Index for humm

Humm, A.[Andreas] Co Author Listing * Combined Handwriting and Speech Modalities for User Authentication
* Hidden Markov Models for Spoken Signature Verification
* Modelling Combined Handwriting and Speech Modalities
* Multiscenario Multienvironment BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB), The
* New Forgery Scenario Based on Regaining Dynamics of Signature, A
* Spoken Handwriting Verification Using Statistical Models

Humm, D.C. Co Author Listing * In-flight Geometric Calibration of The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera

Humme, A. Co Author Listing * Influence Of Atmospheric Conditions On The Range Distance And Number Of Returned Points In Leica Scanstation 2 Point Clouds.
* Revealing Celtic Fields from LIDAR Data using Kriging Based Filtering

Hummel do Amaral, C.[Cibele] Co Author Listing * Multi-sensor prediction of Eucalyptus stand volume: A support vector approach

Hummel, E.[Eric] Co Author Listing * Demon registration for 3D images obtained by serial block face scanning electron microscopy

Hummel, G.[Georg] Co Author Listing * Telemetry assisted frame registration and background subtraction in low-altitude UAV videos
* Telemetry-Based Search Window Correction for Airborne Tracking

Hummel, H.I. Co Author Listing * Automatic Pain Detection on Horse and Donkey Faces

Hummel, J.[Johannes] Co Author Listing * Cirque des bouteilles: The art of blowing on bottles
* Evaluation of Open Source Physics Engines for Use in Virtual Reality Assembly Simulations, An
* evaluation of two simple methods for representing heaviness in immersive virtual environments, An
* Fully Automated Calibration Method for an Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Operating Microscope With Variable Zoom and Focus, A
* head-mounted operating binocular for augmented reality visualization in medicine-design and initial evaluation, A
Includes: Hummel, J.[Johannes] Hummel, J.

Hummel, J.E.[John E.] Co Author Listing * From Image Edges to Geons to Viewpoint-Invariant Object Models: A Neural Net Implementation
* Geon Theory as an Account of Shape Recognition in Mind, Brain and Machine

Hummel, K.A. Co Author Listing * Cellular Network as a Sensor: From Mobile Phone Data to Real-Time Road Traffic Monitoring, The

Hummel, P. Co Author Listing * Commercial Off The Shelf Ground Control Supports Calibration And Conflation From Ground To Space Based Sensors
* Precise Ortho Imagery As The Source For Authoritative Airport Mapping
* Remotely Sensed Ground Control Points

Hummel, R. Co Author Listing * Custom-Made Pyramids
* Exploiting Triangulated Surface Extraction Using Tetrahedral Decomposition
* Pyramid Segmentation in 2D and 3D Images Using Local Optimization
* Scale-Space Formulation of Pyramid Data Structures, The
* Solving Ill-Conditioned Problems by Minimizing Equation Error

Hummel, R.A.[Robert A.] Co Author Listing * email: Hummel, R.A.[Robert A.]: hummel AT cs nyu edu
* Affine Invariant Matching
* Application of Relaxation Labeling to Line and Curve Enhancement, An
* Bayesian-Approach To Model-Matching With Geometric Hashing, A
* Brief Survey of Knowledge Aggregation Methods, A
* Combining Bodies of Dependent Information
* Deblurring Gaussian Blur
* Design Method for Relaxation Labeling Applications, A
* Distributed Bayesian Object Recognition
* Experiments with the Intensity Ratio Data Sensor
* Feature Detection Using Basis Functions
* Gaussian Blur And The Heat Equation: Forward And Inverse Solutions
* Gradient Projection Algorithm for Relaxation Methods, A
* Guest Editorial: Special issue on computer vision beyond the visible spectrum
* Histogram Modification Techniques
* Image enhancement by histogram transformation
* Image Recognition with Occlusions
* Junctions: Detection, Classification, and Reconstruction
* Motion Parameter Estimation from Global Flow Field Data
* Network Approach to Reconstructions from Zero-Crossings, A
* Object Recognition Research: Matched Filtering Becomes Bayesian Reasoning
* On the Foundations of Relaxation Labeling Processes
* Reconstructions from Zero-Crossings in Scale-Space
* Relaxation Processes for Scene Labeling
* Representations Based on Zero-Crossings in Scale-Space
* Resolution-Appropriate Shape Representation
* Scene Labeling by Relaxation Operations
* Sparse Representations for Image Decomposition with Occlusions
* Statistical Viewpoint on the Theory of Evidence, A
* Target Identification Using Geometric Hashing and FLIR/LADAR Fusion
* Three-Dimensional Edge Operator, A
* Toward a Low-Level Description of Dot Clusters: Labeling Edge, Interior, and Noise Points
* Wavelet-Based Target Hashing for Automatic Target Recognition
Includes: Hummel, R.A.[Robert A.] Hummel, R.A.
33 for Hummel, R.A.

Hummel, T.[Thomas] Co Author Listing * Temporal and Cross-modal Attention for Audio-Visual Zero-Shot Learning

Hummelbrunner, P.[Patrik] Co Author Listing * Evaluating feedback devices for time-continuous mobile multimedia quality assessment

Hummels, C.[Caroline] Co Author Listing * Expressive Power of Gestures: Capturing Scent in a Spatial Shape, The
* Interactive Gallery: Enhance Social Interaction for Elders by Story Sharing
* Meaningful Gestures for Human Computer Interaction: Beyond Hand Postures
Includes: Hummels, C.[Caroline] Hummels, C.

Hummels, D.M. Co Author Listing * Bayes Error Estimation Using Parzen and K-NN Procedures
* Bias of Nearest Neighbor Error Estimates
* Leave-One-Out Procedures for Nonparametric Error Estimates
* On The Generalization Ability Of Neural Network Classifiers
* probabilistic model for evaluation of neural network classifiers, A

Hummenberger, M.[Martin] Co Author Listing * Towards Autonomous Navigation of Miniature UAV

Hummer, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Using Visual Exploratory Data Analysis to Facilitate Collaboration and Hypothesis Generation in Cross-Disciplinary Research

Index for "h"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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