7.3.5 Axial Descriptions

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Symmetry. Bilateral Symmetry. Axial Descriptions. 9605

See also Ribbon Descriptions.
See also Symmetries in Two Dimensions.

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Axial Representation of Shape,
CVGIP(33), No. 2, February 1986, pp. 156-173.
Elsevier DOI Detailed discussion of usefulness with respect to description and reconstruction of various techniques. Blum (
See also Transformation for Extracting New Descriptions of Shape, A. ), Brooks (
See also Goal-Directed Edge Linking and Ribbon Finding. ) and Brady (
See also Smoothed Local Symmetries and Their Implementation. ) papers to represent ribbons. BibRef 8602

Gauch, J.M., Pizer, S.M.,
The Intensity Axis of Symmetry and Its Application to Image Segmentation,
PAMI(15), No. 8, August 1993, pp. 753-770.
IEEE DOI Describe both the spatial and intensity variations together rather than separately. Used to generate choerent regions. BibRef 9308

Gauch, J.M.[John M.],
Multiresolution Image Shape Description,
Springer-VerlagNew York, 1992. ISBN 0-387-97682-5. BibRef 9200

Pizer, S.M., Oliver, W.R., Bloomberg, S.H.,
Hierarchical Shape Description Via the Multiresolution Symmetric Axis Transform,
PAMI(9), No. 4, July 1987, pp. 505-511. Direct extraction of the skeleton from the image.
See also Three-Dimensional Shape Description Using the Symmetric Axis Transform. BibRef 8707

Pizer, S.M., Burbeck, C.A., Coggins, J.M., Fritsch, D.S., Morse, B.S.,
Object Shape Before Boundary Shape: Scale-Space Medial Axes,
JMIV(4), 1994, pp. 303-313. Multi-scale ridge detection. BibRef 9400

Asada, H., Brady, M.,
The Curvature Primal Sketch,
PAMI(8), No. 1, January 1986, pp. 2-14. BibRef 8601
Earlier: CVWS84(8-17). BibRef
And: MIT AI Memo-758, February 1984. Primal Sketch. The basic representation as used in their other papers. BibRef

Rom, H., Medioni, G.G.,
Hierarchical Decomposition and Axial Shape Description,
PAMI(15), No. 10, October 1993, pp. 973-981.
IEEE DOI BibRef 9310 USC Computer Vision BibRef
Hierarchical Decomposition and Axial Representation of Shape,
And: DARPA92(607-613). BibRef
And: SPIE(1570), 1991, pp. 262-273. Two-dimensional axial representation of shapes for recognition, etc. BibRef

Sherbrooke, E.C., Patrikalakis, N.M., Wolter, F.E.,
Differential and Topological Properties of Medial Axis Transforms,
GMIP(58), No. 6, November 1996, pp. 574-592. 9701

Wolter, F.E.[Franz-Erich],
Cut Locus and Medial Axis in Global Shape Interrogation and Representation,
MIT Design LabMemorandum 92-2, December 1993.
PDF File. BibRef 9312

Wolter, F.E., Friese, K.I.,
Local and Global Geometric Methods for Analysis Interrogation, Reconstruction, Modification and Design of Shape,
WWW Link. BibRef 0001

Kunze, R., Wolter, F.E., Rausch, T.,
Geodesic Voronoi Diagrams on Parametric Surfaces,
WWW Link. BibRef 9700

Sharaiha, Y.M., Garat, P.,
Digital Straightness and the Skeleton Property,
PRL(16), 1995, pp. 417-423. BibRef 9500

Liang, E.H., Wang, E.K.,
An Efficient Method for Obtaining Morphological Skeletons,
PRL(14), 1993, pp. 689-695. BibRef 9300

Sirjani, A., Cross, G.R.,
On Representation of a Shape's Skeleton,
PRL(12), 1991, pp. 149-154. BibRef 9100

Parui, S.K.,
A Parallel Algorithm for Decomposition of Binary Objects Through Skeletonization,
PRL(12), 1991, pp. 235-240. BibRef 9100

Pasan, F., Vuerli, C.,
Core-Line Tracing for Fuzzy Image Subsets,
PRL(4), 1986, pp. 93-98. BibRef 8600

Cardoner, R., Thomas, F.,
Residuals Plus Directional Gaps Equals Skeletons,
PRL(18), No. 4, April 1997, pp. 343-353. 9708

Shaked, D.[Doron], Bruckstein, A.M.[Alfred M.],
Pruning Medial Axes,
CVIU(69), No. 2, February 1998, pp. 156-169.
DOI Link BibRef 9802

Siddiqi, K.[Kaleem], Pizer, S.M.[Stephen M.],
Medial Representations,
Springer2009, ISBN: 978-1-4020-8657-1.
WWW Link. Buy this book: Medial Representations: Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications (Computational Imaging and Vision) BibRef 0900

Mathew, J.J., James, A.P.,
Spatial Stimuli Gradient Sketch Model,
SPLetters(22), No. 9, September 2015, pp. 1336-1339.
brightness BibRef

Hong, J.H., Kim, Y.M., Wi, K., Kim, J.,
PotSAC: A Robust Axis Estimator for Axially Symmetric Pot Fragments,
archaeology, axial symmetry, data analysis, image reconstruction, least squares approximations, pottery, PotSAC, potsac BibRef

Ishikawa, H.[Hiroshi], Geiger, D.[Davi], Cole, R.[Richard],
Finding Tree Structures by Grouping Symmetries,
ICCV05(II: 1132-1139).
Symmetries to generate axial representations. BibRef

Willis, A.R., Cooper, D.B.,
Bayesian assembly of 3D axially symmetric shapes from fragments,
CVPR04(I: 82-89).

Kimia, B.B.[Benjamin B.], Tamrakar, A.[Amir],
The Role of Propagation and Medial Geometry in Human Vision,
BMCV02(219 ff.).
Springer DOI 0303

Schlicher, M., Verbeek, P.W., Bouts, E.,
Fast Analytical Medial-Axis Localization in Convex Polyhedra,
ICPR96(I: 55-61).
(Technical Univ. Delft, NL) BibRef

Frucci, M., Marcelli, A.,
Line representation of elongated shapes,
Springer DOI 9509

Chapter on 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture continues in
Thinning Algorithms .

Last update:Jul 18, 2024 at 20:50:34