Journals starting with ijca


* Automatic Video Interpretation: A Novel Algorithm for Temporal Scenario Recognition

* Unsupervised dimensionality estimation and manifold learning in high-dimensional spaces by tensor voting

* Hierarchical Multi-channel Hidden Semi Markov Models


IJCAI11 * Kinship Verification through Transfer Learning

* Formal Description for Two-Dimensional Patterns, A
* Mobile Automaton: An Application of Artificial Intelligence, A
* Stanford Hand-Eye Project, The
* Web Grammars

* Accommodating Edge Follower, An
* Automatic Detection of Vehicles in Aerial Photographs of Highways
* Computer Processing of Natural Scenes: Some Unsolved Problems
* Grid Coding: A Preprocessing Technique for Robot and Machine Vision
* Image Processing and Pattern Recognition System for Time Variant Images Using TV Cameras and a Matrix Computer, An
* Intelligent Robot with Cognition and Decision-Making Ability, An
* Model for Functional Reasoning in Design, A
* Recognition of Polyhedrons with a Range Finder
9 for IJCAI71

* Computer Description of Curved Objects
* Computer Description of Textured Surfaces
* Description of Homogeneous Regions by a Structural Analysis
* Finding Picture Edges Through Collinearity of Feature Points
* Interpreting Pictures of Polyhedral Scenes
* On Calibrating Computer Controlled Cameras for Perceiving 3-D Scenes
* Semantics-Based Decision Theory Region Analyzer, A
* Structured Description of Complex Objects
9 for IJCAI73

* Acquisition of Moving Objects and Hand-Eye Coordination
* Analysis of Three-Dimensional Scene Images on the Knowledge of their Texture Features
* Automatic Detection of Rib Contours in Chest Radiographs
* Boundary and Object Detection in Real World Images
* Color Picture Processing by Computer
* Edge Finding, Segmentation of Edges and Recognition of Complex Industrial Parts
* Forming Models of Plane-and-Cylinder Faced Bodies from Light Stripes
* Hypothesis-Driven Vision System, An
* Isolating and Identifying Objects in Line Drawings
* Region-Analysis System for Interactive Scene Analysis, A
* Scene Segmentation by Velocity Measurements Obtained with a Cross-Shaped Template
* Simplified and Fast Version of the Hueckel Operator for Finding Optimal Edges in Pictures, A
13 for IJCAI75

* Analyzing Sequences of TV Frames
* Approach to Knowledge-Directed Scene Analysis, An
* Between Regions and Objects: Surfaces and Volumes
* Change Detection and Analysis in Multi-Spectral Images
* Computer Interpretation of Peanuts Cartoons
* Computer System for Visual Recognition Using Active Knowledge, A
* Cooperative Algorithm for Determining Surface Orientation from a Single View, A
* Detection of Elliptic and Linear Edges by Searching Two Parameter Spaces
* Experments in Map-Guided Photo Interpretation
* Generation of Descriptions for Line Drawings
* Human Vision Paradox Implicates Relaxation Model
* Image Segmentation Technique for Locating Automotive Parts on Belt Conveyors
* Levels of Pattern Description in Learning
* Locus Model of Search and its Use in Image Interpretation, The
* Methodology for Real Time Scene Analysis, A
* Model Based Vision System for Scenes Containing Multiple Parts, A
* Model Building in the Visions System
* Model Representations and Control Structures in Image Understanding
* On Reading Sketchmaps
* Parametric Correspondence and Chamfer Matching: Two New Techniques for Image Matching
* Range Data Understanding Guided by a Junction Dictionary
* Rapid Computation of Fourier Texture Descriptors
* Recognition and Depth Perception of Objects in Real World Scenes
* Recognition Cone Perceptual System: Brief Test Results, A
* Recognition Using Semantic Constraints
* Reconstruction of Curved-Surface Bodies from a Set of Imperfect Projections
* Segmentation Processes in the VISIONS System
* Separating Non-Stationary from Stationary Scene Components in a Sequence of Real World TV Images
* Some Notes on Motion Understanding
* Steps Toward the Representation of Complex Three-Dimensional Objects
* Stereo Vision System for an Autonomous Vehicle, A
* System for Stereo Computer Vision with Geometric Models, A
* Three-Dimensional Modelling
* Toward Consistent Descriptions in Vision Systems
* Towards a Science of Image Understanding
* Towards Automatic Visual Obstacle Avoidance
* Understanding a Simple Cartoon Film by a Computer Vision System
* Verification Vision for Programmable Assembly
* Whisper: A Problem-Solving System Utilizing Diagrams and a Parallel Processing Retina
* Workpiece Orientation Correction with a Robot Arm Using Visual Information
41 for IJCAI77

* ACRONYM Model-Based Vision System, The
* ALVEN: A Study on Motion Understanding by Computer
* Application of the Photometric Stereo Method, An
* Automatic Construction of Junction Dictionaries and Their Exploitation of the Analysis of Range Data
* Automatic Determination of Image to Database Correspondence
* Automobile with Artificial Intelligence, An
* Automotive Stereo Vision Using Deconvolution Technique
* Boundary Detection of Textured Regions
* Compact Relational Structure Representation, A
* Continuous Relaxation and Local Maxima Selection: Conditions for Equivalence
* Continuous Relaxation Local Maxima Selection, Conditions for Equivalence
* Describing Natural Textures
* Description of Textures by a Structural Analysis
* Detection of the Movements of Men for Autonomous Vehicles
* Empirical Method that Provides a Basis for the Organization of Relaxation Labeling Processes for Vision, An
* Extraction of Moving Object Images Through Change Detection
* Finding the Axis of an Egg
* Increasing Tree Search Efficiency for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
* Inferring the Direction of the Sun from Intensity Values on a Generalized Cone
* Knowledge Directed Line Finder for Analysis of Complex Scenes, A
* Knowledge-Based Interactive Robot-Vision System, A
* Linear Feature Extraction
* Model for Perception of Structural Image Feature, A
* Modelling and Monitoring a Manipulation Environment
* Motion and Structure from Optical Flow
* Multi-Level Planning and Navigation System for a Mobile Robot; A First Approach to HILARE, A
* Object Detection and Measurement Using Stereo Vision
* Plan Guided Analysis of Noisy Dynamic Images
* Polarimetric Approach to Shape Understanding of Glossy Objects, A
* Production System for Region Analysis, A
* Region Segmentation of Images by Expansion and Contraction of Edge Points
* Relating Properties of Surface Curvature to Image Intensity
* Shape from Texture: An Aggregation Transform That Maps a Class of Textures into Surface Orientation
* Structural Analysis of Complex Aerial Photographs
* SUPP: Understanding Moving Picture Patterns Based on Linguistic Knowledge
* Surface Normals from Closed Paths
* Symmetry Analysis of Two-Dimensional Patterns for Computer Vision
* Theory of the Origami World, A
* Three Dimensional Movement Analysis of Dynamic Line Images
* Visual Mapping by Robot Rover
41 for IJCAI79

* 3D Object Representation and Matching with B-Splines and Surface Patches
* Computer Vision and Human Perception: An Essay on the Discovery of Constraints
* Computing Optic Flow
* Depth from Edge and Intensity Based Stereo
* Determining Velocity Map by 3-D Iterative Estimation
* Dynamically Quantized Pyramids
* Dynamically Quantized Spaces for Focusing the Hough Transform
* Experiments in Knowledge-Driven Interpretation of Natural Scenes
* Feature-Based Scene Matcher, A
* Hierarchical Description of Textures
* Inference Technique for Integrating Knowledge for Disparate Sources, An
* Inferential Region Extraction in TV-Sequences
* Intensity Discontinuity Location to Subpixel Precision
* Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Structure from Image Curves, The
* Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision, An
* Learning Complex Structural Descriptions from Examples
* Model-Based Three-Dimensional Interpretations of Two-Dimensional Images
* New Approach to the Problem of Acquiring Randomly Oriented Workpieces out of a Bin, A
* Object Recognition Using Three-Dimensional Information
* Obtaining Surface Orientation from Texels Under Perspective Projection
* On 3-D Reconstruction from Two Perspective Views
* On Shapes
* Optic Flow Field Structure and Processing Image Motion
* Parameter Networks: Towards a Theory of Low-Level Vision
* Perceptual Problems in Analyzing Industrial Radiographs
* RANSAC-Based Approach to Model Fitting and Its Application to Finding Cylinders in Range Data, A
* Real-Time Natural Scene Analysis for a Blind Prosthesis
* Reasoning About Images: Using Meta-Knowledge in Aerial Image Understanding
* Recognition of 3-D Objects Using the Extended Gaussian Image
* Rover Visual Obstacle Avoidance
* Shape from Shading for Surfaces with Texture and Specularity
* Simple Method for Recovering Relative Depth Map in the Case of a Translating Sensor, A
* Structure from Motion of Rigid and Jointed Objects
* Triangulation of 3-D Objects
* Volumetric Model and 3D Trajectory of a Moving Car from Monocular TV Frames Sequence of a Street Scene
36 for IJCAI81

* 3-D Inference from the Motion Parallax of a Conic Arc and a Point in Two Perspective Views
* 3-D Recognition and Positing Algorithm Using Geometrical Matching Between Primitive Surfaces, A
* 3D MOSAIC Scene Understanding System, The
* 3DPO: A Three-Dimensional Part Orientation System
* Advanced Hough Transform Implementations
* Appraisal of a Decision Tree Approach to Image Classification, An
* Architecture and Applications of DADO: A Large-Scale Parallel Computer for Artificial Intelligence
* ATN Model for 3D Recognition of Solids in Single Views, An
* Boundary Condition in Multiple Intrinsic Images
* Computational Framework for the Visual Correspondence Problem, A
* Computing Convergence Angle from Random Dot Stereograms
* Constraints for the Estimation of Displacement Vector Fields from Image Sequences
* Correspondence in Line Drawings of Multiple Views of Objects
* Detection of Buildings in Aerial Images Using Shape and Shadows
* Environmental Labelings in Low Level Image Understanding
* Estimating 3-D Movement of a Rigid Object: Experimental Results
* Extremum Principle for Shape from Contour, An
* Fractal-Based Description of Natural Scenes
* Generating Models of Solid Objects by Matching 3D Surface Segments
* Global Optimization of a Consistent Labeling
* Inferring Motion of Cylindrical Object from Shape Information
* Is What You See What You Get?
* Learning Vision System for 2D Object Recognition, A
* Line of Curvature Constraint and the Interpretation of 3-D Shape from Parallel Surface Contours, The
* Machine Perception of Linear Structure
* MERCATOR Representation of Spatial Knowledge, The
* Model Driven Visualization of Coronary Arteries
* Model-Guided Monitoring of a Building Environment by a Mobile Robot
* New Conceptually Attractive and Computationally Effective Approach to Shape from Shading, A
* On Seeing Things, Again
* Optimization Approaches to the Problem of Edge Linking with a Focus on Parallel Processing
* Perceptual Organization and the Curve Partitioning Problem
* Prism Trees: A Hierarchical Representation for 3-D Objects
* PVV - A Goal-Oriented System for Industrial Vision
* Reasoning about the Spatial Relationships Derived from a RAPT Program for Describing Assembly by Robot
* Reasoning in Time and Space
* Recognition of Occluded Objects
* Resolving Observer Motion by Object Tracking
* Role of Constraints and Discontinuities in Visible Surface Reconstruction, The
* Scale-Space Filtering
* Sensor Motion and Relative Depth from Difference Fields of Optic Flows
* Stereo Matching Problem from the Topological Viewpoint, The
* Subdivision Algorithm in Configuration Space for Findpath with Rotation, A
* Three-Dimensional Shape from Line Drawings
* Toward Generation of 3-Dimensional Models of Objects Using 2-Dimensional Figures and Explanations in Language
* Using Multiple Information Sources in a Computational Vision System
* Using Surfaces and Object Models to Recognize Partially Obscured Objects
* Viewer's Place in Theories of Vision, The
* What is Perceptual Organization for?
50 for IJCAI83

* 3-D Shape Representation by Contours
* Coarse to Fine Control Strategy for Matching Motion Stereo Pairs
* Determining 3-D Motion of Planar Objects from Image Brightness Patterns
* Determining Object Attitude from Extended Gaussian Images
* First Results in Robot Road-Following
* Learning Shape Descriptions
* New Method of 3-D Motion Analysis Using a Concept of Projective Geometry, A
* One-Eyed Stereo: A General Approach to Modeling 3-D Scene Geometry
* Optical Navigation by the Method of Differences
* Parallel Matching Algorithm for Stereo Vision, A
* Recognition Algorithms for the Connection Machine
* Shape and Source from Shading
* Shape from Texture
* SIGMA: A Framework for Image Understanding: Integration of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Analyses
* Spatial Object Perception from an Image
* Specular Stereo
* Stereo by Two-Level Dynamic Programming
* Teachable Letter Recognizer, The
* Unique Recovery of Motion and Optic Flow Via Lie Algebras
* Using Discrimination Graphs to Represent Visual Interpretations that Are Hypothetical and Ambiguous
* Utilization of a Stripe Pattern for Dynamic Scene Analysis
* Visual Recognition from Spatial Correspondence and Perceptual Organization
23 for IJCAI85

* Building a Consistent 3D Representation of a Mobile Robot Environment by Combining Multiple Stereo Views
* Color Algorithms for a General Vision System
* Combining Bodies of Dependent Information
* Coordination of Action and Perception in a Surveillance Robot
* Determination of Egomotion and Environmental Layout from Noisy Time-Varying Velocity in Binocular Image Sequences
* Determining Cylindrical Shape from Contour and Shading
* From (R, G, B) to Surface Reflectance: Computing Color Constant Descriptors in Images
* Knowledge Utilization In Handwritten Zip Code Recognition
* Model Invocation for Three Dimensional Scene Understanding
* Multi-Level Perception Approach to Reading Cursive Script, A
* Probabilistic Information Fusion for Multi-Modal Image Segmentation
* Qualitative Motion Understanding
* Recognition in 2D Images of 3D Objects from Large Model Bases Using Prediction Hierarchies
* Recovering Surface Shape from Boundary
* Recovering Three-Dimensional Shape from a Single Image of Curved Objects
* Shape Representation Based on Geometric Topology: Bumps, Gaussian Curvature, and the Topological Zodiac, A
* Significant Feature Detection and Matching in Image Pairs
* Stereo Matching by Hierarchial, Microcanonical Annealing
* Trinocular Stereovision: Recent Results
* Use of Color in Highlight Identification, The
* What Is a Degenerate View?
22 for IJCAI87

* Building a World Model for a Mobile Robot Using Dynamic Semantic Constraints
* Chromatic Stereopsis
* Complexity of Perceptual Search Tasks, The
* Domain Dependence in Parallel Constraint Satisfaction
* Experiments with a Network-Based Geometric Reasoning Engine
* Homogeneous Framework for Visual Recognition, A
* Objective Functions for Feature Discrimination
* Perception of Non-Rigid Motion: Inference of Shape, Material and Force
* Reference Frames for Animate Vision
* Region-Based Stereo Algorithm, A
* Small Leakage Model for Diffusion Smoothing of Image Data, A
* Some Experiments in Applying Inductive Inference Principles to Surface Reconstruction
* Three-Dimensional Interpretation of Quadrilaterals
* Using Generic Knowledge in Analysis of Aerial Scenes: A Case Study
* Using Line Correspondence Stereo to Measure Surface Orientation
16 for IJCAI89

* Cognitive Model Of Figure Segregation, A
* Combining Stereo and Monocular Information to Compute Dense Depth Maps That Preserve Depth Discontinuities
* Determining Robot Egomotion from Motion Parallax Observed by an Active Camera
* Dynamic Vision for Locomotion Control: An Evolutionary Path to Less-artificial Intelligence
* Flexible Matching for Noisy Structural Descriptions
* Graph Matching Approach to 3-D Point Correspondences, A
* Hyperbf Networks For Real Object Recognition
* Line Labeling and Junction Labeling: A Coupled System for Image Interpretation
* Mobile Robot Navigation by an Active Control of the Vision System
* Natural Object Recognition: A Theoretical Framework and Its Implementation
* On Seeing Spaghetti: A Novel Self-Adjusting Seven Parameter Hough Space for Analyzing Flexible Extruded Objects
* Reasoning Visually about Spatial Interactions
* Shading-Based Two-View Matching
14 for IJCAI91

* Making Cognitive Map of Outdoor Environment
* Qualitative Recognition of Ongoing Human Action Sequences
* Recognizing 3d Motion
* Selective Attention in Dynamic Vision
* Spatial Reasoning And Connectionist Inference
* Uncertainty Model of Stereo Vision and Its Application to Vision Motion Planning of Robot, An
* Use of Geons for Generic 3-D Object Recognition, The
8 for IJCAI93

* Action and Perception in Man-Made Environments
* Architecture for Vision and Action, An
* Natural Basis Functions and Topographic Memory for Face Recognition

* Active Mobile Robot Localization
* Chain of Circles for Matching and Recognition of Planar Shapes
* Comparing Random-Starts Local Search with Key-Feature Matching
* Distributed Vision System: A Perceptual Information Infrastructure for Robotic Navigation
* General expression of the Fundamental Matrix for Both Projective and Affine Cameras, A
* Multi-Robot Exploration of an Unknown Environment, Efficiently Reducing the Odometry Error
* Name-It: Naming and Detecting Faces in Video by the Integration of Image and Natural Language Processing
* Neural Network Based Photometric Stereo Using Illumination Planning
* Object Identification in a Bayesian Context
* Object Tracking and Scenario Recognition for Video-Surveillance
* Reactive Combination of Belief Over Time Using Direct Perception
* Robust Real-Time Face Tracking and Gesture Recognition
* Scaling the Dynamic Approach to Autonomous Path Planning: Planning Horizon Dynamics
* Self-Organizing Desk, The
* Vehicles Capable of Dynamic Vision
* Vision-Motion Planning of a Mobile Robot Considering Vision Uncertainty and Planning Cost
17 for IJCAI97

* context-dependent attention system for a social robot, A

Index for "i"

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