* *Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing
* *Progress in Pattern Recognition I
* 3D Adaptive Predictive Coding of Moving Images by Block Segmentaiton
* Advances in Software Engineering and Their Relations to Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
* Algorithms for Computing the Volume and Other Integral Properties of Solids
* Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing
* Analysis and Synthesis of Image Patterns by Spatial Interaction Models
* Ancient Hebraic Handwriting Identification with Run-Length Histograms
* Applications of Pattern Recognition
* Approximation of Waveforms and Contours by One-Dimensional Pyramid Linking
* Automated Visual Inspection Techniques and Applications: A Bibliography
* Automatic Adjustment Procedure for Rational Splines, An
* Automatic Generation of Depth maps from Stereo Images
* Automatic Registration of Landsat MSS Images to Digital Elevation Models
* Border Extraction Using Linked Pyramids
* Characteristic Views as a Basis for Three-Dimensional Object Recognition
* Clustering of Collinear Line Segments
* Color Image Quantization for Frame Buffer Display
* Color image quantization for frame buffer display
* Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulas
* Columnar Architecture and Computational Anatomy in Primate Visual Cortex: Segmentation and Feature Extraction via Spatial Frequence Coded Difference Mapping
* Comment on Computer Rendering of Stochastic Models
* Comments on Design of Absolutely Optimal Quantizers for a Wide Class of Distortion Measures
* Comparative Study of Texture Classification Using Spectral Features, A
* Comparison between DPCM and Hadamard Transform Coding in the Composite Coding of the NTSC Color TV Signal
* Complete Set of Fourier Descriptors for Two-Dimensional Shapes, A
* Computational Model of Binocular Depth Derception, A
* Computational Paradigm for Deriving Local Surface Orientation from Local Textural Properties, A
* Computational Theory of Visual Surface Interpolation, A
* Computer Rendering of Stochastic Models
* Computer Vision
* Computer Vision System for 3-D Measurement and Recognition of Flexible Wire Using Cross-Stripe Light, A
* Computing Motions of Planar Surfaces from Spatio-Temporal Changes in Image Brightness
* Computing Point Enclosures
* Concept Maps
* Conditional Run-Length Coding for Multilevel Graphics Image
* Connectionist Models and Their Properties
* Consistent Piecewise Linear Approximation
* Constant-Time Parallel Algorithm for Computing Convex Hulls, A
* Constraint Interaction in Shape-from-Shading Algorithms
* Contextual Classification Method for Recognizing Land Use Patterns in High Resolution Remotely Sensed Data, A
* Contour Tracing of Grey-Scale Images Based on 2-D Histograms
* Conversion and Parsing of Tree Transducers for Syntactic Pattern Analysis
* Corner Finding Algorithm for Image Analysis and Registration, A
* Curve Fitting as a Pattern Recognition Problem
* Curved Surface Measurement for Robot Vision
* DARPA/DMA Image Understanding Testbed, The
* Database Representations in Hierarchical Scene Analysis
* DCT/DPCM Processing of NTSC Composite Video Signal
* Derivation for the Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Description and Classification of 3-D Objects
* Design of 2D Recursive Filters Using Singular Value Decomposition Techniques
* Detecting the Edges of Lung Tumors by Classification Techniques
* Detection of Errors in Match Disparities
* Determining Surface Type from Surface Normals
* Development of an Optical Distance Sensor for Robots
* Development System for Machine Vision, A
* Digital and Cellular Convexity
* Digital Image Processing of Remotely Sensed Data
* Digital Image Processing: A Systems Approach
* Digital Picture Processing
* Distance Transformations and Skeletons of Digitized Pictures with Applications
* Drawing Straight Lines with a Pyramid Cellular Automaton
* Edge Based Texture Measures
* Edge Detection using the Marr-Hildrith Operator with Different Sizes
* Efficient Run-Lenght Encodings
* Estimation of Context for Statistical Classification of Multispectral Image Data
* Estimation of Location and Orientation of 3-D Surfaces Using a Single 2-D Image
* Experiments with Histogram Guided Image Smoothing
* Expert System for Reconstruction of Mechanical Objects from Projections, An
* Fast Algorithms for the 2D Discrete Cosine Transform
* Finding Edges in Natural Textures
* Finding the Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon
* Functional Size Invariant is not Provided by the Cortical Magnification Factor
* General Purpose Hands for Bin-Picking Robots
* General Scheme for Constructing Skeleton Models, A
* Goal Directed Segmentation
* Graph Theoretical Clustering Based on Limited Neighbourhood Sets
* Gray Level Pyramid Linking as an Aid in Texture Analysis
* Hand-Written Numeral Recognition : The Organization Degree Measurement
* Hierarchical Generalized Hough Transforms and Line-Segment Based Generalized Hough Transforms
* How a Digital Computer Can Tell Whether a Line is Straight
* Image Analysis and Mathematical Morphology
* Image Analysis System for Industrial Applications, An
* Image Processing on MPP:1
* Image Sampling, Reconstruction, and the Effect of Sample-Scene Phasing
* Image Segmentation by Iterative Method
* Image Segmentation in Pyramids
* Image Smoothing and Segmentation by Cost Minimization
* Improved Reconstruction of DPCM-Coded Pictures
* Insert and Delete Algorithms for Maintaining Dynamic Delaunay Triangulations
* Intensity-Based Edge Classification
* Interframe DPCM with Adaptive Quantization and Entropy Coding
* Interpretation of Biological Motion, The
* Interpreting Time-Varying Image: The Planatary Assumption
* Invariant Features of Contrast Detection: An Explanation in Terms of Self-Similar Detector Arrays
* Investigation of Second Order Greyvalue Variations to Estimate Corner Point Displacements
* Invitation to Shape Theory, An
* Iterative Region Segmentation
* Least Squares Quantization in PCM
* Local Analysis of the Image limitations and Uses of Shading
* Local Computation of Shape
* Local Correlation Measures for Motion Analysis: A Comparative Study
* Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm Suitable for Similar Text Strings, A
* Machine Perception
* Machine recognition of handwritten Arabic word by the IRAC II system
* Machine recognition of cursive Arabic words
* Machine vision applied to vehicle guidance and safety
* Matching of Deformed Images
* Mean Curvature, the Laplacian, and Soap Bubbles
* Meaning and Use of the Area under a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve, The
* Measurement of Circularity and ellipticity on a Digital Grid, The
* Medium Level Vision
* Model Based Vision System for Recognition of Machine Parts, A
* Modeling and Using Physical Constraints in Scene Analysis
* Motion Analysis via Local Translational Processing
* Motion Compensated Component Color Coding
* Multispectral Texture
* Nearest Neighbor Problem in an Abstract Metric Space, The
* Neural Model for Category Learning, A
* New Definition of Shape Similarity, A
* New General Triangulation Method for Planar Contours, A
* New Hierarchy of Two-Dimensional Array Languages, A
* New Method for Segmenting 3-D Scenes into Primitives, A
* New Recursive Method to Detect Moving Objects in a Sequence of Images, A
* Noise Filtering in Binary Pictures by Combinatorial Techniques
* Normalization of Discrete Planar Objects
* Object Isolation in FLIR Images using Fisher's Linear Discriminant
* Object-Centered Three-Dimensional Model Builder, An
* On a Class of Linear Maps for Data Compression
* On A Convex Hull Algorithm for Polygons and Its Application to Triangulation Problems
* On Change Detection and Displacement Vector Estimation in Image Sequences
* On Combining Range and Intensity Data
* On K-Nearest Neighbor Voronoi Diagrams in the Plane
* On the Existence of Optimal Quantizers
* On the Geometric Precision of Digital Correlation
* On the Implementation of a Block Truncation Coding Algorithm
* On-Line Algorithm for Polygonal Approximation of Digitized Plane Curves, An
* On-Line Recognition of Hand-Printed Korean Characters
* On-Line Recognition of Handwritten Characters by Approximating Each Stroke with Several Points
* On-Line Signature Verification Based on Shape, Motion, and Writing Pressure
* Optical Pattern Recognition Using Circular Harmonic Expansion
* Paradigms for Control of Vision Using Inference in Networks
* Parallel Processing Approaches to Image Correlation
* Pattern Recognition: A Statistical Approach
* Perceptual Grouping and Attention in Visual Search for Features and Objects
* Performance Analysis of Compaction Techniques for Map Representations in Geographic databases
* Phenomenal Coherence of Moving Visual Patterns
* Picture Decomposition Algorithm Using a Pictoral Information Measure, A
* Predictive Searching for Chain Encoding by Computers
* Procedure for Recognition of Connected Handwritten Numerals, A
* Properties of Minimum Mean Squared Error Block Quantizers
* Quadtree Grammars for Picture Languages
* Radial Sweep Algorithm for Constructing Triangulated Irregular Networks, The
* RAPIDbus, Architecture and Realization
* Raster Scanning for Operational Digitizing of Graphical Data
* Reading Machines
* Reasoning between Structure and Function
* Recognition of Curvilinear Objects by Matching Relational Structures
* Recognition of Stereo-Image Cross-Correlation Errors
* Recognition of Surfaces in three-Dimensional Digital Imgaes
* Recognizing and Locating Partially Visible Objects: The Local-Feature-Focus Method
* Recursive Region Segmentation by Analysis of Histograms
* Relaxation Labeling and Evidence Gathering
* Remarks on the Differential Method for the Estimation of Movement in Television Images
* Report on the 1982 IEEE Computer Vision Workshop, A
* Representation and Traversal of Images in the Hexagonal Field
* Representation for Visual Information, A
* Representing Smooth Plane Curves for Recognition: Implications for Figure-Ground Reversal
* Robot System Which Acquires Cylindrical Workpieces from Bins, A
* Robust Memoryless Quantization for Minimum Signal Distortion
* Role of Eye Position Information in Algorithms for Stereoscopic Matching, The
* Rotation-Invariant Digital Pattern Recognition Using Circular Harmonic Expansion
* Rough Sets
* Segmentation and Abstract Interpretation in an Image Understanding System
* Segmentation in Acronym
* Segmentation of Images Into Regions Using Edge Information
* Segmentation of Moving Observer Frame Sequences
* Segmentation of Pictures into Regions with a Tile-by-Tile Method
* Sequential Convolution Techniques for Image Filtering
* Shape Approximation Using Quadtrees
* Shape Description Using Surface Triangularization
* Shape of Smooth Objects and the Way Contours End, The
* Signal Reconstruction for the Output Magnitudes of Two-Dimensional Filters
* Signal Reconstruction from Cosine Transform Magnitude
* Simple O(n log n) Algorithm for Finding the Maximum Distance between Two Finite Planar Sets, A
* Simple Proof of Pach's Extremal Theorem for Convex Polygons, A
* simplified neuron model as a principal component analyzer, A
* Smoothed Local Symmetries and Local Frame Propagation
* Some Properties of Hueckel-Type Edge Operators
* Some Results on Fuzzy (Digital) Convexity
* Spatial Reasoning to Determine Stream Network from LANDSAT Imagery
* Special Computer Architectures for Pattern Processing
* Split-and-Link Algorithms for Image Segmentation
* Stability Conditions fro DPCM Coders
* Steuerung dynamischer Systeme aufgrund bildhafter Informationen
* Stochastic Method for Texture Synthesis
* Structural Texture Analysis Applications
* Supervised Pixel Relaxation Labeling as a Means for Utilizing Ancillary Information in the Classification of Remote Sensing Image Data
* Survey and Evaluation of FLIR Target Detection/Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Survey of Model-Based Image Analysis Systems
* Survey: Representation Methods in Three-Dimensional Objects
* Symbolic Matching of Images and Scene Models
* System for Automated Stereo Mapping, A
* Systematic Approach to Continuous Graph Labeling with Application to Computer Vision, A
* Template-Matching Operator for Edge-Points Detection in Digital Pictures, A
* Temporal Constraints for Estimating Optic Flow
* Texture Recognition via Autoregression
* Theoretical Performance of Entropy-Encoded DPCM
* Thinning and Stroke Segmentation for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Three Dimensional Edge-Region Operator for Range Pictures, A
* Three-Dimensional Surface Shape Recognition by Approximating Image Intensity Functions with Quadric Polynomials
* Three-Point Seed Method for the Extraction of Planar Faces from Range Data
* Tree Translation and Its Application to a Time-Varying Image Analysis Problem
* Two Remarks on Multidimensional Texture Analysis
* Understanding Maps
* Unsupervised Learning Approach to Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
* Use of an Evidential Based Model for Representing Knowledge and Reasoning about Images in the VISIONS System, The
* Using Rough Relational Models for Geometric Reasoning
* Using String Languages to Describe Picture Languages
* Vector Quantizatizers and Predictive Quantizers for Gauss-Markov Sources
* Visibility of Movement Gradients
* Vision-Based Predictive Robotic Tracking of a Moving Target
* Vision: A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information
* VISIONS Image Operating System, The
* Volumetric Descriptions from Dynamic Scenes
* Watersheds of Functions and Picture Segmentation
* Why Perspective Is Difficult: How Two Algorithms Fail
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