Update Dates 9911

9911 * 3D Photography Using Shadows in Dual-Space Geometry
* accuracy of Digital Elevation Models interpolated to higher resolutions, The
* active contour model for colour region extraction in natural scenes, An
* Adaptable Time-Delay Neural Network Algorithm for Image Sequence Analysis, An
* Adaptive Partially Hidden Markov Models with Application to Bilevel Image Coding
* analysis of surface texture using photometric stereo acquisition and gradient space domain mapping, The
* Apparatus and method for a programmable video motion estimator
* Apparatus for correcting fixed column noise in images acquired by a fingerprint sensor
* Automatic cardiac LV boundary detection and tracking using hybrid fuzzy temporal and fuzzy multiscale edge detection
* Autotracking device designating a target
* Bas-Relief Ambiguity, The
* Biased Reconstruction for JPEG Decoding
* Boundary Detection Using Simulation of Particle Motion in a Vector Image Field
* Change detection assessment using fuzzy sets and remotely sensed data: an application of topographic map revision
* Change detection using adaptive fuzzy neural networks: Environmental damage assessment after the Gulf war
* Combining Multiple Matchers for a High Security Fingerprint Verification System
* Comparison of MPEG Domain Elements for Low-Level Shot Boundary Detection
* Computation of the Sign of the Gaussian Curvature of a Surface from Multiple Unknown Illumination Images without Knowledge of the Reflectance Property
* Computational theory of color transparency: Recovery of spectral properties for overlapping surfaces
* Computational Vision at Yale
* Congestion Control for Interactive Video-on-Demand over ATM
* Consistency and Stability of Active Contours with Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Arc Lengths
* Contour Fragment Grouping and Shared, Simple Occluders
* Data Assimilation in Large Time-Varying Multidimensional Fields
* Dealing with Noise in Multiframe Structure from Motion
* Depth-Focused Interior Echo Imaging
* Detection of transitions in video sequences
* Determination of satellite nadir and azimuth angles for a tilting sensor
* Device for displaying 3D images
* Discrete wavelet transform based image compression
* Dual encoding/compression method and system for picture quality/data density enhancement
* empirical comparison of four initialization methods for the K-Means algorithm, An
* environment for content-based image retrieval from large spatial databases, An
* Estimation of Global Motion Parameters by Complex Linear Regression
* Extended Fractal Analysis for Texture Classification and Segmentation
* fast algorithm for tracking human faces based on chromatic histograms, A
* fast and stable snake algorithm for medical images, A
* Fast Euclidean Distance Transformation by Propagation Using Multiple Neighborhoods
* Fast Second-Generation Encoding Algorithm for Vector Quantization, A
* Frontal-view face detection and facial feature extraction using color and morphological operations
* Fusion of Fixation and Odometry for Vehicle Navigation
* Fuzzy segmented image coding using orthonormal bases and derivative chain coding
* Geometric Constraints for Object Detection and Delineation
* Global image feature correspondence under a multi-image network
* Graph matching with hierarchical discrete relaxation
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Real-Time Digital Video over Multimedia Networks
* Hierarchical models of object recognition in cortex
* Hough transform technique for the detection of parallel projected rotational symmetry, A
* Human Shape Recognition Performance for 3-D Tactile Display
* Hybrid neuro-fuzzy filter for impulse noise removal
* Hyperspectral Data Analysis and Supervised Feature Reduction Via Projection Pursuit
* Image Compression Using the Distance Transform on Curved Space (DTOCS) and Delaunay Triangulation
* Image content classification methods, systems and computer programs using texture patterns
* Image Interpolation Using Neural Networks
* Image processing system and method using subsampling with constraints such as time and uncertainty constraints
* Image segmentation for classification of vegetation using NOAA-AVHRR data
* IME: an image management environment with content-based access
* Improving Feature Tracking with Robust Statistics
* Incremental Focus of Attention for Robust Vision-Based Tracking
* influence of principal component analysis on the spatial structure of a multispectral dataset, The
* Iris Identification System and Method of Identifying a Person Through Iris Recognition
* iterative factorization method for projective structure and motion from image sequences, An
* Joint Band Prioritization and Band-Decorrelation Approach to Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Joint Source/Channel Coding to Maximize Perceptual Video Quality on Packet Networks
* Kinematic Modeling of Head-Neck Movements
* Low-Complexity Image Denoising Based on Statistical Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients
* Luxomatic: Computer Vision for Puppeteering
* Method and apparatus for encoding a video signal using feature point based motion estimation
* Method and apparatus for performing mosaic based image compression
* Method and apparatus for processing full motion computer animation
* Method and means for detecting people in image sequences
* Method for measuring visibility from a moving vehicle
* Method for region tracking in an image sequence using a two-dimensional mesh
* Method of detecting interval changes in chest radiographs utilizing temporal subtraction combined with automated initial matching of blurred low resolution images
* Method of forming a template of an image of an object for use in the recognition of the object
* Method of selecting the best enroll image for personal identification
* Model-based force-driven nonrigid motion recovery from sequences of range images without point correspondences
* Models and Methods for Automated Material Indentification in Hyperspectral Imagery Acquired under Unknown Illumination and Atmospheric Conditions
* Morphological Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
* Morphological operators to extract channel networks from digital elevation models
* Moving object detection apparatus and method
* Multi-Object Tracking in Video
* Multi-spectral Texture Segmentation Based on the Spectral Cooccurrence Matrix
* Multimodal Decision-Level Fusion for Person Authentication
* Multiscale Curvature-Based Shape Representation Using B-Spline Wavelets
* neural network method for mixture estimation for vegetation mapping, A
* Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling and Prediction of VBR MPEG Video Sources
* new possibilistic clustering algorithm for line detection in real world imagery, A
* On Computing Contact Configurations of a Curved Chain
* On fuzzy distances and their use in image processing under imprecision
* On RD Optimized Progressive Image Coding Using JPEG
* On the Use of Neural Networks and Geometrical Criteria for Localisation of Highly Irregular Elliptical Shapes
* Optical image indexed document filer
* Optimal parallel clustering algorithms on a reconfigurable array of processors with wider bus networks
* Optimal Transform Coding in the Presence of Quantization Noise
* Overlapped motion compensation for object coding
* Page Segmentation and Zone Classification: The State of the Art
* Pattern searching method using neural networks and correlation
* Perceptual organization for inferring object boundaries in an image
* performance of regularized discriminant analysis versus non-parametric classifiers applied to high-dimensional image classification, The
* Photorealistic Scene Reconstruction by Voxel Coloring
* Polarization-resolved imaging with a reflection near-field optical microscope
* Pose determination from angles and relative line lengths using spherical trigonometry
* Progressive Image Coding Using Trellis Coded Quantization
* Progressive Transmission Image Coder Using Linear Phase Uniform Filterbanks as Block Transforms, A
* Rate Allocation for Spotlight SAR Phase History Data Compression
* Ratio model for suprathreshold hue-increment detection
* Real-Time VBR Rate Control of MPEG Video based upon Lexicographic Bit Allocation
* Recognition of Planar Objects Using the Density of Affine Shape
* Red-eye detection/retouch apparatus
* Regularized Total Least Squares Approach for Nonconvolutional Linear Inverse Problems
* Requirement Analysis for the Definition of Reusable Spatial Objects
* Shock Graphs and Shape Matching
* Simplified chain encoding
* Statistical Watermark Detection Technique Without Using Original Images for Resolving Rightful Ownerships of Digital Images, A
* Straight-line-based primitive extraction in grey-scale object recognition
* Suitability of Laser Data for DTM Generation: A Case Study in the Context of Road Planning and Design
* Symbolic fusion of luminance-hue-chroma features for region segmentation
* Telephone for the deaf and method of using same
* Theory and Practice of Projective Rectification
* Theory of Single-Viewpoint Catadioptric Image Formation, A
* Time-Varying Step-Transform Algorithm for High Squint SAR Imaging
* Toward robust handwritten Kanji character recognition
* Two-Dimensional Direction-Based Interpolation with Local Centered Moments
* Two-dimensional to three-dimensional image converting system
* Unification of Distance and Volume Optimization in Surface Simplification
* Use the Fuzzy Hough transform towards reduction of the precision/uncertainty duality
* User-Oriented QoS Analysis in MPEG-2 Video Delivery
* Vectorising and Feature-Based Filtering for Line-Drawing Image Compression
* Very low bit rate face video compression using linear combination of 2D face views and principal components analysis
* Video signal bit amount control using adaptive quantization
* Vision-Assisted Image Editing
* Volumetric Deformation Analysis Using Mechanics-Based Data Fusion: Applications in Cardiac Motion Recovery
* Watershed-based hierarchical SAR image segmentation
* WaveGuide: A Joint Wavelet-Based Image Representation and Description System
* What Tasks can be Performed with an Uncalibrated Stereo Vision System?
136 for 9911

Index for "9"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:30:26
Use price@usc.edu for comments.