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AAAI Fall Symposium on Machine Learning in Computer Vision,
AAAI-MLCV93Fall 1993. TR FSS-93-04. Some filed elsewhere.
Sengupta, K.[Kuntal],
Boyer, K.L.[Kim L.],
Incremental Modelbase Updating: Learning New Model Sites,
The Ohio State University.
Bhandaru, M.K.[Malini K.],
Draper, B.A.[Bruce A.], and
Lesser, V.[Victor],
Learning Image to Symbol Conversion,
University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Conklin, D.[Darrell],
Transformation-invariant Indexing and Machine Discovery for
Computer Vision,
Queen's University.
Dey, L.,
Das, P.P., and
Chaudhury, S.,
Recognition and Learning of Unknown Objects in
a Hierarchical Knowledge-base,
I.I.T., Delhi.
Williams, C.K.I.,
Zemel, R.S., and
Mozer, M.C.,
Unsupervised Learning of Object Models,
Univ. of Toronto; Univ. of Colorado.
Murase, H.[Hiroshi], and
Nayar, S.K.[Shree K.],
Learning and Recognition of 3-D Objects from Brightness Images,
Columbia University.
Remagnino, P.,
Bober, M., and
Kittler, J.V.,
Learning About A Scene Using an Active Vision System,
University of Surrey, UK.
Mann, R.[Richard], and
Jepson, A.D.[Allan D.],
Non-accidental Features in Learning,
University of Toronto.
Viola, P.A.[Paul A.],
Feature-Based Recognition of Objects,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Matsubara, H.[Hitoshi],
Sakaue, K.[Katsuhiko], and
Yamamoto, K.[Kazuhiko],
Learning Correspondences Between Visual Features and
Functional Features,
ETL, Japan.
Marshall, J.A.[Johnathon A.], and
Alley, R.K.[Richard K.],
A Self-Organizing Neural Network that Learns to Detect and
Represent Visual Depth from Occlusion Events,
University of North Carolina.
Lammens, J.M., and
Shapiro, S.C.,
Learning Symbolic Names for Perceived Colors,
SUNY Buffalo.
Chachere, L.[Lawrence], and
Pun, T.[Thierry],
Extracting a Domain Theory from Natural Language to Construct a
Knowledge Base for Visual Recognition,
University of Geneva.
Salganicoff, M.[Marcos],
Metta, G.[Giorgio],
Oddera, A.[Andrea], and
Sandini, G.[Giulio],
A Vision-Based Learning Method for Pushing Manipulation,
Univ. of Pennsylvania; University of Genoa.
Skolnick, M.M.[Michael M.],
A Classifier System for Learning Spatial Representations Based
on a Morphological Wave Propagation Algorithm,
Nguyen, T.C.[Thang C.],
Goldberg, D.E.[David E.], and
Huang, T.S.[Thomas S.],
Evolvable Modeling: Structural Adaptation Through Hierarchical
Evolution for 3-D Model-based Vision,
University of Illinois.
Zemel, R.S.[Richard S.],
Hinton, G.E.[Geoffrey E.],
Developing Population Codes for Object Instantiation Parameters,
University of Toronto.
Pachowicz, P.W.[Peter W.],
Integration of Machine Learning and Vision into an
Active Agent Paradigm,
George Mason University.
Wolff, G.J.,
Prasad, K.V.,
Stork, D.G.,
Hennecke, M.E.,
Learning Visual Speech,
Ricoh California Research Center.
Schneider, J.[Jeff],
Learning open loop control of complex motor tasks,
University of Rochester.
Bala, J.W.,
Pachowicz, P.W.,
Issues in Learning from Noisy Sensory Data,
George Mason University.
Murphy, R.R.[Robin R.],
Learning to Eliminate Background Effects in Object Recognition,
Colorado School of Mines.
Davidsson, P.[Paul],
Toward a General Solution to the Symbol Grounding Problem:
Combining Learning and Computer Vision,
Lund University.
Honavar, V.[Vasant],
Symbolic and Subsymbolic Learning for Vision: Some Possibilities,
Iowa State University.
Last update:Sep 15, 2024 at 16:30:49