6.1.6 Hueckel -- Basis Functions, Model Fitting for Edge Detection

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Edge Detection. Line Detection. Edges, Hueckel.

Hueckel, M.,
An Operator which Locates Edges in Digitized Pictures,
JACM(18), No. 1, January 1971, pp. 113-125. BibRef 7101 CMetImAly77(191-203). BibRef
Earlier: Stanford AIMemo 105, 1969. The first of the papers, locates edges. The basic idea is to generate a set of basis functions and find the optimal fit of a step edge using these functions. Compared in:
See also Edge Location to Subpixel Values in Digital Imagery. BibRef

Hueckel, M.,
A Local Visual Operator Which Recognizes Edges and Lines,
JACM(20), No. 4, October 1973, pp. 634-647. BibRef 7310
And: Erratum: JACM(21), No. 2, April 1974, pp. 350. Edges, History. The second paper extended the concept to both ideal step edges and ideal lines. BibRef

Nevatia, R.,
Evaluation of a Simplified Hueckel Edge-Line Detector,
CGIP(6), No. 6, December 1977, pp. 582-588.
Elsevier DOI
PDF File. BibRef 7712 USC Computer VisionThe number of terms in expansion determines the accuracy and complexity. BibRef

Nevatia, R.,
Locating Object Boundaries in Textured Environments,
TC(25), 1976, pp. 1170-1175. BibRef 7600

Abramatic, J.F.,
Why the Simplest 'Hueckel' Edge Detector is a Roberts Operator,
CGIP(17), No. 1, September 1981, pp. 79-83.
Elsevier DOI The 2X2 version is equivalent to Roberts. BibRef 8109

Hummel, R.A.[Robert A.],
Feature Detection Using Basis Functions,
CGIP(9), No. 1, 1979, pp. 40-55.
Elsevier DOI Edge detector akin to Hueckel detector. Lines and edges. BibRef 7900

Hartley, R.L.[Ralph L.],
A Gaussian-Weighted Multiresolution Edge Detector,
CVGIP(30), No. 1, April 1985, pp. 70-83.
Elsevier DOI (U Maryland) A Hueckel-like detector which uses gaussian weighted images at different resolutions. The results look a lot like the original Hueckel results, thus are not really great. BibRef 8504

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
The Max Roberts Operator Is a Hueckel-Type Edge Detector,
PAMI(3), No. 1, January 1981, pp. 101-103.
See also Machine Perception of 3-D Solids. and
See also Operator which Locates Edges in Digitized Pictures, An. BibRef 8101

Boppana, R.B., Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Some Properties of Hueckel-Type Edge Operators,
PRL(1), No. 1, 1982, pp. 25-30. BibRef 8200

Nalwa, V.S., Binford, T.O.,
On Detecting Edges,
PAMI(8), No. 6, November 1986, pp. 699-714. BibRef 8611
Earlier: DARPA85(450-465). BibRef
Earlier: A1 only: DARPA84(157-164). What is wrong with most edge models and how to fix them. Edges are modeled with the tanh function. Model fitting based edge detector. With humans in:
See also Robust Visual Method for Assessing the Relative Performance of Edge Detection Algorithms, A. BibRef

Mero, L., Vassy, Z.,
A Simplified and Fast Version of the Hueckel Operator for Finding Optimal Edges in Pictures,
IJCAI75(650-655). BibRef 7500

Bhattacharyya, P., Ganesan, L.,
An Orthogonal Polynomials Based Framework for Edge-Detection in 2-D Monochrome Images,
PRL(18), No. 4, April 1997, pp. 319-333. 9708

Pedersen, K.S., Lee, A.B.,
Toward a Full Probability Model of Edges in Natural Images,
ECCV02(I: 328 ff.).
Springer DOI 0205

Huggins, P.S., Zucker, S.W.,
Representing Edge Models via Local Principal Component Analysis,
ECCV02(I: 384 ff.).
Springer DOI 0205

Chapter on Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform continues in
Laplacian, Gaussian Filters for Edges and Zero Crossings .

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