3.5 General Group Overview Papers

Chapter Contents (Back)

Stevens, M.E.,
Selected pattern recognition projects in Europe,
PR(1), No. 2, November 1968, pp. 103-118.
Elsevier DOI 0309

del Bimbo, A.,
Special Section on Image Technology in Italy,
MVA(8), No. 5, 1995, pp. 315-316.
Springer DOI BibRef 9500

Eklundh, J.O.,
Machine Vision Research at CVAP: An Introduction,
IJCV(17), No. 2, February 1996, pp. 107-112.
Springer DOI Introduction to the special issue. BibRef 9602

Bhanu, B.[Bir],
Integrated Recognition, Learning and Image Databases: Image Understanding Research at UC Riverside,
DARPA98(969-976). BibRef 9800
Image Understanding Research at UC Riverside: Integrated Recognition, Learning and Image Databases,
DARPA97(483-494). BibRef

Bhanu, B.[Bir],
Image Understanding Research at UC Riverside,
ARPA94(I:3-8). BibRef 9400

Bhanu, B.,
Image Understanding Research at UC Riverside: Robust Recognition of Objects in Real-World Scenes,
ARPA96(117-128). BibRef 9600

Aloimonos, Y.[Yiannis], Chellappa, R.[Rama], Davis, L.S.[Larry S.], Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Maryland Progress in Image Understanding,
ARPA94(I:9-20). BibRef 9400
Earlier: DARPA93(3-14). BibRef

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Visual Surveillance of Activities,
DARPA98(923-928). BibRef 9800

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Image Understanding Research at the University of Maryland: Video Surveillance and Tracking,
ARPA96(57-64). BibRef 9600

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Multidisciplinary Image Understanding Research at the University of Maryland,
DARPA97(1315-1322). BibRef 9700

Rosenfeld, A., Davis, L.S., Aloimonos, Y.,
Image Understanding Research at the University of Maryland (January 1988-February 1989),
DARPA89(94-109). BibRef 8900

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Computer Vision Research at the University of Maryland: A 20-Year Retrospective,
PR(17), No. 4, 1984, pp. 373-375.
Elsevier DOI 9611

Allen, P.K.[Peter K.], Boult, T.E.[Terrance E.], Kender, J.R.[John R.], and Nayar, S.K.[Shree K.],
Image Understanding Research at Columbia University,
ARPA94(I:21-35). BibRef 9400
Earlier: A2, A1, A3, A4: DARPA93(67-82). BibRef

Kender, J.R., Allen, P.K., Boult, T.E.,
Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University,
DARPA89(110-121). BibRef 8900

Boult, T.E.[Terrance E.], Blum, R.S.[Rick S.], Wallace, R.S.[Richard S.], Zhang, G.[Gary], Nayar, S.K.[Shree K.], Allen, P.K.[Peter K.], Kender, J.R.[John R.],
Advanced Visual Sensor Systems,
DARPA97(1323-1334). BibRef 9700

Boult, T.E.[Terrance E.], Blum, R.S.[Rick S.], Nayar, S.K.[Shree K.], Allen, P.K.[Peter K.], Kender, J.R.[John R.],
Advanced Visual Sensor Systems (1998),
DARPA98(939-952). BibRef 9800

Boult, T.E., Wallace, R.S., Blum, R.S., Nayar, S.K., Allen, P.K., Kender, J.R.,
Visual Sensor Systems: Making Them Smaller, Faster, Smarter,
ARPA96(75-88). BibRef 9600

Grimson, W.E.L.,
Object Recognition Research at MIT: Introduction,
IJCV(21), No. 1-2, January 1997, pp. 5-8.
DOI Link 9704
The MIT Special issue. BibRef

Grimson, W.E.L., Poggio, T.,
Progress in Image Understanding at MIT,
ARPA96(65-74). BibRef 9600
Earlier: Add A1, xx, A2: Horn, B.K.P., ARPA94(I:37-42). BibRef
Earlier: DARPA93(49-66). BibRef

Poggio, T.,
MIT Progress in Understanding Images,
DARPA89(56-74). BibRef 8900

Riseman, E.M.[Edward M.], Hanson, A.R.[Allen R.],
Computer Vision Research at the University of Massachusetts: Themes and Progress,
IJCV(2), No. 3, January 1989, pp. 199-207.
Springer DOI BibRef 8901

Hanson, A.R.[Allen R.], Riseman, E.M.[Edward M.], Schultz, H.[Howard],
Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts, 1997,
DARPA97(813-818). BibRef 9700

Hanson, A.R.[Allen R.], Riseman, E.M.[Edward M.], Schultz, H.[Howard],
Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts (1998),
DARPA98(463-468). More than just building work reported BibRef 9800

Hanson, A.R.[Allen R.], Riseman, E.M.[Edward M.],
Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts,
ARPA96(5-14). BibRef 9600 DARPA89(49-55). BibRef
And: Add: xx, xx, A1, A2, xx: Collins, R.T.[Robert T.], Draper, B.A.[Bruce A.], and Weiss, R.[Richard], ARPA94(I:43-51).
PS File. BibRef
Earlier: Add A3 to first Weems, C.A., DARPA93(39-47). BibRef

Fischler, M.A.[Martin A.],
An Overview of Computer Vision Research at SRI International: Themes and Progress,
IJCV(3), No. 1, May 1989, pp. 7-15.
Springer DOI BibRef 8905

Bolles, R.C.[Robert C.], and Fischler, M.A.[Martin A.],
Image Understanding Research at SRI International,
ARPA94(I:53-68). BibRef 9400
And: A2, A1: ARPA96(15-34). BibRef DARPA93(15-26). BibRef DARPA89(21-31). BibRef

Nevatia, R.[Ramakant], and Medioni, G.G.[Gerard G.],
Computer Vision Research at the University of Southern California,
IJCV(20), No. 1/2, 1996, pp. 5-10. BibRef 9600 USC Computer Vision BibRef

Medioni, G., and Nevatia, R., and Price, K.E.,
USC Image Understanding Research: 1993-1994,
ARPA94(I:69-80). BibRef 9400 USC Computer Vision BibRef

Nevatia, R., Price, K.E., Medioni, G.,
USC Image Understanding Research: 1994-1995,
ARPA96(35-44). BibRef 9600 USC Computer Vision BibRef

Nevatia, R., Price, K.E., Medioni, G.,
USC Image Understanding Research: 1992-1993,
DARPA93(83-91). BibRef 9300 USC Computer Vision BibRef

Nevatia, R., Price, K.E., Medioni, G.,
USC Image Understanding Research: 1988-89,
DARPA89(75-93). BibRef 8900 USC Computer Vision BibRef

Kanade, T., Ikeuchi, K.,
Image Understanding Research at CMU, 1997,
DARPA97(95-110). BibRef 9700

Ikeuchi, K., Kanade, T., and Shafer, S.A.,
Image Understanding at CMU,
ARPA94(I:81-92). BibRef 9400

Kanade, T., Ikeuchi, K.,
Image Understanding Research at CMU: From Vision Science to Autonomous Systems,
ARPA96(45-56). BibRef 9600

Shafer, S.A., Kanade, T., Ikeuchi, K.,
Image Understanding Research at CMU,
DARPA93(27-38). BibRef 9300

Kanade, T., Shafer, S.A.,
Image Understanding Research At Carnegie Mellon,
DARPA89(32-47). BibRef 8900

Nelson, R.C.[Randal C.],
Introduction: Vision as intelligent behavior: An introduction to machine vision at the University of Rochester,
IJCV(7), No. 1, November 1991, pp. xx-yy.
Springer DOI 9111

Brown, C.M.[Christopher M.], Kutulakos, K.N.[Kiriakos N.], Nelson, R.C.[Randal C.],
Image Understanding Research at Rochester,
DARPA98(43-49). BibRef 9800

Brown, C.M.[Christopher M.], Nelson, R.C.[Randal C.],
Image Understanding Research at Rochester,
DARPA97(69-78). BibRef 9700
And: ARPA94(I:93-98). BibRef

Nelson, R.C., Brown, C.M.,
Real-Time Recognition and Visual Control: Image Understanding Research at Rochester,
ARPA96(541-548). BibRef 9600

Brown, C.M., Nelson, R.C.,
Image Understanding at the University of Rochester,
DARPA89(122-127). BibRef 8900
And: A2, A1: DARPA93(93-98). BibRef

Ahuja, N.[Narendra], and Huang, T.S.[Thomas S.],
IU au UI: An Overview of Research During 1996-1997,
DARPA97(465-474). BibRef 9700
IU at UI: An Overview of Research During 1993-94,
ARPA94(I:133-142). BibRef
IU at UI: An Overview of Research During 1994-95,
ARPA96(159-164). BibRef
IU at UI: An Overview of Research During 1991-92,
DARPA93(117-125). BibRef

Mundy, J.L.[Joseph L.],
Image Understanding Research at GE,
DARPA98(611-614). BibRef 9800
And: DARPA97(425-430). BibRef
And: ARPA96(109-116). BibRef
And: ARPA94(I:143-147). BibRef
And: DARPA93(99-104). BibRef

Hoogs, A.[Anthony], Hackett, D.[Doug], Dadd, D.[David],
Image Understanding at Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems,
DARPA98(703-718). BibRef 9800

Bajcsy, R., Metaxas, D., Mintz, M., Provan, G.M.,
A Conscious Observer: A Coordinated Effort in Computer Vision,
DARPA93(105-116). BibRef 9300

Cooper, D.B., Dean, T.L., Wolovich, W.A.,
Progress in Image Understanding at Brown University,
DARPA93(133-137). BibRef 9300

Wolff, L.B.[Lawrence B.],
Image Understanding Research for Battlefield Awareness at Johns Hopkins University,
DARPA98(603-612). BibRef 9800
And: DARPA97(1057-1062). BibRef

Wolff, L.B.[Lawrence B.],
Image Understanding Research at Johns Hopkins,
ARPA94(I:157-163). BibRef 9400
And: ARPA96(165-172). BibRef
And: DARPA93(151-155). BibRef

Thompson, W.B.[William B.], Henderson, T.C.[Thomas C.],
IU at the University of Utah: Extraction of Micro-Terrain Features,
DARPA97(819-824). BibRef 9700

Henderson, T.C.[Thomas C.], and Thompson, W.B.[William B.],
Image Understanding Research at the University of Utah,
ARPA94(I:169-174). BibRef 9400
And: A2, A1:
IU at the University of Utah: Building 3-D Models from Sensed Data,
ARPA96(205-210). BibRef

Henderson, T.C.[Thomas C.], Bhanu, B.[Bir],
Overview of the computer vision and robotics programme at the University of Utah,
IVC(3), No. 3, August 1985, pp. 136-138.
Elsevier DOI 0401

Faugeras, O.D.[Olivier D.],
Computer vision research at INRIA,
IJCV(10), No. 2, April 1993, pp. xx-yy.
Springer DOI 9304

Au, W.[Wing], Bazakos, M.[Mike], Helgeson, M.[Michael], Roberts, B.[Barry], and Symosek, P.[Peter],
IU at the Honeywell Technology Center,
ARPA94(I:175-177). BibRef 9400

Ben-Arie, J.[Jezekiel],
Image Understanding at IIT,
ARPA94(I:179-184). BibRef 9400

Flinchbaugh, B.E.[Bruce E.], and Rao, K.[Kashi],
Image Understanding Research at TI,
ARPA94(I:185-186). BibRef 9400
And: A2, A1:
Vision Research at TI: 1994-95 Progress,
ARPA96(173-176). BibRef

Peleg, S.[Shmuel], Weinshall, D.[Daphna], and Werman, M.[Michael],
Computer Vision at The Hebrew University,
ARPA94(I:187-189). BibRef 9400

Peleg, S., Weinshall, D., Werman, M.,
Multiple Image Analysis at the Hebrew University: Motion, Structure, and Recognition,
ARPA96(211-214). BibRef 9600

Blackburn, M.R.[Michael R.], and Nguyen, H.G.[Hoa G.],
Robotic Sensor-Motor Transformations,
ARPA94(I:209-214). BibRef 9400

Hecht-Nielsen, R.[Robert],
Survey of ATR Research and Development at HNC Software Inc.,
ARPA94(I:215-217). BibRef 9400

Azam, M., Potlapalli, H., Janet, J., Luo, R.C.,
Outdoor Landmark Recognition Using Segmentation, Fractal Model and Neural Network,
ARPA96(189-204). BibRef 9600

Haralick, R.M.[Robert M.],
Computer Vision Research at the University of Washington,
ARPA96(247-248). BibRef 9600
Image Understanding Research at University of Washington,
DARPA93(163-167). BibRef

Grossberg, S.[Stephen], Carpenter, G.A.[Gail A.], Schwartz, E.L.[Eric L.], Mingolla, E.[Ennio], Bullock, D.[Daniel], Gaudiano, P.[Paolo], Andreou, A.G.[Andreas G.], Cauwenberghs, G.[Gert], Hubbard, A.[Allyn],
Principal Investigator Report: Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University,
DARPA97(1345-1354). BibRef 9700

Grossberg, S.[Stephen], Carpenter, G.A.[Gail A.], Schwartz, E.L.[Eric L.], Mingolla, E.[Ennio], Bullock, D.[Daniel], Rubin, M.[Mark], Williamson, J.[James], Andreou, A.G.[Andreas G.], Cauwenberghs, G.[Gert], Hubbard, A.[Allyn],
Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University (1998 PI),
DARPA98(959-968). BibRef 9800

Grossberg, S.[Stephen], Carpenter, G.A.[Gail A.], Schwartz, E.L.[Eric L.], Mingolla, E.[Ennio], Bullock, D.[Daniel], Gaudiano, P.[Paolo], Andreou, A.G.[Andreas G.], Cauwenberghs, G.[Gert], Hubbard, A.[Allyn],
Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University,
DARPA97(1491-1498). BibRef 9700

Grossberg, S.[Stephen], Carpenter, G.A.[Gail A.], Schwartz, E.L.[Eric L.], Mingolla, E.[Ennio], Rubin, M.[Mark], Williamson, J.[James], Bullock, D.[Daniel], Gaudiano, P.[Paolo], Andreou, A.G.[Andreas G.], Cauwenberghs, G.[Gert], Hubbard, A.[Allyn],
Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University (1998),
DARPA98(1109-1148). The detail paper, not the overview BibRef 9800

Leymarie, F.F., de la Fortelle, A., Koenderink, J.J., Kappers, A.M.L., Stavridi, M., van Ginneken, B., Müller, S., Krake, K., Faugeras, O.D.[Olivier D.], Robert, L., Laveau, S., Zeller, C.,
REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences,
ICIP96(III: 651-654).
HTML Version. BibRef 9600

Bogaert, M.[Marc], Chleq, N., Cornez, P., Regazzoni, C.S., Teschioni, A., Thonnat, M.,
The PASSWORDS Project,
ICIP96(III: 675-678).
intelligent video image analysis system BibRef

Dyer, C.R.[Charles R.],
Image-Based Scene Rendering and Manipulation Research at the University of Wisconsin,
PS File. BibRef 9700

Papert, S.,
The Summer Vision Project,
MIT AI Memo104-1, July 7, 1966. Interesting for what it seemed to think could be done in vision in a summer. BibRef 6607

Viergever, M.A.[Max A.],
Computer Vision Research in Utrecht,
IJCV(31), No. 2/3, April 1999, pp. 107-110.
DOI Link BibRef 9904

Cox, I.J.[Ingemar J.],
Introduction: Computer Vision Research at NECI,
IJCV(34), No. 2-3, August 1999, pp. 75-79.
DOI Link BibRef 9908

Belhumeur, P.N.[Peter N.], Duncan, J.S.[James S.], Hager, G.D.[Gregory D.], McDermott, D.V.[Drew V.], Morse, A.S.[A. Stephen], Zucker, S.W.[Steven W.],
Computational Vision at Yale,
IJCV(35), No. 1, November 1999, pp. 5-12.
DOI Link BibRef 9911

Poggio, T.[Tomaso], Verri, A.[Alessandro],
Introduction: Learning and Vision at CBCL,
IJCV(38), No. 1, June 2000, pp. 5-7.
DOI Link 0006

Kiryati, N.[Nahum],
Introduction Computer Vision Research at the Technion,
IJCV(39), No. 2, September 2000, pp. 79-80.
DOI Link 0008
Special issue on their work. BibRef

Horaud, R.[Radu],
Selection of Marr Prize and Honourable Mentions at ICCV'01,
IJCV(48), No. 1, June 2002, pp. 7-8.
DOI Link 0204
Papers are placed accordingly. BibRef

Pizer, S.M.,
The medical image display and analysis group at the University of North Carolina: Reminiscences and Philosophy,
MedImg(22), No. 1, January 2003, pp. 2-10.
IEEE Top Reference. 0304

Black, M.J.[Michael J.], Kimia, B.B.[Benjamin B.],
Guest Editorial: Computational Vision at Brown,
IJCV(54), No. 1-3, August 2003, pp. 5-11.
DOI Link 0306

Duncan, J.S., Staib, L.H.,
Image processing and analysis at IPAG,
MedImg(22), No. 12, December 2003, pp. 1505-1518.
IEEE Abstract. 0401
Overview of Yale work. BibRef

Aggarwal, J.K., Diller, K.R., Bovik, A.C.,
Computer vision and image processing research at the University of Texas at Austin,
IVC(4), No. 4, November 1986, pp. 219-222.
Elsevier DOI 0401

Baker, K.D.[Keith D.],
Alvey computer vision and image interpretation research programmes,
IVC(3), No. 4, November 1985, pp. 146-151.
Elsevier DOI 0401

Ponce, J.[Jean],
Guest Editorial: Computer Vision Research at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology,
IJCV(58), No. 1, June 2004, pp. 5-5.
DOI Link 0403

Anandan, P., Blake, A.[Andrew],
Guest Editorial: Computer Vision Research at Microsoft Corporation,
IJCV(58), No. 2, July 2004, pp. 91-92.
DOI Link 0403

Sanniti di Baja, G.[Gabriella], Samet, H.[Hanan],
Editorial, Introduction to Rosenfeld Special Issue,
PRL(26), No. 3, February 2005, pp. 231-232.
Elsevier DOI 0501

Nagao, M.[Makoto], Emeritus, M.,
In Memory of Prof. A. Rosenfeld,
PRL(26), No. 3, February 2005, pp. 233-234.
Elsevier DOI 0501
Memorium, Azriel Rosenfeld. BibRef

Cantoni, V.[Virginio], Levialdi, S.[Stefano],
One long argument: Azriel Rosenfeld and the genesis of modern image systems,
PRL(26), No. 3, February 2005, pp. 277-285.
Elsevier DOI 0501

Williams, J.[James], Navab, N.[Nassir], Paragios, N.[Nikos],
Special Issue on Vision and Medical Imaging Activities at Siemens Corporate Research,
IJCV(70), No. 2, November 2006, pp. 107-108.
Springer DOI 0608

Kresse, W.[Wolfgang],
Schwerpunktheft zur Photogrammetrie an der Universität Bonn,
PFG(2013), No. 4, 2013, pp. 249-249.
DOI Link 1309
Intro to papers from the Bonn research group. BibRef

Förstner, W.[Wolfgang],
Photogrammetrische Forschung - Eine Zwischenbilanz aus Bonner Sicht,
PFG(2013), No. 4, 2013, pp. 251-254.
DOI Link 1309

Fernández, A.[Alicia], Gómez, Á.[Álvaro], Lecumberry, F.[Federico], Pardo, Á.[Álvaro], Ramírez, I.[Ignacio],
Pattern Recognition in Latin America in the 'Big Data' Era,
PR(48), No. 4, 2015, pp. 1185-1196.
Elsevier DOI 1502
Pattern Recognition BibRef

Lyapustin, A.I.[Alexei I.], Coops, N.C.[Nicholas. C.], Hall, F.G.[Forrest G.], Tucker, C.J.[Compton J.], Sellers, P.J.[Piers J.], Galvăo, L.S.[Lenio Soares], Aragăo, L.E.O.C.[Luiz E. O. C.], Anderson, L.O.[Liana O.], Nichol, C.J.[Caroline J.], Waring, R.H.[Richard H.],
In Memorium: Thomas Hilker,
RS(8), No. 10, 2016, pp. 853.
DOI Link 1609
Memorium, Thomas Hilker. BibRef

Thonfeld, F.[Frank], Rienow, A.[Andreas], Dubovyk, O.[Olena], Abdel-Hamid, A.[Ayman], Akpeokhai, A.[Agatha], Amler, E.[Esther], Bareth, G.[Georg], Basukala, A.K.[Amit Kumar], Canty, M.[Morton], Denich, M.[Manfred], Dobrzeniecki, T.[Tomasz], Ferner, J.[Jessica], Flügel, H.[Hendrik], Ghazaryan, G.[Gohar], Götz, E.[Ellen], Graw, V.[Valerie], Greve, K.[Klaus], Guuroh, R.[Reginald], Heinemann, S.[Sascha], Henning, T.[Tobias], Hentze, K.[Konrad], Hollberg, J.L.[Jens L.], Kirimi, F.[Fridah], Kocherscheidt, S.[Sophie], Konermann-Krüger, B.[Bärbel], Liu, D.[Di], Muro, J.[Javier], Oldenburg, C.[Carsten], Ortwein, A.[Annette], Piroska, R.[Ruben], Santos, F.[Fabián], Schellberg, J.[Jürgen], Schultz, J.[Johannes], Schurr, U.[Ulrich], Selg, F.[Fabian], Staar, K.[Kilian], Steinbach, S.[Stefanie], Strauch, A.[Adrian], Szarzynski, J.[Jörg], Tewes, A.[Andreas], Thiong'o, K.B.[Kuria Bartholomew], Vetter, A.[Anna], Wirkus, L.[Lars], Rascher, U.[Uwe],
In Memorium: Gunter Menz,
RS(9), No. 3, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1704
Memorium, Gunter Menz. BibRef

Cetin, A.E.[A. Enis],
Honoring Murat Kunt,
SIViP(12), No. 1, January 2018, pp. 1-3.
WWW Link. 1801
Special issue in honor of Murat Kunt. BibRef

Castagno, R.[Roberto],
Savoir faire et faire savoir: what I learned about innovation while I thought I was doing a Ph.D.,
SIViP(12), No. 1, January 2018, pp. 5-7.
WWW Link. 1801
In special issue in honor of Murat Kunt. BibRef

Ceccarelli, M.[Michele],
Preface: In memory of Alfredo Petrosino,
PRL(138), 2020, pp. 657-658.
Elsevier DOI 1806
Memorium, Alfredo Petrosino. BibRef

Maddalena, L.[Lucia], Gori, M.[Marco], Pal, S.K.[Sankar K.],
Pattern recognition and beyond: Alfredo Petrosino's scientific results,
PRL(138), 2020, pp. 659-669.
Elsevier DOI 1806
Deep learning, Fuzzy logic, High-performance computing, Machine learning, Neuro-fuzzy, Soft and granular computing BibRef

Delrieux, C.[Claudio], Ballarín, V.[Virginia], Bauza, C.G.[Cristian García], López, M.A.[Mario A.],
Imaging Sciences R&D Laboratories in Argentina,
CACM(63), No. 11, November 2020, pp. 90-95.
DOI Link 2010

Maki, A.[Atsuto], Kragic, D.[Danica], Kjellström, H.[Hedvig], Azizpour, H.[Hossein], Sullivan, J.[Josephine], Björkman, M.[Mĺrten], Jensfelt, P.[Patric], Carlsson, S.[Stefan], Lindeberg, T.[Tony], Sundblad, Y.[Yngve],
In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh,
PAMI(44), No. 9, September 2022, pp. 4488-4489.
Memoriam, Jan-Olof Eklundh. Obituaries, Eklundh, Jan-Olof BibRef

Kittler, J.V.[Josef V.], Wilson, R.[Richard],
Edwin Hancock,
PR(150), 2024, pp. 110297.
Elsevier DOI 2403
Memoriam, Edwin Hancock. BibRef

Matsushita, Y.[Yasuyuki], Lazebnik, S.[Svetlana], Matas, J.[Jiri],
In Memoriam: Xiaoou Tang,
IJCV(132), No. 10, October 2024, pp. 4131-4131.
Springer DOI 2410
Memorium, Xiaoou Tang. BibRef

Ackerman, E.[Evan],
5 Questions Ruzena Bajcsy: A Founder of Modern Robotics Reflects on Her Legacy,
Spectrum(61), No. 12, December 2024, pp. 23-23.

Li, N.X.[Nan-Xin], Sun, R.[Ruodan], Zhang, Y.[Yuan], Qiao, J.[Jing], Wu, Q.[Qiong],
A Study on Development of Portrait Models of Scientific Research Innovators for Technology Transfer,
Deep learning, Computational modeling, Technology transfer, Data visualization, Companies, Portrait Model BibRef

Cree, M.J., Godbaz, J.P., Larkins, R., Round, W.H., Streeter, L., Dorrington, A.A., Kunnemeyer, R., Payne, A.D., Worsley, D.,
Computer vision and image processing at the University of Waikato,

Ejiri, M.[Masakazu],
Machine Vision in Early Days: Japan's Pioneering Contributions,
ACCV07(I: 35-53).
Springer DOI 0711

Chapter on Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys continues in
Computer Vision Meta Discussions .

Last update:Jan 15, 2025 at 14:36:47