Update Dates 9611

9611 * *Mobile Robot and Automated Vehicle Control Systems
* 14-GOPs Programmable Motion Estimator for H.26X Video Coding, A
* 2D Object Acquisition Using Circular Scanning
* 3D Data-Driven Prediction for Active Contour Models Based on Geometric Bounding Volumes
* 64-Point Fourier-Transform Chip for Video Motion Compensation Using Phase Correlation, A
* Active Intrinsic Calibration Using Vanishing Points
* Adaptive Image Sequence Coding Based on Global and Local Compensability Analysis
* Adaptive Multilevel Classification and Detection in Multispectral Images
* Advances in Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding in North America
* Analysis of Disparity Gradient-Based Cooperative Stereo
* Analyzing Looming Motion Components from Their Spatiotemporal Spectral Signature
* Anisotropic Diffusion of Multivalued Images with Applications to Color Filtering
* Assessing Error of Fit Functions for Ellipses
* Automated Laser-Scanning Based on Orthogonal Cross-Sections
* Automated, non-invasive iris recognition system and method
* Automated-Method for Digitizing Color Thematic Maps, An
* Automatic Recognition of ISAR Ship Images
* Behavioral Analysis of Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing
* Beyond the Hough Transform: Further Properties of the R-Theta Mapping and Their Applications
* Blind Image Deconvolution Revisited
* Boundary Extraction from Coarsely or Irregularly Scanned Images
* Building and Training Radiographic Models for Flexible Object Identification from Incomplete Data
* Can a Local Histogram Really Map Texture Information?
* Chain Codes and Their Application in Curve Design
* Check: A Generic and Specific Industrial Inspection Tool
* Class of Constrained Clustering Algorithms for Object Boundary Extraction
* Clustering Method Based on the Estimation of the Probability Density-Function and on the Skeleton by Influence Zones: Application to Image-Processing, A
* Color Image Detection and Matching Using Modified Generalized Hough Transform
* Color in Perspective
* Combinatorial Geometry for Shape Representation and Indexing
* Comparison of Derivative Topographic Surfaces of a DEM Generated from Stereoscopic Spot Images with Field-Measurements
* Comparison of Four Hybrid Block/Object Image Coders, A
* comparison of system architectures for intelligent document understanding, A
* Computer Vision Applied to the Detection and Localization of Acoustic Neuromas from Head NIR Images
* Computer Vision Research at the University of Maryland: A 20-Year Retrospective
* Constrained Phase Congruency Feature Detector: Simultaneous Localization, Classification and Scale Determination, The
* Content-Based Representation and Retrieval of Visual Media: A State-of-the-Art Review
* Content-Based Retrieval for Trademark Registration
* Critical Points on a Perfectly 8- or 6-Connected Thin Binary Line
* Curvature Based Signatures for Object Description and Recognition
* Decision-Theoretic Cooperative Sensor Planning
* Detail Preserving Noise Filtering for Compressed Image
* Detection and Three-Dimensional Localization by Stereoscopic Visual Sensor and Its Application to a Robot for Picking Asparagus
* Development of a BAM System Using a Delta-Rule Based Algorithm (The DBAM System), The
* Dimensionality of Illumination Manifolds in Appearance Matching
* Discrete Range Clustering Using Monte-Carlo Methods
* Distance Functions Defined by Variable Neighborhood Sequences
* Distance measuring method and a distance measuring apparatus
* Edge-Detection and Speckle Adaptive Filtering for SAR Images Based on a 2nd-Order Textural Measure
* Efficient Contrast-Enhancement Method Using the Analog-to-Digital Converter, An
* Efficient Hybrid Tree/Linear Array Architectures for Block-Matching Motion Estimation Algorithms
* Estimating Optical-Flow in Segmented Images Using Variable-Order Parametric Models with Local Deformations
* Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers: Testing the Significance of Classification Efficiency Using an Exact Probability Technique
* Experimental Comparison of Appearance and Geometric Model Based Recognition, An
* Extended Subspace Methods of Pattern-Recognition
* Face Recognition System Using Local Autocorrelations and Multiscale Integration
* Fast Electronic Digital Image Stabilization For Off-Road Navigation
* Fast Location of Address Blocks and Postcodes in Mail-Piece Images
* Feature Normalization for Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Filtered Projections as an Aid in Corner Detection
* Finding Pictures of Objects in Large Collections of Images
* Fitting Straight Lines to Point Patterns
* Fractal Modeling of Natural Terrain: Analysis and Surface Reconstruction with Range Data
* Fractal-Based Clustering Approach in Large Visual Database-Systems, A
* From an Intensity Image to 3-D Segmented Descriptions
* Gabor Filter Design for Multiple Texture Segmentation
* Generalized Histogram Clustering Scheme for Multidimensional Image Data, A
* Generic Shape Learning and Recognition
* Geographic Information-Systems: Foreword
* HMM Based Online Handwriting Recognition
* Hybrid Algorithm for Contextual Text Recognition, A
* Hybrid Approach to 3D Representation, A
* Hybrid System For 2-Dimensional Image Recognition, A
* Hybrid System For 2-Dimensional Image Recognition: Prolog, A
* Identification of Faces in a 2D Line Drawing Projection of a Wireframe Object
* Image information processing method and apparatus therefor with multi-level data capability
* Image Motion Restoration from a Sequence of Images
* Image Oriented CAD Approach, An
* Image Recovery Using the Anisotropic Diffusion Equation
* Image Representation Using 2D Gabor Wavelets
* Image resolution conversion method that employs statistically generated multiple morphological filters
* Image Sequence Stabilization In Real-Time
* Image-Processing Techniques for Leather Hide Ranking in the Footwear Industry
* Integration of Spatial Context Information in an Experimental Knowledge-Based System and the Supervised Relaxation Algorithm: 2 Successful Approaches to Improving Spot-Xs Classification, The
* Intelligent Radical-Based Online Chinese Character-Recognition System
* Interactive Model-Based Coding of Facial Image Sequence with a New Motion Detection Algorithm
* Intermediate view synthesis considering occluded and ambiguously referenced image regions
* Introduction to Special Issue on Representation and Retrieval of Visual Media in Multimedia Systems
* Issues in the Design of Studies to Test the Effectiveness of Stereo Imaging
* Knowledge-Directed Vision: Control, Learning, and Integration
* Knowledge-Directed Vision: Control, Learning, and Integration: Prolog
* Learning Appearance Models for Object Recognition
* Learning Object Representations from Lighting Variations
* Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) Image Matching
* Light projecting device with cylindrical lens
* Linear Quadtrees: A Blocking Technique for Contour Filling
* Linear Time Algorithm for Computing the Convex Hull of an Ordered Crossing Polygon, A
* Linear Time Algorithm for Obtaining the Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon, A
* Lossless Compession of VQ Index with Search-Order Coding
* Lossless Compression of Video Sequences
* Low Observable Target Motion Analysis Using Amplitude Information
* Low-Power Video Encoder/Decoder Chip Set for Digital VCRs
* Low-Power Video-Rate Pyramid VQ Decoder, A
* Magnitude Accuracy of the Template Edge Detector, The
* Method and apparatus for document element classification by analysis of major white region geometry
* Mirabelle: A System for Structural Analysis of Drawings
* Model for Characterizing the Motion of the Solid-Liquid Interface in Freezing Solutions, A
* Morphological Residual Representations of Signals
* Motion Compensated Prediction Method Based on Perspective Transform for Coding of Moving Images
* Motion compensation estimating device and method achieving improved motion compensation
* Motion Estimation Based on Multiple Local Constraints and Nonlinear Smoothing
* Multi-baseline Stereo Using Surface Extraction
* Multichannel Vision System for Estimating Surface and Illumination Functions
* Multistage, Optimal Active Contour Model, A
* New Methodology for Gray-Scale Character Segmentation and Recognition, A
* Non-Euclidean Object Representations for Calibration-Free Video Overlay
* Object-Oriented Knowledge-Based System for Image Diagnosis
* Observability in Passive Target Motion Analysis
* Obstacle detection system for vehicles moving in reverse
* On 3D Shape Synthesis
* On a Metric Distance Between Fuzzy-Sets
* On Connectivity Properties of Grayscale Pictures
* On Ordering Color Maps for Lossless Predictive Coding
* On The Conditions for Success of Sklansky's Convex Hull Algorithm
* On-Line Recognition (OLREC): A Novel Approach to Visual Pattern Recognition
* On-Line Recognition of Handwritten Characters: Alphanumerics, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji
* Online Learning for Active Pattern-Recognition
* Optical character classification
* Optimal Algorithm for Constructing the Weighted Voronoi Diagram in the Plane, An
* Orthogonal and Biorthogonal Texture-Matched Wavelet Filterbanks for Hierarchical Texture Analysis
* Passive Target Tracking Using Maximum-Likelihood-Estimation
* Pattern Vector Quantization Scheme for Midrange Frequency DCT Coefficients, A
* Performance Characterization Of Image Stabilization Algorithms
* Physics-Based Deformable Models Applications to Computer Vision, Graphics and Medical Imaging
* PLANG: A Picture Language Schema for a Class of Pictures
* Primitive Coding of Structural ECG Features
* Projection-Based, Frequency-Domain Estimation of Superimposed Translational Motions
* Real-Time Computer Vision Platform for Mobile Robot Applications, A
* Real-Time Motion Estimation and Compensation LSI with Wide Search Range for MPEG2 Video Encoding, A
* Real-Time Parallel Computation of Disparity and Optical-Flow Using Phase Difference
* Realistic Animation of Liquids
* Recent and Current Research on Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding in Japan
* Recognition of Polychromatic Range Images Based on Chromatic Sampling of Scalar Products and Logarithmic Histograms
* Recognizing Object Function Through Reasoning about Partial Shape Descriptions and Dynamic Physical-Properties
* Recognizing Object Function Through Reasoning About Partial Shape Descriptions and Dynamic Physical-Properties
* Recovering Generalized Cylinders By Monocular Vision
* Reflectance Analysis for 3D Computer-Graphics Model Generation
* Remote-Sensing Reflectance and Its Relationship to Optical-Properties of Natural-Waters
* Report on the 1996 International Workshop on Object Representation in Computer Vision
* Representation of Dynamic 3D Objects Using the Coaxial Camera System
* Representing Objects Using Topology
* Robust Estimation Applied to Surface Matching
* Robust estimation of camera parameters from image sequence for video composition
* Running Max/Min Calculation Using a Pruned Ordered List
* Scale-Space Properties of Quadratic Feature-Detectors
* Scene segmentation from dense displacement vector fields using randomized Hough transform
* Self-Supervised Learning Algorithm of Environment Recognition in Driving Vehicle
* Self-Synchronized Syntax for Error-Resilient Video Coding
* Shape Constancy in Pictorial Relief
* Slope of a Straight-Line: A Phony Estimator - Remarks, The
* Slope of a Straight-Line: A Phony Estimator, The
* Softcopy
* Some Experiments In The Evaluation Of A Character Recognition Scanner
* Special Issue on Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Special Section from IPA95
* Special Section on Signals and Symbols
* Spotit: An Interactive Identikit System
* Superresolution Array-Processing in SAR
* Symmetry Analysis By Computer
* System and method for creating high-quality stills from interlaced video
* System for monitoring eyes for detecting sleep behavior
* Target Acquisition Methodology for Visual and Infrared Imaging Sensors
* Target Indexing in SAR Images Using Scattering Centers and the Hausdorff Distance
* Temporal Integration Method for Image-Processing-Based Super-High-Resolution Image Acquisition
* Text String Extraction from Images of Color-Printed Documents
* Two-Stage Dynamic Deformation for Construction of 3D Models
* Two-Stage Fuzzy-Logic Architecture for Gray-Scale Image-Processing
* Uncalibrated Obstacle Detection Using Normal Flow
* Unexpected Spatial Patterns in Exponential Family Auto Models
* Unified Approach to Noise Removal, Image-Enhancement, and Shape Recovery, A
* UPE: Utah Prototyping Environment for Robot Manipulators
* Use of Active Deformable Models in Model-Based Robotic Visual Servoing, The
* Vector quantization with compressed codebooks
* Vector Quantization With Variable-Precision Classification
* Very low bit-rate audio-visual applications
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Coding Based on Wavelet, Edge-Detection, and Motion Interpolation/Extrapolation
* Video scaling method and device
* Virtualized Reality: Being Mobile in a Visual Scene
* Watermarking Digital Images for Copyright Protection
* Wavelet Filtering for the Segmentation of Marble Images
* Wavelet Transforms of Cluttered Images and Their Application to Computing the Probability of Detection
* Why RGB: Or How to Design Color Displays for Martians
192 for 9611

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.