Index for gros

Gros Martial, A.[Anatole] Co Author Listing * Satellite and High-Spatio-Temporal Resolution Data Collected by Southern Elephant Seals Allow an Unprecedented 3D View of the Argentine Continental Shelf
Includes: Gros Martial, A.[Anatole] Gros-Martial, A.[Anatole]

Gros, A. Co Author Listing * Knowledge-based Framework for Automatic Semantisation And Reconstruction of Military Architecture On City-scale Models
* On the Link Between Emotion, Attention and Content in Virtual Immersive Environments
Includes: Gros, A. Gros, A.[Auriane]

Gros, B.L. Co Author Listing * Anisotropies in Visual Motion Perception: A Fresh Look

Gros, N. Co Author Listing * KPPF: Keypoint-Based Point-Pair-Feature for Scalable Automatic Global Registration of Large RGB-D Scans

Gros, P. Co Author Listing * 3D Projective Invariants from Two Images
* Accelerating Image Retrieval Using Factorial Correspondence Analysis on GPU
* Audiovisual integration with Segment Models for tennis video parsing
* Automatically Creating Adaptive Video Summaries Using Constraint Satisfaction Programming: Application to Sport Content
* Color Illumination Models for Image Matching and Indexing
* Combining Local Recognition Methods for Better Recognition
* Content-based image retrieval from a large image database
* Content-based Retrieval Using Local Descriptors: Problems and Issues from a Database Perspective
* Geometrical Key-Frame Selection Method Exploiting Dominant Motion Estimation in Video, A
* Hamming embedding similarity-based image classification
* Hierarchical structure analysis of sport videos using hmms
* How Useful is Projective Geometry?
* Invariants of a Pair of Conics Revisited
* Language modeling for bag-of-visual words image categorization
* Matching And Clustering: Two Steps Toward Automatic Object Modeling in Computer Vision
* Matching and Clustering: Two Steps Towards Automatic Objective Model Generation
* Multimodal Processing and Interaction: Audio, Video, Text
* Novel Modeling for Video Summarization Using Constraint Satisfaction Programming, A
* Object Indexing Is a Complex Matter
* Query-Adaptive locality sensitive hashing
* Rapid Object Indexing and Recognition Using Enhanced Geometric Hashing
* Robust Technique to Recognize Objects in Images, and the DB Problems it Raises, A
* Using Local Planar Geometric Invariants to Match and Model Images of Line Segments
* Using quasi-invariants for automatic model building and object recognition: An overview
* Visual Learning for Landmark Recognition
Includes: Gros, P. Gros, P.[Patrick] Gros, P.[Patric]
25 for Gros, P.

Gros, R.[Romane] Co Author Listing * Characterization of Polarimetric Properties in Various Brain Tumor Types Using Wide-Field Imaging Mueller Polarimetry

Gros, S.[Sebastien] Co Author Listing * Bilevel Optimization for Bunching Mitigation and Eco-Driving of Electric Bus Lines
* Can AI Abuse Personal Information in an EV Fast-Charging Market?
* Distributed Eco-Driving Control of a Platoon of Electric Vehicles Through Riccati Recursion
* Game Approach for Charging Station Placement Based on User Preferences and Crowdedness, A
* Numerical Strategies for Mixed-Integer Optimization of Power-Split and Gear Selection in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Includes: Gros, S.[Sebastien] Gros, S.[Sébastien]

Gros, T.P.[Timo P.] Co Author Listing * Motion Primitives as the Action Space of Deep Q-Learning for Planning in Autonomous Driving

Gros, V.[Valerie] Co Author Listing * Temporal Variability and Geographical Origins of Airborne Pollen Grains Concentrations from 2015 to 2018 at Saclay, France
* Variability and Geographical Origin of Five Years Airborne Fungal Spore Concentrations Measured at Saclay, France from 2014 to 2018
Includes: Gros, V.[Valerie] Gros, V.[Valérie]

Grosbois, R.[Raphael] Co Author Listing * Analytical Study of JPEG 2000 Functionalities, An
* JPEG 2000 performance evaluation and assessment
Includes: Grosbois, R.[Raphael] Grosbois, R.[Raphaël]

Grosch, A.[Anja] Co Author Listing * Theoretical Concept for a Mobile Underwater Radio-Navigation System Using Pseudolite Buoys

Grosch, C.B. Co Author Listing * Automatic Stereo Reconstruction of Man-Made Targets

Grosche, P. Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Music Structure Annotation by Time Series Structure Features and Segment Similarity

Grosche, S. Co Author Listing * Boosting Compressed Sensing Using Local Measurements and Sliding Window Reconstruction
* Enhanced Image Reconstruction From Quarter Sampling Measurements Using An Adapted Very Deep Super Resolution Network
* Image Super-Resolution Using T-Tetromino Pixels
* Iterative Optimization of Quarter Sampling Masks for Non-Regular Sampling Sensors
* Novel Consistency Check for Fast Recursive Reconstruction of Non-Regularly Sampled Video Data
Includes: Grosche, S. Grosche, S.[Simon]

Groscot, R.[Raphael] Co Author Listing * Composite Shape Modeling via Latent Space Factorization

Grosdidier, S. Co Author Listing * HF Bistatic Ocean Doppler Spectra: Simulation Versus Experimentation

Grosel, J.[Jacek] Co Author Listing * Performance of Camera-Based Vibration Monitoring Systems in Input-Output Modal Identification Using Shaker Excitation

Grosen, H.[Henrik] Co Author Listing * Assessing the Potential of 10-m Resolution TVDI Based on Downscaled LST to Monitor Soil Moisture in Tang River Basin, China

Grosfeld, K.[Klaus] Co Author Listing * High-Resolution Mass Trends of the Antarctic Ice Sheet through a Spectral Combination of Satellite Gravimetry and Radar Altimetry Observations

Grosgeorge, D. Co Author Listing * Graph cut segmentation with a statistical shape model in cardiac MRI
* Multilabel statistical shape prior for image segmentation

Grosges, T. Co Author Listing * new image encryption scheme based on a chaotic function, A

Groshong, R. Co Author Listing * Closing Gaps in Edges and Surfaces

Grosicki, E. Co Author Listing * Comparative Study of HMM and BLSTM Segmentation-Free Approaches for the Recognition of Handwritten Text-Lines
* ICDAR 2009 Handwriting Recognition Competition
* ICDAR 2011: French Handwriting Recognition Competition
* New Hierarchical Handwritten Document Layout Extraction Based on Conditional Random Field Modeling, A
* Preliminary experiments in layout analysis of handwritten letters based on textural and spatial information and a 2D Markovian approach
* Results of the RIMES Evaluation Campaign for Handwritten Mail Processing
* Unconstrained Handwritten Document Layout Extraction Using 2D Conditional Random Fields
Includes: Grosicki, E. Grosicki, E.[Emmanučle] Grosicki, E.[Emmanuele]
7 for Grosicki, E.

Grosinger, J.[Jasmin] Co Author Listing * Robots that maintain equilibrium: Proactivity by reasoning about user intentions and preferences

Grosjean, B.[Benedicte] Co Author Listing * A-contrario Detectability of Spots in Textured Backgrounds
Includes: Grosjean, B.[Benedicte] Grosjean, B.[Bénédicte]

Grosky, W. Co Author Listing * From Features to Semantics: Some Preliminary Results

Grosky, W.I. Co Author Listing * Continuing Reinvention of Content-Based Retrieval: Multimedia Is Not Dead, The
* Hierarchical Approach to Feature Indexing
* Hyper-Pyramids for Integration of Spatial Information
* Iconic Indexing Using Generalized Pattern Matching Techniques
* Image Database Management
* Index-Based Object Recognition in Pictorial Data Management
* Indexing and retrieval of images by spatial constraints
* Industrial part recognition using a component-index
* Managing Multimedia: Information In Database Systems
* Moving Camera Moving Object Segmentation in Compressed Video Sequences
* Negotiating the semantic gap: from feature maps to semantic landscapes
* Normalized Quadtrees with Respect to Translations
* Optimal Quadtrees for Image Segments
* Pyramid-Based Approach to Segmentation Applied to Region Matching, A
* Shape Matching Utilizing Indexed Hypothesis Generation and Testing
* Toward a Data Model for Integrated Pictorial Databases
* Unified Approach to the Linear Camera Calibration Problem, A
Includes: Grosky, W.I. Grosky, W.I.[William I.]
17 for Grosky, W.I.

Gross Amblard, D.[David] Co Author Listing * Blind and squaring-resistant watermarking of vectorial building layers
Includes: Gross Amblard, D.[David] Gross-Amblard, D.[David]

Gross Colzy, L. Co Author Listing * On-Orbit Star-Based Calibration and Modulation Transfer Function Measurements for PLEIADES High-Resolution Optical Sensors
* Process Line for Geometrical Image Correction of Disruptive Microvibrations
Includes: Gross Colzy, L. Gross-Colzy, L.

Gross, A. Co Author Listing * Fast Parallel Algorithm for Dot Linking in Glass Patterns, A

Gross, A.D.[Ari D.] Co Author Listing * email: Gross, A.D.[Ari D.]: ari AT cvisiontech com
* Analyzing Skewed Symmetries
* Contour Grouping Based on Local Symmetry
* Digital Geometric Invariance and Shape Representation
* Digital geometric methods in document image analysis
* Digitization Constraints That Preserve Topology and Geometry
* Digitizations preserving shape
* Digitizations Preserving Topological and Differential Geometric-Properties
* Distance Learning Based on Convex Clustering
* Error of Fit Measures for Recovering Parametric Solids
* Modelling Digital Straight Lines
* Multiresolution Object Detection and Delineation
* On the Recovery of Superellipsoids
* Preserving Topology by a Digitization Process
* Realistic Digitization Model of Straight-Lines, A
* Recovery of Generalized Cylinders from a Single Intensity View
* Recovery of SHGCs from a Single Intensity View
* Recovery of Superquadrics from 3D Information
* Recovery of Superquadrics from Depth Information
* Report of the NSF/ARPA Workshop on 3D Object Representation for Computer Vision
* Report on the 1994 workshop on 3-D object representations in computer vision
* Special issue: Shape Representation and Similarity for Image Databases
* Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders: Analysis of Reflectance Properties and a Necessary Condition for Class Membership
* Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders: Constraints from Contour
* SYMAN: A SYMmetry ANalyzer
* Toward Non-Parametric Digital Shape Representation and Recovery
* Toward Object-Based Heuristics
Includes: Gross, A.D.[Ari D.] Gross, A.D. Gross, A.D.[Ari David]
27 for Gross, A.D.

Gross, B.[Bella] Co Author Listing * 3D motion capture system for assessing patient motion during Fugl-Meyer stroke rehabilitation testing
* Capabilities of an Automatic Lidar Ceilometer to Retrieve Aerosol Characteristics within the Planetary Boundary Layer
* Dynamics of Mixing Layer Height and Homogeneity from Ceilometer-Measured Aerosol Profiles and Correlation to Ground Level PM2.5 in New York City
* Evaluation of the Uncertainty in Satellite-Based Crop State Variable Retrievals Due to Site and Growth Stage Specific Factors and Their Potential in Coupling with Crop Growth Models
* Monitors vs. Smart Glasses: A Study on Cognitive Workload of Digital Information Systems on Forklift Trucks
* Using lidar networks to explore aloft plume properties
* Utilizing Collocated Crop Growth Model Simulations to Train Agronomic Satellite Retrieval Algorithms
Includes: Gross, B.[Bella] Gross, B.[Barry] Gross, B.[Benno]
7 for Gross, B.

Gross, B.A.[Brooks A.] Co Author Listing * Artificial neural networks capable of learning spatiotemporal chemical diffusion in the cortical brain

Gross, B.M. Co Author Listing * Assessment of Langley and NASA-GISS Calibration Techniques for MFRSR Aerosol Retrieval

Gross, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Improved Resolution from Subpixel Shifted Pictures

Gross, D.C.[David C.] Co Author Listing * Human-Computer Interaction for Space Situational Awareness (SSA): Towards the SSA Integrated Sensor Viewer (ISV)

Gross, G.[Garrison] Co Author Listing * Extended Cross-Calibration Analysis Using Data from the Landsat 8 and 9 Underfly Event
* Initial Cross-Calibration of Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 Using the Simultaneous Underfly Event

Gross, H. Co Author Listing * 3D-Modeling of Urban Structures
* Development of a Segment-Based Description of Events in Image Sequences
* Extraction of Bridges over Water in Multi-Aspect High-Resolution InSAR Data
* Extraction of Lines from Laser Point Clouds
* Generalized propagation of light through optical systems. I. Mathematical basics
* Line-Based Registration of Terrestrial and Airborne LIDAR Data
* Nearest Neighbour Classification on Laser Point Clouds to Gain Object Structures from Buildings
* Normalization of Lidar Intensity Data Based on Range and Surface Incidence Angle
* Segmentation of Tree Regions Using Data of a Full-Waveform Laser
Includes: Gross, H. Gross, H.[Hermann] Gross, H.[Herbert]
9 for Gross, H.

Gross, H.M.[Horst Michael] Co Author Listing * APFel: The intelligent video analysis and surveillance system for assisting human operators
* Automatic Calibration of Multiple Stationary Laser Range Finders Using Trajectories
* Complex-YOLO: An Euler-Region-Proposal for Real-Time 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds
* Computational Model of Early Auditory-Visual Integration, A
* Contour-based Person Localizaion by 3d Neural Fields and Steerable Filters
* Efficient Implementation of Regional Mutual Information for the Registration of Road Images
* Extraction of Orientation from Floor Structure for Odometry Correction in Mobile Robotics
* Feedback Estimation Approach for Therapeutic Facial Training, A
* Increasing the Robustness of 2D Active Appearance Models for Real-World Applications
* Person Localization and Posture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction
* Points2Pix: 3D Point-Cloud to Image Translation Using Conditional GANs
* real-time facial expression recognition system based on Active Appearance Models using gray images and edge images, A
* Resolving stereo matching errors due to repetitive structures using model information
* Robust omniview-based probabilistic self-localization for mobile robots in large maze-like environments
* Task Relevant Relaxation Network for Visuo-Motor Systems
* Tracking of Human Body Parts using the Multiocular Contracting Curve Density Algorithm
* User Localisation for Visually-Based Human-Machine-Interaction
* View Invariant Appearance-Based Person Reidentification Using Fast Online Feature Selection and Score Level Fusion
Includes: Gross, H.M.[Horst Michael] Gross, H.M.[Horst-Michael] Gross, H.M.
18 for Gross, H.M.

Gross, H.N. Co Author Listing * Application of Spectral Mixture Analysis and Image Fusion Techniques for Image Sharpening
* Evaluation of Two Applications of Spectral Mixing Models to Image Fusion
Includes: Gross, H.N. Gross, H.N.[Harry N.]

Gross, J.[Jens] Co Author Listing * Detection of Invasive Species in Wetlands: Practical DL with Heavily Imbalanced Data
* Water Vapor Retrievals from Spectral Direct Irradiance Measured with an EKO MS-711 Spectroradiometer: Intercomparison with Other Techniques
Includes: Gross, J.[Jens] Gross, J.[Jochen]

Gross, J.J.[James J.] Co Author Listing * Challenges in Evaluating Technological Interventions for Affect Regulation

Gross, J.N.[Jason N.] Co Author Listing * Sensitivity Study of POD Using Dual-Frequency GPS for CubeSats Data Limitation and Resources, A

Gross, K.C. Co Author Listing * Enhanced material identification using polarimetric hyperspectral imaging
* Fast and Effective Techniques for LWIR Radiative Transfer Modeling: A Dimension-Reduction Approach
* Mathematical model and experimental methodology for calibration of a LWIR polarimetric-hyperspectral imager
Includes: Gross, K.C. Gross, K.C.[Kevin C.]

Gross, L.[Lutz] Co Author Listing * Building Extraction and Floor Area Estimation at the Village Level in Rural China Via a Comprehensive Method Integrating UAV Photogrammetry and the Novel EDSANet
* transfinite form of Sibson's interpolant, A
Includes: Gross, L.[Lutz] Gross, L.

Gross, M.[Markus] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Convolutions for Structure-Aware Style Transfer
* Analysis and VLSI Implementation of EWA Rendering for Real-Time HD Video Applications
* Artist-Friendly Relightable and Animatable Neural Heads
* Attention-Driven Cropping for Very High Resolution Facial Landmark Detection
* Automatic jumping photos on smartphones
* Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Video Object Segmentation, A
* Collaborative Semantic Occupancy Prediction with Hybrid Feature Fusion in Connected Automated Vehicles
* ColorBrush: Animated diffusion for intuitive colorization simulating water painting
* Controllable Inversion of Black-Box Face Recognition Models via Diffusion
* Distinguishing Texture Edges From Object Boundaries in Video
* Enriching Video Captions With Contextual Text
* Evaluation and FPGA Implementation of Sparse Linear Solvers for Video Processing Applications
* Extending SVC by Content-adaptive Spatial Scalability
* Fast and Stable Color Balancing for Images and Augmented Reality
* FPGA-based processing pipeline for high-definition stereo video, An
* Frame Interpolation Transformer and Uncertainty Guidance
* Generic Image Restoration with Flow Based Priors
* HS-Nets: Estimating Human Body Shape from Silhouettes with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Human Shape from Silhouettes Using Generative HKS Descriptors and Cross-Modal Neural Networks
* Improved Reconstruction of Deforming Surfaces by Cancelling Ambient Occlusion
* Interactive video segmentation supported by multiple modalities, with an application to depth maps
* Kernel Aware Resampler
* Label-Based Automatic Alignment of Video with Narrative Sentences
* Learning-Based Sampling for Natural Image Matting
* Lossy Image Compression with Foundation Diffusion Models
* MasterCam FVV: Robust registration of multiview sports video to a static high-resolution master camera for free viewpoint video
* Memory Efficient Stereoscopy from Light Fields
* Methods, systems, and computer program products for imperceptibly embedding structured light patterns in projected color images for display on planar and non-planar surfaces
* Monocular RGB Hand Pose Inference from Unsupervised Refinable Nets
* Network Architecture for Point Cloud Classification via Automatic Depth Images Generation, A
* Neural Multi-sequence Alignment TeCHnique (NeuMATCH), A
* Neural Sequential Phrase Grounding (SeqGROUND)
* Non-linear warping and warp coding for content-adaptive prediction in advanced video coding applications
* Online view sampling for estimating depth from light fields
* Personality Trait Recognition Based on Smartphone Typing Characteristics in the Wild
* Phase-Based Modification Transfer for Video
* PhaseNet for Video Frame Interpolation
* Point samples for efficient 3D processing and content creation
* Point-sampled 3D video of real-world scenes
* QUADify: Extracting Meshes with Pixel-Level Details and Materials from Images
* ReNeRF: Relightable Neural Radiance Fields with Nearfield Lighting
* Self-Supervised Effective Resolution Estimation with Adversarial Augmentations
* Semantic Deep Face Models
* Sensor Fusion for Depth Estimation, including TOF and Thermal Sensors
* Shape from Selfies: Human Body Shape Estimation Using CCA Regression Forests
* Space-Time Body Pose Estimation in Uncontrolled Environments
* Spline-based Transformers
* Stereo Conversion with Disparity-Aware Warping, Compositing and Inpainting
* Surfels: Surface Elements as Rendering Primitives
* Time-of-flight sensor and color camera calibration for multi-view acquisition
* Towards next generation 3D teleconferencing systems
* Unconstrained free-viewpoint video coding
Includes: Gross, M.[Markus] Gross, M.
52 for Gross, M.

Gross, M.D. Co Author Listing * Diagram query and image retrieval in design

Gross, M.H.[Markus H.] Co Author Listing * Consistent penetration depth estimation for deformable collision response
* Contact Handling for Deformable Point-Based Objects
* Multiscale image texture analysis in wavelet spaces
Includes: Gross, M.H.[Markus H.] Gross, M.H.

Gross, P.[Philip] Co Author Listing * Machine Learning for the New York City Power Grid
* Nonparametric Temperature Controller With Nonlinear Negative Reaction for Multi-Point Rapid MR-Guided HIFU Ablation, A
* Reference-Free PRFS MR-Thermometry Using Near-Harmonic 2-D Reconstruction of the Background Phase
Includes: Gross, P.[Philip] Gross, P.

Gross, R.[Ralph] Co Author Listing * email: Gross, R.[Ralph]: rgross AT cs cmu edu
* Active appearance models with occlusion
* Appearance-Based 3-D Face Recognition from Video
* Appearance-based face recognition and light-fields
* CMU Motion of Body (MoBo) Database, The
* Constructing and Fitting Active Appearance Models with Occlusion
* Eigen light-fields and face recognition across pose
* Face Recognition Across Pose and Illumination
* Face Recognition in a Meeting Room
* Fisher Light-Fields for Face Recognition across Pose and Illumination
* Generic vs. Person Specific Active Appearance Models
* Growing Gaussian Mixture Models for Pose Invariant Face Recognition
* Image Preprocessing Algorithm for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition, An
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 2
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 3
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 4
* Model-Based Face De-Identification
* Multi-PIE
* New Directions in Contact Free Hand Recognition
* Quo Vidas Face Recognition?
* Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Mental State Estimation
* Representational Oriented Component Analysis (ROCA) for Face Recognition with One Sample Image per Training Class
* Robust Biometric Person Identification Using Automatic Classifier Fusion of Speech, Mouth, and Face Experts
* Robust Hand Geometry Measurements for Person Identification using Active Appearance Models
* Semi-supervised learning of multi-factor models for face de-identification
* Silhouette-based human identification from body shape and gait
* Towards a Multimodal Meeting Record
* Towards Real-World Face De-Identification
Includes: Gross, R.[Ralph] Gross, R.
28 for Gross, R.

Gross, S. Co Author Listing * Hard Mixtures of Experts for Large Scale Weakly Supervised Vision
* Image quality assessment of endoscopic panorama images
* MultiPath Network for Object Detection, A
* Texture Classification by Modeling Joint Distributions of Local Patterns With Gaussian Mixtures
Includes: Gross, S. Gross, S.[Sebastian] Gross, S.[Sam]

Gross, T.[Thomas] Co Author Listing * Content-aware compression using saliency-driven image retargeting
* Snow Extent Variability in Lesotho Derived from MODIS Data (2000-2014)
* Warp Computer: Architecture, Implementation and Performance, The
Includes: Gross, T.[Thomas] Gross, T.[Timm] Gross, T.

Gross, W. Co Author Listing * 1D-convolutional Autoencoder Based Hyperspectral Data Compression
* 2nd Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2024: Challenge Results
* CES-KD: Curriculum-based Expert Selection for Guided Knowledge Distillation
* Class-aware Object Counting
* Conjugate Adder Net (CAddNet) - a Space-Efficient Approximate CNN
* Fast Fine-Tuning Using Curriculum Domain Adaptation
* Nonlinear Feature Normalization for Hyperspectral Domain Adaptation and Mitigation of Nonlinear Effects
* Strategic Optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks For Hyperspectral Land Cover Classification
* Unsupervised Labeling Approach for Hyperspectral Image Classification, An
Includes: Gross, W. Gross, W.[Wolfgang] Gross, W.[Warren]
9 for Gross, W.

Gross, W.J. Co Author Listing * 3-D Brain MRI Tissue Classification on FPGAs
* Gabor Filter Based on Stochastic Computation

Gross, W.W.[William W.] Co Author Listing * Automated quantification of brain magnetic resonance image hyperintensities using hybrid clustering and knowledge-based methods

Grossard, C. Co Author Listing * JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How to Adequately Produce Facial Expressions

Grossart, H.P.[Hans Peter] Co Author Listing * Retrieval of Water Constituents from Hyperspectral In-Situ Measurements under Variable Cloud Cover: A Case Study at Lake Stechlin (Germany)
* Use of Sentinel-2 for Chlorophyll-a Spatial Dynamics Assessment: A Comparative Study on Different Lakes in Northern Germany, The
Includes: Grossart, H.P.[Hans Peter] Grossart, H.P.[Hans-Peter]

Grossauer, H.[Harald] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Iterative Methods for Solving a Ginzburg-Landau Equation
* Combined PDE and Texture Synthesis Approach to Inpainting, A
* GPU-Based Multigrid: Real-Time Performance in High Resolution Nonlinear Image Processing
* Using the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation for Digital Inpainting in 2D and 3D
* Variational Methods in Imaging
Includes: Grossauer, H.[Harald] Grossauer, H.

Grossberg, A.J.[Aaron J.] Co Author Listing * Spatial Prediction of COVID-19 Pandemic Dynamics in the United States

Grossberg, M.D.[Michael D.] Co Author Listing * Caustics of Catadioptric Cameras
* Determining the camera response from images: What is knowable?
* General Imaging Model and a Method for Finding its Parameters, A
* Histogram Preserving Image Transformations
* Making one object look like another: Controlling appearance using a projector-camera system
* Modeling the Space of Camera Response Functions
* Multiresolution Histograms and Their Use for Recognition
* Multispectral Imaging Using Multiplexed Illumination
* Non-Single Viewpoint Catadioptric Cameras: Geometry and Analysis
* perspective on distortions, A
* Projector-Camera System with Real-Time Photometric Adaptation for Dynamic Environments, A
* Quantitative Restoration for MODIS Band 6 on Aqua
* Raxel Imaging Model and Ray-Based Calibration, The
* Resolution Selection Using Generalized Entropies of Multiresolution Histograms
* Spatial Information in Multiresolution Histograms
* What Can Be Known about the Radiometric Response from Images?
* What is the space of camera response functions?
Includes: Grossberg, M.D.[Michael D.] Grossberg, M.D.
17 for Grossberg, M.D.

Grossberg, S.[Stephen] Co Author Listing * email: Grossberg, S.[Stephen]: steve AT cns bu edu
* 1995 Special Issue: Automatic Target Recognition - Introduction
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University (1998 PI)
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University (1998)
* Fast-Learning Viewnet Architectures for Recognizing 3-Dimensional Objects from Multiple 2-Dimensional Views
* Gesture recognition system based on Adaptive Resonance Theory
* laminar architecture of visual cortex and image processing technology, The
* Massively Parallel Architecture for a Self-Organizing Neural Pattern Recognition Machine, A
* Neural Dynamics of Surface Perception: Boundary Webs, Illuminants, and Shape-from-Shading
* Pattern recognition system
* Principal Investigator Report: Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University
* Self-Organizing Neural-Network Architecture for Navigation Using Optic Flow, A
* Synthetic-Aperture Radar Processing by a Multiple Scale Neural System for Boundary and Surface Representation
* What-and-Where Filter, The
Includes: Grossberg, S.[Stephen] Grossberg, S.
15 for Grossberg, S.

Grosse Wentrup, M.[Moritz] Co Author Listing * ArmSym: A Virtual Human-Robot Interaction Laboratory for Assistive Robotics
* Comparison of Adaptive Spatial Filters with Heuristic and Optimized Region of Interest for EEG Based Brain-Computer-Interfaces
* Relative Feature Importance
* Robust MEG Source Localization of Event Related Potentials: Identifying Relevant Sources by Non-Gaussianity
Includes: Grosse Wentrup, M.[Moritz] Grosse-Wentrup, M.[Moritz]

Grosse, G. Co Author Listing * Characterizing Post-Drainage Succession in Thermokarst Lake Basins on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska with TerraSAR-X Backscatter and Landsat-based NDVI Data
* Comparing Spectral Characteristics of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Same-Day Data for Arctic-Boreal Regions
* Developing and Testing a Deep Learning Approach for Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps
* Geomorphological and Climatic Drivers of Thermokarst Lake Area Increase Trend (1999-2018) in the Kolyma Lowland Yedoma Region, North-Eastern Siberia
* Landsat-Based Trend Analysis of Lake Dynamics across Northern Permafrost Regions
* Monitoring Inter- and Intra-Seasonal Dynamics of Rapidly Degrading Ice-Rich Permafrost Riverbanks in the Lena Delta with TerraSAR-X Time Series
* Monitoring the Transformation of Arctic Landscapes: Automated Shoreline Change Detection of Lakes Using Very High Resolution Imagery
* Mosaicking Landsat and Sentinel-2 Data to Enhance LandTrendr Time Series Analysis in Northern High Latitude Permafrost Regions
* Object Based Thermokarst Lake Change Mapping as Part of the ESA Data User Element (DUE) Permafrost
* Object-Based Classification Method to Detect Methane Ebullition Bubbles in Early Winter Lake Ice, An
* Potential of UAV Imagery for the Detection of Rapid Permafrost Degradation: Assessing the Impacts on Critical Arctic Infrastructure, The
* Quantitative Graph-Based Approach to Monitoring Ice-Wedge Trough Dynamics in Polygonal Permafrost Landscapes, A
* Remote Sensing-Based Statistical Approach for Defining Drained Lake Basins in a Continuous Permafrost Region, North Slope of Alaska
* Sentinel-1 InSAR Measurements of Elevation Changes over Yedoma Uplands on Sobo-Sise Island, Lena Delta
Includes: Grosse, G. Grosse, G.[Guido]
14 for Grosse, G.

Grosse, H.J. Co Author Listing * Improved coding of transform coefficients in JPEG-like image compression schemes

Grosse, K.[Kathrin] Co Author Listing * Killing Four Birds with one Gaussian Process: The Relation between different Test-Time Attacks
* MLCapsule: Guarded Offline Deployment of Machine Learning as a Service

Grosse, M.[Max] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Coded Aperture Photography
* Display Pixel Caching
* Fully Connected Object Proposals for Video Segmentation
* Phase-based frame interpolation for video

Grosse, R.[Roger] Co Author Listing * Ground truth dataset and baseline evaluations for intrinsic image algorithms

Grossekathofer, U.[Ulf] Co Author Listing * Calibration-Free Head Gesture Recognition System with Online Capability, A

Grossel, K.[Kevin] Co Author Listing * INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energy Budget and to Probe the Ionosphere
Includes: Grossel, K.[Kevin] Grossel, K.[Kévin]

Grosselfinger, A.K.[Ann Kristin] Co Author Listing * Data Anonymization for Data Protection on Publicly Recorded Data
Includes: Grosselfinger, A.K.[Ann Kristin] Grosselfinger, A.K.[Ann-Kristin]

Grosser, M.[Mirco] Co Author Listing * Efficient Joint Estimation of Tracer Distribution and Background Signals in Magnetic Particle Imaging Using a Dictionary Approach

Grossert, S. Co Author Listing * New Approach to Fuzzy Morphology Based on Fuzzy Integral and Its Application in Image Processing, A

Grosshans, F. Co Author Listing * Algorithms for the Recognition of 2D Images of M Points and N Lines in 3D

Grossi, A.[Amanda] Co Author Listing * Transforming Access to and Use of Climate Information Products Derived from Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations

Grossi, C.[Claudia] Co Author Listing * Mapping of Alpha-Emitting Radionuclides in the Environment Using an Unmanned Aircraft System, The

Grossi, E. Co Author Listing * Heuristic Algorithm for Track-Before-Detect With Thresholded Observations in Radar Systems, A
* New Algorithm for Identifying Possible Epidemic Sources with Application to the German Escherichia coli Outbreak, A
* Radar Target Detection Aided by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
* Radar Target Detection and Localization Aided by an Active Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
* Spatial Diversity in Radar Detection via Active Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
* Track-Before-Detect Algorithm With Thresholded Observations and Closely-Spaced Targets, A
Includes: Grossi, E. Grossi, E.[Emanuele]

Grossi, G.[Giuliano] Co Author Listing * Analysis of a parallel MCMC algorithm for graph coloring with nearly uniform balancing
* Cliffphys: Camera-based Respiratory Measurement Using Clifford Neural Networks
* DeepFakes Have No Heart: A Simple rPPG-Based Method to Reveal Fake Videos
* Enhanced multicore-manycore interaction in high-performance video encoding
* Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple Depth Cameras for 3d Face Reconstruction
* Face Recognition in Uncontrolled Conditions Using Sparse Representation and Local Features
* Give Ear to My Face: Modelling Multimodal Attention to Social Interactions
* Local features and sparse representation for face recognition with partial occlusions
* On Using RPPG Signals for Deepfake Detection: A Cautionary Note
* Positive technology for elderly well-being: A review
* Quantitative Evaluation Framework of Video De-Identification Methods, A
* Robust face recognition using sparse representation in LDA space
* Selection Module for Large-Scale Face Recognition Systems, A
* Single Sample Face Recognition by Sparse Recovery of Deep-Learned LDA Features
* Sparse Representation Based Classification for Face Recognition by k-LiMapS Algorithm
* Virtual EMG via Facial Video Analysis
* Worldly Eyes on Video: Learnt vs. Reactive Deployment of Attention to Dynamic Stimuli
17 for Grossi, G.

Grossi, V.[Valerio] Co Author Listing * Extending KDDML with a Visual Metaphor for the KDD Process

Grossiord, E.[Eloise] Co Author Listing * Shape-Based Analysis on Component-Graphs for Multivalued Image Processing
* Shaping for PET image analysis
Includes: Grossiord, E.[Eloise] Grossiord, É.[Éloďse]

Grossklags, J.[Jens] Co Author Listing * Bitspotting: Detecting Optimal Adaptive Steganography

Grosskopf, S. Co Author Listing * Computer-Aided Surgery: Vision and Feasibility of an Advanced Operation Theater
* Fitting Geometrical Deformable Models to Registered Range Images
Includes: Grosskopf, S. Grosskopf, S.[Stefan]

Grossman, A.[Arthur] Co Author Listing * Hybrid, Recursive Algorithm for Clustering Expressed Sequence Tags in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, A
* Recognition of Agricultural Objects by Shape
Includes: Grossman, A.[Arthur] Grossman, A.

Grossman, D.D. Co Author Listing * Traffic Control of Multiple Robot Vehicles

Grossman, E. Co Author Listing * Detection and Segmentation of Concealed Objects in Terahertz Images

Grossman, L.W. Co Author Listing * Constrained reconstruction applied to 2-D chemical shift imaging

Grossman, M.[Murray] Co Author Listing * Measuring Cortical Thickness Using An Image Domain Local Surface Model And Topology Preserving Segmentation
* Symmetric Diffeomorphic Image Registration: Evaluating Automated Labeling of Elderly and Neurodegenerative Cortex and Frontal Lobe

Grossman, R.B. Co Author Listing * Computational Study of Expressive Facial Dynamics in Children with Autism, A

Grossman, R.I. Co Author Listing * Multiple sclerosis lesion quantification using fuzzy-connectedness principles

Grossman, T. Co Author Listing * HybridSpace: Integrating 3D freehand input and stereo viewing into traditional desktop applications
* Noise sensitivity signatures for model selection

Grossmann, A. Co Author Listing * Method of Estimating Oriented Surface Elements from Stereo Images, A

Grossmann, B.[Bjarne] Co Author Listing * Planar Pose Estimation Using Object Detection and Reinforcement Learning

Grossmann, E.[Etienne] Co Author Listing * AdaTree: Boosting a Weak Classifier into a Decision Tree
* Algebraic Aspects of Reconstruction of 3D Scenes from One or More Views
* Are two rotational flows sufficient to calibrate a smooth non-parametric sensor?
* Calibration from Statistical Properties of the Visual World
* Closed-form Solution for Paraperspective Reconstruction, A
* Discrete camera calibration from pixel streams
* Discrete camera calibration from the information distance between pixel streams
* Dual Representations for Vision-Based 3D Reconstruction
* Least-squares 3D reconstruction from one or more views and geometric clues
* Maximum Likelihood 3D Reconstruction from One or More Images under Geometric Constraints
* Non-Parametric Self-Calibration
* Offline Generation of High Quality Background Subtraction Data
* Precision of 3D Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Views, The
* Terrascope Dataset: Scripted Multi-Camera Indoor Video Surveillance with Ground-truth, The
* Topological Auto-Calibration of Central Imaging Sensors
* Towards Interactive Generation of Ground-truth in Background Subtraction from Partially Labeled Examples
* Uncertainty analysis of 3D reconstruction from uncalibrated views
Includes: Grossmann, E.[Etienne] Grossmann, E.
17 for Grossmann, E.

Grossmann, H.P. Co Author Listing * Communication architecture for sensorfusion systems

Grossmann, P. Co Author Listing * Compact: A Surface Representation Scheme
* Depth from Focus
* From 3D Line Segments to Objects and Spaces
* On recognition of features in polyhedral scenes

Grossmann, R.[Ruth] Co Author Listing * Computational Surface Flattening: A Voxel-Based Approach

Grossmann, W.[Wilfried] Co Author Listing * two-fly tracker that solves occlusions by dynamic programming: computational analysis of Drosophila courtship behaviour, A

Grossniklaus, M.[Michael] Co Author Listing * From Movement to Events: Improving Soccer Match Annotations

Grosso, C.[Carla] Co Author Listing * Mapping Maize Evapotranspiration at Field Scale Using SEBAL: A Comparison with the FAO Method and Soil-Plant Model Simulations

Grosso, E. Co Author Listing * 3-D Object Reconstruction Using Stereo and Motion
* 3D Face Recognition Using Joint Differential Invariants
* Active Dynamic Stereo Vision
* Active Face Recognition with a Hybrid Approach
* Active vision-based face authentication
* Active/Dynamic Stereo for Navigation
* Active/Dynamic Stereo: A General Framework
* Automated quality control of printed flasks and bottles
* Automatic Detection of Adverse Weather Conditions in Traffic Scenes
* Behavioural Biometrics Using Electricity Load Profiles
* Distance Measures for Gabor Jets-Based Face Authentication: A Comparative Evaluation
* Dynamic face recognition: From human to machine vision
* Dynamic Stereo in Visual Navigation
* Face Authentication Using One-Class Support Vector Machines
* From early biological models to CNNs: do they look where humans look?
* Generalization in Holistic versus Analytic Processing of Faces
* Generalized Gaussian distributions for sequential data classification
* Head-Centered Orientation Strategies in Animate Vision
* Iconic Methods for Multimodal Face Recognition: A Comparative Study
* Incremental models based on features persistence for object recognition
* Large scale face identification by combined iconic features and 3D joint invariant signatures
* Log-Polar Stereo for Anthropomorphic Robots
* New Automated Ship Wake Detector for Small and Go-Fast Ships in Sentinel-1 Imagery, A
* On Finding Differences Between Faces
* On Perceptual Advantages Of Eye-Head Active Control
* On the distinctiveness of the electricity load profile
* On the importance of local and global analysis in the judgment of similarity and dissimilarity of faces
* On the Use of SIFT Features for Face Authentication
* Person Authentication from Video of Faces: A Behavioral and Physiological Approach Using Pseudo Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models
* Recognizing People's Faces: from Human to Machine Vision
* Relative Positioning with Uncalibrated Cameras
* Robust Visual Servoing in 3-D Reaching Tasks
* Space-Variant Approach to Oculomotor Control, A
* Understanding Critical Factors in Appearance-Based Gender Categorization
* VIRSBS project: Visual intelligent recognition for secure banking services, The
* Vision During Action
* Visually Guided Mobile Robot Acting in Indoor Environments, A
* What Can I Tell from Your Face?
* Who are you?
* Why Purposive Vision: Reply
Includes: Grosso, E. Grosso, E.[Enrico] Grosso, E.[Elena]
40 for Grosso, E.

Grosso, J.[Juan] Co Author Listing * Wide-Area GNSS Corrections for Precise Positioning and Navigation in Agriculture

Grosso, M.[Marco] Co Author Listing * Lung Nodules Segmentation with DeepHealth Toolkit
* UniToChest: A Lung Image Dataset for Segmentation of Cancerous Nodules on CT Scans

Grosso, R.[Roberto] Co Author Listing * Interactive partial 3D shape matching with geometric distance optimization

Grosssmann, A. Co Author Listing * Decomposition of Hardy Functions into Square Integrable Wavelets of Constant Shape

Grosu, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Are Turn-by-Turn Navigation Systems of Regular Vehicles Ready for Edge-Assisted Autonomous Vehicles?

Grosu, R.[Radu] Co Author Listing * Driver Distraction Detection Using Octave-Like Convolutional Neural Network
* Neural Echos: Depthwise Convolutional Filters Replicate Biological Receptive Fields

Grosup, T.[Tomas] Co Author Listing * Image exploration using online feature extraction and reranking
* Web Portal for Effective Multi-model Exploration, A
Includes: Grosup, T.[Tomas] Grošup, T.[Tomáš]

Grosvenor, M.J.[Mark J.] Co Author Listing * Inter-Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Derived Surface Emissivities of Natural and Manmade Materials in Support of Land Surface Temperature (LST) Remote Sensing

Grosz, J.[Janos] Co Author Listing * Spatial Assessment of the Effects of Land Cover Change on Soil Erosion in Hungary from 1990 to 2018
Includes: Grosz, J.[Janos] Grósz, J.[János]

Grosz, S.[Steven] Co Author Listing * Hierarchical Fine-Grained Image Forgery Detection and Localization
* PrintsGAN: Synthetic Fingerprint Generator

Grosz, S.A.[Steven A.] Co Author Listing * Universal Fingerprint Generation: Controllable Diffusion Model With Multimodal Conditions

Grosz, T.[Tamas] Co Author Listing * Automatic Detection and Characterization of Biomarkers in OCT Images
* Reconstruction-Free Projection Selection Procedure for Binary Tomography Using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Social Signal Detection by Probabilistic Sampling DNN Training
Includes: Grosz, T.[Tamas] Grósz, T.[Tamás] Grósz, T.

Index for "g"

Last update:15-Jan-25 14:46:59
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