* *Electronics and Communications in Japan- III-Fundamental Electronic Science
* 1-Dimensional and Pseudo 2-Dimensional HMMS for the Recognition of German Literal Amounts
* 25th Anniversary of LANDSAT-1: Foreword, The
* 2D into 3D Hough-Space Mapping for Planar Object Pose Estimation
* 3D Medical Image-Coding Using Separable 3D Wavelet Decomposition and Lattice Vector Quantization
* 3D Pose Estimation by Directly Matching Polyhedral Models to Gray Value Gradients
* 3D Well-Composed Pictures
* Accurate Geometric Correction of ATSR Images
* Adaptive document binarization
* Adaptive Inverse Half-Toning Algorithm, An
* Adaptive Navigation of Mobile Robots with Obstacle Avoidance
* Adaptive Normalization of Handwritten Characters Using Global/Local Affine Transformation
* Adaptive Piecewise-Linear Bits Estimation Model for MPEG Based Video Coding
* Adaptive Quadrature Filters and the Recovery of Phase from Fringe Pattern Images
* Adaptive Surface Data-Compression
* Address Block Location on Complex Mail Pieces
* Advances in Fractal Compression for Multimedia Applications
* Affine Integral Invariants For Extracting Symmetry Axes
* Algorithm for the Learning of Weights in Discrimination Functions Using a Priori Constraints, An
* Algorithms for Recognition of the Main Engineering Drawing Entities
* Analysis and Synthesis of Textures Through the Inference of Boolean Functions
* Analysis of Local Feature-Extraction in Digital Mammography, An
* Analysis of Required Elements for Next-Generation Document Reader on the Basis of User Requirements
* Anisotropic Textures with Arbitrary Orientation
* Application of Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory to Unsupervised Classification in Multisource Remote Sensing
* Approximate Maximum-Likelihood Linear Estimator of Circle Parameters, An
* Approximate String Match for Garbled Text with Various Accuracies, An
* Arc Segmentation from Complex Line Environments: A Vector-Based Stepwise Recovery Algorithm
* Architecture for Musical Score Recognition Using High-Level Domain Knowledge, An
* Architecture of a Softcopy Photogrammetry System, The
* Artificial Neural Network for Discrete Cosine Transform and Image Compression
* Automated DEM Extraction and Orthoimage Generation from SPOT Level 1B Imagery
* Automatic Acquisition of Layout Knowledge for Understanding Business Cards
* Automatic Aerotriangulation: Concept, Realization and Results
* Automatic Interior Orientation of Digital Aerial Images
* Automatic Interpretation and Coding of Face Images Using Flexible Models
* Automatic knowledge acquisition for spatial document interpretation
* Automatic Prototype Extraction for Adaptive OCR
* Automatic Reading of Cursive Scripts Using Human Knowledge
* Automatic Separation of Words in Indian Multi-Lingual Multi-Script Documents
* Automatic separation of words in multi-lingual multi-script Indian documents
* Automatic Stereo Processing of High-Resolution Radar Imagery
* Automatic-Measurement Extraction for Apparel from a Three-Dimensional Body Scan
* Automatic-Measurement of Vertebral Shape Using Active Shape Models
* Availability of Landsat Data: Past, Present, and Future, The
* Average Prototypes for Stroke-Based Signature Verification
* Bayesian Color Constancy
* Behavior of Dynamic Relaxation in an Elastic Stroke Model for Character Recognition, The
* Bezier Curves as a Tool to Describe Kinetic Drawings
* Blurring motion detection device
* Boundary Feature Extraction From Gray-Scale Document Images
* Boundary Normalization for Recognition of Non-Touching Non-Degraded Characters
* British-Machine-Vision-Conference 1996
* Building Perspective Models to Guide a Row Crop Navigation Vehicle
* CAD Model-Based System for Object Recognition, A
* Cascading MRVQ-DCT Scheme for the Compression of Sequence Images, A
* Character Recognition by Geometrical Moments on Structural Decompositions
* Character Recognition in Practice Today and Tomorrow
* Character String Extraction by Multi-Stage Relaxation
* Chinese bank check recognition system based on the fault tolerant technique, A
* Chinese Document Layout Analysis Based on Adaptive Split-and-Merge and Qualitative Spatial Reasoning
* Class-Based Recognition of 3D Objects Represented by Volumetric Primitives
* Classification of Oriental and European Scripts by Using Characteristic Features
* Coding, Analysis, Interpretation, and Recognition of Facial Expressions
* Color 3-D Electronic Imaging of the Surface of the Human-Body
* Color-Based Detection of Defects on Chicken Meat
* Combining Multiple Representations and Classifiers for Pen-Based Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Comparative Evaluation of Techniques for Word Recognition Improvement by Incorporation of Syntactic Information
* Comparison of Gaussian Distribution and Polynomial Classifiers in a Hidden Markov Model Based System for the Recognition of Cursive Script, A
* Comparison of Smooth Polynomial Functional Surfaces for Use in Alignment
* Complementary Classifier Design Using Difference Principal Components
* Compression of a Sequence of Satellite Images Based on Change Detection, The
* Computation-Constrained Fast MPEG-2 Encoding
* Computer method and apparatus for video conferencing
* Computing Local Surface Orientation and Shape from Texture for Curved Surfaces
* Computing Size Functions From Edge Maps
* Conceptual Indexing and Active Retrieval of Video for Interactive Learning Environments
* Confidence Computation Improvement in an Optical Field Reading System
* Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphics for Augmented Reality
* Constraints on Handwriting Korean Characters to Improve the Machine Readability
* Construction of Retrieval System for Pictorial Book of Flora
* Content-Based Indexing and Retrieval of Visual Information
* Contour-Based Correspondence Using Fourier Descriptors
* Contour-Based Image Preprocessing for Holistic Handwritten Word Recognition
* Convergence of Numerical Box-Counting and Correlation Integral Multifractal Analysis Techniques
* Coupling Observation/Letter for a Markovian Modelisation Applied to the Recognition of Arabic Handwriting
* Critical Sets of Lines for Camera Displacement Estimation: A Mixed Euclidean-Projective and Constructive Approach, The
* DART: A Software Architecture for the Creation of a Distributed Asynchronous Recognition Toolbox
* Decision Tree Classification of Land-Cover from Remotely-Sensed Data
* Decomposition of Gray-Scale Morphological Templates Using The Rank Method
* Dense Disparity Map of Stereo Images, A
* Design Methodology for Highly Reliable Character Recognition Systems, A
* Detection and Recognition of Periodic, Nonrigid Motion
* Detection of 3D Objects in Cluttered Scenes Using Hierarchical Eigenspace
* detection of duplicates in document image databases, The
* Detection of Small Local Intensity Changes in CCD Images with Nonuniform Illumination and Large-Signal Dependent Noise
* Determination of Face Position and Pose with a Learned Representation Based on Labeled Graphs
* Determination of Feature Correspondences in Stereo Images Using a Calibration Polygon
* Determining Articulated Motion from Perspective Views: A Decomposition Approach
* Dimension Estimation of Discrete-Time Fractional Brownian-Motion with Applications to Image Texture Classification
* Dimensionality, Sample-Size, and Classification Error of Nonparametric Linear Classification Algorithms
* Disconnected Handwritten Character Image Recognition
* Discrimination of Scenes by Principal Components-Analysis of Multispectral Imagery, The
* Distributed Management System for Testing Document Image Analysis Algorithms, A
* Document Analysis and Recognition System, A
* Document Analysis for Retrospective Conversion of Library Reference Catalogues
* Document Image Database Retrieval and Browsing Using Texture Analysis
* Document Image Similarity and Equivalence Detection
* Document Input According to Recognition Accuracy of Handwritten Characters
* Document Layout Analysis Based on Emergent Computation
* Document-Retrieval Tolerating Character-Recognition Errors: Evaluation and Application
* Dynamic Feature Classifier Based on Dynamic Programming and Clustering, A
* Dynamic Programming Optimisation for On-Line Signature Verification
* Dynamic Word Based Text Compression
* Edge Oriented Block Motion Estimation for Video Coding
* Effect of Median Filtering on Synthetic-Aperture Radar Images, The
* Effect of the Perturbed Correlation Method for Optical Character-Recognition
* Effects of Unequal Focal Lengths in Stereo Imaging
* Efficient detection of abnormalities in large OCR databases
* Efficient Fully Parallel Thinning Algorithm, An
* Efficient Parallel Manipulations of IBB Coded Images on Meshes with Multiple Broadcasting
* Efficient Parallel Texture Classification for Image Retrieval, An
* Efficient Pose Clustering Using A Randomized Algorithm
* Efficient Shape Representation by Minimizing the Set of Centers of Maximal Discs/Spheres
* Eigenfaces vs. Fisherfaces: Recognition Using Class-Specific Linear Projection
* Enhancing Degraded Document Images Via Bitmap Clustering And Averaging
* Establishment of Personalized Templates for Automatic Signature Verification
* Evaluating OCR and Non-OCR Text Representations for Learning Document Classifiers
* Evolution of LANDSAT Data-Analysis, The
* Evolutionary Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Recognize On-Line Arabic Handwriting, An
* Exterior Orientation: An Automatic Approach Based on Fitting Analytic Landmark Models
* Extracting Periodicity of a Regular Texture-Based on Autocorrelation Functions
* Extracting Text from WWW Images
* Extracting the Cliques from a Neighborhood System
* Extraction of Indicative Summary Sentences from Imaged Documents
* Extraction of Items from Checks
* Extraction of Lines of Texts in Unconstrained Handwritten Documents
* Face And Gesture Recognition: Overview
* Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching
* Face Recognition: The Problem of Compensating for Changes in Illumination Direction
* Fast Address Block Location on Handwritten and Machine Printed Mail-Piece Images
* Fast Hartley Transform and Truncated Singular-Value Algorithm for Circular Deconvolution
* Fast HMM Algorithm for On-Line Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* Fast Vector Quantization Encoding Based on K-D Tree Backtracking Search Algorithm
* Faxed Document Image Restoration Using Gray Level Representation
* Feature for Character Recognition Based on Directional Distance Distributions, A
* Finding Straight Lines in Drawings
* Finding structure in diversity: a hierarchical clustering method for the categorization of allographs in handwriting
* Finite Wavelet Decomposition Method, A
* Following Cusps
* Font Recognition and Contextual Processing for More Accurate Text Recognition
* Form Processing Based on Background Region Analysis
* Form Registration: A Computer Vision Approach
* Form-based localization of the destination address block on complex envelopes
* Fourier-Analysis and Cortical Architectures: The Exponential Chirp Transform
* Fourier-Transform Resampling: Theory and Application
* From Acquisition to Modelisation of a Form Base to Retrieve Information
* From linear to non-linear reading: a case study to provide Internet access to paper documents
* Function of Documents, The
* Fuzzy Pattern-Recognition of Tungsten Inert-Gas Weld Quality
* General Word Recognition Using Approximate Segment-String Matching
* Generalized Contextual Recognition of Hand-Printed Documents Using Semantic Trees With Lazy Evaluation
* Generalized Hough Transform for Natural Shapes
* Generalized Polyhedral Object Recognition and Localization Using Crossbeam Sensing
* Generic Bilinear Calibration-Estimation Problem, The
* Generic System for Processing Invoices, A
* Genetic Annealing Search for Index Assignment in Vector Quantization
* Genetic Optimization of the Image Feature-Extraction Process
* Geometric Framework for Fingerprint Image Classification
* Geometrical Method for Printed and Handwritten Berber Character Recognition, A
* Global Interpolation Method II for Handwritten Numbers Overlapping a Border by Automatic Knowledge Acquisition of Overlapped Conditions
* Hand-Printed Chinese Character Recognition via Machine Learning
* Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition by Metasynthetic Approach
* Handwritten Digit Verifier for Improving Recognition Error
* Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using MFNN Based Multiexpert Combination Strategy
* Handwritten Word Recognition Using Lexicon Free and Lexicon Directed Word Recognition Algorithms
* Handwritten Zip Code Recognition
* Hierarchical Path View Model for Path Finding in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* High Accuracy Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition by Improved Feature Matching Method
* High Performance Hand-Printed Numeral Recognition System with Verification Module, A
* High Speed Rough Classification for Handwritten Characters Using Hierarchical Learning Vector Quantization
* Highly Efficient System for Automatic Face Region Detection in MPEG Video, A
* HMM Word Recognition Engine
* HOT Curves for Modeling and Recognition of Smooth Curved 3D Objects
* Hover System for Rapid Holistic Verification of Off-Line Handwritten Phrases, The
* How Easy Is Matching 2D Line Models Using Local Search?
* Hybrid Classifier for Recognizing Handwritten Numerals, A
* Image and Text Coupling for Creating Electronic Books from Manuscripts
* Image Block Classification and Variable Block Size Segmentation Using a Model-Fitting Criterion
* Image Categorization Using Texture Features
* Image Compression Using a Recursive Block Grouping Algorithm
* Image Consulting Framework for Document Analysis of Internet Graphics, An
* Image Interpretation Device Cannot Be Reliable Without Any Semantic Coherency Analysis of the Interpretated Objects: Applied to French Cadastral Maps, An
* Image Quality in Lossy Compressed Digital Mammograms
* Image Registration Using a New Edge-Based Approach
* Image-Based Keyword Recognition in Oriental Language Document Images
* Image-Processing on a Reconfigurable Array of Processors with Wider Bus Networks
* Image-Processing with Complex Daubechies Wavelets
* Image-to-Image Registration by Matching Area Features Using Fourier Descriptors and Neural Networks
* Improved On-Line Handwriting Recognition Using Context Dependent Hidden Markov Models
* Improved VQ Codebook Search Algorithm Using Principal Component Analysis, An
* Improvement of Handwritten Japanese Character-Recognition Using Weighted Direction Code Histogram
* In Defense of the Eight-Point Algorithm
* Incremental Approach to Text Representation, Categorization, and Retrieval, An
* Indexing and Classification of TV News Articles Based on Telop Recognition
* Information Acquisition and Storage of Forms in Document Processing
* Information Capture and Semantic Indexing of Digital Libraries Through Machine Learning Techniques
* Integrated Segmentation and Clustering for Enhanced Compression of Document Images
* Integration of Hand-Written Address Interpretation Technology into the United States Postal Service Remote Computer Reader System
* Integration of Multiple Levels of Contour Information for Chinese-Character Stroke Extraction
* Interactive System to Extract Structured Text from a Geometrical Representation, An
* Interpretation of Lines in Distributing Frame Drawings
* Introducing new multiple expert decision combination topologies: a case study using recognition of handwritten characters
* Introduction to Special Issue on Representation and Retrieval of Visual Media in Multimedia Systems II
* Invariance of Stereo Images via the Theory of Complex Moments
* Invariant Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition Using Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Networks
* Invariants of Families of Coplanar Conics and Their Applications to Object Recognition
* Judgments of the Distance to Nearby Virtual Objects: Interaction of Viewing Conditions and Accommodative Demand
* K1-Map Reduction for Pattern Classifications, The
* Kalman Approach for Stroke Order Recovering from Off-Line Handwriting, A
* Knowledge-Based Document Analysis
* Knowledge-Based Image Understanding Environment for Document Processing, A
* Knowledge-Based Image Understanding Systems: A Survey
* Lambda-Tau-Space Representation of Images and Generalized Edge Detector
* LANDSAT and Earth Systems Science: Development of Terrestrial Monitoring
* Landsat Application to Nautical Charting
* Landsat Legacy: Remote Sensing Policy and the Development of Commercial Remote Sensing, The
* Landsat Program: Its Origins, Evolution, and Impacts, The
* Language Identification of On-Line Documents Using Word Shapes
* Language Model-Based on Semantically Clustered Words in a Chinese Character-Recognition System, A
* Lattice Filters Based on the Delta-Operator
* Layout and Language: Preliminary Investigations in Recognizing the Structure of Tables
* Learning Mechanism for Parts Recognition in an Intelligent Assembly System, A
* Let Them Fall Where They May: Capture Regions of Curved Objects and Polyhedra
* Lexical Analyzer Based on a Self-Organizing Feature Map
* Lexicon Reduction in an HMM-Framework Based on Quantized Feature Vectors
* Ligature Modeling for Online Cursive Script Recognition
* Lightness Determination at Curved Surfaces with Applications to Dynamic-Range Compression and Model-Based Coding of Facial Images
* Line Correspondences from Cooperating Spatial and Temporal Grouping Processes for a Sequence of Images
* Line Removal and Restoration of Handwritten Characters on the Form Documents
* Line Sweep Thinning Algorithm For Feature Analysis
* Linear and Nonlinear Filters for Clutter Cancellation in Radar Systems
* Linear Object Classes and Image Synthesis from a Single Example Image
* Linear Projective Reconstruction from Matching Tensors
* Links Between LVQ and Backpropagation
* Lipreading from Color Video
* Local Correspondence for Detecting Random Forgeries
* Local Orientation Analysis in Images by Means of the Hermite Transform
* Local Skew Angle Estimation from Background Space in Text Regions
* Local-Structure of Space-Variant Images, The
* Location and Recognition of Legal Amounts on Chinese Bank Cheques
* Logarithmic Spiral Grid and Gaze Control for the Development of Strategies of Visual Segmentation on a Document
* Logical structure analysis of book document images using contents information
* Logical Structure Recognition of Scientific Bibliographic References
* Logo and word matching using a general approach to signal registration
* Lossless Image Compression Using Predictive Codebooks
* Lossless Image Compression Using the Discrete Cosine Transform
* Lossy Compression of Hyperspectral Data Using Vector Quantization
* Low Level Feature Based Neural Network Segmenter for Fully Cursive Handwritten Words, A
* Low Quality String Recognition For Factory Automation
* Low-Complexity Block-Based Motion Estimation via One-Bit Transforms
* Low-Complexity Video Coding for Receiver-Driven Layered Multicast
* Machine and human recognition of segmented characters from handwritten words
* Machine Vision Technology for the Forest Products Industry
* Machine-Printed Japanese Document Recognition
* MAP Estimation of Finite Gray-Scale Digital Images Corrupted by Supremum/Infimum Noise
* Markov Model Order Optimization for Text Recognition
* Matching Document Images with Ground Truth
* Matching Form Lines Based on a Heuristic Search
* Matching Structural Shape Descriptions Using Genetic Algorithms
* Mathematical properties of the native integral ratio handwriting and text extraction technique
* Maximum A-Posteriori Spatial Probability Segmentation
* Maximum-Entropy Image-Reconstruction from Sparsely Sampled Coherent Field Data
* Measure of Recognition Difficulty for a Character Image Database, A
* Measuring 2-D Shape Compactness Using the Contact Perimeter
* Measuring the Effects of OCR Errors on Similarity Linking
* Measuring Traffic Movements at Junctions Using Image-Processing Techniques
* Media Information Processing in Documents: Generation of Manuals of Mechanical Parts Assembling
* Medical Image Compression with Lossless Regions of Interest
* Memory Efficient Skeletonization of Utility Maps
* Message Extraction from Printed Documents: A Complete Solution
* Method and apparatus for producing audio-visual synthetic speech
* Method for change detection in moving images
* Method for Connecting Disappeared Junction Patterns on Frame Lines in Form Documents, A
* Method Of Extracting Curvature Features and Its Application to Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* Moby Dick Meets GEOCR: Lexical Considerations in Word Recognition
* Model Indexing and Object Recognition Using 3D Viewpoint Invariance
* Model-based Vehicle Detection and Classification using Orthographic Approximations
* Model-Independent Recovery of Object Orientations
* Modeling Documents for Structure Recognition Using Generalized N-Grams
* Modification of Hard-Limiting Multilayer Neural Networks for Confidence Evaluation
* Modular System for Robust Positioning Using Feedback from Stereo Vision, A
* More versatile scientific documents
* Motion Perceptibility and Its Application to Active Vision-Based Servo Control
* Motion vector detection circuit
* Moving Target Detection in Foliage Using Along-Track Monopulse Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imaging
* Multilevel Post-Processing for Korean Character-Recognition Using Morphological Analysis and Linguistic Evaluation
* Multiple Moving Object Estimation in Image Sequences of a Natural Scene
* Multiresolution Image Sensor
* N-Grams: A Well-Structured Knowledge Representation for Recognition of Graphical Documents
* Network-Driven Motion Estimation for Wireless Video Terminals
* Neural Based Architecture for Spot-Noisy Logo Recognition, A
* Neural Image-Processing Strategies Applied in Real-Time Pattern-Recognition
* Neural Networks in Human Motion Tracking: An Experimental Study
* New Approach for Detection of Dimensions Set in Mechanical Drawings, A
* New Edge-Detection Method for Automatic Visual Inspection, A
* New Features for Chinese Character Recognition
* New Image-Coding Algorithm Using Variable-Rate Side-Match Finite-State Vector Quantization, A
* New Method for Segmenting Handwritten Chinese Characters, A
* New Method For Segmenting Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral String, A
* New Motion Estimation Method Using Frequency Components, A
* New Results and Measurements Related to Some Tasks in Object-Oriented Dynamic Image-Coding Using GNN Universal Chips
* New Two Successive Process Image Compression Technique Using Subband Coding and JPEG Discrete Cosine Transform Coding, A
* New Wavelet-Based Edge Detector via Constrained Optimization, A
* Non-Uniformly Sampled Feature Extraction Method for Kanji Character Recognition
* Noncontact Anthropometry Using Projected Laser Line Distortion: Three-Dimensional Graphic Visualization and Applications
* Nonlinear Point Distribution Modeling Using a Multilayer Perceptron
* Nonlinear Shape Normalization Methods for Gray-Scale Handwritten Character Recognition
* Nonparametric Classifier Design Using Greedy Tree-Structured Vector Quantization Technique
* Nonparametric Density Model for Classification in a High Dimensional Space, A
* Normalization techniques of handwritten numerals for Gabor filters
* Note on Fuzzy Information Measures, A
* Nuclear-Medicine Image Segmentation Using a Connective Network
* Number of Solutions for Motion and Structure from Multiple Frame Correspondence
* Object Recognition Robust Under Translations, Deformations, and Changes in Background
* Object Shape and Reflectance Modeling from Observation
* object-oriented form description language and approach to handwritten form processing, An
* Object/Segment Oriented Skew-Correction Technique for Document Images, An
* OCR System to Read Two Indian Language Scripts: Bangla and Devnagari (Hindi), An
* Off-Line Arabic Character Recognition: A Survey
* Off-Line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Based on Crossing Line Feature
* Off-Line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition via Radical Extraction and Recognition
* Off-line handwritten word recognition using a mixed HMM-MRF approach
* Omnifont and Unlimited-Vocabulary OCR for English and Arabic
* On benchmarking of document analysis systems
* On Distributed Representation of Output Layer for Recognizing Japanese Kana Characters Using Neural Networks
* On Hausdorff-Like Metrics for Fuzzy-Sets
* On Projective Invariant Smoothing and Evolutions of Planar Curves and Polygons
* On the Discretization of Morphological Operators
* On the Error-Reject Trade-Off in Biometric Verification Systems
* On-Line Handwriting Character Recognition Algorithm RAV (Reparameterized Angle Variations), An
* On-Line Handwriting Character Recognition Method with Directional Features and Direction-Change Features
* On-Line Handwritten Character Pattern Database Sampled in a Sequence of Sentences without Any Writing Instructions
* On-Line Handwritten Note Recognition Method Using Shape Metamorphosis, An
* On-Line Handwritten Signature Verification Using Hidden Markov Model Features
* On-Line Japanese Character Recognition Method Using Length-Based Stroke Correspondence Algorithm, An
* On-Line Recognition of Cursive Hangul Characters by Modeling Extended Graphemes
* On-Line Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Symbols
* On-line recognition of Renqun's handwritten shorthand
* On-Line Signature Verification: Discrimination Emphasised
* One-Step to a Higher-Level of Automation for Softcopy Photogrammetry Automatic Interior Orientation
* Online Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters Based on Hidden Markov-Models
* Operations on Binary Images Encoded as Minimized Boolean Functions
* Opportunities and Limitations for Image Based Remote Sensing in Precision Crop Management
* Optical Character Recognition Without Segmentation
* Optical Chinese Character Recognition for Low-Quality Document Images
* Optical Chinese Character-Recognition Using Probabilistic Neural Networks
* Optical Formula Recognition
* Optical Normal Flow Estimation on Log-Polar Images: A Solution for Real-Time Binocular Vision
* Optimal Bit Allocation for Coding of Video Signals over ATM Networks
* Optimal Cache Usage for Separable Image-Processing Algorithms on General-Purpose Workstations
* Optimizing Error-Reject Trade-Off in Recognition Systems
* Optimum Class-Selective Rejection Rule, The
* Orthogonal Polynomials Based Framework for Edge-Detection in 2-D Monochrome Images, An
* Page segmentation using document model
* Parallel Processing for Terrain Analysis in GIS: Visibility as a Case Study
* Parallel, Distributed and Associative Approach for Searching Image Patterns with Holographic Dynamics, A
* Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion
* Pattern Classification Method by Integrating Interval Feature Values
* Perceptual Model of Handwriting Drawing, Application To the handwriting Segmentation Problem
* Perceptual-Based Image Fusion for Hyperspectral Data
* Perceptually-Based Representation of Network Diagrams
* Performance Analysis of Fast Gabor Transform Methods, A
* Performance Comparison of Several Feature Selection Methods Based on Node Pruning in Handwritten Character Recognition
* performance evaluation of thresholding algorithms for optical character recognition, The
* Performance of Software-Based MPEG-2 Video Encoder on Parallel and Distributed Systems
* Pfinder: Real-Time Tracking of the Human Body
* Physically-Based Adaptive Preconditioning for Early Vision
* Piecewise Linear Modulation Model of Handwriting
* Platform for Research in Generalization: Application to Caricature, A
* Preservation of Topological Properties of a Simple Closed Curve under Digitalization
* Probabilistic Framework for Combining Multiple Classifiers at Abstract Level, A
* Probabilistic Visual Learning For Object Representation
* Probability Estimation in Arithmetic and Adaptive-Huffman Entropy Coders: Comments
* Progressive Image-Coding for Noisy Channels
* Projection Profile Based Skew Estimation Algorithm for JPEG Compressed Images
* Properties of Contour Codes
* Proposal for a Text-Indicated Writer Verification Method, A
* Pruning Large Lexicons Using Generalized Word Shape Descriptors
* Psychomotor Method For Tracking Handwriting, A
* Pyramid-Based Error-Bounded Encoder: An Evaluation on X-Ray Chest Images
* Quadratic Spline Wavelet Approach to Automatic Extraction of Baselines from Document Images
* Quadric Reference Surface: Theory and Applications, The
* Radiometric Calibration of LANDSAT
* Range Data-Acquisition Using Color Structured Lighting and Stereo Vision
* Rate Control for an Embedded Wavelet Video Coder
* Real-Time Attention for Robotic Vision
* Real-Time Foveated Sensor with Overlapping Receptive-Fields, A
* Realistic Digitization Model of Straight-Lines, A
* Realization of Rank Order Filters Based on Majority Gate
* Recognising Letters in On-Line Handwriting Using Hierarchical Fuzzy Inference
* Recognition of Chinese Business Cards
* Recognition of Essential Folding Operations: A Step for Interpreting Illustrated Books of Origami
* Recognition of facsimile documents using a database of robust features
* Recognition of Form Documents Based on Three Types of Line Segments, The
* Recognition of Online Cursive Korean Characters Combining Statistical and Structural Methods
* Recognition of Printed Arabic Text Using Neural Networks
* Recogniton of Character Strings from Color Urban Map Images on the Basis of Validation Mechanism
* Recognizing Components of Handwritten Chinese Characters by Attributed Relational Graphs with Stable Features
* Recognizing On-Line Handwritten Chinese Character via FARG Matching
* Recovery of Temporal Information of Cursively Handwritten Words for On-Line Recognition
* Rectangle Labelling for an Invoice Understanding System
* Region-Based Shape-Matching for Automatic Image Annotation and Query-by-Example
* Registering Incomplete Radar Images Using the EM Algorithm
* Registration Error Analysis for Augmented Reality
* Reject Management in a Handwriting Recognition System
* Representing OCRed Documents in HTML
* Residuals Plus Directional Gaps Equals Skeletons
* Retargetable Table Reader, A
* Retrieval Methods for English-Text with Misrecognized OCR Characters
* Retrieval of Document Images: A Brief Survey, The
* Revealing the Hidden Markov Recognizer
* Robust Character Recognition of Gray-Scaled Images with Graphical Designs and Noise
* Robust Hand-Eye Coordination
* Robust Multifont OCR System from Gray Level Images
* Robust Parameterization and Computation of the Trifocal Tensor
* Robust Relation-Invariant Texture Classification: Wavelet, Gabor Filter and GMRF Based Schemes
* Robust stroke segmentation method for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Robust Unmixing of Large Sets of Mixed Pixels
* Rotated Texture Classification by Improved Iterative Morphological Decomposition
* Scalable and Adaptive Temporal Segmentation Algorithm for Video Coding, A
* Scalable Image Coding By Spline Approximation For a Gray-Scale Image
* Scale-Space Analysis and Corner Detection on Digital Curves Using a Discrete Scale-Space Kernel
* Scenario Model Advocating User-Driven Adaptive Document Recognition Systems, A
* Scene Interpretation by Fusion of Segment and Region Information
* Scene Segmentation Using a Combined Criterion of Motion and Intensity
* Second-Order Motion Perception in the Peripheral Visual-Field
* Segmentation and Recognition of Connected Handwritten Numeral Strings
* Segmentation of Arabic Cursive Script
* Segmentation of Handwritten Interference Marks Using Multiple Directional Stroke Planes and Reformalized Morphological Approach
* Segmentation of stick text based on sub connected area analysis
* Segmented Adaptive DPCM for Lossy Compression of Multispectral MR-Images
* Self-Calibration of a Moving Zoom-Lens Camera by Pre-Calibration
* Self-Organizing Algorithm of Robust PCA Based on Single-Layer NN
* Semiautomatic Linear Feature-Extraction by Dynamic-Programming and LSB-Snakes
* Sequential Updating of Projective and Affine Structure from Motion
* Shape Based Learning for a Multi-Template Method, and Its Application to Handprinted Numeral Recognition
* Shape from Shading with a Generalized Reflectance Map Model
* Shape Matrices as a Mixed Shape Factor for Off-Line Signature Verification
* Shape-Adapted Smoothing in Estimation of 3-D Shape Cues from Affine Deformations of Local 2-D Brightness Structure
* Shape-Preserving Approximations by Polynomials and Splines
* Shift of the Shadow Boundary in Images of Circular-Cylinders
* Single-Output Color Pattern-Recognition Using a Fractional Correlator
* Singularities and Regularities on Line Pictures via Symmetrical Trapezoids
* Singularities of Illuminated Surfaces
* Skeletons from Dot Patterns: A Neural-Network Approach
* Skew and Slant Correction for Document Images Using Gradient Direction
* Skew Detection and Text Line-Position Determination in Digitized Documents
* Special Issue on Natural and Artificial Real-Time Imaging and Vision
* Special Issue: Automatic Image Orientation - Preface
* Special Issue: Oriental Character-Recognition
* Special Section on Biomedical Imaging
* Spectral Attentional Mechanism Tuned to Object Configurations, A
* Speeding up chinese character recognition in an automatic document reading system
* Static and Dynamic Classifier Fusion for Character Recognition
* Statistical Image-Reconstruction in PET with Compensation for Missing Data
* Stereo Matching for Enhanced Telepresence in 3-Dimensional Videocommunications
* Storage and Retrieval of Compressed Images Using Wavelet Vector Quantization
* Strategy for On-Line Interpretation of Sketched Engineering Drawings, A
* Structural Character Recognition Using Simulated Annealing
* Structural Matching by Discrete Relaxation
* Structure Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Documents Based on SGML
* Structured Image Retrieval
* Study Of Moment Functions and Its Use in Chinese Character Recognition, A
* Subjective Image Fidelity Metric Based on Bit Allocation of the Human Visual-System in the DCT Domain
* Superresolution Video Reconstruction with Arbitrary Sampling Lattices and Nonzero Aperture Time
* Supporting Information Extraction from Printed Documents by Lexico-Semantic Pattern Matching
* Surfing an ODBMS (Maintaining WWW Documents with O2)
* Susan: A New Approach to Low-Level Image-Processing
* Synthetic Parameters for Handwriting Classification
* System for Automatically Reading IATA Flight Coupons, A
* System for Computerized Classification of Color Textured Perthite Images, A
* System for Extracting and Recognizing Numeral Strings on Maps, A
* System for Segmentation and Recognition of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Strings, A
* Systematic Approach to Classifier Selection on Combining Multiple Classifiers for Handwritten Digit Recognition, A
* Table Image Segmentation
* TABS: A New Software Framework for Document Image Processing, Analysis and Understanding
* TC2: Structural and Syntactic Pattern-Recognition: Aims, Scope, History and Activities
* Techniques for Assessing Polygonal Approximations of Curves
* Technologies for Future LANDSAT Missions
* Texture Analysis for Enhanced Color Image Quantization
* Three Decades of Landsat Instruments
* Three-Dimensional Surface Anthropometry: Applications to the Human-Body
* Tighter Lower-Bound on the Spetsakis-Aloimonos Trilinear Constraints, A
* Time-Optimal Solution to a Classification Problem in Ordered Functional Domains, with Applications, A
* Tool For Versatile And User-Friendly Document Correction, A
* Topographical Properties of Generic Images
* Topological Reconstruction of a Smooth Manifold-Solid from its Occluding Contour
* Towards Automatic Aerial Triangulation
* Transformation Invariant Distance: A New Metric for Handwritten Signature Recognition
* Two Image-Template Operations for Binary Image-Processing
* Two-Dimensional Extension of Nonlinear Normalization Method Using Line Density for Character Recognition
* Two-Dimensional Recursive Filtering Algorithm with Edge-Preserving Properties and Reduced Numerical Complexity
* Unconstrained Japanese Address Recognition Using a Combination of Spatial Information and Word Knowledge
* Unsupervised Image Restoration and Edge Location Using Compound Gauss-Markov Random-Fields and the MDL Principle
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Tuned Filters in Gaborian Space
* Using character shape coding for information retrieval
* Using Combination of Structural, Feature and Raster Classifiers for Recognition of Hand-Printed Characters
* UW-ISL Document Image Analysis Toolbox: An Experimental Environment
* Variations on the Analysis of Architectural Drawings
* Video compression system using a dense motion vector field and a triangular patch mesh overlay model
* Video Information-System for Sport Motion Analysis, A
* Visibility of Wavelet Quantization Noise
* Vision-Based Framework for the Discovery-Driven Manipulation of Nonrigid Objects, A
* Vision-Based Vehicle Guidance
* Visual Information-Systems: Guest Editors Introduction
* Visual Interpretation of Hand Gestures for Human-Computer Interaction: A Review
* Visual Servoing for Online Facilities
* Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Method to Automatically Register Images, A
* Weighted Hough Transform on a Gridded Image Plane
* What Can Be Seen in a Noisy Optical-Flow Field Projected by a Moving Planar Patch in 3D Space
* Word Recognition Using Associative Memory
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