Shape from Shading, Planes, Planar Faces

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Shape from Shading.

Sugihara, K.,
Mathematical Structures of Line Drawings of Polyhedrons: Toward Man-Machine Communication by Means of Line Drawings,
PAMI(4), No. 5, September 1982, pp. 458-469. BibRef 8209

Sugihara, K.[Kokichi],
An Algebraic Approach to Shape-from-Image Problems,
AI(23), No. 1, May 1984, pp. 59-95.
Elsevier DOI BibRef 8405
And: RCV87(113-131). A constrained optimization approach (Linear Programming) applied to polyhedral objects to recover the shape from one image. BibRef

Pong, T.C.[Ting-Chuen], Haralick, R.M.[Robert M.], Shapiro, L.G.[Linda G.],
Shape From Shading Using The Facet Model,
PR(22), No. 6, 1989, pp. 683-695.
Elsevier DOI BibRef 8900
The Facet Approach to Shape from Shading,
CVWS84(143-149). BibRef

Lee, K.M., and Kuo, C.C.,
Shape from Shading with a Linear Triangular Element Surface Model,
PAMI(15), No. 8, August 1993, pp. 815-822.
IEEE DOI Minimization Approach. Model the surface as a set of triangles and generate the orientations for each.
See also Shape from Shading with a Generalized Reflectance Map Model. BibRef 9308

Lee, K.M., Kuo, C.C.J.,
Shape from Shading with Perspective Projection,
CVGIP(59), No. 2, March 1994, pp. 202-212.
DOI Link BibRef 9403
Shape Reconstruction from Shading with Perspective Projection,
SPIE(1964), 1993, pp. 147-158 BibRef

Penna, M.A.,
A Shape from Shading Analysis for a Single Perspective Image of a Polyhedron,
PAMI(11), No. 6, June 1989, pp. 545-554.
IEEE DOI Given an image, the depth of any point on the polyhedron, the direction of the light source, and the albedo, derive the shape.
See also Local and Semi-Local Shape from Shading for a Simple Perspective Image of a Smooth Object. BibRef 8906

Tsukiyama, T.[Toshifumi],
Inferring the 3D Shape Formed by Plane Surfaces from Isoluminance Curves,
IVC(13), No. 9, November 1995, pp. 671-681.
Elsevier DOI 2 planar surfaces from the isolux curves. BibRef 9511

Shimodaira, H.[Hisashi],
A Shape-from-Shading Method of Polyhedral Objects Using Prior Information,
PAMI(28), No. 4, April 2006, pp. 612-624.
Faces of the polyhedron. BibRef

Han, F.[Feng], Zhu, S.C.[Song-Chun],
A Two-Level Generative Model for Cloth Representation and Shape from Shading,
PAMI(29), No. 7, July 2007, pp. 1230-1243.
Cloth Representation by Shape from Shading with Shading Primitives,
CVPR05(I: 1203-1210).
Folds (creases) for first order representation. Second is the curved areas between folds. BibRef

Bouroubi, Y.[Yacine], Batita, W.[Wided], Cavayas, F.[François], Tremblay, N.[Nicolas],
Ground Reflectance Retrieval on Horizontal and Inclined Terrains Using the Software Package REFLECT,
RS(10), No. 10, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1811

Panagopoulos, A.[Alexandros], Hadap, S.I.[Sun-Il], Samaras, D.[Dimitris],
Reconstructing Shape from Dictionaries of Shading Primitives,
Springer DOI 1304

Eren, G.[Gonen], Aubreton, O.[Olivier], Meriaudeau, F.[Fabrice], Secades, L.A.S.[L. A. Sanchez], Fofi, D.[David], Naskali, A.T.[A. Teoman], Truchetet, F.[Frederic], Ercil, A.[Aytul],
A 3D Scanner for Transparent Glass,
Springer DOI 0909
Scanning From Heating. Use surface heating and thermal imaging. BibRef

Amaranth, P.[Paul],
Determining Surface Type from Surface Normals,
AAAI-82(55- ). BibRef 8200

Chapter on 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings continues in
Shape from Shading, Local Techniques .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25