Index for khan

Khan, A.[Aftab] Co Author Listing * Accelerated Map Matching for GPS Trajectories
* Appearance-Based Re-identification of People in Video
* Approximate Graph Laplacians for Multimodal Data Clustering
* AUnet: A Deep Learning Framework for Surface Water Channel Mapping Using Large-Coverage Remote Sensing Images and Sparse Scribble Annotations from OSM Data
* Automated Detection of Animals in Low-Resolution Airborne Thermal Imagery
* Automatic Detection System of Olive Trees Using Improved K-Means Algorithm
* Ball event recognition using hmm for automatic tennis annotation
* CamoFocus: Enhancing Camouflage Object Detection with Split-Feature Focal Modulation and Context Refinement
* Charging Support Communication System Based on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for Electric Vehicles
* Codesign Lessons Learned from Implementing Graph Matching on Multithreaded Architectures
* Color image segmentation using genetic algorithm with aggregation-based clustering validity index (CVI)
* Color image segmentation: a novel spatial fuzzy genetic algorithm
* Computing on Wheels: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach
* Cooperative Robots to Observe Moving Targets: Review
* Cortex-inspired multilayer hierarchy based object detection system using PHOG descriptors and ensemble classification
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Embryonic Cell Counting
* Deep learning based automated detection of intraretinal cystoid fluid
* Design and Development Issues for Multimedia Information-Systems
* Detecting Abnormal Cell Division Patterns in Early Stage Human Embryo Development
* Dual frame rate motion detection for memory- and energy-constrained surveillance systems
* Dynamic Reconfiguration in Camera Networks: A Short Survey
* Evaluating Landsat and RapidEye Data for Winter Wheat Mapping and Area Estimation in Punjab, Pakistan
* Explosion Simulation Using Compressible Fluids
* Fuzzy Morphology for Edge Detection and Segmentation
* Gaitgraph: Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Gait Recognition
* Health Assessment of Eucalyptus Trees Using Siamese Network from Google Street and Ground Truth Images
* High-Quality Fusion and Visualization for MR-PET Brain Tumor Images via Multi-Dimensional Features
* hybrid image restoration approach: Using fuzzy punctual kriging and genetic programming, A
* Improving the Efficiency in Halftone Image Generation Based on Structure Similarity Index Measurement
* Large-Scale Urban Heating and Pollution Domes over the Indian Subcontinent
* Lattice-Based Anomaly Rectification for Sport Video Annotation
* Light field imaging technology for virtual reality content creation: A review
* Linear Chain Markov Model for Detection and Localization of Cells in Early Stage Embryo Development, A
* Lip Contour Segmentation Using Kernel Methods and Level Sets
* Lossless colour image compression using RCT for bi-level BWCA
* Lossless colour image compression using RCT for bi-level BWCA
* Low Power Greenhouse Gas Sensors for Unmanned Aerial-Vehicles
* Low-Complexity Pedestrian Detection Framework for Smart Video Surveillance Systems, A
* Machine learning based adaptive watermark decoding in view of anticipated attack
* Masked Autoencoders for Microscopy are Scalable Learners of Cellular Biology
* Multilevel Chinese Takeaway Process and Label-Based Processes for Rule Induction in the Context of Automated Sports Video Annotation
* Multimodal brain tumor detection and classification using deep saliency map and improved dragonfly optimization algorithm
* Multiview Semantic Vegetation Index for Robust Estimation of Urban Vegetation Cover, A
* Novel Contract Theory-Based Incentive Mechanism for Cooperative Task-Offloading in Electrical Vehicular Networks, A
* Novel Markov Logic Rule Induction Strategy for Characterizing Sports Video Footage, A
* Novel MLR-RF-Based Geospatial Techniques: A Comparison with OK
* Offset aperture based hardware architecture for real-time depth extraction
* Offset Aperture: A Passive Single-Lens Camera for Depth Sensing
* Optimising sampling rates for accelerometer-based human activity recognition
* QoE Prediction Model and its Application in Video Quality Adaptation Over UMTS Networks
* Retinal Images: Optic Disk Localization and Detection
* SAR Image Despeckling Method Based on an Extended Adaptive Wiener Filter and Extended Guided Filter, A
* Simultaneous Direct Depth Estimation and Synthesis Stereo for Single Image Plant Root Reconstruction
* Spatial Prior Fuzziness Pool-Based Interactive Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Stabilized active camera tracking system
* Surrogate safety measures as aid to driver assistance system design of the cognitive vehicle
* Symmetric Data Attachment Terms for Large Deformation Image Registration
* Using Multi-Resolution Satellite Data to Quantify Land Dynamics: Applications of PlanetScope Imagery for Cropland and Tree-Cover Loss Area Estimation
* Utilizing Mobile Sensing to Investigate the Effects of Urban Space on Users Behavior
* VP-CAST: Velocity and Position-Based Broadcast Suppression for VANETs
* Wheat Yield Forecasting for Punjab Province from Vegetation Index Time Series and Historic Crop Statistics
* Wireless Localisation in WiFi using Novel Deep Architectures
Includes: Khan, A.[Aftab] Khan, A.[Arif] Khan, A.[Aparajita] Khan, A.[Ali] Khan, A.[Asim] Khan, A. Khan, A.[Abbas] Khan, A.[Ajmal] Khan, A.[Ahmad] Khan, A.[Adil] Khan, A.[Asifullah] Khan, A.[Aisha] Khan, A.[Arbaaz] Khan, A.[Akram] Khan, A.[Asad] Khan, A.[Aroba] Khan, A.[Ansar] Khan, A.[Ashfaq] Khan, A.[Ayla] Khan, A.[Awais] Khan, A.[Asif] Khan, A.[Aziz]
62 for Khan, A.

Khan, A.A. Co Author Listing * Application of Exploratory Spatial Techniques In the Identification Of Tourism Hotspots In the Aegean Region of Turkey
* Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Color Space and Moment Invariants-Based Features
* Description of deep saturated excitation multiphoton microscopy for super-resolution imaging
* Dorsal hand veins based person identification
* Enhanced human motion detection with hybrid RDA-WOA-based RNN and multiple hypothesis tracking for occlusion handling
* GESCAM: A Dataset and Method on Gaze Estimation for Classroom Attention Measurement
* Global Optimization of Long-Term Average Proportional Fair Throughput via Convex Reformulation
* Hidden Markov model and driver path preference for floating car trajectory map matching
* IMG-forensics: Multimedia-enabled information hiding investigation using convolutional neural network
* Investigation of signal-to-noise ratio in frequency-domain multiphoton fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
* Localized Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Using GIS-Based Water Quality Index along Satpara Watershed Skardu Baltistan, Pakistan, A
* Memory Efficient VLSI Architecture for QCIF to VGA Resolution Conversion
* Novel Robust Laser Tracking System with Automatic Environment Adaptation and Keystone Correction, A
* Real-Time Lane Departure Warning System on a Lower Resource Platform
* Ubiquitous Document Capturing with Deep Learning
* Using macroscopic information in image segmentation
Includes: Khan, A.A. Khan, A.A.[Aamir A.] Khan, A.A.[Arfat Ahmad] Khan, A.A.[Arshad Ali] Khan, A.A.[Ahmad Ali] Khan, A.A.[Arif Ali] Khan, A.A.[Abdullah Ayub] Khan, A.A.[Amjad Ali] Khan, A.A.[Asmar A.] Khan, A.A.[Adnan Ali] Khan, A.A.[Anam Ahmad] Khan, A.A.[Asmar Azar]
16 for Khan, A.A.

Khan, A.F. Co Author Listing * Low Cost Rokkaku Kite Setup for Aerial Photogrammetric System, A

Khan, A.H.[Abdul Hannan] Co Author Listing * F2DNet: Fast Focal Detection Network for Pedestrian Detection
* IDENet: Implicit Degradation Estimation Network for Efficient Blind Super Resolution
* LBKENET: lightweight Blur Kernel Estimation Network for Blind Image Super-resolution
* Lightweight Prompt Learning Implicit Degradation Estimation Network for Blind Super Resolution
* Localized Semantic Feature Mixers for Efficient Pedestrian Detection in Autonomous Driving
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Image Super-Resolution (×4): Methods and Results
* Spatial Analysis Framework to Monitor and Accelerate Progress towards SDG 3 to End TB in Bangladesh, A
* Speckle suppression in medical ultrasound images through Schur decomposition
Includes: Khan, A.H.[Abdul Hannan] Khan, A.H.[Asif Hussain] Khan, A.H.[Ahmadul Hasan] Khan, A.H.[Adil H.]
8 for Khan, A.H.

Khan, A.I.[Asad I.] Co Author Listing * combined pattern recognition scheme with genetic algorithms for robot guidance using Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Parallel pattern recognition computations within a wireless sensor network
* Pattern Recognition Scheme for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks, A
Includes: Khan, A.I.[Asad I.] Khan, A.I.

Khan, A.L.[Alia L.] Co Author Listing * Applicability of Relatively Low-Cost Multispectral Uncrewed Aerial Systems for Surface Characterization of the Cryosphere

Khan, A.M.[Alve Mahamud] Co Author Listing * Automated method for the detection and segmentation of drusen in colour fundus image for the diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration
* Gamma-Gaussian mixture model for detection of mitotic cells in breast cancer histopathology images, A
* Geodesic Geometric Mean of Regional Covariance Descriptors as an Image-Level Descriptor for Nuclear Atypia Grading in Breast Histology Images
* Graph-based spatial-spectral feature learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Human Facial Expression Recognition Using Stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis and Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Minimizing stochastic moire in frequency-modulated halftones by means of green-noise masks
* Multiprocessor architecture for real-time applications using mean shift clustering
* Multistage Deep Neural Network Framework for People Detection and Localization Using Fusion of Visible and Thermal Images
* Real-time Bangla License Plate Recognition System for Low Resource Video-based Applications
* Spatial Prior Fuzziness Pool-Based Interactive Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Using deep features for video scene detection and annotation
Includes: Khan, A.M.[Alve Mahamud] Khan, A.M.[Adnan M.] Khan, A.M.[Adnan Mujahid] Khan, A.M.[Adil Mehmood] Khan, A.M. Khan, A.M.[Arif M.] Khan, A.M.[Asad Mansoor] Khan, A.M.[Akib Mohammed]
11 for Khan, A.M.

Khan, A.N.[Ahmad Neyaz] Co Author Listing * Novel Lossless Data Hiding Scheme in Homomorphically Encrypted Images, A

Khan, A.Q.[Akif Quddus] Co Author Listing * Bottom-up Approach for Pig Skeleton Extraction Using RGB Data, A

Khan, A.R. Co Author Listing * Fast Deformable Image Registration with Non-smooth Dual Optimization

Khan, A.S.[Ahmed Shehab] Co Author Listing * Identity-Free Facial Expression Recognition Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Island Loss for Learning Discriminative Features in Facial Expression Recognition
* Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Combined With Random Linear Network Coded Cooperation
* Probabilistic Attribute Tree Structured Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Regional Attention Networks with Context-aware Fusion for Group Emotion Recognition
* Study of Subsidence and Earthquake Swarms in the Western Pakistan
Includes: Khan, A.S.[Ahmed Shehab] Khan, A.S. Khan, A.S.[Abdul S.]

Khan, A.U. Co Author Listing * Analysis of Hand Segmentation in the Wild
* Egocentric Height Estimation
* Found a Reason for me? Weakly-supervised Grounded Visual Question Answering using Capsules
* Learning Situation Hyper-Graphs for Video Question Answering
* Multi-Objective Offloading Optimization in MEC and Vehicular-Fog Systems: A Distributed-TD3 Approach
* Weakly Supervised Grounding for VQA in Vision-Language Transformers
Includes: Khan, A.U. Khan, A.U.[Aisha Urooj] Khan, A.U.[Asif Uddin]

Khan, A.W. Co Author Listing * Impact of Assimilation of MADRAS Geophysical Parameters on Short Range WRF Model Forecasts

Khan, A.Z.[Afreen Zaman] Co Author Listing * Analysis of OpenStreetMap Data Quality at Different Stages of a Participatory Mapping Process: Evidence from Slums in Africa and Asia
* Extraction of Parcel Boundaries from Ortho-rectified Aerial Photos: A Cost Effective Technique
Includes: Khan, A.Z.[Afreen Zaman] Khan, A.Z.

Khan, B. Co Author Listing * Appearance-based data augmentation for image datasets using contrast preserving sampling
* Data-Driven Multivariate Signal Denoising Using Mahalanobis Distance
* Emotion recognition from facial expressions using hybrid feature descriptors
* Enhanced Functional Brain Imaging by Using Adaptive Filtering and a Depth Compensation Algorithm in Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Prognosticating the effect on Unemployment rate in the post-pandemic India via Time-Series Forecasting and Least Squares Approximation
Includes: Khan, B. Khan, B.[Bushra] Khan, B.[Bilal] Khan, B.[Baseem]

Khan, C.[Christopher] Co Author Listing * Training Deep Network Ultrasound Beamformers With Unlabeled In Vivo Data

Khan, D.[Dawar] Co Author Listing * Generic Approach toward Indoor Navigation and Pathfinding with Robust Marker Tracking, A
* Identifying Potential Sites for Rainwater Harvesting Structures in Ghazi Tehsil, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Using Geospatial Approach
* Optimality of black to white ratio and information complexity for robust marker recognition
Includes: Khan, D.[Dawar] Khan, D.[Dawood] Khan, D.

Khan, D.A.[Dawood Ashraf] Co Author Listing * novel algorithm for real time moving object tracking, A

Khan, D.M.[Dost Muhammad] Co Author Listing * k nearest neighbour ensemble via extended neighbourhood rule and feature subsets, A

Khan, E.[Ekram] Co Author Listing * automatic and simple breast tumor classification using area matching, An
* Efficient algorithm for very low bit rate embedded image coding
* efficient and scalable low bit-rate video coding with virtual SPIHT, An
* Efficient bitstream switching for streaming of H.264/AVC coded video
* Efficient Technique for Storage of 2-Tone Images, An
* Efficient Wavelet Based Embedded Color Image Coding Technique using Block-Tree Approach, An
* Error detection and correction of transmission errors in SPIHT coded images
* Frequency-domain blind quality assessment of blurred and blocking-artefact images using Gaussian Process Regression model
* Image fidelity estimation from received embedded bitstream
* Image transmission using unequal error protected multi-fold turbo codes over a two-user power-line binary adder channel
* impact of tree structures on the performance of zerotree-based wavelet video codecs, The
* Iterative error detection and correction of H.263 coded video for wireless networks
* Low-complexity block tree image coder for visual sensor networks
* No-reference image quality assessment of wavelet coded images
* Player classification in interactive sport scenes using prior information region space analysis and number recognition
* Real-Time Fidelity Measurement of JPEG2000 Coded Images
* Revealing the traces of histogram equalisation in digital images
* Wavelet based efficient color image coding technique
* Wavelet-based video coding with early-predicted zerotrees
Includes: Khan, E.[Ekram] Khan, E.
19 for Khan, E.

Khan, E.A. Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Color Spaces for Edge Classification in Outdoor Scenes
* Ghost Removal in High Dynamic Range Images
* Mode-seeking by Medoidshifts
Includes: Khan, E.A. Khan, E.A.[Erum Arif]

Khan, F.[Faheem] Co Author Listing * Assessing Impacts of Flood and Drought over the Punjab Region of Pakistan Using Multi-Satellite Data Products
* Automatic Background Filtering for Cooperative Perception Using Roadside LiDAR
* COVID-opt-aiNet: A clinical decision support system for COVID-19 detection
* Cross Domain Residual Transfer Learning for Person Re-Identification
* D3Former: Debiased Dual Distilled Transformer for Incremental Learning
* deep learning-based x-ray imaging diagnosis system for classification of tuberculosis, COVID-19, and pneumonia traits using evolutionary algorithm, A
* Face Models: How Good Does My Data Need To Be?
* framework for head pose estimation and face segmentation through conditional random fields, A
* Hand gesture recognition for automatic tap system
* Identity-Based Data Integrity Auditing Scheme for Cloud-Based Maritime Transportation Systems, An
* Improving Physical Layer Security in Vehicles and Pedestrians Networks With Ambient Backscatter Communication
* Investigating Drought and Flood Evolution Based on Remote Sensing Data Products over the Punjab Region in Pakistan
* Location-based data delivery between vehicles and infrastructure
* Novel Image-Based Homomorphic Approach for Preserving the Privacy of Autonomous Vehicles Connected to the Cloud, A
* Video Instance Segmentation Without Using Mask and Identity Supervision
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* VSCode: General Visual Salient and Camouflaged Object Detection with 2D Prompt Learning
Includes: Khan, F.[Faheem] Khan, F.[Fazlullah] Khan, F.[Faiza] Khan, F. Khan, F.[Fahad] Khan, F.[Fahim] Khan, F.[Farooq] Khan, F.[Farhan] Khan, F.[Fawad]
17 for Khan, F.

Khan, F.A.[Faisal Ahmed] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Monthly and Spring-Neap Tidal Variability of Satellite Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Matter in a Turbid Coastal Ocean Using the DINEOF Method
* Atmospheric Correction of Airborne Hyperspectral CASI Data Using Polymer, 6S and FLAASH
* Compressing Deep CNNs Using Basis Representation and Spectral Fine-Tuning
* Diabetic retinopathy grading review: Current techniques and future directions
Includes: Khan, F.A.[Faisal Ahmed] Khan, F.A.[Fahad Ahmad] Khan, F.A.[Fakhri Alam]

Khan, F.F.[Faizan Farooq] Co Author Listing * AI Art Neural Constellation: Revealing the Collective and Contrastive State of AI-Generated and Human Art
* Emotalker: Audio Driven Emotion Aware Talking Head Generation
* FishNet: A Large-scale Dataset and Benchmark for Fish Recognition, Detection, and Functional Trait Prediction
* HRS-Bench: Holistic, Reliable and Scalable Benchmark for Text-to-Image Models
* It is Okay to Not Be Okay: Overcoming Emotional Bias in Affective Image Captioning by Contrastive Data Collection
* Towards Generating Ultra-High Resolution Talking-Face Videos with Lip synchronization

Khan, F.H.[Fahim Hasan] Co Author Listing * How much does input data type impact final face model accuracy?
* Sequential Image Synthesis for Human Activity Video Generation

Khan, F.M.[Furqan M.] Co Author Listing * Conditional Bayesian networks for action detection
* Graphical framework for action recognition using temporally dense STIPs
* Leveraging Mutual Information in Local Descriptions: From Local Binary Patterns to the Image
* Multi-Object tracking using multi-channel part appearance representation
* Multi-shot Person Re-Identification Using Part Appearance Mixture
* Multiple pose context trees for estimating human pose in object context
* Simultaneous inference of activity, pose and object
* Unsupervised data association for metric learning in the context of multi-shot person re-identification
Includes: Khan, F.M.[Furqan M.] Khan, F.M. Khan, F.M.[Furqan Muhammad]
8 for Khan, F.M.

Khan, F.S. Co Author Listing * 3C-Net: Category Count and Center Loss for Weakly-Supervised Action Localization
* 3D Instance Segmentation via Enhanced Spatial and Semantic Supervision
* 3D-Aware Multi-Class Image-to-Image Translation with NeRFs
* Accurate Scale Estimation for Robust Visual Tracking
* Adaptive Color Attributes for Real-Time Visual Tracking
* Adaptive Decontamination of the Training Set: A Unified Formulation for Discriminative Visual Tracking
* Adaptive Feature Consolidation Network for Burst Super-Resolution
* Aligning the dissimilar: A probabilistic method for feature-based point set registration
* AnimalWeb: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Dataset of Annotated Animal Faces
* Anomaly Detection in Video via Self-Supervised and Multi-Task Learning
* Any-shot Object Detection
* ATOM: Accurate Tracking by Overlap Maximization
* Background-Agnostic Framework With Adversarial Training for Abnormal Event Detection in Video, A
* Beyond Correlation Filters: Learning Continuous Convolution Operators for Visual Tracking
* Beyond Eleven Color Names for Image Understanding
* Binary patterns encoded convolutional neural networks for texture recognition and remote sensing scene classification
* Bridging Precision and Confidence: A Train-Time Loss for Calibrating Object Detection
* Burst Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Burstormer: Burst Image Restoration and Enhancement Transformer
* Class-Agnostic Object Detection with Multi-modal Transformer
* COCOA: Context-Conditional Adaptation for Recognizing Unseen Classes in Unseen Domains
* Color attributes for object detection
* Coloring Action Recognition in Still Images
* Coloring Channel Representations for Visual Tracking
* Combining Visual Tracking and Person Detection for Long Term Tracking on a UAV
* Compact color-texture description for texture classification
* Composed Video Retrieval via Enriched Context and Discriminative Embeddings
* CONDA: Condensed Deep Association Learning for Co-Salient Object Detection
* Confidence Propagation through CNNs for Guided Sparse Depth Regression
* Continual Learning and Unknown Object Discovery in 3d Scenes via Self-distillation
* Convolutional Features for Correlation Filter Based Visual Tracking
* Count- and Similarity-aware R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection
* Cross-Modal Self-Training: Aligning Images and Pointclouds to learn Classification without Labels
* CT-VOS: Cutout prediction and tagging for self-supervised video object segmentation
* CycleISP: Real Image Restoration via Improved Data Synthesis
* D2-Net: Weakly-Supervised Action Localization via Discriminative Embeddings and Denoised Activations
* D2Det: Towards High Quality Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* DCCO: Towards Deformable Continuous Convolution Operators for Visual Tracking
* Deep Contextual Attention for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Deep motion and appearance cues for visual tracking
* Deep motion features for visual tracking
* Deep Projective 3D Semantic Segmentation
* Deep Semantic Pyramids for Human Attributes and Action Recognition
* Dense Gaussian Processes for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Density Adaptive Point Set Registration
* Discriminative Co-Saliency and Background Mining Transformer for Co-Salient Object Detection
* Discriminative Color Descriptors
* Discriminative compact pyramids for object and scene recognition
* Discriminative Region-based Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
* Discriminative Scale Space Tracking
* Distilled Siamese Networks for Visual Tracking
* DoodleFormer: Creative Sketch Drawing with Transformers
* ECO: Efficient Convolution Operators for Tracking
* Edgenext: Efficiently Amalgamated CNN-transformer Architecture for Mobile Vision Applications
* Efficient Featurized Image Pyramid Network for Single Shot Detector
* Ellipse Detection for Visual Cyclists Analysis In the Wild
* Energy-based Latent Aligner for Incremental Learning
* Enriched Feature Guided Refinement Network for Object Detection
* Evaluating the Impact of Color on Texture Recognition
* Exploring Complementary Strengths of Invariant and Equivariant Representations for Few-Shot Learning
* Fast Video Instance Segmentation via Recurrent Encoder-based Transformers
* Fine-tuned CLIP Models are Efficient Video Learners
* Fixing Localization Errors to Improve Image Classification
* From Handcrafted to Deep Features for Pedestrian Detection: A Survey
* Fusing Color and Shape for Bag-of-Words Based Object Recognition
* Gated Multi-Resolution Transfer Network for Burst Restoration and Enhancement
* Generative Appearance Model for End-To-End Video Object Segmentation, A
* Generative Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
* Generative Multiplane Neural Radiance for 3D-Aware Image Generation
* GeoChat: Grounded Large Vision-Language Model for Remote Sensing
* GLaMM: Pixel Grounding Large Multimodal Model
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Transformer Models in Vision
* Guided-attention and gated-aggregation network for medical image segmentation
* Handwriting Transformers
* Impact of Color on Bag-of-Words Based Object Recognition, The
* Incremental Object Detection via Meta-Learning
* iTAML: An Incremental Task-Agnostic Meta-learning Approach
* Latent Embedding Feedback and Discriminative Features for Zero-shot Classification
* Learning Camouflaged Object Detection from Noisy Pseudo Label
* Learning Enriched Features for Fast Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Learning Enriched Features for Real Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Learning Fast and Robust Target Models for Video Object Segmentation
* Learning Human-Object Interaction Detection Using Interaction Points
* Learning Rich Features at High-Speed for Single-Shot Object Detection
* Learning Spatially Regularized Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* Learning the Model Update for Siamese Trackers
* Learning to Fuse Asymmetric Feature Maps in Siamese Trackers
* Lightning fast video anomaly detection via multi-scale adversarial distillation
* Low-Level Active Vision Framework for Collaborative Unmanned Aircraft Systems, A
* MaPLe: Multi-modal Prompt Learning
* Mask-Guided Attention Network and Occlusion-Sensitive Hard Example Mining for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Mask-Guided Attention Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* MineGAN++: Mining Generative Models for Efficient Knowledge Transfer to Limited Data Domains
* MineGAN: Effective Knowledge Transfer From GANs to Target Domains With Few Images
* Modulating Shape Features by Color Attention for Object Recognition
* Multi-grained Temporal Prototype Learning for Few-shot Video Object Segmentation
* Multi-Stage Progressive Image Restoration
* Multi-stream Convolutional Networks for Indoor Scene Recognition
* Multimodal Multi-Head Convolutional Attention with Various Kernel Sizes for Medical Image Super-Resolution
* Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel Images: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* NTIRE 2022 Burst Super-Resolution Challenge
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Object Counting and Instance Segmentation With Image-Level Supervision
* Object-Centric Auto-Encoders and Dummy Anomalies for Abnormal Event Detection in Video
* ObjectCompose: Evaluating Resilience of Vision-based Models on Object-to-background Compositional Changes
* On Generating Transferable Targeted Perturbations
* On the Optimization of Advanced DCF-Trackers
* OpenLDN: Learning to Discover Novel Classes for Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning
* Orthogonal Projection Loss
* Out-Of-Distribution Detection for Generalized Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* Overview of Color Name Applications in Computer Vision, An
* OW-DETR: Open-world Detection Transformer
* Painting-91: a large scale database for computational painting categorization
* Person Image Synthesis via Denoising Diffusion Model
* Probabilistic Framework for Color-Based Point Set Registration, A
* Progressive Semantic-Guided Vision Transformer for Zero-Shot Learning
* PromptCAL: Contrastive Affinity Learning via Auxiliary Prompts for Generalized Novel Category Discovery
* PS-ARM: An End-to-end Attention-aware Relation Mixer Network for Person Search
* PSTR: End-to-End One-Step Person Search With Transformers
* Recognizing Actions Through Action-Specific Person Detection
* Restormer: Efficient Transformer for High-Resolution Image Restoration
* Rethinking Transformers Pre-training for Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery
* Robust Perception and Precise Segmentation for Scribble-Supervised RGB-D Saliency Detection
* SAT: Scale-Augmented Transformer for Person Search
* Scale coding bag of deep features for human attribute and action recognition
* Scale Coding Bag-of-Words for Action Recognition
* SED: A Simple Encoder-Decoder for Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation
* Self-Distilled Masked Auto-Encoders are Efficient Video Anomaly Detectors
* Self-distilled Vision Transformer for Domain Generalization
* Self-regulating Prompts: Foundational Model Adaptation without Forgetting
* Self-supervised Approach for Adversarial Robustness, A
* Self-Supervised Masked Convolutional Transformer Block for Anomaly Detection
* Self-Supervised Predictive Convolutional Attentive Block for Anomaly Detection
* Self-supervised Video Transformer
* Semantic Pyramids for Gender and Action Recognition
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Few-Shot Image-to-Image Translation
* Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* Sipmask: Spatial Information Preservation for Fast Image and Video Instance Segmentation
* SipMaskv2: Enhanced Fast Image and Video Instance Segmentation
* Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* Spatio-temporal Relation Modeling for Few-shot Action Recognition
* SSMTL++: Revisiting self-supervised multi-task learning for video anomaly detection
* Stylized Adversarial Defense
* SwiftFormer: Efficient Additive Attention for Transformer-based Real-time Mobile Vision Applications
* Synthesizing the Unseen for Zero-shot Object Detection
* Synthetic Data Generation for End-to-End Thermal Infrared Tracking
* Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking VOT-TIR2016 Challenge Results, The
* Top-down color attention for object recognition
* Top-Down Deep Appearance Attention for Action Recognition
* Towards Open World Object Detection
* Towards Partial Supervision for Generic Object Counting in Natural Scenes
* Transformers in Remote Sensing: A Survey
* UBnormal: New Benchmark for Supervised Open-Set Video Anomaly Detection
* Understanding Whitening Loss in Self-Supervised Learning
* UNETR++: Delving Into Efficient and Accurate 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Unveiling the Power of Deep Tracking
* Video Instance Segmentation in an Open-World
* Video Instance Segmentation via Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Split Attention Transformer
* Video-FocalNets: Spatio-Temporal Focal Modulation for Video Action Recognition
* VideoGrounding-DINO: Towards Open-Vocabulary Spatio- Temporal Video Grounding
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2017 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking With Discriminative Filters and Siamese Networks: A Survey and Outlook
* Visual-Augmented Dynamic Semantic Prototype for Generative Zero-Shot Learning
* Vita-CLIP: Video and text adaptive CLIP via Multimodal Prompting
Includes: Khan, F.S. Khan, F.S.[Fahad Shahbaz] Khan, F.S.[Fahad S.]
168 for Khan, F.S.

Khan, F.U.[Fahad Ullah] Co Author Listing * Integrated Approach for 3D Solar Potential Assessment at the City Scale, An

Khan, G.[Gulraiz] Co Author Listing * Geometric positions and optical flow based emotion detection using MLP and reduced dimensions
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Analysis of Different Feature Selection Techniques with Artificial Neural Network Tuned by Bayesian and Metaheuristic Algorithms
Includes: Khan, G.[Gulraiz] Khan, G.[Garee]

Khan, G.A.[Gulzar Ali] Co Author Listing * Active contours textural and inhomogeneous object extraction
* Auto-attention mechanism for multi-view deep embedding clustering
* variational model with hybrid images data fitting energies for segmentation of images with intensity inhomogeneity, A
Includes: Khan, G.A.[Gulzar Ali] Khan, G.A.[Ghufran Ahmad]

Khan, G.M.[Ghulam Mohiuddin] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Digital Makeup

Khan, G.N.[Gul N.] Co Author Listing * Extracting Contours by Perceptual Grouping
* Parallel-Hierarchical Image Partitioning and Region Extraction
Includes: Khan, G.N.[Gul N.] Khan, G.N.

Khan, H.[Habib] Co Author Listing * Attention enhanced machine instinctive vision with human-inspired saliency detection
* Empirical Study on Retinex Methods for Low-Light Image Enhancement, An
* Fake Review Classification Using Supervised Machine Learning
* Interaction Recognition Using Sparse Portraits
* Visionary vigilance: Optimized YOLOV8 for fallen person detection with large-scale benchmark dataset
* xYOLO: A Model For Real-Time Object Detection In Humanoid Soccer On Low-End Hardware
Includes: Khan, H.[Habib] Khan, H.[Hufsa] Khan, H.[Hanif] Khan, H.[Haidar] Khan, H.

Khan, H.A.[Haris Ahmad] Co Author Listing * Analytical Survey of Highlight Detection in Color and Spectral Images
* Classification Of Breast Cancer Histology Images Using ALEXNET
* Illuminant estimation in multispectral imaging
* Improving Radiometric Block Adjustment for UAV Multispectral Imagery under Variable Illumination Conditions
* Multispectral Constancy Based on Spectral Adaptation Transform
Includes: Khan, H.A.[Haris Ahmad] Khan, H.A.[Hassan Aqeel]

Khan, H.M. Co Author Listing * ReBreathe: A Calibration Protocol that Improves Stress/Relax Classification by Relabeling Deep Breathing Relaxation Exercises

Khan, H.U. Co Author Listing * Lane detection using lane boundary marker network with road geometry constraints

Khan, I.[Izhar] Co Author Listing * Convolutional LSTM based transportation mode learning from raw GPS trajectories
* Efficient Cross Layer Intra and Inter Domain Mobility Solution for IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX, An
* Efficient human action recognition by cascaded linear classifcation
* Implementation of Conditional Processing and Pyramids with a General Purpose Pipelined Pixel Processor
* Non-Rigid Structure-From-Motion With Uniqueness Constraint and Low Rank Matrix Fitting Factorization
* Robust Sparse and Dense Nonrigid Structure From Motion
Includes: Khan, I.[Izhar] Khan, I. Khan, I.[Inayatullah]

Khan, I.A.[Izhar Ahmed] Co Author Listing * Enhanced Multi-Stage Deep Learning Framework for Detecting Malicious Activities From Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Survey on blind image forgery detection
Includes: Khan, I.A.[Izhar Ahmed] Khan, I.A.

Khan, I.H.[Imran Haider] Co Author Listing * Early Detection of Powdery Mildew Disease and Accurate Quantification of Its Severity Using Hyperspectral Images in Wheat
* Global Trends and Future Directions in Agricultural Remote Sensing for Wheat Scab Detection: Insights from a Bibliometric Analysis
* Hyperspectral Reflectance Proxies to Diagnose In-Field Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat with Machine Learning

Khan, I.R.[Ishtiaq Rasool] Co Author Listing * back projection scheme for accurate mean shift based tracking, A
* Clothing segmentation and recoloring using background subtraction and back projection method
* compact format for coding of texture in 3D urban models, A
* Evaluating Quantitative Metrics of Tone-Mapped Images
* Image tone mapping based on clustering and human visual system models
* Mathematical proof of explicit formulas for tap-coefficients of full-band FIR digital differentiators
* Mixed Reality Virtual Clothes Try-On System, A
* Mobile Registration Number Plate Recognition Using Artificial Intelligence
* nonlinear quantization scheme for two-layer HDR image encoding, A
* Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped Images Using Fundamental Color and Structural Features
* Quasi-equiripple approximation of minimum phase FIR filters by updating desired response
Includes: Khan, I.R.[Ishtiaq Rasool] Khan, I.R.
11 for Khan, I.R.

Khan, I.U.[Imran Ullah] Co Author Listing * Comparative Study of IoT-Based Topology Maintenance Protocol in a Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Health Monitoring

Khan, J.[Jahangir] Co Author Listing * Assessing Impacts of Flood and Drought over the Punjab Region of Pakistan Using Multi-Satellite Data Products
* Can We Improve Parametric Cyclonic Wind Fields Using Recent Satellite Remote Sensing Data?
* Drought Forecasting with Vegetation Temperature Condition Index Using ARIMA Models in the Guanzhong Plain
* Effectiveness of power strategies for video applications: A practical study
* Investigating Drought and Flood Evolution Based on Remote Sensing Data Products over the Punjab Region in Pakistan
* Level-5 Autonomous Driving: Are We There Yet? A Review of Research Literature
* Monitoring Land Subsidence Using PS-InSAR Technique in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan
* MultiPoseSeg: Feedback Knowledge Transfer for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation
* PS-InSAR Based Monitoring of Land Subsidence by Groundwater Extraction for Lahore Metropolitan City, Pakistan
* Robust Feature Selection by Weighted Fisher Criterion for Multiclass Prediction in Gene Expression Profiling
* Rotation-Agnostic Image Representation Learning for Digital Pathology
* Smart Campus Mobility: From Concept to Realization
Includes: Khan, J.[Jahangir] Khan, J.[Jamal] Khan, J.[Jabran] Khan, J.[Jalal] Khan, J.[Junaid] Khan, J.[Jawad] Khan, J. Khan, J.[Jibran]
12 for Khan, J.

Khan, J.A.[Jameel Ahmed] Co Author Listing * Efficient coarser-to-fine holistic traffic sign detection for occlusion handling
* Enhancing explainability in brain tumor detection: A novel DeepEBTDNet model with LIME on MRI images
* Inventory and GLOF Susceptibility of Glacial Lakes in Hunza River Basin, Western Karakorum
Includes: Khan, J.A.[Jameel Ahmed] Khan, J.A.[Javed Ali] Khan, J.A.[Junaid Aziz]

Khan, J.F.[Jesmin F.] Co Author Listing * customized Gabor filter for unsupervised color image segmentation, A
* Distortion invariant road sign detection
* Image Segmentation and Shape Analysis for Road-Sign Detection
Includes: Khan, J.F.[Jesmin F.] Khan, J.F.

Khan, J.I.[Javed I.] Co Author Listing * Fast perceptual region tracking with coding-depth sensitive access for stream transcoding
* Intermediate Annotationless Dynamical Object-Index-Based Query in Large Image Archives with Holographic Representation
* Parallel, Distributed and Associative Approach for Searching Image Patterns with Holographic Dynamics, A
Includes: Khan, J.I.[Javed I.] Khan, J.I.

Khan, J.S.[Juwairiya Siraj] Co Author Listing * AI-CardioCare: Artificial Intelligence Based Device for Cardiac Health Monitoring

Khan, K.[Khalid] Co Author Listing * Advancements and Applications of Drone-Integrated Geographic Information System Technology: A Review
* Face analysis through semantic face segmentation
* framework for head pose estimation and face segmentation through conditional random fields, A
* Gender and Expression Analysis Based on Semantic Face Segmentation
* Head pose estimation: A survey of the last ten years
* Multi-class semantic segmentation of faces
* S-MDP: Streaming With Markov Decision Processes
* Satellite Imagery-Based Cloud Classification Using Deep Learning
Includes: Khan, K.[Khalid] Khan, K.[Khalil] Khan, K. Khan, K.[Khurram]
8 for Khan, K.

Khan, K.U. Co Author Listing * ML-HDP: A Hierarchical Bayesian Nonparametric Model for Recognizing Human Actions in Video
* Online recognition of multi-stroke handwritten Urdu characters
Includes: Khan, K.U. Khan, K.U.[Kamran Ullah]

Khan, K.U.J.[Kaleem Ullah Jan] Co Author Listing * Hybrid Model Consisting of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, A

Khan, L. Co Author Listing * Adaptive Multi-Region Network For Medical Image Analysis
* Attention-Based Spatial Guidance for Image-to-Image Translation
* DAGIS: A Geospatial Semantic Web Services Discovery and Selection Framework
* framework for image classification, A
* randomized approximating graph algorithm for image annotation refinement problem, The
Includes: Khan, L. Khan, L.[Latifur]

Khan, M. .A.M.[Md. Al Masrur] Co Author Listing * Development of AI- and Robotics-Assisted Automated Pavement-Crack-Evaluation System
Includes: Khan, M. .A.M.[Md. Al Masrur] Khan, M. .A.M.[Md. Al-Masrur]

Khan, M.[Mehjabeen] Co Author Listing * Assessing the Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Environmental Parameters in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan: A Comprehensive Study and Future Projections
* CamoFocus: Enhancing Camouflage Object Detection with Split-Feature Focal Modulation and Context Refinement
* Deepskinformer: Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Hierarchical Transformers And Edge Enhancement
* Drone-HAT: Hybrid Attention Transformer for Complex Action Recognition in Drone Surveillance Videos
* efficient construction of substitution box with fractional chaotic system, An
* End-to-End Deep Learning Models for Gap Identification in Maize Fields
* Grouping of Handwritten Bangla Basic Characters, Numerals and Vowel Modifiers for Multilayer Classification
* Influence of DEM in Watershed Management As Flood Zonation Mapping
* Live 360° Video Streaming to Heterogeneous Clients in 5G Networks
* new implementation of chaotic S-boxes in CAPTCHA, A
* NJIT 6DOF VR Navigation Dataset
* Open Source Tesseract Based Optical Character Recognizer for Bangla Script, An
* Segment Any Object Model (SAOM): Real-To-Simulation Fine-Tuning Strategy For Multi-Class Multi-Instance Segmentation
* STVchrono Dataset: Towards Continuous Change Recognition in Time, The
* Toward Enabling Next-Generation Societal Virtual Reality Applications for Virtual Human Teleportation: A novel future system concept and computation-communication-signal representation trade-offs
Includes: Khan, M.[Mehjabeen] Khan, M.[Mustaqeem] Khan, M.[Majid] Khan, M.[Maryam] Khan, M.[Mumit] Khan, M.[Mudasir] Khan, M.[Mahmudur] Khan, M. Khan, M.[Mariia]
15 for Khan, M.

Khan, M.A.[Muhammad Attique] Co Author Listing * Active deep neural network features selection for segmentation and recognition of brain tumors using MRI images
* AI-Based Visual Aid With Integrated Reading Assistant for the Completely Blind, An
* Attributes based skin lesion detection and recognition: A mask RCNN and transfer learning-based deep learning framework
* Augmenting CCAM Infrastructure for Creating Smart Roads and Enabling Autonomous Driving
* Authenticating and securing healthcare records: A deep learning-based zero watermarking approach
* automated and fast system to identify COVID-19 from X-ray radiograph of the chest using image processing and machine learning, An
* Automatic inspection system using machine vision
* Automatic optic disk detection and segmentation by variational active contour estimation in retinal fundus images
* Characterization of SURF and BRISK Interest Point Distribution for Distributed Feature Extraction in Visual Sensor Networks
* Communication Quality Prediction for Internet of Vehicle (IoV) Networks: An Elman Approach
* Compression of Video Data Using Parametric Line and Natural Cubic Spline Block Level Approximation
* Control Schemes for Quadrotor UAV: Taxonomy and Survey
* Creation and selection of most stable discriminating features for on-line signature verification
* Crowd Counting in Harsh Weather using Image Denoising with Pix2Pix GANs
* Deep learning network selection and optimized information fusion for enhanced COVID-19 detection
* deep learning-based x-ray imaging diagnosis system for classification of tuberculosis, COVID-19, and pneumonia traits using evolutionary algorithm, A
* Developed Newton-Raphson based deep features selection framework for skin lesion recognition
* Edge-Centric Secure Service Provisioning in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Editorial on the Advances, Innovations and Applications of UAV Technology for Remote Sensing
* end-to-end brain tumor segmentation system using multi-inception-UNET, An
* Federated learning based nonlinear two-stage framework for full-reference image quality assessment: An application for biometric
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Decimation Free Directional Adaptive Mean Filtering
* framework for offline signature verification system: Best features selection approach, A
* framework of human action recognition using length control features fusion and weighted entropy-variances based feature selection, A
* Gastrointestinal diseases segmentation and classification based on duo-deep architectures
* Gastrointestinal diseases segmentation and classification based on duo-deep architectures
* GGM classifier with multi-scale line detectors for retinal vessel segmentation
* Guiding Users to Where to Give Color Hints for Efficient Interactive Sketch Colorization via Unsupervised Region Prioritization
* Improved strategy for human action recognition: Experiencing a cascaded design
* Influence of DEM in Watershed Management As Flood Zonation Mapping
* Influence of GSD for 3D City Modeling And Visualization From Aerial Imagery
* Level-5 Autonomous Driving: Are We There Yet? A Review of Research Literature
* License number plate recognition system using entropy-based features selection approach with SVM
* Lightweight Authentication Scheme for 6G-IoT Enabled Maritime Transport System, A
* Lungs cancer classification from CT images: An integrated design of contrast based classical features fusion and selection
* Melanoma segmentation: A framework of improved DenseNet77 and UNET convolutional neural network
* Millimetre-wave massive MIMO for cellular vehicle-to-infrastructure communication
* modified multi-grid algorithm for a novel variational model to remove multiplicative noise, A
* Multi-branch sustainable convolutional neural network for disease classification
* Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
* Multimodal brain tumor detection and classification using deep saliency map and improved dragonfly optimization algorithm
* new method for video data compression by quadratic Bézier curve fitting, A
* NOMA-Enabled Optimization Framework for Next-Generation Small-Cell IoV Networks Under Imperfect SIC Decoding
* Not just Compete, but Collaborate: Local Image-to-Image Translation via Cooperative Mask Prediction
* Novel and Efficient Feedback Method for Pupil and Iris Localization, A
* Novel Multifaceted Trust Management Framework for Vehicular Networks, A
* On-Line Signature Verification by Exploiting Inter-Feature Dependencies
* On-Line Signature Verification Using 1-D Velocity-Based Directional Analysis
* On-Line Signature Verification: Directional Analysis of a Signature Using Weighted Relative Angle Partitions for Exploitation of Inter-Feature Dependencies
* plexus-convolutional neural network framework for fast remote sensing image super-resolution in wavelet domain, A
* Quantifying Spatio-Temporal River Morphological Change and Its Consequences in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System Techniques
* Quantitative Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics using Geoinformatics Techniques: A Case Study on Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA) in West Bengal, India
* Recognizing apple leaf diseases using a novel parallel real-time processing framework based on MASK RCNN and transfer learning: An application for smart agriculture
* Revisiting crowd counting: State-of-the-art, trends, and future perspectives
* Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Communications
* SkinNet-ENDO: Multiclass skin lesion recognition using deep neural network and Entropy-Normal distribution optimization algorithm with ELM
* Smart Campus Mobility: From Concept to Realization
* Traffic sign recognition using proposed lightweight twig-net with linear discriminant classifier for biometric application
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Traffic Analysis: A Case Study for Shockwave Identification and Flow Parameters Estimation at Signalized Intersections
* Updating Maps Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Vehicles of the Future: A Survey of Research on Safety Issues
* Velocity and pressure-based partitions of horizontal and vertical trajectories for on-line signature verification
* Velocity-Image Model for Online Signature Verification
Includes: Khan, M.A.[Muhammad Attique] Khan, M.A. Khan, M.A.[Manzoor Ahmed] Khan, M.A.[Murtaza Ali] Khan, M.A.[M. Aurangzeb] Khan, M.A.[Mohammad Ayoub] Khan, M.A.[Muhammad Asif] Khan, M.A.[Muhammad Asghar] Khan, M.A.[Muazzam A.] Khan, M.A.[Mehshan Ahmed] Khan, M.A.[Mohammad Azam] Khan, M.A.[Mohammad Afroz] Khan, M.A.[M. Attique] Khan, M.A.[Muhammad Awais] Khan, M.A.[Mushtaq Ahmad] Khan, M.A.[Muhammad Ashfaq] Khan, M.A.[Muhammad Adnan] Khan, M.A.[Mohammad Amir] Khan, M.A.[Muhammad Arsalan]
63 for Khan, M.A.

Khan, M.A.A. Co Author Listing * Development of a Cooperative Heavy-Duty Vehicle for the GCDC 2011: Team Scoop, The

Khan, M.A.H.[Mohammed Abdul Hafeez] Co Author Listing * ALINA: Advanced Line Identification and Notation Algorithm
* Feature Selection and Discretization based on Mutual Information
* Simultaneous feature selection and discretization based on mutual information
Includes: Khan, M.A.H.[Mohammed Abdul Hafeez] Khan, M.A.H.[Muhammad Asif Hossain]

Khan, M.A.R.[Md Ataullah Raza] Co Author Listing * Modelling Permafrost Distribution in Western Himalaya Using Remote Sensing and Field Observations

Khan, M.A.U.[Mohammad A.U.] Co Author Listing * Automatic Retinal Vessel Extraction Algorithm
* Automatic retinal vessel extraction algorithm based on contrast-sensitive schemes
* Boosting Sensitivity of a Retinal Vessel Segmentation Algorithm with Convolutional Neural Network
* Calibrating second-moment matrix for better shape adaptation with bias term from directional filter bank
* Competitive learning/ reflected residual vector quantization for coding angiogram images
* Conditional Entropy-Constrained Trellis-Coded RVQ with Application to Image Coding
* Contrast normalization steps for increased sensitivity of a retinal image segmentation method
* Coupling orientation diffusion with coherence-enhancing diffusion: a fingerprint case
* Deriving scale normalisation factors for a GLoG detector
* Efficient Hardware Implementation For Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Anisotropic Gaussian Filter
* Efficient hardware implementation strategy for local normalization of fingerprint images
* GGM classifier with multi-scale line detectors for retinal vessel segmentation
* Image coding using entropy-constrained reflected residual vector quantization
* Jointly optimized trellis-coded residual vector quantization
* Lung nodule classification utilizing support vector machines
* On-Line Signature Verification by Exploiting Inter-Feature Dependencies
* Role of Image Contrast Enhancement Technique for Ophthalmologist as Diagnostic Tool for Diabetic Retinopathy
* spatial domain scar removal strategy for fingerprint image enhancement, A
* Velocity-Image Model for Online Signature Verification
* Vessel enhancement filter using directional filter bank
Includes: Khan, M.A.U.[Mohammad A.U.] Khan, M.A.U. Khan, M.A.U.[Mohammad A. U.]
20 for Khan, M.A.U.

Khan, M.A.Z.[Muhammad Aqdus Zafar] Co Author Listing * Neuro-wavelet based intelligent medical image fusion

Khan, M.B. Co Author Listing * Illumination Compensated Segmentation of Microscopic Images of Activated Sludge Flocs
* Stochastic Optimization Model and Solution Algorithm for Robust Double-Track Train-Timetabling Problem
* Vignetting Correction Algorithm for Bright-Field Microscopic Images of Activated Sludge, A

Khan, M.F.[Muhammad Faisal] Co Author Listing * 3D non-rigid image registration with inverse consistency constraint on elastodynamics wave equation
* Automatic Extraction of Contour Lines from Topographic Maps
* Classification of remotely sensed images using decimal coded morphological profiles
* Comparative analysis of various Matrix Pencil methods for direction of arrival estimation
* Deformable image registration based on elastodynamics
* Exploiting a scene calibration mechanism for depth estimation
* Harris Hawks Optimization-Based Clustering Algorithm for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* Multimodal non-rigid image registration based on elastodynamics
* Non rigid image registration by modeling deformations as elastic waves
* Real-Time Object Tracking Using Powell's Direct Set Method for Object Localization and Kalman Filter for Occlusion Handling
* Signal Processing Perspective of Monitoring Active Volcanoes, A
Includes: Khan, M.F.[Muhammad Faisal] Khan, M.F.[M. Faisal] Khan, M.F. Khan, M.F.[Muhammad Fahad]
11 for Khan, M.F.

Khan, M.F.A.[Muhammad Fawad Akbar] Co Author Listing * Mapping Allochemical Limestone Formations in Hazara, Pakistan Using Google Cloud Architecture: Application of Machine-Learning Algorithms on Multispectral Data

Khan, M.F.F.[Md Fahim Faysal] Co Author Listing * Multi-Modal Fusion of Event and RGB for Monocular Depth Estimation Using a Unified Transformer-based Architecture

Khan, M.G.Z.A.[Muhammad Gul Zain Ali] Co Author Listing * I2MVFormer: Large Language Model Generated Multi-View Document Supervision for Zero-Shot Image Classification
* Introducing Language Guidance in Prompt-based Continual Learning
* Learning Attention Propagation for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning

Khan, M.H. Co Author Listing * AnimalWeb: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Dataset of Annotated Animal Faces
* Anomaly Detection System via Moving Surveillance Robots with Human Collaboration, An
* Automatic recognition of movement patterns in the vojta-therapy using RGB-D data
* Background/Foreground Separation: Guided Attention based Adversarial Modeling (GAAM) versus Robust Subspace Learning Methods
* Bridging Precision and Confidence: A Train-Time Loss for Calibrating Object Detection
* Comparison of Machine Learning Models for Mapping Tree Species Using WorldView-2 Imagery in the Agroforestry Landscape of West Africa, A
* Cross- View Gait Recognition Using Non-Linear View Transformations of Spatiotemporal Features
* Deep Contextual Attention for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Depth Attention for Robust RGB Tracking
* Domain Adaptive Object Detection via Balancing Between Self-Training and Adversarial Learning
* Generalized Search Method for Multiple Competing Hypotheses in Visual Tracking, A
* Generalizing to Unseen Domains in Diabetic Retinopathy Classification
* Generative Cooperative Learning for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection
* HM: Hybrid Masking for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Improving Single Domain-Generalized Object Detection: A Focus on Diversification and Alignment
* Mask-Guided Attention Network and Occlusion-Sensitive Hard Example Mining for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Mask-Guided Attention Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* MSI: Maximize Support-Set Information for Few-Shot Segmentation
* MTS: A Multiple Temporal Scale Tracker Handling Occlusion and Abrupt Motion Variation
* Multi-Modal Medical Image Fusion for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Classification
* Multiclass Confidence and Localization Calibration for Object Detection
* No-reference image quality assessment of wavelet coded images
* NT-VOT211: A Large-scale Benchmark for Night-time Visual Object Tracking
* Person identification using spatiotemporal motion characteristics
* Pose-Guided Self-Training with Two-Stage Clustering for Unsupervised Landmark Discovery
* Pushing the boundaries of audiovisual word recognition using Residual Networks and LSTMs
* Self-distilled Vision Transformer for Domain Generalization
* Spatiotemporal features of human motion for gait recognition
* Synergy between Face Alignment and Tracking via Discriminative Global Consensus Optimization
* Towards Generalizing to Unseen Domains with Few Labels
* TRIC-track: Tracking by Regression with Incrementally Learned Cascades
* Video Instance Segmentation via Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Split Attention Transformer
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking With Discriminative Filters and Siamese Networks: A Survey and Outlook
* Why Not Use Your Textbook? Knowledge-Enhanced Procedure Planning of Instructional Videos
* X-ray image analysis for automated knee osteoarthritis detection
* Zero-Shot Keyword Spotting for Visual Speech Recognition In-the-wild
Includes: Khan, M.H. Khan, M.H.[M. Haris] Khan, M.H.[Muhammad Haris] Khan, M.H.[Muhammad Hassan] Khan, M.H.[Muhammad H.] Khan, M.H.[Mohd. Haroon]
37 for Khan, M.H.

Khan, M.H.A.[Md. Hashem Ali] Co Author Listing * fast hybrid Jacket-Hadamard matrix based diagonal block-wise transform, A

Khan, M.H.M. Co Author Listing * Enhanced Deep Learning Architecture for Classification of Tuberculosis Types From CT Lung Images, An
* Representation of Hand Dorsal Vein Features Using a Low Dimensional Representation Integrating Cholesky Decomposition

Khan, M.H.R.[Md Hadiur Rahman] Co Author Listing * Novel Poroelastography Method for High-Quality Estimation of Lateral Strain, Solid Stress, and Fluid Pressure In Vivo, A

Khan, M.I.[M. Imran] Co Author Listing * Real Time Eyes Tracking and Classification for Driver Fatigue Detection

Khan, M.J.[M. Jalal] Co Author Listing * Advanced Coincidence Processing of 3D Laser Radar Data
* Augmenting CCAM Infrastructure for Creating Smart Roads and Enabling Autonomous Driving
* Comparative Analysis of Svm, Ann and Cnn for Classifying Vegetation Species Using Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Data
* Engagement detection and enhancement for STEM education through computer vision, augmented reality, and haptics
* Robust and computationally efficient online image stabilisation framework based on adaptive dual motion vector integration
* Scope of Video Magnification in Human Pulse Rate Estimation
* Wide baseline stereo based on background modeling
Includes: Khan, M.J.[M. Jalal] Khan, M.J. Khan, M.J.[Muhammad Jawad] Khan, M.J.[Muhammad Jaleed] Khan, M.J.[M. Junaid]
7 for Khan, M.J.

Khan, M.J.U.[Md Jamal Uddin] Co Author Listing * High-Resolution Intertidal Topography from Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Imagery: Synergy between Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling

Khan, M.K.[Muhammad Khurram] Co Author Listing * 3D block-based medial axis transform and chessboard distance transform based on dominance
* AISChain: Blockchain-Based AIS Data Platform With Dynamic Bloom Filter Tree
* blind image copyright protection scheme for e-government, A
* Cancelable PalmCode generated from randomized Gabor Filters for palmprint protection
* DeFLoc: Deep Learning Assisted Indoor Vehicle Localization Atop FM Fingerprint Map
* Design of Provably Secure Authentication Protocol for Edge-Centric Maritime Transportation System
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Decimation Free Directional Adaptive Mean Filtering
* Histogram-Based Intrusion Detection and Filtering Framework for Secure and Safe In-Vehicle Networks
* Improving the Security of LTE-R for High-Speed Railway: From the Access Authentication View
* Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Applied in Image Registration, A
* On-Line Signature Verification by Exploiting Inter-Feature Dependencies
* Performance evaluation of score level fusion in multimodal biometric systems
* Robust Hiding of Fingerprint-Biometric Data into Audio Signals
* Secure Authentication and Key Management Protocol for Deployment of Internet of Vehicles (IoV) Concerning Intelligent Transport Systems
* Security Enhanced Authentication Protocol for Space-Ground Integrated Railway Networks
* Using Sorted Switching Median Filter to remove high-density impulse noises
* Velocity and pressure-based partitions of horizontal and vertical trajectories for on-line signature verification
Includes: Khan, M.K.[Muhammad Khurram] Khan, M.K. Khan, M.K.[M. Khalid]
17 for Khan, M.K.

Khan, M.L.[Mohammed L.] Co Author Listing * Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Cover Database for India
* Integrating Multi-Sensors Data for Species Distribution Mapping Using Deep Learning and Envelope Models
Includes: Khan, M.L.[Mohammed L.] Khan, M.L.[Mohammed Latif]

Khan, M.M.[Muhammad Murtaza] Co Author Listing * Automatic Identification of CAPTCHA Schemes
* Automatic Reference Selection for Parametric Color Correction Schemes for Panoramic Video Stitching
* Capturing Physiology of Emotion along Facial Muscles: A Method of Distinguishing Feigned from Involuntary Expressions
* Detecting riots using action localization
* Fusion of hyperspectral and panchromatic images: A hybrid use of indusion and nonlinear PCA
* Image fusion using multivariate and multidimensional EMD
* Mobile Registration Number Plate Recognition Using Artificial Intelligence
* Multivariate Empirical Mode DecompositionBased Approach to Pansharpening, A
* Pansharpening of Hyperspectral images using spatial distortion optimization
* Pansharpening Quality Assessment Using the Modulation Transfer Functions of Instruments
* Pansharpening with a decision fusion based on the local size information
* Quantitative quality assessment of stitched panoramic images
* Stabilization of panoramic videos from mobile multi-camera platforms
* Toward Use of Facial Thermal Features in Dynamic Assessment of Affect and Arousal Level
Includes: Khan, M.M.[Muhammad Murtaza] Khan, M.M.[Masood Mehmood] Khan, M.M. Khan, M.M.[Muhammad M.]
14 for Khan, M.M.

Khan, M.M.H.[Mohammad Maifi Hasan] Co Author Listing * Mediating Effect of Emotions on Trust in the Context of Automated System Usage, The

Khan, M.N.A. Co Author Listing * Adapting instance weights for unsupervised domain adaptation using quadratic mutual information and subspace learning
* Automatic Target Recognition in Infrared Imagery Using Dense HOG Features and Relevance Grouping of Vocabulary
* Domain adaptation by iterative improvement of soft-labeling and maximization of non-parametric mutual information
Includes: Khan, M.N.A. Khan, M.N.A.[Mohammad Nazmul Alam]

Khan, M.O.[Muhammad Osama] Co Author Listing * FairCLIP: Harnessing Fairness in Vision-Language Learning
* Fairdomain: Achieving Fairness in Cross-domain Medical Image Segmentation and Classification
* Quantification and Visualization of CT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging to Detect Ischemia-Causing Coronary Arteries
Includes: Khan, M.O.[Muhammad Osama] Khan, M.O.[M. Owais]

Khan, M.P.[Mazlina Pati] Co Author Listing * Documentation Strategy for Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in Cultural Heritage Institutions: Mak Yong Performing Art Collection

Khan, M.Q. Co Author Listing * Beyond local patches: Preserving global-local interactions by enhancing self-attention via 3D point cloud tokenization
* Continuous Car Driving Intent Detection Using Structural Pattern Recognition

Khan, M.R.[Muhammad Roman] Co Author Listing * Assessing Meteorological and Agricultural Drought in Chitral Kabul River Basin Using Multiple Drought Indices
* Identification of AR parameters at a very low SNR using estimated spectral distribution in DCT domain
* novel model for show-through in scan of duplex printed documents, A
* NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
* Quantitative Analysis of Forest Fires in Southeastern Australia Using SAR Data
* Real, Fake and Synthetic Faces - Does the Coin Have Three Sides?
* Show-through correction in scanned images using joint histogram
* Spectroformer: Multi-Domain Query Cascaded Transformer Network For Underwater Image Enhancement
Includes: Khan, M.R.[Muhammad Roman] Khan, M.R. Khan, M.R.[M. Ryyan] Khan, M.R.[MD Raqib] Khan, M.R.[Mobushir Riaz] Khan, M.R.[M. Riyyan] Khan, M.R.[Md Raqib]
8 for Khan, M.R.

Khan, M.S. Co Author Listing * Active contours for image segmentation using complex domain-based approach
* CAD-SIGNet: CAD Language Inference from Point Clouds Using Layer-Wise Sketch Instance Guided Attention
* Design and Prototyping a Smart Deep Brain Stimulator: An Autonomous Neuro-Sensing and Stimulating Electrode System
* Efficient adaptive fuzzy-based switching weighted average filter for the restoration of impulse corrupted digital images
* Fuzzy Logic Based Autonomous Traffic Control System
* Gap-Filling Eddy Covariance Latent Heat Flux: Inter-Comparison of Four Machine Learning Model Predictions and Uncertainties in Forest Ecosystem
* Modelling 3-D rigid solid objects using the view signature II representation scheme
* Multi-camera multiple vehicle tracking in urban intersections based on multilayer graphs
* SHARP Challenge 2023: Solving CAD History and pArameters Recovery from Point clouds and 3D scans. Overview, Datasets, Metrics, and Baselines
* Signal Processing Perspective of Monitoring Active Volcanoes, A
Includes: Khan, M.S. Khan, M.S.[Mohammad Sadil] Khan, M.S.[M. Saleem] Khan, M.S.[Muhammad Sarfraz] Khan, M.S.[M. Shamim] Khan, M.S.[Mohammad S.]
10 for Khan, M.S.

Khan, M.S.L. Co Author Listing * Face-Off: A Face Reconstruction Technique for Virtual Reality (VR) Scenarios

Khan, M.T.R.[Muhammad Toaha Raza] Co Author Listing * Proactive Content Retrieval Based on Value of Popularity in Content-Centric Internet of Vehicles

Khan, M.U.[Mohib Ullah] Co Author Listing * Anomaly Detection in Automated Vehicles Using Multistage Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network
* Classification of Lung Nodules on Ct via Pseudo-colour Images and Deep Features from Pre-trained Convolutional Networks
Includes: Khan, M.U.[Mohib Ullah] Khan, M.U.[Muhammad Usama]

Khan, M.U.A.[Muhammad Umair Ahmad] Co Author Listing * Simplifying vein detection for intravenous procedures: A comparative assessment through near-infrared imaging system

Khan, M.U.G.[Muhammad Usman Ghani] Co Author Listing * Generating coherent natural language annotations for video streams
* Generating natural language tags for video information management
* Geometric positions and optical flow based emotion detection using MLP and reduced dimensions
* Human Focused Video Description
* Towards coherent natural language description of video streams
* Video scene classification based on natural language description

Khan, M.U.K.[Muhammad Usman Karim] Co Author Listing * adaptive complexity reduction scheme with fast prediction unit decision for HEVC intra encoding, An
* adaptive workload management scheme for HEVC encoding, An
* Dual frame rate motion detection for memory- and energy-constrained surveillance systems
* Efficient Neural Network Compression
* Fast hierarchical intra angular mode selection for high efficiency video coding
* Fine-Tuning DARTS for Image Classification
* Global Feature Aggregation for Accident Anticipation
* Memory Efficient Vision Based Line Feature Extraction for Tiny Mobile Robots
* Offset aperture based hardware architecture for real-time depth extraction
* Offset Aperture: A Passive Single-Lens Camera for Depth Sensing
* Power efficient and workload balanced tiling for parallelized high efficiency video coding
* Real Time Object Tracking in a Video Sequence Using a Fixed Point DSP
* Swift and Memory Efficient Hough Transform for Systems with Limited Fast Memory, A
Includes: Khan, M.U.K.[Muhammad Usman Karim] Khan, M.U.K.[Muhammad Umar Karim] Khan, M.U.K.[Muhammad U. K.] Khan, M.U.K. Khan, M.U.K.[Muhammad U.K.]
13 for Khan, M.U.K.

Khan, M.U.S.[Muhammad Usman Shahid] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Online Social Network Connections for Identification of Influential Users: Survey and Open Research Issues

Khan, M.W.[Muhammad Wasif] Co Author Listing * Estimation of Water Balance for Anticipated Land Use in the Potohar Plateau of the Indus Basin Using SWAT
* Low-Cost Automatic Slope Monitoring Using Vector Tracking Analyses on Live-Streamed Time-Lapse Imagery
* Ontology-Based Hybrid Recommender System for Internet Protocol Television, An
Includes: Khan, M.W.[Muhammad Wasif] Khan, M.W.[Muhammad Waqas] Khan, M.W.[Mohammad Wahiduzzaman]

Khan, M.Y. Co Author Listing * Fast Computation of Partial DFT for Comb Spectrum Evaluation
* Integrating Copernicus Satellite Products and Ground-Truthing for Documenting and Monitoring the Impact of the 2022 Extreme Floods in Pakistan on Cultural Heritage
Includes: Khan, M.Y. Khan, M.Y.[Muhammad Younis]

Khan, M.Y.A.[Mohd Yawar Ali] Co Author Listing * Comparison of the Vegetation Effect on ET Partitioning Based on Eddy Covariance Method at Five Different Sites of Northern China
* Mapping Aquifer Recharge Potential Zones (ARPZ) Using Integrated Geospatial and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in an Arid Region of Saudi Arabia

Khan, M.Z.A. Co Author Listing * Fast Computation of Generalized Waterfilling Problems
* Fast Computation of Partial DFT for Comb Spectrum Evaluation
* Low-Complexity Optimal Hard Decision Fusion Under the Neyman-Pearson Criterion
* Optimization of N-out-of-K Rule for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks
Includes: Khan, M.Z.A. Khan, M.Z.A.[Mohammed Zafar Ali]

Khan, N. Co Author Listing * 3D versus 2D based indoor image matching analysis on images from low cost mobile devices
* Are Multi-view Edges Incomplete for Depth Estimation?
* Automated Segmentation of Breast Arterial Calcifications from Digital Mammography
* Automatic BI-RADS Classification of Mammograms
* Better than SIFT?
* Class-Agnostic Segmentation Loss and Its Application to Salient Object Detection and Segmentation
* Coarse-to-Fine Segmentation with Shape-Tailored Continuum Scale Spaces
* Correcting cuboid corruption for action recognition in complex environment
* Developments in Distributed Video Coding
* Differentiable Diffusion for Dense Depth Estimation from Multi-view Images
* Discriminative dictionary learning with spatial priors
* DynaSeg: A deep dynamic fusion method for unsupervised image segmentation incorporating feature similarity and spatial continuity
* infodemiological framework for tracking the spread of SARS-CoV-2 using integrated public data, An
* Learned Shape-Tailored Descriptors for Segmentation
* Masked Linear Regression for Learning Local Receptive Fields for Facial Expression Synthesis
* Medium Scale Benchmark for Cricket Excited Actions Understanding
* Memory and architectural optimizations for soft video encoders
* MIMIC: Masked Image Modeling with Image Correspondences
* novel video coding scheme for lossy networks with scalable bit-stream, A
* Pixel-based Facial Expression Synthesis
* SARGAN: Spatial Attention-Based Residuals for Facial Expression Manipulation
* Shape-tailored local descriptors and their application to segmentation and tracking
* Stable discriminative dictionary learning via discriminative deviation
* Temporally Consistent Online Depth Estimation Using Point-Based Fusion
* TextureDreamer: Image-Guided Texture Synthesis through Geometry-Aware Diffusion
* Tiled Multiplane Images for Practical 3D Photography
* Training many-parameter shape-from-shading models using a surface database
* View-Consistent 4D Light Field Superpixel Segmentation
Includes: Khan, N. Khan, N.[Numair] Khan, N.[Nabeel] Khan, N.[Naeemullah] Khan, N.[Nazar] Khan, N.[Naimul] Khan, N.[Najat] Khan, N.[Noman] Khan, N.[Nishat] Khan, N.[Nadeem]
28 for Khan, N.

Khan, N.A.[Nadeem Ahmad] Co Author Listing * Computer Assisted Analysis System of Electroencephalogram for Diagnosing Epilepsy
* highly adaptive directional time-frequency distribution, A
* Instantaneous frequency estimation of intersecting and close multi-component signals with varying amplitudes
* Instantaneous Frequency Estimation of Multicomponent Nonstationary Signals Using Multiview Time-Frequency Distributions Based on the Adaptive Fractional Spectrogram
* Matching an Imprecise Object Description with Models in a Knowledge Base
* Novel Technique Combining Image Processing, Plant Development Properties, and the Hungarian Algorithm, to Improve Leaf Detection in Maize, A
* Pain Intensity Evaluation through Facial Action Units
* Principles of time-frequency feature extraction for change detection in non-stationary signals: Applications to newborn EEG abnormality detection
* variable block size motion estimation algorithm for real-time H.264 video encoding, A
Includes: Khan, N.A.[Nadeem Ahmad] Khan, N.A.[Nabeel Ali] Khan, N.A.
9 for Khan, N.A.

Khan, N.A.M. Co Author Listing * Representation of Hand Dorsal Vein Features Using a Low Dimensional Representation Integrating Cholesky Decomposition

Khan, N.I.[Nasreen Islam] Co Author Listing * Spatial Rice Yield Estimation Based on MODIS and Sentinel-1 SAR Data and ORYZA Crop Growth Model

Khan, N.M.[Naimul Mefraz] Co Author Listing * Covariance-guided One-Class Support Vector Machine
* efficient signature representation for retrieval of spatially similar images, An
* Machine Intelligence Approach to Virtual Ballet Training, A
* Multi-Stream Graph Convolutional Networks-Hidden Conditional Random Field Model for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, A
* New SVM + NDA Model for Improved Classification and Recognition, A
* novel SVM+NDA model for classification with an application to face recognition, A
* On video based face recognition through adaptive sparse dictionary
* Scene-Based Augmented Reality Framework for Exhibits, A
Includes: Khan, N.M.[Naimul Mefraz] Khan, N.M.
8 for Khan, N.M.

Khan, N.S.[Nagma S.] Co Author Listing * Real-time Concealed Weapon Detection on 3D Radar Images for Walk-through Screening System

Khan, N.U.[Naimat Ullah] Co Author Listing * Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Patterns in Green Spaces for Urban Studies Using Location-Based Social Media Data
* Location-Based Social Network's Data Analysis and Spatio-Temporal Modeling for the Mega City of Shanghai, China
* RETRACTED: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Tourists and Residents in Shanghai Based on Location-Based Social Network's Data from Weibo
* Study of User Activity Patterns and the Effect of Venue Types on City Dynamics Using Location-Based Social Network Data, A

Khan, N.Y. Co Author Listing * Analysis of Verification Methods for Indoor Image Matching
* SIFT and SURF Performance Evaluation against Various Image Deformations on Benchmark Dataset

Khan, O.S.[Omar Shahbaz] Co Author Listing * Exquisitor at the Video Browser Showdown 2020
* Exquisitor at the Video Browser Showdown 2021: Relationships Between Semantic Classifiers
* Exquisitor at the Video Browser Showdown 2022
* XQM: Interactive Learning on Mobile Phones
* XQM: Search-Oriented vs. Classifier-Oriented Relevance Feedback on Mobile Phones

Khan, P.[Pritam] Co Author Listing * AT2GRU: A Human Emotion Recognition Model With Mitigated Device Heterogeneity
* Distributed ImageJ(Fiji): a framework for parallel image processing
Includes: Khan, P.[Pritam] Khan, P.[Preoyati]

Khan, P.I.[Pathan Imran] Co Author Listing * Influences of Indian Monsoon Phases on Aerosol Distribution and Composition over India, The

Khan, Q.[Qadeer] Co Author Listing * 4Seasons: A Cross-Season Dataset for Multi-Weather SLAM in Autonomous Driving
* Enhancing Multimodal Compositional Reasoning of Visual Language Models with Generative Negative Mining
* Ventriloquist-Net: Leveraging Speech Cues for Emotive Talking Head Generation

Khan, R.[Rehan] Co Author Listing * Assessing the Impacts of Groundwater Depletion and Aquifer Degradation on Land Subsidence in Lahore, Pakistan: A PS-InSAR Approach for Sustainable Urban Development
* Color based skin classification
* Color features for dating historical color images
* Contextual information extraction in brain tumour segmentation
* Depth map artefacts reduction: a review
* Discriminative Color Descriptors
* Facial Skin Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* FeEval A Dataset for Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Local Features
* ghostfree contrast enhancement method for multiview images without depth information, A
* High Dynamic Range Imaging Method for Short Exposure Multiview Images, A
* Interdecadal Changes in Aerosol Optical Depth over Pakistan Based on the MERRA-2 Reanalysis Data during 1980-2018
* Lit me up: A reference free adaptive low light image enhancement for in-the-wild conditions
* Monitoring Subsidence in Urban Area by PSInSAR: A Case Study of Abbottabad City, Northern Pakistan
* Morphology Preserving Segmentation Method for Occluded Cell Nuclei from Medical Microscopy Image
* Performance Analysis of Blockchain-Enabled Security and Privacy Algorithms in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: A Comprehensive Review
* Quantitative Remote Sensing of Metallic Elements for the Qishitan Gold Polymetallic Mining Area, NW China
* Schwarps: Locally Projective Image Warps Based on 2D Schwarzian Derivatives
* Skin detection: A random forest approach
* Skin Paths for Contextual Flagging Adult Videos
* Spatial histograms of soft pairwise similar patches to improve the bag-of-visual-words model
* Spatial orientations of visual word pairs to improve Bag-of-Visual-Words model
* Towards multispectral data acquisition with hand-held devices
* Universal Seed Skin Segmentation
* Visualisation Enhancement of HoloCatT Matrix
Includes: Khan, R.[Rehan] Khan, R.[Rehanullah] Khan, R.[Rahat] Khan, R.[Rizwan] Khan, R.[Rabia] Khan, R.[Rehana] Khan, R.[Rafflesia] Khan, R.[Rahmattullah]
24 for Khan, R.

Khan, R.A.[Rizwan Ahmed] Co Author Listing * Automatic Affect Analysis: From Children to Adults
* Body expression recognition from animated 3D skeleton
* Enhanced image saliency model based on blur identification
* Epitomic Variational Graph Autoencoder
* Exploring human visual system: Study to aid the development of automatic facial expression recognition framework
* extensive review on spectral imaging in biometric systems: Challenges and advancements, An
* Framework for reliable, real-time facial expression recognition for low resolution images
* Human vision inspired framework for facial expressions recognition
* MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Results
* Multi-scale GAN with residual image learning for removing heterogeneous blur
* novel database of children's spontaneous facial expressions (LIRIS-CSE), A
* Visual attention: Effects of blur
Includes: Khan, R.A.[Rizwan Ahmed] Khan, R.A.[Rayyan Ahmad] Khan, R.A.[Rayyan Azam]
12 for Khan, R.A.

Khan, R.H. Co Author Listing * Target Detection and Tracking with HF Radar Using Reciprocal SAR Techniques

Khan, R.M.[Rabia Munsaf] Co Author Listing * Meta-Analysis on Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Detection and Monitoring: A Remote Sensing Perspective, A

Khan, R.M.S.[Rana Muhammad Shahroz] Co Author Listing * PRANC: Pseudo RAndom Networks for Compacting deep models

Khan, R.N.[R. Nazim] Co Author Listing * Semi-supervised Neighborhood Preserving Discriminant Embedding: A Semi-supervised Subspace Learning Algorithm

Khan, R.U.[Rehan Ullah] Co Author Listing * Head pose estimation: A survey of the last ten years

Khan, R.Z.N.[Rana Zain Nabi] Co Author Listing * Flood Management, Characterization and Vulnerability Analysis Using an Integrated RS-GIS and 2D Hydrodynamic Modelling Approach: The Case of Deg Nullah, Pakistan

Khan, S.[Sohaib] Co Author Listing * 3D Metric Rectification using Angle Regularity
* 3D Microendoscopic Electrical Impedance Tomography for Margin Assessment During Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy
* Accuracy vs. complexity: A trade-off in visual question answering models
* Adaptive Feature Consolidation Network for Burst Super-Resolution
* Adaptive Resource Allocation and Frame Scheduling for Wireless Multi-User Video Streaming
* Adversarial Defense by Restricting the Hidden Space of Deep Neural Networks
* Analysis of infected blood cell images using morphological operators
* AnimalWeb: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Dataset of Annotated Animal Faces
* Application of Mellin-Kind Statistics to Polarimetric G Distribution for SAR Data
* Application of multispectral LiDAR to automated virtual outcrop geology
* Assessment of Level-3 Gridded Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) Products Over Oceans
* Automatic Thresholding of Infected Blood Images Using Granulometry and Regional Extrema
* Automatically Gather Address Specific Dwelling Images Using Google Street View
* Biometric Systems Utilising Health Data from Wearable Devices: Applications and Future Challenges in Computer Security
* Bottom-up Approach for Pig Skeleton Extraction Using RGB Data, A
* Bridging Precision and Confidence: A Train-Time Loss for Calibrating Object Detection
* Building socially-enabled event-enriched maps
* Burst Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Burstormer: Burst Image Restoration and Enhancement Transformer
* Class-Agnostic Object Detection with Multi-modal Transformer
* Climate Impact on Evapotranspiration in the Yellow River Basin: Interpretable Forecasting with Advanced Time Series Models and Explainable AI
* CLIP-Decoder: ZeroShot Multilabel Classification using Multimodal CLIP Aligned Representations
* Clustering based one-to-one hypergraph matching with a large number of feature points
* CNN-based anti-spoofing two-tier multi-factor authentication system
* Co-Clustering to Reveal Salient Facial Features for Expression Recognition
* Composed Video Retrieval via Enriched Context and Discriminative Embeddings
* CONDA: Condensed Deep Association Learning for Co-Salient Object Detection
* Continual Learning and Unknown Object Discovery in 3d Scenes via Self-distillation
* Contour and region harmonic features for sub-local facial expression recognition
* Correlation-Coefficient-Based Fast Template Matching Through Partial Elimination
* Cross-Modal Self-Training: Aligning Images and Pointclouds to learn Classification without Labels
* CT-VOS: Cutout prediction and tagging for self-supervised video object segmentation
* CycleISP: Real Image Restoration via Improved Data Synthesis
* D3Former: Debiased Dual Distilled Transformer for Incremental Learning
* Deep eigen-filters for face recognition: Feature representation via unsupervised multi-structure filter learning
* Deep Journey into Super-Resolution: A Survey, A
* Deep Multiple Instance Learning for Zero-Shot Image Tagging
* Deep0Tag: Deep Multiple Instance Learning for Zero-Shot Image Tagging
* Detecting Prohibited Items in X-Ray Images: a Contour Proposal Learning Approach
* Discriminative Co-Saliency and Background Mining Transformer for Co-Salient Object Detection
* Discriminative Region-based Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
* Diverse Data Augmentation with Diffusions for Effective Test-time Prompt Tuning
* DoodleFormer: Creative Sketch Drawing with Transformers
* Early terminating algorithms for Adaboost based detectors
* Early Termination Algorithms for Correlation Coefficient Based Block Matching
* Edgenext: Efficiently Amalgamated CNN-transformer Architecture for Mobile Vision Applications
* Efficient 3d-aware Facial Image Editing via Attribute-specific Prompt Learning
* Efficient B-Mode Ultrasound Image Reconstruction From Sub-Sampled RF Data Using Deep Learning
* Efficient Fire Segmentation for Internet-of-Things-Assisted Intelligent Transportation Systems
* empirical analysis of keystroke dynamics in passwords: A longitudinal study, An
* Energy-based Latent Aligner for Incremental Learning
* Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for 6G Backscatter-Enabled NOMA IoV Networks
* Ensemble classification with modified SIFT descriptor for medical image modality
* Estimating Depth-Salient Edges and Its Application to Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment
* Exploiting Inter-frame Correlation for Fast Video to Reference Image Alignment
* Exploiting local auto-correlation function for fast video to reference image alignment
* Exploiting Transitivity of Correlation for Fast Template Matching
* Exploring Complementary Strengths of Invariant and Equivariant Representations for Few-Shot Learning
* Extraction of Landslide Information Based on Object-Oriented Approach and Cause Analysis in Shuicheng, China
* Fanet: Feature Amplification Network for Semantic Segmentation in Cluttered Background
* Fast image clustering based on compressed camera fingerprints
* Feature Affinity-Based Pseudo Labeling for Semi-Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Feature detection and tracking in optical flow on non-flat manifolds
* Feature mask network for person re-identification
* Fine-tuned CLIP Models are Efficient Video Learners
* Fixing Localization Errors to Improve Image Classification
* FPGA-Based Voltage and Current Dual Drive System for High Frame Rate Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Gated Multi-Resolution Transfer Network for Burst Restoration and Enhancement
* Gaussian Affinity for Max-Margin Class Imbalanced Learning
* Generative Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
* Generative Multiplane Neural Radiance for 3D-Aware Image Generation
* GeoChat: Grounded Large Vision-Language Model for Remote Sensing
* Geodetic Alignment of Aerial Video Frames
* Geometry to the Rescue: 3D Instance Reconstruction from a Cluttered Scene
* GLaMM: Pixel Grounding Large Multimodal Model
* Ground glass opacity detection and segmentation using CT images: An image statistics framework
* Ground-to-Aerial Image Geo-Localization With a Hard Exemplar Reweighting Triplet Loss
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Transformer Models in Vision
* Handwriting Transformers
* Human Tracking in Multiple Cameras
* Hybrid Graph Network for Complex Activity Detection in Video, A
* Identification of the Roles of Climate Factors, Engineering Construction, and Agricultural Practices in Vegetation Dynamics in the Lhasa River Basin, Tibetan Plateau
* Image Correspondence With CUR Decomposition-Based Graph Completion and Matching
* Image Matching Using Distance Transform
* In defense of orthonormality constraints for nonrigid structure from motion
* Incremental Object Detection via Meta-Learning
* Integrated Hyperspectral and Geochemical Study of Sediment-Hosted Disseminated Gold at the Goldstrike District, Utah
* iTAML: An Incremental Task-Agnostic Meta-learning Approach
* Learning discriminative representations for multi-label image recognition
* Learning Disentanglement with Decoupled Labels for Vision-Language Navigation
* Learning Enriched Features for Fast Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Learning Enriched Features for Real Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Link Adaptation Scheme for Efficient Transmission of H.264 Scalable Video Over Multirate WLANs, A
* Local Gradients Smoothing: Defense Against Localized Adversarial Attacks
* MaPLe: Multi-modal Prompt Learning
* Mass Detection in Digital Mammograms Using Optimized Gabor Filter Bank
* Morphological Image Processing for Evaluating Malaria Disease
* Multi-grained Temporal Prototype Learning for Few-shot Video Object Segmentation
* Multi-Stage Progressive Image Restoration
* Multimodal fusion using dynamic hybrid models
* Multinational vehicle license plate detection in complex backgrounds
* Multiple Description Video Transcoding
* Multipolar Acoustic Source Reconstruction From Sparse Far-Field Data Using ALOHA
* Multiview structure from motion in trajectory space
* Near-Surface Soil Moisture Characterization in Mississippi's Highway Slopes Using Machine Learning Methods and UAV-Captured Infrared and Optical Images
* No-reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Using Natural Scene Statistics
* novel deep learning based framework for the detection and classification of breast cancer using transfer learning, A
* NRSfM using local rigidity
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel Images: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* NTIRE 2022 Burst Super-Resolution Challenge
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Object Based Segmentation of Video Using Color, Motion and Spatial Information
* ObjectCompose: Evaluating Resilience of Vision-based Models on Object-to-background Compositional Changes
* On Fractional Moments of Multilook Polarimetric Whitening Filter for Polarimetric SAR Data
* On Generating Transferable Targeted Perturbations
* OpenLDN: Learning to Discover Novel Classes for Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning
* optimization approach for 3D environment mapping using normal vector uncertainty, An
* Orthogonal Projection Loss
* OW-DETR: Open-world Detection Transformer
* Password policy characteristics and keystroke biometric authentication
* Person Image Synthesis via Denoising Diffusion Model
* PIRF 3D: Online spatial and appearance based loop closure
* Potential of GPM IMERG Precipitation Estimates to Monitor Natural Disaster Triggers in Urban Areas: The Case of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
* Progressive Semantic-Guided Vision Transformer for Zero-Shot Learning
* PromptCAL: Contrastive Affinity Learning via Auxiliary Prompts for Generalized Novel Category Discovery
* Prostate Cancer Detection Using Composite Impedance Metric
* Question-Agnostic Attention for Visual Question Answering
* Real-Time Deep Pose Estimation With Geodesic Loss for Image-to-Template Rigid Registration
* Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing Algorithm for Urban Vehicular Networks
* Restormer: Efficient Transformer for High-Resolution Image Restoration
* Rethinking Transformers Pre-training for Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery
* ROAD: The Road Event Awareness Dataset for Autonomous Driving
* Robust Perception and Precise Segmentation for Scribble-Supervised RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Rsud20K: a Dataset for Road Scene Understanding in Autonomous Driving
* Segmentation of Blood Images Using Morphological Operators
* Self-distilled Vision Transformer for Domain Generalization
* Self-regulating Prompts: Foundational Model Adaptation without Forgetting
* Self-supervised Approach for Adversarial Robustness, A
* Self-supervised Video Transformer
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Few-Shot Image-to-Image Translation
* Shape from Angle Regularity
* Shear Induced Non-Linear Elasticity Imaging: Elastography for Compound Deformations
* Sign language analysis and recognition: A preliminary investigation
* Silhouette-Assisted 3D Object Instance Reconstruction from a Cluttered Scene
* Single Stage Adaptive Multi-Attention Network for Image Restoration
* Single-View Reconstruction using orthogonal line-pairs
* Spatio-temporal Relation Modeling for Few-shot Action Recognition
* Striking the Right Balance With Uncertainty
* Study of User Activity Patterns and the Effect of Venue Types on City Dynamics Using Location-Based Social Network Data, A
* Stylized Adversarial Defense
* SwiftFormer: Efficient Additive Attention for Transformer-based Real-time Mobile Vision Applications
* Switchable and Tunable Deep Beamformer Using Adaptive Instance Normalization for Medical Ultrasound
* Synergy of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies to Advance Sustainable Development Goals for Future Coastal Urbanization and Environmental Challenges in a Riverine Megacity
* Synthesizing the Unseen for Zero-shot Object Detection
* Terrestrial Hyperspectral Image Shadow Restoration through Lidar Fusion
* Towards Instance-adaptive Inference for Federated Learning
* Towards Open World Object Detection
* Towards Partial Supervision for Generic Object Counting in Natural Scenes
* Towards Robust and Reproducible Active Learning using Neural Networks
* Trajectory Space: A Dual Representation for Nonrigid Structure from Motion
* Transductive Learning for Zero-Shot Object Detection
* Transformers in Remote Sensing: A Survey
* Understanding More About Human and Machine Attention in Deep Neural Networks
* Understanding Tumor Micro Environment Using Graph Theory
* Understanding Whitening Loss in Self-Supervised Learning
* UNETR++: Delving Into Efficient and Accurate 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Unified Approach for Conventional Zero-Shot, Generalized Zero-Shot, and Few-Shot Learning, A
* Video Instance Segmentation in an Open-World
* Video Instance Segmentation via Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Split Attention Transformer
* Video-FocalNets: Spatio-Temporal Focal Modulation for Video Action Recognition
* VideoGrounding-DINO: Towards Open-Vocabulary Spatio- Temporal Video Grounding
* Villagefinder: Segmentation of Nucleated Villages in Satellite Imagery
* Visual Affordance and Function Understanding: A Survey
* Visual-Augmented Dynamic Semantic Prototype for Generative Zero-Shot Learning
* Vita-CLIP: Video and text adaptive CLIP via Multimodal Prompting
* Weakly Supervised Visual Saliency Prediction
* YOLOBench: Benchmarking Efficient Object Detectors on Embedded Systems
* Zero-Shot Object Detection: Learning to Simultaneously Recognize and Localize Novel Concepts
Includes: Khan, S.[Sohaib] Khan, S. Khan, S.[Salman] Khan, S.[Shahid] Khan, S.[Shuhab] Khan, S.[Sana] Khan, S.[Saad] Khan, S.[Sheheryar] Khan, S.[Shafiullah] Khan, S.[Sameer] Khan, S.[Sameeulla] Khan, S.[Sulaiman] Khan, S.[Sahib] Khan, S.[Sheraz] Khan, S.[Shahbaz] Khan, S.[Shoab] Khan, S.[Salabat] Khan, S.[Subhan] Khan, S.[Shoaib] Khan, S.[Shujaat] Khan, S.[Sadik] Khan, S.[Sana_Ullah] Khan, S.[Shakib] Khan, S.[Siladitya] Khan, S.[Sajid] Khan, S.[Sadia] Khan, S.[Shadab] Khan, S.[Shahrukh]
180 for Khan, S.

Khan, S.A. Co Author Listing * Automated segmentation of RPE layer for the detection of age macular degeneration using OCT images
* Beyond local patches: Preserving global-local interactions by enhancing self-attention via 3D point cloud tokenization
* Depth Extraction System Using Stereo Pairs
* Detection of Neovascularization for Screening of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
* embedded architecture for real-time object detection in digital images based on niching particle swarm optimization, An
* Evaluate the Capability of Landsat8 Operational Land Imager For Shoreline Change Detection/inland Water Studies
* Evaluation of Wavelet Kernels for Palmprint Based Recognition, An
* Fuzzy Morphology for Edge Detection and Segmentation
* Gabor wavelet based vessel segmentation in retinal images
* GNSS-IR Measurements of Inter Annual Sea Level Variations in Thule, Greenland from 2008-2019
* Hybrid Image Quality Measure for Automatic Image Quality Assessment, A
* Hyperspectral Hyperion Imagery Analysis and Its Application Using Spectral Analysis
* Identification and classification of microaneurysms for early detection of diabetic retinopathy
* Improved Data-Aided Linear Estimator of Modulation Index for Binary CPM Signals, An
* Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager Change Detection Analysis
* Lightweight Authentication Scheme for 6G-IoT Enabled Maritime Transport System, A
* Multiprocessor architecture for real-time applications using mean shift clustering
* Palmprint Identification Using Contourlet Transform
* Personal Identification Using Palmprint and Contourlet Transform
* Real-Time Vehicle Tracking-Based Data Forwarding Using RLS in Vehicular Named Data Networking
* Snow Depth Measurements by GNSS-IR at an Automatic Weather Station, NUK-K
* Vegetation Trend Detection Using Time Series Satellite Data as Ecosystem Condition Indicators for Analysis in the Northwestern Highlands of Ethiopia
Includes: Khan, S.A. Khan, S.A.[Shoab Ahmed] Khan, S.A.[Shoab A.] Khan, S.A.[Shoab Ahmad] Khan, S.A.[Shfaqat A.] Khan, S.A.[Sajjad Ahmad] Khan, S.A.[Saeed A.]
22 for Khan, S.A.

Khan, S.D.[Shuhab D.] Co Author Listing * Active Tectonics of the Frontal Himalayas: An Example from the Manzai Ranges in the Recess Setting, Western Pakistan
* Disam: Density Independent and Scale Aware Model for Crowd Counting and Localization
* Enhanced YOLOv8-Based Model with Context Enrichment Module for Crowd Counting in Complex Drone Imagery
* Ground-Based Hyperspectral Image Analysis of the Lower Mississippian (Osagean) Reeds Spring Formation Rocks in Southwestern Missouri
* Identification of a Potential Rare Earth Element Deposit at Ivanpah Dry Lake, California Through the Bastnäsite Indices
* Identifying Rare Earth Elements Using a Tripod and Drone-Mounted Hyperspectral Camera: A Case Study of the Mountain Pass Birthday Stock and Sulphide Queen Mine Pit, California
* Image Based Prediction Model for Sleep Stage Identification, An
* Impact of Hurricane Harvey on the Upper Texas Coast: Using Airborne Lidar Data Sets with UAV-Derived Topographic Data to Monitor Change and Track Recovery
* Multi-Branch Deep Learning Framework for Land Scene Classification in Satellite Imagery
* Multi-Scale and Context-Aware Framework for Flood Segmentation in Post-Disaster High Resolution Aerial Images
* Neotectonics of the Western Suleiman Fold Belt, Pakistan: Evidence for Bookshelf Faulting
* Quantifying the Impact of Hurricane Harvey on Beach-Dune Systems of the Central Texas Coast and Monitoring Their Changes Using UAV Photogrammetry
* Social Modeling Meets Virtual Reality: An Immersive Implication
* Study of Subsidence and Earthquake Swarms in the Western Pakistan
* Surface Deformation Analysis of the Houston Area Using Time Series Interferometry and Emerging Hot Spot Analysis
* survey of advances in vision-based vehicle re-identification, A
* Weed-Crop Segmentation in Drone Images with a Novel Encoder-Decoder Framework Enhanced via Attention Modules
Includes: Khan, S.D.[Shuhab D.] Khan, S.D. Khan, S.D.[Sultan Daud]
17 for Khan, S.D.

Khan, S.H.[Salman H.] Co Author Listing * Adversarial Training of Variational Auto-Encoders for High Fidelity Image Generation
* Any-shot Object Detection
* Automatic Feature Learning for Robust Shadow Detection
* Automatic Shadow Detection and Removal from a Single Image
* Blended Convolution and Synthesis for Efficient Discrimination of 3D Shapes
* Can Signature Biometrics Address Both Identification and Verification Problems?
* Context-Aware Capsule Network for Multi-label Classification, A
* Contractive Rectifier Networks for Nonlinear Maximum Margin Classification
* Deeply Supervised Discriminative Learning for Adversarial Defense
* Discriminative Representation of Convolutional Features for Indoor Scene Recognition, A
* Empowering Simple Binary Classifiers for Image Set Based Face Recognition
* Forest Change Detection in Incomplete Satellite Images With Deep Neural Networks
* From known to the unknown: Transferring knowledge to answer questions about novel visual and semantic concepts
* Geometry Driven Semantic Labeling of Indoor Scenes
* Image Super-Resolution as a Defense Against Adversarial Attacks
* Integrating Geometrical Context for Semantic Labeling of Indoor Scenes using RGBD Images
* Joint Registration and Representation Learning for Unconstrained Face Identification
* Multi-Factor Authentication on Cloud
* Representation Learning on Unit Ball with 3D Roto-translational Equivariance
* Scene Categorization with Spectral Features
* Secure biometric template generation for multi-factor authentication
* Separating objects and clutter in indoor scenes
* Spatial Layout and Scale Invariant Feature Representation for Indoor Scene Classification, A
* Unsupervised Primitive Discovery for Improved 3D Generative Modeling
* Zero-Shot Object Detection: Joint Recognition and Localization of Novel Concepts
Includes: Khan, S.H.[Salman H.] Khan, S.H.[Salman Hameed] Khan, S.H.
25 for Khan, S.H.

Khan, S.I.[Sibghatullah Inayatullah] Co Author Listing * Automated Eye Movement Classification Based on EMG of EOM Signals Using FBSE-EWT Technique
* Multi-Sensor Imaging and Space-Ground Cross-Validation for 2010 Flood along Indus River, Pakistan
Includes: Khan, S.I.[Sibghatullah Inayatullah] Khan, S.I.[Sadiq I.]

Khan, S.K.[Siamul Karim] Co Author Listing * DeformIrisNet: An Identity-Preserving Model of Iris Texture Deformation
* Driving a safer future: Exploring cross-country perspectives in automated vehicle adoption by considering cyber risks, liability, and data concerns
* Exploring the association between socio-demographic factors and public acceptance towards fully automated vehicles: Insights from a survey in Australia
Includes: Khan, S.K.[Siamul Karim] Khan, S.K.[Shah Khalid]

Khan, S.M.[Saad M.] Co Author Listing * 3D Model based Object Class Detection in An Arbitrary View
* 3D model based vehicle classification in aerial imagery
* Camera Handoff Tracking in Multiple Uncalibrated Stationary Cameras
* Consistent labeling of tracked objects in multiple cameras with overlapping fields of view
* DyadGAN: Generating Facial Expressions in Dyadic Interactions
* Homographic Framework for the Fusion of Multi-view Silhouettes, A
* Integration of Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Transportation Systems for Bridge Condition Assessment: Current Status and Future Direction
* Learning 4D action feature models for arbitrary view action recognition
* Multiview Approach to Tracking People in Crowded Scenes Using a Planar Homography Constraint, A
* Operational analysis of a connected vehicle-supported access control on urban arterials
* Real-Time Traffic State Estimation With Connected Vehicles
* Reconstructing non-stationary articulated objects in monocular video using silhouette information
* Tracking in Uncalibrated Cameras with Overlapping Field of View
* Tracking Multiple Occluding People by Localizing on Multiple Scene Planes
Includes: Khan, S.M.[Saad M.] Khan, S.M. Khan, S.M.[Sakib M.]
14 for Khan, S.M.

Khan, S.N.[Shahid Nawaz] Co Author Listing * Allocation of Tutors and Study Centers in Distance Learning Using Geospatial Technologies
* Combining APHRODITE Rain Gauges-Based Precipitation with Downscaled-TRMM Data to Translate High-Resolution Precipitation Estimates in the Indus Basin
* Geographically Weighted Random Forest Approach to Predict Corn Yield in the US Corn Belt, A
* GIS-Based Urban Flood Resilience Assessment Using Urban Flood Resilience Model: A Case Study of Peshawar City, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
* Spatial Downscaling of GRACE Data Based on XGBoost Model for Improved Understanding of Hydrological Droughts in the Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS)
* VyaktitvaNirdharan: Multimodal Assessment of Personality and Trait Emotional Intelligence
Includes: Khan, S.N.[Shahid Nawaz] Khan, S.N.[Shahbaz Nasir] Khan, S.N.[Shah Nawaz]

Khan, S.R.[Shah Rez] Co Author Listing * Extracting sub-exposure images from a single capture through Fourier-based optical modulation

Khan, S.S.[Shehroz S.] Co Author Listing * Cluster center initialization algorithm for K-means clustering
* Empirical Thresholding on Spatio-Temporal Autoencoders Trained on Surveillance Videos in a Dementia Care Unit
* FlatNet: Towards Photorealistic Scene Reconstruction From Lensless Measurements
* Improving state-of-the-art in Detecting Student Engagement with Resnet and TCN Hybrid Network
* LWGNet: Learned Wirtinger Gradients for Fourier Ptychographic Phase Retrieval
* Motion and Region Aware Adversarial Learning for Fall Detection with Thermal Imaging
* Passive Snapshot Coded Aperture Dual-Pixel RGB-D Imaging
* Rehabilitation Exercise Repetition Segmentation and Counting Using Skeletal Body Joints
* Supervised Contrastive Learning for Detecting Anomalous Driving Behaviours from Multimodal Videos
* Towards Photorealistic Reconstruction of Highly Multiplexed Lensless Images
Includes: Khan, S.S.[Shehroz S.] Khan, S.S.[Salman Siddique] Khan, S.S.[Salman S.]
10 for Khan, S.S.

Khan, S.U.[Samee U.] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Online Social Network Connections for Identification of Influential Users: Survey and Open Research Issues
* Effects of pose and image resolution on automatic face recognition
* Image transmission using unequal error protected multi-fold turbo codes over a two-user power-line binary adder channel
* optical character recognition of Urdu-like cursive scripts, The
* Survey on blind image forgery detection
Includes: Khan, S.U.[Samee U.] Khan, S.U.

Khan, S.U.R.[Saif Ur Rehman] Co Author Listing * Hybrid-NET: A fusion of DenseNet169 and advanced machine learning classifiers for enhanced brain tumor diagnosis
* MozzieNet: A deep learning approach to efficiently detect malaria parasites in blood smear images

Khan, T. Co Author Listing * Breaking the Ton: Achieving 1% depth accuracy from stereo in real time
* Comparative Analysis of Implicit Augmentation Techniques for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Multiple Views, A
* Current work in the ENPEDA project
* IKD+: Reliable Low Complexity Deep Models for Retinopathy Classification
* Improving the Efficacy of Car-Following Models With a New Stochastic Parameter Estimation and Calibration Method
* Optimal Bayesian Estimator for Absorption Coefficient in Diffuse Optical Tomography, An
* Segregation of meaningful strokes, a pre-requisite for self co-articulation removal in isolated dynamic gestures
Includes: Khan, T. Khan, T.[Talhat] Khan, T.[Tariq] Khan, T.[Taufiquar] Khan, T.[Taimoor]
7 for Khan, T.

Khan, T.A. Co Author Listing * Wireless Power Transfer in Millimeter Wave Tactical Networks

Khan, T.H. Co Author Listing * Low Power and Low Complexity Compressor for Video Capsule Endoscopy
* Subsample-based image compression for capsule endoscopy
* White and narrow band image compressor based on a new color space for capsule endoscopy
Includes: Khan, T.H. Khan, T.H.[Tareq Hasan]

Khan, T.M.[Tariq M.] Co Author Listing * Automatic optic disk detection and segmentation by variational active contour estimation in retinal fundus images
* Automatic Retinal Vessel Extraction Algorithm
* Automatic retinal vessel extraction algorithm based on contrast-sensitive schemes
* Calibrating second-moment matrix for better shape adaptation with bias term from directional filter bank
* Contrast normalization steps for increased sensitivity of a retinal image segmentation method
* Coupling orientation diffusion with coherence-enhancing diffusion: a fingerprint case
* Deriving scale normalisation factors for a GLoG detector
* Efficient Hardware Implementation For Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Anisotropic Gaussian Filter
* Efficient hardware implementation strategy for local normalization of fingerprint images
* GGM classifier with multi-scale line detectors for retinal vessel segmentation
* LMBF-Net: A Lightweight Multipath Bidirectional Focal Attention Network for Multifeatures Segmentation
* Putting Current State of the art Object Detectors to the Test: Towards Industry Applicable Leather Surface Defect Detection
* RC-Net: A Convolutional Neural Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* Role of Image Contrast Enhancement Technique for Ophthalmologist as Diagnostic Tool for Diabetic Retinopathy
* spatial domain scar removal strategy for fingerprint image enhancement, A
* T-Net: A Resource-Constrained Tiny Convolutional Neural Network for Medical Image Segmentation
* TBConvL-Net: A hybrid deep learning architecture for robust medical image segmentation
Includes: Khan, T.M.[Tariq M.] Khan, T.M. Khan, T.M.[Tariq M] Khan, T.M.[Tariq Mehmood]
17 for Khan, T.M.

Khan, T.U.[Tauheed Ullah] Co Author Listing * Estimating Tree Position, Diameter at Breast Height, and Tree Height in Real-Time Using a Mobile Phone with RGB-D SLAM
* Extraction of Sample Plot Parameters from 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Based on Combined RTK and CCD Continuous Photography
* trunk-based SLAM backend for smartphones with online SLAM in large-scale forest inventories, A

Khan, T.U.R. Co Author Listing * Framework For An Open Source Geospatial Certification Model, A

Khan, U.[Umair] Co Author Listing * Automatic Detection System of Olive Trees Using Improved K-Means Algorithm
* Deepskinformer: Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Hierarchical Transformers And Edge Enhancement
* Logarithmically Improved Property Regression for Crowd Counting
* Smoothing Linear Multi-Target Tracking Using Integrated Track Splitting Filter
Includes: Khan, U.[Umair] Khan, U.[Ufaq] Khan, U.[Usman] Khan, U.[Uzair]

Khan, U.A. Co Author Listing * Distributed Estimation Recovery Under Sensor Failure
* Distributed Localization: A Linear Theory
* Distributed Nesterov Gradient Methods Over Arbitrary Graphs
* Leader-Follower Consensus in Mobile Sensor Networks
* Movies tags extraction using deep learning
* Revisiting Finite-Time Distributed Algorithms via Successive Nulling of Eigenvalues
* Structural Cost-Optimal Design of Sensor Networks for Distributed Estimation
Includes: Khan, U.A. Khan, U.A.[Usman A.]
7 for Khan, U.A.

Khan, U.M.[Umair Mateen] Co Author Listing * Emergent Properties from Feature Co-occurrence in Image Collections
* Emergent Semantic Patterns in Large Scale Image Dataset: A Datamining Approach

Khan, U.S.[Umar Shahbaz] Co Author Listing * 3-D Shape Recovery from Image Focus Using Rank Transform
* Automatic inspection system using machine vision
* Detection of landmines and underground utilities from acoustic and GPR images with a cepstral approach
* Human activity recognition using 2D skeleton data and supervised machine learning
Includes: Khan, U.S.[Umar Shahbaz] Khan, U.S. Khan, U.S.[Umar S.]

Khan, V.[Valeriya] Co Author Listing * Looking through the past: better knowledge retention for generative replay in continual learning

Khan, W.[Waqar] Co Author Listing * Accuracy of a Driver-Assistance System in a Collision Scenario
* Accuracy of Trajectories Estimation in a Driver-Assistance Context
* Accurate Image Processing Algorithm for Detecting FISH Probe Locations Relative to Chromosome Landmarks on DAPI Stained Metaphase Chromosome Images, An
* Comparing subspace methods for face recognition
* Current work in multimedia imaging at UoA's Tamaki campus
* Current work in the ENPEDA project
* Human Body Pose Estimation for Gait Identification: A Comprehensive Survey of Datasets and Models
* image processing algorithm for accurate extraction of the centerline from human metaphase chromosomes, An
* Lossy and Lossless Video Frame Compression: A Novel Approach for High-Temporal Video Data Analytics
* new machine learning based approach to predict Freezing of Gait, A
* Stereo accuracy for collision avoidance
* Stereo-Matching in the Context of Vision-Augmented Vehicles
Includes: Khan, W.[Waqar] Khan, W.[Wahab] Khan, W. Khan, W.[Wasiq]
12 for Khan, W.

Khan, W.A. Co Author Listing * Clinical Decision Support Service for elderly people in smart home environment

Khan, W.U.[Wali Ullah] Co Author Listing * Efficient Power-Splitting and Resource Allocation for Cellular V2X Communications
* Energy Efficiency Optimization for Backscatter Enhanced NOMA Cooperative V2X Communications Under Imperfect CSI
* Energy-Efficient Backscatter Aided Uplink NOMA Roadside Sensor Communications Under Channel Estimation Errors
* Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for 6G Backscatter-Enabled NOMA IoV Networks
* Learning-Based Resource Allocation for Backscatter-Aided Vehicular Networks
* LSTM-Based Distributed Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Data-Driven 5G-Enabled Maritime UAV Communications
* NOMA-Enabled Optimization Framework for Next-Generation Small-Cell IoV Networks Under Imperfect SIC Decoding
* Vehicular Communication Network Enabled CAV Data Offloading: A Review
8 for Khan, W.U.

Khan, Y.[Yevhenii] Co Author Listing * Tracking Rates of Forest Disturbance and Associated Carbon Loss in Areas of Illegal Amber Mining in Ukraine Using Landsat Time Series

Khan, Y.A.[Yahya Ali] Co Author Listing * Distributed Geoscience Algorithm Integration Based on OWS Specifications: A Case Study of the Extraction of a River Network

Khan, Y.N.[Yasir Niaz] Co Author Listing * High resolution visual terrain classification for outdoor robots

Khan, Z.[Zohaib] Co Author Listing * Adaptive spectral reflectance recovery using spatio-spectral support from hyperspectral images
* Automatic ink mismatch detection for forensic document analysis
* Bottom-Up Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using FC-Dense U-Net Based Deep Representation Clustering and Multidimensional Feature Fusion Based Region Merging
* Can Signature Biometrics Address Both Identification and Verification Problems?
* Comparative Analysis of Planetscope and Sentinel Sentinel-2 Space-borne Sensors in Mapping Striga Weed Using Guided Regularised Random Forest Classification Ensemble, A
* Consistency and Uncertainty: Identifying Unreliable Responses From Black-Box Vision-Language Models for Selective Visual Question Answering
* Contour Code: Robust and efficient multispectral palmprint encoding for human recognition
* Convolutional LSTM based transportation mode learning from raw GPS trajectories
* Deep Appearance Consistent Human Pose Transfer
* Deep Learning-Based Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images: A Review
* DeepHS-HDRVideo: Deep High Speed High Dynamic Range Video Reconstruction
* Efficient clustering approach for adaptive unsupervised colour image segmentation
* Facial Self Similarity for Sketch to Photo Matching
* Families in Wild Multimedia: A Multimodal Database for Recognizing Kinship
* Hyperspectral Document Imaging: Challenges and Perspectives
* Hyperspectral Imaging for Ink Mismatch Detection
* Improvised contrastive loss for improved face recognition in open-set nature
* Joint Group Sparse PCA for Compressed Hyperspectral Imaging
* k nearest neighbour ensemble via extended neighbourhood rule and feature subsets, A
* MCMC Data Association and Sparse Factorization Updating for Real Time Multitarget Tracking with Merged and Multiple Measurements
* MCMC-Based Particle Filter for Tracking Multiple Interacting Targets, An
* MCMC-Based Particle Filtering for Tracking a Variable Number of Interacting Targets
* Medical Diagnostic by Data Bagging for Various Instances of Neural Network
* MICap: A Unified Model for Identity-Aware Movie Descriptions
* Multimodal fusion for pattern recognition
* Multitarget Tracking with Split and Merged Measurements
* New Hybrid DCT and Contourlet Transform Based JPEG Image Steganalysis Technique, A
* Novel Low-Latency V2V Resource Allocation Scheme Based on Cellular V2X Communications, A
* Q: How to Specialize Large Vision-Language Models to Data-Scarce VQA Tasks? A: Self-Train on Unlabeled Images!
* Quantitative Estimation of Wheat Phenotyping Traits Using Ground and Aerial Imagery
* Rao-Blackwellized particle filter for eigentracking, A
* Recognizing Families In the Wild (RFIW): The 4th Edition
* Robust EV Scheduling in Charging Stations Under Uncertain Demands and Deadlines
* Secure biometric template generation for multi-factor authentication
* Self-Training Large Language Models for Improved Visual Program Synthesis With Visual Reinforcement
* Single-Stream Multi-level Alignment for Vision-Language Pretraining
* Steganalysis of JPEG Images with Joint Transform Features
* Unsupervised Cluster-Based VANET-Oriented Evolving Graph (CVoEG) Model and Associated Reliable Routing Scheme, An
* W-A net: Leveraging Atrous and Deformable Convolutions for Efficient Text Detection
Includes: Khan, Z.[Zohaib] Khan, Z.[Zubair] Khan, Z. Khan, Z.[Zaid] Khan, Z.[Zaheer] Khan, Z.[Zeeshan] Khan, Z.[Zia] Khan, Z.[Zafran] Khan, Z.[Zardad] Khan, Z.[Zeshan] Khan, Z.[Zeashan] Khan, Z.[Zoya]
39 for Khan, Z.

Khan, Z.A.[Zulfiqar Ahmad] Co Author Listing * efficient deep learning architecture for effective fire detection in smart surveillance, An
* New Video Quality Assessment Dataset for Video Surveillance Applications, A
* Optimized Dual Fire Attention Network and Medium-Scale Fire Classification Benchmark
* Residual Networks Based Distortion Classification and Ranking for Laparoscopic Image Quality Assessment
Includes: Khan, Z.A.[Zulfiqar Ahmad] Khan, Z.A.[Zohaib Amjad] Khan, Z.A.

Khan, Z.H.[Zulfiqar Hasan] Co Author Listing * Bayesian online learning on Riemannian manifolds using a dual model with applications to video object tracking
* effect of visibility on road traffic during foggy weather conditions, The
* Grassmann manifold online learning and partial occlusion handling for visual object tracking under Bayesian formulation
* Joint particle filters and multi-mode anisotropic mean shift for robust tracking of video objects with partitioned areas
* Nonlinear Dynamic Model for Visual Object Tracking on Grassmann Manifolds With Partial Occlusion Handling
* Online domain-shift learning and object tracking based on nonlinear dynamic models and particle filters on Riemannian manifolds
* Robust Visual Object Tracking Using Multi-Mode Anisotropic Mean Shift and Particle Filters
* Satellite Imagery-Based Cloud Classification Using Deep Learning
* Tracking visual and infrared objects using joint Riemannian manifold appearance and affine shape modeling
* Visual tracking and dynamic learning on the Grassmann manifold with inference from a Bayesian framework and state space models
Includes: Khan, Z.H.[Zulfiqar Hasan] Khan, Z.H.[Zawar Hussain] Khan, Z.H.[Zeashan Hameed]
10 for Khan, Z.H.

Khan, Z.R. Co Author Listing * Potential of Resampled Multispectral Data for Detecting Desmodium-brachiaria Intercropped With Maize In A push-pull System

Khan, Z.S.[Zaid Saeed] Co Author Listing * Incorporating Kinematic Wave Theory Into a Deep Learning Method for High-Resolution Traffic Speed Estimation

Khan, Z.U. Co Author Listing * Integrated Use of Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS Technology for Monitoring The Environmental Problem of Shyamnagar

Khana, G.N.[Gul N.] Co Author Listing * Vision-Based Navigation System for an Endoscope

Khanafer, K. Co Author Listing * Effects of thin metal outer case and top air gap on thermal IR images of buried antitank and antipersonnel land mines

Khanafer, M.[Mounib] Co Author Listing * Review on Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving the Traffic Signal Control Problem, A

Khanagha, V.[Vahid] Co Author Listing * Context Aware Lung Cancer Annotation in Whole Slide Images Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks

Khanal, A.[Aashis] Co Author Listing * AI Playground: Unreal Engine-based Data Ablation Tool for Deep Learning
* iHuman: Instant Animatable Digital Humans From Monocular Videos
Includes: Khanal, A.[Aashis] Khanal, A.[Anubhav]

Khanal, B. Co Author Listing * 3-D Reconstruction in Canonical Co-Ordinate Space From Arbitrarily Oriented 2-D Images
* How Does Heterogeneous Label Noise Impact Generalization in Neural Nets?
* Label Geometry Aware Discriminator for Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Label Geometry Aware Discriminator for Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Tunevlseg: Prompt Tuning Benchmark for Vision-language Segmentation Models
Includes: Khanal, B. Khanal, B.[Bidur] Khanal, B.[Bishesh]

Khanal, C.[Churamani] Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing and GIS in Natural Resource Management: Comparing Tools and Emphasizing the Importance of In-Situ Data

Khanal, K.[Kapil] Co Author Listing * UAV-Based High Resolution Thermal Imaging for Vegetation Monitoring, and Plant Phenotyping Using ICI 8640 P, FLIR Vue Pro R 640, and thermoMap Cameras

Khanal, L.[Laxman] Co Author Listing * Temporal Variations and Associated Remotely Sensed Environmental Variables of Dengue Fever in Chitwan District, Nepal

Khanal, N.[Nishanta] Co Author Listing * Automatic Detection of Spatiotemporal Urban Expansion Patterns by Fusing OSM and Landsat Data in Kathmandu
* Comparison of Three Temporal Smoothing Algorithms to Improve Land Cover Classification: A Case Study from NEPAL, A
* Lessons Learned While Implementing a Time-Series Approach to Forest Canopy Disturbance Detection in Nepal

Khanal, N.R.[Narendra Raj] Co Author Listing * Assimilation of Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data in Budhi Gandaki River Basin, Nepal
* Geomorphic Approach for Identifying Flash Flood Potential Areas in the East Rapti River Basin of Nepal, A

Khanal, P.[Puskar] Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing and GIS in Natural Resource Management: Comparing Tools and Emphasizing the Importance of In-Situ Data

Khanal, S.[Sami] Co Author Listing * Assessment of the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Cover Crops Using Remote Sensing
* BirdSAT: Cross-View Contrastive Masked Autoencoders for Bird Species Classification and Mapping
* GeoSynth: Contextually-Aware High-Resolution Satellite Image Synthesis
* Monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms and Water Quality Using Sentinel-3 OLCI Satellite Imagery with Machine Learning
* Remote Sensing in Agriculture: Accomplishments, Limitations, and Opportunities
* Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll-a and Water Quality over Inland Lakes: How to Alleviate Geo-Location Error and Temporal Discrepancy in Model Training
* Sat2Cap: Mapping Fine-Grained Textual Descriptions from Satellite Images
* Sugarcane Mosaic Virus Detection in Maize Using UAS Multispectral Imagery
Includes: Khanal, S.[Sami] Khanal, S.[Subash]
8 for Khanal, S.

Khanam, F.T.Z.[Fatema Tuz Zohra] Co Author Listing * Detection and Localisation of Life Signs from the Air Using Image Registration and Spatio-Temporal Filtering
Includes: Khanam, F.T.Z.[Fatema Tuz Zohra] Khanam, F.T.Z.[Fatema-Tuz-Zohra]

Khanam, S.[Solima] Co Author Listing * Fast and Simple 2D Shape Retrieval Using Discrete Shock Graph

Khanam, T.[Tahmina] Co Author Listing * Riemannian Approach for Spatiotemporal Analysis and Generation of 4d Tree-shaped Structures, A

Khanam, Z.[Zeba] Co Author Listing * novel approach for securing data against adversary attacks in UAV embedded HetNet using identity based authentication scheme, A

Khanan, M.F.A. Co Author Listing * Open-Source Digital Elevation Model (DEMs) Evaluation with GPS and LiDAR Data
* Surface Elevation Changes Estimation Underneath Mangrove Canopy Using SNERL Filtering Algorithm and DoD Technique on UAV-Derived DSM Data
Includes: Khanan, M.F.A. Khanan, M.F.A.[Mohd Faisal Abdul]

Khananayev, M.[Marina] Co Author Listing * Analyzing the Relationship between Perception of Safety and Reported Crime in an Urban Neighborhood Using GIS and Sketch Maps

Khanbebin, S.N.[Saeed Najafi] Co Author Listing * Genetic-based feature fusion in face recognition using arithmetic coded local binary patterns

Khanbilvardi, R.[Reza] Co Author Listing * Assessing the Performance of a Northern Gulf of Mexico Tidal Model Using Satellite Imagery
* Comparison of MODIS/VIIRS Cloud Masks over Ice-Bearing River: On Achieving Consistent Cloud Masking and Improved River Ice Mapping, A
* Diurnal Cycle of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures over Land at a Global Scale
* Guidance Index for Shallow Landslide Hazard Analysis
* Validation of NOAA-Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) by Comparison with Ground-Based Measurements over Continental United States
Includes: Khanbilvardi, R.[Reza] Khanbilvardi, R.

Khand, K.[Kul] Co Author Listing * Dry Season Evapotranspiration Dynamics over Human-Impacted Landscapes in the Southern Amazon Using the Landsat-Based METRIC Model
* Evaluation of Landsat-Based METRIC Modeling to Provide High-Spatial Resolution Evapotranspiration Estimates for Amazonian Forests
* Improving the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance Evapotranspiration Model Using the Forcing and Normalizing Operation
* Mapping Annual Riparian Water Use Based on the Single-Satellite-Scene Approach
* Modeling Framework for Deriving Daily Time Series of Evapotranspiration Maps Using a Surface Energy Balance Model, A

Khandan, R.[Reza] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Discrepancies between MODIS and INSAT-3D LSTs in High Temperatures, An
* Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature in Land Surface Models: A Review
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of MODIS NDVI in the Semi-Arid Region of Kurdistan (Iran)
* Study toward the Evaluation of ALOS Images for LAI Estimation in Rice Fields, A
Includes: Khandan, R.[Reza] Khandan, R.

Khandani, A.K. Co Author Listing * Interpolative Scheme for Fractal Image Compression in the Wavelet Domain, An

Khandani, M.K.[Masoumeh Kalantari] Co Author Listing * Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumors in MRI Using Force Data Clustering Algorithm

Khanday, A.M.U.D.[Akib Mohi Ud Din] Co Author Listing * CoML: Machine Learning based approach for COVID-19 related Suicidal Ideation detection

Khandekar, P.[Prasad] Co Author Listing * Estimation of Nonhomogeneous Noise in 2D Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Khandel, M.[Mina] Co Author Listing * new filter to remove salt and pepper noise in color images, A

Khandelia, A.[Aditya] Co Author Listing * Parametric Video Compression Scheme Using AR Based Texture Synthesis
* Texture mapping based video compression scheme

Khandelwal, A.[Apoorv] Co Author Listing * A-OKVQA: A Benchmark for Visual Question Answering Using World Knowledge
* Automated Plantation Mapping in Southeast Asia Using MODIS Data and Imperfect Visual Annotations
* FloCoDe: Unbiased Dynamic Scene Graph Generation with Temporal Consistency and Correlation Debiasing
* InFusion: Inject and Attention Fusion for Multi Concept Zero-Shot Text-based Video Editing
* Mapping Burned Areas in Tropical Forests Using a Novel Machine Learning Framework
* PromptSync: Bridging Domain Gaps in Vision-Language Models through Class-Aware Prototype Alignment and Discrimination
* RePoseDM: Recurrent Pose Alignment and Gradient Guidance for Pose Guided Image Synthesis
* SegDA: Maximum Separable Segment Mask with Pseudo Labels for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Simple but Effective: CLIP Embeddings for Embodied AI
* Text Line Segmentation for Unconstrained Handwritten Document Images Using Neighborhood Connected Component Analysis
* Who's Waldo? Linking People Across Text and Images
Includes: Khandelwal, A.[Apoorv] Khandelwal, A.[Ankush] Khandelwal, A.[Anant] Khandelwal, A.[Abhishek]
11 for Khandelwal, A.

Khandelwal, A.K.[Amit K.] Co Author Listing * Detecting the Boundaries of Urban Areas in India: A Dataset for Pixel-Based Image Classification in Google Earth Engine

Khandelwal, D.[Dinesh] Co Author Listing * Lazy Generic Cuts
* Learning Higher Order Potentials for MRFs
* Max-Margin feature selection
* Recipe2Video: Synthesizing Personalized Videos from Recipe Texts
Includes: Khandelwal, D.[Dinesh] Khandelwal, D. Khandelwal, D.[Darshan]

Khandelwal, G. Co Author Listing * new method of flash image shadow detection and patch-based correction of shadow regions, A
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
* robust flash image shadow detection method and seamless recovery of shadow regions, A
Includes: Khandelwal, G. Khandelwal, G.[Gaurav]

Khandelwal, N.[Niranjan] Co Author Listing * Characterization of Primary and Secondary Malignant Liver Lesions from B-Mode Ultrasound
* comparative study of computer-aided classification systems for focal hepatic lesions from B-mode ultrasound, A
* improved multimodal medical image fusion scheme based on hybrid combination of nonsubsampled contourlet transform and stationary wavelet transform, An
* Multimodal medical image fusion using non-subsampled shearlet transform and pulse coupled neural network incorporated with morphological gradient
* Neural Network Ensemble Based CAD System for Focal Liver Lesions from B-Mode Ultrasound
* PCA-SVM based CAD System for Focal Liver Lesions using B-Mode Ultrasound Images
* Prediction of Cirrhosis Based on Singular Value Decomposition of Gray Level Co-Occurence Matrix and a Neural Network Classifier
* Prediction of cirrhosis from liver ultrasound B-mode images based on Laws' masks analysis
* Prediction of liver cirrhosis based on multiresolution texture descriptors from B-mode ultrasound
* Quantitative evaluation of margin sharpness of pulmonary nodules in lung CT images
* Rapid Approach for Prediction of Liver Cirrhosis based on First Order Statistics, A
* SVM-based characterisation of liver cirrhosis by singular value decomposition of GLCM matrix
* SVM-Based Characterization of Liver Ultrasound Images Using Wavelet Packet Texture Descriptors
Includes: Khandelwal, N.[Niranjan] Khandelwal, N.
13 for Khandelwal, N.

Khandelwal, R.[Ritwik] Co Author Listing * Domain Adaptive 3D Shape Retrieval from Monocular Images

Khandelwal, S. Co Author Listing * AttentionRNN: A Structured Spatial Attention Mechanism
* Emergent Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation from Off-the-Shelf Vision-Language Models
* Kitchen activity recognition based on scene context
* Segmentation-grounded Scene Graph Generation
* UniT: Unified Knowledge Transfer for Any-shot Object Detection and Segmentation
Includes: Khandelwal, S. Khandelwal, S.[Siddhesh] Khandelwal, S.[Shubham]

Khandelwal, S.S.[Sarika S.] Co Author Listing * Multitier Biometric Template Security Using Cryptographic Salts and Personal Image Identification

Khandelwal, U.[Urvashi] Co Author Listing * Open-domain Visual Entity Recognition: Towards Recognizing Millions of Wikipedia Entities

Khandelwal, V.[Vineet] Co Author Listing * Segmentation-based MAP despeckling of medical ultrasound images in shearlet domain based on normal inverse Gaussian distribution

Khandelwal, Y.[Yash] Co Author Listing * NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn Anthropometry

Khandhar, A.P. Co Author Listing * Magnetic Particle Imaging With Tailored Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Tracers

Khandhediya, Y. Co Author Listing * Human Detection and Tracking for Video Surveillance: A Cognitive Science Approach
* SAF-BAGE: Salient Approach for Facial Soft-Biometric Classification - Age, Gender, and Facial Expression
* ViS-HuD: Using Visual Saliency to Improve Human Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks

Khandouch, Y.[Younes] Co Author Listing * Search optimal fuzzy model using evolutionary algorithm: Application to predict the form function of the composite cylindrical shell

Khandouzi, A.[Ali] Co Author Listing * Coarse-to-fine underwater image enhancement with lightweight CNN and attention-based refinement

Khanduja, S.[Saurabh] Co Author Listing * Neural Response Interpretation through the Lens of Critical Pathways

Khanduri, P.[Prashant] Co Author Listing * Fairness-aware Vision Transformer via Debiased Self-attention
* Joint Collaboration and Compression Design for Random Signal Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Universal Collaboration Strategies for Signal Detection: A Sparse Learning Approach
Includes: Khanduri, P.[Prashant] Khanduri, P.

Khaneja, N. Co Author Listing * Dynamic Programming Generation of Curves on Brain Surfaces

Khanfir, S.[Sana] Co Author Listing * Automatic Gabor Features Extraction for Face Recognition using Neural Networks
* Background suppression with low-resolution camera in the context of medication intake monitoring
Includes: Khanfir, S.[Sana] Khanfir, S.[Sami]

Khanfir, Y.[Yessine] Co Author Listing * Graph Neural Networks for End-to-End Information Extraction from Handwritten Documents

Khang, G.[Gon] Co Author Listing * Spanning Tree-Based Human Activity Prediction System Using Life Logs from Depth Silhouette-Based Human Activity Recognition, A

Khang, H.S.[Hyun Soo] Co Author Listing * J-substitution algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT): phantom experiments for static resistivity images

Khang, S. Co Author Listing * Fast Fourier-Domain Optimization Using Hybrid L1-/L_p-Norm for Autofocus in Airborne SAR Imaging
* Implementation of MIMO Radar-Based Point Cloud Images for Environmental Recognition of Unmanned Vehicles and Its Application
Includes: Khang, S. Khang, S.[Seungtae]

Khanh, K.T.[Kieu Trong] Co Author Listing * Preprocessing Convex Polygons Using Range Trees for Recognition with Few Finger Probes
Includes: Khanh, K.T.[Kieu Trong] Khánh, K.T.[Kiêu Trong]

Khanh, N.N.[Nguyen Ngoc] Co Author Listing * Multiple Object Tracking Evaluation Analysis Framework, A

Khanh, P.Q.[Pham Quoc] Co Author Listing * Impacts of Resampling and Downscaling Digital Elevation Model and Its Morphometric Factors: A Comparison of Hopfield Neural Network, Bilinear, Bicubic, and Kriging Interpolations

Khanh, T.B.C.[Tuong Bui Cong] Co Author Listing * Enhancing Road Object Detection in Fisheye Cameras: An Effective Framework Integrating SAHI and Hybrid Inference

Khanh, T.L.B.[Trinh Le Ba] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Retraining-Updating Mean Teacher for Source-Free Object Detection

Khanh, T.Q.[Tran Quoc] Co Author Listing * Displaying the Driving State of Automated Vehicles to Other Road Users: An International, Virtual Reality-Based Study as a First Step for the Harmonized Regulations of Novel Signaling Devices

Khani, A.[Alireza] Co Author Listing * Evaluating Special Event Transit Demand: A Robust Principal Component Analysis Approach
* Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems: A Discrete-Time Linear Dynamical System and a Model Predictive Control Approach
* Real-Time Holding Control for Transfer Synchronization via Robust Multiagent Reinforcement Learning

Khani, A.A.[Ali Asghar] Co Author Listing * MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge

Khani, M.[Mehrdad] Co Author Listing * Efficient Video Compression via Content-Adaptive Super-Resolution
* Real-Time Video Inference on Edge Devices via Adaptive Model Streaming

Khaniabadi, S.M.[Shadi Mahmoodi] Co Author Listing * Hierarchical Clustering Based on Dendrogram in Sustainable Transportation Systems

Khanikar, K. Co Author Listing * Incorporating Primary User Interference for Enhanced Spectrum Sensing

Khanin, A. Co Author Listing * Assessment of CT Image Quality Using a Bayesian Framework

Khankaldyyan, V. Co Author Listing * noninvasive, multimodality approach based on MRS and MRI techniques for monitoring intracranial brain tumor angiogenesis, A

Khankhoje, U.K. Co Author Listing * Computation of Radar Scattering From Heterogeneous Rough Soil Using the Finite-Element Method
* Generalized Terrain Topography in Radar Scattering Models

Khanli, L.M.[Leyli Mohammad] Co Author Listing * novel facial expression recognition algorithm using geometry beta-Skeleton in fusion based on deep CNN, A

Khanloo, B.Y.S.[Bahman Yari Saeed] Co Author Listing * large margin framework for single camera offline tracking with hybrid cues, A
* Max-Margin Offline Pedestrian Tracking with Multiple Cues

Khanlou, H.J.G.[H. Joze Ghazi] Co Author Listing * Architecture for Automated Fire Detection Early Warning System Based on Geoprocessing Service Composition, An

Khanmohammadi, F.[Fatemeh] Co Author Listing * Time-Series Anomaly Detection in Automated Vehicles Using D-CNN-LSTM Autoencoder

Khanmohammadi, S.[Sohrab] Co Author Listing * Facial Expressions Recognition in a Single Static as well as Dynamic Facial Images Using Tracking and Probabilistic Neural Networks

Khanna Nehemiah, H. Co Author Listing * survey on spatio-temporal framework for kinematic gait analysis in RGB videos, A

Khanna, A.[Ashish] Co Author Listing * Automated detection and classification of fundus diabetic retinopathy images using synergic deep learning model
* Novel Emergent Intelligence Technique for Public Transport Vehicle Allocation Problem in a Dynamic Transportation System, A
* Tensor Contraction Layers for Parsimonious Deep Nets
Includes: Khanna, A.[Ashish] Khanna, A.[Aran]

Khanna, A.J. Co Author Listing * MIND Demons: Symmetric Diffeomorphic Deformable Registration of MR and CT for Image-Guided Spine Surgery
* Model-Based Tomographic Reconstruction of Objects Containing Known Components

Khanna, C. Co Author Listing * Fuzzy-Contextual Contrast Enhancement

Khanna, K.[Kavita] Co Author Listing * new approach with enhanced accuracy in zero motion prejudgment for motion estimation in real-time applications, A

Khanna, M.[Munish] Co Author Listing * Breast cancer: A hybrid method for feature selection and classification in digital mammography
* Building Facades to Normal Maps: Adversarial Learning from Single View Images
* DeepHS-HDRVideo: Deep High Speed High Dynamic Range Video Reconstruction
* Episodic Memory Question Answering
* GOAT-Bench: A Benchmark for Multi-Modal Lifelong Navigation
* Habitat Synthetic Scenes Dataset (HSSD-200): An Analysis of 3D Scene Scale and Realism Tradeoffs for ObjectGoal Navigation
* YOLO-MAXVOD for Real-Time Video Object Detection
Includes: Khanna, M.[Munish] Khanna, M.[Mukul] Khanna, M.[Mukund]
7 for Khanna, M.

Khanna, M.T.[Meera Thapar] Co Author Listing * Memorability-based image compression
* Visual saliency guided video compression algorithm

Khanna, N.[Nitin] Co Author Listing * Analysis of food images: Features and classification
* Combining global and local features for food identification in dietary assessment
* Context based food image analysis
* Cooperative control in HNMSim: A 3D hybrid networked MAS simulator
* DCT-domain deep convolutional neural networks for multiple JPEG compression classification
* First steps toward CNN based source classification of document images shared over messaging app
* image analysis system for dietary assessment and evaluation, An
* Locating text in images using matched wavelets
* Model-based food volume estimation using 3D pose
* Text Extraction and Document Image Segmentation Using Matched Wavelets and MRF Model
Includes: Khanna, N.[Nitin] Khanna, N.[Nitish]
10 for Khanna, N.

Khanna, P.[Pritee] Co Author Listing * Automated glaucoma detection using GIST and pyramid histogram of oriented gradients (PHOG) descriptors
* Clustering of hierarchical image database to reduce inter-and intra-semantic gaps in visual space for finding specific image semantics
* Depth matrix and adaptive Bayes classifier based dynamic hand gesture recognition
* effective use of adaptive combination of visual features to retrieve image semantics from a hierarchical image database, An
* fast and efficient computer aided diagnostic system to detect tumor from brain magnetic resonance imaging, A
* framework for live and cross platform fingerspelling recognition using modified shape matrix variants on depth silhouettes, A
* gender classification system robust to occlusion using Gabor features based (2D)2PCA, A
* Kernel discriminant analysis of Block-wise Gaussian Derivative Phase Pattern Histogram for palmprint recognition
* Mesh-free approach for enhancement of mammograms
* non-invasive and adaptive CAD system to detect brain tumor from T2-weighted MRIs using customized Otsu's thresholding with prominent features and supervised learning, A
* Palmprint verification with XOR-SUM Code
* Pattern Recognition Techniques for Non Verbal Human Behavior (NVHB)
* Random Slope method for generation of cancelable biometric features
* Shallow U-Net with Split-Fused Attention Mechanism for Retinal Vessel Segmentation, A
* statistical region selection and randomized volumetric features selection framework for early detection of Alzheimer's disease, A
* survey on vision-based outdoor smoke detection techniques for environmental safety, A
* Vision-Based Mid-Air Unistroke Character Input Using Polar Signatures
Includes: Khanna, P.[Pritee] Khanna, P.
17 for Khanna, P.

Khanna, R. Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Automated Biometrics-Based Identification and Verification Systems
* New tuning model for rectangular windowed FIR filter using fractional Fourier transform
* Prolog to an Identity-Authentication System Using Fingerprints
* Prolog to Evaluation of Automated Biometrics-Based Identification and Verification Systems
* Prolog To Face Recognition: Eigenface, Elastic Matching, and Neural Nets
* Prolog to Fingerprint Features: Statistical-Analysis and System Performance Estimates
* Prolog to Iris Recognition: An Emerging Biometric Technology
* WeedMap: A Large-Scale Semantic Weed Mapping Framework Using Aerial Multispectral Imaging and Deep Neural Network for Precision Farming
Includes: Khanna, R. Khanna, R.[Rajesh] Khanna, R.[Raghav]
8 for Khanna, R.

Khanna, S.[Shruti] Co Author Listing * Genus-Level Mapping of Invasive Floating Aquatic Vegetation Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Remote Sensing
* Marsh Loss Due to Cumulative Impacts of Hurricane Isaac and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in Louisiana
* Performance and Feasibility of Drone-Mounted Imaging Spectroscopy for Invasive Aquatic Vegetation Detection
* Sparse Recovery From Multiple Measurement Vectors Using Exponentiated Gradient Updates
* Target tracking with distributed sensors: The focus of attention problem
Includes: Khanna, S.[Shruti] Khanna, S.[Saurabh] Khanna, S.[Sanjeev]

Khanna, V.[Vikrant] Co Author Listing * Finding connected components in digital images by aggressive reuse of labels

Khanouchi, A. Co Author Listing * Spatial Resolution and Vacuum Channeling Phenomenon of the Neutron Transmission through Protection Screen, A

Khanova, T. Co Author Listing * 512KiB RAM Is Enough! Live Camera Face Recognition DNN on MCU
* SceneCAD: Predicting Object Alignments and Layouts in RGB-D Scans
* Towards lightweight convolutional neural networks for object detection
* UA-DETRAC 2017: Report of AVSS2017 IWT4S Challenge on Advanced Traffic Monitoring
Includes: Khanova, T. Khanova, T.[Tatiana]

Khansari, M. Co Author Listing * Approaches to layered coding for dual-rate wireless video transmission
* Efficient COVID-19 testing via contextual model based compressive sensing
* Layered transmission of signals over power-constrained wireless channels
* low-complexity error-resilient H.263 coder, A
* Motion compensation of motion vectors
* new wavelet domain block matching algorithm for real-time object tracking, A
* Rate control for video coding over variable bit rate channels with applications to wireless transmission
* RL-CycleGAN: Reinforcement Learning Aware Simulation-to-Real
Includes: Khansari, M. Khansari, M.[Mohammad] Khansari, M.[Masoud] Khansari, M.[Mohi]
8 for Khansari, M.

Khansari, M.M. Co Author Listing * 3D Shape Modeling and Analysis of Retinal Microvasculature in OCT-Angiography Images
* Automated Assessment of Hemodynamics in the Conjunctival Microvasculature Network
* Automated Deformation-Based Analysis of 3D Optical Coherence Tomography in Diabetic Retinopathy

Khansur, N.O.[Nasif Osman] Co Author Listing * effective screening of COVID-19 pneumonia by employing chest X-ray segmentation and attention-based ensembled classification, An

Khanthavong, P.[Phanthasin] Co Author Listing * Canopy Hyperspectral Sensing of Paddy Fields at the Booting Stage and PLS Regression can Assess Grain Yield

Khantun, R.[Rupali] Co Author Listing * Uncertainty-Aware Data Augmentation for Food Recognition

Khanum, A.[Aasia] Co Author Listing * Brain Tumor Classification in MRI Scans Using Sparse Representation

Khanwalkar, S. Co Author Listing * end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using behavior, actions, and appearance with interactive query refinement, An

Khanyile, N.P.[Nontokozo Portia] Co Author Listing * Optical Coherence Tomography Latent Fingerprint Image Denoising

Khanzhina, N.[Natalia] Co Author Listing * New Bayesian Focal Loss Targeting Aleatoric Uncertainty Estimate: Pollen Image Recognition

Khanzode, S. Co Author Listing * Region based alpha-semantics graph driven image retrieval

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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