* *Advances in Computer Vision
* *CMU VASC Image Database
* *CVOnline: Line drawings and line labeling
* *CVonline: Model-based vision
* *CVOnline: Polyhedral World Line Labeling
* *Handbook on Optical Character Recognition and Document Image Analysis
* *Radius: Image Understanding for Imagery Intelligence
* *Semantic Modeling for the Acquisition of Topographic Information from Images and Maps
* 2-D Mesh Geometry and Motion Compression for Efficient Object-Based Video Representation
* 3-D Building Reconstruction with Aruba: A Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation
* 3-D Motion Analysis from Image Sequences Using Point Correspondences
* 3-D SAR Imaging via High-Resolution Spectral Estimation Methods: Experiments With XPATCH
* 3D B-Spline Curve Matching for Model Based Object Recognition
* 3D Object Recognition by Neural Trees
* 3D Object Recognition from Multiple and Single Views
* 3D Video Generation with Multiple Perspective Camera Views
* Above-Ground Objects in Urban Scenes from Medium Scale Aerial Imagery
* Accurate Bit-Rate and Quality Control for the MPEG Video Coder
* Active Mobile Robot Localization
* Adaptive Axes-Generation Algorithm for 3D Tubular Structures
* Adaptive Classifier Based on K-Means Clustering and Dynamic Programming
* Adaptive Combination of PCA and VQ Networks
* Adaptive Detection for Tracking Moving Biological Objects in Video Microscopy Sequences
* Adaptive Implementation of the Susan Method for Image Edge and Feature Detection, An
* Adaptive Interpolation Scheme for 2-D Mesh Motion Compensation, An
* Adaptive L-Predictors Based on Finite State Machine Context Selection
* Adaptive Palette Determination for Color Images Based on Kohonen Networks
* Adaptive Quantization Using a Perceptual Visibility Predictor
* Adaptive Rate Controlling for Reliable Video Communication Over Wireless Packet Networks
* Adaptive Technique for the Enhanced Fusion of Low-Light Visible with Uncooled Thermal Infrared Imagery, An
* Adaptive Threshold Error Diffusion Technique for Color Inkjet Printing
* Address Generator of a Pseudo-Hilbert Scan in a Rectangle Region, An
* Adjustable Quadratic Filters for Image Enhancement
* Adjusting Astronomical Images Using a Censored Hausdorff Distance
* Advanced Visual Sensor Systems
* Affine Coordinate Based Algorithm for Reprojecting the Human Face for Identification Tasks, An
* Affine Invariant Retrieval of Binary Patterns Using Generalized Complex Moments
* Affine-Invariant Multiresolution Image Retrieval Using B-Splines
* Algorithm for Automatically Producing Layered Sprites by Detecting Camera Movement
* Algorithm to Find Parameter Dependent Connected Components of Gray Images, An
* Algorithmic Representation of Visual Information
* Aliasing Artifact Suppression with Adaptive Segmentation Based Edge Enhancement
* Analysis and Application of Autofocusing and Three-Dimensional Shape Recovery Techniques Based on Image Focus and Defocus
* Analysis and Synthesis for New Digital Video Applications
* Analysis of a Two Step MPEG Video System
* Analysis of Economic and Business Information
* Analysis of Motion in Natural Scenes Using A Spatiotemporal/Spatiotemporal Frequency Representation, The
* Analysis of Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Analysis of Three-Dimensional Protein Images
* Analysis of User Need in Image Archives
* Analytic Image, The
* Analytical Properties of Teager's Filter
* Animat Vision: Active Vision in Artificial Animals
* Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography
* Application of Majority Voting to Pattern Recognition: An Analysis of Its Behavior and Performance
* Application of Semi-Automatic Building Acquisition
* Application of Time-Frequency Signal Analysis to Motion Estimation
* Applications of Computer Vision to Telepresence
* Applications of the Region Growing Euclidean Distance Transform: Anisotropy and Skeletons
* Applied Partial Differential Variational Techniques
* Applying the Hungarian Method to Stereo Matching
* Approach for the Extraction of Settlement Areas, An
* Arabic Character Recognition
* Arbitrary View Generation from Multiple Cameras
* Architectures for Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Area Minimizing Flows
* Area-Based Interpolation for Scaling of Images from a CCD
* Artificial Intelligence in 3-D Feature Extraction
* Assessment of the Effects of Resolution on Automated DEM and Building Extraction
* Associative Memory for Gray-Scale Images
* Automated Analysis of Complex Scenes of Airborne Fiberglass Preparations for Scanning Electron Microscopy Imagery
* Automated Building Extraction from Digital Stereo Imagery
* Automated Construction of Templates for Matching
* Automated Detection and Matching of Spots in Autoradiogram Images of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis for High-Speed Genome Scanning
* Automated Detection of Breast Tumors in Ultrasonic Images Using Fuzzy Reasoning
* Automated Measurements in Obstetric Ultrasound Images
* Automated Model-to-Image Registration
* Automated Registration of Multimodality Images by Maximization of a Region Similarity Measure
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University
* Automatic Acquisition of Hierarchical, Textured 3D Geometric Models of Urban Environments: Project Plan
* Automatic Analysis and Understanding of Documents
* Automatic Defect Classification for Semiconductor Manufacturing
* Automatic Road Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Modeling, Context, and Snakes
* Automatic Robust Threshold Finding Aided by Fuzzy Information Granulation
* Automatic Text Detection and Recognition
* Bandpass Optical Flow for Tagged MR Imaging
* Bayesian Labelling of Corners Using a Grey-Level Corner Image Model
* Bayesian Network Classifiers
* Bayesian Restoration of Noisy Images with the EM Algorithm
* Benchmarking Texture Classification Algorithms
* Bias Field Correction of Chest Thin Section CT Images
* Binary Image Reconstruction via 2-D Viterbi Search
* Binary Shape Coding Method Using Modified MMR, A
* Binocular Stereo Technique for 3-D Reconstruction of Electrical Discharges, A
* Biologically Inspired Recognition Model with Extension Fields
* Biorthogonal Quincunx Coifman Wavelets
* Bit Allocation Methods for Closed-Loop Coding of Oversampled Pyramid Decompositions
* Block Matching Motion Estimation Using Block Integration Based on Reliability Metric
* Bottleneck-Free Separable Affine Image Warping
* Box-Counting Approach to Color Segmentation, A
* Camera Calibration from Multiple Views of a 2D Object Using a Global Non-Linear Minimization Method
* Chain of Circles for Matching and Recognition of Planar Shapes
* Channel-Optimized Subband Video Coding for Channels with a Power Constraint
* Characterization of Visual Appearance Applied to Image Retrieval, A
* Characterization of Visually Similar Diffuse Diseases from B-Scan Liver Images with the Nonseparable Wavelet Transform
* Check Image Compression: A Comparison of JPEG, Wavelet and Layered Coding Methods
* Chromatic Contour Detector based on Abrupt Change Techniques, A
* Class of Reversible Variable Length Codes for Robust Image and Video Coding, A
* Classification of Carbide Distributions Using Scale Selection and Directional Distributions
* Classification of Pulmonary Nodules in Thin Section CT Images Based on Shape Characterization
* Classified Adaptive Prediction and Entropy Coding for Lossless Coding of Images
* Cluster Analysis and Related Issues
* Coarse-Grained, Reconfigurable Image Coprocessor, A
* Coding Artifact Removal with Multiscale Postprocessing
* Coding the Displaced Frame Difference for Video Compression
* Color Balance for Video Conferencing
* Color Image Edge Detection Using Cluster Analysis
* Color Image Enhancement Using Spatially Adaptive Saturation Feedback
* Colour in Computer Vision
* Combination of Two Learning Algorithms for Automatic Target Recognition
* Combined Mode Selection and Macroblock Quantization Step Adaptation for the H.263 Video Encoder
* Combining Color and Spatial Information for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Combining Geometric and Appearance Models for Change Detection
* Comparing Random-Starts Local Search with Key-Feature Matching
* Complex Texture Classification Using Edge Information
* Computation of Cloud-base Height from Paired Whole-Sky Imaging Cameras, The
* Computational Graceful Degradation for Video Sequence Decoding
* Computational models of visual neurons specialised in the detection of periodic and aperiodic oriented visual stimuli: bar and grating cells
* Computer Vision Handbook
* Computer Vision in Food Handling and Sorting
* Computer Vision Performance Characterization
* Concentric Circular Sampling for Texture Analysis
* Conditional Event Algebra Techniques for Iterated Image Estimation
* Connectionist Architectures in Low Level Image Segmentation
* Constraint Directed Learning for Unsupervised Image Sequence Segmentation
* Constraint Optimization and Feature-Based Model Construction for Reverse Engineering
* Content-Based Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback in MARS
* Content-Based Pre-Indexed Video
* Content-based Query and Indexing
* Content-Based Video Retrieval and Compression: A Unified Solution
* Context and Quasi-Invarinats in ATR with SAR Imagery
* Context Related Issues in Image Understanding
* Context-Aided False Alarm Reduction for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Context-Based Vision
* Context-Supported Road Extraction
* Continuous Automatic Speech Recognition by Lipreading
* Continuous Label Bayesian Segmentation, Applications to Medical Brain Images
* Continuous Terrain Modeling from Image Sequences with Applications to Change Detection
* Contour Detection Using Multi-Scale Active Shape Models
* Contour Representation of Binary Images Using Run-type Direction Codes
* Contribution of a color classification to soccer players tracking with snakes
* Cooperative Multisensor Video Surveillance
* Corner Characterization by Statistical Analysis of Gradient-Direction
* Crestlines Contribution to the Automatic Building Extraction
* Cubic Rational Polynomial Camera Model, The
* Cyclic Motion Analysis Using Periodic Trace
* DARPA Image Understanding Motion Benchmark, The
* Data Hiding for Video-in-Video
* Data-Driven Multi-Frame 3D Motion Estimation
* Database Support for Exploitation Image Understanding
* DCT Embedded Subband AMBTC Image Coder, A
* DCT-Based Watermark Recovering without Resorting to the Uncorrupted Original Image
* decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting, A
* Deformable Surface-Spine Model for 3-D Surface Registration, A
* Deformation Analysis of Three-Dimensional Morphometric Structures
* Dense Class of Markov Random Fields and Associated Parameter Estimation, A
* Deriving Texture Feature Set for Content-Based Retrieval of Satellite Image Database
* Design of Distributed Hypermedia Systems based on Hypermedia-on-Demand Architecture
* Design of Self-Tuning IU Systems
* Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Parallel Image Shape Indexer
* Desktop Programmable Pixel-Parallel Accelerator for High Speed Image Processing
* Detecting Multiple Moving Targets Using Deformable Contours
* Detecting Regular Patterns Using Frequency Domain Self-Filtering
* Detection et modelisation de traits locaux bidirectionnels dans les images a niveaux de gris
* Detection of Curved Road Edges in Radar Images Via Deformable Templates
* Detection of Spicules in Mammograms
* Determining the Dominant Plane from Uncalibrated Stereo Vision by a Robust and Convergent Iterative Approach without Correspondence
* Differential Code for Shape Representation in Image Database Applications, A
* Digital Halftoning as 2-D Delta-Sigma Modulation
* Digital Surface Models for Building Extraction
* Dimensionality Reduction Using Multi-Dimensional Scaling for Content-Based Retrieval
* Discovering and Visualizing Narrative Themes
* Discriminant Analysis for Recognition of Human Face Images
* Distance de Hausdorff et probleme discret-continu
* Distributed Vision System: A Perceptual Information Infrastructure for Robotic Navigation
* Dynamic Programming Delineation
* Edge Detection Using Generalized Root Signals of 2-D Median Filtering
* Edge Detection: Modeling, Estimation, and Aggregation
* Edge-Aligning Surface Fitting Using Triangular B-Splines
* Edges: Saliency Measures and Automatic Thresholding
* Effective and Ineffective Digital Watermarks
* Effective Technique for Calibrating a Binocular Stereo Through Projective Reconstruction Using Both a Calibration Object and the Environment, An
* Effects of Interpolation and Smoothing of Color Matching Functions, The
* Efficiency of Simple Shape Descriptors
* Efficient ASIC and FPGA Implementations of IIR Filters for Real Time Edge Detection
* Efficient Block Matching Algorithm Based on a Valid Assumption of the Convex Distortion, An
* Efficient Boundary Encoding Scheme which is Optimal in the Rate-Distortion Sense, An
* Efficient Coding of the Classification Table in Low Bit Rate Subband Image Coding by Use of Hierarchical Enumeration
* Efficient Layered Video Delivery Over Multicarrier Systems Using Optimized Embedded Modulation
* Efficient Optimal Rate-Distortion Coding of Video Sequences Under Multiple Rate Constraints
* Efficient RD Optimized Macroblock Coding Mode Selection for MPEG-2 Video Encoding
* Efficient Terrain Data Representation for 3D Rendering Using the Generalized BFOS Algorithm
* Efficient Utilization of Variable Duration Information in HMM Based HWR Systems
* Eigenheads for Reconstruction
* Embedded Zerotree Wavelet Coding of Multispectral Images
* Embedding Invisible Information in Color Images
* Enhanced Fractal Image Coding by Combining IFS and VQ
* Enhancement of Mammograms from Oriented Information
* Error Resilience for Block Loss with Overlapped Motion Compensation
* Error Resilient Transmission of MPEG-II Over Noisy Wireless ATM Networks
* Estimating Image Motion Using Temporal Multi-Scale Optical Flow and Acceleration
* Estimating Squinted SAR Data: An Efficient Multivariate Minimization Approach Using Only Essential 3-D Target Information
* Estimation of Class Membership Functions for Grey-Level Based Image Fusion
* Estimation of Neuromagnetic Source Location in the Cortical Region Using MR images
* Estimation of Nonlinear Transfer Curves for Conversion of Color Images to a Known Color Space
* Estimations of Previewed Road Curvatures and Vehicular Motion by a Vision-Based Data Fusion Scheme
* Evaluation of 3-D Convolution by 2-D Filtering
* Evaluation of Automatic Road Extraction
* Evaluation of Image Stabilization Algorithms
* Evaluations of Large, Complex Research and Development Programs: Theory and Practice
* Evolutionary Learning for Orchestration of a Signal-to-Symbol Mapper
* Experiments with and Algorithm for Recovering Fluid Flow from Video Imagery
* Extensible Knowledge-Based Architecture for Segmenting Computed Tomography Images, An
* Extensible Optical Music Recognition
* Extension of CNN-Based Multilevel Halftoning to Color Reproduction
* Extension of the Collage Theorem
* Extra Set of Eyes (1997)
* Extracting Artificial Surface Objects from Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Extraction of Discontinuous Chains of Symbols by Means of Perceptual Grouping
* Extraction of Facial Sketch Image Based on Morphological Processing
* Extraction of Micro-Terrain Ravines Using Image Understanding Constrained by Topographic Context
* Extraction of Polygonal Features form Satellite Images for Automatic Registration: The ARCHANGEL Project
* Face Authentication Based on Morphological Grid Matching
* Face k-D Trees for Bounded Error Point Location Operations and Surface Simplification
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Model-Based Feature Extraction and Action Parameter(s) Classification
* Families of Stationary Patterns Producing Illusory Movement: Insights into the Visual System
* Fast Algorithm for Maximum-Likelihood Imaging with Coherent Speckle Measurements, A
* Fast Algorithm for Target Shadow Removal in Monocular Colour Sequences, A
* Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Facial Feature Segmentation, A
* Fast Fractal Encoding in Frequency Domain
* Fast Image Stabilization and Mosaicking
* Fast Robust Tracking of Curvy Partially Occluded Roads in Clutter in Aerial Images
* Fault Analysis and Performance Monitoring in Prototyping Machine Vision Systems
* Feature Based Hierarchical Video Segmentation
* Feature Selection for Robust Color Image Retrieval
* Feature Visualization and Analysis for Image Classification and Retrieval
* Feature-Based 3D Surface Modeling by Improved Constrained Triangular Meshes
* Feature-Based Cluster Segmentation of Image Sequences
* Feature-Oriented Rate Shaping of Pre-Compressed Image/Video
* FEC Coding for H.263 Compatible Video Transmission
* Feedforward Neural Networks with Multilevel Hidden Neurons for Remotely Sensed Image Classification
* FEM-Based Nonlinear MAP Estimator in Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Finding People and Animals by Guided Assembly
* Finding the Perceptually Obvious Path
* Fitting Implicit Quartics for Use in Feature Extraction
* Fitting the Most Probable Curve to Noisy Observations
* Flexible High-Throughput VLSI Architecture with 2-D Data-Reuse for Full-Search Motion Estimation, A
* FOCUS: A Shared Vision Technology Transfer Project
* ForeSight: Fast Object Recognition Using Geometric Hashing with Edge-Triple Features
* Forest of Sensors, A
* Forward/Backward Adaptive Context Selection with Applications to Motion Vector Field Encoding
* Fourier-Based Dose Calculation in Radiation Brachytherapy
* Fractional Discrimination for Texture Image Segmentation
* Frame Rate Up-Conversion Considering Multiple Motion
* Frequency Domain Down Conversion of HDTV Using Adaptive Motion Compensation
* Frequency-Shift-Invariant Orthonormal Wavelet Packet Representations
* From Large-Scale DTM Extraction to Feature Extraction
* Fully Pipelined Parallel CORDIC Architecture for Half-pel Motion Estimation, A
* Fuzzy Error Diffusion of Color Images
* Fuzzy System Improves the Performance of Wavelet-Based Correlation Detectors
* General Algorithm for Document Skew Angle Estimation, A
* General Formulation for Wavefront Curvature Correction in Polar-Formatted Spotlight-Mode SAR Images Using Space-Variant Post-Filtering
* Generalised locally adaptive DPCM
* Generalized Max/Median Filtering
* Generation of Perspective and Panoramic Video from Omnidirectional Video
* Generic Model-Based Edge Estimation in the Image Surface
* Geodesic Voronoi Diagrams on Parametric Surfaces
* Geometric Constraint Analysis and Synthesis: Methods for Improving Shape-Based Registration Accuracy
* Geometric Modeling from Scattered 3-D Range Data
* Geometric Refinement in Model Supported Positioning
* Geospatial Registration
* Gisting of Video Documents: A Key Frames Selection Algorithm Using Relative Activity Measure
* Global 3D Planar Reconstruction with Uncalibrated Cameras and Rectified Stereo Geometry
* Global Optimization of Multiplexed Video Encoders
* Gradient Based Fast Search Algorithm for Warping Motion Compensation Schemes, A
* Groundtruthing The RADIUS Model-Board Imagery
* Grouping Planar Projective Symmetries
* Halftone Postprocessing for Improved Highlight Rendition
* Hardware for Context-Based Image Queries
* HDH Based Compressed Video Cut Detection
* Hellinger-Kakutani Metric for Pattern Recognition, The
* Hierarchical and Adaptive Deformable Model for Mouth Boundary Detection, A
* Hierarchical Structure Representation for Content-Based Indexing and Retrieval, A
* Hierarchical, Multi-Resolution Method for Dictionary-Driven Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* High Quality Image Compression Using the Wavelet Transform
* High Resolution Radar Tomography
* Higher Order Local Autocorrelation Features of PARCOR Images for Gesture Recognition
* History-based blending of image sub-predictors
* Horizon Line Matching for Orientation Correction Using a Messy Genetic Algorithm
* Hough Transform Implementation on a Reconfigurable Highly Parallel CAM Architecture
* Human Activity Recognition
* Human and Machine Perception: Information Fusion
* Human Symmetry Perception and Its Computational Analysis
* Human- and System-Directed Fusion of Multimedia and Multimodal Information Using the s-Tree Data Model
* Hybrid ARQ with Selective Combining for Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels
* Identification of Mine-Shaped Objects Based on an Efficient Phase Stepped-Frequency Radar Approach
* Image Analysis System for Automated Detection of Breast Cancer Nuclei, An
* Image and Video Coding with Weighted Finite Automata
* Image Approximation by Minimization of a Geometric Distance Applied to a 3D Finite Elements Based Model
* Image Browsing and Retrieval Research at Stanford
* Image Coding by Folding
* Image Coding with Optimal Reconstruction
* Image Compression Using Biorthogonal Wavelet Transforms with Multiplierless 2-D Filter Mask Operation
* Image Compression Using Shift-Invariant Dyadic Wavelets
* Image Content Search by Color and Texture Properties
* Image De-Blocking with Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Analysis and Spatially Variant OS Filters
* Image Embedding in Image by a Complexity Based Region Segmentation Method, An
* Image Information Retrieval System
* Image Registration Using an Adaptive LMS Algorithm
* Image Replacement Through Texture Synthesis
* Image Sequence Fusion Using a Shift-Invariant Wavelet Transform
* Image Understanding at Cornell University
* Image Understanding at Lockheed Martin Valley Forge
* Image Understanding Research at CMU, 1997
* Image Understanding Research at Colorado State University
* Image Understanding Research at Hughes Aircraft Company: Adaptive Image Exploitation
* Image Understanding Research at Rochester
* Image Understanding Research at UC Irvine: Automatic Recognition in Multispectral Imagery
* Image-Based Reconstruction of Informal Settlements
* Image-Based Scene Rendering and Manipulation Research at the University of Wisconsin
* Imagery Exploitation Applications for Image Understanding
* Impact of Rate Control Algorithms on Video Codec Hardware Design, The
* Implementations of on Sensor Image Compression and Comparisons Between Pixel and Column Parallel Architectures
* Impulse Restoration-Based Template-Matching Using the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* independent components of natural scenes are edge filters, The
* Indexing Television News
* Indexing the Content of Multimedia Documents
* Indoor-Outdoor Image Classification
* Integrated Approach to Image Stabilization, Mosaicking and Super-Resolution, An
* Integrated Use of 3-D Site Models and ATR in SAR Image Exploitation
* Integration of Audio/Visual Information for Use in Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction
* Integration of Image Understanding Exploitation Algorithms in the RADIUS Testbed
* Integration of Model Supported Positioning Software into the NEL Infrastructure
* Intelligent Vision Systems for Industry
* Interactive Control of Three Dimensional Viewing
* Interactive Tool for Computer Vision Tutorials, An
* Interframe Coding Using Deformable Triangles of Variable Size
* Interpolation of the DC component of Coded Images Using a Rational Filter
* Inverse Hollywood Problem: From video to scripts and storyboards via causal analysis, The
* Investigations on the Influence of Lossy Shape Coding on DCT-Based, Contour-Adaptive Texture Coding
* Invisible Watermarking Technique for Image Verification, An
* Iterative Motion-Based Segmentation for Object-Based Video Coding
* Iterative Weighted Regularized Algorithm for Improving the Resolution of Video Sequences, An
* IU at the University of Utah: Extraction of Micro-Terrain Features
* IU au UI: An Overview of Research During 1996-1997
* Joint Adaptive Space and Frequency Basis Selection
* Joint Application of Overlapped Block Motion Compensation and Loop Filtering for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Joint Control of MPEG VBR Video Over ATM Networks
* Joint Segmentation and B-Spline Object Contour Modelling for Object Tracking and Motion Compensation in Image Sequences
* Kalman Filter that Learns Robust Models of Dynamic Phenomena, A
* KLT: An Implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker
* Knowledge Based Approach to Automatic Image Registration, A
* Knowledge Directed Reconstruction from Multiple Aerial Images
* Knowledge-Based Automatic Feature Extraction
* Lane Boundary Detection Using a Multiresolution Hough Transform
* Learning Character Recognition by Localized Interpretation of Character-Images
* Learning Deformable Models for Tracking the Human Body
* Learning to Detect Rooftops in Aerial Images
* Learning to Fixate on 3D Targets with Uncalibrated Active Cameras
* Learning Visual Models for Lipreading
* Least Squares Matching for Three Dimensional Building Reconstruction
* Leather Inspection by Oriented Texture Analysis with a Morphological Approach
* Length Determination of DNA Fragments in Atomic Force Microscope Images
* Lexicographic Bit Allocation for MPEG Video Coding
* Lie Group Analysis in Object Recognition
* Limited Angle Tomography Using Volumetric Constraints
* Linear Feature Extraction with 3-D LSB-Snakes
* Linear Models for Infrared Spectra
* Linear Phase Paraunitary Filter Banks with Unequal-Length Filters
* Linear Pre/Post Filters for Transform and Subband/Wavelet Coding
* Local Three-Dimensional Shape-Preserving Smoothing without Shrinkage
* Localized Compression of Video Conferencing
* Locating and Correcting Errors in Images
* Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Using Wavelet-Based Fractal Approximation
* Machine Learning and Image Interpretation
* Machine Learning Research: Four Current Directions
* Macroblock Quantizer Selection for H.263 Video Coding
* MAGNET: An Active Ditch Extraction Model
* Managing Large 3D Urban Database Contents Supporting Phototexture and Levels of Detail
* Markovian Approach to Color Image Restoration Based on Space Filling Curves, A
* Maschinelle Wahrnehmung fur den bordautonomen automatischen Hubschrauberflug
* Matching and Pose Refinement with Camera Pose Estimates
* Matching of Articulated Objects in SAR Images
* Medialness and Skeletonization for Object Recognition and Shape Similarity
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Mean Field Annealing Network
* Method to Obtain the Integrated Contour Image in Colour Scenes, A
* Minimax Entropy Principles and Its Application to Texture Modeling
* Minimax Method for Function Interpolation Using an SLI Structure, A
* Minimum-Entropy Clustering and its Application to Lossless Image Coding
* Mixed Norm Image Restoration, A
* Mixed Traffic and Automated Highways
* MML based noise cleaning of images
* Model Based Extraction of Articulated Objects in Image Sequences for Gait Analysis
* Model Based Texture Segmentation and Classification
* Model Driven Approach to Extract Buildings from Multi-View Aerial Imagery, A
* Model-Based Detection and Correction of Corrupted Wavelet Coefficients
* Model-Based Estimation of Facial Expression Parameters from Image Sequences
* Model-Based Matching by Linear Combinations of Prototypes
* Model-Based Optimization: An Approach to Fast, Accurate and Consistent Site Modeling
* Model-Based Synthetic View Generation from a Monocular Video Sequence
* Model-Based Target Recognition in Foliage Penetrating SAR Images
* Model-Based Tikhonov-Miller Image Restoration
* Model-Driven Grouping and Recognition of Generic Object Parts from a Single Image
* Model-Supported Exploitation as a Framework for Image Understanding
* Modeling and Prediction of Human Behavior
* Modeling Images for Content-Based Queries: The DISIMA Approach
* Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients in Medical Image Compression
* Modeling the Displaced Frame Difference as an Alpha-Stable Distribution
* Modified Rate-Distortion Function with Optimal Classification for Wavelet Coding
* modified self-organizing neural net for shape extraction, A
* Moment Matrices for Recognition of Spatial Pattern in Noisy Images
* Monte Carlo Comparison of Distance Transform Based Matching Measures
* Morphological Anisotropic Diffusion
* Morphological Image Enlargements
* MOSES: A Structural Approach to Aerial Image Understanding
* Motion Compensation in Color Video with Illumination Variations
* Motion Compensation Using Region Constrained Warping Prediction
* Motion Estimation Algorithms for Video Compression
* Motion from Fixation
* Motion Vector Quantization in a Rate-Distortion Framework
* Motion-Based Recognition
* Motion-Based Segmentation Using a Thresholded Merging Strategy on Watershed Segments
* Motion-Compensating Real-Time Format Converter for Video on Multimedia Displays
* Movement, Activity, and Action: The Role of Knowledge in the Perception of Motion
* Moving Object Detection and Event Recognition Algorithms for Smart Camera
* MPEG4 Face Modeling Using Fiducial Points
* Multi-Image Correspondence Using Geometric and Structural Constraints
* Multi-Resolution, Semantic Objects, and Context for Road Extraction
* Multi-Robot Exploration of an Unknown Environment, Efficiently Reducing the Odometry Error
* Multi-Spectral Imaging Filters
* Multi-Threshold Wavelet Coder (MTWC) For High Fidelity Image Compression, A
* Multichannel Image Identification and Restoration Using Continuous Spatial Domain Modeling
* Multidisciplinary Image Understanding Research at the University of Maryland
* Multilevel Character Templates for Document Image Decoding
* Multilevel Probabilistic Relaxation
* Multiple Layer Screening for Reducing Moire Patterning and Ink Bleeding
* Multiple Occluding Objects Tracking Using a Non-Redundant Boundary-Based Representation for Image Sequence Interpolation After Decoding
* Multiple Perspective Interactive Video Surveillance and Monitoring
* Multiple Stochastic Models for Recognition of Occluded Targets in SAR Images
* Multiple View 2D-3D Mutual Information Registration
* Multiplexing VBR Video Sequences onto a CBR Channel with Lexicographic Optimization
* Multiplexing Video Traffic Using Frame-skipping Aggregation Technique
* Multirate Kalman Filtering Approach for Optimal Two-Dimensional Signal Reconstruction from Noisy Subband Systems
* Multiresolution Detection of Stellate Lesions in Mammograms
* Multiresolution Motion Analysis Combining Feature-Based and Featureless Estimates
* Multiresolution Sampling Procedure for Analysis and Synthesis of Texture Images
* Multiresolution Surface Feature Analysis for Automatic Target Identification Based on Laser Radar Images
* Multiresolution Video Watermarking Using Perceptual Models and Scene Segmentation
* Multiresolution Watermark for Digital Images, A
* Multiscale Antidiffusion Approach for Gaussian Blurred Images, A
* Multiscale Contrast Enhancement Method, A
* Multiscale Linear/Median Hybrid Filters for Noise Reduction in Low Dose X-Ray Images
* Multiscale Segmentation and Approximation for Significant Description of 2D Contours
* Multiscale Segmentation Through a Radial Basis Neural Network
* Multisensor Image Fusion Using a Region-Based Wavelet Transform Approach
* Multisensor Integration for Scene Classification: an Experiment in Human Form Detection
* Name-It: Naming and Detecting Faces in Video by the Integration of Image and Natural Language Processing
* NETRA: A Toolbox for Navigating Large Image Databases
* Neural Net Computing for Pattern Recognition
* Neural Network Approach to Indexing, A
* Neural Network Based Photometric Stereo Using Illumination Planning
* Neural Network-Based Cloud Classification on Satellite Imagery Using Textural Features
* New 2-D Spectrum Estimate Using Multichannel AR Approach of 2-D Fast RLS Algorithms, A
* New Approach for Restoring Block-Transform Coded Images with Estimation of Correlation Matrices, A
* New Binary Image Representation: Logicodes, A
* New Embedded Lossless/Quasi-Lossless Image Coder Based on the Hadamard Transform, A
* New Error Criterion for Near-Lossless Image Compression, A
* New Formula of the Radon Transform Inversion, A
* New Spatial Interaction Model for Color Texture, A
* Next Generation Image Compression and Manipulation Using CREW
* Noise-Robust Estimation of Planar Roto-Translations with High Precision
* Nonlinear Diffusion Scale-Spaces
* Nonparametric Methodology for Information Theoretic Feature Extraction, A
* Nonredundant Image Representations
* Nonuniform Image Reconstruction Using Multilevel Surface Interpolation
* Normalized Rate-Distortion Model for H.263-Compatible Codecs and its Application to Quantizer Selection, A
* Object Based Video with Progressive Foreground
* Object Identification in a Bayesian Context
* Object Pose Estimation in Underwater Acoustic Images
* Object recognition from 2D images using Kohonen self-organized feature maps
* Object Recognition Using a Tag
* Object Recognition with Luminance, Rotation and Location Invariance
* Object-Scalable Mesh-Based Coding of Synthetic and Natural Image Objects
* On Optimal Tiling of the Spectrum in Subband Image Compression
* On the Application of Turbo Codes to the Robust Transmission of Compressed Images
* On the Estimation of the Probability Distribution of a Non-Stationary Source for Lossless Data Compression
* On the History of Gaussian Scale-Space Axiomatics
* On the Integration of Object Modeling and Image Modeling in Automated Building Extraction for Aerial Images
* On the Invertibility of Invisible Watermarking Techniques
* On the Optimality of the Simple Bayesian Classifier under Zero-One Loss
* On the Reconstruction of Urban House Roofs from Aerial Images
* On Topological Deep-Structure Segmentation
* Optic Flow Estimation from 3D Wavelet Edge Detection
* Optical Flow Determination Using Topology Preserving Mappings
* Optical Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Optical Pattern Recognition for Computer Vision
* Optimal Segmentation of a VBR Source for its Parallel Transmission over Multiple ATM Connections
* Optimal Subband Decoding
* Optimal Waveform Selection for Radar Target Classification
* Optimum Design of Vector-Quantized Subband Codecs
* Optimum Laplacian for Digital Image Processing
* Optimum Parent Pruning in Fractal Compression
* Orientation Adapted Subband Image Compression
* Orientation Behavior Using Registered Topographic Maps
* Orientation Selective Subband Decomposition and Stack-Run Coding
* Orientation- and Scale- Invariant Recognition of Textures in Multi-Object Scenes
* Original Multi-Sensor Approach to Scale-Based Image Analysis for Aerial and Satellite Images, An
* Overview of DARPA's Research Program in Automatic Population of Geospatial Databases, An
* Page Segmentation Using a Pyramidal Architecture
* Parallel Algorithm for a Very Fast 2D Velocity Field Estimation, A
* Parallel Implementations of AOS Schemes: A Fast Way of Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Parallel Multimedia Processor for Macroblock Based Compression Standards, A
* Parallel Object Recognition on an FPGA-based Configurable Computing Platform
* Parametric model for Synthetic Aperature Radar Measurements, A
* Pattern Recognition and Visualization of Sparsely Sampled Biomedical Signals
* Pattern Recognition in Geophysical Signal Processing and Interpretation
* Pattern Recognition in Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials
* Pattern Recognition Prototyping Tool
* Perceptually Tuned Embedded Zerotree Image Coder, A
* Performance Analysis of Wavelets in Embedded Zerotree-Based Lossless Image Coding Schemes
* Performance Modeling and Adaptive Target Detection
* Perona-Malik Paradox, The
* Perspective 3D Formalism for Shape from Shading, A
* Phase Retrieval as a Means of Wavefront Sensing
* Phase-Based Disparity Estimation: a Spatial Approach
* Photometric Stereo Without Multiple Images
* Pictorial Query Specification for Browsing Through Image Databases
* PicToSeek: A Content-Based Image Search System for the World Wide Web
* Practical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific Applications
* Pre and Post-Filtering for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Preconditioning Methods for Shift-Variant Image Reconstruction
* Prediction Based on Boolean Filters for Multiresolution Lossless Image Compression
* Preprocessing for Discrete Multiwavelet Transform of Two-Dimensional Signals
* Principal Investigator Report: Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University
* Processing JPEG-Compressed Images
* Programming in the Image Understanding Environment: Locating Fibers in Microscope Images
* Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts, 1997
* Progressive Image Coding with Spatially Variable Resolution
* Progressive Image Indexing and Retrieval Based on Embedded Wavelet Coding
* Progressive Transmission of Images Using Block Wavelet Transform
* Project Plan for Multiple Perspective Interactive Video Surveillance and Monitoring
* Projections onto the Overcomplete Basis Approach for Block Loss Recovery, A
* Projective Geometry and Computer Vision
* Protecting Publicly Available Images with an Invisible Image Watermark
* Psychovisually Based Multiresolution Image Segmentation
* Quality Assessment of Image Features in Video Coding
* Quality Measure for Compressed Image Sequences Based on an Eye-Movement Compensated Spatio-Temporal Model, A
* Quanitative Stereo Vision of the Stereo Light Microscope: An Attempt to Provide Control Feedback for a Nanorob System
* Quantitative Comparison of IU Algorithms
* Quantitative L2 Error Analysis for Interpolation Methods and Wavelet Expansions
* Quick-Look: A New Way to Prioritize Imagery for Exploitation
* RADIUS adn the NEL
* RADIUS Common Development Environment, The
* RADIUS Concept Definition Experiments
* RADIUS Phase II Program, The
* RADIUS Technology Transfer
* RADIUS Testbed Database: Issues and Design, The
* RADIUS Testbed System, The
* Rapidly Adapting Machine Vision System for Automated Vehicle Steering, A
* Rate-Constrained Motion Estimation Algorithm for Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Motion Smoothing for MPEG-2 Encoding
* Rate-Quantization Model for MPEG Encoders, A
* Reactive Combination of Belief Over Time Using Direct Perception
* Real Time H.263 Video Codec Using Parallel DSP
* Real Time Object Detection, Tracking and Classification in Monocular Image Sequences of Road Traffic Scenes
* Real-Time 3-D Tracking and Classification of Human Behavior
* Real-Time Algorithm for Color Sorting Edge-Glued Panel Parts, A
* Real-Time American Sign Language from Video Using Hidden Markov Models
* Real-Time Interactive SAR Tactical Mapper, A
* Real-Time Line Extraction Using a Highly Parallel Hough Transform Board
* Real-Time Quantized Optical Flow
* Real-Time Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding with Adaptive Mean-Removed Vector Quantization
* Real-time Visualization of Interactive Parameter Changes in Image Processing Systems
* Recent Advances in 3D Reconstruction Techniques Using Aerial Images
* Recognition of Human Movements Based on Explicit Motion Models
* Recognition Using Multiband Filtered Energy Matrices
* Recognizing Buildings in Aerial Images
* Recognizing Chromospheric Objects via Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Reconstruction of Dynamic 3D Structure of Biological Objects Using Stereo Microscope Images, The
* Reconstruction of the Shape of a Compact Object from Few Projections
* Reconstruction of Vector Fields in Bounded Domain Vector Tomography
* Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs
* Recovery of a Near Optimal Layer Representation for an Entire Image Sequence, The
* Recovery of Blurred Video Signals Using Iterative Image Restoration Combined with Motion Estimation
* Recursive Estimation Approach to the Segmentation of MR Imagery, A
* Recursive Morphological Operators for Gray Image Processing. Application in Granulometry Analysis
* Reduced-Complexity Rate-Distortion Optimization of Multiresolution Motion Field and Prediction Residual
* Reduction of Nonstationary Noise in Telescope Imagery Using a Support Constraint
* Region-Based Motion Compensated 3D-Wavelet Transform Coding of Video
* Region-Based Video Coding Using a Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Registering Depth Maps from Multiple Views Recorded by Color Image Sequences
* Regularized Total Least Squares Reconstruction for Optical Tomographic Imaging Using Conjugate Gradient Method
* Reinforcement learning Integrated Image Segmentation and Object Recognition
* Repetitive and Morphological Padding for Object-Based Video Coding
* Representing Local Motion as a Probability Distribution Matrix and Object Tracking
* Representing Multiscale N-folded Symmetry in Color Texture
* Research in the Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery: 1995-1996
* Ridge and Ravine Detection in Digital Images
* Road Modeling Based on a Cartographic Database for Aerial Image Interpretation
* Road traffic sign detection and classification
* Robust Anisotropic Diffusion and Sharpening of Scalar and Vector Images
* Robust Area Matching
* Robust Detection of SAR/IR Targets via Invariance
* Robust H.263 Compatible Video Transmission for Mobile Access to Video Servers
* Robust Line-Segment Extraction Using Genetic Algorithms
* Robust Markovian Segmentation Based on Highest Confidence First (HCF), A
* Robust Motion Estimation Using Connected Operators
* Robust Object Extraction Method Using Three Cameras
* Robust Video Motion Detection and Event Recognition
* Robustness of Multiplexing Protocols for Audio-Visual Services Over Wireless Networks
* Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Reconstruction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial Images, The
* Role of Grouping for Road Extraction, The
* Role of IU Technology in RADIUS Phase II, The
* Rosetta: An Image Database Retrieval System
* Rounding Transform Based Approach for Lossless Subband Coding
* Saliency-Based Visual Representation for Compression
* sarMapper: A Real-Time Interactive SAR Tactical Mapper
* Scalable Coding Based on Adaptive Subband for Interlaced Video Sequences
* Scalable Segmentation-Based Coding of Video Sequences Addressing Content-Based Functionalities
* Scalable Shape Representation for Content-Based Visual Data Compression
* Scale-Based Robust Image Segmentation
* Scaling the Dynamic Approach to Autonomous Path Planning: Planning Horizon Dynamics
* Scene Adaptive Rate Control in a Distributed Parallel MPEG Video Encoder
* Scene Reconstruction Research: Towards an Automatic System
* Scene Synthesis by Assembling Striped Areas of Source Images
* Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing, The
* Sea Clutter Rejection in Radar Image Using Wavelets and Fractals
* Seeing the Battlefield Automatically
* Segmentation and Compression of SAR Imagery via Hierarchical Stochastic Modeling
* Segmentation and Edge-Preserving Restoration
* Segmentation d'images par cooperation contours-regions
* Segmentation of Compressed Documents
* Segmentation of Gated SPECT Images for Automatic Computation of Myocardial Volume and Ejection Fraction
* Segmentation of Range Data for the Automatic Construction of Models of Articulated Objects
* Segmentation Tools in Mathematical Morphology
* Segmentation Using Deformable Models with Affinity-Based Localization
* Segmenting Film Sequences Using Active Surfaces
* Selective Color Correction for Arbitrary Hues
* Self-calibration based in invariant view recognition: Dynamic approach to navigation
* Self-Organizing Desk, The
* Self-Organizing Principle for Segmenting and Super-Resolving ISAR Images, A
* Self-Taught Visually-Guided Pointing for a Humanoid Robot
* Semantic Modelling of Man-Made Objects by Production Nets
* Semantic Networks for Understanding Scenes
* Semantic Road Model for Aerial Image Interpretation, A
* Semidiscrete Nonlinear Scale-Space Theory and Its Relation to the Perona-Malik Paradox, A
* Sensations and Psychological Effects in Color Image Database
* Sensei: A Real-time Recognition, Feedback, and Training System for T'ai Chi Gestures
* Sensitivity Analysis and Learning Strategies for Context-Based Vehicle Detection Algorithms
* Sensitivity and Resolution Limit of Pulse-Echo Diffraction Tomography Imaging Systems
* Sensory Attention: Computational Sensor Paradigm for Low-Latency Adaptive Vision
* Set of Visualization Data Needs in Urban Environmental Planning and Design for Photogrammetric Data, A
* Set Theoretic Inverse Halftoning
* Shape Coding Using Polar Coordinates and the Discrete Cosine Transform
* Shape quantization and recognition with randomized trees
* Shape Recovery of Hybrid Reflectance Surface Using Neural Network
* Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using Geometric Hashing
* Signal Processing Approach to Functional MRI for Brain Mapping, A
* Signal Transient Analyses and Classification Techniques
* Significance Tree Quantization of the Discrete Cosine Transform
* Signum Coded Synthetic Aperture Radar: The Effect of Oversampling on Image Quality
* Simple Algorithm for Efficient Piecewise Linear Approximation of Space Curves, A
* Simple and Efficient Hierarchical Image Coder, A
* Simultaneous Alpha Map Generation and 2-D Mesh Tracking for Multimedia Applications
* Simultaneous Object Segmentation, Multiple Object Tracking and Alpha Map Generation
* Simultaneous Optic Flow Estimation and Segmentation by Means of LS Techniques
* Site Model Construction for the Exploitation of E-O and SAR Images
* Site Model Content
* Site Model Mediated Detection of Movable Object Activities
* Site Model Supported Targeting
* Site Modeling Using IFSAR and Electro-Optical Images
* Sketch-First Modeling of Buildings from Video Imagery
* Soft Caching: Image Caching in a Rate-Distortion Framework
* Soft Competitive Principal Component Analysis Using the Mixture of Experts
* Soft Primitive Extraction on Handwritten Digits
* Some Models and Methods in Image Segmentation
* Space-Variant Deconvolution for Synthetic Aperture Imaging Using Simulated Annealing
* Spatial Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding for Image Denoising
* Spatio-Temporal Video Search Using the Object-Based Video Representation
* Spatiotemporal Subband/Wavelet Coding of Video with Object-Based Motion Information
* Speaker Identification and Video Analysis for Hierarchical Video Shot Classification
* Special Effects Authoring Using 2-D Mesh Models
* Stabilizing the Camera to Fixation Point Distance in Active Vision
* State-Based Recognition of Gesture
* Statistical Models for Images: Compression, Restoration and Synthesis
* Statistical Pattern Recognition
* Steering without Representation using Active Fixation
* Stereo Disparity Computation in the DCT Domain Using Genetic Algorithms
* Stereo Vision, Residual Image Processing and Mars Rover Localization
* Stochastic Dynamical System for Image Segmentation, A
* Stochastic Model and Probabilistic Decision-Based Classifier for Mass Detection in Digital Mammography
* Streaming of Photo-Realistic Texture Mapped on 3D Surface
* Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Subband Image Coding Using Cosine Modulated Filter Banks with Perfect Reconstruction and Linear Phase
* Super-Resolution in a Synthetic Aperture Imaging System
* Super-Resolution with Adaptive Regularization
* Support Vector Learning
* Support Vector Machines
* Surface Orientation from Texture: Isotropy or Homogeneity (or both)?
* Surveillance and Monitoring Using Video Images from a UAV
* SVD and Log-Log Frequency Sampling with Gabor Kernels for Invariant Pictorial Recognition
* System for Building Detection from Aerial Images, A
* Systolic Array for Acceleration of Template Based ATR
* Target Detection in UWB SAR Images Using Temporal Fusion
* Temporal Analysis of Vehicular Activities from SAR/EO
* Temporal Multi-Scale Models for Image Motion Estimation
* Temporal Texture and Activity Recognition
* Testbed for the Evaluation of Feature Extraction Techniques in a Time Constrained Environment, A
* Text-Driven Automatic Frame Generation Using MPEG-4 Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Coding for 2-D Head-and-Shoulder Scene
* Texture Element Extraction via Cepstral Filtering of Projections
* Texture Image Retrieval by Universal Classification for Wavelet Transform Coefficients
* Texture Segmentation of SAR Images
* Texture Segmentation Using Multiscale Hurst Features
* Thermal Invariants for Material Labeling and Site Monitoring Using Midwave Infrared Imagery
* Three-Dimensional DCT/WT Compression Using Motion Vector Segmentation for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Three-Dimensional Description of Dense Urban Areas Using Maps and Aerial Images
* Three-Dimensional Grouping for Site Modeling from Aerial Images
* Three-Dimensional Model of Human Lip Motion, A
* Three-Dimensional Model of Human Lip Motions Trained from Video, A
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Noisy Electron Microscopy Virus Particle Images
* Threshold Decomposition Based Locally Adaptive Linear Filters
* TMW: A new method for lossless image compression
* TOBAGO: A Topology Builder for the Automated Generation of Building Models
* Tomographic Imaging via Non Linear Estimation: A Bilinear Approach
* Tomographic Reconstruction of Axisymmetrical Objects From One View by Model Approximation
* Tools for Triangulations and Tetrahedrizations and Constructing Functions defined over Them
* Total Variation Image Restoration: Numerical Methods and Extensions
* Toward a Fundamental Understanding of Multiresolution SAR Signatures
* Toward Automatic Domain-Adaptation in Artificial Evolution: Experiments with Face Recognition
* Tracing Images in Large Databases by Comparison of Wavelet Fingerprints
* Tracking Human Walking in Dynamic Scenes
* Trainable Modular Vision System, A
* Transfer of RADIUS Image Understanding Technology to a Testbed Environment: A Systems View
* Transmission Errors Recovery Using Fuzzy Block Similarity Measures
* Tree Structured, Wavelet-Based Stochastic Process for Fast Image Processing, A
* Two Channel Non-Separable 2D Subband Coding and its Optimization
* UMass Ascender System for 3D Site Model Construction, The
* Uncertainty Analysis of Some Real Functions for Image Processing Applications, An
* Understanding Microvessels in Two and Three Dimensions
* Unified Approach to Image Matching and Segmentation in Stereo, Motion, and Object Recognition via Recovery of Epipolar Geometry, A
* Unifying Two-View and Three-View Geometry
* Universal HMM-Based Approach to Image Sequence Classification, A
* Updating Road Maps by Contextual Reasoning
* USC RADIUS Related Research: An Overview
* Use of Context for False Alarm Reduction in SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* User Evaluation of the RADIUS Testbed System
* User Interface Representation for Image Understanding
* Using a Virtual Environment to Teach Cancer Patients, T'Ai Chi, Relaxation and Self-Imagery
* Using Linguistic Context for Image Interpretation and Annotation
* Using Markov Random Fields for Contour-Based Grouping
* Using Mean Field Annealing to Solve Anisotropic Diffusion Problems
* Using RADIUS Site Models without the RCDE
* Using Spectral/Spatial Information for Automatic Recognition
* Variable Block Size Adaptive Lapped Transform-Based Image Coding
* Variable-Raster Multiresolution Video Processing with Motion Compensation Techniques
* variational method in image recovery, A
* Vector Quantization Algorithm Based on the Nearest Neighbor of the Furthest Color, A
* VEIL: Combining Semantic Knowledge with Image Understanding
* Video Browsing for Course-on-Demand in Distance Learning
* Video Coding for Wireless Varying Bit-Rate Communications Based on Area of Interest and Region Representation
* Video Coding Using Hybrid Motion Compensation
* Video Compression on FPGA-Based Custom Computers
* Video Perceptual Distortion Measure: Two-Dimensional Versus Three-Dimensional Approaches
* Video Processing for Security, Surveillance and Monitoring
* Video Rewrite: Driving Visual Speech with Audio
* Video Transmission with Error Concealment over Channels with Memory
* Video-Coding by Region-Based Motion Compensation and Spatio-Temporal Wavelet Transform
* Video: A Shot Boundary Detection Method for Video Data with Fading Effects
* View Morphing: Uniquely Predicting Scene Appearance from Basis Images
* Viewer-Centered Representations in Object Recognition: A Computational Approach
* Virage Video Engine
* Virtual Reality Model of a Major International Airport, A
* Visibility Estimation from a Moving Vehicle Using the RALPH Vision System
* Vision Engineering: Designing Computer Vision Systems
* Vision Stereoscopique et proprietes differentielles des surfaces
* Visual Learning for Landmark Recognition
* Visual Surveillance and Monitoring of Human and Vehicular Activity
* Visually Recognizing Speech Using Eigen Sequences
* Visually Searching the Web for Content
* Volume-Preserving Surface Reconstruction from Volume Data
* VQ Index Coding for High-Fidelity Medical Image Compression
* Watershed Pyramids for Edge Detection
* Waveform and Image Compression Using the Burrows Wheeler Transform and the Wavelet Transform
* Wavelet Based Automatic Thresholding for Image Segmentation
* Wavelet Features for Statistical Object Localization without Segmentation
* Wavelet Methods for Texture Defect Detection
* Wavelet Packet-Based Progressive Image Transmission by Prioritized Subband Selection and Multistage Quantization
* Wavelet Transform for Directional Feature Extraction in Medical Imaging
* Wavelet-Based Fractal Transforms for Image Coding with No Search
* Wavelet-Based Target Hashing for Automatic Target Recognition
* Width-Independent Sequential Thinning Algorithm for Binary Images, A
* Zerotree Coding of DCT Coefficients
* Zerotree Design for Image Compression: Toward Weighted Universal Zerotree Coding
* Zerotree Wavelet Coding Using Fractal Prediction
* Zooming with Implicit Fractals
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