Update Dates 1708

1708 * *CAIP
* *International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing
* *MVA
* 100 Years of Competition between Reduction in Channel Capacity and Streamflow during Floods in the Guadalquivir River (Southern Spain)
* 2D Feature Selection by Sparse Matrix Regression
* 300-FPS Salient Object Detection via Minimum Directional Contrast
* 3D convolutional object recognition using volumetric representations of depth data
* 3D facial shape reconstruction using macro- and micro-level features from high resolution facial images
* 3D local feature BKD to extract road information from mobile laser scanning point clouds
* 3D Motion Consistency Analysis for Segmentation in 2D Video Projection
* 3D saliency detection based on background detection
* 3D Tracker-Level Fusion for Robust RGB-D Tracking
* 3D visual simulation of Chinese fir based on the influence of different stand spatial structures
* 3D-DCT video encoder using advanced coding techniques for low power mobile device, A
* 4-D Reconstruction With Respiratory Correction for Gated Myocardial Perfusion SPECT
* 4DCAF: A temporal approach for denoising hyperspectral image sequences
* A-DInSAR Monitoring of Landslide and Subsidence Activity: A Case of Urban Damage in Arcos de la Frontera, Spain
* ABO blood group detection based on image processing technology
* About the Decidability of Polyhedral Separability in the Lattice Zd
* Absolute pose estimation from line correspondences using direct linear transformation
* accelerated matching algorithm for SIFT-like features, An
* Accuracy Assessment of Derived Digital Elevation Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanning in a Sub-Tropical Forested Environment, An
* Accuracy Improvement of DGPS for Low-Cost Single-Frequency Receiver Using Modified Flächen Korrektur Parameter Correction
* Accuracy Improvements in the Orientation of ALOS PRISM Images Using IOP Estimation and UCL Kepler Platform Model
* accurate method for 3D object reconstruction from unordered sparse views, An
* Acquisition of fruit region in green apple image based on the combination of segmented regions
* ACSIR: ANOVA Cosine Similarity Image Recommendation in vertical search
* Action Recognition Using 3D Histograms of Texture and A Multi-Class Boosting Classifier
* Active discriminative tracking using collective memory
* Activity recognition for indoor fall detection using convolutional neural network
* Adaptive Audio Steganography Based on Advanced Audio Coding and Syndrome-Trellis Coding
* Adaptive Compressive Tracking based on Locality Sensitive Histograms
* Adaptive Estimation of Crop Water Stress in Nectarine and Peach Orchards Using High-Resolution Imagery from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* Adaptive feature selection based on reconstruction residual and accurately located landmarks for expression-robust 3D face recognition
* Adaptive Kalman Filtering by Covariance Sampling
* Adaptive Mode Decision Algorithm Based on Video Texture Characteristics for HEVC Intra Prediction, An
* Adaptive MP3 Steganography Using Equal Length Entropy Codes Substitution
* Adaptive Neural Network-Based Tracking Control for Full-State Constrained Wheeled Mobile Robotic System
* Adaptive Offset Tracking Method with SAR Images for Landslide Displacement Monitoring, An
* Adaptive pattern recognition in real-time video-based soccer analysis
* Adaptive Scalable Video Coding: An HEVC-Based Framework Combining the Predictive and Distributed Paradigms
* adaptive tracking algorithm based on particle normalization operation, An
* Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for Target Tracking in the Presence of Nonlinear Systems Involving Model Mismatches
* Adaptively Exploring Population Mobility Patterns in Flow Visualization
* Addressing Public Law Restrictions within a 3D Cadastral Context
* ADMM in Krylov Subspace and Its Application to Total Variation Restoration of Spatially Variant Blur
* Advanced Rotation Invariant Descriptor for SAR Image Registration, An
* Aerosol Optical Properties and Associated Direct Radiative Forcing over the Yangtze River Basin during 2001-2015
* Aerosol Property Retrieval Algorithm over Northeast Asia from TANSO-CAI Measurements Onboard GOSAT
* Age and gender recognition in the wild with deep attention
* Aggregating complementary boundary contrast with smoothing for salient region detection
* Agricultural Expansion and Intensification in the Foothills of Mount Kenya: A Landscape Perspective
* Algorithm of fingerprint extraction and implementation based on OpenCV
* algorithm of spectral reflectance function reconstruction without sample training can integrate prior information, An
* All The Pretty Pictures
* Alpha Matting With KL-Divergence-Based Sparse Sampling
* Alternative Derivation of FastICA With Novel Power Iteration Algorithm
* Amplitude and phase correction of the phased array antenna by REV algorithm
* Analysis and Applications of GlobeLand30: A Review
* Analysis of denoising filters on MRI brain images
* Analysis of human tissue densities: A new approach to extract features from medical images
* Analysis of in- and out-group differences between Western and East-Asian facial expression recognition
* Analysis of Iterative Methods in Photoacoustic Tomography with Variable Sound Speed
* Analysis of Multilinear Subspaces Based on Geodesic Distance
* Analysis of Noisy Digital Contours with Adaptive Tangential Cover
* Analysis of the Patrimonial Conservation of a Quito Suburb without Altering Its Commercial Structure by Means of a Centrality Measure for Urban Networks
* analysis of topic's personality traits using a new topic model, The
* Analytic Inversion of a Conical Radon Transform Arising in Application of Compton Cameras on the Cylinder
* Anaphora resolution with pointer networks
* Anomaly Detection for Road Traffic: A Visual Analytics Framework
* ant colony based model to optimize parameters in industrial vision, An
* Anti-Impulse-Noise Edge Detection via Anisotropic Morphological Directional Derivatives
* Appearance and structural motion context for multi-target tracking in aerial video
* Application of Abundance Map Reference Data for Spectral Unmixing
* Application of data mining methods in diabetes prediction
* Application of educational data mining on analysis of students' online learning behavior
* application of equipment positioning system in the based on the distributed of integrated navigation and multi-sensor data fusion, The
* Application of neural network based on SIFT local feature extraction in medical image classification
* application of Quantum-inspired ant colony algorithm in automatic segmentation of tomato image, The
* Application of Sensor/Weapon-Target Assignment based on Multi-Scale Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Algorithm
* Application of Sentinel 2 MSI Images to Retrieve Suspended Particulate Matter Concentrations in Poyang Lake
* Application of terrestrial 3D laser scanning technology in spatial information acquisition of urban buildings
* Applications of Location-Based Services and Mobile Technologies in K-12 Classrooms
* approach to get overall emotion from comment text towards a certain image uploaded to social network using Latent Semantic Analysis, An
* approach to vision-based localisation with binary features for partially sighted people, An
* AROSICS: An Automated and Robust Open-Source Image Co-Registration Software for Multi-Sensor Satellite Data
* Array Database Approach for Earth Observation Data Management and Processing, An
* Assessing Performance of Three BIM-Based Views of Buildings for Communication and Management of Vertically Stratified Legal Interests
* Assessing the Value of UAV Photogrammetry for Characterizing Terrain in Complex Peatlands
* Assessment and Improvement of MISR Angstrom Exponent and Single-Scattering Albedo Products Using AERONET Data in China
* Assessment of Approximations in Aerosol Optical Properties and Vertical Distribution into FLEX Atmospherically-Corrected Surface Reflectance and Retrieved Sun-Induced Fluorescence
* Assessment of GPM and TRMM Precipitation Products over Singapore
* Assessment of Land Use-Cover Changes and Successional Stages of Vegetation in the Natural Protected Area Altas Cumbres, Northeastern Mexico, Using Landsat Satellite Imagery
* Assimilation of Sentinel-1 Derived Sea Surface Winds for Typhoon Forecasting
* Assisted signals based mode decomposition
* Assistive Pointing Device Based on a Head-Mounted Camera
* Asymmetric Binary Coding for Image Search
* Asymmetric Distance Model for Cross-View Feature Mapping in Person Reidentification, An
* Asymmetric locality preserving projection and its application to k-nearest neighbor method
* Atmospheric Correction of Multi-Spectral Littoral Images Using a PHOTONS/AERONET-Based Regional Aerosol Model
* Attention to describe products with attributes
* Attention-Based Two-Phase Model for Video Action Detection
* Attributing Accelerated Summertime Warming in the Southeast United States to Recent Reductions in Aerosol Burden: Indications from Vertically-Resolved Observations
* Audio Identification by Sampling Sub-fingerprints and Counting Matches
* Audio Soft Declipping Based on Constrained Weighted Least Squares
* Augmented Lagrangian alternating direction method for low-rank minimization via non-convex approximation
* Augmented Reality in Reality
* Auto-Calibrated Gaze Estimation Using Human Gaze Patterns
* Autofocus window selection algorithm based on visual saliency
* Automated Cell Nuclei Segmentation in Pleural Effusion Cytology Using Active Appearance Model
* Automated detection of focal EEG signals using features extracted from flexible analytic wavelet transform
* Automated digital mammogram segmentation using Dispersed Region Growing and Sliding Window Algorithm
* Automated Method for Crater Counting Using Rotational Pixel Swapping Method, An
* Automated Quantification of Surface Water Inundation in Wetlands Using Optical Satellite Imagery
* Automated segmentation of retinal layers from optical coherence tomography images using geodesic distance
* Automatic action annotation in weakly labeled videos
* Automatic analysis of human posture equilibrium using empirical mode decomposition
* automatic approach for artifacts detection and shadow enhancement in intravascular ultrasound images, An
* Automatic Bifurcation angle calculation in intravascular optical coherence tomography images
* Automatic building extraction from LiDAR data fusion of point and grid-based features
* Automatic Cloud and Shadow Detection in Optical Satellite Imagery Without Using Thermal Bands: Application to Suomi NPP VIIRS Images over Fennoscandia
* Automatic co-registration of 3D multi-sensor point clouds
* Automatic correction of perspective and optical distortions
* Automatic detection and tracking of ship based on mean shift in corrected video sequences
* Automatic Detection of Utility Poles Using the Bag of Visual Words Method for Different Feature Extractors
* Automatic evaluation of sports motion: A generic computation of spatial and temporal errors
* Automatic extraction and recognition of shoe logos with a wide variety of appearance
* Automatic floor plan detection and recognition
* Automatic inspection of aeronautic components
* Automatic localization of optic disk based on texture orientation voting
* Automatic markerless registration of point clouds with semantic-keypoint-based 4-points congruent sets
* Automatic pencil sketch generation by using Canny edges
* Automatic Power Line Inspection Using UAV Images
* Automatic Room Segmentation of 3D Laser Data Using Morphological Processing
* Automatic spin measurements for pitched Baseballs via consumer-grade high-speed cameras
* Autonomous Collection of Forest Field Reference: The Outlook and a First Step with UAV Laser Scanning
* autonomous hidden camera crew, The
* Azimuth Ambiguities Removal in Littoral Zones Based on Multi-Temporal SAR Images
* Ball-like observation model and multi-peak distribution estimation based particle filter for 3D Ping-pong ball tracking
* Banknote portrait detection using convolutional neural network
* Banknote recognition based on optimization of discriminative regions by genetic algorithm with one-dimensional visible-light line sensor
* Batch regularization to converge the deep neural network for indoor RGBD scene understanding
* Bathymetry of the Coral Reefs of Weizhou Island Based on Multispectral Satellite Images
* Bayesian Diffusion Tensor Estimation with Spatial Priors
* Bayesian Topological Framework for the Identification and Reconstruction of Subcellular Motion, A
* Beyond 1 Million Nodes: A Crowdsourced Video Content Delivery Network
* Bi-direction ICP: Fast registration method of point clouds
* bias correction variational level set image segmentation model combining structure extraction, A
* Bias-Variance Tradeoff of Graph Laplacian Regularizer
* Bidimensional Distribution Entropy to Analyze the Irregularity of Small-Sized Textures
* Bijective Digitized Rigid Motions on Subsets of the Plane
* Bilinear dynamics for crowd video analysis
* Bilinear Optimized Product Quantization for Scalable Visual Content Analysis
* Binocular stereovision system for three-dimensional reconstruction of aluminum alloy weld pool in pulsed GMA welding
* Blind Deep S3D Image Quality Evaluation via Local to Global Feature Aggregation
* Blind Reversible Data Hiding Method for High Dynamic Range Images Taking Advantage of Sparse Histogram, A
* Block Nonlocal TV Method for Image Restoration, A
* Block-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Image Forgery Detection
* Blur Parameter Identification Through Optimum-Path Forest
* Boundary points based scale invariant 3D point feature
* Breast cancer diagnosis in DCE-MRI using mixture ensemble of convolutional neural networks
* Bridging the spectral gap using image synthesis: a study on matching visible to passive infrared face images
* Building fast and compact convolutional neural networks for offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Bundle adjustment with raw inertial observations in UAV applications
* Burned Area Mapping Algorithm for Chinese FengYun-3 MERSI Satellite Data, A
* Calibration of METRIC Model to Estimate Energy Balance over a Drip-Irrigated Apple Orchard
* Can fully convolutional networks perform well for general image restoration problems?
* Canopy-Level Photochemical Reflectance Index from Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Leaf-Level Non-Photochemical Quenching as Early Indicators of Water Stress in Maize
* Cascaded Elastically Progressive Model for Accurate Face Alignment
* Case study for graph signal denoising by graph structure similarity
* Cell Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks in Medical Hyperspectral Imagery
* Centrality as a Method for the Evaluation of Semantic Resources for Disaster Risk Reduction
* Centroid-aware local discriminative metric learning in speaker verification
* Certain investigation on iris image recognition using hybrid approach of Fourier transform and Bernstein polynomials
* CFAR Ship Detection in Nonhomogeneous Sea Clutter Using Polarimetric SAR Data Based on the Notch Filter
* Challenges in Methane Column Retrievals from AVIRIS-NG Imagery over Spectrally Cluttered Surfaces: A Sensitivity Analysis
* Change Detection Using Landsat Time Series: A review of frequencies, preprocessing, algorithms, and applications
* chaotic immune niche genetic algorithm for target signal selection in large scale wireless sensor networks, A
* Characteristic extraction, classification and identification algorithm based on two kinds of eaglewood micrographs
* Characterizing Regional-Scale Combustion Using Satellite Retrievals of CO, NO2 and CO2
* Circular Regression Applied to GNSS-R Phase Altimetry
* class participation enrollment system based on face recognition, A
* Class-imbalance aware CNN extension for high resolution aerial image based vehicle localization and categorization
* Classic Wave Equation Can Do Shape Correspondence, The
* Classification of focal and non focal EEG using entropies
* Classification of resting-state fMRI datasets based on graph kernels
* Classification of spatio-temporal data represented as multiset for tactical profiling in badminton
* Classification of text documents based on score level fusion approach
* Classifier ensemble with relevance-based feature subset selection
* Closed-Form Focus Profile Model for Conventional Digital Cameras, A
* Closed-Form Solution to Single Underwater Camera Calibration Using Triple Wavelength Dispersion and Its Application to Single Camera 3D Reconstruction, A
* Cloud-Based Architectures for Auto-Scalable Web Geoportals towards the Cloudification of the GeoVITe Swiss Academic Geoportal
* Clustering with Hypergraphs: The Case for Large Hyperedges
* Clustering-Based, Fully Automated Mixed-Bag Jigsaw Puzzle Solving
* CNN based spatio-temporal feature extraction for face anti-spoofing
* CNN-Based Background Subtraction for Long-Term In-Vial FIM Imaging
* CNNs Under Attack: On the Vulnerability of Deep Neural Networks Based Face Recognition to Image Morphing
* Coastal Waveform Retracking for Jason-2 Altimeter Data Based on Along-Track Echograms around the Tsushima Islands in Japan
* Coding Efficiency Preserving Steganography Based on HEVC Steganographic Channel Model
* Coherent Semantic-Visual Indexing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval in the Cloud
* Collaborative Geodesign and Spatial Optimization for Fragmentation-Free Land Allocation
* Collaborative sparse representation leaning model for RGBD action recognition
* Color Enhancement With Adaptive Illumination Estimation for Low-Backlighted Displays
* Color opponency: tutorial
* Colour image dehazing using near-infrared fusion
* combined filtering search for DTW, A
* Combining multi-layer integration algorithm with background prior and label propagation for saliency detection
* Combining passive visual cameras and active IMU sensors for persistent pedestrian tracking
* Combining self-learning based super-resolution with denoising for noisy images
* Comments and Corrections to An Efficient Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder Based on Logarithmic Domain
* compact loop closure detection based on spatial partitioning, A
* Comparative analysis of video compression mechanisms using 3D-DWT based video encoding along with EZW
* Comparative Assessment of Three Nonlinear Approaches for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in a Coal Mine Area
* Comparative Research of Visual Interpretation of Aerial Images and Topographic Maps for Unskilled Users: Searching for Objects Important for Decision-Making in Crisis Situations
* Comparative study in complex network: Node degree and topological potential
* comparative study of new HOS-based estimators for moving objects in noisy video sequence, A
* Comparing Sentinel-2A and Landsat 7 and 8 Using Surface Reflectance over Australia
* Comparison of Different Methodologies of Parameter-Estimation From Extreme Values
* Comparison of Finite Element-Based Inversion Algorithms, Local Frequency Estimation, and Direct Inversion Approach Used in MRE, A
* Comparison of imaging properties between monostatic and bistatic circular SAR
* Comparison of regional cerebral blood flow in Parkinson's disease with depression and major depression
* Comparison of the deep-learning-based automated segmentation methods for the head sectioned images of the virtual Korean human project
* Comparison of the Selected State-Of-The-Art 3D Indoor Scanning and Point Cloud Generation Methods
* Compensatory fuzzy mathematical morphology
* Complementary Mean Square Analysis of Augmented CLMS for Second-Order Noncircular Gaussian Signals
* Complex impulse noise removal from color images based on super pixel segmentation
* complex karst dynamics of the Lisan Peninsula revealed by 25 years of DInSAR observations. Dead Sea, Jordan, The
* Comprehensive analysis and evaluation to unsupervised binary hashing method in image similarity measurement
* Comprehensive Review of Smart Wheelchairs: Past, Present, and Future, A
* Compression of Probabilistic Volumetric Models using multi-resolution scene flow
* Compressive color sensing using random complementary color filter array
* Compressive hyperspectral imaging and unmixing using spectral library
* Computation reduction of haar wavelet coefficients
* Computational comparison of GRASP and DCTSP methods for the Traveling Salesman Problem
* Computational framework for emotional VAD prediction using regularized Extreme Learning Machine
* Computational single-cell classification using deep learning on bright-field and phase images
* Computer Architectures for Autonomous Driving
* Computer simulations of imaging astronomical objects through Kolmogorov turbulence
* computer-aided approach for meningioma brain tumor detection using CANFIS classifier, A
* Conceptual Architecture and Service-Oriented Implementation of a Regional Geoportal for Rice Monitoring
* Conditional High-Order Boltzmann Machines for Supervised Relation Learning
* Connecting the dots: Embodied visual perception from first-person cameras
* Considering Inter-Frequency Clock Bias for BDS Triple-Frequency Precise Point Positioning
* Constrained Inversion and Spectral Unmixing in Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography
* Constrained Sensor Control for Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter Using Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence
* Constructions of general reversible AMBTC-based visual cryptography with two decryption options
* Content-based image retrieval from a large image database
* Content-based mammogram retrieval using k-means clustering and local binary pattern
* Context-aware obstacle detection for navigation by visually impaired
* Contextual aerial image categorization using codebook
* Contextual Exemplar Classifier-Based Image Representation for Classification
* Contextual Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network with Multilayer Fusion for SAR Ship Detection
* Continental Shelf-Scale Passive Acoustic Detection and Characterization of Diesel-Electric Ships Using a Coherent Hydrophone Array
* Continued Reforestation and Urban Expansion in the New Century of a Tropical Island in the Caribbean
* Continuous action recognition with weakly labelling videos
* Continuous Scale Transformations of Linear Features Using Simulated Annealing-Based Morphing
* Contour segment grouping for object detection
* Controllability matters: The user experience of adaptive maps
* Convergent heterogeneous particle swarm optimisation algorithm for multilevel image thresholding segmentation
* Convexity of Weighted Sum Rate Maximization in NOMA Systems
* Convolution Neural Networks With Two Pathways for Image Style Recognition
* convolutional approach to reflection symmetry, A
* Convolutional bag of words for diabetic retinopathy detection from eye fundus images
* Cooperative Localization of Connected Vehicles: Integrating GNSS With DSRC Using a Robust Cubature Kalman Filter
* Cooperative Navigation for Mixed Human-Robot Teams Using Haptic Feedback
* Correcting InSAR Topographically Correlated Tropospheric Delays Using a Power Law Model Based on ERA-Interim Reanalysis
* Correlation-Based Tracker-Level Fusion for Robust Visual Tracking
* cost effective method for automobile security based on detection and recognition of human face, A
* Could you guess an interesting movie from the posters?: An evaluation of vision-based features on movie poster database
* Covert photo classification by deep convolutional neural networks
* Cramer-Rao Bound for Noncoherent Direction of Arrival Estimation in the Presence of Sensor Location Errors
* Criteria Comparison for Classifying Peatland Vegetation Types Using In Situ Hyperspectral Measurements
* cross-layer and optimized privacy method in Vehicular ad-hoc Networks, A
* Crowd pedestrian detection using expectation maximization with weighted local features
* Cryptanalyzing an Image-Scrambling Encryption Algorithm of Pixel Bits
* CT and MRI image compression using wavelet-based contourlet transform and binary array technique
* CUDA-based hill-climbing algorithm to find irreducible testors from a training matrix, A
* Damage detection from aerial images via convolutional neural networks
* DASC: Robust Dense Descriptor for Multi-Modal and Multi-Spectral Correspondence Estimation
* data targeting method based on trilateration principle, A
* Data-Driven Method for Trip Ends Identification Using Large-Scale Smartphone-Based GPS Tracking Data, A
* DBAHCL: database for Arabic handwritten characters and ligatures
* DCCO: Towards Deformable Continuous Convolution Operators for Visual Tracking
* Deep Boltzmann Machines Using Adaptive Temperatures
* Deep CNN-Based Super-Resolution Using External and Internal Examples
* Deep convolutional networks super-resolution method for reconstructing high frequency information of the single image
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Inverse Problems in Imaging
* Deep convolutional neural networks for motion instability identification using kinect
* Deep deformable registration: Enhancing accuracy by fully convolutional neural net
* Deep Feature Fusion for VHR Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Deep feature learning for dummies: A simple auto-encoder training method using Particle Swarm Optimisation
* Deep Learning Advances in Computer Vision with 3D Data: A Survey
* Deep Learning Based Counter-Forensic Image Classification for Camera Model Identification
* Deep Learning on Sparse Manifolds for Faster Object Segmentation
* Deep long short-term memory structures model temporal dependencies improving cognitive workload estimation
* Deep Models for Engagement Assessment With Scarce Label Information
* deep network model based on subspaces: A novel approach for image classification, A
* Deep Objective Image Quality Assessment
* Deep Projective 3D Semantic Segmentation
* Deep residual coalesced convolutional network for efficient semantic road segmentation
* Deep visual words: Improved fisher vector for image classification
* DeepFix: A Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Predicting Human Eye Fixations
* DeepProposals: Hunting Objects and Actions by Cascading Deep Convolutional Layers
* Defect inspection of medicine vials using LBP features and SVM classifier
* Denoising of natural images through robust wavelet thresholding and genetic programming
* Dense Semantic 3D Reconstruction
* Depth estimation of stereo matching based on microarray camera
* Depth Image Inpainting: Improving Low Rank Matrix Completion With Low Gradient Regularization
* Depth-Aware Salient Object Detection and Segmentation via Multiscale Discriminative Saliency Fusion and Bootstrap Learning
* Depth-Projection-Map-Based Bag of Contour Fragments for Robust Hand Gesture Recognition
* Derivative Kernels: Numerics and Applications
* Deriving Hourly PM2.5 Concentrations from Himawari-8 AODs over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei in China
* Description of deep saturated excitation multiphoton microscopy for super-resolution imaging
* Design and analysis of a novel omnidirectional stereovision system
* design and analysis of adjustment factor in Gerschgorin Criterion for Source Number Estimation, The
* Design and implementation of high resolution face image acquisition system under low illumination based on the open source computer vision library
* Design of area CCD imaging system based on FPGA
* design of combinational deformable mirror of multi-conjugated adaptive optics, The
* Design of hardware RGB to HMMD converter based on reversible logic
* Design of image confusion-diffusion cryptosystem based on vector quantization and cross chaotic map
* Design of multi-channel CCD signal processing system based on FPGA
* Design of time unification software based on Kylin operating system
* Design of Unimodular Sequences With Good Autocorrelation and Good Complementary Autocorrelation Properties
* Design Principles and Considerations for Spaceborne ATI SAR-Based Observations of Ocean Surface Velocity Vectors
* Designing ETL processes to integrate multi-field digital information resources
* Designing Incoherent Frames With Only Matrix Vector Multiplications
* Detecting Anatomical Landmarks From Limited Medical Imaging Data Using Two-Stage Task-Oriented Deep Neural Networks
* Detecting Chinese calligraphy style consistency by deep learning and one-class SVM
* Detecting humans in RGB-D data with CNNs
* Detecting image seam carving with low scaling ratio using multi-scale spatial and spectral entropies
* Detecting Wind Farm Impacts on Local Vegetation Growth in Texas and Illinois Using MODIS Vegetation Greenness Measurements
* Detection and diagnosis of meningioma brain tumor using ANFIS classifier
* Detection and Estimation of Along-Track Attitude Jitter From Zi-Yuan-3 Three-Line-Array Images Based on Back-Projection Residuals
* Detection of Asian Dust Storm Using MODIS Measurements
* Detection of cars in complex urban areas
* Detection of Curved Lines with B-COSFIRE Filters: A Case Study on Crack Delineation
* Detection of Face Morphing Attacks by Deep Learning
* Detection of Hue Modification Using Photo Response Nonuniformity
* Detection of myocardial infarction from vectorcardiogram using relevance vector machine
* Detection of point sources in X-ray astronomical images using elliptical Gaussian filters
* Detection of self intersection in synthetic hand pose generators
* Detection of Small Wildfire by Thermal Infrared Camera With the Uncooled Microbolometer Array for 50-kg Class Satellite
* Detection of Tropical Overshooting Cloud Tops Using Himawari-8 Imagery
* Detection of view-disturbing noise by using time-axial clustering in spatio-temporal image
* Determinants of Aboveground Biomass across an Afromontane Landscape Mosaic in Kenya
* Determination of 3D Displacements of Drainage Networks Extracted from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Using Linear-Based Methods
* Developing the Remote Sensing-Gash Analytical Model for Estimating Vegetation Rainfall Interception at Very High Resolution: A Case Study in the Heihe River Basin
* Development and Evaluation of an Evolutionary Algorithm-Based OnLine Energy Management System for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Development of a New Fractal Algorithm to Predict Quality Traits of MRI Loins
* Development of online machine vision system using support vector regression (SVR) algorithm for grade prediction of iron ores
* Development of small-sized pixel structures for high-resolution CMOS image sensors
* DFD2.0: Motion robustness by amplitude domain approach
* DIBR-Synthesized Image Quality Assessment via Statistics of Edge Intensity and Orientation
* Digital description and recognition of pollen granules with invariant moments
* Digital Surface of Revolution with Hand-Drawn Generatrix
* Dilated convolutions for image classification and object localization
* Direct methods for 3D reconstruction and visual SLAM
* Direct Pattern Control Halftoning of Neugebauer Primaries
* Directional Total Variation Based Image Deconvolution with Unknown Boundaries
* Disaster Hashtags in Social Media
* Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture through Geospatial (Big) Data Processing
* Discovering Class-Specific Spatial Layouts for Scene Recognition
* Discovering the pathological mechanism based on the locus interaction networks with differential analysis
* Discovering visual concept structure with sparse and incomplete tags
* Discovery of patterns in spatio-temporal data using clustering techniques
* Discrete Modal Decomposition: a new approach for the reflectance modeling and rendering of real surfaces
* Discrete Multimodal Hashing With Canonical Views for Robust Mobile Landmark Search
* Discrimination between different emotional states based on the chaotic behavior of galvanic skin responses
* Discriminative Deep Metric Learning for Face and Kinship Verification
* Discriminative Feature Metric Learning in the Affinity Propagation Model for Band Selection in Hyperspectral Images
* Discriminatively Learned Hierarchical Rank Pooling Networks
* Distance Metric Learning via Iterated Support Vector Machines
* Distributed Time-Varying Formation Robust Tracking for General Linear Multiagent Systems With Parameter Uncertainties and External Disturbances
* Diurnal Cycle Relationships between Passive Fluorescence, PRI and NPQ of Vegetation in a Controlled Stress Experiment
* Diversity-Aware Multi-Video Summarization
* DOM Generation and Precise Radiometric Calibration of a UAV-Mounted Miniature Snapshot Hyperspectral Imager, The
* Domain Adaptation Network for Cross-Scene Classification
* Domain adaptation of articulated pose estimation via synthetic pose prior
* Downscaling Land Surface Temperature in an Arid Area by Using Multiple Remote Sensing Indices with Random Forest Regression
* Driver Modeling for Detection and Assessment of Driver Distraction: Examples from the UTDrive Test Bed
* Dry Season Evapotranspiration Dynamics over Human-Impacted Landscapes in the Southern Amazon Using the Landsat-Based METRIC Model
* Dual Way Residue Noise Thresholding along with feature preservation
* Dynamic bitrate allocation of interactive real-time streamed multi-view video with view-switch prediction
* Dynamic Deployment and Optimization of Virtual Content Delivery Networks
* Dynamic hand gesture recognition from cyclical hand pattern
* Dynamic Landsat Derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Product for the Conterminous United States, A
* Dynamic Topic Model and Matrix Factorization-Based Travel Recommendation Method Exploiting Ubiquitous Data, A
* Early Detection of Plant Physiological Responses to Different Levels of Water Stress Using Reflectance Spectroscopy
* Effect of Label Noise on the Machine-Learned Classification of Earthquake Damage
* Effect of Solar-Cloud-Satellite Geometry on Land Surface Shortwave Radiation Derived from Remotely Sensed Data
* Effective training of convolutional neural networks for face-based gender and age prediction
* Effects of Aerosol on the Retrieval Accuracy of NO2 Slant Column Density, The
* Effects of Small-Scale Gold Mining Tailings on the Underwater Light Field in the Tapajós River Basin, Brazilian Amazon
* efficient algorithm for incremental and interactive high utility itemset mining, An
* efficient and automatic glioblastoma brain tumor detection using shift-invariant shearlet transform and neural networks, An
* Efficient and Robust Corner Detectors Based on Second-Order Difference of Contour
* Efficient and Robust Integrated Geospatial Object Detection Framework for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* efficient automated methodology for detecting and segmenting the ischemic stroke in brain MRI images, An
* Efficient Effective Prioritized Matching for Large-Scale Image-Based Localization
* Efficient Fast Updated Frequent Pattern tree algorithm and its parallel implementation
* Efficient fusion of osseous and vascular details in wavelet domain
* Efficient Fusion-Based Defogging, An
* Efficient HD video and image salient object detection with hierarchical boolean map approach
* efficient interpretation of hand gestures to control smart interactive television, An
* Efficient local and global contour detection based on superpixels
* Efficient maximal reverse skyline query processing
* Efficient planar affine canonicalization
* Efficient star nodes discovery algorithm in social networks based on acquaintance immunization
* Efficient, Accurate, and Rotation-Invariant Iris Code
* Efficiently Storing Well-Composed Polyhedral Complexes Computed Over 3D Binary Images
* Ego-Vision System for Hand Grasp Analysis, An
* Electromagnetic Design and Performance of a Conical Microwave Blackbody Target for Radiometer Calibration
* Electromagnetic Detection Case Study on Crude Oil Injection in a Young Sea Ice Environment, An
* Ellipse Detection for Visual Cyclists Analysis In the Wild
* Embedded architecture for noise-adaptive video object detection using parameter-compressed background modeling
* Embedded Marked Point Process Framework for Three-Level Object Population Analysis, An
* Emotion recognition using MLP and GMM for Oriya language
* Empirical Algorithm for Wave Retrieval from Co-Polarization X-Band SAR Imagery, An
* Empirical Low-Rank Approximation for Seismic Noise Attenuation
* Enabling Reliable Change Detection for Independently Compressed SAR Images
* Enabling the Use of Sentinel-2 and LiDAR Data for Common Agriculture Policy Funds Assignment
* End-to-End Learning of Deep Visual Representations for Image Retrieval
* Enhance deep learning performance in face recognition
* Enhanced dynamic pattern search algorithm with weighted search points for fast motion estimation
* enhanced texture-based image retrieval approach with features selected from integration of feature extraction techniques, An
* Enhancing discriminability of randomized time warping for motion recognition
* Enhancing Prony's method by nuclear norm penalization and extension to missing data
* Enhancing Textbook Study Experiences with Pictorial Bar-Codes and Augmented Reality
* Enhancing Underwater Color Images via Optical Imaging Model and Non-Local Means Denoising
* Entropy based probabilistic collaborative clustering
* Entropy based segmentation of tumor from brain MR images: A study with teaching learning based optimization
* Entropy-based prioritized sampling in Deep Q-learning
* Erosion Associated with Seismically-Induced Landslides in the Middle Longmen Shan Region, Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China
* ESIM: Edge Similarity for Screen Content Image Quality Assessment
* Establishment of big data application platform for education industry
* Estimating concept understanding ability for exploratory search query recommendations
* Estimating Daily Reference Evapotranspiration in a Semi-Arid Region Using Remote Sensing Data
* Estimating extrinsic parameters between a stereo rig and a multi-layer lidar using plane matching and circle feature extraction
* Estimating just-noticeable distortion for images/videos in pixel domain
* Estimating Mangrove Canopy Height and Above-Ground Biomass in the Everglades National Park with Airborne LiDAR and TanDEM-X Data
* Estimating Subpixel Surface Heat Fluxes through Applying Temperature-Sharpening Methods to MODIS Data
* Estimating Tropical Cyclone Size in the Northwestern Pacific from Geostationary Satellite Infrared Images
* Estimation of edge displacement against brightness and camera-to-object distance
* Estimation of FAPAR over Croplands Using MISR Data and the Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System (EO-LDAS)
* Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass in Changbai Mountain Region Using ICESat/GLAS and Landsat/TM Data
* Estimation of Fugacity of Carbon Dioxide in the East Sea Using In Situ Measurements and Geostationary Ocean Color Imager Satellite Data
* Estimation of Large Motion in Lung CT by Integrating Regularized Keypoint Correspondences into Dense Deformable Registration
* Estimation of radial distortion using local spectra of planar textures
* Estimation of Satellite-Based SO42- and NH4+ Composition of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter over China Using Chemical Transport Model
* Estimation of SOS and EOS for Midwestern US Corn and Soybean Crops
* Estimation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation Using a Direct Physical Algorithm
* Estimation of Travel Time Distributions in Urban Road Networks Using Low-Frequency Floating Car Data
* Estimation of Winter Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Snapshot Hyperspectral Sensor and Crop Height Improved Models
* Euclidean output layer for discriminative feature extraction
* Evaluating Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Data to Map Sucessional Forest Stages in a Subtropical Forest in Southern Brazil
* Evaluating the Evacuation and Rescue Capabilities of Urban Open Space from a Land Use Perspective: A Case Study in Wuhan, China
* Evaluating the Impact of Meteorological Factors on Water Demand in the Las Vegas Valley Using Time-Series Analysis: 1990-2014
* Evaluation and simulation of LPI radar signals' low probability of exploitation
* Evaluation of features for SVM-based classification of geometric primitives in point clouds
* Evaluation of real-time LBP computing in multiple architectures
* Evaluation of Satellite-Altimetry-Derived Pycnocline Depth Products in the South China Sea
* Evaluation of Satellite-Based Rainfall Estimates and Application to Monitor Meteorological Drought for the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
* Evaluation of seasonal variations of remotely sensed leaf area index over five evergreen coniferous forests
* Evaluation of the Multi-Scale Ultra-High Resolution (MUR) Analysis of Lake Surface Temperature
* Evaluation of the U.S. Geological Survey Landsat Burned Area Essential Climate Variable across the Conterminous U.S. Using Commercial High-Resolution Imagery
* Event based surveillance video synopsis using trajectory kinematics descriptors
* Event-Driven Distributed Information Resource-Focusing Service for Emergency Response in Smart City with Cyber-Physical Infrastructures
* Evolutionary Fuzzy Block-Matching-Based Camera Raw Image Denoising
* Evolutionary Metric-Learning-Based Recognition Algorithm for Online Isolated Persian/Arabic Characters, Reconstructed Using Inertial Pen Signals
* Evolving Spatial Data Infrastructures and the Role of Adaptive Governance
* Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Rapid and Station Arrival-Time Guaranteed Bus Transportation via Lane Reservation
* Exact BER Analysis of Selection Combining for Differential SWIPT Relaying Systems
* Exact Zernike and pseudo-Zernike moments image reconstruction based on circular overlapping blocks and Chamfer distance
* Exemplar-based human facial features cloning
* Expansion of Industrial Plantations Continues to Threaten Malayan Tiger Habitat
* Experiment design of machine vision measurement based on set algebra theory for discrete mathematics course
* Exploiting Feature Correlations by Brownian Statistics for People Detection and Recognition
* Exploiting line metric reconstruction from non-central circular panoramas
* Exploiting Web Images for Dataset Construction: A Domain Robust Approach
* Extension of a Fast GLRT Algorithm to 5D SAR Tomography of Urban Areas
* extraction method for digital camouflage texture based on human visual perception and isoperimetric theory, An
* extraction of buildings on the basis of the prior shape, The
* Extrusion Approach Based on Non-Overlapping Footprints (EABNOF) for the Construction of Geometric Models and Topologies in 3D Cadasters
* EZCam: WYSWYG Camera Manipulator for Path Design
* Face Hallucination Using Linear Models of Coupled Sparse Support
* Face inpainting based on high-level facial attributes
* Face liveness detection with feature discrimination between sharpness and blurriness
* Face Morphing Detection: An Approach Based on Image Degradation Analysis
* Face recognition against occlusions via colour fusion using 2D-MCF model and SRC
* Face recognition in real-world surveillance videos with deep learning method
* Face Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks and subspace learning
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Deep Evolutional Spatial-Temporal Networks
* Facial expression recognition based on image pyramid and single-branch decision tree
* Farm Level Assessment of Irrigation Performance for Dairy Pastures in the Goulburn-Murray District of Australia by Combining Satellite-Based Measures with Weather and Water Delivery Information
* fast algorithm for a weighted low rank approximation, A
* Fast and Easy Blind Deblurring Using an Inverse Filter and PROBE
* Fast and Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projections for Dimensionality Reduction
* Fast and robust selection of highly-correlated features in regression problems
* fast calculation method for gray-level co-occurrence matrix base on GPU, A
* Fast computer hologram generation by flexible-ratio adaptive point-spread spherical wave synthesis
* Fast Face Recognition Method Based on Fractal Coding, A
* Fast Fisher discriminant analysis with randomized algorithms
* fast image encryption scheme based on AES, A
* fast image mosaic algorithm based on MPI, A
* Fast Intra-Mode and CU Size Decision for HEVC
* Fast low-level multi-scale feature extraction for hexagonal images
* Fast Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography with Highly Undersampled Data
* Fast medical image segmentation based on patch sharing
* Fast search based on generalized similarity measure
* Fast Segmentation From Blurred Data in 3D Fluorescence Microscopy
* Fast signature spotting in continuous air writing
* fast sparse reconstruction approach for high resolution image-based object surface anomaly detection, A
* Fast Spin Echo Imaging-Based Electric Property Tomography With K-Space Weighting via T_2 Relaxation (rEPT)
* Fast super-resolution algorithm using rotation-invariant ELBP classifier and hierarchical pattern matching
* Fast, versatile, and non-destructive biscuit inspection system using spectral imaging
* Feasibility of GNSS-R Ice Sheet Altimetry in Greenland Using TDS-1
* feature descriptor based on the local patch clustering distribution for illumination-robust image matching, A
* Feature Repetitiveness Similarity Metrics in Visual Search
* Feature Selection Based on Modified Bat Algorithm
* Feature Selection on Affine Moment Invariants in Relation to Known Dependencies
* Field tests on flat ground of an intensity-difference based monocular visual odometry algorithm for planetary rovers
* Fine-grained categorization via CNN-based automatic extraction and integration of object-level and part-level features
* Fine-grained event timing detection method using quasi-high frame generation for single camera image sequence
* Fine-grained object detection based on self-adaptive anchors
* Fingerprint image super resolution using sparse representation with ridge pattern prior by classification coupled dictionaries
* Fingerprint matching and correlation checking using level 2 features
* First Assessment of Sentinel-1A Data for Surface Soil Moisture Estimations Using a Coupled Water Cloud Model and Advanced Integral Equation Model over the Tibetan Plateau
* Fisher vector for scene character recognition: A comprehensive evaluation
* Fluorescence Imaging Spectrometer (FLORIS) for ESA FLEX Mission
* FM0 decode for collided RFID tag signals with frequency drift
* Forgetting of unused classes in missing data environment using automatically generated data: Application to on-line handwritten gesture command recognition
* FOSS Tools and Applications for Education in Geospatial Sciences
* FPGA implementation of high frame rate and ultra-low delay vision system with local and global parallel based matching
* Fractional DCT and DWT hybridization based efficient feature extraction for gender classification
* fractional differential fidelity-based PDE model for image denoising, A
* Frame-wise detection of relocated I-frames in double compressed H.264 videos based on convolutional neural network
* framework for an accurate point cloud based registration of full 3D human body scans, A
* Frequency-Selective Computed Tomography: Applications During Periodic Thoracic Motion
* Frequency-Selective Mesh-to-Grid Resampling for Image Communication
* From Subpixel to Superpixel: A Novel Fusion Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Fusing disparate object signatures for salient object detection in video
* Fusion of hyperspectral and panchromatic images using improved HySure method
* Fusion of MRI and CT images using guided image filter and image statistics
* Fusion of Multi-Temporal Interferometric Coherence and Optical Image Data for the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Damage Assessment
* Fusion of Multispectral Imagery and Spectrometer Data in UAV Remote Sensing
* Fusion of photogrammetric and photoclinometric information for high-resolution DEMs from Mars in-orbit imagery
* Fusion of texture, color and gradient information for stereo matching cost computation
* Future of Multimedia Distribution: An Interview with Baochun Li, Diego R. Lopez, and Christian Timmerer, The
* Fuzzy generalized fast marching method for 3D segmentation of brain structures
* Fuzzy generalized median graphs computation: Application to content-based document retrieval
* Fuzzy Support Vector Machine for breast cancer gene classification
* Gate Level Information Flow analysis for multi-valued logic system
* Gauging the Severity of the 2012 Midwestern U.S. Drought for Agriculture
* Gaussian Process Domain Experts for Modeling of Facial Affect
* Gaze latent support vector machine for image classification improved by weakly supervised region selection
* GDP Spatialization and Economic Differences in South China Based on NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Imagery
* Generalized Additive Model Combining Principal Component Analysis for PM2.5 Concentration Estimation, A
* Generalized High-Precision Simulation for TT&C Channels Using B-Spline Signal Processing
* Generalized Linear Sampling Method for Limited Aperture Measurements, The
* Generalized mean based back-propagation of errors for ambiguity resolution
* Generalized Residual Vector Quantization and Aggregating Tree for Large Scale Search
* Generalizing Skew Jensen Divergences and Bregman Divergences With Comparative Convexity
* generic denoising framework via guided principal component analysis, A
* Geometric Polarimetry Part II: The Antenna Height Spinor and the Bistatic Scattering Matrix
* Geometric Potential Assessment for ZY3-02 Triple Linear Array Imagery
* Geometry and Radiometry Invariant Matched Manifold Detection
* GF-3 SAR Ocean Wind Retrieval: The First View and Preliminary Assessment
* GIS-Based Visibility Network and Defensibility Model to Reconstruct Defensive System of the Han Dynasty in Central Xinjiang, China
* GMM Supervectors for Limited Training Data in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* GMTI and Parameter Estimation via Time-Doppler Chirp-Varying Approach for Single-Channel Airborne SAR System
* Going Deeper With Contextual CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Good Practices for Object-Based Accuracy Assessment
* Graph PCA Hashing for Similarity Search
* Graph Similarity through Entropic Manifold Alignment
* graph-based approach to detect spatiotemporal dynamics in satellite image time series, A
* Graph-regularized concept factorization for multi-view document clustering
* Greedy Batch-Based Minimum-Cost Flows for Tracking Multiple Objects
* Grid clustering analysis the big data of spectrum by deep learning
* Ground Truth of Passive Microwave Radiative Transfer on Vegetated Land Surfaces
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Visual Analysis for ITS
* Guest Editorial: Large-Scale Multimedia Data Retrieval, Classification, and Understanding
* Guest editorial: map interaction
* Hainan Coherent Scatter Phased Array Radar (HCOPAR): System Design and Ionospheric Irregularity Observations
* Hand action detection from ego-centric depth sequences with error-correcting Hough transform
* Haptic Identification by ELM-Controlled Uncertain Manipulator
* HEVC Double Compression Detection Based on SN-PUPM Feature
* Hierarchical Approach for Measuring the Consistency of Water Areas between Multiple Representations of Tile Maps with Different Scales, A
* Hierarchical Context Modeling for Video Event Recognition
* Hierarchical Contour Closure-Based Holistic Salient Object Detection
* Hierarchical detection of persons in groups
* Hierarchical Extension of General Four-Component Scattering Power Decomposition, A
* Hierarchical image resampling detection based on blind deconvolution
* Hierarchical zero-shot classification with convolutional neural network features and semantic attribute learning
* High accuracy local stereo matching using DoG scale map
* High precision blind navigation system based on haptic and spatial cognition
* High Precision DEM Generation Algorithm Based on InSAR Multi-Look Iteration
* High Resolution Inverse Scattering in Two Dimensions Using Recursive Linearization
* High Resolution Orthomosaics of African Coral Reefs: A Tool for Wide-Scale Benthic Monitoring
* High-Accuracy and Area-Efficient Stochastic FIR Digital Filters Based on Hybrid Computation
* High-Efficiency Image Coding via Near-Optimal Filtering
* High-level background prior based salient object detection
* High-Quality Parallel-Ray X-Ray CT Back Projection Using Optimized Interpolation
* High-resolution digital elevation models from single-pass TanDEM-X interferometry over mountainous regions: A case study of Inylchek Glacier, Central Asia
* High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data Classification over Urban Areas Using Random Forest Ensemble and Fully Connected Conditional Random Field
* High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Based on CNNs from a Dimensional Perspective
* higher order conditional random field model for simultaneous classification of land cover and land use, A
* Higher Order Dynamic Conditional Random Fields Ensemble for Crop Type Classification in Radar Images
* Higher Order Energies for Image Segmentation
* Higher order modes in cubic Dielectric Resonator antenna for directivity enhancement
* Highlighting Current Trends in Volunteered Geographic Information
* Histogram of oriented gradients based presentation attack detection in dorsal hand-vein biometric system
* HNIP: Compact Deep Invariant Representations for Video Matching, Localization, and Retrieval
* Holistic Vertical Regional Proposal Network for Scene Text Detection
* Hotspots detection for machine operation in egocentric vision
* How Do Aerosol Properties Affect the Temporal Variation of MODIS AOD Bias in Eastern China?
* How Reliable Is Structure from Motion (SfM) over Time and between Observers? A Case Study Using Coral Reef Bommies
* How users perceive transparency in the 3D visualization of cadastre: testing its usability in an online questionnaire
* Humaine: A Ubiquitous Smartphone-Based User Heading Estimation for Mobile Computing Systems
* Human action recognition in RGB-D videos using motion sequence information and deep learning
* Human attribute recognition by refining attention heat map
* Human bodypart classification using geodesic descriptors and random forests
* Human ear structure from motion
* Human gait recognition based on Haralick features
* Humans Can Integrate Augmented Reality Feedback in Their Sensorimotor Control of a Robotic Hand
* Hurricane Wind Speed Retrieval Model for C-Band RADARSAT-2 Cross-Polarization ScanSAR Images, A
* Hybrid Cascade Model for Face Detection in the Wild Based on Normalized Pixel Difference and a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* hybrid evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective sparse reconstruction, A
* Hybrid Feature Model for Seam Carving Detection, A
* Hybrid Global Stochastic and Bayesian Linearized Acoustic Seismic Inversion Methodology
* hybrid method for underwater image correction, A
* Hybrid organization and visualization of the DSM combined with 3D building model
* Hybrid single image dehazing with bright channel and dark channel priors
* Hybrid Spectral Unmixing: Using Artificial Neural Networks for Linear/Non-Linear Switching
* Hybrid textual-visual relevance learning for content-based image retrieval
* Hypergraph-Based Reranking Model for Retrieving Diverse Social Images, A
* Hyperspectral image classification based on Gabor features and decision fusion
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Graph Clustering Methods
* Identification of Hazard and Risk for Glacial Lakes in the Nepal Himalaya Using Satellite Imagery from 2000-2015
* Identifying Droughts Affecting Agriculture in Africa Based on Remote Sensing Time Series between 2000-2016: Rainfall Anomalies and Vegetation Condition in the Context of ENSO
* Identifying Irrigated Areas in the Snake River Plain, Idaho: Evaluating Performance across Composting Algorithms, Spectral Indices, and Sensors
* Identifying source camera using guided image estimation and block weighted average
* IHT Algorithm for Sparse Recovery From Subexponential Measurements, An
* Illuminant estimation in multispectral imaging
* Illumination Decomposition for Photograph With Multiple Light Sources
* Image Aesthetic Assessment: An experimental survey
* Image analysis with symmetry properties of Legendre moments
* Image contrast enhancement based on intensity expansion-compression
* Image Curvature Microscope: Accurate Curvature Computation at Subpixel Resolution, The
* Image despeckling and deblurring via regularized complex diffusion
* Image Enhancement by S-Shaped Curves Using Successive Approximation for Preserving Brightness
* Image formation in image scanning microscopy, including the case of two-photon excitation
* Image fusion method based on the local neighborhood feature and nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Image Fusion-Based Land Cover Change Detection Using Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Image inpainting with LS-SVM based on additive high order kernel
* Image jitter detection and compensation using a high-frequency angular displacement method for Yaogan-26 remote sensing satellite
* Image morphing using deformation and patch-based synthesis
* Image Quality Assessment in Reversible Data Hiding with Contrast Enhancement
* Image recognition for driver assistance in intelligent vehicles
* image registration algorithm based on phase correlation and the classical Lucas-Kanade technique, An
* Image-based biomechanical relationship estimation between maximum jaw opening and masticatory muscle activities
* Image-Matching Method Using Template Updating Based on Statistical Prediction of Visual Noise, An
* Impact Analysis of Climate Change on Snow over a Complex Mountainous Region Using Weather Research and Forecast Model (WRF) Simulation and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Data (MODIS)-Terra Fractional Snow Cover Products
* Impact of Scent Type on Olfaction-Enhanced Multimedia Quality of Experience, The
* impacts of environmental variables on water reflectance measured using a lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based spectrometer system, The
* Implicit Intention Communication in Human-Robot Interaction Through Visual Behavior Studies
* Improved Algorithms for Robust Histogram Shape-Based Image Watermarking
* improved Canny algorithm based on adaptive 2D-Otsu and Newton Iterative, An
* Improved Hybrid Method for Enhanced Road Feature Selection in Map Generalization, An
* improved image defogging method based on dark channel prior, An
* Improved Local Gradient Method for Sea Surface Wind Direction Retrieval from SAR Imagery, An
* Improved macroblock level rate control for the spatially scalable extension of H.264/AVC
* Improved marching tetrahedra algorithm based on hierarchical signed distance field and multi-scale depth map fusion for 3D reconstruction
* improved method for eliminating false matches, An
* Improved Model for Depth Bias Correction in Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Systems
* improved multiple object tracking algorithm of GMMCP, An
* Improved pipelined wavelet implementation for filtering ECG signals
* Improved Reversible Visible Watermarking Based on Adaptive Block Partition
* Improved Scheme of Local Directional Pattern for Texture Analysis with an Application to Facial Expressions, An
* improved single image defogging method based on Retinex, An
* Improved Spectrum Model for Sea Surface Radar Backscattering at L-Band, An
* Improved Stixel Estimation Based on Transitivity Analysis in Disparity Space
* Improved Sufficient Condition for Performance Guarantee in Generalized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* improved superpixel-based saliency detection method, An
* Improved universal chroma 4:2:2 subsampling for color filter array video coding in HEVC
* Improved Vegetation Adjusted Nighttime Light Urban Index and Its Application in Quantifying Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Carbon Emissions in China, An
* Improvement and Evaluation of Time-Spread Echo Hiding Technology for Long-Distance Voice Evacuation Systems
* Improving color constancy by discounting the variation of camera spectral sensitivity
* Improving Large-Scale Image Retrieval Through Robust Aggregation of Local Descriptors
* Improving Semantic Segmentation with Generalized Models of Local Context
* Improving Super-Resolution Mapping by Combining Multiple Realizations Obtained Using the Indicator-Geostatistics Based Method
* Improving the construction of ORB through FPGA-based acceleration
* Improving the performance of non-rigid 3D shape recovery by points classification
* Improving the permutation-based proximity searching algorithm using zones and partial information
* IMU/UWB Fusion Positioning Algorithm Based on a Particle Filter, The
* In-line recognition of agglomerated pharmaceutical pellets with density-based clustering and convolutional neural network
* Inception-v3 for flower classification
* incremental face recognition system based on deep learning, An
* Incremental structural modeling on sparse visual SLAM
* Index-supported pattern matching on tuples of time-dependent values
* Indexing of Single and Multi-instance Iris Data Based on LSH-Forest and Rotation Invariant Representation
* Indoor localization via multi-view images and videos
* Indoor ultrasonic positioning system of mobile robot based on TDOA ranging and improved trilateral algorithm
* inertial information assisted acquisition algorithm of modernized navigation signal, An
* Influence of Droughts on Mid-Tropospheric CO2
* Influence of Ecological Factors on Estimation of Impervious Surface Area Using Landsat 8 Imagery
* Information Hiding Using CAVLC: Misconceptions and a Detection Strategy
* Infrared and visible image fusion via saliency analysis and local edge-preserving multi-scale decomposition
* Infrared dim small target detection method based on background prediction and high-order statistics
* Initial response time measurement in eye movement for dementia screening test
* Innovative Sensors Promise Longer and Healthier Lives: Signal processing leads to devices that provide faster and more insightful monitoring and diagnoses
* Integrated Approach to Generating Accurate DTM from Airborne Full-Waveform LiDAR Data, An
* Integrated Multi-scale Model for Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification with Joint Colour-Texture Features, An
* Integrating Decentralized Indoor Evacuation with Information Depositories in the Field
* Integrating Global Open Geo-Information for Major Disaster Assessment: A Case Study of the Myanmar Flood
* Integrating saliency and ResNet for airport detection in large-size remote sensing images
* Intelligent Localization of a High-Speed Train Using LSSVM and the Online Sparse Optimization Approach
* Intensity-based 3D local image registration
* Inter-Comparison Study of Multi- and DBS Lidar Measurements in Complex Terrain, An
* Interactive shearing for terrain visualization: an expert study
* Intercalibration and Gaussian Process Modeling of Nighttime Lights Imagery for Measuring Urbanization Trends in Africa 2000-2013
* Interference Analysis in Wireless Networks Operating over Arbitrary Fading Channels with Heterogeneous Poisson Fields of Transmitters and Interferers
* Interferences in Match Kernels
* Internet cross-media retrieval based on deep learning
* Internet-Based GIS Platform Providing Data for Visualization and Spatial Analysis of Urbanization in Major Asian and African Cities, An
* Intersensor Statistical Matching for Pansharpening: Theoretical Issues and Practical Solutions
* Introducing an in-core hybrid LU implementation on heterogeneous systems
* Inverse Rendering and Relighting From Multiple Color Plus Depth Images
* Inverse Sparse Group Lasso Model for Robust Object Tracking
* ISAR Imaging of High-Speed Maneuvering Target Using Gapped Stepped-Frequency Waveform and Compressive Sensing
* It's All About Image
* Iterative Hough Transform for Line Detection in 3D Point Clouds
* Iterative self-adapting color image enhancement base on chroma and hue constrain
* Jammer target discrimination based on local variance of signal histogram in tracking radar and its implementation
* JDTDOA algorithm applied to signal recovery: a performance analysis, The
* Joint Chroma Subsampling and Distortion-Minimization-Based Luma Modification for RGB Color Images With Application
* Joint classification and contour extraction of large 3D point clouds
* Joint dictionary and metric learning for person re-identification
* Joint gender, ethnicity and age estimation from 3D faces: An experimental illustration of their correlations
* Joint Hierarchical Category Structure Learning and Large-Scale Image Classification
* Joint Image Denoising and Disparity Estimation via Stereo Structure PCA and Noise-Tolerant Cost
* Joint Inverse Problems for Signal Reconstruction via Dictionary Splitting
* joint source-channel coding approach to digital image self-recovery, A
* joint stereo matching in the pixel and image level, A
* Ku-, X- and C-Band Microwave Backscatter Indices from Saline Snow Covers on Arctic First-Year Sea Ice
* Label Information Guided Graph Construction for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Labeling Color 2D Digital Images in Theoretical Near Logarithmic Time
* LACO-Wiki: A New Online Land Cover Validation Tool Demonstrated Using GlobeLand30 for Kenya
* Lagrange optimization in high efficiency video coding for SATD-based intra-mode decision
* Landsat 15-m Panchromatic-Assisted Downscaling (LPAD) of the 30-m Reflective Wavelength Bands to Sentinel-2 20-m Resolution
* Landsat-Based Trend Analysis of Lake Dynamics across Northern Permafrost Regions
* Langevin Equations for Landmark Image Registration with Uncertainty
* Laplacian Deformation with Symmetry Constraints for Reconstruction of Defective Skulls
* Large scale object's measurement method research based on multi-view Reconstruction
* Large-Scale Crowdsourced Study for Tone-Mapped HDR Pictures
* Large-Scale L_0-Norm and L_1-Norm 2-D Phase Unwrapping
* Large-Scale Tracking for Images With Few Textures
* Large-Scale, Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing of Palaeo-River Networks: A Case Study from Northwest India and its Implications for the Indus Civilisation
* LASSO approximation and application to image super-resolution with CUDA acceleration
* Latent-Segmentation, Hazard-Based Models of Travel Time
* Learning a Discriminative Distance Metric With Label Consistency for Scene Classification
* Learning a Limited Text Space for Cross-Media Retrieval
* Learning and Transferring Deep Joint Spectral-Spatial Features for Hyperspectral Classification
* Learning Based Single Image Super Resolution Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Learning Discriminative Representation for Skeletal Action Recognition Using LSTM Networks
* Learning Sensor-Specific Spatial-Spectral Features of Hyperspectral Images via Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning Sparse Representation for No-Reference Quality Assessment of Multiply Distorted Stereoscopic Images
* Learning the Image Processing Pipeline
* Learning the Personalized Intransitive Preferences of Images
* Learning typographic style: from discrimination to synthesis
* Learning-Based Sub-Pixel Change Detection Using Coarse Resolution Satellite Imagery
* LiDAR and Orthophoto Synergy to optimize Object-Based Landscape Change: Analysis of an Active Landslide
* LiDAR Validation of a Video-Derived Beachface Topography on a Tidal Flat
* Lightweight Contextual Arithmetic Coder for On-Board Remote Sensing Data Compression, A
* Limited memory switched Broyden method for faster image deblurring
* Line-based initialization method for mobile augmented reality in aircraft assembly
* Linear latent low dimensional space for online early action recognition and prediction
* linear method for recovering the depth of Ultra HD cameras using a kinect V2 sensor, A
* Linear Subspace Ranking Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Linear Support Tensor Machine With LSK Channels: Pedestrian Detection in Thermal Infrared Images
* load balanced mapping for spiking neural network, A
* Local and global evaluation for remote sensing image segmentation
* Local Geometric Structure Feature for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery
* local modeling approach of craniofacial shape correlation based on PLSR, A
* Local stereo matching algorithm with efficient matching cost and adaptive guided image filter
* Local texture patterns for traffic sign recognition using higher order spectra
* Local variance image-based for scene text binarization under illumination effects
* Localisation of topological features using 3D object representations
* Location- and Time-Specific Hydrological Simulations with Multi-Resolution Remote Sensing Data in Urban Areas
* Long range iris recognition: A survey
* Long-Term Water Storage Changes of Lake Volta from GRACE and Satellite Altimetry and Connections with Regional Climate
* Lookup tables-based detection of range spread targets in compound Gaussian environment with multiple-pulse non-coherent integration
* Low cost calibration of stereo line scan camera systems
* Low Dimensional Representation of Fisher Vectors for Microscopy Image Classification
* Low-Altitude Aerial Methane Concentration Mapping
* Low-Complexity Enhancement Layer Compression for Scalable Lossless Video Coding Based on HEVC
* Low-Rank and Joint Sparse Representations for Multi-Modal Recognition
* Low-rank double dictionary learning from corrupted data for robust image classification
* Low-resolution person recognition using image downsampling
* LRA: Local Rigid Averaging of Stretchable Non-rigid Shapes
* Machine Learning Method for Co-Registration and Individual Tree Matching of Forest Inventory and Airborne Laser Scanning Data, A
* Magnetic Field Generated by the Loops Used in Traffic Control Systems
* Magnetic Resonant Beamforming for Secured Wireless Power Transfer
* MAHI: An Airborne Mid-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Industrial Emissions Monitoring
* Mapping Aboveground Carbon in Oil Palm Plantations Using LiDAR: A Comparison of Tree-Centric versus Area-Based Approaches
* Mapping and Assessment of PM10 and O3 Removal by Woody Vegetation at Urban and Regional Level
* Mapping Annual Riparian Water Use Based on the Single-Satellite-Scene Approach
* Mapping Development Pattern in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data
* Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale in Italy
* Mapping Regional Urban Extent Using NPP-VIIRS DNB and MODIS NDVI Data
* Mapping Typical Urban LULC from Landsat Imagery without Training Samples or Self-Defined Parameters
* Mass Processing of Sentinel-1 Images for Maritime Surveillance
* Mass-produced parts traceability system based on automated scanning of Fingerprint of Things
* Mathematical analysis for CSI scheme with the interpolation kernel size increased
* Mathematical Framework for Abdominal Electrical Impedance Tomography to Assess Fatness
* Mathematical Modeling and Accuracy Testing of WorldView-2 Level-1B Stereo Pairs without Ground Control Points
* Matrix-Based Structure for Vario-Scale Vector Representation over a Wide Range of Map Scales: The Case of River Network Data, A
* Max-Margin feature selection
* Maximum a posteriori-based texture estimation by despeckling of SAR clutter amplitude data
* Mean-Shift segmentation and PDE-based nonlinear diffusion: Toward a common variational framework for foreground/background document image segmentation
* Measurement of classify typical planting medicinal Fritillaria Pallidiflora Schrenk with WorldView-2 extraction problem imagery
* Media Quality Assessment by Perceptual Gaze-Shift Patterns Discovery
* Medical Instrument Detection in 3-Dimensional Ultrasound Data Volumes
* Medical X-ray image enhancement method based on TV-homomorphic filter
* Method for Estimating Surveillance Video Georeferences, A
* method for performance diagnosis and evaluation of video trackers, A
* method of lane detection and tracking for expressway based on RANSAC, A
* Method to Improve High-Resolution Sea Ice Drift Retrievals in the Presence of Deformation Zones, A
* Method to Obtain Orange Crop Geometry Information Using a Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanner and 3D Modeling, A
* Micro-Doppler Estimation and Analysis of Slow Moving Objects in Forward Scattering Radar System
* Microcalcification cluster detection using multiscale products based Hessian matrix via the Tsallis thresholding scheme
* Microscopic image enhancement of Chinese Herbal Medicine based on fuzzy set
* Minimizing the Residual Topography Effect on Interferograms to Improve DInSAR Results: Estimating Land Subsidence in Port-Said City, Egypt
* Mining e-commerce satisfaction sentiment through a bilingual model
* Mining Fashion Outfit Composition Using an End-to-End Deep Learning Approach on Set Data
* Missing Information Reconstruction for Single Remote Sensing Images Using Structure-Preserving Global Optimization
* Missing Singular Point Resistant Fingerprint Classification Technique, Based on Directional Patterns, A
* mixed particle swarm optimization algorithm's application in image/video super-resolution reconstruction, A
* Mixing Hough and Color Histogram Models for Accurate Real-Time Object Tracking
* Mixture particle filter with block jump biomechanics constraint for volleyball players lower body parts tracking
* MMASTER: Improved ASTER DEMs for Elevation Change Monitoring
* MMSE-Directed Linear Image Interpolation Based on Nonlocal Geometric Similarity
* mobile augmented reality system for exhibition hall based on Vuforia, A
* Mobile hologram verification with deep learning
* model based on hierarchical safety distance algorithm for ACC control mode switching strategy, A
* Model based visual inspection of pharmaceutical tablets with photometric stereo
* Model-based 3D pose estimation for pick-and-place application
* Model-based co-clustering for the effective handling of sparse data
* Modeling Canopy Reflectance Over Sloping Terrain Based on Path Length Correction
* Modeling Multi-object Configurations via Medial/Skeletal Linking Structures
* Modeling the Effect of the Spatial Pattern of Airborne Lidar Returns on the Prediction and the Uncertainty of Timber Merchantable Volume
* Modelling of ink-colour degradation on old printed documents
* Modelling Shadow Using 3D Tree Models in High Spatial and Temporal Resolution
* Modified Dual-Baseline PolInSAR Method for Forest Height Estimation, A
* Modified Neutral Models as Benchmarks to Evaluate the Dynamics of Land System (DLS) Model Performance
* modified parameter model-based spectrum estimation method for incoherent scatter radar, A
* modified variational method for large displacement optical flow, A
* Monitoring of Subsidence along Jingjin Inter-City Railway with High-Resolution TerraSAR-X MT-InSAR Analysis
* Morphologically Decoupled Structured Sparsity for Rotation-Invariant Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Most Likely Separation of Intensity and Warping Effects in Image Registration
* motion and illumination resilient framework for automatic shot boundary detection, A
* Motion-Coherent Affinities for Hypergraph Based Motion Segmentation
* Moving object detection based on frame difference and W4
* Moving object segmentation for jittery videos, by clustering of stabilized latent trajectories
* MRF-based image segmentation with unsupervised model parameter estimation, An
* MRI-Based Medial Axis Extraction and Boundary Segmentation of Cranial Nerves Through Discrete Deformable 3D Contour and Surface Models
* MuLoG, or How to Apply Gaussian Denoisers to Multi-Channel SAR Speckle Reduction?
* Multi-channel and large angle-of-view imaging systematic research of bio-inspired compound eye
* Multi-Channel Deconvolution for Forward-Looking Phase Array Radar Imaging
* Multi-Domain Regularization Based Computed Tomography for High-Speed Rotation Objects
* multi-factor analysis model of quantitative investment based on GA and SVM, A
* Multi-filters guided low-rank tensor coding for image inpainting
* Multi-Grained Random Fields for Mitosis Identification in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences
* Multi-Instance Classification by Max-Margin Training of Cardinality-Based Markov Networks
* Multi-Label Classification by Semi-Supervised Singular Value Decomposition
* Multi-label Poster Classification into Genres Using Different Problem Transformation Methods
* Multi-layer age regression for face age estimation
* Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Auto-Tagging
* Multi-modal deep feature learning for RGB-D object detection
* Multi-Modal Design of an Intelligent Transportation System
* Multi-modal medical image fusion using 2DPCA
* Multi-modal motion dictionary learning for facial expression recognition
* Multi-modal uniform deep learning for RGB-D person re-identification
* multi-one-class dynamic classifier for adaptive digitization of document streams, A
* multi-resolution and adaptive 3-D image denoising framework with applications in medical imaging, A
* Multi-resolution ICP for the efficient registration of point clouds based on octrees
* Multi-Temporal X-Band Radar Interferometry Using Corner Reflectors: Application and Validation at the Corvara Landslide (Dolomites, Italy)
* Multi-View 3D CG Image Quality Assessment for Contrast Enhancement Based on S-CIELAB Color Space
* Multi-View Representation Learning for Multi-View Action Recognition
* Multi-view Separation of Background and Reflection by Coupled Low-Rank Decomposition
* Multi-View Surveillance Video Summarization via Joint Embedding and Sparse Optimization
* multi-watermarking based on DWT and ICA, A
* Multi-Year Mapping of Maize and Sunflower in Hetao Irrigation District of China with High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Vegetation Index Series
* Multicontext-adaptive indexing and search for large-scale video navigation
* Multilayer Backpropagation Saliency Detection Algorithm Based on Depth Mining, A
* Multilinear Methods for Spatio-Temporal Image Recognition
* Multimedia annotation via semi-supervised shared-subspace feature selection
* Multimedia Classification Using Bipolar Relation Graphs
* Multimedia Content Delivery with Network Function Virtualization: The Energy Perspective
* Multimedia venue semantic modeling based on multimodal data
* Multimodal biometric recognition using human ear and palmprint
* Multimodal Similarity Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
* Multiple cues-based active contours for target contour tracking under sophisticated background
* Multiple Reflection Symmetry Detection via Linear-Directional Kernel Density Estimation
* Multiple Regression Analysis for Unmixing of Surface Temperature Data in an Urban Environment
* Multiple vocabulary coding for 3D shape retrieval using Bag of Covariances
* Multiple-organ segmentation by graph cuts with supervoxel nodes
* Multipurpose image watermarking in the domain of DWT based on SVD and ABC
* Multiscale Nonrigid Point Cloud Registration Using Rotation-Invariant Sliced-Wasserstein Distance via Laplace-Beltrami Eigenmap
* Multiscale Remote Sensing to Map the Spatial Distribution and Extent of Cropland in the Sudanian Savanna of West Africa
* Multiscale two-view stereo using convolutional neural networks for unrectified images
* Multisensor of thermal and visual images to detect concealed weapon using harmony search image fusion approach
* Multivariate Autoregressive Spectrogram Modeling for Noisy Speech Recognition
* Mumford-Shah-ATV functional for limited angle tomography
* Narrow-Band Clutter Mitigation in Spectral Polarimetric Weather Radar
* National BDS Augmentation Service System (NBASS) of China: Progress and Assessment
* Nationwide Flood Monitoring for Disaster Risk Reduction Using Multiple Satellite Data
* Nationwide Point Cloud: The Future Topographic Core Data
* Natural scene text detection based on SWT, MSER and candidate classification
* NDVI-Based Vegetation Phenology Is Improved to be More Consistent with Photosynthesis Dynamics through Applying a Light Use Efficiency Model over Boreal High-Latitude Forests, An
* Nested Conjugate Gradient Algorithm With Nested Preconditioning for Non-Linear Image Restoration
* Network Function Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking: Advancing Multimedia Distribution
* Networked Computer Vision: The Importance of a Holistic Simulator
* neural network approach to visual tracking, A
* Neuro-curvelet-based image compression technique for noisy images
* Neuromuscular-System-Based Tuning of a Haptic Shared Control Interface for UAV Teleoperation
* new accelerated proximal gradient technique for regularized multitask learning framework, A
* new algorithm for fast and accurate moving object detection based on motion segmentation by clustering, A
* New Analytical Model to Study the Ionospheric Effects on VHF/UHF Wideband SAR Imaging, A
* New Approach for Calculating the Effective Dielectric Constant of the Moist Soil for Microwaves
* new approach to characterize epileptic seizures using analytic time-frequency flexible wavelet transform and fractal dimension, A
* New binary linear programming formulation to compute the graph edit distance
* New Block-Based Method for HEVC Intra Coding, A
* new competing risks model for predicting prepayment and default using data mining, A
* new deep learning architecture for detection of long linear infrastructure, A
* new efficient binarization method: Application to degraded historical document images, A
* new fire detection method based on the centroid variety of consecutive frames, A
* new image classification method based on modified condensed nearest neighbor and convolutional neural networks, A
* New Image Contrast Enhancement Algorithm Using Exposure Fusion Framework, A
* new infrared turbulent fuzzy image restoration algorithm based on Gaussian function parameter identification, A
* new Least Squares based congealing technique, A
* New Look at Public Services Inequality: The Consistency of Neighborhood Context and Citizens' Perception across Multiple Scales, A
* new method of moving object detection using adaptive filter, A
* new numerical integration method using trapezoid formula for 3D virtual clothes animation, A
* New rate distortion optimization method for video coding
* new reconstruction method in gaze estimation with natural head movement, A
* New Scoring Method for Directional Dominance in Images, A
* New Shadow Removal Method Using Color-Lines, A
* new Unsupervised Spectral Feature Selection Method for mixed data: A filter approach, A
* New Urban Index for Expressing Inner-City Patterns Based on MODIS LST and EVI Regulated DMSP/OLS NTL, A
* No reference image quality assessments based on edge-blur measure and its applications in printed sheet blurs classification
* No-reference image quality assessment based on hybrid model
* Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Combined With Random Linear Network Coded Cooperation
* Non-rigid point set registration based on DIS ANG descriptor and RANSAC
* Non-texture image inpainting using histogram of oriented gradients
* Nonlinear Classification of Multispectral Imagery Using Representation-Based Classifiers
* Nonlinear combination method of forecasters applied to PM time series
* Nonlinear Mapping Based on Spectral Angle Preserving Principle for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Nonlinear Sparse Hashing
* Nonmonotone projected Barzilai-Borwein method for compressed sensing
* Nonparametric Sparse Matrix Decomposition for Cross-View Dimensionality Reduction
* Novel Approach for Mobile Robot Localization in Topological Maps Using Classification with Reject Option from Structural Co-occurrence Matrix, A
* Novel Approach for Publishing Linked Open Geodata from National Registries with the Use of Semantically Annotated Context Dependent Web Pages, A
* novel approach for visual Saliency detection and segmentation based on objectness and top-down attention, A
* novel binary shape context for 3D local surface description, A
* Novel Building Type Classification Scheme Based on Integrated LiDAR and High-Resolution Images, A
* Novel Decomposition Scheme for Characterizing Urban Air Quality with MODIS
* Novel Fast Tensor-Based Preconditioner for Image Restoration, A
* Novel Fusion Approach Based on the Global Consistency Criterion to Fusing Multiple Segmentations, A
* Novel Image Classification Method with CNN-XGBoost Model, A
* novel IRA-like codes construction method based on cyclic matrix permutation, A
* Novel Method of Change Detection in Bi-Temporal PolSAR Data Using a Joint-Classification Classifier Based on a Similarity Measure, A
* Novel Method of Cone Beam CT Projection Binning Based on Image Registration, A
* Novel Method to Reconstruct Overhead High-Voltage Power Lines Using Cable Inspection Robot LiDAR Data, A
* Novel MRI Technique Enables Non-Invasive Measurement of Atrial Wall Thickness
* novel optimization algorithm for BP neural network based on RS-MEA, A
* Novel Popular Tourist Attraction Discovering Approach Based on Geo-Tagged Social Media Big Data, A
* Novel Preunmixing Framework for Efficient Detection of Linear Mixtures in Hyperspectral Images, A
* novel retinal vessel extraction method based on dynamic scales allocation, A
* novel saliency computation model for traffic sign detection, A
* Novel Semantic Matching Method for Indoor Trajectory Tracking, A
* Novel Spaceborne Sliding Spotlight Range Sweep Synthetic Aperture Radar: System and Imaging, A
* Novel Visual Cryptography Scheme with Different Importance of Shadows, A
* Number of faces affect performance of rigid joint alignment
* Numerical proof of existence of fractional powers of Wiener processes
* Numerically Stable Evaluation of Moments of Random Gram Matrices With Applications
* Object Localization Based on Proposal Fusion
* Object specific deep feature and its application to face detection
* Object Tracking by Hierarchical Decomposition of Hyperspectral Video Sequences: Application to Chemical Gas Plume Tracking
* Object Triggered Egocentric Video Summarization
* Object-Based Classification of Grasslands from High Resolution Satellite Image Time Series Using Gaussian Mean Map Kernels
* Object-Based Visual Saliency via Laplacian Regularized Kernel Regression
* Ocean Oil Spill Classification with RADARSAT-2 SAR Based on an Optimized Wavelet Neural Network
* Ocular Recognition for Blinking Eyes
* On the Design of Radar Corner Reflectors for Deformation Monitoring in Multi-Frequency InSAR
* On the Essence of Unsupervised Detection of Anomalous Motion in Surveillance Videos
* On the Functionality and Usefulness of Quadraginta Octants of Naive Sphere
* On the Objectivity of the Objective Function: Problems with Unsupervised Segmentation Evaluation Based on Global Score and a Possible Remedy
* On the Secure Energy Efficiency of TAS/MRC With Relaying and Jamming Strategies
* On the SNR Variability in Noisy Compressed Sensing
* On the Sparsity-Based Identification and Compensation of Hammerstein Systems
* On the Statistical Properties of Syndrome Trellis Coding
* On the Use of the Tree Structure of Depth Levels for Comparing 3D Object Views
* On Wi-Fi Model Optimizations for Smartphone-Based Indoor Localization
* On writer identification for Arabic historical manuscripts
* On-Board GNSS/IMU Assisted Feature Extraction and Matching for Oblique UAV Images
* On-Ground Retracking to Correct Distorted Waveform in Spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry
* Ongoing Conflict Makes Yemen Dark: From the Perspective of Nighttime Light
* Online Cloud Transcoding and Distribution for Crowdsourced Live Game Video Streaming
* Online multi-objective optimization for live video forwarding across video data centers
* Online pruning of base classifiers for Dynamic Ensemble Selection
* Ontology-Based Driving Decision Making: A Feasibility Study at Uncontrolled Intersections
* Optical instruments aboard GOES-16 weather satellite
* Optimal Control of Connected Vehicle Systems With Communication Delay and Driver Reaction Time
* Optimal Decision Fusion for Urban Land-Use/Land-Cover Classification Based on Adaptive Differential Evolution Using Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* Optimal Energy Management for HEVs in Eco-Driving Applications Using Bi-Level MPC
* Optimal layout algorithm for reusing solar cell fragments
* Optimal PPVO-based reversible data hiding
* Optimal Seamline Detection for Orthoimage Mosaicking by Combining Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Graph Cuts
* Optimal step size of least mean absolute third algorithm
* Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation
* optimisation of Gaussian mixture models for integer processing units, An
* Optimization of Facade Segmentation Based on Layout Priors
* Optimization on stereo correspondence based on local feature algorithm
* Optimum scheme selection for face-iris biometric
* Organizing egocentric videos of daily living activities
* Orthogonal Design-Based NSGA-III for the Optimal Lockage Co-Scheduling Problem
* Overlapping Community Detection for Multimedia Social Networks
* Overview of the Croatian Land Administration System and the Possibilities for Its Upgrade to 3D by Existing Data
* overview of traffic sign detection and classification methods, An
* P2L method of mismatch detection for push broom high-resolution satellite images, The
* PageRank-based analysis and visualization of ethnic entrepreneurship and innovation
* Palm vein recognition scheme based on an adaptive Gabor filter
* Palmprint Recognition Based on Complete Direction Representation
* Papaya Tree Detection with UAV Images Using a GPU-Accelerated Scale-Space Filtering Method
* Parallax-Tolerant Aerial Image Georegistration and Efficient Camera Pose Refinement: Without Piecewise Homographies
* Parallel Seasonal Patterns of Photosynthesis, Fluorescence, and Reflectance Indices in Boreal Trees
* Parallelization Strategy for Elementary Morphological Operators on Graphs: Distance-Based Algorithms and Implementation on Multicore Shared-Memory Architecture
* Parallelizing band selection for hyperspectral imagery with many-threads
* parameter estimation algorithm for LFM signal intercepted by Nyquist folding receiver, A
* Parameter Estimation of Hybrid Linear Frequency Modulation-Sinusoidal Frequency Modulation Signal
* Parameter estimation of LFMCW signal using S-Method with adaptive window
* Parkinson's Disease Identification Using Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Parsing floor plan images
* Part-Based Deep Hashing for Large-Scale Person Re-Identification
* Participatory Land Administration on Customary Lands: A Practical VGI Experiment in Nanton, Ghana
* Passive Radar Array Processing with Non-Uniform Linear Arrays for Ground Target's Detection and Localization
* Patch-based reconstruction of surfaces undergoing different types of deformations
* PatchMatch Filter: Edge-Aware Filtering Meets Randomized Search for Visual Correspondence
* Path Planning for First Responders in the Presence of Moving Obstacles With Uncertain Boundaries
* Path planning for support jammers formation in penetration operation based on improved PSO-GA
* pattern-aware method for maximal fuzzy supplement frequent pattern mining, A
* Pedestrian near-miss analysis on vehicle-mounted driving recorders
* Pedestrian positioning in urban city with the aid of Google maps street view
* Perceptual stereoscopic video coding using disparity just-noticeable-distortion model
* Perceptual Video Summarization: A New Framework for Video Summarization
* Performance analysis of computer aided brain tumor detection system using ANFIS classifier
* Performance comparison of image block compressive sensing based on chaotic sensing matrix using different basis matrices
* Performance enhancement of HEVC lossless mode using sample-based angular and planar predictions
* Performance Evaluation for China's Planned CO2-IPDA
* Performance on a combined representation for time-frequency analysis
* Performance Tradeoff in a Unified Passive Radar and Communications System
* Permanence of the CEREBRE brain biometric protocol
* PerSE: visual analytics for calendar related spatiotemporal periodicity detection and analysis
* Person Authentication System Based on RFID Tags and a Cascade of Face Recognition Algorithms, A
* Personalized location recommendation by aggregating multiple recommenders in diversity
* Phenology Plays an Important Role in the Regulation of Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-Use Efficiency in the Northern Hemisphere
* Phenotyping of xylem vessels for drought stress analysis in rice
* Photo Aesthetics Analysis via DCNN Feature Encoding
* Photo Filter Recommendation by Category-Aware Aesthetic Learning
* Photometric Stereo in a Scattering Medium
* Piecewise Linear Approximation of Vector-Valued Images and Curves via Second-Order Variational Model
* pipeline for reconstructing cross-shredded English document, A
* Pitch-Normalized Acoustic Features for Robust Children's Speech Recognition
* Pixel-based heterogeneous traffic measurement considering shadow and illumination variation
* Pixel-wise binarization of musical documents with convolutional neural networks
* Plane labeling trinocular stereo matching with baseline recovery
* Point of Gaze Estimation Using Corneal Surface Reflection and Omnidirectional Camera Image
* PolSAR Land Cover Classification Based on Roll-Invariant and Selected Hidden Polarimetric Features in the Rotation Domain
* Poppy Crop Height and Capsule Volume Estimation from a Single UAS Flight
* Popularity-aware collective keyword queries in road networks
* Pose-Invariant Face Alignment via CNN-Based Dense 3D Model Fitting
* Post-processing coding artefacts for JPEG documents
* Potential Field Approach-Based Trajectory Control for Autonomous Electric Vehicles With In-Wheel Motors, A
* Potts model for limited angle tomography
* Power Allocation and Relay Selection in Relay Networks: A Perturbation-Based Approach
* Power difference template for action recognition
* Power line detect system based on stereo vision and FPGA
* Power Sensitivity Analysis of Multi-Frequency, Multi-Polarized, Multi-Temporal SAR Data for Soil-Vegetation System Variables Characterization
* practical parallel implementation for TDLMS image filter on multi-core processor, A
* Pre-Flight SAOCOM-1A SAR Performance Assessment by Outdoor Campaign
* Pre-Processing for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Pre-Trained AlexNet Architecture with Pyramid Pooling and Supervision for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Precise Calibration of Channel Imbalance for Very High Resolution SAR With Stepped Frequency
* Precise Orbit Determination of BeiDou Satellites with Contributions from Chinese National Continuous Operating Reference Stations
* Predicting grain yield in rice using multi-temporal vegetation indices from UAV-based multispectral and digital imagery
* Predicting multiple target tracking performance for applications on video sequences
* Predicting Vascular Plant Diversity in Anthropogenic Peatlands: Comparison of Modeling Methods with Free Satellite Data
* Prediction Mode-Based Information Hiding Approach for H.264/AVC Videos Minimizing the Impacts on Rate-Distortion Optimization, A
* Prediction Model Based Approach to Open Space Steganography Detection in HTML WebPages, A
* Prediction of MCI to AD conversion using Laplace Eigenmaps learned from FDG and MRI images of AD patients and healthy controls
* Prediction of Suspect Location Based on Spatiotemporal Semantics
* Predictive RANSAC: Effective model fitting and tracking approach under heavy noise and outliers
* Preface: Land Surface Processes and Interactions: From HCMM to Sentinel Missions and Beyond
* preliminary study on extracting objects in sketches, A
* Primal-Dual Plug-and-Play Image Restoration
* Privacy-Preserving Mobile Payment System for Mass Transit, A
* Probabilistic Weighted Archetypal Analysis Method with Earth Mover's Distance for Endmember Extraction from Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* professional estimate on the computed tomography brain tumor images using SVM-SMO for classification and MRG-GWO for segmentation, A
* Progressive Probabilistic Graph Matching with Local Consistency Regularization
* Progressive Pseudo-analog Transmission for Mobile Video Streaming
* Projective structure from facial motion
* Proposal and application of hybrid SLM-PTS method in 8QAM-OFDM optical access system for reducing PAPR influence
* Prototype Discriminative Learning for Image Set Classification
* PTZ camera based people-occupancy estimation system (PCBPOES), A
* Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation With Probabilistic Segmentation of the Fissures and a Groupwise Fissure Prior
* QoE-Guided Warping for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting
* Quadrant segmentation and ring-like searching based FPGA implementation of ORB matching system for Full-HD video
* Quality Assessment Method for Linear Feature Simplification Based on Multi-Scale Spatial Uncertainty
* Quality Assessment of Perceptual Crosstalk on Two-View Auto-Stereoscopic Displays
* Quantitative approach for defining basic color terms and color category best exemplars
* Quantitative metric for MR brain tumour grade classification using sample space density measure of analytic intrinsic mode function representation
* Quantitative phase imaging method based on an analytical nonparaxial partially coherent phase optical transfer function: erratum
* Quantitative susceptibility mapping in a diabetes mellitus rat model: Iron accumulation in the brain
* Quaternionic Flower Pollination Algorithm
* Query-by-example music information retrieval by score-based genre prediction and similarity measure
* Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4 PMS Sensor Based on Assimilation of Landsat-8 OLI Images
* Radiometric inter-sensor cross-calibration uncertainty using a traceable high accuracy reference hyperspectral imager
* Random forest wetland classification using ALOS-2 L-band, RADARSAT-2 C-band, and TerraSAR-X imagery
* Random Sampling Local Binary Pattern Encoding Based on Gaussian Distribution
* Ranking Saliency
* Rapid Generation of the State Codebook in Side Match Vector Quantization
* Raspberry Pi 2-based stereo camera depth meter, A
* Rate control for non-uniform video in HEVC
* Reactive Obstacle Avoidance for Highly Maneuverable Vehicles Based on a Two-Stage Optical Flow Clustering
* Real-Time Human Pose Estimation via Cascaded Neural Networks Embedded with Multi-task Learning
* Real-time image improvement system for visual testing of nuclear reactors
* real-time object recognition for forward looking sonar, A
* Real-time recognition of sign language gestures and air-writing using leap motion
* Real-time stereoscopic rendering of realistic avatar for interactive 3D telepresence system
* Real-time vehicle queue estimation of large-scale traffic scene
* real-time video denoising algorithm with FPGA implementation for Poisson-Gaussian noise, A
* Realistic Film Grain Rendering
* Rebuilding Long Time Series Global Soil Moisture Products Using the Neural Network Adopting the Microwave Vegetation Index
* Recaptured Image Forensics Based on Quality Aware and Histogram Feature
* Recognition of Facial Expressions using Local Mean Binary Pattern
* Recognition of JSL finger spelling using convolutional neural networks
* Recognition of road type for unmanned vehicle based on texture and color features
* Recognizing Interactions Between People from Video Sequences
* Reconstructing Historical Land Cover Type and Complexity by Synergistic Use of Landsat Multispectral Scanner and CORONA
* Reconstructing Satellite-Based Monthly Precipitation over Northeast China Using Machine Learning Algorithms
* Reconstruction of underlying curves with styling radius corners
* Recursive drivable road detection with shadows based on two-camera systems
* Reducing classification error of grassland overgrowth by combing low-density lidar acquisitions and optical remote sensing data
* Reducing covariate factors of gait recognition using feature selection and dictionary-based sparse coding
* Refining faster-RCNN for accurate object detection
* Reflectance Intensity Assisted Automatic and Accurate Extrinsic Calibration of 3D LiDAR and Panoramic Camera Using a Printed Chessboard
* Refocusing of Moving Targets in SAR Images via Parametric Sparse Representation
* Region-based growing algorithm for 3D reconstruction from MRI images
* Regional-Scale High Spatial Resolution Mapping of Aboveground Net Primary Productivity (ANPP) from Field Survey and Landsat Data: A Case Study for the Country of Wales
* Regression Kriging for Improving Crop Height Models Fusing Ultra-Sonic Sensing with UAV Imagery
* Relative pose measurement of Satellite and rocket based on photogrammetry
* Relevance feedback for Content-based Image Retrieval using deep learning
* Remote Sensing Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Thresholding in NSCT Domain
* Remote Sensing of Spatiotemporal Changes in Wetland Geomorphology Based on Type 2 Fuzzy Sets: A Case Study of Beidagang Wetland from 1975 to 2015
* Removal of Thin Cirrus Scattering Effects in Landsat 8 OLI Images Using the Cirrus Detecting Channel
* Representative band selection for hyperspectral image classification
* Representing local structure in Bayesian networks by Boolean functions
* research of 3D parametric modeling method along railways based on cylindrical projection, The
* Research of red tide visualization system based on OpenGL
* Research of visual tracking based on prior knowledge
* Research on Adaptive Cruise Control based on curve radius prediction
* Research on auto-calibration technology of intelligent vehicle camera based on machine vision
* Research on automatic determining clustering centers algorithm based on linear regression analysis
* Research on Chinese characters recognition in complex background images
* Research on missile-borne image transmission technology based on compressive sensing
* Research on robust face recognition based on depth image sets
* Research on the identification method of micro assembly part
* Research on video scene mapping of fixed viewing angle
* Resolution Analysis of Passive Synthetic Aperture Imaging of Fast Moving Objects
* Response of Land Surface Phenology to Variation in Tree Cover during Green-Up and Senescence Periods in the Semi-Arid Savanna of Southern Africa
* Restricted Boltzmann Machine-Based Voice Conversion for Nonparallel Corpus
* Retinal vessel enhancement via sparse coding and dictionary learning
* Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Matched Filter with Joint Relative Entropy
* Retrieval From and Understanding of Large-Scale Multi-modal Medical Datasets: A Review
* Retrieval of Biophysical Crop Variables from Multi-Angular Canopy Spectroscopy
* Retrieving the gap fraction, element clumping index, and leaf area index of individual trees using single-scan data from a terrestrial laser scanner
* Reverse Classification Accuracy: Predicting Segmentation Performance in the Absence of Ground Truth
* Reverse engineering for causal discovery based on monotonic characteristic of causal structure
* Review of personal identification based on near infrared vein imaging of finger
* review of supervised object-based land-cover image classification, A
* Review on on-line visual ferrographic analysis system for marine diesel engine
* reweighted zero-attracting/repelling LMS algorithm for sparse system identification, A
* Rician noise removal in magnitude MRI images using efficient anisotropic diffusion filtering
* Riemannian manifold-valued part-based features and geodesic-induced kernel machine for activity classification dedicated to assisted living
* Road Segmentation of Remotely-Sensed Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Landscape Metrics and Conditional Random Fields
* Road user detection with convolutional neural networks: An application to the autonomous shuttle WEpod
* Robotic cars won't understand us, and we won't cut them much slack
* Robust Accurate Extrinsic Calibration of Static Non-overlapping Cameras
* Robust Algorithm for Estimating Surface Fractional Vegetation Cover from Landsat Data, A
* Robust and Parameter-Free Algorithm for Constructing Pit-Free Canopy Height Models
* Robust Face Recognition With Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Group Sparsity Representation
* Robust Features for Snapshot Hyperspectral Terrain-Classification
* Robust Indoor Mobile Localization with a Semantic Augmented Route Network Graph
* Robust Inversion Algorithm for Surface Leaf and Soil Temperatures Using the Vegetation Clumping Index, A
* Robust local features for remote face recognition
* Robust Long-Term Aerial Video Mosaicking by Weighted Feature-Based Global Motion Estimation
* Robust markers for visual navigation using Reed-Solomon codes
* Robust Object-Based Multipass InSAR Deformation Reconstruction
* Robust Pitch Extraction Method for the HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System
* Robust Plant Cell Tracking in Noisy Image Sequences Using Optimal CRF Graph Matching
* Robust Real-Time Gradient-based Eye Detection and Tracking Using Transform Domain and PSO-Based Feature Selection
* Robust registration of serial cell microscopic images using 3D Hilbert scan search
* Robust Struck tracker via color Haar-like feature and selective updating
* Robust Superdirective Frequency-Invariant Beamforming for Circular Sensor Arrays
* robust tracking method based on the correlation filter and correcting strategy, A
* Robust video denoising for mixed Poisson, Gaussian and impule noise
* Robust Web Image Annotation via Exploring Multi-Facet and Structural Knowledge
* Robust Zero Watermarking for 3D Triangular Mesh Models Based on Spherical Integral Invariants
* RSCM: Region Selection and Concurrency Model for Multi-Class Weather Recognition
* Saliency detection with relative location measure in light field image
* Saliency-Guided Just Noticeable Distortion Estimation Using the Normalized Laplacian Pyramid
* Saliency/non-saliency segregation in video sequences using perception-based local ternary pattern features
* Salient object detection based on super-pixel clustering and unified low-rank representation
* Salient object detection via boosting object-level distinctiveness and saliency refinement
* Salient Object Segmentation via Effective Integration of Saliency and Objectness
* Salient Object Subitizing
* sampling method for processing contours drawn with an uncertain stroke order and number, A
* Satellite Observations of El Niño Impacts on Eurasian Spring Vegetation Greenness during the Period 1982-2015
* Satellite-Derived Climatological Analysis of Urban Heat Island over Shanghai during 2000-2013, A
* Saturation Correction for Nighttime Lights Data Based on the Relative NDVI
* Scalable Approximate DCT Architectures for Efficient HEVC-Compliant Video Coding
* Scalable lifelong reinforcement learning
* Scalable Multi-View Semi-Supervised Classification via Adaptive Regression
* Scalable out-of-sample extension of graph embeddings using deep neural networks
* Scalable texture compression using the wavelet transform
* Scene Character Recognition Using Coupled Spatial Learning
* Scene text extraction with local symmetry transform
* scheme for conditional access-based systems using index locations of DCT coefficients, A
* Scientometric Visualization Analysis for Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Research from 1991 to 2016, A
* SCMDOT: Spatial Clustering with Multiple Density-Ordered Trees
* Script identification algorithms: a survey
* SDE: A Novel Selective, Discriminative and Equalizing Feature Representation for Visual Recognition
* Sea State Observation through a Three-Antenna Hybrid XT/AT InSAR Configuration: A Preliminary Study Based on the InSAeS4 Airborne System
* Search Tracker: Human-Derived Object Tracking in the Wild Through Large-Scale Search and Retrieval
* Secrecy Sum Rate Optimization for Downlink MIMO Nonorthogonal Multiple Access Systems
* Seismic Exploration Random Noise on Land: Modeling and Application to Noise Suppression
* Selecting image pairs for SfM by introducing Jaccard similarity
* Self-learning structure for text localization
* Semantic action recognition by learning a pose lexicon
* Semantic-Geographic Trajectory Pattern Mining Based on a New Similarity Measurement
* Semi-Analytical Retrieval of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in Large and Shallow Lakes from GOCI, a High Temporal-Resolution Satellite
* Semi-Automated Monitoring of a Mega-Scale Beach Nourishment Using High-Resolution TerraSAR-X Satellite Data
* Semi-supervised learning on large-scale geotagged photos for situation recognition
* Sentence Directed Video Object Codiscovery
* Separable Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted Palette Images With Color Partitioning and Flipping Verification
* Shape automatic clustering-based multi-objective optimization with decomposition
* Sheet metal forming limits as classification problem
* Ship Detection in Dual-Channel ATI-SAR Based on the Notch Filter
* Ship detection in harbor area in SAR images based on constructing an accurate sea-clutter model
* Shot boundary detection using perceptual and semantic information
* Shot boundary detection via adaptive low rank and svd-updating
* sigma-lognormal model-based approach to generating large synthetic online handwriting sample databases, A
* Signal Detection in Clutter and Noise Using Well-Characterized Subspace
* simple approach to multilingual polarity classification in Twitter, A
* Simple Normalized Difference Approach to Burnt Area Mapping Using Multi-Polarisation C-Band SAR, A
* Simulating real-world scenes viewed through ophthalmic lenses
* Simultaneous estimation of food categories and calories with multi-task CNN
* Simultaneous Estimation of Leaf Area Index, Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation, and Surface Albedo From Multiple-Satellite Data
* Simultaneous extraction of roads and buildings in remote sensing imagery with convolutional neural networks
* Simultaneously Multiple-object Pattern Matching based on Multi-swarms Particle Swarm Optimization
* Single and Multiple Illuminant Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Single image super resolution based on content-aware constraint and intensity-order constraint
* Single image super resolution based on feature enhancement
* Single Image Super-Resolution Algorithm Using Non-Local-Mean Self-Similarity and Noise-Robust Saliency Map, A
* Single Image Super-Resolution via Adaptive Transform-Based Nonlocal Self-Similarity Modeling and Learning-Based Gradient Regularization
* Single sample per person face recognition with KPCANet and a weighted voting scheme
* Single-Image Super-Resolution by Subdictionary Coding and Kernel Regression
* SK-SVR: Sigmoid kernel support vector regression based in-scale single image super-resolution
* Skeletonization and 3D graph approach for thin objects recognition in pick and place tasks
* Skin beautification detection using sparse coding
* Small Group Detection in Crowds using Interaction Information
* SNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio) Impact on Water Constituent Retrieval from Simulated Images of Optically Complex Amazon Lakes
* Social Attribute Aware Incentive Mechanism for Device-to-Device Video Distribution
* Soil Moisture Data Assimilation in a Hydrological Model: A Case Study in Belgium Using Large-Scale Satellite Data
* Solving the robot-world hand-eye(s) calibration problem with iterative methods
* Space-Variant Gabor Decomposition for Filtering 3D Medical Images
* Sparse Relational Topical Coding on multi-modal data
* Sparse Representation Model Using the Complete Marginal Fisher Analysis Framework and Its Applications to Visual Recognition, A
* Sparse shared structure based multi-task learning for MRI based cognitive performance prediction of Alzheimer's disease
* Sparse-MVRVMs Tree for Fast and Accurate Head Pose Estimation in the Wild
* sparsity adaptive signal reconstruction algorithm, A
* Spatial Analysis Approach for Evaluating the Service Capability of Urban Greenways: A Case Study in Wuhan, A
* Spatial and Temporal Nonlocal Filter-Based Data Fusion Method, A
* Spatial Characteristics of Twitter Users: Toward the Understanding of Geosocial Media Production
* Spatial Context from Open and Online Processing (SCOOP): Geographic, Temporal, and Thematic Analysis of Online Information Sources
* Spatial Random Sampling: A Structure-Preserving Data Sketching Tool
* Spatial Variation Relationship between Floating Population and Residential Burglary: A Case Study from ZG, China
* Spatial-Spectral Graph Regularized Kernel Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Team Sports
* Spatio-Temporal CRF for Human Interaction Understanding, A
* Spatiotemporal Assessment of Littoral Waterbirds for Establishing Ecological Indicators of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons
* Spatiotemporal Colorization of Video Using 3D Steerable Pyramids
* Speaker Tracking Based on Distributed Particle Filter in Distributed Microphone Networks
* Special issue on cross-media big data analytics
* Special Issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery 2017
* Specular Reflection Effects Elimination in Terrestrial Laser Scanning Intensity Data Using Phong Model
* SpEED-QA: Spatial Efficient Entropic Differencing for Image and Video Quality
* Speeding-Up Graph-Based Keyword Spotting by Quadtree Segmentations
* Spike and slab biclustering
* Spoof detection on face and palmprint biometrics
* SPORE: Staged Probabilistic Regression for Hand Orientation Inference
* Spring green-up date derived from GIMMS3g and SPOT-VGT NDVI of winter wheat cropland in the North China Plain
* Stacked Progressive Auto-Encoders for Clothing-Invariant Gait Recognition
* Staff-line detection and removal using a convolutional neural network
* State space model and numerical simulation of overlay error for multilayer overlay lithography processes
* Statistically Robust Approach to Acoustic Impulse Response Shaping, A
* Steerable Principal Components for Space-Frequency Localized Images
* Steganalysis Based on Awareness of Selection-Channel and Deep Learning
* Steganalysis Scheme for AAC Audio Based on MDCT Difference Between Intra and Inter Frame, A
* Stem Measurements and Taper Modeling Using Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* Stochastic Bias Correction and Uncertainty Estimation of Satellite-Retrieved Soil Moisture Products
* Stochastic calculus analysis of optical time-of-flight range imaging and estimation of radial motion
* Stock price forecasting based on BP neural network model of network public opinion
* Stratification-based super-resolution algorithm for document processing
* Streaming Algorithm for Euler Characteristic Curves of Multidimensional Images
* Stroke edge based binarization algorithm for the palm leaf manuscripts
* Structural Sparse Coding Seeds: Active appearance model for object tracking
* Structural sparse representation-based semi-supervised learning and edge detection proposal for visual tracking
* Structural Variation Classification Model for Image Quality Assessment, A
* Structure extraction of straight wing aircraft using consistent line clustering
* Structure-Based Subspace Method for Multichannel Blind System Identification
* Structured Domain Adaptation
* Structured Kernel Dictionary Learning With Correlation Constraint for Object Recognition
* Study and comparison on histogram-based local image enhancement methods
* Study of ground moving target parameters estimation and imaging for Mini-SAR
* Study of Landfast Ice with Sentinel-1 Repeat-Pass Interferometry over the Baltic Sea, A
* Study of PBLH and Its Correlation with Particulate Matter from One-Year Observation over Nanjing, Southeast China
* Study of Spatial Soil Moisture Estimation Using a Multiple Linear Regression Model and MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data Corrected by Conditional Merging, A
* Study of the Allan Variance for Constant-Mean Nonstationary Processes, A
* study of virtual visual servoing sensitivity in the context of image/GIS registration for urban environments, A
* Sub-pattern based Maximum Margin Criterion for face Recognition
* Suitability Assessment of Satellite-Derived Drought Indices for Mongolian Grassland
* Sum-of-gradient based fast intra coding in 3D-HEVC for depth map sequence (SOG-FDIC)
* Super resolution and recognition of long range captured multi-frame iris images
* Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Images Using Multiple-Point Statistics and Isometric Mapping
* Super-Resolving Multiresolution Images With Band-Independent Geometry of Multispectral Pixels
* Superpixel-Based Adaptive Kernel Selection for Angular Effect Normalization of Remote Sensing Images With Kernel Learning
* Superpixel-Based Intrinsic Image Decomposition of Hyperspectral Images
* Supervised Classification of Power Lines from Airborne LiDAR Data in Urban Areas
* Supervised Local Descriptor Learning for Human Action Recognition
* Supervised multi-modal dictionary learning for clothing representation
* Supervised single-channel speech dereverberation and denoising using a two-stage processing
* surround view image generation method with low distortion for vehicle camera systems using a composite projection, A
* survey of local feature methods for 3D face recognition, A
* survey of tag-based information retrieval, A
* Survey of track association of radar and AIS
* survey on camera-captured scene text detection and extraction: towards Gurmukhi script, A
* SVM-based method for perceptual image recognition
* Synchrony-Based Feature Extraction for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition
* Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling to Assess an Anomalously High Chlorophyll-a Event during Summer 2015 in the South Central Red Sea
* Synthetic minority oversampling technique for multiclass imbalance problems
* system-level FPGA design methodology for video applications with weakly-programmable hardware components, A
* Systematic evaluation of convolution neural network advances on the Imagenet
* TabletGaze: dataset and analysis for unconstrained appearance-based gaze estimation in mobile tablets
* Tale of Two Bases: Local-Nonlocal Regularization on Image Patches with Convolution Framelets, A
* Target recognition in SAR images using radial Chebyshev moments
* Technical design and system implementation of region-line primitive association framework
* Technical Evaluation of Sentinel-1 IW Mode Cross-Pol Radar Backscattering from the Ocean Surface in Moderate Wind Condition
* Template Matching and Simplification Method for Building Features Based on Shape Cognition
* Template Shape Estimation: Correcting an Asymptotic Bias
* Temporal Coherence-Based Deblurring Using Non-Uniform Motion Optimization
* Temporal Integration Based Visual Cryptography Scheme and Its Application
* Temporally Dependent Rate-Distortion Optimization for Low-Delay Hierarchical Video Coding
* Ten-Meter Sentinel-2A Cloud-Free Composite: Southern Africa 2016
* Tensor-based weighted least square decomposition haze removal algorithm
* Terrestrial Remote Sensing of Snowmelt in a Diverse High-Arctic Tundra Environment Using Time-Lapse Imagery
* Texture Characterization Using Shape Co-Occurrence Patterns
* Texture super-resolution for 3D reconstruction
* Texture-based image segmentation using neutrosophic clustering
* Texture-preserving deconvolution via image decomposition
* theory of point-wise homography estimation, A
* Thermal analysis of AC-LED light engine based on infrared image
* Thermal Sampling Depth Correction Method for Land Surface Temperature Estimation From Satellite Passive Microwave Observation Over Barren Land, A
* Thermal-image processing and statistical analysis for vehicle category in nighttime traffic
* Three-dimensional electromagnetic imaging of dielectric targets by means of the multiscaling inexact-Newton method
* Three-Dimensional Modeling and Indoor Positioning for Urban Emergency Response
* TMAGIC: A Model-Free 3D Tracker
* Topic Modelling for Object-Based Unsupervised Classification of VHR Panchromatic Satellite Images Based on Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Topological Data Analysis for Image Tampering Detection
* Toward an Enhanced Human-Machine Interface for Upper-Limb Prosthesis Control With Combined EMG and NIRS Signals
* Toward End-to-End Face Recognition Through Alignment Learning
* Toward the Development of a Marine Administration System Based on International Standards
* Towards an Operational Use of Geophysics for Archaeology in Henan (China): Methodological Approach and Results in Kaifeng
* Towards Automated Forensic Pen Ink Verification by Spectral Analysis
* Towards Covert Channels in Cloud Environments: A Study of Implementations in Virtual Networks
* Towards Enhancing Integrated Pest Management Based on Volunteered Geographic Information
* TPS Direct Transport: A New Method for Transporting Deformations in the Size-and-Shape Space, The
* Track Everything: Limiting Prior Knowledge in Online Multi-Object Recognition
* Tracking control and synchronization of memristor hyper-chaotic system
* Tracking skeletal fusion feature for one shot learning gesture recognition
* Tracking the Human Mobility Using Mobile Device Sensors
* Tracks selection for robust, efficient and scalable large-scale structure from motion
* Traffic surveillance camera calibration by 3D model bounding box alignment for accurate vehicle speed measurement
* Training Support Vector Machines with privacy-protected data
* Trajectory Data Mining via Cluster Analyses for Tropical Cyclones That Affect the South China Sea
* Trajectory-Set Feature for Action Recognition
* Transfer learning of a deep convolutional neural network for localizing handwritten slab identification numbers
* Transferability of Economy Estimation Based on DMSP/OLS Night-Time Light
* Transparency in stereopsis: parallel encoding of overlapping depth planes
* Triangular Prism Spatial Interpolation Method for Mapping Geological Property Fields, A
* triangular radial cubic spline deformation model for efficient 3D beating heart tracking, A
* Tubelets: Unsupervised Action Proposals from Spatiotemporal Super-Voxels
* Twin Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Example-Based Image Colorization
* Two features combination with gated recurrent unit for visual speech recognition
* Two Plane-Probing Algorithms for the Computation of the Normal Vector to a Digital Plane
* Two-Letters-Key Keyboard for Predictive Touchless Typing with Head Movements
* two-stage convolutional sparse prior model for image restoration, A
* Two-stage cross-based stereo disparity refinement
* two-stage dual-matrix method of blind signal separation, A
* Two-stage model fitting approach for human body shape estimation from a single depth image
* Two-Step Downscaling of Trmm 3b43 V7 Precipitation in Contrasting Climatic Regions With Sparse Monitoring: The Case of Ecuador in Tropical South America
* Two-Step Method for Missing Spatio-Temporal Data Reconstruction, A
* Two-Valued Periodic Complementary Sequences
* Uncertainty of Nighttime Light Data in Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions in China: A Comparison between DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS, The
* Unconstrained Face Detection Based on Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks in Surveillance Video
* Uncovering the Temporal Context for Video Question Answering
* Understanding random guessing line in ROC curve
* Understanding the Impact of Urbanization on Surface Urban Heat Islands: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Oasis Effect in Subtropical Desert Cities
* Underwater Fish Tracking for Moving Cameras Based on Deformable Multiple Kernels
* Universal Cooperative Localizer for WSN With Varied Types of Ranging Measurements
* universal pedestrian's foot-point and head-point recognition with improved motion detection algorithm, A
* Unobtrusive Measurement Method for Assessing Physiological Response in Physical Human-Robot Interaction, An
* Unsupervised action proposal ranking through proposal recombination
* Unsupervised group feature selection for media classification
* Unsupervised image segmentation using defocus map and superpixel grouping
* Unsupervised Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing Based on a Multilinear Mixing Model
* Unsupervised place discovery for visual place classification
* Unsupervised Sequential Outlier Detection With Deep Architectures
* Unsupervised video object segmentation by supertrajectory labeling
* Unveiling E-Bike Potential for Commuting Trips from GPS Traces
* Urban Area Extraction by Regional and Line Segment Feature Fusion and Urban Morphology Analysis
* Urban expansion monitoring in South Asia based on SPOT /VGT and DMSP/OLS data
* Urban Heat Island Study of the Colombo Metropolitan Area, Sri Lanka, Based on Landsat Data (1997-2017), An
* Urban Land-Cover Dynamics in Arid China Based on High-Resolution Urban Land Mapping Products
* US financial market forecasting using data classification with features from global markets
* use of IMUs for video object retrieval in lightweight devices, The
* User Association for Load Balancing in Vehicular Networks: An Online Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Using 3D face priors for depth recovery
* Using Bivariate Gaussian Distribution Confidence Ellipses of Lightning Flashes for Efficiently Computing Reliable Large Area Density Maps
* Using Landsat time series for characterizing forest disturbance dynamics in the coupled human and natural systems of Central Europe
* Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Identify Research Trends in OpenStreetMap
* Using line segments to train multi-stream stacked autoencoders for image classification
* Validation of a Regression Technique for Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities in Alzheimer's Disease
* Validation of Automatically Generated Global and Regional Cropland Data Sets: The Case of Tanzania
* Validation of Suomi-NPP VIIRS sea ice concentration with very high-resolution satellite and airborne camera imagery
* Vanishing Point Detection in Urban Scenes Using Point Alignments
* vCache: Supporting Cost-Efficient Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
* Vehicle sparse recognition via class dictionary learning
* Verification of road databases using multiple road models
* versatile homography computation method based on two real points, A
* Vertical stratification of forest canopy for segmentation of understory trees within small-footprint airborne LiDAR point clouds
* Vessel segmentation using prior shape based on tensor analysis for inhomogeneous intensity and weak-edge images
* Video Captioning With Attention-Based LSTM and Semantic Consistency
* Video Processing From Electro-Optical Sensors for Object Detection and Tracking in a Maritime Environment: A Survey
* Video segmentation based on patch matching and enhanced Onecut
* Video segmentation based on strong target constrained video saliency
* Video super-resolution using multiple complementary priors
* Video watermarking algorithm based DC coefficient
* Video-based fluid reconstruction and its coupling with SPH simulation
* VideoWhisper: Toward Discriminative Unsupervised Video Feature Learning With Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Networks
* View-Invariant Gait Recognition Through Genetic Template Segmentation
* Violence Detection Approach Based on Spatio-temporal Hypergraph Transition, A
* Vision-Based Fingertip Tracking Utilizing Curvature Points Clustering and Hash Model Representation
* vision-based system to support tactical and physical analyses in futsal, A
* Visual Analysis Approach for Inferring Personal Job and Housing Locations Based on Public Bicycle Data, A
* Visual Analytics of Mobility and Transportation: State of the Art and Further Research Directions
* Visual Attention Modeling for Stereoscopic Video: A Benchmark and Computational Model
* Visual Attention Saccadic Models Learn to Emulate Gaze Patterns From Childhood to Adulthood
* Visual Inspection Method Based on Periodic Feature for Wheel Mark Defect on Wafer Backside, A
* Visual Landmark Based 3D Road Course Estimation with Black Box Variational Inference
* Visual simulation of interactive process of stand growth, structure and thinning
* visual simulation technology in formatting forest management plan at unit level based on WF, The
* visual-SLAM for first person vision and mobile robots, A
* Visual-to-speech conversion based on maximum likelihood estimation
* Visualizing the Relationship Between Human Mobility and Points of Interest
* Volumetric analysis of MR images for glioma classification and their effect on brain tissues
* Volumetric Image Registration From Invariant Keypoints
* Wall-to-Wall Tree Type Mapping from Countrywide Airborne Remote Sensing Surveys
* Water Optics and Water Colour Remote Sensing
* Wave Height Estimation from Shadowing Based on the Acquired X-Band Marine Radar Images in Coastal Area
* Wavelet-Based Topographic Effect Compensation in Accurate Mountain Glacier Velocity Extraction: A Case Study of the Muztagh Ata Region, Eastern Pamir
* Weak rocks disintegration patterns recognition through image analysis
* Web service ranking and visualization based on QoS properties and invocation relationships
* Website Fingerprinting Attack on Psiphon and Its Forensic Analysis
* Weighted Distances and Digital Disks on the Khalimsky Grid
* Weighted orthogonal constrained maximum likelihood ICA algorithm and its application in image feature extraction
* Weighted Selection Combinings for Differential Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Networks
* Weighted-to-Spherically-Uniform Quality Evaluation for Omnidirectional Video
* What do New Yorkers Think about Impacts and Adaptation to Heat Waves? An Evaluation Tool to Incorporate Perception of Low-Income Groups into Heat Wave Adaptation Scenarios in New York City
* What is my rat doing? Behavior understanding of laboratory animals
* What Is the Best Depth-Map Compression for Depth Image Based Rendering?
* What is the Direction of Land Change? A New Approach to Land-Change Analysis
* When Cloud Media Meet Network Function Virtualization: Challenges and Applications
* Wi-fi + HD video + drones = still wobbly
* Wicked Water Points: The Quest for an Error Free National Water Point Database
* Wide bandwidth, millimeter-resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging
* Wide-angle and long-range real time pose estimation: A comparison between monocular and stereo vision systems
* Widely Linear Quaternion Unscented Kalman Filter for Quaternion-Valued Feedforward Neural Network
* Wireless Power Transfer in Millimeter Wave Tactical Networks
* Withdrawn: Adaptive correlation filters for robust object tracking
* Withdrawn: Incremental subspace and probability mask constrained tracking in smart and autonomous systems
* Withdrawn: Multimodal data analysis and integration for multi-slot spectrum auction based on Deep Feedforward Network
* Withdrawn: Through wall human detection under small samples based on deep learning algorithm
* Wood cellular structure evaluation using image analysis methods
* Worldwide Railway Skeleton Network: Extraction Methodology and Preliminary Analysis
* yBRIEF: A study of non-Gaussian Binary Elementary Features
* Zero-Shot Visual Recognition via Bidirectional Latent Embedding
* Zoom out CNNs features for optical remote sensing change detection
1518 for 1708

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.