* *Artificial Intelligence: An MIT Perspective
* *IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
* 3D Display of Human Organs from Computed Tomograms
* ACRONYM Model-Based Vision System, The
* Analysis of Scenes from a Moving Viewpoint
* Analyzing Curved Surfaces Using Reflectance Map Techniques
* Another Efficient Algorithm for Convex Hulls in Two Dimensions
* Application of Relaxation to Waveforms with Ambiguous Segmentations, The
* Application of the Photometric Stereo Method, An
* Automatic Construction of Junction Dictionaries and Their Exploitation of the Analysis of Range Data
* Automatic Determination of Image to Database Correspondence
* Automatic Extraction of Irregular Network Digital Terrain Models
* Automobile with Artificial Intelligence, An
* Automotive Stereo Vision Using Deconvolution Technique
* Bandpass Channels, Zero-Crossings, and Early Visual Information Processing
* Basics of Cellular Logic with Some Applications in Medical Image Processing
* Boundary Detection of Textured Regions
* Class of Robust Edge Detectors Based on Latin Squares, A
* Comments on Convex Hull of a Finite Set of Points in Two Dimensions
* Compact Relational Structure Representation, A
* Computational Theory of Human Stereo Vision, A
* Computer Analysis of Dynamic Scenes Containing Curvilinear Figures
* Computer Analysis of Scenes with Curved Objects
* Computer Image Processing and Recognition
* Condition for Digital Points Removal, A
* Constructing the Convex Hull of a Set of Points in the Plane
* Context Dependent Automatic Image Recognition System
* Continuous Relaxation Local Maxima Selection, Conditions for Equivalence
* Cooperative Computation in Texture Analysis
* Curve Smoothing for Improved Feature Extraction from Digitized Pictures
* Describing Natural Textures
* Detection of Ellipses by a Modified Hough Transformation
* Detection of the Movements of Men for Autonomous Vehicles
* Detection of Three-Dimensional patterns of Atoms in chemical Structures
* Digital Color Image Processing within the Framework of a Human Visual Model
* Digital Image Processing
* Digital Topology
* Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Distance between Two Finite Areas, A
* Edge Smoothing
* Empirical Method that Provides a Basis for the Organization of Relaxation Labeling Processes for Vision, An
* Evaluation of Edge Operators Using Relative and Absolute Grading
* Facial expressions of emotion
* Fast Methods for Finding Object Outlines
* Feature Detection Using Basis Functions
* Feature Extraction for Texture Discrimination
* Finding the Axis of an Egg
* Fitting Conic Sections to Scattered Data
* Generalization of DPCM for Digital Image Compression, A
* Generation of 3D Surface Descriptions from Images of Pattern Illuminated Objects
* Global Shape Decomposition Using the k-Syntactic Similarity Approach
* Goal-Directed Edge Linking and Ribbon Finding
* Handbook of Non-Topographic Photogrammetry
* Hierarchies in Structural Pattern Recogniton
* High Accuracy Model Matching for Scenes Containing Man-Made Structures
* Image Correspondence Problem, The
* Image Detection in the Presence of Speckle
* Image Transmission with Gross Information First
* Inferring the Direction of the Sun from Intensity Values on a Generalized Cone
* Internal Representation of Solid Shape with Respect to Vision, The
* Interpolation of Images via Histosplines
* Interpretation of Structure from Motion, The
* Interpretation of Visual Motion, The
* k-means clustering algorithm, A
* K-S Test for Detecting Changes from Landsat Imagery Data
* Knowledge Directed Line Finder for Analysis of Complex Scenes, A
* Knowledge-Based Detection and Classification of Vehicles and Other Objects in Aerial Road Images
* Knowledge-Based Interactive Robot-Vision System, A
* Levels of Representation in Cultural Feature Extraction
* Linear Algorithm for Finding the Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon, A
* Local versus Global Decisions in Image Recognition
* Medial Axis of a Coarse Binary Image Using Boundary Smoothing, The
* Method of Recognition of Korean Characters by Tree Grammars, A
* Model for Perception of Structural Image Feature, A
* Modelling and Monitoring a Manipulation Environment
* Moment Invariants
* Mosaic Models for Image Analysis and Synthesis
* Motion and Structure from Optical Flow
* Motion Detection and Analysis
* Multi-Level Planning and Navigation System for a Mobile Robot; A First Approach to HILARE, A
* Multilevel Array Grammars for Generating Texture Scenes
* Multivariate k-Nearest Neighbor Density Estimates
* Neither the Greedy nor the Delaunay Triangulation of a Planar Point Set Approximates the Optimal Triangulation
* Note on Polygonal and Elliptical Approximation of Mechanical Parts, A
* Note on the Use of (Gray Level, Average Gray Level) Space as an Aid in Threshold Selection, A
* Object Location in Computed Tomography Images Using Global Local Segmentation
* On Improving the Worst Case Running Time of the Boyer-Moore String Matching Algorithm
* One Pass Computation of Morphological and Geometrical Properties of Objects in Digital Pictures
* OPAL: A New Algorithm for Optimal Partitioning and Learning in Non-Parametric Unsupervised Environments
* Optimal Real-Time Algorithm for Planar Convex Hulls, An
* Optimal Window Functions for Image Correlations in the Presence of Geometric Distortion
* Organization in Vision: Essays on Gestalt Perception
* Parallel-Serial Recognition Cone System for Perception: Some Test Results, A
* Picture Languages: Formal Models for Picture Recognition
* Polarimetric Approach to Shape Understanding of Glossy Objects, A
* Processing Spectrograms as Digital Pictures to Separate Competing Line Signatures
* Progress in Navigation Using Passively Sensed Images
* Rectangular Region Coding for Image Data Compression
* Recursive Region Extraction
* Regionalization of Image Data Using Surface Approximation
* Registering Real Images Using Synthetic Images
* Representation and Communication of Image-Related Information
* Representation for Image Databases
* Representing and Analyzing Surface Orientations
* Representing and Computing Visual Information
* Robust Feature Matching Through Maximal Cliques
* Scene Description Method Using Three Dimensional Information, A
* Search Strategies for the ARGOS Image Understanding System
* Segmentation
* Segmentation of Images with Incompletely Specified Regions
* Segmentation of Solid Objects Using Global and Local Edge Coincidence
* Segmentation, Evaluation, and Natural Scenes
* Shape Completion
* Size Normalization and Pattern Orientation Problems in Syntactic Clustering
* Skeletons from Sequential Boundary Data
* Some Experiments in Image Segmentation by Clustering of Local Feature Values
* Some Experiments on Variable Thresholding
* Some Recent Developments in Texture Analysis
* Spatial Representation
* Spherical Representation of a Human Body for Visualizing Movement, A
* Statistical Study of Edges in TV Pictures
* Stereo-Camera Calibration
* Stochastic Texture Fields Synthesis from a Priori Given Second Order Statistice
* Strip Trees: A Hierarchical Representation for Map Features
* Structural Analysis of Complex Aerial Photographs
* Structural Shape Description and Matching
* Structure of Two-Dimensional Scalar Fields with Applications to Vision, The
* SUPP: Understanding Moving Picture Patterns Based on Linguistic Knowledge
* Surface Normals from Closed Paths
* Symbolic Representation: USC IU System
* Symmetry Analysis of Two-Dimensional Patterns for Computer Vision
* Technique for Comparing Curves, A
* Technique for Texture Analysis Using C-Calculus, A
* Tests of randomness for spatial point patterns
* Texture Energy Measures
* Texture Image Segmentation Using Local Extrema
* Texture Pattern Image Generation by Regular Markov Chain
* Toward a Set of Statistical Features Which Measure Visually Perceivable Qualities of Textures
* Tracking Moving Objects in Television Images
* Two Remarks on a Convex Hull Algorithm
* Understanding Objects from Slices
* Use of Incremental Curvature for Describing and Analyzing Two-Dimensional Shape
* Visual Detection of Light Sources
* Visual Discrimination of Textures with Identical Third-Order Statistics
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