Update Dates 9300

9300 * *AAAI Fall Symposium on Machine Learning in Computer Vision
* *Active Perception
* *Active Robot Vision
* *British Machine Vision Conference 1993
* *FERET Database, The
* *Three Dimensional Object Recognition Systems
* *Visual Navigation
* 2-D Images of 3-D Oriented Points
* 3-D Model-Data Correspondence and Nonrigid Deformation
* 3-D Motion Estimation and Object Tracking Using B-Spline Curve Modeling
* 3-D Recovery of Structural and Kinematic Parameters from Long Sequences of Noisy Images
* 3D Modeling Method from Occluding Contours by Geometric Primitives
* 3D Motion Estimation from Combined 2D-3D Data of Line Segments
* 3D Object Recognition by Indexing Structural Invariants from Multiple Views
* 3D Parts Decomposition from Sparse Range Data Information Criterion
* 3D Projective Invariants from Two Images
* Accurate Line Parameters from an Optimising Hough Transform for Vanishing Point Detection
* Acquiring Information from Cues
* Active Binocular Stereo
* Active Vision as Methodology
* Active Vision Revisited
* Active/Dynamic Stereo: A General Framework
* Adaptive Dominant Point Detection Algorithm for Digital Curves, An
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using Multi-Objective Evaluation and Hybrid Search Methods
* Adaptive Mesh Generation for Surface Reconstruction: Parallel Hierarchical Triangulation without Discontinuities
* Adaptive vector quantization for fixed bit-rate video coding
* Adaptive window-based tracking for the detection of membrane structures in kidney electron micrographs
* Advances in Model Based Traffic Vision
* Affine Analysis of Image Sequences
* Agglomerative Clustering on Range Data with a Unified Probabilistic Merging Function and Termination Criterion
* Algorithms for Optical Flow Estimation in Real-Time on Connection Machine-2
* Alignment Using an Uncalibrated Camera System
* All-Transputer Visual Autobahn-Autopilot/Copilot, An
* AMBLER: A Hexapod Planatary Rover
* Analysis of Gray Level Histograms by Using Statistical Methods for Mixtures of Distributions
* Analysis of Intensity and Range Image Sequences Using Adaptive-Size Meshes
* Analysis of the Max-Min Approach to Feature Selection and Ordering, An
* Analytical Comparison of Thinning Algorithms
* Analytical Modeling for Automatic Target Recognition Performance Evaluation
* Annual Research Report
* Application of the finite-element method for the forward and inverse models in optical tomography
* Applications Of Image Metrics In Dynamic Scene Adaptation
* Applications of Non-Metric Vision to Some Visually-Guided Robotics Tasks
* Asynchronous Pyramids
* Attitude Estimation Using Moment Invariants
* Automated contour detection of the left ventricle in short axis view in 2D echocardiograms
* Automated Tracking and Grasping of a Moving Object with a Robotic Hand-Eye System
* Automatic Apples Detection for an Agricultural Robot
* Automatic Comparison of Skeletons by Shape Matching Methods
* Automatic partitioning of full-motion video
* Automatic reading of the literal amount of bank checks
* Automatic Registration of Aerial Photographs and Digitised Maps
* Automatic Target Recognition Algorithm Performance Evaluation: The Bottleneck in the Development Life Cycle
* Automatic Thresholding for Grey Level Corner Detectors
* Automatic Tube Inspection System That Finds Cylinders in Range Data, An
* Axioms and fundamental equations in image processing
* Axioms and Fundamental Equations of Image Processing: Multiscale Analysis and P.D.E.
* B-spline Signal Processing. I. Theory
* B-spline Signal Processing. II. Efficiency Design and Applications
* Background Characterization Techniques for Target Detection Using Scene Metrics and Pattern Recognition
* Bayesian Corner Detection
* Bayesian View Class Determination
* Binary And Grey-Value Skeletons: Metrics And Algorithms
* Binocular Motion Stereo Using MAP Estimation
* Binocular Stereo Algorithm for Reconstructing Sloping, Creased, and Broken Surfaces in the Presence of Half-Occlusion, A
* Bit-Serial VLSI Architecture for Generating Moments in Real Time, A
* Boosting Performance in Neural Networks
* Building and Using Flexible Models Incorporating Grey-Level Information
* Cache Tiling for High Performance Morphological Image Processing
* Camera Calibration Using Line Correspondences
* Cartesian Differential Invariants in Scale-Space
* Centering Behavior Using Peripheral Vision
* Characterizing Planar Outlines
* Cheirality Invariants
* Clamping of Polygonal Objects
* Classifier Combination for Handprinted Digit Recognition
* Cloth Texture Classification Using Wavelet Transform
* Color Constancy. I. Basic Theory of Two Stage Linear Recovery of Spectral Descriptions for Lights and Surfaces
* Color Constancy. II. Results for Two-Stage Linear Recovery of Spectral Descriptions for Lights and Surfaces
* Color Recovery from Biased Illumination: Color Constancy
* Colour Segmentation Based on a Light Reflection Model to Locate Citrus Fruits for Robotic Harvesting
* Colour-Based Semantic Line Labelling
* Combined Estimation of Geometric Object Parameters and Complex Object Description, Using the Predictor-Corrector Method in Combination with Specialised Cost Matrices, The
* Combining occluded surface boundaries
* Combining Stereo and Motion Analysis for Direct Estimation of Scene Structure
* Combining Stereo, Shading, and Geometric Constraints for Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Common Illumination Between Real and Computer Generated Scenes
* Comparative Evaluation of Different Techniques in Image Vector Quantization
* Comparative Performance Evaluation of Segmentation Methods Based on Region Growing and Division
* Comparison between Asymptotic Bayesian Approach and Kalman Filter-Based Technique for 3D Reconstruction Using an Image Sequence
* Comparison of Weighted LS Methods with LS Methods in 3-D Motion Estimation from Stereo Image Sequences, A
* Completion of Occluded Shapes Using Symmetry
* Computation and Use of Planar Face Normals
* Computation of Dense Optical Flow with a Parametric Smoothness Model
* Computation of singularities and intersections of offsets of planar curves
* Computational Approach for Corner and Vertex Detection, A
* Computational Model of Neural Contour Processing: Figure-Ground Segregation and Illusory Contours, A
* Computational Modelling of Hand-Eye Coordination
* Computational Sensors
* Computationally efficient Hough Transform for 2D object location
* Computer-Aided Cartographical System for Map Digitizing
* Computing Correspondence Based on Regions and Invariants without Feature Extraction and Segmentation
* Computing Deviations from Convexity in Polygons
* Computing Matched-Epipolar Projections
* Computing Minimal Surfaces via Level Set Curvature Flows
* Computing Optical Flow With A Recurrent Neural Network
* Computing the Shape of a Point Set in Digital Images
* Conformal Transplantation of Lightness to Varying Resolution Sensors
* Conscious Observer: A Coordinated Effort in Computer Vision, A
* Constraint Processing Applied to Industrial Inspection and Continuous Product Improvement
* Construction of wavelet decompositions for tomographic images
* Contextual Postprocessing for Line Detection
* Continuous Vergence Movements for Relative Depth Acquisition
* Contrast Enhancement through Multiresolution Decomposition
* Conversion and Trade-offs Between Scaled Gaussian Parallel and Hierarchical Analysis Multirate Filter Banks
* Counting Minimal 18-Paths in 3D Digital Space
* Coupling of Rotation and Translation in Motion Estimation of Planar Surfaces, The
* Decentralized Bayesian Algorithm for Identification of Tracked Targets, A
* Design and Implementation of a Low-Level Image Segmentation Architecture -- LISA
* Designing Visual Systems: Purposive Navigation
* Detecting Occluding Edges without Computing Dense Correspondence
* Detecting Salient Regions in an Image: From Biology to Implementation
* Detection and Gradation of Oriented Texture
* Detection of Buildings from Monocular Views of Aerial Scenes Using Perceptual Grouping and Shadows
* Detection of Specified Class of Cover in Landsat Imagery Using Features from Colour Histogram
* Determination of road directions using feedback neural nets
* Determination of the Pose of an Articulated Object from a Single Perspective View
* Determining the Fundamental Matrix with Planes: Instability and New Algorithms
* Developing Sensor-based Tele-Robotic Systems using Virtual Reality Concepts
* Diagonal Quantization for the Hough Transform
* Differential Method for Computing Local Shape-from-Texture for Planar and Curved Surfaces, A
* Digital Image Processing
* Digital Image Processing Algorithms
* Direct Estimation of Multiple Disparities for Transparent Multiple Surfaces in Binocular Stereo
* Direct Motion Perception
* Direct Representation and Detection of Multi-Scale, Multi-Orientation Fields Using Local Differentiation Filters
* Direction of Heading from Image Deformations
* Discrete Derivative Approximations with Scale-Space Properties: A Basis for Low-Level Feature Extraction
* Discrete Models for Energy-Minimizing Segmentation
* Dynamic Behaviour of Parallel Thinning Algorithms, The
* Dynamic Calibration and Compensation of a 3-D Laser Radar Scanning System
* Dynamic Camera Self-Calibration from Controlled Motion Sequences
* Dynamic Sensor Planning
* Dynamic Shading, Motion Parallax and Qualitative Shape
* Early Vision Processing Using a Multi-Stage Diffusion Process
* Efficient 3-D Object Representation and Recognition Based on CAD
* Efficient and Robust Methods of Accurate Camera Calibration
* Efficient Method for Obtaining Morphological Skeletons, An
* Efficient Recognition of Rotationally Symmetric Surface and Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders
* Efficient Serial Associative Memory
* Egomotion Determination Through an Intelligent Gaze Control Strategy
* Elastic Matching Approach Applied to Digit Recognition, An
* Ellipse Fitting by Accumulating Five-Point Fits
* Enhanced Image Capture Through Fusion
* Epipole Estimation Using Affine Motion-Parallax
* Error Trade-Offs for the Cross-Ratio in Model Based Vision
* Estimating Rigid 3D Motion by Stereo Fixation of Vertices
* Estimating Surface Orientation from Directional Textures
* Estimation of the Position and Orientation of a Planar Surface Using Multiple Beams
* Euclidean Distance Transform in Arbitrary Dimensions, The
* Euclidian Constraints for Uncalibrated Reconstruction
* European Language Determination from Image
* Evaluation Method for an Automatic Map Interpretation System for Cadastral Maps
* Evaluation of Communication Methods for User Participation in Data Modeling
* Evaluation of OCR Accuracy, An
* Expectation-Based Dynamic Scene Understanding
* Experimental Design Methodology: The Scientific Tool for Performance Evaluation
* Exploiting the Temporal Coherence of Motion for Linking Partial Spatiotemporal Trajectories
* Exploratory Active Vision
* Exploring Mount Erebus by Walking Robot
* Extension of Marr's Signature Based Edge Classification and Other Methods Determining Diffuseness and Height of Edges, and Bar Edge Width, An
* Extension of Three-Dimensional Invariant Methods to Noncentral-Projection Imaging Systems
* Extracting Affine Deformations from Image Patches - I: Finding Scale and Rotation
* Extracting Projective Structure from Single Perspective Views of 3D Point Sets
* Eye-to-Hand Coordination for Vision-Guided Robot Control Applications
* Eyes Detection for Face Recognition
* Face Segmentation for Identification using Hidden Markov Models
* Fast and Robust 3D Recognition by Alignment
* Fast Hierarchical Matching of an Arbitrarily Oriented Template
* Fast Line Detection in a Hybrid Pyramid
* Fast Method for Finding the Exact N-Best Hypotheses for Multitarget Tracking, A
* Fast Segmentation, Tracking, and Analysis of Deformable Objects
* Fast Single Pass Edgel Extraction Routine, A
* Feature Extraction for 3D Model Building and Recognition
* Feature extraction in 2-D short-axis echocardiographic images
* Feature Space for Edgels in Images with Landmarks, A
* Feature-Based Monocular Motion Analysis System Guided by Feedback Information, A
* filter with a guaranteed asymptotic performance, A
* Fingerprint Image Analysis for Automatic Identification
* Finite Element Model for 3D Shape Reconstruction and Nonrigid Motion Tracking, A
* Formal Definition and Framework for Generic Object Recognition, A
* Fourier descriptors and handwritten digit recognition
* Fractal Image Compression
* Function-Based Recognition from Incomplete Knowledge of Shape
* Functional Programming on a Data Flow Architecture: Applications In Real-Time Image Processing
* future of photogrammetric research, A
* Fuzzy Connectivity and Mathematical Morphology
* Fuzzy Geometric Feature-Based Texture Classification
* Fuzzy Reasoning Approach to Similarity Evaluation in Image Analysis
* Gaussian Error Models for Object Recognition
* Generalization across Changes in Illumination and Viewing Position in Upright and Inverted Faces
* Generalized Brightness Change Model for Computing Optical Flow, A
* generalized matrix product and the wavelet transform, The
* Generalized Tube Model: Recognizing 3D Elongated Objects from 2D Intensity Images
* Geometric Computation for Machine Vision
* Geometric Model for Active Contours in Image Processing, A
* Geon Based Object Recognition
* Global 3-D Motion Estimation
* Global Algorithm for Shape from Shading, A
* Global and Local Methods of Unsupervised Bayesian Segmentation of Images
* Global Surface Reconstruction Through Regularized B-Spline Patches
* Gradient-Based Method For General Motion Estimation And Segmentation, A
* graph grammar programming style for recognition of music notation, A
* Graph-Based Thinning for Binary Images
* Grasping Visual Symmetry
* Gray-scale granulometries compatible with spatial scalings
* Guided Tour of Computer Vision, A
* Hand Line Drawing Interpretation as Three-Dimensional Object
* Head-Centered Orientation Strategies in Animate Vision
* Hierarchical Matching Beats The Non-Wildcard and Interpretation Tree Model Matching Algorithms
* Hierarchical Maximum Entropy Partitioning in Texture Image Analysis
* Hierarchy of Invariant Representations of 3D Shape, A
* Higher-Order Statistics in Object Recognition
* HIPS-2 Software for Image Processing: Goals and Directions
* Homogeneity Testing for Unlabeled Data: A Performance Evaluation
* Human Face Segmentation and Identification
* Hypothesizing a 3-D Scene from a Segmented Aerial Image
* Image Analysis by Moments
* Image analysis by wavelet-type transforms: Group theoretic approach
* Image analysis with 2-D continuous wavelet transform
* Image Characterization for Automatic Target Recognition Algorithm Evaluations
* Image Compression by Selecting Control Points Using Distance Function on Curved Space
* Image compression using block pattern-vector quantization
* Image Encoding, Labeling and Reconstruction from Differential Geometry
* Image Metrics Approach to Understanding Effects of Terrain and Environment on Performance of Thermal Target Acquisition Systems
* Image Processing Through Reaction Combined with Nonlinear Diffusion
* Image Reconstruction from Projections under Wavelet Constraints
* Image Region Correspondence Based on Structural Similarity and Color Information
* Image Region Correspondence by Color Structural Similarity
* Image registration for automated inspection of printed circuit patterns using CAD reference data
* Image Transformation Approach to Nonlinear Shape Restoration
* Image Understanding Environment: Data Exchange, The
* Image Understanding Environment: Image Features, The
* Image Understanding Environment: Overview, The
* Image Understanding Research at CMU
* Image-Enhanced Estimation Methods
* Implementation and Performance of Fast Parallel Multi-Baseline Stereo Vision
* Implementation Methodology for a CD-Rom English Document Database, The
* Improved Algorithm for Algebraic Curve and Surface Fitting, An
* Improved Explicit Radiosity Method for Calculating Non-Lambertian Reflections
* Improved Fractal Geometry Based Texture Segmentation Technique
* Improvements in Visual Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance
* Improving a Template-Based Classifier in a SAR Automatic Target Recognition System by Using 3-D Target Information
* Improving Sampled Probability Distributions for Markov Random Fields
* Improving the Computational Complexity of Active Contour Algorithms
* Incorporating Vanishing Point Geometry into a Building Extraction System
* Incremental Clustering of Attributed Graphs
* Incremental Image Sequence Enhancement with Implicit Motion Compensation
* Inferring 3D Structure from Image Motion: The Constraint of Poinsot Motion
* Integrated Architecture for Recognition of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals, An
* Integrating Multiple Range Images Using Triangulation
* Integration of Photogrammetric Cues into Cartographic Feature Extraction
* Interactive Image Processing for Machine Vision
* Intermediate-level vision tasks on a memory array architecture
* Interpretation of Handwritten Addresses in US Mail Stream
* Interpretation of Natural Scenes Using Multi-Parameter Default Models and Qualitative Constraints
* Interpreting the Views in Engineering Drawings
* Intrinsic Parameters for Surface Representation Using Deformable Models
* Invariant Fitting of Arbitrary Single-Extremum Surfaces
* Invariant Object Recognition Based On A Neural Network of Cascaded RCE Nets
* Invariant Thinning
* Invariants of Lines in Space
* ISR3: A Token Database for Integration of Visual Modules
* IUE User Interface, The
* JISCT Stereo Evaluation, The
* JPEG Still Image Data Compression Standard, The
* Kicking the Sensing Habit
* Knowledge-Based Image Understanding Using Incomplete and Generic Models
* Knowledge-based segmentation and state-based control in image analysis: Two examples from the biomedical domain
* Knowledge-based understanding of signals: An introduction
* Labeling Perspective Projections of Origami Scenes
* Landmark Selection for Accurate Navigation
* Landmark-Based Navigation and the Acquisition of Environmental Models
* Language-Free Layout Analysis
* Layered Representation for Motion Analysis
* Learning Blackboard-Based Scheduling Algorithms for Computer Vision
* Learning Combination of Evidence Functions in Object Recognition
* Learning from the Schema Learning System
* Learning Shape Models for a Vision Based Human-Computer Interface
* Level Set Formulation for the Solution of the Dirichlet Problem for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations, A
* Line Drawing Interpretation Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Line Segment Matching for 3D Computer Vision Using a New Iteration Scheme
* Linear Granulometric Moments of Noisy Binary Images
* Load Balancing Requirement In Parallel Implementations Of Image Feature Extraction Tasks
* Local cosine transform-A method for the reduction of the blocking effect in JPEG
* Local enhancement of compressed images
* Local Step Edge Estimation: A New Algorithm, Statistical Model and Performance Evaluation
* Local, Global, and Multilevel Stereo Matching
* Localization of Circular Objects
* Looking for Trouble: Using Causal Semantics to Direct Focus of Attention
* Machine identification of buds in images of plant shoots
* Making Cognitive Map of Outdoor Environment
* MANIAC: A Next Generation Neurally Based Autonomous Road Follower
* Markov Random Fields for Texture Classification
* Markov Random Fields: Theory and Applications
* MARVEL: A System That Recognizes World Locations with Stereo Vision
* Massively Parallel Road Follower, A
* Matching Elastic Contours
* Matching of Structural Shape Descriptions with Hopfield Net
* Matching Perspective Views of Coplanar Structures Using Projective Unwarping and Similarity Matching
* Mean Field Annealing Using Compound Gauss-Markov Random Fields for Edge Detection and Image Estimation
* Mean-Field Phase Transistions and Correlation Functions for Gibbs Random Fields
* Measurement of Edge Coincidence in Image Thresholdings
* Methodologies for Evaluating Thinning Algorithms for Character Recognition
* Methodology for the Characterization of the Performance of Thinning Algorithms, A
* MIMD and SIMD Parallel Range Data Segmentation
* Minimalist Vision for Navigation
* Minimum Description Length Based 2-D Shape Description
* Mixture Models for Optical Flow Computation
* Modal Framework for Correspondence and Description, A
* Model Based Corner Detection
* Model Matching and Extension for Automated 3D Site Modeling
* Modeling Surfaces of Arbitrary Topology with Dynamic Particles
* Modelisation of Spatial Organization of Vegetations in Floodplains
* Modelled Object Pose Estimation and Tracking by Monocular Vision
* Models for Map Building and Navigation
* Models of Perceptual Learning in Vernier Hyperacuity
* Modern Image Processing: Warping, Morphing and Classical Techniques
* Modified Homomorphic Approach on Invariant Features of Object Images, A
* Modular Head/Eye Platform for Real-Time Reactive Vision, A
* Monitoring of Road Traffic
* Monocular Pose Determination from Lines: Critical Sets and Maximum Number of Solutions
* Motion Analysis for Image Enhancement: Resolution, Occlusion, and Transparency
* Motion Detection Robust to Perturbations: A Statistical Regularization and Temporal Integration Framework
* Motion detection using image histogram sequence analysis
* Motion from Optic Flow: Multiplicity of Solutions
* Motion Segmentation and Local Structure
* Motion Tracking of Deformable Objects by Active Contour Models Using Multiscale Dynamic Programming
* Motion Trajectories
* Motion Understanding from Qualitative Visual Dynamics
* Multi-Classifier Strategy for the Recognition of Handwritten Cursive Words, A
* Multi-Layer Surface Segmentation Using Energy Minimization
* Multi-Resolution Technique for Comparing Images Using the Hausdorff Distance
* Multi-Scale Structure from Multi-Views by d{2}G Filtered 3D Voting
* Multi-Scale Vector-Ridge-Detection for Perceptual Organization Without Edges
* Multi-Scale, Torsion-Based Shape Representations for Space Curves
* Multimodality Matching of Brain Images
* MUSER: A prototype musical score recognition system using mathematical morphology
* Navigation Templates: Mediating Qualitative Guidance and Quantitative Control in Mobile Robots
* Navigational Preliminaries
* NETRA: A Hierarchical and Partitionable Architecture for Computer Vision
* Neural Network Perception for Mobile Robot Guidance
* Neural System for the Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects in Cluttered Scenes: A Pilot Study, A
* New Approach to Combining Region Growing and Edge Detection, A
* New Camera Calibration Method for High Accuracy Non-Contact Metrology, A
* New Characterization of Digital Lines by Least Square Fits, A
* New Method for Acquiring Time-Sequential Range Images by Integrating Stereo Pairs of Thermal and Intensity Images, A
* New Model for Context Driven Word Recognition, A
* New System for the Analysis of Schematic Diagrams, A
* New Thinning Algorithm Based on Controlled Deletion of Edge Regions, A
* Noise Estimation from Step Edge Operator Responses
* Noise-Tolerant Algorithm for Robotic Hand-Eye Calibration with or without Sensor Orientation Measurement, A
* Non-Intrusive Gaze Tracking Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Nonlinear Algorithm for Shape Representation, A
* Nonlinear Diffusion Model for Discontinuous Disparity and Half-Occlusions in Stereo, A
* Nonlinear Phase Portrait Models for Oriented Textures
* Nonlinear Variational Method for Optical Flow Computation
* Nonparametric Algorithm for Edge Localization, A
* Normalized and Differential Convolution
* Note on Existence and Uniqueness in Shape from Shading, A
* Note on the Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses, A
* Note on the Umbra Transform in Gray-Scale Morphology, A
* Nulling Filters and the Separation of Transparent Motions
* Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing
* O(log n) Parallel Algorithm for the Minimum Spanning Tree, An
* Object Classification Using Half-Contour Features
* Object Recognition Using Steerable Filters at Multiple Scales
* Object-Oriented Similarity Retrieval Algorithm for Iconic Image Databases, An
* Obtaining Optical Flow with Multi-Orientation Filters
* Omindirectional Imaging with Hyperboliodal Projection
* On Determining the Fundamental Matrix: Analysis of Different Methods and Experimental Results
* On Evidential Relaxation Labeling: A Scheme Toward Knowledge-Based Vision
* On Hierarchical Color Segmentation and Applications
* On Recognizing Unions of Two Convex Polygons and Related Problems
* On Regularization, Formulation, and Initialization of the Active contour models (Snakes)
* On Single-Scanline Camera Calibration
* On the Complexity and Computation of View Graphs of Piecewise-Smooth Algebraic Surfaces
* On the Flatness of Digital Hyperplanes
* On the Most Robust Affine Basis
* On the Qualitative Structure of Temporally Evolving Visual Motion Fields
* On the Representation of the Projected Motion Group in 2+1D
* On the Segmentation of Touching Characters
* On the Symbolic Interpretation of Traffic Scenes
* Optic Flow and Depth Perception
* Optical Flow Estimation on the Connection-Machine CM-2
* Optical Recognition of Chemical Graphics
* Optimal Algorithm for Extracting the Regions of a Plane Graph, An
* Optimal Convolution Filters and an Algorithm for the Detection of Wide Linear Features
* Optimal Estimation of Object Pose from a Single Perspective View
* Optimal Matching of Nonconvex Polygons
* Optimal Partition of Moving Edge Segments, The
* Optimal Zero-Crossing-Based Discontinuity Detector, An
* Optimised Vanishing Point Detector, An
* Optimization Approach to Dichromatic Images
* Optimum Circular Fit to Weighted Data in Multi-Dimensional Space
* Orientation Normalized Vector Quantizer for Flow-Like Image Coding, An
* Orthonormal wavelet representations for recognized complex annotations
* Outline of a Set of Points
* Parallel Algorithm for Graph Matching and Its MASPAR Implementation, A
* Parallel Computation of the Euler Number via Connectivity Graph
* Parallel Curve Matching on the Connection Machine
* Parallel Line Grouping in Irregular Curve Pyramids
* Parallel Pattern Compression by Octagonal Propagation
* Parallel Stereo Algorithm That Produces Dense Depth Maps and Preserves Image Features, A
* Parallel Thinning Algorithm Using KxK Masks, A
* Parallel Thinning Algorithm Using the Bounding Boxes Techniques, A
* Parallelizing Mallat Algorithm for 2-D Wavelet Transforms
* Parametric Eigenspace Representation for Visual Learning and Recognition
* Part segmentation of slice data using regularity
* Passive Range Estimation for Rotorcraft Low-Altitude Flight
* Pedestrian Counting System Robust Against Illumination Changes
* Perception Framework for Inspection and Reverse Engineering, A
* Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision: A Review and a Proposal for a Classificatory Structure
* Perceptually Plausible Model for Global Symmetry Detection, A
* Performance Analysis of an Associative System for Image Classification, A
* Performance Characterization of Edge Operators
* Performance Evaluation of a Class of M-Estimators for Surface Parameter Estimation in Noisy Range Data
* Performance Evaluation Of A Texture-Based Segmentation Algorithm
* Performance Evaluation of Multispectral Analysis for Surface Material Classification
* Performance Evaluation of Nonlinear Shape Normalization Methods for the Recognition of Large-Set Handwritten Characters
* Performance Evaluation of Some Methods for Off-Line Detection of Changes In Autoregressive Signals
* Performance Metrics For Document Understanding Systems
* Performance of a High-Resolution Polarimetric SAR Automatic Target Recogniton System
* Performing Segmentation of Ultrasound Images Using Temporal Information
* Periodic Differences of Digitized Curves
* Perspective on Automatic Target Recognition Evaluation Technology, A
* Pictorial Drawing Generation For Polyhedral Object Recognition Using Intensity Images
* Pinta: A System for Visualizing the Anatomical Structures of the Brain from MR Imaging
* Planning and Navigation in Stochastic Environments
* Planning and Selective Perception for Target Retrieval
* Polarization Camera Technology
* Polly: A Vision-Based Artificial Agent
* Polygonal Approximation by Boundary Reduction
* Polyhedral Face Reconstruction and Modeling from a Single Image with Structured Light
* Pose Determination and Recognition of 3D Polyhedral Objects from a Single Perspective View
* Practical Implementation of a Radial Basis Function Network for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Practical Stereo Vision System, A
* Prax Approach to Learning a Large Number of Texture Concepts, The
* Probabilistic Analysis of Some Navigation Strategies in a Dynamic Environment
* Probabilistic Models of Digital Region Maps Based on Markov Random Fields with Short- and Long-Range Interaction
* Probabilistic Relaxation for Matching Problems in Computer Vision
* Proc. International Conference Image Processing: Theory and Applications
* procedure of reading mechanical engineering drawings for CAD applications, A
* Program Development and Coding on a Fine-Grained Vision Machine
* Programmable VLSI Retina for Rough Vision, A
* Programming Environment for Imaging Applications, A
* Progress in Image Understanding at Brown University
* Psychological Criteria for the Evaluation of Different Forms of Group Work in Advanced Manufacturing Systems
* Quadratic Filter and Feature Detection
* Qualitative Approach to Quantitative Recovery of SHGC's Shape and Pose from Shading and Contour, A
* Qualitative Recognition of Ongoing Human Action Sequences
* Quantative Analysis of Properties and Spatial Relations of Fuzzy Image Regions
* Quasi-Invariants: Theory and Exploitation
* RADIUS: Automating Image Analysis Through Model-Supported Exploitation
* Range Sensing for Computer Vision
* Range-Free Qualitative Navigation
* Range-Image-Based Calculation of Three-Dimensional Convex Object Moments
* Reactions to Peripheral Image Motion Using a Head/Eye Platform
* Reactive Locomotion Control of a Tracked Mobile Manipulator
* Real Time Detection and Recognition of Vehicles for an Autonomous Guidance and Control System
* Real-Time Construction of Three-Dimensional Occupancy Maps
* Real-Time Contour Matching over Time in an Active Vision Context
* Real-Time Line-Based Motion Stereo
* Real-Time Motion Stereo
* Real-Time Recognition with the Entire Brodatz Texture Database
* Real-Time Vision-Based Robot Localization
* Recognition and Segmentation of Connected Characters with Selective Attention
* Recognition and Tracking of 3D Objects by 1D Search
* Recognition of 3D Cylinders in 2D Images by Top-Down Model Imposition
* Recognition of Complex 3-D Objects from Range Data
* Recognition of Handwritten Characters Using Pattern Transformation Method with Cosine Function
* Recognition of Logic Diagrams by Identifying Loops and Rectilinear Polylines
* Recognition of Partly Occluded Objects
* Recognition of Polyhedral Objects Using Triangle Pair Features
* Recognizing 3d Motion
* Recognizing 3D Objects Using Constrained Search
* Recognizing Planar Objects Using Invariant Image Features
* Reconstructable Parallel Thinning
* Reconstruction of Binary and Gray-Scale Images from Mid-Crack Code Descriptions
* Reconstruction of HOT Curves from Image Sequences
* Recovering and Characterizing Image Features Using an Efficient Model Based Approach
* Recovering and Tracking Pose of Curved 3D Objects from 2D Images
* Recovering Reflectance and Illumination in a World of Painted Polyhedra
* Recovery of Non-Rigid Motion from Stereo Images, The
* Recursive Estimation of Structure and Motion Using Relative Orientation Constraints
* Recursive Motion and Structure Estimation with Complete Error Characterization
* Region Growing with Planar Facets
* Region Merging in 3-D Images Using Morphological Operators
* Rejection of Spurious Reflections in Structured Illumination Range Finders
* Related Approaches to Gradient-Based Thresholding
* Relative Stereo and Motion Reconstruction
* Representation of Three-Dimensional Object Structure as Cross-Ratios of Determinants of Stereo Image Points
* Representing 3D Objects by Sets of Activities of Receptive Fields
* Representing and Recognizing Simple Hand-Tools Based on Their Functions
* Research in Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Resolving Edge-Line Ambiguities Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Robot Motion Planning
* Robust Detector for Music Staves, A
* Robust Edge Detection Based on Morphological Filters
* Robust Line-Based Pose Estimation from a Single Image
* Robust Structure from Motion using Motion Parallax
* Robustness of Model-Based Recognition in Cluttered Images
* Role of Performance Evaluation in Automated Image Algorithm Generation, The
* Role of Vision in Two-Arms Manipulation, The
* Roughness and Shape of Specular Lobe Surfaces Using Photometric Sampling Method
* Salient Video Stills: Content and Context Preserved
* Scale Properties of Curvature and Torsion Zero-Crossings
* Scaling Images and Image Features via the Renormalization Group
* SCARF: A Color Vision System That Tracks Roads and Intersections
* Scene Interpretation Module For An Active Vision System, A
* Segmentation and 2D Motion Estimation by Region Fragments
* Segmentation and Image Enhancement Using Coupled Anisotropic Diffusion
* Segmentation of 3D Articulated Objects by Dynamic Grouping of Discontinuities
* Segmentation of Range Images: An Orthogonal Moment-Based Integrated Approach
* Selective Attention in Dynamic Vision
* Self-Calibration of the Intrinsic Parameters of Cameras for Active Vision Systems
* SEM Algorithm and Unsupervised Segmentation of Satellite Images
* Sensible Scenes: Visual Understanding of Complex Scenes Through Causal Analysis
* Sensors: Principles and Applications
* Sensory Segmentation with Coupled Neural Oscillators
* Shape and Motion from Linear Features
* Shape From Line Drawings: Beyond Huffman-Clowes Labeling
* Shape from Shadows under Error
* Shape from Texture from a Multi-Scale Perspective
* Shape Normalization Through Visible Region Center and Unvisible Region Center
* Shape-Based Tracking of Naturally Occurring Annuli in Image Sequences
* Significant Line Segments for an Indoor Mobile Robot
* SIMD Algorithm for Curved Object Recognition Using Grimson and Lozano-Perez Matching
* SIMD-MIMD Architecture for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, An
* Similarity Invariants for 3D Space Curve Matching
* Simple Kinematic Model Based Approach for 3-D Motion and Structure Estimation, A
* simple technique for enhancing the performance of lossy plus lossless image compression schemes, A
* Simulated Tearing: An Algorithm for Discontinuity-Preserving Visual Surface Reconstruction
* Single Scan Boundary Removal Thinning Algorithm for 2-D Binary Object, A
* Site-Model-Based Change Detection and Image Registration
* Smart Buffer for Tracking Using Motion Data, A
* Sparse Pixel Recognition of Primitives in Engineering Drawings
* Spatial Derivatives and the Propagation of Noise in Gaussian Scale Space
* Spatial Objects in the Image Understanding Environment
* Spatial Reasoning And Connectionist Inference
* Spatio-Temporal Image Processing-Theory and Scientific Applications
* Spatiotemporal Representation of Dynamic Objects
* Special Issue: Document Image Analysis Techniques
* Spherical Representation for the Recognition of Curved Objects, A
* Statistical Calculations of 3D-Orientation Parameters of Flat Symmetrical Polyhedrons
* Statistical Object Recognition with the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm in Range-Derived Features
* Statistical Partial Constraints for 3D Model Matching and Pose Estimation Problems
* Statistical Properties of Learning Recognition Strategies
* Statistical Shape Discrimination and Clustering Using an Efficient Set of Moments
* Stealth Terrain Navigation
* Steering a Robot with Vanishing Points
* Stereo Correspondence from Junctions
* Stereo Matching, Reconstruction and Refinement of 3D Curves Using Deformable Contours
* Stereopsis for Verging Systems
* Stop-Sign Recognition Based on Color-Shape Processing
* Structural Description of Line Images by the Cross Section Sequence Graph
* Structure and Motion from Region Correspondences and Affine Invariants
* Structure recognition methods for various types of documents
* Studying Control of Selective Perception with T-World and TEA
* Supervised Segmentation Using a Multiresolution Data Representation
* Support Function, Curvature Functions and 3-D Attitude Determination, The
* Surface Matching Algorithm for Two Perspective Views, A
* Surface Reconstruction from Photometric Stereo Images
* Survey of Fuzzy Clustering, A
* System for an intelligent office document analysis, recognition and description
* System for Real-Time Fire Detection, A
* Systematic Evaluation of Skeletonization Algorithms, A
* Target Tracking and Cumulative Depth Map Generation from Binocular Image Sequences
* TEMPO: Template Matching by Parametric Optimization
* Texture Analysis
* Texture Classification and Segmentation Algorithms in Man and Machine
* Texture Classification and Segmentation Based on Iterative Morphological Decomposition
* Theory of the Motion Fields of Curves, A
* Thinning Algorithm Based on the Force Between Charged Particles, A
* Three-Dimensional Computer Vision: A Geometric Viewpoint
* Three-Dimensional Shape Reconstruction by Active Rangefinder
* Topographic-Based Feature Labeling for Infrared Oceanographic Images
* Toward Automatic Robot Instruction from Perception-Recognizing a Grasp from Observation
* Toward Template-Based Tolerancing from a Bayesian Viewpoint
* Towards Automatic Evaluation of Drawing Analysis Performance: A Statistical Model of Cadastral Map
* Tracking Closed Curves by a Matching Process
* Tracking Non-Rigid Objects in Complex Scenes
* Tracking With Rigid Objects
* Twelve-Step Program to More Efficient Robotics, A
* Two-Tone Image Processing and Recognition
* Uncertainty Model of Stereo Vision and Its Application to Vision Motion Planning of Robot, An
* Uncertainty of Features in Planar Object Recognition and a New Classifier
* Understanding Internal Representations through Hidden Unit Senstivity Analysis
* Understanding Noise Sensitivity in Structure from Motion
* Understanding Noise: The Critical Role of Motion Error in Scene Reconstruction
* Uniqueness of Results for Multiple Correlations of Periodic Functions
* Unsupervised Feature Reduction in Image Segmentation by Local Transforms
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Textured Color Images Using Markov Random Field Models
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1992-1993
* Use of Geons for Generic 3-D Object Recognition, The
* Using Color to Computer Optical Flow
* Using Hyperquadrics for Shape Recovery from Range Data
* Using Stability of Interpretation as Verification for Low Level Processing: An Example from Egomotion and Optic Flow
* Using Symmetry, Ellipses, and Perceptual Groups for Detecting Generic Surfaces of Revolution in 2D Images
* Using Topological Information of Images to Improve Stereo Matching
* Validation of Preprocessing Algorithms: A Methodology and Its Application to the Design of a Thinning Algorithm for Handwritten Characters
* Variable Precision Rough Set Model
* Vector Quantization for Texture Classification
* Verifying the Consistency of Shading Patterns and 3-D Structures
* View Interpolation for Image Synthesis
* Viewpoint Independent Representation and Recognition of Polygonal Faces in 3-D
* Vision During Action
* Vision Processor System for Moving-Object Analysis
* Vision System for Estimating People Flow, A
* Vision, Action, and Navigation in Animals
* Vision-Based Construction of CAD Models from Range Images
* Vision-Based Localization
* Vision-Based Navigation
* Vision-Guided Exploration: A Step toward General Motion Planning in Three Dimensions
* Visual Motion Correspondence by Region-Based Approaches
* Visual Navigation Using Fast Content-Based Retrieval
* Visual Navigation: Flies, Bees, and UGV's
* Visual Tracking of a Moving Target by a Camera Mounted on a Robot: A Combination of Control and Vision
* Visually Salient 3D Model Acquisition from Range Data
* VLSI Smart Sensor for Fast Range Imaging, A
* wavelet regularization method for diffuse radar-target imaging and speckle-noise reduction, A
* Wavelet Transform Embeddings in Mesh Architectures
* Wigner Distribution for 2D Motion Estimation from Noisy Images
* Word Recognition in a Segmentation-Free Approach to OCR
* X-Crossing Preserving Skeletonization Algorithm, An
635 for 9300

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.