Vija, A.H.
Co Author Listing * From Genomics to Clinical Molecular Imaging
* Fully Automated Data-Driven Respiratory Signal Extraction From SPECT Images Using Laplacian Eigenmaps
Vijay Kumar, B.G.
Co Author Listing * DeepSetNet: Predicting Sets with Deep Neural Networks
* Face hallucination using OLPP and Kernel Ridge Regression
* Learning Local Image Descriptors with Deep Siamese and Triplet Convolutional Networks by Minimizing Global Loss Functions
* Smart Mining for Deep Metric Learning
Vijay, A.[Ashok]
Co Author Listing * Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval Using the Generic Fourier Descriptor with Brightness
* novel image denoising scheme based on fusing multiresolution and spatial filters, A
Includes: Vijay, A.[Ashok] Vijay, A.
Vijay, C.S.
Co Author Listing * HDR Imaging under Non-uniform Blurring
* Non-Uniform Deblurring in HDR Image Reconstruction
Vijay, G.[Gaurav]
Co Author Listing * Taylor series-based deep belief network for automatic classification of diabetic retinopathy using retinal fundus images
Vijay, M.[Malaika]
Co Author Listing * Real-Time Driver Drowsiness Detection using Facial Action Units
* Spatially adaptive image restoration method using LPG-PCA and JBF
Includes: Vijay, M.[Malaika] Vijay, M.
Vijay, S.[Saurabh]
Co Author Listing * 60 Years of Glacier Elevation and Mass Changes in the Maipo River Basin, Central Andes of Chile
* Elevation Change Rates of Glaciers in the Lahaul-Spiti (Western Himalaya, India) during 2000-2012 and 2012-2013
* Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Columbia Glacier, Alaska (2011-2016): Ice Velocity, Mass Flux, Surface Elevation and Front Position
Vijay, S.A.A.[S. Arul Antran]
Co Author Listing * multi-aspect framework for explainable sentiment analysis, A
Vijay, T.K.[Thakare Kamalakar]
Co Author Listing * Detection of Road Accidents Using Synthetically Generated Multi-Perspective Accident Videos
Vijaya Kumar, B.V.K.
Co Author Listing * Advanced Correlation Filters for Face Recognition Using Low-Resolution Visual and Thermal Imagery
* Automatic Configuration for a Biometrics-Based Physical Access Control System
* Bayesian Approach to Deformed Pattern Matching of Iris Images, A
* Biometric Key-Binding and Template Protection Framework Using Correlation Filters, A
* Cancelable biometric filters for face recognition
* Combining Verification Decisions in a Multi-vendor Environment
* Comparison of Feature Space Methods for Face Recognition
* Corefaces-robust shift invariant PCA based correlation filter for illumination tolerant face recognition
* Correlation Filters for Object Alignment
* Correlation Filters With Controlled Scale Response
* Correlation Pattern Recognition
* Correlation Pattern Recognition for Face Recognition
* Coupled Marginal Fisher Analysis for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Dependency-Aware Attention Control for Unconstrained Face Recognition with Image Sets
* Efficient Calculation of Primary Image from a Set of Images
* Efficient design of advanced correlation filters for robust distortion-tolerant face recognition
* Eigenphases vs. eigenfaces
* Extended Depth of Field Iris Recognition with Correlation Filters
* Extended-Depth-of-Field Iris Recognition Using Unrestored Wavefront-Coded Imagery
* Face authentication for multiple subjects using eigenflow
* Face Authentication from Cell Phone Camera Images with Illumination and Temporal Variations
* Facial Asymmetry: A New Robust Biometric in the Frequency Domain
* Fingerprint Verification Using Correlation Filters
* Framework for Binding and Retrieving Class-Specific Information to and from Image Patterns Using Correlation Filters, A
* Gaussian Conditional Random Fields for Face Recognition
* Graphical Model Approach to Iris Matching Under Deformation and Occlusion
* Hard negative generation for identity-disentangled facial expression recognition
* Illumination Normalization Using Logarithm Transforms for Face Authentication
* Iris Verification Using Correlation Filters
* Maximum Margin Correlation Filter: A New Approach for Localization and Classification
* Multidimensional overlap-add and overlap-save for correlation and convolution
* Mutual Information Regularized Feature-Level Frankenstein for Discriminative Recognition
* On modeling variations for face authentication
* One Bit Facial Asymmetry Code (FAC) in Fourier Domain for Human Recognition, A
* Optimal Tradeoff Circular Harmonic Function Correlation Filter Methods Providing Controlled In-Plane Rotation Response
* Optimality of the Maximum Average Correlation Height Filter for Detection of Targets in Noise
* Partial and Holistic Face Recognition on FRGC-II data using Support Vector Machine
* Performance Evaluation of Face Recognition using Visual and Thermal Imagery with Advanced Correlation Filters
* Quad Phase Minimum Average Correlation Energy Filters for Reduced Memory Illumination Tolerant Face Authentication
* Random Features for Sparse Signal Classification
* Recognition of Low-Resolution Faces Using Multiple Still Images and Multiple Cameras
* Reduced-complexity biometric recognition using 1-D cross-sections of correlation filters
* Redundant Class-Dependence Feature Analysis Based on Correlation Filters Using FRGC2.0 Data
* Representational Oriented Component Analysis (ROCA) for Face Recognition with One Sample Image per Training Class
* Robust Face Recognition Using Advanced Correlation Filters with Bijective-Mapping Preprocessing
* Robust Iris Recognition Using Advanced Correlation Techniques
* Robust low-resolution face identification and verification using high-resolution features
* Rotation-Tolerant Watermark Detection Using Circular Harmonic Function Correlation Filter
* Shallow Arc Detection in Disk Surface Images for Disk Forensics
* Significance of image representation for face verification
* Simultaneous Edge Alignment and Learning
* Simultaneous super-resolution and feature extraction for recognition of low-resolution faces
* Spatial frequency domain image processing for biometric recognition
* Still-to-Video Face Verification System Using Advanced Correlation Filters, A
* Synthetic Discriminant Functions for Recognition of Images on the Boundary of the Convex-Hull of the Training Set
* Verification of Biometric Palmprint Patterns Using Optimal Trade-Off Filter Classifiers
* What Is a Good Periocular Region for Recognition?
* Zero-Aliasing Correlation Filters for Object Recognition
Includes: Vijaya Kumar, B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar, B.V.K.[B. V. K.]
58 for Vijaya Kumar, B.V.K.
Vijaya Lakshmi, T.R.
Co Author Listing * Modeling of palm leaf character recognition system using transform based techniques
Vijaya, N.
Co Author Listing * Algorithm on tracing the boundary of medical images using abstract cellular complex
Vijaya, P.A.
Co Author Listing * Efficient bottom-up hybrid hierarchical clustering techniques for protein sequence classification
* efficient technique for protein sequence clustering and classification, An
* Iris and Signature Authentication Using Continuous Dynamic Programming
* Leaders-Subleaders: An efficient hierarchical clustering algorithm for large data sets
* Word level identification of Kannada, Hindi and English scripts from a tri-lingual document
Vijayakrishna, R.[Rowthu]
Co Author Listing * Higher order PDE based model for segmenting noisy image
Vijayakumar, A.K.[Ashwin K.]
Co Author Listing * We are Humor Beings: Understanding and Predicting Visual Humor
Vijayakumar, B.
Co Author Listing * Comparative Analysis of Different Data Replication Strategies in Cloud Environment
* Constraints for Recognizing and Locating Curved 3D Objects from Monocular Image Features
* HOT Curves for Modeling and Recognition of Smooth Curved 3D Objects
* Invariant-Based Recognition of Complex Curved 3-D Objects from Image Contours
* Reconstruction of HOT Curves from Image Sequences
* Structure and Motion of Curved 3D Objects from Monocular Silhouettes
Vijayakumar, K.
Co Author Listing * Efficient JSH-FCM-Based Thyroid Disease Detection Using Ash-Ann with Stage Classification via a Fuzzy Rule-Based Approach, An
* Within-Camera Multilayer Perceptron DVS Denoising
Vijayakumar, M.
Co Author Listing * Performing Attack Halting Process with Digital Pattern and Proactive Model Resolving the Security Issues in IoT Based Models
Vijayakumar, N.
Co Author Listing * Two-dimensional FIR compaction filter design
Vijayakumar, P.[Pandi]
Co Author Listing * Anonymous Batch Authentication and Key Exchange Protocols for 6G Enabled VANETs, An
* Attribute-Based Secure Data Aggregation for Isolated IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Comprehensive survey on security services in vehicular ad-hoc networks
* Deep Learning-based Fast Fake News Detection Model for Cyber-Physical Social Services, A
* Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* EAAP: Efficient Anonymous Authentication With Conditional Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Efficient Energy Recovery for Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic
* Efficient Vehicle-Assisted Aggregate Authentication Scheme for Infrastructure-Less Vehicular Networks, An
* Hybrid CMOS Memristor Based Biometric OBU Authentication and Anonymous Mutual Authentication for Secure Communication in Fog-Based VANETs
* improved entity recognition approach to cyber-social knowledge provision of intellectual property using a CRF-LSTM model, An
* Intelligent Terminal Based Privacy-Preserving Multi-Modal Implicit Authentication Protocol for Internet of Connected Vehicles, An
* Introduction to the special issue on Biometrics in Smart Cities: Techniques and Applications (BI_SCI)
* Novel UAV-Enabled Data Collection Scheme for Intelligent Transportation System Through UAV Speed Control, A
* Secure and Efficient Authenticated Key Management Scheme for UAV-Assisted Infrastructure-Less IoVs
Includes: Vijayakumar, P.[Pandi] Vijayakumar, P.
14 for Vijayakumar, P.
Vijayakumar, S.[Syamkumar]
Co Author Listing * Dynamics of Vibrio cholerae in a Typical Tropical Lake and Estuarine System: Potential of Remote Sensing for Risk Mapping
* Hierarchical Procrustes Matching for Shape Retrieval
* Part-Based Probabilistic Point Matching
* Probabilistic Approach to Robust Shape Matching, A
* Structure Inference for Bayesian Multisensory Scene Understanding
Includes: Vijayakumar, S.[Syamkumar] Vijayakumar, S.[Sethu]
Vijayakumar, V.[Vaidehi]
Co Author Listing * Detecting abnormal events in traffic video surveillance using superorientation optical flow feature
* study on video data mining, A
Includes: Vijayakumar, V.[Vaidehi] Vijayakumar, V.
Vijayakumari, B.[Balan]
Co Author Listing * Cadaver identification with dental radiographs using isoperimetric and nodal graph approach
* Dental cyst diagnosis using texture analysis
Includes: Vijayakumari, B.[Balan] Vijayakumari, B.
Vijayalakshmi, S.
Co Author Listing * Analysis on segmentation and biomarker-based approaches for liver cancer detection: A survey
Vijayan, A.[Athul]
Co Author Listing * CellTypeGraph: A New Geometric Computer Vision Benchmark
* Design and Experimental Validation of a Cooperative Driving Control Architecture for the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge 2016
Includes: Vijayan, A.[Athul] Vijayan, A.
Vijayan, A.S.[Aparna S.]
Co Author Listing * Spectral Clustering with Jensen-Type Kernels and Their Multi-point Extensions
Vijayan, K.
Co Author Listing * Speech-to-Singing Voice Conversion: The Challenges and Strategies for Improving Vocal Conversion Processes
Vijayan, L.[Linoj]
Co Author Listing * Integrating Evacuation and Storm Surge Modeling Considering Potential Hurricane Tracks: The Case of Hurricane Irma in Southeast Florida
Vijayan, M.[Midhula]
Co Author Listing * Fully Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Background Subtraction, A
Vijayan, R.
Co Author Listing * Lattice Filters Based on the Delta-Operator
Vijayan, S.
Co Author Listing * Manufacturing Feature Determination and Extraction I: Optimal Volume Segmentation
* Performance Improvement of Average Based Spatial Filters through Multilevel Preprocessing using Wavelets
Vijayan, V.[Vipin]
Co Author Listing * 3D Twins and Expression Challenge
* Environmental Reservoirs of Vibrio cholerae: Challenges and Opportunities for Ocean-Color Remote Sensing
Includes: Vijayan, V.[Vipin] Vijayan, V.[Vijitha]
Vijayanagar, K.R.[Krishna Rao]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive measurement rate allocation for block-based compressed sensing of depth maps
* Compression of residual layers of layered depth video using hierarchical block truncation coding
* Dynamic GOP size control for low-delay distributed video coding
* Efficient view synthesis for multi-view video plus depth
* Low complexity distributed video coding
Vijayanandh, R.
Co Author Listing * Human face detection using color spaces and region property measures
Vijayananthan, A.[Anushya]
Co Author Listing * Automated detection of Alzheimer's disease using bi-directional empirical model decomposition
Vijayanarasimhan, S.[Sudheendra]
Co Author Listing * Active Frame Selection for Label Propagation in Videos
* Active Learning for Video Description with Cluster-regularized Ensemble Ranking
* Actively selecting annotations among objects and attributes
* AVA: A Video Dataset of Spatio-Temporally Localized Atomic Visual Actions
* Beyond short snippets: Deep networks for video classification
* Cost-Sensitive Active Visual Category Learning
* Efficient region search for object detection
* Far-sighted active learning on a budget for image and video recognition
* Fast, Accurate Detection of 100,000 Object Classes on a Single Machine
* Hashing Hyperplane Queries to Near Points with Applications to Large-Scale Active Learning
* Keywords to visual categories: Multiple-instance learning for weakly supervised object categorization
* Kinetics Human Action Video Dataset, The
* Large-Scale Live Active Learning: Training Object Detectors with Crawled Data and Crowds
* Rethinking the Faster R-CNN Architecture for Temporal Action Localization
* Top-down pairwise potentials for piecing together multi-class segmentation puzzles
* Visual recognition and detection under bounded computational resources
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Object Segmentations from Web-Scale Video
* What's in a Caption? Dataset-Specific Linguistic Diversity and Its Effect on Visual Description Models and Metrics
* What's it going to cost you?: Predicting effort vs. informativeness for multi-label image annotations
* YouTube-8M: A Large-Scale Video Classification Benchmark
Includes: Vijayanarasimhan, S.[Sudheendra] Vijayanarasimhan, S.
20 for Vijayanarasimhan, S.
Vijayaraghavan, G.[Geetha]
Co Author Listing * SP-CIDS: Secure and Private Collaborative IDS for VANETs
Vijayaraghavan, P.[Prashanth]
Co Author Listing * Data-free Model Fusion with Generator Assistants
* DeepSpace: Mood-Based Image Texture Generation for Virtual Reality from Music
Includes: Vijayaraghavan, P.[Prashanth] Vijayaraghavan, P.
Vijayaraghavan, S.[Sujal]
Co Author Listing * Localisebot: Multi-view 3d Object Localisation with Differentiable Rendering for Robot Grasping
Vijayaraghavan, T.
Co Author Listing * Image coding of 3D volume using wavelet transform for fast retrieval of 2D images
Vijayaraj, J.
Co Author Listing * efficient convolutional histogram-oriented gradients and deep convolutional learning approach for accurate classification of bone cancer, An
Vijayaraj, V.
Co Author Listing * Overhead image statistics
Vijayaratnam, M.[Melan]
Co Author Listing * Towards Zero-Latency Video Transmission Through Frame Extrapolation
Vijayasagar, K.
Co Author Listing * Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation
Vijayenthiran, V.[Viknesh]
Co Author Listing * Mercedes' New Safety Tech Aims To End Wrong-Way Driving
Vijaykeerthy, D.[Deepak]
Co Author Listing * Framework for Learning Ante-hoc Explainable Models via Concepts, A
Vijaykrishnan, N.
Co Author Listing * DFLAP: a dynamic frequency linear array processor
* Dynamic Frequency Linear Array Processor for Image Processing, A
* efficient architecture for motion estimation and compensation in the transform domain, An
* Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform Architecture Exploiting Sparseness and Symmetry Properties
* Linear Array Processor with Dynamic Frequency Clocking for Image Processing Applications, A
Vijaykumar, N.[Nandita]
Co Author Listing * ENVIDR: Implicit Differentiable Renderer with Neural Environment Lighting
* Multi-Resolution Multi-Temporal Technique for Detecting and Mapping Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest, A
* Photorealistic Object Insertion with Diffusion-guided Inverse Rendering
Includes: Vijaykumar, N.[Nandita] Vijaykumar, N.
Vijaykumar, V.[Vivek]
Co Author Listing * Pasta: Proportional Amplitude Spectrum Training Augmentation for Syn-to-Real Domain Generalization
* Self-Supervised Pretraining Improves Self-Supervised Pretraining
Vijaykumar, V.R.
Co Author Listing * Decision based adaptive median filter to remove blotches, scratches, streaks, stripes and impulse noise in images
Vijayvargiya, A.
Co Author Listing * Detection of glare in night photography
* new method of flash image shadow detection and patch-based correction of shadow regions, A
* PC-GNN: Pearson Correlation-Based Graph Neural Network for Recognition of Human Lower Limb Activity Using sEMG Signal
* robust flash image shadow detection method and seamless recovery of shadow regions, A
Includes: Vijayvargiya, A. Vijayvargiya, A.[Ankit]
Vijayvergiya, R.[Rajesh]
Co Author Listing * Performance analysis of various denoising filters on intravascular ultrasound coronary artery images