* 3-D to 2-D Pose Determination with Regions
* 3D Object Articulation and Motion Estimation in Model-Based Stereoscopic Videoconference Image Sequence Analysis and Coding
* Similarity Measure, Distance Transforms and Functions for Objects and Shapes (H3)
* Three Dimensional Distance Transforms and Distance Functions (H3)
* Adaptive Approximation Bounds for Vertex Based Contour Encoding
* adaptive segmentation and 3-D visualisation of the lungs, An
* Affective Computing for HCI
* Applying genetic algorithms to search for the best hierarchical clustering of a dataset
* Architecture and Bus-Arbitration Schemes for MPEG-2 Video Decoder
* Are Edges Incomplete?
* Automatic acquisition of hierarchical mathematical morphology procedures by genetic algorithms
* Automatic Detection of Human Nudes
* Autonomous Active Vision System for Complete and Accurate 3D Scene Reconstruction, An
* Background extraction in a video picture
* Categorization of Multiscale-Decomposition-Based Image Fusion Schemes with a Performance Study for a Digital Camera Application, A
* Comparative Study of DCT- and Wavelet-Based Image Coding, A
* comparative study of efficient generalised Hough transform techniques, A
* Comparison of Measures for Detecting Natural Shapes in Cluttered Backgrounds, A
* Computational Model of View Degeneracy, A
* Conditional Entropy Coding of VQ Indexes for Image Compression
* Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
* Convergence Index Filter for Vector Fields
* corner orientation detector, A
* Correspondence Analysis for Principal Components Transformation of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Digital Images
* Cross-Weighted Moments and Affine Invariants for Image Registration and Matching
* Dynamic sprites for encoding video data
* Efficient Method for DCT-Domain Image Resizing with Mixed Field/Frame-Mode Macroblocks, An
* Efficient Motion Vector Coding Scheme Based on Minimum Bitrate Prediction, An
* Efficient Segmentation and Camera Motion Indexing of Compressed Video
* Enhancement by Image-Dependent Warping
* Exploiting Interlayer Correlation of SNR Scalable Video
* Eye and gaze tracking for visually controlled interactive stereoscopic displays
* Fast Algorithm for Designing Stack Filters, A
* Fast and robust techniques for detecting straight line segments using local models
* Fast Decomposition of Digital Curves into Polygons Using the Haar Transform
* fast quadtree motion segmentation for image sequence coding, A
* Feature selection for multiple binary classification problems
* Feedback Control Strategies for Object Recognition
* Filtering methods for texture discrimination
* Frame Interpolation and Bidirectional Prediction of Video Using Compactly Encoded Optical-Flow Fields and Label Fields
* framework for realistic image synthesis, A
* Fuzzy Models and Algorithms for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
* fuzzy set-based accuracy assessment of soft classification, A
* Gauss' Law in Image Processing and Analysis via Fast Numerical Calculation of Vector Fields
* Genetic Algorithm for the Estimation of Ridges in Fingerprints, A
* Geometry of Distorted Visual Space and Cremona Transformation
* Half pixel motion estimator
* Hilbert Scanning Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* Histogram clustering for unsupervised segmentation and image retrieval
* HMM-Based Approach for Off-Line Unconstrained Handwritten Word Modeling and Recognition, An
* How Should We Represent Faces for Automatic Recognition?
* Illumination-invariant image retrieval and video segmentation
* Image Enhancement Based on Signal Subspace Approach
* Image improvement after facsimile reception
* Image Processing Techniques For Real-Time Qualitative Road Traffic Data Analysis
* Image Sequence Processing Using Spatiotemporal Segmentation
* Image Transmission over Noisy Channels with Variable-Coefficient Fixed-Length Coding Scheme
* Improvement of region-based motion estimation by considering uncovered regions
* Indexing of Technical Line Drawing Databases
* Integral Ratio: A New Class of Global Thresholding Techniques for Handwriting Images
* Interpretation of eight-point discrete cosine and sine transforms as 3x3 orthogonal edge masks in terms of the Frei-Chen masks
* Introduction: Computer Vision Research at NECI
* Inverse Global Illumination: Recovering Reflectance Models of Real Scenes from Photographs
* Knowledge-based document analysis system
* Large scale on-line handwritten Chinese character recognition using successor method based on stochastic regular grammar
* Learning-Based Prediction-and-Verification Segmentation Scheme for Hand Sign Image Sequence, A
* Least-Squares Model-Based Halftoning
* Linear N-Point Camera Pose Determination
* Linear prediction image coding using iterated function systems
* Locating head and face boundaries for head-shoulder images
* LP-Norm optimum filters for image recognition. Part I. Algorithms
* Mending broken handwriting with a macrostructure analysis method to improve recognition
* Method and apparatus for motion compensated image processing using two separate motion measurement techniques
* Method for stereo image object detection
* Minimum Error Rate Training for PHMM-Based Text Recognition
* MLP using Hough transform based fuzzy feature extraction for Bengali script recognition, An
* Model-based analytical FOE determination
* Mosaic image method: a local and global method
* Motion tracking of human mouth by generalized deformable models
* MRF model-based identification of shift-variant point spread function for a class of imaging systems
* Multi-Frame Structure-from-Motion Algorithm under Perspective Projection, A
* Multi-look Model-based Target Recognition in Pulsed Ladar Imagery
* Multiclassification: reject criteria for the Bayesian combiner
* Multidimensional fast Fourier transform algorithm for signals with arbitrary symmetries
* Multiprimitive Segmentation of Planar Curves: A Two-Level Breakpoint Classification and Tuning Approach
* neural-vision based approach to measure traffic queue parameters in real-time, A
* New Hierarchical Scheme for Approximating the Continuous Wavelet Transform with Applications to Edge Detection, A
* New prediction schemes for lossless coding of fullband and subband images
* Noise impact on time-series forecasting using an intelligent pattern matching technique
* Nonlinear vector error tolerant interpolation of intermediate video images by weighted medians
* Nonuniformity Correction of Infrared Image Sequences Using the Constant-Statistics Constraint
* Numerical solutions for orthogonal wavelet filters by Newton method
* Object Recognition Based on Boundary Description
* Object-based video compression process employing arbitrarily-shaped features
* oblique subspace projection approach for mixed pixel classification in hyperspectral images, An
* On strongly normal tesselations
* On the Computational Aspects of Gibbs-Markov Random Field Modeling of Missing-Data in Image Sequences
* On the discrete representation of the Laplacian of Gaussian
* PALM: Portable Sensor-Augmented Vision System for Large Scene Modeling
* Pattern skeletonization using run-length-wise processing for intersection distortion problem
* Perceptual organization approach based on Dempster-Shafer theory
* Perspective Factorization Methods for Euclidean Reconstruction
* Polygonal approximation using genetic algorithms
* Postprocessing for Very Low Bit-Rate Video Compression
* Postprocessing of Images by Filtering the Unmasked Coding Noise
* Problem of Degeneracy in Structure and Motion Recovery from Uncalibrated Image Sequences, The
* Quadtree Structured Region-Wise Motion Compensation for Video Compression
* Quality Assessment of Motion Rendition in Video Coding
* Real-time Image Analysis System for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders, A
* Real-Time Image Segmentation on a Massively Parallel Architecture, A
* Recognition-based handwritten Chinese character segmentation using a probabilistic Viterbi algorithm
* Reducing the effects of misregistration on pixel-level change detection
* Reflectance and Shape from Images Using a Collinear Light Source
* Representation of segmented images with discrete geometric maps
* Robust algorithms for principal component analysis
* Robust estimation of motion, structure and focal length from two views of a translating scene
* Robust motion and correspondence of noisy 3-D point sets with missing data
* Robust Rotation Angle Estimator
* Robust Vector Quantizer Design by Noisy Channel Relaxation
* Robust voxel similarity metrics for the registration of dissimilar single and multimodal images
* Sampling, synthesis, and input devices
* Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction Inspite of Varying and Unknown Intrinsic Camera Parameters
* Sensor-Based Fuzzy Reactive Navigation of a Mobile Robot Through Local Target Switching
* Separate shape and texture coding of transparency data for video coding applications
* Shape from Shading: A Survey
* Shrinking classification trees for boot-strap aggregation
* Simulated natural movement of a computer-generated synthesized talking head
* Singular Value Decomposition-Based Reconstruction Algorithm for Seismic Traveltime Tomography
* Spread Spectrum Image Steganography
* Stereo Matching with Transparency and Matting
* Stereo Without Epipolar Lines: A Maximum-Flow Formulation
* Stratified Self-Calibration with the Modulus Constraint
* Subband Modulation: A Joint Power and Rate Allocation Framework for Subband Image and Video Transmission, The
* Surprising Radon Transform Result and Its Application to Motion Detection, A
* Topographic Effects on the Texture of High-Resolution Forest-Stand Images Measured by the Semivariogram
* Trainable grey-level models for disentangling overlapping chromosomes
* Use of random graph parsing for scene labelling by probabilistic relaxation
* When Shadows Become Interreflections
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