3 Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys

Primarily books on computer vision or general surveys in computer vision. Specific surveys are usually with the appropriate topical chapter.

3.1 Collections of Articles

Chapter Contents (Back)
Books based on collections of articles. Primarily early collections before the growth of conferences and journals.

3.1.1 Early Collections of Articles

Chapter Contents (Back)
Collections, Early.

Feigenbaum, E.A., and Feldman, J., (eds.),
Computers and Thought,
New York: McGraw-Hill1963. BibRef 6300 CandTfor references BibRef

Tippett, J.T., Berkowitz, D.A., Clapp, L.C., Koester, C.J., and Vanderburgh, Jr., A., (Eds.),
Optical and Electro-Optical Info. Proc.,
Cambridge: MIT Press1965. BibRef 6500 OE-OIP65for references. BibRef

Wathen-Dunn, W., (Ed.)
Models for the Perception of Speech and Visual Form,
MIT PressCambridge, MA, 1967. BibRef 6700 MPSVFfor references. From the Symposium November 11-14, 1964. BibRef

Grasselli, A., (Ed.),
Automatic Interpretation and Classification of Images,
New York: Academic Press1969. BibRef 6900 AIIfor references. BibRef

Lipkin, L.B.S., and Rosenfeld, A., (Eds.),
Picture Processing and Psychopictorics,
New York: Academic Press1970. BibRef 7000 PPP70for references. BibRef

Findler, N.V., Meltzer, B., (Eds.)
Artificial Intelligence and Heuristic Programming,
American ElsevierNew York, 1971. Indexed as: BibRef 7100 AIHP BibRef

Watanabe, S., (Ed.),
Frontiers of Pattern Recognition,
New York: Academic Press1972. BibRef 7200 FPR72for references. A meeting in Honolulu, January 16-20, 1971. BibRef

Winston, P.H., (Ed.),
The Psychology of Computer Vision,
New York: McGraw-Hill1975. BibRef 7500 PsychCV75for references. BibRef

Chen, C.H., (Ed.),
Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,
New York: Academic Press1976. BibRef 7600 PRAI-76for references. BibRef
And: PRAI-881988 book. BibRef ElsevierA conference in Hyannis, MA, June 1-3. BibRef

Aggarwal, J.K., Duda, R.O., and Rosenfeld, A., (eds.),
Computer Methods in Images Analysis,
IEEE_Press1977. BibRef 7700 CMetImAly77for papers or by CMIA(Pages) BibRef

Simon, J.C., and Rosenfeld, A., (Eds.),
Digital Image Processing and Analysis,
DIPA77Nordhoff, Leyden, 1977. BibRef 7700

Hanson, A.R., and Riseman, E.M., Eds.,
Computer Vision Systems,
New York: Academic Press1978. BibRef 7800 CVS78(pages). for references. Papers from a computer vision workshop, June 1-3, Amherst MA. includes several classical papers. Later similar meetings:
See also CVS. BibRef

Andrews, H.C.,
Digital Image Processing: Papers,
IEEE Computer Society PressNew York, 1978. Image processing papers. BibRef 7800

Winston, P.H., and Brown, R.H., (Eds.),
Artificial Intelligence: An MIT Perspective,
Cambridge: MIT Press1979. BibRef 7900 AI-MIT79for references. BibRef

Chapter on Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys continues in
Collections -- General Computer Vision .

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