* Active Appearance Models Revisited
* Active Unsupervised Texture Segmentation on a Diffusion Based Feature Space
* Algorithms for the Recognition of 2D Images of M Points and N Lines in 3D
* Alignment of Sewerage Inspection Videos for Their Easier Indexing
* Analysis of a hybrid fractal-predictive-coding compression scheme
* Analysis of image registration noise due to rotationally dependent aliasing
* Anisotropic Polygonal Remeshing
* Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics
* Architecture for Image Labelling in Real Conditions
* Attentive, Multi-modal Laser Eye, An
* Automated Posture Analysis for detecting Learner's Interest Level
* Automatic Bridge Detection in High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Automatic calculation of chamfer mask coefficients for large masks and anisotropic images pages.
* Automatic extraction and description of human gait models for recognition purposes
* Automatic Facial Action Analysis
* Automatic Mapping of Settlement Areas Using a Knowledge-Based Image Interpretation System
* Automatic Three-dimensional Modeling from Reality
* Automatic Video Interpretation: A Recognition Algorithm for Temporal Scenarios Based on Pre-compiled Scenario Models
* Bayesian Discriminating Features Method for Face Detection, A
* BER Formulation for the Blind Retrieval of MPEG Video Watermark
* Biological Model of Object Recognition with Feature Learning, A
* Biologically Plausible Neural Model for the Recognition of Biological Motion and Actions
* Biologically plausible regularization mechanisms
* bit allocation scheme for a class of embedded wavelet video encoders, A
* Brand Identification Using Gaussian Derivative Histograms
* CA-based edge operator and its performance evaluation, A
* Calibration of a stereo-vision system by the non-linear optimization of the motion of a calibration object
* Camera calibration: estimation, validation and software
* Classifying color edges in video into shadow-geometry, highlight, or material transitions
* Color and grey level object retrieval using a 3D representation of force histogram
* Computational Models of Perceptual Organization
* Computer Platform for Transformation of Visual Information into Sound Sensations for Vision Impaired Persons
* Construction of an abdominal probabilistic atlas and its application in segmentation
* Content Adaptive Watermark Embedding in the Multiwavelet Transform Using a Stochastic Image Model
* Context Based Object Detection from Video
* Context-Based Vision System for Place and Object Recognition
* Contour grouping with prior models
* Contrast restoration of weather degraded images
* CSU Face Identification Evaluation System: Its purpose, features, and structure, The
* Deconvolution by thresholding in mirror wavelet bases
* Design and Application of DWT-Domain Optimum Decoders, The
* Design of a Library for Dense Matching
* Diagram processing: Computing with diagrams
* Discriminant Isometric Mapping for Face Recognition
* Dominant point detection using adaptive bending value
* Draft ITU-T recommendation and final draft international standard of joint video specification
* DWT-Based Fragile Watermarking Tolerant of JPEG Compression, A
* Dynamical Model of Visually-Guided Steering, Obstacle Avoidance, and Route Selection, A
* Dynamically Reconfigurable Vision-Based User Interfaces
* Efficient Fingertip Tracking and Mouse Pointer Control for a Human Mouse
* Efficient Pose Estimation Using View-Based Object Representations
* Efficient sign coding and estimation of zero-quantized coefficients in embedded wavelet image codecs
* Enhanced Watermarking Scheme Based on Removal of Local Means
* Establishing motion correspondence using extended temporal scope
* Estimating coronary artery lumen area with optimization-based contour detection
* Euler Spiral for Shape Completion
* Expandable bayesian networks for 3D object description from multiple views and multiple mode inputs
* Extracting Salient Image Features for Reliable Matching Using Outlier Detection Techniques
* Fast algorithms for color image processing by principal component analysis
* fast parametric motion estimation algorithm with illumination and lens distortion correction, A
* Fast Pose Estimation with Parameter-Sensitive Hashing
* Feature selection for multiclass discrimination via mixed-integer linear programming
* Finding (Un)Usual Events in Video
* Framework for Robust and Incremental Self-Localization of a Mobile Robot, A
* Framework for Robust Subspace Learning, A
* Framework for Visual Servoing, A
* From a CORBA-Based Software Framework to a Component-Based System Architecture for Controlling a Mobile Robot
* Fusion of autoradiographies with an MR volume using 2-D and 3-D linear transformations
* generic viewpoint assumption and planar bias, The
* Gray-level-embedded lossless image compression
* Guest Editorial: Computational Vision at Brown
* Guest Editorial: Wavelets in Medical Imaging
* Guest editors' introduction to the special section on perceptual organization in computer vision
* Hierarchical active shape modls, using the wavelet transform
* Hierarchical Bayesian Network for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* High compression and low order linear predictor for lossless coding of grayscale images
* Highly regular wavelets for the detection of clustered microcalcifications in mammograms
* Human Identification versus Expression Classification via Bagging on Facial Asymmetry
* Image Coding with Active Appearance Models
* Image decomposition: application to textured images and SAR images
* Image Denoising using Stochastic Differential Equations
* Image Normalization Using Invariant Centroid for RST Invariant Digital Image Watermarking
* Image Retrieval by Range Query Composition of Region Categories
* Image segmentation with ratio cut
* Image Watermarking Algorithm Robust to Geometric Distortion, An
* Imaging of human tooth enamel using ultrasound
* Imalab Method for Vision Systems, The
* Implementation of Traffic Flow Measuring Algorithm Using Real-Time Dynamic Image Processing
* Implementing the Expert Object Recognition Pathway
* Implications for Image Watermarking of Recent Work in Image Analysis and Representation
* Implicitization of Parametric Curves by Matrix Annihilation
* in-depth study of graph partitioning measures for perceptual organization, An
* Inferring 3D Structure with a Statistical Image-Based Shape Model
* Information Selection and Probabilistic 2D: 3D Integration in Mobile Mapping
* Information-Hiding Games
* Informed Embedding for Multi-bit Watermarks
* Integral Formulations for the EEG Problem
* Integrated wavelets for enhancement of microcalcifications in digital mammography
* Integrating Context-Free and Context-Dependent Attentional Mechanisms for Gestural Object Reference
* Jointly registering images in domain and range by piecewise linear comparametric analysis
* JPEG2000 over noisy communication channels thorough evaluation and cost analysis
* Learning Optimal Parameters for Self-Diagnosis in a System for Automatic Exterior Orientation
* Learning the Statistics of People in Images and Video
* Light Field Morphable Models
* linear wavelet filter for parametric imaging with dynamic PET, A
* Localization and segmentation of aortic endografts using marker detection
* Logo insertion on an HDTV encoder
* Lossy-to-lossless compression of medical volumetric data using three-dimensional integer wavelet transforms
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 2
* Measuring Scene Complexity to Adapt Feature Selection of Model-Based Object Tracking
* Method and system for relevance feedback through gaze tracking and ticker interfaces
* Method for computing the location and orientation of an object in three dimensional space
* Method of image processing using three facial feature points in three-dimensional head motion tracking
* Methodology and Practice of the Evaluation of Image Retrieval Systems and Segmentation Methods toutes les pages., The
* Methods for gamma invariant colour image processing
* Miniature Stereo Vision Machine for Real-Time Dense Depth Mapping, A
* Mixtures of general linear models for functional neuroimaging
* Modeling of deformation using NURBS curves as controller
* Monkeys: A Software Architecture for ViRoom - Low-Cost Multicamera System
* Mosaicing new views: the crossed-slits projection
* Motion and structure from multiple cues; image motion, shading flow, and stereo disparity
* Motion Panoramas
* Multi-Agent Activity Recognition Using Observation Decomposed Hidden Markov Model
* Multi-class relevance feedback content-based image retrieval
* Multi-object Tracking Based on a Modular Knowledge Hierarchy
* Multi-user Based Watermarking System with Two-Security-Level Keys, A
* Multielement synthetic transmit aperture imaging using temporal encoding
* Multimedia System Architecture for Automatic Annotation of Sports Videos, A
* Multiple Classifier System Approach to Affine Invariant Object Recognition, A
* Multiple Resolution Image Classification
* Multiresolution fMRI activation detection using translation invariant wavelet transform and statistical analysis based on resampling
* Multistage VQ Based Watermarking Technique with Fake Watermarks, A
* Multivariate MIMO FIR inverses
* Navigating through Logic-Based Scene Models for High-Level Scene Interpretations
* Neural Network Recognition System for Isolated Handwritten Arabic Characters, A
* New Blind Watermarking Technique Based on Independent Component Analysis, A
* new clutter rejection algorithm for doppler ultrasound, A
* New Collusion Attack and Its Performance Evaluation, A
* new iterated two-band diffusion equation: theory and its application, A
* New two-phase spatial data structures with applications to binary images
* Nonlinear Statistics of High-Contrast Patches in Natural Images, The
* Nonparametric Belief Propagation and Facial Appearance Estimation
* Nonseparable wavelet-based cone-beam reconstruction in 3-d rotational angiography
* note on cubic convolution interpolation, A
* novel family of geometrical transformations: Polyrigid transformations. Application to the registration of histological slices, A
* novel rate predictor based on quantized DCT indices and its rate control mechanism, A
* NURBS snakes
* Object-based visual attention for computer vision
* On Bayesian Estimation in Manifolds
* On the Application of the Concept of Dependability for Design and Analysis of Vision Systems
* On the Local Form and Transitions of Symmetry Sets, Medial Axes, and Shocks
* On Watermarking Numeric Sets
* Online Selection of Discriminative Tracking Features
* Optimal Detection of Transform Domain Additive Watermark by Using Low Density Diversity
* Panoramic view construction
* Perceptual Evaluation of Video-Realistic Speech
* Performance Evaluation Metrics and Statistics for Positional Tracker Evaluation
* Platelets: a multiscale approach for recovering edges and surfaces in photon-limited medical imaging
* post-processor for reducing temporal busyness in low-bit-rate video applications, A
* Preserving Privacy by De-identifying Facial Images
* Probabilistic Approach for the Adaptive Integration of Multiple Visual Cues Using an Agent Framework, A
* Procedural Approach to Style for NPR Line Drawing from 3D model, A
* Properties and Applications of Shape Recipes
* Quantified Study of Facial Asymmetry and Gender Difference, A
* Real-Time Camera Pose in a Room
* Real-Time Extraction of Colored Segments for Robot Visual Navigation
* Real-Time Multisensory Image Segmentation Algorithm with an Application to Visual and X-Ray Inspection, A
* Real-World Vision System: Mechanism, Control, and Vision Processing, A
* Recognition and Reconstruction of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images
* Recognition of Obstacles on Structured 3D Background
* Recovering Intrinsic Images from a Single Image
* Recurrent Bayesian Network for the Recognition of Human Behaviors from Video
* Reflections on Cognitive Vision Systems
* Region Connection Calculus: Its models and composition table
* Regularization in tomographic reconstruction using thresholding estimators
* Relative Contributions of Internal and External Features to Face Recognition
* Retinotopic mapping in awake monkeys suggests a different functional organization for dorsal and ventral V4
* Robust estimation of ultrasound pulses using outlier-resistant de-noising
* Robust Local Watermarking on Salient Image Areas
* Robust optical flow estimation based on a sparse motion trajectory set
* Robust Tracking and Structure from Motion with Sampling Method
* Scale-Invariance of Support Vector Machines based on the Triangular Kernel
* Segmentation of multi-spectral images using the combined classifier approach
* Segmentation of prostate boundaries from ultrasound images using statistical shape model
* Self-Referential Perceptual Inference Framework for Video Interpretation, A
* Sensing and Measurement of Frustration with Computers, The
* Shadow elimination for effective moving object detection by Gaussian shadow modeling
* Shape from Shading and Viscosity Solutions
* Shape Recipes: Scene Representations that Refer to the Image
* Sigmoidal Weighted Vector Directional Filter
* Slice-to-Volume Registration and Its Potential Application to Interventional MRI-Guided Radio-Frequency Thermal Ablation of Prostate Cancer
* Software Architecture for Distributed Visual Tracking in a Global Vision Localization System, A
* Spatial Frequency Band Division in Human Visual System Based-Watermarking
* Specifications of the software videomatch 1.1
* Spectral Approach to Learning Structural Variations in Graphs, A
* Statistical modeling and conceptualization of visual patterns
* Stereo-Based Head Pose Tracking Using Iterative Closest Point and Normal Flow Constraint
* Supervised classification for textured images
* Surface Reflectance Recognition and Real-World Illumination Statistics
* Survey of compressed-domain features used in audio-visual indexing and analysis
* SVD-Based Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Image Authentication, A
* Symmetry Maps of Free-Form Curve Segments via Wave Propagation
* Three-dimensional encoding/two-dimensional decoding of medical data
* Three-dimensional motion tracking of coronary arteries in biplane cineangiograms
* Topology Preserving Level Set Method for Geometric Deformable Models
* Towards Ontology Based Cognitive Vision
* Trajectory Based Assessment of Coordinated Human Activity
* Tree Supported Road Extraction from Arial Images Using Global and Local Context Knowledge
* Two technologies vie for recognition in speech market
* Two-Step Detection Algorithm in a HVS-Based Blind Watermarking of Still Images
* Ultrasonic liver tissues classification by fractal feature vector based on M -band wavelet transform
* Unsupervised Segmentation Incorporating Colour, Texture, and Motion
* Vector-Valued Image Regularization with PDEs: A Common Framework for Different Applications
* versatile wavelet domain noise filtration technique for medical imaging, A
* VICs: A Modular Vision-Based HCI Framework
* Video object tracking using a hierarchy of deformable templates
* Virtual Post-its: Visual Label Extraction, Attachment, and Tracking for Teleconferencing
* Watermarking Techniques for Electronic Circuit Design
* Wavelet coding of volumetric medical datasets
* Wavelet-based estimation of a semiparametric generalized linear model of fMRI time-series
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