Telematics: A Ten-Year Anniversary
* Snapshot and continuous points-based trajectory search
* SnapVideo: Personalized Video Generation for a Sightseeing Trip
* Social Media: New Perspectives to Improve Remote Sensing for Emergency Response
* Social-Aware Rate Based Content Sharing Mode Selection for D2D Content Sharing Scenarios
* Solving sub-pixel image registration problems using phase correlation and Lucas-Kanade optical flow method
* Space of Essential Matrices as a Riemannian Quotient Manifold, The
* Sparse composition of body poses and atomic actions for human activity recognition in RGB-D videos
* Sparse Overcomplete Denoising: Aggregation Versus Global Optimization
* Sparse Recovery in Magnetic Resonance Imaging With a Markov Random Field Prior
* Spatial and temporal pyramid-based real-time gesture recognition
* Spatial Event Forecasting in Social Media With Geographically Hierarchical Regularization
* Spatial Modelling and Prediction Assessment of Soil Iron Using Kriging Interpolation with pH as Auxiliary Information
* Spatial Orientation Skill Improvement with Geospatial Applications: Report of a Multi-Year Study
* Spatial Technology and Social Media in Remote Sensing: A Survey
* Spatial Technology and Social Media [Scanning the Issue]
* Spatio-temporal blotches detection and removal in archive video
* Special issue on intelligent urban computing with big data
* Special issue on spatial and temporal database management
* Special issue on user profiling and behavior adaptation for human-robot interaction
* Specificity and Latent Correlation Learning for Action Recognition Using Synthetic Multi-View Data From Depth Maps
* Spectral-Density-Based Graph Construction Techniques for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Speed prediction from mobile sensors using cellular phone-based traffic data
* Sprite tree: an efficient image-based representation for networked virtual environments
* SSIM-Motivated Two-Pass VBR Coding for HEVC
* Stacking PCANet+: An Overly Simplified ConvNets Baseline for Face Recognition
* Stand-alone quality estimation of background subtraction algorithms
* Stand-volume estimation from multi-source data for coppiced and high forest Eucalyptus spp. silvicultural systems in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
* Static output feedback control problem for polynomial fuzzy systems via a sum of squares (SOS) approach
* Statistical Hypothesis Detector for Abnormal Event Detection in Crowded Scenes
* STC: A Simple to Complex Framework for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Strategy of detecting abnormal behaviors by fuzzy logic
* Structure-Regularized Compressive Tracking With Online Data-Driven Sampling
* Structured entropy of primitive: Big Data-Based Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment
* structured regularization framework for spatially smoothing semantic labelings of 3D point clouds, A
* Study of efficiency k-means clustering using Z-test proprieties
* Study of the energy performance of DTN protocols
* study on differential evolution and cellular differential evolution for multilevel color image segmentation, A
* Stylizing face images via multiple exemplars
* Submodular Attribute Selection for Visual Recognition
* Summarizing Unconstrained Videos Using Salient Montages
* Super-Resolved Fine-Scale Sea Ice Motion Tracking
* Supervised autonomy for online learning in human-robot interaction
* Supporting One-Time Point Annotations for Gesture Recognition
* Survey of GNSS-Based Research and Developments for the European Railway Signaling, A
* survey of memory deduplication approaches for intelligent urban computing, A
* Survey on zoom-lens calibration methods and techniques
* Synergistic Instance-Level Subspace Alignment for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* System and Method to Selectively Illuminate An Infant During Phototherapy
* Systematic Relation of Estimated Travel Speed and Actual Travel Speed
* Target Detection via Bayesian-Morphological Saliency in High-Resolution SAR Images
* Template Estimation in Computational Anatomy: Fréchet Means Top and Quotient Spaces Are Not Consistent
* Templateless Non-Rigid Reconstruction and Motion Tracking With a Single RGB-D Camera
* Tensions in Rural Water Governance: The Elusive Functioning of Rural Water Points in Tanzania
* Texture complexity based fast and efficient intra block mode decision algorithm for H.264/AVC
* Texture features for object salience
* Texture Inpainting Using Efficient Gaussian Conditional Simulation
* Texture Plus Depth Video Coding Using Camera Global Motion Information
* Texture-Cognition-Based 3D Building Model Generalization
* Theoretical Analysis of Active Contours on Graphs
* Three-dimensional laser scanning under the pinhole camera with lens distortion
* Three-layer graph framework with the sumD feature for alpha matting
* Topographic Correction to Landsat Imagery through Slope Classification by Applying the SCS + C Method in Mountainous Forest Areas
* Topological Sensitivity for Solving Inverse Multiple Scattering Problems in Three-dimensional Electromagnetism. Part I: One Step Method
* Toward a virtual learning environment based on agile learner-centered design
* Toward Seamless Multiview Scene Analysis From Satellite to Street Level
* Towards 3D Cadastre in Serbia: Development of Serbian Cadastral Domain Model
* Towards a decision support system, based on the systemic and multi-agent approaches for organizational performance evaluation of a risk management unit: Banks case
* Towards a hybrid learning model for the higher education system in Morocco
* Towards a model of adaptation and interfacing based on a middleware layer SOA for interoperability of several different information systems
* Towards a new adaptive E-learning framework for adapting content to presentation
* Towards an Affordance-Based Ad-Hoc Suitability Network for Indoor Manufacturing Transportation Processes
* Towards an agent-based approach for multidimensional analyses of semantic web data
* Towards an efficient 3D model estimation methodology for aerial and ground images
* Towards Detecting the Crowd Involved in Social Events
* Towards the design of a consistent image contrast enhancement evaluation measure
* Towards the implementation of refurbished ev lithium-ion batteries for smart grid energy storage
* Tradeoffs Between Cost and Performance for CDN Provisioning Based on Coordinate Transformation
* Traffic flow data compression considering burst components
* Traffic light control using deep policy-gradient and value-function-based reinforcement learning
* Trifocal Tensor-Based Adaptive Visual Trajectory Tracking Control of Mobile Robots
* Trip Outfits Advisor: Location-Oriented Clothing Recommendation
* Triple-Bit Quantization with Asymmetric Distance for Image Content Security
* Truncated L_1-2 Models for Sparse Recovery and Rank Minimization
* Two-Stage Focusing Algorithm for Highly Squinted Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
* Two-Stage Reranking for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Two-Stream Deep Correlation Network for Frontal Face Recovery
* Ultrasound Aided Vertebral Level Localization for Lumbar Surgery
* Uncertain clustering algorithms based on rough and fuzzy sets for real-time image segmentation
* Uncertain Voronoi cell computation based on space decomposition
* Unconstrained large margin distribution machines
* Understanding evacuation and impact of a metro collision on ridership using large-scale mobile phone data
* Unifying the Video and Question Attentions for Open-Ended Video Question Answering
* Unsupervised geodesic convex combination of shape dissimilarity measures
* Unsupervised Hierarchical Dynamic Parsing and Encoding for Action Recognition
* Unsupervised image segmentation using the Deffuant-Weisbuch model from social dynamics
* Unsupervised Topic Hypergraph Hashing for Efficient Mobile Image Retrieval
* Urban 3D segmentation and modelling from street view images and LiDAR point clouds
* Use of Tencent Street View Imagery for Visual Perception of Streets
* User profiling and behavioral adaptation for HRI: A survey
* Using a Hidden Markov Model for Improving the Spatial-Temporal Consistency of Time Series Land Cover Classification
* Using content-based image retrieval to automatically assess day similarity in visual lifelogs
* Using data dimensionality reduction for recognition of incomplete dynamic gestures
* Using Eye Tracking to Explore the Guidance and Constancy of Visual Variables in 3D Visualization
* Variable Bandwidth Weighting for Texture Copy Artifact Suppression in Guided Depth Upsampling
* Variational framework for low-light image enhancement using optimal transmission map and combined and -minimization
* Variational single image interpolation with time-varying regularization
* Vehicle classification for large-scale traffic surveillance videos using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Vehicle detection using three-axis AMR sensors deployed along travel lane markings
* Video based human fall detection using von Mises distribution of motion vectors
* Video fire detection based on Gaussian Mixture Model and multi-color features
* Video stabilization using regularity of energy flow
* Video thumbnail extraction for HEVC
* Vision-Based Surgical Field Defogging
* Visual content learning for visualizations memorability classification
* Visual Importance and Distortion Guided Deep Image Quality Assessment Framework
* Visual Tracking by Sampling in Part Space
* Visual tracking with multiple Hough detectors
* Visually Grounded Meaning Representations
* Wave optics simulations of synthetic aperture ladar performance through turbulence
* Wavelet-Based Optical Flow Estimation of Instant Surface Currents From Shore-Based and UAV Videos
* Weak RIC Analysis of Finite Gaussian Matrices for Joint Sparse Recovery
* Weighted Joint Collaborative Representation Based On Median-Mean Line and Angular Separation
* Weighted Optimization-Based Distributed Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Target Tracking in Collaborative Sensor Networks
* Wide-field spatiospectral interferometry: theory and imaging properties
* Widening residual skipped network for semantic segmentation
* Wiener-Based Inpainting Quality Prediction
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