Update Dates 0401

0401 * 3-D reconstruction of static human body shape from image sequence
* 3D representation of biostructures imaged with an optical microscope: Part A: Digital optical sectioning
* 5th Alvey vision Conference
* ABI: analogy-based indexing for content image retrieval
* Accuracy and Cross-Calibration of Video Quality Metrics: New Methods from ATIS/T1A1
* Active recognition through next view planning: a survey
* adaptive conscientious competitive learning algorithm and its applications, An
* Adaptive iterative algorithm for image restoration
* Adaptive mixture density estimation
* Adaptive mixtures: Recursive nonparametric pattern recognition
* Adaptive Potential for Robust Shape Estimation, An
* Address block location on envelopes using Gabor filters
* Advanced in-plane rotation-invariant correlation filters
* Affine invariant features from the trace transform
* Algebraic feature extraction for image recognition based on an optimal discriminant criterion
* Algorithm design for image processing in the context of cellular logic
* algorithm for competitive learning in clustering problems, An
* algorithm for finding a common structure shared by a family of strings, An
* Algorithms for the constrained editing distance between ordered labeled trees and related problems
* Algorithms of halftoning color images with edge enhancement
* Alvey computer vision and image interpretation research programmes
* Ambiguity reduction in speaker identification by the relaxation labeling process
* Analysis of decision boundaries in linearly combined neural classifiers
* Analysis of hidden nodes for multi-layer perceptron neural networks
* Analysis of integer programming formulations of clustering problems
* Analysis of low-pass filtered shoeprints and pedobarograph images
* Analysis of Terrain Elevation Effects on Ikonos Imagery Rectification Accuracy by Using Non-Rigorous Models
* Analysis of the dimensionality of neural networks for pattern recognition
* Analyzing images containing multiple sparse patterns with neural networks
* Application of Piece-Wise Regression to Detecting Internal Structure of Signal
* application of semantic classification trees to natural language understanding, The
* Application of the Active Shape Model in a commercial medical device for bone densitometry
* Applications of approximate string matching to 2D shape recognition
* approximate nonmyopic computation for value of information, An
* Approximating probabilistic inference in Bayesian belief networks
* Approximation of an arbitrary filter and its recursive implementation
* Arabic character recognition system: A statistical approach for recognizing cursive typewritten text
* artificial neural network system for temporal-spatial sequence processing, An
* artificial vision system for X-ray images of human coronary trees, An
* Attributed string matching by split-and-merge for on-line Chinese character recognition
* Author's reply to comments
* Author's reply to comments
* Auto-regressive shape classifiers in time varying noise
* Autofocusing for tissue microscopy
* Automated analysis of retinal images
* Automated Change Detection for Updates of Digital Map Databases
* Automated concept acquisition in noisy environments
* Automated design of linear tree classifiers
* Automated fingerprint recognition using structural matching
* Automated reasoning about image motion using a rule-based deduction system
* Automated Spline Surface Modeling and Matching for Recognition of Free-form Objects
* Automatic assembly of ocular fundus images
* Automatic center point determination in two-dimensional short-axis echocardiographic images
* Automatic context-sensitive karyotyping of human chromosomes based on elliptically symmetric statistical distributions
* Automatic Control of Lamellibranch Larva Growth Using Contour Invariant Feature Extraction
* Automatic Detection Of Circular Objects By Ellipse Growing
* Automatic inspection of mechanical parts using geometric models and laser range finder data
* Automatic localization of craniofacial landmarks for assisted cephalometry
* Automatic representation of fingerprints for data compression by b-spline functions
* Automatic segmentation of hand-wrist radiographs
* Automatic Thresholding For Correspondence Detection
* Bayesian Image Restoration: An Application to Edge-Preserving Surface Recovery
* binary consistency checking scheme and its applications to seismic Horizon Detection, The
* Biological shape analysis by digital curvature
* Block Bundle Adjustment of Landsat 7 ETM+ Images over Mountainous Areas
* Blocking artifact reduction in compressed images based on edge-adaptive quadrangle meshes
* Boosting Image Retrieval
* Boundary detection in skin tumor images: An overall approach and a radial search algorithm
* Bounded irregular pyramid: a new structure for color image segmentation
* Branch and bound search for automatic linking process of seismic horizons
* Breaking substitution cyphers using stochastic automata
* Building optimal 2D statistical shape models
* cache-based natural language model for speech recognition, A
* CAD-based 3D data acquisition strategy for inspection, A
* Calculating the surface topography of integrated circuit wafers from SEM images
* Causal probabilistic networks with both discrete and continuous variables
* Character extraction from documents using wavelet maxima
* Character scaling by contour method
* Chinese character classification using an adaptive resonance network
* Chord-tangent transformation for object recognition
* Chromosome location and feature extraction using neural networks
* Classification of digital typefaces using spectral signatures
* Cloud shadow removal from aerial photographs
* Cluster analysis by binary morphology
* clustering algorithm for data-sets with a large number of classes, A
* Clustering algorithms for library comparison
* Clustering interval-valued proximity data using belief functions
* Clustering of clusters
* Clustering of interval data based on city-block distances
* Clustering with evolution strategies
* CMU Pose, Illumination, and Expression Database, The
* Color and three-dimensional vision-based assistive telemanipulation
* Combination Model for Orientation Field of Fingerprints, A
* combination of evidence in the transferable belief model, The
* Combining positive and negative examples in relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval
* Comments on An efficient agglomerative clustering algorithm using a heap
* Comments on An ensemble average classifier for pattern recognition machines
* Comments on approximating discrete probability distributions with dependence trees
* Comments on Comparative analysis of backpropagation and the extended Kalman filter for training multilayer perceptrons
* Comments on Parallel algorithms for hierarchical clustering and cluster validity
* Comments on: A Systematic Approach for Designing 2-Subcycle and Pseudo 1-Subcycle Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* Comments on: optimality test for fixed points
* common framework for nonlinear diffusion, adaptive smoothing, bilateral filtering and mean shift, A
* Comparative analysis of backpropagation and the extended Kalman filter for training multilayer perceptrons
* Comparative analysis of statistical pattern recognition methods in high dimensional settings
* comparative study of two search strategies for connected word recognition: dynamic programming and heuristic search, A
* comparison between conceptual clustering and conventional clustering, A
* Comparison of Activation Functions for Multispectral Landsat TM Image Classification, A
* comparison of asymptotic error rate expansions for the sample linear discriminant function, A
* Comparison of BRDF models with a fuzzy inference system for correction of bidirectional effects
* comparison of decision tree classifiers with backpropagation neural networks for multimodal classification problems, A
* Comparison of Digital Elevation Models for Aquatic Data Development
* comparison of neural net classifiers and linear tree classifiers: Their similarities and differences, A
* Comparison of Vector and Raster GIS Methods for Calculating Landscape Metrics Used in Environmental Assessments, A
* complex cepstrum applied to two-dimensional images, The
* component-based design and compositional verification of a fault-tolerant multimedia communication protocol, A
* Computation of normalized edit distance and applications
* Computation of probabilities for an island-driven parser
* Computational feasibility of structured matching
* computationally compact divergence measure for speech processing, A
* Computer vision and image processing research at the University of Texas at Austin
* Computer-access security systems using keystroke dynamics
* Computerized tomographic imaging is insensitive to density variation during scanning
* Computing the constrained relative neighborhood graphs and constrained gabriel graphs in Euclidean plane
* Computing the k-relative neighborhood graphs in Euclidean plane
* Consistency of Stochastic Context-Free Grammars from Probabilistic Estimation Based on Growth Transformations
* constrained approach to multifont Chinese character recognition, A
* Constrained clustering as an optimization method
* Constrained regularized differentiation
* Constraint Based Region Matching for Image Retrieval
* Constraint satisfaction neural networks for image recognition
* Constructive neural networks as estimators of bayesian discriminant functions
* Content-based image classification using a neural network
* Context-dependent segmentation and matching in image databases
* Contextual estimators of mixing probabilities for Markov chain random fields
* Contextual vector quantization for speech recognition with discrete hidden Markov model
* convergent method of constructing polynomial discriminant functions for pattern recognition, The
* Convexity dependent morphological transformations for mode detection in cluster analysis
* Correspondence matching with modal clusters
* counter-example to a convex hull algorithm for polygons, A
* critical comment on the paper designing of classification procedures with the use of equality and difference operators, A
* cue generator for crack detection, A
* data compression method on Chinese fonts using classification techniques, A
* Data hiding in halftone images with noise-balanced error diffusion
* Data memory power optimization and performance exploration of embedded systems for implementing motion estimation algorithms
* Data preprocessing for adaptive vector quantization
* Deblurring Gaussian blur using a wavelet array transform
* Decomposition of gray-scale morphological structuring elements
* default hierarchy for pronouncing English, A
* Defect visibility and content importance: Effects on Perceived Impairment
* Defining separability of two fuzzy clusters by a fuzzy decision hyperplane
* Design and Implementation of a Repository for the Management of Spatial Data Integrity Constraints, The
* Design of piecewise linear classifiers from formal neurons by a basis exchange technique
* Design of two-channel linear-phase QMF banks based on real IIR all-pass filters
* Designing of classification procedures with the use of equality and difference operators
* Detecting myocardial boundaries of left ventricle from a single frame 2DE image
* Detecting the dislocations in metal crystals from microscopic images
* Detecting the wheel pattern of a vehicle using stereo images
* Detection of text regions from digital engineering drawings
* Determine the number of components in a mixture model by the extended KS test
* Determining stochastic dependence for normally distributed vectors using the chi-squared metric
* Determining the axis of a surface of revolution using tactile sensing
* Development of the probabilistic neural network-cubic least squares mapping (PNN-LSM3) classifier to assess carotid plaque's risk
* Dictionary based video compression
* Digital curvature estimation for left ventricular shape analysis
* Digital image processing of confocal images
* Dimensionality reduction using geometric projections: A new technique
* Dimensionality-reduction using connectionist networks
* discrepancy measure for improved clustering, A
* Discrete distance and similarity measures for pattern candidate selection
* Discriminant analysis using non-metric multidimensional scaling
* Distance-preserving projection of high dimensional data
* Dynamic network construction and updating techniques for the diagnosis of acute abdominal pain
* Dynamic programming alignment of sequences representing cyclic patterns
* Dynamic programming approach to optimal vertex selection for polygon-based shape approximation
* edge preserved image compression technique, An
* effect of crown shape on the reflectance of coniferous stands, The
* Effective algorithms for the nearest neighbor method in the clustering problem
* effective mesh-based motion compensation technique for video coding, An
* Efficiency of discriminant analysis when initial samples are classified stochastically
* Efficiency of logistic-normal stochastic supervision
* efficient agglomerative clustering algorithm using a heap, An
* efficient algorithm to find the MLE of prior probabilities of a mixture in pattern recognition, An
* Efficient algorithms for computing two nearest-neighbor problems on a rap
* Efficient error localization and temporal concealment based on motion estimation of enlarged block
* efficient knowledge-based stroke extraction method for multi-font chinese characters, An
* Efficient matching of large-size histograms
* Empirical comparison of Landsat 7 and IKONOS multispectral measurements for selected Earth Observation System (EOS) validation sites
* Empirically defined regions of influence for clustering analyses
* Endocardial boundary detection using a neural network
* Error analysis of pattern recognition systems: The subsets bootstrap
* Error correction in laser scanner three-dimensional measurement by two-axis model and coarse-fine parameter search
* Error prevention and concealment for scalable video coding with dual-priority transmission
* Estimating piecewise-smooth optical flow with global matching and graduated optimization
* Estimation in Pickard Random Fields and Application to Image Processing
* Estimation of motion from sequential images using integral constraints
* Evaluating the Performance of Spatially Explicit Models
* evaluation of a crosscorrelation pattern recognition technique for flow visualization, The
* Evaluation of objective quality measures for noise reduction in TV-systems
* Evaluation of Salient Point Techniques
* Expected-outcome: a general model of static evaluation
* expert vision system for analysis of Hebrew characters and authentication of manuscripts, An
* Explaining explaining away
* Explicit Index for Assessing the Accuracy of Cover-Class Areas, An
* Exploitation of unlabeled sequences in hidden Markov models
* Extended view morphing
* Extraction of features using M-band wavelet packet frame and their neuro-fuzzy evaluation for multitexture segmentation
* Extraction of periodic multivariate signals: mapping of voltage-dependentdye fluorescence in the mouse heart
* Extraction of shoreline and drainage patterns from aerial MSS thermal IR data over Cambay basin, India: An attempt to automatize the threshold selection
* Face recognition in hyperspectral images
* Face Verification Via Error Correcting Output Codes
* Fast And Accurate Stereo Vision-based Estimation Of 3d Position And Axial Motion Of Road Obstacles
* Fast correspondence-based system for shape retrieval
* Fast dictionary look-up for contextual word recognition
* fast ellipse/circle detector using geometric symmetry, A
* Fast image region growing
* fast image-gathering system from the World-Wide Web using a PC cluster, A
* Fast ISODATA clustering algorithms
* Fast learning and efficient memory utilization with a prototype based neural classifier
* Fast nearest-neighbor search in dissimilarity spaces
* Fast, non-linear inversion for electrical impedance tomography
* Fault tree based diagnostics using fuzzy logic
* Feature extraction in computerized approach to the ECG analysis
* Feature labelling in infrared oceanographic images
* Feature selection based on the structural indices of categories
* Features extraction and analysis methods for sequences of ultrasound Images
* Finding the overlap integral between two classes of object
* Fish species recognition by shape analysis of images
* flexible videoconference system based on multiagent framework, A
* Foundations of Factor Analysis of Medical Image Sequences: A Unified Approach and Some Practical Implications
* Fractional-power synthetic discriminant functions
* Framestore system for map displays
* Frequency domain analysis of translations with piecewise cubic trajectories
* From Uncertainty to Visual Exploration
* Fundamental limits of reconstruction-based superresolution algorithms under local translation
* Fusion of laser and visual data for robot motion planning and collision avoidance
* Fusion of range and intensity images on a connection machine (CM-2)
* Fuzzy constraint networks for signal pattern recognition
* fuzzy graph theoretic approach to recognize the totally unconstrained handwritten numerals, A
* Fuzzy Kohonen clustering networks
* Fuzzy mathematical morphologies: A comparative study
* Fuzzy sets in pattern recognition: Methodology and methods
* Gabor function-based medical image compression
* Gaussian parsimonious clustering models
* General formulation and evaluation of agglomerative clustering methods with metric and non-metric distances
* general model for finite-sample effects in training and testing of competing classifiers, A
* general purpose model for image operations based on multilayer perceptrons, A
* Generalisation of the Dirac-delta impulse extending Laplace and Z-transform domains
* generalization of discrete hidden Markov model and of Viterbi algorithm, A
* Generalized diffusion model in optical tomography with clear layers
* Generalized guard-zone algorithm (GGA) for learning: automatic selection of threshold
* generalized optimal set of discriminant vectors, A
* Generalizing the definition of the bi-directional reflectance distribution function
* Generative model based vision
* Genetic watermarking based on transform-domain techniques
* Geometric linear discriminant analysis for pattern recognition
* Geometric Processing of Ikonos Stereo Imagery for Coastal Mapping Applications
* geostatistical model for linear prediction analysis of speech, A
* Gesture-controlled interfaces for self-service machines and other applications
* GIS: Infrastructure Underpinnings for The National Map
* global algorithm for the fuzzy clustering problem, A
* globally convergent algorithm for minimizing over the rotation group of quadratic forms, A
* Gradient descent learning of nearest neighbor classifiers with outlier rejection
* Grammar mapping for conceptual patterns
* graph-theoretical method for monitoring concept formation, A
* Group invariant pattern recognition
* Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Issue on Software Engineering of Real-Time Imaging Systems
* Handwriting processing and recognition
* Handwritten character recognition using a 2-layer random graph model by relaxation matching
* Handwritten numeral recognition using self-organizing maps and fuzzy rules
* hardware structure for the automatic selection of multi-level thresholds in digital images, A
* Hebbian learning subspace method: A new approach
* heuristic method for separating clusters from noisy background, A
* hidden line mechanism using overinking, A
* Hidden markov model based optical character recognition in the presence of deterministic transformations
* Hidden Markov models for fault detection in dynamic systems
* Hiding data in images by simple LSB substitution
* Hierarchical attributed graph representation and recognition of handwritten chinese characters
* High spatial resolution satellite observations for validation of MODIS land products: IKONOS observations acquired under the NASA Scientific Data Purchase
* High spatial resolution spectral mixture analysis of urban reflectance
* Higher order differential structure of images
* history heuristic and alpha-beta search enhancements in practice, The
* How to make Sammon's mapping useful for multidimensional data structures analysis
* Human face detection in a complex background
* human texture visual field: Fovea-to-periphery pattern recognition, The
* Hybrid pattern recognition using Markov networks
* IKONOS geometric characterization
* IKONOS satellite, imagery, and products
* IKONOS spatial resolution and image interpretability characterization
* Image classification by extended certainty factors
* Image Foresting Transform: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, The
* Image Navigation: A Massively Interactive Model for Similarity Retrieval of Images
* Image processing and analysis at IPAG
* Image processing by software parallel computation
* Image reconstruction by a Hopfield neural network
* Image reconstruction on a special purpose array processor
* Image retrieval using resegmentation driven by query rectangles
* Image segmentation of G bands of Triticum monococcum chromosomes based on the model-based neural network
* Image thresholding by minimizing the measures of fuzziness
* Image watermarking using tree-based spatial-frequency feature of wavelet transform
* Implementing continuous-scale morphology via curve evolution
* improved fast adaptive search algorithm for vector quantization by progressive codebook arrangement, An
* Improved filtering for the QSIM algorithm
* improved line continuation model in human visual perception, An
* Improved rendering of the Lorenz equations
* improved rule generation method for evidence-based classification systems, An
* Improvements to the JPEG-LS prediction scheme
* Improving k-nearest neighbor density and error estimates
* Incremental learning from examples using HC-expressions
* Induced-current electrical impedance tomography: A 2-d theoretical simulation
* Inducing features of random fields
* Industrial part recognition using a component-index
* Inference of tree grammars using negative samples
* Inferring correlation between database queries: analysis of protein sequence patterns
* insight into the entropy and redundancy of the English dictionary, An
* Instrument grasp: a model and its effects on handwritten strokes
* Integer-valued problems of transforming the training tables in k-valued code in pattern recognition problems
* Integrated recurrent neural network for image resolution enhancement from multiple image frames
* Integrating stereo and photometric stereo to monitor the development of glaucoma
* Intercalibration of vegetation indices from different sensor systems
* Introduction, Indexing
* Introduction, Vision-Based Aids for the Disabled
* invariance property of the generalized likelihood ratio test, An
* Invariant distance measures for planar shapes based on complex autoregressive model
* Isolated word recognition by neural network models with cross-correlation coefficients for speech dynamics
* Isolated word recognition using modular recurrent neural networks
* Isotropic growth on a grid
* Iterative Fisher/Minimum-Variance Optical Classifier
* iterative method of palette-based image steganography, An
* Japanese language model based on bigrams and its application to on-line character recognition
* K-nearest neighbor-based method for the restoration of damaged images, A
* Kalman filter recipes for real-time image processing
* Knowledge-based approach to image interpretation
* knowledge-based approach to pattern generation, A
* Knowledge-based clustering scheme for collection management and retrieval of library books
* L'Hopital's filter for QSIM
* language for construction of belief networks, A
* Language identification in web documents using discrete HMMs
* Learning based on conceptual distance
* Learning bias in neural networks and an approach to controlling its effect in monotonic classification
* Learning from User Behavior in Image Retrieval: Application of Market Basket Analysis
* Learning Pixel-Wise Signal Energy for Understanding Semantics
* Learning sparse features for classification by mixture models
* Learning subsequential transducers for pattern recognition interpretation tasks
* Learning using distance based training algorithm for pattern recognition
* Learning with an unreliable teacher
* Letter to the editor
* Letter to the editor, Comment
* Leveraging object-orientation for real-time imaging systems
* LEW: learning by watching
* Line structure extraction from line-drawing images
* Line-Based Modified Iterated Hough Transform for Autonomous Single-Photo Resection
* linear classifier design approach, A
* Linear predictive transform of monochrome images
* Links between Markov models and multilayer perceptrons
* Local energy and pre-envelope
* Local radiometric correction of digital aerial photographs for multi-source forest inventory
* Loose-gray-scale template matching
* Lossless compression and information hiding in images
* Low complexity concurrent constant modulus algorithm and soft decision directed scheme for blind equalisation
* Lower bounds in pattern recognition and learning
* Machine printed character segmentation: An overview
* Machine Recognition of Optically Captured Machine Printed Arabic Text
* Mandarin dictation machine based upon a hierarchical recognition approach and Chinese natural language analysis, A
* Mapping Urban Areas by Fusing Multiple Sources of Coarse Resolution Remotely Sensed Data
* Markov random field modeled range image segmentation
* Matching of medical images by self-organizing neural networks
* Matching structural and implementational models in the specification of image classifiers
* maximum entropy approach to nonmonotonic reasoning, A
* maximum model distance approach for HMM-based speech recognition, A
* Merging thesauri: principles and evaluation
* Mesh and pyramid algorithms for iconic indexing
* Mesh Comparison Using Attribute Deviation Metric
* Method and system for detecting semantic events
* method for attribute selection in inductive learning systems, A
* method for inferring probabilistic consensus structure with applications to molecular sequence data, A
* Method for three dimensional spatial panorama formation
* Method of feature extraction using potential functions
* methodology for solving problems: Problem Modeling and Heuristic Generation, A
* metric for continuous quality evaluation of compressed video with severe distortions, A
* Microscopic vision system with all-in-focus and depth images
* Min-max classifiers: Learnability, design and application
* Minimax search algorithms with and without aspiration windows
* model for interpreting fingerprint topology, A
* Model-based cluster analysis
* Modelling and identification of characteristic intensity variations
* Modelling rain patterns: towards automatic interpretation of radar images
* Monitoring of slow ground deformation by ERS radar interferometry on the Vauvert salt mine (France): Comparison with ground-based measurement
* more efficient branch and bound algorithm for feature selection, A
* Morphological filtering as template matching
* Morphological pattern-spectrum classification of noisy shapes: Exterior granulometries
* Morphological postprocessing for object tracking and segmentation
* Mosaics of Video Sequences with Moving Objects
* Motion recognition using nonparametric image motion models estimated from temporal and multiscale co-occurrence statistics
* Multi-frame ship detection and tracking in an infrared image sequence
* Multiband image classification with a distributed architecture
* Multidimensional pattern classification of bottles using diffuse and specular illumination
* Multidimensional scaling by iterative majorization using radial basis functions
* Multiple binary decision tree classifiers
* Multiple Look Angle Sar Recognition
* Multiple-level information source and entropy-reduced transformation models
* Multipurpose strategic planning in the game of Go
* Multiresolution estimates of classification complexity
* Multiscale fourier descriptors for classifying semivowels in spectrograms
* n-Grams and their implication to natural language understanding
* National Map - A Continuing, Critical Need for the Nation, The
* National Map: From Geography to Mapping and Back Again, The
* Nerf c-means: Non-Euclidean relational fuzzy clustering
* Neural edge enhancer for supervised edge enhancement from noisy images
* Neural network ensembles
* Neural network techniques for object orientation detection. Solution by optimal feedforward network and learning vector quantization approaches
* Neural network trigger algorithms for heavy quark event selection in a fixed target high energy physics experiment
* Neural network use in maximum entropy image restoration
* Neural network vowel-recognition jointly using voice features and mouth shape image
* Neurocomputations in relational systems
* Neurophysiology of shape processing
* new algorithm for ball recognition using circle Hough transform and neural classifier, A
* new algorithm for texture segmentation based on edge detection, A
* New algorithms for euclidean distance transformation of an n-dimensional digitized picture with applications
* New algorithms for solving the fuzzy clustering problem
* new approach to clustering, A
* new approach to hand-written character recognition, A
* new architecture for motion-compensated image coding, A
* new art-based neural architecture for pattern classification and image enhancement without prior knowledge, A
* new clustering algorithm with multiple runs of iterative procedures, A
* new data structure HC-expression for learning from examples, A
* new direction in Earth observations from space: IKONOS, A
* new fast algorithm for effective training of neural classifiers, A
* new method for one-dimensional linear feature transformations, A
* new method of automatic SCE detection, A
* new parsing scheme for plex grammars, A
* New segmentation techniques for document image analysis
* new sequential classifier using information criterion window, A
* new sharpness metric based on local kurtosis, edge and energy information, A
* new shifting grid clustering algorithm, A
* No reference PSNR estimation for compressed pictures
* Noise performance of linear associative memories
* Non-parametric and unsupervised Bayesian classification with Bootstrap sampling
* Non-stationary signal classification using the joint moments of time-frequency distributions
* None
* nonlinear diffusion-based three-band filter bank, A
* Nonlinear Normalization Method for Handprinted Kanji Character Recognition-Line Density Equalization, A
* Nonparametric Bound for the Bayes Error, A
* novel feature recognition neural network and its application to character recognition, A
* Novel fuzzy reinforced learning vector quantisation algorithm and its application in image compression
* novel genetic algorithm for automatic clustering, A
* novel initialization scheme for the fuzzy c-means algorithm for color clustering, A
* O(kN.log N) algorithm for decomposing a set of polygons into d-separable components, An
* Object recognition in compressed imagery
* Object signatures invariant to affine distortions derived from the Trace transform
* Obstacle detection system
* Off-line recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by on-line model-guided matching
* Off-line writer verification using ordinary characters as the object
* On a method of automatically compressing fonts with high resolution
* On a parameter estimation method for Gibbs-Markov random fields
* On a theoretical comparison between the orthonormal discriminant vector method and discriminant analysis
* On an asymptotically optimal adaptive classifier design criterion
* On optimal order in modeling sequence of letters in words of common language as a Markov chain
* On partitioning a dictionary for visual text recognition
* On reliable computation with formal neurons
* On speeding candidate selection in handprinted chinese character recognition
* On the Application of Geometrical Form Description Techniques to Automatic Key-Sections Recognition
* On the calculation of fractal features from images
* On the equivalence of RLS implementations of LCMV and GSC processors
* On the foundations of intelligent processes--I. An evolving model for pattern learning
* On the knowledge-based pattern recognition using syntactic approach
* On the methods and performances of rational downsizing video transcoding
* On the metrics of Chaudhuri, Murthy and Chaudhuri
* On the minimum probability of error of classification with incomplete patterns
* On the parsing of deterministic graph languages for syntactic pattern recognition
* On the problem of local minima in backpropagation
* On using the chi-squared metric for determining stochastic dependence
* On-line character recognition using handwriting modelling
* On-line recognition by deviation-expansion model and dynamic programming matching
* Online Handwritten Script Recognition
* Online recognition by deviation-expansion model and A* algorithm-based matching
* Operation of an associative memory
* Optical recognition of handwritten Chinese characters: Advances since 1980
* Optimal Cluster Preserving Embedding of Nonmetric Proximity Data
* Optimal decomposition of convex morphological structuring elements for 4-connected parallel array processors
* Optimal discriminant plane for a small number of samples and design method of classifier on the plane
* Optimal Fisher discriminant analysis using the rank decomposition
* Optimal floating point multiplication processor for signal processing
* Optimal sampling of Gabor features for face recognition
* Optimality tests for the fuzzy c-means algorithm
* Ordered rules for full sentence translation: A neural network realization and a case study for Hindi and English
* outcome advisorŪ, The
* Overview of the computer vision and robotics programme at the University of Utah
* PAC learning with generalized samples and an applicaiton to stochastic geometry
* Parallel algorithms for hidden markov models on the orthogonal multiprocessor
* Parallel algorithms for hierarchical clustering and cluster validity
* Parallel image transformation and its VLSI implementation
* Parallel regional projection transformation (RPT) and VLSI implementation
* Parameterisation of slant-Haar transforms
* Parametric and nonparametric linear mappings of multidimensional data
* Partial eigenvalue decomposition for large image sets using run-length encoding
* partially supervised learning algorithm for linearly separable systems, A
* Pattern classification using an efficient KNNR
* Pattern classification using projection pursuit
* Pattern recognition and Valiant's learning framework
* Pattern recognition of collections
* Pattern recognition properties of various feature spaces for higher order neural networks
* Payphone coin validation using pattern recognition
* PC-based system for transparent fluid film monitoring
* Perceptual blur and ringing metrics: Application to JPEG2000
* Performance improvement of the SPIHT coder
* Personal identification based on iris texture analysis
* Phonetic set indexing for fast lexical access
* planning model with problem analysis and operator hierarchy, A
* PLAYBOT: A Visually-Guided Robot for Physically Disabled Children
* Plume extraction using entropic thresholding and region growing
* practical application of simulated annealing to clustering, A
* Preprocessing and presorting of envelope images for automatic sorting using OCR
* Primitive pattern learning
* Principal features-based texture classification with neural networks
* Printed character preclassification based on word structure
* probabilistic model for evaluation of neural network classifiers, A
* Probability intervals over influence diagrams
* Probability-based Uncertainty Model for Point-in-Polygon Analysis in GIS, A
* Properties, implementations and applications of rank filters
* Prototype construction and evaluation as inverse problems in pattern classification
* Prototype optimization for nearest neighbor classifiers using a two-layer perceptron
* Prototype selection rules for neural network training
* Psychovisually tuned attribute operators for pre-processing digital video
* quick method for estimation of parameters of individual pulses in a multipath signal, A
* Radar image processing for ship-traffic control
* Radiometric characterization of IKONOS multispectral imagery
* randomized parallel algorithm for string matching on hypercube, A
* Reactive control of zoom while fixating using perspective and affine cameras
* Reactive Memories: An Interactive Talking-Head
* Real-time adaptive clustering of flow cytometric data
* Real-time arabic handwritten character recognition
* Real-time tracking of surfaces with structured light
* Reasoning with entropy graphs for image operators
* Recognising Trajectories of Facial Identities Using Kernel Discriminant Analysis
* Recognition and learning of a class of context-sensitive languages described by augmented regular expressions
* Recognition of echocardiograms by a dynamic programming matching method
* Recognition of fish species by colour and shape
* Recognition of handprinted chinese characters via stroke relaxation
* Recognition of handwritten sentences using a restricted lexicon
* Recognition of large-set printed Hangul (Korean script) by two-stage backpropagation neural classifier
* Recognition of phonetic labels of the TIMIT speech corpus by means of an artificial neural network
* Recognition of volcanoes on Venus using correlation methods
* Recognizing chinese characters through interactive activation and competition
* Recognizing sources of random strings
* Reconstructing force-dynamic models from video sequences
* Reconstruction of a digital circle
* Recovering dynamic information from static handwriting
* Recovery of Systematic Biases in Laser Altimetry Data Using Natural Surfaces
* Reduced complexity Retinex algorithm via the variational approach
* Region tracking using perspective motion model
* Region-based wavelet coding methods for digital mammography
* Reject option with multiple thresholds
* Relative coordinates oriented symbolic string for spatial relationship retrieval
* Relative sensitivity of a family of closest-point graphs in computer vision applications
* Reliable classification by double hyperspheres in pattern vector space
* Reply to Comments on: optimality test for fixed points
* Reply to Philippe Martin
* Representation of images for classification with independent features
* Resolving multifont character confusion with neural networks
* Restoration of Temporal Information in Off-Line Arabic Handwriting
* Retinex in Matlab
* Robot vision using a feature search strategy generated from a 3D object model
* Robust adaptive quasi-Newton algorithms for eigensubspace estimation
* robust algorithm for detecting pinholes in transparent plastic films, A
* Robust clustering by pruning outliers
* Robust estimation of BRDF model parameters
* Robust estimation of HMM parameters using fuzzy vector quantization and Parzen's window
* Robust histogram construction from color invariants for object recognition
* robust method for registration of three-dimensional knee implant models to two-dimensional fluoroscopy images, A
* robust real-timed recognizer of printed chinese characters, A
* Robust registration of 2D and 3D point sets
* Robust telephone speech recognition based on channel compensation
* rule-based system for dimensional analysis of glass containers, A
* search algorithms stimulated by premise set in the syntactic knowledge system, The
* Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Pitman Shorthand Outlines Using an Interactive Heuristic Search
* Segmentation of magnetic resonance images using mean field annealing
* Segmentation of MR images using neural nets
* Segmentation of plant cell pictures
* Segmentation of X-ray and C-scan images of fiber reinforced composite materials
* Self-adaptive design of hidden Markov models
* Self-organizing neural-network-based pattern clustering method with fuzzy outputs
* Semantic-Friendly Indexing and Quering of Images Based on the Extraction of the Objective Semantic Cues
* Semiconormed possibility integrals and multi-feature pattern classification
* semiparametric density estimation approach to pattern classification, A
* Sequential model criticism in probabilistic expert systems
* Shape description and recognition using the high order morphological pattern spectrum
* Shape matching of partially occluded curves invariant under projective transformation
* Shape recognition with a neural classifier based on a fast polygon approximation technique
* Shape variability and spatial relationships modeling in statistical pattern recognition
* shunting multilayer perceptron network for confusing/composite pattern recognition, A
* Signal plus noise models in shape classification
* Signal-to-string conversion based on high likelihood regions using embedded dynamic programming
* Signature analysis and defect detection in layered manufacturing of ceramic sensors and actuators
* Silhouette analysis-based gait recognition for human identification
* Simple Gabor feature space for invariant object recognition
* simulated annealing algorithm for the clustering problem, A
* Simulation studies on optical illusions based on a position-dependent point spread function
* Single-agent parallel window search
* Smart Nonlinear Diffusion: A Probabilistic Approach
* Solution of Camera Registration Problem via 3D-2D Parameterized Model Matching for On-Road Navigation
* Some further results of three stage ML classification applied to remotely sensed images
* Some properties of the multisurface method for pattern classification
* Some relations among stochastic finite state networks used in automatic speech recognition
* Space-contracting, space-dilating, and positive admissible clustering algorithms
* Speaker adaptation in a large-vocabulary Gaussian HMM recognizer
* Special Issue Introduction Range image understanding
* Special Issue Introduction: Information processing in medical imaging
* Special Issue Introduction: Towards an active perception
* Special issue on objective video quality metrics
* Special issue: British Machine Vision Conference 1992
* Special Issue: Special Issue on Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Spectral-daylight recovery by use of only a few sensors
* speech recognition method based on feature distributions, A
* Speech recognition with hierarchical recurrent neural networks
* speech understanding and dialog system with a homogeneous linguistic knowledge base, A
* spelling correction method and its application to an OCR system, A
* SPOT: Development tool for software pipeline optimization for VLIW-DSPs used in real-time image processing
* statistical decision rule with incomplete knowledge about classes, A
* statistical design of experiments approach for texture description, A
* Stereo Reconstruction from Multiperspective Panoramas
* Stereo vision system for precision dimensional inspection of 3D holes
* Stochastic model for automated detection of calcifications in digital mammograms
* Story of the GeoToolKit: An Object-Oriented Geodatabase Kernel System, The
* Strategies for efficient incremental nearest neighbor search
* Strategies for Integrating Information from Multiple Spatial Resolutions into Land-Use/ Land-Cover Classification Routines
* string pattern recognition approach to polygon clipping, A
* Stroke Segmentation by Bernstein-Bezier Curve Fitting
* Structural and probabilistic knowledge for abductive reasoning
* Structural description and classification of signature images
* study and modification of the local histogram equalization algorithm, A
* Super-resolution reconstruction using spatio-temporal filtering
* Superficial and deep structure in linear diffusion scale space: isophotes, critical points and separatrices
* Supervised learning of descriptions for image recognition purposes
* Supervised pattern recognition by parallel feature partitioning
* Supervising ISODATA with an information theoretic stopping rule
* Surgical probe design for a coincidence imaging system without a collimator
* Survey on Image-Based Rendering: Representation, Sampling and Compression, A
* Symbolic clustering using a new dissimilarity measure
* Synthesis and recognition of sequences
* Synthesising continuous-tone caricatures
* Synthesized images for pattern recognition
* System and method for object identification and behavior characterization using video analysis
* System and method for visually tracking occluded objects in real time
* Tabu search approach to the clustering problem, A
* Temporal video segmentation and classification of edit effects
* Testing the performance of some nonparametric pattern recognition algorithms in realistic cases
* Text detection and recognition in images and video frames
* Textural filters based on the texture spectrum
* Texture-based approach for text detection in images using support vector machines and continuously adaptive mean shift algorithm
* texture-based approach to the segmentation of seismic images, A
* Theory and practice of vector quantizers trained on small training sets
* Three stage ML classifier
* Three-coloring the vertices of a triangulated simple polygon
* Three-dimensional hidden-surface removal for signal-return modelling: experimental results
* Three-dimensional relative positioning and tracking using LDRI
* Three-dimensional spatial grouping affects estimates of the illuminant
* Three-dimensional surface measurement by microcomputer
* three-level checkerboard pattern (TCP) projection method for curved surface measurement, A
* thresholded fuzzy c-means algorithm for semi-fuzzy clustering, A
* tight upper bound on the Bayesian probability of error, A
* Tomographic image reconstruction based on a backscattering coherent processing technique
* Topologically Faithful Fitting of Simple Closed Curves
* Toward Bayes-optimal linear dimension reduction
* Towards a low bandwidth talking face using appearance models
* Towards Data-Adaptive and User-Adaptive Image Retrieval by Peer Indexing
* Tracking the Optic Nervehead in OCT Video Using Dual Eigenspaces and an Adaptive Vascular Distribution Model
* Trainable models for the interpretation of biomedical images
* Transformation Invariant Matching Algorithm for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition, A
* Transparent surface modeling from a pair of polarization images
* Triangular decomposition
* Two heuristics for arranging the order of feature-extraction operations in recursive Bayesian decision rule
* two-dimensional cepstrum approach for the recognition of Mandarin syllable initials, A
* Two-dimensional extended attribute grammar method for the recognition of hand-printed chinese characters
* Two-Dimensional PCA: A New Approach to Appearance-Based Face Representation and Recognition
* Understanding mathematical expressions using procedure-oriented transformation
* Understanding shape: perspectives from natural and machine vision
* Unequal error protection for MPEG-2 video transmission over wireless channels
* unified approach for a simultaneous and cooperative estimation of defocus blur and spatial shifts, An
* Unranked tree languages
* Unsupervised context estimation in a mesh of pattern classes for image recognition
* Unsupervised learning of prototypes and attribute weights
* Unsupervised tissue type segmentation of 3D dual-echo MR head data
* Unsynchronized iteratively deepening parallel alpha-beta search
* Use of Force Histograms for Affine-Invariant Relative Position Description, The
* Use of morphological image processing techniques for the measurement of a fetal head from ultrasound images
* Using 2D C+-strings as spatial knowledge representation for image database systems
* Using web grammar to recognize dimensions in engineering drawings
* Validation of surface height from shuttle radar topography mission using shuttle laser altimeter
* Validity index for crisp and fuzzy clusters
* Video quality assessment based on structural distortion measurement
* Videoconferencing method with tracking of face and dynamic bandwidth allocation
* Viewpoint independent matching of planar curves in 3D space
* Vision and inertial sensor cooperation using gravity as a vertical reference
* Visualization and User-Modeling for Browsing Personal Photo Libraries
* Visualization in linear programming using parallel coordinates
* Visualization of quaternion slices
* Voxel based Monte Carlo calculations of nuclear medicine images and applied variance reduction techniques
* Vulnerability of pixel-value differencing steganography to histogram analysis and modification for enhanced security
* Water quality analysis: A pattern recognition approach
* wavelet implementation of the pioneering block-based disparity compensated predictive coding algorithm for stereo image pair compression, A
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Visual Models and Its Application to Content-Based Retrieval
* What is distance and why do we need the metric model for pattern learning?
* Zooming techniques on digital Chinese character patterns: a further study and improvement
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Last update:26-Nov-24 17:17:54
Use price@usc.edu for comments.