PAMI( Vol No. )
* *IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
* Asymptotic Properties of Discrete Unitary Transforms
* Capacity and Error Estimates for Boolean Classifiers with Limited Complexity
* Coding Method of Chinese Characters, A
* Comments on A Quantitative Study of the Orientation Bias of Some Edge Detector Schemes
* Computer Tracking of Objects Moving in Space
* Consistent Labeling Problem: Part I, The
* DECA: A Discrete-Valued Data Clustering Algorithm
* Decomposition of Three-Dimensional Objects into Spheres
* Decomposition of Three-Dimensional Objects into Spheres
* Decomposition of Two-Dimensional Shapes by Graph-Theoretic Clustering
* Description Method of Handprinted Chinese Characters, A
* Digital Image and Spectrum Restoration by Quadratic Programming and by Modified Fourier Transformation
* Dual Method for Maximum Entropy Restoration, A
* Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Distance between Two Finite Areas, A
* Experiments in Text Recognition with the Modified Viterbi Algorithm
* Family of Similarity Measures Between Two Strings, A
* Generalization of DPCM for Digital Image Compression, A
* Generalized Line and Junction Labeling Scheme with Applications to Scene Analysis, A
* Geometric Constructions for Predicting Hough Transform Performance
* Hierarchical Representation of Waveforms
* Hierarchical Syntactic Shape Analyzer, A
* Image Feature Extraction Using Diameter Limited Gradient Direction Histograms
* Matching Segments of Images
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Markov-Process Blob Boundaries in Noisy Images
* Method of Recognition of Korean Characters by Tree Grammars, A
* On the Analysis of Accumulative Difference Pictures from Image Sequences of Real World Scenes
* On the Nonseparability of Image Models
* Operations on Images Using Quad Trees
* Optimal Frequency Domain Filter for Edge Detection in Digital Pictures, An
* Organization and Access of Image Data by Areas
* Peak Detection Using Difference Operators
* Performance Comparison of Scene Matching Techniques
* Problem of Dimensionality: A Simple Example, A
* Random Walk Procedure for Texture Discrimination, A
* Random Walk Procedure for Texture Discrimination, A
* Shape Matching Using Relaxation Techniques
* Simplified Derivation of Frei's Histogram Hyperbolization for Image Enhancement, A
* Sinusoidal Family of Unitary Transforms, A
* Texture Analysis Using Generalized Co-Occurrence Matrices
* Thinning Algorithms for Gray-Scale Pictures
* Use of a Syntactic Shape Analyzer for Contour Matching, The
* Use of Range and Reflectance Data to Find Planar Surface Regions
42 for PAMI(1)
* 2D Invariant Object Recognition Using Distributed Associative Memory
* 3-D Contour Segmentation Scheme Based on Curvature and Torsion, A
* AIS-5000 Parallel Processor, The
* Automated concept acquisition in noisy environments
* Automated X-Ray Inspection of Aluminum Castings
* Automatic Circuit Diagram Reader with Loop-Structure-Based Symbol Recognition, An
* Automatic Pattern Recognition: A Study of the Probability of Error
* Automatic Sensor Placement from Vision Task Requirements
* Automatic Solder Joint Inspection
* Automatic Wafer Inspection System Using Pipelined Image Processing Techniques, An
* Autonomous Robotic Vehicle Road Following
* Bayesian Clustering for Unsupervised Estimation of Surface and Texture Models
* Bounds on the Bayes Classification Error Based on Pairwise Risk Functions
* Capacity of a Multilevel Threshold Functions, The
* Classifier for Feature Vectors Whose Prototypes Are a Function of Multiple Continuous Parameters, A
* CLIP7A Image Processor, The
* Computation of Visible-Surface Representations, The
* Computing the Width of a Set
* Construction of the Octree Approximating Three-Dimensional Objects by Using Multiple Views
* CSG-EESI: A New Solid Representation Scheme and a Conversion Expert System
* Determining Surface Orientation by Projecting a Stripe Pattern
* Efficient Component Labeling of Images of Arbitrary Dimension Represented by Linear Bintrees
* Eigen Decomposition Approach to Weighted Graph Matching Problems, An
* Error Analysis in Stereo Determination of 3-D Point Positions
* Evidence-Based Recognition of 3-D Objects
* Finite Prolate Spheroidal Sequences and Their Applications II: Image Feature Description and Segmentation
* Flexible Vision-Based Algorithm for a Book Sorting System, A
* Generalized Gabor Scheme of Image Representation in Biological and Machine Vision, The
* Hierarchical Chamfer Matching: A Parametric Edge Matching Algorithm
* insight into the entropy and redundancy of the English dictionary, An
* Inspection of Printed Circuit Boards by Connectivity Preserving Smoothing
* Integrated Analysis of Thermal and Visual Images for Scene Interpretation
* Knowledge Structuring and Constraint Satisfaction: The Mapsee Approach
* Learning based on conceptual distance
* Line Extraction Method for Automated SEM Inspection of VLSI Resist, A
* Line-Drawing Interpretation: Straight Lines and Conic Sections
* Machine Vision Algorithms for Automated Inspection of Thin-Film Disk Heads
* Measuring Consensus Effectiveness by a Generalized Entropy Criterion
* Measuring Photolithographic Overlay Accuracy and Critical Dimensions by Correlating Binarized Laplacian of Gaussian Convolutions
* Merging thesauri: principles and evaluation
* method for attribute selection in inductive learning systems, A
* Method for Enforcing Integrability in Shape from Shading Algorithms, A
* methodology for solving problems: Problem Modeling and Heuristic Generation, A
* Mode Detection by Relaxation
* Monolithic Hough Transform Processor Based on Restructurable VLSI, A
* Multilevel Parallel Processing Approach to Scene Labeling Problems, A
* New Results in Fuzzy Clustering Based on the Concept of Indistinguishability Relation
* On Image Analysis by the Methods of Moments
* On Smoothness of a Vector Field: Application to Optical Flow
* On the Imaging of Fractal Surfaces
* On the Number of Digital Straight Line Segments
* One-Dimensional Regularization with Discontinuities
* Optimal Transformation for Discriminant and Principal Component Analysis, An
* Orientation of 3-D Structures in Medical Images
* Partial Shape Recognition Using Dynamic Programming
* Pessimal Guesses May Be Optimal: A Counterintuitive Search Result
* Pipelined Image Analysis System Using Custom Integrated Circuits, A
* planning model with problem analysis and operator hierarchy, A
* Pose Determination of a Three-Dimensional Object Using Triangle Pairs
* Precision Edge Contrast and Orientation Estimation
* Projection Operator for the Restoration of Divergence-Free Vector Fields, A
* Quadtree Traversal Algorithms for Pointer-Based and Depth-First Representations
* Real-Time Part Position Sensing
* Real-Time Processor for the Hough Transform, A
* Recognition of Kidney Glomerulus by Dynamic Programming Matching Method
* Recognition of Noisy Subsequences Using Constrained Edit Distances
* Reduction of Obscuration Noise Using Multiple Images
* Robust Algorithm for Text String Separation from Mixed Text/Graphics Images, A
* Rule Based Approach for Visual Pattern Inspection, A
* Segmentation Through Variable-Order Surface Fitting
* Sensor Roll Angle Error for a Mobile Robot Using a Navigation Line
* Simple Algorithms and Architectures for B-Spline Interpolation
* Singularity Theory and Phantom Edges in Scale Space
* Spatial Classification Using Fuzzy Membership Models
* Spatial Thresholding Method for Image Segmentation, A
* Special Issue I
* Special Issue II
* Statistical Viewpoint on the Theory of Evidence, A
* Structural Stereo for 3-D Vision
* Structured Highlight Inspection of Specular Surfaces
* System for PCB Automated Inspection Using Fluorescent Light, A
* Techniques for Calibration of the Scale Factor and Image Center for High Accuracy 3-D Machine Vision Metrology
* Test to Determine the Multivariate Normality of a Data Set, A
* Texture Measures for Carpet Wear Assessment
* Three-Dimensional Shape Analysis Using Moments and Fourier Descriptors
* Three-Dimensional Vision Structure for Robot Applications
* Three-Module Strategy for Edge Detection, A
* Tiered-Color Illumination Approach for Machine Inspection of Solder Joints, A
* Toward a Symbolic Representation of Intensity Changes in Images
* Transformation of Optical Flow by Camera Rotation
* Two-Dimensional Convolution on a Pyramid Computer
* Unsynchronized iteratively deepening parallel alpha-beta search
* Using Constancy of Distance to Estimate Position and Displacement in Space
* Vision and Navigation for the Carnegie-Mellon NAVLAB
* VISTA: Visual Interpretation System for Technical Applications - Architecture and Use
* Visual Navigation of an Autonomous Vehicle Using White Line Recognition
* VITS--A Vision System for Autonomous Land Vehicle Navigation
97 for PAMI(10)
* 3-D Moment Forms: Their Construction and Application to Object Identification and Positioning
* 3-D Surface Solution Using Structured Light and Constraint Propagation
* 3D Euclidean Versus 2D Non-Euclidean: Two Approaches to 3D Recovery from Images
* Adaptive Reduction Procedure for the Piecewise Linear Approximation of Digitized Curves, An
* algorithm for finding a common structure shared by a family of strings, An
* Algorithmic Techniques for Computer Vision on a Fine-Grained Parallel Machine
* Authenticating Edges Produced by Zero-Crossing Algorithms
* Authors' Reply
* Bayesian Approach to Reconstruction from Incomplete Projections of a Multiple Object 3D Domain, A
* Bayesian/Monte Carlo Segmentation Method for Images Dominated by Gaussian Noise, A
* Behavior of Edges in Scale Space
* Bibliography on Digital and Computational Convexity (1961-1988), A
* binary consistency checking scheme and its applications to seismic Horizon Detection, The
* CAGD Based Computer Vision
* Calibrating a Cartesian Robot with Eye-on-Hand Configuration Independent of Eye-to-Hand Relationship
* Camera Geometries for Image Matching in 3-D Machine Vision
* Cepstral Filtering on a Columnar Image Architecture: A Fast Algorithm for Binocular Stereo Segmentation
* Comments on approximating discrete probability distributions with dependence trees
* Comments on Fast Convolution with Laplacian-of-Gaussian Masks
* Comparison of the Efficiency of Deterministic and Stochastic Algorithms for Visual Reconstruction
* Computational feasibility of structured matching
* Computing Minimal Distance on Polyhedral Surfaces
* Computing the Hough Transform on a Scan Line Array Processor
* Curvature-Based Approach to Terrain Recognition, A
* Data-Driven Intermediate Level Feature Extraction Algorithm, A
* Describing 1-D Intensity Transistions with Gaussian Derivatives at the Resolutions Matching the Transition Widths
* Design of Perimeter Estimators for Digitized Planar Shapes
* Detection, Localization, and Estimation of Edges
* Determination of the Attitude of 3-D Objects from a Single Perspective View
* Determination of Three Dimensional Object Location and Orientation from Range Data
* Dimensionality-reduction using connectionist networks
* Distributed Associative Memory (DAM) for Bin-Picking
* Edge Detection and Linear Feature Extraction Using a 2-D Random Field Model
* Effects of Sample Size in Classifier Design
* Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Image Template Matching on Hypercube SIMD Machines
* Efficient Uniform Cost Algorithm Applied to Distance Transforms, An
* EREW PRAM Algorithm for Image Component Labeling, An
* Estimation of Classifier Performance
* Evaluation of Quantization Error in Computer Vision
* Feature Extraction for Boundary Models of Three-Dimensional Objects
* General Aperture Problem for Direct Estimation of 3-D Motion Parameters, A
* Generating Octrees from Object Silhouettes in Orthographic Views
* Geometric Precision in Noise-Free Digital Images
* Geometric Properties of the Union of Maximal Neighborhoods
* Geometry of Differential Operators with Application to Image Processing, The
* globally convergent algorithm for minimizing over the rotation group of quadratic forms, A
* HBA Vision Architecture: Built and Benchmarked
* Hierarchial Construction of Orientation and Velocity Selective Filters
* Hierarchy in Picture Segmentation: A Stepwise Optimization Approach
* history heuristic and alpha-beta search enhancements in practice, The
* Hitherto Unnoticed Singularity of Scale-Space, A
* Identification of Three-Dimensional Objects Using Range Information
* Image Computations on Meshes with Multiple Broadcast
* Image Enhancement for Segmentation by Self-Induced Autoregressive Filtering
* Image Flow Segmentation and Estimation by Constraint Line Clustering
* Image Representation by Sign Information
* Image Surface Approximation with Irregular Samples
* Inherent Ambiguities in Recovering 3-D Motion and Structure from a Noisy Flow Field
* Interpretation of Image Flow: A Spatio-Temporal Approach
* Invariant Properties of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders and Their Contours
* Leave-One-Out Procedures for Nonparametric Error Estimates
* Line Fitting in a Noisy Image
* Line-Drawing Interpretation: Bilateral Symmetry
* Localization and Noise in Edge Detection
* Maximum Likelihood Framework for Determining Moving Edges, A
* Model Construction and Shape Recognition from Occluding Contours
* Motion and Structure from Orthographic Projections
* Motion and Structure from Two Perspective Views: Algorithms, Error Analysis, and Error Estimation
* Motion Field and Optical Flow: Qualitative Properties
* Multiresolution Feature Extraction and Selection for Texture Segmentation
* Multiscaling Approach Based on Morphological Filtering, A
* Natural Representations for Straight Lines and the Hough Transform on Discrete Arrays
* New Technique to Extract Range Information from Stereo Images, A
* Nonparametric Method for Fitting a Straight Line to a Noisy Image, A
* Numerical Solution to the Generalized Mapmaker's Problem: Flattening Nonconvex Polyhedral Surfaces, A
* Obstacle Avoidance Using Flow Field Divergence
* Off-Line Cursive Script Word Recognition
* On a Constraint Equation for the Estimation of Displacement Rates in Image Sequences
* On Computing Complete Histograms of Images in Log(n) Steps Using Hypercubes
* On Kineopsis and Computation of Structure and Motion
* On Properties of Discretized Convex Curves
* On the Detection of Dominant Points on Digital Curve
* On the Detection of the Axes of Symmetry of Symmetric and Almost Symmetric Planar Images
* On the Recognition of Curved Objects
* One-Pass Two-Operation Process to Detect the Skeletal Pixels on the 4-Distance Transform, A
* Optical Flow with an Intensity-Weighted Smoothing
* Optimal Estiamtion of Contour Properties by Cross-Validated Regularization
* Pattern Spectrum and Multiscale Shape Representation
* Polymorphic-Torus Architecture for Computer Vision
* Precision of 3-D Parameters in Correspondence-Based Techniques: The Case of Uniform Translational Motion in a Rigid Environment, The
* Principal Warps: Thin-Plate Splines and the Decomposition of Deformations
* Quadtree-Structured Linear Prediction Models for Image Sequence Processing
* Radial Projection: An Efficient Update Rule for Relaxation Labeling
* Range Image Segmentation Based on Differential Geometry: A Hybrid Approach
* Real-Time Sectional Image Measuring System Using Time Sequentially Coded Grating Method, A
* Recognition and Shape Synthesis of 3D Objects Image Based on Attributed Hypergraphs
* Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters by Modified Hough Transform Techniques
* Recognizing 3-D Objects Using Surface Descriptions
* Recovering Three-Dimensional Shape from a Single Image of Curved Objects
* Reduced Parzen Classifier, The
* Renormalization Group Approach to Image Processing Problems, A
* Representation Theory for Morphological Image and Signal Processing, A
* Segmentation of Document Images
* Shape Description by Time Series
* Shape Description with a Space-Variant Sensor: Algorithms for Scan-Path, Fusion, and Convergence over Multiple Scans
* Shape from Shading Analysis for a Single Perspective Image of a Polyhedron, A
* Shape from Texture: Integrating Texture-Element Extraction and Surface Estimation
* Simplex-Like Algorithm for the Relaxation Labeling Process, A
* Simultaneous Optimal Segmentation and Model Estimation of Nonstationary Noisy Images
* Simultaneous Parameter Estimation and Segmentation of Gibbs Random Fields Using Simulated Annealing
* Skeletonization Via the Realization of the Fire Front's Propagation and Extinction in Digital Binary Shapes
* Some Properties of the E Matrix in Two-View Motion Estimation
* Special Section on Computer Architectures
* Stereo Correspondence Through Feature Grouping and Maximal Cliques
* Stereo Error Detection, Correction, and Evaluation
* Study of Associative Evidential Reasoning, A
* Subpixel Measurements Using a Moment-Based Edge Operator
* Supervised Textured Image Segmentation Using Feature Smoothing and Probabilistic Relaxation Techniques
* Surface Orientation from a Projection Grid
* Surfaces from Stereo: Integrating Feature Matching, Disparity Estimation, and Contour Detection
* Texture Boundary Detection Based on the Long Correlation Model
* Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation, A
* Three-Dimensional Ultrasonic Vision for Robotic Applications
* Threshold Decomposition of Gray-Scale Morphology into Binary Morphology
* Toward a Model-Based Bayesian Theory for Estimating and Recognizing Parameterized 3-D Objects Using Two of More Images Taken from Different Positions
* Trace Inference, Curvature Consistency, and Curve Detection
* Tree Searched Chain Coding for Subpixel Reconstruction of Planar Curves
* Two-Dimensional Linear Prediction Model-Based Decorrelation Method
* Unified Approach for Early-Phase Image Understanding Using a General Decision Criterion
* Unified Approach to the Change of Resolution: Space and Gray Level, A
* Unsupervised Optimal Fuzzy Clustering
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Textured Images by Edge Detection in Multidimensional Features
* Using Perceptual Organization to Extract 3-D Structures
* Where and Why Local Shading Analysis Works
134 for PAMI(11)
* 3-D Motion Estimation Using a Sequence of Noisy Stereo Images: Models, Estimation, and Uniqueness Results
* Active Tracking Strategy for Monocular Depth Inference over Multiple Frames
* Analysis of Thinning Algorithms Using Mathematical Morphology
* Application of Affine-Invariant Fourier Descriptors to Recognition of 3-D Objects
* Application of the Karhunen-Loeve Procedure for the Characterization of Human Faces
* Automated Tactile Sensing Strategy for Planar Object Recognition and Localization, An
* Automatic Representation of Binary Images
* Bivariate Autoregressive Modeling Technique for Analysis and Classification of Planar Shapes, A
* Boundary Detection and Skeletonization with a Massively Parallel Architecture
* Boundary Detection by Constrained Optimization
* cache-based natural language model for speech recognition, A
* Chain Pyramid: Hierarchical Contour Processing, The
* Character scaling by contour method
* combination of evidence in the transferable belief model, The
* Comments on A Three-Module Strategy for Edge Detection
* Comparative Analysis of Regional Correlation, Dynamic Time Warping, and Skeletal Tree Matching for Signature Verification, A
* Computer-access security systems using keystroke dynamics
* Computing the Aspect Graph for Line Drawings of Polyhedral Objects
* Contour Tracking and Corner Detection in a Logic Programming Environment
* Convolution on Mesh Connected Multicomputers
* Coping with Discontinuities in Computer Vision: Their Detection, Classification and Measurement
* Correspondenceless Stereo and Motion: Planar Surfaces
* Decomposing the Laplacian
* Design of Fiducials for Accurate Registration Using Machine Vision
* Determination of Camera Location from 2-D to 3-D Line and Point Correspondences
* Differentiating Sonar Reflections from Corners and Planes by Employing an Intelligent Sensor
* Direct Analytical Methods for Solving Poisson Equations in Computer Vision Problems
* Discrete Black and White Object Recognition Via Morphological Functions
* Displacement Estimates Through Adaptive Affinities
* Edge-Labeling Using Dictionary-Based Relaxation
* Effectively Labeling Planar Projections of Polyhedra
* ERNEST: A Semantic Network System for Pattern Understanding
* Error Analysis for Surface Orientation from Vanishing Points, An
* Estimating 3-D Egomotion from Perspective Image Sequences
* Expected-outcome: a general model of static evaluation
* Extensions of Scale-Space Filtering to Machine Sensing Systems
* Fast Algorithms for Low-Level Vision
* Fast Line Finder for Vision-Guided Robot Navigation, A
* Fast Parallel Algorithm for Blind Estimation of Noise Variance, A
* Fast Surface Interpolation Using Hierarchical Basis Functions
* Fault tree based diagnostics using fuzzy logic
* Feature Point Correspondence in the Presence of Occlusion
* Frequency Domain Algorithm for Multiframe Detection and Estimation of Dim Targets, A
* Generalized E-Filter and Its Application to Edge Detection
* Generalized Multidimensional Orthogonal Polynomials with Applications to Shape Analysis
* Geometric Reasoning for Recognition of Three-Dimensional Object Features
* High-Speed Triangulation-Based 3-D Imaging with Orthonormal Data Projections and Error Detection
* Image Computations on Meshes with Multiple Broadcast
* Image Seaming for Segmentation on Parallel Architecture
* Image Segmentation by Unifying Region and Boundary Information
* Inference of K-Testable Languages in the Strict Sense and Application to Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Inferring Surface Trace and Differential Structure from 3-D Images
* Integrating Region Growing and Edge Detection
* Interobject Distance Measure Based on Medial Axes Retrieved from Discrete Distance Maps, An
* Invariant Image Recognition by Zernike Moments
* Iterated Estimation of the Motion Parameters of a Rigid Body from Noisy Displacement Vectors, An
* Learnable and Nonlearnable Visual Concepts
* LEW: learning by watching
* Links between Markov models and multilayer perceptrons
* Mandarin dictation machine based upon a hierarchical recognition approach and Chinese natural language analysis, A
* Matching 3-D Line Segments with Applications to Multiple-Object Motion Estimation
* Matching Aerial Images to 3-D Terrain Maps
* Model-Fitting Approach to Cluster Validation with Application to Stochastic Model-Based Image Segmentation, A
* Modeling Light Reflection for Computer Color Vision
* Modified Matched Filter for Cloud Clutter Suppression
* Morphological Shape Decomposition
* Motion Estimation With More Than Two Frames
* Multichannel Texture Analysis Using Localized Spatial Filters
* Multiple Interpretations of the Shape and Motion of Objects from Two Perspective Images
* Multiresolution Hierarchical Approach to Image Segmentation Based on Intensity Extrema, A
* Neural network ensembles
* Neural network techniques for object orientation detection. Solution by optimal feedforward network and learning vector quantization approaches
* New Region Expansion for Quadtrees, A
* New Set of Constraint-Free Character Recognition Grammars, A
* Nonlinear Multiresolution: A Shape-from-Shading Example
* On Curve Matching
* On Recognizing and Positioning Curved 3-D Objects from Image Contours
* On the Localization Performance Measure and Optimal Edge Detection
* On the Sensitivity of the Hough Transform for Object Recognition
* On-Line Recognition of Handwritten Arabic Characters
* Optimal Correspondence for String Subsequences
* Parallel algorithms for hierarchical clustering and cluster validity
* Partial Shape Classification Using Contour Matching in Distance Transformation
* Partial Shape Recognition: A Landmark-Based Approach
* Pattern Representations and Syntactic Classification of Radar Measurements of Commercial Aircraft
* Polarization-Based Material Classification from Specular Reflection
* Polynomial Methods for Structure from Motion
* Predicting and Estimating the Accuracy of a Subpixel Registration Algorithm
* Probabilistic Peaking Effect of Viewed Angles and Distances with Application to 3-D Object Recognition, The
* Quality of Training-Sample Estimates of the Bhattacharyya Coefficient, The
* Range Image Acquisition with a Single Binary-Encoded Light Pattern
* Reading Chess
* Reconstructing Convex Sets from Support Line Measurements
* Recovery of Parametric Models from Range Images: The Case for Superquadrics with Global Deformations
* Scale Space and Edge Detection using Anisotropic Diffusion
* Scale-Space for Discrete Signals
* Scaling Theorems for Zero-Crossings
* Segmentation of Textured Images and Gestalt Organization Using Spatial/Spatial-Frequency Representations
* Selective and Focused Invariant Recognition Using Distributed Associative Memories (DAM)
* Separating a Color Signal into Illumination and Surface Reflectance Components: Theory and Applications
* Shape Reconstruction on a Varying Mesh
* Some relations among stochastic finite state networks used in automatic speech recognition
* spatial sampling criterion for sonar obstacle detection, A
* Speaker adaptation in a large-vocabulary Gaussian HMM recognizer
* Specification of Edge Penalties for Regular and Irregular Pixel Images, The
* Splitting-Shooting Methods for Nonlinear Transformations of Digitized Patterns
* State of the Art in On-Line Handwriting Recognition, The
* Stereo by Incremental Matching of Contours
* Stereo Correspondence by Surface Reconstruction
* Stereo Ranging with Verging Cameras
* Stochastic Analysis of Stereo Quantization Error
* Surface Orientation from Projective Foreshortening of Isotropic Texture Autocorrelation
* Symbolic Construction of a 2-D Scale-Space Image
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition of the ECG
* System Design / Scheduling Strategy for Parallel Image Processing, A
* System for Interpretation of Line Drawings, A
* Texture Segmentation Using Voronoi Polygons
* Three-Module Strategy for Edge Detection, A
* Threshold Superposition in Morphological Image Analysis Systems
* Unified Approach to the Linear Camera Calibration Problem, A
* Using Dynamic Programming for Solving Variational Problems in Vision
121 for PAMI(12)
* 2-D Shape Classification Using Hidden Markov Model
* 3-D Object Recognition Using Bipartite Matching Embedded in Discrete Relaxation
* 3-D Position Sensing Using a Passive Monocular Vision System
* 3-D Shape from a Shaded Textural Surface Image
* Achieving Generalized Object Recognition Through Reasoning About Association of Function to Structure
* Adaptive Smoothing: A General Tool for Early Vision
* Automated Inspection of Textile Fabrics Using Textural Models
* BONSAI: 3D Object Recognition Using Constrained Search
* Building a Sonar Map in a Specular Environment Using a Single Mobile Sensor
* CAD-Based Computer Vision: From CAD Models to Relational Graphs
* Calculating Dempster-Shafer Plausibility
* Camera Calibration by Vanishing Lines for 3-D Computer Vision
* Camera Calibration: A Quick and Easy Way to Determine the Scale Factor
* Characterizing Three-Dimensional Surface Structure from Visual Images
* Classification of Rotated and Scaled Textured Images Using Gaussian Markov Random Field Models
* Closed-Form Solutions for Physically Based Shape Modeling and Recognition
* Clustering without a Metric
* Combinatorics of Heuristic Search Termination for` Object Recognition in Cluttered Environments, The
* Computation of probabilities for an island-driven parser
* computationally compact divergence measure for speech processing, A
* Constraining Object Features Using a Polarization Reflectance Model
* Context-Based Vision: Recognizing Objects Using Information from Both 2-D and 3-D Imagery
* Contour-Based Recovery of Image Flow: Iterative Transformation Method, A
* Decomposition of Convex Polygonal Morphological Structuring Elements into Neighborhood Subsets
* default hierarchy for pronouncing English, A
* Design and Use of Steerable Filters, The
* Determining Reflectance Properties of an Object Using Range and Brightness Images
* Direct Computation of Qualitative 3-D Shape and Motion Invarients
* Direct Recovery of Three-Dimensional Scene Geometry from Binocular Stereo Disparity
* Directional Analysis of Images in Scale Space
* Dynamic 3D Models with Local and Global Deformations: Deformable Superquadrics
* Efficiently Computable Metric for Comparing Polygonal Shapes, An
* Efficiently Computing and Representing Aspect Graphs of Polyhedral Objects
* Estimating the Kinematics and Structure of a Rigid Object from a Sequence of Monocular Images
* Estimation of Illuminant Direction, Albedo, and Shape from Shading
* Estimation of Planar Curves, Surfaces, and Nonplanar Space Curves Defined by Implicit Equations with Applications to Edge and Range Image Segmentation
* Estimation of Three-Dimensional Motion of Rigid Objects from Noisy Observations
* Fast B-Spline Transforms for Continuous Image Representation and Interpolation
* Fast Image Labeling Using Local Operators on Mesh-Connected Computers
* Fitting Parameterized Three-Dimensional Models to Images
* From Uncertainty to Visual Exploration
* Generating Connected Textured Fractal Patterns Using Markov Random Fields
* Geometry of Basis Sets for Morphologic Closing, The
* Gray Level Thresholding in Badly Illuminated Images
* Hierarchical Image Analysis Using Irregular Tessellations
* Image Filtering Using Multiresolution Representations
* Image Restoration Using Gibbs Priors: Boundary Modeling, Treatment of Blurring, and Selection of Hyperparameter
* Integrated Approach to 3-D Motion Analysis and Object Recognition, An
* Invariant Descriptors for 3-D Object Recognition and Pose
* Inverse Perspective Transform Using Zero-Curvature Contour Points: Application to the Localization of Some Generalized Cylinders from a Single View
* Iterative Growing and Pruning Algorithm for Classification Tree Design, An
* Least-Squares Estimation of Transformation Parameters Between Two Point Patterns
* Lower Bound for Structuring Element Decompositions, A
* Minimax search algorithms with and without aspiration windows
* Multidimensional Orientation Estimation with Applications to Texture Analysis and Optical Flow
* Multiple Resolution Segmentation of Textured Images
* Neurocomputations in relational systems
* New Parameterization of Digital Straight Lines, A
* On Navigating Between Friends and Foes
* On Optimal Infinite Impulse Response Edge Detection Filters
* On Quantization Errors in Computer Vision
* On the Mathematical Foundations of Smoothness Constraints for the Determination of Optical Flow and for Surface Reconstruction
* On the Verification of Hypothesized Matches in Model-Based Recognition
* On Three-Dimensional Surface Reconstruction Methods
* Optimal Approach for Random Signals Classification, An
* Optimal Edge Detectors for Ramp Edges
* Optimal Morphological Pattern Restoration from Noisy Binary Images
* Optimal Partitioning for Classification and Regression Trees
* Optimal Sensing Strategy for Recognition and Localization of 3-D Natural Quadric Objects, An
* Optimized Feature Extraction and the Bayes Decision in Feed-Forward Classifier Networks
* Out-of-Roundness Problem Revisited
* Parallel and Deterministic Algorithms from MRFs: Surface Reconstruction
* Parallel Technique for Signal-Level Perceptual Organization, A
* Perspective View of Three Points, The
* Photometric Motion
* Pose Determination from Line-to-Plane Correspondences: Existence Condition and Closed-Form Solutions
* Positioning Quadric Surfaces in an Active Stereo Imaging System
* Recognition by Linear Combinations of Models
* Recognizing sources of random strings
* Recovery of Nonridid Motion and Structure
* Recursive Regularization Filters: Design, Properties, and Applications
* Reflections on Shading
* Registration of Multiple Overlapping Range Images: Scenes without Distinctive Features
* Residual Analysis for Feature Detection
* Revised Fundamental Theorem of Moment Invariants, The
* Robot vision using a feature search strategy generated from a 3D object model
* Robust classifiers by mixed adaptation
* Robust Clustering with Applications in Computer Vision
* Robust Contour Decomposition Using a Constant Curvature Criterion
* Shape Representation by Multiscale Contour Approximation
* Signal-to-string conversion based on high likelihood regions using embedded dynamic programming
* Simulation-Based Estimator for Hidden Markov Random Fields, A
* Single-agent parallel window search
* Small Sample Error Rate Estimation for K-NN Classifiers
* Small Sample Size Effects in Statistical Pattern Recognition: Recommendations for Practitioners
* Space and Time Bounds on Indexing 3-D Models from 2-D Images
* Statistical-Heuristic Feature Selection Criterion for Decision Tree Induction, A
* Study of Methods of Choosing the Smoothing Parameter in Image Restoration by Regularization, A
* Surface Identification Using the Dichromatic Reflection Model
* Surface Reflection: Physical and Geometrical Perspectives
* Synthesis and recognition of sequences
* Synthesis of Statistical Knowledge from Time-Dependent Data
* Theoretical Aspects of Gray-Level Morphology
* Theory of Photometric Stereo for a Class of Diffuse Non-Lambertian Surfaces, A
* Topology of Locales and Its Effects on Position Uncertainty, The
* Trinocular Stereo Vision for Robotics
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Markov Random Field Models
* Using Motion from Orthographic Views to Verify 3-D Point Matches
* Validity Measure for Fuzzy Clustering, A
* Warp Machine on Navlab, The
* Watersheds in Digital Spaces: An Efficient Algorithm Based on Immersion Simulations
111 for PAMI(13)
* 3-D Corridor Scene Modeling from a Single View under Natural Lighting Conditions
* 3-D Reconstruction Using Mirror Images Based on a Plane Symmetry Recovering Method
* 3-D Shape Recovery Using Distributed Aspect Matching
* 3-D Surface Description from Binocular Stereo
* Adaptive 3-D Object Recognition from Multiple Views
* Adaptive Determination of Filter Scales for Edge Detection
* Algebraic Approach to Feature Interactions, An
* Algebraic Description of Curve Structure
* Analysis of 2-D Occlusion by Subtracting Out
* Analysis of Camera Noise, An
* Bayesian Estimation of Motion Vector Fields
* Boundary Finding with Parametrically Deformable Models
* Camera Calibration with Distortion Models and Accuracy Evaluation
* Canonical Coordinates Method for Pattern Deformation: Theoretical and Computational Considerations, The
* Character Recognition Based on Attribute-Dependent Programmed Grammar
* Characterization of Signals for Multiscale Edges
* Classification in Noisy Environments Using a Distance Measure Between Structural Symbolic Descriptions
* Color Reflectance Modeling Using a Polychromatic Laser Range Sensor
* Comments on Parallel algorithms for hierarchical clustering and cluster validity
* Compact Object Recognition Using Energy-Function-Based Optimization
* Comparative analysis of backpropagation and the extended Kalman filter for training multilayer perceptrons
* comparative study of two search strategies for connected word recognition: dynamic programming and heuristic search, A
* Complete and Extendable Approach to Visual Recognition, A
* Complex Autoregressive Model for Shape Recognition
* Computerized Flow Field Analysis: Oriented Texture Fields
* Constrained Restoration and the Recovery of Discontinuities
* Cost Minimization Approach to Edge Detection Using Simulated Annealing, A
* Direct Recovery of Motion and Shape in the General Case by Fixation
* Dynamic Stereo with Self-Calibration
* Edge Reinforcement Using Parameterized Relaxation Labeling
* Efficient Data Structures for Model-Based 3-D Object Recognition and Localization from Range Images
* Encoded Moire Inspection Based on a Computer Solid Model
* Estimation of Displacements from Two 3-D Frames Obtained from Stereo
* Exact and Approximate Solutions of the Perspective-Three-Point Problem
* Extraction of Straight Lines in Aerial Images
* Fast Homotopy-Preserving Skeletons Using Mathematical Morphology
* Generalized Depth Estimation Algorithm with a Single Image, A
* Generic Neighborhood Operators
* Hierarchical Contour-Based Segmentation of Dynamic Scenes
* High-Resolution Terrain Map from Multiple Sensor Data
* Highly Robust Estimator through Partially Likelihood Function Modeling and Its Application in Computer Vision, A
* Image Interpretation Using Multiple Sensing Modalities
* Interpretation of Motion Trajectories Using Focus of Expansion
* Intrinsic Constraints in Space-Time Filtering: A New Approach to Representing Uncertainity in Low-Level Vision
* Iterative Composite Filtering for Image Restoration
* Kernel Designs for Efficient Multiresolution Edge Detection and Orientation Estimation
* Knowledge-Directed Interpretation of Mechanical Engineering Drawings
* Markov Random Field Model-Based Approach to Image Interpretation, A
* Matching Two Perspective Views
* Meta-Pi Network: Building Distributed Knowledge Representations for Robust Multisource Pattern Recognition, The
* Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes, A
* Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences: Closed-Form Solution, Uniqueness, and Optimization
* Multiple Widths Yield Reliable Finite Differences
* Multiple Window Parameter Transform, The
* Multiresolution Hough Transform -- An Efficient Method of Detecting Patterns in Images
* Nonlinear Image Filtering with Edge and Corner Enhancement
* Novel Discrete Relaxation Architecture, A
* Object and Texture Classification Using Higher Order Statistics
* Object Delineation in Noisy Images by a Modified Policy-Iteration Method
* Omni-directional Stereo
* On Achievable Accuracy in Edge Localization
* On Piecewise-Linear Classification
* On reliable computation with formal neurons
* On the Detection of Motion and the Computation of Optical Flow
* On the problem of local minima in backpropagation
* One-Pass Parallel Thinning: Analysis, Properties, and Quantitative Evaluation
* Optimal Generating Kernels for Image Pyramids by Piecewise Fitting
* Optimal Visual Motion Estimation: A Note
* Parallel Architectures and Algorithms for Image Component Labeling
* partially supervised learning algorithm for linearly separable systems, A
* Perceptual Organization for Scene Segmentation and Description
* Performance Evaluation of Scene Registration and Stereo Matching for Cartographic Feature Extraction
* Projection-Based Approach to Image Analysis: Pattern Recognition and Representation in the Position-Orientation Space
* Quantization Error in Hexagonal Sensory Configurations
* Reasoning about Edges in Scale Space
* Recognition of Arabic Characters
* Recovery and Understanding of a Line Drawing from Indoor Scenes, The
* Recursive 3-D Road and Relative Ego-State Recognition
* Representation Space Paradigm of Concurrent Evolving Object Descriptions, The
* Scale-Based Detection of Corners of Planar Curves
* Separability of Spatiotemporal Spectra of Image Sequences
* Serial and Parallel Algorithms for the Medial Axis Transform
* Shapes Recognition Using the Straight Line Hough Transform: Theory and Generalization
* Simple Calibration Algorithm for high-Distortion-Lens Camera
* Simulating the Grassfire Transform Using an Active Contour Model
* Single Lens Stereo with a Plenoptic Camera
* Singularities of Principal Direction Fields from 3-D Images
* Some Defects in Finite-Difference Edge Finders
* Some Sequential Algorithms for a Generalized Distance Transformation Based on Minkowski Operations
* Splitting-Integrating Method for Normalizing Images by Inverse Transformations
* Statistical Analysis of Inherent Ambiguities in Recovering 3-D Motion from a Noisy Flow Field
* Stereo Vision Technique Using Curve-Segments and Relaxation Matching, A
* Structural Hashing: Efficient Three Dimensional Object Recognition
* Structural Indexing: Efficient Two Dimensional Object Recognition
* Surface Parameterization and Curvature Measurement of Arbitrary 3-D Objects: Five Practical Methods
* Surface Reconstruction Using Deformable Models with Interior and Boundary Constraints
* Surface Shape Reconstruction of a Nonrigid Transparent Object Using Refraction and Motion
* Symbolic and Geometric Connectivity Graph Methods for Route Planning in Digitized Maps
* Theory of Matrix Morphology
* Theory of Multiscale, Curvature-Based Shape Representation for Planar Curves, A
* Thinning Methodologies: A Comprehensive Survey
* Three-Frame Algorithm for Estimating Two-Component Image Motion, A
* Two-Stage Algorithm for Discontinuity-Preserving Surface Reconstruction, A
* Understanding Object Configurations Using Range Images
* Using Extremal Boundaries for 3-D Object Modeling
* Using Models to Improve Stereo Reconstruction
* Viewpoint Invariant Recovery of Visual Surfaces from Sparse Data
* What's in a Set of Points?
108 for PAMI(14)
* 3-D Motion Estimation in Model-Based Facial Image Coding
* 3-D Translational Motion and Structure from Binocular Image Flows
* Abstraction-Based Approach to 3-D Pose Determination from Range Images, An
* Accuracy of the Computation of Optical Flow and the Recovery of Motion Parameters, The
* Active Stereo: Integrating Disparity, Vergence, Focus, Aperture, and Calibration for Surface Estimation
* Adaptive Split-and-Merge Segmentation Based on Piecewise Least-Square Approximation
* Adaptive-Size Meshes for Rigid and Nonrigid Shape Analysis and Synthesis
* Algebraic Approach to Automatic Construction of Structural Models, An
* Analysis and Synthesis of Facial Image Sequences Using Physical and Anatomical Models
* approximate nonmyopic computation for value of information, An
* Approximating probabilistic inference in Bayesian belief networks
* artificial vision system for X-ray images of human coronary trees, An
* Attributed string matching by split-and-merge for on-line Chinese character recognition
* Automatic Construction of a View-Independent Relational Model for 3-D Object Recognition, The
* B-Spline Contour Representation and Symmetry Detection
* Bayesian Image Restoration: An Application to Edge-Preserving Surface Recovery
* Breaking substitution cyphers using stochastic automata
* Causal probabilistic networks with both discrete and continuous variables
* Cluster analysis by binary morphology
* Color Space Analysis of Mutual Illumination
* Comments on Design of Fiducials for Accurate Registration Using Machine Vision
* Comparing Images Using the Hausdorff Distance
* Complex EGI: A New Representation for 3-D Pose Determination, The
* Computation of normalized edit distance and applications
* Computing 2-D Min, Median, and Max Filters
* Computing the Generalized Aspect Graph for Objects with Moving Parts
* Computing the Perspective Projection Aspect Graph of Solids of Revolution
* constrained approach to multifont Chinese character recognition, A
* Constrained clustering as an optimization method
* Construction Intrinsic Parameters with Active Models for Invariant Surface Reconstruction
* Darboux Frames, Snakes, and Super-Quadrics: Geometry from the Bottom Up
* Detecting Moving Objects Using the Rigidity Constraint
* Determining the axis of a surface of revolution using tactile sensing
* Digital Analysis of Rotated Images
* Direct Estimation of Range Flow on Deformable Shape from a Video Rate Range Camera
* Direct Estimation of Shape from Texture
* Direct Gray-Scale Extraction of Features for Character Recognition
* Directional Mathematical Morphology and Renormalized Hough Transformation for the Analysis of Topographic Maps
* Document Spectrum for Page Layout Analysis, The
* Dynamic 3-D Scene Analysis through Synthesis Feedback Control
* Dynamic network construction and updating techniques for the diagnosis of acute abdominal pain
* Dynamic programming alignment of sequences representing cyclic patterns
* Early Jump-Out Corner Detectors
* Edge Detection and Surface Reconstruction Using Refined Regularization
* Effective Scale: A Natural Unit for Measuring Scale-Space Lifetime
* Efficient Parallel Processing of Image Contours
* Explaining explaining away
* Face Recognition: Features versus Templates
* Fast nearest-neighbor search in dissimilarity spaces
* Feature Extraction Based on Decision Boundaries
* Figure-Ground Discrimination: A Combinatorial Approach
* Finite-Element Methods for Active Contour Models and Balloons for 2-D and 3-D Images
* Fourier Approach to Camera Orientation, A
* Frequency domain analysis of translations with piecewise cubic trajectories
* Generic Object Recognition: Building and Matching Coarse Descriptions from Line Drawing
* Hierarchical Decomposition and Axial Shape Description
* High Confidence Visual Recognition of Persons by a Test of Statistical Independence
* Hybrid Contextual Text Recognition with String Matching
* Hybrid pattern recognition using Markov networks
* Image Description and 3-D Reconstruction from Image Trajectories of Rotational Motion
* Image Representation Using Block Pattern Models and Its Image Processing Applications
* Image Representations via a Finite Radon Transformation
* Image/Map Correspondence for Mobile Robot Self-Location Using Computer Graphics
* Impossible Shaded Images
* Improved filtering for the QSIM algorithm
* Inferring correlation between database queries: analysis of protein sequence patterns
* Integration of Image Segmentation Maps Using Region and Edge Information, The
* Integration, Inference, and Management of Spatial Information Using Bayesian Networks: Perceptual Organization
* Intensity Axis of Symmetry and Its Application to Image Segmentation, The
* Investigation of Methods for Determining Depth from Focus, An
* Isolated word recognition by neural network models with cross-correlation coefficients for speech dynamics
* L-(2) Polynomial Spline Pyramid, The
* language for construction of belief networks, A
* Learning bias in neural networks and an approach to controlling its effect in monotonic classification
* Learning subsequential transducers for pattern recognition interpretation tasks
* Learning Visual Models from Shape Contours Using Multiscale Convex/Concave Structure Matching
* Linear Programming Approach fo the Weighted Graph Matching Problem, A
* Local Reproducible Smoothing without Shrinkage
* Local Surface Shape Estimation of 3-D Textured Surfaces Using Gaussian Markov Random Fields and Stereo
* MAP Learning and Clustering in Autonomous Systems
* maximum entropy approach to nonmonotonic reasoning, A
* Metric for Line Segments, A
* Motion Parameter Estimation from Global Flow Field Data
* Multimodal Estimation of Discontinuous Optical Flow Using Markov Random Fields
* Multiple-Baseline Stereo, A
* Multiresolution Analysis of Ridges and Valleys in Grey-Scale Images
* Noise Resistant Invariants of Curves
* Occlusions as a Guide for Planning the Next View
* On an asymptotically optimal adaptive classifier design criterion
* On Functionals with Greyvalue-Controlled Smoothness Terms for Determining Optical Flow
* On Idempotence and Related Requirements in Edge Detection
* On Learning to Recognize 3-D Objects from Examples
* On Recursive, O(N) Partitioning of a Digitized Curve into Digital Straight Segments
* On the Advantage of Polar and Log-Polar Mapping for Direct Estimation of Time-to-Impact from Optical Flow
* On the calculation of fractal features from images
* Optimal Graph Theoretic Approach to Data Clustering: Theory and Its Application to Image Segmentation, An
* Optimal Motion and Structure Estimation
* Optimally Small Operator Supports for Fully Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* PAC learning with generalized samples and an applicaiton to stochastic geometry
* Parameterized Point Pattern Matching and Its Application to Recognition of Object Families
* Partial Smoothing Splines for Noisy Boundaries with Corners
* Pattern recognition and Valiant's learning framework
* Pattern recognition properties of various feature spaces for higher order neural networks
* Perception of 3-D Surfaces from 2-D Contours
* Probabilistic Analysis of Regularization
* Probability intervals over influence diagrams
* Prototype Filter Design Approach to Pyramid Generation, A
* Range Sensing by Projecting Multiple Slits with Random Cuts
* Scale Space Aspect Graph, The
* Scale Space Tracking and Deformable Sheet Models for Computational Vision
* Segmenting Handwritten Signatures at Their Perceptually Important Points
* Sequential model criticism in probabilistic expert systems
* Shading Logic: A Heuristic Approach to Recover Shape from Shading
* Shape and Nonrigid Motion Estimation through Physics-Based Synthesis
* Shape from Shading with a Linear Triangular Element Surface Model
* Solving Satisfiability via Boltzmann Machines
* Spatial Recognition for the Automatic Recognition of Machinable Features in Solid Models
* Stability of Phase Information
* Structural and probabilistic knowledge for abductive reasoning
* Symmetry Identification of a 3-D Object Represented by Octree
* Syntatic Segmentation and Labeling of Digitized Pages from Technical Journals
* Texture Classification by Wavelet Packet Signatures
* Threshold Validity for Mutual Neighborhood Clustering
* Tracking Deformable Objects in the Plane Using an Active Contour Model
* Trinocular Active Range-Sensing
* Unbiased Estimation and Statistical Analysis of 3-D Rigid Motion from Two Views
* Using Angular Dispersion of Gradient Direction for Detecting Edge Ribbons
* Vector Quantization Technique for Nonparametric Classifier Design
* Vehicle-Type Motion Estimation from Multi-Frame Images
* View Variation of Point Set and Line Segment Features
* Visually Controlled Graphics
131 for PAMI(15)
* 3-D Object Recognition with Symmetrical Models: Symmetry Extraction and Encoding
* 3-D Pose From 3 Points Using Weak-Perspective
* Acquiring 3-D Models from a Sequence of Contours
* Adaptive Termination of Voting in the Probabilistic Circular Hough Transform
* Advanced in-plane rotation-invariant correlation filters
* Algorithms for the Decomposition of Gray-Scale Morphological Operations
* Analysis of 3-D Rotation Fitting
* Analysis of Stochastic Automata Algorithm for Relaxation Labelling
* Application of Elliptic Fourier Descriptors to Symmetry Detection under Parallel Projection
* Authors' Reply
* Automated Smoothing of Image and Other Regularly Spaced Data
* Automatic Initial Estimation of the left Ventricular Myocardial Midwall in Emission Tomograms Using Kohonen Maps
* Bar Code Wave-Form Recognition Using Peak Locations
* Bayesian-Approach to Dynamic Contours Through Stochastic Sampling and Simulated Annealing, A
* Boundary-Constrained Morphological Skeleton Minimization and Skeleton Reconstruction
* Collision Detection of a Moving Polygon in the Presence of Polygonal Obstacles in the Plane
* Color Image Segmentation Using Competitive Learning
* Comments on On the Localization Performance Measure and Optimal Edge Detection
* Comments on Comparative analysis of backpropagation and the extended Kalman filter for training multilayer perceptrons
* Computation of Surface Geometry and Segmentation Using Covariance Techniques
* Constrained regularized differentiation
* Contribution to the Determination of Vanishing Points Using Hough Transform
* Control-Structure for Interpreting Handwritten Addresses
* Curve Segmentation under Partial Occlusion
* Database for Handwritten Text Recognition Research, A
* Decision Combination in Multiple Classifier Systems
* Depth and Image Recovery Using a MRF Model
* Describing Complicated Objects by Implicit Polynomials
* Detection and Separation of Ring-Shaped Clusters Using Fuzzy Clustering
* Detection of 3-D Simple Points for Topology Preserving Transformations with Application to Thinning
* Detection Of Dimension Sets In Engineering Drawings
* Diffusion Mechanism for Obstacle Detection from Size-Change Information, A
* Digital Planarity Of Rectangular Surface Segments
* Document Image Decoding Using Markov Source Models
* Edge-Region-Based Segmentation of Range Images
* Empirical-Study of the Simulation of Various Models Used for Images, An
* Enhanced Iterative-Deepening Search
* Euclidian Distance Transform Using Grayscale Morphology Decomposition, A
* Fast Parzen Density-Estimation Using Clustering-Based Branch-And-Bound
* Fast Statistical Mixture Algorithm For Online Handwriting Recognition, A
* Fast Surface Interpolation Using Multiresolution Wavelet Transform
* Feature-Preserving Clustering of 2-D Data for 2-Class Problems Using Analytical Formulas: An Automatic and Fast Approach
* Finding Line Segments by Stick Growing
* Game-Theoretic Approach to Integration of Modules, A
* Generating Image Filters for Target Recognition by Genetic Learning
* Geometric Primitive Extraction Using A Genetic Algorithm
* Geometric Reasoning for Extraction of Manufacturing Features in Iso-Oriented Polyhedra
* Gibbs Random Fields, Cooccurrences, and Texture Modeling
* Gibbs Random-Field Model-Based Weight Selection For The 2-D Adaptive Weighted Median Filter
* Goal-Directed Classification Using Linear Machine Decision Trees
* Handwritten Character Classification Using Nearest-Neighbor in Large Databases
* High-Order Differentiation Filters That Work
* Hypothesis Testing: A Framework for Analysing and Optimizing Hough Transform Performance
* Illumination Planning for Object Recognition Using Parametric Eigenspaces
* Implicit and Explicit Camera Calibration: Theory and Experiments
* Integrated 3-D Analysis and Analysis-Guided Synthesis of Flight Image Sequences
* Interpolation Using Wavelet Bases
* Introduction to the Special Section on Learning in Computer Vision
* Isoperimetric Normalization of Planar Curves
* Keyword Spotting In Poorly Printed Documents Using Pseudo-2D Hidden Markov-Models
* Learning and Feature Selection in Stereo Matching
* Learning Compatibility Coefficients for Relaxation Labeling Processes
* Learning Separations By Boolean Combinations Of Half-Spaces
* Learning Shape Classes
* Learning Texture-Discrimination Rules in a Multiresolution System
* Least Biased Fuzzy Clustering Method, A
* Local Versus Nonlocal Computation of Length of Digitized-Curves
* Locating Perceptually Salient Points on Planar Curves
* Matching Point Features With Ordered Geometric, Rigidity, and Disparity Constraints
* Metric between Unrooted and Unordered Trees and Its Bottom-Up Computing Method, A
* Minimum Description Length Model for Recognizing Objects with Variable Appearances (The Vapor Model), A
* Modeling Edges at Subpixel Accuracy Using the Local Energy Approach
* Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Left Ventricle Shape and Motion by Hierarchical Decomposition
* Morphological filtering as template matching
* Morphological Structure of Images: The Differential Equations of Morphological Scale-Space, The
* Motion Estimation Via Cluster Matching
* Motion Tracking with an Active Camera
* Multi-Primitive Hierarchical (MPH) Stereo System
* Multidimensional Indexing for Recognizing Visual Shapes
* Multiresolution Color Image Segmentation
* N-Folded Symmetries by Complex Moments in Gabor Space and Their Application to Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
* Neural-Network Approach to CSG-Based 3-D Object Recognition, A
* New Generalized Computational Framework for Finding Object Orientation Using Perspective Trihedral Angle Constraint, A
* Noise performance of linear associative memories
* novel feature recognition neural network and its application to character recognition, A
* Object Identification From Multiple Images Based on Point Matching Under A General Transformation
* Off-Line Handwritten Word Recognition Using a Hidden Markov Model Type Stochastic Network
* On a parameter estimation method for Gibbs-Markov random fields
* On Poisson Solvers and Semidirect Methods for Computing Area Based Optical-Flow
* On The Discriminatory Power Of Adaptive Feedforward Layered Networks
* On the Edge Location Error for Local Maximum and Zero-Crossing Edge Detectors
* On The Generalization Ability Of Neural Network Classifiers
* On the Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Image Restoration: Applications to Astronomical Images
* On the Localization Performance Measure and Optimal Edge Detection
* On The Location Error of Curved Edges in Low-Pass Filtered 2-D and 3-D Images
* Openings Can Introduce Zero Crossings in Boundary Curvature
* Optimal decomposition of convex morphological structuring elements for 4-connected parallel array processors
* Optimal Edge-Detection Using Expansion Matching and Restoration
* Optimal Probabilistic Evaluation Functions for Search Controlled by Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
* Optimal Structuring Elements for the Morphological Pattern Restoration of Binary Images
* Orientation-Based Differential Geometric Representations for Computer Vision Applications
* Parameterized Families of Polynomials for Bounded Algebraic Curve and Surface Fitting
* Part I: Modeling Image Curves Using Invariant 3-D Object Curve Models -- A Path to 3-D Recognition and Shape Estimation from Image Contours
* Part II: 3-D Object Recognition and Shape Estimation from Image Contours Using B-Splines, Shape Invariant Matching, and Neural Network
* Physical Model-Based Analysis of Heterogeneous Environments Using Sonar: Endura Method, A
* Planning the Motions of a Mobile Robot in a Sensory Uncertainty Field
* Position-Orientation Masking Approach To Parametric Search For Template Matching, The
* Projective Reconstruction and Invariants from Multiple Images
* Projective Structure from Uncalibrated Images: Structure-from-Motion and Recognition
* Radiometric CCD Camera Calibration and Noise Estimation
* Recognition Of Handwritten Cursive Arabic Characters
* Recognizing Characters in Scene Images
* Reconstruction of 3-D Binary Tree-Like Structures from Three Mutually Orthogonal Projections
* Regularized Contrast Statistic for Object Boundary Estimation: Implementation and Statistical Evaluation, A
* Retrieving Shape Information from Multiple Images of a Specular Surface
* Robust 3-D 3-D Pose Estimation
* Robust Estimation for Range Image Segmentation and Reconstruction
* Robust Sequential Estimator: A General-Approach and Its Application to Surface Organization in Range Data, The
* Rotation and gray scale transform invariant texture identification using wavelet decomposition and hidden Markov model
* Seeded Region Growing
* Segmenting Simply Connected Moving-Objects In A Static Scene
* Shape Analysis Model with Applications to a Character Recognition System, A
* Shape from Focus
* Shape-Matching Using LAT and its Application to Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Simulated Annealing: A Proof of Convergence
* SLIDE: Subspace-Based Line Detection
* speech understanding and dialog system with a homogeneous linguistic knowledge base, A
* Statistical Bias of Conic Fitting and Renormalization
* Stereo Matching Algorithm with an Adaptive Window: Theory and Experiment, A
* Stereo Matching Paradigm-Based on the Walsh Transformation, A
* Sub-Mu-M Registration of Fiducial Marks Using Machine Vision
* Supervised learning of descriptions for image recognition purposes
* Symmetrical Phase-Only Matched Filtering of Fourier-Mellin Transforms for Image Registration and Recognition
* Syntactic Approach to Scale-Space-Based Corner Description, A
* Texture Segmentation Using 2-D Gabor Elementary Functions
* Theory and practice of vector quantizers trained on small training sets
* tight upper bound on the Bayesian probability of error, A
* Toward Bayes-optimal linear dimension reduction
* Toward Object-Based Heuristics
* Uncertainty Minimization in the Localization of Polyhedral Objects
* Using Geometric Distance Fits for 3-D Object Modeling and Recognition
* Using Simple Decomposition for Smoothing and Feature Point Detection Of Noisy Digital Curves
* Using Symbolic Computation to Find Algebraic Invariants
* Vector Field Analysis For Oriented Patterns
* Visual hull Concept for Silhouette-Based Image Understanding, The
145 for PAMI(16)
* Accurate Recovery of 3-Dimensional Shape from Image Focus
* Active Dynamic Stereo Vision
* Active Dynamic Stereo Vision
* Adaptive Scale Filtering: A General-Method For Obtaining Shape From Texture
* Algebraic Functions for Recognition
* Analysis Of Camera Behavior During Tracking
* Analysis of Camera Movement Errors in Vision-Based Vehicle Tracking
* Analysis of Camera Movement Errors in Vision-Based Vehicle Tracking
* application of semantic classification trees to natural language understanding, The
* Area and Length Preserving Geometric Invariant Scale-Spaces
* Arrangement: A Spatial Relation Between Parts for Evaluating Similarity of Tomographic Section
* ASSET-2: Real-Time Motion Segmentation and Shape Tracking
* Automated Evaluation of OCR Zoning
* Bayesian Segmentation Methodology for Parametric Image-Models, A
* Best-Case Results for Nearest-Neighbor Learning
* Bounds on Shape-Recognition Performance
* CASM: A VLSI Chip for Approximate String-Matching
* Character-Recognition Without Segmentation
* Class-Dependent Discretization for Inductive Learning from Continuous and Mixed-Mode Data
* Cluster Expansions for the Deterministic Computation of Bayesian Estimators Based on Markov Random Fields
* Color Constant Color Indexing
* Combining Image Compression and Classification Using Vector Quantization
* Complete Sets of Complex Zernike Moment Invariants and the Role of the Pseudoinvariants
* Composition of Image-Analysis Processes Through Object-Centered Hierarchical Planning
* Constraint Learning Feedback Dynamic-Model for Stereopsis
* Cooperative Robust Estimation Using Layers of Support
* Correlation-Relaxation-Labeling Framework for Computing Optical Flow: Template Matching from a New Perspective, A
* Decomposition of Arbitrarily Shaped Morphological Structuring Elements
* Deformable Contours: Modeling and Extraction
* Deformable Kernels for Early Vision
* Design of Supervised Classifiers Using Boolean Neural Networks
* Digitized Circular Arcs: Characterization and Parameter-Estimation
* Direct Extraction of Topographic Features for Gray Scale Character Recognition
* Discontinuity-Preserving and Viewpoint Invariant Reconstruction of Visible Surfaces Using a First-Order Regularization
* Dynamic-Programming for Detecting, Tracking, and Matching Deformable Contours
* Edge and Line Feature-Extraction Based on Covariance-Models
* Efficient Color Histogram Indexing for Quadratic Form Distance Functions
* Efficient Image-Processing Algorithms on the Scan Line Array Processor
* Enhancement of Planar Shape Through Optimization of Functionals for Curves
* Erratta for Rotated Figures
* Estimating Motion and Structure from Correspondences of Line Segments between Two Perspective Images
* Evaluation of Binarization Methods for Document Images
* Evaluation of Binarization Methods for Document Images
* Evaluation of Intrinsic Dimensionality Estimators, An
* Evaluation of Parallel Thinning Algorithms for Character-Recognition, An
* Experimental Comparison of Autoregressive and Fourier-Based Descriptors in 2D Shape Classification, An
* Experiments in Curvature-Based Segmentation of Range Data
* Extended Class of Scale-Invariant and Recursive Scale Space Filters, An
* Extending The Feature Vector For Automatic Face Recognition
* Extracting a Valid Boundary Representation from a Segmented Range Image
* Extraction of 3D Object Features from CAD Boundary Representation Using the Super Relation Graph Method
* Fast Algorithm for Computing a Histogram on Reconfigurable Mesh, A
* Fast Computation of Normalized Edit Distances
* Filtering Image Records Using Wavelets and the Zakai Equation
* Finding Shortest Paths on Surfaces Using Level Sets Propagation
* Finding Waldo, or Focus of Attention Using Local Color Information
* First Sight: A Human-Body Outline Labeling System
* Fitting a Second Degree Curve in the Presence of Error
* Fundamental Limitations On Projective Invariants Of Planar Curves
* Fuzzy-Syntactic Approach to Allograph Modeling for Cursive Script Recognition, A
* General Surface Approach to the Integration of a Set of Range Views, A
* Goal-Directed Evaluation of Binarization Methods
* High-Accuracy Optical Character-Recognition Using Neural Networks with Centroid Dithering
* How Far 3D Shapes Can Be Understood from 2D Silhouettes
* Image Manipulation Using M-Filters in a Pyramidal Computer-Model
* Image Relaxation: Restoration and Feature-Extraction
* Integrating Vision Modules: Stereo, Shading, Grouping, and Line Labeling
* Invariants of 6 Points and Projective Reconstruction from 3 Uncalibrated Images
* Knowledge-Based Approach for Script Recognition Without Training, A
* Layout Recognition of Multi-Kinds of Table-Form Documents
* Linear and Incremental Acquisition of Invariant Shape Models from Image Sequences
* Linear-Time Euclidean Distance Transform Algorithms
* Local Invariants for Recognition
* Logical/Linear Operators for Image Curves
* Markov Random-Field Models for Unsupervised Segmentation of Textured Color Images
* Mean Shift, Mode Seeking, And Clustering
* Mechanism of Automatic 3D Object Modeling, A
* Method of Combining Multiple Experts for the Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals
* MINPRAN: A New Robust Estimator for Computer Vision
* Modal Matching for Correspondence and Recognition
* Model-Based Shape-Matching with Structural Feature Grouping
* Motion and Structure of Four Points from One Motion of a Stereo Rig with Unknown Extrinsic Parameters
* Moving-Target Search: A Real-Time Search for Changing Goals
* Multiple Subclass Pattern-Recognition: A Maximum Correlation Approach
* Multivariate Classification through Adaptive Delaunay-Based C-0 Spline Approximation
* New Efficient and Direct Solution for Pose Estimation Using Quadrangular Targets: Algorithm and Evaluation, A
* Nonparametric Segmentation of Curves into Various Representations
* Occam Algorithms for Computing Visual-Motion
* On Critical-Point Detection Of Digital Shapes
* On Discontinuity-Adaptive Smoothness Priors in Computer Vision
* On Recovering Hyperquadrics from Range Data
* On Seeing Spaghetti: Self-Adjusting Piecewise Toroidal Recognition Of Flexible Extruded Objects
* On the Efficient Allocation of Resources for Hypothesis Evaluation: A Statistical Approach
* On the Estimation of Rigid Body Rotation from Noisy Data
* On the Estimation of Small Probabilities by Leaving-One-Out
* On the Probabilistic-Interpretation of Neural-Network Classifiers and Discriminative Training Criteria
* Optic Flow Field Segmentation and Motion Estimation Using a Robust Genetic Partitioning Algorithm
* Optimal L(1) Approximation of the Gaussian Kernel with Application to Scale-Space Construction
* Organizing Large Structural Modelbases
* Parts of Visual Form: Computational Aspects
* Parts of Visual Form: Computational Aspects
* Performance Analysis of Stereo, Vergence, and Focus as Depth Cues for Active Vision
* Person Identification Using Multiple Cues
* Pose Estimation by Fusing Noisy Data of Different Dimensions
* Pose Estimation by Fusing Noisy Data of Different Dimensions
* Precision Tracking Based on Segmentation with Optimal Layering for Imaging Sensors
* Precision Tracking Based on Segmentation with Optimal Layering for Imaging Sensors
* Principal Component Analysis with Missing Data and Its Application to Polyhedral Object Modeling
* Probabilistic Indexing for Object Recognition
* Reciprocal-Wedge Transform for Space-Variant Sensing
* Recovering the Position and Orientation of Free-Form Objects from Image Contours Using 3D Distance Maps
* Recursive Estimation of Motion, Structure, and Focal Length
* Recursive Filters For Optical-Flow
* Registering Multiview Range Data to Create 3D Computer Objects
* Search Technique For Pattern-Recognition Using Relative Distances, A
* Sensor Modeling, Probabilistic Hypothesis Generation, and Robust Localization for Object Recognition
* Shape From Contour: Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders and Constant Cross-Section Generalized Cylinders
* Shape from Texture Using Local Spectral Moments
* Shape Modeling with Front Propagation: A Level Set Approach
* Silhouette-Based Isolated Object Recognition through Curvature Scale-Space
* Similarity and Affine Invariant Distances between 2D Point Sets
* Spherical Representation for Recognition of Free-Form Surfaces, A
* Stereo Matching in the Presence of Narrow Occluding Objects Using Dynamic Disparity Search
* Structural Matching in Computer Vision Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Structure and Motion from Line Segments in Multiple Images
* Subpixel Edge Location in Binary Images Using Dithering
* Symmetry as a Continuous Feature
* Texture Classification Using Noncausal Hidden Markov-Models
* Texture Roughness Analysis and Synthesis Via Extended Self-Similar (ESS) Model
* Texture Segmentation Using Fractal Dimension
* Tracking of Tubular Molecules for Scientific Applications
* Tree Approximations to Markov Random-Fields
* Uniqueness of 3D Pose under Weak Perspective: A Geometrical Proof
* Uniqueness of Solutions to 3 Perspective Views of 4 Points
* Use of 3-Dimensional and 4-Dimensional Surface Harmonics for Rigid and Nonrigid Shape Recovery and Representation, The
* Vanishing Point Detection by Line Clustering
* Vector-Based Arc Segmentation in the Machine Drawing Understanding System Environment
* VLSI Architectures for High-Speed Range Estimation
138 for PAMI(17)
* 3D Shape Reconstruction by Using Vanishing Points
* Active Camera Calibration for a Head-Eye Platform Using the Variable State-Dimension Filter
* Active Testing Model for Tracking Roads in Satellite Images, An
* Affine Reconstruction from Perspective Image Pairs with a Relative Object-Camera Translation in Between
* Analyzing Looming Motion Components from Their Spatiotemporal Spectral Signature
* Arbitrarily Tight Upper and Lower Bounds on the Bayesian Probability of Error
* Automatic Construction of Structural Models Incorporating Discontinuous Transformations
* Automatic Feature Generation for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Automatic Finding of Main Roads in Aerial Images by Using Geometric-Stochastic Models and Estimation
* Automating Image-Processing for Scientific-Data Analysis of a Large Image Database
* Blended Deformable Models
* Color in Perspective
* Comment on Using the Uniformity Measure for Performance-Measure in Image Segmentation
* Comments on: Efficiently Computing and Representing Aspect Graphs of Polyhedral Objects
* Compact Integrated Motion Sensor With 3-Pixel Interaction
* Compact Representations of Videos Through Dominant and Multiple Motion Estimation
* Comparison Between the Morphological Skeleton and Morphological Shape Decomposition
* Complexity Analysis for Partitioning Nearest-Neighbor Searching Algorithms
* Computing Occlusion-Free Viewpoints
* Conic Reconstruction and Correspondence from Two Views
* Covariance-Matrix Estimation and Classification with Limited Training Data
* Decision-Theoretic Cooperative Sensor Planning
* Deformable Template Approach to Detecting Straight Edges in Radar Images, A
* Determining Pose of 3D Objects with Curved Surfaces
* Discriminant Adaptive Nearest-Neighbor Classification
* Distance Metric between 3D Models and 2D Images for Recognition and Classification
* Divergence Based Feature-Selection for Multimodal Class Densities
* Document Image Decoding by Heuristic Search
* Dynamic Clustering of Maps in Autonomous Agents
* Dynamic-Programming for Detecting, Tracking, and Matching Deformable Contours
* Effect of Morphological Filters on Texture Boundary Localization, The
* Efficient Algorithms for the Soft Morphological Operators
* Efficient Implementation of Reid's Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Algorithm and Its Evaluation for the Purpose of Visual Tracking, An
* Elastic-Model Driven Analysis of Several Views of a Deformable Cylindrical Object
* Encoding of A-Priori Information in Active Contour Models
* Estimating Optical-Flow in Segmented Images Using Variable-Order Parametric Models with Local Deformations
* Euclidean Shape and Motion from Multiple Perspective Views by Affine Iterations
* Evaluation of Ridge Seeking Operators for Multimodality Medical Image Matching
* Experimental Comparison of Range Image Segmentation Algorithms, An
* Exploiting the JPEG Compression Scheme for Image Retrieval
* Exploring the Power of Genetic Search in Learning Symbolic Classifiers
* Extension of Geman and Reynolds Approach to Constrained Restoration and the Recovery of Discontinuities, An
* Extracting the Shape and Roughness of Specular Lobe Objects Using Four Light Photometric Stereo
* Face Recognition System Using Local Autocorrelations and Multiscale Integration
* Fast Scalable Algorithm for Discontinuous Optical-Flow Estimation, A
* Form Design for High-Accuracy Optical Character-Recognition
* Frequency-Based Nonrigid Motion Analysis: Application to Four Dimensional Medical Images
* Function from Motion
* Generic System for Form Dropout, A
* Geodesic Saliency of Watershed Contours and Hierarchical Segmentation
* Global Word Shape Processing in Off-Line Recognition of Handwriting
* Graduated Assignment Algorithm for Graph Matching, A
* Graphical Templates For Model Registration
* Handprinted Character-Recognition Based on Spatial Topology Distance Measurement
* Handwritten Word Recognition Using Segmentation-Free Hidden Markov Modeling and Segmentation-Based Dynamic-Programming Techniques
* HMM Based Online Handwriting Recognition
* Identification of Faces in a 2D Line Drawing Projection of a Wireframe Object
* Illumination-Invariant Recognition of 3D Objects Using Local Color Invariants, The
* Image Filtering, Edge-Detection, and Edge Tracing Using Fuzzy-Reasoning
* Image Interpretation Using Bayesian Networks
* Image Motion Estimation From Motion Smear: A New Computational Model
* Image Representation Using 2D Gabor Wavelets
* Implicit Simplicial Models for Adaptive Curve Reconstruction
* Improved Power Cepstrum Based Stereo Correspondence Method for Textured Scenes, An
* Incorporating Language Syntax in Visual Text Recognition with a Statistical-Model
* Integration Scheme for Image Segmentation and Labeling Based on Markov Random-Field Model, An
* Interactive Model-Based Vehicle Tracking
* Introduction to the Special Section on Digital Libraries: Representation and Retrieval
* Iterative Smoothed Residuals: A Low-Pass Filter for Smoothing with Controlled Shrinkage
* Large Vocabulary Recognition Of Online Handwritten Cursive Words
* Learning Texture-Discrimination Masks
* Marco: Map Retrieval by Content
* MDL-Based Segmentation and Motion Modeling in a Long Image Sequence of Scene with Multiple Independently Moving-Objects
* Method of Normalization to Determine Invariants, The
* Motion Estimation With Quadtree Splines
* Motion from Three Weak Perspective Images Using Image Rotation
* Multiple Constraints to Compute Optical-Flow
* Multiscale Classifier, The
* Multiscale Nonlinear Decomposition: The Sieve Decomposition Theorem
* N-Tuple Features for OCR Revisited
* New Image Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on the EM Technique, A
* New Methodology for Gray-Scale Character Segmentation and Recognition, A
* New Methodology for Gray-Scale Character Segmentation and Recognition, A
* New Probabilistic Relaxation Scheme and Its Application to Edge-Detection, A
* New Prospects in Line Detection by Dynamic-Programming
* Normalized String Editing Problem Revisited, The
* Object Matching Using Deformable Templates
* Off-Line Recognition of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals Using Multilayer Cluster Neural-Network
* On Compatible Priors for Bayesian Networks
* On Image-Analysis By Moments
* On the Behavior of Artificial Neural-Network Classifiers in High-Dimensional Spaces
* On the Generation of Skeletons from Discrete Euclidean Distance Maps
* Online Recognition of Handwritten Symbols
* Optimal Ramp Edge-Detection Using Expansion Matching
* Orthogonal Moment Features for Use with Parametric and Nonparametric Classifiers
* Parallel Computing Approach to Creating Engineering Concept Spaces for Semantic Retrieval: The Illinois Digital Library Initiative Project, A
* Parameter-Estimation in Markov Random-Field Contextual Models Using Geometric Models of Objects
* Performance of Camera Translation Direction Estimators from Optical-flow: Analysis, Comparison, and Theoretical Limits, The
* Periodicity, Directionality, and Randomness: Wold Features for Image Modeling and Retrieval
* Practical Reliable Bayesian Recognition of 2D and 3D Objects Using Implicit Polynomials and Algebraic Invariants
* Real-Time Bidirectional Search: Coordinated Problem-Solving in Uncertain Situations
* Real-Time Focus Range Sensor
* Real-Time Matching System for Large Fingerprint Databases
* Recognizing Human Facial Expressions from Long Image Sequences Using Optical-Flow
* Recovery of SHGCs from a Single Intensity View
* Recovery of SHGCs from a Single Intensity View
* Recursive Implementation of Erosions and Dilations Along Discrete Lines at Arbitrary Angles
* Region Competition: Unifying Snakes, Region Growing, and Bayes/MDL for Multiband Image Segmentation
* Relative Affine Structure: Canonical Model for 3D from 2D Geometry and Applications
* Reliable Online Human Signature Verification Systems
* Retrieving Multispectral Satellite Images Using Physics-Based Invariant Representations
* Rigidity Checking of 3D Point Correspondences Under Perspective Projection
* Robust and Efficient Detection of Salient Convex Groups
* Run-Based Algorithms for Binary Image-Analysis and Processing
* Scale-Space from Nonlinear Filters
* Scale-Space Properties of Quadratic Feature-Detectors
* Scale-Space Properties of the Multiscale Morphological Dilation Erosion
* Scale-Space Using Mathematical Morphology
* Scaling Theorems for Zero Crossings of Band-Limited Signals
* Slope of a Straight-Line: A Phony Estimator - Remarks, The
* Slope of a Straight-Line: A Phony Estimator, The
* Some Aspects of Zoom Lens Camera Calibration
* Space Requirements of Indexing under Perspective Projections, The
* Strain-Energy Approach to Regularization in Displacement Field Fits of Elastically Deforming Bodies, A
* Structure from Controlled Motion
* Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks By Genetic Algorithms: A Performance Analysis of Control Parameters
* Subpixel Precision of Straight-Edged Shapes for Registration And Measurement
* Survey of Methods and Strategies in Character Segmentation, A
* Task-Specific Gesture Analysis in Real-Time Using Interpolated Views
* Texture Features for Browsing and Retrieval of Image Data
* Texture Roughness Analysis and Synthesis Via Extended Self-Similar (ESS) Model
* Three-Dimensional Descriptions Based on the Analysis of the Invariant and Quasi-Invariant Properties of Some Curved-Axis Generalized Cylinders
* Towards a General Multiview Registration Technique
* Transform for Multiscale Image Segmentation by Integrated Edge and Region Detection, A
* Unbiased Estimation of Ellipses by Bootstrapping
* Unified Approach for Modeling Longitudinal and Failure Time Data, with Application in Medical Monitoring, A
* Using Discriminant Eigenfeatures for Image Retrieval
* Using Generative Models for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Validation of Image Defect Models for Optical Character-Recognition
* Vehicle Segmentation and Classification Using Deformable Templates
* Weighted Parzen Windows For Pattern-Classification
141 for PAMI(18)
* 3D Part Segmentation Using Simulated Electrical Charge Distributions
* 3D Surface Estimation and Model Construction from Specular Motion in Image Sequences
* 3D Symmetry Detection Using the Extended Gaussian Image
* Acquiring 3D Models of Nonrigid Moving-Objects from Time and Viewpoint Varying Image Sequences: A Step Toward Left-Ventricle Recovery
* Acquisition of Symbolic Description from Flow-Fields: A New Approach Based on a Fluid Model
* Active Recovery of 3D Motion Trajectories and Their Use in Prediction, The
* Adaptive Stochastic-Approximation Algorithm for Simultaneous Diagonalization of Matrix Sequences with Applications, An
* Affine Structure from Line Correspondences with Uncalibrated Affine Cameras
* Aided and Automatic Target Recognition Based upon Sensory Inputs from Image Forming Systems
* Algorithm for the Learning of Weights in Discrimination Functions Using a Priori Constraints, An
* Angle Densities and Recognition of 3D Objects
* Approximating Bayesian Belief Networks By Arc Removal
* Automatic Interpretation and Coding of Face Images Using Flexible Models
* Automatic Script Identification from Document Images Using Cluster-Based Templates
* Autonomous Exploration: Driven by Uncertainty
* Bias in Robust Estimation Caused by Discontinuities and Multiple Structures
* Bootstrap Technique for Nearest-Neighbor Classifier Design, A
* Brownian Strings: Segmenting Images with Stochastically Deformable Contours
* Classification Using Adaptive Wavelets for Feature-Extraction
* Coding, Analysis, Interpretation, and Recognition of Facial Expressions
* Combination of Multiple Classifiers Using Local Accuracy Estimates
* Comparative-Analysis of Methods for Pruning Decision Trees, A
* Comparative-Analysis of Methods for Pruning Decision Trees: Comment, A
* Computational Bayesian Analysis of Hidden Markov Mesh Models
* Consistency of Stochastic Context-Free Grammars from Probabilistic Estimation Based on Growth Transformations
* Correcting the Geometry and Color of Digital Images
* COSMOS: A Representation Scheme for 3D Free-Form Objects
* Decomposition of Gray-Scale Morphological Templates Using The Rank Method
* Deformable Template Recognition of Multiple Occluded Objects
* Detectability, Uniqueness, and Reliability of Eigen Windows for Stable Verification of Partially Occluded Objects
* Determination of the Script and Language Content of Document Images
* Dimensionality, Sample-Size, and Classification Error of Nonparametric Linear Classification Algorithms
* Direct Gray-Scale Minutiae Detection in Fingerprints
* Discrete Expression of Canny's Criteria for Step Edge Detector Performances Evaluation, A
* Discrete Voronoi Diagrams and the Skiz Operator: A Dynamic Algorithm
* Division-Based Analysis Of Symmetry And Its Application
* Document Image Binarization Based on Texture Features
* Edge-Detection Technique Using the Facet Model and Parameterized Relaxation Labeling, An
* Effect of Gaussian Error in Object Recognition, The
* Eigenfaces vs. Fisherfaces: Recognition Using Class-Specific Linear Projection
* Error Tolerant Retrieval of Trees
* Estimating the Viewing Parameters of Random, Noisy Projections of Asymmetric Objects for Tomographic Reconstruction
* Estimation and Compensation of Subpixel Edge Localization Error
* Estimation of Generalized Multisensor Hidden Markov-Chains and Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* Face And Gesture Recognition: Overview
* Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching
* Face Recognition: The Problem of Compensating for Changes in Illumination Direction
* Fast Algorithm for Bottom-Up Document Layout Analysis, A
* Fast Algorithm for the Nearest-Neighbor Classifier, A
* Feature-Selection: Evaluation, Application, and Small Sample Performance
* Finite-Resolution Aspect Graphs Of Polyhedral Objects
* Framework for Performance Characterization of Intermediate Level Grouping Modules, A
* Generalized Affine Invariant Image Normalization
* Geometric Separation of Partially Overlapping Nonrigid Objects Applied to Automatic Chromosome Classification
* Graduated Nonconvexity By Functional Focusing
* Hough Transform Modified By Line Connectivity And Line Thickness
* How Easy Is Matching 2D Line Models Using Local Search?
* Illumination-Invariant Matching of Deterministic Local Structure in Color Images, The
* Improving Gil-Werman Algorithm for Running Min and Max Filters
* In Defense of the Eight-Point Algorithm
* Inducing features of random fields
* Inference of Surfaces, 3D Curves, and Junctions from Sparse, Noisy, 3D Data
* Integral Approach to Free-Form Object Modeling, An
* Integrated Model for Evaluating the Amount of Data Required for Reliable Recognition, An
* Invariant Fitting of Planar Objects by Primitives
* Joint Induction of Shape Features and Tree Classifiers
* K1-Map Reduction for Pattern Classifications, The
* Kruppa's Equations Derived from the Fundamental Matrix
* Lambda-Tau-Space Representation of Images and Generalized Edge Detector
* Large-Scale Simulation Studies in Image Pattern Recognition
* Learning an Integral-Equation Approximation to Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion in Image-Processing
* Lexicon Driven Approach to Handwritten Word Recognition for Real-Time Applications, A
* Ligature Modeling for Online Cursive Script Recognition
* Ligature Modeling for Online Cursive Script Recognition
* Linear Discriminant-Analysis for Two Classes via Removal of Classification Structure
* Linear Object Classes and Image Synthesis from a Single Example Image
* Linear Pushbroom Cameras
* Local Grayvalue Invariants for Image Retrieval
* Matching of 3D Polygonal Arcs
* Matching Sets of 3D Line Segments with Application to Polygonal Arc Matching
* Minimal-Surfaces Based Object Segmentation
* Model-Based Image-Enhancement of Far-Infrared Images
* Moment-Based Image Normalization with High Noise-Tolerance
* Moment-Preserving Piecewise-Linear Approximations of Signals and Images
* Multipurpose strategic planning in the game of Go
* Multiresolution Analysis in Extraction of Reference Lines from Documents with Gray-Level Background
* Multiscale Segmentation of Unstructured Document Pages Using Soft Decision Integration
* New Criterion in Selection and Discretization of Attributes for the Generation of Decision Trees, A
* Nonparametric Segmentation of Curves into Various Representations: Comment
* Nonparametric Segmentation of Curves into Various Representations: Response
* Object Recognition Robust Under Translations, Deformations, and Changes in Background
* Obstacle Detection Based on Qualitative and Quantitative 3D Reconstruction
* Off-Line Signature Verification by Local Granulometric Size Distributions
* Off-Line, Handwritten Numeral Recognition by Perturbation Method
* On the Error-Reject Trade-Off in Biometric Verification Systems
* On The Sequential Determination of Model Misfit
* On View Likelihood and Stability
* Online Cursive Kanji Character Recognition Using Stroke Based Affine Transformation
* Online Fingerprint Verification
* Optimal Local Weighted Averaging Methods in Contour Smoothing
* Optimal Registration of Object Views Using Range Data
* Optimum Class-Selective Rejection Rule, The
* Pairwise Data Clustering by Deterministic Annealing
* Pairwise Data Clustering by Deterministic Annealing
* Parallel Image Component Labeling with Watershed Transformation
* Parametric Shape-from-Shading by Radial Basis Functions
* Paraperspective Factorization Method for Shape and Motion Recovery, A
* Partial Surface and Volume Matching in Three Dimensions
* Patch-Based Stereo in a General Binocular Viewing Geometry
* PERFORM: A Fast Object Recognition Method Using Intersection of Projection Error Regions
* Performance Assessment Through Bootstrap
* Pfinder: Real-Time Tracking of the Human Body
* Physically-Based Adaptive Preconditioning for Early Vision
* Prior Learning and Gibbs Reaction-Diffusion
* Probabilistic Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Probabilistic Visual Learning For Object Representation
* Recognition of 2D Object Contours Using the Wavelet Transform Zero-Crossing Representation
* Recognition of Digits in Hydrographic Maps: Binary Versus Topographic Analysis
* Recovering 3D Motion Of Multiple Objects Using Adaptive Hough Transform
* Recovery of Ego-Motion Using Region Alignment
* Relaxation Methods for Supervised Image Segmentation
* Representation and Recognition of Handwritten Digits Using Deformable Templates
* Rigid-Body Segmentation and Shape-Description from Dense Optical-Flow Under Weak Perspective
* Robust Egomotion Estimation from the Normal Flow Using Search Subspaces
* Robust Snake Implementation: A Dual Active Contour
* Robust Visual Method for Assessing the Relative Performance of Edge Detection Algorithms, A
* Role of Model-Based Segmentation in the Recovery of Volumetric Parts from Range Data, The
* Scene Understanding by Rule Evaluation
* Segmentation of Random-Fields via Borrowed Strength Density-Estimation
* Sequential Factorization Method for Recovering Shape and Motion from Image Streams, A
* Shape Ambiguities In Structure-From-Motion
* Shape Representation Using a Generalized Potential-Field Model
* Shape Spectrum Based View Grouping and Matching of 3D Free-Form Objects
* Simple Algorithm for Nearest-Neighbor Search in High Dimensions, A
* Skew Angle Detection of Digitized Indian Script Documents
* Smoothly Constrained Kalman Filter, A
* Space-Variant Fourier-Analysis: The Exponential Chirp Transform
* State Based Approach to the Representation and Recognition of Gesture, A
* Structural Matching by Discrete Relaxation
* Superquadrics for Segmenting and Modeling Range Data
* Supervised Template Estimation for Document Image Decoding
* Symmetry as a Continuous Feature: Comment
* System for Recognizing a Large Class of Engineering Drawings, A
* Techniques for Assessing Polygonal Approximations of Curves
* Telecentric Optics for Focus Analysis
* Texture Classification Using Windowed Fourier Filters
* Thermophysical Algebraic Invariants from Infrared Imagery for Object Recognition
* Toward Accurate Recovery of Shape from Shading under Diffuse Lighting
* Transitory Image Sequences, Asymptotic Properties, and Estimation of Motion and Structure
* Use of Fourier and Karhunen-Loeve Decomposition for Fast Pattern-Matching with a Large Set of Templates
* Variational Approach to Recovering Depth from Defocused Images, A
* Viewpoint Planning Strategy for Determining True Angles on Polyhedral Objects by Camera Alignment, A
* Visual Image Retrieval by Elastic Matching of User Sketches
* Visual Interpretation of Hand Gestures for Human-Computer Interaction: A Review
* Wavelet-Based Affine Invariant Representation: A Tool for Recognizing Planar Objects in 3D Space
155 for PAMI(19)
* Algorithms for Shape Analysis of Contours and Waveforms
* Analysis of Two-Dimensional Movement Using Fourier Descriptors
* Area Segmentation of Images Using Edge Points
* Automated Classification of Nuecleated Blood Cells Using a Binary Tree Classifier
* Combining Motion and Contrast for Segmentation
* Consistent Labeling Problem: Part II, The
* Decorrelation Methods of Texture Feature Extraction
* Depth from Camera Motion in a Real World Scene
* Determining the Movement of Objects from a Sequence of Images
* Digital Image Enhancement and Noise Filtering by Use of Local Statistics
* Disparity Analysis of Images
* Exploiting Image Formation Knowledge for Motion Analysis
* Extracting and Labeling Boundary Segments in Natural Scenes
* Finding the Extrema of a Region
* Framework for Visual Motion Understanding, A
* Image Segmentation with Directed Trees
* Method for Automating the Visual Inspection of Printed Wiring Boards, A
* Model-Based Image Analysis of Human Motion Using Constraint Propagation
* Model-Based Texture Measures
* Motion Detection and Analysis of Matching Graphs of Intermediate Level Primitives
* New Methods for Picture Reconstruction: Recursive and Causal Techniques
* New Probabilistic Relaxation Scheme, A
* Nosing Around the Neighborhood: A New System Structure and Classification Rule for Recognition in Partially Exposed Environments
* On a Method of Binary Picture Representation and its Application to Data Compression
* On Dimensionality, Sample Size, Classification Error, and Complexity of Classification Algorithms in Pattern Recognition
* On Monocular Perception of 3-D Moving Objects
* Plan-Guided Analysis of Cineangiograms for Measurement of Dynamic Behavior of Heart Wall, A
* Probability Distribution of the Conditional Classification Error, The
* Random Graphs: Structural-Contextual Dichotomy
* Real-Time Video Tracking System, A
* Relaxation Method for Multispectral Pixel Classification, A
* Selection of Critical Subsets for Signal, Image, and Scene Matching, The
* Structural Model of Shape, A
* Theoretical Comparison of Texture Algorithms, A
* Three-Dimensional Moment Invariants
* Three-Dimensional Skeletonization: Principle and Algorithm
* Toward a System for the Interpretation of Moving Light Display
* Tracking and Segmentation of Moving Objects in Dynamic Line Images
* Type Classification of Fingerprints
39 for PAMI(2)
* Adaptive Normalization of Handwritten Characters Using Global/Local Affine Transformation
* Algorithm for Finding the Largest Approximately Common Substructures of Two Trees, An
* Alternatives to Variable Duration HMM in Handwriting Recognition
* Analytic to Holistic Approach for Face Recognition Based on a Single Frontal View, An
* Are Multilayer Perceptrons Adequate for Pattern-Recognition and Verification
* Automatic Model Construction and Pose Estimation from Photographs Using Triangular Splines
* Bayesian Approaches to Gaussian Mixture Modeling
* Bayesian Classification With Gaussian Processes
* Bayesian Estimation for Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Gaussian Random Fields
* Bayesian Framework for Deformable Pattern Recognition with Application to Handwritten Character Recognition
* Bayesian Function Learning Using MCMC Methods
* Bayesian Network Refinement Via Machine Learning Approach
* Binary Restoration of Thin Objects in Multidimensional Imagery
* Breakpoint Detection Using Covariance Propagation
* Characterization of Neuropathological Shape Deformations
* Close-Form Solution and Parameter Selection for Convex Minimization-Based Edge-Preserving Smoothing
* Close-Loop Object Recognition Using Reinforcement Learning
* Comments on Geodesic Saliency of Watershed Contours and Hierarchical Segmentation
* Computing Joint Distributions of 2D Moving Median Filters with Applications to Detection of Edges
* Conundrum of Combinatorial Complexity
* Convex Multiresolution Analysis
* Decision Rule for Pattern Classification by Integrating Interval Feature Values
* Decomposition of Arbitrarily Shaped Binary Morphological Structuring Elements Using Genetic Algorithms
* Degraded Image-Analysis: An Invariant Approach
* Detection of text regions from digital engineering drawings
* Determination of Implicit Polynomial Canonical Curves, The
* Document Representation and Its Application to Page Decomposition
* Dynamic Programming Generation of Curves on Brain Surfaces
* Dynamic-Scale Model Construction From Range Imagery
* Efficient Error-correcting Viterbi Parsing
* Efficient Region Tracking with Parametric Models of Geometry and Illumination
* Energy Minimization of Contours Using Boundary Conditions
* Error Guided Design of a 3D Vision System
* Example-Based Learning for View-Based Human Face Detection
* Extracting 3D Vortices in Turbulent Fluid-Flow
* Fast Chain Coding of Region Boundaries
* Fast Design of Reduced Complexity Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Using Triangular Inequality
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement: Algorithm and Performance Evaluation
* Full Volumetric Descriptions from Three Intensity Images
* Generalized Queries on Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars
* Generic Grouping Algorithm and Its Quantitative Analysis, A
* Graph Matching with a Dual-Step EM Algorithm
* Grouping-Based Nonadditive Verification
* Hierarchical Latent Variable Model For Data Visualization, A
* Hilbert-Schmidt Lower Bounds for Estimators on Matrix Lie Groups for ATR
* Hough Transform Versus the UpWrite, The
* Identification of Man-Made Regions in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery and Videos
* Incremental Arc Segmentation Algorithm and Its Evaluation
* Incremental Learning with Sample Queries
* Inference of Integrated Surface, Curve, and Junction Descriptions from Sparse 3D Data
* INFORMYS: A Flexible Invoice Like Form Reader System
* Integrating Faces and Fingerprints for Personal Identification
* Intensity-Based and Gradient-Based Stereo Matching Using Hierarchical Gaussian Basis Functions
* Intrinsic Dimensionality Estimation with Optimally Topology Preserving Maps
* Junctions: Detection, Classification, and Reconstruction
* L'Hopital's filter for QSIM
* Large-Scale Parallel Data Clustering
* Learning Local Languages and Their Application to DNA Sequence Analysis
* Learning String Edit Distance
* Linear-Programming Fitting of Implicit Polynomials
* List Processing Approach to Compute Voronoi Diagrams and the Euclidean Distance Transform, A
* Local Scale Control for Edge Detection and Blur Estimation
* Location Based and Density Based Hierarchical Clustering Using Similarity Analysis
* Model of Saliency-Based Visual Attention for Rapid Scene Analysis, A
* Modeling and Classifying Symmetries Using a Multiscale Opponent-Color Representation
* Modeling Textured Images Using Generalized Long Correlation Models
* Multispectral Random Field Models for Synthesis and Analysis of Color Images
* n-Dimensional Moment Invariants and Conceptual Mathematical Theory of Recognition n-Dimensional Solids
* Neural Network-Based Face Detection
* New Algorithm for Error Tolerant Subgraph Isomorphism Detection, A
* Nonlinear Motion Estimation Using The Supercoupling Approach
* Off-Line Cursive Handwriting Recognition System, An
* Off-Line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition as a Compound Bayes Decision Problem
* Offline Recognition of Chinese Handwriting by Multifeature and Multilevel Classification
* On Combining Classifiers
* On the Accuracy of Zernike Moments for Image Analysis
* On The Optimization Criteria Used in Two-View Motion Analysis
* On the Reduction of the Nearest Neighbor Variation for More Accurate Classification and Error Estimates
* On the Scale-Space Theorem of Chen and Yan
* Optical Font Recognition Using Typographical Features
* Ordinal Measures for Image Correspondence
* Parallelizing Image Feature Extraction on Coarse-Grain Machines
* Parametric Model-Fitting: From Inlier Characterization To Outlier Detection
* Partial Classification Can Be Beneficial Even for Ideal Separation
* Partial Classification: The Benefit of Deferred Decision
* Performance Assessment Through Bootstrap
* Phonetic set indexing for fast lexical access
* Pictorial Recognition of Objects Employing Affine Invariance in the Frequency-Domain
* Pixel Dissimilarity Measure That Is Insensitive to Image Sampling, A
* Primitive Features by Steering, Quadrature, and Scale
* Probabilistic Approach to the Coupled Reconstruction and Restoration of Underwater Acoustic Images, A
* Random Subspace Method for Constructing Decision Forests, The
* Range Imaging with Adaptive Color Structured Light
* Real-Time American Sign Language Recognition Using Desk and Wearable Computer Based Video
* Recovering Affine Motion and Defocus Blur Simultaneously
* Reduced Multidimensional Cooccurrence Histograms in Texture Classification
* Reducing Structure-From-Motion: A General Framework For Dynamic Vision Part 1: Modeling
* Reducing Structure-From-Motion: A General Framework for Dynamic Vision Part 2: Implementation And Experimental Assessment
* Reducing Structure-From-Motion: A General Framework for Dynamic Vision Part 2: Implementation And Experimental Assessment
* Registration and Integration of Multiple Object Views for 3D Model Construction
* Representation of 3D Surfaces by Two-Variable Fourier Descriptors
* Response to the Comment on Geodesic Saliency of Watershed Contours and Hierarchical Segmentation
* Revised Definition of Optical Flow: Integration of Radiometric and Geometric Cues for Dynamic Scene Analysis
* RIEVL: Recursive Induction Learning in Hand Gesture Recognition
* Risk Sensitive Filters for Recursive Estimation of Motion from Images
* Robust Adaptive Segmentation of Range Images
* Robust Affine Structure Matching for 3d Object Recognition
* Robust Image Corner Detection Through Curvature Scale Space
* Robust Reweighted MAP Motion Estimation
* Rotation Invariant Texture Features and Their Use in Automatic Script Identification
* Scale-Space Derived from B-splines
* Secure Identification Documents Via Pattern Recognition and Public-key Cryptography
* Seeing Behind the Scene: Analysis of Photometric Properties of Occluding Edges by the Reversed Projection Blurring Model
* Segmentation and Factorization-Based Motion and Structure Estimation for Long Image Sequences
* Segmenting Images Corrupted By Correlated Noise
* Selecting the Optimal Focus Measure for Autofocusing and Depth-from-Focus
* Selection of Natural Scales in 2D Images Using Adaptive Gabor Filtering, The
* Shape Evolution with Structural and Topological Changes Using Blending
* Sign of Gaussian Curvature from Curve Orientation in Photometric Space
* Similarity and Symmetry Measures for Convex Shapes Using Minkowski Addition
* Singularities and Regularities on Line Pictures via Symmetrical Trapezoids
* Spatial Sampling of Printed Patterns
* Spatiotemporal Segmentation Based on Region Merging
* Stereo Matching as a Nearest-Neighbor Problem
* Stochastic Relaxation on Partitions with Connected Components and Its Application to Image Segmentation
* Structured Light Using Pseudorandom Codes
* Support Vector Machines for 3D Object Recognition
* Synchronous Random Fields and Image Restoration
* Task-Oriented Generation of Visual Sensing Strategies in Assembly Tasks
* Text-line Extraction and Character Recognition of Document Headlines with Graphical Designs Using Complementary Similarity Measure
* Unbiased Detector of Curvilinear Structures, An
* Unconstrained Automatic Image Matching Using Multiresolutional Critical Point Filters
* Unified Approach to Moving Object Detection in 2D and 3D Scenes, A
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Markov Random-Field Modeled Textured Images Using Selectionist Relaxation
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation in a Deterministic Annealing Framework
* Variable Window Approach to Early Vision, A
* Vector-Gradient Hough Transform, The
* Veinerization: A New Shape Description for Flexible Skeletonization
* Volumetric/Iconic Frequency-Domain Representation for Objects with Application for Pose Invariant Face Recognition, A
* What Size Test Set Gives Good Error Rate Estimates?
140 for PAMI(20)
* Active Vision for Complete Scene Reconstruction and Exploration
* Adaptive Image Segmentation With Distributed Behavior-Based Agents
* Adaptive Nonlocal Filtering: A Fast Alternative to Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Enhancement
* Affine Reconstruction of Curved Surfaces from Uncalibrated Views of Apparent Contours
* Algebraic and Geometric Tools to Compute Projective and Permutation Invariants
* Alignment Using Distributions of Local Geometric Properties
* Analysis of Class Separation and Combination of Class-Dependent Features for Handwriting Recognition
* Approximate Geometric Pattern Matching Under Rigid Motions
* Automated B-Spline Curve Representation Incorporating MDL and Error-Minimizing Control Point Insertion Strategies
* Automatic Classification of Single Facial Images
* Automatic Closed-Loop Methodology for Generating Character Groundtruth for Scanned Documents, An
* Automatic Segmentation of Acoustic Musical Signals Using Hidden Markov Models
* Axiomatic Approach to Feature Subset Selection Based on Relevance
* Borg: A Knowledge-Based System for Automatic Generation of Image Processing Programs
* Chaincode Contour Processing for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Classifying Facial Actions
* Color and Illuminant Voting
* Comments on Design of Supervised Classifiers Using Boolean Neural Networks
* Computational Model of View Degeneracy, A
* Computing the Medial Axis Transform in Parallel with Eight Scan Operations
* Corner Detection and Interpretation on Planar Curves Using Fuzzy Reasoning
* Corrections to A Kalman Filter Approach to Direct Depth Estimation Incorporating Surface Structure
* Cross-Weighted Moments and Affine Invariants for Image Registration and Matching
* Data Compression and Local Metrics for Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Data Mining for Features Using Scale-Sensitive Gated Experts
* Design of Multiparameter Steerable Functions Using Cascade Basis Reduction
* Designing Optimal Sequential Experiments for a Bayesian Classifier
* Deterministic Annealing Approach for Parsimonious Design of Piecewise Regression Models, A
* Direct Least Square Fitting of Ellipses
* Embedding Gestalt Laws in Markov Random Fields
* Empirical Performance Evaluation of Graphics Recognition Systems
* Error Correcting Graph Matching: On the Influence of the Underlying Cost Function
* Evaluation of Methods for Ridge and Valley Detection
* Experimental Study of Projective Structure from Motion, An
* Face Detection from Color Images Using a Fuzzy Pattern Matching Method
* Fast Decomposition of Digital Curves into Polygons Using the Haar Transform
* Fast Implementation of Scale-Space by Interpolatory Subdivision Scheme
* Feature Analysis Using Line Sweep Thinning Algorithm
* Feature Extraction from Wavelet Coefficients for Pattern Recognition Tasks
* Filtering for Texture Classification: A Comparative Study
* Fingerprint Classification by Directional Image Partitioning
* Fitting Curves and Surfaces With Constrained Implicit Polynomials
* Flexible Syntactic Matching of Curves and Its Application to Automatic Hierarchical Classification of Silhouettes
* Fuzzy Relative Position Between Objects in Image Processing: A Morphological Approach
* Game-Theoretic Integration for Image Segmentation
* Geometric and Illumination Invariants for Object Recognition
* Geometric Interpretation of Weak-Perspective Motion, A
* Globally Optimal Fuzzy Decision Trees for Classification and Regression
* Handwritten Character Recognition System Using Directional Element Feature and Asymmetric Mahalanobis Distance
* Hierarchical Discriminant Analysis for Image Retrieval
* HMM-Based Approach for Off-Line Unconstrained Handwritten Word Modeling and Recognition, An
* HMM-Based Threshold Model Approach for Gesture Recognition, An
* Holistic Verification of Handwritten Phrases
* How Should We Represent Faces for Automatic Recognition?
* Identification of Fork Points on the Skeletons of Handwritten Chinese Characters
* Image Thresholding by Indicator Kriging
* Indexing of Technical Line Drawing Databases
* Indexing without Invariants in 3D Object Recognition
* Integral Ratio: A New Class of Global Thresholding Techniques for Handwriting Images
* Integration of Structural and Statistical Information for Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Introduction to the Special Section on Empirical Evaluation of Computer Vision Algorithms
* Kalman Filter Approach to Direct Depth Estimation Incorporating Surface Structure, A
* Learning-Based Prediction-and-Verification Segmentation Scheme for Hand Sign Image Sequence, A
* Lexicon-Driven Handwritten Word Recognition Using Optimal Linear Combinations of Order Statistics
* Line Pattern Retrieval Using Relational Histograms
* Line-Based Face Recognition under Varying Pose
* Line-Based Recognition Using a Multidimensional Hausdorff Distance
* Linear Algorithm for Motion from Three Weak Perspective Images Using Euler Angles
* Linear N-Point Camera Pose Determination
* Lower Bounds for Bayes Error Estimation
* Making use of contradictory behavior information in qualitative reasoning
* Markov Pixon Information Approach for Low-Level Image Description, A
* Matching Hierarchical Structures Using Association Graphs
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation Methods for Multispectral Random Field Image Models
* Meta Analysis of Classification Algorithms for Pattern Recognition
* Method to Detect and Characterize Ellipses Using the Hough Transform, A
* Methodology for Mapping Scores to Probabilities, A
* Morphologically Constrained GRFs: Applications to Texture Synthesis and Analysis
* Motion Estimation in Image Sequences Using the Deformation of Apparent Contours
* MRF Model-Based Approach to Simultaneous Recovery of Depth and Restoration from Defocused Images, An
* Multiaspect Target Identification with Wave-Based Matched Pursuits and Continuous Hidden Markov Models
* Multichannel Approach to Fingerprint Classification, A
* Multiprimitive Segmentation of Planar Curves: A Two-Level Breakpoint Classification and Tuning Approach
* New Constraints on Data-Closeness and Needle Map Consistency for Shape-from-Shading
* New Interpretation and Improvement for the Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Enhancement, A
* New One-Parametric Fitting Method for Planar Objects, A
* New Way to Represent the Relative Position between Areal Objects, A
* Nonlinear Modeling of Scattered Multivariate Data and Its Application to Shape Change
* Omnifont Open-Vocabulary OCR System for English and Arabic, An
* On Degeneracy of Linear Reconstruction From Three Views: Linear Line Complex and Applications
* On the Estimation of a Convex Set with Corners
* On the Estimation of Markov Random Field Parameters
* On the Inverse Hough Transform
* On the Representation of Image Structures via Scale Space Entropy Conditions
* Online Recognition of Handwritten Hiragana Characters Based Upon a Complex Autoregressive Model
* Parametric Hidden Markov Models for Gesture Recognition
* Part-Based 3D Descriptions of Complex Objects from a Single Image
* Pattern Matching Image Compression: Algorithmic and Empirical Results
* Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Monocular Building Extraction from Aerial Imagery
* Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Vanishing Point Detection Techniques
* Postprocessing of Recognized Strings Using Nonstationary Markovian Models
* Prototype Extraction and Adaptive OCR
* RANSAC-Based DARCES: A New Approach to Fast Automatic Registration of Partially Overlapping Range Images
* Recognition of Articulated and Occluded Objects
* Reliable Determination of Object Pose from Line Features by Hypothesis Testing
* Reply to: Comments on Design of Supervised Classifiers Using Boolean Neural Networks
* RGFF Representational Model: A System for the Automatically Learned Partitioning of Visual Pattern in Digital Images, The
* Robust Competitive Clustering Algorithm with Applications in Computer Vision, A
* Robust Line Fitting in a Noisy Image by the Method of Moments
* Robust Rotation Angle Estimator
* Robust Tracking of Position and Velocity With Kalman Snakes
* Sampling of Images for Efficient Model-Based Vision
* Selective Feature-to-Feature Adhesion for Recognition of Cursive Handprinted Characters
* Shape from Shading: A Survey
* Similarity Measures
* Solution to the Next Best View Problem for Automated Surface Acquisition, A
* Sparse Pixel Vectorization: An Algorithm and Its Performance Evaluation
* Statistical Region Snake-Based Segmentation Adapted to Different Physical Noise Models
* Stochastic Jump-Diffusion Process for Computing Medial Axes in Markov Random Fields
* Stratified Self-Calibration with the Modulus Constraint
* Structure Recovery with Multiple Cameras from Scaled Orthographic and Perspective Views
* Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Image Sequences
* Symmetry Detection by Generalized Complex (GC) Moments: A Close-Form Solution
* TextFinder: An Automatic System to Detect and Recognize Text in Images
* Theoretical Analysis and Improved Decision Criteria for the n-Tuple Classifier
* Tracking Human Motion in Structured Environments Using a Distributed-Camera System
* Translation Sensitivity of Wavelet-Based Registration, The
* True Multi-Image Alignment and Its Application to Mosaicing and Lens Distortion Correction
* Unsupervised Clustering in Hough Space for Identification of Partially Occluded Objects
* Using Diagram Generation Software to Improve Diagram Recognition: A Case Study of Music Notation
* Using Evolutionary Programming and Minimum Description Length Principle for Data Mining of Bayesian Networks
* Using Spin Images for Efficient Object Recognition in Cluttered 3D Scenes
* View-Based Recognition Using an Eigenspace Approximation to the Hausdorff Measure
* VLSI Architecture for Real-Time Edge Linking, A
134 for PAMI(21)
* 20th Anniversary of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, The
* 20th Anniversary Survey: Introduction to Content-Based Image Retrieval at the End of the Early Years, A
* 3L Algorithm for Fitting Implicit Polynomial Curves and Surfaces to Data, The
* Acquiring a Complete 3D Model from Specular Motion under the Illumination of Circular-Shaped Light Sources
* Adaptive Contour Closure Algorithm and Its Experimental Evaluation, An
* Adaptive-Focus Deformable Model Using Statistical and Geometric Information, An
* Adaptive-Scale Filtering and Feature Detection Using Range Data
* Algorithms for Defining Visual Regions-of-Interest: Comparison with Eye Fixations
* Analysis and Recognition of Real-World Textures in Three Dimensions, The
* Angular Bisector Network, a Simplified Generalized Voronoi Diagram: Application to Processing Complex Intersections in Biomedical Images
* Assessing a Mixture Model for Clustering with the Integrated Completed Likelihood
* Automatic Analysis of Facial Expressions: The State of the Art
* Automatic Caption Localization in Compressed Video
* Bayesian Computer Vision System for Modeling Human Interactions, A
* Bayesian Graph Edit Distance
* Bayesian Segmentation via Asymptotic Partition Functions
* Biometric Identification through Hand Geometry Measurements
* Boundary Finding with Prior Shape and Smoothness Models
* Case Against Kruppa's Equations for Camera Self-Calibration, A
* Classification with Nonmetric Distances: Image Retrieval and Class Representation
* Clustering by Scale-Space Filtering
* Comments on: Robust Line Fitting in a Noisy Image by the Method of Moments
* Completion Energies and Scale
* Complex Representation of Algebraic Curves and Its Simple Exploitation for Pose Estimation and Invariant Recognition, The
* Consistent Gradient Operators
* Constraint-Based Sensor Planning for Scene Modeling
* Content-Based Image Retrieval at the End of the Early Years
* Contour Matching Using Epipolar Geometry
* Cooperative Algorithm for Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection, A
* Detecting Independent Motion: The Statistics of Temporal Continuity
* Detecting Salient Motion by Accumulating Directionally-Consistent Flow
* Discovery and Segmentation of Activities in Video
* Dominant-Subspace Invariants
* Efficiency of Characterizing Ellipses and Ellipsoids by Discrete Moments
* Evolutionary Pursuit and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Exploring Texture Ensembles by Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo-Toward a Trichromacy Theory of Texture
* Fast and Globally Convergent Pose Estimation from Video Images
* Fast, Reliable Head Tracking under Varying Illumination: An Approach Based on Registration of Textured-Mapped 3D Models
* FERET Evaluation Methodology for Face-Recognition Algorithms, The
* Finding Curvilinear Features in Spatial Point Patterns: Principal Curve Clustering with Noise
* Fingerprint Verification System Based on Triangular Matching and Dynamic Time Warping, A
* Fitting Optimal Piecewise Linear Functions Using Genetic Algorithms
* Fitting Superellipses
* Flexible New Technique for Camera Calibration, A
* Fractional-Step Dimensionality Reduction
* Framework for Automatic Landmark Identification Using a New Method of Nonrigid Correspondence, A
* Frequency Structure of 1D Occluding Image Signals, The
* Fundamental Limits of Bayesian Inference: Order Parameters and Phase Transitions for Road Tracking
* Fusion of Intelligent Agents for the Detection of Aircraft in SAR Images
* Geodesic Active Contours and Level Sets for the Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects
* Geodesic Active Contours and Level Sets for the Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects
* Geometric Camera Calibration Using Circular Control Points
* Geometric Structure Analysis of Document Images: A Knowledge-Based Approach
* Handwriting Numeral Character Classification Using Tolerant Rough Set, A
* Hierarchical Discriminant Regression
* How Bad May Learning Curves Be?
* Hybrid Genetic Optimization and Statistical Model-Based Approach for the Classification of Shadow Shapes in Sonar Imagery
* ICA Mixture Models for Unsupervised Classification of Non-Gaussian Classes and Automatic Context Switching in Blind Separation
* Image Field Categorization and Edge/Corner Detection from Gradient Covariance
* Implicit Polynomials, Orthogonal Distance Regression, and the Closest Point on a Curve
* Independent Motion Detection in 3D Scenes
* Introduction to the Special Section on Video Surveillance
* Learning and Classification of Complex Dynamics
* Learning and Design of Principal Curves
* Learning Patterns of Activity Using Real-Time Tracking
* Least Squares Estimation of 3D Shape and Motion of Rigid Objects from Their Orthographic Projections
* Looking at People: Sensing for Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing
* Medical Image Analysis: Progress over Two Decades and the Challenges Ahead
* Merging and Splitting Eigenspace Models
* MIR: An Approach to Robust Clustering-Application to Range Image Segmentation
* Mobile Robot Relocation from Echolocation Constraints
* Mode-Finding for Mixtures of Gaussian Distributions
* Model-Based Brightness Constraints: On Direct Estimation of Structure and Motion
* Model-Based Estimation of 3D Human Motion
* Monitoring Activities from Multiple Video Streams: Establishing a Common Coordinate Frame
* Morphing Active Contours
* Morphological Reversible Contour Representation
* Mosaicing on Adaptive Manifolds
* Multi-Frame Estimation of Planar Motion
* Multiobject Behavior Recognition by Event Driven Selective Attention Method
* New Structure-from-Motion Ambiguity, A
* Noise-Adaptive Discriminant Function and Its Application to Blurred Machine Printed Kanji Recognition, A
* Nonmetric Calibration of Wide-Angle Lenses and Polycameras
* Nonrigid Motion Analysis Based on Dynamic Refinement of Finite Element Models
* Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation
* Object Tracking Using Deformable Templates
* OCR in a Hierarchical Feature Space
* On the Algorithmic Implementation of Stochastic Discrimination
* On the Fitting of Surfaces to Data with Covariances
* On-Line and Off-Line Handwriting Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey
* Optimal Linear Combination of Neural Networks for Improving Classification Performance
* Ordering and Parameterizing Scattered 3D Data for B-Spline Surface Approximation
* Orientation Reliability Matrix for the Iterative Closest Point Algorithm, An
* Orientation Space Filtering for Multiple Orientation Line Segmentation
* Performance Evaluation of the Nearest Feature Line Method in Image Classification and Retrieval
* Precise Candidate Selection for Large Character Set Recognition by Confidence Evaluation
* Predicting Performance of Object Recognition
* Real-Time Tracking of Moving Persons by Exploring Spatio-Temporal Image Slices
* Recognition of Visual Activities and Interactions by Stochastic Parsing
* Recovery of Drawing Order from Single-Stroke Handwriting Images
* Robust Linear and Support Vector Regression
* Robust Real-Time Periodic Motion Detection, Analysis, and Applications
* Segmentation of Color Textures
* Segmentation of Single- or Multiple-Touching Handwritten Numeral String Using Background and Foreground Analysis
* Self-Calibration of a 1D Projective Camera and Its Application to the Self-Calibration of a 2D Projective Camera
* Shape Recovery from Equal Thickness Contours
* Shape Similarity Measure Based on Correspondence of Visual Parts
* Skeletonization of Three-Dimensional Object Using Generalized Potential Field
* Snake Pedals: Compact and Versatile Geometric Models with Physics-Based Control
* Spatio-Frequency Trade-Off Scale for Scale-Space Filtering, A
* Statistical Pattern Recognition: A Review
* Statistical, Nonparametric Methodology for Document Degradation Model Validation, A
* Stereo Calibration from Rigid Motions
* Stereo-Motion with Stereo and Motion in Complement
* Supervised Learning of Large Perceptual Organization: Graph Spectral Partitioning and Learning Automata
* Support Cone: A Representational Tool for the Analysis of Boundaries and Their Interactions, The
* Toward Improved Ranking Metrics
* Training Hidden Markov Models with Multiple Observations: A Combinatorial Method
* Trajectory Triangulation: 3D Reconstruction of Moving Points from a Monocular Image Sequence
* Twenty Years of Document Image Analysis in PAMI
* Uncertainty Propagation and the Matching of Junctions as Feature Groupings
* Use of the Two-Dimensional Radon Transform to Generate a Taxonomy of Shape for the Characterization of Abrasive Powder Particles
* Validity Measures for the Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of Orientations
* Variational Model for Image Classification and Restoration, A
* Viewpoint Estimation in Three-Dimensional Images Taken with Perspective Range Sensors
* W4: Real-Time Surveillance of People and Their Activities
126 for PAMI(22)
* Acquisition and Propagation of Spatial Constraints Based on Qualitative Information
* Active Appearance Models
* Affine-Invariant Recognition of Gray-Scale Characters Using Global Affine Transformation Correlation
* Aircraft Detection: A Case Study in Using Human Similarity Measure
* Antifaces: A Novel, Fast Method for Image Detection
* Automatic Construction of 2D Shape Models
* Basic Processes of Chinese Character Based on Cubic B-Spline Wavelet Transform
* Bayesian Method for Fitting Parametric and Nonparametric Models to Noisy Data, A
* Best-Match Retrieval for Structured Images
* Coarse-to-Fine Dynamic Programming
* Color by Correlation: A Simple, Unifying Framework for Color Constancy
* Color Invariance
* Combination Fingerprint Classifier, A
* Combined Latent Class and Trait Model for the Analysis and Visualization of Discrete Data, A
* Computational Method for Segmenting Topological Point-Sets and Application to Image Analysis, A
* Computing Optical Flow with Physical Models of Brightness Variation
* Correspondence with Cumulative Similarity Transforms
* Curvature Estimation in Oriented Patterns Using Curvilinear Models Applied to Gradient Vector Fields
* Data- and Model-Driven Gaze Control for an Active-Vision System
* Deformable Shape Detection and Description via Model-Based Region Grouping
* Deformable Shape Detection and Description via Model-Based Region Grouping
* Detection and Modeling of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images
* Dimensionality Reduction in Unsupervised Learning of Conditional Gaussian Networks
* Directional Morphological Filtering
* Discrete Contextual Stochastic Model for the Offline Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters, A
* Dyadic Wavelet Affine Invariant Function for 2D Shape Recognition, A
* Edge Detection with Embedded Confidence
* Edge, Junction, and Corner Detection Using Color Distributions
* Efficient Linear Solution of Exterior Orientation
* Efficient Matching and Indexing of Graph Models in Content-Based Retrieval
* Eigen-Texture Method: Appearance Compression and Synthesis Based on a 3D Model
* Empirical Bayesian Motion Segmentation
* Empirical Performance Evaluation Methodology and Its Application to Page Segmentation Algorithms
* Encoding Visual Information Using Anisotropic Transformations
* Epipolar Geometry from Profiles under Circular Motion
* Equivalence of Different Methods for Slant and Skew Corrections in Word Recognition Applications
* Event Detection and Analysis from Video Streams
* Exact Method for Computing the Area Moments of Wavelet and Spline Curves, An
* Example-Based Object Detection in Images by Components
* Fast and Accurate Algorithms for Projective Multi-Image Structure from Motion
* Fast and Accurate Face Detector Based on Neural Networks, A
* Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts
* Fast Nearest-Neighbor Algorithm Based on a Principal Axis Search Tree, A
* Feature-Level and Decision-Level Fusion of Noncoincidently Sampled Sensors for Land Mine Detection
* First-Order Tree-Type Dependence between Variables and Classification Performance
* Font Recognition Based on Global Texture Analysis
* From Few to Many: Illumination Cone Models for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting and Pose
* Gauss-Markov Measure Field Models for Low-Level Vision
* General Scheme of Region Competition Based on Scale Space
* Generality-Based Conceptual Clustering with Probabilistic Concepts
* Genetic Algorithm Wavelet Design for Signal Classification
* Globally Optimal Regions and Boundaries as Minimum Ratio Weight Cycles
* Graph-Based Method for Face Identification from a Single 2D Line Drawing, A
* Hidden Markov Models with Patterns to Learn Boolean Vector Sequences and Application to the Built-In Self-Test for Integrated Circuits
* Hidden Markov Models with Spectral Features for 2D Shape Recognition
* Hierarchical Decomposition of Multiscale Skeletons
* Hybrid Evolutionary Search Method Based on Clusters
* Hyperpatches for 3D Model Acquisition and Tracking
* Image Editing in the Contour Domain
* Information Theoretic Measure for Visual Target Distinctness
* Integrated Bayesian Approach to Layer Extraction from Image Sequences, An
* Introduction to the Special Section on Graph Algorithms and Computer Vision
* Laminae-Based Feature Recognition
* Marginal Maximum Entropy Partitioning Yields Asymptotically Consistent Probability Density Functions
* Maximum-Likelihood Strategy for Directing Attention during Visual Search, A
* Minimal Projective Reconstruction Including Missing Data
* Minimum-Entropy Data Partitioning Using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Model-Based Recognition of 3D Objects from Single Images
* Modified Version of the K-Means Algorithm with a Distance Based on Cluster Symmetry, A
* Multiclass Linear Dimension Reduction by Weighted Pairwise Fisher Criteria
* Multiple Illuminant Direction Detection with Application to Image Synthesis
* Multiseeded Segmentation Using Fuzzy Connectedness
* Multispace KL for Pattern Representation and Classification
* Mutual Information Theory for Adaptive Mixture Models
* N-Dimensional Tensor Voting and Application to Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* New Method for Mining Regression Classes in Large Data Sets, A
* Object Recognition Using Shape-from-Shading
* Offline General Handwritten Word Recognition Using an Approximate BEAM Matching Algorithm
* Olfactory Classification via Interpoint Distance Analysis
* Omnistereo: Panoramic Stereo Imaging
* On Active Camera Control and Camera Motion Recovery with Foveate Wavelet Transform
* On Fusers that Perform Better than Best Sensor
* On Median Graphs: Properties, Algorithms, and Applications
* On the Pattern Recognition of Noisy Subsequence Trees
* Optimization Methodology for Document Structure Extraction on Latin Character Documents, An
* Optimum Image Thresholding via Class Uncertainty and Region Homogeneity
* Parameter-Free Geometric Document Layout Analysis
* PCA versus LDA
* Probabilistic Data Association Methods for Tracking Complex Visual Objects
* Probability Models for Clutter in Natural Images
* Projective Alignment with Regions
* Q-Warping: Direct Computation of Quadratic Reference Surfaces
* Quotient Image: Class-Based Re-Rendering and Recognition with Varying Illuminations, The
* Recognition of Human Movement Using Temporal Templates, The
* Recognizing Action Units for Facial Expression Analysis
* Reconstruction of Linearly Parameterized Models from Single Images with a Camera of Unknown Focal Length
* Reconstruction-Based Recognition of Scenes with Translationally Repeated Quadrics
* Resolving Motion Correspondence for Densely Moving Points
* Robust Point Correspondence Applied to Two- and Three-Dimensional Image Registration
* Robust Segmentation of Primitives from Range Data in the Presence of Geometric Degeneracy
* Role of Holistic Paradigms in Handwritten Word Recognition, The
* ROR: Rejection of Outliers by Rotations
* Sectored Snakes: Evaluating Learned-Energy Segmentations
* Self-Organization in Vision: Stochastic Clustering for Image Segmentation, Perceptual Grouping, and Image Database Organization
* Self-Organization of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators with Application to Clustering
* Shape from Periodic Texture Using the Eigenvectors of Local Affine Distortion
* Simple Strategy for Calibrating the Geometry of Light Sources, A
* SIMPLIcity: Semantics-Sensitive Integrated Matching for Picture LIbraries
* Snakes on the Watershed
* Spatial Size Distributions: Applications to Shape and Texture Analysis
* Structural Graph Matching Using the EM Algorithm and Singular Value Decomposition
* Structure Extraction from Decorated Characters Using Multiscale Images
* Symbol Recognition by Error-Tolerant Subgraph Matching between Region Adjacency Graphs
* System for Person-Independent Hand Posture Recognition against Complex Backgrounds, A
* Threading Fundamental Matrices
* Toward Machine Emotional Intelligence: Analysis of Affective Physiological State
* Trace Transform and Its Applications, The
* Tracking Nonrigid Motion and Structure from 2D Satellite Cloud Images without Correspondences
* Two-Way Ambiguity in 2D Projective Reconstruction from Three Uncalibrated 1D Images
* Unified Model for Probabilistic Principal Surfaces, A
* Unsupervised Multiresolution Segmentation for Images with Low Depth of Field
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Color-Texture Regions in Images and Video
* Using Association Rules as Texture Features
* Using Photo-Consistency to Register 2D Optical Images of the Human Face to a 3D Surface Model
* Using Support Vector Machines to Enhance the Performance of Elastic Graph Matching for Frontal Face Authentication
* Video Segmentation by MAP Labeling of Watershed Segments
126 for PAMI(23)
* Adaptive Approach to Offline Handwritten Word Recognition, An
* Adaptive Image Segmentation by Combining Photometric Invariant Region and Edge Information
* Adjusting Shape Parameters Using Model-Based Optical Flow Residuals
* Algorithm with Reduced Operations for Connected Components Detection in ITU-T Group 3/4 Coded Images, An
* Analytic PCA Construction for Theoretical Analysis of Lighting Variability in Images of a Lambertian Object
* Approximate Bayes Factors for Image Segmentation: The Pseudolikelihood Information Criterion (PLIC)
* Automatic Multilevel Thresholding for Image Segmentation by the Growing Time Adaptive Self-Organizing Map
* Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Numerical Strings: A Recognition and Verification Strategy
* Bidirectional Deformable Matching with Application to Handwritten Character Extraction
* Blobworld: Image Segmentation Using Expectation-Maximization and Its Application to Image Querying
* Camera Self-Calibration from Unknown Planar Structures Enforcing the Multiview Constraints between Collineations
* Combining Belief Networks and Neural Networks for Scene Segmentation
* Comparison of Algorithms for Connected Set Openings and Closings, A
* Complexity Measures of Supervised Classification Problems
* Computational Surface Flattening: A Voxel-Based Approach
* Constructing Boosting Algorithms from SVMs: An Application to One-Class Classification
* Curvature-Augmented Tensor Voting for Shape Inference from Noisy 3D Data
* Curve Fitting Problem and Its Application in Modeling Objects in Monocular Image Sequences, A
* Dense Estimation of Fluid Flows
* Density-Based Multiscale Data Condensation
* Depth Estimation from Image Structure
* Detecting Binocular Half-Occlusions: Empirical Comparisons of Five Approaches
* Detecting Faces in Images: A Survey
* Digital Curves in 3D Space and a Linear-Time Length Estimation Algorithm
* Direct Recovery of Planar-Parallax from Multiple Frames
* Discovering Useful Concept Prototypes for Classification Based on Filtering and Abstraction
* Discriminant Waveletfaces and Nearest Feature Classifiers for Face Recognition
* Efficient Dilation, Erosion, Opening, and Closing Algorithms
* Efficient k-Means Clustering Algorithm: Analysis and Implementation, An
* Efficient Simplicial Reconstructions of Manifolds from Their Samples
* Elastically Adaptive Deformable Models
* Estimating the Fundamental Matrix via Constrained Least-Squares: A Convex Approach
* Estimating the Intrinsic Dimension of Data with a Fractal-Based Method
* Estimation of Occlusion and Dense Motion Fields in a Bidirectional Bayesian Framework
* Exact Two-Image Structure from Motion
* Extraction and Optimization of B-Spline PBD Templates for Recognition of Connected Handwritten Digit Strings
* Extraction of 2D Motion Trajectories and Its Application to Hand Gesture Recognition
* Extraction of Visual Features for Lipreading
* Face Detection in Color Images
* Face Recognition Using Line Edge Map
* Feature Space Trajectory Methods for Active Computer Vision
* Feature-Based Technique for Joint Linear Estimation of High-Order Image-to-Mosaic Transformations: Mosaicing the Curved Human Retina, A
* Feature-Based, Robust, Hierarchical Algorithm for Registering Pairs of Images of the Curved Human Retina, A
* Flux Maximizing Geometric Flows
* Frequency Domain Technique for Range Data Registration, A
* Fundamental Relationship between Bilateral Filtering, Adaptive Smoothing, and the Nonlinear Diffusion Equation, A
* FVC2000: Fingerprint Verification Competition
* General Scheme of Region Competition Based on Scale Space
* Generalized Mosaicing: Wide Field of View Multispectral Imaging
* Generalized Spatio-Chromatic Diffusion
* Geometric Probing of Dense Range Data
* Hierarchical GTM: Constructing Localized Nonlinear Projection Manifolds in a Principled Way
* HMM-Based Segmentation Method for Traffic Monitoring Movies, An
* Human Activity Recognition Using Multidimensional Indexing
* Hyperplane Approximation for Template Matching
* ICP Registration Using Invariant Features
* Identifying Faces in a 2D Line Drawing Representing a Manifold Object
* Image Segmentation by Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Imaged Document Text Retrieval Without OCR
* Improving Performance of Similarity-Based Clustering by Feature Weight Learning
* Improving the Clustering Performance of the Scanning n-Tuple Method by Using Self-Supervised Algorithms to Introduce Subclasses
* Inference of Segmented Overlapping Surfaces from Binocular Stereo
* Information Theoretic Clustering
* Information Theoretic Sensor Data Selection for Active Object Recognition and State Estimation
* Information-Theoretic Bounds on Target Recognition Performance Based on Degraded Image Data
* Infrared-Image Classification Using Hidden Markov Trees
* Input Feature Selection by Mutual Information Based on Parzen Window
* Integrated Position Estimation Using Aerial Image Sequences
* Interactive Optimization of 3D Shape and 2D Correspondence Using Multiple Geometric Constraints via POCS
* Learning Gender with Support Faces
* Learning in Gibbsian Fields: How Accurate and How Fast Can It Be?
* Lexicon-Driven Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Character Strings for Japanese Address Reading
* Limits on Super-Resolution and How to Break Them
* Locally Adaptive Metric Nearest-Neighbor Classification
* Match Propagation for Image-Based Modeling and Rendering
* Matching and Retrieval of Distorted and Occluded Shapes Using Dynamic Programming
* Matching Free Trees, Maximal Cliques, and Monotone Game Dynamics
* Maximum Variance Cluster Algorithm, A
* Maximum-Likelihood Image Matching
* Maximum-Likelihood Surface Estimator for Dense Range Data, A
* Mean Shift: A Robust Approach Toward Feature Space Analysis
* Multihierarchical Graph Search
* Multiresolution Gray-Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns
* Multiscale Method for the Reassembly of Two-Dimensional Fragmented Objects, A
* Multiview Constraints on Homographies
* New Pattern Representation Scheme Using Data Compression, A
* Normalized Kemeny and Snell Distance: A Novel Metric for Quantitative Evaluation of Rank-Order Similarity of Images
* Note on Park and Chin's Algorithm, A
* Note on the Number of Solutions of the Noncoplanar P4P Problem, A
* Object Tracking with Bayesian Estimation of Dynamic Layer Representations
* Object-Oriented Progressive-Simplification-Based Vectorization System for Engineering Drawings: Model, Algorithm, and Performance, An
* On Optimal Pairwise Linear Classifiers for Normal Distributions: The Two-Dimensional Case
* On the Dependence of Handwritten Word Recognizers on Lexicons
* On the Individuality of Fingerprints
* On the Use of SDF-Type Filters for Distortion Parameter Estimation
* Online Fingerprint Template Improvement
* Optical Character Recognition for Cursive Handwriting
* Optical Flow in Log-Mapped Image Plane-A New Approach
* Oriented Structure of the Occlusion Distortion: Is It Reliable?
* Orthogonal Distance Fitting of Implicit Curves and Surfaces
* Overcoming Superstrictness in Line Drawing Interpretation
* Paracatadioptric Camera Calibration
* Performance Evaluation of Some Clustering Algorithms and Validity Indices
* Piecewise Linear Skeletonization Using Principal Curves
* Principal Manifolds and Probabilistic Subspaces for Visual Recognition
* Radiometry of Multiple Images, The
* Real-Time Epipolar Geometry Estimation of Binocular Stereo Heads
* Real-Time Visual Tracking of Complex Structures
* Recognizing Handwritten Digits Using Hierarchical Products of Experts
* Recognizing Imprecisely Localized, Partially Occluded, and Expression Variant Faces from a Single Sample per Class
* Recognizing Mathematical Expressions Using Tree Transformation
* Reconstructing Surfaces by Volumetric Regularization Using Radial Basis Functions
* Reconstruction of Planar Surfaces Behind Occlusions in Range Images
* Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Objects through Matching of Their Parts
* Rectified Catadioptric Stereo Sensors
* Region Tracking via Level Set PDEs without Motion Computation
* Region-Based Fuzzy Feature Matching Approach to Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Relative Fuzzy Connectedness and Object Definition: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation
* Restoration of Archival Documents Using a Wavelet Technique
* RKHS Interpolator-Based Graph Matching Algorithm, A
* Robust Factorization
* Rotation Invariant Rule-Based Thinning Algorithm for Character Recognition, A
* Selective Attention-Based Method for Visual Pattern Recognition with Application to Handwritten Digit Recognition and Face Recognition, A
* Shape Matching and Object Recognition Using Shape Contexts
* Simultaneous Localization and Map-Building Using Active Vision
* Spatio-Temporal Alignment of Sequences
* Statistical Approach for Phrase Location and Recognition within a Text Line: An Application to Street Name Recognition, A
* Stereo Correspondence with Compact Windows via Minimum Ratio Cycle
* Structure from Motion Causally Integrated Over Time
* Substitution Deciphering Based on HMMs with Applications to Compressed Document Processing
* Support Vector Machines for Texture Classification
* Surfacing Signatures: An Orientation Independent Free-Form Surface Representation Scheme for the Purpose of Objects Registration and Matching
* Systematic Methods for the Computation of the Directional Fields and Singular Points of Fingerprints
* Texture Gradient Equation for Recovering Shape from Texture, The
* Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of a Two-Stage System for Classification
* Theoretical Study on Six Classifier Fusion Strategies, A
* Three-Dimensional Topology Preserving Reduction on the 4-Subfields
* Toward Automatic Simulation of Aging Effects on Face Images
* Two Variations on Fisher's Linear Discriminant for Pattern Recognition
* Universal Analytical Forms for Modeling Image Probabilities
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Feature Similarity
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Feature Similarity
* Unsupervised Learning of Finite Mixture Models
* Upper Bounds for Error Rates of Linear Combinations of Classifiers
* Use of Lexicon Density in Evaluating Word Recognizers
* Vision for Mobile Robot Navigation: A Survey
* Visual Input for Pen-Based Computers
* Writer Adaptation for Online Handwriting Recognition
148 for PAMI(24)
* 4-source photometric stereo technique for three-dimensional surfaces in the presence of highlights and shadows, The
* Adaptive local thresholding by verification-based multithreshold probing with application to vessel detection in retinal images
* Adaptive sparseness for supervised learning
* Advances in Computational Stereo
* algorithm for data-driven bandwidth selection, An
* Articulated soft objects for multiview shape and motion capture
* Automatic linguistic indexing of pictures by a statistical modeling approach
* Automatic textual document categorization based on generalized instance sets and a metamodel
* Bagging for path-based clustering
* Bayesian Discriminating Features Method for Face Detection, A
* Bayesian grid matching
* Binary partitioning, perceptual grouping, and restoration with semidefinite programming
* Camera calibration from surfaces of revolution
* Candid covariance-free incremental principal component analysis
* Class conditional density estimation using mixtures with constrained component sharing
* class of discrete multiresolution random fields and its application to image segmentation, A
* CMU Pose, Illumination, and Expression Database, The
* coarse-to-fine deformable contour optimization framework, A
* common set of perceptual observables for grouping, figure-ground discrimination, and texture classification, A
* Comparison and combination of ear and face images in appearance-based biometrics
* Complete solution classification for the perspective-three-point problem
* condition number for point matching with application to registration and postregistration error estimation, A
* Consistent labeling of tracked objects in multiple cameras with overlapping fields of view
* Constructing Descriptive and Discriminative Nonlinear Features: Rayleigh Coefficients in Kernel Feature Spaces
* Contour grouping with prior models
* Contour line and geographic feature extraction from USGS color topographical paper maps
* Contrast restoration of weather degraded images
* Correspondence matching with modal clusters
* Curvature-Based Algorithms for Nonrigid Motion and Correspondence Estimation
* Decision making and uncertainty management in a 3D reconstruction system
* Design considerations for generic grouping in vision
* Detecting Moving Objects, Ghosts, and Shadows in Video Streams
* Detecting moving shadows: algorithms and evaluation
* Determining the camera response from images: What is knowable?
* Document image recognition based on template matching of component block projections
* Effective Tracking Through Tree-Search
* effects of translational misalignment when self-calibrating rotating and zooming cameras, The
* Efficient kernel density estimation using the fast gauss transform with applications to color modeling and tracking
* Estimating piecewise-smooth optical flow with global matching and graduated optimization
* Evidential reasoning for object recognition
* Exact Optimization for Markov Random Fields with Convex Priors
* Expandable bayesian networks for 3D object description from multiple views and multiple mode inputs
* Experts' boasting in trainable fusion rules
* Exploitation of unlabeled sequences in hidden Markov models
* Extraction of features using M-band wavelet packet frame and their neuro-fuzzy evaluation for multitexture segmentation
* Face detection and tracking in a video by propagating detection probabilities
* Face recognition based on fitting a 3D morphable model
* Face recognition in hyperspectral images
* Fast radial symmetry for detecting points of interest
* Feature selection for multiclass discrimination via mixed-integer linear programming
* Feature transfer and matching in disparate stereo views through the use of plane homographies
* Finding Perceptually Closed Paths in Sketches and Drawings
* Fingerprint indexing based on novel features of minutiae triplets
* Fingerprint matching using an orientation-based minutia descriptor
* Frame-Rate Spatial Referencing Based on Invariant Indexing and Alignment with Application to Online Retinal Image Registration
* General Discrete Contour Model in Two, Three, and Four Dimensions for Topology-Adaptive Multichannel Segmentation, A
* general model for finite-sample effects in training and testing of competing classifiers, A
* Generating discriminating cartoon faces using interacting snakes
* generic viewpoint assumption and planar bias, The
* Geometry of single axis motions using conic fitting
* global solution to sparse correspondence problems, A
* Graphical gaussian shape models and their application to image segmentation
* graphical model for audiovisual object tracking, A
* grouping principle and four applications, A
* Guest editors' Introduction to the special section on energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition
* Guest editors' introduction to the special section on graphical models in computer vision
* Guest editors' introduction to the special section on perceptual organization in computer vision
* Guest editors' introduction to the special section on perceptual organization in computer vision
* Handwritten chinese radical recognition using nonlinear active shape models
* Hidden Markov measure field models for image segmentation
* Hidden markov random field model selection criteria based on mean field-like approximations
* Hidden Tree Markov Models for Document Image Classification
* Hiding Biometric Data
* Hierarchical visualization of time-series data using switching linear dynamical systems
* Illumination from shadows
* Image modeling with position-encoding dynamic trees
* Image segmentation with ratio cut
* IMPSAC: Synthesis of Importance Sampling and Random Sample Consensus
* in-depth study of graph partitioning measures for perceptual organization, An
* Incorporating illumination constraints in deformable models for shape from shading and light direction estimation
* Introducing a new problem: Shape-from-silhouette when the relative positions of the viewpoints is unknown
* invariant representations of a quadric cone and a twisted cubic, The
* Java-based internet biometric authentication system
* Kernel-based object tracking
* Lambertian Reflectance and Linear Subspaces
* Layered 4D representation and voting for grouping from motion
* Linear Pose Estimation from Points or Lines
* linear time algorithm for computing exact euclidean distance transforms of binary images in arbitrary dimensions, A
* Lines in One Orthographic and Two Perspective Views
* Log-polar wavelet energy signatures for rotation and scale invariant texture classification
* method for objective edge detection evaluation and detector parameter selection, A
* mixture model and EM-based algorithm for class discovery, robust classification, and outlier rejection in mixed labeled/unlabeled data sets, A
* Moment computation for objects with spline curve boundary
* Moment forms invariant to rotation and blur in arbitrary number of dimensions
* Morphologically Optimal Strategy for Classifier Combinaton: Multiple Expert Fusion as a Tomographic Process, A
* Mosaicing new views: the crossed-slits projection
* Motion recognition using nonparametric image motion models estimated from temporal and multiscale co-occurrence statistics
* Multilevel classification of milling tool wear with confidence estimation
* Multiple Motion Scene Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Views
* Multiresolution Approach for Shape from Shading Coupling Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization, A
* Multiresolution estimates of classification complexity
* Neural edge enhancer for supervised edge enhancement from noisy images
* new cluster isolation criterion based on dissimilarity increments, A
* Noncombinatorial detection of regular repetitions under perspective skew
* On aligning curves
* On bending invariant signatures for surfaces
* On the Intrinsic Reconstruction of Shape from its Symmetries
* On the optimal parameter choice for v-support vector machines
* On the selection and classification of independent features
* Online palmprint identification
* Optimal Cluster Preserving Embedding of Nonmetric Proximity Data
* Outlier modeling in image matching
* Pairwise Markov Chains
* Path-based clustering for grouping of smooth curves and texture segmentation
* pattern reordering approach based on ambiguity detection for online category learning, A
* perceptual organization of texture flow: A contextual inference approach, The
* Personal identification based on iris texture analysis
* Polling an image for circles by random lines
* Probability density estimation from optimally condensed data samples
* Properties of embedding methods for similarity searching in metric spaces
* Rank 1 weighted factorization for 3D structure recovery: Algorithms and performance analysis
* Rate-distortion analysis of discrete-HMM pose estimation via multiaspect scattering data
* Reconstruction of partially damaged face images based on a morphable face model
* Rectilinearity measurements for polygons
* Representation and Self-Similarity of Shapes
* resonant retina: Exploiting vibration noise to optimally detect edges in an image, The
* Revisiting Hartley's normalized eight-point algorithm
* Robust Online Appearance Models for Visual Tracking
* Segmentation of multiple salient closed contours from real images
* separable low complexity 2D HMM with application to face recognition, A
* Silhouette analysis-based gait recognition for human identification
* similarity metric for edge images, A
* Simultaneous Estimation of Super-Resolved Scene and Depth Map from Low Resolution Defocused Observations
* Skeletonization of ribbon-like shapes based on a new wavelet function
* Sketches with curvature: The curve indicator random field and Markov processes
* Statistical character structure modeling and its application to handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Statistical cue integration in DAG deformable models
* Statistical edge detection: learning and evaluating edge cues
* Statistical modeling and conceptualization of visual patterns
* Statistical motion model based on the change of feature relationships: Human gait-based recognition
* Stereo Matching Using Belief Propagation
* Strings: Variational deformable models of multivariate continuous boundary features
* Suboptimal minimum cluster volume cover-based method for measuring fractal dimension
* Sum versus vote fusion in multiple classifier systems
* Terrain Analysis Using Radar Shape-from-Shading
* Texture-based approach for text detection in images using support vector machines and continuously adaptive mean shift algorithm
* Theoretical Framework for Relaxation Processes in Pattern Recognition: Application to Robust Nonparametric Contour Generalization, A
* Topology Preserving Level Set Method for Geometric Deformable Models
* Transformation-invariant clustering using the EM algorithm
* Unsupervised feature selection applied to content-based retrieval of lung images
* Unsupervised learning of human motion
* Vanishing point detection without any a priori information
* Vision and inertial sensor cooperation using gravity as a vertical reference
* Visual identification by signature tracking
* Watersnakes: Energy-Driven Watershed Segmentation
* When is the Shape of a Scene Unique Given its Light-Field: A Fundamental Theorem of 3D Vision?
156 for PAMI(25)
* Adaptation in Statistical Pattern Recognition Using Tangent Vectors
* Adaptive quasiconformal kernel nearest neighbor classification
* Affine invariant features from the trace transform
* Algorithms for Matching 3D Line Sets
* Analysis and Synthesis of Textured Motion: Particles and Waves
* Analysis of Planar Shapes Using Geodesic Paths on Shape Spaces
* Appearance-based face recognition and light-fields
* Application of the Theory of Optimal Experiments to Adaptive Electromagnetic-Induction Sensing of Buried Targets
* Automatic Construction of Active Appearance Models as an Image Coding Problem
* Automatic eyeglasses removal from face images
* Automatic Writer Identification Using Connected-Component Contours and Edge-Based Features of Uppercase Western Script
* Bayesian Approach to Joint Feature Selection and Classifier Design, A
* Benchmarking a Reduced Multivariate Polynomial Pattern Classifier
* Camera Calibration with One-Dimensional Objects
* Catadioptric Camera Calibration Using Geometric Invariants
* Circular Motion Geometry Using Minimal Data
* Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Multiclass Shape Detection, A
* Comparative Evaluation of Length Estimators of Digital Curves, A
* computational model for periodic pattern perception based on frieze and wallpaper groups, A
* Computationally Efficient Wavelet Affine Invariant Functions for Shape Recognition
* Contour-Based Object Tracking with Occlusion Handling in Video Acquired Using Mobile Cameras
* Contrast Definition for Optical Coherent Polarimetric Images
* Convergence and Application of Online Active Sampling Using Orthogonal Pillar Vectors
* Convolutional Face Finder: A Neural Architecture for Fast and Robust Face Detection
* Correlation Filter: An Accurate Approach to Detect and Locate Low Contrast Character Strings in Complex Table Environment
* CPM: A Deformable Model for Shape Recovery and Segmentation Based on Charged Particles
* Depth Estimation and Image Restoration Using Defocused Stereo Pairs
* Design of Steerable Filters for Feature Detection Using Canny-Like Criteria
* Detection of Image Structures Using the Fisher Information and the Rao Metric
* Disclaimer: Relative fuzzy connectedness and object definition: theory, algorithms, and applications in image segmentation
* Distance-Preserving Projection of High-Dimensional Data for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* Drift Detection and Removal for Sequential Structure from Motion Algorithms
* Effective Multiresolution Arc Segmentation: Algorithms and Performance Evaluation
* Effects of Classifier Structures and Training Regimes on Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Numeral Strings
* Efficient Solution to the Five-Point Relative Pose Problem, An
* Eigenregions for Image Classification
* Eigenspace Projection Clustering Method for Inexact Graph Matching, An
* Error Analysis of Pure Rotation-Based Self-Calibration
* Error-tolerant sign retrieval using visual features and maximum a posteriori estimation
* Estimating Degradation Model Parameters Using Neighborhood Pattern Distributions: An Optimization Approach
* Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Vision, An
* Extraction of Shift Invariant Wavelet Features for Classification of Images with Different Sizes
* Eye Gaze Correction with Stereovision for Video-Teleconferencing
* Fast Branch & Bound Algorithms for Optimal Feature Selection
* Fast K-Nearest Neighbor Classification Using Cluster-Based Trees
* Fast Occluded Object Tracking by a Robust Appearance Filter
* First order augmentation to tensor voting for boundary inference and multiscale analysis in 3d
* Flexible Similarity Measure for 3D Shapes Recognition, A
* FloatBoost Learning and Statistical Face Detection
* Focus-of-Attention from Local Color Symmetries
* Formal Classification of 3D Medial Axis Points and their Local Geometry, A
* Frequency Domain Formulation of Active Parametric Deformable Models
* From FNS to HEIV: A Link Between Two Vision Parameter Estimation Methods
* Fundamental limits of reconstruction-based superresolution algorithms under local translation
* Gabor-based kernel PCA with fractional power polynomial models for face recognition
* Gaussian MRF Rotation-Invariant Features for Image Classification
* Generalized parallel-perspective stereo mosaics from airborne video
* Generalizing Discriminant Analysis Using the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition
* Globally Convergent Autocalibration Using Interval Analysis
* Gradient Vector Flow Fast Geodesic Active Contours
* Guest editors' Introduction to the special section on energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition
* Higher-Order Nonlinear Priors for Surface Reconstruction
* Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection
* Illumination Normalization with Time-Dependent Intrinsic Images for Video Surveillance
* Image Distortion Analysis Using Polynomial Series Expansion
* Image Enhancement and Denoising by Complex Diffusion Processes
* Image Foresting Transform: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, The
* Image Restoration of Arbitrarily Warped Documents
* Inference of Segmented Color and Texture Description by Tensor Voting
* Influence of the Noise Model on Level Set Active Contour Segmentation
* Integrated Sensing and Processing Decision Trees
* Invariant Fitting of Two View Geometry
* Investigating Hidden Markov Models Capabilities in 2D Shape Classification
* Layered motion segmentation and depth ordering by tracking edges
* Learning to detect natural image boundaries using local brightness, color, and texture cues
* Learning to Detect Objects in Images via a Sparse, Part-Based Representation
* Linear Dimensionality Reduction via a Heteroscedastic Extension of LDA: The Chernoff Criterion
* Machine printed text and handwriting identification in noisy document images
* Markov edit distance
* Minimal Representations of 3D Models in Terms of Image Parameters under Calibrated and Uncalibrated Perspective
* Mixed Group Ranks: Preference and Confidence in Classifier Combination
* Modeling the Space of Camera Response Functions
* Motion Estimation Using Statistical Learning Theory
* Motion-Based Motion Deblurring
* Multiple Light Source Detection
* Multiresolution Histograms and Their Use for Recognition
* Multiview Panoramic Cameras Using Mirror Pyramids
* Multiview Registration of 3D Scenes by Minimizing Error between Coordinate Frames
* New Convexity Measure for Polygons, A
* New Way to Detect Arrows in Line Drawings, A
* Nonlinear Estimation of the Fundamental Matrix with Minimal Parameters
* Nonparametric multiscale energy-based model and its application in some imagery problems
* Offline Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Texts Using HMMs and Statistical Language Models
* On Curvature Estimation of ISO Surfaces in 3D Gray-Value Images and the Computation of Shape Descriptors
* On Pose Recovery for Generalized Visual Sensors
* Online Handwritten Script Recognition
* Online Recognition of Chinese Characters: The State-of-the-Art
* Optimal linear representations of images for object recognition
* Optimization Criterion for Generalized Discriminant Analysis on Undersampled Problems, An
* Physical Models for Moving Shadow and Object Detection in Video
* POCS-Based Graph Matching Algorithm, A
* Point Matching under Large Image Deformations and Illumination Changes
* Probabilistic Active Support Vector Learning Algorithm, A
* Probabilistic Space-Time Video Modeling via Piecewise GMM
* Projective Moment Invariants
* Range Image Segmentation by an Effective Jump-Diffusion Method
* Reactive control of zoom while fixating using perspective and affine cameras
* Real-time tracking using trust-region methods
* Recognition by Symmetry Derivatives and the Generalized Structure Tensor
* Recognition of shapes by editing their shock graphs
* Recovering the Missing Components in a Large Noisy Low-Rank Matrix: Application to SFM
* Recursive unsupervised learning of finite mixture models
* Repetitive motion analysis: segmentation and event classification
* Robust Adaptive-Scale Parametric Model Estimation for Computer Vision
* Robust histogram construction from color invariants for object recognition
* Sampling the Disparity Space Image
* Segmentation given partial grouping constraints
* Self-Adaptive Regularization
* Semisupervised Learning of Classifiers: Theory, Algorithms, and Their Application to Human-Computer Interaction
* Separating Reflection Components Based on Chromaticity and Noise Analysis
* Separation of diffuse and specular components of surface reflection by use of polarization and statistical analysis of images
* Shape-Based Recognition of Wiry Objects
* similarity-based robust clustering method, A
* Simple Technique for Improving Camera Displacement Estimation in Eye-in-Hand Visual Servoing, A
* Simultaneous Feature Selection and Clustering Using Mixture Models
* Simultaneous Two-View Epipolar Geometry Estimation and Motion Segmentation by 4D Tensor Voting
* Skin Color-Based Video Segmentation under Time-Varying Illumination
* Smart Nonlinear Diffusion: A Probabilistic Approach
* Spectral Filter Optimization for the Recovery of Parameters which Describe Human Skin
* Spectral Grouping Using the Nystrom Method
* Spherical Diffusion for 3D Surface Smoothing
* Stable Fitting of 2D Curves and 3D Surfaces by Implicit Polynomials
* Stable Real-Time 3D Tracking Using Online and Offline Information
* statistical model for contours in images, A
* Statistical Region Merging
* Stereo Reconstruction from Multiperspective Panoramas
* Strong Markov Random Field Model
* Sub)Graph Isomorphism Algorithm for Matching Large Graphs, A
* Support Vector Tracking
* Surfaces with Occlusions from Layered Stereo
* Template Update Problem, The
* Top-down induction of model trees with regression and splitting nodes
* Topologically Faithful Fitting of Simple Closed Curves
* Tracking Multiple Humans in Complex Situations
* Transparent surface modeling from a pair of polarization images
* Two-Dimensional PCA: A New Approach to Appearance-Based Face Representation and Recognition
* Uncertainty Modeling and Model Selection for Geometric Inference
* Unified Framework for Subspace Face Recognition, A
* Unsupervised learning of an atlas from unlabeled point-sets
* Use of Force Histograms for Affine-Invariant Relative Position Description, The
* Utilization of Hierarchical, Stochastic Relationship Modeling for Hangul Character Recognition
* VC-Dimension of Exterior Visibility
* Vision-Based Force Measurement
* Visual Hull of Smooth Curved Objects, The
* What Energy Functions Can Be Minimized via Graph Cuts?
* Writer Independent Online Handwriting Recognition System Frog On Hand and Cluster Generative Statistical Dynamic Time Warping, The
156 for PAMI(26)
* Acquiring Linear Subspaces for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting
* Active and Dynamic Information Fusion for Facial Expression Understanding from Image Sequences
* Adaptive Smoothing via Contextual and Local Discontinuities
* Adaptively Merging Large-Scale Range Data with Reflectance Properties
* Affine Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Multiscale Autoconvolution
* Alignment of Continuous Video onto 3D Point Clouds
* Analyzing and Capturing Articulated Hand Motion in Image Sequences
* angular difference function and its application to image registration, The
* Artificial Neural Networks for Document Analysis and Recognition
* Autocalibration of a Projector-Camera System
* Automated Processing of Shoeprint Images Based on the Fourier Transform for Use in Forensic Science
* Automated Variable Weighting in k-Means Type Clustering
* Automatic Analysis of Multimodal Group Actions in Meetings
* Automatic Image Orientation Detection via Confidence-Based Integration of Low-Level and Semantic Cues
* Automatic sign language analysis: A survey and the future beyond lexical meaning
* Bayesian Modeling of Dynamic Scenes for Object Detection
* Biometric Identification System Based on Eigenpalm and Eigenfinger Features, A
* Building k Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees of Minimum Total Length for Isometric Data Embedding
* Canny Edge Detection Enhancement by Scale Multiplication
* Clustered Blockwise PCA for Representing Visual Data
* Clustering Ensembles: Models of Consensus and Weak Partitions
* Clutter Invariant ATR
* Combining multiple clusterings using evidence accumulation
* Comparison of Algorithms for Inference and Learning in Probabilistic Graphical Models, A
* Correction for the Dislocation of Curved Surfaces Caused by the PSF in 2D and 3D CT Images
* Coupled Parametric Active Contours
* Dental Biometrics: Alignment and Matching of Dental Radiographs
* Discriminative Common Vectors for Face Recognition
* Dynamic Trees for Unsupervised Segmentation and Matching of Image Regions
* Edge and Corner Detection by Photometric Quasi-Invariants
* Edge-Based Identification of DP-Features on Free-Form Solids
* Effective Gaussian Mixture Learning for Video Background Subtraction
* Effective Representation Using ICA for Face Recognition Robust to Local Distortion and Partial Occlusion
* Efficient Method for the Computation of Legendre Moments, An
* Efficient Parameterless Quadrilateral-Based Image Segmentation Method, An
* Efficient Shape Matching Using Shape Contexts
* EM Algorithm for the Block Mixture Model, An
* Enhanced Perceptual Distance Functions and Indexing for Image Replica Recognition
* Enhancing Resolution Along Multiple Imaging Dimensions Using Assorted Pixels
* Estimates of Error Probability for Complex Gaussian Channels with Generalized Likelihood Ratio Detection
* Estimating the Pen Trajectories of Static Signatures Using Hidden Markov Models
* Evaluation of Multimodal 2D+3D Face Biometrics, An
* Evolutionary search for faces from line drawings
* Exact and Approximate Graph Matching Using Random Walks
* Example-Based Photometric Stereo: Shape Reconstruction with General, Varying BRDFs
* Face Recognition Using Face-ARG Matching
* Face Recognition Using Laplacianfaces
* Fast SVM Training Algorithm with Decomposition on Very Large Data Sets
* Fast unambiguous stereo matching using reliability-based dynamic programming
* Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information: Criteria of Max-Dependency, Max-Relevance, and Min-Redundancy
* Feature Space Interpretation of SVMs with Indefinite Kernels
* Feature-Based Affine-Invariant Localization of Faces
* First Order Error Propagation of the Procrustes Method for 3D Attitude Estimation
* Fourier Theory for Cast Shadows, A
* General C-Means Clustering Model
* Generalized Mosaicing: Polarization Panorama
* Generalized Principal Component Analysis (GPCA)
* Generalizing Swendsen-Wang to Sampling Arbitrary Posterior Probabilities
* Generic Model Abstraction from Examples
* Genetic-Based EM Algorithm for Learning Gaussian Mixture Models
* Geometric and Algebraic Constraints of Projected Concentric Circles and Their Applications to Camera Calibration
* Geometric Approach to Shape from Defocus, A
* Geometric Properties of Central Catadioptric Line Images and Their Application in Calibration
* Glasses Removal from Facial Image Using Recursive Error Compensation
* Grammatical Inference in Bioinformatics
* Graph Edit Distance from Spectral Seriation
* Guided-MLESAC: Faster Image Transform Estimation by Using Matching Priors
* How to Complete Performance Graphs in Content-Based Image Retrieval: Add Generality and Normalize Scope
* How to Put Probabilities on Homographies
* HumanID Gait Challenge Problem: Data Sets, Performance, and Analysis, The
* Hybrid Neural Network System for Pattern Classification Tasks with Missing Features, A
* Iconic Memory-Based Omnidirectional Route Panorama Navigation
* Identification of the defective transmission devices using the wavelet transform
* Improved Cluster Labeling Method for Support Vector Clustering, An
* Improved Rotation-Invariant Thinning Algorithm, An
* Improving Performance of Distribution Tracking through Background Mismatch
* Incremental Model-Based Estimation Using Geometric Constraints
* Indexing Hierarchical Structures Using Graph Spectra
* Information Fusion Framework for Robust Shape Tracking, An
* Information Fusion Methods Based on Physical Laws
* Integrating Relevance Feedback Techniques for Image Retrieval Using Reinforcement Learning
* Integration of Geometric Elements, Euclidean Relations, and Motion Curves for Parametric Shape and Motion Estimation
* Integration of Online and Pseudo-Online Information for Cursive Word Recognition, An
* Iterative Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Image Modeling
* KPCA Plus LDA: A Complete Kernel Fisher Discriminant Framework for Feature Extraction and Recognition
* Large-Scale Evaluation of Multimodal Biometric Authentication Using State-of-the-Art Systems
* Learning Deterministic Finite Automata with a Smart State Labeling Evolutionary Algorithm
* Learning Viewpoint Invariant Perceptual Representations from Cluttered Images
* LESS: A Model-Based Classifier for Sparse Subspaces
* Light Source Position and Reflectance Estimation from a Single View without the Distant Illumination Assumption
* Locally Linear Discriminant Analysis for Multimodally Distributed Classes for Face Recognition with a Single Model Image
* Matching Shape Sequences in Video with Applications in Human Movement Analysis
* MCMC-Based Particle Filtering for Tracking a Variable Number of Interacting Targets
* Mean Shift Is a Bound Optimization
* Metric 3D Reconstruction and Texture Acquisition of Surfaces of Revolution from a Single Uncalibrated View
* Model (In)Validation Approach to Gait Classification, A
* Modified K-Means Algorithm for Circular Invariant Clustering, A
* Motion Layer Extraction in the Presence of Occlusion Using Graph Cuts
* Motion segmentation using occlusions
* Multiple Paths Extraction in Images Using a Constrained Expanded Trellis
* Multiregion Level-Set Partitioning of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Nearest Subclass Classifier: A Compromise between the Nearest Mean and Nearest Neighbor Classifier, The
* New Image Representation Algorithm Inspired by Image Submodality Models, Redundancy Reduction, and Learning in Biological Vision, A
* Noisy Text Categorization
* Noniterative Greedy Algorithm for Multiframe Point Correspondence, A
* Novel Document Ranking Method Using the Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Novel Kernel Method for Clustering, A
* Object-based image analysis using multiscale connectivity
* Offline geometric parameters for automatic signature verification using fixed-point arithmetic
* On FastMap and the Convex Hull of Multivariate Data: Toward Fast and Robust Dimension Reduction
* On the Euclidean Distance of Images
* On the Use of Error Propagation for Statistical Validation of Computer Vision Software
* On Using Prototype Reduction Schemes and Classifier Fusion Strategies to Optimize Kernel-Based Nonlinear Subspace Methods
* On Utilizing Search Methods to Select Subspace Dimensions for Kernel-Based Nonlinear Subspace Classifiers
* On Visualization and Aggregation of Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
* Online Clustering Algorithms for Radar Emitter Classification
* Online Selection of Discriminative Tracking Features
* Open Set Face Recognition Using Transduction
* Orientation in Manhattan: Equiprojective Classes and Sequential Estimation
* Outward-Looking Circular Motion Analysis of Large Image Sequences
* Parallel-Line Detection Algorithm Based on HMM Decoding, A
* Parsing with Probabilistic Strictly Locally Testable Tree Languages
* Pattern Vectors from Algebraic Graph Theory
* Performance Evaluation of Local Descriptors, A
* Point Processes for Unsupervised Line Network Extraction in Remote Sensing
* Polynomial-Time Metrics for Attributed Trees
* Precision Range Image Registration Using a Robust Surface Interpenetration Measure and Enhanced Genetic Algorithms
* Principal Surfaces from Unsupervised Kernel Regression
* Probabilistic Finite-State Machines-Part I
* Probabilistic Finite-State Machines-Part II
* Probabilistic Model of Face Mapping with Local Transformations and Its Application to Person Recognition, A
* Quasi-Dense Approach to Surface Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Images, A
* Radon Transform Orientation Estimation for Rotation Invariant Texture Analysis
* Real-Time Gesture Recognition by Learning and Selective Control of Visual Interest Points
* Real-Time Pattern Matching Using Projection Kernels
* Recognition and Verification of Unconstrained Handwritten Words
* Recognizing Articulated Objects Using a Region-Based Invariant Transform
* Recovering Intrinsic Images from a Single Image
* Recursive Estimation of 3D Motion and Surface Structure from Local Affine Flow Parameters
* Representation and Detection of Deformable Shapes
* Robust Estimation of Adaptive Tensors of Curvature by Tensor Voting
* Robustness of Shape Descriptors to Incomplete Contour Representations
* Salient Closed Boundary Extraction with Ratio Contour
* Scalable Model-Based Clustering for Large Databases Based on Data Summarization
* Scale Space Approach for Automatically Segmenting Words from Historical Handwritten Documents, A
* Separating Reflection Components of Textured Surfaces Using a Single Image
* Skin Segmentation Using Color Pixel Classification: Analysis and Comparison
* Space-Time Super-Resolution
* Spacetime Stereo: A Unifying Framework for Depth from Triangulation
* Sparse Bayesian Learning for Efficient Visual Tracking
* Sparse Multinomial Logistic Regression: Fast Algorithms and Generalization Bounds
* Sparse Texture Representation Using Local Affine Regions, A
* Spatial Reasoning with Incomplete Information on Relative Positioning
* Statistical Shape Analysis: Clustering, Learning, and Testing
* Structural Semantic Interconnections: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation
* Style Consistent Classification of Isogenous Patterns
* Style Context with Second-Order Statistics
* Symbol Recognition via Statistical Integration of Pixel-Level Constraint Histograms: A New Descriptor
* Technique for Finding the Symmetry Axes of Implicit Polynomial Curves under Perspective Projection, A
* Tensor Voting for Image Correction by Global and Local Intensity Alignment
* Texture for Script Identification
* Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Linear Combiners for Multiple Classifier Systems, A
* Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Graph Theoretical Measures for Land Development in Satellite Imagery, A
* Theoretical Bounds of Majority Voting Performance for a Binary Classification Problem
* Three-Dimensional Scene Flow
* Time-to-Collision Estimation from Motion Based on Primate Visual Processing
* Trained Spin-Glass Model for Grouping of Image Primitives, A
* two-stage linear discriminant analysis via QR-decomposition, A
* Using Geometric Constraints through Parallelepipeds for Calibration and 3D Modeling
* Using Line Segments as Structuring Elements for Sampling-Invariant Measurements
* Using Points at Infinity for Parameter Decoupling in Camera Calibration
* Variational Maximum A Posteriori by Annealed Mean Field Analysis
* Vector-Valued Image Regularization with PDEs: A Common Framework for Different Applications
* Video Database of Moving Faces and People, A
* Video super-resolution using controlled subpixel detector shifts
* Visually Distinct Patterns with Matching Subband Statistics
* Voting-Based Computational Framework for Visual Motion Analysis and Interpretation, A
* WARP: Accurate Retrieval of Shapes Using Phase of Fourier Descriptors and Time Warping Distance
* Where Are Linear Feature Extraction Methods Applicable?
179 for PAMI(27)
* 3D Shape Constraint on Video, A
* Activity Recognition of Assembly Tasks Using Body-Worn Microphones and Accelerometers
* Adaptive Support-Weight Approach for Correspondence Search
* Affine Parameter Estimation from the Trace Transform
* Affine-Invariant Geometric Shape Priors for Region-Based Active Contours
* Analysis of Spatially and Temporally Overlapping Events with Application to Image Sequences
* Approximate Bayesian Multibody Tracking
* Assessing Classifiers from Two Independent Data Sets Using ROC Analysis: A Nonparametric Approach
* Asymmetric Bagging and Random Subspace for Support Vector Machines-Based Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval
* Attention-Based Dynamic Visual Search Using Inner-Scene Similarity: Algorithms and Bounds
* Bayesian Feature and Model Selection for Gaussian Mixture Models
* Bayesian Framework for Extracting Human Gait Using Strong Prior Knowledge, A
* Bayesian Gaussian Process Classification with the EM-EP Algorithm
* Binary Linear Programming Formulation of the Graph Edit Distance, A
* Boosting Color Saliency in Image Feature Detection
* Building k-Connected Neighborhood Graphs for Isometric Data Embedding
* Building Models of Animals from Video
* Camera Calibration from Video of a Walking Human
* Capitalize on Dimensionality Increasing Techniques for Improving Face Recognition Grand Challenge Performance
* Channel Smoothing: Efficient Robust Smoothing of Low-Level Signal Features
* Coherent Computational Approach to Model Bottom-Up Visual Attention, A
* Combining Reconstructive and Discriminative Subspace Methods for Robust Classification and Regression by Subsampling
* Comments on Fundamental Limits of Reconstruction-Based Superresolution Algorithms under Local Translation'
* Component Optimization for Image Understanding: A Bayesian Approach
* Confidence-Based Active Learning
* Consistency Checks for Particle Filters
* Context-Based Segmentation of Image Sequences
* Convergent Tree-Reweighted Message Passing for Energy Minimization
* Custom-Built Moments for Edge Location
* Data Driven Image Models through Continuous Joint Alignment
* Data Fusion and Multicue Data Matching by Diffusion Maps
* Dense Photometric Stereo: A Markov Random Field Approach
* Detection and Analysis of Hair
* Determination of the Method of Construction of 1650 B.C. Wall Paintings
* Diffusion Maps and Coarse-Graining: A Unified Framework for Dimensionality Reduction, Graph Partitioning, and Data Set Parameterization
* Discriminant ECOC: A Heuristic Method for Application Dependent Design of Error Correcting Output Codes
* Discriminative Learning Framework with Pairwise Constraints for Video Object Classification, A
* Distinctiveness of a Curve in a Parameterized Neighborhood: Extraction and Applications, The
* Dynamic Characterization of Cluster Structures for Robust and Inductive Support Vector Clustering
* Dynamic Cluster Formation Using Level Set Methods
* Dynamic Conditional Random Field Model for Foreground and Shadow Segmentation, A
* Dynamic Shape and Appearance Models
* Dynamical Statistical Shape Priors for Level Set-Based Tracking
* Edge-Preserving Image Denoising and Estimation of Discontinuous Surfaces
* Error Analysis of Robust Optical Flow Estimation by Least Median of Squares Methods for the Varying Illumination Model
* Estimation of High-Density Regions Using One-Class Neighbor Machines
* Estimation of Nonlinear Errors-in-Variables Models for Computer Vision Applications
* Evaluation of Stability of k-Means Cluster Ensembles with Respect to Random Initialization
* Experimental Study on Pedestrian Classification, An
* Face Description with Local Binary Patterns: Application to Face Recognition
* Face Recognition from a Single Training Image under Arbitrary Unknown Lighting Using Spherical Harmonics
* Face Recognition Using IPCA-ICA Algorithm
* Fast Active Appearance Model Search Using Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Fast Agglomerative Clustering Using a k-Nearest Neighbor Graph
* Feature Extraction Using Information-Theoretic Learning
* Feature-Based Detection of Facial Landmarks from Neutral and Expressive Facial Images
* Field Model for Human Detection and Tracking, A
* Fingerprint Matching Based on Global Comprehensive Similarity
* Fingerprint Warping Using Ridge Curve Correspondences
* Font Adaptive Word Indexing of Modern Printed Documents
* Framework for Weighted Fusion of Multiple Statistical Models of Shape and Appearance, A
* Framework Toward Restoration of Writing Order from Single-Stroked Handwriting Image, A
* From Sample Similarity to Ensemble Similarity: Probabilistic Distance Measures in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
* Full-Frame Video Stabilization with Motion Inpainting
* Fundamental limits of reconstruction-based superresolution algorithms under local translation
* Fuzzy Markov Random Fields versus Chains for Multispectral Image Segmentation
* Generative Sketch Model for Human Hair Analysis and Synthesis, A
* Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses, A
* Generic Object Recognition with Boosting
* Genetic Algorithm Using Hyper-Quadtrees for Low-Dimensional K-means Clustering, A
* Geometric Interpretations of the Relation between the Image of the Absolute Conic and Sphere Images
* Global Segmentation and Curvature Analysis of Volumetric Data Sets Using Trivariate B-Spline Functions
* Globally Minimal Surfaces by Continuous Maximal Flows
* Graph Partitioning Active Contours (GPAC) for Image Segmentation
* Graphical Models and Point Pattern Matching
* Hidden Markov Models Combining Discrete Symbols and Continuous Attributes in Handwriting Recognition
* Implicit Meshes for Surface Reconstruction
* Improved Gait Recognition by Gait Dynamics Normalization
* Improving Multiclass Pattern Recognition by the Combination of Two Strategies
* Incremental Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Manifold Learning
* Individual Recognition Using Gait Energy Image
* Integral Invariants for Shape Matching
* Invaders' Algorithm: Range of Values Modulation for Accelerated Correlation, The
* Isoperimetric Graph Partitioning for Image Segmentation
* Iterative Local-Global Energy Minimization for Automatic Extraction of Objects of Interest
* Joint Multiregion Segmentation and Parametric Estimation of Image Motion by Basis Function Representation and Level Set Evolution
* Kernel Matched Subspace Detectors for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Keypoint Recognition Using Randomized Trees
* Learning Nonlinear Image Manifolds by Global Alignment of Local Linear Models
* Learning Outdoor Color Classification
* Learning Shape-Classes Using a Mixture of Tree-Unions
* Learning Vector Quantization with Training Data Selection
* Learning Weighted Metrics to Minimize Nearest-Neighbor Classification Error
* Linear Feature Extraction for Multiclass Classification Problems Based on Class Mean and Covariance Discriminant Information, A
* Locally Constrained Watershed Transform, A
* Luminance- and Contrast-Invariant Edge-Similarity Measure, A
* Matching 2.5D Face Scans to 3D Models
* Maximization of Mutual Information for Offline Thai Handwriting Recognition
* MCMC Data Association and Sparse Factorization Updating for Real Time Multitarget Tracking with Merged and Multiple Measurements
* Meticulously Detailed Eye Region Model and Its Application to Analysis of Facial Images
* Metric Learning for Text Documents
* MILES: Multiple-Instance Learning via Embedded Instance Selection
* Minimum Classification Error Training for Online Handwriting Recognition
* Minimum Reliable Scale Selection in 3D
* Model-Based Approach for Estimating Human 3D Poses in Static Images, A
* Model-Based Hand Tracking Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Filter
* Morphological Image Compositing
* Motion Analysis of Articulated Objects from Monocular Images
* Motion and Shape Recovery Based on Iterative Stabilization for Modest Deviation from Planar Motion
* Multibody Grouping by Inference of Multiple Subspaces from High-Dimensional Data Using Oriented-Frames
* Multicue HMM-UKF for Real-Time Contour Tracking
* Multiple Nose Region Matching for 3D Face Recognition under Varying Facial Expression
* Multisensor Image Registration via Implicit Similarity
* Multisurface Proximal Support Vector Machine Classification via Generalized Eigenvalues
* Mumford and Shah Functional: VLSI Analysis and Implementation
* Nearest Neighbors by Neighborhood Counting
* Neural Network-Based Novelty Detector for Image Sequence Analysis, A
* New Convexity Measure Based on a Probabilistic Interpretation of Images, A
* Nonparametric Supervised Learning by Linear Interpolation with Maximum Entropy
* Nonsmooth Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (nsNMF)
* Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition: A Survey
* Offline Grammar-Based Recognition of Handwritten Sentences
* On the Distribution of Saliency
* On the Removal of Shadows from Images
* On Weighting Clustering
* On-Road Vehicle Detection: A Review
* One-Shot Learning of Object Categories
* Optical Flow 3D Segmentation and Interpretation: A Variational Method with Active Curve Evolution and Level Sets
* Optimal Surface Segmentation in Volumetric Images: A Graph-Theoretic Approach
* Ordering and Finding the Best of K>2 Supervised Learning Algorithms
* Performance Evaluation of Fingerprint Verification Systems
* Polarimetric Image Segmentation via Maximum-Likelihood Approximation and Efficient Multiphase Level-Sets
* Pose and Motion Recovery from Feature Correspondences and a Digital Terrain Map
* Principal Axis-Based Correspondence between Multiple Cameras for People Tracking
* Principal Components of Natural Images Revisited, The
* Probabilistic Fusion of Stereo with Color and Contrast for Bi-Layer Segmentation
* Random Multispace Quantization as an Analytic Mechanism for BioHashing of Biometric and Random Identity Inputs
* Random Walks for Image Segmentation
* Rapid Object Indexing Using Locality Sensitive Hashing and Joint 3D-Signature Space Estimation
* Real-Time Range Acquisition by Adaptive Structured Light
* Recovering 3D Human Body Configurations Using Shape Contexts
* Recovering 3D Human Pose from Monocular Images
* Recovering Articulated Pose: A Comparison of Two Pre and Postimposed Constraint Methods
* Recovering Facial Shape Using a Statistical Model of Surface Normal Direction
* Reduced Complexity Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Using a Blind Deconvolution Approach
* Reflectance Sharing: Predicting Appearance from a Sparse Set of Images of a Known Shape
* Relief Texture from Specularities
* Restoring Warped Document Images through 3D Shape Modeling
* Robust and Accurate Vectorization of Line Drawings
* Robust Point Matching for Nonrigid Shapes by Preserving Local Neighborhood Structures
* Robust Pose Estimation from a Planar Target
* Robust Structure and Motion from Outlines of Smooth Curved Surfaces
* Rotation Forest: A New Classifier Ensemble Method
* Rotation Recovery from Spherical Images without Correspondences
* Selection of Generative Models in Classification
* Semantic Pathfinder: Using an Authoring Metaphor for Generic Multimedia Indexing, The
* Sequential Monte Carlo for Bayesian Matching of Objects with Occlusions
* Shape Registration in Implicit Spaces Using Information Theory and Free Form Deformations
* Shape Representation and Classification Using the Poisson Equation
* Shape-from-Shading Method of Polyhedral Objects Using Prior Information, A
* Shapeme Histogram Projection and Matching for Partial Object Recognition
* Single-View-Point Omnidirectional Catadioptric Cone Mirror Imager
* Sparse Representation for Coarse and Fine Object Recognition
* Statistical Analysis of Dynamic Actions
* Stereo Matching with Linear Superposition of Layers
* Stereo Using Monocular Cues within the Tensor Voting Framework
* Structure from Motion with Wide Circular Field of View Cameras
* Subclass Discriminant Analysis
* Symbol Recognition with Kernel Density Matching
* Symbolic Signatures for Deformable Shapes
* System for Learning Statistical Motion Patterns, A
* Systolic Algorithm for Euclidean Distance Transform, A
* Table Detection in Online Ink Notes
* Texture-Based Method for Modeling the Background and Detecting Moving Objects, A
* Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Using Shapes of Facial Curves
* Three-Dimensional Model-Based Object Recognition and Segmentation in Cluttered Scenes
* Total Variation Models for Variable Lighting Face Recognition
* Two-View Multibody Structure-and-Motion with Outliers through Model Selection
* Unsupervised, Information-Theoretic, Adaptive Image Filtering for Image Restoration
* Validating a Biometric Authentication System: Sample Size Requirements
* Variational Bayes for Continuous Hidden Markov Models and Its Application to Active Learning
* Video Repairing under Variable Illumination Using Cyclic Motions
* Wavelet Approximation-Based Affine Invariant Shape Representation Functions
183 for PAMI(28)
* 2D Affine-Invariant Contour Matching Using B-Spline Model
* Accurate and Scalable Surface Representation and Reconstruction from Images
* Actions as Space-Time Shapes
* Active Shape Models with Invariant Optimal Features: Application to Facial Analysis
* Adaptive Object Tracking Based on an Effective Appearance Filter
* Algorithmic Differentiation: Application to Variational Problems in Computer Vision
* Analytical Results on Style-Constrained Bayesian Classification of Pattern Fields
* Analyzing Image Structure by Multidimensional Frequency Modulation
* Appearance Characterization of Linear Lambertian Objects, Generalized Photometric Stereo, and Illumination-Invariant Face Recognition
* Application of the Deflection Criterion to Classification of Radar SAR Images
* Approximate and Efficient Method for Optimal Rotation Alignment of 3D Models, An
* Approximate Labeling via Graph Cuts Based on Linear Programming
* Asymmetry of Image Registration and Its Application to Face Tracking, The
* Automatic Age Estimation Based on Facial Aging Patterns
* Bayes Decision Rule Induced Similarity Measures, The
* Bayesian Analysis of Lidar Signals with Multiple Returns
* Bayesian Approach to Deformed Pattern Matching of Iris Images, A
* Bayesian, Exemplar-Based Approach to Hierarchical Shape Matching, A
* Biometric Recognition Using 3D Ear Shape
* Biometrics from Brain Electrical Activity: A Machine Learning Approach
* BM³E : Discriminative Density Propagation for Visual Tracking
* BRDF Invariant Stereo Using Light Transport Constancy
* Camera Calibration from Images of Spheres
* Cardinal Interpolation
* Character Independent Font Recognition on a Single Chinese Character
* Classification and Recognition of Dynamical Models: The Role of Phase, Independent Components, Kernels and Optimal Transport
* Clustering and Embedding Using Commute Times
* Comments on A Separable Low Complexity 2D HMM with Application to Face Recognition
* Comments on the CASIA version 1.0 Iris Data Set
* Comparison of Decision Tree Ensemble Creation Techniques, A
* Condensed Nearest Neighbor Data Domain Description
* Conformal Geometry and Its Applications on 3D Shape Matching, Recognition, and Stitching
* Connected Shape-Size Pattern Spectra for Rotation and Scale-Invariant Classification of Gray-Scale Images
* Context-Based Object-Class Recognition and Retrieval by Generalized Correlograms
* Continuous Verification Using Multimodal Biometrics
* Correspondence-Free Determination of the Affine Fundamental Matrix
* Curve/Surface Representation and Evolution Using Vector Level Sets with Application to the Shape-Based Segmentation Problem
* DCT-Based Iris Recognition
* DCT-Based Iris Recognition
* Deformation Models for Image Recognition
* Design Analysis of a High-Resolution Panoramic Camera Using Conventional Imagers and a Mirror Pyramid
* Detecting Motion Regions in the Presence of a Strong Parallax from a Moving Camera by Multiview Geometric Constraints
* Direct Curvature Scale Space: Theory and Corner Detection
* Discriminant Subspace Analysis: A Fukunaga-Koontz Approach
* Discriminative Learning and Recognition of Image Set Classes Using Canonical Correlations
* Distinct Multicolored Region Descriptors for Object Recognition
* Dominant Sets and Pairwise Clustering
* Dynamic Graph Cuts for Efficient Inference in Markov Random Fields
* Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Local Binary Patterns with an Application to Facial Expressions
* Dynamosaicing: Mosaicing of Dynamic Scenes
* Efficient Earth Mover's Distance Algorithm for Robust Histogram Comparison, An
* Efficient Multimodal 2D-3D Hybrid Approach to Automatic Face Recognition, An
* Ensemble Tracking
* Epipolar Geometry of Opti-Acoustic Stereo Imaging
* Equivalence of Some Common Linear Feature Extraction Techniques for Appearance-Based Object Recognition Tasks
* Estimating Optimal Parameters for MRF Stereo from a Single Image Pair
* Extraction and Analysis of Multiple Periodic Motions in Video Sequences
* Extreme Compression and Modeling of Bidirectional Texture Function
* Face Recognition Algorithms Surpass Humans Matching Faces Over Changes in Illumination
* Facial Action Unit Recognition by Exploiting Their Dynamic and Semantic Relationships
* Fast Biologically Inspired Algorithm for Recurrent Motion Estimation, A
* Fast Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curves Using Relaxed Straightness Properties
* Feature Subset Selection and Ranking for Data Dimensionality Reduction
* Fingerprint Image Reconstruction from Standard Templates
* Fingerprint Orientation Model Based on 2D Fourier Expansion (FOMFE) and Its Application to Singular-Point Detection and Fingerprint Indexing, A
* Flexible Spatial Configuration of Local Image Features
* Focus Area Extraction by Blind Deconvolution for Defining Regions of Interest
* From Scores to Face Templates: A Model-Based Approach
* From Template to Image: Reconstructing Fingerprints from Minutiae Points
* Gaussian Mean-Shift Is an EM Algorithm
* General Tensor Discriminant Analysis and Gabor Features for Gait Recognition
* Generating Cancelable Fingerprint Templates
* Globally Maximizing, Locally Minimizing: Unsupervised Discriminant Projection with Applications to Face and Palm Biometrics
* Graph Embedding and Extensions: A General Framework for Dimensionality Reduction
* Gray-Code Filter Kernels, The
* Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* High-Dimensional Unsupervised Selection and Estimation of a Finite Generalized Dirichlet Mixture Model Based on Minimum Message Length
* High-Performance Rotation Invariant Multiview Face Detection
* Human Ear Recognition in 3D
* Hybrid Detectors for Subpixel Targets
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Near-Infrared Images
* Image Analysis Using Hahn Moments
* Image Noise Induced Errors in Camera Positioning
* Infinitely Divisible Cascades to Model the Statistics of Natural Images
* Information Discriminant Analysis: Feature Extraction with an Information-Theoretic Objective
* Integrating Motion, Illumination, and Structure in Video Sequences with Applications in Illumination-Invariant Tracking
* Intraclass Retrieval of Nonrigid 3D Objects: Application to Face Recognition
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Biometrics: Progress and Directions
* Iterative Extensions of the Sturm/Triggs Algorithm: Convergence and Nonconvergence
* Iterative RELIEF for Feature Weighting: Algorithms, Theories, and Applications
* Joint Optimization of Word Alignment and Epenthesis Generation for Chinese to Taiwanese Sign Synthesis
* Laplacian Operator-Based Edge Detectors
* Lattice-Based MRF Model for Dynamic Near-Regular Texture Tracking, A
* Learning and Removing Cast Shadows through a Multidistribution Approach
* Learning to Transform Time Series with a Few Examples
* Linear Programming Approach to Max-Sum Problem: A Review, A
* Local or Global Minima: Flexible Dual-Front Active Contours
* Localization of Shapes Using Statistical Models and Stochastic Optimization
* Mask-Based Second-Generation Connectivity and Attribute Filters
* Matching by Linear Programming and Successive Convexification
* Medial Scaffold of 3D Unorganized Point Clouds, The
* Methods for Fine Registration of Cadastre Graphs to Images
* Minimizing Nonsubmodular Functions with Graph Cuts-A Review
* Model-Based Tracking by Classification in a Tiny Discrete Pose Space
* Modeling and Predicting Face Recognition System Performance Based on Analysis of Similarity Scores
* Modeling Semantic Aspects for Cross-Media Image Indexing
* MonoSLAM: Real-Time Single Camera SLAM
* Multiple Collaborative Kernel Tracking
* Multiplexing for Optimal Lighting
* Multiscale Joint Segmentation and Registration of Image Morphology
* MultiStencils Fast Marching Methods: A Highly Accurate Solution to the Eikonal Equation on Cartesian Domains
* Multiview Stereo via Volumetric Graph-Cuts and Occlusion Robust Photo-Consistency
* Nonsmooth Optimization Techniques for Semisupervised Classification
* Normalization-Cooperated Gradient Feature Extraction for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Normalized Levenshtein Distance Metric, A
* Number of N-Point Digital Discs, The
* On Classification with Incomplete Data
* On the Dimensionality of Face Space
* On the Impact of Dissimilarity Measure in k-Modes Clustering Algorithm
* On the Relationship Between Dependence Tree Classification Error and Bayes Error Rate
* Online Handwritten Shape Recognition Using Segmental Hidden Markov Models
* Optimal Separable Algorithms to Compute the Reverse Euclidean Distance Transformation and Discrete Medial Axis in Arbitrary Dimension
* Orthogonal Neighborhood Preserving Projections: A Projection-Based Dimensionality Reduction Technique
* Parameter-Free Radial Distortion Correction with Center of Distortion Estimation
* Part-Based Object Retrieval in Cluttered Environment
* Performance Generalization in Biometric Authentication Using Joint User-Specific and Sample Bootstraps
* Performance of Biometric Quality Measures
* Person Authentication Using Brainwaves (EEG) and Maximum A Posteriori Model Adaptation
* Photo-Consistent Reconstruction of Semitransparent Scenes by Density-Sheet Decomposition
* Physiology-Based Face Recognition in the Thermal Infrared Spectrum
* Polarization Multiplexing and Demultiplexing for Appearance-Based Modeling
* Pores and Ridges: High-Resolution Fingerprint Matching Using Level 3 Features
* Practical Approach for Writer-Dependent Symbol Recognition Using a Writer-Independent Symbol Recognizer, A
* Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars Estimated from Infinite Distributions
* Quasiconvex Optimization for Robust Geometric Reconstruction
* Rapid Biologically-Inspired Scene Classification Using Features Shared with Visual Attention
* Recognition of Pornographic Web Pages by Classifying Texts and Images
* Registration of Challenging Image Pairs: Initialization, Estimation, and Decision
* Regularized Image Recovery in Scattering Media
* Representing Images Using Nonorthogonal Haar-Like Bases
* Restoring 2D Content from Distorted Documents
* Robust Image Segmentation Using Resampling and Shape Constraints
* Robust Object Matching for Persistent Tracking with Heterogeneous Features
* Robust Object Recognition with Cortex-Like Mechanisms
* Robust Object Tracking Via Online Dynamic Spatial Bias Appearance Models
* Robust Pose Estimation and Recognition Using Non-Gaussian Modeling of Appearance Subspaces
* Robust Recovery of Shapes with Unknown Topology from the Dual Space
* Second Order Local-Image-Structure Solid, The
* Segmentation of Multivariate Mixed Data via Lossy Data Coding and Compression
* Segmenting, Modeling, and Matching Video Clips Containing Multiple Moving Objects
* Selection and Fusion of Color Models for Image Feature Detection
* Shape Classification Using the Inner-Distance
* Shape Estimation of Transparent Objects by Using Inverse Polarization Ray Tracing
* Shape Estimation Using Polarization and Shading from Two Views
* Sharing Visual Features for Multiclass and Multiview Object Detection
* Silhouette Coherence for Camera Calibration under Circular Motion
* Simple Method for Fitting Sphere-Like Surfaces, A
* Skeleton Pruning by Contour Partitioning with Discrete Curve Evolution
* Snapshots: A Novel Local Surface Descriptor and Matching Algorithm for Robust 3D Surface Alignment
* Soft Color Segmentation and Its Applications
* Space-Time Adaptation for Patch-Based Image Sequence Restoration
* Space-Time Behavior-Based Correlation - OR - How to Tell If Two Underlying Motion Fields Are Similar Without Computing Them?
* Space-Time Completion of Video
* Spatial Random Tree Grammars for Modeling Hierarchal Structure in Images with Regions of Arbitrary Shape
* Spatio-Temporal Context for Robust Multitarget Tracking
* Stacked Euler Vector (SERVE): A Gray-Tone Image Feature Based on Bit-Plane Augmentation
* Statistical Performance Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Systems Using Random Effects Models
* Statistical Performance Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Systems Using Random Effects Models
* Statistics-Based Approach to Binary Image Registration with Uncertainty Analysis, A
* Stereo Correspondence with Occlusion Handling in a Symmetric Patch-Based Graph-Cuts Model
* Supervised Learning of Semantic Classes for Image Annotation and Retrieval
* Surface Deformation Models for Nonrigid 3D Shape Recovery
* Surface Dependent Representations for Illumination Insensitive Image Comparison
* TEXEMS: Texture Exemplars for Defect Detection on Random Textured Surfaces
* Text-Independent Writer Identification and Verification Using Textural and Allographic Features
* Thousand Words in a Scene, A
* Three-Dimensional Face Recognition in the Presence of Facial Expressions: An Annotated Deformable Model Approach
* Three-Dimensional Surface Mesh Segmentation Using Curvedness-Based Region Growing Approach
* Topological Equivalence between a 3D Object and the Reconstruction of Its Digital Image
* Toward Noncooperative Iris Recognition: A Classification Approach Using Multiple Signatures
* Toward Objective Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms
* Tracking Deforming Objects Using Particle Filtering for Geometric Active Contours
* Tracking People by Learning Their Appearance
* Twin Support Vector Machines for Pattern Classification
* Two-Level Generative Model for Cloth Representation and Shape from Shading, A
* Unsupervised Statistical Segmentation of Nonstationary Images Using Triplet Markov Fields
* User Assisted Separation of Reflections from a Single Image Using a Sparsity Prior
* Value-Directed Human Behavior Analysis from Video Using Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
* Variational Approach to Problems in Calibration of Multiple Cameras, A
* Variational Surface Interpolation from Sparse Point and Normal Data
* Weighted Graph Cuts without Eigenvectors A Multilevel Approach
* Weighted Minimal Hypersurface Reconstruction
192 for PAMI(29)
* Algorithm for Converting Rasters to Quadtrees, An
* Algorithms for Detecting M-Dimensional Objects in N-Dimensional Spaces
* Analysis of the Precision of Generalized Chain Codes for the Representation of Planar Curves
* ANDAL: A Nonparametric Discrimination and Learning Algorithm for Recognition in Imperfectly Supervised Environments
* Automatic Analysis of Moving Images
* Blob Detection by Relaxation
* CCD Implementation of a Three-Dimensional Video-Tracking Algorithm
* Comments on Algorithms for Shape Analysis of Contours and Waveforms
* Computer Tracking of Moving Point Targets in Space
* Computing Perimeters of Images Represented by Quadtrees
* Continuous Relaxation and Local Maxima Selection: Conditions for Equivalence
* Data Compression of Kanji Character Patterns Digitized in the Hexagonal Mesh
* Determining Surface Orientations of Specular Surfaces by Using the Photometric Stereo Method
* Differential Operator Technique for Restoring Degraded Signals and Images, A
* Efficient Two-Dimensional FFT Algorithm, An
* Elastic Matching of Line Drawings
* Empirical Evaluation of Generalized Cooccurrence Matrices, An
* Evaluation of Image Fidelity by Means of the Fidelogram and Level Mean-Square Error
* Extraction of Motion Information from Peripheral Processes
* Finding Edges in Noisy Scenes
* From Local Maxima to Connected Skeletons
* Global Shape Analysis by k-Syntactic Similarity
* Hierarchical Constraint Processes for Shape Analysis
* Hierarchical Representation of Three-Dimensional Objects Using Verbal Models
* Hough Transform from the Radon Transform
* Image Approximation by Variable Knot Bicubic Spines
* Image Approximation from Gray Scale Medial Axes
* Image Smoothing Based on Neighbor Linking
* Improving Consistency and Reducing Ambiguity in Stochastic Labeling: An Optimization Approach
* Interactive Image Processing System, An
* Max Roberts Operator Is a Hueckel-Type Edge Detector, The
* Min-Max Medial Axis Transformation, A
* Modular Computer Vision System for Picture Segmentation and Interpretation, A
* Mosaic Models for Textures
* Multidimensional Edge Detection by Hypersurface Fitting
* New Method for Texture Field Synthesis: Some Applications to the Study of Human Vision, A
* On an Extended Fischer Criterion for Feature Selection
* On Generalized Distance Transformation of Digitized Pictures
* On the Cellular Convexity of Complexes
* On the Performance of Chain Codes for Quantization of Line Drawings
* Optimal Line Following Algorithm, An
* Parallel Computation of Contour Properties
* Parallel Image Processing by Memory-Augmented Cellular Automata
* Parallel Region Property Computation by Active Quadtree Networks
* Pixel Labeling by Supervised Probabilistic Relaxation
* Pyramidal Representation of Images and Its Feature Extraction Facility, A
* Radial and Angular Moment Invariants for Image Identification
* Real-Time Adaptive Contrast Enhancement
* Relaxation: Evaluation and Applications
* Reliable Indexing Using Unreliable Recognition Devices
* Semantic Description of Aerial Images Using Stochastic Labeling
* Separable Median Filter for Image Noise Smoothing, A
* Shape Segmentation Using Relaxation
* Simple Contour Matching Algorithm, A
* Some Mathematical and Representational Aspects of Solid Modeling
* Some Notes on Cellular Logic Operators
* Some Results in the Processing of the Holy Shroud of Turin
* Structural Descriptions and Inexact Matching
* Texture Discrimination Based upon an Assumed Stochastic Texture Model
* Three-Dimensional Edge Operator, A
* Three-Dimensional Shape Analysis Using Local Shape Descriptions
* Thresholding Using Relaxation
* Two New Edge Detectors
63 for PAMI(3)
* 1D Camera Geometry and Its Application to the Self-Calibration of Circular Motion Sequences
* 80 Million Tiny Images: A Large Data Set for Nonparametric Object and Scene Recognition
* Adaptive Smoothing via Contextual and Local Discontinuities
* Alignment of Overlapping Locally Scaled Patches for Multidimensional Scaling and Dimensionality Reduction
* Analysis of Head Gesture and Prosody Patterns for Prosody-Driven Head-Gesture Animation
* Annotating Images by Mining Image Search Results
* Automatic Age Estimation Based on Facial Aging Patterns
* Automatic Estimation and Removal of Noise from a Single Image
* Automatic Semantic Annotation of Real-World Web Images
* Balanced Exploration and Exploitation Model Search for Efficient Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* Bayes Classification of Online Arabic Characters by Gibbs Modeling of Class Conditional Densities
* Bayes Optimality in Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Bayesian-Competitive Consistent Labeling for People Surveillance
* Between Classification-Error Approximation and Weighted Least-Squares Learning
* Bittracker: A Bitmap Tracker for Visual Tracking under Very General Conditions
* Blind Camera Fingerprinting and Image Clustering
* BoostMap: An Embedding Method for Efficient Nearest Neighbor Retrieval
* Border and Surface Tracing: Theoretical Foundations
* Clarification of Assumptions in the Relationship between the Bayes Decision Rule and the Whitened Cosine Similarity Measure
* Class-Based Feature Matching Across Unrestricted Transformations
* Closed-Form Solution to Natural Image Matting, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Segmentation and Tracking Using Sobolev Active Contours
* Combined Top-Down/Bottom-Up Segmentation
* Comments on Globally Maximizing, Locally Minimizing: Unsupervised Discriminant Projection with Application to Face and Palm Biometrics
* Comparative Study of Energy Minimization Methods for Markov Random Fields with Smoothness-Based Priors, A
* Comparative Study of Staff Removal Algorithms, A
* Concurrent Computation of Attribute Filters on Shared Memory Parallel Machines
* Constrained Connectivity for Hierarchical Image Decomposition and Simplification
* Constraint Integration for Efficient Multiview Pose Estimation with Self-Occlusions
* Correlation Metric for Generalized Feature Extraction
* Coupled Object Detection and Tracking from Static Cameras and Moving Vehicles
* Cumulative Voting Consensus Method for Partitions with Variable Number of Clusters
* Deformation Modeling for Robust 3D Face Matching
* Dependent Multiple Cue Integration for Robust Tracking
* Depth Map Calculation for a Variable Number of Moving Objects using Markov Sequential Object Processes
* Design of Multimodal Dissimilarity Spaces for Retrieval of Video Documents
* Detecting Objects of Variable Shape Structure With Hidden State Shape Models
* Dimensionality Reduction of Clustered Data Sets
* Disconnected Skeleton: Shape at Its Absolute Scale
* Discriminative Feature Co-Occurrence Selection for Object Detection
* Discriminative Kernel-Based Approach to Rank Images from Text Queries, A
* Distance Learning for Similarity Estimation
* Document Image Retrieval through Word Shape Coding
* Edge-Preserving Filtering of Images with Low Photon Counts
* Effective Approach for Iris Recognition Using Phase-Based Image Matching, An
* Effective Proximity Retrieval by Ordering Permutations
* Efficient Annotation of Vesicle Dynamics Video Microscopy
* Efficient Multiclass ROC Approximation by Decomposition via Confusion Matrix Perturbation Analysis
* Eigenfeature Regularization and Extraction in Face Recognition
* Emotion Recognition Based on Physiological Changes in Music Listening
* Error-Dependency Relationships for the Naïve Bayes Classifier with Binary Features
* Estimating the Joint Statistics of Images Using Nonparametric Windows with Application to Registration Using Mutual Information
* Euclidean Skeletons of Digital Image and Volume Data in Linear Time by the Integer Medial Axis Transform
* Evaluating Shape Correspondence for Statistical Shape Analysis: A Benchmark Study
* Evaluation of Gender Classification Methods with Automatically Detected and Aligned Faces
* Factorization-Based Approach for Articulated Nonrigid Shape, Motion and Kinematic Chain Recovery From Video, A
* Fast Algorithm for Learning a Ranking Function from Large-Scale Data Sets, A
* Fast Asymmetric Learning for Cascade Face Detection
* Feature Selection with Kernel Class Separability
* Finsler Active Contours
* Framework for Image Segmentation Using Shape Models and Kernel Space Shape Priors, A
* Free-Form Object Reconstruction from Silhouettes, Occluding Edges and Texture Edges: A Unified and Robust Operator Based on Duality
* Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for Human Motion
* Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for Human Motion
* Geometric Observers for Dynamically Evolving Curves
* Geometric Rectification of Camera-Captured Document Images
* Geometry-Based Image Retrieval in Binary Image Databases
* Global Models for the Orientation Field of Fingerprints: An Approach Based on Quadratic Differentials
* Globally Consistent Reconstruction of Ripped-Up Documents
* Globally Optimal Grouping for Symmetric Closed Boundaries by Combining Boundary and Region Information
* Glove-Based Approach to Online Signature Verification
* Graph Cuts via L_1 Norm Minimization
* Graph Rigidity, Cyclic Belief Propagation, and Point Pattern Matching
* Graph-Based Semisupervised Learning
* Groups of Adjacent Contour Segments for Object Detection
* Groupwise Geometric and Photometric Direct Image Registration
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on CVPR Papers
* Handwritten-Word Spotting Using Biologically Inspired Features
* Hierarchical Compositional Model for Face Representation and Sketching, A
* Hole Filling of a 3D Model by Flipping Signs of a Signed Distance Field in Adaptive Resolution
* Homotopic Image Pseudo-Invariants for Openset Object Recognition and Image Retrieval
* Image Stitching Using Structure Deformation
* Improved Physically-Based Method for Geometric Restoration of Distorted Document Images, An
* In Situ Image Segmentation Using the Convexity of Illumination Distribution of the Light Sources
* Inferring Segmented Dense Motion Layers Using 5D Tensor Voting
* Inverse Compositional Estimation of 3D Pose And Lighting in Dynamic Scenes
* IRGS: Image Segmentation Using Edge Penalties and Region Growing
* K-Nearest Neighbor Finding Using MaxNearestDist
* Kernels for Generalized Multiple-Instance Learning
* Latent-Space Variational Bayes
* Layered Data Association Using Graph-Theoretic Formulation with Application to Tennis Ball Tracking in Monocular Sequences
* Learning Flexible Features for Conditional Random Fields
* Learning Local Objective Functions for Robust Face Model Fitting
* Learning to Detect Moving Shadows in Dynamic Environments
* LEGClust: A Clustering Algorithm Based on Layered Entropic Subgraphs
* Likelihood Ratio-Based Biometric Score Fusion
* Localized Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Locally Rotation, Contrast, and Scale Invariant Descriptors for Texture Analysis
* MAC: Magnetostatic Active Contour Model
* MAC: Magnetostatic Active Contour Model
* Marked Point Process of Rectangles and Segments for Automatic Analysis of Digital Elevation Models, A
* Markov Random Field-Based Statistical Character Structure Modeling for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Maximum Confidence Hidden Markov Modeling for Face Recognition
* Maximum-Likelihood Registration of Range Images with Missing Data
* Measuring Spatiotemporal Dependencies in Bivariate Temporal Random Sets with Applications to Cell Biology
* Metamorphs: Deformable Shape and Appearance Models
* Mixture of Spherical Distributions for Single-View Relighting
* Model Driven Segmentation of Articulating Humans in Laplacian Eigenspace
* Modeling, Clustering, and Segmenting Video with Mixtures of Dynamic Textures
* Motion Segmentation and Depth Ordering Using an Occlusion Detector
* Multicamera People Tracking with a Probabilistic Occupancy Map
* Multiflash Stereopsis: Depth-Edge-Preserving Stereo with Small Baseline Illumination
* MultiK-MHKS: A Novel Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithm
* Multilayered 3D LiDAR Image Construction Using Spatial Models in a Bayesian Framework
* Multiple-View Geometry Under the L_inf-Norm
* Multiscale Categorical Object Recognition Using Contour Fragments
* Multiview Photometric Stereo
* Mutual Information for Lucas-Kanade Tracking (MILK): An Inverse Compositional Formulation
* Nonchronological Video Synopsis and Indexing
* Nonlinear Scale Space with Spatially Varying Stopping Time
* Nonrigid Structure-from-Motion: Estimating Shape and Motion with Hierarchical Priors
* On Distributional Assumptions and Whitened Cosine Similarities
* Optical Flow and Advection on 2-Riemannian Manifolds: A Common Framework
* Optimal Randomized RANSAC
* Out-of-Sample Extrapolation of Learned Manifolds
* Parametric Image Alignment Using Enhanced Correlation Coefficient Maximization
* Path Similarity Skeleton Graph Matching
* Pedestrian Detection via Classification on Riemannian Manifolds
* Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Six-Page Segmentation Algorithms
* Plane-Based Optimization for 3D Object Reconstruction from Single Line Drawings
* Prediction of the Thermal Imaging Minimum Resolvable (Circle) Temperature Difference with Neural Network Application
* Principal Component Analysis Based on L1-Norm Maximization
* Query by Transduction
* Random Field Model for Integration of Local Information and Global Information
* Randomized Clustering Forests for Image Classification
* Real-Time Computerized Annotation of Pictures
* Real-World Image Annotation and Retrieval: An Introduction to the Special Section
* Redundancy-Based Measure of Dissimilarity among Probability Distributions for Hierarchical Clustering Criteria, A
* Rich Discrete Labeling Scheme for Line Drawings of Curved Objects, A
* Riemannian Manifold Learning
* Robust and Accurate Visual Echo Cancelation in a Full-duplex Projector-Camera System
* Robust Foreground Detection In Video Using Pixel Layers
* Robust Radiometric Calibration and Vignetting Correction
* Robust Real-Time Pattern Matching Using Bayesian Sequential Hypothesis Testing
* Robust Real-Time Unusual Event Detection using Multiple Fixed-Location Monitors
* Scene Classification Using a Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Approach
* Script and Language Identification in Noisy and Degraded Document Images
* Script-Independent Text Line Segmentation in Freestyle Handwritten Documents
* Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Humans in Crowded Environments
* Semisupervised Learning for a Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Classifier based on the Maximum Entropy Principle
* Sequential Kernel Density Approximation and Its Application to Real-Time Visual Tracking
* Shape from Defocus via Diffusion
* Shape-and-Behavior Encoded Tracking of Bee Dances
* Sign Language Recognition by Combining Statistical DTW and Independent Classification
* Simplifying Mixture Models Using the Unscented Transform
* Simultaneous Nonrigid Registration of Multiple Point Sets and Atlas Construction
* Singular Points Detection Based on Zero-Pole Model in Fingerprint Images
* Spatially Variant White-Patch and Gray-World Method for Color Image Enhancement Driven by Local Contrast, A
* Spectral Matting
* Stereo Processing by Semiglobal Matching and Mutual Information
* Structure Inference for Bayesian Multisensory Scene Understanding
* Subclass Problem-Dependent Design for Error-Correcting Output Codes
* Subpixel Photometric Stereo
* Superquadric Segmentation in Range Images via Fusion of Region and Boundary Information
* Theoretical Analysis of Bagging as a Linear Combination of Classifiers, A
* Theoretical Foundations of Spatially-Variant Mathematical Morphology Part I: Binary Images
* Theoretical Foundations of Spatially-Variant Mathematical Morphology Part II: Gray-Level Images
* Theory Of Frequency Domain Invariants: Spherical Harmonic Identities for BRDF/Lighting Transfer and Image Consistency, A
* Three-Dimensional Surface Relief Completion Via Nonparametric Techniques
* Three-View Multibody Structure from Motion
* Tied Factor Analysis for Face Recognition across Large Pose Differences
* Tracking in Low Frame Rate Video: A Cascade Particle Filter with Discriminative Observers of Different Life Spans
* Tracking the Visual Focus of Attention for a Varying Number of Wandering People
* Trajectory Association across Multiple Airborne Cameras
* Triplet Markov Fields for the Classification of Complex Structure Data
* TRUST-TECH-Based Expectation Maximization for Learning Finite Mixture Models
* Twin Kernel Embedding
* Universal and Adapted Vocabularies for Generic Visual Categorization
* Unsupervised Category Modeling, Recognition, and Segmentation in Images
* Unsupervised Learning of Discriminative Edge Measures for Vehicle Matching between Non-Overlapping Cameras
* Variational Framework for Multiregion Pairwise-Similarity-Based Image Segmentation, A
* Video Behavior Profiling for Anomaly Detection
* Video Event Recognition Using Kernel Methods with Multilevel Temporal Alignment
* VisualRank: Applying PageRank to Large-Scale Image Search
* Weighted Pseudometric Discriminatory Power Improvement Using a Bayesian Logistic Regression Model Based on a Variational Method
* What the Back of the Object Looks Like: 3D Reconstruction from Line Drawings without Hidden Lines
186 for PAMI(30)
* 2D Shape Matching by Contour Flexibility
* 3D Model Retrieval Using Probability Density-Based Shape Descriptors
* 3D Shape Recovery of Smooth Surfaces: Dropping the Fixed-Viewpoint Assumption
* Active Polarization Descattering
* Adaptable-Multilayer Fractional Fourier Transform Approach for Image Registration, An
* Analysis of Ensemble Pruning Techniques Based on Ordered Aggregation, An
* Appearance Derivatives for Isonormal Clustering of Scenes
* Approximate Matching of Digital Point Sets Using a Novel Angular Tree
* Asymmetric Principal Component and Discriminant Analyses for Pattern Classification
* Automatic Summarization of Changes in Biological Image Sequences Using Algorithmic Information Theory
* Automatic Writer Identification of Ancient Greek Inscriptions
* Bayesian Clustering of Fuzzy Feature Vectors Using a Quasi-Likelihood Approach
* Bayesian Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis Using Random Fields
* Best Bits in an Iris Code, The
* Bidirectional Texture Function Modeling: A State of the Art Survey
* Bottom-Up/Top-Down Image Parsing with Attribute Grammar
* Branch-and-Bound Methods for Euclidean Registration Problems
* Bregman Divergences and Surrogates for Learning
* Calibration of Cameras with Radially Symmetric Distortion
* Camera Displacement via Constrained Minimization of the Algebraic Error
* Canonical Correlation Analysis of Video Volume Tensors for Action Categorization and Detection
* Classification Based on Hybridization of Parametric and Nonparametric Classifiers
* Classification-Based Probabilistic Modeling of Texture Transition for Fast Line Search Tracking and Delineation
* Closed-Form Expression of the Positional Uncertainty for 3D Point Clouds, A
* Combining Slanted-Frame Classifiers for Improved HMM-Based Arabic Handwriting Recognition
* Comment: Projection Methods Require Black Border Removal
* Comments on Plane-Based Optimization for 3D Object Reconstruction from Single Line Drawings
* Comments on What the Back of the Object Looks Like: 3D Reconstruction from Line Drawings without Hidden Lines
* Consistent Depth Maps Recovery from a Video Sequence
* Constant-Time Algorithm for Finding Neighbors in Quadtrees, A
* Context-Aware Visual Tracking
* Curve Parametrization by Moments
* Deformed Lattice Detection in Real-World Images Using Mean-Shift Belief Propagation
* Detection, Localization, and Sex Classification of Faces from Arbitrary Viewpoints and under Occlusion
* Discriminant Saliency, the Detection of Suspicious Coincidences, and Applications to Visual Recognition
* Discriminative Face Alignment
* Discriminative Learning for Dynamic State Prediction
* Distribution-Based Dimensionality Reduction Applied to Articulated Motion Recognition
* Edit-Distance Model for the Approximate Matching of Timed Strings, An
* Efficient Polyhedral Modeling from Silhouettes
* Efficient Recognition of Highly Similar 3D Objects in Range Images
* Efficient Sparse Kernel Feature Extraction Based on Partial Least Squares
* Efficient Subwindow Search: A Branch and Bound Framework for Object Localization
* Efficient Visual Search of Videos Cast as Text Retrieval
* Enhancing Bilinear Subspace Learning by Element Rearrangement
* Epitomic Location Recognition
* Estimating 3D Positions and Velocities of Projectiles from Monocular Views
* Evaluation of Stereo Matching Costs on Images with Radiometric Differences
* Exact Geodesics and Shortest Paths on Polyhedral Surfaces
* Exploration of Shape Variation Using Localized Components Analysis
* Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis and Recognition
* Face Relighting from a Single Image under Arbitrary Unknown Lighting Conditions
* Factorial Switching Linear Dynamical Systems Applied to Physiological Condition Monitoring
* Fast 2D Shape Recovery Approach by Fusing Features and Appearance, A
* Fast Similarity Search for Learned Metrics
* FINE: Fisher Information Nonparametric Embedding
* Fractional Stereo Matching Using Expectation-Maximization
* Framework for Performance Evaluation of Face, Text, and Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Video: Data, Metrics, and Protocol
* Full-Search-Equivalent Pattern Matching with Incremental Dissimilarity Approximations
* Generalized Risk Zone: Selecting Observations for Classification
* Geometric Mean for Subspace Selection
* Geometry-Based Ensembles: Toward a Structural Characterization of the Classification Boundary
* Global Stereo Reconstruction under Second-Order Smoothness Priors
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Award Winning Papers from the IEEE CS Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Probabilistic Graphical Models
* Handwritten Numeral Databases of Indian Scripts and Multistage Recognition of Mixed Numerals
* Head Pose Estimation in Computer Vision: A Survey
* High-Accuracy and Robust Localization of Large Control Markers for Geometric Camera Calibration
* High-Precision Boundary Length Estimation by Utilizing Gray-Level Information
* Human Action Recognition by Semilatent Topic Models
* Human Motion Tracking by Registering an Articulated Surface to 3D Points and Normals
* Human Pose Tracking in Monocular Sequence Using Multilevel Structured Models
* Hybrid Feature Extraction Selection Approach for High-Dimensional Non-Gaussian Data Clustering, A
* Hypergraph-Based Anomaly Detection of High-Dimensional Co-Occurrences
* Image Transformations and Blurring
* Improving Zernike Moments Comparison for Optimal Similarity and Rotation Angle Retrieval
* Incremental Isometric Embedding of High-Dimensional Data Using Connected Neighborhood Graphs
* Information Geometry for Landmark Shape Analysis: Unifying Shape Representation and Deformation
* Information Loss of the Mahalanobis Distance in High Dimensions: Application to Feature Selection
* Kernel Discriminant Analysis for Positive Definite and Indefinite Kernels
* Latent Palmprint Matching
* Layered Dynamic Textures
* Learning Graph Matching
* Leave-One-Out-Training and Leave-One-Out-Testing Hidden Markov Models for a Handwritten Numeral Recognizer: The Implications of a Single Classifier and Multiple Classifications
* Linear Neighborhood Propagation and Its Applications
* Looking for Shapes in Two-Dimensional Cluttered Point Clouds
* Low-Rank Matrix Fitting Based on Subspace Perturbation Analysis with Applications to Structure from Motion
* Make3D: Learning 3D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image
* Minimum Distance between Pattern Transformation Manifolds: Algorithm and Applications
* Mixture of Transformed Hidden Markov Models for Elastic Motion Estimation, A
* Modeling Multiscale Subbands of Photographic Images with Fields of Gaussian Scale Mixtures
* Monocular Pedestrian Detection: Survey and Experiments
* Multilevel Training of Binary Morphological Operators
* Multiple-Target Tracking by Spatiotemporal Monte Carlo Markov Chain Data Association
* Multistream Articulatory Feature-Based Models for Visual Speech Recognition
* Natural Image Statistics and Low-Complexity Feature Selection
* New Algorithm and System for the Characterization of Handwriting Strokes with Delta-Lognormal Parameters, A
* New Algorithm for 3D Reconstruction from Support Functions, A
* New Characterizations of Simple Points in 2D, 3D, and 4D Discrete Spaces
* New Distance Measure for Model-Based Sequence Clustering, A
* Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Novel Algorithm for Detecting Singular Points from Fingerprint Images, A
* Novel Connectionist System for Unconstrained Handwriting Recognition, A
* Novel Feature Selection Methodology for Automated Inspection Systems, A
* Novel Knowledge-Based System for Interpreting Complex Engineering Drawings: Theory, Representation, and Implementation, A
* NV-Tree: An Efficient Disk-Based Index for Approximate Search in Very Large High-Dimensional Collections
* O(N2) Square Root Unscented Kalman Filter for Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, An
* Observing Human-Object Interactions: Using Spatial and Functional Compatibility for Recognition
* Offline Loop Investigation for Handwriting Analysis
* On Scene Segmentation and Histograms-Based Curve Evolution
* On Symmetry, Perspectivity, and Level-Set-Based Segmentation
* On the Spatial Distribution of Fingerprint Singularities
* Online Signature Verification and Recognition: An Approach Based on Symbolic Representation
* Optimal Classifier Fusion in a Non-Bayesian Probabilistic Framework
* Optimal Combination of Nested Clusters by a Greedy Approximation Algorithm
* Optimal Decision Rule with Class-Selective Rejection and Performance Constraints
* Optimal Reconstruction of Approximate Planar Surfaces Using Photometric Stereo
* Ordinal Measures for Iris Recognition
* Outlier Detection with the Kernelized Spatial Depth Function
* P3 and Beyond: Move Making Algorithms for Solving Higher Order Functions
* Path Following Algorithm for the Graph Matching Problem, A
* Perceptually Inspired Variational Framework for Color Enhancement, A
* Piecewise Linear Models with Guaranteed Closeness to the Data
* Preprocessing of Low-Quality Handwritten Documents Using Markov Random Fields
* Principal Angles Separate Subject Illumination Spaces in YDB and CMU-PIE
* Probabilistic Framework for 3D Visual Object Representation, A
* Probabilistic Modeling of Scene Dynamics for Applications in Visual Surveillance
* Probability Density Estimation Using Isocontours and Isosurfaces: Applications to Information-Theoretic Image Registration
* Registration with Uncertainties and Statistical Modeling of Shapes with Variable Metric Kernels
* Response to Projection Methods Require Black Border Removal
* Responses to the Comments on Plane-Based Optimization for 3D Object Reconstruction from Single Line Drawings
* Robust Estimation of Albedo for Illumination-invariant Matching and Shape Recovery
* Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation
* Robust Multiperson Tracking from a Mobile Platform
* Robust Sequential Data Modeling Using an Outlier Tolerant Hidden Markov Model
* Robust Wavelet-Based Super-Resolution Reconstruction: Theory and Algorithm
* Rotation Invariant Kernels and Their Application to Shape Analysis
* Rotational Invariance Based on Fourier Analysis in Polar and Spherical Coordinates
* Scale-Space Behavior of Planar-Curve Corners
* Scene Text Recognition Using Similarity and a Lexicon with Sparse Belief Propagation
* Segmentation According to Natural Examples: Learning Static Segmentation from Motion Segmentation
* Self-Calibration of Turntable Sequences from Silhouettes
* SemiBoost: Boosting for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Semisupervised Learning of Hidden Markov Models via a Homotopy Method
* Semisupervised Multitask Learning
* Shape and Motion Reconstruction from 3D-to-1D Orthographically Projected Data via Object-Image Relations
* Sign Language Spotting with a Threshold Model Based on Conditional Random Fields
* Signature Detection and Matching for Document Image Retrieval
* Simultaneous Localized Feature Selection and Model Detection for Gaussian Mixtures
* Single-Image Vignetting Correction
* Skeletal Shape Abstraction from Examples
* Small Sphere and Large Margin Approach for Novelty Detection Using Training Data with Outliers, A
* Staff Detection with Stable Paths
* Statistical Approach to Material Classification Using Image Patch Exemplars, A
* Statistical Framework for Image Category Search from a Mental Picture, A
* Statistical Hough Transform
* Statistical Instance-Based Pruning in Ensembles of Independent Classifiers
* Stereo Matching with Color-Weighted Correlation, Hierachical Belief Propagation and Occlusion Handling
* Stochastic Filtering Technique for Fluid Flow Velocity Fields Tracking, A
* Supervised and Traditional Term Weighting Methods for Automatic Text Categorization
* Supervised Learning of Quantizer Codebooks by Information Loss Minimization
* Survey of Affect Recognition Methods: Audio, Visual, and Spontaneous Expressions, A
* Synergy between Object Recognition and Image Segmentation Using the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* Tailored Aggregation for Classification
* Tensor-Based AAM with Continuous Variation Estimation: Application to Variation-Robust Face Recognition
* Texture Analysis and Segmentation Using Modulation Features, Generative Models, and Weighted Curve Evolution
* Time Warp Edit Distance with Stiffness Adjustment for Time Series Matching
* Toward Accurate and Fast Iris Segmentation for Iris Biometrics
* Toward Practical Smile Detection
* Tracking by Affine Kernel Transformations Using Color and Boundary Cues
* Tracking by an Optimal Sequence of Linear Predictors
* Tracking Multiple Occluding People by Localizing on Multiple Scene Planes
* Tracking People on a Torus
* Transitions of the 3D Medial Axis under a One-Parameter Family of Deformations
* TurboPixels: Fast Superpixels Using Geometric Flows
* Two-Dimensional Multilabel Active Learning with an Efficient Online Adaptation Model for Image Classification
* Unified Framework for Gesture Recognition and Spatiotemporal Gesture Segmentation, A
* Unsupervised Activity Perception in Crowded and Complicated Scenes Using Hierarchical Bayesian Models
* Unsupervised Learning of Probabilistic Grammar-Markov Models for Object Categories
* Unsupervised Learning of Probabilistic Object Models (POMs) for Object Classification, Segmentation, and Recognition Using Knowledge Propagation
* Using Stereo Matching with General Epipolar Geometry for 2D Face Recognition across Pose
* Variational Curve Skeletons Using Gradient Vector Flow
* Very Fast Best-Fit Circular and Elliptical Boundaries by Chord Data
* View-Invariant Action Recognition from Point Triplets
* Visual Tracking by Continuous Density Propagation in Sequential Bayesian Filtering Framework
* Watershed Cuts: Minimum Spanning Forests and the Drop of Water Principle
* What the Back of the Object Looks Like: 3D Reconstruction from Line Drawings without Hidden Lines
187 for PAMI(31)
* 3D Face Recognition Using Isogeodesic Stripes
* 3D Face Recognition Using Simulated Annealing and the Surface Interpenetration Measure
* a-Contrario Approach for Subpixel Change Detection in Satellite Imagery, An
* About Neighborhood Counting Measure Metric and Minimum Risk Metric
* Accurate Image Search Using the Contextual Dissimilarity Measure
* Accurate, Dense, and Robust Multiview Stereopsis
* Active Testing for Face Detection and Localization
* Adaptive and Stable Method for Fitting Implicit Polynomial Curves and Surfaces, An
* Age Synthesis and Estimation via Faces: A Survey
* Age-Invariant Face Recognition
* Auto-Context and Its Application to High-Level Vision Tasks and 3D Brain Image Segmentation
* Automatic Construction of Correspondences for Tubular Surfaces
* Automatic Correction of Ma and Sonka's Thinning Algorithm Using P-Simple Points
* Automatic Range Image Registration in the Markov Chain
* Bayesian Online Multitask Learning of Gaussian Processes
* Biometric Menagerie, The
* Blind Image Deconvolution Using Machine Learning for Three-Dimensional Microscopy
* Boosting Framework for Visuality-Preserving Distance Metric Learning and Its Application to Medical Image Retrieval, A
* Class Conditional Nearest Neighbor for Large Margin Instance Selection
* Classification of Complex Information: Inference of Co-Occurring Affective States from Their Expressions in Speech
* Color to Gray: Visual Cue Preservation
* Combinatorial Solution for Model-Based Image Segmentation and Real-Time Tracking, A
* Combined Region and Motion-Based 3D Tracking of Rigid and Articulated Objects
* Compositional and Dynamic Model for Face Aging, A
* Computing Accurate Correspondences across Groups of Images
* Convex and Semi-Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations
* Correction of Spatially Varying Image and Video Motion Blur Using a Hybrid Camera
* Correspondence-Free Activity Analysis and Scene Modeling in Multiple Camera Views
* Cost-Sensitive Face Recognition
* Coupled Duration-Focused Architecture for Real-Time Music-to-Score Alignment, A
* Coupled Prediction Classification for Robust Visual Tracking
* DAISY: An Efficient Dense Descriptor Applied to Wide-Baseline Stereo
* Decoupled Linear Estimation of Affine Geometric Deformations and Nonlinear Intensity Transformations of Images
* Dense Stereo Matching over the Panum Band
* Design and Evaluation of More Accurate Gradient Operators on Hexagonal Lattices
* Designing Highly Reliable Fiducial Markers
* Detecting the Number of Clusters in n-Way Probabilistic Clustering
* Determining Both Surface Position and Orientation in Structured-Light-Based Sensing
* Differential Earth Mover's Distance with Its Applications to Visual Tracking
* Differential Geometric Inference in Surface Stereo
* Direct Estimation of Nonrigid Registrations with Image-Based Self-Occlusion Reasoning
* Document Ink Bleed-Through Removal with Two Hidden Markov Random Fields and a Single Observation Field
* Domain Adaptation Problems: A DASVM Classification Technique and a Circular Validation Strategy
* Dynamic Hybrid Algorithms for MAP Inference in Discrete MRFs
* Dynamic Texture-Based Approach to Recognition of Facial Actions and Their Temporal Models, A
* Efficient High Order Matching
* Efficient Multilevel Eigensolvers with Applications to Data Analysis Tasks
* Efficient Sequential Correspondence Selection by Cosegmentation
* Equidistant Fish-Eye Calibration and Rectification by Vanishing Point Extraction
* Esaliency (Extended Saliency): Meaningful Attention Using Stochastic Image Modeling
* Estimating Relative Camera Motion from the Antipodal-Epipolar Constraint
* Evaluating Color Descriptors for Object and Scene Recognition
* Evaluating Stability and Comparing Output of Feature Selectors that Optimize Feature Subset Cardinality
* Experimental Study of Graph Connectivity for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation, An
* Fast Algorithm for Walsh Hadamard Transform on Sliding Windows
* Fast Keypoint Recognition Using Random Ferns
* Fast Sweeping Method for Computing Geodesics on Triangular Manifolds, A
* Faster and Better: A Machine Learning Approach to Corner Detection
* Features versus Context: An Approach for Precise and Detailed Detection and Delineation of Faces and Facial Features
* From Canonical Poses to 3D Motion Capture Using a Single Camera
* FRVT 2006 and ICE 2006 Large-Scale Experimental Results
* Fusion Moves for Markov Random Field Optimization
* General Methodology for the Determination of 2D Bodies Elastic Deformation Invariants: Application to the Automatic Identification of Parasites, A
* Generalized Kernel Consensus-Based Robust Estimator, A
* Generative Supervised Classification Using Dirichlet Process Priors
* Geometric Feature Extraction by a Multimarked Point Process
* Groupwise Medial Axis Transform for Fuzzy Skeletonization and Pruning, The
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Shape Analysis and Its Applications in Image Understanding
* Handling Movement Epenthesis and Hand Segmentation Ambiguities in Continuous Sign Language Recognition Using Nested Dynamic Programming
* Hidden Markov Models with Nonelliptically Contoured State Densities
* Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Topics in Time-Stamped Documents
* Hierarchical Visual Model for Video Object Summarization, A
* Human Action Recognition in Videos Using Kinematic Features and Multiple Instance Learning
* Image Segmentation with a Unified Graphical Model
* Improbability of Harris Interest Points, The
* In the Eye of the Beholder: A Survey of Models for Eyes and Gaze
* Information-Theoretic Derivation of Min-Cut-Based Clustering, An
* Intrinsic MANOVA for Riemannian Manifolds with an Application to Kendall's Space of Planar Shapes
* Iris Recognition: On the Segmentation of Degraded Images Acquired in the Visible Wavelength
* Irregular Shape Symmetry Analysis: Theory and Application to Quantitative Galaxy Classification
* Keep It Simple with Time: A Reexamination of Probabilistic Topic Detection Models
* Kernel Entropy Component Analysis
* Kernelized Sorting
* L(2) Kernel Classification
* Large-Scale Discovery of Spatially Related Images
* Layered Graph Matching with Composite Cluster Sampling
* Learning a Hierarchical Deformable Template for Rapid Deformable Object Parsing
* Learning Context-Sensitive Shape Similarity by Graph Transduction
* Learning the Compositional Nature of Visual Object Categories for Recognition
* Linear Regression for Face Recognition
* Linear Sequence-to-Sequence Alignment
* Local-Learning-Based Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data Analysis
* Localization and Trajectory Reconstruction in Surveillance Cameras with Nonoverlapping Views
* LSD: A Fast Line Segment Detector with a False Detection Control
* Martingale Framework for Detecting Changes in Data Streams by Testing Exchangeability, A
* Matching Trajectories between Video Sequences by Exploiting a Sparse Projective Invariant Representation
* Maximum Likelihood Model Selection for 1-Norm Soft Margin SVMs with Multiple Parameters
* Minimal Surfaces Extend Shortest Path Segmentation Methods to 3D
* Minutia Cylinder-Code: A New Representation and Matching Technique for Fingerprint Recognition
* Mixtures of Factor Analyzers with Common Factor Loadings: Applications to the Clustering and Visualization of High-Dimensional Data
* Motion Estimation for Nonoverlapping Multicamera Rigs: Linear Algebraic and L_infty Geometric Solutions
* Motion Segmentation in the Presence of Outlying, Incomplete, or Corrupted Trajectories
* Multi-Object Analysis of Volume, Pose, and Shape Using Statistical Discrimination
* Multibody Structure-from-Motion in Practice
* Multiscenario Multienvironment BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB), The
* Multiway Spectral Clustering with Out-of-Sample Extensions through Weighted Kernel PCA
* Neighborhood Counting Measure and Minimum Risk Metric
* Nonlinear Derivative Scheme Applied to Edge Detection, A
* Nonnegative Least-Correlated Component Analysis for Separation of Dependent Sources by Volume Maximization
* Nonstationary Shape Activities: Dynamic Models for Landmark Shape Change and Applications
* OBJCUT: Efficient Segmentation Using Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cues
* Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part-Based Models
* On the Complexity of Discrete Feature Selection for Optimal Classification
* On the Decoding Process in Ternary Error-Correcting Output Codes
* On the Dual Formulation of Boosting Algorithms
* On the Feature Selection Criterion Based on an Approximation of Multidimensional Mutual Information
* Online Empirical Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms
* Online Segmentation of Time Series Based on Polynomial Least-Squares Approximations
* Order-Preserving Moves for Graph-Cut-Based Optimization
* PADS: A Probabilistic Activity Detection Framework for Video Data
* Pairwise Costs in Multiclass Perceptrons
* Patch Transform, The
* Photometric Stereo via Expectation Maximization
* Point Set Registration via Particle Filtering and Stochastic Dynamics
* Point Set Registration: Coherent Point Drift
* Polynomial Time Algorithms for Ratio Regions and a Variant of Normalized Cut
* Range Flow in Varying Illumination: Algorithms and Comparisons
* Rank Classification of Linear Line Structures from Images by Trifocal Tensor Determinability
* Recognition of 3D Objects Based on Implicit Polynomials
* Recognizing Planar Symbols with Severe Perspective Deformation
* Reinterpreting the Application of Gabor Filters as a Manipulation of the Margin in Linear Support Vector Machines
* Resolution Enhancement in Multi-Image Stereo
* Revisiting the Linear Programming Relaxation Approach to Gibbs Energy Minimization and Weighted Constraint Satisfaction
* Ricci Flow for 3D Shape Analysis
* Rigid Shape Matching by Segmentation Averaging
* Robust 3D Face Recognition by Local Shape Difference Boosting
* Robust FFT-Based Scale-Invariant Image Registration with Image Gradients
* Script Recognition: A Review
* Self-Calibrating Method for Photogeometric Acquisition of 3D Objects, A
* Self-Similarity and Points of Interest
* Self-Validated Labeling of Markov Random Fields for Image Segmentation
* Semi-Supervised Classification via Local Spline Regression
* Sensitivity Analysis of k-Fold Cross Validation in Prediction Error Estimation
* Shape and Spatially-Varying BRDFs from Photometric Stereo
* Shape from Specular Flow
* Shape-Based Human Detection and Segmentation via Hierarchical Part-Template Matching
* Single-Image Super-Resolution Using Sparse Regression and Natural Image Prior
* Skewed Rotation Symmetry Group Detection
* Sparse Multiple Kernel Learning for Signal Processing Applications
* Spatial-Temporal Fusion for High Accuracy Depth Maps Using Dynamic MRFs
* Spatiotemporal Saliency in Dynamic Scenes
* Spectral Symmetry Analysis
* Stages as Models of Scene Geometry
* Stereo Matching with Mumford-Shah Regularization and Occlusion Handling
* Structural Approach for Building Reconstruction from a Single DSM
* Structure of Multiplicative Motions in Natural Imagery, The
* Sum-over-Paths Covariance Kernel: A Novel Covariance Measure between Nodes of a Directed Graph, The
* Surface-from-Gradients without Discrete Integrability Enforcement: A Gaussian Kernel Approach
* Survey of Pedestrian Detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Symmetry Sensitivities of Derivative-of-Gaussian Filters
* Texture Synthesis with Grouplets
* Tracking Motion, Deformation, and Texture Using Conditionally Gaussian Processes
* Training-Free, Generic Object Detection Using Locally Adaptive Regression Kernels
* Tuning Support Vector Machines for Minimax and Neyman-Pearson Classification
* Two-Dimensional Polar Harmonic Transforms for Invariant Image Representation
* UBIRIS.v2: A Database of Visible Wavelength Iris Images Captured On-the-Move and At-a-Distance, The
* Unified Probabilistic Framework for Spontaneous Facial Action Modeling and Understanding, A
* Unsupervised Object Segmentation with a Hybrid Graph Model (HGM)
* Using Language to Learn Structured Appearance Models for Image Annotation
* Variational Approach to Degraded Document Enhancement, A
* Video Metrology Using a Single Camera
* Vignette and Exposure Calibration and Compensation
* Visual Word Ambiguity
* Visualization of Spatiotemporal Behavior of Discrete Maps via Generation of Recursive Median Elements
* Visually Inspecting Specular Surfaces: A Generalized Image Capture and Image Description Approach
* Watershed Cuts: Thinnings, Shortest Path Forests, and Topological Watersheds
* WLD: A Robust Local Image Descriptor
177 for PAMI(32)
* 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image Using a Single Reference Face Shape
* Accuracy of Pseudo-Inverse Covariance Learning: A Random Matrix Theory Analysis
* Action Recognition from One Example
* Action Recognition Using Mined Hierarchical Compound Features
* Active Learning Based on Locally Linear Reconstruction
* Analysis of Visual Adaptation and Contrast Perception for Tone Mapping, An
* Applying Property Testing to an Image Partitioning Problem
* Approximate Nearest Subspace Search
* Approximately Global Optimization for Robust Alignment of Generalized Shapes
* Are MSER Features Really Interesting?
* Automatic Relocalization and Loop Closing for Real-Time Monocular SLAM
* Bayesian Estimation of Beta Mixture Models with Variational Inference
* Bilayer Segmentation of Webcam Videos Using Tree-Based Classifiers
* Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multilabel Classification: A Least-Squares Formulation, Extensions, and Analysis
* Causal Inference on Discrete Data Using Additive Noise Models
* Central Subspace Dimensionality Reduction Using Covariance Operators
* CENTRIST: A Visual Descriptor for Scene Categorization
* Coded Strobing Photography: Compressive Sensing of High Speed Periodic Videos
* Color Constancy Using Natural Image Statistics and Scene Semantics
* Compactly Supported Basis Functions as Support Vector Kernels for Classification
* Component-Wise Analysis of Constructible Match Cost Functions for Global Stereopsis, A
* Computational versus Psychophysical Bottom-Up Image Saliency: A Comparative Evaluation Study
* Computing Smooth Time Trajectories for Camera and Deformable Shape in Structure from Motion with Occlusion
* Computing the Inner Distances of Volumetric Models for Articulated Shape Description with a Visibility Graph
* Connectedness of Random Walk Segmentation
* Construction of Iso-Contours, Bisectors, and Voronoi Diagrams on Triangulated Surfaces
* Context-Dependent Kernels for Object Classification
* Contour Detection and Hierarchical Image Segmentation
* Convolutional Neural Networks for P300 Detection with Application to Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Coordination of Cluster Ensembles via Exact Methods
* Cost-Sensitive Boosting
* C^4: Exploring Multiple Solutions in Graphical Models by Cluster Sampling
* Decomposition of Complex Line Drawings with Hidden Lines for 3D Planar-Faced Manifold Object Reconstruction
* Decoupled Active Contour (DAC) for Boundary Detection
* Dense Mirroring Surface Recovery from 1D Homographies and Sparse Correspondences
* Describable Visual Attributes for Face Verification and Image Search
* Describing Reflectances for Color Segmentation Robust to Shadows, Highlights, and Textures
* Direct Method for Video-Based Navigation Using a Digital Terrain Map
* Discriminative Learning of Local Image Descriptors
* Discriminative Video Pattern Search for Efficient Action Detection
* Distance-Driven Skeletonization in Voxel Images
* Dual-Bound Algorithm for Very Fast and Exact Template Matching, A
* Dynamic and Contextual Information in HMM Modeling for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Dynamic Processing Allocation in Video
* Dynamic Programming and Graph Algorithms in Computer Vision
* Dynamic Refraction Stereo
* Effect of Border Noise on the Performance of Projection-Based Page Segmentation Methods, The
* Effect of Model Misspecification on Semi-Supervised Classification, The
* Effective Unconstrained Face Recognition by Combining Multiple Descriptors and Learned Background Statistics
* Efficient 3D Geometric and Zernike Moments Computation from Unstructured Surface Meshes
* Energy Normalization for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition Based on MRF Model Image Matching
* Estimation of Alpha Mattes for Multiple Image Layers
* Extended Grammar System for Learning and Recognizing Complex Visual Events, An
* Eye Movement Analysis for Activity Recognition Using Electrooculography
* Face Recognition Using Nearest Feature Space Embedding
* Facial Deblur Inference Using Subspace Analysis for Recognition of Blurred Faces
* Fast Bilinear Structure from Motion Algorithm Using a Video Sequence and Inertial Sensors, A
* Fast Inference with Min-Sum Matrix Product
* Feature Selection and Kernel Learning for Local Learning-Based Clustering
* Fingerprint Indexing Based on Minutia Cylinder-Code
* Fingerprint Reconstruction: From Minutiae to Phase
* Fisher-Markov Selector: Fast Selecting Maximally Separable Feature Subset for Multiclass Classification with Applications to High-Dimensional Data, The
* Flexible Depth of Field Photography
* Force Estimation and Prediction from Time-Varying Density Images
* Geometry of Reflectance Symmetries, The
* Global Ridge Orientation Modeling for Partial Fingerprint Identification
* Graph Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Data Representation
* Greedy Learning of Binary Latent Trees
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Award-Winning Papers from the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2009 (CVPR 2009)
* Harvesting Image Databases from the Web
* Hashed Nonlocal Means for Rapid Image Filtering
* Hidden Part Models for Human Action Recognition: Probabilistic versus Max Margin
* Higher-Dimensional Affine Registration and Vision Applications
* Hough Forests for Object Detection, Tracking, and Action Recognition
* Human Pose Estimation Using Consistent Max Covering
* Hybrid Probabilistic Model for Unified Collaborative and Content-Based Image Tagging, A
* Hyperconnected Attribute Filters Based on k-Flat Zones
* Identifying Rare and Subtle Behaviors: A Weakly Supervised Joint Topic Model
* Improved Iris Recognition through Fusion of Hamming Distance and Fragile Bit Distance
* Improving Offline Handwritten Text Recognition with Hybrid HMM/ANN Models
* Intensity-Based Image Registration by Nonparametric Local Smoothing
* Introduction to the Special Section on Real-World Face Recognition
* Iris Matching Based on Personalized Weight Map
* Kernel Optimization in Discriminant Analysis
* Laplacian Approach to Multi-Oriented Text Detection in Video, A
* Large Displacement Optical Flow: Descriptor Matching in Variational Motion Estimation
* Latent Fingerprint Matching
* Layered Graphical Models for Tracking Partially Occluded Objects
* Learning a Family of Detectors via Multiplicative Kernels
* Learning Linear Discriminant Projections for Dimensionality Reduction of Image Descriptors
* Learning to Detect a Salient Object
* Light-Efficient Photography
* Linear Local Models for Monocular Reconstruction of Deformable Surfaces
* Linear Scale and Rotation Invariant Matching
* Linearized Motion Estimation for Articulated Planes
* Link-Based Approach to the Cluster Ensemble Problem, A
* Local Distance Functions: A Taxonomy, New Algorithms, and an Evaluation
* Matching Forensic Sketches to Mug Shot Photos
* Max-Min Distance Analysis by Using Sequential SDP Relaxation for Dimension Reduction
* Maximal Linear Embedding for Dimensionality Reduction
* Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Robust Face Recognition
* Meta-Recognition: The Theory and Practice of Recognition Score Analysis
* MILIS: Multiple Instance Learning with Instance Selection
* Minimal Solution to Radial Distortion Autocalibration, A
* Model-Based 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Monocular Video
* Modeling Bidirectional Texture Functions with Multivariate Spherical Radial Basis Functions
* Motion Field Estimation from Alternate Exposure Images
* Motion Regularization for Matting Motion Blurred Objects
* MRF Energy Minimization and Beyond via Dual Decomposition
* Multifeature-Based High-Resolution Palmprint Recognition
* Multiperson Visual Focus of Attention from Head Pose and Meeting Contextual Cues
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Dimensionality Reduction
* Multiple Object Tracking Using K-Shortest Paths Optimization
* Multiview Stereo and Silhouette Consistency via Convex Functionals over Convex Domains
* New 3D-Matching Method of Nonrigid and Partially Similar Models Using Curve Analysis, A
* Non-Lambertian Reflectance Modeling and Shape Recovery of Faces Using Tensor Splines
* Nonconvex Online Support Vector Machines
* Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Earth Mover's Distance Metric for Image Analysis
* Nonparametric Scene Parsing via Label Transfer
* Nonrigid Kernel-Based Framework for 2D-3D Pose Estimation and 2D Image Segmentation, A
* On Improving the Efficiency of Tensor Voting
* On Kleinberg's Stochastic Discrimination Procedure
* On the Duality of Forward and Inverse Light Transport
* Online Gesture Spotting from Visual Hull Data
* Online Multiperson Tracking-by-Detection from a Single, Uncalibrated Camera
* Optimization in Differentiable Manifolds in Order to Determine the Method of Construction of Prehistoric Wall Paintings
* Overcoming Shadows in 3-Source Photometric Stereo
* Ovuscule, The
* Parallel Spectral Clustering in Distributed Systems
* Penalizing Closest Point Sharing for Automatic Free Form Shape Registration
* Penrose Pixels for Super-Resolution
* Physics-Based Analysis of Image Appearance Models, A
* Power Watershed: A Unifying Graph-Based Optimization Framework
* Prism-Mask System for Multispectral Video Acquisition, A
* Product Quantization for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Ray Projection for Recovering Projective Transformations and Illumination Changes
* Reading 1D Barcodes with Mobile Phones Using Deformable Templates
* Reconstructing 3D Face Model with Associated Expression Deformation from a Single Face Image via Constructing a Low-Dimensional Expression Deformation Manifold
* Reliability Fusion of Time-of-Flight Depth and Stereo Geometry for High Quality Depth Maps
* Removal of Partial Occlusion from Single Images
* Revisiting Linear Discriminant Techniques in Gender Recognition
* Richardson-Lucy Deblurring for Scenes under a Projective Motion Path
* Rigid and Articulated Point Registration with Expectation Conditional Maximization
* Robust Bilayer Segmentation and Motion/Depth Estimation with a Handheld Camera
* Robust Facial Feature Tracking Using Shape-Constrained Multiresolution-Selected Linear Predictors
* Robust Multiscale Stereo Matching from Fundus Images with Radiometric Differences
* Robust Object Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning
* Robust Point Set Registration Using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Robust Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Normalized Cross-Correlation
* Robust Visual Tracking and Vehicle Classification via Sparse Representation
* Robustly Aligning a Shape Model and Its Application to Car Alignment of Unknown Pose
* Running Max/Min Filters Using 1+o(1) Comparisons per Sample
* Scalable Face Image Retrieval with Identity-Based Quantization and Multireference Reranking
* Secure and Robust Iris Recognition Using Random Projections and Sparse Representations
* Selecting Critical Patterns Based on Local Geometrical and Statistical Information
* Self-Adaptive Induction of Regression Trees
* Semi-Supervised Learning via Regularized Boosting Working on Multiple Semi-Supervised Assumptions
* Shadow Removal Using Intensity Surfaces and Texture Anchor Points
* Shape Analysis of Elastic Curves in Euclidean Spaces
* Shape Recognition with Spectral Distances
* Shape-Based Online Multitarget Tracking and Detection for Targets Causing Multiple Measurements: Variational Bayesian Clustering and Lossless Data Association
* SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Scenes and Its Applications
* Silhouette Segmentation in Multiple Views
* Similarity Measure for Image and Volumetric Data Based on Hermann Weyl's Discrepancy, A
* Simplified Computation for Nonparametric Windows Method of Probability Density Function Estimation
* Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior
* Space-Time Super-Resolution Using Graph-Cut Optimization
* Specificity: A Graph-Based Estimator of Divergence
* Statistical 3D Shape Analysis by Local Generative Descriptors
* Statistical Change Detection by the Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm
* Statistical Computations on Grassmann and Stiefel Manifolds for Image and Video-Based Recognition
* Tensor-Based Algorithm for High-Order Graph Matching, A
* Term Weighting Schemes for Question Categorization
* Textual Query of Personal Photos Facilitated by Large-Scale Web Data
* Theory and Algorithms for Constructing Discrete Morse Complexes from Grayscale Digital Images
* Tiny Videos: A Large Data Set for Nonparametric Video Retrieval and Frame Classification
* Topology Preserving Relaxation Labeling for Nonrigid Point Matching
* Topology-Adaptive Mesh Deformation for Surface Evolution, Morphing, and Multiview Reconstruction
* Toward Development of a Face Recognition System for Watchlist Surveillance
* Tracking with Occlusions via Graph Cuts
* Trajectory Learning for Activity Understanding: Unsupervised, Multilevel, and Long-Term Adaptive Approach
* Trajectory Space: A Dual Representation for Nonrigid Structure from Motion
* Transformation of General Binary MRF Minimization to the First-Order Case
* Turbo Segmentation of Textured Images
* Unconstrained Pose-Invariant Face Recognition Using 3D Generic Elastic Models
* Understanding Blind Deconvolution Algorithms
* Unsupervised Image Categorization by Hypergraph Partition
* Unsupervised Organization of Image Collections: Taxonomies and Beyond
* Using Facial Symmetry to Handle Pose Variations in Real-World 3D Face Recognition
* Variance Minimization Criterion to Feature Selection Using Laplacian Regularization, A
* Vehicle Detection Using Partial Least Squares
* Vehicle Surveillance with a Generic, Adaptive, 3D Vehicle Model
* Video Normals from Colored Lights
* Video Registration Using Dynamic Textures
* View-Independent Action Recognition from Temporal Self-Similarities
* Weakly Supervised Recognition of Daily Life Activities with Wearable Sensors
196 for PAMI(33)
* Accelerated Hypothesis Generation for Multistructure Data via Preference Analysis
* Accurate Eye Center Location through Invariant Isocentric Patterns
* Action Similarity Labeling Challenge, The
* Active Curve Recovery of Region Boundary Patterns
* Active Visual Segmentation
* Adaptive Manifold Learning
* Aggregating Local Image Descriptors into Compact Codes
* Altered Fingerprints: Analysis and Detection
* Angular Embedding: A Robust Quadratic Criterion
* Beyond Novelty Detection: Incongruent Events, When General and Specific Classifiers Disagree
* Bilinear Modeling via Augmented Lagrange Multipliers (BALM)
* Blind Separation of Superimposed Moving Images Using Image Statistics
* Blur-Robust Descriptor with Applications to Face Recognition, A
* BRIEF: Computing a Local Binary Descriptor Very Fast
* Building Development Monitoring in Multitemporal Remotely Sensed Image Pairs with Stochastic Birth-Death Dynamics
* Closed-Form Solution to Retinex with Nonlocal Texture Constraints, A
* Closed-Form Solution to Tensor Voting: Theory and Applications, A
* Color Constancy with Spatio-Spectral Statistics
* Combining Scale-Space and Similarity-Based Aspect Graphs for Fast 3D Object Recognition
* Concatenational Graph Evolution Aging Model, A
* Consensus Clustering Based on a New Probabilistic Rand Index with Application to Subtopic Retrieval
* Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Image Representation
* Context-Aware Saliency Detection
* Convergent Iterative Closest-Point Algorithm to Accomodate Anisotropic and Inhomogenous Localization Error
* CPMC: Automatic Object Segmentation Using Constrained Parametric Min-Cuts
* Cross-Domain Multicue Fusion for Concept-Based Video Indexing
* Curved Glide-Reflection Symmetry Detection
* Density-Based Multifeature Background Subtraction with Support Vector Machine
* Design and Estimation of Coded Exposure Point Spread Functions
* Design and Implementation of Multisteerable Matched Filters
* Detachable Object Detection: Segmentation and Depth Ordering from Short-Baseline Video
* Detecting Carried Objects from Sequences of Walking Pedestrians
* Detecting Curves with Unknown Endpoints and Arbitrary Topology Using Minimal Paths
* Detecting Mutual Awareness Events
* Difference-Based Image Noise Modeling Using Skellam Distribution
* Differential Area Profiles: Decomposition Properties and Efficient Computation
* Discriminative Latent Models for Recognizing Contextual Group Activities
* Divide, Conquer and Coordinate: Globally Coordinated Switching Linear Dynamical System
* Does the Cost Function Matter in Bayes Decision Rule?
* Domain Transfer Multiple Kernel Learning
* Edge Structure Preserving 3D Image Denoising by Local Surface Approximation
* Efficient Additive Kernels via Explicit Feature Maps
* Efficient Computation of Robust Weighted Low-Rank Matrix Approximations Using the L_1 Norm
* Efficient Feedforward Categorization of Objects and Human Postures with Address-Event Image Sensors
* Efficient Hidden Variable Approach to Minimal-Case Camera Motion Estimation, An
* Elastic Geodesic Paths in Shape Space of Parameterized Surfaces
* Embedding Retrieval of Articulated Geometry Models
* Empirical Mode Decomposition Analysis for Visual Stylometry
* Ensemble Manifold Regularization
* Ensemble Segmentation Using Efficient Integer Linear Programming
* Exploring Context and Content Links in Social Media: A Latent Space Method
* Exploring Tiny Images: The Roles of Appearance and Contextual Information for Machine and Human Object Recognition
* Extended Path Following Algorithm for Graph-Matching Problem, An
* Extended SRC: Undersampled Face Recognition via Intraclass Variant Dictionary
* Face Recognition Using Sparse Approximated Nearest Points between Image Sets
* Fast Algorithm for Multidimensional Ellipsoid-Specific Fitting by Minimizing a New Defined Vector Norm of Residuals Using Semidefinite Programming, A
* Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithm in the Hamming Space, A
* Fast Bundle Algorithm for Multiple-Instance Learning
* Fast Joint Estimation of Silhouettes and Dense 3D Geometry from Multiple Images
* Fast Recursive Computation of 3D Geometric Moments from Surface Meshes
* Fast Rotation Invariant 3D Feature Computation Utilizing Efficient Local Neighborhood Operators
* Feature Selection with Conjunctions of Decision Stumps and Learning from Microarray Data
* Flat Refractive Geometry
* Flickr Distance: A Relationship Measure for Visual Concepts
* Free Energy Score Spaces: Using Generative Information in Discriminative Classifiers
* Gender and Ethnicity Specific Generic Elastic Models from a Single 2D Image for Novel 2D Pose Face Synthesis and Recognition
* Generalized Projection-Based M-Estimator
* Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Textureless Objects
* Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition by Integrating Multiple Contexts
* High Accuracy and Visibility-Consistent Dense Multiview Stereo
* HMM-Based Lexicon-Driven and Lexicon-Free Word Recognition for Online Handwritten Indic Scripts
* Holistic Context Models for Visual Recognition
* Human Identification Using Temporal Information Preserving Gait Template
* Human Pose Co-Estimation and Applications
* Identifying Behaviors in Crowd Scenes Using Stability Analysis for Dynamical Systems
* Image Restoration by Matching Gradient Distributions
* Image Segmentation by Probabilistic Bottom-Up Aggregation and Cue Integration
* Image Signature: Highlighting Sparse Salient Regions
* Improving Color Constancy by Photometric Edge Weighting
* Incremental Activity Modeling in Multiple Disjoint Cameras
* Incremental Fusion of Structure-from-Motion and GPS Using Constrained Bundle Adjustments
* IntentSearch: Capturing User Intention for One-Click Internet Image Search
* Intrinsic Dimensionality Predicts the Saliency of Natural Dynamic Scenes
* IrisCode Decompression Based on the Dependence between Its Bit Pairs
* Joint Depth and Color Camera Calibration with Distortion Correction
* Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Hashing
* Large-Margin Predictive Latent Subspace Learning for Multiview Data Analysis
* Latent Log-Linear Models for Handwritten Digit Classification
* Layered Object Models for Image Segmentation
* LDAHash: Improved Matching with Smaller Descriptors
* Learning Hybrid Image Templates (HIT) by Information Projection
* Learning Image Similarity from Flickr Groups Using Fast Kernel Machines
* Learning Optimal Embedded Cascades
* Learning Sparse Representations for Human Action Recognition
* Least-Squares Framework for Component Analysis, A
* Light Field Camera: Extended Depth of Field, Aliasing, and Superresolution, The
* Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Chi2 Distance
* M-Idempotent and Self-Dual Morphological Filters
* Machine Learning for the New York City Power Grid
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Depth Maps Using Photometric Stereo
* Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers
* Mean Shift Trackers with Cross-Bin Metrics
* Meaningful Matches in Stereovision
* Meaningful Scales Detection along Digital Contours for Unsupervised Local Noise Estimation
* Measuring the Objectness of Image Windows
* Medial Spheres for Shape Approximation
* Metric Rectification of Curved Document Images
* Minimal Solution for the Extrinsic Calibration of a Camera and a Laser-Rangefinder, A
* Minimum-Distortion Isometric Shape Correspondence Using EM Algorithm
* Model-Based Learning Using a Mixture of Mixtures of Gaussian and Uniform Distributions
* Model-Based Sequence Similarity with Application to Handwritten Word Spotting, A
* Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Locally Textured Surfaces
* Motion Detail Preserving Optical Flow Estimation
* Multidimensional Scaling for Matching Low-Resolution Face Images
* Multimedia Retrieval Framework Based on Semi-Supervised Ranking and Relevance Feedback, A
* Multimodal Speaker Diarization
* Multistage Particle Windows for Fast and Accurate Object Detection
* Near Real-Time Stereo Matching Using Geodesic Diffusion
* New In-Camera Imaging Model for Color Computer Vision and Its Application, A
* Nonlinear Shape Registration without Correspondences
* Novel Word Spotting Method Based on Recurrent Neural Networks, A
* Object Recognition by Discriminative Combinations of Line Segments, Ellipses, and Appearance Features
* Object-Graphs for Context-Aware Visual Category Discovery
* Objective Assessment of Multiresolution Image Fusion Algorithms for Context Enhancement in Night Vision: A Comparative Study
* On Detection of Multiple Object Instances Using Hough Transforms
* On Sensor Bias in Experimental Methods for Comparing Interest-Point, Saliency, and Recognition Algorithms
* Online Kernel Principal Component Analysis: A Reduced-Order Model
* Optimized Data Fusion for Kernel k-Means Clustering
* Partially Supervised Speaker Clustering
* Pedestrian Detection: An Evaluation of the State of the Art
* Performance Evaluation of Full Search Equivalent Pattern Matching Algorithms
* Polynomial Eigenvalue Solutions to Minimal Problems in Computer Vision
* Probabilistic Approach to Pattern Matching in the Continuous Domain, A
* Probabilistic Models for Inference about Identity
* Prototype Selection for Nearest Neighbor Classification: Taxonomy and Empirical Study
* Prototype-Based Domain Description for One-Class Classification
* Proximity-Based Frameworks for Generating Embeddings from Multi-Output Data
* Pushing the Envelope of Modern Methods for Bundle Adjustment
* Quantifying and Transferring Contextual Information in Object Detection
* Quantitative Evaluation of Confidence Measures for Stereo Vision, A
* RASL: Robust Alignment by Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition for Linearly Correlated Images
* Reading between the Lines: Object Localization Using Implicit Cues from Image Tags
* Real-Time Deformable Detector, A
* Recognizing Gestures by Learning Local Motion Signatures of HOG Descriptors
* Recognizing Human Actions by Learning and Matching Shape-Motion Prototype Trees
* Recognizing Human-Object Interactions in Still Images by Modeling the Mutual Context of Objects and Human Poses
* Recursive Segmentation and Recognition Templates for Image Parsing
* Reflection Symmetry-Integrated Image Segmentation
* Rhythmic Brushstrokes Distinguish van Gogh from His Contemporaries: Findings via Automated Brushstroke Extraction
* Robust Active Stereo Vision Using Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* Robust and Efficient Ridge-Based Palmprint Matching
* Robust O(n) Solution to the Perspective-n-Point Problem, A
* Rotationally Invariant Descriptors Using Intensity Order Pooling
* Sampling for Shape from Focus in Optical Microscopy
* SAR Image Segmentation Based on Level Set Approach and G_A^0 Model
* Scalable Active Learning for Multiclass Image Classification
* Scribble Tracker: A Matting-Based Approach for Robust Tracking
* Semi-Supervised Hashing for Large-Scale Search
* Shape Retrieval Using Hierarchical Total Bregman Soft Clustering
* Shared Kernel Information Embedding for Discriminative Inference
* Simultaneously Fitting and Segmenting Multiple-Structure Data with Outliers
* Single and Multiple Object Tracking Using Log-Euclidean Riemannian Subspace and Block-Division Appearance Model
* SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel Methods
* Slow Feature Analysis for Human Action Recognition
* Spacetime Texture Representation and Recognition Based on a Spatiotemporal Orientation Analysis
* Sparse Algorithms Are Not Stable: A No-Free-Lunch Theorem
* Spatiotemporal Stereo and Scene Flow via Stequel Matching
* Special Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Award-Winning Papers from the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2010 (CVPR 2010)
* Structured Learning of Human Interactions in TV Shows
* Subspace Learning from Image Gradient Orientations
* Tangent Bundle Theory for Visual Curve Completion, A
* Task-Driven Dictionary Learning
* Texture Classification from Random Features
* Topology Dictionary for 3D Video Understanding
* Toward a Practical Face Recognition System: Robust Alignment and Illumination by Sparse Representation
* Toward Holistic Scene Understanding: Feedback Enabled Cascaded Classification Models
* Tracking and Reconstruction in a Combined Optimization Approach
* Tracking Mobile Users in Wireless Networks via Semi-Supervised Colocalization
* Tracking Pedestrians Using Local Spatio-Temporal Motion Patterns in Extremely Crowded Scenes
* Tracking-Learning-Detection
* Trainable Convolution Filters and Their Application to Face Recognition
* Tree-Based Context Model for Object Recognition, A
* Two Efficient Solutions for Visual Odometry Using Directional Correspondence
* Unified Framework for Biometric Expert Fusion Incorporating Quality Measures, A
* Unified Strategy for Landing and Docking Using Spherical Flow Divergence, A
* Unsupervised Image Matching Based on Manifold Alignment
* Unsupervised Learning of Categorical Segments in Image Collections
* U_Boost: Boosting with the Universum
* VCells: Simple and Efficient Superpixels Using Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations
* Vision-Based Analysis of Small Groups in Pedestrian Crowds
* Visual Event Recognition in Videos by Learning from Web Data
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Interactions between Humans and Objects
* Whole-Book Recognition
193 for PAMI(34)
* *Range Image Registration Using a Photometric Metric under Unknown Lighting
* 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition
* 3D Face Discriminant Analysis Using Gauss-Markov Posterior Marginals
* 3D Face Recognition under Expressions, Occlusions, and Pose Variations
* 3D Facial Landmark Detection under Large Yaw and Expression Variations
* 3D Stochastic Completion Fields for Mapping Connectivity in Diffusion MRI
* Action Spotting and Recognition Based on a Spatiotemporal Orientation Analysis
* Affinity Learning with Diffusion on Tensor Product Graph
* Algorithms for 3D Shape Scanning with a Depth Camera
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation Using Visual Saliency
* Articulated Human Detection with Flexible Mixtures of Parts
* Automatic Caption Generation for News Images
* Automatic Generation of Co-Embeddings from Relational Data with Adaptive Shaping
* Automatic Iris Occlusion Estimation Method Based on High-Dimensional Density Estimation, An
* Automatic Relevance Determination in Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with the beta-Divergence
* BabyTalk: Understanding and Generating Simple Image Descriptions
* Bag-of-Features Framework to Classify Time Series, A
* Bayesian Estimation of Turbulent Motion
* Biologically Inspired Object Tracking Using Center-Surround Saliency Mechanisms
* Branch-and-Bound Approach to Correspondence and Grouping Problems, A
* Calibration by Correlation Using Metric Embedding from Nonmetric Similarities
* Calibration of Smooth Camera Models
* Calibration of Ultrawide Fisheye Lens Cameras by Eigenvalue Minimization
* Categorizing Dynamic Textures Using a Bag of Dynamical Systems
* Characterizing Humans on Riemannian Manifolds
* Class of Random Fields on Complete Graphs with Tractable Partition Function, A
* Clustering Dynamic Textures with the Hierarchical EM Algorithm for Modeling Video
* Coarse to Fine Minutiae-Based Latent Palmprint Matching, A
* Color Invariants for Person Reidentification
* Combining Multiple Dynamic Models and Deep Learning Architectures for Tracking the Left Ventricle Endocardium in Ultrasound Data
* Comparative Analysis and Fusion of Spatiotemporal Information for Footstep Recognition
* Compressive Structured Light for Recovering Inhomogeneous Participating Media
* Conditional Alignment Random Fields for Multiple Motion Sequence Alignment
* Convex Formulation for Learning a Shared Predictive Structure from Multiple Tasks, A
* Coprime Blur Scheme for Data Security in Video Surveillance, A
* CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments
* Coupled Gaussian Processes for Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition
* Deep Hierarchies in the Primate Visual Cortex: What Can We Learn for Computer Vision?
* Deep Learning with Hierarchical Convolutional Factor Analysis
* Detailed 3D Representations for Object Recognition and Modeling
* Detecting Motion through Dynamic Refraction
* Discovering Low-Rank Shared Concept Space for Adapting Text Mining Models
* Discovering Motion Primitives for Unsupervised Grouping and One-Shot Learning of Human Actions, Gestures, and Expressions
* Discrete Mereotopology for Spatial Reasoning in Automated Histological Image Analysis
* Discriminative Multimanifold Analysis for Face Recognition from a Single Training Sample per Person
* Distance-Based Image Classification: Generalizing to New Classes at Near-Zero Cost
* Dual Decomposition Approach to Feature Correspondence, A
* Dynamical Simulation Priors for Human Motion Tracking
* Efficient Classification for Additive Kernel SVMs
* Efficient Human Pose Estimation from Single Depth Images
* Efficient Methods for Overlapping Group LASSO
* Efficient Optimization of Performance Measures by Classifier Adaptation
* Efficient Subframe Video Alignment Using Short Descriptors
* Estimating Information from Image Colors: An Application to Digital Cameras and Natural Scenes
* Exhaustive Linearization for Robust Camera Pose and Focal Length Estimation
* Explicit Modeling of Human-Object Interactions in Realistic Videos
* Facial Age Estimation by Learning from Label Distributions
* FAIR: A Fast Algorithm for Document Image Restoration
* Fast and Accurate Matrix Completion via Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization
* Fast Cost-Volume Filtering for Visual Correspondence and Beyond
* Fast Detection of Dense Subgraphs with Iterative Shrinking and Expansion
* Feature Selection Method for Multivariate Performance Measures, A
* FOCUSR: Feature Oriented Correspondence Using Spectral Regularization: A Method for Precise Surface Matching
* Forward Basis Selection for Pursuing Sparse Representations over a Dictionary
* Fourier Lucas-Kanade Algorithm
* Framework for Automatic Modeling from Point Cloud Data, A
* Framework for Binding and Retrieving Class-Specific Information to and from Image Patterns Using Correlation Filters, A
* Framework for Mining Signatures from Event Sequences and Its Applications in Healthcare Data, A
* Game-Theoretic Approach to Hypergraph Clustering, A
* General Framework for Tracking Multiple People from a Moving Camera, A
* Globally-Variant Locally-Constant Model for Fusion of Labels from Multiple Diverse Experts without Using Reference Labels, A
* Graph Classification Using Signal-Subgraphs: Applications in Statistical Connectomics
* Graph Isomorphisms and Automorphisms via Spectral Signatures
* Graph Lattice Approach to Maintaining and Learning Dense Collections of Subgraphs as Image Features, A
* Groupwise Elastic Registration by a New Sparsity-Promoting Metric: Application to the Alignment of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Perfusion Images
* Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Learning Deep Architectures
* Guided Image Filtering
* Handwritten Chinese/Japanese Text Recognition Using Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition Using Kernel Prototype Similarities
* Hierarchical Aligned Cluster Analysis for Temporal Clustering of Human Motion
* Hierarchical Object Parsing from Structured Noisy Point Clouds
* Higher Order Partial Least Squares (HOPLS): A Generalized Multilinear Regression Method
* Highly Nonrigid Object Tracking via Patch-Based Dynamic Appearance Modeling
* Hop-Diffusion Monte Carlo for Epipolar Geometry Estimation between Very Wide-Baseline Images
* Hough Forest Random Field for Object Recognition and Segmentation
* Hybrid Multiview Stereo Algorithm for Modeling Urban Scenes, A
* Image Denoising Using the Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition
* Image Transformation Based on Learning Dictionaries across Image Spaces
* Image-Based Separation of Reflective and Fluorescent Components Using Illumination Variant and Invariant Color
* Impact of Cluster Representatives on the Convergence of the K-Modes Type Clustering, The
* Improved Object Categorization and Detection Using Comparative Object Similarity
* Incremental DPMM-Based Method for Trajectory Clustering, Modeling, and Retrieval, An
* Incremental Learning of 3D-DCT Compact Representations for Robust Visual Tracking
* Infinite-Order Conditional Random Field Model for Sequential Data Modeling, The
* Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using a Sparse Representation of Reflectance
* Invariant Scattering Convolution Networks
* Inverse Rendering of Faces with a 3D Morphable Model
* Iterative Closest Normal Point for 3D Face Recognition
* Iterative Quantization: A Procrustean Approach to Learning Binary Codes for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Jensen-Bregman LogDet Divergence with Application to Efficient Similarity Search for Covariance Matrices
* Joint Albedo Estimation and Pose Tracking from Video
* Joint Depth Map and Color Consistency Estimation for Stereo Images with Different Illuminations and Cameras
* Joint Histogram-Based Cost Aggregation for Stereo Matching
* Keeping a Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Calibrated
* KNN Matting
* Label Consistent K-SVD: Learning a Discriminative Dictionary for Recognition
* Laplacian Sparse Coding, Hypergraph Laplacian Sparse Coding, and Applications
* Latent Dirichlet Allocation Models for Image Classification
* Learning a Confidence Measure for Optical Flow
* Learning AND-OR Templates for Object Recognition and Detection
* Learning Full Pairwise Affinities for Spectral Segmentation
* Learning Graphical Model Parameters with Approximate Marginal Inference
* Learning Hierarchical Features for Scene Labeling
* Learning Multivariate Distributions by Competitive Assembly of Marginals
* Learning to Relate Images
* Learning to Track and Identify Players from Broadcast Sports Videos
* Learning Topic Models by Belief Propagation
* Learning with Box Kernels
* Learning with Hierarchical-Deep Models
* Linear Dependency Modeling for Classifier Fusion and Feature Combination
* Linear Latent Force Models Using Gaussian Processes
* Local Evidence Aggregation for Regression-Based Facial Point Detection
* Local Transform Features and Hybridization for Accurate Face and Human Detection
* Localizing Parts of Faces Using a Consensus of Exemplars
* Locally Orderless Registration
* Low-Level Spatiochromatic Grouping for Saliency Estimation
* Low-Rank Matrix Approximation with Manifold Regularization
* Mapping from Frame-Driven to Frame-Free Event-Driven Vision Systems by Low-Rate Rate Coding and Coincidence Processing: Application to Feedforward ConvNets
* Markerless Motion Capture of Multiple Characters Using Multiview Image Segmentation
* Minimum Near-Convex Shape Decomposition
* Minimum Volume Covering Approach with a Set of Ellipsoids, A
* Modeling Natural Images Using Gated MRFs
* Modeling Temporal Interactions with Interval Temporal Bayesian Networks for Complex Activity Recognition
* Monocular SLAM with Conditionally Independent Split Mapping
* Monocular Visual Scene Understanding: Understanding Multi-Object Traffic Scenes
* Monotonicity and Error Type Differentiability in Performance Measures for Target Detection and Tracking in Video
* Moving Object Detection by Detecting Contiguous Outliers in the Low-Rank Representation
* Multi-Atlas Segmentation with Joint Label Fusion
* Multi-Exemplar Affinity Propagation
* Multilayer Adaptive Linear Predictors for Real-Time Tracking
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking for Cluttered Biological Image Sequences
* Multiple Target Tracking by Learning-Based Hierarchical Association of Detection Responses
* Multiscale Local Phase Quantization for Robust Component-Based Face Recognition Using Kernel Fusion of Multiple Descriptors
* Multiview Face Detection and Registration Requiring Minimal Manual Intervention
* Nonlinear Camera Response Functions and Image Deblurring: Theoretical Analysis and Practice
* Nonparametric Illumination Correction for Scanned Document Images via Convex Hulls
* Novel Bayesian Framework for Discriminative Feature Extraction in Brain-Computer Interfaces, A
* Novel Encoding Scheme for Effective Biometric Discretization: Linearly Separable Subcode, A
* Numerical Conditioning Problems and Solutions for Nonparametric I.I.D. Statistical Active Contours
* Object Matching Using a Locally Affine Invariant and Linear Programming Techniques
* On Differential Photometric Reconstruction for Unknown, Isotropic BRDFs
* Online Feature Selection with Streaming Features
* Online Learning of Correspondences between Images
* Optimizing Nondecomposable Loss Functions in Structured Prediction
* Orientation Field Estimation for Latent Fingerprint Enhancement
* Paired Regions for Shadow Detection and Removal
* Parsing Facades with Shape Grammars and Reinforcement Learning
* Partial Face Recognition: Alignment-Free Approach
* Phrasal Recognition
* Pose and Expression Independent Facial Landmark Localization Using Dense-SURF and the Hausdorff Distance
* Pose-Robust Recognition of Low-Resolution Face Images
* Probabilistic Approach to Spectral Graph Matching, A
* Probabilistic Tracking of Affine-Invariant Anisotropic Regions
* Projective Multiview Structure and Motion from Element-Wise Factorization
* Prototype Learning Framework Using EMD: Application to Complex Scenes Analysis, A
* Radiometric Calibration by Rank Minimization
* Rank-Based Approach to Active Diagnosis, A
* Recognition Using Specular Highlights
* Reidentification by Relative Distance Comparison
* Removing Atmospheric Turbulence via Space-Invariant Deconvolution
* Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives
* Robust Extrema Features for Time-Series Data Analysis
* Robust Recovery of Subspace Structures by Low-Rank Representation
* Robust Simultaneous Registration and Segmentation with Sparse Error Reconstruction
* Robust Visual Tracking Using an Adaptive Coupled-Layer Visual Model
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Local Sparse Appearance Model and K-Selection
* Scalable Formulation of Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis: Applied to Face Recognition, A
* Scaling Up Spike-and-Slab Models for Unsupervised Feature Learning
* Schroedinger Eigenmaps for the Analysis of Biomedical Data
* Search-and-Validate Method for Face Identification from Single Line Drawings, A
* Segmentation, Inference and Classification of Partially Overlapping Nanoparticles
* Self-Calibration of Catadioptric Camera with Two Planar Mirrors from Silhouettes
* Semi-Supervised Video Segmentation Using Tree Structured Graphical Models
* SfM with MRFs: Discrete-Continuous Optimization for Large-Scale Structure from Motion
* Shape Representation and Registration in Vector Implicit Spaces: Adopting a Closed-Form Solution in the Optimization Process
* Simultaneous Cast Shadows, Illumination and Geometry Inference Using Hypergraphs
* Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Images: Similarity Metrics and Efficient Optimization
* Simultaneous Video Stabilization and Moving Object Detection in Turbulence
* Single-Image Vignetting Correction from Gradient Distribution Symmetries
* Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis: New Formulation and Algorithm
* Sparse Structure Learning Algorithm for Gaussian Bayesian Network Identification from High-Dimensional Data, A
* Sparse Subspace Clustering: Algorithm, Theory, and Applications
* Spatial and Anatomical Regularization of SVM: A General Framework for Neuroimaging Data
* Spatially Varying Color Distributions for Interactive Multilabel Segmentation
* Spatiotemporal Alignment of Visual Signals on a Special Manifold
* Spectral 6DOF Registration of Noisy 3D Range Data with Partial Overlap
* Stacked Autoencoders for Unsupervised Feature Learning and Multiple Organ Detection in a Pilot Study Using 4D Patient Data
* State-of-the-Art in Visual Attention Modeling
* Stereo Seam Carving a Geometrically Consistent Approach
* Stochastic Exploration of Ambiguities for Nonrigid Shape Recovery
* Support Vector Shape: A Classifier-Based Shape Representation
* Surface and Curve Skeletonization of Large 3D Models on the GPU
* Symmetric Fast Marching Schemes for Better Numerical Isotropy
* Tag Completion for Image Retrieval
* Temporal Localization of Actions with Actoms
* Tensor Completion for Estimating Missing Values in Visual Data
* Tensor Deep Stacking Networks
* Time Series Analysis Using Geometric Template Matching
* Toward a Theory of Statistical Tree-Shape Analysis
* Toward Open Set Recognition
* Toward Wide-Angle Microvision Sensors
* TPAMI CVPR Special Section
* Tracking People's Hands and Feet Using Mixed Network AND/OR Search
* Trainable COSFIRE Filters for Keypoint Detection and Pattern Recognition
* Tree-Structured CRF Models for Interactive Image Labeling
* Two Cloud-Based Cues for Estimating Scene Structure and Camera Calibration
* Unified Detection and Tracking of Instruments during Retinal Microsurgery
* USAC: A Universal Framework for Random Sample Consensus
* Visual Saliency Based on Scale-Space Analysis in the Frequency Domain
* Visual-Attention Model Using Earth Mover's Distance-Based Saliency Measurement and Nonlinear Feature Combination, A
* Wang-Landau Monte Carlo-Based Tracking Methods for Abrupt Motions
* WESD: Weighted Spectral Distance for Measuring Shape Dissimilarity
* What Shape Are Dolphins? Building 3D Morphable Models from 2D Images
* Writer Adaptation with Style Transfer Mapping
224 for PAMI(35)
* 2D Affine and Projective Shape Analysis
* 3D Object Recognition in Cluttered Scenes with Local Surface Features: A Survey
* 3D Traffic Scene Understanding From Movable Platforms
* Active Learning by Querying Informative and Representative Examples
* Adaptive Color Constancy Using Faces
* Adaptive Linear Regression for Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
* Animated Pose Templates for Modeling and Detecting Human Actions
* Anomaly Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes
* Applicability of Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy Features to Region Tracking, The
* As-Projective-As-Possible Image Stitching with Moving DLT
* Associative Hierarchical Random Fields
* Asymmetric Distances for Binary Embeddings
* Asymptotic Generalization Bound of Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Attribute-Based Classification for Zero-Shot Visual Object Categorization
* Automatic Alignment of Genus-Zero Surfaces
* Automatic and Accurate Shadow Detection Using Near-Infrared Information
* Automatic Upright Adjustment of Photographs With Robust Camera Calibration
* Autonomous Document Cleaning: A Generative Approach to Reconstruct Strongly Corrupted Scanned Texts
* Background Subtraction with Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
* Batch-Orthogonal Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Angular Similarity
* Bayesian Estimation of the von-Mises Fisher Mixture Model with Variational Inference
* Bi-Polynomial Modeling of Low-Frequency Reflectances
* Bin Ratio-Based Histogram Distances and Their Application to Image Classification
* Block-Sparse RPCA for Salient Motion Detection
* Body Parts Dependent Joint Regressors for Human Pose Estimation in Still Images
* Camera Localization Using Trajectories and Maps
* Category-Independent Object Proposals with Diverse Ranking
* Classemes and Other Classifier-Based Features for Efficient Object Categorization
* Classification and Boosting with Multiple Collaborative Representations
* Clustering by Composition: Unsupervised Discovery of Image Categories
* Combining Structure and Parameter Adaptation of HMMs for Printed Text Recognition
* Comments on 'A Closed-Form Solution to Tensor Voting: Theory and Applications'
* Compact Representation of Visual Speech Data Using Latent Variables, A
* Consistent Latent Position Estimation and Vertex Classification for Random Dot Product Graphs
* Continuous Energy Minimization for Multitarget Tracking
* Covariate Shift Adaptation for Discriminative 3D Pose Estimation
* Cross-Sensor Iris Recognition through Kernel Learning
* Cues in Dependent Multiple Cue Integration for Robust Tracking Are Independent, The
* Dense 3D Reconstruction from High Frame-Rate Video Using a Static Grid Pattern
* Depth Transfer: Depth Extraction from Video Using Non-Parametric Sampling
* Detecting Curves with Unknown Endpoints and Arbitrary Topology Using Minimal Paths
* Direct Orthogonal Distance to Quadratic Surfaces in 3D
* Discriminative Illumination: Per-Pixel Classification of Raw Materials Based on Optimal Projections of Spectral BRDF
* Discriminative Non-Linear Stationary Subspace Analysis for Video Classification
* Domain Adaptation of Deformable Part-Based Models
* Domain Anomaly Detection in Machine Perception: A System Architecture and Taxonomy
* Dynamic Probabilistic CCA for Analysis of Affective Behavior and Fusion of Continuous Annotations
* Efficient Energy Minimization for Enforcing Label Statistics
* Efficient Space-Time Sampling with Pixel-Wise Coded Exposure for High-Speed Imaging
* Entropy-Rate Clustering: Cluster Analysis via Maximizing a Submodular Function Subject to a Matroid Constraint
* Epipolar Geometry Estimation for Urban Scenes with Repetitive Structures
* Exemplar-Based Color Constancy and Multiple Illumination
* Extremely Low Bit-Rate Nearest Neighbor Search Using a Set Compression Tree
* Fair Comparison Should Be Based on the Same Protocol: Comments on Trainable Convolution Filters and Their Application to Face Recognition, A
* Fast and Robust Recursive Algorithms for Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Fast and Scalable Approximate Spectral Matching for Higher Order Graph Matching
* Fast Compressive Tracking
* Fast Exact Euclidean Distance (FEED): A New Class of Adaptable Distance Transforms
* Fast Exact Search in Hamming Space With Multi-Index Hashing
* Fast Feature Pyramids for Object Detection
* Fast Orthogonal Haar Transform Pattern Matching via Image Square Sum
* Feature Coding in Image Classification: A Comprehensive Study
* Feature Matching with Affine-Function Transformation Models
* Framework for Analysis of Computational Imaging Systems: Role of Signal Prior, Sensor Noise and Multiplexing, A
* From Bits to Images: Inversion of Local Binary Descriptors
* Gaussian Process-Mixture Conditional Heteroscedasticity
* Generalized Boundaries from Multiple Image Interpretations
* Geodesic Mapping for Dynamic Surface Alignment
* Geometric Particle Filter for Template-Based Visual Tracking, A
* GNCCP: Graduated Non-Convexity and Concavity Procedure
* Good Practice in Large-Scale Learning for Image Classification
* Half-Quadratic-Based Iterative Minimization for Robust Sparse Representation
* Hardware-Efficient Bilateral Filtering for Stereo Matching
* Hashing Hyperplane Queries to Near Points with Applications to Large-Scale Active Learning
* Hidden Sides of Names: Face Modeling with First Name Attributes, The
* Hierarchical Word-Merging Algorithm with Class Separability Measure, A
* High Dimensional Semiparametric Scale-Invariant Principal Component Analysis
* Histogram Transform for Probability Density Function Estimation, A
* Human3.6M: Large Scale Datasets and Predictive Methods for 3D Human Sensing in Natural Environments
* Image Completion Approaches Using the Statistics of Similar Patches
* Image Geo-Localization Based on Multiple Nearest Neighbor Feature Matching Using Generalized Graphs
* Image Segmentation Using Higher-Order Correlation Clustering
* Information Theoretic Shape Matching
* Information-Theoretic Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Interactive Phrases: Semantic Descriptionsfor Human Interaction Recognition
* Iris Image Classification Based on Hierarchical Visual Codebook
* Iterative Discovery of Multiple Alternative Clustering Views
* Joint Sparse Representation for Robust Multimodal Biometrics Recognition
* Jointly Learning Visually Correlated Dictionaries for Large-Scale Visual Recognition Applications
* Kernelized Bayesian Matrix Factorization
* Knowledge Adaptation with Partially Shared Features for Event Detection Using Few Exemplars
* Large-Margin Multi-View Information Bottleneck
* Latent Fingerprint Matching: Performance Gain via Feedback from Exemplar Prints
* Learning Actionlet Ensemble for 3D Human Action Recognition
* Learning Categories From Few Examples With Multi Model Knowledge Transfer
* Learning Discriminant Face Descriptor
* Learning Human Actions by Combining Global Dynamics and Local Appearance
* Learning Local Feature Descriptors Using Convex Optimisation
* Learning Multimodal Latent Attributes
* Learning Nonlinear Functions Using Regularized Greedy Forest
* Learning Pullback HMM Distances
* Learning Race from Face: A Survey
* Learning Spectral Descriptors for Deformable Shape Correspondence
* Learning With Augmented Features for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation
* Likelihood-Ratio-Based Verification in High-Dimensional Spaces
* Local Difference Binary for Ultrafast and Distinctive Feature Description
* Local Pyramidal Descriptors for Image Recognition
* Localized Dictionaries Based Orientation Field Estimation for Latent Fingerprints
* Low-Level Hierarchical Multiscale Segmentation Statistics of Natural Images
* Markov Random Field Groupwise Registration Framework for Face Recognition, A
* Matching by Tone Mapping: Photometric Invariant Template Matching
* Measuring Crowd Collectiveness
* Minimax Framework for Classification with Applications to Images and High Dimensional Data, A
* Mixtures of Shifted Asymmetric Laplace Distributions
* Modeling Radiometric Uncertainty for Vision with Tone-Mapped Color Images
* Morphological Approach to Curvature-Based Evolution of Curves and Surfaces, A
* Multi-Class Supervised Novelty Detection
* Multi-Commodity Network Flow for Tracking Multiple People
* Multi-Observation Blind Deconvolution with an Adaptive Sparse Prior
* Multi-Scale Particle Filter Framework for Contour Detection, A
* Multiclass Data Segmentation Using Diffuse Interface Methods on Graphs
* Multilinear Discriminant Analysis for Higher-Order Tensor Data Classification
* Multimodal Similarity-Preserving Hashing
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Visual Object Recognition: A Review
* Neighborhood Repulsed Metric Learning for Kinship Verification
* Non-Rigid Object Detection with Local Interleaved Sequential Alignment (LISA)
* Nonlinear Dynamic Projection for Noise Reduction of Dispersed Manifolds
* Object Tracking by Oversampling Local Features
* Occlusion Reasoning for Object Detection Under Arbitrary Viewpoint
* On Bayesian Adaptive Video Super Resolution
* On the Role of Correlation and Abstraction in Cross-Modal Multimedia Retrieval
* On-Line Video Event Detection by Constraint Flow
* Online Learning and Sequential Anomaly Detection in Trajectories
* Online Multiple Kernel Similarity Learning for Visual Search
* Optimized Product Quantization
* Pairwise Rotation Invariant Co-Occurrence Local Binary Pattern
* Perceptual Annotation: Measuring Human Vision to Improve Computer Vision
* Phasic Triplet Markov Chains
* Photometric Stereo Using Sparse Bayesian Regression for General Diffuse Surfaces
* Physically-Based Approach to Reflection Separation: From Physical Modeling to Constrained Optimization, A
* Prediction of Human Activity by Discovering Temporal Sequence Patterns
* Preserving Structure in Model-Free Tracking
* Probability Models for Open Set Recognition
* Pseudo-Marginal Bayesian Inference for Gaussian Processes
* Random Cluster Model for Robust Geometric Fitting, The
* Relating Things and Stuff via ObjectProperty Interactions
* Retrieval-Based Face Annotation by Weak Label Regularized Local Coordinate Coding
* Robust and Efficient Saliency Modeling from Image Co-Occurrence Histograms
* Robust Recovery of Corrupted Low-Rank Matrix by Implicit Regularizers
* Robust Text Detection in Natural Scene Images
* Scalable Nearest Neighbor Algorithms for High Dimensional Data
* Scale Space for Camera Invariant Features
* Scene Particles: Unregularized Particle-Based Scene Flow Estimation
* Scene-Specific Pedestrian Detection for Static Video Surveillance
* Segmentation and Enhancement of Latent Fingerprints: A Coarse to Fine Ridge Structure Dictionary
* Segmentation of 3D Meshes Using p-Spectral Clustering
* Segmentation of Moving Objects by Long Term Video Analysis
* Semi-Supervised Kernel Mean Shift Clustering
* Shape Analysis of Planar Multiply-Connected Objects Using Conformal Welding
* Simultaneous Tensor Decomposition and Completion Using Factor Priors
* Soft Biometrics; Human Identification Using Comparative Descriptions
* Spacetime Stereo and 3D Flow via Binocular Spatiotemporal Orientation Analysis
* Sparse Feature Extraction for Pose-Tolerant Face Recognition
* Spatially-Constrained Similarity Measure for Large-Scale Object Retrieval
* Spherical and Hyperbolic Embeddings of Data
* Spike-and-Slab RBM and Extensions to Discrete and Sparse Data Distributions, The
* Stacked Sequential Scale-Space Taylor Context
* Statistical Inverse Ray Tracing for Image-Based 3D Modeling
* Stereo Time-of-Flight with Constructive Interference
* StructBoost: Boosting Methods for Predicting Structured Output Variables
* Structured Labels in Random Forests for Semantic Labelling and Object Detection
* Structured Time Series Analysis for Human Action Segmentation and Recognition
* Sum-over-Forests Density Index: Identifying Dense Regions in a Graph, The
* Support Vector Machine Classifier With Pinball Loss
* Temporal Analysis of Motif Mixtures Using Dirichlet Processes
* Tensor Sparse Coding for Positive Definite Matrices
* Toward Integrated Scene Text Reading
* Tracking by Sampling and Integrating Multiple Trackers
* Transform-Invariant PCA: A Unified Approach to Fully Automatic Face Alignment, Representation, and Recognition
* Trinary-Projection Trees for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Two-Stage Framework for 3D Face Reconstruction from RGBD Images, A
* Understanding Collective Activities of People from Videos
* Unified Approach for Registration and Depth in Depth from Defocus, A
* Unsupervised Adaptation Across Domain Shifts by Generating Intermediate Data Representations
* Variational Light Field Analysis for Disparity Estimation and Super-Resolution
* Video Event Detection: From Subvolume Localization to Spatiotemporal Path Search
* Virtual and Real World Adaptationfor Pedestrian Detection
* Visual Tracking: An Experimental Survey
* Visualization of Spatiotemporal Behavior of Discrete Maps via Generation of Recursive Median Elements
* Web Image Re-Ranking Using Query-Specific Semantic Signatures
* What Is Optimized in Convex Relaxations for Multilabel Problems: Connecting Discrete and Continuously Inspired MAP Inference
* What Makes a Photograph Memorable?
* Word Spotting and Recognition with Embedded Attributes
193 for PAMI(36)
* 3D Palmprint Identification Using Block-Wise Features and Collaborative Representation
* 3D Reasoning from Blocks to Stability
* 3D Shape Matching via Two Layer Coding
* Accelerating Particle Filter Using Randomized Multiscale and Fast Multipole Type Methods
* Actions in the Eye: Dynamic Gaze Datasets and Learnt Saliency Models for Visual Recognition
* Active Batch Selection via Convex Relaxations with Guaranteed Solution Bounds
* Are Gibbs-Type Priors the Most Natural Generalization of the Dirichlet Process?
* Automatic Analysis of Facial Affect: A Survey of Registration, Representation, and Recognition
* Bayesian CP Factorization of Incomplete Tensors with Automatic Rank Determination
* Bayesian Joint Modelling for Object Localisation in Weakly Labelled Images
* Bayesian Models of Graphs, Arrays and Other Exchangeable Random Structures
* Bayesian Nonparametric Approach to Image Super-Resolution, A
* Bayesian Nonparametric Methods for Partially-Observable Reinforcement Learning
* Bayesian Nonparametric Models for Multiway Data Analysis
* Bayesian Predictive Model for Clustering Data of Mixed Discrete and Continuous Type, A
* Beyond the Sum of Parts: Voting with Groups of Dependent Entities
* Boundary Preserving Dense Local Regions
* Capturing Spatial Interdependence in Image Features: The Counting Grid, an Epitomic Representation for Bags of Features
* Co-Segmentation Guided Hough Transform for Robust Feature Matching
* Color Constancy Using Double-Opponency
* Combinatorial Clustering and the Beta Negative Binomial Process
* Context-Aware Activity Modeling Using Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields
* Context-Sensitive Dynamic Ordinal Regression for Intensity Estimation of Facial Action Units
* Contextualizing Object Detection and Classification
* Contrario 2D Point Alignment Detection, A
* Convex Discriminative Multitask Clustering
* Convolutional Sparse Coding for Trajectory Reconstruction
* Cross-Domain Matching with Squared-Loss Mutual Information
* Data Fusion by Matrix Factorization
* Data-Driven Objectness
* Deep Human Parsing with Active Template Regression
* Deep Reconstruction Models for Image Set Classification
* Demographic Estimation from Face Images: Human vs. Machine Performance
* Dense Subgraph Partition of Positive Hypergraphs
* Detecting Humans in Dense Crowds Using Locally-Consistent Scale Prior and Global Occlusion Reasoning
* Detection and Rectification of Distorted Fingerprints
* Difference Subspace and Its Generalization for Subspace-Based Methods
* Differential Topic Models
* Directed Connected Operators: Asymmetric Hierarchies for Image Filtering and Segmentation
* Discriminative Relational Topic Models
* Discriminatively Trained And-Or Graph Models for Object Shape Detection
* Distance Dependent Infinite Latent Feature Models
* Distribution Matching with the Bhattacharyya Similarity: A Bound Optimization Framework
* Efficient Algorithm for Calculating the Exact Hausdorff Distance, An
* Efficient and Robust Specular Highlight Removal
* Efficient Learning of Image Super-Resolution and Compression Artifact Removal with Semi-Local Gaussian Processes
* Efficient Optimization for Sparse Gaussian Process Regression
* Estimation of an Observation Satellite's Attitude Using Multimodal Pushbroom Cameras
* Exploiting Unsupervised and Supervised Constraints for Subspace Clustering
* Fast Edge Detection Using Structured Forests
* Fast Nonparametric Clustering of Structured Time-Series
* Feature Space Independent Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation via Kernel Matching
* Finding the Secret of Image Saliency in the Frequency Domain
* Framework for Efficient Structured Max-Margin Learning of High-Order MRF Models, A
* Free-Form Region Description with Second-Order Pooling
* From Intensity Profile to Surface Normal: Photometric Stereo for Unknown Light Sources and Isotropic Reflectances
* From Pixels to Response Maps: Discriminative Image Filtering for Face Alignment in the Wild
* From Shading to Local Shape
* Fused LASSO Screening Rules via the Monotonicity of Subdifferentials
* Fusion of Range and Stereo Data for High-Resolution Scene-Modeling
* Gaussian Processes for Data-Efficient Learning in Robotics and Control
* Gaussian-Based Hue Descriptors
* Generalized Flows for Optimal Inference in Higher Order MRF-MAP
* Generalized Sparselet Models for Real-Time Multiclass Object Recognition
* Generalized Weiszfeld Algorithms for Lq Optimization
* Generative Graph Prototypes from Information Theory
* Gentle Nearest Neighbors Boosting over Proper Scoring Rules
* Geometric Change Detection in Urban Environments Using Images
* Global Contrast Based Salient Region Detection
* GPstruct: Bayesian Structured Prediction Using Gaussian Processes
* GReTA-A Novel Global and Recursive Tracking Algorithm in Three Dimensions
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Bayesian Nonparametrics
* Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Higher Order Graphical Models in Computer Vision
* HFirst: A Temporal Approach to Object Recognition
* High-Speed Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters
* Hybrid Loss for Multiclass and Structured Prediction, A
* Hypergraph-Based Reduction for Higher-Order Binary Markov Random Fields, A
* Inverted Multi-Index, The
* Joint Individual-Group Modeling for Tracking
* Kernel Methods on Riemannian Manifolds with Gaussian RBF Kernels
* Laplacian Scale-Space Behavior of Planar Curve Corners
* Latent IBP Compound Dirichlet Allocation
* Learning 3D Object Templates by Quantizing Geometry and Appearance Spaces
* Learning Compact Binary Face Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Learning Discriminative Collections of Part Detectors for Object Recognition
* Learning Efficient Sparse and Low Rank Models
* Learning Hierarchical Space Tiling for Scene Modeling, Parsing and Attribute Tagging
* Learning Image Descriptors with Boosting
* Learning Near-Optimal Cost-Sensitive Decision Policy for Object Detection
* Learning Separable Filters
* Learning Shared, Discriminative, and Compact Representations for Visual Recognition
* Learning the Information Divergence
* Learning Weighted Lower Linear Envelope Potentials in Binary Markov Random Fields
* Lift: Multi-Label Learning with Label-Specific Features
* Low Bias Local Intrinsic Dimension Estimation from Expected Simplex Skewness
* Marginal Consistency: Upper-Bounding Partition Functions over Commutative Semirings
* Matrix Completion for Weakly-Supervised Multi-Label Image Classification
* Maurer-Cartan Forms for Fields on Surfaces: Application to Heart Fiber Geometry
* Meta-Parameter Free Unsupervised Sparse Feature Learning
* Minimum Cost Multi-Way Data Association for Optimizing Multitarget Tracking of Interacting Objects
* Mirror Surface Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Mixture of Subspaces Image Representation and Compact Coding for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Modeling Non-Gaussian Time Series with Nonparametric Bayesian Model
* Multi-Camera Saliency
* Multi-Orientation Scene Text Detection with Adaptive Clustering
* Multi-Region Active Contours with a Single Level Set Function
* Multi-View and 3D Deformable Part Models
* Multi-View Intact Space Learning
* Multimodal Manifold Analysis by Simultaneous Diagonalization of Laplacians
* Multispectral Joint Image Restoration via Optimizing a Scale Map
* Negative Binomial Process Count and Mixture Modeling
* Nested Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes
* New Look at Reweighted Message Passing, A
* Non-Rigid Graph Registration Using Active Testing Search
* Normal Estimation of a Transparent Object Using a Video
* Normalized Compression Distance of Multisets with Applications
* Object Tracking Benchmark
* On Bayesian Network Classifiers with Reduced Precision Parameters
* On Reducing the Effect of Covariate Factors in Gait Recognition: A Classifier Ensemble Method
* Optimal Mass Transport for Shape Matching and Comparison
* Optimizing Average Precision Using Weakly Supervised Data
* Order Preserving Sparse Coding
* Parameter Estimation and Energy Minimization for Region-Based Semantic Segmentation
* Person Re-Identification by Iterative Re-Weighted Sparse Ranking
* Perturbed Variation, The
* Pitman-Yor Diffusion Trees for Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering
* Pose Estimation and Segmentation of Multiple People in Stereoscopic Movies
* Potential Energy of an Autoencoder, The
* Probabilistic Common Spatial Patterns for Multichannel EEG Analysis
* Probabilistic ToF and Stereo Data Fusion Based on Mixed Pixels Measurement Models
* Projection Operators and Moment Invariants to Image Blurring
* Query Specific Rank Fusion for Image Retrieval
* Rank-Based Similarity Search: Reducing the Dimensional Dependence
* Re-Identification in the Function Space of Feature Warps
* Recognising Planes in a Single Image
* Regionlets for Generic Object Detection
* Relational Learning and Network Modelling Using Infinite Latent Attribute Models
* Relative Hidden Markov Models for Video-Based Evaluation of Motion Skills in Surgical Training
* Retrieving Similar Styles to Parse Clothing
* Robust and Accurate Shape Model Matching Using Random Forest Regression-Voting
* Robust Estimation of Unbalanced Mixture Models on Samples with Outliers
* Robust High Dynamic Range Imaging by Rank Minimization
* Robust Structured Subspace Learning for Data Representation
* Scalable and Accurate Descriptor for Dynamic Textures Using Bag of System Trees, A
* Scale and Rotation Invariant Matching Using Linearly Augmented Trees
* Scaling Multidimensional Inference for Structured Gaussian Processes
* Semantic-Aware Co-Indexing for Image Retrieval
* Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Prostate in CT Images via Coupled Feature Representation and Spatial-Constrained Transductive Lasso
* Semi-Continuity of Skeletons in Two-Manifold and Discrete Voronoi Approximation
* Semi-Supervised Affinity Propagation with Soft Instance-Level Constraints
* Semidefinite Programming Based Search Strategy for Feature Selection with Mutual Information Measure, A
* Shape Matching Using Multiscale Integral Invariants
* Shape Tracking with Occlusions via Coarse-to-Fine Region-Based Sobolev Descent
* Shape, Illumination, and Reflectance from Shading
* Shape-from-Template
* Shortest Paths with Higher-Order Regularization
* Single and Multiple Object Tracking Using a Multi-Feature Joint Sparse Representation
* Single-Pedestrian Detection Aided by Two-Pedestrian Detection
* Skeletonization and Partitioning of Digital Images Using Discrete Morse Theory
* Sketch Matching on Topology Product Graph
* Sparse and Dense Hybrid Representation via Dictionary Decomposition for Face Recognition
* Sparse Multi-View Consistency for Object Segmentation
* Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition
* Spatiotemporal Directional Number Transitional Graph for Dynamic Texture Recognition
* Spherical Hashing: Binary Code Embedding with Hyperspheres
* Static Signature Synthesis: A Neuromotor Inspired Approach for Biometrics
* Statistical Analysis of IrisCode and Its Security Implications, A
* Statistical Optimality in Multipartite Ranking and Ordinal Regression
* Stereo Matching Using Tree Filtering
* Stereo Reconstruction of Droplet Flight Trajectories
* Structuring Lecture Videos by Automatic Projection Screen Localization and Analysis
* Submodular Relaxation for Inference in Markov Random Fields
* Supervised Hashing Using Graph Cuts and Boosted Decision Trees
* Supervised Hierarchical Dirichlet Process, The
* Survey of Non-Exchangeable Priors for Bayesian Nonparametric Models, A
* Tangent Bundle Elastica and Computer Vision
* Text Detection and Recognition in Imagery: A Survey
* Time-of-Flight Sensor Calibration for a Color and Depth Camera Pair
* Towards Contactless, Low-Cost and Accurate 3D Fingerprint Identification
* Towards Making Unlabeled Data Never Hurt
* Transductive Multi-View Zero-Shot Learning
* Tree Topology Estimation
* Unified Framework for Event Summarization and Rare Event Detection from Multiple Views, A
* Universality of the Local Marginal Polytope
* Unsupervised Discovery of Subspace Trends
* Unsupervised Object Class Discovery via Saliency-Guided Multiple Class Learning
* Variational Bayesian Matrix Factorization for Bounded Support Data
* Variational Infinite Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Very Simple Safe-Bayesian Random Forest, A
* Viewpoint Invariant Human Re-Identification in Camera Networks Using Pose Priors and Subject-Discriminative Features
* Visual Place Recognition with Repetitive Structures
* What Can Pictures Tell Us About Web Pages? Improving Document Search Using Images
* Why Does Mutual-Information Work for Image Registration? A Deterministic Explanation
* Why Does Rebalancing Class-Unbalanced Data Improve AUC for Linear Discriminant Analysis?
* Zero-Aliasing Correlation Filters for Object Recognition
195 for PAMI(37)
* 3D Feature Descriptor Recovered from a Single 2D Palmprint Image, A
* 3D Pictorial Structures Revisited: Multiple Human Pose Estimation
* 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion from Monocular Image Sequences
* 3D Shape and Indirect Appearance by Structured Light Transport
* A-Optimal Projection for Image Representation
* Accelerating Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Classification and Detection
* Accurate and Robust Artificial Marker Based on Cyclic Codes, An
* Action Recognition Using Rate-Invariant Analysis of Skeletal Shape Trajectories
* Adherent Raindrop Modeling, Detection and Removal in Video
* Adopting Abstract Images for Semantic Scene Understanding
* Analysing Domain Shift Factors between Videos and Images for Object Detection
* Anticipating Human Activities Using Object Affordances for Reactive Robotic Response
* Approximate Fisher Kernels of Non-iid Image Models for Image Categorization
* Archetypal Analysis for Nominal Observations
* Automatic Shadow Detection and Removal from a Single Image
* Bayesian Constrained Local Models Revisited
* Bayesian Non-Parametric Clustering of Ranking Data
* Bayesian Nonparametric Clustering for Positive Definite Matrices
* Cascades of Regression Tree Fields for Image Restoration
* Classification with Noisy Labels by Importance Reweighting
* Clearer Picture of Total Variation Blind Deconvolution, A
* Clustering Tree-Structured Data on Manifold
* Co-Labeling for Multi-View Weakly Labeled Learning
* Coherency Sensitive Hashing
* Comments on the Kinship Face in the Wild Data Sets
* Connected Filtering on Tree-Based Shape-Spaces
* Contour Tracking with a Spatio-Temporal Intensity Moment
* Contrastive Pessimistic Likelihood Estimation for Semi-Supervised Classification
* Correlated Percolation, Fractal Structures, and Scale-Invariant Distribution of Clusters in Natural Images
* Data-Driven Detection of Prominent Objects
* Deep and Autoregressive Approach for Topic Modeling of Multimodal Data, A
* Deep Dynamic Neural Networks for Multimodal Gesture Segmentation and Recognition
* Dense Correspondences across Scenes and Scales
* Depth Estimation and Specular Removal for Glossy Surfaces Using Point and Line Consistency with Light-Field Cameras
* Depth Estimation with Occlusion Modeling Using Light-Field Cameras
* Deterministic Analysis for LRR, A
* Dictionary Learning for Sparse Coding: Algorithms and Convergence Analysis
* Discriminative Bayesian Dictionary Learning for Classification
* Discriminative Unsupervised Feature Learning with Exemplar Convolutional Neural Networks
* Dissimilarity-Based Sparse Subset Selection
* Distributed Multi-Target Tracking and Data Association in Vision Networks
* Doubly Sparse Relevance Vector Machine for Continuous Facial Behavior Estimation
* Dynamic Scene Recognition with Complementary Spatiotemporal Features
* EM Algorithms for Weighted-Data Clustering with Application to Audio-Visual Scene Analysis
* Exploiting Hierarchical Dense Structures on Hypergraphs for Multi-Object Tracking
* Exploiting Surroundedness for Saliency Detection: A Boolean Map Approach
* Explore Efficient Local Features from RGB-D Data for One-Shot Learning Gesture Recognition
* Exploring Local and Overall Ordinal Information for Robust Feature Description
* Face Association for Videos Using Conditional Random Fields and Max-Margin Markov Networks
* Face Landmark Fitting via Optimized Part Mixtures and Cascaded Deformable Model
* Factorized Graph Matching
* Factors of Transferability for a Generic ConvNet Representation
* Fast and Accurate Unconstrained Face Detector, A
* Fast Coding of Feature Vectors Using Neighbor-to-Neighbor Search
* Fast Direct Methods for Gaussian Processes
* Fast Multidimensional Ellipsoid-Specific Fitting by Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Fast Rotation Search with Stereographic Projections for 3D Registration
* Flexible Clustered Multi-Task Learning by Learning Representative Tasks
* Full-Body Pose Tracking: The Top View Reprojection Approach
* Gauge Invariant Framework for Shape Analysis of Surfaces
* General, Nested, and Constrained Wiberg Minimization
* Generalized Canonical Time Warping
* Generalized Probabilistic Framework for Compact Codebook Creation, A
* Global Hypothesis Verification Framework for 3D Object Recognition in Clutter, A
* Globally Optimal Hand-Eye Calibration Using Branch-and-Bound
* Go-ICP: A Globally Optimal Solution to 3D ICP Point-Set Registration
* Graph Matching: Relax at Your Own Risk
* Guest Editorial: Special Section on CVPR 2013
* Guest Editorial: Special Section on CVPR 2014
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Multimodal Human Pose Recovery and Behavior Analysis
* HCP: A Flexible CNN Framework for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Heterogeneous Tensor Decomposition for Clustering via Manifold Optimization
* Hierarchical Image Saliency Detection on Extended CSSD
* Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Probabilistic Graphical Model with Multiple Feature Fusion for Binary Facial Attribute Classification in Real-World Face Videos
* High Accuracy Monocular SFM and Scale Correction for Autonomous Driving
* Higher-Order Graph Principles towards Non-Rigid Surface Registration
* Histogram of Oriented Principal Components for Cross-View Action Recognition
* Human Pose Estimation from Video and IMUs
* Human-Machine CRFs for Identifying Bottlenecks in Scene Understanding
* Hybrid Deep Learning for Face Verification
* Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks
* Incremental Learning of Random Forests for Large-Scale Image Classification
* Infinite Factorial Unbounded-State Hidden Markov Model
* Information Available to a Moving Observer on Shape with Unknown, Isotropic BRDFs, The
* Interacting Multiview Tracker
* Intrinsic Scene Properties from a Single RGB-D Image
* Isotonic Modeling with Non-Differentiable Loss Functions with Application to Lasso Regularization
* Joint Binary Classifier Learning for ECOC-Based Multi-Class Classification
* Joint Color-Spatial-Directional Clustering and Region Merging (JCSD-RM) for Unsupervised RGB-D Image Segmentation
* Joint Feature Selection and Subspace Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Joint Head Pose/Soft Label Estimation for Human Recognition In-The-Wild
* Joint Image Clustering and Labeling by Matrix Factorization
* Label-Embedding for Image Classification
* Labeled Graph Kernel for Behavior Analysis
* Laplace Approximation for Divisive Gaussian Processes for Nonstationary Regression
* Laplacian Regularized Low-Rank Representation and Its Applications
* Learning And-Or Model to Represent Context and Occlusion for Car Detection and Viewpoint Estimation
* Learning Deep Representation for Face Alignment with Auxiliary Attributes
* Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Fields
* Learning Discriminative Bayesian Networks from High-Dimensional Continuous Neuroimaging Data
* Learning SVM in Krein Spaces
* Learning to Deblur
* Learning to Diffuse: A New Perspective to Design PDEs for Visual Analysis
* Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Lifting Object Detection Datasets into 3D
* Local Feature Discriminant Projection
* Local Feature Selection for Data Classification
* Low Resolution Face Recognition Across Variations in Pose and Illumination
* Making Trillion Correlations Feasible in Feature Grouping and Selection
* Map-Based Probabilistic Visual Self-Localization
* Max-Margin Action Prediction Machine
* Minimum Entropy Rate Simplification of Stochastic Processes
* Mixture of Switching Linear Dynamics to Discover Behavior Patterns in Object Tracks
* ModDrop: Adaptive Multi-Modal Gesture Recognition
* Modeling 3D Environments through Hidden Human Context
* Multi-Directional Multi-Level Dual-Cross Patterns for Robust Face Recognition
* Multi-Graph Matching via Affinity Optimization with Graduated Consistency Regularization
* Multi-Target Tracking by Discrete-Continuous Energy Minimization
* Multi-Task Learning Framework for Head Pose Estimation under Target Motion, A
* Multi-View Discriminant Analysis
* Multimodal Multipart Learning for Action Recognition in Depth Videos
* Multiscale Centerline Detection
* Network Consistent Data Association
* New Measure for Analyzing and Fusing Sequences of Objects, A
* Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction via Path-Based Isometric Mapping
* Nonparametric Feature Matching Based Conditional Random Fields for Gesture Recognition from Multi-Modal Video
* Novel Performance Evaluation Methodology for Single-Target Trackers, A
* NUS-PRO: A New Visual Tracking Challenge
* Object Discovery: Soft Attributed Graph Mining
* Object Proposal Generation Using Two-Stage Cascade SVMs
* On Stereo Confidence Measures for Global Methods: Evaluation, New Model and Integration into Occupancy Grids
* One Shot Detection with Laplacian Object and Fast Matrix Cosine Similarity
* Online Metric-Weighted Linear Representations for Robust Visual Tracking
* Parametric Regression on the Grassmannian
* Parsing Based on Parselets: A Unified Deformable Mixture Model for Human Parsing
* Partial Optimality by Pruning for MAP-Inference with General Graphical Models
* Partial Sum Minimization of Singular Values in Robust PCA: Algorithm and Applications
* Pedestrian Detection with Spatially Pooled Features and Structured Ensemble Learning
* Person Re-Identification by Discriminative Selection in Video Ranking
* Photometric Ambient Occlusion for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* Principal Curves on Riemannian Manifolds
* Probabilistic Social Behavior Analysis by Exploring Body Motion-Based Patterns
* Real-Time Head Pose Tracking with Online Face Template Reconstruction
* Real-Time Lexicon-Free Scene Text Localization and Recognition
* Real-Time Simultaneous Pose and Shape Estimation for Articulated Objects Using a Single Depth Camera
* Realigning 2D and 3D Object Fragments without Correspondences
* Recognition Using Hybrid Classifiers
* Reconstructing Curvilinear Networks Using Path Classifiers and Integer Programming
* Reconstruction-Free Action Inference from Compressive Imagers
* Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectral Recovery via Actively Lit RGB Images
* Reflectance and Illumination Recovery in the Wild
* Region-Based Convolutional Networks for Accurate Object Detection and Segmentation
* Robust Correlated and Individual Component Analysis
* Robust Model Fitting Using Higher Than Minimal Subset Sampling
* Robust Regression
* Robust Subjective Visual Property Prediction from Crowdsourced Pairwise Labels
* Robust Vertex Classification
* SALSA: A Novel Dataset for Multimodal Group Behavior Analysis
* Saying What You're Looking For: Linguistics Meets Video Search
* Scalable Feature Matching by Dual Cascaded Scalar Quantization for Image Retrieval
* Scalable Robust Principal Component Analysis Using Grassmann Averages
* Scale Space Graph Representation and Kernel Matching for Non Rigid and Textured 3D Shape Retrieval
* Semantic Concept Co-Occurrence Patterns for Image Annotation and Retrieval
* Semantic Event Fusion of Different Visual Modality Concepts for Activity Recognition
* Semantic Image Segmentation with Contextual Hierarchical Models
* Separating Reflective and Fluorescent Components Using High Frequency Illumination in the Spectral Domain
* Sequential Non-Rigid Structure from Motion Using Physical Priors
* Shape and Reflectance Estimation in the Wild
* Shape Distributions of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems for Video-Based Inference
* Social Grouping for Multi-Target Tracking and Head Pose Estimation in Video
* Socially Constrained Structural Learning for Groups Detection in Crowd
* Spatio-Temporal Matching for Human Pose Estimation in Video
* Stochastic Approach to Diffeomorphic Point Set Registration with Landmark Constraints, A
* Struck: Structured Output Tracking with Kernels
* Structure-Preserving Binary Representations for RGB-D Action Recognition
* Sum Product Networks for Activity Recognition
* Supervised Evaluation of Image Segmentation and Object Proposal Techniques
* Surface Regions of Interest for Viewpoint Selection
* Survey on RGB, 3D, Thermal, and Multimodal Approaches for Facial Expression Recognition: History, Trends, and Affect-Related Applications
* Template-Based Monocular 3D Shape Recovery Using Laplacian Meshes
* Texture Illumination Separation for Single-Shot Structured Light Reconstruction
* Towards a Unified Framework for Pose, Expression, and Occlusion Tolerant Automatic Facial Alignment
* Towards Open-World Person Re-Identification by One-Shot Group-Based Verification
* Tracking Interacting Objects Using Intertwined Flows
* Two-Dimensional Whitening Reconstruction for Enhancing Robustness of Principal Component Analysis
* Uncertain LDA: Including Observation Uncertainties in Discriminative Transforms
* Unified Multiscale Framework for Planar, Surface, and Curve Skeletonization, An
* Unsupervised Many-to-Many Object Matching for Relational Data
* Variational Inference for Watson Mixture Model
* Weakly Supervised Large Scale Object Localization with Multiple Instance Learning and Bag Splitting
* What Makes for Effective Detection Proposals?
191 for PAMI(38)
* Active Clustering with Model-Based Uncertainty Reduction
* Adaptive 3D Face Reconstruction from Unconstrained Photo Collections
* Adaptive Nonlocal Sparse Representation for Dual-Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
* Adaptive Visual Tracking with Minimum Uncertainty Gap Estimation
* Algorithm-Dependent Generalization Bounds for Multi-Task Learning
* Aligning Where to See and What to Tell: Image Captioning with Region-Based Attention and Scene-Specific Contexts
* Automatic Trimap Generation and Consistent Matting for Light-Field Images
* Bayesian Modeling of Temporal Coherence in Videos for Entity Discovery and Summarization
* Bayesian Time-of-Flight for Realtime Shape, Illumination and Albedo
* Behavioral Handwriting Model for Static and Dynamic Signature Synthesis, A
* Best Fitting Hyperplanes for Classification
* Blessing of Dimensionality: Recovering Mixture Data via Dictionary Pursuit
* Blind Image Denoising via Dependent Dirichlet Process Tree
* Building Proteins in a Day: Efficient 3D Molecular Structure Estimation with Electron Cryomicroscopy
* Characterizing and Discovering Spatiotemporal Social Contact Patterns for Healthcare
* City-Scale Localization for Cameras with Known Vertical Direction
* Clustering by Minimum Cut Hyperplanes
* Clustering with Hypergraphs: The Case for Large Hyperedges
* Co-Saliency Detection via a Self-Paced Multiple-Instance Learning Framework
* Compositional Model Based Fisher Vector Coding for Image Classification
* Comprehensive Study on Cross-View Gait Based Human Identification with Deep CNNs, A
* Comprehensive Use of Curvature for Robust and Accurate Online Surface Reconstruction
* Compressed Submanifold Multifactor Analysis
* Convexity Shape Prior for Binary Segmentation
* Cross Validation Through Two-Dimensional Solution Surface for Cost-Sensitive SVM
* Cross-Convolutional-Layer Pooling for Image Recognition
* Cross-Domain Visual Matching via Generalized Similarity Measure and Feature Learning
* Cross-Validated Variable Selection in Tree-Based Methods Improves Predictive Performance
* DASC: Robust Dense Descriptor for Multi-Modal and Multi-Spectral Correspondence Estimation
* Deep Matrix Factorization Method for Learning Attribute Representations, A
* Deep Visual-Semantic Alignments for Generating Image Descriptions
* DeepID-Net: Object Detection with Deformable Part Based Convolutional Neural Networks
* DeepShape: Deep-Learned Shape Descriptor for 3D Shape Retrieval
* Dense Semantic 3D Reconstruction
* Detecting Flying Objects Using a Single Moving Camera
* Directional Enlacement Histograms for the Description of Complex Spatial Configurations between Objects
* Discriminative and Efficient Label Propagation on Complementary Graphs for Multi-Object Tracking
* Discriminative Scale Space Tracking
* Dynamic Programming for Instance Annotation in Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning
* Dynamic Whitening Saliency
* Efficient Activity Detection in Untrimmed Video with Max-Subgraph Search
* Efficient Effective Prioritized Matching for Large-Scale Image-Based Localization
* Efficient Globally Optimal Algorithm for Asymmetric Point Matching, An
* Efficient Globally Optimal Consensus Maximisation with Tree Search
* Efficient Joint Formulation for Bayesian Face Verification, An
* Efficient Multilinear Optimization Framework for Hypergraph Matching, An
* Elastic Functional Coding of Riemannian Trajectories
* Empirical Minimum Bayes Risk Prediction
* End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Image-Based Sequence Recognition and Its Application to Scene Text Recognition, An
* Estimating Cortical Feature Maps with Dependent Gaussian Processes
* Evaluation of Segmentation Quality via Adaptive Composition of Reference Segmentations
* Expanded Parts Model for Semantic Description of Humans in Still Images
* Exploiting Experts: Knowledge for Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks
* Face Search at Scale
* Face Verification via Class Sparsity Based Supervised Encoding
* Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks
* Feature Selection with Annealing for Computer Vision and Big Data Learning
* Forward Selection Component Analysis: Algorithms and Applications
* Frequency-Domain Transient Imaging
* Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Gamifying Video Object Segmentation
* Generalized Sparse Learning of Linear Models Over the Complete Subgraph Feature Set
* Generation of Duplicated Off-Line Signature Images for Verification Systems
* Geometric Calibration of Micro-Lens-Based Light Field Cameras Using Line Features
* Geometric Graph Matching Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
* Graphical Representation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Guest Editorial: Best of CVPR 2015
* Hierarchical Clustering Multi-Task Learning for Joint Human Action Grouping and Recognition
* Hierarchical Context Modeling for Video Event Recognition
* Hierarchical Segmentation Using Tree-Based Shape Spaces
* Higher-Order Occurrence Pooling for Bags-of-Words: Visual Concept Detection
* Homography Based Egomotion Estimation with a Common Direction
* HOTS: A Hierarchy of Event-Based Time-Surfaces for Pattern Recognition
* Human Parsing with Contextualized Convolutional Neural Network
* Hyperbolic Harmonic Mapping for Surface Registration
* Image Registration and Change Detection under Rolling Shutter Motion Blur
* Improving Large-Scale Image Retrieval Through Robust Aggregation of Local Descriptors
* Information-Theoretic Compressive Measurement Design
* Interferences in Match Kernels
* Joint A Contrario Ellipse and Line Detection
* Joint Intermodal and Intramodal Label Transfers for Extremely Rare or Unseen Classes
* Jointly Learning Heterogeneous Features for RGB-D Activity Recognition
* Kronecker-Markov Prior for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
* Large-Scale Binary Quadratic Optimization Using Semidefinite Relaxation and Applications
* Latent Regression Forest: Structured Estimation of 3D Hand Poses
* Learning Category-Specific Deformable 3D Models for Object Reconstruction
* Learning from Weak and Noisy Labels for Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Supervised Topic Models for Classification and Regression from Crowds
* Learning to Generate Chairs, Tables and Cars with Convolutional Networks
* Learning to Recognize Human Activities Using Soft Labels
* Learning to Segment Human by Watching YouTube
* Linear Subspace Ranking Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Local Log-Euclidean Multivariate Gaussian Descriptor and Its Application to Image Classification
* Local Submodularization for Binary Pairwise Energies
* Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition and Description
* LP Relaxation of the Potts Labeling Problem Is as Hard as Any Linear Program
* L_0 Regularized Stationary-Time Estimation for Crowd Analysis
* L_0-Regularized Intensity and Gradient Prior for Deblurring Text Images and Beyond
* MARCOnI: ConvNet-Based MARker-Less Motion Capture in Outdoor and Indoor Scenes
* Measuring and Predicting Tag Importance for Image Retrieval
* Modeling 4D Human-Object Interactions for Joint Event Segmentation, Recognition, and Object Localization
* Multi-Instance Classification by Max-Margin Training of Cardinality-Based Markov Networks
* Multi-Language Online Handwriting Recognition
* Multi-Timescale Collaborative Tracking
* Multi-View Multi-Instance Learning Based on Joint Sparse Representation and Multi-View Dictionary Learning
* Multiscale Combinatorial Grouping for Image Segmentation and Object Proposal Generation
* Nasal Patches and Curves for Expression-Robust 3D Face Recognition
* NELasso: Group-Sparse Modeling for Characterizing Relations Among Named Entities in News Articles
* New Framework for Quality Assessment of High-Resolution Fingerprint Images, A
* Newton-Type Greedy Selection Methods for L_0-Constrained Minimization
* Non-Stationary Rician Noise Estimation in Parallel MRI Using a Single Image: A Variance-Stabilizing Approach
* Novel Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Probability Density Functions, A
* Novel Views of Objects from a Single Image
* Nuclear Norm Based Matrix Regression with Applications to Face Recognition with Occlusion and Illumination Changes
* Numerical Inversion of SRNF Maps for Elastic Shape Analysis of Genus-Zero Surfaces
* Object Detection Networks on Convolutional Feature Maps
* Object Instance Segmentation and Fine-Grained Localization Using Hypercolumns
* On the Equivalence of the LC-KSVD and the D-KSVD Algorithms
* On the Latent Variable Interpretation in Sum-Product Networks
* On the Link Between L1-PCA and ICA
* Online Object Tracking, Learning and Parsing with And-Or Graphs
* Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation
* Parametric Surface Diffeomorphometry for Low Dimensional Embeddings of Dense Segmentations and Imagery
* PatchMatch Filter: Edge-Aware Filtering Meets Randomized Search for Visual Correspondence
* Person Re-Identification by Saliency Learning
* Photometric Stereo in a Scattering Medium
* Planar Structure-from-Motion with Affine Camera Models: Closed-Form Solutions, Ambiguities and Degeneracy Analysis
* Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences: A Complete Analysis and a Series of Solutions
* Pre-Capture Privacy for Small Vision Sensors
* Principal Graph and Structure Learning Based on Reversed Graph Embedding
* Probabilistic Model for Robust Affine and Non-Rigid Point Set Matching
* Procrustean Normal Distribution for Non-Rigid Structure from Motion
* PSQP: Puzzle Solving by Quadratic Programming
* Randomly Perturbed B-Splines for Nonrigid Image Registration
* Rank Pooling for Action Recognition
* Ranking Saliency
* Real-Time Enhancement of Dynamic Depth Videos with Non-Rigid Deformations
* Recovering Inner Slices of Layered Translucent Objects by Multi-Frequency Illumination
* Reproduction Angular Error for Evaluating the Performance of Illuminant Estimation Algorithms, The
* Robust Multiview Photometric Stereo Using Planar Mesh Parameterization
* Saliency Detection on Light Field
* Salient Object Detection via Structured Matrix Decomposition
* Scatter Component Analysis: A Unified Framework for Domain Adaptation and Domain Generalization
* Screening Tests for LASSO Problems
* SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Image Segmentation
* Selective Transfer Machine for Personalized Facial Expression Analysis
* Semantic Pooling for Complex Event Analysis in Untrimmed Videos
* Semi-Supervised Tensor-Based Graph Embedding Learning and Its Application to Visual Discriminant Tracking
* Shape and Spatially-Varying Reflectance Estimation from Virtual Exemplars
* Shape Estimation from Shading, Defocus, and Correspondence Using Light-Field Angular Coherence
* Show and Tell: Lessons Learned from the 2015 MSCOCO Image Captioning Challenge
* SIFTing Through Scales
* Social Collaborative Filtering by Trust
* Sparse Learning with Stochastic Composite Optimization
* Sparse Representation for 3D Shape Estimation: A Convex Relaxation Approach
* Sparse Representation-Based Open Set Recognition
* Sphere-Description-Based Approach for Multiple-Instance Learning, A
* Stable Analytical Framework for Isometric Shape-from-Template by Surface Integration, A
* Statistical Meta-Analysis of Presentation Attacks for Secure Multibiometric Systems
* STC: A Simple to Complex Framework for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Submodular Attribute Selection for Visual Recognition
* Summarizing Unconstrained Videos Using Salient Montages
* Super Normal Vector for Human Activity Recognition with Depth Cameras
* Supporting One-Time Point Annotations for Gesture Recognition
* Top-Down Visual Saliency via Joint CRF and Dictionary Learning
* Tracklet Association by Online Target-Specific Metric Learning and Coherent Dynamics Estimation
* Trainable Nonlinear Reaction Diffusion: A Flexible Framework for Fast and Effective Image Restoration
* Transformations Based on Continuous Piecewise-Affine Velocity Fields
* Tree-Structured Models for Efficient Multi-Cue Scene Labeling
* Tri-Clustered Tensor Completion for Social-Aware Image Tag Refinement
* Triangulation in Random Refractive Distortions
* Tube-and-Droplet-Based Approach for Representing and Analyzing Motion Trajectories, A
* Two-Class Weather Classification
* Uniform Projection for Multi-View Learning
* Unifying Model for Camera Calibration, A
* Unsupervised Spectral Mesh Segmentation Driven by Heterogeneous Graphs
* Video Object Discovery and Co-Segmentation with Extremely Weak Supervision
* Video2vec Embeddings Recognize Events When Examples Are Scarce
* Visual Vibrometry: Estimating Material Properties from Small Motions in Video
* Visually Grounded Meaning Representations
* Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Multi-Fold Multiple Instance Learning
* Weakly-Supervised Image Annotation and Segmentation with Objects and Attributes
* Write a Classifier: Predicting Visual Classifiers from Unstructured Text
183 for PAMI(39)
* Algebraic Approach to the Generation and Description of Binary Pictures, An
* Algebraic Description of Painted Digital Pictures, An
* Attributed Programmed Graph Grammars and Their Application to Schematic Diagram Interpretation
* Augmented Relaxation Labeling and Dynamic Relaxation Labeling
* Automated Visual Inspection: A Survey
* Boundary Detection in Multidimensions
* Cell Tracking: A Modeling and Minimization Approach
* Comments on A Counterexample to a Diameter Algorithm for Convex Polygons
* Computational Cost of Image Registration with a Parallel Binary Array Processor
* Convex Digital Solids
* Core-Line Tracing Algorithm Based on Maximal Square Moving, A
* Counterexample to a Diameter Algorithm for Convex Polygons, A
* Description of Textures by a Structural Analysis
* Digital Convexity, Straightness, and Convex Polygons
* Digital Straight Lines and Convexity of Digital Regions
* Discrete Optimization by Relational Constraint Satisfaction
* Distance Transform for Images Represented by Quadtrees
* Dot Pattern Processing Using Voronoi Neighborhoods
* Efficient Calculation of Primary Image from a Set of Images
* Experiments in Text Recognition with Binary N-Gram and Viterbi Algorithms
* Geometrical Approach to Polygonal Dissimilarity and Shape Matching, A
* Gestalt-Guided Boundary Follower for X-Ray Images of Lung Nodules, A
* Graph-Theoretic Method for Decomposing Two-Dimensional Polygonal Shapes into Meaningful Parts, A
* Identification of Space Curves from Two-Dimensional Perspective Views
* Implementation, Interpretation, and Analysis of a Suboptimal Boundary Finding Algorithm
* Locating Structures in Aerial Images
* Matching Images to Models for Registration and Object Detection via Clustering
* Mathematical Model for Computer Image Tracking, A
* Mathematical Structures of Line Drawings of Polyhedrons: Toward Man-Machine Communication by Means of Line Drawings
* Maximum Likelihood Approach to Texture Classification, A
* Medial Axis Transformation for Grayscale Pictures, A
* Medial Axis Transformation of A Planar Shape
* Method for Computing the Partial Singular Value Decomposition, A
* Method for Finding Pairs of Antiparallel Straight Lines, A
* Method for Selecting Constrained Hand-Printed Character Shapes for Machine Recognition, A
* Model and Tracking Algorithm for a Class of Video Targets, A
* Model for Radar Images and Its Application to Adaptive Digital Filtering for Multiplicative Noise, A
* Moving Target Tracking Using Symbolic Registration
* New Algorithm for the Slant Transform, A
* Nonlinear Restoration of Noisy Images
* Note on the Quantitative Measurement of Image Enhancement Through Fuzziness, A
* On the Chain Code of a Line
* On the Difficulties Involved in the Segmentation of Pictures
* On-Line Procedure for Recognition of Handprinted Alphanumeric Characters, An
* Organization of Relational Models for Scene Analysis
* Performance Evaluations of Correlations of Digital Images Using Different Separability Measures
* Pixel Classification Based on Gray Level and Local Busyness
* Recognition of Distorted Patterns Using the Viterbi Algorithm
* Refinement of a Spherical Decomposition Algorithm, A
* Region Extraction from Complex Shapes
* Rule-Based Learning for More Accurate ECG Analysis
* Sampling Considerations for Multilevel Crossing Analysis
* Scaling Binary Images with the Telescoping Template
* Scene-Based Nonuniformity Compensation for Imaging Sensors
* Segmentation of Images Having Unimodal Distributions
* Segmentation of Images Having Unimodal Distributions
* Shape Measurement of Curved Objects Using Multiple Slit-Ray Projections
* Some Accuracy and Resolution Aspects of Computer Vision Distance Measurements
* Stable Matching Between a Hand Structure and an Object Silhouette
* Statistical Properties of Error Estimators in Performance Assessment of Recognition Systems
* String Correction Algorithm for Cursive Script Recognition, A
* Studies in Global and Local Histogram Guided Relaxation Algorithms
* Syntactic Approach to Seismic Pattern Recognition, A
* Systematic Feature Extraction
* Threshold Selection Using Quadtrees
* Unsupervised Learning Approach to Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
* Waveform Feature Extraction based on Tauberian Approximation
67 for PAMI(4)
* 24/7 Place Recognition by View Synthesis
* 3D Object Localisation from Multi-View Image Detections
* 3D Object Proposals Using Stereo Imagery for Accurate Object Class Detection
* 3D Reconstruction in the Presence of Glass and Mirrors by Acoustic and Visual Fusion
* 3D Reconstruction of In-the-Wild Faces in Images and Videos
* Action Recognition with Dynamic Image Networks
* Active Self-Paced Learning for Cost-Effective and Progressive Face Identification
* Algebraic Clustering of Affine Subspaces
* Analysis and Optimization of Loss Functions for Multiclass, Top-k, and Multilabel Classification
* Attribute And-Or Grammar for Joint Parsing of Human Pose, Parts and Attributes
* Audio-Visual Speaker Diarization Based on Spatiotemporal Bayesian Fusion
* Automatic Camera Calibration Using Multiple Sets of Pairwise Correspondences
* Bayesian Approach to Policy Recognition and State Representation Learning, A
* Bayesian Helmholtz Stereopsis with Integrability Prior
* Best-Buddies Similarity: Robust Template Matching Using Mutual Nearest Neighbors
* Bilinear Convolutional Neural Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Bilinear Factor Matrix Norm Minimization for Robust PCA: Algorithms and Applications
* Binary Online Learned Descriptors
* Binary Quadratic Programing for Online Tracking of Hundreds of People in Extremely Crowded Scenes
* Boosted Random Ferns for Object Detection
* BreakingNews: Article Annotation by Image and Text Processing
* Challenging the Time Complexity of Exact Subgraph Isomorphism for Huge and Dense Graphs with VF3
* Characterization of Color Images with Multiscale Monogenic Maxima
* Clickstream Analysis for Crowd-Based Object Segmentation with Confidence
* Clustering Millions of Faces by Identity
* CODE: Coherence Based Decision Boundaries for Feature Correspondence
* Collaborative Active Visual Recognition from Crowds: A Distributed Ensemble Approach
* Collaborative Index Embedding for Image Retrieval
* Collocation for Diffeomorphic Deformations in Medical Image Registration
* Colour Constancy Beyond the Classical Receptive Field
* Confidence-Based Data Association and Discriminative Deep Appearance Learning for Robust Online Multi-Object Tracking
* Context-Aware Local Binary Feature Learning for Face Recognition
* Continuous 3D Label Stereo Matching Using Local Expansion Moves
* Convolutional Oriented Boundaries: From Image Segmentation to High-Level Tasks
* Copula Based Classifier Fusion Under Statistical Dependence
* Coresets for Triangulation
* Crafting GBD-Net for Object Detection
* Cross Euclidean-to-Riemannian Metric Learning with Application to Face Recognition from Video
* Cross-Modal Scene Networks
* Curvilinear Structure Analysis by Ranking the Orientation Responses of Path Operators
* Data Visualization with Structural Control of Global Cohort and Local Data Neighborhoods
* Deblurring Images via Dark Channel Prior
* Deblurring Low-Light Images with Light Streaks
* Deep Canonical Time Warping for Simultaneous Alignment and Representation Learning of Sequences
* Deep Learning Markov Random Field for Semantic Segmentation
* Deep Multimodal Feature Analysis for Action Recognition in RGB+D Videos
* Deep Unfolding for Topic Models
* DeepLab: Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Nets, Atrous Convolution, and Fully Connected CRFs
* Deformation Based Curved Shape Representation
* Demographic Analysis from Biometric Data: Achievements, Challenges, and New Frontiers
* Dense 3D Face Correspondence
* Dimensionality Reduction on SPD Manifolds: The Emergence of Geometry-Aware Methods
* Direct Least Square Fitting of Hyperellipsoids
* Direct Sparse Odometry
* Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction for Multi-Dimensional Sequences
* Discriminative Multiple Instance Hyperspectral Target Characterization
* Discriminatively Trained Latent Ordinal Model for Video Classification
* Disentangling the Modes of Variation in Unlabelled Data
* Domain Generalization and Adaptation Using Low Rank Exemplar SVMs
* Drawing and Recognizing Chinese Characters with Recurrent Neural Network
* Dual Sticky Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model and Its Application to Natural Language Description of Motions
* Dynamic Video Deblurring Using a Locally Adaptive Blur Model
* EAC-Net: Deep Nets with Enhancing and Cropping for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Efficient 2D and 3D Facade Segmentation Using Auto-Context
* Efficient Group-n Encoding and Decoding for Facial Age Estimation
* Ego-Surfing: Person Localization in First-Person Videos Using Ego-Motion Signatures
* ELD-Net: An Efficient Deep Learning Architecture for Accurate Saliency Detection
* Embedding Based on Function Approximation for Large Scale Image Search
* Ensembles of Lasso Screening Rules
* Error-Correcting Factorization
* Event-Based, 6-DOF Camera Tracking from Photometric Depth Maps
* Exploiting Feature and Class Relationships in Video Categorization with Regularized Deep Neural Networks
* Exploring Context with Deep Structured Models for Semantic Segmentation
* Expression-Invariant Age Estimation Using Structured Learning
* Extreme Value Machine, The
* Face Recognition via Collaborative Representation: Its Discriminant Nature and Superposed Representation
* Faceness-Net: Face Detection through Deep Facial Part Responses
* Facial Landmark Detection with Tweaked Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast Median Filtering for Phase or Orientation Data
* Fast Randomized Singular Value Thresholding for Low-Rank Optimization
* Fast Supervised Discrete Hashing
* Fixed Points of Belief Propagation: An Analysis via Polynomial Homotopy Continuation
* Fluid Dynamic Models for Bhattacharyya-Based Discriminant Analysis
* Force-Based Representation for Non-Rigid Shape and Elastic Model Estimation
* Foreground Segmentation with Tree-Structured Sparse RPCA
* Functional Regression Approach to Facial Landmark Tracking, A
* Gaussian Process Morphable Models
* Generalizing Pooling Functions in CNNs: Mixed, Gated, and Tree
* Generative Local Metric Learning for Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Ghost Numbers
* Gracker: A Graph-Based Planar Object Tracker
* Graph Matching with Adaptive and Branching Path Following
* Guaranteed Outlier Removal for Point Cloud Registration with Correspondences
* Guest Editorial: The Computational Face
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Learning with Shared Information for Computer Vision and Multimedia Analysis
* Hand-Object Contact Force Estimation from Markerless Visual Tracking
* HeadFusion: 360° Head Pose Tracking Combining 3D Morphable Model and 3D Reconstruction
* Hetero-Manifold Regularisation for Cross-Modal Hashing
* Heterogeneous Face Attribute Estimation: A Deep Multi-Task Learning Approach
* Hierarchical Sparse Representation for Robust Image Registration
* Highly Articulated Kinematic Structure Estimation Combining Motion and Skeleton Information
* Hybrid Shared-Memory Parallel Max-Tree Algorithm for Extreme Dynamic-Range Images, A
* Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering Based on Attributes and External Knowledge
* Image Visual Realism: From Human Perception to Machine Computation
* Incorporating Network Built-in Priors in Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Inextensible Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion by Second-Order Cone Programming
* Inference-Based Similarity Search in Randomized Montgomery Domains for Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification
* Information Dropout: Learning Optimal Representations Through Noisy Computation
* Intrinsic Manifold SLIC: A Simple and Efficient Method for Computing Content-Sensitive Superpixels
* Isometric Non-Rigid Shape-from-Motion with Riemannian Geometry Solved in Linear Time
* Joint Alignment of Multiple Point Sets with Batch and Incremental Expectation-Maximization
* Joint Multi-Leaf Segmentation, Alignment, and Tracking for Fluorescence Plant Videos
* Joint Semantic and Latent Attribute Modelling for Cross-Class Transfer Learning
* Jointly Learning Deep Features, Deformable Parts, Occlusion and Classification for Pedestrian Detection
* Kendall and Mallows Kernels for Permutations, The
* Kronecker-Basis-Representation Based Tensor Sparsity and Its Applications to Tensor Recovery
* Latent-Class Hough Forests for 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation
* Learning a Deep Model for Human Action Recognition from Novel Viewpoints
* Learning and Inferring Dark Matter: and Predicting Human Intents and Trajectories in Videos
* Learning Building Extraction in Aerial Scenes with Convolutional Networks
* Learning Compositional Sparse Bimodal Models
* Learning Consensus Representation for Weak Style Classification
* Learning from Ambiguously Labeled Face Images
* Learning from Narrated Instruction Videos
* Learning Kinematic Structure Correspondences Using Multi-Order Similarities
* Learning Semantic Part-Based Models from Google Images
* Learning Spatial-Semantic Context with Fully Convolutional Recurrent Network for Online Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
* Learning Trans-Dimensional Random Fields with Applications to Language Modeling
* Learning Without Forgetting
* Leave-One-Out Kernel Optimization for Shadow Detection and Removal
* Light Field Reconstruction Using Shearlet Transform
* Linear Maximum Margin Classifier for Learning from Uncertain Data
* Long-Term Temporal Convolutions for Action Recognition
* Longitudinal Study of Automatic Face Recognition
* Manhattan Frame Model: Manhattan World Inference in the Space of Surface Normals, The
* Matching by Monotonic Tone Mapping
* Max-Margin Deep Generative Models for (Semi-)Supervised Learning
* Maximum Persistency via Iterative Relaxed Inference in Graphical Models
* Mixture of Probabilistic Principal Component Analyzers for Shapes from Point Sets
* Multi-Atlas Segmentation Using Partially Annotated Data: Methods and Annotation Strategies
* Multi-Dimensional Sparse Models
* Multi-Gait Recognition Based on Attribute Discovery
* Multi-Modal, Discriminative and Spatially Invariant CNN for RGB-D Object Labeling, A
* Multi-Target Regression via Robust Low-Rank Learning
* Multi-Task Learning with Low Rank Attribute Embedding for Multi-Camera Person Re-Identification
* Multiresolution Search of the Rigid Motion Space for Intensity-Based Registration
* Multiview Rectification of Folded Documents
* NetVLAD: CNN Architecture for Weakly Supervised Place Recognition
* Novel Linelet-Based Representation for Line Segment Detection, A
* Object Segmentation Ensuring Consistency Across Multi-Viewpoint Images
* One-Pass Learning with Incremental and Decremental Features
* Partition Level Constrained Clustering
* PD2T: Person-Specific Detection, Deformable Tracking
* Person Re-Identification by Camera Correlation Aware Feature Augmentation
* Personalized Age Progression with Bi-Level Aging Dictionary Learning
* Photorealistic Monocular Gaze Redirection Using Machine Learning
* Piecewise-Planar StereoScan: Sequential Structure and Motion Using Plane Primitives
* Places: A 10 Million Image Database for Scene Recognition
* Probabilistic Active Learning Algorithm Based on Fisher Information Ratio, A
* Probabilistic Elastic Part Model: A Pose-Invariant Representation for Real-World Face Verification
* Probabilistic Framework for the Characterization of Surfaces and Edges in Range Images, with Application to Edge Detection
* Progressive Minimal Path Method for Segmentation of 2D and 3D Line Structures
* Proposal Flow: Semantic Correspondences from Object Proposals
* Proposal-Free Network for Instance-Level Object Segmentation
* Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequences by Enforcing Time-Consistency
* Recovering Joint and Individual Components in Facial Data
* Recurrent Convolutional Shape Regression
* Reflectance and Natural Illumination from Single-Material Specular Objects Using Deep Learning
* Response to Ghost Numbers
* Rethinking the sGLOH Descriptor
* Retrieval of Sentence Sequences for an Image Stream via Coherence Recurrent Convolutional Networks
* Robust 3D Object Tracking from Monocular Images Using Stable Parts
* Robust Guided Image Filtering Using Nonconvex Potentials
* Robust Light Field Depth Estimation Using Occlusion-Noise Aware Data Costs
* Robust Matrix Factorization by Majorization Minimization
* Robust Online Matrix Factorization for Dynamic Background Subtraction
* Robust Relative Rotation Averaging
* S-CNN: Subcategory-Aware Convolutional Networks for Object Detection
* Safe Feature Screening for Generalized LASSO
* Saliency-Aware Video Object Segmentation
* Scalable Joint Models for Reliable Uncertainty-Aware Event Prediction
* Scene Segmentation with DAG-Recurrent Neural Networks
* Self-Expressive Dictionary Learning for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
* Semantic Object Segmentation in Tagged Videos via Detection
* Separability-Oriented Subclass Discriminant Analysis
* Sequential Optimization for Efficient High-Quality Object Proposal Generation
* Shading-Based Surface Detail Recovery Under General Unknown Illumination
* Shakeout: A New Approach to Regularized Deep Neural Network Training
* Sharable and Individual Multi-View Metric Learning
* SIFT Meets CNN: A Decade Survey of Instance Retrieval
* SimiNet: A Novel Method for Quantifying Brain Network Similarity
* Simple, Fast and Highly-Accurate Algorithm to Recover 3D Shape from 2D Landmarks on a Single Image, A
* Simultaneous Clustering and Model Selection: Algorithm, Theory and Applications
* Simultaneous Local Binary Feature Learning and Encoding for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Single-View 3D Scene Reconstruction and Parsing by Attribute Grammar
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal LSTM Network with Trust Gates
* Spatiotemporal GMM for Background Subtraction with Superpixel Hierarchy
* Spectral Learning for Supervised Topic Models
* Structure-Aware Data Consolidation
* Sub-Selective Quantization for Learning Binary Codes in Large-Scale Image Search
* Supervised Learning of Semantics-Preserving Hash via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Survey on Learning to Hash, A
* SVBRDF-Invariant Shape and Reflectance Estimation from a Light-Field Camera
* SymPS: BRDF Symmetry Guided Photometric Stereo for Shape and Light Source Estimation
* Template Matching via Densities on the Roto-Translation Group
* Tetrahedron Based Fast 3D Fingerprint Identification Using Colored LEDs Illumination
* Towards Reaching Human Performance in Pedestrian Detection
* Towards Robust and Accurate Multi-View and Partially-Occluded Face Alignment
* Tracking Gaze and Visual Focus of Attention of People Involved in Social Interaction
* Tracking-by-Detection of 3D Human Shapes: From Surfaces to Volumes
* Transduction on Directed Graphs via Absorbing Random Walks
* Trunk-Branch Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Two-Stream Transformer Networks for Video-Based Face Alignment
* Unified Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers by Majorization Minimization, A
* Unified Framework for Tracking Based Text Detection and Recognition from Web Videos, A
* Unsupervised Deep Hashing with Similarity-Adaptive and Discrete Optimization
* Unsupervised Transfer Learning via Multi-Scale Convolutional Sparse Coding for Biomedical Applications
* Video Super-Resolution via Bidirectional Recurrent Convolutional Networks
* Viewpoint-Consistent 3D Face Alignment
* Visual and Semantic Knowledge Transfer for Large Scale Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* Visual Kinship Recognition of Families in the Wild
* Visual Recognition in RGB Images and Videos by Learning from RGB-D Data
* Watch-n-Patch: Unsupervised Learning of Actions and Relations
* Webly-Supervised Fine-Grained Visual Categorization via Deep Domain Adaptation
* Zero-Shot Learning on Semantic Class Prototype Graph
* Zero-Shot Learning Using Synthesised Unseen Visual Data with Diffusion Regularisation
226 for PAMI(40)
* 3D-Aided Dual-Agent GANs for Unconstrained Face Recognition
* Accurate 3D Reconstruction from Small Motion Clip for Rolling Shutter Cameras
* Active Camera Relocalization from a Single Reference Image without Hand-Eye Calibration
* Advances in Variational Inference
* Aggregating Randomized Clustering-Promoting Invariant Projections for Domain Adaptation
* Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Representations for Robust Footstep Recognition with Deep Residual Neural Networks
* Anchor-Free Correlated Topic Modeling
* Anthropomorphic Features for On-Line Signatures
* Anticipating Where People will Look Using Adversarial Networks
* ASTER: An Attentional Scene Text Recognizer with Flexible Rectification
* Atlas Structure of Images, The
* Atomic Representation-Based Classification: Theory, Algorithm, and Applications
* Automated Latent Fingerprint Recognition
* Bearing-Based Network Localizability: A Unifying View
* Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation for Non-Lambertian and Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo, A
* Beyond Sharing Weights for Deep Domain Adaptation
* Binary Multi-View Clustering
* Calibrating Classification Probabilities with Shape-Restricted Polynomial Regression
* CNN-Based Real-Time Dense Face Reconstruction with Inverse-Rendered Photo-Realistic Face Images
* Color Homography: Theory and Applications
* Composite Quantization
* Compressive Binary Patterns: Designing a Robust Binary Face Descriptor with Random-Field Eigenfilters
* Constant-Time Calculation of Zernike Moments for Detection with Rotational Invariance
* Content Aware Image Pre-Compensation
* Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Geometric Matching
* CROification: Accurate Kernel Classification with the Efficiency of Sparse Linear SVM
* Cross-Generation Kinship Verification with Sparse Discriminative Metric
* Deep Collaborative Embedding for Social Image Understanding
* Deep Mixture of Diverse Experts for Large-Scale Visual Recognition
* Deep Network Solution for Attention and Aesthetics Aware Photo Cropping, A
* Deep Supervision with Intermediate Concepts
* DeepIGeoS: A Deep Interactive Geodesic Framework for Medical Image Segmentation
* Deeply Supervised Salient Object Detection with Short Connections
* Denoising Prior Driven Deep Neural Network for Image Restoration
* Dense 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single Depth View
* Density-Preserving Hierarchical EM Algorithm: Simplifying Gaussian Mixture Models for Approximate Inference
* Dependence Models for Searching Text in Document Images
* Depth from a Light Field Image with Learning-Based Matching Costs
* Detecting Regions of Maximal Divergence for Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection
* Differential Geometry in Edge Detection: Accurate Estimation of Position, Orientation and Curvature
* Directional 3D Wavelet Transform Based on Gaussian Mixtures for the Analysis of 3D Ultrasound Ovarian Volumes
* Disambiguating Visual Verbs
* Discriminant Functional Learning of Color Features for the Recognition of Facial Action Units and Their Intensities
* Discriminative Optimization: Theory and Applications to Computer Vision
* Distance Encoded Product Quantization for Approximate K-Nearest Neighbor Search in High-Dimensional Space
* Distributed Multi-Agent Gaussian Regression via Finite-Dimensional Approximations
* Dominant Sets for Constrained Image Segmentation
* Dynamic Clustering Algorithms via Small-Variance Analysis of Markov Chain Mixture Models
* Dynamic Structure Embedded Online Multiple-Output Regression for Streaming Data
* Early Action Prediction by Soft Regression
* Efficient Learning-Free Keyword Spotting
* Efficient Registration of High-Resolution Feature Enhanced Point Clouds
* Efficient Training for Positive Unlabeled Learning
* Egocentric Meets Top-View
* Empirical Bayesian Light-Field Stereo Matching by Robust Pseudo Random Field Modeling
* End-to-End Policy Learning for Active Visual Categorization
* Error Backprojection Algorithms for Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging
* Estimating the Number of Correct Matches Using Only Spatial Order
* EuroCity Persons: A Novel Benchmark for Person Detection in Traffic Scenes
* Evaluating the Group Detection Performance: The GRODE Metrics
* Exploiting Negative Evidence for Deep Latent Structured Models
* Exploiting Unlabeled Data in CNNs by Self-Supervised Learning to Rank
* Face Alignment in Full Pose Range: A 3D Total Solution
* Fast and Accurate Image Super-Resolution with Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks
* Fast Frequent Directions Algorithm for Low Rank Approximation, A
* Fast Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning
* FCSS: Fully Convolutional Self-Similarity for Dense Semantic Correspondence
* Feedback Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Localization and Segmentation
* Few-Example Object Detection with Model Communication
* Fine-Tuning CNN Image Retrieval with No Human Annotation
* Flow Fields: Dense Correspondence Fields for Highly Accurate Large Displacement Optical Flow Estimation
* Focal Visual-Text Attention for Memex Question Answering
* From Images to 3D Shape Attributes
* From Social to Individuals: A Parsimonious Path of Multi-Level Models for Crowdsourced Preference Aggregation
* Generalizable Data-Free Objective for Crafting Universal Adversarial Perturbations
* Generative Zero-Shot Learning via Low-Rank Embedded Semantic Dictionary
* Generic Multi-Projection-Center Model and Calibration Method for Light Field Cameras, A
* Graph Based Image Interpretation Method Using A Priori Qualitative Inclusion and Photometric Relationships, A
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Compact and Efficient Feature Representation and Learning in Computer Vision
* HARD-PnP: PnP Optimization Using a Hybrid Approximate Representation
* Hashing with Mutual Information
* Head and Body Orientation Estimation Using Convolutional Random Projection Forests
* Hedging Deep Features for Visual Tracking
* Height-from-Polarisation with Unknown Lighting or Albedo
* Hierarchical Scene Parsing by Weakly Supervised Learning with Image Descriptions
* High-Speed Hyperspectral Video Acquisition By Combining Nyquist and Compressive Sampling
* Holistic CNN Compression via Low-Rank Decomposition with Knowledge Transfer
* HyperFace: A Deep Multi-Task Learning Framework for Face Detection, Landmark Localization, Pose Estimation, and Gender Recognition
* Hyperspectral Light Field Stereo Matching
* Image Deblurring with a Class-Specific Prior
* Image Projective Invariants
* Imbalanced Deep Learning by Minority Class Incremental Rectification
* Improving Shadow Suppression for Illumination Robust Face Recognition
* Interpreting Deep Visual Representations via Network Dissection
* Joint Active Learning with Feature Selection via CUR Matrix Decomposition
* Joint Image Filtering with Deep Convolutional Networks
* Kernel Clustering: Density Biases and Solutions
* Kronecker Product Model for Repeated Pattern Detection on 2D Urban Images, A
* Label Consistent Matrix Factorization Hashing for Large-Scale Cross-Modal Similarity Search
* Large Scale Image Segmentation with Structured Loss Based Deep Learning for Connectome Reconstruction
* Large-Scale Image Geo-Localization Using Dominant Sets
* Large-Scale Low-Rank Matrix Learning with Nonconvex Regularizers
* Late Fusion Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Learning and Selecting Confidence Measures for Robust Stereo Matching
* Learning Deep Binary Descriptor with Multi-Quantization
* Learning Hyperedge Replacement Grammars for Graph Generation
* Learning Multi-Task Correlation Particle Filters for Visual Tracking
* Learning Pose-Aware Models for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
* Learning Support Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* Learning to Deblur Images with Exemplars
* Learning Two-Branch Neural Networks for Image-Text Matching Tasks
* Light Field Reconstruction Using Convolutional Network on EPI and Extended Applications
* Look into Person: Joint Body Parsing & Pose Estimation Network and a New Benchmark
* L_0 TV: A Sparse Optimization Method for Impulse Noise Image Restoration
* L_p-L_p-Box ADMM: A Versatile Framework for Integer Programming
* Material Classification from Time-of-Flight Distortions
* Max-Margin Majority Voting for Learning from Crowds
* Memory Efficient Max Flow for Multi-Label Submodular MRFs
* Metric Learning for Multi-Output Tasks
* Min-Entropy Latent Model for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Mixed Supervised Object Detection with Robust Objectness Transfer
* MonoCap: Monocular Human Motion Capture using a CNN Coupled with a Geometric Prior
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Multi-Scale Continuous CRFs as Sequential Deep Networks
* Motion Segmentation via Generalized Curvatures
* MPIIGaze: Real-World Dataset and Deep Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
* Multi-Scale Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time 3D-Landmark Detection in CT Scans
* Multi-Task Structure-Aware Context Modeling for Robust Keypoint-Based Object Tracking
* Multimodal Machine Learning: A Survey and Taxonomy
* Multivariate Mixture Model for Myocardial Segmentation Combining Multi-Source Images
* Multivariate Regression with Gross Errors on Manifold-Valued Data
* Non-Exhaustive, Overlapping Clustering
* Non-Negative Matrix Factorizations for Multiplex Network Analysis
* Nonlinear Asymmetric Multi-Valued Hashing
* Occlusion-Aware Method for Temporally Consistent Superpixels
* On Detection, Data Association and Segmentation for Multi-Target Tracking
* On the Effectiveness of Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks
* On the Reconstruction of Face Images from Deep Face Templates
* Online Data Thinning via Multi-Subspace Tracking
* Online Localization and Prediction of Actions and Interactions
* Opening the Black Box: Hierarchical Sampling Optimization for Hand Pose Estimation
* Order-Preserving Optimal Transport for Distances between Sequences
* Ordinal Constraint Binary Coding for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Outlier Detection for Robust Multi-Dimensional Scaling
* Packing Convolutional Neural Networks in the Frequency Domain
* Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Interaction Capture
* Patchmatch-Based Robust Stereo Matching Under Radiometric Changes
* Personalized Saliency and Its Prediction
* Physically-Based Simulation of Cosmetics via Intrinsic Image Decomposition with Facial Priors
* Pixel Objectness: Learning to Segment Generic Objects Automatically in Images and Videos
* Predicting Head Movement in Panoramic Video: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Predicting the Driver's Focus of Attention: The DR(eye)VE Project
* Probabilistic Dimensionality Reduction via Structure Learning
* Pólya Urn Latent Dirichlet Allocation: A Doubly Sparse Massively Parallel Sampler
* Rank Minimization for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* RaspiReader: Open Source Fingerprint Reader
* Re-weighting and 1-Point RANSAC-Based PnnP Solution to Handle Outliers
* Real-Time 3D Hand Pose Estimation with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Recurrent Face Aging with Hierarchical AutoRegressive Memory
* Recurrent Shape Regression
* Recursive Nearest Agglomeration (ReNA): Fast Clustering for Approximation of Structured Signals
* Region-Based Gauss-Newton Approach to Real-Time Monocular Multiple Object Tracking, A
* Regularized Diffusion Process on Bidirectional Context for Object Retrieval
* Representation Learning by Rotating Your Faces
* Revisiting Superquadric Fitting: A Numerically Stable Formulation
* Richer Convolutional Features for Edge Detection
* Robust and Globally Optimal Manhattan Frame Estimation in Near Real Time
* Robust Kronecker Component Analysis
* Robust Spatio-Temporal Clustering and Reconstruction of Multiple Deformable Bodies
* Robust Structural Sparse Tracking
* Robust Visual Tracking via Hierarchical Convolutional Features
* Runtime Network Routing for Efficient Image Classification
* Safe Classification with Augmented Features
* Salient Object Detection with Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks
* Salient Subsequence Learning for Time Series Clustering
* Scattering Networks for Hybrid Representation Learning
* Searching for Representative Modes on Hypergraphs for Robust Geometric Model Fitting
* Segmentation of Laser Point Clouds in Urban Areas by a Modified Normalized Cut Method
* Self Paced Deep Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Semi-Supervised Discriminative Classification Robust to Sample-Outliers and Feature-Noises
* Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation by Covariance Matching
* Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation with Super-Trajectories
* Shallowing Deep Networks: Layer-Wise Pruning Based on Feature Representations
* Side Information for Face Completion: A Robust PCA Approach
* Social Anchor-Unit Graph Regularized Tensor Completion for Large-Scale Image Retagging
* Solving Square Jigsaw Puzzle by Hierarchical Loop Constraints
* Sparse One-Grab Sampling with Probabilistic Guarantees
* StackGAN++: Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks
* Subspace Clustering by Block Diagonal Representation
* Super-Fine Attributes with Crowd Prototyping
* SurfCut: Surfaces of Minimal Paths from Topological Structures
* Systematic Evaluation and Benchmark for Person Re-Identification: Features, Metrics, and Datasets, A
* Tattoo Image Search at Scale: Joint Detection and Compact Representation Learning
* Temporal Segment Networks for Action Recognition in Videos
* ThiNet: Pruning CNN Filters for a Thinner Net
* Ticker: An Adaptive Single-Switch Text Entry Method for Visually Impaired Users
* Towards Personalized Image Captioning via Multimodal Memory Networks
* Transferable Representation Learning with Deep Adaptation Networks
* Transferring Knowledge Fragments for Learning Distance Metric from a Heterogeneous Domain
* Truncated Cauchy Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Two-Stream Region Convolutional 3D Network for Temporal Activity Detection
* Unifying Visual Attribute Learning with Object Recognition in a Multiplicative Framework
* Unsupervised Deep Learning of Compact Binary Descriptors
* Upper and Lower Tight Error Bounds for Feature Omission with an Extension to Context Reduction
* Video Imprint
* Video Object Segmentation without Temporal Information
* View Adaptive Neural Networks for High Performance Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Virtual Adversarial Training: A Regularization Method for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning
* Visibility Constrained Generative Model for Depth-Based 3D Facial Pose Tracking
* Visual Dialog
* Visual Dynamics: Stochastic Future Generation via Layered Cross Convolutional Networks
* Visual Permutation Learning
* Visual Tracking via Dynamic Graph Learning
* Wasserstein CNN: Learning Invariant Features for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* What Do Different Evaluation Metrics Tell Us About Saliency Models?
* What Makes Objects Similar: A Unified Multi-Metric Learning Approach
* Zero-Shot Learning: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
216 for PAMI(41)
* 3D Human Pose Machines with Self-Supervised Learning
* Absent Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithms
* Absolute Cluster Validity
* ADMM-CSNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Image Compressive Sensing
* Adversarial Action Prediction Networks
* Adversarial Cross-Spectral Face Completion for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Adversarial Learning of Structure-Aware Fully Convolutional Networks for Landmark Localization
* Age from Faces in the Deep Learning Revolution
* Aggregated Wasserstein Distance and State Registration for Hidden Markov Models
* Ambiguity-Free Radiometric Calibration for Internet Photo Collections
* ApolloScape Open Dataset for Autonomous Driving and Its Application, The
* Approximate Fisher Information Matrix to Characterize the Training of Deep Neural Networks
* Approximate Sparse Multinomial Logistic Regression for Classification
* Asymmetric Mapping Quantization for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Automated Video Face Labelling for Films and TV Material
* Back to the Future: Radial Basis Function Network Revisited
* Baselines Extraction from Curved Document Images via Slope Fields Recovery
* Bayesian Neural Networks with Weight Sharing Using Dirichlet Processes
* Border-Peeling Clustering
* Bound and Conquer: Improving Triangulation by Enforcing Consistency
* Can We See More? Joint Frontalization and Hallucination of Unaligned Tiny Faces
* Capturing the Geometry of Object Categories from Video Supervision
* Clouds of Oriented Gradients for 3D Detection of Objects, Surfaces, and Indoor Scene Layouts
* Comprehensive Analysis of Deep Regression, A
* Comprehensive Database for Benchmarking Imaging Systems, A
* Confidence Propagation through CNNs for Guided Sparse Depth Regression
* Contactless Biometric Identification Using 3D Finger Knuckle Patterns
* Context Based Emotion Recognition Using EMOTIC Dataset
* Context-Aware Query Selection for Active Learning in Event Recognition
* Continuation Method for Graph Matching Based Feature Correspondence, A
* Cooperative Training of Descriptor and Generator Networks
* CoRRN: Cooperative Reflection Removal Network
* Curriculum Domain Adaptation Approach to the Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes, A
* DART: Distribution Aware Retinal Transform for Event-Based Cameras
* Deep Imbalanced Learning for Face Recognition and Attribute Prediction
* Deep Metric Learning with BIER: Boosting Independent Embeddings Robustly
* Deep Neural Network Compression by In-Parallel Pruning-Quantization
* Deep Self-Evolution Clustering
* Deep Slow Motion Video Reconstruction With Hybrid Imaging System
* Deep Variational and Structural Hashing
* Defining Image Memorability Using the Visual Memory Schema
* Defocus Blur Detection via Multi-Stream Bottom-Top-Bottom Network
* Denoising Autoencoders for Overgeneralization in Neural Networks
* Detailed Surface Geometry and Albedo Recovery from RGB-D Video under Natural Illumination
* Detecting Coherent Groups in Crowd Scenes by Multiview Clustering
* Differential 3D Facial Recognition: Adding 3D to Your State-of-the-Art 2D Method
* Direction-Aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection and Removal
* Discrete-Continuous Transformation Matching for Dense Semantic Correspondence
* Disocclusion Inpainting Framework for Depth-Based View Synthesis, A
* Distance Surface for Event-Based Optical Flow
* Distributed Very Large Scale Bundle Adjustment by Global Camera Consensus
* DoubleFusion: Real-Time Capture of Human Performances with Inner Body Shapes from a Single Depth Sensor
* Efficient and Robust Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Using Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs
* Efficient Graph Cut Optimization for Full CRFs with Quantized Edges
* Efficient Inter-Geodesic Distance Computation and Fast Classical Scaling
* End-to-End Active Object Tracking and Its Real-World Deployment via Reinforcement Learning
* Every Pixel Counts ++: Joint Learning of Geometry and Motion with 3D Holistic Understanding
* Extracting Geometric Structures in Images with Delaunay Point Processes
* Face Hallucination by Attentive Sequence Optimization with Reinforcement Learning
* Face-from-Depth for Head Pose Estimation on Depth Images
* Fast Cross-Validation for Kernel-Based Algorithms
* Feature Boosting Network For 3D Pose Estimation
* First-Person Activity Forecasting from Video with Online Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Flexible High-Dimensional Unsupervised Learning with Missing Data
* Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection
* Force from Motion: Decoding Control Force of Activity in a First-Person Video
* Functional Representation for Graph Matching, A
* Gap of Semantic Parsing: A Survey on Automatic Math Word Problem Solvers, The
* Generalized Feedback Loop for Joint Hand-Object Pose Estimation
* Generalized Latent Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Generic Primitive Detection in Point Clouds Using Novel Minimal Quadric Fits
* Globally Optimal Inlier Set Maximization for Atlanta World Understanding
* Globally-Optimal Inlier Set Maximisation for Camera Pose and Correspondence Estimation
* Gravitational Laws of Focus of Attention
* Group Maximum Differentiation Competition: Model Comparison with Few Samples
* Guest Editorial: Image and Video Inpainting and Denoising
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on RGB-D Vision: Methods and Applications
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Photography
* Guided Attention Inference Network
* H-Patches: A Benchmark and Evaluation of Handcrafted and Learned Local Descriptors
* Heterogeneous Recommendation via Deep Low-Rank Sparse Collective Factorization
* Hiding Images within Images
* Hierarchical Bayesian Inverse Lighting of Portraits with a Virtual Light Stage
* Hierarchical Binary CNNs for Landmark Localization with Limited Resources
* Hierarchical Fully Convolutional Network for Joint Atrophy Localization and Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Using Structural MRI
* Hierarchical Gaussian Descriptors with Application to Person Re-Identification
* Hierarchical LSTMs with Adaptive Attention for Visual Captioning
* Hierarchical Surface Prediction
* High-Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction Based on an Unsupervised Model-Based Face Autoencoder
* Hybrid RNN-HMM Approach for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Segmentation, A
* Hyperbolic Wasserstein Distance for Shape Indexing
* Hyperspectral Recovery from RGB Images using Gaussian Processes
* iDeLog: Iterative Dual Spatial and Kinematic Extraction of Sigma-Lognormal Parameters
* Image and Sentence Matching via Semantic Concepts and Order Learning
* Incremental Learning Through Deep Adaptation
* Inferring Salient Objects from Human Fixations
* Intel® RealSense™ SR300 Coded Light Depth Camera
* Inverse Visual Question Answering: A New Benchmark and VQA Diagnosis Tool
* Joint Face Alignment and 3D Face Reconstruction with Application to Face Recognition
* Joint Rain Detection and Removal from a Single Image with Contextualized Deep Networks
* Joint Segmentation and Path Classification of Curvilinear Structures
* Joint Task-Recursive Learning for RGB-D Scene Understanding
* Large-Scale Urban Reconstruction with Tensor Clustering and Global Boundary Refinement
* LCR-Net++: Multi-Person 2D and 3D Pose Detection in Natural Images
* Leader-Based Multi-Scale Attention Deep Architecture for Person Re-Identification
* Learned Dynamic Guidance for Depth Image Reconstruction
* Learning and Tracking the 3D Body Shape of Freely Moving Infants from RGB-D sequences
* Learning Compact Features for Human Activity Recognition Via Probabilistic First-Take-All
* Learning Complexity-Aware Cascades for Pedestrian Detection
* Learning Depth with Convolutional Spatial Propagation Network
* Learning Local Metrics and Influential Regions for Classification
* Learning Low-Dimensional Temporal Representations with Latent Alignments
* Learning More Universal Representations for Transfer-Learning
* Learning Multiple Local Metrics: Global Consideration Helps
* Learning of Gaussian Processes in Distributed and Communication Limited Systems
* Learning Raw Image Reconstruction-Aware Deep Image Compressors
* Learning Reasoning-Decision Networks for Robust Face Alignment
* Learning Representations for Neural Network-Based Classification Using the Information Bottleneck Principle
* Learning to Index for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Learning Visual Instance Retrieval from Failure: Efficient Online Local Metric Adaptation from Negative Samples
* Learning with Privileged Information via Adversarial Discriminative Modality Distillation
* Light Field Super-Resolution Using a Low-Rank Prior and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Local Deformable 3D Reconstruction with Cartan's Connections
* Local-Aggregation Graph Networks
* Local-LDA: Open-Ended Learning of Latent Topics for 3D Object Recognition
* Logistic Regression Confined by Cardinality-Constrained Sample and Feature Selection
* Lovász Hinge: A Novel Convex Surrogate for Submodular Losses, The
* Mask R-CNN
* Matched Filters for Noisy Induced Subgraph Detection
* Measuring Shapes with Desired Convex Polygons
* Minimal Case Relative Pose Computation Using Ray-Point-Ray Features
* Models Matter, So Does Training: An Empirical Study of CNNs for Optical Flow Estimation
* Moments in Time Dataset: One Million Videos for Event Understanding
* MOSES: A Streaming Algorithm for Linear Dimensionality Reduction
* Motion Segmentation Multiple Object Tracking by Correlation Co-Clustering
* Motion-Guided Cascaded Refinement Network for Video Object Segmentation
* Multi-Source Causal Feature Selection
* Multilabel Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding
* Multiple Kernel kk-Means with Incomplete Kernels
* Multivariate Extension of Matrix-Based Rényi's alpha-Order Entropy Functional
* Mutually Guided Image Filtering
* Neural Machine Translation with Deep Attention
* Neural Opacity Point Cloud
* Neural Sensors: Learning Pixel Exposures for HDR Imaging and Video Compressive Sensing With Programmable Sensors
* Novel Dynamic Model Capturing Spatial and Temporal Patterns for Facial Expression Analysis, A
* Novel Geometric Framework on Gram Matrix Trajectories for Human Behavior Understanding, A
* NTU RGB+D 120: A Large-Scale Benchmark for 3D Human Activity Understanding
* Numerical Quadrature for Probabilistic Policy Search
* Object Detection from Scratch with Deep Supervision
* Object Detection in Videos by High Quality Object Linking
* On Detection of Faint Edges in Noisy Images
* On Multi-Layer Basis Pursuit, Efficient Algorithms and Convolutional Neural Networks
* On Perfect Clustering of High Dimension, Low Sample Size Data
* On the Convergence of Learning-Based Iterative Methods for Nonconvex Inverse Problems
* On the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation Models to Adversarial Attacks
* One Shot Segmentation: Unifying Rigid Detection and Non-Rigid Segmentation Using Elastic Regularization
* One-Bit Time-Resolved Imaging
* Online Meta Adaptation for Fast Video Object Segmentation
* Online Nearest Neighbor Search Using Hamming Weight Trees
* Open Set Domain Adaptation for Image and Action Recognition
* Optimal Transport in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces: Theory and Applications
* PCL: Proposal Cluster Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Persistence Paths and Signature Features in Topological Data Analysis
* Person Recognition in Personal Photo Collections
* Perspective-Adaptive Convolutions for Scene Parsing
* PhlatCam: Designed Phase-Mask Based Thin Lensless Camera
* Photometric Depth Super-Resolution
* Photometric Stereo in Participating Media Using an Analytical Solution for Shape-Dependent Forward Scatter
* Pictionary-Style Word Guessing on Hand-Drawn Object Sketches: Dataset, Analysis and Deep Network Models
* Pixel Transposed Convolutional Networks
* Progressive Fusion for Unsupervised Binocular Depth Estimation Using Cycled Networks
* Progressive Representation Adaptation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Properties of Mean Shift
* Providing a Single Ground-Truth for Illuminant Estimation for the ColorChecker Dataset
* Ranking-Preserving Cross-Source Learning for Image Retargeting Quality Assessment
* Real-Time RGB-D Camera Pose Estimation in Novel Scenes Using a Relocalisation Cascade
* Real-World Image Denoising with Deep Boosting
* Recognizing Material Properties from Images
* Recomputation of the Dense Layers for Performance Improvement of DCNN
* Reconstruct and Represent Video Contents for Captioning via Reinforcement Learning
* Recurrent Temporal Aggregation Framework for Deep Video Inpainting
* RefineNet: Multi-Path Refinement Networks for Dense Prediction
* Revisiting Projective Structure from Motion: A Robust and Efficient Incremental Solution
* ROAM: A Rich Object Appearance Model with Application to Rotoscoping
* Robust RGB-D Face Recognition Using Attribute-Aware Loss
* Rolling Shutter Camera Absolute Pose
* Semantic Face Hallucination: Super-Resolving Very Low-Resolution Face Images with Supplementary Attributes
* Semantic Fisher Scores for Task Transfer: Using Objects to Classify Scenes
* Semi-Calibrated Photometric Stereo
* Semi-Supervised Adversarial Monocular Depth Estimation
* Shape and Reflectance Reconstruction Using Concentric Multi-Spectral Light Field
* Shared Multi-View Data Representation for Multi-Domain Event Detection
* Significance of Softmax-Based Features in Comparison to Distance Metric Learning-Based Features
* Simple and Fast Algorithm for L1-Norm Kernel PCA, A
* Single Image Dehazing Using Haze-Lines
* Skeleton-Based Online Action Prediction Using Scale Selection Network
* Snapshot Compressive ToF+Spectral Imaging via Optimized Color-Coded Apertures
* Sparse Coding of Shape Trajectories for Facial Expression and Action Recognition
* SPFTN: A Joint Learning Framework for Localizing and Segmenting Objects in Weakly Labeled Videos
* Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks
* Structured Label Inference for Visual Understanding
* Structured Low-Rank Matrix Factorization: Global Optimality, Algorithms, and Applications
* Subspace Clustering via Good Neighbors
* SurfelMeshing: Online Surfel-Based Mesh Reconstruction
* SweepCam: Depth-Aware Lensless Imaging Using Programmable Masks
* Synthesizing Supervision for Learning Deep Saliency Network without Human Annotation
* Temporally-Aware Interpolation Network for Video Frame Inpainting, A
* Tensor Graphical Model: Non-Convex Optimization and Statistical Inference
* Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis with a New Tensor Nuclear Norm
* Toward Bridging the Simulated-to-Real Gap: Benchmarking Super-Resolution on Real Data
* Towards Efficient U-Nets: A Coupled and Quantized Approach
* Trace Quotient with Sparsity Priors for Learning Low Dimensional Image Representations
* Tracking-by-Fusion via Gaussian Process Regression Extended to Transfer Learning
* Training Faster by Separating Modes of Variation in Batch-Normalized Models
* UnstructuredFusion: Realtime 4D Geometry and Texture Reconstruction Using Commercial RGBD Cameras
* Unsupervised Deep Visual-Inertial Odometry with Online Error Correction for RGB-D Imagery
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Depth Prediction from Images
* Unsupervised Generation of Free-Form and Parameterized Avatars
* Unsupervised Learning of a Hierarchical Spiking Neural Network for Optical Flow Estimation: From Events to Global Motion Perception
* Unsupervised Person Re-Identification by Deep Asymmetric Metric Embedding
* Unsupervised Tracklet Person Re-Identification
* Unsupervised Video Matting via Sparse and Low-Rank Representation
* Visibility Graphs for Image Processing
* Vocabulary-Informed Zero-Shot and Open-Set Learning
* Weakly Supervised Learning with Multi-Stream CNN-LSTM-HMMs to Discover Sequential Parallelism in Sign Language Videos
* Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signatures for Aligning Medical Image Datasets
* Whole Is More Than Its Parts? From Explicit to Implicit Pose Normalization, The
* Zig-Zag Network for Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Images
228 for PAMI(42)
* 3D Fingerprint Recognition based on Ridge-Valley-Guided 3D Reconstruction and 3D Topology Polymer Feature Extraction
* 3D Hand Pose Estimation Using Synthetic Data and Weakly Labeled RGB Images
* Absolute Pose Estimation of Central Cameras Using Planar Regions
* Accelerated Variance Reduction Stochastic ADMM for Large-Scale Machine Learning
* Acceleration of Non-Rigid Point Set Registration With Downsampling and Gaussian Process Regression
* Accurate and Efficient Voting Scheme for a Maximally All-Inlier 3D Correspondence Set, An
* Active Image Synthesis for Efficient Labeling
* AD-VAT+: An Asymmetric Dueling Mechanism for Learning and Understanding Visual Active Tracking
* Adaptation Strategies for Automated Machine Learning on Evolving Data
* Additive Tree-Structured Conditional Parameter Spaces in Bayesian Optimization: A Novel Covariance Function and a Fast Implementation
* Adversarial Attack Type I: Cheat Classifiers by Significant Changes
* Adversarial Distillation for Learning with Privileged Provisions
* Adversarial Margin Maximization Networks
* Adversarial Metric Attack and Defense for Person Re-Identification
* Affine Invariants of Vector Fields
* Anytime Recognition with Routing Convolutional Networks
* AP-Loss for Accurate One-Stage Object Detection
* Appearance and Pose-Conditioned Human Image Generation Using Deformable GANs
* Approximate Graph Laplacians for Multimodal Data Clustering
* Are Large-Scale 3D Models Really Necessary for Accurate Visual Localization?
* Assessing Transferability From Simulation to Reality for Reinforcement Learning
* Attention-Based Dropout Layer for Weakly Supervised Single Object Localization and Semantic Segmentation
* Auto-Pytorch: Multi-Fidelity MetaLearning for Efficient and Robust AutoDL
* Automated Extraction of Mutual Independence Patterns Using Bayesian Comparison of Partition Models
* Automatic Detection of Pain from Facial Expressions: A Survey
* AutoML for Multi-Label Classification: Overview and Empirical Evaluation
* Bayesian Approach to Recurrence in Neural Networks, A
* Bayesian Cut, The
* Bayesian Formulation of Coherent Point Drift, A
* Bayesian Formulation of Coherent Point Drift, A
* Bayesian Joint Matrix Decomposition for Data Integration with Heterogeneous Noise
* Bayesian Low-Tubal-Rank Robust Tensor Factorization with Multi-Rank Determination
* Bias in Cross-Entropy-Based Training of Deep Survival Networks
* Bilinear Image Translation for Temporal Analysis of Photo Collections
* Blind Deblurring of Barcodes via Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* BlockQNN: Efficient Block-Wise Neural Network Architecture Generation
* Blur-Invariant Similarity Measurement of Images
* Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Visual Recognition
* Camera Pose Estimation Using First-Order Curve Differential Geometry
* Cascade R-CNN: High Quality Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* ChannelNets: Compact and Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks via Channel-Wise Convolutions
* Chart Mining: A Survey of Methods for Automated Chart Analysis
* Community Detection Using Restrained Random-Walk Similarity
* Comparing Graph Clusterings: Set Partition Measures vs. Graph-Aware Measures
* Complex-Valued Disparity: Unified Depth Model of Depth from Stereo, Depth from Focus, and Depth from Defocus Based on the Light Field Gradient
* Comprehensive Instructional Video Analysis: The COIN Dataset and Performance Evaluation
* Contextual Translation Embedding for Visual Relationship Detection and Scene Graph Generation
* Corner Detection Using Second-Order Generalized Gaussian Directional Derivative Representations
* CrossNet++: Cross-Scale Large-Parallax Warping for Reference-Based Super-Resolution
* DAC-SDC Low Power Object Detection Challenge for UAV Applications
* DATA: Differentiable ArchiTecture Approximation With Distribution Guided Sampling
* DBF: Dynamic Belief Fusion for Combining Multiple Object Detectors
* Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features
* Deep Affinity Network for Multiple Object Tracking
* Deep Autoencoding Topic Model With Scalable Hybrid Bayesian Inference
* Deep Back-Projecti Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Clustering: On the Link Between Discriminative Models and K-Means
* Deep CNNs Meet Global Covariance Pooling: Better Representation and Generalization
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-Modal Image Restoration and Fusion
* Deep Depth from Uncalibrated Small Motion Clip
* Deep Differentiable Random Forests for Age Estimation
* Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Visual Recognition
* Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds: A Survey
* Deep Learning for Image Super-Resolution: A Survey
* Deep Multi-View Enhancement Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Deep Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Architecture Based on Underlying Basis Images Learning
* Deep Non-Rigid Structure From Motion With Missing Data
* Deep Regionlets: Blended Representation and Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection
* Deep Residual Correction Network for Partial Domain Adaptation
* Deeply Supervised Discriminative Learning for Adversarial Defense
* DENAO: Monocular Depth Estimation Network With Auxiliary Optical Flow
* Dense Cross-Modal Correspondence Estimation With the Deep Self-Correlation Descriptor
* Depth Sensing by Near-Infrared Light Absorption in Water
* Designing Display Pixel Layouts for Under-Panel Cameras
* Deterministic Approximate Methods for Maximum Consensus Robust Fitting
* Differential Approach for Gaze Estimation, A
* Direction Concentration Learning: Enhancing Congruency in Machine Learning
* Discriminative Triad Matching and Reconstruction for Weakly Referring Expression Grounding
* Discriminative Video Representation Learning Using Support Vector Classifiers
* Distributed Variational Representation Learning
* Domain Stylization: A Fast Covariance Matching Framework Towards Domain Adaptation
* DSNet: Joint Semantic Learning for Object Detection in Inclement Weather Conditions
* Dual Adversarial Transfer for Sequence Labeling
* Dual Camera System for High Spatiotemporal Resolution Video Acquisition, A
* Dynamical Hyperparameter Optimization via Deep Reinforcement Learning in Tracking
* Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on CVPR2019 Best Papers
* Effects of Image Degradation and Degradation Removal to CNN-Based Image Classification
* Efficient and Effective Regularized Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks for Linear Least-Square Problems
* End-to-End Learning for Omnidirectional Stereo Matching With Uncertainty Prior
* End-to-End Learning Framework for Video Compression, An
* Enhanced Tensor RPCA and its Application
* EPIC-KITCHENS Dataset: Collection, Challenges and Baselines, The
* Estimating Feature-Label Dependence Using Gini Distance Statistics
* Evaluation of Saccadic Scanpath Prediction: Subjective Assessment Database and Recurrent Neural Network Based Metric
* Evolving Fully Automated Machine Learning via Life-Long Knowledge Anchors
* Explicit Filterbank Learning for Neural Image Style Transfer and Image Processing
* Exploiting Wavelength Diversity for High Resolution Time-of-Flight 3D Imaging
* Exploring Discriminative Word-Level Domain Contexts for Multi-Domain Neural Machine Translation
* Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Disentanglement in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Extraction of an Explanatory Graph to Interpret a CNN
* Fast Exact Evaluation of Univariate Kernel Sums
* Faster First-Order Methods for Stochastic Non-Convex Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds
* Feature-Aware Uniform Tessellations on Video Manifold for Content-Sensitive Supervoxels
* FNA++: Fast Network Adaptation via Parameter Remapping and Architecture Search
* Forecasting People Trajectories and Head Poses by Jointly Reasoning on Tracklets and Vislets
* Framework of Composite Functional Gradient Methods for Generative Adversarial Models, A
* From Points to Parts: 3D Object Detection From Point Cloud With Part-Aware and Part-Aggregation Network
* Gaussian Graphical Model Exploration and Selection in High Dimension Low Sample Size Setting
* General Decoupled Learning Framework for Parameterized Image Operators, A
* Generalized Earley Parser for Human Activity Parsing and Prediction, A
* Generalized Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Gliding Vertex on the Horizontal Bounding Box for Multi-Oriented Object Detection
* GOT-10k: A Large High-Diversity Benchmark for Generic Object Tracking in the Wild
* Graph-Based Approach for Making Consensus-Based Decisions in Image Search and Person Re-Identification, A
* Guest Editorial: Automated Machine Learning
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Photography
* Guided Zoom: Zooming into Network Evidence to Refine Fine-Grained Model Decisions
* Hardness-Aware Deep Metric Learning
* Harmonized Multimodal Learning with Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
* Heterogeneous Few-Shot Model Rectification With Semantic Mapping
* Hierarchical Long Short-Term Concurrent Memory for Human Interaction Recognition
* High Resolution, Deep Imaging Using Confocal Time-of-Flight Diffuse Optical Tomography
* High Speed and High Dynamic Range Video with an Event Camera
* High-Dimensional Dense Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Light Field Reconstruction
* Ideals of the Multiview Variety
* Image-Based 3D Object Reconstruction: State-of-the-Art and Trends in the Deep Learning Era
* Imbalance Problems in Object Detection: A Review
* Inferring Latent Domains for Unsupervised Deep Domain Adaptation
* Infinite Feature Selection: A Graph-based Feature Filtering Approach
* InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and View Synthesis
* Integrating Multiple Receptive Fields Through Grouped Active Convolution
* Interpretable CNNs for Object Classification
* Interpretable Visual Question Answering by Reasoning on Dependency Trees
* Interpreting the Rhetoric of Visual Advertisements
* Intrinsic Grassmann Averages for Online Linear, Robust and Nonlinear Subspace Learning
* Joint Embedding of Graphs
* Kernel k-Groups via Hartigan's Method
* Laplacian Coordinates: Theory and Methods for Seeded Image Segmentation
* Large Graph Clustering With Simultaneous Spectral Embedding and Discretization
* Large Scale Shadow Annotation and Detection Using Lazy Annotation and Stacked CNNs
* LayoutGAN: Synthesizing Graphic Layouts With Vector-Wireframe Adversarial Networks
* LCBM: A Multi-View Probabilistic Model for Multi-Label Classification
* Learning a Fixed-Length Fingerprint Representation
* Learning Channel-Wise Interactions for Binary Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning Compressible 360° Video Isomers
* Learning Content-Weighted Deep Image Compression
* Learning Continuous Face Age Progression: A Pyramid of GANs
* Learning Energy-Based Spatial-Temporal Generative ConvNets for Dynamic Patterns
* Learning From Large-Scale Noisy Web Data With Ubiquitous Reweighting for Image Classification
* Learning on Hypergraphs With Sparsity
* Learning Optimal Wavefront Shaping for Multi-Channel Imaging
* Learning Part-based Convolutional Features for Person Re-Identification
* Learning Rates for Stochastic Gradient Descent With Nonconvex Objectives
* Learning Regional Attraction for Line Segment Detection
* Learning Saliency From Single Noisy Labelling: A Robust Model Fitting Perspective
* Learning to Adapt Invariance in Memory for Person Re-Identification
* Learning to Localize Sound Sources in Visual Scenes: Analysis and Applications
* Learning to Model Relationships for Zero-Shot Video Classification
* Lightweight Neural Network for Monocular View Generation With Occlusion Handling, A
* Lightweight Optical Flow CNN: Revisiting Data Fidelity and Regularization, A
* Line Drawings for Face Portraits From Photos Using Global and Local Structure Based GANs
* Locate, Size, and Count: Accurately Resolving People in Dense Crowds via Detection
* Loss Decomposition and Centroid Estimation for Positive and Unlabeled Learning
* Low-Tubal-Rank Plus Sparse Tensor Recovery With Prior Subspace Information
* MannequinChallenge: Learning the Depths of Moving People by Watching Frozen People
* Matching Seqlets: An Unsupervised Approach for Locality Preserving Sequence Matching
* Matrix Completion with Deterministic Sampling: Theories and Methods
* Maximum Density Divergence for Domain Adaptation
* MEMC-Net: Motion Estimation and Motion Compensation Driven Neural Network for Video Interpolation and Enhancement
* Memory- and Accuracy-Aware Gaussian Parameter-Based Stereo Matching Using Confidence Measure, A
* MFQE 2.0: A New Approach for Multi-Frame Quality Enhancement on Compressed Video
* Microfacet-Based Model for Photometric Stereo with General Isotropic Reflectance, A
* MIGO-NAS: Towards Fast and Generalizable Neural Architecture Search
* Minimal Solvers for Rectifying From Radially-Distorted Conjugate Translations
* Minimizing Negative Transfer of Knowledge in Multivariate Gaussian Processes: A Scalable and Regularized Approach
* Mining Interpretable AOG Representations From Convolutional Networks via Active Question Answering
* Model Study of Transient Imaging With Multi-Frequency Time-of-Flight Sensors
* MTFH: A Matrix Tri-Factorization Hashing Framework for Efficient Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-Task Deep Learning for Real-Time 3D Human Pose Estimation and Action Recognition
* Multi-Task Head Pose Estimation in-the-Wild
* Multi-View Representation Learning With Deep Gaussian Processes
* MultiDIAL: Domain Alignment Layers for (Multisource) Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Multilinear Modelling of Faces and Expressions
* Multiset Feature Learning for Highly Imbalanced Data Classification
* Multiview Feature Selection for Single-View Classification
* Mutex Watershed and its Objective: Efficient, Parameter-Free Graph Partitioning, The
* NAS-FAS: Static-Dynamic Central Difference Network Search for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Neural Architecture Transfer
* Neural Image Compression for Gigapixel Histopathology Image Analysis
* New Approach to Robust Estimation of Parametric Structures, A
* Non-line-of-Sight Imaging via Neural Transient Fields
* Non-Rigid Shape From Water
* Nonlinear Regression via Deep Negative Correlation Learning
* Nonlinear Regression via Deep Negative Correlation Learning
* Norm-Preservation: Why Residual Networks Can Become Extremely Deep?
* Normalizing Flows: An Introduction and Review of Current Methods
* Novelty Detection and Online Learning for Chunk Data Streams
* NWPU-Crowd: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Crowd Counting and Localization
* On Connections Between Regularizations for Improving DNN Robustness
* On Learning 3D Face Morphable Model from In-the-Wild Images
* On Symbiosis of Attribute Prediction and Semantic Segmentation
* On the Global Geometry of Sphere-Constrained Sparse Blind Deconvolution
* On the Importance of Visual Context for Data Augmentation in Scene Understanding
* One-Shot Neural Architecture Search: Maximising Diversity to Overcome Catastrophic Forgetting
* OpenPose: Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation Using Part Affinity Fields
* Optimizing Regularized Cholesky Score for Order-Based Learning of Bayesian Networks
* Ordered or Orderless: A Revisit for Video Based Person Re-Identification
* Ordinal Multi-Task Part Segmentation With Recurrent Prior Generation
* Orthogonal Deep Neural Networks
* Parallel and Scalable Heat Methods for Geodesic Distance Computation
* Partial Multi-Label Learning via Credible Label Elicitation
* Partially-Connected Neural Architecture Search for Reduced Computational Redundancy
* Pattern of Local Gravitational Force (PLGF): A Novel Local Image Descriptor
* Paying Attention to Video Object Pattern Understanding
* Perceptual Texture Similarity Estimation: An Evaluation of Computational Features
* Performance Evaluation of Correspondence Grouping Methods for 3D Rigid Data Matching, A
* Perils and Pitfalls of Block Design for EEG Classification Experiments, The
* Person Re-Identification by Contour Sketch Under Moderate Clothing Change
* Person Re-Identification With Deep Kronecker-Product Matching and Group-Shuffling Random Walk
* Physics-Based Generative Adversarial Models for Image Restoration and Beyond
* Pixel2Mesh: 3D Mesh Model Generation via Image Guided Deformation
* Plane Segmentation Based on the Optimal-Vector-Field in LiDAR Point Clouds
* Point Set Registration for 3D Range Scans Using Fuzzy Cluster-Based Metric and Efficient Global Optimization
* Polyhedral Conic Classifiers for Computer Vision Applications and Open Set Recognition
* Predicting Machine Learning Pipeline Runtimes in the Context of Automated Machine Learning
* Progressive Cross-Stream Cooperation in Spatial and Temporal Domain for Action Localization
* Quicker ADC: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Product Quantization With SIMD
* Real-Time Nonparametric Anomaly Detection in High-Dimensional Settings
* Recent Advances in Open Set Recognition: A Survey
* Recipe1M+: A Dataset for Learning Cross-Modal Embeddings for Cooking Recipes and Food Images
* Reconstruct as Far as You Can: Consensus of Non-Rigid Reconstruction from Feasible Regions
* Reconstruction of Geometric and Optical Parameters of Non-Planar Objects with Thin Film
* RefineFace: Refinement Neural Network for High Performance Face Detection
* Relationship-Embedded Representation Learning for Grounding Referring Expressions
* Relative Saliency and Ranking: Models, Metrics, Data and Benchmarks
* Res2Net: A New Multi-Scale Backbone Architecture
* Residual Dense Network for Image Restoration
* Review of Domain Adaptation without Target Labels, A
* Revisiting Video Saliency Prediction in the Deep Learning Era
* Robust Low-Rank Tensor Recovery with Rectification and Alignment
* Robust Multi-Task Learning With Flexible Manifold Constraint
* Rolling Shutter Homography and its Applications
* Rolling-Unrolling LSTMs for Action Anticipation from First-Person Video
* Rotation Averaging with the Chordal Distance: Global Minimizers and Strong Duality
* RotationNet for Joint Object Categorization and Unsupervised Pose Estimation from Multi-View Images
* SafePredict: A Meta-Algorithm for Machine Learning That Uses Refusals to Guarantee Correctness
* Saliency Prediction in the Deep Learning Era: Successes and Limitations
* SASSI: Super-Pixelated Adaptive Spatio-Spectral Imaging
* Scalar Quantization as Sparse Least Square Optimization
* Self-Paced Collaborative and Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Self-Supervised Multi-View Person Association and its Applications
* Self-Supervised Visual Feature Learning With Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
* Selfie Video Stabilization
* Semi-Supervised Clustering With Constraints of Different Types From Multiple Information Sources
* Semi-Supervised Multi-View Deep Discriminant Representation Learning
* Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation With High- and Low-Level Consistency
* SensitiveNets: Learning Agnostic Representations with Application to Face Images
* Sequence-to-Segments Networks for Detecting Segments in Videos
* SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Sentiment Research in the Wild
* Show, Match and Segment: Joint Weakly Supervised Learning of Semantic Matching and Object Co-Segmentation
* SibNet: Sibling Convolutional Encoder for Video Captioning
* Simultaneous Fidelity and Regularization Learning for Image Restoration
* Single Day Outdoor Photometric Stereo
* Single Image Deraining: From Model-Based to Data-Driven and Beyond
* Sinusoidal Sampling Enhanced Compressive Camera for High Speed Imaging
* sMRT: Multi-Resident Tracking in Smart Homes With Sensor Vectorization
* Sparse Sampling-Based Framework for Semantic Fast-Forward of First-Person Videos, A
* SpaRTA Tracking Across Occlusions via Partitioning of 3D Clouds of Points
* Spherical Kernel for Efficient Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
* Spherical Principal Curves
* Stereo Matching Using Multi-Level Cost Volume and Multi-Scale Feature Constancy
* Structure From Motion on XSlit Cameras
* Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks, A
* Superpixel Soup: Monocular Dense 3D Reconstruction of a Complex Dynamic Scene
* Supervision by Registration and Triangulation for Landmark Detection
* Surface-Aware Blind Image Deblurring
* SurfaceNet+: An End-to-end 3D Neural Network for Very Sparse Multi-View Stereopsis
* Switchable Normalization for Learning-to-Normalize Deep Representation
* Task-Feature Collaborative Learning with Application to Personalized Attribute Prediction
* TE141K: Artistic Text Benchmark for Text Effect Transfer
* Tensor Low-Rank Representation for Data Recovery and Clustering
* Text-Guided Neural Network Training for Image Recognition in Natural Scenes and Medicine
* Time-Resolved Far Infrared Light Transport Decomposition for Thermal Photometric Stereo
* Topology-Aware Graph Pooling Networks
* Topology-Aware Non-Rigid Point Cloud Registration
* Towards a Complete 3D Morphable Model of the Human Head
* Towards Robust Discriminative Projections Learning via Non-Greedy L_2,1-Norm MinMax
* Towards Safe Weakly Supervised Learning
* Underwater Single Image Color Restoration Using Haze-Lines and a New Quantitative Dataset
* Unified Approach to Kinship Verification, A
* Unifying Offline and Online Multi-Graph Matching via Finding Shortest Paths on Supergraph
* Unique Geometry and Texture From Corresponding Image Patches
* Unpaired Person Image Generation With Semantic Parsing Transformation
* Using Statistical Measures and Machine Learning for Graph Reduction to Solve Maximum Weight Clique Problems
* Variational Bayesian Inference for Audio-Visual Tracking of Multiple Speakers
* Variational Context: Exploiting Visual and Textual Context for Grounding Referring Expressions
* Variational Level Set Evolution for Non-Rigid 3D Reconstruction From a Single Depth Camera
* Video Anomaly Detection with Sparse Coding Inspired Deep Neural Networks
* Video Snapshot: Single Image Motion Expansion via Invertible Motion Embedding
* Virtual Point Removal for Large-Scale 3D Point Clouds with Multiple Glass Planes
* Visibility-Aware Point-Based Multi-View Stereo Network
* Vision Models for Wide Color Gamut Imaging in Cinema
* Vision-Language Navigation Policy Learning and Adaptation
* Visual Scanpath Prediction Using IOR-ROI Recurrent Mixture Density Network
* Visual Semantic Information Pursuit: A Survey
* Visual Tracking via Dynamic Memory Networks
* Wavefront Marching Methods: A Unified Algorithm to Solve Eikonal and Static Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
* What is a Tabby? Interpretable Model Decisions by Learning Attribute-Based Classification Criteria
* Winning Solutions and Post-Challenge Analyses of the ChaLearn AutoDL Challenge 2019
* You Only Search Once: Single Shot Neural Architecture Search via Direct Sparse Optimization
* Zero and Few Shot Learning With Semantic Feature Synthesis and Competitive Learning
312 for PAMI(43)
* 3D Human Pose, Shape and Texture From Low-Resolution Images and Videos
* 3D Pyramid Pooling Network for Abdominal MRI Series Classification
* A(DP)^2SGD: Asynchronous Decentralized Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent With Differential Privacy
* ABCNet v2: Adaptive Bezier-Curve Network for Real-Time End-to-End Text Spotting
* AbdomenCT-1K: Is Abdominal Organ Segmentation a Solved Problem?
* Act Like a Radiologist: Towards Reliable Multi-View Correspondence Reasoning for Mammogram Mass Detection
* Active Fine-Tuning From gMAD Examples Improves Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Active Surveillance via Group Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Ada-LISTA: Learned Solvers Adaptive to Varying Models
* Adaptive Action Assessment
* Adaptive Graph Auto-Encoder for General Data Clustering
* Adaptive Graph Guided Disambiguation for Partial Label Learning
* Adaptive Neighborhood Metric Learning
* Adaptive Progressive Continual Learning
* Adaptive Temporal Difference Learning With Linear Function Approximation
* Advanced Dropout: A Model-Free Methodology for Bayesian Dropout Optimization
* Adversarial Joint-Learning Recurrent Neural Network for Incomplete Time Series Classification
* Adversarial Reciprocal Points Learning for Open Set Recognition
* Adversarial Reinforced Instruction Attacker for Robust Vision-Language Navigation
* AF: An Association-Based Fusion Method for Multi-Modal Classification
* Affective Image Content Analysis: Two Decades Review and New Perspectives
* Affinity Attention Graph Neural Network for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* AGO-Net: Association-Guided 3D Point Cloud Object Detection Network
* Aligning Source Visual and Target Language Domains for Unpaired Video Captioning
* AlignSeg: Feature-Aligned Segmentation Networks
* AlphaGAN: Fully Differentiable Architecture Search for Generative Adversarial Networks
* Analysis of Super-Net Heuristics in Weight-Sharing NAS, An
* Anisotropic Convolutional Neural Networks for RGB-D Based Semantic Scene Completion
* APANet: Auto-Path Aggregation for Future Instance Segmentation Prediction
* ArcFace: Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* Attack to Fool and Explain Deep Networks
* Attention in Attention Networks for Person Retrieval
* Attention in Reasoning: Dataset, Analysis, and Modeling
* Augmentation Invariant and Instance Spreading Feature for Softmax Embedding
* Auto-Encoding and Distilling Scene Graphs for Image Captioning
* Auto-Rectify Network for Unsupervised Indoor Depth Estimation
* AutoNovel: Automatically Discovering and Learning Novel Visual Categories
* Autoregressive Asymmetric Linear Gaussian Hidden Markov Models
* AvatarMe++: Facial Shape and BRDF Inference With Photorealistic Rendering-Aware GANs
* Average Top-k Aggregate Loss for Supervised Learning
* Background-Agnostic Framework With Adversarial Training for Abnormal Event Detection in Video, A
* Background-Click Supervision for Temporal Action Localization
* Ball k-Means: Fast Adaptive Clustering With No Bounds
* Batch Reinforcement Learning With a Nonparametric Off-Policy Policy Gradient
* Bayesian Filter for Multi-View 3D Multi-Object Tracking With Occlusion Handling, A
* Bayesian Temporal Factorization for Multidimensional Time Series Prediction
* BDCN: Bi-Directional Cascade Network for Perceptual Edge Detection
* Bridging the Gap Between Few-Shot and Many-Shot Learning via Distribution Calibration
* Bringing Light Into the Dark: A Large-Scale Evaluation of Knowledge Graph Embedding Models Under a Unified Framework
* Building and Interpreting Deep Similarity Models
* BuildingFusion: Semantic-Aware Structural Building-Scale 3D Reconstruction
* CARAFE++: Unified Content-Aware ReAssembly of FEatures
* Cascaded Algorithm Selection With Extreme-Region UCB Bandit
* Cascaded Parsing of Human-Object Interaction Recognition
* Cascaded Refinement Network for Point Cloud Completion With Self-Supervision
* Category-Level Adversarial Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Using Purified Features
* Causal Framework for Distribution Generalization, A
* CIE XYZ Net: Unprocessing Images for Low-Level Computer Vision Tasks
* Class-Aware Sounding Objects Localization via Audiovisual Correspondence
* Co-VAE: Drug-Target Binding Affinity Prediction by Co-Regularized Variational Autoencoders
* Coded Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction Using Deep External and Internal Learning
* CoDiNet: Path Distribution Modeling With Consistency and Diversity for Dynamic Routing
* Coherence Constrained Graph LSTM for Group Activity Recognition
* Collaborative Learning of Label Semantics and Deep Label-Specific Features for Multi-Label Classification
* Collaborative Video Object Segmentation by Multi-Scale Foreground-Background Integration
* Communication-Efficient Randomized Algorithm for Multi-Kernel Online Federated Learning
* Comprehensive and Modularized Statistical Framework for Gradient Norm Equality in Deep Neural Networks, A
* Computational Imaging on the Electric Grid
* Concealed Object Detection
* Concise Yet Effective Model for Non-Aligned Incomplete Multi-View and Missing Multi-Label Learning, A
* Conditional Super Learner, The
* Confidence Estimation via Auxiliary Models
* Confounds in the Data: Comments on Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features
* Consistent Estimation of the Max-Flow Problem: Towards Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* Content and Style Aware Generation of Text-Line Images for Handwriting Recognition
* Context-Aware Graph Inference With Knowledge Distillation for Visual Dialog
* Context-Aware Visual Policy Network for Fine-Grained Image Captioning
* Continual Adaptation for Deep Stereo
* Continual Learning Survey: Defying Forgetting in Classification Tasks, A
* Continuous Action Reinforcement Learning From a Mixture of Interpretable Experts
* Contradistinguisher: A Vapnik's Imperative to Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Contrastive Adaptation Network for Single- and Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
* ControlVAE: Tuning, Analytical Properties, and Performance Analysis
* Convolutional Networks with Dense Connectivity
* Convolutional Neural Networks With Gated Recurrent Connections
* Convolutional Prototype Network for Open Set Recognition
* Cooperative Training of Fast Thinking Initializer and Slow Thinking Solver for Conditional Learning
* Coordinate Descent Method for k-means
* Cost Volume Pyramid Based Depth Inference for Multi-View Stereo
* Counting People by Estimating People Flows
* Covariance Attention for Semantic Segmentation
* Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition: A Unified Evaluation Benchmark and Adversarial Graph Learning
* Cross-Modal Progressive Comprehension for Referring Segmentation
* CrowdGAN: Identity-Free Interactive Crowd Video Generation and Beyond
* CTNet: Context-Based Tandem Network for Semantic Segmentation
* CyCoSeg: A Cyclic Collaborative Framework for Automated Medical Image Segmentation
* Cylindrical and Asymmetrical 3D Convolution Networks for LiDAR-Based Perception
* DE-GAN: A Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Document Enhancement
* Deblurring Dynamic Scenes via Spatially Varying Recurrent Neural Networks
* Deep Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Deep Back-Projecti Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Coarse-to-Fine Dense Light Field Reconstruction With Flexible Sampling and Geometry-Aware Fusion
* Deep Cognitive Gate: Resembling Human Cognition for Saliency Detection
* Deep Constraint-Based Propagation in Graph Neural Networks
* Deep Declarative Networks
* Deep Feature Space: A Geometrical Perspective
* Deep Generative Modelling: A Comparative Review of VAEs, GANs, Normalizing Flows, Energy-Based and Autoregressive Models
* Deep Graph Metric Learning for Weakly Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Deep Hierarchical Representation of Point Cloud Videos via Spatio-Temporal Decomposition
* Deep Hough Transform for Semantic Line Detection
* Deep Learning Adapted to Differential Neural Networks Used as Pattern Classification of Electrophysiological Signals
* Deep Learning for HDR Imaging: State-of-the-Art and Future Trends
* Deep Learning for Person Re-Identification: A Survey and Outlook
* Deep Learning-Based Multi-Focus Image Fusion: A Survey and a Comparative Study
* Deep Model Intellectual Property Protection via Deep Watermarking
* Deep Object Tracking With Shrinkage Loss
* Deep Partial Multi-View Learning
* Deep Photometric Stereo for Non-Lambertian Surfaces
* Deep Photometric Stereo Networks for Determining Surface Normal and Reflectances
* Deep Polynomial Neural Networks
* Deep Spatial-Angular Regularization for Light Field Imaging, Denoising, and Super-Resolution
* Deep Visual Odometry With Adaptive Memory
* DeepFake Detection Based on Discrepancies Between Faces and Their Context
* DeepIPR: Deep Neural Network Ownership Verification With Passports
* DeepNC: Deep Generative Network Completion
* DeepPhaseCut: Deep Relaxation in Phase for Unsupervised Fourier Phase Retrieval
* DeepSPIO: Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Particle Quantification Using Deep Learning in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Deformable Generator Networks: Unsupervised Disentanglement of Appearance and Geometry
* DeFusionNET: Defocus Blur Detection via Recurrently Fusing and Refining Discriminative Multi-Scale Deep Features
* Dense Relational Image Captioning via Multi-Task Triple-Stream Networks
* Densely Residual Laplacian Super-Resolution
* Depth Selection for Deep ReLU Nets in Feature Extraction and Generalization
* Depthwise Spatio-Temporal STFT Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition
* DeriveNet for (Very) Low Resolution Image Classification
* Detailed Avatar Recovery From Single Image
* Detecting Meaningful Clusters From High-Dimensional Data: A Strongly Consistent Sparse Center-Based Clustering Approach
* Detection and Tracking Meet Drones Challenge
* Diagnose Like a Radiologist: Hybrid Neuro-Probabilistic Reasoning for Attribute-Based Medical Image Diagnosis
* DiCENet: Dimension-Wise Convolutions for Efficient Networks
* DiCoDiLe: Distributed Convolutional Dictionary Learning
* Differential Viewpoints for Ground Terrain Material Recognition
* Differentiated Explanation of Deep Neural Networks With Skewed Distributions
* Discrete Box-Constrained Minimax Classifier for Uncertain and Imbalanced Class Proportions
* Discrimination-Aware Network Pruning for Deep Model Compression
* Discriminative Single-Shot Segmentation Network for Visual Object Tracking, A
* Disease-Image-Specific Learning for Diagnosis-Oriented Neuroimage Synthesis With Incomplete Multi-Modality Data
* Disentangled Feature Learning Network and a Comprehensive Benchmark for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Disentangled Representations for Short-Term and Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* Disentangling Monocular 3D Object Detection: From Single to Multi-Class Recognition
* Distilled Siamese Networks for Visual Tracking
* Distilling Knowledge by Mimicking Features
* Distribution Cognisant Loss for Cross-Database Facial Age Estimation With Sensitivity Analysis
* Distribution Disagreement via Lorentzian Focal Representation
* Distributionally Robust and Multi-Objective Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Divergence-Agnostic Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Adversarial Attacks
* Domain Knowledge Alleviates Adversarial Attacks in Multi-Label Classifiers
* DPODv2: Dense Correspondence-Based 6 DoF Pose Estimation
* Dual Encoding for Video Retrieval by Text
* DVG-Face: Dual Variational Generation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* DWDN: Deep Wiener Deconvolution Network for Non-Blind Image Deblurring
* Dynamic Facial Expression Generation on Hilbert Hypersphere With Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Nets
* Dynamic Frame Selection Framework for Fast Video Recognition, A
* Dynamic Neural Networks: A Survey
* E2SRI: Learning to Super-Resolve Intensity Images From Events
* EdgeNets: Edge Varying Graph Neural Networks
* Effective Training of Convolutional Neural Networks With Low-Bitwidth Weights and Activations
* Efficient Adaptive Online Learning via Frequent Directions
* Efficient and Outlier-Robust Simultaneous Pose and Correspondence Determination by Branch-and-Bound and Transformation Decomposition
* Efficient and Stable Graph Scattering Transforms via Pruning
* Efficient Deterministic Search With Robust Loss Functions for Geometric Model Fitting
* Efficient Global MOT Under Minimum-Cost Circulation Framework
* Efficient Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming With Robust Loss Functions
* Efficient Relational Sentence Ordering Network
* Efficient Semantic Image Synthesis via Class-Adaptive Normalization
* Efficient Solution to Non-Minimal Case Essential Matrix Estimation, An
* Emerging Trends of Multi-Label Learning, The
* End-to-End Full Projector Compensation
* End-to-End Optimized Versatile Image Compression With Wavelet-Like Transform
* End2End Occluded Face Recognition by Masking Corrupted Features
* Enhanced Group Sparse Regularized Nonconvex Regression for Face Recognition
* Enhancement-Registration-Homogenization (ERH): A Comprehensive Underwater Visual Reconstruction Paradigm
* Error Bounds of Imitating Policies and Environments for Reinforcement Learning
* Estimation of Wetness and Color from a Single Multispectral Image
* Event-Based Vision: A Survey
* Event-Stream Representation for Human Gaits Identification Using Deep Neural Networks
* Exploiting Deep Generative Prior for Versatile Image Restoration and Manipulation
* Exploiting Raw Images for Real-Scene Super-Resolution
* Exposure Trajectory Recovery From Motion Blur
* Face Restoration via Plug-and-Play 3D Facial Priors
* Factors of Influence for Transfer Learning Across Diverse Appearance Domains and Task Types
* Fast and Accurate Least-Mean-Squares Solvers for High Dimensional Data
* Fast and Robust Iterative Closest Point
* Fast and Robust Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation and Tracking From Multiple Views
* Fast Binary Quadratic Programming Solver Based on Stochastic Neighborhood Search, A
* Fast Class-Wise Updating for Online Hashing
* Fast Foveating Cameras for Dense Adaptive Resolution
* Fast Locality Discriminant Analysis With Adaptive Manifold Embedding
* Fast Support Vector Classification for Large-Scale Problems
* Fast Weakly Supervised Action Segmentation Using Mutual Consistency
* Fast-GANFIT: Generative Adversarial Network for High Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction
* Fastest L_1,inf Prox in the West, The
* FCOS: A Simple and Strong Anchor-Free Object Detector
* Feature Completion for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Few-Shot Image and Sentence Matching via Aligned Cross-Modal Memory
* Fine-Grained Human-Centric Tracklet Segmentation with Single Frame Supervision
* Fine-Grained Image Analysis with Deep Learning: A Survey
* Fine-Grained Video Captioning via Graph-based Multi-Granularity Interaction Learning
* FlatNet: Towards Photorealistic Scene Reconstruction From Lensless Measurements
* From Handcrafted to Deep Features for Pedestrian Detection: A Survey
* Fully Automated Method for 3D Individual Tooth Identification and Segmentation in Dental CBCT, A
* Future Frame Prediction Network for Video Anomaly Detection
* Fuzzy-Match Repair Guided by Quality Estimation
* GaitSet: Cross-View Gait Recognition Through Utilizing Gait As a Deep Set
* GAN Compression: Efficient Architectures for Interactive Conditional GANs
* GarNet++: Improving Fast and Accurate Static 3D Cloth Draping by Curvature Loss
* Gating Revisited: Deep Multi-Layer RNNs That can be Trained
* GCP: Graph Encoder With Content-Planning for Sentence Generation From Knowledge Bases
* GeCNs: Graph Elastic Convolutional Networks for Data Representation
* General Differentiable Mesh Renderer for Image-Based 3D Reasoning, A
* General Hypernetwork Framework for Creating 3D Point Clouds
* Generalized Domain Conditioned Adaptation Network
* Generalized Few-Shot Video Classification With Video Retrieval and Feature Generation
* Generalized Framework for Edge-Preserving and Structure-Preserving Image Smoothing, A
* Generalized Method for Binary Optimization: Convergence Analysis and Applications, A
* Generalized One-Class Learning Using Pairs of Complementary Classifiers
* Generalizing Correspondence Analysis for Applications in Machine Learning
* Generative Imputation and Stochastic Prediction
* Generative Model for Generic Light Field Reconstruction, A
* Generative VoxelNet: Learning Energy-Based Models for 3D Shape Synthesis and Analysis
* Geometrical Perspective on Image Style Transfer With Adversarial Learning, A
* Geometry-Aware Generation of Adversarial Point Clouds
* Geometry-Guided Street-View Panorama Synthesis From Satellite Imagery
* GeoNet++: Iterative Geometric Neural Network with Edge-Aware Refinement for Joint Depth and Surface Normal Estimation
* GigaMVS: A Benchmark for Ultra-Large-Scale Gigapixel-Level 3D Reconstruction
* Globally Optimal Vertical Direction Estimation in Atlanta World
* Globally-Optimal Contrast Maximisation for Event Cameras
* GMFAD: Towards Generalized Visual Recognition via Multilayer Feature Alignment and Disentanglement
* GPCA: A Probabilistic Framework for Gaussian Process Embedded Channel Attention
* Gradient Matters: Designing Binarized Neural Networks via Enhanced Information-Flow
* Graph Convolutional Module for Temporal Action Localization in Videos
* Graph Moving Object Segmentation
* Graph Neural Networks With Convolutional ARMA Filters
* Graph Regularized Autoencoder and its Application in Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* Graph Signal Processing Approach to QSAR/QSPR Model Learning of Compounds
* Graph U-Nets
* Graph-Cut RANSAC: Local Optimization on Spatially Coherent Structures
* Graphonomy: Universal Image Parsing via Graph Reasoning and Transfer
* Grid Anchor Based Image Cropping: A New Benchmark and An Efficient Model
* GRIM: A General, Real-Time Deep Learning Inference Framework for Mobile Devices Based on Fine-Grained Structured Weight Sparsity
* Group Sampling for Scale Invariant Face Detection
* Group-Wise Hub Identification by Learning Common Graph Embeddings on Grassmannian Manifold
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Guest Editorial: Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
* Guided Event Filtering: Synergy Between Intensity Images and Neuromorphic Events for High Performance Imaging
* Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method for Probabilistic Adversarial Attack and Learning, A
* HandVoxNet++: 3D Hand Shape and Pose Estimation Using Voxel-Based Neural Networks
* Head Pose Estimation Based on Multivariate Label Distribution
* Heatmap Regression via Randomized Rounding
* HEMlets PoSh: Learning Part-Centric Heatmap Triplets for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network for Unsupervised Multiple-Target Domain Adaptation
* Heterogeneous Hypergraph Variational Autoencoder for Link Prediction
* Hierarchical and Self-Attended Sequence Autoencoder
* Hierarchical Bayesian LSTM for Head Trajectory Prediction on Omnidirectional Images
* Hierarchical Deep Click Feature Prediction for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Hierarchical Human Semantic Parsing With Comprehensive Part-Relation Modeling
* High Dimensional Similarity Search With Satellite System Graph: Efficiency, Scalability, and Unindexed Query Compatibility
* High Frame Rate Video Reconstruction Based on an Event Camera
* Higher-Order Explanations of Graph Neural Networks via Relevant Walks
* Highly Efficient Model to Study the Semantics of Salient Object Detection, A
* Homography-Based Minimal-Case Relative Pose Estimation With Known Gravity Direction
* Homomorphic Interpolation Network for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Horizontal Flows and Manifold Stochastics in Geometric Deep Learning
* How Do Neural Networks Estimate Optical Flow? A Neuropsychology-Inspired Study
* How to Query an Oracle? Efficient Strategies to Label Data
* How to Trust Unlabeled Data? Instance Credibility Inference for Few-Shot Learning
* Human-Centric Relation Segmentation: Dataset and Solution
* Hybrid Face Reflectance, Illumination, and Shape From a Single Image
* Hybrid Stochastic-Deterministic Minibatch Proximal Gradient Method for Efficient Optimization and Generalization, A
* Hyperbolic Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
* Hypergraph Learning: Methods and Practices
* iFlowGAN: An Invertible Flow-Based Generative Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* Image Quality Assessment: Unifying Structure and Texture Similarity
* Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning: A Survey
* Importance Weight Estimation and Generalization in Domain Adaptation Under Label Shift
* Improved Normalized Cut for Multi-View Clustering
* Improved Variance Reduction Methods for Riemannian Non-Convex Optimization
* Improving Deep Metric Learning by Divide and Conquer
* Improving Generative Adversarial Networks With Local Coordinate Coding
* Improving Machine Vision Using Human Perceptual Representations: The Case of Planar Reflection Symmetry for Object Classification
* In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh
* Incomplete Label Multiple Instance Multiple Label Learning
* Incremental Density-Based Clustering on Multicore Processors
* Incremental Object Detection via Meta-Learning
* Index Networks
* Infant-ID: Fingerprints for Global Good
* Inferring Point Cloud Quality via Graph Similarity
* Instance-Dependent Positive and Unlabeled Learning With Labeling Bias Estimation
* Instance-Invariant Domain Adaptive Object Detection Via Progressive Disentanglement
* Instance-Level Relative Saliency Ranking With Graph Reasoning
* Integrating Tensor Similarity to Enhance Clustering Performance
* Interaction-Aware Spatio-Temporal Pyramid Attention Networks for Action Classification
* Interactive Multi-Dimension Modulation for Image Restoration
* InterFaceGAN: Interpreting the Disentangled Face Representation Learned by GANs
* Interpreting Image Classifiers by Generating Discrete Masks
* IntPhys 2019: A Benchmark for Visual Intuitive Physics Understanding
* Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Paradigms
* Introduction to the Special Section of CVPR 2017
* Invertible Neural BRDF for Object Inverse Rendering
* Investigating Bi-Level Optimization for Learning and Vision from a Unified Perspective: A Survey and Beyond
* Iterative Knowledge Exchange Between Deep Learning and Space-Time Spectral Clustering for Unsupervised Segmentation in Videos
* Iteratively Reweighted Minimax-Concave Penalty Minimization for Accurate Low-rank Plus Sparse Matrix Decomposition
* JHU-CROWD++: Large-Scale Crowd Counting Dataset and A Benchmark Method
* Joint Camera Spectral Response Selection and Hyperspectral Image Recovery
* Joint Detection and Matching of Feature Points in Multimodal Images
* Joint Feature Synthesis and Embedding: Adversarial Cross-Modal Retrieval Revisited
* Joint Framework for Single Image Reconstruction and Super-Resolution With an Event Camera
* K-Shot Contrastive Learning of Visual Features With Multiple Instance Augmentations
* Kernel-Based Density Map Generation for Dense Object Counting
* Knowledge Distillation and Student-Teacher Learning for Visual Intelligence: A Review and New Outlooks
* Knowledge-Guided Multi-Label Few-Shot Learning for General Image Recognition
* Label Independent Memory for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Video Classification
* LAEO-Net++: Revisiting People Looking at Each Other in Videos
* Large-Scale Nonlinear AUC Maximization via Triply Stochastic Gradients
* Lazily Aggregated Quantized Gradient Innovation for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning
* Learn to Predict Sets Using Feed-Forward Neural Networks
* Learnable Pooling in Graph Convolutional Networks for Brain Surface Analysis
* Learnable Weighting of Intra-Attribute Distances for Categorical Data Clustering with Nominal and Ordinal Attributes
* Learning 3D Human Shape and Pose From Dense Body Parts
* Learning Across Tasks for Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation From a Single Source Domain
* Learning and Meshing From Deep Implicit Surface Networks Using an Efficient Implementation of Analytic Marching
* Learning Asymmetric and Local Features in Multi-Dimensional Data Through Wavelets With Recursive Partitioning
* Learning Backtrackless Aligned-Spatial Graph Convolutional Networks for Graph Classification
* Learning by Distillation: A Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Optical Flow Estimation
* Learning Deep Sparse Regularizers With Applications to Multi-View Clustering and Semi-Supervised Classification
* Learning Deformable Image Registration From Optimization: Perspective, Modules, Bilevel Training and Beyond
* Learning Efficient Binarized Object Detectors With Information Compression
* Learning End-to-End Lossy Image Compression: A Benchmark
* Learning Generalisable Omni-Scale Representations for Person Re-Identification
* Learning Generalized Transformation Equivariant Representations Via AutoEncoding Transformations
* Learning Image-Adaptive 3D Lookup Tables for High Performance Photo Enhancement in Real-Time
* Learning Layout and Style Reconfigurable GANs for Controllable Image Synthesis
* Learning Log-Determinant Divergences for Positive Definite Matrices
* Learning Meta-Distance for Sequences by Learning a Ground Metric via Virtual Sequence Regression
* Learning of 3D Graph Convolution Networks for Point Cloud Analysis
* Learning on Attribute-Missing Graphs
* Learning Representations for Facial Actions From Unlabeled Videos
* Learning Selective Mutual Attention and Contrast for RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Learning Semantic Correspondence Exploiting an Object-Level Prior
* Learning Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Clouds With Random Sampling
* Learning Single/Multi-Attribute of Object With Symmetry and Group
* Learning Spatially Variant Linear Representation Models for Joint Filtering
* Learning Spherical Convolution for 360° Recognition
* Learning to Compose and Reason with Language Tree Structures for Visual Grounding
* Learning to Detect Salient Object With Multi-Source Weak Supervision
* Learning to Embed Semantic Similarity for Joint Image-Text Retrieval
* Learning to Enhance Low-Light Image via Zero-Reference Deep Curve Estimation
* Learning to Forget for Meta-Learning via Task-and-Layer-Wise Attenuation
* Learning to Match Anchors for Visual Object Detection
* Learning to See Through Obstructions With Layered Decomposition
* Learning Versatile Convolution Filters for Efficient Visual Recognition
* Learning With Multiclass AUC: Theory and Algorithms
* Leveraging Instance-, Image- and Dataset-Level Information for Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation
* Lifelong Teacher-Student Network Learning
* Line Graph Neural Networks for Link Prediction
* Linear and Deep Order-Preserving Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis
* Linear RGB-D SLAM for Structured Environments
* Liquid Warping GAN With Attention: A Unified Framework for Human Image Synthesis
* Little Bit More: Bitplane-Wise Bit-Depth Recovery, A
* LocalDrop: A Hybrid Regularization for Deep Neural Networks
* Locality-Aware Crowd Counting
* Locally Connected Network for Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Locating and Counting Heads in Crowds With a Depth Prior
* Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
* Loss Surface of Deep Linear Networks Viewed Through the Algebraic Geometry Lens, The
* Low Rank Tensor Completion With Poisson Observations
* Low-Light Image and Video Enhancement Using Deep Learning: A Survey
* Low-Rank Riemannian Optimization for Graph-Based Clustering Applications
* luvHarris: A Practical Corner Detector for Event-Cameras
* L_1-Norm Quantile Regression Screening Rule via the Dual Circumscribed Sphere
* ManifoldNet: A Deep Neural Network for Manifold-Valued Data With Applications
* Map-Guided Curriculum Domain Adaptation and Uncertainty-Aware Evaluation for Semantic Nighttime Image Segmentation
* Marginalizing Sample Consensus
* Mathematical Model for Universal Semantics, A
* Measuring Human Perception to Improve Handwritten Document Transcription
* Meta Balanced Network for Fair Face Recognition
* Meta-Learning in Neural Networks: A Survey
* Meta-Teacher For Face Anti-Spoofing
* Meta-Transfer Learning Through Hard Tasks
* Meta-Wrapper: Differentiable Wrapping Operator for User Interest Selection in CTR Prediction
* MHF-Net: An Interpretable Deep Network for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion
* Mining Data Impressions From Deep Models as Substitute for the Unavailable Training Data
* MobileSal: Extremely Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Model-Protected Multi-Task Learning
* Modeling the Background for Incremental and Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* MODENN: A Shallow Broad Neural Network Model Based on Multi-Order Descartes Expansion
* Monocular 3D Pose Estimation via Pose Grammar and Data Augmentation
* MonoEF: Extrinsic Parameter Free Monocular 3D Object Detection
* MonoGRNet: A General Framework for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* MORPH-DSLAM: Model Order Reduction for Physics-Based Deformable SLAM
* Moving Vehicle Detection for Remote Sensing Video Surveillance With Nonstationary Satellite Platform
* MRA-Net: Improving VQA Via Multi-Modal Relation Attention Network
* Multi-Attribute Discriminative Representation Learning for Prediction of Adverse Drug-Drug Interaction
* Multi-Camera Trajectory Forecasting With Trajectory Tensors
* Multi-Label Classification With Label-Specific Feature Generation: A Wrapped Approach
* Multi-Moments in Time: Learning and Interpreting Models for Multi-Action Video Understanding
* Multi-Scale 2D Temporal Adjacency Networks for Moment Localization With Natural Language
* Multi-Task Learning for Dense Prediction Tasks: A Survey
* Multi-Task Learning With Coarse Priors for Robust Part-Aware Person Re-Identification
* Multi-View Supervision for Single-View Reconstruction via Differentiable Ray Consistency
* Multilabel Ranking with Inconsistent Rankers
* Multiple Human Association and Tracking From Egocentric and Complementary Top Views
* Multiple Video Frame Interpolation via Enhanced Deformable Separable Convolution
* Multiview Clustering: A Scalable and Parameter-Free Bipartite Graph Fusion Method
* Mutual Information Regularized Feature-Level Frankenstein for Discriminative Recognition
* NATS-Bench: Benchmarking NAS Algorithms for Architecture Topology and Size
* Natural Language Video Localization: A Revisit in Span-Based Question Answering Framework
* NCNet: Neighbourhood Consensus Networks for Estimating Image Correspondences
* Neural Granger Causality
* Neural Graph Matching Network: Learning Lawler's Quadratic Assignment Problem With Extension to Hypergraph and Multiple-Graph Matching
* Neural Rendering for Game Character Auto-Creation
* Neural Shape Parsers for Constructive Solid Geometry
* Non-Local Graph Neural Networks
* Non-Local Meets Global: An Iterative Paradigm for Hyperspectral Image Restoration
* Non-Local Representation Based Mutual Affine-Transfer Network for Photorealistic Stylization
* Nonparametric Testing Under Randomized Sketching
* Not All Samples are Trustworthy: Towards Deep Robust SVP Prediction
* Novel Approach to Large-Scale Dynamically Weighted Directed Network Representation, A
* Novel Occlusion-Aware Vote Cost for Light Field Depth Estimation, A
* OANet: Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network
* Object Detection in Aerial Images: A Large-Scale Benchmark and Challenges
* Object-Level Scene Context Prediction
* Occlusion Boundary: A Formal Definition & Its Detection via Deep Exploration of Context
* On Diversity in Image Captioning: Metrics and Methods
* On Inductive-Transductive Learning With Graph Neural Networks
* On Learning Disentangled Representations for Gait Recognition
* On the Confidence of Stereo Matching in a Deep-Learning Era: A Quantitative Evaluation
* On the Convergence of Tsetlin Machines for the IDENTITY- and NOT Operators
* On the Correlation Among Edge, Pose and Parsing
* On the Synergies Between Machine Learning and Binocular Stereo for Depth Estimation From Images: A Survey
* On the Treatment of Optimization Problems With L1 Penalty Terms via Multiobjective Continuation
* One DAG to Rule Them All
* One Metric to Measure Them All: Localisation Recall Precision (LRP) for Evaluating Visual Detection Tasks
* One-Shot Imitation Drone Filming of Human Motion Videos
* OneFlow: One-Class Flow for Anomaly Detection Based on a Minimal Volume Region
* Online Attention Accumulation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Optical Flow in the Dark
* Optimizing Latent Distributions for Non-Adversarial Generative Networks
* Orientation Keypoints for 6D Human Pose Estimation
* Outdoor Inverse Rendering From a Single Image Using Multiview Self-Supervision
* P-CNN: Part-Based Convolutional Neural Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* PaMIR: Parametric Model-Conditioned Implicit Representation for Image-Based Human Reconstruction
* PAN++: Towards Efficient and Accurate End-to-End Spotting of Arbitrarily-Shaped Text
* Parallax Attention for Unsupervised Stereo Correspondence Learning
* Part-Level Car Parsing and Reconstruction in Single Street View Images
* Part-Object Relational Visual Saliency
* Partial Multi-Label Learning With Noisy Label Identification
* Patch-Based Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Under Natural Illumination
* Path-Restore: Learning Network Path Selection for Image Restoration
* Pay Attention to Evolution: Time Series Forecasting With Deep Graph-Evolution Learning
* Performing Group Difference Testing on Graph Structured Data from GANs: Analysis and Applications in Neuroimaging
* Perspective Camera Model With Refraction Correction for Optical Velocimetry Measurements in Complex Geometries
* Pharmacological, Non-Pharmacological Policies and Mutation: An Artificial Intelligence Based Multi-Dimensional Policy Making Algorithm for Controlling the Casualties of the Pandemic Diseases
* Physics-Based Noise Modeling for Extreme Low-Light Photography
* Physics-Based Shadow Image Decomposition for Shadow Removal
* PINE: Universal Deep Embedding for Graph Nodes via Partial Permutation Invariant Set Functions
* Plenty is Plague: Fine-Grained Learning for Visual Question Answering
* Plug-and-Play Algorithms for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Plug-and-Play Image Restoration With Deep Denoiser Prior
* Point Cloud Instance Segmentation With Semi-Supervised Bounding-Box Mining
* PointINS: Point-Based Instance Segmentation
* Poisoning Attack Against Estimating From Pairwise Comparisons
* PolarMask++: Enhanced Polar Representation for Single-Shot Instance Segmentation and Beyond
* Pose-Guided Representation Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Power Normalizations in Fine-Grained Image, Few-Shot Image and Graph Classification
* Practical O(N^2) Outlier Removal Method for Correspondence-Based Point Cloud Registration, A
* PRIMAL-GMM: PaRametrIc MAnifold Learning of Gaussian Mixture Models
* PRIN/SPRIN: On Extracting Point-Wise Rotation Invariant Features
* Prior Guided Feature Enrichment Network for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Privacy Preserving Defense For Black Box Classifiers Against On-Line Adversarial Attacks
* Privacy-Preserving Deep Action Recognition: An Adversarial Learning Framework and A New Dataset
* Probabilistic Graph Attention Network With Conditional Kernels for Pixel-Wise Prediction
* Progressive and Aligned Pose Attention Transfer for Person Image Generation
* Progressive Fusion Generative Adversarial Network for Realistic and Consistent Video Super-Resolution, A
* Progressive Learning of Category-Consistent Multi-Granularity Features for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Progressive Tandem Learning for Pattern Recognition With Deep Spiking Neural Networks
* Promoting Connectivity of Network-Like Structures by Enforcing Region Separation
* ProtTrans: Toward Understanding the Language of Life Through Self-Supervised Learning
* PSGAN++: Robust Detail-Preserving Makeup Transfer and Removal
* Purely Attention Based Local Feature Integration for Video Classification
* PVNAS: 3D Neural Architecture Search With Point-Voxel Convolution
* PVNet: Pixel-Wise Voting Network for 6DoF Object Pose Estimation
* Pyramidal Semantic Correspondence Networks
* Quasi-Globally Optimal and Near/True Real-Time Vanishing Point Estimation in Manhattan World
* Query-Efficient Black-Box Adversarial Attacks Guided by a Transfer-Based Prior
* Random Features for Kernel Approximation: A Survey on Algorithms, Theory, and Beyond
* Rank-One Network: An Effective Framework for Image Restoration
* Ranked List Loss for Deep Metric Learning
* RankSRGAN: Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks With Learning to Rank
* Ratio Sum Versus Sum Ratio for Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Ray-Space Epipolar Geometry for Light Field Cameras
* Re-Thinking Co-Salient Object Detection
* Re-Weighting Large Margin Label Distribution Learning for Classification
* Real-Time Globally Consistent Dense 3D Reconstruction With Online Texturing
* Real-Time High Speed Motion Prediction Using Fast Aperture-Robust Event-Driven Visual Flow
* Recent Advances in Large Margin Learning
* Reconstructive Sequence-Graph Network for Video Summarization
* Recurrent Multi-Frame Deraining: Combining Physics Guidance and Adversarial Learning
* Recursive Copy and Paste GAN: Face Hallucination From Shaded Thumbnails
* Reducing Data Complexity Using Autoencoders With Class-Informed Loss Functions
* Referring Segmentation in Images and Videos With Cross-Modal Self-Attention Network
* Regularization of Mixture Models for Robust Principal Graph Learning
* Regularizing Deep Networks With Semantic Data Augmentation
* Representational Gradient Boosting: Backpropagation in the Space of Functions
* Reversible Data Hiding By Using CNN Prediction and Adaptive Embedding
* Review on Deep Learning Techniques for Video Prediction, A
* Revisiting Facial Age Estimation With New Insights From Instance Space Analysis
* Revisiting Image-Language Networks for Open-Ended Phrase Detection
* Revisiting Light Field Rendering With Deep Anti-Aliasing Neural Network
* RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments Using Point Correlations
* Ring and Radius Sampling Based Phasor Field Diffraction Algorithm for Non-Line-of-Sight Reconstruction
* Robust and Accurate 3D Self-Portraits in Seconds
* Robust and Efficient Estimation of Relative Pose for Cameras on Selfie Sticks
* Robust Bi-Stochastic Graph Regularized Matrix Factorization for Data Clustering
* Robust Differentiable SVD
* Robust Event-Based Vision Model Estimation by Dispersion Minimisation
* Robust Face Alignment via Deep Progressive Reinitialization and Adaptive Error-Driven Learning
* Robust Isometric Non-Rigid Structure-From-Motion
* Robust Low-Tubal-Rank Tensor Recovery From Binary Measurements
* Safe Feature Elimination Rule for L_1-Regularized Logistic Regression, A
* Salient Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era: An In-Depth Survey
* Sample-Efficient Neural Architecture Search by Learning Actions for Monte Carlo Tree Search
* SANet: A Slice-Aware Network for Pulmonary Nodule Detection
* Saying the Unseen: Video Descriptions via Dialog Agents
* Scalable and Practical Natural Gradient for Large-Scale Deep Learning
* Scalable Variational Gaussian Processes for Crowdsourcing: Glitch Detection in LIGO
* Scale Normalized Image Pyramids With AutoFocus for Object Detection
* Scaling Up Generalized Kernel Methods
* See-Through Vision With Unsupervised Scene Occlusion Reconstruction
* Seek-and-Hide: Adversarial Steganography via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Segment as Points for Efficient and Effective Online Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
* Segmenting Objects From Relational Visual Data
* Self-Consistent-Field Iteration for Orthogonal Canonical Correlation Analysis, A
* Self-Correction for Human Parsing
* Self-Distillation: Towards Efficient and Compact Neural Networks
* Self-Reinforcing Unsupervised Matching
* Self-Representation Based Unsupervised Exemplar Selection in a Union of Subspaces
* Self-Supervised Deep Monocular Depth Estimation With Ambiguity Boosting
* Self-Supervised Discovering of Interpretable Features for Reinforcement Learning
* Self-Supervised Gait Encoding Approach With Locality-Awareness for 3D Skeleton Based Person Re-Identification, A
* Self-Supervised Human Detection and Segmentation via Background Inpainting
* Self-Supervised Learning Across Domains
* Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning by Uncovering Spatio-Temporal Statistics
* Semantic Conditioned Dynamic Modulation for Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos
* Semantic Object Accuracy for Generative Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Semantic Scene Completion Using Local Deep Implicit Functions on LiDAR Data
* Semi-Supervised Deep Rule-Based Approach for Complex Satellite Sensor Image Analysis, A
* SfSNet: Learning Shape, Reflectance and Illuminance of Faces in the Wild
* SG-Net: Syntax Guided Transformer for Language Representation
* Shape Analysis of Functional Data With Elastic Partial Matching
* Shape Prior Guided Instance Disparity Estimation for 3D Object Detection
* Shape-Matching GAN++: Scale Controllable Dynamic Artistic Text Style Transfer
* Sharing Matters for Generalization in Deep Metric Learning
* Shell Theory: A Statistical Model of Reality
* Siamese Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection and Beyond
* Signed Graph Metric Learning via Gershgorin Disc Perfect Alignment
* Simple Spectral Failure Mode for Graph Convolutional Networks, A
* SimVODIS: Simultaneous Visual Odometry, Object Detection, and Instance Segmentation
* SkeletonNet: A Topology-Preserving Solution for Learning Mesh Reconstruction of Object Surfaces From RGB Images
* Small Data Challenges in Big Data Era: A Survey of Recent Progress on Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Methods
* Social-Aware Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction via States Refinement LSTM
* SOLO: A Simple Framework for Instance Segmentation
* Source Data-Absent Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Through Hypothesis Transfer and Labeling Transfer
* Space-Time Memory Networks for Video Object Segmentation With User Guidance
* Sparse and Locally Coherent Morphable Face Model for Dense Semantic Correspondence Across Heterogeneous 3D Faces, A
* Sparse SVM for Sufficient Data Reduction
* Spatiotemporal Bundle Adjustment for Dynamic 3D Human Reconstruction in the Wild
* Spatiotemporal Co-Attention Recurrent Neural Networks for Human-Skeleton Motion Prediction
* SphereGAN: Sphere Generative Adversarial Network Based on Geometric Moment Matching and its Applications
* SpherePHD: Applying CNNs on 360° Images With Non-Euclidean Spherical PolyHeDron Representation
* Spherical DNNs and Their Applications in 360° Images and Videos
* State-Temporal Compression in Reinforcement Learning With the Reward-Restricted Geodesic Metric
* Stopping Criterion Design for Recursive Bayesian Classification: Analysis and Decision Geometry
* Stream Algebra for Performance Optimization of Large Scale Computer Vision Pipelines, A
* Streaming Convolutional Neural Networks for End-to-End Learning With Multi-Megapixel Images
* Structure of Multiple Mirror System From Kaleidoscopic Projections of Single 3D Point
* Structure-Preserving Image Super-Resolution
* Structured Cooperative Reinforcement Learning With Time-Varying Composite Action Space
* Structured Multimodal Attentions for TextVQA
* Sum-Product Networks: A Survey
* Support Vector Machine Classifier via L_0/1 Soft-Margin Loss
* Surface Normals and Light Directions From Shading and Polarization
* Surface Normals and Shape From Water
* SurRF: Unsupervised Multi-View Stereopsis by Learning Surface Radiance Field
* Survey and Evaluation of Neural 3D Shape Classification Approaches
* Survey of Single-Scene Video Anomaly Detection, A
* Survey on Curriculum Learning, A
* Survey on Deep Learning Techniques for Stereo-Based Depth Estimation, A
* Survey on the Analysis and Modeling of Visual Kinship: A Decade in the Making
* Symbiotic Graph Neural Networks for 3D Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition and Motion Prediction
* SymReg-GAN: Symmetric Image Registration With Generative Adversarial Networks
* SynSig2Vec: Forgery-Free Learning of Dynamic Signature Representations by Sigma Lognormal-Based Synthesis and 1D CNN
* Syntax Customized Video Captioning by Imitating Exemplar Sentences
* T-BFA: Targeted Bit-Flip Adversarial Weight Attack
* TapLab: A Fast Framework for Semantic Video Segmentation Tapping Into Compressed-Domain Knowledge
* Tasks Integrated Networks: Joint Detection and Retrieval for Image Search
* TelecomNet: Tag-Based Weakly-Supervised Modally Cooperative Hashing Network for Image Retrieval
* Temporal-Spatial Causal Interpretations for Vision-Based Reinforcement Learning
* Tensor Representations for Action Recognition
* Test-Time Adaptation for Video Frame Interpolation via Meta-Learning
* Text Compression-Aided Transformer Encoding
* Text-Guided Human Image Manipulation via Image-Text Shared Space
* Texture Segmentation Benchmark
* Topological Loss Function for Deep-Learning Based Image Segmentation Using Persistent Homology, A
* Total Deep Variation: A Stable Regularization Method for Inverse Problems
* Toward Real-World Super-Resolution via Adaptive Downsampling Models
* Towards a Unified Quadrature Framework for Large-Scale Kernel Machines
* Towards a Weakly Supervised Framework for 3D Point Cloud Object Detection and Annotation
* Towards Accurate and Compact Architectures via Neural Architecture Transformer
* Towards Age-Invariant Face Recognition
* Towards End-to-End Text Spotting in Natural Scenes
* Towards Partial Supervision for Generic Object Counting in Natural Scenes
* Towards Robust Monocular Depth Estimation: Mixing Datasets for Zero-Shot Cross-Dataset Transfer
* Towards Uncovering the Intrinsic Data Structures for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Structurally Regularized Deep Clustering
* TRACK: A New Method From a Re-Examination of Deep Architectures for Head Motion Prediction in 360° Videos
* Tracking the Adaptation and Compensation Processes of Patients' Brain Arterial Network to an Evolving Glioblastoma
* Training Neural Networks by Lifted Proximal Operator Machines
* Transferable Coupled Network for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Transferable Interactiveness Knowledge for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Transform Quantization for CNN Compression
* Transformer for 3D Point Clouds
* Triple Generative Adversarial Networks
* Truncated Robust Principle Component Analysis With A General Optimization Framework
* TSM: Temporal Shift Module for Efficient and Scalable Video Understanding on Edge Devices
* Tweaking Deep Neural Networks
* Two-Branch Relational Prototypical Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* U2Fusion: A Unified Unsupervised Image Fusion Network
* Unambiguous Text Localization, Retrieval, and Recognition for Cluttered Scenes
* Uncalibrated, Two Source Photo-Polarimetric Stereo
* Uncertainty Inspired RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Understanding Pixel-Level 2D Image Semantics With 3D Keypoint Knowledge Engine
* Unified Framework for Automatic Distributed Active Learning, A
* Uniform Partitioning of Data Grid for Association Detection
* UniPose+: A Unified Framework for 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation in Images and Videos
* Universal Adversarial Attack on Attention and the Resulting Dataset DAmageNet
* Universal Weighting Metric Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Unmixing Convolutional Features for Crisp Edge Detection
* Unsupervised 3D Reconstruction and Grouping of Rigid and Non-Rigid Categories
* Unsupervised Disentanglement of Pose, Appearance and Background from Images and Videos
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Deep Networks for ToF Depth Refinement
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Discriminative Manifold Propagation
* Unsupervised Grouped Axial Data Modeling via Hierarchical Bayesian Nonparametric Models With Watson Distributions
* Unsupervised Heterogeneous Coupling Learning for Categorical Representation
* Unsupervised Image Restoration Using Partially Linear Denoisers
* Unsupervised Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Internal Self-Similarity Cues
* Unsupervised Learning of Local Equivariant Descriptors for Point Clouds
* Unsupervised Multi-Class Domain Adaptation: Theory, Algorithms, and Practice
* Variance Reduced Methods for Non-Convex Composition Optimization
* Variational Autoencoders for Localized Mesh Deformation Component Analysis
* Variational EM Acceleration for Efficient Clustering at Very Large Scales, A
* Variational HyperAdam: A Meta-Learning Approach to Network Training
* Video-Based Facial Micro-Expression Analysis: A Survey of Datasets, Features and Algorithms
* VideoDG: Generalizing Temporal Relations in Videos to Novel Domains
* View-Aware Geometry-Structure Joint Learning for Single-View 3D Shape Reconstruction
* Viewport-Based CNN: A Multi-Task Approach for Assessing 360° Video Quality
* Virtual Normal: Enforcing Geometric Constraints for Accurate and Robust Depth Prediction
* Visual Approach to Measure Cloth-Body and Cloth-Cloth Friction, A
* Visual Camera Re-Localization From RGB and RGB-D Images Using DSAC
* Visual Grounding Via Accumulated Attention
* VolterraNet: A Higher Order Convolutional Network With Group Equivariance for Homogeneous Manifolds
* VPN++: Rethinking Video-Pose Embeddings for Understanding Activities of Daily Living
* Warp and Learn: Novel Views Generation for Vehicles and Other Objects
* Wasserstein Adversarial Regularization for Learning With Label Noise
* Weakly Supervised Object Detection Using Proposal- and Semantic-Level Relationships
* Weakly Supervised Object Localization and Detection: A Survey
* Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization Through Contrast Based Evaluation Networks
* What and How: Generalized Lifelong Spectral Clustering via Dual Memory
* Widar3.0: Zero-Effort Cross-Domain Gesture Recognition With Wi-Fi
* XSleepNet: Multi-View Sequential Model for Automatic Sleep Staging
* YOLACT++ Better Real-Time Instance Segmentation
* Zero-Shot Deep Domain Adaptation With Common Representation Learning
* Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation With Co-Attention Siamese Networks
* ZeroNAS: Differentiable Generative Adversarial Networks Search for Zero-Shot Learning
682 for PAMI(44)
* 1xN Pattern for Pruning Convolutional Neural Networks
* 3D Point-Voxel Correlation Fields for Scene Flow Estimation
* 3D Visual Saliency: An Independent Perceptual Measure or a Derivative of 2D Image Saliency?
* 3D-Aware Adversarial Makeup Generation for Facial Privacy Protection
* 4D Atlas: Statistical Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Variability in Longitudinal 3D Shape Data
* ABINet++: Autonomous, Bidirectional and Iterative Language Modeling for Scene Text Spotting
* Accurate 3-DoF Camera Geo-Localization via Ground-to-Satellite Image Matching
* Action Recognition and Benchmark Using Event Cameras
* Action Recognition From a Single Coded Image
* ActiveZero++: Mixed Domain Learning Stereo and Confidence-Based Depth Completion With Zero Annotation
* AdaPoinTr: Diverse Point Cloud Completion With Adaptive Geometry-Aware Transformers
* Adaptive Feature Selection With Augmented Attributes
* Adaptive Fine-Grained Predicates Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Adaptive Multi-View and Temporal Fusing Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Adaptive Part Mining for Robust Visual Tracking
* Adaptive Perspective Distillation for Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive Region-Specific Loss for Improved Medical Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Search-and-Training for Robust and Efficient Network Pruning
* Adaptive Siamese Tracking With a Compact Latent Network
* Adaptive Subgraph Neural Network With Reinforced Critical Structure Mining
* Adaptive Transfer Kernel Learning for Transfer Gaussian Process Regression
* Adaptive Two-Stream Consensus Network for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Adjacency Constraint for Efficient Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
* ADPL: Adaptive Dual Path Learning for Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation
* Adversarial Data Augmentation for HMM-Based Anomaly Detection
* Adversarial Examples Generation for Deep Product Quantization Networks on Image Retrieval
* Adversarial Robustness Via Fisher-Rao Regularization
* Adversarial Sticker: A Stealthy Attack Method in the Physical World
* Adversarially Robust One-Class Novelty Detection
* Adversarially-Regularized Mixed Effects Deep Learning (ARMED) Models Improve Interpretability, Performance, and Generalization on Clustered (non-iid) Data
* Affine Subspace Robust Low-Rank Self-Representation: From Matrix to Tensor
* AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
* AlphaPose: Whole-Body Regional Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Tracking in Real-Time
* Analysis of the Hands in Egocentric Vision: A Survey
* Analytical Tensor Voting in ND Space and its Properties
* Approach to Robust ICP Initialization, An
* Arbitrary Shape Text Detection via Segmentation with Probability Maps
* Are Graph Convolutional Networks With Random Weights Feasible?
* ASH: A Modern Framework for Parallel Spatial Hashing in 3D Perception
* Asymmetric Loss Functions for Noise-Tolerant Learning: Theory and Applications
* Attention Spiking Neural Networks
* Attention Weighted Local Descriptors
* Attribute-Aware Deep Hashing with Self-Consistency for Large-Scale Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* Attribute-Guided Collaborative Learning for Partial Person Re-Identification
* AUC-Oriented Domain Adaptation: From Theory to Algorithm
* Augmentation Pathways Network for Visual Recognition
* Automatic Transformation Search Against Deep Leakage From Gradients
* Background-Aware Classification Activation Map for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Bag of Tricks for Training Deeper Graph Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Benchmark Study
* Bailando++: 3D Dance GPT With Choreographic Memory
* Base and Meta: A New Perspective on Few-Shot Segmentation
* Bayesian Image Super-Resolution With Deep Modeling of Image Statistics
* Benchmarking Single-Image Reflection Removal Algorithms
* Berrut Approximated Coded Computing: Straggler Resistance Beyond Polynomial Computing
* Beyond 3DMM: Learning to Capture High-Fidelity 3D Face Shape
* Beyond Self-Attention: External Attention Using Two Linear Layers for Visual Tasks
* Bias-Compensated Integral Regression for Human Pose Estimation
* BiFuse++: Self-Supervised and Efficient Bi-Projection Fusion for 360° Depth Estimation
* Bilateral Relation Distillation for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Bilinear Scoring Function Search for Knowledge Graph Learning
* Binaural SoundNet: Predicting Semantics, Depth and Motion With Binaural Sounds
* Bipartite Ranking Fairness Through a Model Agnostic Ordering Adjustment
* Blind Image Deconvolution Using Variational Deep Image Prior
* Blind Image Super-Resolution: A Survey and Beyond
* BNET: Batch Normalization With Enhanced Linear Transformation
* BodyPressure - Inferring Body Pose and Contact Pressure From a Depth Image
* Boosting Photon-Efficient Image Reconstruction With A Unified Deep Neural Network
* BoostTree and BoostForest for Ensemble Learning
* Brain-Machine Coupled Learning Method for Facial Emotion Recognition
* BuresNet: Conditional Bures Metric for Transferable Representation Learning
* C2F-TCN: A Framework for Semi- and Fully-Supervised Temporal Action Segmentation
* CaCo: Both Positive and Negative Samples are Directly Learnable via Cooperative-Adversarial Contrastive Learning
* CALDA: Improving Multi-Source Time Series Domain Adaptation With Contrastive Adversarial Learning
* Capture the Moment: High-Speed Imaging With Spiking Cameras Through Short-Term Plasticity
* CAS(ME)3: A Third Generation Facial Spontaneous Micro-Expression Database With Depth Information and High Ecological Validity
* Cascaded Deep Video Deblurring Using Temporal Sharpness Prior and Non-Local Spatial-Temporal Similarity
* CASIA-E: A Large Comprehensive Dataset for Gait Recognition
* CATs++: Boosting Cost Aggregation With Convolutions and Transformers
* CCMN: A General Framework for Learning With Class-Conditional Multi-Label Noise
* CCNet: Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation
* Cell Multi-Bernoulli (Cell-MB) Sensor Control for Multi-Object Search-While-Tracking (SWT)
* Centerless Clustering
* Certifiably Optimal Outlier-Robust Geometric Perception: Semidefinite Relaxations and Scalable Global Optimization
* Channel Exchanging Networks for Multimodal and Multitask Dense Image Prediction
* CIPS-3D++: End-to-End Real-Time High-Resolution 3D-Aware GANs for GAN Inversion and Stylization
* Circular Silhouette and a Fast Algorithm
* Class-Incremental Learning: Survey and Performance Evaluation on Image Classification
* Class-Specific Semantic Reconstruction for Open Set Recognition
* Class-Wise Denoising for Robust Learning Under Label Noise
* Cluster Structure Function, The
* Clustered Task-Aware Meta-Learning by Learning from Learning Paths
* Clustering Algorithm for Polygonal Data Applied to Scientific Journal Profiles, A
* CMW-Net: Learning a Class-Aware Sample Weighting Mapping for Robust Deep Learning
* Co-Embedding of Nodes and Edges With Graph Neural Networks
* Co-Salient Object Detection With Co-Representation Purification
* Coarse-to-fine Disentangling Demoiréing Framework for Recaptured Screen Images
* Coarse-to-Fine Multi-Scene Pose Regression With Transformers
* Collaborative Uncertainty Benefits Multi-Agent Multi-Modal Trajectory Forecasting
* Combinatorial Learning of Robust Deep Graph Matching: An Embedding Based Approach
* Complex Network Evolution Model Based on Turing Pattern Dynamics
* Complex-Valued Iris Recognition Network
* Compositional Scene Representation Learning via Reconstruction: A Survey
* Compositional Semantic Mix for Domain Adaptation in Point Cloud Segmentation
* Comprehensive Survey of Scene Graphs: Generation and Application, A
* Comprehensive Vulnerability Evaluation of Face Recognition Systems to Template Inversion Attacks via 3D Face Reconstruction
* Computational Optics for Mobile Terminals in Mass Production
* Conditional Wasserstein Generator
* Confluence: A Robust Non-IoU Alternative to Non-Maxima Suppression in Object Detection
* Conformal Prediction for Time Series
* Conformer: Local Features Coupling Global Representations for Recognition and Detection
* Consistency and Diversity Induced Human Motion Segmentation
* Consistent 3D Hand Reconstruction in Video via Self-Supervised Learning
* Constrained Structure Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Constructing Stronger and Faster Baselines for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Content-Aware Unsupervised Deep Homography Estimation and its Extensions
* Content-Aware Warping for View Synthesis
* ContextLoc++: A Unified Context Model for Temporal Action Localization
* Contextual Instance Decoupling for Instance-Level Human Analysis
* Contextual Transformer Networks for Visual Recognition
* Contingency Space: A Semimetric Space for Classification Evaluation
* Continual Image Deraining With Hypergraph Convolutional Networks
* Continual Learning for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Continuous Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks: Novel Empirical Losses and Label Input Mechanisms
* Continuous-Time Fitted Value Iteration for Robust Policies
* Contrastive Active Learning Under Class Distribution Mismatch
* Contrastive Bayesian Analysis for Deep Metric Learning
* Contrastive Learning With Stronger Augmentations
* Contrastive Multi-View Kernel Learning
* Contrastive Positive Sample Propagation Along the Audio-Visual Event Line
* Contrastive Video Question Answering via Video Graph Transformer
* Controllable Image Synthesis With Attribute-Decomposed GAN
* Convolution-Enhanced Evolving Attention Networks
* Convolutional Hough Matching Networks for Robust and Efficient Visual Correspondence
* CoReS: Compatible Representations via Stationarity
* Correlation Recurrent Units: A Novel Neural Architecture for Improving the Predictive Performance of Time-Series Data
* Counterfactual Samples Synthesizing and Training for Robust Visual Question Answering
* CP3: Unifying Point Cloud Completion by Pretrain-Prompt-Predict Paradigm
* CQ+ Training: Minimizing Accuracy Loss in Conversion From Convolutional Neural Networks to Spiking Neural Networks
* CRIC: A VQA Dataset for Compositional Reasoning on Vision and Commonsense
* CRNet: A Fast Continual Learning Framework With Random Theory
* Cross Domain Lifelong Learning Based on Task Similarity
* Cross-Lingual Universal Dependency Parsing Only From One Monolingual Treebank
* Cross-Modal Causal Relational Reasoning for Event-Level Visual Question Answering
* Cross-Modal Learning for Domain Adaptation in 3D Semantic Segmentation
* Cross-Modal Retrieval With Partially Mismatched Pairs
* Curriculum-Based Asymmetric Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning
* Curvature-Adaptive Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation to Manifold Data
* Cycle Registration in Persistent Homology With Applications in Topological Bootstrap
* CycleMLP: A MLP-Like Architecture for Dense Visual Predictions
* Cyclic Differentiable Architecture Search
* CycMuNet+: Cycle-Projected Mutual Learning for Spatial-Temporal Video Super-Resolution
* DaisyRec 2.0: Benchmarking Recommendation for Rigorous Evaluation
* DAN: A Segmentation-Free Document Attention Network for Handwritten Document Recognition
* DAQE: Enhancing the Quality of Compressed Images by Exploiting the Inherent Characteristic of Defocus
* Data Augmentation in High Dimensional Low Sample Size Setting Using a Geometry-Based Variational Autoencoder
* Data-Efficient Learning via Minimizing Hyperspherical Energy
* Dataset Bias in Few-Shot Image Recognition
* Dataset Security for Machine Learning: Data Poisoning, Backdoor Attacks, and Defenses
* Dataset-Driven Unsupervised Object Discovery for Region-Based Instance Image Retrieval
* Dawn of the Transformer Era in Speech Emotion Recognition: Closing the Valence Gap
* Debiased Scene Graph Generation for Dual Imbalance Learning
* Decentralized Federated Averaging
* Decoding Visual Neural Representations by Multimodal Learning of Brain-Visual-Linguistic Features
* Deconfounded Image Captioning: A Causal Retrospect
* Deep Depth Completion From Extremely Sparse Data: A Survey
* Deep Discriminative Feature Models (DDFMs) for Set Based Face Recognition and Distance Metric Learning
* Deep Framework for Hyperspectral Image Fusion Between Different Satellites, A
* Deep Gait Recognition: A Survey
* Deep Gaussian Scale Mixture Prior for Image Reconstruction
* Deep Generative Mixture Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
* Deep Learning for Face Anti-Spoofing: A Survey
* Deep Learning for Free-Hand Sketch: A Survey
* Deep Learning for Instance Retrieval: A Survey
* Deep Learning-Based Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos: A Survey
* Deep Long-Tailed Learning: A Survey
* Deep Metric Learning With Adaptively Composite Dynamic Constraints
* Deep Order-Preserving Learning With Adaptive Optimal Transport Distance
* Deep Point Set Resampling via Gradient Fields
* Deep ROC Analysis and AUC as Balanced Average Accuracy, for Improved Classifier Selection, Audit and Explanation
* Deep Time Series Forecasting With Shape and Temporal Criteria
* Deep Video Prior for Video Consistency and Propagation
* DeepCloth: Neural Garment Representation for Shape and Style Editing
* DeepEIT: Deep Image Prior Enabled Electrical Impedance Tomography
* DeepEMD: Differentiable Earth Mover's Distance for Few-Shot Learning
* Deeper Look into DeepCap, A
* DeeperGCN: Training Deeper GCNs With Generalized Aggregation Functions
* DeepGCNs: Making GCNs Go as Deep as CNNs
* DeepLogic: Joint Learning of Neural Perception and Logical Reasoning
* DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding
* DeepTag: A General Framework for Fiducial Marker Design and Detection
* Defensive Few-Shot Learning
* Deformable Part Region Learning and Feature Aggregation Tree Representation for Object Detection
* Deformable Protein Shape Classification Based on Deep Learning, and the Fractional Fokker-Planck and Kähler-Dirac Equations
* Depth and Video Segmentation Based Visual Attention for Embodied Question Answering
* Depth Restoration in Under-Display Time-of-Flight Imaging
* Depth-Guided Optimization of Neural Radiance Fields for Indoor Multi-View Stereo
* Detecting Rotated Objects as Gaussian Distributions and its 3-D Generalization
* Detection-Friendly Dehazing: Object Detection in Real-World Hazy Scenes
* Deterministic Approximation to Neural SDEs, A
* Diagnosing and Preventing Instabilities in Recurrent Video Processing
* Differentiable Graph Module (DGM) for Graph Convolutional Networks
* Differentiable Hierarchical Optimal Transport for Robust Multi-View Learning
* Differentiable Histogram Loss Functions for Intensity-based Image-to-Image Translation
* Differentiable Logic Policy for Interpretable Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Study From an Optimization Perspective
* Differentiable Multi-Granularity Human Parsing
* Differentiable Perspective for Multi-View Spectral Clustering With Flexible Extension, A
* Differentially Private Graph Neural Networks for Whole-Graph Classification
* DifFormer: Multi-Resolutional Differencing Transformer With Dynamic Ranging for Time Series Analysis
* Diffusion Models in Vision: A Survey
* Digging Into Uncertainty-Based Pseudo-Label for Robust Stereo Matching
* Discourse-Aware Graph Networks for Textual Logical Reasoning
* Discrete and Balanced Spectral Clustering With Scalability
* Discrete Search Photometric Stereo for Fast and Accurate Shape Estimation
* Discriminant Feature Extraction by Generalized Difference Subspace
* Discriminative Self-Paced Group-Metric Adaptation for Online Visual Identification
* Disentangled Representation Learning for Recommendation
* Disentangling Light Fields for Super-Resolution and Disparity Estimation
* Distributionally Robust Memory Evolution With Generalized Divergence for Continual Learning
* Diverse Sample Generation: Pushing the Limit of Generative Data-Free Quantization
* DIY Your EasyNAS for Vision: Convolution Operation Merging, Map Channel Reducing, and Search Space to Supernet Conversion Tooling
* DMRNet++: Learning Discriminative Features With Decoupled Networks and Enriched Pairs for One-Step Person Search
* Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable
* Domain Adaptive Object Detection via Balancing Between Self-Training and Adversarial Learning
* Domain Generalization: A Survey
* Domain-Scalable Unpaired Image Translation via Latent Space Anchoring
* Domain-Specific Priors and Meta Learning for Few-Shot First-Person Action Recognition
* DoTA: Unsupervised Detection of Traffic Anomaly in Driving Videos
* DPCN++: Differentiable Phase Correlation Network for Versatile Pose Registration
* DreamStone: Image as a Stepping Stone for Text-Guided 3D Shape Generation
* Drinking From a Firehose: Continual Learning With Web-Scale Natural Language
* DROID: Driver-Centric Risk Object Identification
* DS-Net++: Dynamic Weight Slicing for Efficient Inference in CNNs and Vision Transformers
* DSGN++: Exploiting Visual-Spatial Relation for Stereo-Based 3D Detectors
* Dual Adaptive Representation Alignment for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning
* Dual Compensation Residual Networks for Class Imbalanced Learning
* Dual Contrastive Prediction for Incomplete Multi-View Representation Learning
* Dual Instance-Consistent Network for Cross-Domain Object Detection
* Dual Networks Based 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation From Monocular Video
* Dual Vision Transformer
* Duality-Induced Regularizer for Semantic Matching Knowledge Graph Embeddings
* Dynamic Convolution for 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation
* Dynamic Differential Image Circle Diameter Measurement Precision Assessment: Application to Burning Droplets
* Dynamic Graph Message Passing Networks
* Dynamic Keypoint Detection Network for Image Matching
* Dynamic Loss for Robust Learning
* Dynamic Self-Supervised Teacher-Student Network Learning
* Dynamic Spatial Sparsification for Efficient Vision Transformers and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Dynamic Support Network for Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning
* Dynamic Time Warping Based Adversarial Framework for Time-Series Domain
* Dynamic Unary Convolution in Transformers
* E2E-FS: An End-to-End Feature Selection Method for Neural Networks
* E3 Outlier: a Self-Supervised Framework for Unsupervised Deep Outlier Detection
* Earning Extra Performance From Restrictive Feedbacks
* EDFace-Celeb-1 M: Benchmarking Face Hallucination With a Million-Scale Dataset
* Edge Guided GANs With Multi-Scale Contrastive Learning for Semantic Image Synthesis
* Editorial: Special Section on Egocentric Perception
* Effective Local and Global Search for Fast Long-Term Tracking
* Efficient 3D Deep LiDAR Odometry
* Efficient Federated Learning Via Local Adaptive Amended Optimizer With Linear Speedup
* Efficient Fisher Matrix Approximation Method for Large-Scale Neural Network Optimization, An
* Efficient Image and Sentence Matching
* Efficient Robustness Assessment via Adversarial Spatial-Temporal Focus on Videos
* Efficient Spatially Sparse Inference for Conditional GANs and Diffusion Models
* Efficient Spatially Sparse Inference for Conditional GANs and Diffusion Models
* Efficient Variational Bayes Learning of Graphical Models With Smooth Structural Changes
* Egocentric Action Recognition by Automatic Relation Modeling
* EgoCom: A Multi-Person Multi-Modal Egocentric Communications Dataset
* EM-Driven Unsupervised Learning for Efficient Motion Segmentation
* Emotional Attention: From Eye Tracking to Computational Modeling
* End-to-End Handwritten Paragraph Text Recognition Using a Vertical Attention Network
* End-to-End One-Shot Human Parsing
* Energy-Based Prior for Generative Saliency, An
* Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Interaction Learning for Video Deraining: Faster and Better
* Enhancing Photorealism Enhancement
* Ensemble Multi-Quantiles: Adaptively Flexible Distribution Prediction for Uncertainty Quantification
* Entity-Enhanced Adaptive Reconstruction Network for Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Grounding
* Entity-Graph Enhanced Cross-Modal Pretraining for Instance-Level Product Retrieval
* EPNet++: Cascade Bi-Directional Fusion for Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection
* Equalization Losses: Gradient-Driven Training for Long-tailed Object Recognition, The
* Equivalent Classification Mapping for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Equivariant Wavelets: Fast Rotation and Translation Invariant Wavelet Scattering Transforms
* Evaluating Classification Model Against Bayes Error Rate
* Evaluating the Generalization Ability of Super-Resolution Networks
* Evaluation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization: Protocol, Metrics, and Datasets
* Event Transformer^+. A Multi-Purpose Solution for Efficient Event Data Processing
* Evolving Domain Generalization via Latent Structure-Aware Sequential Autoencoder
* Exact Decomposition of Joint Low Rankness and Local Smoothness Plus Sparse Matrices
* Experimental Design for Overparameterized Learning With Application to Single Shot Deep Active Learning
* Explainability in Graph Neural Networks: A Taxonomic Survey
* Exploiting Field Dependencies for Learning on Categorical Data
* Exploring Fine-Grained Sparsity in Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient Inference
* Exploring Simple and Transferable Recognition-Aware Image Processing
* Exploring Structural Sparsity of Deep Networks Via Inverse Scale Spaces
* Extended T: Learning With Mixed Closed-Set and Open-Set Noisy Labels
* Extracting Semantic Knowledge From GANs With Unsupervised Learning
* Face Forgery Detection by 3D Decomposition and Composition Search
* FaceScape: 3D Facial Dataset and Benchmark for Single-View 3D Face Reconstruction
* Facial Video-Based Remote Physiological Measurement via Self-Supervised Learning
* Fair Representation: Guaranteeing Approximate Multiple Group Fairness for Unknown Tasks
* FarSeg++: Foreground-Aware Relation Network for Geospatial Object Segmentation in High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Fashion Retrieval via Graph Reasoning Networks on a Similarity Pyramid
* Fast and Informative Model Selection Using Learning Curve Cross-Validation
* Fast and Robust Non-Rigid Registration Using Accelerated Majorization-Minimization
* Fast Component Tree Computation for Images of Limited Levels
* Fast Differentiable Matrix Square Root and Inverse Square Root
* Fast Hierarchical Games for Image Explanations
* Fast Quaternion Product Units for Learning Disentangled Representations in SO_3
* Fast Rolling Shutter Correction in the Wild
* Fast-SNARF: A Fast Deformer for Articulated Neural Fields
* Fast-SNN: Fast Spiking Neural Network by Converting Quantized ANN
* Federated Learning Via Inexact ADMM
* FedIPR: Ownership Verification for Federated Deep Neural Network Models
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning by Sampling Multi-Phase Tasks
* Few-Shot Drug Synergy Prediction With a Prior-Guided Hypernetwork Architecture
* Few-Shot Multi-Agent Perception With Ranking-Based Feature Learning
* Few-Shot Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation for Objects in the Wild
* Few-Shot Partial Multi-View Learning
* Fine Detailed Texture Learning for 3D Meshes With Generative Models
* Fine-Grained Species Recognition With Privileged Pooling: Better Sample Efficiency Through Supervised Attention
* FingerGAN: A Constrained Fingerprint Generation Scheme for Latent Fingerprint Enhancement
* First- And Third-Person Video Co-Analysis By Learning Spatial-Temporal Joint Attention
* Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis With Space-Folding Operations
* Fixed Pattern Noise Removal Based on a Semi-Calibration Method
* Flattening-Net: Deep Regular 2D Representation for 3D Point Cloud Analysis
* Flow-Based Spatio-Temporal Structured Prediction of Motion Dynamics
* Forecasting Action Through Contact Representations From First Person Video
* Formulating Event-Based Image Reconstruction as a Linear Inverse Problem With Deep Regularization Using Optical Flow
* Fourier Series Expansion Based Filter Parametrization for Equivariant Convolutions
* Fourier-Based and Rational Graph Filters for Spectral Processing
* Free-HeadGAN: Neural Talking Head Synthesis With Explicit Gaze Control
* From Big to Small: Adaptive Learning to Partial-Set Domains
* From Human Pose Similarity Metric to 3D Human Pose Estimator: Temporal Propagating LSTM Networks
* From Instance to Metric Calibration: A Unified Framework for Open-World Few-Shot Learning
* From Keypoints to Object Landmarks via Self-Training Correspondence: A Novel Approach to Unsupervised Landmark Discovery
* From Pose to Part: Weakly-Supervised Pose Evolution for Human Part Segmentation
* From Show to Tell: A Survey on Deep Learning-Based Image Captioning
* FSGANv2: Improved Subject Agnostic Face Swapping and Reenactment
* Full-Volume 3D Fluid Flow Reconstruction With Light Field PIV
* Fully Convolutional Change Detection Framework With Generative Adversarial Network for Unsupervised, Weakly Supervised and Regional Supervised Change Detection
* Fully Convolutional Networks for Panoptic Segmentation With Point-Based Supervision
* Function Space Analysis of Finite Neural Networks With Insights From Sampling Theory, A
* FVC: An End-to-End Framework Towards Deep Video Compression in Feature Space
* GAIA-Universe: Everything is Super-Netify
* GAN Inversion: A Survey
* GAN-Based Facial Attribute Manipulation
* Gate-Shift-Fuse for Video Action Recognition
* Gaussian RBF Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA) in the Large-Bandwidth Limit
* GCNet: Graph Completion Network for Incomplete Multimodal Learning in Conversation
* GCoNet+: A Stronger Group Collaborative Co-Salient Object Detector
* General Descent Aggregation Framework for Gradient-Based Bi-Level Optimization, A
* General Greedy De-Bias Learning
* Generalization Performance of Pure Accuracy and its Application in Selective Ensemble Learning
* Generalized Explanation Framework for Visualization of Deep Learning Model Predictions, A
* Generalized Focal Loss: Towards Efficient Representation Learning for Dense Object Detection
* Generalized Knowledge Distillation via Relationship Matching
* Generalizing Aggregation Functions in GNNs: Building High Capacity and Robust GNNs via Nonlinear Aggregation
* Generating Hypergraph-Based High-Order Representations of Whole-Slide Histopathological Images for Survival Prediction
* Generating Personalized Summaries of Day Long Egocentric Videos
* Generative Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
* Generative Text Convolutional Neural Network for Hierarchical Document Representation Learning
* Generic Graph-Based Neural Architecture Encoding Scheme With Multifaceted Information, A
* Geodesic Models With Convexity Shape Prior
* Geodesic-Based Bayesian Coherent Point Drift
* Geometric Back-Propagation in Morphological Neural Networks
* Geometric Deep Neural Network Using Rigid and Non-Rigid Transformations for Landmark-Based Human Behavior Analysis
* Geometry of Nonlinear Embeddings in Kernel Discriminant Analysis, The
* Geometry Regularized Autoencoders
* Geometry- and Accuracy-Preserving Random Forest Proximities
* GeoTransformer: Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration With Geometric Transformer
* GFNet: Global Filter Networks for Visual Recognition
* GH-Feat: Learning Versatile Generative Hierarchical Features From GANs
* Glance and Focus Networks for Dynamic Visual Recognition
* GLEAN: Generative Latent Bank for Image Super-Resolution and Beyond
* Global Aligned Structured Sparsity Learning for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* Global Context Networks
* Global Instance Tracking: Locating Target More Like Humans
* Global Learnable Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution
* GP-UNIT: Generative Prior for Versatile Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* GradDiv: Adversarial Robustness of Randomized Neural Networks via Gradient Diversity Regularization
* Gradient Descent Ascent for Minimax Problems on Riemannian Manifolds
* GradMDM: Adversarial Attack on Dynamic Networks
* Graph Diffusion Convolutional Network for Skeleton Based Semantic Recognition of Two-Person Actions
* Graph Learning on Millions of Data in Seconds: Label Propagation Acceleration on Graph Using Data Distribution
* Graph Neural Network and Spatiotemporal Transformer Attention for 3D Video Object Detection From Point Clouds
* Graph Neural Network Meets Sparse Representation: Graph Sparse Neural Networks via Exclusive Group Lasso
* Graph Neural Networks in Network Neuroscience
* Graph Theory Based Large-Scale Machine Learning With Multi-Dimensional Constrained Optimization Approaches for Exact Epidemiological Modeling of Pandemic Diseases
* Graph-Time Convolutional Neural Networks: Architecture and Theoretical Analysis
* Group Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning on Graphs
* Group Loss++: A Deeper Look Into Group Loss for Deep Metric Learning, The
* Guaranteed Tensor Recovery Fused Low-rankness and Smoothness
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Transformer Models in Vision
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Graphs in Vision and Pattern Analysis
* Guiding Labelling Effort for Efficient Learning With Georeferenced Images
* H4MER: Human 4D Modeling by Learning Neural Compositional Representation With Transformer
* HAKE: A Knowledge Engine Foundation for Human Activity Understanding
* Handling Multi-Class Problem by Intuitionistic Fuzzy Twin Support Vector Machines Based on Relative Density Information
* Handling Open-Set Noise and Novel Target Recognition in Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Hawkes Processes With Stochastic Exogenous Effects for Continuous-Time Interaction Modelling
* HDGT: Heterogeneous Driving Graph Transformer for Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction via Scene Encoding
* Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation With Adversarial Neural Representation Learning: Experiments on E-Commerce and Cybersecurity
* Heterogeneous Graph to Abstract Syntax Tree Framework for Text-to-SQL, A
* Heterogeneous Multi-Party Learning With Data-Driven Network Sampling
* HexNet: An Orientation-Aware Deep Learning Framework for Omni-Directional Input
* HGNN+: General Hypergraph Neural Networks
* Hierarchical Attention-Based Age Estimation and Bias Analysis
* Hierarchical Optimization-Derived Learning
* Hierarchical Prototype Networks for Continual Graph Representation Learning
* HiGCIN: Hierarchical Graph-Based Cross Inference Network for Group Activity Recognition
* High Dimensional Mode Hunting Using Pettiest Components Analysis
* High-Order Correlation-Guided Slide-Level Histology Retrieval With Self-Supervised Hashing
* High-Performance Transformer Tracking
* Higher Order Fractal Belief Rényi Divergence With Its Applications in Pattern Classification
* Higher-Order Multicuts for Geometric Model Fitting and Motion Segmentation
* Hitchhiker's Guide to Super-Resolution: Introduction and Recent Advances
* Holistic Prototype Activation for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parsing: From Supervised to Self-Supervised Learning
* Holistically-Guided Decoder for Deep Representation Learning With Applications to Semantic Segmentation and Object Detection, A
* Hong Kong World: Leveraging Structural Regularity for Line-Based SLAM
* HOP+: History-Enhanced and Order-Aware Pre-Training for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* HoughNet: Integrating Near and Long-Range Evidence for Visual Detection
* How Trustworthy are Performance Evaluations for Basic Vision Tasks?
* HRegNet: A Hierarchical Network for Efficient and Accurate Outdoor LiDAR Point Cloud Registration
* Human Action Recognition from Various Data Modalities: A Review
* Human Collective Intelligence Inspired Multi-View Representation Learning: Enabling View Communication by Simulating Human Communication Mechanism
* Human Interaction Understanding With Consistency-Aware Learning
* Human Motion Transfer With 3D Constraints and Detail Enhancement
* Human-Guided Reinforcement Learning With Sim-to-Real Transfer for Autonomous Navigation
* HUMBI: A Large Multiview Dataset of Human Body Expressions and Benchmark Challenge
* Hunter: Exploring High-Order Consistency for Point Cloud Registration With Severe Outliers
* Hybrid High Dynamic Range Imaging fusing Neuromorphic and Conventional Images
* Hybrid ISTA: Unfolding ISTA With Convergence Guarantees Using Free-Form Deep Neural Networks
* HydraMarker: Efficient, Flexible, and Multifold Marker Field Generation
* Hypergraph Collaborative Network on Vertices and Hyperedges
* Hyperparameter-Free Localized Simple Multiple Kernel K-means With Global Optimum
* IC9600: A Benchmark Dataset for Automatic Image Complexity Assessment
* Image De-Raining Transformer
* Image Feature Information Extraction for Interest Point Detection: A Comprehensive Review
* Image Intensity Variation Information for Interest Point Detection
* Image Super-Resolution via Iterative Refinement
* Image-Text Embedding Learning via Visual and Textual Semantic Reasoning
* Image-to-Character-to-Word Transformers for Accurate Scene Text Recognition
* Image-to-Image Translation With Disentangled Latent Vectors for Face Editing
* Imperceptible Transfer Attack and Defense on 3D Point Cloud Classification
* Implicit Annealing in Kernel Spaces: A Strongly Consistent Clustering Approach
* Implicit Neural Representations With Structured Latent Codes for Human Body Modeling
* Importance of Expert Knowledge for Automatic Modulation Open Set Recognition, The
* Improved Generalization in Semi-Supervised Learning: A Survey of Theoretical Results
* Improving Graph Neural Network Expressivity via Subgraph Isomorphism Counting
* Improving Video Instance Segmentation via Temporal Pyramid Routing
* In the Eye of the Beholder: Gaze and Actions in First Person Video
* Incidents1M: A Large-Scale Dataset of Images With Natural Disasters, Damage, and Incidents
* Incremental Ensemble Gaussian Processes
* Incremental Learning for Simultaneous Augmentation of Feature and Class
* Influence-Driven Data Poisoning for Robust Recommender Systems
* Information Bottleneck and Aggregated Learning
* Information Optimization and Transferable State Abstractions in Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Information-Theoretic Method to Automatic Shortcut Avoidance and Domain Generalization for Dense Prediction Tasks, An
* Inherit With Distillation and Evolve With Contrast: Exploring Class Incremental Semantic Segmentation Without Exemplar Memory
* Insights From Generative Modeling for Neural Video Compression
* Instance and Panoptic Segmentation Using Conditional Convolutions
* Instance Shadow Detection With a Single-Stage Detector
* Integrated Fast Hough Transform for Multidimensional Data, An
* Integrating Multi-Label Contrastive Learning With Dual Adversarial Graph Neural Networks for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Interactive NeRF Geometry Editing With Shape Priors
* Interactive Object Segmentation With Inside-Outside Guidance
* Intermediate-Level Attack Framework on the Basis of Linear Regression, An
* Interpolated Joint Space Adversarial Training for Robust and Generalizable Defenses
* Interpretable by Design: Learning Predictors by Composing Interpretable Queries
* Intrinsic and Isotropic Resampling for 3D Point Clouds
* Intrinsic Image Transfer for Illumination Manipulation
* Invariant Policy Learning: A Causal Perspective
* Investigating Pose Representations and Motion Contexts Modeling for 3D Motion Prediction
* Jointly Defending DeepFake Manipulation and Adversarial Attack Using Decoy Mechanism
* JRDB: A Dataset and Benchmark of Egocentric Robot Visual Perception of Humans in Built Environments
* Kernel-Based Generalized Median Computation for Consensus Learning
* Key Point Sensitive Loss for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* Key.Net: Keypoint Detection by Handcrafted and Learned CNN Filters Revisited
* KitBit: A New AI Model for Solving Intelligence Tests and Numerical Series
* KITTI-360: A Novel Dataset and Benchmarks for Urban Scene Understanding in 2D and 3D
* Knowledge-Aware Global Reasoning for Situation Recognition
* Knowledge-Based Embodied Question Answering
* Knowledge-Enriched Attention Network With Group-Wise Semantic for Visual Storytelling
* Knowledge-Induced Multiple Kernel Fuzzy Clustering
* Label Efficient Regularization and Propagation for Graph Node Classification
* Label-Guided Generative Adversarial Network for Realistic Image Synthesis
* Language-Aware Spatial-Temporal Collaboration for Referring Video Segmentation
* Large Scale Visual Food Recognition
* Large-Field Contextual Feature Learning for Glass Detection
* Large-Scale Clustering With Structured Optimal Bipartite Graph
* Large-Scale Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation
* Large-Scale Virtual Dataset and Egocentric Localization for Disaster Responses, A
* LARNeXt: End-to-End Lie Algebra Residual Network for Face Recognition
* Latent Class-Conditional Noise Model
* Latent Gaussian Model Boosting
* Lattice Network for Lightweight Image Restoration
* Learn From Unpaired Data for Image Restoration: A Variational Bayes Approach
* Learn-Explain-Reinforce: Counterfactual Reasoning and its Guidance to Reinforce an Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Model
* Learnable Distribution Calibration for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Learning an Invariant and Equivariant Network for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Learning by Restoring Broken 3D Geometry
* Learning by Seeing More Classes
* Learning Canonical Embeddings for Unsupervised Shape Correspondence With Locally Linear Transformations
* Learning Continuous-Time Dynamics With Attention
* Learning Deep Binary Descriptors via Bitwise Interaction Mining
* Learning Degradation-Robust Spatiotemporal Frequency-Transformer for Video Super-Resolution
* Learning Dual Memory Dictionaries for Blind Face Restoration
* Learning Enriched Features for Fast Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Learning Feature-Sparse Principal Subspace
* Learning From Partially Labeled Data for Multi-Organ and Tumor Segmentation
* Learning Gait Representation From Massive Unlabelled Walking Videos: A Benchmark
* Learning General and Distinctive 3D Local Deep Descriptors for Point Cloud Registration
* Learning Good Features to Transfer Across Tasks and Domains
* Learning Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-Label Recognition and Applications
* Learning Hidden Graphs From Samples
* Learning Hierarchical Variational Autoencoders With Mutual Information Maximization for Autoregressive Sequence Modeling
* Learning Invariance From Generated Variance for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Learning Mesh Representations via Binary Space Partitioning Tree Networks
* Learning Multi-Attention Context Graph for Group-Based Re-Identification
* Learning Multi-View Interactional Skeleton Graph for Action Recognition
* Learning Polymorphic Neural ODEs With Time-Evolving Mixture
* Learning Probabilistic Coordinate Fields for Robust Correspondences
* Learning Rates for Nonconvex Pairwise Learning
* Learning Representation for Clustering Via Prototype Scattering and Positive Sampling
* Learning Representations by Graphical Mutual Information Estimation and Maximization
* Learning SpatioTemporal and Motion Features in a Unified 2D Network for Action Recognition
* Learning Structural Representations for Recipe Generation and Food Retrieval
* Learning Symbolic Model-Agnostic Loss Functions via Meta-Learning
* Learning to Adapt Across Dual Discrepancy for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Learning to Augment Poses for 3D Human Pose Estimation in Images and Videos
* Learning to Detect 3D Symmetry From Single-View RGB-D Images With Weak Supervision
* Learning to Discriminate Information for Online Action Detection: Analysis and Application
* Learning to Explore Distillability and Sparsability: A Joint Framework for Model Compression
* Learning to Extract Building Footprints From Off-Nadir Aerial Images
* Learning to Guide a Saturation-Based Theorem Prover
* Learning to Immunize Images for Tamper Localization and Self-Recovery
* Learning to Infer Unseen Single-/ Multi-Attribute-Object Compositions With Graph Networks
* Learning to Optimize on Riemannian Manifolds
* Learning to Overcome Noise in Weak Caption Supervision for Object Detection
* Learning to Recognize Actions on Objects in Egocentric Video With Attention Dictionaries
* Learning to See Through with Events
* Learning to Super-Resolve Blurry Images With Events
* Learning View-Based Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-View 3D Shape Analysis
* Learning With Asymmetric Kernels: Least Squares and Feature Interpretation
* Learning With Nested Scene Modeling and Cooperative Architecture Search for Low-Light Vision
* Leveraging Commonsense for Object Localisation in Partial Scenes
* Leveraging Hand-Object Interactions in Assistive Egocentric Vision
* Leveraging Symbolic Knowledge Bases for Commonsense Natural Language Inference Using Pattern Theory
* LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
* Light Field Reconstruction via Deep Adaptive Fusion of Hybrid Lenses
* Lightweight Pixel Difference Networks for Efficient Visual Representation Learning
* Linear Complexity Self-Attention With 3rd Order Polynomials
* Local and Global GANs With Semantic-Aware Upsampling for Image Generation
* Local-Global Context Aware Transformer for Language-Guided Video Segmentation
* Localization Distillation for Object Detection
* Logarithmic Schatten-p Norm Minimization for Tensorial Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* LogicENN: A Neural Based Knowledge Graphs Embedding Model With Logical Rules
* Long and Short-Range Dependency Graph Structure Learning Framework on Point Cloud
* Looking Beyond Two Frames: End-to-End Multi-Object Tracking Using Spatial and Temporal Transformers
* Lottery Jackpots Exist in Pre-Trained Models
* Low Cost and Latency Event Camera Background Activity Denoising
* Low Dimensional Trajectory Hypothesis is True: DNNs Can Be Trained in Tiny Subspaces
* Low Rank Promoting Prior for Unsupervised Contrastive Learning, A
* Low-Rank Matrix Completion Theory via Plücker Coordinates
* LRRNet: A Novel Representation Learning Guided Fusion Network for Infrared and Visible Images
* LSV-LP: Large-Scale Video-Based License Plate Detection and Recognition
* MADAv2: Advanced Multi-Anchor Based Active Domain Adaptation Segmentation
* Making a Bird AI Expert Work for You and Me
* Manifold Neural Network With Non-Gradient Optimization
* Masked Contrastive Representation Learning for Reinforcement Learning
* Matrix Completion via Non-Convex Relaxation and Adaptive Correlation Learning
* Matrix Completion With Cross-Concentrated Sampling: Bridging Uniform Sampling and CUR Sampling
* Maximum Block Energy Guided Robust Subspace Clustering
* Maximum Structural Generation Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* MaxMatch: Semi-Supervised Learning With Worst-Case Consistency
* MCIBI++: Soft Mining Contextual Information Beyond Image for Semantic Segmentation
* Measuring Human Perception to Improve Open Set Recognition
* Measuring Perceptual Color Differences of Smartphone Photographs
* Memorizing and Generalizing Framework for Lifelong Person Re-Identification, A
* Memory Uncertainty Learning for Real-World Single Image Deraining
* Memory-Based Cross-Image Contexts for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Meta-DETR: Image-Level Few-Shot Detection With Inter-Class Correlation Exploitation
* Meta-Reinforcement Learning in Non-Stationary and Dynamic Environments
* MetaDrive: Composing Diverse Driving Scenarios for Generalizable Reinforcement Learning
* Micro-Supervised Disturbance Learning: A Perspective of Representation Probability Distribution
* MILO: Multi-Bounce Inverse Rendering for Indoor Scene With Light-Emitting Objects
* Minimizing Estimated Risks on Unlabeled Data: A New Formulation for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Mirror Detection With the Visual Chirality Cue
* Missingness-Pattern-Adaptive Learning With Incomplete Data
* Mitigating AC and DC Interference in Multi-ToF-Camera Environments
* MLink: Linking Black-Box Models From Multiple Domains for Collaborative Inference
* MLR-SNet: Transferable LR Schedules for Heterogeneous Tasks
* MMNet: A Model-Based Multimodal Network for Human Action Recognition in RGB-D Videos
* MNET++: Music-Driven Pluralistic Dancing Toward Multiple Dance Genre Synthesis
* MNGNAS: Distilling Adaptive Combination of Multiple Searched Networks for One-Shot Neural Architecture Search
* MO-MIX: Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Cooperative Decision-Making With Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Modality Exploration, Retrieval and Adaptation for Trajectory Prediction
* Modeling Noisy Annotations for Point-Wise Supervision
* ModeRNN: Harnessing Spatiotemporal Mode Collapse in Unsupervised Predictive Learning
* Momentum-Net: Fast and Convergent Iterative Neural Network for Inverse Problems
* Monocular 3D Fingerprint Reconstruction and Unwarping
* Monocular Depth Estimation for Glass Walls With Context: A New Dataset and Method
* Monocular Quasi-Dense 3D Object Tracking
* Motif-GCNs With Local and Non-Local Temporal Blocks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* MPED: Quantifying Point Cloud Distortion Based on Multiscale Potential Energy Discrepancy
* MS-TCN++: Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Network for Action Segmentation
* MSeg: A Composite Dataset for Multi-Domain Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Channel Attention Selection GANs for Guided Image-to-Image Translation
* Multi-Dataset, Multitask Learning of Egocentric Vision Tasks
* Multi-Granularity Anchor-Contrastive Representation Learning for Semi-Supervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Multi-Label Classification via Adaptive Resonance Theory-Based Clustering
* Multi-Modality Deep Restoration of Extremely Compressed Face Videos
* Multi-Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images With Double Horizontal Rectangles
* Multi-Scale Geometric Consistency Guided and Planar Prior Assisted Multi-View Stereo
* Multi-Target Markov Boundary Discovery: Theory, Algorithm, and Application
* Multi-Task Multi-Stage Transitional Training Framework for Neural Chat Translation, A
* Multi-View Deep Gaussian Processes for Supervised Learning
* Multi-View Discrete Clustering: A Concise Model
* Multifractal Characterization of Texts for Pattern Recognition: On the Complexity of Morphological Structures in Modern and Ancient Languages
* Multimodal Image Synthesis and Editing: The Generative AI Era
* Multimodal Learning With Transformers: A Survey
* Multiple Instance Differentiation Learning for Active Object Detection
* Multiple Trajectory Prediction of Moving Agents With Memory Augmented Networks
* Multiscale Dynamic Graph Representation for Biometric Recognition With Occlusions
* Multiview Unsupervised Shapelet Learning for Multivariate Time Series Clustering
* Multiway Non-Rigid Point Cloud Registration via Learned Functional Map Synchronization
* MURF: Mutually Reinforcing Multi-Modal Image Registration and Fusion
* Mutual-Assistance Learning for Object Detection
* Mutual-Assistance Learning for Standalone Mono-Modality Survival Analysis of Human Cancers
* MutualNet: Adaptive ConvNet via Mutual Learning From Different Model Configurations
* muxGNN: Multiplex Graph Neural Network for Heterogeneous Graphs
* MVSS-Net: Multi-View Multi-Scale Supervised Networks for Image Manipulation Detection
* NAAQA: A Neural Architecture for Acoustic Question Answering
* Negation of the Quantum Mass Function for Multisource Quantum Information Fusion With its Application to Pattern Classification
* Neighborhood Preserving Kernels for Attributed Graphs
* Neighbourhood Representative Sampling for Efficient End-to-End Video Quality Assessment
* Neural Architecture Search via Proxy Validation
* Neural Belief Propagation for Scene Graph Generation
* Neural Maximum a Posteriori Estimation on Unpaired Data for Motion Deblurring
* Neural Radiance Fields From Sparse RGB-D Images for High-Quality View Synthesis
* Neuron Coverage-Guided Domain Generalization
* NeuroZoom: Denoising and Super Resolving Neuromorphic Events and Spikes
* New Automatic Hyperparameter Recommendation Approach Under Low-Rank Tensor Completion e Framework, A
* New Outlier Removal Strategy Based on Reliability of Correspondence Graph for Fast Point Cloud Registration, A
* NeX360: Real-Time All-Around View Synthesis With Neural Basis Expansion
* No Adversaries to Zero-Shot Learning: Distilling an Ensemble of Gaussian Feature Generators
* Noisy Label Learning With Provable Consistency for a Wider Family of Losses
* Non-Graph Data Clustering via O(n) Bipartite Graph Convolution
* NOPE-SAC: Neural One-Plane RANSAC for Sparse-View Planar 3D Reconstruction
* Normalization Techniques in Training DNNs: Methodology, Analysis and Application
* NPT-Loss: Demystifying Face Recognition Losses With Nearest Proxies Triplet
* Object Affinity Learning: Towards Annotation-Free Instance Segmentation
* Object-Occluded Human Shape and Pose Estimation With Probabilistic Latent Consistency
* Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation Via BiLayer Network Architectures
* Offline Model-Based Adaptable Policy Learning for Decision-Making in Out-of-Support Regions
* Old Photo Restoration via Deep Latent Space Translation
* Omni-Training: Bridging Pre-Training and Meta-Training for Few-Shot Learning
* On Distinctive Image Captioning via Comparing and Reweighting
* On the Convergence of Tsetlin Machines for the XOR Operator
* On the Decision Boundaries of Neural Networks: A Tropical Geometry Perspective
* On the Eigenvalues of Global Covariance Pooling for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* On the Minimal Adversarial Perturbation for Deep Neural Networks With Provable Estimation Error
* On the Optimality of Sufficient Statistics-Based Quantizers
* On the Power of Gradual Network Alignment Using Dual-Perception Similarities
* One-Hot Graph Encoder Embedding
* One-Shot Adaptation of GAN in Just One CLIP
* One-Stage Domain Adaptation Network With Image Alignment for Unsupervised Nighttime Semantic Segmentation, A
* Online Knowledge Distillation via Mutual Contrastive Learning for Visual Recognition
* Online Metro Origin-Destination Prediction via Heterogeneous Information Aggregation
* Open World Entity Segmentation
* OPOM: Customized Invisible Cloak Towards Face Privacy Protection
* Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Denoising Learning
* Optimising for Interpretability: Convolutional Dynamic Alignment Networks
* Optimization Induced Equilibrium Networks: An Explicit Optimization Perspective for Understanding Equilibrium Models
* Optimization-Based Post-Training Quantization With Bit-Split and Stitching
* Optimizing Partial Area Under the Top-k Curve: Theory and Practice
* Optimizing Two-Way Partial AUC With an End-to-End Framework
* Orientational Distribution Learning With Hierarchical Spatial Attention for Open Set Recognition
* Orthogonal SVD Covariance Conditioning and Latent Disentanglement
* Out-of-Domain Human Mesh Reconstruction via Dynamic Bilevel Online Adaptation
* P2T: Pyramid Pooling Transformer for Scene Understanding
* PAC-Bayes Bounds for Bandit Problems: A Survey and Experimental Comparison
* PAC-Bayes Meta-Learning With Implicit Task-Specific Posteriors
* Parameterized Hamiltonian Learning With Quantum Circuit
* Parametrical Model for Instance-Dependent Label Noise, A
* Partial Convolution for Padding, Inpainting, and Image Synthesis
* Partial Domain Adaptation Without Domain Alignment
* PAR^2Net: End-to-End Panoramic Image Reflection Removal
* Patch-Based Separable Transformer for Visual Recognition
* PatchMix Augmentation to Identify Causal Features in Few-Shot Learning
* PDC-Net+: Enhanced Probabilistic Dense Correspondence Network
* Perceptual Measure for Deep Single Image Camera and Lens Calibration, A
* Performance-Aware Approximation of Global Channel Pruning for Multitask CNNs
* Permute Me Softly: Learning Soft Permutations for Graph Representations
* Persistent Homology With Improved Locality Information for More Effective Delineation
* Personalized Latent Structure Learning for Recommendation
* Physics Perception in Sloshing Scenes With Guaranteed Thermodynamic Consistency
* Physics-Guided Reflection Separation From a Pair of Unpolarized and Polarized Images
* Physics-Informed Guided Disentanglement in Generative Networks
* PiGLET: Pixel-Level Grounding of Language Expressions With Transformers
* Pixel2Mesh++: 3D Mesh Generation and Refinement From Multi-View Images
* PMP-Net++: Point Cloud Completion by Transformer-Enhanced Multi-Step Point Moving Paths
* PnP-3D: A Plug-and-Play for 3D Point Clouds
* Point Cloud Sampling via Graph Balancing and Gershgorin Disc Alignment
* Point Cloud Scene Completion With Joint Color and Semantic Estimation From Single RGB-D Image
* Point Spatio-Temporal Transformer Networks for Point Cloud Video Modeling
* PointGLR: Unsupervised Structural Representation Learning of 3D Point Clouds
* Polarimetric Multi-View Inverse Rendering
* PoolNet+: Exploring the Potential of Pooling for Salient Object Detection
* Pose-Only Solution to Visual Reconstruction and Navigation, A
* PoseBERT: A Generic Transformer Module for Temporal 3D Human Modeling
* Positive-Negative Receptive Field Reasoning for Omni-Supervised 3D Segmentation
* Positive-Unlabeled Learning With Label Distribution Alignment
* POVNet: Image-Based Virtual Try-On Through Accurate Warping and Residual
* Predicting Label Distribution From Tie-Allowed Multi-Label Ranking
* PredRNN: A Recurrent Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Predictive Learning
* Prescribed Safety Performance Imitation Learning From a Single Expert Dataset
* Principled Design of Image Representation: Towards Forensic Tasks, A
* PrintsGAN: Synthetic Fingerprint Generator
* Prior Image Guided Snapshot Compressive Spectral Imaging
* Prioritized Subnet Sampling for Resource-Adaptive Supernet Training
* Progressive Hierarchical Alternating Least Squares Method for Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, A
* Progressive Instance-Aware Feature Learning for Compositional Action Recognition
* Properties of Standard and Sketched Kernel Fisher Discriminant
* Prototype Completion for Few-Shot Learning
* Proxy Step-Size Technique for Regularized Optimization on the Sphere Manifold, The
* PSLT: A Light-Weight Vision Transformer With Ladder Self-Attention and Progressive Shift
* PWLU: Learning Specialized Activation Functions With the Piecewise Linear Unit
* PyMAF-X: Towards Well-Aligned Full-Body Model Regression From Monocular Images
* QDTrack: Quasi-Dense Similarity Learning for Appearance-Only Multiple Object Tracking
* QGORE: Quadratic-Time Guaranteed Outlier Removal for Point Cloud Registration
* Quality Metric Guided Portrait Line Drawing Generation From Unpaired Training Data
* Quantformer: Learning Extremely Low-Precision Vision Transformers
* Quantifying the Knowledge in a DNN to Explain Knowledge Distillation for Classification
* Query-Efficient Black-Box Adversarial Attack With Customized Iteration and Sampling
* Querying Labeled for Unlabeled: Cross-Image Semantic Consistency Guided Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Radar-Based Shape and Reflectivity Reconstruction Using Active Surfaces and the Level Set Method
* Rainbow UDA: Combining Domain Adaptive Models for Semantic Segmentation Tasks
* Random and Adversarial Bit Error Robustness: Energy-Efficient and Secure DNN Accelerators
* Random Cycle Loss and Its Application to Voice Conversion
* Rank-Based Decomposable Losses in Machine Learning: A Survey
* Rank-One Prior: Real-Time Scene Recovery
* Ranking-Based Color Constancy With Limited Training Samples
* RayMVSNet++: Learning Ray-Based 1D Implicit Fields for Accurate Multi-View Stereo
* Real-Time Scene Text Detection With Differentiable Binarization and Adaptive Scale Fusion
* Recent Advances for Quantum Neural Networks in Generative Learning
* Reciprocal GAN Through Characteristic Functions (RCF-GAN)
* Recognizing Object by Components with Human Prior Knowledge Enhances Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks
* Reconstruction Guided Meta-Learning for Few Shot Open Set Recognition
* Recovering 3D Human Mesh From Monocular Images: A Survey
* Rectified Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks for Perceptual Image Restoration
* Recurrent 3D Hand Pose Estimation Using Cascaded Pose-Guided 3D Alignments
* Recurrent Neural Networks for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* RED++: Data-Free Pruning of Deep Neural Networks via Input Splitting and Output Merging
* REDRESS: Generating Compressed Models for Edge Inference Using Tsetlin Machines
* Reduced-Rank Tensor-on-Tensor Regression and Tensor-Variate Analysis of Variance
* Reducing Spatial Labeling Redundancy for Active Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting
* Reference-Based Image and Video Super-Resolution via C^2-Matching
* Referring Segmentation via Encoder-Fused Cross-Modal Attention Network
* Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Point Clouds
* Reformulating Optical Flow to Solve Image-Based Inverse Problems and Quantify Uncertainty
* Reframing Neural Networks: Deep Structure in Overcomplete Representations
* Regularized Multi-Output Gaussian Convolution Process with Domain Adaptation
* Regularized Optimal Transport Layers for Generalized Global Pooling Operations
* Reinforced Causal Explainer for Graph Neural Networks
* Reinforced, Incremental and Cross-Lingual Event Detection From Social Messages
* Relation Matters: Foreground-Aware Graph-Based Relational Reasoning for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Relational Temporal Graph Reasoning for Dual-Task Dialogue Language Understanding
* Reliability-Aware Restoration Framework for 4D Spectral Photoacoustic Data
* RelTR: Relation Transformer for Scene Graph Generation
* Representing Graphs via Gromov-Wasserstein Factorization
* Representing Multimodal Behaviors With Mean Location for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Repurposing GANs for One-Shot Semantic Part Segmentation
* ResLT: Residual Learning for Long-Tailed Recognition
* ResMLP: Feedforward Networks for Image Classification With Data-Efficient Training
* ResNet-LDDMM: Advancing the LDDMM Framework Using Deep Residual Networks
* RestoreFormer++: Towards Real-World Blind Face Restoration From Undegraded Key-Value Pairs
* Restoring Vision in Adverse Weather Conditions With Patch-Based Denoising Diffusion Models
* Rethinking Collaborative Metric Learning: Toward an Efficient Alternative Without Negative Sampling
* Rethinking Label Flipping Attack: From Sample Masking to Sample Thresholding
* Revealing the Distributional Vulnerability of Discriminators by Implicit Generators
* Reverse Engineering of Generative Models: Inferring Model Hyperparameters From Generated Images
* Review of Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Methods, A
* Review of Serial and Parallel Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Computer Vision
* Review of the Gumbel-max Trick and its Extensions for Discrete Stochasticity in Machine Learning, A
* Revisiting 2D Convolutional Neural Networks for Graph-Based Applications
* Revisiting AUC-Oriented Adversarial Training With Loss-Agnostic Perturbations
* Revisiting Unsupervised Meta-Learning via the Characteristics of Few-Shot Tasks
* Reward-Adaptive Reinforcement Learning: Dynamic Policy Gradient Optimization for Bipedal Locomotion
* Rewarded Semi-Supervised Re-Identification on Identities Rarely Crossing Camera Views
* RF-Next: Efficient Receptive Field Search for Convolutional Neural Networks
* ROAD: The Road Event Awareness Dataset for Autonomous Driving
* Robust Face Alignment via Inherent Relation Learning and Uncertainty Estimation
* Robust Losses for Learning Value Functions
* Robust Multi-View Clustering With Incomplete Information
* Robust Online Tracking With Meta-Updater
* Robust Point Cloud Registration Framework Based on Deep Graph Matching
* Robust Point Cloud Segmentation With Noisy Annotations
* Robust Pose Transfer With Dynamic Details Using Neural Video Rendering
* Robust Reflection Removal With Flash-Only Cues in the Wild
* RobustFusion: Robust Volumetric Performance Reconstruction Under Human-Object Interactions from Monocular RGBD Stream
* Rolling Shutter Inversion: Bring Rolling Shutter Images to High Framerate Global Shutter Video
* RoReg: Pairwise Point Cloud Registration With Oriented Descriptors and Local Rotations
* Safe RuleFit: Learning Optimal Sparse Rule Model by Meta Safe Screening
* Saliency as Pseudo-Pixel Supervision for Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Salient Object Detection via Integrity Learning
* Salient Objects in Clutter
* Salvage of Supervision in Weakly Supervised Object Detection and Segmentation
* SAN: Side Adapter Network for Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation
* Scale-Aware Automatic Augmentations for Object Detection With Dynamic Training
* SceneDreamer: Unbounded 3D Scene Generation From 2D Image Collections
* SceneHGN: Hierarchical Graph Networks for 3D Indoor Scene Generation With Fine-Grained Geometry
* ScoreMix: A Scalable Augmentation Strategy for Training GANs With Limited Data
* SCRDet++: Detecting Small, Cluttered and Rotated Objects via Instance-Level Feature Denoising and Rotation Loss Smoothing
* SC^2-PCR++: Rethinking the Generation and Selection for Efficient and Robust Point Cloud Registration
* SDV-LOAM: Semi-Direct Visual-LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
* Searching a High Performance Feature Extractor for Text Recognition Network
* Searching for Network Width With Bilaterally Coupled Network
* Second-Order Pooling for Graph Neural Networks
* Second-Order Unsupervised Feature Selection via Knowledge Contrastive Distillation
* Seed the Views: Hierarchical Semantic Alignment for Contrastive Representation Learning
* SEEM: A Sequence Entropy Energy-Based Model for Pedestrian Trajectory All-Then-One Prediction
* SegBlocks: Block-Based Dynamic Resolution Networks for Real-Time Segmentation
* Self-Adversarial Disentangling for Specific Domain Adaptation
* Self-Constrained Spectral Clustering
* Self-Guided Belief Propagation: A Homotopy Continuation Method
* Self-Prior Guided Pixel Adversarial Networks for Blind Image Inpainting
* Self-Regulated Learning for Egocentric Video Activity Anticipation
* Self-Scalable Tanh (Stan): Multi-Scale Solutions for Physics-Informed Neural Networks
* Self-Supervised 3D Representation Learning of Dressed Humans From Social Media Videos
* Self-Supervised Arbitrary-Scale Implicit Point Clouds Upsampling
* Self-Supervised Contrastive Representation Learning for Semi-Supervised Time-Series Classification
* Self-Supervised Learning from Untrimmed Videos via Hierarchical Consistency
* Self-Supervised Learning of Graph Neural Networks: A Unified Review
* Self-Supervised Video-Centralised Transformer for Video Face Clustering
* SelfPose: 3D Egocentric Pose Estimation From a Headset Mounted Camera
* Semantic and Relation Modulation for Audio-Visual Event Localization
* Semantic and Temporal Contextual Correlation Learning for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Semantic Layout Manipulation with High-Resolution Sparse Attention
* Semantic Probability Distribution Modeling for Diverse Semantic Image Synthesis
* Semi-Blindly Enhancing Extremely Noisy Videos With Recurrent Spatio-Temporal Large-Span Network
* Semi-Dense Feature Matching with Transformers and its Applications in Multiple-View Geometry
* Semi-Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation: Theory and Algorithms
* Semi-Supervised Hierarchical Graph Classification
* Sensing Diversity and Sparsity Models for Event Generation and Video Reconstruction from Events
* SePiCo: Semantic-Guided Pixel Contrast for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* SequenceMorph: A Unified Unsupervised Learning Framework for Motion Tracking on Cardiac Image Sequences
* SERE: Exploring Feature Self-Relation for Self-Supervised Transformer
* Shape From Polarization With Distant Lighting Estimation
* Shape of Learning Curves: A Review, The
* Shaping Deep Feature Space Towards Gaussian Mixture for Visual Classification
* SiamBAN: Target-Aware Tracking With Siamese Box Adaptive Network
* SiamMask: A Framework for Fast Online Object Tracking and Segmentation
* SIFT Matching by Context Exposed
* SIGMA++: Improved Semantic-Complete Graph Matching for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* SIGN: Statistical Inference Graphs Based on Probabilistic Network Activity Interpretation
* SignBERT+: Hand-Model-Aware Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Sign Language Understanding
* SignNet II: A Transformer-Based Two-Way Sign Language Translation Model
* SiMaN: Sign-to-Magnitude Network Binarization
* SimpleMKKM: Simple Multiple Kernel K-Means
* Simultaneously Optimizing Perturbations and Positions for Black-Box Adversarial Patch Attacks
* Simultaneously-Collected Multimodal Lying Pose Dataset: Enabling In-Bed Human Pose Monitoring
* Single-Path Bit Sharing for Automatic Loss-Aware Model Compression
* SipMaskv2: Enhanced Fast Image and Video Instance Segmentation
* Small-Object Sensitive Segmentation Using Across Feature Map Attention
* SMMP: A Stable-Membership-Based Auto-Tuning Multi-Peak Clustering Algorithm
* Snowflake Point Deconvolution for Point Cloud Completion and Generation With Skip-Transformer
* SODFormer: Streaming Object Detection With Transformer Using Events and Frames
* Solving Inverse Problems With Deep Neural Networks: Robustness Included?
* Source Free Semi-Supervised Transfer Learning for Diagnosis of Mental Disorders on fMRI Scans
* Source-Free Progressive Graph Learning for Open-Set Domain Adaptation
* Sparse Bayesian Learning for End-to-End EEG Decoding
* Sparse PCA via L_2,p-Norm Regularization for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Sparse Quadratic Approximation for Graph Learning
* Sparse R-CNN: An End-to-End Framework for Object Detection
* Sparse Tensor-Based Multiscale Representation for Point Cloud Geometry Compression
* Sparse-to-Dense Matching Network for Large-Scale LiDAR Point Cloud Registration
* Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* SPDET: Edge-Aware Self-Supervised Panoramic Depth Estimation Transformer With Spherical Geometry
* SphereFace Revived: Unifying Hyperspherical Face Recognition
* Spherical Image Generation From a Few Normal-Field-of-View Images by Considering Scene Symmetry
* Split-GCN: Effective Interactive Annotation for Segmentation of Disconnected Instance
* Spoof Trace Disentanglement for Generic Face Anti-Spoofing
* SPTS v2: Single-Point Scene Text Spotting
* SS-TBN: A Semi-Supervised Tri-Branch Network for COVID-19 Screening and Lesion Segmentation
* ST3D++: Denoised Self-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on 3D Object Detection
* STAR-FC: Structure-Aware Face Clustering on Ultra-Large-Scale Graphs
* STAR-TM: STructure Aware Reconstruction of Textured Mesh From Single Image
* StARformer: Transformer With State-Action-Reward Representations for Robot Learning
* State-Regularized Recurrent Neural Networks to Extract Automata and Explain Predictions
* Stereo Confidence Estimation via Locally Adaptive Fusion and Knowledge Distillation
* Still an Ineffective Method With Supertrials/ERPs: Comments on Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features
* STORM: Structure-Based Overlap Matching for Partial Point Cloud Registration
* Streaming Variational Monte Carlo
* StructNeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Indoor Scenes With Structural Hints
* Structure Evolution on Manifold for Graph Learning
* Structured Knowledge Distillation for Accurate and Efficient Object Detection
* Structured Knowledge Distillation for Dense Prediction
* Structured Sparsity Optimization With Non-Convex Surrogates of L_l2,0-Norm: A Unified Algorithmic Framework
* StudioGAN: A Taxonomy and Benchmark of GANs for Image Synthesis
* Stylized Adversarial Defense
* Super Sparse 3D Object Detection
* Superadditivity and Convex Optimization for Globally Optimal Cell Segmentation Using Deformable Shape Models
* SuperFast: 200× Video Frame Interpolation via Event Camera
* Supervised Anomaly Detection via Conditional Generative Adversarial Network and Ensemble Active Learning
* Supervision Adaptation Balancing In-Distribution Generalization and Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Surface Geometry Processing: An Efficient Normal-Based Detail Representation
* Surrogate Modeling for Bayesian Optimization Beyond a Single Gaussian Process
* Survey of Self-Supervised and Few-Shot Object Detection, A
* Survey of Vectorization Methods in Topological Data Analysis, A
* Survey on Deep Learning Technique for Video Segmentation, A
* Survey on Label-Efficient Deep Image Segmentation: Bridging the Gap Between Weak Supervision and Dense Prediction, A
* Survey on Non-Autoregressive Generation for Neural Machine Translation and Beyond, A
* Survey on Vision Transformer, A
* Survey: Leakage and Privacy at Inference Time
* Switchable Novel Object Captioner
* Symbiotic Attention for Egocentric Action Recognition With Object-Centric Alignment
* Synthesis of Multi-View 3D Fingerprints to Advance Contactless Fingerprint Identification
* Systematic Survey on Deep Generative Models for Graph Generation, A
* TAGNet: Learning Configurable Context Pathways for Semantic Segmentation
* TAKDE: Temporal Adaptive Kernel Density Estimator for Real-Time Dynamic Density Estimation
* Tale of HodgeRank and Spectral Method: Target Attack Against Rank Aggregation is the Fixed Point of Adversarial Game, A
* Task-Aware Weakly Supervised Object Localization With Transformer
* Teach-DETR: Better Training DETR With Teachers
* Temporal Perceiver: A General Architecture for Arbitrary Boundary Detection
* Temporal Pixel-Level Semantic Understanding Through the VSPW Dataset
* Temporal Representation Learning on Monocular Videos for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos: A Survey and Future Directions
* Tensorized Bipartite Graph Learning for Multi-View Clustering
* Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Reinforcement Learning Method
* TextStyleBrush: Transfer of Text Aesthetics From a Single Example
* Theoretical Analysis of Null Foley-Sammon Transform and its Implications
* Thorough Benchmark and a New Model for Light Field Saliency Detection, A
* Tighter Regret Analysis and Optimization of Online Federated Learning
* Time-Ordered Recent Event (TORE) Volumes for Event Cameras
* TN-ZSTAD: Transferable Network for Zero-Shot Temporal Activity Detection
* Token Selection is a Simple Booster for Vision Transformers
* TokenCut: Segmenting Objects in Images and Videos With Self-Supervised Transformer and Normalized Cut
* Toward Human-Like Grasp: Functional Grasp by Dexterous Robotic Hand Via Object-Hand Semantic Representation
* Towards a Deeper Understanding of Global Covariance Pooling in Deep Learning: An Optimization Perspective
* Towards Accurate and Robust Domain Adaptation Under Multiple Noisy Environments
* Towards Accurate Reconstruction of 3D Scene Shape From A Single Monocular Image
* Towards Causality-Aware Inferring: A Sequential Discriminative Approach for Medical Diagnosis
* Towards Deviation-Robust Agent Navigation via Perturbation-Aware Contrastive Learning
* Towards Enabling Binary Decomposition for Partial Multi-Label Learning
* Towards High Performance Low Complexity Calibration in Appearance Based Gaze Estimation
* Towards Improved and Interpretable Deep Metric Learning via Attentive Grouping
* Towards Large-Scale Small Object Detection: Survey and Benchmarks
* Towards Lightweight Pixel-Wise Hallucination for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Towards More Reliable Confidence Estimation
* Towards Neural Charged Particle Tracking in Digital Tracking Calorimeters With Reinforcement Learning
* Towards Pointsets Representation Learning via Self-Supervised Learning and Set Augmentation
* Towards Real-World Visual Tracking With Temporal Contexts
* Towards Robust Person Re-Identification by Defending Against Universal Attackers
* Towards Scalable Multi-View Reconstruction of Geometry and Materials
* Towards Trajectory Forecasting From Detection
* Towards Zero-Shot Sign Language Recognition
* Toyota Smarthome Untrimmed: Real-World Untrimmed Videos for Activity Detection
* Tractable Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Latent Structure Influence Models With Applications to EEG and ECoG Processing
* Training Compact CNNs for Image Classification Using Dynamic-Coded Filter Fusion
* TransCenter: Transformers With Dense Representations for Multiple-Object Tracking
* TransCL: Transformer Makes Strong and Flexible Compressive Learning
* Transfer Kernel Learning for Multi-Source Transfer Gaussian Process Regression
* Transfer Learning in Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Survey
* Transferring Knowledge From Text to Video: Zero-Shot Anticipation for Procedural Actions
* Transformer for Image Harmonization and Beyond
* Transforming Complex Problems Into K-Means Solutions
* TransFuser: Imitation With Transformer-Based Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Driving
* Transitional Learning: Exploring the Transition States of Degradation for Blind Super-resolution
* TransVG++: End-to-End Visual Grounding With Language Conditioned Vision Transformer
* TransVOD: End-to-End Video Object Detection With Spatial-Temporal Transformers
* TransZero++: Cross Attribute-Guided Transformer for Zero-Shot Learning
* Tree Recovery by Dynamic Programming
* Trifocal Relative Pose From Lines at Points
* Trust Your Good Friends: Source-Free Domain Adaptation by Reciprocal Neighborhood Clustering
* Trusted Multi-View Classification With Dynamic Evidential Fusion
* Ultra-High Temporal Resolution Visual Reconstruction From a Fovea-Like Spike Camera via Spiking Neuron Model
* Unbiased Scene Graph Generation via Two-Stage Causal Modeling
* Uncertainty Guided Collaborative Training for Weakly Supervised and Unsupervised Temporal Action Localization
* Uncertainty-Aware Contrastive Distillation for Incremental Semantic Segmentation
* Uncertainty-Aware Dual-Evidential Learning for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Understanding the Constraints in Maximum Entropy Methods for Modeling and Inference
* Unified Multimodal De- and Re-Coupling Framework for RGB-D Motion Recognition, A
* Unified Visual Information Preservation Framework for Self-supervised Pre-Training in Medical Image Analysis, A
* UniFormer: Unifying Convolution and Self-Attention for Visual Recognition
* Unifying Flow, Stereo and Depth Estimation
* Unifying Probabilistic Framework for Partially Labeled Data Learning, A
* Universal Multimodal Representation for Language Understanding
* Unsupervised 3D Pose Transfer With Cross Consistency and Dual Reconstruction
* Unsupervised Contrastive Cross-Modal Hashing
* Unsupervised Face Detection in the Dark
* Unsupervised Feature Selection via Graph Regularized Nonnegative CP Decomposition
* Unsupervised Global and Local Homography Estimation With Motion Basis Learning
* Unsupervised Graph Embedding via Adaptive Graph Learning
* Unsupervised Learning for Maximum Consensus Robust Fitting: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Unsupervised Learning of Graph Matching With Mixture of Modes via Discrepancy Minimization
* Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objects From Images in the Wild
* Unsupervised Local Discrimination for Medical Images
* Unsupervised Person Re-Identification With Wireless Positioning Under Weak Scene Labeling
* Unsupervised Point Cloud Representation Learning With Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
* Unsupervised Pre-Training for Detection Transformers
* Untrained Neural Network Priors for Inverse Imaging Problems: A Survey
* Value-Function-Based Sequential Minimization for Bi-Level Optimization
* Variational Cross-Graph Reasoning and Adaptive Structured Semantics Learning for Compositional Temporal Grounding
* Variational Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Continual Learning
* Variational Label Enhancement
* Variational Nested Dropout
* Variational Relational Point Completion Network for Robust 3D Classification
* Vectorized Evidential Learning for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Versatile Weight Attack via Flipping Limited Bits
* Vertical Layering of Quantized Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Inference
* Vicinity Vision Transformer
* Vid2CAD: CAD Model Alignment Using Multi-View Constraints from Videos
* Video Joint Modelling Based on Hierarchical Transformer for Co-Summarization
* Video Object Segmentation Using Kernelized Memory Network With Multiple Kernels
* Video Pivoting Unsupervised Multi-Modal Machine Translation
* Video Transformers: A Survey
* View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes Based on Deep 3D Mask Volume
* Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Using Deep Learning
* Vision Permutator: A Permutable MLP-Like Architecture for Visual Recognition
* Visual Micro-Pattern Propagation
* Visual Object Tracking With Discriminative Filters and Siamese Networks: A Survey and Outlook
* Visual Reasoning: From State to Transformation
* VLT: Vision-Language Transformer and Query Generation for Referring Segmentation
* VOLO: Vision Outlooker for Visual Recognition
* VoxelTrack: Multi-Person 3D Human Pose Estimation and Tracking in the Wild
* Wavelet Approximation-Aware Residual Network for Single Image Deraining
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Box-Driven Masking and Filling Rate Shifting
* Weakly-Supervised Video Object Grounding via Causal Intervention
* WebFace260M: A Benchmark for Million-Scale Deep Face Recognition
* WebUAV-3M: A Benchmark for Unveiling the Power of Million-Scale Deep UAV Tracking
* What Makes for Good Tokenizers in Vision Transformer?
* What Makes for Hierarchical Vision Transformer?
* When Age-Invariant Face Recognition Meets Face Age Synthesis: A Multi-Task Learning Framework and a New Benchmark
* When Object Detection Meets Knowledge Distillation: A Survey
* X-Metric: An N-Dimensional Information-Theoretic Framework for Groupwise Registration and Deep Combined Computing
* You Only Train Once: Learning General and Distinctive 3D Local Descriptors
* Zero-Shot Hyperspectral Sharpening
* ZITS++: Image Inpainting by Improving the Incremental Transformer on Structural Priors
* ZoomNAS: Searching for Whole-Body Human Pose Estimation in the Wild
1040 for PAMI(45)
* 3-D Point Cloud Attribute Compression with p-Laplacian Embedding Graph Dictionary Learning
* 360 Layout Estimation via Orthogonal Planes Disentanglement and Multi-View Geometric Consistency Perception
* 3D Object Detection From Images for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* 3D Reconstruction From a Single Sketch via View-Dependent Depth Sampling
* 3D Scene Creation and Rendering via Rough Meshes: A Lighting Transfer Avenue
* 3D Snapshot: Invertible Embedding of 3D Neural Representations in a Single Image
* 3D-PSSIM: Projective Structural Similarity for 3D Mesh Quality Assessment Robust to Topological Irregularities
* Accelerating Globally Optimal Consensus Maximization in Geometric Vision
* Accurate and Efficient Stereo Matching via Attention Concatenation Volume
* AdaCS: Adaptive Compressive Sensing With Restricted Isometry Property-Based Error-Clamping
* Adan: Adaptive Nesterov Momentum Algorithm for Faster Optimizing Deep Models
* Adaptive Cross-Modal Transferable Adversarial Attacks From Images to Videos
* Adaptive Perturbation for Adversarial Attack
* Adaptive Surface Normal Constraint for Geometric Estimation From Monocular Images
* Advances and Challenges in Meta-Learning: A Technical Review
* Advancing Real-World Image Dehazing: Perspective, Modules, and Training
* Adversarial Attack and Defense in Deep Ranking
* Adversarial Training With Anti-Adversaries
* AGDF-Net: Learning Domain Generalizable Depth Features With Adaptive Guidance Fusion
* AIfES: A Next-Generation Edge AI Framework
* Algorithm-Dependent Generalization of AUPRC Optimization: Theory and Algorithm
* Analysis of Video Quality Datasets via Design of Minimalistic Video Quality Models
* Animatable Implicit Neural Representations for Creating Realistic Avatars From Videos
* Anti-Adversarially Manipulated Attributions for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation and Object Localization
* Anti-UAV410: A Thermal Infrared Benchmark and Customized Scheme for Tracking Drones in the Wild
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation With Deep Learning: A Review and Benchmark
* Approaching the Global Nash Equilibrium of Non-Convex Multi-Player Games
* Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Tools for Improving Early Warning Systems of Volcanic Eruptions: The Case of Stromboli
* Ask Questions With Double Hints: Visual Question Generation With Answer-Awareness and Region-Reference
* ASP: Learn a Universal Neural Solver!
* Assessing Face Image Quality: A Large-Scale Database and a Transformer Method
* Asymmetric Convolution: An Efficient and Generalized Method to Fuse Feature Maps in Multiple Vision Tasks
* Asynchronous Linear Filter Architecture for Hybrid Event-Frame Cameras, An
* Attention-Guided Low-Rank Tensor Completion
* Attribute Descent: Simulating Object-Centric Datasets on the Content Level and Beyond
* Audio-Visual Speech Separation Model Inspired by Cortico-Thalamo-Cortical Circuits, An
* AutoEval: Are Labels Always Necessary for Classifier Accuracy Evaluation?
* Automatic Gaze Analysis: A Survey of Deep Learning Based Approaches
* Automatically Discovering Novel Visual Categories With Adaptive Prototype Learning
* AutoNet-Generated Deep Layer-Wise Convex Networks for ECG Classification
* B-Cos Alignment for Inherently Interpretable CNNs and Vision Transformers
* Back to Reality: Learning Data-Efficient 3D Object Detector with Shape Guidance
* BadLabel: A Robust Perspective on Evaluating and Enhancing Label-Noise Learning
* BAL: Balancing Diversity and Novelty for Active Learning
* Bayesian Approach Toward Robust Multidimensional Ellipsoid-Specific Fitting, A
* Bayesian Embeddings for Few-Shot Open World Recognition
* Bayesian Estimate of Mean Proper Scores for Diversity-Enhanced Active Learning
* Bayesian Federated Learning Framework With Online Laplace Approximation, A
* Bayesian Optimization for Sparse Neural Networks With Trainable Activation Functions
* Behind Every Domain There is a Shift: Adapting Distortion-Aware Vision Transformers for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation
* Better Understanding Differences in Attribution Methods via Systematic Evaluations
* Bi-DexHands: Towards Human-Level Bimanual Dexterous Manipulation
* Bi-Directional Ensemble Feature Reconstruction Network for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Classification
* Biarchetype Analysis: Simultaneous Learning of Observations and Features Based on Extremes
* Bilinear Models of Parts and Appearances in Generative Adversarial Networks
* BimodalPS: Causes and Corrections for Bimodal Multi-Path in Phase-Shifting Structured Light Scanners
* Binary Graph Convolutional Network With Capacity Exploration
* BiSTNet: Semantic Image Prior Guided Bidirectional Temporal Feature Fusion for Deep Exemplar-Based Video Colorization
* Blind Super-Resolution via Meta-Learning and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation
* Blockchain Data Mining With Graph Learning: A Survey
* Booster: A Benchmark for Depth From Images of Specular and Transparent Surfaces
* Boosting Factorization Machines via Saliency-Guided Mixup
* Boosting Weakly Supervised Object Localization and Segmentation With Domain Adaption
* Box2Mask: Box-Supervised Instance Segmentation via Level-Set Evolution
* BPJDet: Extended Object Representation for Generic Body-Part Joint Detection
* Brain-Inspired Image Perceptual Quality Assessment Based on EEG: A QoE Perspective
* Brave the Wind and the Waves: Discovering Robust and Generalizable Graph Lottery Tickets
* Bridging Actions: Generate 3D Poses and Shapes In-Between Photos
* Bridging Global Context Interactions for High-Fidelity Pluralistic Image Completion
* Bridging Implicit and Explicit Geometric Transformation for Single-Image View Synthesis
* Bridging Visual and Textual Semantics: Towards Consistency for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Building an Open-Vocabulary Video CLIP Model With Better Architectures, Optimization and Data
* CADC++: Advanced Consensus-Aware Dynamic Convolution for Co-Salient Object Detection
* CamoFormer: Masked Separable Attention for Camouflaged Object Detection
* CAP-UDF: Learning Unsigned Distance Functions Progressively From Raw Point Clouds With Consistency-Aware Field Optimization
* Cascaded and Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields for Fast View Synthesis
* Causality-Invariant Interactive Mining for Cross-Modal Similarity Learning
* CC4S: Encouraging Certainty and Consistency in Scribble-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* CenterNet++ for Object Detection
* CGOF++: Controllable 3D Face Synthesis With Conditional Generative Occupancy Fields
* Channel Augmentation for Visible-Infrared Re-Identification
* Chinese Title Generation for Short Videos: Dataset, Metric and Algorithm
* Class-Incremental Learning: A Survey
* Closed-Form, Pairwise Solution to Local Non-Rigid Structure-From-Motion, A
* Co-Guiding for Multi-Intent Spoken Language Understanding
* CO-Net++: A Cohesive Network for Multiple Point Cloud Tasks at Once With Two-Stage Feature Rectification
* Coding Framework and Benchmark Towards Low-Bitrate Video Understanding, A
* COLD Fusion: Calibrated and Ordinal Latent Distribution Fusion for Uncertainty-Aware Multimodal Emotion Recognition
* Compact Neural Network via Stacking Hybrid Units
* Complementary to Multiple Labels: A Correlation-Aware Correction Approach
* Comprehensive Review of Image Line Segment Detection and Description: Taxonomies, Comparisons, and Challenges, A
* Comprehensive Survey of Continual Learning: Theory, Method and Application, A
* Comprehensive Survey of Dataset Distillation, A
* Comprehensive Survey on Source-Free Domain Adaptation, A
* Compressed-SDR to HDR Video Reconstruction
* Conditional Image Repainting
* Content-Aware Rectified Activation for Zero-Shot Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* Context Disentangling and Prototype Inheriting for Robust Visual Grounding
* Context-Based Meta-Reinforcement Learning With Bayesian Nonparametric Models
* Contextualizing Meta-Learning via Learning to Decompose
* Continual Learning From a Stream of APIs
* Continual Learning, Fast and Slow
* Contrast-Phys+: Unsupervised and Weakly-Supervised Video-Based Remote Physiological Measurement via Spatiotemporal Contrast
* Contrastive Masked Autoencoders are Stronger Vision Learners
* Conv2Former: A Simple Transformer-Style ConvNet for Visual Recognition
* Convergence Analysis of Mean Shift
* ConvMatch: Rethinking Network Design for Two-View Correspondence Learning
* Convolutional Cross-View Pose Estimation
* Correctable Landmark Discovery via Large Models for Vision-Language Navigation
* Correcting Optical Aberration via Depth-Aware Point Spread Functions
* Correlation-Embedded Transformer Tracking: A Single-Branch Framework
* Cost Function Unrolling in Unsupervised Optical Flow
* CoVR-2: Automatic Data Construction for Composed Video Retrieval
* CPPF++: Uncertainty-Aware Sim2Real Object Pose Estimation by Vote Aggregation
* CPR++: Object Localization via Single Coarse Point Supervision
* Create Your World: Lifelong Text-to-Image Diffusion
* Cross-Image Pixel Contrasting for Semantic Segmentation
* Cross-Modal Federated Human Activity Recognition
* Cross-Modal Hashing Method With Properties of Hamming Space: A New Perspective
* CrossFormer++: A Versatile Vision Transformer Hinging on Cross-Scale Attention
* CrossHomo: Cross-Modality and Cross-Resolution Homography Estimation
* CrossZoom: Simultaneous Motion Deblurring and Event Super-Resolving
* Curious Explorer: A Provable Exploration Strategy in Policy Learning
* Curriculum-Style Self-Training Approach for Source-Free Semantic Segmentation, A
* Curvature Regularization for Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging From Under-Sampled Data
* Customized Augmented Lagrangian Method for Block-Structured Integer Programming, A
* DaGAN++: Depth-Aware Generative Adversarial Network for Talking Head Video Generation
* Dataset Distillation: A Comprehensive Review
* DebSDF: Delving Into the Details and Bias of Neural Indoor Scene Reconstruction
* Deciphering the Feature Representation of Deep Neural Networks for High-Performance AI
* Decouple Graph Neural Networks: Train Multiple Simple GNNs Simultaneously Instead of One
* Deep Diversity-Enhanced Feature Representation of Hyperspectral Images
* Deep Efficient Continuous Manifold Learning for Time Series Modeling
* Deep Image Matting With Sparse User Interactions
* Deep Interactive Segmentation of Medical Images: A Systematic Review and Taxonomy
* Deep Learning for Visual Speech Analysis: A Survey
* Deep Learning Methods for Calibrated Photometric Stereo and Beyond
* Deep Learning on Object-Centric 3D Neural Fields
* Deep Lossy Plus Residual Coding for Lossless and Near-Lossless Image Compression
* Deep Non-Rigid Structure-From-Motion: A Sequence-to-Sequence Translation Perspective
* Deep Scene Flow Learning: From 2D Images to 3D Point Clouds
* Deep Single Image Defocus Deblurring via Gaussian Kernel Mixture Learning
* Deep Tensor Spectral Clustering Network via Ensemble of Multiple Affinity Tensors
* Deep Variational Network Toward Blind Image Restoration
* Deeply Unsupervised Patch Re-Identification for Pre-Training Object Detectors
* DeepMesh: Differentiable Iso-Surface Extraction
* DeepMulticut: Deep Learning of Multicut Problem for Neuron Segmentation From Electron Microscopy Volume
* DeepM^2CDL: Deep Multi-Scale Multi-Modal Convolutional Dictionary Learning Network
* DeepNet: Scaling Transformers to 1,000 Layers
* DeepSFM: Robust Deep Iterative Refinement for Structure From Motion
* DeepTensor: Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition With Deep Network Priors
* Delving Into the Devils of Bird's-Eye-View Perception: A Review, Evaluation and Recipe
* Dempster-Shafer Approach to Trustworthy AI With Application to Fetal Brain MRI Segmentation, A
* Dense Continuous-Time Optical Flow From Event Cameras
* Designing Universally-Approximating Deep Neural Networks: A First-Order Optimization Approach
* DeTAL: Open-Vocabulary Temporal Action Localization With Decoupled Networks
* Detecting and Grounding Multi-Modal Media Manipulation and Beyond
* Detecting Line Segments in Motion-Blurred Images With Events
* Detecting Road Obstacles by Erasing Them
* Deterministic Gradient-Descent Learning of Linear Regressions: Adaptive Algorithms, Convergence Analysis and Noise Compensation
* Development of Few-Shot Learning Capabilities in Artificial Neural Networks When Learning Through Self-Supervised Interaction
* DifFace: Blind Face Restoration With Diffused Error Contraction
* Diffeomorphic Counterfactuals With Generative Models
* Differentiable Image Data Augmentation and Its Applications: A Survey
* Diffusion Mechanism in Residual Neural Network: Theory and Applications
* Diffusion Model Translator for Efficient Image-to-Image Translation, A
* Dimension Reduction With Prior Information for Knowledge Discovery
* DIML: Deep Interpretable Metric Learning via Structural Matching
* Disentangled Explanations of Neural Network Predictions by Finding Relevant Subspaces
* Disentangled Representation Learning
* Disorder-Invariant Implicit Neural Representation
* Diversify: A General Framework for Time Series Out-of-Distribution Detection and Generalization
* Diversifying Policies With Non-Markov Dispersion to Expand the Solution Space
* Divert More Attention to Vision-Language Object Tracking
* DN-DETR: Accelerate DETR Training by Introducing Query DeNoising
* DNA Family: Boosting Weight-Sharing NAS With Block-Wise Supervisions
* Does Negative Sampling Matter? a Review With Insights Into its Theory and Applications
* Domain Adaptive and Generalizable Network Architectures and Training Strategies for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Dual Input Stream Transformer for Vertical Drift Correction in Eye-Tracking Reading Data
* Dual-Grained Lightweight Strategy
* Dual-Pixel Raindrop Removal
* DualCoOp++: Fast and Effective Adaptation to Multi-Label Recognition With Limited Annotations
* DualRC: A Dual-Resolution Learning Framework With Neighbourhood Consensus for Visual Correspondences
* Dynamic 3D Point Cloud Sequences as 2D Videos
* Dynamic MDETR: A Dynamic Multimodal Transformer Decoder for Visual Grounding
* DynGAN: Solving Mode Collapse in GANs With Dynamic Clustering
* E-Gaze: Gaze Estimation With Event Camera
* EasyDGL: Encode, Train and Interpret for Continuous-Time Dynamic Graph Learning
* EBMGC-GNF: Efficient Balanced Multi-View Graph Clustering via Good Neighbor Fusion
* EditableNeRF: Editing Topologically Varying Neural Radiance Fields by Key Points
* Editorial: Learning With Fewer Labels in Computer Vision
* Effective Motion-Centric Paradigm for 3D Single Object Tracking in Point Clouds, An
* Efficient and Robust Point Cloud Registration via Heuristics-Guided Parameter Search
* Efficient Masked Autoencoders With Self-Consistency
* Efficient Neural Collaborative Search for Pickup and Delivery Problems
* Efficient Offline Reinforcement Learning With Relaxed Conservatism
* Efficient Visual Computing With Camera RAW Snapshots
* EfficientTrain++: Generalized Curriculum Learning for Efficient Visual Backbone Training
* eFFT: An Event-Based Method for the Efficient Computation of Exact Fourier Transforms
* EGCN++: A New Fusion Strategy for Ensemble Learning in Skeleton-Based Rehabilitation Exercise Assessment
* Elastic Shape Analysis of Tree-Like 3D Objects Using Extended SRVF Representation
* Elodi: Ensemble Logit Difference Inhibition for Positive-Congruent Training
* Empowering Real-World Image Super-Resolution With Flexible Interactive Modulation
* Encoding the Latent Posterior of Bayesian Neural Networks for Uncertainty Quantification
* End-to-End Autonomous Driving: Challenges and Frontiers
* End-to-End Signal Classification in Signed Cumulative Distribution Transform Space
* Enhancing Sound Source Localization via False Negative Elimination
* Enhancing Video-Language Representations With Structural Spatio-Temporal Alignment
* Enhancing Visual Grounding in Vision-Language Pre-Training With Position-Guided Text Prompts
* Ensemble Predictors: Possibilistic Combination of Conformal Predictors for Multivariate Time Series Classification
* EPMF: Efficient Perception-Aware Multi-Sensor Fusion for 3D Semantic Segmentation
* ES-GNN: Generalizing Graph Neural Networks Beyond Homophily With Edge Splitting
* Essential Number of Principal Components and Nearly Training-Free Model for Spectral Analysis
* EuroCity Persons 2.0: A Large and Diverse Dataset of Persons in Traffic
* Evaluation Metrics for Intelligent Generation of Graphical Game Assets: A Systematic Survey-Based Framework
* Event-Based Background-Oriented Schlieren
* Every Problem, Every Step, All in Focus: Learning to Solve Vision-Language Problems With Integrated Attention
* EvHandPose: Event-Based 3D Hand Pose Estimation With Sparse Supervision
* Evidential Multi-Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Expediting Large-Scale Vision Transformer for Dense Prediction Without Fine-Tuning
* Explanatory Object Part Aggregation for Zero-Shot Learning
* Exploiting Optical Flow Guidance for Transformer-Based Video Inpainting
* Exploiting Structural Consistency of Chest Anatomy for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Radiography Images
* Exploring Point-BEV Fusion for 3D Point Cloud Object Tracking With Transformer
* Face Generation and Editing With StyleGAN: A Survey
* False Correlation Reduction for Offline Reinforcement Learning
* Fast Alpha-Tree Algorithm for Extreme Dynamic Range Pixel Dissimilarities, A
* Fast Building Instance Proxy Reconstruction for Large Urban Scenes
* Fast Clustering With Anchor Guidance
* Fast Graph Generation via Spectral Diffusion
* Fast Learning of Signed Distance Functions From Noisy Point Clouds via Noise to Noise Mapping
* Fast-BEV: A Fast and Strong Bird's-Eye View Perception Baseline
* Fast-iTPN: Integrally Pre-Trained Transformer Pyramid Network With Token Migration
* Fast-Vid2Vid++: Spatial-Temporal Distillation for Real-Time Video-to-Video Synthesis
* Faster Person Re-Identification: One-Shot-Filter and Coarse-to-Fine Search
* Fear-Neuro-Inspired Reinforcement Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving
* FeatAug-DETR: Enriching One-to-Many Matching for DETRs With Feature Augmentation
* Feature Re-Representation and Reliable Pseudo Label Retraining for Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation
* FedCut: A Spectral Analysis Framework for Reliable Detection of Byzantine Colluders
* Federated Feature Augmentation and Alignment
* Federated Gaussian Process: Convergence, Automatic Personalization and Multi-Fidelity Modeling
* Federated Learning for Generalization, Robustness, Fairness: A Survey and Benchmark
* Federated Learning of Generalized Linear Causal Networks
* FEditNet++: Few-Shot Editing of Latent Semantics in GAN Spaces With Correlated Attribute Disentanglement
* Few-Shot Calibration of Set Predictors via Meta-Learned Cross-Validation-Based Conformal Prediction
* Few-Shot Domain-Adaptive Anomaly Detection for Cross-Site Brain Images
* Few-Shot Font Generation With Weakly Supervised Localized Representations
* Few-Shot Learning With a Strong Teacher
* FGAHOI: Fine-Grained Anchors for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Finding the Right Moment: Human-Assisted Trailer Creation via Task Composition
* Flare7K++: Mixing Synthetic and Real Datasets for Nighttime Flare Removal and Beyond
* Flexible EM-Like Clustering Algorithm for Noisy Data, A
* FlowX: Towards Explainable Graph Neural Networks via Message Flows
* Frequency-Aware Feature Fusion for Dense Image Prediction
* Frequent Pattern Mining in Continuous-Time Temporal Networks
* From NeRFLiX to NeRFLiX++: A General NeRF-Agnostic Restorer Paradigm
* From Simple to Complex Scenes: Learning Robust Feature Representations for Accurate Human Parsing
* Fully Sparse Fusion for 3D Object Detection
* Fully Unsupervised Deepfake Video Detection Via Enhanced Contrastive Learning
* G2-MonoDepth: A General Framework of Generalized Depth Inference From Monocular RGB+X Data
* GALA: Graph Diffusion-Based Alignment With Jigsaw for Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* Gaseous Object Detection
* Gaussian Process-Gated Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts
* Generalizable Black-Box Adversarial Attack With Meta Learning
* Generalizable Heterogeneous Federated Cross-Correlation and Instance Similarity Learning
* Generalized Characteristic Function Loss for Crowd Analysis in the Frequency Domain
* Generalized Parametric Contrastive Learning
* Generalizing Graph Neural Networks on Out-of-Distribution Graphs
* Generative Variational-Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Point Cloud Representation
* GeoDTR+: Toward Generic Cross-View Geolocalization via Geometric Disentanglement
* Geometric Understanding of Discriminability and Transferability for Visual Domain Adaptation
* GiganticNVS: Gigapixel Large-Scale Neural Rendering With Implicit Meta-Deformed Manifold
* Gradient Harmonization in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Gradient Inversion Attacks: Impact Factors Analyses and Privacy Enhancement
* Gradient-Based Instance-Specific Visual Explanations for Object Specification and Object Discrimination
* Graph Convolutional Networks With Adaptive Neighborhood Awareness
* Graph Denoising With Framelet Regularizers
* Graph Multi-Convolution and Attention Pooling for Graph Classification
* Graph Regulation Network for Point Cloud Segmentation
* Graph Transformer GANs With Graph Masked Modeling for Architectural Layout Generation
* Graphical Modeling for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
* Growing Like a Tree: Finding Trunks From Graph Skeleton Trees
* GT-CAM: Game Theory Based Class Activation Map for GCN
* Guaranteed Coverage Prediction Intervals With Gaussian Process Regression
* HC2L: Hybrid and Cooperative Contrastive Learning for Cross-Lingual Spoken Language Understanding
* HDF-Net: Capturing Homogeny Difference Features to Localize the Tampered Image
* Hierarchical Augmentation and Distillation for Class Incremental Audio-Visual Video Recognition
* Hierarchically Recognizing Vector Graphics and A New Chart-Based Vector Graphics Dataset
* High-Fidelity and Efficient Pluralistic Image Completion With Transformers
* Highly Efficient and Unsupervised Framework for Moving Object Detection in Satellite Videos
* Hilbert Curve Projection Distance for Distribution Comparison
* HIRI-ViT: Scaling Vision Transformer With High Resolution Inputs
* HiSC4D: Human-Centered Interaction and 4D Scene Capture in Large-Scale Space Using Wearable IMUs and LiDAR
* HOPE: A Hierarchical Perspective for Semi-Supervised 2D-3D Cross-Modal Retrieval
* HOPE: High-Order Polynomial Expansion of Black-Box Neural Networks
* Human Motion Generation: A Survey
* Human Versus Machine Intelligence: Assessing Natural Language Generation Models Through Complex Systems Theory
* Hybrid All-in-Focus Imaging From Neuromorphic Focal Stack
* Hybrid Neural Coding Approach for Pattern Recognition With Spiking Neural Networks, A
* Hybrid Open-Set Segmentation With Synthetic Negative Data
* Hypergraph Isomorphism Computation
* Hypergraph-Based Multi-Modal Representation for Open-Set 3D Object Retrieval
* Hypergraph-Based Multi-View Action Recognition Using Event Cameras
* HyperSOR: Context-Aware Graph Hypernetwork for Salient Object Ranking
* I2C: Invertible Continuous Codec for High-Fidelity Variable-Rate Image Compression
* I2F: A Unified Image-to-Feature Approach for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Identity-Guided Collaborative Learning for Cloth-Changing Person Reidentification
* IG2: Integrated Gradient on Iterative Gradient Path for Feature Attribution
* IGCN: A Provably Informative GCN Embedding for Semi-Supervised Learning With Extremely Limited Labels
* Image Captioning With Controllable and Adaptive Length Levels
* Image Restoration via Frequency Selection
* Impact of Adversarial Attacks on Federated Learning: A Survey, The
* Implicit Regularization of Dropout
* Importance Weighted Structure Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Improved Diversity-Promoting Collaborative Metric Learning for Recommendation
* Improving Fast Adversarial Training With Prior-Guided Knowledge
* Improving Semantic Segmentation via Efficient Self-Training
* In-Domain GAN Inversion for Faithful Reconstruction and Editability
* Incomplete Gamma Kernels: Generalizing Locally Optimal Projection Operators
* Incomplete Multiple Kernel Alignment Maximization for Clustering
* Incorporating Season and Solar Specificity Into Renderings Made by a NeRF Architecture Using Satellite Images
* Inductive Meta-Path Learning for Schema-Complex Heterogeneous Information Networks
* Inductive State-Relabeling Adversarial Active Learning With Heuristic Clique Rescaling
* Inequality-Constrained 3D Morphable Face Model Fitting
* Influence Function Based Second-Order Channel Pruning: Evaluating True Loss Changes for Pruning is Possible Without Retraining
* Informed Adaptive Sensing
* Instance Consistency Regularization for Semi-Supervised 3D Instance Segmentation
* Integrating Neural Radiance Fields End-to-End for Cognitive Visuomotor Navigation
* Integrating Neural-Symbolic Reasoning With Variational Causal Inference Network for Explanatory Visual Question Answering
* Interaction Pattern Disentangling for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
* Interaction-Based Inductive Bias in Graph Neural Networks: Enhancing Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity Predictions From 3D Structures
* Interpretable Compositional Representations for Robust Few-Shot Generalization
* Interpretable Rotation-Equivariant Quaternion Neural Networks for 3D Point Cloud Processing
* Intra-Inter Domain Similarity for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Introduction to Adversarially Robust Deep Learning, An
* Introspective Deep Metric Learning
* InvPT++: Inverted Pyramid Multi-Task Transformer for Visual Scene Understanding
* Knockoffs-SPR: Clean Sample Selection in Learning With Noisy Labels
* Label Deconvolution for Node Representation Learning on Large-Scale Attributed Graphs Against Learning Bias
* LAFIT: Efficient and Reliable Evaluation of Adversarial Defenses With Latent Features
* Large-Scale Object Detection in the Wild With Imbalanced Data Distribution, and Multi-Labels
* Latency-Aware Unified Dynamic Networks for Efficient Image Recognition
* Latent Semantic and Disentangled Attention
* Latent Semantic Consensus for Deterministic Geometric Model Fitting
* LayerNet: High-Resolution Semantic 3D Reconstruction of Clothed People
* Learnability Enhancement for Low-Light Raw Image Denoising: A Data Perspective
* Learnable Graph Matching: A Practical Paradigm for Data Association
* Learning a Contact Potential Field for Modeling the Hand-Object Interaction
* Learning at a Glance: Towards Interpretable Data-Limited Continual Semantic Segmentation via Semantic-Invariance Modelling
* Learning Bilateral Cost Volume for Rolling Shutter Temporal Super-Resolution
* Learning Disentangled Representation for One-Shot Progressive Face Swapping
* Learning Dynamic Scene-Conditioned 3D Object Detectors
* Learning From Human Attention for Attribute-Assisted Visual Recognition
* Learning From Human Educational Wisdom: A Student-Centered Knowledge Distillation Method
* Learning Graph Attentions via Replicator Dynamics
* Learning Graph Embeddings for Open World Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* Learning Hierarchical Modular Networks for Video Captioning
* Learning Implicit Functions for Dense 3D Shape Correspondence of Generic Objects
* Learning Interpretable Rules for Scalable Data Representation and Classification
* Learning Local and Global Temporal Contexts for Video Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Many-to-Many Mapping for Unpaired Real-World Image Super-Resolution and Downscaling
* Learning Optical Flow and Scene Flow With Bidirectional Camera-LiDAR Fusion
* Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Point Cloud Normal Estimation
* Learning to Cut via Hierarchical Sequence/Set Model for Efficient Mixed-Integer Programming
* Learning to Follow and Generate Instructions for Language-Capable Navigation
* Learning to Holistically Detect Bridges From Large-Size VHR Remote Sensing Imagery
* Learning to Learn Task-Adaptive Hyperparameters for Few-Shot Learning
* Learning to Remove Rain in Video With Self-Supervision
* Learning to Sketch: A Neural Approach to Item Frequency Estimation in Streaming Data
* Learning With Constraint Learning: New Perspective, Solution Strategy and Various Applications
* Learning With Style: Continual Semantic Segmentation Across Tasks and Domains
* LIA: Latent Image Animator
* Little Truth Injection But a Big Reward: Label Aggregation With Graph Neural Networks, A
* Looking Beyond Single Images for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Learning
* Low-Dimensional Gradient Helps Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Low-Rank Tensor Function Representation for Multi-Dimensional Data Recovery
* Lowis3D: Language-Driven Open-World Instance-Level 3D Scene Understanding
* LTM-NeRF: Embedding 3D Local Tone Mapping in HDR Neural Radiance Field
* MAC: Maximal Cliques for 3D Registration
* Machine Learning Paradigm for Studying Pictorial Realism: How Accurate are Constable's Clouds?, A
* Machine Learning With Tree Tensor Networks, CP Rank Constraints, and Tensor Dropout
* Many-Objective Jaccard-Based Evolutionary Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Imbalanced Data Classification
* Markov Progressive Framework, a Universal Paradigm for Modeling Long Videos
* Mask2Anomaly: Mask Transformer for Universal Open-Set Segmentation
* Match Normalization: Learning-Based Point Cloud Registration for 6D Object Pose Estimation in the Real World
* MCTformer+: Multi-Class Token Transformer for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Measurement Guidance in Diffusion Models: Insight from Medical Image Synthesis
* Medical Image Segmentation Review: The Success of U-Net
* Memories are One-to-Many Mapping Alleviators in Talking Face Generation
* Messages are Never Propagated Alone: Collaborative Hypergraph Neural Network for Time-Series Forecasting
* Meta Invariance Defense Towards Generalizable Robustness to Unknown Adversarial Attacks
* MetaFormer Baselines for Vision
* MetaKernel: Learning Variational Random Features With Limited Labels
* Metric3D v2: A Versatile Monocular Geometric Foundation Model for Zero-Shot Metric Depth and Surface Normal Estimation
* MGNR: A Multi-Granularity Neighbor Relationship and Its Application in KNN Classification and Clustering Methods
* MgSvF: Multi-Grained Slow versus Fast Framework for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Mine yOur owN Anatomy: Revisiting Medical Image Segmentation With Extremely Limited Labels
* MINN: Learning the Dynamics of Differential-Algebraic Equations and Application to Battery Modeling
* Mitigating Accuracy-Robustness Trade-Off via Balanced Multi-Teacher Adversarial Distillation
* Mitigating Confounding Bias in Practical Recommender Systems With Partially Inaccessible Exposure Status
* MixFormer: End-to-End Tracking With Iterative Mixed Attention
* Model-Based Reinforcement Learning With Isolated Imaginations
* Modular Neural Motion Retargeting System Decoupling Skeleton and Shape Perception, A
* Monocular BEV Perception of Road Scenes via Front-to-Top View Projection
* Monocular Depth Estimation: A Thorough Review
* MOODv2: Masked Image Modeling for Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Motion-Aware Dynamic Graph Neural Network for Video Compressive Sensing
* MotionDiffuse: Text-Driven Human Motion Generation With Diffusion Model
* MsSVT++: Mixed-Scale Sparse Voxel Transformer With Center Voting for 3D Object Detection
* MTR++: Multi-Agent Motion Prediction With Symmetric Scene Modeling and Guided Intention Querying
* Multi-Derivational Parsing of Vague Languages: The New Paradigm of Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Multi-Label Conditional Generation From Pre-Trained Models
* Multi-Level Interpretable Sleep Stage Scoring System by Infusing Experts' Knowledge Into a Deep Network Architecture, A
* Multi-Person Pose Regression With Distribution-Aware Single-Stage Models
* Multi-Stage Asynchronous Federated Learning With Adaptive Differential Privacy
* Multi-Task Learning of Object States and State-Modifying Actions From Web Videos
* Multimodal Cross-Lingual Summarization for Videos: A Revisit in Knowledge Distillation Induced Triple-Stage Training Method
* Multiple Adverse Weather Conditions Adaptation for Object Detection via Causal Intervention
* Multiple Controlled Toffoli Driven Adaptive Quantum Neural Network Model for Dynamic Workload Prediction in Cloud Environments, A
* Multiview Tensor Spectral Clustering via Co-Regularization
* Mutual Voting for Ranking 3D Correspondences
* MVEB: Self-Supervised Learning With Multi-View Entropy Bottleneck
* NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Human-Level Quality
* NCMNet: Neighbor Consistency Mining Network for Two-View Correspondence Pruning
* NDDepth: Normal-Distance Assisted Monocular Depth Estimation and Completion
* Negatives Make a Positive: An Embarrassingly Simple Approach to Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning
* NeRF-Texture: Synthesizing Neural Radiance Field Textures
* NeUDF: Learning Neural Unsigned Distance Fields With Volume Rendering
* Neural 3D Scene Reconstruction With Indoor Planar Priors
* Neural Disparity Refinement
* NeuralRecon: Real-Time Coherent 3D Scene Reconstruction From Monocular Video
* New Brain Network Construction Paradigm for Brain Disorder via Diffusion-Based Graph Contrastive Learning, A
* New Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Testing Linear Separability Between Two Sets, A
* NExT-OOD: Overcoming Dual Multiple-Choice VQA Biases
* NICEST: Noisy Label Correction and Training for Robust Scene Graph Generation
* No One Left Behind: Real-World Federated Class-Incremental Learning
* Node-Oriented Spectral Filtering for Graph Neural Networks
* Non-Fluent Synthetic Target-Language Data Improve Neural Machine Translation
* Non-Serial Quantization-Aware Deep Optics for Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging
* Novel and Effective Method to Directly Solve Spectral Clustering, A
* Novel Image Formation Model for Descattering, A
* Novel Normalized-Cut Solver With Nearest Neighbor Hierarchical Initialization, A
* Novel Uncertainty Quantification Through Perturbation-Assisted Sample Synthesis
* Object-Centric Representation Learning for Video Scene Understanding
* Occlusion-Aware Self-Supervised Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation
* On Boundary Discontinuity in Angle Regression Based Arbitrary Oriented Object Detection
* On Exploring Multiplicity of Primitives and Attributes for Texture Recognition in the Wild
* On the Benefit of Optimal Transport for Curriculum Reinforcement Learning
* On the Consistency and Large-Scale Extension of Multiple Kernel Clustering
* On the Number of Linear Regions of Convolutional Neural Networks With Piecewise Linear Activations
* On the Robustness of Average Losses for Partial-Label Learning
* On Transforming Reinforcement Learning With Transformers: The Development Trajectory
* One Fits Many: Class Confusion Loss for Versatile Domain Adaptation
* One-Shot Action Recognition via Multi-Scale Spatial-Temporal Skeleton Matching
* One-Stage Anchor-Free Online Multiple Target Tracking With Deformable Local Attention and Task-Aware Prediction
* OoD-Control: Generalizing Control in Unseen Environments
* OOD-CV-v2 : An Extended Benchmark for Robustness to Out-of-Distribution Shifts of Individual Nuisances in Natural Images
* OPAL: Occlusion Pattern Aware Loss for Unsupervised Light Field Disparity Estimation
* Open Long-Tailed Recognition in a Dynamic World
* Operational Support Estimator Networks
* Optical Flow as Spatial-Temporal Attention Learners
* Optimal Composite Likelihood Estimation and Prediction for Distributed Gaussian Process Modeling
* Out-of-Domain Generalization From a Single Source: An Uncertainty Quantification Approach
* PAGE: Prototype-Based Model-Level Explanations for Graph Neural Networks
* Pair Then Relation: Pair-Net for Panoptic Scene Graph Generation
* Panoptic-PartFormer++: A Unified and Decoupled View for Panoptic Part Segmentation
* Parallel and Distributed Graph Neural Networks: An In-Depth Concurrency Analysis
* Parameter-Insensitive Min Cut Clustering With Flexible Size Constrains
* PASS: Patch Automatic Skip Scheme for Efficient On-Device Video Perception
* PathNet: Path-Selective Point Cloud Denoising
* Perceptual Video Coding for Machines via Satisfied Machine Ratio Modeling
* PERF: Panoramic Neural Radiance Field From a Single Panorama
* PFENet++: Boosting Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation With the Noise-Filtered Context-Aware Prior Mask
* PhenoBench: A Large Dataset and Benchmarks for Semantic Image Interpretation in the Agricultural Domain
* Physical Adversarial Attack Meets Computer Vision: A Decade Survey
* PiCO+: Contrastive Label Disambiguation for Robust Partial Label Learning
* Pix2HDR: A Pixel-Wise Acquisition and Deep Learning-Based Synthesis Approach for High-Speed HDR Videos
* Pixel Distillation: Cost-Flexible Distillation Across Image Sizes and Heterogeneous Networks
* Playing for 3D Human Recovery
* PLMP: Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility
* PnP-GA+: Plug-and-Play Domain Adaptation for Gaze Estimation Using Model Variants
* Point Cloud Attacks in Graph Spectral Domain: When 3D Geometry Meets Graph Signal Processing
* Point-to-Pixel Prompting for Point Cloud Analysis With Pre-Trained Image Models
* Polarimetric Helmholtz Stereopsis
* Pose-Driven Compression for Dynamic 3D Human via Human Prior Models
* PPDM++: Parallel Point Detection and Matching for Fast and Accurate HOI Detection
* Practical Network Acceleration With Tiny Sets: Hypothesis, Theory, and Algorithm
* Principal Uncertainty Quantification With Spatial Correlation for Image Restoration Problems
* Probabilistic Contrastive Learning for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* Probabilistic Principal Curves on Riemannian Manifolds
* Progressive Learning of 3D Reconstruction Network From 2D GAN Data
* Property-Aware Relation Networks for Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction
* Prototype-Based Semantic Segmentation
* Provable Unrestricted Adversarial Training Without Compromise With Generalizability
* Pruning Self-Attentions Into Convolutional Layers in Single Path
* Q-Bench+: A Benchmark for Multi-Modal Foundation Models on Low-Level Vision From Single Images to Pairs
* QARV: Quantization-Aware ResNet VAE for Lossy Image Compression
* QKSAN: A Quantum Kernel Self-Attention Network
* Quadratic Matrix Factorization With Applications to Manifold Learning
* Quality Improvement Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images Using Compressive Sensing (CS) With Moore-Penrose Inverse (MP
* Query-Oriented Micro-Video Summarization
* R3LIVE++: A Robust, Real-Time, Radiance Reconstruction Package With a Tightly-Coupled LiDAR-Inertial-Visual State Estimator
* RAgE: Robust Age Estimation Through Subject Anchoring With Consistency Regularisation
* Random Permutation Set Reasoning
* Randomness Regularization With Simple Consistency Training for Neural Networks
* RDFC-GAN: RGB-Depth Fusion CycleGAN for Indoor Depth Completion
* Re-Thinking the Effectiveness of Batch Normalization and Beyond
* Real-Time CNN Training and Compression for Neural-Enhanced Adaptive Live Streaming
* Realize Generative Yet Complete Latent Representation for Incomplete Multi-View Learning
* Rebuttal to Comments
* Recognizing Predictive Substructures With Subgraph Information Bottleneck
* Reconstructing Randomly Masked Spectra Helps DNNs Identify Discriminant Wavenumbers
* Rectification-Based Knowledge Retention for Task Incremental Learning
* Recurrent Multiscale Feature Modulation for Geometry Consistent Depth Learning
* Recursive Least-Squares Estimator-Aided Online Learning for Visual Tracking
* Reference Twice: A Simple and Unified Baseline for Few-Shot Instance Segmentation
* Refining 3D Human Texture Estimation From a Single Image
* Regularized Loss With Hyperparameter Estimation for Weakly Supervised Single Class Segmentation
* Regularly Truncated M-Estimators for Learning With Noisy Labels
* Reinforcing Generated Images via Meta-Learning for One-Shot Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Relational Proxies: Fine-Grained Relationships as Zero-Shot Discriminators
* Reliable Event Generation With Invertible Conditional Normalizing Flow
* Representing Noisy Image Without Denoising
* RepSGG: Novel Representations of Entities and Relationships for Scene Graph Generation
* Rethinking Dual-Stream Super-Resolution Semantic Learning in Medical Image Segmentation
* Rethinking Self-Supervised Semantic Segmentation: Achieving End-to-End Segmentation
* Rethinking the Effectiveness of Objective Evaluation Metrics in Multi-Focus Image Fusion: A Statistic-Based Approach
* Reusable Architecture Growth for Continual Stereo Matching
* Revealing the Dark Side of Non-Local Attention in Single Image Super-Resolution
* Review of Safe Reinforcement Learning: Methods, Theories, and Applications, A
* Review of State-of-the-art Mixed-Precision Neural Network Frameworks, A
* Revisiting Computer-Aided Tuberculosis Diagnosis
* Revisiting Confidence Estimation: Towards Reliable Failure Prediction
* Revisiting Person Re-Identification by Camera Selection
* Revisiting Realistic Test-Time Training: Sequential Inference and Adaptation by Anchored Clustering Regularized Self-Training
* Revisiting the Trade-Off Between Accuracy and Robustness via Weight Distribution of Filters
* Revitalizing Convolutional Network for Image Restoration
* RIGA: Rotation-Invariant and Globally-Aware Descriptors for Point Cloud Registration
* RNNPose: 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation via Recurrent Correspondence Field Estimation and Pose Optimization
* Robust Audio-Visual Contrastive Learning for Proposal-Based Self-Supervised Sound Source Localization in Videos
* Robust Domain Adaptive Object Detection With Unified Multi-Granularity Alignment
* Robust Meta-Representation Learning via Global Label Inference and Classification
* Robust Model Watermarking for Image Processing Networks via Structure Consistency
* Robust Multi-Agent Communication With Graph Information Bottleneck Optimization
* Robust Multi-Graph Multi-Label Learning with Dual-Granularity Labeling
* Robust Perception and Precise Segmentation for Scribble-Supervised RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Robust Principal Component Analysis Based on Fuzzy Local Information Reservation
* Robust Semi-Supervised Learning by Wisely Leveraging Open-Set Data
* Robust Shape Fitting for 3D Scene Abstraction
* Robust Visual Question Answering: Datasets, Methods, and Future Challenges
* Room-Object Entity Prompting and Reasoning for Embodied Referring Expression
* Rotation Equivariant Proximal Operator for Deep Unfolding Methods in Image Restoration
* Safe Reinforcement Learning With Dual Robustness
* Say No to Freeloader: Protecting Intellectual Property of Your Deep Model
* SC-DepthV3: Robust Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Dynamic Scenes
* Scalable SoftGroup for 3D Instance Segmentation on Point Clouds
* Scalable Video Object Segmentation With Identification Mechanism
* SEA++: Multi-Graph-Based Higher-Order Sensor Alignment for Multivariate Time-Series Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Searching to Exploit Memorization Effect in Deep Learning With Noisy Labels
* Secrets of Event-Based Optical Flow, Depth and Ego-Motion Estimation by Contrast Maximization
* Seeing ENF From Neuromorphic Events: Modeling and Robust Estimation
* Selective Random Walk for Transfer Learning in Heterogeneous Label Spaces
* Self-Adaptive Training: Bridging Supervised and Self-Supervised Learning
* Self-Supervised 3D Action Representation Learning With Skeleton Cloud Colorization
* Self-Supervised 3D Scene Flow Estimation and Motion Prediction Using Local Rigidity Prior
* Self-Supervised Adversarial Training of Monocular Depth Estimation Against Physical-World Attacks
* Self-Supervised Deep Blind Video Super-Resolution
* Self-Supervised Latent Space Optimization With Nebula Variational Coding
* Self-Supervised Learning for Time Series Analysis: Taxonomy, Progress, and Prospects
* Self-Supervised Masked Convolutional Transformer Block for Anomaly Detection
* Self-Supervised Node Representation Learning via Node-to-Neighbourhood Alignment
* Self-Training Boosted Multi-Factor Matching Network for Composed Image Retrieval
* Semantic and Motion-Aware Spatiotemporal Transformer Network for Action Detection, A
* Semantic Hierarchy-Aware Segmentation
* Semantic Invariant Multi-View Clustering With Fully Incomplete Information
* Semantics-Guided Contrastive Network for Zero-Shot Object Detection
* Semi-Infinitely Constrained Markov Decision Processes and Provably Efficient Reinforcement Learning
* Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Deep Visual Learning: A Survey
* Semi-Supervised Coupled Thin-Plate Spline Model for Rotation Correction and Beyond
* Semi-Supervised Learning for FGVC With Out-of-Category Data
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Multi-Label Cardiovascular Diseases Prediction: A Multi-Dataset Study
* Sensitivity-Aware Density Estimation in Multiple Dimensions
* Separable Spatial-Temporal Residual Graph for Cloth-Changing Group Re-Identification
* Sequential Manipulation Against Rank Aggregation: Theory and Algorithm
* Sequential Point Clouds: A Survey
* SGTR+: End-to-End Scene Graph Generation With Transformer
* Shadow Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Spectral Radiance Separability Enhancement
* Shape-Based Measures Improve Scene Categorization
* Sharpness-Aware Lookahead for Accelerating Convergence and Improving Generalization
* Sheared Epipolar Focus Spectrum for Dense Light Field Reconstruction
* Siamese Cooperative Learning for Unsupervised Image Reconstruction From Incomplete Measurements
* Simple Primitives With Feasibility- and Contextuality-Dependence for Open-World Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* Simplex Clustering via sBeta With Applications to Online Adjustment of Black-Box Predictions
* Simplicial Complex Neural Networks
* SimSwap++: Towards Faster and High-Quality Identity Swapping
* SketchTrans: Disentangled Prototype Learning With Transformer for Sketch-Photo Recognition
* SMART: Syntax-Calibrated Multi-Aspect Relation Transformer for Change Captioning
* SMEMO: Social Memory for Trajectory Forecasting
* SMPLer: Taming Transformers for Monocular 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation
* Source-Free Domain Adaptation With Domain Generalized Pretraining for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Spatial Steerability of GANs via Self-Supervision from Discriminator
* Spatial-Temporal Graph Enhanced DETR Towards Multi-Frame 3D Object Detection
* SpectralGPT: Spectral Remote Sensing Foundation Model
* SPLiT: Single Portrait Lighting Estimation via a Tetrad of Face Intrinsics
* SSR-2D: Semantic 3D Scene Reconstruction From 2D Images
* Statistical Analysis of Complex Shape Graphs
* Stereo Image Restoration via Attention-Guided Correspondence Learning
* Stimulating Diffusion Model for Image Denoising via Adaptive Embedding and Ensembling
* STMixer: A One-Stage Sparse Action Detector
* STQD-Det: Spatio-Temporal Quantum Diffusion Model for Real-Time Coronary Stenosis Detection in X-Ray Angiography
* Structure and Intensity Unbiased Translation for 2D Medical Image Segmentation
* Structure Mapping Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-View Information Mapping Pattern Mining
* Structure-Guided Image Completion With Image-Level and Object-Level Semantic Discriminators
* Structured Pruning for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: A Survey
* Student Loss: Towards the Probability Assumption in Inaccurate Supervision
* Study on the Generality of Neural Network Structures for Monocular Depth Estimation, A
* StyleTalk++: A Unified Framework for Controlling the Speaking Styles of Talking Heads
* Surface Reconstruction From Point Clouds: A Survey and a Benchmark
* Survey of Knowledge Graph Reasoning on Graph Types: Static, Dynamic, and Multi-Modal, A
* Survey of Label-Efficient Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds, A
* Survey on Continual Semantic Segmentation: Theory, Challenge, Method and Application, A
* Survey on Deep Neural Network Pruning: Taxonomy, Comparison, Analysis, and Recommendations, A
* Survey on Efficient Vision Transformers: Algorithms, Techniques, and Performance Benchmarking, A
* Survey on Graph Neural Networks and Graph Transformers in Computer Vision: A Task-Oriented Perspective, A
* Survey on Graph Neural Networks for Time Series: Forecasting, Classification, Imputation, and Anomaly Detection, A
* Survey on Information Bottleneck, A
* Survey on Open-Vocabulary Detection and Segmentation: Past, Present, and Future, A
* Survey on Self-Supervised Learning: Algorithms, Applications, and Future Trends, A
* Synthetic Data in Human Analysis: A Survey
* t-EER: Parameter-Free Tandem Evaluation of Countermeasures and Biometric Comparators
* T-Net++: Effective Permutation-Equivariance Network for Two-View Correspondence Pruning
* Tackling Noisy Labels With Network Parameter Additive Decomposition
* TagCLIP: Improving Discrimination Ability of Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Talk-to-Edit: Fine-Grained 2D and 3D Facial Editing via Dialog
* Task-Guided, Implicitly-Searched and Meta-Initialized Deep Model for Image Fusion, A
* TCFormer: Visual Recognition via Token Clustering Transformer
* Temporal Action Localization in the Deep Learning Era: A Survey
* Temporal Action Segmentation: An Analysis of Modern Techniques
* Tensorized and Compressed Multi-View Subspace Clustering via Structured Constraint
* Tessellating the Latent Space for Non-Adversarial Generative Auto-Encoders
* TextSLAM: Visual SLAM With Semantic Planar Text Features
* Theoretical Analysis of Density Peaks Clustering and the Component-Wise Peak-Finding Algorithm, A
* Theoretical View of Linear Backpropagation and its Convergence, A
* TIB: Detecting Unknown Objects via Two-Stream Information Bottleneck
* Time-Consistency Curriculum for Learning From Instance-Dependent Noisy Labels, A
* Tobias: A Random CNN Sees Objects
* Topo-Geometric Analysis of Variability in Point Clouds Using Persistence Landscapes
* Toward DNN of LUTs: Learning Efficient Image Restoration With Multiple Look-Up Tables
* Towards a Flexible Semantic Guided Model for Single Image Enhancement and Restoration
* Towards Codebook-Free Deep Probabilistic Quantization for Image Retrieval
* Towards Context-Aware Emotion Recognition Debiasing From a Causal Demystification Perspective via De-Confounded Training
* Towards Effective Causal Partitioning by Edge Cutting of Adjoint Graph
* Towards Human-Centered Explainable AI: A Survey of User Studies for Model Explanations
* Towards Inductive and Efficient Explanations for Graph Neural Networks
* Towards Lightweight Super-Resolution With Dual Regression Learning
* Towards Open Vocabulary Learning: A Survey
* Towards Understanding Convergence and Generalization of AdamW
* Towards Unified Robustness Against Both Backdoor and Adversarial Attacks
* Towards Visual-Prompt Temporal Answer Grounding in Instructional Video
* Training-Free Transformer Architecture Search With Zero-Cost Proxy Guided Evolution
* Transferable Time-Series Forecasting Under Causal Conditional Shift
* Transferring Annotator- and Instance-Dependent Transition Matrix for Learning From Crowds
* Transformation Decoupling Strategy Based on Screw Theory for Deterministic Point Cloud Registration With Gravity Prior
* Transformative Topological Representation for Link Modeling, Prediction and Cross-Domain Network Analysis, A
* Transformer Based Pluralistic Image Completion With Reduced Information Loss
* Transformer Module Networks for Systematic Generalization in Visual Question Answering
* Transformer-Based Visual Segmentation: A Survey
* Triplet Adaptation Framework for Robust Semi-Supervised Learning
* Tuning Vision-Language Models With Multiple Prototypes Clustering
* Turning a CLIP Model Into a Scene Text Spotter
* Two-Stage Noise-Tolerant Paradigm for Label Corrupted Person Re-Identification, A
* U-Match: Exploring Hierarchy-Aware Local Context for Two-View Correspondence Learning
* Ultra Fast Deep Lane Detection With Hybrid Anchor Driven Ordinal Classification
* Uncertainty-Boosted Robust Video Activity Anticipation
* Uncovering the Over-Smoothing Challenge in Image Super-Resolution: Entropy-Based Quantification and Contrastive Optimization
* Underground Diagnosis Based on GPR and Learning in the Model Space
* Understanding and Accelerating Neural Architecture Search With Training-Free and Theory-Grounded Metrics
* Understanding and Mitigating Dimensional Collapse in Federated Learning
* Understanding Whitening Loss in Self-Supervised Learning
* Uni-to-Multi Modal Knowledge Distillation for Bidirectional LiDAR-Camera Semantic Segmentation
* Unified 3D and 4D Panoptic Segmentation via Dynamic Shifting Networks
* Unified Adversarial Patch for Visible-Infrared Cross-Modal Attacks in the Physical World
* Unifying Fourteen Post-Hoc Attribution Methods With Taylor Interactions
* UniMiSS+: Universal Medical Self-Supervised Learning From Cross-Dimensional Unpaired Data
* UNK-VQA: A Dataset and a Probe Into the Abstention Ability of Multi-Modal Large Models
* Unpacking the Gap Box Against Data-Free Knowledge Distillation
* Unsupervised 3D Object Segmentation of Point Clouds by Geometry Consistency
* Unsupervised Active Visual Search With Monte Carlo Planning Under Uncertain Detections
* Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Robust Spherical Space Domain Adaptation
* Unsupervised Deraining: Where Asymmetric Contrastive Learning Meets Self-Similarity
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Object Detectors: A Survey
* Unsupervised Illumination Adaptation for Low-Light Vision
* Unsupervised Object-Centric Learning From Multiple Unspecified Viewpoints
* Unsupervised Part Discovery via Dual Representation Alignment
* Unsupervised Test-Time Adaptation Learning for Effective Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution With Unknown Degeneration
* Variance Reduced Domain Randomization for Reinforcement Learning With Policy Gradient
* Variational Adversarial Defense: A Bayes Perspective for Adversarial Training
* Variational Distillation for Multi-View Learning
* Variational Hierarchical Mixtures for Probabilistic Learning of Inverse Dynamics
* Variational Label Enhancement for Instance-Dependent Partial Label Learning
* Vehicle Perception From Satellite
* Video Coding for Machines: Compact Visual Representation Compression for Intelligent Collaborative Analytics
* Video Frame Interpolation With Many-to-Many Splatting and Spatial Selective Refinement
* Virtual Category Learning: A Semi-Supervised Learning Method for Dense Prediction With Extremely Limited Labels
* Vision + X: A Survey on Multimodal Learning in the Light of Data
* Vision Transformer With Quadrangle Attention
* Vision-Centric BEV Perception: A Survey
* Vision-Language Models for Vision Tasks: A Survey
* ViTPose++: Vision Transformer for Generic Body Pose Estimation
* VNVC: A Versatile Neural Video Coding Framework for Efficient Human-Machine Vision
* Vote2Cap-DETR++: Decoupling Localization and Describing for End-to-End 3D Dense Captioning
* VST++: Efficient and Stronger Visual Saliency Transformer
* Wasserstein Discriminant Dictionary Learning for Graph Representation
* Weak Augmentation Guided Relational Self-Supervised Learning
* Weakly Supervised AUC Optimization: A Unified Partial AUC Approach
* Weakly Supervised Tracklet Association Learning With Video Labels for Person Re-Identification
* Weakly-Supervised Depth Estimation and Image Deblurring via Dual-Pixel Sensors
* What Does a Model Really Look at?: Extracting Model-Oriented Concepts for Explaining Deep Neural Networks
* What Makes Deviant Places?
* When Invariant Representation Learning Meets Label Shift: Insufficiency and Theoretical Insights
* Where and How to Transfer: Knowledge Aggregation-Induced Transferability Perception for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* WOOD: Wasserstein-Based Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Worst-Case Discriminative Feature Learning via Max-Min Ratio Analysis
* X2-VLM: All-in-One Pre-Trained Model for Vision-Language Tasks
* XGrad: Boosting Gradient-Based Optimizers With Weight Prediction
* Zero-Shot Neural Architecture Search: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities
* ZeroNLG: Aligning and Autoencoding Domains for Zero-Shot Multimodal and Multilingual Natural Language Generation
* ZJUT-EIFD: A Synchronously Collected External and Internal Fingerprint Database
* Zone Evaluation: Revealing Spatial Bias in Object Detection
* ZoomNeXt: A Unified Collaborative Pyramid Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
730 for PAMI(46)
* 360SFUDA++: Towards Source-Free UDA for Panoramic Segmentation by Learning Reliable Category Prototypes
* Adaptive Learning for Dynamic Features and Noisy Labels
* Adaptive Neural Message Passing for Inductive Learning on Hypergraphs
* Adverse Weather Optical Flow: Cumulative Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Adaptation
* Anti-Forgetting Adaptation for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Changen2: Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Generative Change Foundation Model
* Competing for Pixels: A Self-Play Algorithm for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Continuous-Time Object Segmentation Using High Temporal Resolution Event Camera
* Decoupling Concept Bottleneck Model, The
* Developmental Plasticity-Inspired Adaptive Pruning for Deep Spiking and Artificial Neural Networks
* Diffusion Models for Imperceptible and Transferable Adversarial Attack
* Disentangling Before Composing: Learning Invariant Disentangled Features for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* Dynamic Routing and Knowledge Re-Learning for Data-Free Black-Box Attack
* Efficient Analysis of Overdispersed Data Using an Accurate Computation of the Dirichlet Multinomial Distribution
* Efficient Diffusion Model for Image Restoration by Residual Shifting
* Enabling Energy-Efficient Deployment of Large Language Models on Memristor Crossbar: A Synergy of Large and Small
* Ensemble-Enhanced Semi-Supervised Learning With Optimized Graph Construction for High-Dimensional Data
* Estimating Information Theoretic Measures via Multidimensional Gaussianization
* Estimating Per-Class Statistics for Label Noise Learning
* Event-Enhanced Snapshot Compressive Videography at 10K FPS
* Event-Enhanced Snapshot Mosaic Hyperspectral Frame Deblurring
* EventHDR: From Event to High-Speed HDR Videos and Beyond
* Evolved Hierarchical Masking for Self-Supervised Learning
* Fast and Functional Structured Data Generators Rooted in Out-of-Equilibrium Physics
* FLAC: Fairness-Aware Representation Learning by Suppressing Attribute-Class Associations
* FocalPose++: Focal Length and Object Pose Estimation via Render and Compare
* FSD V2: Improving Fully Sparse 3D Object Detection With Virtual Voxels
* Generalized Relevance Learning Grassmann Quantization
* GhostingNet: A Novel Approach for Glass Surface Detection with Ghosting Cues
* GUPNet++: Geometry Uncertainty Propagation Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Human-Centric Transformer for Domain Adaptive Action Recognition
* Illuminating Salient Contributions in Neuron Activation With Attribution Equilibrium
* ImFace++: A Sophisticated Nonlinear 3D Morphable Face Model With Implicit Neural Representations
* InfoGCN++: Learning Representation by Predicting the Future for Online Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Intelligent Bionic Polarization Orientation Method Using Biological Neuron Model for Harsh Conditions
* Language-Inspired Relation Transfer for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Latent Diffusion Enhanced Rectangle Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Restoration
* Matryoshka: Exploiting the Over-Parametrization of Deep Learning Models for Covert Data Transmission
* Medical Federated Model with Mixture of Personalized and Shared Components
* Minimum Latency Deep Online Video Stabilization and Its Extensions
* Multi-Modality Multi-Attribute Contrastive Pre-Training for Image Aesthetics Computing
* Multi-Sensor Learning Enables Information Transfer Across Different Sensory Data and Augments Multi-Modality Imaging
* NeuralTPS: Learning Signed Distance Functions Without Priors from Single Sparse Point Clouds
* Noise Self-Regression: A New Learning Paradigm to Enhance Low-Light Images Without Task-Related Data
* Noise-Robust Vision-Language Pre-Training With Positive-Negative Learning
* NVDS^+: Towards Efficient and Versatile Neural Stabilizer for Video Depth Estimation
* OffsetNet: Towards Efficient Multiple Object Tracking, Detection, and Segmentation
* On the Distillation of Stories for Transferring Narrative Arcs in Collections of Independent Media
* On-the-Fly Modulation for Balanced Multimodal Learning
* Online Learning Under a Separable Stochastic Approximation Framework
* Optimizing Latent Variables in Integrating Transfer and Query Based Attack Framework
* Pixel is All You Need: Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Ensemble Active Learning for Salient Object Detection
* Probing Synergistic High-Order Interaction for Multi-Modal Image Fusion
* Prompt Tuning of Deep Neural Networks for Speaker-Adaptive Visual Speech Recognition
* Prompt-and-Transfer: Dynamic Class-Aware Enhancement for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Prototype-Guided Attention Distillation for Discriminative Person Search
* PSRR-MaxpoolNMS++: Fast Non-Maximum Suppression With Discretization and Pooling
* PSVMA+: Exploring Multi-Granularity Semantic-Visual Adaption for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Quantifying and Learning Static vs. Dynamic Information in Deep Spatiotemporal Networks
* Recent Advances in Optimal Transport for Machine Learning
* Revisiting Nonlocal Self-Similarity from Continuous Representation
* RGB-T Tracking With Template-Bridged Search Interaction and Target-Preserved Template Updating
* RGBE-Gaze: A Large-Scale Event-Based Multimodal Dataset for High Frequency Remote Gaze Tracking
* RoBoSS: A Robust, Bounded, Sparse, and Smooth Loss Function for Supervised Learning
* Robust Multimodal Learning With Missing Modalities via Parameter-Efficient Adaptation
* Scene-Dependent Prediction in Latent Space for Video Anomaly Detection and Anticipation
* Sparse Non-Local CRF With Applications
* Stabilizing and Accelerating Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Data With Partial Client Participation
* Symbolic Visual Reinforcement Learning: A Scalable Framework With Object-Level Abstraction and Differentiable Expression Search
* T2TD: Text-3D Generation Model Based on Prior Knowledge Guidance
* Tensor Coupled Learning of Incomplete Longitudinal Features and Labels for Clinical Score Regression
* Towards Data-And Knowledge-Driven AI: A Survey on Neuro-Symbolic Computing
* Understanding Episode Hardness in Few-Shot Learning
* Universal Fingerprint Generation: Controllable Diffusion Model With Multimodal Conditions
* Unsupervised Degradation Representation Learning for Unpaired Restoration of Images and Point Clouds
* Unsupervised Dual Deep Hashing With Semantic-Index and Content-Code for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Unveiling the Power of Self-Supervision for Multi-View Multi-Human Association and Tracking
* V2X-ViTv2: Improved Vision Transformers for Vehicle-to-Everything Cooperative Perception
* VALOR: Vision-Audio-Language Omni-Perception Pretraining Model and Dataset
* VATr++: Choose Your Words Wisely for Handwritten Text Generation
* Versatile Point Cloud Compressor Using Universal Multiscale Conditional Coding: Part I: Geometry, A
* Versatile Point Cloud Compressor Using Universal Multiscale Conditional Coding: Part II: Attribute, A
* Weakly Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection by Spatial-Temporal View Consistency
* When Meta-Learning Meets Online and Continual Learning: A Survey
84 for PAMI(47)
* Application of a Multilayer Decision Tree in Computer Recognition of Chinese Characters
* Application of the Conditional Population-Mixture Model to Image Segmentation
* Applications of Vector Fields to Image Processing
* Asymptotic Optimal Frequence Domain Filter for Edge Detection, The
* Automatic Inspection System for Printed Circuit Boards
* Boundary Location from an Initial Plan: The Bead Chain Algorithm
* Bounds on (Deterministic) Correlation Functions with Applications to Registration
* Candide's Practical Principles of Experimental Pattern Recognition
* Chain Coding with a Hexagonal Lattice
* Decision Making in Context
* Depth-First Picture Expression Viewed from Digital Picture Processing
* Designing a Handwriting Reader
* Detection of Edges Using Range Information
* Direct Computation of the Focus of Expansion
* Efficient 3-D Object Representations for Industrial Vision Systems
* Efficient Recovery of Shape from Texture
* Error Analysis of Surface Normals Determined by Radiometry
* Facsimile-Based Editing System by Auxiliary Mark Recognition, A
* GAGESIGHT: A Computer Vision System for Automatic Inspection of Instrument Gauges
* Gauge Inspection Using Hough Transforms
* Generating Object Descriptions for Model Retrieval
* Gradient Projection Algorithm for Relaxation Methods, A
* Gray Level Image Processing by Cellular Logic Transforms
* Hierarchical Structures and Complexities of Parallel Isometric Languages
* Identifying and Location Surface Defects in Wood: Part of an Automated Lumber Processing System
* Image Design: Generation of a Prescribed Image at the Output of a Band-Limited System
* Image Transform Coding Scheme Based on Spatial Domain Considerations, An
* Inherent Bias and Noise in the Hough Transform
* INSPECTOR: A Computer Vision System That Learns to Inspect Parts
* Integrated Algorithm for Text Recognition: Comparison with a Cascaded Algorithm, An
* Integrated Testing and Algorithms for Visual Inspection of Integrated Circuits
* Intelligent Tactile Sensor: An On-Line Hierarchical Object and Seam Analyzer, An
* Iterative Approach to Region Growing Using Associative Memories, An
* Laser Time-of-Flight Range Scanner for Robotic Vision, A
* Manipulation and Presentation of Multidimensional Image Data Using the Peano Scan
* Markov Random Field Texture Models
* Model-Based Three-Dimensional Interpretations of Two-Dimensional Images
* Multidimensional Logical Transforms
* Multiframe Image Point Matching and 3-D Surface Reconstruction
* Multiple-Window Parallel Adaptive Boundary Finding in Computer Vision
* New Implementation of the Mellin Transform and its Application to Radar Classification of Ships, A
* Object Recognition Using Three-Dimensional Information
* On Closing the Fourier Descriptor Presentation
* On Edge Detection of X-Ray Images
* On the Foundations of Relaxation Labeling Processes
* Optimal Quadtrees for Image Segments
* Optimum Recursive Filtering of Noisy Two-Dimensional Data with Sequential Parameter Identification
* Packing Volumes by Spheres
* Parsing and Translation of (Attributed) Expansive Graph Languages for Scene Analysis
* Pattern Recognition Experiments in the Mandala/Cosine Domain
* Perspective on Range Finding Techniques for Computer Vision, A
* Precision of Digital Vision Systems
* Predicting the Required Number of Training Samples
* Problem Reduction Representation for the Linguistic Analysis of Waveforms
* Pseudodistance Measures for Recognition of Curved Objects
* Quad-Trees, Oct-Trees, and K-Trees: A Generalized Approach to Recursive Decomposition of Euclidean Space
* Real-Time Automated Visual Inspection System for Hot Steel Slabs, A
* Recognition of Agricultural Objects by Shape
* Restoration of a Feature Closed Class of Two-Dimensional Images
* Scale Preserving Smoothing of Polygons
* Segmentation by Texture Using Correlation
* Segmentation by Thresholding
* Segmenting Dot Patterns by Voronoi Diagram Concavity
* Step Towards Unification of Syntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition, A
* Three-Dimensional Line Segments
* Using Pyramids to Define Local Thresholds for Blob Detection
* Viewer Independent Shape Recognition
* Volumetric Descriptions of Objects from Multiple Views
68 for PAMI(5)
* 3-D Space Location and Orientation Parameter Estimation of Lambertian Spheres and Cylinders from a Single 2-D Image by Fitting Lines and Ellipses to Thresholded Data
* Adaptive Relaxation Labeling
* Analysis and Design of a Decision Tree Based on Entropy Reduction and Its Application to Large Character Set Recognition
* Application of the Conditional Population-Mixture Model to Image Segmentation
* Authors' Reply
* Bayes Smoothing Algorithms for Segmentation of Binary Images Modeled by Markov Random Fields
* Bayesian Recognition of Local 3-D Shape by Approximating Image Intensity Functions with Quadric Polynomials
* Classification Bias of the K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
* Classification Error for a Very Large Number of Classes
* Cluster Definition by the Optimization of Simple Measures
* Comments on Application of the Conditional Population-Mixture Model to Image Segmentation
* Compact Region Extraction Using Weighted Pixel Linking in a Pyramid
* Contextual Template Matching: A Distance Measure for Patterns with Hierarchically Dependent Features
* Converging Squares Algorithm: An Efficient Method for Locating Peaks in Multidimensions, The
* Curvature and Tangential Deflection of Discrete Arcs: A Theory Based on the Commutator of Scatter Matrix Pairs and Its Application to Vertex Detection in Planar Shape Data
* Database Structure and Manipulation Capabilities of a Picture Database Management System (PICDMS)
* Determining Motion Parameters for Scenes with Translation and Rotation
* Diffuse Edge Fitting and Following: A Location-Adaptive Approach
* Digital Disks
* Digital Step Edges from Zero-Crossings of Second Directional Derivatives
* Discrete Representation of Straight Lines
* Dynamic Quantization: Two Adaptive Data Structures for Multidimensional Squares
* Edge Location to Subpixel Values in Digital Imagery
* Entropy-Based Texture Analysis in the Spatial Frequency Domain
* Estimation of Error Rates in Classification of Distorted Imagery
* Extracting Compact Objects Using Linked Pyramids
* Extremes in the Complexity of Computing Metric Distance Between Partitions
* Extremum Principle for Shape from Contour, An
* Fast Computation of the Difference of Low-Pass Transform
* Fast Correlation Method for Scale- and Translation-Invariant Pattern Recognition, A
* Fractal-Based Description of Natural Scenes
* Game Theoretical Pattern Recognition: Applications to Imprefect Noncooperative Learning and to Multiclass Classification
* Image Segmentation: A Comment on Studies in Global and Local Histogram-Guided Relaxation Algorithms
* Incremental Acquisition of a Three-Dimensional Scene Model from Images
* Iterative Segmentation Method Based on a Contextual Color and Shape Criterion, An
* K-Means-Type Algorithms: A Generalized Convergence Theorem and Characterization of Local Optimality
* Local Estimation of the Uniform Error Threshold
* Local Shading Analysis
* Low Level Image Segmentation: An Expert System
* Machine Vision Applied to Vehicle Guidance
* Matched Filters for Bin Picking
* Matching Images Using Linear Features
* Matching Three-Dimensional Objects Using Silhouettes
* Modeling of Atmospheric Disturbance in Meteorological Pictures
* Multiple Resolution Texture Analysis and classification
* Multiprocessor Pyramid Architectures for Bottom-Up Image Analysis
* Necessary and Sufficient Condition for a Picture to Represent a Polyhedral Scene, A
* Nonparametric Data Reduction
* On Encoding Boundaries with Quadtrees
* On The Detection of Peaks and Valleys Using the Local Descriptors Method
* Optimal Fourier Coding of Image Boundaries
* Optimal Global Nearest Neighbor Metric, An
* Parallel Parsing Algorithms and VLSI Implementation for Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Picture Indexing and Abstraction Techniques for Pictorial Databases
* Piecewise Linear Approximation Based on a Statistical Model, A
* Posteriori Estimation of Correlated Jointly Gaussian Mean Vectors, A
* Progressive Refinement of 3-D Images Using Coded Binary Trees: Algorithms and Architecture
* Properties of Separable Covariance Matrices and Their Associated Gaussian Random Processes
* Recognitive Aspects of Moment Invariants
* Representation and Shape Matching of 3-D Objects
* Representation for Shape Based on Peaks and Ridges in the Difference of Low-Pass Transform, A
* Research on Machine Recognition of Handprinted Characters
* Segmentation of Frame Sequence Obtained by a Moving Observer
* Shape Matching of Two-Dimensional Objects
* Similarity Measure Between Patterns with Nonindependent Attributes, A
* Some Experiments on Estimating the 3-D Motion Parameters of a Rigid Body from Two Consecutive Image Frames
* Space and Time Efficient Virtual Quadtrees
* Spirograph Theory: A Framework for Calculations on Digitized Straight Lines
* Stochastic Relaxation, Gibbs Distributions, and the Bayesian Restoration of Images
* Syntactic Approach for Handwritten Mathematical Formula Recognition, A
* Syntactic Approach to 3-D Object Representation, A
* Synthesis and Estimation of Random Fields Using Long-Correlation Models
* Tactile Recognition and Localization Using Object Models: The Case of Polyhedra on a Plane
* Testing for Uniformity in Multidimensional Data
* Theory for Invariant Object Recognition in the Frontoparallel Plane, A
* Three-Dimensional Digital Planes
* Toward a Fundamental Theory of Optimal Feature Selection: Part I
* Two-Dimensional Critical Point Configuration Graphs
* Two-Stage Cross Correlation Approach to Template Matching, A
* Uncertainty Principle in Image Processing, The
* Uniqueness and Estimation of Three-Dimensional Motion Parameters of Rigid Objects with Curved Surfaces
* Use of Objects' Faces in Interpreting Line Drawings, The
* Visual and Conceptual Hierarchy: A Paradigm for Studies of Automated Generation of Recognition Strategies
83 for PAMI(6)
* 2-NN Rule for More Accurate NN Risk Estimation, The
* Adaptive Noise Smoothing Filter for Images with Signal-Dependent Noise
* Analysis of Accretion and Deletion at Boundaries in Dynamic Scenes
* Applications of Quadtree, Octree, and Binary Tree Decomposition Techniques to Shape Analysis and Pattern Recognition
* Applications of Tensor Theory to Object Recognition and Orientation Determination
* Attributed String Matching with Merging for Shape Recognition
* Automatic Feature Design for Optical Character Recognition Using an Evolutionary Search Procedure
* Cognitive Heuristic Algorithm for Reseau Mark Detection by Hill Climbing, A
* Comments On Digital Step Edges from Zero Crossings of Second Directional Derivatives
* Computational Experiments with a Feature Based Stereo Algorithm
* Computing Geometric Properties of Images Represented by Linear Quadtrees
* Connected Line Drawing Extraction from a Perspective View of a Polyhedron
* Contour Map Registration Using Fourier Descriptors of Gradient Codes
* Data Structures in Kernel Density Estimation
* Describing a Robot's Workspace Using a Sequence of Views from a Moving Camera
* Description and Discrimination of Planar Shapes Using Shape Matrices
* Determining 3-D Motion and Structure from Optical Flow Generated by Several Moving Objects
* Digital Step Edges from Zero-Crossings of Second Directional Derivatives
* Distributed Computing for Vision: Architecture and a Benchmark Test
* Dynamic Measurement of Computer Generated Image Segmentations
* Dynamic Occlusion Analysis in Optical Flow Fields
* Entropy and Distance of Random Graphs with Application to Structural pattern Recognition
* Experiments in Intensity Guided Range Sensing Recognition of Three-Dimensional Objects
* First Stage in Two-Stage Template Matching, The
* Fourier Encoding of Closed Planar Boundaries
* Geometric Algorithms for Digitized Pictures on a Mesh-Connected Computer
* Geometric Reconstruction of Buried Heat Sources from a Surface Thermogram
* Handling Memory Overflow in Connected Component Labeling Applications
* Hierarchical Coding of Binary Images
* Image Normalization by Complex Moments
* Knowledge-Driven Ultrasonic Three-Dimensional Organ Modeling
* Linear Quadtrees from Vector Representations of Polygons
* Local Determination of a Moving Contrast Edge
* Loose-Pattern Process Approach to Clustering Fuzzy Data Sets, A
* Metric for Comparing Relational Descriptions, A
* Min-Max Operators in Texture Analysis
* Model for the Analysis of Neighbor Finding in Pointer Based Quadtrees, A
* Monotonicity of Linear Separability under Translation
* More about Polyhedra: Interpretation through Construction in the Image Plane
* New Fusion Operations for Digitized Binary Images and Their Applications
* On the Recognition of Properties of Three-Dimensional Pictures
* On the Straightness of Digital Arcs
* Recognition of Moving Objects Using Feature Signatures
* Recognizing Partially Occluded Parts
* Recovery of Three-Dimensional Structure from Image Curves, The
* Relaxation Matching Techniques: A Comparison
* Restoration of Multichannel Microwave Radiometric Images
* Rule Based Interpretation of Aerial Imagery
* Sensing Error for a Mobile Robot Using Line Navigation
* Separating Capacity of a Multithreshold Threshold Element, The
* Shape Information from Rotated Scans
* Space-Time Domain Expansion Approach to VLSI and Its Application to Hierarchical Scene Matching
* Stereo by Intra- and Inter-scanline Search Using Dynamic Programming
* Surface Curvature as a Measure of Image Texture
* Template Matching in Rotated Images
* Three-Dimensional Shape Description Using the Symmetric Axis Transform
* Three-Dimensional Vision by Off-Shelf System with Multi-Cameras, A
* Top-Down Quadtree Traversal Algorithm, A
* Transformations Between Continuous and Discrete Representations of Images: A Perceptual Approach
* Uniform Resampling of Digitized Contours
* Waveform Correlation by Tree Matching
* Wedge Filter Technique for Convex Boundary Estimation, The
* Width-Independent Fast Thinning Algorithm, A
63 for PAMI(7)
* ANGY: A Rule-Based Expert System for Automatic Segmentation of Coronary Vessels from Digital Subtracted Angiograms
* Autoregressive Model Approach to Two-Dimensional Shape Classification, An
* Autoregressive Model Approach to Two-Dimensional Shape Classification, An
* Best Linear Unbiased Estimators for Properties of Digitized Straight Lines
* Best Linear Unbiased Estimators for Properties of Digitized Straight Lines
* Binocular Image Flows: Steps Toward Stereo-Motion Fusion
* Collision Detection for Moving Polyhedra
* Combinatorial Approach for Classification of Patterns with Missing Information and Random Orientation, A
* Comments on Low Level Image Segmentation: An Expert System
* Comments on Scale Based Description and Recognition of Planar Curves and Two-Dimensional Shapes
* Comments on Takiyama's Analysis of the Multithreshold Threshold Element
* Computational Approach to Edge Detection, A
* Conditional Allocation and Stopping Rules in Bayesian Pattern Recognition
* Consistent Operations on a Spatial Data Structure
* Constraints on Images of Rectangular Polyhedra, The
* Contribution to the Prediction of Performances of the Hough Transform
* Curvature Primal Sketch, The
* Detection of Intensity Changes with Subpixel Accuracy Using Laplacian-Gaussian Masks
* Determining Object Translation Information Using Stereoscopic Motion
* Digital Image Registration Using Projections
* Dynamic Programming Approach to Sequential Pattern Recognition, A
* Dynamic Programming Inference of Markov Networks from Finite Sets of Sample Strings
* Dynamic Stereo: Passive Ranging to Moving Objects from Relative Image Flows
* Edge Detectors Based on Nonlinear Filters
* Efficient Implementation of the Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm
* Efficient Synthesis of Gaussian Filters by Cascaded Uniform Filters
* Encoding of Line Drawings with a Multiple Grid Chain Code
* Estimation of Object Motion Parameters from Noisy Images
* Extracting Straight Lines
* Fast K Nearest Neighbor Finding Algorithm Based on the Ordered Partition, A
* Filtering Closed Curves
* HYPER: A New Approach for the Recognition and Positioning of Two-Dimensional Objects
* Image Analysis Using Multigrid Relaxation Methods
* Image Structure Representation and Processing: A Discussion of Some Segmentation Methods in Cytology
* Image Understanding System Using Attributed Symbolic Representation and Inexact Graph-Matching, An
* Investigation of Smoothness Constraints for the Estimation of Displacement Vector Fields from Image Sequences, An
* Low Level Image Segmentation: An Expert System
* Mesh-Oriented Line Drawings Tehory (MOLD Theory)
* Method for the Analysis of Ambiguous Segmentations of Images, A
* Model-Based Method for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification, A
* On Detecting Edges
* On Edge Detection
* On Kineopsis and Computation of Structure and Motion
* On Optimally Combining Pieces of Information, with Application to Estimating 3-D Complex-Object Position from Range Data
* On the Local Optimality of the Fuzzy ISODATA Clustering Algorithm
* One-Dimensional Scan Selection for Two-Dimensional Signal Restoration
* One-Eyed Stereo: A General Approach to Modeling 3-D Scene Geometry
* Optimal Edge Detector Design I: Parameter Selection and Noise Effects
* Optimal Edge Detector Design II: Coefficient Quantization
* Optimum Uniform Piecewise Linear Approximation of Planar Curves
* Parallel Algorithm for Stochastic Image Segmentation, A
* Pattern Description and Generation Method of Structural Characters, A
* Perceptual Organization and Curve Partitioning
* Pyramid-Based Approach to Segmentation Applied to Region Matching, A
* Range and Shape Measurement Using Three-View Stereo Analysis
* Range Measurements by a Mobile Robot Using a Navigation Line
* Real-Time Range Measurement Device for Three-Dimensional Object Recognition
* Regularization of Inverse Visual Problems Involving Discontinuities
* Relaxation Labeling with Learning Automata
* Robust Estimation of 3-D Motion Parameters from a Sequence of Image Frames Using Regularization
* Scale Based Description and Recognition of Planar Curves and Two-Dimensional Shapes
* Scale Based Description and Recognition of Planar Curves and Two-Dimensional Shapes
* Scaling Theorems for Zero-Crossings
* Separating Point Sets by Circles, and the Recognition of Digital Disks
* Shape Discrimination Using Fourier Descriptors
* Shape Smoothing Using Medial Axis Properties
* Significant Plane for Two-Class Discrimination Problems, A
* Some Extensions of the Converging Squares Algorithm for Image Feature Analysis
* Step Towards Unification of Syntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition, A
* Structural Analysis of Natural Textures
* Sum and Difference Histograms for Texture Classification
* T