Journals starting with darp

DARPA77 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Bottom Up Image Segmentor, A
* Cooperative Computation of Stereo Disparity
* Image Registration Experiments
* Image Segmentation Using Texture and Gray Level
* Locus Model of Search and its Use in Image Interpretation, The
* Parametric Correspondence and Chamfer Matching: Two New Techniques for Image Matching
* Region Extraction Using Convergent Evidence
* Segmentation of FLIR Images by Pixel Classification
* Spatial Understanding
* Symbolic Image Registration and Change Detection
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DARPA78 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Correspondence Process in Motion Perception, The
* Local Context in Matching Edges for Stereo Vision
* Model Based Vision System, A
* Road Tracking and Anomaly Detection in Aerial Imagery
* Symbolic Matching and Analysis with Substantial Changes in Orientation
* Target/Background Segmentation and Classification in FLIR Imagery
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DARPA79 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Blob Extraction by Relaxation
* Computer Implementation of a Theory of Human Stereo Vision, A
* Context Dependent Automatic Image Recognition System
* Describing Natural Textures
* Geometric Reasoning in Acronym
* Goal-Directed Edge Linking and Ribbon Finding
* Hill Shading and the Reflectance Map
* Knowledge-Based Detection and Classification of Vehicles and Other Objects in Aerial Road Images
* Progress in Navigation Using Passively Sensed Images
* Shape from Texture: A Computational Paradigm
* Strip Trees: A Hierarchical Representation for Map Features
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DARPA80 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Aspects of a Computational Theory of Human Stereo Vision
* Atmospheric Modelling for the Generation of Albedo Images
* Bootstrap Stereo
* Edge-Based Stereo Correlation
* Experience with the Generalized Hough Transform
* Gaussian Sphere: A Unifying Representation of Surface Orientation, The
* Non-Correlation Approach to Image-Based Velocity Determination, A
* Object Detection and Measurement Using Stereo Vision
* Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Applications to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography
* Representing and Reasoning about Partially Specified Scenes
* Semantic Description of Aerial Images Using Stochastic Labeling
* Solving for the Parameters of Object Models from Image Descriptions
* Some Uses of Pyramids in Image Processing and Segmentation
* Storage Representation for Efficient Access to Large Multi-Dimensional Arrays, A
* Toward the Recognition of Cultural Features
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DARPA81 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Bootstrap Stereo Error Simulations
* Computational Models for Texture Analysis and Synthesis
* Computational Stereo from an IU Perspective
* Database Support for Automated Photo-Interpretation
* Determining Optical Flow
* Determining the Instantaneous Direction of Motion from Optical Flow Generated by a Curvilinearly Moving Observer
* Edge Evaluation using Local Edge Coherence
* Geometric Constraints for Interpreting Images of Common Structural Elements: Orthogonal Trihedral Vertices
* Interpretation of Geometric Structure from Image Boundaries, The
* Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision, An
* Line Finding with Subpixel Precision
* Model-Based Three-Dimensional Interpretations of Two-Dimensional Images
* Multi-Resolution Pixel Linking for Image Smoothing and Segmentation
* Procedure for Camera Calibration with Image Sequences, A
* Reasoning About Images: Application to Aerial Image Understanding
* Relative Depth and Local Surface Orientation from Image Motions
* Relaxation Matching Applied to Aerial Images
* Structural Analysis of Natural Textures
* Towards a Real Time Implementation of the Marr and Poggio Stereo Matcher
* Two Hierarchical Linear Feature Representations: Edge Pyramids and Edge Quadtrees
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DARPA82 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Automatic Generation of Depth maps from Stereo Images
* Concept Maps
* Constraint Interaction in Shape-from-Shading Algorithms
* Contour-Based Motion Estimation
* DARPA/DMA Image Understanding Testbed, The
* Depth of Scene from Depth of Field
* Detection of Errors in Match Disparities
* Extracting Compact Objects Using Linked Pyramids
* Gradient Space under Orthography and Perspective
* Incremental Acquisition of a Three-Dimensional Scene Model from Images
* Machine Perception of Linear Structure
* Matching Linear Features of Images and Maps
* Methods for Interpreting Perspective Images
* Modeling and Using Physical Constraints in Scene Analysis
* Passive Navigation
* Reasoning between Structure and Function
* Recovery of Surface Orientation from Image Irradiance, The
* Rotationally Symmetric Operators for Surface Interpolation
* Scene Analysis Using Region-Based Constraint Filtering
* Segmentation and Aggregation: An Approach to Figure-Ground Phenomena
* Segmentation in Acronym
* Segmentation of FLIR Images: A Comparative Study
* Structural Texture Analysis Applications
* Survey and Evaluation of FLIR Target Detection/Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Symbolic Matching of Images and Scene Models
* System for Automated Stereo Mapping, A
* Unforced Image Partitioning by Weighted Pyramid Linking
* Using Shadows in Finding Surface Orientations
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DARPA83 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Adapting Optical-Flow to Measure Object Motion in Reflectance and X-Ray Image Sequences
* Computing Visual Correspondence
* Content Addressable Array Parallel Processor and Some Applications, A
* Environmental Relations in Image Understanding: The Force of Gravity
* Extraction of Textured Regions in Aerial Imagery
* Facet Approach to Optic Flow, The
* Fractal-Based Description of Natural Scenes
* Kinematics of Image Flows
* MAPS: The Organization of a Spatial Database System Using Imagery, Terrain, and Map Data
* Monocular Reconstruction of a Complex Urban Scene in the 3D MOSAIC System
* On the Evaluation of Scene Analysis Algorithms
* Perceptual Organization and Curve Partitioning
* Perceptual Organization of Visual Images: Segmentation as a Basis for Recognition, The
* Processing Restricted Sensor Motion
* Progress in Stereo Mapping
* Recovering 2-D Motion Parameters in Scenes Containing Multiple Moving Objects
* Relationship between Image Irradiance and Surface Orientation, The
* Rule Based Strategies for Image Interpretation
* Scene Matching by Hierarchical Correlation
* Segment-Based Stereo Matching
* Smoothing Optical Flow Fields
* Special Purpose Automatic Programming for 3D Model-Based Vision
* Stereo Matching from the Topological Viewpoint
* Surface Constraints from Linear Extents
* Theory of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders, The
* Three-Dimensional Shape from Line Drawings
* Topographic Primal Sketch and its Application to Passive Navigation, The
* Use of Difference Fields in Processing Sensor Motion, The
* Viewframes: A Connectionist Model of Form Perception
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DARPA84 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* 3D MOSAIC Scene Understanding System: Incremental Reconstruction of 3D Scenes from Complex Images, The
* Acronym Model Based Vision in the Intelligent Task Automation Project
* ASTERIX System: A Feature Based Approach to the Correspondence Problem, The
* Autonomous Scene Description with Range Imagery
* Computing Dense Fields Displacement with Confidence Measures in Scenes Containing Occlusion
* Controlled-Smoothness Stabilizers fo the Regularization of Ill-Posed Visual Problems Involving Discontinuities
* Description of 3-D Surfaces Using Curvature Properties
* Determining 3-D Motion and Structure from Optical Flow Generated by Several Moving Objects
* Dynamic Stereo: Passive Ranging to Moving Objects from Relative Image Flows
* Edge Localization in Both Theta and X
* Extended Gaussian Images
* Extracting Straight Lines
* Fast Surface Interpolation Technique, A
* Hierarchical Knowledge-Directed Object Extraction using a Combined Region and Line Representation
* Hierarchical Warp Stereo
* Ill-Posed Problems and Regularization Analysis in Early Vision
* Information-Centered Approach to Optimal Algorithms Applied to the 2-1/2D Sketch, The
* Interest Points, Disparities and Correspondence
* Map-Guided Feature Extraction from Aerial Imagery
* Matching Closed Contours
* On Detecting Edges
* Optical Navigation by the Method of Differences
* Real-Time Image Processing at Westinghouse
* Recovering the Camera Parameters from a Transformation Matrix
* Semantic Network Array Processor and Its Applications to Image Understanding
* Shading into Texture
* Spatial Reasoning from Line Drawings of Polyhedra
* Stereo Modeling System: A Geometric Modeling System for Modeling Object Instance and Class
* Survey of Array Processors
* Symmetry Evaluators
* Theory of Line Drawing Interpretation, A
* VLSI Implementation of Systolic and 3-D Cellular Architectures for Image Processing
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DARPA85 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Analysis of an Algorithm for Detection of Translational Motion
* Binocular Image Flows
* Concurrent Multiple Relaxation
* Contour Orientation and Motion
* Description of Surfaces from Range Data
* Direct Passive Navigation: Analytical Solution for Planes
* Disparity Functionals and Stereo Vision
* Edgel Aggregation and Edge Description
* Epipolar-Plane Image Analysis: A Technique for Analyzing Sequences
* Equivalent Descriptions of Generalized Cylinders
* Error Detection and Correction for Stereo
* Evidence Combination for Vision Using Likelihood Generators
* First Results on Outdoor Scene Analysis Using Range Data
* Generalized Cone Descriptions from Sparse 3-D Data
* Geometric Grouping of Straight Lines
* Information Fusion Problem and Rule Based Hypothesis Applied to Complex Aggregations of Image Events, The
* Inherent Ambiguities in Recovering 3-D Motion and Structure from a Noisy Flow Field
* Introducing a Smoothness Constraint in a Matching Approach for the Computation of Optical Flow Fields
* Labelling Line Drawings of Curved Objects
* Locating Cultural Regions in Aerial Imagery using Geometric Cues
* On Detecting Edges
* On Surface Reconstruction Using Sparse Depth Data
* One-Eyed Stereo: A General Approach to Modeling 3-D Scene Geometry
* Predicting Specular Features
* Probabilistic Solution of Ill-Posed Problems in Computational Vision
* Provably Convergent Algorithm for Shape from Shading, A
* Refinement of Environmental Depth Maps over Multiple Frames
* Robust Estimation of 3-D Motion Parameters from a Sequence of Image Frames Using Regularization
* SRI's Baseline Stereo System
* Stereo Correspondence: Features And Constraints
* Stereo Verification in Aerial Image Analysis
* Structure and Motion from Images
* Structure from Motion Without Correspondence: General Principle
* Surfaces from Stereo
* Terrain-Calc System, The
* Trinocular Vision Using Photometric and Edge Orientation Constraints
* Visual Surface Interpolation: A Comparison of Two Methods
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DARPA87 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Active Vision
* Algorithm Synthesis for IU Applications
* Analytical Properties Of Generalized Cylinders And Their Projections
* Automating Knowledge Acquisition for Aerial Image Interpretation
* CMU Navigational Architecture, The
* Context Dependent Target Recognition
* Design of a Prototype Interactive Cartographic Display and Analysis Environment
* Detecting Blobs as Textons in Natural Images
* Detecting Dotted Lines and Curves in Random-Dot Patterns
* Detecting Obstacles in Range Imagery
* Detecting Runways in Aerial Images
* Detection, Localization, and Estimation of Edges
* Developments in Knowledge-Based Vision for Obstacle Detection and Avoidance
* DRIVE: Dynamic Reasoning from Integrated Visual Evidence
* Edge-Detector Resolution Improvement by Image Interpolation
* Environmental Modeling and Recognition for an Autonomous Land Vehicle
* Estimation and Accurate Localization of Edges
* Evidence Combination Using Likelihood Generators
* Finding Object Boundaries Using Guided Gradient Ascent
* Formation of Partial 3D Models from 2D Projections: An Application of Algebraic Reasoning, The
* Framework for Implementing Multi-Sensor Robotic Tasks, A
* From Sparse 3-D Data Directly to Volumetric Shape Descriptions
* Generalizing Epipolar-Plane Image Analysis for Non-Orthogonal and Varying View Directions
* Goal-Directed Control of Low Level Processes for Image Interpretation
* Guiding an Autonomous Land Vehicle Using Knowledge-Based Landmark Recognition
* Hierarchial Gradient-Based Motion Detection
* Image Understanding Architecture, The
* Information Management in a Sensor-Based Autonomous System
* Initial Hypothesis Formation in Image Understanding Using an Automatically Generated Knowledge Base
* Integrated System That Unifies Multiple Shape from Texture Algorithms, An
* Interpreting Aerial Photographs by Segmentation and Search
* ITA Range Image Processing System, The
* Line-Drawing Interpretation: Bilateral Symmetry
* Line-Drawing Interpretation: Straight Lines and Conic Sections
* Local Shape from Specularity
* Localized Intersections Computation for Solid Modeling with Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders
* Minimization of the Quantization Error in Camera Calibration
* Model-Directed Object Recognition On The Connection Machine
* Models of Errors and Mistakes in Machine Perception, Part 1. First Results for Computer Vision Range Measurements
* Multi-Modal Segmentation Using Markov Random Fields
* Object Recognition Using Alignment
* Parallel Algorithms for Computer Vision on the Connection Machine
* Parallel Implementation and Exploration of Witkin's Shape from Texture Method, A
* Parallel Optical Flow Computation
* Parallel Recognition of Objects Comprised of Pure Structure
* Precompiling a Geometric Model into an Interpretation Tree for Object Recognition in Bin-Picking Tasks
* Qualitative Information in the Optical Flow
* Qualitative Landmark-Based Path Planning and Following
* Reconstructions of Surfaces from Profiles
* Report on the DARPA Image Understanding Architectures Workshop, A
* Results of Motion Estimation with More Than Two Frames
* Role and Use of Color in a General Vision System, The
* Searching for Geometric Structure in Images of Natural Scenes
* Shape from Darkness
* Shape Reconstruction on a Varying Mesh
* Spectral and Polarization Stereo Methods Using a Single Light Source
* Steps Toward Accurate Stereo Correspondence
* Stereo Correspondence: A Hierarchial Approach
* Stereo Matching by Hierarchial, Microcanonical Annealing
* Stereo Matching Using Viterbi Algorithm
* Surface Curvature and Contour from Photometric Stereo
* Surface Segmentation and Description from Curvature Features
* Survey of Parallel Computers
* Symbolic Pixel Labeling for Curvilinear Feature Detection
* Tools and Experiments in the Knowledge-Directed Interpretation of Road Scenes
* Tracing Finite Motions Without Correspondence
* Uncertainty Analysis of Image Measurements
* Unified Perspective on Computational Techniques for the Measurement of Visual Motion, A
* Using a Color Reflection Model to Separate Highlights from Object Color
* Using Generic Geometric Models for Intelligent Shape Extraction
* Using Occluding Contours for Object Recognition
* Using Optimal Algorithms to Test Model Assumptions in Computer Vision
* Vision and Navigation for the Carnegie-Mellon NAVLAB
* Vision and Visual Exploration for the Stanford Mobile Robot
* Vision-Based Navigation: A Status Report
* What Is a Degenerate View?
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DARPA88 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* 3-D Object Recognition Using Surface Descriptions
* 3-D Vision for Outdoor Navigation by an Autonomous Vehicle
* Adaptive Smoothing for Feature Extraction
* Affine Invariant Matching
* Algebraic Reasoning in View Consistency and Parameterized Model Matching Problems
* Autonomous Navigation in Cross-Country Terrain
* Building Surfaces of Evolution: The Weaving Wall
* Color Metric for Computer Vision, A
* Combining Information In Low-Level Vision
* Computation of Motion in Depth Parameters: A First Step in Stereoscopic Motion Interpretation
* Concept of an Effective Viewpoint, The
* Constructing Simple Stable Descriptions for Image Partitioning
* Contour Correspondences in Dynamic Imagery
* Cooperative Methods for Road Tracking in Aerial Imagery
* Core Knowledge System: Storage and Retrieval of Inconsistent Information
* Curved Surface Reconstruction using Stereo Correspondence
* Depth from Looming Structure
* Evaluation of Quantization Error in Computer Vision
* Extracting Generic Shapes Using Model-Driven Optimization
* Generalizing Epipolar-Plane Image Analysis on the Spatiotemporal Surface
* Generic Models for Robot Navigation
* Geometric Camera Calibration Using Systems of Linear Equations
* Image Segmentation and Reflection Analysis Through Color
* Image Segmentation Using Geometric and Physical Constraints
* Integrated Approach to Stereo Matching, Surface Reconstruction and Depth Segmentation Using Consistent Smoothness Assumptions, An
* Integration Effort in Knowledge-Based Vision Techniques for the Autonomous Land Vehicle Program
* Integration of Information for Stereo and Multiple Shape-from-Texture Cues, The
* Is Correspondence Necessary for the Perception of Structure from Motion?
* Issues in Extracting Motion Parameters and Depth from Approximate Translation Motion
* IU at UI: An Overview and an Example on Shape from Texture
* IU Software Environments
* Kalman Filter-based Algorithms for Estimating Depth from Image Sequences
* Knowledge Based Vision for Terrestrial Robots
* Model Driven Edge Detection
* Modeling Sensors and Applying Sensor Model to Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Program
* Motion from a Sequence of Images
* Multimodal Reconstruction and Segmentation with Markov Random Fields and HCF Optimization
* Multiresolution Aerial Image Interpretation
* Natural Representation of Motion in Space-Time
* Object Recognition from a Large Database Using a Decision Tree
* On the Recovery of Superellipsoids
* Operational Perception System for Cross-Country Navigation, An
* Optimal Algorithm for the Derivation of Shape from Shadows, An
* Overview of the SRI Cartographic Modeling Environment
* PACE: An Environment for Intelligence Analysis
* Perception with Feedback
* Perceptual Grouping for the Detection and Description of Structures in Aerial Images
* Physically Based Modeling for Vision And Graphics
* Predicting Material Classes
* Projective Invariants of Shape
* Qualitative Motion Detection and Tracking of Targets from a Mobile Platform
* Qualitative Navigation II
* Rapid Object Recognition From a Large Model Base Using Prediction Hierarchies
* Recognizing Solid Objects by Alignment
* Relative Orientation
* Ribbons, Symmetries and Skewed Symmetries
* Self Calibration of Motion and Stereo Vision for Mobile Robot Navigation
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of an Image Sequence with Occlusion
* Stochastic Stereo Matching over Scale
* Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders: Differential Geometry and Uniqueness Results
* Structural Correspondence in Stereo Vision
* Surface Orientation from Projective Foreshortening of Isotropic Texture Autocorrelation
* Symbolic Pixel Labeling for Curvilinear Feature Detection
* Test Results from SRI's Stereo System
* Texture Edge Localization
* Texture Models and Image Measures for Segmentation
* Translating Optical Flow into Token Matches
* Using Generic Geometric and Physical Models For Representing Solids
* Using Probabilistic Domain Knowledge to Reduce the Expected Computational Cost of Matching
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DARPA89 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Accurate Surface Description for Binocular Stereo
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Adaptive Model Base Indexing
* Application of Dynamical Systems Theory to Shape from Shading, An
* Carnegie Mellon NAVLAB Vision
* Color Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Fields
* Computer Analysis of Regular Repetitive Textures
* Constraint-Based Modeling
* Constraint-Based System for Interpretation of Aerial Imagery, A
* Constraints for Interpretation of Perspective Images
* Derivation of 3-D Surface Shape from Shadows, The
* Description and Interpretation of Rotational Motion from Image Trajectories
* Descriptions of Complex Objects from Incomplete and Imperfect Data
* Determination of Camera Location and Orientation
* Developing the Aspect Graph Representation for Use in Image Understanding
* Dynamic Motion Vision
* Early Identification of Occlusion in Stereo-Motion Image Sequences
* Extracting Shape and Reflectance of Hybrid Surfaces by Photometric Sampling
* Gaze Controls with Interactions and Delays
* Geometer: A System for Modeling and Algebraic Manipulation
* Height and Gradient from Shading
* Image and Boundary Segmentation Via Minimal-Length Encoding on the Connection Machine
* Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University
* Image Understanding at the University of Rochester
* Image Understanding Research At Carnegie Mellon
* Image Understanding Research at SRI International
* Image Understanding Research at the University of Maryland (January 1988-February 1989)
* Knowledge Based Vision for Terrestrial Robots
* Knowledge-Based Vision Technology Overview for Obstacle Detection and Avoidance
* Material Classification and Separation of Reflection Components Using Polarization Radiometric Information
* Mean Field Theory for Surface Reconstruction
* Measuring the Effectiveness of Task-Level Parallelism for High-Level Vision
* MIT Progress in Understanding Images
* Modeling Sensor Detectability with VANTAGE Geometric/Sensor Modeler
* Multi-Scale Contour Matching in a Motion Sequence
* Objective Functions for Feature Discrimination: Applications to Semiautomated and Automated Feature Extraction
* Objective Functions for Feature Discrimination: Theory
* On Recognizing and Positioning Curved 3-D Objects from Image Contours
* On the Mathematical Foundations of Smoothness Constraints for the Determination of Optical Flow and for Surface Reconstruction
* Optimization of 2-Dimensional Model Matching
* Parallel Color Algorithm for Segmenting Images of 3-D Scenes, A
* Perceptual Grouping of Curved Lines
* Perceptual Organization for Segmentation and Description
* Probability-Based Control for Computer Vision
* Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts
* Qualitative Target Motion Detection and Tracking
* Real-Time Motion Tracking Using Spatio-Temporal Filters
* Reasoning About Nonlinear Inequality Constraints: A Multi-Level Approach
* Recognizing Objects in a Natural Environment: A Contextual Vision System
* Report on the Results of the DARPA Integrated Image Understanding Benchmark Exercise, A
* Representation Space: An Approach to the Integration of Visual Information
* Representations in High-Level Vision: Reassessing the Inverse Optics Paradigm
* Robust Computer Vision: A Least Median of Squares Based Approach
* Scene Registration in Aerial Image Analysis
* Shape Understanding from Lambertian Photometric Flow Fields
* Spatial Understanding: The Successor System
* Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders: Analysis of Reflectance Properties and a Necessary Condition for Class Membership
* Towards Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation
* Unification and Integration of Visual Modules: An Extension of the Marr Paradigm
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1988-89
* Verification of Recognition and Alignment Hypotheses by Means of Edge Verification Statistics
* Viewpoint planning: The Visibility Constraint
* Visual Re-Acquisition of Geographic Locations
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DARPA90 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Annotated Maps for Autonomous Land Vehicles
* B-Snakes: Implementation and Application to Stereo
* Benchmark Evaluation of a Model-Based Object Recognition System
* Comparative Results of Some Motion Algorithms on Real Image Sequences
* Computational and Biological Models of Stereo Vision
* Context-Based Recognition System for Natural Scenes and Complex Domains, A
* Deriving Line and Surface Orientation by Statistical Methods
* Detecting Moving Objects from a Moving Platform
* Dynamical Systems Approach to Integration in Stereo, A
* Efficient Parallel Processing in High Level Vision
* Energy-Based Segmentation of Very Sparse Range Surfaces
* Estimation-Theoretic Framework for Image-Flow Computation, An
* Experimental Results of 3D Motion Estimation Using Images of Outdoor Scenes
* Experiments in Autonomous Navigation
* Fast, High Breakdown Point Robust Estimator for Computer Vision Applications, A
* FIXATION: A Direct Method for Recovery of Motion and Shape in the General Case
* FLAT MMF: A New Recursive Technique for the 3-D Motion Analysis
* Formalization and Implementation of Topological Visual Navigation in two Dimensions, A
* Fusion of Monocular Cues to Detect Man-Made Structures in Aerial Imagery
* General Model-Based 3D Surface Estimation, Recognition and Segmentation from Multiple Images
* How to Decide from the First View Where to Look Next
* Image-Based Navigation Using 360^o Views
* Indexing Via Color Histograms
* Integrated Multiresolution Image Acquisition and Surface Reconstruction from Active Stereo
* Least Median of Squares Based Robust Analysis of Image Structure
* Local Spatial Frequence Analysis for Computer Vision
* Map-Based Localization: The Drop-Off Problem
* Marvel: Location Recognition Using Stereo Vision
* Mathematical Foundations of Smoothness Constraints: A New Class of Coupled Constraint, The
* Model-Group Indexing for Recognition
* Motion and Binocular Stereo Integrated System for Passive Ranging
* Multiple Frame Analysis of Translation Dominant Motion
* Multistrategy Learning Approach for Target Model Recognition, Acquisition, and Refinement, A
* New Results in Shape from Shading
* Non-Monotonic Decision Rules for Sensor Fusion
* Parallel Algorithm for List Ranking Image Curves in O(log N) Time, A
* Perceptual Organization of Occluding Contours
* Photometric Invariant and Shape Constraints at Parabolic Points, A
* Pose Refinement: Application to Model Extension and Sensitivity to Camera Parameters
* Purposive and Qualitative Active Vision
* Qualitative Detection of Motion by a Moving Observer
* Qualitative Visual Control of a Robot Manipulator
* Reactive and Preplanned Control in a Mobile Robot
* Real-Time Qualitative Detection of Multi-Colored Objects for Object Search
* Real-Time Vergence Control for Binocular Robots
* Real-Time Visual Servoing
* Recent Progress in CYCLOPS: A System for Stereo Cartography
* Recognition and Positioning of Piecewise Algebraic Objects
* Recovering 3D Information from Complex Aerial Imagery
* Recovering Shape from Contour for SHGCs and CGCs
* Recovery of Generalized Cylinders from a Single Intensity View
* Region Grouping Using the Minimum-Description-Length Principle
* Robust Multi-Sensor Fusion: A Decision-Theoretic Approach
* Robustness of Correspondence-Based Structure from Motion
* Selective Attention as Sequential Behavior: Modeling Eye Movements with an Augmented Hidden Markov Model
* Self-Optimizing Control System for Adaptive Image Segmentation
* Shape and Motion without Depth
* Skeleton Sketch: Finding Salient Frames of Reference, The
* Stereo Matching Algorithm with an Adaptive Window: Theory and Experiment, A
* Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders: Constraints from Contour
* Surface Reflection: Physical and Geometrical Perspectives
* Task Oriented Vision
* Temporal Integration of Visual Surface Reconstruction
* TOSS: A System for Efficient Three Dimensional Object Recognition
* Unified Theory of Structure from Motion, A
* View Variation of Point Set and Line Segment Features
* Vision-Based Navigation
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DARPA92 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* 3-D Model Alignment without Computing Pose
* Active Observer, An
* Application of Pose Determination Techniques to Model Extension and Refinement
* Behavioral Visual Motion Analysis
* Bounded and Unbounded Implicit Polynomial Curves and Surfaces, Mahalanobis Distances, and Geometric Invariants, for Robust Object Recognition
* BUILDER-I: A System for the Extraction of SHGC Objects in an Edge Image
* Calibration of Cameras Using the Essential Matrix
* Can Too Much Perspective Spoil the View? A Case Study in 2D Affine Versus 3D Perspective Model Matching
* Colored Interreflections and Shape Recovery
* Combining Artificial Neural Networks and Symbolic Processing for Autonomous Robot Guidance
* Computational Model for Binocular Motion Processing, A
* Consensus by Decomposition: A Paradigm for Fast High Breakdown Point Robust Estimation
* Contour Matching Using Local Affine Transformations
* Correcting Chromatic Aberrations Using Image Warping
* Data and Model-Driven Selection Using Color Regions
* Direct Computation of Height from Shading, The
* Direct Method for Reconstructing Shape from Shading
* Example of 3-D Interpretation of Images Using Bayesian Networks, An
* Extracting Geometric Shapes from a Set of Points
* Factorization Method for the Recovery of Shape and Motion from Image Streams, The
* Feature Extraction for Localization
* Hierarchical Decomposition and Axial Representation of Shape
* Hierarchical Stereo Matching Using Feature Grouping
* Image Understanding Environments Program, The
* Integrated 3D Recovery and Visualization of Flight Image Sequences
* Interpretation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Using Projective Invariants and Deformable Templates, The
* Iterative TIN Generation from Digital Elevation Models
* Learning Knowledge-Directed Visual Strategies
* Matching Complex Images to Multiple 3D Objects Using View Description Networks
* Model-Based Object Pose in 25 Lines of Code
* Motion Analysis of Articulated Objects with Applications to Human Ambulatory Patterns
* Motion and Structure Factorization and Segmentation of Long Multiple Motion Image Sequences
* Motion Segmentation Using Singular Value Decomposition
* Motion Tracking on the Spatiotemporal Surface
* Multiple-Baseline Stereo Method, A
* Noise Resistant Projective and Affine Invariants
* Novel Image Registration Algorithm, A
* On Diffuse Reflection and Photometric Stereo
* On Finding the Ends of SHGCs in an Edge Image
* On Seeing Spaghetti: A Novel Self-Adjusting Seven Parameter Hough Space for Analyzing Flexible Extruded Objects
* On the Uniqueness of Correspondence under Orthographic and Perspective Projections
* Parallel Algorithms for Stereo and Image Matching
* Parallel Linear Feature Extraction
* Perceptual Organization without Edges
* Planning for Perception in Robot Driving
* Polynomial-Time Object Recognition in the Presence of Clutter, Occlusions, and Uncertainty
* Posterior Marginal Pose Estimation
* Proximity Detection Using a Filter Tuned in Three-Space
* RADIUS Common Development Environment, The
* Recognition of 3-D Objects from 2-D Groupings
* Reconstructing Surfaces from Unstructured 3D Points
* Recovering 3-D Wire Frames from Line Drawings
* Recovering LSHGCs and SHGCs from Stereo
* Recovery of 3-D Objects with Multiple Curved Surfaces from 2-D Contours
* Recursive Multi-Frame Structure from Motion Incorporating Motion Error
* Refinement of Disparity Estimates Through the Fusion of Monocular Image Segmentations
* Refinement of Noisy Correspondence Using Feedback from 3-D Motion
* Sensitivity of Feature Configuration in Viewpoint Determination
* Sensor Planning in an Active Robotic Work Cell
* Shape from Focus System for Rough Surfaces
* Single Plane Model Extensions Using Projective Transformations
* Space Efficient 3D Model Indexing
* Status and Current Research in the Image Understanding Architecture Effort
* Stealth Terrain Navigation with Bounding Overwatch
* Stereo Using the Displacement Representation
* Strategies for Localization
* Structure from Chronogeneous Motion: A Summary
* Temporal Texture Analysis
* Tools for Acquiring Spatial and Functional Knowledge in Aerial Image Analysis
* Towards an Assembly Plan from Observation: Task Recognition with Polyhedral Objects
* Tracking, Detection and 3D Representation of Potential Obstacles Using Affine Constraints
* Trajectory Filtering and Prediction for Automated Tracking and Grasping of a Moving Object
* Understanding Synthetic Aperature Radar Images
* Utilization of Multispectral Imagery for Cartographic Feature Extraction
* Vehicle-Type Motion Modeling and Analysis
* Vision-Based Navigation
* Where to Look Next Using a Bayes Net: An Overview
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DARPA93 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* 2-D Images of 3-D Oriented Points
* 3-D Recovery of Structural and Kinematic Parameters from Long Sequences of Noisy Images
* 3-D Stereo Using Photometric Ratios
* Alignment Using an Uncalibrated Camera System
* Automatic Finding of Main Roads in Aerial Images by Using Geometric-Stochastic Models and Estimation
* Camera Calibration Using Line Correspondences
* Cheirality Invariants
* Computational Sensors
* Conscious Observer: A Coordinated Effort in Computer Vision, A
* Constraint Processing Applied to Industrial Inspection and Continuous Product Improvement
* Depth from Focusing and Defocusing
* Detecting Activities
* Detecting Occluding Edges without Computing Dense Correspondence
* Detection and Segmentation of Feature Trajectories in Multiple, Discontinuous Motion Image Sequences
* Detection of Buildings from Monocular Views of Aerial Scenes Using Perceptual Grouping and Shadows
* Diffuse and Specular Reflection from Dielectric Surfaces
* Dynamic Camera Self-Calibration from Controlled Motion Sequences
* Dynamic Sensor Planning
* Efficient Recognition of Rotationally Symmetric Surface and Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders
* Employing Contextual Information in Computer Vision
* Estimating Scene Properties from Color Histograms
* Exploratory Active Vision
* Fast and Robust 3D Recognition by Alignment
* Feature-Based Monocular Motion Analysis System Guided by Feedback Information, A
* Generalization of the Lambertian Model
* Image Understanding at the University of Rochester
* Image Understanding Environment: Data Exchange, The
* Image Understanding Environment: Image Features, The
* Image Understanding Environment: Overview, The
* Image Understanding Research at CMU
* Image Understanding Research at Columbia University
* Image Understanding Research at GE
* Image Understanding Research at Johns Hopkins
* Image Understanding Research at SRI International
* Image Understanding Research at University of Washington
* Implementation and Performance of Fast Parallel Multi-Baseline Stereo Vision
* Incorporating Vanishing Point Geometry into a Building Extraction System
* Inferring Global Perceptual Contours from Local Features
* Integrated Approach to Object Recognition, An
* Integrating Multiple Range Images Using Triangulation
* Interactive Model-Based Vehicle Tracking
* Invariants of Lines in Space
* ISR3: A Token Database for Integration of Visual Modules
* IU at UI: An Overview of Research During 1991-92
* IUE User Interface, The
* JISCT Stereo Evaluation, The
* Landmark Selection for Accurate Navigation
* Learning and Feature Selection in Stereo Matching
* Local Step Edge Estimation: A New Algorithm, Statistical Model and Performance Evaluation
* Localization and Positioning Using Combinations of Model Views
* MANIAC: A Next Generation Neurally Based Autonomous Road Follower
* Maryland Progress in Image Understanding
* Matching Perspective Views of Coplanar Structures Using Projective Unwarping and Similarity Matching
* Measuring the Affine Transform - I: Recovering Scale and Rotation
* Model Extension and Refinement Using Landmarks
* Model Matching and Extension for Automated 3D Site Modeling
* Model-Based Recognition of Objects in Complex Scenes
* Motion Constraint Patterns
* Object-Centered Surface Reconstruction: Combining Multi-Image Stereo and Shading
* Optical Flow from 1-D Correlation: Application to a Simple Time-to-Crash Detector
* Paraperspective Factorization for Shape and Motion Recovery, A
* Performance Characterization of Edge Operators
* Performance Evaluation of Multispectral Analysis for Surface Material Classification
* Planning and Selective Perception for Target Retrieval
* Point Correspondence and Motion Detection in Long Image Sequences
* Polarization Camera Technology
* Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts
* Progress in Image Understanding at Brown University
* Progress in Image Understanding at MIT
* Projective Invariant and Structure from Two Perspective/Orthographic Views: Motion and Recognition
* Provably Convergent Algorithms for Shape from Shading
* Qualitative Environmental Navigation
* Quasi-Invariant Properties and 3-D Shape Recovery of Non-Straight, Non-Constant Generalized Cylinders
* Quasi-Invariants: Theory and Exploitation
* RADIUS: Automating Image Analysis Through Model-Supported Exploitation
* Range Estimation from Focus Using an Active Non-Frontal Imaging Camera
* Range-Free Qualitative Navigation
* Recognition and Tracking of 3D Objects by 1D Search
* Recognition with Local and Semi-Local Invariants
* Reflectance Based Recognition
* Research in Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Robust Shape Recovery from Occluding Contours Using a Linear Smoother
* Saliency Detection and Partitioning Planar Curves
* Scene Segmentation and Volumetric Descriptions of SHGCs from a Single Intensity Image
* Sensor Modeling, Markov Random Fields, and Robust Localization for Reconstructing Partially Occluded Objects
* Separation of Reflection Components Using Color and Polarization
* Shape and Motion from Linear Features
* Shape from Shadows under Error
* Simple, Cheap, and Robust Visual Navigation System, A
* Site-Model-Based Change Detection and Image Registration
* Spatial Objects in the Image Understanding Environment
* Spherical Representation for the Recognition of Curved Objects, A
* Statistical Object Recognition with the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm in Range-Derived Features
* Statistical Properties of Learning Recognition Strategies
* Structure and Motion from Region Correspondences and Affine Invariants
* Studying Control of Selective Perception with T-World and TEA
* Transform for Detection of Multiscale Image Structure, A
* Translational Decomposition of Flow Fields
* Understanding Noise: The Critical Role of Motion Error in Scene Reconstruction
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1992-1993
* Vision-Based Localization
* Vision-Based Navigation
* Visual Learning Object Models from Appearance
* VLSI Smart Sensor for Fast Range Imaging, A
105 for DARPA93

DARPA97 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* 3D Object Recognition from Multiple and Single Views
* Advanced Visual Sensor Systems
* Analysis of Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Appearance Based Object Recognition with Illumination Invariance
* Automated Construction of Templates for Matching
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University
* Automatic Acquisition of Hierarchical, Textured 3D Geometric Models of Urban Environments: Project Plan
* Automatic Text Detection and Recognition
* Bootstrapping Algorithm for Learning Linear Models of Object Classes, A
* Catadioptric Image Formation
* Characterization of Visual Appearance Applied to Image Retrieval, A
* Coarse-Grained, Reconfigurable Image Coprocessor, A
* Combining Color and Spatial Information for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Combining Geometric and Appearance Models for Change Detection
* Consensus Surfaces for Modeling 3D Objects from Multiple Range Images
* Constraint Optimization and Feature-Based Model Construction for Reverse Engineering
* Context and Quasi-Invarinats in ATR with SAR Imagery
* Continuous Terrain Modeling from Image Sequences with Applications to Change Detection
* Cooperative Multisensor Video Surveillance
* Cubic Rational Polynomial Camera Model, The
* Dense Depth Maps from Epipolar Images
* Design of Self-Tuning IU Systems
* Desktop Programmable Pixel-Parallel Accelerator for High Speed Image Processing
* Detection and Description of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images
* Direct Methods for Estimation of Structure and Motion from Three Views
* Dynamic Programming Delineation
* Earth Mover's Distance, Multi-Dimensional Scaling, and Color-Based Image Retrieval, The
* Edge-Aligning Surface Fitting Using Triangular B-Splines
* Evaluation of Image Stabilization Algorithms
* Evaluations of Large, Complex Research and Development Programs: Theory and Practice
* Evolutionary Learning for Orchestration of a Signal-to-Symbol Mapper
* Experiments on (Intelligent) Brute Force Methods for Appearance-Based Object Recognition
* Experiments with and Algorithm for Recovering Fluid Flow from Video Imagery
* Exploring Visual Motion Using Projections of Motion Fields
* Extra Set of Eyes (1997)
* Extracting Templates for Scene Classification Using a Few Examples
* Extraction of Micro-Terrain Ravines Using Image Understanding Constrained by Topographic Context
* Face k-D Trees for Bounded Error Point Location Operations and Surface Simplification
* Fast Image Stabilization and Mosaicking
* Feature Extraction using Attributed Scattering Center Models for Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition
* Feature Selection for Robust Color Image Retrieval
* Finding the Perceptually Obvious Path
* FOCUS: A Shared Vision Technology Transfer Project
* Forest of Sensors, A
* Full-Projective Improvement for Lowe's Pose-Estimation Algorithm, A
* Generation of Perspective and Panoramic Video from Omnidirectional Video
* Generic Model-Based Edge Estimation in the Image Surface
* Geometric Constraint Analysis and Synthesis: Methods for Improving Shape-Based Registration Accuracy
* Geometric Framework for Image Alignment, A
* Geospatial Registration
* Grouping Planar Projective Symmetries
* Hardware for Context-Based Image Queries
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Using Similarity Analysis
* Hierarchical Silhouettes Classification Using Curve Matching
* Horizon Line Matching for Orientation Correction Using a Messy Genetic Algorithm
* Image Browsing and Retrieval Research at Stanford
* Image Segmentation and Labeling Using the Polya Urn Model
* Image Understanding at Cornell University
* Image Understanding at Lockheed Martin Valley Forge
* Image Understanding Environment Progress Since IUW'96, The
* Image Understanding Research at CMU, 1997
* Image Understanding Research at Colorado State University
* Image Understanding Research at GE
* Image Understanding Research at Hughes Aircraft Company: Adaptive Image Exploitation
* Image Understanding Research at Rochester
* Image Understanding Research at UC Irvine: Automatic Recognition in Multispectral Imagery
* Image Understanding Research at UC Riverside: Integrated Recognition, Learning and Image Databases
* Image Understanding Research for Battlefield Awareness at Johns Hopkins University
* Image-Based Scene Rendering and Manipulation Research at the University of Wisconsin
* Image-Consistent Super-Resolution
* Integrated Approach to Image Stabilization, Mosaicking and Super-Resolution, An
* Integrated Feasibility Demonstration for Automatic Population of Geospatial Databases, An
* Integrated Vision and Sensing for Human Sensory Augmentation
* Invariants for the Recognition of Articulated and Occluded Objects in SAR Images
* IU at the University of Utah: Extraction of Micro-Terrain Features
* IU au UI: An Overview of Research During 1996-1997
* Kalman Filter that Learns Robust Models of Dynamic Phenomena, A
* Knowledge Directed Reconstruction from Multiple Aerial Images
* Knowledge-Based Automatic Feature Extraction
* Learning to Detect Rooftops in Aerial Images
* Learning to Fixate on 3D Targets with Uncalibrated Active Cameras
* Lie Group Analysis in Object Recognition
* Linear Models for Infrared Spectra
* Matching and Pose Refinement with Camera Pose Estimates
* Matching of Articulated Objects in SAR Images
* Medialness and Skeletonization for Object Recognition and Shape Similarity
* Minimizing Algebraic Error in Geometric Estimation Problems
* Mixed Traffic and Automated Highways
* Model-Based Matching by Linear Combinations of Prototypes
* Model-Based Target Recognition in Foliage Penetrating SAR Images
* Modeling and Prediction of Human Behavior
* Monte Carlo Comparison of Distance Transform Based Matching Measures
* Mosaicking with Generalized Strips
* Moving Object Detection and Event Recognition Algorithms for Smart Camera
* Multi-Image Alignment
* Multi-Image Correspondence Using Geometric and Structural Constraints
* Multi-Sensor Representation of Extended Scenes Using Multi-View Geometry
* Multi-Spectral Imaging Filters
* Multidisciplinary Image Understanding Research at the University of Maryland
* Multiple Perspective Interactive Video Surveillance and Monitoring
* Multiple Stochastic Models for Recognition of Occluded Targets in SAR Images
* Multiple View 2D-3D Mutual Information Registration
* Multisensor Image Fusion Using a Region-Based Wavelet Transform Approach
* Neural Network Approach to Indexing, A
* Nonparametric Methodology for Information Theoretic Feature Extraction, A
* Omnidirectional Video Camera
* Omnidirectional VSAM Systems: PI Report
* Optic Flow Estimation from 3D Wavelet Edge Detection
* Orientation Behavior Using Registered Topographic Maps
* Panoramic Mosaics with VideoBrush
* Parametric Feature Detection
* Parametric model for Synthetic Aperature Radar Measurements, A
* Performance and Human Interface Issues of a System for Visual Interpretation of Hand Gestures
* Performance Modeling and Adaptive Target Detection
* Perspective 3D Formalism for Shape from Shading, A
* Photometric Computation of the Sign of Gaussian Curvature using a Curve-Orientation Invariant
* Photorealistic Scene Reconstruction by Voxel Coloring
* PNF Propagation and the Detection of Actions Described by Temporal Intervals
* Principal Investigator Report: Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University
* Programming in the Image Understanding Environment: Locating Fibers in Microscope Images
* Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts, 1997
* Project Plan for Multiple Perspective Interactive Video Surveillance and Monitoring
* Quantitative Comparison of IU Algorithms
* RADIUS Phase II Program, The
* RADIUS Technology Transfer
* Rapidly Adapting Machine Vision System for Automated Vehicle Steering, A
* Real-Time 3-D Tracking and Classification of Human Behavior
* Real-Time Interactive SAR Tactical Mapper, A
* Recent Advances in 3D Reconstruction Techniques Using Aerial Images
* Recognition Using Multiband Filtered Energy Matrices
* Recognizing Objects by Matching Oriented Points
* Reflectance and Texture of Real-World Surfaces
* Reinforcement learning Integrated Image Segmentation and Object Recognition
* Representing Local Motion as a Probability Distribution Matrix and Object Tracking
* Research in the Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery: 1995-1996
* Ridge and Ravine Detection in Digital Images
* Robust Multi-Sensor Image Alignment
* Robust Video Motion Detection and Event Recognition
* Rosetta: An Image Database Retrieval System
* sarMapper: A Real-Time Interactive SAR Tactical Mapper
* Scale-Based Robust Image Segmentation
* Self-Organizing Principle for Segmenting and Super-Resolving ISAR Images, A
* Self-Taught Visually-Guided Pointing for a Humanoid Robot
* Sensitivity Analysis and Learning Strategies for Context-Based Vehicle Detection Algorithms
* Sensory Attention: Computational Sensor Paradigm for Low-Latency Adaptive Vision
* Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using Geometric Hashing
* Site Modeling Using IFSAR and Electro-Optical Images
* Sketch-First Modeling of Buildings from Video Imagery
* Sketching Natural Terrain from Uncalibrated Imagery
* Soft Competitive Principal Component Analysis Using the Mixture of Experts
* Solid Model Construction Using Meshes and Volumes
* Statistical Independent and Relevant Feature Extraction for Classification of SAR Imagery
* Super Resolution with Region Sensitive Interpolation
* Surveillance and Monitoring Using Video Images from a UAV
* Target Detection in UWB SAR Images Using Temporal Fusion
* Temporal Analysis of Vehicular Activities from SAR/EO
* Temporal Multi-Scale Models for Image Motion Estimation
* Texture Segmentation of SAR Images
* Thermal Invariants for Material Labeling and Site Monitoring Using Midwave Infrared Imagery
* Toward a Fundamental Understanding of Multiresolution SAR Signatures
* Toward Automatic Domain-Adaptation in Artificial Evolution: Experiments with Face Recognition
* Trainable Modular Vision System, A
* Trainable System for People Detection, A
* Understanding Object Motion
* Unified, Multiresolution Framework for Automatic Target Recognition, A
* Unifying Two-View and Three-View Geometry
* USC RADIUS Related Research: An Overview
* Use of Context for False Alarm Reduction in SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* User Interface Representation for Image Understanding
* Using RADIUS Site Models without the RCDE
* Using Spectral/Spatial Information for Automatic Recognition
* Variable Neighborhood Approach to Early Vision, A
* Video Processing for Security, Surveillance and Monitoring
* Video Skimming and Characterization through the Combination of Image and Language Understanding Techniques
* View Morphing: Uniquely Predicting Scene Appearance from Basis Images
* Visibility Estimation from a Moving Vehicle Using the RALPH Vision System
* Visual Learning for Landmark Recognition
* Visual Surveillance and Monitoring of Human and Vehicular Activity
* VSAM at the MIT Media laboratory and CBCL: Learning and Understanding Action in Video Imagery
* Wavelet-Based Target Hashing for Automatic Target Recognition
181 for DARPA97

DARPA98 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* 3-D Reconstruction of Urban Environments from Dense Digital Elevation Models
* Adaptive Image Exploitation: Image Understanding at Raytheon
* Adaptive Super-Resolution for PREDATOR Video Sequences
* Adaptive Target Recognition Using Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive Video Segmentation: Theory and Real-Time Implementation
* Advanced Visual Sensor Systems (1998)
* Advances in Cooperative Multi-Sensor Video Surveillance
* Aerial and Ground-Based Video Surveillance at Cornell University
* Algorithm Development and Support Database for MSTAR, An
* Appearance Matching with Partial Data
* Ascender II: A Visual Framework for 3D Reconstruction
* ATR Performance Prediction with Feature Based Optimization
* Automated Cartographic Feature Attribution Using Panchromatic and Hyperspectral Imagery
* Automated IFSAR Terrain Analysis System
* Automated Techniques for road Network Modeling
* Automated Urban Model Acquisition: Project Rationale and Status
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University (1998 PI)
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University (1998)
* Bayesian Computer Vision System for Modeling Human Interactions, A
* Bosnia Cantonment Area Monitoring System (BCAMS): Rapid Response to the Needs of the U.S. Army Europe
* Bounding Fundamental Performance of Feature-Based Object Recognition
* Brain Imaging Registration by Correlation of First Order Geometry
* Building Detection and Localization Using a Fusion of Interferometric Synthetic Aperature Radar and Multispectral Image
* Change Detection in Midwave Infared Imagery: Thermal Invariants for Site Monitoring
* Classification-Driven medical Image Retrieval
* Classifying Moving Objects as Rigid or Non-Rigid without Correspondences
* Comparing the EMD to other Dissimilarity Measures for Color Images
* Computing Global Image Similarity
* Constrained Symmetry Exploitation
* Context and Quasi-Invariants in ATR with SAR Imagery
* Cooperative Distributed Vision
* Correlation Kernel Reconstruction and Superresolution
* Dense Surface Patches from Thousands of Pose Iamges
* Detecting and Tracking Moving Objects in Video from an Airborne Observer
* Detecting Salient Motion Using Spatiotemporal Filters and Optical Flow
* Detection of Small Obstacles at Long Range Using Multibaseline Stereo
* DyPERS: Dynamic Personal Enhanced Reality System
* Efficiently Computing a Good Segmentation
* Estimation of Composite Object and Camera Image Motion
* Evaluation of a Road-Centerline Data Model
* Event Detection and Analysis from Video Streams
* Event Management Architecture for Activity Recognition in a Multi-Stream Video Database, An
* Event Recognition and Reliability Improvements for the Autonomous Video Surveillance System
* Extra Set of Eyes
* Fast FOE Estimation with Applications to Depth Estimation and View Synthesis
* Feature Extraction using Attributed Scattering Center Models for Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition
* Flexible Histograms: A Multiresolution Target Discrimination Model
* FOCUS: A Shared Vision Project Report on Progress in 1997-1998
* Forest of Sensors: Using Adaptive Tracking to Classify and Monitor Activities in a Site
* Frame-Rate Multi-Body Tracking for Surveillance
* framework for detecting changes in terrain, A
* Geometrical and Magnitude Invariants for Recognition of Articulated and Non-Standard Objects in MSTAR Images
* Ghost: A Human Body Part Labeling System Using Silhouettes
* Histogram Model for 3D Textures
* Homography-Based 3D Scene Analysis of Video Sequences
* Image Alignment for Precise Camera Fixation and Aim
* Image Quality Estimation Using Edge Intensity Histogram and a Mixture Model
* Image Understanding at Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems
* Image Understanding Environment Progress Since IUW'97, The
* Image Understanding Environment Service Model: An Elegant Approach to Providing Class Services, The
* Image Understanding from Thermal Emission Polarization
* Image Understanding Research at GE
* Image Understanding Research at Rochester
* Image Understanding Research at UC Irvine: Automated Invariant Recognition in Huperspectral Imagery
* Image Understanding Research for Battlefield Awareness at Johns Hopkins University
* Image-Based Visualization from Widely-Separated Views
* Imaging Through Scattering Media
* Implicit Scene Reconstruction for Probability Density Functions
* Improving Rooftop Detection with Interactive Visual learning
* Indexing Flowers by Color Names
* Integrated Feasibility Demonstration for Automatic Population of Geospatial Databases, An
* Integrated Memory/Logic Architecture for Image Processing
* Integrated Recognition, Learning and Image Databases: Image Understanding Research at UC Riverside
* Integrated Vision and Sensing for Human Sensory Augmentation
* Interactive Target Recognition Using a Database-Retrieval Oriented Approach
* Interpolating View and Scene Motion by Dynamic Morphing
* Invariant Subpixel Material Identification in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Knowledge-Based Building Detection and Description: 1997-1998
* Learning to Detect Salient Objects in Natural Scenes Using Visual Attention
* Looming Detection in Log-Polar Coordinates
* Medical Image-Atlas Registration Using Deformable Models
* Minimally Supervised Classification
* Model Based Detection of Targets in FOPEN SAR Images
* Model-Based Recognition of 3D Curves from One View
* Moving Target Classification and Tracking from Real Time Video
* Multi-Frame Alignment of Planes
* Multi-Level 3D Reconstruction with Visibility Constraints
* Multi-Sensor Representation of Extended Scenes Using Multi-View Geometry
* Multiple Motion Detection Using Genetic Algorithms
* Multiple Perspective Interactive Video Architecture for VSAM, A
* Multiple-Instance Learning for Natural Scene Classification
* Multispectral Optic Flow
* New Bayesian Framework for Object Recognition, A
* Non-Metric Calibration of Wide Angle Lenses
* Non-Rigid Parallax for 3D Linear Motion
* Novel ATR Classifier Exploiting Pose Estimation, A
* Object Detection and Localization by Dynamic Template Warping
* Omnidirectional Vision Systems: 1998 PI Report
* On-the-Fly Road Tracking from video
* Optimal Grayscale Visualization of Local Contrast in Multispectral Imagery
* Optimal Weighting Functions for Feature Detection
* Parametric Attributed Scattering Center Model for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Perceptual Grouping Hierarchy for 3D Object Recognition and Representation
* Performance Evaluation of the CFAR Vehicle Detection Algorithm
* Planning for the Efficient Employment of Image Understanding Assets
* Pose Estimation for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Probabilistic Feature Relevance Learning for Online Indexing
* Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts (1998)
* Project Summary: Context and Quasi-Invariants in ATR
* Quantative Description of Camera Motion from Histograms of Normal Flow
* Quasi-Invariants of the Thermophysical Model
* Randomized Algorithm for Pairwise Clustering
* Real Time Analysis and Tracking of Mouths for Expression Recognition
* Real Time Human Motion Analysis by Image Skeletonization
* Real-Time Face and Eye finding with an Active Vision System
* Real-Time Omnidirectional and Panoramic Stereo
* Recognizing Objects in Cluttered Images Using Subgraph Isomorphism
* Recovering Surface Invariants from Curves
* Recovery of Building Structure from SAR and IFSAR Images
* Recursive Recovery of Three-Dimensional Scenes
* Reflectance Estimation and Material Classification for 3D Objects in outdoor Hyperspectral Images
* Reliable Video Event Recognition for Network Cameras
* Remote Reality Omnidirectional Imaging
* Representation and Visual Recognition of Complex, Multi-Agent Actions Using Belief Networks
* Research in Image Understanding and Automated Cartography: 1997-1998
* Retrieving Color, Patterns, Texture, and Faces
* Robust Real-Time Motion Analysis
* SAR/EO Vehicular Activity Analysis System Guided by Temporal and Contextual Information
* Scenario Recognition in Airborne Video Imagery
* Sectored Snakes: Evaluating Learned-Energy Segmentations
* Self-Consistency: A Novel Approach to Characterizing the Accuracy and Reliability of Point Correspondence Algorithms
* Shape and Motion Engine for Parameterized Models, A
* Shape and Motion of 3-D Curves from Multi-View Image Scenes
* Shape for Video: Beyond the Epipolar Constraint
* Site Model Based Exploitation of TESAR Imagery
* Statistically Independent Feature Extraction for SAR Imagery
* Sub-Aperature Extensions to the Flexible Histogram Approach for SAR ATR
* Text Image Clean-Up and Thresholding: A Comparative Study
* Toward a General 3-D matching Engine: Multiple Models, Complex scenes, and Efficient Data Filtering
* Towards Real-Time Voxel Coloring
* Tracking from Multiple View Points: Self-calibration of Space and Time
* Trainable Object Detection System, A
* Unified, Multiresolution Framework for Automatic Target Recognition, A
* Use of Cues from Range Data for Automatic Building Modeling
* User Assisted Modeling of Buildings
* Using a DEM to Determine Geospatial Object Trajectories
* Video Processing and Integration from Multiple Camera
* View Planning for Site Modeling
* View-Based Detection and Analysis of Periodic Motion
* Virage Video Cataloger 2.0: An Extensible, COTS Architecture for Media Cataloging, The
* Visual Similarity, Judgemental Certainty and Stereo Correspondence
* Visual Surveillance and Monitoring
* Visual Surveillance of Activities
* VLSI Hardware for Example-Based Learning
* VSAM at the MIT Media Laboratory and CBCL: Learning and Understanding Action in Video Imagery PI Report 1998
156 for DARPA98

DARPAN78 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Advances in Shape Description with Application to Three-Dimensional Aircraft Recognition
* ARGOS Image Understanding System, The
* Artificial Intelligence Concepts Applied to Navigation Using Passively Sensed Images
* Calculating the Reflectance Map
* Computation of Locally Parallel Structure
* Edge Point Linking Using Convergent Evidence
* Linear Feature Extraction
* Progress Report on a Model Based Vision System
* Segmentation and Classification of Targets in FLIR Imagery
* Shape from Texture: A Brief Overview and a New Aggregation Transform
* SRI Road Expert: An Overview, The
* SRI Road Expert: Image-to-Database Correspondence, The
13 for DARPAN78

DARPAN79 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Cooperative Computation in Texture Analysis
* Detection of Roads and Linear Structures in Low Resolution Aerial Images Using Multi-Source Knowledge Integration Techniques
* Levels of Representation in Cultural Feature Extraction
* Lights: A Study in Motion
* Motion Detection and Analysis
* Reconstructing Smooth Surfaces from Partial, Noisy Information
* Representation and Communication of Image-Related Information
* Representation for Image Databases
* Search Strategies for the ARGOS Image Understanding System
* Spatial Representation
* Stereo-Camera Calibration
* Symbolic Representation: USC IU System
* Texture Energy Measures
* Using Pyramids to Define Local Thresholds for Blob Detection
15 for DARPAN79

DARPAO77 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* 3-Dimensional Aircraft Recognition Using Fourier Descriptors
* Analytic Results of the Coleman Segmentor
* Interactive Aids for Cartography and Photo-Interpretation: Progress Report
* Progress Report of Segmentation Using Convergent Evidence
* Stereo Vision System, A
* Understanding Natural Textures
* Using Synthetic Images to Register Real Surfaces with Surface Models
8 for DARPAO77

Index for "d"

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